#gwyn scenes
tato-acm · 6 months
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gwyneth berdara - scenes (4/?): chapter 60
>> fav gwyn fc: kennedy walsh (21/?)
Gwyn asked Az, her teal eyes bright, “What do we get if we finish the course?” Az’s shadows danced around him. “Since there’s no chance in hell any of you will finish the course, we didn’t bother to get a prize.” Boos sounded. Gwyn lifted her chin in challenge. “We look forward to proving you wrong.”
And when Gwyn reached the finish line, bloody and panting and grinning so wildly her teal eyes glowed like a sunlit sea, she only extended her battered hand to Azriel. “Well?” “You already have your prize,” Azriel said simply. “You just passed the Blood Rite Qualifier. Congratulations.” Gwyn gaped.
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gwyn-nesta-emerie · 5 months
I will never understand how the intervention scene was good for Nesta. All it did was show how the IC DID NOT CARE about her and her needs. All they cared about was their precious image and that isn't a good enough excuse for what they did.
They didn't really give her a good choice... it was either the HOW or the Human Lands and they threatened her with banishment to the human lands which was practically a death sentence given the mistrust and hatred of the fae by the humans.
Amren made up a law that wasn't even upholdable given Nesta still had a job she never abdicated from.
Feyre pulled High Lady status and told Nesta that money was the issue and that if they couldn't be seen to control Nesta, Nesta would learn to control herself and they'd tie her up and take her to HOW even if Nesta chose differently.
Rhysand made his dislike and hatred for Nesta known. Really, why was he even there? He didn't do jack to help and was an antagonistic party.
Cassian just let it all happen.
Elain wasn't even there because she was packing up Nesta apartment....even though Nesta stood by her side while she was basically a vegetable for months on end.
The apartment got tore down to force Nesta into the HOW even though it was disguised as an effort to rebuild for the war refugees/veterans, which ironically is exactly what Nesta was.
The only good thing that came out of that intervention was Nesta found friends in Gwyn and Emerie who truly helped her heal.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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TK talking about himself vs. Other people talking about TK
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xchronicles · 9 days
I need to get all my thoughts out so I can refocus on my work. It’s also in the creative field, and I can't think about it if I’m stuck in a JC loop xD
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I wanna talk about why I know Chakotay is inlove with Janeway and why I don’t question that aspect of the show. I’ll just take Cracked Mirror as an example:
It's been made clear how Chakotay feels about Janeway. We never got to hear what he told Holo Janeway or the kids during their time on Ysida, but we did see the results of their conversations. First, Dal jokes about the Admiral’s Ready Room, and then Gwyn pushes him to stop teasing Chakotay about being all pampered up in such a direct way. Gwyn does also encourage Chakotay by saying he looks great. Instead of feeling shy, he actually asks them if he looks like he’s trying too hard? They know what’s up. This isn’t news to them. That’s when Holo Janeway shows up, asking, “Is that a bad thing?” She’s implying that it’s good that he’s trying hard because it makes his intentions and feelings clear. Chakotay then admits he wishes he could’ve come back sooner, with fewer gray hairs, clearly worrying about how Janeway will feel about him. Will she still find him attractive? After all, he is 10 years older. Holo Janeway comforts him, saying there’s no point dwelling on what could’ve been. There’s no ambiguity in this scene - it makes Chakotay’s feelings clear. He wants to look good because he’s concerned about how Admiral Janeway will perceive him. Will she still find him attractive? He’s worried, and you don’t worry about whether a friend finds you attractive - that’s a romantic concern.
Then, after Janeway and Chakotay finally reunite, Gwyn tells Dal that she had told him she could handle going through different realities. Dal replies that it wasn’t her he was worried about; he was concerned about Chakotay. Knowing how Chakotay feels about Janeway, Dal was afraid of what it would do to Chakotay, having to face more realities where Janeway was either dead or missing. Dal was genuinely worried about how much more loss Chakotay could take. In the following episode, Dal hears Chakotay laughing in the mess hall with Janeway. Gwyn notices his attention on them and also takes a look. Seeing Janeway grab Chakotay’s hand makes her smile. Both Gwyn and Dal are clearly happy that Janeway and Chakotay are finally together. They know how Janeway and Chakotay feel about each other and are happy for them, regardless of whether Janeway and Chakotay have discussed it yet.
