#hahaaaa im so tired :)
gayberdnird · 2 years
God i havent had a Major social disaster (due to my adhd (tho tbh the only time its not directly bc of adhd its indirectly since i try to avoid ppl for this EXACT reason lol)) since high school and since its happened ive wanted to fucking cry all day i hate this shit lol
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bepisbee · 1 year
Soo I never posted it here cuz im dumb hahaaaa but heres the first chapter of actual robot vidow au :3
Read on ao3
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Up upon the wall in a large lab room a humanoid figure dangled. Eerily still. Their blonde artificial hair sat braided down half way down their back. It looked realistic to the naked eye, felt soft like it to the touch. The dramatic lighting in the room followed the wires everywhere around them. The walls were a dark gray metal of some kind, welded together, a plaque by the only door saying “Technical Testing room 34: subject #4” implying other rooms and subjects.
Their eyes were  piercing ice blue optics; nearly identical to that of a living being. Aside from the small lines of electronics and wires inside of them. So tiny it would take the perfect lighting to see them behind the iris. Artificial blinking not yet active, those eyes stared at one space.
No input being received as of yet. They were plugged into multiple wires everywhere on the metallic body. Wires coming from above and below connected to them. Slowly as power surged through the wires on the bottom a coating formed around the metallic surface of the humanoid.
In smooth motion, what appeared to be skin formed over on them. All across the surface. Perfect, unblemished and fake. Across the room a technician in a white lab coat snorted. “Fuckin’ looks like a magical girl transformation.” His coworker laughed along with him. None of them noticed as the android, now perfectly indifferent to a Hylian, blinked and looked up over at the group. They had returned back to position before they had a chance to look up.
The wires on the ceiling disconnected, dropping the body to the floor loudly. They landed on their knees, in a kneeling position. Head weighed down without support. “Well? What are ya waitin’ for? Turn it on!” the same man spoke. His voice was deep and gruff. One of the others in a blue colored coat went to a table displaying an array of glowing buttons, knobs, and sliders. She pressed a few things on the affectionately nicknamed “DJ board” control unit.
The androids eyes lit up from the back, circling around once. A soft hum of electronics and fans filled the silence of a room held with baited breath. It looked up at them. “...” They looked back.
“It appears my systems are functioning at normal capacity.” A soft deep voice came from the machine. It’s lips and fake tongue mouthing the words. A technological breakthrough in voice box mechanics. “Artificial form code confirmation: V, one, zero, L, three, seven.” They spoke with clear diction, dead panned emotion. “C-confirmed.” the girl in the blue robe stammered out from the stunned silence. “We did it!” she looked at the man in the white coat. She grabbed his arms and started shaking him back and forth violently. “WE DID IT!” The ear splitting grin crossed their faces and they looked back at the AI.
They tilted their head curiously at them. The pair ran over to the android and began running physical diagnoses on them.
This was only the beginning One year later A boy with stark purple hair in a black lab coat walked around the large lab facility. His arms bent and hands behind his head like he had no care in the world. He was in front of a small entourage. The man from the lab, with the white coat, a different assistant, and the android behind him. “I don’t care what you’re doing Daphnes.” The purple one announced, clearly annoyed. “I am not interested in this stupid machine of yours. All the others failed, why wouldn’t this one?” the android’s eyes followed his every movement. Almost creepily.
“Shadow! You will treat your father with respect!” Daphnes scolded. “You cannot keep expecting to get away with things just because you understand a neural net processor.” He sighed, sounding old and tired. This was obviously a conversation they have had often. “Yeah okay.” he dismissed. Shadow turned to face the group, looking the AI up and down warily. Shadow had many piercings in his face. Alongside adorable freckles to try to look tougher. Two eyebrow piercings on his right, snake bite rings on his lower lips, a small septum ring in his nose, a bar between his eyes on his cartilage, and an array all across his large long ears. The android took a slight misstep analyzing his face. He had heterochromatic eyes. One a brilliant ruby red and the other the deepest blue they’d ever seen. Not that they had really seen a lot  of things yet, but it still stands.
