#hagakure tōru
that-one-queer-poc · 1 year
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crazy? i was crazy once.
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vamandi · 2 years
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tōru hagakure palette
"i was just worried . . ."
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aoyama • ashido • asui • īda • uraraka • ojiro • kaminari • kirishima • kōda • satō • shōji • jirō • sero • tokoyami • todoroki • hagakure • bakugō • midoriya • mineta • yaoyorozu
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bnhaobservation · 10 months
Keeping up with the Todorokis or, just me observing the Todorokis: Volume 2
So this is nothing else but a collection of informations, volume by volume, about what the Todorokis do in the story or which info are revealed about them and so on.
Todoroki Shōto: Chap 9 to 14, Chap 16
008. Rage, You Damned Nerd (猛れクソナード Takere Kuso NERD) Shōto
009. Deku vs. Kacchan (デクVSかっちゃん Deku VS Katchan) Shōto
010. Breaking Bakugō (折れろ爆豪 Orero Bakugō) Shōto
011. Bakugō's Starting Line (スタートライン、爆豪の START LINE, Bakugō no) Shōto
012. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Īda! (いいぞガンバレ飯田くん! Ī zo GANBARE Īda-kun!) Shōto
013. Rescue Training (救助訓れ Kyūjo Kunre) Shōto
014. Encounter with the Unknown (未知との遭遇 Michi to no Sōgū) Shōto
015. Vs. (VS VS)
016. Know Your Enemies (思い知れ敵 Omoishire Teki) Shōto
017. Game Over (ゲームオーバー GAME OVER)
006. Rage, You Damn Nerd (猛れクソナード Takere Kuso NERD) Shōto
007. Deku vs. Kacchan (デクvsかっちゃん Deku vs Katchan) Shōto
008. Bakugō's Start Line (スタートライン、爆豪の。 START LINE, Bakugō no.) Shōto
009. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Īda! (いいぞガンバレ飯田くん!, Ī zo GANBARE Īda-kun!) Shōto
010.  Encounter with the Unknown (未知との遭遇 Michi to no Sōgū) Shōto
011. Game Over (ゲームオーバー GAME OVER) Shōto
BATTLE TRIAL ARC (Chap 7-11): Once the students are at ground Beta...
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...All Might explains the students they’ll be split in teams of two, and face each other in two-on-two indoor battle, one team playing the Hero role and the other playing the Villain role. Todoroki Shōto assists to the battle between Bakugō Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku, even commenting it.
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Later Shōto, who is in Team B and paired up with Shōji Mezō...
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...play the role of the Heroes against Team I formed by Ojiro Mashirao and Hagakure Tōru. Shōji locates where the Villain are then Shōto sends him outside and frozes the entire building so that neither Ojiro nor Hagakure can move or they will have to rip the soles of their feet from ice.
'Sotodetero abunēkara. Mukō wa bōeisen no tsumoridarouga. Ore ni wa kankeinai' 「外出てろ危ねえから。向こうは防衛戦のつもりだろうが。俺には関係ない。」 "Get out, it's dangerous. The other side is probably trying to play defense. It doesn't matter to me."
'.........!' 「.........!」 "...!"
'Ugoite mo īkedo ashi no kawa hagare Chiya manzoku ni tatakaenē zo' 「動いてもいいけど足の皮剥がれちや満足に戦えねえぞ」 "You can move, but you won't be able to fight satisfactorily if the skin on your legs peels off."
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The Villain team loses and Shōto warms up the place again.
'Warukattana.' 「悪かったな」 "Sorry."
'Netsu...!' 「熱...!」 "Heat...!"
'LEVEL ga chigai sugita.' 「レベルが違いすぎた」 "The level was too different."
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A box informs us Shōto is the Number 2 recommended first-year and his Quirk is "Half-cold, half-hot" (半冷半燃 'Hanrei Hannen'), which allows Shōto to freeze with his right side and burn with his left.
'Suisen nyūgakusha 2! Todoroki Shōto Kosei: Hanrei hannen! Migi de kōrashi hidari de moyasu! Hani mo ondo mo michisū! ! Bakemono ka yo!!'
「推薦入学者2! 轟焦凍 個性:半冷半燃! 右で凍らし左で燃やす! 範囲も温度も未知数!! 化け物かよ!!
"Recommended admission student 2! Todoroki Shouto Quirk: Half-cold, half-hot! Freeze with the right and burn with the left! The range and temperature are unknown! ! Is it a monster? !"
Bakugō Katsuki will be impressed by his performance, saying he believed he couldn’t have beaten him.
PROFILE: Todoroki Shōto’s profile is placed after chap 11.
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In it, in addition to his birthday (11 January) we learn his height is 175cm and that his favorite thing are "Soba noodles (the kind that aren’t hot)" (そば(溫かくないやつ)'Soba (atatakaku nai yatsu').
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It also confirms that, same as Yaoyorozu, he got in U.A. on special recommendation and not through the exam like the other 18 students.
U.S.J. ARC (Chap 12-21): Todoroki Shōto takes part to the president’s election that takes place on the day after.
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He’s one of the four students for which we can’t see how many votes they got, the others being Īda Tenya (who was later told receiving 0 votes), Uraraka Ochako and Hagakure Tōru.
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As we know from the election that 3 people didn’t vote for themselves, two of them being Īda andUraraka who voted from Midoriya, this would leave either him or Hagakure being the one who voted for Yaoyorozu (it’ll be later confirmed it was him).
On Wednesday the class is told they’ll have resque training and ride on a bus on the training location, the "unforeseen simulation joint" (ウソ の 災害 や 事故 ルーム 'Uso no Saigai ya Jiko ROOM', lit. "Unbelieveable Disasters Room"). Todoroki Shōto, seated alone behind Bakugō Katsuki and Jirō Kyōka, seems asleep during the ride (his eyes are closed).
As they sleep Asui Tsuyu praises Todoroki to Bakugō.
