#group 6 sports cars
motorsport70 · 1 year
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nerdy-novelist017 · 2 months
Apologies (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader pt 6)
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Ahhh don't come at me for the lack of updates lately! 😅 I've been so distracted with watching the Olympics and my job. I'm not meant to work a ful-time job, your honor. I just wanna write silly fanfics all day and read all night pls and thanks ! Anyway, enjoy! 🩷
Benny x Bunny Masterlist
Word Count- 3.4k+
Summary- The last person you expect to be there to dry your tears is that stubbornly persistent biker of yours.
Pete never showed up to your fundraiser. You had waited the whole afternoon in the hopes that you’d see him, but he wasn’t there for your event. He wasn’t there for the bake sale, or the picnic. He didn’t even show up for the auction which you were sure he’d be interested in that since one of the items to be sold was an expensive golf club set. He must have had other plans, you tried to tell yourself. He must have been too busy. 
You hadn’t seen Benny after that either, but you tried to find that as more of a relief than disappointment, after all, he was the reason you and Pete had a bit of a disagreement anyway. Part of you wondered if he only showed up for your tent since you hadn’t seen him anywhere else at the charity afterwards. Regardless, the hours passed at the picnic and you eventually helped everyone pack up before you left too, riding home on your bicycle. You tried to call Pete when you made it home, but his mother answered and told you he wasn’t home. You asked her to have him call you when he could. You ate dinner with your family and tried to not look too hopeful every time the phone rang because it was never Pete calling you back. You expected to go to bed with a sense of dejection, but instead you were surprised to feel something closer to  . . . relief. 
So the next two days went by quickly. You were too busy with work and household chores to notice that Pete hadn’t called you back. It was only when you had gotten up early to start on breakfast on the third day that he finally did ring you. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t seen you much,” he told you over the phone. “I miss you.”
“It’s okay, I’m sure you were busy,” you mumbled as you stirred the pancake batter, phone receiver balancing precariously between your cheek and shoulder. 
“I want to see you this weekend. I can pick you up around noon on Saturday if you’re free.” 
You agreed a bit reluctantly, but he didn’t seem to catch it. 
“Oh, are you going to teach me to golf?” you asked excitedly as Pete pulled into the country club parking lot. He’d been quiet to tell you where it was that he was taking you today, but you wanted to trust the spontaneity of the moment so you let him drive you to the mystery location. Out of all the places he could have surprised you with, this certainly wasn’t what you were expecting. Part of you was confused because you hadn’t expressed a particular fondness for the sport, but another part of you felt warmth that he wanted to share his hobby with you. 
“Yeah, I thought you’d like to join me and the boys today.” He smiled at you as you both exited the car. “Sit in the cart and look pretty while you cheer us on.”
Oh. So he wasn’t even teaching you his hobby. You wanted to say something back, to tell him that you were willing to learn if he taught you, but his friends came over then, interrupting your chance to speak. Pete introduced you to them, five in total and you struggled to remember their names. But it didn’t matter much since all chances of you speaking were thrown out the window when they bear hugged each other, and turned to go out onto the field. You followed behind, quietly trying to find a place in their obviously-tight friend group. And that’s how you spent the next three hours: awkwardly existing in their world, sitting on the cart and watching them play. You were the only girl, and it was clear that they didn’t know how to involve you much in their conversations. And when you were able to pull Pete to the side for a moment, you asked if he could let you take a swing once, just to try it out. He nodded but said, “Well, maybe in the next game, this one I’ve got a bet on and every shot counts.” You didn’t ask again. 
Even though you were still technically spending time with him, this didn’t feel in any way fun or exciting. You tried not to, but your mind drifted to your night spent at the bar with Benny and how fun that was, despite it being a bar full of bikers – a scenario you would have never thought you’d be in, let alone enjoy. As you sat in the golf cart, having nothing better to do than to watch Pete with his friends, you wondered if this was all he wanted you for. Were you really just a doll to him? A trophy? You didn’t get to play? 
After the next game ended, you asked Pete if he could take you somewhere for lunch and he seemed almost reluctant to leave his friends. But in the end, he did agree, and you said goodbye to the band of golfers. You walked back to the parking lot together and when you spotted his car in the distance, you figured this was your chance to actually talk with him, not just listen to him speak. 
“What do you want out of life, Pete?” you asked quietly as you slowed to a stop on the sidewalk.
“What?” He paused a few paces ahead of you, glancing back. “What kind of question is that?” 
“I mean,” you struggled to gather your jumbled thoughts. “What kind of life do you want?”
His brows pinched together in confusion. “Well, I’m going to school for engineering so I’m going to do that.”
You waited for him to continue, but he just shrugged and motioned for the car. “You coming?”
Not seeing the conversation over quite yet, your feet remained firmly planted in your spot. “But what do you want out of life? What do you want for me in your life?” 
“Geez, (Y/N),” he laughed humorlessly. “Where is this coming from?” His expression darkened suddenly. “Is this because of that dirty biker?”
It was your turn to look confused as you opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off. “Have you seen him again, hmm?”
“I . . . he was at the fundraiser–”
“What did I tell you?” He asked rhetorically as he closed the distance between you. “I don’t want you around that deadbeat again.”
“It wasn’t like I sought him out,” you defended, trying to ignore the rush of agitation at his choice of description. “I had no clue he would be there. I thought you were going to be there.”
“Well, I couldn’t be. You can’t just expect me to drop everything for you at such a late notice.”
“What was more important that you needed to be at?” You frowned.
He rolled his eyes, turning back to the car. “I have my own life.”
That’s when you realized that he was so . . . disconnected, uninterested. He may have wanted you but not in the way of getting to know you. His want was selfish, only born out of lust. He didn’t care about your hobbies or interests. You weren’t even listened to when you spoke to him. The realization was painfully obvious and you felt like a fool, like he had played you. And maybe he wasn’t even aware of it himself, but you could see it now: he didn’t care for you, not in the way you longed for. 
You wrapped your arms around yourself, shaking your head as you watched him approach the driver’s side door. “I know that, but . . . I was just hoping to spend time with you.”
He turned back and threw his arms out dramatically. “I’m spending time with you now, aren't I? Will you just get in the car?” 
You took a deep breath, looking down at your shoes. “I think I’m gonna walk home.”
“Are you serious?” His voice grew colder as he yanked open his door. “Because I didn’t go to your bake sale?”
You shook your head. “No, I like walkin’ and I just want some time to think–”
“You’re going off to find that biker, aren’t you?” 
“What?” Your gaze shot back up to his. “No, I–”
“I knew this would happen.” He shook his head, an unamused smile flashing on his face. “He’s filling your head with all these dangerous ideas. He’s poisoning you against me. Me.”
“I’m not–” 
“Get in the car.” You didn’t realize that it wasn’t a request anymore. 
“Pete, I just don’t–”
“Get in the fucking car, (Y/N)!” He shouted, slamming his hand on the roof, and you jumped at the sound. 
You stared at him, wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. You’d never seen any man act like this, especially not Pete. Panic turned the blood in your veins to ice and you were suddenly painfully aware of just how fast your heart was beating in your chest. Seconds ticked by, and he finally reacted to your speechlessness by rubbing a hand over his face, sighing loudly. 
“Look, just get in the car,” he tried again, his voice barely controlled. “We came here together and I don’t want people to talk about how I’m leaving without you, okay?”
No, it wasn’t okay, you wanted to say, but your throat was suddenly too tight to speak. All you could do was stare at this man who you thought you had a pretty good understanding of, who you never thought would raise his voice at you, who would never command you to do something you very obviously denied. You shook your head, hand holding over your chest in an attempt to even out your heart rate.
He called your name, but you turned and forced your legs to walk, to move away from him. You just wanted to get home to the safety of your bedroom. Behind you, you could hear his car door slam shut and the engine whine as it fired up. He drove over to you, nearly hitting the curb as he weaved.
“Fine, walk home then!” he yelled and revved the engine, tires peeling out on the blacktop as he zoomed away. 
That’s when the tears started falling. You sucked in a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and a sob choked into it. The sidewalk blurred from the stream of tears but you trudged on, wanting nothing more than to escape the prying eyes of the neighborhood. The action of Pete slamming his hand against the metal proof of his car replayed in your mind and something unpleasant gripped your heart at the realization that what you saw was his reaction to not getting what he wanted the first time. This was supposed to be the exciting moments of you relationship, the time when you were still discovering who each other were. If he could be so easily angered by you now, what would 5 years of marriage look like? What would 10? 
And as you approached the intersection, a thought came to you and you felt sick at the possibility that maybe this is what your mother felt before she married your father. And your grandmother before she married your grandmother. Like a chain, these women with hearts and ambitions and dreams all just got married and became something their husbands wanted, lived a dream their husbands had. And maybe that was their dream, but what if it wasn’t yours?
The revving of an engine broke you free from your all-consuming thoughts and fresh fear spiked through you. Was it Pete coming back? But no, you realized. The engine was coming from the gas station you were passing on the corner, and it wasn’t a car, but a motorcycle. The rider pulled up to one of the free parking spots, cutting the engine and kicking out the kickstand. His back was turned to you, but you knew who it was already by the messy blonde hair and signature blue jacket lettered “Vandals” across the shoulder blades. You groaned because he was the last person you wanted to see right now but you needed to walk right by him to continue on your way home. And as ridiculous as it was, you wanted to cry harder at the thought of him seeing you crying. 
When he dismounted, you quickened your pace, putting your head down in the hopes that he wouldn’t notice you. But of course, you heard him call out, “Hey, Little Bunny.”
You sniffed hard, quickly swiping your fingers across your cheeks as you heard him approach. Even though you didn’t slow your pace, he caught up to you quickly. 
“You walkin’ home again?” His voice was light, teasing but you didn’t dare to look up at him. “You must really like–”
But he must have seen your tear-soaked face because he stopped, his hand gently grasping your upper arm. “What’s wrong?”
You bit your lip, and against your better judgment, you glanced up at him. That was all it took before his shoulders visibly stiffened, and his jaw locked tightly. “Who did this?”
“Nobody,” you muttered softly, voice cracking. “I’m fine.”
“Was it Pete?” his grip remained firm on your arm.
“Please, just leave it alone, Benny,” you whispered desperately, and his eyes softened as he released you. A painfully long beat played out between you as you watched him decide if he wanted to press you further for details. But to your surprise, he dropped it, instead, reaching out, his calloused thumb brushing away a solitary tear from the apple of your cheek. You flinched at the contact, not expecting him to touch you so intimately. As quick as he was to make contact, so was he able to let his hand fall back to his side, leaving you wide-eyed at the act. 
“Let me give you a ride home, please,” he asked, his voice so quiet, so compassionate that you were honestly dumbfounded that this was a biker in a notoriously revered club standing before you. “I don’t want you to have to walk back when you’re upset like this.”
You glanced down the sidewalk, knowing you still had a few miles to go before you’d see your house in the distance. You sniffed again, “You won’t try to propose to me again, will you?”
“No strings attached, I promise,” he replied quietly. 
You relented, nodding slightly, and you didn’t protest when he slid his hand into yours, lacing your fingers together and gently tugged you back to his bike. 
Benny drove slowly back to your house, and you just buried your face against his jacket the entire ride, focusing on the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. It gave you time to settle your breathing, to dry your tears, and when he finally did pull up to your house, a disappointed wave surfaced over you. He put both feet down to balance you both, but he didn’t cut the engine, and you didn’t release your arms from around his torso.
“Can we . . . keep going?” you asked hesitantly, unsure of just how patient he was willing to be with you.
“You wanna keep going?” he questioned over his shoulder, and you responded with a brief nod. “Where?”
“Anywhere, just not here.”
He pushed off the ground, revving the engine slightly and the bike picked up speed as you left your neighborhood. You tightened your grip as he drove you out of the city, down the long country roads, past barns and farms, out by the lake and through the winding back roads which cut the woods. He drove until the sun began to make its descent over the far wheat fields, the last warmth of those golden rays catching the two of you like a spotlight, like you were the only two people on stage. And you realized that’s what riding with Benny felt like: solidarity together. You’ve felt a strange sense of loneliness most of your life, even when you were surrounded by others who loved you, but with Benny . . . it was like you were finally being seen. No, not just seen, it was like you were finally being heard. 
But reality came back too quickly when Benny pulled up to a stop light, hand moving to brush across yours as he asked, “You ready to go back now or d’you wanna keep going?”
Keep going, your heart wanted to shout, keep going and let’s drive until we hit the sandy beaches of California. But your head always won the battle in the end, and you only nodded mutely. 
When Benny pulled up in front of your house again, he cut the engine, but remained seated. He held his hand out for you as you dismounted, and he wanted to say something – anything– to make sure that you were okay, to help you. But Benny’s not known for his good communication skills so he clenched his jaw tightly, frustration building in his chest. You needed him, you needed to be consoled, and he was so pathetic that he wasn’t even sure how. 
Sure, he knew how to have someone’s back, especially in a fight. He knew how to throw punches and get back to his feet after getting knocked down. He could do that all day. But you staring at him with your Bambi eyes and heartbroken expression, he couldn’t take it. He just wanted to pull your tiny frame to him and kiss away the tears, to tell you that everything would be okay because he’s got your back. Then a horrible thought clouded his mind because what if he was the reason you were crying? A bitter taste filled his mouth at the possibility. And my god, how stupid could he be because of course he had to dig himself deeper into that hole when he had told you that he wouldn’t apologize for his conversation with your date. At the time he said it, he had no guilt or shame for his actions because he saw nothing wrong with it. He wanted you more than Pete did, he was sure of that. But now as he glanced at your sweet face, he realized that his actions could have hurt you. And all for what – his pride? That seemed so insignificant now.
“Thank you for the ride,” you said ever-so-politely. 
Before you could turn to walk to your front porch, Benny’s hand reached out to lightly touch your own, and he blurted out, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to Pete. That was wrong, and I see that now. I’m sorry if what I did has hurt you in any way, that was never my intention.”
Your frown deepened, and Benny’s heart sank. But then you said, “I’m not upset with you, Benny, but thank you. That . . . that means a lot to me.”
He was at a loss for words, struck by your angelic voice and unwavering benevolence. He could only watch as you slipped from his grasp and turned away. You were walking away from him, but Benny couldn’t help but feel it meant something more than just putting physical distance between you. His mind raced with thoughts, trying to find something he could say to get you to stop, to be able to see your face again. 
However, it seemed that fate had other plans because you halted in your tracks, hesitating a moment before spinning back around and approaching him again. He opened his mouth to ask if you were okay, but you cut him off as you leaned up and planted a quick kiss to his cheek. His heart skipped a beat at the gentle touch of your soft lips, and he widened his eyes as you pulled back, a shy smile on your face. He grinned because every time he thought he had you figured out, you continued to pull stunts on him. You were the most entertaining thing he knew. 
You took a few steps backwards, but maintained his eye contact as you spoke, “Maybe . . . next time we could go a little faster?”
He knew you were referring to the bike, but God help him because heat burned in his lower belly, and he wanted to pick you up over his shoulder and carry you into your house where he’d show you just what speed he was capable of. He wasn’t sure you even knew what effect your words had on him, or if you even knew the sexual implications, but he felt himself losing a battle of will. “You want there to be a next time?”
You nodded and that adorable rosy color tinted your cheeks. “Yeah, if-if you do.”
He shook his head in disbelief that you were finally giving him a chance. Though looking at your sweet smile now, he didn’t seem to mind the extra effort he had to put in. “You wanna go fast? Look who’s the trouble now.”
You fought to control your smile. “Goodnight, Benny.”
“Night,” he replied as he watched you walk back up the steps to your house, his fingers ghosting over the spot on his cheek that you kissed, wondering if apologies were really that easy. 
-Tag List-
@elizabeth916 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @dudii4love e @ironmooncat @imusicaddict @beebeechaos @astrogrande @pearlparty @themorriganisamonster @sillylittlethrowaway @ughdontbeboring @penwieldingdreamer @charmingballoon @eugene-emt-roe @sunnbib @semperamans @groovyangelkisses @killerqueenfan @cynic-spirit @pomtherine @tranquilty @m00npjm @twistedunivers5 @justsomewritingblog @nhlfs @thepassionatereader @rebecca-hvnstn @nethanybear @dreamlandcreations @buckysteveloki-me @simsiddy @zablife @sansaorgana @autumnleaves1991-blog @butler-trouble @lindszeppelin @wavyjassy @real-lana-del-rey @xcallmetaniax @lovenewfandoms @youngestxhearts @abaker74 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @thefallofthedamned @hottpinkpenguinreads @nctma15 @vendylewin @capswife @alexa4040 @pearlstiare @sweetestrose569 @18lkpeters @pao-prazz @thedreamingfish99 @mrsalwayswrite
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mindmelter · 6 months
The Body Wearing Convention - Las Vegas
The BWA (Body Wearing Alliance) was formed 20 years ago when the internet was just starting to get popular. Those born with the rare ability of reducing people into wearable skins didn't knew there was more like them out there, but with the help of the internet they started to find others with the same ability, and soon it was created the BWC (Body Wearing Convention)
The Body Wearing Convention is a clandestine event that happens a few times every year, hidden from the prying eyes of the public, It is a secret event where they can gather, share stories, and find solace in the knowledge that they aren't alone in their power.
