#half ace combat
teecupangel · 8 months
I know this sounds weird but what if Desmond turned into an airplane? It wouldn't leave me all week and I needed answers.
Hi nonny, I’m so sorry if this wouldn’t leave you for a month now because I couldn’t answer you any sooner. (For those wondering, that’s right, I’m still trying to answer and reblog posts and asks from Sept 17 onward. So sorry TTATT)
Not gonna lie, making Desmond into an airplane made me immediately think of Bismuth the Crone who can become a jet for some reason in Oxventure.
Then I remember…
I mean we could easily make this a Transformers AU but then…
There is one AC that does have planes as a major part of their story…
Ace Combat.
And that brings to mind one of the fastest planes in Ace Combat 7 that I may or may not have used a lot because it has a pure white skin:
YF-23 Black Widow II (usually just called YF-23)
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And it’s one of the most compatible fighter for Desmond because this is its description:
"A large stealth fighter and finalist in the Advanced Tactical Fighter competition. Its advanced speed and stealth capabilities make it ideal for preemptive strikes. One nickname for the prototype was "Black Widow II"."
This doesn’t even have to be an Ace Combat crossover if you don’t want it to be (although you can totally do it because Ace Combat has an AI that went megalomaniac after gaining self-awareness so you can totally make Desmond the AI of a specific YF-23 that’s meant to be a prototype of an AI support companion project who is supposed to be mimicking the personality of a person and the pilot realizes that the AI is slowly gaining self-awareness or… maybe even remembering more of the personality it’s mimicking, including his memories), this could be an AU where the Brotherhood is part of an Air Force of a country that’s being invaded or something (you can totally base it on Aurelia as well since the Aurelian Air Force squads are named after birds… and they have an Aquila Squadron too)
Anyway, the main idea is that DESMOND would be taking on the role of the support AI prototype on board of a YF-23 where the main character of your choice would be piloting. From there, DESMOND would be seen as an AI mimicking a person’s personality with the mystery starting to pile up as DESMOND starts talking about ‘past memories’ and even talking to the main character in a way that makes it sound like the AI is either gaining more self-awareness or getting memories.
Then the main character and DESMOND would learn that DESMOND is based on the late Desmond Miles, one of the lead developers of the AI project of which DESMOND was based of.
The AI Project by the name…
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chi-ow-hua · 3 months
Medics are messy.
Or, well, the medics themselves probably shouldn't be too messy, considering they are sometimes the only thing standing between a gruesome wound and Thanatos himself. Although medics probably shouldn't perform surgery while wearing flip flops, either, so maybe that's not saying too much.
But regardless of appropriate footwear (or lack thereof), the profession itself is messy. Blood. Muscles. Organs. Bones. You name it - Will has seen and touched it all.
He can vaguely remember being a bit grossed out, in the beginning. He supposes that would be the natural human reaction when confronted with gore. Especially of the real variety. He's grown out of it, though. Plus the perks that come with his position are nothing to sneeze at.
Nico teases him for not liking horror movies, but the truth is that to Will they are just incredibly mind-numbingly boring. It doesn't matter how realistic the wounds or special effects look - hell, they could cut open a real human being and the injury still wouldn't faze him, no matter how gruesome. Because for Will, the worst part isn't the visual. That one he got used to pretty quickly, considering. It's everything else. It's the smell, putrid and overwhelming and always so horribly nauseating he swears he can taste it. It's the sound, failing organs frantically trying to fulfill their purpose in a desperate cacophany the movies can never get quite right (if they even remember to try.) It's the revolting knowledge that what you are feeling does not belong outside of a body, that it shouldn't be able to be felt like that.
They watch a bunch of horror movies anyway, because Nico knows how to press his buttons and manages to bait him into it every single fucking time.
("Please", Nico had whined in a tone he'd never dare use outside of his cabin. Maybe Will's shamelessness is contagious. Or maybe Nico knows that, without witnesses, nobody will ever believe him. "It's for the aesthetic".
Will had felt his lips contorting into a smile, even as he'd tried to keep on his mask of fake indignation. 'Aesthetic' is one of Nico's favorite words, along with 'vibe' and 'rancid'. Will kind of loves that he knows that. Nico can be as cool and badass as he wants, doesn't change the fact that he's an absolute dork as well.
"Come on, you know you're gonna give in anyways" And then, because the little shit knows what he is doing, he'd winked. And, well. Will is not too proud to admit that he is an absolute sucker for brown eyes. Especially these ones.)
He should probably be embarrassed about how easy he is, to be honest. But things like shame or propriety or even self-respect kind of go down the drain when you are perpetually exhausted and have seen basically the entirety of Camp in various states of undress. He used to think that that was the reason naked bodies didn't seem to have the same effect on him as on other people, but then the Michael-thing-that-shan't-be-mentioned happened and. Well. Let's just say Will is very aware that being a medic and having an active sex life are not mutually exclusive. Their father's slutty tendencies have been inherited by quite a lot of his half-siblings, as it turns out.
Besides, even if the movie itself is boring, Nico's reactions are hilarious. The jumpscares always get him, even if the fucker tries to deny it. And when a movie manages to really grip him, Nico will make sure to keep Will just slightly behind him. Will isn't sure whether that is a voluntary action or just instinct, but it always makes him swoon all the same. Nico is probably aware of it, freakishly observant as he is, but he never mentions it, so neither does Will. Gods forbid Nico stop doing it - that boy is jumpy even outside of shitty movies.
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
#the week before last my mom and i decided to spend more time in nature since we've been cooped up inside since like 2020#we decided to enjoy our garden again#(mostly cause we can't afford to turn on the AC because of bills going up but it was still a nice change in routine)#we cleaned up the patio table and got our folding chairs from storage (things we hadn't properly used in years)#i got an old unused notebook out to write outside and just have a nice chill time#we were combating mosquitoes but it was fine and my dog was really happy to just chill with us on the grass#it was perfect and lovely#...#that lasted exactly 3 days#last tuesday night some fucking asshole jumped my neighbors wall (or our gate idk) and stole our two old ass folding chairs#and wednesday night he came back to get the table he forgot (a table so fucking heavy idk how he managed to get it up the wall/gate)#and as you can imagine... if we can't afford to turn on the ac because the electricity bill is already impossible to pay...#it was a real fucking effort to buy another table#but i fucking REFUSE to go back inside like a fucking puppy with my tail between my legs#we can barely make it to the end of the month#buying something silly like icecream or an extra sweet has us revaluating the entire month's expenses#and we can't even own fucking furniture that we've owned for like 15 years#i'm so fucking tired!#i want to either die or leave this place and honestly dying is more achievable#anyways i just spent almost half the money i had on my bank account#but i bought a small folding table which i will fold up and bring inside every fucking night because not even a gate can keep you safe#i will fucking sit outside and enjoy fucking nature so help me god!#(if the rats/lizards let me lol)#see why i'm so fucking tired all the time?! when you're not dealing with pests you're dealing with human pests#i do thank god and all angels above they didn't try to break in and kill us in the process but my fucking garden furniture!!!#that was too long cause i'm still pissed#and tomorrow is grocery shopping day so i'm depressed again#angel talks#personal
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mayspicer · 1 month
Ok, the boss is no more! There were some super stressful moments but surprisingly we all survived o:
My animal companion got hit with disintegrate, but we had hero points to make him avoid it. I would cry actually, because disintegrate means no resurrection x_x
The war is prevented! At least this one, because Cayden's party is right at the center of a much bigger one just starting. Today we saved the country. Cayden is trying to not even save the whole world, just maybe slow the whole thing down and save as much people as possible...
#majek says shit#I have the diamond for a raise animal companion spell but it can only be used if you have a body and even then there are restrictions#and Kela wouldn't even know about it until after the fight because she got trapped between a wall of force and a stone golem?#or a stone Big Humanoid Fucker idk what that technically was but it would've killed me pretty fast#and it all was in an area of supernatural darkness emanating from the powergamer's character...#which interfered with so much of everyone else's actions and we even addressed it before the session that it's a bad idea to cast this#but its ok because HE will be able to see through it and HE won't be targeted easily:))))#he also almost ended the encounter in the first round of proper combat...#by using mechanics so outrageous but technically ambiguous enough that our GM can't deny them by using only RAW...#and he prefers to settle arguments by going as RAW as possible...#and it wasn't a problem until now when we have a player who exploits to an actually unbelievable extent#we shared our character sheets online yesterday and I finally saw his... still have no idea how the character works#because like half the stuff is custom and missing from the app#he has 9 AC in the app and allegedly 32 AC before buffs...#and the GM says the math checks out but 1. nobody saw that math besides him and 2. so far he trusted that player without too much questions#and only recently he actually realised he's been manipulated multiple times when me and some others started dismantling that players actions#I so hope this was the last session with that person#the worst thing is I think he's an ok guy when I'm not playing any kind of game with him#and I understand different people find enjoyment in different aspects of games - his being figuring out how far he can go with the rules#and there are whole groups of people who like to play like that and enjoy the challenge of making the most broken “build” possible#but the rest of the group are not that kind of people. maybe some like to have fun with researching what's possible#but it's never the purpose of the game and these things dont find their way into the actual game#I'm actually considering the possibility of just leaving the campaign if he stays there... I know I whine a lot in the tags#about different players that get on my nerves for various reasons. it sounds like I'm never happy about anything#but our group is big and we play together as a friend group in 4 different campaigns now (I'm in 3 of them)#and every one of these smaller groups has it's issues. sometimes it's the characters not matching and sometimes different expectations#or interpersonal stuff that can be worked out. this here is not a group composition issue because the powergaming attitude is everywhere#it's impossible to talk casually between sessions and confronting the guy leads to like actual temper tantrums#literally said “the fuck do I care if the party dies I'm not gonna be useful anymore” after the GM gave him feedback to maybe ease it up#he never says things like that when the gm or me are present but we still get info. he just can't be confronted by the gm like that
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devilander · 2 months
a mirror in half-light
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18+ 1.5k. homelander x supe f!reader. blood, dirty talking, cunnilingus, use of telepathic powers, acts of violence mentioned (not between reader and HL)
From someone so concerned with shielding his mind, Homelander quickly comes to appreciate your telephatic powers and how useful they can be. Especially during a boring Seven meeting.
