#hand: *super fast writing mode*
nurse-floyd · 4 months
Let me set the scene:
It's the Vegas Grand Prix, 2023. Lando has his crash, is high as a bloody kite in the hospital. Lando sees his nurse and I'd convinced he's dead bc 'why else would there be a legit angel?'
This is super short and silly but I absolutely adore this request! Thank you <3
P.S. I also love this and it is possibly one of my favourite photos of him! Boy is high as balls.
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The red emergency phone rang, signaling an incoming ambulance, and you answered it with a sigh. "Mercy General Emergency Department," you answered as you clicked your pen and got the handover sheet ready to write down the patient information.
"Male…24…high-speed crash into a wall," you repeated back to dispatch that alerted you to the incoming patient, hating that you’d be spending what was left of your shift dealing with someone’s drunken antics or stupidity that had crashed them into a wall.
"How fast was he going?" you asked, not expecting the answer.
"Come again? 180mph and he’s still alive?" you repeated, not being able to hide the shock. "Do we need blood? X-Ray? Trauma surgeons and blood on standby? No one has called ahead." You suddenly woke up from the usual lull you felt around this time during your shift, your mind suddenly in full trauma mode.
"No, just precautionary checks. Patient is a Formula One driver and has been cleared by track medics, but they want a second opinion at the hospital and some scans in case."
Then it hit you…you followed F1 and had done for a few years. You’d been following the race on your phone during your breaks and knew Lando had crashed out during turn 14.
"Okay. Thank you, have you got an ETA?"
Dispatch relayed the time of arrival that gave you enough time to announce it over the tannoy and for your team to gather in one of the trauma rooms. You also called in security because you knew the press would be vultures all over this.
With the trauma room ready, you all waited for the arrival of your VIP patient. If you were being truthful, you were a little nervous at meeting one of your celebrity crushes but also knew you needed to keep it professional. What you didn’t expect was the goofy look on Lando’s face as he was wheeled on a stretcher into the room.
As soon as the paramedic crew had handed over and you’d transferred him over to the bed, you began attaching him to monitors and got your list of investigations and tests you’d need to perform from the doctor in charge.
The paramedics had clearly dosed him up with the good meds as he stirred in and out of consciousness, his eyes glassy and the goofy smile still plastered on his face every time his eyes met yours.
You woke him up once again, ready to check his pupils and GCS once more when he was a little more alert than he’d been since he arrived.
"Woah…am I dead?" his voice came out slightly slurred.
"The heart monitor beeping next to you would say otherwise," you laughed in reply.
"Are you sure, because why else would an actual angel be standing in front of me right now?"
You couldn’t help another laugh that escaped your lips as you watched him try to focus on you.
"And that would be the morphine," you fiddled with his IV and checked the fluids running before you input a few more things on his chart.
“I don’t think it is…” he slurred once more, “I know an angel when I see one.”
You were about to reply when you looked up from his chart and saw he’d fallen asleep, his head against his chest. You got up from your seat and adjusted his pillows so his neck wouldn’t be even more painful in the morning.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 9 months
can you please please please please pleeeeease write smth super angsty with comfort with changbin 🫂
Cramping up.
Warning: Angst, blood, periods.
Summary: your cramps this time around are heavy and changbin’s “busy” schedule leads to something tragic.
Pairing: reader x Changbin
Two people requested for a Changbin angst. So here it is 🥰
Y/n hated her period with everything in her but yet she was so relieved whenever it came around.
Her cramps were always a 9/10 and her body ached horrendously. She hated that time of month. Changbin also hated that time of the month because he hated seeing his girl in so much pain.
He always made sure to note when it would be arriving down. He also made sure to run to the grocery store to get her favorite snacks, run her a bath, rent out her favorite movies and buy her a pack of her medication but for some reason (it was quite obvious the reason) he had forgotten to do it this month.
You see, come back season was officially over and the boys were on a month long break. Yes! A month long break. Changbin (since he was a part of 3 racha) was the most excited for it because it meant that he could sleep in, play videos games and not have to worry about deadlines, music, etc.
He was in such an off mode that he ignored the whole world around him and at first Y/n accepted it because he did deserve this break but it was getting annoying because she too wanted to spend time with her boyfriend.
It was 5 in the evening. He was back on the game again. "Binnie?" She whimpered while her hands wrapped around her lower abdomen. Her body was heating up and her stomach was quite literally vibrating because of how much pain she was in.
"Changbin can you please pass me some painkillers from the cabinet?" She asked again due to the fact that Changbin didn't hear her the first time.
"Hm? What did you say babe?" He removed his headphones and slightly turned to look over at her, barely.
"Can you get me painkiller? They're in the bathroom."
"Okay give me a sec," he turned back to the his PC and unpaused the game. This not only angered and frustrated Y/n but it made her sad.
She was haunched over with tears in her eyes. The room was dark and the only source of light was coming from Chnagbins large PC and the bathroom.
The AC was running but she still could feel the heat radiating from her body.
She let out a little whine when she felt the cramps intensify. Changbins constant taps on the keyboard weren't helping her at all.
"Binnie please can you just-"
"Y/n chill for a sec and stop nagging me will you? You always tell me how I should relax and spend some me time but you constantly keep bugging me to do things for you, so please," he glared at you. The game being forgotten about. It took her a while to process what he said but her body had reacted way before her brain could catch up causing her to gasp and scoot away from him.
"I'm sorry, I'll let you be," she whispered and choked on her tears. Her heart rate was beating at a fast rate. The tears began to slowly fall down her cheeks.
He rolled his eyes and put back his headphones before mumbling a few words and continuing to play. He had no idea how much pain Y/n was in. It was obvious.
She watched him play as the tears were running down her face. Her heart was broken or maybe it was just the hormones talking? It didn’t matter to her because yeah even if she did tell Binnie to have time to rest and relax, he hadn’t even had time for her and now he was becoming very frustrated with her.
After what felt like forever, she gathered the little energy she had left and made her way to the bathroom. Her body shook vigorously at how much pain she was experiencing. Was this normal? She started to question.
She grabbed the pain killers from the cabinet and reached out to grab the cup for water. Everything was spinning now and she felt faint. The world was spinning at a fast space and as she filled the glass with water her body collapsed leaving shattered glass by her body.
Changbin started to feel guilty for snapping at her. He felt even more guilty when she went to get the painkillers she had asked him so nicely for and he decided he would apologize when she was back and maybe take her out for a movie.
The sound of the breaking glass gave Changbin a scare. At first he thought it was Y/n doing something and accidentally broke a glass but as he there was no more movement or human activity going on he got worried and quickly got up and followed the sound.
"Y/n? You okay?" He asked knocking but there was no answer. "Y/n?" He called once again while pushing the bathroom door open.
He gasped at the sight. She was laying on the ground with blood gushing out her head. What had happened? Was he this blind to notice she was this badly off? This is all his fault.
"Y/n?! Oh my God," he gasped and run to her side. "Baby?! Can you hear me?" He tried to softly wake her up but all he got in response was a groan and whimper.