'Hadede tsuēttsuttara yappa Todoroki to Bakugō da na.' 「派手で強えっつったらやっぱ轟と爆豪だな。」 "Flashy and strong, it's definitely Todoroki and Bakugō." [Chap 13]
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He takes part to Thirteen’s explanation about what the training will be about but, before the training can start, Villains lead by Shigaraki Tomura appear.
Shōto analyzes the situation. He wonders if the Villains are only where they are or also at the main building and figures if the sensors detecting intruders aren’t working it could be due to one of the Villains’ Quirk. Noticing how they picked up a place far from the rest of the school and with fewer people, he figures they’re probably smarter than they seem and should have an objective since this was a well-coordinated sneak attack.
'Arawareta no wa koko dake ka, gakkō zentai ka... nanni seyo SENSOR ga hannōshi nē nara, mukō ni sō iu koto dekiru “kosei (read: yatsu)” ga irutte kotoda na. Kōsha to hanareta kakuri kūkan soko ni shōninzū (read: CLASS) ga hairu jikanwari... BAKA da ga AHO janē kore wa nanrakano mokuteki ga atte, yōi shūtō ni kakusaku sa reta kishūda.' 「現れたのはここだけか、学校全体か・・・何にせよセンサーが反応しねぇなら、向こうにそういうこと出来る“個性(ヤツ)”がいるってことだな。校舎と離れた隔離空間 そこに少人数(クラス)が入る時間割・・・バカだがアホじゃねぇ これは 何らかの目的があって、用意周到に画策された奇襲だ。」 “Did they only appear here, or in the whole school? In any case, if the sensor doesn't respond, then there's a 'Quirk (read: guy)' on the other side that can do that. It's an isolated space separate from the school building. They entered when on the timetable there was a small number of people (read: a class)...Those stupid, aren't stupid. This is a carefully planned surprise attack with some kind of purpose."
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Kurogiri warps the students in different locations.
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Shōto ends alone in the "Landslide Zone" (土砂 ゾーン 'Dosha ZONE')...
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...along with a bunch of Villains and, the second he’s warped there, he uses his ice Quirk to freeze all the Villains with him (8 in the anime, though in the anime another will pop up).
’Kodomo hitori ni nasa ke nē na. Shikkari shiro yo, otona daro’ 「子ども一人になさけねぇな。しっかりしろよ大人だろ」 ”You lost to a single child, huh. Come on, you're adults.”
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Shōto starts by mocking the Villains' strategy...
'Chirashite korosu... ka. Ichiya warui ga anta-ra dō mitemo '"kosei” o moteamashita yakara' ijō ni wa miuke rarenē yo’ 『散らして殺す・・・か言っちや悪いがあんたらどう見ても「”個性”を持て余した輩」以上には見受けられねぇよ』 "Scatter and kill, huh? I'm sorry to say this, but no matter how you look at it, I don't see you as anything more than 'people with too much 'Quirk'.'”
...and he has figured even though at first the Villains seemed to be elite, actually only four or five of them would be really dangerous and they’re merely thinking with their high numbers they can overwhelm All Might and kill him. Shōto then sits down and warns the Villains their skin risks on rotting away due to frostbites but he doesn’t want to let this happen as he’s going to be a Hero so he wants them to tell him their plan. In the anime he’s even scarier, threatening to freeze them further.
'(FUTA o akete mirya seito-tachi-yō (read: ore-tachi yō) no KOMA… CHINPIRA no yose atsume janē ka… mita kagiri ja hontō ni abuna-sōna ningen wa… 4 ~ 5 nin hododatta… to suruto)’ (フタを開けて見りゃ生徒達用(俺たちよう)のコマ…チンピラの寄せ集めじゃねぇか…見た限りじゃ本当に危なそうな人間は…4~5人程だった…とすると) ”(When I opened the lid, I saw the pawns for the students (us)... are a bunch of thugs... there were only about 4 or 5 people who looked really dangerous...)”
`Nā. Kono mamaji ya anta-ra jiwajiwato karada ga eshishiteku wakena nda ga… ore mo HERO shibō sonna hidē koto wa narubeku saketai…' 「なあ。このままじゃあんたらじわじわと身体が壊死してくわけなんだが…俺もヒーロー志望そんな酷え事はなるべく避けたい…」 ”Hey. If it keeps going like this, your body will slowly die of necrosis...I want to be a hero too, and I want to avoid such terrible things as much as possible..."
’(Ore ga tsugini torubeki kōdō ha…)’ (俺が次にとるべき行動はーーー…) ”(What should I do next is...)”
'Ano ALL MIGHT o yareruttsū konkyo… Saku wa nanda?’ 「あのオールマイトを殺れるっつう根拠・・・策はなんだ? ”"What's the basis for killing All Might... What's the plan?”
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While the Battle Trial arc works as introduction for Shōto, giving us basic into like his Quirk’s name or how he got into U.A. because recommended, it also works to establish him as a powerful Quirk user, showing him to end his fight quickly and easily and going so far as to impress Bakugō, the following U.S.J arc works to set up how Shōto isn’t just all powerful Quirk and no brain but can also analyze things. However, even though he’s not as aggressive and passionate as Bakugō, he shows a rude and confident streak and he’s fundamentally pretty cold when he blackmails the Villains into telling him their plan.
Todoroki Shōto is shown mostly in his first Hero costume, though we get a glimpse of him in his school uniform. His profile shows him in everyday clothes.
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Todoroki Shōto is among his classmates on the cover for chap 14.
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As said before, we also get Shōto’s profile at the end of chap 11.
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
(CW: A lot of things that are generally ick. War, pr0shipping, etc.)
Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME I get fixated on something, I find out it's problematic in some way or form.
Ride the Cyclone? A production used actual footage of the Ruso-Ukranian war, and it's erased a disabled character because "dIsAbIlItIeS aRe ExPeNsIvE"
ROTTMNT? Splinter is a racist caricature, and a storyboarder is a T-CEST shipper.
My Hero Academia? The mess that was Tōru Hagakure.
Nekopara? The way the catgirls age as well as Chocola and Vanilla being literal incestuous twin lolis.
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Class 1-a girls facts(all canon)
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Artist:can’t find it Srry!
