#hair check makeup check clothes check lanyard and buttons check
pastafossa · 1 year
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dateamonster · 4 years
essential purse contents for the modern monster
pocket sewing kit. how embarrassing to drop your rotting pieces in the middle of the shopping mall! you were just trying to check out the new Forever 21 your friend told you about. the irony of the name is not lost on you.
sports drink. your doctor says you could benefit from the electrolytes, and some more vitamin C in your diet wouldn’t hurt either. it might not fix your failing fucking immune system but at least you’ve got some chalky tasting pills to keep your insides from eating each other. organ versus organ, cell versus cell. your favorite is the light blue kind. if all else fails, at least you can stay hydrated while you try to drown out that taste.
glass jar, half full of trash. you feel bad for everything that’s thrown away but your roommate is probably gonna give you shit if you bring home any more dirty coke cans or perfect leaves or lost buttons.
knife. this one is obvious.
bandages. again, self explanatory.
pens and paper. even if it’s just an old receipt for supermarket sushi it’s always good to keep something on you for writing down potential song lyrics.
good, strong twine. the sewing kit comes with some but it doesn’t always hold. you start using wire for the wetware because otherwise the fibrous thin strings get damp and eventually moldy and you have to keep changing your bandages always changing your bandages god. you don’t want to waste the cheap stuff either though so you use it to sew the lost buttons to your clothes, mostly the hems of your pant legs so they sort of click together when you walk, or to the bottom of the canvas bag you take with you to the farmers market. it has a picture of some baby penguins on it but that bag’s contents are a whole other story.
flashlight keychain. you have this but you don’t know why and you don’t need it. because you can just use the light on your phone. why? what did you think i was going to say?
crushed fortune cookie. you could spend all day picking out the individual cookie shards and still not get all of the pieces out.
chapstick. you wear lipstick sometimes too but you don’t carry it or any of your other makeup with you. it’s kind of a statement, you think. or maybe you’re just disorganized. you have a full box of stuff at home but this particular chapstick used to belong to your friend. she loaned it to you and forgot to take it back. she says she’s not afraid of your germs because she’s a werewolf or something, but you’re honestly not sure what that has to do with it.
backstage pass, laminated, plus lanyard. it’s not like anyone at Georgie’s doesn’t recognize you now, but it’s the principle of the thing.
name/pronoun pin. your friend made this for you! it has your band’s logo on it and its surface is shiny and the inside part pops out so you can change it as needed as long as you have an erasable marker. it used to be clipped on the outside of your bag but well, you know how it is.
gum. two sticks left. sometimes you pop a piece out the way you’ve seen strangers shake loose a cigarette from its pack and offer it to someone. you’re not sure if it makes you look cool or not.
other knife. you can’t believe you forgot to talk about other knife! good old other knife. this one has a tiny screwdriver in the back, and used to have a corkscrew too before you broke it. now you open bottles with your teeth but it’s not really the same.
opened pack of acrylic nails. sometimes you wear these. sometimes you even paint them. sometimes you just sniff the little glue packet that comes with them. not much else to be said on the subject.
broken watch chain. you can’t do anything right.
gum wrapper, folded into a tiny origami crane, phone number written inside. maybe today you’ll call. then again, maybe tomorrow.
pocket comb and hair ties. a wig would probably be more manageable at this point, but you resist the idea. you still have nightmares about all your hair and teeth falling out on stage. strangely, you never dream about your limbs rotting off, or your fingernails falling out, or going crazy and killing all your friends, or the ghosts of all the people your body used to be coming up from their graves and tearing you to pieces. you only think about that stuff during the daytime.
guitar pick. you found this thing jammed between the floorboards backstage at Georgie’s. you don’t really play guitar, just write and sing, but you’re trying to learn. you play a little every day. it sounds awful. it makes you happy. if the rot takes your fingers, you think you'll learn to play with your toes.
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Somebody To You: 17
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Friendly reminder to please Like and/or Reblog. It helps more than you think! :)
A/N: A MASSIVE shoutout and credit to this dream of a person, @nnevrmind​, who not only gave me ALL of the information on Rome and the historical significance of the places mentioned (and also made me want to visit Rome even MORE now), but also inspired a large chunk of this chapter and upcoming chapters. You’re an actual angel and I’m SOOO appreciative of you reaching out and helping me with this! Thank you thank you thank you!! :) <3 
Word Count: 3,861
Click Here For Previous Chapter & Other Completed Stories
PLEASE let me know what you think
Sleep had never been so comfortable before, which was unheard of for Zoey when she was in a bed that was not her own. She almost thought the whole trip to Italy was a dream. But as she stretched and fluttered her eyes open, a smile spread across her face, looking passed the white canopy that surrounded her bed through the window that overlooked the beautiful acreage of property that the sun shone down on. She wished that she could blink and have this image ingrained in her mind forever. 
Zoey’s phone had automatically adjusted to Rome time, seeing that it was only 7 AM. Her hair had dried after last night’s shower, so she put it in a simple low messy bun, pulling strands of hair out to frame her face and heading downstairs to see if anyone else had woken up yet, deciding not to change or put makeup on as she didn’t know the plans for today. 
The first person she ran into was Nancy who’s voluminous curly dark hair was messy and diffused on her head. She sat cross-legged on a barstool at the kitchen island, still in her pajamas, eating a bowl of fruits.
“It’s early,” was all she managed, the sleep in her voice still evident.
Zoey snorted out a “morning,” when she heard smacking of feet against the tile behind her.
Harry came into view, grinning. His puffy eyes and cheeks made him look five years younger as his deep, raspy voice greeted them, followed by, “I thought I heard someone leave their room. I didn’t want to be the only one up. Coffee?” he offered.
“Please,” she nodded, allowing him to pass.
