#half sister aunts? something like that
plumbogs · 10 months
hardest part about ts2 fanfiction in my experience is making the whole dead parents thing work because every child and teen premade is just
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I did something recently that hurt my mom's feelings and the world has come to a fucking halt about it. Everyone keeps reaching out to me to be like "hey you hurt your mom's feelings idk if you know" even though she and I have extensively talked about it and I've given multiple genuine apologies because she keeps going to everyone who will still talk to her in our family (not very many people) and complaining about me and I'm just like. Genuinely I am very remorseful that I hurt my mother but like. Where the fuck was all this energy when she was hurting her fucking children for 30+ years?
#i technically uninvited her to something#the situation is that i planned a whole birthday party for myself and then BECAUSE MY MOM PICKED A HUGE FIGHT WITH ALL OF HER SIBLINGS#like 75% of the people i invited (my aunts and uncles and cousins) canceled on me#so i canceled my birthday party but asked my brother sister and my brothers wife to still come over that night#they were only coming to see my apartment for the first time. our plan was to get kind of drunk and loud and do karaoke on my couch#my mom has seen my apartment dozens of times#ive invited my parents over for multiple casual dinners. they HATE driving to my area bc its too busy#my mom HATES loud chitchat and music and bad singing and staying up late.#all things we did that night!#and if i were confident i could extend a polite invitation that would have been turned down for inclusion's sake then i would have done that#but i fucking didnt invite her! because she would have said yes! and then she would have been policing the event and my behavior all night!#BECAUSE SHE IS A DIAGNOSED NARCISSIST WHO DOESN'T HAVE THE SKILLS TO PREVENT THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR#and i know she can't really help it. i know her life was so fucking hard. but she made MY life hard. she STILL makes my life hard.#i just wanted one fucking night to have fun with people that love me. just one fucking night! and she tried her VERY best to ruin that#even without an invite#and tbh in some ways she really succeeded in ruining it. half the fucking time was spent talking about her and how to handle this situation#and if this is a precursor to her gettting fucking worse again and going back to inpatient#im just fucking tired of it man
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catsatopmydesk · 6 months
They could just give you meth back in the eighties huh
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danielnelsen · 11 months
grandpa just died :/
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klaus-littlestwolf · 4 months
Heyy hiii I love your blog🤍 If you're still taking requests... Could you write an Aemond Targaryen who is obsessed with his half-sister or aunt?
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(Fuck yes I can!
For this story the ages are a little off which frustrates me but I did that to make sure that Y/n wouldn’t be considered ‘too old’ to marry. If however, the person who made this request wants something with an older OFC, like a cougar-y kind of story with him obsessed and willing to do anything to have her then let me know and I will try my hand at that for you)
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Y/n had been born first just before her mother Aemma had died giving birth her twin brother, who sadly died just a few hours later, leaving Y/n alone.
Rhaenyra took very good care of her, as much as she could as her younger sister was just a babe and now had no mother and no father as Viserys had all but checked out…especially after marrying Alicent and having more children.
Y/n was only just under 1 year older than Aegon as Alicent had gotten pregnant almost immediately after the wedding however as Rhaenyra was having her own children she took care of her sister less and less, leaving the girl on her own a lot of the time. Alicent had taken a liking to the young girl and they were quite close, which is what led to Y/n and Aemond’s relationship in the first place. Aemond loved Y/n from the moment he was born. When he was with her he was always content and happy, but if she left him alone he would cry and scream for her until Alicent could no longer take it and sent for her once again. That lasted until the boy was about 3 and she was 6 and from then on he was basically attached to her skirts.
Neither of the children had a dragon to their name and spent their time dreaming of flying across the 7 kingdoms together. Aemond had always promised to take his half sister with him when he mounted a dragon one day, and though Y/n thought it a nice dream, Aemond was determined to make it come true. He swore to her that one day he would be strong and that he would protect her, no one would ever bully them again. Y/n did not know just how seriously her younger brother took that vow.
He was 9 years old when Rhaenyra moved to Dragonstone and snatched his happiness away as she took their 12 year old sister with her and it was at that moment that Aemond realized how in love with his sister he really was. She would be his, no matter what he had to do to ensure it.
When they met again on Driftmark it was like no time had passed, they stayed by each others side while everyone mourned, but Aemond wasn’t sad, he was determined. With the death of Laena there was now an unclaimed dragon, the largest one alive and he was going to claim her or die trying. To say Y/n was upset that he risked his life to mount Vhagar would be an understatement however he had done it and the pride and happiness on his face wiped away her anger…for about 10 minutes before watching her nephew slice her brothers eye from his head. She held close to his side for as long as she was allowed, holding his hand as the maester stitched him up painfully.
‘I do not wish to frighten you with my scarred face sister, you shouldn’t have to see this.’ He told her later that night as she sat beside his bed to watch over him, the milk of the poppy he had taking quick effect as his good eye began to close against his wishes.
‘You could never scare me brother, you are as handsome as ever and anyone who says otherwise is blind. I will never fear you, no matter what. I love you too dearly.’ She swore, curling up into her chair and drifting off by his side in case he needed anything during the night.
Aemond’s hand held tight to hers all night long, never letting go as if terrified, even in his sleep, that she would disappear.
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Aemond was comforted by her words and it is the only thing that got him through the next years. That and the fact that he had “convinced” his sickly father to betroth Y/n to him.
Aemond was told by the men he paid to keep watch over his Princess on Dragonstone that Rhaenyra had been trying to betroth her to Cregan Stark of Winterfell. The Wolf in the North was apparently quite taken with his Princess and Aemond couldn’t blame him, but he would kill him if the man went anywhere near his sister and he made that perfectly clear to his mother and Grandsire. Aemond had vowed that if they didn’t betroth him to Y/n immediately that he would take Vhagar and have her burn Winterfell and every Stark in existence to the ground. He would melt all of the snow in the North if he had to to make his point. Both Alicent and Otto knew that her son was serious and would do exactly as he promised, they also knew that no one could stop Vhagar if Aemond decided to put his threat into action and so they had the King order the marriage.
However other than Rhaenyra acknowledging the order from the King, he heard no word from his betrothed until he was 18 and it was ordered that she return to Kings Landing to be with her soon to be husband. Aemond had kept eyes on her since the day she had been forced to leave him, men that worked for Rhaenyra were secretly under his command, 2 of which became Y/n’s personal guards and wrote the Prince everything about her so that Aemond didn’t miss a thing. He knows all of her interests, what she loves to do everyday, her daily schedule, the foods she likes and more importantly doesn’t like, and he also had them ensure that no man got close to his future wife in anyway. He knew that Jace had an interest in his aunt, the guard reporting to him that the boy had been grounded to his chambers on more than one occasion for watching her bathe or trying to sneak into her rooms in the night and it both enraged and delighted Aemond that Jace wanted his sister but also that he would have to see her happy with the person that Jace hates most. Aemond would ensure that he could rub it in his nephews face that the babes that Y/n would bare would never be anyone’s but his.
Over the years since she had been gone her brother had changed, not just at her having been missing from his side but especially after Aegons actions in taking him to the silk streets on his 13th nameday. Aemond felt disgusting but he was determined to be a better husband than his elder brother was, after all, Y/n was his. His sister, his wife, his everything and he would ensure her happiness. He would make her his and fill her with as many Targaryen babies as possible, Aemond couldn’t wait to see her swollen with his child at his side and in his bed, his elder sister was just too perfect not to be full of his children for the rest of her days.
2 days after the letter was sent to Rhaenyra he was greeted by the sound of huge wings and angry dragon roars as the large black dragon descended on the Red Keep, a dragon that everyone recognized instantly which prompted them scattering like mice. Aemond had heard that his sister had mounted the cannibalistic dragon but to actually see the creature was incredible. He found it funny that his sister, who was a loner with a tendency to be aggressive ended up with the aggressive loner dragon who would have burned anyone else to dust…he must feel how similar they are, honestly it was a fairly perfect fit if you asked him. Though he could have done without the teeth bore in his face from this scarred beast.
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He got as close as he dared, watching as a beautiful women slid down the dragons neck to her feet, the dragon nuzzling her and nearly knocking her from her feet (though the gesture was gentle for such a giant dragon who had to be just slightly bigger than Caraxes) before he took to the skies again and left her to look around the courtyard.
She was a vision, more than Aemond could have imagined after all these years without her and as she turned to see him for the first time, the smile that lit up her face gave him butterflies. ‘Aemond? Wow! Look how you’ve grown, you are certainly not that little boy I remember anymore, you are a man grown! Look at this handsome face!’ Aemond took her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles in greeting, unable to look away from her perfect purple eyes.
‘You are a vision, more beautiful than I could have imagined…and I have imagined for years.’ Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as she blushed and he held his arm out for her to take. ‘Come, I will show you to your chambers and you can freshen up, I know you must want out of your riding clothes-‘
‘Actually…I had hoped we could go riding together like we always promised we would. My sister would not let me come to Kings Landing before now but you did swear to take me on Vhagar when I returned.’ She reminded him as he guided her through the halls of the castle.
‘I could never forget my promise to you, however we will not be permitted to disappear together the night before our wedding, it would be improper after all.’ He teased making her roll her eyes with a smile.
‘Right because riding a 10 ton scaly lizard into the night is definitely a romantic evening.’ She paused after saying that before speaking again. ‘Actually, never mind, for a Targaryen that has to be the most romantic night possible. We’ll save it for tomorrow night.’
‘As you wish sister. Here is your chamber for the night, tomorrow night your things will be moved into one of our own. You change and get comfortable, I will return in a half an hour and we can take a walk in the gardens, how does that sound?’
‘That sounds lovely brother. I look forward to it.’ Aemond leaned down and pressed his lips to her hand like the gentleman he was, watching once again as her face grew pink and he loved her sweet blush, vowing to make it happen as often as possible.
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The wedding that next evening was a huge affair. Everyone was present, members of every house in attendance for the event, and even all of the peasants celebrated as they left the Sept, throwing flowers and cheering their congratulations as they had all loved Y/n since the moment she was presented to the world as a baby (often ordering the gold cloaks to feed the poor, especially the children in need). Rhaenyra and Daemon had shown up with the children late, clearly hating being there for a marriage they didn’t want and Aemond couldn’t help but silently gloat to Jace who glared at him all through dinner. As they locked eyes Aemond could not resist giving in to his petty attitude, leaning down and touching his lips to his wife’s and enjoying the feel of her lips pressing against his in return as she clearly enjoyed the show of affection. His nephew glared harder at him before eventually taking Helaena’s hand and bringing her to dance as if trying to anger the One-Eyed Prince but nothing could do that right now, not now that Aemond has everything he’s ever wanted.
‘Would you like to retire now my beautiful wife? I want to make this marriage official before one of the dozens of men here that are jealously staring, attempts to steal you away from me.’
‘As if anyone else could take my attention away from you.’ At that moment there was suddenly the sound of several women screaming and they both turned to see that right in front of the Kings table Jace was locked in a physical fight with a man on the dance floor. Aemond turned his wife’s body away and pulled her to his chest to shield her, not wanting her innocent eyes to see such violence. Even if he enjoyed watching Jace get hurt he knew that his wife would never be the same if she was forced to potentially witness him die and he loved her innocence too much to let that be ruined. The guards pulled the man out of the hall and most likely to the Black Cells after Daemon had saved Jace from being butchered, following along with a rage filled Rhaenyra to question the man. Y/n pulled away from her husband and moved to the floor, inspecting her nephews face and Aemond nearly growled as Jace leaned into the affection. ‘Are you alright nephew?!’
‘Yes, of course, I am fine. I had it under con-‘
‘Thank goodness Daemon was here! You could have been killed! What were you thinking?!’ She demanded and Aemond watched on as Jace’s face fell once again. ‘You are my sweet nephew, not a soldier or a brawler in the streets!’
‘I don-I’m-Uh…‘
‘She is right nephew, we could never forgive ourselves if you had been hurt attending our wedding…perhaps it is time for you to retire for the evening. Too much wine makes the mind do stupid things.’ Y/n nodded along with Aemond but Jace just glared at him.
‘This has nothing to do with you Uncle! Keep your thoughts to yourself! I don’t need-‘
‘Jacaerys! How Dare You?! Have care how you speak to your own family, Aemond is simply showing his concern for your well being! If this is your current state then he is correct, you should retire. I’m sure Luke will help you to your bed, won’t you sweet boy?’ Luke nodded his head, moving to take his elder brothers arm.
‘No! I don’t need to-‘
‘We should be retiring as well anyway. I must ensure my new wife is taken care of…’ Y/n blushed at her brothers words, leaning into his body as his hands found her waist comfortingly.
‘You are right brother, I think I have had enough partying for one day. We have a family dinner tomorrow evening anyway, we can celebrate more then.’ Suddenly Aegon, who had been drunkenly enjoying this whole situation, was grinning in excitement and stepping up to the newly weds, hand on his younger brothers shoulder.
‘Yes brother, time to retire. The bedding ceremony must be seen to before the end of the evening! I shall get our Grandsire and elder sister to-‘
‘No!’ Aemond snapped, everyone that was listening jumping in fright at the rage in his voice. He had felt his wife’s body tense as she pulled him closer by his jacket that she was now clinging to for dear life. ‘There will be no bedding ceremony, I will have neither my sister nor my wife gawked at in her most vulnerable state as if she is some cheap whore on the street of silk! Y/n is my wife now, and no one else will ever see her in such a way ever again. I assure you brother, I can handle consummating my marriage just fine without your wandering eyes and words of encouragement.’ Aemond looked back down at his bride and took her face into his hands, wiping away the tears that escaped in her moment of panic, no one having mentioned a bedding ceremony and Aemond himself having assured her that it would not be happening.
‘My young Prince, it is tradition to have a maester and at least 3 members of the family present to ensure the wedding is consummated. Your brother, myself, Rhaenyra and Daemon are going to-‘
‘No Grandsire, you are not-because if you try to enter our marital chambers tonight, or really any night from this moment forward for any reason under the sun, I will break your spine and be feeding you to either Vhagar or the Cannibal in the morning. I will let my wife decide which she would prefer to make a meal out of your body as it is her you are offending. I am uncomfortable with how determined you are to watch me make love to my wife, and I am telling you that it will not happen.’
‘Aemond! You cannot speak to your Grandsire this way, you must-‘ Aemond cut his mother off quickly, startling her as he had never spoken to her like this before.
‘Do not make the mistake of believing my words to be exaggeration mother, they are not. Anyone who steps foot into our marital chambers this night or any moment from this one onward will find themselves being fed to a dragon of my wife’s choosing. She is my wife! And it is my job to care for her as such! I will not have her humiliated or upset as she gives herself to me for the first time…or any time. That is the end of the discussion, however you may wait in the hall and once we are done I will deliver you the sheets from our bed as your proof. That will have to suffice because it is all that you are getting.’ He looked back down at Y/n who had tears in her eyes once again but this time they were not fearful or embarrassed, but grateful and full of love. ‘Come my wife, it is time that I make this marriage official and fill you with my son. I must give my wife all of the lovely Targaryen babies that her heart desires.’
Aemond bent down slightly before lifting Y/n into his arms like a babe, whisking her away and out of the party. ‘Thank you Aemond…I know I should just accept it but I-‘
‘My wife will never be seen by anyone but me in any state of undress from this moment on, and should anyone sneak a peak at you I will deliver you their heart and feed the remains to Vhagar. Don’t you ever apologize for being uncomfortable, it is my job as your husband to see to your safety and I take my job very seriously.’ He assured her, kissing her head as they reached their new marital chambers where all of their things had been moved to. As Aemond carried his sister through the door he kicked it shut behind himself and locked it with both locks before using the thick wood plank and barring the door so no one could get in without more work than it was worth.
‘Will you assist me with the dress, husband?’ She teased making Aemond smirk, eyes darkening at the thought of finally undressing the prize he has worked and waited for, for so long.
‘You need not even ask, my love. Come here.’ He quickly unlaced the back of her dress, allowing it to fall to the ground and leave her in her small clothes which she removed before crawling into the bed and looking back up at him nervously. ‘Relax my love, you will love every second of this, I promise you.’ He swore and she took a breath, nodding, though her eyes grew wide again as he removed his trousers and revealed himself to her for the first time, now naked as he crawled onto the bed, leaning down to kiss her, sucking his way down her neck and chest.
‘A-Aemond? What are you-‘
‘Shh…just relax. I’m going to take care of you Princess, just trust me.’ He lifted her leg up by the back of the knee and leaned in, pressing his mouth over her slit before trailing his tongue up between her pussy lips and brushing against her clit, causing her hips to jump against her will.
‘I’m s-sorry-‘
‘Don’t apologize again, just enjoy it.’ Aemond wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking on the little bundle of nerves, brushing his tongue against it repeatedly which seemed to shut her up quickly, the only sound remaining was her never ending moans. He pressed a finger into her tight hole followed by a second one which earned him a soft mewling noise that he couldn’t help thinking was adorable as he began pumping his fingers in and out of her, stretching her as gently as he could to prepare her for him.
‘Oh Fuck! Aemond!’ She seemed to be hanging right on the edge in that moment until he curled his fingers up and just as he did she cried out at a whole new octave and her pussy squeezed his fingers in a vice grip, her body shaking while she panted as if she had run a long distance and he couldn’t help but find her flushed face absolutely beautiful.
‘You are so gorgeous…’ he crawled up over her and touched his lips to hers while spreading her legs. They wrapped around his waist before he pressed his cock against her hole and instantly felt as if he had died and gone to Heaven. 9 years he had waited after realizing how in love with Y/n he truly was, 9 years dreaming of this moment and wanting to make it just as special for her as it was for him just knowing how good his sister would make him feel, and he was right. Her cunt was like the sweetest vice grip he had ever experienced, he had never felt anything more wonderful in his entire life as he stilled his hips and just waited, not wanting to hurt her or cum so fast that she would inevitably laugh at him. ‘Are you alright?’ He questioned, wanting to make sure he wasn’t hurting her too badly but she nodded.
‘I want to see all of you brother…I never want you to hide any part of you from me again.’ She spoke as she reached up and pulled the eye patch from his face. He reflexively turned his head away but she caught him, turning his head back and pulling him down to kiss the scar both over and under his eye. ‘My husband nor my brother will ever have to hide from me, you are so strong…and I think my husband is the most handsome man in the 7 kingdoms. I will fight anyone who chooses to disagree with me…and I have a Dragon so they will most assuredly lose.’ She teased making him smile before he choked on his breath, her pussy squeezing his member suddenly before she wiggled her hips. ‘Take me brother, I am all yours now!’
‘Yes you are…Mine! I will kill anyone who even thinks to disagree with me! All mine…’ Aemond spoke, shifting his hips back before pushing back in gently, doing it again only to thrust up into her this time. ‘Your husband is going to fill your belly so full tonight that no one will be able to question whether or not you are carrying my son. You want that, don’t you Princess? You want me to give you a baby?’
Y/n’s head nodded frantically as Aemond was now jack hammering his hips into her mercilessly, her whines prompting him to go faster. ‘Yes Brother! Yes! I want to give you everything! Fill my womb so that I may give you all the sons you want!’
‘Never going to stop breeding your cunt, Gods you feel magnificent! We’re going to end up having an entire army because I am never going to stop fucking you! Cum for me Princess and your husband will fill your womb, give me your pleasure!’ He demanded just before she cried out, her head thrown back as her cunt clamped down on him so hard he briefly thought it would hurt before the pleasure shot straight up his spine and he buried his cock into her as deeply as he could.
