#guardian angel!roman
helloparkerrose · 2 years
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The Over-Soul is regarded to be the sixth Principle in the cosmos, ālaya, the universal soul, and also the Father-Mother. It is a collective indivisible Soul of which all individual souls are rays or sparks. Its present in human beings is buddhi, which serves as the vehicle of atman:
As a general law, the Highest God, the Over-soul of the human being (Atma-Buddhi), only over-shadows the individual during his life, for purposes of instruction and revelation; or as Roman Catholics–who erroneously call that Over-soul the “Guardian Angel”–would say, “It stands outside and watches.”
At the present stage of evolution the Over-Soul does not normally have an active presence in the personal consciousness. However, by means of Raja Yoga, the "human soul" or manas can be united to the Over-Soul, forming what is called "Buddhi-Manas". The person then becomes a mystic and occultist.
Atomic Ladder of Life, 'The Gate Beautiful', 1903. “Thus shall the male & female live the life of Eternity, Because the Lamb of God Creates himself a bride & wife That we his Children evermore may live in Jerusalem Which now descendeth out of heaven, a City, yet a Woman Mother of myriads redeem’d & born in her spiritual palaces, By a New Spiritual birth Regenerated from Death.” --The Four Zoas, William Blake
Art: Frederick Carter, The New Jerusalem
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (The Sacred Stone of Wisdom and Power)
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Color:  Deep blue flecked with gold
Rarity: Easy to obtain, can be expensive for high quality
Hardiness: 5.5
Type: Isometric/ Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Throat, Brow, Crown
Angels: Sahaqiel
Deities: Nuit, Venus, Isis, Sin
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Element: Water, Air
Planet: Venus
Origin: Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Italy, Egypt, Middle East, Chile
Powers: Amplification of Power, Reverse Baneful Magic, Connection to the Spirit World, Protection, Wisdom, Mental and Spiritual Blockage
Crystals It Works Well With: Phantom quartz and Purple Tourmaline
How It is Created: Lapis lazuli is a complex mineral made up of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The lazurite gives it its deep blue color (along with the sulfur that’s in its matrix), the pyrite gives it its golden veins, and the calcite gives it its white specks.
History: The name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning stone, and the word lazuli which means blue. It was first mined in Afghanistan but it has existed even before then. The Egyptians used lapis lazuli in protective amulets and other jewelry. It was used famously by Egyptian nobility, even its powdered form being used as eyeshadow. Lapis lazuli is said to produce power and wisdom and is associated with the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nuit. Romans would ingest the powder in food and drinks as an aphrodisiac and it was also used as an antidote for poisons. It is said that the ring the angel gave King Solomon to control his demon legion of workers was made of lapis lazuli.
What It Can Do:
Open the third eye and balance the throat chakra
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual power
Releases stress, bringing deep peace
Protective stone that contacts spirit guardians
Recognizes psychic attacks, blocks them, and return the energy back to the source
Teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses
Alleviates pain, especially with migraines
Overcomes depression, benefits the respiratory and nervous systems, cleanse organs and the immune system
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels such as: lack of purpose, disease, and depression
Encourages taking charge in your life
Can amplify powerful thoughts and stimulate higher faculties of one’s mind
Bonds relationships in love, friendship and aid in expressing feelings
How to Get the Best Out Of: With a lot of these visionary stones, I am always going to recommend a bracelet or necklace. Anything that is close to the bloodstream or heart will help the power of the stone connect to you best with these types of stones.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Using incenses or a singing bowl to cleanse lapis lazuli. Lay it on a clear quartz disc or bowl over night under the moon to recharge it. Do not put under the sunlight. It will discolor the stone. (I made this mistake and was heavily scolded by Isis afterwards)
Crystal Grid:
Healthy Body (Sacred Geometry: Metatron’s Cube or Sri Yantra)
Mantra “I trust my body’s ability to heal itself”
Center stone: Quartz sphere
Secondary Stones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Moon Phase: Dark Moon
Day: Saturday
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thepatristictradition · 3 months
A Christian's Confusion on Syncretic Paganism
Though I'm an Orthodox Christian, I am good friends with a number of serious pagans-- especially Thelemites. From them, I've observed some controversies in the online and apparently IRL pagan communities. An idea I find confusing (frankly, ridiculous) is that Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Freyja etc., are merely facets of the same essential deity: the "Love Goddess."
Orthodox Christians interact with Paganism in two main ways: First, we believe in the Seed of The Word. Basically, we believe that every religion, more or less, gets something right. Even theistic satanism gets about as much right as the Gnostics of old. It's good that pagans have a spiritually alive world-view-- something that is difficult to come by these days. Faithfulness is a virtue wherever you find it. Second, we believe in spiritual entities besides God. They were created by Him and ultimately work for his will, but they can either follow His deign or turn away from it, exactly as humans can.
There are some Christians that have a tendency to pull a similar sort of syncretism with paganism (Roman paganism in the Renaissance is especially irritating). They insist that figures like Jove were simply a halfway understood facet of The One True God. This is hardly even a historical opinion; the more common opinion is that the ancient and contemporary pagans were worshiping angles or demons, depending on their kind(1).
The Orthodox instinct is against syncretism and towards a highly alive and regional spirituality. Not only are there single guardian angles for each person, but there are angles of families, churches, dioceses, cities, countries, etc.; there are heavenly hosts. There are hosts of angles whose jobs are not to please or protect human beings. He has filled our earth with Spirits. The Orthodox theology on spirits is more similar to the more well-known Mohammadian theology on spirits. Western Christianity would tend to say that spirits who made themselves into demons by accepting worship cannot repent and serve God again, but the saints say differently. It is never our place to try to "convert demons", but it is possible.
Because of this near-animism, it seems natural to me that different regions are filled with different spirits. The recognition of that is something that I admire about paganism and something I wish my protestant brothers and sisters would become more comfortable with.
I want to know how this kind of syncretism is received by other serious pagans. Thus far, I've only met those who are against it.
1) There is argument about what constitutes a pagan culture that has worshiped demons and one that mistakenly worshiped angels. My take, the correct one, is that every pagan culture has done both. Further, there are most likely many spirits being mistaken for one figure. This is the opposite of the syncretic take.
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kostantina · 2 months
I like to think that HRE had a superior complex because of the imperial title that he had and what it symbolized. People practically worshipped him, although not in a way that people back in Ancient Times did to beings like him, perceiving them as Gods. Rather, he was perceived as someone who God sent to protect and guide them. An angel or a living saint. He was Francia's golden boy, golden crown, and his first-ever guardian spoiled him rotten. People were so blinded by his symbolism that they didn't bother trying to stop inflating his ego with their appreciative gestures. They would not deny serving such a sacred being, much to his gratification.
