#gretchen gomez
Rebecca Traister at NY Mag's Intelligencer:
Can you provide a definition for the word woman?” Tennessee senator Marsha Blackburn lobbed this query at Ketanji Brown Jackson during her 2022 Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Blackburn was doing her bit for her party’s effort to enforce transphobic gender conformity, positioning herself as a defender of womanhood as something fixed and narrow. When Jackson declined to provide Blackburn with a definition, noting that she was not a biologist, the senator took the opportunity to dial it up a notch. “The fact that you can’t give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about,” Blackburn said with lip-smacking satisfaction.
Two years later, Republicans remain cruelly closed to the realities of gender fluidity and trans existence. But how the party understands — and represents — womanhood more broadly? Well … that’s getting weird. As we cruise toward November with two ancient white men on the presidential ticket and the rights of millions of people who are not white men in the balance, the public performance of Republican womanhood has become fractured, frenzied, and far less coherent than ever.
“A true conservative woman,” Valentina Gomez, one of several Republican candidates vying to be Missouri’s next secretary of state, told me in an email this spring, “speaks the truth, works hard, loves and knows how to use guns of multiple calibers, cares for the wellbeing of children and her family, doesn’t sleep with multiple men and most important, does not murder babies.” The 25-year-old Gomez made a viral ad in February in which she took a flamethrower to a pile of sex-education and LGBTQ+ books from the public library. In May, she filmed herself running through St. Louis wearing a weighted vest and advising, “Don’t be weak and gay; stay fucking hard.” The day before, she had embraced her softer side, posting a photo of herself on X in a pale-pink pantsuit and pumps, with a winning smile and her eyes cast heavenward, under a caption restating Blackburn’s question: “What is a woman?” Gomez told me feminists “have made men the enemy,” adding, “they end up alone with three dogs at the age of 50 with no kids or husband” — a time-honored Republican sentiment that liberal women, unlike conservatives, are sexless, unmarriageable spinsters. But even that rusty rhetorical frame is wobbly: In April, 31-year-old far-right activist Laura Loomer, standing outside Donald Trump’s criminal trial in New York, told the New York Times, “You think I have a dating life? You think I’m married? You think I have kids? Do you think I go out and do fun things? No. Because I’m always putting every extra bit of time that I have into supporting President Trump.” Loomer told the paper she would not be at the courthouse the next week because she had to return home to Florida to take care of her dogs.
Contradictions abound among conservative women in Washington. In response to Jackson’s testimony, Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene attempted to be authoritative on the matter. “I’m going to tell you right now what is a woman,” she said. “We came from Adam’s rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex — we are the weaker sex — but we are our partner’s, our husband’s, wife.” But Greene, who has since divorced, regularly refers to men, including Speaker Mike Johnson and President Biden, as “weak” and is not shy about showing off her own brawn. In May, in the wake of a dustup with Democratic Texas representative Jasmine Crockett in which the two traded barbs about each other’s appearance, Greene posted a video of herself lifting heavy weights to a song by Sia: “I’m unstoppable / I’m a Porsche with no brakes / I’m invincible / Yeah, I win every single game.”
“Under the surface, subcutaneously, there is a tug-of-war,” said Nancy Mace, a 46-year-old second-term Republican congresswoman from South Carolina. Mace was reflecting on the tension between presenting as traditionally feminine and deploying emasculating language that can make her sound more like Andrew Tate and his overheated manosphere buddies than Republican foremothers such as Margaret Chase Smith or even Michele Bachmann. Mace regularly declares that her male enemies, including former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, with whom she has a bitter rivalry, and Hunter Biden, the president’s son, have “no balls.”
“There are the traditional roles of women in society, some biological. We’re meant to nurture; we’re meant to breastfeed our kids,” Mace told me over Zoom. “But my mom worked. I’ve worked my entire life since I was 15. It’s a balance between what’s your feminine side and your Main Character Energy.” Mace was explicit: “I do have Main Character Energy. I am an alpha dog, and so is my little six-pound dog, Libby.”
The Republican women seeking to steer their party into the future are finding themselves in a series of constrictive binds: between upholding a conservative white patriarchy that has outlawed abortion and asserting their value as women; between projecting traditional notions of compliant, cheerful femininity and channeling the testosterone-driven rage of the conservative infotainment complex; and, above all, between trying to build independent political identities and slavishly following Donald Trump. That devotion has come at the cost of alienating suburban white women, who have been crucial to Republicans for decades but, since 2016, have been peeling away in response to Trump’s pussy-grabbing malevolence and his party’s ruthless campaign against reproductive rights.
It’s surely a nasty tangle for them, but for those of us watching at home, Republican women’s efforts to bridge these impossible chasms have a stupefying quality: What to make of these women? As the Alabama political columnist Kyle Whitmire wrote after Katie Britt, his state’s U.S. senator, delivered the response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union address from her kitchen in a demonic whisper, “Katie Britt glitched out on national television and left millions of Americans asking what the heck they just watched.” Weeks later, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem’s strenuous efforts to show off her casually cruel streak to Trump derailed her own vice-presidential audition when it emerged that her book contained a story about how she once shot her puppy and left the body to rot in a gravel pit.
Then there are the duck-lipped, smoky-eyed stylings of Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancée, Kimberly Guilfoyle, who danced to “Gloria” shortly before insurrectionists tore through the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and this spring announced a children’s book called The Princess & Her Pup. The former president’s daughter-in-law, RNC co-chair Lara Trump, recently promised “four years of scorched earth when Donald Trump retakes the White House” and posted a video of herself in sequined pants and stilettos as she played “Let It Be” on piano. The gun-toting congresswoman Lauren Boebert has railed against “teaching kids how to have and enjoy sex, even same-sex sex, how to pleasure themselves,” yet last fall was ejected from a theater for lewd behavior that included grabbing her date’s crotch during the performance. Mace made headlines in 2023 for joking about her sex life to a roomful of Christian conservatives at a prayer breakfast.
