#haikyuu friends to lovers
axoxtxhxh · 2 years
Secret Admirer
Kuroo x GN Reader WC: 2k Summary: Valentine’s Day is coming up and all you want is a little bit of snow.
A/N: Yeah, I wrote this a while ago and finally edited haha so it’s completely out of season. Oh well.
“Did you hear about the weather on Friday?” You nudged your elbow into Kuroo’s ribs and he pushed your arm away from him.
You met Kuroo a couple months ago at work when you started a new position. He was always the most helpful and friendliest of all your co-workers and he didn’t even really work in your division which struck you as odd. Either way, quickly a friendship blossomed and you would never admit it to him, but you considered him one of your best friends.
“Do you actually think it’s going to snow?” He questioned with his eyebrow raised.
“You’re always so negative.” An annoyed pout played on your face as you crossed your arms and looked at the rest of the bus riders in front of you.
“I think you mean to say realist,” he corrected.
“No, you’re definitely a pessimist.” You shook your head defiantly at him and his hand went to his chest dramatically.
“The disrespect I withstand for this friendship.” He brushed his hair back theatrically and you had to hold back your laughter. “I’ve never…”
“Fine,” you admitted. “You’re a bit of a realist. Or whatever. But this behavior is exactly why I don’t tell people we’re friends.”
You pointed at him and narrowed your eyes, but he only smiled, holding your gaze shortly before turning to face the front of the bus.
“I need this win, Kuroo,” you said quietly.
“I know.” He nodded, even though you couldn’t see. “You haven’t gotten any more letters?”
“I would have shown you if I did.” You shrugged.
It was about a month before, you started getting small notes in your work locker. Never anything too telling, but it was someone at work that seemed to be interested in you but wasn’t sure how to say it. At first, you felt great about it! Who wouldn’t want to be admired? You would get a note every single day, sometimes twice a day. They would be encouraging and sweet, always putting you in a good mood, but for whatever reason, you hadn’t received any in the last week.
“This is us.” He nudged you and you stood up from the bus seat and made your way to the doors.
Kuroo stood behind you, leaning forward to ring the bell, but even after pushing the button, he stayed there. With his hand on your waist, you could almost feel him leaning forward, pressing himself against you. It was one of these weird moments you always seemed to have with Kuroo that made you question his feelings towards you and if he really only thought of you as his friend. These moments always brought up your own feelings that you then couldn’t shake from your head. Before you even realized it, he had already pulled away as the bus came to a stop and the doors opened for you to get off.
“I’m serious. Don’t get your hopes up about Friday,” he warned, about to separate from you to head to his side of the building.
“What does it matter to you anyway, I know you hate snow.” You laughed and he turned to face you, walking backwards.
“You know I hate seeing you disappointed.” He flashed you a smile and it remained slightly before he turned and left.
Sometimes, but only briefly, Kuroo would let something slip or his hand would linger a bit longer than needed or his gaze would hold and soften as he stared at you. It made you wonder if he was the secret admirer. You were friends before you started getting those notes though, and it didn’t really make sense that he wouldn’t just tell you so it didn’t take long for you to assume the little moments were just part of his personality. It never bothered you either way. Friend or not, you liked having Kuroo in your life.
But without the notes coming though, you were starting to feel bad. What if you had done something to make the admirer mad and stop admiring you? Or what if they moved on? Not the healthiest thoughts considering you really didn’t know who they were, but those notes always made your day a bit better and to be honest, they distracted you and reminded you that there were people out there that thought of you the way you wished Kuroo had.
Regardless of the notes, you really just wanted one day of snow and it was so hard not to get your hopes up when you thought there was a chance. As much as you loved snow, Kuroo was right. There hadn’t been snow on the ground for years. There was no reason for it to be any different than it had been.
Since you’re you though, you did get your hopes up and as Friday came, you waited and waited with nothing, not even rain.
“Don’t,” you warned Kuroo as you got on the bus next to him, finally time to go home. “Don’t say anything.”
“I wasn’t going to.” He laughed quietly. You rode in silence for most of the way until it was your stop and you stood up, but Kuroo didn’t.
“What are you doing? Aren’t we going?” You asked, ready to sit back down.
“You go home. I have something I need to take care of.” He pushed you so you’d walk towards the doors, but you only swatted his hand away.
“I thought we were going to watch a movie at my place tonight.”
“It’s only 4:30. I’ll be there later.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, knowing there was something he wasn’t telling you. He wasn’t very good at lying and you had a feeling if you pried a little, you’d be able to get it out of him.
“What is it that you have to do?” You sat back down, about ready to miss your stop for this information.
“Seriously? I have a life outside of you,” he sighed. He was joking and you knew it, but it still bothered you.
“If you have a date or whatever… I mean, I—I—I don’t, like… I don’t mind.” You stumbled over the words, never realizing how difficult that would have been to say to Kuroo.
“It’s not a date,” he explained and you looked up to see him smiling at you. “You’re going to miss your stop.”
He turned and quickly hit the button and the bus driver halted to a stop, nearly launching you to the doors. Kuroo waved and you stepped of the bus, walking home in a slight daze as you let your mind work through what you were feeling.
Kuroo didn’t like admitting he was wrong. He hated it and most of the time would do everything he could to avoid having to admit it. But this time, he had to admit just how wrong he was when it came to you.
Everything he had guessed about you was wrong. Your personality, your age, your interests, in every way, he was wrong. He was even wrong when it came to your division at work and he spent months pretending he was trying to help you when he honestly had no idea what your job even was. He never complained though because each time he was wrong, he was able to spend more time with you and it was worth it for that.
Except soon after, things changed and whether it happened overtime without him even realizing it or it happened the instant he laid eyes on you, he wasn’t sure. What he did know was that he was completely head over heels for you.
Little moments here and there would remind him of what an idiot he was and how perfect you were and he hated that he waited so long because he had no idea how to tell you or even if he should. Morning and evening bus rides with you were his favorite. Listening to you complain or gush about what had happened in the hours between seeing each other was his favorite way to spend his time before and after work.
As the holidays were approaching, he thought it was the perfect time to tell you how he felt, but things kept going wrong. That’s when he invented the secret admirer.
He would write little notes to you, always putting a small heart on the envelope the same way. Seeing you smile and excited to show him always made him happy. Even then, he got jealous of your excitement over the secret admirer, even though he knew it was him. That’s when he understood he had to tell you. And soon.
You waited in your room, not really sure what to do since you weren’t sure when Kuroo would be on his way over. He was acting weird, you were sure of that. It wasn’t like you expected him to not have other friends or other plans, but you both had been hanging out every Friday night since you met. It was strange that he would make plans on a Friday night knowing that.
You heard a knock at your door and looked at the clock. It was six-thirty. Kuroo definitely took his time finishing up whatever it was that he was doing and you shook your head as you walked to the door, ready to complain to him.
“I am docking your pay for being lat—” You pulled open your front door, but no one was there. Thinking maybe they got the wrong door, you were going to close it, but a note taped to the outside caught your eye.
A note from your secret admirer.
The thought of ‘how do they know where I live?’ should have crossed your mind, but it didn’t. You were too excited to see something to perk up your Friday night that you grabbed it from the wall and ran back to open it up.
Where you expected it to explain where they had been, it only had four words:
“Look outside your window.”
That’s when the thought of ‘how they know where I live’ did cross your mind and you looked to your window nervously, half-expecting someone to be there. You couldn’t really see the ground because you lived on the fourth floor, but you could see something. Something white and fluffy puffing from below.
You made your way to the window quickly and looked outside. A quiet gasp escaped your lips as your heart raced seeing Kuroo smiling next to a snow machine that was working hard to fill the small courtyard area of your apartment complex.
“Do you have a permit for that?” You asked after opening your window.
“Are you going to tell on me if I don’t?” He laughed.
“I’ll consider letting you off with a warning.”
“I appreciate that.” He smiled, biting his bottom lip. “Can you maybe come down here?”
For whatever reason, though you had an idea of what that reason was, you weren’t able to speak and you only nodded, backing away from the window and grabbing your coat. You knew what you were doing, but it was like your mind was in a fog. You were definitely excited and the realization that the secret admirer was Kuroo all along was so far from disappointing. You were grateful. More than grateful, you were relieved. It sounded bad, but in knowing that Kuroo had feelings for you, the fact that you also had feelings for him quickly rushed through your mind and you were happy. So happy that when you opened the doors to the courtyard and saw Kuroo waiting for you with a blanket of snow covering the ground, you were forced to take a deep breath before you could get yourself to walk to him.
Each step you took towards him, Kuroo could feel his heart beating faster and faster, the smile on your face making him worry that it might actually beat straight through his chest and he couldn’t help but laugh at your excitement of feeling the snow under your feet. You took one last step and stood in front of him and anything that Kuroo had rehearsed in saying to you had completely left his mind and all he could see was you.
“You have no idea how much I hoped it was you,” you whispered and Kuroo closed his eyes as you leaned forward and kissed him.
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teamatsumu · 7 months
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wrong twin? (miya atsumu x reader)
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summary: you have a massive crush on miya osamu. so the plan is to get closer to him through his twin brother. it’s genius. it’s bound to work. right?
word count: 3008
warnings: fem!reader, fluff, slight angst, swearing, maybe a dash of humor, atsumu being atsumu, him and reader bicker a lot
tags: @keiva1000
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When you handed in your application to join the Inarizaki High School volleyball club as manager, you had a very clear agenda in mind, but nobody needed to know about that. You had a good knowledge of volleyball, you had good organizational skills, and you were responsible. They accepted your application in a heartbeat, and were none the wiser of your true intentions behind joining the team.
It was only when you cornered their blond setter after practice one day that you actually said the words out loud.
“Ya want me to do what?” He raised an eyebrow, shoving his volleyball shoes into his backpack.
“Help me get close to him!” You whispered in a conspiratorial tone, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to you two. Your eyes lingered on Osamu where he was helping Gin clean up. “You’re his twin brother. You’re closest to him. If we hang out more, that would inevitably mean I get to hang out with Osamu more too. And we can become friends. Eventually, I will get him to fall in love with me.”
Atsumu stared at you with a very distinct ‘what the fuck’ look, but you stared right back, determined.
“Yer insane.” He stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder and making his way to the gym door. You followed behind.
“Please, Atsumu!” You begged, following him out of the gym and down the path leading out of the school.
“No!” He responded, not looking back at you. “Ya wanna get close to him, just go talk to him! Why ya gotta drag me into yer crazy schemes?!”
“I can’t just go talk to him, it would be creepy! I need a way into his circle.”
Atsumu gave you another look. “Oh yeah, what yer saying right now isn’t creepy at all.” Sarcasm dripped from his words.
You huffed, scowling at the back of his blond head. Your eyes caught the lights of the corner convenience store, and you felt an idea forming.
“I will buy you an after-practice snack every day for a year.”
Atsumu stopped short, looking back at you. “Yer bein’ serious?”
You gestured to the store up ahead. “We could start right now. I have money on me.”
His answering grin meant you had a deal.
When you joined the twins for lunch the next day at Atsumu’s desk, Osamu raised an eyebrow.
“It was my idea.” Atsumu explained. “She’s cool so I said we should hang out more.”
Osamu seemed to buy it, shrugging and giving you a welcoming little smile. You felt yourself flush, giddy as you pulled up a chair and sat down next to Atsumu, opposite to his brother.
“Oh sweet, are those pancake rolls?” Osamu asked when you opened your bento. You nodded eagerly.
“I made them myself!” You replied, pushing the box closer to him. “Wanna try?”
You knew Osamu liked food (okay, maybe you had stalked him a little), and even though you sucked at cooking, you had meticulously made your lunch today for this very reason. You couldn’t help your grin when Osamu bit into a roll and moaned at the taste, saying it was delicious. You could feel how hot your face was, even the tips of your ears felt warm. Atsumu rolled his eyes in your periphery but you paid him no mind, striking up a conversation with his brother instead.
“Yer like a different person around him.” Atsumu commented later that evening, when you were sitting on the curb outside the convenience store and he was chowing down on a pork bun you had bought him. The rest of the team had gone ahead, most of them too tired to stop for a snack and just wanting to get to bed as soon as possible.
You sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. He makes me feel things.”
Atsumu chewed for a little bit, watching you stare at the moth circling the streetlight.
You slapped him hard on the bicep at that, making him let out an ‘ow!’. He pouted at you as he rubbed his arm, while all you did was roll your eyes in return.
Lunch became a normal thing with the twins after that. You would wake up at 5am, cook something new that you thought Osamu might appreciate, and you would watch him devour it, praising you for how good it was. One time, Atsumu had gotten curious and tried to reach for a piece of onigiri, making you smack his hand away. He yelped and clutched it.
“What was that for?!”
“You already get a snack out of me every day, Miya. Keep your paws off my lunch.”
Osamu had snickered at that, and your heart had skipped at the sound, effectively forgetting Atsumu even existed as your focus shifted entirely to his brother. Atsumu grumbled but complied, saying something about ‘’s probably not that good anyway’. You paid him no mind.
You got to know Osamu a lot better during your little lunch sessions. He didn’t talk as much as his brother, but he was perceptive, and a great listener. He seemed to balance out Atsumu perfectly, and you could see how close they actually were. You would often giggle at their banter, witnessing the many foul names they would call each other, but knowing they didn’t mean it at the end of the day.
You often went to their house, under the guise of tutoring Atsumu. At first, Atsumu had told you no one would buy it, but you were adamant to try. And you were right. When you told Osamu why you were there, he snorted in response.
“Figures. This dumb fuck needs all the help he can get.”
Atsumu had yelled and tried to swat at his brother, but Osamu expertly dodged him. You had laughed at their antics.
Your study sessions were often spent with you stealing glances at Osamu from the dining table where you and Atsumu were located. He wouldn’t stick around much, preferring to camp out in their shared bedroom, but you still appreciated every glimpse that you got of him when he wandered down to the kitchen for a snack. Atsumu would nudge you with his knee under the table.
“Be a little less obvious, will ya?”
You stuck a middle finger in his face in response. He grabbed your hand and twisted it a bit, just enough to make you yelp and try to push him away.
“Tsumu, you jerk! Let go!”
“Say sorry!”
“Over my dead body!”
Osamu had to break you two apart sometimes, while you glared at each other from either side of him.
At practice, you would stay late when they needed help perfecting their quick attack, throwing balls so Atsumu could set them for Osamu. On the way back, you would buy Atsumu his daily snack and offer to pay for Osamu’s as well, which he always refused.
“Unlike this tool, I’m not shameless enough to let someone else pay fer me.”
With every passing day, you felt that you were getting closer and closer to Osamu. Where you had barely exchanged words before, you two could hold long conversations now, and you especially loved when you ganged up to shit on Atsumu, who would be overdramatic as hell about the insults and act like he just got shot. You couldn’t remember the last time you had laughed so much.
Then, Osamu got a girlfriend.
You didn’t learn about it until you saw a girl at the gym on one random Wednesday. You had raised an eyebrow at her, watching as she looked around for something.
“Can I help you?”
She shook her head. “I’m just looking for Osamu. He left some stuff at my place last night.”
Your brain short circuited. Her place? Last night?
Then he ran over to her. Greeted her and thanked her for bringing his stuff. And then he kissed her.
You were mentally tuned out of practice for the rest of the evening.
When Atsumu walked up to you after practice so you could make your usual trip to the convenience store, you had just silently followed him. You had bought him some yakusoba bread, and you sat on the curb, waiting to walk home after he finished eating.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You finally asked.
Atsumu sighed in return. “Didn’t want ya to get hurt.”
You turned to look at him. His attention was on the bread. “Did you expect me to never find out?”
He shook his head. “I was hopin’ to tell ya after practice. Just couldn’t think of the words.”
For some reason, you felt anger boil up inside you. You stood up abruptly. Atsumu paused his chewing to look up at you.
“I don’t need you to coddle me, Tsumu.” You grit out. “That was not the deal.”
Atsumu didn’t seem fazed by your tone. “Sit down.”
You glared at him. “I’m going home.”
When you turned to leave, you were stopped by his hand reaching up to clutch at the hem of your jacket, pulling you back.
“I know yer hurtin’. Just sit.”
You don’t know why that did it. Tears that had been building up all during practice were set free, rolling down your cheeks. Silently, you sat back down next to him. He didn’t talk as you cried, only shuffling closer until his side was pressed to yours. An unexpected comfort came to you with the contact. You leaned on him, resting your head on your knees, shoulders shaking.
When you had calmed down enough, you wiped your face with your sleeves, sitting up straighter. Atsumu extended his bread to you. You raised an eyebrow.
“When have you ever shared with me before?”
He rolled his eyes. “Ya want it or not?”
The bread seemed to melt in your mouth. Food did make you feel a bit better, but your mind was still on Osamu.
“‘M sorry yer scheme didn’t work out.”
You laughed a bit, taking another bite. “When you call it a scheme, it makes me think it was bound to fail from the start.”
Atsumu shook his head. “Nah. Ya made an effort. I respect that.” He stretched his legs in front of him, leaning back on his hands. “Yer a real catch. Yer smart and yer pretty. Samu’s blind ta not see that.”
You giggled, nudging Atsumu a bit. “Careful, Tsum-tsum. I might think you were falling for me.”
If your emotions weren’t so over the place, and if you hadn’t just tired yourself out from crying so much, you would’ve noticed how the older Miya’s eyes softened.
Getting over Osamu wasn’t easy. Especially after having chased after him for so many months. It didn’t help that his little girlfriend seemed to come around more often, sometimes joining the team during practice. At times like those, you tried to stay as far away from her and Osamu, and that often meant you would find comfort in Atsumu, the only person who knew about your crush.
“What does he see in her anyway?” You voiced out loud, watching her laugh at something Osamu had said. You were sitting on a bench outside the gym with Atsumu, watching the two interact on the other side of the path. The rest of the team still weren’t done with their run. As usual, the twins were the first ones to reach the school.
Atsumu ran a towel over his neck, setting his water bottle down next to him. “Ya need ta get over him.”