He was more obvious with his superiority complex back then, being a child, but as time passed, he grew more subtle with it. Of course, not everyone was blinded and was annoyed with his beliefs in his superiority. But, even when he lost the influence that he had at the beginning, even when his feelings of superiority waned and was replaced with those of inferiority and bitterness over his loss of power, he remained to have the air of regality and divinity, for it was in the idea of a Roman Catholic Universal Empire that he existed.
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moontoonart · 18 days
Good and Evil in “Good Omens”: A Theological Reflection on Aziraphale and Crowley ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻
In the world of Good Omens, the eternal debate between good and evil is explored in unexpected and profound ways. The series, based on the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, offers a theological reflection that challenges traditional concepts of divine justice, revealing how the boundaries between good and evil are not always so clearly defined.
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Aziraphale and Crowley: The Unlikely Pair of Good and Evil
Aziraphale and Crowley are emblematic characters who represent good and evil, respectively. Aziraphale, the angel, is often seen as a guardian of divine rules, but his tendency to deviate from celestial norms reveals an unexpected complexity. Despite his role as a bearer of goodness, he often questions divine decisions and acts according to his own judgment. For instance, his act of giving the flaming sword to Adam and Eve is initially seen by him as a potentially wrong choice, although Crowley reassures him that, as an angel, Aziraphale cannot truly do anything wrong. This resonates with James 1:17: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
Crowley, the demon, is also a surprising character. Although he represents Hell, his actions and motivations demonstrate that even a demon can have positive intentions. Crowley reflects on the issue of temptation and worries whether, by tempting Adam and Eve, he acted correctly. His reflection raises questions about the role of the demon in causing trouble or doing good, and suggests that even when a demon seems to act with good intentions, it can create chaos in unexpected ways. Romans 8:28 states: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse suggests that even in the most controversial actions, there may be a divine plan guiding towards good.
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The Ineffable Plan of God
The concept of the Ineffable Plan in “Good Omens” is central to the plot and theological reflection. This plan, which transcends human understanding, implies that every action, whether good or bad, fits into a larger, incomprehensible divine design. The Bible itself mentions the ineffability of the divine plan in Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” This passage underscores that human understanding is limited compared to the divine plan.
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The Act of Giving and Tempting One of the main concerns of the characters is whether their actions align with the divine plan. Aziraphale, worried about giving the flaming sword to Adam and Eve, reflects on whether he acted correctly. His concern is eased by Crowley, who reassures him that, as an angel, Aziraphale cannot do anything truly wrong. This reflects the idea that angels, as messengers and servants of God, always act in accordance with divine will, as highlighted in Psalm 103:20: “Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.”
Crowley, on the other hand, is troubled by whether his role as tempter may have had positive or negative effects. He wonders if it is possible that, even if a demon does something right, it could still create disastrous consequences. This theme is explored in 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” This verse suggests that even in situations of temptation, God provides a way out and guides towards salvation.
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The Question of “What is Right and Wrong”
Crowley raises fundamental questions about the concept of divine justice and understanding what is right and wrong. In the series, his reflection poses a crucial question: if a person is punished for a mistake, why not instead guide them to understand where they went wrong? This reflection raises deep questions about the nature of divine justice. If punishment is the only response to errors, then the process of learning and moral growth is sacrificed. Crowley suggests that understanding and guidance are more effective than mere punishment, and that true moral progress comes from awareness and improvement rather than simple sanction. Proverbs 3:12 says: “Because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” This verse highlights that correction and teaching are tools through which God guides and disciplines, rather than mere punishment.
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Conclusion: Beyond the Dichotomy of Good and Evil
“Good Omens” invites us to reflect on how categories of good and evil may be more nuanced than they appear. The complexity of Aziraphale and Crowley’s characters, and the concept of the Ineffable Plan, show us that morality is often a gray area rather than a clear-cut boundary. Actions that seem wrong or evil may ultimately serve a higher good, and decisions that appear right can have unexpected consequences.
The series challenges us to reconsider our ideas about justice and redemption, suggesting that true good and true evil are not always what they seem and that a deeper understanding of the divine may reveal a grander and more complex design than we can imagine. Ultimately, good and evil might be more interconnected than we believe, and actions that seem immoral or wrong could, in the grand scheme of things, serve purposes that transcend our immediate understanding.
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linalina-universe · 5 months
I've been praying on this daily. Transgender Christian converts.
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Edit: While I do talk about Orthodoxy in this post. I am part of the Episcopal church. I posted this while I was on a journey of faith and It's had it's ups and downs. Please find the church you feel most comfortable in. I've been asking some of the saints, Holy Theotokos, and Jesus our Lord. As well as talking to my Guardian angel as I can. To help Bring my transgender eunuch siblings around the world to Faith in Jesus. Seeing all of the LGBT Christian Blogs recently on Tumblr is making me so Glad. God is Good. God Cares about us. Even if there are teachers in the church who condemn us for being different. Seek Reconciliation, Repentance. Learn to Forgive one another. Learn to Love one another. The path towards Jesus isn't easy. Much learning and Discernment it's a LONG ROAD. But keep learning about Jesus. Don't settle for less, but find a place to plant your roots. If you want to really get into the thick of it learn about Orthodoxy. But it takes time for us to get where we need to be. I do believe God listens to all of His Children though. The Holy spirit is everywhere. I would never judge whether or not a person is damned or saved due to what church they go to. That's up to Jesus, he is the judge. But come as you are. Never let a Church teacher hold Jesus over you do not conform to the whims of man as we are not of this world. Only Conform to the Whims of Jesus. Learn to be humble in life, Obedient to Jesus. Learn about humility. Realize no one person on this earth is any better than another. True humility is a virtue. It takes time to cultivate. We are imperfect. Learn LGBT History, ancient history, learn about eunuchs and Queer Saints. qspirit.net, But realize that many of these things are unkown without a time machine. Be sound in wisdom of our ancestors. Do not be defensive all the time though. Learn when to talk, listen to the silence. Do not let hate, and the machinations of this world such as political ideologies, capitalism control your life. We need money to work in this world. But money and possessions are temporary while Jesus and God are eternal. Pray for the Rich kings and politicians who persecute us pray that they seek Jesus. "It is better to Light a candle than to Curse the Darkness." Do not let the Darkness of media news overtake you. Pray for people around the world suffering. Count your blessings. Realize just how good you might have it. I recommend you learn about the Orthodox Saints of Alaska if you want to learn about actual anti-colonialist Christians. The Saints are wonderful examples of ideal Christian lives. I recommend Trisagion Films on youtube to learn about the saints. While I affirm LGBT relationships and see true Joy in them. I know unless Heaven and Earth are moved. The Orthodox/Romans will never Affirm them. I recommend merely Getting Married under the Law of the Land and then showing up at church. Have a celebration an an episcopal church I love the episcopal angelicans it's a safe respite for us queer Christians. I wish that LGBT marriages had been affirmed decades ago, then maybe some of the self destructive generational trauma we see in the queer community wouldn't exist. But we are a persecuted class and either way people dislike us. I hope someday the Orthodox have church mothers. We need women for the women and girls in the church to confide in. We need equal representation. I understand if not everyone agrees with me. But I love Jesus. I hope that being his servant like the court eunuchs of ancient times can be well pleasing to Him. Eunuchs were seen as angelic. His divine eros fulfills my heart in some ways as someone by tradition of ancient orthodoxy should technically be celibate. Live as yourself and know God loves you. Take your medicine and heal. He will never Give up on you. Art By Devlev on Deviantart. Please support them. They Draw Beautiful Queer art.
