#i wouldnt get back with my ex ever thanks
dieabadass · 1 month
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When you find out your husband and the disgusting ogre he cheated on you with tried stealing your identity and thats the reason I couldn’t get health insurance this whole time and had to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for my life saving medication I take everyday and got the bill from her hospital stay last year…. It’s a good thing she’s fucking dead cuz id kill her if she was still living.
I found myself apologizing to this female , trying to do anything I could to get my husband back and said sorry for acting out as any wife / girlfriend / husband / boyfriend or partner would in this situation. Yet somehow she victimized herself, made it as if she was the one who was in the right, tried to fill my shoes LITERALLY. She stole my dog my husband got for me for my birthday, harassed my family with texts upon texts of threats against my life and put me down for having a medical condition saying : she and my husband couldn’t wait for the phone call we’re my mom ( who was battling stage 3b colon cancer at the time ) to call them with the news that I finally died & rid the world of me and the burden I put on everyone with my type 1 diabetes and level of care I need and that everyone could finally move on with their lives especially the two of them without me here.
She convinced my husband that I somehow hacked into her phone and sent myself all these messages and that she was the innocent one in all of this…. Seriously flattering & wish I could have thought of that one first but the amount of work and effort to actually hack into someone’s phone was impossible for even me to do… I even had receipts and proof after proof of shit printed from my account to show the time stamps were the texts were sent from and everything it still didn’t matter. It got to the point were I was lower then I’ve ever been before, dealing with my own mental health, sobriety and from all the years of never really taking care of myself the abuse on my own body was catching up to me and had to face some serious medical stuff no one should have to face alone , ESPECIALLY without the person they needed most. Funny looking back at all this now and all this happening October 2022 and her laughing at the thought of me possibly dying and the last thing I ever said to her was to watch her mouth and words because one day she might choke on those very words and shed pay for her own karma and a year later to the date October 2023 she drops dead like a fly from a blood clot in her lungs literally choking on her own words….. huh funny…..right?
So yeah
So again :
Blessed be
Thank you GODESS NYX
The gods
And the universe
Always having my back
And showing me there’s
Always light in a world full
Of darkness
i know this now forever and always more than anything
All I had to do was believe in my higher power/dietys & gods and put it all in their hands and let karma and the universe do the rest without even waving my powerful little pinky 🤙🏻
I’d tell you to ask my enemies
😎💀👻💀😵👻👹restinpiss💀😈👹😵 🪦🪦🪦 🔥
What and who was I talking about Again? Oh ya that’s right! See? Out of sight out of mind forever dealing with karma somewhere terrible and ugly and unforgiving serving out their karma for infinity ♾️
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
could I um.. request the whole alphabet with gangle.. take your time :))
The fluff alphabet w/ Gangle (Full!)
so sorry it took me so long to get to this! i got back to my computer just now and decided to whip up a masterlist/begin one before working on requests again! i must admit gangle is a hard character for me to write, so if some letters seem lackluster, sound repetitive, or whatever, i apologize in advance </3
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ABSTRACT- if you ever abstract gangle will be absolutely beside herself, overcome with grief. i dont think she would abstract, though. she keeps to her room, her comedy mask long forgotten. broken or not, she cant bring herself to put it on. she feels bad, why didnt you reach out to her? did you feel like you were a burden? did you think she wouldnt be enough to save you? thoughts like that eat her alive
BONDING- you two draw together, sometimes even making comics with each other! i saw a few posts where gangle loves to draw, and draws in an early 2000-2010s anime art style and i absolutely love that. you guys just do that, when you have the free time
CUDDLING- neither little nor big spoon, gangle is simply. ribbon. its like cuddling ribbon, there isnt much to be said in that regard. kinda cold but thats because ribbon doesnt really carry heat. wraps her body around you
DATES- drawing dates! similar to the bonding segment, but you guys make it a point to draw things for each other. you even get to bust out some paints. yipee! ends up in you two drawing each other. so many painted hearts
EMOTION- gangle is definitely the more emotional one between the two of you, especially if shes wearing her tragedy mask. not much to be said, gangle is a cry baby and i dont mean that in a bad way
FAMILY- should the two of you ever escape the digital world and find each other, you two would definitely get married! as for children, i honestly dont see gangle as the type to have kids, but thats just a me thing
GIFT- really nailing the art stuff deep, gangle draws things for you all the time. but i can also see them being into origami! they make you paper hearts and little critters, bows and crowns, things like that! gangle loves receiving gifts as well, unsure of what she would like, though
IN HOUSE ADVENTURE- the only reason she wouldnt spend all of her time with you on an adventure is if she gets paired up with someone in a group (ex. her sticking with kinger after jax put them together), since i feel she would be too scared to speak up about it, even if shes starting to gain more of a voice thanks to your influence
JEALOUSY- gangle doesnt really. get jealous. at least not in the "traditional" way, to be more accurate, she gets sad. i mean, she knows shes a crybaby, she knows shes frail, but she wouldnt want to make you feel bad that she feels bad. please give her a lot of reassurance :(
KISS- lets play my favorite game! admins favorite hc for characters with no normal mouth/lips! she gently doinks her mask against your face; careful not to hurt you and to not accidentally knock off her mask! loves giving you cheek kisses, loves receiving forehead kisses
LOVE LANGUAGE- gangle feels loves when you reassure her that you love her just as she is, as well as when you spend time with her. gangle shows her love by making you gifts and fawning over you
MENDED- should you ever come back from being abstracted some how, all those thoughts that plagued her mind are now voiced. she cant help it, she feels so bad for dumping her grief onto you the second you're retrieved from the cellar. but she cant stop herself. poor girl is going to wrapped around you, literally..
NO- please dont be mean or rude to her she will feel very bad, even if you're just teasing her or joking. she already has to put up with everyone else (well, mostly jax)
ODDITY- when the comedy mask is on, she can light up a room, well, kinda. we dont get to see her with her comedy mask but i think shes loads more cheerful with it on, and perhaps even a smidge more confident in herself, when the mask is broken she can take a quick nose dive. its not so much thats it weird, more so that its a bit jarring at how big the change is
PDA- very shy about PDA, but i think ultimately if you want to hold her hand she wont object!
QUIET TIME- one word, drawing. but also i can see the two of you just being able to lie in bed with each other in comfortable silence
ROSES- PAPER ROSES PAPER ROSES! i may have a soft spot because i myself used to make origami flowers, but i think she would give you a bouquet of paper flowers. she would be over the moon if you gave her some, she looks like a dandelion enjoyer (like the yellow ones, but i think she would also like the white fuzzy ones)
SHH- loads of secrets, a lot of them tying into the jealousy segment. gangle probably also doesnt speak up about when someone is mean to her, opting to stay quiet in order to not cause issues or drama. please help her break that habit
TUNES- it might be because ive been listening to jack on loop, but this is the first one that comes to mind:
UPSET- when she gets upset she just wants to be comforted and held; when you're upset shes ready to do everything it takes to help you, just say the word and she'll do it... the image of gangle confronting someone for your sake has just flashed through my mind, though i think that may be the one thing she wont do... would love to see it though
VALENTINE- paper hearts. you two decide to go to the digital carnival together and experience some of the themed attractions... namely, the ferris wheel.... should i bring up everyones favorite ferris wheel trope...
WANT- she wants someone who wont think shes some. weirdo. and who thinks shes worthwhile
XOXO- little love notes, similar to my idea for ragatha! though gangle is more... eh, about it, since she fears you might be turned off by it
YEARN- id say in the middle, since she can respect your space and whatever it is you need to do, and she has to admit herself there are times where she wants to hang out with someone else or be alone; and thats perfectly okay!
ZZZ- likes wrapping her entire body around you, head to your chest. she doesnt really move when she sleeps, too entangled around you to do that. probably snores very softly
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wayward-asshole · 3 months
what courtney love means to me, and why shes so important to me:
courtney has always stood for the exact opposite of what she's supposed to.
im gonna be really fucking vulnerable in this post and talk about what courtney means to me, why shes such an important figure in my life, and why i just feel like she gets me. tws here: suicide, self-harm, abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault, mental abuse. brief mentions, nothing in depth.
i endured some fucked up shit as a kid, stuff i wouldnt wish upon my worst enemy. ive watched my mother try to kill herself. i got the shit beat out of me as a kid, i watched my mom get the shit beat out of her, i was sexually assaulted.
when i found hole, early this year, i had just got out of one of the worst relationships ever. i needed a change, and i needed it fast. i told myself i wasn't going to be walked all over anymore. i told myself i was done putting up a front of being nice and sweet, because deep down i knew i wasnt.
i discovered hole, i started deep diving on courtney because then the only reason i knew about her was because of kurt. and i fell in love.
i finally realized my potential. i started sticking my for myself more, when back then i only stood up for others. i started to realize that i liked being a bitch. i enjoyed making everyone else fucking uncomfortable because i was loud and i took up space and i stood up for myself and others.
courtney inspired me so much that i started writing songs again. at the time i hadnt written songs since i was a kid, like. a LITTLE kid. but i started writing again.
ive written two songs inspired by courtney or hole songs. one is inspired by softer, softest and its titled wood. its about my childhood, and its about childhood abuse. specifically being whipped with a paddle. a repeating line in it is "pee girl gets the wood" because every time my disability caused me to wet the bed, i would get paddled.
another is about courtney and how she inspired me, how i interpreted the song babydoll to be about girl that courtney couldnt stand because she put up a nice girl front, and how i was sick and fucking tired of being babydoll. i was fucking done with being babydoll. i used to be quiet, i used to just go along with everything everyone did. but not anymore. i am not going to be babydoll once again, i will forever be the violent bitch i am now.
one of the lines in it refrences the "i want every girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming" quote, saying "courtney i listned to you/i picked up a guitar and now im screaming/i wish you could tell me where to go/i dont know where to go from here."
i relate to courtney on so many levels. she gets me. i almost lost one of my (now ex) boyfriends to suicide last year, i still wet the bed because of my disability, and i was the pee girl. i was the girl that smelled like piss every fucking day. i have an awful mother, my dad was never there.
courtney taught me how to be a fucking bitch and every day i become more and more thankful for her. courtney love taught me how to say no. courtney love is for the girls with violent moodswings. courtney love taught me how to love the dark parts of myself. courtney taught me how to hold my own hand, she taught me how to put on my best sunday dress and walk proudly through all my messes.
you can be a disaster and be beautiful. you will walk through flames with your head held high. you will live through this too, you have to. prove everyone wrong, not right. dont give up on yourself, be a fucking bitch.
reblog this with what courtney means to you PLEASE tell me in depth what she means to you i want to know.