The BWC happens in a different country every time, for safety reasons, and the main two rules to participate in the convention is: To be a Skinwalker (That's how they call themselves) and to wear the body of a local from that place, that means you can't bring with yourself skins from home.
Currently the secret Alliance is made up of 130 men around the world. But among these 130 members, there are 10 men who are very close friends with each other, they all share one thing in common: They are all gay.
Surprisingly they are the only gay guys of the entire Alliance, while all the others sought power and money, these 10 friends only care about getting hard in a new sexy body, It was like a sport for them. That's why they created an online group chat, where they can talk and share pictures of their current bodies with each other.
The location of the BWC this time is: USA - Las Vegas.
The 10 friends all arrived individually at the city in an early Friday, the convention would occur during the weekend, so they had to find a new skin quickly, and so they went straight on a hunt for a random local body.
Think of the BWC as the Met Gala, but for people who can turn you into a wearable hollow fleshsuit in a blink. There was this unspoken competition among them, to see who was wearing the hottest or richest skin, and this group of friends clearly didn't care about the last one...
Carl is a 46 years old married gay man, he is part of the BWA for 17 years, and there is nothing Carl love more than wearing the bodies of fit straight guys. His husband knows he's a skinwalker and is totally fine with it. But because his husband is not a skinwalker, he is not allowed to go to the conventions, so Carl always travels alone.
(Friday, March 1st. 8:19 AM) Carl Sent A Photo
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Carl: I just turned this hot Latino stud in the hotel parking lot. He was walking towards his car while talking on the phone with his girlfriend. That's when I slowly walked behind him and turned him. What do you guys think? Do I wear him well?
Harold: You're looking so hot. You always pick the most hottest guys.
Elijah: Wow, you already found a body? That was fast.
Joel: He's not that impressive, I would give him a 6/10 lol
Elijah: Stop being a jerk Joel. This guy is clearly a 9/10
Carl: Don't mind him Elijah, he's just jealous of my pick.
Joel: He's not really my type, today I'm looking for a sexy tough looking guy to wear.
Peter: Hot choice of skin Carl! Show us his dick please!
Carl: You will have to wait until the Convention to see it. But i'm telling you, he's really big and thick, I know you're gonna love sucking it.
David is 34 years old and he is part of the BWA for 13 years.
He first found out about his ability when his homophobic stepbrother was trying to beat him up, David closed his eyes and tried to protect his head, but when he opened his eyes, he saw his hot stepbrother lying on the floor completely deflated. David had the most fun years living the life of his douchebag of a stepbrother, until one day, his stepbrother just "disappeared"
(Friday, March 1st. 9:46 AM) David Sent A Photo:
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David: I made two new bodysuits. I saw the handsome blond one at the hotel's pool, he was trying to seduce some girls by showing off his hot body, he just didn't knew he was actually seducing a skinwalker. To get him, I first had to convert this cute room service attendant, after I put him on, I got access to his room and walked inside. I think I'm going to use the attendant tonight for some fun.
Elijah: Oh, the good old room service method. It works every time.
David: It was you who taught me this method back in 2011 when I was still a new member of the BWA.
Damian: It brings back good memories from that one time where we all stayed at the same hotel in the 2011 Convention. Good times.
Peter Is a 40 years old gay bottom who love to turn big hunky men into Bodysuits and act like a slut in their bodies. He is part of the Body Wearing Alliance for 9 years.
(Friday, March 1st. 11:28 AM) Peter Sent A Photo:
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Peter: Do I look cute? This is Ramón, I turned him at an alley while he was jogging, he's a bodybuilder. I'm gonna make such a good use of his muscles. I'm sure you guys are going to love the muscles in his ass the most.
Joel: I love how you always pick the most biggest guys.
Daniel: I feel bad for this poor bastard, of all the Skinwalkers, he was picked by the most perverted one.
Peter: lol
Carl: He's huge. I'm going to enjoy burying my new thick latino dick in your bodybuilder's ass.
Harold: I really like his pecs. I want to suck on them when we meet tomorrow.
Peter: It's always the pecs for you isn't, Harold? lol
Harold: You're not lying. Actually I just saw this hot guy at the mall and he seems to have very big pecs. I'm going to follow him.
Harold is a 28 years old scrawny gay man, he has no muscle definition, but he love pecs and it was what he first looked for in a body: Their huge pecs. If the guy didn't had two big meaty pecs, he wound't want them.
He went to the local LA mall to hunt for a body, he knew that the mall was always the perfect place for hunting skins. And he was proven just right when he saw this big and tall hunk walk inside a clothing store. Harold smirked as he entered the store and followed the man.
(Friday, March 1st. 1:05 PM) Harold Sent A Photo:
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Harold: Who want some milk boys? Daddy got all the milkers now.
Peter: Oh my god, look at the size of these tits. I will let you suck on Ramón's tits if you let me suck yours.
Harold: This sounds like a good deal.
Carl: Very nice choice of skin! Good job, Harold.
Peter: Can you send a video of you playing with those hairy tits and pinching his nipples? Please?
(1:15 PM, Harold Sent A 20 Seconds Video To The Group Chat)
In the vídeo he was in the middle of the store, squeezing his new pair of meaty hairy pecs, he lifted one of them and let go, watching them bounce, then he pinched his left nipple and let out a deep loud moan. Without feeling any shame for being in a public space. It wasn't technically him who was being humiliated in public, so he didn't cared.
Damian and Rashad are a black gay couple (47, 49) they have been together for 11 years and they both had met each other during a Body Wearing Convention back in 2013. It was very known to everyone that they only turned white men into Bodysuits, it was their favorite type of skins. So there was no diversity in their Bodysuit closet, only white men.
(Friday, March 1st. 3:07 PM) Damian Sent A Photo:
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Damian: You guys know how Rashad and I love to hunt white boys, so what better place to find some white skins than at the LA beach? We saw this group of young frat boys surfing and we converted these two 19 years olds, they were just the most handsome ones in their group. Turns out they are twin brothers.
David: This is such a hot pair, and the fact they are brothers makes it even more hot!
Carl: I want to fuck the long haired one with my thick latino dick while I pull his hair.
Damian: I like this Idea. His long hair would be great to use as a handle for a hard fuck. I might even try It later tonight.
David: Send us a video if you do.
Joel is the youngest one of the group, at only 19 he already has a count of 86 Bodysuits, and he's part of the Body Wearing Alliance for only 1 year. That's why, the BWA leader tasked Elijah, a veteran in the art of wearing bodies, to watch for Joel and not let the young man expose their secret society.
(Friday, March 1st. 5:14 PM) Joel Sent A Photo:
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Joel: My new bodysuit is still deflating. I can't wait to finally wear him and show him to you guys. He's so hot.
Carl: You gave my bodysuit a 7/10, so he better be a 10/10.
Isaac: Wow he's packing.
Harold: When he deflate, please send us a pic of you in him. I want to see if his front looks as good as his back side.
(Friday, March 1st. 5:40 PM) Joel Sent A Photo:
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Joel: I'm inside him now. I saw this sexy daddy at the hotel's bar. I waited for him to go to his room and then I followed him, as soon as he opened the door I converted him, right there at the door's entrance, I mean, of course he took a bit longer to deflate, so I had to drag him inside. I actually wanted to wear a scary looking soldier that I saw at the bar, but Elijah didn't let me. Still, I'm very glad with my pick.
Harold: Holly fuck!!!
Peter: He's a very sexy bodysuit. Wish I was there to give him a very special room service.
Carl: Where is Elijah by the way? Should he not be with you?
Joel: Elijah Is outside, I don't know where he went, but he said he was going to be back soon.
Carl: Did he picked a bodysuit already?
Joel: Yes he did, a young and hot fuckboy. Let me send a pic of him.
Joel Sent A Photo:
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Joel: This is the body Elijah picked to wear at the convention tomorrow. I think he got this one at the hotel's bathroom maybe? I'm not sure. I hope he don't mind that I'm wearing his brand new skin.
Elijah: Boy, you're in big trouble!
Joel: Shit, I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't mind. I'm gonna take him off.
Elijah: Don't you dare taking him off, I'm not going to wear him anymore, I found a better body to wear tomorrow. wait for me, I'm getting up there right now.
(Friday, March 1st. 6:22 PM) Elijah Sent A Photo:
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Elijah: You don't want to disobey me in my new body, boy, so you better be on your knees when I get inside, I'm horny and this guy have big balls full of cum.
Joel: Yes sir!
Peter: Oh yes sir indeed!
Carl: lol you're fucked Joel.
Isaac is a 24 years old gay man, and like everyone else in this group, he was addicted to wearing hunky men. He is more reserved and shy, and don't talk much in the group chat. However, he enjoys jerking off while viewing the photos his friends would send to the group chat.
He might be the most shy and reserved in the group, but once he's wearing a handsome hunk, he becomes a whole new different person, a more dominant and cocky one.
(Friday, March 1st. 8:37 PM) Isaac Sent A Photo:
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Isaac: Seeing you guys wearing such hot bodies is getting me so freaking hard. I can't wait for tomorrow. I got this one at the gym's lockerroom. Who wants to take care of my boner?
Peter: I do! I want to get on my knees in Ramón's body and let you use his slutty mouth.
Harold: You're looking so damn hot, Isaac, good pick.
Carl: Was you working out? Your skin looks very sweaty.
Isaac: I was. I wanted to test out my new muscles.
Carl: Great. Can't wait for the convention tomorrow, where we can finally see each other's bodies in person and have the orgy of the year.
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astrae4 · 23 days
HAN TAESAN | happy wife, happy life
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pairings — idol!han dongmin x idol!reader
warnings — hanging joke, saying marriage but not actually married yet(?)
genre — FLUFF & romance hehe (wc. 789)
note — mentally not the best so im rlly inconsistent but it’s okay for now guys 😎👍 if u have any requests i’d be very happy to make it for u 😘😘 plspls like repost n follow 🙌
more works — navigation | bnd!masterlist
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The buzzing notification sounds echoed loudly in a busy cafe, making some customers look at the victim responsible for these noises.
Said victim hurries to turn their notification sounds off, before checking his messages—only to see 6 missed calls and 14 messages from ‘manager 😫🔥’.
manager 😫🔥: WHERE ARE YOU???
you: im On the Way!
you: gimme a bit
manager 😫🔥: dont lie. I literally see your location and it isn’t moving AT ALL.
you: okay im actually almost done.
you: seriously, the line’s almost over
you: [picture attached]
manager 😫🔥: fine. Come back faster! We need to hurry up to isac bc u guys already missed the track comp.
you: 👍👍
“Order 1140, Mr. Woonhak!” Called a server.
Nobody reacted to that call for a few seconds, before the 180-ish-cm man jolted, remembering that he was supposedly Woonhak.
(Ever put a name in your order and forgot about it? Yeah, it happens to me all the time.)
“Here!” He replied, coming to the counter in a hurry.
“Matcha cake with pink frosting and custom lettering?” They asked to be sure.
“Yes, thank you so much!” Replied “Mr. Woonhak” as he takes the takeaway-boxed cake and hurried out the door.
He practically jumped in the car (gracefully though) with how fast he was going.
“Yah!” shouted Woonhak, “why’d you take so long!?”
“Don’t you see the line?” Replied Taesan, his eye rolling as he holds the cake with care.
“Yeah but why do we have to go get this cake? Just get it at any other bakery so we wouldn’t be late to ISAC—we already missed the track race!”
Someone (Leehan) suddenly sat up from the backseat, glasses crooked on his head as if he just woke up (he did), “That’s because it’s y/n’s favorite cake.”
“Yeah Woonhak,” butted another menace (jaehyun), “It’s their 2nd anniversary— but of course youuuu wouldn’t understand since you’ve never had a woman’s touch before other than your mom and sister.”
“YAH!” screamed Woonhak.
Thus, another bonekdo quarrel emerge.
(Woonhak lost once again. Give me a dab in the comments; one dab = one hp for our maknae’s patience)
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In the ISAC 2024, k-pop boy band BOYNEXTDOOR (under KOZ) arrives 5 hours late to the venue, earning some attention from netizens. Onedoors (Boynextdoor’s fans) called them hilarious, especially with that spectacular entrance, consisting of the members wearing sunglasses and strutting in the building as if they won the games (they will then lose really badly in archery) in a proud manner.
Despite the many games and groups competing in the games, what went most viral was surprisingly not sports-related, and we’re here to tell you the scoop!
Boynextdoor’s Taesan is widely known for dating [reader] of [group name] since the very beginning of their debuts. They also went trending many times for that—like a fresh breeze in the very tense atmosphere of idol-relationships. This time, it seems that Taesan decided to take it up a notch with his display of public affection and prove to everyone that romance is very much not dead!
Running in the building—and then sliding on his knees to stop in front of [reader]’s view—before procuring a bouquet of pink lilies for her all the while his very supportive members threw confetti at them!? Gosh, me when! After that, he also gave [reader] an exclusive cake from [reader’s favorite cake shop] to celebrate what seemed to be their 2nd year Anniversary.
Other idols in the building such as ZEROBASEONE and THE BOYZ’s Younghoon gave their support by cheering on the couple—as well as many others. Later on, it was even said by Zerobaseone’s Gunwook jokingly in his group’s vlog that he was jealous of their relationship, haha!
When asked about it later on in a live, Taesan responded that it was simply because it was their anniversary, and he wanted to make it special for them. In addition, he said a catchphrase that went viral— saying “Happy wife, happy life”, despite them not being married yet. [reader’s group] have not yet responded to this statement.
Many netizens are reacting to this viral video, saying that it’s so fresh and sweet of them two—some even joking and saying that “I’m the guy h*nging in the lights behind them” (source) in Tiktok and Instagram. All in all, netizens seem to think that it’s extremely sweet and wishes them both to remain happy and strong in the relationship!
What do you think about it?
Comments (19.99) | open
More related searches… BOYNEXTDOOR comeback September 25 | Sungho’s so hot in the new concept photo: twenty ver.
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TAGLIST @ja4hyvn @flwoie @sulkygyu @xiaoderrrr @ineedaherosavemeenow @lonewolfjinji @teddywonss @taerae-verse
NETWORKS @onedoornet @k-labels
© astrae4 2024 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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boiohboii · 1 year
Protective girl (Charles Leclerc x reader)
Inspires by @charles-eclair16 's fic
When fans go too far, yn wants to protect the one treasure in her life
in which we finally get to see the roles reversed
N.B: this is been in my drafts for so long, omg! Let me know what you guys think!! WARNING: not proof read, some swear words, might have messed up a date, don't focus on any dates mentioned, this is all fictional anyways. Hope you guys like it
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Liked by Arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 1,379,064 others
itsmeyn: charles always goes above and beyond for every single fan of his, he tries to take as many pictures and sign as many autographs as possible, but what happened last night was a fucking joke. He doesn't like what I'm writing cause he says that it was just a mistake and that it was fine, but it really isn't, it's so disrespectful and disgusting! He always wants to meet his fans and make them happy only to receive this insanity, him falling AND HURTING HIMSELF because some of you can't fucking wait and be organized like a human being! Charles isn't an animal in a zoo where you race to pet him! He is a human being, he is a son, a brother and a boyfriend! This wasn't just an accident, i have seen these 6 girls multiple times in multiple places! it's so obsessive and so so sick of you to follow him everywhere.... Charles won't speak up because he is Charles and he lives seeing the good in people, but I will tear everything and everyone for his safety, so for you 6 girls you will be hearing from court soon so better prepare a good lawyer you assholes!
