#halloween fic exchange
ky-landfill · 2 years
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iced-souls · 11 months
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Happy Halloween to @kqrmen1 from the @rottmnt-secret-gifting extravaganza!!
Some many turtley peoples! First time drawing most and had a lot of fun doing so! WAHOO!!
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lee-bella · 1 year
Non AO3 HP Fest Masterlists
AO3 seems to be down right now. (At least Fanfiction.net is still around—or we could always start writing.) Just for fun, here are some HP fest masterlists with fics and artworks hosted on Livejournal and/or Dreamwidth.
The Snape Showcase 2022 (LJ): Severus Snape through the ages.
Salt and Pepper Fest 2023 (DW): Focusing on characters over 50 years of age, in canon or not
Snarry-a-Thon 2023 (LJ | DW): Severus/Harry. A fest run by the snape_potter community on LJ and DW.
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest 2023 (LJ | DW): All about pregnancy. The community also runs a monthly prompt challenge.
2023 HP Het Mini Fest (LJ | DW): Het pairings.
HoggyWartyXmas 2022 (LJ): A Christmas fest/party on Livejournal featuring Hogwarts staff and friends.
HP Halloween Double Drabble Exchange (LJ | DW): Bite size Hallowe'en tricks and treats. Here are some of the more recent rounds: !2020, !2019, !2018.
These fests have been running for many years. I've only linked their more recent rounds. Do check the tags on the sidebar for previous rounds.
And here are two older masterlist directories on Livejournal.
HP Master Lists: Just what it says. It hasn't been active since 2017, but it has plenty of masterlists from older HP fests.
Guns & Handcuffs: A Drarry community. It has a masterlists of H/D fests and challenges from 2004 to 2015.
There are many more older HP fests that were hosted on Livejournal, but it'll take a bit of digging around to find them. Or if you know where to find them, let me know.
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hgracieeees · 11 months
baby, it's halloween (and we can be anything) 👻
for @holdinontostars!!
Rose couldn’t help but laugh as she stepped back to admire her husband’s handiwork, looping an arm around his waist as he came to stand next to her, “Not half bad, don’t you think, Rose Tyler?” She gazed down at her daughter, now wobbling around the room in the toddler-ish way that she did, dressed from head to toe in an honest-to-god Slitheen costume.
a snapshot of what the tylers' household would look like on halloween.
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evelinessa · 2 months
Halloween Magic
A Halloween fic starring Trucy post-SoJ. Originally written for the Ace Attorney Halloween Exchange 2023.
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Gen | Narumitsu | Fluff and angst | 11.4k | Rated T
Halloween Magic
Trucy is in her first semester of college. Living in a dorm several hours away from home—away from all her family and friends—she's finding it difficult to adjust. Even the approach of her favorite holiday, Halloween, isn't bringing her joy. Sensing the change in their daughter, Phoenix and Miles do what they can to lift her spirits.
Some tropes & tags:
Homesickness | Established relationship | Surprise party
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astrobei · 4 months
how did you and thea become friends
hello! me n thea were already huge fans of each other’s writing before we ever talked, and then in october 2022 we got added to a st/byler twitter group chat and hit it off immediately! we have very similar senses of humor and i truly think that the two of us clicked faster than i have clicked with almost anyone in my entire life probably. and then about a month-ish later when sttwt was blowing up from one million discourses occurring at the same time, we deleted our twitters and ran away to became best friends on discord and later imessage as well <3
in thea’s words:
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(she regularly threatened to put me in a jar snd that’s how i knew it was meant to be)
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
what if i did a list of halloween themed prompts and people picked whichever ones they liked to write blurbs/fics about and i made it a whole event? would that be better or worse than a halloween fic exchange 🧍‍♀️
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trenchcrows · 11 months
my @mcyt-halloween for @lehhoh7822 is finally out everyone cheeer :)
it's got enemies to *lovers actor!tntduo and a hint of sbi cause I cant forget my roots lol
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tngrace · 11 months
Trick or Treat
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For: @angstchaos for the @topguntrickortreat fic exchange. This was such fun & I hope you enjoy it. A03 link; TG/M Masterlist
The first year after Nick was hard for all holidays, but Mav made sure to put extra effort into them for Bradley since he was at home teaching at TOPGUN. He knew the kid might not remember them since he was still so young, but still he tried. Two years after Nick though, it came easier. Bradley was so excited any time he got to see his Uncle Mav, but he especially loved the holidays and all the effort Mav put into them.
