#guys this is satire
xcherryerim · 2 months
and if I write a smut of Futturman using the dune popcorn bucket then what
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kunoichi-of--destiny · 4 months
Vampire Knight: I'm one of the most worst shoujo series ever!
Black Bird: Hold my beer.
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yourflagisvalid · 2 years
victorianboygender (first post!! :3)
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translation if u need help reading- t43 c010r 0f t43 f100r t43y s133p 0n t43 dirt 0n t43ir t035 t43 br3ad t43y st3a1 t43 b0n35 0f t43 rats 0n t43ir f100r k1dn3y fa1lur3 p155 t43 f3c35 mad3 by th3m t43 b100d 1n t431r v0m1t
flag by: admin victor!!
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sapphic-bats · 5 months
The best lesbian representation in media is Roxanne Wolf and no I won't elaborate
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frog-kisser · 14 days
Cis4t sex:
- He smells 🤢
- We're fucking in my car 😐
- He is somewhat off putting 😡
t4t sex:
- She smells 🥰
- We're fucking in my car 🤩
- She is somewhat off putting 🥺
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heritageposts · 7 months
if you're subscribed to the washington post, it's time to cancel your subscription
as if their coverage of the genocide in gaza wasn't bad enough, this is now the kind of vile racist shit they're apparently okay with publishing in their editorial cartoons
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and if you're unfamiliar with the artist, michael ramirez, here are some of the cartoons he's made for other publications:
(putting them under a read more because there are so many of them and they're all disgustingly racist and/or islamophobic)
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kenobihater · 15 days
after literal years i finally got around to downloading a pdf of the wipers times, an unsancitioned satitical british trench magazine circulated among the troops in france from 1916-1918 after the fortuitous discovery of a printing press. i have approximately five million other things i need to read so idk when i'll be able to devote much time to it, and i gotta pick up a proper copy bc it's missing at least salient no 4 vol 2. that said? i'm genuinely laughing at what i've skimmed so far
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jewishfalin · 4 months
You can criticize people like Ben Shapiro without being antisemitic... Like if you can get it through your head that doing things like misgendering a trans person because they did something wrong is bad, you should understand its bad to resort to projecting harmful jewish stereotypes onto people because they're shitty.
Ben Shapiro sucks, but he is a jewish man and jewish men have been stereotyped as feminine and there is even an antisemitic myth that cis jewish men have menstrual cycles. So like... joking about a cis jewish man being secretly trans isnt exactly the funny irony joke you think it is.
Also, he talks like that because that is a common speech pattern for a lot of jewish people in certain communities.
You can criticize shitty people without perpetuating bigoted beliefs. Also this shit is just gonna push a guy like him deeper into toxic masculinity.
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daily-teki · 6 months
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Day 104: hello and welcome to my TED talk, bet you didn’t know that miku and gashu were related
(Please note that I haven’t included characters like Anzu and Kurumada seeing as their hair is canonically dyed and not their natural colour)
Also, by the time you read this it’ll be my 18th birthday!! Yippee!!
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miiiiiwo · 2 years
sorry guys im transsinglet no more trauma for me
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2-gay-2-furious · 1 month
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possamble · 1 month
In one of the extra comics Marcille mentions that elves don't have body hair, her included. So Falin staring at a naked pussy is Canon
I mean, I hear what you're saying but...
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To be 100% honest, this feels really ambiguous. She's a little too worked up in that second panel. Like, a lot of people have interpreted it as her being defensive and self-conscious about the fact that she shaves and waxes religiously (especially in the context of a trans headcanon) and that feels more right to me?
My personal interpretation is that she really doesn't grow little facial hairs (partially bc we've seen Senshi's huge beard turn into a tiny little elf stache so there is some real evidence for that). But then she doesn't actually know if she has peach fuzz or not and gets REALLY flustered about being scrutinized before she can check for herself and shave off anything she doesn't like.
But either way, my point is that I don't think we're meant to take Marcille's words here at 100% face value and consider it evidence for elf physiology.
And listen. I think Marcille should have a bald pussy in the bath scene bc rule of funny. But beyond that, I want to believe elves can grow pubic hair. I want to believe in the postcanon blondie bush. She's exponentially cuter with it, and I don't want Falin to have to eat bald pussy for the rest of her life. I'm only half joking when I say I want it as a part of her character growth. At the end of the story, Marcille Donato accepts that she is a living, breathing animal that eats and will be eaten and sweats and shits and grows hair all over her body. She learns to accept mortality, starts to reconcile with the inherent grotesqueness of being alive, and most importantly, lets her bush grow out for the first time in her life. And it's beautiful.
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sncrlynwtms · 14 days
idk guys, i just personally think — and hear me out because this one may be controversial — the bbc should have had gwen and morgana smooching
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trashiiplant · 2 months
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love wins
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pinterestmom5 · 2 months
unanon ask please hazbin hotel hnk au
just for you I know how much you like hazbin
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I hope everyone enjoys!!!
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flagsontheland · 2 years
AITA for inviting my wife's political enemies to a dinner I organized?
I (M45) organized a dinner that's happening tonight for my regimental mate, a governor, which I discussed with my wife (F41) months ago and I put it on her calendar. She forgot about it, but she's a fairly busy politician herself so I understand.
Anyway, everything was fine until she looked at the seating chart, and saw that I had invited some of my politician friends to the dinner. She asked me if I was being serious, and claimed that these friends "hated her" and were "trying to undo everything she worked for." She said that I should have made her aware that they were coming, but I made sure they were seated at the other end of the table from her, and I made a lighthearted joke that I sat her at the "boring" end of the table with her political friends as my friends are more fun.
She didn't get that I was joking, and went off on me and tried to guilt trip me about how my "fun" friends were causing a sector to starve because they passed some legislation recently concerning shipping lanes.
I could see she was tired from her work and it was making her overemotional, so I suggested she go take a nap.
I really don't understand why she's so against having them over even though she deals with them in the Senate all the time. I've known them for a while and they're all pretty fun to hang out with, so I don't get her problem.
She seemed fine by the end of our conversation and walked off, but I'm struggling to understand why she had a problem to begin with. So AITA?
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