prompt sent by @infinetlyforgotten, thank you so much 🤍
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When you were first introduced to the Seven, many, including your new colleagues, compared you to Mindstorm. Sure, there were some similarities—the ability to see a person’s thoughts or to project specific images. But that’s where it ended. 
The ace up to your sleeve, which distinguishes you and earned your supe name as Quickstep, is both your telepathic precognition, giving you leverage in hand to hand combat, and your crown and glory—possession. Supe or non-supes, all could have their minds hijacked by you; an ability Vought decided not to publicize. 
Your fellow partners in fighting crime knew, though; and from day one you could feel Homelander watching you with suspicion, a stare so filled with distaste your knees almost buckled. 
Seeing you in a corridor, Homelander signaled for you to approach.
“Quickstep,” he sneered, invading your personal space until he towered over you and your neck ached from looking so high up. “If I catch you using your little powers on me, be sure I’ll crack your spine. It’ll be easier than stomping on an ant. Got it?” His sudden artificial smile did nothing to lessen the weight of his words. 
Homelander was your hero, always, since childhood. Not only that, ever since you saw him for the first time, the shining blue eyes, the softness of his blonde hair, that commanding voice... You were a goner. And he most certainly knew. The disappointment almost, almost broke your heart. 
Little by little, however, with the unspoken promise you wouldn’t pry on his mind, you’d grown close. Partners in fighting crime, yeah, of course, but you had his back, no matter what. 
In one of your missions together, Homelander smeared in an innocent’s blood from head to toe, your first instinct was to help him—clean the mess. And you couldn’t lie, him in his violence and brutality did something to you. 
“Hey, you,” you murmured. “Let me help you, okay? Let me take care of it. Let me protect you.”
Surprisingly, he acquiesced. It took no more than minutes to possess the mind of some poor bystanders, having them fight and commit atrocious acts; they wouldn’t know what came over them and Vought would be too happy not to disclose. In quick action, the narrative changed; from rabid supe, to terrorist crowd. 
Later, you found yourself in his penthouse, in his bathtub, naked and cleaning the gore as he squeezed your waist. When you sealed your relationship with a bloodied kiss, you knew there was no turning back—and you loved it. Loved his quirks, his humor, his beautiful nose and soft hair, loved his flaws and all that came with it. Loved the tie that bound you forever. 
“I love you. I love you so much,” you whispered in his ear as you lay in his bed, a few hours before your meeting with the rest of the Seven. “I ache for you all the time. It overflows, sometimes.” You giggled, remembering when your desire burned you so passionately, so intensely, your mind had one focal point: Homelander and what he could do to your body. Without realizing, all your wants and needs were suddenly projected on his mind.
In the first time, you were fearful he’d throw a fit, but he simply grinned devilish at you. 
“Wow,” he laughed. “If I’d known more about your dirty little mind I would have put it to use a long time ago, babe.” 
After that, it became a fixture, in bed, in daily moments where voicing your thoughts wasn’t an option, or in missions when silent communication was useful. And bit by bit, he delighted in it, veritable proof of your devotion and love.
As it were, in this stolen moment, cuddled in his bed, he answered. “And I love you, my darling, My own mirror.” He nuzzled your neck. “No need to scream in my mind, I’m gonna eat your pretty pussy until you beg me to stop.” 
“I’d never,” you said breathily. 
Slowly kissing from your collarbone, to your stomach and thighs, mischievously looking you in the eye as he bit and kissed and licked everywhere around your cunt. His strength was enough to keep you in the exact place he wanted. Such a delicious torture. 
Finally he turned his attention to your clit, dragging his tongue over it in elaborate patterns—he was relentless, and you both moaned at the contact. You were loud, thrashing and screaming at the slightest touch, but only for him. He played your body perfectly. 
Your hands found his hair, soft to the touch, and yanked, wanting him closer and he groaned—the vibrations going straight to your core. Soon he started tongue-fucking, just as you liked it, going deep and slow, alternating to trace your slit from your asshole to your clit; not one part of you ignored. 
“Fuck, you taste so good. You’re fucking made for me, your pussy is mine, mine, understand that?”
“It’s yours! It’s all yours. Please, Homelander, please—”
“Please what?”
“Let me come, let me come in your mouth, I want to feel you.” It was all too much, the mess his tongue made, the wetness running down your pussy and dripping in the mattress.
Moaning, he plunged two fingers deep inside you, as he squeezed your ass, bringing you even closer. You cried from the pleasure he woke in you, and even in this madness you caressed his hair, closing your legs until he was in the position you liked most: with a perfect view of his face, his soft locks, his bright eyes. 
He smirked, squeezing you tighter, until you no longer touched the bed, and he slapped your ass so hard your whole body trembled. 
“Like that, princess? Like when I do whatever the fuck I want with your sweet body? Now show me. Show me what you want.” 
You complied instantly. 
You imagined him feasting on your pussy, licking it all until his spit and your slick became one and the same. His fingers marking your ass, your thighs; biting so deeply even your invulnerable skin would cleave to his superior strength. You wanted his tongue deep inside you, for yours on end, fucking your pussy so good your legs would spasm and you would scream for all the Tower to hear, pussy clenching just the way he liked. You wanted it all—Homelander slurping on your clit and swirling his tongue, making you squirt and swallowing it all, leaving his chin a beautiful fucking mess. 
In the aftermath, body boneless and exhausted, you wanted his fingers, for him to drag it all over your juices and make you swallow and gag on it. Then, in a little tenderness, he'd give you a breathtaking kiss, further proof of your intimate lovemaking. 
As you projected all of this on his mind, his smile grew bigger, more wicked. And you knew he'd deliver it, or even more. 
“You really are such a slut.” You giggled; it was all in the game.
Later on, as all the Seven were debating their latest terrorist attack, and what plan they'd need to put in action, all you could think was Homelander. His hands on you, his tongue lapping at your clit and his disheveled hair—which, you noticed, he didn't fix for the meeting. It wasn't fair, he was too mean at taunting you.
You couldn't keep your eyes off of him and he knew. Flashes of your morning together ran through your mind. No matter how satisfied you'd been, you wanted more, again, all the time. You wanted his kisses and devastation, his head between your legs and his mouth both teasing and giving you the most world-shattering pleasure. 
You wanted to caress his hair, your newfound obsession, while he fucked you, hiting that sweet spot and filling you up with his come.
In your daydreams, you tuned out from the conversation, and like being burned you found Homelander staring straight at you, an expression oh so familiar. Unintentionally he'd become the spectator of your fantasies. 
Rising from his chair so quickly you barely caught it, Homelander said, “That's enough for today. I have other things to take care of. Quickstep, you stay.”
Whispers of complaint were quickly shut down, as Homelander glared at them until each and everyone left the room.
“Well, well, seems like someone is still wantin' for more.”
He laid his hands on your chair, then turned it so you were face to face. 
“I couldn't help it,” you smirked. “I can't get enough.”
“But that's not fair, don't you think?" He clucked his tongue. "It's your turn to please me.” He pulled you from the chair, and manhandled you until you fell to your knees with a thud. “Now, princess, get to work.”
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thevirtualvalentine · 10 months
Starring… PORTGAS D. ACE 📸
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“Hi hi hi!!! For the follower request event, can i get a pizza delivery Ace? Sweet boy, kinda clueless, and a sweet reader as well? 🥹❤️”
MATURE WARNING(S) : unprotected penetrative sex, cheesy porno dialogue, cunnilings (you sit on his face), slight breeding kink if you squint, afab/fem reader, Ace thinks you’re really pretty, thick!dick ace (canon), switchy!ace, & he calls you “sweetheart/pretty girl.”