Halloween had to be his favorite though. Uncle Mav would help him with his costume, and Bradley was even able to convince Uncle Mav to dress up with him. His mom always tried to get Mav out of it, but when Bradley turned those big puppy dog eyes on him, Mav was a goner. He could never tell the kid no, and Bradley knew it.
This year, though, it was supposed to rain on Halloween which was rare. They were saying it could even storm. Carole was trying hard not to ruin Bradley's enthusiasm over Halloween, but trick or treating or any Halloween activity for that matter appeared as if it wasn't going to happen. She knew she'd have one upset little boy at that. Mav was due back into town the week before Halloween, and she knew once he arrived and saw the weather, he'd be just as disappointed as her son.
"Mama is Uncle Mav here yet?" Bradley asked her for the hundredth time, even though he'd only been home from school a short time, on Monday before Halloween.
"Is he standing here?" she teases.
Bradley shakes his head with a pout. "Don't worry little bird. He'll be here. Uncle Mav never breaks promises."
"I know," Bradley sighed before he went back to the window to wait and watch. He already had his costume idea ready to present to Uncle Mav, and he just knew his uncle was going to love it. It was another hour before the roar of a motorcycle could be heard rolling into the driveway. Bradley raced from his room to the front door, barely stopping before crashing through it. Carole just shook her head with a laugh.
Bradley jumped at Mav as soon as he started opening the door. "Woah!" Mav laughed dropping his bag as he caught his godson. "Someone has grown a foot since I saw him last!"
"You haven't grown any," Bradley teases.
Mav pretends to be offended before he starts a tickle attack on the six year old. Bradley shrieks and giggles in between trying to beg Mav to stop. "Take it back," Mav threatens with more tickles until Bradley relents. Mav pulls him back up right and Bradley hugs him tight. "I missed you too kiddo," Mav whispers. He finally makes it all the way into the house to greet Carole, Bradley staying in his arms.
Once Mav gets settled, Bradley brings up Halloween. "I already know what my costume is going to be."
"Tell me," Mav smiles.
"I gonna be an ava'tor like you Uncle Mav."
Mav sees Carole freeze, and he knows he'll have to come back to that later, but he gives Bradley a full smile. "Oh yea? We'll have to go find you a mini flight suit."
"And jacket!"
"Yea. Like the one you wear. I want one with all the patches too!"
Mav chuckles as he ruffles Bradley's hair. "Ok Baby Goose. We'll see what we can do."
"Bradley you know we've talked about the weather. You know you might not get to go," Carole warns from her spot on the couch.
Bradley turns his eyes to Mav. "We can still go if it's raining, right Uncle Mav?"
"We'll just have to see Baby Goose." Mav ruffles his hair and tries not to let Bradley's pout go to his heart. "But!" Bradley perks up at that, making Mav smile once more. "I promise it'll still be a really fun Halloween."
Bradley's smile returns once more and he tells Mav all the things he's planned out for them to do while Mav is in town for the week, not realizing Mav's keeping a surprise from him.
Leading up to Halloween is sunny and hot, so the boys stay out a lot. They get supplies for his costume, managing to find a flight suit and a leather jacket, much to Bradley's delight. Mav gets some extra patches from base and Viper, who is more than happy to see Bradley when Mav takes him to visit. Once they have his costume together, they find corn mazes and fall activities to keep them busy during the afternoon after school, and at night before bed they watch Halloween movies until Bradley falls asleep.
"Mav, you know if it's raining you can't take him out. Houses won't be passing out candy or anything," Carole reminds two nights before Halloween.
"I know. Don't worry Carole. I've got a plan," Mav reassures.
She just gives him a skeptical look and shakes her head. "We should talk about his costume too."
"What about it?" Mav asks puzzled.
"Pete," she sighs putting down the blanket she'd been knitting. "Bradley cannot become an aviator. I don't want him in the Navy. Ever."
"Carole he's just a kid. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Besides it's Halloween. It's just a costume."
"I mean it Pete. Don't ever forget it either. Bradley is not going to be in the Navy. He looks up to you so much, and he wants to be just like you. You can't let that happen."
Mav concedes to keep the peace, but he's worried about her.
