#had to include that lil noise he made after opening the door
eclipseshotel · 5 months
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peterparkouryo · 2 years
the study session | 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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prompt; You and Peter have a "study session" for your upcoming test.
warnings: kissing, or making out if you will, it gets a lil handsy, but nothing TOO suggestive (ifykwim)
word count: 4k 
a/n: not proofread
You were very glad it was Saturday, but also very sad because you wished for nothing more than it to be that day of the week forever.
You see, the thing is you had an extremely difficult test coming up Monday, and you didn't try at all this week to study for it. The deadline was getting closer and the study guide your teacher had gave you might as well had been in a different language because you didn't understand a thing on the paper no matter how many times you pretended to.
So instead of completely giving up, crying, and accepting your fate Thursday, you asked the smartest boy in school to help you. 
Peter Parker, aka your sort of friend, and your longtime crush.
He was a friend of your sister, Michelle and he'd come over once in awhile to hang out with her. You'd occasionally hang out with them as well whenever you weren't reading, sleeping, or being an anti-social person.
With all those months and what not of Peter coming over, you two getting to know each other, you decided it was best to ask him for the help, plus you really enjoyed his presence.
Michelle pretty much knew from the start, before you even did that you liked him and she would sometimes tease you about it whenever she could, which made you annoyed at times, but you knew she didn't mean it.
The two latter people were currently hanging out, and your sister texted you saying that her and Peter were making their way back from wherever they were and that Peter would be here in time for your study session.
You had the house to yourself for the time being, since your dad was at work and you were glad because it meant you got to eat your self-made dinner in your bedroom.
The dinner was a simple microwavable noodles cup and some apple juice that probably was MJ's, but she drunk yours the last time so you pretty much didn't care if she got mad or not.
You were now sitting on your bed, laptop in-front of you as YouTube played in the background. 
The day was moving slow as you waited in boredom, sitting and eating on your bed. You wanted nothing more for your sister and friend to hurry up so you could study.
After a thirty minute marathon of watching random videos, you laying comfortably in your bed, the cup of noodles now on your nightstand, you hear the front door open, muffled voices entering the abode.
Normally, you'd go check out the noise, but you knew the two familiar voices all too well, plus you were way too comfortable at the moment.
Your room was dark, the curtains closed and the only source of light given was the glare of the laptop screen and the hallway light sneaking under the crack of your door, but that dim of light didn't last longer since your sister bursts into your room, startling you.
"Jesus." You breath out, quickly sitting up from your bed.
"Sorry." MJ sheepishly apologized, showing you a not so sorry smile.
"There's food in the kitchen, also Peter's waiting for you in the living room." Your sister tells you, running a hand through her already curly hair.
You two didn't really look alike. She had more defined features, and you didn't, her hair being more curly than yours. On occasions yours would be curly too, but unfortunately it was more wavy, not that there was anything wrong with that. You never really compared yourself to her considering you two were exactly alike, personality wise. MJ never had a reason to make you feel jealous of her either, she always included you in anything if you were up to it. She also never had a reason to feel jealous of you, so you were really glad you had that special bond with her.
MJ knew all your secrets, you knew all hers, so if you needed a shoulder to cry on, you know who yo go to.
"I already ate, and you can tell him to come in here instead." You tell her, pausing the YouTube video as you reached for the cup of noodles on your nightstand before gesturing it for her to take it.
"No way. I'm not your maid and no boys in your bedroom." MJ stated, giving you a firm look.
"How come he's allowed in yours?" You ask with a pout, getting up from your bed in defeat.
"Because, I'm not the one with a crush on him." She tells you, showing you a smile.
You roll your eyes, shoving her out the way as you make your way to the kitchen to throw away your mess.
"Hey Peter." You greet him, walking past the living room as you made your way into the kitchen.
Since your apartment was small, the kitchen was right next to the living room, well not really, it was more like one of those apartments that had the open counter space that could see into the living room, but nevertheless you could still enter the kitchen through the living room without having to go through doors, or down some stairs.
"Hi, Y/N." You hear the brown haired boy greet back.
When you throw away your cup of noodles and put the silver utensil in the sink, you exit the kitchen and make your way into the living room, sitting on the small couch, where Peter currently resided on.
"You ready to help me study?" You question, watching the boy for a few seconds before turning your gaze to the TV. It was the news, the anchor talking about the robbery that took place and how your Queens' hero, Spider-Man managed to stop it once again.
"Um, uh, yeah!" Peter stammered, putting the TV on mute.
"Okay, we can study in my room, since all my stuff is in there anyhow." You tell him, standing up just as quickly as you sat down, before holding your hand out to help him up.
He took your hand, and you didn't fail to notice how sweaty it was, but you decide not to say anything as you two make your way into your bedroom.
You let go of his hand, hearing the door quietly close behind you as you go over to your desk area and grab the pre calculus papers before handing them to Peter, who now sat on your bed.
"Pre calculus?" Peter asked, a little bewildered.
"Mhm." You hum, taking a seat next to him, his body heat radiating off him and onto your skin.
You watch as Peter clenches his jaw, the same jaw that could cut diamonds, as his eyes study over the review and you wanted to just kiss him, but it took every fibre in your body not to.
"This seems doable, and easy." Peter says, turning his head to look at you with his brown eyes.
Those eyes always made you melt into a puddle, and yes they're such a common eye colour to have, but Peter's seemed more full of life, innocent and brighter. You know Peter doesn't have the most happy go live, and neither do you, but when you stare into those eyes that you swear gets brighter everyday, you forget about how messed up the world truly is. 
"Y/N?" A voice questioned with concern.
You blink out of your trance, before properly looking at the boy next to you.
"Oh, sorry, what did you say?" You ask with a little embarrassment.
"I asked if you were ready to start reviewing, but if you need some time, I can wait." Peter states, showing an understanding smile.
As if you needed a break. The only thing you needed was him, and his smile.
"Oh, no it's fine, I'm ready." You lied, retorting his smile, but yours was a little less more understanding.
"You sure?" He quizzed again.
This time, you nod.
"Okay." Peter sighs, letting his gaze linger on the paper in his hands.
After what seemed like the longest review ever, you and Peter decide to take a break, a snack break to be exact.
MJ was no where to be found, probably in her room lost in one of her many books, so you and Peter just decided to raid the snacks before she could notice.
"Have you ever had hickory sticks?" You question, examining the potato sticks bag curiously.
"Hickory what?" Peter asks, with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Hickory sticks." You repeat, turning around to show him the Canadian snack.
The snack isn't sold in America, but when you, your sister and dad decided to take a family vacation to Toronto, Canada, you made sure to be the most tourist person there and bought pretty much anything you could afford, including the hickory sticks.
"Where'd you find those?" He questioned, making his way over to you with a confused expression.
"I bought like three or four bags of these when we went to Canada." You inform him with a shrug, handing him the bag so he can take a look.
Peter hums out a reply, intently looking over the bag.
"Y/N, these are expired." He tells you, before handing the snack back to you.
"What? No, it's not." You argue, before looking for the expire date.
And he was right, they were expired. They've been expired for about two weeks now.
"Oh..." You say in defeat, putting the bag on the counter.
"We could just make a sandwich." Peter suggests, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Sure, the touch was simple, but it sent a whole blazing fire throughout your body, your heart beat quickened, and you prayed to god that Peter couldn't hear how loud it was.
You had always thought about telling him how you felt, but the timing just never was right, plus you were sure he didn't feel the same way since he showed no signs of ever seeing you more than just his friend's sister.
You nod at his suggestion and before you knew it, you two were making sandwiches.
After snack time, you made your way back int your room to study some more, which you dreaded, because studying is never fun, but somehow Peter makes it better.
"You know, it's not really that hard." Peter tries to reassure, the two of you now laying on your tummies, on your bed.
"Says the math expert." You grumble, not understanding how to do inverse functions.
"C'mon, Y/N. I promise, it's easy." He tries to encourage.
"It's not." You argue, looking at him with a frustrated expression.
"Who needs inverse functions to be a writer anyway?!" You exclaim and it does nothing but make Peter chuckle.
"All you have to do is switch the x and y variables in the function, right?" Peter tells you, looking over your face with such intent you could almost die at his gaze.
"Then, solve for y, like we've been doing." He finishes quietly.
You nod, watching as he flickered his eyes from yours to your lips, you doing the same.
"Was that even english?" You ask, not understanding a single thing he said. Mainly because, yeah you actually didn't understand it and also because of the way he was staring at you.
"I hope so." Peter whispered, his eyes now fully focused on your lips for whatever reason that may be, but you weren't complaining.
"Well, if it was I still don't understand." You say, breaking the tension, letting out a noise you hope was a chuckle, but probably not.
"What if we just take a break? We've been studying for what, like two hours?" Peter suggested, sitting up from his laying position, you doing the same.
You agreed on his suggestion, despite the two of you already taking a break, but that was more like a snack break not a break break where the two of you just talked about anything you could talk about.
"So, you should try out for decathlon." Peter says with a smile, sitting across from you now.
"Why?" You question him, raising an eyebrow.
You were genuinely curious as to why Peter would suggest you join the decathlon team considering he never attends those meetings and the club is never really lucky when it comes to going on trips, such as the Washington D.C incident MJ had explained to you in full detail since the news wasn't really any help.
"Despite math being one of the main major subjects, I think you'd be a great addition to the team." He countered, nodding his head, which you found quite adorable.
"Did MJ put you up to this?" You quiz him, narrowing your eyes at him suspiciously.
MJ was known for being the quiet and observant type of girl (hence, where you got half you personality from), and she's so observant that she never fails to notice every small and different detail of anyone's behaviour. It's something you picked up on growing up with her, so when Peter suggested you joining the team, you noticed the waver of his voice and how nervous it sounded when asking you.
Your sister also always bugged you about joining the team since it lacked most members, and now that she was the captain, you really had it the hard way with her.
"What? No, I really think you should join." Peter argued, shaking his head as if it'll change your suspicion.
It didn't convince you, because Peter wasn't really as engaged with the team like he used to be, so it made it that much more obvious MJ had asked him to try and convince you to join.
"Prove it." You state, eyes intently boring into his.
Even if Peter somehow did find a way to "convince" you, you probably would still say no, since you had no interest in it anyhow. 
"Prove what?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"That these are your own words, and not hers." You explained.
Peter lets out a sigh in defeat, causing you to chuckle in victory. Before you could open your mouth with an "I told you so" quip, the boy leans forward, his hands sneaking their way to both sides of your head, giving you a quick chaste kiss.
To say confusion was the emotion you felt would be an understatement. Why had Peter just did that? You had no clue, which left your cheeks a blushing mess, mouth slightly agape.
"You..." You started, about to tell him what he just did, but he cuts you off.
"Listen, before you yell at me, or anything much more violent than that, I just need you to know that your sister didn't put me up to convincing you to join the team." Peter starts off.
"I actually think you would make a great team member, even though you're not a people person." He continued, and you were once again about to say something, but he wasn't finished just yet.
"I know that me kissing you had nothing to do with wanting you on the team, but I just really like you..." Peter finally finished (at least you hope so), looking at you with a sheepish smile, fiddling with his hands nervously.
Your eyes widen, practically almost out of their sockets at his confession. Peter liked you? Or, likes you. Never in a million years would you had thought the boy would ever admit something like that. You had always thought it'd be you, and then you'd get shut down because you knew Peter could never see you as more than just a friend, but right now you were beaming with happiness at his disclosure.
"I-, you, really?" You ask, not being able to form a proper sentence, a smile breaking out on your face uncontrollably, probably making you look a little weird.
"Well, yeah. What's not to like? You're funny, smart and like really...pretty." Peter says, mumbling the last word at the end, which you did hear.
"So being really pretty makes me likeable?" You jokingly questioned, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
Peter eyes goes really wide, making you have to fight back a laugh as he eagerly shakes his head.
"No, I mean like, you know, you-" Peter stuttered, having a really hard time trying to explain himself.
You obviously felt bad, but it was something so funny about seeing the boy get flustered at your joke.
"I'm kidding." You tell him with a laugh.
"You're really pretty too." You retort, watching his mouth turn upward into a smile, the kind of smile that made his eyes crinkle.
"Yeah?" He asked, his smile soften as you nodded.
"Mhm, also funny and smart as well." You add with your own smile that never really left your face.
You two stare at each other for god knows how long, kind of enjoying the sweet, comfortable aura you always felt when around each-other.
You thought back to how at first you thought Peter could never see you more than just his friend's little sister, but maybe he was really good at hiding things, well sort of.
"Can I kiss you again?" Peter quietly asks, his eyes slowly trailing from yours to your lips.
You eagerly nodded, how could you say no to that?
Peter once again leans toward you this time putting one hand on one side of your face as the other held his weight on your clothed thigh, you on the other hand had put both hands securely on his shoulders, before both your lips finally met.
It was like a euphoric feeling, the taste of his lips being intoxicating. It was the type of taste that was flavoured like honey, but not just basic sweet honey, honey mixed with tea. Yeah, he definitely had the sweet and unique type of lips.
You two continue to explore each others mouth, trying to mould out the taste of it, Peter shifting you two into a much more comfortable position, you now laying on your back as Peter now hovered over you, his hand now cupping your jaw, while his arm held your waist. You now had one of your hands on the nape of his neck, playing with his small curls as the other was flat on his chest that you were certain was a little more toned than you imagined.
You weren't really experienced in the kissing department, and you couldn't say neither was Peter, because he and your sister had shared that they were each-other's first kiss and it didn't bother you at the time, considering you barely knew him when MJ had told you.
MJ also made it clear to you when she somehow found out that you liked him that she never once had a crush on him and also explained that she just wanted someone, anyone really to be her first kiss.
And you were glad Peter was yours, he was extremely good at what he was doing.
As if he could hear your thoughts, he removed his lips from yours, causing you to open your eyes, only to be greeted with his.
"You're really good at that." Peter whispers, his eyes never leaving yours.
You hum, smiling at his words just as he gives your cheek a peck.
"Ditto." You breathe out, closing your eyes as Peter continues leaving pecks all over your face.
Then, he leaves a trail of pecks down your right cheek, slowly gliding his jabbed kisses to your neck.
You let out a keened noise at how his lips touched the sensitive spot of your neck and you couldn't help but think of how he really was good at what he was doing, he didn't even have to try.
"Peter.." You managed, sighing in content as Peter continued kissing or sucking on areas of your neck, probably leaving marks as he did.
The brown haired boy hums out a response, his sneaky fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, teasing his way to your bare hip.
His lips detach from your neck, eyes examining yours, while his fingers slightly tickle your hip.
"You're really good at that." You retort Peter's words from earlier, staring at him with a smile before pecking his lips.
You try to pull away but his lips chase yours into yet another kiss, it quickly turning into another make out session, or at least a semi-one.
You hear your sister clear her throat, causing you and the boy above, scramble from the position you once were in.
MJ looks in-between the both of you, watching as you two calm down from your hot and heavy breathing, the flustered faces turning even more red at the extent of being caught.
"Is this how you losers study?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the both of you.
"It-, we were just..." You tried to lie, but there obviously was no point in doing so.
"Whatever, just don't let dad find out." MJ waved off, closing your door but only leaves it open about two or three inches wide.
You can see through the crack of your door that your sister goes back toward the way of her room, relieved she didn't hit you with any third degree threats, or even scolded Peter for making out with her little sister, which now that you think about it, she probably didn't want to have that image in her head, which is why she left it alone.
You then run a hand through your hair, turning your head to look at a still flustered Peter.
"You okay?" You ask him, watching the boy nod as soon as he hears the question.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He reassures, looking at you with a small smile.
Now that it was clear you both really liked each other, you wondered if maybe he'd ask you on a date, or if you would have to.
"So, um...now what?" Peter asks the question you were thinking, scratching his cheek nervously.
You shrug your response, thinking about nothing, really.
There was a moment of silence, the two of you both just sitting there and thinking, you thinking about the previous make out session and god knows what Peter was thinking about. 
"Would it be okay if I, umm.." Peter starts, looking down at his hands that were slightly shaking, probably due to his nervousness that you could practically feel radiating off him.
"I don't know, like asked you...on a date?" He finished unsurely, and you could swear you felt your heart do a somersault.
"Yeah, that's fine." You say, taking a hold of one of his hands, seeing Peter beam at you with a excited grin.
"Really?" He exclaimed happily as you giggle at his cheery face.
"Yeah." You say again, sort of biting the bottom of your lip as you smiled.
"Okay, cool." Peter nodded as he went over the many possible ideas of where to take you out on a date.
You thought now was the perfect time to ask.
"Are you gonna swing us on our first date or is it going to be a normal one?" You questioned, watching Peter look at you in confusion and fear.
You figured that would be his reaction, looking at you as if you had three heads, and wondering how on earth did you know about his secret identify.
It didn't take a genius to figure it out. You started to notice how weird he acted in school, plus the observed conversations you had with MJ about how he quit most of the after school activities or curriculums he was in.
There was much more to it, but that was a whole other story for another time.
"Wha-, swing? I don't know what you're talking about." Peter tried to laugh off, looking at you as if you were the crazy one.
"You know, use your webs from your suit to swing us anywhere." You explained, making hand gestures to demonstrate.
"Y/N, I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter argued, shaking his head to try and wave off the topic.
"Okay, so you're telling me you don't sneak off every now and then to be a hero to Queens?" You ask him, raising an eyebrow.
"So, you leaving at the most inconvenient times is just a coincidence?"
"Just admit that you're the spider boy." You say, sighing and calling him the wrong name on purpose.
"Hey! It's Spider-Man, not boy." Peter defended, unknowingly proving your point.
"And why so defensive?" You ask, folding your arms over your chest.
"I-" He starts, before looking down in defeat.
"I'll pick you up at eight." Peter sighed, getting up from the bed to what you assume is to stretch.
"Good, now let's finish studying." You suggested.
"Studying or studying?" The boy smirked, causing you to roll your eyes at his tone.
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evereinefaust · 6 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Kirby X afab!Reader X Various
Synopsis: Being an attendant to the Smash residence comes with many ups and downs. However, MC would never trade the memorable times she bonded with its lovable residents.
Word Count: 5,513
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The loud round of applause echoed as a deep male voice spoke. A certain girl hummed, dusting off her clothes as she stood up from her comfy seat. Her eyes glossed over the wall clock in the common room, a smile tugging at her lips. 
"Ah, it's already time."
This announcement was like her routine; whenever the match ended, she would head over to the exit of the stage, awaiting the fighters who just finished. However, she doesn't just do this for everyone, after all, she also has responsibilities to do in the household. The only time that she would go out of her way to finish her tasks early and receive the fighters after their match is when he is included...
"Too bad that I wasn't able to watch the match. But at least I could still greet and accompany them."
The woman elicited a small giggle, making her way toward the arena entryway where they would come out. The soft clank of her low-heeled flats brought about a warm ambiance noise in the halls, and as she was nearing the mahogany double door, it creaked open. 
Her (e/c) eyes widened in anticipation, her legs speeding up to greet the gang. "Hey, everyone!" 
At her call, the four fighters whipped their attention toward her. Although surprised, they were still expecting her to come, and it made them really happy that a smile bloomed on their faces. But for a certain fluffball, he instead immediately ran towards her and jumped into her arms as soon as he got there. 
"Whoah, there, Kācchan!" (Y/n) chuckled as she caught the 3-foot pink ball in her arms. 
"Poyo!" chirped Kirby as he blinked cutely and smiled at her. This earned a squeal from the girl as she lightly squeezed his large body. 
"I see that you're still favoring Kirby," Zelda commented as she walked over to the two. Her blue eyes scanned the pink fluff ball getting comfy in (Y/n)'s arms before focusing her attention on the woman. "I'm kinda envious." 
"You never do this to just anyone, after all," Shulk added, a frown sporting his lips. "It kinda sucks that the lil' guy is always on your mind." 
An apologetic smile emerged on her lips as she adjusted Kirby in her hold. In a moment, her hand glossed over the fighter's body as an iridescent light glowed from her palm. Within seconds, Kirby's body shrunk to its original size. The other fighters were in awe at her display of ability. 
"I'm sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to ignore you," (Y/n) started, tucking the now small Kirby in her arms as the fluff ball enjoyed being in her hold. She gave them a sweet smile, the corner of her eyes crinkling. "Anyway, great job on your match. Although I wasn't able to watch the fight, I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves." 
"Aw~ Thanks, (Y/n). Hopefully, you'll be able to watch our matches more frequently," Zelda simpered, a small blush appearing on her cheeks. 
"Hopefully," she nodded.
"Well, I'm hungry," the blonde boy said. "I'll be going on now. See you later, (Y/n)!" 
"See you, Shulk," she waved him goodbye. 
"See you around as well," Zelda winked at the girl as she followed after Shulk. 
