nhdiary · 2 years
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brexiiton · 11 months
Fourteen injured in South Korea as man rams car onto footpath and stabs shoppers
By Associated Press 1:31am Aug 4, 2023
A man has rammed a car onto a footpath in South Korea, then stepped out of the vehicle and began stabbing people at a shopping mall, leaving at least 14 people injured in the country's second mass stabbing in a month.
At least five people were hurt by the car, and nine others were stabbed in the attacks that occurred in a crowded leisure district near a subway station in the city of Seongnam, according to Yoon Sung-hyun, an official from the souther Gyeonggi provincial police department.
Authorities arrested a suspect in his 20s at the scene and were questioning him. Police did not identify the man or offer any immediate information about a potential motive.
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Police officers cordon off the scene of a stabbing rampage near a subway station in Seongnam, South Korea, Thursday, August 3, 2023. (Hong Hae-in/Yonhap via AP)
The head of the National Police Agency described the attack "virtually an act of terrorism".
An official at Gyeonggi's provincial fire department, Ha Dong-geun, said at least two of the wounded were hospitalised in a serious condition.
Photos from the scene showed forensic units examining the halls of the AK Plaza, where the stabbings took places. A white Kia hatchback with a broken front window and ruptured front tire could be seen on a sidewalk near the subway station.
South Korea's Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper published a video on its website that it said was sent by a witness. The footage showed a man wearing sunglasses and a black hoodies walking up the mall's escalator with an object in his hand.
A witness named Hwang Hee-woon told YTN television that he "heard a sound from the first floor that seemed like a scream, so customers and shop workers were gathering on the rails of the second-floor near the escalator to see what was happening below.
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Police officers patrol at a scene near a subway station in Seongnam, South Korea, Thursday August 3, 2023. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
"Suddenly, someone told us the person who committed the crime was coming up to the second floor, so we ran away in panic," he said.
He ended up hiding inside a refrigerated storage room with some mall employees.
Last month, a knife-wielding man stabbed at least four pedestrians on a street in the capital, Seoul, killing one person.
The National Police Agency held an online meeting on Thursday with regional police chiefs to discuss ways to deal with stabbings and other attacks against random targets.
During the meeting, National Police Agency Commissioner Gen. Yoon Hee-keun made the comment about terrorism. Officials discussed increasing nighttime patrols in leisure districts and other crowded areas and strengthening security camera surveillance, according to the agency.
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voxyldy · 2 years
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According to military authorities, the members have currently expressed that they want to support by joining #JIN to the area that day.
Source: @theJINPRINT
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filmap · 1 year
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아가씨 / The Handmaiden Park Chan-wook. 2016
Garden Byukchoji Gardens, 242 Buheung-ro, Gwangtan-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea See in map
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mothmiso · 2 months
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Munsan (2) (3) by Travel Archive
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닐리리야, 닐리리야, 니나노 난실로 내가 돌아간다.
Read the interpretation here : https://blog.naver.com/hyyimmm/220258484125
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study-korean · 1 year
Hello again dear Korean langblr community ♡
It has been a LONG time since I used this blog as I haven’t been studying Korean since doing KIIP almost 4 years ago. But, I’m about to quit my full-time office job (which took up a lot of time and energy) so I’m hoping to have a bit more time to study again.  Anyone who is still active, please like this post so I can follow!! or recommend your favourite blogs and I’ll share the list with everyone (advanced Korean langblr or nice studyblrs!) 
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
why is writing fanfiction for gay media so f*cking hard *screeches*
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nhdiary · 2 years
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daesungindistress · 2 years
Daesung can't even eat some damn tofu at a restaurant he's been to several times in the past without SR's fans inserting their delusions. Apparently the restaurant in his vlog is in the same province as SR's prison, so they're convinced he went to visit him. Saying things like, "we know Daesung, he never goes out unless it's for work, so there's no way he was there w/o seeing his brother." Yeah, they know him so well they forgot all the past pics and vlogs of Dae dining out with his friends.
"we know Daesung" Well, that's their first mistake: thinking they know him. Then forgetting not just the occasions where he's dined out with friends, but countless vlogs of Daesung dining out by himself. Gotta love that selective amnesia.
I saw one tweet about this a few days ago, and just rolled my eyes and kept scrolling. But I feel your pain and annoyance. Gyeonggi Province is the vast area surrounding the city of Seoul, meaning any time the guys step outside Seoul they're automatically in Gyeonggi. It's a huge province, accounting for about half the population of South Korea. Taeyang was born in Gyeonggi. He and his wife were married at a church in Gyeonggi. He, Daesung, and GD were discharged from the army in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province. And in the same place -- Yongin, Gyeonggi Province -- Seungri was tried and found guilty of all his nine crimes, promptly arrested, and whisked away to prison where he belonged. Better late than never.