Aemond couldn’t tell how long they laid there breathing heavily and just holding each other, it felt as if they lost time before there was a knock on the door and Y/n flinched, instinctively trying to cover her body with a blanket despite no one entering. ‘My Prince? If you have finished we need-‘
‘Shut Up! Say Another Word and I Will Remove Your Tongue!’ He growled to the maester at the door. ‘Stay still my love, I will take care of it.’ He kissed her head and she smiled, humming contently before wincing as he pulled out of her, using his thumb to press his cum back into her abused hole as it leaked out. Aemond jumped up and pulled the sheet carefully from under her and off of the bed, rolling his eyes as he saw the small amount of blood on the white linen that he had made sure to fuck her on top of as he wasn’t willing to argue about them needing evidence that consummation took place. ‘I will be right back, then you are mine for the next week, because I do not plan on us leaving this bed for at least that long.’ He teased, kissing her nose and making her giggle as he pulled his trousers on and moved to the door, unbarring it and stepping outside while shutting the door behind him, unwilling to let anyone see his wife in her current state. At the door stood Maester Mellos along with his Grandsire, his mother and brother, and also Rhaenyra and Daemon. ‘I do not understand why this needed to be such a spectacle for so many of you but here.’ He shoved the sheet at the old man angrily. ‘Now, all of you will leave because if I find out anyone continued listening at the door I will slit you from balls to brains!’ The maester inspected the sheet before nodding to the Queen who genuinely looked sorry for her son.
‘I didn’t know you had it in you brother!’ Aegon laughed, Otto shoving him away quickly and dragging him down the hall before Aemond could move to cut him open as he wanted to, Daemon following along, clearly not caring about being there and only having done so as he loved his niece- to ensure Aemond was a gentleman.
‘Take care of your wife Aemond, I know you will be a good husband, better than your brother.’
‘Thank you mother-oh! We will be taking all of our meals in our chambers tomorrow-and for the foreseeable future. Please be sure a maid is sent to do that, my wife will need breaks to eat.’ Alicent didn’t look shocked at all, just nodding her head before she walked off.
‘Brother.’ Rhaenyra spoke, Aemond sighing before giving her his attention. ‘Take care of her. She is a gentle soul, if you hurt my sister I will make sure you do not live to see whatever children you give her.’ He rolled his eyes, not giving a fuck about his elder sisters threat.
‘If you think for a moment that I would harm her then you know nothing about our relationship at all-oh! Wait! You don’t…it took 9 years but I always knew that I would make her mine no matter what I had to do. I’m just thankful that father gave into my threat before you could give her away to that idiot Wolf in the North.’
‘W-what are you-‘
‘Of course, you don’t know! I made my mother aware of the fact that if you were successful in marrying off our sister that I would have mounted Vhagar and burned every inch of the Starks home, and every other home and stronghold that had snow covering it. She was never going to marry anyone else, that was decided quite a long time ago…its just that no one but I knew it.’ He explained, enjoying her shocked expression before opening the door to go back to his wife. ‘Oh! One more thing! You should make sure that you keep your eldest on a short leash, because if I find out-or Gods forbid catch him-peeping at my wife like he did under your watch, he will be locked in the Black cells until I decide to feed him to Vhagar. Your heir or not, father will not be able to argue with him dishonoring my wife and his favorite grandchild, and you know it…it was lovely to see you again sister.’ With that Aemond slammed the door in her face and turned back to his wife.
‘Is everything okay?’ Y/n asked, clearly nervous that the sheet wouldn’t be enough evidence and they would demand to watch this time.
‘Of course my Love, I will always ensure that it will be. Now, let us continue enjoying our marital bliss for as long as we can, hmm?’ Y/n smiled, dropping the blankets and revealing her naked chest to his eyes and he couldn’t help but imagine the breasts that he was in love with, swollen with milk to feed the boy that was growing in her womb. He was desperate to taste it himself, his cock growing hard in record time at the thought before he leapt into the bed beside her.
‘I want to stay here with you like this forever.’ She admitted, now sitting in his lap, his cock buried in her pussy as he enjoys worshipping her breasts with his mouth.
‘As you wish Sister…Always.’
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Aemond T. Masterlist
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iwaasfairy · 3 months
a quick little smt smt because kenma has been on my mind since I watched the movIEEEE I loVE HIM O WANT hIM ♡♡
tw twincest, implied past underage content
“Don’t let the twins run off together without supervision,” your mom used to tell your aunt if she’d babysit. ‘Babysit’ as in lighten the load of two sneaky, restless pre-teens on your very overworked parents. Your brother was quiet, and shy around everyone that he didn’t know well, but he was always a force with you. One who knew what he wanted, and would get you to play along as long as you’d let him.
They’re up to no good, she’d pet your head with affection, but brows furrowed with something other. Aunts, cousins, family friends. Always said it with a certain look at you both, before leaning in to whisper— and you guess back then they knew something you didn’t.
Kenma probably knew. He just didn’t care you never did, because even with the added surveillance of older cousins he’d still find a way to dash off with your hand in his. Giggling and panting where you’d snuggle together in the alley behind the woodshed, or ducked into the pantry under the stairs to whisper and let him show you all kinds of things. Usually it was just the next enemy on his beat up Gameboy, or some cards he traded with Kuroo, or even a new trick with the ball. Sometimes it was something else, hand over your mouth when he told you to keep quiet.
“Your teacher told me a certain pair of twins always skip out on classes together,” your dad chastises over dinner one night after a big volleybal match. “Wonder which twins he could possibly be referring to.” This time it was the back room behind the gym equipment— only hastily cleaned up before the teachers stormed in. Can’t help it, a slight smile starts pulling at your lips.
You almost laugh when Kenma kicks your foot under the table, as your spoon clings too hard against the porcelain plates. “Just because Kenma does stupid boy stuff that will get him in trouble—” Your father’s thin glasses are down his nose as he looks at just you, interrupting your opened mouth to point your way, “doesn’t mean you have to join him. I really expect better from you kids.”
He acts like you’re supposed to know better. Maybe he should wonder if Kenma’s just convincing. It’s a simple and quick answer, he is. From the way Kenma slurps his soup, staring you down across the table under thick, playful lashes, you learn that apparently it’s more acceptable for boys to act mischievous. “Sorry, dad.” Big brother sighs.
Kenma’s feet grab yours to pull it up onto his chair, then plays with your toes so that you have to hold the giggle from breaking out in between the sharp breathing through your nose. “Sorry, daddy.” You parrot when he doesn’t let up, biting your lip at the way he pushes his thumb in.
Your dad is none the wiser, and just sighs. “You’re the older brother, Kenma. I want you to take care of your sister, not lead her astray.”
He does though, you want to say. Just maybe not in the way they’d like to see him care.
It’s only natural that you follow your big brother, your other half, across Tokyo after graduation. Into a bigger apartment where he can stream— when he asks it under hushed whispers trailing fingers down your arm. Of course you say yes.
It’s how you find yourself with your head on his lap, letting his long, skinny fingers trail through your hair as he sinks deeper into the couch. “D’you want some Thai too? I have to work at three so we can’t go out yet. That’s okay by you, right?” He’s so pretty from here, looks down at you with those sharp, calculating eyes with a softness reserved for just you.
“I’ll eat what you eat, nii nii,” you yawn, and also lift your upper half a bit more to press kisses to his hard cock, lick up the bead of glistening precum there. You’ll do whatever your twin wants you to do. You’ll do what you’ve always done.
Taking his cock into your mouth makes him let out the prettiest mumble, pushing up into your soft lips a little more as he agrees. “I know.” You let your head be pushes down as you hollow your cheeks around him, and choke just a little before you reach his pubes- pushing into the back of your throat. It’s hot, and he tastes so good. “I don’t need anyone else. Y’know that?”
“Mhm,” you’re nodding while pulling back, instead going to suck on his balls with an eager tongue. His cock twitches to get back to you. And the coy smile on your face as you look up from his lap makes him groan, holding the phone away from his mouth for a few seconds to watch you. “Guess we shouldn’t have been let off without supervision, huh?”
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emmaofnormandy · 2 months
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Imagine Aegon is the father of your children… to whom you are the greatest defender. (Part II)
Warnings: this time we have drama, angst, but fluffy like usual. Maybe some smut. Long post.
@dracaryxzs tagging you once more, hope you like it!
• The Last Feast.
You are present at your father’s last dinner. Despite detesting the circumstances, you put an effort at your husband’s request, as much as either of you are uncomfortable with this growing awkwardness—thanks to your father’s preference over Rhaenyra and your mother’s likewise neglect.
Not to mention the Strong bastards who tease your lover endlessly—as well as your younger brother Aemond. You recollect how, when you were ten and two summers, you hit Jacaerys in his face and kicked Lucerys’ belly after their bullying over your family.
“You have no idea whom you are messing with, boys. I may be kind, I may be sweet, but I am as dragon as either of you are. If yet one may say so… considering there’s nothing Valyrian on you.”
Words—and deeds—that earned Aemond’s respect and Aegon’s admiration. Today you wish you had better control of your temper, perhaps being more diplomatic, but you’d still stand up for Aegon nonetheless.
“You look thoughtful today”, you hear Aegon telling you. “I think it’s too early for you to join this bloody dinner. You have been just churched, Y/N.”
You smile, letting memories of a distant past fade when Aegon comes at you, holding you from behind as your ladies have just finished dressing you and brushing your long silver locks.
Today you opt to wear your two-sided braided hair and a long, silk green gown which may reinforce your curves. His hands are precisely there as his eyes stare at your reflection in the mirror of your privy quarters.
About a month and half ago, you gave birth to your fifth child—and you’re already the mother of Aegon, Alysanne, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera—whom you named Baelor after your grandsire. To the surprise of many, you are not only as fertile as your sisters and mother, but just as strong.
Even though ladies are strongly recommended to avoid events after this period of churching—where they go through the process of getting cleansed carnally and spiritually under the Septs of the Seven—you care very little about such rules, specially when your sire father is about to depart this world—something that gives you mixed feelings.
“I am as good as before”, you turn at him with a smile on your lips. “I may look tired but that is because I had to wake early to feed Baelor.”
Aegon chuckles lightly.
“…all the whilst our dearest Jaehaera was found sneaking under our blanket.”
You laugh heartily.
“She seems to take after you, I’m afraid. Are you ready to put some reins in her, Aegon?”
To which your husband scoffs.
“Please. I’m here to protect and spoil my princesses. Yourself included, dear”, and saying so, he presses a kiss on your cheek. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
You spot a glint of mischief behind his eyes; it already makes your intimate parts ache for him. You gently put two fingers over his lips and bite yours when he takes to his mouth, sucking each without parting gazes.
“Mm. Someone’s not been churched enough, I see.”, Aegon teases you, now going to press you against the wall.
“My darling, you best not ruin me for the feast. We are awaited”, you try your best not to give him, but what power do you have when he, taller than you, towers over you and starts to lift the skirt of your gowns…
“Oh there you are!”, you and Aegon almost jump out the moment you hear Helaena’s voice. “Alysanne and I were looking for you!”
Suddenly the seven year old princess with short curly hair and eyes that resemble her parents shows up dressing a gown that is very similar to her aunt’s.
“Papa! Mama! Aunt Laena did my dress, look! I’ve been looking for you in order to show you it!”, she steps up proudly under Helaena’s fond gaze and clapping hands.
You are quickly straightening yourself when Aegon promptly goes to one knee to match his daughter’s height and speak as if nothing was going on before their… sudden arrival.
“You look gorgeous as ever, Alys! Beautiful like your mama!”, he beams at her, before lifting his daughter and holding her tight.
“Weeee!”, Alysanne giggles. “You can still carry me! Look, aunt Laena! Look how strong my papa is!”
Helaena is all smiles at the scene. You join her side, adding a teasing comment:
“It appears your father is still strong, uh? Here I was thinking otherwise.”
Aegon rolls eyes at you, but Alysanne points out her tongue in turn.
“There is none as strong as my papa!”
“That’s my girl!”, he kisses her cheek, spinning her around a little more before downing her at last. “Now, you best go to see your grandsire. Where is Egg? And your twins?”
“Egg has joined Maekar”, she tells him in reference to Helaena and Aemond’s oldest son. “They are insufferable.”
Helaena chuckles lightly.
“Best mates, as they should.”
“As for me… at least I have Rhae to be friends with”, and that being said the princess runs after her cousin, Maekar’s own twin, both born in the same year as Alysanne’s.
“You should be more careful, leaving the door unlocked”, says Helaena, amused.
And she turns before either of you could form a proper answer. You sigh and as you link your arm with Aegon’s, you say:
“She is not wrong, you know.”
“Where can I be faulted if these kids are growing too fast these days”, grumbles Aegon.
You poke his side playfully.
“The joke’s on you for being careless and leaving the door open.”
Aegon chuckles, pressing another kiss on your cheeks before going to the king’s privy quarters where a family reunion is expected.
You are sitting opposite Aemond and Helaena, next to your husband on the left side of the table. You are making sure your children are behaving well at the same time instructing your maids what to do in case they get…bored.
Whilst you do so, Aegon avoids Rhaenyra’s gaze, who sits on the opposite right of the table, with her own offspring. Trying to sweep away the taste of bad blood, he rather focuses in his own children.
The sight of his growing family brings a relief to his wounded pride. For years, longing for something his father and mother lacked in providing, seems to have been filled with your love and these of his children.
When seeing how Egg is looking for him and, once finding his gaze, smiles in search of approval, Aegon forgets his haunted memoirs and gives his boy and heir a positive sign with his thumb up.
It’s how happy Egg is that makes Aegon believe that he’s overcome his broken heart. By how proud his son looks just after being acknowledged by Aegon makes him think that… had only his father done that for years, one small gesture such as this, well… wouldn’t things be different?
Looking now at his daughter, Princess Alysanne. She’s every inch his own and Aegon takes pride in his eldest girl. She is sweet tempered and talkative—oh doesn’t she like to talk? Aegon observes how she and her cousin, Princess Rhaella, engage in some serious conversation which the prince supposes to be about dragons.
He does approve how they are bonding. And when his gaze meets Aemond’s, the eldest of the two realizes this is a better out coming than both of them expected—considering their upbringing. Aemond, of his part, gives a small smirk, considering he is proud too of his children.
And then… there are the twins, of course, and the newly born son who’s not present. Jaehaera and Jaehaerys are not gloomy nor moody, simply the mirror of Aegon’s domestic joy.
This picture of the family he never had that is now his new reality makes him at peace with his parents… even if at times, such as now, he is remembered of everything he didn’t have.
“I would like to make a toast”, says King Viserys, and his voice drags Aegon out of his particular bliss. “My family reunited here. Everyone together as it should, the perfect reflection of how peaceful our realm is.”
All eyes are set on the dying king. The evidence is clear and you cannot help yourself wondering… how all would’ve been different had he acknowledged Aegon’s inheritance. When casting a quick look at your sister Rhaenyra, you realize that she’s never wanted the high prize.
“Mama”, your daughter’s hand pushing your sleeve draws you out of your thoughts.
“What is it, sweetling?”
“Will the dragons die?”
You furrow your eyebrows, ignoring Helaena’s curious gaze at the sight of you two.
“Why would you ask this question?”
Alysanne hesitates, suddenly realizing this may not be the most proper place to speak. But since the music is now playing and the babbling is loud, you encourage her to speak her mind.
“I… I had a nightmare again.”
“With what, my dove? You will claim your dragon, eventually”, you assure her.
“I know I will, but this isn’t it. I am talking about a red dragon being smashed. It looked terrifying to watch.”
Back then, you do not comprehend what red dragon is your daughter speaking of: neither you nor Aegon’s dragons possess red scales. Before you could find a way to assure your daughter this is nothing but a bad dream, a sound takes you out of your thoughts.
“I’d like to make a toast for these… Strong boys.”
Your eyes go wide at Aemond’s bluntness. Helaena is too surprised, and you two share a meaningful, confident look. Both of you take your children out of the dining table, sensing trouble is coming out.
Later, you come back to rush Aegon out of this mess.
“I was handling just well”, he tells you prideful.
Indeed, to your relief he bears no black eye. But by how Rhaenyra looks angry, you know enmity is official.
You hold her stare as you stroke your husband’s face.
“I know. Who could beat you, anyway? You did nothing wrong.”
And by saying that, you kiss his lips, finding home in his embrace.
• A Storm Of Iron Blades.
Later that night, there is nothing to occupy your thoughts. With your children asleep and your churching period finally at end, you gladly resume your activities.
And your favorite one is riding your husband, of course.
“Aegon!”, you cry out his name, searching for support against the wall as his hands hold firmly your hips whilst his tongue does wonderfulness in you. “Oh Gods!”
And you move your hips gracefully, smirking at the sight of subduing such a prideful prince, yours to be king.
You arch your back, smirking wide as he slaps your hips, hair now a complete puddle of mess as you come undone.
Your husband drinks every juice you give him, such is his thirst. But domineering he still is as, restless like usual, he flips positions and is now thrusting right into you.
“We are conceiving again”, he whispers against your hot skin, turning you around so your face can be seen. Aegon wraps a hand around your neck all the whilst he pulls your hair the way you like him to.
“One more child?”, you moan loud, burying your nails against his skin as you two move as one.
“I told you we are making this a grand family”, he thrusts harder, pleased to earn a louder moan this time.
Matching his hips with yours, Aegon knows you delegate him control. Every time you come after churching, you settle under him, legs firmly tied around his waist… and when you try to swap, oh snap! He got you there.
“Kiss me!”, you demand him. “Now!”
Aegon gladly complies to your commands, pursuing your lips desperately so. In a crazy demonstration of how your connection works, both of you reach climax at the same time.
As he lies his head at your left breast, Aegon strokes your cheek and says:
“Thank you.”
“What for?”, you ask him surprised.
“For giving me what I was refused: a family.”
You peck his lips, cuddling onto him.
“I love you, Aegon. I hope you know I’d do anything for you. Anything at all.”
As he looks up at him, Aegon knows the veracity of these words. And when he kisses you, the prince fears for them at the same.
Little Egg comes early next morning to get his father’s attention. You realize they are very close, which makes your chest swell with pride. It’s you who welcome your eldest when door opens and you are still breastfeeding baby Baelor, despite Aegon’s protest that you should be doing so in your bed not on your feet.
“Darling! What is it?”, you smile brightly at him.
Despite the nickname, Little Egg is hardly little now. He’s grown quite fast for his age and will most likely to be very tall in his early adulthood. His hair is long now, emulating his father’s.
“I want to see my lord father.”
Thankfully, Aegon has just left his privy quarters when his son’s voice reach him.
“What’s lord for? Father is just fine”, Aegon pulls a grimace at the formality.
Little Egg chuckles.
“My lady grandmother told me I should be mindful of my manners.”
“Who cares about what that old woman says?”, and here he ignores your weak protest at how your mother is addressed. “Come here, won’t you hug me properly?”
As you sit to finish feeding your baby and hold him close, you delight at the scene of Little Egg running to the arms of Aegon, chuckling as he is spinning around before putting down.
“A egg has hatched”, says your brave little boy. “I reclaimed it as mine.”
“Well, of course it’s yours!”, says Aegon, admired. “We put that egg with you since you were born. You slept it tightly with it!”
Little Egg blushes at his remark.
“Well, either way, it’s born! And it’s mine!”
“Fantastic! What’s the name of it?”
“I thought about something to honor your dragon, papa, since it’s golden with details in silver. So I figured to call it Goldenfyre.”