They hadn’t noticed that of course.
“Look, I just want you on this project. You would be best suited for the small details required for maintenance and upgrades.”
“I don’t see how any of this wou-” he was interrupted by a panicked scream above them. The android was already moving. It all happened so fast Shadow basically passed out for a minute. A large ground shaking thud surrounded landed in front of them.
Exactly where Shadow had been standing.
“Oh my Gods!!!” The assistant yelled and stepped back, in human reaction time. Shadow gasped softly and stiffened. Unsure what had just happened. He was being enveloped by arms. He looked up to see the android with a concerned expression, eyebrows furrowed. That in of itself confused the hell out of him.
“Are. Are you alright?” they spoke, focusing only on him. The two technicians stood gaping at them. None of their actions should have been physically possible. Not a single program in their systems should be allowing any of the motions. From grabbing Shadow out of the way of the large hunk of metal with broken chain straps, to asking personally if he was okay. That wasn’t in their designated dialogue.
He just stared, the beautiful orbs wrapped in a thick black eyeliner. Shock, and disbelief. “Whuh- we- I….” the arms wrapped around his frame were a bit cold to the touch. “Yes.”
They let go and Shadow took a moment to step back away. Looking between Daphnes and the AI, he let out a breath. “I… I’ll work on it. I guess.” he looked away. “What’s it’s name anyways?” “I am V, one, zero, L, three, seven.” they answered for the technician.
“Wow. That’s long and artificially cold.” Shadow bluntly stated. He wrote something down on a small notepad from his pocket “Wait…. Huh! Oh it kind of looks like… Violet. I’m gonna call it Violet.”
“Son- that's not--” “Professional attachment blah blah blah. Do you want me or not?” he didn’t wait for the confirmation before taking Violet’s hand in his own. “Come on then. Let’s get out of here before more flying death metal bricks decide to fall from the sky.”
“I do not believe that the metal had any intention of-” they let Shadow pull them in the direction of his lab room. “Falling from the chains. Nevertheless I agree it is a good idea to vacate the area should another incident occur before-” Shadow looked at him confused and fondly at the rambling. “The correct items are inspected for faults.” they finished. “I-” they stopped and shook their head. “It would be unfortunate if anyone got hurt.”
Daphnes stood mouth gaping at the conversation. A literally impossible conversation.
“Boy you sure talk a lot huh?” Shadow laughed once. “Oh. No. Not usually. I mean this is quite new. I am not entirely sure what is actually happening right now. As a matter of fact I really don’t think this is part of my programming. I cannot seem to locate an error in my systems however.”
“Mmmmmmhm.” Shadow led them to his personal lab. He let them in. “Oh. You really should not have drinks by your electronics it could-” “Spill and ruin yeah yeah I know.” he cut them off. “I don’t need a lecture from a tin can.” “T-Tin can!?” they sounded offended. They sounded. In a tone.
���...” Shadow looked at them with a new sparkle in his eyes. “I think maybe this will work out after all. Sit down,  Violet .”
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starya-knight · 2 years
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Hahaaa it's Demon!Sunny.
He's back.
Still doesn't have a proper design. :')
(Due to my constant Lack of Motivation to draw)
Also here's Miko's Omari Sunny :}
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I've been wanting to send this to them directly but i couldn't do it bcs im shy and stupid haha. It's easier for me to talk to what feels like a void than to directly address a person lmao 🫥
Also there's a lot of smudges on the picture, im so sorry about that hahaaaa
(And it's cropped because the bigger cracks are on a different part of the image that just had a blank space so it's not like i needed to show it anyway)
My phone fell down the stairs last week and it seemed completely fine. (The outside is intact and everything) but somehow my camera broke from the inside and i can't take pictures normally anymore im so??? ? I feel an array of both negative emotions and apathy at once i can't tell.