You rolled your eyes. “Easy for you to say. You’ve never loved anything except volleyball.”
“Damn right. Has volleyball ever betrayed me? No. So suck it.”
You dug your elbow into his side, making him yelp and grab your head, pushing you away. His hand was massive and covered over half your face, and you struggled to get him off, digging your nails into his forearm.
“Tsumu, you asshole-”
You didn’t even notice when Osamu stared at the two of you, too absorbed in your little squabble.
So yeah, getting over Osamu wasn’t easy, but having Atsumu around helped a ton. Everytime he would see your eyes linger on Osamu too long, he would make some sort of comment, or change the subject, just trying to get your attention anywhere else. Too many times, he would physically grab you and turn you away from his twin, saying something along the lines of how you should be looking at the ‘better twin’ instead.
“Sorry but which one of you decided to dye their hair the color of piss?”
“It’s blond!”
“You ever heard of toner, dumbass?”
And you would grab his hair, messing it up and tugging at it a bit, giggling when he whined about you ruining his ‘hairstyle’. You also knew that Atsumu would kill anyone else who dared touch his hair, and the fact made your heart skip a bit. It also made you think, and once the gears in your head started turning, there was no going back.
Now that the fog of your infatuation with Osamu was lifting a bit, you seemed to notice his twin more. You would watch how Atsumu seemed to almost shield you from anything that reminded you of Osamu. How he had made it a habit after that one evening to always share half his snack with you, no matter how small it was. He would often say out of pocket shit, but rather than annoying you, it seemed to endear you more. It was like these little quips were a part of his charm, and you would giggle along instead of telling him to shut up.
He was awfully touchy too. You suppose he had always been, and you had just never thought about it. But now it seemed like none of his moves went unnoticed by you. He had a habit of gripping your head with one hand and turning your face to his when you weren’t paying attention. It used to annoy the crap out of you but now it made you pause and blink, meeting his caramel colored eyes. He would nudge you and poke you, he would drape an arm over your shoulders and whine about how tired he was. And your cheeks would warm up every time. You were forced to admit it.
You had a thing for Atsumu.
Deep down, you cursed at your luck, almost laughing in incredulity. What a joke this was, having a crush on both twins. But you knew that this was different. You knew this wasn’t just a silly crush.
Atsumu was more. He had always been more.
He hummed in response, indicating he was listening, even if he was busy stuffing a chocolate bar into his mouth. You two were in your usual place, sitting on the curb outside the convenience store, lit up only by the light of the store behind you and the lamp post across the street. You watched his profile, the way his jaw moved when he chewed, his eyes trained before him, his undercut, and his dyed hair falling over his forehead slightly.
He was so painfully attractive. And you had never noticed.
He looked at you finally when you didn’t speak, raising an eyebrow.
“Everythin’ okay?”
You nodded hastily, turning away from him. You heard him pause, wrapping up what was left of his chocolate and placing it next to him before shuffling closer to you.
“Yer lyin’. What is it?”
You let out a laugh, shaking your head. “You can read me so well.”
He shrugged in response, draping his arm over your shoulder. You closed your eyes, mentally accepting how the action now made you feel.
“I did spend the whole year hearin’ ya whine about yer feelings, so yeah. I can read ya pretty well.”
You sighed, turning your head to look at him. At this proximity, you could see the brown swirling in his eyes, and it reminded you of milk chocolate. You were nearly nose to nose with him, and you weren’t nervous at all. With Osamu, you would always be on edge. Your insides would squirm, your heart would race, and oftentimes, you would stumble over your words.
With Atsumu, you felt every muscle in your body relax when he touched you. Despite his chaotic personality and his crude language, Atsumu was so tuned in when it came to you. When you needed it, he was as calm as they come. There was such unprecedented comfort in his presence. When you were around him, it felt like everything would be okay.
“I love you.”
It came out of you involuntarily at that moment. But you weren’t scared to tell him. You should have been, but one look at him this close and all your fears were melting away. When Atsumu gave you a little smile, you couldn’t help but return it.
“I love ya too, sweets.”
His kiss was expected. Soft, slow, perfect. His lips were plush and warm, and he tasted like the chocolate he had just been eating. His arm around your shoulder tightened, and his other hand came up to cup your jaw, tilting your head enough to deepen the kiss. You felt your head buzz, your hands fisting at the front of his shirt and trying to pull him closer, though it was impossible.
You whined in protest when he ended the kiss, making him chuckle slightly. The sound made your lips twitch up a bit, and you ran your eyes all over his face. He hummed in approval.
“There it is.”
You blinked. “What?”
He traced your cheekbone with his thumb. “Ya know how long I’ve wanted ya to look at me like that and not Samu?”
Right. Samu. You had forgotten about him completely the moment Atsumu’s lips touched yours. The thought made you giggle and pull at his jacket collar to tug him close, until his lips were meeting yours again.
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Cool about it. - Kuroo x Male Reader
I recommend looping the song while reading this <3
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Your chest hurt
You're used to the feeling, though it doesn't make it hurt any less
Walking home with Kuroo was a daily occurrence, just like his bragging about the number of confessions he had received that day
He always tries to tease you about how you "get no action (n/n)"
He doesn't know you're gay
You've tried to tell him before, but you chickened out after looking into your bestfriends eyes for a second too long
"And then there was this girl in my chem class............."
Kuroo babbles on
It hurts you
You get that funny feeling in your chest everything he talks about girls
But you never let your facade slip, and continue to pretend that you're interested and support him
By this point, it may as well be method acting
"How come you don't crush on any girls, (n/n)?"
" 'cause I don't like girls."
You didn't even think
It just slipped out
You look up at the taller man with fear in your eyes
But he has a smirk on his lips
"How come you don't have the guys lining up then?" He teases
It didn't affect him whatsoever
Kuroo is a good friend to you, unconditional support no matter what
Anyone would be lucky to have a friend like him, so why did his support kill you on the inside
It gives you butterflies in the worst way possible...
"Hey! Wait for me, (n/n)!" Kuroo shouts from behind you
You tried to escape early today. Your heart couldn't really take more of his girl blabber
"Oh, sorry, Kuroo" you say with a small smile
The walk I again filled with his own talk about girls
But he pauses at one moment
"About what you said yesterday...."
"We don't have to talk about it" you interrupt quickly
You smile up at him and keep walking
Kuroo sighs but smiles back
Truth be told, Kuroo always rejected the girls that asked him out
He had put it down to the fact that a relationship would only add more stress to his life - he already gets only 4 hours of sleep because of his parents fighting
But recently, he's been thinking that he'd also rather spend time with you
And if he were I a relationship, then that would mean he couldn't
But he kept the thought to himself as he walked you home
Lying in bed late at night was something you usually did
But you looked at the alarm clock at said "3:00" in big red numbers and sighed
Those evil butterflies have returned, you'd been thinking about Kuroo again
Tears flowed down your cheeks as you breathed shallowly
You'd wished he was less of a good person
You'd wished that Kuroo would just be cruel about it and drop you after he'd found out you liked guys
But he didn't
He did the bare-minimum but it still made your heart flutter after he'd accepted you so easily
You lie on your side and continue to cry until your ducts are dry
Thinking about Kuroo until you'd fallen asleep
Just 10 minuets away, Kuroo was also awake in bed
Listening as his parents argue about idiotic things
He doesn't want a relationship like theirs
Kuroo's thoughts drift as his parents' argument fades into the background
He doesn't ever want a marriage like his parents. He wants to be friends with his lover
Get to know them really well, as well as he knows you
Then his thoughts drift to thoughts of you
Kuroo really liked you, the two of you clicked immediately when you were sat together in English
He was closer to you than with Kenma, and that's saying a lot
From admiring you as a friend, Kuroo's thoughts moved on to how cute you were
You took his teasing with a blush, and even teased him back sometimes
He then thought about how cute you looked - his type exactly but as a guy instead of a girl
He liked the nicknames you'd given each other, sort of like pet names
After a solid half an hour, Kuroo noticed his parents had gone to sleep and shut up, and that he'd been thinking about you for half an hour...
And his thoughts were definitely not very 'no homo'
A funny feeling filled his stomach as he thought about you again
Kuroo fell asleep finally, but the thought of you didn't leave his mind
School the next day was a little different
Kuroo still met you early in the morning to walk with you, and there was the normal complaining about his parents
He only did that with you, he was comfortable around you
But his blabber about girls was missing, it gave you a well needed break...
During English, you noticed him staring at you a lot
"You good, Roo?" You whisper warmly
His eyes stared into yours for a second too long
"I'm great..." he whispers with a smile, it made your heart pang
You wish you could have him as more than a friend, but it'll pass (you hope)
You'll forget about it.
Break and lunch was normal with the guys, but Kuroo was a lot more touchy with you than normal
An arm around the shoulder was normal, but asking you to feed him as he sat behind you and hugged you was strange
You'd almost had it by the end of volleyball
He kept looking over to you and smirking, it made you feel uneasy
And when one of the guys asked him about the girl in chem
Kuroo responded in a way that made you feel sick yo your stomach
"Nah, I'd rather spend time with (n/n) than her"
You were silent on your way back home, mumbling responses to Kuroo's "are you okay?"s
You felt ill from the mix of emotions
When you felt his hand on yours, you snapped
Your heart was pounding, and your face went pale
Lucky you were both in front of your house and not in the middle of the street
"What do you mean, (n/n)?" Kuroo tries to reach for you and calm you down
"Don't (n/n) me, Kuroo. You've made my day hell today with all the mixed signals... I guess you figured it out and decided to tease me. You've taken it too far!"
Kuroo was worried
Worried to lose you over something he had no idea about, worried that this argument reminded him of his parents, worried him that he may lose you as more than just a friend
"Mixed signals? What do you mean, (y/n)??"
Kuroo was pleading, his face full of sadness and worry
"Don't play dumb... you figured out I like you and... and you're being a dick about it"
Kuroo's world stops
"You... like me?" Kuroo says confused, but then a smile starts to form
"Great..." tears spill from your eyes
"You didn't know and now I've told you. I'm sorry, Kuroo... you can pretend you never heard that." You say as your tears drop onto your shirt and the floor
You rush into your house, locking the door as Kuroo shouts for you to come back put and talk
A day passed by
Kuroo tried to talk to you in the morning, but you shut him down with a short "later"
Everyone noticed the two of you weren't talking
Your day was consumed by him, and vice versa
It felt like you were drowning in the emotions and thoughts of only one thing: Kuroo
By routine, you head over to the volleyball court
"(Y/n) we have to talk"
Your skin crawls and you jump from the surprise
You turn around and see a glum looking Kuroo
"Yeah, we need to talk about it at some point..."
The two of you head towards a more secluded area
Your hearts racing
Your chest is in an indescribable kind of pain
You feel so ill, you might hurl
"I'll start, I guess..." you say quietly
Kuroo stays quiet and listens
"I promise I didn't like like you since the beginning... I did see you as a friend. It's just that for the past year, I've had these feelings that I can't explain"
"I think I know the feeling you're talking about, (n/n).... that panging feeling in your chest and heart"
You feel warm from the nickname
You look into his eyes and smile
"Yeah... those fucking butterflies..."
"I'm sorry that I like you, it's a lot to put on you... plus you like girls so I know it's an impossible situation" you say with a defeated chuckle as your eyes fall to the ground
Kuroo's shout brings your eyes back up to his
"I- I like you too! Or at least... I think so? I've always liked girls but with you... I like you more than any girl I've ever dated! When I think of the kind of relationship I want with someone, I think of the one I have with you! It's all slipped passed me until now but..."
"(Y/n)... I think I'm in love with you!"
Your heart skips a beat
Tears flood your eyes, and you and Kuroo both go in for a hug
Not for a kiss, there's still a lot more talking to do before you can both get the sweet relief of a kiss
But a tight, long hug will do for now
Those evil butterflies have been replaced with good ones
You're chest no longer hurts
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ineedhaikyu · 2 months
Chapter Two
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Summary: Inarizaki vs Karasuno. Foxes vs Crows. A match between two powerhouses competing for the next slot in Nationals and while tensions were high, Karasuno’s ace couldn’t help but look forward to the upcoming match. Or rather he was looking forward to seeing her.
Word Count: 8.9K
Warnings: A long fic with a huge amount of fluff! Once again Asahi's anxiety will be mentioned. Conversations are prolonged between reader and Asahi in order to establish a well-meaning relationship. Brief description of reader's hair.
A/N: PART 2 to Glass-Hearted Ace!! A lot of people wanted a continuation so here it is!! I had so much fun writing this because I absolutely love the adorable craziness that goes on in Haikyu as well as spreading more love to our gentle giant. Let's keep spreading our Asahi love!!
Part 1
3rd POV
Day 2 of Nationals. The second round has already begun with the first match of the day. It wouldn't be long for the next match to start. Karasuno vs Inarizaki. The atmosphere was filled with the same energy of anticipation and eagerness just as it was the other day though multiplied by a hundred.
As this was her third and final year in participating in the Spring Tournament, (L/N) (Y/N) felt confident enough to say she was calm and collected. (Y/N) smiled to herself when she compared her younger first-year self to now. Back then, she was such a nervous wreck. Always getting lost on her way to the restroom or the time she followed the wrong team to the WRONG gym. (It wasn’t her fault that the team wore the same maroon jackets. Good thing that happened in her first year otherwise Suna and the Miya twins would never live it down.)
(Y/N) shook those thoughts away and continued her way to the gym where her team was preparing for their match. She was only gone for a few minutes as she had to fill up the water bottles, but knowing the second-years (Y/N) knew it was only a matter of time before something happened. Luckily, the Karasuno volleyball team hadn't arrived yet when she left but perhaps they have already.
The familiar warm feeling returned at the thought of seeing Karasuno’s team. More specifically the team’s ace. Azumane Asahi. The same guy that caught her eye when he played volleyball. The same guy she met yesterday who saved her from getting hurt. The same guy that made her believe in the lyrics of all those love songs.
(Y/N) wanted to say she was a good judge of character and she had a good feeling about Asahi.
A sweet guy, every bit of a gentleman. Very cute too. Every time his soft brown eyes met with hers, she swore it reminded her of a cute puppy. His smile didn’t bring a few butterflies in her stomach… No. They brought a swarm. Each flap of their metaphorical wings gave her the shivers but the grin on her lips never left when she was with him. Even his hair played a part of her enchantment on him. It’s not often to see guys with long hair, but Asahi pulled it off amazingly well especially when he has it in a man bun. Despite his tough guy appearance, Asahi was a gentle giant with a glass heart. In the little time she knew him, (Y/N) hoped she was able to help him realize his self-worth.
God. It hasn’t been 24 hours and not once has Asahi left her mind. They texted each other last night for almost two hours. The conversation between them flowed so easily. Just like before, (Y/N) enjoyed talking to him. Not once had he made her uncomfortable. Quite the opposite actually.
The next morning she woke up early enough to do research on Karasuno’s team. While Inarizaki’s motto was: we don’t need the memories, (Y/N) couldn’t help but see how Karasuno was like from their past matches. They’re different from any other teams they’ve competed against. Besides, it was nice matching names with faces. Luckily, someone made ‘I’m Awesome’ videos of Karasuno’s starting lineup. She’ll admit whoever made these videos was good as they depicted amazing receives to jaw-dropping spikes.
She recognized Daichi, Suga, and Asahi immediately. Their libero, Nishinoya Yū, looked high caliber and so was their setter. She’ll keep her opinions to herself on Kageyama; she didn’t need Atsumu hearing her say that. They’ll have to keep a lookout on Karasuno’s #10, Hinata Shoyo. He’s on the short side considering he’s a middle blocker but judging by the video, the first-year is full of surprises.
Then again, the Inarizaki volleyball team has a few tricks up their sleeves too.
“Ah. Look, it's her!”
“(Y/N)- senpai!”
“Over here!”
The said manager snapped back to reality and was confronted by the usual crowd of fans in front of her. Inarizaki always show their pride with each event but with volleyball, they took it to another level. Then it doubled with the arrival of the Miya twins. Their popularity soared to new heights and as a result the marching band, cheerleaders, and several students took part in Nationals. Both a blessing and a curse.
The curse part? Well, as much as she loved her school’s support, the fangirls… Well…
“(Y/N)-senpai! Can you give this to Atsumu?!”
“Oh, please give these chocolates to Osamu! I made them last night!”
“(Y/N), is there any way I can get a picture with Suna? Please!”
Yeah… This was pretty much the usual for her but this time it was going too far. Girls ranging from first-years to third-years were blocking the entrance to the gym. She recognized some as fellow classmates but others she was almost positive they came from other schools. And they were all trying to catch a glimpse of their favorite player.
Despite the hectic scene in front of her, there were two girls that caught her attention.
One of them looked the same age as her with beautiful black hair that reached her shoulders and fair skin complexion except for the beauty mark underneath her lower lip. Her gray eyes seemed to sparkle behind her thin framed glasses. The other girl looked visibly younger with her petite frame and blonde hair that was styled with a star hair clip. Right away (Y/N) knew that the girl was a first-year. She could see the way the girl was trembling at the sight of the crowd.
They didn’t look like they were a part of the crowd, but they did look troubled. That’s when she noticed they were carrying water bottle carriers just like her. They must be the Karasuno team’s managers. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, (Y/N) decided to go talk to them.
The older girl noticed her first. She stepped in front of the blonde girl as if shielding her. (Y/N) didn’t let that get to her. Instead, she smiled and introduced herself.
“Hi. I’m (L/N) (Y/N). I’m the manager for the Inarizaki team. Are you two the managers for Karasuno?”
The two girls glanced at one another before nodding in unison.
“My name is Shimizu Kiyoko. Third-year.”
“I-I’m Y-Yachi H-Hitoka! F-First-year m-manager! I-It’s very n-nice t-to m-meet y-you!”
“Hey, there. No need to be scared of me. I’m just a manager, just like you.” (Y/N) tried her best to console the first-year’s anxious nature. It was almost like deja-vu with Asahi. “Are you excited for today?”
