#hades guide
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LU Time in the Hades style
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Why so tense, young hero?
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Also, a painted over OoT doodle.
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finelythreadedsky · 11 months
thinking about how hecate is iconographically associated with keys and often portrayed in art holding a set of them. lesbian goddess.
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my-pjo-stuff · 27 days
The day the PJO fandom stops overhyping Percy's strenght and realizes he would have died 10 times over if it weren't for the gods or other special help is the day I can die in peace.
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Okay so I've divided this into three categories, which you shall see below!
Roles I Think David Could/Should Play NOW:
Charlie Guiteau in Assassins
someone in Brigadoon bc it would be funny
The Emcee in Cabaret
Ryuk in Death Note
The Man In The Chair in The Drowsy Chaperone
The Dysquith Family in A Gentleman's Guide to Love And Murder
Herbie in Gypsy
Hades in Hadestown
Frollo in Hunchback of Notre Dame (okay give him like five years)
The Baker in Into The Woods
Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe
Albin or Georges in La Cage Aux Folles (either one as long as the other is played by Michael Sheen)
Trunchbull in Matilda OKAY HEAR ME OUT (he could also do Mr Wormwood)
Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady
Fagin in Oliver
Tateh in Ragtime
Riff Raff OR Frank N Furter in Rocky Horror
Shakespeare in Something Rotten
Squidward in SpongeBob (im so serious)
Sweeney Todd (utterly delusional but I need it to happen)
The Wizard in Wicked
Roles I Think David Would Have Nailed When He Was Younger
The Balladeer in Assassins
anyone in Cats please it would be so funny (especially Munkustrap)
Connor Murphy in Dear Evan Hansen (like Campbell era come ON)
Motel in Fiddler on the Roof
Marvin in Falsettos (he MIGHT get away with that now not sure)
Monty in Gentleman's Guide
J.P. Finch in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
Molina in Kiss of the Spider Woman
Emmet in Legally Blonde
Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors
Edgar Allan Poe in Nevermore
Leo Frank in Parade
Narrator/Cat in the Hat in Seussical
Georg in She Loves Me
any character Christian Borle played in Spamalot
Tobias Ragg in Sweeney Todd
Roles David Quite Doesn't Have The Instrument For But I Would Watch Him Do Them Anyway Bc He Would Act The Hell Out Of Them:
Any Elder in The Book of Mormon (Younger)
Robert in Bridges of Madison County
Bobby in Company (Younger)
Jervis in Daddy Long Legs (Younger)
Lucheni in Elisabeth (Younger)
or death. Rudolph too tbh
Bruce Bechdel in Fun Home
Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (younger)
Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar (younger)
Javert in Les Miserables
Christian in Moulin Rouge (Younger)
Pierre in Great Comet (this one actually kills me bc he and Phileas are so similar)
Gabe in Next to Normal (Younger)
Erik in Phantom of the Opera
Mark Cohen in Rent (younger)
Noel Gruber or Ricky Potts in Ride the Cyclone (younger)
Archibald Craven in The Secret Garden
Joe/Josephine in Some Like It Hot
GOD this is long please spill the opinions so this was worth it
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katerinaaqu · 22 days
Okay this heartbreaking idea came from a discussion I had with my dear friend @artsofmetamoor while talking about the second part of my fic The Death of Odysseus (P1 , P2 , P3 )
Okay my talented friend brought up Astyanax appearance in my third part of the story and she mentioned how terrifying it would be for a baby like Astyanax arriving to the Underworld based on my descriptions on the underworld and all. And knowing the image of Hermes as not only a sender of souls to the underworld but as a god that is associated with youth a lot and all...
Now Imagine Hermes having the boat to the underworld filled with all the babies and children that prematurely died and making sure they all arrive safely while being entertained or lulled to sleep with stories and all or playing with them so they won't get scared!
Guys I am crying!!!!!
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cthoniccompanion · 4 months
i genuinely think hecate is one of the best written and designed characters across both hades games and i wish i could better articulate why
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crispyliza · 3 months
Whenever a fanfic featured original characters I always assumed that they were a beloved creation of the author or something, but while writing my own fic I decided to throw an OC into the story to keep the plot going and some of my readers seem genuinely invested in them so now I have to actually develop them when I used to not give a fuck 😭
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sinsdaycorp · 1 year
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Look at her gay little pen and adorable little smile 🥺
I can’t wait to see her as Pip!
