#haha well too bad! you got literally no update on me buddy
terriblelizbians · 1 year
oh my god. i just checked linked in cause i got one of those “someone viewed your profile!” emails and i thought it would maybe be one of the places i applied to for an internship but no. it was someone from my childhood. who is apparently now a cop. what the fuck
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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Literally every conversation I've had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election goes something like this:
Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why?!?! Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, 2-yr multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But there was evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI.
Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with its replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They've built over 300 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it!
Me: BILLIONS. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo?
Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way?
Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!"
Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources", when over nine people who were with the President have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you? He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides with their benefits. He also tackled something that no previous administration has been able to do - fixing the badly broken VA. Ask any veteran you know. Funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national TV to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: What would you have done differently?
Hater: He didn't close the borders in time!
Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called racist, xenophobic, and fear monger for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: Here's a picture of him wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask?
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his style or personality. And everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like them. So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done. So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip-flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a nice guy (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
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jrcraddock828 · 4 years
Literally every conversation I've had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election goes something like this:
Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why?!?! Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, 2-yr multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But we now have evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI. Recently released classified documents from the DNI clearly show that John Brennan, Obama, James Comey and Joe Biden all knew that Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluded with Russians and other foreign agents to create a campaign to destroy a US President. Evidence they spied on and targeted American citizens in the process. Aren't you worried about our government trampling civil liberties and being corrupted?
Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with its replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. Nancy Pelosi will never allow that. For her it's all political and not what's best for all of America. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They've built over 300 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it!
Me: The new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico has BILLIONS coming to us from Mexico. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo?
Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way? Aren't you aware that Trump has enacted billions in sanctions against Russia?
Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!"
Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources", when over nine people who were with the President have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you? He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides to improve their benefits. He also tackled something that no previous administration has been able to do - fixing the badly broken VA. Ask any veteran you know. That's a funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national TV to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: Experts told him we would have between 1.5 and 2 million deaths. So far it has been less than 250,000. What would you have done differently?
Hater: He didn't close the borders in time!
Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called racist, xenophobic, and fear monger for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: There are pictures and video of him wearing a mask. Do you wear a mask 24/7?
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask? No he didn't. Even the "Experts" gave changing opinions and recommendations about wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling? Would it be better or more honest if he had said we are never going to beat or defeat Covid-19?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his style or personality. Everything you have mentioned until now is incorrect misinformation. Everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like him. So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done. So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip-flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a "nice guy" (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
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ahamay79 · 4 years
Literally every conversation I've had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election goes something like this:
Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why???? Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, 2-yr multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But we now have evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI. Recently released classified documents from the DNI clearly show that John Brennan, Obama, James Comey and Joe Biden all knew that Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluded with Russians and other foreign agents to create a campaign to destroy a US President. Evidence they spied on and targeted American citizens in the process. Aren't you worried about our government trampling civil liberties and being corrupted?
Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with its replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. Nancy Pelosi will never allow that. For her it's all political and not what's best for all of America. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They've built over 300 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it!
Me: The new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico has BILLIONS coming to us from Mexico. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo?
Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way? Aren't you aware that Trump has enacted billions in sanctions against Russia?
Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!"
Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources", when over nine people who were with the President have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you? He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides to improve their benefits. He also tackled something that no previous administration has been able to do - fixing the badly broken VA. Ask any veteran you know. That's a funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national TV to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: Experts told him we would have between 1.5 and 2 million deaths. So far it has been less than 250,000. What would you have done differently?
Hater: He didn't close the borders in time!
Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called racist, xenophobic, and fear monger for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: There are pictures and video of him wearing a mask. Do you wear a mask 24/7?
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask? No he didn't. Even the "Experts" gave changing opinions and recommendations about wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling? Would it be better or more honest if he had said we are never going to beat or defeat Covid-19?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his style or personality. Everything you have mentioned until now is incorrect misinformation. Everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like him. So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done. So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip-flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a "nice guy" (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
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99dodgedakota · 4 years
Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why?!?! Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But there was evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI.
Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with it's replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They've built over 260 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it!
Me: BILLIONS. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo?
Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way?
Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!"
Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources" when over nine people who were with the President that have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you?
He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides, and put a lot of money into fixing the VA, ask any veteran you know. Funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national television to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: What would've you done differently?
Hater: He didn't close the borders in time!
Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called xenophobic for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: Here's a picture of him wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask?
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his personality. And everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like his personality.
So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done.
So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip- flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a nice guy (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
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crayontime · 4 years
Literally every conversation I've had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election:
Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why?!?! Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But there was evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI.
Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with it's replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They've built over 260 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it!
Me: BILLIONS. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo?
Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way?
Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!"
Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources" when over nine people who were with the President that have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you?
He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides, and put a lot of money into fixing the VA, ask any veteran you know. Funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national television to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: What would've you done differently?
Hater: He didn't close the borders in time!
Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called xenophobic for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: Here's a picture of him wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask?
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his personality. And everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like his personality.
So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done.
So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip- flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a nice guy (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
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Houses With Teeth | Writing Update
Hey People of Earth!
What is this shiny new title--is she a short story, is she a... a new novel?? Or is she the seventh book of FOSTERED because apparently that series never ends!! Haha.
So yes! This is the first update for--yes!--book 7 of FOSTERED! A few things you’ve probably already noticed:
The title is not a past tense verb and we STAN. If you haven’t noticed books 1-6 of the series follow a verb-ED structure, and I honestly became so over it by book four but kept up with it for consistency’s sake. I debated for probably two seconds before I settled that I am TIRED of these UGLY fostered titles, so we have made a CHANGE. Honestly, I kind of needed this change because this book is going to be kind of... different from the others (genre, tone, etc, etc), and I needed a more concrete separation from Old Fostered to New Fostered.
Originally, this title actually belonged to REWIRED for about 2 hours before I decided to give it to the new book. This was my thought process:
Me want new title for REWIRED, this title = trash
*comes up with new title*
nvm i’ll never be able to think of a title better than this for book 7
(I’d like to say my process was more thoughtful than this but this is literally how it happened oops)
While trying to come up with titles for the three sections of Rewired, I came up with houses for part 2. This is what sparked me to think of the title HOUSES WITH TEETH. I changed part two’s name because houses literally made no sense in conjunction with the chapters, and I’m happy about it since I looove this title. 
So without further ado, let’s get into it!
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I honestly have been struggling with the idea of this book for a very long time. As I’ve mentioned, FOSTERED’s 5 year anniversary will be coming up this October--AKA I’ve been writing this series for a very long time! I grew up with this series and its characters and whilst it’s all been very special to me in my development as an adolescent, I’m also older now, and my tastes in both writing and books have changed immensely. I knew I still had a story kicking here with FOSTERED, so I could have ended the series I just had one thought that held me back: why end it when it feels like it’s only just begun?
For a very long time, I severely misunderstood MANY of my characters in Fostered. Is this because I don’t characterize and blindly pants all of my novels hahahah possibly. Keeping in mind that the FOSTERED novels on average usually only took me about 2-5 months to complete, despite writing with these babes for 5 years, I still failed to understand them as characters. I don’t think this is exactly wrong--I understood as much as I needed to get through the first five books. 
However, this idea that my characters were beyond what I’d made for them really confronted me when I started writing book six. I soon realized that literally 90% of the cast is made up of garbage people I absolutely love, and that in general, I really like writing about dark, strange, unsettling things. But this realization came as I was writing the sixth book in the series--very late! Though I acknowledge at some point FOSTERED will cease to be (rip), this idea of leaving it when there was, to say it simply, SO MUCH JUICY TEA, would feel like an injustice. 
This is where this book comes into play! Although this isn’t a chapter update (more of a preliminary intro, if you will), I’ve had some time to think about the novel itself. Though I still really don’t have solid footing on the plot, it’s got an aesthetic and that’s... enough??
I made a mini moodboard of all the things HOUSES WITH TEETH. Here it is:
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I’ve been struggling a lottttt with this book lately because I honestly don’t know what it is?? So far I know a few major things like Reeve being 20 and living in NYC, Foster being a central character, etc etc, but the book hasn’t materialized beyond these things? I feel very headless working on this project, which I know means I need to do a lot more thinking/planning before diving in. Because it’s slightly different from the rest of the books, it’s taking a bit more elbow grease to work into.
I recently changed the tense from present to past, and I think this helped?? Possibly?? I don’t exactly know what the story is in past tense, but I also didn’t know what it was in the present so lol I think the experimentation is good for me. For now, I’ve kind of put this guy on the back burner while I work on other things, but I have drafted some of it, the first ‘present’ version in a writing sprint because girl needed a push, and the second ‘past’ version pretty recently. I do like both, though they kind of achieve different things. I was having trouble keeping momentum with the present version, hence the switch, but I am having trouble transferring Reeve’s cynicism into the past. 
I am not fully certain on plot yet because of these things, so I’m not confident enough to share a summary, but I do have some excerpts! With that said, there’s a lot that could change, so everything I share here is malleable/could change. 
The first excerpts I’ll share are from the ‘present’ version of this story, which is how I initially started drafting! I do like a lot of it, I just don’t think I can keep up with the tense without running out of steam.
This is the opening. I’ll share both from the present and past tense versions so you can see how different they are (because oh boy are they!). For some context, Reeve is cleaning up some broken herb planter pots from her sink after she believes Ethel, the ghost in her apartment, has knocked them down:
The apartment is haunted but Joel won’t get a priest until he sees proof. You won’t see proof of the paranormal, I’ve explained, but Joel doesn’t care. Joel is atheist and my landlord. He thinks Christians are Satan worshippers, and I haven’t ever disagreed. But there’s a ghost. Her name is Ethel.
Ethel is twenty and was murdered in this apartment. A cold case. She hates New York City, too buzzy, too fluid, the traffic vulgar and boring. I intuit Ethel, which sounds like bullshit, because it is. I doubted her and she cut my hair in my sleep. Ethel hates this apartment.
idk what is up with the sentence structure here but:
Once I’ve cleared the first pot from the sink, I work on the next, a wilted clump of cilantro. Unrooting it from the splinters of terracotta and placing whatever I can salvage on a paper towel. The de-potted herbs intestinal, like webbings of medicinal veins. Ollie’s movie muttering. The motor of the refrigerator gruelling and wet. In my head I tick off the herbs I’ve saved so far: thyme, rosemary, parsley, dill. All the pots empty and bagged for the garbage. I grab the notepad from the fridge and make a note: buy better pots. 
In the middle of cleaning up the pots, Reeve gets a phone call and answers, assuming it’s her landlord/roommate/semi-boyfriend Joel. I wrote all of this during a writing sprint with my buddies and I haven’t looked at it since. There are parts I like and some parts I don’t lol: 
Static echoes through the speaker and it’s a telemarketer, a wrong number, a prank call from two teenage girls in Indiana, Ethel on the other line. But then there’s a clink and someone clearing their throat. “You’re in Manhattan?”