DIRECTORS CUT : for my love @kingofthe-egirls !!! I loved this prompt so much and have been itching to complete it since I saw it. Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy. 🖤
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A Friday night with nothing to do, a product of boredom. You didn’t feel like doing anything tonight, especially cooking. Sitting in your apartment in shorts too tiny for your ass and a tight tank top, waiting for your pizza delivery.
Getting your usual favorite combo from the local shop guarantees a good comfort meal with some quiet TV before you head to bed. The couch offers you adequate back support after a long week at your desk, sighing and falling into the cushions while ads play in the background as ambiant noise.
Time slips you before there’s a series of knocks at your door, playing a rhythm as you’re pulled from your trance. “Yo, Delivery.”
Checking the peep hole before unlocking the door you’re faced with the cutest delivery boy. He’s in shitty combat boots and cargo shorts matched with a half buttoned uniform shirt. His long wavy black hair kept under a hat as he reads the receipt, “a large pizza for y/n?” You open the door wider as you step into frame. “Ohhh, for miss pretty y/n,” he corrects himself, tipping his hat at you with a smile.
Giggling slightly you cover your mouth, “yeah, y/n. Thank you so much, let me get my wallet.” You wish you could invite such a cutie inside but you know it’s against better judgement. Turning around you make your way through the apartment looking for your wallet.
Ace, the delivery boy, grins watching your dainty ass sway as you saunter back inside. Tiny shorts riding up between your cheeks as you bend over the counter, but he’s just the delivery boy. A distressed look crosses your face before you walk back to the doorway where he’s leaning. One arm holding your pizza and another flexing as he rests his weight into it.
“Everythin’ ok?” A pretty girl like you should never have such a perturbed look spread across your face like that.
You lean forward, studying his name tag. “I’m sorry Ace, I can’t seem to find my wallet. I must’ve left it at work.” Feeling like an idiot you’re barely able to look at him. The guilt of making him come all the way from across town to deliver your order setting in.
“I can help ya find it,” he offers, ignoring the fact he’s on the clock. It’s not the first time something like this has happened at work, just not to someone so enticing.
“No no,” biting your lip as you try to think of a solution that’ll remedy the situation. You look at him, worried to find an annoyed expression on his face but you heat up finding such a soft handsome gaze thrown your way. A complete stranger so bothered by your troubles. “How bout I pay you back? Whaddya say?”
Confused, he tilts his head; was that not the problem in the first place? “How,” he asks curiously.
Looking into the hallway, you check down both ends before tugging him inside by the collar. “Like this.” Leaning on your tip toes not letting go of his shirt you kiss him softly, taking over his senses with your soft plush lips against his. Ace drops the pizza and doesn’t even bother to catch it as it clatters to the floor. “That ok with you?” Your eyes looking at his lips and then back to the rest of his face.
He’s lit up bright red as he nods dumbly, “more than ok.”
You push him back against your front door chasing his lips once more. He tastes like cinnamon gum as you swipe your tongue against his bottom lip, eager for entry into his mouth. He grants it to you unquestionably, equally craving the feel of your heated tongue sliding against his. Muffled groans escaping him as your hands caress his warm exposed skin beneath his shirt.
“You’re s’good at this,” he says in between each wet smack of your mouthes. His hands wrapping and groping along your waist and backside, kneading the plump flesh like playdough. The cutest part is he’s much taller than you, bending down so you can kiss him how you want.
“You think so? I can get better.” One of your hands leaves his chest, trailing down his toned body as you palm his hardening cock in your hand. “Oh, and you’re so big Ace. Almost like you’re paying me with all this.” Heavy breaths leaving him as you cup his dick tenderly and give such feverish love to his neck all at once. It has him rutting into your hand trying to satiate that itch that’s been bothering him ever since he saw you in the doorway. Little shorts leaving nothing to the imagination.
You unzip his cargos, leaving only his thin boxers between his growing length and your nimble fingers. He rolls his hips harder each time you tease the waist band and lick his lips as you both swap saliva. “Stop teasin, thought I was ‘sposed to get paid.”
“You’ll get compensated, delivery boy,” you grab him by the belt loops as you lead him to your couch. Smiling as you push him back, he plops against the cushion with a soft ‘hmp’. Ace takes off his shirt, throwing it to the side as he man spreads to ease the ache in his balls, bulging erection awaiting your attention. “Want your dick sucked or what?”
While that sounds like a great idea, Ace is more eager to taste the sweetness between your legs. “Sit on my face pretty girl, wanna eat you.” He pulls you by the back of your thighs, edging you closer to his body as he starts to slide down your shorts. His forwardness makes you glow, slotting your hands in his hair, ruffling it slightly while he tends to your clothes. For a delivery boy, he sure knows the art of seduction. You’re practically dripping for him already.
He kisses your hipbone while waiting for you to join him on the couch. Sliding down the cushions, grabbing hold of your legs as you mount and hold the backing. “You sure?” He stares up at you from the valley of your swell breasts and smooth tummy, not having any of your objections. He sits up to swipe his wet muscle from your clit down. A soft ‘oh’ leaving your lips as he gets to work.
“Mhhm,” he moans as he taste you, almost analyzing its components like a savory sauce. He plants his hands on your waist, pulling you down further onto his mouth— it’s as if he’s not afraid of suffocating down there.
He’s eating you out like a man starved, dipping and curving his tongue into your oozing hole before suckling on your clit. He ignores the mixture of spit and slick on his chin as he devours you greedily. “Pussy’s so fuckin’ good, could eat this every day.”
Your soft moans encourage him to give you more, he needs you to fuck his face. He uses those same hands to hook around your ass and thighs, dragging you down on his tongue as he licks your insides. “Oh shit, ah— wait Ace,” you try to sit up, running from all the attention but it’s no use.
His strong arms keep you planted in place, “no runnin’ m not done yet.” Fuck this guy is hot, it’s like he’s straight out of a shitty 80’s porno as he makes you cream against his mouth. He slurps and sucks your hole as you whine loose chants of his name.
Adding his hands into the mix when he slides two fingers knuckle deep inside you. Scissoring your tight walls, you shake feeling those calloused pads massage your g-spot. “Gotta cum for me sweetheart, then I’ll fuck you as a tip.”
It feels even closer cause his tongue does not relent from your throbbing bud. Sliding it back and forth while his fingers give you something to squeeze on. “Yes yes, like that!” You sound so raunchy taking advantage of his face; running your hips in a figure eight along his tongue.
He’s grinding against the air trying to find friction, shallow thrusts up that match the pace of his fingers inside you. So close, you start pinching your nipple trying to tip yourself over the edge of raw pleasure. The pizza delivery boy of course notes this, groaning as he watches you play with yourself. He wants to replace his hand with yours, pinching and tugging at your dark bud. But, he has to keep you in place while he fucks you on his fingers. “Gonna— oh fuck,” here it comes.
Your orgasm crashes hard, washing over you in one big wave as you almost collapse on his face. He drinks whatever you offer as you whine and cry out, it’s too good. “Think you’re stretched? Cause I really wanna fuck you now. Ya look really hot when you cum.”
He’s swiping the culminating wetness from his face into his mouth, sucking the fingers he had inside you like a greedy bastard. Licking and suctioning onto the pads to emphasize how needy he is for you. Oh, he’s good.
“Be my guest, pretty boy.” Ace has never really thought of himself as pretty, so hearing someone as beautiful as you say it, it must be true. He flushes a light shade of pink while removing the rest of his clothes.
“Condom?” Like an idiot, he didn’t bring any and his wallets downstairs in the shitty delivery car where he typically keeps one if he’s lucky.
“Want you inside, I’m on the pill.” Oh.. and he gets to pound you raw? He’ll definitely be coming back here. Shaking your ass back and forth at him as if to invite him over. “Cmon I want the tip already.” He laughs at your two way pun, rubbing your ass in his hands as he marvels the sight of you bent over the side of the couch.
Ace sees his hard work continuing to drip down the insides of your thighs, smirking while lining his fat tip up with your cunt. He spits in his hand before pumping himself to make sure it’ll fit just right. You’re pushed forward till your hips meet the arm of the couch, sandwiched between two immovable forces.
He’s trying his hardest to not just slam into you, your pussy is so warm and wet around his cock and there’s nothing separating the two of you. You’re squirming from the sheer size of his length even after all that work he did to prep you. “Doin’ so good taking all of me sweetheart. Just a lil’ more.” He doesn’t know if he’s saying that for you or himself at this point, the way your bare walls grip his cock makes him double over.
The couch gives before Ace does, each thrust of his strong hips into you makes it creak and slide forward. He starts off with deep punctuated strokes, each one earning a high pitched cry from you. He’s pummeling your cunny, making your hips rub against the arm as your knees begin to buckle.
