#guys im climbing the walls right now
elijah-loyal · 4 months
liveblog tmagp 7
oh god i forgot how much i hate/love the intro music (see: my post about the fact that parts of it are missing for me bc of my ear and hearing issues <3)
oh no i think celia's smart, oh that poor woman
(the chills crawled up my throat and i felt like throwing up <33 thank you episode writer for this horror)
uh oh shouting human face???
hey i think it's funny how she can't remember their names?? whats that all about
"it's all for a good cause" i feel like that's gonna come back to bite them in the ass soon
"personal development sabbatical" my ass
oh god these bitches would have HAD my ass with the printing press and taxidermy vulture and medical equipment
woa who the fuck are these people?? evil anatomy students core??
again, the sound design for this is so beautiful and fucking terrifying, kudos to everyone for that <33
oh god
oh god she recognizes him
oh fuck is it actually jon
is he actually in the fucking computer
(i am on the verge of tears)
ok im actually crying right now, oh fuck guys, what the fuck
oh shit colin knows
(lmao though bro was funny asf)
everyone just absolutely BASHING on gwen's nepotism lmfao
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grugruel · 2 months
His Little Killer
Pairings: Cooper howard x f!reader
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Summary: in reluctant companionship with a ghoul, which turns out to be exactly as dreadful as you'd thought. You find yourself in a shoot-out where–post battle–one of your usual fights end way more pleasurable than usual.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: (violence, blood, death, in typical fallout manners), enemies to lovers, choking, pinv sex, rough sex, fingering, creampie, pet names (darlin', honey, killer, sweetheart), praise, a pinch of degradation.
AN: not yet proofread! Hope yall enjoy! (Yes, I'm unwell.'
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Wood shattering, explosions booming–and charging footsteps heading straight for me. 'At my right!' I shout, gesturing in the direction of the steps. My voice barely registering above the racket of the fight.
Nonetheless, he heard me, I knew he did. Because bullets suddenly whizz past my makeshift cover in every direction except to my right.
The ammunition creating sick squelching noises as they collide with their targets, bloodsplatter spraying the walls a horrifying deep red. Meanwhile, in my corner. The heavy footsteps were left wide open to plough through the old wooden barrels I was hiding behind, 'Holy shii-' I squeak as im tackled to the floor with enough force to knock the breath out of my lungs. I try to cough, try to make my lungs open up as the man grabs hold of me. I hit my chest hard, desperately hoping it would do something–
He grabs my boots, pulling me toward him and finally- I get a breath of air. 'Stupid, fucking asshole.' I mutter through clenched teeth as I lunge and wrestle my attacker, our quarreling bodies kicking up a cloud of dust to swirl around us.
The man was big and foul-smelling, maybe it would've been better refered to as an it, considering the animalistic growls, snapping teeth, and fraying lips that bit and lunged at my face. He attempted to pin my arms to the ground while aiming its teeth at my jugular, but I was quicker. My knee smashing into his balls before he had a single thought of defending himself. He cried out in pain and I took my chance to roll him over, pinning him down with my weight instead, and I began throwing a wave of punches to his face, over and over again. 'I said MY right!' I shouted over my shoulder, weeks of fury and frustration bubbling up inside me as it fueled me into beating the ugly mut unrecognizable–when a second force slammed into my back, knocking me onto the ground once again. Another man, now climbing on top of me, his dirty fingers slithering around my throat and-
Another splatter, this time it's his blood–the second man's, and its sprayed all over me.
'Finally. . .' I exhale heavily, thudding back against the floor, splaying out with relief.
'Were really polishin' up on our teamwork.' A gruff voice announced, words coming out slow and steady with that self-satisfied tone which never failed to get on my nerves.
I heaved myself up on my forearms, angling my body so what remained of the man slumped off of me, and the source of the voice appeared like a specter from the dead man's shadow. 'You're a real pretty sight when ridin' a man like that.' He said, nodding to the guy with a bashed face.
I rolled my eyes, unbelievable. 'You mean while beating the shit out of him?' I ask, my voice pitching higher as I couldnt quite fathom the nerve of that man, despite forcing myself to get used to it over the past few weeks.
He hummed. 'Mhm, really got me goin' for a sec.'
My face scrunched up in disgust. 'Fucking cowboys.' I spat, renouncing the idea loudly. But, quietly, inside my mind, the thought had my core purring unwillingly.
'I shot right, just like you asked.' He shrugged, stalking closer, the drawl in his voice washing through the barren and now battered bar.
'The hell you did!' I hissed. He stopped at my feet, looming over me with his tall frame, frayed coat swaying around his chins, and that stupid cowboy hat covering half his face just like always. We'd been forced travelling companions for a while now, and I could say a lot of nasty things about him, but it was hard to deny- he was a real fucking apocalypse cowboy. Pretty cool if you cut his personality out of the picture.
'I said my right, what the fuck else do you think I ment with "my"?' I kick the lifeless body with my boot, emphasising my point.
'Well. . .' He shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. '. . .my, right.' He smirked.
I shook my head, shooting him daggers. 'Not even you are moronic enough to get that wrong, ghoul.'
'Well, you're right.' He admitted, shocking me for a second. But then, the problem I've always had with him, inescapable and always the same–he never shut his damn mouth when he ought to–and continued, 'You need to work om your phrasin', honey.'
I shut my eyes, screwing them together so tight I began wishing I could disintegrate from annoyance and seep through the cracks between the weathered floorboards like a corn of sand. But no, I was stuck with him, and had to lay there listening to his idiocy. 'How–?' I sighed a heavy, exasperated sigh. '–is it possible for a man to be so full of himself, yet- never talk about himself?'
'Tricks of the trade, sweetheart.' He winked, clicking his tongue while those forsaken eyes roamed my body like a predator sizing up it's prey, and extended a hand toward me as if it were no big deal.
Exhausted as I was, accepting his help seemed sorely tempting to my tired body. After a moments hesitation, I decided–once, wouldn't harm my morals. So, I grabbed his hand with reluctance and let him pull me to my feet. 'I could've died, I hope you realise.'
'Yes. . . But you didn't.' His lips pulling into a grin. 'I wouldn't let that happen'.'
'You're a real bastard, y'know that?' the words left my lips with an unintentional drawl, damn that man.
The ghoul cocked an inexistent eyebrow. 'If I didnt know any better, I'd say im rubbin' of on you, honey.'
Another scoff from me. 'The only thing you're rubbing–is me the wrong way.' I spat, this time making a point of speaking as plainly as possible.
His eyes lit up suspiciously, filling with mischief as his widening smile creased them. 'Well, tell me how you like it then and I'll do it the right way.' He smirked, his voice gravely as it scraped along my spine with a shiver. He always did this, He'd call me nicknames, flirt with me. All cause he knew I hated it. But now he's just bordering on harassment. It did however, not, stop the heat from rising to my cheeks, or for a blush to seep through my skin. He'd staggered me, I truly didn't know how to react. What happened next was purely instinctively driven–
The palm of my hand made contact with his cheek, a crisp slap sounding out through the room. I even confused myself for a moment, almost as I was the one who'd been hit. But I would've been furious, how he reacted, well. . .
'There you are. . .' He purred, his tone lethal. '. . .my little killer.' A grin spreading across his face as he took a step closer.
He was pure poison, somehow both hot and cold as he ran through my veins. 'I ain't yours.' He wss the only person- ghoul, who could get on every nerve I possessed, lighting it ablaze with frustration.
'No. . .? You ain't?' He chuckled, 'You're sure startin' to sound like it, sweetheart. I see the way you look at me, the way you blush when I call you pretty little names.' He nodded toward my eyes, his hat tipping with the movement as he took another step, gaining on the precious distance between us. I feared he was right, too, my cheeks burned in a way I'd never noticed before. Had I always reacted like this? Before I knew it–I'd flung my palm for his face a once again-
Only this time, he caught my wrist. 'Tsk tsk tsk, you can do better than that, killer.' He let go off me, forcefully shoving my arm back to my side with a scoff.
But now, I'm the one stepping closer, pushing him away by the chest simultaneously. 'I hate you.' I spit, taking another step and push again, but this time he doesn't budge, and I was left standing mere inches away from him, my hands pressed firmly against his chest as my own heaved with frustrated breaths, strands of hair hanging over my face from the ordeal.
'Good. . .' He whispered, brushing wild strands of hair from my face. '. . .Now, show me how much you hate me.'
I could've slapped him again, pushed him again, done anything else than what I actually did. But my body acted on instinct, again-
I crashed into him, my hands grabbing his face as our lips met in a battle for control. He released a breathy moan, his trigger ready hands finding my waist impossibly quick to pull me flush against him, our bodies clashing together in a thud. He hummed. 'That's right, killer. Show me.' He whispered in the air-swallowing gasps between our kisses.
I put pressure behind my hands, walking him backward while my fingers found the buttons of his vest. Undoing them along with the shirt, then slid his coat and vest down his shoulders in one go, right before his back collided with the bar top. My hands found themselves making their beneath his shirt, feeling the dents of his scarred chest as I sucked his lip between my teeth, and bit down. A sharp hiss escaped him, quickly being replaced by a wide grin. 'Naughty girl.' He breathed.
Smiling, I pushed myself off of him. 'You bring it out of me.' I panted, pulling my shirt over my head and unhooking my bra, letting it fall to the floor.
He leaned back against the bar, bracing himself on his elbows as his eyes roamed over my bare chest and flushed face. 'Those are the prettiest fuckin' tit's I've ever seen. . .' He spoke in a low voice, too filled with lust to allow him anything else. 'Now, would you mind.' His hand gestured below my waist, his index finger sliding through the air as he traced the buttons of my pants from a distance.
And an idea struck me, suddenly feeling like I wanted to indulge myself in a little torture. Turning around, I did as he told me and began unbuttoning them, slowly. Terribly, terribly slowly. Sliding them over my hips and down my thighs, bucking my knees and bending over slightly as I pulled my panties down along with them. Just as I stepped out if them and looked over my shoulder to give him a coy little look, perhaps revel in the feeling of his pained expression–I was in for a surprise.
Turning my head over my shoulder, I came fave to face with him, but he wasn't just standing there- no. He collided with my back, his arms already wrapped around ny front to catch me. His shirt bow nowhere to be seen. 'Enough.' He growled, one strong arm wrapping around my breasts as the other wrapped around my waist. He raised me off the floor, held tightly against his chest. I squeeked, giggling as I pulled my legs up. Completley overcome with the anticipation of what was about to befall me–then I all of a sudden found myself pushed over the bar top, chest against the smooth luke warm surface. The quality off it telling me it hadn't been bought when fitted into this weathered building.
Then, the clanging of metal, leather groaning, friction, and his belt hit the floor. Gruff hands ran over the swell of my ass and down the arch of my back, taking his time to feel all of me. 'Been thinkin' 'bout this, how you'd feel falling apart beneath me, on top of me–' he leaned over me, hand wrapping around my neck as he pulled me flush against him only to whisper in my ear. '–around me. . .' He breathed, dragging the words out. '. . . All wet 'n messy with my cum fillin' you up.'
A moan left my lips. 'Show me.' Was all I could get out, a silent pleading to make all those thoughts a reality–and so he did.
Before I knew it, a hand had disappeared to line himself up with my entrance, pushing inside me without as much as a warning.
'Fuck!' I cried out, my voice breaking as my breath left me. It felt never ending, he was huge. But oh, he felt so good.
He groaned, finally stopping as he'd sunken all the way into my core. 'So wet for me already.' His hand slid over my back and shoulder, molding itself to my throat as the other grabbed my hip. Already flush with my back, he inclined his head, leaving trail of kisses along my spine and neck.
'Fuck me, please Coop-' it was the first time I'd called him by his name, and I realised it the second it left my lips.
His lips curled against my skin, a smile-
He thrusted into me, again and again. My back arching into an angled I had no idea it was capable of, helping him hit my core at every rut of his hips–not that he needed it. The 200+ years of experience really showed, and they were definitely felt.
The bar was dead silent, no noise except for our joint breaths of pleasure and the sound of slapping skin. It was lewd and brutal, and It made me absolutely delerious. His low, pained grunting in my ear did nothing to ease the matter. He'd created an aching so strong within me I wasn't sure It'd ever be able to be tamed.
'Harder, harder, please.' I stuttered, the words barely coming out between my heavy pants. Fuck, he made me feral. Without even trying, that's just what he was capable of. It annoyed me, he managed to annoy me while fucking me senseless. Oh, how I wish I could hate him, but there was no going back now.
Coop left little love bites all along my shoulder, and up the side of my throat, nipping and kissing in equal meassure as his breathing warmed my skin deliciously. Doing it all with such precision I couldnt understand, his thrust were rocking my emtire body, his chest rubbing againdt my back, yet he could be so delicate. I side ive never seen before. 'Little killer ain't so tough no more, is she?' He whispered, placing a kiss behind my ear before biting the lobe, tugging in it gently.
'. . . Mmh- 'm not, I'm not.' I got out. I was whatever he said I was while he delivered this type of pleasure on a silver platter. I didn't care, my morals had been thrown out the window the second his lips touched mine.
'Well, look at that. Admittin' defeat already?' I could feel his stupid grin again, his pace slowing- still ruthless, but it did enough for that feeling of building pressure to wain inside me.
I shook my head, shutting my eyes hard as I tried to focus on his member moving inside me, desperate not to lose that red string that'd lead me to climax.
'Words, sweetheart. Use em'. .'
'Dont fucking care.' I cried. 'J- just- Fuck. Me. Harder.' I ground out, my teeth clenching real hard from a mix of desperation and frustration for the pressure to start rebuilding.
'That'll do.' He groaned, squeezing my throat. All the while his other hand slid down to my cunt, starting condensed circling around my clit. And just like that, he'd made me into a whimpering mess for him to steady, falling apart beneath him just like he'd thought. Then he simply took up right where he left off, without missing a beat he thrusted so ferociously I was sure I'd be bruising on every single part of my body from the vibrations that rumbled through my muscles alone.
The darkness of my lips were specking with white, a wall of pressure building brick by brick in my abdomen. 'Close, so fucking close.' I whimpered.
'Good- Good job sweetheart. Doin' so good for me.' He burried his face in my hair, nuzzling his nose into its scent, inhaling it as he too approached climax. And there it was, that sudden softness. It was almost unsteadying my senses more than his touch, more than his thrusts, but only almost. 'You sound so sweet for me, honey. Let me hear ya'. . .' He moaned, exhaling warmth against the nape of my neck.
