#guardian cricket news
gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 56
One time when a baby was Cyber-converted, they were given regular Cyber-arms as well as a Cybermat tail. (Novel: Illegal Aliens)
Chewing on jelly babies helps the Doctor think. The Eighth Doctor said that the "tensile strength of a jelly baby offers the perfect resistance." (Audio: World of Damnation)
Speaking of jelly babies, the Eighth Doctor once went missing for days because he was looking for the perfect jelly baby. (Novel: The City of the Dead)
Zoe had the Second Doctor install an orthopaedic bed in her room on the TARDIS. (Novel: The Menagerie)
There is such a phenomenon as temporal tsunamis. (Audio: The Other Side)
TARDIS heartbeats must keep a steady rhythm, so when they are parked, they continue to travel through time at the same speed as their pilot. Otherwise, the TARDIS would be lost to the past (if they were traveling at a slower speed) or disappear into the future (if they were going at a faster speed). (Audio: 1963)
On Gallifrey, marriages mainly serve to strengthen political alliances between the different Great Houses and to maintain the Chapter's power. (Audio: Spirit)
Vassar Dust looks somewhat like snow and is always cold. It also has some telepathic qualities. This dust is a byproduct of time travel. (Novel: Loving the Alien)
Ian once woke up inside a Time Museum as an exhibit. He had been removed from his own time with a time scoop. The curator of the museum - Pendolin - had time scooped Ian with the hope of attracting the Doctor’s attention and making him his prized exhibit, but he did not successfully get the Doctor’s attention. (Audio: The Time Museum)
The Doctor kept a bracelet (that appeared to be made of gold) in a trunk in his TARDIS. After regenerating, the Second Doctor retrieved it, looked at it fondly for a short while, and then returned it. Ben saw that it had odd pictures on it but couldn't make it out. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
John Benton, Sarah Jane Smith, and Allison Williams were all involved in the clean-up following the Cyberman invasion from The Tenth Planet. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
The Doctor thinks of the entire universe as their foster family after their parents had "decided to opt out of their responsibilities." (Novel: Beltempest)
The First Doctor's left hand was cut off in a sword fight with a Soul Pirate captain. He had to get a new one fashioned for him as it did not grow back. (Short story: A Big Hand for the Doctor)
As revenge for his defeat on the Enlightenment, the Black Guardian altered the established timeline. To defeat them, the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and Benny had to reassemble the Key to Time. The following objects are actually segments of the Key to Time: the First Doctor's TARDIS instruction manual, the Second Doctor's stovepipe hat, one of the swords used when Ace fought the Third Doctor, one of the Fourth Doctor’s jelly babies, a cricket ball used by the Fifth Doctor, and the Sixth Doctor's cat badges. (Comic: Time & Time Again)
The Third Doctor used to visit the zoo frequently. He'd often sit across the tiger, feeling some sort of camaraderie with them. He spent some of his wages upgrading the tiger enclosure, but the tiger's mind had already been broken. They continued walking back and forth as though their enclosure was still small. The Doctor decided to be sure that his mind wouldn't also break in his captivity because one day his TARDIS would be fixed and he couldn't stick in his old habits when that happened. (Audio: Walls of Confinement)
On one such visit to the zoo, the Brigadier had the Doctor babysit his godson. The Doctor didn't keep a close enough eye on the boy, and he ended up in the tiger enclosure. (Audio: Walls of Confinement)
Fitz Kreiner once found an old woman in the TARDIS library. Her name was Emily, and she had been dressed in clothes one might expect a teenager to wear in the 1960s. She was also covered in cobwebs. Fitz brought her to the Eighth Doctor, who recognized her and seemed embarrassed about her presence, but Emily didn't recognize the Doctor. (Novel: Mad Dogs and Englishmen) Though never explicitly clarified, Emily had likely entered the TARDIS as a teenager, got lost, and lived her entire life in the TARDIS. As she didn't recognize the Eighth Doctor, this event would have predated his incarnation. Perhaps she was even one of Susan's classmates.
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
Could you do Cat King x gn reader, they are a mage that came to port Townsend and tried to warn Edwin about using magic on cats. As they escort the dead boy detectives to the King they try to have Thomas go easy on Edwin. Cat King gets a little jealous as to why his partner wants to let Edwin off easy. (Edwin reminds the reader of their younger sibling they haven’t seen in while)
I love, love, LOVE this request SO MUCH! Thank you for giving me the honour of writing it! I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
For me? For you.
The Cat King x GN Reader
Word count: 3,041
Warnings: A dead body appearing, but only for a second and without gruesome description, some jealousy coming from the Cat King and a mention of having a dead younger sibling
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Y/N had known about the Dead Boy Detectives Agency for quite some time now. They had been watching the two boys' adventures the moment they heard about them, taking care of bigger problems when they encounter them from the shadows, taking on a role of a guardian angel. Well, guardian mage, but the point stands. The reason why they took such interest in those boys was because one of them, Edwin Payne, reminded them of their little brother who died quite a long time ago due to an illness that even magic couldn't cure. They stayed with their brother until Death showed up to collect them.
So the moment they felt their presence in Port Townsend alognside a very skilled medium, they had to finally show themself to the trio. A small lesson in dos and don'ts when it came to this town, something that would not only keep them safe, but also inform them about what could be hiding in it.
Y/N teleported themself into the little apartment that Crystal was renting, scaring the three people inside it to death. Well, at least one of them since the other two were already dead. Immediately Charles got into an offensive stance, ready to fight if needed while Edwin remained cautious and Crystal stood behind both of them, still a bit in shock, a fight or flight mode ready to go in a case of an emergency.
-Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?! - Charles asked, hand at the ready to reach for his cricket bat. At the same time Edwin was thinking of different exits out of the possible danger.
-Calm down, calm down. I come here as a messenger - Y/N said, raising their hands up in defense before crossing them over their chest and looking the trio over. - You could say I've been observing from the shadows what you've been doing for quite some time now. The difference now is that you're in a new place you have no knowledge of. There are dangers here. Rules even. If you like your peace, keep to them. Most important would be to stay away from the cats. Don't even think about using magic on them, you don't want to find out what will happen if you do - they stated, uncurling their index finger as they started talking about the first rule. Then the second one when they mentioned watching out for a witch that lived in Port Townsend, a menace to deal with. Then another one and another one until they were out of fingers to show and rules to tell.
-Why the hell would we believe anything you just said? - Charles asked, suspicious look on his face as he carefully observed Y/N, not even for a second dropping his guard.
-Because I saved your ass so many times you could at least try to trust me. Remember that nasty poltergeist in 30 East Drive, Pontefract? How you got cornered because he smashed all the mirrors and quite literally trapped you inside that house? Yeah, that was me. So have some faith kids. Alright, that should be it. Remember what I said and don't get into any trouble. If you dive, head first, into deep shit, then I don't know how well my influence in town could help to save you. Again - they said before doing a little wave with their fingers and dissappearing in a swirl of black fog.
You'd think that after such a warning, people would listen. Yeah, not Edwin. As much as Charles is stubborn, he's somewhat not dumb enough to not listen to someone who clearly wants to help them, albeit reluctant. Crystal doesn't even know much what to do, so she wouldn't try anything either way, but Edwin... Oh Edwin. Mr. Edwin, Know-It-All, I-Know-Better-Than-You, Why-Should-I-Listen-To-You?, Payne. Of course he would be the one so intelligent, yet so stupidly stubborn, to pull shit like that.
Obviously he just HAD to cast a magic spell on a cat. Now not only does Y/N have to save his ass from a harsh punishment, they also have to deal with a certain moody Cat King that was currently throwing a hissy fit, pacing around and cursing out everything in bloody existence. Y/N rubbed their temples as they listened to their partner rant continously.
-The nerve! Magic! On my cats! They'll be lucky if they walk out of here alive! - Thomas said angrily, running a hand through his hair as he did another circle in front of his throne.
-My love, will you take a deep breath with me, please? I'm sure there's a logical explanation to this. I know you're mad, I understand where that's coming from, I really do, but let's not make rushed decisions okay? - Y/N proposed, walking over to Thomas and stopping him gently by placing their hands on top of his shoulders, before sliding them down his arms to his hands, catching them in theirs and holding tightly.
-Sugar, I don't think there's a logical enough explanation to using magic on my fucking cats - the Cat King hissed out, before finally closing his eyes for a second and taking a deep breath to slightly calm down, not wanting to lash out on his partner.
-I'm sure there is. Will you hear him out at least? - Y/N asked, rubbing soothing circles with their thumbs into the backs of Thomas' hands, wanting to calm him down a bit more.
-Him? Kitty cat, it sounds to me like you know who it was - Thomas said, slight accusation in his voice as he looked at Y/N with his head slightly shifted to the side, eyebrows furred as a scowl started appearing on his face making Y/N cup his cheeks in their hands.
-I think I know who it is for almost a hundred percent, but I've warned them that they would be wise to stay away from your cats - they said, pressing their forehead against Thomas', hoping that they convinced him at least just a bit to go easy on Edwin without particularly saying anything.
-Yet they didn't listen now did they? - The man asked, huffing out some air before wrapping his arms around their waist. - I'll think about being less harsh, but there still must be a punishment. No one gets away with hurting or damaging what belongs to me - he added before planting a kiss on Y/N's lips.
It was finally time for the trio to have a little talk with the Cat King. He had already sent the cat Edwin used the magic on to go and fetch them, but Y/N wanted to be there too before they actually get there to give them another small advice. They promised Thomas that they'll be back soon before they departed in a swirl of black fog like the one before.
-You've done fucked up. What did I tell you, huh? Stay away from the cat and what did you do? You went and used MAGIC on one. Are you out of your mind, Edwin Payne? - Y/N asked with a certain edge to their voice, clearly very annoyed with, mostly Edwin, the group, because there was no guarantee that Thomas would actually go easy on all of them. Especially with all of their smart mouths that only get them into even more trouble.
-I don't see what's all the fuss about. It's just a bit of magic - the ghost teenager said, rolling his eyes sassily before placing his hands on his hips to add even more sass to his statement.
-Don't give me that attitude, young man, you have no idea in what deep shit you are and I specifically told you not to dive head first into any shit. It already took me some time to try and get him to calm down and not send out a swarm of cats to rip you to shreds. Talk any more shit and I won't be able to get your ass out of this one - Y/N said, crossing their arms over their chest as they stared Edwin down before Charles chimed in.
-Him? Who's him? And why is he so important that you speak of him as if he was about to send Edwin back to the pits of Hell? - he asked with a look of confusion on his face as he looked simultaneously at Y/N and the cat that was now sitting a few feet behind them, patiently waiting to continue navigating the group to the warehouse.
-You'll see soon enough. Now come on. There's no time to waste - they said before finally turning sideways and gesturing to their right as an indicator for the teenagers to finally move.
When they got inside the warehouse, Y/N couldn't help, but smile softly and shake their head at their boyfriend's antics. Of course he would put on a show. He wouldn't be the diva cat that he was if he didn't. As they approached the throne and the cats dispersed from before it, leaving only a very massacred body behind alongside three disturbed teenagers with an unfazed mage in front of them, the said teenagers behind Y/N observed the orange cat with confusion and caution written on their faces.
-We were invited to see the Cat King - Edwin said, trying not to let the shakiness in his voice after seeing the dead guy before the be heard.
The trio flinched when the cat disappeared in purple fire, making space for the gorgeous man that is Y/N's boyfriend to appear. They smiled brightly at him and bowed down jokingly, making the Cat King chuckle with endearment, just to get that fire back into his eyes that spoke of danger and anger at not only the disrespect of his rules, but also endangerment of one of his subjects after he saw the group behind his partner.
-Hi - he said as he observed the trio, a faux friendly smile on his face.
-Can all cats do that? - Crystal asked the boys quietly, yet not quiet enough that the Cat King didn't hear which only made him chuckle in amusement.
-"Can all cats do that?" Of course not, I'm a Cat KING - He answered, putting an emphasis on the 'king' part, going full on sass as he usually did. - I can tell you're not the brains of the operation. Sorry, I'm already bored - Thomas added, making a rather mean comment, which he didn't really seem to care about, wanting to get to the center of the problem quickly.
-No need to be rude, darling - Y/N said with a gentle pout to their face before they walked over to where Thomas was sitting and stood right next to the throne, putting their hand on the man's shoulder, a little sign that he could tone it down a bit.
-Hmm - The Cat King only mused before letting out a soft sigh and turning his head towards the cats gathered in the back. - Which one of them used the magic on you? - he asked the cat that fell victim of Edwin's antics.
-The scrawny one that just had the nerve to talk to you - the cat answered, clearly showcasing where the it's personality came from.
That brought out a little 'oh' out of Thomas, before Edwin spoke up again, trying to explain what they were doing and who they were until the Cat King interrupted him.
-Oh I don't care. Using magic on my cats is a total car crash on your part - He said with a cynical smile before lazily pointing with his index towards Edwin. - We... Should discuss your offense. Privately- the man added while standing up from the throne.
Of course Charles didn't like that and tried to stop anything from happening, but Y/N shook their head as a signal not to do it. It would only make the matter worse and they already had a plan of action, so he could screw it up with his little outburst. Edwin talked it out with the other two while Y/N walked over to Thomas and slightly fixed his messy hair, sighing softly as they thought over what to do when they actually go and sort this out.
When the trio came back, Thomas departed himself, Y/N and Edwin to the bedroom they both shared. Weird choice of a place to sort this situation out, but Y/N didn't really question it. Out loud at least.
-So... What should your punishment be? - Thomas said with a large amused grin as he stepped closer towards Edwin.
-How about something that wouldn't involve dangerous things that would result in Edwin going to the afterlife? - Y/N proposed an idea with arms crossed over their chest and eyebrows slightly raised as they looked at their lover with a, just a smidge, pleading look.
-Why not? I don't think that would really be over the top. Seems quite fitting in my opinion - the Cat King said shrugging his shoulders with a smirk as he looked back towards Y/N.
-Please? He just made a mistake. A dumb one, I admit, but it was a mistake. He shouldn't have to lose his ghost life for that - they said, straightening their pose before slightly tilting their head to the side as they kept their gaze only on Thomas.
Clearly he didn't like that constant defending of the boy coming from his partner, so he decided to have a small talk with them off to the side, excusing them both for a moment before guiding Y/N to the one spot he knew Edwin wouldn't see or hear much.
-Why do you care about this ghostly twink so much? What, do you find him cute, is that what it is? I've got to admit, he's quite cute, but I'm literally right here, hello? - Thomas began asking a series of questions, an aura of jealousy surrounding him as he loosely caged Y/N against the wall, his cat personality clearly kicking in as the respect for personal space completely flew out of the window in a matter of seconds when he leaned in so their faces were centimeters away.
