#hades is the best olympian dad
Hades: Persephone and I are having a baby. Nico: That's gre- Hades, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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Where's father-
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jocelynmakenna · 5 months
I know everyone was mad at Rick changing the quest to failing the deadline but come on. Getting Posideon to jump in and forfeit a war because he cares about his kid? It lends so much to why Percy would stay loyal to his dad! His dad just saved his ass aND chose to lose a war for him. Posideon chose to give up his GLORY for HIS SON!! Exactly what Percy would do!!
PLUS the whole "do you dream of mom?" Like!! They both care about Sally so much!! And while Percy has mixed feelings on the whole god thing, his dad has been nothing but kind! Sure he was absent, but in the 2 scenes we've seen, he's far and away the best parent of all the gods we've seen.
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creative-hanyou-girl · 5 months
Ok, but its WILD that Annabeth has never watched a movie before like seriously? Not even before she ran away and it was just her and her dad? REALLY Fredrick??? You didn't even let her watch movies??? Not even WWll movies or historical movies???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW????
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fallenhunnyapple · 1 month
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This time its a Greek Mythos AU
Lucifer is Hades and Adam is a mix of Persephone and Dionysus. The God of the Dead and the Fertility God of Spring, Wine, and Partying. (The Exorcists are the Maenads)
Adam and Lilith were twin gods, of Spring and Song. They knew Lucifer before he was sent to rules over Hades. Lilith and him had grown close, though Adam still definitely had a crush on him. Lilith ran away when Lucifer was sent to Hades to join him in the Underworld. They eventually had a child, a Goddess of Hope and Lilith convinced Lucifer that the Underworld was no place to raise such a Goddess and made her way back to the surface with their child.
Lucifer was devastated and sent into a deep depression at the loss of both his wife and his daughter. The Olympian Gods felt he was being too much of a bummer and needed to get out of his funk and decided the best way to do that was to give him a new Bride.
Demeter Volunteered Adam to be Lucifer's new 'bride' a) to make fun of the fact that he had a childhood crush on Lucifer and b) because they fully expect him to fail and be sent home without having Lucifer agree to a marriage.
Adam spends the season in Hades with Lucifer and begins by complaining the entire time. It's lifeless and dark and boring and he hates it, the only good thing there is Cerberus. He loves Cerberus and thinks he's a Good Boy and gives him a lot of love. Lucifer sees Adam being so good to his Dog and feels a fondness for him start to grow. They used to be friends and he did have some level of fondness for him before, especially for his Golden Eyes. So seeing him being caring about someone he cares about means a lot to him.
Their relationship begins to evolve and change over the time Adam is in Hades, Adam thinking it's a FWBs thing and Lucifer seriously considering Wifing him. As Winter comes to an End, Adam is getting ready to go home having failed and Lucifer asks him in those final days to marry him. It would have to be After Spring, when he no longer needs to do his Spring God duties, but they would be getting married.
Adam gets a new outfit because Luci doesn't want him to go around tits out anymore because now he's Spoken For.
Adam also helps Lucifer reconnect with Charlie, encouraging her to sneak away from her Mom to go visit her Dad, she has the right to see him. And he sends one of his Maenads with her to keep her company on the way down to Hades, one that seems more than a little interested in getting to know the Hope Goddess better-
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
My audhd brain won't stop telling me to do a full breakdown of the parallels between Percy and Hobie so i will.Alright,let's do this one last time!
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Troubled but good kids
Afro-dominican New York/Jamaican-English(NY and England are where punk first started)
Anarchists,proffessional instigators,always helping out around communities(it's implied Percy participated in Rachel's protests and charities with her)and looking out for the little guy
So they're actual punks instead of just EdgyTM douchebags because they wanna do the right thing no matter what
No masking game autistics
Trans femmes who come across as masc only to normies
Chillaxed and super kind and love cute shit and people but also have major street credit,a huge edge and strong as fuck backbones and the reason they're so kind is that their childhood was beyond brutal so as they grew up they decided to be the positive older figure in younger people's lives they didn't take to have to the point they turned into Team Dad's
The EXACT same sense of humor
Alt music lovers
Expressions are always either super intimidating or meme worthy goofy
Pet supernatural dog(Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary)
Widely regarded as the coolest ever in-universe and correctly so but they're huge dorks when you get down to it but that only makes them even cooler-They were this cool the whole time
6'something with guitarist hands and described as so attractive it's shocking
Go by a nickname instead of their full name and have a common black surname
Oldest and most experienced heroes in their main casts
Hobie's dad is a deadbeat who left him as a baby to do supernatural shit
'I'm not a role model' 'I hate the a.m,i hate the p.m,i hate labels' 'I don't believe in consistency' / 'Was i a troubled kid?Yeah,you could say that' 'I AM impertenent' 'The sea does not like to be restrained'
'Calling yourself a hero makes you self-mythologizing'Hello???????????
