#guess that means I’ll have to draw him again :-)
miraculosus · 7 months
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I drew bayboy IMmediately when his render dropped and then just??? Never posted??? anyway here he is chillin
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soft-girl-musings · 4 months
Stranger Danger
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Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
cross-posted to ao3
MK Spring Bingo entry #5
tags: reader is being stalked & responds in a way the author (a woman) has been taught to, emotional protector steven grant to the rescue, no use of y/n
wc: 1,138
fic summary: There's safety in numbers, do you want mine? (too soon?)
“Oops, careful!”
Steven drops the last of his veggie wrap as a pair of kids rush past the bench he’d been hunched over. As he picks up the debris, he sees where one of them dropped their hat. He picks it up and half-jogs after them to return it.
“Gotta stay aware of our surroundings, yeah? Don’t want to lose our valuables.” The kid rolls their eyes but thanks him before running off to catch up with their friend.
“Oh my gosh, hi!”
Steven turns around to find you walking swiftly toward him, your smile too wide and tone too familiar.
He’s never seen you before.
“... hello,” he answers cautiously, taking one step back but failing to put much distance between the two of you. You practically cling to his side when you approach, takeaway cup and phone in hand.
“Sorry I’m late, but you are terrible at giving directions, mister.” Taking his arm, you begin to walk away from where you’d appeared.
This wouldn’t be the first time he’s forgotten conversations or plans. But as he racks his brain for something, anything tied to you in his memory, Steven notices the panic in your eyes and the slight waver in your voice.
Your hands shake a bit as you unlock your phone, passing your cup to him. He takes it, still bewildered but obedient. “I swear, the cafe never spells your name right. Let me make a note for next time.” You type swiftly, showing him the screen.
being followed, please pretend you're my boyfriend
Steven doesn’t know you.
But he nods, grasping your arm closer with his free hand and gives his most convincing grin. “Steven with a ‘V’, love.”
Relief instantly washes over your features and you relax a little. “Right. I’ll remember that… Steven.”
His smile grows before he remembers why you're holding onto him. “Do you want to sit down? Or go somewhere else, maybe I could call someone–”
“N-no, it’s fine. Let’s just sit. In plain sight,” you half-whisper. Steven nods, ushering you back to the bench in the middle of the busy square. When you sit, you don't let go of his arm.
Instead, you type into your phone as you speak. “Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?” Steven glaces at your notes app again.
do you see a man in a black jacket?
Steven scans the area, careful not to look too suspicious. Unlike the person he’s sure you’re referring to: a man in dark clothes, hands shoved into his pockets and rigid as he looks around with increasing urgency. His prominent frown grows when he sees Steven next to you.
“Yeah,” Steven says to both your questions. He looks away from the menacing figure, but sets your drink down and wraps his arm around you. He's glad to feel you settle into his side, still shaking but catching your breath.
“I take it you don’t know Mr. Black Jacket?”
“No, I do. Sort of. He’s a regular customer of mine,” you sigh. “One who doesn’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer.”
“Ah.” Steven keeps the guy in his periphery, splitting his focus between him and you. “Stalker, then?”
You freeze up at the term. “Yeah… he’s been pretty relentless.” 
You meet his eyes, which are swiftly filling with concern. “Thanks again for… this. I usually find a mom or another woman to walk with me until he leaves, but I saw you with those kids and just… panicked, I guess.”
“S’not a problem, love.” Steven knocks your foot with his, drawing a small smile from you. “Glad to help you feel safe.”
You laugh a little. You let your gaze drift over to the man in black, an uneasy pit growing in your stomach when you briefly make eye contact.
“He usually goes away after a while. I've told the police, but they can't do anything unless he… you know.” Your brow furrows as your grip loosens. “I don't mean to take over your afternoon, but would you mind waiting with me?”
In that moment, you could have asked Steven for the moon and he'd find a way to lasso it down for you. 
He squeezes your hand. “‘Course I can. Lovely day with lovely company, quite the ideal afternoon in my books.” 
Steven dives right into talking about anything and everything that comes to mind– which, as you learn, is a lot. Normally he'd hit a wall after a few minutes, either because he'd realized he had talked himself in circles, or his less-than-captive audience was visibly zoned out. But you hang on his every word, grateful to be arm in arm with a stranger describing the supposed viscosity of ancient Egyptian embalming oil. It's a welcome distraction. 
So distracting, in fact, that after an hour you realize the crowd has thinned around you. With Mr. Black Jacket nowhere in sight.
“I think he's gone,” you sigh with relief. Steven stands when you do, handing your things back.
“Patience won out in the end,” he beams. You see a brief look of panic cross his features.
“He doesn't know where you live, does he? Do you need an escort?” Steven's already taken a ludicrously long lunch break, but the inevitable lecture from Donna would be worth it if it meant ensuring your safety.
You shake your head. “I've been careful.” Extending your hand, you smile. “It was nice to meet you, Steven with a ‘V’.”
“Likewise, love.” He shakes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Another look crosses his face before he continues.
“Do you want my mobile number?” His words come out too fast; if you hadn't spent the past hour listening to him, you might have missed what he said. “Just in case you need someone to wait with you again, or keep an eye out. Would that be alright?” He shakes his head, stepping back. “'Matter of fact, forget I said anything, don't want you to think you've traded one creep for another–”
Your simple answer stops him in his tracks. “Oh, you don’t have to–”
“No, it’s fine. Really. When you offered, it felt nice to know someone could be in my corner on this side of town.”
You take out a scrap of paper and a pen from your bag. “How about this: you write it down, and I’ll add your contact if I ever need my knight in shining armor again.”
Steven concedes, pen and paper in hand as he scribbles his number down (then asks for a new paper in case the first was too illegible).
When you leave, he watches until you turn the corner. He goes the opposite direction, back to the museum. Part of him hopes you’ll never have to reach out, for your own sake. The rest of him hopes you do anyway.
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A/N: oh steven, the man that you are. a couple more bingo prompts will be focused on this dude, which is excellent practice for some exciting projects down the line...
as always, ty for reading <3
event tags: @moonknight-events @spacecowboyhotch @juneknight
addtl tags: @mrs-lockley @lunar-ghoulie @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi @nerdieforpedro (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
507 notes · View notes
honeyhotteoks · 5 months
this night together - chapter fourteen (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter fourteen: what we mean to each other
chapter summary: making amends is hard, moving on is hard, but you have a home now in a way you've never had before. together, you move forward through it all.
warnings/notes: this chapter still deals with the aftermath of the attack, so all previous warnings apply, but i think you'll see we're coming out of it now and into much happier times. this is the start of an absolute fluff fest, and we'll be back to smut in the next chapter. specific warnings for: discussions of physical attack, anxiety, ptsd, consent conversations, past s*xual assault (mentioned in passing), issues with police and the legal system because lbr the cops aren't doing anything good for assault victims, and reader has a triggering moment with her neck but she works through it just fine
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 14.3k
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
It’s been days. Days of staying safe behind the walls of their apartment, days of dodging calls from your friends, days of cocooned self preservation. They haven’t left you for a single minute. You spent the weekend trading off who’s lap you were cuddled on and bickering over episodes of Single’s Inferno and you’ve never needed anything more. 
Slowly though, things start to shift. 
You’re showered, for one. And Yunho and Mingi both have settled back into their routines as best they can without leaving the apartment. Video games, mindless scrolling, paging through books and cooking balanced meals instead of another day of takeout. 
On Monday, Seonghwa confirms your worst suspicions by texting you a photo of the formal letter he received via Minseok’s attorney. You expect Yunho and Mingi’s are in the mail. Every time your phone chimes you expect it to be the police or some other official legal summons. Your mind has started to turn over every detail of the event with calculated detail, and your internet history stretches long with research. 
By Tuesday, you’ve caved and finally started answering Wooyoung’s texts with more than just single word responses or emoji confirmations that you’re still alive. The moment you do, he takes the opening and runs with it just like you knew he would. 
As you wait for the hot water for your tea to boil in the kettle, you re-read his most recent text again. 
Do you want to get out of the house for a bit? We can try that new spot by the bookstore?
Your stomach feels tight at the idea of going out and you do your best to tap out a reply that you think sounds casual and relaxed - Maybe next time, let’s just catch up and relax here? 
You watch the message send and deliver and in nearly real-time it flicks over to read. Dots appear as he types. 
Sure - his message reads - I’ll be there in an hour
An hour. You shouldn’t be so nervous to see your best friend, but the idea of opening up your little sanctuary to anyone right now feels a little fraught. The kettle whistles, and you hear feet shuffling against the vinyl flooring as Yunho crosses over into the kitchen and you lock your phone and Wooyoung’s messages away so you can focus. 
“Hey,” You murmur, giving him a smile as you pull the kettle off the heat. 
“Hey,” Yunho smiles back, leaning against the opposite counter, “everything okay?” 
“Mhm,” You tell him, just a little white lie. 
“Is Woo still coming by?” He questions.  
“Yeah,” You nod, setting the kettle on a pad so it doesn’t damage the countertop, “he said around an hour,” 
Yunho nods and then slides a bit closer to you, his hand stroking up and down your back once until he settles it on your hip. “Hey,” he says again, “can we talk?”
A nervous pang strikes in your gut, but he doesn’t look upset, so you take a guess at what he wants, “Is it okay that he’s coming?” 
“Wooyoung?” His brows draw together, “Of course, that’s not what I meant,” 
“Oh,” You turn towards him more fully, leaning against the counter with him, “okay, what’s up?” 
“I want to apologize,” He says, swallowing tightly. 
“Apologize,” You blink. 
He nods. 
“Okay,” You can see how whatever he’s about to say is bothering him, the stress under the surface, but you have no idea what he’s sorry for. 
“Listen,” He reaches and takes your hand, pulling you a little closer to him, “I know you know I’m sorry, but I haven’t said it clearly and you deserve that,” 
“Oh,” You relax further into his space until you can feel your bodies brushing together, the warmth radiating off his skin. 
“The way I reacted at the studio after your last heat was wrong,” He says in a rush of air as he laces your hands together, “and I haven’t gotten the chance to really say that,” 
“It’s okay,” You shake your head, soothing him a little, “you don’t have to,” 
“No,” He insists with a squeeze of your fingers, “I do. That day, I was worried and jealous and confused, but I let my anger get the better of me and that’s not something I normally do.”
You squeeze his fingers back, letting him know you’re listening. 
His eyes flick up from your joined hands to your eyes as he continues, “It’s not something I should have ever put on you or something you should ever see,” 
“People get angry,” You start to say. 
He’s firm when he shakes his head, “People get angry, but I don’t get angry at you. Ever.” 
“I yelled at you,” He squeezes your hands, “I cursed at you,” 
“I did the same thing right back,” You remind him. 
“It’s not the same,” He presses, brushing right past your words, “and I’m apologizing because I’m telling you, y/n, it will never happen again.” 
“You think we’ll never have a fight?” You smile, “That’s optimistic,” 
“This isn’t a joke,” He sighs, “please,” 
“I’m sorry,” You tuck closer to him, unlacing your hands so you can snake your arms around his middle, “and I appreciate you apologizing for that fight, but I was upset you were being possessive and emotional after all the cold shoulder, you yelling wasn’t really high on my list of concerns,” 
He’s quiet for a moment, but then he nods, “I’ll get to that in a second, but will you hear me on this one thing?” 
“I’m listening,” 
“I hate to bring it up again,” He grimaces a little, “but I’ve just spent four days watching you jump at every noise around the apartment and wake up every night fucking terrified,” 
Your eyes shoot down. 
“And before I apologize for all the other ways I’ve been an ass to you,” His warm hands settle on your skin, thumb brushing along your jaw, “of which I know there are many,” 
You smile at that. 
“Yelling at you like that,” He sighs, “talking to you like that has been bothering me for months. I need to apologize for it because I need you to know that you’ll never, ever hear it again. Mingi said his peace, but it’s important to me that you know you’re safe with me in every way. If we’re going to do this, I need you to know you can tell me anything, including telling me off when I make mistakes, and I won’t get angry like that again.” 
“I already know that,” You look up, meeting his firm gaze and reaching for his cheek, “and I hope you understand that I know the difference between how you were angry then and what he did and how he spoke to me.” 
“I just had to say it,” He nods, “I would hate it if anything I ever did made you afraid to be honest with me, or made you feel like you’ve been feeling the past few days, I’d never,” 
“Baby,” You cup his cheeks in both hands, holding his eyes so he hears you fully, “I forgive you, and I am not afraid or uncomfortable with you or with Mingi. Not at all.” 
“Good,” He exhales hard, his eyes a little shiny and you press forward to wrap your arms around him and hug him close, his arms closing around your back. 
“If you’re being idiots,” You kiss his chest through the thin fabric of his t-shirt, “I’ll tell you you’re being idiots,” 
He laughs low, the vibration running through your chest, “Good.” 
“And if I’m being an idiot,” You add, “I’m not going to freak out if you get pissed at me or yell at me,” 
“I appreciate that,” He squeezes your shoulders, “but I don’t want to be the guy that yells, that’s not really an alpha stereotype I’ve ever wanted to fit.” 
“Okay,” You nod against him. 
He clears his throat a little roughly and you’re about to pull away but he holds you steady for a moment, “There’s one more thing,” 
Your hand strokes a line down his back, as you hum softly, “Hmm?” 
“I have more to say and to apologize for,” You can feel his heart beating a little faster under your cheek and you stroke his back again, “but I’m still figuring out how to do that, and it might not be fair of me to ask, but I wanted to see if you can be patient with me for that.” 
“Yunho,” You murmur, “what’s going on?” 
“I, uh,” His fingers flex tightly against your skin, “I started seeing someone,”
“Professionally,” He adds, “Mingi used to and I know it helped. I didn’t think I needed to, but I think we can both agree I am not the best at managing my own emotions here,” 
“So,” He breathes, “after our fight, when I finally cooled off and realized what we did I asked him for a referral. I’ve been meeting with her once a week and it’s been helpful, but I’m not ready to apologize to you for the rest of it until I understand why I treated you like that,” 
Emotion fills your chest like a balloon and you nod into him, “Yunho,” 
He clears his throat again, “Sorry,” he says, “this is a little uncomfortable for me to talk about, but I’m working on it,” 
You wriggle out of his arms to find his face again and press up on your tiptoes to catch his mouth, kissing him with as much surety as you can before you lean back, “That means everything to me,” you tell him, “everything. You have all the time in the world from me, okay?” 
“Yeah,” He smiles, “good, okay,” 
“Is it helping?” 
“Definitely,” He nods, “it’s almost like the professionals know what they’re talking about,” 
You smile up at him. 
“I know I mentioned it before,” He adds quickly, “and I won’t press it, but if you do feel like it would be helpful for you too, you can come to me and I can ask my therapist for some numbers for you to call. I’ll even help set up an appointment if you need that,” 
Your chest goes tight at the thought, “I’ll let you know,” 
“Okay,” He smooths a hand up and down your back, “no pressure,” 
“For sure,” You manage. 
His lip quirks up and he presses a long kiss to your forehead as he gives you one more squeeze, “I said I won’t press, don’t panic,” 
“Sorry,” You breathe. 
He makes a noise dismissing that and then steps back, “So,” his eyes are bright again, everything equalizing back to normal with his smile, “you were making tea, can I help?” 
Your shoulders relax, tension bleeding out of you in an instant, “No,” you turn back to the warm kettle, “but can I make you a cup?” 
“Sure,” He pulls two teacups down from the cupboard, “so Woo will be here in an hour?” 
“Mhm,” You tap your phone to light up the screen to check for any other texts.
“Got it,” He nods, “would you feel alright with Mingi and I stepping out for a while?” 
“I need to run by the studio and check in on things,” He explains, “and we need to get some food in here. I figured we could do that while Wooyoung keeps you company,” 
“Yeah,” Your heart picks up a little at the thought, but you press that feeling down and drop a teabag in each of your cups, “I’ll be just fine,” 
“Good,” He drops another kiss to your hair, keeping his fingers lingering on your skin while you pour hot water into your cups. 
“Do you,” You almost stop the question, but you find the words bubbling out of your mouth before you can second guess, “do you need to leave right away?” 
Yunho smiles wide, taking the kettle from your hands as he shakes his head, “No,”
Your heart eases a little. 
“Let’s have these together,” He nods to the tea and picks up both cups, “we’ll go when Woo gets here,” 
You follow him out into the living room, and he sets the cups down on the table before settling himself into the corner cushions and reaching up for you. It’s easy to take his hand and to melt into the familiar position on his lap, and you let him draw you in close and cuddle you, his arms wrapped securely around you as he nuzzles your cheek with his nose. 
You sigh, resting your hands on his chest and turning your face a little to catch his mouth in a kiss. 
He hums pleasantly against your mouth, “Is it strange to say that I’ll miss you while we’re out?” 
You smile, shaking your head, “No,” 
“Will you miss us?” He pecks your lips again. 
“More than I want to admit,” 
“You know,” Yunho smooths his hands over your body to rest in their familiar homes, one on your thigh and the other curled around your waist, “I hate what happened, and I wish I could take all the bad memories away, but I’m also so glad you’re here with us,” 
“I know what you mean,” You nod. 
“The months we spent apart were terrible,” He confesses, kissing you softly. 
“We’ll have to make up for lost time,” You agree quietly. 
“A proper date,” He smiles, “or a vacation somewhere warm?” 
“Mm,” You hum, thinking of being stretched out on a beach somewhere with your boys on either side of you, “perfect,”
“I’ll think on that,” He runs a hand down your hair and relaxes back into the couch, “you deserve something nice,” 
Twisting on his lap you reach for both of your teacups before settling back into the same, comfortable position, “I think it would just be nice to come over here without having something traumatic happen beforehand,” 
He frowns a little. 
“I’m kidding,” You nudge him softly, “kind of,” 
“I know,” He nods, “still,” 
“Yeah,” You quietly agree, taking the first sip of your tea. 
Yunho takes a sip too, and then hums a short, quick laugh, “This smells like you,” 
“Like me?” 
“The tea,” He takes another sip and nods, “you smell just the same, but sweeter,” 
“Do you like it?” You find yourself asking. 
Yunho’s head cocks slightly to the side, a line between his brows, and then he says, “Have I not made it clear how much I love your scent?” 
Your cheeks heat and he smiles at the way your skin reddens. 
“Sweetheart,” He shifts, pulling you in while still being careful of the tea, pressing warm, lingering kisses over your jaw to the hollow of your ear, “if I could drink you instead, I would.” 
You swallow, heat curling in your belly. 
“Soothing tea,” He murmurs, “sweet honey,” he adds with a kiss, “and the willow is sharp and fresh. You wake me up and calm me down all at the same time,” 
Your pulse quickens, and slowly your head drops to the side, extending the column of your neck to his lips. 
He takes it slow, remembering the way you jerked back in bed a few nights before, and he’s careful not to press too firmly or give you any inclination that he’s going to touch you with anything but his lips. 
“You smell like home,” He murmurs, his hand coming up to cup your head in his wide palm, kissing just a little lower still. 
Your muscles are stiffening up at the feeling of his mouth getting lower towards your exposed gland and your fingers tighten on his shirt where you hold yourself steady. 
“I’ve got you,” He whispers, “stay with me,” 
You nod, just a little, enough to tell him not to stop, “W-what else?” 
He smiles against your throat, “Well,” he kisses again, to punctuate his words, “when you’re happy, really happy or excited, there’s lemon too,” 
Your breath feels staggered, thready, and you focus on the feeling of him and the warmth of the teacups against your thigh. 
“When you want us,” He takes a deep inhale, sighing hot against your skin, “it’s all honey, thick and syrupy. After your heat I smelled that honey here for weeks,” 
You feel a whine building a little in your throat, and you bite down on your lip to keep it buried. Your body feels like it’s fighting itself with every touch of his mouth, hot arousal knots up at his scent mingling with yours and at his words, but the isolated touch alone has you fighting little flashes of a place that isn’t here and isn’t him. 
“I’ve got you,” He repeats, “I love you,” 
The reply settles on the tip of your tongue, but then he presses one last closed-lipped kiss directly over your gland and withdrawals entirely. You blink hard, a shudder running up your spine. 
“Alright?” He checks, smoothing his hand down your hair again. 
You nod, letting your fingers unknot from his shirt while you collect yourself. 
“Hopefully that answers your question,” He clears his throat softly. 
You start to nod, but the sound of the bathroom door opening cuts through the moment and you start, tea spilling over the lip of your cup onto your fingers. 
“It’s Mingi, baby,” He assures you. 
“I know,” You have to tear your eyes off the hallway though. 
His mouth is set in a concerned little line, and you know he’s probably thinking about your conversation in the kitchen again, but he lets it lie and doesn’t push it, just like he promised. 
Mingi appears a moment later, a towel slung around his hips and his shoulders and hair wet from the shower. He smiles widely when he sees you both, “What’s going on in here?” 
Yunho raises up his cup, “Tea,” he smiles, “nothing much,” 
“Mm,” Mingi nods and stretches, “nice,” 
“Will you be ready soon?” Yunho asks, “Wooyoung will be here in a bit,” 
“Yeah, sure,” He confirms and then glances at you, “you’re good with us going out?” 
“I’m good,” You confirm. 
“I’ll stay if it would make you feel better,” Mingi adds, “I can hide in the bedroom and listen to music or something if you want privacy,” 
You love them both so much in this moment you feel like your chest might crack right open on its own, and you shake your head at him with a smile, “No, I have to get comfortable at some point, it might as well be while Woo is here with me,” 
He nods, “Well, we won’t be too far, just call us and we’ll turn around.” 
“Thank you,” You reach up to take his hand and he twines his fingers with yours immediately. 
Yunho shifts, pressing his lips against your shoulder, “Are you and Woo going out anywhere?” 
He’s clearly trying to be subtle, but you hear the anxious note in his voice and it occurs to you that they might be just as nervous leaving you as you are staying here without them. 
You shake your head, “No, just staying here,” 
“That’s good,” Mingi adds a little too quickly, “if you do go out, would you let us know?” 