Her gaze lingers on for a while, watching as the two fighters rounded the corner. After they were out of the hallway, she turned her attention to the quiet fighter who had been with them since earlier. Joker stared at her, a smirk plastered on his face though he didn't speak even a word. 
"So, what are your plans after this, Ren?"
The ravenette shrugged, though the playful smile didn't leave his face. "Hm. Maybe I could follow you around? I haven't been spending time with you ever since I came here, after all." 
"Sly flirting isn't getting you anywhere with me, Ren," she playfully rolled her eyes. Turning on her heels, she walked a few steps before tilting her head back to look at him. The corner of her lips tugged upwards as her eyes twinkled. "But either way, you're always welcome to accompany me." 
"I'll take up your offer then," Joker chuckled to himself, trailing behind the (h/c)-tressed woman with Kirby in her arms.
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As they walked together down the corridor, (Y/n) and Joker engaged in easy conversation, sharing stories and laughter. The presence of the small pink puffball, Kirby, added a sense of light-heartedness to their interactions. Joker was known for his enigmatic persona, but around (Y/n), he seemed more relaxed, revealing glimpses of his true self.
They strolled through the halls of the mansion, exchanging anecdotes about their experiences and getting to know each other better. The atmosphere was comfortable and easy as if they had been friends for a long time. Kirby occasionally chimed in with his adorable noises, as if he were part of the conversation.
As they turned a corner, they found themselves in a quieter section of the building, settling beside the wall. The large row of windows offered a view of the setting sun casting a warm golden hue over the landscape. (Y/n) leaned against the windowsill, gazing outside, lost in thought.
Joker observed her quietly for a moment before speaking, his voice soft. "You seem lost in your own world."
(Y/n) turned her attention back to him, a wistful smile on her lips. "Just reminiscing, I suppose. Sometimes I find solace in the simple moments, like watching the sunset after an eventful day."
He nodded, understanding in his eyes. "I can relate. Life can be so chaotic, especially with what we do. It's important to find those moments of tranquility."
"Poyo!" Kirby let out a contented squeak, snuggling closer to (Y/n) as if agreeing with their sentiment. The three of them shared a silent connection, appreciating the peaceful interlude.
"Hey, Ren," (Y/n) began, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Behind that charismatic mask of yours, what's the real you like?"
Joker's smirk softened into a thoughtful expression. He leaned against the windowsill beside her, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "The real me... I suppose I'm someone who's learned to adapt and improvise. Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges, and I've become quite skilled at navigating through them."
"Sounds like you've had an interesting journey," she remarked, intrigued.
He chuckled. "That's one way to put it. And what about you, (Y/n)? What's the story behind the person I see before me?"
(Y/n) glanced at him, her eyes gleaming with a mix of warmth and vulnerability. "I'm someone who believes in the power of connections. Whether it's with people or the world around me, I find beauty in those moments that bring us closer together."
Joker studied her, his gaze intensifying. "You have a way of making people feel seen and valued."
A faint blush graced her cheeks, but she met his gaze with a steady look. "I think we all have that power within us. It's just a matter of recognizing it."
The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the hall. Joker and (Y/n) continued to share their thoughts and dreams, their words flowing effortlessly. The bond between them deepened, forged through genuine conversation and mutual understanding.
As the last rays of sunlight faded, (Y/n) turned to Joker with a grin. "Well, Ren, I should probably head back soon. But I'm glad we had this time to talk."
He nodded, a rare softness in his eyes. "Likewise. Let's do this again sometime."
With a final exchange of smiles, they parted ways for the moment, Kirby still nestled comfortably in (Y/n)'s arms. The echoes of their laughter lingered in the hallway, a testament to the unexpected connections that could blossom in the moment.
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In the cozy kitchen of the Smash Mansion, (Y/n) was busy gathering ingredients, and preparing to make a special dessert. Since today is one of the rare days she could relax and treat a certain pink fluffball to her homemade dessert, the (h/c)-tressed woman decided to do just that.
"He's cute even if he's this quiet."
A smile appeared on her lips, gazing fondly at the 3-inch Kirby waddling around the kitchen counter. His blue orbs blinked a couple of times before he flopped down and rocked on his back. Usually, when he's in the kitchen, Kirby would be running around trying to eat anything he sets his eyes on, edible or not.
But (Y/n) wasn't complaining to see how well-behaved the fluffball is right now. Focusing back on her task, the woman started pouring ingredients into a bowl, making the batter first.
She had planned to make strawberry shortcake — one of her signature desserts that Kirby likes a lot. Then, she might make a couple of other cakes and pastries to treat the residents of Smash Mansion.
(Y/n) hummed to herself, an upbeat and gentle tune resonating around the spacious kitchen, bringing a bit of life into her baking session. As the kitchen counter was filled with various raw ingredients waiting to be assembled and baked, a certain pink puffball couldn't help but be entranced by the available food in front of him.
Still in his 3-inch form, Kirby sneaked around the counter, away from (Y/n)'s gaze. His determined oceanic hues were fixated on the bowl of batter in front of him. With a quiet hop, he hung from the edge of the bowl. Immediately, his eyes sparkled at the delicious batter inside.
"Uh-uh—Kācchan," the small fluffball flinched in surprise at her sudden voice, almost falling into the bowl of batter if it wasn't for her fast reaction to catch him by his feet. Now that he was hanging upside down, (Y/n) lifted him up at face level, frowning at him. "No, Kācchan, you can't eat it yet. It's not ready."
"Poyo..." Kirby's face deflated, pouting.
The woman gently set Kirby down on the counter once more, gently rubbing his head in a comforting manner. Although upset that he couldn't just eat anything while she was still working on the dessert, the puffball was more than happy to receive such gestures from his favorite person in the whole world.
"Osha, suki!" he chirped, literal sparkles in his blue orbs.
(Y/n) chuckled at his cuteness and blushed at his honest words. "Thank you, Kācchan. I like you too. Now, wait patiently until I finish your cake, alright?"
Kirby nodded. Smiling at him one last time, the (h/c)-haired woman hurriedly finished her work. He sat there, watching (Y/n) work diligently, his eyes following every move. Although he promised not to eat raw ingredients, he couldn't stop his stomach from growling in anticipation or his mouth watering from the temptations surrounding him.
And that's why (Y/n) had to search for the 3-inch Kirby on the kitchen counter every minute just to make sure that he was not inside a bowl or box of flour for the umpteenth time.
"What am I going to do with you?"
She sighed, setting the flour-covered pink puffball down once more. Once on the marble, Kirby let out an achoo, effectively removing the powder of white from his body, revealing his natural color once more.
"I promise it won't take too long," she said, hoping to pacify the sulking fluffball.
As (Y/n) continued to work her magic in the kitchen, the sweet aroma of baking filled the air, making Kirby's eyes sparkle with anticipation. He couldn't resist the scent, and soon he was perched on the woman's shoulder, his round body quivering with excitement.
"Almost ready, Kācchan," (Y/n) cooed, her hands deftly assembling the layers of the strawberry shortcake. The vibrant red strawberries glistened with a glossy glaze, and the fluffy whipped cream promised a delightful contrast.
A short while later, the strawberry shortcake was finally complete, and (Y/n) carefully sliced a piece for Kirby, placing it on a small plate.
"Poyo!" chirped Kirby, his gaze fixed on the dessert in front of him.
(Y/n]) glanced at Kirby on her shoulder, smiling. "Kācchan, do you want to eat it in your current form or do you want me to make you big?"
Kirby thought for a moment, his tiny pink hand on his round chin. After a minute, he shook his head. "Ie!"
"Alright, Kācchan, dig in."
Kirby wasted no time. With a determined "Poyo!" he leaped forward and dove face-first into the cake, devouring a generous mouthful of strawberries and cream. The (h/c)-tressed woman watched him with a warm smile, enjoying the sight of Kirby's joy.
"Maybe I'll go and make some pies while he's eating..."
Whilst the pink fluffball was busying himself devouring the shortcake made for him. (Y/n) proceeded to prepare more delicious treats for the residents of the Smash Mansion. As Kirby continued to enjoy his strawberry shortcake, (Y/n) worked with a sense of purpose, her hands moving skillfully to create a variety of desserts.
She carefully rolled out pie dough, filled it with sweet fruit fillings, and expertly crimped the edges. The sound of her humming filled the room, harmonizing with the quiet munching sounds coming from Kirby. Soon, the aroma of freshly baked pies and pastries wafted through the air, making the kitchen a haven of delectable scents.
It didn't take long for one of Smash's residents to be drawn by the delicious aroma of (Y/n)'s cooking. A certain blonde Hylian walked in the direction of the kitchen, away from his initial path when he smelled delicious food. Curiously popping his head in, he saw the plethora of pastries on the counter with a (h/c)-haired woman working on it.
"Hm?" pausing her work, (Y/n) whipped her head at the door and saw Link staring at the mountain of desserts on display. She chuckled, pausing her work. "Oh, hello, Link."
Snapping out of his daze at her voice, the blonde hero met her welcoming gaze. The corner of her eyes crinkled, (e/c) hues shining brightly amidst the plain kitchen background. Soon, the man found himself smiling, grunting, and nodding in her direction as a greeting.
"I'm pretty sure Link's also starving."
Chuckling to herself, she ushered the man inside. "Link, can you help me make more desserts for the rest of the fighters? Having more hands on deck would be delightful. Don't worry, you can also try out the treats we made after we finish."
She didn't have to convince Link any further as the thought of food after this was enough to get him to agree. So, with a happy nod, the blonde sauntered over to the woman and awaited her instructions.
As (Y/n) and Link worked side by side in the kitchen, they formed a surprisingly efficient team. (Y/n) demonstrated her baking prowess, guiding Link through the process of making various pastries and desserts. His initial clumsiness gradually gave way to confidence as he followed her instructions, and he even managed to impress her with his quick learning.
Meanwhile, Kirby had finished his strawberry shortcake and was now perched on the kitchen counter, observing the two of them with curiosity. His round eyes moved from (Y/n) to Link and back as if silently approving of their collaboration.
"Phew! There! I think these are enough for everyone," the woman wiped the sweat off her face, proudly looking at the desserts she and Link managed to make in a short span of time.
She glanced at the blonde man beside her, and although he was silently staring at the number of desserts on the kitchen counter, the way he occasionally licked his lips, gulped down his saliva, or tapped his foot indicated that he was trying hard to contain his urge.
(Y/n)'s eyes softened. "You can go ahead and pick any desserts you want to eat, Link."
The man turned to her, eagerness reflected in his cerulean orbs. "...Is it fine?"
"Wow... Since Link rarely speaks, I forgot what his voice sounded like."
Giggling to rid herself of the blush that bloomed on her face, she simpered at the Hylian. "Of course, we made these together. Eating your creation is a delightful reward for a job well done."
Adhering to her words, Link grunted with a nod. Without hesitations, he picked up a clean plate and a pastry knife, cutting pieces of his favorites and putting them on his plate. Then he sat down comfortably on a counter stool, happily munching on the delectable treat they made.
(Y/n) glanced a final time at Link, before focusing on her task — cleaning the kitchen counter, placing the dirty utensils in the sink, and putting away the ingredients they used. After all of those were done, she scanned the area for a certain fluffball.
"Ufufu~ There you are~"
Gently scooping up the 3-inch Kirby in between the plates of pies, she smiled at his sleeping form. Kirby had apparently eaten his fill and was now in a food-induced slumber, his round body rising and falling with each tiny breath. (Y/n) couldn't help but find him utterly adorable in this peaceful state. She carefully cradled the sleeping puffball in her arms, making sure not to wake him as she moved around the kitchen.
"How's it, Link?" she asked, sliding onto the stool beside the blonde Hylian.
"Mhm," he hummed, mouth still full of food. Then, he glanced at the girl beside him, cerulean eyes sparkling and pink dusted his cheeks. "Delicious..."
"You're a messy eater, Link," she chuckled, reaching over to gently clean his face with a napkin.
Link smiled back, blushing a bit at her gesture. "Well, it's worth it for such a tasty cake."
(Y/n) continued to watch Link eat, her heart warm with the joy of making her friends happy. It was moments like these that made the Smash Mansion feel like a true home for everyone, big and small.
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The afternoon sun cast a warm, golden hue over the sprawling mansion's garden, as (Y/n) meticulously arranged the tea set on a small table beneath the blooming sakura tree. She glanced at her beloved Kirby, who was comfortably nestled in her arms, his round pink form a stark contrast to the delicate pink blossoms above.
Moments later, she heard footsteps approaching, and a gentle smile graced her lips as Byleth appeared, dressed in his familiar professor's attire.
"Ah, he's finally here."
(Y/n) gestured towards the empty chair across from her. "Byleth, please, have a seat. It's a lovely day for tea in the garden."
Byleth nodded and sat down, his emerald eyes taking in the serene surroundings. "Thank you for inviting me, (Y/n). The garden is beautiful."
The (h/c)-haired woman poured fragrant tea from a delicate porcelain teapot into two cups. "I thought it would be nice to spend some time together and share stories since you're new here. You've seen and experienced so much as a professor and warrior."
Byleth accepted the cup of tea with a grateful nod, his gaze momentarily drifting to Kirby, who was eyeing the tea with curiosity. "Indeed, life at the Officer's Academy was filled with both challenges and joys. It's been quite an adventure."
She gently stroked Kirby's soft, pink head. "And what about you, Byleth? How did you come to be the professor of such an esteemed academy?"
Byleth took a sip of tea, the warm liquid soothing his throat. "It all began when I was entrusted with the responsibility of leading the students of the Black Eagles house. It was a unique opportunity, and I wanted to help guide and protect them."
The woman's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "I've heard tales of your incredible combat skills as well. Is it true that you possess the power of the Crests?"
Byleth nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, I bear the Crest of Flames. It grants me exceptional combat abilities, but it also carries a heavy burden. I've had to confront many challenges, both on and off the battlefield."
Kirby made a small noise, drawing their attention. Byleth chuckled softly and reached out to gently pat the little puffball's head. "And who's this adorable companion of yours?"
"I see that he hadn't encountered Kirby during his stay, huh?"
She smiled affectionately. "This is Kirby, my faithful friend and confidant. He's always by my side, bringing a touch of whimsy to my life as an attendant for everyone."
"I see."
As they continued to sip tea and share stories, the two friends found common ground in their experiences. (Y/n) was enthralled by Byleth's tales of battles fought, students mentored, and the bonds forged at the Officer's Academy. Byleth, in turn, was captivated by the woman's adventures managing the Smash Mansion prior to his arrival.
Under the sakura tree's gentle shade, amidst the delicate petals falling like confetti, their tea time in the garden became a cherished memory—a moment of tranquility and connection between two souls from different worlds, brought together by friendship and shared experiences.
As the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the garden, (Y/n) and Byleth finally concluded their tea time. They exchanged grateful smiles, both appreciating the opportunity to connect with someone who understood the unique challenges they faced in their respective roles.
"I must say, (Y/n), this has been a delightful and peaceful interlude," Byleth remarked, his usually stoic expression softening. "I'm grateful for your hospitality."
(Y/n) nodded, her (e/c) eyes sparkling with warmth. "Likewise, Byleth. It's been wonderful getting to know you better. You have a depth of character that's truly admirable."
Kirby, who had been contentedly watching the exchange, let out a cheerful "Poyo!" as if to express his agreement.
Byleth chuckled, a rare sound that warmed (Y/n)'s heart. "Thank you, both of you. I look forward to more moments like these."
As they rose from their seats, (Y/n) gently cradled Kirby in her arms. The sakura petals continued to fall around them, creating a picturesque scene that felt almost magical.
"Feel free to join us for tea in the garden anytime, Byleth," she offered, her smile genuine.
Byleth nodded, his gratitude evident. "I'll be sure to take you up on that offer. Until then, may our paths cross again soon."
With those parting words, Byleth made his way back towards the mansion, leaving (Y/n) and Kirby to bask in the tranquil beauty of the garden. They watched as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a serene twilight over the world.
"I wonder if the others can take care of themselves without me... I'll go in after a few more minutes."
As the first stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The Smash Mansion was filled with unique individuals from different worlds, each with their own stories and challenges. And it was in moments like these, where connections were forged and bonds deepened, that made the mansion truly felt like a home for everyone who resided within its walls.
With Kirby snuggled in her arms, (Y/n) leaned back against the Sakura tree, gazing up at the stars. She knew that more adventures, challenges, and heartwarming moments awaited her in the days to come. But for now, she cherished the peace and friendship that surrounded her, grateful for the extraordinary life she led in this world.
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The night was clear and calm as (Y/n) and Cloud made their way to the roof of the Smash Mansion. Kirby, as always, was perched on her shoulder, his round form a comforting presence. The stars above twinkled brightly, painting a canvas of sparkling wonders.
"Isn't it beautiful up here?" (Y/n) whispered, her (e/c) eyes reflecting the celestial beauty above.
Cloud nodded, his usually stoic expression softened by the starlight. "Yeah, it's a rare moment of tranquility. I've spent a lot of my life under these same stars, on countless different worlds."
(Y/n) settled down on a comfortable spot, sitting cross-legged with Kirby nestled in her lap. "Tell me about it, Cloud. I'd love to hear your stories."
Cloud hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the stars. "Well, I've traveled across different dimensions, battled powerful foes, and faced my own demons. But there's something about looking up at the night sky that makes it all feel...smaller, somehow. It reminds me that there's a vast universe out there, and we're just a small part of it."
(Y/n) listened intently, captivated by his words. "It's amazing how the stars can make us feel both insignificant and connected at the same time."
Cloud nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Exactly. No matter where we come from, we all share the same sky."
As they continued to gaze at the stars, (Y/n) couldn't help but point out constellations from this world. "Look, there's Orion, the Hunter," she said, tracing the outline with her finger. "And there's the Big Dipper."
Cloud followed her lead, his gaze tracing the constellations. "I never thought I'd see these constellations in person. It's...different."
"Hai~" Kirby, perched on (Y/n)'s lap, let out a happy squeak, as if he, too, appreciated the beauty of the night sky.
Cloud chuckled at Kirby's enthusiasm. "Looks like Kirby agrees."
(Y/n) smiled, her heart warmed by the simple joy of stargazing with her friends. "You know, Cloud, even in the vastness of the universe, we've found a connection here, under these stars."
Cloud turned to her, his blue eyes meeting hers. "Yeah, we have."
With Kirby by their side, (Y/n) and Cloud continued to share stories, pointing out constellations and marveling at the wonders of the night sky. As the hours passed, the bond between them deepened, forged under the celestial canopy that stretched above them.
Under the stars, they found a sense of unity and peace, a reminder that even in a world of warriors and challenges, there were moments of serenity and connection that made it all worthwhile.
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"I hope they would enjoy this..."
The sun was shining brightly in the mansion's courtyard as (Y/n) meticulously set up a charming picnic spread. A checkered blanket was spread out on the lush green grass, and a basket filled with delicious treats sat at its center. (Y/n) had prepared a delightful array of sandwiches, fresh fruit, and an assortment of pastries. It was the perfect setting for a relaxing picnic with her friends.
As she put the finishing touches on the picnic table, she couldn't help but smile, excited to surprise Pit and Kirby with this little treat. The courtyard was a peaceful haven, and she knew it would be the ideal place for some quality time together.
Just as she placed a vase of wildflowers in the center of the table, she heard the familiar sound of flapping wings approaching. Pit descended gracefully, his angelic wings folding behind him as he touched down on the grass.
"Hey, (Y/n)! What's all this?" Pit exclaimed, his azure eyes wide with curiosity.
(Y/n) turned to face him, her smile growing even brighter. "Surprise, Pit! I thought it would be nice to have a picnic together. I've prepared some of your favorite snacks."
Pit's face lit up with excitement, and he eagerly approached the picnic table, inspecting the spread. "Wow, this looks amazing! I can't wait to dig in."
Before he could take a seat, (Y/n) gently held out her hand, stopping him. "Not just yet, Pit. There's one more guest I'm waiting for."
Just then, a playful chirp filled the air, and Kirby floated down from the sky, landing with a soft bounce. He fluttered over to (Y/n), his eyes fixated on the food with a mischievous glint.
"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed, clearly eager to start eating.
(Y/n) chuckled, patting Kirby's pink head gently. "Hold on, Kirby. Let's wait for Pit, alright?"
"Hai~" Kirby nodded, though his eyes never left the food.
As they waited for Pit to join them, (Y/n) decided to start the conversation. "So, how was your match earlier, Pit?"
Pit's face lit up as he settled onto the blanket. "Oh, it was great! Kirby and I had an intense battle, and there were so many funny moments."
"Poyo!" Kirby chirped as if confirming Pit's statement.
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Funny moments? Tell me more."
Pit launched into a series of animated stories about the match, detailing the comical mishaps and unexpected twists that occurred. Kirby, perched on the edge of the picnic table, seemed to react to the stories, chirping in agreement or disagreement at various points.
The tales ranged from Kirby using his copy abilities in unexpected ways to Pit accidentally tripping over his own sandals. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh along with them, finding joy in their camaraderie.