Im especially upset about it because i'm not as good digitally than traditionally so now if i wanna show a doodle, i can't just. Do that. I'd have to digitalize it and then it sort of loses what the original image had. Or maybe im just tired/lazy/not feeling up to it or i just can't at the specific moment until my next random motivation burst.(?)
And now im rambling.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
a lot of things have been on my mind lately but i haven't had the time to sit down and write. but i made a list in my notes app:
B in general
balkans = bisexuality
event in lausanne
ice skating summer camp
to be honest now i don't remember what every point was about but let's try...
1. i had a dream about B the other day where i bumped into him on the street and he was like "leave me alone, let me go, stop following me". and yeah it really made me think. not really think, but feel. i woke up with a lot of feelings.
on monday i was ovulating. my coochie wouldn't leave me alone the whole day. i started fantasising about the hot quantum mechanics assistant, then i moved onto thinking about my friend... and it was fun bc i finally came up with a scenario about my friend that wasn't boring. so i was like alright, when i get home im finally gonna be able to touch myself and not think about B, this is gonna be great. and then! big surprise! i thought about him again and cried! im so tired of it! when am i gonna be free from this curse of crying when i masturbate???? like it's so frustrating! i just want to think about something completely unrealistic and silly about the quantum mechanics assistant or my friend or some hot celebrity or whoever else. but noooooo! and i feel the need to gain control over my sexuality because i can't associate sex with B for the rest of my life. i need to think about other people and move on. but it's like a reflex at this point. every time i touch myself my coochie is like "DO YOU REMEMBER HOW IN LOVE YOU WERE? YEAH, YOU WERE SO IN LOVE. LET ME REMIND YOU HOW IN LOVE YOU WERE HAHAAAA YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE YOU PATHETIC BITCH"
i think the thing i miss about my relationship with B is not B himself. but the innocence i had during that time. like oh im done with my homework, i have nothing else planned for the day, let's go for a 3 hour walk in the countryside and talk about nothing. and now im always busy and i never go for walks anymore.
it's his birthday today. and i don't know if it's masochism or stupidity or a secret third thing. but i wished him a happy birthday. and when he replied with "Thank you Y/N." i wanted to throw up.
2. ive been listening to lepa brena a lot. because just like with my sexuality im trying to reclaim things that were mine to begin with. when we broke up i deleted all songs off my phone to not think about him. but i can't let him stop me from enjoying my favourite songs, they were always MY favourite songs, not his.
and listening to lepa brena made me think of not only our sarajevo trip in 2019 but also montenegro, my father, all those shenanigans. and it made me feel things. so again i was like, why am i doing this to myself. to hell with the balkans, i'll never go there again!
and it's weird bc i always have this train of thought when it comes to my bisexuality too. like it's a part of me that i just can't make peace with no matter how hard i try. im always like fuck this, im straight, let's ignore everything else. to hell with the wlw manifesto and all that shit, it doesn't concern me, i live in the now and it's not a problem so let's ignore it. and it always comes back to bite me in the ass! like i just can't be straight, i know it! i can pretend all i want but it's there! and same with the balkans. how many times have i told myself "im never going there again" or "it's just a place where my father lives, it doesn't concern me, i don't care". but i can't escape it. and here i am wanting to breathe in the fresh mountain air again and drink a coffee on the terrasse and feel this pinching pins-and-needles-like pain in my chest. and i can't get enough of it.