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actualbird · 10 months
hiya zak!!! it's 2am and i can't stop thinking about it- but if you had the chance to write how luke gets cured of his illness in canon, how would you do it? (eg. via "surgery, but there's risks"/"oh we found a magical anecdote to your illness, yippee!...etc etc)
hiya "anon" hehe >:3c!!!! first off, thank you for this ask cuz it's super interesting. my answer to this is rather specific and looks bad at first but Trust Me and hear me out on this alright
if i had the chance to write how luke gets cured, i wouldnt make him 100% cured. medically (and this is very vague because im not a doctor), i would make it so that maybe new medication or a new treatment plan is found that makes his illness no longer terminal, but chronic. the new treatment has to be taken regularly as maintenance, along with regular diagnostic tests like EEGs and regular check ups with aaron. the new treatment would also come with a lot of side effects like mood swings, fatigue, nausea, etc.
basically: i dont want him to be cured, but i obviously dont want him to die. however, i want him to have to fight this for the rest of his long life.
it'll be an arduous process, one that never ends, but one he has to get through. and one he dedicates himself to do every day, because it's worth it, because it's worth life,
because he's worth life.
why do i want this? well, first off, it's because i'd love to see more chronic physical illness representation in fiction. it's not always clear cut with illnesses, and sometimes there Isnt a grand cure and it's more like an endless slog of maintenance
second off, i will repeat something i said in a previous ask i answered about luke's illness, but a sudden and 100% cure feels like a too-neat deus ex machina to me, narratively. his illness has been shown to be as Very lethal and Very painful and Very hard to treat, so for all of that to suddenly go away, well....the writing would feel a tad cheap to me if it were that easy.
and third off, because it'd fit well with the themes of luke's stories and luke's character
actually, let me go back to that previous ask i linked because im gonna copy paste a whole lot from it HAHA since my view hasnt changed since i wrote it. in that last ask i say:
in general with stories, i am less drawn to super neat resolutions and im more drawn to resolutions that are more like “and things werent perfect and they never will be, there will always be problems, but our characters will be okay and theyll keep getting better and better, and it’s in this push and pull of struggle and learning and progress and getting through where their happiness lies” ever since luke was a kid, even before he developed his condition, hes had the fear of being a burden to his loved ones. and when he does get his terminal condition, this fear is worsened and he starts to see his existence in other people’s lives as a whole as a burden of pain and grief that isnt worth the trouble. and…i dunno, i just like the idea of him continuing to live but also continuing to have these problems that still spark fear inside of him and still take so much work to manage every day. and out of habit, he braces himself for pain, not just for the kind his condition gives him but from Life because Surely, His Loved Ones Will Get Tired Of All Of This, Of Him and The Problems He Comes With, Right? but surprise surprise, they dont. because they care about him. because this should not and is not a dealbreaker for them continuing to care about him. aaron creates treatment thats more on the preventative maintenance meds angle so luke doesnt have to just wait for a pain episode to pop up and then dry swallow painkillers every time. it’s not infallible , but sometimes luke can have hours, even a whole a day sometimes where the pain hes bracing himself for doesnt come. mc always reminds luke to take his meds whenever luke gets too busy or caught up in a case. he worries at first that it’s an inconvenience to her for her to have to remember his routines for him just in case, but that worry becomes quieter as luke realizes she reminds him in the same tone as she says “good morning” or “have you had lunch yet? wanna join me?”, just this casual and loving thing thats now integrated into both their lives the team are always ready to help too in their own way. when luke gets a pain episode in hq, marius offers distraction in the form of idle chatter on (harmless) internal pax gossip while luke waits for his painkillers to dull down the stinging. when luke feels uncomfortable tingling crawling across his whole body while out with vyn, vyn subtly helps luke move from a crowded area to a quieter one where outside stimuli cant further overwhelm luke’s senses. when it’s a bad grip strength day and all luke wants to do is punch something and fuck his useless hands up even more, artem tells luke about custom silicone grips that exist for things like pens or knives or such and that they could look for some next time they go shopping. it is not perfect. but luke’s life, even with the pain, is still worth living. everybody is trying to help and eventually, luke learns how to start helping him self along with them too.
in summary: i think luke is a fighter. i do wish he had less battles to fight, but one battle that is important for him to fight is the fight to believe that he is worth living and worth joy in spite of it all
so if i had my way, i'd write him having to manage his illness for the rest of his life
and i'd also write him having a full and happy life while doing that anyway
thank you for the ask!! :'D
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jadeittic · 2 years
HS + Y/I: 2022 (SERIES)
EXTRA (6) (REMAKE) -- ive been procrastinating a lot this yr so i guess we're back on track with hs + y/i
WARNINGS: are ig comments even warnings anymore 😭-- and there will be new uses of face claims.
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liked by username, and 12,348 others
celebnews YN LN spotted in Glasgow, UK for upcoming first collaboration tour with Harry Styles.
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username my girl looks so majestic i cant
username im hyperventilating just at the thought of her someone help me
username i havent moved on from her last tour now shes back. AND WITH HARRY TOO.
username ive gotten my tickets. IVE GOTTEN MY TICKETS.
username im so not jumping, blushing, twirling my hair at the sight of her rn
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liked by harrystyles, lukehemmings, dannyramirez, and 2,165,410 others
yourinstagram pov: im so fucking nervous i can barely stand still so heres a pic
view all 26,122 comments
anthonymackie Super disappointed in ourselves because we can't see you on your first ever collaboration tour. You're growing up, young lady. Don't you forget about us.
username i love them sm my heartjsheufs
yourinstagram will do mr. mackie! make sure to stop by next time :))
username already feeling like im abt to pass out and i havent seen them yet
yourinstagram u dk how much i want you to be here rn ;((
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liked by username, and 14,352 others
view all 3,183 comments
username holy shit holy shit holy shit am i still breathing
username so fucking proud to say i was there. i was in the first show of hs + y/i.
username i loved the moments where they were trying to communicate but the crowd was too loud
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liked by username, and 3,391 others
harryxyn no explanations needed. just tears
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username i couldnt believe i was even there omg i thought it was all a dream
username my life is complete.
username 2/6 :(
username i cant stop rewatching the videos i recorded :(((((( i already miss them sm
username i cant MOVE ON
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liked by vicdeangelis, yourinstagram, letitawright, and 4,902,514 others
harrystyles I am so proud of my girl who I call a sister from another mister. She doesn’t have any idea how much she means to me. You are loved, YN LN. (By me which who loves you the most.) You deserve the world. Thank you for being there always. It’s always us against the world.
HS + Y/I. Glasgow. June, 2022.
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username “its always us against the world” I CANT BREATHE IM IN TEARS
username 😭😭😭😭😭
username two words. in. tears.
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, chrisevans, anyataylorjoy, and 4,827,944 others
yourinstagram should i even explain? this idiot has been with me for as long as i remember. god, i can’t even remember when i agreed to go on tour with him (kidding, kidding). you are the most talented, funniest, hell, i even have to say handsome person to feed your ego. you are one of the best people to have happened in my life. it’s always us against the world.
thank you glasgow for being our first ever crowd for hs + y/i — its great to be back again! ❤
view all 47,319 comments
username i have no words to say anymore this is so sweet
username oh??? my??? god??? ive missed them so much i didnt realise it
imsebastianstan She’s been crying about his message the whole time we’ve been drinking.
username i will literally have “its always is against the world” tattooed on me soon
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liked by anthonypham, annetwist, dovecameron, and 427,314 others
mitchrowland Don’t be fooled by the internet, kids. These two have been searching up ways to steal my guitar without me noticing for the past hour.
view all 16,398 comments
username it is wdym
username ‼protect mitch rowland from ynrry‼
username now this is what we call bonding
yourinstagram shush youre spoiling our plan
username the way id help them username
ynrry world domination
yourinstagram no thanks
username thank you for this update mitch
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liked by yourinstagram, bellahadid, jefezoff, and 2,466,012 others
harrystyles Girls can kiss now.
view all 31,175 comments
username my fav girl with my fav book
username does this mean something…
username yn are you kissing other girls that arent me >:(
yourinstagram im sorry...i can explain
username if girls can kiss now… im free…
username theyve never read a book seriously beforehrdgd this post means sm to me now
username my day has been so much better since this photo
username MY WOMANNNN
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sweethangman · 2 months
hey pretty boy too proud to say hi now that you’re whoring around with the prince?
you never respond to my hi’s. not politely at least…
doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy ignoring them. 
oh my apologies then… good evening jason…
as expected. goodnight, my good knight…
okay, okay, hello? shouldn’t you be helping clean up the ball?
shouldn’t YOU be helping clean up the ball? it’s YOUR engagement.
i’m on watch here? every night?
you know… your view of the hallway is completely obstructed by that column.
the only thing i’d have to miss behind that would have to be even smaller than you. 
i’m not THAT small. 
oh yeah? come get it…
i suppose where you’re standing is… acceptable… i just was trying to be helpful.
hmph. word at the ball was that you left to chase the prince… i didn’t think he was your type. 
he’s actually an ex-ex prince…
wish he was the ex-ex-ex prince.
like the king hasn’t had the exact same thought… what’re you doing around his harem? i thought you at least cared about doing your job in addition to everyone else’s. 
people can have a sense of duty without sacrificing ALL semblance of fun. 
drinking until you pass out and sleeping in a strangers bed doesn’t seem like fun to me. 
and what would you consider fun? having the same dreary job for 8 years in a row?
9 years actually.
9 years. positively thrilling if you ask me… y’know, if you wanted to join, you could just ask.
i have a fiancée!— also, i don’t want to!!
Good day sir here are the knights letters what do i look like an errand boy deliver them yourself fine just thought youd want to deliver them to your friends guess ill just have to go over there and tell them what a wonderful friend you are to me fine give em here oh my engagement present how is it oh um its really good actually thank you the guy who writes them is great at what he does i already have birds of the southern isles and finches around the world but i've never had an illustrated one before though mustve cost a fortune oh it was nothing im so happy youre enjoying it might be the best engagement present ive gotten the king got me a sword with his coat of arms on the pommel which is nice but its also what he got me for my graduation and im not really sure what to do with two swords wow im honored if we ever visit the provinces i can show you all the birds in real life im never gonna visit the northern provinces im needed here well i grew up in the north as a kid my memories not the sharpesg in the world but i could try and describe what they were like youre from the north i never wouldve guessed you seem like you sprang right into being a fully formed courtier well thank you i moved here when i was 7 so i had time to learn the ropes and lose my accent how about you oh uh well i was born in a nearby town i think or the king thinks im an orphan but ite completely fine i have a better life here than i could ever dream of with the king taking care of me and a job i love a job im good at so not as interesting as you thats way more interesting im glad you found a home here yeah are you in love with maya did she put you up to this she said we'd talk about this later no i swear im sorry if its a touchy subject no its fine i of course im in love with maya we're engaged id be the biggest fool in the world if i wasnt in love with her right i wouldnt know dont you fool around with a lot of guys i thought youd have figured out love by now thats nowher enear love sometimes if i want something from someone and they want a little intimacy in return well why would i turn thay down you shouldnt i mean you cant its not a currency you can exchange why not im cute even worse you have to use it responsibilty how do you know they dont think its love i dont wanna contaminate your big knightly brain
Sorry i did that all from memory i think a lot of that is wrong anyways JASONLOUIS IM CRYING GG O,,,,,...MMLL
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oh the ones I wanted to send are taken already UHM.. Wrightdot and/or Franmaya? (the latter isn't my cup of tea but I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it!)