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Liked by leclercboy, ynistheitgurl, fuckferarri and 91,739 others
F1_updates_live: Charles Leclerc's girlfriend, YN LN, seen today arriving in front of the UK's courthouse in a red SF9 Ferarri. It had been quite a week for YN as she was seen hitting a fan after the said fan pushed Charles. YN took this fan and 5 others to court, no one knows on what bases but what has come out is that she has won the case which means that Charles and YN have restraining orders against the group.
username: yn doing God's work
username: yn serving justice
username: that's what we needed
username: hot girl shit
username: the car and suit combo is so fucking hot of her
username: I think this is too much, like these girls just wanted to see Charles
username: @.itsmeyn can we make them 7?
username: another one
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Liked by Charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, pierregasly and 617,829 others
itsmeyn: don't blame me, love made me crazy
username: YN IS A FELLOW SWIFTIE?!?!?
username: if I had a nickel for everytime yn and I had something in common I'd have 2 nickels, which is not a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
username: now I just want her to watch all the charles edits done with a taylor song
itsmeyn: who says i already don't 🌚
username: and I oop-
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Liked by wolfffam, maxverstappen1, lance_stroll and 817,629 others
itsmeyn: congratulations to my baby, the love of my life, you deserve it and so much more ♥️♥️
username: FINALLY!!
username: idk how to react, ferarri has let us down too many times that all I know is lose
username: I don't see how he deserves it tbh, all of his results are shit for quite a while , he's only where he is cause he's driving a ferarri 🤷‍♂️
itsmeyn: oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were the one in a formula one car, in a ferarri, that by the words of many professionals is at its worse era. I don't care about you and your opinion but don't state it as a fact, no one can do better with these strategies. I hate to keep saying this but when your own fucking team doesn't have the same dream as you it turns to shit. Even if charles is the only one in the car, it's still a team sport, not a one man sport. Fuck you and your tiny ass brain that can never survive one lap in a formula one car, it'll probably explode cause of all the bullshit in it before the first lap anyway. So next time you wanna talk shit maybe try to do fifth of who you're criticising is doing, I bet that'll shut you up real quick you dimwit.
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Liked by leclercpascale, pilotesofmonaco, tswiftyn, and 52,719 others
F1_updates_live: YN LN, Charles' long time girlfriend, seen today fighting Xavi in Bahrain due to his mistake on the radio which resulted in Charles losing his podium position.
username: good for her
username: charles is so lucky
username: I love how she always stands up for him
username: honestly, whenever charles or carlos ignore the strategies they win... I really wanna see more of that.
username: this is just Monaco 2024 GP all over again, yn was so fucking furious (rightfully so) cause Xavi's mistake costed charles a p1 in his home race.
username: this shit was so heartbreaking man
username: I think this was the first time we ever saw yn angry at sabotaging charles, like the most we saw was her holding his hand when crossing the street, making sure he eats first, playing with his hair when nervous, but I've never seen yn make someone literally cry until 2024 with Xavi being her victim
username: pffft, victim, he 100% deserved it
username: oh yeah, definitely. All my homes hate Xavi, like can you not say the strategy properly 😒
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mangosrar · 8 months
call it what you want pt 6.
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
mom i literally need him 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
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game day. game day. game day.
the day in tradition where the whole school gathers to watch a game of sports, played by a group of cocky, stuck up, shit eating jocks. aka: matt sturniolo.
“you have to wear it y/n!” he yelled.
“i don’t have to do shit! im not your fucking trophy, and i don’t want to be paraded around in your fucking jersey, just so everyone knows you’re not with jessica, i won’t do it.” you yelled back. crossing your arms, holding firm as you watched him pace the living room, hands on his head.
this argument had been going on for the last 10 minutes. he wanted you to wear his jersey, and you refused. you knew the only reason he wanted you to wear it was so he could advertise you instead of jessica, and you weren’t going to let him have that type of satisfaction.
“if you don’t wear the damn jersey y/n,” he paused before stomping over to you and coming to a halt less than a foot away from you. “i will drag you onto the middle of the rink,
in front of everyone and tell the whole school your mine, just to get the message across.” he said in a low tone, he was so close you could feel the heat radiating off of him.
quite frankly, you were speechless, there was something about what he said, and the look in his eyes when he said it, that you couldn’t decipher and it made your face hot, and your throat run dry.
there was a pregnant pause, the both of you just staring at each other, faces inches apart. matt was seething, his jaw was clenched and his eyes staring into yours were firm, but you couldn’t deny the low bubbling feeling in your stomach, from the way he took a small step closer, leaning down and bringing his face closer to yours. you swallowed, desperately trying to pull yourself together, but his face being so close to yours was making you swoon.
and just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, his eyes glanced down to your lips momentarily, and if you didn’t know any better, he was about to kiss you.
“we’re gonna be late”
the both of you pulled away from each other immediately. not daring to look at one another.
matt practically disappeared up his own ass, walking off into the kitchen with his head down without a second glance, and you cleared your throat awkwardly while turning to look at nick, who stood at the bottom of the stairs, with a flat expression.
“we were just um…” you trailed off, looking back into the kitchen, trying to avoid his eyes at all costs.
“put on the jersey y/n” nick said with a monotone voice.
there was no getting out of this. you just sighed before reaching for the jersey that was hanging over the back of the couch, and pulling it over your head, finally looking at nick with a frown. he didn’t even say anything. he just sent you a firm nod, opening the door and motioning for you to walk out before yelling for chris and matt to meet them in the car.
“why are they playing so bad?” nick exclaimed, throwing his hands up.
the game was about 35 minutes in, and so far the opposite team was up by 5 nil. they had gotten 2 penalties so far because of matts team playing dirty, or in other words, matt gets pissed off and starts pushing them around.
you could see he was visibly frustrated. he kept doing that neck roll thing, like he was trying to relieve some tension.
but where else could you look when elijah had been shooting daggers at you, from the moment you appeared in the sidelines, clad in matt sturniolo’s jersey with a huge 4 stamped on the front and back, a stark contrast from elijahs number 9. you knew he must have been furious, but it only made you wanna grab matt and smooch his face off right in front of him, just to see the look of pure rage on elijahs face. you obviously never would but, a girl can dream.
suddenly the whole crowd gasped and fell into silence, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“shit” nick muttered. you followed his eyes and saw matt, pulling off his helmet, skating towards the edge of the rink, where you and nick stood.
you examined him as he came towards you, trying to figure out what the whole crowd was stunned by.
“what happened?” nick questioned, frantically.
“kid sent the puck flying straight at my fucking face” matt replied angrily, dropping his helmet, bringing a hand to his mouth, wiping a smidge of blood, where his lip had split.
your face scrunched up slightly. but soon fell when matt turned his gaze of you, pausing for a moment, like he was thinking, before he moved closer, letting his arms rest on the barrier separating the rink and the stands.
you watched him, waiting for his next move. you could’ve swore you saw a lightbulb pop up over his head, as a smirk grew on his face.
he turned slightly, glancing over his shoulder, seeing the whole of his team, and the other team, watching, before turning back, glancing behind you, at the whole audience in a stand still, also watching, then letting his eyes fall back to yours.
“kiss it better” he whispered.
you’re eyes widened at him.
“all eyes on you sweetheart” he cooed, shrugging with raised eyebrows.
all eyes on you.
all eyes on you.
you had no time to even register what was happening, it was like your body moved before your brain told it to, and before you knew it, your hands were clutching at his shirt, pulling his lips onto yours, in a searing kiss. his lips were soft, and fit perfectly into yours.
you heard nick gasp from besides you as the whole crowd erupted into applaud. matt smiled against your mouth before pulling away, eyes boring into yours before opening his mouth to speak.
“almost convincing” he muttered, before turning around and skating off back to the middle of the rink, to the rest of his team, leaving you stood there in utter disbelief.
you kissed matt. you kissed matt and the whole school saw.
but you kissed matt and the whole school saw. he got exactly what he wanted, he got to put his trophy on display, and show everyone that he wasn’t with jessica. that’s why he did it, and you weren’t sure if it was because of that reason, or because you wished it wasn’t that reason, that you felt a little pang of sadness deep in your chest.
“what. the. fuck” nick spoke, staring at the side of your face with wide eyes. you just hung your head refusing to meet his gaze.
he was right. what. the fuck.
you just completely went against everything you agreed on and let matt get exactly what he wanted and a little part of you felt disgusted with yourself.
you could feel eyes burning holes burning into the back of you. out of pure fear, of either jessica or caden, you couldn’t turn around, you were not prepared for the blazing confrontation from either one of them.
you lifted your head back up and locked eyes with matt, he was smirking at you as his teammates clapped him on the back and dapped him up, as if they were proud of him and the more you watched, the more all of that disgust turned into complete fury.
how dare he. how dare he embarrass you and put you on the spot like that. he was just proving your point of what a jerk he was and giving you even more reasons to hate the fucking bones of him.
he was hot and cold. one minute, he was calling you ugly and being straight up fucking mean, then the next he was kissing you in front of everyone like it was nothing. he had been pulling you in just to push you back out again and it had only been one week. one week of pure insufferable tension that made you want to yell in his face and slap him blind.
he knew you never wanted to take this too far, this was supposed to be a harmless agreement to fulfil a jealousy plan, and a stupid “piss off your parents” plan, but he had crossed the line. he had grabbed you by the throat and sunk his teeth into you without a care in the world.
you were furious. your face was hot with rage and you’re breathing became laboured. you weren’t sure if you had ever felt rage like this before.
nick needed to hear this. he needed to know what a head fuck his brother was, but as you turned to him, you were met with a look of pure horror on his face. he was staring at whatever was happening on the ice.
in your moment of anger you hadn’t realised the commotion going on around you, people were yelling, whistles being blown, various coaches and other team members rushing onto the ice in a panic.
and when your eyes snapped to where everyone was looking, your face fell, with eyes wide and mouth hanging open, your heart stopped beating for a second.
lmk what y’all think is coming😏😏😏
taglist: @sturnsatlantic @biplrbitch @valerieburkens @ukyios @eyelessdemon00 @iheart2021chris @hearts4chris @leah-loves-lilies @whicked-hazlatwhore @lexihowardsgf @1201pm-blog @chrislover911 @yourmom-123456789 @x4nd3rsukz @ilovechrissturnioloposts @mattnchrisworld @leoloveeeee @jazab3lla @martyniukpl @sturnbaby @knowingnothingnoel @ilovemattstromboli @obsessedwithyou @dragonstoneshortcake @breeloveschris @biinthisbitch13 @skyteller143 @innocentfsin @mattswifue @thatcrazybitch-69 @ihateeveryone357474 @shmophsturniolo @sturns-posts @mattsturnzzz09 @sturnisposts @jenna0rtegaswife @jeffbuckleylvr27 @katelynmeier14 @sara2233445 @alexb25598 @sturniolos4lifee @st7rnioloss @kasiaslayuje @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @savageking3 @mattybsbitch @honestlybabymiracle
if u wanna be added to the taglist comment on this❤️‍🩹
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adascore · 8 months
Sweet Dream Was Over
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pairings: lionesses x young!arsenal!reader / beth mead x arsenal!reader / vivianne miedema x arsenal!reader
warnings: swearing. reader acts hostile with viv after being knocked out of the nations league by the netherlands.
author's note: wrote this right after the match to deal with the heartbreak :(( but proud of all of them anyway!
December, 2023
''They scored a last-minute winner- we're out.'' The staff member read out loud, the scoresheet open on his phone.
The huddle, once filled with echoes of celebration, now hung heavy with disappointment. Their Olympic dreams were over, even after winning the match 6-0. Their win at Wembley had given them hope that they could do it, but the Dutch team pulled through, winning their fixture against Belgium 4-0.
One goal.
One goal is what it took for Y/N's world to fall apart.
Teammates exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting the shared sense of loss. The collective effort and triumphs all seemed to dissipate into the air, leaving behind a bitter taste of what could have been.
She could feel Lucy next to her falling to the ground, her older teammate groaning as she took in the news. Y/N patted her shoulder, a lame attempt at comfort.
Sarina started speaking, but she wasn't listening. Her head replayed each moment in their six matches where the young player could have made a difference, but didn't. Y/N knew deep inside that she was not solely to blame for their early exit, football is a team sport and they all had the carry the burden of ''what if”.
As the team dispersed, players walked toward the section where the dedicated fans had stood, expressing their gratitude for the unwavering support they had given them throughout their UWNL journey.
Y/N could feel an arm wrapping around her shoulders, suddenly feeling the warmth of another individual.
As she glanced aside, she smiled at who she found next to her. ''Hey, Beffy.'' The youngster mumbled.
''Hi, darling,'' The Arsenal star sounded just as dejected as she did, ''how you feeling?''
“Not good.” Y/N's usually monotone voice lacked its usual humor, a reflection of the heavy atmosphere.
The winger nodded in understanding. “I know, me too.” She pouted, sharing in the collective disappointment. ''At least we'll get a break next summer.''
''I don't want a break, I wanna play.'' Y/N immediately objected, her tone almost sounding like how a toddler would whine.
Beth remained quiet, knowing that nothing she would say could cure the current heartbreak going through her teammate at the moment. Sometimes, silence spoke louder than words.
In the midst of said silence, Beth gently squeezed Y/N's shoulder, offering a supportive presence.
The next day, the car ride back to North London wasn't the traditional gossip session it normally was. Beth carried the conversation, her younger housemate nodding or muttering a single word once in a while. As they drove through the familiar streets, Beth tried to lighten the mood with a subtle joke or two, attempting to elicit a smile from Y/N. The atmosphere in the car, however, remained heavy with the weight of the recent defeat.
The ringing of Beth's phone interrupted her thoughts on the upcoming Chelsea game, however, a soft smile appeared on her face once she saw who was calling her.
''It's Viv,'' She announced, briefly glancing at her teammate, ''hey, sweetheart.''
Y/N turned her head, attempting to admire the view, but the English weather was making it hard for her. She sighed loudly, the name of the Dutchwoman bringing her back to the group huddle of the day before.
''She's sitting next to me,'' Beth's words pulled her out of her trance, ''sure.''
The blonde tapped her arm, making Y/N turn back around. ''Hmm?'' She confusedly hummed.
''You wanna say something to Viv?'' Beth asked, sweetly.
The teenager simply shook her head, shifting in her seat so she could look out the window again.
The older one frowned at the action, expecting her to want to talk to Vivianne. ''Uh, Viv, she's sleeping, sorry.'' Beth lied, coming up with the quickest excuse she could find.
''Oh, that's okay, I'll see her soon.'' The Dutch striker answered, slight dejection audible in her voice.
They talked for a couple more minutes, but Y/N drowned their conversation out- daydreaming about the day she actually gets to play for Team GB, and winning the gold medal with them.
It was again Beth who took her out of her haze she was in. ''Hey, you okay?''
''Yeah, just tired. Don't feel like talking.'' It had been the longest sentence she had said all day.
Beth nodded understandingly, deciding not to push further, occasionally glancing at Y/N, who seemed lost in her own thoughts.
Eventually, they made it home and their chauffeur helped them with their suitcases.
As soon as they stepped into the house, Y/N swiftly retreated to her room without much interaction. Beth, sensing the weight of the recent disappointment, decided to give her space.
The house felt unusually quiet without the usual banter and laughter. Beth, while sympathizing with her need for solitude, couldn't shake off the somber atmosphere. She figured she would wait for her partner, who wouldn't arrive home for at least another hour.
Beth settled on the couch, flipping through the channels on the television absentmindedly. The sound of a key turning in the front door signaled Vivianne's arrival.
The Brit immediately got up, greeting her girlfriend with a warm embrace.
Vivianne reciprocated, sensing Beth's need for comfort. They held each other for a moment, finding solace in one another's arms.
They moved to the couch, catching up with one another and either offering each other consolation or congratulations. Vivianne noticed the lack of noise in their home- their teenage teammate usually filling the space up with whatever had happened to her that day, and if it wasn't her voice, it was the music from her speakers.
''Is Y/N taking a nap? She must have barely slept if she was already sleeping in the car.'' She asked Beth, frowning.
Her partner sighed at the question. ''Uh, no, she's just… she's having a hard time with it. She really thought we'd gone through to the final four,'' she explained, resulting in a sullen look on Vivianne's face, ''she was actually awake in the car, but she wasn't in the mood to talk.''
Vivianne's expression shifted to one of understanding, but also concern. “I get it, it's tough for her right now.”
''Maybe you can go check on her? We've been home for a while now, maybe that's helped.'' Beth suggested, believing the youngster to have come to terms with it by now, or at least more than in the car.
The striker gently knocked on Y/N's bedroom door, but there was no response. She cautiously pushed it open, finding Y/N laying sideways on her bed, scrolling on her phone.
''Hey,” Vivianne spoke softly, ''can I come in?''
Y/N didn't take her eyes off of her phone, not a single acknowledgement. ''Don't feel like talking.''
''I understand, just wanted to check how you were doing.'' The Dutchwoman sighed.
It's like pulling teeth, Vivianne thought to herself.
She hesitated for a moment before deciding to sit on the edge of Y/N's bed. Her eyes stayed fixated on the teenager, hoping to find a sign of openness or willingness to share her feelings.
''Football is cruel. We all wanted to win, and have a chance to qualify. It hurts when it doesn't happen.'' Vivianne tried her best to convey understanding, her voice gentle. ''I wish all of us could go next year.''
It was quiet for a few seconds, the uneasy tension growing. ''Yeah, but we can't.'' Y/N responded, an uncharacteristic harsh tone in her voice.