I obliged, of course I did. 'Feels so good, Coop- so close. . .' I panted, tears burning my eyes as they began rolling down my cheeks.
He slid his hand upward, keeping it between me jaw and throat, still choking me as he angled my face over my shoulder, enabling him to kiss me properly. And I've never been more thankful because I was about to cry myself dry as the wall broke. Pleasure flooding through my body in tidal waves, my knees bucking beneath me. 'Good girl.' He praised, voice muffled against my lips. Fingers stopping to instead cup my aching cunt. 'My good fuckin' girl, my little killer.' He moaned softly, my lips vibrating from the roughness in his voice as he caught me, delivering a final few ruts of his hips before he too came. Doing just as he promised, filling me up with his cum.
He loosed his grip around my throat and slit, letting me depend on the counter for support while he held me. 'Still hate me?'
'Yes.' I didn't, but it'd be a long time before I admitted that to him.
'Good.' And then there was silence, our lungs catching up with our breaths. 'Still wanna see those pretty hips ride me.' He murmured as he hugged me from behind, his hand sliding lower, pinching my hipbone.
'Ow! Asshole.' I yelped, and he kissed my shoulder to make up for it. But the thought was alluring nonetheless. I wriggled in his embrace, looking around at the destruction we'd caused, at the- dead bodies. And a pang of guilt hit me. 'Fine, but not here.' I agreed, actually wanting nothing more than to get out of there and sit in his lap, maybe ride his thighs too.
We redress, and share a kiss before leaving. 'Can't wait to taste that cunt of yours, killer.' He murmured suddenly. Leaving me staggered once again.
Ugh, I'm done for.
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l1tw1ck · 10 months
Please write more of the toy. PLEASE -🥚
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Toy (2)
dom!bottom!ftm oc x sub!top!masc reader
wellll since you asked sooo nicely and im in the mood to write some sexy dominating men,,, | AFAB Language Used
CW: Non-Con, Dark Content
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Debt Free
CW: Non-Con, Pet Play (Sort of) (puppy pet name, mention of collar and leash)
You were given the opportunity to clear your debt by dating your goddamned debt collector. He fell for you and basically ruined your life, he made you fall deeper and deeper into debt just so he could make you desperate enough to accept his offer. Now you're in his bedroom, wearing a studded collar and a leash. He likes treating you like an obedient dog and making you do things for him knowing you're not allowed to deny him. He could kill you if he wanted to.
He sits comfortably on your face, treating it like a special throne. He arches his back, shivering as he feels your tongue exploring his soft walls. "Mm...just like that, puppy~" He moans. "You've gotten better- uh~!" He gasps as your tongue finds his g-spot. He throws his head back, crying out shamelessly in pleasure as you eat him out. You're not the biggest fan of him but you can't deny the wonderful taste of his pussy and the pretty moans that come out of his mouth. "Yes- yes-" He breathes out.
"Fu- fuck~!" He squirts. "Mmh- such a good puppy.." He grinds down on your face before getting up.
ok i got lazy sorry
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How to Please a Man
CW: Stepcest, Manipulation
this was lowkey difficult to write bc i have no idea how to finger someone 😭😭😭 im an autistic asexual virgin who absolutely hates masturbating with my fingers bc sticky so if anything is off ... thats why
You decided to ask your step father for relationship advice. You're a virgin and you're very nervous about asking out your crush. He was eager to give you advice and even offered to teach you some things.
"I bet you don't even know how to kiss." He climbs onto your lap. "Let me teach you." He doesn't wait for an answer and forces you into a kiss. You try to push him away but he's too strong. He grinds down on your crotch, determined to fuck you.
He finally pulls away from the kiss. "Relax, most guys don't like inexperience. I'll make sure you know what you're doing with him." He stands up and grabs your hand, pulling you into his bedroom and bringing you onto the bed with him. He manages to shimmy his shorts and boxers off, exposing his wet cunt to you. "Don't be scared, try and do what you think would feel good."
You swallow the lump in your throat. He's probably right. Your crush would appreciate it if you knew what you were doing. And this probably doesn't mean anything to him. He's just helping you out. Although you're unaware of your crush's anatomy, this'll probably be helpful for any future endeavors too. You look at his t-dick and hold it with your thumb and index finger, gently sliding it up and down. "Is...is that good?"
"Yeah, so good.." He moans. Jerking his dick is the easiest way to get him off thanks to how sensitive is. "But, you shouldn't rely on just that to please m- him."
"Oh- okay." You slide your finger down his cunt, eyeing him for a reaction. You slowly push your finger inside him, your breathing turns shallow as you take in the feeling of his warmth. You didn't know it felt like this. So warm, so plush, and so fucking wet. God. You feel weird for thinking this way about your step father but dear Lord, his pussy feels amazing. You slide in another finger and fumble around in his insides.
"Try finding my g-spot. You'll know when you find it."
You search around for it, earning a soft gasp from him when you find it. You poke it with the pads of your fingers, effectively pleasing him. You get the smart idea of sucking his dick while doing this.
"Fuck- good boy~" He throws his head back. "That's it. Keep going.."
You find yourself getting turned on by the sound of his moans and his praise. This is so wrong but oh so fucking good.
You keep going until he squirts, making a mess of the bed. You pull your mouth off his dick and lick up his slick before pulling away.
"Do you wanna learn more?" He looks at you with a lopsided smile. You nod eagerly, no longer worried about the morality of this.
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part two for the second part if i remember lololol
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luvyeni · 5 months
p. roommate!seungmin x fem bodied reader | warnings: | words: 0.5k ~ (581) 🐶ㆍ₊⊹
request: Roommate Seungmin who fucks you to stop you going out on a date 🤭
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You turn in your dress; standing in the mirror — you looked hot and seungmin couldn’t agree more. “do you think this is the right dress?” you asked the boy who sat on the bed. “minnie, are you listening?”
Of course he was and of course you look really good; so good he wished it was for him. “of course you do.” He said, you smiled. “thank you.” he watched you bend over to find put your shoes on, your ass peaking from your dress; his cock twitching in his pajama pants. “what if it rains?”
You sighed; your roommate always acted like that when you had a date — coming up with different excuses to make you stay home; it’s gonna rain, he’s gonna be a jerk. “its not gonna to rain.” You said. “you don’t know that.”
“minnie it’s not.” You said, picking up two purses; he had to do something. “now which one.” He stood up, grabbing the purses. “none, you aren’t going.” He took the bags, throwing them. “minnie!” you were ready to yell. “what are you do– hmph!” you were cut off by him slamming his lips against yours.
You felt his hard on pressed against your stomach; he pulled away gripping at your waist. “what’s it gonna take for you to stay with me tonight?”
It didn’t take much for him — maybe you were secretly wanting him to do something; regardless he pushed you down on your bed, your dress self lifting above your waist, your black underwear on display; making him jealous. “you were dressing like this for him?” he slapped your thighs, you yelped. “fucking slut.”
He climbed on the bed, spreading your legs. “trying to show off what’s mine.” He growled , pulling your panties down. “such a wet cunt.” He took his fingers, running up your fold. “is this for me or for him?” he slapped your cunt. “fuck minnie!” you screamed. “answer me slut.”
“y-you.” You moaned, as he freed his thick cock from his pants; the length slapping against his stomach. “then why do you feel the need to slut yourself out for these dumb guys?” he questioned. “you like whoring yourself out, don’t you.” You dumbly nodded. “s-sorry.”
He groaned pushing his cock into your hole; hissing. “fuck! So tight.” He groaned, pulling out, slamming back in. “guess those idiot aren’t fucking you well enough.” You moaned as he in pounded into you. “of course no one will fuck you like could.”
“m-minnie please.” You clawed at his arms. “please what slut, use your words.” He said, his cock dragging along your walls. “i-im gonna cum.” You whined. “I don’t think I should let you.” He said. “I should -fuck- I should edge you until I see fit for making me wait that long.” You begged. “pl-please let me cum, please.” You sobbed out. “stop you fucking whining.” He grunted. “im gonna cum let you cum.”
You felt the knot in your stomach snap, screaming as you came; he fucked you through your orgasm. “fuck, im gonna cum, gonna cum inside you.” He groaned. “pl-please.” He fucked up into you, stilling his hips as he came with a hiss. “my god.”
He slowly pulled out you — just as you phone rang; fuck your date. “answer it.” He said. “w-what?” you stuttered. “I said answer it.” You moaned as you felt him re-enter your sensitive cunt.
“and I want you to tell him you aren’t coming, while you’re taking my cock.”
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huhniebowl · 8 months
Miss Me?
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dominic fike x reader
warnings: nonee
a/n:...hey yall. IM BACK! i missed u pookey🥹.
i'm so sorry for my absence, i missed writing so much, but most of all i missed talking & interacting with u all. second to last year at uni is just really kicking my ass as of late. i've also had insane writer's block, and still do. my confidence as a writer has been at an all-time low, so i hope this short blurb does justice for u! ♥️
i finally have a bit of a breather, so i'm going to work my ass off on requests & hopefully gain my confidence back in the midst of it all.
i love u guys so so much, please enjoy! feels good to be back. :)
Thunder crackles outside, rain pelting against the windows in your room. You have a candle lit on your nightstand, next to your lamp that helps emit a warm glow to the room. It’s nights like these that feel content.
They feel safe. A steaming cup of hot cocoa, an oversized jumper, and a good book. Legs tucked to the side under your comforter. 
You’re only missing one thing. 
You just about hit the part you’ve been waiting for in your book when you hear shuffling outside the room, and then the door creaking open. Just on time. 
He had locked himself in his in-home studio, two doors down from the bedroom. Despite his album drop in the summer, it’s October now and he’s already working towards his third. You admire his dedication and love for his craft, really you do, but he looks tired.
Between the take-off of his acting career, touring, and his new album, he’s consistently on the go. You push your reading glasses up and softly smile at him. 
“Hey, how’s it coming along?” Dom shrugs, closing the door behind him and pulling his hoodie overhead, throwing it on the floor. He smoothes down his band tee and wordlessly climbs into bed with you. He moves in close, swipes your book from your hands, and lightly tosses it on his nightstand. 
You grin, and open your arms wide when he maneuvers himself on top of you. You untuck your legs and spread them out to accommodate him. He lays between them, his cheek pressed snuggly against the space where your neck and shoulder meet. He lets out a breath and you feel his body melt against yours. 
“Missed you.” He mumbles, peppering kisses on your shoulder, then he moves up to your face. You laugh, his curls falling forward around his face and tickling your cheeks. You bring your arms around his neck, fingertips dipping under his shirt to run along the top of his back, before skimming them over the nape of his neck.  
“I’d miss me too if I locked myself in a room for.” You glance over at the wall clock, it's 1 a.m. 
“8 hours!? Jesus, Dom.” Dominic drops face-first onto your chest and curls up into you. One arm wrapped around your stomach, the other lying next to you.
“That’s like a regular workday.” He counters, and you roll your eyes, reaching for the remote to turn on the TV for some background noise.
It causes you to unwrap your arms from around him. You’re just barely able to click on a random episode of some adult cartoon before Dominic lets out a noise of protest. 
“No.” He mumbles. 
“It hasn’t even been 15 seconds.” You roll your eyes, but nonetheless, you put the remote on your nightstand, click off the lamp, and scoop your boyfriend back into your arms.  He says something sarcastic and witty into your shirt, but you don’t have in yourself tonight to rile him up. So you bring a hand up to his hair and rake your nails along his scalp.  
Having Dom this close feels surreal, despite it being years since you began dating. The steady beat of his heart against you. The sigh of contentment he lets go of when you hold him closer and squeeze. Even the grounding grip of his hand laced around yours has you slipping away.
He holds on to you as if you’d slip away from him. Like you’d leave him given the opportunity. That theory’s proved right when you lightly shift down to get yourself more comfortable and on instinct, his hold on you tightens. 
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.” You whisper, kissing his forehead. He hums, moving in closer. He’s so close you can feel his eyelashes wisp against your skin. It reminds you of a fairy. Delicate and soft. 
“Did you miss me today?” You remove your reading glasses and place them next to your cup. 
“I always miss you.” You start, rubbing a hand down his back. 
“How much?” 
“I missed you as much as I miss Abbott Elementry.” You feel him laugh, and shift so he can look up at you. 
“You know you’re probably never getting a season 3 right?” You roll your eyes, push his head back down, and purposely tug a little hard at a curl on the nape of his neck. 
“Fuck you.” He whines, flinching at the pull. You giggle, quickly smoothing your hand over where you pulled. It goes silent after that. 
Rick and Morty fills up the silence.
You start to believe that Dom has fallen asleep, but when you glance down, you see him staring at the rain hitting the window. There’s a faraway look in his eyes, you can almost see the cogs working in his head. 
“Are you happy with me?” He suddenly whispers, and it’s then you understand his silence. You do everything in your power to always make sure Dom knows how much you love him. How much he makes you happy.  How much he makes you smile and makes your life feel like it’s worth living.
Though, no matter how clear you make that, there are still those days when Dom gets in his head. Where his usual rationality, seems to diminish. But you’re always there. Ready to take it all away. 
“Hey.” You start, and the pad of your thumb rubs over his cheekbone. “I honestly don’t think there’s a word I can use that could describe how happy you make me. How safe and content I feel just knowing that I get to come home to you.” 
Dominic shuffles, and you feel his eyelashes flutter closed against your thumb. “I’m more than happy with you. And believe me, when I say, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Dom deeply inhales, then breathes out. His hand squeezes yours, and you feel a kiss being placed on your chest, then your collarbone. One under your chin, then behind your ear. The top of your cheek, the corner of your eye, and finally, he presses a lingering kiss on your lips. 
You press the palm of your hand on the side of his face and push him deeper into you. Kissing him with an intensity you hope says a thousand words. 
He pulls away first and rests his forehead against yours. He’s silent for a moment, the both of you trying to catch your breaths. You see the side of his top lip quirk up, and he pulls back from your face.
“Maybe you’ll get your season three after all. I’ll make a few calls tomorrow.” You laugh out. It’s loud and comes straight from your belly. You mush his face to the side when he starts laughing with you. 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
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thelurchinghound · 7 months
hiii i dunno if id be first request or if u even take them im so sorry if u dont !!! but i was wondering maybe something yandere non con smut? x human male reader !! kink wise maybe somnophilia, knife play, blood? thank u for reading this, have a nice day/night <33
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[Request info] - [Navigation] - [Elias' Pinterest]
Gender: Male reader
Kinks/Warning(s): Non-con, somnophilia, knifeplay, blood, drugging.
