#hades and persephone dynamic but make it cute
hermesmoly · 2 months
rate all the greek mytho married couples from most to least interesting (or your favorite to least favorite, depends on you!)
For fun I’ve split them into four categories:
The Really Interesting category, made their relationship everyone’s problem:
- Zeus and Hera (duh)
- Helen and Menelaus (happy ending)
- Helen and Paris (oof! ending)
- Odysseus and Penelope (has a whole word dedicated to their like-minded thinking)
- Rhea and Cronus (tragedy and cannibalism)
- Jason and Medea (tragedy and filicide)
- Clytemnestra and Agamemnon (tragedy and filicide and mariticide and matricide and misogyny and and OH gods-)
- Peleus and Thetis (the arranged mortal marriage blues, but in my head Thetis immortalized Peleus somehow by force and keeps him in her attic) (Because gods be damned if she will be the only one doomed to grieve Achilles)
- Orpheus and Eurydice (mf really went to hell for her and still didn’t get her back :<)
- Hector and Andromache (relatively the most normal ones in this category but still very tragic. Like don’t even ask.)
- Hecuba and Priam (them too)
The Really Cute couple category, bonus if it took them long to get there:
- Hephaestus and Aglaia
- Eros and Psyche
- Dionysus and Ariadne
- Perseus and Andromeda (they kinda remind me of Prince Philip and Aurora which is cute)
- Hebe and Heracles (listennn. they’re cute and important to the Heracles-Hera feud ending)
- Hippomenes and Atalanta (RIP Meleager)
- Philemon and Baucis (one of my fave Zeus myths)
- Alcestis and Admetus (Orpheus and Eurydice but with a happy ending thanks to the interference of Apollo)
- Iphis and Ianthe (trans man rep is good someone PLEASE write about them)
- Tethys and Oceanus (placing them here idc they are cute in my head!! The only titan couple who survived rip to Coeus/Phoebe and all the failed marriages thanks to the Titanomachy)
The Uhhh… Okay Category
- Hades and Persephone (placing them here because while I do think their relationship is interesting AND I find good various retellings of them (excluding LO) like Hades Supergiant, Hadestown, etc I long for more neutral/nuanced takes on the kidnapping, not just by their romance (or lack of romance) but Demeter’s role in the story to be more respected. (It also can’t be helped that HxP has the most over saturated greek mythology content everywhere that people get tired of seeing them, especially portrayed as the “only good greek myth couple” like okay get outta here)
- Gaia and Uranus (I like them, their relationship is clearly important for Cronus’ succession story, but their conflict to me seems so.. short lived? Like you have your son castrate your husband for imprisoning your less appealing babies but now the strife is gone and you work together to tell your son he is destined to be overthrown by his son and telling your grandson to cannibalize his wife as good advice??? Like good for them ig but Rhea and Cronus just do it better imo)
- Hypnos and Pasithea (getting ur wife from a deal with her mom that makes you commit treason by inducing your king with sleep… nothing sketchy about this at allll) (but maybe they’re cute and functional besides that who knows)
- Ceyx and Alcyone (in one version they didn’t do it, in the other they’re just… very dumb to call themselves Zeus and Hera.)
- Procris and Cephalus (eos RUINS lives)
- Hephaestus and Aphrodite (lets be glad it ended bc while they are interesting and Hephaestus did make their marital strife public, I just think they had a better relationship after the divorce)
The Kinda Boring category (to me, subjectively, put down the pitchforks)
- Poseidon and Amphitrite (do they have one myth together that isn’t the Delphin seduction myth… Amphitrite is nice to Poseidon’s worst son. That’s. That’s kinda it. I wish we had more, like how they are with their children or literally anything else to depict a dynamic between them. Especially since they ARE supposed to be the king and queen of the sea. But nope. At least with Oceanus and Tethys they’re both obscure in their personalities so headcanoning stuff is fun to me. Poseidon having a well established personality and Amphitrite… oh dear Amphitrite…)
- Cadmus and Harmonia (they’re a couple in order become ascendants of more tragic humans like Actaeon, Semele and that’s it. They become Snakes in the end to repent for Cadmus’ mistake. Nothing really about their relationship with each other)
- Deucalion and Pyrrha (The Greek rendition of Christianity’s Noah’s Ark and yeah. Thats it)
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alyona11 · 6 months
Ok time for my big Hadestown hot take and that’s that West End Hadestown doesn’t give you a 100% Hadestown experience. It’s still ridiculously good and 100% worth seeing, don’t get me wrong (I used my opportunity and saw it twice and will likely see it again if I’m in London), but it kinda made me realise a couple of things about OBC production that will always be my Roman Empire and make me deeply upset Broadway is too greedy to give us an OBC proshot.
So, here are some of my thoughts and reflections based on seeing Hadestown live on West End + seeing different versions (including London National theatre proshot) in boots. I think you can pretty solidly say that in Hadestown there are 2 main stories: Orpheus/Eurydice and Hades/Persephone. And even though arguably Orphedice is the main most important story, it my opinion it also wins from Hadesphone story being strong. Which works perfectly in OBC due to Amber Gray and Patrick Page delivering a very deep nuanced performances as their characters.
I think part of the success of Hadestown when it works on its fullest is how it creates a very deep emotional journey. And I feel that regardless which pair of Orpheus and Eurydice you have (if we take Broadway/tour/West End take on the characters) it’ll still work! Like you need to try really hard to mess up orphedice the way people wouldn’t root for Orpheus or wouldn’t empathise with Eurydice because they are so relatable and cute. You instantly love them, they are so so lovable. So orphedice part is one thing in Hadestown that imo works if not always then in 99% of the cases.
Hades and Persephone’s part of the story in the contrary is VERY hard to nail on 100%, in my opinion, and this is literally driving me crazy. Maybe seeing Amber Gray and Patrick page in professional recording awoken some feelings in me, I don’t know. I will state straight away that I also do enjoy other actors’ takes on characters and I do see some very interesting character moments there and there. However, I keep returning to the thought that Amber/Patrick’s characterisation works SO WELL for the main narrative. I’ll try to explain why I think so. Consider it my love letter to the OBC.
First and foremost, I feel like Hadesphone story has a very fine dynamic that the actors have to nail, so you would feel that: 1) these two still love each other; 2) these two are buried under their problems and see no way out, only a miracle (aka Orpheus and his song) can save their marriage.
And if the first one usually works at least due to Epic 3, the second one, imo, often (at least partially) falls victim to acting/directing choices which can cause troubles with point 1 as well. I think one big thing I’ve noticed is that often Persephone’s alcoholism gets forgotten in the acting performance. Like yeah sure her choreography includes drinking from a flask but in comparison to Amber you never get a feeling that she is absolutely wasted. Which, is in my opinion something that you should feel when you’re watching the show and something I was constantly forgetting about when I was watching the show on West End. I feel in Amber’s performance you can constantly see that her Persephone’s feel good attitude is a façade of a broken person who knows that her marriage is going to hell in front of her eyes yet she is too passive and hopeless to try to make an active change (well, she does try in Chant and nothing happens), so her only way is to chase the sense of normality that the “medicine” gives her. But when she is alone, if you get to catch a moment when people are not looking at her, you can see a deep sadness under her positive front and her memory of the old days when everything was more simple. Nevertheless, the main point that the lyrics literally say is that Persephone is blinded by the river of wine. And this is crucial to her character and her relationship with Hades because the story states that even though Hades is a problem and he is an active actor in creating more problems, he is not the only failure in this relationship. Persephone needs to be woken up from her apathy almost as much as Hades does and this is something that we see during If It’s True.