You swear you thought Aegon’d burst into tears. You too think some tears come from your eyes, aware of how important this is to your husband. A moment once stolen in his childhood, but somehow regained to compose his son’s.
“Will you show me Goldenfyre?”, Aegon smiles proudly at his boy.
“Yes”, Little Egg smiles timidly, but you spot pride in his eyes. “And after that I want to show mummy too.”
“Of course my dearest”, you tell him just as delighted.
“I also saved an egg to Baelor”, he tells you proudly when coming at you to earn a motherly kiss you give him.
“That’s my boy. Remember, this is your brother whom you shall always protect.”
Very serious, says your small version of your husband:
“I will not fail in this duty, mother.”
“I know you won’t.”
As you look up, finding Aegon as tearful as you, contentment finds solace in this new home, built over a wrecked one. Perhaps the Gods could be good, after all.
Not everything is about family, however. You need a moment to fly with Dreamfyre again and are about to do so with your youngster one when the Queen comes after you with a grave expression.
“Where is Aegon?”
“Greetings to you too, mother”, you do not mind the disdain in your tongue. “He’s with his son. Something you could have done too if you had the time.”
Alicent looks at her daughter as if she somehow wished you were like Helaena: quieter and serene, even though you are more than aware how your younger sister is also estranged with the Queen. Not that you have been very wayward, you have rarely been at her presence… is all.
Old wounds takes time to heal.
“This is not the moment nor the time to point out my wrongs. I know you will not understand the sacrifices I’ve made for this family, but I need you to summon Aegon.”
“Can you not do this yourself since you have sacrificed so much for us?”
Alicent sighs. At times she finds hard to look at you, and you know that is because you resemble Aegon.
“Your father…”
Now she has your attention. You think wise to give your maid your Baelor.
What you find in your mother’s eyes knocks your pride down.
“Your father has… departed this world.”
In other words, you know you should be prepared to war. And how strange it is when for the first time in a long while you and the queen find comfort in each other with a hesitant embrace.
Outside, you could hear the lightenings.
You are flying Dreamfyre when clouds start to rumble. Your dragon turns her head to give you a look as if she’s sensing your intimate thoughts. Amidst the announce of a storm sun is starting to rise in the horizon and you should go back… but you are reluctant. So she knows where to take you.
To your surprise, though, you find him there. In the very spot where everything began. Has it almost been ten years since you and him professed feelings for each other? It certainly doesn’t feel like it.
“Egg”, you call him affectionately. “I wasn’t expecting to seeing you here.”
Aegon looks distraught, a view that much plagues your heart. You take his side and hold his hand.
“War is coming. She’s not going to accept I am our father’s heir.”
“We can do this”, you tell him firmly. To his surprise, you are determined to go to the end of it. “I know my place, but you must know yours. Father has determined as tradition has that a male heir is to sit upon the iron throne. This happens to be you.”
“I wasn’t prepared for the role”, Aegon admits in one of his rare displays of weakness.
You cup his cheeks with both hands and make him look at you. Aegon finds comfort in you, solace for his insecurities, which you know so well. What’s more is that you never left him.
You stayed.
“Circumstances are better teachers than theories. I can help you with that, though. I am not made of silk or dragon blood”, you flash him a side smirk. “I have a brain sharp as sword.”
“Y/N… I never underestimated you. We…”, and here he whispers. “We both know you’d be a better queen.”
You chuckle quietly, rubbing your nose against his. Rain starts to fall but you both seem immune to it.
“Shush. I know my place, husband. You will be a great king.”
As if convinced by your arguments, Aegon rests his head against your shoulder, and you rock him gently, stroking his silver locks.
“We are doing this for our children.” He tells you firmly, regaining his composure.
Hands intertwined, eyes locked. Mutual communication.
“My Visenya”, Aegon smiles, besotted.
“My Conqueror”, you beam at him.
And all is sealed with a kiss.
The green council is gathering and in the meantime you spend your time with your sister and your children.
“We must be wary”, whispers Helaena to you.
You cast her a knowing look.
“Can we prevent it to happen?”
“I don’t think so. The crown has a price to pay.”
“I shall do it so”, you tell her firmly.
And then the conversation breaks suddenly.
“Mama”, says Alysanne, running to her side. “Will papa get burnt?”
Never before you detested these dreams your daughter and sister share.
“No”, you assure her firmly, giving a side glance at Helaena, who’s holding her own children protectively. “Nothing bad will happen to him. This I vow.”
To the rest of the day, despite not contenting yourself with embroidery, you settle with the role of mother just fine. But as rain gets heavier outside, you know another will come eventually: that of a wife ready to fight for her husband.
Later that evening, as you watch the children playing with their father and you rock young Baelor against your chest, Aegon tells you the plans of his coronation.
Alysanne and Little Egg are almost fighting over who climbs faster in his father’s shoulders and when he turns at them with that smile you love and says:
“Hey. What did I say?”
“One at time”, grumbles Little Egg. “But I am the heir, therefore…”
“Heir you are, but you must not forget your manners, my son. Ladies first, or has chivalry died?”, and here you try to hide away your amusement.
“Fine. You go, sister.”
Alysanne puts out a tongue, but she too earns a reprehension of her father.
“Now, now, this is not the way, Lys.”
“Sorry”, she puts out a face that makes her irresistibly cute. Aegon chuckles and kisses her temple before putting her over his shoulders. “Weee! I’m flying!”
Aegon makes a noise that you suppose to emulate a dragon’s. The whole scene is adorable and gets your children’s attention. Soon he does the same to everyone—but Baelor, who’s asleep.
“Very well. Your father is tired, he’s done for the night. It’s late and you should be put in bed.”
“Papa”, says Jaehaera, putting his sleeve.
“Yes, daughter?”
“Can you tell us a story before we go to bed?”
“Yes!”, Alysanne runs to her sister’s side and the boys too, despite them pretending to lack interest, which amuses you.
“It’s your day, honey”, you tell him in between giggles. “I’m already occupied here.”
Aegon rolls his eyes as if he doesn’t want this arduous task. However, he makes sure to get the four children to put in your bed before getting to such a mission.
First, he gets Alysanne and Little Egg under blankets before putting the twins on his knees. Second… he makes sure to get their attention.
“Now listen up. Do you want to hear a story about a dragon princess who saved her dragon prince?”
“Hear! Hear!”, Little Egg cries out. “Ladies and gentlemen, no bard nor storyteller can match our dad!”
Aegon blushes.
“Why thank you for the praise, son. So I guess this is a yes?”
“Of course! There is romance too so we are all very pleased”, says a very romantic Alysanne.
You watch as your husband is set loose to your children. He likes the attention, but more so… he likes being their father.
If we were peasants, we’d be a merrier family.
Sweeping away these melancholic thoughts that make reference to an inevitable upcoming war, you focus on how happy he looks when the burden of wearing a crown is not smashing over him.
How loved he is when surrounded by these innocent toddlers who want to please him—and Aegon is eager to please them too.
You are teary at the scene. Alysanne is watching attentively as her father tells in his own your love story behind a great deal of creativity and fantasy, which makes you chuckle quietly. Jaehaera and her twin brother are not too far behind. These youngsters who like to make your quarters a mess are unusually quiet, captivated by their father’s voice, eyeing him with the most genuine devotion of a children.
Eventually though as the story comes to an end, they are all snoring.
“Well, my king. Our bed is full”, you laugh quietly as you put asleep Baelor carefully in his cradle.
Aegon smiles, moving to where you are and putting you against his arms.
“Thank you for giving me these beautiful children. I cannot believe I am this blessed.”
“How could it be otherwise? Oh Aegon, I love you.”
You spot some tears forming behind his eyes. He clears his throat, still uncomfortable with his own sentiments. Nevertheless he says:
“And I love you, my preciosity. You are my moon and stars.”
“And you are my sun and universe.”
This evening ends well. And you kiss him in turn.
But even sun sets in paradise. You are outdoors with Helaena, two maids and your children when Aemond comes in.
By the looks on his face nothing good is coming. You prepare for the bad news.
“What is it?”
Aemond cannot look at you, but it’s Helaena, who runs to his encounter, who casts a look at you and says:
“War has found its home. We best be prepared to fight it.”
Like a premonition, heavy rain starts to fall. You touch your hip, feeling that dagger you keep hidden underneath your silk gown.
“Well… Let war come. It will end with fire and blood”, you whisper to yourself before going back inside with the toddlers.
• A Dragon for A Dragon: The Cause Must Be Avenged.
You are by your husband’s side when the crown is put atop his head and Aegon raises his sword, applauded under the cheerful voices of “Long May Live King Aegon!”
It’s at you he looks for when his smug smirk curls on his lips. You nod approvingly, pride sparkling in your eyes.
Later that day, when council is opened, you are with the children when your husband summoned you. To a general surprise, Aegon wants his wife to be present at his council.
“My lady Y/N is as competent as my brother, Aemond”, he nods at his one-eyed sibling, who gives you a quick, indecipherable gaze. “That is my decision.”
“It is as it is”, says Otto in a dismissive tone. “We need to ponder what to do to counter Rhaenyra’s actions. She’s not inclined to peace.”
“We ought to do what it takes to preserve my crown”, muses Aegon. “Who are our allies?”
Someone starts to list them. You watch Aegon’s reaction, furrowing his eyebrows as he ponders what to do with the information.
“If I may speak”, says Aemond after some babbling dies. “I suggest we take Harrenhal. It’s my understanding the Blacks are heading its way there.”
“We use our dragons before they do. But if they are armed…”, you muse in almost in an inaudible suggestion.
Aegon shoots you a glance.
You sigh heavily, but don’t argue.
“I can go.”
“But we need Vhagar”, says Aegon. “Perhaps we can do without a dragon.”
“That is impossible. We are talking about a war of dragons, Your Grace”, says Otto, somewhat impossible. “We must preserve the dragons until we cannot. There’s no need to be in such a hurry. We will come out with a defense tactic.”
“Who’s the one intending to claim Harrenhal?”, you ask suddenly.
Ser Otto gives you a quizzical look, but it’s Aemond who answers you.
“Our uncle, Daemon Targaryen.”
“He’s the right hand of Rhaenyra”, you think out loud, not minding to call her a sister when Helaena does this role a lot better. “What about the other’s?”
“You are not considering getting into this fight, are you?”, to your surprise its Queen Alicent who voices out a general preoccupation.
“Visenya did so, my mother. Whilst I perform my duties accordingly, I shall stand for my husband’s right to wear his crown”, you flash him a smile and are pleased to see him regaining confidence.
“Your loyalty is touching, dear”, says Otto genuinely caring, for you and Helaena are his favourite grandchildren. “However, what military expertise do you have?”
“I am a great dragon rider and I could use this well”, you don’t find prudent to share that you’ve been taking sword lessons for a while. And by the looks Aegon gives you, you know he knows. “I could beat Baela, though.”
“This isn’t about vengeance. It’s about war.”
“War is founded upon vengeance, grandsire”, you speak gently. “Let it be said. A dragon for a dragon, my Aegon shall be avenged.”
That said you recline back to your chair, pleased to leave everyone in the room astonished with this side of yours few—except Aegon, Aemond and Helaena— are familiar with.
“You must stay for the children”, says Aegon. He’s walking from one side to the other, in evident display of nervousness.
It’s just the two of you in the council room this afternoon.
“I cannot handle the possibility of…”
He leaves his fears unspoken and it’s when you walk to where he is and holds his face with your hands.
“We are in this together, whether you like it or not. Your birth right will not be stolen from you. As our children’s…”, you smile at him, fondly. “We will wage this war, but with no need to be cruel.”
Aegon rests his forehead against yours, nodding in an agreement. It’s when he pursuits your lips and you let him lead the way. Suddenly, the kiss evolves and you are gladly lying against the table as he moves over you.
Every issue is kept drowned when the needs of flesh overcomes each. Aegon needs you as much as he needs you. Here comes that boy, starving for affection, that you know.
You gasp as his callous hands run over your thighs, lifting the skirts of your gown as his lips brush against your neck, biting your neck, leaving traces of bruises.
“Aegon”, you moan out his name in response of his eager fingers digging to your core. “Oh Gods!”
His eyes look for yours and when finding yours, your hands hold his hair, pulling him over you.
“My husband”, you gasp, moving your hips against his skillful hands, and soon you take your seat at the edge of the table.
“No”, he groans against your ear when perceiving your intentions. “Just sing out to me…”
But you answer to none—despite gladly obeying him in all when it’s due—so you smirk rebelliously when your hand finds the path to his pants.
“Come here… Let’s do it together”, and you whisper in his ear. “Remember when you taught me?”
Aegon closes his eyes, already unbearably aroused by your words. You bite his earlobe, moaning softly as you speak unspeakable things, caressing his manhood until it pumps against your palm.
“Fuck”, he rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed. “Fuck, Y/Nickname…”
“Yes, baby. Together. We are always together…”
And when he rises his eyes and bites your bottom lip… well, he replaces his hand with something else and it takes little time until you reach climax.
As it has always been.
“I love you”, you mumble in his ear.
“I love you”, he whispers back.
“A king cannot be so until he leads his soldiers”, says Aegon before the council.
To a general astonishment, this is Aegon announcing his preparations to war.
“A king delegates others of his trust for a good reason, Aegon”, your mother snaps at him. “Do not play the reckless…”
“I think it’s funny”, you muse out loud, attracting the council’s gaze—with particular notice to a smirking Aegon, aware of how subtle your temper works, and for which he’s grateful. “How so many of you planned to make the transition to this new reign in a peaceful form, and yet when it is more than clear that war is inevitable… you stop the king to do what’s must. War should have been prevented many moons ago, but this is not the time to live based on “what ifs”. If diplomacy is not the answer…”
You stand, and you swear you detect an approval smirk from Aemond himself.
“…then fire is.”
“May I suggest a fare point that could be turned to our advantage?”, and here Aemond speaks in turn.
“Well, it appears I speak to deaf ears”, grumbles Otto Hightower.
“Listen to Aemond, grandsire. We are not as impulsive as you judge”, you speak softly.
After a moment of silence, the Hand of the king reluctantly lets Aemond speak, of which your brother is thankful for. And you take your seat next to your mother.
What happens next, however, will test the stability of your husband’s cause.
“Baela has been spotted flying near Storm’s End”, you are glancing through the window when you hear Aemond’s whispering to his brother. “She’s sent there in order to bring Baratheons to Rhaenyra’s side.”
“And what do we know about their position?”, inquires Aegon.
As the two men speak, your eyes concentrate at what happens at the yard. Unaware of a grave event that is to mark their father’s reign, Little Egg and Alysanne are playing with Maekar and Rhaella in complete synchrony. You feel a fang of guilt for not spending time with them, but you convince yourself this will pass. After all, you cannot neglect the role of wife. When you told Aegon you’d do anything for him, you meant every word.
“Y/N”, Aegon comes at you, hands resting over your waist. He knows what afflicts you. “When I told you to stay, I’ve meant it.”
He turns you at him, sensing your tears as if he senses his own. You cannot repress all this stress that you’ve been going through. You simply… cannot. And he’s there to hold you, to pick your pieces up.
“You don’t have to be strong the entire time”, he whispers to you, cupping your cheeks and fighting away your fears. “Look at me. I demand it as your king.”
You chuckle lightly, but when you raise your gaze, you know you are the one exposed for the very first time. And Aegon appreciates it.
“This is often the reversed role, is it not? It’s usually me asking for comfort and not the other way around”, and here he wipes the tears off your eyes. “Your unending loyalty to me, regardless of my vices and countless flaws, is a very endearing gift. We have fragilities and they do not make us weak. It makes us… humans, I think. Not a word I think of often, but here’s a brilliant learning you’ve taught me.”
And he proceeds:
“I honestly did not wish our family ripped apart like that, more than aware knowing how a war between kin displeases the deities. But what else can I do? This is not about us, but about our children’s future. I want our five, and hopefully six, toddlers to grow strong and with a prospective future”, he smiles when he manages to get something out of your sadness. “I lament it mostly deep that I’ve brought such misfortune to our family. I wish it was otherwise, that you were proud of me…”
“I am proud of you”, you cut him. “Aegon, I could not look elsewhere and choose someone else to be espoused to. As much as I get along with Aemond, this isn’t the man I love. Who did I come up to this world with? You, Aegon Targaryen. I weep because I want to give you the peace you deserved. I witnessed all these wounds and…”
Aegon swallows his own tears, knowing today you are the one who needs comforts. He comes to realize that, being this stronghold for so long, you too had your own wounds, your own pieces to get.
Oh my darling, Y/N. We are their creatures, are we not?
“You are my sun and stars”, he mumbles. “You don’t have to go through this by yourself, Y/N. We are healing together, won’t we? This is us against the world, my lovely wife.”
Lifting your chin, he presses a soft kiss over your eyes and says:
“You gave me everything I was refused in these years. You gave me love when I had none, you restored me trust when I lacked in; you granted me happiness when I was unworthy it. You make my days a lot better.”
A pause comes where a comfortable silence hangs in between. You rest your forehead against his, breathing in his silence.
“If we came to this world together…”, you whisper secretively.
“…then it is only natural that we leave it together”, Aegon vows it with a smile on his lips.
The decision is done and the pact is made.
You see Aegon flying high with Sunfyre and a bad feeling consumes you. Aemond is there too, so he’s going to Vhagar when you stop him.
“Nay”, you tell him firmly. “Leave this to me.”
You are not wearing your court garments, but prepared to go to war. Underneath green and silk, with some adjustments, you are dressing hauberk with two sharp blades carefully guarded. Your long silver hair is tied in a perfectly braid.
“Today we don’t spot Alyssa”, says Otto, concerned about your bold attitude, narrowing his eyes as you mount Dreamfyre and fly high. “But Visenya Targaryen has come to us.”
A remark that would later echo through generations of poets.
What you and Aegon agreed was to inspire soldiers in order to go to local Y/C and there make it a stronghold to his cause. However, spies delivered news that Baela Targaryen is preparing to wage war… with her grandmother, Rhaenys.
Yet, who’s coming is Rhaenys’s red dragon, Meleys. Suddenly you are remembered of your daughter’s dreams and her fear in losing her father.
In order to try to prevent agony making a nest in your heart, in barely gritted teeth you command Dreamfyre to fly above skies—as high as possible without, however, missing Aegon’s position. After that, you promised yourself to fly to Baela’s encounter: there is an unknown bad blood that you find urgent to resolve at last.
In the meantime, though, this isn’t about you, but your king, your lover, your brother, father of your children. This isn’t about a crown, but the legacy of your family—misadjusted they may be, but it’s still the one you are part of.
Grey clouds begin to assemble, but Dreamfyre flies as if it’s in her natural environment. She knows your thoughts and sentiments, she’s prepared to fight even if for a while she hasn’t been part of any of the kind.
But she can fiery.
“Baby girl, be careful. Meleys can be…”
Your words die in your throat when you see fire coming from the old red dragon. Suddenly, Dreamfyre takes a deep dive and gives such a strong bite against Meleys, getting her off guard. Part of the flames may get to you, and you think you hear Aegon screaming your name—you’re fueled with adrenaline, and you cannot stop.
All you know is that, moved by your sentiments, Dreamfyre does drag Meleys down. And it only comes to an end when both rider and creature fall down.
An explosion is heard and felt. You are flying high, Dreamfyre’s sound coming as if echoing your silent mixed feelings. Now adrenaline comes to pass, you realize part of your arm is burnt—and it hurts like hell.