Zoey decided to step out onto the back terrace and take a seat at the couches by the firepit that was now laden with ash from last night’s fire. The view was incredible. It’s no wonder Italy is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world. She couldn’t imagine ever getting bored with this. Harry had disrupted her thoughts, stepping out of the french doors that lead onto the stone slab and carefully making his way over with two mugs in hand. 
“Thank you,” she grinned, taking hers and wrapping her hands around it while he sat beside her. 
Harry nodded, placing his arm on the armrest and looking out at the garden, “Incredible, right?”
“I can’t believe people get to live here.”
He nodded, “That’s why it’s one of my favorite places to visit. Never gets old.”
It’s like he could read her mind. Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to make it so hard not to like him? Couldn’t he just be a creepy weirdo like most of the guys she knew? She turned to him, trying to force the thoughts away, and smiled, “You picked an amazing place to stay at. Thank you. It really is beautiful here. All the artwork and old detailing in the house. It makes you wonder how old it is and who all lived here.”
“Well, I had to make sure I picked a place with character,” Harry smirked, “Couldn’t have you come out here and stay at a place like my house in LA.”
She chuckled, only lightly checking his shoulder so as not to make him spill his coffee, “Well, at least I know you’ve got good taste.”
“In some things, I guess,” he turned to her, “I’m alright in vacations and music. Not so great in the girl department, am I?”
Zoey shrugged, “I don’t know. I think you’re pretty good at picking them. You’re just not good at the follow-through.”
“How has she been?”
Zoey knew he meant Aurora. And her heart panged a little thinking he might still have feelings for her. She had noticed the occasional glances between each other last night, and although she wasn’t worried that Rory might make a move, Zoey couldn’t help but wonder if there was still a spark between them or if they regret ending things. Still, he didn’t know about Aurora and Brett, and she’d rather he found out by her than in passing in case he did still care for Aurora and was hurt by being caught off guard.
“She seems alright. Brett asked her to be his girlfriend.”
“Oh. So they’re dating?” Harry asked, earning a nod from Zoey. 
Her eyes lingered on him, unblinking, waiting for a reaction. And hearing those words hurt, but not because Rory was taken now. He was happy for her, genuinely. But it hurt because it was so easy for someone else to do what he couldn’t seem to do. It took no time at all for Brett to figure out that he liked Aurora enough to make it official. This wasn’t the first time this has happened to Harry. In fact, there were several instances where Harry was too afraid to commit that he got beat out by someone else. When would he learn?
Harry nodded, “Good for them. He seems alright.”
Zoey snorted, rolling her eyes, “Just last week you were calling him a...what was it? Little bitch?”
Harry smirked, taking a sip of his still-hot coffee, “I was in a bad mood.”
“Besides,” Harry shrugged, looking out at the view again, “Maybe the guys are right. Maybe I need to branch out more. I always go after the same type of girls. Maybe I should see what else is out there. Try something new.”
“Uh...hello? I’ve been saying that, too! I mean, there’s no shame in going after the same kind of girls. You like what you like. But it doesn’t hurt to venture. I’ve found it to be fun.”
“Yeah, I know all the fun you’ve had! Mama’s boys, virgins, and guys that are stuck on their exes. Tell me again how venturing has been doing for you?” Harry teased.
“Not fair. Just because I haven’t had any luck doesn’t mean I haven’t had fun doing it. Plus, I’ve gotten free food out of it, so it’s not all a loss.”
Harry laughed before turning to look at her, a smile hidden behind her coffee mug as she took a gentle sip, looking back out at the fields. The sun made her navy eyes look brighter and gave her a skin a soft glow. She brushed the strands of hair that framed her face out of the way and turned to look at him with a hesitant grin when she noticed he was already looking at her. 
“What?” she asked, self consciously.
Harry shook his head, trying his best to sound flippant, “Nothing. Just thinking about how my friends keep joking around saying I should date you.”
He noticed Zoey’s cheeks began to blush as she forced a laugh, sarcastically saying, “Could you imagine? Talk about not your type.”
Harry let out a chuckle, a little staggered by how put-off she sounded, “Isn’t that the point? To date someone who’s not my type?”
Zoey paused, staring at him, her eyebrows starting to furrow as she stuttered, “Wait, I’m confused. Are you asking me to go on a date with you?”
His heart started pounding nervously and a hole formed in the pit of his stomach when he thought he noticed a hint of discomfort in her face. Quickly he stammered, “No! No that’d be weird. I was just saying...nevermind.”
“Well, damn, you didn’t have to sound so disgusted,” she chuntered.
“No, I’m not disgusted. It’s just-” he rambled before noticing the amused smile on her face and realized she was joking. They both let out a laugh and Harry relaxed saying, “We should wake everyone up. We need to get going soon.”
The two recruited Nancy to help, and as they attempted to wake Andy, Aurora, and Katie, Harry couldn’t help but replay their conversation over and over in his head. Was she weirded out at the idea of them dating? Was that really an expression of discomfort on her face or was it something else? He couldn’t recall hearing a tone of annoyance. Maybe she wasn’t completely uninterested. 
What if they did go on a date and it turned out to be awkward or bad? Would it ruin their friendship? He didn’t think he could handle losing her. But what if it went well? What if it was the best date he’s ever been on? What if they actually started dating? He’d always wanted to bring her back home to England one day to meet his friends and family. What if he introduced her as his girlfriend? Surely he wouldn’t hear the end of it from his friends. He could hear the endless amounts of ‘I told you so’ now. 
No, he couldn’t. That’s too weird. They’re best friends. Besides, he practically dated her roommate who is here with them now. Even if Aurora is dating Brett now, how weird would it be to hook up with Zoey on this trip with his ex-fling only feet away? Pretty fucked up.
Over a quick breakfast, Harry explained the plans. He had hired a guide to take them on a tour around Rome for the day. It would be as private as they could manage, as the company was made aware that Harry would be there and they did their best to arrange accommodations so that he could be in attendance without worrying about being hounded, though there was only so much they could do with high-tourist attractions, especially outdoors. He had explained to them to make sure they wore clothes that covered their shoulders and knees in case they visited any holy places to show respect and to make sure they wore comfortable shoes. 
