#had a performance at school with like dances and singing and some comedy stuff
jestroer · 2 years
Love it when you just watched some performance(mostly not professional ones, like kids' ones or someone just learned something themselves) and there is loud applause because it was cool but youre like that was way too cool and you do the excited WOOO! thing and everyone join in and its loud and cool
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greenlikethesea · 1 year
However many mutuals, 15 questions. Thanks @dodger-chan for tagging me, it was cool to learn about you!!
1. are you named after anyone?
My government name is just a name my mother thought was pretty, with the middle name being a family middle name. The name I go by currently (sometimes, anyway) is after a character in an indie movie.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Oh god, two days ago? I cry so much. I feel things super deeply and I cry very easily. It's something I've struggled with my entire life and have tried to keep heavily in check due to the whole "white woman tears" thing, but emotional regulation is not a strong suit of mine.
3. do you have kids?
I do not and I don’t think I will have any. I admire people who have them, and I actually like kids! I just don’t think I’m meant to be a parent. I think when I'm older and more financially stable, I'd like to foster teenagers.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
To some extent. I used to be a lot more sarcastic, but a well of tenderness has sprung up inside me and replaced it with sincerity. It makes me feel a hell of a lot better day to day.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve done swimming and skating, and I did the standard sports in gym class. I’m decidedly not a sports person but I do think jocks are very hot, haha. The exercise I do currently is solo stuff (walking, running, weight lifting, yoga) or stuff that's technically exercise but more fun (dancing! zumba!).
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their posture and their hair, two things about myself that I am very fixated on so I zero in on them with others. And, of course, what they're wearing!
7. what’s your eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I refuse to choose! They both have value and there’s room for both in my life! My favorite genre is horror comedy if you couldn’t tell.
9. any special talents?
I think people consider the writing and music thing special, but they're just essential parts of my being, so here are things I consider special: can cook a decent meal out of whatever is in my house. I am good at lip syncing. I can accurately guess the beat drop in basically any song.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, making music, theater, trivia, collaging, road trips, hiking, beach going in the summer.
12. do you have pets?
Not anymore :( I recently had to put my cat to sleep. I want a pet again in the future, and when I'm a bit more financially stable I definitely want a dog.
13. how tall are you?
5’3.5” (161.29 cm)
14. favourite subject at school?
English for the conventional stuff. But really, Chorus of any kind. I went to a performing arts high school and I loved that for four periods out of my school day, I got to sing.
15. dream job?
I'm not certain if I have a dream job! I kind of want to do a bit of everything. But right now, I'm working toward something I really like -- community outreach and guest experience at a cultural center, which may turn into event planning and hosting later on.
tagging @tony-buddenbrook @cchapsticck @laundrybiscuits @senorablack @campgender @r-o-s-e-f-i-r-e and whoever else wants to do it!
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blubushie · 1 year
I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS. whats your favorite candy? do you like steaks? how do you like steaks? dont say rare. no one likes them rare. what do you get at starbucks? do they even HAVE starbucks in australia? whats your favorite show? whats your favorite movie? whats your favorite song? what music do you like to listen to? can you dance? can you SING? whats your favorite model of car? dont say whatever it is sniper drives.
Bring on the questions!
What's your favourite lolly?
For lollies, I'd kill for sour gummy worms. As a nipper I loved Hershey's chocolate so much that I named my childhood dog Hershey. My favourite chocolate is peanut butter cups.
Do you like steaks? How do you like steaks? Don't say rare. No one likes them rare.
Get fucked, I like mine rare. I want that cunt so rare it's mooing. (Really, though, I do like my steaks rare.)
What do you get at Starbucks? Do they even HAVE Starbucks in Australia?
We do! It's always either the chocolate croissant or the bacon, egg, and cheese brekkie roll. I don't eat out much lmao
What's your favourite show?
Right now it's 1923 (Spencer Dutton my beloved) but since we're between seasons I'd say The Mandalorian. I don't watch much TV and that's the only two shows currently airing that I can name lmao. My dad's the one what got me into 1923 because he knows I love stockman shit and then he found out Spencer is a bit of a bushie like me and he buzzed me going "BLU THERE'S A NEW SHOW ON! YEAH IT'S A SPIN-OFF OF YELLOWSTONE! YEAH THERE'S A HANDSOME MAN ON THERE AND I KNOW YOU LIKE MEN BECAUSE YOU'RE A LITTLE FA-"
What's your favourite movie?
Bugger me. Growing up it was Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron because I was that weird kid obsessed with horses. (I still love horses.) Now? It's still probably Spirit. And Prince of Egypt. For comedy it's Crocodile Dundee 1 or 2 (my favourite it 2 and we don't talk about 3).
What's your favourite song? What music do you like to listen to?
I'm a sucker for Australian country (Slim Dusty), bush ballads (also Slim Dusty), and folk songs (again, Slim Dusty). Lately I've been singing Moreton Bay when I'm working, or Fields of Athenry. That said I also like rock and old (40s-80s) American country (Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, George Jones, etc). There's almost some traditional pop (Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra). I like most stuff 80s and older, I suppose. As for my favourite song, normally I'd say Waltzing Matilda but that's a mite cliché innit so fuck you I'm not saying Waltzing Matilda. Letter from Down Under makes my eyes water so let's go with that. For a "modern" song, I've had Dear Rodeo stuck in my head for the past few days.
The one that always picks my spirits up is Down Under, of course.
Can you dance?
I have all the swagger of an emu on roller skates. I can slow dance (cheers Mum) but I have zero dancing ability outside of that.
Can you SING?
Yeah, when I was in high school in the states I actually performed at Carnegie Hall in New York with Eric Whitacre and the rest of my choir group. I met a famous composer so that's my claim to fame. My favourite we performed was The Seal Lullaby. I'm a tenor when I sing but on rare occasions I can sing countertenor when needed. My chest voice is baritone.
What's your favourite model of car? Don't say whatever it is Sniper drives.
Get fucked, it's a 1965 Land Rover Series IIA. Not really. It's a 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham.
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If I could though I would 100% buy a 1965 Land Rover Series IIA ute-type. Actually I'd prefer the II model instead of the IIA because I like how the horn on the II model branches off of the steering column like windscreen wipers on a modern car. Gives it a neat look.
(Also Land Rovers are fucking invincible.)
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Cameron Frye, This One’s For You
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of my all time favorite movies. I’ve seen it hundreds, maybe thousands of times. But I’ve never liked the movie because of Ferris Bueller. I always related to Cameron. It’s Cameron’s movie, in my opinion, even though he’s not the title character.
I’ve been Cameron Frye in most of the friendships I’ve had in my life. I think that’s why I love the movie so much, particularly the parade float scene. That’s always been my favorite scene in the movie, even though it’s Ferris doing something outlandish, because it’s the scene where Cameron feels the most loved; like his friendship is real; like Ferris really does love him.
The other scenes I love in the film are all focused on Cameron, and I think most of the best, most meaningful, memorable lines are his, but he feels insecure and browbeaten and taken advantage of in almost all of those.
When Ferris calls him to demand he comes over when he’s not feeling well. ‘That’s all in your head...be a man! Take some Pepto Bismol, get dressed and come on over here. I’m tired of this stuff.’ When he does Ferris’ bidding with Mr. Rooney to get Ferris’ girlfriend out of school, and does exactly what Ferris wants, but somehow Ferris still finds fault with it and slaps the phone out of his hand and kicks him. And Cameron finds the fortitude to stand up for himself…
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“...if you don’t like the way I do it. You make me get outta bed; you make me come over here; you make me make a phony phone call to Edward Rooney?! The man could squash my nuts into oblivion! And then—and THEN, you deliberately hurt my feelings...”
But Ferris still somehow convinces Cameron that the screw up was enough his fault that he needs to let Ferris drive Cameron’s father’s prized possession Ferrari around on a joyride all day. And Cameron is wary about where they leave the car, but his concerns are dismissed as irrational anxiety by Ferris. “It could get wrecked, stolen, scratched...breathed on wrong...a pigeon could shit on it, who knows?!”
They go to the art museum and that scene with Cameron staring at the Seurat painting is genuinely heartbreaking in a lighthearted 80s teen comedy. Moving back and forth from tighter and tighter close ups of Cameron’s worried face and the thousands of little dots that make up that painting until the painting is just dots that don’t make a picture anymore and Cameron’s face is just fretful eyes, juxtaposed with Ferris making out with his girlfriend. Ferris is relaxed and adored and Cameron is anxious and alone. They eat lunch at a fancy restaurant where Ferris again makes Cameron impersonate a police officer on the phone in the lobby in order to get a table and take someone else’s reservation. And  the scene in the taxi immediately after the restaurant and before the parade float scene goes this way:
Cameron: Think we could take the car home now? I know you don’t care, but it does mean my ass.
Ferris: You think I don’t care?
Cameron: I know you don’t care. (I’ve always had that level of awareness in my lopsided friendships too)
Ferris: That hurts, Cameron. What have you seen today? (That’s a classic. Look at all the shit I did for you, when it’s really what Ferris wanted to do and he’s using Cameron as a crutch to get what he wants easier.)
Cameron: Nothing good.
Ferris: Nothing good? Nothing good?! What do you MEAN, ‘Nothing good?!’ We’ve seen EVERYTHING good! We’ve seen the whole city! We went to a museum, we saw priceless works of art. We—we ate pancreas! (there it is...the weirdo blank blog handle...hope no one I’m trying to avoid figures out it’s me because of Ferris Bueller).
That’s when Ferris takes over the parade float. And dedicates his performance to Cameron. “This is dedicated to a young man who doesn’t think he’s seen anything good today. Cameron Frye, this one’s for you.” And he sings (lip-synchs) Danke Schoen, which means Thank You. That’s the fantasy in the film for me. It’s not the Beatles’ Twist and Shout and all of Chicago dancing in the streets. It’s that a friend you’ve given a lot to; sacrificed for; actually really does notice and appreciate you and care about your happiness. That they actually say thank you. They actually try to make you feel loved and seen and special. I have a few friends in my life who do make me feel loved and seen and special, and obviously J does (none of them ever get up on parade floats to perform...thank goodness…), but I’ve had so so many Basically Ferris Buellers in my life as Basically Cameron Frye. Yeah, that part of the film is nice. Cameron is, at least for a few moments, genuinely happy and secure in friendship. But then it’s right back to reality...Cameron was only really there for his talents, for Ferris to use because he needed them to get what Ferris wanted. Cameron had access to the car Ferris wanted to drive. Cameron loses it and goes silent for a while when he sees just how spectacularly fucked he is because of Ferris’ cajoling with the car, and when he comes out of it, he’s trying to settle himself with the situation. Saying he’s tired of being afraid and worrying about everything (he’s definitely being sincere about that). And then he sincerely tells Ferris he’s going to miss him once they leave for different colleges, presumably to grow apart. And Ferris doesn’t respond (of course...Ferris Buellers never really respond to real sincerity). So Cameron goes to check on the car, and the solution Ferris offered for the mileage problem isn’t working (of course), and Ferris offers another, even more invasive and impractical solution, which Cameron tells him to forget. ‘Forget it.’ And then Cameron lets out a lot of repressed anger at his father once it’s clear the car is going to cause trouble regardless of what gets done about the problem. But I’ve been thinking about that closing scene with Cameron and the car for most of the afternoon now, and I don’t think that anger is just directed at his Never Seen Father anymore, after hundreds to thousands of viewings over more than 30 years. I think some of it is aimed at Ferris. I mean...
“I gotta take a stand. I’m bullshit. I put up with everything. My old man pushes me around...I never say anything. He’s not the problem. I’m the problem. I gotta take a stand. I gotta take a stand against him. I am not gonna sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I’m gonna take a stand. And I’m gonna defend it. Right or wrong, I’m gonna defend it. I am so SICK of his SHIT. I can’t stand him and I hate this goddam car. Who do you love? Who do you love? You love a car...”
Yeah, that’s, ‘Why do you value a car over me, your son?’ but I think maybe it’s also, ‘Is that all I really am to you? The guy who can get you this car to use?’
I’ve felt just like that for the past two weeks. This odd, uncomfortable mixture of ‘enough’ with my mom and a strangely parallel ‘enough’ with a(nother) Ferris Bueller friend. Thinking about and writing about Cameron this afternoon I think has been helpful for me to let go of some of my own stuffed down anger. At least I didn’t have to destroy a classic Ferrari to do get it out. I love Cameron Frye, but I’m honestly a little tired of actually being him in so many friendships. I’m definitely not interested in meeting any more Ferris Buellers.
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d-criss-news · 3 years
Nine Songs: Darren Criss
When Disney, Phantom Planet and Mr Hudson collide: Glee star, Emmy and Golden Globe winner and musician Darren Criss talks Andrew Wright through the pivotal songs in his life and the unexpected ways they found him.
“When we are younger, our gateway drugs to a lot of popular things don’t come from the sexiest of places. It’s up to you how proactive you want to be with your curiosity from there, and how far down the rabbit hole you want to go, if you go down at all.”
Choosing the songs that define you is a tricky business to say the least, especially when the power of song has provided an ongoing soundtrack to your life. “When you’re as avid a music consumer as musical artists are, trying to pin down Nine Songs is difficult,” Darren Criss laughs. So much so, his final choices only really crystallise as our conversation draws to its close. “It’s hard for me not to see the value and joy in literally everything,” he explains. “The curse of the creative person is that your ideas and your interests always move way faster than your body can execute.”
Criss is a creative par excellence. As well as his Emmy and Golden Globe winning performance in The Assassination of Gianni Versace, where he played serial killer Andrew Cunanan, to his upcoming role in Muppets Haunted Mansion Halloween special as The Caretaker, he’s also a prolific musician. Criss enjoyed a decadent musical consumption since childhood, so “this was a bit of an archaeological dig,” he admits. As such, everything from jazz standards, to 808s, punk rock, ‘90s teen pop, and musical numbers are excavated in the course of our extemporaneous journey through the music he loves.
Equally on his mind is how to go about approaching the task of creating his Nine Songs, full stop. “The interesting social experiment is: Are my answers going to be songs that actually shaped my life and were formative to me as an artist? Are they songs that were formative to me as a human being? Or am I picking songs that I think represent who I am to people that do not know me? All three of those things aren’t necessarily the same thing.”
He reaches a conclusion of sorts. “For the purposes of making some kind of decision, I’m gonna lean less into trying to look cool to your very cool readership, and more into the literal, ‘What made me think about music in a different way? And hit me in a very emotional way?’ I think that’s probably the healthiest route.”
Embracing the accessibility that characterises Criss’ picks - or at times the initial touchpoints that led him to them - are something he vacillates over during our chat. “I’ve seen a lot of other people’s Nine Songs and they’re super cool. It’s like Leonard Cohen B-sides and old opera records and stuff. I’m gonna be pretty honest with the pop culture zeitgeist of how I grew up but explain why there is so much value in those moments.” His contemplation continues into the next day, Criss’s publicist passes on his regrets at being tentative to admit how he encountered one of his song choices via the Shrek soundtrack.
A yearning to reinterpret accessibility and the value attached to it drives Criss, however. He tells me that a festival performance that applied the anarchic verve of punk rock to a more refined Great American Songbook number remoulded his perception of music entirely. His love of the fusion of these two genres in particular symbolises the salient musical backdrops of his childhood - the guitar bands he played in with friends, and his musical theatre endeavours that led him to Broadway and multiple Ryan Murphy juggernauts, including his breakthrough playing Blaine Anderson in Glee.
Criss employs these contrasting musical lexicons, and other areas in between, on Masquerade, his new EP. Comprising five stand-alone “character-driven” singles, it sees Criss donning different musical personas. “I’m leaning into people that might know me as an actor,” he explains. “Because if actors can do Shakespeare, romantic comedy, and then do a horror movie and wear a prosthetic nose and a wig, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just do that with music.” The song “walk of shame” draws on jazz-standard chords interlaced with hip-hop production, “i can’t dance” looks to new-wave, and “for a night like this” is the product of Criss’ goal to create the ultimate end-of-the-night crowd-pleaser for a new-year bash, wedding or bar mitzvah. “This is all of the parts of me as a lifelong fan of these genres, trying my hand at servicing the pieces of them that I love.”
“I really love all styles of music and understanding what makes them unique and special and what makes them really pop. There are so many things that really make things sing - for lack of a better verb - and I like acknowledging those things and celebrating those things.”
“So, let’s begin. I have runners up and shit, and I have artists, I don’t just have the songs, so we might have to pick them as we go.”
“Part of Your World” by Jodi Benson
“When people read this, they’ll go ‘That’s cute, he likes Disney songs’, but it’s more profound than that. Some of the most formative pieces of music to hit me at a very early age would have been any of the songs that were coming from ‘The Disney renaissance.’ The early-mid ‘90s explosion of The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Beauty and The Beast.
"One of the through lines between the three of those musicals was Howard Ashman, who is one of my all-time heroes. Dramaturg, songwriter - he really was the voice behind what made those songs great. I have always loved Howard’s lyrical sensibility and also Alan Menken, his partner who wrote these songs with him. There was a musical structure to a lot of the songs which I would unconsciously pick up in my own songwriting, not just musically, but the idea that not only did somebody make these songs, but they wrote them for a story.
“There’s a clip of Howard Ashman vocal directing Jodi Benson, who was the original voice of Ariel. It’s a wonderful example of his genius, where not only was he songwriting but he was storytelling in the way he would tell her how to perform it, and you can really see the song coming to life in that clip. That’s when you cross the street from ‘It’s a song’ to ‘This is an experience.’
"There are certain ingredients that are required to elevate music that goes beyond just a nice melody, a beautiful orchestration and a good voice. There are things that are required to really give a performance a characterisation, context and a vulnerability, that he architects in real-time with Jodi Benson. You see that what he’s doing is what makes the record so special, and that’s something that’s always been inspiring to me.”
“MMMBop” by Hanson
“I think my love of Hanson was because some people didn’t like it, so I was like ‘Fuck you, I like this, how do you feel about it?’ But this is difficult for me, because you know, I’m speaking to The Line of Best Fit and we’re trying to be cool! Although, do you know what’s cool? Being accessible! Writing a pop hit when you are 10 years old. Being in a band with your brothers and you’re all below the age of 15, you have a record contract where you are writing, producing and performing songs that are doing well.
“I was 10 years old when their first album Middle of Nowhere came out, and I remember reading somewhere that there were these kids that had a record. At the time, I was playing guitar and I was writing songs, but in my mind I was a kid, and that was it. I couldn’t be on the radio; you had to be a grown up to do this.
"This was the first time where I realised ‘Holy shit, kids can do stuff!’ It’s the value of seeing yourself in the media - that’s a whole other conversation to talk about - but there’s an immense value in feeling like there’s a piece of you out in the zeitgeist and doing well because it’s encouraging. You go, ‘Holy shit, maybe I can do this as well.'