“Are you well, D?”, you ask your dragon, more concerned about her than to your own wounds, in spite of the unspeakable pain.
As if to nod that she is doing perfectly well, Dreamfyre turns her head. It’s when Aegon comes at you.
“My wife!”, and when you turn at him you spot concern in his eyes.
“I told you”, and suddenly weakness comes to shake your senses. “I’d do anything… anything… for…”
And why do words die in your mouth and everything is dark? You have no idea, but you swear that you hear Aegon yelling as your eyes close.
• The Aftermath.
In a twist of events, Aegon II refuses to leave your bed until you open your eyes. Nothing can take his mind off you, therefore all matters are placed for now in the hands of Otto Hightower.
Your children have momentarily been put under the care of their aunt Helaena, for so distressed is the king that he cannot fail his children now.
But gods be good and you recover your strength. To your surprise, Aegon is next to your side.
“How… What…”
“My beloved wife”, Aegon smiles warmly when seeing you well and safe, mostly important: alive. “My greatest defensor. Imprudent and reckless, but possessor of the sweetest heart I know.”
He kisses you carefully, as if he’s afraid of losing you.
“What happened? Did we win? How’s Dreamfyre?”
“Calm yourself, love. Rest”, says your husband in most affectionate tone, though firm. “Dreamfyre suffered little damaged in comparison to your broken and burnt right arm and neck. Good grief, woman. It was supposed to be me.”
“No”, you breathe out of relief. “Not you. Never.”
Carefully you lean to his side, not minding the slight pain given just by a slight move. You caress his face, seeing his concern, the fear of losing you… that you risked your life for him, something none has ever done for him…
“I love you”, he whispers like the needy boy he is. “Don’t leave me, Y/N.”
“I love you too, my king”, you brush your lips against his, fingers intertwining together. “We promised to leave this world the same we walked in here, didn’t we?”
Aegon half smiles at you.
Even though the battle is won, the war hasn’t ended yet.
With you regaining your strength, domestic life—where the king’s and yours are concerned—goes back to what it was before your accident.
“Papa, is mama well?”, Jaehaera asks him, eyes tearful.
She’s clinging onto him as he rocks her in his arm. This afternoon you are resting and he’s decided that he needs a break of governing for a moment as well.
Under his watchful gaze, Alysanne is working in her embroidery and Jaehaerys is playing toys with his eldest brother.
“She is resting, my love. But I assure you”, and here he pauses to kiss his daughter’s cheek, earning him a beam that breaks his inner walls, “that she is well. Your mama is as dragon as you.”
“I am a dragon because of her”, Jaehaera corrects him, which makes Aegon chuckle.
Oh aren’t you adorable? How could I father such a pure child? And how… how else does she love me so?
In order to avoid the depth of such thoughts, Aegon limits himself in kissing his daughter’s forehead. Then he drives his fatherly gaze to his offspring.
“What are you seeing there, Alys? Let me see.”
Alysanne is blushing before her father’s attention. Very pompously, she takes her embroidery work so he can take a look.
“Aunt Helaena has taught me how to use the needle properly. I was struggling with the smaller ones”, she admits somewhat shyly so. “So here’s a green dragon. I want to mark in my gown your coat of arms, papa.”
Aegon swallows before the sight of his daughter, whose eyes show an eagerness to please him—a feeling he knows so well, but unlike Alysanne’s case, he was never corresponded. Precisely why the king beams and says:
“I am very proud of your skills, Alys. I am unworthy of such an honor”, says he with a wide smile.
In this sacred moment with his daughters so close, Aegon doesn’t see you come by. You are leaning against the wall, pleased to find your family in complete harmony.
Your boys, getting along… Jaehaerys trying to impress a very serious Little Aegon in his building, earning an eventual smile of his older brother’s approval. All the whilst Jaehaera sleeps in her father’s lap and Jaehaera is blushing pleasantly at the praises she receives him.
It makes you think of your own scars. How many times you tried to please your father and all you got was dismissive waves, distant conversations and comparisons to Rhaenyra?
Containing a sigh, you know how all of this is nothing to what you have now, but it’s pointless to deny these scars. They make you who you are, as it’s Aegon’s case.
Both of you are everything your parents were not. When Aegon looks at you with a smile on his lips, you smile too because you know you succeeded at it.
Despite the gleeful scenarios, war is still going. You are barely recovered when there are news of Baela flying to take y/c, a very important spot for the cause she defends.
You are listening to the Green Council’s strategies when you find Aemond and Aegon’s gaze on you. You lower yourself, but you know why they are concerned about you.
When defending Aemond so many moons ago, it was Baela who hit you hard. Even though you managed to knock her down, your fury was such that left the boys open mouthed by then.
A grudge that you were never able to overcome. A wound that time didn’t heal.
But the opportunity comes just fine.
“I can patrol skies”, you announce casually.
“I forbid you, Y/N”, Aegon is the first to protest. “There is no need to…”
“Y/C stays close to King’s Landing”, you muse, trying to remain calm.
“She’s not daring to come nearby when Vhagar is here”, interferes Aemond.
Both of you exchange looks. You bite down your lips, saying no more. However… opportunity to fight for your husband is coming once more, and yet at what cost?
Days go by when it’s decided that Aemond shall take Harrenhal on behalf of the Crown. This comes after Rhaenyra suffers another blow: her son Jacaerys was defeated once for all in an encounter against Aegon himself.
“I’m proud of you”, you smile the brightest as you two parade at the capital. “A great victor, that you are!”
Aegon flushes at your compliments. This day you and him ride splendid horses before all, richly dressed in order to reinforce signs that the civil war is coming to an end.
“As I am”, he takes your hand to his lips, not minding the courtly rules where public display of affection is concerned. “My greatest defensor. I am nothing without you, Y/N.”
Despite taking pride in this acknowledgment, you play the humble.
“My king, this is untrue. I only do what I am asked of: to daily submit my will to yours, to provide you heirs, to pledge for the safety of our subjects during this rebellion”, you smile at him for, despite the embellishment of your words, you speak such with your heart.
“My queen, blessed by the divine with the utmost caring for this one who gives you word; your unending loyalty and wisdom beyond your years played a great part in the conduct of the affairs of this realm. Whether I wage wars, whether I bring peace to our subjects it is in you and in the beautiful children you provided me that I think of.”
In silence, when he squeezes your hand and nods at you, you know what he means. And as you smile timidly and play the humble queen, he knows what you speak too.
In your own ways, underneath this public exhibition, one tells the other:
I love you.
‘Tis enough to make the people rejoice and praise for the health of King Aegon the Wise and Good Queen Y/N of House Targaryen.
• Epilogue.
War had its costs. But it eventually came to an end. Upon its twilight, revenge bled two broken houses of one dynasty for the last time. Aegon met his sister, Rhaenyra, just after you defeated Baela at the Battle of Stormlands, which would later be sang by bards how ‘two damsels, misled by the ambitions of men, took their dragons to a deadly feast and thus they danced’ until ‘the lady Baena was stabbed in the heart by a very bold move of Queen Y/N’.
Some of superstitious folks believed to have seen in you the ghost of Queen Visenya.
You brought a victory to your cause, but got yourself a broken arm. Dreamfyre was hurt too, but not injured enough to impede her to fly with you over the lands of the Baratheons, who welcomed you.
In the meantime this happened, Daemon Targaryen was defeated and Aemond conquered it all. Daemon’s lover, the witch queen of the place, Alys Rivers, attempted to transfer her affections to his nephew—unsuccessfully so. It was rumored that he said the following words:
“Mine heart knoweth no lady that is not mine damsel, Helaena.”
What was her destiny after these words were professed? The chroniclers could not tell. She vanished and many attributed to Lord Aemond her death.
Whatever the truth, Lady Helaena and her offspring moved with Silverwing to meet her husband, ignoring his orders that she should not do so until he sent for her. Apparently she knew what the outcome was going to be.
As for the battle between Rhaenyra and her brother for the throne, Rhaenyra was defeated. However, it was you who interfered on behalf of the kingdom to impede her death.
An agreement was arranged: Rhaenyra, albeit reluctantly, renounced her rights to the throne and agreed to wed her sons to you and Aegon’s daughters, as well as to wed her daughters to your sons. Peace was finally sealed and she was left to live in Dragonstone.
Once reunited, in the present day this feud is now a page in history. You are enjoying better days, ruling behind the scenes as Aegon conducts the realm with a wit that surprised most.
“He is a good king”, you tell your mother in a day where, to a general surprise, Aegon brokered a peace treaty with the Dornish. “Why it surprises you goes beyond my comprehension.”
Today you are dressing a long green, silk gown with reinforces your curves; your silver locks are carefully braided under a hair net that reminds Alicent of the days the dowager queen used to wear it herself. Besides the ravishing look, you wear the jewels Aegon recently gifted you: a pair of emerald earrings and a gold necklace.
“He was hardly the most devoted to studies, is all”, so your mother tells you.
It is a curious contrast how, after many years, you and her found a way to overcome parental issues. But even now, you find difficult to accept some of the critics she at times weaves to her eldest boy.
“Please, it was only lack of proper encouragement”, you roll your eyes as a response.
“I see I cannot make a comment about my son when I’m with you. Let us change topics”, and here she smiles. “I heard you are carrying another child.”
“Well, what can I say? Aegon makes it difficult not to engage in marital affairs”, you giggle maliciously.
Upon which Queen Alicent scoffs, feigning offense.
“To hear these words from the Good Queen Y/N?!”
“Why, I am not complaining. Pretty much otherwise.”
In between chuckles, you move to the gardens where the dowager queen finds all her grandchildren playing together.
Aemond, recently acknowledged as Hand of the King, is talking to Aegon, probably something about the affairs of the realm—judging by their serious countenance. But the one eyed prince is also attentive to his wife, Helaena, who’s teaching the now ten year old Alysanne to improve the girl’s skills, joined by their daughter Rhaella, same age as her cousin. As well as how Maekar and Little Egg—as Aegon’s heir will be always known—are talking nonsenses of their age.
The little ones are not too far behind. Aegon is holding three year old Baelor as he talks to his brother, but is in a position where he can watch over the young toddlers. It does not go unnoticed by all how Jaehaera tries to be friends with another Aegon, Rhaenyra’s son, who was sent with Viserys to be educated at court. Aegon doesn’t look very pleased, but young Viserys is too busy playing with cousins Jaehaerys and Aerys.
When seeing you with their mother coming at the happy meeting, Aegon soon excuses himself to greet you.
“My mother”, he pays the due respects to Queen Alicent, and then doing the same to you. “My lovely wife.”
“Aegon my darling”, and here you pick the chubby baby out of his arms. “Baelor, did you miss mama? Or were you too spoiled by daddy?”
Aegon gives you a smug grin.
“Well, isn’t this why I’m their father in the first place?”
“Not to overindulge, my love.” But not even you believe in what you are saying.
Soon, Helaena and Aemond join the three of you.
“Together at last”, and not to a general surprise Helaena greets you with a warm smile and her own way in showing her affection to you.
“Greetings to you too, my dearest. I was having a moment with our mother. She has some news to share”, you flash the dowager queen a mischievous smirk, pleased to find her blushing.
“Shh, don’t ruin the surprise.”
To which Aemond confides a whisper to Aegon:
“As if it’s a surprise to know what she’s yet to tell.”
“It did take more years than we’ve judged”, the elder of the two agrees, struggling to muffle a chuckle.
“Well, I was worried… due to the recent events that concerned us all, that…” the Queen doesn’t really know how to put it.
But Helaena makes it easy for all of you.
“If you are happy, then we are happy for you.”
“You deserve it, mother”, you echo your sister’s support.
“But I…”
“Do not protest. We’ve always seen Ser Criston as the father we didn’t have”, says Aegon.
“He did indeed raise us, though”, so Aemond points the obvious.
“I appreciate your support. Then I think we should invite Ser Criston to join us.”
“Later, perhaps”, says Aegon, mirroring that old mischievous spirit that characterized his youth. “I need a moment with my wife and my children if you excuse me.”
“Oh yes, the family man”, teases Aemond discreetly before getting a punch in his arm.
This afternoon, all parts well and in restored peace as it should have been the way it started long time ago.
Aegon has just flew with Sunfyre and Little Egg with his own dragon. It’s a good time to do so and represents a unique moment between father and son.
When looking at this growing boy, who’s about to rise to Prince of Dragonstone in due time, Aegon struggles to see he’s no longer that toddler easily impressed with Sunfyre and his first time flying high.
“You are looking at me in a funny way”, says his son as they land and go back to their quarters. “Do you have news to share? Or is it the way I conduct…?”
“No, no. Not at all”, and here he pulls Egg under his arm, ruffling his hair and pleased to get him some chuckles. “I was just noticing that you are growing to a fine man and I am not ready to let that go yet.”
“You sound like mom”, and so typically he pulls a grimace.
“Your mother loves you as much as I do. One day you’ll have children of your own and you’ll see what I mean. As for news, did I tell you that your grandmother secretly remarried and believed no one would suspect she did so?”
The fourteen year old boy laughed loud. A sound that somehow is almost equal to his. Aemond smiles.
“No! I cannot believe my ears! Was she espoused by Ser Criston? But that man…”
“Shush. He’s your grandsire now.”
But the idea brings the two to joint laughters.
Aegon is all smiles when he’s with his girls too. After spending a while hearing Jaehaerys’s proudly progress in his studies, a deed that does impress him, he’s doting on his princesses too. You are already pompously dressed for the dinner when you find your husband hearing Jaehaera’s recent claimant in her dragon which she named Moonfyre because of the curious mix of silver and red scales.
A deed that did impress her elder sister and father.
“I know we have a great bond”, says the seven year old excitedly. “But…”
“But you are likely the youngest of our dynasty to have ridden a dragon! And all by yourself!”, and here Aegon cannot help himself and fuss over Jaehaera, who blushes pleasantly. “My little girl is getting me some headache in the future, I can already foresee it!”
“Well, she has so much of her father to be blamed on it”, you smile at him.
What a scene. Aegon joins you, not the king circumstances made him, but the grown man you loved since you could remember. When he tangles you in his arms and doesn’t mind being affective to you—“uuuuuugh” would tease the boys and even Jaehaera makes a grimace—, you know those wounds took time to heal.
Love prevailed over all.
As you’ve always believed it.
King Aegon II and his Good Queen Y/N of House Targaryen were found dead in an embrace that would be turned into marble. Theirs is one of the longest reign, despite the early years of civil war.
Aegon II is succeeded to his eldest son, Aegon III, married to Rhaena Targaryen, daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. Aegon’s Hand was his long time loyal cousin, Maekar, who wedded his sister Rhaella.
No more turmoils to be seen… for a long while. Dragons did die, as foreseen by Alysanne, who became Princess of Dorne in due time, but they also survived and prospered.
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strayloveletter · 2 years
new theme !!
#ranting in the tags#ok so my cousin came to my grandfathers house for the weekend where ive been staying#i stayed at my aunts house for two weeks too with her#shes 12 but omg ive never met a more sly child#jk i have there are too many :/#i love my aunt like a mother#and my uncle is a great uncle too (maybe not an amazing husband or father but a great uncle)#and my youngrer cousin is a little psychopathic#the one whos five i mean#the 12 yr old is rlly cunning#and abnoxious#like ig i love her too but she really indirectly tries to make me feel like an outsider despite being all youre my big sister!! outwardly#+ she knows i have chronic back pain but she still traded my pillow with a more uncomfortable one when i was in the bathroom bc she wanted#the one i was using even though she has a perfectly healthy back#and obv i didnt want to take it from her while she was lying on it (though shes taken a pillow from under my MOTHER'S head before) so i just#stomached the back pain#and she turned the fan off even though i turned it on like do you know how hot it is here??#just take a blanket instead of changing the entire fucking environment to accomodate you#and then the next day she pulled something else which was actually pretty funny imo#she talks a lot ok so i just go mmhmm mmhmm while she talks for like half an hour#so she was doing that this morning and i noticed her tone changing so i zoned back in and she was all#baji my dad said he was rlly in the mood for chocolates but i dont have any do you?#ok so her father if he wants anything will come to me directly he wont send his daughter#so i kept going mmhmm mmhmm cause i was doing my hair at the time and she repeated herself a couple times and i was still doing my hair so i#kept going mmhmm and she got annoyed and went BAJI#(baji is the term for 'older sister' every child in my family calls )#me as)#so i was like what?#and she repeated herself all annoyed#and i was like ask my older sister
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happyhauntt · 6 months
a grey day — spencer reid.
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: spencer meets the newest member of the department.
─── pairing: spencer reid x autistic!medical examiner!reader.
─── warnings: fluff, reader is autistic & a mom, spencer's iq gets slashed to sixty when he talks to pretty girls and it's my favourite thing. no use of y/n. reader is performing an autopsy so mentions of blood but nothing too graphic.
─── word count: 1.3k.
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     YOU KNOW IT'S A GREY DAY before you even manage to open your eyes.
     And really, you’re expecting it  ━  this whole week has been filled with pale pink and lime green with solid, unwavering turquoise blobs in the middle, because you started your new job on Monday and the apprehension, the excited, the nausea, they've all been stirring up inside you for days now.
     Waking up to a grey day doesn't hit you as hard as it usually would.
     Still, you feel sluggish when you drag yourself out of bed ten full minutes after your alarm has gone off. The shower is a no-go this morning  ━  if you’re honest with yourself, the shower is a no-go most mornings, when your skin feels soft and sensitive and your brain can't cope with the idea of a barrage of hot water raining down on you  ━  so you slap on some deodorant and spray some dry shampoo in your hair, tugging it up into a rough ponytail.
     You take your time with your makeup, though; strawberry lipgloss and lots of concealer, a heaping of eyeliner and your favourite gold hoop earrings are exactly what you need to feel better. When you step out into the hallway wearing your comfiest black jeans and a jumper that's probably smart enough to pass the dress code, hearing your daughter giggling in the kitchen, the grey day lightens a little.
     It gets even better when your sister-in-law presses a travel mug of iced coffee into your hands.
     "Jackie, I fucking adore you," you say around a mouthful of delicious, soul-quenching caffeinated goodness. You’d half-expected Jackie to have something planned. Four years of living together means that Jackie tends to know about your off days before you do.
     The other woman suppresses a smile, coupled with a sharp look. "There's a three-year-old right there!"
     You snort, waving your hand nonchalantly. As if you don't have this conversation every single day. "Nellie knows not to repeat what I say." You turn to your daughter, your heart swelling three sizes as the little girl at the kitchen table looks up from her drawing. "Nell, baby, what am I always telling you?"
     "Don't go home with strangers."
     "Well, yeah, but I meant the other thing."
     The little girl brightens, revealing a missing front tooth. "If Aunt Jackie won't say it, then I shouldn't say it."
      You giggle, scurrying over to drop a kiss on your daughter's forehead. "Exactly right, my little love."
     When you turn back toward the kitchen counter, your sister-in-law's face is painted with an affronted look, her mouth half-open. "I can say bad words!"
      You wrinkle your nose. "I'll believe that when I see it."
     By the time you leave the house, sliding into your car with a second cup of iced coffee in hand, the day has lightened to a pale blue. You hope it will stay that way.
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     Well, alright, he'll admit it wasn't the first thing he was expecting to hear when he entered the coroner's office. It's been a while since he ventured down to the morgue, sure, but Dr. Peterson has never talked to him like that before, and he's fairly certain not that much has changed in the three-or-so weeks it's been.