Ochaco Uraraku
Dislikes her hero costume(she doesn’t want it tight)
She likes to munch on locusts. It’s a short-horned grasshopper.
Her best friend is Tsuyu Asui
She is a Capricorn
She sleeps with gloves so she doesn’t activate her quirk
Her name means “tea child”(if you spell it with k instead of c)
Both spellings of her name are correct!
In her original design her name was yuu
Again in the original design she had Mt Lady’s quirk and a different personality(and was meant to be Mt lady)
Surprisingly ochaco gets jealous when somebody gets to close to izuku
Tsuyu Asui
Her favorite food is jelly
And she lovesss the rainy seasons and rain in general
Tsuyu is a Aquarius which fits perfectly with her froggy self!
She is cold blooded
She’s able to match temperatures and colors of her surroundings to sneak up on targets
Her height is 4’11 or 150cm
Her birthday is February 12th
Asui was originally a male character but they switched it due to the lack of females
She shares the same costume designer as momos, mina and mineta
When everyone was choosing their hero name, she picks a name she had in her mind since middle school. “Froppy, the rainy season hero.”
Mina ashido
She’s pink because of her quirk!
Her birthday is July 30th
Blood type: AB
She is 159cm’s
Her favorite food is okra(a seed pod of abelmoschus) and natto!(fermented soybeans)
Mina has the best reflexes among the girls of 1-A
Her surname(last name) is similar to the Japanese pronunciation of ‘acid’ (アシッド ashiddo)
Her hero name is pinky(could she not thing or something else or what??)
Unsurprisingly she is majorly against bullying
She is the best dancer in 1-A! (Have not done enough research to see if she’s the best in the whole school)
Momo Yaoyorozu
She is 5’8 or 173cm’s
Her favorite thing to do is reading! (Especially encyclopedias,idk how she likes that stuff)
Momo’s quirk was originally for a pro hero but got changed (if you want the reason, look it up at ‘thespookyredhead’)
Her birthday is September 23rd
Blood type: A
The kanji for Momo’s last name is an idiomatic expression that translates to ‘a great/uncountable number’ and literally means ‘eight million.’
She is the smartest character in class 1-A
She can play the piano.
Momo comes from a wealthy and elite family.
She broke the forth wall in manga chapter 124(episode 63)
Is the vice president of 1-A
Toru Hagakure
The ‘ha’ in her surname is the kanji for ‘leaf’. And ‘gakure’ means ‘to disapper’(like Izukus dad)
And her first name it’s kanji ‘tōru’ means ‘invisible’
Like Tsuyu, she was initially a male character but like Tsuyu they changed it for the lack of females
She’s a gemini
Technically her hero costume breaks the rule of how much skin can be shown for hero costumes.
Toru may get her own arc in the future (this is from 2021 so I’m not positive about it)
She ranks 16th in overall grades
Her quirk makes her a mutant type quirk
Sadly toru doesn’t rank with the top 40 characters in the series
Their are many dark theories about her identity(all are by fans so technically not canon but whatever)
This isn’t a fact but when I was researching about her theirs barely anything about her!
Jirou Kyouka(can someone tell me which is first?? Jirou or kyouka??)
Both spelling (jiro and jirou) are correct!
Her birthday is august 1st(happy late birthday Kyouka!)
She’s 154cm’s tall(5’1)
Jiro’s blood type is A
Jiro’s favourite thing is rock music(and playing it)
her hairstreaks are drawn similarly to the waves of an EKG (which is considered to be a possible reference to how she uses her earphone jacks to amplify her heartbeat)
She didn’t have the hair streaks in her preliminary design.
Her and denki share the Same costume designer!
Kyouka’s quirk name is earphone jack!
She’s 16(as of right now)
Her voice actors are Trina Nishimura(USA) and Kei Shindō(Japanese)
Jirou owns several instruments, she’s able to play all of them to some extent.
Her bff is Momo yaoyorozu
She’s scared of darkness
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notjustdrwhoboards · 3 years
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BNHA moodboard: Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao (requested by: anon)
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qkmlh · 3 years
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This little moment right here where Hanta & Tōru are trying to engage Izuku in the conversation, knowing that things like this have previously gotten him all excited and animated, while the other kids glance back with a hope to see him in higher spirits, is something that cracked my heart just a bit actually (´;ω;`)
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kaleid369 · 5 years
my god, i’m so lonely
for the @recoveryzine contest.
to me, recovery is learning how to love myself, to say, “there is a point,” when i just want to give up. my depression makes it hard, and it’s difficult to build myself back up from that damage. but recovery is to keep getting up, to make progress, and to acknowledge yourself for doing better even when it feels like you aren’t. i promise, you are.
note: title is from mitski’s nobody
Tōru is four years old when her Quirk first manifests. It happens slowly, gradually, and she doesn’t notice until it’s too late.
It starts with her hands.
She’s at preschool playing blocks with the other kids when Kasumi asks her for a triangle block to top off their tower. She gives it to her without a glance, too busy setting up a bridge to connect their miniature cities. The clatter of blocks jolts her out of her concentration, her hand jerks a block out of place, and she turns to Kasumi with the question of what’s wrong? on her lips.
“It’s fine,” Tōru says when she sees the wide-eyed, open-mouthed look on her friend’s face. “We can just do it again!”
Kasumi doesn’t respond. Strangely enough, she gets to her feet and stumbles to where the teacher is talking to two kids playing Connect Four.
“Sensei, T-Tōru’s hand disappeared!” Kasumi wails, pointing a pudgy finger in her direction.
My hand? She brings both hands up to eye level. She blinks. There’s only one. Just like that, the whole class is staring at her.
The teacher simply walks over and crouches in front of her. “Tōru-chan, would you mind if I take a look?” she requests calmly.
A slow nod, and then she places her missing hand in her teacher’s palm. The teacher asks if she feels pain, how it feels, and each answer is met with a contemplative hum in return. Finally, she smiles at her.
“Congratulations, Tōru-chan. You’ve discovered your Quirk.”
Immediately, her classmates burst into awed ooos and woahs. Some even scramble to babble in her face about how this is awesome! and isn’t this cool?
