#cat king x gn reader
ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
Could you do Cat King x gn reader, they are a mage that came to port Townsend and tried to warn Edwin about using magic on cats. As they escort the dead boy detectives to the King they try to have Thomas go easy on Edwin. Cat King gets a little jealous as to why his partner wants to let Edwin off easy. (Edwin reminds the reader of their younger sibling they haven’t seen in while)
I love, love, LOVE this request SO MUCH! Thank you for giving me the honour of writing it! I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
For me? For you.
The Cat King x GN Reader
Word count: 3,041
Warnings: A dead body appearing, but only for a second and without gruesome description, some jealousy coming from the Cat King and a mention of having a dead younger sibling
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Y/N had known about the Dead Boy Detectives Agency for quite some time now. They had been watching the two boys' adventures the moment they heard about them, taking care of bigger problems when they encounter them from the shadows, taking on a role of a guardian angel. Well, guardian mage, but the point stands. The reason why they took such interest in those boys was because one of them, Edwin Payne, reminded them of their little brother who died quite a long time ago due to an illness that even magic couldn't cure. They stayed with their brother until Death showed up to collect them.
So the moment they felt their presence in Port Townsend alognside a very skilled medium, they had to finally show themself to the trio. A small lesson in dos and don'ts when it came to this town, something that would not only keep them safe, but also inform them about what could be hiding in it.
Y/N teleported themself into the little apartment that Crystal was renting, scaring the three people inside it to death. Well, at least one of them since the other two were already dead. Immediately Charles got into an offensive stance, ready to fight if needed while Edwin remained cautious and Crystal stood behind both of them, still a bit in shock, a fight or flight mode ready to go in a case of an emergency.
-Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?! - Charles asked, hand at the ready to reach for his cricket bat. At the same time Edwin was thinking of different exits out of the possible danger.
-Calm down, calm down. I come here as a messenger - Y/N said, raising their hands up in defense before crossing them over their chest and looking the trio over. - You could say I've been observing from the shadows what you've been doing for quite some time now. The difference now is that you're in a new place you have no knowledge of. There are dangers here. Rules even. If you like your peace, keep to them. Most important would be to stay away from the cats. Don't even think about using magic on them, you don't want to find out what will happen if you do - they stated, uncurling their index finger as they started talking about the first rule. Then the second one when they mentioned watching out for a witch that lived in Port Townsend, a menace to deal with. Then another one and another one until they were out of fingers to show and rules to tell.
-Why the hell would we believe anything you just said? - Charles asked, suspicious look on his face as he carefully observed Y/N, not even for a second dropping his guard.
-Because I saved your ass so many times you could at least try to trust me. Remember that nasty poltergeist in 30 East Drive, Pontefract? How you got cornered because he smashed all the mirrors and quite literally trapped you inside that house? Yeah, that was me. So have some faith kids. Alright, that should be it. Remember what I said and don't get into any trouble. If you dive, head first, into deep shit, then I don't know how well my influence in town could help to save you. Again - they said before doing a little wave with their fingers and dissappearing in a swirl of black fog.
You'd think that after such a warning, people would listen. Yeah, not Edwin. As much as Charles is stubborn, he's somewhat not dumb enough to not listen to someone who clearly wants to help them, albeit reluctant. Crystal doesn't even know much what to do, so she wouldn't try anything either way, but Edwin... Oh Edwin. Mr. Edwin, Know-It-All, I-Know-Better-Than-You, Why-Should-I-Listen-To-You?, Payne. Of course he would be the one so intelligent, yet so stupidly stubborn, to pull shit like that.
Obviously he just HAD to cast a magic spell on a cat. Now not only does Y/N have to save his ass from a harsh punishment, they also have to deal with a certain moody Cat King that was currently throwing a hissy fit, pacing around and cursing out everything in bloody existence. Y/N rubbed their temples as they listened to their partner rant continously.
-The nerve! Magic! On my cats! They'll be lucky if they walk out of here alive! - Thomas said angrily, running a hand through his hair as he did another circle in front of his throne.
-My love, will you take a deep breath with me, please? I'm sure there's a logical explanation to this. I know you're mad, I understand where that's coming from, I really do, but let's not make rushed decisions okay? - Y/N proposed, walking over to Thomas and stopping him gently by placing their hands on top of his shoulders, before sliding them down his arms to his hands, catching them in theirs and holding tightly.
-Sugar, I don't think there's a logical enough explanation to using magic on my fucking cats - the Cat King hissed out, before finally closing his eyes for a second and taking a deep breath to slightly calm down, not wanting to lash out on his partner.
-I'm sure there is. Will you hear him out at least? - Y/N asked, rubbing soothing circles with their thumbs into the backs of Thomas' hands, wanting to calm him down a bit more.
-Him? Kitty cat, it sounds to me like you know who it was - Thomas said, slight accusation in his voice as he looked at Y/N with his head slightly shifted to the side, eyebrows furred as a scowl started appearing on his face making Y/N cup his cheeks in their hands.
-I think I know who it is for almost a hundred percent, but I've warned them that they would be wise to stay away from your cats - they said, pressing their forehead against Thomas', hoping that they convinced him at least just a bit to go easy on Edwin without particularly saying anything.
-Yet they didn't listen now did they? - The man asked, huffing out some air before wrapping his arms around their waist. - I'll think about being less harsh, but there still must be a punishment. No one gets away with hurting or damaging what belongs to me - he added before planting a kiss on Y/N's lips.
It was finally time for the trio to have a little talk with the Cat King. He had already sent the cat Edwin used the magic on to go and fetch them, but Y/N wanted to be there too before they actually get there to give them another small advice. They promised Thomas that they'll be back soon before they departed in a swirl of black fog like the one before.
-You've done fucked up. What did I tell you, huh? Stay away from the cat and what did you do? You went and used MAGIC on one. Are you out of your mind, Edwin Payne? - Y/N asked with a certain edge to their voice, clearly very annoyed with, mostly Edwin, the group, because there was no guarantee that Thomas would actually go easy on all of them. Especially with all of their smart mouths that only get them into even more trouble.
-I don't see what's all the fuss about. It's just a bit of magic - the ghost teenager said, rolling his eyes sassily before placing his hands on his hips to add even more sass to his statement.
-Don't give me that attitude, young man, you have no idea in what deep shit you are and I specifically told you not to dive head first into any shit. It already took me some time to try and get him to calm down and not send out a swarm of cats to rip you to shreds. Talk any more shit and I won't be able to get your ass out of this one - Y/N said, crossing their arms over their chest as they stared Edwin down before Charles chimed in.
-Him? Who's him? And why is he so important that you speak of him as if he was about to send Edwin back to the pits of Hell? - he asked with a look of confusion on his face as he looked simultaneously at Y/N and the cat that was now sitting a few feet behind them, patiently waiting to continue navigating the group to the warehouse.
-You'll see soon enough. Now come on. There's no time to waste - they said before finally turning sideways and gesturing to their right as an indicator for the teenagers to finally move.
When they got inside the warehouse, Y/N couldn't help, but smile softly and shake their head at their boyfriend's antics. Of course he would put on a show. He wouldn't be the diva cat that he was if he didn't. As they approached the throne and the cats dispersed from before it, leaving only a very massacred body behind alongside three disturbed teenagers with an unfazed mage in front of them, the said teenagers behind Y/N observed the orange cat with confusion and caution written on their faces.
-We were invited to see the Cat King - Edwin said, trying not to let the shakiness in his voice after seeing the dead guy before the be heard.
The trio flinched when the cat disappeared in purple fire, making space for the gorgeous man that is Y/N's boyfriend to appear. They smiled brightly at him and bowed down jokingly, making the Cat King chuckle with endearment, just to get that fire back into his eyes that spoke of danger and anger at not only the disrespect of his rules, but also endangerment of one of his subjects after he saw the group behind his partner.
-Hi - he said as he observed the trio, a faux friendly smile on his face.
-Can all cats do that? - Crystal asked the boys quietly, yet not quiet enough that the Cat King didn't hear which only made him chuckle in amusement.
-"Can all cats do that?" Of course not, I'm a Cat KING - He answered, putting an emphasis on the 'king' part, going full on sass as he usually did. - I can tell you're not the brains of the operation. Sorry, I'm already bored - Thomas added, making a rather mean comment, which he didn't really seem to care about, wanting to get to the center of the problem quickly.
-No need to be rude, darling - Y/N said with a gentle pout to their face before they walked over to where Thomas was sitting and stood right next to the throne, putting their hand on the man's shoulder, a little sign that he could tone it down a bit.
-Hmm - The Cat King only mused before letting out a soft sigh and turning his head towards the cats gathered in the back. - Which one of them used the magic on you? - he asked the cat that fell victim of Edwin's antics.
-The scrawny one that just had the nerve to talk to you - the cat answered, clearly showcasing where the it's personality came from.
That brought out a little 'oh' out of Thomas, before Edwin spoke up again, trying to explain what they were doing and who they were until the Cat King interrupted him.
-Oh I don't care. Using magic on my cats is a total car crash on your part - He said with a cynical smile before lazily pointing with his index towards Edwin. - We... Should discuss your offense. Privately- the man added while standing up from the throne.
Of course Charles didn't like that and tried to stop anything from happening, but Y/N shook their head as a signal not to do it. It would only make the matter worse and they already had a plan of action, so he could screw it up with his little outburst. Edwin talked it out with the other two while Y/N walked over to Thomas and slightly fixed his messy hair, sighing softly as they thought over what to do when they actually go and sort this out.
When the trio came back, Thomas departed himself, Y/N and Edwin to the bedroom they both shared. Weird choice of a place to sort this situation out, but Y/N didn't really question it. Out loud at least.
-So... What should your punishment be? - Thomas said with a large amused grin as he stepped closer towards Edwin.
-How about something that wouldn't involve dangerous things that would result in Edwin going to the afterlife? - Y/N proposed an idea with arms crossed over their chest and eyebrows slightly raised as they looked at their lover with a, just a smidge, pleading look.