HELLO, GRACE, MY DARLING FRIEND GRACE 💖💕💕💞♥️💝❤️💗❤️💖💖💕💝💞♥️💗💞 Thank you for the ask; I am honoured you actually wanted to hear me talk about multiple ships whsjdhj 💖💘💗
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Grace, trying to answer this gave me some sort of quarter-life existential crisis, and I am a bit hysterical rn. Through the laughter and the screaming, I have to admit that... I kind of............ get it??????? I WOULDNT SAY I SHIP IT, BUT, LIKE. THEY'RE SO FUNNY BUT ALSO REALLY SAD AND IM????? IDK WHAT I THINK SJWVSHDHFKDH
Ultimately, though, ULTIMATELY. I can't quite get past the whole 'that is Mia's ex who is still very much in love with her, and her protege' thing. She's played too much of a role in both their lives for them to see very far past her influence on one another, and I don't think it'd be very healthy for them to try pursuing a romantic relationship; because I feel like they'd inevitably end up trying to fill the space Mia left in their lives through the other person which just wouldn't work. I definitely think they should have some sort of a relationship, though! I think Diego cryptically mentoring Phoenix and being very unhelpful most days, but always really solid help deep down, is very fun and kind of important for them post-BttT. I think they should get to truly know one another, beyond the masks and the projection, and Diego has a lot more experience being a lawyer than Phoenix, so he'd definitely be able to help with all the moral quandaries that are bound to come up later on. Plus he'd Get the whole 7-yg Phoenix attitude thing because... he's been there. I think he could've been helpful, and it's a shame we don't get to see them be, if not friends, respected acquaintances.
Alternatively, though, the idea of Phoenix having a casual conversation with Diego only for the fleeting thought of "Wow, he's really attractive" to stop him dead in his tracks and make him question his whole life and go to therapy and Leave the Country™ is so funny to me. Alternatively-alternatively, I get the romance of it. It's the whole pulling back the mask, having someone who really understands you, being accepted in spite of your worst flaws, moving on from grief and loss with another hand in yours and NOPE. I CANT TALK ABOUT THIS. I DONT SHIP IT BUT IDK! IDK!!!! IM THROWING THEM BOTH OFF A CLIFF, AND THEN IM THROWING MYSELF OFF A CLIFF. I AM DONE. GOODBYE.
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Okay, after standing in the shower and staring at a wall for 3 hours, I can talk normally again, which is good because I have to explain this.
I know the people who ship them don't do it in this way, but? Honestly? Franmaya is one of those wlw ships that strike me as two female characters being shoved together because they're left hanging once the main male couple whom everyone actually cares about (nrmts in this case) gets together, and because no one can find anything interesting to say about them as individuals, so now they're lesbians. Yay! (And also because people maybe don't want to be seen as only shipping mlm ships for fear of being told they're fetishising them.) And I know that that's not true and that most Franmaya shippers love both of them individually (as we all should), but something about them always makes me hear the feminine AI TikTok voice going, "Diversity Win 😊👍🎉!" in my head and conjures up images of Western corporate advertisements during the month of June (hence the love is love coca-cola).
And I know this isn't the case, but ???? I think it's mainly because I genuinely do not understand this ship. I don't usually need ships to be supported by canon for me to ship them, but what we've been given by canon doesn't help me see these two as ever being friends, let alone girlfriends. I understand the reasoning of "they both have self-worth issues so they'd understand each other", and that's a perfectly good reason to ship people, but like. I kind of want more? I kind of want them to be able to connect on a level that goes beyond them having similar issues? And probably the folks who do ship Franmaya do have reasons that go beyond that, like maybe Maya teaches Franziska how to lighten up and not take herself so seriously, and Franziska shows Maya that she doesn't always have to be the easiest version of herself to be loved. And that's all lovely! But I... don't want them to fix each other--
See, the versions of Franmaya I've seen floating around either boil them down to a wlw version of nrmts OR they make them out to be this saccharine, perfect, happy lesbian couple who are so, so wonderful and sweet to each other. Which is. Great! I love seeing women happy! But -- I'm sorry -- it's so BORING to me. It always seems to fix them a little (even if it's just around each other), and I like their flaws. I like that Franziska's a bit of an uppity, violent snob, and I like that Maya is a bit of a naive, insecure girl. I don't want them to fix each other, but I've tried twisting them the other way round, too! I've tried giving them the Krisnix treatment where they just amplify each other's worst traits, because they share similar insecurities and would know where to prod to make it hurt, but! I find that even less appealing and workable, tbh. Maya at her worst might let someone walk all over her for momentary wisps of affection disguised as acceptance of her flaws? But she has good and smart friends! Nick would never let her be in a toxic relationship like that, and he'd stay with her until she realises it's bad for her! And Franziska, regardless of how she may feel about being in Edgeworth's shadow, would never let anyone else even suggest that to her. The moment she gets a hint of that kind of disrespect, she is gone. She doesn't need you, make no mistake of that.
And it all really comes back to the fact that I can't see them connecting as friends. With Emaziska, I could see how they could be genuinely good friends and then more, but with Franmaya it's just... Not there for me. I can't see them progressing beyond the "oh, that's my little-older brother's friend's sister" stage the way you might be "friends" with your parents' friend's kids, you know? Like, yeah, you guess you're friends with them, but it's nothing serious or real. That's how I view their relationship. I'm not averse to being persuaded to ship them (in fact, I'd like to have them explained to me; they have cute art!) but I have tried and ehhh?? Doesnt do much for me, sorry, Franmaya 😔
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
imma try and make sense, pls bare with me, i think cheating has a lot of range, for some people it doesnt even has to be physical cheating for it to count as cheating (i mean like feelings, thoughts, etc), and yeah it could be a basic /i slept/kissed the ex/ because that is the scandalous part, but i feel it always depends on the actual feeling u know? for this character at what point does it count as cheating? are they aware, if they are then why would they do it anyway?
tbh i love this kind of drama, because... drama itself lmao
personally i always say i would never cheat and i wouldnt forgive being cheated on, but whenever a good something to lovers or anything comes to play i love to see the perspectives, cheating has a lot of feelings involved, not only anger, guilt, sadness or forgiveness and in a masochistic painful way can be so interesting
what i mean is that even if im against it at all costs (in my love life) im not like "BUT THEY CHEATED" all the time, i love reading a complicated situation because life is not perfect and i know that even if im that anti-cheating person in real life i know a lot of shit can happen
yes i like to educate myself with fanfiction sometimes
i still think i dont make sense, im just writing as my mind lets me im sorry, this is prob not helpful
but yes, i love a good cheating drama lol
ahh, thank you for taking the time!!
yes, there are definitely layers to it. i'm like you—have been cheated on and would never, ever tolerate it in any relationship. in fic, though? oof, the angst is delicious, give me more of that please, i love two knuckleheads who absolutely should not be together.
in the context of my wip it's a clear pattern of self-destructive behavior. i don't know how to be with you and i don't know how to be without you, so i'm going to burn my entire world down trying to figure it out.
the cheating itself is just a side-effect of it. they do it, it happens, it ultimately doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, because they don't get back together and she never tells the person she's seeing, just quietly breaks it off. it's used to show us that these two should not be together. at all, ever, under any circumstances. but they're all ~caught up~ in it and it just becomes this Thing. they take whatever scraps they're given because they think it's what they deserve for a multitude of reasons.
like, this is how far this person is willing to go to try and save a dying thing. which isn't pretty but it's human.
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mrkis · 2 years
So I have this story I want to share cause sometimes and opinion from a "stranger" can be more helpful. 😅
Basically, yesterday I received a message from an ex-colleague of mine (havent seen/talked to him in over 2 years). I had shared a funny real about "manifesting a sugar daddy" this year and he reacted to it and then asked if I find one to ask him where he can find a sugar mama, and I totally jumped on his joke and replied, however, I didnt expect for any further communication but man did he keep going. He kinda started flirting to which I started hyperventilating cause I havent spoken to him in years and it was all happening so damn fast..😵‍💫 He started complimenting me and saying I have what it takes to catch a guy's attention, that I cook well and its a full package deal (I have brought pancakes and brownie at work before and he has eaten it). And it was both flatering but also confusing. As you can tell he was making a move on me and was very clear with his intention for a hook up, cause he kept saying how he wouldnt turn me down if I asked and what not.
The crazy part comes here - he asked me how long has it been for me since the last time I had sex since I told him I dont do hook ups and I kinda lied and said that its been 5 years since I have been single for this long, but the thing is I actually still have my V card at age 25 ... 🫣 I have some experience, like I have went 2nd base with my ex (no blowjob tho) but still back then I didnt feel comfortable with him to go all the way so nothing ever really happened.
Dont get me wrong, Im not ashamed of being a virgin, but I am tired of the fear of admitting it to dudes, cause society has made it to be a bad thing when its not. Anyway, you can imagine how shocked he was at that and he even asked if at least I "help myself with the stress" and obviously I do, so there is that, but despite me saying I cant do one night stands because of this moral boundary he kinda kept going on how I should try it at least so that I dont regret it later in life and mentioned he wanted to "make me an offer". To that I said he is kinda late, cause well we dont even live in the same city anymore (I moved) and I also said that we can meet up for coffee but I cant give him what he wants from me. He was respectful of it, thank god, but my brain is my own villain. I now overthink shit and feel like I made a good and bad decision at once, cause horny me really wants to have sex and mind you I have always been sexually attracted to him. I had a crush on him for a month back in 2020 which was awoken because of a sex dream I had. I think he also had a crush on me later that year cause he kinda sorta asked me out to dinner during work but I thought it was a joke and reacted to it like a fucking loser (in my defense I was also on a call with a client /call center job). So we do have history, I also think we've always had this sexual energy and frustration but neither acted on it until well yesterday.