Kiyoko nodded, finally feeling at ease with her. “The team has worked hard to get to this point.”
“I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so nervous!” Hitoka added while trying to fan herself in order to cool down her face. “But the team is excited to play against the team that placed second place in the last Interhigh!”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “You’ve done your research. I’m impressed. But don’t worry, we still have some tricks under our sleeves. We know we’re up against a great team.”
The Karasuno managers felt the same warm feeling coursing underneath their skin at the compliment.
“Does that mean you’ve done research on our team?” Kiyoko asked.
(Y/N) nodded. “Of course. I like to be prepared.” Her cheeks began to warm up when she thought of Karasuno’s ace. “You two have impressive players on the team. Are they in the gym?”
“Yes. They’re practicing right now. We went to get some water for the match when this happened.” Kiyoko gestured to the sea of girls in front of them.
“We tried to get through but they’re scary!” Hitoka was practically shaking in her shoes. “The first match is already playing their second set.”
“Man! I swear time flies around here. Come on, I’ll help you through.” (Y/N) gestured to the girls to follow her. “We can’t let our teams forget us.”
“Are you sure?” Kiyoko asked her. “We can find another way.”
(Y/N) shook her head and gave them a carefree grin. “This is the best way into the gym. Trust me, I’ll get us in there.”
“W-Why a-are you h-helping us?” Hitoka stuttered out. “A-Aren’t you scared of them?”
“Well us managers have to stick together, right? And trust me, after dealing with the Miya twins for a year, these girls don’t scare me.”
Taking her word for it, the pair of Karasuno managers followed her. As expected the crowd of girls showed no sign of parting, in fact, it has grown in number. Kiyoko and Hitoka were waiting for (Y/N) to politely ask the girls to move aside, like they did before, but the Inarizaki manager did something quite unexpected.
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder and smiled, “Cover your ears.”
The girls obeyed. Lucky for them. Unlucky for the fangirls.
Because (Y/N) let out the loudest whistle anyone had ever heard. A series of groans and shrieks were heard from the fangirls. Then they all had turned to face the managers.
“(Y/N)-senpai? What was that for?!” One of the fangirls that she recognized as an underclassman.
“Oh, come on guys. I warned everyone last time this would happen.” The manager told them, not an ounce of fear in her voice as she addressed the crowd.
“B-But we just want to see the twins practice!” A girl holding a hand fan with the words ‘Miya Twins’ on it. “We aren’t doing anything wrong.”
“The boys need to warm up. You’ll see them on the court. Do yourselves a favor and find good seats to watch and cheer from.”
“Aww but (Y/N)!” They complained.
“You guys know the rules. Now, please, let me and my friends,” She stepped aside to reveal her new manager friends, “get into the gym. We need to do our jobs as managers. Don’t make me tell Kita-san and have him ban all of you from watching practice matches in the future.”
At the mention of the serious captain and under the threat of closed practices, the fangirls dispersed quickly. Some had the sense to apologize and others wished them good fortune on the upcoming match.
“W-Wow.” Hitoka said in awe. “You knew exactly what to do. That’s amazing.”
Kiyoko agreed before asking, “Does this happen a lot?”
(Y/N) let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Yeah… They’re big fans of the team and they mean well but sometimes their excitement can take it too far. As Inarizaki’s manager, sometimes I feel responsible for their behavior.” She bowed her head and continued on. “I apologize on their behalf for any trouble they may have caused you two.”
The youngest manager out of the three was speechless at the older girl’s sincere words in her apology. They’ve only known the Inarizaki manager for like ten minutes but she proved herself to them that she’s a kindhearted yet self-assured person. One look at her senpai and Yachi knew that they were thinking the same thing.
What Yachi didn’t know, Shimizu was smiling for a different reason. Yesterday, she accidentally overheard her fellow third-years talking. She didn’t mean to listen in and she was about to leave when the topic of the conversation caught her attention. Apparently, a girl caught her friend Asahi’s eye. A girl from the Inarizaki team that, according to Suga, sounded like the perfect girl for her anxious friend. So when the girl’s name came up, (Y/N), Shimizu wanted to see for herself what the girl was like.
Now that she has, Shimizu can see how and why Asahi would fall for her.
“Don’t apologize,” Kiyoko finally spoke up and offered the girl a kind smile. “Sometimes, these things happen.”
“You sure? I mean, this might happen again when we have to go into the main gym. There are some fans of the Miya twins that can be a bit… Fierce. If you want, I can help out. It’s no trouble at all.”
Kiyoko shook her head. “It’s okay, (Y/N). We can handle it. Right, Hitoka-chan?”
The first-year nodded eagerly. “Yeah! We’ll be okay. The guys on our team can be scary too. Ah! I need to tell the team that the first match is already in the second set. It was very nice to meet you!”
The third-year managers watched in amusement as she scurried into the gym. (Y/N) smiled before facing Kiyoko. She offered her hand for a handshake and said, “I know it’s customary for players to shake hands before and after the match, but I do it too with the managers. Let’s have a good game.”
Kiyoko took her hand and squeezed. “May the best team win. No hard feelings, right?”
(Y/N) laughed and nodded. “I like you, Shimizu, but yeah, no hard feelings at all.”
“Please call me Kiyoko.”
~Meanwhile inside the gym, ten minutes earlier~
‘Where is she?’ Asahi thought as his eyes searched the other side of the court. ‘Is she hiding from me? Did he say something that scared her away? What if he creeped her out last night when they texted each other?’
“Yo Asahi!” Suga’s energetic voice scared him back to reality. “Are you looking for someone?”
He didn’t miss his friend’s teasing tone that laced his words nor the way his eyes shined in amusement. Leave it to Suga to tease the hell out of him. Last night, for example, was too much. Even after he told his friends about his time with the Inarizaki manager, Suga still wanted to know everything, down to the last detail. Luckily, Daichi took pity on him and reeled Suga back on a somewhat normal level of interrogation.
But that didn’t mean he was going to drop the subject completely.
“I can’t find (Y/N).” He admitted to his friend. “Have you seen her?”
“Hmm. Not yet. But I wouldn’t worry too much. Her team’s here so I’m sure she’s somewhere around here. She’s their manager after all.” Suga clapped his shoulder. “But if you really want to know where (Y/N) is, why don’t you go ask her teammates?”
Suga pointed to the nearby Inarizaki members that were practicing their spikes. He recognized the Miya twins and Inarizaki’s ace, Ojiro Aran. And while he saw how they played from previous matches last night, it didn’t ease the anxiety clawing its way around his heart. It also didn’t help when one of the wing spikers turned the set into a powerful spike. The impact of the ball being slammed to the floor echoed throughout the gym.
Just the very action scared Suga’s suggestion out the window. There was no way he was going over there and ask about their manager! If they were anything like Tanaka or Nishinoya, then he’ll be ripped to shreds.
“N-No way!” He stuttered out a reply and waved his hands in front of him. The slight blush on his face was becoming more visible by each second. “But I’m worried. What if something happened to her?”
“Her who?” Daichi asked as he came up from behind them. “What’s going on?”
Suga answered before he could. “Well, our dear old ace here, is worried that his crush is somewhere out there dying without him knowing. And he’s too scared to ask her friends where she is.”
Karasuno’s captain chuckled and patted Asahi on the back. “Quit worrying. I know you saved her yesterday, but this isn’t a little girl you’re talking about. She can hold her own. After all, this isn’t her first time here in Nationals.”
“See, Asahi?” Suga, clearly amused by this whole conversation, told him. “There’s nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t be surprised if she walked through those gym doors right now.”
He pointed to the entrance and they followed it only to see a swarm of girls trying to catch a glimpse inside the gym.
“You mean those doors?” He asked his friend. “They look ready to burst in here.”
“Who are they?” Daichi asking the question everyone was wondering.
“Judging by the hand fans, I think they’re fans of the Miya twins. They must be really popular to have this many. That’s annoying.” Suga muttered the last part with a pout.
“Can anyone get through?” Asahi wondered as he avoided eye contact with the girls. Something about them unnerved him somehow even if they wore bright smiles and loud cheers. “They look vicious.”
“They’re fans, not witches.” Daichi stated. “I’m sure they’re nice. After all, they're showing their support to their team.”
“Let it go, Daichi. Asahi is only like this because he misses his dream girl.” Suga jested. “He’s going into withdrawal.”
“I was just hoping to see her. She texted me-”
“Woah! Woah! Texted?! When did this happen?” asked Suga, his eyes wide with this new information. “You’re at the texting-each-other stage?!”
“Was that who you were texting last night?” Daichi asked him.
“What?!” Suga exclaimed. “Daichi, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were asleep and I was tired.” The captain defended. “And it isn’t my business who Asahi texts. He’s old enough to make his own decisions… That being said, what did you guys talk about?”
“You didn’t tell her our secret weapons, did you?” Suga whispered his question, referring to all the tricks they perfected in the past few months.
“(Y/N) isn’t like that, Suga. She didn’t squeeze any information out of me. We picked up where we left off and talked about normal stuff. We thought it was better than to talk about the match between our schools.”
“And what did you guys text about?” The vice captain pressed, eager to know more.
For some reason, Asahi couldn’t help but recall how he initiated the conversation with the pretty manager from Inarizaki. Actually it was more like he couldn’t believe he was texting with (Y/N) last night. It felt unreal, like a dream. After reading her note, he remembered how hard his heart was beating and how warm his cheeks grew.
Ever since she mentioned it in her note, admitting how he made her nervous, Asahi took some comfort that he can do the same to her and vice versa.
Though, she did prove herself to be bravely spontaneous when she wrote the note and after texting with her last night, he hoped he could do the same. One of his many concerns since starting high school was that girls in his class were always disappointed after finding out his timid personality didn’t match his physical appearance. He’ll never forget the time when one of the girls called him a wuss. It was years ago but the girl’s remark was like a stab wound in the back. It healed over time but it still made its mark on his self-image.
Luckily, (Y/N) wasn’t like any of the girls in his class. She’s so kind when she bought him a shirt as a gift. She’s so understanding when she patiently listened to his problems. She showed compassion when she offered some advice to help ease the anxiety that almost suffocated him. Then there was that beautiful confidence she had in herself. He liked that about her and while he just met (Y/N) yesterday, he wanted to prove to her that he can be confident too.
That’s why he’s been looking for her. He wanted to be the first to greet her. It might not seem like a big deal to others, but it was to him.
‘Baby steps,’ He thought when he was second-guessing himself. ‘What was that saying? Rome wasn’t built in a day. Well, that applies here too. Bit by bit, confidence will grow.’
“Asahi? Earth to ace?”
“You zoned out there for a second.” A smirk appeared on Suga’s face. “Must be quite a conversation you had with her. Wouldn’t you say Daichi?”
It was always nerve-wracking to have both Daichi and Suga tease him. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if the captain joined in on the teasing. But to his surprise, Daichi clapped him on the back causing him to huff a bit under his breath.
“Well, I think (Y/N) is the kind of girl that can make our dear ace invincible. Make sure to show what you’re made of during this match.”
“Yeah!” Suga encouraged, his hand clapping the ace’s free shoulder. “Let her see how awesome you are on the court.”
“No pressure or anything.” Daichi added, his smile matching Suga’s teasing grin.
“None at all!” Suga piped in. “Just remember she’ll be watching you when it’s your turn to serve. Don’t mess up!”
“You guys aren’t helping!” He yelled at his friends. His face burned in embarrassment.
Daichi and Suga laughed but before anyone could say another word that could cause further humiliation for the ace, Asahi’s saving grace came in the form of their first-year manager running into the gym. He thanked whatever deity who was watching over this episode that spared him from further teasing from his friends.
“The first match is in the middle of their second set.” Hitoka informed them.
Daichi nodded and clapped his hands together. In a loud voice, he announced, “Alright, guys. Let’s get into our uniforms.”
Following the captain's orders, Asahi grabbed his alternate orange jersey and placed it over a nearby chair. He looked across the gym and saw the Inarizaki players putting on their uniforms as well. Still no sign of (Y/N).
“Hitoka-chan, wasn’t Shimizu with you?” Suga asked.
The first-year nodded. “We made a new friend just now. She helped us out when we couldn’t get into the gym. I think she’s still talking to her by the doors.”
Asahi tuned out their conversation as he took off his shirt. In his head, he had to concentrate on calming down his nerves. The scariest moments of his life played like an endless nightmare. Like the time when he was a kid and he had to show his parents the bad grade on his report card. Or the time he wanted to pet the neighbor’s puppy but ended up getting chased by the puppy’s mother. Or how Date Tech’s iron wall blocked every single spike; shaking him to the core so much that he temporarily stopped playing volleyball.
The whirlpool of anxiety and dread arrived on schedule in his stomach. Was it getting harder to breathe? Was the air getting warmer? Or was he getting colder? Yeah, no. He was definitely getting colder. His hands felt like a block of ice. Was he this nervous during the Shiratorizawa match? Probably. He made a mental note to trace 人 on his hand, hoping it was enough to settle down his nerves.
He threw his jersey on and was just about to fix his loose hair strands when he heard a familiar laugh coming from the entrance. He looked up to see Kiyoko laughing along with another girl. It was only a glance, a quick one, when he did a double take. He couldn’t believe it.
(L/N) (Y/N), the girl that caused his brain cells to go on a roller coaster ride, was standing there in all her beauty.
She was having a conversation with Kiyoko and by the looks of it, she must have said something funny because it made his usual shy and quiet manager laugh a little. Now he was 100% convinced that (Y/N) had a natural aura that eased people on friendly terms if she was able to hold an amiable conversation with Kiyoko.
Not to mention her smile that complimented her eyes that seemed to shine in excitement. Or how her hair was styled a bit different from yesterday. This time her hair was pinned back from her face with two small side braids connected together where it fell in rhythm with the rest of her hair. It looked cute on her, lovely even. Should he mention that to her or would that be too weird?
“Ow!” Asahi turned around to find the culprit who slapped the (for lack of a better word) living shit onto his back. Nishinoya didn’t have an ounce of shame or regret in his eyes. Quite the opposite actually as the libero was smiling ear to ear. “Nishinoya? What was that for?”
With no remorse, the second-year player ignored the question and asked several of his own. “That’s her, right? The Inarizaki manager? The one who’s talking to Kiyoko-san? The girl you like?”
He could feel his ears begin to burn. “H-How did you know?”
“That’s not important.”
Asahi begged to differ as he thought it made a world of difference now that Nishinoya knows about his crush.
With his arms crossed in front of his chest, the libero continued, “What are you doing standing here? Go over there and talk to her! Be a man!”
“I-It’s not that simple. I need to build myself up before I talk to her. And then I need to think of a topic that we can talk about. Then what type of questions I should ask-”
“Oh come on Asahi! You have to stop acting like a cowardly wimp. Man up and go! She’s right there!”
“J-Just give me a second and I will.”
Nishinoya was just about to retort back when he realized something. This was the first time Asahi was nervous, visibly and mentally, for a girl. Well, scratch that. Asahi was always nervous around girls but this was the first time he seemed to actively try to impress someone. Like the way he repeatedly made sure his jersey was tucked in, double-knotted his shoelaces, and double-checked his hair was safely tied in his usual bun.
So he did what any good friend would do. “You look great, Asahi.”
With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, the ace stood up straight. “You think so?”
“Personally, I don’t care about what other people think about my looks.”
Asahi physically deflated at those words. If only he could borrow some of his friend’s confidence.
“But then again I’m awesome.”
The ace couldn’t argue with that one. But before he could wallow in a pool of anxiety and dread, the libero’s next words saved him from drowning. Along with a strong slap on the shoulder that could echo throughout the gym.
“You’re awesome too. You’re the ace of our team. Take pride in that.”
Asahi took his friend’s words to heart as he stood up a bit straighter. He glanced up to look at (Y/N) who looked breathtaking while wearing her maroon Inarizaki jacket. If only she wore a black Karasuno jacket… He could just imagine the alternate dimension where she could have been a classmate, a close friend, or even something more.
“I… I don’t want to mess this up, Noya.”
Concerned, Nishinoya asked, “How would you mess up?”
“I don’t know! Anything could happen. With my luck, I could trip over myself in front of her. I want to be confident and go over to her and say hi-””
“Alright. Then let’s go.”
Asahi’s mind froze. “What?”
“You heard me. Let’s do what you said and walk up to your girlfriend-”
“She’s not my girlfriend!”
Nishinoya rolled his eyes but the grin on his face showed no sign of leaving. “Fine. The girl you wish to be your girlfriend. We’ll go together. You’ll say hi and introduce me to her because I want to know what kind of girl makes you act this way.”
Asahi could feel his face turning red. “Okay, let’s go. But please don’t say anything embarrassing. Daichi and Suga did enough of that yesterday.”
His friend laughed loudly before slapping his shoulder. “You really need to grow a backbone off the court, especially if you want to impress your crush. But don’t worry, I have your back.”
(Y/N) felt as if she met her long-lost sister through Karasuno’s manager. Kiyoko definitely could relate to the ups and downs that comes with managing a group of boys (especially rowdy second-years). But she admired her commitment. Being a third-year, specifically attending Nationals, it was their last chance to help their respective team to make it to the top.
“So, how are you feeling about being here?” She asked as they sat down on a nearby bench. They still had time before the ongoing match ended. Why not take the opportunity and spend time with her new friend?
“It’s unreal. Sometimes it feels like a dream. A lot of people doubted us since we were a forgotten powerhouse. We were devastated when we lost in the third round of the Interhigh to Aoba Johsai. Our only chance to get to Nationals was to win all our matches.”
“Woah, I can only imagine the pressure your team had on their shoulders. More so on the third-years.” She took a chance to look for Asahi. Her eyes automatically found him and she couldn’t help but smile. It looked like he was having a conversation with the libero. “How did you guys manage all that?”
Kiyoko shrugged her shoulders but she had a faint smile before answering, “It was rough. But we didn’t want to give up on volleyball. Not when there was a chance to make it here. It was a risk. Our advisor warned us third-years to take our future into account before we made our decision.”