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justavulcan · 9 months
Airmark's Guide to Planar Vegetables: Gray Lily of the Waste
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Legend has it that the first gray lily of the waste was a dryad whose lover died. She pursued him into Hades, but there the emotional climate of the environment tainted and twisted her love and longing into its worst form: obsession, possessiveness, and even abuse. When she eventually died in Hades, her body took the form of the first gray lily.
Gray lilies of the waste are monochromatic beauties; huge white flowers with soft gray innards protrude from their black stems and leaves. Their immense size does little to dissuade the most ardent of florists from obsessing over their beauty, but these flowers are deadly to cultivate and keep.
Sentient and filled with a longing and loneliness little can assuage, gray lilies obsess over acquiring 'paramours' to keep by their side to provide the briefest flicker of contentment in an existence otherwise miserable with solitude. That their grasp proves fatal to all but the most psychically resilient or that they quickly turn to using their lovers as shields do not matter; only the longing does.
Gray lilies prove highly conversational with Speak With Plants, able to converse about a variety of subjects including the local area and its denizens. Their preferred topic of conversation, of course, is themselves, and they are very persistent about trying to convince visitors to remain with them 'just for a season or two...'
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linillinil · 1 year
Question for those that have experience with death deities and those who protect the dead
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So, I’ve been doing some reading about Gods of the Dead - Pluto/Hades/Nyja, etc.
I have a question for anyone who feel inspired to answer in either a comment reply or a reblog.
In many descriptions it is written that they are a “god of the underworld and guardian of souls when they leave the body.”
Do you think this could also be true for those who do soul travel or astral projection? Would the god of the dead also protect those who practice traveling?
And if not him, who? Would anyone be the watcher of this practice? Another psychopomp?
I’m looking for personal gnosis and historical/folkloric evidence of something like this. Thank you ♥️
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The Once and Future Contestant: Revival Round 2-B
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The top 2 characters will go to the next round!
Zagreus (Hades)
"He tries to be cool but in a lot of the dialogue he comes across as a bit of a dork. He get's regualrly beat up by his ex girlfriend who works for his dad. Immortal but he once died by slipping on a banana peel, can buy a set of unflitable weights and somehow bring them to his room but can't pick them up after. He had a brief period working in the accounting departement of his dad's house but was fired. He likes fishing."
The Luidaeg (October Daye)
"The Luidaeg is a tired and cranky witch who is bound by far too many curses and suffered far too many losses, but she still cares deeply for her family and she deserves the world."
Lord Foog the 2st
"Looks trustworthy, very regal, can’t be worse at governing than current British government"
Arthur Dent (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
"1. His name is Arthur and he's English 2. After the Vogons destroy the earth to make room for a new hyperspace express route, he is literally the only English person in existence which would, presumably, make him King Arthur by default."
Firestar (Warrior Cats)
"Firestar is a leader of a clan, he has quite a few older characters that could fill out the Merlin role, while he doesn't necessarily own a sword but the religion of the Clans granted him the ability to have access to multiple lives if he just so happened to die on accident!"
Martin the Warrior (Redwall)
"A wandering warrior who makes his fame conquering tyrannical despots with his iconic meteor-iron sword. His Guinevere didn’t cheat but she died and left him grief stricken. After he retires he founds a monastery which is the central location of the book series and his spirit haunts it/his sword for centuries, choosing heirs to defend it and drive out evil. Also, he is a mouse"
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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I'd been trying unsuccessfully to find the void ark in sea of clouds and then it just showed up while I was fishing last night and parked itself out there so diabolos could go into a gas station to get a soda
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rxttenfish · 10 months
polly x faith for the ship meme i say, perfectly aware that i am the founder of polly x faith
Shipping meme.
i just think!!! theyre neat!!! and i know canon is definitely sliding towards the "just friends with benefits" more than them ever actually having romantic feelings with each other, but i feel like their personalities mesh well enough together that i just WANT it to go the traditional route of so many fwb stories where they do catch feelings for each other.