Moral me is saying I did the right choice, cause I want my first time to be with someone special and to mean sth, not be a hook up. Horny me is mad cause I was basically offered dick on a silver plate and said no ... 😩🙃
Sorry to drop this on you Cas, but I feel so comfortable sharing this with you 😅 I guess this blog is my safety place in so many aspects. ❤️
Also, how you doing, lovely? ❤️
for starters, his approach was kinda odd straight off the bat. don’t get me wrong, i’ve had conversations with people i haven’t talked to in awhile abt random shit and joked around with memes and whatnot, but the fact that you haven’t spoken in two years and he went into this conversation asking such personal questions rubs me the wrong way completely.
compliments are great, sometimes you cant go wrong with them and they do make you feel great, but the fact he was complimenting you just for a potential hookup is where it gets gross. there was…. no need, whatsoever. it shocks me how he was moving the conversation so fast lmao.
him asking abt the last time you’ve had sex is so…. eh. ew. sorry. it is. like, he doesn’t need to know this!!! at all!!! and it’s completely ok to be a virgin at whatever age. society shouldn’t shame people who are, it’s so silly. it has nothing to do with them. you shouldn’t be afraid of admitting it either, but of course that’s easier said than done. but trust me when i say that people (men, in your case) actually don’t give a shit abt whether you’re a virgin or not. you may think they do due to how society treats it, but they do not care. before i lost my virginity and was talking to this guy i liked, i had to admit that i was a virgin because i was scared of our relationship going further and that he might expect something from me. and he just looked at me like 🤨 and went “that’s ok? idc, it doesn’t bother me”. they don’t care! i promise! and if they do, they can go fuck themselves
“help yourself with the stress” what are these questions he’s asking😐 im so baffled rn. truly. this is unbelievable. and hold on….. tf does he mean abt “you might regret it later in life”??? what??? not experiencing a one-night stand??? tf??? why would he think you might regret something like that when you’ve made it perfectly clear you’re not into stuff like that🤨 crazy fucking behaviour.
personally, i think you made a good decision. because even though that turned on, horny side of you is wanting to have sex, that’s not exactly the real you, yk? you, normally, just wants to wait for that special someone that you connect with and that’s completely ok. you can wait for as long as you please. you control it. nobody else, please remember that.
and don’t feel sorry abt dropping this on me. i’m happy i can be some sort of safe space. you, and anyone else who is comfortable, can always come to me and vent/rant. i truly don’t mind. i’m all ears🖤
and i’m ok!!! i’ve been in my head recently and overthinking my own stuff and putting myself in bad moods but that’s my fault completely😭 i’m hoping that this new therapist i’m getting will be of help because when i get comfortable, they’re gonna hear some shit😭😭
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kraken-d-mommy-1 · 3 months
Why i never ever date
So ive seen lots of dating discussion vids online and ive noticed ive literally never dated (not officially)but it isnt because i cant but im pretty sure its my iwn choice
So basically its all about why would i date
1 shreks
I can get shreksual sensation from master bait or secks ting which isnt really all that hard plus i only have it after marriage
2 comfort
I dont feel comfort from the person im dating because im trying to impress you and its really hard cuz im not im not attractive im a 6/10 at most for everyone at my best most times im a 4/10 cuz i dont workout im extremely skinny my voice is deeper than the mariana trench i dress like a frat boy but my face looks like a femboys
3 status
If i wear anime girl t shirts in public you think i care about status and rep?
4 free meals
Despite my name im a guy no woman is paying for me even half why would they come for a guy who wont pay for much when they can go to brian wystorn who will take them to a 5 star restaurant
5 i online date alot
By never date i meant irl but i only have 5 online exes 4 of them didnt last a month the first one lasted for 1.5 years so i guess i had 1 legit relationship so i have some experience but not really i was 17 (im 21 now)
6 its risky
I can go on a date and expect be blocked/ghosted politely afterwards at most or get called a creep and she be talking crap behind my back
7ive got nothing to offer
Im not broke but i dont have that much money and like i said above im not attractive and the only thing ive got is a good 7 incher
8 im unlikely to be attracted to you in the long run
Like i can be interested for a month in you but if its all looks in you ill prolly call it off politely ofc like i like buff woman so if ur skinny you can be attractive but not at the top i dont mind small things like body hair bad teeth or tattoos (infact i like tatts) and i also like a femdom 2 rare things in woman
So yea dating isnt my thing i dont really have a thing against it like if a girl asks me out i wouldn't really refuse but i wouldnt go out of my way to ask out a hottie so thanks for coming to my ted talk see you in my next post follow
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
A, B, D, G, H, K, and M for Slenderman pls 😍
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman!
but with these letters :3!
Tumblr media
A (Attraction)-
I'm still hooked on the idea that Slenderman is inherently curious, especially when it comes to humans. Sure he may find a lot of them a nuisance, but he can't help but look over them. Because of this I don't think Slenderman would have much of a type. Just don't be belligerent and really you're all set. Though... he has a soft spot for those who carry respect for nature, and have an interest in the supernatural. He doesn't get many people to talk about.. demon stuff with, you know- even if he ain't much of a talker it's nice to have a conversation or two on something that he can relate to/enjoy
B (Bonding)-
Usually bonding activities are domestic stuff; cleaning, reading together, normal everyday stuff. Which is a little funny considering who we're talking about. Slenderman doesn't have many hobbies, so he's more than willing to join in on whatever you have planned so long as it doesn't compromise his existence or home.
D (Dates)-
While I do HC that Slenderman can, if desired, make a sort of "human skin" disguise in my AU I feel he wouldn't be good at it thanks to. well. not really using it. Whole "there are some demons that can pretend to be people" thing, yk? That said, because of this dates are mostly confined to his woods
which is
fine, if that is something youre into. technology at his place is limited, due to his natural interferences with them. if you still have your own place, though, sometimes he'll come over. not much different, though
G (Gift giving)-
Loves collecting various things; stones, flowers, sometimes he presses plants into stuff to preserve them, makes jewelry sometimes with rocks he finds! mentioned somewhere that he refuses to gift you anything from a victim's corpse, thats a hard fat no, unless its something you need and you live with him 100% of the time (ex. meds, or something else) then that's the only time he bends the boundary
H (Harsh)-
speaking of boundaries, he really really REALLY doesnt like eating in front of other people since he literally. you know. dont ask, dont try to convince him, dont intrude, it will end up ugly
while hes not
unhinged, he can get angry; not that he would hurt you but rather he would isolate himself from you or even push you away out of the woods
very firm boundary
also no posting him, that ones kind of a given
tends to soften up after cooling down, though, especially if you're mortal. he's painfully aware that the time he has with you is limited and he'd much rather not waste it. apologizes for any mean behavior, but stays firm on his boundary
K (Kisses)-
very rarely does the thing where he rips his face open to reveal his mouth, and he doesnt really use it for kissing. tying back into the whole feeding thing he doesnt want to kiss you with the same thing thats used to consume humans
though, he does appreciate when you kiss him where his mouth would be
likes bumping his 'face' against your lips, forehead, and the backs of your hands
M (Marriage)-
he never really thought about it, but to be fair he didnt think he would ever have a partner at all. obviously, there wouldnt be a traditional ceremony or legally binding thing, but he might make a make shift ring and give it to you. due to slenderman being solitary there wouldnt really be any. wedding guests, and having your friends/family come over may also put him and them in danger
tough situation, really, but it is what it is
if you want him to, he will stage a wedding and set up a place in the woods, though
the proxies are good enough as guests, as are his brothers, right?
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. writer of good stories honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
Oh to have a kid means never having a neat house. I remember going to my friends house to visit. My niece's room was so clean and tidy, then when she wanted me to play with her, she would just start moving the toys out of her room and make a big mess 🤣
So is the food you just had the first and last thing you'll have for 4 hours and then fast again for another 20? Are you able to drink water or coffee at least?
Woot! Finally part 4 coming out soon! I'm excited for the ending! Then are you gonna start with other stories? Like maybe 10 days? Ahahahaha just kidding no rush no rush.
So my headache is still there. I had a short power nap during my lunch break, but it didn't help any. I thought it was maybe just my eyes are strained, but I guess not. So I don't know what is going on.
Oh no, when I first moved here, it was in CA. Then we moved to FL then to GA. Then when I met my ex, she was in Canada. But then we met friends in NE, and decided to move here.
Ah I know what you mean with the shoes and wet socks. Even though they make water shoes! You goose. But I hate those too just because the splash is so cold lol
Yeah, CA has so many Filipino stores now. I am so sad I don't live there. There is this one place that sells bbq stuff and you can grill it yourself outside.
Hahaha yeah, I'll be bringing back lots of snacks definitely. There's also this one cereal that's been my favorite since I was a child, I might bring back boxes of those.
Ah so when you cook noodles for yourself, what kind do you make?
Thats funny you brought that up, because I was just watching clips of Gloria and how she speaks. Ah so your husband is from CA originally then? How much taller is he than you? Did Emily get half and half of your guys genes then or is she more white?
I stay quiet too when I am around someone I don't like. But if they keep pushing, I just walk away. Cause I don't want to say anything that I would regret. But I avoid those people anyway.
Has a stranger ever changed your life or made an impact?
Aaw that was a sweet nickname for me.. thank you so much.. i appreciate ur support n thank u for reading my stories.
Oh yeah thats so true.. it can change from clean n tidy to a mess in a second.lol. thats why we call her the hurricane Em or tornado Em.lol.
Well, actually i can eat whatever i want in 4hours window. i eat after 20hours fasting n then usually i eat something else around 30minutes or last minutes before the eating window ends so i wont get hungry too early.
Yeah u can drink water, tea or coffee that's plain. No sweet at all. I drink water and iced tea the whole day.
Haha yeah, pt. 4 is done.. i might start putting it in the tumblr n post it tonight. So stay tune! Hahaha.
N maybe after this i will focus on last chapter of my lost in assistance series, ten days n lesson learned. Or some of my old requests.
I know what u meant with water shoes but it usually for swimming or surfing or water activity. 😆 i wouldnt wear it all day at the park.lol.
Talking about a "water" ride. I remember this one ride that i tried once n i will never do it ever again. I forgot what it's called but i think it's the Nemo Submarine or something. It's in disneyland. Gosh that one ride is a torture to me.
It's just a submarine ride that take u under the water n u can see like robotic fish n coral n sometimes underwater screen that shows nemo movie. What bothers me is it's a long narrow submarine-like ride n they put a lot of people sit along the submarine n face to face pretty close. N then goes under water n it moves slow. It's so narrow that it started to give me anxiety n panic attack. Plus it's gross me out because i imagine the air in it is not clean with that many people breath in it. It feels weird n imagine what kind of germs that comea out of other's breath. Also it feels so weird with that many people in it n u dont know what to do, i felt like people watch me or something even though they all watch the window n dont even care about me... thank god when it starts to get harder to breath for me, the ride ended. So yeah imagine 3 of my fear or anxiety triggers combined in one confined place. Claustrophobic, germphobic and my social anxiety. Lol. Just google or youtube the ride so u'll see.what i meant. 😁
Oh no, im sorry.. maybe because u look at the screen too much? Did u take medicine or anything?
Wow u moved a lot.. that must be hard.
I like any thinner noodle. Panfried or soupy..doesnt matter, as long as it's spicy.haha.
Yes. He was born n raised in CA. He's like 6ft, blue eyed, his hair is light brown. N i'm 5'2 lol. So i think im about a little bit under his shoulder. I think Em is mixed pretty good but looks a little more white.lol. my friends n family say that she looks like the white version of me 🤣🤣🤣
For me, she looks just how i want it. U can see the asian in her but more dominant in the white looks. Good color on her eyes n hair. N she is definitely gets his height genes. She is more than half of my height. Lol. When she was born she looked very very asian n she changed A LOT. 😅 my husband wanted her to look more asian. Lol.
Ah i see..thats true. We r kinda similar.
Hmmm i dont really remember. I think someone help me to get me out of the pushing n crazy crowd in linkin park concert. Otherwise i might be dead from getting stomped.lol. u?
Next question?