As soon as everyone had finished getting dressed, they all piled into the SUV and headed towards the colosseum where they were lucky enough to find a car park nearby. The group walked the rest of the way, Harry walking in the lead with Nancy while Aurora talked to Katie, and Andy and Zoey linked arms together in the back. They circled the Colosseum until Harry saw a tall, tanned, long, dark-haired man wearing a red lanyard, his muscles popping through his tight, light blue button-up. 
“Please tell me that’s our tour guide,” Andy muttered, looking him up and down, causing the girls to laugh.
“Buongiorno!” the man called out, shaking hands with Harry first, before greeting everyone else. “Ciao. It’s so nice to meet you all. My name is Marco,” he introduced himself before getting everyone else’s name, “I hear you’ve come to Italy to celebrate someone’s birthday?” Everyone turned to Zoey, pulling her forward and she blushed at the attention. Marco smiled and she got a good look at his perfect teeth and beautiful brown eyes as he said, “Ah, Zoey, right? When is your birthday?”
“Tomorrow,” she said, holding his gaze. 
He lowered his voice, a slight smirk appearing on his face, “Well, happy almost birthday to you, then. You stay by me while I show you around. Front row seat to the show,” he winked, earning a smile and a nod from Zoey. If Jess were here to see this she’d shit her pants.
As Marco explained the process of the tour to the group, Zoey caught Andy’s eyes who mouthed, “OH MY GOD!” to which Zoey mouthed back, “I KNOW!” making her little sister giggle.
Eventually they followed Marco, with Zoey by his side, past a long line of waiting people and into the colosseum where he told them all about its history as an amphitheater that not only held gladiator and wild animal fights but also could be filled with water to hold mock naval battles.
Marco talked with such passion and enthusiasm that it was hard not to be interested. Harry snuck a peek at Zoey as they roamed and smiled as she scanned all around with such wonder. He could tell she was really taking in the scene and the information, completely invested in learning more about the history. 
It wasn’t until they were finishing up at the colosseum when someone had recognized Harry. He gave a quick grin and waved at the passing girl, ducking his head a little more as they made their way on over to the Forum, which was just next door. Marco did his best to inform them of the old marketplace, but the group became increasingly more interested in the Italian tour guide, interrupting frequently to ask more about himself, which he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to get enjoyment out of it. 
“Please tell us you’re single, Marco,” Andy boldly said, looking him up and down behind his glasses that sat perched on the tip of his nose.
Marco laughed and nodded, “Yes, I am single. What about you all? Has anyone here found their soulmate?”
Harry felt a nervous pit in his stomach when Zoey snapped her attention to him with a playful wink and he jokingly rolled his eyes at her before Nancy spoke, “Oh, honey. We can all be single if you want us to be.”
To which Rory coughed, “Except me. I’m the only one taken.”
“You have your pick,” Andy flirted.
“We don’t pick women here in Italy,” Marco laughed again and side-eyed Zoey before turning to her and saying, “but maybe the birthday girl was brought here for a reason.”
Harry watched as Zoey’s eyes widened, blushing, and trying to hide a smile while her friends all whistled at them. Annoyance began to sink in. Why was it that Zoey was always getting hit on? Zoey hardly said a word outside of asking more information on the history of the ancient architecture they visited, why the interest in her? Nancy was practically a model in her own right and Marco clearly got a kick out of her considering the number of times she made him laugh throughout the tour so far. Couldn’t he have gone for her?
“What’s next on our stop?” Harry interrupted, changing the subject.
As they made their ten-minute walk to the Trevi Fountain, their last stop before lunch, Katie and Zoey held hands, talking inaudibly with Marco while Andy and Nancy were behind them confessing their attraction towards their tour guide. Harry and Rory dragged in the back, trying their best to avoid eye contact with passerby’s in case anyone noticed them.
“Think she’ll get his number before we leave?” Rory whispered to him, nodding towards Zoey.
Harry shrugged, “Doubt it. We’re only here for the week.”
“I don’t know. You know her, wanting to be more adventurous and all that. What’s more adventurous than a fling with a hot Italian guy?”
“Skydiving,” Harry said simply.
Aurora laughed, looking over at Harry. But when she noticed he wasn’t joking, her smile faltered, eyeing him a little longer than usual before shaking her head, “Well, we’ll see. Maybe she won’t. Either way, she’s having a great time. I’ve never seen her smile so much. She’s like a little kid in a candy shop. It’s so cute.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, finally grinning, “She’ll definitely remember this birthday.”
The Trevi Fountain was packed with people so they couldn’t stay long in fear of it getting too crazy around Harry, so Marco quickly went over facts and the legend.
“Turn your back to the fountain and with your right hand, throw a coin over your left shoulder. One coin means you’ll return to Rome. Two means you’ll return and fall in love. And three means you’ll return, fall in love, and marry. I’ve got a few coins here for you all,” he passed them each one coin and they all squealed, squeezing their way through the crowd to the very edge of the fountain. 
Harry’s been here several times before, and for some reason, this was the part that always seemed to get to him. Out of the hundreds of beautiful buildings and ruins, the Trevi Fountain was always the spot that jerked at his heart. He was the first to throw the coin over his shoulder and stood back to watch the rest of his friends experience this moment. He laughed as Nancy and Zoey screamed at Andy, “Wrong shoulder, you idiot!” after he threw the coin over his right shoulder.
“Fuck! I panicked!” he shouted back.
He watched Zoey take a deep breath, close her eyes, and gently toss her shining coin over her left shoulder, turning just in time to see it ‘PLOP’ right in the water. He saw Marco step up closer to her brandishing another coin and heard him through the busy sounds of the plaza say, “One more. For the birthday girl. Maybe you’ll find love in Rome.”