Bonus point: the way he intimately clasps her hand with both of his when he gives her his CHAH-mooz-ee followed by a shy smile and calling her his home. Dude is head over heels. Just like with his warrior story, he's telling her how he feels in non-direct ways in hopes that she will understand him.
That's it. I think this is where I take a break from this because I really need to get back to work and shift my focus away from it. I've been at it for the past few days, and I'm happy I have been because I don't remember the last time creativity hit me this hard.
Chakotay loves Janeway in every single way, including romantically. No questions about it. Where Janeway stands, though, depends on whether Mulgrew or the Hagemans allow her to break free from the constraints she's been tethered to for being a woman.
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
Today I was looking through the books looking for some canon proof for an anon who asked me a question (I got you anon it's in the making<3) and got to this part:
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First of all, I'm sobbing. I'm not good. My babies been through a lot and I just want to put them in a blanket, keep them warn and give them all my love.
Second... a few months ago I rebloged a post about how Cassian and Feyre, Azriel and Nesta, and Rhysand and Gwyn's traumas are similar. How a friendship between Rhysand and Gwyn would be lovely and she can be the sister he lost and he the bother she never had, the sibling she lost.
And as always a bitter anon told me wanting Rhysand and Gwyn being besties and them opening up to each other is out of reach and it will never happen because Rhysand hasn't even completely opened up to Feyre (!!!)
I deleted the ask because I'm not here to change people's mind about anything when its already set. But then I came through this part and well this is their proof that they haven't read the book or only remember selective things.
Third, sjm should've written Rhysand's pov... he should've opened up to Feyre and we should've read about them, not only in passing and in a paragraph that most can ignore. We should've seen that Feyre is always there for Rhysand and she always listens when he needs someone to talk to or hold him when he needs someone to just be there for him. (Because now I've seen people saying Feyre doesn't love Rhys as much as he loves her... like my girl can't take a break fr)
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aroacewolfic · 8 months
cant wait to read twp just be able to read more angst about my precious boys ty and kit and istg if there is no gwyn and diana or kieren, mark and cristina fluffy scenes at all imma cry like these are my people my boys and girls I need to see them be happy let kieren, mark and cristina see each other, let people leave gwyn and diana alone and be happy in their accepting and loving bubble and let ty and kit finally be together and happy. please.
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bearlytolerant · 6 months
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fixationrambles37 · 24 days
No matter how many times I rewatch Lone Star, I will always be crying at the Tarlos Wedding.
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tato-acm · 2 years
terça-feira - 27. 09. 2022
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gwyneth berdara - scenes (1/?): chapter 13
>> favorite gwyn fc: kennedy walsh (8/?)
“Oh, good. It’s you,” a familiar female voice said from down the row. Nesta pivoted to discover Gwyn striding swiftly toward her, arms laden with books and coppery hair shimmering in the dim light. [...]
“That’s what I was afraid of.” She released a dramatic breath.
Gwyn’s voice quieted into a conspiratorial whisper. “I work for someone who is very... demanding.” [...]
“I don’t know,” Gwyn said. “All I know is that I was assigned to work with Merrill and aid in her research, and I might have made a teensy mistake.” She grimaced.
“What manner of mistake?”
Gwyn blew out a sigh toward the darkened ceiling. “I was supposed to deliver volume seven of The Great War to Merrill yesterday, along with a stack of other books, and I could have sworn I did, but this morning, while I was in her office, I looked at the stack and saw I’d given her volume eight instead.”
Nesta reined in her eye rolling. “And this is a bad thing?”
“She’ll kill me when it’s not there for her to read today.” Gwyn hopped from foot to foot. “Which could be any moment. I got away the instant I could, but the book isn’t on the shelf.” She halted her fidgeting. [...]
“Gods, no. Merrill doesn’t accept mistakes. The book is supposed to be there, I told her it was there, and… I messed up.” The priestess’s face paled. She looked almost ill.
“Why does it matter?”
