#haha I’m so punny
mushroomfernfox · 10 months
Do yyou think birds can open cans of soda?
I don’t know, CAN they?
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vampiremillk · 1 year
After talking about sweets the other day, I can't help but wonder... how would any slashers of your choosing (Bo? 🥺) be with a reader with an incredible sweet tooth? 🥺
PAIRING : bo sinclair , art the clown , hannibal lecter &&. sweet toothed female reader
BOO'S NOTE .ᐟ . . . thanks for requesting from me, meadow !! <3 i’m sorry if these are so bad ! they were all written in one sitting at 4 am while being half-asleep, which is sadly when most of my ideas suddenly want to pour outta me out of all times of the day haha !
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• he already called you those sweet-flavored, southern classics such as "honey" and "sugar/sugar lips" before he was even aware of your severe sugar cravings, but after he discovered that trait about you, the nicknames had a lot more of a clever meaning behind them. you noticed that he started to address you as such a lot more, whether it was to tease you about the fact that you loved to gobble down on candies and honeybuns or to simply be affectionate towards you.
• to all my black beauties with dark skin, he's definitely, one way or another, going to call you his "hershey kiss" or "chocolate cheeks" at least thrice a day. i'm sorry. his ego leads him to believe they're the most creative love-names someone could ever come up with, too. you always playfully smacked him whenever he called you such corny titles, earning a big dumb grin from him.
• “hey. you.” his voice called behind you. you turned around to face him and his sly little grin, your peripheral vision spying the swift blur of yellow being tossed atop the kitchen counter; it was a chocolate bar. “i went out this mornin’ t’get some stuff from the store. thought you’d like a lil’ somethin’ nice.”
• bo also has a sweet tooth himself, and it was quite evident with the way he’d fight and argue with his brothers over the last sprinkle-covered, little debbie brownie, when he’d confess to “accidentally” eating one of your sweet snacks, or when he’d open up the fridge and grab a can of whipped cream and eat it straight out of the cannister, letting the cool stream of clouded milk puff from the can once he pressured his finger against the opening and gather into his mouth.
• you were sat at the kitchen table to witness when he did it one afternoon, rolling your eyes amusingly. “you too lazy to put it in a cup at least, bo-zo?”
• with a pompous smile, he looked over his shoulder at you, licking the residue from his upper lip and speaking with a mouthful. “you want some?”
• you nodded, figuring why not. it just so happened that your sweet tooth was aching for something at that moment. he walked over to you with the can still inside his grasp, and the closer he came, the more you tilted your head back, preparing for him to hold the can to your mouth and place the cream inside, but rather, you heard him refill more into his mouth instead.
• after his second chug of whipped cream, he held some of it inside the gates of his teeth and placed the can to the side on top of the counter, a mischievous gleam in his eye when he turned to witness the confused look you donned, leaning in until his face was mere inches from your own. “y'gonna take it from me or what?”
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• halloween was a sweet tooth’s dream, the best time for sweets to be scattered about. art acknowledged the fact that you were a sucker ( i’m punny ) for candies and such, so he’d always go out of his way to go trick or treating and bring back a bucketload for you to stuff your face with.
• he returned to your home with an entire bag full one year and you excitedly thanked him. you started to open the bag until he tapped on your shoulder, catching your attention. “what is it?”
• he stuck out his neck and tapped the side of his face with his index finger, a huge grin on his face. he was asking for a kiss on the cheek as a proper thank you, which you happily gave him. you rummaged through the candy bag then to see what kind of goodies he brought back, only for your finger to graze against something ridiculously sticky…
• “aw, man, art. i think you got one that opened and melted everywh—” you screamed suddenly, jolting up from your seat. it wasn’t a melted piece of candy. it was a bloody, severed finger.
• “art…” you began, slowly and cautiously removing the finger from the bag and holding it up to show him. “please tell me this is a prop…”
• he put both of his hands in the air and shrugged, innocently.
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• hannibal was the food specialist in regards of meats and garnishes, but he never took much of an immense fondness to sugary treats. despite, he’d be very accommodating to you fulfilling your sweet tooth’s desires as he is someone who is all for letting one embrace their nature and letting it thrive. he’ll keep your cravings in mind when shopping for groceries or baking.
• however, he would also encourage you to exercise moderation as he does with his own diet. he’d sometimes remind you of the importance of a healthy consumption and lifestyle if your sweet tooth was something that became overly excessive. he once looked inside the trash bin and discovered an entire ice cream carton and that you also ate over a dozen miniature cupcakes based on its empty container lodged in there as well. he decided enough was enough that day and refused to let you indulge in anymore for the rest of the week, no matter how much you complained.
• he would definitely enjoy giving you sweets as an occasional reward or treat, perhaps on special events such as your anniversary or valentine’s day, feeding you chocolate-covered strawberries that he made himself just for you by holding them up to your lips.
©️ VAMPIREMILLK . do not plagiarize, distribute to other sites or translate any of my work without my permission .
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valos-venus-doom · 4 months
A Blind Date for Ville Valo & OC
Thank you to @sinnysioux for the request.
(I actually love this so I may use this as a jumping off point for a fic in the future. 👀 Maybe we do it as a Choose Your Own Adventure thing? Where I poll readers for plot points? Thoughts?)
Ville stood outside a bar in Helsinki smoking a cigarette, kicking himself for ever agreeing to go on a blind date. At the time, he was going through a rough dry spell and when a friend of his mentioned Ville had a lot in common with a single female friend of theirs, Ville agreed without a second thought. But having had a week to sit and think about it, he was dreading it. He had no clue what to expect, but he was too much of a gentleman to stand someone up. So he was going to follow through and ghost if she turned out to be an obnoxious groupie or hairy bridge troll.
All his friend told him was his friend, Ava, had long brown hair with pink side bangs. So he stood and waited for what he felt was forever, until sure enough, a petite girl matching the description rounded the corner.
Ville felt instant relief when he realized she was actually very beautiful, but the apprehension that she’d be an obnoxious groupie still lingered. He dashed his cigarette and cleared his throat as she approached;
“Hi, excuse me, um, are you Ava?” he asked, cautiously.
The woman stopped walking and looked at him with the warmest brown eyes he’d ever seen. She had delicate features, wearing a deep, dark green dress polka-dotted with little black bats. She smiled and Ville felt his heart flutter, “Yeah, I guess you’re Ville?” she replied.
Ville couldn’t help but mirror her smile. “I am.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Ava opened her arms for a hug, which Ville, surprising himself, happily reciprocated.
“Pleasure meeting you as well. Um, do you want to sit at the bar, or..?” Ville began.
Ava shrugged happily, “Sure, that works. Um, I’m not much of a drinker but I’d love a coffee.”
“Oh, well that’s quite alright. I’m not a drinker either. Erm… would you rather go to a proper coffee shop? It might be quieter, better for conversation.”
“Absolutely. I think I just passed a Starbucks, is that okay?”
“Brilliant.” Ville replied, following her lead.
All of the dread Ville initially felt had long faded away, and his heart was light and fluttery. He reminded himself to thank his friend, he was grateful she was in fact not a hairy bridge troll.
The pair found a quiet booth in a more secluded area of the Starbucks and sat with their coffees. Ville had ordered a black coffee, Ava a caramel macchiato.
“What do you do for work, Ava?” he asked her as he nursed the too-hot coffee in front of him.
“I’m a hairstylist.” she responded, “I already know what you do. But uh, how’s that going for you?”
Ville chuckled, “Yeah, I figured you knew. Um, it’s going well. I guess.” he shrugged.
“Oh?” his pessimism piqued her interest, a mood she hadn’t expected.