His heart was beating at a high rate. His hands shaking and his body breaking a sweat. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and quickly dialed and called their company medics.
He was then instructed to carry her to bed and put pressure on the wound that was gushing out blood so he did so and followed every little instruction He then had to wipe her face with cold water which instantly woke her up.
"Ow..."she groaned rubbing the side of her head. "Binnie?" She sobbed when she realized what was going on.
He could finally breathe. It was like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. He still didn’t stop wiping her face with the cold water. He wanted to make sure she would stay awake.
"Baby, what happened?" He instantly asked.
"I- I don't know," she sobbed again, "I was trying to get water cause my cramps hurt really bad. You didn’t want to get it for me and I just- everything went black," her voice was soft, Changbin could barely hear. Her tears upset him so much.
"Cramps?" He asked confused, "oh my God! I totally forgot, is it that time of the month already?" he smacked his forehead feeling guilty. "I'm so sorry my love, I was so mean to you yet you needed me," his lower lip quivered feeling bad for putting her through this.
She had no response tho, "Binnie, it hurts," she groaned again while holding her stomach and head. Her breakdown was getting worse.
“Babygirl, you need to breathe. Please. Your going to pass out again,”
“I-it hurts so bad Binnie,” she hiccuped. Changbin only knew one way to calm her down. He got into the other side of the bed and cuddled her. He rubbed circles on her back and she continued to tell her to breathe. Trying to comfort her in any way.
It broke his heart watching her in such a state. He felt like the worst boyfriend ever.
"I'll get you some pain meds yeah? We'll wait to the medics are here so we can see what to do after. Okay my love?" He was panicking again and it was so visible.
"I-I'll be okay," she held his hand for reassurance and she could physically see Changbin let out a huge sigh of relief.
When the medics had arrived, they were shocked that Y/n was even awake.
“Do you wanna tell me what happened?” The man asked her as he carefully cleaned the wound.
“I don’t know really. I was just waking to get water and pain killers. I just remember my cramps being really bad, the pain kept getting worse. Then I just passed out and I think I hit my head,” she explained.
“How bad was the pain?” He proceeded to ask. She winced at a sharp shoot pain that run through her head when he added a cream to the wound.
“It was on like an 9-“
“Her cramps are normally bad not this bad to the poibt she passes out,” Changbin cut her off trying to help.
“Alright, I think you’ll need to see a doctor about that because that could be a sign you body is telling you,” Changbin made sure to note to make an appointment later for the doctors. They examined her head wound one last time to make sure everything was okay and if it needed stitches or not. It didn't, which Changbin was greatful about because he didn't know how he would handle watch them physically stitch up his girlfriend.
"We're just going to give you a strong dose of  pain medicine because as I said passing out due to the fact of your period cramps is not normal. So we're going to push in some pain meds which may make you a little woozy," the man explained every step and every way.
“Is she allowed to eat after this?” Changbin asked. His hand was wrapped around hers trying to give her comfort.
“Yes she can, maybe cook her some soup. That normally helps.”
When he injected the pain medication into her IV bag, the extreme pain that lingered around her lower stomach and lower back slowly started to subside causing Y/n to moan in relief at how good it felt.
Her body was extremely exhausted and the feeling of sleep came over her.
The sudden need to be held and the craving of Changbin’s touch grew stronger. She knew she was still upset at him but she wanted him so badly.
"Changbin, come here," she said groggily. The medics had left the house and now Changbin was running around trying to clean up the mess and make her some food.
"What is it love?" He questioned while popping his head around the door frame.
"Can you come cuddle?" She groaned and pouted. He was trying so hard not to smile or giggle. He found her so cute.
“Alright let me finish fixing you a plate okay? I’m running to the store quickly to get your snacks and I’m putting blankets in the dryer so you can have warm blankets, just give me a few.”
He quickly walked over and gave her a kiss on the forehead even tho she was frowning. “I’ll be back soon, I promise. If you need anything just call. Okay?”
“Yeah,” she gave in and got comfortable in the bed. Her eyes slowly close as she fell into a deep sleep.
She was awaken by someone wrapping their hands around her waist.
“I’m back my love,” Changbin’s voice was quiet and soft.
“Binnie? I’m so tired,”
“Shall we get you into the shower? just a quick shower so you can eat and then sleep,” she shook her head allowing him to help her to the bathroom where she sat on the toilet as he was trying to get the right water temperature.
“Binnie, I’m so mad at you,” she said, deciding to squash the elephant in the room.
“I know my love,” he turned away from the shower and knelt infront of her. “I’m sorry for snapping at you like that, it’ll never happen again. Seeing you in so much pain and seeing you on the floor like that scared the shit out of me baby. It was my fault for not listening to you. Please forgive me,” his eyes were shining under the dim light. He looked to cute for Y/n to not accept his apology. She was an understanding girlfriend after all.
“It’s fine my love, I understand work was a lot and the come back this season was really tough. I just don’t want you to get mad at me like that again. Whenever something happens ,we talk about it. Okay?” She laid her hand on his cheek, cupping it.
“I love you, I promise it won’t happen again. Thank you for being the best girlfriend ever,”
“Your welcome Binnie, now go on strip me naked!” She giggled.
“Im guessing the painkillers worked?”
“Very very well! My head hurts just a little tho,” he got up and kissed her forehead.
“There, I hope the kiss fixes it.” He chuckled while helping her undress, “let’s get you washed up so we can cuddle and watch a movie.”
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nevertheless-moving · 7 months
List will be updated with links if/when AUs develop For my Star Wars AU Masterlist: Please See Here As always, people are more than welcome to play with any of these ideas! just please link back to me so I can see! Seriously if you want to write stuff in any form with ideas from any of these aus I will love you forever! 1 to 20: Words of Radiance AUS 21 to 30: Non Words of Radiance AUs (note: these might also be WOR AUs) 31 to 40: Post Winds and Truth Wild Speculation (that may or may not also be a WOR AU)
1 to 20 Words of Radiance AUS
[EDIT, Previous #1 Now #28]
2. High oath Hesina willshaper aus. This is actually many many AUs because the "Mom??" Reveal is great in all contexts. Concept, WOK Era Outline, Brief Fanfic
3. Renarin asks Kaladin for help with radiant stuff during WOR. Secret training. Everyone thinks they're fucking. Chapter 1 and Outline/Meta
4. Elhokar drunk orders kaladin to bedchambers, begs for help keeping away nighmare creatures. Kaladin nearly kills him before scary spren realization, then goes into serious radiant mode when syl gets ambiguously concerned. Everyone thinks they're fucking.[Note: I might be too easily entertained by this trope]. Kaladin is deeply pained by this but also has  people saving thing and really doesnt want to reveal the radiant thing to the whole camp. Earlier third oath. Eventual fucking optional, see above au, except with a bit more pity than vibeing for option a.
5. Crack. AUs 3, 4, and 9 at same time so people just think Kaladin is the Kholin Rhysadium. Bridge 4 offers government overthrow if he's being pressured. kaladin assures them that's not it. Now people keep trying to high five him. Kaladin with head in hands while Moash snarks over his shoulder "you know when i said fuck the lighteyed i didn't -" Kaladin definitely asexual in this one.