Gwen is the Hazel to Hobie's Percy.She's a younger trans girl with a ghost motif who's a pastel ray of sunshine and runs her mouth as much as they do and has a dead mom,an abusive corrupted figure dad and their own impressive experiences in heroism before meeting them
Nico is another teen Ghostkid who Percy gifted a Ramones shirt and gave shelter to multiple times when he was homeless because Hades/Pluto is as much of a fucking cunt as George Stacy is.Nico is also a Miles kinnie because he's an optimistic softboy who's nerdy,a fast food lover and a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for and Percy is the big brother mentor to him the fandom thinks Hobie is to Miles(Nah fr Hobie and Miles are ambigious but Percy's canonically a grown ass man and Nico's Miles' age,P*rcicos pack it up and get over that your ship only works for transfem Percy proof)
Karl=Jason(the cooler St*ve R*gers,the actual voice of reason on the team but just as unhinged as the rest of them,very nice guy vibes and Hobie's righthand),Riri=Annabeth(Black girl genius who takes no shit but is still written as a person instead of a stereotype)and Mattea=Clarisse(red-coded,rowdy tomboy and war paint)
Mayday and Margo are basically just Estelle and Rachel,Jessica makes a pretty convincing Sally and Miguel reminds me of Poseidon but especially when he's interacting with Hobie
Sarcastic troublemaker smiles i've always found endearing(Rip to Annabeth but i'm different)(Also for Hobie i mean this platonically)
Immaculate rizz that's mostly unintentional but reaches critical levels when on purpose
Cocky asf and self-loathing at the same time
That one scene of Hobie leaving Gwen a Watch with the 'In case it don't work out' note with a lil doodle of him on it after getting her dad's ass/Percy sending the Olympians Medusa's head in a box after slaying her with a note saying 'Best wishes' to spite them
Goofy ahh who are nonetheless taken seriously cause Watch Out
They even both have terrible singing voices
And technically not the same thing but Hobie's also pink-coded so they're cotton candy colors and with Percy's white streak they can be the trans flag too!!
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ep2nd · 23 days
I really hope Macaria gets her own Hades game, and if not here's some of my ideas
It's like the opposite of Hades 1
Mac has long brown hair that kinda looks like Persephones hairdo pre-underworld, yellow and white based clothes, two green eyes, and oh yeah white wings, all weapons kinda float on her back. Very nice, kind, and sweet. More of Hallyday, joyous, flowers and rainbow vibe game
Mac is trapped on the mortal world, raised by Persephone, because that curse is like the opposite for her, she can't live in the underworld, lives in Persephones old farm
Trained by Chiron, taking Skelemesus(how do you spell??) Role. Also Triptolemus is here, mortal turned God by Demeter during Persephones disappearance, and Cyrene, amazing Hunter and Shepherd princess/queen turned Naiad, lover of Apollo and Ares too
Plot: The Primordal gods and Titans are awaking, aka they were all, mostly, asleep before this and will wake up and choose violence
Mainly Gaia, who's upset about the Titan things. The Olympians can't help cause they gotta deal with Typhon, so Mac gets help from minor gods and some Titans- Hebe, fun cus, Asclepius, bless his soul, Triton, nervous cus, Iris, gossip girl/hermes job, Nike, probably challenges you like Nem in Hades 2, Tyche, the IDK, Eros, seductive but is married(put shoulerd guards because of THE INCIDENT), Psyche, distant, loss vibe, but a sweetheart, Aeolus, laying down on a couch looking cloud, baby girl, Prometheus, holds tourch thats all I ask for, Themis, blindfold looking straight at you with hands on sword in the ground, stoic.... probably others, comment below
For Nyx kids this time around, basically everyone's who left, but primarily Phil(Philotes) Friendship Incarnate, the bestie who's like Hypnos, never met him though, she doesn't hang out with her other family, except Hemera! Also here, like the opposite Nyx, kinda duh Day Incarnate, also you wake Aither, Light Incarnate, same vibe as giddy Hypnos kinda. But then gets the worst Nyx kids, Oizys, Distress Incarnate, pessimism pro, Momus, Satire Incarnate, ridicules you for everything, the worse, more annoying Hypnos greeter, Dolos and Apate, Fraud and Deceit Incarnate, makes your job harder and kills you half the time, Geras, grumpy old man, anddddd Achlys, Misery Incarnate, who I make Nyx AND Erebus kid because the Chaos and Nyx kid might be too weird... also Asleep Primordal... but awakes, very much like Charon, they are best friends, enemies, and closest siblings, both taught by Erebus and hisses/growls to speak, also will kill you UNLESSS you offer her stuff, dumb enough to fight Charon... but he's also dumb enough to fight her so...