The familiar swell of his voice through the line is like the shaft of a finger tracing the notches of my spine. His voice crackles, bad connection, and I want to use it as an excuse to hang up, but don’t. I finger the leftover bits of terracotta in the sink, swirling the mud against the stainless steel.
“Who is this?” I say this because it’s easier. There are not explanations if I’m just from the city. The distant shimmer of music from his side fills the dead air, the melody gentle. Outside, Marty from the convenience store walks her golden retriever, bustling through the suburban neighborhood across the road. The woman who just started her shift at the apartment’s lobby smokes absently on the drive-up. I put the phone between my shoulder and my ear and gnaw at my fingernails.
“Your brother.” I picture him on the veranda of some Delaware beach house, playing lazy games of Parcheesi with Harrison, his hair long and unattractive to the girl he tries to impress at the public pool. Sharing a cigarette with his roommate-boyfriend-co-worker. The tobacco protruding into his lungs, feeding through his throat.
Marty and her dog have made it to the streetlamp outside of the complex; Marty on the phone, the dog sniffing at a fire hydrant. I lean over the sink and mix bits of plant fertilizer and water from the drain with my pinkie. It’s easy to imagine him by the ocean, the porch of his new place gritty with sand. The ice cream truck whirring lazily around the block.
Blowing smoke from the cigarette out the window, onto Marty and her dog, “How did you get this number?”    
“Your ad in the paper. I’m calling to fill that position.”
This is the last of ‘present’ HWT that I’ll share which I do rather like! This is the continuation of their conversation:
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“I think you have the wrong number.” It’s the only thing I can think of to say. I last saw Lonan nine, ten, eleven months ago, in an unmemorable daze. Sitting glumly in the shade of the cabin with a magazine and cigarette, staring sunward as we rolled out of the lot. Bristles of burr bushes, mosquitoes nipping at his elbows. His phone call feels criminal.
“Why Manhattan?” he asks.
“Better restaurants.”
“I want to fill that room you’re renting.”
“And what about Harrison?”
“He’ll come.”
“It’s an ad for a couch. You can’t both stay on the couch.”
These excerpts are from the ‘past’ version of HWT, again, the first page or so (unedited as well):
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Three summers after my father died, he called the phone in my apartment and abruptly hung up. I’d heard his voice for only a second, a brief hello, and it was only when I considered the disconnect to be my fault—a clumsy fumble of the thumb, that I remembered he was dead. It was an easy write off. My father had been appearing in my dreams for six months before he first called. I told no one because I didn’t have to. I convinced myself I was going crazy. I lit a cigarette and smoked over the herb planter Joel and I had set up the week before. No matter how much I tried, every single one died. A half hour after the call, off the brim of a cornfield, a young woman named Ethel was fished out of a silo and pronounced dead. 
So we have a very different first sentence/conflict, idk what this even is lool.
The following is the rest of what I’ve written. We kind of see the present version strung through to this version. This excerpt also introduces a new idea that Reeve’s been following this story religiously since it broke (which isn’t in the original).
My father was dead, Ethel was dead, the herbs in the planter were dead. I didn’t make a connection because there wasn’t one. I just followed her story on my walks to work, the easy flight downstairs to the bakery Liu only hired me at because she pitied me. Flipping through the newspapers Liu had out front for five dollars a copy on my lunchbreak, stashed behind a bulk order of red bean paste in the back room when I wanted to finish it later. In headlines, from the first arrest, to the first release, to the first plea from her parents—Ethel was only twenty. With my hair up, down, my tennis shoes on, off, on break when I should’ve been rolling filo pastry, I followed her story. Until it went cold and everyone forgot about Ethel and she became unremembered, unmemorable, unsolved. It was that easy, that tragic. 
A week after her headlines ran out, she started turning the water in our shower on and off. She started turning on the TV and ejecting Ollie’s film noir rentals from the library. She started tugging on my necklaces and unscrewing the bolt of my sunglasses. The apartment was haunted I told Joel, but he didn’t believe me. He wanted proof—there would never be proof, and this is the only reason I called Foster back. 
(for context she’s calling Foster for ghost hunting troubles because she knows he’s concerned he too is being haunted why do I only write about ghosts is this becoming an issue)
I like both and I think I want to find a way to fuse both together? I think both achieve different things so this is very dependant on what I’m going for! I’m at a bit of a loss, so I’ve been letting it sit and also being inspired by @sarahkelsiwrites break through with her novel and the beautiful prose she’s been pumping out! Let me know: which version do you like better? I’m still going to keep the past tense for now, but we’ll see how it goes when I dive into edits (hopefully soon!). Who knows, maybe none of this writing will end up in the final thing--we’ll have to see! 
If you’re struggling with novel openings, I feel you! I’ll keep you updated as I trek through the first chapter/sort out my thoughts, but I hope you liked this post! I know it’s a bit different than usual as I’m having a visible crisis lol, but thank you for reading!
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snowbatsims · 5 years
post 19
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And, the washing machine broke!
And instead of fixing it himself this time, Einarr was getting stupidly thirsty and decided to invite a repairman over here instead. The deal was easy; in exchange for a sum of money with an extra tip, he ordered a simple repair, as well as a bit of blood. Bloodthirst is still a thing, after all. They're vampires.
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REPAIRMAN: Whooaa, sweet. I always wanted this. EINARR: You may keep that if I get a little bit of your blood. You know, as we arranged. REPAIRMAN: Haha, no way. It's mine now. And then he ran out, as fast as his little mortal human feet would carry him. Obviously that wasn't enough. A vampire always catches up.
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EINARR: SIGHS. I told you. I hate doing this. I just need a little bit of your blood! It was quite literally a part of the deal, remember? Why couldn't you just trust me. Meanwhile....
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MORTEN: Oh my god. Why.
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MORT: Now what!! MORT: Turning it on and off again doesn't even work??? MORT: Didn't we just have a repairman here too? Lord. MORT: Where did that guy go?
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MORT: ... MORT: Oh man. I just remembered the strange fantasy tree I saw the other day. MORT: Maybe I can actually go there now.
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It's autumn, and yet its leaves are still firmly in place, green as ever. It's not even a pine tree, which WOULD be evergreen. 
Nope, this one has leaves, is covered in strange mushrooms, and it.. glows. 
Should've mentioned that. It very much is a tree that glows, which does require some further investigation.
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MORTEN: This seems rather.. fairy-like. I wonder if it could... Giggles from the tree could be heard. Suddenly, an entrance-shaped hole in the tree opened. MORTEN: Oh?
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Man, this place is beautiful.
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MORT: Here, froggy froggy...
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MORT: Wow. This fish looks like a potato. I love them.
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Being a vampire in the digital age sure is nice!
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MORT: Gosh, with all the frogs and fish around here, and no harmful sun, I could probably stay here forever! MORT: ...Though I guess it would get a little lonely... Strangely, he hears someone sit down nearby.
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He does a double-take. Is that really... MORT: Mom??? What are you doing here? MOM: ...Hello. MORT: Hello? MOM: ... :)
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Honestly, this place is beginning to give him the creeps. MORT: Are you sure you're not an illusion? MORT: ...Please talk to me. MOM: Yes. MORT: That's it? Uh... guess I'll be more specific. MORT: How did you.. get here? The constant giggling of the surroundings is starting to get a little more ominous now, despite somehow sounding exactly the same as ever.
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MOM: The Sylvan Tree sent me here. MORT: That's- that's what it's called? Huh. How would you know its name? MOM: *giggles* She sounded exactly like the fairies... MORT: Are you.. are you sure you're not just an illusion conjured up by fairies? MOM: This place is beautiful. I think you would love it here. You should stay. MORT: Uh... Her eyes go pitch black. MOM?: 𝓦𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮. 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮, 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓾𝓼. MORT:
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MORT: So, you said we're moving, huh. EINARR: That is the plan, yes. MORT: It's actually happening? It has been a few years since the idea was proposed... EINARR: Indeed it is. We were just low on funds at the time, but Rune has been earning a lot of money in royalties for his music lately. EINARR: Anyway, we're finally going to be near the coast! I've found a very nice, large house to accommodate all five of us. MORT: Ooh. So you're doing portraits to hang up in our new home, then? EINARR: Yes. MORT: I haven't seen you paint much before! When did you-- EINARR: Morten. Child. I'm a thousand years old. You may take a guess. MORT: Oh, right.
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Floral arrangements!
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And Kvikindi went visiting a certain classmate. The one who's the grandchild of one of Rune's cousins. That classmate.
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LUKAS: So you're uh, half vampire or something? I mean, I definitely see your alien part. It's really cool! KVIK: Yep!! And all my dads are like, wow watch out, you're gonna be struggling with this vampire shit too sometime. Bluh, bluh.
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LUKAS: Hey, that is a bad word. Try being more quiet. KVIK: Really? Shit? Bat says it all the time. LUKAS: Well, my parents would give me house arrest if they even THOUGHT I said that!!! KVIK: Oh, huh. How lame.
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RAKEL: Where is our visitor? EMMA: Oh, she's been playing with Lukas. RAKEL: I wanna play too...
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And so they did.
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RAKEL: Do you spot anything cool yet? KVIK: I see an orange floating crystal above me. RAKEL: W...what? KVIK: Oh, that cloud looks like a spider. RAKEL: Wow, yeah. KVIK: BAT CLOUD!! RAKEL: Where? KVIK: Right.. there ah dangit it's gone already. RAKEL: Aw, no!!!
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Anyway, they finally moved.
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And this is the point where I updated Mort's hair again. It's available for download on this very blog. 
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They made not just one, but two snowmen that night. How productive. Must be easy when you literally can't get cold.
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EINARR: Ugh, these awful windows.
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EINARR: We really need curtains.
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We also really need the ability to change our ceilings. Seriously.
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On a random evening neighborhood exploration... LIV: Wow, hey, did you just fly here as a bat??? Dude, are you vampire? MORT: Well, yes-- LIV: THAT IS SO COOL. I KNEW IT. I KNEW THEY WERE REAL!!! MORT: I guess-- LIV: Bite me. MORT: what
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LIV: You heard me, buddy. *slaps neck*, Come get your juice. MORT: You're.... kinda weirding me out, person.
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LIV: I'm sorry? MORT: M.. maybe later. I'm not actually thirsty right now. Just exploring the neighborhood, really. LIV: You can have my phone number if you want? MORT: Y-yeah, sure. LIV: Whenever you need any blood, I'll be right there for you, buddy.
And then it was Winterfest, once again.
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Kvik got into a childhood furry phase....
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FATHER WINTER: Ho, ho, ho.. Gosh, nobody's around.
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BAT: Hey. FATHER WINTER: Have you been naughty this year? BAT: ...not at all. FATHER WINTER: Hm. My lists very much say otherwi---
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BAT: Thank you very much for the gift!!
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RUNE: Oh, dear.. Is that really Father Winter? RUNE: Bat, I swear to god.
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MORT: Oh.. oh, dear.
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MORT: I'm so sorry about that. Bat is an absolute gremlin sometimes.
