#haikyuu holiday fluff
junosmindpalace · 9 months
☾ ft. tetsuro kuroo
☾ sfw. because who doesn't find the tradition amusing? 920
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somebody on the nekoma boys volleyball team thought it would be funny to hang mistletoe above the clubroom door. it was all in good fun, taking advantage of a year old holiday tradition to laugh at the embarrassed and defensive expressions of his fellow teammates as they tried to escape from the obligatory kiss in a fluster.
it was kuroo. kuroo was the somebody who thought it would be funny.
it was actually holly, and he’d explain the differences in the plant without anyone asking or caring, but the tradition still stood. his mom had asked him to rummage around in a box tucked away with old decor to see if she could find anything remotely festive to celebrate the holiday season. as he was rummaging around through bunches of tangled strings of fairy lights with dead bulbs and old gingerbread kits, his eyes brightened in curiosity as he retrieved a small plastic holly plant from the very bottom of the pile. 
and he’s sure glad he went through with his plan to bring it into school, too, because the look on yaku’s face as he grew red with anger and shouted over his embarrassment at walking under the plant with lev was absolutely priceless. 
“now the two of you gotta kiss.” he laughed as he leaned against the lockers, arms crossed over his chest. yaku gave him a murderous look. 
“we aren’t doing anything!” 
lev, too amused with admiring and flicking the mistletoe (which was shorter than him), didn’t pay much mind to yaku’s disgust, though if had noticed, he probably would’ve taken a disappointedly offended stance at his suggestion. 
“guess you’re in a festive mood, kuroo.” kai muttered as he glanced at him with a sort of nervous smile, removing his jacket. kuroo chuckled. 
“just thought it would be fun. i thought you of all people would get a kick out of it, yamamoto.” kuroo turned toward his junior with the distinct blonde mohawk, who only scowled at him from over his shoulder as he opened his locker. 
“you better watch your back, kuroo. you’re next!” he pointed an accusatory finger at him, still disgruntled over the fact that he had (nearly) walked into the club room in sync with kenma. kuroo scoffed. 
“like you could get me!” 
“yeah? stand under the doorway, then!” yaku chimed in, shooting him an irritated glare. kuroo’s eyes darted between him and the mistletoe at the door. there was only a brief pause in between before kuroo strided toward the door and lingered at the threshold, teasingly taking steps in and out of the club room. yaku hissed. 
“see? can’t get me.” he smirked, and with that, the rest of his body, along with his face, disappeared behind the wall and heading to unlock the gym. 
on his return back, kuroo puffed out a breath of fog and shivered. it had snowed the night before, leaving a strong chill in the dry air, and he was eager to get inside the club room as quickly as possible to where the heat was. 
just as he was about to step inside, however, he heard a voice, and immediately recognizing it, his heart somersaulted in his chest.
“kuroo!” it cried, and it sounded close too, so close that kuroo instantly felt his face warm when he turned around and was immediately met with your face only inches from him.
your cheeks were rosy from the cold, even despite a scarf wrapped snug around your neck and a hat keeping your head warm. your jacket also zipped up to your chin, and he couldn’t help but grow increasingly nervous with every passing moment he spent looking at your eager expression. 
it only took kuroo a single semester’s worth of partnerwork for him to grow utterly hopeless around you--and everyone knew it. it was hard for anyone to miss his clumsy demeanour or tinted cheeks around you, so much so it was a miracle that somehow you hadn’t picked up on all the signs. 
fumbling with his hands, tripping over his words, prolonged eye contact; he shrinks when he thinks about how he's reduced to a klutz around you.
“kuroo, hey! i'm glad i was able to catch you! i have these papers from minaho sensei that you missed when you were on your away game.” 
you extended a hand to hand him said papers, slightly crumpled in your freezing grip. he quickly took them from you upon noticing. 
“oh, thank you so much. i don’t know what i would do without—“ 
“ooooooou, kuroo, you sly bastard! you had to have planned that!” 
the two of you both looked in toward the classroom at a disgruntled, shirtless yamamoto, who seemed so distressed you were almost taken aback. kuroo narrowed his eyes.  
“what the hell are you talking abo—-?”
and then the green above his head caught his peripherals, and amidst the cold, kuroo started to sweat. 
the two of you slowly looked up in unison at the mistletoe, the mischief device of kuroo’s own division, gleaming in the sun. you had stepped onto the threshold under the mistletoe, resulting in the two of you now both stuck having to fulfill in a year old tradition. 
truly, it was a miracle you didn’t catch the signs. 
yaku’s eyebrow shot up in satisfaction, fulfilling kuroo's previous position with his arms crossed over his shoulder and leaning against the lockers. “got you.” 
the two of you slowly turn toward one another with wide eyes and flustered expressions. 
truly, it wasn't so much a miracle that kuroo didn’t catch the signs either.
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jamminlocks · 9 months
A Very Full Bed {Ushijima x Reader}
Tags: F/M, M/M, post timeskip, Fluff, Hand holding, establish relationship, ushijima is soft, reader's gender is unspecified, one shot, not beta read, sfw word count: 1262 Summary: its the first time Ushijima entered your room and you have a bed full of plushies A/N: the fic mentioned from this post [ao3]
"Oh" in a mildly surprised tone is the first thing Wakatoshi says when he enters your room, having to duck down the door frame. It's obvious what this is about. The first thing anyone sees in your room is the many, many stuffed animals that sit on your bed and pillows, talking up almost half the bed space. They are stacked by height, smaller plushies on top of bigger, wider ones. Bigger, cute animals leaning on the headboard.
You quietly laugh to yourself before speaking to him. "Yeah. it's like a kid's bed, right?"
He doesn't say anything, simply humming in agreement as he scans the bed. You wait for some kind of comment from him, something along the lines of "you're a child at heart", "you didn't outgrow them", or "aren't you too old for this?".
You doubt that Wakatoshi is the kind to say something like the last line, but everyone who always had something to say.
Still he is quiet, just standing by the door. Finding no reason to talk about it more, you move on to why you two are actually here: finding the damn charger for your laptop. Just when you two were about to start sorting through your drive to see shots you took of Wakatoshi in his game, your laptop died.
"Can you look near my bed? I'll check the drawers here." You instruct. Opening one the first drawer you can reach and dig through the items.
"How many stuffed animals do you have?" Wakatoshi asked.
You didn't think he'd still be on that. With your hand still in the drawer, you look up to the ceiling and recount each plushie you know you have. "I dunno. I know I got 4 big ones on the bed. There's another two in my closet somewhere.” attention moving to the door of the closet, recalling if you’ve recently done rearrangements in there.
"You must be sleeping well at night with them around," he said
"I don't sleep with most of them, actually. Every night I move the bigger ones over there”, you point at the armchair.
Not really being in a hurry to find the charger, you stopped searching and walked up to the bed then let yourself fall onto the mattress. Some plushies squished under your weight.
"See, if I sleep with them every night like this, it's gonna get messy." You twist and climb on properly. Some plushies sitting near the edge were either moved to sit atop the bigger stuffed toys or thrown to the armchair. Once there was enough space, you lay down on your back, holding onto a large headed koala plushie. “But, yeah, It's really comfy here though,”
Wakatoshi gently smiles. It may seem the same from his indifferent expression, there's enough to see that he is happy.
You pat the vacant space beside you, “here.”
Wakatoshi initially hesitates to take the invitation. You’re insistent, moving other stuffed toys aside to make room for him. Giving in, he does his best to help you, placing of the smaller plushies to sit atop the pillow sized ones, huddling together. Though, there are still others by the foot of the bed that stayed.
The mattress sinks from his weight and you feel it. The weight of an athlete is not one you usually perceive. Wow can it move you. He does the best he can to not russell the bed that much as he settles himself. Some of the plushies fall back to blankets. His broad and muscled shoulders and arms squash the soft materials of the stuffed toys and he rests his head on the blue, seal shaped pillow. You hand him the large, round plush of a Shiba Inu, placing it over his chest. To which he takes and coversnhis stomach with.
You change your position to rest on your side, facing Wakatoshi. “How is it?”
As you patiently wait for his answer, he shifts in small motions. A hand petting the stuffed dog. You can’t help but think how silly this is right now. 
With his usual deep, monotone voice, he says, “everything is soft.”
You smile. “Sure is, huh?”
He holds out the stuffed Shiba Inu, turning to its front side for him to see its face. It has round black eyes, tongue sticking out and pink blush.
“And very cute,” he followed up. Hands squishing the sides of its head. Thumbs pressing on the cheeks. "This is the first for me"
Somehow, this is a surprising reveal to you. Not that you ever thought he was the kind to enjoy plushies as much as you do. You have thought of him as someone who could care less about them. “What, laying in a bed full of stuffed toys?” you ask in light sarcasm, just to be a little funny.
Wakatoshi hums in agreement, still playing with the dog. 
“Really? Even as a kid?” you ask, turning to your side so not to fall asleep. “You didn't have a lot of stuffed toys growing up?"
“They gave me some when I was young. I don’t believe I slept holding one or having one at my bed, however,” he said. 
He takes interest in a small cat plush wearing a dotted dress sitting by your head and takes it, toying with its paws. “Now I feel like I’ve missed out on something so simple.”
You take your favorite purple penguin to wrap your arms on and you cheerfully say to Wakatoshi, “good thing you have now, huh?”
His attention returns to you. Eyes a surprise from what you said. Then, the familiar subtle fondness you’ve observed from him shows through calm eyes and a very rare natural smile.
“You're right,” he said.
You turn and push yourself up. It gives you a good look at Wakatoshi, ever so politely lying straight on your bed surrounded by the cutest and most adorable soft toys. It's silly really. You never thought you’d ever see him like this, given how serious he comes off whether he realizes it or not. You smile at him. Plopping yourself beside him a little closer and on eye-level to him.
“How come there’s so many?” he asked, shifting to have his body face you.
The two of you stay in bed, talking about how and when you got the plushies. Which ones you got as a kid, those you bought with your own money or won on crane games, and those you got as a gift, along with who they were from. Wakatoshi listens attentively, asking questions after you answer. He listens to you babble on, saying his simple yet unintentionally funny remarks here and there. You’d laugh. Its nice and relaxing. 
At one point, when your voice got soft and slower as you tell the story of how you got a very expensive pokemon plush in a crane game after three times and barely spending, He sneaks his hand to yours that is resting on the mattress, lacing them together. You continue to talk as you return the gesture by playing with the grip of your fingers on his hand. Face to Face to each other.
Suddenly, Wakatoshi said, tenderness the most clear in his expression it has ever been, "we should do this more often."   
You want him to clarify what he meant by that. Does he mean just lying down together? Talking about random stuff? Or, just lying in bed. Lying on your bed? Does he want you spending time on his bed?
Whichever it is, your heart wholly agrees. 
A/N: imma be real with you chief, i dont even know if they kissed after that 😅
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eirxair · 2 years
"Why are you helping me." Tobio says, it's more of a statement than a question, yet still as much as a question as a fact. He's not looking for an answer, but Tooru still gives him one, along with a steaming cup of hot chocolate and whipped cream and no marshmallows, Tobio hates marshmallows.
Tooru narrows his eyes before turning on the Christmas lights and taking a seat across from the younger. "I'm not helping you. I've never helped you. And I never plan to. I don't care about you. Never have." He says, venom in his words completely absent. No real bite to them.
"Shut it mothman." Tooru quips back, pushing the plate of gingerbread men-and volleyballs, which were basically just spherical balls of cooked biscuit batter- towards Tobio. "Now eat up, you'll waste away if you don't."
So Tobio does, he grabs a biscuit and bites, staring the older into the eyes and imagining he'd disintegrate, all the while being grateful. He knows why Tooru's here, he knows why Tooru's spending time with him.
Ever since the captain found out he spent the holidays alone he'd come round. Pay some visits. Claim he didn't care at all, all the while giving Tobio cherishable memories with a petty bastard he'd come to see and love as a brother.
Tooru could say that he was doing this because Frosty the Snowman possessed him and Tobio was the personal equivalent of hell so he came round to exorcise himself all he wanted. (the excuse he used the first time he visited.) But actions speak louder than words.
And the words are telling him that Tooru cares. So he eats the rest of the gingerbread man and throws a gingerbread volleyball he'd grabbed at Tooru.
It was going to be a good holiday season this year.
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toomanygoldfish · 10 months
Advent Calendar Writing!
I’m going to be writing something haikyuu every day from December 1st to the 25th. If you have any ideas of what to write send me an ask or leave something in the comments!
After the Christmas season is over I will write something New Year’s Eve, then continue my cat and dog person polls. Thanks!