Some of this is surely just old-fashioned political hypocrisy, particularly unpleasant coming from a right that has for generations sought to police all sorts of things that it itself engages in: Do as I legislate, not as I do. But in a post-Dobbs political climate in which Republicans have grown only more aggressive on issues of gender identity, contraception, and sex education, the ways in which the party’s women have been comporting themselves loom large.
On the cusp of an election season that could further reshape this democracy and women’s place within it, the questions facing the women of the American right are tricky. Are they supposed to be cutthroat or cute? Cold enough to kill a dog or warm enough to bake an apple pie? To whom is their devotion chiefly addressed: country, husband, God, or Trump? And how might their womanhood complicate their responses to the closing of obstetrics wards or the fact that their party’s leader was convicted of falsifying business records to cover up an extramarital affair with an adult-film actress? The challenge of navigating these thorny questions has left many of them caroming from high-pitched rancor, to contorted eroticism, to the seemingly snug comforts of trad-wife chic. The spectacle can provoke amusement, fury, and a frisson of horror-movie unease. For if the women of today’s Republican Party are upending gender conventions in unprecedented fashion, they’re doing it in service of a party that has never been more openly hostile to women and their rights.
In both parties, women have never had it easy; this is a business that remains, 235 years in, overwhelmingly run by men. And for a time, it was Democratic women who encountered the gnarlier complexities. As members of the party that at least theoretically represented the gains of the women’s movement that were so disruptive to the old gendered order, they could not themselves present as too aggressive for fear of being seen as radical, nor could they be too vulnerable, feminine, or even conventionally beautiful lest they be dismissed as unserious. Jennifer Granholm, a former pageant contestant and the first woman to govern Michigan, has described cutting her hair short and trying to add gray streaks when she ran her first campaign in 1998. “You had to look completely asexual,” she once said. “The first thing they think about is how you are shaped, what you are wearing. You have to be as neutral as possible so that people will pay attention to the words coming out of your mouth.”
Meeting ridiculous gendered expectations could mean ridiculous micro-humiliations: When Hillary Clinton told reporters in 1992 that she had chosen to pursue a paid profession rather than stay home to bake cookies, she was pressured to participate in a “First-Lady Bake-Off” to prove her wifely chops. Fifteen years later, during her first presidential run, the presence of a body that was not male was such an anomaly on the campaign trail that the Washington Post published a fashion feature about how she was choosing to handle her cleavage. Clinton was perhaps the most acute example of an assertive Democratic woman whose efforts to satisfy a ravening press and public intolerant of female complexity left her so twisted and poll-tested that she became largely illegible as human, let alone female.
Meanwhile, Republican women faced limitations of their own but for a long time appeared at ease with them. Many came off as maternal and content, conservatively coiffed and shoulder-padded, a comfortable match for a party that wanted to offer reassurance to a nation jittery about women’s liberation. Think Elizabeth Dole, a Reagan Cabinet member, future senator, and presidential candidate whose chatty, Oprah-style stroll through the crowd on the night of her husband’s 1996 presidential nomination was the (sole) highlight of that convention. But they could also be tough and mean — Barbara Bush once called Geraldine Ferraro a bitch!
The Republican Party, through the 1990s and into the new millennium, included quite a few “moderate” women, such as Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, who believed in fiscal conservatism but also held positions on so-called social issues that were comparatively liberal. They were, like many in their party before its sharp anti-abortion turn, “pro-choice.” They worked with Democrats to reach compromises, and the women on both sides of the aisle appeared to be friendly with one another: Collins partnered with Kirsten Gillibrand on the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and Gillibrand helped then-Senator Clinton throw Collins a bridal shower.
A turning point in the evolution of conservative womanhood came when John McCain selected a little-known governor of Alaska to be his running mate in his presidential race against Barack Obama in 2008. Sarah Palin was in her mid-40s, young enough not to be collared by the pearls and propriety that inhibited many of her forerunners in both parties. She was charismatic and uninterested in conforming to outdated gender stereotypes. Or rather, she conformed to a bunch of them simultaneously: She had a sexy-librarian beauty and no qualms about playing it up; a macho snow-machine-racing husband who had taken a leave from his job on the oil fields to be the primary parent to their five kids; and she used her youngest child, Trig, born with Down syndrome, as proof of her hard-core anti-abortion bona fides. She had white-nationalist instincts that led her to counter Obama with language about “real Americans,” and she pioneered a Mama Grizzly persona that was both sporty and menacing (fuck your dead puppy; this lady wanted wolves to be shot from helicopters). She was unafraid to stake her own claim to women’s equality, advocating for a “new, conservative feminism.”
[...] There is surely a perverse pride in emerging victorious near the top of a power structure built to exclude you. These are the dynamics that have long rewarded white women for acting as foot soldiers within a white patriarchy, willing to take one another out to get closer to power, their positions adjacent to the brutes at the top a signal of their uncommon tenacity. But there is a difference between the status granted those willing to do whatever unhinged thing it takes to get ahead in contemporary right-wing politics and the political autonomy these women might yearn for just as much as the classical feminists they wage war against. [...]
In the past, it was easier for Republican women to get away with inconsistency and self-contradiction. Phyllis Schlafly, the brilliant, diabolical political strategist, could inveigh against the masculinized ambitions of women working outside the home from pulpits well outside her own home because her professional efforts paid lip service to restoring certain comforting hierarchical expectations about men’s and women’s spheres. That paradigm has been subverted. What Schlafly and her generation feared most — that the expanded opportunities and protections for women would become their own kind of traditional expectation — has come to pass. This is why the overturn of Roe was not greeted as some welcome restoration of a bygone order but as a threatening attack on the protections that plenty of American women, especially white middle-class women of all political persuasions, had come to count on as an established norm during the 49 years Roe stood. Every one of these Republican women relies on the gains of women’s liberation, and well they should. This was, in fact, what the women’s movement was for: not just so those who agreed with it might enjoy more opportunities but so those who did not agree with it also could. As an early political ballbuster, former New York congresswoman Bella Abzug famously said, “We don’t want so much to see a female Einstein become an assistant professor. We want a woman schlemielto get promoted as quickly as a male schlemiel.” Welcome, ladies.