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MORT: I mean, seriously, the audacity of that child!!! FATHER WINTER: O-oh, it's fine, dear-
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MORT: HOW COULD HE!!! WHAT IF HE KILLED YOU! IT WOULD MEAN NO MORE WINTERFEST FOR ANYONE!!! FATHER WINTER: N-no, it's fine, really. MORT: HOW. FATHER WINTER: I'm not the only Father Winter, dear. We're merely the assistants of Santa Claus, MORT: BUT STILL!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU DEAD...
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MORT: I don't wanna.. see anyone dead. FATHER WINTER: I appreciate your concern, dear. Do you want a present?
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MORT: Do I???
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MORT: Gosh, I hope it's not dog droppings like last year. FATHER WINTER: Why, who could ever give you that? MORT: Last year's Father Winter. FATHER WINTER: Ah, I believe it must have been a mistake. You're much too good. MORT: Yeah, it was apparently meant for Bat. FATHER WINTER: I see. That's the kid who just drank from me, right? MORT: Yep. FATHER WINTER: Figures. Well, he's not getting anything from me this year. MORT: Pretty sure he already did. 
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EINARR: Why, hello there. FATHER WINTER: ...are all of you vampires? EINARR: Yeah, sorry about that.
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EINARR: We're definitely going to stick around for a while, hah! MORTEN: Jeez, don't remind me...
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EINARR: Anyway, how are you? Has this Winterfest been treating you well at all? FATHER WINTER: Well, first of all, MORT: Bat drank from him.
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EINARR: *pretends to act shocked* MORTEN: Nobody's buying it, old man. FATHER WINTER: ...did the lights just turn off?
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EINARR: Hey, what's it like to have day vision? FATHER WINTER: ..you're not noticing it? MORT: Only a teeny tiny change, honestly. EINARR: I guess they shut off our power. We're a little low on funds since we recently moved. FATHER WINTER: Anyway, uh, I figure Mr. Auðvinsson would like a present as well this year. EINARR: Of course.
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EINARR: It's.. tickets. FATHER WINTER: Congratulations, your entire household has won a room at a hotel in Strangerville. I advise you to use these tickets within this winter. EINARR: Strangerville, huh. Peculiar name. FATHER WINTER: Yes, quite. FATHER WINTER: I believe it is time for me to leave now.
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MORT: Aw man, Rune missed him...
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Well, speaking of Rune, it seems he brought in all the guests now.
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Hug train.
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MORT: It's actually the real you... MOM: Gosh, what do you even mean? MORT: You wouldn't believe what I saw the other day. MOM: Son, you're a vampire. I'd believe anything at this point. MORT: It's such a long story though,,,, Bottom line is, the fairies created a clone of you and--- MOM: Oh, my dear child.... And so they all had a nice winterfest. Even if it’s dark.
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I might enjoy screencapping too much.
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rolling-flash · 6 years
Log Entry 4
Oh man it's been ages, I'm really sorry for lack of updates!! The last two months were pretty busy and exhausting so I didn't have much time to sit down and write a new log entry, and when I did have the time for it I instead used it to rest.
So I'm pretty sure that way back when I mentioned that Alien told me I won't get to be a freeloader on his ship and that I need to get a job and I'm like yea, obviously, that's only fair. Gas and food are not cheap. We brainstormed a bit on what I could do, and it was important for it to be something I could do from home because well. I live on his space ship now and we kinda move around all the time, I can't have a job that would require me to actually go somewhere right haha
Alien suggested I could just draw for a living. I told him that seems like a ridiculously irresponsible, uncertain and stressful profession, but he was like "all you gotta do is sacrifice your sanity and take on a huge workload every week, you'll do great, you have 4 arms and 4 eyes and you like to draw so what's the issue" and you know, I thought that was a good point.
But it turns out that having four arms and four eyes doesn't actually give you any advantage when it comes to drawing, because I still only have one brain. I tried to work on two drawings at once, but then I realized that while I was working on one, I did nothing on the other, and vice versa, because I can only concentrate on one at a time. Soooo that plan went nowhere. I just got really frustrated.
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I did take a few commissions though and sure they ate into my time, but they were a lot of fun to draw. I think I'll just keep doing that, even if it means I'll draw less of my own work. Sacrifices have to be made for a happy life!
Oh also the reason I was away last month was because Alien took me to some kind of an art convention (or so he said but I am 99.9% sure it was an anime convention and he wanted to go), where he said I could put my work out there for more people to see. I drew a lot of stuff for the convention very quickly, got exhausted, and then more or less rested for a month while finishing some orders. That's why I've been silent for about two months. Just, lots of work and tiredness. But I should be good now!! 
Also the convention was great, I was nervous because I've never met any other aliens and I had no idea what they'd be like, but they were super open and accepting, I quickly felt at ease. And they liked my art too! Especially these funky skeleton dudes, they were all over my most colourful pieces. Kinda cool, kiiiiinda creepy.
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But nevermind all that I don't think anyone actually cares to read about my work so here's something more ridiculous from the other day.
Alien and me have been space travel buddies for a few months now, but great thing about people is, you keep learning new things about them no matter how long you hang out, right? Well, the other day I learned that Alien is a HUGE brand loyalist. And that is stupid.
When you literally travel around the entire galaxy for most of your time, how can you even remotely expect all stores to have the same brand of snacks!?? I mean okay expecting is one thing but Alien gets all grumpy when some tiny backwater gas station on an ASTEROID doesn't have his preferred brand of sushi, ARE YOU SERIOUS??
One, you won't find sushi at a gas station!!!! And two!!! You won't find Sapurrian fish sushi ON EARTH'S MOON.
I think that while he does realize he won't find his special snacks everywhere, he still kinda hopes he will, and then he gets disappointed and upset when he can't find his preferred brand of OJ among like five other selections of juice.
He has a preferred brand of almost everything and when he can't find it he has this face on like he's been wronged. It’s adorable.
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I wish I could feel bad for him but it's just kinda funny because like... come on dude. It’s rarely that you end up hating the other brands anyway so just.. don’t get straight up offended if a store doesn’t sell your favourite candy omg
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nezoid · 6 years
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I met Évelyne Brochu! 😻🙌👌💜🤙 I waited for Évelyne Brochu after “L'Idiot” on Thursday (April 12, 2018) and I was the only one who waited. She hugged me 3 separate times and blew me a kiss. We talked about how I flew in from LA that morning to see her and she said “Wow, that’s so nice! And I made you wait, I had friends visit me backstage” and hugged me. I told her “No worries” and that she was amazing and that I got this ticket cheap + got a free ticket for Saturday’s show from a Tumblr buddy, all I needed to find was a flight and a place to stay. Thankfully I was able to book a cheap flight and found a place walking distance from the theatre. Then she complimented my leather jacket and I pointed out that a bunch of the pins were of her and she said “Aw! I didn’t even notice. Oh an ‘X Company’ one” and proceeded to touch and feel lots of the pins, but stopping on the one of Cosima and Delphine and said “I really love this one!” I said “Oh yes, my fave, you and Tatiana.” And she said “Isn’t Tat the best?” I told her “Yes definitely” and that I was lucky enough to get a pic with Tatiana a few weeks ago at the “Outside In” screening and she said she hadn’t seen that movie but will check it out. We got to talking about how I got to see Tat at a couple of UCB shows because of our mutual love for the theatre and how I took pictures/gifs and Tat even posted one of my pictures to her Instagram and Évelyne said “oh what’s your name on Instagram, I’m going to have to check out your work as a photographer.” I told her that that’s very kind, but it’s just a hobby and that lead to me talk about how I’m a caregiver and that UCB and events and stuff + photography is just my outlet and fun for me. The pins reminded me of the Andy Shauf patch I got her, so I said that she had recommended Andy Shauf during an X Company interview and because of that I was found out about him was able to see him live a few days before the Orphan Black’s Paleyfest panel (he’s so good!), I was hoping to give the patch to her after the panel, but wasn’t able to, so I gave it to her on Thursday and she said “oh (something in french that I didn’t understand, but I’m pretty sure I had literal heart eyes), I’m going to put it on my jean jacket!” She asked me how I like “L'Idiot” and I embarrassingly told her that I don’t know french but I read the cliff notes and watched the movie version with English subtitles so I got what was going on. I told her I liked the fact that they break the forth wall and talk to the audience. And she was like “Yeah! I do too, I mean why not, they usually kind of make sly gestures to the audience, but never fully talk to them.” I was like “yeah it’s great to interact with the audience cause then to feed off the energy.” She said “Yeah, I agree. We had an afternoon show with a bunch of teenagers who had roaring laughter to the jokes and it made us feel like rockstars.” Then before I could chicken out I had to thank her for Delphine and that if it wasn’t for her (and Tatiana/Cosima) I wouldn’t have explored my sexuality, but then I got flustered and was like “Sorry, it’s a long story, never mind” and she said “Hey, don’t rush, it’s okay, I’m here.” 😻😻😻 So I took a breath and proceeded to tell her that because I became a caregiver for my mom, I had to drop out of school and stop working to take care of her and because of it I got depressed and lost who I was. When I found OB I was working through that and I realized I truly didn’t know who I was anymore and when Delphine said “I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know?” something clicked. If it wasn’t for her and Tatiana I wouldn’t have gotten one step closer to finding who I am. She pulled me into and hug and said “Wow, thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad for you. You and I now have this and the show, thanks to John and Graeme and everyone.” We took a selfie in the middle of all this talking and she was like “how is the light here? Hmm, no let’s go over here.” And I was like “maybe I could ask someone to take it with flash” and she said “no, a selfie is better so we are closer.” She hugged me once more and said “thank you visiting my hometown, enjoy exploring Montréal. Tomorrow should be a good day to explore cause of the weather. It’s like 10 which is nothing to you.” I said it was 90 degrees when I left LA so I’m pretty sure I’m going to get sick, but it’s worth it.