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tonytonwy · 2 years
jump in
A small drabble based on ‘a change in routine’ but can be read alone :)
The water is freezing.
At least the first few seconds, however, you feel the refreshing cold water hit you like a wave, it's soothing against your hot skin. You never thought summer in Japan could be so humid and hot. You rise up, laughing, mostly in disbelief as Kita also rises up, touching your arm. It feels electric, his touch as it softly grips your forearm. You can basically touch the floor, your sandals feeling like awkward flippers that don’t fit in the river.
"Before you can ask, I'm fine!" You say, laughing in pure shock, your hair wet against your forehead.
You see truly an amazing sight.
His hand is still on you but his other hand goes to his mouth, slightly covering it as he laughs. Loudly. You can only smile, absolutely enamored of Kita's laugh. It's soft, warm, and god, so him. You wish you weren’t 14 right now, you wish you weren’t on exchange, you wish you could stop romanticising the idea of him.
"Well, I won't ask then! Glad ya' having a good time." He says, also in disbelief. He runs his hand against his forehead, forearms already starting to thicken up with muscle, slicking his hair back and you think you've ascended to heaven.
"The water is amazing," you dive back down quickly before going back up, taking a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air.
"Yeah, it's," he gulps, not sure what to say. You had been staying with them for a few months now so, naturally, he had gotten closer to you but this was a new moment for him. He's not one to lie, to himself or to anyone but he's not sure what to do with these sudden emotions and the adrenaline rush. He didn't even hesitate as he saw you fall into the river from the low bridge, he just, illogically and irrationally jumped in with you.
"I think,"
"I found your brother's ball!"
You scream, not hearing the end of Kita's sentence but you turn and see his face, giving a shocked smile and you swear, flushed cheeks. Maybe he was a bit burnt but you knew Kita never forgot to apply sunscreen.
"Sorry, what did you say?" You give a sheepish smile and he just gives a small smile however you see his eyes are relieved yet a bit sad. Despite Kita appearing sometimes as a robot, he was sweet and you could, sort of, understand him at times.
"Don't worry about it, let's get the ball." He says kindly and you can't help but notice his small laugh before he swims to the shore, where the shiny red pokeball is.
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littlemisstpk · 2 years
So I did a thing, and actually finished a seasonal fic in the actual season it's set in. Look at me with my self imposed deadlines haha.
Part 2 of a series, but I did my best to make it able to stand alone too.
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extant-exhaustion · 7 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "extant-exhaustion "?
Well, first of all, thank you so much for your patience! I know it took me seven weeks to reply to this Ask! I agonized over my list (also, the holidays happened, which kept me busy). But I finally narrowed it down, so here we go, in no particular order:
My Top 10 Favorite Fanfics
In Another Life by LittleLuxray Haikyuu!! | T+ | 23k | Bokuto/Akaashi | angst, sickfic | It's famous for a reason. Truly one of the best pieces of writing I've ever read, including published works—I've rarely cried so hard or been moved so much.
died in my dreams by MTrash Haikyuu!! | T+ | 10k | Ushijima/Tendou | futuristic/cyberpunk AU, opposites attract, reluctant work partners to friends to lovers | fantastic characterization, really cool conceptually, a story about trauma and healing and finding your person
the weight of water by wordstruck/@redluxite Haikyuu!! | M | 6k | Iwaizumi/Oikawa | angst | Painful, soul-crushing heartbreak, but so, so beautiful. As someone who's experienced loss and grief, this story is visceral and the accompanying art haunts me.
Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder Haikyuu!! | M | 150k | Hinata/Kageyama, Daichi/Sugawara | action/adventure, Medieval AU(?) | unlike anything I've ever read before or since; a really masterful integration of an enormous cast and a plot that unravels with absolutely zero fluff or filler
shimmer in your shine by zenelly/@zenellyraen Hunter x Hunter | T+ | 91k | Leorio/Kurapika, Killua/Gon | American roadtrip AU | This story made me cry over a fist fight between Leorio and Illumi in the parking lot of a Red Lobster in Arkansas.
The Myth of Mankind by MistressEast/@mistresseast Promare | T+ | 63k | Galo/Lio | action/adventure, romance | masterful worldbuilding, kickass fight scenes, intrigue galore, falling in love while preventing mass murder? yes, please
A Second Chance To Say by KazimaKuwabara/@kazimakuwabara Yu Yu Hakusho | M | 92k | Yusuke/Kuwabara, Youko Kurama/Kuronue | action/adventure, hurt/comfort | ft. Kuronue's eternal sass and unwavering friendship, the slow burn of reincarnated already-in-love KuwaMeshi (because Kuwabara doesn't remember it), somewhat menacing levels of intrigue, and Hiei finally winning MVP of emotions on Team Urameshi
Don't Blink or You'll Miss It (Lift Up Your Head) by umisabaku/@umisabaku Kuroko no Basuke | M | 81k | Kagami/Kuroko, Kasamatsu/Kise, Midorima/Takao, Himuro/Murasakibara, Aomine/Momoi | super powers | This story and its accompanying series are so cool and so unique. The characterization is amazing and the worldbuilding is stellar.
neither fish, flesh, nor foam by twoif interactive on Twine Kuroko no Basuke | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, Little Mermaid–esque, interactive storytelling | incredible, but also devastating; a story about how sometimes our doubts can destroy not only ourselves but the good things we build; one of the coolest things I've ever interacted with as a story, a true tour de force
Transient Shadow, True Light by seafoamist/@seafoamist Kuroko no Basuke | M | 322k, WIP | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, hurt/comfort, time travel, historical (Edo Period) | If you talk to me about this story, I will go absolutely feral, because it is my current obsession and the only WIP that is on this list. I'm straight-up insane about its quality and depth. I can't even put this story into words. It knocks the wind out of me.
And lastly, my URL doesn't actually have a story behind it! It's basically just my life, haha. “Extant” is an adjective meaning “ongoing/still in existence” and “exhaustion” is pretty obvious. Essentially, I like alliteration and thought it sounded better than "tired 100% of the time."
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silverflqmes · 7 months
synopsis. valentine’s day ( haikyuu version ). ever wonder how the haikyuu boys would spend the so called romantic holiday with you?
genre. fluff + crack
for @melukonova , @hearts4yuji / @kozuwhore , @reawakened-goddess , @diorlumx <3
ft. tooru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi, kotaro bokuto, daichi sawamura, koshi sugawara
gender neutral! reader.
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⌗ oh you’re getting spoiled, that’s for certain. he’s got plans that involve chocolate, flowers, and a very cute plushie of himself<3
⌗ lots of kawa hugs and hand holding!! i stand firmly w the fact that he gives the absolute best hugs cuz he’s just so cuddly and sweet aaaa❤️
⌗ “happy valentine’s day my love~ today you get all of my affections for the price of your own!”
⌗ for a surprise date, he would take you out to a botanical garden and tell you the meanings of each flower that further conveys his love for you. isn’t he the sweetest? YES HE IS SHUT THE FUCK UP BC TOORU IS THE SOFTEST MOST INNOCENT BOYFRIEND EVER🙁❤️ but like i mean when he’s antagonistic i mean🤭 ANYWAY-
⌗ ahem, furthermore i believe pocky will make an appearance, maybe strawberry flavor!! and he will share his box with you.
⌗ finally down to the last stick, he would look at you with a smirk before letting out the most exasperated sigh.
⌗ “oh no, oh no y/n-chan.. there’s only one stick left! what other choice do we have but to share.. care to make it a competition, hm?”
⌗ he won. no further explanations needed.
⌗ ah, iwa-chan.. the poor thing had to go to his dearest best friend a week beforehand for advice.. a tragedy, truly.
⌗ after a few threats to give his friend another injury to worry about, however, the wing spiker received all the necessary information and ideas required to execute valentine’s day to perfection for you!
⌗ hajime opted for a rather simple approach to valentine’s day that started with a letter he would hand to you. a formal invite to his home with an rsvp thing there as a joke LMAO he’s so silly
⌗ his cheeks were burning with red, a pout evident on his visage as his brows knitted together — something you found completely and utterly adorable as he asked you to read his note.
⌗ it was a heart clenching sight as you opened up a cute nintendo themed card that had happy valentine’s day written with a few silly video game puns. and just like that, his plans were revealed to be a date at home with the wii and any video games of your choice, since you liked them so much.
⌗ it was needless to say, that despite being rather decent in video games, especially mario related ones that he grew up on.. his skills dropped BELOW noob level because all he could focus on was you.
⌗ you just looked so happy playing, and the twinkle in your eyes made it impossible not to stare.
⌗ for each time that you whined at his lack of awareness, he would just laugh and say it was too hard to focus when your smile was right beside him. something he would much rather look at.
     ➫    𝓑𝗢𝗞𝗨𝗧𝗢   𝓚𝗢𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗢   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ his valentine’s day wishes for you was over the top, on behalf of the fukurodani volleyball club wishing you with cute posters once you’d arrived at the gym that day to see your boyfriend — who was acting weird all day because he wanted to tell you so badly..
⌗ his plans for today were to take you to a trampoline park! it just sounds super fun and he wants to show off a little.. but he ends up losing dodge ball to some kids😭
⌗ bokuto emo mode ensues.. but then he remembers you’re there and brightens right up again LMAO he’s so simple when it comes to you fr
⌗ took you to a bakery afterwards to get you your favorite desserts — and because he might have wanted some too.. come on, he can’t help it when they just looked so so good!
⌗ on the way home, you guys petted some kitties along the way and even commented that some resembled your friends back at nekoma high
⌗ he gifted you a light and dark gray owl plushie holding a rose as your gift and as a reminder of him always being there for you!!
⌗ “there you go, y/n-chan! now you’ll always have me with you and when you’re feeling down, just look at plush!”
⌗ valentine’s day ended off that night with long needed hug and the promise of seeing each other once more at practice the next morning<3
⌗ after some pushing from his trusted setter, koshi, to do something special, daichi finally got the courage to actually do something sweet for you this year
⌗ what are his plans, you might wonder? it’s simple, yet lovely. he found this spot where the sunset is prettiest in miyagi, and decided to take you there after preparing a nice late lunch at home and homemade chocolates that suga helped him make earlier in the week
⌗ he gave you your favorite flowers first thing that morning at school and a kiss on your head with a small grin
⌗ the team, however, didn’t fail to fluster him with their giggles and snickers as he yelled at them to get back to training..
⌗ it brought a laugh and smile to your face regardless, to see your boyfriend looking as silly and cute as he did, flustered despite how he normally carried himself
⌗ at last, the time came for your date and you were incredibly excited for where sawamura would be taking you. it was almost dusk, but that was exactly what he waited for
⌗ the two of you sat together on a blanket ( and one around you as well ) he’d brought with two cups of hot coco he’d poured out of a thermos he brought and shared a nice meal he’d prepped once he got home from school that day
⌗ the change of color in the sky was a beautiful sight, and yet he found himself looking over at you, a soft smile on his lips that he was able to spend the way with you
     ➫    𝓢𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗔   𝓚𝗢𝗦𝗛𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ he has seen enough romcoms, listened to loads of taylor swift and scrolled through hella cheesy couple related posts on pinterest to be able to devise the perfect valentine’s day outing with you!
⌗ koshi brought you chocolate covered strawberries he’d prepared the evening prior to valentine’s day all wrapped up in a pretty box with a note attached that conveyed his valentine’s day wishes for you<3
⌗ for his plans, he’d decided on taking you shopping at the mall and to a restaurant of your choice as his treat to you before taking you to karaoke
⌗ whatever music you like, he’d be happy to sing it with you and just have a super good time worth cherishing as memories<3
⌗ he’d searched up online which flowers to best express his love and created a bouquet for you that he would have had with him when he went to pick you up for your date
⌗ “ahaha, too much? happy valentine’s day, dearest y/n-chan!”