     And Spencer's observant. He prides himself on being able to notice things, tiny details other people seem to miss, things that are so obvious to him that he can't comprehend how normal people can't see them.
     So if anyone asks, he'll never admit that it took a full twelve seconds before he realised that the girl in the white lab coat, elbow-deep in an open chest cavity, is definitely not Dr. Peterson.
     It's the most intelligent response he can muster in the moment.
     "It's okay," you add, hardly bothering to look up from the corpse. "I'm tired too. And you're not the worst-looking guy in the room." You jerk your head at the dead guy on the table. "Although I'd say that's a pretty low bar, all things considered."
     "Where's Dr. Peterson?"
     "He retired. Or got a promotion, I think? Not totally sure." You shrug, raising an eyebrow at him. "I thought I'd met most of the department already, but I don't recognise you.” You tell him your name, squinting at him through your plastic glasses.”I’m the new... coroner, medical examiner, pathologist, dancing monkey? They didn't totally specify the position when they offered it, which I think says more about me than anything else."
     Spencer blinks. He's not totally sure he's ever met anyone who could talk nearly as fast as him before. "Dr. Spencer Reid, Behavioral Analysis Unit. Nice to meet you."
     "Oh, cool!" The liver in your hands gives a wet squelch as you drop it into a metal dish. "I'm under the BAU! I answer to your Section Chief, um, Agent Strauss? She's a little harsh, huh? I'd, uh, shake your hand, but..." You hold both hands up, mimicking a surrender, showing off the blue medical gloves slick with blood.
     An inkling of a smile creeps onto Spencer's face. "I don't shake hands."
     "That's fair," you say with a shrug. "Can I help you, Dr. Reid, or did you get lost looking for the cafeteria?"
     “No, actually.” He remembers the files he was supposed to show you and reaches into his satchel. The intensity of your gaze is like lasers on his skin and he can’t help but fumble, almost sending a stack of documents scattering across the floor.
     When he looks back up at you, cheeks flushed rosy, your stare hasn’t wavered even slightly. Amusement lingers in your eyes.
     He clears his throat and holds out the files as if they are a peace offering. He doesn’t quite understand whether a battle has been fought, but he definitely feels like he lost one. “Hotch— uh, Agent Hotchner sent the Howard County ME’s report on the Richardson case. He wanted you to look it over and sign off before they file it for the District Attorney.”
     You nod at him. The corner of your mouth quirks a little at his stuttering. You’re not sure you’ve ever been so immediately endeared to somebody before, but there he is, blinking at you like a deer caught in headlights. It’s so adorable.
     “Sure, I can do that,” you say. “Just pop it on the desk over there and I’ll get on with it when I’m done here. Can’t get any bodily fluids on the paperwork, y’know? That’d be a nightmare.”
     The volume of your laugh startles him, and he jerks slightly. The sound of it is loud and warm and it should really freak him out, considering you’re wrist-deep in a cadaver and cackling like a maniac, but it doesn’t. It’s actually kind of sweet.
     “If that’s all, Dr, Reid, I’d like to finish rooting through this guy’s insides so I can sew him back up.” Your words are an obvious dismissal, but he doesn’t feel offended, not with the kind smile still adorning your features.
     He nods and backs away. His feet feel a little numb. “Sure thing. I’ll, uh, catch you later. Have fun!”
     “I’m sure I will.”
     You sound like you’re about to laugh again. Have fun, really? He knows he’s fairly inept when it comes to women, but have fun? He scurries out of the morgue and back into the land of the living, and as Spencer boards the elevator all he can think is that he’s so glad Derek wasn’t there to witness that.
     He’s certain he’d never live it down.
     Meanwhile you resume your autopsy with an odd, fuzzy feeling in your chest. You start to hum beneath your breath, a song that must have played on the radio while you were driving to work.
     Your grey day feels a little pink at the edges.
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fandoms--fluff · 7 months
Hi I know that I ask for so many hope big sister, but is a cutest thing to read so I am wondering if you can do other of hope big sister Where their parents ask her to babysit her six months old sister 
Little Princess
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Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson (+ Klaus and Hayley)
Warnings: none
A/n: Hayley and Klaus are together in this
"Mom, we'll be fine. Nothing will happen" Hope tells Hayley. She's holding you secure against her chest as you suck on the yellow soother in your mouth. "Are you sure? Because we can always get one of your aunts to come over" Hayley asks one more time, worried.
Hayley and Klaus had asked Hope to babysit you while they go out for the night.
"Yes I'm sure, go have fun" Hope sighs, she's been convincing your guys' mom and dad that you'll both be fine being left alone for a couple hours.
"Alright, sweetheart. We'll be home before 11" Klaus kisses Hope's forehead, then the top of your head. Klaus holds a coat up to Hayley, helping her put it on.
"Bye, Sweetie" Hayley looks at Hope and then at your form snuggled into her. "Bye," Hope smiles and holds one of your arms up, waving your hand. You giggle as your big sister waves your hand before she sets it carefully back to yourself
They walk towards the door, before walking out the door, Hayley looks back, sadness in her eyes.
"It's okay, Love. Nothing will happen to our girls" Klaus whispers into her ear, before closing the door.
Hope walks over to the door and locks it, before turning back around and walking up the stairs to her room with you.
"Time for some sister time" She nuzzles softly into your tiny strands of hair. You giggle quietly and cuddle closer responding to her.
She sits on her bed, resting you in her lap as she grabs the fluffy throw blanket from the other side of her bed. She carefully wraps it around you both, not wanting to wrap it around you too tight and accidentally suffocate you.
You suckle on your pacifier as you watch your big sister grab something off her nightstand and place it in front of where you're sitting on her lap on the comforter.
The title reads Cinderella. "This is a story about a beautiful ordinary girl who becomes a princess. A princess just like you. My princess" Hope tells you, kissing the top of your head then opens the picture book.
She starts reading the book, doing different voices for each of the characters. Three quatres of the way through the book, you start to doze off. Your head leans against Hope's chest as your half-lidded eyes try to keep focusing on the pictures in the book without closing.
But soon, you succumb to sleep. When Hope realizes you have fallen asleep, she closes the book and gently places it back on her nightstand.
She adjusts you so your curled up against her chest with her hand on your back as she lays down in her bed.
With her other hand, she holds it up and takes a couple pictures of the two of you. She smiles at the photos and saves them to the file she has for pictures of you.
For the rest of the night she just scrolls through her phone and texts Josie. She hasn't told your guys' parents or anyone about their relationship quite yet. Well, unless if telling you counts. But it most likely doesn't becuase you have no idea what's she talking about 90% of the time.
When Klaus and Hayley get back home from their date, they call out for Hope. When there's no call back, Hayley starts up the stairs, Klaus behind her. Hayley checks your room, but you're not in your crib.
Before she can start to panic, Klaus pulls her away from her thoughts and motions her to come over to where he's standing in Hope's doorway.
The picture she sees when she goes over is adorable. Hope obviously fell asleep while on her phone, it being a couple centimeters from where her right hand is. Her other hand is still rested on your small back. Both of you are fast asleep, dead to the world as of right now.
Hayley leans into Klaus's side when he holds out his arm, and wraps it around her shoulders. "See, needn't worry about them. They've got each other" Klaus whispers and places a chaste kiss on Hayleys head.
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comic-book-jawns · 15 days
“Aunt Lena!”
Alex would be the first to admit that she could have reacted poorly to her 12-year-old daughter asking if her godmother could chaperone the sixth grade field trip to the Smithsonian’s first West Coast expansion — the Museum of Magic, which she had already visited with Lena the day it opened — when Alex had gone to sign the permission slip.
And that she probably would have if her wife hadn’t preemptively swooped in, telling Esme — but really Alex — that of course she could ask whoever she wanted.
Alex had snorted to herself at the idea of Esme needing to ask. But fortunately, the preteen had already been slipping off the kitchen stool and whipping out her phone with a giddy “thanks,” so Alex had needed only to contend with Kelly’s sympathetic disappointment.
Now, two months later, the former director of the Deparment of Extranormal Operations, literally stopped in her tracks at the sight of a horde of middle schoolers, maybe half the class, beaming and cheering in unison at 6 a.m.
At least a dozen even rushed at the former CEO, taking turns giving her quick hugs, which Lena accepted with a small, but exceedingly warm, smile and faint blush.
“Ms. Smith, I think it’s time we got on the bus. Now that our guest of honor has arrived?”
Kelsey Rudd.
Despite Kelly’s cautionings, back when Esme was starting kindergarten, about not rushing to judge other parents… Alex’s rushed judgment had been correct.
Kelsey Rudd was a stuck-up bitch.
So far Alex had held her tongue, though, because Gianna Rudd had been Esme’s best friend since kindergarten. Naturally, Alex had laughed at the irony for years. Until Kelly had asked her to consider that Gianna, who was truly a very sweet girl, might not be so close to Esme solely because of Esme.
Alex had assumed her wife meant that Gianna appreciated the opportunity that playdates or hang-outs, as she was now supposed to call them, afforded her to not spend as much time at home — which she had not, to her shame, considered.
Watching Gianna meekly shuffle out of Lena’s embrace, however — as Lena tensed and stepped back simultaneously — Alex felt even more humbled.
And next thing she knew she was ruining her day.
“Hey, Ms. Smith. Need any more chaperones?”
“Actually, yeah! A couple just called out, so that would be amazing.”
Alex couldn’t tell if the clipboard-clad twenty-something was more relieved at the extra help or the excuse to step away from Kelsey… who promptly slung her arm around Alex like they were old sorority sisters.
“Any chance you got a flask in that jacket?”
After they stepped off the bus 12 hours later, and Kelsey offered her a parting air cheek kiss and promise to catch up again soon, Alex swore her ears were still ringing.
She knew that it had been worth it, though.
Even before she’d ushered Kelsey into a seat at the front of the bus this morning and glanced at the back to find Esme already watching her with a grateful smile.
Even before Esme and Lena finally said their goodbyes to the fan club and made it over to where she was waiting by the car and her daughter hugged her extra tight before sliding into the backseat.
“How’s the headache?”
Alex could haven’t stifled the bark of laughter if she’d tried at her sister-in-law’s dry greeting. With how sappy Lena got around Kara, Alex sometimes forgot how similar she and Lena actually were.
“I’ll live. I feel like I should be asking you, though. I had one adult talking my ear off. Not 20 tweens.”
Up close, the younger woman’s blush was quite prominent as she chuckled… or tried to.
Alex stepped closer on instinct, lightly gripping her elbows, as she knew Lena found grounding.
“Thank you, Alex.”
Alex was already shaking her head, her gut twisting guilty, but apparently Lena wasn’t finished.
“I don’t know if it’s just the hormones talking, but I - I think this was one of the best days of my life.”
Alex had never stood in the way of Esme spending time with her godmother. Obviously.
Though she also, obviously, couldn’t have said before today that she realized the impact giving her blessing for Lena to volunteer at Esme’s school and occasionally asking if Lena was available to supervise Esme’s playdates over the years had had.
On her daughter’s classmates, let alone on her sister-in-law.
“Imagine if they knew you were a witch. They wouldn’t have given a shit about the museum.”
Lena laughed brightly, the way usually only Kara could make her, and Alex felt a hint of pride… until her brain stalled out.
“Wait, hormones?”
Lena slowly smiled, as widely as a wobbly chin would allow, and Alex immediately felt tears spring to her own eyes.
“Kara doesn’t know yet. I wanted to tell you first since you’re the one who made it possi—”
“I call godmother!”
As Alex flung her arms around Lena, she was perfectly positioned to watch Esme accidentally, and quite forcefully, fling her phone against the car window.
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cxrdycxps · 2 months
Black Box Warning • Ellie Williams
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☢️ toxic reader • toxic Ellie • bad for each other • sad reader • mentions of suicide • alcohol abuse • reader and Ellie are kind of rough with each other • grief ☢️
Main Masterlist • Ellie Williams Masterlist
The more of me you see, the less of me you’ll like.
You fucking hated Jackson. You hated starvation more so obviously you didn’t leave. But Jackson was the worst fucking thing that ever happened to you. It was everything your sister would’ve loved but she was dead in a forest in Virginia and here you were. The lone fucking survivor.
Jackson was full of happy people who laughed and smiled and enjoyed the normal life. Jackson was full of fucking actors. There was still a ravaged earth outside their walls and no dance nights in a run down bar would change that.
You went to them though because it was easier to get over served at the bar when it was crowded. Sometimes you’d actually get drunk before Seth cut you off.
There wasn’t much coming or going from Jackson, not in the six months you had lived there. There was a bit of fanfare when some girl showed up with a baby. She had used to live there and her kid belonged to the dead son of the school teacher.
You hadn’t stuck around to hear much more. You didn’t care. People died every fucking day, no one cared, not really or the world would stop. The world should pause for grief but it doesn’t. Sometimes you take a deep breath and you keep running.
Besides working and drinking, Jackson didn’t offer much in a way that let your exorcise your demons. Not until Ellie Williams returned and a couple of smart comments turned into a busted lip. Then you could taste the blood on her lips. Taste the sweat on her skin, taste her orgasm.
It wasn’t love. It wasn’t even like, not really. You ended up living together for convenience, she needed a room and you liked having access to fuck her when you needed to feel something.
There wasn’t a surface in that house that hadn’t been christened with nail gouging, biting, cursing sex. It was rough and ready and it never really helped. Not really.
A lot of people thought you were a couple. Ellie’s not-uncle Tommy thought it, Ellie’s not-right-now-not aunt Maria thought it, and Ellie’s ex girlfriend thought it. Neither of you corrected anyone. There was no point explaining how you both hurt each other to make yourself feel better.
“You were probably really good at this before you lost those fingers.” You told Ellie offhand and then gasped when her teeth punctured the skin of you bicep. “You’re like a fucking rabid dog, Jesus Christ.”
“Oh fuck off.” Ellie abandoned you across the arm of the sofa and you looked over your shoulder at her.
“You’re seriously going to stop?” You asked her, aghast. She only did that when she was really moody.
“Fuck off.”
You muttered under your breath as you pulled your jeans up. Ellie slammed out the door and you stared at the brown hunters’ jacket she had left behind her. The snow had fallen heavily and she had patrol today.
You had to walk by the stables to get to the watch tower and you pulled on your own jacket before grabbing hers and muttering under your breath. At the last minute you tossed the jacket back on the hook. She had left you hanging. Let her get fucking hypothermia.
You were half way to the stables when you met her doubling back and you weren’t too mature to laugh at her when she rolled her eyes at you. “Could’ve brought it.”
“Could’ve let me cum. Go fuck yourself, Williams.” You pulled your own coat tighter against the frozen drifts. When you arrived at the East gate you found your watch partner and tilted your head back to stare at the sky with a groan. “Not my fucking day.”
“Suck it up. Don’t care about your lovers tiff.” Eli snapped at you and you pictured him with a busted lip and several missing teeth. It helped the annoyance. “First Ellie forgets her fucking jacket and then you’re late and complaining.”
“Cut Ellie some slack.” Dina chided Eli and you chuckled to yourself. Always in her corner even when Ellie had abandoned her and her child. “You know what today is.”
“Oh fuck. It’s Joel’s dead day.” You swore before wincing. You knew it had to be something bad for her to leave you hanging like that. “Shit.”
“You forgot her father’s anniversary.” Dina stared at you, a disgusted look on her face. You looked at her with a shrug and her jaw dropped. “The most traumatic experience of her life and you forgot? You’re her fucking girlfriend.”
“I mean, the most traumatic experience was probably her girlfriend being pregnant. That would fuck with me for sure.” You scoffed and made to climb the scaffolding that climbed the wall.
“God you’re so fucking useless to her.” Dina didn’t let it go, following you closely. You blocked her out, wondering what was the point of patrolling the wall when you could barely see the tree line with the snow. “She needs you to support her.”
“Dina, you’re confusing me with someone who gives a fuck.” You told her, watching as the gates opened and the trail patrol groups set out on horse back. “So some old dude got his head bashed in. I didn’t know him. I don’t care.”
“You’re her girlfriend.” Dina repeated and you shrugged. You wondered if you were her girlfriend. That seemed to be too big of a title for housemates that fucked each other to avoid their grief. Ellie hadn’t remembered your sister’s anniversary. Why should you remember Joel’s?
“Look, you fumbled your chance with her. You came back to Jackson to start again without her. If you want her that bad then have her.” You checked the rifle left in the patrol hut and checked the bullets left for you.
“You’d give her up that easy?” Dina asked, astounded in that very judgmental way she had. You looked up at her, bored with the conversation. “You’d just pass her off?”
“I would and yet you still don’t want her.” You laughed. “That’s kind of telling.”
Dina didn’t say anything and you settled in for a long eight hours, the rickety chair creaked when you took a seat on it, rifle in your lap. You wondered if you could argue the cold had earned you an extra drink or two to warm back up. Sometimes Seth felt bad for you. Most times he just told you to fuck off.
“I didn’t just give her up.” Dina spoke what felt like hours later. You didn’t look away from the snow because you didn’t care enough to let her know you were listening. “She left me and JJ. I didn’t expect her to come back.”
“Is it cause she’s down those two fingers? Because let me tell you, that hand? A complete write off. It does nothing of note.” Dina made a disgusted sound and you laughed, incredulous. “I mean you’ve got a kid, you’re not exactly in place to play the blushing virgin.”
“Do you understand what it’s like to love someone who sees themself as a sacrifice?” You would never tell Dina but you understood. Every time you closed your eyes you saw her face as she made the decision to sacrifice her life so that you’d survive.
She was stupid. Your sister. She had so much more to offer the world than you could’ve ever. You’d spent every day for the last five years torturing yourself for her decision. You, better than anyone, related to Dina. You knew what it was to be left behind.
“I do.” You shrugged turning to face Dina. You didn’t tell her you weren’t talking about Ellie. “But I didn’t abandon her, so I guess that makes me better than you.”
“Or it just makes you more stupid.” Dina argued and you knew she probably had a point. You would never tell her. “Ellie ruined everything we had because of a man who she didn’t even like when he died.”
“Stop talking. Or I’ll throw you off the fucking wall.” You pinched the bridge of you nose to fend off the coming headache. It seemed that you had only encouraged her.
“She hadn’t talked to him in months when he died. She felt bad because she hadn’t liked him.” Dina insisted.
“You’re so fucking stupid. He saved her life. I know you’ve seen her fucking arm. They were gonna cut it out of her brain to maybe try and make a vaccine. He killed the fucking doctor and his daughter killed Joel. That’s how it works. It’s a cycle!” You snapped at Dina who looked shocked, leaning away from you. “She loved Joel, she just couldn’t understand his reasoning for choosing her over the rest of the world. He loved her more than the world. You don’t turn into what we are over someone you don’t fucking love.”
“I don’t know-”
“It’s a twenty foot drop. I will make JJ an orphan.”
“You sort it out with Dina or you tell her to fuck off.” You didn’t give Ellie a second to even get in the door, finger digging into her chest. “I had to her spend eight hours with her stupid commentary on how I should treat you better.”
“Tell her yourself. I don’t fucking care.” Ellie kicked her converse off and dropped her bag, shrugging by you. “Anything to eat?”
“Do I look like a fucking house wife?” You asked her with a scoff and she rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. “Head on over to Dina’s, I’m sure she’ll make you something.”
“Stop with the fucking Dina rhetoric, I’m here, ain’t I?” Ellie slammed her hand down on the table in the kitchen and you laughed coldly.