From Hades’ side I feel like it’s not a good decision to make him a total villain because when he is irredeemable you don’t feel like the whole “song that will fix the world” has any chance of working long term. I think Patrick nailed a deep antagonist very well. His Hades is weird and lowkey creepy and alien. He does objectively bad things but when you look at him you can’t stop thinking that he doesn’t operate in regular human logic or morality. When I look at him in Chant, it feels to me that his words about building stuff to impress Persephone are absolutely sincere, and I can absolutely see that his Hades doesn’t understand why she is so upset about it when his intentions are so so clear. Maybe it’s my vision but even before Epic 3 when he is so far gone and buried in his projects and messed up ideas I don’t have a single doubt that Persephone is a single motivator and goal of Patrick Hades’ life and that he literally doesn’t need any other being to care about. And tragically this fixation is what makes him blind to all other things he does even if those things ruin Persephone’s life (and other people’s but tbh I don’t think he cares).
I feel like by removing Persephone’s Chant 2 verse Hadestown created more problems for Hades and Persephone part of the story making it a much harder job for the actors to prove to the audience that Hades and Persephone have a chance to make their relationship work. Like I get that maybe it was a necessary things to do (even though I think the show is much better with it) but it made it so much harder to empathise with this particular part of the story unless the actors use the choices that work in the narrative. Because for example when I was watching the show on West End part of me was wondering “what is Persephone’s deal in all of that, what does she win by staying with Hades?” With the verse, and with Broadway Previews or London 2018 in particular this part was clear: Persephone still loves Hades and believes that he has the opportunity to change and become a better man he used to be. Without the verse, however, the actors should give you the same idea during the show which is a hard task considering Hades and Persephone have only 2 big conversations together (Chant and How Long). So apart from those songs there are only subtle mostly silent moments they get together through which the actors have to convey the same thought which is hella difficult and probably hardly will be appreciated by anyone apart from the people who sit closely.
So, maybe because in the actor combo I saw (Zachary and Lauren), I got a feeling that even though they were great separately, I didn’t feel much chemistry between them as a pair. I think, Persephone seemed pissed and tired of Hades all the time until How Long and I didn’t feel that she still believes in his willingness to change. And Zach Hades despite being entertaining, kinda gives the impression of Hades who has other options, he is not into Persephone enough. The only sparkle appears between the two in Epic III which is still cute but I’m not sure if it works just as well if that’s the first time you see the show? Also considering Zach Hades gives more malicious intent in His Kiss, The Riot it seems that he is not even slightly interested in Orpheus having any opportunity to succeed with his quest. Which is not bad, don’t get me wrong! But in comparison to Patrick who is deeply self projecting into Orpheus to the point where you could see that even though he doesn’t want to let him go, part of him does because it would prove he too could succeed in his challenge of waiting for Persephone, this take seems a bit lacking. And overall because of His Kiss, their promise in Wait For Me doesn’t seem as giving much hope that the story won’t repeat itself next Sunday. Which in its turn makes Orpheus’ sacrifice feel a bit… worthless. If on Broadway, when Orpheus turns, but spring comes again you feel like it is the start of something new: hopefully a kinder and softer time. On West End the show also wants you to feel it but when you think about Hades and Persephone you feel…less certainty that this sacrifice will have a long term effect?
I guess the creators wanted to concentrate on Orpheus and Eurydice more and forget about Hades and Persephone by making them more secondary story or maybe there was a lack of director’s involvement to give the cast some hints on how to make this particular part of the story work better, but it feels to me that in its current state the show works in its 85% power which is still great but once you know there is something missing you can’t stop thinking about it and wishing the show would give you those 15% you crave.
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sasuhinamonth · 1 year
Beginnings and Ends - SasuHina Recs
It's the 21st! That means it's fic writer appreciation day!
In celebration, I'd like to share some SH recs, but in a fun way!!! I'll be posting the first and last line of the fic, along with name, author, and brief description as to why I'm rec-ing it!
Good work, writers!
p.s. - Most of the links will be to FFNet, but if you see purple text, that means it's posted on AO3 as well~ I'm just doing this to save a little time on my end, but I understand some prefer reading on AO3!
A Miracle by Eleanor Rigby 000
"A field trip!?" The class repeated. After that, several voices chirped, each of them commenting on how psyched they are for the class field trip.
"Forever," she assured
This is a angsty, passionate story of hurt, comfort, love, and meeting an old love. The story is Modern AU where Sasuke's a model and comes back to visit his childhood town, where he meets Hinata. Honestly, this is the first and only fic that has made me actively cry, and I cannot praise it enough! Please check it out!!!
Okaeri by The Penumbra
She felt his fist connect with her stomach and went crashing down to the ground, barely having time to register what was happening.
"Okaeri, Sasuke. Welcome home."
This is sort of a prequel to the author's other fic "Snapshots: Black and White", which is also a stellar fic. It's set in canonverse, where Sasuke and Hinata slowly develop a friendship/relationship. You'll get your fair amount of angst, but really, you can hardly avoid such things in SH fics xD.
Ichinen by Cinderella Starsend
Hyuuga Hinata stifled a yawn as she stepped out of the door and shut it behind her.
"And I love you."
I LOVE this fic! It's split into 12 chapters, each corresponding with a month. Hinata works at Ichiraku's in an attempt to get closer to Naruto, but she bonds with Sasuke more. I really enjoy fics set in the narutoverse that change things like this, mixing around dynamics so it's not always ninja stuff and war and training. It's a cute story, and the author's prose is beautiful!
Neji Hyuuga: Matchmaker by emilyjm
Hyuuga Neji prided himself on seeing things other people never noticed.
Mission: matchmaker must be completed within five years.. Good luck, Neji!
UGHHHHH! Where do I start????? It's set in narutoverse where Neji's not only alive, but in charge of matchmaking everyone in Konoha so that he can get Sasuke and Hinata together. It's incredible sweet and incredibly moving and incredibly moving, and I love SH fics with a heavy focus on Neji. Please read it, and please read Another Story (sequel) which is JUST as good!!!
When Will I Lose You by @elreinodelpurgatorio
Hinata, Lady of the Underworld, stands in her peach orchard and watches the Doom God and the Messenger God speak to each other.
One of these days, Sasuke, seated on a throne next to Hinata, is the one to look at a wretched soul and say: "Request denied."
This is a really fun HadesxPersephone AU where Hinata is Hades and Sasuke is Persephone! It's a short, magical read that is always a breath of fresh air! The author is really good at coming up with pretty sentences. Highly rec!
What's Mine To Give by WritingHyuHin
After the massacre of his clan, Sasuke had one goal in his life at that young age. Revenge.