“And now you guys are here! I have to give you and your team respect, Kiyoko.”
Kiyoko laughed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thanks. It’s been a journey and we’re ready to play against the best.”
“Trust me the feeling is mutual.”
“Speaking of feelings,” Kiyoko began with a teasing tone. “I’ve heard there’s a guy on my team that caught your eye.”
(Y/N) let out a nervous laugh as she looked away. “He told you?”
“Not directly but Daichi and Suga weren’t exactly keeping it down about it. Asahi is usually quiet. But he sounded happy when he talked about you. I think you helped him in more ways than one because I’ve never heard him sound so confident.”
“Really?” She couldn’t help but smile widely. “You're not just saying that, are you?”
Kiyoko shook her head. “I don’t know what you told him but it looks like he took it to heart.”
“I just spoke the truth. He helped me so it’s only fair that I helped him too. He’s a gentle giant that needs a boost in confidence.”
“Do you like him?”
“Well… It’s too soon to tell but I think so. Asahi is not like any other guy I’ve met. I just want a chance to get to know him more and vice versa.”
“So like a date before the actual date?”
“Exactly!” It was like Kiyoko and her were on the same wavelength. “Is that too weird? Or is it stupid? I mean, I just met him yesterday and so far he seems like a great guy but like… I’m nervous. He makes me nervous and… Shoot. I’m sorry for rambling.”
“Hey, it’s reasonable to think and feel that way. Take it from me, Asahi really is a good guy. He can be a scaredy-cat sometimes and can be insecure about a lot of stuff but he really means well.”
“I saw that side of him yesterday. He’s the type to shoulder all the blame, isn’t he?” (Y/N) asked.
Kiyoko nodded. “He’s still our ace and he’s been working harder than ever to prove it.”
(Y/N) remained silent, taking in all the information Kiyoko told her. She looked for Asahi again and smiled when she saw him getting clapped on the shoulder by the libero.
“Does that bother you?” Kiyoko asked, a hint of worry in her voice.
Confused, (Y/N) furrowed her brow before asking, “What do you mean?”
“Does it bother you that Asahi is the ace but he doesn’t have an ace-like presence?”
While Kiyoko hated asking the question she believed it was an important one. Girls can be ruthless. She heard the gossip from other girls and how they talk about Asahi behind his back. Calling him a wimp or how he was a part of a gang. As Asahi’s friend, she felt it was her responsibility to see if the girl he has a crush for is actually genuine in her feelings towards him. Because as much as she enjoyed (Y/N)’s company, Kiyoko will choose to defend Asahi over her.
“Should that be important? If anything, it goes to show how different Asahi is. When I saw him play yesterday, I knew he was an amazing ace but when I talked to him and got to know him… I saw a guy who’s not ashamed to admit his insecurities and who’s not scared to admit his feelings. I respect that. And after what you told me of what you guys have gone through, I know Asahi will show his self-worth on the court and show everyone why he’s the ace. So who cares that he doesn’t have the traditional personality of an ace? I think he’s already brave.”
Kiyoko smiled at her. That was the answer she’s been hoping for and (Y/N) delivered it. Her (E/C) eyes matched the conviction in her voice and Kiyoko loved it. Not to mention, the timing was absolutely perfect and she thanked the gods that (Y/N) didn’t notice the two people behind her.
Oh god. She could feel her heart falling to her stomach when she heard her name in that deep voice that made her feel everything all at once. Her face became warm in seconds and she didn’t dare move an inch. It wasn’t until Kiyoko let out a small cough that brought her from cloud nine back to the gym.
(Y/N) took a moment to center herself before turning around to see Asahi. His chocolate brown eyes met hers and she swore the butterflies from her stomach danced between her ribs.
“A-Asahi-san! Hey!”
She quickly stood up, a bit too fast as she accidentally knocked her team’s water bottles out of the carrier. Embarrassed, (Y/N) fell to her knees and grabbed the nearest bottle.
“S-Sorry about this.” (Y/N) didn’t dare look up as she already embarrassed herself in front of her crush and his friends.
“N-No! Don’t apologize. It was an accident.” Asahi kneeled, grabbing the last bottle before handing it to her. His breath hitched ever so softly when her fingertips touched his hand. It was as if the rest of the gym faded away. Being so close to (Y/N), he saw how her eyes were beautiful as he remembered. He swore it was no trick of the light that her eyes seemed to shine like stars in the night sky.
(Y/N) felt so self-conscious about how close she was to Asahi. She hoped she looked okay in his eyes. Usually she wouldn’t care so much on how she looked, but the idea was thrown out the window when she met Karasuno’s ace. His long hair was once again in a bun but this time it was neatly in place, a perfect bun any woman or man could be jealous of. The small scruff of facial hair on his chin suited him very well, giving him a sort of wild, intimidating appearance.
But she knew better because Asahi was an adorable giant with a large and gentle heart. If she was being honest, his presence was like springtime coming to wash away winter’s snow. His warmth was… Indescribable.
How was it possible for him to be that handsome yet so adorable at the same time?
The moment was interrupted when someone cleared their throat. Loudly. (Y/n) looked up to see the libero, Nishinoya, with a large grin. His eyes were bright with excitement and amusement. She can immediately tell that this guy was the mischievous and energetic type. As they stood up, she could have sworn she saw Asahi blush.
“(Y/N), this is my friend Nishinoya Yū. He’s a second-year and the libero of our team.”
While he maintained a normal composure, Asahi was mentally beating himself up. ‘Why would you say that?! She’s a volleyball manager!! Of course, she knows that Nishinoya is a libero! She has eyes. She can see that he’s wearing a different color jersey! Asahi, you’re such an IDIOT!’
While the ace was mentally berating himself, (Y/N) formally introduced herself to his friend. During her introduction, Nishinoya could only gawk. When he heard from Suga and Daichi about his friend Asahi finally having a lucky break encounter with a girl, he couldn’t be happier for the ace. And it didn’t take a genius to see how hard Asahi fell for her.
“By the way, I’ve watched those ‘I’m Awesome’ videos.” (Y/N) brought up and immediately caught the attention from both boys. “That match with Shiratorizawa when you made a double save against Ushijima was so cool. It was so amazing that I had to replay it like five times. I even showed it to our own libero and he literally took my phone out of my hands.”
Nishinoya beamed. “Really?”
His chest swelled up with pride and the thought of another libero studying his techniques was just the icing on the cake, but to have a pretty girl, like (Y/N), praise his skills… Well that’s the cherry on top. He liked her already.
“And Asahi, you were amazing too. The way you were able to smash through Shiratorizawa’s defenses was unreal!”
The warm and fuzzy feeling from his chest exploded and it was as if all the heat rushed to his face. Asahi was sure his whole face was red. He tried to stammer out a reply but Nishinoya beat him to it.
“I know right!” He slapped Asahi’s shoulder repeatedly. “He went head to head against one of the best aces in the country and helped lead our team to victory. We wouldn’t be here without him.”
“T-That’s not t-true-”
“Of course it is!” Nishinoya looked back at the girl who was chuckling at their interaction. “Ignore that. He’s so humble whenever someone compliments him.”
Her eyes met Asahi’s and gave him a knowing smile. Although this was her second encounter with Karasuno’s ace, (Y/N) noticed the trend of Asahi’s friends building him up and teasing him at the same time. She had to stop herself from laughing at the lack of subtlety amongst them. Still, it was cute to see Asahi this way.
“Well,” (Y/N) began, her hand casually tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Asahi was listening intently. “Then I bet this next compliment is going to be unbearable because I thought you looked great during that match. It makes me wish I was there to see you guys play live.”
Nishinoya grinned. “Don’t worry, (Y/N)-san. You won’t be disappointed with our match. Asahi, here, will make sure of that. Right, Asahi? Oh, did I mention how-”
Kiyoko, who was silently watching the entire interaction, noticed the slight panic in Asahi’s eyes. She knew the libero means well but there were times he can take things a bit too far.
“Nishinoya, can you help carry this for me?”
“Anything for you, Kiyoko-san! I’ll follow you forever!”
Asahi was about to stutter out his friend’s name when he saw Kiyoko give a little head gesture towards (Y/N), subtle enough so she wouldn’t see it.
‘This is your chance, Asahi.’ That was the message she was telling him as Kiyoko led Nishinoya away. ‘Don’t mess up.’
“So, um, (Y/N)? H-How are you? You know, with everything?” Asahi could feel the goosebumps traveling up and down his arms at how cringy he felt.
The dark cloud of self-doubt and worry that plagued Asahi this morning has evaporated into thin air the moment she smiled at him. How was she able to put him at ease like that?
“So far, so good. I'm a bit nervous for today. Not the bad kind of nervous but the excited kind, you know?”
Asahi nodded as he knew exactly the feeling (Y/N) was talking about. He was feeling it right now! “I know that feeling very well. I feel it almost everyday.”
(Y/N) chuckled before replying, “At least, you’re honest, Asahi. Most guys usually lie about their feelings.” She glanced back at her own team where she saw Atsumu arguing with his twin, probably over something stupid.
“Well someone did tell me that it wasn’t a bad thing to express my feelings. I’m just following her good advice.”
The smile she gave him was like no other to know that Asahi was really taking her words to heart. Words can’t describe how happy this made her nor the warm feeling she felt stir in her chest.
“So, are you ready to play against us?” (Y/N) asked the ace in an effort to keep the conversation going. “Because we’ve been looking forward to this match.”
“It’s a bit nerve-racking that we’re playing against the team that placed second in the Inter-High. You have great players on your team.”
(Y/N) waved her hand in dismal with a shake of her head. “Oh don’t let that rattle you, that was yesterday.” Her school’s motto rings true in her words. “Besides, I’ve done my research. Karasuno isn’t like it was before. Your team has cool players too and that includes you. All you can do today is challenge yourself.”
Asahi couldn’t help but smile at her. “You’re just full of good advice, aren’t you?”
She beamed while tossing her hair over her shoulder in a joking manner. “I’d like to think so. But seriously, Asahi,” Her hand gently touched his bicep and Asahi didn’t shrink away. “How are you really feeling?”
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes looking up to him, patiently waiting for his response.
“I haven’t told anyone so d-don’t make fun of me but… I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’m scared of failing. I’m scared to drag the team down. I’m scared to lose the trust my team has in me as the ace. I mean, I’ve watched the Inarizaki clip last night and I can’t help to compare-”
Asahi stopped talking when he felt a pair of warm hands wrap around his cold ones. The blush from before came back in full force. (Y/N)’s hands were small and so soft compared to his yet it was enough to calm his fast beating heart. With her holding his hands, it reminded Asahi of the time when Kiyoko held Suga’s hands during the fifth set of the Shiratorizawa match. He remembered how he, Daichi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka became jealous towards the vice captain. Now he was in Suga’s position and with (Y/N) holding his hands, Asahi understood the feelings Suga went through that day.
“Listen to me, Asahi, what you’re feeling right now… That’s normal, okay? You’re not the first ace to feel this way and even if you are the first that just goes to show how considerate you are to your teammates. I can tell you worked hard and you have skilled, trustworthy teammates. That’s why you’re here in Nationals, remember? You earned your spot on the team as the ace and I understand you carry a burden on your shoulders, but you’re not alone. You have your team with you.”
Asahi opened his mouth but no words came out. It was as if (Y/N) took his ability to talk. He felt enlightened in a way. He was pushed so much in the darkness by his own self-doubt, anxiety, and worry that he almost missed the ray of light that gave him hope.
“You with me, Asahi? I didn’t lose you, did I?” (Y/N) questioned, giving his hands a small squeeze. “Or did I say something wrong?”
“Oh! Sorry! No! I mean- Yes! I mean-”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Breathe, Asahi. There’s no need to be nervous. It’s just me. No one special.”
He shook his head. “That’s not true. At least, not to me.”
She blinked. Then blinked twice. Three times. When she realized that she hadn’t misheard him, she swore those butterflies in her stomach made their way to her chest and danced around her heart. The feeling never went away when he met her eyes. His brown eyes took her breath away while melting her heart at the same time.
Still, she wasn’t expecting Asahi to say that and judging by the obvious blush on his cheeks Asahi wasn’t either. Well, two can play at that game.
“Oh? I’m someone special to you? When we only met yesterday? If I didn’t know better, I would say you’re falling for me.”
Asahi felt his Adam's apple bob up and down. He was used to teasing by his friends and the second-years but never before has he felt like this. Wait a minute… Was this teasing or flirting? He hoped for the latter because he didn’t want it to stop.
“What if I am?” He asked, his confidence growing with every word. “Would it be a bad thing?”
(Y/N) smiled widely. “I… I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
Asahi felt his heart soar to new heights at this. Any anxiety he had began to slowly fade away. His hands were no longer cold but he wasn’t going to stray away from (Y/N)’s touch.
However, the universe thought differently.
“Hey. Do you mind not holding hands with my manager?”
(Y/N) grunted when she felt a strong arm swing over her shoulders. Even without looking, she could tell who it was. The same person who had no problem starting a confrontation with anyone. Not even his twin brother.
“Atsumu.” She warned, letting go of Asahi’s hands, hoping this action would relieve the tension her setter placed around them.
The blond-haired twin kept the same annoying smirk as he met his manager’s eyes. He knew that look very well as he was always on the receiving end of it.
“What?” He asked innocently. “I’m just looking out for you, (Y/N)-senpai. You’re our precious manager after all. Now, is this guy messing with you?”
(Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes while counting to ten in order to calm down. She could only imagine how this must look.
“He’s not. This is Asahi and he’s my friend. We were just talking before the match began. Asahi, this is Miya Atsumu. He’s the setter-”
“Star setter.” Atsumu interrupted as he shook Asahi’s hand, gripping it hard. “An All-Japan Training Camp setter.”
Confused but feeling bold, Asahi matched the twin’s grip strength. He took a tiny bit of satisfaction when Atsumu grimaced the tiniest bit.
(Y/N) raised her brow at them but shook it off. “Sorry about him. He can be a bit much. Anyways, Atsumu, Asahi is Karasuno’s ace. We watched their match yesterday, remember?”
Atsumu gave him an unimpressed look before shaking his head. “Not really. He must have not made a good impression for me to remember. I don’t remember players who suck-”
He was cut off by (Y/N)’s sharp elbow to his stomach. “What was that for, (Y/N)-san?!”
“That’s for lying!”
“I wasn’t lying!”
“Just yesterday you told me he made a lot of great plays. Not to mention, you praised his service ace.”
Atsumu could feel himself blush a little when his manager caught him in his lie. “I… I don’t remember.” When lying doesn’t work, denying is the second best option.
She rolled her eyes while pushing the setter’s head down, forcing him to bow with her. “Sorry about him. He can be incredibly insensitive at times.”
Atsumu twisted his head to look at his manager, quietly struggling underneath her surprisingly strong grip. “No, I’m not!”
(Y/N) sighed before letting go and ignored the glare Atsumu gave her. Instead, she focused on Karasuno’s ace. “I wish we can talk more, Asahi but I need to get the team ready before the match. But I’m glad we had the chance to catch up.”
“Yeah, me too.” He smiled at her, much to Atsumu’s displeasure. “Can we talk later?”
The manager grinned and was just about to answer when she felt a strong tug on her arm before getting dragged away. “Hey, Atsumu! What the he-”
“You said it yourself.” Atsumu pointed out. “You need to help get the team, our team, ready. Let’s go.”
(Y/N) yanked her hand back and gave Atsumu a glare before he could utter a complaint. “Atsumu, be a dear and take this,” She placed the water bottle carrier in his hands. “I’ll be right behind you.”
“But- I, er, we need you. Remember, there’s that thing… That important thing…” His eyes gestured to his hands.
To anyone who didn’t know the Inarizaki setter very well, it may have sounded like there was something urgent she, as the manager, had to do. But (Y/N) knew Atsumu and she almost wanted to laugh at the desperation in his voice. This happened every single time before a match. It was obvious that Atsumu didn’t want to admit his problem in front of Asahi, who had a confused look on his face.
“The stuff is in my bag, inside the small pocket. Just don’t use too much like last time.”
“Yes!” Atsumu fist-pumped before running back to the rest of the Inarizaki team, forgetting the reason he came over in the first place.
(Y/N) chuckled as she watched her friend dig into her bag before turning back to Asahi. “Again, sorry about that. He can be a bit much. But he does have a point, the match is going to start soon.” She offered up her hand for a shake. “Best of luck to you, Asahi.”
He wasted no time in shaking her hand. “You too. Good luck to your team.”
“And whatever happens, win or lose, we’ll be cool, right?” (Y/N) asked, hoping Asahi wasn’t one of those players that completely shuts down and shuns people when they lose. She really liked him so she hoped that wasn’t the case.
“Of course we will.” Asahi promised. “No matter what happens, we’ll give it our best.”
“Good. See you later, ace.”
With one final encouraging squeeze, (Y/N)’s hand slipped away before making her way towards her team. Asahi seemed frozen to the laminate gym floor as his eyes were fixed on her maroon Inarizaki team. His hand was still in the air where he could still feel her fingertips.
He flinched when he heard Nishinoya yell out his name and he almost fell over when he felt the libero hoist himself to do a handstand on his shoulders. It always amazes him how Nishinoya was able to do that effortlessly.
“H-Hey careful!” Asahi warned him. “And what happened to having my back?”
“You were amazing Asahi-san!” Nishinoya praised, stars in his eyes. “And I did have your back. We all had your back. We were watching the whole thing! You looked so cool talking to the girl you like!”
Was it just him or did that last sentence sound so loud?
“Don’t make it so obvious, Nishinoya.” Suga chuckled.
“Yeah, we don’t need Miya Atsumu to come back over here and scare Asahi again.” Daichi joked. “We had to pull Nishinoya back so he wouldn’t go feral on him.”
“I-I wasn’t scared! He just surprised me.” Asahi defended though he wasn’t going to admit that there was a tiny moment of fear when the Inarizaki setter confronted him. “He’s intense though.”
Kiyoko stepped forward. “You didn’t run away. I think that speaks louder than words.”