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
Who is everyone's godly parent? Is Felps being Felps meaning he *is* a god in disguise, with Richas being his son making him a demi-god that way? Or is Felps being Felps mean something different?
I’ll give you the current relevant godly parents, and a Felps:
Cellbit and Bagi - Athena
Roier - Hermes
Mike- Hephaestus
Pac - Mars (he’s a Roman kid who got a little lost lol)
Felps - Felps
See, Felps is a friendly spirit. He’s kind of like an Ancient Greek guardian angel of sorts. Not a demigod, but not a god, either. He’s just. Felps.
And Richas? He’s an Apollo kid, actually
The way I’m working the eggs into the au is that they see their ‘parents’ as older brother/sister figures (because tbh it doesn’t make sense for a bunch of teenagers to have all these kids running around camp otherwise)
Like, Richarlyson is the youngest of the family here. He might be an Apollo kid, but he sees the Brazilians as his real family outside of demigod stuff. Same goes for, say, Pomme and the French. They might all have different godly parents, but they’re each other’s family
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New Girl At Nekoma:
Kuroo's Crush
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Tetsuro Kuroo featuring Nekoma x female! reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: none
A/N: This is a request @times-new-roman-in-pastel! It's also this roosters birthday so Happy Birthday to our favorite Sports Promoter 🥰🥰
I apologize for being MIA for a while, poor mental health and general sickness have all but consumed my life but I promise I’m around 🖤
Oof YN 😬
Having to switch schools at the beginning of your third year 🫠
Honestly I don’t even know if crying will help at this point
Your guardian accepted a new job in Tokyo so of course you followed suit, moving from a small town to the huge city
It was a big change and an even bigger change looking at your new high school
Nekoma High School 🙌🏻
Honestly we love it
Well YOU don’t currently love it night but trust me you will soon enough 😏
Trust the process YN
You stand outside looking at the school as you take a deep breath and walk in
The halls are crowded and everyone is staring at you
Not only because you are the new kid but also because you are so pretty 🤩
Turning heads everywhere you go YN!
However right now it’s very overwhelming because, well once again, everyone is staring at you
You look around, trying to find your classroom but much to your dismay, it seems to not exist
But we don’t give up so easily! Oh no no
You mentally calm yourself, turning around to start over
Unfortunately when you turn around you turn smack into two boys
Subsequently you tumble to the ground, landing hard
“Are you ok?” An angelic voice chimes
You look up, seeing a tall boy and a shorter boy staring at you
“Yeah I’m ok, sorry for running into you,” you say as the shorter boy extends his hand to help you
“Sorry for knocking you down, ummm I’m sorry I don’t know your name?” The shorter boy says
“Oh I’m Yn, it’s my first day,” you say smiling and fixing your skirt and blouse
“Welcome to Nekoma YN, I’m Yaku and this is Kai,” the shorter boy says
“It’s nice to meet you,” you say smiling softly
Yaku and Kai smile back but before you can say anything
We hear an agitating, grading voice 😒
“Yaku!! Hey Yaku!”
You look over to see a very tall, white haired boy and a boy with a Mohawk approaching
“Yaku, hey I need your help!”
Yaku rolls his eyes as you watch their interaction, “Lev if it’s help with your receives, I’ll pass”
Lev 👉🏻 😱 offended
Meanwhile the boy with the Mohawk is just staring at you 👁️👄👁️
“For goodness sakes Yamamoto, stop staring at the new girl, it’s creepy!”
“Like you yelling that isn’t also creepy,” another boy says as he walks past with his head in a video game
“Hey are you really a new girl?” The tall boy known as Lev asks
You just smile and shake your head
“What in the heck are you all doing-” a tall, handsome dark haired boy approaches and halts as his eyes meet yours
You blush a little, smiling at the boy
Kai and Yaku be like 👀 😐😏
So now you have two guys staring at you as well as utter chaos ensuring around
Way to go Yn 👏 great job 🙄
“Umm hello, I’m Yn. I’m sorry for causing all this commotion. I’m new here and I’m afraid I’m lost,” you say
The tall, rooster haired boy 👉🏻😳
“What classroom are you looking for Yn?” Kai asks
You tell him as Yaku interrupts
“Hey Kuroo’s in that class, he can show you the way right captain?” Yaku says smacking Kuroo’s back
Kuroo👉🏻👁️👄👁️ umm yeah
“Thanks Kuroo, I appreciate it!” You say beaming
Please Yn, he starts blushing so hard 🥹
Yaku and Kai watch as you and Kuroo walk to class
“Heys making a fool of himself,” Kai says
“Isn’t it glorious?” Yaku laughs 😂
From that day forward, it was safe to say our precious captain cat developed a tiny crush on you
Well not really TINY
Man’s fell so hard for you Yn it’s unreal
He loved spending time with you, walking you to class and even eating with you
Subsequently, you became besties with the boys volleyball team
Your proximity to the team came with mixed reviews
Lev was rather annoying per the usual, Kenna acted like he normally did and Yamamoto essentially ceased all functioning when you were around
Honestly what I wouldn’t give to be a flu on that wall 🤣
You developed a closeness to the boys and soon found yourself in the current situation
“YN you should just be our manager,” Yaku blurted out one day at lunch
Kuroo 👉🏻 *literally choking* 👁️👄👁️ whet-
“I mean, she’s always hanging around so she should probably make herself useful,” Yaku shrugged
“Wow what an enticing invitation,” Kenna said 😐🙄
“Well I mean, Kuroo basically drools- HEY!” Yaku screeched as Kuroo jabbed him in the stomach
“I do actually know a little about volleyball! I use to be friends with the manager of the volleyball team at my last school!” You smile
“You mean, we could actually have a girl manager? Yamamoto exclaimed
“It’s up to the captain I think,” Kai said as everyone looked at Kuroo
Kuroo looked over at you as you beamed at him, how could he say no
He’s literally such a simp for you Yn and this was his chance to keep you close 🥰
“Well if you want to Yn-”
Before he can even finish, you fling yourself into his arms for a huge hug
Kuroo 👉🏻😐😳
You 👉🏻🥹 🫂
Yaku and Kai 👉🏻😏
Yamamoto 👉🏻 jealous 😠
Kenna 👉🏻🙄 📱
Please YN do less ✋🏻
As it turns out, you becoming Nekoma’s manager was both a good and a bad decision
Because now Kuroo would have to share you with not only his teammates but with the teams they played against
For example, someone’s always interrupting his nerdy jokes 😒
“Hey YN, why can’t you trust an atom?” Kuroo asks
“I don’t know why?” You say
“YN EMERGENCY HELP!” Lev screams as he runs in, Yaku hot on his tail
“LEV GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” Yaku screams as Fukunaga, Yamamoto and Inuoka follow
“What happened?” You ask as Kuroo narrows his eyes 😑
“Yaku said Lev would never measure up to him and Lev said ‘but Yaku I’m already taller than you’ and Yaku got mad,” Yamamoto said
You 👉🏻😐 really?