The things I do for you... Only you.... Hinata.
This is a rewriting of The Last movie, but SasuHina style! I think it's very believable and a fun thing to read, since I've watched The Last quite a few times. Seeing things that should be Naruto but are instead replaced with Sasuke warm my little, shipper heart. Give this one a chance!
Nyctophilia by Sommernacht
For as long as he could remember, the night had offered him comfort.
"Indeed," he whispered against her skin. His fingers found their way under her fishnet top, making her shiver under the touch. "The most beautiful night."
Sommer hits it out of the park once again! This was their 2022 SHMonth one-shot in which Sasuke and Hinata secretly meet each other when 'borrowing' meds at night. They grow close and confide in one another, and I think it's a loving, deep connection that is impressive to make in just one chapter!
A Study of Mannerisms and Other Alterations by MissLe
Sasuke Uchiha, as it was well known, was in possession of some very, very gorgeous eyes.
She decided, however, that the regal Uchiha nose would always hold a special place in her heart.
Ahhhh, this is probably one of my all time favorite fics! It's fluffy, it's cute, it's funny! I absolutely adore it! This fic is set in a Modern AU, where Hinata is a waitress at a cafe and Sasuke, a member of the firefighter team that comes by almost daily, has a pretty obvious crush on her. These two dweebs are adorable, and I read this fic so much!!!
Uprooted by @kiljoius
Today, Hinata is 20.
“Maybe I can live with that.” Maybe she can, too, she thinks.
Arranged Marriage? Check. Fluff and Humor in a SH FIC of all things???? Check. Witty dialogue and amazing chemistry? Check check check! Without giving too many spoilers, this Modern AU fic follows Hinata and Sasuke, who plan to act 'over the top' in their arranged relationship in order to get out of it. Lets just say it doesn't work as planned for them huhu. This is a really fun fic, so if you're in the mood, give it a read!
This is what I've got for now, but please feel free to comment or reblog with your own favorite fics (either your own or others) with their first and last lines.
@kiljoius @elreinodelpurgatorio @daifukumochiin @catruru @fher43 @gardenatsuntime @lavendereyedassassin @cariata @naoko-ichigo @lavender-long-stories @p-crowds @queenfox352 - You guys, too! Show off fics you like (or your own)!
Good work to all authors/writers out there! We love you!!!
Mod: PC
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
So I was re-watching the show and I had a thought about the dynamic between Zeus's kids. Ignore if you've answered this before, but how do her siblings feel about Persephone?
I kinda feel like there are parallels to Sally trying to keep Percy away from Olympian drama and Demeter trying to keep Persephone away from Olympian drama, only for both to fail badly. Not to mention that Persephone probably, for a brief period, turned into the kid Zeus paid attention to most, mostly because of how Demeter protested her marriage. I do have the HC that Persephone and Hermes get along the most, due to Hermes being the sibling to visit the Underworld the most, but what do you think? Hades might be a useful ally in a rebellion.
I haven't really thought much about Persephone's dynamic with everyone else🤔
However, I will touch on my thoughts on her relationship with Demeter and Apollo (in the RRverse) because those are the ones I know right off the top of my head.
With Demeter, I don't like the helicopter parent stereotype attributed to her. Contrary to the media's beliefs, Demeter's panic is very sound considering her daughter was. ya know. kidnapped.
it was an arranged marriage! yeah yeah it's still kidnapping, and Persephone screamed for help. it's all there in the Hymn to Demeter.
because of this, Demeter and Persephone had a very loving mother-daughter relationship imo. Demeter also wasn't against Persephone marrying, btw. In the Orphic tradition, Demeter prophesizes that Persephone would marry Apollo, though that never came to pass obviously (I have a silly take on this in a bit sit tight).
Now Apollo :D the fun starts here.
SO. PERSEPHONE'S PLAYMATES WERE ATHENA AND ARTEMIS. Additionally, as mentioned previously, Demeter was like "oh yeah Persephone's gonna marry Apollo one day".
Apollo & Persephone are BFFs, and Demeter is the mom who sees her daughter has a boy friend and starts shipping them XD
Demeter: You look so cute together!
Persephone: MOM YOU'RE SO EMBARRESSING hides face
also! there's another myth that adds on to this headcanon of mine :D
People think Demeter causes winter. She does not - she just stops the plant growth.
Apollo lets winter happen when he takes his vacations to Hyperborea :D
Apollo aligned his vacations during the time Persephone is in the Underworld because fuck it if he can't hang with his BFF during this time of year might as well do his vacation instead so he has more time during the spring/summer months with her then!
Remember this scene in The Last Olympian?
The older lady harrumphed. "I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat the pomegranate."
Apollo is the god of healing. He also hold dominion over law, and played defense attorney for Orestes.
she presents it to Persephone like she has two options but they're the same person LMAO
I also wanna talk about the whole 'Demeter forbid Apollo from going near her kids' thing too! Because with the context of this^, it makes you wonder why.
...but then you realize that maybe it was because of the above she forbid him from her kids - or more specifically, she forbid him because he didn't marry Persephone XD
So she ships them. But also she's salty she didn't get her favorite nephew for a son-in-law to marry her favorite daughter and therefore banned him from her kids.
Seems counter-productive, but you do you Demeter lmao XD
(and yes, Hades would be a useful ally in a rebellion...hehehehe)
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baalzebubuu · 4 months
I was so surprised to find out that you had an Instagram! And I saw that in one of your posts you talked in more detail about how Thanatos and Daphne's relationship was similar to HxP due to their power imbalance (among other things)
And that made me think, what do you think of Poseidon and Amphitrite? Is there something that differentiates them from the last two couples even though one is a god and the other is a nymph too?
Okay so my thoughts on Thanatos and Persephone, the more I thought about it the more it became clear to me that Thanatos is seriously absolutely NO BETTER than Hades in any way shape or form, in fact he’s even creepier due to he done so many creepy shit RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES while we were too busy Hating on Hades (rightfully so don’t get me wrong he sucks in his special little way)
From his DEBUT he’s always been a Shitty piece of Trash
He Shoved persephone to the side to get first on the train despite having wings , which even if it wasn’t Persephone that’s still a very shitty thing to do. HE IS A NEPO BABY TOO JUST LIKE PERSEPHONE and he’s mad that PERSE is a nepo baby yet he keeps a more bratty stupid attitude that she did.
Then let’s talk about his creepy relationship with Minthe, WHY THE HELL was he pursuing this woman who had a relationship with hades? HIS QUOTE ON QUOTE FATHER FIGURE!?
And they’ve been doing this for a while and don’t think Thanatos and Minthe is better than Hades, he still a thousand plus year old god JUST LIKE HADES , there is still a power imbalance as the god of death and a mortal nymph that could kill her at any given moment.
And while he was on his stupid petty adventure to slander a teenager. A TEENAGER. ANOTHER pink girl who’s likely the same age as Persephone HAD TO KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO THIS THOUSAND YEAR OLD MAN BABY over why he’s even putting this much effort over some pink thing, WHO MIND YOU has the same power dynamic Minthe and Hades had , Minthe was also having money and gifts from Hades, and Thanatos thought nothing yet when Persephone was having her spoils it was a problem.