Asahi swallowed hard. “You think so?”
“Trust Kiyoko on this, Asahi.” Daichi said. “And trust all of us when we say, don’t give up. I know I give you a hard time with you being a coward and all-”
“Thanks.” He said sarcastically.
“Let me finish.” Daichi laughed. “I was trying to say… (Y/N) brings out the best in you. So keep going. Deal?”
“Alright, let’s go win!”
~Meanwhile on the other side of the gym~
“You done flirting with the enemy?”
“Does that bother you, Suna?” (Y/N) countered as she checked her bag, looking to see if Atsumu used all her hand lotion. (He’s always complaining about his fingertips being dry.) “I thought that’s what you guys wanted? For me to find someone?”
“At least give us a warning. Atsumu said it was that scary samurai-looking guy.”
“Atsumu’s dramatic.”
“Am not!”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“He literally was squeezing my hand off! Trying to ruin my perfect setter hands!” The blond complained. “I call sabotage!”
“Maybe you’re just that weak, ‘Tsumu.”
“Shut up, ‘Samu!”
“So,” Suna interrupted before the twins could start another infinite argument. “You like this Azumane guy?”
“Is he Lucky Schmuck #1?” Osamu followed up.
“Or Unlucky Schmuck #6?” Atsumu mumbled with his arms crossed.
“I think… He’s the one.”
114 notes · View notes
ushijimaschubbs · 7 days
"are you really sure you'll pass this test?", samu stared at you waiting for you to answer while you were chewing on your pen instead of solving the equation right in front of you.
"listen, I'm trying. it's hard. i understand the concept I just have no motivation to keep going on its boring and annoying and I just wanna get it over with!" you replied before resting your head on samu's study table. samu knew you were trying, you're good at almost all subjects, even basic mathematics is fine but statistics is something that even he struggled with but if you end up failing this exam you'll be done for and you'll be held back this semester. which is why he decided to tutor you over the weekend after he saw you sobbing in your dorm. he's been friends with you for a pretty long time but he's never seen you cry over academics. you're not the brightest student yet you end up getting good enough marks everytime.
"fine then let's make a deal. if you end up finishing this module by tonight I'll make your favourite dish tonight and I'll also pack it up for you so you can have it later" he said as he pulled your chair closer to his. you were real close to his face this time. samu smelled like heaven, he was a guy very particular about his hygiene which he learned a hard way when he got rejected last time because a girl said he smelled like rotten meat. since then everytime you've been next to him he's smelled like a garden and it's gotten you a bit horny you won't lie. you held back a smile when samu had pulled you towards himself you were still very close to his face and lost in thoughts when he poked your forehead so that you pay attention.
"sounds tempting I'll give it a try ONLY if you promise to also make my favourite dessert", you replied as you shifted a bit back, resting your head on samu's gaming chair. he gave you that to sit on so that you study comfortably.
"done. I'll go prepare the food and you finish the rest of the sums. and remember if it's not done then no favourite food tonight", he smiled and gave you a kiss on top of your head as he left.
Osamu Miya was a huge guy and everyone knew that. Before you had become friends with him he was actually your party crush as in everytime you were attending a party on campus he was the one you looked for since he was always there at some or the other party. He is tall, broad, had an athlete's built and you had just gotten out of a relationship so hooking up with him seemed like the only idea you had in mind that was until you came to know he has a girlfriend. You did end up becoming friends with samu tho but maybe that little crush you had on him never fully left and you were always reminded of that while you were around him.
after an hour samu entered the room to check up on you but he couldn't find you in the room so he started calling out your name throughout the house. he was relieved when you told him you're in the bathroom taking a quick shower as you felt really sleepy and maybe cold water would help with that. while you were showering your clothes that were hanging on the hook fell directly into the tub, your literally only pair of clean clothes that you had here. you called out samu's name and asked him to bring you any clothes he could find. now you're a not skinny, nowhere near skinny but osamu was huge enough for his clothes to fit you so the tshirt wasn't an issue at all. it was the shorts that wouldn't go up your hips. you gave up after a while and decided to spend the rest of the time there in your panties and his oversized tshirt.
"hey look i finished cooki-" samu looked you up and down, his eyes huge as if they were gonna pop out of the sockets anytime soon now. "wow uhh wow uhhh" he was trying to find words but he couldn't.
"will you finish the sentence lol" you smirked as you took the plate from him and headed towards the room. "come inside we have to finish the syllabus remember?"
samu followed you trying his very best to keep his eyes up but he couldn't help but take a sneak every few seconds at your plush thighs.
"i finished half of it I'll do the rest later" you said while you were eating, focused on your food completely unaware that samu was now fully hard and trying to keep that hidden from you by covering it up with a pillow. with every passing second it just kept getting worse for him, he was struggling pushing the pillow down but it kept popping up. you were immersed in the amazing food though so you hardly noticed.
"samu this is so good this is like a a lot better than the last time you made it did you change something in the recipe?", you just finished munching and looked up to see samu's face red and a pillow between his legs. "are you okay? do you have a fever samu?", you asked him, interfering his wild train of thoughts. samu never said it out loud but he had started liking you the day y'all became friends. your cute smile, your loud laughs, your pretty hair, your gorgeous eyes had all turned him crazy for you. he couldn't help but go on and on and on about it to tsumu everytime he came home after meeting you. this is also why he had wanted to tutor you as he thought you'd spend a lot more time together.
"oh yeah dw I'm fine", too distracted by you samu removed his hand from the pillow which sprung up and fell down, your jaw was on the floor now you had never gasped this way ever in your life.
"samu what"
"listen oh fuck", he stood up and ran towards the washroom. you followed him immediately,he was locked inside. you knocked on the door and called out his name but he just wouldn't budge.
"FINE I'LL THROW THE FOOD AND FAIL TOMORROW'S EXAM", you shouted hoping he'd come out now. it worked, he was out in a sec.
"why are you hard as a cactus samu"
"uhh idk morning wood ig"
"samu it's 4pm. what morning wood......"
"fine it's you. it's your gorgeous thighs and the fact that you're wearing my oversized tshirt and also i guess you're not wearing a bra", he said mumbling the last few words.
"do you like me or is it just because you're seeing me like this and I'm just any girl"
"well yeah I've liked you for a while"
samu was red, he was embarrassed and ashamed and a million thoughts were running in his mind. now that he had told you that he likes you would you not talk to him, how would you react etc etc but you did something he didn't expect. you tiptoed, put your arms around his neck and kissed him. he was surprised for a second but then he held your waist and kissed you back. his hands wandering around your waist, sliding down to your ass groping you. then he slid his hand up your shirt to grab your boobs. you could feel his cock throbbing against you. he picked you up and took you inside his room and gently placed you on the bed, kissing your neck and caressing your thighs. you flipped him over.
"let me take care of you samu" you said before you got on your knees at the end of the bed and pulled his shorts down revealing his big throbbing cock leaking precum. you'd never had someone as big as him before. you swirled your tounge around his tip as you pumped his shaft.
"fuck y/n please you're driving me crazy", he said as he threw his head back.
you continued to stroke his cock with your hands while sucking on his balls as he grunted in pleasure, stiffling a moan but a quick lick against his shaft made him moan loud enough. samu was desperate to cum and he was already close as he had fantasized about this day for years now and now he's finally had it, his long throbbing length deep inside your mouth with your plump lips around them. you started opening your tshirt and watched samu gape at your tits and even before he could register it you put his cock in between your tits pumping him up and down while you licked his red plump tip occasionally. samu couldn't hold it in any longer and released his thick cum in spurts all over your face. he sat back trying to catch his breath while you got up and snuggled beside him.
"i like you too you know"
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delwrites · 3 months
Haikyuu! Masterlist
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plus size!reader headcannons
roommate!akaashi headcannons
best friend to lovers headcannons
cosy rain day drabble
touch headcannons
ignoring him (angst to fluff)
best friend!suna headcannons
doing his hair headcannons
-smau oneshots
calling him pretty texts part one (akaashi, noya, kenma, tendou)
calling him pretty texts part two (oikawa, bokuto, kuroo, hinata)
ignoring them (akaashi, bokuto) fluff!
trying to make plans with kenma...
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semifilms · 1 year
mentioning each other fondly in interviews with ushijima or tendou please? if you write for tendou could the reader be the celebrity please and thanks <3
a/n - i’ve never written for ushijima so bare with me🫣 also the reader is gonna be mentioned to be an actor just a heads up
cw - manga spoilers
prompt list - @novelbear
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the interviewer had just finished asking ushijima how he felt about being a member of the national team for the olympics and he answered honestly. he was honored and it was a dream come true. it was that simple. the woman then began to pivot to more personal questions. “so fans really want to know how your love life is going? ever since the news dropped about you and actor, y/n. what can you tell us about your relationship? are the two of you dating?” the brown haired male furrows his brows together at the question.
“y/n?” he repeated your name with a softness in his tone.”they’re great, really.” he begins as he looks at the reporter, crossing his arms. “they’re really kind, talented, and i love everything they do.” he was starting to ramble, which was unusual for him. he usually liked to keep his answers brief and minimal. but if the topic was you? he could get really talkative. “they’re the he most talented person i know. i admire them a lot. no we’re not dating though, just…friends.” not too much though, they’re were still thinks he’d like to keep private so he cut the interview a bit short. did he even answer the question properly.
that part of the interview was clipped several times though and began trending in twitter. it didn’t take long before it got to you and you smiled at the video before sending your friend a text.
you: I’m glad to hear you love everything i do waka <3
wakatoshi: that interview wasn’t even 20 minutes ago. how did they get it posted so fast?
you giggled at the text briefly as you wrapped up your conversation as you were on a press tour for your new movie. meaning you had to get interviewed too.
when you got into the dark room with posters of your movie you introduced yourself to the interviewer and got mic’d up.
“it’s so nice to meet you, i’ve watched your interviews before.” you told the lady fondly, she told you how honored she was and that she was a huge fan to which you thanked her.
a few minutes passed before she began talking to the camera, summarizing the plot to your new movie and then introducing you. you did the same old “thanks for having me” speech and the interviewer began t ask questions.
“if it’s okay with you i’m going to start with a question not relating to the film because i feel like i might get dragged for not asking,” she began and you nodded for her to continue. “just a bit ago an interview of ushijima wakatoshi’s interviews was trending on twitter as he briefly talked about you, did you see that?” you smiled at the question which you were actually looking forward too.
“yeah i did see that, i actually texted him right after i saw it.” you replied, your smile never wavering. “so from your perspective, what can you tell us about your relationship?”
“it’s great, he’s great. i feel like we balance each other out so well and he’s really is the sweetest guy there is. i love him a lot, and the way he does everything. he’s constantly checking up on me when we’re away from each other and i really appreciate it.” you go on for another minute about your boyfriend. “he’s a really caring guy and i think everyone should have a wakatoshi in their life.” you finished your smile growing softer at the thought of your friend.
your eyes met with the interviewers and you saw how here eyes had softened and she her smile mirrored yours. “you two seem to be in love.” she noted as she moved quickly onto questions about the movie.
and for a moment you spaced out and thought about it.
we’re you in love?
nah, he was just your friend. right?
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©semifilms do not copy, repost or translate my works
reblogs appreciated!
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suashii · 3 months
FRI(END)S — some suggestive fluff for suna :p
your alarm hasn’t gone off yet, your eyes haven’t opened yet, but you’re awake.
and something feels… strange.
when you finally peel your eyelids back, you’re met with another pair—gray and sharp—staring back at you. the unexpected sight makes you suck in a startled breath. you almost question what suna’s doing under the covers on the usually unoccupied side of your bed before memories from last night rush back. the line between friends and something more has officially been blurred.
“why are you staring at me?” you pull the blanket up to your chin to cover yourself, as if suna hadn’t seen much more than your naked collarbone only a few hours ago. “it’s creepy.”
a grin tugs at his lips. it’s familiar and makes the tension in your shoulders dissipate, if only a little. “i thought people liked being watched while they sleep. it’s romantic or something.”
you shake your head. “it’s not when it’s you.”
he chuckles and stretches his arms above his head, groaning with the action. he doesn’t seem to care about his skin being on display as he lets the comforter rest at his hip. “fair enough.”
silence blankets your room. the sunlight peeking in from the sheerness of your curtains lights up suna’s skin, casting its golden rays on the blank canvas. except, it’s not blank. there’s a mole on his chest and a small scar on his ribs, neither of which you’ve ever seen before. never had a reason to, you suppose. 
his voice, still thick with sleep, cuts through the tranquil air. “did you know that you snore?”
“i do not.” you frown and your fingers twitch with the urge to flick his forehead or pinch his arm but touching him, even in a friendly, jesting manner, feels like it isn’t allowed. so you keep your arm at your side.
“you do, i heard you. don’t worry, it’s cute.”
you’re not sure if it’s the way he keeps insisting that you snore or the fact that he called you cute like it was nothing, but the blanket over you suddenly feels suffocating—heavy and too hot on your warming skin. it forces your arm out into the cool air of your apartment and you find it impossible not to kick him in annoyance.
“shut up,” you mumble as suna laughs. he’s having too much fun with this. to see him this energetic in the morning is odd. “why are you even awake right now? i thought you slept until noon on off days.”
he shrugs. “kind of weird sleeping in someone else’s bed, i guess.”
it’s a relief to hear that suna finds at least part of this situation foreign. you’re both dancing around the subject, not bringing up what happened last night and how that changes things, but you’re in the same boat. 
no matter how, you’re sure you’ll figure things out—together.
“do you want breakfast?”
suna nods enthusiastically at the mention of food. it makes you smile for the first time this morning as you move to get out of bed. though, as quickly as you do, you stop. “turn around so i can put some clothes on.”
“i’ve already—”
you point a finger at him. “don’t you dare say it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“fine, fine.” he raises his hands in surrender before he rolls onto his other side, all while fighting the stupid grin pulling at his lips.
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inspired by v's new song fri(end)s :3
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berryblosom · 4 months
DUMPLING ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ Osamu Miya X fem!reader
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S: rumours cause you to have doubts about your relationship with Osamu, he proves you wrong.
You were completely aware of what people thought of you. Growing up with the Miya twins definitely came with its fair share of attention, unwanted of course but when your best friends are as popular as they are it’s hard to stay hidden. Even till this day, 10 years later you’re still the subject of pointless gossip and rumours.
You spend a lot of time with Osamu at his shop, it was like your little haven to escape to after a gruelling day of work. Of all the rumours that went around about you the one that came up the most was that you and Osamu were dating. It’s true you were a lot closer to the younger Miya twin and compared to Atsumu who is often away, you saw Osamu almost every day but that didn’t mean you liked him.
Fine you were madly in love with the man. It was easier back in high school when you barely talked because you knew Atsumu first but without the loud mouth blonde as your buffer you were at risk of spilling your secret and ruining your friendship with him.
“You look deep in thought, what’s up dumpling?” You could just melt into a puddle right there and then. Osamu adopted the nickname name dumpling for you back in high school, it was used as a tease at first because your mom once only packed you dumplings for lunch for a whole week but now your heart lurches every time you hear it.
“It’s nothing, just work stuff.” You awkwardly lie and laugh hoping he’s doesn’t push it. Osamu notices though, you’re not asking him a million questions about how his day was and you barely touched the meal he placed infront of you five minutes ago.
“That moron from work still bother ya?” You shake your head no. The moron in question was your manager who seemed to have it out for you. When you invited your coworkers over to have lunch at Onigiri Miya, he didn’t quite make the best impression on Osamu.
“No he wasn’t in today thank goodness.”
“Then what’s got ya in such a huff?” He ruffles your hair and you swatt his hand away.
“I’m not in a huff, just….do you think I’m clingy?” You’ve gone and said it now, you peer up at Osamu hoping he didn’t find the question strange but he just looked confused.
“Of course not, at least not in a bad way.” What did that mean? You were glad the shop was closed otherwise people would hear how pathetic you sound. “Whos got ya thinking like that?”
You hesitate but decide there no use in hiding it from him.
“The other day, that girl from our high school came in remember?” Osamu tips his head back trying to remember, he gets a lot of customers so it was hard to remember them all but he does recall how excited you were to see some old classmates.
“Well I bumped into her again and she said that I was clinging to you a lot and that she wanted to talk to you but I wouldn’t let her.” You bury your face in your hands, you didn’t have the guts to look at him. You didn’t want to tell him but if you were stopping him from talking to girl no matter how much it hurt you wanted to know.
“Why would she say that? I didn’t want to talk to her.”
“It’s okay if you did! I know I’m here a lot and she seemed really into you.” Osamu frowns at how you were pushing away and not looking at him.
“What about you?” You finally look up from your palms to see him pouting down at you.
“What about me?” You face flushes slightly as Osamu bends over the counter to come closer.
“Are you into me?” Your eyes widen and it took all the core strength you had not to fall backwards from you chair. Osamu didn’t break eye contact, he was a cool as he always was while you were spluttering and trying not to burst into flames
“W-why would you ask that?”
“Because i want to know.” He states verily. Osamu had his own speculations about your feelings for him, he hoped it was the same as the ones he had for you but he wanted to hear it coming from your mouth.
“If I said yes, what would you do.” You fleeting confidence was the only think keeping you from fainting in his moment.
“Don’t play with me dumpling.” The silence in the room was deafening. Your palms were sweaty and Osamu being so composed made you sweat even more.
“You didn’t answer my question.” He narrowed his eyes at your cryptic attempt to challenge him. The space between your faces was almost nonexistent, you eyes flickered every few seconds between Osamu eyes and his lips hoping your want to kiss him wasnt too obvious.
“I would kiss you and ask you out on a date.”
“Real-“ before you could finish Osamus lips were on yours. His cold hands come up to cradle your face and his thumbs caress your cheeks softly. You grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to you. Never in your dreams did you imagine your first kiss with Osamu would be like this let alone in his Onigiri shop.
Osamu breaks for a second, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry, you just looked so pretty.” His pecks your lips and travels all around your face. “I wanted to do this for so long.”