My point is the BIGBANG members past and present are no strangers to Gyeonggi Province. It isn't far, because, again, it borders all of Seoul. In fact, I just looked into it, and the tofu restaurant in question is "near Starfield in Hanam," which is right on the edge of Seoul. Daesung barely set foot outside of Seoul city limits to eat there and even explains plainly in his video that he went that direction to work out. The prison where Seungri is incarcerated is quite a distance away, far to the south in Yeoju, near Icheon, actually near the outer edge of Gyeonggi, opposite from Seoul. The two aren't close. If Seungri's out-of-control idiot fans would take two minutes to inspect a map instead of listening to the voices in their heads, they'll see that none of this adds up the way they wish it did, that there is no evidence whatsoever supporting the notion that Daesung went anywhere near his former bandmate turned inmate. They're acting like Daesung traveled to some remote, out-of-the-way location on a scandalous secret errand when it's 99.99% just another video of him innocuously going about his daily life and being thoughtful enough to share a sliver of it with us.
But of course they have to get their grubby little fingers in that and corrupt it with more of their conspiracy theories. Of course.
It's such a shame, and sad to know with a terrible certainty that it isn't going to end anytime soon. Three years of no acknowledgement, and certainly no support, yet imaginations are somehow still running wild. Delirious and dangerous is their default setting, desperation breeding delusion. As long as it's fun for them, sex offender stans will continue reducing the BIGBANG members to nothing more than extensions of that man -- GD, TOP, Taeyang, and Daesung be damned.
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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voxyldy · 2 years
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.@BTS_twt's Jin is enlisting in the forward-stationed training unit on Dec. 13. He'll receive five weeks of basic military training course in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province, and be placed in a military unit afterward. Wishing him all the best in the army. #JIN
Source: Kpop Herald
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filmap · 1 year
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당신 얼굴 앞에서 / In Front of Your Face Hong Sang-soo. 2022
Cafe 32-1 Yangsu-ro 152beon-gil, Yangseo-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea See in map
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hamdeokcomplex · 1 month
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Olá, atletas! Os campeonatos Nacionais estão cada vez mais próximos e sabemos que isso tem se traduzido em treinos cada vez mais intensos e caóticos. E, para colocar ainda mais lenha na fogueira, que tal conhecer um pouco mais sobre nossos adversários?
Vôlei, Taekwondo, Futebol, Hóquei, Patinação Artística, Snowboard, Natação, Ginástica, E-Sports, Judô
Cores Oficiais: Branco e Prateado
A história do Gyeonggi-do Sports Complex começa exatamente no ano 2000. Com a popularização dos complexos de treinamento esportivo, o local foi idealizado como um centro de treinamento exclusivamente de esportes invernais. O foco indivisível nessa categoria tornou o centro de treinamento uma referência e durante anos ele foi o maior rival do Hamdeok Complex sobre o gelo e a neve, com resultados muito acirrados entre seus representantes. Ainda que não tão latente e cheia de animosidade quando a rivalidade entre o Hamdeok e o Seogwipo, o complexo de Gyeonggi-do e o de Jeongdongjin-ri enxergam um ao outro como grandes oponentes e estão sempre ansiosos para se enfrentarem; a rivalidade, apesar de existir, é muito mais amigável do que com outros complexos. O Gyeonggi Knights e o Aurora Blades são velhos conhecidos, tendo se enfrentado inúmeras vezes e alguns de seus integrantes tendo sido juntos parte da seleção coreana de hóquei. 
Por estar localizado em uma das cidades mais frias da Coréia, manter os locais de treino dos esportes invernais em temperaturas abaixo de zero nunca foi um empecilho para o complexo, mas sua proximidade com as montanhas é o verdadeiro trunfo, pois possibilita treinos em campo 3 vezes na semana para a equipe de Snowboard. 
Foi somente em 2010, dez anos após a sua inauguração, que o Gyeonggi-do Sports Complex abriu suas portas para os demais esportes que atualmente elencam suas categorias de competição, mas não se engane; apesar de tecnicamente recentes, os times do complexo recrutam apenas aqueles que demonstram excelência em seus testes admissionais e atualmente diversos dos melhores atletas do país integram o time de futebol feminino Gyeonggi Guardians, o time de vôlei feminino Gyeonggi Vipers e a equipe de e-sports, os Gyeonggi Reapers, uma adição relativamente recente às suas categorias esportivas. 
Seus treinadores fazem jus à frieza do local e, enquanto seus atletas tendem a ser mais amigáveis e maleáveis, a equipe encarregada de seu treinamento raramente entrega grandes sorrisos ou olhares e gestos calorosos. A exigência pela perfeição é o que rege os treinos (que quase todos os dias excedem o horário estipulado) e erros frequentes são vistos como incompetência ou desleixo. Essa pressão regularmente afeta o psicológico dos atletas do complexo que, por sua vez, afeta o desempenho deles em ação. 
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OBS: Lembrando que nós temos um formulário para o cadastro de NPCs que poderão participar dos nacionais, sendo eles atletas ou treinadores. Os NPCs mandados durante os amistosos para o Seogwipo Complex ainda serão usados, então não é necessário mandá-los novamente. Ao longo dos próximos dias liberaremos mais complexos, então fiquem de olho!
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lifestyleofluxe · 2 years
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mothmiso · 2 months
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Ilsan (2) (3) (4) by Travel Archive
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