“YN stop him from killing me! You need my height!” Lev screeches
“You suck Lev we can do without you,” Kenma says
We love it here 🤦🏻‍♀️
Meanwhile poor Kuroo is just standing there with the punchline to his joke, all deflated 😞
The punchline btw was “because they make up everything” 😩
Often times, Kuroo finds himself just watching you
kind of creepy? Yes but stay with me
“Why don’t you just tell her you like her?” Kai asked
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Kuroo says
“Really? We can all see how bad you have it for Yn, you are horrible at hiding it,” Kenma says walking past
Kuroo 👉🏻🥲
“Just confess to her,” Kai says
“I don’t know how and what if she doesn’t like me back?” Kuroo asks
For real?? Have you seen yourself Kuroo 🤔
“The training camp is coming ip next week, that’s the perfect time to confess!” Kai shouts
Kuroo thinks about it as he watches you
What does he really have to lose? I mean you’ve always been sweet to him and kind
Surely you like him too right?
Spoiler alert: you do 😍
Summer camp comes and Kuroo is so nervous
He has it all planned out perfectly
He will tell you how much he likes you and you will reciprocate and you will both live happily ever after 😍
Too bad that doesn’t happen 😃
“YN??? Is that you??” A voice booms from behind Nekoma
Karasuno stands there, their eyes wide as you stare back
“Holy crap! What are you guys doing here?” You yell, running towards them as Kiyoko appears
“YN HOLY CRAP IS THAT YOU?” She screams as you both hug
Nekoma is looking on, so very confused 🤨
“Uhhh YN?” Yaku asks
“These are my old friends! I use to go to Karasuno before I transferred here!” You smile
“YN we’ve missed you! It’s so good to see you!” Daichi says, hugging you
Oof Kuroo is seeing red right now 😡
“YN are you with Nekoma?” Suga asks as you nod
Kuroo stomps up to you, putting his arm around you as Daichi looks on
Kai, Yaku, Suga and Asahi 👉🏻👀🍿
“YN is my manager,” Kuroo says oh so confidently
“Our manager, idiot,” Kenma corrects, walking by 🙄
Daichi and Kuroo are in a staring match right now Kenma don’t interrupt!
“Come on YN let’s go,” Kuroo says, pulling you away
“Oh ok! I’ll see you guys later!” You say waving at your former school friends
As training camp progresses, Kuroo finds himself more agitated 😠
Seriously, on top of his team not letting him have a moment with you, now Karasuno is monopolizing your time!
“YN it’s so awesome to see you again!” Asahi says
“I can’t believe you’re working with these city boys now YN!” Tanaka scowls
Please Yn, smack him ✋🏻 🧑🏼‍🦲
“We all know YN really misses us the most,” Daichi adds, smirking at Kuroo
Kuroo 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
“Daichi knock it off-” you start to say, too bad you are interrupted by a certain someone 👀
“As a matter of fact, my dear Daichi, YN is SO much happier at Nekoma. She’s way to pretty and perfect to be stuck in some country bumpkin town!” Kuroo shouts
Kai, Yaku, Suga, and Asahi 👉🏻😳😲
Kiyoko 👉🏻😏
You 👉🏻😐😳🥹
“Tetsuro you think I’m pretty?” You say
“And perfect Yn don’t forget he said that too,” Yaku adds
Kuroo realizing what he said 👉🏻😐😳😰
“Ummm well yeah I do-” but before he can finish his sentence YN swoops in for a cheek kiss 😘
Kai and Yaku 👉🏻😐🤦🏻‍♂️
Suga and Asahi 👉🏻 😃😃
Kenma 👉🏻 🙄 📱
“I like you too Tetsuro and I’d love to go out with you,” you say as Kuroo practically explodes and grabs you, swinging you around as you laugh
Yaku and Kai are probably whipping tears away 🥲
YN you are one luckily lady!
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starsfic · 3 months
PJO: The Romans do not take kindly to random people judo-flipping their praetors, and Annabeth is forced to think about the amount of violence in her and Percy’s relationship. (A thing that came to mind when re-reading the books.)
LMK: When tagging along to one of Xiaojiao’s less legal street races, a dark horse rider appears out of the blue, and Xiaotian is starstruck. Spicynoodles smut.
Red Son receives a flirty text from the Noodle Boy, calls him to tell him to come to a penthouse his family owns, wait with wine to... discuss and see where things go, and then Qi Xiaotian comes in extremely apologetic bc that text was sent to the wrong number.
Red is several hours late to his and Qi Xiaotian's first date...because he spied on Xiaotian's date with some "random guy", not knowing that Xiaotian was joking about him when Red asked him about plans.
Scooby Doo, my incarnation: The first part of Episode 1, when trying to leave their hometown of Crystal Cove to start their second year of college, the Mystery Gang finds themselves trapped in Crystal Cove.