Tōru just wants to play blocks with Kasumi.
Kasumi stays away from the cluster of children, back against the wall on the opposite side of the room. She doesn’t move.
Tōru doesn’t get to rebuild their tower, and Kasumi doesn’t come back to help.
Her left hand vanishes during lunch time and she drops her chopsticks on the floor.
By the time her parents arrive to pick her up, Tōru’s feet have disappeared, too.
The doctor says she has an invisibility Quirk. He asks her how she felt when it activated, and to channel it to turn herself visible again. Problem is, Tōru doesn’t know. She hadn’t noticed until Kasumi knocked over the tower, not until she saw for herself. She hadn’t felt anything.
The doctor frowns, tells her to keep trying, and books them an appointment for next week.
She wakes up to her parents cries, sees them run in and out of her bedroom, and wonders, What’s wrong?
“Kaa-san? Tou-san?” she yawns, shifting beneath her blankets and slipping out of bed. “What’re you doing?”
When she doesn’t receive a response, she tugs on her dad’s pant leg. “Tou-san?”
Her mother kneels in front of her, eyes glistening with tears. Her body trembles. “Oh, Tōru…” she murmurs, voice cracking with something she can’t name.
(Looking back, she thinks it might’ve been heartbreak.)
Tōru is four years old when she first sees her parents cry, and it’s all her fault.
Preschool doesn’t really change. She still attends everyday and her parents still drop her off with a kiss on the top of her head.
The thing is, she’s invisible now. All people see is her attire attached to nothing, moving just like a puppet on strings. Sometimes, the teachers lose track of her and flounder for a bit before locating the floating clothing. The children think her Quirk is absolutely amazing.
You can do anything you want and no one will know! some of the troublemakers grin.
Others are just curious, asking things like Can you see yourself? or Can people go through you?
Tōru just wants to play blocks with Kasumi, but Kasumi won’t talk to her, and all anyone wants to do is talk about her Quirk—
She plays alone.
She is six years old the first time her parents abandon her. They leave her in a supermarket in a vegetable aisle and she remembers because there’s carrots and broccoli and cabbage and all she can smell is earthy, wet soil. She flinches away from shopping carts and strangers and baskets that swerve up and down the aisles.
She wanders and wanders until she eventually bumps into someone behind a counter.
“Hey, kid, are you—”
Tōru bursts into tears.
(Later, her parents pepper her in hugs and kisses and apologies. They promise with teary eyes and quivering voices that they’ll never, ever leave her like that again.
Tōru believes them.)
(It happens again, and again, and again—
She doesn’t go to the store with them anymore.)
Tōru is seven years old when she meets her baby sister for the first time. The bundle of pink is wrinkly and red. She’s frowning in her sleep and she’s so, so small.
Her first thought is, She’s so ugly.
“Tōru,” her mother calls, exhausted but smiling, “would you like to hold her?”
She looks up at her mom in surprise. “I—really?”
“Of course. Here, just support her head like this…”
It takes a few minutes to get settled, but soon she’s sitting on a chair with a baby in her arms. A baby. What if she drops her?
“Kaa-chan…” She bites her lip and glances down at the bundle in her arms. “I think—”
The baby stares right back at her, unfocused and sleepy, and she’s looking at Tōru. She knows she’s invisible, no one can see her—not even herself—but her little sister smiles the sweetest smile she’s ever seen, and Tōru promises—
“Hello, Aki,” her—their—mother whispers, soft and gentle.
—I’ll be the best big sister ever.
This, she believes, is love.
As an infant, all Aki does is lie in her crib. She cries when she’s hungry or tired or needs a diaper change. She blinks at the ceiling and walls like she’s trying to figure out where she is. She smiles in her sleep, smiles at her parents, and smiles at Tōru like she just knows she’s there.
Tōru absolutely adores Aki.
She coos at her sister, gushes when Aki grabs hold of her outstretched finger, and—
She loves her.
“I’ll protect you,” Tōru vows with as much determination as a seven-year-old can muster. “I’ll protect you no matter what. I promise.”
In her sleep, Aki smiles and squeezes her finger.
Tōru melts, just a bit.
When Tōru is ten years old, Aki comes home from her first day of preschool with a paper tightly clutched in her hands.
“Nee-chan, look, look!” Aki shouts, waving the paper in her direction.
Tōru grins. “Oo, what’s that?”
“Just look!”
On the sheet of paper is a haphazardly colored sky and sun at the top along with some clouds. There’s a house with flowers growing on the front lawn, and in front of it are four people smiling and holding hands.
“Who’re they?”
“That one’s Tou-san and this one’s Kaa-chan!” Aki jabs her finger at the two tall smiling blobs. “I’m this one—” She points at the shortest one in pigtails and a pink dress. “—and that’s you!”
Under her finger is a girl with long black hair and brown dots for eyes; her clothes are a baby blue with some lavender mixed in; and a big smile takes up most of her face. Actually, it looks like it’s based off one of the few pictures they have on a shelf of Tōru. It’s smudged and the crayons color outside the lines and it’s not art or anything grand, but Tōru…
She hugs Aki tightly. “I love it,” she says, sincere and a little choked up. “Thank you.”
Aki beams. “I knew you would! I worked really, really hard, Nee-chan! I had to ask the teacher for more crayons ‘cause no one would share and—”
To Tōru, this is a masterpiece.
“I bet Kaa-chan and Tou-san will love it, too,” Tōru tells her. “C’mon, let’s stick it on the fridge so everyone can see.”
Tōru’s with Aki when she finally discovers her Quirk. Her skin seems to twinkle in the sunlight, and when she hops around in excitement, the light sparkles around them.
Aki reminds her of a bright, bright star.
Tōru wouldn’t be surprised if she actually was one. It’d suit her, she thinks.
Her dad tosses up Aki in the air and catches her with ease. She squeals and waves, and with a fond smile, Tōru joins her family.
The hardest part about entering a new school, Tōru thinks, is making new friends. Everyone already seems to know each other, or maybe they just clicked really fast. No one approaches Tōru, and neither does she. It continues on like this for days and then weeks; soon, weeks become months and suddenly it’s summer vacation.