“I will,” You promise them, “but you don’t have to worry,” 
“It’s in our nature to worry over you,” Yunho sighs, “but I think we’re both trying not to be overbearing about this whole thing,” 
“Trying,” Mingi shrugs, “but also the idea of not knowing where you are feels like it might give me hives,” 
You laugh at the image, easing back into Yunho’s chest. 
“To be clear,” Yunho shoots Mingi a look, “that’s in a nice ‘we care about you’ way, not in a ‘controlling boyfriend’ kind of way,” 
“Relax,” You tell them both, “I get why you want to know, it’s the same reason I want to know where you are.” 
“Studio first,” Mingi offers without you asking and your chest warms, “then groceries, and then I want to swing by that cafe that has that caramel cheesecake you like, then home,” 
“Don’t say we don’t have to,” Yunho adds, “we want to,” 
You smile as he takes the words right out of your mouth. 
“Plus, I want some,” Mingi says with ease. 
You’re not used to this type of relationship yet, having alphas of your own who actually want to be with you and take care of you, who worry for you and feel for you in all the deep nervous ways you feel for them. You hush the nagging voice in your mind that tries to tell you not to show them how much you need them, the voice that doesn’t want you to jump too fast, you already know what you get by listening to that voice. 
Instead you ask them what you want to ask, “How long do you think you’ll be gone?” 
“Two hours,” Yunho offers, “maybe three at the most,” 
“Okay,” You exhale, weight dropping away from your shoulders, “that’s perfect,” 
“We’ll let you know,” Mingi adds, “and if you need anything special while we’re out, we can stop,”
You shake your head, “I’m fine,” You assure them, “a little anxious, but you know, it’s good for me.” 
Mingi smiles warmly, brushing his hand over your cheek and tilting your face up with his thumb and forefinger on your chin, “We’re a phone call away,” 
“I know,” You nod. 
Yunho sighs as Mingi’s hand drops away, and he kisses your shoulder again, “It’s funny,” he says, “I really don’t want to leave you,” 
“We did just spend three months not seeing each other and in a state of constant relationship limbo,” You point out and give him a squeeze, “we really went from nothing to a whole lot of something fast,” 
“Not too fast?” Mingi checks, trying to sound casual. 
“No,” You say, “and even if it is, I don’t care,” 
“We’ve always felt right together,” Yunho adds, “we’re just letting ourselves enjoy it now,” 
He’s never said something so true. 
Mingi gets dressed and collapses onto the couch next to both, pushing closer into your space with Yunho until you’re both practically on his lap, but it works. You stay knit close together until there’s a knock on the door and then it’s fast kisses goodbye and big hugs from your best friend, and before you can really process it you’re without them for the first time in days. 
Your stomach is fluttering, a nervous quiver deep in your gut that you really don’t want Wooyoung to over-analyze. A moment later you find yourself back on the couch in the warm spot Yunho left, wrapping yourself in the blanket you had all shared the night before. You can smell them on it, earthy, warm, and sweet. 
Wooyoung watches as you start to relax, and he takes a seat right next to you to keep close, a closed smile on his lips. 
You can’t believe you miss them already. 
They must miss you too though, because Mingi only makes it a scant ten minutes before he texts you, his message lighting up your phone - Forgot to say I love you - I love you.
“What?” Wooyoung nudges you under the blanket. 
You pass your phone to him and he reads the message, his eyebrows shooting up high, “I leave you alone for a few days and you’re all saying ‘I love you’s?” 
You grab the phone back and tuck it away, “That’s the thing about life changing trauma,” you laugh, “it really accelerates the big feelings,” 
Wooyoung nods, keeping things light, but finds your hand on the back of the couch so he can hold it. 
“Also we’re not all saying it,” You confess, “they’re saying it,” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean they’ve told me,” You explain, “the day after the studio we had this big talk,” 
“Don’t tell me they put all that shit on you like that,” He wraps his hand around yours, “y/n,” 
“Not like that,” You shake your head, “it’s actually hysterical, they thought that Seonghwa and I have been dating,” 
His eyes go wide, “What?” 
“It’s truly the longest story of miscommunication,” You tell him, “at this point I think someone should write a book about me and make it a romantic comedy,” 
“Erotica,” Wooyoung smirks. 
“Shut up,” You swat at him. 
“There have been too many good orgasms for a romcom,” He shrugs. 
You roll your eyes, “Anyways, it turns out the whole not talking period while you were all away was just me pining but feeling like I fucked it up, and them pining but thinking I had moved on with Hwa,” 
“But when they realized that they were wrong about that,” You continue, “we just got it all out there,” 
“And they love you,” He smiles a little, “and they actually said it,” 
“Yeah,” You soften into the cushions. 
“I hate to ask the obvious,” He squeezes your hand, “but if you’re so happy about that, why haven’t you told them? You do love them?” 
“So much,” The words fly out like you’re defending something, and you run a hand through your hair as you get your real thoughts steady, “I do, Woo, so much. We’re scent matches,” 
“I know,” He nods warmly. 
“You do?” 
“Anyone with eyes can see that,” Wooyoung smiles, “well, apart from you three.” 
He nudges your thigh with his foot under the blanket, “Honestly, though, after what happened I could see it on them. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other, and they kept flanking you, watching you like you might disappear,” 
A memory of the studio plays like a clip in your mind, the way they held you between them, the three of you against everything. You nod, “They’ve been doing that for days,” 
“Which…” Wooyoung trails off, trying to guess where your head is, “you’re happy about?” 
“I am,” You nod emphatically, “and I love them, I just… I can’t get the fucking words out of my mouth,” 
He sobers a little, sliding closer to you on the couch so he can draw your legs over his lap and give you exactly the kind of comfort you need, “I’m listening, babe, talk to me,” 
“I don’t know why,” You hold his hand tighter, “but every time they say it, and I think I’m going to say it back, I’m right back in that room with Minseok’s teeth on my neck and I can’t,” your chest feels tight, “I can’t get it out,” 
His eyes soften, empathetic in the way that only he can be, “Does being in love with them scare you?” 
“No!” You pull your hand back from his. 
“Babe,” He takes your hand back and holds tight, “I’m not saying they scare you, I’m saying does being in love, being vulnerable like that scare you?” 
Your shoulders drop, “A little, but,”
“I thought about it for three months,” You argue, “I had it rehearsed, I knew exactly what I wanted to say and the big reveal was supposed to be the ‘I love you’ part not the ‘I’m sorry’ part,” 
“Your plans on that kind of fell apart when that asshole tried to claim you,” Wooyoung pushes back a little. 
“Yeah, no shit,” A flurry of anger bubbles in your belly. 
He nods, “And now you’re off kilter,” 
“You could say that,” 
“You rarely do anything without thinking it through,” He offers, this thumb drawing a comforting line over your palm, “and your plan got fucked, and you’re emotionally vulnerable, and traumatized, and stressed. You feel like you’re out here without a life vest,” 
His words stun you silent. 
“And this thing you worked up in your mind for three months is now totally derailed,” He continues, “am I on the money?” 
You nod. 
“Can I ask you something?” He says. 
You nod again. 
Wooyoung asks this question softly, his voice quiet and gentle, “Do you want to bond with them?” 
Your heart thumps in your chest. 
“It’s just you and me,” Wooyoung soothes you, “and whether or not you bond with them is your choice, okay? But, babe, is that something you think you’ll want?” 
Suddenly you remember the feeling of your heat with them. The way you begged for them, the way it felt so right and so sure that you belonged to each other. You remember how your mind spun imaginary futures that all ended the same way. 
Silently, you nod. 
“Loving them isn’t bonding,” He murmurs, “you can just love them for now at your own pace.” 
Tears prick at the back of your eyes, “What if I can never do it? They can barely touch my neck without me falling apart, what if I can never take a real claim?” 
“Oh, babe,” He pulls you towards him, crushing you to his chest, “I wish you called me earlier, you shouldn’t be thinking like this,” 
“It was so terrible,” You confess into his shoulder, “I can’t even tell you, I don’t even know how to explain,” 
“You don’t have to,” He hushes you, a hand stroking up and down your back, “and I don’t know if this is going to help or hurt, but I know right now you feel like there’s no way you’d ever be able to take a claim without it being scary and awful, but someday you might be able to without even thinking of him.”
A few hot tears escape your eyes. 
“And I know I give Yunho and Mingi shit,” He adds, “but you know that both of them would rather die than do something to hurt you or scare you,” 
“And if I can never bond?” You manage. 
“Then I’d say thank god your scent matches are two men who would never, ever push you into a bond you weren’t ready for,” He says, squeezing you tight, “and I think if you asked them, they’d tell you that they’d rather be with you unbonded and happy than bonded and in pain.” 
“You’re right,” You wipe away the wetness on your cheeks, “I know you’re right,” 
“They’re not going to try to push you into a bond just because you love each other,” He lets you lean back but he slides his hand back into yours, “especially not now,” 
“I know that,” You sigh, “rationally, I was just,” 
“I’m telling you, I get it,” He eases you, “sometimes you go through something and you think a part of you is wrecked forever, that you’ll never be able to do something again or feel normal again, but you will. I promise,” 
You know the truth of him so suddenly you can’t stop the words, “Woo,” you feel your heart beating faster, “did something happen?” 
“A long, long time ago,” He says softly, “and today’s not the day for that story, but I’m telling you it does get better and it does soften in your memory and someday your alphas are going to touch your neck and you won’t even think about it, it just won’t be there anymore.” 
Grief and relief mingle in your gut at his words, and you want to ask him more, to be there for him like he’s been there for you but you can see it in his face, today isn’t the day for that story. 
You squeeze his hand, “I love you, Woo,” 
“I love you too,” He assures you. 
Silence sits between you for a moment while you turn over his words, and though you can’t imagine the day he’s describing, you still believe him. You have to. You don’t know what happened to him or when, but you’ve never met someone as bright and open and happy as him, and you have to hold onto that truth. 
You look down at your combined hands, “Yunho offered to make an appointment with a therapist for me,” 
“Say yes,” Wooyoung replies without a thought, “I waited years and I wish I hadn’t,” 
“Does he have a contact?” Wooyoung asks, drawing your eyes back up, “I have some options for you if not,” 
“He said he can ask his therapist for a referral,” 
“His therapist?” Wooyoung grins, “I knew I liked him,” 
“You’ve been friends for years,” You nudge him. 
“Liked him for you,” He corrects, “that’s different,” 
“Yeah, yeah,” 
“My best friend deserves an alpha who is fully therapized and capable of complex emotions,” Wooyoung says with confidence, “nothing less.” 
“Don’t mention that I told you,” You add quickly, “he told me that in confidence, it just slipped out,” 
“I wouldn’t,” Wooyoung shakes his head, “that’s private. But between you and me, I’m glad to hear it.” 
“Me too,” You sigh. 
“And as far as you going?” Wooyoung circles back to the real question at hand, “Say yes, the sooner the better. If Yunho’s offering to help set it up, let him. Making that call is hard, and if he can make it easier, just say yes.” 
“Okay,” You sigh, your shoulders dropping. 
“And tell them how you’re feeling about bonding,” He adds, “trust me.” 
“Maybe,” You say, “I know you’re right. We’re just moving so fast,” 
“So slow down,” He offers. 
“I don’t know if I want to,” You admit, warmth and nervous energy filling your chest, “it feels right like this, I just don’t know if I can handle a claim,” 
“Tell them,” He reiterates, “don’t let them stumble into that one, they might hurt you without even knowing it if they bring it up sooner than you’re ready for.” 
“Right,” You nod, “you’re right,” 
He huffs a laugh, “Usually am,”
You flick his arm, rolling your eyes, so grateful at him for helping you work through something this hard while still keeping you smiling. You should have called him earlier, he’s right about that too. 
You let silence stretch around you both for a moment, and then something occurs to you. 
“Do you know anything about the charges Minseok is filing?” You run a hand through your hair, “Not to bring up yet another pleasant subject,” 
Wooyoung snorts a little air through his nose and shrugs, “I probably know what you know, have you talked to Hwa?” 
You shake your head. 
“At all?” He seems surprised. 
“I have,” You correct, “but it was quick and we were all on the call. I haven’t been to my place to see if there’s any mail, but I’d guess Yunho and Mingi will get a summons soon.” 
Wooyoung nods, “That’s what the police said,” 
Your eyebrows raise, “You talked to the police?” 
“Seonghwa did,” He clarifies, “and he gave San and I the run down.” 
“Why is no one telling me what’s going on?” You exhale heavily. 
“Because last we heard you were having nightmares,” Wooyoung rests a hand on your folded legs, “and we don’t have a lot of information to give, and I don’t think any of us want to cause you more stress than you need.” 
“Do Yunho and Mingi know?” You press. 
“Not exactly,” Wooyoung says, “though, I guess Seonghwa might be telling them now if they stopped by the studio,” 
You wait for him to continue, but you’re a little relieved at least that your boys aren’t keeping anything from you directly. 
“Seonghwa spoke to the police who explained the charges. Minseok is alleging that the guys misunderstood what they saw and ignored his attempts to explain, and that they used unnecessary force intervening on your behalf.” He says it plainly. 
“Misunderstood?” You repeat the word. 
“I know,” Wooyoung nods, “we all know, but that’s what he’s saying. The police advised Seonghwa to get an attorney and let him know that further charges were being filed. I think we can safely assume that’s Yunho and Mingi, maybe San if he’s really going after it.” 
“Maybe me too,” You add. 
“Maybe,” He nods, “but that would be tough to prove I think,” 
“Hmm,” Your eyes feel a little unfocused. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung gets your attention with a squeeze, “we don’t know anything yet, and we thought this might happen. It doesn’t change the truth and it doesn’t mean any of them regret what they did to make sure you were safe, okay?” 
“Tell me you understand,” He presses, “because I’m not letting you put this one on yourself,” 
“I do, I understand,” You nod, “it just sucks,”
“That’s fair,” He gives you a soft smile, “but it’s going to take a lot more than this to fuck us over,” 
“Yeah,” You murmur, “you’re probably right.” 
Wooyoung says something else but you hardly hear it, in the back of your mind all you can think of is that first night at the hospital. The detectives who interviewed you were kind, but bordered on dismissive, and you know Minseok and his family have deeper pockets than you do. You have to figure this out, you have to.
  “Babe?” Wooyoung nudges you. 
“Yeah,” You snap up, coming back to the present moment and letting those anxieties fade into the background until you can really think them through, “sorry,” 
“It’s okay,” He soothes you. 
Your phone buzzes on your lap again and you pull it up to see the message. It’s Mingi again - Budae Jjigae for dinner, ask Wooyoung if he wants to stay? We’ll have plenty
It’s like he felt your anxiety from miles away and you can feel the tense knot of your shoulders unlocking. You send back a quick heart emoji and then look back up to your friend, “You want to stay for dinner?” 
He smiles, “Who’s cooking?” 
“Mingi,” You tell him, “he’s been on a comfort food kick for me,” 
Wooyoung smiles, “I’ll stay,” 
“Great,” You tap out a reply to Mingi letting him know and take a big sigh. 
“They make you happy,” Wooyoung says, “it’s nice to see,” 
“It’s nice to feel,” You tell him, “after all this time, and after everything,” 
“You deserve it,” He murmurs. 
You smile, a little tease at the corner of your mouth when you nudge him, “So do you, and speaking of,” 
His face lights up fast, “I wasn’t trying to bring my too-good mood over here if things weren’t going well,” he sighs, “but now that I know you’re all in love,” 
“So you and Yeosang?” You turn the conversation to something so much happier, and feel lighter the second you do. 
“It’s so good,” He gushes, head falling back against the cushions, “he’s kind of quiet, kind of hard to get to know at first, but y/n, he’s so funny,” 
“Yeah?” You smile. 
“And smart,” He adds, “and considerate, he’s always getting me coffees or refilling my water, just like, those little things,” 
“Wow, look at you,” You squeeze his hand, “serial dater of alphas, turned into a blushy mess over a funny, smart, considerate beta,” 
“He’s packing like an alpha, I’ll say that,” Wooyoung grins wolfishly. 
You smack his chest, “Woo! Literally that is too much information,” 
“Please,” He rolls his eyes, “I share a locker room with your boyfriends, I know what you’re working with,” 
You feel your face flush red. 
“Cute,” He teases. 
“So,” You divert, “does Yeosang feel as strongly?” 
His smile drops a little, “I mean,” he says, “I think so? But he’s not really an oversharer,” 
“Have you told anyone else?” You try to be casual about that question, but if you’re being honest you’re dying to know where things will land with San and Seonghwa. 
Wooyoung shakes his head though, “Not yet, but I think when everything calms down I might have him pick me up at the studio or something? I want you to meet him and I want everyone to know, I just,” 
“I get it,” You assure him, “you go at your own pace.” 
“Yeah,” He sighs. 
“Just don’t follow my lead,” You smile, “if you like him, don’t run away in a panic,” 
“Noted,” He laughs. 
He looks so happy, bright from the inside in a way that matches his sunny scent, and you think he’s not far from sharing ‘I love you’s of his own at this rate. 
You squeeze his hand again and catch his attention back, “You really look so happy,” you tell him. 
“I am,” He sighs, “he’s exactly what I needed,” 
You smile, and then push his legs to the side, “Move over, I know you have pictures, you’re holding out,” 
He laughs sharply, head falling back but letting you manhandle him a little so you can snuggle into his side. Wooyoung tugs the blanket around you both and pulls out his phone, “Fine,” 
“Like it’s a burden to show your best friend pictures of your hot new boyfriend,” You smack his chest, “come on,” 
Wooyoung drops his arm around your shoulders until you’re slotted together on the corner of the couch, but he still hasn’t lit up his phone. You’re about to nudge him again, but then you feel him press a soft kiss to your hair. 
“You know,” He says softly, “when Sannie called me and told me what happened, I just felt so sick,” 
You find his other hand under the covers and lace your fingers together, “I’m okay,” 
He nods, sighing into your skin, “I just want you to know,” he says, his voice a little tight, “you mean so much to me, and I’ll be grateful to them forever for stopping him,” 
You blink back a few tears and nod, “I am okay, though,” 
He nods again and clears his throat, “I know,” 
“I think you’re avoiding my questions about Yeosang,” You squeeze his hand tightly, an acknowledgement of his emotions and his words, while steering the conversation back to happier topics. 
“You’re right,” He laughs, “you caught me.” 
“Come on,” You nudge him again, pushing down the little swell of emotion that his words brought up. 
“He’s not really a selfie guy,” Wooyoung slides his finger across his phone screen until he finds Instagram and then navigates to his new man’s page, “but, I don’t know, I think you’ll like his vibe.” 
Your face cracks into a wide smile when you see the profile, clearly that of an artist, a photographer. The first post on his page is of Wooyoung, though you’d have to know Wooyoung well to know it. He’s walking away from camera through a dark Itaewon street, the lines of his body accented by the neon club signs. 
“Oh, Woo,” You relax against him and open that photo to see it larger, “he really likes you,” 
He snatches the phone away, a little pink in his cheeks as he rushes to downplay the truth of what you can see plain as day, and you fight to get back the phone, your cheeks starting to hurt from how much you’ve been laughing. 
You and Wooyoung stay like this for ages, warmly locked together as you swap stories and funny things on both your phones. By the time your phone chimes with another text from Mingi, at least two hours have gone by.
Almost home! His message reads. 
Your chest feels warm, your heart whole at the words. 
“They’ll be back in a minute,” You tell Wooyoung as you set your phone aside. 
“Perfect,” He grins, “so exactly how much teasing can I get away with before you get mad?” 
You fall apart again into laughter, happy tears stinging at your eyes. You don’t hear the front door open at first, but when you finally look up you see them standing frozen in the doorway with such softness in their expressions. You feel the words bubble up at the sight of them, but again they stay resting at the tip of your tongue.
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and pushes off the couch, “Alright, alright stop making heart eyes at each other and tell me what’s in the box,” 
Your eyes flick down to the large white box in Mingi’s hand, the perfect cheesecake nestled inside waiting just for you. Wooyoung takes a few grocery bags out of their hands and heads off to the kitchen, and just like that your night falls together naturally. 
You don’t think about Minseok again until later that night. For a beautiful, blissful four hours you just laughed and ate and relaxed with your best friend and your boyfriends, and he doesn’t enter your brain at all. 
It isn’t until you’re lying in bed alone with your thoughts, Yunho and Mingi deep asleep on either side of you, that you realize what you have to do. 
In the morning you wake from a dreamless sleep, and you start to put your plan in motion. You slip out of bed and leave them to their rest, light only just stretching its way through the Seoul skies outside. Seeing Wooyoung made you feel lighter in a way that you can’t explain, and within minutes you’re scrawling out a note, stealing Mingi’s key, and lacing up your sneakers. 
Out for a walk, be back in a little while, don’t worry too much x
You leave it on their kitchen counter and you hope it’s enough to keep them from looking for you. You need a little space from your own scared reflection in the mirror, and a new perspective on the plan you’ve been turning over since your head hit the pillows last night. 
The note isn’t a lie, strictly speaking, you are out for a walk, but you also know if you told them exactly where you were on a walk to, they'd worry. They wouldn’t just worry, they would have insisted on coming with you, but this is something you have to do alone. 
You take the long way to the hospital down the river path, letting the cool day calm your mind and keep you centered. You go over in your mind all the things you want to say to him when you see him, assuming you actually make it into his room. You wonder how hard it will be to convince him. You wonder if you’ll even be able to get a single word out of your mouth. 
You have to try. 
Yunho’s words from yesterday morning in the kitchen sink into you. The tenderness in his eyes when he mentioned how jumpy you’ve been around the apartment. You hadn’t even realized it, but now you feel it in your shoulders and your stomach with the sound of every opening door, every squeak of a shoe on vinyl flooring. Everytime you look up into a mirror you expect to see a face over your shoulder, to feel hands on your hips.  
Minseok had taken so many little things from you in the span of three minutes. 
You need to take something back. 