Darius and Camila are spending more time together as co-guardians of Hunter, to the point where Luz, Hunter, and the rest of the Hexsquad notice. An idea is brought up of them maybe dating. Luz and Hunter have different reactions- Hunter is delighted. Luz is not.
LMK: Xiaojiao jokingly challenges Red to a duel only for both of their families to take it super seriously, especially when old grudges (aka Ao Lie’s death) are brought up
@draw-of-the-moon’s LMK/Ninjago AU: When Red mysteriously disappears, Long Xiaojiao and pregnant Qi Xiaotian have to beat back suitors.
My TMNT incarnation, episode 1: After befriending April O'Neil, the Hamato brothers and Casey Jones must rescue her from a mysterious baron with a sinister plan.
Poppy's angel has arrived at the factory. Deep below the depths, DogDay hopes.
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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The Over-Soul is regarded to be the sixth Principle in the cosmos, ālaya, the universal soul, and also the Father-Mother. It is a collective indivisible Soul of which all individual souls are rays or sparks. Its present in human beings is buddhi, which serves as the vehicle of atman:
As a general law, the Highest God, the Over-soul of the human being (Atma-Buddhi), only over-shadows the individual during his life, for purposes of instruction and revelation; or as Roman Catholics–who erroneously call that Over-soul the “Guardian Angel”–would say, “It stands outside and watches.”
At the present stage of evolution the Over-Soul does not normally have an active presence in the personal consciousness. However, by means of Raja Yoga, the "human soul" or manas can be united to the Over-Soul, forming what is called "Buddhi-Manas". The person then becomes a mystic and occultist.
Atomic Ladder of Life, 'The Gate Beautiful', 1903.
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semidea7 · 5 months
Go read "Guardian Angel" now. Type "alyah.patane" on Insta. Blake Roman recently got sent a link to the story, I'm so happy for this girl you can't even imagine😭
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
Digimon & mythology: the Royal Knights
Of all the Digimon groups, none are as famous as the Royal Knights. These 13 holy knight Digimon are the guardians of the Digital World and act as the highest form of network security. The Royal Knights are appointed to the position by and answer to Yggdrasil, the computer who runs the Digital World. While part of a group, each member of the Royal Knights has their own goals, motivations, philosophies, and opinions on the nature of their duties and justice. As a result, they often don't get along with each other and work independently. They may even clash with each other should they have conflicting goals or ideals. When they do work together, however, nothing can stand against them. Most of them rarely show their faces to the common people of the Digital World, instead aloofly performing their duties. While there are 13 Royal Knights, it took time both in-universe and in real life for all 13 members to appear.
The Royal Knights are also heavily connected with the x-antibody, featuring both in the original x-antibody storyline and its follow-up Digimon Chronicle and Digimon Chronicle X. In the storyline, the Digital World is reaching its capacity due to Digimon reproducing out of control. To keep the Digital World from collapsing, Yggdrasil choses a select few Digimon to move to a new Digital World and uses a program called the x-program to kill the remainders. However, the x-antibody begins spreading through the surviving Digimon, mutating them into new x-antibody forms that can survive the x-program and trying to invade the new Digital World. Yggdrasil sends the Royal Knights to kill these x-antibody Digimon. Eventually, a schism forms in the Royal Knights between those who obey Yggdrasil and those who don't want to kill off the vast majority of all Digimon. In the end, Yggdrasil is forcibly reset and the original and new Digital Worlds exist side by side, occasionally interacting with each other. Both world would later come under threat by x-antibody versions of the Seven Great Demon Lords, which ended with the Royal Knights combining their powers to allow the newest member, JESmon, to save the day.
While the Royal Knights are supposed to be the defenders of the Digital World, they, or at least some of them, are often used as villains in various Digimon media. This is often because they serve Yggdrasil, who is a villain in almost every appearance. Sometimes they will start as villains but later change sides. This was the case in Digimon Savers/Data Squad where Yggdrasil viewed humanity has an existential threat and sent the Royal Knights to destroy the human world. The Knights later turned on Yggdrasil after the protagonists showed them that humans and Digimon can coexist in peace. In other cases the Knights will have a schism based on following Yggdrasil's orders. This is the case in the x-antibody storyline and in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, where the Knights become divided between those who wish to exterminate humanity to save the Digital World and those who wish to spare humanity and find a different solution to the problem.
There will be fewer mythological references in this entry than my posts on the Sovereigns and Deva, Seven Great Demon Lords, and Angel Digimon. This is because the Royal Knights have fewer mythological references in general than those groups. I will do what I can though. The Royal Knights are collectively based on the legends of King Arthur and the knights of the round table. The stories of King Arthur are varied and have been rewritten many times. The oldest version of the story we can track down comes from 5th-6th century Welsh sources where Arthur is the king of the Britons in the post-Roman period who defended Britain against Anglo-Saxon invaders. Later writers incorporated their own stories and themes into the mix, such as the addition of chivalric and Christian themes. Christian themes, such as the famous search for the holy grail, were added by later Christian authors while some famous characters like Lancelot were the result of French influence. There really isn't one story of King Arthur and the knights of the round table, there are many. One common trait of the stories is that the round table is round to symbolize that everyone sitting at it is an equal, which is reflected in the the Royal Knights having no internal hierarchy. None of the knights is the master of any other, they are all independent and of equal rank. Kenji Watanabe, one of the main designers for Digimon, has commented that many of the stories have far more than 13 knights of the round table and he isn't opposed to adding more Royal Knights. He has also said he would like to tell a story of the Royal Knights passing the baton to a new generation. I think it would be cool to add more Arthurian references to the Digimon Mythos, making Digimon versions of characters like Merlin, Morgan le Fay, and Mordred. The King Arthur figure could either be Yggdrasil or Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, who founded the Royal Knights but is not a member. I also don't believe there is any official Digimon media telling the story of the founding of the Royal Knights, which I think would be a great story. They are said to be natural enemies of the Seven Great Demon Lords, so I think it makes sense for them to have been founded in response to Lucemon's rebellion and fall.