Remarkably, these dark years have seen women on the left conduct themselves with new ease and assuredness. Democratic women at both the center and the left edge of their party now communicate in a range of styles that appear more authentic and less stilted than those of previous generations of female politicians. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fluent on social media; Elizabeth Warren lets her professorial freak flag fly; Ayanna Pressley is bald and beautiful. They tell stories of abortion, of assault, of pregnancy and childbirth, of their gay and trans offspring, of their disabilities and military service, weaving the facts of their lives into arguments for civil rights, health-care access, and housing.
Whitmer is perhaps the most prominent Democratic woman to experiment with mixing a traditional white femininity and historically masculine cadences. Though her politics could not be more different, she is perhaps the closest we have yet seen to a natural echo of Palin’s swashbuckling cheek. In May, Whitmer wore a fuchsia wrap dress to pick up an award for a campaign she undertook as “Governor Barbie.” Her five-word acceptance speech was “Wear pink; get shit done.” In the days after Noem’s disastrous book tour, Whitmer took a break from posting about the NFL draft to put up a photograph of her with her two dogs, Kevin and Doug, with the caption, “Post a picture with your dog that doesn’t involve shooting them and throwing them in a gravel pit.” It’s certainly all performed in its own way. But for the first time, it’s the Democratic women who can articulate the mix of football and Barbie and health care and labor without tripping over themselves, who seem more comfortable in their own bodies. The women on the right appear in perpetual confusion and find themselves, like some negative image of Clinton, twisting into something unrecognizable.
[...] But there is no way to understand these varied approaches to gender expression outside the context of their own political aims. These are politicians who regularly refer to gender-affirming health care as “castration” and “mutilation.” Boebert famously campaigned against drag story hours, while Noem wrote to South Dakota’s college board asking it to ban campus drag shows. Republican women longing to attach themselves to the feminist brand leverage transphobia to do it, a riff on the TERF movement currently flourishing in the U.K. Mace has argued that conservatives laboring to keep trans women out of athletic competitions are “the feminists of today,” and Haley has cast anti-trans policymaking as the “women’s issue of our time.” Yet these women express themselves via a dizzying mash-up of gendered conventions: They augment their smiles, bedazzle their pantsuits, and broadcast their bench presses. In their fevered performances of hyperfemininity and hypermasculinity, so many of the GOP’s most visible women are themselves engaging in a form of drag.
Of course, drag in its queer context offers the chance to slip from and send up the constricting bounds of gender norms, to encourage empathy and celebrate diverse forms of identity. The show these Republican politicians are putting on is its cold opposite: asphyxiated, distended, nasty. Theirs is surely drag’s gothic inverse. Still, it is possible to catch a glimpse of pathos beneath the performance because the show covers for something awful and real: The identities of those women are no more valued or recognized by the party for which they labor than gay or trans or feminist identities are. Women fundamentally cannot lead a party that wants to oppress women; they cannot, in fact, even be fully human within it.
This NY Mag piece on Trump-era Republican Womanhood and the tug-of-war between expressing traditional femininity and asserting their value in womanhood, such as opportunistically branding themselves as “feminists” when they stand opposed to trans rights.
Read the full story at NY Mag.
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corpstupous · 2 years
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which song is more gender?
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this song is on my gender playlist because it’s got that nice beat and also it’s super cool. and im something of a rock god myself /j
this song is on my gender playlist because yes it’s country but LISTEN TO ME HOLD ON- i love this song because it meant a lot to me as a kid, i sang along with this song so much as a kid and it’s the first song i remember listening to on repeat, BUT ALSO, it’s gender because she’s a redneck woman… that’s a gender and i respect that so much. pls take this into consideration when voting. thank u
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Rating BrBa Characters On How They Hit The Gritty
Walter White
2/10 Absolutely disrespectful.
Jesse Pinkman
8/10 He’s popping his pussy hitting the gritty.
Skylar White
3/10 She’s hip with it but only slightly better than Walt.
Hank Schrader
6.5/10 It’s kinda foul but pity points because he got shot.
Marie Schrader
3/10 She think she hip with it but it just ain’t it.
Flynn White
5/10 He put his heart into it and that’s all that matters.
Holly White
0/10 Disrespectful and utterly foul.
Gustavo Fring
6/10 He did it for charity.
Mike Erhmantraut
5/10 He’d only do it for Kaylee but he’s as sturdy as an old man can get with it.
Saul Goodman
7/10 Sturdy with it. His wife cut it out of the commercial though. :(
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
1/10 She gets one point more than Holly for mobility but it’s just as disrespectful.
Todd Alquist
6/10 Did it on ——’s grave for the giggle.
Skinny Pete
7/10 Taught Jesse everything he knows.
9/10 Sturdy and Jesse’s mad jealous.
8/10 He hopped on the bandwagon and near demolished it if it weren’t for Badger.
Tuco Salamanca
6/10 Don’t tell him I said that though.
Hector Salamanca
2/10 For a paraplegic he’s still somehow better than Lydia and Holly combined.
Steve Gomez
6/10 Only did it because Hank called him a pussy.
Gretchen Schwartz
4/10 No one is actually sure what they saw.
Elliot Schwartz
4/10 Painstakingly average.
Ted Beneke
5/10 Sturdy but average before his rug tried to take him offline.
Jane Margolis
10/10 She’s perfect.