“Yeah our drummer’s wrists are fucked so we’re waiting to find out what the prognosis is. It’s holding a lot up, so I���m just writing here and there, hoping there’ll be a new album to put them on someday.”
Ava’s brows furrowed compassionately, “Ah, I see. Well hopefully the prognosis is positive. Aside from music, what do you do for fun?”
“I read, a lot. Mostly in the bath. What about you?”
“The same, oddly enough. I mean, not the bath part, but I read. I have a book buying problem. There’s a stack of new books I’ve never touched on the side of the bed.”
“Ah, I understand your plight. I’ve a habit of buying books everywhere I go. Whether or not they get read–”
“Is a different story.” she finished his sentence. “Haha. Punny.” she joked.
Ville was cheerfully surprised at her quick wit. “Exactly.” he laughed.
The pair kept talking and laughing for another hour or so before Ava realized the Starbucks employees were beginning to place chairs on table tops, indicating they’d be closing up.
“I think we’re running out of time here.” Ava said to Ville, gesturing with her head towards the baristas scurrying about.
Ville was far from ready to say goodnight, he was fascinated by everything she had to say. His friend was right; he and Ava had a *lot* in common. It was refreshing to be able to hold a conversation with a woman and have there be no lulls in the conversation at all. It was like speaking with an old friend.
“So, um, do you need to be getting back home or…” Ville began to question.
Ava shook her head, “Uh, nope. I’m still free tonight.”
“Do you want to grab a bite? I think the bar we were previously has some good options.” he suggested.
“Absolutely.” Ava replied happily.
As the pair exited the coffee shop, Ville took a chance, and he snaked his fingers between hers as they walked. To his elation, she held his hand back. He was reading the vibe correctly, thankfully.
Unfortunately, when they returned to the bar where they had met initially, they found it absolutely packed. Not exactly conducive to pleasant conversation, they’d have to shout to hear over the crowd.
“Well, uh, should we call it a night?” Ava asked, frowning slightly.
Ville bit the inside of his lip, hoping his next suggestion wouldn’t turn her off, “Pardon me if this is inappropriate, but would you maybe want to pick up a pizza and head back to my place? Just to talk?” Ava looked surprised and Ville quickly recovered himself, “Uh, not for anything nefarious. Just conversation, honest.”
Ava blushed and giggled, “I knew you didn’t mean anything by the suggestion. Yes, I’d love to. Again, not really a bar gal.” she shrugged.
A few hours later, Ava and Ville sat enjoying some music on Ville’s couch. They were sipping on tea Ville had made them and sitting particularly close.
“So that’s why that relationship fell apart…” Ville trailed off of the story he’d been telling about an ex.
“I’m afraid I don’t have quite that many stories of exes,” Ava admitted, “I just got out of a five year relationship at the beginning of the year.”
“Oh?” Ville coaxed.
“Yep. Its always fun finding out your best friend is sleeping with your boyfriend. Two relationships down the drain in one fell swoop.” she nodded as she stared into her teacup.
Ville mentally cringed, “Oh damn, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that.” his hand reached out for hers, her thumb gently stroking the back of his hand, causing more butterflies in Ville’s stomach.
Ava smiled, “Well, you know, at least I was able to move onto better.”
“Yeah, same here.” Ville whispered. Their faces ever so slightly moving towards each other, a game of chicken almost. Ville inhaled deeply through his nose as though he was about to dive underwater. “Forgive me.” Ville blurted out as he sat his cup down before suddenly connecting his lips with hers.
Ava kissed back, blindly setting down her own cup, her now free hand reaching for the side of his face delicately. Ville pressed his tongue forward, Ava accepted.
Ville allowed his lips to linger before pulling back, “Sorry, I just–”
“Needed to know if it felt right?” Ava finished his sentence for him. “Well?” she pressed.
Ville nodded, “And you?”
Ava didn’t answer, she gently pulled him close by the collar of his shirt and kissed him again. Ville placed his hand on her waist and felt a shiver go up his spine while thanking his lucky stars – and his friend – for this amazing first date.
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molarbeardoc · 7 months
HI HI I WAS BORED HERE’S PART TWO (this was written two days ago)
Floor infinity! Going up!
Split stood quietly within the slightly cramped space, humming to herself as she waiting for the elevator to stop. She didn’t remember the elevator taking this long time to reach a floor. Maybe something was wrong with the cables? Did it even have cables? Maybe? What did she know; she was a fruit-taur not a technician!
What’s it like being a technician anyway? Is she even using the right profession? Sounds like a pretty annoying job. Having to fix everything all the time everytime it breaks or something.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar ringing ding of the elevator as it abruptly stopped at its floor. As she prepared herself to get out she was instead met with an unexpected, yet not unwelcome, surprise as the sounds of low quality yet cheerful music filled her floppy ears. If that wasn’t enough, the stuffy heat and subtle metallic washing over her as her fellow part bug ‘pal’, or as she considered him, entered the elevator.
The moment he laid his several eyes on her, he let out a sigh.
"Why are you here? What are you even doing here? It’s 5am…"
"Well a fine good morning to you too, Pest..! How’s the subway treating you? I’m on my way to-"
"It’s nice. That’s nice."
"It is isn’t it?"
"話すのをやめて。(Stop talking)."
"Still don’t understand you. MayBEE you should teach me whatever you’re speaking sometime."
"私はパスします (I’ll pass)."
Silence apart from the usual creaking and funky music filled the elevator. After a few more moments the familiar ringing ding filled the space once more.
"Oh how time FLIES! It was nice seeing you this morning. Have a LICE day! Oh wait that wasn’t really hygienic… Anyway, bye Pest!"
The party guest beetle only chattered in response. Maybe he wasn’t in a punny mood this morning. Oh well! More for the others.
She stepped off the elevator and onto the floor, taking a deep breath as she inhaled the fresh air. She always wondered how this floor was one of the few that were always outside in the open. That was weird. Very weird. Hmm…
Oh well!
She made her way into the maze, having to hunch over a small bit to fit entirely into the cramped space. She never understood how she could live in here? She found it small and dark and confusing. Then again, she was a bit small and dark and confusing, it fit her in a way.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
"Guess she does sleEP-!"
Split let out a startled yelp as she turned a corner and promptly bumped into someone. Fortunately she didn’t fall over, unlike whoever had met her head on. She adjusted her glasses and looked down at the spluttering and spazzed being, a warm smile soon gracing her face as the gave a low chuckle.
"Good morning Bive! I hope you don’t mind me dropping in so early. I was a bit impatient and bored so I decided to just come by now!"
The poor hairball was still confused, trying to grasp the situation as she stared blankly at Split before finally coming to her senses.
"AH-! Split! Hello! Had me worried! I thought you were a secret agent of the Clown Military who found me! HAHA-! I knew I picked the perfect spot to block their feeble radio tracking signals! THEY’LL NEVER FIND ME-!"
Split barely understood a word of any of that, she rarely understood Bive in general. That’s what why she loved her. It was always a new conspiracy theory about clowns. Or some life changing 'evidence' that’ll prove her right. She admired that about her. Her confidence that she was in the light, that she knew the truth, while others «minus Split» were manipulated and fed lies by… whoever really!
"You’re right! You’re great at hiding, Bivey. Maybe you could teach me how to avoid them when you get the chance! I’m sure it’ll be very helpful."
"Bivey- GRK-YES! YES! An INGENIOUS plan Split! You’re the only one willing to listen and take precautions! They’re coming after all! It’s only a matter of time before they do arrive! And when it happens we’ll be prepared!"
Bive would shake and tremble, her hands shaking violently as she rambled on and on.
"THAT BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT! While I was trying to finish my corkboard last night, I was hit with a sud-"
"Last night? Bive have you… slept? At all?"