-Why not? I don't think that would really be over the top. Seems quite fitting in my opinion - the Cat King said shrugging his shoulders with a smirk as he looked back towards Y/N.
-Please? He just made a mistake. A dumb one, I admit, but it was a mistake. He shouldn't have to lose his ghost life for that - they said, straightening their pose before slightly tilting their head to the side as they kept their gaze only on Thomas.
Clearly he didn't like that constant defending of the boy coming from his partner, so he decided to have a small talk with them off to the side, excusing them both for a moment before guiding Y/N to the one spot he knew Edwin wouldn't see or hear much.
-Why do you care about this ghostly twink so much? What, do you find him cute, is that what it is? I've got to admit, he's quite cute, but I'm literally right here, hello? - Thomas began asking a series of questions, an aura of jealousy surrounding him as he loosely caged Y/N against the wall, his cat personality clearly kicking in as the respect for personal space completely flew out of the window in a matter of seconds when he leaned in so their faces were centimeters away.
-What? No! Kitty cat, he just... He reminds me of Alexander... They both didn't get to grow up and they are similar so much personality wise... I can't help but see Alexander in him, even though I know that he had moved on to the afterlife. Somewhere where I can't follow. Not yet - Y/N explained, letting out a sigh before turning their head and looking off to the side at the clear as day memory of their younger brother filled their mind.
-Shit... I'm sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions... - He said with a look filled with guilt before he rested his head against their shoulder, wrapped his arms around their waist and closed his eyes. - I'll go easy on him for you. Give him something not too hard to do, looking at the fact that he seems like a clever fella. He will have to stay here for quite some time to do that though - Thomas added after pressing apologetic, small kiss against the skin of their neck and then pulling away a bit to look into their eyes.
-Really? You'll do that for me? - they asked quietly, looking back at Thomas with a soft smile.
-For you. Always for you - he said and leaned it to capture their lips with his own in a sweet, short kiss.
After that they went back to Edwin who was looking around, more than likely looking for a way out, but even if he wanted to run, he would get lost, so that would be unsuccessful.
-Alright. I've got just the right punishment for you - Thomas said, stretching out his arms to the sides slightly with a large grin on his face. - Show me your arm. Come on, I don't have the whole night - he told Edwin, doing a little 'Come on' motion with his hand at the same time he said it out loud.
-For what? - Edwin asked cautiously, clearly not trusting the Cat King. Obviously so. After all he was about to receive a punishment that he had no idea what it was.
-Edwin, just do it - Y/N said, encouraging the teenager with a small smile and a nod of their head.
Finally, the boy agreed, although reluctantly, and stretched out his arm towards the Cat King before pulling it quickly back when a gold bracelet showed up around it.
-What is this? - Edwin asked with suspicion, immediately trying to take it off yet finding himself unable to do so.
-A little piece of jewellery that will keep reminding you of your punishment. All you have to do is count all the cats that reside in Port Townsend. It will also keep you in the town for that time. Until you finish counting of course. Also only the one who put it on can take it off, so I'd recommend hurrying if you want to go back to wherever you came from - the Cat King said, a cheeky smirk on his face as he observed the boy's flabbergasted expression with amusement.
When Edwin started lamenting and protesting that the task was unfair and impossible to do, Thomas explained why he received such a punishment before sending him back to the other two teenagers while Y/N and him stayed back in the bedroom.
Y/N walked over to the Cat King, wrapping their arms around the man's neck and leaning in to press a sweet kiss, thanking him without words while he wrapped his arms around their middle and pulled them close.
-That went well. Next time he pulls something stupid, then you won't be able to save his ass from the harsher punishment though - he said before burying his face in their neck and simply resting there.
-Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that - they said, both of them knowing how different the reality will be if such a thing actually happens. Y/N having so much control over Thomad without trying too much. After all, the Cat King was such a romantic and he hated it.
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sis-goleona · 3 months
Do cats Yearn?......
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Title: Do cats Yearn?...
Pairing: Cat King x GN! Reader
Word count: 1k
Summary: This Kitty wants you bad!
You held his face so delicately, your hands barely touching the skin of his freshly shaved face. It was so smooth and soft to the touch. The point of contact instantly raised goosebumps; he shivered with need. Looking into his yellow eyes you could see the yearning; like a dark blue ocean at night amid a storm, the waves wild and free crashing into each other, creating a white foamy substance only to be destroyed by another wave. You could see it, the flame that burned in this ocean; so fiery and fierce, the orange light cascading across the deep vastness. The open sea looked black compared to all that bright light….How could all this emotion be held behind one’s eyes; This longing and pain? For any human to experience this would surely end in their ruin. Oh, how you longed to touch his parted lips with your own. That light pink flesh rested perfectly over his pearly whites. He dragged that plump bottom lip under his teeth that flesh perfectly molded from the pressure of his teeth. You brought your face closer to his, a fearless feeling washing over you, you looked deeper into that fiery ocean…Oh how badly you wanted to sit on the shore of that ocean, completely naked; Exposed for only him to see, you wanted the water to consume your body, the waves lapping at your skin, starting from the tips of your toes to the curvature of your shoulders, you wanted it, no Him to consume your entire being. He sucked in a bated breath waiting for your next feverish move. You dragged your hand from his face down to his waistline, the movement slow and calculated, you tried your absolute hardest to make him want you just as much as you wanted him. You wanted to know what it was like for him to dig his freshly cut nails into the soft squishy flesh that was your throat, you needed that animalistic behavior, you wanted to feel that resistance from your throat against his hands, the esophagus and veins preventing him from completely snapping your head away from your shoulders. Oh, that fear was exhilarating and a shock to your system, an electric zap traveled from your fingertips to your groin. It was happening, he was consuming you no! He had already consumed you from the moment you two met, it just wasn’t the way you wanted. 
“You want me sooooo bad don’t you?” His lips mouthed those words so perfectly, so elegantly, you could feel all those syllables touching your body, dipping into the curves of your shoulders and waist, they slipped between your fingers and ran along your arms, creating a delicious sensation that overwhelmed your senses. That feeling took you back to the first time he touched you
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” the king gasped taking in your features. You had only been in his vicinity for fifty seconds and he was already flirting with you. You didn’t know his name…you knew next to nothing about him yet you wanted to. You wanted this being to call you pretty again, and again until that word was nothing more than a jumbled heap of letters in your brain. Your eyes were wide in response to his unexpected question…Have you ever felt this way? You probably have but god he was intoxicating. You shook your head, letting those thoughts escape you…” dude, I don’t even know your name” you muttered shyly, biting down on the squishy flesh of your cheek, your teeth grinding down; pain overriding any other overwhelming emotion. Fingers knitted tightly together behind your back, legs couldn’t keep still under his intense fiery gaze. A coy smile shifted his features upward, and he carried himself slowly toward you…” Oh? But I know yours…Belladonna” he paused taking in your bashful figure that cowered before his overly proud stature. “Y/n” a whisper, you probably would have missed it if you weren’t so occupied with the structure of his lips, your name fits so perfectly in between the divots of his teeth. “How…did yo-“ he cut you off with a swift motion of his hand, shushing you immediately. “I have eyes and ears everywhere” At that statement your eyes traveled down to his feet where the eyes of five cats looked back into yours, they were so intelligent, all-knowing eyes. Their ears flicked and wiskers twitched at the sound of their master mentioning their presence. You looked back up quickly, once again taking in those feline-like features. He took a stride forward, those boots caressing the stone floor. You took a step back, your back pressed itself to the chilly metal pipe. You misjudged how forcefully you took this step, your head swung backward close to smacking against the pipe…fingers dragged themselves against the back of your neck, your baby hairs getting caught up in the friction, sending goosebumps up and down your back. It took a minute for you to realize that he had stopped your head from destroying itself against the steel pipe. His hand was so very warm, a soft warm; Familiar almost. You wanted nothing more than to dive fully into that warmth. It was so inviting…
“So? What if I do want you? What will you do about it…Cat King” you added an emphasis on Cat, your tone was innocent but he would be a fool to think of you as anything but. He inhaled your scent through his nose, it expanded his chest…His chest was so close to yours that if you were quiet enough you could hear the beating of his heart. His hands dragged themselves upward from your thighs to the dips of your sides, he gripped then pulled you closer. Your bodies flush against each other, if there were no clothes to separate you two then you could say your ocean fantasy has come true. Your breaths were now in sync… “I can think of a few ways to make you mine…” 
Felt a lil something while writing this piece
"mwah mwah mwah" - Tobias Forge
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crowpickingss · 1 month
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monty x gn! record store owner reader
summary: the reader is a record store owner and monty happens to find his way into the readers life
warnings: crying, mention of monty’s death
a/n: Monty fic finally, if your wondering what record he picked up it was folklore
When you found out that your father was shipping you off to some random place called Port Townsend to open a new record location you were less than appreciative. However over time you grew to love the town you called home.
You had only ever had a few encounters with Esther Finch. She would always buy classical records. Another supernatural customer you had was The Cat King. His music was interesting to say the least. A lot of jazz. It seemed he was more interested in you than the record.
You knew everyone in town’s music taste. In the break room you kept a list with everyone’s favourite genres. What you didn’t expect was having to extended that list.
One day a black haired boy walked into the store. You greeted him like any other customer trying to spark up a conversation but it eventually fell flat.
You went back to the counter and watched him look around for a bit. Passing by a couple different records. You walked to the back room and when you came out he was walking towards the counter “Hey, ready to check out” He nodded “I would hate to be intrusive and assume things, but if you don’t mind me asking are you new too town?”
He placed the record on the counter “I was in a coma for a while” You rung up the record “I’m so sorry, that must’ve been really hard for you” He shrugged “You don’t really feel it” He handed you a couple of bills “Did you want grab lunch together?”
He seemed a bit taken aback but smiled after a bit of thought “Sure, I’m free Tuesday” You slid his record into a bag and handed it too him “Tuesday it is, see you later” He waved and walked out.
After your date you two started going on more dates until you confessed your love for one another. You did everything together until one night.
You were meant to go on a date with Monty. But he never showed. You were very confused and slightly worried. You asked around town begging and pleading for information.