As a Ship Daphne and Thanatos may have been cute for two seconds until you realize he still older than Daphne by thousands of years and she is still a young nymph , and he is a god with a giant career.and MF didn’t even realize the power he has over her till she brought up that she’s still mortal and he is still a god that could kill her , which even if he would never do that , the OPTION is there for him and he just like the rest of the gods has the power and authority to not have any accountability for it until Zeus when he’s not fucking or lying or being a man baby is in the mood to do some bs punishment on a whim.
In conclusion I believe Thanatos should have the accountability for his creep behavior as hades does
He is a grown ass man in his 1000’s doing the same creepy shit his adoptive Father has been doing and made no attempts at being better till a Pinkie came along and clocked his bullshit.
Also take into consideration Persephone has MADE flower nymphs which ergo makes them Slightly younger or the same age as her , which will lead to creepy assumptions…
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worldismyne · 4 months
Kirona fics recs.
"@worldismyne thank you! I'll check it out! Yeah, I'd love some recs. I prefer Crona as a boy (trans or cis) but I still like fics with them as non-binary or a girl."
Alright, it's been a hot minute since I read some of these, so any ff.net recs are vaguely remembered through rose color glasses, but they def left an impact on me.
Masc recs...
The Lycan and the Vampire (T - Incomplete)
Summary: Crona is a lycan via bitten. Kidd is a vampire by birth. Kidd hates the lycans. Crona doesn't know how to deal with a vampire. Male!CronaXKidd. Rated T for sexual references mentioned mostly by a Lycan
Review: I am paranormal romance cringe. I remember this fic being the first I remembered when thinking of good MxM Kirona. The AU was fairly well world built as well.
Kid x Crona : Hades and Persephone (G - Hiatus)
Summary: Have you ever wondered if there was more to the story of Hades and Persephone? That there was more than what was said in stone?
Review: This is a mythology AU. I just got started with this one, but I'm a sucker for greek mythology. Seems pretty cute so far.
The Difference Between Us (M - Incomplete)
Summary: An ongoing Death the Kid x Male!Crona fanfic. Kid shows Crona what it means to be loved. Slow paced and many chapters long.
Review: tldr, have not read this one, 1st person is not my jam. But, the people for people who do like it (according to other reviews) it's got solid characterization and is a decent long fic to settle in with.
NB recs...
Beneath All the Hate and Despair (T - Incomplete)
Summary: Even after switching sides and making peace with most of Maka's friends, Crona has a rocky transition into Kid's good graces. Things get even more difficult when traces of Medusa crop up. An exploration of two wildly different but curiously similar people that come closer together. Mostly canon compliant, but an AU of sorts. NB Crona. (Revamped fic)
Review - This is the OG for me, and by that I mean how young me found out about they/them pronouns. (I didn't really get it at the time, but I still read the whole thing AND the author went back 10 years later to do another copy edit once they had more expirence. Mad respect.)
Stir the Cauldron (T - Updating)
My summery: A continuation of the manga where Kid uses his new powers to help save Crona.
Review - Really nice getting to see Kid adjust to being the new Lord Death, the internal dialogue is really on point. Bonus points for addressing Ragnarok and having Crona be artificially made (gotta be one my fav HC).
Devestation Rots (NR - Complete)
Summary: In which Kid is shattered by the loss of two people very important to him.
Review: Cute hurt/comfort two-shot. Bonus points for Liz/Patty + Kid in a sibling dynamic.
I read mostly fem!Chrona longfics way back. So The Birth of Scelus the Kishen and Child Born of Love are the absolute classic longfics that have survived (I could have sworn there were four or five others, they may have been deleted). But both of them are complete and rated T. I have 0 clue how well they've held up, but they got me through many a class and roadtrip growing up.
There is 10 pages of fics on ff.net (the ship predates the ship filter feature. So just pop in romance into genre and only have them as the listed characters). There used to be more, but like I said, people like to delete their old stuff.
キックロ or Kikkuro is the ship name in Japanese if you ever want to look for art on other sites. I know there were a few doujins back in the day, but very few were translated to English at the time.
It's so interesting to see a ship that used to be in the main trifecta of ships fall out of favor. I'm mostly writing for other ships now too, so I'm not complaining lol.
Daughter of Madness is the longest fic I ever wrote and now with the sequel, they've fully transitioned from she/her egg to they/them god X'D
I still love these two together in any interpretation. So if you ever get brainrot or wanna talk headcanons, my inbox is open lol.
EDIT 10 Pages of fics when browsing on mobile, 28 if you're on web.
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babyrdie · 10 days
About mythological ships:
What is your OTP? (favorite romantic/sexual relationship)
What is your BROTP? (favorite platonic relationship)
What is your NOTP? (the opposite of OTP)
You can say more than one in each category if you want
First...for the love of god, no ship discourse. I'll block you if you send me an ask about ship discourse, even if you're anon (I'm talking to everyone reading this, not this specific anon).
Patroclus/Achilles. Reason: in short, I like the idea of ​​a relationship so complex that no single label is good enough to describe its importance. I also like the "same person" theme represented by the sharing of armor and their ashes being mixed together.
Medea/Jason. Reason: I like their toxicity, the symbolism surrounding them, and the way in which they don't entirely conform to gender roles in Argonautica. Also, a woman with extremely questionable morality is adorable.
Patroclus, Achilles and Antilochus. Reason: Antilochus is canonically Achilles' best friend and I like how Achilles cares for him in a similar way to how he cares for Patroclus. Antilochus' reaction to hearing of Patroclus' death was also touching. There's also the whole thing about them being in the same urn and generally being together in the afterlife.
This one is probably a bit of a cheat because they're literal brothers, but Ajax and Teucer. Reason: the whole idea of ​​legitimate and illegitimate children, the way they fight as a duo, the comparison of Ajax to a mother in The Iliad, Teucer's reaction to Ajax's death, etc etc.
Again cheating because they're literal siblings, but the children of Pasiphae. Reason: the whole tragedy surrounding Ariadne, Phaedra and Minotaur is simply too good not to be intriguing.
Helen/Menelaus/Paris. Reason: Menelaus always feels like an extra in this ship and I have no interest in OT3s that don't involve all three of them being equally involved. It feels VERY much like "Helen has two hands" or a way to make things better for Paris. Menelaus is just a tool to make things better for Helen or Paris or both.
Ganymede/Zeus. Reason: truth be told, I generally don't like ships that involve kidnapping and rape, but this one in particular is a strong NOTP because of how people who ship it deal with the subject as if it were just a sexy gay story and it was homophobia not to find it cute.
ANY slave x master dynamic. I don't care if the master praised the slave, if the slave was written as having some sort of positive feelings for the master, if it wasn't explicitly written that there was rape, what status did a concubine have, if the ancients saw them in a positive light. I do NOT and will not find things like Briseis x Achilles, Cassandra x Agamemnon, Chryseis x Agamemnon, Tecmessa x Ajax cute.