-What? No! Kitty cat, he just... He reminds me of Alexander... They both didn't get to grow up and they are similar so much personality wise... I can't help but see Alexander in him, even though I know that he had moved on to the afterlife. Somewhere where I can't follow. Not yet - Y/N explained, letting out a sigh before turning their head and looking off to the side at the clear as day memory of their younger brother filled their mind.
-Shit... I'm sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions... - He said with a look filled with guilt before he rested his head against their shoulder, wrapped his arms around their waist and closed his eyes. - I'll go easy on him for you. Give him something not too hard to do, looking at the fact that he seems like a clever fella. He will have to stay here for quite some time to do that though - Thomas added after pressing apologetic, small kiss against the skin of their neck and then pulling away a bit to look into their eyes.
-Really? You'll do that for me? - they asked quietly, looking back at Thomas with a soft smile.
-For you. Always for you - he said and leaned it to capture their lips with his own in a sweet, short kiss.
After that they went back to Edwin who was looking around, more than likely looking for a way out, but even if he wanted to run, he would get lost, so that would be unsuccessful.
-Alright. I've got just the right punishment for you - Thomas said, stretching out his arms to the sides slightly with a large grin on his face. - Show me your arm. Come on, I don't have the whole night - he told Edwin, doing a little 'Come on' motion with his hand at the same time he said it out loud.
-For what? - Edwin asked cautiously, clearly not trusting the Cat King. Obviously so. After all he was about to receive a punishment that he had no idea what it was.
-Edwin, just do it - Y/N said, encouraging the teenager with a small smile and a nod of their head.
Finally, the boy agreed, although reluctantly, and stretched out his arm towards the Cat King before pulling it quickly back when a gold bracelet showed up around it.
-What is this? - Edwin asked with suspicion, immediately trying to take it off yet finding himself unable to do so.
-A little piece of jewellery that will keep reminding you of your punishment. All you have to do is count all the cats that reside in Port Townsend. It will also keep you in the town for that time. Until you finish counting of course. Also only the one who put it on can take it off, so I'd recommend hurrying if you want to go back to wherever you came from - the Cat King said, a cheeky smirk on his face as he observed the boy's flabbergasted expression with amusement.
When Edwin started lamenting and protesting that the task was unfair and impossible to do, Thomas explained why he received such a punishment before sending him back to the other two teenagers while Y/N and him stayed back in the bedroom.
Y/N walked over to the Cat King, wrapping their arms around the man's neck and leaning in to press a sweet kiss, thanking him without words while he wrapped his arms around their middle and pulled them close.
-That went well. Next time he pulls something stupid, then you won't be able to save his ass from the harsher punishment though - he said before burying his face in their neck and simply resting there.
-Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that - they said, both of them knowing how different the reality will be if such a thing actually happens. Y/N having so much control over Thomad without trying too much. After all, the Cat King was such a romantic and he hated it.
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deathblacksmoke · 2 months
the gentlest feeling
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a dramamine story
pairing: nick ruffilo x noah sebastian
summary: shortly after the conclusion of the original dramamine series, nick and noah move into their first home together.
cw: fluff <3, boys in love, domestic bliss, brief mentions of the afterlife & guardian angels
word count: 825
author's note: it might be a little bit too fluffy but i just wanted a soft thing and i missed writing these sweet boys. minimally proofread.
title from "blue light" by bloc party.
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As he flits about the house — their house — he can’t help but count his blessings that they were able to get here. That Noah didn’t give up on him.
He places their dishes in the cupboard, their spices in the pantry, their toiletries in the shower, their linens in the closet. He makes the bed — their bed — the new queen-size they saved up to split. They’ll wind up squished to one side most nights, because Nick hates to have distance between them, even now, when the Virginia nights are hot and humid. Noah still likes to sleep with a window open and the fan blasting so he can hear the crickets and see the lightning bugs.
They’ll wake up sticky and warm but he wouldn’t want anything else than to wake up like that in the morning — every morning — with the sunlight flickering through the open window and stuck to his sweet boy, an excuse to huddle together in the shower before breakfast.
As odd as the idea feels passing through his mind, he can’t help but think that Jasmine would be proud of him, that she would see him and feel thrilled that he allowed his life to be turned around.
He doesn’t know if he believes in God, but he knows that he still finds her everywhere. She’s in the disembodied laugh he hears bellowing through the bar, the one that can only be traced back to her. When he gets a Jeopardy question right and Noah’s smiling wide and nudging him, they’re back at trivia night at The Rabbit’s Foot, Jasmine whispering the answer in his ear so he can get all the glory. She’s tucked in the corners of every bit of his life and while sometimes the reminders sting, leaving a deep ache in his gut, they usually wrap themselves around him like her warm hugs always did.
He didn’t always believe in Heaven, but for her sake, he hopes she’s somewhere lovely, listening to her favorite records. He feels guided by a gentle hand and knows that it’s her doing, one way or another.
He’s taken out of his thoughts by Noah beckoning him into the living room, a distant Nicky that always sends him excitedly rushing in its direction. He finds his love sprawled on the green velvet chesterfield they plucked off a curb, the perfect find.
“How’s it look?” Noah asks him. He doesn’t have to look around him to know it’s perfect — he blindly trusts Noah’s eye — but he makes a show of doing it anyway. Their listening station has been set up in the corner, and at the sight of their collections mixed, he feels his heart clench. Somehow, that’s what makes this the most real.
What catches his eye the most, though, is the shelf of framed photos that Noah set up in the entryway. Photos of them, of Noah and Autumn, of Nick and Jolly, of Noah and Folio — among all of the little memories they’ve made together in the past 6 months, an old one stands in the middle, drawing his attention the most. The photo from Autumn’s 30th, Nick and Jazz, still happy.
Without asking, and without being asked, Noah carved out a space for her memory in their home. If Nick didn’t know any better, he would think Jasmine sent him.
Holding back tears and nearly failing, he turns his attention back to Noah, who’s lounging on the sofa and looking up expectantly. His feet take him on their own accord, dropping himself on top of him and blanketing Noah’s body with his own. He wraps himself around him, happy to save the remainder of the unpacking for later.
“It’s perfect, sweetheart,” he speaks into the side of Noah’s neck, peppering his skin with delicate kisses. “Thank you for being here with me.”
“Thank you for paying the security deposit,” Noah responds with a laugh, tightening his arms around Nick’s middle. He settles further into the sofa, bringing Nick with him.
He used to believe in one true love. He believes it less and less every day.
He struggles to imagine anything less true than the love he had with Jazz, the safety he felt there and the warmth of her delicate touch. He can’t think of anything less true than the love he has with Noah, the laughs they share, the peace he feels, the warm glow that encompasses everything.
He feels relief, again, for the privilege of a mind gone quiet. He never thought this was something he could have, the freedom to build a home again, the two of them and all of their things — their grief, their memories, and the people that will stay with them.
He runs a hand under Noah’s shirt, a comfort in the feeling of soft, bare skin beneath his fingers. Noah places a kiss to the top of his head, and everything blurs around the edges.
He’s safe again.
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randoimago · 1 year
Day 9 - Fake Dating
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Character(s): Link
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): The requester wanted Reader helping Link fend off his suitors and I love this idea so much. Also, I make Link talk a tiny bit in this (like only a few words at a time) Also Also I felt so bad for Paya while writing this ngl (sorry Paya!!)
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You blamed it on how nice he is to everyone. Oh, you need ten apples? He's doing it. One hundred crickets to impress a girl? Done. It's insane what he'll do (you're still annoyed that you watched him cut grass for hours to get the crickets to only actually give the guy ten).
But then he was going to Karkariko Village next. He seemed nervous as you two traveled on the new horse he tackled and won over. Usually, he liked using his Sheika sleight, but you both quickly found out that you are not transported with him, and he had to hurry to get back to you before the Guardian shot you. It was not a fun time.
"What's wrong, Link?" You ask as your arms are wrapped around his waist while he directed the horse. He's quiet for a bit as he ponders the question. Or maybe he heard you and was choosing to be quiet like he sometimes does. A sigh is heard from him as he looks over his shoulder. You did not realize how closely you were holding him and tried to put some space between you.
"Be my girlfriend," he says. No lead in, no 'hey I have a favor', just a flat-out proposal and your jaw dropped. Link quickly realized his mistake and pink crossed his cheeks as he shook his head. "Pretend! Pretend to be my girlfriend!"
You had a million questions and were starting to ask before Link filled you in. Apparently almost every girl and woman (some men too) in Karkariko village has a crush on Link. Well, maybe not Impa, but that's still a large number. And Link does not know how many excuses he can give so he wants you to pretend to be his girlfriend just to keep them off of him.
And you agreed.
You don't know what came across your mind to agree, but you did. You and Link talked about things like how you started dating or other couple questions that might be asked. It was a bit weird, but ended up being fun? Mostly because he's a dork and you teased him quite a bit when he talked about how he didn't realize a lizalfo tail couldn't be used as food for some reason and a fairy had to save him after eating the dubious food.
When you make it to the village, you don't quite understand what Link needed help fending off. The people seemed nice, some kids wanted to play tag (and you found it adorable how Link did so), and there was a shrine that Link stole the apples from. It wasn't until you and Link went into a shop that you realized.
"Why hello, Link, here to fill up your quiver?" She practically purrs and your jaw drops at how much confidence she has while Link pushes you forward.
"Um, actually, we would like some arrows please," you say, and she glances to you in disappointment at you being between her and Link, who she still tries to eye as a piece of meat.
"And you are?" She asks, her tone a bit bored, but you can tell she tries her best to be nice to a new customer. Even if you're a bit annoyed with how she's treating you.
"His partner," you tell her, and she pauses as Link breathes a sigh of relief. She glances between the two of you and, without thinking, Link holds your hand.
Sure, he's held hands with you before. Mostly so you didn't fall off a cliff or when the wind was really bad. But this context felt different. Well, you're fake dating so it really shouldn't be that weird, but the issue is that you liked it.
You hear her mutter something about "typical men breaking a woman's heart" but you ignore it as Link buys up about every arrow in the store. You thank her as he drags you outside and sighs.
"'Fill up your quiver'." You are so quick to tease him, and his face goes a dark red as he puts his hands over his face to hide. You're interrupted from your next teasing as you hear a gasp and you glance over and see a, well, a very pretty girl.
"Hello Paya," Link greets politely to the girl while continuing to hide his face and her face gets redder than his is. And you realize that she likes him too. It's difficult not to realize it as Link gives you a look for help and you smile gently at the girl, Paya.
"Hi," you say, and she looks to you in confusion as her eyes glance between you and Link and how close you stand together. And you watch as her heart seems to shatter, but she keeps giving a smile. Your own heart aches with her reaction.
"Hello, I'm Paya. It was nice seeing you again, Link." It was sweet how she greeted you if only tears weren't forming in her eyes as she quickly walked off and Link sighed, muttering that he'll have to talk to her later.
You keep walking through the village with Link, continuing to be his fake girlfriend but the smile on your face felt faker. Your mind kept going back to the shattered look on Paya's face and you imagined yourself in her shoes. Link is your friend; one you've traveled with for so long. How would you react if he suddenly showed up with someone he looked really close to? You didn't like those thoughts.
Eventually you and him walk out of the village, going to where the fairy shrine is so he can catch some just in case. And you see the shining lights surrounding him and how handsome his face looks as he glances in the pool of the fountain. And you realize your "just friends" thoughts are full of crap.
You're silent as you two walk away from the fountain, following the path to a little overlook. Link sighs in relief as he sits on the ground, taking a break from the excitement while you stay standing and overthinking.
"What's wrong?" Link asks and you hate how perceptive he is. Or at least, when it comes to you, he seems overly preceptive. You force a smile and sit next to him.
"I was thinking of Paya, she looked heartbroken," you tell him and Link sighs at that.
"I know." Is his reply and you can hear the heaviness in his tone, as if he also feels guilt, but he doesn't say anything afterwards. Nothing about telling the truth or even hoping she'll be okay. You know earlier he said he'd talk to her, but you don't know what that entails. The only thing you're thinking of right now is, you don't want to end up like her, the poor girl.
"It'd be unfair if she learned that we are lying about dating," you say and Link glances over at you, giving a slow nod. "So, we should actually date." His eyes look like they'll pop out of his head.
"What?!" You wince at his reaction and are about to apologize and start to think 'maybe I will end up like Paya' but then you see the massive blush on his face again.
"Well, we've traveled together for so long and-"
"Let's date." He cuts you off from the long speech you're about to give to explain your feelings. You're a bit annoyed by how quickly he recovered, but that goes away as you sigh and lean against him, something you did as friends but now it feels different, but a good different.
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dreamxthetic · 6 months
Louis de Pointe du Lac | Jacob Anderson | Interview with a vampire | Bygones
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Two hundred years and counting. That is how long Louis has been on this earth—decades upon decades of ill misfortunes and fleeting 15-minute episodes of contentment and peace. More than two hundred years on this god-forsaken planet, yet your face continues to stalk his thoughts like a drug.
He remembered evidently the way you smiled—how your dimples would quirk as your eyes sheepishly fluttered when he showered you in the dearest of compliments. They were the highlight of his days, and Louis remembered all of it, especially the first date.
It was night out, beyond dark, so much so that the two of you would frequently stumble while trekking to your hidden location beneath the glistening stars. He isn't proud of it now, but looking closer at things, he could have been less ashamed of you and met more frequently within the daytime, but the times were sacred back then, and he was young and cautious. He had to catch you four times that night before insisting on leading the way, and when you reached your goal destination, he covered your eyes.
You had asked him, "What," in return, but he merely chuckled hoarsely and gave you a kiss on your cheek.
Louis smiles…oh how soft your skin was…
It was the night of a many first of the two of you, but nothing could upstage it being the night he confessed to you. A mere six words, double that of the usual endearing three, and yet they changed your lives forever…especially yours. He still recalls how your voice cracked with disbelief and joy when he uttered them to you—how the crickets chirped with applause around you while the moon beamed a light of approval onto you…His most cherished memory. And of course, he could never forget the kiss you be-granted his lips after that, would never forget. It was slow and endearing, the most passionate he had ever been with anyone—most vulnerable: more than with Lestat. You're bodies had intermingled beyond that of just flesh. You had claimed his soul, his destiny, something Lestat only had the pleasure of holding onto temporarily.
He regretted deeply not holding onto you more dearly. He could have fought harder, should have! Sure, the times were cruel to people his kind, and it didn't make it any better that he never held the courage to visit you out of the ours of the damned, but still! You were more than just the love of his life; his actions should have replicated and been in tune with his words—his promises. Louis was young and dumb—but in love, and because of that, your veiled relationship only lasted 3 years. An ironic outcome for how high of a standard he held you.