After the only answer you got was no you gave up. You sat on a bench in the pitch black crying. Until someone approached you.
You looked up and noticed Thomas the cat king looming over you. He sat down next to you “What do you want Thomas” He rubbed his hand up and down your back “I know your probably worrying about Monty and I have some news” You lifted your head to face him “What news?”
He swallowed hard “You’re boyfriend kinda died” Hearing those words your body went in too complete shut down mode. You were a crying mess. Thomas tried his hardest to comfort you. Just then a crow landed on the bench, it clawed its way over to your arm. It pecked at your arm until you picked it up.
The crow jumped in circles and played in your hand. You took the crow back to your apartment after you said goodbye to Thomas. Over the next couple days you took care of the crow and you grew quite attached to it. When the news about Esther’s plan had reached you, you were more than shocked.
That night The cat king showed up at your apartment holding a book “Look y/n, I think I know how to get Monty back” You furrowed your brow “Monty’s dead, remember” Thomas just laughed while flicking through pages “Yeah he’s not actually dead, he’s your pet crow” You turned to your crow then back at Thomas “That crow is my boyfriend, sure” Thomas found the page and went to approach the crow “Woah, calm down I’ll do it”
Thomas stepped back and let you do all the work. After a couple swift movements your boyfriend who you hadn’t seen in a while was sitting right in front of you. You hugged him so hard in that moment that he almost suffocated. He was finally back, you two were finally back. Your life was better with him in it. Just you and Monty against the world
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scoutswritingcorner · 7 months
Carelessly Curious
Cursed Cat Alastor Fic
Ft. Alastor x GN! Reader
A/N: More cursed cat Alastor cause it’s 2:38am and I’m having to stay up all night.
TW: Blood, talks of eating a body (mostly Cursed Cat Alastor), Alastor x GN!Reader shenanigans.
The few times your little cat friend was around and the one time Alastor got jealous.
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You noticed a trend with the weird cat thing that looked like Alastor, everywhere you went the cat was not far behind. The only exception was if Alastor was actually near you, the cat would be behind a corner or a door watching every move. You would find it creepy but..it does the exact same thing Alastor does. It just stands and stares like Alastor when he doesn’t have anything particular to say or he’s trying to gauge how the room is.
Satan forbid if Lucifer got too close to you, the cat would literally start to vibrate as static and eerie growls left its mouth. It even tried to bite the King. You kept apologizing to him, having to rightfully shoo the cat away so you could have a conversation with Lucifer. Only for the cat to come back with a vengeance of 30 angry men.
Your favorite thing about the cat is how it just tends to take up the space in your lap if you're not busy- or whenever you're extremely busy with helping the front desk answer calls. It’s favorite thing (or you thought) was when it brought you body parts from the people it killed. It always sucked having to get blood out of your clothes, but Alastor was always helpful with that situation. The cat always dropped it in your lap staring at you but then realized you didn’t eat demon flesh and in turn devoured the limb easily bone and all.
The next few hours of your day had passed by slowly as you did your routine around the hotel, soft tip taps of paws following after you as a soft hum of radio static. Then the soft taps stopped as Alastor appeared next to you, pulling you into a slow dance by carefully spinning you around until you leaned into his arms, soft jazz playing from his microphone. You immediately smiled, leaning your head against his chest as he hummed along to the music. “No broadcast today?” You asked after a while leaning back as the soft tune turned into something more upbeat, practically beating him to his own game. 
He chuckled, easily guiding you along into the dance, “Not today~” He whispered out and you finally realized that his usual attire had changed. The once red button up shirt was changed into a white one and his jacket was nowhere to be found, black slacks adorned his new outfit. You rarely saw him change into something other than his own red suit, you didn’t bring too much attention to it. A comfortable silence lulled between the both of you as the dance ended with him easily dipping you, leaving a gentle kiss upon your lips. The rest of the day was spent dancing away with him between fast paced dances that almost made you trip over your own feet to keep up with him to slow dances that made you sleepy.
You don’t remember when you fell asleep or how you woke up in your own bed, soft jazz playing from your radio. You tried to sit up but realized there was a weight on your chest and then a soft paw gently hit your head in retaliation to your movement. The cat (you still didn’t know if it was a cat) was laying on your chest purring loudly, radio static getting louder. “Sorry, sorry.” You whispered out laying back down and the static dissipated easily, the cat got resituated on your chest and slowly blinked it’s eyes towards you before looking away staring at a random wall as if it was protecting you.
You stared up at the ceiling for a while before the cat moved from your chest to the pillow next to you. Allowing you to slowly sit up stretching your back out and then your eyes landed on Alastor sitting in the armchair in your room, softly snoring as he leaned against his own hand. Slowly getting up, you walked over draping a blanket over his shoulders and taking the book from his lap making sure to mark his place for him when he woke back up.
The next time you saw the cat watching you was when you were bathing. Minding your own business as you relaxed after a stressful day only to see a bright red ball of fluff glaring at the tub, back arched as it let out a loud hissing noise. You chuckled and shook your head, “It’s fine..just taking a bath.” You told the cat but it only sent you a glance and hissed once more the red fur on it puffing up almost comically. Now that made you laugh loudly, tears forming in your eyes as you looked away. 
Calming down from your laughing fit you reached a wet hand out towards the corner where the cat stood. The cat batted at your hand, hissing louder but it never actually hit you. “Oh so grumpy..you remind me of someone~” You cooed out, leaning back and smiling, glancing at the cat who now moved forward towards the tub. “Oh? Becoming adventurous?” 
The cat grumbled as loud static echoed through the room and it stood up on its hind legs to peer into the tub, watching the water. The next few seconds felt like a horror movie. Shadows wrapped around the poor little cat's frame and dropped it into the tub of warm water causing it to freak out and climb out of the tub. Then Alastor appeared, holding fresh clothes for you. A smirk played on his lips, “Careful..you're getting careless~” He growled towards the smaller cat who growled in return. You rolled your eyes, getting up and wrapping a towel around your frame and exiting the tub. “You’re so mean to my little protector.” You pouted towards Alastor who gently grabbed your cheek and squeezed it.
“Well you’re little protector is getting too chummy with you, Darling. I have to show him who your beloved is~”
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
frenzy— gojo satoru x gn!reader
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a/n: yet another silly thing with megumi and gojo to fill space while I finish other stuff
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you take a deep breath before staring in front of you.
you’re going to murder someone, particularly a 6 foot 5 man with hair similar to that of a paintbrush.
the only problem is that he is your fiancé and you would probably be the first suspect when they investigate the oh so mysterious murder—if the daggers you’re glaring are anything to go by.
the second suspect is probably the 11 year old next to you, also known as megumi.
satoru is causing yet another scene as he purchases his favorite sweets from the cute old lady at your local shop.
his face is stuck to the glass as he grins, “I will take this, this, this, oo and that! and lastly that!”
“can’t we leave him?” the boy grumbles.
you sigh, “unfortunately not.”
“babe! honey! sweetheart! I got you some stuff!” he appears right in front of your eyes with frankly more sweets and food than you physically stomach.
he rummages around the bags, “I know this is your favorite, especially this!”
sighing, you cup his face and make him stare you dead in the eyes, “stop spending so much money! I don’t need that much!”
he pouts and his arms wrap around your waist, “what’s the point of my money if I can’t spoil you with it?” he feels the stare of megumi then looks down and scowls at him, “what do you want?”
megumi rolls his eyes and looks away, radiating so much sass and it offends your fiancé beyond words.
satoru gasps then props his hands on his lips, “I got you this limited edition pistachio cupcake! be thankful!”
megumi’s eyes snap to satoru’s and retorts, “it isn’t thanksgiving.”
satoru quirks an eyebrow and uses his hand to fan the air towards his nose. he takes a deep breath and puts his hands together, “I smell…bitch!”
they have a glaring contest for a small while, and you simply take some of the bags from satoru’s hand and make your way down the street.
it doesn’t take long before a pair of small feet makes its way into your peripheral and another gigantic pair follows suit.
satoru effortlessly takes the bags from you, carrying them in one arm, while his other one is linked with your own. on the other hand, megumi’s hand gently slips into your own. you give his hand a little squeeze and he gladly returns it back.
satoru has his infinity turned off because what could go wrong in a peaceful moment like this?
a screech is heard from your side. it’s girly, squeaky, and so high pitched to the point you want to smack its owner so badly.
unfortunately though, it’s your fiancé, and he is being ruthlessly attacked by a squirrel
it probably fell from the tree above, but why would it attack satoru?
probably because the idiot accidentally kicked the tree and, as a result, made the poor thing’s entire stock of food fall the ground, crumbled and unusable for poor mister squirrel.
karma is a bi—biscuit. a very bad biscuit.
“y/n, get it off!”
“you’ve been chosen as a sacrifice for the squirrel king, satoru.”
“oh thank heavens! we will finally get rid of him,” megumi murmurs.
“why you little bra—AH!”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @wemma67 @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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neocrias · 1 month
would wear initial necklaces with their s/o
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warnings: descriptions; presumptious; gn reader self insert;
pairings: svt x gn reader
gender/aus: fluff
Mingyu (that's SO him bfr)
He's a fire sign and for me every fire sign likes this kind of thing. He seems to be the kind of person who loves endlessly and WHEN he's in love with someone, he would like to do this. BUT he needs to be REALLY in love to use someone's initial - otherwise, he'd make you use it, but will not do it himself.
Minghao (scorpio king)
Yes, he's extremely possessive! He's jealous of his members so he'd be jealous of the his significant other as well. I know he would be. Minghao is the type who claims his position as your boyfriend like that to be more discreet, after all he doesn't want to appear possessive or jealous.
He loves it! For Dino it's like a confirmation of your commitment, but he (like Mingyu) needs to be extremely in love because for him it would be a big and important step in your relationship. Dino would only suggest this when he is absolutely sure that he only wants you.
Tell me he doesn't have the vibe to suggest that?? And I mean it when I say he would be EXTREMELY upset if you didn't accept it. COME IN sulky scoups! He likes the feeling of belonging to someone (body and soul) and certainly wants someone who thinks like him.