Emotion stirred in those remarkable eyes. “Because I don’t like to fail. I can’t …” Gwyn shook her head. “I don’t want to make any more mistakes.” […] - acosf, ch 13
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chaoticbug · 4 months
just wanted to say that actually some of the faults of season 7 of 911 truly highlight how different tonally 911 and 911 Lone Star are and how when Tim Minear came back from Lone Star, he didn't properly adapt. The way I explain it would be 911 is more focused on the emergencies and using the emergencies to further the character's story. There will be calls related to the general arc of the characters in each episode. Each episode has a theme that both emergencies and the character arcs abide by, for example 2x04 Stuck or 4x10 Parenthood. The emergencies are used to fuel on going character plot lines that will then extend outwards through the episode.
Meanwhile Lone Star is more character driven with the emergencies happening in the background. What is happening in the emergencies doesn't necessarily relate to the characters arcs for the episode, and you are far more likely to get an episode dealing with one big emergency or a character's individual plot line rather than a thematic tie in integrating them both
In season 7 there was a noticeable lack of emergencies and the ones we did have rarely tied into a characters personal arc for the episode (the exception is Maddie's story in 7x07). Instead the emergency calls were for the most part used as comedic relief as a break from the drama. Episodes 8-10 didn't have a single real emergency call in the way we have seen it in the show. 7x06 had one in flash back, and 7x03 was just the crew ship. That is about half the season that didn't really have the 118 responding to regular emergencies we have become accustom to in the show, creating a completely different tone and flow for the show.
Additionally, this season pulled several lone star plot lines that in my opinion didn't work as well for a variety of reasons.
Off the top of my head we have:
Bobby and Athena's house burning down in revenge arson (7x09)-TK and Carlos's condo burning down in revenge arson (2x12)
Bobby going off on his own and accidentally ended up dealing with a cartel (7x08) - Owen going off on his own and dealing with a cartel (3x03)
Athena taking her gun and going to the house of the man she believes killed Bobby and threatening to shoot him(7x10)- Carlos taking his gun going to the house of the man he believed killed his father and threatening to shoot him (4x18)
Bobby's heart attack (7x09) -Paul's heart attack (3x09) (ok this one might be a stretch)
The firehouse is taken over as a season finale by a previously disliked captain because of the actions of the current captain (7x10 911 2x14 LS)
Some of those may be stretches but my point being is they all felt too familiar as a plot point because they had been done similarly on Lone Star prior.
This doesn't mean that Tim Minear is bad show runner by any means, it just means he hasn't readapted to the overall structure of the stories we get in 911 and that 911 and 911 Lone Star despite being set in the same universe and one being a spin off of the other are fundamentally different shows with very different structures.
This also doesn't mean that one show is better than the other or has a more successful structure, it just means they are fundamentally different shows and changing the the flow of a show several seasons in will always feel a bit jarring.
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gwynsazriel · 2 years
i can imagine the day gwyn gets her own pegasus to ride into battle with the valkyries in acotar 5 and the excited squeal she’ll let out and how her teal eyes will light up. and the fact that azriel won’t have to imagine her teal eyes lighting up this time, but he’ll see it forreal. and nesta described gwyn as the prettiest when she lights up with joy
“with that joy, that confidence… she had emerged into a beauty to rival Merrill or Mor.”
a lovely beauty indeed.
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vulpes-fennec · 2 years
Deck the Halls (Gwynriel) 🎁
Summary: A series of fluffy/smutty ACOTAR winter one-shots! 12 stories for the 12 days leading up to Solstice (December 21).
Gwyn and Azriel have some fun with Solstice decorations in a smutty fashion.
Warnings: Smut, roleplay, oral sex (m/f receiving), cumshot
Read: Masterlist | AO3
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After seeing Azriel readjust Cassian’s tasteless attempts to decorate the House of Wind, Gwyn had an idea. 
She and Azriel had plans to decorate their little apartment today. Her mate had even lugged home a handsome fir tree and was currently setting it up in their living room. Gwyn told him to start without her, for her head hurt and she needed to take a 30-minute nap.
That was a little white lie. 
After clicking the lock shut, Gwyn shimmied out of her winter layers. She tied a bow around her chest with a red ribbon—the very kind Azriel was using as decoration outside—that barely covered her pale white breasts. A thick pine and holly wreath rested on her hips, revealing only a sliver of her lacy red panties underneath. 