“ We laughed and she said “Ok, I’m going to go sleep.” I was like “Oh yeah, of course. I’m sleepy too, I got in at like 10 AM and flew out at 11 PM from LA and on top of that I had a layover in Toronto, so I’m pretty much running on fumes.” She said “Shit, that’s why it was a cheap flight!” We laughed again and I said “but it was totally worth it.” And she said “I love it.” She said “I’ll see you Saturday” then she blew me a kiss and said “au revoir, mon cher”. I waited for Évelyne again after I saw L'Idiot for second time on Saturday (April 14, 2018). I brought her a gift (a box of chocolates from the place I had brunch and a cat toy for her cat, that I had seen while exploring the city). I apologized because I don’t know much about cats and I obvs don’t know anything about her cat. She said “Oh! That is so sweet, you are so sweet!” I told her that “They apparently just got the toy in that day and it had lasers and threw treats and stuff, so hopefully it enjoys it.” And she was like “my cat doesn’t have toys, she has been playing with like a cork thing.” And we laughed. Then I told her that the audience’s reaction was so much more outward and loud. And she was like “Oh yeah, I could feel it. You were here Thursday right? Yeah, it’s great when it’s loud like that. We were feeding it to each other.” I then asked her if we could take a picture with my camera this time. And she said “Oh yeah, maybe we can ask someone.” she instantly switched to french to ask someone. Swoon. Someone offered and she said “Oh hold on, let me take my hair down.” Proceeds to pull her hair down and shake it out and comb her fingers through it. Ugh. 🤤😻 Then we took one picture, but we blocked the way and it was a bit blurry, so we switch sides and then took it again. I went to look at the picture and Évelyne looked over and said “Are my eyes open? Oh we look great!” Then I told her if she can sign my playbill and she asked how to spell my name and she said “oh belle.” I told her the origin of my name (First 3 letters of my parent’s name put together. Dad : DIOnisio + mom : ZENaida = DIOZEN). Then I thanked her and told her I didn’t want to keep her because I knew she had two shows that night. And she said “Yeah I’m dead, we had 7 shows in 5 days” and I blurted out “Well you look great.” She giggled and said “Thank you” Then she said “Sorry the weather is bad, but I hope you are enjoying Montréal.” And I told her “I was able to sightsee yesterday at Old Montréal. Today is freezing, but it’s still gorgeous.” She said “Well that’s good.” Then she thanked me again for the gifts and hugged me while simultaneously saying in my ear “Safe travels.” Then I said “Thank you, take care.” She said “you too! Bye!” And blew me a kiss again. This is way too long, but I had such an adrenaline rush after these two shows/meetings and didn’t want to forget or miss a damn thing so I typed this all out after walking back to my hotel. L'Idiot was excellent! !!!SPOILERS!!! Évelyne played Nastasya Filipovna so well! Like Nastasya as a character flips from being a very strong/confident and falling apart. And she definitely goes back and forth A LOT and Évelyne nailed it! And it’s crazy how she gives so much by not doing much. Like when she first steps out she literally stands still, staring at the audience, for like 5 minutes as people talk about her, then slowly you see her get annoyed and then she snaps at the men. She goes from hysterical laughter to fighting and choking another character/ being choked and all in these amazing outfits (big dresses, head pieces, jewelry, etc.) I can keep going on about how amazing Évelyne, but the rest of the cast was fantastic too. There is this one scene a party scene where the light and music switch to happy dancing from dark and intense. The lighting was so magical. I haven’t seen live theatre other than low budget school productions, so this might be the norm but I was mesmerized by what the lighting did and how it changed things. Strong and talented cast. Breaking the forth wall was a great decision, really killed with humor, emotion, drama, etc. You really are with the cast as an audience member and as if you are in it with them. I loved it and was so glad I got to see it twice. And my seats were from the very left and very right, so I got like every angle of the show. Haha UPDATE: You can’t take pictures in the theatre, photos 6, 7, 8 are © Yves Renaud. Anyway, Évelyne is an angel! L'Idiot was glorious. I bought a bunch of Évelyne’s movies for cheap without having to pay shipping to LA. I also got a bunch of albums of artist from Montréal that I love, without having to pay shipping. This trip was ace. I can’t thank my Tumblr buddy enough for the free ticket and I’m so glad I was able to find a cheap flight and hotel and my dad was able to take care of my mom. Thank you universe for letting everything fall into place for such an amazing trip. 😻🙌👌💕
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mcarfield · 6 years
Me listening to this new James McArdle podcast interview: HIS VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL HELP GOD @earlgreytea68 :  awwwww I can't help, sorry I now have to disappear to write my words boo Me: yes you should do that leave me here to die it's fine
MORE THOUGHTS i’m just going to have a freakout on you guys here hi
- omfg James dying to get back to Glasgow, bless his heart <3
- he sounds so exhausted oh my gosh my sweet son. And the shock at how bad Manhattan smells in the summer, haha. oh James.
- omg! he had an emergency operation over the break between London/NYC!!!! HE THOUGHT HE WASN’T GONNA GET TO BROADWAY OMG THIS DRAMA
- His care and attention for the Jewish aspects, like, he’s talked about that before, but he’s so — “you knew in new york they were out for blood if you didn’t” 
- AHA. HERE WE GO. HIM TALKING ABOUT HOW YOU’RE ON SHOW CONSTANTLY IN NEW YORK. “Everything was held at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, all I can remember is being at the Marriott and shaking — these botox faces “ — this actually is hilarious to me because I competed in a national talent competition (and won, no humblebrag) when I was in high school and every year it was in the Marriott Marquis and it was such a big deal and so I’ve always associated that hotel with the hoity toity Broadway shenanigans ad I love this.
[Me: omg he's talking about how much he hated doing the red carpet in NYC and how you were "always on show" omfg like am i not writing a fic about this literally right now BECAUSE I SEE INTO YOUR SOUL, JAMES MCARDLE
EGT: oh my god lol ]
- James talking about how everyone kept freaking out about how Scottish he was to be playing Louis, okay, someday i’m seriously going to make a roundup of all the times over his career that James McArdle has been Scots-shamed because it is ABSURD and RIDICULOUS and INFURIATING and APPARENTLY PERPETUAL, this keeps happening to him it’s so ludicrous okay i’m calm it’s cool
- and then he's just like, "it went well, thankfully" aksjfd;lasdfklasdslsadfkladsa oh my god the downplaying, i cannot. HE SERIOUSLY HAS NO IDEA HOW PHENOMENAL HE IS. he’s so self-deprecating. 
- AAAAAAND now he’s talking about the UK class system, yes, yes, and “I think to certain audiences I will always be a Scottish actor” YES, DRAG THEM ALL, JIMMY.
(Also it took us a grand total of exactly 6 minutes to arrive at UK class politics because this is an interview with James McArdle and that’s just what you get, god i love him <3 <3 <3)
- omfg when he says that he felt like the new york crowd was baying for blood with him in particular, i 100% agree with this, all the reviews and audience comments i’ve read for this show from NYers, people just seemed so vicious about him not being Jewish (way more than Andrew not being queer), and the critics just couldn’t seem to get over his Scottishness, and it just has grated on me so much guys, i’m so sad that he felt that, too, BUT ALSO LOOK HOW MUCH HE FUCKING SHOWED THEM.
- James about the UK version of Scots-shaming = “They say you’re Scottish but they mean you’re working class, and you’ll never escape that” Yes, yes. He’s hinted at this so many times, and i’m glad he’s just coming out and saying it.
- His love for the James plays <3
(James McArdle, you will absolutely one day play Hamlet, and that fellow RADA student who told you that you never would was probably losing his mind and feeling incredibly threatened because of how fucking incredible you are)
- They're setting Peer Gynt in Scotland because James is Scottish! What! Why are they doing this ahaha! THIS IS SO WEIRD. I MEAN. I WILL STILL SHOW UP FOR IT 8 TIMES BUT ISN’T THIS KINDA CONDESCENDING?!
- “Marianne Elliott is a perfectionist and i love her for that” <3
- Tovey didn’t want to do it, HMMMM, that’s so leading, I think that’s so veiled haha. 
- James saying he views the play as one big play and not two plays is very validating, this is also how I feel! THANKS BUDDY
- oh my god the Mouse Hunt story jklsadf;a
- I love him talking about Nathan Lane lolol
- “by the end of the fucking run they were just clap-happy. Ugh, it’s not a musical” sdf;lafkldsf;klsdfklasd oh my god i love him he’s the best
- “it’s good but it’s better that it’s over” ahahaha GUYS WHAT WAS I JUST SAYING LOL 
- oh my gosh him describing how the fear of the Democracy in America scene got worse over time, and how it actually got "unbearable”!!!!! oh gosh, you can totally understand why he was afraid, too, because like I said elsewhere on this tumblr, the audience often thought he was dropping/missing lines when he was just delivering them so erratically and Louis-y omg <3 <3 James ILU you’re wonderful
- ahahaha omg the description of him dropping the single line though as Louis ahaha, god, he’s amazing, i love that he’s so open about the PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR THAT IS ACTING HAHA
- his stance on being terrified of complacency is so obvious in everything he does, ahaha, what a good
- “i’m not method or anything, but i’m neurotic” — *rolls up sleeves* OKAY HERE WE GO DSAFKLJADS;F
[EGT: I hope Andrew fucked him out of it
sdkf;akdsfkdskds ]
- James is so proud of being a PACE kid, awwwwww that’s so dorky and sweet
- “I still feel like I’m 16″ sdflkas;fdadskfa; omg the self-deprecation is so real
- “I feel like I’m an 87-year-old woman trapped in the body of an 18-year-old but the truth is I’m just an average 28-year-old man” wait wait DID HE JUST AGE HIMSELF DOWN A YEAR, I THOUGHT HE WAS 29?  ahaha how does nobody know how old he is, i kept having to update his age in my first fic because i kept reading different reports about how old he was, god lol
- "i can't sing. i don't do false modesty and i'm telling you i can't sing."
jsdflsajflasjdljfs;lksdsd okay okay okay
1) lol somehow i already knew he couldn’t sing because he seems like the kind of guy who is philosophically opposed to the idea of himself singing ahaha
2) “i don’t do false modesty” oh my god this is so hot lololol
- i love that he’s telling his RADA audition story, omg <3 i’ve been wanting him to elaborate on this story!!!!! “you cheeky little bastard” — omfg i love him, you are a cheeky little bastard, well done, James McArdle <3
- “James McArdle, you walk like a fucking pogo stick” askldfjflaks;df what ahaha
- how is he still allowed to not say what the play is, WE ALL KNOW IT’S THE IBSEN CYCLE, LOL
- I’m so glad he’s taking this whole month off and SO glad he’s steering clear of the Fringe ahaha, and I’m sorry, barring the press junket for Mary Queen of Scots, what the hell is he doing with his time for the next 12 months, god damn
- ahahaha i’m sad we were deprived of “Mr. Brightside” as an Irish jig. 
- “I also find now, the older I get — I’m saying this like I’m some old, jaded — I don’t even like to engage in conversations about the plays or the play. I just let people — especially people who ardently give you their clever opinion about what they liked and what they don’t like, and I just don’t care.” — James McArdle, I understand this impulse but also I think you might be a wee bit depressed
- “I’m not remotely interested, I want you to say I looked great, my costumes looked brilliant, and I was great.” ahaha. NO FALSE MODESTY HERE lol.
- “I’m grumpy, I feel grumpy!” salkjdfksalfd God he sounds like he needs such a long relaxing happy colorful vacation. I hope he gets it. <3 
(But also I’m really glad he’s talking about how he needs to keep momentum going and find more work soon because this is exactly the plot of the fic I’m writing right now, which is set right now, and it’s nice that I’m keeping it in-character ahaha, THANKS, JAMES MCARDLE, CONTINUE TO BE BEAUTIFULLY TRANSPARENT, BYE)
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9pcentrash-blog · 6 years
Soft Kiss | CollegeAU Chen Linong
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Notes: So I used to write these scenarios things for other groups when I was like freaking 12 or 13 when I had the writing skill of a bad middle schooler and the relationship experience of nothing but really cliche romance animes. But now I’m 18 so let’s see how this goes lol. Also my first scenario writing in like 4 years pls go easy on me. Would very much appreciate feedback cause I’m not sure this is good or not asdfghjkl. 