How long?” You we’re on the verge of tears, happy ones of course but knowing that Osamu may have had the same feelings as you this whole time was upsetting. You could’ve been together since the beginning but you were too afraid.
“Since we met.” He looks down when your eyes widen in shock. “I was just scared you didn’t feel the same or that you’d never talk to me if I told ya.” You were both such idiots.
“Oh samu, I feel the same.”
“You do?” He grins
“Of course I do, I was just afraid of the same thing.” He picks you up onto the counter and swings your legs over to the other side so he could stand between them. You lean in for another kiss, this one much deeper and passionate than the last. His hands slip to your waist, sneakily snaking his fingers under your shirt.
You break once again but keep you forehead rested on his. “Soooo if I wanted to skip the date and ask to be your boyfriend ya wouldn’t run for the hills?” You laugh making Osamu smile.
“I wouldn’t, but I still want the date.” You tease and hug him close, resting your head on his chest.
“Anything for you pretty lady.”
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earth2rin · 1 year
puppy love pt. 1
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atsumu miya x reader
you can tell where i started to get tired of writing this LOL
tags: childhood friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining, fluff, atsumu really is a sweetheart, osamu is a little shit, slow burn, happy ending
wc: 7.9k
growing up with all boys in your family has really helped you understand the chemistry in boys' heads that cause them to act out on their inner thoughts. it did not, however, help you get used to the icky things they did. while rolling around in mud and squishing bugs with bare hands was not your forte, you could definitely see the satisfaction to gain from it. well not really, but you always tried to see from others perspectives, especially when atsumu had told you that it was fun to step on frogs. you had asked what was so fun about it, which he replied with “it’s like whenever you put on makeup or whatever, it’s just fun!” all while showing you a toothy grin. you couldn’t really wrap your head around it and opted in shooting him a confused look with eyebrows raised and a curled upper lip. to which he just continued to smile and shoot you a thumbs up.
since you were young, atsumu has always been by your side. your first ever encounter with the boy was in the first grade when you fell at recess and got your pretty purple dress dirty. you cried and cried until you felt a warm hand grab your palm.
“woah, yer bleeding! that’s a big cut, it’ll leave an awesome scar!” looking up you saw a mop of brown hair and the same colored eyes. “Let's clean you up, yeah?” with a big ol’ pout on your face, you nodded and let the boy guide you inside to the water fountains in the hallways.
the water was cold, and it hurt like hell running along your wound, but you tried not to cry in order to not look like a big baby in front of the boy. “how’s ‘at feel hmm?” your eyes were red and puffy, and you had tear stains on your pink cheeks but atsumu had still thought you looked pretty. you mumbled out a ‘hurts’ and atsumu nodded. “well if i gave ya half of my strawberry sandwich will that make you feel better?” he smiled at you, hoping to see that cute smile of yours again. you sniffled and nodded, and he led you back outside to his lunchbox and secretly handed you half of the sandwich.
you bit into it and the corners of your mouth instantly lifted. it tasted exactly like the ones your mom had always made in the summer. turning around, atsumu had seen your chubby cheeks stuffed with food and whipped cream all over your mouth. he stared for a second and you turned to look at him too. a mumbled ‘what’ came out of your mouth, barely audible, to which he replied “nothin, yer just pretty.” a slight scowl adorned your face. your dress was ripped, you had dirt all over the fabric, and you were pretty sure that you had wood chips in your braids. you had thought that he was crazy, but then again that was something you had always admired about atsumu.
“do ya think yer mom will be able to sew that up?” you blinked once, twice and said “i don’t have a mom.” atsumu stared blankly at the floor and his lips turned into a straight line.
“well my mom can sew it up for you if ya’d like.” you sat on it for a while. it was a pretty dress and you didn’t want to throw it away, after all you had just gotten it last weekend as a gift for doing so well at your piano recital. plus it was your second favorite color, after pink obviously.
“okay, i’ll tell my dad after school” he nodded and stuck his hand out.
“i’m atsumu” he grinned widely.
timidly you shook his hand and responded, “i’m y/n.”
ever since that fateful day you guys had been stuck at the hip. it was easy in the beginning, all you had to do was follow atsumu around and hold the jar that he caught all the frogs and bugs in. he claimed that being the jar holder was the best job in the world! even going as far as comparing it to being a CIA agent guarding top secret weapons that could end humanity as you know it. of course you knew he was lying, but nonetheless, you were the designated jar holder. on special occasions osamu would hold the jar and he’d let you carry the net. on days like that you would just run around and chase butterflies, laughing away when you would miss entirely. astumu would pout because he wanted you to hold the jar (he really just wanted you to stay behind him and to talk to him), but then you would catch a butterfly and put it on his nose and it always brought back that goofy smile you loved.
being the bug carrier used to be the bain of your existence, but god was it so much easier then going through puberty with the boys. astumu was so sweet in your childhood but as he got older he did start to roughhouse with you and tease you. osamu on the other hand had just gotten more reserved but nonetheless he also roughhoused with you. nothing was worse than when you had gotten all pretty for school and the boys decided to put you in a headlock and nuggie you to death. you’d get so upset and give them the silent treatment until atsumu cracked and whined about how sorry he was and to not leave him because your his best friend. you just tilt your head the other way until osamu offers to make you a strawberry sandwich to which you turn and smile, “deal.” which always left atsumu with his jaw on the floor.
they’d hold your bag over their head, teasing you to grab it while you tippy toed and whined for them to give it back. they’d put you in a headlock and make you smell their BO. they’d rub their sweaty forehead on you. they’d fart and put you in a dutch oven. they just liked to terrorize you.
but what had especially sucked was when you had started puberty. all the boys had gotten was quite a bit of inches to their height and deeper voices, but you were stuck with gaining weight on your chest, thighs and behind. but what really set things off was when you had gotten your first period.
you called atsumu crying and speaking all kinds of gibberish that he couldn’t understand and then you hung up out of nowhere. so atsumu decided to drag osamu along with him to get down to this mystery. you hadn’t lived too far from them. maybe a few blocks down, nothing their bikes couldn’t handle. your dad let them in and he was happy they were there, because he had no knowledge on how to help or comfort you in these situations. you had locked yourself in your room, screaming at your dad and brothers to not bother you or you’d rip their limbs off. you could’ve asked one of your brothers girlfriends for advice, but you felt that maybe it was a little too weird, which definitely was not the case but 12 year old girls tend to exaggerate things.
softly, atsumu knocked calling out your name. you didn’t answer, atsumu had looked at his brother who just shrugged. slowly and quietly he opened the door, and in that split second you had flung a pillow at his face knocking him on the ground.
“ow, what the heck y/n!” atsumu yelled as he rubbed his nose.
“sorry i thought you were one of my brothers.” you held out your hand to pick him up.
you looked a mess. you had a baggy t shirt that belonged to one of your older brothers, some valentine’s day pajamas even though it was the middle of september, and your socks were mismatched. you looked like you had just gotten through a heartbreak, which was odd because atsumu could not recall you talking about a boyfriend or any of the sorts.
“what happened to you?” osamu inquired to which atsumu just nodded. you flushed and threw yourself on the bed, pushing your face into a pillow. you had muttered words but the twins didn’t hear a thing.
“what?” you huffed and repeated what you said, and again, the twins didn’t hear. “huh” you quickly sat up and yelled, “i got my period!” angrily in the heat of the moment and once you processed it you could feel yourself die of embarrassment.
a “so” and “what's that” were said simultaneously which led to atsumu being slapped upside the head by his twin.
“ow what was that for!” pouting, atsumu rubbed his head. osamu rolled his eyes at his older brother,
“remember when mom doesn’t feel good for at least a week each month?” atsumu’s face changed from one of confusion into one of realization.
“ohhh, so y/n’s bleeding from downstairs?” osamu nodded and you were furious.
you flung another pillow at both of them, “just shut up and get me ice cream!” the boys nodded and quickly ran downstairs and hopped on their bikes, peddling to the convenience store. after that encounter the boys had never tried anything with you while you’re on your period, even though you had gotten more mellow about it through the years.
but what really, REALLY sucked? you’re uncharted feelings towards astumu. you have always adored atsumu since the day he helped you when you fell in first grade. but seeing him grow up into a handsome young man really took a toll on your heart. the once chubby cheeked sweet boy was now a sharp jawed tease. he had gotten much taller, and his muscles were also starting to grow from the non-stop volleyball he’d been playing since he was young. his shoulders and biceps were swollen from the hours of training, and his boyish grin had gotten even more charming, panty dropping some would even say. to say he was a stud would be an understatement.
of course you scolded yourself for even thinking of atsumu of anything more than just your best friend, but you couldn’t help but indulge yourself in the thought of being the person he held dearest to his heart. you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to cross the unspoken boundary between platonic love and romantic love. you knew you shouldn’t have these feelings, you couldn’t, but how couldn’t you whenever the man would charm you with his jokes and his antics. surely he was just acting this way because you’re his childhood best friend, that’s all it was, but you longed for it to be something more. your heart was so full of him you could hardly call it yours.
you weren’t quite sure of when the small inklings of adoration had budded into much more, but they bloomed and boy was it big. he consumed your thoughts and you ached to be something more than just friends. how you wished to be the one he buys flowers for just because, the one he gives his umbrella to because you forgot yours, the one who he spent his nights thinking about. it was wrong in so many ways. you were forbidden fruit, atsumu had always thought. he could never admit his feelings because you were his best friend above all else. the thought of losing you plagued his mind when he got the courage to tell you something, forcing him to shove his thoughts away for the sake of your friendship.
maybe you could recall the day you had fallen. maybe it was the summer of 8th grade during summer camp when atsumu had snuck out of his cabin to come see you. you had gotten homesick and the girls in your bunk were such blabbermouths, chatting loudly during lunch why you weren’t in the cafeteria. of course both the twins had over heard, but atsumu was the one to act on it. you heard a faint knock at your window, and low and behold it was those dazzling eyes you knew all too well.
quietly you lifted the window and scolded him, “tsumu, what are you doing here!”
he shushed you and smiled. “i heard you weren’t havin fun” you looked the other way and shook your head.
“cmon, i wanna show you somethin” he grabbed your hand and carefully helped you out the window.
“tsumu we’re gonna get in trouble!” you whisper shouted, your palm in his hand was getting sweaty from being anxious.
he turned and looked at you, pointing his flashlight at your face, “do ya trust me?” nibbling at your lip, you hesitantly nodded and he squeezed your hand.
you continued to let him drag you by the arm until you were standing in front of the lake. it was quiet, the july breeze had felt refreshing on your sweaty skin. the sounds of cicadas chirping was comforting and the scent of summer lingered in the air creating a soft aroma that made you feel fuzzy all the way to your toes.
“turn yer flashlight off” you switched it off and it was pitch black. your veins ran cold.
“tsumu i can’t see anything” you squeezed his hand out of fear, which he responded to by using his thumb to rub your hand, hoping to somewhat soothe you.
“just hold my hand ‘kay?” you nodded, though he couldn’t see you he knew that you had complied.
wordlessly, atsumu swayed some of the tall grass by his foot and suddenly it wasn’t dark anymore.
what seemed like a million fireflies had flown up, shimmering like a thousand stars in the pitch black night sky. instantly your eyes widened and jaw dropped, the sight in front of you was one to behold. atsumu had seen your expression and couldn’t help but smile. if you were both to be caught now, he thought that it would be totally worth it. slowly you reached your hand out to try and grab one but they all fluttered away.
“tsumu this is so pretty” you said in awe but he couldn’t help but stare. he thought you looked even prettier. it was like the sun was shining on your skin and you glimmered like a thousand universes. your eyes so bright and filled with astonishment, the way your eyelashes batted with wonderstruck. that was when he knew you were his forever girl.
a stray hair stuck out on your face, and atsumu’s muscles instantly moved to move it behind your ear. you flushed, your heart stuttered and you couldn’t help but stare in those beautiful brown eyes you’d never get used to looking at. he smiled and it felt like your stomach had done a somersault, like a billion butterflies were trying to escape your tummy. when you both returned to your bunk and said your goodnights, you couldn’t sleep, replaying that moment over and over again until the crack of dawn.
but no, that wasn’t when you had fallen. maybe it was the winter break of 9th grade. it was a week before christmas, and you and the twins were up to no good during the break. snowball fights, tracking mud in the house and letting all the cold air in by walking in and out of their home. the boys had tormented you, shoving your face in the snow, tackling you into the ground and even rolling up a big snowball just to throw it square at your face. to say your face felt like it had been frostbitten was a bit of an exaggeration, but it sure did feel like your face would melt off soon.
slowly the wind and snow had picked up, leaving you snowed in. you called your dad, wondering how you’d get home but all he said was to ask the twins mother if she would let you spend the night if the weather hadn’t calmed in an hour or two. of course she agreed, how could she say no when you’ve put up with her boys for the past 7 years, she practically considered you her daughter.
when the weather hadn’t cleared you and the twins had gotten excited, considering this would be your guys first sleepover. you guys had played board games, mario kart and played on your phones until midnight when samu fell asleep.
“tsumu i’m bored” your stomach rumbled and you looked down. “and hungry” you sheepishly smiled.
“me too” atsumu replied with a frown.
there was a beat of silence before atsumu’s head peaked up. “my mom has some cookie dough in the freezer, we can try and make those!” he grinned. your tummy rumbled again and you eagerly nodded. you couldn't help but think that this was something they did in all those romance movies you watched. your mind filled with thoughts about how they always end up kissing at the end of the scene and you couldn’t help but hope that maybe you’ll get a kiss too.
you both tippy toed downstairs to make the cookies. quietly atsumu opened the freezer and reached all the way in the back corner for the container of dough.
“what kind is it?” you whispered.
he squinted his eyes to look at the packaging. “chocolate chocolate chip” your stomach panged with hunger, eager to have that sweetness in your mouth.
atsumu paused and scratched his head, you could see the gears turning. “do ya know how to bake?”
you face palmed and took the container from his hands. “of course i know how to bake, who do you think made your birthday cake last year?” he shrugged and you continued to read the instructions.
once the oven was preheated, you asked atsumu to help you scoop the dough into little balls and place them on the cookie sheet. of course the little jokester he is he decided to smudge some on your nose. you stood there frozen and your jaw on the floor. he licked his finger of the dough and sent you a sly smile. you retaliated, grabbing a finger full and smearing it on his cheek, sending the same sly smile he sent you. he simply just rubbed it off with his finger and licked it, you made a disgusted face and rolled your eyes. boys will be boys.
once in the oven, you softly hopped on the counter, having to wait 20 minutes for the cookies to be ready.
“tsumu what do you want for christmas?” you queried. his lips turned into a thin line and he put his finger on his chin, thinking about what he wanted. truth be told he didn’t really know what he wanted. maybe some new volleyball shoes, some more video games, maybe even a new cologne he’s been wanting to try.
“i want a million dollars” he grinned and you rolled your eyes.
“tsumu i’m being serious, what do you want?”
all he could do was frown, “why is it so important to ya?” you stopped, and looked the other way.
it was quite embarrassing to say that you wanted to get him a present because you care about him a lot (not because you have a massive crush on the boy), so what would any other teenage girl do in your situation? you beat around the bush.
“just wanna give you something since we’ve been friends for so long” he didn’t believe you, but he just nodded.
“well i don’t really care what i get, i just wanna spend time with ya is all.”
there it was again. that funny feeling you got when he said something that could have been interpreted into something romantic. you bit the inside of your cheek and looked anywhere besides him. you were sure your cheeks were red, and it wasn’t just from the heat of the oven. you just nodded and continued on waiting for the cookies to be ready.
maybe he felt some kind of way about you other than just a friend.
even though you didn’t get the kiss you hoped for, you did get some sort of confirmation of where you stand with the boy, and you’ll take it.
again, that wasn’t when you had fallen. perhaps it was the beginning of 10th grade when atsumu had gotten his first car. atsumu had gotten a camaro, while osamu had gotten a nissan silvia. both were quite nice you had to admit, they were both sleek and looked luxurious. ever since atsumu had gotten his car, he didn’t let anyone near it, not even his mom. he feared someone would ruin his precious baby and he did not want that to happen. no one other than himself had been in it and he intended to keep it that way, that was until 3 weeks on a random friday.
you had been in your room folding laundry and watching tv, you didn’t really have any plans for tonight, maybe facetime the twins and do a face mask. you felt your phone buzz on your bedsheets. you ignored it for a good 5 minutes until it vibrated again. you put down the pair of pants you were folding and reached for the device, wondering who was texting you. opening your phone, you had seen that atsumu had texted you.
are you busy???
i’ll be at your place in an hour n a half, get all dolled up.
your brows drew together in confusion. what the hell was he planning on doing? nonetheless you quickly finished your laundry and hopped in the shower. since very few words were spoken, you didn’t really know the occasion and how you should dress. should you wear a blouse and a skirt? some jeans and a sweater? a dress? you decided something cute and comfy was the way to go, so you opted for flare tights, a white turtle neck with a brown crew neck on top since it was a bit chilly outside. you were feeling very minimalistic, so simple mascara and lipgloss were going to suffice. again, since you didn’t know the occasion, you did a simple blow out on your hair. the finishing touches were gold jewelry your father had gotten you for christmas last year.
you still had time left since atsumu’s last text, so you spent the last 10 minutes wondering what the now blonde was scheming. he was probably just going to take you with him to a practice volleyball match, you can’t count on one hand how many times he’s told you to get ready just to take you to one of his practice matches. you didn’t complain though, hot guys playing sports and getting sweaty was definitely a sight to see.
you heard a rumble down the street and looked outside, low and behold it was your best friend in his squeaky clean car. you ran outside to his window with your mouth open.
“tsumu what are you doing? you’re gonna get your car dirty!” he chuckled and stepped out of the vehicle.