Also Erebus is here, who I like to say is all their dad because I love him, defiantly loving father who's been denied fatherhood too many times
Wake during the fight with Tartarus, who also wakes. They have beef. Fought each other and put eachother to sleep, on the day Eris was born, when the Twins were barely a year old(the order is different for reasons). Basically Erebus is gonna visist his entire family, also favors Charon because he's the first kid who he could ACTUALLY RAISE- looks at Hemera, Aither, and the Fates- let's not talk about Moros, Nemesis, Geras, Phil, Hypnos, Than, Eris, and Momus
Also others you awake- Oceanus, Pontus, Ananke, Astreaus, Uranus(maybe), Gaia, and other primordals/Titans prob, comment below for ideas
Other characters: Hippolytus, hates his dad(Theseus) loves Artemis(as in a Motherly figure/best friend, depending on how you see em) also loves his actually mom, Jason and Perseus hanging out together(congrats if ya got that reference), Atalanta, challenge you in everything and likes to berate Jason, Hippolyta, hates her Ex loves her son, Otrera, person you fight because why not?, Keto(Ceto) goddess of Sea Monsters, person you fight because I want that design, Midas, like takes Charons job for most of the game, also Pasithea, with children, help her get to Hypnos, others I don't know GIVE IDEAS
Weapons: main Scythe, because yes, at one point gets dual Swords, one is Aspect of Erebus, because yes, throwing knives, Aspect of Oizys, idk feels right, some type of spear thing, Aspect of Iris and Nike for those, whip? Aspect of Megeara because I'm funny, shields, either Aspect of Heracles or Achlys, and one for Perseus and Athena, mirror shield plus Medusa head one, Hammer/Mace, a Hypnos Ascpet it's funny guys, probably Momus too, and I don't know... that's all I got
For Romance options, I feel like Phil because she's very like Mac, Oizys for that Nemesis/Melinoe type, maybe an Iris one? She shows up in person eventually after you get her fountain, and if you wanna be REALLY funny, Meg or Than depending what ya chose for the first game
Finally, you get a big quest known as Phil's Tea Party, basically everytime you god a minor god or Nyx kid to join her Tea Party, at the end get the whole family, please, Phil loves her family despite them not loving her
I don't know, love to hear ideas
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genz420 · 2 months
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Cabin 11 Headcannons ✉️ 💵
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Cabin Headcannons
Warning: None
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With cabin 11 there will be two sections of headcannons. Some for the Hermes demigods and some for the unclaimed/ones without a cabin
Because those demigods are just as important as the ones with cabins 
And I never see headcanons for them
They like Converse over vans
Especially the high top converse 
I always see that people think that the Aphrodite Cabins is the richest 
But let's be real it's gonna be the Hades and Hermes cabin
Little Kleptomaniacs 
But as much as Hermes is a deadbeat, he gonna make sure his kids got bags
If the cabin had a song it would be Blue Ridge Mountains by the Fleet Foxes
How else did Luke get that yacht
Anything with Lin-Manuel Miranda is banned in the cabin
Even House MD or star wars: episode ix
They make the biggest “You mom” jokes, but the second you mention their dad
The worst cabin at meal times
Ipad kid vibes 
Like they need to be watching something while eating 
They tend to be the kind of person that can pick up any language very easily
If you are romantically involved with one of them, be ready to get love letters delivered to your cabin door
The best camp counsellors 
Also, I think that the cabin has two sets of counsellors.  One for the Hermes kids and one for the unclaimed/ones without a cabin
They have the most contraband 
Most of it doesn’t even get found during cabin inspections 
They care about the unclaimed kids the most 
Are closer with the children of non-Olympians the most
Because before the war, they were all cabin mates 