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astrofireworks · 7 years
okay so the ex that will Not Leave me Alone texted me yet again and my sister got pissed and edited this photo of youngbin into this and said “make it your display picture right now so he thinks you’re dating someone and stops texting you” and i just: a binu version 
so bin broke up with his ex about a year ago 
and it’s been a year, you’d think his ex would Get Over It Already but 
text received from [binandme] 2:27am: “hey wanna meet up? it's been a while haha“
apparently not
bin sending a screenshot to rocky bc heck how is his ex’s username still ‘binandme’ that’s just lowkey embarrassing
rocko: “oh god when !! will he stop !!!!”
rocko: “listen buddy you gotta do something”
bin: ??????
rocko: “pretend ?? you have another boyfriend already”
bin: “okay listen that’s cute and all but i don’t have another boyf-”
cue rocky scowling because jesus bin, all you have to do is pretend 
rocky going on instagram and bumming around on their university location tag until he finds a picture of someone cute 
rocky checking out his profile and deciding that hey, not a bad choice 
all he needs to do is maybe edit out a couple things but this guy looks hella Boyfriend
and their university’s big enough that they’ll literally never run into each other so this eunwoo guy will never know !!!!! 
rocky’s brain, pleased: good concept, rocky! 
and so Real Friend Rocky gets to work 
after i told her about it my roommate had a dream she pushed my ex off a building i cried laughing
image received from [reliablerock] 2:53am
bin: “what”
bin: “w ho”
bin: “who is that”
rocko: “your new boyfriend”
and so bin sets it as his display picture because hey, why not? if it works, it works and he’ll never have to get another message from his ex again
also this guy is really cute, what with his sparkling eyes and the way he looks like he’s holding bin’s hand so he doesn’t really mind
im not saying that picture still makes me cry but 
and then bin forgets all about it and goes about his life 
until one day he’s at dance practice 
one of the guys asking for his username on kkt so they can set up a good extra practice time that works for the both of them 
bin tossing his phone over so that jinjin can add him on kkt
jinjin texting bin later that night 
jinjin squinting at bin’s display picture on his own phone and huh, that guy looks really familiar
hey that’s,,,,,, that’s his roommate,
jinjin, looking over his shoulder at where eunwoo’s typing away at his homework: “hey, how do you know moonbin?”
eunwoo: “bin???? who??”
jinjin: “you’re set as his display picture on kkt, don’t you know him??”
evidently not
text received from [chxeunwoo] 8.48pm: “hey, is there a reason why my face is your display picture”
wait this is too long i’m shuffling it under a read more
cue bin falling out of his chair
because !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow he was Unprepared for this shit 
bin: o shit, 
bin: “my ex keeps contacting me so my best friend thought it’d be a good idea to edit a photo of someone he found off the internet so i could set it as my display picture to pretend he’s my boyfriend?”
bin: “but also i’ll take it down rn if you don’t like it i don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything”
eunwoo frowning and considering it carefully
also eunwoo going on jinjin’s facebook profile to go stalk around and see if he can find a photo of bin 
ooooooh bOy did he find a photo of bin 
jinjin squinting suspiciously at where his roommate is suddenly blushing and choking 
but listen eunwoo is a man who knows his opportunities and he is a man who knows how to grab them
eunwoo: “so would u like 2 meet up and take Actual Boyfriend Pictures”
eunwoo: “just for pretence of course”
not at all because he thinks bin is cute (!!!) or anything 
not at all 
eunwoo: “i mean, if you keep one picture of your ‘boyfriend’ all the time without updating it and it doesn’t even have your face in it how believable is it going to be?”
bin: dammit bit c h you right !!
eunwoo: :~)))))))
and so bin and eunwoo set up a date meeting to take ‘couple’ photos 
and bc it’s near christmas and everything so they meet up at this holiday market thing in a nearby park
and it’s real cute !! with all the string lights everywhere and lil shops selling trinkets and stuff 
bin standing by where they agreed to meet and just looking around 
until he turns around and comes face to face with ???????? an angel
at first he wants to laugh bc wow christmas market taking this a lil too far, hiring extra angels just to make it more festive??
but he knows that face too well he’s been staring at it as his display picture for the past couple weeks
eunwoo choking because wow if he thought jinjin’s dance buddy was cute before
it’s nothign compared to this !!!!!!!!!!
with the soft light from the christmas lights overhead and his eyes sparkling  
and he’s sayign something and eunwoo’s not catching any of it bc he’s too busy staring o shit what how shi !
eunwoo: “sorry could u repeat that again i was uh,,,,,”
bin already slightly embarrassed bc it wasn’t important it was just him blurting out an “o my god u look great”
but he really does, bin thinks
he’s in a soft white turtleneck and bin thinks that whoever invented turtlenecks and said it was okay to put it on this man was Hella Right Wrong 
but also 
bin’s brain: error 404 not found what is this guy’s voice let bin know please !!!!!!! what kind of beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/10 wouldn’t mind real dating
and it’s only when someone coughs and brushes past eunwoo that they both realise that they’re blocking a pathway 
bin flushing and grabbing eunwoo’s hand and tugging him aside 
eunwoo: !!!!
the both of them exploring the market together bc hey, if you wanna take cute pics u gotta have props right
cue them getting churros to share
bin getting disproportionally excited bc !!!!!!!!! LOOK
THE B O M B !!!!!!!!
eunwoo laughing bc he’s never seen someone so excited over food before what a heckin cutie 
binnie’s eyes are bright and his lips are curved into a smile and !!!!!! he just looks so happy and soft and beautiful lookin at his churros
@ fantagio bring back eatbin pls & thanks 
eunwoo can’t help it, he takes his phone out and snaps a picture bc this boy just looks so content with his food 
and it’s a p good picture, if eunwoo says so himself, with bin looking down at his churros and the shops blurry in the background and bin’s face softly illuminated by the lights overhead
bin looking up and blinking bc ??? they’re meant to be taking photos of eunwoo or at the very least eunwoo and him together 
but also bin looking down at his churros bc hey they’re taking up a bit more of his brain processing unit rn, sue him
cue binu standing in a corner of the park and sharing churros,,,,
bin nearly forgetting the whole point of the meeting bc heck these churros are real good!!!
eunwoo quietly snapping another picture and laughing bc bin looks like a lil chipmunk what a cutie!!!!!
bin snapping out of his churro daze and blushing bc hey !!! a cute guy taking a picture of him how can he Not be Self-conscious 
they’re not even supposed to be taking photos of him anyway
bin pushing the churro box into eunwoo’s hands and pulling out his own phone
and his first ever photo of eunwoo is slightly blurry and a little underexposed and eunwoo’s glasses have fairy lights reflecting off them and eunwoo’s eyes are slightly wide like a deer in the headlights, but it’s cute, bin thinks
eunwoo’s real cute
and he’s about to lower his phone when there’s suddenly a churro thrusted into his face and eunwoo’s looking at him and smiling all expectantly and bin’s heart is beating very quick indeed wow what a smile
bin: “wha-”
eunwoo: “take a picture, quick, it looks like i’m feeding u”
bin flushing bc right yes pictures,,
eunwoo mumbling then tugging bin over to his side 
eunwoo: “change it to the front camera”
and suddenly bin feels eunwoo’s cheek alarmingly close to his 
bin: ?????/ 
and he sees on screen eunwoo's nose nearly brushing his cheek and eunwoo holding a churro to his mouth and his heart goes wOOWEEWOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!
but he also snaps a picture bc heck that’s cute
heart thumpingly cute
heart achingly cute 
bin hearing eunwoo say faintly: “my turn” and feeling eunwoo grab his phone from him
bin blinking until he realises eunwoo wants him to feed eunwoo a churro too and him flushing 
very boyfriend
which is the point of the whole thing, obviously, but 
very Boyfriend ! rip bin’s heart 2k17
bin holding up a churro to eunwoo’s mouth and looking over at eunwoo and his side profile
and heck 
heckity !!!!!!!!!!
he doesn’t know how rocko found this angel on instagram but all his photos and the edited photo that rocko sent him has in No Way prepared him for the length of this guy’s eyelashes
and it’s only when eunwoo looks over at him that he realises the picture’s done bc he doesn’t even hear the shutter go off
bin blinking 
eunwoo staring bc wow bin rly isn’t moving away and his face is really close 2 eunwoo’s and if he reaches a lil forward he could beep boop bin’s nose with his own 
bin realising that ! this isn’t a socially acceptable violation of personal space and moving away from eunwoo
eunwoo isn’t disappointed at all mmhmm nope not at all no 
bin, faintly: “uh yes thank u for agreeing to meet up with me to take those photos”
eunwoo remembering that yes indeed this is not a first date dammit ugh 
it’s just for fake photos
could be true boyfriend photos but he isn’t sure about bin’s ! position wrt this 
eunwoo smiling graciously and going: “yes of course, i’ll send them 2 u asap”
them picking at the churros and just sitting there in the park talking 
bin learning about how eunwoo’s a psych major and how he’s thinking of going into law 
eunwoo learning about how bin joined jinjin’s dance crew by accidentally stumbling into a dance practice
generally binu having a good time !!!! under cute lights !!!!! with the holiday market buzzing in the background !!!!!!
binu eventually finishing the churros and eunwoo turning to leave to find a dustbin when he hears bin calling out his name again 
eunwoo: ???????
bin, swallowing hard: “uh”
bin: “when can i meet u again?”
bin: o shit he doesn’t want to meet me again he was just doing me a favour this time round i’m asking too much by asking for a second meeting i messed up now he’ll never speak to me again i’m 
eunwoo: “hmm i’m free day after! do you want to grab coffee then?”
bin: :D 
bin later that night flicking through the photos he and eunwoo took and choosing the one of him feeding eunwoo 
bc eunwoo looks so beautiful in that one heck !!! with his hair nearly brushing his eyes and his silver rimmed glasses glinting and reflecting tiny dots of light 
but also bc his eyes are curved up into a smile and it’s the most heart stopping thing bin has ever seen 
bin’s heart is aching it truly is 
also bc when he finally tears his eyes away from eunwoo he looks at himself and !! he’s looking at eunwoo with so much adoration it’s embarrassing 
bin @ bin: stOP IT you literally just met him jlafdkjdsksf
bin back @ bin:  but he’s also so sweet and helpful and kind and his smile makes ur heart beat real fast what’re u gon do about it 
bin cringing back @ bin 
but also bin setting that as his new profile picture 
his ex can go choke on a small dick !! look at bin with his beautiful new ‘boyfriend’ now hA !
although he isn’t really dating him but pragmatics am i right 
half a minute later:
text received from [reliablerock] 8:25pm: dude wtf where are these pictures from 
bin: “ah yeah i met him today we took a couple pics”
rocky: “a little miFFED YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT WAS GOING TO BE TODAY but ok this is a rly cute pic good job buddy yall rly actually look like you’re dating it’s adorable”
text received from [m.hyung] 8:34pm: “CONGRATS U & UR BOYFRIEND ARE ADORABLE WTF”
text received from [m.hyung] 8:35pm: “although not as cute as me & jinjin xoxo”
bin: jhlkjsdfhkgjsd what 
text received from [jinjak] 8:35pm: “dude mj says ur dating my roommate what he said he didn’t know u like 3 days ago and now yall have pictures together?????”
bin checking eunwoo’s profile bc heck how did he know they had pictures plural 
and he sees eunwoo’s profile picture changed up to the one where he’s feeding bin a churro 
bin flushign !!!!!!! bc his hear t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but before he can react and send a text to eunwoo his phone pings again
bin, faintly: oh
fast forward 2 them meeting bc i’m terrible at this transition thing 
bin stepping into the lil cafe
and it’s cute, he’ll admit
he’s more of a grab and go guy than a sit down in a coffeeshop with a book and a croissant kind of guy but if eunwoo’s one of those he’s willing to sit down and have a pastry too
as long as it involves food and eunwoo he’s down for it
and instantly he sees eunwoo, with his silver glasses perched on his nose and his long fingers flipping through a book, hair falling in his eyes and sunlight falling on him at just the right angle and bin’s breath catches in his throat 
eunwoo looking up at the sound of the bell on the door tinkling and smiling at bin and closing his book
bc look !! a cute binnie in a cute coat 
bin blushing and pulling out the chair opposite eunwoo’s 
them talking over lattes and just !!!!! getting to know each other 
i mean, their profile photos are set as each other so 
might as well be friends, at least 
speaking of photos
bin: “ah yeah so about the photos haha funny story” 
bin: “so a couple of people think we’re actually dating???”
eunwoo: “wait isn’t that the point”
bin, floundering slightly: “right yeah on my end but you ? also set your profile picture to one with me, so i was wondering??”
eunwoo: ?????????
bin, sheepishly: “people keep asking me if you’re my boyfriend and i ? didn’t reply bc i wasn’t sure about what you would be comfortable with me saying about us bc obv this isn’t like a real thing so uhhhh”
eunwoo looking at bin over the rim of his coffee cup and willing his heart to calm the heckity down bc this is it this is his chance to be real s m o o t h 
eunwoo, fast mumbling: “whntmktrlthng”
bin: “what”
eunwoo flushing and repeating: “why not make it a real thing?”