Every step leading into the hospital is heart pounding and nerve wracking, stress inducing on a level you’ve never experienced, but standing in front of reception you suddenly feel an overwhelming calm. Your mind is clear, operating on something wholly unconscious and you don’t know where you’ve mustered this feeling from, but you let it take you. 
You give over Minseok’s full name and provide the kindest smile you can to the woman behind the desk,“I’m his sister,” you tell her. The lie rolls right off your tongue, so clean and easy you surprise yourself. 
“Oh,” The nurse nods, “well visiting hours don’t start until eleven,” 
“I have work,” You counter, softening your face, “I’m sorry, but do you think you could make an exception? I’ll be very quick, I just want to see him for a few minutes before I have to run,” 
She considers it, and you know you have her the minute she checks the nurse’s station to see who else is there with her before she breaks a rule, “Alright, but just be quick, five minutes,” 
“Thank you so much,” You smile, “really, you’re so kind,” 
She waves you off, glancing around her again, “He’s in 305, the third door down on your left when I open the doors,” 
“Thank you,” 
She presses a button on the wall and the lock springs free, opening the heavy security door to your side. With one last smile and deeply grateful bow, you slip through the door and make it through into the hospital hallway where you are most definitely not supposed to be. 
Third door on the left. 
You have to be quick, not so you don’t get caught, but so you don’t chicken out. If you stand in this hallway and let yourself really think about what you’re doing, you’ll turn right around and go home. Steeling yourself, you rush forwards and find the door to 305 and with a deep breath you slip inside. 
Private rooms are expensive, that thought occurs to you as you shut the door tightly behind you. That fact, plus the reality that he’s already talking about pressing his own charges, tells you Seonghwa was right, he has some kind of family money. You hope that when you turn around and actually face the room you won’t have to contend with his mother or father or god forbid some girlfriend you know nothing about. You need him to be alone. 
Blissfully, the room is quiet, the only sounds are medical and simple. With your palms flat against the door you take a deep breath, and if Minseok is awake he says nothing, makes no sound, while you gather the nerve to do this. 
Finally, you turn. 
He is awake, studying you with a careful expression, but then your eyes flick over him. He’s more than injured, he’s completely incapacitated. You catalog it all quickly - his leg suspended in an elevating sling, ankle wrapped up tight, wrist sprained and in a brace, his face is bruised and battered and you realize in seconds that his broken jaw is wired shut. He has an oxygen cannula tucked into his bandaged nose, and you remember that his ribs are broken too. 
You wonder which of your boys delivered each piece of punishment. 
Your mouth feels dry, and your pulse is quickening, the sight of him so close is enough to induce panic but he can’t really do anything to you in this state so you have to just be brave. You push yourself off the wall and walk to the end of his hospital bed, “Hey,” 
He gestures to his jaw and shrugs to communicate that he can’t really talk. 
“I know,” You nod, “I heard.” 
It’s strange to be here with him like this when last week you were working side by side. It’s bizarre to suddenly feel this bubble of uncomfortable space and distance, and to feel the fear underneath it all. 
He gestures towards you with his bandaged hand and you know he’s asking why you’re here. 
“I heard about the counter charges,” You came here with a purpose and you have to stick to it, “and I came here to ask you to drop them.” 
He shakes his head and looks down at himself and then back up to you. 
“After what you did?” Anger curls up in your belly, “I think they took it pretty easy on you.” 
He huffs, a puff of air from his closed lips. 
“Listen,” You try, “you and I both know what you tried to do, and whatever your excuse is, it doesn’t matter. If they hadn’t gotten you off me… I guess what I’m saying is do the right thing now. You said you were sorry, just drop these charges and we can all move on.” 
His eyes harden and he shakes his head. 
You thought he was apologetic after, coming to his senses and realizing in the haze of his rut he almost broke someone’s mind, but now you’re starting to think he was just pleading for his own beating to stop. 
“You won’t consider it?” You ask, stomach clenching tightly. 
He shakes his head again and points to his injuries. Jaw, ribs, leg. 
You want to hit him yourself, so suddenly that your fingers curl tight into fists, “You tried to fucking claim me because I wouldn’t go out on a date with you, and you think you’re the victim here?” 
He seems irritated by your question, and he reaches for something on the tray table to his side. He pulls up a small whiteboard and marker, clearly given to him by hospital staff to communicate, and he wipes away the words that were there to write out his message to you. 
I’m the one in a hospital bed.
“You bastard,” The words just slip out, “why do you think? They put you here for a fucking reason, Minseok,” 
He wipes the message away and writes something else. 
Keep your alphas on a leash.
You’ve never understood the phrase ‘seeing red’ before, but now it’s meaning is crystal clear, “You should keep yourself on a leash.” 
He huffs. 
“Using tone to submit an omega is illegal, Minseok,” You round the corner of the bed, “the prison time for something like that is long. It’s not even just assault, I think that’s something like three or four years? But using tone… claiming against an omega’s will? That’s irreparable damage. I wonder how many charges they’d stack on top in court? Psychological trauma? Sexual assault?” 
His eyes darken and he wipes the board again, his marker squeaking roughly against it as he angrily writes out the next message. 
I never touched you like that.
“You would have,” You shake your head, “as soon as I was your nice obedient omega and couldn’t say no.” 
He stares daggers, but says nothing. 
“They might be able to prove intent,” You tell him, “throw a few more years on top for good measure. How old do you think you’ll be when they let you out? Do you think a dance studio would hire a forty year old man?” 
His face pales, he looks sick suddenly. 
“You’ll drop the charges,” You tell him, “and when you do, I’ll drop mine.” 
His eyes widen. 
“You’ll never set foot in the studio again, and you’ll go find another job somewhere else.” 
His eyes skim over you, trying to gauge your honesty. 
“Do you understand me?” You don’t know what’s possessing you, what’s holding you up so you can get these words out, but you’ve never felt more sure. 
He says nothing. 
You lean in closer, close enough that if he was uninjured he could easily have you back in control, but with his jaw wired shut and his lack of mobility, he can’t do a thing. Nerves flutter up your body as you lean in, and you’re sure he can smell Yunho and Mingi on you, but the guarantee that he can’t touch you is filling you with a sick sense of power, of sure joy. 
“You tried and you failed,” You tell him, and he huffs, “and that’s on you.”
His cheek twitches and you’re sure he’d be clenching his jaw if he could do it without exceptional pain. 
“You’ll do this for me, you owe me,” You hold his gaze despite the flutter of fear it brings you, “and if you don’t, I don’t care what it takes. I’ll see you in court and if that doesn’t work, I’ll make sure that you never, ever get hired again. Every studio in Korea will know what you did, and every omega in Seoul will know what you really are, and if you ever get close to me again after today I’ll break your jaw myself.” 
His eyes flick down. 
“Do you understand me?” You repeat, enunciating clearly. 
He nods once. 
“Good,” You push back from him and get some distance, “get the charges against all of them dropped by tomorrow and I’ll call and withdraw mine. Don’t ever come back to the studio, if you left stuff there consider it gone.” 
He holds your gaze, and then he writes out a question - How do I know you’ll keep your word? 
“You don’t,” You shrug, “but I promise you I wouldn’t be here in this room with you at all if I wasn’t willing to drop them.” 
He turns your words over. 
“Minseok,” You sigh, “they mean more to me than watching you go to jail, please, just do the right thing.” 
He wipes his hand again across the whiteboard and then he shifts, looking back up to you to nod in agreement. 
“You’ll do it?” 
He nods again and then picks the marker back up to write something. 
“Don’t,” You stop him, “there’s nothing you can say I want to hear. Just do this and we’ll be done.” 
He looks away and without meeting your eyes again, he nods.
“Don’t make me come back,” You press him, but he doesn’t respond and that will have to be enough. You’ve done what you came to do. 
You’re out of his room in a flash, back through the security doors and quick past the front desk. You don’t spare a single glance at the nurse who broke the rules for you, you just need to get out of here before you let the reality of what you’ve done hit you sideways. You don’t let a single thing consume you until you’re out of the hospital and on the street again, and you sink down onto the first available bench. 
Your heart is pounding, hands trembling. You need to get this under control before you go home because the last thing you want is to cause Yunho and Mingi anymore stress or heartache. You give yourself some time to come back into your body, to forget the hard set of Minseok’s eyes and the way his fingers twitched when you got too close, the way you fought the curling panic in your gut to get the words out. 
When you do feel whole again, you order a taxi back. You’ve been gone a while, probably a little longer than they expected, and you hope they’re not worried.
Using Mingi’s borrowed key, you slip into the apartment and let their scents wash over you, soothing you instantly. You shut the door quietly behind you and toe off your shoes before calling out, “Is anyone home?” 
You hear movement immediately, Mingi from the kitchen and Yunho from his bedroom and it fills you with warmth. 
“Hey,” Mingi gets to the living room first, “how was your walk?” 
“Really good,” You tell him, and that’s the truth. The walk itself was nice until you cut it short with your little errand. 
“You look good,” He smiles, and Yunho appears from his side of the apartment as Mingi continues, “fresher,” 
“Yeah,” You sigh, “it’s a beautiful morning out,” 
“Hey,” Yunho says, smiling at the sight of you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t wake you,” You say, “I just wanted to clear my head a bit, so I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your key,” 
Mingi shakes his head as you hang his keyring up by the door. 
“We’ll have to get one made for you,” Yunho says, “if you want,” 
You let the implication of that lie and you nod, but excitement sparks in your belly.
“Is there any coffee?” You ask, moving into the apartment and heading towards the kitchen. You need to tell them where you’ve been, but you just need a breath before you can. 
“Mhm,” Mingi says, “I just made a cup,” 
“Oh,” You shake your head, “I don’t want to take yours, I’ll make my own.” 
“No, no,” He slides behind you and presses a kiss to your hair as he does, “take it, I’ll make another. Yunho, do you want one?” 
“I’m good,” He replies, coming to stand next to you at the small kitchen island. 
Mingi looks like he’s thinking about something as he finishes off your cup of coffee and throws an electric kettle back on to make another pourover, but Yunho draws your attention away. 
“Jagi,” He starts, “I don’t mean to… well, can we talk to you about something?” 
“Sure,” You angle towards him, his words making you a little nervous, “is everything okay?” 
“Absolutely,” He assures you, brushing his hand down the length of your arm, “but Mingi and I were talking while you were gone, about how to handle everything with these charges,” 
“Oh,” His timing is impeccable. 
“We just want to include you,” He says, squeezing your hand, “and make sure we’re handling things the way we should, but it might be smart to try and hire a lawyer before this goes any further,” 
You’re not sure how you’re supposed to say this. 
“We talked to Seonghwa and he agrees,” Yunho continues, “this will be the easiest way to protect all of us,”
“Yunho,” You start, “hang on,”
“If this is upsetting we can talk about it later,” Yunho adds, “but Seonghwa has some connections through his parents, he wants to make some calls.” 
Your stomach twists at the idea of Seonghwa needing to lean on a favor from his parents, and every choice you made that morning becomes perfectly validated with just that thought. You would never, ever let him do that, not after everything he’s done for you.  
“It’s not upsetting,” You assure Yunho, trying to interject, “I just don’t think that will be necessary,” 
“Getting a lawyer?” He clarifies. 
“Yeah,” You swallow hard and glance at Mingi, “I don’t think we’ll need to.” 
“I mean, having representation would be best,” Yunho says, “I know it’s stressful, but we need to be careful,” 
“Right,” You sigh, needing him to give you a breath to explain, “that’s if there’s a suit,” 
“Well sure, but,” Yunho starts but the penny drops for Mingi. 
“Tell me you didn’t,” Mingi turns to you fully and the words die on Yunho’s lips as he plays catch up. 
You stay quiet, holding his gaze, but when you let out a soft breath he sets his coffee back down. 
“y/n,” Mingi says, voice serious and leaving Yunho visibly more and more confused, “tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.” 
“I took care of it,” You settle on the most neutral words you can. 
“No,” He shakes his head, “you can’t just say that, you have to give us more than that.” 
“I was planning on it,” You push past Yunho to approach Mingi, resting your hands on his upper arms as you get closer into his space, “I swear, you just guessed it too fast,” 
“You smell like the hospital,” He explains, his nose crinkled up. 
“Whoa, whoa,” Yunho finally catches up, “why were you at the hospital?”
You just have to say it, “I talked to Minseok,” 
“Absolutely not,” Yunho pushes around the island and closer to you, “are you insane?” 
“He’s completely incapacitated,” You tell them both, “he couldn’t have touched me even if he wanted to,” 
“Yes, but you didn’t know that!” Yunho presses, his voice running high in surprise, but you can see he’s doing his best to keep level and cool. 
“Look at me,” You settle him, “do I look hurt? Upset?”
“No,” He admits with a puff of dejected air. 
“Am I myself?” You take both their hands in yours. 
“Yes,” Mingi admits. 
“Okay,” You sigh, “now stop freaking out and listen to me, because I promise you I’m perfectly fine,” 
Mingi nods once, and Yunho stays silent, which is enough for you to do what you need to do. 
“I went there to talk him out of the charges he’s filing,” You explain, “and I guess… I just wanted to understand what he did, so I wanted to talk to him.” 
“And?” Yunho prompts. 
“He’s an asshole,” You start. 
“Did he touch you?” Mingi asks, his voice a little tight and thready, “Say anything to you?” 
“No,” You promise, tugging him closer until his hands are properly on you, “come here,” 
“You can tell us if he did,” Yunho’s fingertips stroke a gentle pattern over the back of your neck, “we’re not angry, we just want to help,” 
“Speak for yourself, I still want to kill him,” Mingi says sharply. 
“Hey,” Yunho nudges him, “chill,” 
“Both of you relax,” You interject and they fall silent, “he didn’t do anything, he couldn’t even talk, his jaw is fully wired shut,” 
Yunho huffs a laugh, “Good,” 
You smile, “Honestly, he looked pretty pathetic,” 
“He is pretty pathetic,” Mingi points out. 
“Right,” You sigh, “well, aside from some choice words written out on a whiteboard, he didn’t have much to say or do. I explained that if he didn’t drop his charges things would be much worse for him in the long run… and he saw reason.” 
“He agreed to that?” Mingi’s eyes go wide. 
“Why?” Yunho’s brows draw together, “Not out of the goodness of his heart, I assume,” 
“No,” You shake your head, “but when I tell you, I need you both to promise me you won’t be angry.” 
“That’s unfair,” Yunho says. 
“Just say it,” Mingi nods, “we won’t know until we know.” 
You chew the inside of your lip as you search for the right way to say this, and you know they’ll be upset no matter what, but they deserve honesty. You nod, “I agreed to drop my charges if he drops his,” 
They’re silent, deathly silent. 
“y/n,” Yunho swallows tightly as he gets his voice even, “why would you do that?” 
“He didn’t want to listen to me at first,” You explain, “and I thought it through on the walk. That’s the only piece of leverage we have right now,” 
“But he did something wrong, he should be held accountable,” Mingi exclaims, taking a full step away from you and running a hand through his hair. 
“You heard the questions the police asked me,” You interject, “how close was I to my next heat? Did I know Minseok was in pre-rut? Why did I stay in the room if he was making me uncomfortable? What was I wearing?” 
“But it wasn’t your fault,” Yunho insists, “he used tone, that’s fucking illegal,” 
“I said he used tone,” You counter quietly, “but he’ll say he didn’t and he’ll say I got confused or misunderstood. He’ll use our relationship against you both, and my relationship with Seonghwa to paint… a very particular kind of picture about me. We all know what he did but I’m telling you, legally? We’re on the losing side,” 
“But,” Mingi shakes his head, “that’s…” 
“I know,” You nod, “believe me, I know.” 
“You should have taken us with you,” Yunho says quietly, “we could have talked to him for you,” 
You shake your head, “No,” you need them to understand, “you got to hit him… you got to do something, I didn’t get to do anything but be fucking scared,”
His expression softens, “Oh,” 
“You protected me when I needed you,” You feel tears welling up now at the thought of it, “it’s my turn to protect you,” 
They’re so quiet, watching you carefully. 
“Nothing is taking you away from me again,” You say it, plain and clear, “nothing is taking away you or my friends, I won’t let that happen,” 
Mingi’s arms fold around you fast as he tucks you into his chest and you feel Yunho step close too, laying a warm palm on your back as he leans into you both. 
“Whatever you want, we’ll do it,” Mingi murmurs, “okay?” 
You nod, closing your eyes as you snuggle into the warmth of him. 
“And we’ll handle it together,” Yunho says, “but don’t make this decision for us, make it for you. We,” Yunho’s voice trails, but then he clears his throat and says what he wants to say anyways, “we love you. No matter what happens,” 
“I know,” You sigh, snaking an arm out of Mingi’s hold to find Yunho’s hand and tuck him a little closer too, “but I’m sure,” 
“I hate to state the obvious here,” Mingi pulls back from you so he can look at you both, “but if he’s not charged with anything, then he’s a free man.” 
That thought does make your stomach flip, but you knew that when you walked into the hospital room, “I know,” 
“It’s your choice,” Mingi reiterates, “but I still don’t know if I’m comfortable taking that kind of risk with you.” 
“I don’t even want to think about that,” Yunho says, his hands finding your shoulders as he tucks closer behind you. 
The image of Minseok’s face when you asked about his dance career flickers through your mind and you smile, “I think he got the picture,” 
“y/n,” Mingi’s voice is hesitant. 
“I told him in no uncertain terms,” You can’t get the smile off your face now, “that if he came anywhere near me again I’d break his jaw myself.” 
“You didn’t,” Yunho looks down to see your face. 
“I did,” You nod, “and before you freak out again, please remember that I’m here and totally fine in front of you,” 
Mingi gives you a truly withering look but lets you speak. 
“Honestly,” You breathe, “you should have seen him, he was lying there and could barely move, and when he didn’t want to drop the charges at first, I kind of got in his face,” 
Yunho’s hands tighten on your shoulders and Mingi scrubs a hand over his face, “Don’t tell me that,” 
“But I did,” You press your palms flat against Mingi’s chest, “I told him that if he didn’t drop his charges he would never get rid of me, I told him I’d make his life hell, and he couldn’t even move. He couldn’t touch me,” 
Mingi’s quiet, his eyes flicking up to Yunho behind you. Yunho sighs, dropping his forehead to rest against your hair and then his arms relax, wrapping around you from behind. 
“I really hate this story,” Yunho says, “but I’m also really proud of you,” 
“Me too,” Mingi’s hand closes over both of yours to give you a squeeze. 
“I just wish you had told us,” Yunho admits. 
“If I had told you I was going there you would have never let me go alone,” You point out. 
“Exactly,” Yunho’s arms tighten. 
You turn your head to press your lips to his arm where it wraps around your shoulder, and you nuzzle a little into his warm skin, “You know why I had to go though, right? You get it?” 
He nods against your head. 
Mingi smooths his hand up and down your forearm, “We do,” 
“I just hate the thought of him seeing you again,” Yunho admits, lifting his head and readjusting you in his arms, “or being close to you at all,” 
“I know,” You lean back into his embrace, “but this is the thing, he got to see me be fine after what he did,” 
“And you got to see him,” Mingi puts two and two together with ease and nods, “and he looked pathetic?” 
“More than that,” You smile, “he looked… afraid.” 
“Good,” Mingi says firmly. 
You remember the way he looked in that hospital bed, his eyes darting around the room. He shrank back when you got close, no doubt the scent of Yunho and Mingi lingering on your skin, and you smile up at them at the thought, “He was terrified my alphas were with me,”
Yunho’s lips quirk and he leans around you to meet your eyes, “He wasn’t afraid of us, sweetheart, he was afraid of you.” 
“No,” You laugh that off, but they don’t join in and Mingi makes a funny expression at your words. 
Yunho slides away, shoulder to shoulder with Mingi now as he looks down at you, “Yes, y/n,” he shakes his head, “he was vulnerable and alone and stuck in a hospital bed, and you’re…” 
“A powerful fucking omega,” Mingi supplies. 
Yunho nods, “And he knows that you could ruin the rest of his life.” 
You don’t know what to say. 
“y/n,” Mingi sighs, tugging you in until your bodies are close together, “if you ever do something that reckless again, I’ll lose my mind,”
You move to lift your head and push back, to keep trying to get him to understand why this was so important for you to do alone and why you made the choices you made, but he stops you short. 
“But,” He adds, kissing the top of your head, “it was also very brave, and I love you for it.” 
“Yeah?” You nudge him. 
“Yeah,” He admits. 
“I do wish I could have seen it,” Yunho grins, “that asshole scared of you,” 
Mingi’s hands slide to your hips, tightening their grip and he swallows hard, “Our fierce little omega,” 
A ripple of something needy and unexpected passes through your belly, “Is that what I am?” 
Yunho steps closer, finding a home for his hands on your body too, “You called us your alphas,” he says softly, “isn’t that what we are?” 
Mingi’s thumbs brush a warm steady pattern into your hips and you feel yourself melting into their hands, “Yes,” 
“That makes you our omega, sweetheart,” Yunho eyes flick from yours to your lips. 
The way they say omega to you doesn’t sound cold. It doesn’t sound cruel or commanding, no undertone of ownership despite the content of their words. When they say it all you hear is love. 
“Say that again,” You murmur softly. 
Mingi smiles, lifting his eyes to watch you.  
Yunho dips closer, his lips dangerously close, “Our omega?” 
You nod a little, heat flushing your cheeks. 
“Our omega,” He repeats, pressing his lips to yours. He waits to make sure you want it, he waits to feel you twist in their arms and reach up for him, and then he lets his body follow his thoughts, lips opening and his tongue dipping into your mouth. 
Mingi’s hand shifts, spreading wide over your lower belly, his fingertips at the waistband of your pants. You’re not ready for that, and you hope he doesn’t notice the way you twitched in his hands when he first adjusted his grip, but either way he makes no move to take anything further. Neither of them do. Despite Yunho’s lips on yours, and the breath between you both, his hands stay put on your back and your cheek while Mingi just holds you, patient and soft at your side. 