Vivianne was taken aback by the sudden change, never having heard that tone come out of the girl's mouth. ''I get it, it hurts.''
''You already got to go to the Olympics. It's not fair.''
The older woman sighed at the frustration steaming off of her younger teammate. ''I know it doesn't feel fair, but you have to keep pushing forward. There will be more tournaments, more chances.''
''I wanted to go with Beth. She didn't get to go last time.'' Y/N wasn't directly answering to what Vivianne was telling her, still present in her own world of disappointment.
The older one could sense the resentment. ''Y/N, I get it, I really do. It's not the end, though. You'll have more opportunities, and you'll get to share those moments with Beth.'' She spoke softly.
''Who even says that? The next one is in 2028, Beth might not even play by then anymore.'' The teenager retorted.
''2028 is still a possibility. She has a lot more football left in her, and I'm sure you'll get to experience all of it together.''
Y/N rolled her eyes, dismissing Vivianne's attempt at reassurance. “Just save it. Your team already ruined our chances. Don't pretend like you care about my opportunities.”
“Come on, don-“
Y/N seemed stuck in her moment of frustration. It was hard to think about the future, when the present had become such a huge letdown. ''Viv, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but can you please leave? You're just making me more upset.''
It felt equal to being slapped in the face, in Vivianne's opinion. However, she nodded and gave Y/N's foot a little pat before quietly leaving the room.
Beth noticed Vivianne emerging from Y/N's room with a weary expression. “I think I made it worse.” Vivianne admitted, sitting next to Beth on the couch.
“Why? What did you say?” Beth asked, concerned.
“That it's tough, and that I wished that all of us could go. She just thinks it's really unfair that I already went to the Olympics, meanwhile she and you have never been.” Vivianne explained, her tone dejected.
Beth furrowed her brows, a mixture of frustration and empathy in her eyes. “She's not in the mood to listen, huh?”
Vivianne nodded, “Yeah, she's being a bit… resentful, I don't know.”
The Brit wrapped her arm around her partner, pulling her in as she caressed her arms. “Just give her a bit time. She'll come around. Losing hits her hard. I think it's been a bit much with the World Cup and the Champions League.”
Vivianne agreed. “Yeah, you're right.”
As dinner time approached, the Dutchie decided to prepare a meal, hoping it might lift the heavy atmosphere in the house. She opted for Y/N's favorite dish, a small attempt to lighten her mood. However, the teenager remained in her room, showing no interest in joining them.
Beth decided to bring the plate to the youngster's room, figuring she still wasn't ready to be in other people's presence.
A soft knock on Y/N's door preceded Beth's gentle voice, “Hey, I brought you some dinner.”
Y/N, still upset but hungry, mumbled an acknowledgment.
Beth smiled, and put the tray of food on her desk. “I thought you might be hungry,” she said, trying to break the tension. “It's your favorite.”
Y/N glanced at the food, her expression softening slightly. “Thanks, Beth.”
“Viv made it.” She revealed.
The younger one chuckled. “Yeah, I figured that out pretty quickly.”
“How come?”
“It looks and smells nice.”
“Hey!” Beth jokingly slapped her arm, offended. “You liked that omelet I made you a few weeks ago.”
“I was being polite, Beffy.” Y/N said, a small grin on her face.
The offended woman rolled her eyes. “Whatever, enjoy your nice-smelling food.”
Beth lingered by the doorway, wanting to see her younger companion eat the food with her own eyes.
“You know, Viv spent quite some time making sure it's perfect.“ She spoke up once she noticed Y/N just picking at the food.
Her gaze shifted from the plate to Beth, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. “That's very sweet. I'll thank her later.”
Beth smiled, appreciating the subtle shift in her youngster's demeanor. “I'm sure she'd like that. She put a lot of care into it.”
As Y/N began to eat, Beth hesitated before speaking again. “You know, it's okay to be upset about the game. We all are. But you don't have to take it out on her.”
The teenager looked up, meeting Beth's gaze. There was a moment of vulnerability in her eyes, a silent admission that the disappointment weighed heavier than she let on. “I know,” she whispered, “it's just too much at the moment.”
“I understand, lovey,” Beth stepped away from the door, walking over to Y/N, “we're here for you, okay? You can come talk to us when you feel ready.” She pinched her cheek, hoping her affection showed her genuineness.
Y/N couldn't help but crack a small smile. “I know, Beffy. Thanks.” She mumbled between bites, grateful for the comforting presence of her older teammate.
“You can come and put your plate in the dishwasher once you're done, and maybe apologize to someone…” Her eyebrow was raised.
The Arsenal prodigy chuckled, knowing exactly who Beth was referring to. “Yeah, I will.”
“She doesn't like when people are upset with her, especially you.” Beth admitted.
“I'm not upset with her. I just wasn't ready to be told that everything would be fine and that there would be more chances to go.”
Beth smiled at Y/N's words. “She cares about you a lot, you know? I understand it was a little too early- I'm also still upset. But she meant well, she hates it when you're sad. She wasn't trying to tell dismiss your feelings or anything, she just wants to be here for you.”
Y/N sighed, appreciating her perspective. “Yeah, I know. I'll talk to her later.”
“Good. Now, enjoy your meal, and take your time.” Beth said, leaving Y/N to her dinner and thoughts.
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“Does she like it?” Vivianne asked as soon as her girlfriend walked back into the dining room, eager to know the answer.
Beth nodded. “She's eating from it, and said she would thank you later.”
Her partner smiled, a mixture of relief and satisfaction crossing her features. “I'm glad. It's hard seeing her upset.”
“She's still young. You know how these young players get when they lose.” Beth noted.
“Yeah, but still. She also deserves a chance to go to the Olympics, I'm sad for her.” Vivianne knew how much the teenager worked each day, one and off the pitch.
“I know, but we knew from the start that it was only gonna be one team.”
Vivianne nodded. “I just hope she'll understand that it's not about her abilities or efforts. Sometimes, it's just the way things go in this sport.”
Beth squeezed her hand in reassurance. “She knows deep down.”
The couple started their own dinner, taking their minds off the last couple of days and just focus on one another.
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It was about two hours later that the Arsenal homegrown came out of her room to go put her plate in the dishwasher- most of that time was spend trying to find the right words to apologize to her Dutch housemate.
As she walked into the living room, she could see that the tv was running, but neither half of the pair was there. Y/N hesitated for a moment, debating whether to disappear into her room again. However, she resumed her walk to the kitchen, not wanting a dirty plate in her room.
In the kitchen, she was met with Vivianne, who had her back turned while being busy trying to make tea.
The teenager awkwardly moved to the dishwasher, and put her plate in, closing it afterwards. The noise startled her teammate.
Vivianne turned around to where Y/N was standing, her hand on her heart. ''Jezus, you scared me.'' She sighed, taking a deep breath to calm herself down.
''Sorry.'' Y/N nervously smiled.
The older woman simply shook her head. ''Don't worry, you just caught me off guard.'' She chuckled.
''Oh, okay.'' The youngster cringed internally at her tense answer. Vivianne offered a smile at the kid's obvious distress, but went back to focusing on her tea-making.
The kitchen atmosphere felt slightly awkward, although it might just have been all in the youngest's mind. Y/N cleared her throat, attempting to break the silence. “Uh, thanks for the food. It was really nice.”
Vivianne turned to face Y/N, her expression softening. “You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.”
''Uhm, Viv,'' she started fiddling with her hands, ''I'm sorry for earlier. I was upset about the outcome of the matches, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. You and your team really deserve to go to the Olympics. I'm really sorry.''
The Dutchwoman appreciated the apology, relieved Y/N recognized her behavior. ''Thank you for saying that. I understand it's a tough situation, and I would have had a hard time with it as well, so don't worry about it.'' She told her with a warm smile.
''Thanks, Viv.'' Y/N moved from where she was standing, approaching Vivianne and wrapping her arms around the striker's waist. ''And congratulations, by the way. I'm really happy for you. You worked really hard.''
Vivianne welcomed her hug, reciprocating with a gentle squeeze. ''Thank you, that means a lot to me.''
The tension from earlier had disappeared, and Y/N could feel all the anxiety from earlier, leaving her body.
''Oh, mijn meisjes!'' (''My girls!'') Beth broke the silence, running over and joining the embrace, relieved to see Y/N having followed up on her words. ''I'm so happy to see this. Only smiley faces!'' She exclaimed, her infectious enthusiasm spreading through the room.
''Beth, we were having a moment.'' Vivianne said in a monotone voice, but with a smile on her face.
The Brit jokingly rolled her eyes. ''I'm joining your moment.''
Y/N and Vivianne gave each other a glance before speaking. ''No!''
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ideas are always welcome for this series!
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
My love, is mine all mine - Max Verstappen x Norris! Reader x Charles Leclerc Part 6
Plot: Norris' Twin sister is also a driver in the 2021 line up and is in her rookie era. Not only do the commentators struggle to now talk about the pair in the race, but they also struggle to talk about talent. What happens when two drivers find her eye-catching.
A/N: I've brought Luisia into things because of the timeline and it being 2021. Don't hate on her, or the fact that i've brought her into my writing please!
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After the shit show of a party, you woke up earlier than everyone else and left the docked boat. You caught the earliest flight back to the UK. You were so pissed with your friends and brother that they’d just up and left you in the club.
The whole flight home, you pondered whether you just really needed to grow up about ever situation in your life.
Lando and the clubbing group leaving you? They were drunk and probably saw you with loads of other people and assumed you were safe and good.
Charles admitting his feelings for you? You arguably needed to focus more on your career that you’d worked so hard for, you didn’t have time for boys and if Charlie really did care for you like he said, he would understand.
Max sleeping or dating your best friend? Good for him, he should be happy.
You needed to not be bitter about all of these minor blips in your life and just get on with it.
Little did you know that this would create a version of you so far from her normal bubbly self that even people who hadn’t spoken to you in years would be able to tell something wasn’t right with you.
Max and Charles had both tried to contact you through texts and phone calls all which had been ignored, you knew it was for the best to just let it all go and leave it at a what could have been. You had responsibilities far greater that you needed to focus on.
When it came to after the summer having left your brother and gone travelling on your own, updating your Instagram and family group chat whenever you managed to get wifi, you were back and raring to go for your home race.
Lando had sent a text to the family group chat asking who would be coming. He wanted to invite Luisa and only had two passes to give out. So that would mean one for Luisa and one for his dad.
Lando - Can you give your paddock passes to mum and Flo, Cisca can’t make it because of Uni
Y/N - Kinda awkward i had someone in mind i wanted to bring :(
Lando - come on its mum and your little sister Y/N don’t be rude and give up your pass to some random dude you met in Bali …
You ignored it, before going to McLaren and begging Zac for a spare paddock pass. You gave your original 2 to your mum and Flo, but your next one went to Nathan Bishop, he was a goalkeeper for Manchester United and you’d met him on a trip you’d been doing in Bali and he immediately knew who you were and you guys got talking and one thing led to another and you were inviting each other to your sports.
In the time you’d travelled he’d became a really good friend and you didn’t feel as lonely as you had since starting in F1. It was really refreshing.
You met him before, driving him to the paddock in your McLaren and pulling up into the Silverstone car park together.
“Thanks for the pass, I’ve never been to a race before so this is actually really exciting for me” he smiles waiting as you grab your bag from the back seat.
“Always welcome!” You grinned back.
“Mmmm and I’m excited to see if you are really as good as you say you are!” He teases elbowing you as you swipe your pass through the paddock scanners.
“Hey! I am a good driver! I got you here safely didn’t I?” You smile and he just nods, you point out various bits of the paddock talking about all the hustle and bustle and all the different teams and the workers running around fitting last minute bits to the motorhomes.
“Oh come on! We need to get you some McLaren team merch!” You grin pulling him to the quiet fan zone thanks to the early time it was and going to the merch stool.
“Hiya! Oh Y/N! How are you?” The worker smiles noticing it’s you.
“Hey! I’m really good! How are you? It’s hot today, make sure you drink lots of water! Radio through and ask for top ups yeah? And don’t forget sun cream!” You chide knowing sometimes the workers forget that they are humans and will push themselves till breaking point!
“Thank you! Really and I’m all good” she says flashing you the large icy bottle of water she had behind the stand with her. “What can I get for you?”
“Any chance we can get the Y/N number hat?” You grin turning to look at Nathan who just rolls his eyes but can’t help the smile that comes into his face.
“Sure! We have lots on stock today, as you know it’s home race! Good luck by the way! I know you’ll do great!” She smiles and hands you the number 42 on the baseball cap. You place it on Nathan’s head who just laughs at your antics but keeps that hat on before paying the lady for it in cash.
“Hey! I was gonna pay for it! I’m the one that got you to buy merch!” You exclaim in horror.
“Mmmm but it’s my hat … so I should pay for it!” He explains with a cat like grin.
“Argh fine come on! I want to show you round the garage and do track walk with you!” You say gently taking his hand and pulling him through the growing numbers of people in the paddock.
You showed him all around the garage and even let him sit in your car which he was really impressed with how low to the ground it felt, and how much the halo restricted vision. After showing him the pit wall and all of the engineers working and running around before free practice you took him out onto the track to do a walk.
The sun wasn’t as harsh anymore and it had started to cloud over a little bit meaning that the track walk wasn’t as strenuous as you anticipated it would be.
You guys walked around talking about the season so far and how it felt being a rookie along with Yuki Tsunoda.
Afterwards it was time for you to have a team meeting and you didn’t want to leave Nathan on his own so you walked him to the hospitality suite to find your parents.
“Mum Dad! Hey this is Nathan! Can you just watch out for him while I’m in the car please!” You ask kindly showing Nathan to a seat with your family.
“Of course sweetheart! Hi Nathan, I’m Adam, this is my wife Cisca” he introduces standing up slightly and leaning forward to shake the younger gentleman’s hand.
“You gonna be okay?” You ask, unsure if you should just bring him to the garage and find him a seat and headphones and leave him there.
“Yeah - I’ll be” he starts only for commotion behind to stop his words.
“Sorry, I’m running late. Oh … whose this?” Lando asks looking over to Nathan, someone he didn’t think would be around his family.
“This is your sisters guest, hence the hat” your mum explained pointing to the hat still on Nathans head.
“Right … yeah I just came here to drop Luisa off. Please look after her and … you know don’t be weird” he begs as Luisa starts to talk to both Flo and Nathan.
“We’re never weird! Now you both have to go get ready!” your dad grins forcing you both away.
You start to walk together to the garage in an awkward silence until Lando breaks it.
“So you brought a boyfriend with you?” Lando scoffs looking towards you.
“And what if I did?” What’s it to you, you brought Luisa!” You say looking to him confused why it was such an issue you’d brought a guy (who wasn’t anything to do with you romantically).
“Because your playing with a lot of hearts here Y/N and it’s not exactly fair. First Charles, then Max, then Charles again and then Max and now this guy? Max and Charles are my friends Y/N and I can’t help but feel like your going to go one step too far and ruin all of this …” he complains and for a second your stunned into silence not knowing what to even say.
“How am I toying with Max and Charles when Max is off with my best friend and Charles … is so hot headed that I don’t know if I can take the heat of him yelling at me for an overtake every race weekend! So how am I the one playing with hearts when it’s feels like mines the only one being toyed with, even by my own fucking brother!” You cried out frustrated with him, but that was Lando. He always spoke before he thought about what he was saying. Both a blessing and a curse.
You started to hurry off no longer wanting to entertain this conversation.
“Y/N wait … I didn’t mean it like that” Lando admits speeding up after you and walking in step with you trying to slow you down.
“We have a meeting to get to. Let’s not waste anymore time” you say coldly, so coldly it actually caused Lando to shiver as he never had heard that tone of voice or anything remotely close come from you.
Briefing for what it was, was pretty boring only talking about the upgrades they’d brought to this weeks Grand Prix. Lando had the full package and you had half, the others to come next week in Hungary.
You were in the garage after changing into your fireproofs, your race suit hanging down off your hips talking to your engineer about strategy for Silverstone, but it was always changeable depending on the track temp and the weather.
FP1 clearly showed Landos new flashy upgrades and how much quicker it made the car placing him in P2 in between Max and Lewis, the two battling it out for the championship this year.
As for you down in 9th you’d just been testing the track and were on different tyres to the top few people, wanting to test out the hards.
As the weekend progressed and the less you concentrated on all of yours issues and just had fun while concentrating on the race weekend you got better. Ending up starting in a decent P6 for the race and getting points in the Sprint that was held earlier on in the day.
“Okay Y/N, it’s looking like Plan B. Reports of rain on the radar for the last half of the race” your engineer says as you pull up into your P6 stop, next to Lando both your Orange McLarens locking out your row.