“When you see children doing things, you’re ‘Wow, this is so cute and fabulous’, but then when you actually look at it you go, ‘This is miles above what most people in this age group are capable of,’ and that’s all I saw, because I was in the same age group and I was so inspired by that. This whole album was really a turning point for me, where I was like, ‘I can do this, I can do music too, because these guys can.'
“Ooh La La” by Faces
“This song really blew my mind. It became my own theme. It’s that ‘Make your heart sing’, nostalgic moment when you’re a teenager, driving in the car listening to it, playing guitar with your friends and you’re singing “I wish that I knew what I know now / When I was younger.” You’re like, ‘because I’m an adult now, I’m 15-years-old. If I only knew what I know now.’
“I was doing theatre from a young age and I was part of a young conservatory called A.C.T. in San Francisco. By way of somebody who knew somebody, I had an audition for a movie. As a kid not being near New York or Los Angeles it was really exciting, and this audition was for a film called ‘Max Fischer’, which would become the movie Rushmore, which would become one of my favourite movies of all time by the now very distinguished Wes Anderson.
“Separate from my own objective love of Wes Anderson, when this movie came out I was just around the age of getting into my own sort of identity with music, but also movies - indie movies - and trying to assert who I was. So, I see this movie Rushmore and I love it. I love the soundtrack, I love it so much, it’s one of my favourite albums ever. This song is the end sequence, and the way it made me feel - the vocals on it, I could play it on guitar and it was part of a cool movie - it really represented a lot in my life.
“And because of the acting thing, and Rushmore being great - it’s about this kid in high-school who's misunderstood but has his own agenda - everything about it was just so fucking cool to me. To this day, I cite that song as one of my favourite records of all time.”
“Recently Distressed” by Phantom Planet
“A guy that really formed the way I would sing and write songs is Alex Greenwald, the frontman of Phantom Planet. I went to see Phantom Planet because I loved Rushmore and I found out that Jason Schwartzman [who had been cast as Max Fischer] was also the drummer for a band called Phantom Planet.
"So, when I saw their name on the bill I went, but I didn't know their music. I was barely 14, but their set blew my mind. It was Rock and Roll, but I loved Alex Greenwald’s voice. I loved everything, and I would follow their career from there. I always tell people that my voice is a combination of me trying to be Alex Greenwald, Paul McCartney and Rufus Wainwright, but failing. Alex was incredibly formative for me.
“One of their biggest records was a little while after I first saw them, which was the song for The O.C., "California." That was more of an Elvis Costello thing, and they employed a lot of stuff that sounded to me like The Beatles and a lot of ‘60s mod/pop-rock. But later they would employ things from Fugazi, Radiohead and harder shit, and that eclecticism, again, only accelerated my love for Phantom Planet.
“Recently Distressed” is from their 1998 album Phantom Planet Is Missing. This was a cool rock song that employed these George [Harrison] and Paul [McCartney] background vocals and included all of the things that I loved. It was harder but melodic and employed minor 4th chords and more complicated chords than I was used to. I had grown up with power chords - which are very Gregorian - on a lot of alt. punk rock, like Green Day or Nirvana, and if Kurt Cobain was using power chords then that’s how I was playing guitar. Hearing this music was like ‘Oh, I’m using full chords, not sevenths, minor 4th chords, diminished chords’, shit that I would learn to use more and more.
“When you haven’t experienced much, anything that gives a hint towards possibility, even though it’s probably always been there, you’re like, ‘I like this, I’ve always kind of liked this, but it’s very encouraging to hear somebody else do it and it’s gonna make me reconsider my possibilities.’ That was literally the moment that my power chords turned into full barre chords.”
“Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk” by Rufus Wainwright
“I forgot the other day how I got into Rufus Wainwright, because all of this stuff I was getting into quite young. It’s like when I talk to 11-13 year olds, it’s funny to think that this was when I was really starting to build my musical identity. But then I remembered, and I didn’t want to say because I didn’t want to sound uncool, because he is such a revered artist who exists in a much cooler place than what I’m about to say.
“I loved soundtracks and I would always buy soundtracks for movies that had cool playlists. I had the Shrek soundtrack, and there’s a cover of Leonard Cohen’s seminal “Hallelujah” that Rufus does and he smashes it, and I’m like, ‘Who the fuck is Rufus Wainwright? What a beautiful voice.’ Then I saw that he was going to be at the Virgin Megastore in San Francisco one week, so I go and he’s there promoting his new album Poses. I remember I didn’t have enough money to buy the album that day, so I had him sign my sneaker and I saved that shoe.
“The first song on Poses was “Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk”, which is a very dark and reflective song about his own battles with addiction, but he’s singing it over this really beautiful, whimsical song that has a lot of really great wordplay. I always love when artists, especially lyricists, can encapsulate an idea with not exactly what they’re talking about. The song’s called “Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk”, it’s not called “Addiction”. Its talking about things that he craved and how that’s representative of other things that he’s gone through. There was a sophistication and elegance to that that I really gravitated towards, that I didn’t possess but wanted to shoot for. So when I saw him, that was a big one for me and he would also continue to influence me later in my life.
“I’ve become friends with Rufus since. I’ve performed with him and we’ve made records together, which is crazy. His songwriting was very complex and punk-rock, but he had this classic cabaret voice, the kind of voice that I don’t have. I was fascinated that there was somebody that could write this really dark material but have such elegance on top of it. He was virtuosic on the piano, which I thought was very cool because musicianship is always the thing that gets me going the most about artists.
“You know what? People say, ‘Don’t meet your heroes.' I completely disagree. Chase the living fuck out of your heroes. I’ve spent a lifetime doing so, it’s made me a better artist, and I’ve sometimes got to meet them and work with them. I’ve worked on music with Alex Greenwald of Phantom Planet. I’ve performed with Hanson. I’ve performed those Disney songs with Alan Menken at The Hollywood Bowl.
"This is all because there are people that I love who I have put on my vision board, and the things that they have done are the things that are bringing me to them. So it is nuts, but at the same time you’re like, ‘Well, what else did you think would happen?’ They did stuff that some part of me connected with, so obviously there’s a magnetic pull towards that person.
“Rufus Wainwright is one of my absolute favourite artists of all time and like I said, me trying to sing like him and failing is a big part of my own journey as an artist.”
“3x5” by John Mayer
“John Mayer’s another guy that came around when I was 15. I heard a song of his on a middle-of-the-night, singer/songwriter college radio show. This is where I used to get music. You would listen to these carefully curated playlists that you wouldn’t be able to hear anywhere else, and the host played “No Such Thing”, a new song by this young kid who had just dropped out of Berklee College of Music - John Mayer.
“I’m listening to this song and I’m like, ‘Not only is this guitar playing really interesting, but the lyrical value and everything that is going on here ticks all the boxes.' It was jazz, but it was pop. And he did something that all these other guys and girls I’ve mentioned did. They made something very unique and very accessible.
“I immediately went out to buy this album, Room For Squares, and I listened to it over and over again. It was an album that was really formative for me. "3x5” is a really beautiful song that employs a lot of chord structures and melodies that blew my fucking mind at the time, and it made me wish that I could write songs like that.
“That album was a huge turning point in the way I played the guitar, because it was the first time in my life where I would look up tabs. Up until this point in my life, if I heard a song I could play it instantly. It was like a party trick, I would get how it worked if I heard it, because most of the songs I would hear on the radio - especially those that involved a guitar - were [centred around] power chords. And now I’m hearing all of these ninth chords and thirteenths, and I’m like, ‘What the fuck is this?’ So I’d have to look up tabs.
“I think any young artist can attest to this - when you try and learn other people’s shit, it’s the best tool for educating yourself. Playing other people’s music really helps you lock in what your own style is. Trying to learn these songs - and sometimes pulling it off and sometimes not - really changed the way that my hands moved around the guitar and considered chords and voicings that I’d never really thought of.
“There’s another tie to musical theatre here, where I remember seeing Audra McDonald, who is a very venerated theatre actor, and she did a cabaret. If you’re familiar with cabaret culture, it’s more about performing the story of the songs – ‘Life is a cabaret’. She did a John Mayer song because she thought it was from a musical theatre show, and I was so tickled by this, because I was like ‘Yeah, if you really think about it, I don’t think he knows this and I don’t think his fan base even thinks about this, but there’s a number of his songs that feel very theatrical in the way that the lyrics play with each other and the way the chords move’.
"When I saw this I thought, ‘That is why I like John Mayer’, because yes, he’s an amazing guitar player, but he’s also a really strong songwriter.”
“Cabaret” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
“Also, around this time growing up in San Francisco, as a guitar player playing music with your buddies, the number one thing that you play is punk rock. There are different parts of the spectrum of punk rock, there's the NOFX, Swingin’ Utters, like real punk, punk. And then there’s the pop-punk thing that was happening at the same time, which was also equally influential - blink-182 and Green Day.
“Fat Mike was the frontman of NOFX. I loved NOFX, and Me First and the Gimme Gimmes were a supergroup of different members from different punk bands, of which Fat Mike was one of the main architects. They would cover songs and turn them into punk rock songs. They have an album of hits from the ‘60s, and they also have an album called Me First and the Gimme Gimmes: Are a Drag, and that record is just a tonne of musical theatre covers that are done through punk rock.
“That was completely in line with everything I loved at this time of my life but didn’t really know how to articulate. I loved punk rock but I also really loved musical theatre. Not only the performative element of it, but there was a real musicality to musical theatre that wasn’t as present in some of the other shit that was popular at the time, just harmonically, or where chords would go. There was a sophistication I loved that seemed to not exist in punk rock.
“Then hearing Fat Mike at The Warped Tour going ‘Alright, which one of you Motherfuckers loves Julie Andrews?’ and hearing a mixed bag of reactions, because people were ‘What? I was not expecting that from you, sir?’ And then they start playing “My Favourite Things”, a classic Rodgers and Hammerstein song which is very accessible, but sophisticated nonetheless. And I am just living. I’m like, ‘This has got the attitude and simplicity of punk rock, but the sophistication of a beautiful song.’
“That was the first time in my life where I went, ‘It’s just all music. All these categories and boxes are completely arbitrary.’ So I thought, ‘I can do that.' I was playing power chords in punk bands but I realised that you can take chords and make them into other rhythms and voicings and have the same song. I could take a punk song and make it jazz. I could take a jazz song and make it country. So, quite providentially, I would end up on Glee, where they took popular songs and would sometimes do their own versions.
“By that point, I had been doing this my whole life. The first time this ever became a possibility for me was seeing Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, and that way of thinking about music and genre. I’ve put that into Masquerade, and it’s all born from that moment of ‘Oh my God, nothing has to be one thing. It’s just about how you look at it.'
“Cabaret” is from a pretty famous musical that I would’ve probably heard about later in life, but I first heard that song as a punk song and then I went back and heard the original. It doesn’t matter how these things happen, the inspiration happens and then you can go from there. But Me First and The Gimme Gimmes were a huge gateway drug and I play “Cabaret” now every year at my festival. That’s why the festival is called Elsie Fest, because it covers the song.”
“Modern Nature” by Sondre Lerche
“One of the great joys of being a younger brother is that you get to inherit the music of your elders. My brother and I were both really proactive consumers of music, so we would share stuff with each other all the time. But then he would come home from college, which is like coming home from a music festival essentially, right? He was in a new time zone with new people, so he’d bring home these mix CDs that he’d made from people that he’d heard about, and he brings home this guy named Sondre Lerche.
“Hearing this guy blew my mind, because he also was using jazz chords and drawing on musical theatre. Musical theatre’s a massive category, so I can’t just say that musical theatre sounds like one thing, but when I say this, I’m referring to The American Songbook, the jazz standard songbook. “Modern Nature” was a duet that I would go on to play many times with one of my oldest musical collaborators, Charlene Kaye. When we got to college and we both found out that we loved this guy.
“There was a much more whimsical way to how he wrote these songs. And what’s crazy is that loving this guy meant that we also loved Rufus Wainwright, that we also loved these other artists. But Sondre was the first time I considered that I loved that type of music, but I didn’t know that you could be a singer/songwriter and put out music that sounded like it.
“I don’t know if ‘twee’ is the right word to use, but with “Modern Nature” there was a playfulness about it, and again, a musicality that I really gravitated towards. There is a through line - there was a sophistication that was accessible, and me trying to learn those songs did make me rethink the way that I was writing music. The structures were weird and different and I liked that.
“To this day, I find myself writing songs that I think might be difficult for people to ingest, because they’re a little too left of centre, and I realise that I’m trying to write like Sondre Lerche, or I’m unconsciously just copying him.”
“Everything Happens to Me” by Mr Hudson & The Library
“I was in an H&M in Stockholm when I was 21, and I heard this really cool groove and the lyric was “Why must I always play the clown?” It was sung with a really thick British accent, had an 808 feel on it, and lyrically it had an attitude. Who would say something that sounds so like you’re in a Gilbert & Sullivan musical, but it feels hard? It was cool.
“I went home and looked this up and it was off the record A Tale of Two Cities by Mr Hudson and the Library, which would really, really fuck me up. I bought the album immediately because I loved this song. I had to order it on the internet because I couldn’t find it. It was doing well in England and he was on the festival circuit in the early-mid 2000s, but the first song on the album was a musical theatre cover with 808s.
“It was a pared-down, sort of a hip-hop version of “On The Street Where You Live” from My Fair Lady, and I’m like ‘No fucking way, this guy gets where my head is.’ I’d thought about punk rock musical theatre, but I never thought about 808s and 909s scoring these beautiful songs. I go down the track list and he has “Everything Happens to Me”, which is another very famous standard, and he had this really cool, what we would now call chill-hop, ‘study beats’ version of this song. I was like, ‘This is it. This guy gets that good music is good music and you can reinterpret it to offer it as a new song.’
“I would later become great friends with Mr Hudson. I got to meet him years later when I was with Columbia Records, and they said to me ‘Who do you want to meet?’ He was at the top of my list. I went to London and we’ve been friends ever since and have created all kinds of music together.
“He told me a story where Tyler the Creator went up to him once at Coachella and said, ‘Oh man, “Everything Happens To Me”, that’s like my song.’ We both wondered if Tyler the Creator knew that it was a Chet Baker cover. And we were thinking how cool it is that you can offer these songs to a new audience through a different lens. Tyler’s a smart guy, he’s very cultured, and I’m sure he did know. But it’s more the idea that if someone experienced this song and didn’t know that it was a cover, and this is like the first time they ever get to experience it.
“Mr Hudson would go on to do his own thing with Kanye and was on 808s & Heartbreak and has had his own career. I think “Supernova” was a hit in the UK, it didn’t really cross over here to The States, but before that moment for him, that Mr Hudson and The Library album changed my life. People use that phrase willy-nilly, but this literally was a turning point in my life. It all had to do with the same thing that happened with these other songs, where I saw someone do what I always wanted to do but didn’t really know how to pull off. Where he had this fusing of old songs delivered through a contemporary lens, but also laced it with his own original material that also employed the things that made that old songwriting interesting.
“It’s like changing the font of a great essay but finding the font and figuring out that that font is its own art form. He really displayed that marvellously on this.”
The Masquerade EP is out now
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precisemuseum · 4 years
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Puyo Puyo PC-98 Manual Translation
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Once upon a time, in the age when the power of magic was bestowed upon the world, a powerful sorcerer created a great spell named "Owanimo." One of the strongest spells of all, it could banish monsters to a space between dimensions, but he sealed it away, recording it only in his "Book of Magic." 
Not because it was forbidden knowledge or incredibly hard to use, but because to him, it seemed useless. And thus, the spell entered a dormant state, awaiting a day when a new sorcerer would come forth...
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Years came and went until finally, the seal came undone with the appearance of a great sorceress: Arle Nadja. One day, this auburn-haired girl with golden eyes came across the Book of Magic.
"Owanimo...?" Arle studied the chapter on forbidden spells for what seemed like hours. "When four monsters of the same color are in your sights, chant this spell loudly. The Goddess of Time shall listen, and whisk the monsters away to a space between dimensions." 
Arle continued to read, learning the Owanimo spell, but then closed it with a heavy sigh once she finished.
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Why set it aside like that? Well, Arle had never seen "four monsters of the same color" as the spellbook described. 
"I spent so much time reading, and it's not even a spell I can use for anything..." 
But just as fate brought the Book of Magic into Arle's hands by chance, so it brought from the world of darkness the very monsters she had read about.
And thus, a great battle awaits. With her great magic abilities, and the newfound power of "Owanimo," Arle Nadja sets out to protect the world.
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Arle Nadja The protagonist of the game and the (aspiring) sorceress who released the spell "Owanimo". Nobody knows how she ended up this way, but despite looking like she wouldn't hurt a fly, she's actually a merciless girl that slaughters innocent Puyo. She currently attends a magic school, but she's already too scary for anything to stand in her way. That's my opinion, anyway.
Carbuncle During the game, when you find your eyes moving towards the center of the screen... Awww~! He's sleeping!!! This is Carbuncle. When he's lying still, he almost looks like a loaf of bread, but as he sings and dances he shows off a wide range of movement and facial expressions. A truly profound deuteragonist.
Puyo Puyo Despite their fate as short-lived, jelly-like monsters who are stacked and popped, they have managed to secure a leading role this time around, and even get to dance on the title screen. They're sure to enjoy this special opportunity to perform on a grand stage in five different colors. Looking at them with an empty stomach will reveal their appetizing nature and make you hungry. Hehe.
Arle, the protagonist, is brimming with curiosity.
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Skeleton T While he appears as the epitome of a tea-loving Japanese man, he is a fine monster as well. He will be the first opponent you face during your trials. But you'll find that in a rather endearing way, he's a miserable fool who doesn't even know how to rotate his Puyo. Boohoo. Sipping bitter green tea during battle will instantly make you one of his tea-drinking buddies.
Nasu Grave An eggplant. Specifically, a Kamo eggplant. On top of that, he makes for a rather strange presence. Just what the heck is this thing? Despite appearances, his defensive power is high, so novices might find themselves struggling a bit. You'll have no choice but to keep at it and apply a steady technique. But in the end, your opponent is still just an eggplant. A regular talking eggplant. …Heh.
Mummy Even though it's called Mummy, it isn't a mommy. It's a mummy. What? You already knew that? Oh, deary me, I'll wrap it up then. (←One-man comedy routine.) Mummy is an opponent that makes you want to bully it because the crying face it makes when it's about to lose is just too cute. Sorry, Mummy.
The Goddess of Time whisking the monsters away.