When your lips break from Yunho, settling back down your heels after pushing up on tiptoe, Mingi uses his grip on you to spin you to face him, his mouth finding yours with ease. 
You hum pleasantly against his mouth, your hands gripping his broad shoulders for balance. 
“Ours,” Mingi murmurs between kisses, and then his hands spread to your backside, maneuvering you up into his arms in one quick motion, “you’re ours,” 
You wrap your legs around his middle and sink into the kiss, “I’m yours,” 
“Fuck, I missed you,” He mumbles between kisses, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. 
You nod against him, stealing one more kiss before you lean back, still perched comfortably with your legs around his waist. You smooth a hand over Mingi’s cheek and then reach for your other lover to bring him close, drawing him in by the hand until he’s nestled against both of your sides. Yunho’s hand reaches around to cup under your thigh and you settle your own hand on the back of Yunho’s neck, fingers stroking the shaggy bottom of his dark hair.
“This is nice,” Mingi smiles a little, eyes flicking between you and Yunho. 
Yunho nods, his free hand settling on Mingi’s back. 
“I can’t believe I convinced myself that we weren’t scent sympathetic,” You sigh a small, unfunny laugh, “this just feels so right,” 
“Knowing it and knowing it are two different things,” Mingi says, emphasizing the word. 
“I guess so,” 
“And it’s not like all scent matches work out,” Yunho adds, “we still have to work at it,” 
You nod, relaxing into their hold, “I want that,” 
“We do too,” Mingi squeezes your thigh a little with his wide hand. 
It’s funny how different it all feels now than months ago during your first panicked heat here, how settled you are with everything. You glance between them and ask the obvious, “When we go back to work, what are we this time?” 
“Pack,” Mingi says easily and your head snaps to his, eyebrows high. 
“Mingi,” You blink at him, surprised at his easy reference to such a permanent state of being. Scent matches and compatibility is one thing, but pack is something so much more. All of it flickers in your mind - claims, bonds, tying you together permanently. 
“Someday,” Yunho interjects smoothly, giving you a soft, reassuring kiss to the head, “far in the future, if you’ll have us.” 
“Someday,” The word slips out of you like an agreement, and despite all the fears shared with Wooyoung earlier, you do want them like that. You want to someday be able to give each other that.  
“Then we’re pack,” Mingi lights up at your words, “officially, unofficially, I don’t care. You’re with us, we’re with you.” 
Your body fills with warmth, but you can feel your heart rate picking up. 
Yunho smiles, “What did they used to call that back in the day?” 
“Courting,” You fill in the blank for him, and the word feels strangely old fashioned considering the fact that you’ve already spent a heat with them. When packs were more common, groups of alphas would court compatible omegas until it was sure they were a good match in more ways than just scent. The implication then was something more akin to a modern engagement and you can’t believe after everything you’ve been through with these two men, this is the conversation you’re having suddenly so casually in their kitchen. 
“Well,” Yunho laughs, “we don’t have to call it that,” 
“We’re,” You trail off, trying to find the words, “dating?” 
“Partners?” Yunho offers a slightly less casual word. 
“Together,” Mingi cuts in, “that’s what we are. We’re your alphas, we belong to you, and you,” he draws you closer in his arms to press a soft kiss on your lips, “are our omega.” 
“And at work?” You trail off. 
“We’ll be ourselves,” Yunho suggests, “people probably already know after last week anyways,” 
Mingi nods, dipping forward and pressing a kiss to your lips, “No more pretending we don’t mean something to each other,” 
“No more pretending,” You shift in his arms, wrapping your arms properly around his shoulders so that you’re hugging each other tightly. 
Mingi hums appreciatively, his breath warm against your hair and then he chuckles a little as he readjusts you in his arms, “Is it too fast if I start calling you yeobo, though? I feel like it suits you,” 
You pull back from the hug, “We’re not married, Mingi,” you remind him, “and I didn’t hear a proposal,” 
“You want to get proposed to, baby?” He teases and you shove his chest. 
“Knock it off,” Yunho smacks the back of Mingi’s head, “our relationship doesn’t have to break the sound barrier,” 
“I’m kidding,” Mingi squeezes you, shifting to take a few steps and deposit you on the kitchen counter before stepping back with a quick peck on your lips. 
“Hmm,” Yunho rolls his eyes and slumps back against the counter next to you, one wide hand smoothing over your thigh, “we just got you back, I’d like to avoid scaring you off,” 
“I’m not scared,” You shake your head, and as you say it, you realize it’s true. Six months ago you would have balked at Mingi’s veiled promise of his intentions, you would have told them all their hormones were mixed up and confused. You would have told yourself the same. It feels strange to feel completely at peace with the idea of a real someday with them. 
Yunho’s eyebrow quirks up in a question at your words and Mingi grins, a little self satisfied. 
“Actually,” You exhale heavily and straighten up, “I talked to Wooyoung yesterday and he helped me figure some things out,” 
“Things?” Mingi asks. 
“Um,” Your pounds in your chest, “yeah,” 
Yunho gives you an encouraging squeeze to keep going. 
You meet his eyes and take the leap, “Can you make that call? For me to talk with someone?” 
He softens and nods, “I’ll do it first thing,” 
“Okay,” You say, taking another deep breath, “then there’s one more thing to tell you,” 
Mingi doesn’t say anything, but he steps back closer to you, resting his hand on your opposite thigh. 
“It’s my turn to ask you to be patient,” You give them both an anxious, close lipped smile. 
“We’re listening,” Mingi soothes you. 
“Okay,” You take both their hands in yours, “here goes. The idea of bonding with you both is kind of sending me into a tailspin right now, and I’m terrified that it’s something I’m never going to get over. Wooyoung told me to talk to someone to work through that and I want to. I thought about it all day, and the truth is that I want to be with you both for as long as you’ll have me. You feel like you’re mine, now more than ever, and I’m scared, but I’m also scared of not trying,” 
“And if I can be yours like this for now,” You continue, “without bonds like you said, pack even if it’s unofficial, then maybe I can work through this and make it official someday. I’m just scared your definition of ‘far in the future’ and my definition are different though, and I,” 
“Fuck bonds,” Mingi interrupts, moving to cup both your cheeks and draw your eyes to his, “that shit doesn’t matter to me at all. We’re together by choice, not by claim. If you want my bite someday, I’ll give it to you, but you won’t ever hear me ask, alright? Never.” 
“Me too,” Yunho’s hand brushes down your hair, coming to rest on the back of your neck, “as far as I’m concerned it’s secondary, I don’t care what anyone thinks. I’d sooner leave you than push you into a bond you aren’t ready for,” 
You jolt forwards, throwing an arm around each of their shoulders and nearly slipping off the counter when you do, but they hold you steady as you pull them in. 
“We just want you,” Mingi’s rough, low voice murmurs, “just this.” 
You feel their warmth, the steady thrum of each of their heartbeats, their scents curling around you like a safe, easy memory. The words find themselves right on the tip of your tongue again, only this time, this time they come. 
“I love you,” You take in a sharp, emotional breath as you get yourself together, overwhelmed by their words, “I love you both so much,” 
Yunho dips back to find your mouth, locking his lips on yours and sighing a breath of true relief against your mouth, “I love you too, sweetheart,”
Mingi redirects your gaze with his fingers on your jaw the moment Yunho starts to lean back and he kisses you hard, leaving you gripping his shirt for balance, “I love you,”
“God,” You smile, every part of your body alight with joy, “I think we might be crazy, but I don’t care,” 
“Good,” Yunho glances between you both, “because I think I’m having a crazy idea,” 
“What idea?” 
“Move in,” He blurts out, and he can’t stop smiling, “fuck giving you a key, fuck calling you our girlfriend. Move in properly, be ours. If we’re together, let’s be together, we’ve lost enough time,” 
“Who’s moving fast now?” Mingi says, but he’s smiling too. 
Everything in your body feels right, feels safe. You’ve been calling this home for days, and you’ve been calling them yours in your head for so much longer. 
You’re nodding before your mouth can catch up with your brain, “Okay, okay, yes, let’s do it,” 
Yunho pulls you up into his arms and holds you close, peppering kisses across your temple, “We’ll figure everything else out later, but at least we’ll be together,” 
“Thank God,” You melt into his embrace, meeting Mingi’s eyes over Yunho’s shoulder, “because I really didn’t want to leave,” 
“No leaving this time,” Mingi smiles softly as Yunho nods his head against yours. 
“Mm-mm,” You shake your head, agreeing with his words. 
“We’ll get everything from your place as soon as we can, make it official,” Mingi adds. 
You nod, and then a thought occurs to you, “Is there even enough room for me here?” 
Yunho unwraps himself from around you and nods, “We’ll need a bigger bed,”
“For a start,” Mingi nods, “and you need a nest,” 
“Yeah?” Your very own nest, a real one. 
“Oh, babe,” Mingi finds your hand, tugging you in, “you’re about to get fucking spoiled, anything you want, we’ll figure it out.” 
“You don’t have to, I just want to be here,” You tell them. 
“Doesn’t matter,” Yunho says, “we’ve waited for you for so long,” 
“Too long,” Mingi wraps his arms around you both, “way too long,” 
It doesn’t matter anymore what pushed you into their arms, what kind of day you’ve had, everything you’ve had to get through. Not a thing in the world matters but this choice, the safe home of their arms, three of you against the world like it was always meant to be. 
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aceyogurt · 4 months
Technical difficulties
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Pairing: ex Vox x reader
Content: jealous Vox, fluff, implied sexual content, SFW
Summary: You and Vox have been apart for some time now, but after hearing you might be with someone new he pulls some strings…
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You had originally broken up with Vox due to how busy he was as an overlord along with his dramatically high ego. Which as you can guess he wasn’t exactly content with your actions. Originally he swore you off saying he didn’t need you and even though you knew he was just mad, you’d be lying if it didn’t hurt. But after that break up things became incredibly awkward..
It was especially awkward because, technically you still work under him due to a contract. Which wasn’t ending anytime soon… To your surprise though he didn’t pull any strings to make your work more painful then it already it was.
Well that was until he heard rumors that you might be sleeping with another actor you met on one of your recent sets…
After that you’d been assigned to x10 more projects then you’d been used to absolutely exhausting you. And that coworker of yours was fired due to unknown reasons. And haven’t been responding to your calls.
This extra work load meant much more press conferences and interviews, and the one you had today you weren’t excited for. Why? Because it was Vox’s show, Vox was interviewing you. And boy you were praying he wouldn’t make things weird. I mean he cares a lot about image so surely he’ll be appropriate… right?
You get the recording studio and see Vox speaking to Valentino in the corner of the room, trying to ignore them you make your way to the food display, which had an assortment of treats you enjoyed.
After around your fourth strawberry tart a voice speaks from behind you causing you to jump. “You keep eating at the rate you’re going, you’re going to get sick on set.” You didn’t even need to turn around to know it was Vox. You roll your eyes and respond back to his comment.
“I’ll eat as much as I’d like, thank you very much. And if you didn’t want me to be eating you should’ve chosen different snacks” in response he just chuckles putting a hand on your shoulder. “Well I guess you’re right, we’ll start in five.” And before you could get comment in he walked off to deal with other affairs.
Your eye was already twitching you knew you were going to hate every second of those interview…
You sat across from Vox in a loft chair that was thankfully comfortable. The tape starts rolling and you hear his signature intro start playing.
‘Welcome to the show’ ♪♯
Vox had his typical smile as he starts the broadcast. He introduces you seemingly normal and began to get into the interview wasting no time. “Let’s start off easy, how have you been?”
“I’ve been well, been busy recently.” You say with a slight jab that only he would notice, and you know he does as he attempts to cover up a laugh with a cough. “So I hear, hopefully not in an exhausting way.” He says as if he’s not the one who assigned you this shit, and knowing you’re exhausted. You nod and decide to play his game back, crossing his arms. “Well it’s certainly keeping me on my toes, luckily I have a lot of good co-workers to keep me sane though.” You say purely to get a reaction out of him.
And man were you successful, he’s smile is strained and you can see him fisting his hand from what you were implying. “Well isn’t that lovely.” There was an akward silence before he spoke again. “Well how about we play a game yeah?” The rules of the game were fairly simple you guys draw a challenge card and if you fail to complete it in the given time the other person gives you a consequence of their choosing.
The first few rounds went by fairly smooth, with nothing worth noting, you both had won your challenges so…. This particular challenge you weren’t sure you were going to win though… “Well what’s the card say” Vox chimed in since you hadn’t read it aloud yet. “Eat a cherry pie in under 60 seconds” now this would probably be possible for you, if you for a fact hadn’t ate six strawberry tarts right before this. You already could feel the sickness you’d get from all these sweets. And from the grin Vox had you figured he already knew that.
Not even twenty seconds into the challenge you forfeit not wanting to throw up, you wipe your face with a napkin as Vox speaks about your punishment. “Well seeing you failed to complete your card that means I get to choose a punishment for you right?” He ask as if he hadn’t already planned out what he was going to say. You groan annoyed nodding as you just want to get this over with. “Just say what your thinking already”
He laughs “well, we all have heard the rumors about you and a certain someone getting together… mind telling the audience if what they say is true?” You should’ve known he’d ask about this, of course he would. Instead of looking at the camera you’re now looking at him. “Well normally I wouldn’t share private relations but, I suppose this case is an exception. Me and the person you’re referring to aren’t together nor have we done anything together.” You say unwillingly, see Vox had obviously been paying attention with every interaction you had with this co-worker since the rumors spread and he wasn’t able to fully get ahold of your guys relationship because, you made sure to hide as much as possible.
Now that you admitted that there was nothing between the two of you though another question rises into Voxs mind ‘why be so secretive’ this question though he didn’t want to ask publicly…
The talk show ends shortly after and you thought you were done dealing with Vox. Yeah no, around 30 minutes after the show Vox calls you into his office, which you reluctantly tend to.
“You asked to see me?” You say praying he wasn’t going to bring up what you think he was. “You know I was thinking, you say you didn’t have a relationship with him. But you took so many extra steps to hide from my view, which I can only see you doing if you’re lying about not having any kind of relationship… unless of course there was another reason?” He speaks so obviously full of himself. You bite your tongue in annoyance.
“My relationships and how I protect them are none of your concern Vox” he laughs, like genuinely laughs. “Good one, but we both know why I’d be interested to keep tabs on you guys, now tell me, why’d you do it…” he pauses being a lot closer then he should be to you, he leans down meeting your eyes. “Because if I’m being honest the only theory I have is that you wanted to get my attention”
You try your best not to react but of course your eyes avert his gaze. “Why would I even-“ his voice gets a lot more serious but still egotistical, “if I’m wrong all you have to do is say so” the room goes silent.
“Thought so” he says pleased with himself, you were pissed. And as he turns around he adds one final comment, “I’ll be free tonight”
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
The Art Of Desire
→ Masterlist || → Taglist
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Pairing: Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader
Summary: You are in need of a model for your anatomy class assignment. However, the last thing you expected was that your crush would volunteer to help you and that he would end up standing in front of you without a shirt.
Tags: Fluff, Suggestive (but still completely SFW)!, shy reader, partial nud*ty I guess? (Alhaitham is shirtless at some point), flirting, kissing
A/N: *throws fic into the room and leaves*
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Being an artist while also being a scholar in Sumeru had always been somewhat difficult for you. The arts had never been something most people in Sumeru City appreciated or even actively looked down upon. It was a city of scholars after all, and the arts were too abstract to properly grasp for most of them.
Things had begun to become better after the old Grand Sage had been replaced and the new Archon had been freed but a lot of scholars still didn’t show much interest in the arts.
But due to that an assignment for one of your classes proved difficult. Anatomy.
You had no idea how learning human anatomy would help you as an architect later, but you did what you had to do. And it would surely help you with your personal art projects later on as well.
The only thing you had to find now was someone who could pose for you. Surely Kaveh would be able to help you right? He was your best friend and was once in the same situation.
You sought him out where he hung around the most - the Tavern.
As you walked through the Tavern door, warm air that smelled like wine and spices wafted your way and filled all your senses. You loved how homely it always felt here.
You scanned the tables to find Kaveh. Unfortunately for you though, he wasn’t alone. As you feared, Alhaitham was with him. You already considered turning around to leave again but Kaveh had already spotted you and was enthusiastically waving for you to come over to their table. 
And that was precisely the reason you rarely ever came here nowadays. Kaveh often met up with Alhaitham here for lunch. And your crush on the latter had slowly but surely turned you into a nonsense-blabbering mess during conversations with him. At this point, he probably thought you were stupid.
You hesitantly tiptoed over to their table and greeted them while your heart pounded heavily inside your chest. You sat down on the bench next to Kaveh who was already a bit tipsy. It wasn’t much of a surprise, since he was such a lightweight and practically got drunk as soon as he looked at wine the wrong way.
“Kaveh, I need your help!” You pleaded, trying to avoid eye contact with Alhaitham as much as possible once again.
“And that would be, my dear friend?” Kaveh replied in a singsong voice.
“Alright so… I need someone to pose for me. I need to draw a couple of detailed torso drawings for the anatomy course I’ve been taking, and since you also took that once I thought you could help me. I mean, you could also give me some tips. Right?” 
“Oh.” His smile faltered for a brief moment and his facial expression told you everything you needed to know. There was apparently a reason he couldn’t help but he didn’t outright want to turn you down. You knew how he is, he simply couldn’t say no and would inconvenience himself any time for his friends. And you definitely didn’t want him to do that for you. You’d be able to find someone else somehow.
“It’s okay if you can’t do it. Just say no.” You reassured him.
“I have an appointment in the desert with a client, but I’m sure I could make some ti–”
“I’ll help you.” Alhaitham cut Kaveh off.
Both of you snapped your heads in his direction in disbelief.
“Are you sick?! Why would you volunteer to help anyone but yourself?” Kaveh gasped and looked at the Scribe as if he’d lost his mind.
“It’s not much work, is it? They could just come to my office and draw me while I just sit there doing my work. Isn’t that correct?” Alhaitham inquired, boring his turquoise eyes into you. You simply nodded in reply and could feel your breath hitch in your throat. You were sure that if you would be standing right now your knees would’ve probably given in by now since they felt like jello. On top of that, your nervousness skyrocketed so badly that you were able to feel your heartbeat in your throat. 
The thought of being alone with Alhaitham for a prolonged period of time while ogling him as closely as you never dared before, made your heart flutter. You probably wouldn’t be able to concentrate on drawing properly but if he was already offering it, you couldn’t possibly refuse. Especially since he usually didn’t do anyone any favors to begin with.
“Besides,” Alhaitham continued. “It gives me an excuse to decline every other meeting for the rest of the day.”
“Tch, typical. Of course, there’d be an egoistic reason for your volunteering.” Kaveh scoffed.
“I don’t see any issue with that. I help them with their assignment while also helping myself. It’s a beneficial endeavor for both of us.” Alhaitham reasoned, twirling his own wine cup between his fingers before turning to you again. "Wouldn't you agree, too?"
You slowly nodded before quickly averting your eyes again since you couldn't bear to look at Alhaitham for longer than a few seconds without getting flustered. You had no idea how you were supposed to look at him for a prolonged period of time to draw him if you were already reduced to a flustered mess by talking to him. The thought alone made your heart almost jump out of your chest.
Kaveh shook his head in annoyance and turned to you once more. “Just say the word and I’ll take a day off to help you. Rest assured, it would be no problem for me.”
“No, Kaveh. I couldn’t possibly ask you to neglect your own responsibilities for my projects. Just keep your focus on yourself. If Alhaitham is so kind to offer his help I’ll take him up on that.” You reassured him while trying to hide how nervous you actually were about the situation.
“Well, shall we get going then? My lunch break is almost over.” Alhaitham interrupts, immediately getting up from the table.
You somewhat hesitantly got up as well since you didn’t expect he meant you could draw him right now. You had no time to mentally prepare for it so this would be interesting.
“Oh, so now you suddenly care about getting back to work on time after your lunch break,” was the last thing you heard Kaveh yell before the door of the Tavern fell shut behind both of you.
As you quietly tailed behind Alhaitham back to his office the realization that you’d actually be drawing him now suddenly began to dawn on you.
Oh, just what did you agree to here? And how in the world should you avoid making this awkward now?
Once you arrived at his officeAlhaitham unlocked the door and motioned you inside.
“You can sit down at the table over there. Do you need anything?”
“No. I should be fine.” You replied with a shy smile.
You were in fact everything but that.
While you were trying not to have a meltdown as you unpacked your stuff, Alhaitham was brewing some coffee and handed you a cup as well.
“Do you need me to do anything?” He asked.
“In terms of posing.”
“Oh. Uh– no actually not. Just sit on your chair and read or whatever?”
“Nothing easier than that.” He replied with a faint smile, grabbing a book from the bookshelf beside you and walking back to his desk.
You busied yourself by scanning the books on the shelves that littered his office while sipping on your coffee before you turned around again and had to stop yourself from immediately spitting your coffee out again. Although as soon as you did you wished you had never done so.
Alhaitham had unclasped his cape and had loosely thrown it over his desk and was just about to pull his shirt over his head. You were trying to process what was happening before your eyes but your mind was racing so fast that you failed to fully grasp the scene before you.
“W-what are you doing?!” You stammered.
“Didn’t you say this was for your anatomy assignment?” He inquired, seeming entirely unbothered before ultimately removing his shirt completely.
Well, yeah you did. And for that bare skin was sort of a requirement. You knew that full well, too. It just sort of slipped your mind that taking Alhaitham up on his offer would actually entail seeing him without a shirt as well.
“Y-yes.” You replied, moving your eyes over his now exposed abdominal muscles. His usual shirt already left little to the imagination, but actually seeing his trained body without the thin piece of fabric covering it was a sight for sore eyes.
He claimed to only be a feeble scholar but that notion couldn’t be any further from the truth.
“Then there you have the answer to your question.” He stated matter-of-factly before sitting down and opening his book to read. His face still looked as unbothered as it did before and he immediately lost himself in his book.
In the meantime, you tried your hardest to get yourself together again. Not only did you need to keep your eyes from wandering but also your mind. 