"And then," Pit continued with a grin. "Kirby and I pulled off this amazing combo move that had everyone cheering!"
"Poyo!" Kirby chirped excitedly, clearly proud of their teamwork.
(Y/n) couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "That sounds incredible! Teamwork really makes a difference in these matches."
As they chatted and shared stories, (Y/n) kept a watchful eye on Kirby, who was now eyeing the sandwiches with an almost predatory gleam.
She chuckled and gently tapped Kirby's round body. "Easy there, Kācchan. We'll eat soon."
Kirby let out an adorable pout but nodded in agreement.
Finally, with the sun warming their faces and laughter filling the air, (Y/n), Pit, and Kirby dug into the delicious picnic spread. The sandwiches were a hit, and the fresh fruit added a refreshing touch to the meal. Kirby, in particular, seemed to enjoy everything, his eyes sparkling with delight as he sampled each dish.
As they savored the food and each other's company, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments of friendship and connection. The courtyard was bathed in golden sunlight, and the laughter of friends echoed under the open sky.
It was a perfect day for a picnic, a reminder that even in a world filled with battles and challenges, there were simple joys to be found in the company of loved ones.
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mimihanyuu · 5 months
Panic room.
Just a lil something I thought of after trying a 5 minute meditation....yeah.
Cw: anxiety symptoms, fem!reader, sap
If you had realized the kind of day you were in for, you would never have gotten out of bed.
For one thing, you had woken up with a migraine that pounded when you took a step. You had stayed in your dark room for an hour until you lost hope and went to eat and take medicine. But, of course, your companions at headquarters had chosen today to throw a raucous party for whatever arbitrary reason they came up with this time (Komui was always planning parties). When you were recruited to help set up, you had refuse, only to find Emilia and Miranda pouting at your rejection. You had sighed and allowed yourself to be dragged into the job. Lenalee and Lavi shot you apologetic looks and Allen, who didn't know you well, had merely teased you about how rare it was for you to appear without your friend Kanda. You failed to understand this, gritting your teeth and resisting the urge to clarify Kanda as your friend, and nothing else. Besides, you thought, this would only egg the naysayers on, including Allen, who stepped back as irritation seeped from your very pores. Good, you thought. That'll teach him.
And so, you helped obligingly with decorations, cringing with each and every loud crash and screech and stupid mistake made by your companions. No matter, you thought. You'd slip out when the festivities began.
Your close friends had left you decidedly alone once the party started, sensing your drab mood and opting to let you sneak away. But others such as Gigi and Komui and even Reever, who liked you but, like Allen, didn't know your telltale signs of nervousness and irritability, encouraged you to join the festivities. In fact, Gigi had drunkenly dragged you back into the dining hall as you attempted to leave, claiming in a slurred haze that there weren't enough women at headquarters for any of them to be skipping parties.
Your eyebrow had twitched at that, but you kept quiet, though whether it was out of exhaustion or true compliance you weren't actually sure. A mere hour into the party, though, you found yourself sitting in a corner with a glass of water, watching people mill about as your knee bounced up and down nervously. You'd given up on leaving by then, and thought you'd be content to just sit.
You were not.
Your head ached, your heart did backflips, your stomach churned. The noise and movement that engulfed the room had become too much. You felt like you needed to run, but you were glued to your seat in fear, as if leaving were just as bad an option as staying right where you were.
And now, hours later, you have managed to drink a full glass of water, and sit anxiously for an unknown but far too long amount of time. Too shy to go refill your glass, and too lightheaded to remain in the room, you decide then to take the opportunity to sneak out the large double doors that lead into the overflowing room.
One step out the door, two, then three. By the fourth, the fifth, you're jogging. The ninth and tenth steps become more like a run, and by the fifteenth, you are sprinting through the halls of your vast, strange home towards a location unbeknownst to you.
Finally, you reach your mystery destination and slam open the sliding door, panting and startling the room's one occupant. You dont look at him, though--you can't, you're sure you'd cry if you did--as you smack the door shut again and flop onto the mats of the training dojo next to him. You let out a long, shaking huff of air and Kanda stares at you, his sharp eyes watching you intently. His expression holds only the slightest hint of his shock at your dramatic arrival.
"They got you, huh?"
You grumble. Of course he knows exactly what happened! He always manages to escape the torture of social gatherings. You glare up at him upon realizing it.
"You got out of it," you point accusingly, although you're half joking. "How do you always do that?"
"Welcome to the panic room," he mutters. "I just hole up in here and ignore them when they talk to me. But anyway," Kanda narrows his eyes in scrutiny, his gaze scanning your features for signs of distress. "You should meditate. You're obviously tense."
"I'm not tense," you drawl. "I'm pissed."
"Meditation is good for that, too."
And with that, he's back in his cross-legged position, his hands resting on his knees, back straight and eyes closed. You frown. Once he's in that pose, he's going to ignore you; he's proven this many, many times. So instead of poking and prodding at him to elaborate, you simply sigh with a good, intentional amount of drama and settle in next to him, in the same pose.
Truthfully, you've never understood meditation. You try to focus on your breathing, concentrating on deep, full inhales and long exhales. Inhale, exhale.
But your mind wanders several times to several places. How will they manage to clean up after the party? Will you have to help? Hopefully Cross won't be there to cause any trouble for the women. And what about--
"Your breathing is shallow," Kanda whispers so that you can barely hear him, but you swear you feel him scoot closer. "You're distracted. Every time that happens, let it go and focus on your body again."
You scrunch your eyes shut, trying to follow his instructions. For the next few minutes, any time your mind wonders, you inhale deeply again, attempting to center yourself once more.
You open your eyes.
As if sensing something, Kanda peeks at you from one open eye, still in his meditating position. "Better?" He mumbles, and you're sure this time that there's an affectionate undertone in his voice, one you never hear unless he's speaking to you. It makes you feel special somehow.
With a long sigh, you lean your head on his shoulder. "Yeah," you whisper. "Thanks."
Kanda doesn't respond.
You wake up in your bed the next morning, in the same clothes and unsure how you got there. I must have fallen asleep in the training dojo.
(The second you exit your room, you're met with the news that Kanda nearly skewered Lavi the night before, and you realize that only one person could have carried you back to your room--and was obviously caught in the act and thoroughly teased).
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This is a special gift for any of you who are fans of the father and son relationship between Gyro and Boyd that was inspired by a conversation I had with @shychick-52. I hope you will enjoy this little story I wrote.
It was a long and tiring day for Boyd and Gyro when they finally got home. They had just gotten back from what could be considered the adventure of a lifetime or what some liked to call “The Last Adventure”. The mission to shut down Fowl for good was tremendous since it was partially a rescue for Huey and Webby, then everyone involved was trying to figure out what exactly the fiendish organization was planning, which turned out to be Bradford wanting to erase anything adventurous from existence and that included anyone that was associated with Scrooge McDuck. Thankfully the entire McDuck family succeeded in stopping that from occurring and just as they were headed home in the Sunchaser, Launchpad accidentally caused the occupants of the plane to be launched out into the open sky with what seemed like no way of avoiding a huge and terrible fall all the way to the ground. Luckily for Gyro, Boyd was there to catch him and he flew them all the way to Duckburg with his rocket feet for several hours leading to Boyd being exhausted once he landed them all safely home. Gyro took notice of this and decided to carry him to his bedroom where he could lay on the bed he designed specifically for Boyd to help recharge him. As Gyro started gently tucking Boyd into bed, he couldn’t help but think about the events that happened just hours ago and how terrified he was for Boyd throughout the entire ordeal. He may not have shown it but when he heard what Fowl’s ultimate plan was he became instantly concerned about whether or not he would see his definitely real boy again. Then to add more fuel to the fire when he saw that Dewey and Louie, who were the kid’s leaders while the adults tried to stop Fowl, were in front of his cell with none of the others in sight he internally began to worry about what had caused them all to be separated in the first place and he wanted to ask questions, but time was of the essence so he told them, in his own scientific words, how to open the cell doors in the hopes that once they had released their brother they would help him get out so he could begin his own search for Boyd to make sure nothing terrible had happened to him. Unfortunately he ended up getting captured by May and June who tied him up before he even had the chance to look for Boyd. When all the danger had passed he finally reunited with Boyd whose head was not attached to his own body, but instead Lil’ Bulb had looked after his brother like Gyro had asked by giving his body to Boyd resulting in a combo Gyro had hoped to never see again for as long as he lived, Lil’ Boyd. Gyro had asked the children how that happened and they weren’t willing to say anything about it at first, but when they saw how upset he was about Boyd’s predicament they told him about the plane crash which sent Gyro into an even bigger spiral of concern for Boyd with him constantly asking if he was alright and then searching for his body like his own life depended on it. Only when Boyd was safe and sound in his arms did Gyro finally feel completely at ease and seeing Boyd sleeping peacefully in the comfort of his own home brings a loving smile on Gyro’s face. As he goes to give Boyd a sweet kiss on the top of his head good night Gyro notices a soft and trilling noise that seems to be coming from, to his surprise, his own self. All his life he knew that chickens can purr, but he never once had an experience quite like this until now and looking down at his precious little creation he realized exactly why he was making this soothing sound to begin with. Gyro Gearloose is the happiest he’s ever been in his entire life! This realization made Gyro smooth back Boyd’s hair so it wouldn’t get in his face, gives him a gentle kiss on the forehead, says “Good night, Boyd” in the softest voice anyone has ever heard from him, and just as he’s about to head into his own room to go to bed he hears a small and quiet “Good night, Daddy” from a very sleepy Boyd. Having heard that Gyro’s heart began to melt with love, happiness, and delight entirely for his son, Boyd Gearloose.
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why-do-i-breath · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time requesting a fic on Tumblr so I am not sure if I am doing this right.
I wanted to request a fic in which Matt Murdock and reader celebrate reader's birthday. It could be just the two of them or you could also include Foggy, Karen or anyone else. Just a lot of fluff.
Thank you for requesting I appreciate it and yes your doing it right
( •_•)
Happy birthday
It was a beautiful day in Hell's Kitchen, and you were excitedly waiting for Matt to come over to celebrate your birthday. You had been friends with him for a while now, but something about the way he smiled at you always made your heart race. You tried to ignore your feelings, but it wasn't easy when he was always there, looking out for you.
As you waited, you decided to start baking a cake for yourself. You weren't sure if Matt had anything planned, but you wanted to make sure you had something sweet to eat on your special day. You were just putting the finishing touches on the cake when you heard a knock on the door.
"Hey, happy birthday!" Matt said as he walked in. He was carrying a small gift bag in one hand and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in the other.
"Thank you, Matt!" you said, feeling your cheeks turn red. "You didn't have to bring anything."
Matt smiled. "I wanted to. Plus, I figured you could use some company on your birthday."
You couldn't help but smile at him as he set the flowers down on the table. As he took off his coat, you noticed that he was wearing a dark suit that made him look even more handsome than usual.
"I hope you're hungry," you said, gesturing to the cake on the counter. "I made chocolate fudge."
"Chocolate fudge is my favorite," Matt said, grinning. "You're the best."
You blushed at his compliment as you cut the cake and handed him a slice. As you sat down to eat, you chatted about your day and caught up on each other's lives. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to be sitting there with him, just talking and laughing.
After you finished eating, Matt pulled out a small box from the gift bag. "I got you something," he said, handing it to you.
You opened the box to find a beautiful bracelet. It was simple, but elegant, with a small charm in the shape of a heart.
"Oh, Matt, it's beautiful," you said, feeling a little overwhelmed.
"I'm glad you like it," he said, looking pleased. "I thought it would look good on you."
You slipped the bracelet on your wrist, feeling a warm glow inside. "Thank you," you said again. "It's perfect."
Just then, the doorbell rang. "I wonder who that could be," you said, getting up to answer it.
When you opened the door, you were surprised to see Foggy and Karen standing there, holding a birthday cake and balloons.
"Happy birthday!" Foggy shouted, grinning. "We heard you were having a party."
You felt a little embarrassed, but also incredibly touched. "Thank you, guys," you said, hugging them both.
They came in and you all sat down to enjoy the cake and chat. As the night went on, more people arrived, including some of your coworkers and even a few of Matt's "superhero" friends. It was a fun, lively party, with Jessica drinking in the corner, and Frank trying to read his book and not hot Danny in the face, you couldn't help but feel grateful for everyone in your life.
But through it all, your eyes kept drifting back to Matt. He was always there, watching over you with his lil senses, and you couldn't help but feel like maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you did.
As the party started to wind down, Matt came up to you and took your hand. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.
"Sure," you said, feeling a little nervous.
He led you into the kitchen, away from the noise of the party. "I just wanted to say, I had a really great time tonight," he said, looking at you
The end
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
miya twins and their 19 year old virgin little sister, samu probably caught you trying to fuck yourself and let your dildo be your first since a lot of your friends are teasing you for being a virgin and then atsumu caught you red handed, watching porn. and what would happen if one of them got you preggo? too horny to even think about anything, sorry birdie-san ㅠㅡㅠ
DIVINE. DELICIOUS. you know that audio with the cats? That was me when I read this
Warnings : pregnancy, cunnilingus, f. masturbation, porn video (briefly), a pink dildo, dubcon, incest, manipulation
It’s your nineteenth birthday and while you had a wonderful party with your family, you still feel so young and small. Your brothers are both attending colleges for their own career paths, but you’ve just got out of high school and have no idea what you want to do! You’ve been babied by your brothers, so you don’t have a clear view of the future for yourself that doesn’t include Atsumu and Osamu by your side.
One thing bothered you though: you were still a virgin. Thanks to your brothers, boyfriends were a foreign concept to you. All your friends lost their virginities before their birthdays, but your last friend lost her virginity on her birthday, a present from her boyfriend. You were slow to coming to the party and you told them you’d have lost it by the time your birthday came around, even getting a boyfriend!
A boyfriend quickly discarded by the brooding brothers of yours. A sneer from Atsumu and a glare from Osamu had his tail between his legs. Truly, a shame. You knew your friends would tease you again for the lack of a boy in your life, so you decided to, uh, pretend. A dildo was similar to a penis, right? That’s why they existed.
You didn’t know it’d be so hard! You have to have an orgasm to properly lose your virginity, that’s what your friends said. Pumping the silicone piece into your tiny cunt was harder than expected, only fitting half in before you started to pump it. It sent a tingling down in your tummy, but it was more effort than expected. Noises or frustration mingled with your forced moans, whining as your wrists started to hurt.
Osamu was doing his homework when he heard you make a noise of frustration, huffing and puffing. He didn’t pay too much attention to it, but then you made a similar noise. So, time to investigate. He wouldn’t want you to exert so much energy, you’re his baby sister! He expected to see you trying to get something off a high shelf, your shirt riding up to show your smooth stomach or you to be under your bed, shorts-clad— even better, panty-clad rump in the air. He did not expect to see you on your bed, legs spread and pumping a pink silicone dildo into your cunt. If only that was his—
“‘Tsu- ‘Tsumu,” you moan out, biting on your lower lip. Osamu’s mouth drops into a frown, growling at his twin’s name dropping from your mouth. You turn to look at the door, suddenly opened only to be slammed shut.
A startled gasp makes him stop in front of you, eyes burning with an unknown desire. “‘Samu! What’re you doing?” He just looks at you, eyes glancing at your hand still between your legs. Your eyes go down, shame burning in your face. “I’m trying to be a big girl. I wanna lose my virginity,”
“Why didn’t ya ask me?” He asks, putting his weight on your bed. You panic and close your legs, moving the dildo out of you. “And why ya callin’ out ‘Tsumu’s name? Huh? Am I not good enough?”
“N-No! That’s not it! ‘Samu, you’re scaring me!” You cry out, his large hands spreading your legs. Your puffy pussy is fully on display for him, his eyes noticing the lack of slick. “Don’t hurt me!”
“I’m not gonna hurt ya. I’m gonna help. Wanna be a big girl? I can help,” he says. He doesn’t move, though, waiting for your permission. Even though you’re hesitant — he’s your brother! You’re nodding your head, fingers soon finding themselves in Osamu’s darkened hair. He stopped dying it, so it’s completely natural again. His face is buried in your cunt, lapping at your folds as your moans aren’t forced, head thrown back as Osamu tongue fucks you. When he sticks two fingers into you, he doesn’t expect you to be so wet, a drastic difference from moments ago. He moves to wrap his lips around your clit, walls tightening as you finally release on his fingers and face.
When Osamu comes up, he’s licking his lips while you pant. “Did.. did I lose my virginity?” You ask him, tears clinging to your lashes.
“What d’ya mean?” You explain what your friends told you, all while he strips off his shirt and peppers kisses on your stomach, rising your shirt up as he does. “Nah, I gotta cum inside if you wanna lose it. You gonna let me do that?” The no hesitation in the nodding of your head has him grinning, straightening himself as he rubs his hardened cock through his pants. Today, fantasy becomes reality. “Alright, I’ll go slow,”
Even with his slow sinking into you, you’re gasping and clinging to his biceps for dear life, tears staining your pillow as he splits you open. He’s far bigger than the dildo, but the slick from your orgasm makes it much easier for him to slide in. He kisses your cheek, telling you how good you are. It’s the little praise that has you encouraging him to keep going, and he does. He keeps pushing in until he’s bumping against your cervix, almost completely inside of you. Your legs tighten around his waist, keeping him locked against you.
“Don’t worry, lil sis. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he shushes, brushing your tears as he stays still. An occasional hiccup has his heart hurting, but he knows you’ll feel good eventually. Well, even if you don’t, he’ll start. When your legs loosen, dropping back to the plush bed, he starts moving. He’s still slow, spreading your walls for his thick cock as you continue to adjust. It’s not until you’re begging him for more does he pick up the pace, slamming his hips against yours. He has to cover your mouth so you don’t alert the whole house he’s fucking you, your screams of pleasure coming out. They’re muffled, but he can hear how much you’re enjoying it. It urges him to go even faster, grunting as he chases his own high.
Another screams rips from you, walls tightening as you cream on his fat cock, eyes rolling as toes curl. It’s enough to send Osamu over the edge, groaning as he buries himself even deeper inside, pumping you full of his cum, you milking every drop. He kisses you, your panting mouth perfect for him to give you a passionate kiss, staying deep inside you. He breaks the kiss, “I love ya, little sis,”
“Love you, too, nii-san,” you smile, kissing him again.
It’s all you ever wanted, to be a big girl. It also brings you and Osamu closer together, you often bouncing around the idea to help him in his shop once he gets it set up. When you go into his room, the door locking behind you, you miss the way Atsumu glares. He has a feeling you’re not studying with Osamu, but there’s nothing to suggest otherwise.
Well, when Osamu is late from coming back from college, Atsumu is the only one home. It’s a small breath of fresh air, relaxing his tired muscles after a long practice match. When he hears small grunts and moans from your bedroom, he goes to investigate. You shouldn’t be home, let alone have anyone with you. The creaking of the floorboards doesn’t stop the noises from your room, Atsumu’s curiosity spiking. Peeking into your open door, he sees you on your back, legs spread open as your laptop plays an obscene video, the moans and grunts coming from the speakers. Your occasional moan is muffled by the shirt hem in your mouth, but it’s dropped when you moan out Osamu’s name, eyes rolling back as your fingers work on your clit.
Atsumu glares at the mention of Osamu’s name, shutting the door that has you jumping and struggling to explain yourself. “Ya think ‘Samu’s better than me? Is that it?” They’re so similar, it’s striking. The hungry eyes, full of anger and lust, they look so much like Osamu’s, but the light blond hair reminds you it’s Atsumu. “What’re you- Yer watchin’ sibling porn? Thinking of your big brother? ‘S that it?”
“No, it’s not what you think, ‘Tsumu!” Unlike Osamu, Atsumu’s one to take what he wants. He moves the laptop off the bed, spreading your legs as you squirm and struggle. “Lemme go!”
“Brats like you need to be put in place, don’t’cha know? You’re fucking soaked, getting off on your big bro that much?” You’re crying and still trying to kick him off, but it just turns him on even more. You’re still innocent and so naive in his eyes, it’s nothing for him to just take that from you. His cock is already hard, begging to sink into your warm depths. “You gonna let me fuck you? It’ll be like that video you were watching,”
You’re shaking your head, pushing at his chest as he leans down to press kisses to your neck. “C’mon, lil sis. I’m not gonna hurt ya. You trust me, right?” It’s a question that has your movements stopping, glossy eyes looking at Atsumu. He’s smiling, your big brother not showing any hint of malice. You sniffle, his thumbs swiping away the silver droplets on your cheeks.