Her classmates make plans with each other. She overhears some mention the beach; others mention arcades or cafés.
No one invites Tōru to anything.
She stays at home and goes out with her family and plays with her sister. She browses the internet and watches new shows. Despite spending time with her family and how much she loves them all, Tōru can’t help but wish she were doing something else.
Tōru is thirteen years old in a place she’s never known without friends or a guide, or even a helping hand.
It’s been nine years, and Tōru knows loneliness as intimately as she knows the stars on her sister’s face.
There’s a quiet girl in her class. She has red ribbons in her hair and she’s always bundled up in a puffy white jacket. Her glasses are big and circular, she sits at the front of the class, and she always has a book with her. During lunch, she sits alone at her desk with a book in hand.
It takes a minute or two for Tōru to walk up to her during their lunch hour.
“Um…” She breathes in. “Can I sit with you?”
Her classmate blinks up at her. “... Sure?”
“Thanks.” She pulls up a chair. “I’m Hagakure Tōru!”
“Ah, nice to meet you. My name is Mizushima Haruka.”
“I’ve been wondering,” she begins after a pause, “what’s your Quirk?”
With a wry smile, she holds out her hand. As she leans in, Tōru sees little snowflakes hovering over her hand.
“Woah,” she breathes. “That’s awesome.”
“Thanks.” She eyes Tōru for a second. “Let me guess, your Quirk is invisibility?”
That startles a laugh out of Tōru. “Go it in one!” she cheers, winking and giving a thumbs up.
“... Hey, call me Tōru?”
“As long as you call me Haruka, Tōru-chan.”
“Okay, Haru-chan!”
(“Hey, Aki,” Tōru whispers, watching lights scatter and dance across the ceiling. Aki’s soft snores fill their shared bedroom. She burrows further into the blankets.
“I think I made a friend.”)
Tōru is fifteen years old, she’s baking for the first time, and she has exactly one friend. Aki watches them, fascinated but banned from the kitchen because Tōru refuses to let her near the stove.
Just as the last batch is put in the oven and the timer is set, Aki scrambles to the counter and gets on her tiptoes.
“Can we play now?” she whines.
“I wouldn’t mind,” Tōru says playfully, “but maybe Haru-chan has other thoughts?”
Like a switch, the pout on Aki’s face flips into a puppy-eyed expression. Haru’s mouth twitches as she tries not to smile, and Tōru knows she’s a lost cause.
“I don’t mind.”
Aki beams at her and does a little fist pump. “Nee-chan! Let’s go, let’s go! I wanna play with the ball!”
“Put on your shoes, Aki, and I’ll get the ball as fast as I can.”
An exaggerated sigh leaves her. “As you wish, Your Majesty,” she says, bowing with a flourish, and heads to the living room for the soccer ball.
“Do you know how to tie your shoes, Aki-chan?” Haru asks from the other room.
“Yep! Nee-chan taught me when I was…uh…” A short pause. “Five!”
“Wow, you must be really smart.”
“I am! Nee-chan says so!”
“I’m back!” Tōru announces. “I’ve retrieved the soccer ball, milady.”
Aki giggles. “Thank you!”
“‘Tis my duty. No need for thanks.”
“Let’s go!”
Soon, they’re kicking the soccer ball to each other on the sidewalk. Haru makes sure to pass it gently to Aki while Tōru pretends to trip over the ball and slip onto the ground.
“You’re so silly, Nee-chan!” Aki laughs.
She huffs as she gets up and brushes herself off. “You’re just too good, Aki,” she wails dramatically. “Your power—it’s too strong!” She passes the ball back to her sister in an exaggerated, clumsy motion. The ball rolls past her and over the curb.
“I’ll get it!” Aki chirps, skipping over to the ball without a care.
Tōru scrambles towards her, panicked. “Aki, get away from there!”
She turns around with the ball in her hands. “Huh?”
The sound of a car honk pierces Tōru’s ears, and all she can think as she runs to her sister is, I’m too far away.
The car is barely a foot away when something white wraps around Aki and pulls her away from the road. Tōru looks around rapidly until her eyes land on a scruffy man in all black. Aki sits in his arms with a thick fabric around her.
“—do that again, okay, kid?”
“Aki!” Tōru stops in front of them. She bows to the man. ���Thank you so much!”
He looks vaguely uncomfortable. “... Make sure she doesn’t do that again, and watch her more carefully. It could’ve been a lot worse.”
“I know that,” she snaps, wiping her eyes. “Aki…”
The white scarf-looking thing unwinds from around her sister, and Aki immediately lunges for Tōru.
“N-Nee-chan!” she hiccups. “I’m sorry! I’ll never do that again!”
“Are you okay?” Tōru asks softly, cradling Aki against her chest.
A sob escapes from her. “I-I was so s-scared!”
Tōru just holds her and tries not to cry too.
Later, after the Scarf Man—as Aki dubs him—leaves and the chocolate chip cookies are put out to cool, Haru hugs her.
“You okay?” she asks quietly.
“... No,” Tōru admits. “If he wasn’t there…”
It’s silent for a moment. She doesn’t need to finish the sentence.
“Haru-chan.” Her voice shakes. “I am never letting that happen again.”
“I know you won’t.”
She pulls away from their embrace, fists clenched at her sides.
“I’ll become a hero,” Tōru vows, “and I’ll be able to protect my family myself.”
Haru stares at her for a long moment. “I believe you.” Her mouth quirks into a smile. “If it’s you, I believe.”
Tōru’s heart soars.
(“What high schools are you thinking about?”
Tōru turns to Haru, eyes narrowed and mouth tight in determination.