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Draco Centauros As you might expect from someone who shouts "Rawr", this half-dragon being takes pride in those sharp horns. Appearing as the first obstacle of your quest, this opponent has top tier judgment and piece precision but takes forever to think things through. Because of that, she's a pitiful lass who is only ranked as a third-rate monster girl... You heard me right! Draco is a girl. I'm sure someone around you thought she was a boy...
Suketoudara A pollock who has an aura of coming from some far-off sea. However, he seems to have the character of an Edokko​. He's an athletic-type who tends to err on the side of caution. However, he's also arrogant. When he wins, he makes a face that screams "You're no match for me!", which is truly aggravating. Many say they especially don't want to lose to him.
(TL Note: Literally meaning “Child of Edo”, Edokko is refers to a person born and raised in Edo (renamed Tokyo in 1868). It implies personality traits such as being assertive, straightforward, cheerful, perhaps a bit mercantile.)
Sukiyapodes Let's just get this out of the way; he has a giant foot. It measures about 16 mon. Even though he has a complex about it, he directs that frustration into bettering himself. Well, we're not sure if that last part's true, but he always has a cheerful expression on his face as he slowly and steadily builds precise chains. He's a bit of an unpleasant guy.
(TL Note: mon is a unit of length for measuring the size of one's foot. 1 mon is equivalent to 2.4 cm. His foot is 38.4 cm, or 15.12 in.)
Harpy Now then, it is time for Miss Harpy's song. She loves singing more than she loves having three meals a day. She could sing for ages if no one stopped her. If there was something like a "Puyo Puyo World Karaoke Tournament", she'd win for sure. But unfortunately, this is only Puyo Puyo. 
Sasori Man “How d'ya do, partner? I’m a famous Naniwa salesman known 'round these parts as Sasori Man. Put 'er there! Huh? Yer askin' for my secret to success? I ain't spillin' the beans no matter how much ya beg. That's somethin' to look forward to when we do battle. Till then, happy trails.”
Panotty A flute-playing boy. But honestly, he's nothing more than a noisy, mischievous brat. He disrupts his opponent's chains by dropping large amounts of Nuisance Puyo on them. Everyone has fallen victim to his antics at least once. What a truly ruthless Puyo technique. For when his last flute sounds, the dead shall be raised. Just kidding.
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Zombie A zombie. All of his lines are stuff like "Ugheeee." This zombie is quite the formidable trickster. Sometimes he will be swiftly defeated, and other times he will take you by surprise and suddenly pull off a huge chain. If you don't take him seriously, you'll find yourself in a tough spot. Battle with caution.
Witch In the forest stands a grand mansion. Living there was a very ordinary family whose lineage can be traced back hundreds of years. The family's only daughter was born and was raised in a very ordinary fashion. But there was one thing that was not so ordinary...That young lady was a haughty witch. Ohohoho! Ohohohoho... *fadeout*
Zou Daimaou Pawoo! The mammoth mogul has arrived! A young aristocrat who comes from an ancient and distinguished line of royal Indian elephants. An irritating fellow who likes bad puns, gives his words an elephantine quality, and casually rhymes. He also enjoys Puyo Puyo. Plus, he's strong. An aphant-garde aristocrat whose ground-shaking chains are as sharp as his tusks.
Schezo A silver-haired man with deep blue eyes. Schezo, the embodiment of picturesque beauty. However, he's been deemed a pervert thanks to Arle, and strives to restore his honor by challenging her. 
B-E-A-U-T-Y! Perfection won't pass you by!  P-R-I-N-C-E! Of the Puyo Puyo World, it's meant to be! Go now! Go forth! Show us what you're really worth! 
...Well, this has turned into something rather silly..
Minotauros Risking life and limb for his duties, a bull who lives by the code of chivalry, leaving a flurry of cherry blossoms in his wake. That is Minotauros. Ever since Rulue rescued him long ago, he has served as her devoted attendant like a faithful dog. Seeing him like this brings some to tears. For Rulue, he'd go through hell and high water. He's giving it his all today, and his one-eyed look is as cool as ever.
Rulue A woman truly worthy of the title of "Fighting Queen". The queen of the Puyo Puyo world. There's nothing that she can't obtain... Oh wait, there is something — Satan's love. Possessing a very jealous nature, Rulue is always lying in wait, ready to obliterate anyone who gets close to Satan. It's rumored that her true strength is even greater than Satan's.
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Satan He is the king that rules over heaven and earth. He soars the skies with wings that slice through wind. His two horns point towards the heavens. His sharp eyes are like glistening gems. Cloaked in the veil of night, his devilish hand beckons you in. He is darkness’s cherished protege. It seems playing Puyo Puyo is a guilty pleasure of his. His true strength is unknown. It's said he's won the Puyo Puyo World Championship a countless number of times. In any case, he's obviously a bigshot. Can you truly defeat Satan, who boasts of elite skills in speed and chaining?
(You can download the PDF here)
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oasisspringstownie · 3 years
FAME: A Legacy Challenge
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Sul sul simmers!
Like many of you, one of my favorite things to do in The Sims is play Legacy Challenges. They lead you to explore new aspects of gameplay, give you new imaginative ideas, and facilitate storytelling. So, a couple of nights ago I got the idea to create a new kind of legacy challenge revolving around different aspects of fame.
The goal isn’t exactly to become the most famous using said career/ skill, but to play around with different elements of the fame system in the game. You by no means need all the packs to play through this legacy. While the experience would be more complete and you will be missing careers and skills and stuff you can obviously adapt it to your need. Also, you are more than welcomed to use mods to enrich your gameplay. I myself can’t play without mods and look forward to see what kind of chaos mods can add to this challenge.
So without further a do below are the 10 generations I concocted like a fever dream at 2 am on a Saturday evening:
Gen 1: A Shaky Foundation
Traits: Cheerful, Ambitious, Self-Absorbed
Career: Acting, Style Influencer (Trendsetter Branch)
You move to a new city full of hopes and dreams. You initially pursue your dream of becoming an actor. However, your career is cut short by the unexpected arrival of your first child. You retreat from the spotlight in order to raise your baby and put all of your energy into making sure they have the best future possible. The rest of the time you spend either working or trying to unwind from your demanding life. What will fate bring you and your descendants?
Move into an empty lot with 1600 simoleons for the bare minimum.
Start in the Acting Career, but abandon it for the Style Influencer career once your first child is born. Remain in the Style Influencer Career and eventually choose the Trendsetter Branch.
Max out the Style Influencer Career.
Reach level 10 of the Parenting and Wellness Skills.
Be close friends with all of your children and make sure they each age up with at least 2 positive character attributes.
Gen 2: Get Your Head in the Game
Traits: Active, Music Lover, Outgoing
Career: Athlete, Entertainment (Musician Branch)
Your parent might have seemed very overbearing at the time, but they instilled a work ethic in you like no other. Your entire life you were split between your two passions: basketball and singing. Okay, fine, you're Troy Bolton. After succeeding in the sports world you still find yourself feeling somewhat unfulfilled. You enter the entertainment career later on in life to live out your dreams. Will this be the start of something new?
Max out the Athlete Career and then switch to the Entertainment Career (Musician Branch).
Max out the Fitness and Singing Skills.
Be in the drama club in high school.
Gen 3: Going for the Stars
Traits: Clumsy, Loner, Genius
Career: Astronaut
Your parent always told you to shoot for the stars, you just took it a bit too seriously. This world was always a bit too pedestrian for you and you yearn to finally lay your eyes on the astronomical craters of Sixam. There's just one problem: you're terrible at it. It's not your fault, you're just a bit clumsy; but will your two left feet keep you from reaching your dreams?
Work in the Astronaut Career your entire life. Get demoted and fired at least once in your lifetime.
Destroy and repair a rocket 3 times.
Live in a tiny home for your young adulthood and adulthood.
Have at least one set of twins. *You can cheat for this!*
Gen 4: The Finer Things in Life
Traits: Materialistic, Hates Children, Lazy
Career: None
You've seen all the generations before you work their little pixelated butts off for every simoleon, but you're not about that life. You were destined for the finer things in life.
Reach level 10 of the Charisma and Mixology Skills.
Marry and survive 5 spouses. Take that wording however you want. Divorce is not allowed. You must be the last once standing. After all, spouses are like infinity stones. Meaningless.
Never have a job. Only make money from spouses, family, or children. If you get desperate enough you can ask a friend for a loan or steal, but no working of any kind.
Each child you decide to have with one of your rich spouses comes with a 20k trust fund. If they get taken away or die before coming of age, all the money has to be returned to the evil capitalist overlords. You can't get rid of them that easily.
Own at least 1 restaurant/ retail/ business with one of your spouses. Decorate it, assign the uniform, and hire everyone, but you never run it. Why would you go through the trouble?
Gen 5: My Precious
Traits: Art Lover, Kleptomaniac, Self-Assured
Career: Criminal
Your childhood was pretty hectic and you felt like you barely knew your parents. Who needs them? You've never needed anyone else anyway. On your 18th birthday, you receive your inheritance and use it to buy yourself an unfurnished apartment in the nicest building you can find and that's when your money runs out... literally. However, will a new job as a tough guy be the first of many great ideas or will it only be the beginning of the end for this famed family?
Once you become a young adult give yourself enough money to buy one of the apartments in the Uptown Neighborhood in San Myshuno. It must be unfurnished. After moving in set your money to 0 simoleons.
Complete the Criminal Career.
Reach level 10 of the Mischief and Dancing Skills.
Gain an atrocious reputation and spend the rest of your life trying to cover it up.
Steal 10 paintings from a museum and exhibit them proudly in your home. You are never allowed to sell them. As an adult, hide them in a secret attic nobody else has access to or knows about. They are your precious.
Gen 6: The Muses
Traits: Creative, Family Oriented, Insider
Career: Painter
You could have anything you wanted in the world thanks to your family's empire so you pursued your passion: painting. While you were never close to your other family members you were always very close to your art teacher. This led you to have very close ties to your friends, co-workers, and eventual children. Will your legacy remain for longer in the memory of strangers or your loved ones?
Complete the Painter Career
Reach level 10 of the Painting, Cooking and Baking Skills
Have a better relationship with your art teacher than anyone else in your family until you're a teen.
Move to a new world once you become a young adult and cut ties with your family.
Be the leader of one club for all your young adulthood and adulthood.
Be close friends with 3 co-workers and all of your children.
Prepare a meal at least once a week with the help of your children. *I know we don't have this in the game yet technically, but I'm hoping to have Cottage Living by the time I play with this generation*
Hang 5 paintings in a museum.
Retire from Painting Career to help care for your grandchildren.
Gen 7: Mole
Traits: Good, Perfectionist, Paranoid
Career: None
You always had a good relationship with your parents. You told each other everything... well, almost everything. You never understood why but one of your parents never talked about the rest of your family members. They explained that they simply never had a good relationship and would rather not talk about it. You respect this until their death when you return to their seemingly abandoned childhood home. While exploring the house you find a not-so-subtle bookcase door and a long forgotten attic filled with paintings. You take them in hopes of returning them but unbeknownst to you, you are being watched.
After an unfortunately unavailable nail-biting car chase, you shake off your attackers. You can't just lead them home to the rest of your family and what would the police do? They don't even arrest Vlad when he's trying to bite all of your sims!
Sorry, different rant.
So you do the only logical thing: you sell the paintings you just stole for some cash to buy an empty lot and skip town. A new life awaits you... just a bit underground.
Reach level 10 of the Writing, Logic, and Handiness Skills.
Complete the Best Selling Author Aspiration.
After your parent dies, you visit Gen 5's main home and retrieve the paintings hidden in the attic generations ago. Sell them and use the money to buy an empty lot in a completely different world.
Use your remaining money to build a small underground bunker. You can now never leave your bunker or risk immediate death.
You make your income by writing books under your new name. Oh, didn't I mention that? You changed your name to avoid detection. Your children may carry this new fake last name or your partner's.
Gen 8: Part of Your World
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Geek
Career: Social Media
All you knew was the bunker and it's not that you hated it, you just wanted a bit more. You're basically the little mermaid, except you don't get to be a mermaid. You just get a bunker you can never leave and a desperate yearning to explore the outside world.
Your outlet is the internet. From a young age you loved using it to play video games and make friends. As a teen you began to make videos and fostered a community online. Will you finally take your place in the world or remain hidden underground?
Reach level 10 of the Media Production and Video Gaming Skills
Complete the Social Media Career.
You're never allowed to leave the underground bunker until you're a teen.
You aren't allowed to go to school. Instead you play video games and use your computer for outside interaction.
As a teen you start developing your online presence by posting on social media and making videos on the video station.
You are only allowed to move out of the household once your parent dies and you have enough money in reserves to buy a furnished home.
Gen 9: Natural Born Performer
Traits: Gloomy, Unflirty, Adventurous
Career: Entertainment (Comedy Branch)
Due to your parent's fame, it was always expected you would follow in their footsteps. While a bit more gloomy than most, you are happiest when you make others laugh. So you join the Entertainer Career where you flourish as a comedian. You're also a bit unlucky in love. Will the family name's fame and your own notoriety keep you from finding true love or are you destined to a lifetime of gold diggers and one night stands?
Complete the Entertainer Career (Comedy Branch).
Reach level 10 of the Comedy and Rock Climbing skills.
Complete Serial Romantic Aspiration
Have four children.
Die suddenly and *mysteriously* in your adulthood.
Gen 10: A Grand Finale
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Ambitious, Perfectionist
Career: Actor
After losing your parents at a very young age, you and your siblings were sent to live with some distant relatives you didn't even know about. While you and your siblings are all very different and you bicker plenty, you always stick together.
After learning you are a descendant of some of the most famous and infamous sims in history, you are determined to meet and surpass their achievements. Will you come out on top or have you flown too close to the sun?
Complete the Actor Career
Achieve level 10 of 10 skills of your choosing.
Become a Global Superstar.
Get a star on Starlight Boulevard.
Throughout your lifetime you must go on vacation to every house you lived in throughout all previous 9 generations. Oh, and your three other siblings need to come along too. Think of it as Narnia meets It. Also make sure to steal something from each of the houses as a souvenir and display it proudly in your own home.
After you've completed all the things above, get turned into a vampire and choose to end your mortal legacy here... or start a whole new type all together.
Thank you so much for indulging me in this insanity. While I haven't played through any of these generations myself as of yet, I look forward to see the chaos and cuteness possible in The Sims.
Happy simming!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
School of Rock Still Shows Why We Need a Jack Black Movie Musical
School of Rock is back! On Netflix, that is. This is excellent news. If we can ignore the fact that Jack Black’s character Dewey Finn does some seriously illegal, borderline sociopathic stuff in the film’s story, while also tanking an entire school year for a classroom full of precocious kids, Richard Linklater and Mike White’s family film absolutely rocks our socks off. It’s a modern classic that has spawned a Broadway show, TV adaptation, and countless click-baity “What are the kids from School of Rock doing now?” articles.
Of course the chief reason why this movie goes so hard is its star Jack Black. Not since the 2000 film High Fidelity had a project so perfectly utilized Black’s unique comedic and musical talents, and really, no movie has quite done so since. Anyone that had a stoner friend with access to HBO in the early 2000s has likely heard “Yo, but like, Jack Black can actually sing” while being forced to watch or listen to Black’s comedy rock duo Tenacious D. And we’re here to confirm that, yes, he can. 
Black discovered he could sing while auditioning for his school’s production of Pippin, and while his voice could probably be described as “someone who can sing doing an impression of someone who thinks they can sing,” he can effortlessly switch between a gravelly lower baritone and screeching high-falsetto. In other words, he’s got pipes. Couple that with his natural gift for physical comedy, and you’ve got a dynamic performer that can dance and jive across a stage, hit his mark, and blow doors down.
So the fact that so few of Black’s film roles have utilized his musical chops is a travesty, especially considering the actor has kicked around the idea of retiring soon. That means we could be deprived of a final, School of Rock-style showcase for Black. That’s a damn shame considering now is the perfect time for a musical movie project starring Black!
The success of recent films like The Greatest Showman, the pre-shot stage version of Hamilton, and In the Heights has led to a bevy of movie musicals coming to theaters. Dear Evan Hansen, tick, tick…BOOM!, and West Side Story are all debuting before the year is over. If you stare long enough, you could be convinced we’re amid a movie musical renaissance—although that’s been almost true for the last 20 years since Moulin Rouge!
Additionally, while several of Black’s contemporaries in “the Frat Pack,” as they were dubbed in the mid-2000s by USA Today, have worked steadily and maintained a level of popularity, the esteem for Black has only grown since School of Rock. That’s partially due to his family-friendly output—lending his voice to films like the Kung Fu Panda franchise and starring in the new live-action Jumanji movies—that endeared him to a generation, and it’s also due to his savvy adoption of social content sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
Black has 12.3 million followers on TikTok and some of his more popular clips have been viewed more than 38 million times. He also shares popular gaming content on his YouTube channel, showing a willingness to meet younger content consumers on their level and with videos that speak to their interests. Black’s fanbase continues to grow with every half-naked cosplay clip, as well as viral musical sensations, such as when Black assembled an all-star team to sing “Time Warp” from the cult classic musical, Rocky Horror Picture Show, last October.
That makes 2021 the perfect time for a movie musical starring Jack Black. The audience is clearly there for it, and it would once again allow Black to showcase his many talents in a medium that feels custom built to allow him to shine on-screen. While we can all watch School of Rock on Netflix in the meantime, Ted Sarandos and company should be breaking out the checkbook to bankroll the next Jack Black movie musical classic.
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8makes1cheese · 4 years
f2l with Song Mingi♡
Pairing: Mingi X Reader
RoommateAU, (and like High SchoolAU in the beginning and kinda CollegeAU?)