“Okay, do we have a pit plan?” You ask knowing you were on mediums in hopes they’d last long enough to get you onto Intermediates or Wet if it’s due to rain that badly.
“We’re checking now, looking into stuff with Lando too and seeing what the other teams and looking at doing, but looking like Pit Plan E”
“Yep, copied” he grit out unhappy that they are already prioritising your brother.
“Well Y/N let’s get racing for you first F1 home race! Lecelrc and Bottas in front of you and Lando, Alonso and Vettel behind you and both. And then Max and Hamilton front row” he explains, you knew you had to get a good start to overtake your brother and possibly Charles if there was an opening so as you were driving round the formation lap, you cleared your mind of everything but racing.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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waywardangel-wilds · 2 months
Most unhinged HC about post-MJ everlark?
Hmmm I don’t know. I feel like my hcs are pretty tame. Let me write down my most silly ones:
No.1: they gossip together. They GAB. They love to talk shit at home.
No.2: Katniss has a jealous fit over something or someone and Peeta which Peeta reacts to with confusion and then laughs about it for years. “Hey Katniss, remember when—” “SHUT UP.”
No.3: Peeta’s on a mission to have sex everywhere he’s ever wanted to in his fantasies. All furniture. In the woods. In the bakery. They would do the school too but the chances of getting arrested and traumatizing someone are too high. Oh and in Peeta’s new-to-him truck too.
No. 4: Peeta cannot be normal about sports. As the volunteer coach he’s gotten complaints but no one is brave enough to tell him to stop being so annoying outright. Imagine Katniss watching in the background with sunglasses and a smirk during a sunny day.
No. 5: Peeta and Katniss enjoyed doing the whole “polishing my gun” routine (but without an actual gun lol) for their daughter’s first boyfriend.
No. 6: Katniss cannot be normal about Peeta on the days after they sleep together for the first time. She wants to do it all the time. When they go out in public it’s kind of obvious by her face alone what she’s thinking about. It makes construction crews laugh and elderly ladies raise their eyebrows. Haymitch laughed so hard he choked and slapped his knee. Called her a starving dog and Peeta the unfortunate piece of meat in her path. Peeta does not care, he’s getting lots of liquids in, he can do this.
No. 7: if Finnick had survived he’d be the most no-boundaries friend ever. He’d just show up unannounced all the time. Picture him in flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt ready to use Peeta and Katniss’s nonexistent grill. The friendship would be immaculate. He’d be the glue who’d form the victors friend group: Jo, Peeta, Katniss, Annie and Finnick. He’d force them all to get on his boat all the time. He’d introduce Peeta to rum just to watch his face get all pink. He’d see Katniss like this little-sister best friend type but he’d still make dirty jokes at her cause she’ll never be able to handle those. Him and Jo are the best duo. Bro should have lived.
No. 8: Katniss, at 38, can still miss the point when someone tells her a dirty joke which her friends LOVE. she’s frequently like “what are you talking about?” And everyone just laughs. Also, Katniss is so used to Peeta just getting her that when her friends complain about their husbands not listening, or not understanding her honest reaction is: “just break up???” And everyone is like “girl, it’s not that serious. You just have the perfect husband.”
No. 9: Katniss cried one time when her daughter said she didn’t want to play with her anymore because who wants to play with their mom when they could just go outside and play with their friends. Peeta found her sobbing over a tray of cookies and tried not to laugh because it really isn’t that serious. It’s totally okay for ten year olds to want to be outside, but Katniss was still like “she doesn’t like me 😭”
No. 10: Where Peeta was a hopeless romantic who only ever wanted to be with one girl Peeta’s son goes through girls like water. It’s what Peeta yells about in the car when it’s just him and the boy. “Why?! Be respectful! I didn’t raise you like this!” I’m a believer in that the toastbabies are nothing like their parents. They’re their own unique ppl with the ability of driving both their parents up the wall. I looove thinking about them being teenagers and rebelling. Their kids grew up in a mansion, they’re gonna have a fun rebellion haha.
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brooke-likesmusic · 27 days
My outsiders head cannons because idk im bored (warning I’ll prolly misspell things!)
1: When he was younger he used to play in the mud with Pony and soda and they would go back into the house and their mom would kick them out and would have to spray them down with a hose
2: (after the book) Darry and pony had gotten into a argument like brothers do and Darry Couldng handle it anymore and broke down in tears in front of both his brothers.
3: he has nightmares sometimes and they cause him to wake up in a panic and he would always have to check up on pony and soda to make sure they were okay
4: idk why some people like make him seem like a Facebook mom who likes minion memes and dad jokes. HES BARELY 20 YEARS OLD. He would probably say the most unfiltered ass shit in a group chat 😭
5: he gets those random urges to like kick or playfully hit pony or soda (I do that 😣)
6: ate rotten food once and work and got sick and his boss had to drive the boy home since he was so sick
7: will probably work himself till he makes himself sick like he Wont stop himself till someone stops him
8: hates seeming like a parent more then a older brother sometimes when the boys need reminders that Darry is still their brother Darry will start a game of tag and all the brothers will run around the house. (When they did that when their parents were alive they knocked down a special vase and they all got whooped)
9 : likes cats. He has a stray cat at work that he shares his lunch with he named it “kitty cat” sooooo creative righttt
10: doesn’t like ham (idk that just randomly appeared in my mind)
Extra: used to bite as a child and gags when those chunks of food in the sink hits his hands
1: stinks like car oil and pony will not allow him to get into the bed till he showers
2: likes grilled cheeses (me too bro)
3: he once caught Darry having a panic attack and didn’t really know what to do since he’s never really saw his brother like Cry like that so he was awkwardly comforting him😭
4: makes Radom sounds like with his mouth and it’s makes the others tweak
5: gets dates mixed up really easily
6: after Darry slapped pony, soda in a fit of like idk rage punched Darry square in the face.
7: WILL forget to clean under his fingernails.
8: Darry ate his food once and soda ignored him for the rest of the night. Anytime Darry Tried to talk to him soda would give him a snooty face and would cross his arms and say “mhmp”
9: cries when he watches dog movies (like all dogs go to heaven or a dogs purpose or a dogs way home)
10: has the most NASTIEST converse and refuses to clean them
1: can only cook eggs he cannot cook anything else 😭
2: loves chocolate milk (I think that’s in the book)
3: tried Darry’s coffee once and almost threw up since it was so bitter
4: likes to race Darry since they were both in sports that involved a lot of running
5: stole one of Darry’s old sweatshirts and REFUSES to give it back. He loves that sweatshirt it’s like 2 sizes to big for him
6: (after the book) had a huge growth spurt after the book like it wasn’t even funny😭
7: since Darry and soda are such deep sleepers pony once drew like a “rocketship” and all those other things teenage boys draw he drew it on his brothers faces😣
8: chews his nails
9: has/had a crush on a soc girl and got teased by the gang relentlessly
10: (if it was like modern day idk) he would love headphones/airpods
1: got chased by a dog and is forever traumatized from
2: would prolly stink like beer and sweat
3: bro can sleep through a tornado
4: bro prolly has the most greasiest hair
5: bro has a laugh that makes everyone else laugh
6: (before the Curtis parents died) dally finally made Darry sneak out with him and they ended up getting pulled up on by Mr Curtis and they both ended up getting in so much trouble 😭
7: made a your mom joke to the Curtis brothers and ended up getting jumped 😣
8: like those bland ass Cheerios
9: favorite fruit is cherries
10: bro will flip his underwear inside out and backwards since his nasty ass don’t wanna waste the time to wash the clothes
1: gets mad and when Darry doesn’t make chocolate cake 😣
2: bro will make himself at home at the Curtis house that couch practically as a ass imprint from him
3: likes strawberry shortcake (that’s his favorite dessert)
4: has so much beef with ponyboy they diss eachother anytime they get to
5: bro will HOG the bed if you share it with him
(Sorry his is kinda short 😣)
1: lost his Mickey Mouse shirt in the washer and thought he lost it forever
2: has a younger sister (protective brother)
3: knows how to braid hair
4: tried to recreate Darry’s infamous chocolate cake and he failed miserably 😭
5: he was really mad at Darry when pony ran away. When he found out he said straight in Darry’s face “good brother my ass.”
6: favorite Disney princess is belle (idk why I thought of that)
7: when he’s actually like serious the gang like tenses up a bit
8: knows all the drama from his younger sister he had beef with little kids he’s never even met
His lil sister: “yeah and Shelly and David are dating when she knew David was my crush and I told her too”
Two-bit: “I don’t like Shelly or David 🙄”
1: (when the Curtis parents were alive) he once ran to the Curtis house after his father hit him super hard and Mrs Curtis took him in for the night giving him a hot meal and a warm shower and some clean clothes.
2: whenever he needs to crash somewhere he has a designated pallet that he sleeps on in the Curtis house
3: likes m&m popcorn
4: chews the side of his nails
5: can go days without eating
6: bro needs to wash that Jean jacket
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
I really liked Orion and was wondering if you could write about him kidnapping reader.
(Sfw please)
I've been wanting to do something soft 🥹
Orc (Orion) x fem reader
Word Count: 3k
W: kidnapping, some creepy behavior, light violence, and some kissing, sfw fluff
Find the previous part here
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You stretched your shoulders as you glanced at the clock on the wall. It was finally 6 and time to head home from your job as a dental assistant. It had been a long day of coaxing little kids to open their mouths for X-rays and calming the poor children that hated the dentist, but you had some leftover Chinese food in the fridge that you were in a hurry to get home and devour. Unless, of course, you got your usual visitor. 
“Hey, (Y/N), I saw you walking home from work the other day,” your boss and one of the pediatric dentists, Aaron, mentioned as the two of you collected your things. “I can give you a ride home if you want.” 
Aaron seemed like a nice guy, but you didn’t want to take advantage of his kindness. 
“I’m okay,” you said. “I walk home everyday. It’s good for my health.” 
He frowned, seeming put out at your refusal. 
“Come on, let me drive you,” he pushed. “It’s dangerous for you to walk alone in the evening. I’d feel terrible if something happened to you.” 
You gave him a smile and waved away his concerns. 
“Really, I’m fine,” you said, but Aaron wasn’t happy with that answer. 
“There have been a string of muggings on your street,” he insisted. “Come on, let me give you a ride. I’m just concerned about your safety.” 
You were sure you didn’t need a ride, but Aaron seemed insistent and you didn’t want to sour your work relationship by appearing ungrateful for his friendly concern. 
“Okay,” you finally agreed, exhausted from a long day and not feeling like fighting with him. 
He brightened up at that and seemed giddy to lead you to his car. 
Aaron drove an expensive sports car, which he was eager to show off. 
“What do you think?” he asked you, demonstrating the heated seats and dynamic driving features. 
You had absolutely no interest in cars, so you just nodded politely until he was done and pulled out of the parking lot. He put on some music and you leaned back into the comfortable seat, trying to enjoy the ride. It was nice to be off of your feet after a long day’s work, even though you felt uneasy sitting next to Aaron. You rested your eyes for just a moment but when you opened them, it seemed like Aaron wasn’t going in the direction of your house. 
“I think you’re going the wrong way,” you informed him and he gave you an easy smile. 
“I know,” he said. “I figured you’d be hungry so I’m taking us to one of my favorite spots.” 
You frowned, not sure what to say. 
“I really can’t afford to eat out, Aaron,” you said, trying to figure out how to politely turn him down. “I have some leftovers at home…” 
He shook your concerns away. 
“Don’t worry about it. Dinner’s on me,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to have some time alone with you so we can really talk. We work together, but I feel like I hardly know you.” 
His words made your stomach twist. He wanted to have time alone with you? Aaron was good-looking enough, he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was quite tall, but you weren’t interested in getting to know him beyond casual chatter around the office. 
“You really don’t have to do this,” you tried to argue, but he wasn’t listening, instead tapping the steering wheel with his fingers and humming along to the song on the radio. 
While your thoughts churned over how to get him to take you home, your phone buzzed. 
Where are you? 
It was your friend Orion. Since you’d met him out with your friends one night, he’d been coming by a lot. Instead of going out on another tour with the mercenary group he had worked for, he took a private security job in the city and often stopped by your house for coffee or meals. 
You had a huge crush on him. Who wouldn’t? He was enormous, with verdant skin and an arm full of sexy tattoos. His face was the picture of rugged masculinity. His jaw had sharp planes and his tusks were white and shiny.  Since he wasn’t with the merc group anymore, he’d let his hair grow out a little longer and it was always messy in a way that gave you post-sex hair vibes. You weren’t a particularly good flirt, but you tried your best to show him you were interested with little touches here and there. 
It was hard to tell how he felt about you. He was very protective, but he wasn’t pushy like other guys you’d been with. Every time he came over he was incredibly polite. You’d watch movies together or make him dinner, but he never tried to kiss you or touch you more than casually. You were desperate for his kiss, but too shy to make a move. What if he just wanted to be friends? It would be humiliating. Plus he wouldn’t come over anymore if you made things weird and you didn’t want that. You’d gotten used to having dinner with him at least three times a week if he wasn’t working. You’d even started stocking extra food because he ate a lot. 
My boss is taking me to dinner. 
He didn’t answer right away, instead, you watched the dots showing he was typing flash for a few moments before he finally responded.
You glanced up at Aaron to find him looking at you. 
“Who’s that?” he asked, his thin lips curving into a frown. 
“Oh, just a friend,” you replied. “So where are you taking me? I’m starving.” 
He seemed pleased you were interested in where you were going and brightened up. 
“The Whisk and Ladle,” he said. “It’s a great place. You’ll love it.” 
You balked when he said the name. 
“Aaron, that’s expensive!” you gasped. “I’m not really dressed for-” 
You were still wearing the scrubs you wore to work, printed with little mice wearing sunglasses. You were dressed to work with children, not go to a five-star restaurant. Again, he waved your concerns away. 
“Nonsense,” he said. “You always look beautiful. Let me treat you.” 
You nodded, quietly, feeling more and more uncomfortable the closer you got to the restaurant. If you’d have been a tougher woman, you’d have made a fuss, demanded he take you home or jump out of the car, but you were worried about losing your job. Money was tight and you didn’t have any savings to float you until you found something else. You needed to make Aaron happy so he wouldn’t find some excuse to get rid of you. 
After a few minutes, you texted Orion the name. Some little part of you wished he would come to save you from what was about to be an extremely awkward dinner, but you were sure he’d never do that. From what you knew of him, he was strong but an extremely measured orc. You never saw him upset or out of control. 
When you arrived, Aaron was sure to help you out of the car, and as you walked inside he had his hand on your lower back until it slipped down to cup your bottom. Instinctively you took a step away, but he didn’t seem to notice as he spoke with the hostess. Weirdly, he had a reservation, as if he’d planned this date long before he offered to give you a ride home. 
You were seated at a pretty table with a white tablecloth and a small centerpiece of roses, which was very pretty but entirely too formal for your liking. Looking over the menu, your mouth fell open at the prices. A Cobb salad was $30! 
“Get whatever you like,” Aaron said, smiling at you from across the table, “it’s on me.” 
You gave him a tight nod, trying to force a polite smile on your face, but the idea of him spending this much money on you made you uncomfortable. When the waiter arrived, you ordered the cheapest thing available and water. He took your menus, and Aaron turned his attention to you. 
“I’m thrilled you decided to join me, (Y/N),” he said as if he hadn’t set all of this up without your knowledge beforehand. “I’ve always admired you. You’re incredibly beautiful.” 
“Uh…thanks, I guess,” you murmured, wishing you were anywhere but there. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked, leaning in to get closer to you. 
“Sure,” you said. 
He gave you a conspiratorial smile. 
“I always intended on asking you out. That’s why I hired you,” he explained. “I love coming to work every day and seeing you.” 
You immediately frowned. While you were sure he intended that to be flattering, it was incredibly creepy. He hadn’t hired you for your experience? He just wanted to date you? 
You were thinking of something to say when there was a commotion at the front of the restaurant. 
“Sir! You can’t come in without a reservation!” the hostess was yelling and to your surprise, Orion was marching across the dining room looking pissed off. His dark eyes immediately found yours, and you hoped he read the relief in them. 
“Orion!” you gasped, looking up at him. 
He glanced away, glaring at Aaron. 
“Excuse me,” Aaron said, indignant. “You’re interrupting our dinner.” 
Orion ignored Aaron and turned his intense gaze back to you. Your heart skipped in your chest, and your cheeks burned. The look in his eyes was a mixture of ravenous hunger and complete outrage. 
“Did you agree to this dinner?” he snapped, and your mouth went dry. 
Unable to form words, you quickly shook your head with a tight jerk. 
“He just brought me here,” you finally managed to squeak out. “I-I wasn’t planning on-”
He cut you off raising a large hand, looking back at Aaron. 