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mikekilluz · 2 years
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Super old art for some BNHA zines that idk if I ever posted in full but have them anyways 😂
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planetberri · 7 years
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IT’S HAGAKURE  a commission for @hansiepls
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ryanmoody · 5 years
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My Hero Academia Mermaid Fan Art by Kirabee-Illustrated
Happy #InternationalMermaidDay apparently. XD
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vamandi · 3 years
class 1–a birthdays
synopsis. the birthdays, quirks, blood types, and heights of class 1–a.
editions. class 1–a birthdays – infographic
volumes. class 1–a • class 1–b • students
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Shōto Todoroki
11 January
Half-Cold Half-Hot
Blood Type O
176 cm
Kōji Kōda
1 February
Blood Type A
186 cm
Tsuyu Asui
12 February
Blood Type B
150 cm
Mezō Shoji
15 February
Blood Type B
187 cm
Katsuki Bakugō
20 April
Blood Type A
172 cm
Mashirao Ojiro
28 May
Blood Type O
169 cm
Yūga Aoyama
30 May
Navel Laser
Blood Type O
168 cm
Tōru Hagakure
16 June
Blood Type A
152 cm
Rikidō Satō
19 June
Sugar Rush
Blood Type O
185 cm
Denki Kaminari
29 June
Blood Type O
168 cm
Izuku Midoriya
15 July
One For All
Blood Type O
166 cm
Hanta Sero
28 July
Blood Type B
177 cm
Mina Ashido
30 July
Blood Type AB
159 cm
Kyōka Jirō
1 August
Earphone Jack
Blood Type A
154 cm
Tenya Īda
22 August
Blood Type A
179 cm
Momo Yaoyorozu
23 September
Blood Type A
173 cm
Minoru Mineta
8 October
Pop Off
Blood Type A
108 cm
Eijirō Kirishima
16 October
Blood Type O
170 cm
Fumikage Tokoyami
30 October
Dark Shadow
Blood Type AB
158 cm
Ochako Uraraka
27 December
Zero Gravity
Blood Type B
156 cm
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birthday facts
of class 1–a, bakugō is the oldest and shōji is the youngest
bakugo is also the second oldest first year in the whole series
shōji is also the second youngest first year in the whole series
asui is the third youngest first year in the whole series
midoriya shares his birthday with mirio tōgata from class 3–b
kirishima shares his birthday with tetsutetsu tetsutetsu from class 1–b
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bnhaobservation · 7 months
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: The facts taking place during BNHA second year: July
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
You might notice a special focus on the Todoroki family as all their birthdays and statuses are listed. That’s because this timeline was originally meant to focus solely on them and then I included info about the other characters.
BNHA: “Boku no Hero Academia” manga.
MOVIE 1: “Boku no Hero Academia The Movie ~Futari no HERO~” [僕 (ぼく) のヒーローアカデミア THE (ザ) MOVIE (ムービー) ~2人 (ふたり) の英雄 (ヒーロー) ~ My Hero Academia: Two Heroes]
SB: “Boku no Hero Academia: U.A. Hakusho (僕のヒーローアカデミア 雄英白書 Lit: “My Hero Academia: U.A. White Paper”)” called in English “My Hero Academia: School Briefs”
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JULY 1: Todoroki Natsuo turns 19.
FIRST WEEK OF JULY (A WEEK AFTER THE STUDENTS DECIDED TO ORGANIZE THEMSELVES IN STUDY GROUPS - LIKELY MONDAY): Written part of the FIRST TERM FINAL EXAMS. [BNHA Chap 60. In Japan, during them, no regular classes are held so the same likely applies here too. Usually Japanese students are tested in English, math, Japanese, science, and social studies, plus health and physical fitness, home economics, music, and art. Also they usually last three days. If the same applies here this would mean they started on Monday and the practical was on Thursday. ]
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FIRST WEEK OF JULY (LIKELY THURSDAY): Practical exam. Todoroki Shōto manages to pass it working in team with Yaoyorozu Momo. Todoroki Tōya, under the name of Dabi, along with Toga Himiko, joins the League of Villains. [BNHA Chap 60-68. The time is unclear here as the scene with the League of Villains might have happened the day after or even two days after as Shigaraki Tomura will meet Midoriya on Saturday... though it's also possible Shigaraki wandered for two days before meeting him.]
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Pairing up in the practical exam are as follow:
Todoroki Shōto & Yaoyorozu Momo vs Aizawa Shōta/Eraser Head= WIN capturing Midoriya Izuku & Bakugō Katsuki vs Yagi Toshinori/All Might= WIN escaping Kaminari Denki & Ashido Mina vs Nezu= LOSES Uraraka Ochako & Aoyama Yūga vs Kurose Anan/Thirteen= WIN capturing Jirō Kyōka & Kōda Kōji vs Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic= WIN escaping Tokoyami Fumikage & Asui Tsuyu vs Ectoplasm WIN capturing Mineta Minoru & Sero Hanta vs Kayama Nemuri/Midnight= WIN escaping Shōji Mezō & Hagakure Tōru vs Snipe= WIN* Kirishima Eijirō & Satō Rikidō vs Ishiyama Ken/Cementos= LOSES Ojiro Mashirao & Īda Ten'ya vs Maijima Higari/Power Loader= WIN escaping
* In the manga it seems they won by escaping since they are outside the gate, though it's not really clear, in the anime they won by capturing
FIRST WEEK OF JULY (LIKELY FRIDAY): Eraser Head informs them they all will go to the Summer camp even if they failed the exam. [BNHA Chap 68. The scene with the League of Villains might have happened this day as well]
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FIRST WEEK OF JULY, LIKELY SATURDAY (THE DAY AFTER): Todoroki Shōto goes to visit Todoroki Rei as he always does in his days off. The rest of class A minus Bakugō goes at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall (木椰区ショッピングモール Kiyashi-ku Shopping Mall) to buy things for the summer camp. Midoriya and Shigaraki Tomura meet. [BNHA Chap 68-70, SB 2]
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SECOND WEEK OF JULY, MONDAY: Eraser Head tells the students they cancelled their usual accommodations and won’t reveal their destination until the day they depart. Shinsō Hitoshi starts being trained by him. [BNHA Chap 70]
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THIRD WEEK OF JULY, AROUND THURSDAY: Tamakawa Sansa learns that someone saw Dabi entering in a building that didn’t have any tenants, the building being Shigaraki Tomura’s hideout. [BNHA Chap 83 It was two weeks before the summer camp attack]
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JULY, AROUND THE 20TH, POSSIBLY ON SATURDAY: Summer Break. Midoriya and All Might go to I-Island for the I-expo and meet Melissa Shield and her father, David Shield. Uraraka, Yaoyorozu and Jirō, who're there because Yaoyorozu's father received an invitation due to him holding some of I-expo sponsors' stocks and had two extra invites for her friends, meet Midoriya and they all end up at the place where Kaminari and Mineta are working. Īda, who received an invitation to go there due to his family being one of Heroes, meets with them as well. We're told the other girls from class A are also on the island but not with them. They then meet Kirishima who's there with Bakugō who got invited because he won the sport festival and allowed to bring a friend along, and Todoroki Shōto, who was there in place of his father, Endeavor. They all go at the party when Wolfram's group attack it. [MOVIE 1 The movie is clearly placed before the Summer training camp. Summer break in Japan starts around the 2th of August]
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JULY (THE DAY AFTER), POSSIBLY SUNDAY: By dawn Wolfram's group is defeated. The Academy's exibit opens to the public. Some of class A kids will go to the pavillon where the academy's exibit is or so they planned. David Shield, from his hospital bed, talks to his daughter. [MOVIE 1]
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birinboom · 2 years
Howdy I saw the male!asd!reader! And was wondering if you can do one for the mha girls
I already did Mina, Momo, and Tsuyu, you can read it here.