Tags: cursing, shitty attempts at comedy, fluff, kinda sorta suggestive?, ig drug use and drinking?(booze and weed)
Words: 2.5k
A/N: Okay so, this is my first bullet scenario thing? and its weird...like this is so weird but I tried XD it ended up this weird mix between bullet scenario and oneshot fic and i-
...............all I can do is practice and try to get better but yeah. SO HERES THIS :D (im srry don hate me T-T)
-Finding Your Best Friend-
this bb would be the best-est friend you would have in this world
probably why you fell for him in the first place, but let's not get to ahead of ourselves
you guys met freshman year of high school
your guys' mutual friend Yunho is really the reason why
you just moved to town, and since said town was small, it was clear to you that everybody knew everybody else
you felt pretty lonely on the first day because of that
second day of freshman year is where is all started to come together
you were looking for a nice spot to sit and have your lunch outside because you didn't want to look like the weird loner person eating by themselves in silence
you found a pretty spot under a big tree near the track field, you put a random cool cake making tutorial on your phone and ate your lunch
the video was at a part where they were placing intricate designs in frosting all over the cake when you hear "Whoa, that is so cool!"
you jump about 3 feet in the air and immediately gather up your phone and get up to spin around to see who interrupted your quiet time
a young man, not sure his grade, with peach colored hair and a worried expression on his face, raises his hands in a surrender pose
'okay but what the hell was he doing, watching my phone behind the tree?'
well reader, we'll never know
"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to scare you that bad! Really, I am so so so sorry!"
you, still in shock, just nod at him
now you're both just standing in front of each other
not saying anything
this is awkward
"I-I'm Yunho...by the way."
you clear your throat, not sure why, nervous habit
"So, uh... Haven't seen you around here before.."
once you explained you were new, and new to the town in general. There was no escape.
you were now best friends with the giant teddy bear and there was nothing you could do about it
yunho immediately took you under his wing and showed you around the campus. Then the town itself after school was out.
but Ro this seems to be turning into a yunho x reader fic/ bullet scenario
stfu I'm getting there
what did this turn into even
so now you and Yunho are bffs
enter giant teddy bear 2.0
you and yunho are hanging out at lunch, it's become a usual for the past two weeks
and Yunhos other bff is becoming sus about why Yunho hasn't been eating with him at lunch or doesn't seem to have as much time after school for him
that's when giant teddy bear 2.0 (if you don't know that its Mingi then idek-) finds his bestie with some random chick
a really adorable random chick
"So this is where you have been?"
you and Yunho start, not expecting someone to find your guys' spot
Also, deja vu, amiright?
"Oh, hey Mingi!" Yunho greets the tall dirty blonde haired teddy bear
And you're totally not sitting there thinking, 'holy shit, he is...wow.'
and that's how it all started
he stayed and introduced himself and you hit it off just as well as you and yunho did
maybe even better..
he started showing up everyday, at the what was dubbed 'The Cool Kids Spot™️' by you all, with yunho
even tho we all know you guys were NOT the cool kids
then it went to him being at the spot before everyone showed up
so he could see you first
then it turned into him meeting you up after class so you both could grab your food together and meet up Yunho at The Spot™️
before you could even realize it, he became your person
you were the first person he ran up to and hugged after him and Yunhos dance group took home 1st place at a competition
he was the first person you called when you were told that your poem won an award
you were the person he'd come to if he needed any kind of advice
and he was the first person you went to if you needed to get out of your head or your anxiety was getting to you
the high school years went by so fast
a lot changed
but what never changed was Mingi, he may have grown
and damn he grew
but he was your constant (and yes, yunho too, we can't forget yunho bro)
-Knowing They're The One-
high school came and went
Mingi and Yunho were accepted by a prestigious performing arts school
you, however, were going to just a regular college
luckily, both schools weren't terribly far from each other
which is why, instead of suffering in dorms, you and Mingi decided to get a apartment together, not far from both schools
yunhos ass stayed with his parents because they live like right next to the school, lucky hoe
you all still make time for each other
but you and Mingi prefer to stay in, order takeout and watch random stuff on YouTube
whenever you or Mingi went out it was always together (unless it was classes)
Grocery shopping? Together. Doctors appointment? Together. Girls night? Together. Guys night? Together.
"So, you must be suffering right now" his friend Yeosang said to him on a rare guys night that didn't involve you.
Mingi looked at Yeosang perplexed, ignoring whatever Wooyoung was talking to him about
"What are you talking about?"
"You and [Y/N] are literally always together, the fact she isn't here surprises me."
Mingi laughed. "We're not always together."
A cacophony of "LIES" and "BULLSHIT" filled the air as all of Mingi friends called him out on his bullshit
Mingi could feel his face heating up
"W-well, so what if we are! Were best friends AND roommates."
"And lovers~" his friend San whispered in his ear from behind and laughed, dancing away before Mingi could hit him
"We're not together!" Mingi exclaimed, rolling his eyes.
"But you want to be."
Mingi turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was Yunho, leaning against the entrance of the kitchen everyone was gathered in
He was looking at Mingi with a smirk
Mingi knew Yunho knew how he felt about you
and not because he told him
well...he kinda did
it was your guys' high school graduation
more specifically, the night of, and you were all partying and yunhos house
celebrating the fact that you all were officially adults now
lol you thought
and what better way to celebrate that than with underage drinking
be safe kids, don't drink irresponsibly
and Mingi. Got. Wasted.
by the end of the night, he was crying (and maybe puked once or twice...) in Yunhos arms about how beautiful you were, and how amazing and talented you were
wouldn't shut up about how soft and perfect you feel in his arms when he hugs you or vice versa
"She is my soulmate." After every other sentence mentioning how perfect you are
but wait, where were you while Mingi was crying and puking you ask?
That night you met Yeonjun, who is now one of your closest friends
  at first, a friend of Wooyoungs, who you all became friends with junior year, along with his best friend San
Yeonjun, who went to a different school across town, was invited along by Woo and San
you and Yeonjun hit it off so well, drinking and laughing, and talking about how much he loves his boyfriend Soobin, and maybe you drunkingly going on about how amazing Mingi is
however, Mingi didn't know Yeonjun
and what he saw that night was you, enjoying your time with someone who wasn’t him, laughing at jokes that weren't his, hanging all over someone who could never know you as well as he did (and that totally wasn't the reason that Mingi drank like 2 bottles of straight vodka, not at all)
and at that moment
he knew
he fucked up
he was in love with you
Mingi wasn't sure what to say
he could deny it sure, but he knew it was useless
not after every person in the room gave him a knowing smirk after Yunhos comment
“She doesn't-”
“Oh, whatever. you guys are literally already a couple. And dont even try to deny that. If she was here right now, she’d probably be on your lap and you two would be sitting in some corner of the house whispering some weird drunk lovey shit to each other.”
Mingi really didn't have a argument for that
that night he came home sober
but you didn't know that until months later when he told you he wasn't actually drunk
anyways when he got home you were sitting in the living room
music playing away on YouTube while you type away on your laptop
you didn't hear him come in, softly singing along to the song under your breath
he stood there for a moment and just..looked at you
your hair was a mess
you had on the same clothes as yesterday
probably haven't done a skincare routine in months
you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life
he felt so much love swell in his chest
hes known it for a while now but at that moment all that was going on in his head was
“That’s my soulmate. I love her. I love her so much.”
he wasn't sure if he had said it loud enough but apparently he had because you flinched and turned to see who the ‘intruder’ was
“Oh, Mingi! Shit, you scared me...” you laughed. “How was guys night?”
He made his was over to sit on the couch as you told him how your paper was coming along and then waited for him to answer your question
he sat for a good minute not saying anything
he looked at you
“you okay hun?” you asked, placing your hand on his cheek
and then he kissed you
it was so quick, you had no time to register that it was happening at all
and he left just as quickly
slamming the door to his bedroom and leaving you flustered and panicked
the morning after the kiss was the most awkward moment that you and Mingi had ever had
luckily it didn't last long at all
you two were silent, awkwardly making breakfast
then Mingi busted out with “Man, I’m so hungover! I barely remember anything from last night!”
“Do...do you remember anything from when you came home?”
“No, to be honest, I don't even remember coming home...”
-cue forced laughter-
-cue Mingi not trying to be disappointed when you looked relieved-
 he asked you if anything happened and tried not to feel sad about the fact you were going on about how nothing happened and he just came home and went to bed
why wouldn't you mention the kiss? maybe everyone had it wrong, you didn't feel the same. why else would you avoid it?
but everything went back to...normal
you two would cuddle every night on the couch
you showed up to every guys night like usual
(there may or may not have been more knowing smirks thrown Mingis way)
he showed up to the rare girls nights you'd have with your (like 2) girlfriends
(they literally just consisted of everyone chilling in some secluded spot and sparking up a blunt or two and bull-shittng)
but everything wasn't normal
because even though it lasted 0.0002 seconds long
Mingi cannot stop thinking about that kiss
neither can you for that matter
that's when you confided in your bestie Yeonjun
who knew all about your love for your other bestie
you went to Yeonjuns one Saturday afternoon without mingi
its been a month since the kiss and Yeonjun is only disappointed in the fact that you didn't tell him sooner
his solution was simple, just tell him how you feel
its so god damn obvious he feels the same
but who are you to do the simple thing right?
so what do you do?
you go with Soobins idea
and :) you:) go:) on:) a:) blind:) date:) with one of soobin and yeonjuns friends:)))))))
at least you were supposed to..
the night comes when you were supposed to meet at a nice cafe with their friend Beomgyu
you. were. lookin. FIRE BABY
you were in the kitchen grabbing your keys
and maybe prolonging the fact that your going out with someone who isn't MIngi
when Mingi walked out to heat himself up a noodle cup
and maybe one for you too because he didn't think you were going anywhere and was going to ask if you wanted to chill in his room and play mario kart
his jaw DROPPED when he saw you
he felt like he was just kicked in the gut, all breath left his lungs
and he may or may not have gotten an instant boner but-
he cleared his throat to get your attention
“You look...nice.” wow, Mingi, smooth
“O-oh, thanks, um... ill be back later okay?”
when Mingi asked where you'll be going and you said you had a blind date, he swears to this day he blacked out for a moment
next thing he knew he had you pushed against the counter
“You don't have a date.”
“But I do-”
then his lips were pressed against yours
and unlike the first, this one lasted a hell of a lot longer than 0.0002 seconds
it wasn't fireworks or butterflies or a sudden realization of unconditional love
it was rough and messy and filled with so many emotions including relief that your love for each other can finally blossom
you didn't say a word to each other when you parted
you stared at each other for a while, panting with big smiles on your faces
once your breathing returned to normal you gently pushed him back so you weren't pressed against the counter anymore
“I’m going to change in PJ's.”
Mingis smile lit up his whole face. “But I thought you had a date..”
“No, I don't.” you kissed his cheek and left to change.
so you guys never really sat down and were like ‘hey so are we...?’
because you both knew you just....were
after that night you guys started acting like you had been dating for months
it was just like before
because of course, like always, Yunho was right
you guys already acted like you were dating
now kisses and a lot more were added to the mix
which just made everything 1000x better
everyone knew it was just a matter of time
you loved waking up to his arms wrapped around your waist and him softly snoring in your ear
he loved waking up to you peppering kisses all over his collar bones and neck
your loved bloomed♡
A/N pt2: Im sorry if the end seems so rushed as well, I started running out of steam and my mind blanked but I didn't want to prolong this and never post it...like i do with everything...
Thank you for reading!
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Social Media AU - Social Killing (Part 24)
We’ll be taking a little closer look at the show itself next time...and we’ll see just how Richie’s performance is recieved by the fans 👀
I know the writing for the interview is small, so I’ve put the transcript below just in case anyone needs it!
Also, yes, I am in fact a giant moron who wrote that Social Killing was a weekend-show, and have only now realized that in the interview, it says “Wednesday night” because I wrote it like a month back and forgot I put that. Please pretend that the publication in charge of the interview got the wrong day, and that it is in fact Sunday nights!
Our correspondent, Vincent Lewis, sat down with the main cast of the upcoming Hulu drama “Social Killing” this afternoon to learn more about the show, as well as what drew the cast to the project and what it was like to work together.
Vince: Hello, it’s wonderful to meet you all.
Riley Andersen: Aww, it’s nice to meet you too!
Vince: I can imagine it’s been a long day of press and interviews for you all.
Richie Tozier: Too long.
Jay B: It’s been insane to be honest. It’s unlike anything any of us have ever seen, I think.
Evan Harrison: Yeah, but it’s been fun too, in a weird way.
Vince: I’ll get right to it then. First of all, congratulations to all of you on the show, it’s been receiving rave reviews all around, and it looks like it’s set to be a hit.
Jay: Thanks.
Vince: So, can you tell us a little bit about the characters you four play? No spoilers necessary, just the basic so we know who’s who!
(All four look at each other and laugh)
Richie: I mean…
Evan: Ladies first!
Riley: (laughing) Geez, you guys are mean! Okay, so I play Hailey and she’s a cheerleader at Blackwood High, where the series is set, and she’s...complicated. She isn’t the stereotypical mean cheerleader you usually see in television shows, but she’s definitely not above doing what it takes for her to stay on top.
Vince: Interesting! Gentlemen…?
Evan: Okay, so I play Blake, who’s this kind of preppy, snobbish guy who went to boarding school but has transferred to Blackwood for unknown reasons. He knows pretty much all the town’s secrets since he comes from a rich family and so he kind of has his links everywhere in town.
Jay: I play Sean, who’s this beloved teacher at the school - all the students love him since he’s not stuffy or uptight. He’s kinda the cool English teacher who’s probably smoked a spliff with all his students at some point. But he has a double life that no one knows about, and he wants it to stay that way because he’s seeking justice for something that’s happened to him in the past few years.
Richie:...Oh shit, me. I play a guy called Ted, and he’s brand new to town because he’s looking for a new start after something super tragic happened in his past. So he takes the drama teacher position that just opened up, and he starts to realize that something is kind of off about the town - which, you know, is kinda understatement of the fucking century!
Vince: So everyone’s got a secret then…
Riley: Basically none of us can be trusted, that’s what you should know.
Vince: Now obviously, Jay, you’ve been working pretty consistently in the business since you were young - you would do Canadian kids DIY shows and Québécois dubbing, is that correct?
Jay: Yeah. God, how fucking lame is that?
Vince: No, no, I used to love watching those Canadian kids shows! But since becoming an adult, you’ve done all sorts - comedy, obviously, drama, horror, animation...so what led you to “Social Killing”?
Jay: Well, I mean, my agent sent me a script and I was like ‘holy shit this could be good’; then I saw that Richie fucking Tozier was getting involved and I was like ‘okay, drop everything, I have GOT to do this damn show now’.
Vince: Did you two know each other before doing the show?
Richie: I mean, kinda. He came backstage at some of my shows a few times, and I was like ‘this guy is fucking awesome’. He’s Canadian, so that’s why.
Jay: I’m a very proud Canadian, yeah. Sorry, America, but Canada is the greatest country in the world.
Riley: America sucks right now, so don’t apologize.
Jay: But yeah, I’ve always wanted the chance to work with Richie on something since he’s one of my favourite comedians, so this was a huge opportunity for me.
Richie: And then he actually met me properly and regretted that shit.
(All of them crack up laughing)
Vince: As I understand it, Riley, you’re not entirely new to the world of show business either, because before joining the show you were a dancer.
Richie: Wait, what??
Riley: Yeah, I was. I was a professional dancer.
Jay: Jesus Christ.
Richie: A fucking PROFESSIONAL dancer?!
Riley: Oh come on, you guys knew I was a dancer!
Richie: Not professionally! I thought you just did it for a hobby, not as an actual job!
Riley: Anyway...I danced back-up for a few people, did some background dance work on movies and shows, but this is my first time acting.
Evan: And she’s incredible at it. It’s amazing.
Vince: As I understand it, Evan, you’re also brand new?
Evan: Well, this is my first big role. I did some theatre for a few years, played some gigs at bars to get by, but this is what I really want to be doing. I was so excited when I got cast that I nearly started crying - it’s a dream come true.
Riley: Aww.
Vince: Finally, Richie… You’re a fantastic stand-up comedian, I love your work, but this is your first time acting in anything. What made you want to transition from stand up to television, especially now?
Richie: Woah, yeah, I mean...yeah. (laughs) Honestly, I wanted to do something new. A lot of stuff has changed in the last few years, mostly the content of my stand-up, and I want to distance myself from that old shit as much as possible. And, you know, I’m married now, we’re expecting our first kid soon, so it’s all super serious and shit.
Vince: Congratulations!
Richie: Yeah, thanks! So with the show, I wanted to just...show that I could do it, I guess. Show I was more than just some shitty comedian doing misogynistic jokes that weren’t true. The writers approached me originally since they wanted some humor in the show, but...I guess they liked the other stuff I did once I was on-set.
Riley: Just for the record, I like your new stuff better.
Jay: Oh yeah, for real.
Evan: I still remember seeing the comeback show, first time you did your own material, and I was so blown away. Not just the actual material, but the way you performed and talked about your friends on-stage...it was amazing.
Richie: Thanks, man.
Vince: So, what was it like for the four of you to work together? Were there any scenes where all four of you were present?
Jay: Oh, man…
Evan: (mock dying) Spoilers. Can’t. Give. Them. Away.
Richie: Yeah, you can't see it, but in the building across the road there’s a Hulu representative with a sniper ready to take us out if they think we’ll fuck up.
Vince: Alright, alright, I get it! But what was it like working together? Fun?
Riley: Oh yeah. Definitely. These three guys are super funny and great to work with, you know? Evan would sing songs on set between takes, and we’d all have little impromptu karaoke sessions. Jay is just...really sweet but funny, he keeps quiet sometimes but he genuinely is really fun to be around; he goes nuts about hockey. Richie kept us all laughing, of course, even when we had to shoot more challenging scenes - without giving too much about the show away, there were times where we would be filming, and we’d all be feeling down or tired, and it was really hard. But Richie would keep our spirits up by making jokes, and making sure we were all hanging in there.
Evan: Yeah, Richie’s the best.
Riley: He’s a talented actor too, which is nice to work with.
Jay: Aww jeez, Riley…
Richie: You’re making us sound awesome, and we look like assholes just sitting here nodding.
Evan: To be honest, I worked more with Riley than anyone else and she really undersells herself.
Richie: Yeah. She’s actually super funny - I mean, she’s great on the show but she pulls off comedy pretty well too. I think she’d do pretty well on a comedy show or something. You know, if the show doesn’t work out. (Winks)
Riley: Coming from Trashmouth Tozier, that’s like...the most wonderful thing someone has ever said to me. Oh my god.
Vince: Well, I was going to ask what it was like, being surrounded by all male leads - obviously there are females too, but you four are the focus, and you’re the only woman.
Riley: (laughing) Shh, I don’t think- I don’t think they’ve realized I’m not a guy yet! Don’t tell them!
Jay: Nah, she’s one of the guys clearly!
Richie: Wait, you’re a WOMAN? My life has been a lie, Riley Andersen!
Riley: The blonde ponytail and cheerleading skirt didn’t give it away then.
Richie: It’s 2018, anything can happen. I’d wear a cheerleading skirt. I’m sure my husband would be up for that.
Evan: I am very jealous that Riley got to wear the skirt and I didn’t. It would have made my ass look fantastic.
Jay: I’m not sure if my fiancée would be amused or terrified by me in a cheerleading outfit. I’m like 110lbs soaking wet, so fuck knows what I’d look like.
Riley: (throwing her arms around him) Jay, no, you’d look great! Be more confident in yourself!
Richie: (in a Canadian accent) It’s his Canadian modesty, eh?
Jay: (laughing) Fuck off.