Words: 2.7k (haha I need to chill)
okay so i get nongnong is the soft shy boy but I think we can give him a lot more credit to think he'll take some initiative.
not saying boy would be full ‘in charge’ but I think he can really be confident in his feelings once he's confident in himself
SO i wrote this because there are too many ‘soft boy nongnong doesn’t know how to relationship’ or ‘too shy to tell you how he feels uwu’
welp im here to show a little more forward but still sweet nongnong
so buckle up cause i got real into this
okay, nongnong would probably fall in love with you from a far or being he's met you in group settings but never really had a one on one conversation with you
but he sees how cute your mannerism is when it comes to how you laugh with your friends or how you light up when you talk about something you're really passionate towards.
he notices these cute things about you just by watching 
he's w h i p p e d
'h o w can someone be so cute???' he's probably thinking
you and him have mutual friends like zhangjing and yanjun
yanjun being nongnong's roommate and you having to study english with him that’s how you guys meet
yanjun introduces you guys
at first, yeah nongnong thinks you’re cute and all but doesn't have that big of an impression on you
but his interest peeks when you spend the day 'studying' with yanjun
and by ‘studying’ I mean you guys only studied for the first hour before ordering food and started playing video games
nongnong hears yelling from outside his bedroom and he walks in to you guys playing mario cart and eating pizza
"wow yanjun" he says with a hint of pain in his voice
you both stop to look at him
"you guys dare to play my mario cart and not invite me???"
so obviously nongnong joins in on the fun
and while you guys play he starts to see how you are, beside from your brief introductions 
he realizes just how cute you are when you’re having fun
to your adorable reactions as you jump in your seat when you get hit with a shell or how antsy you get when yanjun dares to pass you into 1st place
in the end you constantly beat yanjun for first while he gets second and nongnong is just content with his stable 5th or 6th place because seeing your little victory dance and teasing of yanjun as you win everytime is enough for nongnong to feel like he's won
cause w o w he never knew he could come across someone as adorable as you
okay but that's just the surface of you guys path's crossing
you and zhangjing are best friends
but zhangjing and nongnong always get food before their history class so they can cram/get hw done last minute
zhangjing eats your food whenever he comes over your place
that damn freeloader
but you'll never actually stop him, rather you see opportunities for future food purchases from him.
so you're hungry as heck one day after class and you have no money
that's when you see your best friend rushing into one of the food places on campus
"hey zhangjing!!! buddy do you have any money on you :) "
"what why??"
"remember MY leftover pizza you ate in my fridge last weekend? :))))"
you pull out the receipts and he cant find an excuse so he reluctantly buys you food
you guys meet up with nongnong after and you recognize him
I mean how could you not
he wasn't that talkative but he was a sweetheart from what you remember
*cough* and not to mention was pretty cute *cough*
"oh hi y/n!"
nongnong lights up when he sees you
"you guys know each other??? dont you just stay inside all day, how do you know peo-”
you step on zhangjing foot hard enough so he can feel it but not hard enough for him to scream
and cue the explanation story of how you guys met to zhangjing
suprise zhangjing is good friends with yanjun too and grew up together
suprise suprise its a small world and you guys decide why not all of you hangout cause mutual friends?
the four of you then started to hangout
often had study sessions or more mario cart races as 4 people and you and nongnong got closer
nongnong, getting to know you fell in love with you even more and just really loved being around with you even tho you guys never spent time alone.
time was always spent together with either yanjun or zhangjing and he doesnt think he has any courage to even be in the same room with you alone
yanjun and zhangjing have figured out nongnong's painful obvious crush and try to help him out
zhangjing as your best friend definitely approves of nongnong cause at least he's a good kid unlike the flirt yanjun is
but anyway yanjan and zhangjing have enough of pinning nongnong and tell him he should just confess or you and his relationship will never change
he knows but he's scared
he's never dated let alone have his first kiss
he thinks its sad cause he's in college but relationships were never something he really sought out till he meet you
he never had his heart quicken so fast for someone, feel his stomach in constant knots or felt lost for words like this until he meet you
you caused all these bubbly feelings in him and he couldn't stand it, he had to tell you
nongnong decides to ask you to come over and hangout that weekend
yanjun gets kicked out but its okay cause him and zhangjing decide to hangout and spam nongnong cause they want all the updates
“yo 10 bucks he kisses her” zhangjing says while they wait for nongnong to text back
“pfft he won't do it”
“wow, doubting our nongnong”
“yeah I'm not even sure he'll go through with telling her”
“oh, if you're so sure how about raising the stakes and buy me whatever meal i want if im right”
”you’re on”
little does yanjun know, zhangjing is your best friend and he knows you
so you actually have a thing for nongnong too you’re just better at hiding it
like nongnong, you fell from the little interactions and observations
you thought it was endearing to see him always try and lighten up the mood when someone was down
or how he'd remember little things like yanjun and zhanjings favorite foods or drinks so he could get some for them when they seem to be down, eventually even doing this for you too
he gave you thoughtful advice and help when you needed it from someone besides your best friend
overall he was someone you wanted to depend on and fell for each and every time you saw him
when he asked you to hang out alone you're shocked
‘h o l y  c r a p  I've never hung out with him alone what do I do???’
you're a nervous mess but you don't want to pass up this opportunity
so you say yes
that weekend you get to his dorm and at first its very awkward
but nongnong tries super hard to lighten the mood by telling you funny stories about yanjun or doing silly things
you guys break out in laughter after listening to nongnong's story about how yanjun got a girls number only to give him a Chinese take out number and when he asked again about the ‘wrong number’ she gave him a different take out place
“I can't believe he asked again after she gave him a fake number the first time!” you laugh
“you gotta admit though it's clever she had another take out number on hand for the 2nd time”
you two are a mess of giggles and have closed the space there was previously between you 2 on the couch when you first got there
you didn't know when the two of you got so close but you and nongnong had your legs and arms brushed up against each other
every so often you would lean into nongnong's shoulders while you were in your laughing fits
and nongnong took notice to the distant and could literally feel his heart popping out of his chest
you obviously noticed the distance as well cause oh boy his smile from this close and his laugh humming in your ears made it feel like you were gonna die from how much it filled you up with this warm feeling
up close you notice little things like the cute mole right below his nose or the sweet but minty scent that probably comes from his shampoo or cologne
you both kinda come to a calm and eventually stop laughing
your eyes meet and that's when the heat rises into your cheeks and the butterflies in your stomach run loose cause his gaze into your eyes is so gentle looking
“hey y/n”
you die a little inside cause you've never heard him ever call out your name so softly like that
its timid and delivered sweetly like it was something fragile on the tip of his tongue but had a hint of fearfulness to it.
“y-yes” catching you off guard
he catches his breath
“I like you”
you kinda look at his serious expression and you're a little too shocked to say anything
nongnong sees the shock in your face and starts to panic
“oh god um- I didnt mean to scare you or anything but i just couldn't wait any longer to tell you cause you looked so cute so i just had to tell you- but it was so abrupt what was I thinking, you don't have to answer or a matter of fact you can just pretend this didnt happen if you wan-”
“I like you too!”
his panic halts and you see the visible red as his face heats up
“you do????”
“yes, I've actually liked you for awhile now”
cue nongnong's redness to increase tenfold and he breaks into that signature smile
“so does that mean if i asked you to be my girlfriend you'll say yes???”
you giggle out a ”mhm”
 and he's so happy he pulls you into a hug and you both break out into giggles
f i n a l l y  he could hold the big cutie that you were and call you his
nongnong holds you for quite some time while telling you how cute you are and goes on to list what makes you adorable
“the way your voice perks up with you get nervous or the way your giggle sounds so cuteeee” he goes on and you're heavily embarrassed
“nongnongggg please noooo” you're blushing so hard from the compliments you might actually die
he then lets you go and stops with the listing before he brings a hand to your cheek.
he runs circles with his thumb against your cheek and smiled ever so brightly
“im sorry its just- I've fallen so hard for someone as precious as you.”
man you're seriously gonna die from the sweetness of this boy
you then proceed to spend the rest of the night talking about when you started to like each other and finding that personalness you guys missed out on cause you never got the chance to hangout alone until today
later when you get ready to leave for the night nongnong stops you outside his door
“wait y/n before you go, can I hold you for a bit?”
u m  y e s
but in reality you just nod yes shyly before he pulls you into a hug where his big frame just sallows you up
hes so warm and sweet smelling when your face kinda presses into his chest
it’s the sheer definition of comfort and warmth and you never want to leave
once he lets go you wince a little cause the pleasant feeling of his embrace disappears
but before he entirely pulls away he plants a little kiss on your forehead
“goodnight y/n”
you say the same and you walk off literally stumbling and disoriented cause he's so precious your heart cannot comprehend it, you’re soft from this precious boy
nongnong probably texts yanjun and zhangjing in a group chat later that night
’guys i did it! I told her and now we're dating!!!’
zhangjing: ‘okay cool but did you kiss her???’
linong: ‘on her forehead i did’
zhanjing: ‘IT COUNTS, I CALLED IT’
yanjun: ‘FUCK'
yanjun’s wallet is then screwed
anyway after all this your relationship takes off
it starts out a little awkward but you guys start to adjust in time
Nongnong is constantly shy as heck when it comes to pda and holding your hand and thats all he can handle in front of other people
he can barely do that tho when yanjun and zhangjing constantly tease
but even though he's not blatant with his affection in public he’s still someone who tries to give subtle touches
to quick back rubs if you're walking side by side to when your arm rest on tables while you study he’ll lightly squeezes them while you work
he's tends to have trouble knowing what right words to say if you're upset or mad but is a great listener
he doesn't tend to get upset as easily as you would but when he does its a pretty big deal to you
he tries his best to not let any of his ill emotion get to him or let it out on you
and he tells you how he feels but often is really reluctant to talk unless you give him lots of convincing
he even likes to put on a smile for you like he's okay but you can tell he's not
he lets it build up so when he spills to you his feelings he tends to cry and holds on to you like his life depends on it
It’s hard for him to always keep a happy face so he really values these times
your touch and warmth calms him down when he breaks down like that
his affection maybe hard to convey in public but he lives for your embrace when it's just you 2
at first he always asked if it was okay to hug you or hold your hand
he wants to make sure you're comfortable
but you guys get to the point where he doesn't have to ask but naturally he just intertwines your fingers with his or cuddles up to you when you'd be sitting on the couch or his bed alone together
now kissing is a different story
at first he could only give you kisses on the forehead or your temple
progressively he started getting bolder sneaking pecks on the cheek or even lips (he apologized probably the first time he randomly kissed you on the lips but you gave him a quick kiss back and he died)
he constantly gives soft pecks because long kisses aren't something you have done yet
until one day
you're sitting on his couch watching a show when he nudges you a bit
you look at him and he moves in to plant small kisses on your forehead, to your nose your cheek and then softly your lips
doing this makes you giggle and he loves it to bits
Nongnong is gentle with kisses
kissing you so delicately like you'll break under his touch
he plants a soft kiss on your lips doing it again and again and again before the soft but fleeting kisses stop and he just doesn't pull away while kissing
he keeps his position and presses his lips onto yours just as delicately but it's far more passionate then the quick kisses from before
you're a little shocked cause you wouldn't expect him to kiss you like this but nevertheless it didn't stop you from kissing back
he presses into your lips slowly and tenderly while bringing his hands up to cup your face
the kiss is long but never rough just soft and sweet
you pull away and he's dazed before he can really comprehend what he did
“oh.” slips your mouth
“that was uh…”
“was it bad?”