“As long as you promise not to hurt me, okay ‘Tsumu?” You ask him, big doe eyes of innocence as you look at him. He grins and kisses your lips, licking your bottom lip. A whispered breath of ‘wouldn’t dream of it’ is all you hear before his mushroom head is pushing at your entrance. He’s just as big as Osamu, but it’s still hard to take in. You’re nice and slick, though, Atsumu notes. All from watching some incest porn, it’s almost funny to him how all you had to do was ask, no reason to hide it! Him and Osamu have been dreaming of keeping you all to themselves, there’s no reason for you to hide your desires.
Once he’s bottomed out, he doesn’t let you adjust, immediately pulling out to thrust back in. It’s sharp and rough, knocking the air from your lungs as your head gets thrown back. Atsumu’s quick to attach his lips to your neck, sucking the flesh and digging his teeth into the skin. It’s a way to show he’s claimed you, as if he doesn’t plan on coming inside. That’s his goal — mark you inside and out. With your arms above your head, grasping the pillows, there’s no reason for him to not. Licking his thumb, he presses it to your clit and flicks it, sending shockwaves through you as you scream and cream around his cock, thighs tightening around him. He’s not too far behind you, rutting against you as he paints your insides white, sending you into another orgasm, juices spraying against his abdomen.
“Lookie there! You just squirted all over me,” he chuckles, rubbing your shaking thighs. You’re overstimulated, so he doesn’t push another round. There’ll be time for that later.
A week later, you find yourself in a dilemma when your clothes won’t fit. Worried about gaining weight, you confide in your big brothers who give you a test. “Just pee on it. It’ll tell you if you’re overeating,” they said. They’ve never lied to you before! When those two lines pop up on the plastic tool, you show it to them, confused. They tell you you’re pregnant, but then comes the question. Who’s the dad? Really, does it matter? They have a lot of love to give you and they’re twins. Your child is gonna look like both of them no matter what.
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genshingarbage · 3 years
Could I request any boys of your choice where they’ve had an exhausting day and their s/o says they should take a nap on their lap? Thank you!
Cute boi hours again? Yes <3 Sleepy time awe! I am gonna pick a very select few that i think this works well with, so i hope you're okay with the hand picked few ;) - Mod Diluc
Rest My Love.
|| Head Cannons ||
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He was beat, exhausted and aching, every muscle in his body ached like something fierce. But, who ever said the life of a lone wandering samurai was gonna be a breeze? Yea, that's right- no one. Because it sure as hell wasn't. He was use to feeling this way yet somehow it still made him just as grouchy as the first time.
He walked into the small building that was titled as your homestead and yawned; stretching his arms out he heard a few odd bones pop from the pressure, it relieved some of his tension but not nearly enough for it to be actually satisfying. With a huff he removed some of his more heavy going clothing, including his shoes, till he was more loose and relaxed.
He shuffled slowly into the house, trying not to wake you. You were his lover and so him coming to your home was somewhat normal now, but he often was away for large periods of time, and he never liked to disturb you. Specially when you're busy. Which you were, you had your nose deep between the pages of a gripping story written so entrancing like from a book. So much for his first theory that you'd be asleep at this time, huh?
He tried to creep past you as you read, but you wasn't born yesterday. So with a roll of your eyes and a soft exhale from your nose you spoke out. "Kazuha. Welcome home hun." You didn't even bother to turn your head around to him, you knew fully well he was frozen in his steps now, eyes wide like a doe caught in headlights. He blinked a few times before sorting himself back to his normal standing position and chuckling awkwardly, a breif rub to the back of his neck ensued.
"Ah, yea, I'm uh- yea. I'm home, thanks Y/N. I really didn't wanna disturb you there." He spoke softly and with great regret; like he'd just committed an awful crime. You simply closed the book after having bent the tip of the page you were on, as to know where to start off when you return to it, and placed the item down on the small table infront of your sofa. "Kazuha, it's fine... I was only reading a book." You chuckled gently.
"I know, but... it felt wrong to interupt you so abruptly specially when you seemed so into it-" you'd twisted your torso ever so slightly so your eyes could lay on his now, your heart almost broke, he looked absolutely shattered- like all life was drained from him. Just what had this crazy man gotten up to in his absence? "Kazuha- oh my goodness. Look at you! You're about to pass out."
He smiled politely and waved his hand side to side as if dusting your worry back into the wind. "Nah, I'm a lil tired that's all. I'm gonna have a lie down, I'll be right as rain after." He went to go back to making his way to the exit of your living room, that is until you called out ever so gently. "Or well, I wouldn't mind if you rested your head on my lap." A faint blush flushed your cheeks. He turned to face you yet again. Blinking several times over again.
"Really?" He tilted his head almost like a curious puppy, he has no idea how cute he is sometimes. "I mean, sure why not? You've not been home for over a month. I do get lonely ya know, the company would feel nice, and your presence is always warm and welcoming." You smiled sweetly at him and he returned the expression with full earnest. Nodding softly he made his way to the sofa, where you rested, and now reshuffled and organised yourself to get into a more comfy position.
It wasn't long before he was laying on his side with his head nestled into your lap, breathing softly as your hand gently rested adorn his head of hair. "Mmh. You're right, this beats sleeping alone any day." He hummed sleepily to you, by the way his voice was giving out you could tell he was close to succumbing to his slumber already. With a gentle smile still planted across your lips you hushed him softly.
"Shh, rest now. My Kazuha." You began to hum a quaint little lullaby that had him snoring in under three minutes. This man, he works himself so hard, but still, it's one of the reasons you love him so much, the fact he's hard working and never gives in. And you have the comfort in your mind of knowing whenever he gets this tired again, he'll have you here to be by his peaceful sleeping side everytime. Now and forever.
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The sky was a beautiful orange and red tone, the colours mixed so beautifully, with the white fluffy clouds scattered around too, it looked like a stunning evening. You were sat alone at the dinner table again, your chin resting on your opened palm, your eyelids half shut to block the rays of the last bit of presence from the sun.
The candles had long since burned out and the beautiful sweet honeyed roast you'd prepare with such delicacy and tender care was going cold. Diluc was suppose to be home over thirty-five minutes ago, he promised he'd make it in time for whatever dinner the maids threw together tonight, he wasn't aware you'd taken it upon yourself to lovingly prepare tonight's meal for him.
You couldn't be mad at the man; or hold a grudge for that matter, you knew what type of person he was, you knew he wasn't one for sticking to plans and promises, he simply couldn't be with the work he has, not to mention his little sun down hobby that you became privy too after several years with the crimson haired gentleman. If there was one thing you were grateful for, it was the fact you knew without doubt he truly did love you. And in a way that was enough for you.
It was sundown now and your dinner had long been since tidied up by the maids, with a somewhat solemn look to your face you'd decided to go to bed early that night. Knowing Diluc, he wouldn't be home for hours to come anyway. Your eyes were just starting ache and your eyelids were starting to feel heavy for you now. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth softly you let your body sink further into the warm embracing sheets.
Your eyes slowly opened back up when you heard the all too familiar noise of your bedroom door opening, narrowing your eyes slightly to help adjust to the dim glow of the room, the small aid of illumination being provided solely by your nightstand candle. It wasn't hard to make out who it was however, since his deep red hair practically danced from the slight glow of the flicking flame.
"Diluc." It came out more like a whisper which you never intended for it too, but you were so gripped by tiredness now it was hard to sound more awake at the given circumstances. "Sorry for waking you my dear, wasn't my intention." You hummed softly in response and then watched as best as you could as he removed his attire and shoes, stripping down to just his boxers.
Gripping the band that kept his hair up was the last part, with a tug his hair flew down and waved apart, you kept a watchful eye on him. As it was when his hair was down that he was always at his most tired and vulnerable mental state now. "The maids told me Y/N." He still sounded strict, or at least he was trying his best too. But his voice wavered in every sense of the word.
The bed dipped beside you as his weight was added to the mattress now, a small groan escaping his lips. You knew what he meant, it wasn't a surprise the maids told him you'd prepared the dinner today, you'd just wish they'd not sometimes, to avoid adding more stress to the man's poor ordeals. "It's fine, it was just a small attempt. I'm not exactly the best cook to begin wit-"
The poorly sounding wince from him cut you off, the failed attempt to stifle it and keep it under wraps didn't go unnoticed. You narrowed your eyes at the man beside you in bed now, and then you saw. He was littered with cuts and bruises, they surely must hurt, why didn't he say anything? Scratch that. He never tells you anyway, thinking its better that way. Silly man.
With a gentle huff you shook your head, shuffling your weight and sitting up ever so slightly, your back pressing against the several puffed pillows under you. "Enough of that. Come here darling." It was your turn to sound strict however, and for once he didn't fight back. Your heart tugged at you slightly as you felt the weight shifting around beside you and then were suddenly graced with the feeling of his head nuzzling into your lap.
You took it upon yourself to softly begin to caress his head, letting your hand stroke and massage the man's hair and scalp. The groans and sighs that left him were evidence enough he was in a blissful state right now, your sweet Diluc. Always putting his life on the line to protect those less fortunate than him, when will he learn? That his life matters just as much. Sigh.
You heard a soft mutter from him, something along the lines of 'sorry' and 'dinner'. But he was already taken by the nights calming embrace to be formulating anything coherent now, so you closed your eyes with another soft shake of your head and continued to massage his head. Till both you and your hand laid still, silent, asleep. Whatever he'd done tonight, whatever reason he'd missed dinner, it didn't matter. As long as he loved you it was enough. It always has been, it always will be.
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The stars twinkled softly an slowly, looking so entrancing from down below, the dark blue sky washing above you with the dazzling twinkles looking like small fire flies dancing around. You stood there, your knee bent slightly as your weight was supported by the banister of the top balcony to Wangshu Inn. Any minute now, you thought to yourself calmly.
And is if on que a sudden and harsh breeze blew past you, followed up with a loud thud. You turned your head ever so slightly, seeing the young looking yaksha lifting back up from his crouch landing position. "Welcome home honey." you said somewhat stone like, to which you got a simple sounding 'Tsk' as response, as he chucked his spear lazily behind him, to which it dissolved away instantly.
You rolled your eyes to the quiet scoff that greeted you back, shaking your head slowly, your eyes went back to focus on the landscape below you from the viewpoint of the balcony. It was so peaceful and beautiful. "How has your day been?" You decided to question him further, all while remaining your focus elsewhere.
"Fine." he responded in short. This type of reply was normal to you now, he wasn't the talkative type, despite having been the first to say to you he loved you. "Well, that's good then." you said back in your normal sweet tone now. You could tell from that tone in his voice he was exhausted, he didn't have to say or do anything, you could just tell.
Thinking it was best to leave now and give him his privacy you turned away from the balcony and began to walk to the exit. "I will let you rest my love, see you soo-"
His voice was louder than its ever been round you, the faint flush on his cheeks was evidence enough he never intended for it to come out so loudly from his own mouth. "Xiao?" you turned back round, seeing him stood there looking like a somewhat lost lamb, it was damn cute.
"S...stay with me, ... please."
His voice, so soft, so sweet, so gentle. You felt your heart crack slightly, your poor adeptus, he must've been rushed off his feet tonight. The dark bags forming under his eyes said all you needed to hear.
Chewing your bottom lip softly you breathed in and then walked over to him slowly. "Xiao..." you whispered his name lovingly, his eyes met with yours and for a brief moment the air left your lungs, the sight of his exhausted face so close to you, actively seeking comfort within you, it was enough to melt the coldest of icebergs.
Letting your hand slip into his with a gentle squeeze, a small smile on your lips you led him down the stairs of the Inn, into your bedroom, a tidy and quaint little sleeping quarter. He needed to rest, he is pushing himself too much, and if you do not take action, he never will.
Climbing onto the bed once you'd abandoned your shoes on the carpet you looked up at him, laying in a relaxing position. The red on his cheeks only flushed deeper and darker, and you couldn't help but laugh softly. Such a lewd mind, oh my, you never expected him to get the wrong idea over a situation like this.
"Xiao- no... not that." you chuckled at his confused expression, he was so alien to the concept of just touch in general now, that to him he sees it so black and white, being close means being intimate, otherwise why get close? So it was up to you to show him the ways of being human again.
You let your hand softly pet and stroke your lap and he raised his brow, but seeing the sudden light in his eyes spark showed you he caught on to what you really were aiming for. So he hesitantly dipped onto the bed next to you, he was tense and his movements were awkward, but he eventually shuffled his head and body to lay down with his head nestled softly into your lap.
"Is this... okay?" he muttered it nervously, like he was scared the slightest movement would shatter everything around him. You looked down at him and gently kissed your fingers, pressing them against his lips in response. "Shh, rest my love, you need it." Just to further add to what you were saying you let your hand gently rub the outer ridge of his ear.
The blush eventually left his cheeks, the tensed muscles finally went lax and his breathing grew heavier and more unguarded, with a pleased hum from your lips you closed your eyes too and began to succumb to the sweet calling of slumber too.
As long as he has you, you will always be there to help[ him, he may be an adeptus, a yaksha, but you? He is just as human as you or anyone else. Wrath filled or not. He is and always will be your sweet little adeptus. Your perfect lover. Your Xiao.
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Another late night and you sat cuddled up on the sofa scanning through several paintings, more specifically paintings that you had done over the course of several months. It was a hobby of yours, but with the aid of Albedo giving you tips and throwing you pointers here and there you'd become surprisingly good at it; who would've guessed you'd secretly be an artist in hiding? Not you that's for sure.
It was fun enough to help tide over the unsettling impatience that always started to bubble under your skin at least, specially on nights like this, where Kaeya, your boyfriend, who also happened to be the Calvary Captain for the Knights of Favonius was out at an ungodly late time, dealing with a suspicion of criminal activities, within the borders of Mondstadt.
He never broke his promises to you thus far, of which were he will always return safely home to you, but it never did fully destroy the raging thunder of worry that often seized your mind on a daily, who could blame you? The man was always in such dangerous predicaments. Who knew if this morning, or any morning for that matter, where you kissed him goodbye, would be the last time you ever would see his face when you waved him off?
It isn't his fault you know this, but you do wish that sometimes he would be cut slack, just a little, so you could for once not have to distract yourself with idle glances of your paintings while waiting for his return. If only every now and then Jean, The Acting Grand Master would just let him have a day off-
You jumped slightly upon hearing the noise of your front door not open, but actually close. Turning your head you saw Kaeya stood there, arms covering his chest in a crossed way, a raised brow prominent as he glared down at you. "How long have you been worrying?" His voice sounded so flat and monotone, almost a hint of exhaustion. Was he growing tired of your over worried nature?
"I... uh. uhm..." You were at a loss for words, how long had you been worrying exactly? Two, three hours now? You were unsure of the answer yourself. He shook his head and sighed out slowly, it was long and drawn out; he must be so tired from his work today, seeing you up at this hour acting like a child probably doesn't help his situation in the least.
You looked down sadly, feeling ashamed and guilty of yourself because you do this oh so often to him, he always prays your in bed, safely tucked up and lost in your own dreams before he gets home, but you never are, you're always awake and worried, your face far from the peaceful look he often daydreams you having.
"It doesn't matter anymore my little petal." He hums softly as he walks around the sofa to get within arms reach, crouching onto his own weight to scoop you up, your mind in shock you let the paintings slip from your grip and pool around the seat you were just in and the floor underneath you. "Whe- Kaeya?"
"Shh, it is time to head to the bedroom." He spoke so matter factually, which left you eyes wide and beet red, to which he glanced down and a smug chuckle slipped from him. "For sleep Y/N." You relaxed instantly, a sigh escaping you. "Unless of course, you want the other thing?" You squirmed, embarrassed beyond belief, he loved to teased you. "Quit it Kaeya!" You pouted at him, to which he just chuckled at lightly, planting a soft kiss on your head.
Once in the bedroom he drops you so you fall and sink into the softness of your mattress and covers, to which he joins you quickly after. Now both in bed he simply huffs as he turns and crawls around before you feel his head find its preferred resting place; your lap. You smile and gently chuckle. "May i?" He asks just a tad bit too late for permission.
"You're already laying there Kaeya, bit late for the formalities now." You roll your eyes and turn to blow the candle out, leaving you both in darkness and silence, just your soft and gentle breathing in unison as you stroke and massage his head, to which he groans gently in delight too. He is so sweet when he sleeps on your lap like this, you feel closer to him now than you ever normally do, unless you involve the factor of intimacy sexually.
Its calming and sweet, and it helps you remember that he will always keep his promise to you,
He will always come home safely.
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jiminrings · 3 years
OKAY LISTEN idk if someone or you already planned sth like this but how about y/n finally decides to confess/tell jk but someone else claims to be her before she could do it so * cue to the angst bc y/n sees the whole thing/she hears from her friends * and ofc koo eventually finds out bc that b*tch doesn't even have the fucking lunchboxes 😑
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
stem koo's the three-peat king for having the best research papers, but he's the worst when it comes to believing the right person
"i think i'm gonna tell him."
you say it to no one in particular, really, but you hear yoongi rISING from his nap on the couch
it wasn't meant to wake him at all
it was just an epiphany of sorts that popped into your head
physically felt as if your head would just bursT if you didn't say it out loud to affirm your own thoughts lmao
"for real???" he's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, very evident that he wouldn't wake up to finish his thirteen pending assignments but he 10/10 would wake up to hear your epiphany
yoongi is awake for the action!!!! lmao does professor roux from calculus think that he wakes up at the morning and doing shapes (or whatever they teach at calc) is the fIRST thing in his mind????
"interesting," he nods solemnly when you nod your head, reaching out for a fist bump before he plops to your shoulder, "i suggest dressing like a virgin wearing H&M when you confess. it would hit close to home."
yoongi's the touchy affectionate one between the two of you but you'll forgive him bc he's still sleepy
jungkook doesn't look like a virgin wearing H&M :((((
his clothes aren't from there lol
"say that you're a top verified contributor both in quora and brainly."
"nice idea," you snort as yoongs genuinely thinks that it'd get jungkook to propose on the spot, "but no cigar."
"pretend to love big bang theory."
"you're getting onto something here."
"your hobby is fact-checking rick and morty."
"yoongi wow you are on fIRE today-"
"your guilty pleasure is not wearing protective gear during experiments."
"where is this coming from??"
"OH!!!! i'll pretend to mug him or something and you can attack me!!!"
yeah yoongi's train of thought just crashed
you were pretty sure he was going on a science theme there wHY DID IT DERAIL
yoongi looks confused because you look confused, as if he didn't just give you the mindblowing idea,, free of charge
lol but no he really didn't
"i'm not doing any of that shit, yoongs."