6. Hesina and lirin come to shattered planes, shocked/thrilled/emotional to find kaladin. Bridge 4 desperately trying to get approval of [bugs bunny meme our] parents. Lirin reluctantly adopting renarin who wants to learn about healing now for some reason. Blackthorn surgeon mutual loathing/ jealousy son swap hilarity. Lirin is having a time. 
7. Kaladin wasn’t on guard duty the night of szeth arrival. Still warned by syl about assassin, but has to dead sprint while glowing to get across camp fast enough, soft reveal to anyone outside. Only barely figures out wall running on the way over to crash in window just in time. Szeth freaks out and runs away after very short, mildly anticlimatic interaction. And now Kaladin has to deal with Everyone.
8. Kaladin further along in powers during initial szeth fight. Battle of champions degrading to slap fight when they run out of stormlight and get stuck on the plains. Concept/ Ask, Funny Severed Leg
9. Manufactured rumors about adolin/ kaladin. Effective political mudslinging for most of WOR. Shallan plays up things about her relationship with Jasnah to be a more appealing beard. [Previous #9 Is Now #33]
10. Kaladin has a meltdown in prison, breaks out of his cell. Just a little bit more stormlight...Shouts of alarm. Aaah glowing Assassin in white! Kaladin panics more. Adolin handles the situation like a champ. Kaladin maybe briefly kidnaps him.
11. Nale goes after kaladin instead of lift. Ohhh so many thoughts for parallels.
12. Syl immediately dive bombs pattern when kaladin and shallan meet. Really early radiant reveal but just to each other. Kaladin does not trust her but doesn't want to reveal his own status so just watches her super intensely...since she's also constantly watching him too, yes, this gets misinterpreted. See au 3 through 5 but more discreet. Veil is the one draggng him from the barracks for late night 'training sessions' [these are actually training sessions but veil flirts outrageously with kaladin when anyones in earshot. So.] that distracts things a bit.
13. Adolin, suspicious after the Assassin in White fight, was secretly following kaladin at night. Sees him step off a ledge into a chasm (I just reread the section and was like?! You glanced over your shoulder once?!). Adolin spends the whole night stewing in regret, anger, grief, guilt (I was there. I could have yelled. Should have done something. I didn't realize...I didn't know. I didn't know anything). Next morning Kaladin is on guard duty and adolin flips his shit, suddenly remembering that the whole reason he was suspicious of this guy was because he inexplicably survived a several hundred foot drop.
14. Kaladin barely manages to hold it together just long enough to out himself as radiant right after prison. Part One, Part two
15. Kaladin does NOT hold it together after getting arrested.
16. Kaladin swears third oath early. Next few weeks involve a lot of hiding glowing bridgeman squire antics and gaslighting people about kaladin's intermittently light eyes.
17. In the initial confrontation with Szeth, Kaladin pushes a bit harder about the radiants being back, Szeth spirals a bit more, crashing realization that he isn't truthless...
17a.  Earlier radiant reveal: szeth surrenders the honor blade and then immediately collapses into the ground. Kaladin drags him and the blade upstairs. Has to reveal himself now because 1) kaladin what the fuck how and 2) the assassin is mumbling about radiants. 17b ANGST: szeth surrenders the honor blade and immediately kills himself with kaladin's weapons. Kaladin takes honorblade, collapses on way back because it's draining his stormlight, maybe messing with sylbond. When he wakes up hes injured, surrounded by lighteyes and a handful of his men...handles it badly because Very Specific Shardblade Winning Trauma. Crazy two nickles moment. Downside: cries a lot in front of people he'd rather not have cried in front of. Upside: dalinar believes him about amaram now. Public windrunner powers, but obscured Radiant reveal because glowing assassin sword is very clearly granting magic powers. Weird interactions of honorblade bond and nahel bond. Lot of interesting fallout from Dalinar having his very own Mystical Assassin now.
18. Kaladin sends Syl to spy on the 'horneater princess', one sided radiant discovery. When she sends pattern to spy on bridgeboy, he somehow notices. Shallan does not handle it well. 
19. Something something people put together all the impossible stuff Kaladin's done with all the impossible stuff the Blackthorn did as a youth, combined with one of bridge four drunkenly talking about their best theories for the Captains 'mysterious backstory,' combined with Dalinar literally calling Kaladin son and seemingly overnight the warcamps are convinced that Kaladin is Dalinar's bastard child.
20. (COLLABORATIVE with @gnecrognomicon) Instead of being thrown in prison, Elhokar orders Kaladin be strung up for the Stormfather's judgement. Part One, Part Two
21 to 30 Non Words of Radiance AUs
22. Way of kings au where the beggars of alethkar are rounded up for the war effort. Jezrian, of course, ends up on bridge four.
23. Kaladin time travel au to way of kings only the transition is a bit like a spren going through the cognitive to material realm transfer. Not all there. Heartwarming bridge four bonding slightly to the left - sure the mans crazy but he just looks so...disappointed when we dont help with the injured, and he shares his food like an idiot. How does someone seven foot tall and stronger than a chull make axehound pup eyes. We're not following him though. He's not our lead - holy heralds balls is he glowing??  Bit more of a symbol than a friend, but a symbol that you take turns holding at night because he has such bad nightmares and also hes clingy. 
24. COLLABORATIVE / stone soup with @sweetteaanddragons : adolin and kaladin time travel to way of kings. Kaldin brooding about how to escape AND save all his men AND the world until adolin barges in and buys everyone. 
'Thank the almighty,' Kaladin thought with almost painful relief, watching Adolin argue haughtily with a growing swarm of Thadeus's lighteyes. 'I never thought I'd actually appreciate having a rich friend.' He would, of course, rather die than admit this. "I had it handled," he growled, when the two finally managed to speak inconspicuously, each weaving amongst a thousand confused former bridgeman, speaking quietly with several, until they were able to meet in the middle with reasonable subtlety, all things considered. "That's great, Kal," Adolin said cheerfully, clearly not buying a word. "Say, how would you feel about doing some, you know..." He waved a hand, earning a raised eyebrow from Kaladin. "Glowy stuff for my Father," his voice dropped from a subtle hush to a slightly conspicuous whisper. "So he doesn't disinherit me. I did not have permission for this."  Both pairs of eyes flicked to the side, the Blackthorn's towering figure approaching like a Stormwall. "Uh. Sooner rather than later perhaps."
26. Oathbringer/row au. Adolin doesn’t kill sadeus. Mostly just excuse to dunk on Sadeus for trading one (1) shardblade for mythical warrior who can make his own shardblade. oh look more of your former slaves are glowing now. and THEY make shardblades too!