Apollo/Hyacinthus: nothing against the ship, but the fandom distanced me from any possible interest I could have.
Obviously, there are several other ships that I like, but they aren't OTP. For example, Perseus and Andromeda is cute, but they are far from being an OTP because unfortunately I don't know what Andromeda's personality is (it's really sad that there were several plays about her that were lost). Ariadne and Dionysus is also cool, but not an OTP. Etc, etc. Likewise, there are several other ships that I don't like, but I don't think they are on the NOTP level. For example, I don't ship Helen with anyone, but that doesn't mean I have anything strong against Helen x Paris or Helen x Menelaus. Likewise, for the most part I don't ship gods, regardless of the relationship. But it's not NOTP, I just don't ship them. Finally, there are obviously more platonic relationships that I like, but they're not BROTP.
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
Someone recommended Lore Olympus to me. I’ve only heard about it from 2 sources, them and you. They gave the positive. I’d like to hear the negative. What’s your beef with it?
It's a long list, I have a lot of beef.
A friend recommended it to me and I gave some of it a read. I was put off by the art style, particularly since the protagonist is supposedly plus sized but aside from being curvy with big tits in some panels I would never have guessed this was meant to be anything other than a conventionally attractive character.
I really don't like the depiction of Persephone, she comes off as being creepily young and naive and the narrative tries to play that up like it's charming. The vibe I get off of her is "sexy baby who needs a father figure to guide and protect her" until she randomly has to do something badass and then she gets all red-eyed and starts kicking ass and it feels like it comes totally out of left field.
Her relationship with Hades is so incredibly tedious, they have zero chemistry and he's so much older than her and more obviously experienced with everything that it's legitimately exhausting to imagine myself in his shoes being a grown man with a full time career teaching some barely out of high-school kid how navigate the world, giving her a job at my corporation, and essentially have her be dependent on me while I'm struggling with my own toxic failing relationship. What is the appeal of Persephone as a love interest here? That she's nice? That's really all there is to her for the most part, that she's "nice" and "cute" which isn't really enough to make someone attractive as a potential partner.
I can understand maybe wanting to help some kid get on her feet after spending her life in a Mormon cult but nothing about that kid would ever read as "Wife material" at least not to me or any other adult over 25.
The dynamic between Hades and Persephone is just weird. She's an incredibly sheltered 19 year old who's never had ANY life experience or social interaction outside of a small circle approved by her mother and he's ancient but physically equivalent to being in his 40's and a ceo or something who's already in a relationship with a female character who was clearly written just to make Persephone look better by comparison.
While we're on it let's talk about Hade's first partner. An unlikable piece of crap named Minthe who has some clear mental traumas and insecurities that the plot never handles because asking the writer to to give these characters depth or dimension is like asking a chimp to write a symphony and that just ain't happening. Yeah, Minthe who is a nymph and part of the lower class, also employed by Hades and completely financially dependent on him. She is abusive and manipulative and any time we might feel like we can sympathize with her because Hades is practically cheating on her the writers make sure to make her do something that depicts her as being as unlikable as possible. Can't have Persephone willingly be a homewrecker or competitive that might make her INTERESTING! We can't have her be interesting! It makes her less "Cute" and "wuvable" *barf*
There's also a couple of instances of SA and they aren't handled well at all. It's mostly played for drama and only comes up if we need the characters to be sad.
Then there's the art
oh boy the art....
Look I know my own art is pretty rough and not the most consistent but LO is just too much for me.
Sometimes Persephone's face is drawn in a way that makes her look almost like a little girl and she's frequently in skimpy clothing or in suggestive poses, even when nothing in the story calls for that. If you're going to make her look provocative maybe don't make her face so punchable and insipid looking.
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You can write this off as my personal bias. I loathe characters who are designed to look as "uwu baby" as possible. Unless it's specifically for a joke or something...
This is a bit of a nit pick but I have no idea how tall she or Hades are supposed to be.
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In this panel She can barely see over the counter here for some reason and she's frequently drawn as being roughly around elbow height with him,
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Just to illustrate how ridiculous of a height difference that is for two adults to have that's close to the height disparity between Edward Hyde and Adam Frankenstein. Unless Hades is between 7-8 feet tall there is no reason to draw your 19 year old character that much shorter than him.
Idk I didn't read all of it so I don't know if it gets better or if the characters improve but I found it to be a shallow experience that clearly I'm not the target audience for. Check it out and see what you think for yourself but there's my beef with it.
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emo-emu64 · 2 months
I just finished Destroy the Day, and I am officially finished with the Defy the Night Trilogy, as devastating as that is to say.
if you plan to read this or you are a friend or colleague of mine that I have begged to read it! Do it!! But go away so I don’t ruin everything for you. Please.
spoilers below cut
I knew Harristan and Quint were gonna get gay with each other, and I was not disappointed. They are just so cutie and I love them very, very much.
speaking of which, when they “died” I was like, this would be such a cute little way to let them live out their dreams as the stable boy and the mill boy! And I’m so glad that’s what happened, I don’t know if I could handle it if they got to be themselves and then were killed instantly anyways.
loving the fact that they needed a fake name for Quint and they were like “you worked in a mill, so you shall be Miller!” Horribly creative, my liege
also, I’m really happy that Corrick knew, and didn’t feel like it had to be some huge thing. I have lots of siblings, some of which are LGBTQ+ and it wouldn’t have felt right for them to be brothers that spent their whole lives together, but Corrick can’t tell when Harristan is checking a dude out. Very well done! Especially because it included a bit of brotherly teasing. They are written so well for siblings, you can tell Kemmerer either has some herself or has really studied sibling dynamics in preparation.
Tessa and Corrick make me oh so happy. I wish I was her, please just one chance. They are so perfect for each other, very Hades and Persephone. They will make excellent rulers.
I was also ecstatic when it was revealed Corrick wasn’t dead! I would not have been able to handle it!!!
and how could I forget Corrick and Lochlan’s friendship. Nothing makes me happier than two men who love their partners so much that they can’t help but get along. Lochlan had lost his own brother, and he knew what Corrick needed, and he will be a perfect King’s Justice. (Sweetest moment ever, I shed many a tear) I was hoping that Corrick would appoint him for the same reasons Corrick stated in Destroy the Day. They are just so funny when they mess with each other, I love them so very much.
wonderful, wonderful books. Sad they are over, but glad Brigid Kemmerer didn’t turn it into some huge drawn out series. She knew three books was all she needed to tell this particular story. Not that I would be mad about a spin-off or two, however 👀
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highjinx, gun control, and terrow,
Howdy!!! :] thanks for entertaining me with this hehe- I'll do these slightly out of order!
(also just to be clear when I say “I like it platonically” for these I don't mean that it isn't romantic for me per se, just that I could appreciate it as a purely platonic thing as well)
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Highjinx (Sparrow/Nicky): JNANFNGSPEONGPROJNHPSONHOSP GOD THEY ARE EVERYTHING TO ME MY BABIIEEESSSS- *breathes in* One day we'll collectively agree on a ship name for them. It made me happy that you like this option though!