And even when they get their own cabin, they are still close 
Know the best route to get out of camp 
Definitely run an under-the-table business in the camp
If you need something from the mortal world, go to a Hermes camper and put in the request 
Will only take money from certain cabins 
Will never take money from minor demigods or demigods that are new to camp
If they were a dinosaurs then they would be the Dilophosaurus
Are the most compassionate demigods at camp
Unlike the Dionysus cabin, uno is not banned 
It should be 
But it’s not
Big gamblers 
In the mortal world: they are the type of kid that you see and wonder how they can be so carefree.  But deep down, they are carefree because they know that they can’t control what happens to them or have such big problems that being carefree is all they can do
Type of person to give their last dollar away to someone whom they deem more in need than them
Are all heavy sleepers 
Because when your cabin has the most foot traffic, you learn to shut it out 
Are amazing with the Pegasus
The cabin with the worst interior 
The kids that get beds often feel guilt for the new kids who have to sleep on the ground 
All they can do, though, is make sure that they are comfortable and have everything they need
I feel like they are the type of person to sleep with a stuffed animal even as they get older 
The Hermes is one of the closest cabins 
They view their cabin mates are siblings
Whether they have Hermes as a parent or not
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spineless-lobster · 4 months
I love hades because it’s a game all about family, zagreus has three dads (hades, achilles and patroclus) his two moms (persephone and nyx) his grandparents (demeter and chaos) endless aunts, uncles and cousins (eurydice, orpheus, sisyphus, skelly and the olympians) his boyfriend and his girlfriend (thanatos and megaera) the family dog (cerberus) his best friends (hypnos, dusa and asterius) and of course, countless enemies (fish)
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guccifloralsuits · 5 months
Episode completed…The Good:
Cerberus is adorable I love him I’m glad Annabeth playing fetch with Cerberus stayed in. Wish it had the book’s emotional impact
The Crusty beds themselves
‘I trust your dad’ from Annabeth is soooo interesting. the potential to explore that…..
Grover shoe scene was solid
Finally it’s 40 minutes
I liked the Kronos reveal. Walker ACTED you could see the second he figured it out
will admit all eps are shot well for a kids show. They continually do interesting things w/the camera work
The Bad:
I’m so pissed at the Crusty scene I don’t know how to explain it. it’s my 13th reason
No cus fuck u Disney for not letting Percy manipulate & decapitate him. Percy deserves a little decapitation!!!
They took the fun out of Hollywood Death Waiting Room. Where’s the silliness? Where’s the charm?
One BIG issue I have is the show takes itself way too seriously. Where’s the camp!!! Percy Jackson is supposed to be CAMP!!!
Cliff scene was stupid
stupid way to remove the 4th pearl—they shoulda stuck w/Poseidon giving him 3. Poseidon’s the best Olympian dad but that’s still a low bar
I am begging you I am BEGGING YOU please gods SHOW don’t tell me shit
I need Sally’s actor to learn how to say a contraction
No comment:
School flashbacks with his mom (actually too many comments. I’ve got weirdly conflicting feelings)
What the master bolt prop
Hades casting
Why are gold statues in everything
Sally & Poseidon
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punkp3rcyjacks0n · 2 days
Happy Father’s Day everyone!!
Happy Father’s Day to Hades and Apollo, Olympian dads that atleast try.
Happy Father’s Day to Dionysus!!!! Who wins best Olympian dad award
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magnorious · 1 year
Percy Jackson and Why the Best Villains are Right
Spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians books 1-5!
Disney isn’t known for fantastic twist villains, and with the upcoming PJO show on Disney+, it’s high time we show some appreciation for a fantastic twist villain, before Disney (potentially) ruins him.