27. Elhokar and Kaladin time travel from Elhokar's death in oathbringer to way of kings. Part one, Part Two
27B. Elhokar solo time travels back from Oathbringer death to Way of Kings
28. Moash tells kaladin about beef with elokhar early. This derails the entire plot of the series. [EDIT, This au was previously #1, before I abruptly realized it was WOK, Not WOR]
31 to 40 Post Winds and Truth Wild Speculation
31. Szeth kaladin pity fuck time travel au words of radiance. Bridge four roasts the shit out of kaladin. Kaladin is doing everything in his power to avoid implying "knowledge of future" which makes the timeline of their relationship deeply confusing.
32. Szeth kaladin time travel au post book 5, they get their memories back in the high storm right before canon first meeting. Szeth sort of stumbles in, halfheartedly attempting a confused assassination.
33. [EDIT: Previously AU Number 9] Kaladin time travel back to wor, book 5 gone wrong. Deeply terrifying from outsider pov. Captain of the Kholin guard, bridgefour leader, is suddenly Full fourth oath windrunner talking about how humans are the voidbringers, they actually need to support the parshendi in bringing one last controlled desolation, and then kill the heralds and also god. Don't worry not our god. Different god. Our god is already dead. If someone else travels back with him then it swings around to a lil bit funny.
34. Post winds and truth, pre sunlit man, crossover with the twilight of mistborn era 2 (i think the cosmere timeline could make sense but if not, oh well). Kaladin gets a boon from his god(s). Requests to learn more about mental health. Has to go to another planet to do so, because mental health research on Roshar sucks. Scadrial's god seems (relatively) friendly and their planet has developed antidepressants AND wellness seminars. Shenanigans with Very Old Wax and the gang.
35. Jasnah, Dalinar, and Renarin (surviving Kholin Radiants) travel from End of World to right after Gavilar's death. Crack. Outline
All of the above (plus other fandoms if you keep scrolling back) will be tagged with 'my au' The above, plus my canon stormlight and other cosmere meta, technically canon compliant fanfic drabbles, or other things that i've written but don't fit in an au will be tagged 'nevertheless cosmere'
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sunshinejeonglixie · 1 year
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SKZ when you kiss them in front of the other members
tags: sfw, ot8, gender neutral reader, skz x reader, just soft no major warnings needed :)
a/n: i was gonna write full scenarios for all of them but then i just... didn't idk. i'd still like to tho so if y'all want that lmk (tho i might write it anyways)
!!Everything written here is fiction, not meant to be taken as real life, if anything here makes you uncomfortable please just block & move on!!
Bang Chan
ears & face get super red.
instantly very giggly and embarrassed, tries to hide so fast.
he’s always their strong leader so the members seeing him getting any affection or being babied in any way, even something as small as a kiss makes him kind of freeze.
Lee Know
cocky mf
loves showing off
wants everyone to know you’re only for him
honestly would probably embarrass you before you embarrassed him
biggest ego boost istg (as if he needs it)
would maybe get embarrassed sometimes but most of the time he just stands there with that goofy smile like “yup, this is all for me”
starts trying to get kisses from you while other people are around just bc he likes looking big and strong in front of everyone.
pouts if you won’t give him affection while others are around anymore, gets super dramatic and whiny, stuff like “you must be ashamed of me :(“ even though he knows you’re not
shy like Chan, super flustered, tries to hide
complete opposite of Lee Know where he really doesn’t want to show off, wants to keep that kind of stuff all to himself, only for him even if it is just a kiss
would pout to you about it later if the members tried to tease him at all
kisses all day every day from this man
it’s a regular occurrence to kiss in front of the members, it doesn’t even faze you, him, or even the members anymore
honestly would be more pouty and sad if you say you won’t kiss him in front of the members
“but baby they see stuff like that all the time :(“
literally the biggest baby, give him kisses or he’ll be sad
kinda like Lee Know, wants to show off
he knows you look good & he does too, once he knows you’re willing to give him kisses in front of them, he won’t hold back
getting ready for a show? kisses. standing in the kitchen making dinner? kisses. just sitting on the couch doing nothing? kisses.
mans love language is touch and he makes that 100% clear
in the most positive way, he does not care either way
like he won’t be upset if you don’t kiss him in front of them but he’s not shy either
anyone makes any teasing comments to you about it he’d instantly be in protection mode
“shut up leave them alone, not their fault you have no one”
protective bf Seungmin omg
Shyyyy babyyy
The members tease him for literally anything, pls let the man live omg lol
“ah baby what are you doing” while hiding his face
Hand holding is as far as he will go in front of his hyungs
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Can I request Annabeth Chase x Son of Phobos or Deimos reader head canons? Thanks, in advance!
Annabeth with a Child of Phobos
Ooooo new character unlocked😍😍 This is a really interesting duo and I LOVE IT
I hope you like this, I feel like I’ve been lowkey out of my game with writing😭 I have a lot of asks in my inbox rn, but I’m slowly getting through them guys, I’m getting there🙏🙏
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Ok so i did a bit of reading on these gods and the POTENTIAL I SAW FOR THIS ASK WAS SO AAAAHH
I feel like this relationship would be an enemies to lovers kinda thing
Imagine reader is the kid of Phobos cuz why not
Phobos is the god of fear, panic, all that good stuff, so obviously those traits would be passed down to his children
And a special power of Phobos is allowing those he makes eye contact with see their deepest fears,, lets say that that’s an ability that children of Phobos can do to an extent!!
So the first time you and Annabeth meet, it is NOT on good terms💀
Sent out by your father, Phobos, to mess up some quest Percy was sent on, an order from Ares himself, there's a face-off between you and Annabeth
Like, Annabeth is so ready to take you down the second you show up to disrupt their quest but she just can't seem to shake off the shivers and chills going down her body once you appear
And you already know how Percy cares for his friends so targeting someone whose close to him (Annabeth) was an open option
Cold sweat rolls down Annabeth's face at point, her heart slowly speeding up as you look toward her
The second you make eye contact with her BOOM
She immediately goes into panic mode when she feels something crawling down her hands
She can only start screaming in absolute FEAR when she sees hundreds of spiders crawling on her body, dropping her dagger to the ground and trying to swat them off her to no avail
And the worst part is that literally no one can help her because they can't even SEE what she's seeing and feeling, except you!
Yeah your meeting is the worst memory Annabeth has of you💀
Fast forwarding to after your meeting, you get caught in some trouble with a dangerous monster and dun duunn!!
Annabeth saves you because she knows its the right thing to do
And you're so touched by her action despite the literal hell you put her through after showing her worst fears that you just
Join their quest and decide to become her friend (or at least try to)
Annabeth would be super awkward and nervous around a child Phobos solely because of her first encounter with one
Whenever you try to talk to her, she just awkwardly looks at you
You see her somewhere at camp and brightly wave to her, she's doing a quick wave and speedwalking away
But it's low-key not her fault😭😭 Whenever she's around you she can't stop the way her hands get clammy and her heartbeat speeds up
It's something you can't control but you have this aura that ignites fear in anyone near you
I don't think a friendship could come from this unless you were to apologize for what happened
It could be the worst apology known to existence because you don't know how to properly express your feelings, but Annabeth appreciates the thought behind it!