The black haired creature stared at her before letting out a cackle.
Eventually, her laughter died down she sighed and looked at the fruit-taur. Once realizing it was, in fact, not a joke, she let out an awkward cough and cleared her throat.
"Ah… You’re serious… Ahah..-! When you’re a genius detective as myself, sleep only gets in your way. It makes you vulnerable. I don’t need sleep! Sleep is a one way ticket to getting caught! All I need is my special brew! That’s all I need, HA!"
Split could hardly believe her ears. Is that safe? Is that even possible?! How can someone just not sleep?! A wave of concern immediately washed over her as the detective continued to ramble on and on about her 'special brew'. Was it just pure caffeine? How does one even obtain pure unfiltered caffeine? Is it even legal?
At least that means she had a new goal in mind! Get this idiot to sleep… But how was a new problem… Maybe she could wait her out? No that wouldn’t work… She mentioned her special brew… Maybe if she could stop her from drinking it she’ll crash? It’s plausible, that still left the issue as to how..
Maybe distracting her with something? Maybe they could go to that RedBall Diner! That would definitely work. Now all she had to do was choose her next words carefully. No matter how easy the plan sounded on paper, it had to be executed flawlessly, with no in between.
Considering Bive was not only cautious, but easily deterred by anything that didn’t contribute to her theories, Split had to play her next moves as if this were a game of chess. Not that she knew how to play chess, she was more of a checkers girl.
"Hey Bivey? I was thinking and I really wanna know! What’s your opinions on the diner?"
"OHOHO! Don’t get me started on that place! The robots are weird, the place is weird, their boss?! WEIRD! It’s so strange!"
"Do you think they may be hiding something there?"
"HA! Like they’d hide anything of use in there."
"What if that’s what they want you to think?"
Bive paused. Split could see the gears in her head turning as she continued.
"Maybe they’ve got LOTS of secrets about the clown military or those snow soldiers. Don’t you wanna check just to be safe? After all, you can never be too careful, right?"
Split watched and waited in anticipation, holding her breath as Bive narrowed her eyes, humming quietly to herself as she thought about what the fruit-taur had said.
"You make an excellent point.."
"Thank you! I think we should get moving, don’t you? We don’t wanna miss out on any opportunities or secrets or other thingies!"
Bive nodded as she navigated the two of them out of the maze, ignoring the babbling of Fleshy and avoiding the corrosive oil of Scary Mike.
Split began wondering if it was just the coffee that left the detective unable to sleep; but it certainly seemed to be a main factor of the problem.
Eventually the two finally exited the maze. How long were they in there for? The sun was already out. Surely it hadn’t been that long. Nevertheless, they approached the elevator and pressed the button, waiting for the doors to open as they sat there quietly.
"… Why do you call an alligator detective?"
"An investi-gator…"
Split smiled as she got the joke, letting out a quiet giggle herself as the elevator let out a quiet ding before its doors opened. It was empty for now, no one stood within its wood and metal walls as the two stepped inside.
It was rather relaxing actually, at least for the fruit-taur. Bive looked as if she were about to have an entire breakdown right then and there, staring at one specific corner of the elevator the entire ride. Then again she always did that so there was really no difference for Split.
After a few minutes, the doors of the elevator opened, exposing the RedBall Diner office rather than its front doors. It was a little strange but not enough for anyone to make too big of a deal about it.
Split tapped the shoulder of a distracted Bive and motioned towards the open doors, partially leading and dragging her out of the elevator. Yeah… She definitely needed a good night’s sleep…
Once she came back to her senses, she stiffened at the feeling of someone’s hands on her shoulders, relaxing only when she realized it was only Split.
"Come on. No more staring at walls. We’ve got secrets to uncover!"
So far her plan was working perfectly… Okay maybe not perfectly but it was going well so far! That’s all that mattered to her. Bive was relatively silent for the moment, glancing around suspiciously with narrowed eyes, taking mental notes of her surroundings, even glaring at the animatronics with clear contempt.
"So… What do you think they’re hiding?"
"Isn’t it obvious?! They’re clearly creating more parasitic creatures to gather information for the group!"
"The who?"
"THE GROUP! They’re working with them…"
That didn’t answer her question in the slightest…
"Right! The group! Whoever they are… Say I’m feeling a bit hungry. How about we get something to eat? Since we’re already here and all!"
"There’s no way their food is safe for consumption! They certainly have planted microchips that make their way up to your brain and convince you to buy more pencils! Then the guards in the pencils will attack when you’re at your weakest! They’ll leave you paralyzed before dealing a devastating final blow and leaving you to rot!"
"Alright, alright. But I’m just saying, a cheese pizza does sound pretty Gouda."
"Gouda-? Wha-"
"Yeah! But honestly I’m gonna get a cheese pizza. Are you sure you don’t want anything? Just to keep your energy up while we look for anything out of the ordinary?"
Bive was left unsure. She hadn’t eaten anything yet and while it would definitely give her the energy, she wasn’t sure if she actually wanted to risk being infected with mind controlling microchips.
"But… The microchips…"
"How about this? I’ll try it out first and let you know if there’s any microchips in it, that way you don’t have to risk getting infected!"
Without waiting for an answer, Split quickly hurried to order a medium pie. Not wanting to be left alone in unfamiliar terrain, Bive hastily followed after whilst growing annoyed .
Could the fruit-taur not see the danger she was putting herself in?! This was a reckless and stupid decision… With each passing moment, Bive grew more and more agitated at her carelessness. Yet as she thought about it, she realized Split was doing this for her. She didn’t have to take the risk, but she did it anyway…
That’s actually…
That’s actually pretty sweet…
She sighed as she remained close to Split, listening as she ordered a medium cheese pizza and following her over to one of the tables once finished.
"You’re not actually gonna eat anything are you? That’s a stupidly huge risk to be taking. You don’t know what they’ve put in those things!"
"I’m sure I’ll be fine. No need to worry wart."
Just because she didn’t need to worry doesn’t mean she wasn’t going to. If anything, her nonchalant attitude made it worse. How could she be so calm when she was about to poison herself?! Who poisons themselves and is calm about it?! That’s like… like… like a deer not running away from the snap of a twig! Is a good analogy? Probably not but who cares? Who cares when the person you care for the most is LITERALLY about to put toxins in her body?!
While the wait was only a few minutes, it felt as if it were several hours. The food eventually arriving as Split gave Bive a comforting smile. Of course it didn’t help at all since she was still basically about to ingest death.
The moment she took a bite Bive had thought her heart had stopped. She’s going to have to explain to everyone how the fruit-taur met her end. She was never gonna meet anyone who actually understood her again. She would have to bury her on her own. What were her favourite flowers? As much as she didn’t trust them she was going to have to bring some twice a year. One for her birthday and another for her death day. Oh the humanity! How would she-
Wait a minute
She’s okay…?
How is that possible?! Was the food actually safe for consumption? The chances were slim but plausible. Wait that’s not the point, what really matters is that Split’s okay! Oh thank whatever deity was watching over them for proving her suspicions wrong. She didn’t know what she would do without her.
"… Do you… feel alright?"
"Uhm… I’m not hungry anymore?"
"Perhaps I was wrong… You don’t feel like buying anything pencils?"
"What about clowns? How do you feel about clowns now?"
"The same as usual."
"Snow soldiers?"
"Not to be trusted."
Huh. She was wrong. Guess the food was safe for consumption. At least the cheese pizza, who knows what they had in everything else.
"I guess… it is edible.. You’re not lying to me right?"
"Why would I ever lie to you?"
She had a point there…
"So are you gonna eat some or am I gonna have to finish this on my own? Not that I mind. I’m pretty sure I would finish this alone."