“Feelin’ good pretty girl?” But when you go to open your mouth any answer is replaced with moans that sound so pornagraphic. “Fuck your cunts so good. Suckin’ me in.” Being drilled by the hunk of a man behind you and the friction of being fucked into the couch is bringing you near your second orgasm of the night, you start to feel it licking at your insides tentatively.
Ace isn’t in much better shape himself, fucking your pussy raw is taking all of him to shoot his load right in you. He needs to get his moneys worth after all. “Can’t cum yet pretty, wanna see you.”
He moves you both to the couch so you’re flat on your back, one leg hooked around his small waist as another dangles off the couch. “Easy baby, remember to breathe,” he says before easing himself back in. That feeling of fullness returns and brings a dopamine rush with it as he flashes a toothy smile your way. Savoring the feeling of sliding his tip through the gummy resistance.
Your body is so warm beneath him as he drives in and out of your soaking cunt. “Cmon’ give it to me baby. Know you were so close…” Ace trails a hand down your abdomen, spreading his palm across your stomach as leverage while he fucks you stupid. Hair shrouding his face as he coos at you. “Please, dont wanna without you.”
The way he pleads for you is what does it, breaking the dam that was holding back another mind shattering orgasm from this sexy delivery boy. “Ahh fuck, cumming— oh! I’m-” you’re gripping onto him for dear life, firm biceps not budging an inch even when you start to dig your nails into his skin.
It all happens so fast he doesn’t even realize he’s also cumming right behind you, too caught up in the way your sultry lips fall into an “O” shape as you scream his name loud enough to be heard by the entire complex. He buries himself to the hilt, mind boiling with the thought of how he’s fucking his cum into you raw. For some reason the idea only pushes him to not pull out, letting you keep all his seed as he mewls. “Take it, take it all,” sweat accumulating at his hairline.
You’re squeezing him like a damn vice while you come undone, face scrunched so pretty. It makes his cock ache inside you, relishing in the soft sighs that come from your parted lips.
You both start to come down from your lust filled highs when he speaks again, “mhhhm, you’re still a few cents short.” He kisses you, leaning forward and almost suffocating you into his large chest.
Oh boy, hopefully he clocked out.
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Enjoy? Reblog & click 2 see event masterlist!
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Please, I'll be good
Masterlist here.
Word count: 1,200+
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Synopsis: after rescuing you in the heat of battle, he can no longer contain his desires for you. He was so good. He can keep being good if it means you'll keep kissing him.
Koby, Sanji, Corazon, Sabo, Buggy, Shachi, Ace, Penguin
Themes: unrequited love, semi-sub!love-interest x semi-dom!reader, gn!reader, kissing, confessions of love, he sits on your lap, he is incredibly needy, he just wants to kiss you, fully clothed, sfw, literally just kissing, you call him "sweetheart," brief mention of 'reader' having a friends-with-benefits relationship with another character.
Notes: I couldn't get this kiss out of my head, and I needed to write it down. It was written with Sabo in mind, but I could seriously see any of these wonderful men in his position. I love writing kisses 🖤. Big thank you to @sordidmusings for her suggestions with the inner monologue 😩👌
Tag list: @lostfirefly @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here @carrotsunshine @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry
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He saved you. Again.
Whether it was standing beside him in combat, rescuing you from unwanted attention at a tavern, ensuring you were well fed and hydrated during the day, taking care of all the supplies you needed upon your next adventure - he was always there by your side: your associate, confidant and friend.
In this set of unique circumstances, he managed to do more for you than simply tear you from combat. He saved you. Truly, saved you.
A finishing shot was aimed at you, and your body froze in place. With your eyes wide, he snatched you from your stance and whisked you from your place in the heat of battle.
After checking you for injuries, he cupped your cheek and uttered with all sincerity: “You're safe. I've got you.”
“Thank you, Sweetheart,” was all you managed to whisper in your shock, a name you had bestowed to him, half in jest, that simply stuck. He was a sweetheart, and you had no choice but to refer to him as such.
The relationship between the two of you was strong, as close as close friends could be. You shared your deepest secrets with him, and he shared his thoughts with you. You adored him, everything about him just sang to your soul.
At one stage early on in your comradery, you could've seen yourself diving into something deeper with him. But as you both opened yourself up more in your friendship, you chose to halt it in place. “Flirty friends,” is how you'd refer to it, “Just flirty friends.”
Casually lounging on the plush sofa beside him, you notice he's a little more on edge than usual. He's sitting up straight, rigid and firm beside you as his eyes fix on a point on the wooden panel behind the unwoken transponder.
Attempting to put him at ease, you sit up a little and rest your head on his shoulder and bring your hand up to encase his within yours.
“Thank you again, Sweetheart,” your words whisper as you trace gentle circles into the back of his hand with your thumb, “You're always so good to me.”
His body seemed to tense up more, the softest hitch in his breath alerting you of his discomfort.
“Are you okay?” You ask, leaning away from his shoulder to glance into his face. His eyes remain fixed on the point, his teeth clenched behind his closed lips.
In one final attempt to put him more at ease, you lean up and gently touch your lips to his right cheek. A soft gasp along with the turn of his cheek inwards had you pull away from him to check in one more.
“Sweetheart, what's wrong-?” You attempt to ask, he immediately speaks over the top of your concerned tone with an unsure and elevated tone. He avoided your gaze with his eyes, but kept his face turned towards you.
"-Look, I know you've got someone. M-Maybe even a couple of someone's. I know I'm not what you want-...” He utters quickly, his words tumbling over his lips faster than he can hold them back, “...-I just want you to know that you're what I want. You're the only one I want. If you could be that for me, for just a little while, I'll be so good to you. Please.”
You're left stunned. You’d often play into your friendship a little with some light banter and flirting, simply to see how far he'll play along. Flustering him, watching him hide his smile by downturning his face, was one of your favorite things to behold. Whether you were working, or relaxing in your home for the night with a few of the others - he was often flustered with your words and body language.
He quickly turned his head more and angled his chin down, seeking out your lips with his own. He hovered just before making contact, dancing with the borders of friendship and giving in to his craving for something more.
“I suppose you do need something beyond a simple kiss on the cheek this time,” you smiled at him, cradling his cheek beneath your right hand and drawing him closer, “You've been so unbelievably good to me, afterall.”
Smiling broadly, you lean forward to press your lips gently against his in a chaste kiss. He deeply and sharply inhaled through his nose, a subtle whimper rising from within his mouth. This small peck ended as soon as it began, his body chasing yours upon your retreat. He wordlessly called with his body to you, beckoning you into another kiss.
You give him just a touch more than the kiss prior: a real kiss that is deep, long and loving. A kiss that leaves him begging for more and more. Any time he thinks you may end it, any time that you start to slow down or lighten the pressure, he’s grasping to have you impossibly closer and begging you not to break your lips from his.
In his mind, he is crying for you, screaming for this moment to never cease. “Just give me a little more, anything. I'm sorry I'm not what you want but could you please keep doing it? Please, please? As a reward?”
“I was good!” He continued his inner monologue, hungrily claiming your lips against his own, “I can keep being good for you.”
You could feel his desperation from each kiss he placed upon your lips, hungrily seeking more and more each time he broke one kiss to lead into another.
“I’ll be so good,” he whispered into your skin, his breath tickling against your lips as your eyes widened in response, “Please. I'll be good. So, so good.”
“Sweetheart- mmmfph!” you whispered his name as he consumed your words with his mouth hurridly, his eyes flinching as he drew his body closer.
“Y-Yes?” He stuttered, his knees crawling up onto the cushioned base of the sofa as he prowled towards you. You responded by inching away from him and bringing your hands down to cup behind his thighs.
Urging him towards you with your hands, you press your back against the frame of the back-rest of the sofa, and usher him to straddle your lap. His hands flew up to your cheeks, his long fingertips finding the hair behind your ears and lacing them within it.
He hastily pressed his lips into yours, turning his head and moaning against your mouth. Prying open your lips with his, he hurriedly sought your tongue out with his own: savoring every moment you were granting him your undivided romantic attention.
Raking your hands over his thighs, you drew them up to his hips: fingers dancing along the hemline of his shirt. He winced away, a huffed laugh in reaction to your gentle touch, a laugh that caught within his mouth as you tickled his skin.
He reached his hands down over your own, breaking your contact away from his stomach and placed them on the back rest beside your head. He interlaced his fingers with your own, deepening the kiss as you took every moment of affection he was pressing into you.
“Sweetheart,” you whispered once more, attempting to break away your lips from his to no avail.
“Please,” he whimpered against your lips, “Please, let me keep kissing you,” he sobbed, kissing the corner of your lips and uttering, “I just want to kiss you.”
Your eyes widened, darting down to his lips and back to his beautiful eyes. Your lips parted as you began articulating your thoughts, halting only as he drew his fingers to your lips and pressed against them softly.
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idlyfretting · 2 years
I want everything we missed between S3 and S4. I want all of it.
I want the kids starting high school and being totally overwhelmed by normal shit when they’ve only just gotten used to weird alternate dimension shit. 