7/10 Did it when Tyrus wasn’t looking.
7/10 Was looking when Victor did it and hit it looking him dead in the eye.
Gale Boetticher
4/10 Something about the way he hits it is just average despite his extensive research.
Marco Salamanca
6/10 Pretty sturdy but just ok.
Leonel Salamanca
3/10 On account of no legs. :(
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crustyweirdo · 1 year
smash or pass but it‘s pretty much the entire BrBa cast and i‘m adding my weird headcanons (queer edition)
please don’t take this too seriously, these are my preferences and most of the headcanons are obviously jokes. 18+ please!!
Walter White: hell nooo he worked with n*zis and wears those tighty whities. definitely needs pills to get it up
Saul Goodman: smash, i feel like he‘d call me mommy. minus points bc he‘d make dad jokes during it.
Jesse Pinkman: 1000% SMASH HES SO FINE!! would smoke in bed with me after. i feel like he has piercings down there too, don’t ask why. definitely whimpers
Skyler White: had to think abt it a little but i‘d smash, misunderstood queen. lots of aftercare too
Hank Schrader: hard pass. he‘s a cop and has the personality of a paper bag.
Gus Fring: sure! more of a hookup though because i can’t imagine him being kind and gentle. he‘d say no cuz he‘s gay fr
Mike Ehrmantraut: probably not what you guys wanna hear, but smash. call it a guilty pleasure, ik that guy has experience. would focus on my needs first. i‘d do it in his car
Jane Margolis: yes omg are you kidding?! her style is everything and she’s genuinely so hot, i‘d gay panic being in the same room as her. definitely uses toys
Walter Jr: pass, too young for me and i don’t find him that attractive
Marie Schrader: smash! she‘s genuinely so sweet and pretty, perfect balance. hank didn’t deserve her
Todd, Jack and co: hardest pass, i don’t think i have to explain why. would go on about how women don’t deserve rights when they’re on top of me
Tuco Salamanca: no, he scares me. probably into knife play or some weird shit
Skinny Pete: yes! he‘s an acquired taste guys
Badger: probably? this is a hard one, smash if i got paid like 50 bucks. for free if it‘s with pete. but i‘d definitely go on a date with him
Steven Gomez: pass bc he‘s a cop. if i had to choose between him or hank i‘d choose him any day tho
Hector Salamanca: pass, no disrespect. rip Mark
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle: i‘m anxious 24/7 so her nervous attitude would make it impossible for me to enjoy it. she‘d accidentally insult me during it in some way
Gale Boetticher: smash because i love his personality. he‘s a keeper, husband material. lasts 2 minutes :(
Combo Ortega: pass i like him but not like that fr
Ted Beneke: hard pass. wouldn’t shut up abt his stupid company for five minutes. he makes really weird sounds during it and asks if you came right after (u didn’t)
Eyebrow Guy: i like hair but not like that
Andrea Cantillo: yesss baby bring it on. easily one of the pretties characters. sadly her personality wasn’t shaped out well in the show
Gretchen Schwartz: i feel like she‘s too smart for me don’t ask why. would absolutely reject me
Elliot Schwartz: maybe if he wears a hat to hide those big ass ears. i‘d do it if he paid me tho
Wendy (blonde meth head): seems very sweet and i love her style but i‘m a fan of hygiene and her teeth are not it
Carmen Molina (principal): yeah i guess, she‘s pretty
Huell & Kuby: pass bc they‘re silly little guys. only come package deal
Donald Margolis: sad guy but seems very sweet. smash? he cries when he finishes
Salamanca Twins: probably never had sex ed, lots of uncomfortable stares… pass
Krazy-8: i don’t remember much of him but going off looks, smash
Jesses Therapy Group Leader: pass, he has those crazy killer eyes
hope you enjoyed! :D
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theaviskullguy · 1 year
coroika halloween costumes
because fuck yeahhhh halloween
goggles- bedsheet ghost
rider- either he slaps on devil horns and calls it a day or goes ALL OUT for a classic halloween monster costume. im thinking vampire or witch but With Pants
army- military zombie. generic soldier uniform, all that.
aloha- sexy cat but specifically Gretchen Wiener from Mean Girls sexy cat.
mask- San from Princess Mononoke. or Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate. you know she would
Skull- Morticia Addams.
Avi- Gomez Addams as being a werewolf was a lil too on the nose for him since mask keeps joking he's an excitable husky in inkling form. he calls Skull "cara mia" all night. GOD these two are in love
Gloves- Link. totk link to be exact
Emperor- Zelda in the white dress from botw.
Prince- either Grian Hermitcraft or Papyrus Undertale
Regent- Mumbo Hermitcraft or Sans Undertale
Vintage- Demon. He is a damn good demon- he even made a tail. Nice
Hachi- Vampire!!! He looks stunning too
Metry- Also Princess Zelda, but the pink dress in skyward sword
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
hi there! i use they/them pronouns. 25+ rp writer looking for 21+ discord rp writers. i am very friendly and i promise i don't bite. i write in english but i welcome anyone who is using online rp to practice their english. most of my writing will be 3+ paragraphs in length. i have only listed my preferred muses and comfort ships.
dm or like this post and i will get back to you.