Bive glanced between her and the pizza, still holding onto her suspicions as she let out a quiet sigh. Eventually, she hesitantly reached for a slice and held it for a moment; inspecting it to make sure there was truly nothing wrong with it. Once it had met her standards, she took a bite herself.
It wasn’t good… But it wasn’t bad either.
"… Well then… It’s not something I’d eat daily. I doubt it’d even go well with my brew. But it’s okay I suppose.."
"I told you everything would be fine."
"Yes I know."
"But you were still freaking out weren’t you?"
"Yes I-"
"You were all worried about me."
"Fine you were right I was wrong."
"I had no idea."
Even with her teasing attitude, her grin made it impossible to feel annoyed. It was rather endearing at most.
Through the entire day, the two would simply enjoy themselves; at least to the best of their ability. Minus the occasional accusations of being a large animal and Bive’s suspicion about some of the games that operated within the dinner, it was an enjoyable experience!
Plus Split’s plan had worked.
The detective was so worried about what was happening in the moment, she had completely forgotten of her special brew. It had worked flawlessly. Not to mention Bive had gained a few extra theories in the process. It was a win-win situation for the both of them.
For now at least..
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maskyish · 1 year
Re:vale - Shuffle Talk 2022 (Episode 3)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Momo: Good morning! Hnn… It’s pretty cold…. 
Filming Staff: Good morning, Momo-san! I’m sorry for having to leave so early in the morning… or rather, I should say late at night. 
Staff: Once the bus leaves, you’re free to rest until we get to the location. 
Momo: No worries! I’m sure you’re sleepy too, right? Since we want to catch the sunrise while filming~. 
Okarin: Momo-kun, good morning! 
Momo: Morning, Okarin! ….. Huh? Where’s Yuki? He’s not with you? 
Okarin: So Yuki-kun isn't here yet. 
Okarin: We have some time before we leave. Maybe he’s getting ready in the room? 
Momo: Yeah. Probably…. 
Momo: ……
Staff: Many fans are looking forward to seeing shots of Re:vale’s closeness! (1) 
--back to present-- 
Momo: ……
Momo: Sorry, Okarin! I think I left something in my room– 
Yuki: Morning.
Momo: Ah! Yuki! 
Okarin: Speak of the devil! Good morning, Yuki-kun. 
Momo: I’m glad….. Did it take you longer to get ready? 
Yuki: …… Yeah, kinda. 
Yuki: ‘Cause I went to Momo’s room. 
Momo: Huh, my room? Why? 
Yuki: …. I thought you might’ve overslept. 
Momo: Eh? Really?!  I mean…. Actually, I was about to head to your room, too. 
Momo: I wanted to talk to you for a bit before the shoot. 
Yuki: You too? 
Momo: Huh? Me….too? 
Yuki: Oh……..
Momo: Pft– Hahah! Yeah! I wanted to talk to you too!
Yuki: …..Haha. I see. 
Yuki: I didn’t want it to stay like this even though we’re filming overseas.  
Yuki: I want to take pictures with you too. 
Momo: Yuki…..
Momo: …. Yeah, same! I’m sorry for being so stubborn yesterday over something so petty. 
Yuki: It’s okay. Wanna shake hands to make up? 
Momo: I do! 
Yuki: ….! Haha, with both hands. 
Momo: I’m really, really sorry! If you want, I can do even more? 
Yuki: Fufu… It’s too much, isn’t it? 
Yuki: ….. Let’s have a good photoshoot, Momo. 
Momo: Yeah, we’ll do our best! 
Staff: Cut! Looks good! We’ll take a break! 
Momo: Nice job, Yuki! They got a lot of good pictures, right? 
Yuki: Yeah. 
Yuki: I feel like I’m in heaven surrounded by these lotus flowers. 
Momo: Hahah, I guess so. The way the morning sun sparkles on the reflection of the water’s surface is so magical! 
Yuki: Momo, look. The sun is rising. 
Momo: Whoa… it’s amazing. A sight like this is rare….. 
Momo: If there really is a paradise, I feel like it would look like this! 
Yuki: The lotus flowers are in full bloom. 
Momo: Look over there! One white flower is blooming. 
Yuki: It’s true. It’s as white as snow. (2) 
Momo: “Yuki”? Like your name? (2) 
Yuki: Ah. A play on words…? 
Momo: It’s punny! ….But, isn’t the only white one lonely? 
Yuki: It’s not lonely. It’s surrounded by peach-colored flowers. (3) 
Yuki: …… Pun-intended. 
Momo: The punny Yuki is also handsome… ! 
Momo: Anyways…. When you’re surrounded by such beautiful scenery, the little things don’t matter.~
Yuki: Like little fights? 
Momo: Right. Like a little lozenge. 
Momo: By the way, you don’t have to worry about fights on the way home, we have plenty of coconut candies! 
Yuki: That candy is too sweet…… But, it’s not bad to have fights like this from time to time to sort out various things. 
Momo: Huh? Don’t you get upset when we fight? 
Yuki: Pissed. 
Momo: Hahah! Yeah, I know. 
Yuki: But, they say the more you fight the closer you are. 
Momo: That may be true. When we first met, I never imagined I’d fight like this with you, Yuki. 
Yuki: That goes to show how deep our bond has become. 
Momo: Yuki….! 
Yuki: I mean, without Momo I may not have even been able to retain my human form. 
Momo: Huh? 
Yuki: I can’t get up in the morning, and I don’t get much sun. 
Momo: You sound like a vampire again! But a monstrous Yuki is also super handsome! 
Momo: I mean, even I can’t live without Yuki. You’ve already won my stomach. (4) 
Momo: The hamburger you made before was the best in the world! 
Yuki: Really? Then, next time I’ll make hamburger curry with some Thai spices. 
Momo: Yay! I really like Thai curry too! 
Momo: I’ll have to buy some spices as a souvenir! 
Yuki: Fufu. Sure thing. 
Momo: Alright! Let’s give the rest of the shoot our best! 
Yuki: Right. 
[End of Rabbitv]
TL Notes:
1. Flashback from part 2. 
2. Yuki means snow. So Momo points out that the color of the flower is “snow” like Yuki’s name as a play on words. 
3. Momo can also mean peaches. So Yuki is doing a play on words here with Momo’s name now. 
4. I don’t really know how to phrase this, but I believe this is just referencing Yuki cooking for Momo. Like how they say “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” sort of thing. So this is a bit of a liberal translation as a literal translation would probably sound weird. 
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Trainer Woes: Had you decided on what, and who, Jaune's other Pokemon would be? Also, are we talking humanoid Mons (basically Faunus+ ?) or the depictions in the show and on the trading cards?
Humanoid Pokemon, or at least the more human looking Pokémon.
But, let’s just focus on adding one more to the story for now.
Jealous Much~?
Jaune: Okay… Go, Yang!
Jaune tossed out a great-ball, and out from it came his prized Lopunny, Yang.
Yang: Mmmmm~!
She moaned as she arched her slender back, stretching out her sore muscles, before bouncing side-to-side on the spot loosing the rest of them. The usual light brown fluffs of fur, were more of a rich golden colour on his, Lopunny. But they moved, and shinned like gold as she moved.
After stretching her sore muscles from another bought of what, Jaune dubbed, ‘Pokéball cramps.’ She turned about, and saw her precious trainer before bouncing on him, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace.
Yang: Bunnnn!
Yang: (Jaune~!)
Jaune: Ah-haha! Hi, Yang, missed me?
Yang: Lo!
Yang: (Always, love~!)
As, Yang nuzzled her cheek, against, Jaune’s she turned, and saw a fuming Gardivor glaring daggers at her.
Yang: (Oh, hey, Pyrrha! Jealous~?)