Gwyn even added a garland of little mints around her neck. She threw on a miniature, fluffy white tree skirt over her head. It looked like a shawl, which was exactly what she was going for. What else was she missing? Oh, right. The headband with an ornamental star glued on top, with poinsettia flowers tucked behind her ear as a finishing touch.
Her plan was to walk in on Azriel with a Solstice decoration-themed outfit. 
Staring at her slightly mismatched appearance in the mirror, Gwyn felt apprehensive. What if Azriel didn’t catch on? What if he laughed at her ridiculous attempt to seduce him? But one of his shadows floated into the room and bobbed in excitement. Its approval gave Gwyn the boost of confidence she needed as she stepped out. 
“Are you feeling better, my love?” Azriel called from the living room, his back turned to her as he hung an ornamental ball on the tree. 
Hearing no response, he turned around. 
Azriel’s jaw slackened as he took in the sight of her. “Excuse me, sir, I need a little help adjusting these decorations,” Gwyn said, blinking her big teal eyes with wicked innocence. 
Azriel’s hazel gaze darkened as it dropped down to her lacy panties peeking out from under the pine wreath. “Some adjustment, you say?” 
“Yes,” Gwyn replied breathlessly. “I heard you were the most renowned decorator in Velaris, and wanted to see how your skills fared.” The shadowsinger approached her, tree decorating all forgotten. 
“Is this all for me?” Azriel murmured, walking behind her. She let out a little gasp as he ran his tongue along her collarbone, tasting the minty garland around her neck. Azriel’s scarred hands—cool to the touch—cupped her bare waist.
“Yes, shadowsinger.” Gods, Azriel loved his mate so much. Gwyn was adorned with Solstice decorations, and he wanted nothing more than to fling them off and kiss her senseless after scenting her arousal. But he wanted to draw it out. If she wanted to be a tease, he could be one as well. 
He turned Gwyn around to face him, running a hand over her fluffy shawl—wait, was it a tree skirt? Azriel chuckled. “You did a very beautiful job decorating, Miss Berdara. But I do have to make some adjustments. You see, this wreath,” he traced the outline of her lacy waistband under the wreath, “should be placed higher up.”
“I’d rather you get rid of it completely.” Azriel’s silken words were driving her crazy. Crazy enough for Gwyn to unbutton his shirt, popping the last few buttons in her haste. Azriel raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Well…that was very unprofessional of you,” he drawled. “I didn’t know I offered shirtless services.” Gwyn blushed. 
“To hell with professionalism. I’ll give you a nice tip if I’m happy with your work.” Gwyn said with a wink. 
“Very well then. I’ll be sure to leave the lady satisfied.” Azriel shrugged his black shirt off, revealing Illyrian tattoos and muscled abdomen in their full glory. He pressed a chaste kiss to Gwyn’s lips, before ripping the garland in two. Pine needles and holly berries scattered across their living room floor, but he didn’t care. They could clean that up later. 
Gwyn smiled against his mouth. Azriel was just as hurried as she was. He just did a better job of hiding it. 
His rough hands brushed over her stomach and traced lazy circles on her back. “I think this tree skirt belongs somewhere else,” Azriel said quietly as he fumbled with the buttons. 
“I think you should remove it altogether.” Gwyn mumbled back while kissing his neck. Azriel groaned when the shawl dropped away. He was already hard as hell, but the sight of his Gwyn, his precious Gwyn, in lacy red panties and a scanty ribbon nearly sent him over the edge. 
He skimmed a finger along the bottom of the ribbon, savoring the smooth curve of her breast. Gwyn whimpered, a delightful sound that made him feral with lust. Azriel did it again, smirking when Gwyn arched her back into him.
“This ribbon is a bit tight,” Azriel observed, his voice low. “Mind if I loosen it?”
“Not at all.” Gwyn’s chest heaved with anticipated breath as Azriel undid the bow with a tug. She caught the ribbon as before it fell, looping it around Azriel’s neck and using it to pull him in for a fiery kiss. 
The shadowsinger reciprocated her energy, picking her up and walking her back to their bedroom. Gwyn knew she was supposed to play the coy client, but she couldn’t help wrapping her legs around his waist and grinding herself against his erection a bit. 