“no it was good, um really good”
he lights up
long soft kisses are now your new killer 
especially when you’re caught off guard he tends to do them the most
He usually doesn’t try to get you flustered but he wants to do it once in a while
so he loves how flustered they get you because of the kisses and definitely plans on doing them more
so ultimately this boy is definitely gonna be the death of you
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mynameistori · 6 years
entry 2 (aug 16)
Hello everyone!
I’ve been meaning to write something but I think writing too often sets me up for failure and I’d like this blog to live for a while. Though I think my cyclic mental state will act as motivation for me to continue to write. Let me update you on what I’ve been doing and thinking about!
Yesterday I went to Wonderland (an amusement park about 40 minutes away from my house) with my nephew Little Bear (literal translation of our nickname for him haha) who’s 11 years younger than me. Fun fact: Little Bear is 11 years younger than me and my next cousin up is 11 years older than me (who we’ll call Melon in case he shows up in a future entry). I had tons of fun, even though we were only there for about 5 hours. I don’t think I’ve ever spoken so much Chinese in my life before! And what’s weird is that I probably could’ve used Shanghainese more (since I’m definitely more fluent in that) but I think I was more comfortable using Chinese with him?? Totally weird. We got there around 5 pm originally because my mom said the tickets were cheaper (they weren’t that much cheaper -- we still spent like 90 bucks for the two of us -- should’ve bought them from Costco) but I also hate being out in the sun (I hate tanning and it just makes me a grumpier person). Luckily the wind was cool and the longest line we were in was for about an hour (for the best ride, so it was reasonable). Only downside was probably going on a ride involving water first (Riptide) and getting moderately soaked such that my foot got a blister from my shoes within the first hour, which caused me to painfully limp for the rest of the night. 
I enjoy going to amusement parks like Wonderland because they force physical reactions out of me. Sound weird, but let me explain. My mental control is so strong (or my soul is so dead -- it’s pretty much the same at this rate) that I don’t experience feelings most of the time. My emotions are heavily guarded! So high thrill rides make me feel fear, adrenaline, excitement, as well as a different kind of control (because restraints make rollercoasters safe and conquerable, it feels like I’m letting myself go on an enjoyable ride from a mystical animal friend).
I know I linked an Instagram account and I’ve been thinking a lot about it (@_torigram in case you missed it at the top of this page). It’s mainly a place where I can post random dance videos because there’s a lot of dances I want to learn but I don’t want to post them on my main account because I’m self-conscious about my dancing and I hate watching myself dance. However, I think that having an account dedicated to this stuff will help me get over my insecurities. To maintain my privacy I’ll be wearing a hat and one of those mouth mask things and I’ll try to keep my outfit as plain as possible (or at least not wear something that someone can notice as mine).
It’s also where I’ll post my “Challenge Videos”! The story behind this is that I wanted to challenge my friend (let’s call him Cover Boy for now, but he’s also involved with the “two nights ago” story I was talking about in my last entry so I might as well just call him Pretty Boy) to do one cover a week. For those who don’t know what covers are, they’re just copying (and sometimes changing up) an original artist’s work and posting it online. So if I were to do a dance cover of someone’s choreography, I’d learn from a video of theirs and post it on my Instagram. The Challenge would go like this: I’d give Pretty Boy a song and he’d have a week to learn as much of the dance and any part of it he’d like and then post the video to Instagram (or at least send a video to me through Messenger). I think this was something I wanted to do myself for a while, and after seeing him do something like this casually on his Instagram (he’s done two) made me want a buddy to do this with. He’s been extremely stressed recently though, so I told him I would hold off for a little longer before presenting him with this. Hopefully he’d be down to do it, but I’m pretty sure I’d continue without him. It’ll mostly be kpop dance covers, so sorry to those who hate kpop! As for vocal covers, they’d be in English because I’m not confident with my Korean pronunciation, haha. 
I’ll post on the Instagram before the summer ends (likely sometime next week, when I head back to Waterloo for my last few part-time shifts for the term), so keep an eye out~ I’ve got a couple of dances ready but I’m not good at learning from videos (I’ve learned from teachers pretty much all my life so dissecting videos frame by frame is so tedious -- props to y’all who do this on a regular basis) so hopefully I can keep a good pace with releasing the videos. We’ll see how everything works out!
Meteor Garden
I recently started watching Meteor Garden 2018! I’ve always been a huge Hana Yori Dango fan -- I think i’ve watched the whole thing at least 3 times and refused to watch the taiwanese and korean versions because to be honest, the japanese cast looks the best and the manga is Japanese. Also, Matsuda Shota was in it and Liar Game (which he’s also in) is one of my all-time favourite dramas. It might be my top actually… I decided to watch the Meteor Garden remake mainly because it was on Netflix and because it takes place in Shanghai. It takes me back sometimes because I always try to guess where this is taking place and how hard it must’ve been to shoot some of the scenes because of how populated Shanghai is, haha.
This drama also helped me feel a lot better because it made me think about something other than my own shitty life and it made me laugh a lot. It also made me think about my ideal guy I suppose. I think I have a better idea as to what kind of guy I’d want to date next or even settle down with. I don’t know if I should type some traits out for you… hahaha. Well, I guess I might as well since this place is pretty private and I shouldn’t be so uptight (?) about this stuff. Sorry for the organization of this next section, it might be a bit wonky. I’m trying to work it out in my head but it’s still pretty messy. Let’s call him IB for Ideal Boy.
LOOKS: I don’t think I’ve ever been picky about looks with my previous boyfriends, but I’d like IB to be more of a pretty boy (not referring to Pretty Boy in any way, haha though he does fit the description) with a lean build. Someone that can turn heads when dressed up. I would like him to be taller than me (I’m pretty tall to begin with at 167 cm), but I’ve dated shorter guys before. I think I haven’t been picky about looks in the past because I don’t consider myself to be beautiful. I don’t think I’m ugly per se, but I think I’m pretty darn average when it comes to looks (though others call me pretty).
INTELLIGENCE: I’ve been involved with (dating/friends with benefits) 6 boys in the past and 4 of them were/ended up as engineers (it would be 5 but he got kicked out of engineering, good riddance because he was a rude dude), so I guess I like smart boys. I don’t think having a university degree says anything about how smart you are. I’d just like someone to exchange opinions with, someone who can hold a conversation and be curious about my life (because I’m unfortunately not that talkative), and someone who’s just as clever, crafty, and witty as me. I’d like IB to be knowledgeable about what he likes/dislikes as well as “street smart” I suppose. I would want him to be able to show me all of his favourite spots and go-tos in whatever city we’re in.
HUMOUR: I think my humour is pretty dark? I don’t know what to say about humour but I’d like IB to have a similar sense of humour to me (or at least get my humour) and to know when to stop joking around because I’m generally quite serious and hate it when people don’t take me seriously (thanks mom and dad).
ROMANCE: I like pet names (call me sweetheart, babe, and princess, IB) and stealing his clothes (why are boy’s clothes so darn comfortable???). I also like eating nice food and sharing everything we eat so we can try more dishes. I like holding hands in public, forehead and neck kisses, and back hugs. I like cuddling, making out in bed for hours, and getting touched all over (okay except for my left ribs - scoliosis problems - and my knees - they’re sensitive but in a bad way). I like receiving and giving hickies because I’m kind of possessive? And I’d like IB to be slightly possessive as well. Let’s not move to more intimate topics, sorry internet maybe some other time :)
TRUST:  I’d want him to be able to listen to me without judgment and to always be truthful with me. I don’t want him to hide anything from me (especially when it’s people talking shit behind my back) and to trust me to deal with problematic situations well enough (this is the main reason why me and my most recent boyfriend -- let’s call him Balloon Boy -- broke up, aside from being long distance and being too similar in our introverted-like traits).
PERSONALITY: Loud but quiet. I’d like IB to be more outgoing than me because I’m quiet and shy in general (especially around strangers) and am socially anxious, so I’d want him to hold my hand and lead me out of my comfort zone I think IB should be passionate about something in his life, whether it be a hobby or career-related. Extra points if he sings or dances, because then we’d have something in common. I don’t want IB to be nonchalant (more nonchalant than me is a nono) because it gets tiring being the one in charge all the time. Some spontaneity is good, and taking risks is nice too because I’m a rebel at heart though it seems like I’m super uptight all the time.
AGE: to be honest, I don’t really care much about age. So far, I’ve gone 3 years older and 2 years younger. I like mature boys though because I’d want to have serious deep talks and be able to ask them for their opinions on life and whatnot.
I don’t know how to continue on from that rough list, so I guess that’s all from me for now. I think the next ones will be about Pretty Boy and Balloon Boy, so get ready for some angst? Until then, be merry :)
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astrofireworks · 7 years
okay so the ex that will Not Leave me Alone texted me yet again and my sister got pissed and edited this photo of youngbin into this and said “make it your display picture right now so he thinks you’re dating someone and stops texting you” and i just: a binu version 
so bin broke up with his ex about a year ago 
and it’s been a year, you’d think his ex would Get Over It Already but 
text received from [binandme] 2:27am: “hey wanna meet up? it's been a while haha“
apparently not
bin sending a screenshot to rocky bc heck how is his ex’s username still ‘binandme’ that’s just lowkey embarrassing
rocko: “oh god when !! will he stop !!!!”
rocko: “listen buddy you gotta do something”
bin: ??????
rocko: “pretend ?? you have another boyfriend already”
bin: “okay listen that’s cute and all but i don’t have another boyf-”
cue rocky scowling because jesus bin, all you have to do is pretend 
rocky going on instagram and bumming around on their university location tag until he finds a picture of someone cute 
rocky checking out his profile and deciding that hey, not a bad choice 
all he needs to do is maybe edit out a couple things but this guy looks hella Boyfriend
and their university’s big enough that they’ll literally never run into each other so this eunwoo guy will never know !!!!! 
rocky’s brain, pleased: good concept, rocky! 
and so Real Friend Rocky gets to work 
after i told her about it my roommate had a dream she pushed my ex off a building i cried laughing
image received from [reliablerock] 2:53am
bin: “what”
bin: “w ho”
bin: “who is that”
rocko: “your new boyfriend”
and so bin sets it as his display picture because hey, why not? if it works, it works and he’ll never have to get another message from his ex again
also this guy is really cute, what with his sparkling eyes and the way he looks like he’s holding bin’s hand so he doesn’t really mind
im not saying that picture still makes me cry but 
and then bin forgets all about it and goes about his life 
until one day he’s at dance practice 
one of the guys asking for his username on kkt so they can set up a good extra practice time that works for the both of them 
bin tossing his phone over so that jinjin can add him on kkt
jinjin texting bin later that night 
jinjin squinting at bin’s display picture on his own phone and huh, that guy looks really familiar
hey that’s,,,,,, that’s his roommate,
jinjin, looking over his shoulder at where eunwoo’s typing away at his homework: “hey, how do you know moonbin?”