For those who haven’t read the books in a while, Luke Castellan is a son of Hermes, the god of many things whose cabin at Camp Half-Blood also takes in all the demigods who haven’t been claimed by their godly parent, and who might never be. At first, Luke seems like a great guy, nothing seems off about him until the twist and all these little seeds you didn’t see earlier start to sprout.
Spoilers for the entire first series: Luke is seventeen in TLT. He spends the next four books a full-blown villain raising monster armies and turning other demigods to the side of Kronos, a titan who wants to rise and destroy the gods. Percy and the other good guys don’t understand why Luke and these other demigods would join forces with the dark side. They’re going to have to fight their friends, help murder their parents, and probably help destroy the world.
The easy way out would be just to paint these kids like Rowling did with Slytherin and make them all delinquent bastards. Riordan didn’t do that. As the books go on there’s an undercurrent, sometimes blatantly obvious, of godly neglect. The gods go around sleeping with mortals on a whim to have demigods around to do their bidding, leading often to tragically short lives, violent deaths, and scarred mortal parents. The number of unclaimed kids in the Hermes cabin keeps rising and while Protagonist Percy’s dad Poseidon is pretty decent, he’s not exactly deadbeat father of the year.
If anyone’s godly dad of the year it’s Hades but that’s not important right now. So the books progress and we get all these little nuggets of doubt sprouting against the gods. Kids that get sent on quests and don’t come back, gods who take an eye for an eye literally, who very much only see these kids as tools and a means to an end.
Luke, meanwhile, ends up allowing himself to become the host body for Kronos’ spirit. This desperate seventeen year old looking for guidance where he has none, joins the *bad crowd* for recognition and acceptance and praise, because he’s spent his life bitter and unloved by all-powerful gods who don’t understand or care that they’re still supposed to be parents to their kids.
All five books have been leading up to this climactic Great Prophecy that goes as follows:
“A halfblood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds And see the world in endless sleep the hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap A single choice shall end his days Olympus to preserve or raze.”
Naturally Percy and the audience assume that the prophecy obviously means that Percy’s going to get his soul reaped by a cursed blade to decide the fate of olympus.
But that’s not what happens.
The prophecy is actually talking about two different people. The first half is unmistakably Percy, he’s the only halfblood of the eldest gods eligible. But the second half, the owner of the “hero’s soul” is actually Luke. We just don’t realize that until the page where Luke stabs himself with the knife he gave to Annabeth, cursed because he betrayed his promise to her and destroyed their friendship.
Luke dies a hero, stabbing himself and killing Kronos’ host body before Kronos can attain full power and become unstoppable. He dies a hero because he was never the villain. Yes we’re responsible for our own actions and actions have consequences but Luke did die to right his wrongs.
All he wants, as he’s dying in front of Percy, is for Percy to make sure that every unclaimed and unloved kid in his cabin and beyond is shown the respect they deserve. It’s all he’s wanted the entire series and has just been groomed and manipulated by an equally abusive entity to satisfy their own ends.
So in the end, when Olympus is saved and Percy’s staring down the barrel of a wish for literally anything, immortality and godhood included, he says no. He says Kronos happened because of them. Luke happened because of them. They were neglectful parents, so their unloved kids came to resent them enough to not care if the world got destroyed if it meant justice was served.
Luke, in the end, was right. So the gods agree to do better (whether they actually do kinda gets sidetracked by the plot of books six through ten but that’s not the point here).
Children’s media, and adult media, should really take a page out of the Percy Jackson books on how to write a villain. It would not have been the same beloved story it is today had Luke just become irredeemably pure evil and Kronos been more than a phantom voice for 90% of the story. If the gods were awesome attentive parents and Luke came along whining about not getting even more attention, he’d be seen as a selfish, entitled brat.
But he’s not. This story does what a thousand other YA and children’s books do and that’s make world-saving heroes out of children. But these books are in the minority by recognizing how tragic it is to force twelve, thirteen, fourteen year olds into fighting for their lives and dying for a god who can’t be bothered to remember who they are. It’s based on Greek mythology. It wouldn’t be faithful to the source material without a fat dose of tragedy.
Yeah, it’s cool to be a special demigod with water powers and flight and necromancy, but no one wants to be a Hermes kid for a very tragic reason.