Pyrrha silently seethed with rage as she saw Yang, all but practically grind herself against their master, and crush.
Yang: (I’ll take that as a yes~!)
As, Jaune broke the hug to go retrieve something, Yang bounced over to, Pyrrha to tease her some more.
Yang: (You wished you could do that yourself, except you’d probably stab him if you tried!)
Yang, had an devious smile on her face, as she poked, Pyrrha’s chest horn. Causing, Pyrrha to blush furiously as she slapped her yang away from her.
Pyrrha: (Stop that!)
Yang: Fufufufu~!
Yang: (Oh yeah, you’re jelly~!)
Pyrrha: (Well, at least my powers have become strong enough he can hear my thoughts!)
Yang: (W-What?)
Pyrrha: (That’s right! I can speak with, Master, and unlike you, he knows exactly what I’m saying! Suck on that bitch! Fwahahahaha!)
Yang: (What did you two talk about?)
Pyrrha: (Wha…?)
Yang: (What did you two first talk about, cause whatever it is, would certainly explain why he’s keeping you at an arms length.)
Pyrrha: (What?!)
Pyrrha turned to see her master, Jaune citing his way around her, clearly giving her a wide bereth, as he looked at her nervously.
Yang: (What ever it is, must have been really juicy~!)
Pyrrha: ( … )
Pyrrha: (I mentally screamed at him that I wanted him to fuck me…)
Yang: (Pffft! Hahahahaha!)
Jaune watched carefully as he saw his prized, and precious Pokémon interact with one another. He had no idea what about, but clearly his Lopunny was laughing at his, Gardevoir.
As Jaune appeared before, Yang in gis hand he held a brush, of which as so as she saw she started to bounce up, and down for joy.
Jaune: Haha… Well, seems like I need not explain why I called you out then.
Yang: Pun, Pun, Pun!
Yang: (Yes! Brushing! I love brushing. Having, Master’s hands all over me~! Mmmm~! That’s the good stuff~!
Pyrrha: ( … )
As, Jaune sat down on his bed, he pulled up a stool before him, that he gently taped on gesturing, Yang to sit down. Yang however, had a better idea where to sit.
Yang: Lo?
Yang: (Hey, Pyr?)
Pyrrha: (What is it, Yang?)
Yang: Punny~!
Yang: (Let me show uou how you really seduce a man~!)
Pyrrha: Vo?!
Pyrrha: (W-What?!)
Yang pushed the stool to the side before sitting down upon, Jaune’s lap. She gently shook her butt as she teasingly pressed it against, Jaune’s crotch l, all in an attempt to get comfortable. She the turned her head to face him, bashfully blinking her eyes as him, as he just held his hands in the air, at his side.
Yang: Lo~?
Yang: (Jaune~? I’m ready~)
Jaune just laughed softly as he hands gently grasped one of her ears as he started to comb it. As he gently combed her ears, Yang couldn’t help, but melt against his body, as she gently moaned at the pleasure of his touch.
Yang: (Oooooohhh yeah~! That’s the spot~!)
Pyrrha: (Glad you’re enjoying it, Yang…)
Yang: (No, I’m loving this~!)
After awhile, Yang gave, Pyrrha wicked smirk, as she started to gyrate her hips, slowly rubbing against him. Pushing ever so harder against him as she went along. Causing, Jaune to start to stutter, and blush at her actions.
Jaune: Y-Yang, s-stop moving! You’re making it harder to come your ears.
Yang: Lop~?
Yang: (Yeah, it’s making you harder isn’t it, Master~? Having a hard time combing my ears while I make sure you fit snuggly in my bun, bun~!)
Pyrrha: Voir!
Pyrrha: (Yang! Stop that!)
Yang, continued her subtle movements as she stared, Pyrrha down.
Yang: (And, why should I~? You’re not the only one who wants, Master. So you can speak to him, big deal. You spoil your chance the first time he heard your voice in his head.)
Pyrrha: (I said, stop it!)
Yang: (Why, because you want my spot~?)
Pyrrha: (Stop, before I make you regret this!)
Yang: (How are you going to make me regret this? Me, my Master, his hard stiff rod poking between my soft squishy butt~! All, but a pesky but of moral fibre stopping us for basking in one another flesh in a fit of mad ecstasy~! How do you plan on stopping me, stopping us~?)
Pyrrha said nothing, but smiled smugly as she stared, Yang down. And, before Yang could ask what was so funny, she noticed the lack of a pleasing presence upon her ears. She turned her head to stare at her master, Jaune. His mouth hanging in shock, as a fierce blush spread across his face.
Yang: Lo…?
Yang: (Pyrrha’s been transmitting my thoughts to you hasn’t she?)
Jaune slowly nodded his head as he looked away from his previous, Lopunny.
Pyrrha: (Hell yeah, I have.)
Yang: (Oh… And, that was a bad thing how?)
Pyrrha: (What?)
Jaune: What?
Before, Jaune could act, Yang quickly spun around using her superior strength to pin his arms down to the bed. Stradling his waist as she rubbed against him.
Jaune: AHHH?! Yang?!
Yang: (Ah-Ha~! Now that I have you, I can finally let you know how I feel for you, Master~! How much I love you. How much I desire you~!$
Jaune: W-Wait! Y-You like me too?!
Yang: (We all love you, Master~! Each for our own reasons, but nonetheless we all love you. Not, as Pokémon, and trainer, but as a woman loves a man. And, since I have you just where I want you, I’ll show you just how I want you~!)
Jaune’s eyes widened in shock as he saw, Yang the perked her lips as she descended ever closer to his. Jaune knew he could easily move his head away from her lips, to stay as far away from her lips as possible. But, as she grew ever closer to his lips, he could not pull away.
Pyrrha: (YANG, S-S-STOP!)
Pyrrha was about to rush forward, and pull her off of their master when, Yang, quick as a rabbit, rushed forward, and kissed his cheek.
Jaune: W-Wha…?!
Yang: Fufufufufufu~!
Yang laughed as she climbed off their master, happy to know he responded so nicely to her antics.
Yang: (I do want to kiss you, Master. Honestly, I want to do a whole lot more than just, kissing you~!)
Jaune: B-Beg pardon?!
Yang: (But, you’re not ready for that yet, for any of us to be that intimate. But, at least you know how we feel. So, I don’t mind the wait, but don’t make a lady wait too long now~!)
Jaune: O-Okay…
Yang: (Good~!)
Yang turned to look at a fuming, Pyrrha with her cheeks all puffed out in silent rage as she stared down the giant bunny.
Yang: (That’s how you let him know you’re interested. Not, whatever it was that you did.)
Pyrrha stared at her ‘friend’ fora. Few minutes until she finally spoke.
Pyrrha: Vo…
Yang: (What did you just call me?!)
Jaune: PYRRHA?!
The duo of, Pokémon stared at the appalled expression on their trainers face.
Pyrrha: …
Yang: …
Pyrrha: (I was transmitting, wasn’t I?)
Jaune: YES!
Pyrrha: (Oops…)
Jaune: Into the timeout ball with you; Pyrrha return!
Pyrrha: (Ahh nuts…)
And, with that and a flash of red light, Pyrrha returned to the confines of her, Pokéball rethink her actions as of late.
Yang: Lop?