Wonwoo strikes me as a discreet guy and although everyone on tumblr seems to describe him as a strict dom, I think he's actually a romantic guy (he likes to read, so he is romantic. And that's not debatable!) So yes, this would be a discreet display of love for him.
Jun (edited)
An hopeless romantic! He's a CUTIE with gemini sun with gemini venus (so he could be into a light and playful relationship), he likes cats, he's handsome (ok, that's beside the point, but I wanted to reinforce it) and he's simply a fairytale prince, so yes, he'd see about it on the tiktok, he will think it is cute and ask you to do it right away.
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r0-boat · 2 months
Feast fit for a king(s)
Whb!Beelzebub x Gn!reader x Bael
Cw: double penetration, over stimulation, mentions of Beel x Bael.
Sorry for the silence for a couple of days This is what I was working on! Aaaa
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You're supposed to be in Abyssos for sightseeing however Beelzebub had other things in mind for you. At a 5 Star hotel in Abyssos famous for luxurious exciting fun and sexual themes It was a hotspot for lovers too 'rest and relax' well they have a little fun whether it be in bed or down at the lobby to gamble, play games and drink till their hearts content.
You were in bed in the nicest suite Beelzebub has gotten, naked as the day you were born Your body sore from the amount of bite marks and bruises Your legs even more so. And there he was the man who did this to you laying in bed smoking a cigarette. It was almost comical how full of energy he was. Hugging into your soft pillow you glanced at him as he reached for a pamphlet with the menu of the food That can be brought up to the room. You would hate that man if he wasn't so darn cute.
Just then the hotel door burst open, guessing that Beel forgot to lock the door You scramble to cover your body while Beelzebub didn't bother He smiled "Bael! What a pleasant surprise!"
There he was the fake king and advisor for Abyssos He was pissed off and exhausted from trying to locate Beel whereabouts he finally got a lead on this location.
"YOU!" He yelled pointing at the king who was now standing out of bed naked with a cat like smirk holding up his hands as he was caught red-handed, looks like he wasn't going to escape this time... "I'VE BEEN LOOKING-" He choked on his words when he saw you peeking out of the blanket your bare chest barely visible. "!! You-! Oh dear I'm-" finally his brain connected the dots both you and his king are naked in bed together He flushed red tearing his eyes away from you. Looking at the scene of his dear friend and normally straight lace subordinate fall apart at the mere sight of your naked body an idea came into his mind.
He knew just how big Bael crush on you was, all demons in Abyssos wanted you but Bael... He had it bad. And what kind of friend would he be if he didn't give him a little 'push'
"come now my dear brother." He said in a sing-song tone a tone that made Bael narrow his eyes. "You didn't miss anything, why don't you come join us?"
Your eyes widen at his suggestion, after he just drilled you into the mattress?!
"Beelzebub!" You silently shrieked to get his attention. You don't even think you could even walk right now how the fuck can you take more?!
But your protest came on deaf ears.
"relax delicious it's not for me" He crawls onto the bed removing the sheets from your hands, he grabs you by the waist lifting you up pressing your back against his chest.
His hands slide under to play with your now naked parts your body still sensitive from your previous actions.
Beelzebub was masturbating you in front of Bael! Bael's looked hesitant but his eyes were trained on you. Bael looked just as hungry as the king of gluttony touching you, Your legs shook threatening to close but he held them still. You wanted to protest, but Beelzebub's skilled fingers was making your mind melt.
"come on, Bael. You must be tired. You came all this way here. Why don't you 'rest'?" His words husky, thick, and smooth like molasses as his fingers continue to play with you, slowly stroking every part of you, occasionally pressing into your hole to tease Bael. Your cute little whimpers as you were too sensitive and tired to hold them back. You can tell the teasing was working, seeing the tight bulge in Bael's pants.
Bael gave in. Demons cannot resist temptation after all; his eyes half, half-lit and full of lust, made your heart leap out of your stomach as he slowly stalked closer to you. Bael took over as Beel stopped touching you. Bael's hands replaced his; his breath was shaky as he lay down to kiss you. His kiss was messy and full of desire, kissing you more and more feverishly as he began ripping off his own clothes, no longer caring about what he was supposed to be doing before; all that mattered was having you right here, right now.
Beel not wanting to be left out on all the fun lean down and kissed your neck. Now with two hands on either side of your legs he holds you open for Bael to lower his head down.
You are falling apart in their arms, Your whole body shuttered, whimpering and moaning as you felt Bael tongue against your hole.
Beel smiled, moving his hands to spread you further apart for his friend to 'eat' you.
One taste, and he was addicted, pressing his entire face against you, eager to tongue fuck you.
"taste good, right?" Beel said Bael could only moan in agreement, not wanting apart from you for even a second.
You thought just Beelzebub's tongue was long. You threw your head back as you felt Bael's tongue begin to worm inside you, long and flexible as it was eager to go deeper.
As if Beelzebub read your mind his voice tickled your ear.
"All demons in Abyssos have long tongues, Long tongues means more to taste."
You came. Bucking your hips against Bael's face as you grab onto his 'crown.' His eyes rolled back as you come on his tongue; it's been so long since he had tasted cum; it's been so long since he had been touched. He couldn't help but cum with you, his horn squirting all over your hand and his cock emptying all over the sheets.
Beel, who had been watching, finally had enough. His cock was twitching against your back, and he needed you. Beelzebub quickly overwhelmed you, not giving you a mere moment of rest before easing his cock inside you. Beel looked over at a cum soaked Bael with a sly smile.
Bael know exactly what he wants.
Bael climbed on top of you, his lips claiming yours once again. You didn't even know what was about to happen to you until you felt his dick press against Beel's and your already stuffed entrance.
"W-wait! Wait! So full! It can't fit!"
You panic trying and failing to form sentences correctly with cock already inside you.
Bael having only one thing on his mind, to be inside of you, couldn't even hear you. As Beel was whispering, "Aww, come on, of course, you can take it. You've been so good taking me. You can have one more cock."
Beel once again used his fingers to stretch you open, helping his best friend ease it inside you.
Beel felt Bael's cock against him, a feeling he hadn't felt in such a long time; his eyes rolled back, trying to hold back from bucking inside you.
How long has it been since Bael had been inside someone? He had forgotten what it felt like for someone to squeeze and milk cock. And now he was filling you up almost completely with His best friend's dick also inside you...
Bael's final threat of self-control, if it wasn't broken, already shattered. Grabbing your hips, he rammed into you. All the stress from paperwork, his carnal feelings about you that he kept so desperately deep inside, and the greedy loss he had to control in favor of running a country finally came to the surface. As he fucked you and Beelzebub, until whimpering moaning mess.
Even Beel could not keep up with his friend. His hands were shaking, his nails digging into your ass as he tried to gain any speed other than pathetically humping, humping, and grinding hard and deep.
Bael has folded you in half, your legs over his shoulders, trying to keep them apart as they threaten to squeeze his head. Your toes curling, you try to move, squirm, buck, and do anything. But you are being held in place, by two men. Sandwiched by two demons, getting treated as nothing more than a sex toy for these two demons.
You already knew what it takes to satisfy Beelzebub now that you have two demons with a voracious sexual appetite. You had no idea how long you would be in this bed.
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stxxryvoid · 3 months
˚₊‧꒰ა Silly Things That They Do ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ Genshin Impact
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✧ Silly (and sometimes annoying) things that they do, but it's okay you love them anyway <3
✧ Featuring ✧ Childe, Heizou, Kazuha, Kaeya, Venti, Kaveh, and Itto x GN! Reader (Separate)
✧ Content Warnings ✧ Some swearing
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✧ Childe
"Rise and shine sleepy head!" No further explanations needed.
He'll roll you up in your blankets for no apparent reason and then leave before you can escape the soft prison he put you in.
If you're going to jump on the bed he'll mf snatch the pillow and you fall on the bed itself.
When he's cooking he'll def shape the food into cute shapes.
He'd probably find something you're looking for and say he doesn't know where it is, but a while later will give it to you so you can praise him and give him a kiss.
Comes up from behind you and puts his hands over your eyes saying: "Guess who?"
Tells you to stay out of trouble when he's gone even though anything you do will never amount to the shit he does when he's working.
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✧ Shikanoin Heizou
Kicks your feet under the table like he's a damn child.
Anytime he does something he expects a kiss as a reward.
He could literally open a jar you couldn't open and expect a big kiss and cuddles.
If you ask him to make you coffee he'll definitely make it!
You just won't get it unless you get up yourself because you only asked him to make it not bring it.
But if you ask him next time to bring the coffee he'll bring the whole ass coffee pot bc you didn't ask for it in a cup.
Will blame you for him waking up late on a work day when he's the one staying up late to work on cases.
Gets genuinely offended when you tell him no fried food bc it's not good for him.
He does a ">:(" and gives you one-worded responses for an hour.
He's not mad he's just the biggest tease to exist on Teyvat.
Start getting actually upset and he actually feels so bad and does anything to make it up to you.
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✧ Kaedehara Kazuha
Comes up behind you without making a sound says "Hi." and scares the living daylights out of you.
If you catch him doing smth he'll use such poetic words you can't even understand to get out of the situation.
Starts spitting poetry out of nowhere.
It could be dead silent between the two of you and he gives you a romantic poem.
If he's cooking he will put food you do not like in there but hide it so well it tastes good to you.
While you're eating he'll stare at you like 🙂
Then you realized you fell victim to eating smth like brussel sprouts again.
If you're working he'll deadass show up in your office or smth.
Like how??
No notification from your coworkers and you js look up he's there.
Kazuha 10/10 horror movie killer material, silent footsteps, appears out of nowhere, unsuspecting, and has a sharp weapon
He knows so many cats like wtf
A cat comes up to him he pets it and says "Hi, cat name." AND DOES IT W SO MANY CATS??
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✧ Kaeya
Okay I know I called Heizou the biggest tease but I changed my mind.
If Heizou is the king of teasing Kaeya is the all knowing, all powerful, all mighty god of teasing.
Flirts with you at the most random times.