i think faith's more laid back attitude compliments well with polly's high energy one, in a way that becomes very clear that faith is still engaging with polly from where she's coming from, while faith provides enough confidence to know what she likes and doesn't like and won't be goaded into something by polly. there's definitely a degree of faith not having a bunch of high expectations for polly to live up to, and for polly being able to bring a little bit of excitement for faith in a way that isn't too overly challenging or pushing her into where she's uncomfortable.
faith having other people who she's close to also helps here, i think, because polly is so non-confrontational with problems and issues that faith can fully take the initiative to get polly to talk about them without just having to deal with them on her own. there's a sort of back and forth here, i think, where faith is someplace calmer and more structured for polly without penning her in, and faith has someone who doesn't come with expectations or responsibilities for her, things for her to take onto herself, things which are closer to her work for the coven.
there's also something to be said about the coven here, in that polly is still mischievous and chaotic, but not bad-natured in doing so and doesn't want to create problems out of it. she's not so much of a problem to be solved or a problem-maker, not in the case of what the coven's usually dealt with, and she's, ironically, one of the most down-to-earth of the ROs when it comes to it, having fairly recently been human and still dealing with that. she has more knowledge of human things and human standards, which witches very much still are, and something which i feel like faith can appreciate.
there's still an aspect of needing to reign in polly's more destructive nature and the collateral damage she can leave behind, but i feel like more than anyone else, faith would be very good at doing so and at making sure polly doesn't overstep, which is always vital. at the same time, polly also provides an outlet for faith, someplace where she can explore safely and set aside her responsibilities. the work-life balance is one of the things that immediately comes to my mind, but in a simpler way, i think it's just being able to more easily switch between serious and lighthearted that makes these two work and balance each other out, providing things which would be neglected without overindulging one or the other.
likewise as with our work, i think polly would KILL IT as a mad scientist's assistant in sexy little fishnets. she would be SUCH a good igor, faith. please let her be igor. she has SO many costumes prepared solely for this occasion.
(faith, of course, welcomes the comic relief of someone who can make her laugh and smile without undermining the actual issues at heart, and who whole-heartedly supports her in her studies. and also crimes. love crimes. love necromantic crimes.)
basically just get you a girl who is willing to literally bend and break the laws of nature itself digging up your own grave and bringing you back from the dead
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rainecreatesstuff · 1 year
uh oh. I imagined Crowley and Aziraphale as Orpheus and Eurydice.
#crying#Crowley is Orpheus#full to the absolute top with love and dedication but fear too#fear that he’s not enough#that what they have won’t last#Aziraphale is Eurydice#hopeful and free and dancing with the nymphs#blind to the ways of Hades#trusting that he is safe when he is not#Heaven is Hades.#coaxing. Guiding his feet to the snake that bites.#and up he goes#Crowley’s grief moves the earth and heavens and eventually he gets the attention of Gabriel#meanwhile Aziraphale is in heaven. He is in a cage (figuratively). He thought he could do good here. He thought he could make change.#a gilded cage is still a cage#Feeling Crowley’s grief as if it was their own the angels let him guide Aziraphale back to earth as a shade#They promise that they will be by each others sides from here on out. That they will trust each other. But. Well. You know the story#They are almost there. On the final step down. Doubt.#Why would Aziraphale give up heaven for him? Why would Gabriel just let Aziraphale go? Why why why he is always asking why#why was Aziraphale dancing in the fields with the nymphs instead of dancing in their garden with him. Safe. Lonely perhaps. But safe.#Why is he worthy of Aziraphale. Why did he think he was enough#why would he ever be enough#he turns around and sees Aziraphale’s face one last time#it is a look of anguish. A look of despair that is deep and guttural#And Aziraphale is whisked away#good omens#crowley#crowley good omens#aziraphale#aziraphale good omens
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sketchy-galaxy · 1 year
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me @ my own tags: 👀
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shinyshrine · 1 year
let hermes be the one to guide me when the time has come. for the way down will not be gloomy but filled with giggles and the warmth of his hand in mine as he leads me to hades‘ realm. like father and daughter at the altar he bids me goodbye and i walk into the safe hands of the underworld for my soul to rest.
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