Richie: (still-Canadian-accent) Still mad you left your tuque in the washroom, eh?
Evan: Oh god.
Vince: On that note...thank you so much for meeting with me. Good luck with the show!
“Social Killing” starts 9pm on Wednesday night on Hulu.
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youremeimyou · 5 years
Old Friends
pairing: Jung Hoseok x reader genre: fluff, comedy, slight drama high school crush au and there’s a Hoseok vs y/n rap battle in there, somewhere word count: 6k warnings: just some passionate kissing, oh and shirtless Hoseok;)
Description: Hoseok is your high school friend that you had a different kind of relationship with. You run into him, after many years and rekindle your friendship. Then he takes you to your high school reunion and claims you as his girlfriend. But it’s only an act. Right?
A/N: EGO IS OUT!! I can’t get enough of it, or enough of J-hope. Hence, this oneshot. I gave this my all and had fun reading it back so I’m hoping it’s not shitty. Pls let me know what you think of it. Also I changed the way I write and reffered to the reader as ‘you’ for this one- idk i wanted to try it. If you guys have prefferences you can let me know. I hope you like it. Enjoy!
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It's official, you hate summer. Sure.. school's out, no more chasing after professors or migraines lasting for weeks. But goddamn it it's hot and humid. It's like trying to breathe in a sauna, which you hate. Plus, the sun is like a deadly laser. Normally you love strolling through this street. Glancing at cute little stores and admiring street artists as you walk by. Not today, though. Not while feeling like all the water in your body is gonna evaporate any second.
You notice a little crowd up ahead, a half circle. And the sound of a groovy beat captures your attention. You might've stopped and joined the crowd just for the captivating music, if it wasn't for the torturous heat. In this instance you'll settle for only a glance at whatever show is going on inside that half circle.
That's until you see the street dancer there and you stop dead in your tracks. Someone is crazy enough to dance in this heat. Someone manages to look like the greatest performer alive despite the sweat covering his body and the fact that he's probably about to pass out. That someone is Jung Hoseok.
Before you can do anything else, you realize just how much better he’s become. And he was already an amazing dancer the last time you saw him. Back in high school, that is. Hobi the bubbly, cheerful dancer that dominated talent shows every year. Hobi who you occasionally helped pass chemistry. Hobi who could actually also sing, a fact only you knew about him of all the kids at your school. Because you’d spend most of your time in the music room, usually all by yourself. But one time, you caught him sitting alone and singing in there and after that, he’d visit you every so often. In return, he was the only one that knew you composed songs.
It’s been three years since graduation and your last conversation with him. But right now, he’s standing right in front of you. No, he’s dancing. The music ends in time with his final move and the mini crowd goes wild. As he catches his breath, most people leave money in his hat on the floor. You hope they’re being generous. Rightfully so, that was one hell of a performance.
You contemplate on whether you should say hi or not. The introvert in you decides you shouldn’t but before you can turn around to leave, you make eye contact with Hoseok.
“Y/N?” he asks.
“Hey, Hoseok.”
And he smiles. Despite how exhausted he must be, he gives you a whole cheekbones lifted, classic Hobi smile.
“You were amazing. But how did you not faint dancing in a weather like this?” you ask, smiling back.
“Come to think of it, I do feel like blacking out.” he says in between his panting.
You panic and go closer to him quickly. “I can take you to the hospital-”
“I’m kidding, Y/N.”
Did you maybe miss his mischevous ass? You both giggle.
“How about taking me to an icecream shop to catch up, instead? It’s been so freaking long. If you don’t have any plans, I mean.”
Your plan is going home, opening the refrigerator door and standing in front of it. So they’re skippable for an old friend.
“Let’s go before you deteriorate.”
You take him to the closest icecream shop you know and the shop has great air conditioning, thank god. Hoseok sits down and you feel as though he won’t be able to get up and order. Despite the smiley and bright facade of his, his body seems to be worn out. So, you take the liberty to order for both of you.
As you wait in line, order and wait for them to prepare it, you think about what you wanna say to Hoseok. Regardless of how much time has passed, you notice how you still get a little nervous with him around. It used to be like that in high school, too. You could never really look him in the eyes while he was speaking with you. You wouldn’t be intimidated. You’d just be kinda.. overwhelmed.
You take the cups and make your way to the table. Hoseok’s eyes light up, he seems content with your choice. He also looks better now, the cool air of the shop must’ve helped.
“What’re the odds of us meeting like this? Just on the street?” he initiates conversation.
“Well, I’m not exactly surprised to find Hope on the streets.”
“You remember my stage name?” He looks geniunely surprised.
“How can I possibly forget crowds of people going crazy, cheering J-hooope?”
That makes him shy, you think. With him averting his eyes to the ground. You’d hear those cheers often, back then. Hoseok was known as ‘J-hope’ and his act ‘Hope on the street’ was very popular. Everyone in Gwangju High would come to watch him perform, including you. It really is a bit strange how you ran into each other randomly on a street in Seoul, you think. You both had dreams of moving to Seoul as teenagers and had told each other about it. But neither of you knew if the other actually made it there. Until now.
"Did you move here right after graduation? I remember you talking about wanting to persue music here at University of Seoul." he says with his eyes on his icecream. He remembers your dream.
"Yeah, I had to get out of there. I moved here even before knowing if the university had accepted me. Thankfully, I got in. What about you? When did you come here?"
After he takes a spoon of the good stuff, he takes his eyes off from his cup and connects them with yours. It happens so suddenly that you almost blush. You're able to hold it in, though. Barely.
"I kinda wanted to wait until my work at the dance academy was done. So, after two more years at Gwangju, I finally transferred here, to National University of Arts just at the beginning of this semester."
You're glad to see him not giving up on dancing because he's so talented for it that it isn't like anything you've seen before or after you've known him. When he dances, it's like whatever music he's moving to actually finds form in him. And when he's not dancing, the way he moves around, walks, talks still somehow appears artistic.
But then, you realize you've been staring at him, lost in your train of thoughts. And he must've noticed because one corner of his mouth curves upwards a little, forming an almost smirk. This time, you can't stop your cheeks from turning red. Fuck.. What's wrong with you? It's been years since you've even seen his face. Why the hell did you just turn into a teenager, all over again?
"How's music school? Did you drop any albums I'm missing out on?" He asks and his eyes go back to his icecream. You can breathe normally again.
"I think school is always a pain in the ass. Even if it's about music." is your reply. You both laugh.
"I couldn't agree more."
Normally you have a hard time talking about yourself with others. But when it comes to Hoseok, it's different. Because that kinda used to be your relationship back in the days. Talking to each other about stuff you wouldn't with others.
"I've been working in a studio a friend of mine opened and we're working on some stuff but.. I can't seem to finish anything I start so, no. I haven't really been productive." you add with a frown. There're lots of things you don't like about yourself and being a procrastinator is one of them.
Then, a hand is placed lightly on yours that was resting on the table. It's Hoseok, holding your hand and looking at you warmly. "Nah, I'm still pretty sure we're gonna hear your stuff on the radio, soon." He looks like he geniunely believes that. All you can do is smile back in appreciation.
Time goes by as you talk about all kinds of stuff. You learn he lives at the student dorm but he's not exactly happy about it and wants to find a new place to stay. Also that he's giving dance lessons to earn some extra cash. You tell him about Yoongi, that friend of yours who owns a studio and how he's looking for someone to move in, after his flatmate moved away. You promise to have the two meet each other and see if they can become roomates.
Hoseok suggests to exchange numbers but it turns out both of you haven't changed them since high school, so you both have the other in your contacts. And you say goodbye shortly after, agreeing on hanging out again, soon.
By the time you get home, it's already evening and you're a little hesitant to open up the door and greet your roommate, Namjoon. Because you promised him that you'd watch that philosophical movie you can't remember the name of together. But you were supposed to do that about two hours ago. You decide to just go in and explain how you ran into an old friend and got held up. Namjoon'll understand, right? You go inside but see that nobody's home, so you call him.
"What's up ditcher?" is how he answers the phone and you can't blame him, really.
"I'm so sorry Joon. I wanna make it up to you but.. where are you, exactly?"
"Okay, don't move." You hang up the phone and go straight into the apartment across the hall from yours. Yoongi has already opened the door before you can knock. You make for the living room and spot your roommate there. Just as you're about to explain, you also spot credits rolling on the tv screen and finished popcorn bowls.
"Wow, you watched Waking Day without me?" you complain. And Namjoon is quick to respond.
"It's Waking Life and yes, since you were a no-show."
"But you didn't even leave me popcorn."
"What're you saying? There's some left right here." Yoongi is the one who hands you one of the bowls.
"There are literally only three kernels here."
"Well, that's what ditchers get." Yoongi is just as merciless as Namjoon.
"But what if something happened to me on my way back-" you try the approach of pulling on their heartstrings but both of them whip their necks back and look at you in extreme worry, so you decide not to mess around. "Okay, okay. I encountered an old friend and lost track of time catching up. But maybe we can watch another movie and I'll make the popcorn, huh?" You wear a guilty grin on your face.
"Nope. You should take a seat and tell me about this friend that made you ditch me."
You sit down in between the guys on the couch, but you're facing Namjoon and telling him about Hoseok. Yoongi only sees your back and he's just so done with you, as always.
"You guys have a house exactly symmetrical to mine across the hall. Why the hell are you always here? I know it's not to see me, you're not even looking at me." It's a mix between ranting and whining. Both you and Namjoon know he's doing it to get attention.
"Because your couch is comfier." says Namjoon.
"And you have a piano." you add.
"You have a keyboard!"
"My keyboard is no upright piano."
Yoongi gives up with a huff. But you attack him with tickles until he gives in and giggles, all the while trying to get rid of your hands.
"By the way Yoongs, you're still looking for a roommate, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"The friend of mine from Gwangju I was catching up with, Hoseok, is looking for a new place. I want to introduce you guys."
"Sure. What can you tell me about him?"
You pause because there're lots of things you can say about him. But those are all about the high school Hoseok. You wonder how many of them changed and how many stayed the same. You're sure of some things, though.
"I can tell you that he's a great guy and a dedicated artist, a dancer. Also he's funny and a mood maker."
"Alright. You should bring him over."
"Great! I will."
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You wake up to your phone buzzing repeatedly. First thing you do is check the time and your clock on the wall is striking 11:30 in the morning. You overslept, great. It makes sense after you convinced Namjoon to binge watch Death Note before going to bed. But you ended up sleeping on the couch. The fact that you're in your bed right now means Namjoon carried you there.
3 unread messages from Hoseok.
-Morning, Y/N.
-Are you free today?
-I wanna treat you to some coffee.
It's been three to four days since the time you ran into Hoseok and you've been meaning to reach out to him to hang out but he just beat you to it. You thank the god for his extrovertedness.
-I'm taking care of some stuff in the studio today.
-But you can visit me there and if I'm finished quickly we can even hang out later, too.
-If you'd like, of course.
You press send and for some stupid reason your heart races a little fast. Were you being too forward? He just said coffee, maybe he meant a quick get together. You just asked him to wait for you in a studio, possibly for a couple of hours.
Two more buzzing.
-Sure! I'll make sure to help out so you can finish faster.
-Text me the time and the adress when you can.
You sigh in relief. But now it's time to be nervous about how you'll be alone with him there for a long while. Not that it makes you uncomfortable. You just feel that overwhelming feeling of him being around returning. You hope to at least not act like an idiot.
You make your way to the studio and text Hoseok the location, saying he could drop by whenever he'd like. Yoongi told you to listen to some demos for him but you leave that for last. For now, you're setting up some instruments and tuning them up for the band arranged to record tomorrow. But the bell rings and you sprint to answer the door.
"Hi!" you greet him.
"Hey." Hoseok says with a bright smile. He holds up the bags in his hands. "I brought food and icelattes."
"Which makes you a hero. Come in."
You eat and drink your coffees as you talk about stuff. Then, you play a recording of a guy who did an awful cover of Smelly Cat a few days ago. It makes Hoseok laugh so hard that he tumbles out of his seat and falls towards you. You knew it was a habit of his but you had never been the person he falls over to, before.
He helps you get the rest of the things done after that and surely him giving you a hand speeds up the process. For the last thing, you call him over to listen to the demos.
"Wow, some of these are really good. Especially this one, I like the beat a lot."
"Yeap, me too. I'm showing this one to Yoongi, later."
Finished up with the things, you're getting ready to leave but you hear him beatboxing the beat he liked a while ago.
"You can beatbox?"
"Yeah, I picked it up not so long ago."
An idea pops into your mind. You take him by the arm, practically drag him back to the recording booth and hand him a mic.
"Get a beat going."
"Just do it." And you run back to record him doing it. After that, you throw in some other instruments quickly. When you play the outcome, he smiles so hard.
"How did you just do that in such a short time, coming up with practically a song."
"You did it, too. You came up with a beat off the top of your head. That's the basis of songs, mostly."
He listens to it over and over. "Hey can I use this for when I do freestyle battles?"
"To dance over to? Sure! I'll work on it some more, though and perfect it."
He shys away a little. "Well, this would make a great dance track but.. I meant freestyle rap battles."
"You rap, too? Geez, is there any street art you're not talented in?" You're not that surprised, though. He always stroke you as swag in living form.
"I'm trying to get into it. I should improve if I wanna make a name for myself out on the streets of Seoul." he says half jokingly but it's true that the rap scene has become a major part of street competition, recently. You know from Yoongi and Namjoon who are also rappers.
You play the beat from the top. "C'mon, then. Let me hear a snippet."
"No, no I'm not really-"
"C'mon~ let's battle." you say to get him worked up a bit. Also, you picked up a few things from Yoongi and Namjoon over the last couple of years.
"Oh battle? Okay then, why don't you go first?"
Both of you try to control your laughter and you come up with some very stupid and childlike rhymes that make Hoseok laugh even harder.
"It's your turn, J-hope."
"Ooo~" he gets more fired up with the mention of his stage name. You're going back and forth rapping about the most random and funny stuff. But then you get bolder and want to go at him a bit, to get him more serious about this. Trying to remember embarrassing things he's done in high school, you throw in lines about the time he had to dance in his underpants in front of the whole school after losing a bet.
Also, there's this face you pull whenever you try to diss someone, something you picked up from Yoongi. But it looks funny on you and the boys always make fun of you about it. You're sure you're doing it right now, too out of habit. And you're not wrong because as soon as you're done, Hoseok starts and he mentions it.
Except, he says something along the lines of despite of you having that expression, he still doesn't feel like you're dissing him because of how beautiful you look even while pulling a funny face.
What? Did he just call you beautiful? In a rap battle?
You're in shock and aren't able to speak for a while. Which Hoseok takes advantage of. "You failed to come up with something in time, Y/N. I win." Then he boops your nose. He fucking boops your nose. What did you get yourself into?
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It's the day you finally bring Hoseok to meet with Yoongi. It's been a couple of weeks since you guys started hanging out kinda on a regular basis and Yoongi finally had some free time. The three of you are sitting in Yoongi's living room and you're watcing them get to know each other. Everything seems to go well. The door opens and Namjoon walks in.
"Yo. Sorry I'm late."
"It's okay since you live far away. Oh wait, you live across the hall." Yoongi is quick to welcome him.
"At least I brought dessert."
The two boys go into the kitchen to get dessert ready to be served.
"That's my roomate Namjoon. He wanted to meet you, too." you inform Hoseok.
"Roommate? Wait- you live just next door?"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'd beg to Yoongi or something to get him to accept me!" he says with a smile. You're glad he's happy about the fact you might live next to each other.
"I think he already likes you. I'm pretty sure you got the room."
And you turn out to be right. Hoseok and Yoongi hit it off quickly and he moves in a couple of days later. You start spending even more time together since then. Both with the other boys around and just you two, alone.
This one time Yoongi gives you the day off, Namjoon is off to do a job interview and you've got absolutely nothing to do. So you go over to see Hoseok. You knock and ring the bell but loud music is coming from inside and he doesn't hear you. The door isn't locked, though and you just go in. When you get to the living room you see Hoseok practising, going really hard at it. There're sweatdrops on his face and his white shirt-now practically see through shirt-is stuck to his body, revealing the delicate structure of it.
Blood rushes to your cheeks and your heart is thumping but you can't look away. He's art, you think. Art that you can't get enough of. He finally notices you, which almost gives you a heart attack but thankfully he isn't uncomfortable with you being there.
"Hey- uh- phew." he tries to talk but needs a moment to catch his breath, first. "Y/N. Please tell me you've been standing there long enough that you saw my new moves."
You nod, still not completely out of your daze. "They were.." you trail off because he just casually takes his shirt off in front of you. "Can you pass me that?" he asks you to hand him over the towel on the chair next to you. You're on autopilot as you do so.
"So, what do you think?"
"Oh yeah- Umm.. it was awesome. Very captivating.."
"Thanks." he smiles brightly while walking closer to you. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. You wanna hang out, after?"
Right. That's why you came over, you remember. "Yeah, I'll be here."
Hoseok and you just hang inside all day. Not doing much but still managing to have fun. Yoongi comes home for a while but has to go back out again, so it's mostly just you two. In the middle of the night, you guys start watching a movie, planning to stay awake till morning but Hoseok's tired from practising earlier and dozes off, eventually. And you're famous for sleeping in front of the tv, so you quickly follow. Then, you two somehow get in a cuddly position in your sleep.
The next morning- or more like afternoon, you wake up to Yoongi slurping his coffee, seated right across from you. Hoseok's nowhere to be seen.
"Hey Yoongs, why am I still here?"
"Well, you obviously fell asleep in front of the tv again and Namjoon's strong arms weren't here to carry you to bed."
"Where is he?"
"Joon said he was staying at a friend last night, not wanting to get all soaked up in the rain. And Hobi woke up just moments ago and went out, saying he has to get ready for a gig."
You nod at him and get up. You're about to go back to your place to wash up but realize something suddenly.
"Since when do you call him Hobi?"
"Since when do you have a crush on him?"
Your eyes go wide with panic. "Wha- No way what're you say-"
"Do you think I'm blind? I can perfectly see it when two people are cuddling on my couch."
"We just fell asleep that's all-"
"I saw you two over at the piano, too. And in the kitchen a few days ago doing the dishes. And while dancing here in the living room for no reason. You can't look him in the eyes without going red and he can't take his eyes off of you."
There isn't much you can say to convince him otherwise because you realize that he's right. At first when you guys started hanging out again, you thought you felt butterflies because you kinda had a thing for him in high school. You paid it no mind thinking it'd fade away with time but it didn't. Your feelings only grew stronger and now you know it was visible to others.
What has you tensed up, however is the way Yoongi talks about the situation like it's both-sided. That's where you can't be sure. Because yes, Hoseok randomly calls you beautiful, takes you out for meals and spends entire days with you. But you don't know if he likes you like that or if he's just being friendly. Just like back in high school.