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Sure you'r drowning in request rn and I hate to add onto the pile but maybe I.M.P plus Striker & Verosika running into their s/os abusive ex and their reactions? You can ignore if its uncomfortable for you to write about or too many characters going through a rough time and your writing makes my day!
Hope you're doing well 💕
Running into their S/O's abusive Ex
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It was a simple day, you and Blitzø had gone out for lunch.
It had been a pleasant time, the two of you having a simple meal. Afterwards the two of you happily walked home together, Hand in hand.
Youd just leaned down, planting a little kiss on his cheek when you suddenly slammed into something.
The sudden contact knocked you to the floor, it taking a moment to look up and find a rather large demon scowling down at you.
The demon released a flurry of threats and slurs. But It only took a moment to recognise him... he was your ex.
You froze up, unable to move a muscle as all the years of abuse came rushing back, leaving you paralysed.
Blitzø snapped to your defence, going off at the demon, but when you didn't make any attempt to defend yourself.
Blitzø quickly noticed your quivering state, quickly rushing to your side, he asked you what was wrong.
With your him staring down at you, seeing your reaction, It only took your Ex a minute to realise.
A malicious little smirk crossed your Ex's mouth. Before he spoke in that crool voice that haunted your nightmares.
Before you could even make an attempt at telling him what was wrong, you heard your Ex speak, 'Well, hello there... Sunshine'
You both reacted, you more violently then him.
Blitzø knew why that name was a trigger, he'd accidentally called you it once at the beginning of your relationship and you almost had a breakdown.
After calming down, you'd explained it all to him; your ex and the abuse.
And after that, he'd promised if he ever came across the asshole, he'd tear him in half.
And now that he was face to face with the asshole, the Imp felt his blood-lust shoot through the fucking roof.
Turning to your Ex, Blitzø wore a smile you'd only seen when he really wanted to kill something.
And that's what he did.
First, he shot the bastard in the dick, calmly walking around him, beating the shit out of him as he berated him for thinking he could hurt you and get away with it.
Then he beat him until he begged him for mercy, and once he'd finished torturing him.
Then Blitzø gut him like a pig.
After that he came over to you, pulling you close and promising you were alright, you were free from him now.
You would breakdown, crying into his shoulder, thanking him over and over, as the little Imp just held you close.
The two of you got the day off, a rare but welcome treat for you two.
And while you didn't really have any plans, you were more then happy to just enjoy your day together.
Youd left a bakery, enjoying you baked goods, when you came face to face with an all to familiar demon.
You stumbled back, dropping your food before you began to freak out, shaking like a leaf with your ex slowly encroaching on you.
She towered over you, even more so with Millie. She leaned down, casting a shadow over you cowering form.
Before she could do much, Millie had whipped out a large knife, holding it in her face, telling her to back the fuck up.
Your Ex tried to stay in control, telling Millie she wouldnt do shit, standing back up to her full intimidating height, cracking her knuckles.
Only to lose most of her fingers, Millie slicing them off in the blink of an eye.
Your Ex screamed, flailing there now sliced hands.
Millie stomped over, grabbing her by the hair.
Millie knew who this bitch was. And she was gonna make her pay.
You'd already told your beloved country Imp all about the abuse you'd received at the hands of your Ex. The Imp having done everything in her power to treat you as well as possible, making sure you knew how much she loved and respected you.
And Millie being the protective little sweet hearshe was, would just be waiting for a chance to get her hands on your Ex.
And now she had the bitch by the hair.
Millie, the master with a blade, used her many years of experience to make sure the bitch felt every cut and slash before finishing her by slitting her throat.
Blood splattered across the pavement, and with your Ex now thoroughly dead, Millie walked over to you, sweetly asking if you were alright.
You gave her a little nod, thanking her. Millie just gave you that big old smile that just lit up a room and gave you a big hug, planting a sweet little kiss on your cheek.
The two of you getting to your feet, walking home hand in hand.
It was your date night, Blitzø being too busy to stalk you, as such you were having a wonderful time, just you and your little Imp.
Moxxie had taken you out to this little hole in the wall restaurant he'd heard about.
Youd had a long meal together and had just finished up, you getting to your feet as Moxxie paying the bill, when you heard it.
That voice.
You turned around slowly, your eyes widened when you found the tall demoness that youd gone through Hell to get away from. You instantly tried to leave, grabbing his arm and begging Moxxie to leave.
It was as Moxxie tried to get you to calm down, wanting you to tell him what was happening, only before you could comply you were violently get pulled away from him.
Your ex had grabbed you by the neck, pinning you to the wall and angrily asking you if you really thought you could get away from her.
You feebly apologised, begging for mercy as you were on the brink of tears.
Your Ex' grip tightened, raising her balled fist, but just before she could punch you, a gunshot rang out, a bloody splat and her arm had a new bullet sized hole.
Your Ex pulled away with a screech, spinning around to Find a very pissed off Moxxie, smoking gun in hand.
Your Ex tried to lash out at him, telling him she'd kill him. Only for him to shoot her again, this time in the leg.
Mox walked forwards, gun raised as Your Ex feebly begging for her life, huddled on the floor as he grew closer.
Moxxie pressed the gun to her head, calmly telling her you were having a lovely date before she so rudely decided to ruin it with her wretched existence.
He shoots her again, right next to the other bullet hole in her leg.
Pressing the gun back to her head he told her coldly, that if he even though he saw her again, nothing, not even Lucifer could save her.
Removing the gun he told her to get out of his sight before he changed his mind, your Ex desperatly trying to crawl away in terror.
Moxxie came to you, calmly helping you to your feet, only for you to snatch him up in your arms, holding him close before giving him a tearful thank you.
Moxxie just held you close, telling you not to worry about it, he'd do anything for you, to which you gave him a big smooch.
Loona knew about your Ex. The two of you had been friends before youd ended up with your Ex and once you finally ran away from the relationship, you just, kinda, ended up together.
So, when you left the movie theatres together, giggly talking over your favourite parts of the movie as you walked down the street.
Strolling down the street together, the two of you wondering what to do next, when you quickly froze, staring dead ahead.
Loona stopped as well, before turning to you and trying to figure out what was wrong, only to hear a crass voice call out your name.
Looking ahead Loona found the repugnant form of your ex.
She'd met your ex once so Loona knew exactly who she had to kill.
Your Ex moved closer, coldly speaking to you like you were some disobedient pet, like you were still under her thumb.
Loona quickly shut that shit down, telling her you were no longer together and she can go eat shit and die.
Your Ex, being the controlling asshole she was, called Loona a bitch right back, proclaiming you and her to still be a couple, whether you like it or not.
By this point you were having a borderline panic attack, frozen stiff as your Ex tried to grab you.
She was stopped however, by Loona, the hellhound pouncing on her, delivering a righteous punch to the face.
It was a surprisingly even fight, your Ex certainly not being a push over.
But Loona had real life or death experience and as such quickly got the upper hand.
Loona pinned her down before sinking her teeth into your Ex's throat, razor fangs tearing it out.
Getting back up, she spat your Ex's blood throat onto the sidewalk. Watching as she feebly gurgled and coffee up blood.
Wiping her mouth, she gave the body a solid kick, before walking back over to you.
Giving her the biggest hug of your relationship, holding her close for several minutes, the hellhound just curling around you.
Breaking the hug, you wiped your eyes, giving her a gentle 'thank you' and planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.
She said no problem before the two of you kept walking, Loona taking you to go get Ice cream to cheer you up.
Striker was not the best with relationships.
I mean, he was very mature emotionally speaking. But an actual relationships were kinda alien to him.
But with you he was, happy, He felt like he finally had someone he could truly cared for and truly cared for him. And so, when he found out about your Ex, he kinda had a moment.
A moment of overwhelming urge to kill flushed through his body, the Imp having to hold onto his composure with tooth and nail.
So, that night, after you'd gone to bed, he snuck out. It took a few favours and tracking down some old friends, but he finally found you he needed to and asked them to track down your Ex.
It took a few weeks, the cowboy enjoying his time with you.
The two of you were enjoying a movie together, the Imp laying against you when he got the call.
He played it off, telling you it was an old friend calling about an order he'd put in, you having accepted the excuse.
Later that night, as the two of you were laying in bed, when he heard your breathing even out, did he leave.
It took less than an hour to find your Ex, the fuck hanging out in a slum of an apartment.
And when he got his hands on them, hoooo boy! He made a whole night of it.
He did things to your Ex, he hoped you never found out he was capable of. But it was worth it. Nobody, and he means NOBODY, hurt his S/O and walked away.
By the end your Ex was little more than pulverised meat, the original form completely unrecognisable.
He made his way back to your apartment. Slipping back into the apartment, he had a quick shower, washing little bits of your Ex off his body and clothes before he slipped into bed with you.
A smiling crossing his lips when you turned over and wrapped around him, pulling him into your chest.
The last thing that crossed his mind was 'worth every second' before he hugged you back and allowed sleep to consume him.
Verosika knew about your Ex.
Of course she did, she was a succubus, they knew everything eventually.
Youd met her just after running from your ex, the demoness seemingly taking a shine to you.
The affects of your abusive relationship, however, were clear.
You were jumpy, paranoid and constantly scared of her reaction to what you. You seemed terrified of her sometimes. And it wouldn't take much from her before you just confessed everything to her.
After that Verosika became very protective of you.
She may be a literal sex-demon, but you were special to her and to hear you'd been hurt so badly by someone you were supposed to trust, really hurt her. E
specially when it effected your relationship
So after finding out, she really put in the effort to show that she genuinely cared for you.