“Should I be glad? Am I winning by eating off a plate that Dina licked clean?” Ellie narrowed her eyes at you and then your head hit the wall. Her hand was around your neck and you let your eyes shut slowly. “Finish what you started.”
“Jesus, you’re such a needy fucking bitch. Picking a fight because I didn’t let you cum this morning. You got fingers, don’t ya?” She asked, her free hand unbuttoning your jeans. She didn’t pull them down, just slipped her hand inside and laughed cruelly. “You been this wet all day or does my hand around your neck really do it for you?”
“Like three fifths of a hand.” You gasped and she squeezed tighter around your neck and pinched your clit cruelly. You would’ve been embarrassed with how much this was working for you if you cared at all what Ellie thought of you. Instead you ground against her hand as she pumped two fingers into you. You shuddered against her when you came and let her push you to your knees.
There was no smart comments when she shucked her jeans and boxers, pushing you forward by a grip on your hair. You didn’t bother to tease, paying extra attention to her clit, just how she liked it. She held you in place while she came and you stayed without complaint while she spasmed around your tongue. “At least you’re good for something.”
“Oh fuck off, Ellie.” You sighed and pushed yourself to stand up. You didn’t give her any further attention and moved for the shower, knowing she would bang on the door as soon as she realized. She preferred showering when she got home.
She got her revenge on you later that night. Hoarse screams came from the next room. Shouts of Joel’s name along with pitiful cries had you shoving your blankets down and making your way into her room.
She sat on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands. She was shivering in the cold and you watched her for a second. “Get out.”
“You’ve woken me twice already.” You told her, leaning on the door frame. She still didn’t look up and you realized she wasn’t shivering. She was crying. “Can’t save them all.”
She had said that to you once, when your told her about your sister. You had punched her and then fucked her for it. She didn’t even react to the words and you stepped into the room. “Get back into bed.”
“Fuck off.” She did as she was told and you slipped in beside her. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Shut up and turn around.” She faced the wall, her back to you and you pressed up against her, an arm around her middle. “It’s too cold to sleep alone tonight.”
Ellie was always awkward the day after you shared a bed. It didn’t happen often, it was never planned, and you preferred to pretend it didn’t happen.
“Hey,” Ellie spoke quietly from the kitchen doorway. You didn’t look up, letting your tea steep. “I’m sorry about last night. Yesterday was-”
“Joel’s death day. I know.” She paused in place and you finally looked over to watch her consider your words. “Dina reminded me.”
“Oh. Okay. Well I’m sorry for waking you anyway.” She mumbled and you shrugged. “And thank you.”
“I had to get to sleep at some point.” You told her blandly, turning back to your tea and removing the leaves. “Was the only solution.”
“Jesus, do you have a fucking off button for that attitude. Every time we do anything that might show this is more than fucking you shut down.” You laughed and turned to face Ellie.
“More than fucking? I’m just a hole and a mouth that you use to get yourself off. You are no different for me. If you want emotions go somewhere else.” You told her and she rolled her eyes.
“Imagine your sister sacrificing her whole life for you to end up this bitter fucking shell of a person.” Ellie laughed bitterly. “What a fucking way to honor her.”
“Oh, so that’s how you’re feeling this morning?” You asked with raised eyebrows. “Atleast I didn’t walk out on my girlfriend and kid to trek across the country and avenge my father just to let his killer go at the last second.”
“Your obsession with Dina is bordering on a mental illness.” Ellie accused and you shrugged, sipping at your tea. “She’s into women, you might have a chance.”
“Yeah? So she can turn me into whatever the fuck sort of lap dog she made you? I’ll pass.” You kissed your teeth when Ellie stepped closer. “You act all high and mighty but I know you got down on your knees and begged her to take you back and she said no.”
Ellie clenched her fists and you braced yourself for impact but she only shook her head, turning on her heel and slamming out the door. You stared at the brown hunting jacket for the second day in a row.
You would’ve brought it this time but that wasn’t very ‘bitter shell of a person’ of you.
Seth was distracted this evening. He had served you nearly double what he usually did. You let the music drown out your thoughts and sipped at your whiskey. You were bordering on what could be considered tipsy. Your toe was tapping along to the music and it could actually be described as a pleasant evening.
Of course, you never got that kind of peace for long. You weren’t overly polite when a grating voice started somewhere to your left. You ran a hand down your face and tried to ignore it. Everyone else was able to go on with their day and you needed just one good one.
You could have a few more drinks, if Seth was amenable, wait for Ellie to finish her night with Tommy and then get throughly fucked when you got home with Ellie’s hand around your neck and her filthy words in your ears.
“I’m beginning to think you two don’t even like each other.” Nope. There it went. Your pleasant buzz, your nice evening. With just two seconds and a handful of words, Dina had ruined it all.
You ignored her, sipping from your drink again. She didn’t like that and pushed in on your side and took the stool next to yours. You let your head tip back and huffed out a breath. “You never sit near each other in public. Any interaction the pair of you have is openly hostile.”
“Dina, I have worked by your side for four days this week, that’s thirty two whole hours I had to listen to your opinions. I don’t care. Now fuck off.” You told her, tracing your index finger around the rim of your glass. Your pleasant buzz was long gone and now the drink was fueling your anger, riling you up quickly.
“Why bother pretending?” Dina asked and you looked up. Your eyes caught Ellie’s first. She was watching you, half out of her seat. You turned away from her to look at Dina.
“Pretending what?” You asked her with a laugh. “We live together. We fuck. That’s all there is to it.”
“Except every time you looked at her tonight you got this serene little smile on your lips. Why are you pretending you don’t feel anything for her?” Dina asked and you blinked at her.
“Why are you pretending you aren’t mad at her for getting Jesse killed and then passing up the opportunity to kill the one who killed him?” You asked and stood from your stool, downing the last of your whiskey.
You were almost two steps away when a hand gripped your arm. Ellie almost barreled into you in her rush to get Dina’s grip off you. “Don’t fucking touch her.”
Ellie stood in your way to get to Dina and you shook your hands out, keeping your mouth shut now that people were watching. “She doesn’t like that.”
“Time you get on out of here.” Seth spoke from behind the bar.
“Time you stopped over serving her.” Ellie snapped at him, still staring at Dina. Seth only sighed and shook his head.
“It’s her sisters anniversary.” Seth spoke quietly and Ellie laughed bitterly.
“That’s in June. Stop fucking enabling her.” Ellie turned away from Dina and Seth and grabbed your hand in hers and dragged you from the bar. “Is it too much to ask for one nice night?”
You pulled your hand free and crossed your arms. You shouldn’t have to explain yourself to her. You always felt like a child when you did. “It wasn’t-”
“I’m not blaming you. That was all her.” Ellie assured you and you nodded. You stumbled a little, more than tipsy now the air hit you. Ellie’s hand shot out to catch you and you fell against her. “Let’s get you home.”
“Birthday. It’s her birthday.” Ellie paused in place and let you lean against her. She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against her. “I was trying to have a nice day. Was just enjoying my evening.”
“I know. I was watching you.” Ellie didn’t say anything else but she did urge you to start moving again. You leaned against her and she kept an arm wrapped around you. When you got home she let you go and you wrapped your arms around yourself and made your way to the sofa. “You want a glass of water?”
You didn’t answer Ellie, tipping yourself to the side and pressing your face into the sofa cushions.
You woke on the sofa, your head tilted to the side and a blanket tossed over you. Ellie had put a bucket on the ground too. You weren’t the kind of person to puke while drinking but she was so you could understand it.
It was still dark and you were fucking freezing. Your teeth chattered and you shuffled up to your room, changing your clothes quickly and staring at your empty bed. Ellie’s would be warm. Ellie would be warm.
She blinked at you from under her blanket when you cracked her door open. She had left her lamp on and you wondered if it was just in case you came in. She didn’t say anything but she shuffled over and lifted her blanket. You took the offered place, pressing your face into her neck when she wrapped her arms and the blanket around you.
“Thank you.” She only hummed, her hand sliding under your top to softly stroke the skin of your back. It didn’t take her long to drift back off to sleep and you watched her in the low light from the lamp.
You wondered if you could ever be what Ellie needed. You knew she needed to heal, she needed to be forgiven for her imagined sins. You weren’t sure you had that in you. You still hadn’t forgiven your sixteen year old self for letting your sister die.
You had spent every single day since punishing yourself for her death. She was your age now when she died and you wondered if you would ever make that decision?
If you would’ve sacrificed yourself to save her?
You weren’t sure you’d ever done anything that didn’t serve yourself first.
“I should’ve fucking known that pairing you up would’ve resulted in this.” Eli sighed when you arrived to the stables without Ellie. “Where is she?”
“Fucked if I know.” You told him honestly. Ellie had been off with you since that night in the bar over a month ago. She disappeared for hours at a time and you hadn’t bothered to ask where she was going to escape you.
“I’m here.” She left the stables with Shimmer and Henry in tow, both of your preferred horses. Ellie shared a look with you but you had nothing to add so you just took Henry’s reins and boosted yourself up onto the horse.
You and Ellie had patrolled together a number of times. It was how you had both first met, back when she had just arrived back in Jackson. It had resulted in some of the best sex of your life.
There wasn’t much discussion between you both, mutters about directions and when to stop and take a break. You usually let Ellie make the decisions because she was outside the wall more often than you were.
She was distracted today though. She had missed two turns and an outpost that needed to be signed. You called her attention quietly the first two times and by the outpost your very limited patience was gone.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Will you pay attention before you get me killed!” You snapped at her, hopping down off Henry to sign the log book stashed inside the dilapidated farmhouse.
“Why do you hate Dina?” Ellie asked when you looked up from your signature. She was standing in the doorway, blocking your exit. “Like you really hate her.”
“I don’t hate her.” You sighed, wondering why Ellie chose now of all moments to bring it up. Maybe that’s where she had been the last month. With Dina. Maybe she was leaving you. Did you have her enough for her to leave?
“You really hate her. Like I thought you were going to punch her that night in the bar.” Ellie sighed and you shrugged. “I need to know why.”
“Why?” You asked her quietly. She wasn’t going to let you leave so you took a seat on a rickety arm chair, dust puffing up when you took a seat. “Why do you need to know all of a sudden?”
“It’s important to me.” She told you earnestly and you shrugged again. You didn’t hate Dina. You disliked her, sure, but you disliked everyone. “I need to know.”
“I guess it would make it easier, huh?” You asked Ellie with a cold laugh. “I tell you why I hate the woman you love and you can go back to her without guilt, right?”
“No. The part of my life spent with Dina is over. I’m not the person I was and it wouldn’t work any longer.” Ellie sighed. “I’m with you now. That’s not going to change because you hate Dina.”
“I don’t fucking hate Dina!” You snapped and Ellie raised her eyebrows at you. You ran a hand over your face and sighed. “I don’t.”
“You feel something very strongly for her.” Ellie moved closer, taking a seat on the sofa. The same plume of dust came up when she sat and she coughed. “I need you to explain it for me.”
“She thinks we’re the same. She thinks because she loved you that she knows what we are.” You told Ellie and she nodded. “She asked me once if I know what it’s like to love someone who sees themselves as a sacrifice.”
“And you do.” Ellie sighed softly. You nodded, your hands clasped tightly. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you that I’m sorry, about your sisters death and how it affected you.”
“I’m sorry about Joel.” You sighed, your head tipping forward so your expression was hidden. “Dina was wrong though.”
“About what?” Ellie asked. You didn’t look up at her this time, the conversation more real that anything either of you had shared before.
“She’s never loved a sacrifice.” You explained, clearing your throat didn’t help, the lump stuck. “You’re not a sacrifice. You’ve never been a sacrifice. Joel knew that, that’s why he stepped in that time. I can see it. You don’t throw yourself into fights you can’t win. You throw yourself into fights you will win.”
“I don’t thin- I don’t know if that’s-”
“You fight for the ones you love. You fight for those who fought for you. Joel risked everything to keep you alive. He was a fighter too. Both of you lost a fight the day he died. But with even ten minutes more of a chance he would’ve lived. The people fighting you both knew that. It took years to be able to beat you.” You explained to her. “That’s not a sacrifice, Ellie. That’s the unfortunate reality of the life we live.”
“I couldn’t save him.” She whispered and you nodded. “I won’t ever forgive myself.”
“I know. I couldn’t save her. She wanted to go. She had always wanted to go. She didn’t sacrifice herself for me. She wanted out and she took it in a way that looked meaningful.” You explained and Ellie blinked at you. “She was always sad. She always had been. She welcomed death. I’ll never forgive her.”
“I didn’t know that.” Ellie whispered and you looked up at last to face her. You didn’t say anything, wiping under your eyes. “You never told me.”
“I don’t discuss my feelings Ellie.” You sighed, exhausted. “So no, I don’t hate Dina. I’m jealous that she got this version of you, one that was full of life and she let you go over some misguided theory.”
“You wish I wasn’t like this.” Ellie wasn’t asking. “You want who I was.”
“I want who we were.” You explained. “If we had both met at eighteen we’d have been unstoppable. I would’ve had the love you needed.”
“You don’t love me now?” This time Ellie was asking and you blinked at her.
“Of course I love you. I think you might be the only person in this world that I love. But I don’t love you how you need.” You told her with a sigh. “We ruin each other every night and then kiss the cracks we’ve left on each other’s hearts like that will fix it. This ain’t healthy.”
“So you want to break up?” Ellie asked and you shook your head. You wanted her to understand so bad.
“I should want to. I should leave so that we can both heal but Ellie, I can’t live without you. So we’ll never get better.”
You thought Ellie would come home more after your conversation. You had never felt as exposed as you had returning from the patrol. She had walked back to the house with you, arms just barely brushing when you walked.
You hadn’t even made it in the door when she was pinning you against the wall, her face pressed into your neck. She had kissed her way down your body, undressing you tenderly. You hadn’t ever experienced this gentleness from her and you had to choke back the tears that welled in your eyes.
It had been so long since someone had been gentle with you that you had almost forgotten what it felt like.
She made you cum with her mouth and when you tried to return the favor she had only pulled you close and in a move she had never made before, she hugged you close and kissed your forehead.
She left you soon after, claiming she had something she needed to do. You let her leave, your own mind on what you had to do.
You pushed into the kitchen, pulling the bottle of whiskey out from the drinks cabinet and emptied the whole thing down the drain. You winced, watching the last of it leave the bottle.
You left then and headed straight for the Tipsy Bison. Seth met you at the counter looking stern. “Three is your cut off point tonight.”
“No, I’m not- would you, could you cut me off? Altogether?” You asked him, hesitating. “Even if I ask?”
“If you’re sure?” He asked you and you nodded. He shook his head with a smile and you gave him a weak offer of a smile back. “I’ll let the others know. This is a good thing, kid.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure if I believe it.” You told him and he laughed. “It’s an important thing though.”
“She’s worth every bit of it.” Seth promised and this time you laughed, amazed at how transparent you were being. “It’s time the two of you realized that.”
When you got home Ellie hadn’t returned. You wondered again where it was that she had been disappearing off to. You didn’t want to push her, waiting to see if she’d come to you. If things really had changed.
It wasn’t until you went to bed that you found the note on your pillow.
I need you to know that I know how this looks. I know it looks like I set everything up today just to let you down again. I didn’t know that you felt the way you did. I didn’t know that you could ever love me. I’ve been planning this for a while and I hate that we got so close to being normal and I’m going to ruin it. Maybe you’re right, maybe in another life or another timeline we would’ve been happy. I’m sorry that it isn’t this one.
I need to do this.
Love always,
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 3 months
↭Haitani's little sister.
Rindou and Ran were half-brothers, since their father hasn't stopped with one woman. But when they got introduced to their little sister? That was a shock.
Apparently, you were their half-sister.
You meet them thanks to one of your mother's relative. When you heard that you had brothers, you were so happy and excited but now officially standing in front of them, you couldn't help but feel nervous.
Ran flashed you friendly smile and introduced himself to you. Rin, on the other hand, got introduced by Ran.
You walked closer to them and looked at them in awe before handing them the bracelets you made. They curiously eyed the bracelets and put them on. Ran was smiling brightly and even tho it wasn't a big smile, Rindou smiled as well. Maybe they really didn't mind a little sister.
That was the first meeting.
After that, they bought dresses, toys, shoes and everything for you.
Since you didn't have your own room, you were sleeping in theirs. Bet Ran would tell you bedtime stories but would fall asleep at the beginning, so Rindou would have to continue (he didn't know the story but made something up).
You three would mark your height on the wall. Being 4 years younger than them, you were shortest and couldn't escape their teasing about how small you were.
Sometimes it was a bit hard to know whether you thought of Ran as an older brother or parental figure, since he was already very mature for his age and was acting like a parent more like a brother.
I feel like Rindou would urge Ran that you needed to learn how to fight and yes, Rindou did teach you a lot about wrestling, boxing and kicks. You two were training together even.
You'd compete with Rindou often in arm wrestling. Of course he'd let you win.
You were the one who braided Ran's hair and told him to always wear braids and now he does. He likes them too.
You were ALWAYS safe with them. No matter what happened, you knew you didn't need to be scared since you knew so well that you had big brothers who could protect you.
On Christmas, you three gift each other handmade gifts that you made yourselves.
Ran and Rindou would be protective of you but they wouldn't be OVERprotective because you get to enjoy your teenage years.
Ran definitely disliked the idea of you going down the same path as them. He couldn't make Rindou avoid that path, so he hopes he won't make you end up the same way.
Once your friends stayed for girls sleepover and you all started doing rituals to summon your dead fish. No way in hell Rindou didn't get creeped out and was telling Ran to stop this ritual, while Ran was laughing his ass off.
You: I'm having boy problems
Rin: "His body won't fit in the casket" boy problems or "I like the guy" boy problems?
You: Aunt visited us, big bros. She's waiting for you two to come back.
Ran: be nice to her, she gives money.
Rin: we'll be there soon.
Ran: it's 7am you morons.
You: So?
Ran: let me sleep, jesus crispy
You: Rannie, you're colour blind, yes?
Ran: yea, why?
You: I'm thinking about what to get you for birthday.
Ran: I swear if you'll get me Rubick Cubic I'll shoot you.
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wonbin-truther · 2 months
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˚⊹ ᰔೀ dream boyfriend: incoming ˚⊹ ᰔೀ ╰┈➤ kissing the homies
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"hey. thank you for coming," you slid into the passengers seat of marks beat up 2005 toyota carolla. "its what a good fake boyfriend would do," mark gave you a smile as he pulled out of his parking spot in front of your dorm building. you were quick to pull out your phone to send a quick text to your group of friends along with somi's address to mark for the gps.
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"do you want aux? its that white wire," mark asked, eyes focused on the road. "yea sure." you connected your phone and pulled out your spotify. self control by frank ocean echoed through the speakers of the car. as soon as the first note hit, mark reached over to turn up the volume of the radio, "dude i love this song. frank ocean has been my favorite singer since forever." you let out a laugh, "he's definitely one of my top 3 artists." "tell me the other two."
you thought for a minute, "cigarettes after sex is number one. and for number three i think the cranberries." mark gasped, "no way i love cigarettes after sex. i think fate brought us together for real."
mark glanced at the gps as he drove up the block your cousins lived on, "these houses are huge." "both of her parents are attorneys. they make crazy money. they kinda hate us because my dads a fisherman," you explained to mark. you had tried to fill him in with as much family lore as you could after the wedding but had left out some small things you had forgotten to mention. "no wonder shes so stuck up. is this it?"