A/N: Grrrr I love somnophilia. Didn't know if you wanted a monster yandere so I just made it with my yandere slasher oc who has monster traits but its not really mentioned in this fic. This is a really old request that I got 70% done but then forgot about it.
Oc(s) used: Elias (Killer/Slasher) | Words: 701 | Proofread? No | NSFW |
By hitting 'keep reading' you are accepting that you're 18+ and are fine with reading dark/sensitive content (Don't like? Don't read.)
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Elias had been observing you for a while now. He was always watching but never acting on his impulses, and fuck did he have a lot of them. How badly Elias desires to see you gagging on his cock, your tears staining your cheeks, his name carved into your thigh. He had even gifted you a stuffed plush of your favorite animal, a camera in its eye to watch over you. 
He had kept his patience for so long, but then you took that fucking stupid punk home. It drove him up the wall. Literally, Elias climbed up your house and into your room through your window. How stupid were you, doll, to leave your window unlocked? Oh well, it just makes it more uncomplicated for him. It was almost like you wanted this. You took that spiked drink without any thought. He thinks to himself.
Elias quietly slinks through your room, mindful not to knock anything over. His cock was already bulging in his pants, just as enthusiastic as he was. Stalking up to you with a broad grin, his gloved hand skimming your cheek. "Hey there, doll." He whispers to you, his slender body shifting to straddle your own. Fuck, he wanted to tear off all your clothes right then and there but no. He had to be patient. "You're so fucking stunning when you sleep," Elias mutters softly, his gloved hands gingerly working down your unconscious form. Black gooey tendrils slither from under his shirt, reaching out towards you. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."
He used his knife to cut through your shirt to expose your bare chest. The blade cuts your skin a little. Elias trails his lips down from the nape of your neck to the hem of your pants, lapping at any driblets of blood that well up from the thin cuts. His hot tongue rubs up against your perky nipple, his tongue piercing a stark difference to it. He could feel his cock getting more erect at the thought of you under him now. So pure, so innocent, unknowing of what was happening to you. 
Elias wastes no time pulling down your pants. I've waited long enough. He thinks to himself, his hands trembling while pulling down your underwear. Those tendrils of his wrapping around your legs, spreading them out for him. God, you look so beautiful. 
He takes his time prepping you. The killer wasn't that stupid. It's not like he wanted to hurt you too much. He just wanted to make you his own. His gloved hands ran over your body once he got done prepping you, wiping off the lube he used on his pants. Elias fumbled around his pants pocket to grab a condom he had brought. 
He unzips his jeans, pulls his cock out, and slips the protection on him. Once he gets himself situated, he starts to push into your tight ass. Soft groans leave him with each inch he forces into you. "Fuck, there we go. Just let me in, doll."
The black drooping tendrils slither up your thighs more, tightening around like snake coils. The tendrils hold your legs up higher for Elias as he starts thrusting harshly in you. Soft grumbles leave the killer. Elias was finally getting his prize. He had killed so much competition to get here. Many other guys think they could steal you away from him. No. You were his from the start, from the second his eyes laid on you.
His thrust starts to get harder and deeper, balls slapping against you with each movement he makes. Gloved hands gripping your hips, squeezing the supple skin there, the grip would surely leave bruises afterward. Elias starts to get sloppy, leaving small kisses along your neck and collarbone. But just marking you with his mouth wasn't enough. He wanted something more permanent. 
After finally finishing inside you, filling up the condom with his cum he grabs his knife. His tendrils helped move you around so he could carve his name into your flesh. The cold metal of the blade slices your skin in harsh swipes. "Don't worry, baby. I won't let anyone else harm you. Only me."
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lizzieislife94x · 5 months
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Pool Party (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizziexG!P Reader
Might get another 2 Requests done today 
Y/ns POV: 
I can't help but laugh as scarlett walks past Colin and shoves him in the pool and walks away like nothing happened "no way that just happened" I yell to scar as she gives me an innocent smile damn coiln must have annoyed her, the only reason I got to meet these awesome people is because my girlfriend works with them but they quickly accepted me as one of their own I'm snapped out of my thoughts as lizzie comes walking out in a brownish orangeish bikini making my mouth drop open she walks over to me with a giggle wrapping her arms around my waist "mhh hey baby might wanna close your mouth before you catch flies" I look down at her as I'm slightly taller and bite my lip "fuck baby you look sexy I can't help but admire how perfect you are" she smirks and leans up kissing me as my hands rest comfortably on her ass squeezing gently pulling her closer to me "mhh baby don't get to excited" lizzie whispers in my ear as her hand discreetly squeezes my dick making me groan at her touch I hate when she's in a teasing mood especially when she knows I can't do anything about it I pull away and wink at lizzie before running to the pool yelling "CANANBALL" everyone cheers and laughs as lizzie shakes her head smiling at me I motion for her to come in which she does with alot more grace than me I go the corner where its empty as lizzie swims to me wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck "hey baby" she whispers gently kissing my lips I smile kissing her back as I take her firm ass cheeks in my hands she bites my lip as I move my right hand round to her thigh sliding it higher as she looks at me with wide eyes "if you wanna be bold and tease me baby you'll have to pay the price" I husk into her ear as my thumb rubs her clit over her bikini bottoms causing her to dig her nails into my back "not here baby someone will see" she breaths out making me smirk "no-one will see princess only way they'll know is if you can't control yourself I mean I have absolutely no problem fucking you infornt of everyone making you scream till you beg me to stop" as soon as I finish my sentence I pull her panties to the side as I slide 2 fingers through her folds as I lean forward kissing her neck she moans closing her eyes as I sink 2 fingers deep inside her with no warning "shh shh shh baby or all your co workers as gonna hear how you sound getting fucked" I bite my lip as she groans into my ear "y/n lizzie you guys wanting hotdogs or burgers" I smirk and look over at scarlett "no we're good thanks might get one later I'm just enjoying a few minutes alone chatting with lizzie" I yell as I continue to thrust my fingers faster I can feel her walls tighten around me but I pull my fingers out before she cums as her eyes snap open and she glares at me "you want to tease well tease ill let you cum later don't worry my love but for now we have guests" I quickly let go of lizzie and swim to the edge as I climb out "you know what can I have a hotdog please scar" she smiles and nods as I go grab a beer I feel lizzies eyes burning into me but ignore it as I lay comfortably on the sun lounger, scarlett hands me a hotdog as I lay back and eat it after 20 minutes a pouty lizzie walks over to me "baby that was so mean" I lift my shades and smirk "sorry my love but if you hadn't noticed were throwing a party" she frowns and sits down in my lap cuddling up to me I gently rub my hand up and down her arm as she snuggles in getting comfortable "liz you wanting food" she looks up at scar "no thank you scar im good" she turns back cuddling into me as I lean down to whisper "I know what meat you want" I can't help but laugh as she slaps my chest "youre right but damn don't call me out" I pull her close and laugh "don't worry baby once they leave ill bring you back out here and fuck you in the pool" I feel her squeeze her thighs together and moan "you better" we spent the rest of the day hanging with friends laughing dancing and drinking. 
5 hours later
"I love our friends but God I'm glad they're gone" I say laughing as I walk over to lizzie wrapping my arms around her "I know right but I wanted them to leave 3 hours ago so you could fuck me but they didn't take the hint" I can't help but laugh and slap her ass as I pick her up and run to the pool jumping in with with a splash, we both come up laughing as I bite my lip and kick my shorts off before throwing them to her as soon as she realises what it is she swims to me fast making me laugh "someone's a little desperate" I pin her to the wall of the pool and easily get her bikini top off while my other hand goes down to remove her bottoms leaving her naked she loosens my bikini top biting her lip leaving us both naked "fuck I've wanted to do this since you walked out in that bikini " I say as I kiss and suck her neck gently I feel her wrap her legs around me trying to grind her core against my dick "if you don't calm down my love ill edge you all night and go to sleep without letting you cum" I hear her inhale sharply as my words hit her "I'm sorry baby ill be good, I just need you" I look up into her eyes as I slide my hand down to grab my dick lining myself up with her entrance as I slide inside her with one sharp thrust bottoming out as she screams and scratches my back "is that better my love is this what you wanted" I moan into her ear as I suck the lobe gently she tries to control herself before speaking "mmh mhhh fuck yes thank you baby" I kiss her roughly as I start to thrust my hips after a few minutes I stop and look into her eyes "yeah baby this is harder I can't get the right force with my thrusts how about I fuck you on the sun lounger" she nods as I walk out of the pool still inside her , her moans filling my ears at the movements I quickly lay her on the lounger climbing ontop of her as I insert myself into her tight cunt again both of us moaning "uh fuck much better my love" I smirk as I start to thrust at the pace I wanted to it doesn't take long for her to cum all down my cock as she spasms under me the sound of my dick slamming into her wet pussy turning me on more "uh fuck baby yes so fucking tight i love it when you cum all over my cock" I moan as I continue my brutal pounding not letting her recover from her orgasm I feel my own getting closer as I lean down biting her neck switching to kissing ny way to her jaw "fuck baby I'm gonna cum really fucking soon where do you want it where will I cum" I feel her nails digging in more as she wraps her legs around me trapping me inside her I couldn't get out if I wanted to the motion enough to send me over the edge as I start to cum with a loud moan as my body falls onto her I feel like there's no end to my cum it keeps shooting both of us moaning into eachothers mouths "fuck lizzie you've never let me cum inside you, you always make me pull out and finish on your stomach tits or ass" she pants as she makes me look at her "I wanted you inside me" I don't even question her I just rest my head on her chest as we both regain our composure after 10 minutes I get up sliding out of her both of us moaning I smirk as my dick slips out and a little of my cum dribbles out her cunt "I felt like i came forever I'm surprised it wasn't like a waterfall when I pulled out" I giggled as lizzie looks at me "baby it shot deep inside me plus while I'm laying like this not much will happen I'm sure when i get up more will dribble out but just so you know that's what's gonna happen everytime we fuck it felt to good to not let it happen again" I bite my lip and lean forward kissing her gently "ok baby let's get you showered and ready for bed" we quickly made our way inside and showered together before getting into bed and cuddling while watching a movie before we fell asleep in one an others arms  
AN: Enjoy babes 😘 all feedback welcomed requests are always open also if anyone just wants to chat feel free to message me im a nice person 😊haha anyway stay hydrated babes word count 1.6k 
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I can get a request please. The reader works for Lockwood and Co but she has the complete opposite personality of what Lockwood has (ex: reader is more of listener rather than a talker and when she is around new people she is more on the quiet side until she gets comfortable around them) and Lockwood falls for the reader. Thank you!
Ain't a Life a Many Splendored Thing?
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a/n: a bit of a shorter post but I think I might make it into a series!! I loved this prompt and I loved writing it sm!!! it's not much but I didn't want to write more before knowing if yall would want a part 2 :) also yes the title is from hello hello by elton john from the hit movie gnomeo and juliet.
pairing: lockwood x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none :)
tags: @hufflepuff1619 (thank you for the request!) @oblivious-idiot @tangledinlove @ikeasupremacy @givemea-dam-break @neewtmas [if u guys want to be put on a tag list just lmk in the comments!!! also if i missed anyone im sorry!!!!]
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The moment that you stepped into 35 Portland Row for your interview, it was obvious to everyone that Lockwood was a goner.
You two were clearly exact opposites- where he was confident and cocky, you seemed more reserved and humble. Where he was reckless, you seemed calculated and exact. And it was now evident that while he found it natural to talk in order to prevent awkward silences around new people (especially those whom he found to be very attractive), you were perfectly comfortable with listening to him ramble.
“And right up here is the attic.” He was saying now as the two of you climbed up the creaking stairs. “You've met Lucy, obviously- this is her room. And yours as well, if you choose to live here.” He watched you take in the room, filled with Lucy's drawings and scarce decorations on the walls, your eyes lingering on the small bed hastily shoved in the corner. He looked at you with apprehension, admittedly a little worried that you would turn to him and say that you'd changed your mind and reject the employment offer.
Instead, you turned to him with a slight smile on your face and said, “Is it ok with Lucy? If I stay here?” Instantly, Lockwood was filled with relief. “It was her idea, actually.” He said softly, watching you nod in understanding. “Alright then.” You said, a sense of finality in your voice. Lockwood smiled and watched as you walked to set the small bag of belongings you had taken to your interview on top of your new bed. “I'll leave you to it, then. Dinner should be ready soon.” He said to you. You didn't respond, but Lockwood wasn't worried- he knew exactly what your soft smile was meant to convey.
“Lockwood, I just- I don't know if she fits here.” It had been only 3 days after you had officially joined Lockwood & Co., but Lockwood wasn't necessarily surprised by the remark George threw him from across the table that morning. You and Lucy were asleep, still tired after facing an infuriating ambush from a large cluster of Type Ones while on a Type Two case.
“What do you mean, George?” Lockwood asked as he took a sip of his tea. “I mean, she's just so quiet. She never speaks, and when she does it's either in one word responses or a couple phrases- even then, she mostly only ever talks to you. I'm just worried about how well she'll be able to communicate in the future.” George explained, his hands moving wildly about.
“You haven't seen her in the field, George- she's brilliant. Her sight is comparable to mine, and her touch… it's like Lucy with her Listening. Yes, she's a bit… reserved, but I'm sure she just needs to warm up to us, is all.” Lockwood smiled at his friend as he took another sip of tea, peeling open the front page of a new issue of True Hauntings.
“Don't think I didn't notice how you avoided the comment about how she only seems to talk to you.” George grumbled, taking a bite out of a piece of toast. Lockwood didn't look up from the text on the page in front of him as he mumbled a soft “I don't know what you're talking about.” George scoffed in response, starting to say something that sounded a lot like “you're clearly gone for her, why do I even try”, when you walked in, hair amess and blinking sleep out of your eyes.
The kitchen fell into immediate silence, George's face flushing in embarrassment as you looked at him, your expression unreadable. “If you're going to talk about me, you could at least do it while I'm around.” Lockwood looked up at that as he didn't notice you silently entering the kitchen. He took in your sleep-addled state and the look of fear in George's eyes. And then you were softly smiling. “I was joking, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” You said before sitting down next to Lockwood.
George snorted. “I think that's the most you've said to me the entire time you've been here.” George said, apparently taking your joke to heart. Lockwood softly kicked George under the table, but you just laughed a little.
Deciding to change the subject, Lockwood turned to you with a smile. “I'm sorry for him. What he meant to say was good morning. Would you like some tea?” You smiled at Lockwood, and he was hit with the thought that it mightve been the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. “Yes, please.” You responded. Lockwood nodded, getting up to turn the kettle on once more.