Jaune: Yeah, she’s been like this for a while now…
Yang: Pun…
Jaune: Yeah… pretty much…
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philosophicalparadox · 10 months
Well I did something
Update! We are at chapter 14 going on 15 now. This is going to be So Much Longer than I thought. Bout to start phase 2 of the KakaIru relationship, dip into the NaruSaku and then spam like three chapters of KisaIta cause I have way more scenes for those two lol
Check it out if you’re into it. Takes place somewhere in the middle of Shippuden, after the Itachi Retrieval arc but in an alternate universe in which Hidan and Kakuzu don’t die (nor does Asuma) and Deidara doesn’t fight Sasuke, though Kisame eventually does. I’ll work out the kinks later (haha punny punny)
Very Naruto-fandom Summary updated:
For Shinobi, Love is tantamount to Sin. There are good reasons for that.
For each Shinobi harbors Scars, and hides Secrets. Scars that twist them; Secrets that scar them. Sometimes love can heal. Sometimes it can hurt. And sometimes it’s just inevitable.
A tale focusing on a few sets of Lovers whose stories drift together, and as they collide like galaxies, they create new, otherwise implausible worlds along the way.
Or, a tale in which Itachi doesn't quite get his way, and Sasuke has no choice but to return home to find his brother, with some...unexpected, company of his own; Kakashi becomes a savior and surrogate lover as well as a real one, and Kisame is hopelessly doomed by the narrative because love makes you do stupid things. Selfless, honest, terrible, very stupid things.
*smut officially begins in ch. 9* *Sasuke’s arc starts ch. 12* SLOW BURN with disjointed character chapters/arcs at the beginning. This will resolve as the arcs collide.
PAIRINGS: Kakashi/Iruka and Kisame/Itachi main, in that order more or less. Eventual Kakashi/Itachi and maaaaybe a three way. Maybe.
Others include Sasuke/Suigetsu (which isn’t exactly serious) and Sasuke/Karin (with consequences) cause we are goin with the repressed hyper sexual teenager trope again, Naruto/Sakura (no! Not like that! Don’t compare me to the incels that write that crap) and eventually a Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura polycule. They’re rare! And honestly I Love writing Sakura way more than I thought I would. Exploring the Naruto verse from Kunoichi perspective is Fun! (If a bit depressing)
Loads of BDSM stuff particularly where Sasuke and Kakashi are concerned. Are you surprised? lol.
Genre: Hurt/comfort (much ow. Lots of angst. Plenty of bittersweet.) some Whump-ish moments, especially in the Awkward Caretaker trope. no horror elements (gasp! No horror from me? Unheard of!) but some medical stuff that’s pretty accurate but not very gory. I tried to curb my itch to make it bloody but if you’ve read my stuff or been around on my blog you’ll know that’s hard.
WARNING: Explicit Rating Justified. A Dead Dove: Do Not Eat (pfffft like I write anything else) Some vague but critically important scenes of SA. Deals with heavy PTSD issues, SA recovery, and Cancer, because Itachi is Dying and I needed something more survivable than the alternatives. Some medical ickiness and Ew moments but nothing too graphic. (Eh…for me, that is. Take it with a pinch of salt.) among these are mentions of morphine use in hospice, euthanasia, The Death Rattle, vomiting, migraines, aforementioned cancer, and Awkward Caretaker moments.
There’s also some um…social commentary? About the Japanese-flavored society these characters live in embedded into the story, things like social homophobia and sexism that are similarly Japanese-flavored and kinda historically accurate. (Plus like, Kishimoto man. He built that crap into the manga and it feels weird not to notice it?)
Itachi LIVES but so does Sasuke. They do eventually make nice…The Hard Way. (Undecided how I’m handling their relationship. Might decideto go for a Brother Complex Sasuke. Right now the fic is writing itself and I’m just letting it. Will update if that happens.)
Also I know way too many things about sharks so my Kisame HC’s are working through lol Sharks Make Sounds and You Can’t Stop Me.
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dezmondmyles · 10 months
oops. forgot to add to the punny protocreed post bc i’m atill asking atm, but i’m also currently asking why protocreed on chinese lofter’s called AD钙奶好 (“ad calcium milk is good")! AD钙奶‘s literally just a chinese calcium milk brand and apparently used bc it has alex and des’s first letters LMAO, so possibly just saying the crossover and pairing is sweet or something? (also prototype 2's protagonist james heller is nicknamed. "蛋叔" (uncle egg) and "卤蛋" (soy egg) bc he's bald, i'm 💀💀💀)
english speakers: we're gonna blend their names together and have the pun be a type of nut haha :) chinese speakers: what if they were dairy actually?
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bonkers-4-hatter · 7 months
Anon asked: hi mod niki! ive been a fan of your writing for like years and i love your work, its been a huge inspo! i finally got up the courage to ask for a matchup if theyre still open! Can I get ones for JJBA and X-Men? :0 I’m a 6’1 nonbinary person with brown skin, brown eyes, and consistently messy long green hair, im a virgo and im very achillean, haha. I like cooking, all forms of art, terrible puns, gardening, all things horror and listening to people talk. Ive been described as a mom friend, and im pretty gentle but also really protective! Ty if you do this I hope you’re doing well ✨⭐️
Hiya anon dear! I'm happy to hear I've been an inspiration to you! It makes my heart happy! I hope you enjoy this hun! <3 <3
I match you with:
Bruno Bucciarati from JJBA
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Enjoys watching you cook, you seem so at ease and relaxed when you do. Likes to cook with you too, making dinner or lunch with you, trying out new receipes.
Being a protective person himself, he's glad that you have a heart of gold and watch out for others as well, he wants to share his heart with someone who has the same morals when it comes to taking care and helping others. He'll of course protect you with his whole being and he'll be damned if you get hurt on his watch.
Colossus from X-Men
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Doesn't really understand your punny jokes, but laughs along because he enjoys seeing a smile on your face. Enjoys taking you to art museums to hear what you think of pieces and what they represent. It's a nice, quiet activity for you both and it eases his mind and for a little while he thinks everything will be okay with you by his side.
Is amused to see you as the mom friend as you take care of those around you, especially when your friends take it to far with the drinking. You're tucking them into bed and making sure they have water and pills for the hangover. It makes him smile to see you take care of those you care about and he vows to take care of you for the rest of his days.
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laviexenrose · 2 years
𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓈
NAME: isabelle marie allard NICKNAME(S): is, izzy, belle AGE: most verses - age 29 SPECIES: human
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic || good /  gray / evil  RELIGIOUS BELIEF: born-again christian  VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice (all of them lol) PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: spreading as much good and love to humanity as possible (through her wealth) but also getting married and having a family  LANGUAGES KNOWN: french, english, spanish, italian, some portuguese  SECRETS: not exactly a deep dark secret per say but isabelle won’t go around telling everybody she’s well-off; and if anything, it's more like there’s secrets being kept from her asdfdjf QUIRKS: doesn’t need lots of sleep, 5 hours is good. detail-oriented !! super organized with labels and everything. remembers important, significant dates but also the most random events in her life and some history ones too. i don’t want to say she has a photographic memory but she can read things pretty fast and then recall them, sometimes verbatim, later on. that helps/helped so much when she is/was doing her studies aka she’s a super nerd.  SAVVIES: knows probably way too much about plants, like the medicinal properties and which can be consumed or not - but i think based on that alone she has a pretty good chance of survival, if she were stranded in the woods or something. maybe not.
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other   HEIGHT: 5′4″ SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: no scars but she has a small, circular pigmented birthmark on her lower abdomen, left side, just above her hip. she has freckles too but they’re not very noticeable unless you’re up close and personal ABILITIES/POWERS: N/A RESTRICTIONS: trusts too easily. always patient, even when she’s frustrated. wants to believe everyone has good/can be good??