I want Robin starting senior year and all of her friends from band and soccer and drama club and everything else being like “who the fuck is this person and what did they do with Robin????” because she comes back from summer break and is just not right.
I want Steve baffling Keith because he’s definitely flirting with every girl over the age of eighteen who walks into the store, but he’s not being a douchebag? He’s not being mean to Keith, like at all? He’s not being all buddy buddy with him obviously, because that would be fucking weird, but he’s just sort of being normal? Like a normal flirty good-looking former jock who knows how to talk to people? (And Keith definitely thinks he’s been flirting with every hot adult person who comes into the store, but it’s Steve fucking Harrington so that can’t be right????)
I want Nancy running that newspaper like it’s the goddamn New York Times and nobody even thinks to question her about anything because who the hell is gonna question Nancy Wheeler? She’s scary.
I want Eddie seeing these three freshies walk into the cafeteria with what he thinks is fear, but after corralling them and inviting them to Hellfire and making them eat lunch with him and the other members every day, realizes it’s not actually fear, it’s just sensory overload. They’re not actually afraid of the popular kids or the jocks or the teachers or the bullies, they’re just baffled. Almost like they didn’t realize it should be an issue at all?
And they start coming to Hellfire meetings and these kids are fantastic. Their characters are perfect additions to the group and the campaign he started at the beginning of the year is gonna be fucking aces because their group is so well rounded now. 
And sometimes Lucas bring his girlfriend Max Mayfield to the sessions, which isn’t so bad because she mostly just sits in the corner doing her homework or listening to music. But sometimes she does listen in, and scoffs at certain plot points in the story, or laughs at parts that definitely aren’t supposed to be funny.
And Robin Buckley shows up a couple times as well, mostly doing the same as Max, but one time she watched them play and it was nerve-wracking as hell having someone essentially stalking around them, giving whispered comments to the three freshmen that either resulted it grim nods or obnoxious laughter. Which, what the fuck, how does she know these kids???? (Kids who Eddie definitely thinks are half feral, but absolutely loves them anyway.)
But then one day late in October, the session runs late, and it’s just the Hellfire boys this time, and it’s a FANTASTIC boss fight (not the final one, but still a big damn deal), and everyone is tired but riding high on an epic win, and they all file out of the school into the cold parking lot. And just a couple spaces away from Eddie’s van is Steve fucking Harrington’s stupid maroon beemer. 
And Harrington is sitting on the trunk of it, leaning against the back windshield, casual as anything, with Robin fucking Buckley sitting right next to him. 
Leaning against him. Practically sitting in his goddamn lap.
She’s got a book propped open on her knees, combat boots up on the trunk, and she’s resting her head on his chest.
Harrington’s laying all the way back, stupid douchey sunglasses on, either staring at the sky or just full on sleeping. 
They’ve both got matching green vests on. 
A shout from one of the kids has them perking up to look in their direction. Robin rolls her eyes and marks her place in the book before hopping down from the car. Harrington stays where he is but sits up with a grin on his face.
Before Eddie can say anything, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike race over to them and start talking over each other about the campaign. About how fucking cool the session was, about the monster they defeated, about the tactics they had to use to survive the whole things. 
Eddie doesn’t know what he expects to happen, didn’t even consider the possibility of these nerdy freshman knowing Steve “The Hair” Harrington, but they obviously do. 
Harrington just nods along, asking them a question that Eddie can’t hear that spawns another slew of comments from the kids. The three of them pile into the backseat of the beemer while Buckley takes the front and Harrington slides into the driver’s seat. As the car starts up, the radio blares something loud and poppy and definitely something from the top 40. 
This doesn’t seem to deter the kids, who Eddie can see leaning forward from the back, still regaling Harrington and Buckley with their successful session. The red beemer pulls out of the lot, and continues down the street out of sight.
Eddie is still standing by the back entrance of the school, Gareth, Jeff, and Alan behind him. All of them frozen, completely dumbfounded by what the last five minutes.
“What the actual fuck?”
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
Nothing built can last forever. And every legend no matter how great, fades with time. With each passing year, more and more details are lost until all that remains are myths...half truths. To put it simply, lies. And yet, in all the known Universe, between here and the Far Lands, the legend of the Order of the Stone endures, unabridged, as self-evident fact.
Indeed, it is only a troubled land that has need for heroes- and ours was so fortunate to have, so long ago, four heroes such as these: Gabriel the Warrior- before whose sword all combatants would tremble. Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer- whose machines would spark an era of invention. Magnus the Rogue- who would channel his destructive creativity for the benefit of all. Soren the Architect- builder of Worlds, and the leader of the Order of the Stone. These four friends together, would give so much to gain their rightful place as four heroes.
Their greatest quest would take them on a dangerous journey to fight a mysterious creature known as the Ender Dragon. In the end, the Order of the Stone emerged victorious and the dragon was defeated. The story complete, they slipped away into pages of legend.
String identified:
tg t ca at . A g att gat, a t t. t ac ag a, a ta a t t a tat a a t…a tt. T t t , . A t, a t , t a t a a, t g t t t , ag, a -t act.
, t a t a tat a - a a tat t a, g ag, c a t: Ga t a- a catat t. gaa t t g- ac a a a t. ag t g- ca tct catt t t a. t Actct- , a t a t t t. T tgt, g c t ga t gt ac a .
T gatt t ta t a ag t gt a t cat a t ag. t , t t t g ct a t ag a at. T t ct, t aa t ag g.
Closest match: Inachis io genome assembly, chromosome: 4 Common name: Peacock butterfly
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ghostsgrl666 · 12 days
roomate!ghost who’s always hot x reader who’s always freezing??
He doesn't do it intentionally. Not in the beginning, at least. He just runs hot, always has. That's why he's never worn anything heavier than a (too tight) t-shirt in your apartment. That's why he controls the AC, even hooked the thermostat up to his phone so you wouldn't catch him lowering the temperature every time you tried to adjust it.
It's just an added bonus that on cloudy days he always finds you under the fuzzy throw blanket you insist on keeping folded over the back of the couch, that you always grumble about him being a "human furnace" every time he sits down next to you. He can't help how you subconsciously inch closer to him as you both keep your eyes on the tv, eventually half in his lap with your cheek smushed against his massive bicep.
He teases you, threatens to buy you one of those heated blankets that are advertised on the screen in front of you, but you both know he's bluffing as his arm sinks from your shoulder down to tug your hip, pulling you even closer. He wouldn't give up you wrapped around him for anything.
He says it's just a coincidence when the thermostat breaks, must just be really good fucking luck that you have to sleep in his bed to combat the freezing winter temperatures outside. He's just doing you a favor, being a good roommate when he tucks you into his chest and lets you steal all of the covers while you sleep. He can't help it if your hands find his while you're dreaming, icy as they brush his bare stomach. He brings them up to his mouth and kisses them lightly before pressing them to his heart, to the burning thing your sweet sigh sets aflame. He doesn't do it intentionally, but around you he's always burning up.
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bloodyshadow1 · 1 month
so if the bad kids do the classic, switch to defeat your doppleganger move that happens a lot when facing the rat grinders, I think this is how it should go down. (note this was written last week before ep 18, where they used a lot of their resources) This is a purely hypothetical party vs party combat
Ruben-Fabian or Adaine. Fabian with his eyepatch is immune to fear which a lot of college of whispers does really well, as a half-elf he gets wisdom saving throws on charm which is also the bard's bread and butter. He's a fast fighter bard with spellslots to use basically as smites. so he could really blast down Ruben before things start. Adiane as an elf is another good choice like fabian she has advantage against charm affects and while she is not immune to fear like fabian she has a better wisdom save than he does since she is proficient. I would put Fabian over her though mechanically, and he is also a fan of Ruben's so it would be funny to watch them fight
Ivy- Gorgug. He's not the best option, but he's probably the bad kids best counter to her. as a ranger and fighter, she can do a lot of damage to the others with her range, having to deal with a barbarian who can keep hitting you from range. attacking recklessly would negate a lot of the benefit of Shadowy dodge and as a barbarian he would be able to shrug off most of her ranged attacks. He probably has some artificer item that would let him create a light thing like the solar lasso so she wouldn't always be able to hide in the darkness. For the lesser affects of her arcane arrows and ranger abilities, Gorgug has pretty decent saves, and for the dangerous ones like Banishing Arrow, he can at least use flash of genius on himself to bolster those saves. The Ranger part is kind of lost on me, the spells seems decent but nothing that can really stop Gorgug since he's a barbarian, but could mess up someone else in the party. Ranger spells are decent, but he has a pretty strong counter and I can't see Ivy being higher than level 9 in ranger since it seems like fighter was her base class and it has to split somehow.
Oisin- Fig. As a lore bard/paladin/warlock I think it would be best for her to get into Oisin's face and smite the hell out of him. You can't counterspell a smite. As a wizard he is probably the squishiest member of his party so taking him out would be very important. Additionally, she has counterspell which could leave him in trouble in close range. With Shield, Oisin can have a decent ac so there's that, but he's still a wizard who rolled a d6 each level.