If only he had gotten you out when he promised…had given you that happily ever after in that cottage. Maybe then…only then would Lestat not have gotten to you—would the world not have gotten the chance to degrade you: your very own family…
But he didn't. He didn't, and that was his greatest regret. Louis was 25 when it happened, cursed that way after that enchanting night with Lestat. You were pushing 30, and it was 6 years after the breakup. He knew that because he never did stop loving you. He stalked you like a personal guardian angel. Though it appears he was an ass at the job because despite seeing you once every week, he still had no clue about the internal war you were waging within yourself. If anything, it only gave his infatuation with you over to Lestat. That is what set things truly ablaze.
To this day, Louis doesn't know what Lestat did to you, nor did anyone he asks, but the morning after, he was there, just standing in front of him with the most brim smile in town, eerie in all its glory. He should have instantly known then that something was wrong, but having been with the unpredictable Lestat de Lioncourt for so long, he merely grew docile to the older's eccentric behavior, something he repented for the next day. It was 2:00AM on 8/5/179 when they discovered the body, a mere year from the new century. Of course, to Louis, this was no big deal, having already deducted that it was one of Lestat's many feeding victims, but when he heard of where the body was located and how they had passed, everything changed. There were only 2 people aside from him that he firmly believed to know that place: You and Lestat. And if Lestat was okay…then…
He had to see for himself. I mean, it could have been literally anybody. But fate wasn't so kind for him to be mistaken this time. It was you.
Your body looked bruised and drained, and at first sight, he instantly thought of Lestat, but your body showed no signs of struggle, and that was a big deal, considering it was hanging from a thin rope. It was damaging to swallow, but you had killed yourself, hanged from the tree you and him had carved your initials into, a wretched sight.
He would never forgive himself for that, even up to this day. You haunted his dreams, both the good and bad. That gleaming smile of yours…It brightened his day and made him mourn for the loss of what could have been if only he was brave enough…
Lestat had once again taken something precious from him, and like the lonely fool he was—is—he continued to remain by him…
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Sonic Underground: Guardians
Aleena had tried to ensure all of her children were in deposited safely, but unfortunately, this did not happen as planned
Uncle Chuck
Chuck had heard of what his sister-in-law had been told by some crackpot oracle and tried to head off Aleena as she dropped off her children
However, he was only able to locate retrieve Sonic, and, due to the circumstances, believed his other nieces to be dead
Furious with both Aleena and himself, he went underground with Sonic
Chuck and Sonic were on their own for a few years, with Chuck helping the resistance where he could while helping Sonic figure out and work on his speed
Sonic (8) found an abandoned Tails (3) when he was exploring a woodlands area during one of their "Camping Trips" and brought him home
Chuck wasn't planning on adopting Tails (having planned on trying to locate the pups parents or at least drop him off at the Sanctuary), but ended up getting as attached to the kit as much as Sonic had
He was mostly winging it with them (apparently most people don't let their 4 year old disassemble and reassemble a tank engine to see how it works or check their 9 year old's running speed with a police speedometer)
He lost his leg during his last 1-1 encounter with Robotnik at the start of his takeover (a fair enough trade for the destroying the dictator's eyes and arm in his opinion)
Chuck was the initial reason Robotnik hated hedgehogs due to their shared history
Lady Elodie Windermere
Lady Windermere is a Bear (bc she's apparently not a bear but a dog in canon???)
Elodie had just lost her husband when Sonia showed up on her doorstep
Sonia was her sign to keep moving on, and she dedicated herself to Sonia's happiness and safety
Due to Robotnik's hatred of hedgehogs, she told everyone, including Sonia herself, that her ward was a Tenrac
going so far as to hire a tenrac maid in order to fake medical records for her protection
Sonia was made to cover her ears (the key visual difference between the two species as well) when going out in public and as she grew older, hide her back quills with custom reinforced corsets
As one of the highest aristocrats, she covered this by setting a new fashion trend of "earcaps" amongst the younger members of the court, allowing Sonia to blend in further
When Sonia's super strength revealed itself, Elodie worked with her daughter personally on her control, working with her in their gym as well as hiring self defense trainers for Sonia to have a good outlet
Went full Mama Bear mode on Sleet and Dingo when they DARED suggest arresting her daughter
Her arrest caused much scandal amongst the aristocrats, as she was the one most turned to when they needed a listening ear, and a resulting source of several dozen secrets NO ONE wanted to reach Robotnik's ears
Farrell is a Cricket
former war veteran (medic)
he lost most of his upper right arm and was honorably discharged
despite his service, it wasn't long before he was living on the streets, where he spent the next 3 decades mastering the all the skills he'd need to survive and establishing a low-crime ring
Of all Farrell's students, Manic was his favorite, and made sure his kid had "nothin' but the best"
best as he could manage anyways
despite the attention it drew, he encouraged Manic's "jam sessions"
when Manic was younger, it wasn't uncommon for him to fall asleep to Farrell's chirping lullaby
their hideout was an abandoned weapon factory in the industrial district that the Swatbots "miraculously" kept missing
Manic learn a lot of his tech skills from playing with the old abandoned machinery
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1stpoliticalcartoons · 5 months
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“South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s bid for Donald Trump’s VP slot on the Republican ticket blew up in recent days, unless the Trump team grossly underestimates how much Americans love their dogs and other animals.
Ahead of upcoming release of Noem’s new book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” The Guardian news outlet obtained a copy, and the biggest revelation appears not to be what’s wrong with politics, but what’s wrong with Noem.
Noem, who served in the South Dakota House of Representatives and the U.S. House of Representatives prior to becoming governor, is also a hunter. Guardian writer Martin Pengelly reports that Noem writes in the book about her 14-month-old (still a puppy) wirehair pointer named Cricket.
These dogs require vigorous exercise and can be rowdy and highly exuberant when not exercised sufficiently, particularly when young. They need a confident owner.
Cricket was a female with an “aggressive personality” who needed training to hunt pheasant, wrote Noem. So Noem took Cricket out on pheasant run with other older dogs for training. But, young girls just want to have fun. Cricket was “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.”
After the outing, which Noem considered ruined by Cricket, she stopped to talk with a local family, and Cricket, apparently not secured in Noem’s truck, escaped and headed for the family’s chickens. Chaos and chicken death ensued. Cricket was just having fun, with no idea of what was about to befall her.
“I hated that dog,” Noem recounts in the book, finding young Cricket “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog.” Noem appears to place the blame for that on the dog, not herself.
Summary execution from Noem was near.
After her day of frolicking and joy, Cricket was then led by Noem to a gravel pit where she was executed.
By then, perhaps all fired up to dispatch any creature that didn’t fit Noem’s view of acceptable behavior, Noem shot a male goat she viewed as “nasty and mean,” because it wasn’t castrated (again, whose fault was that?), and who chased the kids and smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid.”
The goat also met his unnecessary fate in the gravel pit, in a story that sounds like the South Dakota version of Tony Soprano.
Since the Guardian story and wide pick-up of the animal executions, Noem has not backed down on her position that the story was an illustration of making “tough, challenging decisions.” Defining the dog as a “working dog,” seems to justify for her the act of putting it down. But the more Noem responds to what the majority of people see as indefensible, the bigger the hole she digs for herself in her own gravel pit.
Death for these animals was the only option in her mind? What about rehoming, sending the dog to training with someone else? How about letting the goat have its own enclosed space and keeping the kids away? Could the goat still be neutered? Would a hose down have helped with its smell?
As a potential VP pick, the concern is that her judgment is this poor. We’ve already endured nearly four years of a president and VP with poor judgment – this country can’t endure more.
Noem’s story reminded me of a friend who said when he was an older teen, he took Halloween candy from the younger children. Even as a grown man, he didn’t seem to recognize that what he had done as a teenager was wrong. He still thought taking candy from kids was funny. And like Noem, he didn’t have any awareness that it was a story you don’t tell other people because it reflects very poorly on him.
Mahatma Gandhi, who used nonviolent resistance in the campaign he led to obtain independence for India from British rule, said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Noem doesn’t pass the sniff test.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
@here4dragons, this is for you, sweetheart <3
(mood music - "Motion" by Peter Sandberg)
Abel sighed tiredly. He'd lost track of the time again. But honestly, this time alone was the only part of the day he could relax, in a sense. Ever since his promotion to being captain of the royal guard, he'd been running around nonstop. He'd never really contemplated how much work went into just being in charge, but he absolutely despised it.
It wasn't as if he weren't grateful, honored for this position, of course. He still wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed to get it. A small, insecure part of him wondered if it was simply because the king had found out that the princess' appointed knight was his son. Link's fame was certainly growing ever since he'd rescued Princess Zelda from that rogue guardian. Abel still felt his stomach squirm uncomfortably, his heart swell with pride but shrivel in fear at the sight of his boy cradling his broken arm after deflecting the shot.
It had been entirely too chilling a reminder of the dangers Link was going to face.
But the boy had been fine. He would be fine. He was an amazing warrior, a better swordfighter than anyone, and he was only sixteen. He'd be seventeen soon, and he would continue to grow and improve. It would be all right. He would be alright.
Abel paced his quarters. The private room was one of the few wonderful benefits of his promotion. It gave him time to himself, something he felt like he never really had anymore.
But sometimes, even the quiet of his room wasn't enough. He had his window open, letting a cool breeze inside, listening to the crickets chirp, watching the fireflies lazily float by, but it wasn't enough. So he sighed again and took a candle, heading outside.
It was amazing how quiet the castle could be at night, given how lively it was during the day. There was usually a constant hustle, royal scientists scrambling about with notes, servants moving quickly to ensure everything ran smoothly, soldiers patrolling, guardians' gears whirring as the large metallic beasts tested their legs, nobles tutting about trying to get the attention of the king, citizens from near and far coming with petitions and pleas.
It was tedious. It was exhausting.
Abel was a man of action. He'd always preferred just being a knight. When he'd been assigned to the castle, he'd viewed it as a great honor, but also...
He'd never wanted it. He'd seen enough politics in the Domain, but even there he was happier. An assignment like this, being captain of the royal guard... he imagined it would have made his father proud.
His father. He couldn't even remember what the man looked like anymore. Just what his rotting body had smelled like. Just how his mother's cries had sounded.
Abel swallowed, his throat dry as he made his way outside. His candle attracted the attention of the fireflies, and they flitted about slowly, reflecting its light on their bellies, winking at the man. Abel smiled at them, smiled at the gentle trickle of water from the nearby fountain, smiled at the cool breeze that brushed the warm flush of worry from his cheeks.
He took a deep breath in, trying to soak in the moment, grateful for little occasions like this.
His promotion was so new, so strange, so different. He wasn't just a knight alongside everyone else anymore. It was freeing, it was terrifying. He had so much riding on him now, had others looking to him for guidance and help. The king sometimes asked for his advice. The blasted King of Hyrule.
Abel sighed a little, pulling a letter out from where he'd tucked it into his belt. He'd received it this morning, but hadn't had a chance to read it all day, as busy as he'd been. Finding a bench, he settled down and opened it, reading its contents in the moonlight as the fireflies made daring little dashes for his candle beside him.
My love,
I received your letter a little while ago and only just now had the chance to reply! Oh, you wouldn't believe how busy it's been in Hateno lately! So many people have been passing through. I think that new dye shop is really doing something for the village, it's pretty amazing!
Lyra is doing great. She found a stray cucco and adopted it, so now I have to constantly clean up after it, but she loves it very much. She named her Mipha, and I have to laugh every time I hear it, because somehow I think the princess would be fine with it but Link would not haha! Lyra is so free spirited, it's such a joy spending time with her. I know she misses you very much, and I've got her working on her very own letter to send you as well.
Speaking of princesses, though, can you tell me how Link is doing with his new assignment? I haven't heard from him in a while, and I know I shouldn't worry, but well. I do sometimes. And I know you do too. But I pray for you both every day. I know Hylia is looking out for you, beloved.
I just wanted to say again how proud I am of you, Abel. You have one of the highest ranks in all of Hyrule! Can you believe that? I knew you could reach such heights, but I still have to wrap my head around it sometimes! You and Link are so magnificent, I'm sometimes just baffled that I even know you two, that you're my husband and he's my baby boy. I am so blessed to have you two in my life.
I love you so much, Abel. I hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Tilieth
Abel read the words again and again, bringing the letter to his chest and closing his eyes. The parchment crinkled in his gentle grip as he tried to hug his wife through the words, as he could feel her hugging him in return. Then he smiled in anticipation, pulling out the second letter, seeing the far clumsier handwriting and feeling his heart flutter with joy and excitement at it.
Dear Papa,
Mama let me actually write my own letter this time, and I wanted to include some feathers from Mipha so she could say hi to you too! Anyway, I wanted to say hi and I love you. Mama's food is really good and I can't wait for you to come home and have it and so you can see Mipha. Also it's really hot right now, so I hope it isn't hot where you are. Because it's to hot I feel like a carrot in Mama's cooking pot. But not a tomato because those are gross. And I'm not that red.
Mama talks about you getting some new job, so I wanted to say good job. But I don't think it's as hard as Mama's job because she's always working. So you should send her flowers.
Papa, I was wondering when you were coming home? Do I need to write to the king? Mama says he's why you and Link are still gone. And I know you guys leave a lot for knight duty but you didn't used to be gone for this long. It's been like over a year since I saw you, and I think the king doesn't know that, so you should tell him. If you can't because you're busy, that's ok. I can tell him too.
Anyway there's this new die shop that Mama loves and I think you should take her to it. She took me to it and it was really cool. Lots of people like it! We should get Link and make him splash in it. Blue is the best color, so he should swim in blue paint. I don't know why they call it die because that seems like a bad word for it. The clothes don't die or anything. But I guess they look different, so they die to how they used to be. Something like that.
Papa, I love you. I miss you. I want to hug you, so please come home soon!
Love, Lyra
Abel found himself chuckling as he finished the letter. Goddess, he missed his daughter. Lyra was just as quirky and silly as Tilieth, and she encompassed Tilieth's social boldness with Abel's force of will. That girl was going to be a menace when she became a teenager.
She was right, though. It had been a long time since Abel had gone home. His longest assignment had been at Zora's Domain, spanning years, but that was before Lyra had been born. He'd always been able to see his family at least once a year since then. Now...
He couldn't complain, honestly. He shouldn't. He was proud to serve his country, honored to be able to have such freedom to help others in this new position. And he could see Link so often. It was a blessing.