He felt the heat rise in him, annoyed that Zoey was eating this up. And she wonders why she had such bad luck with guys. These are the type of men that she’s falling for. These typical sleazeballs.
“She better work,” Andy snapped, quietly cheering as she stood beside Harry, following everyone back through the crowd and towards the river to grab some lunch. 
Harry had made a connection with the chef of a wonderful restaurant last time he was in town and was invited to bring his friends for a free lunch, to which he refused to not pay, but did kindly ask if it were possible to have private seating towards the back. The chef graciously agreed, sectioning off a spot for them in anticipation of their arrival. 
Seeing the relationships Harry had made and the interaction between him and the wait staff made Zoey feel proud to know him. Every time she got to see him talk with a fan or someone that held him on any kind of pedestal always put into perspective for her how famous and admired he was. And to see him always be kind was no matter the circumstance was something that made her want to be a better person. She smiled, watching him converse, shake hands, and take pictures and videos with each worker that came up. He caught her looking and shot her a silly face, which only made her smile more. She was sure that this crush phase would be over at some point, but for now, she just loved the fact that this man was in her life.
Besides, at least there was Marco here to distract her for the day. A tall, smart, handsome Italian? Yes, please!  He was very forward, which startled her at first, but once she got used to him she was able to have very nice conversations about interests and even family. He seemed to like how close she and Katie were, expressing that he had a younger brother around the same age whom he was close to. 
“How about any older brothers?” Nancy joked, making them all laugh.
The lunch was incredible. She knew authentic pizza would be good, but she was guaranteed to dream about it for years to come. They all sang their praise and thanks to the chef before heading out. Zoey walked beside Marco, teaching them all about the Vatican, and made their way towards the museum. She took this time to look back at the group, seeing Harry and Aurora laughing with each other in the back. He looked happy. She couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous that it wasn’t her back there with him. It was silly to think he’d be over Rory just like that.
As soon as they got into the museum, her worries of Harry and Aurora seemed to float away as she became completely enthralled by the artwork that was displayed on the walls, the mosaics on the floor, and the sculptures that lined the perimeter. The Sistine Chapel was truly magnificent. Lined with Michaelangelo’s frescoes, you couldn’t help but get a little choked up. Nothing could even come close to describing the pure cultivated beauty. 
But St. Peter's Basilica was even more wondrous, captivated by the enormity and grandeur of the church and its architecture. The way the light shone through the dome of the church, hitting the beautiful artwork surrounding. Zoey was speechless.
Marco explained, “According to an agreement between the Italian state and the Vatican, Rome cannot build a taller building than the chapel. It guarantees the chapel the most amazing view of all of Rome. But, to get to the top you must walk five hundred and fifty-one steps. There’s an elevator that takes you up almost halfway up to the first terrace, but you’ll have to climb the rest of the way. It’s worth it for the view. Would any of you be up for it?”
“I would,” Zoey immediately agreed, eager to see the view.
“I’ll go,” agreed Harry.
“Nah, my ass is not climbing five hundred steps,” Andy shook his head.
Nancy pouted, “I didn’t wear the right shoes. My feet are killing me.”
“I can take them wandering around and meet you back here in thirty minutes to an hour?” Rory suggested, earning nods from Marco, Harry, and Zoey where they broke off and began their climb.
Admittedly, it was tiring. The steps got tighter as they neared the end and they began to feel slightly claustrophobic from the walls seeming like they were leaning in on them. But by the time they reached the top and stepped out to take in the view they were sold. Marco was right, the climb was worth it. They gripped onto the railing, overlooking the city amongst the other visitors that were too distracted to notice them. Marco had run into a friend of his at the top and excused himself briefly to talk to him, but they were too enthralled to care. 
“I cannot believe I’m here and get to see this,” Zoey breathed.
Harry turned to look at his friend who stared out at the view, captivated, with strands of hair flowing in the breeze. He grinned, “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
“You don’t understand,” she turned to look at him, almost teary-eyed, “People like me and my sister? We don’t get to go to Italy. We would have never been able to come here if it weren’t for you.”
She was always so genuine and grateful for everything she was given. Even if it was as simple as someone grabbing her a spoon. She must have thanked him over a dozen times for this trip already and it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours. Zoey stared at him and he was at a loss for words, unable to break his attention from her navy blue eyes. 
Finally, he managed to build the strength to tease, mocking her, “...are we about to kiss right now?”
She laughed, looking back over the city, “I could kiss you right now.”
He swallowed, frozen, staring at the shape of her plump lips, forced to imagine how soft they might be or what kind of kisser she was. Was it sloppy? Stiff? Calculated? How did she taste? Surely she still had a hint of sauce and cheese in her breath after the pizza they just ate. He wouldn’t mind. 
Shit. Maybe his friends were right.