She was calm, she was supportive and she was very, very protective, easily beating the shit out of anyone for disrespecting you.
Her succubus entourage would also play a part in your relationship, but it was mostly Verosika.
She would openly flaunt you, proudly proclaiming you as her S/O. Something that always made you warm and fuzzy inside.
It would be after a show, with you and Verosika walking to the waiting car, the two of you walking hand in hand as you complemented her on the show.
As you walked on by, you were accosted by an all to familiar voice.
You froze on the spot, cold dream flooding your body as you began shaking.
Verosika went into defence mode as your Ex got closer. Versika putting herself between you and your Ex, the two of them having a stand down for the ages.
It would definitely come to blows.
Even if your Ex didn't initiate it, Verosika would take any excuse to beat the shit out of your Ex.
She'd likely kill your Ex, teeth grit as she strangled the life out of them, growling at how they never should have fucked with her.
Afterwards she'd get up, probably kick your Ex's mangled body a few times before wiping off any blood and walking back over to you.
Giving you a deep kiss as she held you close before dragging you to the waiting car for some... Fun~.
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cutebutalsostabby · 2 years
i wouldnt mind hearing more abt that Zelda Timeline Is A Circle theory ...👀👀
I WROTE A WHOLE RANT AND THEN FAILED TO SAVE. JHKJJDGFHJKDFSHKJFK nonetheless: I am so excited about this whole thing that I will literally WRITE THAT WHOLE THING AGAIN DAMN IT. Thank you for the enablement, anonymous stranger!
Anyway. A concession first off that this theory has some massive plot holes, so it's less a case of "here's my carefully considered perspective on the Zelda timeline" and more "here's a corkboard covered in red string". So don't @ me. Unless you also want to share Zelda conspiracy theories, in which case absolutely do @ me. At any time. Please.
With that said: let's start with looking at where BotW sits on the timeline.
The Downfall Timeline
The converged timeline is a fun theory, but I personally think the Downfall Timeline makes most sense for BotW. In particular:
Calamity Ganon is basically immortal, whereas TP and WW Ganon are canonically vulnerable to stabs to the chest and head respectively. Technically Ganondorf II also exists in the Child Timeline, but the BotW script suggests that Calamity Ganon is the Ganondorf of OoT (Urbosa's comments in particular), so we’ll ignore that other guy. As usual.
"Calamity" (yakusai / 厄災) seems like a pretty clear relative of the Great Cataclysm (ooinaru wazawai / オオイナル ワザワイ or 大いなる災い). That phrase comes from a prophecy in ALttP where any time one with an evil heart gains the power of the Triforce, a hero will rise to fight them.
Koroks and Rito exist in BotW, which may seem to tie it to the adult timeline – except that the same circumstances that led to Kokiri becoming Koroks and Zora becoming Rito (changes in habitat) exist in the Downfall Timeline as well. In fact, the Downfall Timeline makes more sense for the Zora: Ganon’s influence results in the destruction of Zora Domain, but some of the Zora flee to Labrynna as seen in OoA. The ones that stay in Hyrule become Rito and the ones that remain in Labrynna stay Zora - thus both can coexist in BotW's Hyrule.
Now the thing about Ganon in the Downfall Timeline is that a) he never dies for good and b) he only gets stronger over time. Meanwhile, the Master Sword slowly loses its edge, Hylia’s bloodline becomes thinner and the seven sages that originally sealed Ganon away fade out of prominence. By the time you get to BotW, it’s basically impossible for Link to win on his own. If you follow the "ideal" game path, he faces Ganon with both the Master Sword and the Divine Beasts and manages to buy enough time for Zelda to wield the power of the Triforce and seal Ganon away. After dying and spending 100 years regenerating inside a fancy spa bath. Considering the cost of getting that far and the fact that Zelda almost didn't unlock her powers at all, it's not much of a win.
Deus ex Timeline
Worth noting: there's no canonical answer as to why the Downfall Timeline exists. We know that the Adult/Child split happens when Zelda sends Link back in time, so theoretically the same or similar applies to the Downfall Timeline - except that there's no in-game evidence of such a thing ever occurring.
In the Downfall version of the OoT Ganon fight, Ganon defeats Link and steals his Triforce of Courage, then takes Zelda's Triforce of Wisdom. After that, as a last resort, the seven sages (including Zelda) manage to seal Ganon and the complete Triforce away in the Sacred Realm.
It's possible that OoT Zelda turned back time immediately after that, but I think it's unlikely. If Link survived at all, he was probably in no condition to go back, and Zelda herself had just lost the largest piece of her power and likely spent whatever magic she could spare just to seal away Ganon. Even if OoT Zelda thought it was a good idea to try again, even if she didn’t feel any guilt towards Link – and she already expressed a lot of guilt even in the "good" timeline – I don't think she could necessarily have done it. So if the timeline wasn't fractured then, when and how did it happen?
Theoretically, it could've happened at any point, so long as someone made the decision to go back AND had the power to achieve it. But I think it only really makes sense as an act of desperation.
Speaking of which, let's go back to what I was saying earlier about the Downfall Timeline.
It doesn't happen immediately, but at some point, there's a realisation – whether one made by BotW Link and Zelda, by their predecessors or even the gods watching on: the Downfall Timeline is basically doomed. Ganon keeps getting stronger over time, perhaps due to repeat "Great Cataclysms" where he gains the Triforce, perhaps due to what BotW suggests about him being "transformed by malice". He learns from each encounter, so it isn't wise to use the same weapons twice, and the "traditional" tools of Zelda and the Master Sword's divine power keep weakening. At some point, it just isn't going to be possible to win against him anymore, and at that point: the only way to stop Ganon is to beat him back when he was still beatable.
Let's also say, to give it some urgency, that Ganon makes a sudden reappearance not long after the events of BotW. Not after another 10,000 years: shortly after BotW. With the former kingdom in the condition it is, with the Divine Beasts silent and with Zelda's own power exhausted, there's no way they can fight Ganon all over again. So instead, they find some method of travelling back in time.
But When?
I mean, we could stop here and say "they go back and kick OoT Ganon's butt", but I don't think they do. For one: OoT Link already kicks Ganon's butt. We have a whole narrative around that. But more importantly, it's heavily implied that the cycle of Ganon's rebirth is tied to Demise's long-distant curse - which the Goddess Hylia would likely know, even if history has forgotten it. So if Hylia is involved at all in the decision, either through speaking with Zelda through dreams, Link through her private chat or through a plan made eons ago, she wouldn't send them to OoT. She'd send them right back to the start.
Now, the interesting thing about Demise: he isn't a god – evidenced by the fact that he's able to use the Triforce and Hylia isn't for that reason – but he does fight on par with one. Their battle is CLOSE. He was able to wound her badly and get her to the point where giving up her divinity purely to stop him is seen as a valid option. Like: what? That is a big cost and a big risk, Hylia! Why would you do that? She would've had to have a pretty good reason to take such drastic action – maybe because she was able to see to the conclusion of the Downfall Timeline.
Now here's where the details get extra shaky: the only evidence to suggest that time travel way back to the start of the timeline occurred is a) Hylia's desperation to stop Demise, and b) the super advanced tech of the distant past of the Lanayru region, which resembles distant futuristic Sheikah tech and seems entirely out of place compared to the more primitive tech seen elsewhere. But while we're throwing out theories with limited evidence, here are a few other elements of interest:
The Twili
The Twili of Twilight Princess, aka Dark Tribe of Four Sword Adventures. They once attempted to steal the Triforce and were sealed away in the Twilight/Dark Mirror. What if Demise was part of this group, and what if there was a timeline split depending on whether or not he actually obtained the Triforce? If he doesn't, let's say he's still strong enough to manifest a curse, but that the curse itself is weaker in the timeline leading to the Child/Adult split.
The Minish and the Wind Tribe
Minish Cap lore doesn't seem to show up in other games much, but technically the ones that created the armos of MC – and theoretically also armos of long-distant Lanayru – were the Minish on behalf of the Wind Tribe. The Zonai are associated with the Faron Region which is associated with the wind element (e.g. Fado of the Kokiri as Sage of Wind) so the Zonai could be or could be connected with the distant Wind Tribe. In which case, they were one of the groups around in the distant past and may have fought alongside Hylia in the war against Demise.
The Desertification of Lanayru
Something happened to the Lanayru region to rapidly change its environs from lush greenery into a desert. This could have been natural, or could be evidence of either intentional damage or some side effects of the mining of timeshift stones. It isn't clear, but it's fun to think about.
Desert Colossus
In OoT and TP, there exist images of a goddess of the sand – likely a different goddess to Hylia, Din, Farore or Nayru. We still know basically nothing about this goddess and her domain.
The Gerudo and Zuna
FSA is a bit famous for breaking the timeline, but one of the fun pieces of lore it introduces is the weapon with "the power to ruin the world" – found in the desert in the Pyramid of Power. Since Hyrule Castle of Ganon's Dark World in ALttP resembles that same Pyramid of Power, and since Ganon originates from that same region, maybe the trident is one of the factors that tips the scale against OoT Link in the Downfall Timeline.
The Crack in the Earth
The demon tribe Demise belongs to is said to have issued out of a crack in the earth as per SS lore. This could tie them to Din as Goddess of the earth. We still don't know much about why that crack appeared in the first place or why that tribe picked a fight over the Triforce, but that could be relevant to the idea of why "the means to oppose Ganon" as per BotW's prophecy, might be found underground.
The Master Sword
The Master Sword looks to be broken in Tears of the Kingdom, which is unfortunate considering how it's supposed to be sealing Demise. If it's carried back in time with Link, that gives new meaning to Demise's words about a cycle and throws a new spanner in the works in terms of trying to support Hylia in her fight.
He's not relevant; I just think he's neat.
Wow Those Sure Are Some Plotholes
I never said it was a fully formed theory, more that it was fun to think about. But what do YOU think? 👀
I came up with the above ramble on my own, but I'm not the only one to suggest a loop in the timeline, so I'll be interested in hearing other theories. To be clear as well: I don't necessarily see this as breaking the cycle. It's unclear whether the attempt at fixing the timeline succeeds and changes the outcome in OoT's Ganon fight, and even if it does: what happens in the abandoned Downfall Timeline? Or post FSA on the child timeline or to the sunken Kingdom in the adult timeline? There's still plenty of room for the franchise to grow!
Anyway. Thanks for reading and happy theorising! Imma go get some sleep now. Later!
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swfteverlqrk · 3 years
He looks good with kids.
Bucky x female!reader
Warnings: Kids. Jk, none, pure fluff.
Summary: Yn heart can't love more Bucky, but it can when she sees him with kids.
A/N: I gave a warning that i wanted to just write about domestic/Dad bucky. Is just the first of a thousand of bucky's fic's :)
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You arrived with your hand holding Bucky's.
"Aunt yn!" a little girl ran to you. 
“Hey mor!” you let go of Bucky´s hand and hold the little girl. “how is my princess doing?” 
“I dont want to be a princess anymore!” she said with a frown, you put her down. 
“Why?” you tried to not laugh. 