⌗ lots of hand holding, his hands are super soft and taken care of since he’s a setter and his hugs send you on cloud nine, he’s just so soft<3
⌗ it’s rather late when your finish your date, and he finds difficulty in allowing the day to end since he wants to be with you longer.. so you both have a sleepover woooo✨
notes. weehee happy valentine’s day brought you by some of the haikyuu boys because they are free therapy, wym it’s just a volleyball anime? anyways, also dedicated a bit to my girliepops, their favs🫶 enjoy<3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Kita Shinsuke x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Inarizaki Fic Rec Masterlist
One for the Rules ✨by alkhale (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff, acto!shinsuke)[COMPLETED]
Patience is a virtue ✨✨by @watevermelon (oneshot, fluff, humor, childhood friends to lovers)You lost track of the days that you were in love with Kita. He was the wielder of cold-logic and held the bluntest of words at times, but he showed his own special brand of care. What you hadn’t expected was for him to especially care about you.[COMPLETED]
A stranger you know well ✨by @love-amihan (oneshot, angst) It's your wedding day and you get closure(kinda) with your ex.[COMPLETED]
a place to call home ✨✨by @nariism (oneshot, childhood rivals to lovers, one bed trope) "be kind, shinsuke." that's what yumie always told her grandson. and he would live by those words—even if it meant sleeping on the floor every weekend.[COMPLETED]
Lavender ✨by sansos/@snailsos (oneshot, fluff) Every decision, every action, every step that you took served to distance you from your past. Yet you still clung on to the lavender bookmark that bound you back to it.[COMPLETED]
If Memory Serves Pt 1,  Pt 2 ✨✨by @seokiloquy (oneshot, humor) your mom sent you to farm.[COMPLETED]
lover be good to me ✨by flintstrike (soulmae au, hurt/comfort, slowburn)You meet Kita Shinsuke on a rainy summer day, with a sea of hydrangeas swirling at your feet. You know him instantly, as only a soulmate can. He seems like a good man. Like a good soulmate.[COMPLETED]
Again by @yourstarvic (oneshot, fluff, past lovers, )You and Kita meet up again and decide to make a promise.[COMPLETED]
Grant her wish by @caxsthetic (oneshot, fluff) He never expected you to be there in his life, someone who was chaotic and may change his routine. But then, maybe he needed you after all.[COMPLETED]
kita shinsuke loves his grandmother by @augustinewrites(oneshot, fluff) His grandmother keeps pestering him to date you.[COMPLETED]
GOLDEN DAYS by @sukirichi (oneshot)what it’s like dating Inarizaki’s golden boy.[COMPLETED]
Enemies ✨by @loveephia (oneshot, kinda enemies to lovers, tooth rooting fluff)in which you can’t believe that someone like kita exists, and you hate him for being so perfect.[COMPLETED]
a sea of flowers in bloom ✨✨by sunmoonstarsrain (fluff, humor, angst with happy ending)"Take a holiday", your best friend said, "somewhere in the countryside, i know just the place". You probably shouldn't have trusted her. Not when she sent you to Kita Shinsuke's rice farm (aka the home of a god).[COMPLETED]
Slowly Falling In Love by mochi_puff(arranged marriage, fluff, slowburn)You and Kita Shinsuke got wed through an arranged marriage. This is a slice-of-life, slowburn fic of the two of you.[COMPLETED]
In Due Time ✨by deltachye (oneshot, wedding fluff) You meet at a wedding, and you know it’s a bit hasty, but your Pinterest board titled “Wedding Inspo” could really be put to use right about now.[COMPLETED]
 Dancing in the Morning Sun ✨by Channelei(oneshot, humor, fluff) Kita wakes up in his childhood home to the chaos that is his wife and his grandmother dancing together at 6:15am.[COMPLETED]
won't go home without you by @i-need-entertainment (oneshot, angst, fluff) You and Shinsuke have a fight.[COMPLETED]
a multitude of happy deviations✨ by @eggtoasties (oneshot, fluff) When Kita comes to practice with lipgloss on his mouth, chaos ensues.[COMPLETED]
Season + Weather by ejqz (fluff, light angst)Kita Shinsuke adored his grandmother. When she suffered health complications, Kita knew it was time to leave both Osaka and you to return to the countryside. After the winter chill comes the bearing of spring. Then comes the summer of cicadas, and finally the fields of neverending gold.[COMPLETED]
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rinkkuma · 9 months
ft. atsumu miya, hinata shoyo, & kageyama tobio
tags. includes a mix of christmas and winter activities, gn!reader, a bit of cussing, all fluff ! / author's note. happy holidays and i hope everyone has a great new year's! i wished it snowed where i live </3
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when your hands are cold he tries warming them up by blowing into them, but eventually gives up and just pouts and shoves your hands into his pockets.
as mentioned before, he loves decorating the christmas tree with you. has a large collection of ornaments as well, it's kinda scary.
christmas music is the only thing atsumu is listening to during decemeber. while he gets ready in the morning, doing homework, as he works out, you name it. he absolutely refuses to listen to anything else the whole 31 days.
atsumu bakes and decorates cookies with you!! you buy already pre-made cookie dough to save you and atsumu the hassle, but it always ends up chaotic anyways. atsumu tries to make various shaped cookies without using a cookie cutter since he feels he has more freedom without it and well, the cookies always end up spreading too much that you can't tell what it is. honestly not that bad at decorating with icing though, but they still sometimes come out questionable.
buys a fake mistletoe and hangs it on the front door so that you have to kiss him every time you leave the house. it's also an excuse to kiss you countless times everyday. atsumu believes he's an absolute mastermind for thinking this one up.
shoyo loves going out in the snow to build snowmen with you!! a majority of the time it just ends in you two having a snowball fight. he is absolutely heartbroken if someone destroys the snowman or whenever it melts.
ice skating!! since he has a great balance, he's a natural. he is actually a great teacher if you don't already know how to skate. goes slow and holds your hand the whole way. if you already know how to skate though, he playfully challenges you to a game of tag and immediately skates off before you get the chance to process what he said.
as much as he loves the outdoors and could honestly spend the whole day outside, it is quite the opposite during winter. shoyo enjoys staying inside during the rain/snow under the covers while watching christmas movies with you! his favorite christmas movie is definitely the polar express.
building forts!! a professional fort builder since his childhood. he makes them super cozy with a ton of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. shoyo also hangs christmas lights inside to make it all the more festive. the fort is also paired with a christmas movie marathon, hot chocolate, and other christmas snacks.
buys chocolate advent calendars for you guys!! he looks forward to seeing all the fun shaped chocolates everyday. gets a little sad at the end of the month, and wishes all holidays had advent calendars.
actually really good at decorating gingerbread houses. since his hands are so steady, the details are neat and precise. it honestly looks better than the one shown on the box.
simply going on walks in the snow and going to a cafe is one of tobio's favorite winter activities. holding each other's hands while stepping into the soft snow, and getting a nice, warm drink paired a pastry.
tobio gives you a shit ton of gifts, it's concerning. plans these gifts by listening to what you rant about wanting in previous weeks, asking your family/friends, and sneakily talk about stuff you would like. asks his sister for help on how to wrap the gifts, but they ultimately come out a little messy but he tried his best!
snow tubing is a must for tobio. he loves bundling up in warm clothes before, and makes sure you 100% are. you will not get sick on his watch!! he loves going tubing at night though since they have pretty colored lights on. tobio also attaches his tube to yours every time, because he likes seeing you smile and laugh throughout the ride.
buys multiple matching pajamas for you and him. varying from the abominable red flannel pajama pants, reindeer onesies, to grinch pajamas, tobio has it all.
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
hiii, just poppin' in to say i love ALL of your writing (no matter how self indulgent) it's always so so amazing
i also wanted to ask about your favourite headcanons of your favourite haikyuu boys/girls?
and oooo that's a tough one... I'm gonna do relationship HCs and I'm gonna try to limit myself to 5 but we shall see how that goes...
(...I only did some boys in this one cause it was getting long but if you want me to do one for the ladies of haikyuu I absolutely will. alisa and kiyoko are my wives.)
{relationship HCs for various hq boys}
gn!reader, pure fluff <3
timeskip spoilers!!
includes: kuroo, atsumu, oikawa, sakusa and semi (who would have guessed)
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the light of my life. my first husband.
like he could be so attentive to your every want and need
but you need to communicate with him what those things are before he actually picks up on them
but once he does? you're gonna feel like royalty with how amazing he treats you
kuroo is definitely the type to rile you up for his own enjoyment
like not enough to make you actually angry but just mildly annoyed, or to get you into the same playful mood he's in
usually you'd go into playful banter from there
he loooovvveeesss kissing you
like so much it's actually concerning (but you love it anyway)
doesn't have a specific place he prefers to kiss you but he will admit to purposefully kissing you in sensitive spots (like your neck or stomach) so he can hear the noises that come from that
if you're like me and get anxious/too in your own head sometimes, he would be so good at keeping you distracted and calm
would hold your hand squeeze it every so often to ground you
(side note he would have the nicest hands, second only to akaashi maybe, and he's aware you like them)
gently cups your cheeks a lot when you're having a conversation, it's so common that neither of you even notice it anymore, so when you're out with friends and he does it, they gag at the affection
also yk that thing where you knock your heads together as a form of affection??? you guys would absolutely do that, it's his favourite thing
since I literally have his jersey in hoodie form, I have to mention that he would purposefully buy clothes he thinks you'd be more likely to steal from him
he lovesss seeing you happy, so your relationship is a lot of fun. he's always making you laugh, which in turn, makes him laugh too
will CRY if you whisper sweet nothings to him after a long, hard day, pls validate him and tell him you love him and he's all that you want and more
and he will absolutely do the same for you, even if you had the best day. he wants to give you everything, so let him !!
scratch his back while he lays on top of you and rants about his day and he turns to putty
he's just very in love with you and wants to make you the happiest person on the planet, he wholeheartedly believes you deserve it <3
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we all knew he was gonna be on this list
fun fact, kuroo and akaashi were my top two characters for like a year and a half, and then one day atsumu shot to first place (if you couldn't tell from my blog)
anyway if favoritism shows, no it doesn't
he will pick you up at any chance he gets and drag you to your room for cuddles
he is SUCH a cuddly guy I wholeheartedly believe that.
does not mind being the big spoon one bit if that's what you prefer, as long as he gets to hold you in some way
he goes all out for anniversaries and holidays, you actually have to reign him in a lot of the time
will go to the gym and send you mirror selfies with horribly cheesy captions saying how much he misses you and how he wishes you were there with him
the jackals all love you and will 100% side with you in a petty argument just to tease atsumu
his favourite place to kiss you is definitely on the lips. he's not sure why but it just makes him happy
he LOVES it when you kiss his forehead tho
you guys have an entire arsenal of inside jokes
truly your relationship is two dorks best friends in love
after a long day his ideal destress routine would be to make dinner with you and then watch a show on the couch before going on an evening walk together
will show you off at every event he brings you to
he gets so giggly whenever you show him affection without him having to ask for it, it's the cutest thing you've ever seen
this man flirts to see you hideaway and then turns a million shades of red if you give it right back
he is just so proud to call you his partner <3
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this man is my favourite character in all of haikyuu
he's my favourite character but like, only top 5 in terms of my simp list yk??
but you'd better believe I have some HCs for him
I've said it before and I will say it again, even if Spanish isn't his first language, he would absolutely use Spanish terms of endearment on you while/after living in argentina
things like mi vida, mi sol, mi amor, etc...
i'm half costa rican, you can't blame me for adoring pet names in Spanish, and if you do I will simply ignore you <3
bro is so romantic.
like I genuinely believe he would be one of the most romantic guys out of any of them
very affectionate, but I feel like he wouldn't be so much in public despite what everyone else says
he'd happily show you off at events and stuff, and it would be obvious you two are together, but I think he's definitely more affectionate alone with you
loves loves loves skinship
will literally stick his hands under your shirt when you're cuddling just to trace shapes into your skin
loves gently running his fingers over the features of your face
he just wants to feel you a bit
kisses your temples and fingers the most I think
loves taking baths with you as well, he loves just sitting with you and talking about your days
he always wants to hear about every little detail
he lovesssss when you start rambling on about something and will listen to you so intently bc he knows what it is to feel passionate about something
if you run your hands through his hair he will melt into you, but you didn't hear it from me
he will also melt if you call him any pet name. he'll never admit it, but you know his favourites are the ultra-sweet, tooth-rotting ones he claims to hate
if you're ever insecure about anything in terms of your physical appearance, he will spend so much time complimenting you and kissing every place you point to <3
looks for you in the crowd at his games and smiles at you before he serves bc you're wearing his jersey
i want to give him a million kisses all over his face after he wins a game to see him smile and laugh, I have no problem feeding his ego actually
damn maybe the favoritism showed up more in this one
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take this as his bday post bc i forgot to get something out for the actual day
i LOVE this guy
I do already have some fluff HCs for him and a clingy!reader
but these are gonna be more general
okay so I do genuinely believe he would be soft for his partner
in public he is not outwardly affectionate
but that's okay bc you love all parts of him and respect his boundaries
however behind closed doors
he will bask in your affection
loves having your arms around him, loves being pressed against you
he's not a robot in public though, oh no
he has a very dry sense of humour, i think, which you love
bc if he has a sly remark or something to make about someone, he'll lean in close and whisper it to you
doesn't matter where you guys are, if he thinks of something, he's gonna want to share it with his partner, especially if he thinks it will make them laugh
his pet names for you range anywhere from "sweetheart" to "you little shit" tbh
lots of playful debates with him too
he likes to subtly match with you, either through colours you wear or like, homescreens that match up when you put your phones side by side
loves to kiss your palms the most and when he's holding your hand or you're cupping his face, he will hold your wrist and press tiny kisses to it
very observant so he will always be picking up on any mood changes or things you're hinting at
his morning voice is god tier, just saying
loves it when you play with his hair right when he wakes up, will literally purr like a cat if you do it long enough, but he will deny anything and distract you from it with a kiss
what a guy <3
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i've said it before and i will say it again: he plays the guitar for you and writes songs with you in mind
he is a literal godsend when it comes to attending to your needs
does not mind one bit if you ask him to get you water at midnight
he is always down for late night drives as well, and has two playlists specifically curated for them and he picks one to play based on whether you're tired and need to get extra sleepy or if you're energetic and want to jam out with him
he's a government worker by day, musician by night and whenever you go to his shows, he will dedicate a song to you
speaking of performances
bringing this one up again, but always has you write something on him before he goes on stage (I have a mini fic based on that idea if u look on my page!!)
HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH OKAY??? would literally worship the ground you walk on if you told him to
gets you souvenirs from wherever he plays a show and presents them to you all dramatically and grins when you laugh at him
you most definitely have a necklace or bracelet with one of his old guitar picks hanging from it
semi is affectionate. not stingy with it in public but not crazy with it behind doors either. he's just. affectionate. most of it comes out in his songwriting anyway.
his main love languages are probably words of affirmation and acts of service
will ABSOLUTELY whisper sweet nothings to you completely unprompted when he's feeling soft just to get you flustered and/or in a sweet mood with him
he is in love, your honour
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@emmyrosee more kuroo as promised!!
hope you all enjoyed!! please like and reblog <3
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purpleqilinwrites · 10 months
when summer comes.
a/n: "i am a passenger princess ushijima enjoyer," i say (hewwo, i'm kaija, adult, never learned how to drive).
fandom: haikyuu!!
character: ushijima wakatoshi
genre: fluff
info: established relationship (ushijima is your boyfriend); post-time skip
warnings: -
synopsis: ushijima promises to take you to paris in the summer.
word count: 0.8k
fluff-vember prompt: holiday
fluff-vember 2023 masterlist is here.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
The car would seem too quiet once you dropped Tendou off at a train station a few stops down from his hotel.
You had insisted on driving him the whole way, but he simply wiggled his eyebrows and threw finger guns at you and Ushijima after accepting the ride and getting in your rental car. Something about "not wanting to third wheel", which you had also insisted he wouldn't be. You enjoyed having him around, and it was apparent your boyfriend did too.
Tendou flew in from Paris without his partner, since they couldn't take the time off from work for it. Consequently, he also attended the Shiratorizawa Academy reunion party alone. It gave you the opportunity to get to know your boyfriend's best friend better, which you appreciated, but you would've felt less awkward with Ushijima if Tendou's partner had been beside him.
Tendou exited the car in such a rush that you were suddenly concerned that you'd been driving too slowly. He flashed his phone screen to you, as if he could read your thoughts, and you saw that his partner was calling. You stepped out of the car to see him off, since Ushijima was already waiting on the sidewalk.
Standing beside your boyfriend, you watched Tendou cross the street and practically fly into the train station.
Maybe he wanted to get a head start on showing them a bit about the city he grew up in. At the party, you had heard him telling Ushijima that he was going to film himself eating around Sendai for them while he was here, which you thought was so sweet. The next time Ushijima flew somewhere without you – which would be soon, when game season began – you'd make sure to ask him to take some videos to go along with the pictures of his day that he sent you.
You've been standing outside in the cold for a while, feeling a chill come over you as a signal of the time. As if sensing your discomfort, Ushijima removed his coat to drape it over your shoulders. You pulled it tighter around you after you gave him your thanks.
"Should we get going?" he asked, even if he made no move to leave his spot beside you, resting on a guard rail outside the train station where the two of you had seen Tendou off.
"I thought it would've been nice to see Tendou-kun's partner in person," you said, instead, closing the uppermost button on Ushijima's coat under your chin so that it would stay put around your shoulders, even with the wind. "We could've had a café double date."
He hummed as a means of agreement, leaning closer to you to share his warmth. "Satori would have liked that," he said. "He has excellent taste in pastries. You would enjoy coffee tasting with his partner, too."
The wind tumbled past the train station before you could respond, reminding you to get back in the car and away from the clutch of winter. Without brushing your hair out of your eyes, you immediately turned to nuzzle your face into Ushijima's chest to warm your nose and cheeks.
"Okay, we can go now." Your voice was muffled by his shirt, which was far too thin for the weather. Once again, you marvelled at Ushijima's superhuman heat-generating and cold-resisting ability, much more in awe than you were jealous. It would've definitely freed up a lot of room in your luggage if you didn't get cold as easily as you did.
Pulling away from him and instantly mourning the loss of his warmth, you stretched out your hand for him to hold for the short walk back to the car. Ushijima took your hand and pulled your arm around his waist so that you could continue to use him to stay warm. "I don't want you to get cold," he said, smoothing your wind-tousled hair down and tucking the longer strands behind your ears.
"You spoil me." You gave him an appreciative squeeze as you started down the length of the train station, smiling. He put his own arm around you and returned the gesture, easily matching your steps.
"We can visit Satori and his partner in Paris in the summer," Ushijima said, as he held the door open for you. You paused in your attempt to get in the car, before you righted your posture and stood up straight beside the driver's seat. He repeated himself, giving you time to absorb what he was saying. The smile on your face only grew when his offer set in.
You put your hand on his arm, relishing the way he was solid under your palm. That you weren't dreaming. "That sounds amazing, Toshi," you said. "It won't clash with anything on your schedule?"
Ushijima shook his head, giving you a small smile of his own. "I have time in the late summer."
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getoswhore · 2 years
൭˙ ˖ — 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒! つ♡⊂⊹)
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⊹ holiday givings! ♡☃️ merry christmas and happy holidays to all! since today is such a special day and is known to spread love, joy, and kindness, i would like to do the same for y'all!
this year, i would like to help with 'smaller' blogs that would like to get more recognition that they deserve or blogs that seem to struggle to reach an audience! moots or non moots, followers or non followers, anyone who thinks they would like to speak on their blog is willing to join! please join and help yourself! thank you! ~
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⊹ but before you do. . .⛄
like and reblog this to make it spread for others!
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൭˙ ˖ — christmas list ( authors )
@luvrkou — yandere haikyu and jjk + dark content + ( MORE INFO )
@midnightshade — jjk + dark content / fluff + ( MORE INFO )
@haithamuse / @vieradise (nsfw side blog) — multifandom : blue lock, twisted wonderland, and genshin + ( MORE INFO )
@gojou-violin — multifandom : aot, jjk, chainsaw man, mha, etc + ( MORE INFO )
@azxremoon / @lumiinated (writing side blog) — multifandom : jjk, fe3h, persona 5, and nier, etc + dark content + ( MORE INFO )
@ayh-moon / @gutouhua (writing blog) — multifandom : genshin, jjk, and danmei + ( MORE INFO )
@sirenh4ll / @/etherealathena (ao3) — mostly aot but plans to expand + ( MORE INFO )
@milkyybuns — multifandom : genshin, kny, blue lock, jjk + ( MORE INFO )
@itadore-you — jjk and mha + ( MORE INFO )
@succubusonthedoorstep — jjk and aot + dark content + black readers + ( MORE INFO )
@p-powerr — multifandom : mha, aot, jjk, tr, dc, and kny + dark / fluff + ( MORE INFO )
@deartoru — multifandom : bnha, jjk, naruto, kny, saiki k, genshin impact, etc + dark content + ( MORE INFO )
@510hz — one piece and jjk + dark content / fluff + ( MORE INFO )
@rozentias — multifandom : bleach, hxh, jjk, etc + dark content + ( MORE INFO )
@tuzuis4thwife — multifandom : jjk, csm, aot + nsfw / fluff + ( MORE INFO )
@okeigo — mostly jjk but is multifandom + mostly fluff but wants to expand to dark content / nsfw + ( MORE INFO )
@keigosmelody — multifandom : genshin impact, boku no hero, jjk, obey me!, kny, haikyu, etc + dark content + ( MORE INFO )
@bokutosmochi — haikyu and jjk + sfw / nsfw + ( MORE INFO )
@obitohno — multifandom : aot, csm, jjk, bnha, tokrev, naruto, genshin, and spy x family + ( MORE INFO )
@jujutsukatsuki — multifandom : jjk, mha, aot, and plans to expand to genshin impact + lots of angst + ( MORE INFO )
@chosoguapo — writes mostly for jjk and plans to write for tokyo revengers, mha, genshin impact, jjba, hq, and many more + black readers (but all can read) + ( MORE INFO )
@angelwa — multifandom : haikyuu, boku no hero academia, jjk, and kuroko no basuke + dark content + black readers + ( READ MORE )
@25-30-03 — multifandom : aot, jjka, mha, csm, and jjba + dark content + ( READ MORE )
@preciousamethyst — multifandom : mha, jjk, black butler, sk8 the infinity, and more + chubby / plus sized readers + ( READ MORE )
@nutheadgeenat — bleach and jjk + black readers + ( READ MORE )
@venusflytrapstar — multifandom : jjk and aot and is trying to expand to more : mha, dc and csm + ( READ MORE )
@sailewhoremoon — multifandom : mainly bleach, naruto, jjk, mha, tokyo revengers, and aot + dark content + ( READ MORE )
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kaiisers · 1 year
HAIKYUU! ꒰ sfw ꒱
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none of the works in this rec list belongs to me. all due credits go to the respective authors. most of these works are f! or afab! reader. ALSO! minors + blank + ageless blogs will be blocked.
⿻ last updated: may. 09, ‘23
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personal favorites : ♡
reader discretion advised, read content warnings : ✧
mxm: ch & ch
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head over heels. ──── 1k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ at an msby match, shoyo hinata catches your eye. apparently, you catch his too.
cw. gn!reader
how to: build a confession.
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ tsukishima takes a grueling trip to build-a-bear and reflects on his feelings for you.
cw. none (except for kei’s miserable behavior)
girlfriend. ──── 2.4k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you might be his girlfriend—but she's his girl.
cw. f!reader. hurt/comfort. a lot of reader insecurity. fear/mention of emotional cheating but there is none
exactly where you wanted me. ──── 2.3k [ outtake ]
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ in which Oikawa asks you to be his fake girlfriend and isn't expecting to be swept off his feet
cw. she/her!reader, minimal angst, mostly fluff, love triangle-ish (as I had forewarned), pining
holiday shopping.
a groovy kind of love. ──── 1.8k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ in which bokuto tries his best to make you feel better.
cw. mentions of a breakdown, hurt/comfort.
as if! ──── complete
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ what you want is what you get. thats how its always been for you growing up. but the one time you let time and destiny do it’s thing, surprise, surprise! it’s not how you want it to be. maybe you‘re just clueless on how things should play out without having it your way.
cw. smau, crack, fluff & maybe a pinch of angst
no follow-up questions. ──── 3.1k+
cw. mentions of drinking & alcohol, reader has a little drunk throw up moment <3
older brother’s best friend suna is so annoying !!!
storytime: i fell in love with my fake fiancée? ──── 3.2k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ suna decides a fake proposal is a good idea to get free dessert - what he doesn't expect is for a video to go tiktok viral for 'couple goals'.
cw. suna rintarou x f!reader
cold feet. ──── 1.8k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ in which Atsumu gets cold feet before he even gets engaged
cw. angst to fluff, exes(?) to lovers?
escapism. ──── 1.1k
cw. SFW, slight angst, reader is emotional, a lot of smiling and tears - lovers who have loved each other almost their whole lives, even if they lost sight of it along the way.
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ MIYA OSAMU
snapshots. ──── 1.9k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Osamu asks you during an interview where you see yourself in five years. It’s everything you’ve wanted and so much more.
cw. fluff; coworkers to friends to lovers; Osamu is reader’s boss for a moment but there’s no power dynamics; self-indulgent
angel eyes. ──── 1.5k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ a series of unfortunate events for our mochi kita
cw. kita shinsuke x gn!reader, meet-cute(?), fluffy
happily ever after. ──── 1k
cw. kingdom au; angst/fluff; mentions of infidelity; suggestive content
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you’ll always be there for him as you are his home.
cw. fluff
steal my girl.