Could be fighting some monsters he decides its the best time to try a new pick up line.
And it's always the best one's too, but he decides to save the horrendous ones for completely normal times.
He has no life.
With no cavalry to captain he can't be the cavalry captain so with nothing to do most of the time he's glued to your hip.
He'll play with your hair in front of someone no matter how many times you smack his hand away.
Claims he needs some random article of clothing on him fixed just so he can have your attention.
Y'know that thing where you bump your hip on someone to make them trip/fall over?
He does that.
If you stumble he'll act like he did nothing and turn the other way.
If you fall and it's hilarious he'll laugh before helping you up.
But if you fall and hurt yourself he'll actually feel bad and help you up and make sure you're okay. He's at your beck and call for the rest of the day.
He needs attention.
It's like taking care of a big cat.
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✧ Venti
Also does the hip bump thing.
If you go to find him after he does some drinking he could be in the most random ass position ever.
Laying back down legs up against a building.
Passed out on some hay in a crate.
Sleeping under a bench.
You can't even be surprised anymore.
His feet are actually icebergs.
When he takes off them stocking things he puts his feet on you and your body temperature decreases by 20 degrees.
Styles his hair and yours in the most random ways.
If you wear makeup he took it once and ended up looking like a barbie doll got into a street fight and lost.
Sings you songs about the most random shit.
He turned milk and cookies into a song.
Meowing back at cats is normal.
But he barks back at dogs and really puts the enthusiasm in it..
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✧ Kaveh
Plays with his food.
Moves it around on his plate to form shapes before he actually eats it.
Sometimes is drinking while he draws things and was painting once and ended up drinking the paint water on accident.
He spat it out and started rubbing his tongue while you and Al haitham were like 🤨
Thought all he loses are his keys?
Nah everything he's touched has been lost at least once.
He's still looking for some things that vanished into thin air.
He sometimes talks in his sleep.
Mostly about you, cats, dogs, and food.
He's actually so knowledgeable on beauty products??
You could be buying something for skin care and he snatches it and says "No."
"Don't buy this..." and yaps on for a good minute.
Then he'll go and pick up smth else for you and buy it for you and you're js left there shocked.
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✧ Arataki Itto
This man is the epitome of silly.
He also cant whisper for shit.
Do NOT shit talk someone to him all of Inazuma will know within 30 minutes.
He has so many spare combs.
A backup comb for his comb a back-backup comb for the backup comb a back-back-backup comb for the back-backup comb and so on...
Don't give him hot sauce. Just don't.
Do NOT mess up his hair. He'll be ":(" the entire day.
He knows about lots of good food.
Can he cook any of this good food?
Hell no.
If you cook him anything he'll be so happy and eats every last crumb, would probably eat the plate to get all the macromolecules of the food.
(If he even knew what a macromolecule is)
If you make him something it's treasured forever and the only fingerprints on it are yours and his.
Definitely owns a diary somewhere.
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finn-writes-stuff · 11 months
Could I request headcanons for Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Gortash with touch starved gn s/o?
A Soft Touch
Adventuring to save the world leaves little time for comfort. Yet they provide it anyway.
Gale, Halsin, Wyll & Gortash x Reader
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
My first bg3 work! Apologies if I don't have their characterization just right yet. - Finn
You're both so incredibly touch-starved. He has only had the company of his cat ever since he locked himself up in his tower.
He's terribly gentle when he does touch you. As if he expects you to disappear if he grabs you too tight. As if one of you might just shatter.
It's easier for him to touch you through magic. Encounters in the weave, mage hand, anything of the like. It allows him to touch you without feeling so overwhelmed with it.
But once he truly starts touching you regularly, he can't get enough. He'll have you in his arms while he reads, or he'll lay on your lap and speak of magical innovations.
He drinks you in like the magic he needs to live. Knowing that his touch is providing some benefit for you makes him content and satisfied. Gale lives to make you happy and see you smile.
Gods, this man gives the most incredible hugs. The only one who compares is Karlach. He's warm and soft and strong and he holds you as though he would never let anything hurt you.
He's quite a tactile person in general. His hand is regularly on your shoulder when he points something out or asks your opinions. If you're comfortable with it, his hand will rest on the small of your back when he walks with you. He likes keeping the point of combat.
Fall asleep in his arms, on his chest. You will never sleep better than this. It will ruin you for any bed ever.
He's quite careful about boundaries. If you are overwhelmed by him touching you so much, he will tone it down and keep it at your pace.
Alternatively, if it's not enough for you, he's always ready to offer a full body massage.
Literal king of romance. He is determined to court you properly. His touch always feels like it has intention and awareness to it.
Loves to kiss your knuckles and make eye contact as he does. It feels ridiculously intimate for just a kiss on the hand.
Wyll traces the lines and curves of your face while you relax with him, admiring you and memorizing your features.
Having you close, whether in an embrace or a dance, settles him. He keeps you close as much as you allow it.
If you ask him to hold you, he will stop nearly whatever he is doing in order to do so. Lae'zel makes fun of him for pausing his sparring for it.
Oh if he had it his way (And he rarely tolerates anything less), you would never leave his side. You being touch-starved just gives him all the more reason to keep you there.
Enver is possessive in the way he holds you. He will have a portrait commissioned of the two of you with his gauntleted hand settled firmly on your hip.
He's inevitably touch-starved himself, but he's unlikely to admit this. Just allow him to hold you when you fall asleep or he'll be frustrated with everyone in the morning.
Gortash has the ability to pamper you and he takes advantage of it. He'd have you bathe with him in a bath full of expensive soaps and he'll wash your hair. He will also be ridiculously smug for as long as you smell like him afterwards.
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factorydefaultlu · 7 months
id love to read about your open relationship with alastor and lucifer. as a powerful overlord in your own right, why should you limit your bliss? they each meet different needs in you: luci is a lovestruck sub/service top while alastor can put you in your place and teach discipline. they are both aware of the other. they are both jealous and possessive. occasionally they fight (but it's *totally* not about you) then try and out-do each other in the bedroom as revenge. you might finally teach them to share..
(ps maybe a comfort scene where lucifer is sad about alastor hurting/marking you?)
Sharing is Caring
Alastor x GN!Reader x Lucifer
TW: biting, spitting, spanking, hickeys, oral (reader receiving no genitalia specified, fingering, penetrative sex, jealousy, possessive behavior
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What fresh hell have you gotten yourself into? No pun intended.
How you managed to pull both the king of hell and a powerful overlord is beyond comprehension, even if you're an overlord yourself.
Both Al and Luci would argue over who had you first, and who you love more. Fighting like cats and dogs over your praise and affection.
Lucifer's way of fucking you- Or making love as he'd prefer to call it- is very hands on and gentle. This man cannot get enough of you ever.
Kisses over all the bruises and marks Al left on you. Mutters about how Al is a filthy animal and a disgrace for treating someone as lovely as you like a punching bag.
Luci is the definition of a simp, and finds himself with his head between your legs often. His tongue and fingers gently opening you up and prepping you for his cock.
You will cum at least twice before Luci would even dream of sticking his dick in you.
Always trying to one up Al, and although he tries his best to not mention the prick, he finds himself asking if Alastor is able to make you feel as good as he does.
This guy is the king of hell? How? He's too nice.
Anyway, he's not focused on his pleasure in the slightest. Sure cumming would be nice, especially inside you. (The breeding kink this man has is insane.) But if he exhausts you before he gets the chance then he's perfectly content with providing you with aftercare and then going to take care of himself.
Alastor is on the direct opposite side of the coin. He doesn't even have to mention Luci. He's not so insecure that he has to doubt his prowess in bed (yeah right, he thinks about it all the time) He knows he's better.
That being said, he likes to leave marks all over your body. A triple threat of wanting to mark you as his, give you a reminder of how much better he is than Luci, and a reminder to the Big Man™ himself as to who you truly belong to.
Bites, hickeys, hand prints, bruises. Hell, he'd even go as far as burning or cutting you to leave a mark.
Alastor fucks like an animal. He starts out as a composed dom, breaking you down and ramming you into subspace.
Al likes to hear you beg, and cry. The image of tears running down your face as you beg for his cock makes him painfully hard.
Enjoys laying you over his lap and spanking you until you're ass is raw and your throat is hoarse from screaming.
When he finally does decide to fuck you he gets possessive. Even moreso than before.
"Mine, mine, mine." is what he'd growl in your ear as he stretches you open on his cock.
Will cum inside you to further mark you as his, and he likes to watch it drip out of it.
Getting them into the same room, let alone the same bed is a feat all on its own. They might wind up just hatefucking each other while you watch.
That'd certainly be a show.
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primrosebow · 6 months
Do you draw or write for the girls? Because I would love seeing any type of Lute, Charlie or Vaggie art in your style
Also I would eat your art 20/10
Short answer: yahhh xoxo💞
Long answer:
_-->Various hazbin hotel women x reader // art
!Content warnings!:the usual nsfw, this has the gals listed in the ask🫡 a few headcannons added for flavor, gn reader cause I never specified literally anything, more words than usual.
We are SO BACK 💪💪💪 request things ‼️ My activities would get me perma banned from the vatican, I'm afraid.
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Charlie //
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I, unlike most other people here, believe that charlie most often tries to take the role of a dom! She's used to trying to fix everyone else's problems, but, she'll crumble if she ever gets treated like the perfect princess that she is. Call her beautiful, praise her, give her that affection she desperately needs. She's been helping her citizens for so long, she deserves to get taken care of!
Honestly, when you slowly push that vibrator inside her after what felt like an agonizing ammount of time for prepping, she was ready to cry on the spot. She can barely believe you even talked her into being in the receiving end of this -she's the one supposed to be pleasing you!- Getting this much attention and love made her brain go all fuzzy and tears well up in her eyes as her limbs felt weak; she was trembling far too much from the overwhelming pleasure she felt right then to truly care about what this whole situation did to her ego.
She doesn't realize her horns have made an appearence as she pleads with you: come on! You were giving her so much attention just a minute ago! Please! Being as close to you as possible is her only wish right now. Her pitiful tone and cries for you directly contradict how her tail is shaking at it's tip, much like that of an excited cat -she's enjoying this far more than she expected-.