eunwoo: “bin???? who??”
jinjin: “you’re set as his display picture on kkt, don’t you know him??”
evidently not
text received from [chxeunwoo] 8.48pm: “hey, is there a reason why my face is your display picture”
wait this is too long i’m shuffling it under a read more
cue bin falling out of his chair
because !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow he was Unprepared for this shit 
bin: o shit, 
bin: “my ex keeps contacting me so my best friend thought it’d be a good idea to edit a photo of someone he found off the internet so i could set it as my display picture to pretend he’s my boyfriend?”
bin: “but also i’ll take it down rn if you don’t like it i don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything”
eunwoo frowning and considering it carefully
also eunwoo going on jinjin’s facebook profile to go stalk around and see if he can find a photo of bin 
ooooooh bOy did he find a photo of bin 
jinjin squinting suspiciously at where his roommate is suddenly blushing and choking 
but listen eunwoo is a man who knows his opportunities and he is a man who knows how to grab them
eunwoo: “so would u like 2 meet up and take Actual Boyfriend Pictures”
eunwoo: “just for pretence of course”
not at all because he thinks bin is cute (!!!) or anything 
not at all 
eunwoo: “i mean, if you keep one picture of your ‘boyfriend’ all the time without updating it and it doesn’t even have your face in it how believable is it going to be?”
bin: dammit bit c h you right !!
eunwoo: :~)))))))
and so bin and eunwoo set up a date meeting to take ‘couple’ photos 
and bc it’s near christmas and everything so they meet up at this holiday market thing in a nearby park
and it’s real cute !! with all the string lights everywhere and lil shops selling trinkets and stuff 
bin standing by where they agreed to meet and just looking around 
until he turns around and comes face to face with ???????? an angel
at first he wants to laugh bc wow christmas market taking this a lil too far, hiring extra angels just to make it more festive??
but he knows that face too well he’s been staring at it as his display picture for the past couple weeks
eunwoo choking because wow if he thought jinjin’s dance buddy was cute before
it’s nothign compared to this !!!!!!!!!!
with the soft light from the christmas lights overhead and his eyes sparkling  
and he’s sayign something and eunwoo’s not catching any of it bc he’s too busy staring o shit what how shi !
eunwoo: “sorry could u repeat that again i was uh,,,,,”
bin already slightly embarrassed bc it wasn’t important it was just him blurting out an “o my god u look great”
but he really does, bin thinks
he’s in a soft white turtleneck and bin thinks that whoever invented turtlenecks and said it was okay to put it on this man was Hella Right Wrong 
but also 
bin’s brain: error 404 not found what is this guy’s voice let bin know please !!!!!!! what kind of beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/10 wouldn’t mind real dating
and it’s only when someone coughs and brushes past eunwoo that they both realise that they’re blocking a pathway 
bin flushing and grabbing eunwoo’s hand and tugging him aside 
eunwoo: !!!!
the both of them exploring the market together bc hey, if you wanna take cute pics u gotta have props right
cue them getting churros to share
bin getting disproportionally excited bc !!!!!!!!! LOOK
THE B O M B !!!!!!!!
eunwoo laughing bc he’s never seen someone so excited over food before what a heckin cutie 
binnie’s eyes are bright and his lips are curved into a smile and !!!!!! he just looks so happy and soft and beautiful lookin at his churros
@ fantagio bring back eatbin pls & thanks 
eunwoo can’t help it, he takes his phone out and snaps a picture bc this boy just looks so content with his food 
and it’s a p good picture, if eunwoo says so himself, with bin looking down at his churros and the shops blurry in the background and bin’s face softly illuminated by the lights overhead
bin looking up and blinking bc ??? they’re meant to be taking photos of eunwoo or at the very least eunwoo and him together 
but also bin looking down at his churros bc hey they’re taking up a bit more of his brain processing unit rn, sue him
cue binu standing in a corner of the park and sharing churros,,,,
bin nearly forgetting the whole point of the meeting bc heck these churros are real good!!!
eunwoo quietly snapping another picture and laughing bc bin looks like a lil chipmunk what a cutie!!!!!
bin snapping out of his churro daze and blushing bc hey !!! a cute guy taking a picture of him how can he Not be Self-conscious 
they’re not even supposed to be taking photos of him anyway
bin pushing the churro box into eunwoo’s hands and pulling out his own phone
and his first ever photo of eunwoo is slightly blurry and a little underexposed and eunwoo’s glasses have fairy lights reflecting off them and eunwoo’s eyes are slightly wide like a deer in the headlights, but it’s cute, bin thinks
eunwoo’s real cute
and he’s about to lower his phone when there’s suddenly a churro thrusted into his face and eunwoo’s looking at him and smiling all expectantly and bin’s heart is beating very quick indeed wow what a smile
bin: “wha-”
eunwoo: “take a picture, quick, it looks like i’m feeding u”
bin flushing bc right yes pictures,,
eunwoo mumbling then tugging bin over to his side 
eunwoo: “change it to the front camera”
and suddenly bin feels eunwoo’s cheek alarmingly close to his 
bin: ?????/ 
and he sees on screen eunwoo's nose nearly brushing his cheek and eunwoo holding a churro to his mouth and his heart goes wOOWEEWOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!
but he also snaps a picture bc heck that’s cute
heart thumpingly cute
heart achingly cute 
bin hearing eunwoo say faintly: “my turn” and feeling eunwoo grab his phone from him
bin blinking until he realises eunwoo wants him to feed eunwoo a churro too and him flushing 
very boyfriend
which is the point of the whole thing, obviously, but 
very Boyfriend ! rip bin’s heart 2k17
bin holding up a churro to eunwoo’s mouth and looking over at eunwoo and his side profile
and heck 
heckity !!!!!!!!!!
he doesn’t know how rocko found this angel on instagram but all his photos and the edited photo that rocko sent him has in No Way prepared him for the length of this guy’s eyelashes
and it’s only when eunwoo looks over at him that he realises the picture’s done bc he doesn’t even hear the shutter go off
bin blinking 
eunwoo staring bc wow bin rly isn’t moving away and his face is really close 2 eunwoo’s and if he reaches a lil forward he could beep boop bin’s nose with his own 
bin realising that ! this isn’t a socially acceptable violation of personal space and moving away from eunwoo
eunwoo isn’t disappointed at all mmhmm nope not at all no 
bin, faintly: “uh yes thank u for agreeing to meet up with me to take those photos”
eunwoo remembering that yes indeed this is not a first date dammit ugh 
it’s just for fake photos
could be true boyfriend photos but he isn’t sure about bin’s ! position wrt this 
eunwoo smiling graciously and going: “yes of course, i’ll send them 2 u asap”
them picking at the churros and just sitting there in the park talking 
bin learning about how eunwoo’s a psych major and how he’s thinking of going into law 
eunwoo learning about how bin joined jinjin’s dance crew by accidentally stumbling into a dance practice
generally binu having a good time !!!! under cute lights !!!!! with the holiday market buzzing in the background !!!!!!
binu eventually finishing the churros and eunwoo turning to leave to find a dustbin when he hears bin calling out his name again 
eunwoo: ???????
bin, swallowing hard: “uh”
bin: “when can i meet u again?”
bin: o shit he doesn’t want to meet me again he was just doing me a favour this time round i’m asking too much by asking for a second meeting i messed up now he’ll never speak to me again i’m 
eunwoo: “hmm i’m free day after! do you want to grab coffee then?”
bin: :D 
bin later that night flicking through the photos he and eunwoo took and choosing the one of him feeding eunwoo 
bc eunwoo looks so beautiful in that one heck !!! with his hair nearly brushing his eyes and his silver rimmed glasses glinting and reflecting tiny dots of light 
but also bc his eyes are curved up into a smile and it’s the most heart stopping thing bin has ever seen 
bin’s heart is aching it truly is 
also bc when he finally tears his eyes away from eunwoo he looks at himself and !! he’s looking at eunwoo with so much adoration it’s embarrassing 
bin @ bin: stOP IT you literally just met him jlafdkjdsksf
bin back @ bin:  but he’s also so sweet and helpful and kind and his smile makes ur heart beat real fast what’re u gon do about it 
bin cringing back @ bin 
but also bin setting that as his new profile picture 
his ex can go choke on a small dick !! look at bin with his beautiful new ‘boyfriend’ now hA !
although he isn’t really dating him but pragmatics am i right 
half a minute later:
text received from [reliablerock] 8:25pm: dude wtf where are these pictures from 
bin: “ah yeah i met him today we took a couple pics”
rocky: “a little miFFED YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT WAS GOING TO BE TODAY but ok this is a rly cute pic good job buddy yall rly actually look like you’re dating it’s adorable”
text received from [m.hyung] 8:34pm: “CONGRATS U & UR BOYFRIEND ARE ADORABLE WTF”
text received from [m.hyung] 8:35pm: “although not as cute as me & jinjin xoxo”
bin: jhlkjsdfhkgjsd what 
text received from [jinjak] 8:35pm: “dude mj says ur dating my roommate what he said he didn’t know u like 3 days ago and now yall have pictures together?????”
bin checking eunwoo’s profile bc heck how did he know they had pictures plural 
and he sees eunwoo’s profile picture changed up to the one where he’s feeding bin a churro 
bin flushign !!!!!!! bc his hear t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but before he can react and send a text to eunwoo his phone pings again
bin, faintly: oh
fast forward 2 them meeting bc i’m terrible at this transition thing 
bin stepping into the lil cafe
and it’s cute, he’ll admit
he’s more of a grab and go guy than a sit down in a coffeeshop with a book and a croissant kind of guy but if eunwoo’s one of those he’s willing to sit down and have a pastry too
as long as it involves food and eunwoo he’s down for it
and instantly he sees eunwoo, with his silver glasses perched on his nose and his long fingers flipping through a book, hair falling in his eyes and sunlight falling on him at just the right angle and bin’s breath catches in his throat 
eunwoo looking up at the sound of the bell on the door tinkling and smiling at bin and closing his book
bc look !! a cute binnie in a cute coat 
bin blushing and pulling out the chair opposite eunwoo’s 
them talking over lattes and just !!!!! getting to know each other 
i mean, their profile photos are set as each other so 
might as well be friends, at least 
speaking of photos
bin: “ah yeah so about the photos haha funny story” 
bin: “so a couple of people think we’re actually dating???”
eunwoo: “wait isn’t that the point”
bin, floundering slightly: “right yeah on my end but you ? also set your profile picture to one with me, so i was wondering??”
eunwoo: ?????????
bin, sheepishly: “people keep asking me if you’re my boyfriend and i ? didn’t reply bc i wasn’t sure about what you would be comfortable with me saying about us bc obv this isn’t like a real thing so uhhhh”
eunwoo looking at bin over the rim of his coffee cup and willing his heart to calm the heckity down bc this is it this is his chance to be real s m o o t h 
eunwoo, fast mumbling: “whntmktrlthng”
bin: “what”
eunwoo flushing and repeating: “why not make it a real thing?”