Taglist for Somebody To You:
@thurhomish , @stilljosiegrossie , @odetostep , @apples2019 , @stylesmioamore
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An Orientation Leader’s Ultimate College Dorm Packing List
T-shirts (short & long sleeve)
Nice short sleeve shirts / Tank tops
Nice long sleeve shirts / Button up shirts
Athletic short sleeve shirts / Tank tops
Bras / Bralettes / Bandeaus
Sports bras
Hoodies / Zip Ups
Crew neck & Quarter zip sweatshirts
Rain jacket / Windbreaker
Socks / Tights
Shorts (jeans & cloth)
Spandex & athletic shorts
Khaki pants & shorts
Jeans / Pants
Leggings / Yoga pants
Sweatpants / PJ Pants / Joggers
Dress clothes (blazer, etc)
Shower flip flops
Sandals / Flip flops
Running sneakers / Normal sneakers
Booties / Heels / Wedges 
Flats / Dress Shoes
Rain boots
If you live close to home, go home and get these when it starts getting colder out
Thick jacket
Hats / Head wraps
Thick socks / Leg warmers
Toiletries & Bathroom Supplies
Shampoo & Conditioner 
Hair Spray 
Dry shampoo
Toothbrush cup
Tooth paste
Contact solution
Contact case
Face wash 
Period care products
Shaving cream
Hair ties / Scrunchies
Hair clips, bobby pins, barrettes
Curling Wand
Brush & Comb
Makeup & Setting spray
Perfume / Body spray
Soap / Shower gel 
Makeup wipes / remover
Cotton balls / Q-tips 
Medications / Health care products (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Cough medicine, etc)
Hand sanitizer
Bandaids & other medical supplies
School Supplies
Only you know what works best for your study habits
Backpack / bag
Colored pens
Hole puncher
Markers / Crayons / Colored pencils
Flashcards (And Quizlet account)
Post Its
Dry erase markers / chalk
Pencil case
Laptop and charger
Dorm Supplies
(for *  only one roommate usually brings it)
Clorox wipes
Paper towels
Broom, Vacuum, and/or Swiffer Wet Jet *
Twinkle lights
Trash can 
Storage bins or plastic slide-out drawers
Mattress topper
Pillows / Pillow pet
Television (There are televisions in most lounges) *
DVD Player *
Gaming systems *
Rug *
Doormat *
Lamp/s (not all dorms have overhead/desk lighting)
Coffee maker / Keurig *
Desk organizers
Power strips
2 to 3 prong adapters
Shower caddy
Laundry bin/s
Shower towels & Pool towel & Washcloths
Dish soap
Reusable water bottle
Reusable travel cup / mug
Cooking supplies (Cookie sheet, pot, pan, oven mitts, spoon, etc) *
Seat cushion 
Box fan * & small window/desk fan (or fan to clip onto bed)
Bed risers
Fridge (or rent microfridge) *
Corkboard, Whiteboard, and/or Chalkboard 
Pictures / Picture frames / Photo album
Command strips
Command hooks (good to put by the door for keys and/or jackets)
Small desk mirror
Wall mirror (many rooms have a mirror that a previous student left on the wall; it is recommended to wait until you move in to see if you have one) *
Shoe rack (not every room will have space for this) *
Door decorations (small whiteboard, etc) *
Clock / Alarm clock
Earring / Jewelry rack 
Drying rack *
Painter’s tape
Board games / deck of cards
Drawstring bag
Purse / Wallet
Keys / Lanyard / Keychain (to put room key on)
ID Holder (to add to lanyard/keys)
Plants that are easy to take care of 
Small umbrella
Phone charger
Insurance and social security cards
Yoga mat (your sports center may have some to use)
Small flashlight
Air freshener
Snacks (chips, candy, cookies, crackers)
Microwave popcorn (keep a careful eye on this when cooking in the dorm)
Granola / Breakfast bars
Easy Mac & Cheese
Your go-to comfort food
Cooking ingredients (if you plan to cook in the dorm kitchens)
Soda / Juice / Water (there are water fillers in some residence halls and all academic buildings)
Gum / Mints
Usually, appliances should have automatic shut off
Standalone microwaves are not always allowed, check with your school. Some may have a microfridge renting option which is always worth it.
No candles or other open flames
Tapestries are usually allowed depending on the school
Extension cords are not always allowed (but power strips are!)
Wait to buy refrigerated food products until after moving in, or bring a small cooler to transport them
I use 2 big suitcases, totes, and boxes. After unpacking, I send them back home with my family/friends that moved me in.
Some people put their clothes on hangers and then put a grocery bag around them with the top of the hanger sticking out or put them in their suitcases with the hangers already on
As you get adjusted to dorm life, you will slowly start to realize what works for you and what doesn’t, along with what you need and do not need. Allow yourself time to figure it out and don’t stress if you do not have everything.
Good luck!
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kyungsoopilates · 6 years
Pens and Needles| 1
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Pairing: Kyungsoo x Nurse!Reader
Rating: Fluff for now..
Word count: 2,174
A/N: a *cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure where they remove your gallbladder.
1 2
You’re awoken from your peaceful sleep by the sound of your annoying alarm clock. You groan, reaching your over to snatch your phone from your bedside table. The time in the screen reads a dreadful 4:01am. You sigh. Another long day ahead. You manage to pray yourself from your bed, slinging your feet around to the side and slipping them into your slippers. You make your way to the bathroom, yawning and stretching your tired limbs as you go. Once inside you turn the shower on, watching the water stream from the shower’s head. You peel off your clothing as steam begins to fill the room. You hop in under the warm steady stream eager to have the hot water relax soothe your muscles.
After a long steamy shower the rest of your morning routine goes by in a blur. After getting dressed and applying minimal makeup, you take your hair out of your bedtime braids and comb through the tangled coils with your fingers. Decent enough. You finish up in the bathroom and make your way into your living room, grabbing your bag, keys, and a jacket. You exit your apartment and make your way down the cozy little hallway to the building's stairwell. Might as well get these tired bones moving. Your apartment complex isn’t huge, but you live comfortably in a decent part of the city near the hospital at which you work as a nurse.
You see your next-door neighbor, Mr. Park, lingering by the front door of the lobby. He’s a nice old man who owns a popular coffee shop down the street. He often walks with you on your way to work, as you always pass his shop. He regularly gives you a drink to take with you. The first few times, you offered to pay him for the coffee, but he simply declined, telling you that as a friendly neighbor you were welcome to come by anytime for a cup. On the house.
You walk down the street side-by-side taking in your surroundings. Without the presence of the sun, the air is cool and still. You round the street corner; the coffee shop sits at the end of the upcoming block. It’s a cozy little place. Not very big, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in atmosphere. You can see why so many people go there. It’s homely and warm; if you didn’t work as much as you did you’d probably spend a lot of time there just for the sake of it.