He smiled again at the letters, holding them to his heart. He would see his wife and daughter again soon someday. He would bring Tilieth flowers. He would play with Lyra and her little pet. He would go to the dye shop (and teach his daughter how to spell dye). And he would take Link with him.
Someday. Perhaps when this crisis was over, when Princess Zelda discovered her powers.
In the meantime, he would treasure these letters. He would write whenever he could. And he would fully utilize the honors given to him so that he could help Hyrule as much as possible, whether he deserved this prestige or not.
I love you too, he whispered in his heart to his beloveds. And then he looked up at the sky, face glowing in the moonlight, heart lighter, and he prayed in thanks to Hylia.
They'd be alright, in the end. They'd be alright.
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instarsandcrime · 7 months
Angels (Don't) Make Mistakes
Well, @fetishy-ivy and I collectively enjoyed the idea of Lucifer losing control of his powers if his rapid fits were bad enough and, after several hours of trying not to write it I broke. Sooo...here ya go! Some allergy!Lucifer when he and Lilith were still meeting in Eden :)
Despite her better judgment, Lilith was not one to question her sanity. Because Adam was, politely speaking, a fucking nightmare to be around. Which is why– only on occasion, thank you very much– she would call upon her guardian seraphim for company. She couldn't help it. He was just more…personable. So she continued to sit in the soft embrace of an overgrown flower field, lithe fingers intertwined in prayer. “Saint Lucifer? If you’re listening, I need your guidance.” 
So she waited. And waited. Waited for a brush of divine wings on the wind. Only left with the chirping crickets, and the stroke of a snake’s tail against her bare leg. Slithering its way up her arm, Lilith held its iridescent scales to the moonlight. “Tell me– have you seen my friend, little one? I admit, I’ve become rather lonely in his absence.”
“Lonely? Oh nonono Miss, we can't have that! This so-called friend of yours must really be slacking on the job to leave you in such a state.” The snake replied with an annoyed flick of the forked tongue.
“...Lucifer?” She gaped, studying its chubby cheeks and scarlet eyes. At the very mention of the name he leapt off his perch– glowing, stretching, and finally snapping back to the usual angelic form. Robed in white, he tucked his six wings and adjusted his haloed top hat.
“In the flesh!” The seraphim chuckled, bowing with a dramatic flourish. “How may I be of assistance, child of the garden?”
“I suppose you can help me by sparing a moment of your time.” Lilith appealed, pushing herself upright. “I understand that my requests aren't always of vital importance. But despite all that, you’ve always taken such good care of me. So I would like to repay your kindness with something special. Something that reminds me of you.” Padding to a low-hanging willow, she parted the foliage to unveil a crown of daisies. A proud smile tugged at her lips when Lucifer immediately gushed, applauding wildly with sparkling eyes.
“And what a fine job you did! The care! The craftsmanship!” A pause. “Wh-what– what is it, exactly?”
“An offering. I wanted to show my appreciation for your services, protection, and…and companionship. All that you’ve done means more than you know. Trust me.” Lilith couldn’t help the light blush that dusted her cheeks as she gently lowered her present from its knotted hook.
“Oh.” Lucifer breathed, bashfully fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. “Well, I-I suppose I could use another halo! If you would do the honor of crowning me, of course.”
“My, how forward! Bending to a lowly human?” The mortal teased, watching her seraphim bow to one knee, hat pressed to his chest. 
“Wh– of course not! Don't be silly. You and Adam are just as special as anyone in Heaven. Father said so himself!”
“Oh? Then tell me glowing, benevolent being, what are you?” Lilith chuckled, gently settling the flower crown in its rightful place.
“Why, the great Saint Lucifer of course!” He hopped to his feet, preening at the precious daisies that blessed him. “Here to h–…h-hhhelp…hpsh’hhiew!” Ivory petals rained down from the sudden jolt. The seraphim blinked once. Twice. Then lifted a gloved finger to rub at his button nose.
“O-oh…goodness. Snff!” He chuckled nervously, “This is…d-definitely a new ehhh…ehhhxperience for…for me…Het’sshhhiew! ‘Chhhiew!”
“Sneezing?” Lilith bit her lip to keep from laughing as the ‘great Saint Lucifer’ stared back with helpless doe-eyes, completely clueless over something so small.
“Yes! Sneezing! That’s what it’s called! Let me tell you, I was fascinated when Adam did ihh…it– ittshh’iieww! But I– h-heh’hhitschh! I didn’t realize how fruhh– ‘Tshh! ‘Tchh! HET’Ch’hhieww! F-frustrating it iiihh– hhheh-hih-hhHIT’SHIEW! Snf! Ohhh…”
“You’re not sick, are you?” Thin brows furrowed, and a doting palm pressed against his forehead. Too close for comfort, Lucifer scrambled to pinch his nose, holding his breath for good measure. But it just made the tickle worse. How was that even possible? No matter how much he sneezed it never seemed to slow down and stop.
“Well, you don’t have a fever–”
“Hn’chnxt! ‘Chnxt! HTCH’nxhht!”
Lilith barely swallowed a yelp, attention snapping downward as a heavenly light pooled below. A bouquet of lavender tied itself into knots, petals reborn into a cloud of fireflies. The seraphim slapped a hand over his mouth, face glowing gold in the dark.
“I-I am so sorry! I don’t know what’s c-come ohhh-over mbe– h-heh! HT’SCHHIEWW! ‘ISHH! ‘ITSCHHH!”
Nearby another flash broke through the tall grass. A flock of ducks surfaced on a glassy pond, happily quacking away like they hadn’t just sprung to life two seconds ago. Biting the nail of her thumb, Lilith replayed the night’s events in her mind. She called his name, he responded in kind, he transformed from a snake, looking into her eyes with that goofy, lopsided smile– no, shit! Focus!
She shook her head to clear it. Lucifer gave his usual introduction, she thanked him for everything he’d done, she gave him the– …oh. Oh, for God’s sake. Lilith knelt to meet her friend’s watery gaze. “Lucifer?”
“Snff! I cad fix this! I– I c-cahh– can f-fihh- fiiihhhHHESCHH’IIEWW! ETCH’HHHIIEWW! ESH’HHIEWW!” 
“I’m afraid nature isn’t something you can fix. Not without ‘the proper paperwork.’” She mocked with a touch of angelic snobbery, plucking the daisy crown from his head. “And forgive me for being so crass. But Lucifer, my dear, you sound absolutely fucking miserable.”
“Please dohn’d– snff! throw away such a nice gift. Besides, it’s from you!” He gestured Lilith up and down like it was just so obvious that every little piece of art she made was a miracle beyond comprehension. “You make such wonderful creations. I’d hate to see another one go so soon.”
In return her expression softened, taking his hands in her own. “Don’t fret. Your passion for my happiness is more than enough. Even if there are some parts you can’t be near without having a fit.”
Lucifer groaned tiredly through breathless hitching. “Guhh-gonna be honest, I’d– I’d like the sdeezing to stobp nuhh– now– Heh’shhiieww…Het’shhhiieww!...Hep’tttschhiieeww!”
Another pop of magic, and with every sneeze his cherry red cheeks flashed a different color. With a sharp squeak Lucifer tugged his top hat over his face, finally relenting to his fate. “Fide, fide! You– snff! you win.”
“Of course I do! Humans are stubborn ones, aren’t they?” A giggle carried on the warm spring air. With a soft tug Lilith tilted the haloed brim to shelter the pair from prying eyes above the clouds, kissing a now gold-tinted nose. “But I would be more than honored to make you a new crown. One with beautiful, pearly snakeskin.”
Completely shell-shocked, Lucifer watched Lilith disappear into the forest border, daisies in hand. Savoring the pleasant tingle left behind, the tips of satin gloves hovered over the spot where warm lips touched. Another fascinating discovery to add to today's list. What was it called?
One small, stumbling step led to another, and soon enough he was pacing fervently through the wildflowers. The inventor began to think– and in a snap his mind was back in his workshop, tinkering with a promising new idea. 
“Maybe I should start offering my services without needing her prayer. Yes. Yes, that would be perfect! I could just pop in to say hello, check in to make sure everything’s going according to plan, and pop out! Occasionally. Wouldn’t want to get too close to our special little lady, right?”
The tall grass parted, and his eyes fell to a stray duck, casually observing from a distance. “It’s not like I’m making up some silly, nonsensical excuse to see her again, right?”
It tilted its head with a low, indifferent quack. 
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reborrowing · 27 days
Lost Fledgling
Sequel thing to Open House, Empty Nest
cw: angst, ambiguous ending, no happy ending, broken families, identity issues
He wanted to go home. He wanted his mama. From that first week, as soon as he was brave enough to follow his sister and step out of hiding, he would go to the window and try to imagine his way home. There should be some magic, shouldn’t there, something calling him back no matter how far he was? Yet nothing spoke to him as he looked out at alien trees that grew more familiar by the day. No answers filled that yearning, gnawing emptiness in his chest.
He don’t know his address, didn’t even know what an address was until his new guardians had asked about it. Sister didn’t know it either. What use was an address to a borrower? They’d hardly be able to travel the distance between blocks, never mind neighborhoods.
The years fell by and the homesickness lingered and turned more abstract. He missed the idea of the house he’d been born in, missed the security of tight and hidden spaces, missed what it felt like to climb out from the floor’s shadows into a haze of warm sunlight. He missed cricket stew and goodnight kisses. He missed a voice he couldn’t quite remember right.
He missed his mama.
He knew he ought to be grateful that the human that had found them had taken on the role of parent rather than jailer. It was probably the best he could hope for. His new guardian loved him and he loved them, but they would never be mama.
How long had she looked for them? How close had she come? Why hadn’t she kept them at home if there were going to be people in the house above? He missed his mama, he loved her, but he blamed her too. Where had she been? Didn’t she care that he was gone?
He and Sister were taught things most borrowers didn’t, things most borrowers would never think to care about and went without the teachings and basic skills most borrowers would consider common knowledge. Sister did what she could, but she hardly knew any more than he did. They were lost.
He didn’t know who he was or what to call himself. He didn’t borrow, so he could hardly say he was a borrower. And he wasn’t human, either. He couldn’t join his parents’ society any more than he could become a bird and fly. His guardian told him otherwise, that he could do anything he put his mind to, but that was only true so long as no one thought to stop him and everyone was careful to watch their step. He hadn’t gone to school, wouldn’t go to college, wouldn’t ever have a career…what was he?
His guardian couldn’t give him any answers that satisfied the aching in his chest.
He decided to search for them on his own. Even if he never found his way back home, even if his memories of his old life were fuzzy, he knew there were other borrowers out there. and there had been traders that sometimes camped under the porch. Even his father had been a nomad of some sort. It would be hard, what with the way his kind hid, but he was sure he would find someone. Something better than this world that was wholly too big for him.
And so one night he set out, leaving another parent behind to grieve his disappearance.
general tag list @da3dm @whumpsday
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pleasereadmeok · 1 month
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 “I thought, I should give that go! Why don’t I give it a crack?”
A very young Matthew Goode - who had recently decided that he might as well try being an actor!
@asgoodeasgold 's post today reminded me about this. From Matthew's biography page on matthew-goode.net. [I wrote this a LOOOOOONG time ago so don't judge 😂]
He does remember ‘performing’ from an early age – “Probably being the youngest and fighting for attention is something to do with it.”  “I’d always been someone who sang in the choir. I was head chorister of my choir at my prep school and we did school plays and bits and bobs.”  [Backstage]
Jenny Goode (Matthew's mum) was also an amateur theatre director –  “She did have a huge passion for the theatre, though, and ran The Campion Players, the local amateur dramatics group. She involved me from a young age. I always thought that actors were an incredibly fun bunch and smart with it.” [Red] Matthew has been on stage since a young age.  He remembers playing a singing rodent in ‘The Wind and the Willows’ when he was about 6. Matthew’s mum says – “From an early age in junior school productions, I saw that he had considerable presence on stage and found learning both the script and the music very easy. At that age of course children show a wide area of abilities, he particularly loved all forms of sport and had a good ear for singing and playing a musical instrument.”  [Devon live]
He says that his mum was an orphan and joked that – “She genuinely at one point thought she was Laurence Olivier’s love child. She had an incredible passion for it.”  [Herald Scotland]
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[Matthew with his mum Jenny at the Brideshead Revisited premiere / Richard Young]
Matthew enjoyed being around theatres, amateur actors and being out until late in a “Brilliant adult fantasy word.” [Clocktower Radio].  However he never considered acting as a career and as he got older he got shy about performing because he tended to be a blusher.   He admits that his first kiss was on stage – “Michelle Halford was her name – she was a little minx.” “We had a kiss on stage.  It wasn’t particularly enjoyable but it was my first.”[New York Times Screen Test interview]  Unfortunately he gave up acting in his teens because he went red on stage, [Guardian] and he was more interested in sport, “so it sort of went on the back burner a bit” [Backstage]. Matthew didn’t take up acting again until he was in Sixth Form (about 17). Meanwhile Matthew excelled in sport.  Matthew Rhys asked him “How big a part does sport play in your life?” Goode: “It used to play a phenomenal part in my life, because I used to play a lot of county sport, a lot of sport for my school. I love team sports”.  [Interview Magazine].  He played hockey and cricket representing his County/school but golf became his main sporting passion. Matthew started playing crazy golf with his brother James, then progressed to ‘pitch and putt’ and on to the full size version when he was about 14.  His parents loaned him some money to pay for club fees. “I was the dream child for the holidays.  My parents would drop me off [at the golf club] first thing and pick me up when the light was going.” [Robb Report]  He reached a high level of skill at an early age with a handicap of 4 but that has dropped to a 7 today. [Discussion with Greg Kinnear at Dunhill Links Tournament]. Matthew talks about his relationship with his late father very fondly – sadly he died early in Matthew’s career.  He refers to how his father taught him about wine and Scottish whisky.  Matthew’s father also taught him to fish and he talked about this in an interview with his friend Matthew Rhys. RHYS: When did you first start fishing? GOODE: I will never forget it. I used to go to Wales for canal holidays. When I first started fishing, I was on the Brecon Canal in Wales. We pulled up in our canal boat and Dad got out these two maroon, telescopic fishing rods, and put a reel on. RHYS: Was your father a fisherman? GOODE: Yes, he loved it. In fact we used the tackle he used as a boy. It’s no longer with us. He put a couple of maggots on, cast it out, and handed it over to me. I would’ve been eight or nine. Then, about five second later I saw the thing just drift away and I had got one, and it was a beautiful roach—a perfect little roach, silver, about three-quarters of a pound. RHYS: What is it about fishing? GOODE: It’s quite exciting—it’s like acting, some bits are quite exciting and then there’s moments where you’re not doing anything or nothing is happening.  [Interview Magazine]
Education Matthew’s parents worked hard to pay for himself and James to have a private education.  James boarded at his school while Matthew was a day boy at Exeter School, an independent school in the city of Exeter in Devon.