"Okay, yeah. He makes me feel a certain way. But there's nothing going on, we haven't even talked about it. I don't think he's into me like that."
Yoongi's brows furrow in confusion. "He was just asking me if anything was going on between you and Joon the other day, though."
He asked what?
"Dude, he was obviously jealous and suspicious of the fact that you were roommates. And very close ones."
You did have a very close bond with Namjoon, just as you did with Yoongi. Yoongi's just involved less skinship and more serious talk. But Namjoon was the first person who friended you in Seoul and over the years he became your self proclaimed guardian angel. That was all.
"You didn't correct him?!"
"I tried but he seemed overwhelmed with confusion, I'm not sure if he fully believed me. Or fully listened? I dunno- I was kinda enjoying his little emotional crisis."
"Fine! So yeah, maybe you should to talk to him."
How do you talk to someone about this? you wonder. And can Yoongi really be right about the possibility of him reciprocating your feelings?
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You're reading a book on your couch. It's been a couple of days since your cuddly interaction with Hoseok and you haven't really hung out after that, either. You're not avoiding him, though. More like testing the waters. Namjoon's little squeal and sprint to the living room gets you out of your thoughts.
"Y/N! Oh my god!"
"Joonie what happened?"
"I got in." His smile is from ear to ear but you're not surprised he got the job he was going after for a while now. He happens to be intelligent beyond your understanding. But also a goofball. Because he -who usually treats books like his children- throws the one you were reading away and gets you up on his back. Now you're both singing victory songs as he gives you a piggy back ride.
Just then, Hoseok makes an entrance to your apartment, sees you two and his face visibly drops.
"Oh- sorry guys. I should've knocked-"
"Dude, it's okay. Think about our two apartments as one big house. You don't have to worry about knocking everytime. Come in!" Namjoon is being his friendly self as he puts you down. "I gotta go call my parents. Thanks for always believing in me, Y/N." He places a soft peck on the top of your head and goes back to his room. Uh-oh. You hope Hoseok doesn't misunderstand.
"How are you doing, Hobi?"
"I'm-" he hesitates for a while. "I didn't know you and Namjoon were.. are you? Y'know like together?"
"No!" you regret yelling but it just comes out before you can stop. "I mean, it's not like that. We're friends. In fact he kinda decleared himself my older brother."
The total grimace that had took over Hoseok's face starts to slowly dissappear. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable like that-"
"No, no. Let's just change the subject." You want to move on from this before it gets awkward.
"Okay. Oh right! I came over to show you something."
He holds out his phone for you to see. It's an invite to an event. Gwangju High's high school reunion, to be exact. You also got one, too but immediately deleted.
"The reunion? You're going?" you ask.
"We should go."
You're about to protest but he cuts in.
"I know most of our year were jerks. But it's Gwangju. I know you miss it there. And high school wasn't all evil."
"It was the people who were evil, Hobi."
"That's why we have to show them their evil ways weren't enough to break us down."
"What do you mean, we? Everyone loved you!"
"The jocks hated me for being popular despite not playing football."
That was true. They sometimes gave him a hard time for grabbing the attention of girls more than them.
"Besides, we're grown ups. If they weren't able to mature, that's their problem. We'll just breathe in some hometown air and have fun."
You did miss home. And the fact Hoseok'll be with you eases your stress so you say yes.
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Hoseok and you roam the streets of Gwangju, firstly. You tell him the places you missed most and you visit those. When the reunion evening closes in, both of you go to your homes to get ready. Your parents are sort of shocked you're attending the event but they won't complain because they missed you a lot and you haven't realized how much you missed them back till you finally came back after a long while.
Hoseok comes to pick you up and oh boy. He immediately recongnizes the dress you're wearing as the exact one you wore to prom. The light blue piece fits your body even more perfectly now, he thinks.
"This is your prom dress." It's not a question because he's certain.
You panic because well you wore it thinking nobody would remember since not a lot of people were paying attention to you during prom and you didn't have anything else decent enough in your old closet. How the hell does he remember?
"It looks even more beautiful." And with that, your panic is no more.
You get to the school finally and almost everyone is there. All trying very hard to look fancy, so Hoseok and you make fun of some of them before entering.
"It's J-hope!", "Hope's back!" and "Who is that with Hoseok?" are the comments you hear as you walk by. A few speeches are given, while you stuff your face with cupcakes. Then music's on and people start dancing.
Hoseok is approached by many and he kindly converses with them all. He forces you to speak from time to time, too. One of the boys who you used to tutor a lot, Hansung, tries to make a couple of moves on you. Probably under the influence of alcohol. You politely dismiss him but some other guys that came alone also are eyeing you from different places of the room. Hoseok is well aware and not okay with it, at all.
He slides a hand down your arm and links your fingers. When you turn to him in surprise, he pulls you closer. "Let's act like a couple."
"I'm sick of people trying to see if you're available for them, aren't you?"
It is a bit disturbing. You bet most of them didn't even recognize you and are just looking for a prey for the night. "I am." you reply.
"Then just go with it."
So you do that but this time the girls start to get uncomfortable since most of them were eyeing Hoseok. And like clockwork, Gaeun appears with her gang of plastic girls. Gaeun used to be Hoseok's biggest fan. But all she actually wanted was to get into his pants just cause of how popular he was. Knowing this, you tense up. Her eyes hold such a suggestive look that you almost want to protect Hoseok from her.
As far as you know Hoseok has never indulged her like that back in school days. And he doesn't seem to be effected by the way she looks right now, either which can be described in two words: model legs.
"Hobi~" her irritating voice muses. "There're lots of girls wanting to dance with you tonight."
He takes his hand away from yours to claimingly grab you waist. "Sorry, ladies. My dances are all booked by this one, right here." He turns his head and places a kiss on your temple.
"I'm sure your date for the night won't mind if-"
"She's not just my date for the night. Y/N is my girlfriend." he cuts her off. Shock is evident not only on their faces but yours as well. The girls have to walk away awkwardly but what they think they're speaking among themselves is quite audible to you.
"There's no way. Y/N could never be enough for him. Just wait until the end of the night and see how he gets bored."
Hoseok didn't hear them. But you and some other people did. And you don't care what Gaeun says but her words get around fast and people are looking at you even more weirdly than before. Hoseok realizes your body tensing up.
"What's the matter?"
"I don't think people are buying that we're together. Especially after Gaeun started speaking to them."
He looks around to find that people really were looking at you suspiciously.
"Let's make it more believable, then."
He pulls you to the dancefloor and starts moving you to the rhythm. You've danced with him before but they were all silly ones, meant for fun. This one was serious. And your bodies were seriously close. But you just let him lead you, knowing that he knows what he's doing. After a while he figures that the music's ending so he twirls you around and finishes with a sudden dip.
You're back is resting againt his hand as you're leant back and Hoseok's face is so very close to yours. Some people clap and some don't but neither of you really care about the people watching anymore. Then he kisses you. He downright kisses you at the center of the dancefloor. It's passionate but gentle. He doesn't let go for a while but you've no clue how long it's been cause you're lost in the taste of him. Which is a thousand times sharper than the whiskey and a thousand times sweeter than the cupcakes.
He pulls you back up, finally parting your lips. "I think we got about enough attention. Wanna get out of here? We can go to the music room." he suggests. All you can do is nod cause you still can't form words.
You get there and it's the only place in this school that you've missed. You sit down on the piano seat and Hoseok pulls a chair next to you, it's like deja vu.
"You know the song you used to play, the one I liked a lot. River-"
"River flows in you." of course you remember.
"Yeah. I kinda tried learning that on the piano a while back."
"Show me."
He tries to play it and messes up some bits so you help him out. Then, your hands touch accidentally and you both freeze.
You both try to speak at the same time and cut each other off, so you laugh. Hoseok goes for it again.
"Y/N. I wanted to ask you out so many times right here, as you'd play songs to me. Did you know that?"
You most certainly did not.
"I wanted to ask you to a dance at the prom, so bad. But you left before I could muster up the courage."
He turns to face you completely.
"I couldn't believe it when I found you again, like that. Everything I felt came back to me as we spent more and more time with each other. And when I got that invite.. I thought- Maybe I've been given a second chance, to do it right this time."
Your heart is racing so fast that you can hear it. Every word he said are things that you've been thinking. So you have to do it properly this time, too.
"So.. so, will you go out with-"
You crash your lips with his immediately and he responds in a flash. This time the kiss is much more deep and demanding. His hands travel down to your waist as you get up from your seat and move to his lap. He hums into your mouth and you try to take in every bit of the vibration from it before both of you pull apart, out of breath.
But he still looks at you with questioning eyes, as if you haven't just given him an answer clear as day. But he looks so cute that you entertain him.
"Yes, high school crush. I will go out with you."
He can finally smile again. Though, it turns into a smirk a while later.
"But will you go out with me?" you joke around, still sitting on his lap.
"I will go out with you so bad that it'll swipe you right off your feet."
As if he already doesn't..
A/N: Wowzers, my first Hoseok fic is finished.. I know this was long and thanks sooo much if you bared with me and read it. It would mean a great deal to me to know what you thought of this so, I’d love to have your feedback. Thanks again for reading and have a lobely daayyy :)
PS: How beautiful is Hoseok btw..
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blackkudos · 5 years
Rufus Thomas
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Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. (March 26, 1917 – December 15, 2001) was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic entertainer from Memphis, Tennessee. He recorded for several labels, including Chess Records and Sun Records in the 1950s, before becoming established in the 1960s and 1970s at Stax Records. He is best known for his novelty dance records, including "Walking the Dog" (1963), "Do the Funky Chicken" (1969) and "(Do the) Push and Pull" (1970). According to the Mississippi Blues Commission, "Rufus Thomas embodied the spirit of Memphis music perhaps more than any other artist, and from the early 1940s until his death . . . occupied many important roles in the local scene."
He began his career as a tap dancer, vaudeville performer, and master of ceremonies in the 1930s. He later worked as a disc jockey on radio station WDIA in Memphis, both before and after his recordings became successful. He remained active into the 1990s and as a performer and recording artist was often billed as "The World's Oldest Teenager". He was the father of the singers Carla Thomas (with whom he recorded duets) and Vaneese Thomas and the keyboard player Marvell Thomas.
Early life
Thomas was born in the rural community of Cayce, Mississippi, the son of a sharecropper. He moved with his family to Memphis, Tennessee, around 1920. His mother was a "church woman". Thomas made his debut as a performer at the age of six, playing a frog in a school theatrical production. By the age of 10, he was a tap dancer, performing on the streets and in amateur productions at Booker T. Washington High School, in Memphis. From the age of 13, he worked with Nat D. Williams, his high-school history teacher, who was also a pioneer black DJ at radio station WDIA and columnist for black newspapers, as a master of ceremonies at talent shows in the Palace Theater on Beale Street. After graduating from high school, Thomas attended Tennessee A&I University for one semester, but economic constraints led him to leave to pursue a career as a full-time entertainer.
Early career as a performer
Thomas began performing in traveling tent shows. In 1936 he joined the Rabbit Foot Minstrels, an all-black revue that toured the South, as a tap dancer and comedian, sometimes part of a duo, Rufus and Johnny. He married Cornelia Lorene Wilson in 1940, at a service officiated by Rev. C. L. Franklin, the father of Aretha Franklin, and the couple settled in Memphis. Thomas worked a day job in the American Finishing Company textile bleaching plant, which he continued to do for over 20 years. He also formed a comedy and dancing duo, Rufus and Bones, with Robert "Bones" Couch, and they took over as MCs at the Palace Theater, often presenting amateur hour shows. One early winner was B.B. King, and others discovered by Thomas later in the 1940s included Bobby Bland and Johnny Ace.
In the early 1940s, Thomas began writing and performing his own songs. He regarded Louis Armstrong, Fats Waller and Gatemouth Moore as musical influences. He made his professional singing debut at the Elks Club on Beale Street, filling in for another singer at the last minute, and during the 1940s became a regular performer in Memphis nightclubs, such as Currie's Club Tropicana. As an established performer in Memphis, aged 33 in 1950, Thomas recorded his first 78 rpm single, for Jesse Erickson's small Star Talent label in Dallas, Texas. Thomas said, "I just wanted to make a record. I never thought of getting rich. I just wanted to be known, be a recording artist. . . . [But] the record sold five copies and I bought four of them." The record, "I'll Be a Good Boy" backed with "I'm So Worried", gained a Billboard review, which stated that "Thomas shows first class style on a slow blues". He also recorded for the Bullet label in Nashville, Tennessee, when he recorded with Bobby Plater's Orchestra and was credited as "Mr. Swing"; the recordings were not recognised by researchers as being by Thomas until 1996. In 1951 he made his first recordings at Sam Phillips's Sun Studio, for the Chess label, but they were not commercially successful.
He began working as a DJ at radio station WDIA in 1951, and hosted an afternoon R&B show called Hoot and Holler. WDIA, featuring an African-American format, was known as "the mother station of the Negroes" and became an important source of blues and R&B music for a generation, its audience consisting of white as well as black listeners. Thomas used to introduce his shows saying, "I'm young, I'm loose, I'm full of juice, I got the goose so what's the use. We're feeling gay though we ain't got a dollar, Rufus is here, so hoot and holler." He also used to lead tours of white teenagers on "midnight rambles" around Beale Street.
His celebrity in the South was such that in 1953, at Sam Phillips's suggestion, he recorded "Bear Cat" for Sun Records, an "answer record" to Big Mama Thornton's R&B hit "Hound Dog". The record became the label's first national chart hit, reaching number 3 on the Billboard R&B chart. However, a copyright-infringement suit brought by Don Robey, the original publisher of "Hound Dog", nearly bankrupted the record label. After only one recording there, Thomas was one of the African-American artists released by Phillips, as he oriented his label more toward white audiences and signed Elvis Presley, who later recorded Thomas's song "Tiger Man". Thomas did not record again until 1956, when he made a single, "I'm Steady Holdin' On", for the Bihari brothers' Meteor label; musicians on the record included Lewie Steinberg, later a founding member of Booker T and the MGs.
Stax Records
In 1960 he made his first recordings with his 17-year-old daughter Carla, for the Satellite label in Memphis, which changed its name to Stax the following year. The song, "Cause I Love You", featuring a rhythm borrowed from Jesse Hill's "Ooh Poo Pa Doo", was a regional hit; the musicians included Thomas' son Marvell on keyboards, Steinberg, and the 16-year-old Booker T. Jones. The record's success led to Stax gaining production and distribution deal with the much larger Atlantic Records.
Rufus Thomas continued to record for the label after Carla's record "Gee Whiz (Look at His Eyes)" reached the national R&B chart in 1961. He had his own hit with "The Dog", a song he had originally improvised in performance based on a Willie Mitchell bass line, complete with imitations of a barking dog. The 1963 follow-up, "Walking the Dog", engineered by Tom Dowd of Atlantic, became one of his most successful records, reaching #10 on the Billboard pop chart. He became the first, and still the only, father to debut in the Top 10 after his daughter had first appeared there. The song was recorded in early 1964 by the Rolling Stones on their debut album, and was a minor UK chart hit for Merseybeat group the Dennisons later that year.
As well as recording and appearing on radio and in clubs, Thomas continued to work as a boiler operator in the textile plant, where he claimed the noises sometimes suggested musical rhythms and lyrics to him, before he finally gave up the job in 1963, to focus on his role as a singer and entertainer. He recorded a series of novelty dance tracks, including "Can Your Monkey Do the Dog'" and '"Somebody Stole My Dog" for Stax, where he was often backed by Booker T. & the MGs or the Bar-Kays. He also became a mentor to younger Stax stars, giving advice on stage moves to performers like Otis Redding, who partnered daughter Carla on record.
After "Jump Back" in 1964, the hits dried up for several years, as Stax gave more attention to younger artists and musicians. However, in 1970 he had another big hit with "Do the Funky Chicken", which reached #5 on the R&B chart, #28 on the pop chart, and #18 in Britain where it was his only chart hit. Thomas improvised the song while performing with Willie Mitchell's band at a club in Covington, Tennessee, including a spoken word section that he regularly used as a shtick as a radio DJ: "Oh I feel so unnecessary - this is the kind of stuff that makes you feel like you wanna do something nasty, like waste some chicken gravy on your white shirt right down front." The recording was produced by Al Bell and Tom Nixon, and used the Bar-Kays, featuring guitarist Michael Toles. Thomas continued to work with Bell and Nixon as producers, and later in 1970 had his only number 1 R&B hit [and his second-highest pop charting record] with another dance song, "Do the Push and Pull". A further dance-oriented release in 1971, "The Breakdown", climbed to number 2 R&B and number 31 Pop. In 1972, he featured in the Wattstax concert, and he had several further, less successful, hits before Stax collapsed in 1976.
Later career
Thomas continued to record and toured internationally, billing himself as "The World's Oldest Teenager" and describing himself as "the funkiest man alive". He "drew upon his vaudeville background to put [his songs] over on stage with fancy footwork that displayed remarkable agility for a man well into his fifties", and usually performed "while clothed in a wardrobe of hot pants, boots and capes, all in wild colors."
He continued as a DJ at WDIA until 1974, and worked for a period at WLOK before returning to WDIA in the mid 1980s to co-host a blues show. He appeared regularly on television and recorded albums for various labels. Thomas performed regularly at the Porretta Soul Festival in Italy; the outdoor amphitheater in which he performed was later renamed Rufus Thomas Park.
He played an important part in the Stax reunion of 1988, and appeared in Jim Jarmusch's 1989 film Mystery Train, Robert Altman's 1999 film Cookie's Fortune, and D. A. Pennebaker’s documentary Only the Strong Survive. Thomas released an album of straight-ahead blues, That Woman is Poison!, with Alligator Records in 1990, featuring saxophonist Noble "Thin Man" Watts. In 1996, he and William Bell headlined at the Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1997, he released an album, Rufus Live!, on Ecko Records. In 1998, he hosted two New Year's Eve shows on Beale Street.
In 1997, to commemorate his 80th birthday, the City of Memphis renamed a road off Beale Street, close to the old Palace Theater, as Rufus Thomas Boulevard. He received a Pioneer Award from the Rhythm and Blues Foundation in 1992, and a lifetime achievement award from ASCAP in 1997. He was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 2001.
Death and legacy
He died of heart failure in 2001, at the age of 84, at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis. He is buried next to his wife Lorene, who pre-deceased him in 2000, at the New Park Cemetery in Memphis.
Writer Peter Guralnick said of him:
His music... brought a great deal of joy to the world, but his personality brought even more, conveying a message of grit, determination, indomitability, above all a bottomless appreciation for the human comedy that left little room for the drab or the dreary in his presence.