I have to admit that I struggled a little bit with this, especially with Tooru. She and Mina are very alike, so I found it difficult to make her stand out and not just be a copy of Mina’s headcanons. I hope I managed it.
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Autistic Male!Reader Headcanons Part 3 Hagakure Tooru, Jirou Kyouka, Uraraka Ochaco 🌸 673 words
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Hagakure Tooru
Tooru is very similar to Mina
In that she wears a lot of strongly scented body products
And she can be just as loud
Being literally invisible means that she has a need to be ‘seen’ in other ways
It takes her a while to realize just how much the noise and overwhelming scents might affect you
Mostly because you don’t know how to explain it to her just how overstimulating she can be
But once you do, she changes a lot
She tones down her voice when you are near
No more loud, excited squeals or jumping around when you are present
Though she always makes her enthusiasm known in other ways
Her voice grows more intense rather than loud
And she still waves her hands and arms about, but her movements are smaller and more controlled
She also picks body products with milder scents
She still has a need to make her presence known
So she often asks you if there is a scent or two that you prefer over others
Something that doesn’t affect you as much as what she used to wear
So both of your needs can be met
Tooru LOVES hugging
And her clothes are always really soft
So if you don’t mind being touched
She will hug you A LOT
It ends up being a comfort to you, something to ground you when the rest of the world is too overwhelming
“I want you to feel at ease around me!”
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Jirou Kyouka
Kyouka, unlike Tooru, is already on the calm and quiet side
She enjoys spending time with you in a comfortable silence
But if the silence ever becomes uncomfortable or awkward for you
She has no problem putting on some soft music
If you ask, she will bring out her guitar or another instrument
She’s embarrassed at first
But once she realizes just how relaxed it makes you to listen to her either practice or just improvise
She becomes much more relaxed, herself
She’s even recorded some of your favorite songs so you can listen to them while falling asleep
If you like ASMR videos, then Kyouka will try to make some of her own
She doesn’t have ASMR, herself, but she finds the concept fascinating
She will tailor the videos to your triggers, whether those are soft voices or specific sounds
And she only shares the videos with you
At least until you encourage her to make the videos public, so others can enjoy them too
“You really like my new song? That… makes me very happy”
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Uraraka Ochaco
Ochaco is also more on the calm and quiet side
She is very independent
Which means that she doesn’t mind taking charge on occasion
She is good at getting you started on overwhelming tasks, either by giving you a hand if you want it, or helping you split the tasks into smaller and more manageable tasks
Ochaco is also very curious about how your autism affects you
But she’s worried about being too nosy so she only asks a couple of small, neutral questions
The first time she sees you have a meltdown, she freaks out
Because she has no idea how to help you, and it makes her feel completely useless
So the next day, she asks you to sit down with her and tell her how she can help you if it happens again
And she REALLY listens to what you say
She doesn’t mind whether you want help to get through your meltdown, or if you prefer that she leaves you alone for a while
She just wants to know how to help
So whatever you need, she’ll do it
If you don’t know how she could help, she’ll suggest a few things and offer to try them out next time to see if they work
And if you specifically tell her to NOT do something, like touching you or asking you questions during a meltdown, she listens and respects your boundaries
“Just tell me what’ll make you feel better”
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks (on and off anon) are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Em 💖
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notgraceful4 · 3 years
Momo Yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyōka Jirō, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui and Tōru Hagakure x reader who is a cheerleader:
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* She admires how passionate you are about your cheerleading and is very supportive
* After practice she always has a cup of tea prepared for you, to help soothe your vocal cords after all that cheering
* Always tries to come to your cheerleading competitions when she has the time because it’s quite thrilling watching you perform
* She does get a little worried sometimes such as when your on top of the pyramid she doesn’t realise it, but she’s holding her breathe
* She’s just scared that you might fall, but once you come down she lets out a sigh of relief that your okay
* If your cheerleading kit ever rips she will take you shopping for a new one
* If it rips minutes before your about to do your routine she makes you one herself since it’s an emergency
* All your cheer mates thinks she will be an amazing cheerleader, that she’s got the body for it
* Momo reassures them that she doesn’t really partake in such activities and is happy just watching you from the sidelines
* She once asked you and your team to perform a little cheer for her classmates in the dorms thinking it will help bring up morale after a hard week of training
* It did work actually even though there was someone that did not want to admit it.