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godsofhumanity · 10 months
Ok can I ask what Demeter's relationship with the other gods would be?
I saw the other asks and now I must know
hee hee sure ^-^
i think generally, Demeter does not get along with any of her brothers, but i believe that she gets along with Zeus the best.
as the goddess of the harvest, i think she has to work with Zeus a lot (i mean, he's the king, he's like the manager, everyone reports to him, so she has to come face-to-face with him regularly).
in their youth, i think they got along better.
because Demeter and Hera have always been close, i like the idea that Zeus goes to Demeter for advice on how to get Hera's attention because Hera isn't easily charmed by him.
i don't think there ever was a romantic relationship between Zeus and Demeter, i mean, i think what happened with Persephone was just an accidental fling or something idk.
anyways, Zeus, in my head, is such a dad-- i do think he loves all of his children abundantly, and that includes Persephone. however, when Demeter makes it clear that she doesn't want Persephone to be in Olympus, he respects that and lets her go.
but that doesn't mean he stops being a father to her. and i think of course, that sort of sentiment is exactly the reason why he allows and even encourages Hades to pursue Persephone as a wife, because the paternal side of Zeus knows that Hades could care for Persephone and that she'd want for nothing with him, so he's like "yeah ok i'll give you my blessing".
this, naturally, doesn't go well with Demeter, and i do think she perceives that Zeus has overstepped his boundaries by doing this, because while Zeus sees himself as Persephone's father, Demeter doesn't. Demeter is a sole-parent, and she only accepts Zeus' word because he's the King, not because he's Persephone's father.
read here!
tl;dr = they are besties.
Hestia is the older sister, right, so i think Demeter and Hestia have a good, solid relationship.
i don't think they're as tight as Hera and Demeter, but they have no beef.
i like the idea of Demeter and Hestia inventing food and recipes together, Demeter bringing the ingredients and Hestia bringing the fire.
i actually have a little scene in my Hephaestus x Aphrodite story where Demeter and Hestia invent popcorn together and all the younger Olympians are like "holy shittttttt this is awesome".
i think perhaps where Demeter and Hestia fall out is Hestia's refusal to take sides. i mean, i think she never ever actively takes one sibling's side-- she always says, "well, think about this from their perspective".
now, both Demeter and Hera are pretty headstrong characters so i think that kind of logic doesn't go down well with them, and i think while Demeter would go to Hestia for a rant, when it came to needing an actual heart-to-heart, Demeter would go to Hera first.
ok. this one's complicated. i haven't really figured out for myself where Demeter and Poseidon stand, but in my hc's they dislike each other. well, Demeter at the very least, cannot stand Poseidon.
Demeter and Poseidon do have a son, the horse Arion, and i like the idea of Demeter loving Arion as she would love any of her children of course, but the exact circumstances that brought about Arion's birth are.. unspoken to me. in my hc's, no one really knows, Demeter doesn't talk about it, Poseidon doesn't talk about it. Zeus and Hera probably know but aren't telling.
so idk. but i know for sure in my mind that they do not get along at all.
ah. i think they originally would have had a relationship like Demeter and Hestia, but after Persephone, that relationship breaks down entirely.
i do agree with the general consensus that, in his youth, Hades probably wasn't as much of a "playboy" as Poseidon and Zeus, and i think that made him a little more trustworthy in Demeter's eyes, so while she'd never have approved of Hades and Persephone even if her permission had been sought, i do think they were on good terms.
however, after Hades breaks Demeter's trust by "kidnapping" her daughter, i think the relationship is pretty much irreparable.
i do like the idea that after some time, Persephone does find love in Hades, but i don't think Persephone's present happiness is enough to erase Demeter's past heartbreak and pain at losing her daughter, the apple of her eye... nor would she ever forget that the only reason why she still sees even 3x months of Persephone is because she fought tooth and nail for those "visitation rights", and if she hadn't, she'd probably only see Persephone at Olympian meetings.
for Persephone's sake, and especially under Zeus' watch, Demeter remains civil to Hades when they meet. and she doesn't bring up the past. to Hades' credit, i don't think he's the type of character to flaunt his "successful marriage" of Persephone to Demeter, nor does he try to apologise or suck-up to her (because he knows that that would only piss Demeter off more). so yeah, they remain professional.