:3 These two seriously are everything to me tbh. This is my oldest (serious) dndads rarepair!!! And prolly my first kiddad ship aside from maybe some Grant/Terry (which I still enjoy but shipped it most strongly during my first S1 listen). I guess for a number of reasons I've always been pretty shy about this one, which you've been around long enough to verify hahaha. Thanks for being one of the first people to entertain my thoughts on these two! 🥰 I still think about that little eyeliner hc you sent in.
>:] THAT SAID I SEE ALL OF YOU CATCHING THE BRAINROT FOR THIS SHIP HEHEHEHEHEHEH AND LET ME JUST SAY I AM FUCKING THRILLED TO SEE IT 💜 and rather surprised tbh! I think in my cynicism I'd sort of succumbed to the notion that this ship was doomed to be unpopular (perhaps especially since Nark is so very very popular!)- and yet!!! It appears there is hope for my little otp 💜
In theory I have a lot to say about these two and their dynamic, in practice I am very sleepy eheheheh. I could certainly entertain a lot of flavors for them but, as a baseline, I guess the original appeal for me came in seeing their dynamic (particularly as teens) as being similar to Fiona and Marshal Lee from Adventure Time? Which, no worries if you haven't seen but in short yeah just like this sweet sorta playful puppy love but with that particular sort of Hades/Persephone aesthetic (<- as Happi put it!!!). 🥰🌸 Sparrow would make Nicky flower crowns, Nicky would give Sparrow his jacket when he's cold, you know how it is. There's definitely also something to be said about Nicky having all his attachment issues coupled with Sparrow being so openly affectionate- Sparrow would give Nick the hugs that he really really needs and Nick would be all flustered and it would be very very cute ahahaha. I mean, I'd have way more to say about them and different aspects of their dynamic tbh but we'd be here forever so I will stop here!!!
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Terrow (Terry x Sparrow): They're cute!!! SO admittedly I think when it comes to this ship I just can't really seem to picture them together romantically? Idk, it's missing something for me! *That said*, it's made me happy to see this ship grow in popularity actually! They have a very wholesome dynamic, very soft, and I love that for them. Platonically I super see this though, and in general I'd really love to see some proper interactions between them in canon tbh, as a treat!
Okay! Last one.
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Gun Control (Lark x Terry): I'm literally never getting over this ship name. Anyways.
THEY'RE SO FUCKING FUNNY DUDE????? I'll be real, this ship made no sense to me at first but then (I think while reading a snippet from one of Nyx's fics really) it just fucking *clicked*?? And now I really really like this ship actually!?
Like. For me much of this ship relies on the premise that, unlike Nicky and Grant, Terry is literally just fucking *immune* to Lark and his bullshit. Like, nice try idiot you can't make him worse actually!!! And so in the process... I think Terry makes Lark better actually!
Not that they don't have conflict, in fact they probably have plenty but, it's much more lighthearted than the other Lark ships I think? I don't know, to me they are very goofy, and I mean that very affectionately. It's an underrated ship!
:3 Thanks so much for the ask Rae!!!
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eli-elien · 1 year
henlo :DDD i am here for the Ask Game!!
2, 5, 11, 14, 30
this makes me sound like im ordering from a drive through XD
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I think a left 3rd view of the face is the easiest second to that is facing forward
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
60% or so is for myself the rest if I think its good I'll post online and you already seen what I usually post on servers being stupid lil doodles lol
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Honestly this has turned into a playlist of music I just love that happens to relate even to one lyric about my boy lol
but specifically these:
and you definitely know why I've been listening to this one ;)
14. Any favorite motifs
There's alot and since this is my post and my answers and you're my friend
So I love love wolves/dogs and rabbits/deer as both are very interesting the differences between dogs and wolves is a fact of freedom, that sure a wolf miiight listen to you (but mostly bc of food or other sources you might give them I mean they're wild) while a dog is absolutely domesticated but...they still bite and when pushed they WILL fight back even if they're loyal
Rabbits and deer esp when combined for a Jackalope are two things: my love of contrasts and double meanings and metaphors for transness!! I see antlers personally, esp since its different between sexes in deer when it comes them and growing/shedding them as a trans thing idk how to explain it lol
now with the contrasts and double meanings with rabbits!! its such a cute lil fluffy thing but its interesting when the rabbit bites down, when you see that the black and white world-view of carnivores and vegetarians are actually blurred and that during winter they'll eat meat when its available most animals and esp rabbits are very opportunistic
and ofc there's the predator and prey aspects of both between dogs/deer and wolves/rabbits!!!
also side note but I also been loving lizards/shrikes and returning to the classic motif for reverie: foxes/ravens (both clever beings that get a bad rap in fairy tales)
also I looooove fairy tales and myths, William several folk tales that I got inspired by, I wonder what sorta scenes and designs and skills based of these: Red Riding Hood (#1 FAIRY TALE) Anything with the big bad wolf, sleeping beuty, beuty and the beast, the white knight/prince charming motif, witches motif, and hansel and grentel but what if one of the kids take the other instead of a parent? Can you really call that your sibling?
like for instance Will has his red cloak that acts as a red "heroic and prince charming/white knight" cape that also has a red hood, not too mention his motivations are mainly pure righteousness and his desinated roles by the story are either prince charming/white knight or love interest (mainly both if he was saving a princess from the princess pov but instead he's saving and protecting the "evil" dragon)
alsoooo MORE CONTRASTS like life/death and growth/rot and sun/moon and ice/fire (again these can be applied to will who has a rot curse but inherant magic for healing and being related to plants and also ice and fire magic
also persephone/hades dynamic esp where you think on the surface its the cute bubbly life and flowers girlie (doesn't even have to be a girl again: will) with their gloomy dark death and rot guy (yes this is talking about the dragon guy buuut he's honestly more of a dark golden retreiver that would eat and kill anyone who messes with will who also has 1 braincell that uses 60% of it to think abt will)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
honestly every one of my oc stuff cuz man I put alot of effort into this shit and since this is my post I'll post the ones that I think aren't getting enough attention
I don't think this is underated but putting this here bc I did it on a tablet with a shitty diy stylus that didn't even give me good control and I think I deserve something for how well this came out under those circumstances
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bardic-tales · 1 year
Hey, so I've been lowkey obsessed with those awesome headcanons you always come up with for your characters, especially now Sephiroth and Bianca. Seriously, your creativity is on fire! 😄Mind sharing some more.
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Hello, Prehistoric. It's wonderful to hear from you on Tumblr. I apologize with how late this is. I hope you are having a wonderful day! I have to say that I love sharing my plot bunnies with you: especially my recent fixation.
I've been wanting to explore different dynamics in various relationships, and as such, I created the ship: Sephica. This relationship was inspired a bit by Harley Quinn and the Joker, as well as a very dark take on Hades and Persephone.
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NOTE: I want to put a disclaimer here. I know that this relationship is very toxic. Please make sure that you look through the warnings to make sure you are not sensitive to the following content:
Warnings: Main Character Death. AU: Canon divergent. Toxic Relationship. Manipulation. Emotional Abuse. Unhealthy Dynamics. Control. Isolation. Dark Themes. Self-Esteem Issues. Psychological Distress. Angst. Unhealthy Love. Violence.