“You kidnapped my woman,” he snarled. 
Your eyes popped at the words “my woman.” Did Orion consider you his? 
Aaron shrank under Orion’s gaze. 
“I-I would hardly say kidnapped…” he stammered. 
Orion growled. 
“Did he touch you?” he asked. 
You tried to lie and say he hadn’t, but your face told him something different. 
“It was just a little touch,” you peeped when it was obvious he could tell the little shake of your head that you gave him was an untruth. 
Before you could finish the last word, Orion clocked Aaron in the jaw with his meaty fist. His chair toppled over and he lay sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. 
“Orion!” you squealed again, but he wasn’t listening. 
He scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, marching back out of the restaurant while all the guests watched in shock. The waiters and the hostess jumped out of his way as he passed. 
“Orion! What are you doing?” you asked as you bounced on his shoulder. 
Instead of answering, his chest rumbled with a deep noise that released butterflies in your stomach. 
He opened the passenger door to his truck and carefully set you inside, buckling the seatbelt over your chest before he shut the door. Then he hopped in the driver’s side and peeled out of the parking lot. 
You stared at your friend, eyes as big as saucers as he drove through the darkening city. 
“Why did you do that?” you questioned. “You could get in big trouble! He might get you arrested!” 
He snorted. 
“For protecting my mate from her sexually harassing boss? Doubt it.”
You blinked at him. Mate?
There were different rules for the Fairyfolk when it came to mates. They defended them so fiercely a new set of laws had to be drawn up to protect this “cultural difference.” Every human knew not to touch a Fairyfolk’s mate. You shook your head, trying to sort through what was happening. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, as he was not going in the direction of your house. 
“Home,” he said. 
You blinked at him. 
“My apartment is the opposite way,” you argued, but he just pinned you with a look. 
You drew your brow and crossed your arms, pouting. 
“Orion! Why aren’t you talking to me?” you asked. 
His face softened, and he twisted his hands on the steering wheel, taking a big breath before he answered you. 
“I don’t like that he touched you,” he said. “No one touches you but me. You’re mine.” 
Your mouth fell open just a bit before you forced it closed, swallowing a lump in your throat. 
“Yours?” you asked and he nodded curtly.   
“B-but…you never said…” you stammered. 
“Not good with words,” he grunted. 
“Oh,” you said, your mouth forming a surprised O shape. 
You turned away from him, looking out the front windshield at the darkening city slipping by. 
“Where is home?” you asked. 
“You’ll see,” was all he would say. 
You folded your legs under your body and leaned your head against the window, tired. Your heart was pounding and a slight tremor left you vibrating against the seat. Where could Orion be taking you?
At some point you must have dozed off because when you woke the truck had come to a stop and Orion was opening your door. 
“Where are we?” you murmured, your words a bit slurred from sleep. 
He unbuckled your seatbelt and took you in his arms. 
“Home,” he said. 
You peered through the darkness to find you were no longer in the city, but on one of the mountains that surrounded it. Over your shoulder you could see the city lights twinkling in the valley like stars. In front of you there was a beautiful cabin home. It was two stories with full pane glass windows and a wrap-around porch. 
“This is where you live?” you gasped. 
You’d always assumed Orion had some flat in the city just like yours. 
“It is where you live, too,” he corrected. 
Your eyes widened on him as he took you up the front steps and unlocked the door. 
“I can’t live here!” you argued. “I’m too far away from work!” 
He chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. 
“You will not go back to work,” he told you, setting you on the couch and turning his back to you so he could put fuel in the woodstove. 
“But…how will I make money?” you asked. 
“You don’t need money,” he said. “I have plenty of it.” 
“But…but…” you stammered, trying to wrap your head around the situation. 
Was Orion claiming you? Did you want to be claimed? 
The door of the woodstove clanged shut and he spun around, his smokey eyes on you. He lowered himself to his knees in front of you so you were eye to eye. 
“I’m not sure I understand-” you started to say, but were silenced with his lips slanting over yours. 
Your whole world swung upside down as he kissed you. Electricity shot down your spine, energy sparkling at the apex of your thighs. You breathed a wispy sigh into his mouth and the large fingers of one hand clutched the nape of your neck, holding you to him. This was the kiss you’d been desperately pining for and it was more than you could have ever imagined. 
When he pulled away, he pinned you with his inky gaze. 
“You’re mine, got it?” he rumbled. 
You whimpered and nodded, your thoughts muddled and his rich, spicy scent filling your lungs. He pulled you to him again, this time his kiss was more hungry and needy. You felt his smooth tusks against your cheek and his stiff tongue licking your bottom lip, wanting entrance. You parted your lips for him, letting him explore. He licked and tasted you while your fingers dared to creep up his chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle underneath his shirt. At your touch, he let out a deep rolling sound. 
Though Orion was eager to get your clothes off of you, he knew you were delicate, both inside and out. He adored your soft spirit and vowed never to crush it, so instead of taking you to bed and ravishing you, he rose to get comfortable on the big couch, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your warm body. He smoothed his large hand over your hair, tucking your head under his chin. 
He lamented waiting far too long to claim you, not wanting to frighten you and scare you away, but he couldn’t tolerate some other male hovering around. You belonged to him whether you knew it or not and it was well past time to claim you for his own. 
Completely oblivious to these thoughts, you sighed into his chest, listening to the gentle boom of his heartbeat, and feeling like you’d come home. 
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1969 Shelby Mustang GT500 Fastback
1969 was, effectively, the final year for the Shelby Mustang. By now assembly had shifted in Michigan from California where it was contracted out to A.O. Smith Corporation. Smith, an established Motor City contractor, had brought a level of serious manufacturing skill, supplier management, procedure and standards never seen at Shelby’s facility where LAX met the vibrant (and sometimes extreme) subculture of Venice, California.
Now largely designed and specified by Ford staffers, the 1969 Shelby Mustang was drastically different visually from the standard Mustangs, with a completely different nose and grille, a wide rectangular opening with blacked out grille flanked by 7” headlights and with Shelby’s characteristic driving lights now smaller rectangular pieces below the attractive, but largely ineffective, bumper. The special Shelby hood had five ducts, three NACA-style surface ducts replaced the complicated but entertaining shaker hoods of years gone by to supply cold air directly to the engine air intake and two extractors at the back of the hood relieving underhood pressure and exhausting heated air in front of the windshield.
A surface duct behind the headlights and a scoop behind the door and in front of the rear wheel arch that was ducted to the rear brakes continued the performance theme. The rear panel was completely different from the Mustang, housing a set of 1965 Thunderbird sequential taillights with the rear license plate placed between them and including a small ducktail spoiler. The area under the bumper where standard Mustangs carried their license plate contained two rectangular outlets for the Shelby’s dual exhaust system. Standard wheels were unique 5-spoke Mag Stars with alloy centers and chrome steel rims.
Under the hood lay the 428 Cobra Jet which had powered the ’68 Shelby GT500KR. Both Ford and Shelby recognized the superiority of the high performance CJ and made it the standard engine for 1969’s Shelby Mustangs. 
At the end of the 1969 model year 789 Shelby Mustangs were in-process at A.O. Smith. They were visually updated with black hood stripes and a chin spoiler and given new VINs. Otherwise the 1970s were exactly the same as the ‘69s making these two years essentially identical examples of the end of the Shelby Mustang series which had begun only a scant six years before.
Avidly sought by collectors and obsessively documented by the Shelby American Automobile Club, most Shelby Mustangs are well known and have well known histories. Occasionally, however, a example appears which has been out of sight for years. Even more rarely it turns out to have been little used and continuously maintained by a thoughtful and caring single owner for nearly forty years.
The Black Jade 1969 Shelby Mustang GT500 Sportsroof fastback offered here is one of those rare and highly desirable cars. It was delivered new to Ford’s dealer in Yokohama, Japan, Marubeni Motors K.K., and was sold thereafter to its first, and only, owner in Japan. It has been repainted in the original color once but is otherwise completely original, as delivered and has only 84,941km on its metric-calibrated export speedometer (52,779 miles.) Its sympathetic maintenance and care shows throughout in its clean, straight, rust-free condition.
Power of course comes from the 428 cubic inch Cobra Jet Ram Air V-8 engine which Ford and Shelby conservatively rated at 335 horsepower at 5,200rpm and a gut-wrenching 440 lb-ft torque at 3,400rpm. It puts the power through Ford’s highly regarded C-6 automatic transmission and Traction-Lok differential with high speed 3.00:1 gearing that takes full advantage of the CJ engine’s torque. In addition to the highly desirable drivetrain specification it is loaded with options including the Visibility Group, Goodyear white letter tires, Sport Deck folding rear seat, power front disc brakes, power steering, tilt steering column, Selectaire air conditioning, AM/8-track stereo radio, tinted glass, deluxe belts, tachometer and trip odometer.
It is finished in one of the Shelby Mustang’s most attractive colors, Black Jade. The interior and high back buckets seats are upholstered in black Clarion Knit/Corinthian vinyl that complements with Black Jade exterior.
It returned to the U.S. in 2006 but has never been titled by its current owner so it remains a one-owner car. Its absolutely clear history, one-owner provenance, highly original condition with known mileage and extensive options list are attributes shared by few Shelby Mustangs of this age. This is a rare opportunity for an astute collector to acquire a particularly significant, unmolested Shelby Mustang from the last, and most highly developed, series.
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1969 Shelby Mustang GT500 Fastback
Powered by a 428ci V8 engine mated to a C6 automatic transmission, this beauty includes the original #Shelby owner card, a copy of the Shelby work order and Window Sticker.
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1969 Shelby Mustang GT500 Fastback
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1969 Shelby Mustang GT500 Fastback
124 notes · View notes
Tears In His Ferrari - 10
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes, used to a life of luxury, takes on farm challenges in a bet with his father. Mud-stained Ferraris and a rustic farmhouse lead to unexpected personal growth, guided by the stern mentorship of Y/N, a farmer making his city-boy life difficult.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on: Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2,Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 , Chp 8 , Chp 9 , Chp 10 , Chp 11 , Chp 12.
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Bucky's heroic story of helping Toby's grandmother and bringing her to the hospital with his red Ferrari became the talk of the town.
The next day, he went to the fresh market with Y/N's parents to buy fruits and flowers.
He was planning to revisit Toby’s grandmother. He didn’t know why, but he felt a sense of melancholy toward elders, especially since his own grandparents had passed away before he was born.
As Bucky looked at the oranges, the locals greeted him warmly, especially the elders.
One grandfather said, “Thank you for helping Toby's grandma, young man. Here's some fresh corn and potatoes for you.”
Bucky smiled warmly and replied, “Oh, yes, we should help each other.”
Another grandmother approached him and said, “Are you the Barnes kid who helped my friend? Here's an orange for you.”
The kind old lady handed him baskets of oranges, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.
Then he felt someone tap his shoulder. He felt like a big shadow towering over him. It was Thor.
Thor exclaimed, "Buddy, you were a great help yesterday. Here, I'll give you my biggest catch today."
Bucky widened his eyes in surprise. "Oh no, it's alright. Urghh."
This was the first time in Bucky's life that he carried a heavy fish.
With each step he took, someone would greet him and give him something. He had never experienced this sense of community back in the city, and he appreciated how supportive the locals were of each other.
Samanta chuckled upon seeing Bucky looking clueless. “You've become the local celebrity.”
Bucky blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“Yup. Oh, my daughter just called. Some people are at your farm.”
“That's right. I have to go back.” Bucky clapped his hands excitedly. He suspected that what he requested from his dad had arrived.
He stepped on the gas and drove fast to his place. When he arrived, he saw a few teenagers and kids standing near his house.
Y/N was also there, looking a bit overwhelmed as she guarded the youngsters from entering the house.
The truck stopped, and Bucky got out of the car.
He greeted Y/N with a smile. "What's up?"
Y/N sighed in relief. "They want to see your car, but I thought they needed your permission first."
The group of youngsters looked at Bucky with puppy eyes. In a second, he remembered being a young kid, also interested in sports cars when his dad brought him to the F1 race car. The experience was amazing, and it made him fall in love with fast cars.
As a fellow car lover, Bucky welcomed them. "It's alright. Do you want to see what it looks like inside?"
"Yeah!!" The youngsters cheered in excitement.
Bucky showed them his Ferrari car and enthusiastically explained the engine and the machinery.
Y/N observed Bucky, who looked genuinely excited. She remarked, “You've become the celebrity.”
Bucky chuckled, unable to contain his enthusiasm. “I can't help it.”
“By the way,” Y/N continued, “your father sent a pick-up truck. I didn't know you needed another one.”
Bucky's eyes lit up. “It's here? Yes! And it's not for me.”
“Then for who?” Y/N inquired, curiosity piqued.
At the hospital, Toby was speechless when he saw the pick-up truck. It looked brand new and far superior to the old truck they had to sell to pay his father's debt.
He walked around the truck, inspecting it from front to back, then turned to Bucky and enveloped him in a grateful hug. “Thank you, bro,” he said earnestly.
Bucky returned the hug with a smile. “You're welcome, buddy.”
After Toby rushed back to the hospital to share the news with his grandfather, Y/N approached Bucky. “That was really nice of you,” she remarked.
Bucky nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. “I realized how important a car is for Toby. He needs it to drive his grandma and carry boxes of honey.”
With the means to help, Bucky felt compelled to use it.
Y/N smiled warmly. Witnessing Bucky's generosity and compassion, she couldn't help but admire him even more.
Bucky's generous gift quickly spread throughout the town, making him the hottest topic of discussion. Suddenly, he found himself at the center of attention, not for his wealth or status, but for his kindness and willingness to help others.
The children in the town looked up to him as a cool role model, inspired by his actions to make a positive difference in the community.
With Toby's grandmother gradually improving, and Toby himself working diligently to sell honey at markets and to local households, the spirit of gratitude and determination seemed to infuse the air.
Despite initially finding farming challenging, Bucky began feeling accepted and belonging in his new life.
Though he still encountered difficulties, he realized that the rewards of helping others and being part of a close-knit community far outweighed any hardships he faced.
Bucky hadn't opened his social media for a while since he was already busy with farming.
His story has also spread widely on social media. However, it wasn't Bucky who initiated it.
But who did? Of course, it was Kate. She inserted herself into Bucky's story as if she were a part of the effort to help him.
During her live session, she recounted the events with a touch of theatricality, emphasizing her own role in the act of kindness.
"And that's when Bucky and I sprang into action," she exclaimed dramatically, her eyes sparkling with manufactured emotion. "Together, we rushed Toby's grandmother to the hospital, our hearts filled with determination to make a difference!"
Her viewers were quick to shower her with praise, captivated by her portrayal of a compassionate and selfless individual.
"You're such an inspiration, Kate!"
"Wow, I had no idea you were so involved in charity work. You're amazing!"
"Thank you for using your platform to spread awareness and help those in need. You're truly making a difference!"
With each compliment, Kate's smile widened, basking in her audience's admiration as she skillfully crafted her image as a philanthropic icon.
She kept smiling as she scrolled through the comments until she noticed someone mentioning "What about Y/N?"
Kate's smile faltered, and she let out a sigh.
"What's wrong?" inquired one of her viewers.
Kate sighed again. "Well, we only know what people choose to show us on the outside, not what's really going on behind the scenes."
The viewers were intrigued. "Is this about Y/N?"
Kate hesitated, then replied cryptically, "I don't want to name names, but let's just say there's someone who's been quite influential in Bucky's life, and it's had some unfortunate consequences for my brother."
"Your brother, the celebrity chef Paul?" another viewer asked.
"He can't cook anymore because of a car accident, right?"
The comments continued to pour in, each one adding to the speculation. It was precisely what Kate wanted. She leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she watched her fans dissect the situation for her.
Glancing down at her ruined shoes, a reminder of her unexpected encounter with the mud earlier, Kate clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Never underestimate me," she murmured to herself, a hint of determination in her voice.
Bucky, who had been feeling clueless, had just finished cleaning up the sheep's stable. He made his way back to his house to freshen up.
Archie, the puppy, had eagerly awaited his return, wagging his tail excitedly. "Woof."
"Hey, buddy, I missed you too," Bucky greeted, bending down to pet the eager pup.
Once inside, Bucky headed straight to the sink to wash his hands, feeling the grime of farm work clinging to his skin. As he scrubbed, he couldn't help but notice his phone incessantly buzzing with notifications.
"What's going on?" Bucky wondered aloud, setting down the soap to check his phone. He was met with a flood of messages and tags from various people. Among them was a tag that caught his attention: #Y/N and Paul.
Curious, he clicked on it, and his screen filled with photos of Y/N dressed in a chef's outfit, standing beside none other than Paul, the celebrity chef who also happened to be Kate's brother.