Thomas was honored with a marker on the Mississippi Blues Trail in Byhalia.
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Rufus Thomas among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
In popular culture
Bobby Brown portrays Thomas in the BET television series American Soul.
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zachvillasource · 5 years
As a striver to be a “master of all,” Zach Villa is a skilled singer, actor, dancer, and instrumentalist who has been a part of various projects and has worked with world renowned talent. Zach has performed in the theater production of “Twelfth Night” alongside Anne Hathaway, has choreographed for Diane Paulus, performed on “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon,” acted alongside Nicole Kidman, and played with the LA Philharmonic, among many more credits.
Currently, Zach can be found playing the infamous, terrifying, and gripping serial killer, Richard Ramirez aka the “Night Stalker,” in American Horror Story: 1984. Viewing the art of playing different roles as “puzzle pieces,” he strives to find empathy within every character he is given and with a commitment to give reality and a personal adaptation to his roles, Zach is hard-working and enjoys roles that do not resemble him in real life. As well, he is an everyday guy, enjoying fast cars and playing poker, but adores the arts and having a creative bone in his body.
With a great sense of humor answering questions and having patience while I figured out GarageBand, please enjoy the interview below with Zach:
Sorry! I forgot to press record. I have the questions here.
That’s ok. I will delay and deem technology hard cause it’s 2019. Let’s do it.
As this season of American Horror Story is coming to an end, what has your experience been like? Was it different or similar to what you expected?
That is a wide ranging question and hopefully it’s some kind of answer. I think when I booked the show, I mean, look, everybody has an idea of what being a serial killer on a show like AHS as I think you take for granted you’re gonna be busy, you take for granted that it’s gonna be a challenge at some point and you know I kinda took all of that with a grain of salt and just put my best foot forward. I don’t think I was thrown by the intensity of it, but I do know that by the end of the season I checked in with myself and realized I’m much more battle worn than I thought and that wasn’t necessarily like any particular aging quality of the show that tears down actors or anything, but I do think that it’s unique. We spent a lot of late nights out in the woods and doing a lot of very intense, dark, emotional work and even when the tone was light I think that that’s still a part of the world of AHS, so that definitely took a toll on me in a way that was subconscious and so these last few weeks here filming I’ve definitely become aware of that and was like, “Oh I’m looking forward to some rest.”
That’s actually perfect cause that kind of goes into my next question. I saw that your role in AHS is playing the serial killer, Richard Ramirez, what was that like and did you have to do anything to prepare for that specific role?
I get this question a lot and not to err on the side of mysterious mystery or anything. I definitely kept some of the prep that I’ve done to myself only because it’s just really difficult to understand when you’re handed a role like Richard Ramirez, even if there’s a campy nature or a light-hearted nature to some of the material that we get into later in the season. There’s no manual like no one says, “Ok you have to play someone who has brutally killed at least thirteen people and that’s a really terrible thing, but society wouldn’t accept.” The most simple answer is I used the tools I use for every role. I do all the research that I possibly can and if I’m playing a real person, which I am, I compared a lot of physical traits in particular, how he sounds, how he walked, how he presented himself physically in the world. I took a lot of that stuff from the plethora of material available and then injected it into the show and the material that was in the script because there’s always a marriage that happens between the material and what an actor’s performance is going to be. It’s not like they give you the script and “oh you’re just you” or “oh you’re just this perfect character that they’ve written.” There’s always some kind of negotiation when you’re playing a biographical role. That was the biggest thing for me. That I had to kind of edit and be like “oh this is how he sounds, this is how he walks and that still works in the world of AHS: 1984.” Is it funny or is it cool, is it scary, like I had to kind of look outside myself every time to make sure that the role was working from an audience point of view. The scary answer is that I walked around downtown very very late at night just thinking dark things while listening to scary music, but no one wants to hear about that. 
Wait is that actually true?? Was that one of your ways to prepare for the role or are you completely joking?
I don’t want to go into too much more detail, but ya I mean the thing is that like because he was a real person that was LA based a lot of the locations that are mentioned in the material you can go visit. You can go see a lot of the hotels that he crashed at and yeah I wanted to see what that felt like. I wanted to see how it affects the body and the mind being in his place at night, as you know everyone knows that he did. That was definitely an element and what I did on the streets I’m not gonna talk about cause who knows. I didn’t kill anybody if that’s what you’re asking. You dress a certain way it makes you feel a certain way. A lot of these things, you know you don’t have to go downtown and murder 13 people to be able to figure out how somene’s psychology works, but you can get close like if you start to mimic. I think it’s like trying on a different pair of pants or a different mask or costume. It affects you and I took that energy and I took how that made me feel and just kind of amped it up and developed it with my own psychology.
What has being a part of AHS taught you, if anything? Personal wise or career wise.
That’s a very good question. I think that we’re always learning, especially artists that’s kind of our job. Well we have multiple jobs, our first job is getting work, and then our career is doing the acting and being on camera and trying to be brilliant in a very small high pressure situation, but I think that as an artist really what makes you move forward is learning and so I think that I’m always learning. I think that everyone is learning just as much from a good experience as they would a bad experience and AHS was a career highlight, is a career highlight for sure and I want it to continue being a career highlight. I think that it kind of just taught me that you have to stick with it even when things are confusing or hectic or the work seems like it doesn’t make any sense because you’re trying to play a historical person, but then you realize that you’re working on campy comedy that also explores really dark, scary, gore and those are certain things you don’t see in the script at the very beginning and so I think maybe if I were to take something away professionally acting wise it’s that you have to be ok with surprise, you have to learn to adapt to whatever the process asks of you and I knew that, but I think AHS, this particular show, really demanded it of me in a different way and usually it demanded it of me when I only had four and a half hours of sleep after a night shoot, so I think that I learned something about myself. I learned that I have the stamina to really take roles like this and go the distance and just be adaptable and be ready for surprise.
What has been the most challenging character to play, so far in your career?
Man, you’re pulling no punches. I don’t know, I mean I kind of feel like I get more excited and more success in payoff when I’m playing characters that are challenging, that aren’t like me at all, so I would say like “oh ya like Richard Ramirez or Richard III oddly, you know, or something of that nature,” but I don’t really see it as a challenge, I think it’s just kind of a puzzle piece, so sorry that’s not really the answer to your question. I just try not to judge the roles that I do. I mean, sure there are some that I’ve felt better about or less successful about, but I think a lot of those happened in acting school for me, like a lot of it was stuff that I clearly wouldn’t have been casted for in the real world, but it still taught me something, so I guess challenging or most difficult character I’ve had to play was... I don’t know. I don’t really have a problem with getting behind really, pardon my French, but fucked up psychology like I think that’s something that I enjoy delving into because you learn about humanity and look, humans are complicated, confused animals and we’re all just trying to do our best and when we’re being cordial and we got our shit together I think that can be a really beautiful thing, but we’re also capable of some really terrible evil and I think that for me I’ve become more comfortable clearly with that side of my psychology and humanity and I think that you have to as an actor, so it’s hard for me to answer that because I try to find empathy in every character that I take on even if it’s quote on quote challenging for me on a personal level.
I know you act, sing, dance, and play instruments, but if you had to choose just one of those things, which one is your favorite?
I will not choose. There, I refuse to, in fact I got so much slack when I was in high school in particular, instructors who were very wise and 99% of the time this might be true for students that they were working with, they would always try to make me choose, they’re like “stop playing the guitar, why are you writing songs, you’re 17 and why are you just picking this up now like you have a dance career and you’re really good at singing and acting” and I’m like “well those are three things you already listed that are different from each other, so why are you telling me to choose one thing now?” I just kind of felt like that was only the lie and something I’ve been fighting for a very long time and a lot of great artists throughout history have been, dare I say well-rounded, and that’s not to say that I want to be a master of none, I think that I’d like to be a master of all and trying to use all these different gifts and mediums to inform one another. I mean that’s a huge part of my process. I wouldn’t be able to fight or move physically like Richard if I didn’t have an extensive dance background, if I didn’t have a dance background I wouldn’t know the first thing about programming drums and music in the studio, so it’s just like for me it’s just all part of the same suit and they’re all different highs. I mean, selfishly it’s pretty cool that I get to be on the set of AHS and then go play a rock show the next week you know like that’s really fun for me and in a very very different experience cause you can’t replicate on a set.
What inspired you to get into the arts?
I feel like maybe I had no choice. My mom was a dance teacher, she’s retired now, and I had a dance studio attached to my house growing up, so I kind of feel at a certain age it was like “well we can do daycare and never spend time with our son or we can put him in dance class and my mom could teach me something useful” and that’s what ended up happening. I was just injected with it at a very early age and as I grew older the truth changes all the time. Like I'm sure at one point I was like “oh yay, fame and glory” and then I learned more about storytelling and I learned how cathartic that was for me. I’ve definitely gone through periods where the arts were like therapy for me, but I think at the end of the day, it’s in my blood and I can’t imagine doing anything else and I don’t think I even have to know why. I think that I have some things to offer that society likes to call “expert communication” on some level and I think that it would be a waste if I wasn’t doing that because that’s what I’ve always done and I think that’s probably what I'll always do and I don’t really have a logical reason as to why that’s necessary.
What hobbies do you have when you’re not working?
I love playing poker. I love motorcycles and I love fast cars. It’s so stereotypical it hurts, but it’s true. Because when I'm riding a motorcycle it honestly feels like one of my best acting moments, I feel like it’s the perfect balance of risk, danger and control and that’s what being alive is. I took up film photography about three years ago. I needed something that didn’t have the pressure of success, so I get a lot of satisfaction from being the guy at a party or at an event that has a camera and is looking for a candid moment. So that brings me some joy and I haven’t tried to make money from it yet, so everything is going well with that.
You’ve worked with a lot of other big names like Anne Hathaway and Nicole Kidman. Have you learned anything from working with them?
Absolutely! When I worked with Anne, I was fresh out of school and it was one of my first gigs and I think every actor, big or small, has a different process and I can’t tell you how many different ways there are to do this job. There’s no right way, there’s no manual. You can go to school for 8 years and be the worst actor or you can just come out of the womb and just have it. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing big names and small names be incredible on stage, or horrible. I think it’s paramount to understand that everybody has a different way of working and as soon as you start to judge that it’s really dangerous territory because you have to have freedom and you have to feel safe in order to do good work. I’ve seen it done every single way and what I’ve learned about the ones that are good actors, but also good at their jobs, is that they’re just so graceful, open, and vulnerable on set. I think that good manners and being gracious towards your fellow actors, crew mates and everybody who works on the project to make it happen is one of the most admirable qualities. Nicole, when I worked with her, I was blown away. It was a childhood dream to act with her because I watched her in Moulin Rouge and was obsessed with that as a kid. I mean growing up as a triple threat - dancer, actor, singer - and then Moulin Rouge comes out, I was just enamored. When I got to work with her, it was such a weird out of body experience because I had been on the grind for a long time and then I looked around one day and was like, “Oh my god, I’m on Nicole Kidman’s lap sitting on a couch, doing a scene with her. What is this life?” What was so cool is that she was gracious and caring to me and everyone that she worked with and as far as I was concerned, it felt like we were just two peers working on a scene. There was no ego involved and when I got to see that from someone that high up in their career it was extremely admirable. Taking away from that experience, I think it’s important to remember that we’re all in this together, it’s a hard gig and we’ve got to support each other.
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dayseternal-blog · 5 years
A NaruHina fanfic based off of shamy’s doujinshi posted May 31, 2019.  Please check out her 5-panel illustration!
Summary:  Naruto, a skilled theater technician, and Hinata, a breakout pianist and composer, smile at each other.
Rated: G
Chapter 1: Unexpected
Note: This chapter has been edited from its original posting.
Naruto had always liked being the center of attention.  As a small kid, he enjoyed making others laugh (sometimes disruptively, but what kid isn’t a little rascal?).  His dream job was a comedian, and when the chance arose to formally get up on the stage in high school, he went for it.  He joined drama class!
Little did he realize, he had absolutely no talent for acting…dancing…singing…anything really.  
His uncoordinated movements and awkwardly delivered lines really seemed meant for comedy, as if everything he did was tongue-in-cheek, even when he tried his best.  He laughed it off, but it was disheartening to find out that drama wasn’t what he thought it was going to be.  Improv was great fun.  Everything else…not so much.  But it was too late to switch classes.
So the drama teacher assigned him to stage handing.  At first it was sets and props.  He was one of those guys dressed in all black who had to skitter across the stage unseen between acts and it kinda really sucked for him.  
At one rehearsal, during a break, he was so bored, he snuck behind the tech and started fooling around with the switches and buttons just to see what they would do.  He wasn’t afraid of breaking it, like how can you break something by just turning things on and off and sliding things around.
Well, he got caught.  And he might’ve needed to serve detention.
On the plus side, after that show, the teacher gave him the chance to start learning lights and sound with the older students.  He had a natural instinct when it came to understanding the feeling the act was trying to convey and determining the lights to push that mood forward in a visual, almost tangible, way.  
Lights and sound turned out to be a real skill.  Friends would watch him work and just stare at him with an expression of ‘how does he know what to do with all that stuff.’  He liked to explain the controls and the applications on the computer to them as technically as possible while acting as if he was dumbing it down (“well this is just a basic RGB console, so I just have to apply the Additive Color Theory.  It’s simple, really”), just to make himself sound that much more impressive.
He was soon asked to help with school events, music performances, dances…just plugging all the wires in earned him admiring comments.  
He found the attention he had originally been seeking in a much different vein.  It was ironic in a way he appreciated, considering that he was never in the spotlight.  He always thought drama would be about standing out and expressing the individual.  He realized he had a passion for the other side of that.  Working with a team to, really, control the emotions of the audience, to dig deeper into drawing out the will of the actor.  There was a kind of power in being behind-the-scenes that he hadn’t expected, and it was a shared understanding all the backstage guys held.  
From high school to volunteer and part-time work as a Casual, and all through college, he worked with and befriended numerous different artists.  Each had their own unique vision, and he got to play a part in bringing that to life for the artist and the audience.
The connections he made through it all served him well.  The Historic Konoha Theatre had an opening on their tech team.  He applied.  He was hired, even with how young he was.
The first show he worked was for a famous comedian by the name of Jiraiya.  He was more than a little starstruck to meet the King of Laughs in person.
But not all of the shows are established artists.  The Konoha Theatre has numerous different types of events.  Due to its more intimate architecture than the Konoha City Concert Hall, many up-and-coming artists choose HKT for their concerts.
And Naruto found he likes working with these younger artists more.  In creating a memorable performance with these artists, he feels like he has greater impact on their careers, like he might really be making a difference for them in helping them achieve their dreams.  
He’s been feeling this way especially with their current preparation with a young pianist, perhaps the youngest solo performer he's worked with yet at HKT.  She seems only a little younger than he is, practically fresh out of college.  But despite the media attention she seems to have been getting for the past handful of years, the girl seems uncharacteristically shy, from her cautious expression to her modest attire.
“Hinata, did you have any specific lighting in mind for your concert?” he asks during their first scheduled meeting.  He scans her setlist, recalling the songs from her online profile.  He wasn’t familiar with her before, but he did his research.  He recognizes that half of the songs on the list are from her work for the season’s hit drama.  “Or did you plan on projecting any scenes from the drama during the concert?”
“Oh, no,” she quietly begins.  “I wasn’t thinking of anything fancy, just…something regular?”  Her voice turns up at the end, suggesting that she doesn’t have any idea of what “regular” might mean.
“Okay.”  He nods.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know anything really about the lighting,” she adds quickly.
“No need to apologize.”  He smiles.  “I’ll show you some options, and we can go with what you feel comfortable with.”
Her expression immediately clears.  “I’d like that, thank you…”
“No problem.”  He shows her the common ways, from under-lighting to increasing the diameter of the spotlight, and the use of colors to help convey feeling.  He encourages her to consider a blue tint on the backlight for her moodier songs from the drama.  “It would be subtle.  It wouldn’t take away from your playing,” he assures her.
She pinches her lips together, obviously uncertain.
“Why don’t you get up there on the stage and see how it feels?  I’ll play one of your songs…how about...‘you and the stars’...from the speakers?  You can sorta get an idea.”
She nods, and as she makes her way up toward the stage, he finds her song and begins to play it.  Her piano music fills the house.
He watches her turn this way and that at the center of the stage, one moment looking thoughtfully at the backlight, the next moment staring out toward all of the seats.  At one point she stares blankly toward the wings, probably picturing the grand piano there or imagining herself playing it.  When he realizes she might be out there for the entire song, he sits back to relax and just listen.
He’s constantly amazed by the talent he meets.  It’s no different today, but composers are a different brand from musicians, dancers, actors, and even choreographers.  Perhaps even lyricists.  He wonders again, just as he had when he first took a listen to her music, what exactly inspired the sounds she somehow strung together.  
This song he chose in particular stands out.  It’s one of her hits from the drama, which he still needs to actually watch...he plans on marathoning it tonight...but this one in particular makes him think about his mother.  He wonders if the song relates at all to the death of a loved one in the drama.
Eventually, she makes her way back to the board.  She still wears a thoughtful expression.
“Whatdja think,” he asks.
“It’s nice...but if I use color for this song, then I should probably use colors for all of the songs, right?”
He smiles and shakes his head.  “Not necessarily.  For some of the songs, we can use just a spotlight.  That might be effective if you’d like the audience to focus more on you, your technique, or prowess.  For your songs that are more emotional or for the ones you’d like your audience to be looking more inward at themselves...more reflectively, then color on the backlight would be effective.”
She nods slowly, and he lets her process.  Finally, she looks directly at him.  “Okay.”
He looks back at her, at her somehow determined yet simultaneously blank expression.  Ah, maybe she doesn’t know where to start.  He leans forward and pushes the setlist in front of her.  “Why did you choose this order?  Tell me your thought process and we can go from there.”
She takes a deep breath, as if she’s getting ready for something really challenging.  “Okay,” she repeats with an expression of complete focus, and he wishes he had someone on the team to witness this with him.  “This” being, her.  She comes off as being overly serious, understandably so with it being her first solo concert, but it’s kind of funny and adorable.  
Yet as she walks him through the setlist, she very eloquently explains the journey she hopes to take her audience through.  There are times when she blushes as she shares her personal feelings about a song, and there are times when her eyes light up when he smiles at her in acknowledgement of her ideas.  He comes to learn that many of her songs were inspired by people she’s been with or seen, even just once, or places she’s been to, from foreign cities to nature walks, hinting at perhaps a more extroverted personality than one would expect.  She shares quietly and unrushed, as if she’s telling him secrets.  It’s definitely charming.