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General Headcanons
Despite all the challenges that they face, Bianca and Sephiroth share an unbreakable bond that has transcends time and circumstance. This connection is deep-routed and defies conventional understanding. These challenges also strengthen their union and bond.
Both Bianca and Sephiroth share a profound understanding of each other's pain and struggles.
Both Bianca and Sephiroth often share moments of quiet between them that need no words.
One of their favorite pastimes is spending quiet nights together under the open sky.
When they are gazing at the stars, they engage in deep conversations about the universe, its mysteries, and their place within it. These discussions allow them to explore existential questions and share their thoughts on the purpose of Jenova, life, and existence.
Sephiroth's enigmatic nature resonates with Bianca's complex emotions, creating a harmony between the two that seem to feel almost mystical in nature.
Bianca's transformation due to the infusion of Jenova's cells gives her glowing violet eyes. Sephiroth sees this as evidence of a deeper connection between them.
When Jenova’s cells latched onto Bianca’s demonic essence, this gave her access to some new abilities, especially her Cataclysmic Symphony. Bianca's singing could evolve to manipulate cosmic energies, creating a symphony that resonates with the universe's fundamental forces. This could lead to devastating effects, such as gravitational disruptions or elemental chaos.
Bianca's birthday is October 1st. this is the day that Sephiroth burnt down Nibelheim and jumped into the mako with Jenova's head in the reactor on Mt. Nibel.
They have two theme songs: Unforgiven II by Metallica and DNA by Little Mix. You can find a 2 hr playlist for Sephica on my Spotify.
Cute Headcanons
In their downtime, Bianca and Sephiroth have spirited discussions about strategic approaches to tough battles. Sephiroth is impressed by Bianca’s insights. They will often spar to practice said tactics. Neither holds back
Although she cannot use materia, Sephiroth will sometimes surprise her with rare materia he’s acquired.
Sephiroth and Bianca will often secretly stargaze in secluded areas, sharing stolen moments away from prying eyes. They discuss the universe’s mysteries and her home world beneath the stars. Bianca practices her singing in the secrecy of the Northern Cave while Sephiroth listens.
Sometimes, Sephiroth leaves little notes of quotes for Bianca to find in unexpected places.
Emotional Headcanons
Bianca and Sephiroth find solace in each other’s presence. In the quieter moments, they share a profound connection, understanding each other in ways that no one else could.
There are subtle gestures that reveal Sephiroth’s affection for Bianca: a rare, faint smile when she’s near him or a brief touch that lingers longer than necessary.
Bianca often grapples with her love for Sephiroth, as well as his love for her, and the darkness that surrounds him. This mirrors her dual state as a Nephilim.
They both hold onto shattered pieces of their time together before the darkness took hold.
Sephiroth is fiercely protective of Bianca, as he sees her as Jenova’s earthy embodiment after her infusion and will go great lengths to shield her from harm.
Unhealthy Dynamics Headcanons
Sephiroth’s all-encompassing obsession with Jenova’s power drives him to fixate on Bianca, viewing her as a vessel of that power. He isolates her from others, intentionally keeping her away from anyone that might sway her loyalty. He is also obsessive of her and wants to keep her away from anyone that could be seen as a potential romantic rival.
Sephiroth encourages Bianca to engage in morally ambiguous or harmful actions, justifying them as necessary for their shared purpose.
Sephiroth will often exploit Bianca’s sense of guilt and responsibility for his actions — and lack of her own actions — as well as her love for him as leverage to push her into increasingly dangerous situations or tasks to serve his goals.
Bianca’s identity entwined with Sephiroth’s goals, leading her to lose sight of her own desires, aspirations, and moral compass. Some of her original personality traits are suppressed.
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They share a fierce and unbridled lust, and neither of them show any restraint when it comes to each other. It is like a wildfire blazing out of control.
When they are intimate, they keep their eyes locked on each other. Their eyes express the love, longing, and vulnerability that such an act entails.
They will often share whispers of affection and reassurance, reinforcing the bond they have for each other.
Their lovemaking is a moment where they both allow themselves to be completely vulnerable with the other.
Sephiroth is the dominant role in their intimacy. He ensures that every act of control and restraint is grounded in Bianca’s consent and well-being.
Their intimate moments are a reflection of a profound emotional connection, where the power exchange is not about force but rather a consensual exploration of their desires.
After their play, Sephiroth will remain at Bianca’s side, a silent and reassuring presence, ensuring that she feels safe and secure as they both recover from their intimate moments.
Their quiet moments together consist of laying on a sleeping bag and holding each other, allowing the emotions from their play to settle and reinforce their strong connection.
In his own way, Sephiroth engages in an emotional checklist. For example, he asks her if she is comfortable, if her needs are met, and if she requires anything further.
He will also give her a soft kiss on the forehead or a lingering hug.
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Fandom OC Mutuals:
@starryeyes2000 @residentdormouse @themaradwrites @arrthurpendragon @megandaisy9 @prehistoric-creatures
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Ever read "Percy Jackson" or watch "Class of The Titans"?
I have not! I believe I tried to read “Percy Jackson” in elementary school, but my little child brain that liked “Dear Dumb Diary” and “Babymouse” and “Captain Underpants” found it too boring lmao! Maybe I’ll try to give it a read again now that I’m an adult and actually like to read stuff without pictures GEJSHDJ! I know they had some movies too! I believe the Hades and Persephone in that movie series had a toxic relationship which is sad tbh, so many franchises make their relationship toxic and I downs they didn’t. Their dynamic is really cute and yeah, the original story is pretty messed up, but if you write it in a better way their relationship could be really cute! 😊
Also, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of “Class of The Titans”! It looks neat! Looks like maybe it had an animated series too? Or maybe that’s a totally different thing but with the same name? But yeah, no I haven’t read that series lol! 😁
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dentpx · 1 year
7/7/2023: Hadestown again
Still genuinely my favorite show, I feel really lucky to have seen it on Broadway twice now. I was itching to see it again after the tour, which was still really good but had to reblock things which I missed dearly seat stuff: - row F floor seats on the left side of the theater, and on the left side of the row. pretty good seats, but I'm glad this wasn't my first watch of the show. - for the most part I could see all the major action. the only time i couldn't see was during Chant III (I think) where I couldn't see Hades at all for his dialogue at the bottom of the stairs or heading up them because Hermes was standing stage right. - only actual complaint about the seats is that there were a lot of times where I wanted to see the facial expression of an actor during a scene and they were facing the other direction LOL, which is just always the gamble on non-center seat. - it was pretty nice being close to the front, not gonna lie. Pretty sure I made eye contact with Hermes at the start of the show when she was doing some crowd work, also think I made eye contact with one of the fates during We Raise Our Cups - also. HUGELY GOOD SEATS for if you're doing stagedoor because they exit you on that side of the theater, which is also directly next to stagedoor. we were able to get out very fast.