do i even need to say? Demeter loves Persephone. she's her daughter. she adores her. Demeter loves all of her children.
when Persephone leaves her to go to the Underworld, i think she's really shocked and sad. i mean of course she is, that's what the myths say. and i think originally, she might even feel a tinge of betrayal that Persephone doesn't want to simply stay with her forever and be a harvest goddess like her (in my hc's, after much deliberation, Persephone eats the seeds willingly, im sorry, Hades couldn't be redeemed if he forced her so yeah)... and i do think this is where Hera becomes a really strong pillar of support who encourages Demeter to understand Persephone's perspective, and helps Demeter to accept Persephone's fate.
Persephone, of course, loves her mother to no end. i know some people have the hc that Persephone wanted to get free of Demeter because she was "controlling" -- i disagree, i think that when Persephone went to the Underworld, her eyes were opened to another possible future for herself and she simply chose to pursue something a bit more ambitious- but it had nothing to do with Demeter "suffocating" her or anything like that, she simply wanted to carve her own path.
they don't interact too much.
i do like the idea of Athena weaving blankets and baskets and other things for Demeter, so they're on good terms-- they're more than acquaintances, less than an aunt-and-niece. they're like, two people who live in the same building and say good morning to each other when they pass on the stairwell, and like. that's it.
again, as i said in Artemis' hcs, they don't interact too much. they're respectful of each other, but other than that, they don't think too much about each other.
same as Artemis.
no one is immune to Hermes.
he's a little fruit fly that comes and goes, and when he's in your house, you can't get rid of him.
as such, Hermes is one of the few Olympians who actually does appear on Demeter's farm fairly regularly because he has to deliver messages and reports and summons.
Hermes has a bit of a childish mischievousness about him, and this makes him quite likeable. he can be a suck-up sometimes, but because he's got that childlike innocence about him (not that he is innocent! he's just good at pretending to be hee hee), although Demeter doesn't care for flattery, it's cute when it comes from Hermes, so she can forgive it.
i think Demeter does adopt an "aunt"-type role with all of Hera's children.
so with Ares, she definitely sees him as her nephew, and i think Ares would be allowed on her little farm. i could see Demeter taking care of Hera's kids whenever Oceanus and Tethys are too far.
Ares is considered to be brash and violent, but i don't think this bothers Demeter... she thinks in her mind that he's just like Zeus.
again, same with Ares, he's Demeter's nephew.
i like the idea of Hephaestus making all of Demeter's farming tools.
before Hephaestus was born, i have a hc that Demeter may have made may of her own tools by herself so that she wouldn't have to leave her farm or ask any other god for the favour, but when Hephaestus was growing up and showed an interest in being a blacksmith, Demeter showed Hephaestus some of her own craft and how she could make crude tools... so of course, Hephaestus honours that memory of Demeter by creating more refined, more beautiful, and more sturdy tools for her to use.
it's complicated. there are like 3 versions of Dionysus, i swear-- in my timeline, i think the first incarnation of Dionysus is as Demeter's son, and Persephone, being his older sister, may have taken care of him a lot, thus causing her to be recorded as his mother instead in myth... and then somewhere along, he dies, and then he gets born as Semele's son.. IDK. i haven't figured it out.
anyways, either way, Dionysus would have a good relationship with Demeter, just like Hermes.
Dionysus would use Demeter's grain to make drinks, and her grapes to make wine, and they would invent fun new flavours and ways to cultivate the fruit.
many goddesses appear to get "jealous" of Aphrodite, but i don't think Demeter is one of them. she literally just does not care.
i think Demeter and Aphrodite would have a cordial relationship- i like the idea of Aphrodite and Persephone having a good friendship-rivalry, so if she's cool with Persephone, she's cool with Demeter.
but yeah, other than that, they probably don't interact all that much.
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prommytheus · 1 year
top 5 hades characters?