(note: my ships will not be heavily based in smut or lewd - content will remain sensitive to the canon ages of each character listed)
doctor who:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write jenny flint, clara oswald, 11th doctor, donna noble, rose tyler, amy pond, and river song
✒ ships: jenny x vastra; 10th x rose; river x the doctor
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write dean winchester, charlie bradbury, lilith, and meg
✒ ships: dean x cas
once upon a time:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as henry mills, regina mills, ruby lucas, merida, peter pan, and belle french
✒ ships: regina x emma; merida x mulan; ruby x snow; belle x rumple
chilling adventures of sabrina/riverdale:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as sabrina morningstar, theo putnam, dorcas night, lilith/madam satan, veronica lodge,
✒ ships: sabrina x betty; zelda x lilith; veronica x betty; toni x cheryl
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write nebula, rocket raccoon, mantis, yelena belova, deadpool, kitty pryde, rouge, loki laufeyson, and squirrel girl
✒ ships: kitty x rouge; yelena x kate
dc comics:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write kara zor-el, lena luthor, nia nal, and alex danvers
✒ ships: kara x lena; kara x nia; lena x nia; alex x kelly; alex x lena
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write janis ian (mean girls), karen smith (mean girls), barbara maitland (beetlejuice), delia deetz (beetlejuice), and elphaba (wicked)
✒ ships: janis x cady; adam x barbara; karen x gretchen; elphaba x glinda
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: morgana pendragan, merlin, and morguase
✒ ships: morgana x gwen; merlin x arthur
the addams family/wednesday:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: wednesday addams, thing, gomez addams, morticia addams, and yoko ono
✒ ships: wednesday x enid; yoko x divina; mortica x larissa; gomez x morticia
american horror story:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: queenie, scarlett winslow, zoe benson
✒ ships: scarlett x ruby; scarlett x maya; zoe x madison
stranger things:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: max mayfield, robin buckley, eddie munson, will byers, vicki, and eleven hopper
✒ ships: steve x eddie; will x mike; max x eleven; max x lucas; robin x nancy; eddie x cindy; vicki x robin
lost girl:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: kenzi malikov, bo dennis, evony fluerette marquise
✒ ships: bo x tamsin; bo x evony; bo x kenzi
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: mia (the fallout), tara carpenter (scream); mindy meeks-martin (scream); glen (chucky); glenda (chucky); tiff valentine (chucky); moira karp (some kind of hate); bonnie harper (the craft); sara bailey (the craft); z (warm bodies)
✒ ships: mia x vada; tara x amber; tara x quin; tara x mindy; tiff x chucky; moira x kaitlin
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
List of Jewish Characters for the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
I've gotten a few requests for a list of Jewish characters to help people brainstorm for the bingo -- just as a reminder, Jewish headcanons and fanons are totally allowed for the event, so if you don't KNOW whether your character is Jewish, it's totally fine to make them Jewish for your fanwork! :)
But, since people asked, here is a little starter-list of 225 fictional Jewish and Jew-ish characters (characters who are "nebulously Jewish," played by Jews, are Jewish in at least one variation of the character, only make sense if they're Jewish, etc.)
Feel free to add! This list is alphabetized by first name.
Abbi Abrams (Broad City) Abby Stevenson (The Baby-Sitters' Club) Adam Birkholtz (Check Please!) Adam Sackler (Girls) Alec Hardison (Leverage, Leverage: Redemption) Alex Kerkovitch (Happy Endings) Alexis Rose (Schitt's Creek) Amy Green (FRIENDS) Amy Matthews (Boy Meets World) Angela Wexler (The Westing Game) Angelica Pickles (Rugrats) Ann Perkins (Parks & Recreation) Anna Stevenson (The Baby-Sitters' Club) Annie Edison (Community) April O'Neill (Rise of the TMNT) Arnie Roth (Marvel) Arnold Perlstein (The Magic School Bus) Aunt Gayle (Bob's Burgers) Bail Organa (Star Wars) Barney Guttman (Dead End Paranormal Park) Ben Geller-Willick (FRIENDS) Ben Grimm | The Thing (Fantastic Four) Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Star Wars) Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek) Bernie Rosenthal (Marvel) Billy Kaplan | Wicca (MCU, X-Men) Breha Organa (Star Wars)
Bruce Wayne | Batman (DCU) Carl Foutley (As Told By Ginger) Cassie Howard (Euphoria HBO) Cassie Lang (MCU) Catherine Frensky (Arthur) Charles Deetz (Beetlejuice) Charlotte York Goldenblatt (Sex and the City) Cher Horowitz (Clueless) Chuckie Finster (Rugrats) Cindy Hayes (Orange is the New Black) Cole Tillerman (Central Park) Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World) Craig Manning (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) Cyrus Goodman (Andi Mack) Darcy Lewis (MCU) David "Gordo" Gordon (Lizzie McGuire) David Rose (Schitt's Creek) Desi Harperin (Girls) Dil Pickles (Rugrats) Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) Dodie Bishop (As Told By Ginger) Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Edward Teach | Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) Elaine Benes (Seinfeld) Elijah Krantz (Girls)
Emily Deetz (Beetlejuice) Emma Geller-Green (FRIENDS) Eric Matthews (Boy Meets World) Erik Lehnsherr | Magneto (X-Men) Felicity Smoak (Arrow) Finn (Star Wars) Ford Pines (Gravity Falls) Fox Mulder (The X-Files) Fran Fine (The Nanny) Fran Parker (Girls) Francine Frensky (Arthur) Frankie Landau-Banks (The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks) Gene Belcher (Bob's Burgers) George Costanza (Seinfeld) Gert Yorkes (Marvel Runaways) Ginger Foutley (As Told By Ginger) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) Grace Adler (Will & Grace) Grace Windkloppel Wexler (The Westing Game) Greg Universe (Steven Universe) Gretchen Weiners (Mean Girls) Hal Jordan | Green Lantern (DCU) Han Solo (Star Wars) Hannah Horvath (Girls) Harley Quinn (DCU)
Harold Berman (Hey Arnold!) Harold Hooper (Sesame Street) Helen (Central Park) Holly Wheeler (Stranger Things) Howard Wolowitz (The Big Bang Theory) Ilana Wexler (Broad City) Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb) Jack Geller (FRIENDS) Jack Zimmermann (Check Please!) Jake Berenson (Animorphs) Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Jake Wexler (The Westing Game) James "Bucky" Barnes | Winter Soldier (MCU) James Tiberius Kirk (Star Trek) Jane Foster | The Mighty Thor (MCU) Jane Kerkovitch-Williams (Happy Endings) Jane Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) Janet Perlstein (The Magic School Bus) Janice Littman nee Hosenstein (FRIENDS) Jean-Ralphio Saperstein (Parks & Recreation) Jerry Seinfeld (Seinfeld) Jessi Glaser (Big Mouth) Jill Green (FRIENDS) Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters: Answer the Call) Jimmy Brooks (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Jobal Naberrie (Star Wars)