"oh yeah???" he squints at you and hollows his cheeks, taunting you entertainingly while he worms his way to your lap to nap again
"what are you planning to do?"
holy sHIT this is nerve-wracking
she feels like she's gonna pass out the whole time that she's been rehearsing this in her head
she's been waiting outside the classroom for twenty minutes now and the bell finally rang and she can't believe it!!!! omg is it game-time now
everyone's filing out of the room and she could just feel that jungkook would come out of the room last-
you could do this!!!!
everyone's filing out of the room and you know in your heart that jungkook would stay behind, his routine being to politely chat with the professor before he leaves
you're a lil nervous alright
you're scanning the room and there's only a few people left and your eyes instinctively go to the mini desk next to the door and-
goddamn it
yesterday was when coach jeong was mad because someone from your team just hAD to bring beer!!! and not even have the common sense to put it on a discreet thermos or sth and you know!!!! to not drink it in public or in front of the coach!!!!
doing laps on the oval field will now make you hurl on command just by thinking about it
you physically did not have the cognizance to go and fetch the lunchbox to wash it,,,, or like even move at all
how are you gonna swipe the lunchbox now? now when the professor's packing up, jungkook's loitering around the classroom, and there's this girl who's-
who's this girl??
fuck it!!! here goes nothing
she's stepping completely into the room and making sure her block heels generate enough clacking,, hands already moving in practiced moments as she attempts in making it seem like she's rushedly putting the lunchbox bag into her tote — as if it's from there, and she's always done this
jungkook hears noises coming from the back of the room, eyes widening before he comes up the stairs in record time
"no. get your own."
he grips the girl's wrist, about to pry off her hands from his lunchbox
he hears her giggle sweetly, the melody being something he's heard before
"i did. after all, i did get you these."
hyeji's a pretty girl!!! a nice girl in jungkook's year that wears fit dresses and cartier bangles :D
she stands out really, sometimes literally because she appears in the school's flyers and advertisements
"hyeji," jungkook breathlessly connects the dots including the fact that she looks caught in the act; holding his lunchbox, her tote bag open, and a peek of another completely different lunchbox in her other hand, "i-it's been you this whole time?"
hyeji blushes, sheepishly tucking her perfectly shiny and neat hair behind her ears, "you caught me then."
kook laughs both in nervousness and giddiness, pushing his glasses up and suddenly conscious that he should've worn contacts, "b-but how? we don't share this class."
hyeji bursts into a giggle, blushed cheeks staining further than the five minutes she tried getting the perfect amount
"r-right! kinda amazing what depths you'd go for a person you like, hm?"
jungkook is about to pass out
a situation that he likes and is too giddy to find a reply for
he apparently doesn't need a reply, because a chair scrapes harshly against the floor and it brings him down to reality immediately
you cannot fucking believe what you just witnessed
you stand abruptly from the seat you've been frozen in with a great deal of urgency because you cAN'T stand to be in this room any longer
they actually forgot that the two of them aren't alone
that you're still here
little miss hyeji's just as shocked
you feel stupid and even more stupid that you're still holding a stupid notebook you even decorated
it has a doodle in the front and all the remaining pages are of the copies you've replicated on jungkook's sticky notes — the same ones you've been trying to make perfect just for him
"y/n!" he sputters when your backpack accidentally leans too much to your side and hits him on the way out
you’re feeling everything but fine and god you just hated that you always willed yourself to move oN
you’re beyond mad when you put on your jersey!!!
you’re irrevocably dejected when you put on your cleats!!!!
you feel cheated on when you zip up your duffel and walk all the way to the field!!!
it’s a combination of the type of frustration that makes you want to move plus the type that paralyzes you, the whole thing unlike anything you’ve ever felt before
you’re clearly in your head and frankly, you’re just too good
too good that there's no game at all because the only thing happening is you scoring
there's no passing going on or the sort
everyone is just :O looking at their captain to be in the most furiously determined state that they’ve ever seen you in
you don’t even realize that you’re the oNLY one moving in the whole field
“alright, alright — jesus christ! go to the bench and sort your head out, captain,” coach jeong literally has to JOG over to your spot to jolt you
oh there he is again
jaehyun just had to bench you didn’t he
sometimes it’s lost on you that jaehyun, just like seokjin, used to be your senior
he hated juniors with a burning passion and you’re the ONLY one he’s taken a tolerance for
((you lent him your umbrella and it coincidentially had to be a bad day for him tHEN that made him like you))
you’re having none of it though because this time, you’re the one who has the bad day and the captain title does nothing to appease you
“sure, coach.”
you mumble just as lively and walk to completely the fURTHEST side of the bleachers, being so far out that you could barely see your team
what are you supposed to do? simmer in the thoughts you so badly didn’t want to have in silence??????
the voice you least expected to hear perks up right next to you
what the hell is jungkook doing here now??
he looks lost, two hands clinging onto his backpack straps before tentatively looking at you again
“did i do anything to upset you?”
so he wants to ask that?
you snort automatically, suddenly wishing that you didn’t walk this far because you can’t make an excuse that jaehyun’s calling for you
"because my bag accidentally hit you on the way out? no, jungkook."
jungkook knits his brows in question, seemingly take offense to what you’ve just said to hom
"we're not exactly associated for me to be mad at you, are we?" you emphasize even further, not caring the least bit that your words have an edge to them
he deadpans, pursing his lips before sarcastically smiling at you
".... so you're upset at me?"
jungkook takes your silence for him to delve further, not paying attention to how your eye is begging to twitch at him
"i asked if i did anything to upset you, and you said no. but that doesn't necessarily mean you aren't. you could be upset at me even if i didn't do anything to you."
you sound like a real fucking nerd jungkook
"do you have any idea how condescending you sound right now?"
kook barely has a solid inch on you yet the nagging feeling that he’s belittling you makes you grip your fists tight, posture wavering
"so you do admit that you're upset at me?"
he’s not the most patient person either but something about you and the situation right now just makes him tick a little faster
your eyes narrow at what he’s aiming to get at, your hand on your hip feeling heavy at this point
"what does it matter to you if i'm upset or not? we are not-"
"i am associated to you!!! even to a degree!!! you walked me home!"
jungkook is the one who breaks first and he doesn’t look fazed to have opposed you so loudly, still standing by himself
"i would walk anyone home."
"no you wouldn't-"
"i would walk anyone who was as vulnerable and as anxious as you were, jungkook!!"
it is true
you’d walk anyone home within reason regardless if they were jungkook or not!!!
the guy in question only looks at you straightly, brows not stubborn but still just as unrelaxed
"good to know. then you're not upset at me, and i didn't do anything to upset you."
you only say just to spite him, about to turn your back and leave him completely to go back to your practice game
jungkook surprises you again and flips a switch just as quick as your mini argument of sorts escalated
"anyways!! i'm sorry for being a little off when i interviewed you that day. i got a 100 on that assignment, by the way :))"
what’s he still doing here?
he’s talking about his grades and whatnot to you as if literally twenty seconds ago did nOT happen!!
"why are you still-"
"and the one who's been giving me my lunchboxes confessed to me today!! for hyeji to be the girl giving me them, it makes perfect sense."
you shrug away the weirdness that jungkook’s moved on from the argument as fast as this, trying a take two for a peaceful conversation
this time, you’re the one who unknowingly flips a switch at her name — something so foreign and sudden yet something you quickly grew to hate
"i wouldn't be so trusting if i were you."
that seems to hit a nerve on him again, making him scoff in reply
"good thing you aren't me then."
what is ON with him????
"watch it. i'm your senior, kid."
you’re more irritated than the first and second time around that you’ve been agitated this day
"why? are you normally this self-absorbed that you wouldn't trust a girl who's confessed??"
you aren’t the most selfless person ever but god do you know for a fact that you’re not vain as jungkook’s insisting you to be
you hate him.
you hate this version of him that isn’t the same jungkook you’ve known to like ever since the start of the semester
"same thing as polygraphs not being a hundred percent reliable. anyone could tell the truth as long as you ask the wrong questions," you detail on further because jungkook loves details, right? might as well give him several
"or did you even ask?"
jungkook scowls as if you’ve insulted his mother and his entire lineage, face contorting into everything but warm
"what does it matter to you? didn't you just tell me that we aren't associated? why are you projecting all your moaning on hyeji?"
"you know what? maybe i am associated to you. i think i'd also tell this to everyone i'd walk home — maybe you shouldn't be too trusting, huh? maybe you shouldn't just let anyone walk you home."
the tears this time are more insistent to come out this time but you’d rather dIE than for jungkook to stain your pride like this
"no one should walk me home, besides you? is that what you're trying to say?"
for fuck's sake you aren't even finished with your point!!
before you could continue, jungkook shakes his head at you — the most disappointing shake of his head that it curses you soft
"what am i even doing? you wouldn't understand."
he closes the distance that’s been alarmingly shorter throughout the whole time, jungkook being the one to break it
"because no one gives you lunchboxes. no one exerts effort in making you cheerful — no one wants to go the extra mile for you, and no one wants to walk you home."
he's insulting you right to your face and that’s when your dam breaks, lips quivering impossibly as you stare him down with a genuinely pained gaze you didn’t know you carried
"you wouldn't know what i feel, because no one likes you."
jungkook gets the last word in.
he leaves you in the same field he's first approached you in nervousness.
today, he leaves it differently.
sweat isn't the only thing on your face but instead it’s the frustrating hot tears you haven’t had in awhile
your fists are balled but there's no power to the anger behind it
you’re almost always alone outside the company of the closest friends you’ve ever had — but this is the only time that you truly felt that you are alone.
today's a good day to give up on jungkook.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ oikawa, tendou & sakusa
tw ♡ children, cursing & mentions of arson
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♡ he is pretty much a professional babysitter, or so he thought
♡ which is why he accepted when you asked if he could help you take care of your nieces/nephews for the weekend
♡ i mean, he takes care of his nephew all the time so how hard could babysitting possibly be? it was basically a free pass to spend the day with you 
♡ however, he began to regret his decision as he sat on your couch and realised that he wouldn’t be able to get even somewhat intimate with you when there was constantly an annoying little boy clinging to his arm, asking him if he had any games on his phone
♡ “sorry, kid.” oikawa smiled, clenching his jaw to hide the rage but it wasn’t very effective, “i’ve not got any games. maybe you could go play with your toys or something.” 
♡ he let out a sigh, making the mistake of thinking that would be the end of their interaction
♡ “can’t you just download some?” the boy retaliated
♡ you snickered, watching as the energy visibly drained from oikawa, yet he still wore his frighteningly bright grin
♡ “i’ve not got any storage.” 
♡ “then delete some of your apps or photos.” the boy said with a shrug, then proceeded to point at oikawa’s home screen, which happened to be a picture of him and you in front of an ethereal sunset, “start with that one. you both look like dorks.”
♡ you and oikawa’s unified gasps of offence were enough to show the boy that he was able to do exactly what he intended; piss y’all off
♡ hence, with a final mischievous snicker, he dashed off
♡ “i hate kids.” oikawa muttered, inspecting his homescreen to see if he really did look like a ‘dork’, “what is his problem?”
♡ “what if our kids turn out like that?” you joked 
♡ his eyes widened momentarily, turning to look at you with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “our w--”
♡ “mr kawa!” a cry could be heard from the kitchen so without hesitation, you both hopped to your feet and rushed over there as quick as you could 
♡ once you both reached the area the yell came from, you were fortunately not greeted by anything gruesome 
♡ instead, you both got to behold two children trying to reach the top shelf with the power on friendship; the taller boy was standing on a chair, while the toddler held it still 
♡ however, his grip on the jar of the Nutella must’ve loosened at some point as it now lay dejectedly on the ground, half spilled across the tiles and the other half drenching the toddler, not that they seemed to mind though 
♡ in fact, it looked like they were having the time of their — albeit, short — life
♡ the container was only plastic, hence you didn’t have to worry about shards when you darted over to the poor, chocolate-covered baby and scooped them up into your arms, “are you guys, okay?!”
♡ “yeah.” the boy chuckled, noticing that holding the toddler was transferring the chocolate onto you too
♡ “if you wanted nutella, you could’ve just asked.” oikawa sighed, helping the boy get down safely from the chair before putting the object back at it’s intended spot at the dinner table 
♡ “you could have gotten seriously hurt! i thought you would know better than to do something like this.” you scolded, becoming even more furious as the baby continued to playfully slap your face with their grimy hands, “please don’t do that again.”
♡ before they boy got the chance to do anything besides murmur a vague apology, oikawa interjected, “they won’t get the chance.”
♡ and he was right
♡ after cleaning everything up (including the child, which took forever), you didn’t let either of the rascals out of your sight until your duties as babysitters were complete 
♡ “i think we handled that pretty well.” oikawa mused, gathering his stuff along with you as you both got ready to leave
♡ “yeah, maybe we should do this again sometime.” you suggested, but it was followed by a few second was complete silence
♡ until you both burst out laughing 
♡ “yeah, never again.” you agreed
♡ “the kids can take care of themselves.” oikawa said with shrug, offering his hand to you, before you both strutted out of the disaster house
♡ ever since then, it was a common inside joke between you to, when in the vicinity of a kid causing mayhem or being a nuisance, whisper to each or exchange a look that says, ‘it’s a great day to not be babysitting.’  
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♡ at first, you thought that asking tendou for help babysitting would be a bad idea bc he is just as hyperactive as the damn kids sometimes so he’d probably not be the best influence 
♡ and you knew this bc one time you happened to run into him while out in the park with the kids and you asked him to watch them for literally a minute so you could run to the bathroom but when you came back all you almost had a heart attack because tendou was teaching them fkn tricks on the monkey bars 
♡ however, you then realised that if the kids were busy committing arson with uncle tendou, then they wouldn’t be bothering you 
♡ so here you are, playing monopoly with your boyfriend, a seven year-old and a one year-old
♡ well, it was less like monopoly and more like debate class since none of you could agree on the rules
♡ “well, uncle ten,” the older sibling began, in a very matter-of-factly tone, “if i burn your property down, then i  don’t have to pay you for landing on it.”
♡ “but then you also go to jail.” you pointed out
♡ “not if the police don’t catch me.”
♡ you burst out laughing, meanwhile tendou kept his business face on, “good point, but watch this.” tendou spoke as he rolled the dice, though no matter what if he got a number between four and seven, he would end up landing on somebody’s property
♡ he got a four
♡ picking up his piece, he moved it across each square individually and once he was due to land on your property, he knocked his piece over
♡ “whoops, i slipped.” he chuckled, though his friendly aura immediately dropped as he looked you dead in the eye and said, “i’m suing.”
♡ “you can’t sue me because you tripped!” you yelled 
♡ “i guess i just fell for you.” he said, resulting in the kids both making gagging noises before he stuck out his hand, “100 monopoly dollars, please.”
♡ “like i said,” you tried your best to stay strong and not laugh at his shitting pickup line, “i’m not giving you any money, you fell!”
♡ “i guess we’ll have to take this matter to court then.” tendou said, tapping the shoulder of the one year-old who was currently chewing on a 500 bill which you quickly had to confiscate 
♡ “judge, do you think (y/n) owes me 100 monopoly dollars for poor health and safety conduct?”
♡ “yes.”
♡ “that is the only word they know how to say!” you cried, begrudgingly handing over the money 
♡ “thank you, angel.” tendou cooed, adding your singular bill to the pile he had already stored up; the winner of the game had already been decided 
♡ and although you and the seven year-old kid both cried later after getting your asses kicked in monopoly (the one year-old cried too but they were just hungry), you all went out to get food and actually had a pretty good time
♡ it became a routine for tendou to help you babysit whenever he got the chance and y’all would always play table top games
♡ also when tendou got accepted into culinary school, he’d teach/show the kids what dishes he has learned to prepare and let them help by stirring the pot, adding spices etc etc
♡ and even when he moved to Paris, on special occasions, a box of chocolates would suddenly appear at the kids’ door and all the little pieces would be shaped and moulded into some of their favourite characters or made out of their favourite flavours 
♡ and at one point the kids even insisted that you teach them how to make chocolates so they can send some back to uncle tendou <33
♡ they weren’t the best, but when tendou received the misshapen, slightly stale chocolates at his apartment, addressed from you and the children, he cried
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♡ his first response when you asked if he could help you babysit was ofc ‘ew no 🤢’
♡ needless to say it took a lot mansplain manipulate malewifing to convince him to come over 
♡ but once he did, obviously he was in his full protective gear; there was no way in hell he was going to catch whatever germs the little goblins have
♡ honestly he almost sprayed a chid in the face with hand sanitizer when they came running up to him with open arms, trying to give him a hug 
♡ which was unusual because the kids don’t tend to be overly friendly with new people, but you just brushed it off and figured that sakusa must’ve been an exception
♡ during his time babysitting, sakusa spend most of his energy trying to avoid the children at all costs that it basically became a game of tag, with you helping the child try to reach sakusa, and him hiding
♡ but honestly you couldn’t complain since the whole time the child was playing, they were safe with you rather than playing with fire 
♡ until later you were reminded of their odd fondness for sakusa when they insisted that sakusa carry them to their bedroom when it was their nap time
♡ and as you were shifting through the books, looking for a story to read, it hit you why they seemed to be so familiar with sakusa
♡ it’s because he looked exactly like the prince in one of their favourite story books; same hair, both tall and they even had similar moles to each other
♡ upon noticing this, you immediately showed sakusa and was quite amused
♡ in fact, he found it so cute that he gave both you and the toddler a lil’ kiss on the cheek, as a parting gift — mask off and everything
♡ he ended up reading the story and the kid fell into deep slumber by the time he reached the second page
♡ letting out a sigh of relief, sakusa slumped onto the ground, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, “what a day.”
♡ you shuffled over to you could lay down beside him, “indeed it was, prince sakusa.”
♡ “shut up.” he teased, poking your rib slightly before absently intertwining his fingers with your own
♡ next thing you knew, you were both awakened by the sound of a grumpy toddler...
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
hey your stuff is amazing btw could u write a tom holland fic where he’s in super dom mode and he makes y/n walk around the house without clothes throughout the day on and keeps being really mean like calling her his slut and everything but being sweet after their lil game is done thought it would be pretty interesting heh
So this accidentally became Mob Tom so i hope you don't mind!
18+ Please, this is NSFW containing major sub dom themes. This isn’t my best, I am feeling kinda wack but I think it is enjoyable!
Read more here and request something here
"Y/n!" Tom's voice pierced sharply through the walls that separated the two of you, your feet guiding you to his office, passing many guards and henchmen on the way, giving them a nod of recognition.
“Yes Tommy” you lulled sweetly as you walked into his room, still dressed in nothing but one of his oversized dress shirts and panties, it didn’t cover your ass but you still felt comfortable enough wandering around in it.
“C’mere” He demanded, his voice pointed, piercing through the thin cotton and grating against your skin. You moved towards him, settling yourself between his spread thighs and looking down at him, his eyes were dark and fierce, not the usual caramel that you encountered in the middle of the day when he called you in. Usually during times like these he was much softer but now his hands were on your hips, nails digging crescents into your skin. The waistband of your panties rolled up as Tom pulled them down your legs, exposing your core to a cool rush of air.
“Tom, what are you doing” you whispered, unsure of everything that was taking place, what was happening.
“Getting you naked” he growled and there was something in his voice that left you in a state of forced silence, any further clarification caught in your throat, but he paused, stilling his hands on your legs and looking up at you. “Okay?” his eyes were slightly softer, making sure that this was okay, you gave a soft nod in response, and that was all he needed. His eyes returned to their blackened state as he hitched your shirt up over your hips, pulling it over your head and leaving you bare in front of him.
“Go sit” Tom ordered you, turning your hips away from him and pushing you in the direction of a leather arm chair that sat opposite his desk. You looked back at him with wide eyes and then down at your body.
“But To-” his voice sliced over top of yours.
“I said sit, Slut” oh that word, that's the kind of mood he was in and it made your skin crawl, the way the word slipped of the tongue that so often praised you, that licked at your cunt until you came apart, that tongue did wonders, and degradation was included.
The leather was cool beneath your thighs and you knew that if you stayed there for too long your arousal would pool between your thighs, a wet smear on the dark black. Your legs would stick painfully to the leather if it heated up but now you were cold, your nipples standing alert against the yielding flesh of your tit. Tom sat back in his swivel chair(hehe this made me think of Kena), licking his lips slyly as he examined you.
“Spread your legs. Whore, let me see your cunt” you whimpered as you spread your legs, it was so vulnerable, the door to his office was open and anyone could see you if they walked past, but you and Tom both knew that they would be to scared to look in, fearing the consequences of merely a misplaced glance.
Tom sat there, staring for just another moment before Tom averted his gaze, returning to the work that was on his desk in front of him. He would stay like that for a while, not bothering to honor you with the tracing of his brown eyes, ignoring your bare existence. It made your heart clench, you were in the state that left you most exposed, it felt like he could see your heart beating between your legs and under your breast. Eventually, after many excruciating moments of not being seen, acknowledged, you tired to move, your thighs squeaking against the the stiff leather.
“Stay still, you little slut, need you there waiting for me” he hissed looking up at you and ceasing his writing, finally giving you his eyes, but he drew his gaze away much too quickly for your liking, maybe he caught the relief that seemed to be flowing through you when he looked at you and couldn’t fathom giving you that. It felt like you had been there for hours, waiting for something to happen, and in all honesty you didn’t know how much time had passed, enough for your thighs to get sweaty against the seat he put his pen down. He set the pen down, the noise drawing you out of your touch starved and goosebump covered haze. The wheels on his chair turned as he pushed back, standing up and moving towards you, kneeling between your knees, eye level with you he leaned in.
“You’ve been so good today, such a good girl” he whispered, he was all love, it was passion and teeth as he nibbled at your earlobe, hand caressing your curves gently, dipping down between where your bodies were pressed together before reaching your heat.
“Ready for your reward, sweet girl?”
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Hello Ramza my beloved! \ (⌒▽⌒)/ Could i request a fic where reader is ranboo's younger sibling? Y'know endermen kiddos doing cute lil' endermen things; i thought that'd be a cute idea! :]
BigBrother!Ranboo and Reader - Useless Enchantment
Pairings: none
Characters included: Ranboo
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request by my beloved anon <3
Summary: Y/N ran away after Ranboo insulted their enchantment they have worked on, calling it useless. They just wanted to help out!
Words count: 1548
Authors Note: I apologize for this short one and I turned this around a bit into a different direction. I hope it’s fine! I do like the idea of Big Brother Ranboo though and would love to write more for him but at the moment this was the only thing that came into my mind! Still, thank you for the good prompt! :]
A young child was carefully stalking through the dark forest. The gaze from his red and green eyes always attentively roaming between the trees and fauna. One of his hands resting on the hilt of his worn out iron sword. Glistening with a simple sharpness enchantment that the boy managed to put on there with the help of an old book.
It was currently the dead of night and therefore being outside was dangerous. Mobs were now prowling around attacking everything on sight only to later retreat or burn to ashes once the sun come back around again.
Now, it wasn’t Ranboo’s choice that he was outside during the night but he had to look for someone. His younger sibling Y/N.
After a particular heated argument Y/N stormed outside of the old broken hut that the two have reappropriated as their own home. Of course Ranboo immediately tried to follow them but he wanted to make sure to at least grab the sword before following them in case anything happened. Unfortunately this also gave Y/N the time to get out of his vision
“Y/N! Please come home!” he yelled out for the what felt like the hundredth time.