You come to a stop in front of the shop, you glance briefly at the sign, “The Roasted Bean”, it reads and wait patiently for Mr. Park to unlock the front door. He gives the door a light shove and steps inside. You follow behind him, walking up to a table closest to the counter, and set your bag on the ground as you seat yourself in the chair behind it. Mr. Park busies himself with making your usual cup of coffee while you check your phone for any emails and other notifications. The time reads 5:15. Perfect. You check the email you had received last week containing the information about today's upcoming patient. The head nurse assigned you a special patient for the next two weeks. They were set to have a cholecystectomy* today and would remain under your care until safe for them to return to their usual schedule. You definitely didn’t expect to be assigned to an idol, and you especially didn’t expect to be assigned to one of your favorite idols. Do Kyungsoo. You had been trying to scour through your brain for where exactly you qualified for this kind of patient in particular. However, you were one of the best nurses on your floor; people admired you for your maturity and compassion. Making you someone who patients requested often. You took your time with your all of your patients; you always made sure they had everything they needed and then some. You checked in on them more frequently than any of the other nurses did, you even bathed them on a regular, as many patients that you had were older folk. Maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise that EXO’s manager had requested you specifically or rather, asked your Head Nurse who was most fit to care for one of his members. You were a tad bit nervous, not so much because of it being EXO’s D.O, but more so concerned about making sure you did everything to his liking. You’d also be lying if you said you weren’t a little nervous for him to be having such a painful surgery. Having experienced the whole ordeal yourself just a couple years prior, you had a fairly good idea of what he was in for.
Standing from your seat, you thanked Mr. Park for the coffee as you made your through the front door, stepping back into the cool morning. The hospital was only another 10-minute walk or so from here, and your shift didn’t start officially until 5:45. You walked at a leisurely pace down the block, sipping your coffee as you went. The steamy beverage warmed you nicely in the cool atmosphere. You continued your steady pace watching as the streets started to fill, littered with people making their morning commute. As you closed in on the hospital, you watch the sky change from its deep blue to splashes of brighter colors as the sun began peeking out over the horizon. You were just beginning to feel the soft warmth of its appearing presence, as you found yourself now stepping through the automatic doors of the hospital entrance.
You waved to Hani, a older woman, who sat at the reception desk and made your way over to the first-floor elevator. You pressed the up button and finished off the last of your coffee, tossing it into the nearest bin. The doors to the elevator parted and you stepped in, pressing the number two on the keypad. You dug your hand into the front pocket of your scrub bottoms, retrieving your ID lanyard and placing it around your neck. The elevator came to a stop on the second floor. You step out quickly, making your way down the narrow hall to the nurses’ station. You spot Soya, your boss, and head nurse, sitting at her desk. You walk over to her, seating yourself on the edge of her desk.
Y/N! Right on time. As usual," she smiles. Soya has always had a soft spot for you. Since you started here a little under two years ago, she had taken you under her wing and helped you move from being a nurse's assistant, who occasionally filled in when all the other nurses were busy, to a full-time nurse. She loved your enthusiasm and passion for taking care of people. Leading you to your biggest assignment yet. 
“Always. So big day today I guess..” you trail off, fidgeting with a loose string on your top. You didn’t want her to see how nervous you were.
“For you or for your patient?” She lifted an eyebrow questioningly, chuckling softly.
“For the patient, obviously, he’s the one having surgery. Not me” you let out a deep sigh. “It’s fine, I’m totally fine. I’m not worried at all. Everything will go smoothly. I not even nervous.” Her expression softens.
“There’s no need to be nervous, Y/N, this is nothing you haven’t already done, like a hundred times. Just treat him the way you treat all your other patients. There’s no extra pressure just because he's a celebrity.” She stands from her desk, walking around it to drape her arm around my shoulder. She leans in slightly to whisper near my ear, “You are the best nurse on this floor. This new patient? This new young, strapping, handsome patient? He is going to adore you, Y/N. I’m calling it right now. In fact, I ought to start placing bets with the other nurses, make a little extra cash, you know?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, grinning mischievously.
“Now why would you of all people need extra cash? You are literally the Head Nurse. I’m pretty sure you make double our pay.” You squint your eyes at her accusingly.
She places her hand over her heart, feigning hurt. 
“Me, making more money than you? The world’s best nurse? How could you even say something like that?” She gasps dramatically, releasing her arm from around you.
You roll your eyes at her antics. Thanks to Soya, you feel a lot more at ease about your newest patient. It’s less than an hour now until he's set to arrive for surgical prep.
You spend the next 15 minutes setting up a room on the 5th floor where your patient would be spending the next two weeks. You fixed up his bed, making sure he had enough blankets to keep warm, and pillows to ensure his comfort; as this was an abdominal surgery he would have to sleep on his back for awhile post procedure. Stocking the room’s drawers with extra disinfecting and bandaging supplies, you finished up and made your back downstairs to the surgical station to see if Kyungsoo had been checked in.
You turned around, only to be greeted by Tiffany. Tiffany was another nurse that you had worked with for quite some time. Although she was less serious about her work, and often tried to pull you from yours, she was still an okay girl.
”There you are, I’ve been looking for you. Your special patient is in the waiting room. Reception just checked him in.” she winked, giving me a suggestive look.
”Ew, please don’t look at me like that. And definitely don’t come anywhere near me once I call him back. I don’t need you embarrassing me.” you scold her.
”Oh come on, aren’t you at least gonna introduce me. I mean he’s such a cutie!”
”Goodbye, Tiffany.” You leave her behind making your way towards the door leading to the waiting room.
You take a deep breath and open the door, scanning your eyes across the nearly vacant lobby. You spot a man in glasses, hunched over his phone towards the back. A small black suitcase sits in the chair beside him. You walk over in his direction. Given by the amount of older people in the room, you can confidently assume this is your 26 year old patient.
”Do Kyungsoo?” he startles slightly glancing up from his phone . You offer him a gently smile.
“We’re ready for you.”