After that, everything is a little smooth sailing
She would slowly get used to your presence, getting used to your aura and knowing that you most likely won't use your power to cause her harm (again)
It would take some time for you two to become close enough for her to see you in a romantic light, but you still manage to break down her walls
Your constant figure in her life makes you a part of her routine
She’d give you a nickname, something dumb like panic pants
(when Percy first heard Annabeth call you that, he made it his mission to just refer to you as ‘PP’ to ‘shorten it’💀)
Annabeth would see you as friend while on the other hand, you be quick to catch feelings for the grey eyed girl because of her witty personality
I think the small things would really matter to her if you’re wanting to up your game with her
You give her a small flower while walking to lunch because it reminded you of her
She appreciates the way you give her your undivided it attention whenever she takes about architecture
Sometimes Annabeth fees like she’s talking to much about it but seeing you listen to her with interested eyes allows her to keep talking about what she loves
She feels seen and heard when she’s around you😭
Oh my gosh if you weave her something, no matter how bad the pattern is, she’s gonna treasure it FOREVER
Having something made just for her will make her all giddy inside UGH
Annabeth is so used to being grouped with her siblings so having someone pay special attention to her makes her feel important and well, special!
This is when the game shifts, she’ll begin giving you small gifts too!!
Whether it be a small weaving of her own or a clay bowl she made herself, Annabeth wants to show that she truly appreciates as a person!!
She’s all blushy while gently giving it to you and you’re face is just RED cuz oMGGG
Let’s talk about when the relationship becomes official >:)
It could be anytime but the one I see happening is if you save her after she’s attacked while outside of camp
Inside running to get away from the threat, you stay behind and protect her while she recovers herself
Like you get BRUTALLY beat, limping towards her when she just runs to you and pulls you in a crashing cuz!!! You literally!! Risked your life to save her!!😭
“Annabeth are you alri- hmph!”
“What we’re you thinking ?! Thank the gods you’re ok! I thought- ugh don’t scare me like that again!”
Everything is HISTORY
Like you guys just naturally click after getting together
Omg wait
Ok so since Annabeth like REALLY trusts reader at this point she would let them like see what her greatest fear is, you know to solidify that trust bond😁
And what if!! What if!!!!!!!
Instead of seeing the spiders, this time you only sees glimpse of what her now current fear is, which is losing you😭😭😭
Hugging session is a must after seeing that cuz damn😭
And imagine like if your abilities were really strong you’d be able to show your own fear to someone else
And Annabeth sees your fear is the DAME except your afraid of losing her?????
That moment would leave you guys so vulnerable like??
Moving on! During battles, you both are back to back fighting together. Annabeth had full confidence in reader, like she knows she’s in good hands
No one goes near her because all the enemies are too busy panicking with what you’re doing. With a lot of concentration, you’re able to instill fear to all the monster, with the exception of your girlfriend teehee
The dating life with Annabeth wouldn’t be too different tbh
You guys still bucket with each other, throwing lighthearted, sarcastic comments but theres a more sweeter vibe
I think Annabeth still gets a little blushy with you cuz cmon! She still has a MAJOR crush on you even if you’re dating🤭
You provide her with so much confidence and happiness. You help her face her fears, calm her down when she begins panicking when something goes wrong
Despite being a child of Phobos and having such a scary ability to make people see their greatest fears, Annabeth knows that even the ‘scariest’ people have kind and gentle side
Ugh this feels like such a trope but I don’t even care cuz ITS CUTE
When Annabeth holds your hand, she no longer feels the chilling sense of fear crawling through her body, instead, now she only feels a sense of calmness and protection😭💔💔💔
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strawberryscarecr0w · 7 months
can you do a fic on Sugarboo coming home in a bad mood?
Alphonse x Seth x GN! Reader
(Low key this was super cute and fun to write, thanks for the request!!)
You were absolutely exhausted, the whole day had started out wrong. When you woke up, your hair didn’t want to cooperate and once you finally made it to work, you were late. Nothing had gone your way today as customer after customer screamed at you. Now you were finally home and you could relax. At least, that’s what you thought until you came home to a dirty kitchen. The sink was stacked with dishes, trash almost overflowing, it was all too much. Your brain went on auto pilot mode, tossing your work bag on the counter as you ran off to your bedroom. You hadn’t even heard the concerned call of your beloved boyfriend Seth, ears ringing, vision blurring with tears as you ran straight into- Alphonse. “Boo?” He questioned, a hand cupping your cheek as he examined your tear streaked face. There were soft footsteps behind you as Seth entered the room, his hand resting on your shoulder. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Seth asked softly, rubbing circles with his thumb into your shoulder. Suddenly, you couldn’t stop the words from pouring from your mouth. “Today was horrible,” You sobbed, “nothing was right, my boss was yelling at me and oh- the customers were so cruel and-,” Your trembling voice was cut off as Alphonse pulled you into his chest, gently shushing you. Seth let his hand slide to your back, his brows knit with worry as you bawled into Al’s shirt. 
“Sh sh, it’s okay Boo, we’re here now.” Alphonse whispered into your hair as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “How about I go run you a bath and you can get some R&R?” Seth asked gently, smile tugging at his lips as you nodded your head. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before leaving for their shared bathroom, you could hear the faucet turn on and the tune he was humming. Alphonse guided you to the bathroom, an arm wrapped around your shoulders as you wiped your eyes. “There you go, Boo, a pretty face like yours shouldn’t be crying!” He joked, smiling when he earned a giggle out of you. Seth chuckled as he turned to greet the two of you, his brown eyes searching your face for any distress. “What do you need from us Sugar?” Seth asked, cupping your cheek. “If it’s not too much trouble, can you clean the house?” You whispered, smiling once Alphonse chirped, “Seth and I are great at doing chores, Ma used to make us do them all the time so you betcha we can!” This caused you to laugh as the two boys set off to clean up. You slipped into the bath, taking the time to do some breathing exercises as you enjoyed the peace. After a while, you climbed out, wrapping yourself in a towel. You could feel the exhaustion from the day hitting you as you yawned, using a towel to dry your hair to the best of your ability. Once  you were satisfied, you went into your bedroom to put on pajamas, your eyes growing heavy. Against your better judgement, you decided to slide under the covers to wait for the boys to finish. Though the exhaustion crept in and soon enough you were fast asleep. 
“Okay, this looks good! Let’s go check on Sugar, make sure they’re doing okay.” Seth said, wiping his hands after taking out the trash. Alphonse agreed and they both went to go check on their lover only to find them passed out in bed. “Oh,” Alphonse sighed, a smile creeping up on his face, “they look so peaceful.” He hummed, pulling to covers farther up your sleeping form. Seth chuckled only to be cut off by a yawn, Alphonse started to yawn as well causing Seth to smirk. “Guess we’re not far behind.” He joked, pulling his jacket off as he slipped into bed. Alphonse giggled and slid next to you, the three of you snuggling into a ‘Boo Sandwich,’ as Al called it. As the boys began to drift off, you dreamt of rainbows and little moth men, your bad day long forgotten.