You traced every well-toned muscle of his upper body. How light and shadow formed their contours and how his pectorals moved whenever he flipped another page. You took note of every detail and etched it into your memory while suppressing the urge to brush over his defined muscles.
You sat down at the table and held onto your pen for dear life as you continued to analyze every little detail of his body. The embedded gem between his collarbones and hot it beautifully shimmered in the light of his office. The sharp V-Line that started right above his hips. The symmetric curve of his collarbones leading up to his shoulders. And his turquoise eyes that were boring into yours once again.
"Is anything the matter?" He inquired, lifting an eyebrow.
"N-no. I'm just trying to find a starting point." You stammered your poor attempt at an excuse.
After all 'Sorry, I was too distracted by staring at your body' wasn't something you could just say either.
“T-tell me if you’re getting too cold and we can take a break.”
“It’s 40 degrees outside, I’ll be fine.” He chuckled seemingly amused about your concern.
“Ri-right. Yeah. Okay.” You awkwardly bit your lip. For Archon's sake, why couldn’t you just behave normally around him?
After overcoming the first awkwardness you eventually started sketching. But the more the shapes on your paper resembled the beautiful man in front of you, the more flustered you became again and the more aware you became of the fact of how closely you were actually looking at him. Your attention to detail for this sketch was even more on point than it had ever been before. Upon realizing that it was because you were enjoying what you were seeing your cheeks started to burn in embarrassment.
You spent about an hour immersed in sketching, carefully studying every contour of his upper body. It felt so intimate that you couldn't help but wonder if anyone had ever looked at him this way before. And even though you kept telling yourself that this was just a regular art study session to avoid getting flustered further, the endeavor proved completely unsuccessful. 
Eventually, you finished your piece and dropped your pen on the table. You lifted your sketchbook up to evaluate the page and the final result.
The once-blank page was now filled with an intricate pencil sketch of the handsome man with a dreamlike physique. You had to admit, he truly was the perfect subject for anatomy studies. And while you wouldn’t mind seeing him shirtless more often you doubt your heart could handle it another time. Because despite sitting the entire time you felt like you had just run a marathon.
“Your talent is quite impressive.” Alhaitham’s voice rang right next to your ear and made you flinch. You didn’t notice how he had approached you. And what made things worse is that he was still shirtless while standing next to you so closely you could feel the heat that emanated from his skin and smell his after-shave.
You gulped and got up from your chair avoiding looking into his eyes as much as possible because you feared that if you did your heart would burst out of your chest. 
“Thank you. That means a lot. I-I mean… it was quite easy to see the muscle definition on you.”
Facepalm. Why did you say that? You internally cringed at your choice of words and continued to avoid looking at him while you hastily started packing your bag again.
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” He remarked with a smirk and lifted your chin up with your sketchbook, forcing you to look into his eyes.
You opened your mouth in order to say something but everything you could’ve said died in your throat. So instead, you simply continue to stare at him while your heart felt like it was about to combust and you wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground in shame.
He huffed in amusement at your evident flustered state and closed the gap between your bodies, placing his arm next to your head on the wall, towering over you.
“Do you have any idea how obvious you are?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I see the way you look at me, or rather how you always avoid doing so now. And Kaveh happened to slip up and revealed your secret when he got drunk. And that’s why I can tell you that I feel the exact same way about you. And I’ve longed for a moment to tell you. You didn’t make it easy since you kept avoiding me lately.”
You didn’t know whether what was happening was wishful imagination or a fever dream because it felt surreal. 
He put your sketchbook back on the table and lifted your chin with his free hand now. He took hold of one of your hands and placed it on his abs.
“This is what you wanted to do the entire time, am I right?” He whispered while the bud of his thumb brushed past your lower lip. You slowly nodded as your traced along his toned stomach with a featherlight touch, feeling how the muscles moved below your fingertips.
“May I kiss you?” He whispered in a low tone when you looked up into his eyes.
He had barely even finished asking when you leaned into him more and took the initiative to place your lips on his for a shy kiss. But it was so fleeting it had you longing for more and it seems that the feeling was mutual.
He quickly snaked his arms around your waist and pressed you against him with fervor while he hungrily crashed his lips into yours once more. You slung your arms around his neck and entangled your fingers in his soft gray locks while pushing his face even closer to yours than it already was.
You could feel him smiling into the kiss, as you did so. His lips continued to gently caress yours like a tender whisper of affection shared only between you two. It made you feel lightheaded while also leaving you longing for more. It was an intoxicating feeling like no other. One you certainly could get addicted to - and maybe you already were. 
At some point, you had no idea for how long you had been standing there kissing but it felt like an eternity yet not long enough at the same time.
You were sure of one thing though – You needed more of it.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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behindthesoul · 8 months
Reactions from the best/bean boys(Reptile, Liu Kang, Smoke, Raiden) to Shang Tsung giving up his ambitions to be with a relatively normal and pure hearted s/o?
Reactions to Shang Tsung Choosing to Surrender to be with his Lover
Masterlist || Not proofread; written at 1 AM
Liu Kang
Doesn’t buy it for a goddamned second.
Liu Kang knows Shang Tsung and his antics all too well. He defeated him in his timeline, and is ready to defeat him again. Shang’s mere existence is a danger to all realms, and Liu’s idea of peace will not be threatened.
It was honestly a “I’ll believe it when I see it” situation. You and Shang Tsung, having a lovely discussion over tea, his hand rubbing slow circles over your knuckles.
Conflicting thoughts rush through this brain. He consults with Geras, and the two of them discuss the possible risks of this situation. If Shang Tsung is giving his ambitions up, then does it technically mean peace isn’t being threatened?
For now, he’ll permit it, but his eyes, fixated on you like a hawk, will never cease their scrutiny until Shang Tsung draws his last breath.
Probably a little heartbroken?
Syzoth lived a heartbreaking life as Shang Tsung’s slave. He murdered his family! Now Shang wants to play the good guy role? All because he fell in love?
You and Syzoth have had plenty of lovely conversations; he understands why someone would fall in love with you. He just doesn’t understand why you would love someone like him.
If you and Syzoth are close, this could possibly damage your friendship. If not, he may slip a few small comments about how you’re too good for him.
He may subtly try to set you up with someone else, constantly praising Johnny’s humor and Kenshi’s kindness.
A little confused; frustrated, too.
Tomas spent many hours training with the Lin Kuei, preparing for the inevitable.
…Turns out the inevitable wasn’t so inevitable?
It feels like a lot of time and effort has gone to waste. Sure, there are still other threats such as Quan Chi and General Shao, but to have a major threat just give up…it’s a bit anticlimactic, to say the least.
He doesn’t quite grasp what you see in Shang Tsung, but as long as you’re happy, I guess? He keeps tabs on you, making sure Shang isn’t harming you in any way, but other than that? Tomas just minds his business. There’s not much he can do. Not unless Liu Kang asks the Lin Kuei to strike.
Raiden thinks it’s terrific Shang has a partner; he firmly believes love has the power to change us all. Seeing Shang look at his partner with such tender eyes is a nice sight.
With that said, Raiden doesn’t fully trust him.
It’s not surprising, considering Liu Kang has been in Raiden’s ear since day one. He feels the need to protect you from a potential threat.
Raiden frequently engages you in conversation, subtly asking questions about your relationship. His true intention, concealed as best as possible, is to determine whether Shang is still scheming against Earthrealm.
He wants the best for you, he truly does, but he takes his role as Earthrealm’s champion seriously. He can’t trust Shang Tsung the way you do.
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sluttywonwoo · 11 months
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love the heat || h.wj
pairing: hong woojin x reader
summary: you indulge your boyfriend in his biggest fantasy
warnings: swearing, blood mentions, smut (18+ ; minors dni)
additional warnings: a lil exhibitionism, oral (f receiving), face sitting, cumming untouched, absolute pussy fiend woojin
word count: 3.2k
“Hey, Champ!” 
Your voice echoing throughout the empty gym makes Woojin perk up and turn around, eyes searching the arena for you. He spots you by the door and his face lights up. His trainer, on the other hand, looks significantly less enthusiastic about your unannounced appearance. Woojin doesn’t seem to notice, though. He beckons you over, lifting the ropes so you can duck into the ring with him. 
He wraps you into a hug, despite your protests of him being sweaty, and only releases you once you return his embrace. 
“Don’t call me champ when you know I got my ass handed to me yesterday,” he mumbles. 
“You’re my champion. Doesn’t that count for anything?” you ask.
“Of course it does,” Woojin surrenders momentarily, swooping down to kiss you chastely on the lips. “But ranking first in your heart doesn’t do much for sponsors.”
You put your hands on your hips, trying to look stern. “Weren’t you only practicing yesterday? What’s with the dramatics? It’s not like it was a televised fight.”
“And even so, Geonwoo still hit me so hard I blacked out for a couple seconds.”
“He what?”
Woojin hadn’t mentioned that part last night in the debrief of his day he always gives you when he calls to say goodnight. 
He shrugs it off. “It was an accident. He didn’t mean to hit me that hard.”
You frown, cupping his face to get a better look at the damage. “And he split your lip? Jesus, Woo, do I need to have a chat with him?”
“No, no. It’s fine, babe. It happens all the time.”
“Still, he needs to be gentler when you’re just sparring. I don’t want to taste blood every time I kiss you.”
“I guess only one of us doesn’t mind the taste of blood,” Woojin quips with a smirk, pulling you closer to him by slipping two fingers into a belt loop on your jeans. 
“Woo!” you scold, shoving him away. You nod in the direction of his trainer who is still standing less than ten feet from the both of you.
He holds up his hands defensively. “What! I was talking about my own blood.”
“Yeah, ok,” you mutter before turning to the other man in the ring. “Hi, Jimmy.”
He nods. “Always a pleasure.”
You manage to keep yourself from snorting at the blatant exaggeration, if not flat-out lie, and nod politely back to him. 
“I’ll be over on the bench until you’re finished,” you say. 
“I can be finished right now,” Woojin blurts.
“No, you can’t be. I heard Jimmy saying ‘three more sets’ when I walked in. And you have to cool down after.”
Your boyfriend’s smile wanes but his trainer mouths a silent thank you to you behind his back. 
“I’ll make them quick, then,” he promises. 
“I’m not in a rush.”
“Well, I am,” Woojin murmurs, pulling you close again. “You smell nice, by the way.”
You drop your voice to a whisper and will yourself to take a step back. It’s so tempting to just yank him out of the ring and drag him to your car but you’re the one with more restraint between the two of you so you have to keep it together for both of your sakes. “Keep it in your pants, Hong. I’ll be over there.”
He pouts. “You’re not going to give me a kiss for good luck?”
“Isn’t this just practice?” 
“Wow, so you hate me.” 
“Yes, that’s exactly the conclusion you were meant to draw from that,” you deadpan. 
“Can I get a kiss or not?” 
“Yes, you can. But next time just ask for one. Don’t use luck as an excuse.” 
Woojin opens his mouth, you predict to argue back about how he had done no such thing, but you kiss him before he can get a word out. He lets out a surprised “hmph!” before relaxing his lips against your own. You pull away before he can take it any further, smiling only a little at the whine that escapes him when you do.
“Good luck, Champ.”
Woojin does fight better when you’re around. He’s always called you his good luck charm, and honestly, you thought he was full of shit at first. He was just a good fighter, period. His talent didn’t have anything to do with you. But then you had to take a trip overseas for a few weeks a couple of months into your relationship and you changed your mind. 
His matches were televised so you watched all of them, setting your alarm for ungodly hours or simply pulling all-nighters to be able to tune in live. 
The first fight you weren’t able to go to went horribly. You almost had to stop watching because of how bad Woojin looked by the end of it. You still remember crying to him over the phone about it afterward. 
You thought it was a fluke. Everyone has bad days. Then the pattern continued. The other matches weren’t as bad as the first one, thankfully. Woojin even won some of them. But he was off his game the whole time. 
Geonwoo told you he had never seen anything like it. He had never seen his best friend so... distracted before. 
Both boys begged you to come home as soon as possible. And when you did, his streak of bad luck immediately ended. 
He won the title of the first tournament you were back for. It was the first and only time he’s beaten Geonwoo, who tackled him in a hug as soon as the ref called the match. Woojin had to physically push his best friend off to get to you. Geonwoo was almost offended until he saw you standing behind him, waiting for your boyfriend’s attention. It was not the first nor would it be the last time Geonwoo forgot about your existence. You don’t mind, mostly. It’s only ever for a second and he always apologizes profusely. 
Your presence hasn’t affected his performance that dramatically since then, but he does fight better when you’re there cheering him on. It’s proven when you hear a punch land with a resounding “oof” from Jimmy, and a comment from the trainer about how he’d finally gotten past his block. Jimmy lets your boyfriend off a couple of minutes early, evidently tired from the beating he was taking. Woojin rounds the benches where you’re sat, grinning at you like he’s just won the lottery. 
“Ready to go?” you ask, handing him a towel.
“Just about,” he answers as he wipes the sweat from his face. “Gotta hit the showers first. Wanna join?”
You scoff, peeking over his shoulder to make sure Jimmy hadn’t heard him. “This is a public space.”
Woojin checks his watch and smirks. “Only for about seven more minutes. Then it’s closed. It’ll be all ours.”
You roll your eyes. “Except you’re not the one with the keys to lock up, Jimmy is. Do you really think he’ll want to hear that?” 
“He won’t mind.”
“He most definitely will.” You push Woojin’s thigh with your knee. “Now hurry up. The faster you shower, the faster we can get out of here.”
You picked up takeout on the way back to the apartment Woojin shares with Geonwoo. There was enough food for all three of you and now the empty containers lay on the coffee table, long forgotten as the credits to the movie you’d put on in the background roll. 
Geonwoo had already gone to bed. He left halfway through, claiming to be too tired to watch the whole thing. You knew he had probably looked up the ending on Wikipedia and decided he’d rather play games in his room instead but you didn’t question him when he dipped.
“What do you want to watch next, babe?” Woojin asked as he gathered up all of the plasticware and rinsed it out in the sink. 
“Whatever,” you answered noncommittally from where you were laying on the couch. 
“Are you feeling tired, baby?” Woojin asks once he’s returned from sorting the containers for recycling. He kneels by the couch, petting your hair gently.
You shake your head. “Not really.”
“What’s on your mind, then?”
“Something like this.”
You lift your head from the sofa’s armrest and lean forward, meeting Woojin with a kiss. He hums against your mouth like he’s pleasantly surprised and deepens it without further question. You let him slip his tongue into your mouth, moaning as he cradles the back of your head with one of his hands. It gets heated fast. One second you’re laying down on the couch making out, the next you’re on the living room floor with your boyfriend who’s working a hand down your pants. 
“Wait, wait, wait- Geonwoo is home, babe,” you whisper after breaking away from his embrace. 
Woojin looks mildly miffed, curls in disarray as he pouts at you. “So? He’s in his room.”
“Yeah, and his room is right there,” you hiss, looking over your shoulder at his door.
“He’s asleep.”
“We don’t know that.”
“He said he was going to sleep,” Woojin points out. “Are you uncomfortable out here? Because we can go somewh-”
“No, it’s not that, I’d just feel bad if he suddenly walked in on us.”
Woojin shrugs. “He’s seen worse.”
“That’s not the point. You know that’s not the point.”
“It’s not like he doesn’t hear us going at it when we’re in my room. We share a wall.”
Well, that was a slightly mortifying bit of information that you had not previously been aware of. You knew they shared a wall, obviously, but you hadn’t thought about the way sound traveled through said wall. And now that you were thinking about it, you could hear Geonwoo yelling at his game sometimes. Fuck. 
You scramble to your knees and push yourself back onto the couch. Woojin puts a hand on either of your thighs and spreads them apart, looking up at you 
“It’s a little hot if you think about it,” he says. You purse your lips. “Look at you, you can’t even deny it!”
“Just get up here.”
You don’t give him a chance to make another snarky comment before you’re yanking him up by the collar of his T-shirt and kissing him again. Woojin doesn’t protest. He simply makes a sound of satisfaction against your mouth, like he’d won. 
There’s a bit of push and pull. You trying to tug him up onto the couch, him trying to drag you down back onto the floor. But the game of tug of war persists for just a moment before your boyfriend overpowers you and pulls you onto his lap. You knew he had only been humoring you for the sake of the bit.  
“Baby?” he asks when you start to kiss his neck, sounding a little breathless. 
“Will you sit on my face?”
You pause and sit up properly to look him in the eyes. “What?”
He swallows thickly, looking desperate. “Sit on my face, please?”
Woojin loves your pussy. Loves the taste of it, to be more specific. He loves the feeling too, of course, but he’s spent hours with his head in between your legs making you see God over and over again. He eats you out every single time you have sex. He eats you out even when you don’t have sex sometimes, just because he’s craving you on his tongue. 
But you’ve never sat on his face. In all the months you’ve been dating it just hasn’t come up. He’s had you in practically every way possible except for this one. 
“Please, baby. Don’t make me beg.”
He was kind of already begging but you weren’t going to point that out. You looked towards Geonwoo’s door again and then back at Woojin.
“Yeah, right here,” he pats the spot on the floor. “Just get on top of me.” 
“Alright, help me get my pants off.”
You’re still in your outfit from work because you don’t like to change before you shower and you don’t like to shower unless you’re going to be in bed for the rest of the night. You’ve argued about Woojin eating you out after a full day of work before but he insists that he could not give less of a fuck about the state your pussy is in as long as it’s in his mouth. 
You only let him do it because you know he means it and he makes you cum so hard that you can’t even find it within yourself to be self-conscious. 
Your work slacks are tight but Woojin manages to get them off in record time. He folds them neatly and places them on the couch before getting into position and motioning for you to join him. 
You wiggle out of your underwear and set them on top of your pants. Woojin’s already on his back but he props himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you. He smirks as you step over him, straddling his waist with your ankles instead of your thighs. 
“You look so fucking hot like that,” he mutters. “Kind of just want to watch you stand there and look disappointed in me all night.”
You scoff. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Ridiculously in love with you.” He winks and clicks his tongue.
“You’d really rather do this instead of... the other thing?”
“I never said that! I’d rather do the other thing. Definitely the other thing.” You snort and shake your head at him. “But we can file this away for another day?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“It is what I want.”
“But what you want more...”
“Is for you to sit on my face, yes. So come here.”
Woojin knows you’re not teasing him on purpose, but it definitely feels like you are. You’re still out of reach, hovering hesitantly above his mouth. You seem nervous so he doesn’t rush you but he’s dying for it. 
It also seems like you don’t quite know what to do with yourself. He thinks about asking you if you’ve ever done this before but then he decides he would rather not know the answer to that question. 
“Here, baby,” he murmurs and puts his hands on your hips to guide you down onto him. 
“Remember, tap me twice if you can’t breathe or something,” you remind him. 
He won’t need to do that but he nods in acknowledgment to ease your mind if nothing else. 
Woojin coaxes you down a little further, close enough for him to taste you if he cranes his neck so that’s what he does. He lifts his head and sticks out his tongue to trace the shape of you. Immediately, you shudder and Woojin uses your clumsiness against you. He raises his shoulders as soon as he feels your legs begin to shake which makes you lose your balance and fall onto him completely.
Your boyfriend moans into you, making you whimper in turn. He’s instantly convinced this is what heaven feels like. All of his senses have been overtaken by you. All he can taste, smell, see, and feel is you. And all he can hear are the sweet sounds of pleasure he knows you’re trying to hold back. 
You’re sort of just sitting there on his face, and to be fair that’s what he’d asked you to do but he knows it would feel even better for you if you moved a bit so he encourages you to rock your hips by pushing on your ass. You get the message and start to grind down on him, earning praise in the form of a thumbs-up.  
“Fuck, so wet,” he compliments, hoping you can understand him. 
“Yeah, well you know what watching you box does to me,” you sigh defensively. 
Woojin tries not to smirk because he knows you’d be able to feel it but he can’t help himself. You smack his shoulder in retaliation. Yeah, that’s pretty much what he thought would happen.
“Taste so good, baby. Thank you. Than- mph!”
You’d threaded your fingers into his hair and yanked him by it, using your newfound control to push his face even deeper into your cunt. 
“Fuck yes... does it feel good?”
“Feels fucking incredible, Woo. How are you so good at this?”
Woojin doesn’t want to admit that it’s all he’s thought about since he met you. Doesn’t want to share the fantasies that have kept him up at night with a hand around his cock, sometimes with you sleeping right next to him. He’s wanted you to ride his face since before you started dating, and once he’d actually tasted you, it was over for him. Just like it’s over for him now.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been this hard in his entire life. It hurts and he’s been thrusting into nothing for several minutes now, and he’s almost certain his sweats are already ruined with the amount of precum he’s leaking. 
He loses the ability to speak when he starts fucking you with his tongue but he figures his mouth is being put to better use like this anyway. Besides, you do enough talking for both of you. You’re still trying to keep your voice down since Geonwoo is in the next room but it ultimately doesn’t matter because the most obscene sounds in the room are coming from Woojin making out with your pussy.
His nose nudges your clit over and over each time you glide over it like it’s a credit card, and it makes him wonder what it would feel like for you to ride his nose. He’s gotten a few compliments on the shape of his nose so he’s confident that it would feel good for you but in order to do that you would have to turn around and he’s enjoying having his tongue inside of you way too much to give that up. 
“Woo, fuck,” you gasp suddenly.
Your thighs squeeze tighter around his head and he whines, wishing it were somehow possible for you to crush his skull and still live.
“Yes, I’m right there, don’t stop...”
He holds you down as you cum, absolutely drowning himself in the arousal that gushes from you as you do. He laps up as much of it as he can, but he can’t quite get all of it and what’s left runs down the sides of his face onto the rug beneath him. He can’t find it within him to care, aside from being slightly jealous of the carpet.
You’re saying something but all he can hear is white noise as his body goes taut and then relaxes. When he comes to, you’ve already climbed off of him and are laying on the floor spent. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he sighs.