Kipperlily-Kristen. While it surprisingly works president versus president, it also works as a cleric with heavy armor. It's not great as a defense against a high level rogue, but it's better than most of her friends have. Not to mention Kristen can do aoe none dex spells that are good against rogues as they won't get evasion from them. it's not great to have your healer dealing with the parties rogue, but sometimes you don't really have another choice. Lots of dangerous cleric spells don't have a dex saving throw so it could be useful once Kristen can see her
Buddy- Adaine. Not a particularly important match up story wise, it has potential but nothing juicy. still a wizard like adaine wouldn't be the worst match against buddy, spell caster vs spell caster, arcane vs divine. Not to mention I think that Buddy doesn't have a lot of HP and probably isn't expecting a melee wizard like Adaine. Adaine can counterspell Buddy's spells while he can impose disadvantage as a light domain cleric, but Wizards don't just make attack rolls, they have saves. Also I think it would be a good contrast in their thoughts, Buddy believing he doesn't cast spells, that Helio/unnamed rage god works through him to cast spells vs Adaine who as a wizard has learned all of her spells. It's also a good contrast between the Bad Kids and the Rat grinders about the theme of this season, hard work vs taking the easy way out.
Mary-Ann - Riz. This is probably one of the worst match ups, no one wants to go up against a high level barbarian 1v1. This isnt' an anime where the fast sneaky person can just lure the big strong bad guy away and keep them distracted. It's dnd where Mary-Ann might just ignore any physical damage because she can at the start.
I think the key to dealing with Mary-Ann is to not fight her. The Bad girls can get around her barbarian resistances with their spells but will go down in a few hits. Fabian can't do enough damage even with all his attacks, Fandragor doesn't do anything about the damage type Fabian does I believe, it works like smites but just increases the Piercing Damage instead of dealing Radiant damage. Gorgug is another Barbarian, but as cool as his new subclass is, I wouldn't put it up against a full also high level barbarian 1v1. Which leaves Riz
However, I think he's the only one who could survive a few rounds with her, he can keep sneaking with his bonus action, disengage (unless she has sentinel), or misty stepping with the Sword of Shadows to get away from her and out of sight and while she will keep halving any damage he does from sneak attack, it's still a decent chuck that even a high level barbarian can't ignore forever. Leaving Riz who can do a decent amount of damage each turn with his sneak attack and not be close to her, he can also halve one of her three attacks. Riz can also do a lot of tricky stuff as an Arcane trickster, Mary-Ann might be immune to fear and charm affects, but she isn't immune to all illusions and enchantments. He could trick her and keep her busy with his spells, with magical ambush she would be rolling her saves with disadvantage. A smart player like Murph could do a lot with his spell list to a Barbarian.
Now obviously, like I said under Mary-Ann/Riz, dnd is not an anime/show/comic book/etc where you can just switch against your doppleganger and win. I think the Bad Kids would beat the Rat Grinders because they know their shit more and they are a party that genuinely cares for each other so their team work has to be better than the party of their dark mirrors who were literally handed xp to power level. That being said I do think the Bad Kids could take their counterpart in 1v1 (with the exception of Gorgug)
Also with the Preview of the next ep(19) the Bad Kids will have to deal with Jace, a high level Sorcerer, and Porter a legendary Barbarian/Paladin, who are definitely more dangerous than a bunch of high schoolers who never really had to fight another party.
Still this was just fun to think about. If you have any thoughts let me know. If you think of your own matchups that you want to discuss also let me know.
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daddyhausen · 9 months
• kinktober day one : innocence kink — blackpool combat club { jon moxley, wheeler yuta, claudio castagnoli } •
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{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2023 }
{ commissions info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee — kofi — dxddyhxusen }
{ summary } — they’ve been teasing and tormenting you for months, now upon the discovery that you were a virgin, they make it their mission to claim you
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, cnc, hatefuck, group sex, innocence kink, innocent!reader, virgin!reader, praise, double penetration, oral sex { male receiving }, throat fucking, throatpie, spanking, tit slapping, pussy slapping, degradation, sexual humiliation, filming, blackmail, anal sex, rough sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, male + female orgasms, squirting, internal cumshots, vaginal creampie, anal creampie
{ word count } — 2.9k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x jon moxley + wheeler yuta + claudio castagnoli
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
their fingers clawing, kneading at your flesh. no matter how hard you tried to swat their hands away
they kept tugging, toying, with your clothing
teasing as they would pry upward small pieces of fabric, exposing little canvases of your bare flesh
ready for them to paint with their desire
jon stood before you, keeping your body firm against the concrete wall of his basement
the room had been converted into some sort of training room
a basic, dreary one at that
a single mat in the centre of the room, maybe about two or so inches thick
definitely not enough to support the weight of a body slammed into it at full force
there was barely any light, only a small lantern dangling above your head from a short chain
his figure flickering in and out of the darkness with a grimey yellow hue.
yuta stood to your left, head buried into the crook of your neck, nipping the top of your shoulder with some force
enough to make you whine when he bit down especially hard
his lanky fingers locked into the belt loops of your jeans, tugging impatiently, with the absence of a belt
revealing the axis of your hip, growling into your skin upon noticing the exposed flesh.
claudio stood to your right, not as close as yuta, but close enough to keep you on edge
his large palm slid under your shirt, groping your breasts, interchanging between the two with just one hand
your whimper only fueled their desire, fueling their lust to corrupt you
jon leaned in, his tongue barely ghosting your lips as he wet his own
his breath had the faintest scent of menthol, evident by the cigarette he’d been smoking a mere half an hour before
“a little birdy told us that you were still a virgin” jon smirked nipping your notting lip quickly despite your resistance
“is that right, doll?”
you could feel yuta grin into your neck, just at the mere thought of being the one to corrupt you first sent pulses of arousal to his cock
he bit down slightly harder than previously, a sharp sting ran through your shoulder
his spit leaking down your skin as you groaned through your next words
“that’s none of your damn business-“ your attempt at being intimidating was weak, pathetic, laced with fear
claudio’s fingers traced over your perky nipples, pinching the left one
a small squeak of pain left your lips, effectively making the three of them grow in their shorts
“a fiery little thing isn’t she?” jon mentioned to the other two, yuta pulled away from your skin to nod in agreement
claudio reciprocated the same nod
“we’ll have fun with this one” jon stuck his hand down the front of your jeans unannounced upon finishing his sentence
despite your protests, attempts to kick them away but their strength proved too much
jon’s fingers, danced against your clit, gathering the wetness in the pads of his fingertips
the three of them smirked, watching the heat rise to your cheeks in an unnatural shade of red
“so the rumours are true, huh?” claudio chimed in, thick accent ringing in your ears, with a deep, sinful bass
“you’ve never been touched, toyed with until you’re begging for release” he added, his words dancing across your earlobe with faint breaths
“i bet she’s never even fucked herself” yuta remarked, his teeth now leaving an imprint in your skin, a bruise soon to follow in splotches of red and purple, you were surprised that he didn’t draw blood
“oh angel, it’s true? my my you really are innocent” yuta’s tongue trailed up against the side of your neck until he reached your earlobe, nipping lightly at the flesh.
jon’s fingers dipped past your folds, feeling how tight your walls clenched around him
“god she’s fucking soaked…” jon announced to his brethren who where quick to anoint their fingers with the scent of you
feeling a combination of all their fingers spreading your folds, dipping into your warmth and teasing your clit
it was all too much for your mind to take in
“fuck, you’re right” claudio was the first to pry his fingers from between your thighs
bringing his large digits to your lips, allowing you to sample your sweetness,
the taste foreign on your tongue
it left you with an incredibly vulgar, almost nauseating pit in your stomach
this was wrong on so many levels, but you could not bring your lips to pry away from his fingers until he moved them,
a subtle pop following after he’d removed them
yuta offered you no such decency
savouring your warmth for himself, not hesitating to lick his fingers clean
shuddering with arousal at your taste
jon was last, quickly prying his fingers from your panties
without any chance for you to react, he smeared your sweetness across your lips before kissing you harshly
he pulled away breathlessly, taking a second to admire your flustered form
“strip her. then bring her to the mat”
jon instructed, stripping himself as he made his way to the centre of the room, haphazardly throwing his clothes to the edge of the mat
you could not help but stare at his length. how hard he was, how his tip leaked with precum and twitched with arousal.
you felt claudio’s fingers pull at the hem of your shirt, attempting to pry it over your head
“don’t fear, little one. we’ll take good care of you”
his words were accentuated with a smug smirk, your body paralyzed, unable to fight them off no matter how hard your mind attempted
yuta tugged your jeans down with haste, far more impatient than jon or claudio had been
the youngest of the three noticing the wet spot in your panties
how your sweetness pooled onto the fabric as he pried them down your legs
“god, i can’t wait-“ yuta grew feverish, his hands groping your now naked frame.