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* She always has a smile on her face when watching you cheer
* You can even sometimes here her from the sounds shouting:
* ��Right on Y/n, I’m really feeling the spirit”
* And if the crowd isn’t showing enough enthusiasm she’s telling them to liven up often with the help of Hagakure who she sometimes brings with her to watch you
* You normally ask her to watch you when practicing because she has a few moves up her sleeves that will help you nail this routine
* You also normally go to her when you want some advice on moves your going to be doing
* She’s probably cheered with you and your team for events when one of your teammates were out sick because she knew the routine after watching you practice it, so much
* Mina’s also an amazing dancer, so she picked up the moves relatively quickly
* After practice the both of you go home pretty sore, since she also had hero training, and just sit on the sofa together watching TV for the rest of the day to prepare for tomorrow
* Where you both have to do it all again.
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* She likes coming to your practices and listen to you cheer
* Occasionally suggesting you change a few words around or replace it with this word to get a better flow and you accept them with open arms
* Because most of her suggestions were actually really good and helped get the crowd hyped up even more than they already do
* One time you even asked if she would write you a cheer that you could use from scratch
* She accepted even though she was a bit reluctant at first, since she was nervous that no one would like it
* Since she hasn’t written a cheer from scratch before
* Nervously, she hands you the cheer she wrote after finishing it and was a bit flustered at how much you liked it
* Even though she watches you cheer she never does it herself the closest she gets to it is performing a cheer to you in her room, only because you kept asking her to do it
* You even convinced her to use your pom poms, she didn’t move them much, but she still held them slightly shaking them every, so often, making you smile
*But if your teammates asked her to perform with them, she would politely decline
* She will just stick to watching you from the side lines and practicing to you in private for now.
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* Comes to all your practices when she’s got the time, she does try not to miss them though because she really wants to be there to support you
* Gets flabbergasted when you land a seemingly tricky move flawlessly after praying that you don’t mess up because she doesn’t want you to injure yourself
* If you invite her to join practice she will accept thinking it will be fun and it is
* She loves practicing the moves with the girls and they offer to throw her up in the air like they do when someone does a flip
* She accepts, but gets a bit to excited and nervous when she’s about to be thrown up and accidentally touches the people holding her making them float in the air as well as her
* Apologies ensue from her to your teammates after she releases them
* They say it’s alright and asks her if she wants to give it another go
* She passes for now and might try it again next time
* When she sees you practicing on your own she likes to watch you because she finds the dedication you have to cheer inspirational
* After every performance she tells you how good you were out there and that your cheers are going to be stuck in her head for awhile
* Literally, Tsuyu caught her murmuring them to her self when she was getting changed for hero training.
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* She usually comes to watch you cheer with her siblings, which are now big fans thinking you looked really cool out there while cheering
* And you did according to Tsu and she lets you know that after you finish your routine
* If you ever mess up on a move or she thinks your not doing as well that day, she will ask you if your ok since your not usually like this
* If you tell her that your not feeling, so good Tsu will do her best to comfort you to help you feel better
* When your feeling better and are doing routines normally again, you show Tsu a new routine you have been working on
* Wanting her opinion since she is always honest and you want to know if there’s any improvements you could make
* Thinks your very admirable when you take her advice to heart and starts practicing constantly to improve never giving up
* If you ask her to join you for a cheerleading practice she decides to join out of curiosity on how it feels
* Also asks if she can bring her siblings since they want to have a go at it too
* Tsu also brings a camera to take pictures of her siblings while they practice since she finds them adorable holding the pom poms
* She does have a go and found it quite enjoyable and understands a bit better now why you enjoy cheerleading, so much.
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* Hagakure is another one that comes to all your shows to cheer you on
* It makes herself easy to spot in the crowd despite her being invisible, you just follow the sound of the loudest cheers, which are hers
* She’s even louder when she brings Mina with her doubling her sound
* She really does enjoy your shows and is very eager to have a go at it herself
* So she is thrilled when you ask her to train with you and the team, almost breaking your ear drums from the loud squealing
* You both have a good laugh when she tries her best to do the dance moves, shaking the pom poms and doing twirls in the uniform you let her borrow
* The next time you visit her you bring her a cheerleading outfit with pom poms which makes her happy
* And you can often find her wearing it while shaking the pom poms in the mirror when you enter her room
* When you ask her if she wants to be thrown in the air like you when your doing the routine
* She accepts although a bit anxious, but she feels better when you reassure her that your teammates will catch her
* Ends up letting out a big squeal, but after she’s all giddy having had that rush of adrenaline from being in the air
* Hagakure asks if she can come to practice again one day, which you gladly accept.
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keebos-bf · 3 years
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Who I’ll write for
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My Hero Academia
Sero Hanta
Denki Kaminari
Bakugo Katsuki
Eijiro Kirishima
Fumikage Tokoyami
Shoto Todoroki
Izuku Midoriya (deku)
Tamaki Amajiki
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Mirio Togata
Hitoshi Shinso
Shota Aizawa
Hizashi Yamada
Yo Shindo
Taishiro Toyomitsu
Keigo Takami
Tomura Shigaraki
Daichi Sawamura
Kōshi Sugawara
Ryūnosuke Tanaka
Tobio Kageyama
Asahi Azumane
Chikara Ennoshita
Shōyō Hinata
Kei tsukishima
Yū Nishinoya
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Ittetsu Takeda
Keishin Ukai
Tetsurō Kuroo
Kenma Kozume
Lev Haiba
Morisuke Yaku
Tōru Oikawa
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Issei Matsukawa
Takahiro Hanamaki
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Takanobu Aone
Kanji Koganegawa
Keji Akaashi
Kōtarō Bokuto
Akinori Konoha
Wakatoshi Ushijma
Eita Semi
Satori Tendō
Kenjirō Shirabu
Suguru Daishō
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Montoya Komori
Shinsuke Kita
Atsumu Miya
Osamu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi
Mondo Owada
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Leon Kuwata
Chihiro Fujisaki
Byakuya Togami
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Kazuichi Soda
Nekomaru Nidai
Izuru Kamukra
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Kaito Momota
Korekiyo Shinguji
Shuichi Saihara
Gonta Gokuhara
Kokichi Oma
Ryoma Hoshi
Rantaro Amami
Genshin impact
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Genres: fluffs, lemons(smut), limes(soft smut), angst
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Feel free to request anything with these characters. Just give a small prompt, and the genre.
I will only write MLM
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