He can tell as he helps her decide her lighting design that she’s much calmer now.  They can both see the show coming together, which very apparently relieves her stress.  She voices her opinion more readily, and her smiles come easier, shining whenever he shows her a lighting that fits her developing vision.  It’s one of those moments that make him feel fulfilled in this profession.
He finishes the last of the notes on her concert and turns the laptop to show her.  “Alright, this is the plan!  I’ll share this with the team.”
“Thank you,” she softly replies, but her bright smile shows her excitement.
It’s a pretty smile.  
“Yeah, it’s going to look great!  We’ll see you at the rehearsal on Friday.”
She hums her affirmation as she gathers her things, and he notes how she’s still smiling in her quiet way.  Then, how her gaze flits back to his, and how her smile turns even sweeter.
It has him wondering at the meaning behind her looks, and if they’re meant to make him feel like they’re especially for him, meant to make him feel good, and if...maybe she...
“Uh actually- Hinata..me and a couple of others from the team were gonna go grab lunch soon.  Would you wanna join us?”
“Oh!...Um, I wouldn’t be intruding?”
“Not at all!”  He stands to walk out with her.  
“Okay, then.”  She smiles shyly once more, looking up at him, and he grins, happy that she seems happy.
Yet even through the reassuring expression he gives her, he wonders at her reactions, her expressions, looking to see if any are maybe meant just for him.
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madphantom · 5 years
The Sound of Life - Chapter 13
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During that time they also spent a few days on the set of Phantom. Jessica Harper, who played Phoenix, showed them around. William Finley was busy with his headaches. Winslow met him in the cafeteria where the actor was sitting with an ice pack on his head. He was wearing the leather outfit, but no make-up and his hair was messy.
"Hi," Winslow greeted him.
"Hi," William replied with a weak smile. "Jeez, how did you survive that helmet?! It's killing me!"
Winslow laughed. "I didn't really pay attention to that."
William chuckled. "I can imagine that." He put the ice pack down and sighed. "So, how you been doing?"
"Quite well. I met Michael Jackson a while ago."
William raised his eyebrows. "Really? Awesome."
"And you?"
"Yeah, well, most of the time I've been shooting the stuff here." William laughed. "I hope I'll get it right. I tend to act rather dramatically."
"Well, I am drama in person, so don't worry about that." Winslow grinned. "What are you guys shooting today?"
"The Beef scene. Kinda controversial stuff."
Winslow raised an eyebrow.
"Of course we're all rooting for you, man," William quickly assured him.
Winslow smiled. "I haven't met your Beef yet. What's his name?"
"Oh, it's Gerrit. Gerrit Graham. Funny guy." William laughed. "The cast gave him the plunger as a Christmas present. We painted it gold."
Winslow laughed as well. "A golden plunger?! How many times did you shove that thing in his face during the shower scene?"
A smile spread on William's face. "Six times."
"Six times?!" Winslow laughed. "Oh dear."
"It was a lot of fun."
"Oh, I believe that." Winslow chuckled.
The door opened and Phoenix and Jessica came in. Phoenix was holding Melody.
"A baby!", William squealed as soon as he spotted them.
"You mean me or Leach Junior?", Jessica asked.
"The cuter one."
"That would be me," Phoenix said and sat down next to Winslow. She smiled. "Hi William. Cool costume."
"You look like my Pa," Melody said.
William laughed. "I hope so!"
The door opened and another actor walked in.
"Hi Gerrit!", Jessica greeted him and Winslow turned around.
Gerrit did not quite look like Beef, but Winslow was secretly happy about that. He wasn't sure whether someone who actually looked the same wouldn't have triggered something in him.
"Stay away from me, I'm having a cold!", Gerrit announced. "Hi Mr Leach, Mrs Leach. I'm Gerrit Graham."
"Brian asked me to tell you guys to buy some junk food."
Jessica jumped up and did a little chicken dance. "Junk food night!"
"Hyping us up before the Life at Last scene," Gerrit explained.
"Sounds like Brian," William laughed.
"Put on your shoes, Will, we're going shopping!", Jessica yelled.
What followed was a bizarre scene that could have been straight from a comedy movie. The cast, still in their costumes, and the Leaches marched out of the Majestic. People turned around in surprise. Somebody yelled "Hey, look, it's Winslow Leach!" He signed a couple autographs and the squad entered the supermarket. They marched straight into the candy aisle.
Five minutes later they left with five bags full of crisps, popcorn, chocolate and cookies.
They watched the final product a couple weeks later in a small room with a projector at Paul Hirsch's. Melody was at Lucy's. Phoenix and Winslow didn't think the movie would be suitable for a seven year old. Brian brought popcorn. Gerrit brought Pepsi. They all sat down comfortably and Paul Hirsch clicked play.
The movie started with a narration about Swan read by Rod Serling. Winslow raised an eyebrow. "Wow. You actually got the guy to do this?"
"He loved it," Brian replied.
The black background with the white bird then faded into the Juicy Fruits performing Goodbye Eddie Goodbye. It was obvious they were enjoying themselves a lot. Winslow had a good laugh at William's face in the poster scene.
"The Juicy Winslow Leach at the piano," Phoenix commented and the crew laughed.
The movie proceeded with Philbin and Swan discussing some evil plan in their box.
"I actually have no idea what they were talking about," Winslow noted. "Might as well have been the weather."
"Probably not," Jeffrey commented.
Everyone agreed that the shot with the camera circling around William playing the piano was great. They had a good laugh about his dramatic headbanging.
"I was lucky my glasses didn't fly off," the actor chuckled.
The next scene was Philbin stealing Winslow's music. George Memmoli played his part really well. And Winslow laughed like crazy at the way William pushed "Philbin" against the wall and the sound of shattering glass in the background.
What followed was Winslow being thrown out of Death Records. Brian complained about the Swan Song fiasco with Led Zeppelin. Then came the scene in which Winslow met Phoenix. Both leaned forward.
"This is gonna be interesting," Phoenix commented. This was followed by a "Jessie, your singing is amazing, by the way."
"Thanks," Jessica smiled.
"Your chemistry is on top," Winslow noted during the scene. "Ten of ten."
Phoenix laughed at Jessica's confused face after William flashed her with "I would never let my personal desires influence my aesthetic judgement". "Yes, I probably looked like that!"
"You did," Winslow confirmed.
Later they had another good laugh at William in a flower dress trying to sneak in. "I wish I'd witnessed that happening!", Harold yelled. Then Paul appeared.
Winslow was honestly impressed. The friendly little man had perfectly embodied Swan. This guy who was frequently referred to as the Human Muppet had captured the evil spirit like he'd been destined to play Swan. Winslow shivered. He wasn't the only one.
"Was that really acting?", Archie asked.
"Hopefully," Jeffrey mumbled.
"I don't want to know what ancient evils we unleashed," Harold said.
Paul just laughed. "Who knows."
The next scene was the cops finding a beaten up Winslow. This was followed by William dramatically yelling into the camera that he was innocent.
"That was brilliant," Winslow commented. "Perfectly on point!"
"You have no idea how many shots this face took me," William replied.
Next up came some evil little man announcing that Winslow's teeth would be pulled. The real Winslow bared his teeth and pulled a werewolf number which caused some giggles.
The scene then faded into Winslow's escape from Sing Sing prison. William quickly told an anecdote about all the times the scene with the box had gone wrong while Winslow's on-screen counterpart raged through Death Records.
Winslow knew what was coming up now and so did Phoenix. He suddenly felt her hand in his and turned his head a little to see her giving him a little reassuring smile. He was well aware that she was afraid that the following scene would trigger something in him.
It didn't. William saved the day. As soon as he realized what a bomb was about to hit he burst out dramatically explaining how the scene had almost gone wrong and how he almost became Winslow's "Exact Doppelganger". Winslow objectively admired William's remarkable acting skills and secretly wondered why the actor wasn't famous yet.
The next scene caused Brian to explain why the split screen he'd used was a stroke of genius. The crew listened in amusement until the bomb exploded.
Next up came a bit with Swan in his office and then Winslow confronting him. The height difference between William and Paul was utterly hilarious. The scene was followed by Jessica singing Special to me for the audition. Everyone marveled at how similar her voice was to Phoenix'.
Then came the scene in which Swan adjusted Winslow's voice box and made Winslow sign the contract. Next up Paul singing Phantom's Theme with montages of William and Jessica with a black background. It looked wonderfully dramatic.
The next trigger came up now. It was Beef.
Thanks to the fact that Gerrit didn't look quite exactly like Beef Winslow relaxed again. However, he had to admit that accent and attitude were on point. Gerrit blushed when he told him.
There was the epic scream scene which caused Winslow's to have a laughing flash at the drama of William's acting. During the shower scene Gerrit mentioned that he did not recommend snorting powdered lactose. His acting in that scene and the next one were hilarious. Then Harold performed Somebody Super Like You followed by Life at Last and during Life at Last Winslow excused himself for a few minutes and left to prevent himself from getting a panic attack. He came back in to George Memmoli yelling "Somebody get a fire extinguisher!" and thoroughly enjoyed the Old Souls and dressing room scene, as well as the first rooftop scene. During the second rooftop scene Phoenix wrapped herself around Winslow, who made it a point to marvel at William's acting and compliment him on it until the actor was blushing.
What followed was Paul confronting William. Again everyone was crazed at how this human muppet played Swan. Then came the tape room and the wedding, and after a very dramatic death scene for Swan they got the ending which was slightly differing from reality: Winslow's death.
Phoenix laughed at how Jessica managed to look so desperate. "I just thought of school," Jessica commented. Winslow was delighted by the dramatic ending scene with the flaming bird sealing William's doom. "Awesome. Perfect. Like, really perfect. Great job."
"Release?", Brian asked.
"Hell yeah, release!"
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twistednuns · 5 years
December 2019
Maxim calling out of the blue, inviting me to the Mine concert later that month.
Stumbling upon great inspiration for plant-based buddha bowls.
@shitgothssay memes.
Zotter salted caramel chocolate.
Finding out about the fact that you can just add the letter A to some words to transform them into adjectives. Like aglitter or aglow and aglisten.
Ayurvedic Kapha tea with some black tea, honey and milk. Sonnentor Gute Laune tea. Green tea with toasted coconut.
Isana shower oil. Works wonders for dry skin. Such a smooth and creamy texture. Great for shaving, too.
Winning the pub quiz - again! I played with Maggie, Dennis, Daniel and Steffen (Team name: Three geese in a trenchcoat) and we won 178€. However, the best thing about this was when I finally solved the anagram after thinking about it for 10 minutes. It was Greta Thunberg! Winning is lovely, of course, but solving the anagram is already a personal win for me each time.
Tuesdays. Coming home early, sleeping it off.
Being super rested after a nap, cooking a huge pot of veggie stew and my ratatouille signature recipe, even preparing a batch of butter bean hummus and salad dressing. Listening to folk music, singing along, even dancing at some point. Standing there, peeling the potatos… Happy moment.
Signature manicure. Always. This time: bluish iridescent lilac with the obligatory black dot.
A personal realisation. I’ve been massively out of touch with myself. I’ve stopped journaling, stopped doing things for myself because they’re beneficial and not because they’re convenient and numb everything. And why is that a good thing? Well, only being at this point and realising what’s wrong with me makes it possible to do something against it. To come up a self-care plan. To make myself feel better.
Semi-deleting Facebook.
Spending time with Manu for the first time in three months. Watching a documentary about black holes and a cheesy Christmas movie. Ordering south Indian food, cuddling up in bed. Sometimes I don’t know why I keep isolation myself. Being around people can be really lovely and soothing if you can be yourself around them. It’s just that I often feel the presence of other living beings drains my energy.
The best massage I ever had. From now on I’ll always request Yaya as my massage therapist. She is SICK. Strong, merciless, forces me into weird poses and makes my back crack.
Also: the chocolate-filled mint hard candy they hand out at the massage studio. I used to hate mint-infused chocolate but somehow I think these are delicious. Perfect after-torture-treat.
Persimmons. Obsessed.
My eye colour in artificial light. A dark moss green with caramel-coloured speckles and a dark rim.
The National playing a 2-hour-long concert and including some of my favourite songs from the High Violet album. Fangirling with Anika.
The smell of cold. You know, that whiff of cool air you get when you’re sniffing a jacket that’s been hanging on the balcony for a few hours to air out.
Learning more about Claire Saffitz from this article - she likes arts and crafts, is a homebody and has degrees in history and literature! She basically enrolled in culinary school because she was bored after graduation. She’s an enigma of a quirky kind. Not brilliant and scattered, but determined and aimless. Not brave and rebellious, but anxious and creative. She hates change yet pursues it, wants order but trades in chaos. She’s loved because she hates stuff; performs well because she can’t perform. And above all, she’s aggressively regular—and something about this makes the crowd go wild.
Fresh laundry smell on my blankets and pillows. And my new gravity blanket. It weighs 11kg which feels crazy heavy when you carry it but the weight evenly distributes over the body when you’re lying down. Apparently the pressure triggers the release of stress hormones. So far I’m sleeping like a baby and I don’t seem to wake up or move much at night.
Stephanie Madewell. I love everything she writes, her blog is such a godsend of beautiful, important, eclectic ideas. One thing I especially like are her imaginary outfits.
Princess Margaret’s limerick contest with President Lyndon B. Johnson in The Crown. Pure comedy. “There was a young lady from Dallas / who used a dynamite stick as a phallus / they found her vagina in North Carolina / and her asshole in Buckingham Palace.”
Little pieces of string in the corners of a duvet cover. It’s the first time I’ve seen those. So practical for big blankets!
Mental health days. I needed this. So much. Mornings in bed, reading for hours. Drinking a whole pot of tea.
Partner yoga. Chanting the closing mantra together.
Making vegan energy balls for my brother. I adapted the recipe and made my own versions so I ended up with a batch of pistachio/cherry and mango/sesame.
Freaking out whenever I see a cute cat. Damn, I really need to spend more time with animals. My highlight: breakfast in bed, watching a video of an adorable cat giving birth. I cried. Yup.
Going swimming for the first time in, man, I don’t even know. Forever. I didn’t swim for a long time, maybe half an hour, but muscle memory kicked in immediately. Water is totally my element. And, as if it had been destiny: I chose the day they cut the hanging plants in the main hall and the guy gave me a variety of five different cuttings to take home!! He made me a very happy girl.
The ink blue sky right after sunset. / The morning after the full moon in Gemini (the moon still bright and huge, visible in the bluish-grey Western sky). / When the sun suddenly comes out after a very dark and gloomy morning.
Buying a new phone. The old one was broken beyond repair. I even got a nice cork protective case. How could I ever live without an uncracked screen? The battery now actually lasts for more than a day. Nice.
Odd bits of knowledge: A galanthophile is an enthusiastic collector and identifier of snowdrop (Galanthus) species and cultivars. (Wikipedia) // Scientists theorize the Universe might have cracks in it: long thin boundaries that formed as space cooled after the Big Bang. 95 billion lightyears long and a few femtometers thin, these wrinkles in space-time would hold enough energy to bend light and destroy entire planets. (PHD comics) // the word to bloviate (German meaning: schwafeln, langatmig vortragen) // In Japan we have three rituals: HANAMI, TSUKIMI, and YUKIMI. HANAMI is watching the flowers. TSUKIMI is watching the moon, YUKIMI is watching the snow. It’s a beautiful tradition when you invite people to watch with you. I remember them all. (Yoko Ono) // In linguistics, prosody is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments (vowels and consonants) but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech, including linguistic functions such as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm. Such elements are known as suprasegmentals. Prosody may reflect various features of the speaker or the utterance: the emotional state of the speaker; the form of the utterance (statement, question, or command); the presence of irony or sarcasm; emphasis, contrast, and focus. It may otherwise reflect other elements of language that may not be encoded by grammar or by choice of vocabulary. (Wikipedia) //
I know I mention this a lot but the first olfactory whiff of a freshly cut open passion fruit is one of the best smells I know.
When my breakfast tastes like a candy bar. Which it immediately does whenever I add almond butter and cocoa nibs to porridge.
Yoga at home on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I’m often too lazy to get out my yoga mat but whenever I do afterwards I’m always so glad I practiced. Also: going to yoga class despite being extremely stressed out. It actually helped me silence some of these tormenting thoughts in my head.
Cutting my own hair. It’s kinda ridiculous and layered but I love the new bounce.
Michael Nyman - Musique à grande vitesse x // feels like it makes my pulse quicker, it’s urging and forceful.
My adventures in psychedelia - an article about the therapeutic effect of psychoactive drugs. I’m going to get Michael Pollan’s book about the topic from the library next week. So interesting.
People who are still writing letters.
My pupils. I realised that some of them have become very fine people. Open, compassionate, motivated, interested, bright, polite. Like the students who attended our first school magazine meeting in their spare time - on the last school day before the Christmas holidays - and had all these amazing ideas. Victor, being able to hold a conversation like an adult. Marks cuddling that dog in front of the supermarket. My tenth-graders being really reasonable, managable, easy to talk to.
Liza Weil’s role as Shy Baldwin’s bass player in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It took me three episodes to recognize her.
A little embroidery set. I love keeping my hands busy when I’m watching movies.
Making vegan walnut lebkuchen and a very good batch of crisp bread in one go.
Roast apples with candied almonds and marzipan for Christmas dinner. Some buckwheat chocolate cookies. Actually helping out my mum in the kitchen.
Sitting at the piano with my brother, singing tunes from our childhood series, Disney songs, pop songs… We both had sore throats afterwards.
Visiting Sash’s parents over Christmas. Her mum cooked a pretty great lunch and we played board games.
Learning how to make a monkey fist knot.
Finding a new spot I like in my apartment. The chair right next to the window at the kitchen table. It’s nice and warm because you can sit beside the heater and while you have breakfast or browse through a cookbook you can see what’s going on outside.
Seeing the incredible gobelins at Kunsthalle / Fäden der Moderne exhibition. I loved the Le Corbusier ones.
Visiting Manu at his parents' place. Playing board games together, his mum feeding me with parsley potatoes and a weird _bird's milk_ dessert. Lying on the sofa, watching old movies. It's weirdly nice to be part of a normal family dynamic once in a while.
Andre saving my New Year’s Eve at the very last minute. Out of the blue he suggested a trip to Czech Republic right after midnight the day before. I was like… okay, let’s do this! So I met up with him and three people I had never met before in Regensburg and we drove to Český Krumlov, checked into our fancy hotel and walked down to the city centre. Czech food for dinner, a band playing at the city square. We climbed up to the castle for the turn of the year. This must have been the first year that started out with a proper New Year’s kiss. Afterwards we went to a weird music bar and - apparently - one of the best clubs in the country. I had a lot of fun. Even though getting Andre home was quite a challenge.
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