The next day, is cloudy and dreary and they spend all day in the house. Mav and Bradley spread decorations from one end of the house to the other. It honestly looks like Halloween threw up in there, but Carole doesn't have the heart to ruin their fun. Mav helps Bradley make Halloween themed cookies later that night after supper and before bed he lets him in on a little secret.
"I've got a surprise for you tomorrow buddy."
"A surprise?" Mav chuckles at how much Bradley perks up, even as Mav tucks him into bed.
"Yep. A surprise. Should be here when you wake up in the morning ok?"
"I'm going to sleep right now Uncle Mav I promise." He slams his eyes shut and Mav chuckles once more.
"Sweet dreams Baby Goose," Mav whispers as he places a soft kiss on Bradley's forehead. He tucks the covers around him and switches on his nightlight before he heads out.
Carole is in the kitchen cleaning up and Mav joins her. "I have a surprise Care."
"What have you done now, Trouble?"
"Nothing bad I promise," he laughs. "The Flyboys get in tonight. Don't worry they've got rooms booked. But they're excited to see you and Bradley and spend Halloween with us."
"Oh wow! Pete! How did you manage this?!"
"Ice did it," he shrugs. "Said they'd love to spend the holidays with us this year."
"Bradley's going to love it." They finish cleaning up for the night and tuck into bed, knowing tomorrow will be wild.
Bradley is up at five am, jumping on Mav's bed. Mav pulls him down beside him, chuckling as Bradley whines at being held down. "Is too early Baby Goose."
"Na uh! You promised a surprise when I woke up!"
Mav tucks Bradley in beside him and brushes the hair off his forehead. "You were supposed to wake up at a normal hour kiddo. Not early. Your surprise will be here soon."
Bradley pouts but concedes to lay there with Mav for a little longer. They get up around six and go to make Halloween pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Just as they're finishing the breakfast there is a knock at the door. Bradley turns big eyes to Mav, knowing it's way to early for anyone to be coming to visit his mom.
"Is that my surprise?"
"Let's go find out," Mav laughs, as Bradley races to the door. He at least remembers all the safety talks Carole had given him and waits for Mav to open it.
"I hear there's a little goose around here needing a squad for trick or treating," Ice says when Mav swings the door open. Bradley squeals in delight and throws himself at Ice.
"Uncle Mav you got everybody here?!"
Ice carries Bradley in and the rest of the flyboys follow. "Nope kiddo. That would all be your Uncle Ice."
Bradley hugs Ice tight offering a very quiet thank you in his ear before he gets passed around to the others for hugs. "I thought I heard chaos," Carole smiles as she joins them.
"That's all we ever bring," Wood smiles before Carole gets her own round of hugs.
Once Bradley has made it all the way around the room for attention he reminds Mav he's hungry. Mav chuckles as he makes up plates for everyone, Bradley helping him and dutifully passing them out to all his uncles.
After breakfast, Bradley models his costume, including his mini replica jacket, and the Flyboys all ooohh and ahhh over it, making Bradley beam.
"Are you sure you need that jacket too Baby Goose?" Slider teases.
"Yes! It's just like Uncle Mav's!"
"He's just teasing you kiddo," Mav laughs as he ruffles Bradley's hair.
The rain started mid-morning and by lunch Bradley was pouting. Carole was insisting they couldn't take him trick or treating in the rain because he would get sick, but none of the uncles could stand the pout. "What if we just took him to base?" Mav poses.
"Most of the offices do have candy," Ice agrees.
"I'm sure we could swing by Viper and Jester's as well," Wood throws in.
Between all of them they come up with a solid plan, and Carole just lets them. She's learned there's really no point in trying to dissuade them once they set their minds to something. Plus, they'd do anything to make Bradley happy no matter what anyone says.
Mid-afternoon, they load Bradley into Wolfe's truck and head to base. It's a tight fit but with Carole wanting to stay home out of the rain, they make it work. Once on base, they hit up all the offices they know will have candy for Bradley, and all the officers praise Bradley's replica flight suit. Once they've made their rounds there, they head to Jester's house first.
"Just make sure you don't act like your Uncle Mav," Jester teases Bradley when he sees the kid dressed just like his uncle.
"Promise!" Bradley smiles.
He gets more candy and treats and spoiling at Viper's house. Mike and his wife both doting on the kid, and insisting on a picture of all of them since Bradley had convinced them to wear their flight suits too. Mike had told them of some houses in his neighborhood that were still passing out candy, so after leaving his house, they made a few more stops before Bradley was almost passed out. Slider was currently carrying the kid and he was nodding off.