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piahautea · 7 years
Appreciation Post: My Lovely Barkada
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I’ve always been the stick-to-one type of friend.
Back during the first two years of junior high, you’d only see me with just one friend. One lunch buddy, one fair week constant, one automatic partner, one let’s-go-to-the-library-during-intrams-instead co-lazy bum, one companion and one everything. But never really the more meaningful ones like: a confidante, a tell-me-your-secrets-they’re-safe-with-me type of chill, a laughing comrade or a wingman /pagdating sa mga crushes na iyan/. That was until I met each of the cartoon people above. 
This post is dedicated to them. The not-so-small barkada I never thought I’d have. They've also been so supportive of my blogging ever since and I want y’all to meet them! Somehow you may also try to see a part of yourself in them with their little intro’s /but that's only if you want to/.
A little disclaimer by the way: Their art banners are filled with silly deets about them while their actual descriptions are a lot graver; although, it's still sounding a lot like silly Pea wrote them, aye. 
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This is Leila. Leila’s been one of my best friends since 10th grade. I never thought we’d be in the friendship situation we have now because I only thought surface-level bros were all we'd ever be. But, nah. What are those for anyway? She was the quietly-acing-my-way-in-the-honor-rolls type. And, well, I was trying so hard to be that student. But we just randomly sparked up a convo about my blog and her love for Niall Horan and then she became my confidante in an instant with her shipping me so hard with a Tumblr boy that I used to like. In the things I thought highly impossible for myself, she believed I could turn them around in my favor and she stood there behind me with her hand on my back. She’s the best. I still wish she'd become a doctor, even though she's already faced towards a different track.
This is Margaux. When she spots you and you tickle her fancy, she’d probably talk to you. Basically, that's what happened to us. We were just batchmates in the same baking class. That changed when we bumped into each other at a charm store; she saw me first, tapped my back and said, “Hi!” like it’s nothing. Post the little meeting and the year after, we became classmates. And then I knew that smiling was her best asset and her laughter was her best type of music. She’d made me cookies and a chocolate-mint birthday cake for my 18th because that’s her. You hear little words and phrases like pastries, being top-level artsy, beauty queen pageants, genuine grins, dressing up for fun and you got it. That’s still gonna be her.
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This is Froilan. If you know me well enough, you’d know that this dude’s been one of my constants since the beginning of time /‘di naman haha since 9th grade lang siguro/. You'll see him almost everywhere I go and part of almost everything I do. We’ve also been constantly teased by past classmates about us having that chemistry and that maybe we were already secretly a couple. All I can say is, nope. We’re merely bros. I love him, though. In the gayest way possible. He’s amazing in general. He loves getting and slaying the D so much. Drawing, dancing and designing *wink wink*. I’m never afraid to be myself when I’m with him and for that I’m eternally thankful. He’s also my punching bag hehe he enjoys the force of my knuckles kissing and smashing his fudge brownie skin /poetic/.
This is Nesli. She’s the first friend I’ve ever made in our circle. We’ve been together since the 7th grade and mutually sworn to be each other’s best friends during 8th grade. She’s also one of my confidantes. And the one who’s literally seen me in the good, the bad & the ugly and has still loved me no matter what. She has a heart large enough to fit in giraffes, all her favorite Filipino & European dishes, historical fiction books, her family, her art, her hoes and all her other friends. She’s my happy pill, tbfh. She’s going to make it big in the animations field or in any other field because she’s that flexible. She can write, draw, paint /in both the common mediums/, care for wildlife and humanity vividly. It's such a cakewalk to believe in what she's capable of because when she dreams, she dreams with her eyes open and with stellar passion running freely in her veins.
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This is Brian. He’s one of my sister’s former tutees. I’ve heard stuff about him being sassy and loud /which he was/, but our friendship was a bit like of a plot twist. An unexpected thing. Although believe me when I say this: my sister predicted that we’d be the best of friends in the future. And she was right about it. 9th grade and I can still fondly remember it all. We’d sit in a corner where people weren't around to sing Defying Gravity because it was his fave and I was his fave duet partner, too. Sooner or later, we begun that singing routine. He easily became the person I’d always wanna sing with and now he’s worked his way to get into theater by switching schools for both SHS and college. I love my theater geek friend /who apparently knows how to get wasted now/. And I miss having to deal with him and his antics everyday. 
This is Gia. Being friends with her was also an unexpected one. She’s quiet and was only the closest to Cather /you’ll get know her later/. We’d never really had those talk-talks until the final years of junior high. She lent me her copy of To Kill A Mockingbird and it opened me to widen my reading choices. We also discovered each others’ love for indie/alternative rock music. She loves Nirvana, blink-182 and The Killers and it killed me. I’d also boast to those who love her brother’s band from the indie OPM scene that I’m friends with the vocalist’s baby sister because Hello? it’s not everyday you get to be friends with someone who has blood thick and rich of musical notes and art. She's an epitome of those two things.
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This is Mika. Mika was Froilan’s friend first. And then she randomly talked to me in class and we became instant friends who loved hugging each other. She’s the type to get crafty and make you keychains or little drawings of your favorite things for Christmas or your birthday. She’s the sweetest soul and she likes to share stories with you; it doesn’t matter how long you’ll chatter with her. She’s also super smart! She helps me with all the Math help I needed back when we still had to take Math. You would just never see an honor roll without her in it. And yes, she had a phase with Big Time Rush back in junior high. But now, it seems like she’s also been bitten by another Kpopper /probably a friend from outside the circle/. She's the kind of treasure I'd like to keep with me anywhere I go. 
This is Carmela. This one’s another plot twist kind of friendship. Like Margaux, she’s also extremely loud and friendly. Like randomly-popping-into-your-face kind of friendly. She’s chatty but it’s a reasonable kind of chatter. She also dances like a pro. I envy her grace on the floor and the flat stomach she'd cultivated out of that. We may not have the same amount of time as we had before but we see to it that no matter how busy we are, we’d never fail to exchange short stories and warm hugs when we see each other. Also, yes, she is my co-bully when it comes to Froilan. Everything she does to put him in artless misery cracks me up every time /that’s how we roll/.
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This is Seline. I’ve only known her this year but since then, she’s already been one of my closest friends in class. We just vibe well and we could talk about anything in the pop culture spectrum or just anything Tumblr and art-related. I love how her mind just works like a charm and concocts puns real quick. I love how she'd update me and tell me stories about her dogs and their newborn puppies because we share the same love for these critters and it just makes me giddy every time. Because of her, I’m starting to rethink my stances on animated films /because I’m not big on those/. She makes some of the greatest digital artworks I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait to have more cafe adventures with her and our other amigos and to visit her in Benilde by the time we reach college. 
This is Cather(ine). Like Nesli, we’ve been friends since 7th grade and best girls since the 8th. She’s the cutest /next to my spot/ in the group and makes equally-adorable reactions to everything she sees. It kind of takes her a while to do almost everything she has to do but it adds up to how she handles anything with the utmost love and care not anyone would ever spare time for. She's also loud whenever she opens her mouth to speak /e.g. when we're in the car and it's quiet, she would completely ignore the silence and start a quickfire with her words but that's okay because she can never be irritating to me at all/. I love her that much. I hope she’d find solace in the fact that she’s a bright, bright kiddo who would slay any scientific fate she’d choose. I’d always have her back as she's always had mine.
When we met, it suddenly just made sense to meet altogether, too. It wasn't like our personalities were so similar with the other that we just had to gather around a campfire and talk about starting a tribe or something. Our personalities differ; but in such a way that we complement each other, filling gaps that needed a little something of this or that. But about the tribe thing, yes we do gather. Annually. For Christmas. And it has to be in a different house each year until we get to be in everyone's humble abodes.
Ladies & gents, this is my second ohana. My very own battle cohort. Top 1 in my small list of kada’s. My most favorite non-blood related people in the universe. I used to be a stick-to-one kind of person. Now, I'm mostly a stick-to-ten. 
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THIS👇🏼 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Literally every conversation I've had with a Trump hater about the upcoming election:
Hater: I can't wait to get Donald Trump out of office.
Me: Why?
Hater: Why?!?! Don't tell me you don't think he colluded with Russia!
Me: According to Robert Mueller's exhaustive, multi-million dollar investigation, there was no evidence of that. But there was evidence that the Obama administration spied on him and his campaign using the FBI.
Hater: Well, he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. What happened to that?
Me: Well, he removed the tax penalty which removes the mandate. Congress now just has to move with it's replacement. He can't do it by Executive Order. You do know Obama had very little to do with the writing of the ACA, right?
Hater: Well, he said he'd build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. Haha. What happened to that?
Me: They've built over 260 miles of new wall so far and he's renegotiated NAFTA costing Mexico billions of dollars that were given to them by Bill Clinton through the returning of jobs in America.
Hater: Well, that's not them paying for it!
Me: BILLIONS. Did you think he literally meant Mexico was gonna write a check with "Wall" in the memo?
Hater: Well, he's buddy buddy with Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Me: Getting along with your adversaries is not a bad thing. Or would you prefer he antagonize them? BTW, when was the last "test missile" North Korea sent Japan's way?
Hater: Well, he doesn't like the military! He called the dead soldiers "losers!"
Me: You're referring to a report made from "anonymous sources" when over nine people who were with the President that have gone on record saying that it wasn't true? That doesn't send up any red flags for you?
He's brought our Vets home and taken great strides, and put a lot of money into fixing the VA, ask any veteran you know. Funny way to treat people you think are "losers," don't you think?
Hater: Well, he got impeached for God's sake!
Me: Yes, impeached by a partisan House and subsequently acquitted as there was no evidence that the President did anything wrong (no quid pro quo) in his communication with the President of Ukraine. BTW, you know Joe Biden actually admitted on national television to doing that exact thing while he was in office as VP though, right?
Hater: Well he handled COVID horribly!
Me: What would've you done differently?
Hater: He didn't close the borders in time!
Me: He announce travel restrictions on 1/31 and was called xenophobic for doing so, all the while Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were walking in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down, the water is fine.
Hater: Well, he refused to wear a mask.
Me: Here's a picture of him wearing a mask.
Hater: Well, that was too far after!
Me: After what? He had two of his experts on national TV every day giving updates and telling everyone to wear a mask?
Hater: Well, he said everything will be fine and this will end!
Me: Did you want him to run around screaming that the sky was falling?
Hater: Well, listen to the way he talks! He's nasty! He's not how I want my President to sound.
Me: Ahhh. NOW we're getting somewhere. You don't like his personality. And everything you've mentioned up until now is because you don't like his personality.
So for you it seems personal and not about the job he's done.
So listen, if you want a President who will tell you whatever you want to hear, flip- flopping on every issue, not getting anything done his entire time while in office, but who sounds like a nice guy (even though he seems seriously impaired), then Joe Biden is definitely your man.
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