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ kita has had enough with his teammates flirting with you and it’s about time they find out who you really are to him
cw. fluff
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imaginethathaikyuu · 1 year
don’t lie to me - part one
akaashi keiji x reader 
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a con-artist, lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers au
synopsis: You have nothing to lose, and that’s exactly why you love to go after those who do. Lying is as easy as knocking down a house of cards, revealing truths of corruption underneath. You and Akaashi are leaders of your own team of Robin Hoods, but you can’t keep up the act forever, can you? When you threaten trading this life in for something more romanticized, you and Akaashi fall right back into your old, hateful ways. 
tags: lying stealing robbing etc., lovers to enemies, con-artist/spy!au, haikyuu x the great pretender crossover, not very relationship forward, but a lot of fluff sprinkled in, arguments, fights, angst, a break up 
word count: 8535
Hitoka Yachi was a liar. She was a thief. She was a con artist. And she could not tell you how she got to this point in her life. 
And there she sat in the living room of an affluent old lady who knew nothing about the telephone package Yachi was trying to sell to her. 
That’s what made her the perfect target, an ideal victim to scam out of a few hundred bucks. Just like the others in this neighborhood Yachi had already meticulously gone after. 
“Let me make it simple for you,” Yachi told her, putting on her best and brightest smile, “You can give me a down payment now - of eight hundred dollars - and when our team comes for the installment, you can make your decision then. We can deduct any extra payment from next month’s bill.” 
The woman took a deep breath and used the pause for thought to adjust her shawl on her shoulder. “Well…” 
“And this is the last day for this offer! Remember, this is a huge holiday discount. Even if you wait until tomorrow - it would be triple the price!” 
It wasn’t a holiday or anywhere near. 
“I probably shouldn’t pass this up, then…” 
The woman reached for her large purse and Yachi shot out of her seat in excitement, raring to snatch the payment from her. 
“Thank you! We’ll be in contact about the installation day! Thank you!” 
With the money in her hands she darted out the door, leaving behind every pamphlet and example photo she had brought with her. All she cared about was getting outside so she could do her happy dance in private. 
What she was doing wasn’t wrong. These people already have enough money to afford their nice homes and retirement dreams. Yachi was simply taking advantage, and she was doing it to survive. 
She started walking in a random direction and stopped at the first restaurant she came to. She stuffed her hand deep in her pocket to tuck her money inside - first, she pulled out a sliver of paper. Written on it was the name and phone number for the woman she just had a meeting with. 
As she walked inside, she wadded the note up and threw it toward a trash can nearby.  It bounced off the edge and landed on the ground. 
Yachi’s only friend was a woman older than her, cooler than her, and meaner than her. Tanaka Saeko played drums for a band, drove a beat up van, and frequented all the restaurants Yachi loved. That made them friends by default. 
She was telling Saeko all about the recent job and how she made a new eight hundred bucks, while Saeko was barely listening, stuffing her face and kicking rocks under the picnic table. 
“I actually need a favor.” 
Saeko grunted. 
“Help me out, and I’ll give you half.” 
Yachi pulled a brown wallet out of her back pocket. 
Saeko rolled her eyes. “Again? Really?” 
The two of them did this every day.
“Come on,” she whined, “it’s fun! Look, the woman in the purple ordering at the counter - she’ll be perfect for it.” 
The street was nearly empty, save for the few people eating at tables or walking by. It was the perfect day for making more money, and Yachi would do just that. 
You were standing in front of a food stall sipping lemonade when you got a tap on your shoulder. 
“Excuse me - did you drop this?” 
“I’m sorry?” 
“This wallet was on the ground, it’s yours, right?” 
The girl opened the wallet and showed the cash inside, knowing it would pique your interest, and then let you take it from her hands. 
Yachi put on a sweet smile until Saeko came over to wipe it off. 
“It’s mine. Hand it over.” 
Saeko took the billfold from you, but Yachi snatched it right back from her then stuffed it in her back pocket. 
With her arms up in innocent defense, “You know what, I’ll just take it to the police.” 
“I told you, it’s mine.” 
“How am I supposed to know that?” 
“What, do you want a reward or something?” 
While they bickered, you finished your drink. Then, you pulled two twenties from your purse. 
“It is mine, actually. Here’s your reward.” 
And Yachi smiled at you, pulled the wallet out, and handed it over to you as she took your money. 
“Thank you so much,” you said, being so sweet it felt fake, and then you wrapped your arms around her, giving her the most awkward hug of her life. “I appreciate it so much, thank you. Have a great day.” 
Then, you walked off. 
You were hardly out of earshot when Yachi started laughing to herself as she pulled the real, money filled wallet out of her pocket. 
“It’s just so easy these days!” 
Saeko held her hand out expectantly. Yachi slapped a bill in her hand. 
“Thanks for playing,” she said, and Saeko said nothing. “You still hungry? It’ll be my treat!” 
Just to brag, she pulled the wallet open, showing Saeko her earnings. The extra twenty she just stole from you didn’t seem like much in comparison to the hundreds in the pouch, but it all adds up. Every cent counts when you’ve got rent to pay. 
And Saeko was laughing. Cackling like a bird. 
“What? What’s so funny?” 
“What are you going to buy?” she said through bursts of laughter and tears, “free samples?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
She looked down at the wallet and - 
- it was empty. 
Her money was gone. 
“You gave away the wrong one!” 
Yachi felt her heartbeat in her ears. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head and landed right in the money pouch. She could have laughed, too, out of pure anger. 
“I didn’t. I didn’t - I’m not stupid! I wouldn’t mess up that badly - did she…?” 
She turned around, looking all over for you, then went running in the direction you had gone. 
Yachi already figured out what you had done. 
When you hugged her, you pick-pocketed her. 
You knew she had given you an empty wallet, so you took the one with the money. 
That’s the only explanation. 
She ran down the block and easily found you, standing in front of a stall selling jewelry. And she was more than ready to make a scene in order to get her money back. 
“Hey! Hey!” 
You ignored her until she was standing right next to you. 
“You stole my money!” 
You glanced over at her, then said, “Hm? Aren’t you the one who found my wallet?” 
“It wasn’t yours!” 
You let a smile slip. “It wasn’t?” 
“Look, just give it back.” 
You walked away from the jewelry booth, but Yachi peddled behind you. 
“Why would I do that? You gave it to me, said it was mine - so, it’s mine.” 
“Well, it was a mistake! It wasn’t yours - it was mine, so I need you to return it.” 
“Are you trying to steal from me?” 
“What? No! I’m trying to get my money back!” 
You didn’t reply, and Yachi didn’t know what else to do, so she kept following you. 
She was stuck walking in your footsteps, letting you guide her wherever you were going, because she had no other ideas. 
The only thing she could do was nag you until you gave in. 
“All of my money was in that wallet. Like, all of it. At least eight hundred dollars. You’re stealing all of my money, and I’m already poor, so you’re just making me even more poor. Are you really okay with that?” 
You said nothing. 
“My name is Yachi, by the way. Hitoka Yachi. I’m pretty popular around here, actually. Are you new to town? I could show you around. For a price, anyway. Hey, if you give me my money back, I could show you how to make all the money in the world - I know the easiest ways.” 
She meandered around you, stopping you in your path, finally getting the chance to speak to your face. She gave you a smile that was as genuine as it was frustrated; all you could do was laugh. 
“How long do you plan on following me?” 
Her smile fell. “Until I get my money back.” She was pouting, looking like she was trying too hard to look angry. You gave her a look that turned her anger up higher. “The money you stole from me.” 
“In the wallet you said was mine?” 
She stomped her foot; you didn’t hold back your laughter at her. 
“What a con artist you are. Aren’t you clever?” you joked as you walked ahead of her, and her footsteps quickly followed yours. 
“Look, I don’t know who you are, or who you think you are, but I know what I’m doing here. So maybe you should watch your tone.” 
You tried not to laugh, you really did, but the sound erupted from your lips before you could seal them shut. Yachi stopped in her tracks at the sound. 
You turned around, continuing to walk backwards as you said, “It seems like I’ve scammed the scammer, then, haven’t I?” And then you turned again, not stopping until you reached your destination. 
Neither of you said a word until you were opening the gate outside of a quaint home. 
“Where are we? What are you doing here?” 
“I’m going home,” you said. “Do you want to camp out here, or come inside?” 
Yachi peered behind you to look at the house, but the only thing that caught her eye was a man standing at the door. He stood there like he was a guard. 
“Who is that?” 
Yachi pointed, and you turned to glance behind you. 
“He’s just someone I work with. I’m not sure what he’s here for… maybe something I owe him.” 
You sighed, and Yachi got the idea that you weren’t happy to see this guy. She was immediately intimidated by the man - his gaze alone was enough to send her shrinking into herself. Dressed in all black, his strong looking arms crossed, and his jaw locked - according to Yachi’s low standards, he looked like someone she wanted nothing to do with. 
You began walking away, into your gate and toward the house. 
“Hey! What about my money?!” 
“You mean my money?” You walked back over to her then pulled an ink pen and an old receipt out of your purse. “Here’s my name and number. Call me if you need anything, alright?” 
You shoved the paper in her hand and then you left, into your house, and the man didn’t follow. He stood in the same spot, watching Yachi’s every move. She kicked herself out of his eyesight, fast. 
The money in that wallet you stole was for a late rent payment. Her shitty apartment wasn’t worth what she paid for it every month, but it held her few belongings and kept her warm enough. And it was getting harder and harder to lie her way out of paying the bills on time. 
And now that money is gone. 
She could have just followed you into your home, but even she isn’t stupid enough to walk into a situation like that one. 
Besides, that guy was scary enough that she was grateful for being out of his sight. 
She’d just have to cut her losses. You can’t win ‘em all - she’d happily lose this time if it meant she never had to see that guy again. And that wasn’t the first time she had less than a dollar to her name. She’d just have to work a little harder tomorrow. 
She looked down at the note you gave her. It did in fact have a name, and a few numbers written down, but it wasn’t enough to make a phone number. Of course. Yachi didn’t expect any better, but she swore the next time she saw you, she wouldn’t let you go. 
Her walking was directionless, and she didn’t know where she was, but eventually the neighborhood turned familiar enough that she felt alright to slow her pace and catch her breath. She was only wandering, looking for something to stop her, when - 
“Oh my god! There she is! Right there! That’s her - that’s the girl!” 
One second she was kicking a pebble down the street - the next, she barely had the time to turn and run from the two cops chasing her, who were directed by the old woman from the telephone scam. 
It was one thing after another. 
She turned one corner then another before she found her escape. It looked like it was placed in front of her by God himself - too good to be true - and, of course, she took the path that was laid out: a taxi stopped on the side of the road with a familiar person getting into it - you. Yachi dived into the door you had left open and slammed it behind her. 
“Let’s share the ride!” she said, trying to hide how out of breath she was. Your mouth hung in surprise but you only nodded, and the driver took off. Yachi looked back - not a cop in sight. 
Safe at last. 
“Back already?” 
Yachi sat back in her seat and relaxed, because she finally could. But the silence took over fast, and she had to strike up conversation. 
“Seriously, who was that guy?” 
“Oh, don’t mind him. I took care of him.” 
“You - did you -” 
“Kill him?” Yachi gasped, you laughed. “No, god no - who do you think I am?” 
“I have no idea who you are,” she said, and you laughed. Then, she realized, “Where are we going?” 
“The airport,” you replied. You turned to look at her, your makeup still perfect, your hair only slightly messier than it was before, red lips in a sweet sneaking grin. “Then to LA.” 
You nodded.
In the rush of the series of events, Yachi thought of this as an offer. A way out. A new market. 
Technically, she was on the run now, and she still had to get back what you took from her, and she had nothing here to leave, anyway. Most of her things were in the tattered backpack she took everywhere with her. 
“I’ll come with - if you buy my plane ticket.” 
You refused. But she’d convince you. 
“What are we doing here, anyway?” 
“I’m here for work - I don’t know where you’re going. I need to make a stop by my place.” 
“Well, you’ll let me stay with you for the night, right?”
There were hours of traffic between the two of you and your destination, and Yachi got to sleep through it until you forced her awake and brought her inside of an extravagant house. She didn’t get the chance to examine the outside - you walked too fast for her to keep up. 
She developed a quick habit out of following you around. She didn’t know what else she was supposed to do, and her one goal was to take her cash back from you, afterall. 
But when you led her into a big, open room, it seemed like you had enough of having her as your shadow. 
“Can’t you go somewhere else?” 
“Anywhere,” you sighed. You plopped down on the long velvet couch that faced the large window, then said, “Show yourself around. I’m waiting for company.” 