The morning passed like that- you and George softly trading barbs with one another, Lockwood making you your tea and toast, and Lucy stumbling in once you were almost done with breakfast and mumbling a “gmornin” to you and the boys. Soon, the discussion turned from an easygoing conversation over breakfast and lapsed into a more serious discussion as Lockwood started explaining the cases that you all had scheduled for that night.
You and Lockwood would be going out to a house that was reported to contain a Type Two and a couple Type Ones, George would be staying home to do some research for a bigger case the four of you had coming up the next week (he had also gotten injured a couple of days ago and his wound hadn't fully healed), and Lucy would be going to an office afflicted by a couple Type Ones.
Lockwood had been too busy dishing out the information for the night's events to realize that you hadn't been talking. It was only after Lucy and George had nodded in understanding and set out to set their own respective tasks- Lucy heading down to the basement and George getting ready to go to the Archives- when Lockwood looked to you and realized that you had been drawing on the Thinking Cloth the entire time.
He leaned over slightly, watching as you drew a small landscape on a tiny piece of empty space with a green pen that Lockwood wasn't sure he had ever seen before. He smiled as you drew, watching the concentration on your face. “Did you hear the cases for tonight?” He asked softly, watching the quirk at the corner of your lips.
“George is doing research, Lucy's got a couple of Type Ones, and you and me have got the Type Two.” You clicked your pen, signaling that you were finished with your drawing, and then you turned to look at Lockwood. “How'd I do?” You asked softly. “With the cases, or the drawing?” You shrugged, a look in your eyes that told him “both.” He smiled. “Excellent.” He whispered, making you smile.
Eventually, the two of you migrated from the kitchen to the library. Lockwood sat in his favorite armchair, surveying a stack of recent magazines as he decided which one to read first. You left the room quickly, and Lockwood frowned at your departure as he settled into the chair with a week old gossip rag.
But as quickly as you left, you had returned, a book in your hand as you sat down in the chair next to Lockwood. You two sat there for a while, Lockwood taking breaks to explain to you different London Society news while you happily listened and Lockwood smiling to himself every time you reached a point in your book that made you laugh or make some sort of exclamation of disbelief.
He was content, he realized, to just sit there and exist by your side. While he normally felt the need to make his presence known, to charm and impress anyone he might’ve just met, he found that he was very happy to just sit and read with you.
An hour or so later, Lockwood decided that he wanted to go down to the basement and get some training in before the case that night. He was about to ask you if you'd care to join before he noticed that you had fallen asleep, arms curled around your legs and head laying peacefully against the cushioning of the chair. He smiled as he closed his magazine, getting up slowly and draping a blanket over you without a sound.
As Lockwood walked out of the library, he realized that George had been right. Not about you not fitting in- no, you had definitely proven George wrong. Instead, he was forced to admit that George might've been right about Lockwood being gone for you.
hehehe thanks for reading!!! I just put in my 2 weeks at my soul sucking part time job so I'll hopefully have more motivation to work on these hehe!!! I'll also be making a masterlist very soon- I've been meaning to do that for a while
also if yall want a part 2, pls lmk! I loved writing this and I think I could do a lot more w it hehehehe. anywhom if you've read this far, thank you for reading!!! love u!
mwah, linnie
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
ft. roomie!mattsun !
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꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI. fem. reader, unprotected sex, praise, minimal prep tbh, oral (f!receiving), fingering, slight cervix fucking, creampie, light dose of aftercare — WC : 2.6k
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : after you and matsukawa started your roommates with benefits situation, the two of you have been taking full advantage of it. but tonight, it’s a little different. as the storm rages on outside, you’re doing everything in your power to keep the one inside you at bay. at this point, it’s hard to say whether the thunderstorm or your ever growing feelings for matsukawa are scarier.
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : im insane for this man atp. roommate mattsun lives in my mind rent free sigh. anyway, i hope y’all enjoy this !! i have more ideas for this guy so stay tuned !! and thank u for reading <3
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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the room fills with a bright flash of light, washing over your walls and illuminating every dark corner. within a few seconds, thunder pierces the silence. you couldn’t help but try and bury yourself under the blankets. storms like these were the worst.
the ones that rudely declare its presence in the middle of the night, ripping away any chance at a good night's sleep. the deafening booms ensure a restless night filled with dread knowing that tomorrow will drag on with exhaustion. thunderstorms could be nice, but right now, it has you shrinking further and further into your bed.
another loud noise went off, but it wasn’t thunder this time. you bolt up in your bed, staring at mattsun who was standing dumbly in the doorway, his hand still lingering on the doorknob. it was clear he didn’t mean to bust it open like that, but the damage was done.
“do you mind?” you screech out the last word, your heart beating out at your chest.
“i promise i knocked.” he walked in, chuckling with his hand shoved deep into his pockets. he was wearing those stupid gray sweatpants again and if you weren’t so scared right now, your mind would’ve wandered to what happened the last time he wore those. he knew you liked them and wasn’t afraid to sport them around the house. constantly. “seriously, relax, i just came in to check on you.”
“by scaring the shit out of me?” you huff as he climbs into the bed next to you. you cross your arms at the ease of it all, trying to keep your breathing still. at least you could chalk it up to the thunderstorm making you nervous and not the fact that he was inching closer to you.
“that was an accident.” he rolls his eyes. “you know your door gets stuck.”
“yeah because you and makki tried to play jackass and totally fucked up the lock.” the thunder sounded off again but it was mixed with mattsuns laugh. you tried to focus on that sound instead, not realizing you were leaning into him.
“you got me there.” he gives you a lazy smile before looking around. he knew you were scared and were just trying to keep a brave face. “why don’t we go in the living room and watch a movie? we can bring out our blankets and stuff.”
“yeah-“ the thunder cut you off, the lightning flashes throughout the room, casting a fleeting light over mattsuns face. you look at each other for a moment, your eyes holding back so many words that your lips wish to say. but instead you cower from the loud noise and the weight of your own feelings.
“alright let’s go.” he throws the blanket over you like a cape, the warm fabric wrapping itself around you like a safety net. immediately, he’s picking up the rest of your pillows and blankets, waiting for you to walk out of the room first.
you lead the way, taking your time. he follows you out into the room, throwing the pillows down on the floor.
“hey!” you snap at him, hurrying your way over to pick them up.
“what? we’re gonna lay on the floor.” he said like it was obvious. your eyes trail from him to the couch before you roll them.
“alright, fine. go get your stuff then.” you start arranging the pillows and blankets to a makeshift bed. he goes to his room without another word, hurriedly grabbing his stuff before the next thunder sounds off.
he tosses the pillow against your head, causing you to stumble forward. you whirl around, glaring at him as he holds up the other pillow with a goofy grin.
“are you really trying to have a pillow fight with me right now?” you scoff.
“not much of a fight though, is it.” he shrugs, moving closer. your eyes widen as you scoop up the pillow, turning to whack him against the head. he starts laughing, utterly amused at your attempt. 
“shut up.” you sigh, as you move to sit down. mattsun looks panicked for a moment, so split that if you weren’t already looking at him you would’ve missed it. unbeknownst to you, mattsun was trying his best to distract you from the storm outside, trying to keep your attention on him. 
“alright let’s put on a movie, yeah?” he throws down his pillow next to you, it landing with a soft thud before he practically flops onto the mountain of blankets youre perched on.
“what are we gonna watch?” you ask, trying not to look at the raging storm outside and instead focus on the one brewing deep within his dark eyes.
as soon as he turned on the tv, it blew out. in fact, all the lights in the apartment went out. the slight ticking noise of the AC filtering out before thunder overpowered it, booming throughout the room, causing you to smush yourself further into mattsun’s side.
instantly, his arm is around you. “hey, it’s alright. let me light some candles.” he presses a soft, comforting kiss against your head before getting up, making sure the blanket is safely covering you in his absence.
luckily, you had candles stored all throughout the shared apartment. he carefully took them out as well as his trusty lighter. he went around the room lighting each one, racing against the storm. your eyes didn’t leave him. soon enough, the warm glow filled the otherwise dark space, doing its best to combat the bright flashes from outside.
“there.” he said, looking somewhat proud of his job well done before he turned to look at you, almost surprised to see your eyes already set on his. you sat up, the blanket falling off of your shoulders, pooling around your waist. he slinks over to you and sits down on the blankets, easing you down with him as you lay side by side. “it’ll pass soon, im sure of it. just focus on me, okay?”
“okay.” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. it was a miracle if he heard it at all. the thunder continued to roar outside and he felt you start to tremble in his arms. he looks at you again, slowly moving in to kiss you on the cheek. 
“focus on my lips,” he says, starting to place sloppy, opened mouthed kisses along your neck. your sleep shirt — or rather, his t shirt– slips down your shoulder, leaving it bare. mattsun wasted no time as he trailed down your neck, leaving more kisses along your exposed skin before making his way back up. 
and whatever he was doing — it was working. instead of focusing on the lightning bolts crashing down outside, all you could do was melt from the kisses he laid upon your skin.
his deft fingers find your chin, pulling you in closer so he can properly kiss you on the lips. he was always a good kisser, taking his time as if it would be a crime not to. molding his lips to yours, savoring each bit as you easily find your rhythm together.
even though the kiss wasn’t explicitly passionate, it still left you breathless all the same. each slow caress stole more oxygen from your lungs until you were practically gasping for air. but he didn’t let up, sliding his hand up your thigh as his lips press against your neck. 
thunder clashed overhead again, causing mattsun’s hold on your thigh to grow tighter, using it as leverage to pull you flush against him as his own legs slot between yours. 
“gonna prep you now.” he mumbles against your neck. his fingers grab a hold of your flimsy sleep shorts and pulls them all the way down, along with your underwear. you gasp out but he swallows it, consuming your air once again. 
“already so wet f’me.” he murmurs in your ear, his lips resting on your lobe. he quickly slips another finger in, pumping both of them quickly to try and stretch you out, relishing in the way you squirm under him.
once the small whine left your lips, he couldn’t hold back anymore. giving you one last peck and sliding down, placing a kiss on each of your thighs before his tongue began to tease your folds.
mattsun could lay between your legs for hours if you let him, taking his time to savor you, having you come undone around him again and again until your thighs trembled around his head. it was his salvation, the answer to his prayers, the fix he needed to get through the night.
but he didn’t have that much time tonight, not when you were in desperate need of distraction. your fingers tugged on his hair, causing him to groan out into your cunt. the vibrations sending you closer to the edge. it was too much — his hips stuttered against the blanketed floor, begging for some sort of relief.
“issei-“ you breathe out. mattsun curses the thunder for trying to eat up your sweet sounds, but he moves back up to you so he can press his lips against yours.
“yes?” he asks, slipping a finger past his waistband and sliding off his sweatpants so he can free his aching cock. he needs to feel you. your breath hitches as it nudges against your thighs, his cock already wantonly twitching the moment he comes into contact with you.
“please, i’m ready.” you squirm in his hold, reaching down to wrap your hand around him. he hisses out in pleasure, his forehead knocking down onto yours as he feels his whole body succumb to you, his craving for you becoming too irresistible.
“okay.” he lets you guide him to your entrance, his tip pressing against your clit and trying to soak up all the slick and spit on your messy cunt. his hand wraps around yours, using it to guide him into you quicker, slowly pushing in. 
the stretch always took a second to adjust to once he was fully seated in your warm cunt, buried at the hilt. his size was no easy feat to take, the overwhelmingly sweet pleasure always accompanied by the slight sting of pain. and he was always so patient, softly peppering your skin with kisses. but tonight, you were too impatient for all of that, desperate to feel him. so you start moving your hips, catching him by surprise.
“slow down.” he grips onto your hips tightly, stilling you in place so he could properly collect himself. you pout up at him, not thrilled about having to wait any longer but you humor him. “i’ll give you what you want, don’t you worry, pretty.”
“then get on with it.” you breathe out as he pulls out of you – his tip nestled back at your entrance. he can feel you clench around him, strategically pulsing in a silent command to hurry up. before he starts, he cages you in his arms, pushing back in and lazily moving his hips with shallow thrusts. a small teasing smile takes up his face at your attempt to be demanding.
“don’t get all bratty on me now, i was just getting started.” his hips start to move faster, his cock practically kissing your cervix. each of his thrusts blurring your thoughts together, your mind growing dizzy from the intense pleasure. he looks at you and chuckles, watching your eyes roll to the back of your head in amusement. “you just wanted to be fucked dumb on my cock, is that it?”
“n-no.” you say, turning your head away from him in slight shame. but he barely lets you as he cusps your chin and pulls your attention back onto him.
“you’re lying now?” the smile on his face turns dastardly and you can’t help but moan as he pulls you tighter to him. feeling him stretch you out, overpower your senses, brings you closer as you teeter on the edge.
the thunder roared outside, but you barely heard it as it melted away in the background. it causes you to jump a little bit but you’re secure in mattsuns arms, his hold tightening. his pace doesn’t relent, in fact, it only speeds up. a softer look graces his features as he remembers what he was trying to do – distract you.
the candlelight caresses his face, intimately wrapping itself around his skin in the way that had you envying the soft light. to be that close to him, to share that space, you wanted more. it’s all feels more soft, muted, like he’s really taking care of you.
you clench around him, causing him to groan as you squeeze his cock, barely letting him pull out. he could never keep his cool around you for too long. 
“you’re so fucking pretty. how’d i get so lucky, huh?” he pulls you in closer, pressing up against you as if the air between you two was intruding in your space.
every time his skin touched yours, something new planted itself in its place, running deep through your veins, directly to your heart. no matter how many times you tried to starve it, neglecting to nourish it — it continued to grow to the point you couldn’t bury it anymore.
you loved him.
and it terrified you.
but it also drew you closer to your edge. 
“sei-“ you call out, your fingers gripping the blanket as you arch your back, your chest pressing against his. you can feel your thighs tightening around his hips, his large hands cupping your backside as he practically lifts your bottom half up to meet his thrusts.
you’ve never felt him this deep, like his cock was lodged all the way up inside of you, piercing your heart. you could barely speak, just babbling his name and letting out mewls of pleasure.
he was fucking you dumb but not dumb enough, as those feelings you’ve been trying to hide slips through the cracks and your faced with the horror of loving him — or rather, the horror of possibly having your heartbroken by him. 
“getting close?” he grunts down at you, his voice raspy and streaked with desperation. you brave yourself to look up at him through half lidded eyes, barely able to open them up all the way. you can feel him twitch inside of you as he lets out a groan — teetering on his own edge but adamant to feel you come undone around him first.