You lift your head curiously. “Did you just-”
He grimaces and sits up to assess the damage. His sweatpants have a dark wet spot right over his dick. Predictable. He hadn’t wanted to cum like that but it was simply unavoidable. Anyone in his position would have done the same thing. Probably. 
“The rug,” you groan, staring at the stain.
“I’ll send it off to be cleaned,” Woojin assures you. 
“You don’t have rug cleaning money!”“Then I’ll clean it myself. There’s a twenty-four-hour convenience store down the street. We can go there to get the stuff. After we do that again.”
finally finished this bad boy ;-; lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
bloodhounds tags: @sluttywoozi @kimanniexxx @icyb3rry
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
You're All Mine
Summary: Dalton makes a new friend who doesn't mind his shyness. Essentially, it's "introverts don't make friends, they get adopted by extroverts," but Dalton is the introvert and you, reader, are the extrovert. 1.5k+ words
Requested: Yes - "innocent shy dalton x outgoing reader"
Warnings: fluff, implication of third party alcohol consumption, brief mention of making out... I think that's all
A/N: I am in absolutely no way outgoing or extroverted so I based the reader's outgoing attributes on various characters. I hope I did the request justice and feel free to let me know what you think! Enjoy :)
“Whoa, those are amazing! Did you do all of them?”
Dalton turns quickly at the sound of an unfamiliar voice inside his dorm room.
“Sorry.” You smile and apologize once you see the startled look on his face. “I was walking down the hall and your door was open, so I saw your art.” You gesture toward all the paintings and drawings hanging over his bed. “They’re really good.”
“Thanks,” he says quietly.
“Where are my manners?” You ask rhetorically before introducing yourself and sticking your hand out for Dalton to take.
He gently shakes your hand - only once - before taking his hand back and saying his name.
“Nice to meet you, Dalton. See you around,” you promise before walking down the hallway.
Dalton sighs and sits back down, trying to remember what he was doing before you came in.
Somehow, Dalton ended up at a frat party. Internally, he wants to curse his temporary roommate Chris for bringing him, but he is too busy trying to make himself as small and invisible as possible. Once through the front door, Dalton hopes the crowd will keep him hidden. As Chris drags him through the crowd, he hears a familiar voice.
“No, it’s no problem, swear! I’ll be right back!” You say somewhere behind him.
Were you that sweet to him? he wonders. He had been caught off guard when you just appeared earlier.
“I am so sorry,” you say as you bump into Chris, gently grabbing her shoulder to right her. “Dalton!” You squeal, throwing your arms around his neck in a tight hug.
Dalton’s eyes widen, and his facial expression is pure fear as he looks at Chris over your shoulder. She makes a hugging motion and points at you, which leads him to slowly wrap his arms around your waist.
“I did not think I’d see you here. I wasn’t planning on coming either - you know how frat guys are - but my roommate didn’t want to come alone, so,” you trail off and shrug as you pull back, a smile that seems much too genuine for the setting on your face.
“I know the feeling,” Dalton grumbles under his breath.
“Do you want anything? I’m going to grab some of my friends a drink.” You look between Chris and Dalton as they politely decline. “Then I guess I’ll see you later! Great seeing you, Dalton.”
Dalton watches as you expertly move through the crowd and wonders if you purposefully bumped into Chris, considering you haven’t come close to anyone else. He’s snapped out of his thoughts by Chris grabbing his forearm.
“Daydream later, Dolphin, we have frat boy belongings to go through,” she says as she drags him to the stairs.
Dalton looks around the bedroom with his hand in his pockets while Chris opens drawers and rifles around on the desktop. Chris hears someone coming and considers kissing Dalton for a distraction, then thinks again and decides the chances of it being his first kiss are too high, and she doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
“Oh.” You stop as you realize someone is occupying the room. When you see who, you wonder if you wrongly evaluated Dalton; maybe he isn’t as shy and innocent as he seems. “I’ll - uh - give you two some privacy.”
Once the door is closed, Dalton looks at Chris with furrowed brows and downturned lips. “Privacy? Why?”
“How do you even know her, Dalton?” Chris asks with a laugh. “Chase her down and try to talk to her. For me?”
Dalton seems to contemplate the request before walking out of the room.
“Go get her, tiger - I mean Dolphin!” Chris yells down the hall behind him.
You’re on the front porch with a small group of people when Dalton finally finds you. Unsure of how to approach, he stands to the side and looks in your general direction, waiting for you to notice him. When you finally look away from the person talking, you see Dalton and smile, gesturing with your hand for him to come over. He shakes his head, a movement so small you only know it happened because his hair moves. You smile and say something to the girl beside you before setting your cup down and walking to him.
“Enjoying the party?” You ask.
“Why-“ Dalton clears his throat and starts over, “Whatever you think was happening upstairs wasn’t. Chris was just digging through his stuff.”
Your smile grows at his rushed explanation. “Oh, ok. If anyone deserves to have their personal belongings messed with, it’s Nick.”
Dalton nods, his hands nervously tucking in and out of his pockets.
“Do you want to get out of here?” you offer. “These things only get crazier from here.”
“And go where?”
“Anywhere you want. You can go home, we can go get milkshakes, make out under a tree,” you add the last one nonchalantly for the entertaining reaction you anticipate Dalton will give.
Dalton nods with your first two suggestions, then nearly chokes on air with the last one. You instantly feel bad, placing a hand on his arm as you apologize and explain it was a joke.
“It’s fine,” Dalton says, a small smile forming. “Milkshakes sound good. If you meant it?”
“I always mean it when I bring up milkshakes. Let’s go; my treat.”
You grab Dalton’s hand and interlace your fingers without thinking, not noticing how he stares at your hands as he walks beside you.
“What’s your milkshake poison?” You ask as you join Dalton in the booth, sliding in beside him rather than across from him.
He shrugs as he glances at you.
“I like chocolate,” you explain, “I know it’s basic, but is chocolate ever the wrong answer?”
“I like chocolate,” Dalton agrees.
“One or two?” Dalton looks confused, so you add, “Milkshakes. Do you want to share one or get two?”
“Oh. Um, we can share. I guess. If it’s ok with you.”
“Dalton, two things you should know as my new best friend, I only share food with my friends, and I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it.”
“Best friend?”
“Oh, yeah, you’re all mine now.”
The smile you send him makes Dalton think maybe that isn’t so bad. He watches you greet the waitress and ask how her day is going, talking to her about her law school classes before ordering one chocolate milkshake with two straws. He wonders how someone that goes to frat parties with no problem can be so kind. He also wonders how he is lucky enough to be ‘all yours.’
“How are your classes so far? I mean, I’m not convinced you need art classes based on what I saw in your dorm, but are you enjoying them?” You ask as you wait for the milkshake.
“They’re good. Interesting. My teacher’s a little… out there, I guess.”
“Who isn’t?” You ask with a laugh.
He smiles and asks which school you’re attending, hanging on your every word as you answer.
“One chocolate milkshake, two straws. Can I get anything else for you two?” The waitress asks as she sets the milkshake between you and Dalton.
You glance at him, and he shakes his head, so you respond, “No, we’re good. Thank you so much, and good luck on your BAR exam!”
You turn to Dalton and gesture to the milkshake, “After you.”
“You paid for it,” Dalton argues.
You smile at his sudden boldness before stating, “Which means I get to decide. You try it first.”
Dalton concedes and takes a sip, eyes widening at the intense chocolate flavor.
“I know, right?” You gush. “I come here every chance I get. They put espresso beans in to amplify the chocolate flavor; it’s my favorite milkshake in the whole world.”
“Which dorm do you live in?” You ask as you exit the diner with your hand in Dalton's, mentally creating a route to both of your dorms. “Yours is on the way to mine, so I can drop you off.”
“My dad would kill me if I didn’t walk you home,” Dalton states.
“Really?” You giggle as you wrap your free hand around his forearm, not noticing the way his breath catches at your touch.
“Probably not, but it’s still the gentlemanly thing to do,” Dalton says after a moment.
“Well, you have class in the morning, so I relieve you of your gentleman duties. But only for tonight.”
You walk in a comfortable silence, insisting on accompanying Dalton to his dorm room door once you arrive.
“This was fun, Dalton. We should do it again.”
Dalton nods and misses the warmth of your hand as you take it back.
“Maybe we’ll skip the frat party next time.”
“That would be nice.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Dalton,” you say, wrapping him in a quick hug before leaving for your dorm.
“Tomorrow?” He asks.
You turn back, the smile you’d been wearing all night widening. “Oh yeah. I meant it when I said you’re mine now. Goodnight, Dalton.”
He watches as you disappear around the corner, with no thoughts of darkness in his mind. He doesn’t even register the sound of the door opening until Chris speaks, “You, my weird Dolphin, just got adopted by an extrovert.”
Dalton looks at her and blushes as she adds, “A very pretty extrovert.”
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thecynthh · 5 months
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summery - going out to a concert with one of y/n friends, a weird turn is taken when matt makes a move.
notes - SMUT, ROCKSTAR MATTY POOOOO, guys im a virgin idk how sex works MADE FOR MY GIRLY @ihrtchris love u girl hope the wait was worth it <3 NOT PROOFREAD
a/n - guys it looked longer than it is i promise
also the bolded parts during the concert means its the song lyrics, also i love this song
the bustling noises of a busy kitchen fill my ears as i hear people shout and flames crackle. “so i think i'll have a sweet tea and a number 6 please.” i ask the waiter as she takes my order. 
“of course ma’am and for you?” cadence’s eyes swept over the whole menu again before speaking. 
“lemonade and a number 2 please!” the waiter nodded towards us and walked off to the kitchen. 
“hey are you busy tonight? i’m free and have nowhere to go, was hoping you knew about a party or something later.” i knew cay would know about any parties happening tonight, she was an epic journalist and worked for the editorial company i was at. 
“hm, come to think of it, no, i don’t think so. didn’t get an invite, i guess all the famous people are taking a break from being bitchy and petty.” i laugh at her statement about the rich and famous, we’ve met countless celebrities and models and almost all of them were like cay said, bitchy and petty. 
“come onnnn the one night i'm free from work and there’s nothing happening.” i drop my head dramatically on the table, careful not to hit the ketchup and mustard. 
“well….” cadence trailed off.
“well what???” i almost break my neck looking up at her. 
“i mean i saw a poster for this band, and they are playing at pacific square if you wanna go watch it, im down if you are.” cadence offered. 
“a concert? im not sure, i mean if the guys are cute” i joked. 
“ouh girl, i sure can tell you they are so hot.” she pulls out her phone looking through her photos. she taps on it and shows it to me. oh shit. they were really hot. 
the one thing that cay forgot to mention was that the band that was playing in our home town was starsturns. “WAIT! you mean starsturns is playing here??”
“okay, im convinced, i think i just found my husband.” i practically threw cay’s phone back to her, feeling a small piece of drool develop on the corner of my mouth looking at the drummer. 
“show starts at 8 i’ll be at your house with the uber.” cay says slipping her phone back into her pocket 
“holy shit i can’t believe we are going to see starsturns!!!” 
the ding of a bell goes off and we see the waiter sway towards us with our plates of food. i guess i have plans tonight. 
getting to the venue was a little troubling due to the death inducing trafic we were stuck in but cay is very much a hardass so when we did get to the venue she shoved her way to the front. 
“move your asses, two super fans over here!!!” cay’s enthusiasm scares people which lets us pass through sort of easily. 
being right at the rails that has to be only a metre away from the stage gets me riled up, we hear the curtains draw and and the stage lights get low. 
the sun just started to set and the neon flashes of their large stage lights flicker at the audience. the leader singer and lead guitarist chris looks behind him peering over his shoulder to the audience. the girls yelled and shouted, he was definitely a lady killer. 
chris began strumming his guitar in a steady pace as his brother nick, on the bass, keeps a steady beat emerging from the shadows. 
a slow rhythm on the drums begin to build up, slowly getting faster and with each tap of the snare the lights get brighter, and brighter. 
matt is revealed to the fans in such an epic way as the fans, including me and cadence goes crazy. 
the crash of matt’s cymbals begins their set list as their first song begins. 
time seemed to have lasted forever as they now have moved to a couple of slower songs that are more lyric focused. i throw my head back as i belt the lyrics living in pure harmony. this was my favourite song and i wanted to soak up every moment. 
chris noticed and waved a hand towards cadence and i letting security know to let us onto the stage. i shake cadence to snap her out of her little trance and yank her to the small stairs that lead up the stairs, a smile graces chris’ face as we run up to him. 
cay takes his hand as he spins her around, i stand back trying not to get hit by her long hair. i try to cover my mouth as i giggle a little seeing her have her moment with her favourite group member. i start skipping around the stage still keeping up with the song soon coming up to nick as he keeps his eyes on me as his bass still continues strumming. 
i lock eyes with matt, coming over to the back of his drum kit and wrapping my arms around his neck, 
“i dont wanna lose you now, 
im looking right at the other half of me” 
i sang my heart out as i hug matt while he kept his hand and foot trained on the instrument. he detaches the mic that was for his vocals and passes it to me, im a little shocked by his action but understand what he wants from me. 
i take the mic and start to sing. 
“show me how to fight for now,
and i tell you baby it was easy”
i felt alive. my idols and i sing this song with our hearts. i belt and add accents to my voice and really feel myself in the song. i bring the mic down to matt as we both sing into the mic as chris and matt begin to chant “you are, you are the love of my life” underneath my vocals letting me take the lead on the song. 
“you are my reflection, and all i see is you”
the song ends and i’m panting from using an excessive amount of air for singing and from prancing around. matt and my eyes never leave each other caught up in the moment. 
“give it up to y/n and cadence for singing this song with us!” chris yells into the mic. he holds up his signature rock n’ roll sign showing it to the fans, “thank you guys for coming out here tonight! love you all, have a good night!” with the last echo of his message to the fans the curtains move down and everything but the crowd lights turn off, still providing light for those going home. 
i hop down from matt’s little stage leaving the microphone i’ve been using on a table that was next to matt and meet up with cay at the front of the stage. 
cay was engaged in a conversation with nick and chris, talking to them like they’ve been friends since forever. 
“oh my gosh, thank you for letting us up on stage like that chris!” i knew cay was fangirling underneath her cool calm and collected front. 
don’t get me wrong, chris is very attractive, but simply not my type. i didn’t feel as strongly about him as i did with matt. 
“oh come on you guys are great singers! especially you y/n.” chris says as i walk over, i feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me with that compliment. 
“ah- thank you but it’s getting late, cay call an uber i’ll meet you by the gates in a second, just gotta run to the bathroom. 
i pat my pockets checking for my phone that wasn’t there. i make a quick run to matt checking his whole set up for it. when i pick it up i immediately get caught in someone’s hand. 
matt’s muscular hand grips my bare arm causing all my attention to look up to the man above me. “hey,” his voice is lower so his brothers don’t hear. “we are staying at a hotel tonight then sightseeing tomorrow, we’ll be in town for a night or two. we thought we’d visit our parents and take in the home town scene again before we travel again. was wondering if you wanted to come with me to our hotel.” 
“you can come to my house-“ i blurt out. “m-more privacy and it’s not that far from here or whatever your hotel is. i can get you back there just in time for your brothers to wake up…”
“ah, sounds like a plan, we just gotta take our equipment to our bus then i’ll meet you there, how does twelve sound?” he nods understanding my intentions. 
“uh yeah! sounds good, wait lemme give you my numb-“ 
“oh doll, don’t worry about that, gotta be a little careful with who you leave your phone around,” he winks as his grip on me loosens and falls. 
i almost ran out of the venue, finding cadence and the uber waiting outside on the street. “girl come on!” she waves me in letting the uber driver know where we were going. 
i close the door behind me gripping my hands very hard on my phone. cay rests and hand atop mine and looks at me with concern. “hey, what’s up?” 
“matt just- matt- matt invited me to their hotel.. but now we are meeting at my house at twelve.” my eyes are trained on the headrest in front of me. 
“YOU WHAT, HE- HE WHAT????” cay starts freaking out as much as i would’ve if i hadn’t been in such a state of shock. 
“yuuuup,” the uber slows down getting stopped close to my house. “i have his number in my phone, he said he was going to come when i text him my address.” i open my car door seeing as we’ve stopped right in front of my house. 
“all the details tomorrow morning at work !!” she yells as i exit the car, waving thank you to the driver from outside the car i walk to my house to finally freak out. 
WHAT THE FLYING FUCK was i doing?? no way am i about to have a one night stand with the drummer of sturnstars, one of my favourite bands  
i pull my phone out of my pocket to see a new contact that was put in named “hot drummer” with a new number. 
you shared your location with “hot drummer”
hot drummer (matt s)
not too long after i hear the doorbell ring throughout my house and i quickly rush to my front door. taking a deep breath in and out i push down on the large handle seeing matt on the other side of the door. 
matt leans on the side of my door frame looking as delicious as ever. “hey” a smirk grows on his face as he scans my body. the black cropped long sleeve i was wearing was getting clawed at by my long done up nails. my skirt was barely covering my ass and showed a lot of my legs. 
he looked at me like i was his last meal. he launches himself off the door frame as i take him by the hand, leading him to my bedroom. 
he looks around at the posters on the wall, one including their old tour one. his finger glides across the arctic monkeys and slipknot ones. 
“so you're a fan?” he asks coming to sit next to me. 
“yeah you could say that, i’m not crazy tho, some girls are worse. if i’m being honest i didn’t even know you guys were coming here.” i say truthfully 
“so if i do this,” he leans and kisses me, sparks fly in my stomach. “you’ll be okay with it.” 
“and if this happens,” his hand undoes the clasp and zipper on my mini skirt, “you’ll be okay with it?” 
his lips touch mine as i help him moves my skirt down to the floor as i hold the hem of his shirt pulling to take it off. my long sleeve and bra meet the floor not too far after matt’s shirt. 
he manoeuvres on top of me now pressing his raging hard on top of my heat. “please matt,” i say in a whiny voice, feeling more anxious and excited. 
“please what princess?” he teases. 
“please fuck me,” my hand snakes to the nape of his neck as i pull him in for a kiss. his fingers clad with rings, slip into my panties as he makes cold contact with his thumb onto my clit, my eyes roll back feeling him circle around my hole before plunging in. 
“oh- god matt please don’t stop,” i moan feeling him pump in and out of me. a familiar knot builds and snaps quickly due to the constant stimulation. 
“mhh, come on babe, give it to me” i squeeze around his fingers hard before i cum all over his fingers. “good job baby, you did so well, you ready for me?” i nod frantically as he sticks his fingers into my mouth for me to taste myself, letting me such on his two fingers while he tugs on my panties making the small fabric keeping the whole thing together come unloose. 
he's quick to undo his cargo pants letting the baggy material fall, and he tugs down his boxers letting his length spring out. i 
“what the fuck, that is not going to fit in me?!?” he laughs at my surprise, pumping up and down on his monster dick. 
“hey, i’ll take it slow, tonights ‘bout you.” he says hovering over me, “just tell me if it’s too much, alright?” he lines himself up and just puts the tip in, i arch my back in ecstasy feeling so full already. 
“fuck, matt keep going.” he takes this as an invitation to push all the way in. my moans only become more airy as he gets deeper and deeper. 
he gets more confident in his movement and keeps a steady pace, he lifts my leg, folding it by my knee, letting him hit a new spot. 
“mhhh, matt don’t stop.” his pace is steady with him constantly hitting my g-spot, “i-i-”
i couldn’t even get my sentence out before i completely collapsed underneath his arms, letting myself go. “you did such a good job pretty girl, can i cum in you?” 
“YES, yes matt please!” a slight feeling of overstimulation washes over me as matt grunts and shoots his load into me, falling onto my bed next to me. 
“ah, come on, let's get cleaned up. nick and chris are gonna be wondering where i am.” 
who knew, maybe dating a drummer isn’t that bad. 
taglist - @westwiing13 @comet235 @mayhem-72 @pepsiimaxx @strniolosworld
taglist is open !
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miintsprigz · 5 months
Hi again!! Was wonderin if ya could do some hcs of Scout, Pyro, Sniper, Engi, and Medic with a reader who loves to give and show them drawings they made, but gets pretty nervous when they watch them draw? If this isn't exactly yer cuppa tea or you just genuinely do not know how to write this, feel free to just ignore this request:]
Hope you have an excellent day/night/evening/afternoon/noon!!>:DD
Ah, I think I recognize you there! Good to hear from you again. I’ll give it a shot!
GN! Shy Artist Reader x Mercs
Characters: Scout, Pyro, Sniper, Engineer, Medic (TF2)
Warnings: None
Scout ⚾️
• The two of you tend to draw while you hang out, just chatting in the meantime.
• He absolutely adored your work, and loved watching you make it.
• But when you pulled your sketchbook to your chest quick, he seemed confused.
• “Hey! You good?” “Yeah, I uh…I just feel weird when you’re watching me draw.” “Huh? You don’t gotta feel embarrassed, doll!”
• “…You know when you tried to pull off a jump while Spy and Demo were watching the other day…” At this reminder, Scout gave you a teasing scowl—not genuinely mad, just embarrassed remembering that.
• “Ah geez—yeah, if they hadn’t spooked me by starin’ at me like a buncha creeps—oh.” “You get it now?”
• He got…a little confused. “Am I makin’ it worse? Aw man, I’m sorry—” “No, no! I just—that awkwardness? Yeah.” “Ohhh, I think I gotcha…”
•Scout, uh, scooted over on the bed a little and eventually sat back down with his back against yours. “There. This’ll fix it!” Both of you erupted into laughter.
•In all seriousness though, he respected your wishes. He keeps everything you make for him in his room, aside from a small doodle or two that he carries on him to work at all times…awww.
Pyro 🔥
•You and Pyro lay sprawled on the floor, with a can of colored pencils and a box of crayons respectively.
•They’re actually quite good when it comes to color, pairing different hues together. It’s hard to tell exactly what they’re drawing, but sometimes you can faintly make it out.
•You suddenly felt eyes very intently locked onto you and jerked your head up.