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Matthew studied A levels including Geography, Drama/Theatre studies and English.  He was considering a career in Archaeology. “For a time I wanted to do archeology, also because my father was a geologist.”[Style Magazine Italia] but his drama teacher, Stephanie Tratmore, had spotted his talent and encouraged him to take up acting again.
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[Matthew’s drama teacher Stephanie Tratmore/Crupeck – Exeter School]
Stephanie was putting on a production of Sean O’Casey’s ‘The Plough and the Stars’ and persuaded Matthew to audition for the part of socialist ‘The Young Covey.’  He was reluctant because he hadn’t been on stage for a few years and he was still a blusher. Stephanie got her way and he enjoyed playing the part.   “it wasn’t until I was 17 that I really caught the acting bug,” [Herald Scotland] During this time Matthew was in many Exeter city productions including ‘Richard III’ (as the ambitious Buckingham) and ‘Waiting For Godot’. [Devon Live]  He recalls being in productions at the Northcott Theatre and Barnfield Theatre in Exeter.
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[Northcott Theatre Exeter]
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[Barnfield Theatre – Exeter]
Stephanie and Andrzej Chrupek taught Matthew drama at Exeter School.  He got top marks in GCSE drama and A-Level theatre studies but worked hard at his craft. Mrs Chrupek said: “He had amazing concentration when he was on the stage and an intensity. He was also very intuitive and had incredible stage presence.”  Mr Chrupek added: “He had a very charming smile, which is obviously his trademark. He hasn’t changed a lot. He was great, great fun to be around and he had charisma on the stage. Your eye was drawn to him when he acted.”  [Devon Live] His mum proudly says – “Towards the end of senior school, I began to see someone who could sustain and create a character and make it his own and I increasingly began to think that a career as an actor was a real possibility.” [Devon Live]
However Matthew decided to go to University rather than go straight to Drama School. “By the time I got to 18, I had to get a degree to make my parents happy.” [Backstage].  Matthew was also considering a career in sport and briefly considered Archaeology [Style Italia] before he finally decided to study Drama at University because he didn’t think he was good at anything else. There was a lot of competition to do drama as a degree course and so he needed high grades. He remembers that most drama courses required an ‘A’ and 2 ‘B’s at A level.  The University of Birmingham offered him a place if he got 3 B’s so he opted for their course.  He actually got 2 ‘A’s and a ‘C’ at A level so he was accepted to study a BA in Drama and Theatre Arts – graduating in 1998. [Clocktower Radio Interview] Matthew remembered some good times studying at Birmingham in this Birmingham Mail interview:- ‘The 31 year-old star has fond memories of the city where he attended Birmingham University to study drama. And as well as treading the boards in the city’s theatres he managed to hit a few of the dartboards in its pubs, too. “It was bostin’,” he laughs. “I had a great time. I used to live on balti. There were a lot of curry houses that used to open late that I remember fondly. I wasn’t thinking about being an actor but I enjoyed doing drama and it had a very good course.  I really came out of my shell and I met the people who are still closest to me there.  We were like cock of the walk and thought we ran the town, or we thought we did as far as the drama course went. We were members of the summer darts league at The Brook Pub in Selly Oak, which got in the way of a lot of work.” [Birmingham Mail]
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[The Brook Pub in Selly Oak – now demolished from Our Brum]
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[Screenshot from ‘Silent Night’.]
Towards the end of his degree Matthew still wasn’t totally set on a career in acting but he says that his friend Gary got a place at Drama School and “I knew I was a better actor than him [laughs] so I thought I could do it too!”  “I thought, I should give that go! Why don’t I give it a crack?” [Backstage]  He says – “If you ask my teachers and my mother they would say ‘We always knew’ – but I didn’t!”  [Clocktower radio interview] Matthew applied for a loan to attend drama school and got a place at London’s Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art.  I went up to London to audition and managed to get the postgrad course there.”
By the way - this is Gary - we have a lot to thank him for!
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Goode fans owe this guy EVERYTHING!!!!   He is Gary Crystal - Matthew Goode’s mate from way back.  Matthew wasn’t heading for a career in acting until this guy applied for Drama school and got in.  
“I knew I was a better actor than him [laughs] so I thought I could do it too!”  “I thought, I should give that go! Why don’t I give it a crack?” [Backstage]
Gary is now a director/editor/writer.  And Matthew Goode?  Well whatever happened to him?  
[📷- IMDb]
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My Favourite Episodes with the 5th Doctor:
I'm watching Classic Who for the first time, and I've just finished Seasons 19-21. Here are my favourite episodes with the 5th Doctor:
Black Orchid
While this one is typically disliked, I really enjoyed it. I though it was super fun - who doesn't want to see Cricket and Fancy Dress parties in the 1920's?
On completely the other end of the spectrum, this episode is often considered one of the best.....and for good reason.
Mawdryn Undead
New companion, the Brigadier, rock murder, the Blinovitch Limitation Effect...it's got everything!!
The first Doctor Who Serial written by a woman! A really exciting story with a cool concept, and a great conclusion to the Black Guardian Trilogy. I just love this one.
The King's Demons
I always enjoy a historical....and there's a sword fight. What's not to love?
The Five Doctors
The Five Doctors. Enough said
Planet of Fire
Five and Turlough....fiveandturloughing. Peri chasing the tiny master around his TARDIS. I love everything about this episode...apart from Peri's infamous opening shot.
Caves of Androzani
It's known as Five's best episode for a reason. And that reason is because it's brilliant!
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kineticpenguin · 5 months
“I hated that dog,” Noem recalls, calling Cricket, “less than worthless as a hunting dog,” “untrainable,” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” “At that moment […] I realized I had to put her down,” the governor recalls. Noem dragged Cricket to a gravel pit, and shot her dead in front of a startled construction crew. “It was not a pleasant job but it had to be done,” she recounts, “and after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done.” The governor then decided that another one of her animals was deserving of summary execution — a mean old “disgusting, musky, rancid” goat who sometimes chased her children and messed up their clothes. Pretty normal behavior if you’ve ever been around a goat but in Noem’s eyes, a capital offense. But unlike Cricket’s mercifully quick death, Noem botched her first shot at the goat, and was forced to run back to her truck for more ammo to finish off the wounded animal. Dan Lussen, a professional hunting dog trainer, told Rolling Stone that a 14-month-old dog is a “baby that doesn’t know any better.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Mei will still end up spending a good chunk of time being fostered by the Qi's, of course. Not because the Ao Long's don't want her but more so to keep her safe and sound while they deal with the backlash of their disownment and they to pick up the pieces of their lives again. I mean, theyndont even have a house anymore! Ao Yi knows Wukong would keep her daughter safe, he'd done much the same for her throughout her own life even if she hadn't actually realized it until she met the man in person, and few could ever truly threaten the Monkey King even in his weakened state.
referencing changes to the Ao-Long's in the TMKATI au.
Yes yes yes
In the years he had been "sleeping" in the modern world, Sun Wukong acted as a guardian angel for any member of Ao Lie's family - a means to try repaying a debt owed to an old friend.
Ao Yi may not have recognised the little orange cardinal that helped her home when she wandered too far from the palace one spring day. Or the wolf that scared off a street dog that threatened to bite her. Or the sad-sounding cricket that appeared at the deathbed of her father as he entered the next world, the elder dragon's inner fire killing him from within as the Forth Ring left it's host for a new one.
But the dragon princess knew she recognised something within the awkward noodle shop worker who fumbled over her (pregnancy-induced craving) order as the dragon couple sat patiently (well Yi was sitting patiently, Cháo discovered an old arcade cabinet outside he really really wanted to try). Not that he was a monkey demon, no, but there was something deep within Yi's soul that told her that this demon was an old friend. Not just to herself, but to her family as a whole.
As a tactical move, she continues visiting the shop even after the cravings for noodle broth had ebbed. She slyly extracts information about the monkey demon from himself, the owner, and the bespectacled scholar; that he struggles with Simplified Chinese, that he's known the city for a while but it's his first time living there, that his mate is pregnant and it's their first child (a fact that the couples celebrate as delightful timing), and the fact that he too recognises Ao Yi - perhaps better than she to him.
The real show of trust however, was when Ao Yi unexpectedly laid her egg far too early; she had finally managed to speak to the mysterious "Qi Mihou" in the waiting room of the high-end (the one thing Qi Wu was willing to overspend on) obstetrics waiting area as she felt a terrible burning pain shoot through her body.
Dr Zhao delivered grave news once the egg had entered the world; The pup's shell was refusing to harden even after it had been whisked away to an incubator, and the pulse detected within was very weak - a sadly very common late-stage complication caused by a mineral deficiency or an infection. It would be considered in critical condition until they could safety extract the pup from within
The sight of their lumpy, rubbery egg sitting inside an incubator they could barely reach into; sent both Ao-Longs into tears neither had dared to shed in a long time. This had not been their first try for a child, but this had been the first time it had developed far enough for a name.
Qi Mihou visited Ao Yi as she recovered in the maternity ward, the macaque demon feeling a cautious kinship with the fellow expectant mother. Qi Wu helped to distract Cháo as the male dragon struggled to keep on top of both his work and his emotions.
The Ao-Longs and the nursing staff were prepared to consider the dragons' egg a tragic loss until...
(in the maternity ward; the egg's incubator has been pulled up next to Ao Yi's bed for comfort/instincts. Mihou and Yi are watching a soap opera though the dragon isn't paying much attention to it.) Mihou, ears twitching: "Hmm?" Ao Yi, in bed: "What is it?" Mihou, silent: *head turns towards the incubator* "Oh!" Ao Yi, panicking: "What, what is it? Is there something wrong?" Mihou: "No, far from it actually. But we should get a doctor with one of those microphone-thingys."
The attending doctor was skeptical, but allowed Ao Yi to place the bell of the stethoscope to the egg's far-too-soft shell to listen.
From deep within the egg came a furious and healthy; "PEW! PEW!"
It had been the second time Ao Yi had allowed herself to cry in public. Her husband did a far more inelegant wail of joy when he managed to hear it for himself.
"Ao-Long Xiaojiao", as the pup was named, managed to rip open the rubbery shell of their egg that very afternoon - trying to crawl even as their limbs splayed out beneath them like a newborn horse foal. Qi Wu burst out a choked laugh at the sight, likely because he knew the story of the Western family's most infamous member.
And for the Qi couple's kindness and loyalty to them in their darkest moments, the Ao-Long's granted them the title of Godparents, even though giving such a role to a non-royal was seen as very uncommon among their circle.
But when a great evil came into their lives, the Ao-Longs knew that they had chosen well...
The strength that had lifted them from the rubble, and the shadows that whisked them away from the flames were evidence enough.
The fact that Ao Yi was correct in her suspiscions that Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque had been living alongside the mortal realm was besides the point. All that mattered was that the monkey couple was There for the dragons when they needed them.
The secret identities oddly enough, allowed the Ao-Longs to keep custody of their pup after they had lost everything. Very few lawyers are as good as Fire Star and Water Star when navigating dragon family law.
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In advance of Taskmaster season 18 starting, I found Andy Zaltzman's old episodes on a couple of Alex Horne podcasts, and listened to those. This sent me down a route of finding various Zaltzman appearances on podcasts, and I was reminded that there's an entire Zaltzman-hosted thing that's easy to find that I've never heard. It's his "Summer of Sport", which was a podcast he did for The Guardian throughout summer 2016, discussing the various sporting things happening. Rio Olympics, obviously. Also other stuff. I think there was cricket on.
It's weird that I've not listened to that before, and that it's not even something I think of if I think of Andy Zaltzman's career, even though I know Andy Zaltzman's career very well. I know Andy's pre-Bugle career because that's Chocolate Milk Gang stuff; I have studied that era in, probably, far too much detail. And anything he's done since The Bugle started, I know about it because I've heard it plugged on the podcast.
But Summer of Sport fell through a crack, as the John Oliver era of The Bugle ended in March 2016, and the reboot started in October 2016. This one little six-month window of Andy Zaltzman's career where I don't know what was going on, and he hosted a whole 12-episode podcast without me noticing. I mean, I was vaguely aware that it existed for some reason, but didn't really know what it was until I came across it this weekend.
So I picked a couple of episodes that had guests I wanted to hear from, and downloaded them. I think I'll end up listening to the whole thing, but I've started with that. And I'm not hugely proud to say I started with a Russell Howard episode because it had Russell Howard. It also had Steve Williams, a guy I know three things about: he's a Welsh stand-up, he appeared in that Comedians' Football video on YouTube (on the non-Avalon team... which might be why I know so little about him), and he wrote on Russell Howard's TV shows.
I will still be annoyingly quick to click on any podcast that has Chocolate Milk Gang person + Russell Howard, because they'll bring out the CMG-type humour that Russell Howard does sometimes, which I still quite enjoy.
It is odd that Russell Howard is still quite near the list of comedians whose voice I've spent the most hours listening to. 125 hours of the BBC 6 Music show with Jon Richardson, plus all his Mock the Week, plus every episode of Good News and nearly every one of The Russell Howard Hour (minus the last few, when I gave up on it after he started throwing in the alt-right stuff) - that adds up. It's all stuff I watched earlier in my time getting into Britcom though, a few years ago. Basically, Taskmaster was the first thing I watched, and Russell Howard was one of my very favourites on Taskmaster (I didn't even know when I first watched season 6 that he was one of the most famous ones, I just knew I found him the funniest and most interesting), so one of the first things I did after that was look up what else he'd done, and it turns out there's a lot. I watched all his stand-up DVDs before I got into most other people's stand-up, when I was mainly watching panel shows - so I quite liked those stand-up DVDs, but I'm pretty sure I was easily impressed by generic charm and would be less impressed if I re-watched them now.
He was also the first British comedian I saw in person, in early 2022 when my then-girlfriend got us tickets because she knew I liked British comedy and saw Russell Howard coming to town and she didn't know that I was mad at Russell Howard for bringing Jordan Peterson on his TV show, and I didn't tell her that because it was a nice gift so we went, and to be completely honest, we had a fantastic time. Did he have the best material in the world? I don't know, probably not? But he had some pretty good material and a lot of fun stage presence and the night felt exciting and electric I hadn't been to in-person comedy besides my local clubs before, and he was a lot of steps up from that (actually that's not quite true, I saw Trevor Noah in an arena in 2019, which was not great). He'd done a bit of local research and talked shit about the truckers who'd recently taken over our city and that got massive cheers from the crowd and then there was one moment when he muttered that even though they'd gone about it badly you had to admit they had a couple of good points, and I thought "Fucking hell Russell do not do this now, for the sake of the 125 hours I spent listening to you talk on the radio in 2007 when you were cool, please just be that guy tonight and don't fucking ruin this", and then he didn't, no more right-wing stuff, just impressions of family members that I probably enjoyed too much.