Johnny Rose (Schitt's Creek) Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things) Josh Lucas (Clueless) Josh Lyman (The West Wing) Joshua Matthews (Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World) Joyce Byers (Stranger Things) Jude Lizowski (6teen) Judy Geller (FRIENDS)
Kady Orloff-Diaz (The Magicians) Karen Wheeler (Stranger Things) Kate Bishop | Hawkeye (MCU) Kate Kane | Batwoman (DCU) Kaydel Ko Connix (Star Wars) Kelsey Pokoly (Craig of the Creek) Kes Dameron (Star Wars) Kimi Finster (Rugrats) Kit Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Kitty Pryde (X-Men) Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) Kyle Broflovski (South Park) Leah Birch (Big Mouth) Leia Organa (Star Wars) Lemony Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Lenny Briscoe (Law & Order) Lenny Bruce (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Leo Markus (Will & Grace) Leonard Green (FRIENDS) Lexi Howard (Euphoria HBO) Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly McGee) Liberty Van Zandt (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Lilly Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries) Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Lorna Dane | Polaris (X-Men) Louis Stevens (Even Stevens) Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice) Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) Macie Lightfoot (As Told By Ginger) Marc Spector | Moon Knight (MCU) Margaret Simon (Are You There God? It's Me Margaret) Max Blum (Happy Endings) Michael Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries) Michelle "MJ" Jones (MCU) Midge Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things) Min Green (Why We Broke Up) Missy Foreman-Greenwald (Big Mouth) Moira Rose (Schitt's Creek) Molly Tillerman (Central Park) Mona Lisa Saperstein (Parks & Recreation) Monica Geller (FRIENDS)
Moose Pearson (Pepper Ann) Morgan Matthews (Boy Meets World) Mort the Mortician (Bob's Burgers) Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) Nadia Diamondstein (The View from Saturday) Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Natasha Romanov | Black Widow (MCU) Nick Birch (Big Mouth) Owen Tillerman (Central Park) Padmé Amidala Naberrie (Star Wars) Paige Hunter (Central Park) Paris Geller (Gilmore Girls) Penny Hartz (Happy Endings) Pepper Ann Pearson (Pepper Ann) Peter Parker | Spider-Man (All variants) Pietro Maximoff | Quicksilver (MCU, X-Men) Poe Dameron (Star Wars) Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) Rachel Berenson (Animorphs) Rachel Berry (Glee) Rachel Green (FRIENDS) Rachel Menken (Mad Men) Ray Ploshansky (Girls) Rebecca Rubin (American Girl)
Ren Stevens (Even Stevens) Riley Matthews (Girl Meets World) Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) Rose Krensky (American Girl) Ross Geller (FRIENDS) Roza Wasserstein (The Diviners) Ruth bat Seraph | Sabra (MCU) Ruwee Naberrie (Star Wars) Ryoo Naberrie (Star Wars) Sam Manson (Danny Phantom) Sam Windkloppel Westing (The Westing Game) Schmidt (New Girl) Scott Lang | Ant-Man (MCU) Sebastien LeLivre | Booker (The Old Guard) Sergei "Sam Lloyd" Lubovitch (The Diviners) Seth Cohen (The OC) Shara Bey (Star Wars) Shirley Cohen (A League of Their Own) Shoshannah Shapiro (Girls) Sola Naberrie (Star Wars) Spock (Star Trek) Stan Pines (Gravity Falls) Stanley Uris (IT, IT: Chapter Two) Steven Universe (Steven Universe) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
T.K. Strand (9-1-1) Ted Moseby (How I Met Your Mother) Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things) The Children (How I Met Your Mother) The Goldbergs (The Goldbergs) Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Tina Cohen-Chang (Glee) Tish Katsufrakis (The Weekenders)
Toby Isaacs (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Toby Ziegler (The West Wing) Tommy Pickles (Rugrats) Tommy Shepherd | Speed (MCU, X-Men) Tsabin | Sabé (Star Wars) Turtle Wexler (The Westing Game) Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) Violet Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch (MCU, X-Men) Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family) Will Byers (Stranger Things) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) Yelena Belova | Black Widow (MCU) Yitzhak (The Old Guard) Zed Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES) Zevon Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES) Ziva David (NCIS) Zoey Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES)
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dxsturbia · 11 months
Not even bro it’s not even Gretchen because you know why because you’re famous and I remember who used to date
This man jumps from Demi Lovato to Selena Gomez to Taylor Swift like a fucking checkerboard
Watching this play out across three album was the most fun high school me had
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livv-baby · 2 years
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{ CIERRA RAMIREZ, 20, CISGENDER FEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that OLIVIA WALTON ? A JUNIOR originally from MANHATTAN, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study BUSINESS. They’re THE NEPO BABY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
>**NAME:** olivia carlota walton gomez >**NICKNAMES:** family allowed: oli, carly friends allowed: liv acquaintances: olivia > **GENDER:** cisgender female > **PRONOUNS:** she/her > **AGE:** 20 > **STAR SIGN:** libra > **BIRTHPLACE:** manhattan, new york > **RESIDENCE:** new hampshire > **HOBBIES:** shopping, traveling, dancing, reading business books > **SEXUALITY:** straight to the public, privately bisexual
“`「  PERSONALITY  」 ”`
> **( + ) TRAITS** charming, bold, sophisticated > **( - ) TRAITS** materialistic, tactless, fickle > **MORAL ALIGNMENT:** chaotic neutral > **LIKES:** any mexican home cooked meal by her mom, perfect fitting bras, neutral colors, the smell of rain, sky line views, silence, music with experimental beats, second day hair, getting her nails done, sweet smelling burning candles, low lightning... > **DISLIKES:** rowdiness, people that do not know how to handle utensils, things that don't align perfectly, people using or touching her stuff, people touching her hair, PDA, complaints, the rain, loosing an earring, her feet getting wet...