"Think he had fun anyways?" Mav asked Ice as they were heading back to the truck.
"I think the kid has a blast any time he gets to spend with you Mav. We were just extra bonuses."
"Yea. I hope so."
"What's really going on?"
Mav sighs as he turns to Ice. "You read me too well."
"Job hazard." Mav knows it's more than that, but he doesn't call him on it. Ice raises his eyebrow at Mav to quit stalling.
"I think something's going on with Carole. She hasn't acted like normal this time. And..." He chews on his lip as he remembers their conversation about the costume. "She wasn't happy with B's costume this year. Made sure I knew he would never be in the Navy."
"Sounds like maybe you need to talk to her. We could take Bradley out tomorrow?"
"Yea. I'll run it by her when we get back." With a plan in place, and Bradley passed out on Slider they headed back to the house. The next day Bradley declared it the best Halloween ever because he had all of his favorite people in one place at one time. Mav never was able to work anything out with Carole over her fears of Bradley being in the Navy. They all tried at some point, but her mind was made up. 
Bradley never did know that every year he dressed up like his Uncle Mav, Carole became more and more concerned about him following in his uncles' footsteps. It wasn't until the big fight, the years of silence, and the reunion and explanation did he ever understand why Halloween was never Carole's favorite holiday. It was always a reminder of what she'd never be able to stop.
Looking back, Bradley realizes that the Halloween it rained was probably his best Halloween ever, and he hoped one day his uncles would help him make Halloween the best for his kids as well. 
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elveneclipse · 11 months
Happy halloween everyone, here is my work for the @mcyt-halloween event!! Its for @soothalo , I did a little writing thing!! Hope you like it!!
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Prompt-oween Day 5
Prompt: “I bought toilet paper and eggs! Those assholes aren't home. Let’s go!” “I’m pretty sure this is grounds for an annulment.”
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Jenny Parker
Rating: G
Word Count: 456
Note(s): Set in the universe of my fic, Never Knew. Jenny is technically canon, but thus far, is an unseen/unheard character that has no personality in the one episode she is mentioned in. I came up with her personality and faceclaim for my story.
It was Jimmy and Jenny’s first Halloween as a married couple.  They were happy in their new home.  The only problem was some of their neighbors: an uptight elderly couple who were constantly on power trips.
Donald and Marjorie Blanchard were in charge of the Home Owner’s Association.  They constantly made their neighbors’ lives hell.  Their latest crime was attempting to ban trick-or-treating.
“I can’t believe this!” Jimmy exclaims, reading the latest HOA newsletter.
“I know.  It’s supposed to be a good, safe neighborhood for kids,” Jenny says.  “That’s why we chose it, for our future family.”
“What kind of people hate kids so much that they’ll force them out of the neighborhood?  I swear, the HOA rules weren’t this strict when we first looked at the house,” Jimmy replies.
Jenny comes inside from weeding in her garden.  The Blanchard-run HOA complained and threatened fines because of the weeds.  It’s not Jenny’s fault that the school kept her busy this past week.
Jenny walks into the kitchen to wash the dirt off her hands and arms.  She hears the front door open and slam shut.
“Kitchen,” she calls to her husband.
Jimmy rushes in, carrying shopping bags.  He has a wild look in his blue eyes.  “I bought toilet paper and eggs! Those assholes aren't home. Let’s go!”
Jenny blinks.  He can’t seriously be planning on what he was implying.  It has to be a joke.  She folds her arms, smirking.  “I’m pretty sure this is grounds for an annulment.”
Jimmy sets the bags down on the white countertop.  He stares at her, confused.  “On what grounds?  We were both single, unmarried and over the age of eighteen.  I didn’t trick or manipulate you into anything.  And we were both of sound mind when we entered into it.  We’ve also consummated over marriage several times.”
Jenny laughs, which confuses her husband even more.  She walks over to him, putting her arms around him.  Jenny kisses his forehead.  “See, I knew that would snap you out of it.  Darling, have you been drinking?  Perhaps, in the company of Johnny, Tommy, or Dutch?”
“Yeah,” he admits.
“And was Bobby there?”
Jimmy shakes his head.