“yes, so, so close-“ you cry as his fingers find your clit again, lightly brushing against it and causing you to spiral down, to a paradise or the depths of hell — you didn’t know. all you knew is that you wanted him to come with you as you clutch onto him, dragging him with you as he fills you up with his cum.
he falls to his elbows, careful not to put all of his weight onto you. he kisses you softly, even though he couldn’t catch his breath. he didn’t want to pull out just yet, but knew that he wanted to clean you up.
with one last kiss to your head, he slides out and hisses at the sting of overstimulation. sliding his pants back on, he quickly makes his way to the bathroom. he’s back in another second with a towel, carefully cleaning you up and sliding his shirt back over your head.
you lay there, letting him take care of you as your hazy mind starts coming to again, swirling with many questions that you decide to wait and face them in the morning. for now, it was just nice to soak up all the affection he was giving you.
“i’m gonna blow out the candles, okay?” he asks you softly. you nod, letting him to his thing before he comes back to you and cradles you close to him, getting settled for the night.
even though the thunder had long since died out, neither of you moved. too lost in the sanctuary of each other's arms, creating a warm, safe space where you could both let your guard down, even just a little bit.
mattsun kisses your head gently as you nuzzle further into him. the two of you drifting off into a peaceful sleep, comfortably wrapped up in the blankets and each other's unspoken love.
and in the morning, when makki awoke to see his best friends curled up together on the floor, he didn’t say anything. he just quietly smiled to himself and retreated back into his room.
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luvvixu · 7 months
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sinner and saint
content: fluff, modern!au gojo, lowkeybf!gojo, this was written like last year so it's kinda forgotten but whatevs, im sure he's that guy who would do crazy things like that
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a saint and a sinner. that's how people would call a trope like you two have.
you, y/n l/n, a saint—who grew up in a secluded family who thinks morality, being demure, and growing up like a holy being matters the most.
he, satoru gojo, a sinner—who grew up in a harsh environment but that did not stop him from being himself, a reckless little one, a total opposite of you.
but there was something in him that caught you head over heels. you couldn't even describe him properly on how you fell in love with him because your mind is a mess when his name reaches your brain—in a good way though.
all you can say is that he kissed you one time, and there you knew, and there you have it, love blooms whenever he goes.
meanwhile, from his perspective, it was different. satoru thinks you're way too out of league for him. but that does not halt him, either you, to show your full adoration towards each other. being with you is like a grace from above, he did not pray for it nor manifest it, you just came into his life and he found a reason to continue.
"come on, y/n. it'll not be that bad." a voice whispers from your windowsill. it belongs to your lowkey boyfriend, satoru, who snuck out from their house just to have a late night walk with you.
"hush! are you even aware what time it is?!" you whispered-ly yelled, worried for satoru that he might get caught. knowing that you grew up in a strict slash religious slash mentally draining household. of course, discrimination has no escape in your family.
your lover took a glance at your analog clock by the wall, he glanced up to you with a coy smile, decorating those luscious lips. "it's 11:37 pm, my love. you never told me that you do not know how to read an analog clock." satoru said with full cockiness in his tone.
a glare was sent towards the latter's way as you escalated a sigh at his silliness (you admire him for that). how did you even go in this situation? simple, he was reckless and you love him.
well actually, it all started when he passed you a note during school time. the paper itself looked like a contract more than an invitation, it stated that he was hoping you would join him in a late night walk around your neighborhood's vicinity.
you and your boyfriend live nearby each other. that is why everytime the school ends, you two would always go home together (with matching holding hands, of course). thankfully, the gossipers in your town did not suspect the two of you at all. with extreme carefulness and instinct, the two of you manage to hide your relationship from everybody.
and occasionally, he would steal a kiss from you when it's late and no one was nearby. this always never fails to make your stomach feel like there's a whole sanctuary of butterflies dancing inside.
"i did not even agree with this thing you're saying." back to the present, satoru has been nagging you constantly about this late night walk he's been excited about.
"but you did not disagree, either. So, i guess now that I'm here, you could make up your mind?" satoru planted his hand on his cheeks, looking at you so innocently.
did I mention that he was still literally dangling outside? like his feet were still planted on the roof that he climbed just to be here in your room.
"what if we got caught?" you mumbled, slowly walking back and forth, a habit of yours whenever you feel anxious.
"oh sweetheart, come here." he made you kneel by the window. his warm hands made you feel secure as he cupped your face, looking dead straight in your eyes.
"listen, you know that i would not do anything that will put you in danger, am I right?" you nodded, making satoru smile before planting a small peck right in your nose. "if we ever got caught, which i don't think will be happening in this current situation, i would be fully accountable and i would face the consequences alone."
"don't say that." your eyebrows immediately submerged into a frown.
"say what?"
your fingers reach for his face too, delicately caressing every inch of the face you love. "it's unfair that it would be only you who is at fault. i now want this too. don't taint your name alone with the mistakes we both make." there's a hint of pain and upset in your voice, which did not go unnoticed by your lover.
satoru immediately places a kiss on your forehead to cease the frown forming in your frame. "hey. i'm sorry, okay? i didn't mean to invalidate you. i just want what's best for you." he noticed your tense muscles suddenly came to loose, kind of relieved from what he said to you.
"you're the best for me." you let out your sweetest smile that even ants might get diabetes. you could also see your satoru blushes as his cheeks in your palm suddenly become more warmer and the tip of his ears are visibly red.
"ooh~? someone's blushing?" you teasingly said. the gentleman in front of you chuckles as he takes your fingers and kisses all of your fingertips.
"mmh…i am, indeed." his voice is so sultry that it was your turn to blush—maybe harder than he was earlier.
the couple giggled to each other as they continued to exchange endearing words and sweet little kisses. teenage love is really sweet. for sure when they grow up, this kind of memory would be stamped permanently in their brains.
"this might sound cheesy to you but whatever, i'm just going to say what I want to say."
"alright, but first, why don't you come inside? i'm worried you might get a cold from hanging out there…"
"eh, this is more convenient since you're coming out with me." he just offered you a thumbs up before proceeding to his next speech. you waited for him patiently with a gentle smile decorating your lips.
"as i was saying, whenever you would run your fingers through my hair as we watched the lights of the city go wild, you kept your eyes to me—only to me. at first, it feels wrong but you make it enough just to make it right."
"because i never thought that i would end up with you. a living goddess, a saint, a careful daughter—you're way too opposite of me. but, whenever i see you smile, i...i can see the sparks fly."
"i remember it all, that summer afternoon of July 7th—you held my hand and led me towards the staircase of our classroom building. you whisper my name ever so slowly and softly, and then you say you love me. god! that made me get so captivated by you, everything blooms like a fireworks show."
his blue eyes dived deep inside your own, swimming further as he got lost by your warmth. it held pure praise and adoration for you, and only you. every inch of his body screams that you only own him. That applies the same to you as to satoru.
"so, my love, would you like to go out with me?" your lover lends out his hand, encouraging you to join him into a reckless adventure. with tears slowly formulating in your eyes, you manage to let out a contented laugh—clearly touched by his confesst.
"do I really have to say anything when you literally told me a while ago the reason why you have decided to stay there by the window is that it is more convenient since you're coming out with me?"
satoru blushes slightly. "oh shush! don't make me embarrassed and just say your answer."
your eyes disappeared as you gave her your signature eyed smile, something you would only do when you feel extremely happy.
"whenever there's you, i will always follow you."
"is that a yes?" sometimes, your boyfriend is a big mood killer with his stinky ass jokes that make you want to throw him into the ocean and feed to those little fish who need his nutrients.
"do you not hear what i have said?" your eyes squint over his mischievousness.
"said what?"
this mother—
"okay, i changed my mind. goodnight." without a second thought, you turned your heel away and started to lay down on your bed.
"wait! No, no ,no! my love, i'm just joking—like really! i am just so happy you accepted my offer." you saw satoru struggle to stop you through your peripheral vision, it makes you smile but you remembered that you're annoyed, so you stop yourself.
"hmph! let's just go, we still have class tomorrow." he smiled at your answer before helping you to sneak out through the window.
mumbling some careful words, both of you successfully touch the ground without making any noises. a harsh wind of the night blew within your skins, as you were only wearing a thin fabric of your nightgown.
"here. good thing i bought you some of my extra hoodies." you grin at your boyfriend's caring attitude as he even helps you wear it.
the walk around your subdivision is just perfect and calming. just you and satoru, walking hand in hand, swaying your collided hands occasionally. the moon and the stars above are twinkling, serving as your light along with the light posts near the sidewalk.
"i've always wanted to do this, walking alone with you. i like it that it's just the two of us, i could kiss you anytime i want." you punched his arm weakly and told him to cut it out, but satoru was serious with his words.
"i love you—"
"it's raining? damn, i should've checked the weather first." you man mumbles under his breath and was about to pull you to the nearest shelter when you held his hands. stopping, his blue eyes trailed at you with confusion.
"let's just stay here for a while."
"but baby, you might get sick."
"i won't." you let out a laugh as you pull satoru in the middle of the road, inviting him for a waltz. his hands slowly trail on your curves as you wrap your arms around his neck.
two eyesights are swimming to each other's gaze, drowning themselves with love and neverending adoration.
both of your foreheads are leaning to each other, still swaying and hands are clasping. satoru blew a peck on your nose, he could feel the coldness from the rain—but it was just right because of how the distance of your bodies brings warmth to each other.
"y/n, can i kiss you?" satoru's blue eyes bore into your own orbs, filled with extreme love and adoration towards you.
"you don't have to ask me." answering with the same loudness and softness, you smiled at your lover.
gently, satoru adjusted his grip on your waist before slowly capturing your lips with his. the dynamic rhythm of your kiss matches the dampness of the rain, creating a romantic air within your vicinity.
this is perfect. you couldn't ask for more, he couldn't ask for more. once again, teenage love is indeed very sweet when you're with that one memorable person. in this case, you and satoru are that memorable person.
who knew that a sinner and a saint had this fascinating chemistry?
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erenqueef · 2 months
warnings: mature content! - smut
𝒻ℯ𝓂 𝓇ℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇
title: jealous
(this was originally uploaded on wattpad)
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you couldn't bring yourself to look away from the sight in front of you. suguru geto. your boyfriends best friend. lifting weights with sweat trickling down his face, you feel ashamed, getting turned on from another guy, but could you blame yourself? his long hair, thrown up in a messy half up bun, his muscles seeping through his tight shirt. but he doesn't meet your gaze. your angry boyfriend does.
"y/n." he pulls you out the room, gripping your wrists. "why are you looking at him and not me?"
"satoru i.."
"go to our room." he turns back and goes back to where suguru was, you sigh and walk back to yours and satorus bedroom. about 10 minutes later he comes back.
"y/n go lay down."
you lay back on the bed, not wanting to fuss or argue. your boyfriend crawls on top of you and pecks your lips. "strip for me."
"you herd me right!" he smirks. "take these cloths off." he roles off of you and lays on his side of the bed, throwing his hands behind his head and crossing his legs, you role your eyes and strip from your cloths, his eyes don't leave your body as you toss your cloths to the side, leaving you completely naked. "good girl, now lay in the middle of the bed."
you scoot over to the middle and he climbs on top of you again, pulling out ropes and tying them around your hands and to the head board. "satoru, what the hell are you doing."
(play: kiss land-the weeknd)
"it's a surprise!" he shifts lower and ties your feet to each side of the ends of the bed. "beautiful, now, will you let me touch you?"
your face scowls, but you blush. "of corse, im yours."
"sure you are.." what the hell was that suppose to mean??
he climbs back on top of you and presses his knee against your lips, and not the lips on your face.
"what are you gonna do?" you whisper.
"you'll see."
he leans in and takes one of your breasts into his mouth, swirling his tongue against your sensitive bud, your back arching as your fingers try and reach for his white hair, forgetting they were tied back. he licks down your stomach all the way to your thighs, he takes his time. kissing the outsides and insides of each of your thighs, your hips twitching slightly as his nose tickles your clit. "oops." he giggles, pecking the inside of your thigh again.
you look down, watching him as he teases around your wetness, not giving you what you need yet. suddenly, he pumps his long middle and index fingers inside you, causing your body to stiffen, you let out a high pitched moan as he curls them in and out. "baby.." you moan, your mind moving to.. other places as you close your eyes. where? to suguru geto. picturing him doing this to you instead.
"that's it, y/n. let go for me." your boyfriend leans in and tongues your clit, making you grunt, your limbs pull on the ropes they're held back on as he sucks your sensitive nerves. you were close.
i satorus fingers pumping in and out of you while his talented mouth works on your clit, it was enough to make you cum. your mouth drops as your orgasm hits you, but it's not only open for that reason, it's open cause when you opened your eyes you weren't only looking at your boyfriend pleasuring you, but suguru watching it all, his hands in his pockets and his eyes not looking away from yours for a second. "ah!" you moan, grinding your hips against satorus face as you ride out your high, it was too late to say anything about suguru, too late to push your boyfriend away. you coat satorus fingers with your fluids, he pulls them out of you and licks them clean.
satoru gets off the bed and walks over to suguru, like he knew he was there. or maybe, it's cause he told him to come. "your turn." satoru tells him as he takes his place up against the wall, looking down at you as suguru approaches you.