Azriel gently set her down on their bed, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck and shoulders.  He broke away, pulling down Gwyn’s lacy panties. Azriel’s finger entered Gwyn easily, and she moaned when he slipped a second finger in.
“So wet for me, baby,” he murmured against her bare thigh. Gwyn’s musky scent and her pretty moans only incentivized Azriel to bring her to new heights of pleasure. 
“Will you let the expert have a little taste?”
“Please, Azriel,” Gwyn cried. She threw her head back, whining as his hot tongue skillfully ran up her clit. Her long legs were thrown over the shadowsinger’s shoulders, shaking as he alternated between dipping his tongue into her pussy, fingering her clit, and kissing her inner thighs. 
“Fuck,” she panted as her core tightened. Gwyn tried to buck her hips against his face, but Azriel’s slick hands held her still. “Azriel, please. Oh, fuck. Don’t stop, don’t stop—AZRIEL!” 
Azriel took a deep breath before pressing his face—and his tongue—into Gwyn’s pussy. His thumb continued to rub her clit, drawing out her orgasm as she clenched around his tongue. To be honest, she could suffocate him between her legs and he would die a happy male. 
Gwyn was spent when Azriel stood up, but she needed to push through. She wanted to leave her mate just as breathless. “Not so fast, shadowsinger,” she said, grabbing his hand. “Don’t forget about your tip.”  
Azriel could scarcely believe his eyes when Gwyn got down on her knees and unlaced his pants. “You’re my favorite client,” he groaned when her tongue swirled around him. “You’re doing so well, Gwyn.” 
Even though Azriel had just finished cleaning her up with his tongue, Gwyn could feel herself getting wet again at his praise. She alternated between stroking his cock and sucking him off, eliciting more groans from Azriel with the changes in friction.
Azriel leaned against the side of their bed, fisting the sheets. He didn’t want to grab Gwyn’s hair or the back of her head as he normally would. If anything, seeing her pure enthusiasm when pleasuring him, with her pretty coppery head bobbing and her hand deftly stroking him, sent him barreling towards the end.
“Shit, Gwyn.” His voice was hoarse. Azriel clenched his fists harder. “Shit, I’m going to come.” Gwyn’s teal eyes widened in alarm at his warning and she stopped twisting her wrist. But Azriel couldn’t hold it in any longer.
She was just about to put his cock back into her mouth when Azriel ejaculated over her face. His mate gasped. Gwyn’s mouth gaped open, one eye squinted shut as hot cum ran down her forehead, nose, and cheek. Her other eye was open, catching Azriel’s aghast expression. 
It was the first time something like this had happened between them. 
“Oh gods, Gwyn, I’m so sorry.” Azriel broke character immediately. His mate was still frozen, stunned. Not every female appreciated the move—some felt it was demeaning, others simply disliked having cum on their face. “I’m so sorry, my love. I’ll clean you up.”  
He returned with a damp washcloth and nearly choked when he saw Gwyn swipe cum off her cheek, bringing it to her mouth. “No, no,” he said, gently wiping her face. “You don’t have to do that, Gwyn.”
Gwyn only giggled, all awkwardness gone. “I guess you ended up adding a decoration of your own,” she said, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
Azriel flushed. “Would you be upset if I thought it was hot?” he asked after a pause, cleaning the last bit of his cum from her forehead.
“Which one? Me wearing only Solstice decorations or the cumshot?” Azriel turned even redder at Gwyn’s casual use of lewd language. He shouldn’t have been surprised; his mate went through smutty books on a weekly basis. 
“Both?” he asked warily. 
Gwyn touched his face in reassurance. “It was…unexpected, but I wouldn’t mind if you did it again, Az. As long as you don’t get any in my hair. Because I’d have to wash it.” 
“You know I have great aim,” Azriel said dryly, tugging his pants on and sitting down on the bed. 
Gwyn giggled again. “I know you do. Your dagger throwing and archery skills are proof of that already.” She took a poinsettia flower out of her hair and tucked it behind her mate’s ear. “You look very cute like this,” she said, kissing him. “My shadowsinger.”