“` 「  PHYSICAL  」”` 
> **HEIGHT:** 5ft > **BUILD:** curvy, fit. > **ATHLETICISM:** keeps active by doing pilates and yoga > **HAIR:** always done, smells like roses > **EYES:** dark brown > **IDENTIFYING MARKS:** none > **STYLE:** sleek, minimalistic, neutral colors, pop of color here and there, expensive > **TATTOOS:** none
> **CHARACTER INSPO:** veronica lodge (riverdale), shiv roy (succession), gretchen weiners (mean girls), monet de haan (gossip girl), santana lopez (glee), gabrielle solis (desperate houswives) > **THEME SONG:** oh no! - marina & the diamonds > **MOTIVATIONS:** elevating the family business, keeping her wealth by working for it, making her mother happy and proud > **CURRENT GOAL:** graduate college with perfect marks > **LIFE GOAL:** successful succession of the family business to her, land a spot on Fortune's list for "most successful business women" > **BEST QUALITY:** loyal > **WORST QUALITY:** selfish > **FEARS:** failure, not being able to prove her father that she's worthy > **HIDDEN TALENTS:** she can singgggg. > **SECRET:** come and find out.
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all i ever wanted was the world...
Nepo babies are hot commodities; everyone loves to know them, hang out with them, but everyone agrees they might be some of the worst people to be around. Olivia's mother struggled all through her childhood and up until the moment she met her now husband. Mr. Walton came from a long line of business people and he had made a name for himself when he started rebuilding hotels and turning them into luxurious places for those who could afford it. Mr. Walton adored his wife, treated her almost as an equal business partner, something basically unheard in the circle of people they rubbed elbows with. This often made people look at him differently but this was of no concern to him. He had basically rescued her from the misery she lived in; coming from Mexico in order to live a better life is the American dream everyone talks about, but the reality of achieving that dream was basically impossible. Mr. Walton understood and thus, when Olivia was born, her parents made sure the little girl would never know any hardship. Though her parents were always present, there were times where they had to leave for business. Baby Olivia spent time with her au pair, having fun in the many hotels her family owned, meeting many people along the way. It wasn't long before she was grown and was popular in the inner circle of Manhattan's elite. Everyone knew her, but she barely knew anybody. This was her choice -- getting close to people only served the purpose of furthering whatever was important to her at the moment. She had tried modeling, singing and dancing, but nothing really stuck. Her friends were "connections", and she only cared about her family. She had everything she needed with them, why look for anything else outside of them?
Graduated from high school with excellent grades, though not by her own merit. If there's one thing in life that Olivia had learned, is why do the work someone else can do for her. As college approached she had decided to pursue Business to be able to have a part in the family business and finally do things right. After the almost-scandal of her parents losing everything for playing dirty, she figured if she were to keep the money coming and their name clean, she had to step in and make a chance. She felt relief it wasn't something of general knowledge to the public, and it wasn't something she'd be disclosing to anyone, ever. What she chose to ignore was her father's resistance to the succession. But how could it be? Her mother was almost an equal partner. Almost. So she had to prove herself. But who has time to study for tests when there's so much going on? So many new people to know? Old habits die hard.
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pcguelife · 6 months
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mobile muse list .
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canon muses :
cleo , twenty five , carlacia grant
jj maybank , twenty three , rudy pankow
john b routledge , twenty four , chase stokes
kiara carrera , twenty three , madison bailey
pope heyward , twenty four , jonathan daviss
rafe cameron , twenty six , drew starkey
sarah cameron , twenty twenty three , madelyn cline
original muses :
adriana diaz , twenty four , becky g ( heavily affiliated with / connected to @thwolvss )
alexis ❝ ali ❞ maybank , twenty two , ginny gardner ( heavily affiliated with / connected to @greedaeye's jj maybank )
kylie prescott , twenty three , lukita maxwell ( heavily affiliated with / connected to @calibns )
lia valderrama , twenty four , isabela merced
noah routledge , twenty six , lily james ( affiliated with / connected to @cousdeares' hudson t routledge )
shiloh thornton , twenty three , kristine froseth ( exclusively shipped with @cousdeares' hudson t routledge and rafe cameron - closed to all other ships )
sofia diaz , twenty six , selena gomez ( heavily affiliated with / connected to @thwolvss )
mean girls integrated muses :
aaron samuels , twenty four , josh hutcherson
cady heron , twenty three , zoey deutch
glen coco , twenty four , brenton thwaites
gretchen wieners , twenty three , katie douglas
janis ian , twenty four , midori francis
karen smith , twenty five , olivia holt
kevin gnapoor , twenty three , avan jogia
shane oman , twenty five , jacob elordi
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A random list of spooky season books for 2023 I either have checked out or on hold through Libby , favorited on Hoopla, and one ( the last one on the list) I'll probably buy. This list is heavily dystopian/apocalyptic, a little queer, and only the last four are romance:
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer - Jonathan L. Howard
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes - Eric LaRocca
Zone One - Colson Whitehead*
The Pallbearers Club - Paul Tremblay
The Perfection of Theresa Watkins - Justin C. Key* (full short story on Tor.com)
The World Wasn't Ready for You - Justin C. Key*
Lone Women - Victor LaValle*
Tell Me I'm Worthless - Alison Rumfitt
Out There Screaming - Jordan Peele*, John Joseph Adams
Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Gailey
Black Wave - Michelle Tea
The Tiger Flu - Larissa Lai*
The Genius Plague - David Walton
Manhunt - Gretchen Felker-Martin
What Moves the Dead - T. Kingfisher
The Marigold - Andrew F. Sullivan
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez*
Do Your Worst - Rosie Danan
The Spirit of Second Chances - Synithia Williams*
Counterfeit Courtship - Synithia Williams*
I'll Come Back for You - Charish Reid*
* = author(s) of color
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here's a detailed synopsis of Breaking Bad season 5:
Season 5 of Breaking Bad is split into two parts, with the first eight episodes airing in 2012 and the final eight episodes airing in 2013. The season follows Walter White as he continues to navigate the dangerous world of the drug trade, while dealing with the fallout from his actions in previous seasons. Here's what happens in the season:
- The season begins with Walter and Jesse trying to deal with the aftermath of the explosion at Gus Fring's headquarters. They are both traumatized by the experience and struggle to move on with their lives.