The first three Digimon specifically identified as Royal Knights were final forms of the main character's partner Digimon from the first 3 anime series: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, and Digimon Tamers. The first of them to debut and the most famous Royal Knight of all is Omegamon, named Omnimon in English. It was born out of a fusion of two powerful Digimon, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, triggered by the hopes and wills of people wishing for goodness and peace. Because it is a fusion of two Digimon, it can use both of their abilities. making it a master of close and long range combat. Each of its arms resembles the head of one of its components and weapons are stored in the mouths. Its right arm is the MetalGarurumon head, which contains the Garuru Cannon, which can fire energy blasts at absolute zero. Its left arm is the WarGreymon head and contains the Grey Sword and has a powerful shield on the shoulder. Omegamon's role in thr Royal Knights is to protect Yggdrasil's justice and elevate the name of the Royal Knights to greater heights. Omegamon is easily the most popular of the Royal Knights in real life and has showed up in a ton of different animes, mangas, games, etc. Honestly, he's overused in my opinion. Omegamon also has a ton of variants and homages, way too many for me to list here. As with all the Royal Knights, he has an x-antibody variant. Omegamon X possesses a power called Omega inForce, a form of precognition which allows it to foresee what its opponents will do, making it theoretically impossible for it to ever lose a fight. Omegamon X is one of the better x designs for the Royal Knights because it doesn't change much. It just gets spikier. There are much worse designs coming.
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Omagemon (left) and Omegamon X (right)
Omegamon debuted in Digimon Adventure. Debuting in Digimon Adventure 02 is Magnamon. Magnamon is the only member of the Royal Knights who is not of the Ultimate/Mega level. Instead, he's an armor Digimon, the result of a Digimon using with the power of one of the relics called Digimentals. Magnamon uses the Digimental of miracles, which grants to power to overcome any predicament. While Magnamon is not a Ultimate/Mega level and is usually depicted as the smallest of the Royal Knights, it is just as powerful as the rest and is the best at defense. In fact, it forms the cornerstone of the Royal Knight's defensive efforts. Magnamon X gains the ability to cause its armor to change shape, further increasing its defensive efforts and giving it more utility.
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Magnamon (left) and Magnamon X (right)
Debuting in Digimon Tamers is Dukemon, named Gallantmon in English. A few of the Royal Knights got name changes in English and for most of them I don't have a strong opinion on which is better. In this case though, I think Gallantmon is a way better name than Dukemon and I'm going to use it here. Gallantmon is a living contradiction. Its evolution line bears the Digital Hazard, a force of destruction that could destroy the Digital World. Gallantmon has chosen to restrain that power and protect the world it was born to destroy. Because it understands having to constantly resist the temptation of destruction, it holds itself and its fellows to a very high standard and works to defend the weak. In many different stories, it is depicted as the first one to defect from the Royal Knights should they begin to turn bad or stray from the cause of defending the Digital World. Gallantmon bears the lance Gram and shield Aegis and sometimes rides a mount named Grani. Gram and Grani both come from the Scandinavian legend of Sigurd, a great hero the slew the dragon Fafnir. Gram was the sword wielded by Sigurd which was then passed down to many other heroes. Grani was Sigurd's steed, granted to him by the god Odin and descended from Odin's own steed Sleipnir. Aegis comes from Greek mythology, where it was the shield used by Zeus and Athena. Another reference to the legend of Sigurd comes from the alternate Ultimate/Mega level form of Gallantmon's evolution line: Megidramon. While Gallantmon expresses the power of the Digital Hazards and chooses to be a hero, Megidramon gave into the Hazard and is a mindless, draconic force of destruction. Depending on the the circumstances, it can either be the hero Sigurd or the dragon Fafnir he was sent to slay. The mane of Megidramon comes from Megiddo, the location where the end times will begin according to the Bible's Book of Revelation. It is better known by its Greek name Armageddon. Gallantmon can temporarily mode change into Gallantmon Crimson Mode. In this form, it becomes much more powerful, but it can only stay in this form temporarily. In this from it weirds weapons made of light named Gungnir and Blutgang. Gungnir was the spear of the greek god Odin and Blutgang is the name of the sword of the hero Heime of Germanic legend. Gallantmon X increases its power and transforms Gram into a lance made of light.
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Left to right: Gallantmon, Gallantmon Crimson Mode, and Gallantmon X
The most unconventional Royal Knight is Alphamon. Despite being a Royal Knight, it acts as a deterrent force intended to oppose the other Royal Knights and it only appears in exceptional circumstances. Because it so rarely appears, it is known as the empty seat. This is a reference to the siege perilous from Arthurian legend. The siege perilous was an empty seat at the round table set aside by merlin for the knight who completed the quest for the holy grail. In earlier versions of the story, the knight who eventually earned the seat was Percival, though his role was given to Galahad in 13th century French tellings. Alphamon's role as a deterrent force is often interpreted as him being given the job of insuring the other Royal Knights do not go too far or stray from their role as the Digital World's protectors. As such, Alphamon is heroic in most of its appearances. Alphamon is one of an evolution line of prototype Digimon and is often associated with fellow prototype Digimon Ouryumon. Oryumon has the power to transform itself into a mighty blade called the Ouryuken. Only Alphamon is able to wield the Ouryuken and when doing so, it becomes known as Alphamon Ouryuken. Many depictions of Alphamon instead treat the Ouryuken as something that Alphamon can summon whenever he wants and ignore Ourumon's role. Alphamon has a power called the Alpha inForce, which allows it to rewind time to the beginning of a battle and fight over and over again. From an external perspective, it will appear as though Alphamon cut down its enemy with a single blow but the battle may have actually been fought multiple times until Alphamon foound the best outcome. Alphamon naturally compliments Omegamon and their namec come from the phrase "I am the alpha and omega" from the Bible. Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet and the phrase is supposed to portray god as both the beginning and end of everything. Alphamon is the only Royal Knight that doesn't have an x-antibody form because it is a natural carrier, a Digimon with the x-antibody that doesn't have a non- x-antibody counterpart.
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Alphamon (left) and Alphamon Ouryuken (right)
Like how Omegamon, Magnamon, and Gallantmon all debuted as partners of a main character from one anime season. Ulforce V-dramon (eng: UlforceVeedramon) was the partner of the main character of the manga Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. Ulforce V-dramon is the fastest of the Royal Knights and there is no being that can track its movements. Its armor is immensely strong but also very lightweight, enabling its fast movement. It wears bracelets from which extend energy blades called Ulforce Sabers. It wields the power called Ulforce, which is born from joy and the desire to protect loved ones. The Ulforce is a code that can overwrite a Digimon's data. Most such codes will increase power but damage data, ultimately harming the Digimon using them. The Ulforce instead repairs data, allowing Ulforce V-dramon to heal even as it increases in power. Ulforce V-dramon X increases the power of the Ulforce even more, allowing Ulforce V-dramon to heal from wounds so fast that it appears that it appears it was never wounded in the first place. The v stands for victory, btw.