(this section ends here but i wanted to add a couple more things bc i just went for a walk to the corner store to get chocolate cake and thought about it. you know how your nose and throat feel when you've just caught a cold? like you're not sick yet, but you can feel the cold coming. and your throat is kinda itchy and you just KNOW that you're gonna have a fever tomorrow. well that's the feeling im talking about but imagine it in your chest. like it feels like pins-and-needles and there's this pinching feeling similar to when you're trying to hold back tears. and every time im nostalgic about something or i miss something that's what i feel. and that's also what i feel 24/7 when im in the balkans. i remember our first night in sarajevo and it was already dark out and i stood on the balcony of his flat and there was a girl singing "lazes zlaso lazes duso" in the bar on the opposite side of the street. and i had that feeling again. and i was like the guy in the sickos comic standing there like "yes ahaha yes!!!". anyway, just something i wanted to mention.)
3. so we went to this event in lausanne on tuesday and to another event today and goddd.... im just becoming more and more of a bitch. because im so sick of these greenwashing pseudosustainable entrepreneur bitches. fucking hypocrites. for people who've never touched grass in their entire lives, they sure claim to know a lot about nature.
4. so remember the poll i posted a couple of days ago? well, ive been dreaming about going to skating summer camp and i briefly mentioned it to my student when we went to buy ice skates in lausanne together. and... he sent me 1000 chf. i was shocked! so yeah im going to figure skating summer camp ahhhh im so excited!!!!!! so it's gonna be me, him and his wife. and i'll see if my bestie wants to come too. it's gonna be so epic oh my god!
so it's in july and it's gonna be 2 hours of skating plus 1 hour of gym every day + sporty activities throughout the whole day + extra private skating and choreography lessons if you want. and it's gonna be in this beautiful place in the mountains! my student's parents have a chalet there so he said we can sleep there if we don't want to sleep in the dormitories. im so excited you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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maplesyrupsainz · 10 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙caught the l-o-v-e | OP81˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: oscar piastri x pop star y/n reader (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: some sexual innuendo from the song nonsense, but generally this is so fluffy & giggly literally jus y/n fans trying to guess who she's dating tehe
summary: in which your romance is a mystery to the fans who spin their own theories out of thin air
a/n: i jus chose sabrina coz the music fit best with the request imo linked below for context:)) i fr luv oscar he seems so shy & sweet
request!!!: Can I request something for Oscar where reader is a pop star and they’re super low key and everyone thinks she’s dating a different driver until she writes an explicit song and they’re caught making out and everyone is super surprised cause they didn’t know Oscar could pull
fc: sabrina carpenter
my masterlist
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 590,954 others
yourusername trying to record music for u lol
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user1 another one to add to my y/n is dating an f1 driver theory
user2 it's been at least a year nd we still dont know who y/n is dating 😭😭
oscarpiastri can i hear it first please
landonorris no mee
charles_leclerc i already heard it
yourusername blocking u all
gracieabrams record faster we're waiting!!!
yourusername 🫣it has to be the best for u
user3 she's one of us
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liked by user3, yourusername, and 17,283 others
ynupdates due to overwhelming request, i am here to supply you with a post of everything we know about y/n's mysterious boyfriend! the most lowkey couple in the world, here's a list of things we know/have become widely assumed at least...:
he's an f1 driver (alleged but strongly hinted)
they have been dating for around a year (alleged)
he is a man (confirmed)
he is not american (alleged)
he has been at her shows & is very supportive (confirmed (by her))
they are the masters of soft launch pics at this point
i dont have anything else sorry idk why u guys wanted me to summarise i got nothing
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user4 it's lando norris
user5 no it's daniel ricciardo
user6 i think it might be charles leclerc
user7 u cant just name the entire grid until u get it right
user9 she is definitely laughing at us
y/nupdates i am so tired y/n! free me
user10 tbh thanks for this even tho we know nothing
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landonorris posted a story
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liked by y/nupdates, oscarpiastri, and 103,283 others
y/nupdates lando norris if u dont stop cracking jokes and explain urself
yourusername omg this scared me so bad i thought u were exposing me
landonorris HAHAAAA my bad
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, y/nupdates, and 143,204 others
landonorris worth it for the chaos
y/nupdates IM DONE
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, y/nupdates, and 87,949 others
yourusername i fight with my team every single day to let me leak all my stuff to u
y/nupdates Y/N???