Jenny nods.  “I thought that might be the case.  Sweetheart, you’re a lawyer.  Don’t go committing acts of vandalism, despite how much Donald and Marjorie deserve it.  You’re not a delinquent or a degenerate.  Why don’t we get some of the other neighbors together and talk?  I’m sure we’re not the only ones upset about the trick-or-treating ban.  Or the other petty complaints and targeting by Donald and Marjorie.  And I’m sure that you, my handsome lawyer, can find a legal way to stop them.”
Jenny closes her argument by kissing him deeply.
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brendaonao3 · 2 years
Author: Brenda Word Count: 3364 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Characters: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Additional Tags: Post-Movie: Top Gun Maverick, POV Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Obsessive Behavior, Scent Kink, Light BDSM, Possessive Behavior, Masturbation, Orgasm Control, Voyeurism, Dom/sub Undertones Summary:
God, that fucking scent. Soap and sweat and faint traces of metal, masculine and so fucking hot it drove Bradley out of his mind. Every time Mav hugged him, it was all Bradley could do to keep from sticking his nose in Mav's nape and inhaling.
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glassheadcanon · 11 months
Austenland x Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
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Finally! After all this time, I recently had a great excuse to write for one of my all-time fave romcom fandoms (and throw in some P&P&Z, for kicks) thanks to fellow Austenland and Pride and Prejudice adaptation-appreciator, @ardentaislinn's Trick or Treat Exchange requests this year:
Unless they are in (shambling, brain-hungry) motion
Henry and Jane are invited back to Austenland for Halloween. Tally-ho!
Words: 2,372 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Austenland (2013) Relationship: Jane Hayes/Henry Nobley Characters: Henry Nobley, Jane Hayes, Elizabeth Charming, Colonel Andrews, Amelia Heartwright, George East, Martin Jasper Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Banter, Halloween, pride and prejudice and zombies - Freeform, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Romantic Comedy, Trick or Treat: Treat
"An unmarried man and woman should never be alone together unless they are in motion." - From Mrs. Wattlesbrook's Austenland rulebook
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I know, like Candy Hearts/Chocolate Box, Trick or Treat has a low minimum (300 words - making it a really accessible exchange event *hint-hint, fic writers!*), but I honestly couldn't help writing more - once I got the assignment, the thought of a P&P&Z theme gave me way too many fun ideas for ways to incorporate the hijinks of the original Austenland comedic cast.
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unicorncoalition · 2 years
Title: if you want me, let me know Author: canistakahari Fandom: batman Pairing: dick grayson/jason todd Words:  8,283 Rating: teen Summary: The moment Dick steps foot in Wayne Manor on Halloween, he knows he's made a mistake.
Dick doesn't like to be here these days for a variety of reasons, but Halloween night is the worst. The house feels bigger, somehow. He's always pictured it like a gaping maw, ready to devour. Cavernously empty in some places, but claustrophobically small in others. Brimming with an unnameable force from every nook and cranny.
Dick and Jason get trapped in Wayne Manor on Halloween night. It wants something, but they're not sure what. Tags: Canon Universe, Haunted Wayne Manor, Halloween, Horror Elements, Trapped Together, Getting Together, Matchmaking, Confessions Under Fire, Hallucinations, Mutual Pining, Requited Love, Light Bondage, Minor Injuries, Hurt/Comfort, Tentacles, kind of, Some very brief smoke tentacles, POV Alternating
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misspanicdead · 2 years
Summary: Steve's been through so much weird and downright bizarre shit in his life that coming to terms with his bisexuality hardly poses as a challenge for him. It's not even all that surprising if he's being honest with himself. Neither is the fact that he’s fallen in love with Eddie Munson. No. The thing that’s surprising about this entire thing is the fact that apparently, he, Steve Harrington, cannot flirt with a man to save his life.
Happy Halloween Babes!!!
Here is my gift for @thefreakandthehair as part of the @averyfruityhalloween gift exchange.
I hope you all enjoy and have a spooky day! <3
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momimf1ne · 7 months
I just finished everything in between and OH MY GOD it was incredible, I loved it sooo much <33. are you planning to write more about them ??
aahhh hii
first of all i‘m glad you liked it!! <33
and yes i am planning to write more!! i have like two more parts planned as of right now
i actually started writing part two already but am a little occupied with the @f1playlistficexchange right now, soooo it might take me a little while to get back to it
but i will!! <33 love them way too much to not put them in more situations
thank you anon for your ask!! hope you have a lovely day!
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