"unfortunately," you sighed. you shot a text to your dad that you were here as mark parked the car. "my dad isnt gonna be here supposedly so its just us." mark turned off the car and turned to face you, "an hour and we leave? i can make hyuck fake an emergency." you stared at him with a small smile on your face, "maybe half an hour."
mark grabbed the keys and stepped out of the car, running around to open your door before you had the chance to. "why thank you kind sir," you joked as you took his extended hand in yours. he closed the door behind you, keeping your hand in his, "anything m'lady." he gave you a wink as you two walked up the stairs.
before you could even ring the bell, the door was thrown open by the younger of the three sisters. "you didnt say you were bringing mark," somi practically yelled at you. you gave her a confused look, "why wouldnt i bring him? he's my boyfriend." you had to hold back a shit eating grin as somi gave you a nasty look at the word 'boyfriend'. she turned on her heel, walking into the house and yelling to her parents that you were here with your boyfriend. "the fun starts," mark nudged your shoulder, noticing the down look on your face as soon as you went to open the door. you squeezed the hand that was in his as you both walked in.
"and who is this fine man?" your aunt walked up to both of you, taking mark in for a hug and only sparing you a glance. "my boyfri-," you couldnt finish your sentence due to your aunts loud and dramatic gasp. "my god. boyfriend? yours?" she looked between the two of you before her attention turned fully to mark again. "her? honey you could do so much better. i dont know if this is charity work or something but ..." she trailed off mid sentence. you shifted uncomfortably but mark pulled you closer to his side, arm practically around your waist. "nah. she's perfect. i think i prefer real over someone fake," mark shrugged. you almost laughed at the irony of his statement.
"well. if you wake up and realize your worth, my somi is single," your aunt let out a laugh that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. mark shook his head, "sorry but im good." "suit yourself. yn show him to the kitchen. your cousins are there," your aunt glanced at you up and down before walking away. "now i see where they get it from," mark whispered to you. you couldnt process his words to you as you were internally trying to block out hers. mark seemed to notice your discomfort because he gave your hand a squeeze, "remember. hyuck's a drama major and extremely dramatic. if you wanna leave i can make it seem like the dorm burnt down." the comment got a small laugh at out you, making mark smile. "im fine. lets just power through this."
the kitchen was huge. the three girls sat at the island, glued to their phones. somi seemed to notice you as soon as you walked in, rolling her eyes and letting out an audible groan. garam looked up from her phone at somi's reaction and saw you standing there with mark. she was quick to move to great him. "come sit," she tried to pull him to the chair next to her but he stayed still next to you. you pulled a chair around to the other side so you could sit across from them. "where do you want to sit?" you asked, looking up at him. he ruffled your hair, making you whine about him messing it up, "next to you of course."
there wasnt much talk with your cousins, most of their attention being glued to the boy next to you. mark shot down all of their advances, complimenting you whenever he could in the conversation. he would try to bring you in the best he could, but you were more than happy not talking to the three girls in front of you.
you checked the time on your phone and hyuna narrowed her eyes at you. "yn thats very rude. are we not fitting into your empty schedule?" before you could speak, mark started first. "well actually i asked her to keep an eye on the time so we can get back before dark due to my early classes tomorrow." hyuna gasped as she turned to mark, "god i didnt know it was for you. im so sorry." mark said nothing as she aimed her apologies to him.
it was getting dark and you two had got through dinner. some more comments were thrown your way but you ignored them. mark looked at the time on his phone and stood up, "thank you for the meal but we have to leave. have a good night." mark gave a polite bow and you heard your aunt whisper to somi something about how she would love to have him as a son-in-law. you bid a small goodbye to your family as hyuna showed you both to the door.
as soon as you got into marks car you let out a huge sigh, "fuck i hate them." you felt tears welling in your eyes. "theyre all assholes. god i would love to meet the man who procreated with that witch," mark said as he put the address to the dorms into the gps. you laughed, "my uncle is actually really nice. can we find a different spot to discuss? i can feel them watching us." "oh yea?" mark glanced behind you and smiled when he saw hyuna and garam at the glass door as somi with her mom peaking through the windows. you furrowed your eyebrows as mark rolled down your window, "mark what are you-" you were cut off mid sentence when mark crashed his lips into yours, hands finding their way to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him.
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synopsis! it wasnt your fault mark was the first profile to appear on your instagram! and it was most definitely not your fault when you told your annoying older cousins that mark lee, the captain of your unis soccer team, was your boyfriend and somehow got him invited to the next family reunion...
tags! @haedgaf @onlyhyunjin @yumjsss @mmjhh1998 @nctrawberries @multifandomania @hyuoonp @kittydollzz @bathilda @413ktz @alethea-moon @meowmarkie @dojaejunging @morkiee @urlocalbeaner5 @nanaxwi @lvrholic @sunghoonsgfreal @jakeshuneybby @nosungluv @evilsailorsenshi @calumsfringe @candied-czennie @haesungie @tommina @woonagi-lemon @jovialdelusionbouquet @soheendo @vantxx95
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
Princesa III
(FC Barcelona x reader)
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Part 1 Part 2
After arriving to SGP Sarina gave you room number and she told you that your roommate hadn’t arrived yet.
The moment you entered your room you sent a text to Barca’s group informing your teammates that you had arrived, before even having the opportunity to do something else Alexia called you.
“Hija! He visto que ya has llegado al lugar de concentración” (Daughter! I have seen that you have already arrived at the place of concentration)
“Hi mama! Yes, I was about to call you! Everything went great during the flight”
“That’s nice to hear hija. So, who is your roommate?”
“Well, my roommate hasn’t arrived yet, so I don’t know mama. “
You continued talking with Alexia until you heard someone opening the door, quickly you realized who your roommate was, it was the one and only Lucy Bronze.
“Mama, debo irme mi compañera de cuarto ha llegado. Te hablaré más tarde. Si?” ("Mom, I must go, my roommate has arrived. I'll talk to you later. Yes?")
“Alright hija when you have the chance text either Ona or me who your roommate is. Take care hija”
Immediately as the call ended Lucy spoke.
“Nice to meet you kid! I’m Lucy Bronze” she said while stretching her hand.
“Hi! I’m y/n l/n” you nervously answered.
“So, with who were you talking with kid? I’m sure that you weren’t speaking English.”
“I was talking with mama, I mean with Alexia, and we were talking in a mix of Spanish and English” you answered.
“Alexia as in Alexia Putellas as in La Reina?”
While she started setting her things down you continued talking with Lucy. You learned that she currently was playing for City and that Keira Walsh is her girlfriend. You continued talking until she said that it was time for the first team meeting.
When you guys arrived to conference room you stayed next to Lucy as the only persons that you knew from the group were Maya, Alessia and Tooney as they played for MU.
At one point of the meeting Sarina asked you to present yourself as you were the only new person of the group.
“Hi! I’m y/n l/n, I’m from Manchester and I was part of MU academy. I play as a striker, and I’m currently signed with Barcelona” you said nervously.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You fitted in perfectly with the Lionesses. Leah as captain made sure that everyone received you well, Alessia and Tooney assumed the roles of your older sisters and showed you how everything worked. Finally, Lucy and Keira they became like your aunts however you couldn’t help but to find similarities between them and Ingrid and Mapi.
Before you knew it was time for the friendly against Switzerland. As you were in the bus on the way there Alexia called you.
“Princesa! Good luck in the game I just wanted to tell you that we are going to watch the game and we will be rooting for you.”
“Thanks mama! According to Sarina I’ll be making my debut during the second half of the game.”
“Perfect! Remember that’s it’s your time to shine hija make sure that everyone realize why you are la princesa de Barcelona.”
Your debut happened just as you told Alexia. You entered the game in the 65th minute. It seemed that Leila could see the future as you did score against Switzerland.
Just as the game ended with a win for the Lionesses and after celebrating with your teammates you heard a familiar voice.
“Hey Princesa come here!”
You turned around saw that it was Ana-Maria as soon as you realized that it was her you ran towards her and hugged her.
“Princesa! I’m so proud of you, you just had your debut, and it was spectacular!”
“Thank you, auntie!”
AMC presented you to some of her teammates and as she did, she gloated about Barcelona having the princess, the player who was going to make history.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The Lionesses were able to win two out of two friendly matches and it’s safe to say that you left a great impression to the team. Before you knew it was time to go back to Barcelona and before you could leave to the airport Lucy asked you for your number as she wanted to keep in touch with you.
As soon as you landed you sent Alexia a text message indicating that you only had to pick up your luggage and after picking it up you walked towards the exit. As soon as you spotted Alexia and Olga you ran towards Ale.
“Hija! I’m so proud of you!” she greeted while she hugged you.
“Thank you mama, I had so much fun, but I missed you a lot”
“How about this we go out to eat dinner, you sleep at our apartment and tomorrow I take you to the training session.”
You separated from Alexia and turned towards Olga.
“Is this ok with you Olga? I don’t want to bother” you shyly asked her.
“Nonsense kid! You are always welcomed to spend time with us” she reassured you.
Alexia couldn’t help but to smile while she saw yours and Olga’s interaction.
“Mama, before I forget it take this. It’s the jersey of my international debut, it’s the one I used against Switzerland I want you have it.” You said after taking out the jersey from your backpack.
“Thank you hija, I’ll treasure this forever. When we get back to the apartment you better sign the jersey frilla” Alexia answered with tears on her eyes.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
As soon as you entered the locker room Jana and Bruna tackled you.
“Felicidades hermanita! We are so proud of you!” Bruna said.
“Si hermana! You played amazingly!” Jana said at the same time.
After they got off you and you could stand up Leila approached you and turned towards Ana
“Hey Ana! Just as I said la princesa scored against you!” she jokingly said.
“Ouahabi just wait for her to play against Spain I’m sure you guys won’t be able to stop her!” Ana-Maria answered.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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brazilian-vampyra · 3 months
꒰ ♡ ₊ ꒱ ⠀!⠀ AKAI ITO (01/02) ! ⠀"
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₊˚⊹♡ synopsis: the feared king of curses Ryomen Sukuna is back among humans, and you didn't expect to get his attention.
₊˚⊹♡ trigger warnings: kidnapping, strong language, nudity, suggestive topics, Sukuna being slightly lovely with the reader, violence, Sukuna x fem!reader.
₊˚⊹♡ the song Sukuna keep playing is "Fantasia and Fuge in G minor, BWV 542 "The Great" by Johann Sebastian Bach.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 and reasonably comfortable, when I found myself waking up suddenly, surrounded by the gloom of my room. A shiver ran down my spine, as if an electric current had suddenly manifested itself, and my senses sharpened, catching an indescribable sensation of an ominous presence that filled the space around me.
I opened my eyes in the darkness, trying to understand the origin of this inexplicable shiver. I raised my hand to the back of my neck, feeling how my hairs were standing on end, and a mist of uneasiness hung in the air, as if something malevolent had penetrated the boundaries of reality and was now hiding in the shadows. My heart quickened, not out of fear, but in silent anticipation of knowing what it was about.
With cautious steps, I slid my bare feet across the cold floor of my apartment, approaching the half-open window. Outside, the distant lights of Tokyo seemed obscured by an aura that even I couldn't explain, and the pulse of the normally vibrant city was drowned out by a sense of expectation.
My cell phone rang, on the bedside table, and I ran to answer it. It was very late, it was already past midnight. Who could it be?
It was my older brother.
━━ Did you feel it too?
We both asked at the same time.
━━ Yes, I did — I said to him.
━━ I did it too… — Toji replied. ━━ Are you fine?
━━ I am... but this feeling is very strange… — I replied, placing my hand on my chest.
━━ Look, go to sleep, okay? You have to teach at Jujutsu High tomorrow, I promise you everything will be fine — my older brother sighed. ━━ Good night, little sis.
━━ Good night, big bro.
I really couldn't sleep that night. The sensation was bizarre, as if something was lurking, whispering in my ear and breathing heavily on the back of my neck.
The next day was cloudy — something very different for spring, which was being followed by sunny days with a beautiful blue sky. The skirt of my white dress fluttered in the breeze and I adjusted the sleeves of my denim jacket as I walked inside Jujutsu High. I saw Megumi talking to Itadori in the hallway, and I ran to the brunette, hugging him tightly.
━━ Megumi, my dear! — I hugged him tightly, bringing my hands to his face, holding his cheeks and making him look at me. ━━ Are you okay?
━━ Hi, auntie… — he was still a little embarrassed that I treated him like that in front of his friends. Because I look more like a sister than an aunt, despite being older, my appearance is youthful due to my nature. There are pros and cons of being a 22-year-old teacher. ━━ I'm fine and you?
━━ That's good, I'm fine too! — I looked to the side. ━━ Ah, good morning, Yuji!
━━ Good morning! — the pink-haired boy smiled happily. He thought the way I treated my nephew was cute.
Although Toji is not a present father in my little darling's life, there are two people he trusts immensely to take care of our little one: me and Gojo Satoru.
Talking about him, I heard the light-eyed sorcerer call me, adjusting his sunglasses.
━━ Does my favorite sorceress have some time for an important matter?
━━ Of course!
Now we were in the teachers' room, gathered near the coffee machine, next to Nanami who looked tense. It was difficult to see that “wall” express something, just like my brother.
I took a sip of the coffee with notes of caramel and vanilla essence that he had prepared for me.
━━ Everyone felt that way yesterday, right? — Kento cleaned the lens of his glasses.
━━ I woke up in the middle of the night. That's strange... it never happened... — just remembering it made me feel cold.
━━ Well, I think we already know... — Gojo bit into a sandwich, how can he eat at a time like this… ━━ That if everyone felt the same thing, late in the morning... it's because something really, really bad happened... so, I think…
━━ No!
The blonde and I exclaimed at the same time. We already knew what he was going to say, it's almost like an intuition.
━━ You don't even know what I'm going to say!
━━ Yes, we know — Kento crossed his arms.
━━ It is not a hypothesis to be ruled out!
━━ It's impossible, Satoru! Impossible! — I said.
━━ The impossible is just a matter of opinion when it comes to magic, my dear — the white-haired sorcerer had an important point.
Ryomen Sukuna had been defeated during the Heian era, centuries ago. At first, the sorcerers had the idea of sealing the curse on twenty fingers, but they disregarded this hypothesis, as they were afraid that it would be easy to bring him back in the future.
Therefore, the king of curses was mutilated, completely dismembered. Then, the sorcerers cremated his parts, one by one, and sealed them in individual urns, which were spread across different parts of the world. How could anyone have gotten all these urns and performed the ritual to get him back?
It would be a lot of work for a huge disgrace. Many rituals had to be done, innocent blood had to be spilled so that the ashes would materialize in parts of his body again.
Who wanted Sukuna alive?
If he returned, he would destroy the sorcerers. And, our death means the death of everyone, the death of humanity.
Now, I walk along the winding forest trail, surrounded by the shadows of the trees in this late afternoon. My mind is still restless, and what Gojo suggested earlier is haunting my every thought. I don't care so much about what will happen to me, but I need to protect my nephew, my brother and my friends.
The sparkling crystals I sought out for the purification ritual were a welcome distraction. The city was as restless as my head, and I felt it in my core.
While collecting the crystals among the roots and mosses, a strange sound broke the silence. A thunderous cry for help. I immediately dropped the crystals and ran away as fast as I could.
I was immediately petrified by the terrifying scene that my eyes captured. There was a dead man on the floor; unfortunately I arrived too late. His lifeless and completely bloodied body lay with his chest open and empty. I went closer to look at the hole.
━━ It couldn't have been a bear, there are no scratches... it was just a fatal blow to the chest…
━━ Well now... are you looking for this?
I heard a booming voice behind me, and I looked back. He was identical to Itadori, even the color of his hair, and was more muscular. Furthermore, there was something different in his gaze: cruelty. There were two extra eyes just below the ones already on his face, and he was a little taller. But it didn't have four arms.
Gojo was right, really, the impossible in the field of magic is just a matter of opinion.
I looked at the hand he offered to me, there was the man's heart, and it was pulsing a little. My reaction was to run as far as I could, and even then I could hear his evil laugh.
━━ Run, run and hide, bunny! Just don't let me find you!
Fighting Sukuna would be suicide, and suddenly I found myself lost in the forest. How can I? How am I lost in the fucking forest I've been wandering through my whole life? I know this place like the back of my hand
I was on the verge of having a panic attack, I ran as if my life depended on it — and it did — if I died, I wouldn't be able to protect the people I love. I sneaked between some trunks and trees, until I got close to a stream, where I could hide behind some rocks. The only thing I heard now was my heartbeat and the sound of water, along with some owls.
When suddenly, I feel a hand touch my shoulder.
━━ Oh, what a shame... I found you!
Sukuna's hands went to my hips, squeezing tightly as he tried to hold me in his lap. I struggled and screamed, it seemed like my powers were useless now, because when your emotions are shaken, your magic weakens. He didn't even tickle that son of a bitch.
━━ I love skittish women, you know that?
The blood on the cursed palms stained my white dress, which was now practically scarlet, and also stained my skin. Despite all my efforts, nothing worked, he ended up throwing my body over his own shoulder, while I continued to struggle.
━━ Look, I'm trying not to hurt you, but you're making things difficult, bunny.
He laughed sarcastically, I was a complete joke now. A sorceress from the Jujutsu Academy who couldn't protect herself, unfortunately my emotions still shook me a lot and this made my techniques difficult.
I looked at the ground, seeing some footprints that the tallest one left. What would become of me now? Was he going to kill me? Swallow me alive?
My eyes were starting to tickle a little, as if an invincible sleep was ravaging my eyelids, which became increasingly heavy, until I sighed one last time, and fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up in a daze, with my senses deadened by the oppressive darkness that enveloped me. My mind tried to comprehend the situation while my body remained still, I felt something around my wrists, a cold material. The feeling of being captive, enclosed in darkness, left me with severe restlessness.
I then sat down, on what seemed like a very soft carpet, at the same time I heard the noise of the chains. I wish this was just a dream.
━━ Shit… — I sighed.
━━ Good morning, sleeping beauty.
I heard his harsh voice ring through the room, when the fireplace was lit, with its purple flames. Now the environment had become illuminated, and I could see better where I was. It looked like an old living room, perhaps from imperial times, with sophisticated furniture.
Sukuna was there, a few meters away from me, sitting in a leather armchair, wearing a black kimono and with his arms crossed. He smiled at me, like an idiot smiles when he knows he's won.
━━ What’s this? — I was still disoriented, it felt like I had hibernated. ━━ How long did I sleep?
━━ Just a few hours, relax.
━━ Where am I? What is this place?
━━ My palace. You're in my living room — he opened his arms and showed me the room.
I felt my head boil and whistle, like a pressure cooker, and if this were a cartoon, there would definitely be smoke coming out of my nostrils and ears. A tantrum was rising in me, and I could even feel my powers coming on, but it had no effect.
Instead, my left shoulder started to burn.
I groaned in pain and started panting. Until I looked to the side and noticed a mark on my skin, like a seal or something similar. Had he blocked my powers? For the love of the elder gods, someone kill me.
━━ Oh, my dear... you won't be able to use your powers, not here — he sighed, as if he was saying something completely casual. ━━ The more you try, the more the seal will burn, and as I'm sure you don't like feeling pain, I recommend stopping…
━━ You son of a bitch... — were the most sincere words I could come up with.
━━ Aww, this hurts... — he placed a hand on his chest after that insult.
━━ Honestly, I'd rather you kill me right away.
He laughed then, a strangely satisfying laugh, like someone who had just heard the best joke of the year.