Azriel grinned openly. He pulled Gwyn onto his lap, running his hands along her naked body. “You look cute too, priestess. Especially with this.” He gently flicked the star ornament on her headband. “Thank you…I thoroughly enjoyed this surprise.” 
Gwyn snuggled close into Azriel’s bare chest. “I had fun, too. But to be honest, I couldn’t wait for you to take everything off. The decorations were getting really itchy,” Gwyn confessed. 
Azriel laughed softly. “Noted. I’ll move faster next time, my love.” 
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
Prodigy season 1 is in the books! and wow, what a fucking show. I can see why people have been going crazy over it, its just genuinely THAT good. some of the tightest writing ive seen so far in newer Trek, and its first season is absolutely some of the best in the newer instalments of the franchise
they've got everything! top notch characters, fantastic stories, compelling arcs, emotional pay off- not to mention gorgeous animation and visual style. the voice acting on all fronts is fantastic. the different cameos we've gotten? the call backs? and yet still so accessible to people who have never seen any Star Trek? this show is just... so fucking incredible. holy shit
I cant wait to launch into season 2 ASAP. I need so much more of this cast, I need like 7 more seasons right now immediately
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gwyns · 1 month
E/riel’s trying to make their ship about singing now is funny to me, especially because they like to call us Gleeriels. Elain & Azriel being carranam is a popular theory that they have come up with. Some even believe that it is canon even though we have no evidence of that. “I think it's because they are Carranam and their powers "sing" to each other” They have always seemed to have an innate understanding of what the other needed, their powers are complementary (he hears, she sees), their imagery is obviously complementary, it would explain all of the "mate behavior" I really felt like the Truth Teller scene felt like an "exchange of power" when he offered it to her with trust, she wielded it, and then offered it back. They also have similar scents to Rowaelin, and Elucien's bond hits just like Rowan/Lyria.”
Elain and Lucien are actually complementary: she sees things other don’t and his eye lets him see things that others don’t. I thought the whole point of their “forbidden romance” ship was to reject fate?? And now all these theories about a second mate, true mates, corrupted cauldron/cauldron bond, mother bond, carranam bond, and so and so on.
But on a serious note, music/singing is important to Gwyn and also to Azriel. I hope we get more of it from them.
it's amusing because back when acosf first released they were saying "this isn't glee!!!!!" when gwynriels would bring up how both gwyn and az sing. didn't they also include that as a point against gwynriel in their cute little power point, too? oh how the tides have turned
i truly don't understand their thinking with the carranam bond. it's been a hot second since i've read tog but isn't that just a bond where their powers compliment each other and allow them to share magic, if the need arises? what's so earth shattering about that? while, yes, you can be carranam and mates, it doesn't always equal a romantic match
also, in addition to their personalities not complimenting each other, their powers don't either, like at all. elain is a seer and az a spymaster. spying is a skill, not a power lol. one could argue his shadows are his power but that's wrong again! they're sentient beings, as shown in acosf. they're his companions, they choose to serve him. his powers have nothing to do with them
as far as we know, az just has the same killing magic that all illyrians do. tell me, how does that compliment a seer? meanwhile lucien's out here with his magical eyeball that allows him to see through glamours and his mate can see things in the past, present and future that no one else can but that means nothing? ok
yes her being able to see the past is a lil headcanon of mine and not at all confirmed ok shhhh
also elucien being rowan/lyria? LMFAOOOOOOO. this always makes me laugh... do they forget that maeve had a damn good reason to try and keep rowan and aelin apart? who wants to keep elucien apart besides e/riels? nobody cares about their bond to that extent. there's no gain for someone if elain and lucien don't accept the bond
here's the thing about e/riels... i've said it before, and i'll continue saying it, they're massive hypocrites
e/riel was supposed to be about choice beyond the bond and showing how ultimately, the highest form of intimacy within the acotar world doesn't actually mean that much, but now? e/riel are secret true mates because they know that's what sjm loves most
just like they mocked the singing thing until it finally got through their thick skulls that sjm had az reveal this personal detail about himself for a reason
they keep moving the goal posts and get mad when we point it out. but hey, at least it's free entertainment for me!
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bearlytolerant · 5 months
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cephalon-celaeno · 1 year
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