“relax it’ll be okay, it’s only like 5 bucks to wash it” he said as he ruffled your hair. you smacked his arm away and huffed, a pout adorning your face as you tried to calm your hair down from his actions. when you finally looked up at him he felt the wind knock out of his lungs. you looked so damn pretty. your plump and pink lips pouting made him feel fuzzy inside, and the way you looked at him with your wide pretty eyes made him melt. you were the most gorgeous thing to walk the earth in his eyes.
he cleared his throat and put his arms on your shoulders, turning you the other way. “cmon, get in the car already” you paused right in front of the door.
“tsumu are you sure? i’m going to get it dirty” you said nibbling on your cheek. he let out a small laugh and nodded, opening the door for you.
“if i wasn’t sure then i wouldn’t have invited ya ya dunce” he said matter of factly as he flicked your forehead. he hadn’t told you your destination, but the ride to the location was filled with off key singing and laughter. you enjoyed moments like these, feeling each other's presence only fueled the fire in your belly that never seemed to dull. you felt as if he was the heartbeat in your body.
at one point you stopped at a red light and decided to look at him. that was a mistake.
the red glow of the light made him look ethereal. his jaw looked so sharp that it could cut the pillows he sleeps on, his face had a glow to it that made you feel like a volcano was erupting in your stomach. his eyes, shimmering like sparkling gems that had caught light at just the right angle, wide and beautiful. his face was tilted, one arm on the steering wheel and the other on the gear shift. his arms looked big and beefy gripping on to the wheel, the dark flannel he wore over his gray hoodie really accentuated his biceps. he looked so good, too good. he could feel your stare and turned to look at you as well. looking in your eyes, he gave you that boyish grin that never seemed to fail to give you butterflies. you sent a small one back and turned forward as the light turned green.
atsumu had taken you out to watch a movie and eat at a cute diner that had some amazing burgers. you guys may or may not have gotten kicked out for throwing fry’s at each other, but a good time is a good time right? the drive home was silent, but comfortable, both of you just soaking up each others presence. when you got to your house, you turned to thank atsumu for the night, but he had already gotten out of the car. your face contorted into one of confusion, but a few seconds later your door had opened and his hand stuck out, waiting for yours. you looked up and smiled, gently taking his hand in yours. when you had reached your front door you both faced each other and stared for a good 30 seconds.
“i had fun tonight” you finally managed to get out. he nodded and replied, “me too” then it was quiet again. a breeze picked up and moved pieces of hair in your face. swiftly, atsumu tucked them behind your ear. your cheeks warmed and you batted your eyelashes.
“i’ll see ya at school monday” you nodded and smiled. as he began to walk off your mouth spoke before your brain could process it.
he paused and turned, “yeah?”
a sudden flood of courage coursed through your veins. you softly grabbed his hand, your other one gently turned his jaw as you slowly brought your lips up to place a sweet kiss on his cheek. you could feel his cheek warm under your touch, but you didn’t mind, you thought it was cute.
“have a goodnight” you said as you looked in his eyes. he was stunned. the girl of his dreams just kissed him.
“you too” he said breathlessly, walking back to his car with wide eyes. he waited for you to get inside and wave goodbye to him before he fist bumped the air. your lipgloss had left a mark on his cheek and he took as many pictures with it as he could.
when you had walked inside your dad was on the couch watching tv. “hey sweetie, how was your day?” you hid your smile as best as you could and replied with a quick ‘it was good’ as you rushed up stairs. you quickly threw yourself on the bed and grabbed your pillow to muffle your screams of joy and giggles. you felt on top of the world. your stomach could not stop churning and your cheeks burned. you felt so giddy and couldn’t believe that happened. another small step in your book.
but it was definitely the day before spring break of sophomore year that you had fallen.
which was 2 weeks ago to be exact.
you were already having a bad day. your cat that you had gotten when you were 6 passed away, your little brother had thought it would be funny to put water in your piano which damaged the interior detrimentally and you had woken up late which caused you to have bed head. despite all that you tried to be positive, considering you had something good going on in your life.
you had gotten quite a huge crush on a basketball player from your school, and for what it seemed he had shown some interest in you back. you felt excited, you thought that maybe all the romantic things you had dreamed of would come true, maybe this was your soulmate. of course you thought about atsumu as well, but it seemed like all you and atsumu would ever be is just friends. you felt that you should move on, you deserve to find someone that can love you.
that was until the guy straight up said “how could anyone ever want to be with you? you’re annoying and clingy, you can’t even make decisions for yourself. try not to be so insufferable and then maybe we could be a thing.” you froze. you could feel your heart shatter and your face warm. all you had asked was if it was okay to sit by him. angrily you threw your lunch tray at him and rushed out of the cafeteria. hot tears rolled down your face as you walked out the building. what kind of a jerk publicly humiliates a girl all because she asked if she could sit by them. you ran to the metro and prayed that you would get home quickly. you felt like you were suffocating and needed to get home. once home, you hastily threw open the door, running up the stairs and slamming your door closed. your dad had heard you and wondered what all the ruckus was.
knocking, he asked “sweetie what’s up? why are you home early?” you screamed at him to go away and he obliged, too scared and knowing better that it was best to let you be and simmer down.
atsumu had heard about the whole thing during practice. he had already felt bad because he wasn’t at lunch today; he had gotten detention from his coach for being late to practice 3 times that week. he overheard omimi talking about how a point guard went off on a girl and she threw her tray at him. atsumu instantly perked up and butted in the conversation.
“what point guard?” he questioned with an eyebrow raised.
“think it was the one your girlfriend was talking to” suna said with a smug grin. atsumu’s face dropped, completely ignoring suna’s comment as he ran out the gym.
“where is he going?” kita questioned annoyed, the boys just shrugged.
he raced to your house, surprised he didn’t get pulled over but grateful nonetheless. if it really was you that that jerk had yelled at, then he had one thing coming. atsumu’s hand tightly gripped the wheel, angry at the fact that some douchebag had the audacity to raise his voice at you. he was already jealous of stealing your attention, taking his precious time with you away. but you looked so happy and he really didn’t want to ruin that for you. he realized that maybe that guy could give you something that he couldn’t.
but obviously that was totally wrong, and he realized that now as he pulled into your house. he had tried calling you, but to no avail you didn’t answer. he knocked on your door quite loudly, and you father had answered.
“is she here?”
your father shook his head, “no she took off somewhere awhile ago.”
atsumu nodded and thanked him, going back into his car. he stopped and thought for a while. where could you possibly be? you could literally be anywhere on the earth right now.
a thought popped into his head. he remembered that one time when you got into an argument with your dad you ran off like you did now. you had ended up at an ice cream shop by the beach. it was a long shot, but it was the only possible lead he had as to where you are right now. he quickly drove across town, searching for you somewhere in the yellow sand. he saw a couple of people, a boy and his dog, a small family and an elderly couple. just as he was about to leave, he saw a small figure at the end of the beach. it had to have been you. he parked his car and slowly walked towards you. you were sitting up with your arms wrapped around your knees, your chin resting on your forearms. he heard you sniffle and his heart ached for you. quietly, he sat next to you and patted your head.
“hey” you turn your head, red eyes rimmed and puffy. your cheeks were rosey and your hair was disheveled, but atsumu still thought you looked as beautiful as ever. you mumbled out a small hey and turned forward again. the sounds of the waves crashing had calmed you, you longed to jump in the water and never be heard from again.
but you were glad he was here.
it was nice having him right next to you, the loneliness was bearable with him by your side. having him next to you made you feel significantly smaller, in more ways than physical. atsumu held himself high and could easily pick himself back up. but you? you were just an insecure girl looking for someone to be her lifeline. maybe that guy was right. how could anyone ever love you if you can’t even love yourself. you craved validation but for what? for who? why couldn’t you just learn to be alone, what was so bad about it.
“what’s going on in that big head of yours?” you heard from beside you. you paused, you needed something from him to help you see yourself.
“do you think i’m annoying?” you asked softly and atsumu chuckled.
“you talk a lot sometimes, i could say it’s annoying, yeah” the way your eyes welled up with tears made atsumu punch himself internally, now was obviously not the right time for jokes.
“i’m kidding, i don’t think yer annoying. i think yer quite the opposite in fact. quite lovely in my opinion” you nodded but his words didn’t quite get through to you. he could obviously be lying, he is your best friend and all, he could be sparing your feelings.
“‘m serious. i love being around you. you’re such a great person to be around, you’re funny and nice, you listen, you care. you were too good for that jerk in my opinion, you deserve someone way better than that di-“
“tsumu” he smiled sheepishly, “sorry.”
you stared at him, the orange hue from the sun setting made him look stunning. he looked so handsome and you wanted to feel his lips on yours so bad.
“do you mean that?” you asked breathlessly. his eyes met yours and he nodded, something flickered in his eyes that you couldn’t quite recognize. he wrapped his arm around you, leaning your head on his shoulder. just sitting there watching the sunset, you felt at peace. he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, laying his head on top of yours. maybe you were wrong.
maybe atsumu was your soulmate.
that was what you had thought, until out of the blue little miss sunshine and rainbows popped up in the picture.
aiko nakamura.
she was a pretty girl, slim and tall with long legs. she was on the girls track team, and some would say she was one of the cliche it girls. you didn’t really know her, you went to school with her in elementary but you never really had been friends. from what you’ve heard she was nice and funny.
also atsumu’s type apparently.
you were happy for him really, you were just a little upset at the fact that he hadn’t told you anything about her at all. i mean really, what could you do? there was no way you were going to declare your unproclaimed love for him. so of course, being the best best friend you could ever possibly be, you suck it up. you wipe your tears and go on, acting like it doesn’t affect you even if you spend your nights wondering why.
after they had gotten together, your time with atsumu had been cut short significantly. your once friday tradition of hanging out had been given away to some girl atsumu had only been with for 2 weeks. obviously it hurt seeing the guy you’re in love with loving up on someone that wasn’t you, but again, there was not much you could do. watching from afar seemed best, and the once arms length of distance had become one oceans away. he felt just out of your reach and maybe this time it was entirely too late.
after a while, you stopped reaching out to atsumu. you stopped going over, you stopped eating lunch with him, you stopped calling, you stopped texting, you stopped talking. you ached to tell someone about your days because your person was just a ghost of a memory now. you still talked to osamu of course, even hanging with him every now and then. but it just wasn’t the same as your best friend.
one day when you and osamu were chilling in his room, atsumu and his girlfriend were arguing. you could hear the screams and shouts, bickering back and forth. you and osamu just looked at each other, knowing it was best to just mind your business. a few minutes later and you heard stomping down the stairs and a door slam. it was quiet for a little, then atsumu barged into the room.
he moved sluggishly and threw himself onto osamu’s bed.
“‘m guessin you guys fought?” osamu chucked.
atsumu let out a big sigh and had the biggest frown on his face. “she’s mad because i never post her or whatever.”
you decided to stay quiet, continuing to do whatever it was on your phone.
atsumu had noticed your lack of communication recently, and he was upset about it. he wondered if he made you mad or angry at him, or if he did anything wrong. he hated the radio silence and he also hated that you didn’t talk to him about it. he just wanted some type of closure. did you not want to be friends with him anymore? was he too insufferable for you now?
he threw a pillow at you.
“ow, tsumu what the heck!” you glared and all he could do was laugh. atsumu could swear there was steam coming out your ears.
“was just trynna get yer nose out that phone, sorry”
you rolled your eyes, some half assed apology that was.
you guys just sat there a few minutes, it was peaceful and quiet.
“you should go to our game tomorrow” you paused and furrowed your eyebrows.
“i thought aiko was going?” atsumu just shook his head and smiled.
“she is but i want ya to be there too y'know since yer my best friend and all”
“i’ll think about it” another pillow was flung at your head.
going to bed that night you really did think about it. you’d love to go to atsumu’s games but you knew for a fact that aiko was going to be there, and you didn’t want to witness that awkward pda shared between them; you had already walked in on them making out a week before. but of course your heart always wins against your head, and it couldn’t help but thirst about wanting to see atsumu all sweaty and tired from his game.
you had gotten there 10 minutes early and the stands were already packed. their games had always been big, everyone wanted to see the talented players in action. it was both a blessing and a curse to say that you knew those boys. you decided you’d go look for a seat after you said hi to the twins first.
“atsumu y/n is here” kita motioned his hand toward your figure standing by osamu. osamu had spotted you when you first walked in and left aran in the middle of warmups.
from afar, your cheeks looked red, and you seemed nervous. atsumu had wondered if you were sick or if something happened to you. he quickly walked over to you.
just before he had reached you, osamu had pulled you into a hug. his eyebrows drew together. since when were you and osamu that close. he decided to keep his question in the back of his head, deciding he’ll ask about it some other time. you were about to leave, but the blonde had called out for you.
“hey y/n, where ya goin?” eyebrows raised, atsumu waited for your answer.
“i was just going back up to the stands, good luck guys!” osamu patted your head and you left.
there was something brewing in atsumu’s chest, something funny. he looked at his twin with eyebrows furrowed. it was a little odd for you to just randomly hug osamu, so what the hell just happened between you two?
osamu smirked. he could see the glint of jealousy in his brother's eyes. “what?” shrugging his shoulders, he walked off.
you had found a good spot just before the game started. you could see both sides of the court and you could easily see the players. the whistle blew and the game began.
all of the players were amazing, and the rally’s that kept going on were phenomenal. it was a battle that was never ending and it kept you and your toes.
the lights and cheers going on around you really fueled the intensity of the game. it felt like you were watching an olympic game.
you were so caught up with the game that you didn’t hear someone call out your name.
“y/n! what are you doing here?” you turned and aiko stood before you. she looked all pretty and she had atsumu’s jersey on. the one that he never let you wear because it was ‘too precious and i don’t want you to get it dirty’. you felt a pang of hurt in your chest but you smiled.
“oh, hey. the boys invited me to their game and i thought i’d come and support” she nodded and smiled.
“i didn’t think i’d see you here, atsumu always tells me how you never go see him because you’re too scared to get hit by a ball” she laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
you actually didn’t go because you had piano practice, but you didn’t want to burst her bubble.
“oh that’s so funny, he’s always making up some kind of joke” you forced a laugh and turned your attention back to the game.
“yeah he’s always saying something about you” she giggles.
“he also told me about that whole reiji thing”
you stopped.
reiji was the basketball player that you had gotten the big fat massive crush on. he was also the one that yelled at you in the cafeteria.
there’s no way he told her about something like that. something that you had been so raw and vulnerable about. you cried to atsumu about how you really liked him and how he made you feel good about yourself. about how you wish he didn’t say those things because now you feel even more unlovable than you did before.
“he told you… about that?” she nodded and looked towards the court, acting as if what she was saying didn’t affect you.
“yeah what a douche, he definitely could’ve said that over text or something. not that i think it’s true or anything but still!” you nodded and tried to let her words fly over your head.
“but i mean really, how naive were you to think that he would actually want to be with you?”
you could feel your heartbeat in all of your limbs and hear the sound of your blood rushing to your face.
“boys like that only want one thing, and unfortunately for you you don’t have it. maybe if you made yourself look pretty you’d have a boyfriend!” she smiled at you.
you stood there, dumbfounded, shocked about how you should respond. was she trying to help you or bring you down? because it definitely seems like the latter. and it was definitely working. you were embarrassed and wanted to run out of the gym but you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself.
the buzzer went off and the crowd dispersed.
“oh! that’s game, i’ll see you around!” she smirked and waved, walking towards the players.
you were still shocked from the whole ordeal. you could see her run up to atsumu and kiss his forehead. atsumu leaned in for a hug but she backed away, clearly not wanting to get sweat on her outfit.
you also walked down to talk to the boys, but you didn’t want to interrupt the couple so you told osamu good job, giving him a hug. you and atsumu had made eye contact and it was clear he wanted to talk to you, but before he could get to you you panicked and quickly walked out of the gym. you did not want to speak to him especially since he had told his girlfriend about your heartbreak.
he thought it was odd, you always told him bye so why did you run off?
“hey uh, i’ll be right back” aiko gripped his hand and atsumu was taken aback.
“where are you going?” atsumu looked down at his hand, stared at it and retracted his arm.
“just gonna do sumthin real quick” she nodded, but she obviously knew where he was going.
in a light jog, atsumu went to search for you. surely you couldn’t have gone too far, you hadn’t left that long ago.
he spotted your figure just about to exit the building.
“y/n!” you paused and turned, seeing the person you were trying to avoid the most. you could feel yourself shiver.
“where ya goin?” he questioned.
“i’m going home tsumu” he was confused and you could see that in his facial expressions.
“weren’t you gonna tell me bye?” you looked in his eyes and you could feel your anger and embarrassment melt away.
“i didn’t want to interrupt you and aiko. she seems nice by the way. hope you guys are happy” you said, forcing a smile. you walked off but atsumu could clearly see that something was up with you. he didn’t want to push so he settled for a small smile and a wave.
“call me tonight kay?” you nodded, not looking behind you.
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tenkobitch · 3 months
𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜!
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Yamaguchi Tadashi x GN Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, friends to lovers, high school crushes
A/N: This is the second quick fic I've written after a long time, so I hope you guys like it! There's not much to say other than... I love writing for the sweet guy characters :D (Also, and going back through and editing stuff, cuz I was WAY TOO TIRED to be writing this in one sitting.)
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Yamaguchi was never one to hide anything from Tsukishima, mainly because the blonde male would figure it out eventually, but Yamaguchi has a secret.
To be more specific... A secret crush!
Tsukishima, not noticing anything wrong with Yamaguchi, wasn't bothering the poor boy about his crush or his new found shyness towards you. The green haired boy continued to keep this a secret from his best friend, knowing that Tsukki would either push him to confess to you, or he'd tease him about how shy he was around you!
As the boys were warming up on the court, preparing for a practice match, you happened to pass by the open doors of the gym. You were delivering papers from your club to a joint club, but you couldn't help but take a detour to see the boys on the court. Specifically, you were looking for a particular boy on the court...
Your secret crush!
You decided that your club didn't have to know every little detail about your personal life, no matter how good of friends you all were to each other. So... You decided to keep the fact that you have a crush on Yamaguchi a secret. Besides, your members had no right to know! They're always digging into your personal life and ask you when you're going to get a boyfriend.