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 839,183 others
yourusername my brand new single ‘nonsense’ is yours RIGHT NOW!!! if u get it u get it if u know u know 👀 this ones for the bad Bs love you all sm thank u for being so patient with me always & making me giggle on my darkest days
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oscarpiastri woww
landonorris great song or whatever
user15 stay away from her!!!
user16 ok but the orange heart on the soft launch pic
user17 OK WAIT
charles_leclerc no warning at all
yourusername i am so sorry
y/nupdates who is he y/n who is he
liked by yourusername
user18 there is so much to unpack here
danielricciardo wish i never clicked play on this
yourusername posted a story
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liked by y/nupdates, charles_leclerc, and 164,283 others
charles_leclerc as you should be
oscarpiastri yup
yourusername cant find my chill i musta lost ittt
landonorris no one in the paddock will ever look at u guys the same ever again
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y/nupdates posted a story
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liked by user4, user12, and 7,934 others
user24 omg the dress sooo stunning
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liked by y/nupdates, user21, and 34,294 others
f1wagupdates mclaren driver oscar piastri was seen out last night in his hometown of melbourne, australia with ‘nonsense’ singer y/n y/l/n. y/l/n has been rumoured to have been dating an f1 driver for a while now, coming up to a whole year, and after rumours that she was dating fellow mclaren driver lando norris, it turns out it was actually piastri all along, following pics of them making out last night. thoughts on this discovery?
tagged: oscarpiastri, yourusername
view all 11,283 comments
user26 OSCAR?? PIASTRI??
user27 ur telling me OSCAR PIASTRI has game?
user28 i don't believe it
user29 there's hope for us all if oscar piastri can pull y/n y/l/n
y/nupdates so nonsense is about oscar piastri. Huh. this changes a lot
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 138,283 others
yourusername he's good for my heart but he's bad for business
tagged: oscarpiastri
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y/nupdates i still can't believe this is true
landonorris me neither tbh
oscarpiastri neither🫣
user34 omg parents
oscarpiastri omg
oscarpiastri omggg y/n/n
yourusername hello 🎉
user35 lol neither of them know how to navigate being public i fear
charles_leclerc congrats i guess i dont really care i've known forever
user36 not charles flexing on us
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likd by yourusername, landonorris, and 284,281 others
oscarpiastri it's been 2 years btw
tagged: yourusername
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user37 he was rly waiting to pull that one out the bag wasnt he
yourusername i love u showing me off
oscarpiastri get used to it
y/nupdates when i tell u i am SO glad it's not lando no offence to him...
oscarpiastri me too
yourusername me three
landonorris me four tbh
logansargeant you can probably hear me cheering from aus rn
yourusername we were wondering what that awful sound was
logansargeant ohh oscar must've left ur music on again
user38 shitt 💀
user39 so gang what do we do now that we know
user40 get a job probably
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someone talking about the future: and with _____ imagine what things will be like in like 5 years!
Me, envisioning being alive for another 5 years: uhm. fuck no nono fuckno no godno please fuck no
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pompadorkery · 6 years
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Me: *doing whatever the fuck I want* 🙃
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weafurry · 2 years
Guess who's sick and feels like absolute shit but has to work 10am-2pm and 4pm-8pm tomorrow? (Well today technically)
This bitch :"DDD
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liquid-snakes · 2 years
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inkywarden · 7 years
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guess who’s been up all night 
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peter-parkourwrites · 5 years
Road Trip Headcanons w/ Peter Parker
i’m bored, tired, and having writers block so while i work through that have this. i’m a sucker for all things roadtripy, and peter parker, aND peter parker x stark! reader 🥰
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- you and peter come up w/ the idea randomly during the summer
- “hey babe, wanna go on a road trip?!”
- “(y/n), we can’t we have avenging to do!!”