"hey," suguru smiles, climbing into bed next to you, propping himself up with his elbow as he looked down at you. "am i allowed-"
before he even finishes his sentence you were nodding. suguru grins before grabbing your cheeks between his fingers and thumb, leaning in and planting a kiss against your lips. he felt so fucking good. his lips were wet and cool, his saliva had more of a warmer feeling as he slid his tongue against your lips, asking for you to open.
his fingers drift down your stomach, his middle finger inches lower before making contact with your clit, you moan into the kiss. your eyes opening just to make sure this wasn't some dream, that this was actually suguru. your boyfriends best friend.
he bites and grinds his teeth gently across your bottom lip, causing you to moan again. he applies slightly more pressure against your clit, rubbing it at a medium pace, he was good- no, perfect at this. he knows exactly what makes you moan just from watching satoru pleasure you. he must have been examining you.
he breaks the kiss and opens his eyes, starting into your lidded one's, "is this what you wanted?" he whispers. "you want me?"
you nod, your breathing becoming sloppy. "mhm.." your face heats up, it was embarrassing admitting you wanted him in front of your boyfriend. but at the same time you couldn't say no. cause you did want suguru.
suguru leans in and starts to lick and suck your neck, not enough to leave behind any marks, but enough where it's pleasurable.
your attention shifts to satoru who was approaching you two, climbing in on the opposite side of suguru, he looks down at you and leans in, kissing your lips as suguru kisses your neck. you moan against satorus lips, your thighs twitching as sugurus fingers speed up against your sensitive clit.
satorus hand cups one of your breasts, pinching and twisting your hardened nipple before breaking the kiss and sucking it into his mouth.
you moan, your eyes starting up at the ceiling as the two of them work on you, your boyfriend then grabs sugurus hair and tugs it back before he crashes his lips into his, your eyes beam to them, widening as you watch the two kiss, you bite your lip, you didn't know if you were upset or turned on. you had no room to even be upset, this was hot.
sugurus movements grow sloppy against your clit, frustrating you cause you were so close to being close.
satoru breaks the kiss before they both turn to you, suguru leans in and smacks his lips against yours before satoru crawls down and positions his face between your thighs.
you moan into sugurus mouth as you feel satorus tongue flick your entrance. suguru speeding up his movements on your clit.
all you could hear was the wet sounds of sugurus lips against yours, on top of the wet sounds your pussy was making as satoru tongued your opening. "fuck," you whine. suguru backs his face away from you to look at your tight expression.
"is this good y/n?" suguru whispers.
"yes.. uh huh.." you whine. your back arching as you feel your climax approach.
satoru and suguru both look at each other, signaling some type of look to each other as they both back away from your pussy, leaving you on edge.
satoru sits up on his knees and looks down at you. "not yet baby."
suguru suddenly straddles your shoulders, the bulge in his pants almost suffocating you as satoru unties the ropes on your feet and throes your legs over his shoulders. pressing his bulge against your cunt.
"do you think you can take both of us?" satoru asks as he pulls his pants out and frees his cock, rubbing his pre-cummed tip against your clit.
"yes.." you whine, suguru grins down at you before hopping off your chest and stripping naked. your eyes examine his body as satoru continues to tease you.
suguru straddles your shoulders again, lifting himself up just enough to where your lips were kissing his tip. "suck it.." suguru lowly whimpers, stroking his base.
you open your mouth for suguru, your eyes never leaving his as he slowly thrusts into your mouth, he lets out a groan all while satoru is gripping your hips.
satoru enters you slowly, causing you to moan against sugurus cock. "fuck." suguru moans.
satoru pumps faster into you, your eyes begin to water slightly from choking on sugurus cock and taking your boyfriend at the same time. "your doing so good y/n." satoru grunts. "do you want more?"
you whine against sugurus shaft, signaling you did in fact want more.
suguru pulls his dick out and so does satoru. suguru leaning forward and untying your hands.
"are you sure?" suguru asks looking down at you.
you nod eagerly. "im sure."
suguru climbs off of you before flipping you both over, leaving you on top of him, you look down into his intimidating brown eyes. satoru from behind you pushes your back against against him so your arching for him. "if you say so," satoru gives your ass a playful slap.
sugurus eyes flicker around your face, taking in the details as he slides his cock into your cunt. "fuck," you moan. he enters slowly, letting you get use to this new feeling of his cock.
satoru pours lube over your ass, rubbing it in with his hands before stroking himself with his sticky hands. "ready baby?" satoru guided his cock to your tight asshole, earning a loud whimper to escape your lips.
"it's okay your going great." suguru gives you a reassuring smile.
"god," you squeeze your eyes shut as satoru slowly enters your second hole. "ow satoru!"
he softly chuckles. "im going as easy as i can!"
"fuck.." you whine, nuzzling sugurus neck before satoru grabbing your hair and pulling it back. they were now both all the way in.
"i don't think you'll be able to take us y/n." suguru looks up at your pained face, culling it as tears stream down your cheeks. "are you sure?"
"she got herself into this suguru. this is exactly what she wanted. isn't that right?"
you nod. "mhm, just- ah-"
satoru starts thrusting into you, pouring more lube over your tight hole as he lets go of your hair and holds your shoulders instead.
"fuck!" you yelp. suguru starts thrusting up into you too, still cupping your face and forcing your eyes to him.
"your taking us so fucking good." suguru moans.
satoru grips your hair again, jealousy seeping through his expression. "who do you fucking belong to?"
"i belong to- you.. fuck. i belong to you satoru."
"that's my girl," he smirks, falling to your back, he meets sugurus gaze as they fuck you, they stare at each other intensely as you squirm beneath them. "shit." satoru breaths before kissing the back of your neck. "i'm.." his eyes role back, his speed quickening. "gonna..cum."
"ahh!" you moan as he pounds you harder, your legs limp at this point, tightening around suguru. "me too." you whine, you run your fingers through sugurus hair, gripping it tightly as you prepare to cum.
"y/n," suguru winces, his arms holding you tighter. "cum, you fucking cockslut. you love taking us both at the same time?"
"yes.." you whimper. "i love it so fucking much."
your walls finally tighten around sugurus cock, a loud moan escaping your lips. "fuck." suguru and satoru say in sync. "i'm cumming," satoru pulls out of your ass and strokes himself, his warm cum drizzling your ass. suguru picks up the speed, moaning as he does.
"sit up." he whispers.
you obey, sitting up. satoru behind you holds you in place as suguru thrusts up into you at a relentless speed, you yelp and whine. gripping satoru as you do. "fuck suguru!" you moan.
"shit, you take me so good." with one last thrust he releases inside you, his fingernails digging into your thighs as he does, causing you a bit of pain.
"you did so good baby." satoru kisses your neck as suguru comes to a stop, he sits up and presses his lips against yours.
suguru breaks the kiss and pulls out of you, his cum pouring out from your pussy. "heh, sorry.."
you softly smile, you couldn't even process what just happened. "it's fine, i'm on birth control."
"now suguru, you have that job interview eh?" satoru gives him a look, suguru gets up and re-dresses.
"yeah, almost forgot." he heads to the door, turning to meet your gaze when satoru wasn't looking. he was pointing at his phone and mouthing the words 'text me'
you smile and role your eyes as he walks out, you turn your attention back to satoru who was buried in your neck.
"are you gonna explain to me what the fuck just happened?" you ask.
"i seen the way you look at him, i don't want me girlfriend do go unsatisfied. as long as you know where home is." he smirks, pecking your cheek. "now let's get dressed and cuddle hm?"
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
sub jamie with "please kiss me" and "stay quiet" because trev is in the room next door?
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 “Your gonna have to be Quiet” you told Jamie 
Jamie was laying in bed with you sitting between his legs on your knee’s. Jamie just nodded, not able to trust his voice. You smile happily as you run your fingers down his chest stopping and running your nails over his lower abdomen making him squirm slightly. You giggled at his face the way it slightly scrunched up. Jamie was never one to talk lots in bed but he was vocal when he moaned or whimpered. He would never admit it to anyone that he liked when you took control, the guys would grill him so hard if they knew. You pulled Jamie’s sweatpants down just enough for his cock to spring free and hit his abdomen.
You knew how bad Jamie needed his release, you too were snuggling in bed together and you started to leave soft kisses on his jaw and neck it was meant to be innocent but when Jamie got up to the kitchen, you couldn't help but notice the tent in his pants when he came back and when you brought it up his face started to turn red with embarrassment.
It doesn't matter how many times you and Jamie had sex and the dirtiest things you've done anytime it's you making the move on him he always gets so flustered but the other way around he’s no longer shy he's taking the lead.
You remember this one time you both were at a party and the drinks you both had an effect on how you both were. You ended up being fucked against the closest wall, Jamie leaving open mouth kisses on your neck knowing that were was going to be marks left and know he was going to have face his friends with messy hair and marks all over his girlfriends neck and when he was asked about it. He just rubbed the back of his neck shyly and just shrugged it off.
But right now Jamie was trying his best to keep quiet because Trevor was just in the other room. You slowly stroked his cock smiling at his face as you did. You leaned down and kissed the tip of this cock and a light gasp left his lip’s as a reaction. You took him in your mouth slowly bobbing your head at a painfully slow pace.
“Ah-” Jamie Moaned 
You pulled away and gave Jamie a look
“Jamie I need you to stay quiet” You told him leaving a kiss on the side of his jaw as you continued to jerk him off with one hand
“I'm sorry i-ah I can't -uh”He moaned trying to apologize 
“Oh honey it's ok” You cooded as you held his cheek with the other hand, your thumb rubbing his cheek. “It's hard I know”
You countied to kiss his jaw and rev him up. Jamie moaned a little too loud when you squeezed his tip so you slowed your pace.
“How can I keep ya quiet hm?” You asked kissing his cheek 
“Kiss me pleas-fuck” he responed.
You smiled as you kissed him, feeling him moan into the kiss. You've had enough at this point you were needy too, so you climbed on top of Jamie and removed your pants. Jamie held your hips harshly, you pulled away from the kiss and lined up Jamie’s cock with your entrance and slowly started to sink down onto him until Jamie moaned loudly at the feeling of bottoming out. Your hand flung over his mouth cutting his moan short.
You moved it away when he seemed to collect himself, you put your hands on his chest and started to roll your hips slowly. You bit your lip at the sight in front of you, Jamie’s head was leaning back into the pillow, his hair a mess from his hand running threw it and his mouth slightly open trying not to make a sound.
You leaned down and rested your chest against his and left open mouth kisses on his neck hoping to get him back for what he did at that party. You bounced on his cock at a faster speed trying to get to both your releases. When you snapped your hips Jamie moaned, he just couldn't hold it in anymore.
“Fuuucck y/nn” he whined
“Shhh baby shh” you whispered 
“Im sorry fuck im sorry” he continue to whine 
“I know I know” you said pulling him into a kiss to hide his moan
Jamie grabbed your ass harshly as he moaned into your mouth, you knew he was about to cum by the grip he had on your ass and the high pitched noises that came from him.
“I know you wanna cum J, so cum” you whispered into his ear moving the hair away from his forehead.
You both came at the same time, Jamie throwing his head back and uneven Silent moan leaving him. You dug your nails into his shoulders as you shut your eyes and shook. You both laid there for a moment catching your breath. You laid beside Jamie facing him, running your hands through his hair, and rubbing his arm. Jamie’s eyes were closed but he smiled and pulled you into his chest, you softly kissed his chest before you both fell asleep.
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itzjaza · 9 months
MISS YOU BB!!!HOPE UR ALL FINE AND WELL!! I was thinking that you should write for Peter Gadiot(Shanks) x reader rock climbing!!
Rock Cilmning, Peter G. (HI GIRLY DONT WORRY IM FINE just like I said i had to find a new salon so that my teacher would get off my dick) (anyway remember that guy I was telling you all about, the childhood bully that I'm in love with well IM NOT ANYMORE NOW I'M IN LOVE WITH A NARKOMAN😋)
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Y/n hated everything that involved her climbing up. So when she got the news from the Opla production team, that she had to learn how to rock climb, to act in the show, it was safe to say she considered quitting right there and then. But somehow her boyfriend, Peter had convinced her to tag along with him and Taz to an indoor rock climbing place that was close by. "Nah babe, I can't do this," she said looking up at the wall that curved at the top and was filled with colorful rocks, all different sizes. " 'Course you can love, you got me and Taz to cheer you on." Peter said coming up to her and throwing an arm around her shoulder, "Hun, I know that you're trying to be all supportive and shit, but it's not working." she turned her head to glare at him. making him chuckle nervously and drop his hand from her shoulder. "Okay are we ready?" the trainer asked as he finished putting straps around Taz's body. "Yes." "No." The couple said at the same time, making them glance at one another before looking back at the trainer. "How the hell am I supposed to get down from here!?" Y/n screamed from the top, as Peter and Taz looked up at her from the ground "Just let go love!" Peter screamed back "But what if I fall on my head!?" she looked down at them"You won't that's what the straps are for!" "You better be right, but if I die I'll kill you!" Y/n said letting. "Dom't make me do that ever again." Y/n said as they exited the building "I won't, but the production team might." Peter took her hand into his. "I hate you." "Sure you, love," he smirked and leaned down to kiss her. making her smile. "You to really have to do that in front of me?" Taz said making them jump apart "You really have to ruin the mood?" Y/n mocked his accent making the three laugh.
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amoristt · 11 months
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a/n: yaaay back with part 2 hehehe. im glad you guys r enjoying it so far! i have big plans for this series
- as always comments/reblogs are appreciated! - want to support me? heres my kofi!
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The Accused | Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader, Pt 2
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The hours that followed Ghost leaving you to your own were brutal. It took a few long moments to collect yourself, all tears and trembling hands, but eventually, your legs found the strength to haul your body up to your feet. Your mind replays the last couple minutes on loop tauntingly.
If Ghost hadn't caught you in time, you'd be nothing but a broken egg on the pavement below. Your brain tried to think about what it would have felt like if you had plummeted without haste, but your body reminded you angrily how it felt to hit the wall on your way down. Surely, deep bruises of purple and blue would climb like vines up the side of your frame. Your body would make sure to ache, to remind you of the damage you'd inflicted onto it.
Damaged, but alive.
It feels odd being alive, now. You really had made your choice, fully accepted the gravity of your life cut short. Perhaps it was cowardly. But, ultimately, you knew that it would have been the better outcome between death and eternal imprisonment.
Still, guilt eats away at you. The image of Ghost's eyes through his mask haunts you- that primal fear in those beautiful eyes engraved in the back of your brain. If he hadn't been as fast- if he'd hesitated for even a second, you'd have slipped right through his fingers. You'd have dropped all the way down to the unforgiving concrete and ceased to be right in front of him. It hurts you- the thought of him grieving you like that. Surely he would have hated you for it.
When night came (rather quickly), you took your chance to escape. Wherever point 'A' was, it wasn't so nearby you couldn't scurry down those five flights of stairs and dart into the darkness. You ran from bush to bush, building to building, and even through a knee-deep marsh. You were grateful that this October was warm, but you would be lying to say you appreciated the bugs. Mosquitos ate away at your skin despite your efforts to battle them away.
You'd only been a few miles away from base, so it wasn't long before you were skirting along the trees, staring at the mile-high electric fences surrounding the fort you'd become so familiar with. The base you and Ghost had been staying at was a nice one- with all the fixings and even single-person 'homes'. They were small, one-bedroom trailer-looking flats with all the basic necessities, but compared to the places you'd slept before they may have well as been your own little personal heaven. Warm water and an AC unit-they'd spoiled you and your fellow soldiers. You remember on your first night, cuddled up under the blankets on your very own bed, praying they'd keep you stationed here for the rest of your military days.