If you do decide to give in and finally rub on her already overstimulated clit just as you had been doing before, she'll cling onto you for dear life- practically sobbing as you give her precisely what she needs. Maybe she can get used to being treated nicely by you. (She learns that she cannot get enough of the overwhelming passionate act of letting you be in control, it's far too good for her to only experience it once.
She'll soon get a little cocky though... she isn't the daughter of the king of pride just because of her name, if you catch what I'm throwing)
// //
Vaggie //
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Vaggie has placed quite a notorious quantity of expectations on herself. She's always been this way, and, continues to be despite your affirmations of her worth. Your constant and relentless words of praise to her: how beautiful she is, how strong, how perfect, how brave, how hot- it all got to her head very quickly. Your words contradicted her thoughts on herself but the way you kiss along her neck makes any thought melt away from her brain and be replaced with pure emotion.
// //
"Mh.. please, darling- I-" she tried to form a sentence, eventually getting cut off by her own moans. Her nightgown was pushed up as she laid with her back against your bed, squirming slightly as she feels your fingers rub against her insides. She clenches around you as you drag your thumb over her swolen clit, which was begging for your attention since the very start of this. Her hips stutter as she can't pick between indulging the stimulation and running away from the pleasure.
Her eyes struggle to keep themselves open, but you had told her to look at you during this. She couldn't let you down. Not when you were saying she was "doing so good f'me". Those are some of the few words that can pierce through the thick veil of the ecstasy-like feeling of your attention and carve themselves into her very soul. She was good. Good for you. She couldn't ask for anything better, and, won't- can't be letting you down.
You.. leave her easy tasks such as looking at you and being a little quieter just so she feels like she's still, in some way, being useful to you. Slow and steady wins the race, and, soon enough you hope to remove the constant anxiety of servicing you from the act of love you want to give her.
Lute //
Lute is quite interesting because she has this weird duality between wanting approval and not being able to take said approval. Sometimes, she'll activelly attempt to rile you up enough that you'll punish her (something you have already told her is not necessary, since you can be harsher on her if she simply asks) but please don't blame her! She's just used to being treated roughly, it's "safer" for her to stay in her comfort zone of thorns and cruel words at first.
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But only at first. Like I said, she really does want to feel loved. One of the first times you attempted to give her the affection she craves, after having learned that she can't deal with the purely lovey, sappy affection yet, you had to get resourceful with bringing her the love she needs.
"Awh sweetheart, you can't handle this?" You dig your fingers even deeper into her, a squelching noise arises from the action because of just how wet she already is. She groans at your words, and, if you didn't know any better, she'd have sounded like any other cheap sinner from lust with how aroused she was at your teasing. But you do know better. Your comment- it was slightly mocking, it was maddening; it was a challenge. For her to keep her composure for as long as she can. Lute grabs onto you even harder so she can regain some sense of stability, finally locking eyes with you. She moves her hips slightly against your fingers. Despite it being her own action, she groans. She says in a shaky tone
"Do your worst."
Ah, you can't deny such a request, now, can you?
// //
Velvette //
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"Agh- fuck you! H-ah-" she tried to act mad, don't get her wrong. She really did. But that's astoundingly hard to do when your lover has their hand in your panties and is currently relentlessly and harshly rubbing against your clit like it was the last thing they'll ever touch.
You really could not have picked a worse time to do this; right before one of her new collection showcases? Did you want her to die? You forcefully push her thighs apart when she pressed them toguether, not letting her even attempt to get back a semblance of composure. As if that wasn't enough, you had locked her bracelets toguether behind her back, and, even if she wouldn't admit it to a single soul, it really turned her on.
She tried to think as hard as she could, try to offend you, try to play her own pleasure down, but she really couldn't. Empty remarks about your incompetence or appearence or literally anything she could get her mind around slowly melted away into moans and whines, the much too familiar shame from getting overwhelmed so easily by you also pushed aside by a desperate search for her own release.
When she finally did cum, she doesn't hold back on how loud her moan of your name was, her thighs trembled as she leaned on your body for support. She intentionally turns her head away from the mirror so she won't be faced by her own overstimulated self, and much less your self-satisfied grin as you watch her panting against you.
Let's just hope that the fashion gossip blogs don't catch onto how uncharacteristically out of breath she was during that showcase!
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I love piracy so much RAHHHHHH‼️‼️ if buying ain't ownin, piracy ain't stealin, but I wish it were. IMAGINE‼️ you download idk ratatouille and they just don't have it anymore. "Guys they took ratatouille again..." I wish. I wish watching media through torrent sites was like taking various items from ikea.
I WOULD download a car.
@bigfatbimbo cause of the little bonus of velvette
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
I have a deficit, it's called "The lack of Cat King x Male Reader" stories 😔 I think it's a very serious illness and only one thing can cure it, that being requests with that insufferable yet insanely hot bastard. So if you have an idea that you'd like to see come to life (Well, in writing) then feel free to request it 😁 Male or Gn, doesn't matter, you want it? I can give it ✨
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mydearlybeloathed · 9 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after rejecting a boy in your hometown, he goes around spreading rumors about you and him. luckily, you have full faith in your wizard boyfriend, who just so happens to be coming back form his fancy wizard school in just a few days.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: remus lupin x gn!muggle!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: gender neutral reader, a menace old lady, scarlet letter allusion, several random muggles
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤: my boyfriend's back
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It was laughable really, for Ben Waters to think your boyfriend would believe any of the lies he’d spread around town. You had full faith in Remus, your super cool wizard boyfriend who could totally crush Ben into next week. 
Still, the whispers all around that snobby little town were starting to get to you.
“Did you hear…?”
“Don't they have that boyfriend, though?”
“With Ben? Really?”
“Just wait till Remus hears…”
Just wait indeed. The sooner he got back from his fancy wizard school, the sooner you could kiss him in front of all the kids who think they’re so cool. In front of Ben even, the man of the hour, who’d done all of this just because you rejected him.
It was all so laughable.
That's what you thought as you sank deeper into your seat at the local diner. A group of your school mates whispered at the opposite booth.
So, so laughable, that it wasn’t very funny at all.
Remus would be back in three days. You could last another three days of this little letter ‘A’ Ben branded you with. 
In the meantime, you could continue to practice on Remus’ skateboard he left behind, maybe go by his place to see his parents, or hide out in your room for seventy two hours.
You inevitably chose the last option, and soon the day of Remus’ return arrived. 
His train from Hogwarts should’ve stopped at King’s Cross Station an hour ago, and the short train from there to home was probably a few minutes away.
You were just swinging a leg over your bike to go wait for Remus at his house, maybe have tea with his dad in the meantime, when the voice of your sweet old neighbor called you back. Mrs. Ketburn hobbled down her porch steps, waving with a frail hand.
A sigh hissed from your nostrils as you forced a smile at her. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Could do me a favor?” she asked ever so sweetly. 
Every inch of you wished to snap back a decline and pedal away as fast as possible, but you couldn’t do that. Your parents would have your neck for it. “Sure, Mrs. Ketburn.”
“Perfect,” she smiled, showing off her dentures. “It won’t take but a few moments, dear.”
You were counting on that. You needed to see Remus before any other kids from school found him. (You trusted Remus, you really did, and he trusted you, but a strong string of anxiety was still taut around your chest).
Mrs. Ketburn led you into her musty house that always smelled of cat litter despite no other indication that she even had a cat. She needed help reaching the flour on the very top shelf of her kitchen cabinets, so she could finish baking apple turnovers, she said.
With a glance at your watch, you pulled around a chair and stepped up, easily reaching for the bag of flour and quickly hopping back down. You practically shoved the flour into her hands and muttered a goodbye in one breath.
“I really gotta—” Time came to slow, slow stop as the bag slipped between her wrinkled fingers, a cloud of flour billowing up around the both of you.
“Oh,” she gasped. “Oh, dear. I’m sorry.”
You took an even breath and glanced down at your watch. “It’s fine.” You still had time. “Let me help with the mess.”
She grinned up at you. “You’re a dear. I’ll fetch a broom.”
“Don’t forget a dustpan,” you called after her.
It felt as if forever and then some passed by before she came back with a broom, of course having forgotten a dustpan. You gritted your teeth and tried not to be too harsh as you took the broom from her hands. 
You swept the flour into a neat little pile at the center of the kitchen, going to savagely search her supply closet for a dustpan only to come back hands empty. You were on the cusp of asking her to get it when you stepped back into the kitchen, finding Mrs. Ketburn holding the dustpan and asking, “Did you need this, dear?”
You didn’t even bother looking at your watch again, not wanting any more stress to weigh down on you. For all you knew, Ben himself could have tracked Remus down on his way home from the station by now.
That in mind, you probably broke a world record in sweeping with how swiftly you finished the task, leaving Mrs. Ketburn’s tools leaning on the counter as you shouted a goodbye over your shoulder.
You hopped onto your bike and set into action, pedaling down the road to make it to his house. That was your best bet at finding him in a timely manner. Around a corner, across the street, you sped through town, that horrid scene replaying in your head.
Remus would never believe Ben’s lies. Never ever… but you had to see him to be sure. 
As soon as you reached his driveway, you abandoned your bike on the pavement and ran up to the door. His mom’s car was parked out front. Remus was home from his stupidly far away magic school. At last. You nearly forgot why you were stressed at all, but then the front door swung open as Remus met you halfway.
His smile was as blinding as ever as he rushed forth and enveloped you in a warm embrace. Throwing your arms round his neck you held him close and just breathed him in after so many long months apart.
You wanted to ask him about his friends, about what new magic he could show you, and if his Quidditch team did well—but first, you pulled back and stared deep into his eyes, blurting, “Ben Waters is a liar and a creep.”
The way he grinned at you told you all you needed to know. “Tell me something new.”
“So someone told you already?” you asked tentatively, drawing a roll of his eyes.
“I was told,” he began as if on his last leg, “by an overly enthusiastic Heather Law that you’d betrayed me and gone 'n slept with Ben.”