“hold it.” jon demanded “don’t want to scare her off”
jon pondered for a moment, smoothing down his beard
“bring her to me”
claudio and yuta hooked their arms under yours, practically dragging you towards jon.
yuta’s hand fell to your shoulder, pushing you down to your knees before jon while claudio stripped himself
you winced as your knees came in contact with the mat
still feeling the concrete beneath it
“open her mouth” jon continued to bark instructions though a relaxed monotone.
claudio cupped your face, having replaced yuta’s hands as the youngest of the trio rid himself of his clothing.
jon lazily began to stroke his cock, bead of precum leaking from his tip
you made eye-contact with it, unintentionally, quickly peering down at the mat
avoiding his gaze all together, in your peripherals, you could have sworn you saw a smirk cross jon’s lips
claudio’s fingers fell to your jaw, prying your mouth open
noticing, despite your previous attempts at restraint
were now rather accepting of the fact that they were going to use you
and rather eager at the fact.
jon’s tip traced soft lines against your bottom lip, pushing against the flat of your tongue, holding himself there for a moment, getting used the the feeling of your warm, wet mouth before allowing himself to fully succumb to the sensation
yuta had joined you on his knees, his fingers returning to their position between your thighs
tracing delicate shapes into your aching clit, his cock prodding at your hip, swollen and leaking with warmth.
claudio had taken his position behind you
both large palms now fully cupping your breasts
groping and squeezing the supple flesh
his own size, much larger than yuta or even jon, pressed firmly against the small of your back
jon remained stoic, silent. it was as arousing as it was frightening
you could not plan for his next move, unsure of what exactly he had in store for you
anxiety rose in your chest, feeling like a stone being pressed against your lungs
“so fucking wet…” yuta mumbled under his breath. “i’ll have you gushing like a fountain in no time, angel”
you whimpered at the sensation, trying to instinctively close your legs but claudio was quick
grabbing your right thigh, he held them open,
allowing you to feel the full range of yuta’s fingers
jon soon snapped his hips forward, his entire length filling your throat
the sensation made your eyes widen in shock, throat forcefully closed and clenched around his size
making you gag and sputter, gasping for breath around the appendage
but jon would not relent, keeping himself firmly buried in your throat, ordering the others with their next movements
“get underneath her” he ordered yuta. the youngest obliging in quick time
prying his fingers from your warmth, licking them clean as he had done previously,
claudio lifted your hips with ease, allowing yuta to make his way beneath you.
his cock teasing your entrance, tip gliding across you clit, smearing your wetness across your slick folds
if jon’s cock wasn’t stuffed down your throat you might have been able to voice your pleasure
“oh fuck-“ yuta slipped inside of you with ease, holding you down on his cock, already beginning to feel the gentle pulses of your cunt.
“claudio-“ jon spoke up. the swiss man gazed at his brother in arms with an attentive stare
“you know what to do”
claudio only nodded with a sickening smirk
it was only then did jon release himself from your throat to readjust himself, even only for a moment, you were grateful that he allowed you to regain your breath
“relax, little one” claudio’s voice flooded your ears with odd reassurance. “you’re so tense”
claudio’s hands smoothed down your shoulders, down the midline and small of your back
“relax for us. we won’t hurt you”
you couldn’t help but take his words as some form of mockery
“all you gotta do is obey us”
yuta added, having a particularly rough thrust, one that left your mind reeling
“fuck you” you spat, an ironic choice of words given your predictiment
yuta only chuckled, hand reaching up to slap your breast, causing another wince on your part
jon had stepped away for the moment, fishing around in his duffel bag for something unknown
your mouth free to shout all the obscenities and expletives their way.
claudio remained silent behind you, still tenderly smoothing shape into your flesh
although the feeling felt more predatory than it did comforting
jon returned phone in hand, the camera already set to record
he poised it on you, making sure your face was fully in frame
“now dollface…” he began, claudio’s cock now prodding against your ass, slick and wet as he had just lubed it up with his own spit
“you better behave and do everything we tell you to” your blood ran cold at the thought as jon forced you to meet the camera’s gaze, tilting your chin up to look at him through the lens
“don’t want this indie film going mainstream now do we?”
you shook your head no, in response, agreeing with him. lord only knows what would become of your life and career if this were to ever get out.
yuta began to move under you, impatient and eager to get himself off, soft grunts left the youngest’s lips as he filled you to the brim with his length.
jon had re-entered your mouth, this time with a much more intense, brute force than before,
feeling the burn and sting of his cock hitting the back of your throat.
claudio gathered the spit that dropped from the corners of your lips, re-lathering his cock before pushing into your tight, untouched hole
“so tight for me, little one”
he held a tight grip on your hair, pushing your head down onto jon’s cock
you hollowed your cheeks for added effect, peering up from behind his phone to notice jon’s head thrown back in pleasure
his phone fixated on your features, making sure to capture each intimate moment
yuta, from beneath you, groped your breasts, squeezing the pillowy mounds of flesh in his palms
the calloused pads of this thumbs tracing over your hard nipples, still swollen slightly from claudio pinching them beforehand
“ain’t no way she was a virgin before this, this cunt feels too good to be left untouched”
yuta monologued through breathless pants, increasing the force of his thrusts
jon gave a small exhale in response, zooming in on the site of yuta’s cock slamming deep into your cunt.
the three of them adored the way you gripped his size, clenching and squeezing around him before releasing unexpectedly
your thighs shuddered, crying and sputtering around jon’s cock
sweetness coating yuta’s stomach as you came down from your high.
“oh little one, you came so quickly, we’ve barely started with you” claudio mocked, tugging your hair roughly, jon’s cock slipping out of your mouth, allowing you air for the moment
slapping the tip of his cock on the flat of your tongue
jon slapped your cheek, sending your mind reeling with pleasure, a thrum of arousal made your cunt clench around yuta’s size.
the youngest of the three still on a high from the reaction of your orgasm, holding your hips down so you had little room to move.
“we’re not done with you yet, dollface.” jon handed his phone to claudio, who promptly began filming you from behind
“you ain’t leaving until we’re satisfied”
you gulped thickly, feeling the three of them close in on you.
claudio started moving again with a particularly rough thrust
his tongue drawing circles against the carotid artery in your neck, sucking and nipping at the skin
jon entered your mouth once more, making sure to fill your throat fully
pressing his cock down your throat until your nose was nestled in the scraggly mound of pubic hair
adoring the choked gulps and gags that tried to escape from your throat
claudio kept the camera poised on your ass
so intricately filling the way he slipped in and out of your tight hole with ease.
“so good for us little one” he murmured against your skin
poor yuta was on the brink of release, the sheer grip of your cunt about to send him over the edge
“fuck, i’m so fucking close…” he grunted, the veins in his throat becoming present.
“gonna fill this pretty little pussy up. you’d like that wouldn’t you, angel? you wanna be left dripping with my cum?”
“our cum…” jon corrected, hinting at the definite conclusion to this scenario
you could not help but nod in response, frantic gasps and moans left your throat whenever jon would pull back
“look at her, she’s practially begging for it” claudio chimed in
now handing the phone to yuta, ready to film his cum dripping from within you
“oh shit-“ yuta grunted, warm threads of his seed filling you to the brim as he fucked you with full force
capturing the way his cum seeped from your void around his cock
your eyes rolled into the back of your skull, clearly enjoying this foreign feeling
completely unaware of your second orgasm rushing through you.
“good whore…” jon praised you, pushing your shoulders down so that yuta’s cock was nestled deeply in your cunt
you effectively cockwarming the youngest
claudio remained silent as yuta continued to film
the swissman’s length pushing deep into your tight hole, groping and squeezing your breasts as he came, remaining to stay inside you, just like yuta until he fully emptied himself
jon on the other hand, was frantic in his movements, holding fistfuls of your hair as he fucked your throat
“god, i’m gonna make a mess of you, doll” his groans reverberated against the concrete walls of his basement
quickly retrieving his phone from yuta, whose stomach was drenched in your spit and cum
jon continued to film through his orgasm, pumping his seed down your throat as you choked and sputtered around his length
quickly pulling out of you to drench your face in the last few spurts of his cum.
yuta and claudio pulled out of you breathlessly
a sigh of content and relief on your part, body exhausted and overwhelmed from their work
your knees were weak as claudio helped you to stand, a single hand wrapped around your waist while yuta took your wrists
“enjoy yourself, angel?” yuta mentioned after a moment of silence
your throat still raw and red from jon’s abuse, you could only muster a small nod, to which yuta responded with a chaste kiss to your lips
claudio followed suit, his kiss lingering just a second more.
you turned your attention to jon, placing his phone back into his bag
“y-you’re not gonna do anything with that…are you?” you mentioned to the recording, feeling a song of anxiety in your stomach
“oh god no, doll” he reiterated, eyes widening slightly. “that was just to scare ya a bit, trust me it’s for our eyes only”
jon pet your head, almost mockingly. but there was a genuine playfulness behind it
“why don’t we get you cleaned up, little one?” claudio suggested, his chin resting atop your shoulder, you gave another nod as yuta went to retrive your clothes
“hey jon?” you questioned, his eyes popping up to greet yours
“could you send me that video?”