“Because if i want to be a queen, im gonna have to get married... with a...” she made a long pause, trying to say the next words. “boy! ew!” she said with a repulsive expression. 
that was something you loved about the kids, their honesty, saying everything uncensored, you saw Bucky trying not to laugh next to you. “Morgan, say hi to Bucky, dont be rude.”
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” she was shy, and added a little wave, without leaving your side. 
“Call me Bucky.” he winked at her, which made the girl blush, who could blame her?. 
she nodded and then her mother appeared “Morg, go play.” the little girl obey and got inside the house. “Im so glad you could make it” she greeted huging you and gave your boyfriend a warm and friendly handshake. “But please come in”.
you took Bucky´s hand again, and got inside the house, it was such a warm and really normal and familiar house, you wouldnt guess it was Tony Stark place, it wasnt a big mansion as he used to, it didnt have any  technology gadget, and they had a yard, more like a yard it was a private forest, where all the avengers were. 
“Im going to say hi to Natasha” you said, seeing her in the distance. 
“Ok, i´ll go with Steve and Sam.” you nodded, Bucky kissed your cheek and headed to Natasha. 
“Hey you!” your friend hugged you with one arm, cause she was holding a two month baby on her free arm, her daughter “Hey Thea, im your aunt, yn.” 
the baby girl smiled at hearing your voice. “Can i hold her?” 
“Of course!” she handed you the baby, when you took her in your arms, Nat sat down, glad that her arms could rest for a while. “Where´s Bucky?” 
“Over there with your husband and Sam” 
“It´s dangerous when they get together” you chuckled, giving her the reason, the baby start to cry. “Oh, let me” 
“No,Nat, i can, dont cry Thea.” you rocked her and started singing to her. “ Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger
Down in the park”
“Doesnt she looks gorgeous with kids?” Bucky asked his two friends, they rolled their eyes. 
“Uncle Bucky!” a boy approached. 
“Hey kids!” they high five, smiling, it were AJ and Cass wilson, Sam nephews. 
“Did you brought us what we asked for?” the soldier nodded, they went to his car, where he let out some water guns. 
“Cool, thank you!” the younger one hugged his uncle and ran after his brother. 
Nat noticed bucky´s scared face while Sarah continued shouting at him. “Yn, your boyfriend is in trouble.”
“What?” you turned to see Bucky in the entrance. “I´ll be back.” you gave her Thea, and walked. “What´s going on?” 
“James gave my kids water guns!” 
your eyes opened surprised. “Why?, Bucky what...?”
“They asked me to, they texted me!” he said innocent. 
“If something happens, they are your kids” Sarah said at Bucky and left, she was a good mom, she wanted what was best for her kids. 
you went to sit with Bucky, saying hi to Thor and Jane, until three little girls, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and the younger who was Alice Quill walked there. “Auntie yn, can you come play with us?” Morgan said with a small pout. 
“I´ll love it, but im going to help Sam, Sarah and Vision, to get the food ready. 
“I can play with you.” Bucky said letting go of your hand. “If you want to.”
the three girls looked at you, where you just nodded. “Go, he is funny!” your boyfriend got up and walked. Morgan took the initiative and took Bucky´s hand. 
“So, prince, which is your first decrete?” Cassie Lang said laughing, it been thirty minutes and the girls were comfortable now with the ex soldier, hugging him, holding his hands. 
“That i get a bigger crown.” he took his princess crown off, which was hurting him, making the three girls laugh. 
“Hands up! We are taking him”  The older Wilson said, pointing with his water gun.
“He is our prince, you cant take him.” The little Quill said, trying hard to hold to Bucky. 
“We can!” Billy Maximoff said, he took A.J gun and got Bucky back wet. 
‘i see why Sarah hated me for the water guns’ bucky thought to himself. 
The boys were shooting water to the girls, and them throwing grass and toys, your boyfriend got up and tried to run. 
“He is leaving!” Billy said, and all ran after him, you wouldnt guess that the weight of 7 kids could make a super soldier fall to the ground. 
“Is little yn in love?” a girl voice said, Carol Danvers. 
“Hey, Danvers” you turned and hugged her. “How are you?” 
you started catching up, she telling you stories about the space, once in a while you turned to see Bucky in the ‘jail’, that was a playpen, where all the kids put him.
“You know his wife, will come to rescue him, right?” Morgan said to A.J while having a tea party.
“What wife?” 
“Yn, duh.” she said as it was the only option. 
“They arent married” the boy said. 
“yes they are.” A.J just shooked his head. 
“Kids, the food is ready!” Sam shouted and the kids ran, Bucky got up from the playpen  that they took from Thea, he approached you. 
“I was expecting you to come to my rescue"he said resting his chin on your neck.
"Oh no, did you saw them? They had guns" you teased him, turning around to see him.
"Yn! You can stop time!" He said like a little kid, maybe an hour with 7 seven kids was more than enough.
"Here, you hamburger" You just said handing him the plate, with the bun and meat.
"Thank you, where we'll sit?"
You looked around searching for an empty table. "There" you pointed. "I was thinking of telling Sarah and Sam to sit with us".
Your boyfriend nodded, and taking your hand, you walked to the table, you were going to start eating when three girls approached the table.
"Aunt...yn... Can we, sit here?" Morgan Stark said shy, with Cassie and Alice by her side.
"Uh..." You looked at your boyfriend who with his look, he told you it was fine. "Sure, come."
"Guys, they said yes!" Morgan shouted and four more kids appeared.
"i thought it was only you three" Bucky said, trying not to laugh.
They sat, Morgan between you and Bucky, the food was delicious, and the kids were a good company. Bucky went for Soda, and coming back to his place he kissed your cheek, making you blush.
"I told you they are married!" Morgan said to A.J, biting her food.
"W-what?" You almost choke with the soda.
"Morgan thinks you two are married, but I've been telling her, you are just boyfriend and girlfriend" A.J said tired of the same argument.
"We are not married, sweetie" you cleared to the little Stark, who frown her eyebrows, confused.
"Then, why you kiss?, My mom and dad told me only married people do that." She looked at you, waiting for an answer, she was really confused, Bucky just smiled a bit.
"Because...umm..." You made a pause thinking what to answer, all the kids look where on you in that moment.
"We are going to get married, we're engaged." Bucky finally said, the most serious he could, not making notice it was a lie.
"When?" Cassie asked excited.
"Soon, in a few years, right yn?" You nodded, you let out a relief sigh, until two boys voices started arguing.
"Hey, Billy, Tommy, what is going on?"
"He took my chips without asking!" Tommy answered, looking at his brother wanting to kill him.
"But Tommy doesn't wants to share!" They started arguing again.
"Don't fight. Billy, we asked for things, and Tommy we have to share" they rolled their eyes, knowing their were being scolded. "Now Tommy, apologize"
"Tommy!" You looked at him, really serious. He took air and apologize, same with Billy. "Now both of you, go for more chips." They got up and murmuring they said something like 'she acted just like mom'
The food time was over, you and Bucky played hide and seek with the kids, when it was the soldiers turn to found you, Alice was the only one who hided with you, but when you had to find them, you knew wherever was Bucky you'll find at least a fifty percent of the kids. The time passed quickly hiding, and laughing.
"Who wants dessert?" Pepper said to the kids, whose eyes opened wide.
"Come on, Uncle Bucky!" Morgan took one hand of his and Cassie another, and walked together, but Alice started to cry.
"Um, Buck, you left something here." You said while Alice was on your arms.
"Sorry, baby, come on" he pointed his back with his head, and you put the little girl there. "Hold on tight" She did, putting her little arms around Bucky neck, while walking to the food area.
Once they got their dessert, including Bucky, all went to sit and start playing charades, you only heard kids real laughs, making you smile.
"Kids, why don't you go for yn?, she loves to play this, but it's to shy" Billy and Cassie nodded and went to grab you while you were with Tony and Steve.
"Come play with us, aunt yn!" Both making a pout. "Uncle Bucky said you like to play!"
"He did?" You gave a killing look to the blue eyed man, who just lift his shoulders innocent. "Fine, let's go"
You left Tony and Steve, and went play, you sat next to Bucky, his arm around your shoulders, that pose didn't last, because when you got up to play, Morgan took your place next to Bucky. 'Oh, so Bucky is the new favorite' you thought seeing him surrounded by all of them.
The day was over, after saying bye to Gamora, Quill and Alice, you helped Pepper to clean a bit.
"You know something, yn?" She said serious.
"Mhm?" You were picking up the plates and cups.
"All this afternoon, i saw a girl with Bucky, you should be more careful."
A girl? Which girl? All of the avengers girls were taken, you thought for a few seconds, but no one came to your mind, until Pepper told you to turn, where it was your boyfriend and the girl who wanted to steal him, Morgan, watching the Sunset, she was in his arms, one arm on his neck, while he was talking to her, not being to able hear, but seeing him with kids, to see his sweet and soft side made your heart melt.
"So, you see, the sun loves the moon so much, he goes to let her shine for hours." The girl's eye opened wide at the story.
"Morgan, they have to go." Her mother said walking to her.
"Stay to sleep, please?" Morgan said with a pout, without letting go of Bucky.
"We are going to stay at the Roger's, baby girl." You told her, which made her sad. "But, if you behave, we can make a sleepover next week at my place!"
Her eyes shined, and a smile appeared. "Really?"
"Of course, beautiful, but you have to be nice, ok?" Your boyfriend told the little girl putting her down.
"Mom, he calls me beautiful! He doesn't calls yn that" she tried to whisper but failed, Pepper just nodded, taking her hand, getting inside of the house"Bye guys." Morgan shouted before entering the house.
"what?" Your boyfriend noticed you looking at him.
"nothing..." You chuckled softly, and got into the Rogers car.
A few days later.
You were making breakfast, when your phone rang, the contact name was Tony Stark, it was a FaceTime. What if something had happened to him? Was he okay? You answered nervous, but when the camera opened, you saw Morgan, making you feel relieved.
"Hey Morgan!" You greeted her.
"Hi, aunt yn!" You could tell her she was trying to see the house, looking for something. "Are you alone?"
"Yes?"you said confused" But one friend is coming over."
"Oh, is not uncle Bucky there?" You chuckled, of course she wanted to see her 'uncle'.
"No sweetie" you shook your head, making Morgan eyes sad. "He went to help uncle Sam with something, he'll be back at night."
"Oh okay, I'll call him then! Bye." You were going to talk but she hang up.
The night came and your boyfriend went to your place to say hi and having dinner.
While eating dinner, you said to him about the morning call.
"I received a weird call today"
"What?, From who?" He asked looking up from his dumplings.
"A girl you know." You said serious, like you were mad.
"come on yn, it was Wanda? Or Carol, or Natasha?" You shook your head.
"Morgan Stark" He laughed.
"Wait, why?"
"She wanted to talk to you, you should call her" your look went back to your noodles.
"Are you jealous that she prefers me?" He teased you, making you laugh.
"Yes, you are." He pointed his fork at you, making you let out a good laugh.
"Just call Morgan!" You said playing you were angry, after dinner he did, you heard how Morgan told him all about school, and her toys, and dolls, all that she could ever think about, and he was paying attention, gasping every minute about something she said or showed.
Your heart melted again. 'He looks so good with kids'.
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