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Ulforce V-dramon (left) and Ulforce V-dramon X (right)
Dynasmon is unusual among the fiercely independent Royal Knights because it will willingly submit to and serve other beings that chare its sense of justice. Once Dynasmon calls another lord, it will serve then with deep and unquestioning loyalty even if their actions could be considered evil. It follows the moral codes of chivalry and bushido, both of which encourage honor, loyalty, and combat prowess. Dynasmon values devotion, fidelity, and curtesy. Becuase it will follow its lord with unquestioning loyalty, Dynasmon is frequently a villain in stories it appears in due to it following an evil lord. Its power comes from wyverns, a type of dragons with two wings and two legs that were often found in medieval heraldry. Dynasmon X increases its wyvern influence, making it more draconic and granting it the best aerial combat prowess of all the Royal Knights. It is also probably the ugliest of the Royal Knight's x-antibody forms and there is fierce competition in that department. There are so many lines on that picture I can barely tell what's going on
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Dynasmon (left) and Dynasmon X (right)
Craniummon is the Royal Knight that most understands decorum and follows a knightly code of honor. While very obsessed with decorum, it is also a perfectionist that competes with the other Royal Knights for the highest mission completion rates. It also loves combat and enjoys nothing more than a fight with a truly skilled opponent. Yggdrasil personally modified Craniummon's data, increasing the defensive properties of its armor and giving it the power to generate its weapon and shield from its armor. It carries the double-headed spear Claíomn Solais and shield Avalon. Claíomn Solais, which means "sword of light" appears as a motif in multiple Scottish and Gaelic folk tales, often as an object the hero obtains as part of a quest he must undertake to marry his desired bride. Avalon is the name of a mythical island in Arthurian lore, a magical land where Arthur was taken on his deathbed to one day rise again when Britain needs him most. Craniummon X has further increased the defenses of its armor and it now wears its shield on its back because it is certain it will not be needed. Its x-antibody art is also absolutely hideous, maybe worse than Dynasmon's.
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Craniummon (left) and Craniummon X (left)
Duftmon (eng: Leopardmon) is the Royal Knight acknowledged by its fellows as the greatest strategist. This is both because it has an extremely cunning and strategic mind, and because its the only person who can get all the Royal Knights to work together despite their disagreements and opposing values. It believes that justice equals power, though it can be debated whether this means that the most powerful get to decide what justice is or that acting with justice will give one power. When Duftmon chooses to fight, it mode changed to Duftmon Leopard mode, a quadruped that can run and fly at high sppeds and cause rock pillars to erupt from the ground. And yes, its name in English is Leopardmon Leopard Mode. Interestingly, Duftmon has a very French motif, but its name and the name of its attacks are all in German. Specifically, it was based on the chanracter of Oscar François de Jarjayes from the manga The Rose of Versailles. She was a beautiful woman who was raised as and dresses as a man and is a skilled fighter. Despite being designed based on a woman, Duftmon is still generally depicted as masculine or genderless. Duftmon X gains powerful but flexible armor, allowing it to dodge incoming attacks from multiple directions and strike back with taijutsu (martial arts) and datotsu (kendo). It no longer relies on a mode change to fight.
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Left to right: Duftmon, Duftmon Leopard Mode, and Duftmon X
Seipmon was the first Royal Knight introduced who is not humanoid and one of only two in total. Instead, it is shaped like a centaur, though with an additional pair of legs and a horse's head. Its six legs give it unsurpassed mobility and it can move far faster than its bulky frame would suggest. though it is still not as fast as Ulforce V-dramon. Its name was changed to Kentaurosmon in English, which is the only Royal Knight name change I really don't like. It resides at the Digital World's north pole, where it guards super-ancient ruins that lie beneath the ice. Within these ruins is said to lie programs that were used to create Digimon. If evildoers were to get ahold of such data, they would be able to create an unlimited army of Digimon to serve them. Sleipmon weilds the power of fire and ice. In its left hand is the crossbow Múspellsheimr which fires burning arrows in an attack called Bifröst. In its right hand is the shield Niflheimr, which can unleash a blizzard. In Norse mythology, Múspellsheimr and Niflheimr are primordial wrlds of fire and ice, the intermingling of which led to the creation of the rest of the universe. From the same mythology, the Bifröst is a rainbow bridge that links Midgard (Earth) and Asgard (realm of the gods). Sleipmon's name and appearance also gome from Norse mythology. Sleipnir was an eight-legged horse who was the god Odin's personal steed. Sleipmon X gains an additional two arms, letting it load and fire its bow at lightning speed.
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Sleipmon (left) and Sleipmon X (right)
LordKnightmon (eng: Crusadermon) is the least pleasant of the Royal Knights. It cares nothing for morality, instead following its own brutal and utilitarian code of justice. It is incredibly ruthless and shows no compassion for the weak, instead ruling by force and even culling the weak to ensure only the strong survive. Naturally, LordKnightmon is a villain in nearly every appearance. It is also to monarch of the Knightmon species and presides over all knight Digimon, giving it a personal army to do its will. LordKnightmon is one of only two virus-attribute Royal Knights, the other being Gallantmon. While Gallantmon resists its destructive urges to protect the weak, LordKnightmon is just a total asshole. It carries no weeapon, but the ribbons coming from its body can be used as blades and its shield contains a pile bunker. Interestingly, LordKnightmon is the only Royal Knight to have been portrayed as female and different appearances treat it alternately as feminine, masculine, or genderless. Probably because it's pink and likes roses. LordKnightmon X gains a major rose motif and gets to have a sword. It battles in a manner like dancing that invokes fear in those who see it.
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LordKnightmon (left) and LordKnightmon X (left)
Examon, along with Sleipmon, is one of the two non-humanoid Royal Knights, being a gigantic dragon. It is one of the more recent members, both in and out of universe, because it is so large that new technology had to be invented to render the sheer amount of data that makes up its body. While a member of the Royal Knights, Examon also holds the position as the greatest of all dragon Digimon, holding the title Dragon Emperor. Its wings are named Caledfwlch and have a mind of their own, being able to transform into an unbreakable shield to protect it. The lance it holds is named Ambrosius and is used in attacks called Avalon's Gate and Pendragon's Glory. Examon is based on the Y Ddraig Goch, the red dragon of Wales. The dragon is a symbol of Wales and the Welsh people. In the ancient Welsh book of stories Mabinogion, the Red Dragon is seen battling a white dragon. The white dragon represents the Anglo-Saxons who were colonizing Britain and the story says that the red dragon will soon win. Caledfwlch is the original Welsh name for King Arthur's sword Excalibur. Ambrosius comes from Ambrosius Aurelianus, a war leader in Roman Britain who defeated the Anglo-Saxons in a major battle and was later incorporated into Arthurian legend as Arthur's uncle. The attack names come from the same Avalon mentioned in Craniummon's entry and Pendragon, the surname of King Arthur. Examon X becomes humanoid and gains the power to make swords out of lightning. I actually kind of like Examon X's design, I just think it should be its own Digimon instead of a variant.