Russell Howard is actually back in my city this month, he's done one night here a couple of weeks from now. I have to admit I briefly considered getting tickets. I am curious as to what sort of material he's doing these days. Curious as to whether his comedy would hold up, in my eyes, now that I've seen a lot more stand-up (almost definitely not, but I'm curious). Curious as to whether he's turned around the right-ward political drift, or doubled down on it. Though ideally I'd like to find that out in a way where I don't give him money, in case it turns out to be the latter. And I have to admit... okay, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have bought a ticket anyway, but the thing that made me decide to definitely not buy a ticket is I remembered that I read somewhere he had a kid earlier this year. So the show will presumably be about that, and I don't want to hear that. Yesterday I watched John Kearns' The Varnishing Days and thought that was absolutely brilliant, earlier this year Anne Edmonds released her special Why Is My Bag All Wet and I found that hilarious, and a few months ago I heard Josie Long do an hour-long WIP that I loved. All three of those stand-up shows were about the comedians' kid(s), and it is so unlikely that I'm going to find four parenthood-based stand-up shows in one year that I like, given my general aversion to the topic. I realize it's not great that the threat of parenthood material put me off a show even more than the threat of right-wing material, but I just can't listen to another person tell me how tiring it is to raise a baby.
Anyway. I was trying to think, today, of why I keep being interested in hearing Russell Howard talk even though I know he's not that great, and it occurred to me today that of all the British comedians, Russell Howard's the one who's most like most people I know in real life. I've written lots before about which comedians' personas or material most remind me of myself, and of course I like those, everyone likes some relatable comedy. I almost never find Russell Howard relatable (except sometimes on Taskmaster, when the ruthlessly competitive side came out, which was what made me like him so much in the first place), but he does strongly remind me of so many people I know, just overall, in a broad variety of ways.
I've pointed out some of those individual ways before. I knew that part of why I got so drawn into that BBC 6 Music radio show is it reminded me of a couple of my own friendships that strained and/or disintegrated in the same ways as whatever the hell the Jon Richardson/Russell Howard relationship went through on live radio for a couple of years, with me being and OCD obsessive like Jon Richardson (not using the term in the annoyingly quirky colloquial way there, I've got a diagnosis and also have several disintegrated friendships to prove it is not just a fun quirk) and Russell Howard reminding me of some of my more carefree and easily distracted and sunny-dispositioned friends. Russell Howard's vague right-ward political drift is a pattern that I'm sure I'm one of many people who's seen it play out lots in real life from the last ten years, when you know someone who's otherwise cool and then suddenly they're telling you that actually, if you'd just stop and actually read Jordan Peterson's books and consider what he's saying, you'd realize he has some pretty interesting insights that could benefit us all. And you wonder if they've changed suddenly, or if they were always like that and you never really knew them. For comedians who are all desperately seeking ground that hasn't been covered 10,000 times for their material (yes, we all know that raising a baby is hard, we've heard it before), I think the "friend goes right-wing an you wonder if whether they've changed or whether you never really knew them" phenomenon happens far more often than it's been talked about; there's an area of life that's been disproportionately under-covered. Though it maybe it doesn't happen all that often to comedians, what with the liberal bubble and all. That mythical liberal bubble that sounds like such a lovely place to live. It must have happened to some comedians, though. The ones who hang out with Russell Howard, for a start.
Anyway, I found Russell Howard's ComCom episode absolutely fascinating, it's one of my favourite episodes of that podcast. He talks in ways I've rarely heard comedians talk, but that people I know talk all the time. He talked about destructive obsession with self-improvement, in a way that sounded more like an athlete than an artist. The type of athlete mentality that's the reason why so many people I know end up slipping down the Jordan Peterson rabbit hole. And approached several topics with the sort of shoulder chip and hard-headed attitude that I'd expect to see on my own Facebook feed full of athletes, far more than I'd expect it on a podcast about an Art. I've spent many years as a nerd among jocks, and I find it interesting to listen to Russell Howard describe himself as sort of the opposite of that.
Anyway, absolutely none of that was the point of this post. I mean, I guess it's the point now, but I really did not sit down to write that stuff today. I sat down to write this because I wanted to say, I was picking out a few little episodes of Andy Zaltzman's summer of sport to listen to, and I was drawn to the Russell Howard one in spite of myself, because Russell Howard + Andy Zaltzman = Chocolate Milk Gang, and I was not disappointed on that front, as while they were discussing the diving event at the Rio Olympics, Russell Howard said something that is damn close to be exactly what I've written on my blog before:
I have described the Zaltzman/Oliver dynamic in those terms so many times, there's just no way to capture it without comparing it to a sport. Two people who were doing something so far outside the box that their stuff wouldn't fit with anyone except each other, and yet with each other, they're like teammates who are perfectly calibrated to know exactly where the other will go every time and therefore push each other to higher levels.
...That was the point of this post. I just wanted to share that audio clip and say "Look, some Chocolate Milk Gang discussion, and Russell Howard described Zaltzman/Oliver the same way I did." Not really sure what the point was of the several paragraphs ruminating on the nature/draw of Russell Howard up there. Just forget about those.
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neoninky · 3 months
TWST Fic: 'Her Devoted Shield' Chapter 2
Not gonna lie this chapter was a bit of a challenge BUT here it is!
I will be updating the links on my Masterlist for anyone who may have missed a chapter or would like to read my other stories - everything to stories, art, random silly posts are linked there. You can also find all my writing on my AO3 page.
For anyone who wants to read this story but hasn't played through the Diasomnia chapter in the game, just a heads up - there are references to the game canon in this chapter and will be in future chapters. Just FYI. Likes, comments, and reblogs (not reposts) are appreciated as always!
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Chapter 2: Breaking Through the Silence
Petra fell face first into the soft bed, letting the pillow consume her exhausted sigh. This entire week had been the longest 'day' of her life. The night was quiet save for a chorus of crickets outside her window. Astrid made sure Moselle got settled in before returning to her room. Tai also had his private room, but he always stayed in the gardens until late into the night. Petra never questioned it. He had been that way as long as she knew him. She could see him once again sitting quietly under the moon as usual. Her thoughts about the meeting with Reine would be keeping her up, so who was she to judge? Ultimately, she came to the same agreement between Rollo Flamme and Reine. That didn't stop the anxious gnawing in her gut, however.
"I don't know if this is a viable possibility as of right now. However...what about Briar Valley? At the very least, Moselle is already acquainted with Malleus Draconia, so there will be one less stranger waiting for her." Rollo Flamme couldn't think of any other place on the planet safer for a fellow dragon fae than the last place he wanted to send Moselle to. It wasn't a guaranteed option either, but where else could a dragon like Moselle live and thrive? 
"Briar Valley?" Petra felt the words prick at her like their name's sake. Everyone turned their attention to her, waiting to hear her thoughts on the suggestion. It wasn't too outlandish aside from the fact that even she knew very little about the fae kingdom that neighbored her own. The princess thought, slowly piecing together her case. 
"Well, most dragon fae do live there so it's not a terrible suggestion. The only other place for a dragon community would be The Land of Red Dragons, but I don't think they would accept her. At least not from what Tai's told me. The Long that rule there are dragon fae but not like the Draconias or other Briar dragon fae..."
Like people, Petra learned, that not all dragon fae were alike, and not all societies operated the same. Especially when it came to outsiders. The ancient Long were once a powerful empire of draconic fae that ruled over other fae native to their lands and kept their territory separate from humans. Nowadays, they were regarded as mighty guardians and lived peacefully alongside humans. People even regarded the remaining Long as gods to pray to for prosperity or protection. Their world was peaceful but elite. They were the only dragons in the land and they wanted to keep it that way. The chances of a foreigner like Moselle being welcomed there were improbable. "Our treaty with Briar Valley is fairly new. This and Moselle's previous introduction to Lord Draconia may give us some leverage, even so, we must tread carefully. The situation seems very tempestuous," Reine's expression was serious but still reserved a bit of hope for Rollo's sake, "However, I agree with Monsieur Flamme. This is the best course of action. I will reach out to Queen Malefica tomorrow and start the process, if at all possible." 
Rollo gave his deepest thanks to Reine for her help before the call ended. As soon as the mirror darkened, Reine sat back on her throne with a troubled sigh. Petra felt the same energy wash over her as well. 
'Tempestuous' was an understatement even to those on the outside. Riddle and Petra had both been there during Malleus' overblot episode all those years ago. While the situation was resolved before it could spread further across the ocean, Sage Island wasn't the only one affected. The sleeping curse had spread offshore and onto Sacred Crown's island as well. Reine was spared from being in the epicenter, thankfully, as she was in the Rose Queendom at the time. Whether or not Malleus knew the girls' school was affected too was unknown. Later on, when Petra asked her classmates and friends about it, most couldn't remember exactly what happened just that they had all fallen asleep for an extended time and experienced strange dreams. Night Raven had kept things quiet enough that the truth never reached the other island's shores. So the following year, everything was normal on the surface: classes, exams, festivals, none of the female students of Sacred Crown were wise to what had happened and their friends from NRC didn't speak of it. Only Petra saw it in their eyes whenever with her friends from Sage Island. They had been told to keep quiet.
Like them, Petra had to pretend not to know the truth. She had been there, right there, on NRC's campus when it happened. Lilia had sent her an invitation to his going away party and her headmistress gave her permission to go to Sage Island for the ocassion. Petra already had mixed feelings about the event. She didn't know what made Lilia decide to leave the school and set off elsewhere. She wasn't told where exactly he was going either. Even so, in the short time, they had known each other, Lilia and the other Diasomnia boys had become dear friends to her so naturally she wanted to show up for him. And then it happened. Petra had trouble falling asleep ever since, never knowing if it was her dream she was having or the one someone else put in place for her. That night wasn't any different. 
"What do you think of him, Petra?"
Petra was barely awake during her breakfast with Reine. The young queen had something, or rather someone, on her mind and asked to have a meal with the one person she knew she could discuss it with. Even in her dazed state, Petra knew who Reine meant. 
"I haven't seen him since that time," Petra stared into her teacup, "But honestly, I think Malleus is a good person deep down. That's what I want to believe anyway. I don't think Silver, Sebek, or Lilia would have fought as hard as they did if he wasn't. Why do you ask?"
Reine's smile was colored with sadness, "I believe that my dear friend has been suffering for a long time for reasons I cannot understand. I also believe that he's been suffering even more since that night." 
The tired princess tried to hide her guilt, but her face was too honest. The rose queen sipped her tea before lowering her voice, "I will not pry, Petra. What you, Silver, and Sebek experienced within the dreams is none of my business. I'm just glad you all made it back safely. However, if you need to talk to someone about it, we have many healer mages trained in counseling." 
This wasn't the first time Reine had made this offer to Petra and it wouldn't be the last. It wasn't that she was ungrateful, it was just that everything she saw in Lilia's dreams seemed far too personal and tragic to discuss with anyone not directly involved. She even felt like an intruder just being there alongside Silver and Sebek.
"Thank you, Reine, but I'm fine," A half lie if there ever was one, "I've gotten so used to keeping everything a secret anyway." 
Reine poured herself some more tea before adjusting the topic just enough to not, hopefully, overstep, "I understand. I imagine Silver and Sebek feel the same way," she smiled saying their names, "I do miss them. I hope they are well. How long has it been since you've seen them?"
Petra hesitated, her brain stuck in the memories of following them both through the dreamscape, "Uh...not since we graduated I think. I haven't been able to stay in touch with them since I left home." 
Even after they were all out of school, Petra immediately plunged into her crusade so naturally they had lost contact. She never admitted it but Petra did wonder how the two were doing.
Petra nearly choked on her tea making her and Reine laugh at the nickname, "Oh Seven, I haven't called Malleus that in years!"
What had started as a joke during the girls' initial visit to the Night Raven campus had quickly turned into a full-fledged nickname for the fearsome prince of Briar Valley. The girls thought it cute and endearing. The boys? They nearly passed out when they found out what Petra had decided to call the 'tall guy with horns' she kept seeing outside their temporary dorm's windows, not knowing who he was at first. True, Reine was the first one to befriend Malleus Draconia, but Petra formally introduced herself to him during the ball on the last night. Well, as formal as the tomboy prince could muster anyway. Petra laughed at the memory.
She was dancing with Silver when Malleus joined the girls on the dance floor as they flocked around him like curious little birds. This caught the bewildered eyes of his schoolmates who normally avoided him like the plague. Clearly, these girls were insane. And then it happened. Petra joined the little group along with Silver and Lilia and made herself known to Malleus...by walking right up to him, no hesitation in sight, and greeting him. 
"Hey Tsunotaru! It's nice to finally see you face to face!" She laughed with the smile of one who stepped right over decorum without batting an eye. 
Had there been a record player in the room at the time, it would have scratched tremendously as the words left her mouth. Everyone within hearing distance all froze in shock all at once. 
Malleus stood wide-eyed before breaking into a wide smile and hearty chuckle, "Is this what you wish to call me?"
Honestly, Petra found the nickname just as funny, "If you don't mind, sure!"
The proud fae's eyes narrowed with amusement as his grin turned a bit mischievous, "Very well, Child of Man."
Petra groaned in second-degree embarrassment at the memory, "And THEN you tell me who he is AFTER the fact even though you knew it was him right away!"
Reine giggled brightly, "Oh come now, it was adorable! And Malleus was very fond of it, wasn't he? He kept responding to it all night and every time you two saw each other after. He even kept calling you 'Child of Man'. He never called any of the rest of us that. He must have been quite fond of you. Poor Sebek though." 
Petra's eyes playfully rolled as soon as she heard his name again, "Oh good grief, that boy was so mad!", she quickly mimicked the grumpy crocodile's furrowed brow and boisterous voice, " 'HUMAN! HOW DARE YOU REFER TO MALLEUS-SAMA WITH SUCH BLATANT DISRESPECT!! RAWR RAWR RAAAAW!'"
Riddle heard his wife's laughter down the hall. When he entered the atrium where the two young women sat, Petra was using her hands to imitate a toothy maw as she continued to make fun of Sebek's enthusiastic nature. 
" 'Furthermore! Did I mention how grand Young Master Malleus-sama looks today, HUMAN?! Cease what you are doing this instant and let me tell you the tale of how Malleus-sama elegantly brushed his majestic fangs this morning!! I should know I was there! COUNTING each brush stroke! SUCH TECHNIQUE!' "
Reine was nearly in tears from laughing so hard, "You're terrible!" 