But, now, here you were, creeping along the greenery, feeling more foe than friend. From outside, you could see military vehicles parking for the night and soldiers standing guard. Sneaking up on your own base, your own friends, you really did feel like a spy. You linger outside, wondering what to do.
Then it hits you.
And you know exactly where to go.
You disappear back into the trees. It's barely another mile out, but with just the moon overheard to guide you, you struggle to find your way. You pass by trees and boulders of every size, before you enter a small clearing, and tucked all the way to the side is exactly what you were looking for. A dingy half-finished shed engulfed by the canopy of trees and shadows.
And god, there he is, standing there and waiting for you.
In this light, Ghost really does look like he could be a monster. His mask nearly glows. Half covered by murky shadows, dotted by the glowing streaks of the moon passing through the leaves overhead, he stands and waits for you. Like he knew you were coming.
And he was right. Because here you were.
You snap a twig on accident and his body visibly tenses as he searches for the source, but when his eyes find your figure in the darkness it only takes a second for him to realize it's you.
"Been a while since I've been here," you start. He moves to the side as you pass him. The door opens with a dull creak.
"I'm glad we both had the same idea." Ghost grunts.
"You're telling me. I had to ditch my phone and everything, so if you weren't here I'd have no way of contacting you. And y'know what, that's two phones in two months. Talk about bad luck." You sigh.
"Never did find you're old one, hm? Not good, soldier."
"Oh, I'm sure it's lost in the ocean or blown to bits by now."
Ghost scoffs. "Hope so. Get inside."
When you'd first been stationed at his base, boredom often ate away at you until it felt like you'd go crazy. Ghost had been off on his own mission, the few friends you did have at that time never left the base of their own volition. But you, on the other hand, craved exploration. So you found yourself wandering the perimeter around the base, thinking about nothing and everything. That's when you discovered the beat-up old shed. At that time it was nothing more than a caved-in roof, rain-soaked flooring, and a broken window. Over the course of a couple weeks, you began to work to fix it up, glad to have something to focus on during your between-missions time.
When Ghost had returned to base during Christmas, and he realized that you too had no home to return to for the holidays, he began to join you.
Over that Christmas, you both turned it into somewhere you could both go to talk and occasionally share a few drinks. That was when you'd truly bonded with him. That was when he'd finally started letting you in willingly.
Dirt flecks off the frame of the door as you step inside, and it's just as dusty as you remember. Two chairs sit in the center with patchy blankets serving as cushions. An uneven table sits between them, one leg broken half off but supported by water-logged books stacked atop each other.
The moon filters in through the cracked window and paints the brown walls a beautiful blue.
Ghost sits with a grunt, kicking his feet out and sighing. It invites you, calls you in to shut the door behind you and settle beside him. So, you do. The chair creaks underneath your weight and you breathe out the frustrations of the day, gone into the air. For the first time that day, your guard lowers.
You just... breathe.
"What a nightmare this is." You sigh.
Ghost shrugs. "No one knows what 't think. They know something's not right."
A pang of relief visibly flushes through you, cut short when he shakes his head.
"Don't get too excited." He says quietly.
"...And why's that?"
"Graves called in his shadows." Ghost taps his finger against the table, lingering, picking and choosing his next words while you feel anxiety start to bubble within you. When he speaks again, it's forlorn. "He isn't exactly pushing for 'em to bring you in alive."
The weight of your heart dropping could have burst straight through the chair you sat on. It settles into your gut like an awful stone. A dull, pained chuckle escapes you.
"I knew he didn't like me, but damn."
Ghost shakes his head. "He's panicking. Thinks you can tell us where the missiles are."
"Missiles?" You ask, eyebrows raised in concern.
It must have struck him then, that Ghost hadn't yet updated you on the situation arising off-air. And judging by the way he tenses and leans forward in his chair, it must be pretty grim.
"Hassan... He's got our missiles. Three of 'em." As Ghost speaks with newfound hesitation and urgency, you can feel your nerves lighting up with each syllable. "We can't find the damn things. They get out... 'Lot of people will die."
"Jesus Christ." You wipe your palms down your face, eyebrows knit together. "How the hell did he get our missiles?"
"That's what we're trying to figure out. 'Pparently there's some messages and photos of you chatting with one of Hassan's men. That you might know a thing or two on where to find 'em."
"I haven't talked to anyone that wasn't our own." You groan. "God, what the fuck. And pictures?"
"From what I heard. They haven't shown 'em to us. Refuse to, actually." Ghost leans back in his chair, eyeing you like he's holding something back. "Like I said, no one knows what to think."
You stare down at your lap. Though you already know the answer, you find yourself asking anyways, with an uneven voice.
"...You trust me, right...?"
"God's sake." He scoffs, and you regret asking at all.
"I just have to be sure. Pictures can be convincing-"
"Pictures none of us have even laid eyes on. You think I'd be here right now if I didn't believe you?"
Guilt eats away at you, eyes downcast. "I know. I'm sorry. I just... I can't wrap my head around why of all people it had to be me."
"We'll find out. Shepherd won't give us hardly any information, and anything he does give us is... vague." Ghost is choosy with his words. "...Shepherd found and turned the evidence in himself, supposedly."
You feel an actual strike of nausea pulse through you.
"There's no way Shepherd would frame me." Though you try to say it with an even tone, your voice exposes your lack of confidence in your General. You suck in a breath when there's no reply. "Ghost..?"
Ghost doesn't answer, but his eyes do flick to yours. A silent, cautious confirmation.
You swallow. Hard.
"But... But what good could come of this? I mean up until now I've been an exemplary soldier. Like, not to brag here, but I graduated at the fucking top of my squad and I damn well aced every test they threw at me."
"I know all this." Ghost chimes. "Everyone knows all of this. I don't know what the big plan is. I don't even know if there is a big plan. I just know something isn't right."
There's a pause, and his eyes soften.
"I know you wouldn't do this."
Tears well at the waterlines of your eyes and you struggle to hold them back. With the military against you, Shadow's snapping at your heels at every chance they could get, and now faced with the chance that your own fucking general would frame you, you're completely unsure of what to do next. Ghost leans over the table and sets a firm hand on your shoulder.
You bite your tears back, refusing to let him witness you cry again. Twice in one day was just too much on your already shattered ego.
"What do I do?" Your voice betrays you, uneven and breaking.
Ghost stands up and sighs. "You aren't doing anything. You're staying here."
"For real?" You frown up at him, pawing at your eyes angrily. The sight of him preparing to leave makes your stomach churn- the thought of being alone in this shed all night slinking into your mind. "I can't just sit here and do nothing-"
"That's exactly what you're gonna do. Get some rest, tonight." Ghost doesn't even give you the chance to argue, already pulling the door open. You gape at him from your chair with wet eyes. You see the way he lingers, see the way he considers stepping back inside, but his resolve remains firm. For just a brief moment, he turns to look at you from outside.
You sit on the chair, bringing your knees up to your chest. Sounds from all directions reach your waiting ears as you take a final glance at him.
"I'll be back in the morning." He offers. The door shuts, and darkness encases you.
Shrouded in pitch black, listening to the sound of his footsteps growing further and further away, you fear tears sting your eyes once more. All alone, you let them slip down your cheeks.
You'd never felt so alone.
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rubyreduji · 1 year
[minors dni!] [based off an ask i got here]
"ughhh" jiwoo whines at you "you really aren't going to tell me anything at all?"
you roll your eyes "i have no clue what you're talking about"
"yes you do! this has been going on for months just tell me about your mystery man!"
you crinkle your nose up at the nickname. right as you do, jihoon walks into the room, glancing between you and his daughter
"what are you two yelling about?"
"nothing appa, just y/n being THE WORT BEST FRIEND EVER! she won't tell me about the guy she's seeing"
you try not to be embarassed about jiwoo saying all of this to her father. you also try not to be embarassed over the fact that her father is your "mystery man"
jihoon just raises an eyebrow at you, then jiwoo, before walking off
you and jihoon have been hooking up for a while now, and it all started during your second year of college when you went to live with jihoon and jiwoo for a break. you and jihoon had caught each other's attentions and never let go
now you're still staying with them for breaks, and sneaking around jiwoo to hook up. the only issue is that jiwoo has caught onto you hooking up with someone, she just doesn't know it's her dad, and you're hoping to keep it that way
normally you two can get away with it easily, but jiwoo lately has been attatched to your side even more, meaning it's rare for you to get time away from her to sneak off to see jihoon. you can tell it's upsetting the older man as well as he's getting less time with you as well
you might sound cocky, but you're well aware jihoon is very obsessed with you. not only has he told you multiple times but just from the way he looks and acts around you, he's completely entranced and it drives you a bit crazy, knowing you have the rich handsome ceo wrapped around your finger
"fine, don't tell me" jiwoo finally huffs "but i'll eventually get it out of you"
"sure" you mutter
"anyway let's hang out by the pool today" jiwoo changes the subject "appa just had it cleaned and it will be nice with the hot weather"
with that jiwoo grabs your hand and pulls you upstairs to change into your swimsuits. your swimsuit is a bikini you picked out last summer that's a bit booby and high cut at the hips and when you get down to the pool you and jiwoo take a couple pictures before she dives into the water and you sit on the edge, dangling your feet into the water
"come on y/n get into the water!" jiwoo calls after a while. you really don't want to get super wet so you decide to grab a pool floaty and climb on that. this seems to satisfy jiwoo for the time being as she continues to swim around the pool
just when the sun is starting to feel a little too warm on your skin and you're contemplating actually getting in the water, you look up at the house and smirk when you see the man of the house standing at one of the windows, staring down at you. from where you're sitting in the pool you have the perfect view of his face and the hunger that sits in his eyes
it's been a while since you've been able to be with jihoon, with jiwoo always hanging around you and jihoon being busy business man, so you quickly move to the edge of the pool and climb out of the floaty
"hey im gonna run to the bathroom and get a drink, do you want something?"
"can you make me something tropical?" jiwoo asks and you nod
"yeah sure" you tell her before slipping back into the house
you're sure jiwoo will be too distracted swimming (one of her favorite things to do) to realize how long you'll be gone. you walk through the house, searching for jihoon. you and jihoon have never actually fucked while jiwoo is home, but there is quite literally no better time than now
you find jihoon standing where he was earlier, by the windows in the sitting room and before you can even say a word to him he's grabbing you and pushing you against the wall, out of sight of the windows and the pool
his lips are suffocating as he kisses you fiercly, his fingers digging into your waist. you hungrily kiss him back, soaking up everything you've been missing recently
"fuck" he groans when he pulls away from you, his hard cock already rubbing up against you through his pants "you're so naughty, putting on this slutty little bikini and parading yourself around, driving me crazy"
jihoon's fingers are already pulling at the strings of your swimsuit, pulling away from your body to leave you bare to the room. your own hands work at unbuttoning his shirt and pants, pulling his cock out of it's constraints so he can get in you faster
as much as you'd love to have slow, loving sex with the older man, you're a little too desperate and on too much of a time crunch for that
jihoon's head leans down so he can lap at your tits, suckling on one of yoru nipples before moving to the next, his fingers rubbing at your slit as he does
your fingers tug at the hair on the nape of his neck, begging him to slip instead your slick cunt. jihoon seems to get the message and he lines his cock up to you, also deseperate to feel you wrapped around his throbbing length
his slams into you, his cock sinking deep into your pussy, buring your entrance as he does. his cock is thick and it barely fits in you, but you have experience taking him and soon jihoon is thrusting his hips into you at a rapid pace
his hands slip under your thighs as he lifts you up, your legs coming to wrap around his waist. your tits bounce freely as your body is jostled around from the rough thrusts and jihoon takes one his mouth again, his tongue circling the bud before sucking on it hard
you whimper in his arms as you feel his cock dig into your sweet spot, repeatedly ramming against it and sending you into a light headed frenzy
you can feel jihoon's strong hands still on your legs and you wrap your legs around him even tighter, pulling him closer to your body, wanting to feel all of him against you. you stick your hands in his opened button up, sliding over his musuclar shoulders, your own fingers finding purchase there
"f-fuck, jihoon, please" you beg, feeling your body start to tense up
"cum all over my cock baby, i want to feel you cumming around me" he growls, his voice sending you over the edge. he's still fucking into you as you cum around him and even when your body goes limp he doesn't let up until he's cumming into your cunt, filling you up
you whine when you feel the seed hit your walls and you tremble in jihoon's arms, gripping onto him for stability
jihoon lets your legs down gently and he kisses you again, this time sweeter and less intense
"i miss having you like this" jihoon mumbles "jiwoo keeps taking you away from me"
you laugh "you know she is still my best friend"
"yeah, but i'm the one who's obsessed with you" jihoon proclaims and you smile, you think it's cute how needy jihoon really is. the media would have a field day if they knew the harsh, serious lee jihoon was so sweet on you
speaking of jiwoo, you move to glance out the window and see she's still utterly distracted in her own world. you look back at jihoon and smile
"wanna go for round two?"
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vintagexherry · 10 months
One Hell of an Actor
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Ghostface!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//NSFW,Smut, Dacryphilia,Blood, Dub-Con, glove kink, fear kink, slight gore, murder, slight chasing, stalking, implied yandere, implied panty stealing, home invasion, Minor character death, bit of lore
A/N: I never watched Scream since I never liked horror a kid so im gonna put my own twist.
Requested by: @sukioyakio
Miguel was your best partner in crime.
You both met as interns in Alchemax. Although you two didn't get along at first, as time went on, you set differences aside and bonded greatly.
As years went by, both of you quickly climbed to the top and became known geneticists around the science world.
And right now both of you were relaxing on your couch watching the news.
"Creepy, that's a lot for just two weeks." You commented, seeing a person being interviewed about the crime scene. You turned to Miguel, who was resting his face on a closed fist, looking bored. "Do you think it targets specific people?".
Miguel turned to you and smirked.
"Why? You wanna be next?"
You scoffed at him and shook your head lightly. You feel bad about the families that had to endure seeing their love once get brutally murdered.
You suddenly hear your phone ring next to you, you flinced from the loud volume and picked it up, ignoring Miguel's chuckles.
As you see the caller ID, you smiled. It was your boyfriend who was living in another state for awhile due to his job.
Miguel noticed your smile and fought the urge to crush or throw your phone agaist the wall, he recognizes that smile, you never smiled like that to him, you do smile of course but not in the way he wished you'd do.
You stood up from the couch, notifying Miguel that it's your boyfriend and went straight to your bedroom for some privacy.