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Examon (left) and Examon X (right)
Gankoomon one of the two final Royal Knights released for the franchise's 15th anniversary. Unlike the other Royal Knights, who are aloof and distant, Gankoomon spends a lot of time with common Digimon and helps out with smaller problems, making it very popular in the Digital World. Gankoomon also works well with other Digimon, in contrast to the other Royal Knights, who work alone. In particular, it allies with Sistermon Blanc and Sistermon Noir and is training Hackmon as a successor. Gankoomon acks like a stern father figure, treating Hackmon severely and arguably cruelly and rarely showing pride or affection, but it does genuinely want Hackmon to succeed and become a Royal Knight. The fiery, dragon-shaped aura above Gankoomon is actually another Digimon named Hinukamuy bonded to Gankoomon. Hinukamuy is an Adult/Champion level and when it evolves, there won't be any Digimon who can rival it. Unlike the other very regal and European Royal Knights, Gankoomon is unconcerned with decorum and prefers beating enemies with its fists instead of swords. Gankoomon is visually and behaviorally based on banchos, the leaders of Japanese delinquent groups. Hinukamuy's name is a combination of Hinukan, a fire god from the religion of Japan's Ryuku islands, and Kamuy, the Ainu (natives of the Japanese island of Hokkaido) word for a god. Gankoomon X merges with Hinukamuy and can release it as a surging aura that empowers it and destroys the landscape around it. It also takes off its shirt.
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Gankoomon (left) and Gankoomon X (right)
The final and most recent member of the Royal Knights, debuting for the franchise's 15th anniversary, is JESmon. JES is an abbreviation of Justice Edge Swordsman. JESmon started out as Hackmon, a promising Child/Rookie level Digimon who aspired to be a Royal Knight. Gankoomon saw in it the potential to become the 13th Knight and put it through an intense training regiment. Eventually, Hackmon evolved to JESmon and was accepted by Yggdrasil as the 13th Royal Knight. Like its mentor, JESmon is a team player that works well with others, unlike the other Royal Knights. In working with others, JESmon lears to trust others and keep itself from becoming overconfident in its own abilities. Its usual allies are Sistermon Blanc and Sistermon Noir and it will also coordinate with the Digimon local to wherever it goes. JESmon has the ability to sense abnormalities and signs of chaos around the Digital World and will rush to stop them, making it the first of the Royal Knights to rush in to stop disasters. It has three familiars named Atho, René, and Por that fight along side it and can come together for an attack called Un Pour Tous. The familiars are named after Athos, Aramis, and Porthos, the Three Muskateers. Similarly, the attack is named after their catchphrase "Un pour tous, tous pour un" or "one for all, all for one", the motto of the Three Muskateers. JESmon X gains even more compat bower and turns Atho, René, and Por into two powerful arms. JESMon X and further evolve to JESmon GX, in which it has fully masters its power. In this form, it becomes the vessel for Knight's Intruder, a blade that contains the power of all the Royal Knights and will only be used in response to threats that would end the Digital World.
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Left to right: JESmon, JESmon X, and JESmon GX
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orthodoxadventure · 9 months
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At Baptism an Orthodox is given the name of a saint, 'as a symbol of his entry into the unity of the Church which is not only the earthly Church, but also the Church in heaven.' An Orthodox has a special devotion to the saint whose name he bears; he usually keeps an icon of his patron saint in his room, and prays daily to him. The festival of his patron saint he keeps as his Name Day, and to most Orthodox (as to most Roman Catholics in continental Europe) this is a date far more important than one's actual birthday.
An Orthodox Christian prays not only to the saints but to the angels, and in particular to his guardian angel. The angels 'fence us around with their intercessions and shelter us under their protecting wings of immaterial glory'.
-- Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Church
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incomingalbatross · 16 days
Top 5 tropes, top 5 dog breeds, top 5 saints
Ooh, good questions! Thank you for the ask :)
Happy endings emerging from the jaws of despair; eucatastrophe
When you have two guys who are friends but they like pretending to hate each other (I was a sucker for this at eleven when I saw Star Trek: TOS, and I have remained a sucker ever since)
Mortal-immortal friendships, in all their variations
Characters getting trapped in their nightmares and other characters having to save them
Anything with memory loss/wipes, especially if it's thoroughly explored
dog breeds:
Labradors are a classic kind of dog.
Cocker spaniels are very different but also classic, and I think they're cute.
Terriers! Is this partly because of Snowy from Tintin? yes.
Newfoundlands are BIG and FLUFFY and I appreciate this.
Beagles because the only dog I've taken care of long-term was a beagle. She IS loud and she IS an inveterate food thief but I love her anyway <3
Mary, Mother of God. Of course she's at the top of the list. She's Our Lady.
Saint Joseph is equally clearly next! Most valiant, most humble, most obedient, guardian of virgins, protector of family life, model of laborers, patron of the dying... Chaste Guardian of the Virgin and Foster-Father of the Son of God.
St. Mary Magdalene - I don't know if I exactly have a special devotion to her, but I do love remembering her life. Model of penitents and one of the holiest and most beloved of Christ's followers. (I do also adhere to the belief that she is the same person as Mary sister of Lazarus; this is a long-standing tradition, and it makes sense to me.)
St. Alphonsus Liguouri - his month's worth of daily meditations for Adoration are beautiful and have made him familiar to me, even though I know very little about his life. (He also wrote a set of prayers/reflections for the Stations of the Cross that a lot of parishes use.)
St. Frances of Rome - my confirmation saint, a 14-century Roman noblewoman who was wife and mother over a large household, and founded a religious order for widows after her husband's death. Is the patron saint of automobile drivers, because an angel is said to have lighted the way for her when she went out on charitable works at night. I love how well she followed God while fulfilling her duties in the world.
Secret sixth spot (because Our Lady's spot is hardly information): Blessed Herman the Cripple, 11th-century Benedictine polymath who wrote Salve Regina, the Advent and Christmas Marian antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater, and Veni Sancte Spiritus. If you ask me, that alone should qualify him for canonization, but I suppose his cause is waiting for more posthumous miracles.
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