• “Hm??”, came through the mask, muffled. “Uh…could you um…”
•They did that curious little head tilt, tenderly reaching for your hand. If you needed to tell them something, they wanted to make sure they heard it!
• “I feel nervous when you watch me draw. I know it’s silly, but—” “Ah!” Genuine surprise from the masked figure. They’d had no idea.
•Immediately, there were muffled apologies from under the mask, quickly hugging you. “Hey hey, it’s okay! I’m not mad. I just figured I should tell you. You’re okay, Py.”
• “Mmph?” “Yes, dear. I promise.” Giggling a little now, they pulled their free hand over the eyeholes of the mask like a visor, blocking you from view. You chuckled along with them.
•Later on, as the two of you shared drawings, you made out a familiar visage—that of you, with a couple bright red hearts drawn nearby. “Hehe, I love you too.”
Sniper 🏹
• Mick didn’t often watch you draw, honestly. The two of you tended to do your own thing in the same space, talking occasionally. Even that was enough.
• Once you caught him watching on what was kind of an off day though. You kind of just stared back up at him.
• Sniper cocked an eyebrow. “Why’d ya stop?” Biting the inside of your cheek, you looked off to the side.
• You felt the bed next to you sink down a little as he moved closer. “Hey. Ya got somethin’ ya wanna say?” His voice was softer, more cautious. “…cuz ya know, I’d like to hear that.”
• Shuffling a bit to get more comfortable next to him, you sighed. “I don’t know how to explain it, but…I feel weird when people watch me draw.” “Yeah?”
• You nodded. “Kinda see what ya mean, I guess. Ya think they’ll judge the work-in-progress?” You silently agreed.
• A slight smile brightened his features. “Well, dunno if it helps, but I know a lil better, love.” His shoulder brushed against yours as you moved a bit closer.
• “I love everythin’ you make. And I know that you know what yer doin. But…if you’re more comfortable with me not lookin’, I get that too. That’s fine.”
• He went to move away, but you quickly clasped his shoulder softly, indicating that he could stay. “Maybe, I could try to keep going?” A laugh broke through as you admitted, “Besides, I like sitting next to you.”
• Humming contently, the Aussie planted the briefest of kisses on the top of your head. “Arright, darlin. You just lemme know.”
• As you kept working on that page, you did notice when he was watching, and it wasn’t easy, but after that he would have periods of staring off into space instead.
• There was a conciseness to it. He’d taken what you’d said to heart. Still, though, he seemed happy…and you were, too.
Engineer 🔧
• Dell had gathered quite a collection of your art by now, kept it on the wall of his workshop. He showed it off proudly to anyone who happened to enter, even if visitors tended to be few and far between.
• One night, you kept him company as he worked overtime on a new design for a model. While he worked, you did too.
• After a while though, you could tell someone was looking at you. As your gaze lifted, you caught him sneaking a peek from his desk, right next to the table where you sat.
• “Aw, did I break yer focus there? Sorry, honey.” “No no, it’s okay, Engie…I could put it away for now anyway, if you want something—”
• “No problem, (Y/N)! You can keep right on with that if ya like.” A somewhat sheepish smile came to your face.
“Hey, Engie…can you keep a secret?”
• “Mmm?” “…I get sorta nervous when people watch me draw.” A knowing sort of smile slowly crossed the Texan’s face, sliding his goggles up to rest on his forehead for a moment.
• “You wanna know a secret?”
A nostalgic sort of thoughtfulness crept into his voice. “I used ta be the same way.”
• “Really?” You never pictured the mellow, easygoing Engineer to ever be self-conscious in that way.
• “People would ask me all sorts a’ questions while they watched me build. ‘How ya gonna make that work?’ ‘What’s that do?’ ‘Why’d ya put that there?’ Drove me crazy. Part of the reason I got a shop, I s’pose.”
• He held a spare nut and bolt, twisting them together and apart as he talked, somewhat absentmindedly. Eyes wandering a bit, but always making their way back to you.
• “But here’s somethin’ I think you oughta hear, although I’d never try ta make ya change. Your work is yours, darlin’. Yours and yours alone. Ya make such beautiful things. I’m not askin’ myself what you’re doin’ when I watch, cuz I already know.”
• He put the fidget aside and reached for your hand with a sweet smile. “Why do you like to watch me work?”
• You could feel your face redden just a bit, and grinned at the floor for a moment. He chuckled at this, in a lighthearted way though. “Cuz it’s really cool how you make everything work, and how smart you are with your designs.”
• “Yep. That’s why I like watchin’ you work. Own the process, (Y/N). It’s all yours. You know exactly what you’re doin.”
• “Thanks, Dell.” “Of course, honey. Of course.” From that moment onward, it seemed like he tried not to watch for too long, but when he did, you remembered his words. And it didn’t feel quite as nerve-wracking then.
Medic 💉
• Medic absolutely loved to watch you draw. It was fascinating to him. Seeing how giddy he got, it took you a while to work up the guts to tell him.
• “Is something wrong, Liebe? You’ve been stopped for a while now.”
“Yeah, uh…Medic, I wanna tell you something, but it’s weird.”
• “I uh…I feel kinda…nervous, I guess? When people watch me draw.”
“…might I ask why?” He seems genuinely perplexed by this. “I think it’s fascinating.”
• Yeah, yeah he would. You weren’t sure how to explain this to him—you knew for sure that he didn’t mind when people watched him at work, he operated on fully conscious people!
• You sighed softly, unsure of how to make this make sense to him. A hand rested on your shoulder for a moment. “(Y/N), I can see this means a lot to you. And as much as I love watching you at work…I love you even more. So I’ll stop doing that.”
A smile crept up on you, glancing back up at him.
“I appreciate it a lot, love. Sorry I can’t put it into words.”
“No need to be sorry! But…I do have one request.”
• A sheepish sort of smile came to the doctor’s face. “I can…still see the finished product, right? And maybe, instead of me watching, you could tell me how you put everything together?”
“Of course! No problem.”
“Ah, wunderbar!”
I’ve been very tired lately so I’m sorry this took me so long, and that it’s sorta short/repetitive. I appreciate your patience!
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spiderlandry · 1 year
Routine — ethan landry
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Description: Ethan feels you slowly drift away as you spend time with another person.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader (they/them pronouns)
Warnings: unedited, kinda wordy, fluff, jealousy, some angst but happy ending
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s note: can u guess who reader’s chem partner is ??
Tradition and routine are important to Ethan Landry. Since you’ve made the decision to have lunch with him every Wednesday at the diner a few blocks from his apartment, he eventually begins to expect you to show up there without a text message. It’s routine, now. It’s a tradition—and he didn’t realize how sacred it was to him until his phone pings with a text from you on a Wednesday:
hey im sorry i cant make it to lunch i got assigned a small project in chem and its partners :/ and we could only find a time for today (ugh) lunch next wednesday?
sorry again. have a good lunch!! dont have too much fun without me tho
He’s not bothered. Why would he be? You sound like you’d rather be with him than working on that project, so he’s flattered in that aspect that you sound somewhat possessive with the, ‘don’t have too much fun’.
It’s not like he’s already at the diner already.
(He was on his way.)
But it’s only a blip in the hundred other moments you spend with him, even if those moments are also spent with other people present.
So he doesn’t take it to heart. Even if his heart slightly aches without you beside him, almost a symptom of withdrawal, which he won’t realize until much, much later.
Ethan often spends time in the main library on Friday nights. He’s not a stranger to the usual people who also spend their time there, there’s not a lot of people because there are better things for a college student to do on Friday nights. Ethan is different. Although, he only started going on Friday nights because midterms are soon and he can’t afford to fail or retake anything.
However, a familiar figure comes into the library next to a tall stranger. You, with some guy, trying to playfully shush him as you enter the quiet space earning some dirty looks from students around.
You lightly slap the stranger’s arm with a grin, and you don’t see Ethan—he’s sitting in a corner and you’re turned away from him.
There’s no denying that the stranger is handsome. Tall, brown hair, somewhat dorky mannerisms but in a charming way. Ethan could be in love with this guy if he himself isn’t so in love with you.
Ethan opts to look down at his work instead, eyes almost unfocused as the thought of losing his chance being brought to the forefront of his mind.
What he doesn’t see a few seconds later, between the shelves, slightly closer to Ethan, you finally spot him. He doesn’t see the way your smile droops slightly, and how the man next to you asks who you’re staring at.
“Oh,” you whisper to your chemistry partner, Peter, “That’s Ethan. The guy I told you about.”
“You’d look good together.” He teases.
You almost kick him jokingly, but he dodges. “Just because I told you my crush doesn’t mean you get to tease me. Plus, if you do, I’ll tell Gwen about yours.”
But of course, this conversation happens outside of Ethan’s earshot. You’re not looking at him anymore, and as he glances up one more time, he only sees the smile directed at that stranger that used to be reserved for him on Wednesday afternoons.
Yeah, I’ve lost my chance, Ethan thinks.
Ethan has decided to spend more time with his friends. It has nothing to do with you, not at all. (It’s not denial.) He lounges in the Carpenter apartment on Saturday night with Chad and Tara. Mindy was also supposed to be there, but texted last minute she can’t make it.
They assure him he’s not third-wheeling, but he definitely is.
But he stops himself before he suggests he can leave. He gives it a chance, because otherwise he would be alone in the dorm—and on a normal occasion he’d leave and call you instead, but he has a feeling your voice will only draw him back to the reliance of your presence. You haven’t talked since Wednesday, since that text message that Ethan believes is the beginning of the end.
Chad notices Ethan’s faraway look, they’re both sitting on the couch while Tara gets a drink from the kitchen.
“You okay, man?” His roommate snaps him out of the daze. “You seem sad.”
“I’m not.” Ethan has answered that too quickly to either of their liking, but it goes unmentioned.
“You can talk to me. If you want.”
Chad’s become more emotionally available since the first time they moved in together, Ethan appreciates that his friend makes an effort even if it seems to take some work. So Ethan humours him.
“Y/N. They’re spending time with this guy and I just—I don’t know.”
Tara comes back with a few sodas, handing one to him and to her boyfriend.
“Y/N?” She echoes, sipping from her drink. “You mean they’re spending time with Peter?”
Ethan realizes maybe he shouldn’t have said anything because Tara’s close to you and if he says something she might say something—
“I won’t tell them.” She says, sensing Ethan’s panic. “They’re just friends, if you’re wondering.”
Chad is grateful for his girlfriend stepping in. She certainly knows more, at least in that respect.
“Aren’t they chem partners, or something?” Chad asks her, wanting to alleviate the tension he can sense on his best friend. He remembers Tara offhandedly mentioning it one time.
(Let’s be honest, anything Tara knows, Chad knows too.)
“Well,” Tara prevents herself from a grimace. “They were partners. Y/N told me they finished the project. So now they’re just friends.”
It has the opposite effect that Chad had wanted.
It only lets Ethan know that it won’t be long until you introduce this Peter to the group as your boyfriend, probably.
“Can we change the subject?” Ethan requests.
He’s thankful as they adamantly jump into another topic about something funny that happened recently, an inkling deep in his soul that they did it on purpose to make him laugh—a hint of relief as he thinks, friendship isn’t that bad. (It’s good.) You and him could still be friends, he thinks. And that’s what he wants, for you to be in his life in any capacity, long as you’d let him.
Sunday nights are movie nights in the Carpenter household. And that tradition is extended to the entire group, including you. He doesn’t know why he’s nervous—his palms are sweating, his legs are bouncing, and his mind is anywhere else besides the present.
You arrive late, and the movie hasn’t started because they’re waiting for you.
Ethan thinks Chad or somebody must have done it on purpose, because the only empty seat on the couch is the one right next to him.
Obviously, you take it. The proximity is almost too much for Ethan, but he’d be a damn liar if he said it didn’t help his anxiety just a little bit. You take away his nerves after they appear in the absence of you. You’re his medicine.
The movie starts and you still don’t say anything to each other. He ignores the looks from Chad and Tara, and you seem to be oblivious to it as you keep your eyes on the television.
By the second movie, you’ve both gotten more comfortable, leaning into each other— and to Ethan’s surprise, you put your head on his shoulder. He looks around and no one notices. Not because they don’t care, but because they’re all asleep.
You fit so perfectly almost as if you’d been like this before, in a different lifetime of another universe.
Unbeknownst to Ethan, you had your own intent coming into this movie night, late on purpose and nerves taking away your courage in the absence of Ethan.
Sometimes, you’d invite someone to get coffee with you when mornings were pleasant enough to be with other people.
Today, Tara said she was available to get coffee after you’d sent a text to the group chat asking if anyone wanted to come—so you got coffee with her.
It wasn’t your intention, but still, you end up at her apartment half an hour later, chatting about what’s happened in the week.
Somehow the topic of dating has come up, and Tara rambles about Chad’s funny ideas about dates that you laugh at.
Much to your dismay, the question tumbles out of your mouth before you can stop it. “How do I know if I’m in love with someone?”
She can’t read your face, it’s blank. But she can read your tone: the layer of uneasiness and worry that you’re trying to hard to bury and keep hidden. She tries her best not to show any emotion, either. Because there could only be two possible answer to the question Tara is about to ask.
“Who are you in love with?”
“Who said I was?” Quick answer, deflect the question.
“You’re thinking it, though.”
“So what if I am?”
And she just decides to lay it on the table. “Is it Peter?”
Your instinct is to laugh, because from your perspective, not a universe exists where you and Peter have any romantic connection. And you say, “Why would it be Peter?”
Tara realizes you’re serious pretty quickly. “Everybody thinks that.”
Your face drops, brows furrow. “Seriously?” Tara nods.
“Does Ethan think that?”
Tara smiles.
She has her answer.
The feeling of being close to him is intoxicating. You snake your hand toward his, playing with it until you loosely begin to hold his hand.
Your hand in mine feels right, he thinks. For a split second, his breath is stolen, but the tiny space between your palms get warm—he can breathe—and the warmness travels throughout Ethan’s body and suddenly he wants to verbalize every unspoken word from each interaction with you, but all words come back to I love you I love you I love you.
But there is one thing.
“What about...” He whispers, gulps. “Peter?”
And that’s when you finally look up at him and he turns his head to face yours—a mistake—you are much too close for his heart not to burst. He can feel your breath and he’s sure you can feel his, and there’s nothing else he can think of as he waits with bated breath for your response.
“Why would I wanna be with him when I want to be with you?”
You say it so casually, so surely, as if you’re certain nothing can take away that statement—that truth—from your grasp. The tone catches him so off guard that his words are lost for a moment.
Your eyes aren’t expectant in that moment, though waiting. You’re patient, as if you know what he’s going to say.
“Will—” he tries to be quiet, “will you go on a date with me?” Your smile gets impossibly wider and it mirrors his.
Tara, laying next to Chad nearby—pretending to be asleep—suppresses a grin of her own.
Additional A/N: personally i think their first date is at the diner !! and the diner staff see the progression of their relationship every wednesday lol and yes the chem partner is peter parker (specifically had andrew’s peter in mind, i think that’s clear with the ‘tall’ if not the gwen part LMAO)
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sky-kiss · 2 months
Lucy & Cooper: Eye to Eye
A/N: So short but needed it out of my head. Vague spoilers for the end of Fallout's first season, so be aware.
L & C: Eye to Eye
Vaultie doesn’t talk much for the first couple of days. 
Coop tries not to dwell on it—lot easier for him, lot safer for them, if she keeps her mouth shut. Just…well, hell, it’s one of those things that niggles at him, twitching in the back of his mind like a worm on a hook. Dumb fuckin’ fish that he is, Coop lets it draw him in. 
The ghoul gives her a once-over as they settle in for the night. Blood’s still crusted on her uniform, near the corner of her mouth, some of it flecked into her hair. A mottled bruise stretches across her cheek and up over her temple, purple at its center before paling to yellows and greens on the edges. Coop knows it hurts, but Vaultie doesn’t say shit. 
A noose and a prolonged stay on death’s door, dehydration, and irradiation hadn’t shut her up, but she’s sitting there, staring into the fire, all banged up and silent. 
Cooper chews a sardine ponderously. There’s no taste, not anymore, just the tension of flesh and little bones giving way beneath his teeth. He grunts before sliding the rest of the tray across to her. Vaultie doesn’t take it. He clucks his tongue. “Eat when then eatin’ is good, Vaultie. Get deeper into the Wastes and…well.” he shrugs as if the silence should be all the answer she needs. And it should be, but she just goes on staring with her huge doe eyes. 
“I’m not hungry.” Almost as an afterthought, she adds. “Thank you.” 
“Do what you like. You’re a big girl. And I ain’t your daddy.” 
The phrase jostles something in her head. Vaultie’s whole face screws up—nose scrunching, lips curling—and she opens her mouth as if to speak, only for it to snap shut. A muscle twitches in the corner of her mouth and it’s…it’s a hell of a thing. 
He doesn’t see his daughter in her face…doesn’t see Barb. He’s looking in a mirror. It’s two centuries ago, and he’s staring at himself—all offended dignity as he reads something unsavory in a script or listens to a suit wax philosophical about a battlefield they’ll never see.  
Vaultie must clock something about his reaction. All the stiffness leaves her posture. She just…deflates, eyes dropping. “I know that,” she says, voice soft. Not the “let me de-escalate this situation” bullshit she’d put on in Filly…just human. Very human and so tired. “I’m sorry—it was wrong of me to snap at you.” 
Coop almost laughs. He holds his arms out wide instead. “No harm done.” 
She goes back to her staring, back to her silence. Something howls off in the distance.  
Out of nowhere, and because it’s all just fuckin’ disorienting—the silence, having somebody around again—the ghoul says, “Reckon you’ll kill him?”
“Excuse me?” 
He picks nonexistent grit out of his teeth and spits. “Think you know exactly who I mean, sweetheart.” Vaultie cocks her head to the side. Firelight licks at her skin—it makes his hard lines harder, edges more jagged, but for her? She looks soft and young…a gross oversimplification. There’s steel in her eyes. Coop shrugs, flashing a smile that must look horrible. She doesn’t shrink back. “You find it offends your finer sensibilities and I’ll do it for ya.” 
“No.” Her tone leaves no room for debate. 
“Vaultie, that’s not a word I’m in the habit of hearing.” 
“It’s Lucy,” she corrects. “And I…said what I said.” The girl hugs her arms around herself. “He’s still my dad. I don’t want him…” Vau..Lucy pauses. Her brow furrows, “...Well, I guess I don’t know what I want yet. But…I have time.” 
“Less and less of it every day.” 
She screws up her nose again. “Maybe. But it’s my choice.” It’s the damnedest thing: the words just hang there for a second, silence broken by the crackle of the fire. And then she seems to actively register what she’s said. It’s Lucy MacLean’s choice. She smiles and nods—brilliant and bloodied and somehow still clean. “But…thank you for offering.” 
Like he’s suggested giving up his seat on the bus and not filling her daddy full of lead. Fuckin’ Vaulties…Coop shakes his head, “Anytime, sweetheart.”
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wayfayrr · 6 months
Hello! Congrats on 300 followers!! (your 300 follower event idea is so cute btw omg)
Could i request a soft mulled wine with candy canes to eat in please?
Here's your order - I hope everything is to your tastes <3
it's super fun to see how the same prompt can be done so differently for different characters!!! Wild especially is one of my favourites because he's just soooo - it's hard to put into words but I just love him so much
[Event masterlist]
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“I don't think I've seen those plants before, my slate isn't recognising them either…”
“Must be something unique to legends Hyrule then, they must've just vanished before your time.”
He’s still focused on whatever is growing above us, although I could've sworn we were just standing under pines. Ones that are common in his home, is there something I’m missing here? What is he focusing on so intently? Is there somethin- 
“You’re looking at the mistletoe? Does it really not exist in your hyrule… I guess that means the traditions doesn’t exist either then, does it?”
“So I’m right then? It doesn’t?”
Why does he seem a little ashamed by that, his ears have drooped and he doesn’t want to look at me. Is he that used to always knowing about plants or is it that he’s worried about having lost his memories about it. 
“to be fair wild, I'm not entirely sure it exists in hyrule anyway. might just be something from my world.”
“what kind of tradition is it, do you miss it at all?”
“hmm, well it's mostly just fun… depends on who you're with really. Want me to show you what it is?”
he's perking up a bit now, still a little down but that should change in a moment seeing as he's nodding. 
“You sure? you don't even know what it is and you wanna go through with it?”
“You’re not making it sound like a good thing… Twi isn’t going to lecture us for this is he?”
“No, no of course not. Not unless he’s got a secret crush on me anyway.”
Before he had a chance to respond, I already had a hand on his collar pulling him toward me. If he wants to learn about the mistletoe then what could possibly be better than experience. I’ve been wanting to kiss him for a while now too, so it’s a perfect excuse. His lips are so soft, incredible considering how he lives the shrine must’ve had some permanent effects after it all. Kissing him is awkward to say the least, the mixture of him being caught so off guard and the fact he’s frozen solid leads to a very quick attempt at a quick peck on the lips. 
Until it's over, and I've pulled away from him. It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't mildly disappointed by how little he reacted, maybe I was reading all the signs wrong and he simply didn't care for me like that. I should have given him more of a hint to what I was going to do, if he doesn't like me then it was simply cruel to force him to kiss me.
“I - sorry I didn't - I made you uncomfortable I should've told you what it was. I'm sorry link.”
“That’s the tradition then? Pressing your lips to someone elses?”
“Not quite - it’s to kiss whoever you’re standing under it with but I didn’t want to overwhelm you with...hu-!”
The disappointment must’ve shown on my face, or he just… did he just want to kiss me again? This time he’s the one taking the lead, holding my face so gently in his hands sliding his fingers slowly into my hair. The fact that he’s likely never kissed anyone makes it more clumsy, gently and softly he’s trying to find the best way to do it and I’m loving every second of it. Even despite it being the most uncertain kiss I’ve ever had… it’s taking my breath away simply how much care is going into it. Drawing a soft gasp from me too with how he’s biting faintly on my lips. 