~ ~
This was super cute lol, sorry if it’s not super great, I wrote it in like thirty mins in the middle of the night 😭
Word Count: 690
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kanmom51 · 1 year
BTB Hobi Entrance Ceremony with BTS
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
I knew this would be landing today. No captions yet though.
They were all keeping up a brave face but it was obvious that each and every one of them (that we saw) was deeply sad. Did I or did I not say NJ was crying?
The love they all feel for each other, all of them, and the love they all, each and every one of them have for Hobi, it's just beyond description. They are a family. A mostly functional non biological loving family.
As we know, they arrived one after the other, pretty much at the same time. We see JK and Tae behind him walk up to Hobi interact with him and then JM comes over complaining of a back ache.
Muscle memory kicks in, it's just such a natural thing for him to do - JM in pain, JK goes into carer mode, reaching out to JM.
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That hand.
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JM doesn't seem to notice, walks by JK and Tae straight to Hobi for a hug.
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A few seconds later JM turns to the person that gives him comfort, the person he gives comfort to, for this:
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And a big strong super tight hug.
Prey do tell me, what about that interaction warranted that hug exactly?
That hug. That tone they have with each other.
The others just doing their own thing, not bothered what so ever, while Jikook are being Jikook right beside them.
Same same.
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And it didn't end.
The camera panned out (or rather in, to Hobi and Tae's conversation/interaction) while they were still embraced. Still doing whatever they were up to. You can hear them in the background even though the cameraman decided enough is enough and better leave them out of frame at that point.
Ok, so listen up.
We know JK arrived the night before.
We know JK isn't wearing his CK jacket.
With Jikooks is it me is it you alcohol teasing going on there before that mighty hug, I kind of have a feeling the two were busy drinking together, not getting too much sleep, maybe leaving in a bit of a rush in the morning and being a little hung over, Mr. Jeon took the wrong jacket by mistake?
Hope he didn't get into trouble with CK, although with the success so far of his ambassadorship (shares prices going up, sales through the roof), I doubt they will be too bothered.
Just a theory here folks. Mostly unsubstantiated and can clearly be written into the next Twitter fanfic.
**Note to self: maybe I should start writing fanfics, or fiction in general, I might just have a knack for it...
See, I'm not the only one that figures the two were drinking together...
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The rest of the story, yeah that's on me.
Fast forward a tiny little bit.
And then JM's all up in JK's face again.
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Yep, puffy red eyes confirmed.
The way JK just allows JM to do whatever he wants with him, lol.
I don't know if you noticed this, but a. most of the time that we did see them they were by each other's side, mostly glued together; and b. Much of the time they were off frame, and it felt intentional, probably because they didn't budge from each other's side.
The way all their faces lit up when Jin arrived.
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Sadly, they couldn't show Jin in the BTB. Which means folks, that we won't be getting to see Jin and Hobi in any future content that may or may not be created upon the enlistment of the next member.
Those final individual photos with Hobi.
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God, I'm going to miss Hobi so damn much.
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polaroidtelevision · 2 years
I've seen a few fics/posts on here where Eddie successfully corrupts Steve into a metalhead, and I've seen a very small handful of punk Steve content. Now, punk Steve has my heart, especially anarcho-punk, becuase you can't tell me he wouldn't be, like, "Where has the government been this whole time? Huh?? Kids had to save the world several times, the government just deals with clean up. Plus it's illegal to be gay. Fuck the government!!"
But this post isn't about punk Steve, this post is about goth Steve, which I havent seen a single fic or ficlet or anything on here for yet. There's probably some of it out there, but I haven't seen it and thats homophobic, so I'm writing it.
So Eddie and Steve become friends and same thing we've all seen a ton of, tries to get him into better music. But metal just hurts his brain, not even in a general way, like in a repeated head trauma way, its too loud and fast and oh yeah, he definitely wishes he could enjoy it for Eddie, but he just can't deal with the migraines it gives him, that anything a little too loud or with a fast beat does.
So Eddie respects that, but still helps him expand his tastes because Steve is helpless, he listens to the same three radio stations that play whatever shitty pop is popular, he isn't really a Fan of anything but Bowie and Queen.
And then Steve finds the goth subcultures, something still alternative and daring and a bit queer but with music that he can actually listen to, because it can be mellow, lulling. He can turn it up in the car and let it fill his head, it's hypnotic. Even the faster songs, they tend to be more electronic, less drum and guitar solos that make his ears ring, and he can listen to them, and he ends up enjoying it. The Cure? Depeche Mode? Bauhaus? Ministry? New Order? He'd eat all that shit up.
And maybe he'd never get super into the style, he'd start wearing band tees and paining his nails and sometimes wearing eyeliner and little things and he'd do something wild with his hair and put on a mesh top and just do something crazier for club nights and he'd never really go All Out like some other guys, but he loves the new culture he's found, loves that it's still different and interesting and alternative and exciting and that he can actually be a part of it.
And Eddie loves it too, he loves that Steve's finally found something and made it his own. He can finally express himself, not the leftover mold of who he tried to be in high school and for his parents. Plus, Steve looks great in eyeliner and Eddie thinks he's hotter than ever before.
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mythica0 · 3 months
Code pink
🎂:The Loud House
🧁: All siblings
A/N : sorry about the lack of writing! I’ve been being super lazy and lacking any real ideas I’ve enjoyed, but this one showed up with the loud house! Because of the inspiration, this one’s kinda long lol. If you want to see more Loud house fics let me know!! :D also, in case you weren’t clear: Luanne’s my favorite character:3(I feel like I might have overused the haha- get it? After Luanne’s puns so I hope it doesn’t get annoying lol)
Also also- all platonic!! No incest on my blog!!!
Code pink
It was a normal Saturday morning in the loud house.
Which means, to any other household, it would be completely abnormal. Lori was on the phone, Lola was driving around, Lana was tracking mud in the house- you get the idea.
Luna awoke to the hustle and bustle of her home, and stood up to stretch.
Luanne was already awake, looking through her comedy supplies for… something.
“G’morning sis! How’d ya sleep!”
Luanne stuffed something in her pocket surreptitiously and turned around.
“Oh! I slept great! Kinda worried tho.. I think my pillow was lying behind my back! Haha- get it!”
Luna groaned- classic Luanne.
“What about you, Luna?”
“Ah, I slept awesome, dude!”
“Good!” Luanne smiled, and then whispered under her breath “you’re gonna need it”
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
Instead of answering, Luanne turned to Luna with a mischievous glare and a glimmer in her eyes.
“Uhhh, why are you lookin’ at me like that, brah?”
She smiled and wiggled her fingers in Luna’s direction. Immediately, Luna jumped
In the air and out into the hall, and shouted.
“Code pink everyone! This is not a drill!!!”
As soon as she shouted that, there was a large bustle as all the loud siblings scrambled and scattered.
Lincoln talked to.., someone? While he was running.
“You may be wondering, what’s code pink? Well… Luanne is a notorious tickle monster in the loud house-“ Lincoln remembers some iconic moments..