Looking as if she was trying to be passive aggressive, she trotted back out the door the two of you came through. Outside of it was a long hallway with many doors on either side; she didn’t know which room she should go into first. 
With the blue carpet catching her footsteps, it was a soft walk to the first door. Yachi swung it open brazenly to find - a bathroom. 
Plain and boring as they come. A stark opposite from the rest of the house that she’d seen - the main room was lavish, filled with furniture and decorated perfectly, windows lining an entire wall with beautiful paintings hanging on the rest of them. 
She thought mansion bathrooms were meant to be fancy - with toilets made of gold and water fountains rather than sinks and a swimming pool for a tub. 
Maybe you sunk your budget in the living room. 
She decided to leave the door open, just to be rude, before she went to the next one. 
There wasn’t time for her to open it before a door at the main end of the hallway opened seemingly on its own. Yachi was curious, wondering what kind of person would be walking through it. 
When she saw him, she ran, and she loudly encouraged you to do the same.
The lazy way you stood up made it obvious that you weren’t bothered at all. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Running away, because that scary man followed you all the way here and it’s probably because he wants to kill you,” she said, all in one breath, the entire sentence sounding like one word. 
You only crossed your arms. Yachi didn’t understand. 
“Excuse me.” 
The sound of his voice behind her made her yelp, and she ran straight to hide behind the couch. 
“Whatever she did has nothing to do with me!” 
The only part of her body visible was her eyes, peeking out just enough to see what this man’s next move was. 
He completely ignored her, gunning straight for you. He reached his arms out and Yachi didn’t want to look - she couldn’t bear to see what he was about to do to you. 
The man looked strong, and maybe you were capable of fighting but Yachi wouldn’t bet her stolen money on it. You weren’t even stepping away, in fact - you were stepping toward him. 
He wrapped his arms around you and that was it, Yachi thought - he was probably going to squeeze you until you popped. She clamped her eyes shut, but then opened one of them because she couldn’t help herself. She just had to watch as he -
Kissed you. 
Yachi really did not understand. 
“Keiji, I missed you to death.” 
“You couldn’t stand a couple days apart?” 
“It felt like forever. I think I should just stitch myself to you, I’d be happier that way.” 
Yachi shot up out of her hiding spot. 
“I thought this was the guy you owed!” 
“I did owe him. I told you I took care of him, didn’t I?” 
The wink you sent Yachi’s way had her dropping her jaw in a realizing, disgusting anger. 
“By the way,” Keiji said, “Where’s the big scary man who’s trying to kill you?” 
Yachi didn’t care about a thing the man said, and she didn’t care about the joyous look on your face. All she cared about was getting answers. 
“Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?” 
“I told you who I am. You’re the one who’s been following me around this entire time - remember?” You weren’t even looking at Yachi. Instead, you were busy straightening Keiji’s collar. You kissed him once again and then stepped away, saying, “Could you bring me that briefcase, babe?” and he did as he was told. 
She stood on the couch and then jumped over it, landing on her feet with a punctuating thud. “Because you stole my money. All of my money! And I want it back!” 
“Right - about that money… Where’d it come from, exactly?” 
Keiji sat the briefcase on the table in front of you. You opened it and pulled out three different things. 
Yachi didn’t try to explain herself. You already had all of the answers, and you held them up for her to see. 
The terrible pamphlet for the phone company she handmade, the contract    signed by the woman she had scammed, and the crumpled note she had thrown away. 
And she felt like a child again, being scolded by her mother for her bad grades. Like she was small, like you were bigger than her so that meant you were right. It didn’t feel fair. 
“Where did you get those?”
You offered no explanation. “That poor, innocent woman,” you said with a tut. “But she wasn’t the first, was she?” 
“So what? Are you going to rat me out or something?” 
“No. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about it.” 
“So what is this for?” Yachi took a loud step toward you, trying to make herself feel bigger, stronger, smarter. “Just give me my money so I can leave.” 
“I never said I had your money.” 
Yachi froze. 
You shrugged. “I don’t have it. You assumed I did.” 
“Then who does?!” 
“The girl you were with - she got a hold of it.” 
Then, Keiji stepped into it. “I think you might’ve taken this one too far, sweetheart.” 
“But she knows what she’s doing,” you said, and the sweet voice you used with him sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “I didn’t do anything. Every choice she made was completely independent.” 
The worst part? 
You were right. 
Yachi chose to take that old lady’s money. She chose you out of the crowd to play the wallet scam against. She chose to follow you home, to leave you at your house, to seek refuge in the taxi you were in. And then, on top of it all, she followed you to a brand new city. 
And you didn’t suggest she do a single thing. You just let her. 
It was her own fault. So she crumpled to the ground, because there was simply nothing left for her to do. 
She fell for every word that left your mouth - and you didn’t even ask her to. 
It was pathetic. She was pathetic. 
You stood in front of her, tossed the pamphlet on the ground for her to look at. “It doesn’t feel good, does it? Being stolen from?” 
Yachi didn’t reply.
“Do you want some advice?” 
Yachi watched as you knelt down in front of her. She looked up at you, at your too sweet smile. Still, there were no cracks in your image. It was strange, and it was enticing, and it was maddening. 
“Learn how to choose your targets, sweetheart. Maybe you should pick a different line of work.” 
You wadded up the note and threw it down in front of her, just like she had thrown it to the trash. Your words were cutting, even as you got up and walked away. You had just given her a failing grade on the one thing she felt like she was good at - it hurt. 
And she was all alone now, on the floor in a random home in this strange city. And she wished she had somewhere to go. 
Until a hand reached out to her.
She took it, because she didn’t have any other choice - besides sitting there forever. 
“She can be a little mean sometimes. Don’t take it too personally.” 
Yachi didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. 
“Do you want to make your money back?” 
Yachi nodded. 
“Then let’s go. We’re already late.” 
Maybe you were too mean to the young girl, but it definitely wasn’t your fault. It’s just the way things happened to play out. 
Keiji obviously believed otherwise. 
“I’m just saying - she’s just a kid. You didn’t have to go so hard on her.” 
“I was teaching her a lesson!” 
“You could’ve been a little nicer about it. That’s all I’m saying.” 
“Keiji, you were in on it.” 
“Hey, you were the boss - I was just doing what I was told!” 
“Can you stop talking about me like I’m not right here?” 
The both of you turned around to see Yachi behind you, tagging along like a third wheel. Keiji mumbled a quick apology; you continued walking without a word to her. 
“Where are we even going?” the girl asked. 
“To strike up a deal,” you said, feigning excitement so it would get her in a better mood. 
And it worked like you were rubbing paint off your hands onto her. She piped up immediately, getting a spring in her step. 
“Okay, what’s the plan?” 
“You’ll see.” 
“Nothing you need to know yet,” Keiji said as you all stopped in front of a large ornate gate; behind it, the biggest house Yachi had ever seen.
“Whoa. Is this some door-to-door scam for millionaires or something?” 
You groaned loud. “Something like that.” 
Keiji dropped your hand and moved to press a button on the intercom next to the fence. In less than a minute, three men came walking down the path on the opposite side; one of them used a key to open the gate. 
All of them looked rough and mean. Dressed in leather jackets and lazily buttoned patterned shirts, gold chains around their necks and rings on their fingers, Yachi could easily assume these guys were cheap security for whoever lived in this mansion. She didn’t like the look of them. 
The man in the center pulled his sunglasses off then shook Keiji’s hand. 
“About time,” he said, then started leading your group inside. 
Around the back of the house was a pool and a party. The bright blue water looked refreshing enough to jump into fully clothed, and all of the beautiful girls in bikinis had Yachi feeling self conscious of the little effort she put into her appearance. You had thrown a button up shirt and black pants at her and made her get changed in the car, and she was feeling far from herself. 
She watched you and Keiji shaking hands and making conversation with the person who seemed to be the owner of this house - a tall woman who wore glasses and had long, pin straight, jet black hair. 
Yachi wasn’t doing such a good job at following your conversation, but she heard the tail end of what the woman was saying. 
“...This will be so great for both of us, I’m so excited to finally be finishing this deal. Um - where is the… supply?” 
“The delivery should be here soon,” Keiji said, checking his watch. “Set to arrive around back.”
“Right - of course. No point in risking traveling alone with something so important.” 
“In the meantime,” you said, and you wrapped your arms around Yachi’s shoulders and pulled her to stand in front of you. “This is an intern of ours - the one we were telling you about. She has been paramount in developing the new product.” 
Yachi forced a fake, awkward smile at the woman. 
“Oh, it’s amazing to meet you!” 
“The two of you should get acquainted. Just don’t spill any secrets.” You winked at her and then took a step back. “The two of us will head over to the warehouse and we’ll give you a call when the goods arrive. Sound good?” 
Leaving no chance for Yachi to reply, you and Keiji left her alone, walking past the party down a path that led behind the house. 
Keiji asked you, “How do you think she’ll do?”
You shrugged. “She can’t fuck it up too badly. We’re already in the homestretch.” 
The warehouse was exactly that - a large building with two garage doors and no windows, with its only entrance door guarded by two men. One of them short, thin, and balding; the other tall, with salt and pepper hair and too much muscle. You greeted them both then swung the door open and walked into the fluorescent lights inside. 
The building was mostly empty now; Ten, your current client, had gotten rid of nearly all of her inventory after the first meeting she had with you. To make room for the stock you’d promised. 
Arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in. “We’ve got time to kill, baby.” 
You looked back at him, kissed his cheek. “Not as much time as you need.” 
“You only need five minutes.” He pulled away just enough to turn you around, then pulled you right back against him, teasing a kiss against your lips. “I thought you missed me?” 
He kissed you soft, just enough to get you to want more - to remind you what you were missing. As headstrong as you were, Keiji was the only one who knew how to crack your resolve. 
You let him kiss you as much as he wanted to, because you weren’t ready to put up a fight yet. 
“You know I missed you,” you whined against his lips. He caressed your pouting bottom lip with his thumb. 
“You’re a sweetheart. My sweet girl. Why don’t we just get this over with so I can show you how much I missed you?” 
You kissed his finger, then his palm, and looked up at him with bright eyes and a swelling smile. 
“I think we have five minutes to spare.” 
Yachi had been alone with this woman for half an hour, and getting through the conversation felt like swimming in putty. 
At this point, she felt like she deserved a fucking degree in bullshitting, because even though her words made no sense to herself, the woman ate them up like candy. 
Yachi had learned very little, and yet way too much about the business practices here. 
The woman’s name was Ten, and she’s worked in Hollywood as a film director for nearly twenty years, and the product she was buying off of you was… drugs. All of her money didn’t come from the shitty movies she’s made, but from the drugs she’s been peddling. 
So Yachi had gotten tied up with drug dealers. She could handle your lying and stealing, but this was too far for her. 
She wouldn’t realize the irony in that sentiment. 
“I was skeptical before, to be honest. But after meeting you, I’m nothing but excited,” Ten told her. 
It all felt surreal even though she was clueless of the situation. She had Ten convinced that she was a pharmaceutical technician who lacked experience but had an abundance of knowledge - a great mind who would become a pillar in the industry, someone who would change the drug industry and make people like her even richer. 
Your call to Ten was a saving grace. 
“Perfect. Send one of the guards up to escort me with the money. I’ll be right down.” 
Yachi joined Ten, a muscular guard, and four briefcases to the warehouse around back. On the walk, Ten explained how she did all her business in cash, because it was easy payment with no risk of being tracked - even though Yachi never asked. 
When they entered the building, Yachi held her breath, preparing to witness her first ever drug deal, and she had no idea what she was in for. 
It was a giant room that was completely empty. There was a table in the center, a briefcase on top of it, and the fluorescent light shining directly onto it looked like a spotlight. 
Yachi was confused, and Ten seemed even more so. 
High heels echoed on the concrete floor as the woman walked to the case. She opened it, and then she snapped her head around to glare at Yachi. 
The briefcase was empty. 
“What’s going on here?” 
She made her way back to Yachi quickly; arms came out to grab her, and she ducked underneath them. She fell onto her hands and knees, turned around, and crawled toward the door before clambering back up to her feet. 
“Honestly, I have no clue!” she called back. 
She pushed the door open, she saw safety in the sunlight outside. She only got to take one step on the grass before she was cut off by the guard who was with them before, still carrying the cases of money under his arm. 
There was no way she was fighting him off, so when he picked her up, she let him. He threw her over his shoulder and all she could do was beat on his back with small fists. 
“Let me go!” she cried. “I have nothing to do with this! Seriously! I don’t even know those two! Just let me go!” 
When he finally put her down, it was onto warm metal. She opened her scared eyes to find she was in the bed of a pickup truck and so was her kidnapper. 