Everything has to come to an end eventually though, as he pulls away with a smirk and the cutest blush I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’ll have to devote a lot more of my time to flustering him from now on, there’s no possible way that I could go without seeing that at least once more in my life. I would rather the shadow simply kill me than be condemned to that fate. 
“That was -”
“ - It was amazing link. Would you… if I asked would you do it again?” That seemed to be the final thing to fully overwhelm him, with his face going from being softly dusted with blush to being a scorching crimson while he’s trying to shy away in his own hair. If I didn’t think I could go without the one before, then I already know I’ll die if I don’t get to see it more often. It’s a shame he’s trying so hard to hide it, if only I could just…
“[Name]... What are you?”
“Oh! I um… I wasn’t thinking I just. I you look so cute and I just, you don’t need to hide yourself away from me link.”
Just a shaky breath and nuzzling his head on my hand in response. He can’t even look me in the eye. 
“Does this mean that you like the tradition though?”
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this is evolving into a proper taglist now, if you'd like to join feel free to ask! - @sketchyspook, @fanfic-fairy-fountain, @mushroomwoods, @glowyskull
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hey me again with old Predacon buddy maybe have Predacon buddy join Bee's team how would the other Autobots react meeting old Predacon buddy
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon is just traveling where ever their wisdom is needed.
I combined this one and another request that was similar to this one.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meets Team Bee
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
When Buddy dreamt about Prime, they half thought it was finally their time.
But then the idea ruled out as the Prime told them that Bumblebee needed help with his situation with his team on Earth.
Buddy is ready to tear down any wall that stands in their way.
No wonder Bumblebee hadn’t been returning their calls.
He was all the way down on Earth.
And with a team?
What situation?!
What was going on?!
Buddy was getting too old for this.
Thankfully a spacebridge was provided for them.
Buddy had to admit they missed Earth.
Less alt mode judgement here
As soon as Buddy caught a whiff of Bee’s scent, they were off in the night sky.
Once they were near a scrapyard the scent had gotten stronger.
Buddy carefully descended nearby the tall trees and took a moment to sit.
Buddy venting a bit.
“This is definitely not going to be easy this time around.”--Buddy
Buddy turns their helm towards a small human boy.
“…I didn’t know Dinobots got this big.”
“I’m not a Dinobot kiddo. Wait how do you know about Dinobots?”--Buddy
The human boy scratches his head a bit.
Buddy raising their optic a bit.
“You’ve met one haven’t you.”--Buddy
“What if I did?”
Buddy pauses before chuckling a bit.
“You have some spunk kiddo I’ll give you that.”--Buddy
“My name is not ‘kiddo’.”
“Then what is your name my little friend?”--Buddy
“Russel… that sounds like a nice name.”--Buddy
“Really? I mean sure, I guess. What’s yours?”--Russel
“Buddy. And before you go ‘Buddy?’ ‘That’s a weird name.’ or ‘I thought it would be Maimer or Bonecruncher.’ Yes, that is my name.”--Buddy
“I mean you do seem like a nice Con—”--Russel
“Not a Con. I am a Autobot, specifically a Predacon.”--Buddy
“Predacon? Is that something like a Dinobot?”--Russel
“Not exactly. My species is an old one from Cybertron’s earliest years.”--Buddy
“…So. you said you were an Autobot, huh? Prove it.”--Russel
Buddy tilting their helm.
“How do you want me to prove that?”--Buddy
Russel humms while tapping his foot.
“…I don’t know.”--Russel
Buddy laughs a little.
“You’ve mention Dinobot’s an awful lot. Mind showing me your friends. I’m trying to find one myself.”--Buddy
“You lost your friend?”--Russel
Buddy huffs a bit.
“More like ‘Let-me-drop-off-the-face-of-Cybertron-not-tell-anyone-and-let a dream-let-them-know where-I-am’.”--Buddy
Russel laughs a bit before stopping.
“What’s you friends name?”--Russel
“A young mech name Bumblebee.”--Buddy
Russels eyes go wide.
“You know him?”--Buddy
“Know him? He’s my friend too!”--Russel
Buddy chuckles a bit.
“Bumblebee always did have a way with humans. Well now, what are we waiting for.”--Buddy
Buddy rests their helm in front of Russel.
“We’ll cover more ground like this.”--Buddy
Russel smiles.
He climbs onto Buddy’s helm, carefully minding the optics.
Buddy slowly lifts their helm up.
Buddy motions towards the scrapyard.
“Is he over there?”--Buddy
“Yep! That’s where the Team is and my dad.”--Russel
Buddy starts walking towards the Scrapyard.
“Hopefully this will go better than last time.”--Buddy
“What happened last time?”--Rissel
“…I’ll tell you that story another time.”--Buddy
To say there was a bit of panic when a giant metal dragon showed up in the scrapyard was a bit of an understatement.
The dragon was bigger than Grimlock!
And they weren’t even standing up straight!
Buddy simply looked around to see if they saw Bee anywhere.
The group of Autobots had their weapons out and… was that a minibot?
Buddy hadn’t seen one of them in a while.
Most of the Autobots draw out their weapons, minus Grimlock who just transforms into his Dinobot mode.
“Oh! This was the Dinobot you were telling me about Russel?”--Buddy
Russel’s head pops up from on top of Buddy’s helm.
“Yep! Hey guys! Their friendly!”--Russel
“Russel get down from there!”--Drift
“But like how? It not like I can jump down with out break my knees if I wanted to.”--Russel
Buddy slowly lowers their helm so Russel could climb down.
“If you wanted down, all you need to do was ask.”--Buddy
Russel jumps off the last set while Buddy raises their helm back at the Autobots.
“Have any of you seen Bumblebee? I have been looking for him.”--Buddy
Strongarm tensing her shoulders.
“What do you want with the lieutenant?”--Strongarm
“Well first off, lower your—”--Buddy
“No, we are not going to lower our weapons. The first thing your going to do is make us into scrap metal the second we do.”--Sideswipe
“What is the name of Ratchet’s rusty knee joints is going on?!”--Bumblebee
Buddy and Bee stare at each other.
Buddy jumps on to Bee’s chassis making the other scream and try to pry them off of him.
They aren’t lucky.
Bumblebee shrinking a bit.
Buddy expands their wings throwing everyone off.
“I swear to Prime’s spark, if you EVER think about pulling a stunt like that AGAIN I will personally go into the Well of Allspark myself and drag Prime out so we can both give you the scolding of a life time!”--Buddy
Bee chuckles nervously.
“Its good to see you too Buddy.”--Bumblebee
Buddy stops scolding and wraps their wings around the young bot tightly.
“…Anyone care to explain what just happened?!”--Sideswipe
Bee was relieved to finally have some help around.
Buddy was an excellent voice of reason when he felt like he was being a bad leader.
Also a voice to knock some sense into him sometimes.
Whether it be literally or figuratively.
Buddy whacking Bee on the helm.
“What kind of stunt were you trying to pull back there?!”--Buddy
“Well Optimus did it—”--Bumblebee
“Optimus did his things with his limits. You have to do your things with your limits.”--Buddy
“But what if that’s not good enough for the team? It will be my fault if we loose.”--Bumblebee
Buddy sits by Bee.
“Bumblebee, you’re the leader, of course its going to be your fault.”--Buddy
Bee giving them an unimpressed look.
“You know this is the part where you help me—”--Bumblebee
Buddy whacks him in the helm again.
“Will you quit doing that!”--Bumblebee
“When you learn to let me finish.”--Buddy
Be aggressively rubs his helm.
“Everything is going to be your fault one way or the other. As leader you need to accept that. The same way you need to accept that your limits and Prime are different. You both are accomplishing different things in different ways. His ways may not be the best for your situation, as I see it, you have to try some things your way.”--Buddy
“…Thanks Buddy.”--Bumblebee
Buddy chuckling a bit before stretching a bit.
Buddy grunting a bit as some of the joints pop hard.
“Hey, you okay?”--Bumblebee
Buddy giving him a bit of a tired smile.
“I’ll be fine little one. These old joints still work fine.”--Buddy
Strongarm and Sideswipe constantly tried to impress the old Predacon with stunts and facts.
Buddy loved seeing them try and impress them. It was a great source entertainment on slow days.
Though Buddy definitely put their pede down when things got a little too out of hand.
Buddy laying on top of Sideswipe and Strongarm.
The two are grunting and trying to get out of the Predacon’s weight.
“Get! Off!”--Strongarm
Buddy unamused and unbothered.
“Have the both of you decided to apologize to each other?”--Buddy
Bumblebee walks by and spots them.
“They were fighting again?”--Bumblebee
Buddy just nods their helm looking at their claws.
“Bumblebee! Help a bot out!”--Sideswipe
Bumblebee backing off a bit.
“Yeah not doing that. The quickest way your getting out is if you apologize, trust me.”--Bumblebee
“Wait what did you do to get this?”--Sideswipe
Buddy and Bee have a flashback to him and Smokescreen under Buddy’s weight.
“That’s a story for another time.”--Buddy
Buddy stretches their tail a bit.
“Not. A. Word.”—Buddy
“Yes Buddy.”—Bumblebee, Strongarm, and Sideswipe
Grimlock loved being around Buddy.
Finally, someone who understood the struggle of having an alt mode that wasn’t a vehicle!
Grimlock loves hearing all the stories Buddy has.
He means everyone.
From the happy ones.
To the sad ones.
To the funny ones.
And the serious ones.
It surprised him a lot how well Buddy kept up with him and how many times they would win during sparring matches.
After another victory from Buddy.
“Wooowie! That was fun!”--Grimlock
“Sure, was Grimlock.”--Buddy
“Wanna go another round?”--Grimlock
Buddy already laying down on the sunny part of their training ‘arena’.
“Maybe in a bit Grimlock. I’m a bit tired out.”--Buddy
Grimlock looks at them confused.
“But its only been half an hour? The team usually does an hour before we take a break.”--Grimlock
Buddy chuckles a bit getting comfortable as Grimlock sit in front of them.
“Well I am a bit older Grimlock, this frame is only going to go so far with my age.”--Buddy
Grimlock now laying down in front of them.
“Okay, then I guess I’ll nap here too.”
“You don’t have to Grimlock.”--Buddy
“Nuh nuh. I’m staying right here.”--Grimlock
Buddy smiles a bit before tucking their helm into their wings while draping their tail over Grimlock’s as they both take a nap under the warm sun.
Drift and the minis were a bit cautious at first.
Drift thought Buddy was going to be another Grimlock.
Except older and bulkier.
But he was sorely mistaken.
Drift never imagined a Predacon such as Buddy to be so fluid with their fighting motions, even when training.
The samurai has defiantly asked Buddy to be his sparring partner more than once.
He was not immune from the grandparent vibes.
His mini’s loved hearing Buddy’s stories with Russel.
Drift coming back from patrol to see the mini’s and Russel sitting down as Buddy acted out something.
Drift couldn’t hear what Buddy was saying.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”--Denny
“I do not know.”--Drift
Buddy makes the motion of a sword going through a body.
“…Maybe its something they saw on TV once?”--Denny
Buddy now mimics the motion of body slamming something.
“…I do not think so.”--Drift
One thing the team did notice was Buddy sometimes having trouble flying for long periods of time or remembering where things were.
It was the least they could do.
Bumblebee is especially vigilante over Buddy’s little problems.
Everyone wants to do their part in helping the ageing Predacon with their life when they helped them so much. Even do some less exciting things with them.
Buddy starts to lay down in a shady spot in the scrapyard.
“You’re not going to your sunny spot today?”--Russel
Buddy shaking their helm.
Russel just sits next to Buddy’s helm and leans back.
“Russel? What are you doing?”--Buddy
“I’m going to take a nap here.”--Russel
“You don’t need to. I’m sure the rest of the team—”--Buddy
“—is coming over.”--Russel
The team shows up and starts getting ready to take a mid-day nap with Buddy.
Buddy raises their wings and tail and carefully drapes them on their little family.
This is nice.
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kriffingstars · 6 months
johnny mactavish; t-shirt
pairing: Johnny MacTavish x Price!Reader summary: Uncle Price doesn’t know how to feel about you wearing Johnny’s t-shirt warnings: verrrrrry slight age gap (I imagine reader to be around 20, Johnny is 26), allusions to sex a/n: hahaha left you all on a cliff hanger! sorry not sorry. this series is intended to be released in non-chronological order, which allows me to write whatever i’m in the mood for. it alsoooooo allows you guys to send in requests so keep ‘em coming. prompts, lines of dialogue, non cod gifs. and once again, thank you all for your continued support! i promise i will post a continuation of found out, but i want to flesh the relationship out a little more so we can understand everyone’s reactions better, and build on the lead up to the Price/Soap confrontation
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You expected the morning after to be awkward. One night stands aren’t really your thing, especially when said one night stand works with your Uncle and you already have feelings simmering beneath the surface.
Never one to disappoint, Johnny is sauntering into his bedroom with a mug of coffee and a plate of bacon and eggs. It’s not his smile or the corny, but still somehow endearing joke he makes, that causes you to laugh.
No, it’s the kiss the cook apron he’s wearing with nothing but the boxers he slipped on when he got out of bed, long before you were awake.
Once both things have been handed off to you, he’s pressing sweet kisses to your forehead before chasing after your lips.
In the sanctity of his flat, nothing else matters, it’s just the two of you, and the surprising domesticity.
“I want to take you out, proper date. Dress up and everything for you.”
He admits as you rest your head in the crook of his neck, breakfast long since finished. His hands dance innocently on the outside of your thigh, appreciating the feel of your skin on his.
“I’ve got nothing to wear,” you giggle, pressing your face further into him.
You don’t think you ever want to leave his embrace.
“I don’t mean now,” he mumbled, another kiss to your crown.
“I mean when you’re home. I’ll pick you up…want to do things properly with you.”
Now’s not the time to question about what your Uncle is going to think of it. That’s a worry for later, and whilst you’re here with Johnny you’re going to make the most of it. Leave the overthinking for when you’re back in your own bed at home.
The morning slips away far too quickly for either of you. Johnny savours every moment he can, as if this is the only chance he’ll have.
It will be for a while. Two weeks at least, until his leave is over. He knows he can’t go back to base too soon. I mean he would, but he knows you’d hate the thought of him spending any extra time in the barracks, instead of the comfort of his own home.
When it’s time to get your things packed and ready for the short flight home he chucks a t-shirt from his draw at your head, muttering about how it would be more comfortable than the smart top you were wearing yesterday.
It doesn’t really match the bottoms you have, but you think it doesn’t really matter and Johnny’s not thinking about anything other than he wants to see you in his clothes more, because you look mesmerising.
The drive to the airport isn’t that long, but it’s spent in constant conversation. By the time you’re out the car, your sides are aching from laughter, and you’re beaming at the Scot in front of you.
“Safe journey, text me when you’re home.”
And that’s all he really says as a goodbye, before letting the hand resting gently on your waist slip a little lower and connecting your lips in a sweet kiss.
It leaves you yearning for the slightest bit more, and you guess that was his intention because with one more peck to your cheek his heading back to the car, glancing as he goes and flashing you that boyish grin that lights up his whole face.
The flight is uneventful, and before you know it your bag is in the boot of your Uncle’s car as he drives you both home.
It’s uneventful, mundane conversation about how your conference was, and what he’s been up to in your absence.
Even if it is mundane, it feels like home, and you relish the time you get to spend with the man, before he’s jetting off to some country in need of him.
It’s only when you’re in the kitchen, making the both of you a brew, when Johnny comes up in the conversation.
“That’s not your t-shirt,” is what breaks your concentration from the two mugs in front of you.
“No, it’s not.”
You completely forgot about it, it’s not like you can pass it off as a new one of yours either.
“Put it in the wash, I can give it back to Soap when we’re back at work.”
That’s definitely not the response you were expecting. You were expecting something more chastising and another warning about leaving the man alone and not getting too invested.
“Hope he didn’t try any funny business.”
Ah, there it is.
Your Uncle is trying to be as nonchalant as possible, and had you not had a pang of guilt punch you in the gut it would be funny. The way he’s trying to casually lean on the counter in the kitchen and carefully studying your face for any sort of micro reaction.
As good as John is at his job, when it comes to you, he can never read you quite right. Sure he can tell when you’re happy, sad and anything in between, but what irks him the most is that her can never tell when you’re lying.
Maybe it’s because your tells are exactly the same as his, and recognising that is that bit harder. Either that or you’re just as good a liar as him.
So he misses the brief flash of panic before you plaster a smile on your face, recounting how he was the perfect gentleman, and even slept on the sofa and gave his room up for you.
“I’d expect nothing less,” He surmises, as he accepts the tea from you.
He doesn’t even bat an eyelid when your phone doesn’t stop buzzing all evening, a quick, “It’s just Georgie, from uni. Wants to know all about the conference. She’s gutted she couldn’t go.” settles any doubt he had.
Of course it’s not Georgie, it’s the man he warned you about.
The rest of John’s evening, once you’ve gone off to bed, is spent sat on the sofa, catching up on the episodes of bake-off he’s missed over the last few weeks.
It’s nice, and it’s the perfect monotonous activity to tune his mind off from the ruckus that usually follows him.
It’s not long before he’s padding out to the stable door the leads to the back garden, and swinging the top open before lighting the cigar hanging from his mouth. No use letting all the warm air out.
Thanks for looking after her. Appreciate it, mate.
It’s intended as a genuine thank you, and also a subtle reminder of the conversation they had when Soap first met you.
His phone chimes with Soap’s reply.
All good mate, anytime.
Taglist: (please let me know if you’d like to be added, all requests from my taglist will get priority)
@cassiecasluciluce @misshoneypaper @unknownduck0 @iwannabealocalcryptid @darkangel4121 @clear-your-mind-and-dream @mothiing @pepsicolacoochie @samanthamarkle92
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 7 months
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Never Afraid Again
Astarion x Y/N - drabble - 798 WC
Warnings: heavy mention of SA, hurt/comfort, Astarion being a sweetie, def not trauma dumping
At first, Astarion just thought you were amazing with boundaries. Every time he tried to entice you into his bedroll you politely declined. Astarion felt frustrated initially but when he truly felt feelings towards you, he seemed to mind less and less. But now, as time went on, he grew…. Antsy. You had never touched him outside of hugging him when he confessed or innocent touches like holding hands, soft pecks here and there. He wracked his brain but couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t touch him intimately. Astarions thoughts were interrupted when you walked into his tent giving him a small smile.
“Everything ok?” You asked, looking at Astarions scrunched up face.
“Darling… can I… do you…” he trailed off, laughing breathily. What he wanted to ask sounded ridiculous. 
You grew slightly worried, moving to sit with him, you tentatively took his hands. You traced over them, drawing invisible patterns into them. “What is it? You can tell me anything.” You encouraged him. 
“Do you… find me… attractive? Physically, I mean…” Astarion grumbled out. 
You laughed, cheeks flushing a bit before you realized he was being dead serious. “What? Darling, you are the most beautiful creature I ever beheld.” You said, tucking white curls behind his ears. 
Astarion’s lips twitched up momentarily, “Then… how come you never touch me? You always seem so… distant when it comes to touch. And of course I’d never want to force you… I’m just curious I guess?”
You nodded, understanding none of this was coming from a place of malice, just curiosity. Truth be told, you knew this conversation was going to be had at some point. You retracted your hands, taking a few deep breaths before speaking. Your hands picked at each other, trying to calm your erratic heart. Astarion had never seen you like this, you had been together for a year and he had never questioned this matter, and now, he is unsure if he should have brought it up at all. 
“A few months before we met… I was at The Blushing Mermaid with a few friends, we were celebrating ones new apprenticeship. Something was wrong with my drink so I went to the alley for some fresh air… I didn’t… I didn’t see them, I didn’t know anyone followed me…” your voice hitched, you cleared your throat before continuing. “They… took liberties… they forced me… I didn’t want to… Lucretious found me, she kept me safe in the circus until, well, until the nautiloid.” You quickly wiped the tear away that spilled unceremoniously. You couldn’t look Astarion in the eyes, you didn’t want to see the pity or disgust or anything. 
Astarion’s mind was brewing with violent fantasies of what he could do to your attacker. Everything made sense now. Why you jumped whenever he walked up behind you, why you were so on edge in Baldur’s Gate, why you never sought out intimate touch. 
“Darling,” he spoke, in hopes of getting your eyes to meet his. You cautiously flicked your eyes to his, only for a moment. “What happened to you wasn’t your fault. It was a vile, wretched thing that never should have happened and I’m… I’m so sorry it did my love.” He spoke softly, slowly opening his hand to you, giving you the choice to take it or reject it. You took his hand and pulled yourself into him for a hug. He shifted you so you sat in his lap, your head in the crook of his neck. You let it out, all of it. You wept for what felt like ages. Your hands fisted Astarions shirt tightly, tears fell onto the fabric. Astarion held you tightly, kissing your head and whispering affirmations to you. 
When your breathing mellowed out and your sobs turned into random mewls, only then did Astarion pull away to look at you. “You never have to be afraid like that again… I’ll always be here for you, with you…” he delicately kissed your cheek, “We never have to do anything you don’t want to do.” 
For the first time since you walked into the tent that night, you smiled at him. It was a small smile but a smile no less. “I want to… do things with you… it’ll just take time. When it happened, I felt like somebody ripped all my skin off. It takes time to grow back. But when I am ready… I want to do those things with you.” Astarion smiled back at you. His eyes had never been so soft and round. He truly loved you, and whatever you needed he would be there for you. 
You tentatively took his face in your hands, kissing him softly. He held your wrists, kissing them both when you two separated. “Love you.” You said, blushing. 
“Love you most.” He said back as you snuggled yourself into him.
Naboo's Note:
Hello everyone! A bit of a heavier piece but it felt good to write. If you or someone you know has been SA'd and would like help please reach out to +1 202-501-4444 this is a world wide SA crisis line operating 24/7. You aren't alone in this. In writing news - I'm going to post another fic or two today. As always - thank you for the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests. Ilysm, talk soon xoxoxoxo
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