“Gotcha! I bet you’re just dying of laughter! Ha ha- get it!” Luanne joked, with a frantically giggling Lucy under her hands stuck in her coffin. “Luahahane! Stohohop- gihihihigling ihis nohot myhy styhyhyle!”
“Aww, but I just love tickling you pink! Or I guess tickling you black, in your case haha, get it!”
“Oh no! Lenny! There’s a monster in here!”
“What! Where! What is it?!”
“It’s… the tickle monster! Rawhh!” Luanne pounced on Lenny, scribbling her fingers all over her sides.
“Eeehee! Luahahahnne!!”
Luanne deepened her voice.
“I’m not Luanne, I’m the tickle monster! And I must say your outfit really tickles my fancy! Muahaha, get it!”
“Luahahanne! Whyhyhy!”
Lincoln giggled helplessly in the window seat of vanzilla, leaning away and futilely pushing at Luanne’s hands.
“I’m just taking some laughy taffy for the road! Haha- get it!”
He shivered at that last memory. “And sometimes, she goes into full tickle monster mode.”
“This has happened enough times for us to come up with a code- code pink. You know when you hear that, there’s a rogue tickle monster Luanne on the loose- and she won’t stop until she’s turned all of us into a giggly puddle”
“So yeah, running might seem pretty pointless, but let me tell you a secret.” He begins whispering, now behind a garbage can. “None of us really mind- it’s all in good fun.”
He speaks at a normal volume again. “But we like turning into a fun game- and we know Luanne enjoys it too!”
Meanwhile, Luna wasn’t able to run fast enough to avoid capture.
“Ahh, my first meal! I can wait to… dig in! Haha- get it!” At the pun, Luanne started, true to her words, digging into Luna’s stomach.
Luna burst into laughter at the contact, her loud nature extending to her laughter. “EeeyahahaH! Yohohou’rehehe sohoHO ruthleheheHESS, LUAHHAHNNE! AHHAHA!”
“This is barely anything! I could get real mean!
“I haven’t even done it yet!”
“Fine, you caught me there! Not as much as I caught you though! Hahaha- get it!” after the pun, Luanne took a deep breath and blew a raspberry right on Luna’s tummy.
Luanne giggles. “You’re lucky I have some other siblings to catch! But I’ll catch you later!!”
Luna giggled a bit and stood, dusting herself off, and went to go hangout in the living room.
Luanne started walking through the house through all the chaos. Some siblings were hiding, others were just running around. Lynn was one of the latter.
Luanne spotted her amongst the chaos and decided she was up next. She skipped through the chaotic house until she was right at the bottom of the stairs.
Lynn didn’t notice her and tried to run up, but Luanne caught her by the shirt and pulled her into a hug from behind.
“Look who it is!”
Lynn burst into giggles of anticipation and frantically spoke.
“Lu-Luanne can’t we, can’t we talk about this? Heheh.”
“Nope! You’re gonna be the tickle monsters next snack and you’re gonna like it! I can’t help that I’m hungry for giggles! I think it’s about time for me to sink my teeth in! Haha- get it!”
Once again, true to the words, Luanne started gently nibbling at Lynn’s neck, causing her already giggly sister to fold over herself as much as she could while trapped in a hug. She squirmed around helplessly in Luanne’s arms, trapped in perpetual laughter.
“Aww looks like we have a wiggly, giggly Lynn!” Luanne started to spider on Lynn’s torso, causing her to kick her legs frantically.
“Dohohont sahahay thahahat! Pfffhahahahaha!”
“Why not? Is it flustering? Does it make my tickly tickles worse??”
“Yay!! But it’s about time for me to bounce! I got some other siblings to see! So I’ll throw you a bone! A funny bone! Haha- get it!”
Lynn just stood there for a moment, shaking herself off, before going to join Luna on the couch.
“She’s unstoppable, man.”
“You got that right. Phew.”
As Luanne skipped up the stairs, whistling and giggling whimsically, Lisa took out her pencil and started to write. “Test subject appears to be satisfied with the results of her work. More study is needed.”
“What ya doin’, Lis?” Luna called from the couch.
“Shhh. I’m doing field research. I am attempting to find out what about this form of whimsical activity that Luanne enjoys. As well as maybe the source of these moods.”
“Well good luck, Lis. Pound it!” Luna sticks out her fist and Lisa returns the fist bump before moving on to follow Luanne.
The next sibling on the chopping block was Lola, she was driving around in her pink car. Luanne hopped in and seemed to appear suddenly. “Ahh! Luanne!”
Luanne picked up Lola and took over the car, scratching gently at her knees.
“Guess I’m taking this meal to go! Haha- get it!”
Lola’s screechy giggles filled the house, as she kicked wildly.
“You don’t get it? I thought it was pretty obvious!” Luanne teased, giggling slightly.
“What? You don’t like my tickly tickly tickles! I thought you loved them!”
“You didn’t disagree~” Luanne pulled the last move for this victim; some pinches to the knees and thighs.
“But I’ll leave ya for now. Hope I didn’t drive you up the wall! Haha- get it?” Luanne hopped out of the pink car and went in her merry way.
“Test subject appears to enjoy making jokes about the activity and the people surrounding it- this is very in character for the test subject.” Lisa jotted down.
“Are you using us as test subjects again?!” Lola said angrily as she was about to head downstairs.
“No. Just Luanne. And I’m not using any dangerous chemicals, calm down.”
“Ooookaaayyy…” Lola glared at Lisa as she headed downstairs and sat on the couch.
Luanne decided to go for Lana next. The twins usually weren’t too far apart from eachother, so the little froggy was sure to be around here somewhere.
“Lana~ where are you~ the tickle monsters hungry and your giggles sound delicious~~” Luanne teased across the halls in a sing-song.
In the bathroom, Lana covered her mouth to stifle giggles. She always got so riled up when this happened!
“Are you in your favorite place in the house, Lana~~ I think you are!”
The voice came closer to the bathroom where she was hiding behind the shower curtain.
Luanne heard muffled giggles coming from the bathroom and knew she was right.
“Boo!” She pulled back the curtain and scooped up Lana, tickling her ribs.
“Eehehee! Hehehey, Luahahanne!”
“That’s Ms. Tickle monster to you! I knew you’d be in here, you always hide in the bathroom.”
“Dahaharn! I rehehally neheheed Toho fihihind a nehehew hihihidihihing spohohot!”
“I’d say! That way I don’t tickle you so hard you bring out the water works! Haha, get it?”
“Uhuhugh! Yehehehes! Youhohoure soho cheheheesy!”
“Well you must find me funny, you’re laughing aren’t you?”
“Thahahats becahahause yohohoure tihihihicklihihing mehehee!”
Luanne abruptly stopped, leaving Lana in leftover giggles. “No I’m not! Hehe! Gotta run! Still gotta buncha little pockets of giggles to feast on!”
Luanne let Lana down and the younger went to go downstairs, while the older went off once more- a curious little scientist behind her.