Truth be told he didn’t full remember already what they were arguing about. Either it was just that stupid or his faulty memory was acting up again.
During his life his memory had been a huge problem of his and something he didn’t feel too comfortable relying on. The only definite thing he could and will unequivocally rely on was his trust in his sibling.
They were always there for him to either help him through his confusion or they would cheer him up, no matter the situation.
“Come on! Y/N! It’s dangerous!”
“Go away!” The voice came from above him. Sniffling and stifled sobs accompanying it.
Confused Ranboo looked up at the treetops only to see Y/N sitting on a particular thick branch. They were hugging their own legs and viciously rubbing their eyes, trying to make sure that none of their tears would hit their skin but Ranboo could see a few bright red lines and splotches on their cheeks.
His eyes widened “Come down and let’s go home! What if a skeleton sees you! Or a spider!”
But Y/N just tightly shut their mismatched colored eyes and shook their head “Nuh uh! Just so you can make fun of my enchanting again? I was trying to help!”
Oh, that was what happened. The house had an enchanting table, which was one of the deciding factors for why they moved in there for the time being and Y/N tried to enchant a piece of armor to help their brother out but accidentally managed to put on a what Ranboo described as a “useless” enchantment.
Ranboo looked around himself, making sure that no mobs have caught on to them yet “I’m, uh, sure we can find a use for an aqua affinity helmet. How about we go home and talk about it!”
Y/N slowly opened their eyes again, they were still busy trying to dry their tears. Wincing whenever their tears still managed to escape and making an uncomfortable sizzling sounds as it touched their skin.
“You think so?”
He nodded, getting more and more nervous just standing around in the forest like this “Yes, of course I’m sure. Why would I lie to you? You have to come down the tree though.”
Y/N hesitantly let go off their legs and let them dangle off the tree. Taking a deep breath in they just jumped off the branch.
This Ranboo didn’t expect. Scared for their well being he ran over to them trying to catch them somehow. It might have not been a huge drop but it was still long enough to definitely end up in some sort of injury if Y/N didn’t land correctly.
Ranboo opened up his arms but Y/N still just crashed into him. Falling off the tree only to disappear and reappear right on top of him in a cloud of purple particles. Knocking all the air out of his lungs as he fell over with his younger sibling in his arms.
While he could pick things up without destroying them, Y/N inherited the ability to teleport even if the range at the moment is only a few feet at best.
On one hand he was happy Y/N was finally down the tree but on the other hand he was now busy coughing as he tried to fill his lungs with much needed air again. It also didn’t help that Y/N didn’t immediately jump off of him and instead took a second regaining their own bearings.
Once they did jump off him though, they helped him back up. Y/N then immediately wrapped their arms around his body. Pushing their wet face into his chest. A few painful and muffled whimpers escaped them as they essentially pushed their wounded face into Ranboo’s shirt.
Still coughing Ranboo softly put his hand on Y/N’s head. Trying to calm them down even more as he carefully caressed their head in between their two white and black horns. The least he could do right now is try to stop their tears so they wouldn’t be in pain on the walk home.
It seemed to work somewhat. When Y/N looked back up into their brother’s face their eyes were still looking glassy but it didn’t look like more tears were rolling down their face.
Happy with this Ranboo took Y/N’s hand in his and together the two begun walking home. Y/N’s gaze always directed on the ground, only occasionally jumping towards noises around them. All the while Ranboo took the lead, his sword in is other hand.
Y/N’s hand sometimes flew up to their face. Tracing along old tear scars and the new once. Grimacing every time their fingers got too close.
Ranboo too was sensitive and got hurt by water as well but for the longest time now he suspected that Y/N showed a more stronger reaction to it than he ever did.
Guilt swept in as he realized that if he never made fun of their enchanting they wouldn’t be in pain right now. His grip on Y/N’s hand strengthened. He wanted to say something but when he opened his mouth his words left him. So he just concentrated on the walk home for now.
It didn’t take long for the two to reach their home. As soon as Ranboo opened the door the light of the fire places greeted them. It was just a run down little hut. Most rooms were almost unusable. Either too broken down over the years or filled with debris. So the two spent most of their time only in the living room. Even made makeshift beds around the fire place so they could keep warm while sleeping.
“Y/N, sit down on the chair over there.” Ranboo pointed at one of the chairs next to dinner table that stood close by.
Y/N didn’t wait and immediately moved towards the chair to do as Ranboo told them. While they did so Ranboo put his sword away and got out a rag and a spare potion they managed to scrounge up out of a chest.
He then moved another chair in front of his little sibling so he could sit in front of them. Putting some of the potion on the rag. Moving it close to their face only to see them preemptively wince.
“I’m sorry Y/N. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have made fun of you. You did good!”
It surprised them when Y/N smiled at him “It’s alright. You didn’t mean to. Also you promised to find a good way to use for the enchantment anyhow.”
They looked smug when they said the last part. As if them running away was all a plan to make him promise that.
A pout appeared on his face and he sighed “Are you sure you are my sibling and not just annoying endermites in a trench coat?”
They stuck out their tongue “I don’t see any other Hybrid around here that is half Enderman and whatever our other half is.”
They were right. Both of them showed the same markings of their Hybrid sides. Including having the same eye colors of green and red. Ranboo may not have all of his memories and both didn’t know where they came from but he knew that Y/N was his sibling. He just knew it.
All of his memories had them in there as well. They were always there with him., survived together.
“Anyway I will clean up the wounds a bit so the scars won’t be too noticeable, alright? The rest you gotta drink.”
Y/N nodded. Closing their eyes waiting for Ranboo to touch up the wounds. It’s not the first time they did this after all. They knew how this would go.
Ranboo softly touched their face with the wet cloth. As soon as he did so he could already see Y/N’s skin repairing itself a little bit. The bright red lines getting darker and in the case of the face side with the enderman skin it turned into white lines.
Wincing at every touch but they managed to stay still.
He then pushed the bottle into Y/N’s hands who happily downed the liquid since it also helped to suppress the pain.
Relived Y/N let out a few happy chirps similar to the sounds that of actual endermen.
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“Can you teach me how to enchant things properly? You are way better at it this than me.” They sounded a bit sheepish.
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writing-shroom · 3 years
Hi! can I have prompts 26, 33 and 42 for Mitsuri? Just a cute fluffy oneshot :) Ty and have a good day ❤️
Girlfriend distracting 101 // K. Mitsuri x reader || 200 Celebration
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Pairing: K. Mitsuri x Reader
Summary/Prompt: On your birthday the pillars plan to set up a surprise for you, everyone had their own task. It so happened that Mitsuri, your beloved girlfriend, had the task of distracting you. Prompts 26 + 33 + 42; Caressing the other's cheek lovingly + Koala clinging onto s/o while sitting on their lap + Peppering kissing all over the others face.
Words: 2,2K words
Warnings: TW! food+eating mentions. Slight mentions of possible bruises.
Female reader!
a/n: this was supposed to be for @mintugiyuu's birthday ;-; but everything got so pushed back, peps im sorry its so late
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"Okay does everyone understand their part?"
The pillars nodded, including Mitsuri. She already had a plan at the ready, and then a back plan after that, and another after it.
"Good, now go! This party's not going set up itself" Shinobu shooed everyone away, and with that they all went off in their own direction. Some going off to get the decorations set and the other to get refreshments.
Her task was to prepare the cake with Obanai, they were trying a new western recipe that she thinks you would like, but this was merely her side job, no no she had a much more important job.
"SHE'S HERE!" Rengoku shouted from across the hall, using both hands to cup his mouth as if his regular voice wasn't loud enough. To do so however, he had to let go of the ladder he was keeping stable, poor Giyuu who was standing on said ladder nearly fell off when the ground underneath his feet shook.
And that was to distract you from the party preparation.
Running past the loud crashing, which she hoped was a box and not the water pillar actually falling (it wasn't). Mitsuri reached the front door, straightening out her uniform and making sure she doesn't look out of breath.
It was time to enact plan A; relaxation distraction.
The moment your darling Mitsuri opened the door, you were enveloped in her arms.
"You must be so tired after your mission! Come on let's get you to bed," Tugging on your hand she tired subtly coaxing you to stay in your shared room. Stage one is a go, she needed to keep you away from three places; first the kitchen, second the dining room and third the living room. She can't let you see the cake they're preparing for you, nor the decorations being set up.
"Awh, thanks Mitsuri, but I think I'll head to the kitchen instead. I'm craving for something to eat." Uhoh, uhoh.
Pecking her cheek, you squeezed her hand before turning around to go look for something to eat. She needed to think quick. Looks like it's straight to stage two.
Hurrying forward, she snaked her arms around your waist and gave you the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. "B-but you just came home, let me get them for you instead, can't i treat my wonderful girlfriend?"
Damn her adorableness, bitting your lip you racked your brain to find a reason to deny the alternative but all it was doing is gushing over her doll eyes blinking up at you. She knew you couldn't resist her and now was the best time to use it to her advantage, brushing her nose against your cheek she pouted her lips and batted her eyelashes at you like the day depended on it, which it technically did.
Admitting defeat you cooed at her and peppered kisses over her face, "Fine, fine. I give, i give."
Mitsuri made a noise of celebration, giving you a lil kiss back, she linked her arms with yours and guided you back to your and her bedroom.
She normally held your hand instead, but this way it was easier to keep you distracted incase one of the other pillars struggled to hide the decorations or themselves in time. Like right now for example.
"Do you want to,,,," She trailed off, eyes going wide when she spotted the door to the living room left wide open behind your head.
"Want to what 'suri?"
Her mouth opened and close like a fish as she tried to figure out how to make sure you don't see whatever's happening in the background. Tengen heard you two first, snapping his head up from pulling a dazed Giyuu off of Kyojuro.
Growing concerned you tried waving your hand in front of her face, but she kept staring incredulously at the scene before her.
'So apparently that crash wasn't a box then.' Mitsuri thought, watching Tengen frantically trying to get the flame and water pillar back on their feet while Sanemi —who was lifting the fallen ladder and decorations off the floor— exchanges looked with him. Quietly and somehow aggressively telling the other to; 'calm down, they're right behind you idiot.'
"Mitsuri?" You asked puzzled, you were watching her furrowed eyebrows grow more confused by the second. "What's-"
Breaking out of her trace, she swiftly cupped your face in both hands to face her when she saw you turn to look behind you. Thinking fast she pressed her lips against yours, sliding one of her hands to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss.
Once your eyes fluttered shut, Mitsuri peaked her's open a bit, checking in on what's happening behind you. Skimming past Sanemi making a gagging motion, and subsequently Tengen inaudibly punching him , she saw Kyojuro giving her a thumbs up while rubbing his head (that was probably bruised but she'll worry about that later).
Taking that as a sign that they'll be fine, she reached behind you and slammed the door shut, making you jump in surprise.
Parting from the Mitsuri you looked behind you curiously, still keeping your hands on her shoulder where they instinctively went to as you melted into the kiss.
"What was that?"
"Oh haha," She laugh, waving it off casually. "It was getting a bit draughty here, so I closed the door, sorry for spooking you angel."
Pecking your cheek just under your right eye, she tugged on your arm again. "Come on, let's go to our room so you can change and I can get you some snacks to munch on!"
Emphasising on the 'I' as she suddenly pulled your arm to round the corner, away from where she saw Muichiro and Gyomei bringing food from the kitchen into the dining room. Another close one, she sighed in relief, hoping you didn't find her too suspicious.
Somehow, even with a few more unsuspected near encounters with the other pillars, you two made it to your room without spoiling your surprise.
Waving back as you slid the door closed, she stepped away from the door and sunk against the wall down to the floor, letting her exhaustion finally show. That was supposed to be the easy part, next was the harder one; keeping you in the room.
It was all going to be worth it though, standing up and shaking her arms to hype herself up a little. She can't wait for you to see your surprise, she's been planning this for weeks!
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Rushing over to the kitchen, she was surprised to see that most of the stuff was almost finished, in fact Shinobu was currently decorating the cake.
"Are things going well?" She asked, she knew they could handle it just fine really, well,,, at least with less injuries sustain compared to the decoration team.
Getting a hum from Obanai, who was was currently cleaning a knife.
"Well enough at least, here," He looked up and handed her a plate of cut fruit. "To distract (L/N), don't bother trying to get a reaction out of Kocho. She's concentrating."
Mitsuri glanced at the girl, who was indeed very focused on placing the frosting just right. She didn't want to interrupt so she took his word. "Ah, thank you Iguro-san! I'll head back now, good luck!"
He and Kaburamaru nodded in acknowledgement and went back to preparing the rest of the food.
"Oh! Could you prepare some ice as well? I think Rengoku-san might need it." The love pillar added, poking her head from the door frame before skipping off.
Hearing a 'thanks!' from the distance, Obanai met eyes with Kaburamaru, what on earth would he need ice for? Shrugging he decided to just go along with it, stranger things have happened.
Down the hall, Mitsuri went to check in on everyone else, just to make sure everything was going a-okay.
The decoration team, which consists of Giyuu, Sanemi, Kyojuro, and Tengen were doing moderately well. Everything was up were it should be and there were no more collateral damage since the last accident.
Meanwhile, Himejima and Muichiro, who were in charge of moving the food, tables and furniture aside to make room were doing just fine on their own. So with everyone accounted for, Mitsuri happily skipped over to her room.
Since things were under control all she had to do was keep you distracted, which is easier said than done.
By the time she reached the hallways where her and your bedroom was, you were already wondering out, fully changed and looking for your darling Mitsuri.
"(Y/N)!" Skidding to a stop, you met her halfway with a quick peck. "What are you doing out here angel? Why don't we go back inside?"
"Inside? Don't you usually want to eat by the pond love?"
Curse your impeccable memory of her habits, how to get out of this one. You would question if she just brushed you off, but going to the pond meant passing through the kitchen to get there. Uhhh,
Change of tactics then, plan B it is; cuddle cover-up.
"Yes,,but i want to stay inside and cuddle with you! It's been so long since we've got time just to ourselves after all."
Mitsuri internally cheered when you soften and smile at her lovingly. Letting you take the plate from her, she held your hand in exchange, following you into your shared room and sat on the futon next to you.
For the next few minutes you and Mitsuri sat there happily eating fruit, sometimes exchanging stories from the mission you just got home from or retelling old stories.
Once the plate was finally cleared of fruit, you got up and put the plate away on a table while Mitsuri wiped her hands with a towel.
Sitting back down you went over to give a lil its on the cheek, when you pulled back you tasted the fruit from before. Realising that she must've gotten some over her face, you chuckled and took the towel out of her hands.
"Mi-mi you have fruit on your cheeks," She blushed in embarrassment, but you found it endearing.
Patiently letting you clean up her face, she waited until you were done because the moment that you were, she climbed into your lap and placed both of her hands on the sides of your face.
Drinking in the way your eyes sparkled when you looked at her, her thumb uncontrollably started gliding across your cheek bone, she can't believe how lucky she was to find someone like you.
"One kiss for how much I love you," She said, pressing her lips against your forehead.
"Two kisses for the times I get lost in your eyes," Closing your eyes, you could feel her gently placing two kisses on each eyelid.
She kept going until your face was covered with her kisses. Good thing she wasn't wearing lipstick, because if she was then your entire face would be red, not like she needed lipstick anyways, the blush covering your face was already doing that job for her.
Beginning to get a little overwhelmed by all the affection she was giving you, you pulled her closer and hid your head where her head met her shoulder.
Getting giddy over your flustered state, she can't help but flush from how hard her heart was pounding in her chest.
Wrapping her arms over your shoulders and her legs around your waist, she clung onto you, not letting go anytime soon. Mitsuri squealed as you leaned backwards, bring your back to the futon and her along with you.
Your bedroom was filled with giggles as the other would suddenly steal a kiss or two and content sighs as you both melted into each other.
It seems as though the concept of time completely slipped by her, because Misturi had forgotten about the reason she was distracting you with cuddles entirely. Her crow had been sent to get her, and hearing the little tapping on the door frame she suddenly sat up.
"Oh my goodness!" Bolting up, she tidied her hair and clothes, pulling on your arm to get you up as well.
"Suri! Where are we going?!" You asked panicked, nearly tripping at the pace your girlfriend was pulling you behind her.
"Just come with me angel!" Was her simple answer, as you both sprinted down the hallway. Recognising the path you were taking, you manage to deduce you were head to the living room. But why so suddenly?
When you finally reached said room, Mitsuri screeched to a halt and made you bump into her. Falling backwards, she caught you just in time and helped you stand on your feet again.
"You ready darling?" She question excitedly, straightening out your clothing.
"Ready? Ready for what?"
Giggling at your dumbfounded expression you gave you one final peck before taking your hands in hers, "You'll see~"
Making sure you were following, she gestured for you to open the door. Still confused, you hesitantly slid the doors open. The moment you did however, you got blasted by a wave of colour.
"Happy birthday!"
Rubbing your eyes, you blinked twice to make sure you weren't seeing things. All your friends were standing in the room, most with bright smiles, almost as bright as the coloured ribbon hanged around the room. In the centre was a table absolutely covered in food, a delicious looking cake sat at the main attraction.
Turning to your girlfriend, you still haven't recovered from your shock. And it didn't help that when you turned she was holding up a little pastry with a heart decorated on top.
"Happy birthday angel,"
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hahaha i- this is so late ;-; peps i have failed thee. thank you to the anon who gave me the request and the idea subsequently, happy birthday pepper! even though this is very very late :"))))
Hope you have a good day too anon! And everyone else too of course! Remember to stay safe and stay hydrated lovelies, i'll see you in the next fic!
Event closed!
☼ Masterlist ☼
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blonde-in-charge · 3 years
Wildcard Chapter Two
Hello! Kat here! Anyways here is chapter two of Wildcard, I hope you guys like it. Please remember to like, repost, and comment if you enjoyed it! Please comment or message me if you would like to be apart of the taglist for this series, anyways enjoy!
Summary: Steve Rogers found you on the side of the road after a mission involving Hydra and convinced the Avengers to take you in. You have no name, no memories, and no idea of what you are capable of. All you know is that you are a super soldier with more hidden abilities than you care to admit. The first step to finding answers was to train you. Nobody, including you, knows what is up your sleeve.
Characters: Bucky x reader, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Random Hydra guy
Warnings: blood/violence and ass kicking, mentions of suicide, worried!bucky, maybe a lil bit of fluff, Bucky’s POV 
Words: 2.6k
The elevator ride was silent on the way back to your floor. You were just so angry with yourself, you had no stamina when it came to your powers, even after training all day with Natasha and Tony. God forbid you joined in on missions, you would be killed on sight. You sighed loudly, your head was pounding. You checked your watch and realized it was past dinner time, fantastic. You couldn't wait to skip eating and go straight to bed. The elevator reached it destination and the doors slide open to reveal the floor you lived on to be completely dark and empty. You heard shuffling down the hallways and you had the urge to call out to Steve or Bucky. You remained silent and started to quietly make your way down the hallway. You heard shuffling and then felt a presence behind you. Before you knew what was happening, you had spun around to a looming figure over you and saw a glint of light in one of their hands. Knife.
 It all happened so fast you barely registered that your body swung into action. You grabbed the assailant's arm and twisted the knife out of their hand before jumping up and wrapping your thighs around their neck. The man struggled clutching at your thighs, he slammed his back against the wall in an attempt to break your grip. Your head was pounding and you could hear your own heartbeat in your ears. You used all the momentum you had to swing your body downwards with the man wrapped in between your legs to slam him into the ground. The assailant was unphased and finally managed to rip you off of his back and neck. You fell to the ground but scrambled to get up as quickly as possible. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough to see the outline of the man as he stalked around you. You turned and sprinted down the hallway into the living area and kitchen and heard the man follow close behind. You ran full speed at one of the support beams and kicked off of it to throw yourself at him. The man grabbed your throat out of mid air and threw you to the ground, knocking the air from your lungs. You were being held by your throat against the cold tile, your vision slowly slipping away to black. You heard metal being ripped apart from down the hallway and the sound of heavy running. The air rushed back into your lungs as the man was thrown off of you and you rolled over automatically to suck in the most painful breath of air. You looked up to see who had joined you and saw Bucky standing over the limp man who just spit at him. 
“Hello Soldat.” The man grinned up at Bucky in the dark. Bucky remained deathly still upon hearing the name, “It is good to see you are alive.”