“O-okay.” He tucks his phone away into his back pocket, grabbing his suitcase and standing from his seat. You walk ahead of him, leading the way back to the door you had entered from. You open the door, allowing him to walk through first.
“If I could just have you step onto this scale to record your weight.” You gesture in front of you both to a scale that sits off to the side of the wide hallway. You remove a notepad from your scrub pocket, readying yourself. He steps onto the scale quickly, and you note the number that pops up on the little display.
“Perfect, you can step down now. Do you happen know what your height is?”
“About 5’8.” You scribble 5’8 down, making a mental note to convert that to inches when you go to enter the information into the computer later.
“Alrighty, you can follow me and we’ll go on in to your room where i’ll get you all prepped and ready.” You lead him further down the hall, counting the numbers listed by the doors as go. You make a right, turning into the hallway leading to rooms 15-30.
“Alright, here we are,” you stop in front of room number 19, pulling aside the curtain and stepping into the room. Kyungsoo follows behind you, glancing around at the various equipment and devices. “This will be the room that I get you all prepped and ready in. And then after your surgery instead of coming back here you’ll go up to the fifth floor, which is where you’ll stay for the duration of your time here.” You explain. He nods, setting his suitcase on one of the chairs.
You make your way over to the computer, signing yourself in, you begin inputting the information you wrote down early. You temporarily switch the computer back off turning to face Kyungsoo.
“So, first I’m going to let you get undressed and changed into this gown here,” You gesture to the folded gown lying on the bed. “While I go and grab a few things, okay?”
“Do I take everything off?” He asks sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Yep. Everything off, underwear included.” You walk back through the door way grabbing the curtain. And when you’re done you can just pull this curtain back so that I know you’re ready.” You pull the curtain, allowing him the privacy he needs to undress.
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hershelsstyles · 6 years
Lost in Japan
Part 3 - Harry gives Nina a backstage tour
word count: 2,281
Series masterlist
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The city gets dark and after having dinner at a local restaurant, I go back to my hotel. After I check in and get up to my room, the first thing I do is pull my SD card out of my camera and shove it in my laptop.
I look at the amazing images I got from today, I choose my favorite and post it to Instagram. I tag the location and write a small caption.
Less than a few minutes later, the picture has over 2,000 likes, and so many comments saying the same thing.
"Omg Harry's in Tokyo to!! Is that why he followed her?"
I remember how Harry said he would be in Japan soon. My stomach starts to feel bubbly. Why am I feeling nervous?
After chilling, I open my laptop again and decide to read through my emails. It's crazy how when you gain a small following on Instagram the number of random companies email you with all sorts of weird brand deals. Almost all of them are spam, but I come across one email from a personal Gmail account that I don't recognise. I click on it.
Hello, you have been invited to Harry Styles live on tour in Tokyo on the 12th of May. Please be at the venue at 7 pm, give your name to the box office to collect your tickets. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Kind Regards
Jeffery Azzof,
Full Stop Management.
This is insane. I immediately check the date as I have basically been jumping time zones throughout the last week, I have no idea what day it is. Today is the 11th of May, that means the concert is tomorrow. My heart is skipping beats, I feel so excited. This is actually crazy, Harry has invited me to his show! How does he know I'm in Tokyo? I know I told him I was going to be in Japan soon, but I never specified dates. My phone buzzes in my lap. Its a notification from Instagram, @harrystyles liked your post. I open the app to see which one he liked, it's not even my latest post, he's looking through my feed.
I don't even have to think about whether I'm going or not, there is no question about it. I don't know if I'm supposed to reply to the email or not. I decide against replying because firstly I would know what to say or not sound desperate. I sit on my bed and try to comprehend what just happened. I think about what I'm going to wear, what is it going to be like? Am I going to see him? Obviously, I'm going to see him perform, but will we get the chance to see each other again?
I decided I should probably listen to his album some more if I'm going to his show. As I'm getting ready for bed I'm singing the words to 'Sweet Creature', his album is actually really good. It so different to One Direction but I find myself starting to really like it. I wonder if it's going to sound different live, what kind of show he will put on. I fall asleep listening to ‘From the Dining Table.’
The next morning when I wake up, I remember the events of last night and my evening plans and my stomach is doing flips. I'm so excited, but nervous. As I hop in the shower and get ready for the day I can't wipe a smile off my face.
Today I was planning on going to the gardens Harry suggested I visited, and since the show is at 7 pm I still have the whole day ahead. After spending the day around Tokyo shooting the whole time, I head back to my hotel around 5 pm so I can get ready.
After I shower, I straighten my hair. I put on a bit of light makeup which consists of a tinted moisturizer, bronzer, a swipe of highlighter on my cheekbones and eyelids, mascara, and lip balm.
I put on my outfit which is a red dress which comes above my knees and has buttons down the front. It light and summery as Tokyo weather is warm, and so is a concert. I decide against any fancy shoes and settle with my old skool black vans, I'm going to need comfort as Ill probably be standing the whole night.
After spending about 20 minutes trying to figure out a route to get to the venue on public transport, I decided to give up and call a taxi. I don't want to risk getting lost and being late. I make my way down to the hotel lobby just as the taxi arrives.
When I get to the venue I'm overwhelmed with how large it is. I quickly spot the box office in the crowds of people and make my way over. Next to me is the merchandise tent with very long lines. I look at the merch being sold as I join the much shorter line for the box office, my eye is caught by the 'Treat People With Kindness' t-shirts, I love that, he's using his platform to spread such a nice message. I really want to get one but the line is so long and I'm already in the line for the box office.
Soon it's my turn to step up to the window. I begin to realise the person working probably doesn't know English, and I don't think my Japanese is good enough to explain why I'm here. My worries soon disappear as when I approach the window she greets me in English.
"Hello, how can I help you today?"
"Hi, um I was told to come here and pick up a ticket for Nina Grey"
"One moment please," she says as she types into her keyboard. I nervously watch her in anticipation, maybe that email was a joke, my email is in the bio of my Instagram, anyone could have sent it.