FAVOURITE FOOD: bread, cheese, chocolate - what else do you need? FAVORITE DRINK: raspberry tea, lightly sweet FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: cheese  FAVOURITE COLOR: technically pink but not bright or light, it’s like a rusty rose  FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE: classical FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE:  historical and/or romance FAVOURITE MOVIE GENRE: doesn’t watch many movies but if i had to guess it’d be the same as the book genres  FAVOURITE SEASON: spring  FAVOURITE BUTT TYPE: doesn’t have one? haha i’m crying FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: does not curse, ever !! there was like one time in a thread, and it was in french but it's very very VERY rare if it happens  FAVOURITE SCENT: vanilla, honeysuckle or just anything floral 
𝒻𝓊𝓃 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒻𝒻
BOTTOM OR TOP: this one’s too obvious  LOUD BURPER OR SOFT BURPER: okay but just imagine isabelle loudly burping? lol !! she’d still be rlly cute about it, but she does it softly when she does, of course  SINGS IN THE SHOWER: maybe not like full on, powerhouse singing but humming some words or lyrics that are stuck in her head LIKES BAD PUNS: yes! laughs at anything punny, whether it’s good or bad THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: i probably remind her of her grandmother, for being a cruel and wicked woman. i’m horrible, especially to her. i can’t imagine why she would like me v much XD
TAGGED BY: @honorhearted
TAGGING: @xbless-this-broken-roadx , @ericbrandonrp  , @kit-just-kit  , @lavishbylaw , @marimelwrites ( do jameson pls + for any muse of yours you want ♡ ) , @richardxoliverxmayhew , @secretscost ( for ethan or zander! or anyone you feel like doing:) ) , @skyler-bane , @wintcrstcrfall ( tagged for matthew but honestly anyone you’d like to do! ♡ ) , @withinkandquill ( for anyone else you wanna do !! ), @wynterlanding​
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livsabell · 2 years
Welcome to my little planet within the ‘world wide web‘. On this planet we treat people with respect & kindness. I have the mouth of a trucker & the punctuation of a toad. If you’re not into that or weird stuff in general, feel free to exit this site now. No harm no foul xx
In this post I am attempting to give you an abridged version of my life, in hopes you join me along in my journey.
At the ‘mo’, I run my own online thrift store, ThriftAbell. I also have my own stamp collection/store called StampAbell as well as a podcast which I will EVENTUALLY publish. haha
To be honest I don’t know what I am doing with my life. I write poetry, love adventure, ironically getting my fingers dirty with soil and designing things that I never publish. I’m the girl you call for anything graphic design. I have a vision and I go with it, very rarely does anything go to plan or come from a rubric. These designs range from television show advertising, social media banners, to websites. I love making art. Yes, Ok! It’s mostly centered around me but hey, when the clients are a few, the A.D.D mind wonders and creates world of entertainment for oneself. I’m sitting on hundreds of unused designs that may make your mind explode or call me egotistical.
I am a very sensitive person with lots of empathy and sympathy. My goal is to create content for this blog that will include a little bit of everything. I jump from subjects very quickly, so thank God for post categories because one day you may read about my intestinal issues and the next you’ll see a recipe for cannabis malva pudding.
I am so grateful for how far I have come, not only as a Transgender woman but as a human in general. This blog will be a melting pot, a multiverse if you will, of my mind, which I call a planet. I will not talk down to you or at you, which is why you will see I type like a speak. This is merely a diary that happens to have an email subscription form.
Some Facts about me:
I have a collection of over 10,000 stamps
I enjoy watching tennis & local rugby but MUCH pefer to play tennis
In 2022, I’m turning 25, an age I have always been scared of.
My dead name is Matthew Nel, You may call me Livs
My mom was going to call me Alexander Nel, Making it  (A.Nel) cough cough.
I can create, fix and or break websites in under an hour
‘My’ dog max is my life
Fav food is Spiga Pizza
I was a shy kid, as an adult I am LOUD
I enjoy being single & having the entire bed to myself
From punny puns to marvellous Malvas to topics such as hormones and transitioning, join me as I discover more about myself and share my life with you. You never know what you’ll stumble across.
Xx @livsabell
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1d1195 · 18 days
Omg finally had time to read the newest toothpaste update and bestie…omg?! That was so GOOD!!! I know you typically don’t write smut(which is FINE!!!) this build up was just so😵‍💫 THE THUMB SUCKING I WOULD SIMPLY DIE!! She’s so brave bc omg could cry just thinking about it lol and she’s so bold omg I love that for her😭 and he’s so in love like this man is so down bad, I love it!! That “cavity filling” line… SAM WHAT POSSESSED YOU TO TYPE THAT HAHAH I LOVE IT !!!! It was so nice to read about these two again, loved it as always!!
I think it was also for the best lol I would have been WAY more unhinged than I already was lol and it seems so much like you to be worried about them and honestly I get it!
Bestie anything you come up with I know it will just be great!! And the way Market Basket has now been added to my list of stores I will simply not enter bc that sounds so bad😭 I love a good deal but my mental state probs candle handle that HAHA
Oh the writting aspect seems like it would have been horrible like the process of it lol I feel like you would have absolutely slayed cognitive psychology classes!! There’s so much stuff about the brain and like behavioral stuff too!
IM FINALLY FREE!!! Took both my final exams on the same day so my brain is a little fried but still very happy to be over with everything:)! YOURE incredibly sweet Sam😭❤️ I miss you too obviously when I’ve been away! I always love chatting with you no matter what! But same goes for you too, your overall stability and health is a priority! No matter how long it will always be so important to put yourself first!
I’m also so surprised how inspired you have been for Honey bc the amount of writting you’ve done in such a short time is so crazy in the best way!! I get being a bit critical on what you work on BUT I’m sure the last few parts are just as amazing!
THAT MEN QUOTE OMG THATS SO REAL!!!! HAHHA LOVE IT! I like the idea of annotating bc I think it’s cute too! I typically end up writing it out or taking a pic of a quote I like but that’s pretty much it! I also donate my books once I feel like I’ve outgrown them a bit so I try not to do too much damage lol but omg that sounds so fun with your friend!!
Hope you had a good week my love! And wishing such a peaceful and relaxing weekend! Love you lots!!!-💜
Yay! I think the whole reason I had this idea is because I finally have a dentist that doesn't make me want to cry anymore. I was so traumatized growing up HATING the dentist. Now I find it lowkey relaxing just laying there lol I am trying to think of more sexy punny innuendos for the dentist (there's something about being drilled on the tip of my tongue) but yes, he's mostly just obsessed with her 😍 as he should be. she's so cute 🤭
FREEDOM! YAY! I'm glad you're done! So exciting!!! 💕
I think I wrote like 15k words in the first day of starting it. Sometimes when I have (what I think is) a good idea, I try and write as MUCH as I can as quickly as possible so I don't forget anything I want to include. So I was bouncing back and forth between the beginning/middle/end putting pieces down that I don't even know if I'll use but I gotta include in case I need it. I'm currently REALLY attached to Honey still though (probs because I wrote it so quickly) so I'm lowkey struggling to write something else because I don't want to let them go 😭 It's like when I read a book that just hits and I'm like "I cannot leave them. They're my friends." It feels rude to move on.
I've been trying to donate more of my books! I'm out of room on my shelves! I usually leave them in the staff lounge. But I can't exactly bring my smut books into a school so I have to be strategic about which ones I bring in 😂 If I think I'm going to reread the book, or even just look at it, I always keep it. So there are MANY like that so I am struggling to clear space on my shelf. Plus I just keep buying more anyway 😂
Solid week overall and I'm hoping to be productive this weekend, but we will see. I want to put up fall decorations even though it's still like 80 degrees out. I know you don't like the cold much but I'm DYING for 50-60 fall breezes 😭
Love you!
Hope you had a good week my love! And wishing such a peaceful and relaxing weekend! Love you lots!!!-💜
0 notes
lycorid · 19 days
I gave that deer anime with the really punny name a shot. Clips of it kept popping up on Youtube and finally I was recommended a video of episode one so I figured why the hell not. I am not immune to repeated advertisements.