Miguel knows he's not normal for doing this. He knows he's not normal ever since as a kid. He's been to several therapists about his abnormal behaviour. His aggressiveness always noted to be too much to handle, especially since he beat up several kids in school.
By the age of fifteen, he finally stopped going to those damn therapist, finally deemed as safe and sane.
But little do they know he's one hell of a actor.
Ever since then, he has tried to find multiple outlets for his endless rising anger, he didn't want to go back to those bland and emotionaless buildings, so instead he bought stress toys, but with his strength he always breaks them, He tried punching bags, It lasted longer than stress toys, but with his roughness it would always end up beaten beyond recognition, he tried sex but the people he slept with always complained that he's too rough or it hurts too much.
Finally, he tried murder at the age of twenty.
"Tried." isn't really the right word. In his defence, the guy was an idiot thinking he could rob him when he was just minding his business by walking in the middle of the night.
After another day in college, he wanted to walk home wanting some fresh air. He then felt someone following him, and as he shifted to an alley, he could still hear their footsteps.
The next thing he knows, the guy pulled out a pocket knife and tried to stabbed him, but he dodged in time and punched him in the gut.
The punch seemed to do the trick, but for Miguel, it wasn't enough.
He punched again and again until he heard bones cracking, wet coughs, and warm blood being splattered on him.
He doesn't know how long it has been, but the time he stopped punching the guy was on his knees, sporting multiple bruises, begging him to stop, and started sprouting apologies, or what he could make out of apologies with blood spitting out every word.
But it still wasn't enough.
He saw a glimmer of metal thanks to the moonlight. He realized it was the man's pocket knife who must have dropped during punching spree.
He picked up the knife and chuckled when he noticed how blunt and cheap the knife seemed to be.
The man kneeling on the hard concrete floor started to realize what was about to happen, upon realizing he started to crawl away as fast as he can, trying to ignore the cry of pain of his body and broken bones.
Miguel took his focus away from the knife and glaced at the man, pathetically trying to escape his fate.
Not only is he an idiot who tried to rob him, but he even thinks that he can escape him.
Miguel stepped on the man's ankle, successfully stopping him. Before the man could utter a shout for help, he quickly crouched down and slashed the neck of the man.
Blood splattered everywhere, spraying the floor like spray paint, and painting his hands crimson.
As the man kept withering in place like a worm, his eyes rolled at the back of his head and finally he stopped moving.
Miguel stood up to full height, taking a moment to take in the events that transpired.
He spent a good minute thinking, but nothing came up in his head.
As if on instinct, he dragged the body on the nearby trash bin and threw in it among the other trash.
As he left, he double checked his surroundings for any passerbys, after knowing no one was coming, he pocketed the knife and took off his shoes to avoid leaving footprints and risked his feet to walk on cold concrete.
He's thankful that he was wearing black tonight.
As he arrived home, he automatically removed his blood-stained clothes, and hopped into the shower.
There,his mind went rampant.
He killed a man.
Murdered him.
Punch his guts till they were mushed into smoothie.
Slashed his neck as if filleting a fish.
He killed a man.
As water and blood drips from his hands to the shower floor, he tries to find in his head any form of guilt.
He felt nothing
Nothing but happiness
He never felt this way before, sure his punching bags did the job but not this good.
He felt as if he was Atlas and someone or something finally took off the weight of the world off of him.
He reminisces the sound of breaking bones and squelching blood, and he never heard anything better, even better than those girls he sleeps with when he isn't feeling the punching bag.
After finalizing that his clean of sweat and blood, he dries himself and wraps the towel around his waist.
He suddenly heard his phone ringing from the bedroom.
Once he arrived in the dimly-lit room, the ringing stopped, and in its place was a voicemail.
A voicemail by you.
Ah yes, You.
You both started as interns as much as he remembers.
And he remembers how much of a people pleaser you are.
How annoying it is to watch you say yes with no hesitation when a higher up wanted you to take place of his work station for a minute, you stayed there for hours since he never came back.
But you never complained.
And that annoyed him greatly.
You're too good for your own good.
"Hey, it's me,Y/N L/N, I apologize if I woke up you up or something, I just want to notify you that, surprise! Our research thesis got approved! The higher ups want us to be present by friday evening. He said something about a fancy gala and we both need to dress the best we can, also we can bring a plus one. Im gonna send you the location of the venue, since that's out of the way, I won't bother you anymore and see you soon. Goodnight and congrats again."
He took his phone and played the voicemail while he unwraps himself of his towel and started dressing.
The voicemail ended with a click, and Miguel couldn't help but be tranced by your voice. Sure, you were nothing but a goody two shoes, but you're smart, and he's glad both your hard work paid off. He'll try finding a suit for the said gala.
With that, he turned off his phone and light, heading to bed with a satisfied mind.
Miguel was snap out of his thoughts when you re-enter the living room.
"Guess what! He's coming back next week!" You excitedly informed smiling widely.
"uh huh" Miguel replied his eyes still focusing on the news in front of him.
You scoffed at his reaction, Miguel has never onced show any other emotions other than a scowl or a sarcastic smirk on his face. But he could atleast show something about the news, he knew of your relationship with your boyfriend for several years and he knows how important it is to you that he's finally coming back.
"Is there no hooray or im so happy for you?" You asked, putting your hands on your hips as if your a mother scolding their child.
Miguel rolled his and faced you.
"hooorayyyy, im happy for you." He replied monotonously and went back watching the news.
You sighed, giving up on making him show a bit of emotion but who cares, your boyfriend is coming and you couldn't be anymore excited, you went back to your bedroom, planning to talk to him more, leaving Miguel on his own thoughts again.
Miguel knows for a fact he never liked that pathetic of an excuse you call your boyfriend.
The day of the gala, you bought your boyfriend with you, Miguel didn't bring anyone.
After you and Miguel recieved your awards, Your boyfriend told you his gonna go to the bathroom for a while, You nodded and decided to wait for him while you eat some appetizers on the table.
But Miguel felt suspicious, and it grew seeing your "boyfriend" went to a deserted area of the venue with another woman. Next thing he finds is both of them coming out giggling and panting out of breath.
What do you even see in that guy?
He made eye contact with your boyfriend and all he did was press a finger agaist his lips.
He decided "yea fuck that."
After the gala, you and Miguel went seperate ways to go home and after a few hours he told you of what he saw.
You're smart he can admit that but you can be stupid as fuck in the same time.
You didn't believe a word he said and after you telling him to cut it out, he held himself back from throwing his phone agaist the wall and decided to go out and killed some random drunk lady outside a club who was trying to flirt with him.
"Miguel? Miguellllll, are you there?"
Miguel once again snapped out of his thoughts.
He sigh as he stood up straighter.
"What is it now?"
"I was just gonna go to the grocery since Im missing a few ingredients for dinner, and I was wondering if you could come with me."
Miguel nodded and you thanked him for it.
He kinda wishes he could be alone in your house so he could dig through your dirty laundry again.
But he relented since you once told him that you feel someone is watching you.
Both you and Miguel arrived in the grocery. You're thinking of making some simple Carbonara for dinner. All your missing is cream cheese, garlic, and pepper.
While you're looking for garlic, Miguel opted to carry the basket.
He admits this scenario seems domestic, maybe too domestic, especially when you ask him for his opinions.
After shopping, you paid for your ingredients and went back home.
You wanted to let Miguel stay for dinner since it's the least you could do in return for him coming with you.
There you go again.
Being a goody two shoes.
A good girl, perhaps.
Dinner passed by quickly, and you bid Miguel stay safe as he drove of the night.
You closed and locked your door after saying goodbye, and you double-checked the windows.
After washing the dishes, you head to the bathroom adjacent to your bedroom and prepare to sleep.
You were putting your pyjamas on until you heard a scratching and glass tapping downstairs.
You froze, checking if it was your imagination, thinking maybe it was just stray cats outside.
What that your window breaking!?
In a state of panic, you grab your phone and a taser hidden in your drawer and run to hide in your closet.
You hear movement downstairs continue, and with shaky hands, your fingers automatically find Miguel's number and quickly dialed it.
Your heart beats faster the more it rang, and you fear that he's already asleep.
You're surprised the intruder hasn't come upstairs, but you didn't get enough time to dwell on it since Miguel finally awnsered.
Without waiting for his awnser, you quickly spoke with shaking breaths, trying not to be loud but also trying to hold back tears.
"M-Miguel? Please come back fast! I-I-I.....There's someone! in my house!"
"Y/N?" Miguel answered his voice, which seemed to be muffled as if hidden under fabric. You think that he's probably under his blanket.
"Wherever you are, just stay there. I'm coming." Miguel said urgently.
The call ended, and you clutched your taser tighter, hugging your frame, hoping the intruder won't come find you.
After some time you finally heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N! Where are you!" Miguel called from downstairs.
You found the courage to open the closet door. Just in time, Miguel seemed to rush into your room.
"Y/N! Are you ok?" He said as he crouched down to your level, softly placing his hands on both your cheeks.
You didn't know what to say. You're still clutching on the taser and your body is still shivering from fear.
Miguel notice this
"Don't worry, Mi Vida, once I arrived, their already gone."
You could only weakly breath a thank you before resting your forehead on Miguel's shoulder.
And Miguel let you.
A week has passed since that incident.
Your window got fixed and and you installed a new lock since your previous one got broken down.
Miguel seemed more keen to stay with you more late than ever, he admits he like it, love it even.
You tried denying him, but he insisted, saying that he wants to keep an eye on you.
He kept doing this till you feel sleepy and took that as cue to leave.
One day, your "boyfriend" finally arrived, and you were nothing but ecstatic, hugging and kissing him all over the face.
But he bets another woman did it, too. He bets he enjoyed that job outside the state, but he enjoyed the women there, too.
Since your boyfriend's arrival, he stopped staying late at your place, although he visits from time to time whether you're aware of it or not.
And you feel it.
After that incident weeks ago, you still can't help but feel like as if your being watched.
You told your boyfriend about it and he just kissed your forehead saying it's just your imagination.
You wish it was.
Several weeks pass, and you slowly but surely forget about the breaking and entering.
Right now, your boyfriend has been to his company since he got called in late at night.
You wanted to wait, but he insisted you should get some sleep since you still have work tomorrow.
You finally relented since he was right.
After covering his supposed dinner in the fridge, you triple check every lock, the doors, the windows, everything.
You finally go upstairs to get some shut eye, but as you go up stairs you screamed.
By the balcony, someone wearing full-on black with a mask enters your bedroom, seemingly unborthered by your shout.
He stood there as if taking in your fearful expression, more so enjoying it.
You wanted to call your boyfriend or get the taser, but it's all in your drawer that you can't reach due to the guy who can snap you like a twig is just standing at.
"Oh, were you looking for this?"
You got snapped out of your thoughts when you hear his deep, muffled voice.
in his hands he holds a cellphone, not just any cellphone.
Your boyfriend's cellphone....Splattered with what seems to be blood.
If you weren't scared a while ago, you're petrified now.
Without thinking, you rushed downstairs, heading for the door to shout for help.
But he was fast.
Maybe too fast.
You heard his heavy footsteps too late until you were carried like you were weightless and placed upon his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
You're really panicking now.
You screamed and shouted for help, hoping neighbours would hear you while you flailed your legs and beat at his back with all your strength, especially since blood is rushing to your head.
You yelp from the stinging pain on your ass.
Before you could complain, your were thrown agaist your own bed.
Ohgod is he gonna kill you here?
Leave your body to rot until the police finds it?
Be another victim for people to see on the news?
You tried to crawl away, but he just grabbed your ankle and pulled you back as he started climbing over you.
He can't possibly!
"You know..."
His muffled deep voice startled you again.
"Fear looks good on you.." he finished
You tried processing what he said but didn't have enough time till his large gloved hands ripped away your only protection against him.
The sound of fabric tearing just brings more tears to your face.
"P-p-pplease don't," you pleaded as you tried covering yourself.
He didn't say anything but removed your arms, which left you exposed for him to see.
He gathered your arms and held it above your head with one hand.
His other hand started trailing down and forced your legs open, making space for him in between.
Heavy tears were now streaming down on you, but that didn't seem to bother him. In fact, it probably made him more excited since you felt a bulge nudging your folds.
"Nonono, please no."
You pleaded again
He ignored again
You look down, and he wasted no time sliding a gloved finger into you, putting it on a slow pace.
"Mierda, look at yourself. You're perfect."
You couldn't say anything, your voice can't be trusted, and all you could do was choke on your tears.
The more his gloved finger moves, the more he seems to hit certain spots.
You try to deny it, but he seemed to be an expert at what he's doing.
He added more fingers
He added speed to his pace
You tried holding your whimpers, but it was deemed useless.
The man only seemed to chuckle at your attempt.
"Hide all you want, I know how to get it out of you."
Before you could process what he said, he curled his finger upward, sucessfully hitting that spot that made you moan loudly.
He laughed.
"Told you so."
The faster his fingers go, the more you're reaching your climax, and you hate yourself for it.
But before you did, he took his gloved fingers out and started unbuckling his pants.
If he isn't the monster, the thing between his legs definitely is.
You gulp at the sheer size of it.
"Nonono please, it-it won't fit!"
Yet again, your pleas are ignored
"Shut up and take it." he snarled and you cowered in fear.
He didn't bother wasting his time as he shoved his entire length in one go.
You screamed, he really was too big and it hurt. The man above did nothing pleasurely groan out.
"FUCK Y/N THAT'S IT!" His shout muffled by the mask.
He didn't waste any more time and started a rough and fast pace, making the bed creak from the strength.
You couldn't hold back your moans anymore and continued to spill whimpers and gasps.
The man continued his fast pace again and again.
Until you feel it, you started to tighten and your legs began to shake.
"I-Im gonn-a AH!" without warning you came, creaming around the man's cock.
It didn't seem to bother him since he tightened his hold on your hands, and his hips started to stutter.
"Come on ugh- that's it-"
Your body feels more and more sensitive as he goes, drool, sweat, and tears cover your face
Finally, his hips stop as warm fluid fills you from the inside.
Both of you panted and tried to catch your breath, but in a moment of clarity, you panic since he didn't wear any protection.
But before you could say anything, his hand finally let go of your wrists above your head. He moved to remove his mask, and you froze when you saw who it was.
"Mi....Miguel?" you hoarse voice called.
"bu-but, wh-"
You were interrupted when a strong pair of lips covered your own in a passionate kiss. More drool slipped out of you.
Miguel let go of your lips leaving you breathless.
"Im just one hell of an actor baby."
The End
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