━━ Kill you? No no. I have other plans! — He got up from the armchair and walked over to me. ━━ What would be the fun in killing such an adorable little creature like you?
━━ What are you going to do? Leave me here to decorate your living room? I'm pretty sure I'm not part of the decor.
━━ No, no... I just want company, you know? — he patted my head, as if I were a dog. ━━ I was gone for so many eras... and you were the first pretty face I saw. So I thought "why not bring her here?"
━━ That's ridiculous.
━━ Well, maybe it is. I don't care — he shrugged and walked to the room's huge door. ━━ We can play later, bunny. Now I have some important topics to solve as a king.
The moment he closed the door I started struggling and swearing. I was furious and felt like crap. How could I have fallen into his clutches? How did this happen?
Now look where I am! On the carpet in the living room of this huge palace where he lives, alone, chained, powerless and in the dark. If he swallowed me all at once, it would be a much more dignified death. But for him, it might be funny to see me suffer like this.
I tried to look at the windows, and saw that they were covered by long, thick black curtains.
The only source of light I had left was this fireplace with a purple flame. I stood up and noticed how dirty I was, with dried blood and the smell of iron that entered my nostrils. The chains were only attached to my wrists, and they were considerably long, they didn't keep me completely immobile.
I heard a voice whisper something inaudible.
I was surprised and remained silent, listening carefully to see if the voice said anything again. And so it happened, a shame I couldn't recognize it. However, I saw that the voice had come from the fireplace, so I approached it slowly. Were there any souls?
They said something again.
━━ What? — I whispered.
━━ Fresh soul…
By the gods, it's not possible.
━━ FRESH SOUL! — several voices said together, and then a hand came out of the fire and grabbed my ankle.
I screamed in surprise and tried to free myself, but to no avail, as another hand came to grab my other ankle. My body fell to the floor at the same moment, using as much strength as I had left so I could kick those hands and they let me go, while I clung to the carpet. I managed to kick some of them, however, then others came and grabbed my ankles, pulling me towards the fire.
I was being pulled by a legion of souls. Fighting was in vain, I no longer had as much strength as before.
That ghostly chorus scared me even more, so I had no other option:
I screamed, desperate, and in a few seconds he appeared. The door to the room was slammed against the wall when he stormed in and shouted at them.
The souls obeyed and released my ankles, while Sukuna snapped his fingers and made the chains disappear. He bent down and picked me up, holding my legs and my back. He didn't hold me sloppily like he had in the forest, this time he was really careful, and that left me perplexed.
However, this experience was so scary that it made me cry with anxiety.
━━ Why didn't you just throw me in a fucking dungeon!?
━━ The palace is mine, I decide where I put you — he began to walk out of the room, heading into a vast hallway. ━━ Besides, there must be something much worse in the dungeon.
I remained silent, as I was in the grip of this powerful curse. The only thing I could do was accept my fate, and accept whatever it was going to do to me. I didn't have much of a chance to resist, because even though I'm without the chains, I still have the seal on my shoulder.
He continued walking a little further down the corridor, carrying me, until he reached a… room?
The walls were covered in dark velvet, in a shade of moss green and there were large crimson curtains, which adorn the large windows, leaving the light scarce and filtered, which gave me a feeling of seclusion. In the center is a colossal four-poster bed, ornamented with what I thought was gold and carved from dark wood.
Persian rugs covered the stone floor, and there was an ebony table next to it. In the far corner of the room was a fireplace that crackled softly, casting dancing shadows on the walls. After this experience with the cursed souls, I have a certain trauma, but apparently it's "common fire".
I also noticed one or two paintings on the wall, with images from Japanese folklore.
━━ Take a shower and it won't take long to go downstairs.
━━ Down the stairs? For what? — I questioned, as he placed me on the ground.
━━ You have to feed.
So, he closed the bedroom door and left me completely alone. I looked up from the bed and noticed a white kimono. I took it and went to another oak door, which was a bathroom.
There, I took a good shower to remove the blood from my body, and take a few deep breaths, while the warm water kissed my skin. I sighed heavily several times, thinking about how my family and friends were doing. Were they already looking for me? Does everyone already know that Sukuna is on the loose?
What if I never get the chance to see them again?
I should have had lunch with Toji more often, and I should have hugged Megumi harder and longer. A few tears rolled down my face when I thought about it, but I preferred to avoid dwelling on that thought. I dried my body with a red towel that was there and got dressed with my kimono, leaving the blood-stained dress on top of the marble sink.
Leaving the room, I paid attention to the large windows in the hallway. The sky was strange, like the end of a very cloudy day. I descended huge stairs that seemed to be made of ivory, adorned with red carpets that slid down the steps.
At the bottom of the stairs, he was waiting for me. His expression was friendlier than yesterday when we first met. He didn't have four eyes, nor a sarcastic smile.
━━ It is a little big, but from the looks of it, it fit — he said, looking at the kimono. ━━ Then I'll get you better clothes.
I nodded silently and followed him as he walked, heading to a huge dining room. All the rooms in this palace were certainly dark, with these chandeliers that provided very good lighting, but did not take away from the funereal air.
There was a huge dining table in that room, like those you see in huge banquets in medieval films. Sukuna felt on edge, and pulled out a chair next to me for me to sit on, and I did so.
━━ Then what you will do? Snap your fingers and make food magically appear?
He laughed softly and shook his head.
━━ You're smart, I appreciate that — he said calmly. ━━ What do you want to eat and drink?
I gave a description of some food and a drink, quite accurately, saying everything. And immediately, he snapped his fingers, making it appear on the table.
━━ Make sure you eat right, okay?
Was that a way for him to show that he cared about me or what? Because if he was trying to convey some credibility, he wouldn't succeed.
I thanked him shyly and began to eat quietly, while he remained next to me, with one elbow resting on the table, while one hand was supporting his face. His eyes watched me intently as I chewed and took subtle sips from the glass. It was then that I noticed a bracelet around the man's strong wrist; probably amethyst.
━━ Dessert time now?
He suggested, and in the blink of an eye, a slice of berry pie appeared on a small porcelain plate in his hand.
━━ What? Hm… of course, of course.
He picked up a silver fork and brought it to the slice, which was soft and juicy. Then taking it to my mouth. I was surprised and had no reaction for the first three seconds, until I finally accepted and ate it.
What's up with this guy? Is he doing what the witch did to Hansel? She fed him a lot until he was chubby so she could eat him.
Sukuna looked at me differently. I would say he didn't look at me as someone who would kill me, but with a certain appreciation. A certain compassion, perhaps. But, that silence was strange, so I decided to ask:
━━ Where did this bracelet come from? — I finished chewing some of what he had given me. ━━ I mean, it doesn't really fit your aesthetic.
━━ Not really, but I love it. I've been using it since the day I got it.
━━ Love? — I gently licked my lower lip, collecting the crumbs. ━━ I'm sorry, I can't imagine someone like you is capable of love.
━━ I didn't knew I had this ability either, until the woman in my life showed up — he said, taking another piece on his fork.
━━ Have you ever fallen in love? — now I was really perplexed.
━━ Unfortunately, yes.
From the tone of his response, I could guess that she had broken his heart.
━━ It must not have been a good experience, I'm sorry.
━━ It was a great experience — he gave me some more pie. ━━ But I fell in love with someone who was my complete opposite.
━━ Was that a long time ago?
He laughed softly.
━━ Since the Heian era. She was the sorceress of the imperial family — how strange to see him talking like that. ━━ Strong, smart, powerful, fucking beautiful…
As much as he kidnapped me and is harmful to humanity, I can't hate him. Why can't I hate him? It's all so confusing, he doesn't seem like the monster everyone says he is.
━━ Did she not return your feelings? — I ate the last piece that was left.
━━ It's a question I still ask today. Unfortunately, the doubt will be eternal, since she was killed and I couldn't declare myself.
━━ D-Dead? By the gods, by whom?
━━ For the damned Gojo clan... — I swear I heard his voice shaking with anger. ━━ They took her from me... all because of envy, since she was better than them in everything.
━━ Which clan was she from?
━━ Zenin.
Oh, an ancestor!
━━ It's my clan... — I ended up thinking out loud.
I didn't even have time to lose myself in my reverie, as I saw three young women entering the dining room. They were wearing very revealing clothes, exposing many parts of their bodies and they went laughing towards the pink-haired man, hugging him and kissing his face.
I cleared my throat in the most blatant way possible, making them look at me.
━━ Oh, these are…
━━ Concubines. Every king has them, and I know what they're for.
I got up from the chair and started walking away.
━━ Have fun with him, girls. Bye-bye!
I smiled at them without showing my teeth, they waved at me, while I turned my back and went as quickly as possible to the stairs. Why do I feel angry about this? It's something that goes beyond embarrassment, beyond simply thinking I'm getting in the way.
I was truly "upset".
I had a strange dream when I took a nap. This seal on my shoulder makes me "weaker" and makes me feel a little more drowsy, thanks to the damn restriction. During this dream, I was walking in a forest with beautiful Sakura trees, the cherry blossoms were blooming and it was night. The light of the full moon illuminated the place, it was peaceful.
I heard laughter in the distance and my feet guided me close to a beautiful stream.
I saw Sukuna from afar. In its original form. He was extremely tall, muscular and had four arms. His body was covered in a white kimono with some black patterns drawn on it. There was a woman with him, who had her back to me while I could see him... smile!?
━━ I think I should have made more bracelets, right?
The woman's voice was sweet, but I couldn't recognize it. Is this the woman of his life? The one he had mentioned in the dining room?
━━ Choose an arm for me to use, you have four options!
━━ I'll choose this right here!
And so I saw her putting an amethyst bracelet on him, the same bracelet he was wearing.
The next day, I woke up and opened the curtains in my room — the sky was cloudy and dark — and then went to make my bed. The kimono was a little wrinkled, since I only had that outfit.
The bedroom door suddenly opened, and it was him. Who else would it be, right?
━━ Good morning princess, I brought you new clothes.
He placed them on the bed, and I took a good look. The fabrics seemed to be of quality, but I had one condition to use them.
━━ If it's your concubines' clothes, I'd rather be naked.
━━ It's totally fine for me.
He crossed his arms and I froze. Did this idiot actually agree with this idea?
━━ What?
━━ Fine by me. It'll be even more fun that way.
As much as I don't like the idea, I can't show weakness. I immediately took one of my hands to the bow, which was on the back of the kimono, and pulled it so it could come undone. The bow came undone and the piece of clothing fell to the floor, leaving me completely exposed.
His eyes roamed over my skin, taking in every feature of me. Like he was taking a good look, to be able to memorize what I looked like naked. A gentle breeze came from the window, making me shiver, and I felt my nipples harden.
He laughed softly, a laugh of satisfaction that was extremely clumsy.
I curled up, dead with shame, trying to hide my body with my hands. Sukuna was only a few centimeters away from me, and I felt so vulnerable that it seemed like a lie.
━━ I'll get you some other clothes — he said, with a smirk, going to the bedroom door. ━━ Nice body, by the way.
I felt my face blush when he "breathed" this last compliment, before leaving the room. I sat on the bed and covered my body as best I could with the kimono, waiting for him to return with the new clothes.
He seemed to be ogling me at that time. My heart was racing, and my cheeks were still hot. I was a little shaky, due to the growing nervousness that was growing in me as I kept reliving this scene in my head.
Sukuna returned to the room minutes later.
━━ Here, I think it's your size — he handed me some folded black clothes. ━━ And, don't worry, it is not from the girls.
━━ Thank you... — I was going to get dressed, and I noticed that he was still there, but leaning against the wall and with his arms crossed. ━━ You can go, I'll be right there.
━━ Nah, I feel good here — he smiled mischievously. ━━ Don't worry, you have nothing to hide from me.
I swallowed, and went to get dressed, feeling his eyes on me. I had panties, a dress and socks that went up to just above my knees. I put on the panties, sliding the underwear down my legs and then picked up the dress. It looked short — and it really was — with a slightly more accentuated waist, like a corset, and delicate straps, and I also put on socks, since walking barefoot on that stone floor was horrible.
━━ Don't you think... the dress is a little short? — I pulled the skirt down a little, seeing that it barely covered my ass.
━━ No, I think it's perfect — he motioned for me to go through the door first, and so I did.
As we walked down the hallway, I heard him laugh softly and felt his eyes fixed on my ass as I tried to pull down my skirt several times.
Apparently I would be alone all day, as he had said he had "important tasks". He also said that I could freely walk around the palace, except for the fourth and fifth floors. I said that I understood everything and that I would not break any rules.
But when he left, I went up the huge staircase until I reached the fourth floor. Unfortunately, when I was about to go further down the corridor, I was stopped. There seemed to be an invisible wall that wouldn't allow me to proceed.
━━ It must be because of that restriction seal — I grumbled as I looked at my own shoulder.
With no other options left, I went down the stairs and "adventured" to the second and third floors. The first floor was where there was the dining room, the kitchen, the main hall, and what appeared to be a wine room.
On the second floor, there was my bedroom and three others, next to the living room in which I had been trapped at first, and a treasure room, with mountains and mountains of gold, jewels, chests, etc. That room was so bright that it seemed to have irritated my eyes.
On the third floor I saw a music room, a painting room and especially a huge library, which is where I entered without thinking twice.
The space is vast and lit by antique chandeliers, whose flames flicker gently, casting dancing shadows on the shelves full of books. The walls are covered in dark wood panels, decorated with intricate carvings that represent mythical creatures, or something very similar. The shelves are made from the same dark wood, displaying an impressive collection of perfectly aligned, leather-bound volumes, from the finest books to grimoires.
I noticed a reading table decorated with upholstered chairs. There were two or three grimoires on top of it, next to an old map made of yellowed paper.
At the end of the library there was a spiral staircase that led me to a mezzanine adorned with colorful stained glass windows, which filter daylight in hypnotic patterns throughout the room, what's more, the air is full of various incense. I think I could stay here for the rest of my life.
I didn't take any books from the shelves, I preferred to read one of the ones on the reading table that I had seen before. I sat comfortably in the chair, and the moment I opened it, a page fell out. It wasn't from the book, it was on cream paper that had something written on it.
He said "my greatest curse is being in love with someone I can't have."
That could only be Sukuna's handwriting, and deep down I felt sad for him. Just remembering the way he talked about her yesterday, I could imagine how broken his heart was. Was I really feeling compassion for him?
There could just be something wrong with me.
After spending the whole afternoon reading a book of spells and seeing which ones I knew, and which ones I wanted to learn, it was starting to get dark. He still hadn't come back, and I was starting to get bored.
Well, he didn't say anything about me not being able to cook, right?
I left the library and went to the stairs, hurriedly going down and going to the kitchen. It's incredible that he had so much stuff in that pantry, but he didn't cook. Was this all laziness or what?
I remembered something my mom used to make for me: cupcakes. When I was a child, it was very common for the house to always smell like these cookies. It was something I also did for my nephew and brother when I had free time.
Are they okay?
I didn't want to think too much about it and went to prepare the ganache first so I could let it cool while I prepared the dough. The dough was vanilla, and there were even fresh cherries for me to put on top, along with the whipped cream.
Almost everything was ready, the cupcakes were in the oven and the ganache was cooling.
━━ What are you cooking? — I felt Sukuna's cold fingertips slide down the back of my neck.
━━ You don't know how to arrive in a conventional way, do you? — I got goosebumps and complained, looking back and seeing him with a mischievous smile. ━━ It's a vanilla and chocolate cupcake.
━━ The smell is great.
━━ Thank you, wait until you eat. Or do you only eat humans?
He laughed, and I could see that I caught him by surprise.
━━ I eat normal things too.
The cupcakes were finally baked, and now I had removed them from the oven so they could cool on the counter. I sat on top of it.
━━ Now I have to wait for it to cool before I can fill it.
━━ Do you get burned by this? — he mocked.
━━ No, but the restriction seal leaves me vulnerable to these “ordinary human” problems.
━━ If you behave properly, I'll remove him.
He started opening the dumplings with the knife and holding them with his hand. I laughed softly.
━━ For what? For me to kill you?
━━ It depends, if it's to have you on top of me, I think it's worth it.
I felt my face heat up again, as it had earlier when he saw me naked. What is it about him that can disconcert me so easily? I even seem to like him.
━━ Aren't you going to fill it with me?
━━ Of course, I will.
I took a deep breath and got down from the bench, with an awkward smile, trying to hide how embarrassed I was.
If somebody told me that I was going to fill cupcakes and eat with Sukuna in the kitchen of his palace, I would bet all my money that it was a lie. But apparently fate had different plans for me.
━━ It tastes spectacular! Congratulations, cupcake! — he said, biting another piece of the cupcake he had in his hand.
━━ Why did you call me cupcake and not princess or bunny this time? — I looked up at the tallest one.
━━ Because you're not defenseless and fragile like a bunny — he continued. ━━ But, you're certainly cute, pretty and delicious like a cupcake.
I had nothing to answer. Now, I'm sure he realizes how he leaves me and does it on purpose.
━━ Then go upstairs and take a shower. I put pajamas on your bed, see if it fits.
━━ Don't tell me it's tiny and short like that dress.
━━ I think I've reached my perversion limits for today, relax, covers everything.
When I went to my room, I took a shower with that wonderful warm water and got dressed in the pajamas he had left for me. It was a delicate white nightgown, with thin straps and a low waist. The fabric was probably silk, judging by its comfort and texture.
The ends of my hair were a little wet, but my skin was fresh and I felt clean and light.
As I looked at myself in the huge mirror, I heard music. A melody coming from some instrument, I was sure it was coming from upstairs and it was probably Sukuna in the music room. Somehow, those notes were mesmerizing me and my feet guided me through the palace to there.
I reached the door of the music room and stood there, silently watching as he was engrossed in his melody. He was sitting in front of the majestic organ, with his skillful fingers dancing over the keys, producing an enveloping harmony that filled the space with powerful, funereal notes. The golden light from the chandeliers was reflecting on the polished keys of the instrument.
As I listened to the majestic music, I felt a strange wave of emotion and non-existent nostalgia invade my mind. The musical notes resonated inside my head, as if I had heard this melody a million times, but in reality it was the first time. I couldn't explain it, but it was as if this song was important to me, as if it had marked me.
Tears welled up in my eyes, sliding silently down my cheeks as I relived ghost memories. It was a feeling of belonging and knowledge. The melody Sukuna played was more than just a sound; it was like an enchantment that created a bridge between the present and a past that I was simply unaware of.
I stayed there until the end, listening note by note, and when he played the last one, he sighed and passed his hand over his face, as if he were thoughtful. He looked back and saw me, his expression went from relaxed to worried in a matter of milliseconds.
━━ Hey Hey! Princess, are you okay? Why are you crying?
He came to me because I just couldn't stop crying.
━━ You... you played this song for me, Sukuna... you played it... — I cried more and more, my mind was wandering, I felt out of my depth. ━━ I-I remember…
I felt his hands on my arms, holding me to try to calm me down while I only knew how to feel sad, and at the same time with this false nostalgia that hit me with the same force as a wave on the beach on a rough tide day. I was losing strength, feeling a strange headache.
If it weren't for him, I would have fallen to the ground, as I ended up fainting.
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𑁍ࠬܓ 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄¹: I adapted and changed many things in the anime's lore to adapt to this, but I hope it's understandable. By the way, Toji and the reader are brothers only on their mother's side.
𑁍ࠬܓ 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄²: I'm already writing the second part and there will be smut.
XOXO, kisses that taste like blood o negative, see you next time little bats 💋
— brazilian-vampyra, 2024.
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