With the truck moving she had almost no balance, but she was able to find her way to her hands and knees so she could look through its back window. 
You stared at her in the rear view mirror. You even gave her a little wave, one that was all confidence and cockiness and made Yachi want to scream. 
“What the hell was that?” She turned around, glared at the man who had captured her. “Who are you?” 
He laughed, grinned wide, and stuck his hand out for her to shake. 
“Bokuto - nice to meet ‘ya!” 
You had been pulling the wool over Ten’s eyes for months now, building a relationship and rapport that seemed fruitful for the both of you. Ten shared secrets with you that you never needed to know, because you already had a plan scratched out before you ever met her. 
She dealt the kind of drugs that killed people. The deeper the cut, the bigger the profit - that’s how she spoke of her cheap sales. It was easy to take advantage of her greed, convince her to only buy from you, pretend you were bringing something to the table she couldn’t pass up. So she cut her ties even though she was already bleeding money, and she put her last couple millions into the briefcases you stole from her, and if she ever recovered you’d give her a round of applause. 
Maybe she would learn her lesson. Or maybe she wouldn’t. But your work with her was finally done. 
The group of you were gathered on the terrace, drinks in hand, for an evening celebrating a job pulled off. 
“All that work for one day of fun,” Bokuto sighed. 
You were quick to scold him, “It’s not meant to be fun, Bo, it’s supposed to be work.” 
The night sky was clouded by city lights; the stars were replaced by lampposts and neon signs. This town was alive beyond the balcony rails ahead of you. But you were only watching Yachi, who sat across from you, on the ground behind the table. She had her knees up, hugging them like she was afraid of taking up too much space, as if she had ever seen a terrace this large. 
You sat up from your seat - which was Keiji’s lap - and placed your drink on the table, before sitting down on her level. 
“How much did you say was in that wallet?” 
She huffed and avoided your eye contact. 
“I don’t know… eight hundred dollars.” 
You slid a stack of cash across the table to her. Her eyes grew, and she sat still. 
“For your work today,” you said. 
“How much is that?” 
“A few thousand. You weren’t too integral - just a distraction, really - so it’s not much.” 
“You could stick around, if you want.” It was a delicate offer, one that didn’t mean much to you, just like the money you handed over. “We always have room.” 
She didn’t reply, not at first, but after a moment she gave you a meek nod. 
“And I’ll get paid more?” 
You stood back up then sat next to Keiji, and he pulled you in close; a kiss on your head, then your cheek, then your neck, and you were ready to forget about the world and only think about his lips. 
“There’s always more to be paid,” you told her. “If you’re going to stick around, you should probably get acquainted with everyone.” You pointed to your left, “That’s Bokuto. You already met him, I think. He’s the muscle.” You meant it as a joke, but he flexed a bicep that proved your words. Then, you gestured to your right, looking at the old man laid across the wicker couch. He still wore the security guard disguise. “That’s Kudo.” 
He gave a weak hearted salute. “Sure am.” 
“There’s others, but they don’t always come around. You’ll meet them if you’re on the team long enough.” 
It was innocent, the way she said it - with her head turned to the side and her eyes squinting. You were sure that you had felt the way she was feeling, back when you were five years younger and just meeting this group for the first time. 
“Yeah, we’re a team, I guess. That’s the best word for it.” Try as you might to be nonchalant, you couldn’t completely cover the pride in your tone. “You’re in, if you want to be.” 
You already knew she would stick around, because she had nowhere else to go. Anybody else who offered her refuge wouldn’t have good intentions, and you weren’t sure if she knew that or not - and that’s why you were making this offer in the first place. When you had heard about Yachi from Saeko, you knew she needed a place to fit - and that you had just the spot. 
Even if you had to teach her a tough lesson the hard way, you meant well. And those lessons were far from over. 
“Think about it,” you told her, and that was all of the time you were willing to give for the moment - because the alcohol had you buzzing, and Keiji’s arms around you were pulling you away. 
So you let him take you off your seat and toward the door, but you had one more bit of information to share with Yachi. 
“Oh, and - remember the old woman you stole that money from?” 
Yachi perked up. 
“She’ll be here tomorrow.” 
Something about spending the evening outside made you wish to be swallowed up by the night time. Your bedroom was perfectly warm yet your hands were frigid. You were completely relaxed but your shoulders still felt tense.
Nights like those carried a different feeling. One free of planning, lying, and conning; it was the release of all of those things settling in the celebration of success. Like the clouds finally parted and you could see the stars with childlike relief. You no longer had to worry about getting away with something. 
With your back to Keiji, you let your face fall. You took a breath and held it, because no one was waiting for you to exhale. 
“What a day,” you said to yourself. “Now that it’s over it feels like a perfect night for running away.” 
“Away from me?” Keiji joked. 
You turned your head only slightly. Enough that he could see that your guard was down, but you didn’t dare give him your eyes. 
“With you.” 
He pulled his t-shirt on and came to sit next to you. “And where would we go?” 
“Anywhere,” you said with a shrug. And you thought about his question, and if your answer would be the right one. If it should be the truth, or another lie.  “Somewhere normal, maybe.” 
Keiji laughed. “Normal? You’d get bored of that in a day.” 
“I would not,” you replied, “not if you were with me.” 
“Don’t get all romantic on me now.” He got up, got into bed. 
You might have been sitting on the edge of something you didn’t want to fall off of. 
“You don’t want to run away with me, Keiji?” You couldn’t tell if you were making a joke or not, and you didn’t know if you wanted to hear his answer at all. 
Because, in reality, you knew what his real answer would be. You knew his honesty was ugly and that’s why he showed you half truths. 
You guessed he decided to ignore it all together. “Come to bed with me, baby.” 
You stood up, walked around the bed and sat too close to him. He pushed your hair back away from your face, held you and looked at you. 
“Why are you pouting? 
“I’m serious,” you said. 
“About what?” 
“I don’t know.” 
He laughed at that, all lighthearted and soft, and kissed you like it’d make you drop it. “Let’s talk about it later, baby - turn around, let me unzip your dress for you.” 
“No, Keiji,” and you pulled away just enough that you didn’t have to look at him. “You don’t ever think about what it would be like?”
“It feels like we’ve talked about this before,” he said. “What are you getting at?” 
“I just think it would be nice if things changed.” You stood up, and for a split second you thought about dropping it. 
The last time you had a conversation like this was years ago, when you finally had enough money to retire and live easy. Keiji had brought it up, just offering the idea, and you had to remind him that it would never work out. Not with the two of you, anyway - not with the relationship you had. 
Because nothing lasts forever, and you’re better than settling down, and you weren’t going to let yourself get hurt again. You promised each other that either of you could walk away any time, so don’t get too attached. 
And if a break up never came, well - both of you had been scarred by the vision of death, witnessing it literally - viciously. You don’t have a particularly safe job, and history tends to repeat, and it was easier to move on if your life didn’t revolve around the other’s beating heart. 
But it was too late for those sentiments to matter anymore. It had been almost three years since then, and you didn’t fear the future anymore. Keiji stayed, even though you thought he never would - even though no one ever stuck around that long - and you were starting to think that, maybe, he was going to be there forever. Maybe it was okay for you to ask him to. 
So you wouldn’t let it go. 
“We could have more than just… this. You know? What if we just bought a big house in a suburb? We could have pets, and… We could get married, even! And go on a honeymoon to some place nice - and we’ll be there to have fun instead of - I don’t know - rigging sports bets or stealing paintings! And it would all be so simple and easy!” 
“Where is all of this coming from?”
You didn’t even know. But you meant it, all of it, and you wanted him to understand. 
“I just - I… I want to have a life with you, Kei.” 
“We have a life together,” he said, like he was confused, and he got up and walked over to you, he tried grabbing at you like he could put you back together. Like he could fit you in his hands. “This is our life. Can you seriously imagine us living like that? Getting married?” 
“Can’t you?” 
He knew his answer, he just didn’t want to say it. 
“This is too much,” he said. “We’ve talked about this. I thought you didn’t want that.” 
“What if I changed my mind?” 
“I don’t know what you want me to say -” 
“I want you to agree with me!” 
“I don’t! And you know why - I…” He reeled his next words in, it seemed. He took a breath and calmed down and tried to speak softer. “You just want to… quit?” 
He pulled you closer, like he could tell you were trying to run away. 
“We’re so close to figuring everything out. We can’t just give up.” 
“I know that.” 
“Okay?” You looked away from him and he let you. “That’s why we’re here. That’s why we’re together.”
“Have all of these years together just been a waste, then? If you can’t even entertain the thought of having a life with me other than this?” 
You were holding onto him so tight and you didn’t care if it hurt. Keiji had been your one constant for years now - there was no way he was still afraid of committing to you, when he had basically already done so. 
But it was like tying down a wild dog. You couldn’t. 
“Why didn’t you bring this up sooner? Our goal was never to settle down and have kids some day - it’s not - we’re not like that!” 
“Not like what?” you asked. You were completely disheartened, now, dropping the grip you had on him. “Not serious? Not real?” 
“Not normal!” he said, loud, and then he laughed, like he thought you were being funny. “I mean - we’ve never even been an actual couple - did you really think we would end up like that?” 
“Maybe I did. What’s so wrong with that?” 
“You know I don’t want that,” he said. “We aren’t together to have some happy ending - I never wanted that with you.” 
And that was it. The last push. 
But it was into anger rather than sadness; a rage instead of a broken heart; a free fall instead of a straight plummet. 
“You did a great job at acting like it, Keiji.” 
He laughed again, and you realized the irony in your words. The fact is that all he ever does is put on an act for other people because lying for money was his job, and you had the heart to believe he’d been real with you. 
“I was never acting - obviously you can’t say the same.” 
For the first time in your life, you let him have the last word. You were quick to collect some of your things and leave the room with a slamming door, and you stormed to a guest bedroom without a thought in your mind. 
You didn’t cry, you didn’t let yourself feel sad. You were angry and annoyed and exhausted - maybe even a little embarrassed. And that anger kept you distracted, so you latched onto it and let it burn. 
The next morning, you assumed everyone had already left. When a job was over and everything finally settled, most of the crew found other places to go - because they had money to spend. So you weren’t expecting to interact with anyone. 
But Yachi was waiting in the hallway, still in her pajamas. 
“Finally! I’ve been waiting forever for you to wake up. What took so long?” 
“Don’t ask.” 
“Fine. Gosh.” 
“What do you want?” 
“Well, I just had a few questions.”
You walked to the bathroom and she followed you into it. She closed the door behind her and then hopped up onto the counter next to the sink. 
“Now that I have my money back I need to figure out what to do with it. I think I should get some new clothes, but mostly I just want to find some good food - what are the best restaurants around here, by the way? Honestly, I think you owe me lunch for the last few days. It’s the least you could do to make me feel part of the team.” 
Out of nowhere, the door opened. Keiji was standing behind it. 
“Can you knock?!” you immediately said, making him scoff. 
“Can you learn to lock the door?” 
You slammed the door in his face, and it made you feel marginally better. Then you looked over to Yachi, remembering her existence, and opened it again. 
“Can I get some privacy? Please?” 
“Yeah,” she said, stumbling over her words to land on her feet. “We’ll catch up later, I guess.” 
You hoped later never came. 
And instead of a peaceful, empty home, you were met with a full house of expectants, because you had already promised them more work to do. 
“I thought you liked to get an early start.” It was Keiji, and he was talking like he wanted to start a fight. “It’s noon.” 
“You could have started the meeting without me. You have all the information I do.” 
“This one was your idea.” 
“They’re all my ideas,” you said.
You pushed by him and went into the living room where everyone was waiting for you. 
The only silver lining was seeing Ms. Kim, who had finally arrived sometime last night. She sat on the couch with a giant ball of yarn next to her, and the makings of a blue scarf sat on her lap as she knitted away. Her straight hair was shorter than it was a few weeks ago, and she had new glasses that sat on the tip of her nose, but she had the same familiarly grumpy look that always made you smile. 
If you were honest, you didn’t even know what you were supposed to be talking about with them. Keiji always helped you get things in order, line up plans, and work out the tempo of meetings like these. 
“Do you have the layout of the bar?” you asked him. 
He was just sitting down on the couch when you looked at him. “No,” he said, arms crossed. 
“Why not?” 
“You didn’t tell me to get it.” 
“I shouldn’t have to tell you. Did you do nothing? Where’s the list of the employees?” 
“Do you think I’m your assistant? Do you think I spend twenty-four hours a day doing shit for you?” 
“Am I supposed to do it all on my own?” 
“It’s not that difficult, I’m sure you’d figure it out if you put in some effort. But it might take a few tries.” 