cast stuff: - Reeve and Eva are still there <3 was able to catch a lot of cute moments this time. they're always so cute on stage. favorite was during Livin' it Up, they were sitting on the tables, he was holding her and they were whispering things to each other. it was so cute that after the show I googled if they were dating and they were LOL - Eva is so great, caught more little moments from her too, like when Persephone hands her the flask. She sniffs it and then her whole face is like "oh my god? how is she drinking this." When they throw her into the dance break in Livin' It Up, she's like "nooo I don't want to, I don't know what to do". - Reeve great as always. so obsessed with him. i think he's the only character in the show who doesn't acknowledge the audience at all, even when he looks out, he doesn't connect in the way that other leads do (which is for sure a character choice). - fave thing I noticed from him was during Wait For Me when he's dodging the lamps, just some great facial expressions and body language in that number. really communicated that this is representative of a long and hard journey. - first time seeing Lillias White as Hermes (cats fans make some noise), I LOVED her. I like that she's doing a different thing with the character. Her Hermes is "rooting" for Orpheus and Eurydice more - when Hades says he'll let them go, she visibly sighs in relief, and then is upset when he names the condition. I really got the sense of her struggle as the storyteller unable to change the story. Her dynamic with Persephone was great. She also has an incredible voice ofc. - Jewelle again as Persephone, she is just show-stopping. Her physicality when she dances is INCREDIBLE. Way Down was a personal fave from her this time. - Alex Puette was Hades, he's an understudy. i really liked him. he's not a super deep bass the way Hades normally is, so he had a more musical performance and less spoken word. I think he had great body language. He was sort of a silly Hades? there's a moment where he runs up the stairs in victory and he sort of made a little walking motion with his fingers on the arm rail like he was doing a victory lap lol. - he also did a line read in a way i have NEVER HEARD BEFORE: he read "oh, it's about me" in an "oh no, this is embarrassing" way instead of the "this kid is stupid" way most people do it.
set/blocking/misc stuff: - i really do think this show is best on Broadway because of the turntable and the circle trapdoor. the way that they use it is so smart and effective. commented on this last time but Chant (Reprise) is so good because of how they use the turntable to put Orpheus, Hades, and Persephone against each other. the ending is also better with the trapdoor. - being on the floor this time meant I couldn't see where the trapdoor was in terms of height when they used it, which actually helped with immersion haha. when Hades and Persephone leave after Way Down, the workers look at the floor where they disappeared in awe, and even though logically I know the turntable probably came back up already you picture a giant hole in the earth. - broadway set also rules because of the scale it has, so when it splits apart in Wait For Me it feels earth-shatteringly cool. - was glad to see the acoustic guitar again. on tour they give Orpheus an electric guitar because they're going to theaters that are too big to mic an acoustic one for i guess? but the acoustic guitar looks better and fits more with the tone of the show IMO. happy to see it. - i actually think Epic III was my favorite song this time. it is so beautiful when everyone comes together, it just feels magical.
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just logged on again after a week, and i am very interested to hear about six seeds for persephone and serial killer meet cute for the wip tag game!
God I am so excited to write six seeds for persephone. I'm a sucker for mythology and fairy tales and any kinda epic length and a Hades Persephone aoex au has been calling my name for years now.
It's going to be a demon king origin story when Amaimon first came into existence and is immediately taken by Shemihaza to perform his duties as king of earth under her strict idea of the natural order of things. They wind up being named Demeter and Persephone by the human worshipers of the time. Amaimon is kept in the Garden of Amhara and sheltered, his natural curiosity inhibited. Until Mephisto, going by Hades at the time, eventually meets him and realizes Amaimon isn't like the other kings and emperors. He's got the same inherent curiosity about the world that Mephisto does.
It's going to be long and dramatic and full of angst/mythological references and ancient demon king politics/dynamics.
But I've been holding myself back from it bc I know it's going to be the same time and effort as Briar Rose Syndrome aka my Sleeping Beauty au was and I have to at least get the next ch of Incandescence out before I go starting more epic length fics lmao
For the serial killer meet cute au, it was inspired by a prompt on tumblr where a writer matches in a blind date with a serial killer. Naturally, I turned this into an author Rin matches with two serial killers, Mephisto and Amaimon, who immediately clock each other and begin competing over Rin like the absolute brats they are lmao Each offering suggestions over things for his books:
Amaimon like, "Well usually I like to-" and Mephisto elbows him in the gut like, STFU Amaimon don't ruin this for us
Amaimon, scowling: "What I MEANT to say is tearing their throats out with your teeth might be a fun murder to write into the novel."
Mephisto: "Yes, if you're a barbarian. Have some class, make it look like an accident. Poison is fun~"
Rin: "Cool, 'accidental' decapitation it is."
Mephisto and Amaimon sighing in adoration.
My notes are very serious for this one, as u can see XD Tho naturally it'll be a mix of comedy, angst, and horror as Rin eventually learns the truth and it all comes to a head.
And once again, way too long of a fic to start now bc I can already tell it's gonna be another 90k :`)
Thanks for the ask! @quartzguts Nothing makes me happier than thinking about the fics I have to get to XD
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rosey100 · 7 months
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They are very good
Here are some inspirations for each ship
I was wondering what to do with these two by looking at @jokerislandgirl32 's posts and then thinking about music ( I don't know if I said this, but music helps me when drawing🎧). I also saw one of her posts, including music, and how they dance together so I just got inspired, and the outfits are very Hades and Persephone vides a bit (take away the kidnapped bride if you like in myth or something like that😅)
Now, I did not tell anyone til now that I had a whole lot of ideas and thoughts on how I could help with the broad road of my life that it popped into action and this masterpiece, So I thought JZ 😏 a prince whose parents are going through every princesses, young duchesses, noble's daughters etc to marry him for a heir but his mind is not even trying to give one a chance. Koki, in a not-so-great place, was giving away to get money both not wanting to be forced into marriage but slowly fell in love had a baby and together ruled the kingdom. It fun to think about this ship knowing their dynamic and ideas that come with it(along with every ship)
I didn't know what to do with them it was just a bunch of things, but maybe the thought of them dancing gives Lmity(It's the dance scene from the Owl house I never clicked with the show but think it sweet and a great show) and I went there for about a month and a half along the rest of my work it turned out great. Plus, I had some musical help on the side
I kinda went through Pinecrest for this one, and I just wanted to make something simple as that with a soft girl x rough boy mixes in, and the rest is just so cute I couldn't along with some posts here and there helped me.
It was easy to get into the thought of Rotter being BFF, then lovers and figures, why not preteen and a high five. I meant for a sad but sweet end teenager scene, though I just had a small sketch that I didn't know what to do with and the fan fiction, so 👏 yah. Plus, I never had enough drawings with them together, and then I think about 🤔
Again, I had Pinecrest for the inspiration for this ship. Looks like Monie didn't know if she would wear a dress on a "hang out" for Martin to take the initiative to go "be a dapper gentleman," which he has every reason to be she would have wear a pair of shorts to avoid that but she knew (she knew dang well with a dress and the right weather Martin would do it even though she may have not know she did) . Also, the faces with these two are more than I can say shocked
Kristyaela belongs to @bejewled-wahlberg
Ziolet belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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