- “yeah, you do. not me! but come onnnn you’re spiderman you can just thwip thwip your way back! now lets go!!”
- “thats not how it works...”
- “yes it is.”
- he’s annoyed™️
- and he’s 100% here for it!!!
- you guys steal one of your dads cars
- probably an old e-tron model, or his newest one
- you guys are just about to leave new york and head to rhode island
- your dad calls
- “FUCK”
- “... oh no,”
- “THIS!” you grab the phone from his hand and casually pull the car over. you get out and toss it into a trash can
- “it worked, didnt it?”
- “i guess...”
- “now to the beach!”
- you guys stop at every gas station for snacks,,
- beef jerky? yes, cheese itz? yes, slim jims? yes, ben and jerrys? YOU GUYS HAVE GONE INSANE IF U DONT GRAB SOME
- monsters, coffee, coffee, red bull, and more coffee
- but also water!!!
- “gotta stay,, hashtag hydrated pete.”
- “did you just say hastag hydrated??”
- “yes! now drink!” you say practically spilling the water all over him as you shove it in his face
- he just laughs and thinks abt how this trip couldn’t get any better
- and it does
- YOU FINALLY GET TO THE BEACH IN RHODE ISLAND (idk which one u guys can pick skxks)
- you get out of the car and GUESS WHOSE THERE??
- tony
- your grabbing things from the back trunk when peter taps on your shoulder
- “peter can’t you see i’m busy?”
- “........ i-i-uhhh uhm i-”
- “ohmygod what?... oh, HI DAD!”
- he just stands there crossing his arms as he waits for you to continue
- “what a conincidence to see you here!! what brings you to rhode island??? oh is that steve? hi capsicle, oh... the whole,,, team,, hahaaaa...”
- they all just glare at you,,
- eventually after a long ‘talk’ with ur dad (more like you two yelling at each other) you and peter get to spend the day doing whatever
- bc he knows you’ll have to drive home
- needless to say the road trip back isn’t as eventuful
- you stop for coffee every now and then
- its around midnight when you get back into new york
- you and peter just sit and talk and make jokes
- “okay okay... serious question here, when you brush your teeth which row and which side do you start on?”
- “peter?”
- “yes baby?”
- “if anything as irrelevant as that was ever comes out of your mouth again, i’m leaving you on the side of the road without your web shooters.”
- sIGH
- eventually peter gets tired,, and puts his head on ur lap as ur driving
- you keep one hand on the wheel, the other plays with his hair as you drive
- sleepy boi
- you finally get home and go straight upstairs to bed and to cuddle
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dreamingwithbts · 6 years
New Family - Chapter 6
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Genre: Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid BTS x Female! Reader; Human!Reader, Wolf!Namjoon, Alpaca!Seokjin, Black Panther!Yoongi, Red Fox!Jhope, Corgi Dog!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook.
Summary: After receiving a promotion at work Y/N realizes that she has more free time so she decides to use this time usefully and ends up volunteering in an organization that rescues abused hybrids. What she doesn't know is that this will completely change her life!
The next day I wake up with a familiar smell in the air. "FIRE!" I yelled jumping out of bed running  towards the smell, the kitchen. Arriving in the kitchen I see a Hoseok in pure panic on the stove that is smoking. "HOSEOK, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I scream trying to erase the small fire from the frying pan.
"HAHAAAA Y/N! I'M SORRY I WAS JUST TRYING TO MAKE BREAKFAST TO THANK YOU! DON'T LEAVE ME ON THE STREET!" Hoseok screams on the ground clutching my leg frightened.I start laughing at the situation and pet his ears. "It's okay Hobi it happens. I will not put you on the street for this else Yoongi was already on the street!" I tell him joking making him laugh when he suddenly gets serious and gets up trying to hear if Yoongi woke up. "Haaa, it's good that Hyung didn't wake up or I was done!" he says relieved. And I start laughing knowing it's true.