You heard the door to the stairway slam open and looked down the hall to see two more figures run towards you, Bucky, and the man. You squinted and saw Steve standing next to Natasha, both ready to hurl themselves into the fight. The lights switched on and you looked over to see the man had managed to stand up and move towards the window. He was covered in blood and gave you a sickening smile with his yellow teeth, “Hail Hydra.” Your heart dropped as you picked yourself up and watched him break the glass of the window and jump. You ran forward stopping at the edge of the glass to peer over. The man had fallen almost 35 stories and was now limp and bleeding out against the pavement below. Your mouth was hanging open in a silent scream as you felt someone tug you back from the window. You gripped at the metal arm holding your waist as they pulled you away towards your own room. You were half dragged half carried to your room and when your eyes laid upon it, it had been ransacked and torn apart. Before you could process the situation, Bucky turned around and headed towards his own room. He set you gently upon the bed and you studied the dents in the door from when he forced it open. Bucky did not make eye contact with you as he started arranging the pillows around you to try and make you comfortable.
“Bucky.” You said quietly as you watched him, waiting for him to look at you.
Bucky ignored you and continued his fret around the room, trying hard to clean and make it comfortable for you. He set up a singular pillow and blanket on the ground and you watched him, realizing he was going to let you stay in his room, “Buck, look at me.” He stopped for a moment before turning around and meeting your eye.
Your face was tinted pink from the fight and your eyes were set in dark circles. The braid your hair was in originally was coming undone from the middle, with pieces of hair standing up in every direction. The sweatshirt you wore was torn under your left arm, leaving a huge hole that exposed your ribs. His eyes trailed down and rested at your neck and you felt yourself immediately ghosting your hand over what felt to be a huge bruise covering your neck from the assault. You knew the bruise would fade quickly, so did Bucky, but that did not stop the worried look in his eyes. You wouldn't admit to him you were traumatized, you knew he was too. The place you thought would be safe was broken into by the same people who destroyed the light in you both. You searched Bucky’s face and then he turned around to rummage through his drawers. He pulled out a long sleeve burgundy shirt and handed it to you without saying a word. You took the shirt in your hands and looked up at him to thank him but he had already made his way to the door, presumably to talk to Steve about what just happened. 
You stood up and pulled your ruined sweatshirt over your head before you threw it into the corner of Bucky’s room, along with the sports bra you were wearing. You pulled the soft shirt over your head and stuck your arms into the sleeve holes. You pushed down and kicked off the leggings you were wearing and settled for the pair of boyshorts you were wearing underneath before you crawled back into the nest Bucky created around you. You pulled the elastic band out of your hair and ran your fingers through the soft waves the braid had created. The door reopened to Bucky holding a glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen. You sighed almost forgetting about the throbbing behind your eyes. You nodded him thank you before popping open the bottle and pouring five little pills into your hand, ignoring the hard look the former soldier was giving you. You cupped your hand to your mouth letting the pills fall in before chasing them down with the glass of water in your other. 
When the power went out, Bucky thought it was just another storm. He was staring up at the ceiling criticizing the way a storm could take out the power in the Avengers Tower, shouldn't there be a backup generator in this place? Bucky ignored the familiar click of the door as it locked him into his own room, a safety precaution he was well aware of. The silence overtook his room, all he could hear was his steady heart beat in his ears, until it wasn't. He could hear the faint sound of struggling outside of his door and he sat himself up to stare at the silver door. His heart beat grew louder in his ears as he pushed himself out of the bed and towards the door to press his ear against it. A loud thump against the wall caused him to flinch and jump back from the door. He ran his fingers through his hair, he couldn't leave this room, surely someone would come up and help whoever was being attacked, right? He racked his brain for answers as soon as he heard the running past his door. Who lived on this floor? Himself, Steve and-
The thumping in Bucky’s ears grew louder, he pressed his ear to the door and heard someone get thrown against the ground, and the sound of them gasping for air. He reeled back and slammed his body against the door over and over again, barely leaving a dent in the thick metal. He took a deep breath and tried wedging the fingers of his left hand into where the door was locked, and he grunted as the door fought him. He opened the door enough to get out, surely leaving a dent in the side of the door where his metal arm had crushed it. He ran towards the noises of struggle and rounded the corner to see you being held to the ground by your throat. Your eyes looked straight through Bucky’s and rage washed over him as he threw himself at the man to tackle him off of you. The sound of you inhaling your first breath was music to Bucky’s ears as he pulled himself up looking at the silhouette of a man against the window. 
Bucky’s breath was ragged from the amount of anger that welled up inside of him. He could see the man grin at him before he said, “Hello Soldat,” Bucky’s breath stopped and he remained frozen in place as the man spit blood at him then continued to speak with a thick russian accent that was laced with venom, “It is good to see you are alive.”
The man in front of him glanced behind Bucky, and Bucky realized he didn't register the lights clicking on or the sound of Steve and Natasha's steps behind him. The man grinned wickedly with yellow teeth before making dead eye contact with you, “Hail Hydra.” Was the last thing he said before glass shattered and he was falling towards the ground below. You flew past Bucky to the window sending him into a panic that you would follow the man to the ground. Bucky leaped forward and grabbed you around your waist with his left arm and dragged you back. Steve watched you both with fear and anger swirling in his eyes, made eye contact with Bucky in a silent plea to calm their friend. Bucky turned his attention to you for the first time to see the look of absolut horror written all over your face, he could feel your body shaking against his. He didn't let himself think about it too much as he half dragged you to your room. Bucky saw the absolute chaos of the room before you did and turned around and headed in the direction of his own, praying you didn't see your room in the state it was in. That man wanted something from you or him, Bucky’s mind was reeling as he sat you on his bed, your tired eyes looking up at him. His anxiety was through the roof so he just started moving. He didn't want you leaving his side until it was safe for both of you, Bucky moved around his room picking up pillows and blankets to put near you. 
He arranged the pillows behind you, careful to keep his distance while working. He turned around and scanned his room before setting up something for him to sleep on, on the ground. 
“Buck, look at me.” Bucky stopped completely and slowly turned around to face you. His eyes scanned you up and down before resting on your own eyes. He could tell you were tired, he admired the brave face you were putting on, no doubt for him. His eyes glanced down to see the faded navy blue sweatshirt you wore so often was torn, he turned towards his dresser and pulled out his most comfortable long sleeve shirt. He knew you preferred long sleeves the same way he did, you both had something to hide, a piece of your past written on both of your arms. Bucky remained silent before walking out of the room to give you privacy and he walked straight into the living room where Steve was speaking in hushed tones to Natasha and Tony.
Steve looked up and regarded Bucky with concern, “How is she doing?”
“How the hell did he get into the tower?” Was the first thing Bucky had said in hours. 
Tony’s jaw was clenched, “Friday was shut down for updating, it's a monthly thing that leaves our defenses down, I have no idea how he knew exactly when I was going to do it.” Bucky could tell Tony blamed himself, which made him feel slightly better. 
“She doesn't feel safe here, and frankly, neither do I.” Bucky said quietly, although you never verbally said it, Bucky could tell by the way you were holding yourself.
Steve looked away from Bucky and nodded with understanding, “We will have a safe house set up for both of you in the next couple hours, it would be best that you leave while it's dark.” 
“We are not splitting up.” Bucky said staring into Steves eyes
“Buck-” Steve started but Tony cut him off 
Tony started “Look sunshine, it will be too easy to find you if you are both in the same place, Hydra could-”
“I don't care. We aren't splitting up, the last thing she needs is to be alone” He knew you could handle yourself alone he said it mostly for himself, he didn't want to be alone again.
Steve looked at him with knowing eyes, “Alright, fine. I will come get you when the safe house is ready, just go be there for her right now, okay?” 
Bucky didn’t even respond to Steve; he just nodded and turned towards the kitchen. He filled a glass up with water and hunted down the bottle of pain relievers to bring to you. Bucky re-entered his own room, ignoring the gap between the center of his door and the wall from when he ripped it open. His eyes fell upon you wearing his shirt and snuggled into his bed when he handed you the items in his hands. You poured a handful of ibuprofen and Bucky gave you a look that said ‘really?’
He realized he hasn't said anything up until this point and then he cleared his throat watching you wash down the pills, “They are moving us into a safe house later tonight, Friday was breached when it- she was down for maintenance,” Bucky caught the flicker of worry in your eyes, “We will be in the safe house together.” He was content as some of the worry dissolved from your face, “For now you should get some rest…”
He started to sit himself on the ground and you reached out to grab his arm, “Will you stay up here with me?” He looked into your eyes at the silent begging which made him nod his head. He has never been this close to you before, he hasn't been this close to anyone since the war. His body was vibrating with anxiety as he climbed into the nest of pillows and blankets on the bed. You threw your legs over his and buried your face into his chest, then sighed into him with contentment. Bucky’s body was extremely tense until he felt you relax into his right side. He stared up at the ceiling and felt your chest rise and fall against the side of his body. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off.
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Never felt the rain
Summary:  Could you write something with Bill having a young daughter and when she asks him to go playing outside in the rain while he was working, he brushed her off, so she went out on own her own and got lost, so Bill thinks she went missing like Georgie?
A/N: here you go anon, I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think, it would mean a lot! Also, thank you for requesting this, it had me writing again after a long time and I really missed it, so thank you
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Bill has a habit of writing as soon as rain starts drizzling from the sky. He doesn’t usually maintain a schedule, especially not after going back to Derry for a second time an gaining six friends who flitted straight back into his life and who each deserved as much of his time as the others, but when it rains, he forces himself behind the computer.
He draws the curtains shut, puts on a pair of noise cancelling headphones, and hopes that the downpour stops soon. According to his therapist, it’s because the weather reminds him of the day Georgie died and he turns to writing as a distraction, and while she might not be wrong, Bill prefers not to think about the specifics. All he knows is that as soon as dark clouds gather, he retreats to his study.
Audra knows this, and has, to Bills great shame, been a victim to his snappish behavior when he gets disturbed, so she leaves him be, and takes their daughter, Lily, on a mother daughter retreat. It’s their own routine that work well for the both of them, and so far, there haven’t been any problems with it.
Today, the bad weather struck out of nowhere, the rain spatters drumming their own beat on the windows and the foundation of the house, and Bill and remembers how bleak Georgie’s last day on earth had been. He retreats to his study in quiet without informing his daughter or wife about his plans, and slips into an imaginary world, where there’s no rain or bad memories.
He gets lost in it, thankfully. The rhythmic tapping of his keyboard and his own hushed voice lull him into a state so fully focused it allows him to forgo his environment. That includes ignoring the rain, but also the wooden door opening behind him as a small child sneaks in, big blue eyes full of a playful innocence.
He doesn’t hear Lily calling out to him, and is only notified of her arrival when her hand tugs on the sleeve of his shirt. It startles him, a cursed ‘Jesus’, slipping from his mouth before he clamps his teeth over his lips to stop more from tumbling out.
‘Daddy’, Bill reads of his daughters face, before he finally clads off the headset and hears her voice filter through.
She’s Georgie’s age now, and she resembles him a lot. For one, she looks up to her dad with as much wonder as her uncle did, a daddy’s girl through and through. She has the Knick for adventure too, though Bill is not sure that’s always a good thing.
‘What is it honey?’ He asks her with a soft voice. He suppresses the twinge of annoyance, now he’s broken out of his concentration, it’s hard not to notice the outside, and it’ll be difficult to reenter his writing groove.  
‘Can we play outside?’ She suggest, lips contorted in a devious little smile that proves that Audra must have said no to her question, and she’s now trying her hand at the person she has wrapped around her finger.
Bill’s gut reaction is to agree. How could he not, when he made the promise to himself to always be the best dad he could be, ever since finding out Audra was pregnant. He swore to himself that he’d never neglect his child, never put her on the backburner for anyone or anything, and that he’d enjoy, relish in every memory he’d be allowed to make with her.
But, he can’t. Not in this situation. Not when Pennywise only came back a mere four months ago, and he was forced into painful memories and past mistakes. Not when he’s relatively convinced that IT’s gone for real, but not 100% assured.
He smiles painfully, and gently pulls his daughter in his lap. It’s not so much that he’s trying to spoil his daughter, it’s just that he loves spending time with her as much as she adores spending time with him. His heart twinges painfully at the notion of disappointing her.
‘Not right now Lil, Daddy’s working.’ He presses a kiss on the top of her head, and squeezes her a bit tighter when a particularly hard downpour causes his heart to clench painfully. If only he had given Georgie a hug like this before letting him out that day.
It’s far too late for that regret now, but he won’t allow the same fate to be bestowed upon his daughter.
‘Please?’ Lily pouts, blinking her eyes in a way that is entirely disarming. She’s so good at convincing, she would make an excellent actress one day. ‘It’ll be so much fun.’ She leans in closer on Bill’s lap, bumping her forehead against Bill’s chest. ‘I promise I won’t step in any puddles.’
It’s a complete lie of course, and Bill can’t help but grin at the idea of Lilly thinking she’s being sneaky about the whole thing, but still, he can’t concur.
‘Later, alright buttercup? And I promise that I’ll spend an entire day with you tomorrow?’
Lily doesn’t smile, so Bill does the one thing he’s become a pro at since becoming a dad; ticking her until she can’t help but laugh.
She shrieks instantly, squirming away from Bill’s fingers as the dance over her sides until she’s nearly toppled of his lip in her haste to escape him, and then giggles long after Bill’s stopped.
Once that too dies out, she bites her lip, seemingly scanning her chances of getting him to agree on going out anyway, but then she concedes.
‘Alright then’, she says a little bit disheartened, but agreeing none the less. She slitters back out as quiet as she came in, but not before a kiss over her shoulder and waving at Bill.
‘See you later dad.’
Bill smiles and waves back, crushed by love and grief battling in his heart for the upper hand, then he puts on his headphone, covers his ears, and he neglects to hear the front door open and lock with a deafening pull.  
In the end, it’s the guilt that makes him give up only a half hour after Lilly came in to ask for his time. He peruse the last line he’d written, he hadn’t managed to find his flow after the interruption anyway, and closes the document of his new book for the day.
He still can’t find the strength to go outside in this weather but perhaps he can convince Lily that watching a movie and snacking on popcorn is a much better activity then getting wet and cold.
He shuffles into the kitchen, where Audra’s is already at, and wonders if they have enough corn to put together homemade popcorn.
‘Do you think Lily will want to watch a movie? I’m thinking Disney might be the way to go?’ He inquires Audra absentmindedly while scouring the pantries for the ingredients he needs. He knows, just from the sounds of Audra’s voice that something’s the matter.
‘She’s not with you?’ Audra chokes out, voice pinched in panic.
Bill’s heart stops for a full second, before rabbiting so hard his chest feels like exploding.
‘What?’ He asks, but the words feel foreign, like he’s not the one saying it.  Audra’s responding look is enough to give him all the answers he needs.
The rain remains unforgiven towards Bill, the background of the yet another great tragedy in his life. Cliché as it is, it does help cover up his tears, about the only positive thing in his situation right now. Audra is next to him, on the same level of utter panic as Bill’s, but he hopes for her sake that he appears more composed then he actually is.
He viciously wishes for the losers to be with him now, but calling them would take up to much time and they live too far away to be of any aid anyway.  
His neighbors are aiding in the search, but they’re not enough. He doesn’t trust them like he trust his friends, he doesn’t want the life of his daughter depending on strangers.
They keep telling him that she’s fine, that she’s most likely having the time of her life without realizing how her parents are in shambles, but Bill can’t believe that. Lily’s been out for at least thirty minutes, that’s the time they noticed she had disappeared, and even Bill is shivering his socks off. He can’t afford to think about how cold Lily must be.
He separates from the group of searches after the weird glances he receives unsettled peeks when he ducks on his knees and calls out for his daughter in a sewer. Audra, who knows in part what happened to Georgie, lets out a sob.
Bill feels bad for leaving his wife all by herself, but he wants to cover as much ground as possible. He can’t wait at their front porch praying for Lily’s safe return, he knows from experience how feeble that is.
The options of where Lily could be are limited. Her friends live too far away for her to have walked to them, and there was only one place kids of her age liked to hang out. Still, when the park turns up nothing, he scours the area surrounding it, yelling out Lily’s name until his voice skips and a hoarse tone underline his words.
‘P-p-please.’ He screams with his head thrown back towards the sky, his stutter going unnoticed. ‘H-haven’t you t-t-taken enough from m-m-me?’ He’s unsure who he’s calling out too.
Bill’s attention is pulled towards a curtain that wobbles open, and old lady peeking from behind it, judging him with curious eyes. The first one to gossip apparently, but the last to help. Just as with Georgie. Bile threatened to spill as Bill walks on.
With his energy running low, as does his hope, Bill concedes to try and walk in the other direction of his home, to see if anyone else has had more luck than him. Then, seemingly using up all of Bill’s luck for the rest of his life, a wobbled; ‘Daddy’, cries out.
He’s never backed up so quick, and when he lays eyes on Lily, he’s never run that fast towards her either. It’s the pure and utter fear you experience as a kid, when you get lost in a comic in the store and you swivel back around to your mom, but she’s gone somewhere and you can’t find her.
That’s the feeling that linger when you lose someone close to you. And when she pops back up, that’s the utter relief Bill gets to taste now.
He’s back on his knees before he can comprehend it, and his hand curls around Lily’s back and head, cradling her so close this chest it’s nearly suffocating. Bill weeps, caressing his daughters hair as he checks her over.
‘Oh honey’, he chokes, swelling multiple times to force back the lump of tears.
Lily’s crying too, though it seems more out of reluctant than anything else.
‘I’m sorry dad. I just wanted to go out and play. But I fell and I think my bike is broken. I’m really sorry.’
Bill sorrow laughs. He can’t stop the ridiculous laughter that’s so absurd.
‘Lily, I couldn’t care less about a bike’, Bill explains, and he means it every bit. He pulls her back in a tight hug, allowing himself ten more seconds before he has to let go of her.
‘Please don’t ever do that again,’ he whispers, leaving a quick kiss on her head. He holds her as close as he wish he could have done to Georgie, if he had been found alive too. Maybe later, tomorrow or the day after, he’d have a more firm conversation about how sneaking out is not okay, but today, the relief wins over every other emotion or lecture.
‘Is mom mad?’ Lily asks, her own arms clenched around Bill’s shirt so tight it’s clear that she also had a large fright.
Shit, Audra. In an instant, Bill picks up his daughter, arm holding her up by the knees. She’s old enough to walk, but Bill has longer legs and walks faster.
‘No’, he assures her, despite a conformation of Audra. He’s sure his feeling are rekindled in his wife too. ‘But we have to let her know you’re okay. She’s worried too.’
‘Okay’, Lily agrees easy, her head resting on Bill’s shoulders. The rain isn’t that cold anymore, now that he has his child back in the safety of his arms.
That evening, Bill, Audra and Lily are cuddles together on their couch, watching Aladdin. Lily has long slipped to the land of dreams, but Bill and Audra want to keep her close for a little while longer. Maybe they’ll all spend the night here anyway, regardless of future back pains, but that’s a discussion for later.
Bill swipes one of Lily’s curls from her forehead gently, smiling when she snores deeper, then settles again.
‘Love you buttercup.’ Bill says, in his mind, he thinks, ‘I’ll never let anything happen to you.’
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1987vampire · 4 years
All Yours | Tomura Shigaraki
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku No Hero Academia Word Count: 5k Warnings: Smut. Kinks include: A/B/O (Omega!Shigaraki x Alpha!Reader), FemDom, Mommy Kink, Bratty Shigaraki (in the beginning), light bondage, face riding, spit kink, cockrings, praise kink, light degrading kink, choking, pegging, crying kink, overstimulation, etc. Request: I just really wanted to write a Shigaraki fic. A/N: This is just me being horny on main. I love this lil dude, and there are not enough Sub!Shigaraki fics around here.  Extra: @babayaga67​ and @imuziawi​ asked me to tag!
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I almost hadn’t recognized the smell as I turned onto my street. At first, I wasn’t quite sure where it was coming from, and I thought I might have just been delusional. After all, he had disappeared for quite a bit, but he had a distinct smell, a mix of citrus – the scent of his body wash -, smoky ash – a side effect of his quirk -, and vanilla cake - a sweetness that came with every omega in heat. I was surprised that there weren’t alphas lined around the block with how loud the smell was, but I was certainly glad I wouldn’t have to fight anybody off to get home.  
I fumbled with my keys for a few moments once I reached the door, mixing up and trying to unlock it with the wrong key multiple times. Once I finally opened the door, though, I was hit harder than I had anticipated, his pheromones coating every inch of my apartment. Hell, I thought walking here was terrible, but this was on an entirely different level.
Had he stopped taking his blockers? Being a villain and omega at the same time was certainly not a great mix, especially when he was the leader of a significant group, so he had taken to blocking off any indicators of his status, claiming to be a beta whenever someone asked. Something must have changed if it got this bad.
I closed the door and locked it in a fluid motion, dropping my keys and bag on the floor right after. I shuffled through the house, trying to figure out where he had holed himself up. I assumed he had made a nest somewhere, but I wasn’t sure where. He never kept it in the same spot, claiming it got uncomfortable being in one place for too long, and he always chose the strangest places. Once I had found him and half of my closet in one of the lower cabinets in the kitchen because ‘everywhere else was too goddamn loud.’