1: Zagreus! hes the ultimate guy! hes a fishing bro. hes bisexual, he kills his dad for a living, he’s british, he loves his dog, he fucked death, the king of athens calls him slurs, he’s so polite it stopped a war, he collects plushies, hes a shoplifter, he loves interior decoration, he died in his mother’s arms 10 times, he started a cult by accident, his grandmother calls him little sprout, and i have a crush on him
2: Persephone! CRYING OVER HER LEITMOTIF. she greets the dog before she greets her ex husband. i love whenever she says anything, her voice is so wonderful. she’s also holding both The House and Olympus together singlehandedly. also her son died in her arms 10 times and she’s friends with both Charon and his mom.
3: Dusa! shes my best friend for all eternity for real. she’s perfect. her voice and her design and her summon are all amazing, and her dynamic with Zagreus and Megaera makes me wanna sob i love them. she’s also transgender so she gets extra points.
4: Achilles! HE’S SO KIND AND SAD AND THE CODEX ENTRIES ARE ALL SO GOOD THANK YOU ACHILLES,,, his entry for himself and Pat make me sob and all the fish entries and the onion entry are hysterical. he’s also so calming?? talking with him is a healing experience. Fear is for the weak 🥲
5: Hermes! once again, his voice is wonderful. his design is baller and his dialogue is all gold. and thank you supergiant for the data transfer art. he’s lovely and i wish he wasn’t in stealth mode so that we would get duo dialogue with the other olympians. also in terms of just gameplay his boons are KING SHIT. also he had a pet turtle named Shelly does it get better than this.
honorable mentions include Nyx and her sons. bitch how do you make characters that good.. and the fables are all so sweet. mother night ily and your ability to admit your flaws and poor decisions :)) also alecto. girlboss supreme
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punknicodiangelo · 8 months
Lore dump for Ariel Brown!
His mom is a Jewish American nurse who works for the army, and his dad is Apollo. Ariel is transmasc and uses he/him pronouns, along with being asexual and gay. He has the standard ADHD and dyslexia of demigods, as well as autism and a dysautonomic disorder. Ariel tries his best to be helpful and feels horrible when he can't be for whatever reason. He loves fiercely and though he's not a great fighter he's very protective. Ariel's main weapon is a cane sword that has plot relevance. His special interest is in the Disney Renaissance.
Ariel is Nico's love interest (he was half created out of spite ngl) and has found siblinghood with Lacy, Meg, and Rachel. He's also best friends with Malcolm and Clovis! Here's him in Lemon Maker
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Ariel arrived at Camp Half-Blood just a little bit after Nico, by a matter of hours. They near instantly became best friends while in the Hermes cabin
Ariel didn't stay in the Hermes cabin long and was claimed in the infirmary after a training accident. Ariel loves his siblings very much and wishes he could do everything for them
Ariel was devastated when Nico ran away. He spent every break from school at camp, and Malcolm helped with his worry quite a bit, which led to Ariel developing a crush on him between Labyrinth and the Last Olympian that doesn't go anywhere
When Nico gets captured by the giants , Ariel has a lot of dreams about it, and got a prophecy to save Nico. He was by Nico's side for most of House of Hades, including the Cupid scene, though Ariel didn't hear what Nico had to say due to passing out after trying to attack Cupid. I think this is the moment Nico realizes he likes Ariel
Ariel goes with Nico, Reyna, and Hedge in Blood of Olympus. After the battle with Gaea, Ariel has to spend almost all his time in the infirmary, but Nico often comes to visit often, which helps Ariel to realize his feelings
The infirmary on the Argo was Ariel's de facto room since he specializes in healing. He's a good archer and plays several stringed instruments, but with his disability and mom's job he's always lent towards the healing aspects of his father's powers
Ariel is scared to tell Nico how he feels because all of Apollo's lovers seem to turn into plants and Nico's surrounded by Demeter's children (Persephone, Lex, and I imagine he's friendly with the rest too). Lacy manages to convince Ariel to tell Nico, though, which he does at the beginning of ToA
Speaking of ToA, they're the Trials of Ariel Brown now. Nico lives with the Jacksons, and Ariel finds Meg McCaffrey on his way to see Nico and takes her back to camp, where Apollo, still a god, is visting Rachel. Ariel yells at him a bit for being a bad dad, so he has Ariel go save the oracles. He also goes to the Underworld along with Nico and Will in TSaTS
Nico and Ariel call each other moth and butterfly respectively, and Ariel learns Italian to talk to Nico when he's stressed
@jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy @insomniac-jay @theautisticcentre
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