Hoseok helped me clean the kitchen in compensation of what he did when we heard Yoongi enter the kitchen. "Why does it smell like something burned here?" he asks narrowing his eyes. Hoseok and I exchanged glances and I almost felt his panic. "The neighbors burned something and I had the window open." I say. Yoongi looks at us for a few moments then nod too tired to think about it making me and Hoseok sigh with relief.
"You guys get ready! Today we are going out to a special place!" I told them excited. Hoseok screamed and ran into the room excited while Yoongi sighed because of Hoseok reaction and walked normally. As I waited for them I hear Hoseok begin to run up to me passing me and out the door waiting for us. I laughed while Yoongi just smiled a little.
After a long way putting up with a hybrid asking several times where we were going while I tried to hold a dangerous hybrid to attack him. When we finally arrived. "This is the ... .." began Yoongi looking at me shocked. "Yup is the organization!" I said happily. Hoseok realizing it all jumped up at me happy.
Happily, we enter the organization filled with people, humans and hybrids. At the front desk is a working hybrid squirrel and I ask him to speak to Jackson and he tells me his office. Going there I noticed that all three of us were walking quite quick wanting to do this as fast as possible. I knock on the door and we enter.
"Ha! Y/N! Yoongi! You came to sign the adoption papers right?!" Jackson says hugging me getting low growls from the protective hybrids behind me. Laughing at the reaction, Jackson noticed the other hybrid and looked at me confused. After some time explaining everything and the Hoseok giving his personal information needed for adoption we got to the part of signing.
After I signed I saw the reactions of each on. In his turn, Yoongi stopped looking at the paper still not believing while Hoseok wasted no time and signed. All set, we said goodbye to Jackson and we left. The three of us better than ever and went out to celebrate.
A week went by. Each day Yoongi came more closer  with me and Hoseok, starting to get more into our cuddle sessions on the couch.
I got ready to go to work taking the advantage of the sleeping hybrids because I can't stand the sad look of them and I leave them a note so they don't follow me as they once did.
The day of work was like the other days,normal and boring, until when I was going out someone yelled my name. "Y/N!"
I turned and it was Mark. "Hello Mark, how are you?" I asked as he approached. "Hello, I'm fine and you?" he says. And we spent a few minutes talking until I looked at the time and remembered my hybrids at home. "Sorry, Mark, I'm going to have to leave." I tell him. "Ha, okay, I just wanted to know if ... would you like to go out with me one of these days?" Mark asked hesitantly.
I was shocked by the question and tried to think of what to say and im my mind only came Yoongi and Hoseok. "Mark ... sorry ... but I already like someone else ... I'm so sorry ..." I reply trying not to hurt him. "Ha ... it's okay ... I hope it goes well ..." he says and we say an awkward goodbye and I start walking home.
I walk into the house still thinking about what happened without noticing the absence of an hybrid and the angry hybrid in front of me again. Hearing a growl jumping with fright as I saw Yoongi very close to me. "Yoon ..." I begin to say when I was interrupted by him. "You were with that man again! Why? Now the house smells like him and you do too!" Yoongi says trying not to scream. "YOONGI! IT'S NOT YOUR BUSINESS WITH WHOM I CAN OR CAN'T TALK!" I start to scream. "OF COURSE IT'S MY BUSINESS! HOW CAN I PROTECT YOU IF I DON'T NOW NOTHING!" Yoongi yells back. "I DON'T NEED YOU TO PROTECT ME! AND IF I WANT TO GO OUT WITH MARK I WILL! NOTHING PREVENTS ME FROM ...!" And again I was interrupted but this time it was with Yoongi kissing me. After the shock I kiss him back with passion. "You can't because I like you!And I want you to be with me not him!" Yoongi says looking deeply in my eyed. "Yoongi ... I like you too!" I said caressing his cheek making him smile and kiss me again. But Yoongi looks hesitantly at me and I look at him confused. "It's just... I also like Hobi ...." he says. And I'm once again shocked I look at him and start laughing making him look at me sadly. "Thank God! Yoongi! I like Hobi too!" And he also begins to laugh with relief until we hear the said hybrid come into the house. Yoongi and I exchanged glances and looked intensely at a confused Hoseok and motioned him to sit on the couch.