I looked through each room thoroughly, and after a few minutes of not finding him, I entered my bedroom. I was surprised at how much louder the smell had gotten. It wasn’t normal for him to choose such a basic place. My bed was missing half of its usual blankets and pillows. My clothes were strewn across the floor, ones he had ditched after not liking them enough, I guessed. I checked around the dirty area for a moment before approaching my closet.
I knocked quietly on the door, listening intently. A quiet groan met my ears, and I dropped to my knees in front of the door. He was in there. There was no doubt about it. “Tomura,” I called out quietly, not wanting to hurt him if he had a headache. He usually did during this time. “Tomura, may I come in?”
There was the sound of him shuffling and pushing a few things around before he made a noise of affirmation and pushed the door open a bit. I opened it the rest of the way and let out a sigh at the sight of him. He looked worse than usual, new scabs over the already scarred skin of his neck. Something had been stressing him out immensely.
Still, he looked pretty, his eyes half-lidded from being tired but still bright as ever, and his ordinarily messy hair even worse than usual. He wasn’t wearing much besides a pair of sweatpants, his chest bare and sweaty, new scratch marks crawling down from his neck. He was panting, practically drooling, but his lips still quirked up into the smallest of smiles when he locked eyes with me.
I hesitantly placed a hand inside his nest, afraid he would kick me out at the movement, but he stayed still, almost coaxing me into his area. So, I continued, crawling in slowly, trying not to mess up any of his work. He had to have been here for a while by how it looked. I wasn’t sure when he had gotten here, but I had been at work for ten hours before coming home, so there was no telling.
Tomura curled up to me almost instantly, letting out a low whine as he pushed his face into my chest. His arms wrapped around my hips, pulling me closer. I instinctively wrapped mine around his head, leaning down to press a kiss to his matted hair. I had almost gotten comfortable, ready to just sleep it off with him – after all, that’s what he seemed to want to do – but the thought was interrupted by him opening his mouth, pressing his rough flattened tongue between my breasts, and licking a fat stripe up to my neck.
The change in my mood was instantaneous, and I switched our position from both of us laying sideways to me kneeled above his chest. He moved to try and pull me down onto him, but I grabbed his hands and held them above his head, grinning as he let out a loud whine, his eyes growing wider as he stared up at me.
“You do know that it’s rude to do that without asking, right,” I mused. His face flushed red, and he turned it to the side, avoiding eye contact. Oh god, when was the last time he had acted like this. I was getting excited at just the thought. “Now, why would you do that without permission. Did you miss me that much?” When he didn’t move to answer, I chuckled and grabbed his face with one of my hands, pulling it to look at me. “Come on, babydoll. I need your words. Talk to me.”
He huffed loudly but complied. “You weren’t doing anything, so I had to.”
I tutted and shook my head. “You can’t just get things without asking. You have to tell me what you want. Staying silent gets you nowhere. You know that; we’ve talked about it, baby.” He stared up at me, biting back words. I sighed. “Well, if you don’t want to talk, then I’ll just let you take care of yourself.” I let go of him and began to lift myself off of him, but he moved faster and gripped my thighs, pulling me back onto him harshly. For someone as skinny as he was, he could sure be strong at moments. His nails dug into my skin harshly, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re needy today, aren’t you.” I quirked an eyebrow and leaned down so we were face to face. “Come on, Tomura, tell me what you want.”
He took a shaky breath before replying. “I want you to make me cum,” he grumbled, blinking up at me. “I hate being like this, but nothing I do helps it.”
I shook my head. “And what have you done to deserve me giving you that pleasure? You’ve disappeared for the past two months – I only knew you were alive because they talk about you on the news – but because you hit your heat, suddenly you’re running back with your tail between your legs. Hell, I should leave you to take care of yourself - you obviously don’t need me.”
“I didn’t come back just to listen to you bitch.” His words were bitter, and I could tell he regretted them as soon as they slipped past his lips, but the damage was already done. His eyes widened, and he scrambled to try and escape from underneath me. I let him climb to his feet before pushing his knees out from under him as he tried to run out of the room. He stumbled and fell face-first onto the floor, groaning loudly.
“Are you serious,” I yelled, standing over him. He flipped onto his back, and I pushed my foot onto his chest, holding him steady. “Are you seriously trying to piss me off, you asshole?”
He grinned up at me. “And what if I am? What are you going to do about it?”
I pulled off of him, practically shaking from anger. “Get up.”
“Or what?”
I let out a deep snarl. “Tomura, get your ass off of the fucking floor before I turn it beet red.”
He licked his teeth suggestively and stood slowly, taking as much time as he could. Once he was up, a grabbed his shoulders roughly and pushed him onto the bed. He let out a loud laugh as he fell back, propping himself up on his elbows and watching me as I rolled my eyes. I moved towards my dresser, opening it and moving aside clothes covering what I needed. Ropes were the easiest thing to find considering how many I had, but the other toys took a bit of digging.
Once I was satisfied with my finds, I moved back to the bed and straddled him, grabbing the rough skin of his wrists and pulling them up to the headboard. There was a small hook drilled right above it precisely for this. I wrapped the rope around his hands, knowing the knots like the back of my hand from how often I had done it.
When our relationship first started, Tomura wasn’t too keen on bondage or not being in control, but once I had convinced him to try it, he had never wanted anything else. I knew he found some comfort mixed with the anxiety of being completely at my mercy, and I certainly enjoyed it. I could sit and stare at him in this position for hours, hands bound above him, eyes looking at me with apprehension but excitement, pants already straining even though I hadn’t done anything. It was a beautiful sight.
He tugged gently on the restraints, testing them, and he let out a shuddering sigh once they didn’t budge, settling into the bed. I picked myself off of him and stood to the side, humming lowly as I tried to figure out where to start. Then, he spoke up. “Well, are you going to do anything?”
“Not if you keep up that attitude, I won’t,” I snapped back. “You sure do love using your mouth tonight, might as well put it to use.”
He furrowed his brows in confusion only to perk up as I began to shed my shirt, popping button after button of my blouse until I was able to throw it onto the floor, adding to the mess he had already created. Then came my shoes, which I kicked off to the side, followed by my pants, leaving me in only underwear. Then, I climbed onto the bed again and grabbed his face harshly, squeezing his cheeks so his lips were puckered. His eyes widened with excitement, and it made me chuckle a bit.
“You’re certainly eager tonight, even with that mouth of yours,” I said, placing a kiss to his lips, “miss mommy that much?” A high-pitched chirp passed his lips, and I grinned. “Now, are you going to work for your reward, or are you going to make this hard?” When he stayed silent, I continued, my voice low as I moved to kiss the rough skin of his throat. “Are you gonna let mommy ride your face?”
Tomura nodded, and it was much more excited than I’m sure he intended it to be. I moved and placed my knees on either side of his head, and I had barely had enough time to run my fingers through his hair before he lunged forward, licking a stripe up my clothed pussy. I let out a shuddering sigh of content followed by a low, deep moan when he did it again. When was the last time he had helped me get off instead of my own hands and toys? He was so warm underneath me, his cheeks flushed and breathing heavy enough to send heat up to me.
Before he could move forward again, I grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pushed him down into the bed. He whined, but I ignored it. “Give me a second, baby. Just one second.”
He stayed still, and I let go of him. I then reached down and pushed my panties to the side, giving him new skin to touch. He loved it when I still wore underwear when we fucked, saying it ‘just added something to it.’ I certainly didn’t mind the extra coverage, even if it wasn’t anything sexy considering I had been at work.
Once I was comfortable, I grabbed his hair again, softer this time, and lowered myself onto his mouth. He stayed still, knowing not to move, and when I mumbled to go, he wasted no time in getting to work. His tongue found my clit almost immediately, circling it at an excruciating pace that made me groan quietly. I should have known he would try something like this, I thought as he moved down, pressing a flat tongue against my opening before dipping into it slowly. The wet sounds that came from the action made things so much better, but I could already feel myself getting fed up. I didn’t want to wait, I wanted him to work, so I vocalized it. “Tomura, baby, if you don’t go faster, you’re not cumming tonight.”
He chirped in distress and pushed farther up, lapping at me like he was a starving man and I was the only meal in sight, and when he began to get tired, I ground against his face, making him moan onto me, a deep groan that sent sparks through my stomach.  When we had first started, he was completely inexperienced, only knowing the basics from the porn he watched, but porn was nothing like real life, and I was there to teach him that. Luckily for me, Tomura was always up for eating me out whenever given the opportunity, he loved to serve me as much as he loved to take, and he showed his devotion like this. He took his time, but moved quickly, pressing all the right spots. He had my body memorized at this point, and when I came, he didn’t let up until I pulled away, making sure I reached the utmost pleasure.
When I finally did pull away, the sight was something worthwhile. He laid gasping up at me, his face thoroughly flushed a pale red that crawled down his chest. His lips, chin, and nose were covered in a thin layer of my fluids mixed with his spit. His eyes pled for me to praise him, tell him that he was doing good, and I was happy to oblige.
“You look so pretty like this, doll,” I said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as I traced my hand along his bulge. “Are you all worked up just for me?” Tomura nodded hastily, letting out a sigh of content as I rubbed him softly. “You’re mommy’s little boy, aren’t you, Tomu?” He nodded again and kissed back feverishly when I pressed my lips to his. “Say it, then. Say it for me, baby.”
“I’m your little boy, mommy,” he cried out, letting out a high-pitched moan as I drew him out of his pants, my fingers dancing along the head of his dick. “I’m all yours, I promise.”
I laughed. “All mine? Really?”
He nodded, his breath hitching as I moved down and took him into my mouth. “All yours- ah- ahh-“ He pulled at his restraints and let out a chirp as I pressed forward until my nose touched his hipbone. He bucked up to match my movement, but I grabbed his hips and pushed him down.
I pulled off of him with a pop. “Stay still,” I growled and moved back down. He let out a full-body shudder, and when I looked up at him, his eyes were rolled back, lips parted in a silent moan, and his arms pulling against his ropes to no avail.
“Please, I just-“ he bucked his hips again, and I growled lowly with his cock still in my mouth, making him cry out in ecstasy only to whine when I let go of him.
“I told you to stay still,” I grumbled as I reached for one of the toys I had brought out. He stiffened at the sound of something vibrating and watched me as I slid a pretty, pink cockring down to the base of his cock. He tensed and then let out the prettiest sound, throwing his head back at the stimulation.
I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. He panted, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he stared up at me. I pressed my thumb against his jaw and opened his mouth a bit more. He blinked blearily, confused, and then let out a surprised chirp when I spit directly into his mouth.
“Swallow it.” He complied, making a show of closing his mouth and swallowing loudly. He looked away out of embarrassment, making me chuckle. “You said you were all mine, babydoll. Are you going to listen to me now?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
���Good boy,” I cooed. He preened at the statement, arching his back up towards me. I slid my hands up his chest to his throat and held the sides, restricting his blood flow as I pressed another kiss to his lips. He hummed lowly, a low whine of need. “Alright, you get to choose now. Do you want me to ride you or fuck you, Tomu?”
I let go of his throat so he could speak easier, but he didn’t respond, merely staring at me, conflicted. “I- I don’t know-“ he choked out. “I-“
A plan set itself in my head, and I gave him a devious smirk. “Do you want both? Do you not want to choose?” He stuttered, not knowing what to say. “Just a yes or no, baby.” He paused before nodding. “I need words.” I dragged my thumb across his bottom lip, pulling it down and watching it pop back into place.
“Yes, please, mommy, both.”
I grinned and pulled away, climbing off the bed. My strapon was a thick, blue one that I had finally decided to buy after eyeing it for a few days. I never really used it on myself, preferring to make Shiggy a sobbing mess underneath me with it. Once I had even convinced him to ride it; the images still sit in the back of my mind every time I grab it, his soft whines as he rode slowly only to yelp when I bucked up into him at a pace faster than he would have been able to handle.
After stepping in and strapping it to myself tightly, I pulled Tomura’s pants off completely, letting them fall to the already dirty floor with a soft thump. Then, I moved back to my dresser to grab a bottle of lube, flipping it a few times as I watched him. He was panting as his bright red eyes met mine. He was trembling faintly, tugging lightly at the restraints as his cock twitched at the stimulation from the vibrations.
I walked over and climbed between his legs, grinning as I spread them to fit me. He was already leaking slick – something I had forgotten he produced during this time. I didn’t even have to lube my fingers before pressing at his entrance. He moaned lowly and then shut his mouth, looking away as I pushed a finger in. The warmth he provided was incredible, practically inviting me in. It made a loud, wet sound when I pulled out, and I watched him for his reaction.
He let out a shuddering breath but refused to meet my eyes, his face flushing even deeper with embarrassment.
“What’s wrong,” I mused, dipping into him again but this time with a second finger. “What are you embarrassed about?”
He didn’t answer, so I slapped his outer thigh with my free hand. “I- I don’t know,” he grumbled, glancing at me before looking away again.
I raised my body, moving my face towards his while pushing my fingers in until I was knuckle-deep, pushing slick out as I went in. “Look at me, baby.”
He hummed out an ‘uh-uh.’ I curled my fingers, and he let out a moan, his mouth still shut.
“Look at me, baby,” I purred. When he still refused to look, I took to grabbing his face again, forcing him to look at me. My fingers began to move at a steady pace, pumping in and out of him. “Do we need to do the mirror exercise again, or are you going to look at mommy while she fucks you?”
The mirror exercise in question was an exercise in self-confidence that he was subjected to quite often. I would set us in front of a floor-length mirror and fuck him while forcing him to watch so he could see how pretty he looked like this. I was quite a fan of it; he was not so much.
He shook his head. “I don’t want to.” Insecurity laced his voice, and I paused my movements, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek, followed by his forehead, nose, and then mouth.
“Please, bub,” I whispered, pressing another kiss to his jaw. “Let me see your pretty, red eyes. Be a good, little boy for mommy.”
His eyes flickered to mine and then away a few times before he huffed and nodded. “I’ll be your good boy.”
I grinned, moving back down. “Then, let me see those eyes, and let me hear your moans, babydoll.”
I surged my fingers forward, and he let out a loud moan at the action. I sucked a hickey onto his inner thigh as I added a third finger, prepping him fully. When I pulled out, noticing how close he looked to cumming, he followed my moves, silently pleading with me to go back, to let him finish. In response, I lined up my cock to him.
My soaked hand crawled up him and pressed against his lips, slowly forcing their way inside. “Open up,” I said, and he did, opening his mouth wide. I pushed my fingers in, curling them around his bottom teeth before letting go. “Suck.” He complied, and I watched, mesmerized as he pulled them farther into his mouth, sucking slowly and running his tongue along my fingers. “Good boy,” I cooed.
He chirped before mumbling something against my fingers. I pulled them out, grinning at the pop they made. He mumbled something again, but I still couldn’t hear.
“What do you need, doll?”
He hesitated before responding in a quiet voice. “Can you spit in my mouth again?”
My brain took a few moments before what he said registered fully. I let out a loud laugh and nodded enthusiastically. “Open your mouth, then.”
He paused and then opened wide, encouraged by my thumb helping drag it open. My other hand gripped his throat as I made him wait in anticipation. He looked like he didn’t believe I would do it before I raised myself off of him a bit and spit, smiling when I watched it hit the back of his throat.
He instinctively shut his mouth and swallowed, a small smile climbing on his face that was quickly replaced with a lewd look as I pushed the tip of my cock into him. He cried out and pulled roughly on the ropes. I almost wanted to take them off, wanting to feel his nails dig into my back, but this sight was nearly as good.
I braced his hips with one hand, the other still pressing against his throat, and then I snapped into him completely. He let out a broken moan followed by a sob, and tears gathered in his eyes at the feeling of being so full so fast. I pulled out slowly and then snapped in again, receiving the same reaction.
Then, I paused, waiting until he sighed, telling me that he was ready, and then, I set at a brutal pace, plunging into him again and again, reveling in the sounds he made. His cock twitched and twitched, and so I wrapped my hand right above the ring and stroked him to the pace of my thrusts.
“Aghh- ahh- mommy-“ he mewled, “please, please, please, let me cum, mommy, please. I’ll do anything! I’ll be your good little boy, please.” I put my fingers in his mouth again, holding his jaw open as I slammed into him again. He cried against my fingers but kept his eyes open, though they kept fluttering between open and closed. Then, I hit something inside of him that made him throw his head back, clenching his fingers into fists as he yelled. “Please,” he whined against my fingers, “please, mommy, please.”
I hummed and chuckled lowly, leaning forward to nip against his jaw. “Go ahead, doll. Cum for mommy.”
The reaction as instantaneous. He violently shook as he came, spurting strips of cum onto both of our stomachs as a chorus of ‘thank you’s were yelled against my hand. I didn’t stop fucking him though. If anything, I picked up the pace a bit, hitting that little spot in him again and again if his reaction was anything to go by.
Tears began to gather in his eyes, and he shimmied his hips, trying to get me out, but I persisted. He cried out again as I started stroking his cock again, his recovery period nowhere near done, but he still hardened after a few moments, though tears began to stream down his face at the same time. I mumbled praises against his neck as I went, sucking hickeys into the scarred skin. “You’re doing so well for me, baby. So, so good.”
He sobbed loudly and thanked me again, closing his eyes as more tears fell.
“You’re mommy’s good boy, right, baby? You’re all mine?”
“Ye-e-es, mommy,” he whined against my fingers.
“Are you going to let mommy ride your cock?”
He chirped and shook his head. “It’s too much. I can’t take it.”
“Yes, you can,” I purred, pulling out of him slowly. “I know you can, darling, because you’ve missed me so much. When’s the last time you’ve been inside me? I know you’ve missed it.”
He choked out another sob and nodded. “Anything for you, mommy. I’m all yours.”
I switched the cockring to a higher vibration setting, and he tensed his entire body. “You look so pretty like this, Tomu. You’re such a pretty crier.” He shook his head at the statement and sniffled. “Yes, you are, so pretty, and all for me.” The strapon was easy to slip off, and the thud it made against the floor alerted him of what was next. I straddled him effortlessly and lined him up to my entrance, rubbing him gently against my lips. “Such a little whore. Mommy’s little whore.” He preened at the name and sucked in a deep breath as I sunk onto him. “Let me see your eyes, baby.”
His eyes fluttered open and practically rolled into the back of his head as I began to ride him. It wasn’t a fast pace, relatively slow compared to the last activity, but he came in only a few seconds without warning, yelling apologies as he did so. I only laughed in response and then moaned as the vibrating cockring hit my clit in a delicious way.
Tomura was shaking his head again, crying as I rode him and tugging on the restraints to no avail, but he hadn’t said our safeword, so I knew he was fine. “I can’t take anymore, mommy. I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can, doll,” I replied, gripping his throat again. “I just need you to cum one more time for me. Just one more.” He shook his head, but I nodded, picking up speed. He felt so fucking good inside of me, and the vibrations added just the right amount of pressure to where I knew I wouldn’t last long. I was just waiting for him. “You feel so good in me, baby. Do you like how I feel? Do you like being my little whore? My cumslut?”
He nodded. “I do! I do!”
I leaned down and kissed him forcefully, pushing my tongue against his and moaning around his mouth. He chirped loudly and pulsed, and I could tell that the wet sounds we were making were getting to him. “Are you going to cum in me? Going to let me cum around your cock?” He nodded quickly and chased my lips when I pulled away. Strings of saliva connected the two of us, and the sight of it made me even more excited. “Let me feel you, Tomu. Cum for me, baby.”
He yelled out, shook forcefully, and then came, and the feeling of him filling me, the warmth of it all, sent me overboard. I was cumming, too, clenching around him and sucking him dry as my face dropped quickly, and I bit him on the juncture between his neck and shoulders where his scent glands were, sealing that he was mine. My property. He sobbed loudly but smiled into me when I pulled up and kissed him again, biting his bottom lip as I pulled away. My hips finally came to a stop, and when I pulled off of him, fluids dripped out of me and onto his pale skin quickly. Then, I turned off the ring and pulled it off of him, much to his relief.
Tomura sucked in a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, sniffling every now and then as I moved to clean the both of us up. I dragged a towel against his skin gently first and then wiped myself off. Next, I reached over and untied the ropes around his wrists. His arms dropped limply once freed, and he didn’t move them. I had almost believed he was asleep for a few moments, but then, his red eyes peered open and met mine.
“Thank you,” he croaked, reaching his hand out to mine. I took it and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.
“Come on, do you want a shower? It’ll make you feel better.”
He nodded and lifted himself slowly, groaning at the feeling. “Can you help me,” he whimpered.
I wrapped my arm around his waist and led him up. “I certainly could have gone nicer on you.”
He chuckled, and I did too. “No, I enjoyed it. Thank you.”
I rolled my eyes and kissed his shoulder, leading him to the bathroom. “Maybe a bath would be more relaxing.”
“Either way, I think you fucked my heat right out of me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
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