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faeriekit · 2 months
This is the story of the road that goes to my house, and what ghosts there do remain
Phic Phight Fill for @moipale
“Got it.”
“Wrist rays?”
“Got ‘em.” 
“Ray guns?” 
“Nah,” Sam drawls, bare feet on Jazz’s driver seat’s shoulder. Her fingers are on her phone. Her socks and shoes are somewhere below her seat. “Forgot them at home.”
Tucker takes a look at her. Despite her insistence on their absence, there’s three ray gun handles bulging out of the pockets in her black daisy dukes. The purple-green-plaid flannel’s tied around her waist, hiding half of it, but they’re not not there. 
In her black tank and bare feet in the back of Jazz’s jalopy, she looks as overheated as the rest of them. 
Tucker doesn’t feel any better, sweating through his tank and board shorts and all that. At least he had the sense to wear sandals, and not black pleather combat boots. 
“Jazz, she’s lying,” Tucker snitches, groaning when Sam gives him a retaliatory slap to the ribs. He gropes at the spot where a bruise will no doubt be forming. “Ow.”
“Sam,” Jazz offers with the finite patience of older siblings, “Stop hitting Tucker.”
“...M’kay,” Sam mumbles, and slumps down into the hot cloth seats that only soak up more heat the longer they’re in this car. “Can we turn on the AC?”
“It’s already on full blast, Sam.” 
Sam retaliates by kicking a car seat. Thankfully, slumping over allows her to reach Danny’s seat, as opposed to Jazz, who is driving, and Danny is fast asleep with what’s probably early-onset heat exhaustion. He doesn’t even notice.
Tucker needs AC, a nap, and snacks, in that order. “Can we break from the road trip for a gas station?” he begs, not whining, because he’s almost an adult now and begging is far more mature. 
Jazz doesn’t even dignify him with a glare in the mirror. “No stops. If we want to make it to Tracy, tonight, we’re not stopping unless someone has an emergency pee break on the side of the road.”
Great. Just great. 
“Bazooka?” Jazz continues their list, looking just as wilted as everyone else in the car. There’s no head band today; her hair is piled up as high on her head as she can get it, wire sunglasses perched there from their drive to Chelsea this morning. 
“Trunk,” Sam offers listlessly. 
Danny doesn’t answer. Because he’s asleep. 
“Danny’s got it,” Tucker points out, since he was at least paying attention. 
Jazz grumbles something rude and swipes the map of of her brother’s lap. “The next time the three of you upset an Ancient spirit of the Wild, I’m not helping you run.”
“Noted,” Tucker and Sam chorus. Tucker’s pretty sure she’s over exaggerating. 
He swipes his hat off and shoves it into a pocket, wiping sweat off of his forehead with the back of a hand. “Okay. We have…one night to get out to Tracy and find the body. The abandoned barge should actually be there this time.”
Jazz taps the brake, flicks on the turn signal, and takes a steep turn across the highway— superseding an additional three lanes of now-irritated traffic. “As opposed to…?”
Sam sighs. 
“As opposed to breaking into his haunted house and getting arrested,” Tucker admits wryly, just as slumped back as the girl herself. “Sam.”
“I paid bail. We’re fine,” Sam grumbles. Her arms cross. 
“We weren’t fine until Danny infected their computer to delete their records. I need to get to college, Sam! I can’t have an arrest on my record!” 
“Record, schmecord.”
“As long as no one’s got a record,” Jazz intervenes loudly, the only college student in their car, “We’re good! Now, are we hunting the dead guy, or the guy who killed the dead guy?”
Tucker mentally debates whether or not rolling down the car window would give them some air, or just let more hot air into their already sweltering back seat. 
“Ghost who killed a dead guy, but who the dead guy probably summoned,” Sam clarifies with a sigh. 
“Oh, great. One of those.”
“And sending him back probably shot him back to the barge, though, so now…” Tucker leads the problem on, “And there’s a new moon tonight. So.”
Jazz sighs. Loudly. “Of all the months…it’s got to be the dog days of summer, huh?”
Sam tucks her legs in, finally too tired to pout about their circumstances. “More like hellhounds, honestly. Did you see the ghost in the lake last week?”
“Heard about it. There was a poltergeist in the old high school last night— the one before the move to Casper in the fifties. Mom and Dad went out there at midnight before they went to tackle the bog thing in the golf course pond this morning.” 
“So that’s what Dad was whining about,” Sam muses, tired and sweaty. “I’d assumed parks and recreation got mad at them for violating the water conservation order again.”
“Nah.” Jazz signals another turn, cutting around an Amazon delivery truck and zooming into a side road. “Bog monster thing. Enraged by all the golf balls hit at it.” 
Tucker throws his head back and groans. “Is this going to be all we do all summer break? Hunt ghosts? Get chased around the state by cops?” 
“Yeah/Probably,” Sam and Jazz agree, both exhausted at the prospect. 
Tucker gives in and rolls down the window. If he’s going to be stuck in the car with his two best friends and their adult supervision, he needs some moving air— even if it’s just as hot and twice as humid as inside the car. 
They’ll be in Tracy tomorrow. All they have to do is find an abandoned barge floating in a forgotten waterway. 
…And then all they have to do is fix the problem all over again the next time someone gets it in their head to go treasure-hunting this summer.
Tucker bangs his head against Danny’s headrest, waking the guy up in the process, and wishes he had agreed to go to comp-sci camp after all. 
“I hate July,” Jazz mutters. “All the crazies come out with the heat.”
Everyone agrees with a moan and a groan. 
Jazz clicks on the radio, finds something that isn’t entirely static, and the road continues onwards in front of them…and will for miles and miles of hot pavement more.
Complementary song accompaniment/title source for this fic: July, July by the Decemberists. Thanks for reading!
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toaster-boi · 9 months
i keep seeing criticism of Armored Core VI in terms of the difficulty and...i just don't get it???
maybe it's because i've played so many fighter jet games (Ace Combat, Project Wingman, War Thunder) that i'm used to the idea of always being on the move, changing directions to dodge attacks? (Japanese mecha are conceptually closer to fighter jets, while more Western mechs resemble tanks, after all)
plus, i've never been one to "main" anything in a shooter game, so completely reworking loadouts based on circumstance is just kinda second nature?
i guess it's just that the game is meant to have a very specific vibe to it, and people are disappointed that it isn't what they expected?
although seriously how is the tutorial boss so hard for people it's a HELICOPTER. you MOVE when it shoots at you??? you know, to dodge the missiles by moving at several hundreds of kilometers per hour??? you use the PLENTIFUL hard cover, like in any other shooter game??????? it has a MASSIVE attack deadzone directly underneath it??? also, i've played enough War Thunder to know how vulnerable aircraft are to melee attacks. in other words, skill issue (half-joking)
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treetownconfessions · 4 months
whos on ur dni list
fans of genshin impact, cookie run, one piece, kpop, undertale, friday night funkin, steven universe, homestuck, naruto, fnaf, persona, roblox, my hero academia, the owl house, south park, walten files, total drama island, doki doki literature club, harry potter, my little pony, lion king, madoka magica, metal family, ninjago, monkie kid, the lego movie, rick and morty, battle for dream island, monster high, animal crossing, hunterxhunter, sonic, villainous, mario, yakuza, deltarune, stardew valley, league of legends, littlest pet shop, parappa, yokai watch, jojo's bizarre adventure, amazing world of gumball, creepypasta, warrior cats, marvel, countryhumans, voltron, alvin and the chipmunks, star wars, baldi's basics, omori, touhou, rpg horror, dead by daylight, madness combat, amphibia, curious george, splatoon, apex, plants vs zombies, portal, half-life, naughty bear, any sims game, invader zim, fran bow, resident evil, octodad, bendy and the ink machine, little nightmares, helluva boss, cuphead, hazbin hotel, smiling friends, project sekai, and ace attorney are all on my dni list :( if any of u apply then please dni </3
my friend, i am praying this is copypasta
why the fuck are you here.
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probablygoodrpgideas · 3 months
A combat system where instead of actually rolling for damage, the attack roll itself determines how much damage you do.
If you roll exactly the AC - glancing blow, you do the minimum possible damage for that attack
If you roll just above the AC, you do a quarter damage
If your base roll is higher than the AC - meaning the attack would hit even without modifiers - you do half damage
A dirty 20 is full damage
And a nat 20 is double damage
When 2 of those overlap, just pick whichever one means more damage
I'm thinking this could be useful if/when you want to streamline the fights a bit to devote more time to the non-fighty parts of the game
There are plenty of systems where your attack roll determines your damaged, for example in Fabula Ultima damage is calculated as the highest number on the 2d6 you roll to attack + a static number determined by the weapon
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