You pictured the girl from your class clear as day, waltzing up to him ever so confident she was about to gain a new boyfriend. You waited, but all he did was chuckle at the notion. “And you said?”
Remus pressed his forehead to your own, nudging your nose with his. “I told her to have a good day, and I came home to you.”
That was enough to have you connecting your lips in a feverish kiss, smiling into it. You knew Remus would never believe them. He was too good to ever even play with the idea. You just couldn’t wait till everyone else knew that too.
But first, you had a year's worth of kisses to catch up on.
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yuusishi · 8 months
hi could I pls request malleus and Leona headcanon with spouses who are best friends (preferably this takes place alittle bit in the future) my and my friend both love the each and where just talking about how funny it would be for them to have to put up with eachother for their spouses :3
pairings : Leona Kingscholar , Malleus Draconia (sep.) x gn!reader
genre : fluff + time skip !
cws/tws : none
a/n : I'm sorry if this might be ass this is the first req I'm working on after my small hiatus 😭
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Leona Kingscholar !!
He didn't know if he should be impressed by you being best friends with the literal spouse of Malleus Draconia or the fact they were able to pull him in the first place.
But one thing that he does know is the fact he.does.not.want.to.be.here.
You'd notice that neither Malleus or Leona have changed since graduation. Still the same old tired cat from savanaclaw and the imposing but mainly socially inept fae from diasomnia.
As much as he'd like to bicker with the old prince, he'd prefer not to have (older) Sebek yelling into his ear how "ungrateful" he is for insulting Malleus during their "reunion".
So he sticks to the most passive aggressive jabs you can think of, ones that just almost fly over the fae prince's head. Almost.
These two were one of the smartest third years in their batch after all...
When their side of the table is stuck in a slightly tense silence, he just stares at you and your friend who had the totally opposite atmosphere around you two compared to him and Malleus.
He's glad you're enjoying yourself at least. He doesn't realize it himself but he's unexpectedly enjoying this get-together with old 'friends'.
Honestly you thought he'd be grumbling to himself once you got in the car about how much he dislikes Malleus, but you realize he's in an unexpectedly happy mood (with his resting bitch face still in tact), even agreeing to indulge in co-op gaming or having a movie marathon at home at the cost of staying up late :).
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Malleus Draconia !!
He's not one to purposefully rile up others for the sake of his own enjoyment, but if the other person starts it then who is he to reject the invitation to a fun little "argument."
To tell the truth, he was excited for this hang out with your friend. He's glad to meet your bestie and he doesn't mind catching up with a college friend (in his words).
After graduation he doesn't get to be as free as he was in NRC since he was the king now, so this meet up is like a breath of fresh air in the usual stuffy halls of the Briar Valley castle.
He isn't that different compared to Leona, their minced words against each other betraying their friendly smiles while you and your friend continued catching up.
You'd think the words Leona threw at Malleus would annoy the fae at least a tiny bit, but the sky remained as clear and sunny as it was when you left the castle for the day.
He enjoyed this atmosphere that the gathering brought, sometimes even wishing the other NRC students he studied alongside with were present.
Once your back inside the castle, you watch Malleus do his paperwork in his study with a little more pep in his step. He really is still that housewarden of diasomnia you've come to love.
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faun-the-fawn77 · 2 months
hi! Okay so again thank you for accepting my request about characters meeting their fandom counterparts I was wondering can you maybe make a part 2 where they find a version of their yn like a cat yn for Alastor and Lucifer and a tiny yn for Adam and maybe right about how each fandom counterparts would react when seeing they can have their own in like their canon counterparts? Just a idea
Thank you take care out there! 😁
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Alastor x GN!Sinner!Reader, Lucifer Morningstar x GN!Sinner!Reader, Adam x GN!Angel!Reader
Word Count: 1467(I got carried away💀)
Warnings: Swearing(don't we know this by now?), mention of having kids in Adam's part, that's it:)
Desc: Part 2 to the other Drabbles! This time the guys encounter their partners looking just like their counterparts! Chaos ensues:)
Note: I love crackfics so much! Gotta be my fav genre of fic:) Happy reading ya'll!
Edit: Reqs for Hellaverse are closed:) Be sure to check my pinned post for what I write for and who!
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Alastor had honestly thought that his feline counterpart stole his lover. He knows that it could never replace him but that jealous feeling tugging at his mind is slowly convincing him that the feline was plotting something.
Alastor had left early that morning to run some errands and hopefully to return with a plan on how to get rid of that devil cat that looks a bit too much like the radio demon.
"Meow" Alastor paused in his tracks, humming coming to a halt. He turned his head towards the soft sound. His ear twitched when another meow echoed from the alley he was in front of.
He grinned and slowly paced down the dank alley with a plan to capture the creature. He was hoping that if this cat was a female then it could hopefully capture the attention of the other pest currently staying the bedroom he shared with his lover.
He spotted the (H/C) feline slinking out from the shadows and strutting right up to the Overlord. His eyes widened at the similarities it held with his love.
He bent down and scooped up the precious creature. He made sure to be careful with his claws when he went to scratch the beautiful creatures head.
"Why, hello my dear! How would you like to come home with me, hm?" The cat stared up at hime with huge (E/C) eyes and meowed.
Later, when Alastor returned with his new furry friend, he made sure to place her gently on the king size bed in his room. He could sense that no other presence was in there at the moment, which meant that Alastor was going to surprise his partner with a cat similar to them!
When Y/N had returned that evening with who they had deemed "Catlastor" in her arms, they halted when a fluffy feline fell into their line of sight. The other feline in her arms had glanced up when his owner froze and looked to see the sleeping beauty on the bed.
The red furball couldn't get out of Y/N's arms fast enough. It pounced onto the bed and pridefully strode up to the sleeping cat.
"What the-"
"Welcome back, my love!" Y/N jumped as the loud static voice of their lover sounded behind them. Alastor walked up to stand near them and watched as the two felines on the bed sniffed each other to get familiar with scents.
"Isn't she gorgeous?" Y/N smiled when they watched the red furball curl his body around the smaller (H/C) feline. Their tails twined together and with that, the two animals were asleep.
"Not so jealous anymore are you, Alastor?"
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A cat can indeed replace him. He could feel the irritation in him build when he saw the cat, that freakishly looked a little too much like him, cuddle up on his lover's chest.
Lucifer pouted as he witnessed the cat give him the side eye. He swore that it was smirking when it stretched a paw to place it on the cheek of Y/N.
"I'm going to the garden for a bit. I'll be back in a few." Y/N hummed to acknowledge that they'd heard the king and went back to petting the purring feline. Lucifer huffed and stomped towards the glass doors that lead to the garden.
The garden behind his mansion had always managed to calm him down. He sought out the bench that was handcrafted and gifted to him in his early days of reign.
"I can't believe I'm jealous of a fucking cat..." Lucifer groaned and placed his clawed hands over his face.
A bush near him had started to move, like something was hiding inside. Lucifer jumped a bit before staring intently at the flowering bush.
What came next had almost made the King of Hell pass out. A sleek (H/C) cat slinked from the bush and looked up at the pale angel. Lucifer stared into the sparkling (E/C) eyes of the small animal in front of him.
"Holy Hell..." Lucifer stiffened when the cat walked up to him and jumped up onto his lap. He froze before relaxing and started to pet the gorgeous creature that resembled his lover a bit too much.
Lucifer st up at that. His lover! He looked down at the cat in his lap, gently scooping it into his arms before walking as fast as he could to where his lover currently resided.
"My Love!" He gently opened the door to their bedroom. He saw Y/N still in bed with a book in hand and the feline version of him still in their lap.
"What is it, Luci?" Y/N didn't glance up until the cat on their lap shifted before getting up. They looked up and saw Lucifer putting down a cat that strikingly resembled them onto the bed.
"What the fuck?" Y/N placed their book down, sitting up more to observe the two felines sniffing each other. Lucifer beamed at his love and quickly got into the spot where his feline counterpart once rested.
"She's perfect! Look! They're like us but cats!" Y/N giggled and ran their fingers through the kings golden locks as they both watched the cats purr and nuzzle each other.
Definitely just like their counterparts.
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When Y/N first brought home the tiny version of him, he almost lost his mind. I mean, the little shit was stealing them away from him!
Since then, Adam has grown used to his tiny self and had honestly started thinking of it like his own child. He knew he had told Y/N that they were the caretaker of this thing but Adam couldn't help but become attached to the little guy.
Today happened to be Y/N's day to take care of the tiny Adam. They went out to the shops while Adam himself had left to the training are for the exorcists.
It was a far fly to the area so when he had arrived, he didn't expect to see his right hand woman holding onto a tiny version you Y/N.
Lute held her arms out as far as she could so she didn't get her hair pulled like the first time she picked up the tiny angel. When she heard the heavy steps of her superior, she turned to him and quickly shoved the babbling tiny angel into his arms and sprinted off to see over the other exorcists.
"What the fuck, Lute!?" Adam growled and continued to mutter swears under his breath but stopped when the sound of whimpering caught his ears.
"Oh- uh... Hi there, honey!" Adam smiled down at the tiny version of his lover. When the tiny angel stopped whimpering, he took that as a victory but that didn't last to long when the angel full on wailed.
Adam almost dropped them at the loud sound before regaining his grip. He started to freak out until he figured out that his mask was what's causing the problem. He glanced around to see the exorcists busy training before turning away and taking his mask off.
"See? Hey, no need to cry, sweetheart. It's me!" The tiny Y/N stopped their crying and looked to see the face they loved so much. A smile spread on their lips and they reached out for the man.
"Let's get you home, yeah?" With that, Adam spread his golden wings and took off to the penthouse he shared with his lover.
Walking through the door, he could instantly hear his Y/N talking to who he could only assume is the tiny version of him. He looked down at the tiny version of Y/N and saw their eyes staring at the door leading to the other two.
"And the- Oh! Adam, you're home early!" Y/N turned to face their lover and paused when they saw the tiny version of themselves being held gently in a maskless Adam's arms.
"Is that-?"