Oh, how you wished that Yamaguchi would be your boyfriend.
As you continued to make your way to the joint club, you realized that you could stall for time by saying you got caught up in talking to the club's leader, or you could say you fell on your way back to your clubroom and you had to go to the nurse and get a bandage.
No, that'd be absolutely crazy! You couldn't make up a lie just so you could stand in front of the open gym doors to watch a bunch of sweaty, stinky guys practicing volleyball. Well, you weren't intending to watch all of them.
The point is, you are not gonna come up with an excuse on why you weren't back in the clubroom in a reasonable time. You just couldn't do that...
You finally dropped off the papers at the joint clubroom's classroom, making sure to give the leader a greeting before heading back the way you came. You were sad thinking about how you wouldn't be able to watch Yamaguchi for just a little bit, but you have standards! You weren't going to purposely make your club members wait for you to come back. They'd gripe for a whole week if they found out why you weren't back in the classroom.
As you walked by the (still) open gym doors, you decided that admiring the boys (Yamaguchi) volleyball skills for a minute or two wouldn't hurt. In fact, your members would probably be impressed that you could take the time to appreciate the volleyball team honing their skills, rather than actively playing a game.
You went closer to the doors and received a polite head nod from Kiyoko, the team's manager. You spoke a small "hello" and proceeded to watch the boys (Yamaguchi) passing, tossing, serving, and spiking volleyballs left and right. Once you had your fill (you had to force yourself to leave), you gave a small wave to Kiyoko before walking closer to the outer area.
You thought walking down a couple of stairs would be an easy task, and your members would be none the wiser, but it turned out to be quite difficult...
On account that a volleyball smacked the back of your head, causing you to lose balance and fall to your knees. You groaned as you rubbed the back of your head in little attempt to remedy the situation, but the damage was already done.
You heard the sounds of fast feet running to your aid, or to simply see what had happened. You couldn't bear to face the embarrassment waiting for you at the door, so you continued to rub the back of your head, and hopefully the boys (not just Yamaguchi) would go away. You heard two loud boys screaming about how much trouble someone would be in with the captain, you heard a quiet discussion between Kiyoko and another player, and you heard someone walking slowly up to you.
You heard a frantic apology from the person right behind you, saying "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" a couple of times over again. You rushed to stand up so you could run far away from this and never come back, but you were turned around gently by the same person that was apologizing like his life depended on it.
You couldn't believe that you were standing this close to your secret crush, and it seemed like the shy boy quieted down because he stopped apologizing as soon as you turned around. You both stared at each other as Yamaguchi continued to hold onto your shoulders, as if you were gonna disappear if he didn't. It felt like an eternity before you heard someone loudly clearing their throat behind your crush.
You both looked at the captain of the team, wondering what else was going to happen next. Daichi, the captain, had already dismissed the others and went up to the both of you, shaking his head. He patted the 1st year boy on the shoulder, grabbing so he could pull him closer.
"Yamaguchi, you're not in trouble, but since you hurt her head, I'm tasking you with taking them to the nurse's office." The younger boy nodded as he shyly looked back at you, letting you lead the way.
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"Your head is fine, but if it's still throbbing, make sure to put this ice pack on it for a couple of minutes." The nurse told you as you and Yamaguchi made your way out of the room. You both gave your goodbyes and slowly walk back to the gym. You both didn't say much until you were halfway to the outer area. Yamaguchi, trying to sound cool and confident, quickly initiated the conversation.
"I'm really sorry about your head! I really didn't know that you were out there. I hope your head feels better soon." With the little confidence you had left in you, you nodded your head and looked at Yamaguchi closely.
"So you were aiming to hit the volleyball out the door?" The boy's cheeks blushed widely as he tried to give you a better explanation of what he was doing, but you only laughed at how panicked he was. He stopped in his tracks as you laughed at his attempts to save face, and you couldn't help but hear what he said next.
"You have a really pretty laugh! Just like you... I mean, you're not a pretty laugh, I mean that you're pretty- Oh my god, what am I saying!" You stared at him as he rambled more and more and kept digging his grave, but you couldn't help but smile. He thought you were pretty? You!? We're you dreaming?
You touched his upper back gently and rubbed his shoulder in appreciation. He blushed some more and only calmed down when you told him that you wanted his phone number. You really didn't know what came over you, but you were finally taking charge! You were actually talking to your crush, and he wasn't running away like you thought he would!
You eventually headed back to your clubroom, only to be met with a smack in the back by your members, asking you where you had been for so long. You explained what happened, excluding the parts where you basically confessed to your crush, and they all stopped bothering you about it.
You packed up to go home after your activities were over, and you stepped out into the cool breeze, feeling as though you were a new person (you weren't, but that didn't stop your high). You walked towards the bike racks to find your bike and go home, but something in the distance caught your eye.
Yamaguchi walked quickly towards your area, handing you a slip of paper. You were confused but remembered that he promised to give you his number later. He bowed and said one last thing.
"Text me whenever you want to and I'll answer as soon as I can! I'll try not to keep you waiting," he turned to make sure no one was behind him before he ran back to the gym.
"Be safe! C-Call me when you get home." And he was gone.
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As the weeks passed by, you and Yamaguchi became closer than ever, and you quickly confessed your feelings to him because you were confident that he'd still be your friend even if he wasn't interested. Surprisingly (only to you), he said he liked you too, and you both began to take your relationship at a slow pace. The both of you were happy with the outcome!
But as Yamaguchi kept getting on his phone to message you, Tuskishuma started to notice how happy his best friend was staring at his phone... The blonde found out almost immediately that the green haired boy was messaging a special someone...
Tsukishima would never let that kind of info pass by him, and Yamaguchi certainly wouldn't keep a secret like that from him! There's no way.
But there is a way.
Tsukishima just has to ask. Act cool about it. If he makes it a big thing, Yamaguchi's gonna make it a bigger thing.
So, he asks.
"Yes, Tsukki?"
"Is there something you're hiding from me?"
"W-Why would I hide anything from you?"
"Well, you're looking way too happy to be playing a regular old phone game. You must be messaging someone."
"I... I don't know what you're talking about, Tsukki!"
"You're dating someone, aren't you?"
"M-mind your business!"
That confirmed everything to Tsukishima. And just like Yamaguchi knew he would, the tall blonde started teasing him every chance he got, and he hadn't even met you yet!
"Did you tell Tsukishima about us?"
"No... Why do you ask..."
"He walked up to me before class started and said, 'I know about you and Yamaguchi' and then he just walked off! What a guy..."
"Yeah... He should just mind his own business!"
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
A/N: Thanks for reading! I stayed up until 11 p.m. just to finish this. I probably would've never finished this if I didn't stay up. Hope you all have better motivation than I do. :D
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teddytheartist · 28 days
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Kuroken for the soul 🤍
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tarithenurse · 1 year
Best friend
Fandom: Haikyuu Pairing/starring: Kuroo Tetsuro x fem!reader Word count: 1366 Content: Pining, soft Kuroo, some grossness (blame CAH), shyness, making out, best friends to lovers, implied smut. A/N: This is inspired by a black card from Cards Against Humanity. It came shock last in the recent poll but I just *had* to write this and I hope you’ll like it anyways. Unbetaed.
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Best friends
... Reader ...
You’ve known him since forever. A childhood friendship that has been allowed to blossom because you went to the same schools. Only in college were you forced further apart but Kuroo Tetsuro and you managed to keep in touch, relishing the moments you met up.
You can do anything together: sports, homework, chats (serious or not), silences, games...everything. You know him inside out and that’s why it probably shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you when you realized you were falling for him. Slowly but surely, your adoration for your friend has deepened, turning into longing for something more.
Something you are sure you’ll never get because Tetsuro is your friend. Your best friend.
“Oya...it’s your turn,” Tetsuro breaks through to you.
The two of you are hanging out at his place. It’s late on a Saturday night and out of boredom, you’ve pulled out Cards Against Humanity, taking turns to read out black cards for the both of you to come up with the most depraved answers. No white cards involved. It’s not needed because with just the two of you there’s no point in making it a proper game.
Picking a new card, you glance over the text in an effort to distract yourself from what you’d really been thinking about: Tetsuro.
“What don’t you want to find in your Kung Pao chicken?” you read.
“A toe,” he answers promptly, making you instantly visualize it much to your regret.
You shudder. “Eeeew!” Then you have to think for a moment, wanting to out-gross the guy. “A...tooth?”
He looks at you with disbelief before snatching the card. “I win.”
“It’s not a competition!”
“Is now after that answer ‘cause I need to teach you some things,” he grins and your insides go all warm and mushy at how pretty he is with that cocky expression.
Pulling a new card, he wriggles closer to the coffee table, resting the elbows on it and staring you deep in your eyes. “I get by with a little help from...blank.”
You know he’s hinting at something dirty. Kuroo has no problem talking about sex-related things and most of what you know you’ve learned from him chatting away. Actually, you have no personal experience on the matter apart from what you secretly do when you’re all alone. Thankfully that’s never come up.
Tampering down the heat in your cheeks, the word ‘friends’ pop out before you can think clearly again. Sure, it might be a perfect quote from the song, but it’s not as deranged as the game calls for.
“Classic,” he smiles before clearing his throat, “the female orgasm.”
Again, you have to tamper something down but this time it’s harder because you’ve just gotten a clear image of Tetsuro naked and flush against you, his fingers dancing under your panties and oh my could you use some of that.
“What? No applause?” he pouts but still takes the card.
It’s your turn to pick one and as you read it to yourself first, you swear the universe is out to get you. “How did...how did I lose my virginity?”
“Ooooh, nice one!” Kuroo savours the question before glancing to you. “You start.”
“But I picked the card!”
He shrugs. “So? Go on.”
Come on, something crazy or realistically kinky. But you’re coming up blank. “Uhm...with my first love...”
Tetsuro freezes mid movement as he’s about to take a sip of his drink. Slowly, he turns to look at you before setting the glass down. Reaching out, he takes the black card from you, studying it as if he doesn’t believe what it says and then places it too on the table.
“Serious question,” he leans back on the couch, “that answer...you’ve never had sex, have you?”
“Oh come on! Just because we’re best friends doesn’t mean I have to tell you everything I do!” You don’t know why it’s such a big deal, really. Not for you and especially not for him.
He seems to have come to the same conclusion. Shrugging, he smiles softly at you and your nerves change characteristics. Why did you have to fall for this guy? Couldn’t you just have gone out and found someone else when you first realized? But it’s too late now: you’re in love with your best friend and you can’t imagine losing your virginity to anyone else than him. It’s just never going to happen.
“Well, I’ll have to answer differently than originally planned...’with the wrong person’,” Kuroo sighs.
The answer surprises you. You’d think he’d say something kinky but this sounds so profound and full of regret.
“What do you mean?”
“The right answer is yours...I just didn’t take that risk.”
The silence is awkward for once until you decide to admit he’s right. “Well...me neither.”
“[Y/N]...have you had a first love? Or have?��� You nod, feeling the heat spread from your face to your chest. “Someone I know?” You nod again, unable to hold his gaze any longer.
Your answer hangs heavily in the air and when he gets up, you half expect him to leave the room but instead he comes over to kneel next to you, lifting your face towards him with a finger under your chin. The touch sends goosebumps speeding along your limbs and a tiny sigh escapes you.
“Can I kiss you?” Tetsuro whispers, amber eyes searching your face for any sign that you want him to stop...or to continue.
It’s a small nod but he sees it. Face breaking into a bright smile, he leans in and plants his lips on yours ever so gently.
At first.
Then his hand slides along your jaw and cups your head so he can deepen the kiss. He tastes of the pop he’s been drinking. Tastes the way he smells too which is your favourite scent (as long as he doesn’t douse himself in cologne or whatever...you like him au naturel). Your hands reach for his shirt to tug him closer or maybe make sure that he’s really there and it’s not just one of your dreams. But you feel him. And it’s better than you could have imagined.
As the kiss extends, Kuroo presses himself closer to you, leaning in over the armrest. You can hear him breathe heavily through his nose and you try to do the same but still you turn dizzy and have to break away.
“Oya oya,” he almost whimpers, “I’ve dreamed of this for a long time...”
It’s hard to believe until you meet his gaze. You know him and his tells...and he’s speaking the truth.
Pulling him back for more, Tetsuro manages to skirt around the armrest. Standing between your legs, a knee resting on the seat between your thighs and his whole body curled in around you, his kisses drive you backwards into the soft cushions and he has to support himself against the back of the chair. Soon his mouth begins to wander, seeking out the tender spots beneath your ear and on your throat. Hands roam, exploring new places after soft sounds of request and permission have been exchanged.
Something ignites within you. You’ve tried it before when your own hands are at work and your mind is filled with images of your friend. This time, however, it’s much stronger.
“More,” you whimper into his hair.
He has his head buried in your cleavage but it snaps up to regard you with a burning intensity. “You sure?”
You nod.
“Say it...say what you want, please,” he is frozen in place.
You wriggle against his still hands but he refuses to budge. “I want...more...you.” You can see he understands but he still holds back, willing you to say it out loud. “I want to sleep with you. Please?”
Finally, he moves. Scooping you up in his arms, he carries you to the bedroom and lays you down gently on the bed. “Anything you want, babe.”
“I trust you.”
“I love you,” he answers, breaking open the floodgates that have held back all the emotions for so long.
“I love you too.”
His smile is dazzling but you only get to enjoy it for a moment before he busies himself again.
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ineedhaikyu · 2 months
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Summary: The story of Asahi Azumane meeting the love of his life,(Y/N) (L/N), in Nationals. He's Karasuno's ace and she's Inarizaki's manager. Despite being on different teams, it didn't stop either of them from falling in love with one another.
Pairing: Asahi Azumane x female! Reader
Warnings: Slow burn! Lots of fluff. Topics that involve struggling with anxiety, self-worth, and slight depression. Spoilers for Season 4. Manga spoilers. Slight use of offensive language. Use of (Y/N). Third POV.
Credits of Dividers to @saradika
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Glass-Hearted Ace Series
Chapter 1: How a beautiful love story began.
Chapter 2: Second meetings are just as nerve-wracking as the first.
Chapter 3: Admitting to a crush to friends is only the first phase. The next phase is dealing with their reactions.
Chapter 4: It was a bittersweet moment when Inarizaki lost to Karasuno. What will happen next? Do the feelings stop there?
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luv4ghibili · 9 days
Crossing the line -
Series Masterlist + Blurb
(Toru Oikawa x Fem!Reader)
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*this is set in what would be their second year of high school*
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You and Hajime are twins. With your twin brother comes his insufferable best friend Toru Oikawa. Your parents had been great friends with Oikawa's parents for years before you were even born which only meant one thing. You could never escape him. Not during the holidays, not during family vacations and never on birthdays. Growing up, you two barely got along. With you two always finding new things to turn into competitions eventually turned into you having a strong disdain for him. Once you got to high school his presence just became a nuisance for you. With the constant rumours going around of you two and his fangirls growing his ego he became someone who you only tolerated infront of your family.
To stay on the volleyball team, he needs to get his grades up and when your mother volunteers for you to be his tutor things can only go sour…or will they?
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one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
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extra stuff 😉
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idlerin · 2 years
w/ neighbor!suna rintarou x f!reader
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suna rintarou was a good friend, he tucked your hair aside as he wrapped it around a towel, attempting to dry it after it suddenly rained on your way home from school and neither of you thought to bring umbrellas that day, resulting into him hastily grabbing your hand and running all the way to his house, yours was a bit farther. he sat you down on a chair and gave you your favorite snack to occupy you with as he left to change into some dry clothes, tossing you some of his spare clothes for you to wear. now you sat beside him as he figures out how to properly dry your hair, it’s clear he’s never had to maintain long hair before. you could just say that you can do it on your own but you were too amused that he was trying to do so.
suna rintarou was a cute friend, he lent you his jacket while you waited for him on the bleachers in the gym. volleyball practice was ending later than usual and you didn’t mind waiting for him to go home together because 1. it was raining 2. it was cold (hence, him lending you his jacket) and 3. you weren’t used to going home without him anymore. the team was divided into two for practice, you jokingly cheered on atsumu who was on the opposing team. you laugh as rintarou glares at you, you screech “thats my baby!” when suna’s team won making him the target for teasing. right after, he walks to you and flicks your forehead, muttering, “that was embarrassing” with his ears tinted red.
suna rintarou was an annoying friend, the both of you fought the other day and still haven’t made up. there you were, speakers blasting your favorite song, blocking out the sound of heavy rain and hopefully blocking your thoughts from going to a certain fox eyed guy, and failing. frowning as you scroll through twitter, why won’t he just leave your mind for 5 freaking minutes! thud thud you glance at your window and catch as another pebble leaves another thud on it. you walk towards it to see what was going on, you see a familiar tall figure in a raincoat holding a big soaking sign with ‘i’m sorry’ written on it. you open your window, rain still pouring down really hard as you shout at him, “you have really shitty handwriting!” he looks up and smiles at you, and you bite your lip to resist from smiling back. you should really let him in though, but that doesn’t mean you forgive him. yet. (he got a fever because of this, you were guilty because it was partly your fault and personally went to his house everyday to check up on him. you eventually forgive him because you couldn’t stay mad at him for long.)
suna rintarou wasn’t just a friend, you realize with your head on his chest and his arms around your waist as the both of you watch the most recent dumb horror film on another rainy evening. you overreact when a character does a thing you shout at the screen for them not to do. rintarou laughs every time. you find out that his laugh was something you want to hear all the time.
suna rintarou really wasn’t just a friend, you think as you watch him frantically explain to you that the girl you just saw kiss him didn’t mean anything to him and that he was surprised when she did that because he just rejected her and that he immediately pushed her away. you stop him with a “why are you explaining?” that sounded awfully bitter. he answers still, staring directly into your eyes, “because i wouldn’t have been fine if i saw some other guy kiss you.”
suna rintarou didn’t want you to be just a friend.
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a/n — im in need of loving
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