Riddle did his best not to laugh as he cleared his throat loud enough to be heard.
"Oh good morning, darling," she wiped her eyes and calmed her laughter.
"Your Majesticness," Petra gave Riddle a playful half bow from her chair as she settled back in with a cat-like smirk. 
The redhead kissed his wife on the forehead before apologizing, "I don't mean to interrupt a flawless Sebek impression-," This made Petra snicker, "-however, I just wanted to let you know that the mirror is ready and Her Majesty Queen Malefica has agreed to an audience this afternoon." 
Reine thanked her husband before he left the two old friends to their privacy. The unsettling anxiety returned and Reine noticed before Petra could even think of hiding it, "Petra. What is troubling you? You've seemed uneasy ever since Briar Valley was brought up yesterday."
The rose queen had a way of speaking to her friends and loved ones that was both comforting and discreetly authoritative. One as headstrong as Petra had little defense against it. Reine sat poised and ready to listen. Great Queen of Hearts knows she could and would wait as long as she needed.
"I'm just concerned for Moselle," Petra was treading lightly, "I mean...it's hard to say what the night fae are like. I only know Lilia and Malleus. I'm sure they would both treat her well. But...from what I can tell she's..." 
Petra had many great qualities: bravery, loyalty, dependability, and good-natured humor, she had all of that in spades. The ability to express deeper emotions or even comment on emotionally vulnerable topics? Here is where the princess struggled. People like Astrid and Reine were far more suited for those things. Reine knew this about her friend for years and offered her a lifeline.
"You're worried about her ability to adapt, yes?" Petra visibly relaxed now that Reine understood her, "I am a little worried myself. From what you and Tai found out about her, she hasn't known anything about the world outside Fleur City. I imagine she is hundreds of years old much like the fae in Malleus' kingdom, but their culture is very sophisticated and traditional. It may be a bit overwhelming for her." 
The princess grimaced at the word choice, "And by that you mean full of hoity toity nobility and their ridiculous rules and expectations? Doesn't sound too different from human monarchies..." 
At face value, Petra was speaking to both her and Reine's experiences only. In truth, Petra clearly remembered the Senate and their attitudes towards those outside of the royal family during her time in the dreamscape. They were cold, harsh, and ugly to poor Lilia when all he wanted to do was help Malleus. She hadn't known Moselle long but the thought that the dragon fae may be treated the same made Petra feel sick. That and as much as she believed Malleus to be a good person at heart, what if that same senate, that same society changed him?
"Reine, can I ask you something? About the Draconias?"
Reine watched as whatever was weighing on Petra dimmed her usual light, "What is it?"
Petra felt the words clutter up in her mind. A million questions kept writing, erasing, and rewriting themselves on her tongue that couldn't seem to untie itself. In the end, she settled for the elephant in the room. The room being the entire hush pulled over Malleus Draconia's swift disappearance from school life and the rest of the world.
"What...what happened to Malleus? Do you know? I mean, I get it if it's top secret royalty info or something but...wasn't he supposed to be the next king after he left school?" 
Petra had assumed that to be the result, especially since the dragon was far beyond the typical school age. As soon as the Overblot was resolved, Petra was immediately ushered off Sage Island and back to her own school. There were no goodbyes, no explanations, only her vow to keep silent on the situation altogether. The next time NRC opened its campus was the following semester when the juniors had, presumably, left the campus for their internships. Any mention of Malleus Draconia was dismissed with some vague answer that implied he did the same.
Reine's expression reflected the gravity of the truth. She slowly stood up and spoke to Petra in a hushed voice, "I think this conversation is better continued elsewhere." 
She beckoned for her friend to follow her to the throne room. 
The once entirely ivory hall was now a rich mixture of white and red after Reine had taken over. Any servants or guards that were in the area were quickly dismissed as the two royals entered. Reine seated herself before continuing, addressing the confusion on Petra's face. 
"You already know how important reputations are in noble courts. I don't want to provide wandering ears or loose lips with ammo against our newest ally. Especially when Malleus' reputation is already severely wounded." 
Reine sat poised, clearly aware of the power anything she said held, inside or outside her walls. Petra quietly sat by her throne, ready to hear what the queen had to say. 
"I don't know all of the details but I do know that Malleus has been kept from taking his place as king for these past five years. This is why his grandmother, Queen Malefica, is still my point of contact. I gather that...the powers that be in Briar Valley saw him unfit to rule after everything that happened," Reine's eyes were incredibly sad as she spoke about her dear friend, "This is just speculation, but no one has seen him since the Overblot, yes? ...I don't think he was allowed to stay at Night Raven after that. I haven't even seen him through my communications with Briar Valley either. I have a feeling, he's being isolated as a punishment."
"They're treating him like a criminal?!" Even keeping her voice down, Petra's shock still ripped through her whispers.
The queen placed a gentle hand on Petra's shoulder, to comfort herself just as much as her friend, "I can't say for sure. I don't like whatever is happening, but this is beyond me or anyone outside of the kingdom. I hope things are changing just from the treaty between the Rose Queendom and the Valley. This is the first they've opened themselves to the outside in several hundred years." 
Petra couldn't argue with that, "That is true, I guess. They haven't even opened their gates to my kingdom and we're on the same continent. Can't say I blame them, given...ya know...history."
History textbooks around the world talked about the infamous Human-Fae war that happened hundreds of years ago. Petra grew up hearing the stories she thought were true as a child from her people. She learned the hard way that you cannot put faith entirely in history books written by those who survived the war. In word of mouth, King Henrik's side of the story was passed down from generation to generation as a fallen hero to many and a greedy brute to others in the minority. Petra still had nightmares about what he did in Lilia's memories. Her father, King Bernhard, never said much on the matter. He always preferred to look to the future, not the past. Remembering her father made Petra suddenly feel light-headed.
"Petra? You look...very tired. I think you should rest today," Reine helped Petra to her feet, "Don't worry about the meeting. I will fill you in later." 
Petra felt deja vu hit her as she once again flopped onto her bed, face first. She didn't want to argue with Reine. She knew she needed to sleep but getting a peaceful sleep was still a challenge. She lay there in silence and let her thoughts skitter around like invisible beetles as her eyes grew heavier. Petra remained asleep for only a moment before the nightmares overwhelmed her again. A scream was pushed out of her lungs like air pushing against dark waters as she flailed to break back into the waking world. Before she even opened her eyes fully, she heard a familiar voice.
"Petra. Petra! Wake up!"
Tai's concerned face focused into view as Petra's heavy breath regulated itself. The fox sat on the bed at Petra's side, brushed his ward's hair from her face, and gently pulled her close to him as she calmed down. 
"Tai...?"  her voice shook with uncertainty.
"I'm here, pup. You're awake."
After a few assurances and fresh water, the two sat on Petra's bed together. Tai had been with her on this journey every step of the way and saw her like this often. Any time he insisted she tell him what was going on, she refused. Unfortunately for her, Tai had been through his share of stubborn wards before and enough was enough.
"Petra," his tone turned firm and serious, "Tell me what is going on."
She looked away, ready to deflect, when the fox gently cupped her chin and made her look at him, "Please talk to me. Whatever it is, you've proven your strength. You shouldn't have to break your back just to make a point, pup."
He released her once her eyes told him she was ready to open up. The fox listened without interrupting for as long as she needed him to. When she needed more water, he fetched it. When she struggled with her words and needed a moment to collect them, he was patient. She told him enough about her experience in seeing what had happened to Malleus' family, to Lilia, and even fighting against the raging dragon fae to save him from the horrifying Overblot. She told him how it all still haunted her. What she did not tell him was the dream Malleus had placed her in. He didn't ask. In the end, Tai just grinned about one detail in particular.
"Silver and Sebek," he tested out their names with a teasing air, "Sounds like you three are close?"
At this point, one of Tai's fluffy fox tails was out, swishing back and forth playfully. Petra felt awkward and huffed, knowing what the fox was getting at, "They're just friends."
"Friends you've never told me about before now. Male friends. Interesting..."
"I've had guy friends before!" 
The fox's wry grin deepened at Petra's defensive tone, "Yes when you were a child. You constantly tried to keep pace with the knights and the other boys your age around town. Then you became a teenager and blossomed into more of a young lady..."
Petra groaned and used the pillow to shield her face as Tai continued.
"And suddenly boys started taking a different interest in you. One that you had no desire to reciprocate whatsoever. So it's nice to hear that somewhere in the world, there is at least one young buck that doesn't repulse you. Two in fact, miracles of miracles."
"This is why I didn't want to tell you," Petra's muffled voice groaned through the pillow, "you always make these things weird," she finally came up for air with an even more tired expression, "We're just friends."
Tai's grin weakened as he moved the conversation along, "And the...other one? The one who dreamed about the past?"
"Lilia," Petra laughed, "He's a hoot. I think you'd like him a lot. Turns out he's Silver's dad. Well not biologically, but you know what I mean. I figured he was older being a fae and all but damn." 
The fox's tail stilled and his chuckle was a bit muted, "He sounds like an interesting fellow. They all sound like a close-knit group too. Which begs the question, are you afraid of possibly seeing them again?"
The notion made Petra freeze up, not exactly in fear, "Wha-I mean, no, not exactly. It's just that...if, IF, the royal family allows Moselle into their kingdom, she'll be all on her own." 
Tai watched every signal Petra's body language was giving off, big and small, as he listened to her. He knew she was scratching the surface of her true anxieties, but perhaps that was enough for now. This was also something Tai had been broading over since the possibility was brought up. He figured now was as good a time as any to make his suggestion.
"She doesn't have to be. If she does decide to go that is," he saw something light in the princess' eyes, "If Moselle is given entry and decides to take it, I imagine she would like to have familiar support to go with her. And while it's not the same...it is close to home, pup. Home that neither one of us has seen in almost half a decade." 
Petra inhaled and exhaled roughly, "You do have a point..."
The fox gently rubbed her back to put her at ease, "Let's see what our rose queen can do before we get too ahead of ourselves first, hmm?"
King and Queen Rosehearts stood before the mirror ready and waiting when the doors opened for Astrid. The petite healer bowed to them both before approaching to stand beside them before the mirror. 
"How is she doing, Astrid?" 
"Incredibly well, Your Majesties! Moselle's appetite is on  the rise and she's been doing vocal practices all morning," Astrid was brimming with soft sunshine, "She's currently resting in the garden pool as we speak." 
The relief was palpable between the three humans. Reine especially, "Excellent. Hopefully, we can ensure a future for her today." 
As the queen spoke, the surface of the mirror began to ripple. In place of Malefica stood her advisor, a dragon fae man with a calm mature expression that clashed with youth. As with many fae, his hundreds of years were hidden by a face that couldn't be a day over twenty-eight at most. He was a quintessential fae of the night: deep obsidian eyes, long rich navy colored hair, and dark twisted horns atop his head. Unlike the royal family that wore their hair down with ornate crowns framing their horns and brows, his hair was tied up in a silken tail with a few silver adornments on his horns to show his status as the queen's right hand. Reine had only spoken to him once or twice before but greeted him cordially just the same.
"Lord Nocturne, thank you for meeting with us today." 
The dragon fae gave the young queen a graceful bow, "Your Majesties, it is an honor as always."
His voice was deep baritone, clear gravitas in its canter. His dark eyes ticked over towards Astrid who gave him a practiced bow. 
"This is Astrid Piperita, one of our trusted healer mages," Reine introduced her with a clear hint of pride, "She will be contributing to our discussion today." 
"Miss Piperita, a pleasure," Lord Nocturne nodded to her before continuing, "I apologize that Her Majesty Queen Malefica is not present. She is feeling a bit under the weather as of late. Do trust anything you have to say will be relayed-" 
The distant sound of large metal doors opening rang in the background as a commanding voice interrupted the stoic fae. Queen Malefica brushed aside the small fae servants who fussed over her as she walked into the room. In her old age, she still carried herself with dignity and command despite her much slower pace.
"Borlean, you dare hold official council with our ally without your queen present?" Her words held a moderate bite towards her young advisor but no true anger. The young dragon remained unruffled as he greeted his queen. 
"Not at all, Your Majesty. I was merely greeting the Rose Queen on your behalf," the advisor offered his hand to Malefica to properly seat her on the throne behind him before stepping aside.
The ancient queen addressed the three humans with grace before cutting right to the quick, "I understand you have an urgent matter to discuss, Rose Queen."
"Yes, Your Majesty, I will not waste another moment of your precious time," If Reine felt any nerves under the imperious dragon's gaze, she hid them flawlessly, "We are  currently hosting a dragon fae who was rescued from poachers and an exotics collector after years of imprisonment." 
The dragon queen sneered in disgust at the mention of this 'collector' and poachers, "Utterly deplorable. May they all suffer for their brutal savagery. Was this poor fae one of ours?"
"No, Your Majesty. She is a dragon of a different kind. She comes from Fleur City, in the Shaftlands, but cannot return home, unfortunately. She is without blood relations as well." 
"Alone in the world without a clan or mate. A pity," Malefica sighed as certain details stood out, "Fleur City, you say? What is her name?"
"Moselle, Your Majesty," Reine's hope that the name rang a bell for the dragons was satisfied as something sparked in Malefica's shrewd gaze. 
The elder queen pondered before addressing her advisor directly, "Borlean. Do we know of any Shaftlandian fae by that name? It sounds familiar..."
Lord Nocturne seemed to be weighing his next words carefully while lowering his voice to speak only to her, "I believe...the prince may have mentioned that name before, my queen. Though he hasn't been sociable in some time." 
Some maternal interest suddenly lifted Malefica's serious expression, "Did he now?" 
Reine saw an opportunity to seal the prospect in question and drew the conversation back on track, "If I may, Moselle did have a close friendship with several humans during her time in Fleur City. One in particular, she was very close with. He was the one that alerted us to her situation and informed us of her acquaintance with Lord Draconia during a past visit to the city."
This claim intrigued the briar queen as she received additional confirmation from Lord Nocturne, "His Highness did travel there to an academic summit during his junior year at school." Malleus had strategically omitted the part about Rollo's intended homicide on magic. Reine smiled to herself, making one last push.
"In that light, perhaps Your Majesty could offer a haven to Moselle. After all, Briar Valley is renowned for being the home to many dragon and night fae who have thrived under your esteemed rule, Queen Malefica. Where else could be safer for a lost child such as her?"
In any other case, this would be laying it on a bit thick. Reine, in her cleverness, knew that dragon fae were an especially proud people. At least they had been reported as such by historians. Reine was banking on this information remaining true in the current times. Malefica pondered over the young human's words while her advisor stood silently, watching her with a somewhat expectant look on his otherwise stoic face. It was hard to tell if he liked the idea, but as any good advisor should, he waited for his queen to speak first. Malefica finally answered with resolve.