“Fine,” you said. You looked around the table in front of you to see empty folders and blank papers. “Since Akaashi didn’t do his job we’ll just have to delay this a few days. And everyone can thank him for that.” 
“Just because you say it’s my fault doesn’t mean it’s true. You haven’t figured that out already?” 
“Since you don’t want to help I’ll just go ahead and cross you off the list of team members needed for this job - does that work for you?” 
“Sounds great,” he said. “It sounds wonderful, actually - I can’t wait to see you try to do something all on your own.” 
“And I can’t wait to stop hearing your voice!” 
Both of you stormed out of the room at that, and slamming doors were heard on opposite sides of the house. 
The silence in the living room was deafening. 
“Did something… happen?” Yachi eventually asked among the group. 
Ms. Kim was the first one to speak up, “They used to act this way… Must’ve had a fight.” 
That made Kudo perk up with a gravelly laugh, “Oh, a lover’s quarrel.” 
Honestly, Yachi couldn’t believe it. She had never seen the two of you act any way other than repulsively in love. She would have thought you had never fought before - everything seemed just perfect between the two of you. 
But she was immediately interested in knowing about your past. No one had told her anything about how they got started, or what kind of work they did before now, and she was dying to know something. 
“What do you mean? They used to argue a lot?” 
“Ha - you could say that.” 
“They were unbearable,” Bokuto said. “More unbearable than they are now, if you could believe it…” 
“I don’t,” Yachi said. “Tell me about it.” 
Her request was directed at Ms. Kim who did nothing but blink at her. 
“Can’t you ask someone else? I’m not a storyteller!” 
“Come on, Kim,” Kudo said, “we all know you love reminiscing on the good old days. Tell the newbie all about it.” 
“Five years ago aren’t the good old days,” she said. “Fine. I’ll give you the quick version and spare the details. Don’t get comfortable.” 
... ... ... 
thank you for reading!
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heartlessfujoshi · 11 months
flufftober day 27 - kurodai 'city of millions'
Title: City of Millions Fandom: Haikyuu!! Chapters: 6 of 6 Pairing: KuroDai (Sawamura Daichi x Kuroo Tetsurou) Rating: Teen (College AU - Banter - Tooth-rotthing Fluff - First Kisses - Love Confessions) WordCount: ~2,245 Prompt: Outdoor event
Read: Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5
It was almost Halloween, and the cafe that Kuroo worked at had pulled out all the stops for the celebratory holiday. Their strings of lights, which were normally white in color, were now alternating purple and orange, giving the outdoor seating a rather spooky look to it. There were lamps on the tables so that patrons could read their menus with ease, but anyone taking a picture would be bathed in a warm light of purple and orange tones. It had taken Kuroo almost two days to get the lights the way he wanted them to look, as he knew they held a major significance in his relationship with Daichi. Those lights were what led him back into his life.
He hadn’t told Daichi what they’d done to the restaurant yet - he was hoping to surprise him, as he had a date all planned out for them. His coworkers were in on the date, and would be helping him in a way that he had promised he would do for them if they ever needed the same kind of help. He was excited, and a little nervous, but it was okay. Even if things didn’t go the way he was hoping they would, he was proud of what he was able to do at the restaurant. 
News had gotten out of their aesthetic change, thanks to social media. More and more people were coming to the restaurant to take pictures and share their experience with the world at large. His boss had pulled him aside and thanked him with a substantial bonus for decorating the restaurant. Kuroo had been humble, and had said that it was always his dream to do something like this, and his boss agreed that it would now be a yearly tradition, even if Kuroo moved on to another job. It made him feel good, knowing that something he created would endure past his tenure, if he decided to go somewhere else. 
Looking at his watch, he saw that it was almost time for the restaurant to open for dinner service. He went to the back of the house and got changed, as he wasn’t working tonight. No, tonight he was going to be a normal patron of the restaurant, sharing a meal with his lover. 
There was a table for two set near the pond, the same exact spot that Daichi had been sitting at when he showed up at the restaurant almost four months ago. He still was in awe, every single time he got to be with Daichi, as he never dreamed that his feelings for him would be mutual, and then some. There were days where he kicked himself, wondering why he denied himself from dating Daichi when they had been in high school, but those days were few and far between. This was how it was supposed to happen, and he was okay with that. 
“Your boyfriend is here.” His coworker came up to him, a big smile on her face. “Does he have any idea what you’re about to do?” 
“I doubt it.” Kuroo fixed the tie around his neck, feeling very nervous. “This is stupid. I shouldn’t be doing this in public. What if he says no?” 
“Then it’ll be all over social media.” 
“What if he says yes?!” 
“It’ll be all over social media.” She patted his shoulder with sympathy. “You said it yourself - go big, or go home. Well, now’s your chance, Kuroo.” 
“Thanks, I think.” He sighed. “Okay, I’m going out there. Wish me luck?” 
“Good luck!” His coworker gave him two thumbs up, then practically shoved him out of the break area, forcing him to go on towards his potential humiliation. 
Straightening his back, he walked out to the patio, where there wasn’t an empty table. Dinner service was their most popular service, with a waitlist of up to a month for a table. Kuroo walked around the tables, and went to where Daichi was sitting, his lover looking down at the koi in the pond. As far as he knew, Daichi hadn’t eaten here since that first night that they’d seen each other again. 
“Good evening.” He greeted his lover, hiding a smile as he saw Daichi jump at his sudden appearance. “You look rather nice, babe.” 
“Wow.” Daichi looked him up and down, clearly appreciating the view, which made Kuroo’s cheeks grow warm. “You look amazing, Tetsurou.” 
“Why, thank you.” Sitting down next to him - he’d learned early on that Daichi preferred to be closer to him, rather than be separated by a table - he picked up his napkin and set it on his lap. “How’re you doing? Do you like how everything looks?” 
“You did such an amazing job!” Daichi looked up at the twinkling lights, his eyes looking wondrous. “The colors! I didn’t know that these two colors would work so well together.” 
“Funny thing is, neither did I.” Kuroo’s blush came back full force as his lover complimented his work. “Americans seem to like these two colors for this season, so I decided to try it for myself.” He pointed to the twinkling lights. “I guess a lot of people like them, as our restaurant is sold out until the beginning of December.” 
Daichi’s mouth dropped open. “No way! Tetsurou, that’s amazing!!” 
“I’ve already got plans for how to decorate for Christmas.” With the restaurant doing so well, his boss had given him a pretty decent budget for decorations to turn their restaurant into a winter wonderland. “It should be pretty fun.” 
“That’s great to hear.” Daichi smiled. “Is there any reason why we don’t have menus tonight?” 
“You noticed that, did you?” He grinned in return. “Our appetizers should be coming out soon. I hope that it’s okay that I ordered everything for us?” 
His lover looked at him, and nodded his head. “Of course. I trust you, Tetsurou.” 
“You really shouldn’t.” He teased, enjoying the laugh that he got out of Daichi. 
Their appetizers showed up five minutes later, followed by their entrees. Kuroo was starting to sweat bullets by the end of the meal, as he knew that dessert would be coming out soon, and that was going to be it. It was going to be game on at that point, and he really hoped that he didn’t make a complete fool of himself. 
“Are you okay?” Daichi asked, after Kuroo turned and looked at where the waiters came out from the kitchen to bring the food outside. “You look like you’re going to be sick.” 
“Hah, no. I’m okay, babe. Don’t worry about me.” Damn it. He had hoped it wasn’t visually showing how he was feeling inside. He saw his coworker coming out from the back, with the special dessert he had requested be made for tonight. He quickly looked away, and then looked back at Daichi. “I hope you saved room for dessert.” 
“I did. You know it’s my favorite part of the meal.” 
“As it should be.” He released a nervous laugh. 
His coworker came over, and set the dessert directly in front of Daichi. “Enjoy your dessert, sir.” 
“Wait, where’s yours?” Daichi asked, as he looked back over at him. “Aren’t you getting one too?” 
Kuroo took a deep breath, and shook his head. “Why don’t you break open the chocolate?” His coworker had brought them over a chocolate ball that was served with a small hammer, meant to break open to reveal a bunch of small truffles inside of it. But tonight, it not only had those chocolates, but another item in it as well. “We can share it.” 
“If we’re sharing, why did she put it in front of me?” 
“Daichi, please.” Kuroo pleaded with him. “Break the chocolate.” 
The hammer was picked up, and Daichi gave the chocolate ball a good whack. It broke into many pieces, revealing both the truffles, and the gift laid inside. Kuroo wiped his hands off on his slacks, and looked at his lover. “I know that school is your number one priority, and I realize that maybe this can’t happen until April, but I wanted to know if you wanted to move in with me.” He rushed the last part out, as Daichi had picked up a key, which had been wrapped in plastic to not taint the food, and was staring at it with a shocked look on his face. “Is that too soon?” Kuroo was panicking, as Daichi wasn’t saying a word. He could feel every person staring at them, and felt like all phones were on him. “Babe?” 
“I don’t know what to say.” Daichi was still staring at the key, looking at it from all angles. “You’re asking me to move in with you?” 
“I am.” He tried to pull back on his panic, but it was really difficult. “This was the wrong way to do this, huh? I’m so stupid. I’m so sorry, Dai. I didn’t mean to-” 
“Stop.” Kuroo closed his mouth, and looked at his lover, who was looking back at him with a love he could feel in his entire soul. “You didn’t let me give you your answer yet.” 
“W-What’s your answer?” 
“I would love to move in with you.” Daichi said, standing up from the table. Kuroo quickly jumped up to meet him, the two of them falling into an embrace that he would remember for years to come. Everyone near them erupted into a loud applause, some choosing to cheer for them. He held tight to Daichi, afraid that if he let go, that Daichi would change his mind. 
He gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting back down. “Sorry if this was too dramatic. I wanted to do something special, and I’m really proud of how the restaurant looks, so I thought that if I did it here, it would be special.” 
“It is special.” Daichi reached over and took his hand in his. “I seriously thought you were about to propose to me.” 
“Propose?!” Kuroo shook his head. “Oh my god, no. Not yet. Maybe when we reach a year.” Kuroo laughed, smiling at how giddy he was feeling now. 
“So I shouldn’t tell you if that was what it was, I would have said yes?” Daichi asked, a smirk on his lips. 
Now it was his turn to drop his mouth open in shock, as he stared at him. “No way.” 
“Guess we’ll never know.” Daichi teased him, making him whine in return. “Come on - help me eat these? If you don’t, I think I might go into a sugar shock.” 
“I guess. If I have to.” He couldn’t stop smiling as he reached for a truffle, and popped one into his mouth. 
Daichi kept looking at the key, and then would look back at him and smile. They were in their own little bubble as they finished their dessert. Kuroo helped Daichi out of his chair, and then left the restaurant after another little round of applause happened for them, and then walked to the subway together to head back to his place. 
Kuroo stared at Daichi, who had the biggest smile on his face, both of them coming down from their shared high together, as their sexual appetite had to be satiated upon return to Kuroo’s place. He reached over and brushed some of Daichi’s hair off of his forehead, and heard him hum in approval. “I know I gave you a key to this place, but with the restaurant doing so well, and I’m getting a bump in pay for helping make it look nice - well, I sort of thought we could get a two bedroom place.” 
“You’d do that for me?” Daichi asked, brushing a kiss against his fingertips, before he returned his hand to Daichi’s chest. He liked feeling his heart beat after they shared something so intimate together - it was a reminder that they were both feeling the same things. “We don’t have to do that.” 
“I know school is important to you, and I want you to be able to have your own room, so you can study and block me out.” Kuroo laid down next to Daichi, who immediately moved to be in his arms, which he gladly accepted. “School is important, Dai.” 
“You really are something else, Tetsurou.” Daichi rubbed his nose against his neck, before exhaling another content sigh. “I don’t deserve you.” 
“You’re right.” 
Laughing, he hugged him closer to his naked body. “You deserve it, and more. I’m sorry I can’t give you everything right now, Dai. But I promise, I’m working on it.” 
“What you’re doing now is enough, Tetsurou.” Daichi lifted his head, and kissed him softly on the lips. “I love you, Mr. Silly Cat.” 
“And I love you, Mr. Stinky Crow.” 
“Are you saying I smell bad??” 
“Never, babe.” He grinned, and hugged Daichi closer. 
Kuroo knew that they still had a lot of growing up to do, but he was excited to see what it would be like living with Daichi. Daichi still had a lot of school left, and he had opportunities to grow at the restaurant. Maybe he would try decorating other places as well. See if it was something he could do for the long run. Whatever was to come, he knew it was going to be a fun ride with Daichi. The possibilities were endless, and he was looking forward to what the future would bring. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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