I start feeling hot, and not because of the warm weather, my nerves are kicking in. She then picks up the phone next to her and starts speaking quickly in Japanese. I can't understand anything she's saying other than when she says my name.
She puts down the phone, I'm fully preparing myself for her to start laughing at me and tell me there no ticket for me.
But she instead smiles at me "I will just print your ticket now, Jeff will be here to take you inside soon"
I recognise the name Jeff, the guy who sent the email. A flood of relief comes over me. The lady hands me my ticket and tells me to wait by the VIP check-in area for Jeff. I thank her as I walk away.
Not long after, a tall man in his early thirties walks over to me, he reaches out his hand to shake mine. "Hi, you must be Nina, I'm Jeff, Jeffery Azzof. I'm Harry's manager, the guy who sent you the email."
I shake his hand, "Hi yes I'm Nina, nice to meet you."
"Well, we better get you inside, ah and before I forget you will need this." He hands me a lanyard with backstage written on it.
"Follow me." He says.
"I really wasn't expecting this, thank you"
"No problem, now I'm just warning you, backstage can be pretty chaotic, so try not to get in the way, everything needs to run smoothly." I nod while we keep walking.
I can tell Jeff is good at his job, his tone wasn't rude or mean, just simply being honest, which I appreciate.
We pass a security guard as we enter through a large door, Jeff waves and smiles. The security guard doesn't say a thing. Jeff was right about backstage being chaotic, there is staff running around, people chatting, eating, and getting ready.
Jeff takes me to the main area where there's a food and drinks table, there's also couches and tables all around, and a ping pong table in the middle of the room. The table has the same words written on it as the merch, 'Treat People With Kindness'.
There are two people that are playing a seemingly serious game of ping pong. One of them looks to be a sound engineer as he's wearing all black and has earpieces, walkie-talkies, and many wires sticking out of his pockets. He hits the ball to the other person playing with him. It's Harry. He's wearing sweatpants, black vans, and a white t-shirt which I recognise, it's his own merch.
I stand and watch the game with Jeff, "Harry is very serious about his ping-pong" He says.
When Harry goes to hit the ball he looks up at me and smiles. He completely misses the ball and it bounces off the table onto the ground and under a couch. The sound guy throws his hands up in the air.
"I finally won! I bet the unbeatable Harry Styles!" Harry doesn't seem to care very much as he puts down his bat and walks over to me.
"Nina, how lovely it is to see you again!" He says going in for a hug. "Thank you for inviting me"
"No problem, I figured since you're here and all you might as well come! I didn't think you would to be honest, we have only met once."
"Of course I was going to come, who would say no to a free show?" I say laughing, he laughs too.
"No seriously, I had nothing else better to do, and I listened to some of your stuff and it's actually pretty good"
"Thank you, that means a lot. You look incredible by the way, red is defiantly your colour." I feel my cheeks starting to blush, and before I can say anything back he grabs me by the hand. "Okay let me show you around"
He first takes me to some dressing rooms, there is a hairdresser styling a guys hair sitting in a chair.
"Nina, this is Ayae our hairstylist, and Adam my guitarist getting his hair styled, because he defiantly needs it," he says jokingly.
"Adam, Ayae, this is Nina."
"Hi, nice to meet you guys"
"So this is the girl you met in business class while the rest of us were sitting in coach?" Adam says in a thick British accent.
"Yes actually it is, and I offered to upgrade you guys, but you all said no"
"Well, we will see you guys later, better get on with this backstage tour." Harry says as he walks out the door, I wave goodbye. The door to the next room is shut, as Harry knocks, I read the sign above it which reads 'Wardrobe'.
"Its always good to knock, I've definitely walked in on more people changing than I would have liked to," He says laughing.
"Come in!" An American voice yells out. Harry opens the door and there are two people standing there looking very suspicious.
"You guys were definitely making out weren't you?" Harry asks. "Definitely not!" the woman exclaims too overprotectedly.
"This is Mitch and Sarah. Mitch is my best friend and guitarist, and Sarah plays the drums, very well might I add." They both acknowledge me by nodding their heads.
"Hi, I'm Nina"
"So this is wardrobe where we keep all our clothes" Harry says as he runs his hand over all the clothing on the racks. "Okay we better be moving on" Harry says as he walks out of the room.
I'm shown around more places, and basically introduced to every person we see. Helene his photographer, Claire his pianist, and many more people I can't remember the names of.
He looks at his watch, "I'm going to have to go and get ready for the show soon, but I want to show you one more thing." He says excitedly.
I follow him as we wind down more hallways, through more doors, and the further we go the louder it gets.
"Warpaint the opening act is on now, but you have to see the crowd from here," he says as he runs up the metal stairs leading to the side of the stage.
I look out at the crowd, "Woah, this is insane" I say. The whole arena is filled. "Don't you feel nervous?" I ask "All these people have come to see you"
"I don't really get nervous anymore, only when there are people in the crowd I know, like you." He says, I smile and laugh, this is so crazy.
"Well we better go back now, I'm due on stage soon, this is their last song."
When we get back to the main backstage area, Harry goes up to Jeff and puts his hand on his shoulder.
"Make sure Nina gets to her seat alright"
"Sure thing" he says then gets distracted by his phone ringing. "Sorry gotta take this" he says walking away.
"Well Jeff is going to kill me if we get behind schedule, so I better be off to get ready. Thank you for coming tonight, I know its kind of odd I just met you, but I really wanted you to be here."
"No thank you for inviting me, that was really nice of you."
"Enjoy the show, see you after?"
"Sure, good luck Harry," I say smiling as he walks off down the hallway.
Jeff walks over to me and puts away his phone. "Okay should I take you to your seat now?"
"That would be great, thank you," I say as Jeff gestures me to follow him out the way he showed me in.
Part 4
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