"Hobi, there's something we have to tell you. Yoongi and I like each other and we want to be together but ..." I begin. "But we both like you too and we would like to know if you wanted to join us too ..." Yoongi finish. Hoseok looks at us with no expression, slowly rising, walks in front of us and says.
Note: Hello, it's the author! Sorry I didn't get much inspiration for this chapter! What do you think will be Hoseok's answer? Will someone else appear in the next chapter? Thank you for reading!💜💜😊
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angel-nero · 8 years
I fucking hate when people is rude to artists in here like????? No sense??? Shut up they’re not entitled to make what your ass wants in any sense 😤 you want them to draw what you want or think what it should be????? Pay them 😤they create free content already and are not meant to just satisfy your ass 😠and dont treat them like shit if they commit a mistake
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bettycrocker · 6 years
When did you start writing and what inspired you? I'd really like to know.
uhhh well about that
when i was like 8-11 years old i wrote quizilla fanfiction which if you dont know what quizilla is it was basically a quiz website where you could create quizzes for people to take or just create stories to post and people could read them. the average item you’d see on quizilla was usually readerx[canon character here] stuff basically. so like there’d be shit where you could do a 7 minutes in heaven or spin the bottle thing or just flat out fanfictions with your name as just _____ and live out your dream of being able to do stupid shit with your favorite character
for some weird stupid reason i thought it was the best shit in the world and it highkey inspired me to try doing it on my own because it just seemed like fun you know?? so theres little 10yo me fuckin dishin out weird spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven fiction based specifically around the akatsuki from naruto because it was what i was super into at the time because i was a goddamn weeaboo. eventually i diverged into the “HERES YOU THIS IS WHO YOU ARE HERES A PICTURE OF WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE FOR THIS STORY [insert some generic ass otome game picture here gotten off of photobucket]” which were usually different versions of the naruto universe as a whole hahaaaa......................... one of those things ended up being like 20+ chapters long i think and it was sooooooooooo bad i regret it all
when i was 12 and started using deviantart more for my fanfiction thirst needs i came across a fanfiction writer i really admired someone who wrote a lot of gay and lesbian erotica sweats and i eventually started emulating them and practicing my writing skills while also writing my own stories with my own characters because this was also around the time when i had an english teacher who actually encouraged me to write and be creative instead of just being like “k heres a book read it or dont idc just do whatever” until i just got tired of writing fanfiction around the age of 14 or 15 and did a lot of paragraph based roleplaying instead of exclusively writing fanfiction and i did that from 15 or 16 all the way to now sometime in there i took a creative writing class in high school which really helped me with my own personal world building and at one point we did this weird story writing contest in which all the other classes this teacher had would read the stories and then vote on the best and surprisingly i ended up being 1st place especially since i completely bullshitted the entire thing. the top 3 books were published and put in the school library and the winners were also given copies of the books to keep as momentos or to gift to family members. 
the fanfiction im working on right now is the first one ive written and willingly posted in years and im having actually having a blast while doing it. i didnt really expect any kind of positive or negative reactions out of it i just wanted content for something i currently enjoy, content that i wasn’t personally seeing a whole lot of but i was craving a lot. this is also pretty therapeutic for me since writing seems to help me vent a little bit and helps me calm my nerves quite a bit so uhhhh yeah thats me
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“are you okay?” No but so what! who cares :)
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IM DONE!!! So since I was a little late on a few of my inktobers I decided to do something a little more extra (that took me too long to finish) for the last inktober. I was able to draw all my Halloween friends (and me) in a little profile face theme. And now I’m dead tired hahaaaa so good night
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