Bucky's heart sank as he read the accompanying captions and watched a reel detailing Paul's accident, along with rumors suggesting that it wasn't him driving the sports car, but rather a woman whose name was still unknown.
His thoughts racing, Bucky was startled when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Here's the dinner."
He nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to find Y/N standing there, a concerned expression on her face as she looked at him. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his troubled demeanor.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
Timeless - Bob Floyd x Reader
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A/N: Literally my first attempt at a fic in forever so bare with me, but I had this idea and I couldn't not do it. Also definitely inspired by Timeless by Taylor Swift in a way so don't mind me.
pairing: Lt. Robert Floyd x reader
warnings/content: no warnings, extra cute Bob. mutual pining. lots of fluff. mild angst if you squint.
word count: 2.6k
The cool, crisp November air tickled the back of your neck as you walked down the street, orange, red and yellow leaves peppering the sidewalks, the smells of autumn air filling your nose. You frowned as you zipped your jacket up further to cover you better, the breeze sending a shiver down you. The streets were buzzing with people out and about to finish their preparations for Thanksgiving. It was still a week or so away, but, no one leaves anything to the last minute around here, especially not when it comes to homemade pies and cornbread dressing. The smell of fresh brewing coffee swirled around you as you made your way closer to your favourite local bake shop, enveloping your senses as you walked. You stopped as something - someone caught your eye. You froze in your steps as you peered in the window of the bakery, and you almost gasped in surprise at who you saw standing in line to order. A tall man, with neatly styled dark blonde hair, wire framed glasses, and the most stunning blue eyes you’d ever seen - it had to be him.
Suddenly, he turned and saw you, a large smile on his face as he waved, as if he’d just seen his long lost best friend. In a way, he had. 
Robert Floyd had been your neighbour growing up, his house was two doors down from your parents - a pretty Victorian-Queen Anne style home that sat on the corner of the street. His mother had always kept her garden looking immaculate, like something out of a home and garden magazine. He was the youngest of three kids, with an older brother and older sister who were both outgoing and popular in school - Robert had always been shy and more reserved than his siblings. 
You moved in when you were 6, just getting ready to start the school year in a new town, terrified of your own shadow. The first thing you noticed when you’d moved in, was the Floyd house and its picturesque landscape. That, and the adorable boy around your own age who’d been playing out front, and waved shyly when he saw you through the back window of your parents’ car as you drove past. For the next 12 years, you and Robert Floyd, or Bobby as you’d always called him, had been best friends - practically inseparable friends, in fact. You did everything together possible. From bike rides to church on Sundays to trick-or-treating to sports teams, everything you could do together, you did. It was as though you couldn’t function as a child without Bobby by your side, and vice versa. 
That all changed when Bobby decided to enter the Navy when he turned 18. It was the first time you wouldn’t be going to school together, and the first time since you’d met that he couldn’t be by your side if you needed him. He was leaving you, and you couldn’t help but feel some resentment towards him for it. You’d wanted to tell him the day you graduated high school that you loved him, you’d wanted to beg him to stay or take you with him wherever he was heading, but for whatever reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Something inside you had told you that it was futile - he’d always wanted to join the military, since the day you met him, and when you were 10 and he’d joined a Navy League Cadet Corps group, it was like fate had decided what he was going to do in life right then and there. You knew that no amount of love in the world shared between you two would have stopped him, and you also knew that he’d never let you give up on your own aspirations to follow him wherever he went. 
As you walked into the coffee shop, you were captivated by the smell of freshly baked pastries and roasted coffee beans, but everything around you seemed to freeze when you saw him in person - as if the whole world came to a complete standstill at that moment. God, you missed him. You didn’t even realize just how much you’d missed him over the last decade or so it’d been since you’d graduated. He rarely came back to South Carolina for visits, and you hadn’t exactly spent a ton of time in your hometown since college either, but in this moment, it was as if fate had decided again - you needed one another. 
“Kristen? Kristen Taylor, is that you?” His voice sounded the exact same, as if nothing had changed about him in the last 10 or so years. In fact, he even looked the same as he had when you’d graduated high school, even the frames of his glasses had remained the same. 
“Bobby? Wow, it’s been years! It’s so nice to see you,” You smiled fondly as he gently placed one of his large, firm hands on your arm, as if he wasn’t sure a hug was appropriate after so long.
“It’s been too long. Do you have a moment? We could sit and catch up for a few minutes, if you want to? I feel like we lost touch for some reason when I shipped out to training, and I feel like I missed a lot.” He nods sheepishly, almost as if he’s making an admission of guilt. 
“I think I can spare a few minutes,” You nod slowly, smiling as you met his deep blue eyes, “I’m home visiting from New York and just wanted to take it all in, you know? I don’t really have an agenda for today.”
“Perfect,” Robert nods his head as he points to an empty booth by the window, “I’ll wait here for you while you order.”
A few moments later, coffee in hand, you’re sitting opposite him just like you’d done so many times in this very coffee shop when you were teenagers, sipping sweet teas together while sharing a freshly baked cookie or two. He smiled as he set his coffee down and laughed softly, shaking his head as he spoke.
“What have you been up to? You said you’ve been in New York? Like the city? That’s awesome,” He appears completely invested in hearing everything you’ve been up to since he last saw you. 
“Well,” you began to unravel your recent past to him, or as much as you felt comfortable disclosing. You weren’t quite ready to share how you’d had failed relationship after failed relationship since you turned 18, unable to find any man who could compare to him or his sweet demeanor. You didn’t want to tell him that your last relationship ended mercifully as you prepared to walk down the aisle with your ex, and how you got cold feet a few months before the plans were finalized, but didn’t know why that was until today. You had told your ex you just weren’t ready - which wasn’t entirely untrue, but until Bob reentered your life a few minutes ago, it hadn’t dawned on you why you weren’t ready. In reality, it was because no one could ever be Bob. No one could ever give you butterflies like he had, or make you blush when he kissed you on the cheek after asking you to dance at homecoming when you were 15, or hold your hand so protectively as you said goodbye to him when he left for California. 
Instead, you told him how you’d gone to NYU for journalism, how you’d entered the field and loved it instantly, how writing was your passion and you loved it so, and you told him how you’d landed the ideal position, working for a major news network writing copy and scripts for the on-air hosts to read off of, working your way up the corporate food chain to make yourself a producer. You told Bob how New York winters were biting cold at times, but how the freshly fallen snow was almost romantic, and how the sight of Central Park at Christmas was stunning, no movie could do it justice. You told him how you adored the way New York had become like a second home to you, how you felt like you’d found the perfect place for you to thrive, something you’d always struggled with growing up in a small town in the south. 
Robert nodded his head as you spoke, showing deep interest in your every word and thought as you spoke. He never took his gaze away from you and never once appeared bored or as though his mind was elsewhere as you spoke - he was complete invested and hung up on your every word. When you finished, he smiled and sipped his coffee before leaning back slightly in the booth, his eyes widening slightly, the way they often had when you were growing up and he’d been impressed by something he’d read or seen. 
“Wow, you’ve done pretty well for yourself then, I’d say.” He laughs softly, “I haven’t been up to nearly as much, just different tours of duty with the navy, I became a Lieutenant, and became a Naval Weapons Systems Officer, graduated from the Top Gun program, where the top like, 1% of all pilots get called up to. I then joined a task force and did a few more missions with them. I’m still on that task force, but I applied for a leave because it’s been so long since I’ve been home and I haven’t taken a leave in probably,” Robert hums for a moment as he thinks, his cheeks turning red as he speaks, “Honestly? Probably four years. My parents and siblings usually either come to me in California, or I go to my brother’s house in Texas. I don’t often need to come here, but this year my mama wanted to host Thanksgiving, so I opted to come home.”
You noticed that, as Robert spoke, he couldn’t help but keep his focus entirely on you. It was like he was studying your every feature, in case he never got to see them again. The look in his eyes suggested that he never wanted to forget anything about you, as if he was scared that if he didn’t analyze every freckle, every hair on your head and every word that escaped your lips, he’d lose you. Like you’d fade away again, into nothing more than a distant memory. His cheeks continued to blush as he realized he’d been staring at you for longer than he had intended. He shook his head and let out another laugh, this one sounding strained, as if he was trying to cover up any awkwardness that may have arisen because of him. 
“You know, I really am glad we ran into each other again,” he nodded slowly. “You know, you’re still the only person who calls me Bobby. Nowadays, I’m always Bob or Robert, if you’re my parents,” he smiles fondly as he mentions the nickname you’ve called him since the day you met him. You decided that hot August afternoon that Bobby just suited him better. He agreed, and despite his mother’s protests that his name was Robert - it stuck. He was always Bobby to you, and he always would be. 
“Is that so? No other girls have thought to nickname you Bobby as a pet name?” You laughed as you raised an eyebrow before sipping your coffee. You found it hard to believe that he’d never found anyone else. A man as loving and affectionate as Bobby wasn’t something you found every day, you’d learned. In the past decade, you hadn’t managed to do it, despite your best efforts. 
You’d never found a man who matched him perfectly - his sweet personality, his soft spoken nature, his deep baritone voice, his laugh, the way he always protected you fiercely, but yet, always encouraged you to do whatever made you happy, and whatever you felt was best. You’d never met someone who’d rather die for you than ever see you upset. You’d yet to meet another man who’d wiped your tears when you were heartbroken or cuddle up and watch your favourite movie with you over and over again until you smiled when you were having a bad day, or meet another man who made your mother comment with, “Kristen, boys like him don’t come around too often.”. Bobby would always and forever be the only man who could meet all those expectations. 
You knew it was unfair of you, and until today, you didn’t even know why you were doing it, but no man could ever be Bobby. You’d rather spend the rest of your life alone than with anyone who wasn’t him, you’d come to notice. You just prayed he felt the same way, or that you at least could convince him that he did before he went back to California, whenever that was. 
“Nah, come on now, Krissy,” he chuckled as he used his nickname he’d always reserved for you growing up, “You know I’d never meet another girl who I’d let call me that. We could have been apart for 40 years instead of 10, and I still wouldn’t have let anyone else call me Bobby. That’s always been your thing for me. It wouldn’t feel right if someone else called me that, you know?”
“I do. I feel the same about being called Krissy. I don’t think anyone’s called me that since you left,” you nodded slowly as you let out a soft sigh, looking down at the now empty coffee cup on the table in front of you. 
“Krissy?” He said softly, his hand reaching across the table to touch yours ever so gently.  
“Mhmm?” You hummed, not wanting to meet his gaze out of fear that one look at him right now would make you crumble and burst into hysterical tears. 
“You know, I’ve really enjoyed seeing you. Do you think we could see each other again before I go back to base? I leave on Monday, I’m only here for 5 days, unfortunately,” he said quietly, gently holding your hand across the table. You can sense he has more he wants to say, but it’s like he’s struggling to get the words out.
“I think we can make that work, maybe after Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, we could go for a walk? Our folks still live two houses away from one another, so it’s not like we’ll be too far away from each other for the next few days. It’ll be just like old times.” You confirm, nodding your head reassuringly, trying not to seem too eager or excited at the prospect of seeing him every day for the next five days. 
“Sounds good,” Robert smiled warmly as he stood up from the booth, looking down at you with an excited happiness about him, “I’ll come knock on your door after dinner tomorrow then, we can go for a walk like we used to as kids, just enjoy being outside and all that.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” you laugh as you shake your head, standing from your seat. 
You smiled softly to yourself as you watched Robert head outside, walking down the street past the window of the coffee shop, his navy quarter zip sweater and dark wash denim jeans suiting him perfectly. You bit your lip to hold back a grin as he walked away. You had five days to work up the courage to tell him how you felt. Five short days. You weren’t sure how you were going to do it, but you were certain about one thing - Bob wasn’t leaving South Carolina without you this time.
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lipstickmarks · 17 days
Modern Aedion headcanons
— Modern!Aedion Ashryver x fem!reader
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Warnings: mentions of protests, mention of danger at pride, mentions of violence, mentions of being arrested, mentions of absent/neglectful parents, nsfw, smut, semi-public sex, finger sucking, male masturbation, food, periods, teasing, overstimulation
he likes all music. like ALL music. if you’re roadtripping it, he’ll go from sabrina carpenter to metallica to 2000s r&b to dierks bentley in one playlist and he will know every single word
had a bit of a ho phase before you so whenever you go anywhere, you almost always run into an ex-hookup of his. but you’re so not threatened bc aedion makes it obvious he only has eyes for you. if anything, you tease him about it
yall go to pride every year and Aedion is that person who’s on high alert and making sure everyone is safe, especially you. no taking drinks from randos, no getting too close to really rowdy crowds or lame ass protestors
he loves watching contact sports, not for the athleticism so much but for the rush he gets when two people collide. he’s a war general at heart in every universe so he wants to see someone get the beat down!
he would be ex military, probably coast guard and then work as a rescue EMT for people who get lost in mountains and snowstorms
his love language is quality time and physical touch but he loves to spoil🤭 but it won’t be assorted chocolates or flowers. He’ll buy you a whole ass new mattress or a 6-month SoulCycle membership. He doesn’t really give a shit about little things and he’d rather express his love to you by taking care of big expenses (try to stop him from buying you a car, I dare you)
loves a good old fashioned make out sesh
lets you play with his hair anytime you want. he has done heatless curls, curl creams, he even let you dye it aqua blue to match his eyes. Aedion is the definition of a down ass bitch and he will try literally anything, especially if it makes you happy. the fact that he gets to sit and have you play with his hair and touch his neck for an hour straight is just a bonus!
has a slight temu addiction
if you don’t have good parental figures, best BELIEVE he will let gavriel know and that man will treat you like his own flesh and blood. offering you advice, fixing your car, helping you move in/out of places, he will come over and barbecue steaks for you and aedion without even asking and he always always always makes sure you’re taken care of and that you feel loved. you get presents on your birthday, valentine’s day, christmas, but super dad gav takes it a step farther and gives you presents for EVERY holiday. sometimes it’s a stuffie and a card from “your father-in-law” even if you and Aedion aren’t married yet and sometimes it’s a $200 gift card to a nice restaurant so you and aedion can have a night out. gav will even walk you down the aisle if you don’t have someone to do that
Even if you do have good parental figures around, Aedion still wants Gavriel to be a part of your life. He’s just so obsessed with you and wants you immersed in his family as much as possible. The three of you even have a group chat where he wishes yall a good morning/night ever single day 🥹. Aedion is very much Gav’s little lion cub and a daddy’s boy at heart. The two of them spend lots of quality time together so naturally, you become a part of that too.
he has inattentive adhd and cannot stay still for the life of him. he’s always walking around, forgetting stuff, and struggles with stationary hobbies. if you’re a reader, good luck trying to get him into whatever you’re reading. he’ll try for you but he would rather be snowboarding or jumping rope or making dinner, something with his hands and body
he LOVES food trucks
if you’re a swiftie, he absolutely attended eras with you. he is in his red era but his favorite albums are fearless and tortured poets. he goes crazy for “fearless” and “the black dog” (likes songs he can scream to)
he’s definitely been arrested at a protest and for getting in bar fights defending your or Aelin
fav disney movie is tarzan but if he’s in his feels, then it’s lion king (reminds him of gavriel)
cannot sing. thinks he can. ruins karaoke night for everyone
keeps a picture of you in his locker at the EMT station. if anyone teases him for it, he cusses them out
posts lots of pictures on instagram of his family, views from the mountains where he lives and works, and you. once you two start dating, his feed is 90% you
not picky with food at all. going out to eat with him is the easiest thing ever and he always lets you pick but if you’re not up to it, he’ll choose for you (he somehow always manages to pick the best place)
the first time you got your period while you two were together, he had a minor freak out because he wasn’t prepared. from that point on, he always kept extra pads and tampons at his place
holds you so close when you’re in public areas. if you go to a concert or music festival, he’ll hold you with your back to his chest and his arm slung around your chest to make sure you’re safe and secure with him
he prefers fun, activity based dates to quiet dinners but if you have a preference for them, he will of course honor that. whatever makes you happy is enough for him
if you want to paint your house, he is on it. you don’t even have to ask. you’ll text him at 10pm “the feminine urge to paint my walls ballerina pink” and he’ll show up at your house at 6am the next morning with paint, primer, rollers, and a tarp.
loves taking couple pictures with you. he’ll spend an entire hour after dinner in the parking lot doing whatever poses you want and he’ll let you fuss as much as you want. whatever makes his girl happy.