"I shall like to observe Miss Moselle before I decide. Unfortunately, it is not possible to do so directly. Our ambassador's assessment shall do in my stead. I believe she is already preparing a journey to the Rose Queendom. Borlean will inform her of my decision before she leaves," she gestured to her advisor who saw himself out to do just that, "In the meantime, tell me more about this young fae."
A foot in the door! The three humans sighed in relief before Astrid stepped forward to give the queen more insight into her patient.
Lord Borlean Nocturne walked the halls of the dark castle in search of the royal ambassador. After several years of service, he knew the exact places to look. One not being her office. He gave polite greetings to each servant and guard he passed in his quest until he left the main castle and entered the main courtyard just in time to see the changing of the guard. He paid no mind to the captain barking commands to the other armored fae as he continued to the administration's wing. Nocturne's composed expression crumbled into annoyance at the sound of a familiar laugh. That boisterously posh voice signaled his destination. In front of the Senate's chamber stood a proud figure chatting away to the guards refusing to let her inside. 
"So I said, 'Polyester? In this economy?! I think not!' Ha, ha, ahhh...Anyway! I specifically scheduled an audience with the Senate for exactly an hour ago, today, and I do not wish to be kept waiting any longer, thank you very much." 
This was a lie. The ambassador wouldn't schedule anything having to do with the Senate if her life depended on it. Regardless, Borlean approached in his usual quiet steps as his presence made the guards stand at attention faster than a Draconian lightning strike. 
"Is that so, Ambassador Valida?" 
The shorter fae woman turned on her heel with a self-satisfied grin, "There he is! Lord 'Boring' Nocturne finally gracing the peasantry with his untimely presence!"
Ambassador Valida was easily towered over by the dragon but always carried herself as she believed a lady should: with the grace and elegance of a prima ballerina standing center stage, commanding the attention of all within the room. She was the finest ambassador the royal family could ask for, after all: charming, well-spoken, and always engaging and witty with her audience save for the man currently before her. That was the impression most in the castle had of her. Borlean, however, saw her as she was: a chattering little raven fae obsessed with pomp and circumstance and taking as many jabs at him as possible like her bird namesake pecking at an eagle. Where she saw a rivalry, he barely noticed her unless he had to. The ambassador, in her own words, preferred to lead by example and took the current fashion from each country she visited to show solidarity while also 'bringing a bit of flare back to this gloomy kingdom'. Today Valida was dressed to the nines in a prim suit, dripping in ruffles and ribbons, and a top hat pinned into her jet-black curled hair, clearly prepared for her journey to the Rose Queendom. Why a pitstop to harass him and the Senate had to be on the itinerary now of all times was beyond him.
"I do not recall any such appointments being made today aside from the meeting with our allies in the Rose Queendom, which I naturally prioritized."
The raven stood unphased, "Resolute as always, my lord. If you could be so kind as to spare me an audience as Senate Representative as well, it would be most appreciated." 
The dragon's eyes narrowed ever so as he leaned down to look the raven in the face, "Imagine if you focused your attention on your duties, Ambassador, just how much more you could gain aside from another tacky frock for your wardrobe," Valida gasped, her cool veneer finally breaking, but was cut off before she could retort, "If you insist on arguing the same case before the Senate once again, let me save you some time. The topic of Malleus' coronation is up for discussion today. A discussion I will be leading and bringing to a conclusion."
"Well, well, it's nice to hear you finally took a page from my book in consideration for our noble prince," the ambassador scoffed only for the dragon to blow a puff of smoke into her smug face, making her bristle and cough roughly.
"I always consider Malleus's welfare in this kingdom's affairs," Borlean resumed his full height and turned his back to the ambassador, "Her Majesty has another task for you. You are to meet a fae by the name Moselle during your visit to the Rose Queendom's royal family and make a proper assessment of her. Focus on that instead of worrying about what the rest of us are doing."
The tall doors to the Senate's hall opened and slammed behind Borlean with finality. The raven dusted herself off and marched away with a huff, "Ha! Just like the old sack of scales to take his time listening to my proposal before presenting it  as his own to the Senate. Typical."
The spectral Senate held court in a large hall, rarely traveling outside of it anymore as their powers slowly waned over time. One of two of them was replaced by living descendants from designated noble houses within Dragonopolis, the ones that remained anyway. Because of this, Borlean acted not only as an advisor to the monarch proper but as the face and voice of the ancient Senate as well. After the truth of the Senate's involvement during the war surfaced, Malefica insisted on flesh and bone support being present and active at her side and Malleus once he took over. Though the remaining pyres had grown weaker, that certainly didn't make them any less opinionated on royal matters. Stubbornness and tradition often caused the living members to agree with whatever point the old Senate stood for, only swaying when their interest lay elsewhere.
"Senators," Borlean addressed the room before taking his place in the  center seat, "I would like to begin right away with our kingdom's most pressing matter: the succession to the throne."
A few disgruntled murmurs already began to brew about the room. One of the large specters spoke over the room, "Our queen has kept the Valley safe and intact for years and remains to do so to this day. The Valley is thriving. This matter isn't of consequence." 
The murmurs echoed the Senator's sentiment. Borlean continued, knowing this was going to be an uphill battle, "I agree that Queen Malefica has given protection and prosperity to our people during her reign. However, gentleman, how much longer must we force the chain of succession to remain a standstill? Her Majesty is well beyond her years of service to her country and I believe Prince Malleus has been waiting long enough. If we continue to halt our kingdom's progress it will fade away into a lost history even more than it already has." 
This caused an upset amongst the other senators. One dragon fae stood, demanding to be heard, "If Malleus takes the throne then our kingdom will fall into ruin even faster! He is reckless! Juvenile! He's already influenced Her Majesty in making a pact with that child from the Rose Queendom! What else will he do to expose us once he is in power?!"
Borlean kept his cool and addressed the fae, "Do you suggest a better solution then?" This was hardly a question. He knew what was coming. "The only solution is that Her Majesty chooses a proper heir from one of the noble families! One that is disciplined, forthright, and puts the Valley's best interest first!"
The hall burst with irate shouts being hurled between the members, some arguing that their houses would be the best choice while others were outraged at the notion of breaking a long-standing tradition even in the face of their clear disapproval of Malleus. Borlean sighed and rested his head in his hand, silently bolstering his sanity. One even more ludicrous notion cut through all the rest.
"My Lord, if the Queen is unable to continue her rule then by rights, you may oversee the throne in her stead! The Nocturne house has always been faithful to the royal family!" 
The furious look on Borlean's face silenced the room in seconds, "That is out of the question. It is not my right nor my place. Senators, do you hear yourselves? It has been five years."
"Five years is but a moment for our people," the old Senators outright laughed in their representative's face, "What difference does it make if it's five, ten, or even twenty years?"
Borlean's eyes narrowed as he dropped his trump card, "And it's been hundreds upon hundreds of years since we lost our late king and Queen Malefica was forced to rule alone. The prince has been nothing if not steadfast in his preparations and decorum. How much longer must he be kept from his birthright? Would you continue to sully the Draconia legacy all for the sake of familiarity? By doing so, you spit on our princess' sacrifice by neglecting her son and refusing her mother her proper rest."
The room fell silent at the mention of the late king and Princess Maleanor. Borlean did not speak of them lightly. He knew what he was doing. When the Senate finally came to a peaceful quiet, Borlean took command of the room once again.
"Senators, it is time that we allow Briar Valley to move forward. Time is molding the world around us and the only one fit to bring our kingdom into an even more prosperous future is Prince Malleus Draconia. We will not heal old wounds and ill repute by keeping him in the shadows forever. It has been said many times by our own Ambassador Valida and I will echo the sentiment one last time. Let it be decided once and for all." 
After years and years of juggling this back and forth, the Senate finally and begrudgingly conceded on the matter. 
"We agree then, Lord Nocturne. We entrust the decree to you."
Before the news was officially announced to the rest of the kingdom, Borlean took initive to tell the one person who needed to hear it the most. Unlike the ambassador, the prince was more difficult to pin down. The dragon fae moved strategically throughout the castle looking for the next best indicator. He spotted two familiar heads of green and silver hair standing about the eastern gardens seemingly guarding the large tree they flanked.
"Silver. Sebek."
The two knights snapped to attention as soon as they heard their names. Sebek bowed to the fae like clockwork, "Lord Nocturne, good afternoon, sir!"
As he grew into his twenties, Sebek had gained some control over his loud voice. Some. Silver was just the same as always minus longer hair he now wore in a short tail at most times, "Good afternoon, my lord." 
Somehow the two boys had both grown taller and even more toned in body. Sebek, especially. Probably due to his unyielding rivalry with Silver. Their armor bore the Draconia family emblem like the rest of the royal guard but was designed to set them apart as Malleus' guards, making them easy to spot.
Borlean's eyes flicked to the tree and back to the two young men, "May I speak with him, please? I bring good news." 
Both of the knights looked expectant and stepped aside for the advisor. When he circled the tree, he found Malleus sitting in the shade, silently reading. With no one else around, the older dragon fae dropped formalities and sat with the prince on the grass.
"Borlean," a tiny smirk pulled at the prince's lips as he continued to read the page, "You say it's good news today? Dare I hope my dear cousin is being honest with me?"
It was common knowledge that the Nocturne house was the same noble family Malleus' late father, Duke Raverne, came from. It was lesser known that Raverne Nocturne, or Draconia as he took his wife's name, was Borlean's uncle. Borlean preferred to keep it that way seeing as how nepotism was already running rampant in the court.
"I wanted you to be the first to hear, Malleus," his tone barely changed even when he was in familial company, "Your coronation is set three months from now." 
The prince finally lifted his green eyes to look at his cousin directly. His expression was somewhere between surprise and doubt. Before either fae could say a word, they were blasted with Sebek's enthusiastic outburst.
"AT LAST! Malleus-sama! Congratulations!!" Joyous tears prickled at the corner of Sebek's eyes as he and Silver peeked around the tree. 
"Is it true?" Silver looked hopeful but hesitant as he spoke to Borlean directly.
"It is," Borlean answered plainly, "It was decided and put into an official decree barely an hour ago. I wanted you to be the first to know, Malleus."
His cousin was never one to gush or give grand displays of emotion or affection. Malleus had known him to always appear distant and cold on the surface. Borlean always put his duty to serve the crown above all else. This was a point of tension between him and his cousin in the past, especially when Malleus was forced back home. After years of isolation, Malleus had come to understand while Borlean's ways weren't full of obvious warmth, his intentions were good. However, not enough time had passed to put Malleus' distrust in the Senate to rest. He wasn't sure if there was enough time in existence to break that, honestly.
Malleus snapped the book shut and rose to his feet with a guarded look, "I thank you for your efforts, Borlean. I suppose now there is much to do in preparation...?"
The advisor stood, promptly brushing himself off before falling back into his proper stance, "Very much to do. We need your approval on current administration positions, the royal guards, and the like. Any changes you desire to make in the staff you will inherit from your grandmother are better decided sooner than later. Along with some paperwork as well. That said, I believe your mental preparation should take priority today, Malleus." 
It was a long-winded way of saying 'boring busy work' but Malleus still appreciated the last sentiment the most. Borlean bowed to his cousin and turned to go before something else crossed his mind. 
"Master Lilia should be home before the coronation, I believe. There will be a formal celebration ball on the day of, naturally. I'll make sure to sneak his name onto the guest list."
Malleus smirked in amusement at the implication as his cousin and advisor walked back into the castle without another word. Lilia had decided to return to Briar Valley after finishing his third year at Night Raven instead of quitting flat out. After his return, his reputation with the Senate was as sour as ever thus keeping his presence in Dragonopolis scarce. It was thanks to Borlean turning the occasional blind eye that Lilia got to see any of 'his boys' at all once they were all in the Valley once more. And it was thanks to Malleus' change of heart that let Lilia travel to the Land of the Red Dragons. What had once been a decision to permanently move across the world changed into a month-long trip. His reasons weren't entirely clear. Either way, all three young men were happy that their beloved father figure and teacher would soon be with them again. Especially now.
"Lilia-sama will be so happy to hear the news!" Sebek was beaming as he and Silver followed Malleus down the corridors. Silver hummed in agreement though something else crossed his mind.
"It'd be nice to have a welcome home party for him...but now, there may not be time." 
The two knights talked back and forth as the prince's mind wandered. He should feel happy. He was happy, wasn't he? He was finally getting what he had worked towards all of his life. What he wanted...wanted? Was that the right word? He did want it. His grandmother wanted it. His parents before him wanted him to take the throne and continue the royal line just as they had done and just as his children would someday do. It was a natural course of action and a joyous time now that it was finally coming to pass, right?
Malleus frowned at the notion. Finally succeeding his grandmother was a relief and an honor. It was also an incredible burden. He would technically have more power to dictate his life and establish his own rule, but ultimately, the reality felt like his leash was only being lengthened by a small margin. Not to mention the doubling, and tripling, of expectations. He had prepared for this his entire life and continued during his probation, and yet, Malleus felt very little joy concerning his future. Power, prestige, status...a trivial circus of courtship to find a suitable queen that checked all the strategical boxes for everyone around him except for him. Ugh, he was probably looking forward to that part the least. The small taste of a simple, peaceful life away from home as a student and not a crown prince was so distant from his life now that he wondered if it was real. Simple. Easy. Natural...
His heart suddenly ached for those times while simultaneously feeling immense guilt for ruining them in the end all because of his selfish fear of losing them. His heart ached for a time, for people, for a person he had lost.
"Silver. Sebek. I wish to be alone, to rest."
The two knights halted at Malleus' sudden request. He didn't wait for them to answer before he disappeared in a flash of green fairy lights. Malleus reappeared in his room in the far tower of the castle. He would apologize for suddenly ditching his two knights, his friends, later, but now there was only one thing on his mind. He was drawn to the desk, cluttered with trinkets, books, ink, and parchment. It had been a constant shifting state of disarray for quite some time now but there was one consistancy he always kept in neat order. Malleus opened the drawer that held a box of unread letters he had written over the years. The earlier ones had been sent out and returned unanswered. Others were never sent at all. Each one was addressed to the same person: Moselle. 
His past circumstances surrounding the hows and whys these letters never made it into her hands were a mess of variables. No matter how he tried to reason through them, Malleus always came out the other side feeling hollow. He had even considered getting rid of them before but could never bring himself to. The prince sighed and slammed the drawer shut before he could make himself feel even worse. He spent the remains of the evening humming a wordless lullaby to himself in hopes of quieting the harsh thoughts in his head.
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