- Walter's relationship with Skyler becomes even more strained as he becomes increasingly reckless and violent. He also deals with the rising threat of a new drug lord named Lydia, who wants to take over his meth operation.
- Jesse becomes involved with a new crew of meth dealers, led by a man named Todd. They are working with Lydia to produce a new, purer form of meth, but Jesse becomes increasingly conflicted about his involvement in the drug trade.
- The season builds towards a tense and dramatic finale, in which Walter is forced to confront his past actions and the consequences they have had on his life and relationships. He faces off against his former partner, Gus's right-hand man Mike, and ultimately kills him in a fit of rage.
- The final episodes of the season deal with the fallout from Mike's death and the escalating tension between Walter and Jesse. Walter becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional, leading to a final confrontation with Jesse that ends in tragedy.
- The season ends with a flash-forward to the future, in which Walter is living under a new identity and working at a diner. He returns to his former home to retrieve a vial of ricin, suggesting that he still has some unfinished business to attend to.
Here's the last 8 episodes of Breaking Bad season 5:
- Episode 9, "Blood Money": Hank discovers that Walter is Heisenberg, and confronts him in a tense and emotional scene. Meanwhile, Jesse is struggling with guilt over his role in the drug trade, and decides to quit.
- Episode 10, "Buried": Hank struggles with the knowledge that his own brother-in-law is the notorious Heisenberg, and tries to gather evidence to bring him to justice. Meanwhile, Walter tries to get his family to leave town, but Skyler refuses.
- Episode 11, "Confessions": Walter films a video confession in which he blames Hank for his involvement in the drug trade. Meanwhile, Jesse is taken hostage by Todd's gang and forced to cook meth.
- Episode 12, "Rabid Dog": Jesse tries to burn down Walter's house, but is stopped by Hank and Steve Gomez. Meanwhile, Walter hires a hitman to kill Jesse, but changes his mind at the last minute.
- Episode 13, "To'hajiilee": Hank and Steve Gomez set up a sting operation to catch Walter, but are ambushed by Jack's gang. Walter calls Todd for backup.
- Episode 14, "Ozymandias": Hank and Steve Gomez are killed, and Walter's money is stolen. Skyler and Walter Jr. learn the truth about Walter's involvement in the drug trade, and Walter kidnaps Holly and goes on the run.
- Episode 15, "Granite State": Walter is living in hiding in New Hampshire, and is paid a visit by Saul's "disappearer." Meanwhile, Jesse is held captive by Todd's gang and forced to cook meth.
- Episode 16, "Felina": Walter returns to Albuquerque to tie up loose ends. He kills Jack and his gang, frees Jesse, and confronts his former business partners. He dies surrounded by the meth-making equipment, as the police arrive.
The series finale of Breaking Bad, titled "Felina," aired on September 29, 2013, and brought the story of Walter White to a dramatic and satisfying conclusion. Here's what happens in the finale:
- The episode begins with Walter returning to Albuquerque, New Mexico, after being in hiding for several months. He is on a mission to tie up loose ends and settle scores.
- Walter visits his former business partners, Elliott and Gretchen Schwartz, and blackmails them into giving his remaining drug money to his family after he dies. He also rigs a machine gun to an automatic system in his car, which he plans to use to take out his enemies.
- Walter visits Skyler to say goodbye, and gives her the coordinates to where Hank's body is buried. He also tells her that he did everything for himself, not for his family.
- Walter then goes to Jack Welker's compound, where he confronts Jack and his gang, who had killed Hank and taken Walter's money. Walter uses his machine gun to kill all of them, except for Todd, whom he strangles to death.
- Walter then frees Jesse, who had been held captive by Jack's gang and forced to cook meth. Walter gives Jesse the opportunity to kill him, but Jesse refuses and instead drives away in a car, laughing hysterically.
- The episode ends with Walter going to the meth lab, where he is mortally wounded by a gunshot. He dies surrounded by the equipment he used to make his meth, as the police and emergency responders arrive.
The finale of Breaking Bad was praised by fans and critics alike for its satisfying conclusion to the series and its poignant final moments. The episode tied up loose ends and gave closure to many of the show's key storylines and characters, while also providing a sense of poetic justice for Walter White and his actions throughout the series. Overall, the series finale was a fitting end to one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved TV shows of all time.
Overall, the last 8 episodes of season 5 of Breaking Bad were a thrilling and intense conclusion to the series, with high stakes and complex character relationships. The episodes explored themes of power, control, and the consequences of one's actions, as Walter and Jesse confronted the reality of their choices and faced the ultimate consequences of their involvement in the drug trade. The final episode provided closure to the series, with a fitting and poignant end to Walter's story.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
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lilyoffandoms · 5 years
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asublimehimbo · 5 years
& you will keep writing anyway.
the mermaid’s voice returns in this one; Amanda Lovelace
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