NEVER forgets to post you for national girlfriends day or international women’s day/month
if there’s a concert you really wanna go to, he’ll stay in digital queues to help you double your chances at getting tickets
always loses the idgaf war. he gives a fuck so hard all the time about everything
loves to kiss you by holding your chin in between his forefinger and thumb. it always makes you melt and he can practically see your toes curl when he does it and he loves getting reactions like that out of you.
he likes salt and vinegar chips. always fighting for his life at aelin’s house when he opens up a bag of them because everyone rags on him for it
at first he was annoyed that people compared him to thor but when you ran your fingers through his hair and said it was hot, he changed his tune like *that* (you two went as thor and jane for halloween that year)
loves it when you play with his muscles, especially at the gym. he gets flirted with a lot at the gym and he loves it when you go with him so he can keep his hands on your hips and while you fix his headphones for him or take cute pictures in front of the mirrors and spot him when he’s lifting weights
favorite shows are That 70s Show, Game of Thrones, and Family Guy but he’s also a hardcore disney girlie when he wants something low-stress to watch and he is NOT shy about it
he likes to fuck sitting up with you leaning against the headboard and him facing you and then slowly lower you onto his back so he can hit deeper 🙂‍↕️
fell to his knees when you gifted him a boudoir photoshoot
he will fuck you anytime, anywhere. If you come visit him at work, he’ll fuck you in the closet and stick his fingers in your mouth so you don’t scream his name and get caught
not opposed to toys but he really does prefer to be a one-man show. he knows how to please you and is convinced his fingers, tongue, and cock are better than any toy on the market
He may not like toys but he loves lube and massage oils. You two don’t necessarily need it because Aedion is a hardcore ‘your pleasure > mine’ kinda guy. He gets off on getting you off and you’re always sufficiently wet before slips goes inside you. That being said, he just likes to play with the lube, experiment with different flavors and textures, etc. If they have ones that heat up. GOOD FUCKING BYE. he will torture you with that shit and tbh, you’re better off calling in sick to work the next day bc you won’t be able to walk anyway.🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
jacks off to voice notes of you touching yourself whenever he’s away and then sends you pics of the aftermath 😔 “look what you made me do, babe…”
really into biting. he doesn’t pinch your skin or leave teeth indents (unless you ask him to) but he loves to nip and nibble, it’s something primal within him
if you ever try that tiktok trend of walking into a room naked and casually asking him a question, expect to have his dick inside you within 3 seconds and to be fucked until you’re shaking and overstimulated and can’t remember your own name 🤷🏻‍♀️
he can be a little cocky/arrogant if he’s ever in a dominant mood. Not mean necessarily but he will taunt you. “Oh, sweetheart, I think you brought this on yourself. Teasing me all day, tsk tsk tsk. I don’t think you deserve to cum yet.”
Follows you around like a pathetic puppy in Victoria’s Secret. If you try and tease him by skipping the lingerie and going straight to the body spray, he will pout at you like “where’s my treat, baby?🥺” until you laugh and give in. Then he buys you the skimpiest sets they have.
you always send him nsfw tiktoks. Sometimes it’s things you wanna try, stuff that turns you on, and sometimes it’s edits if your celebrity crushes because you know talking about it bugs Aedion and gets him all riled up and in the mood to give you a proper fucking when he gets home. “Henry Cavill can’t fuck you like this, my love.”
doesn’t like to fuck you in his car. he’s an artist, he needs room to do his thing. he will, however, tease you in his car. hand on your thigh, drawing little circles on your inner thigh. reaching over to fasten your seatbelt and “accidentally” grazing your tits.
oh speaking of tits
one handful at all times. he is always touching you. if you’re cuddling on the couch, his hand is def up your shirt. it’s not always in a sexual way, he just loves to touch ‘em! when you show him your outfits, he’ll run a finger down your sternum and over the curve of the top of your breast (especially if it’s something low cut)
always lets you set the pace. he can be more dominant if that’s what you like but no matter what, he always lets you decide how far you go and what you do and what things you try out
the only hard no’s for him are degradation, impact play, anything involving weapons, (he would NEVER be able to hurt you, even if it was for kink) and also nothing involving multiple partners. he likes all his attention to be on just you.
he likes to cockwarm after you’ve finished. he loves the feeling of collapsing onto your chest and cuddling for a bit and just keeping himself sheathed in you. it relaxes him
always puts a hand on your back or your ass when he’s passing by you, especially if you two are in the kitchen cooking together or something. most of the time, he just leaves his hand there. “Aedion, your hand is on my butt.” “It was an accident.” “It’s still on my butt.” “It’s still an accident.”
he’ll make out with you in public, he doesn’t care. A little PDA never hurt nobody 🙂‍↔️
loves to have you leaning against his chest with two fingers inside you, edging and teasing you for hours
He. Loves. Morning. Sex. It is his absolute favorite. There is nothing this man loves more than waking up and pressing kisses to your neck and jaw until you’re awake and ready for him. Lazy sundays where you two get to sleep in and slowly make love for hours are his favorite. He doesn’t care about morning breath or bed head or anything, he’s just obsessed with having you in his bed and being able to sink inside you with a happy sigh first thing in the morning.
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ghostybaby000 · 1 month
Out with the Old | Part 4
Part 1 part 5
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Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Part 1 above!
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: 18+, fighting, cursing, alcohol, general violence, symptoms of panic
Tag List: @yyiikes @talooolaaloolla @strawberrygateau @cumsluut @sofiacoppolaslut @blackbeautyiloveyouso @casalucard
I apologize for taking so long to get this out, things have been a little crazy! I hope you enjoy :)
You look over yourself in the mirror as you finish brushing out your hair, this was it. Thursday had come far faster than you would have hoped, and now it was time to see if your patience and sincerity was worth it.  
Brushing your clothes off and standing tall, you leave the bathroom to finish getting ready. You move to the small coffee table where you had been relaxing before to check your phone, it was 6:18 and you had no new messages. Feeling a small drop in your stomach, you decide that once and for all tonight had to be final. You feel yourself beginning to reminisce in your trials of the relationship, how it had been better at some points and worse at others, one outweighing the other. You blamed yourself partially for not expressing your needs, but knew that there was a serious lack of effort coming from his side as well. 
Shaking your head you stand from the couch, where you had sat instinctively as you began to think. It felt better to try and be hopeful than already preparing for the worse, although you wouldn’t allow yourself to feel disappointed, either way tonight meant change. 
You grab your purse, pulling out your keys you leave your apartment locking the door, turning to leave you check your watch, 6:31. As you get downstairs you’re thankful that you’ve dressed slightly warmer, the sun beginning to set meant it would get colder than this by the time the night was through. You begin to make your way down to the road, watching the cars fly by, waiving your hand as a taxi pulls over.
Again Ghost was listening to the group, giving them a head nod or even a small chuckle as they talked about various things. Tonight the bar wasn’t too busy, most people chatting or laughing leaving it to feel typical. Ghost looked around at the numerous T.V.s playing sports or broadcasting channels, nothing holding his attention very long, when the door chimes. 
He looks over from the T.V.’s to see, was that you? He watched you another moment longer, realizing that it was he leaned back in his chair, turning his head back towards the group. He was watching as Price told another story, although he wasn’t listening. His own mind dragged him back to sometime last week, truly not thinking much of it until you had shown again. He hated how quickly seeing you had made his brain pull the attention from almost everything else. He would never drop his awareness of the environment, of what was going on around him, but he couldn’t help his mind wandering. 
Again he makes small glances as you walk past the bar to a different table than before, still tucked in the back. Memories of the night he had interacted with you first came flying back, how you had looked scared and then cold and tired on the curb outside. He felt his jaw tick thinking back to the person who had picked you up. 
He took a breath as he tried to refocus on the group, but to no avail. His mind continued to throw thoughts at him, thoughts of how he couldn’t sleep as well that night when he got home, or how he had drawn the conclusion that he could do better, which came as a surprise to him. It wasn’t that he doubted his capabilities of being respectful or considerate, but rather that he didn’t know that he had ever thought something similar to it before. 
Sitting down, you adjust yourself to be seated comfortably, pulling stray hairs from your face and tucking them away. Within a few minutes a waitress comes by, although you simply tell her you are waiting for someone and wanted to wait to order. Time felt as if it were dragging on as the screens above the bar flickered through different channels, your knee beginning to bounce in anticipation. You pull out your phone to check the time, 6:44.  You sit back in your chair as your mind begins to pick away at your nervousness. You had told him Thursday at 7, right? The same bar as before, it didn’t seem complicated to you. Flipping your phone over on to the table you take a deep breath. You wouldn’t do this anymore, this blaming yourself before you get a true explanation, this was on him now. You tried to convince yourself further that you had to be ready to cut all your relations with him. You wouldn’t allow yourself to wind up again at his home or in his car, not if you didn’t feel it was where you belonged. You fold your arms Infront of you on the table as you again watch one of the many screens surrounding the bar, when the door chimes. 
Ghosts attention is again pulled from the group as the door sounds again, a habit that has been built for quite some time, as disgust forms in his mind and his hand grips his drink slightly harder. He watched as your excuse of a boyfriend made his way over to the table where you sat. Ghost looks him up and down to see his outfit is poorly thrown together, and that he had a slight stumble as he made his way across the bar. His lips press together as he feels himself becoming irritated, you were still here waiting for him, and he had been drinking. 
Your attention snaps to the door as he makes his way inside. A small true smile comes over your face, he was here and-looking to your watch, on time. Though, your smile begins to fade as he makes his way closer, walking through the bar he sways ever so slightly, but you don’t doubt what you’ve seen. He gets to the edge of the high top table, making his way into the seat across from you, not making eye contact as he settled. 
He looks up after a moment of silence and begins to talk to you, his voice and smell confirming that he had in fact been drinking. 
‘Well, I’m here aren’t I?’ He lets out a laugh that makes your stomach twist, he really didn’t care. You throw out a causal ‘yeah’ as he picks up the small menu Infront on him. You felt plenty of emotions and didn’t entirely know how to react. You were angry for him showing up in this state, you were trying to feel positive about him being at least on time, you were feeling disappointed in yourself for thinking this would work, and you felt foolish for letting yourself stay in something so unhealthy.
You too pick up a small menu as you look through the options, you knew you wouldn’t be able to eat. To your relief a waiter made their way by asking if you had wanted something to drink. You stick to a soda as he orders a drink you hadn’t heard of before, and then orders a burger with fries. You told the waiter you weren’t going to have anything as he turned and left you to silence. 
You look over his outfit and see stains from various items near the collar of the shirt and on one of the sleeves, he didn’t even try. He turned in his chair to be facing a  T.V. pointing to the screen he began to talk about what game was playing and the players. Your drinks came within a few minutes and you were grateful for the distraction, placing your straw in your drink you look to him. Almost as if he could tell you were watching him he turned in his seat to again be facing you, his eyes drawn to the drink Infront of him and then up to you. He began to drink, where you figured you had found room for discussion. 
‘So, how was your day?’ There was a moment of silence as he continued to sip his drink, an ‘Mmh’ echoing from the glass. He set the glass back down wiping the condensation from his hands on his pants, he pauses as if trying to remember. 
‘I spent some time cleaning the place up. Then I got some gas and headed here.’ You felt a small glimmer of relief watching as he looks around the bar. He had heard you then, and it made you feel almost better that he had cleaned up the house. Yet, you couldn’t convince yourself that this was better than him not showing at all, not to mention him lying. His burger came out of the small kitchen, as he quickly grabbed it and began eating, again an excuse to avoid conversation.
You watched him eat, feeling pathetic as reality seemed to sink in farther and faster than ever before. The stains on the shirt, the lack of interest, how could you ever see this as acceptable? You thought back to the beginning where effort was in mass quantities. He would pick you up at a decent time and help you to the car and to your front door, he had manners and was respectful, where had it all gone wrong? 
You both sat in silence as you waited for him to try and begin a discussion, about anything really. As he continued to eat his burger and fries, watching the T.V. you found yourself growing angry. He finally put his food down before finishing his drink, staring to the table then sliding out of his seat. He looked as if he were going to be sick, slightly swaying where he stood, he tapped his hand on the table,
‘I’ll be right back, I-I’m just gonna go…to the bathroom.’ He sauntered off towards the bathrooms, hitting his shoulder on the doorframe as he pushed himself inside, your head fell in disappointment. You were feeling as if you should leave, he could get a cab home, this clearly wasn’t going to work in your favor. You watch the bathroom as people go in and out, when he reappears almost looking worse than when he entered. 
He sauntered over to the table, again heaving himself into the seat. You were now burning with an anger that was filled with pity and disrespect, it was time to end things.
 ‘Hey, I wanted to say thanks for coming out tonight.’ You started to speak, but it was only when you got the end of your sentence that he looked up to you. You pushed on, hoping that you would be clear. 
‘I think that… That it would be best if we stopped seeing each other…For good.’ He crinkled his brow and murmured a noise that you couldn’t make out as a word. You push on,
‘I’ll pay for the drinks and food, I just don’t see this working-‘
‘What?’ He had his hands interlocked on the table now, a serious look on his face, the slight slur in his voice had gotten worse.
‘I just don’t think this is-‘
‘No, I get that part, I jus…I just don’t think that your right.’ You were going to try and explain yourself before he cut in again
‘No, no. I showed up. You told me to show up, and…and HERE I AM!’ His voice grew louder, with a pinch of irritation you knew wasn’t a good sign. His face became slightly more red as he stared at you, almost as if he were confused. 
You stand to get your things, slowly sliding out of the chair, people were looking towards you now. 
‘Listen I think you should get home and get some sleep.’ His jaw opens slightly as if he were shocked by your direct tone. 
‘Well what, are, are you just going to leave?’ He was staring at you more aggressively than before, although your heart was beating rapidly you held a stern look on your face. You grabbed your purse off the edge of the chair as he started to get out of his seat. You turn to leave when he grabs your wrist. 
‘Let me go.’ You look into his eyes that are in a panic bouncing between your own. You give your hand a tug, although it didn’t move. You lean in closer, keeping your voice low but as serious as you could force it,
Ghost had tried to keep himself focused on the group and whatever they were talking about now, but he still couldn’t resist looking over to see that you were there. He watched as you sat there awkwardly, your body language clearly indicating you were upset or didn’t feel comfortable. His own leg began to bounce in anticipation, although he didn’t know what for, resting his hands over his knees he took a breath and tried again to refocus. 
He watched as the man stood from the table and made his way to the restrooms, glancing to you he saw you staring into the nothingness. He felt a sort of irritation now, watching the man come back from the restroom, only to ignore you further. More time went on as the group continued to joke and discuss various things when Ghost hears something. Outside of the groups discussion he hears a whisper, once than twice. The second had been a little more clear, enough so that he had turned to look. 
An entire new anger began to fester in his mind when he saw the man was grabbing you. Not only was he a sorry excuse of a man, but now he was just pathetic. Ghost watched as you forced your wrist from his grip, making your way to the counter. He fights the urge to stand as the man makes his way from the table to follow you, he knew this wouldn’t end well. 
You pull your wrist from him, turning on your heel you hike your purse up over your shoulder to head to the bar. Making it to the bar you wait for someone to come by, all you wanted was to pay the bill and leave, your heart was pounding in your ears now. A bartender comes by as you hand out your card and tell her what you had ordered. She takes the card and walks over to the machine when you feel a hand on your waist. Jerking your body sideways you see him, with a grin on his face? 
You look to him with more disgust than ever as the bartender makes her way back over to you, handing you your card. You bid her a goodnight as you turn to leave, you feel a sting on your behind. You felt like crying, like screaming at him, like throwing a tantrum as if you were a child. Anger resurfaced that you didn’t know could possess you so strongly, and you stopped in your tracks. Turning on your heel you face him, pure rage surging through your veins, and you slap him hard. He leans over forward with a hand cradling his face while plenty of people turn to look- you didn’t care, you were still processing that you had hit someone. 
You couldn’t muster the words to speak to him and instead turned to again leave, when you heard him move towards you. 
‘you..you BITCH, you think you can hit me!?’ You heard his steps quicken behind you as your heart was pounding so loud in your ears it was as if there was no other noise. You had almost made it to the door when you hear his steps stop. Turning around you see the stranger. The stranger from before, he was in between you two, one of his hands splayed Infront of the others chest. He was still cradling his face as the stranger gripped his shirt into a fist, he looked over his shoulder to talk to you,
‘Go on outside.’ You took no hesitation and instead pushed open the door to the bar and walked away. Any direction would do for now, but you knew you had to go somewhere.
Ghost along with others looked around to see you clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable, when the man finally gave him an excuse to get involved.  He heard most of the interaction before standing to watch, when he intervened. He had a grip on the mans shirt that alone made him stand down. Once he had heard the door chime and knew you were out, he hit the man square in the face, he was unconscious. He moved the man closer to the table where the group still sat, looking to Price he told him,
‘Take care of him for me yeah?’ Before pulling out his wallet and leaving payment for his drink, the rest of the table didn’t speak. Price looked down to the man, and nodded to Ghost before turning to the rest of the group. Ghost turned to leave, stepping over the man, he made his way out into the night, determined to find you. 
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