"It is! Hey, tiny me! Look who's here!" Tiny Adam turned to see what his counterpart was talking about. His eyes widened before he wriggled himself from Y/N's grip and sped towards the bigger version of himself.
"Here ya go!" Adam set down tiny Y/N and watched how the tiny him had ran up to them and pulled them into a hug.
Adam smiled as he watched the two tiny angels speak in a language that could only understand. He felt Y/N brush their hand against his arm before gripping it and leaning onto him.
"I know you said no kids but... I think I'm getting baby fever just watching them." Adam hummed in agreement. Maybe kids with Y/N wasn't such a bad idea...
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This my last Hellaverse req! Thanks so much for requesting! Every time I see the notif on my inbox I cry a bit:') I hope you all have loved my Hazbin fics as much as I loved them! Ill def get back into the Hellaverse at one point cause I seem to always come back to whatever fandoms I love:D
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rileyglas · 4 months
Can we get part 2 of the cat Lucifer, cat Alastor, and little Adam thing? Like living with them type thing or daily life? It was adorable!!
The sheer chaos that all three of these little counterparts make was fun to explore! Hope you enjoy! Part One can be found here
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Meeting their Fandom Counterparts Pt. 2 Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam x gn!reader
Cat Alastor
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The morning light just started to peek through the window of your room. You roll over with a stretch, hand reaching for Alastor, “Good morning my - OW FUCK get off!” The cat, if you can even call it that, pounces and embeds its teeth into your arm. You fling it off to the floor, a solid thud resonates across the wood planks. “Al I can’t keep going with this! He won’t even let me near you without going nuts!” 
“He’s protective, that’s all. I’m sure he just needs to warm up to you a bit more. Isn’t that right my boy?” he coos, patting the bed beside him to call the cat back. You roll your eyes and scoff. That thing has been Alastor’s new favorite in the hotel for nearly three weeks now. It has wreaked havoc every day, not to mention the turmoil poor Lucifer has gone through thanks to its antics. “And how much more time do we need before coming to the conclusion he’s a deranged, rabid nuisance?” A scowl crosses your face as you swing your legs over the bed to get up. 
You hear a static filled growl rumble at your words before the cat stretches to a concerning length, curling up and purring in Alastor’s lap. “I’ve grown quite fond of him, my dear. I can’t help that he’s bonded with me.” You groan under your breath, “Can you at least try to keep him away from Lucifer today? The King is starting to get a nervous tick. He could use a break from the torture.” Alastor exhales in acknowledgement but you already know the day you’re in for. 
A few hours later, everyone sits around the table happily munching on breakfast. Lucifer sits across from you, sipping on his coffee quietly. His eye twitches ever so slightly. “Feeling alright, sir?” you ask, noticing his nerves are more fried than ever. Before he can answer he violently jolts,“UHG something BIT me!?” he yells as he pushes his chair back. Alastor’s cat pops up from between his legs with some white material between a disturbing smile.  Both you and Lucifer shoot a glare at Alastor who is chuckling smugly to himself. 
“You need to keep a leash on that thing before I take care of it myself!” Lucifer hisses. Alastor’s eyes flash and he slams his hands to the table, “You will not lay a finger on him!” The two men go nose to nose, arguing (yet again). Angel leans over to you, “That thing chased Fat Nuggets around with a fork last night. Its eyes always have that deranged, unsettling look. I personally wouldn’t mind if the King took care of it.” he whispers. You nod in agreement but sigh, knowing it is one of the few things Alastor has come to love during his time here. There’s no way you could take that away from him. 
You stand and clear your throat, “Al I think Lucifer is right. You need to keep a better eye on him if you want to keep him. Don’t want him running off any potential clients of the hotel, right Mr. Hotelier?” He rolls his eyes, snapping his fingers to conjure a collar and leash. “Fine, I’ll keep him closer for the sake of the hotel.” his voice drops slightly, “But don’t think I am done with allowing him to make some special visits.” 
Lucifer groans as the cat jumps into Alastor’s lap for his collar. The two give a final, eerily similar grin to the King before disappearing into a shadow. “You going to be okay?” you ask Lucifer. He shudders slightly, examining the new hole in his slacks. You hear a small chuckle leave his throat, “Yeah…I think I’m going to go get a dog today. A big one.”
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Cat Lucifer
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“Honey I really don’t know if a bow tie is necessary -” Lucifer tries to convince you but you wave him off as you adjust the tiny tie attached to the white cat’s collar, “Come on! He looks like a little distinguished gentleman, don’t you Luci?” “Stop calling him that!” he grumbles, arms crossed across his chest. The smallest pout on his lips makes you melt pitifully, “Now my love, don’t tell me you’re jealous? You’re still the number one man in my life.” Still holding the cat, you lean over and kiss Lucifer’s cheek. 
A light blush crosses his face with a small grin, “I know. I guess I just feel so disconnected lately. I’m sorry.” Luci hops out of your arms and paws at Lucifer’s coat tail. A sudden idea makes your face light up. “Why don’t you make him a toy? You’re locked in your office so much - maybe it can be a little side project to help bring you closer?”
The cat stares up at the King, eyes glossed over and a small droplet of drool dangling off its chin. Lucifer sneers, “Are you sure he even understands what a toy is?” You smooth his coat and push him out the door, “Just consider it, please? Have a good day dear.” A week later, as usual, Lucifer was working overtime every night. You’re grateful you at least have the small fluff ball to keep you company, even if Luci is a little on the dim side. You’ve witnessed him attack his own feet and roll off the bed multiple times, hitting the ground with a disgruntled huff of defeat. He’s even taken a few swipes at Fat Nuggets. When the pig turned to chase him his wings would puff out in an attempt to ‘fly’ away. The poor thing just looked as though he was having a seizure, flailing and flapping around on the floor, going nowhere. Let’s just say - he’s lucky he’s cute. 
Lucifer finally comes in one evening sporting a smug grin, “My dear! Introducing my new creation!” He extends his hand out holding a small white rubber duck with cat ears and a red bow tie, “It’s a duck..cat..thing but more importantly, I installed little wheels underneath so he can chase it to his heart's content!”
He sets the duck down in front of Luci. The cat noses it, hissing when he hears the whirling of the gears that make the duck slide across the hardwood floor. Lucifer’s shoulder stoop, “Damn, I really thought he would like it.” he admits with a hint of sadness. You pat his shoulder, “Give him a moment - oh see! He loves it!” Luci begins to roll around and chirp playfully. After a few moments he pounces (clumsily), catching it between his fangs. The cat proudly struts over to Lucifer and sets the toy at his feet. He bends down to scratch between Luci’s ears, “Hmpf. You’re welcome little guy!”
Your plan for Lucifer to bond seems to backfire slightly. Before you know it, not only is your boyfriend missing nearly every night, but you’ve noticed Luci hasn’t come to bed with you as usual. After a few nights of this, you sneak down the hall to peek into the King’s office. You can’t help but giggle at the scene before you.  Lucifer works hard at his desk, with one drawer pulled out next to him. You notice a small blanket stuffed inside and on top is Luci, curled up comfortably and purring. His little white duck tucked safely under his paw. Every now and then Lucifer’s hand finds the cat to give it a few pats. Well…at least someone has company.
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Little Adam
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The deal of not allowing Little Adam to come home didn’t last long. The day after he showed up you stand at the stove cooking dinner when you feel a small pinch on your ass. “Well hello to - what the HEAVENS is he doing here!?” You turn around expecting your Adam only to see the little shit making obscene grabbing motions with his hands.
“I couldn’t leave him again! He was scared!” Adam defends loudly then grumbles something under his breath. “What was that dear?” you prod, knowing there’s more to the story. He turns away, embarrassed, “Well…he also might have destroyed the main office while I was gone…and now has a few formal complaints I will have to deal with…”
You cross your arms, “Mhm. And?” Little Adam crawls up your legs and under your shirt. “Hey - NO! OUT!” your words fall on deaf ears as he snuggles into the warmth of your chest. “See he loves you just as much as I do! Please, let’s keep him here?” Adam flashes a coy smile that you, of course, can’t say no to. 
It was easy to see why there were so many complaints about Little Adam. Over the course of a few days he ate every snack in the house, groped you anytime he could, and left a mess in any room he was in for more than a minute. You are at your wits end but continue to put up with it for the sake of Adam’s happiness. 
That is until tonight. Adam came home in a frisky mood and you welcomed his advances. He no more than got his robe off before Little Adam snuck his way into your bed, obnoxiously cheering his bigger self on. “Nope, that’s not going to happen.” You say as you flick him off the bed. His wings pop out and he flutters around Adam’s head. 
“Babe common, it’s just a little me. Not like he can tell anyone what we do. Besides, it’s fuckin’ sick to have a little fan.” Adam says excitedly but his smile drops when he sees how pissed off you are. He hunches his shoulders, “Uhg fine. Sorry little dude. You’ve gotta go.” Little Adam squeaks in protest when Adam plucks him by his wings and throws him outside the bedroom. 
Guilt begins to eat at you. On one hand, you couldn’t have that thing destroying the house everyday and terrorizing you. But Adam has grown attached. There had to be a way to make everyone happy. He was bound to just be lonely and need company. That’s when it hits you. 
“Whatcha workin on sugar?” Adam asks, kicked back on the couch next to you. “I’m actually just finishing up.” You mutter as you make the final stitch and show Adam a small stuffed doll that has your resemblance. “I figured Little Adam needed a Little Me to keep him company. It’ll be cute…hopefully.”
You set up a small bed across your room for the tiny terror to sleep in. The last thing you wanted was to accidentally squish him in the night. Little Adam hops up and down in the bed excitedly as you set the doll next to him. He immediately snuggles it with a huge smile. “Awe he loves it! You did good babe.” Adam chuckles and wraps an arm around you. “Maybe now he’ll leave us alone. He probably was just in need of a frien - uhg great. Now he’s humping it.” You roll your eyes and walk away in disgust. “He’s definitely you.” you poke angrily at Adam who is nearly falling over from laughter. At this point, you’re just glad you found something to keep Little Adam out of trouble. 
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