I’m a big fan of boke/tsukkomi routine style humor, so it appealed to me pretty quickly, though I didn’t get that… you know, the kind of feeling in your chest when you’re excited, a near obsessive drive to keep watching/reading/doing whatever you’re doing, that thing. Nowhere near as funny as Daily Lives of Highschool Boys (god I wish they made a true spin-off for High School Girls are Funky) or PopTeamEpic (season 2 was actually fucking kino) but it was a decent popcorn comedy.
There’s definitely some funny moments like this
Damn, imagine if they paid Emi Evans to sing for these types of moments.
Only took two episodes to introduce the siscon character! Fucking kill me
Yeah, so episode two introduces another character who is very much into her sister in a very obviously incestuous and obsessive way. She tries to murder deer girl because she believes Noko is trying to take her sister away from her. Also, she cares a lot about her sisters virginity. Come ON. Sibling complex shit has never been funny and I’m so tirrrreeed of it. I swear School Zone is the only one that did it decently considering the siscon character is fucking hated by the sister she idolizes and she avoids her, and it causes actual conflict that isn’t just “haha look isn’t this funny? (poorly concealed fetish.)”
Is it too much to ask to not have incest? Is it?
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iffoundreturntosea · 5 months
May 4, Day 124/125
Day 124 2015
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I love this kid so much!
#love #thiskid #chasing #chopping #bubbles #spring #springtime #playtime #fierce #funtime #fun #play #kids #niece #picoftheday #project365 #day124
At one point I added a dinosaur chasing her and it was fantastic! haha We had so much fun chasing bubbles!
Day 125 2016
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Who needs a man when you can get a Braum's peanut butter cup shake with chocolate? Not me!
#braums #shake #peanutbuttercup #chocolate #sotasty #yum #shadesoftherainbow #colors #brights #may #picoftheday #project365 #day125
Day 124 2017
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That's What I Like
#mandms #mms #peanutbutter #chocolate #yum #thatswhatilike #brunomars #songs #music #may #picoftheday #project365 #day124
Day 124 2018
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Sweet, sweet rain!
#texas #spring #rain #raindrops #water #ladybug #leaf #plant #create #imagine #getoutside #explore #nature #outdoors #kaleidoscope #may #picoftheday #project365 #day124
Day 124 2019
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Sun watchers
#texas #spring #mayflowers #wildflowers #bluesky #clouds #beauty #nature #outdoors #nationalweatherobserversday #may #may4 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day124
Day 125 2020
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#stepdad #dad #spottedreading #books #read #thebestofjamesherriot #jamesherriot #inagoodbook #whatchareading #may #may4 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day125
Day 124 2021
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I really hope I can spend more time with these beauties before they’re gone!! 🍄🧡
#mushrooms #fungi #nature #outdoors #texas #spring #love #colony #may #may4 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day124
The other day I had someone say to me that once you see one mycelium you've seen them all...what a sad statement.
Day 124 2022
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Shellebrating is fun….and tasty!
#shellebrate #punny #myfriendsgetme #iykyk #may #may4 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day124
This was such a great day. It's been no easy ride since leaving my job and the library but it was for the best.
Day 124 2023
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So much to Seemore of. You may have Seentoomuch though.
#legos #starwars #totallyaccurate #ha #maythefourthbewithyou #fun #seamore #seentoomuch #may #may4 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day124
Day 125 2024
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Little trip down memory lane for tonight’s photo. I went digging for something from the year I was born and decided on a simple little baby blanket my mom had made but I also read through my baby book. Fun fact: I was born in New York so I’m sure the blanket came in handy 😃
#somethingfromtheyearyouwereborn #dailytheme #justme #babyblanket #1986 #memories #may #may4 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day125
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unboliviabell · 2 years
Hello <3
Welcome to my little planet within the ‘world wide web‘. On this planet we treat people with respect & kindness. I have the mouth of a trucker & the punctuation of a toad. If you’re not into that or weird stuff in general, feel free to exit this site now. No harm no foul xx
In this post I am attempting to give you an abridged version of my life, in hopes you join me along in my journey.
At the ‘mo’, I run my own online thrift store, ThriftAbell. I also have my own stamp collection/store called StampAbell as well as a podcast which I will EVENTUALLY publish. haha
To be honest I don’t know what I am doing with my life. I write poetry, love adventure, ironically getting my fingers dirty with soil and designing things that I never publish. I’m the girl you call for anything graphic design. I have a vision and I go with it, very rarely does anything go to plan or come from a rubric. These designs range from television show advertising, social media banners, to websites. I love making art. Yes, Ok! It’s mostly centered around me but hey, when the clients are a few, the A.D.D mind wonders and creates world of entertainment for oneself. I’m sitting on hundreds of unused designs that may make your mind explode or call me egotistical.
I am a very sensitive person with lots of empathy and sympathy. My goal is to create content for this blog that will include a little bit of everything. I jump from subjects very quickly, so thank God for post categories because one day you may read about my intestinal issues and the next you’ll see a recipe for cannabis malva pudding.
I am so grateful for how far I have come, not only as a Transgender woman but as a human in general. This blog will be a melting pot, a multiverse if you will, of my mind, which I call a planet. I will not talk down to you or at you, which is why you will see I type like a speak. This is merely a diary that happens to have an email subscription form.
Some Facts about me:
I have a collection of over 10,000 stamps
I enjoy watching tennis & local rugby but MUCH pefer to play tennis
In 2022, I’m turning 25, an age I have always been scared of.
My dead name is Matthew Nel, You may call me Livs
My mom was going to call me Alexander Nel, Making it  (A.Nel) cough cough.
I can create, fix and or break websites in under an hour
‘My’ dog max is my life
Fav food is Spiga Pizza
I was a shy kid, as an adult I am LOUD
I enjoy being single & having the entire bed to myself
From punny puns to marvellous Malvas to topics such as hormones and transitioning, join me as I discover more about myself and share my life with you. You never know what you’ll stumble across.
Xx O.A.
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nattikay · 2 years
I'm in the Avatar support group just saying :) I'm also amazed at how fast you made up those ocs and are drawing them flawlessly and with such creative ideas behind them!
adhafsfjs yes, Neyntìsti and Sre’tìkelu have absolutely taken over a big chunk of my creative brainspace atm, I have so many more ideas and snippets I want to get out about them and their lives so brace yourselves followers, they will probably continue to pop up on my blog for the next little while haha. ^^;
I’ve also finally picked a name for Sre’tìkelu’s brother (Rolukx—and on that note Sre’tìkelu’s real name is technically Se’txelu but he gained the punny nickname (“tooth lack”) when he lost a tooth falling out of a tree onto his face whoopsie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). I’ve also got some concepts for their father and how things that happened to him affected Rolukx’s personality in particular, as well as giving Rolukx some extra hobbies/interests aside from keeping Sre’tìkelu out of unintentional trouble…also concepts for Neyntìsti’s patents, particularly her mom who she was very close too…….yeah like I said ideas for these dummies are a’swirlin’ in my mind and I can’t stop!! ^^;
btw Reddie, I seem to recall you mentioning how the Na’vi are presented as too perfect. Well. I read a few of the comics…granted I’m not sure whether people consider the comics canon or to what extent. In one of them we get to meet two characters (Tsu’tey’s parents, apparently), and…well, with those two alone we get instances of treason, attempted assassination, poisoning, intentionally pinning blame an innocent person, and highly manipulative parental favoritism. So uh. There ya go 🙃
…but hey at least they were kind enough to reenact the yelling at cat meme for us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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