“Subject appears to enjoy the sound of laughter- although I feel as though this was already known about the test subject. No other indicators have yet been given.”
Next: Luanne spotted a familiar green dress underneath a lampshade. “Oh, wow, wherever could Lenny be~ she’s such a good hider!”
Lenny giggled a little in her hiding spot- she was pretending to be a lamp!
“Hmm, guess she’s not here….”
Lenny giggles some more and sighed.
“Just kidding!” Luanne pulled off the lamp shade and pulled Lenny to the ground.
“Sorry if I upset you there! Don’t mean to throw shade! Haha- get it!”
“I dohoho! Eheheee!”
“You’re always the least squirmy of the bunch! Bet all that laughter makes you feel light as a feather!” As she said that, she pulled a feather from out of her pocket- the one she hid earlier- and started
To flutter it against Lenny’s ears.
“Eheee! Thahahats reheheally tihihihickly!”
“I know~ hehe, isn’t it great?”
Lenny nodded a bit.
“Glad you’re enjoying yourself! But now I gotta fly! Haha- get it!” Luanne stopped and hekored Lenny up.
Lenny looked toward the ceiling for a sec before saying “I actually don’t get it…”
“That’s okay! But I got some other siblings to find!”
“Okay! Bye, Luanne!” Lenny walked down the stairs and joined her fellow captured siblings.
“Hmm.. curious. Test subject appears to be pleased by the fact that her victims are enjoying themselves. This is a very enlightening development.” Lisa still creeped behind Luanne.
Next- Lori. Now, Luanne never went to get with Lori- she knew that her oldest sister wasn’t really a fan of the whole tickling thing- but she made an effort to at least get her a little. So, she went into Lori’s room and checked around, finding her in the closet.
“Hey~~ Lori!”
“H-hi, Luanne. Please don’t be too mean.”
“Oh, you know I never am with you! Now c’mere.” Luanne just gave Lori a big hug, lightly tracing her arms for a moment.
Lori giggled a bit and then Luanne pulled away from the hug. “Love ya, sis!”
Lori looked down embarrassed at her ticklishness. “Love you too.” She stood and walked out of the closet, joining the others.
Lisa once again took a note. “In relation to previous observation- Test subject in fact seems to find enjoyment of the other party quite important. This is intriguing.”
Next- Lucy. Luanne walked towards the attic, calling out.
“Oh Lucy~~ the tickle monster wants to say hi~~ I know how much you like your secret dark place~~
Lucy gasped and covered her mouth. She was, in fact, in her secret dark place. The back corner of the attic.
Luanne entered the spooky attic. “Lucy~~~ I know you’re in here~ are you ready for the tickles~~”
Lucy covered her mouth and held her breath. (She was being dramatic- she liked pretending it was a horror movie.)
“There you are! Get over here, spooky!”
“Gasp! I’ve been caught.”
“Yup! And now you’re gonna giggle at the hands of the tickle monster! Rawr!” Luanne pulled Lucy in and started to squeeze her sides.
“Man it’s dark in here! Thankfully your smile will brighten it up! Hahaha, get it!”
“Sahahadly, yehehes. Ahahand I CAHAHANT evehehen dohoho myhyhy sihihihigh!”
“That’s right! Your gigglin’ too hard! I could just eat you up!” Right after saying that, Luanne started pretending to ‘eat’ Lucy’s stomach, blowing small raspberries. “Nom nom nom!”
“Pfhahahahaha! Luahahhane!” Lucy’s whispery giggles echoed through the attic like the wind through trees.
“Huh, that’s weird, usually my food doesn’t talk to me. Huh-“ she paused for a moment before continuing.
“Ohohohokay! Ihihim lauhahhaughihihing ahahare yohohou hahahappy!”
“Yes. Very. Lucky for you, I’m not quite done with my mission yet! Buh-bye!”
Luanne left the attic and continued to search.
Lucy smiled slightly. She may pretend it’s the bane of her existence, but it’s actually not so bad. She needs to laugh once in a while. “Bye, Luanne.” She whispered before heading down the latter to the attic towards the living room.
“Hmm.. test subject appears to be almost complete- code pink is almost over. I have the answer to the first question- why does she enjoy this?(she enjoys making others happy/laugh) But, the second, what causes these moods, is left unanswered.
Lisa followed Luanne down- and the floor boards creaked. “… crap”
Lincoln looked around from his hiding spot in the garbage can in the hallway. “No! Lisa!” He whispered.
Lisa looked at him, but nodded as if to say it was fine.
Luanne turned. “That’s why I haven’t seen you! You’ve been behind me this whole time! But I’ve gotcha now!”
“Ihihit whahas wohohorth ihihit! Fohohor scihehence!”
“Well then, guess this is a good reaction! Haha, get it? “
“Sooo.. why were ya studying me?”
“I whihihill infohohorm yohohou and eveheheryohohine ehehelse ihihim thehe lihihiving quahaharters.”
“Alrighty then! Just a couple more siblings to go! Can’t wait to see your conclusion!” Luanne stepped away and Lisa nodded.
“I am excited to inform you. I will be joining our siblings now.”
“Okay! Byee!” Luanne said as she walked away to look for Lincoln.
“Lincoln~~ come out come out wherever you are~~”
Lincoln was probably the most ticklish loud- by far. He was basically a walking tickle spot! And Luanne knew it.
After a minute or so, Luanne spotted a tuft of white hair behind the garbage can.
“Found ya!”
“Ahahaha! Luahahahanee!” She had begun to dig into his ribs and side, causing him to burst out laughing.
“Hey Lincoln! I would tease you for being so ticklish, but I don’t like trash talk! Haha, get it!
“Yeehahaha I gehehehet ihihit! Ahahand i cahahahant hehehelp IHIHIHIT!”
“I know! And I can’t help the fact that your giggles are so gosh darn cute!”
“Thehehey ahahahre NOHOHOT!”
“Oh they so are.”
Lincoln blushed and covered his face.
“No way~~ teasing is half the fun! Besides~~ it’s true!”
“Had enough?”
Lincoln nodded.
“Alrighty then! Meet ya downstairs!”
Luanne went down and saw all her siblings siting in the couch together, Lincoln a little giggly still. She saw lily, and picked her up.
“And lastly, the baby.” She blew a raspberry and then set Lily down.
“Alright! Another successful code pink for Luanne!”
“Indeed. And now- I will share the results of my field study.”
Everyone turned to look at Lisa as she spoke.
“During today’s code pink, I took the initiative to do an experiment I’ve wanted to do for a while now- what exactly about tickling does Luanne enjoy so much? As well as the cause of these moods she gets in. “
“Ohhhh!” Luanne said. “That’s cool! I mean, you could’ve just asked, but I want to see what you think!”
“Okay then. The evidence I have found is this:
Luanne enjoys making people laugh, as we all knew, especially the ones she cares about, ergo, us. This is just another way to do it. She enjoys the sound of our laughter. She also appears to be satisfied by the idea that she has made us laugh, why by this particular method? I’m not sure. She also likes to make puns about it- but again, we all knew that. This is just another avenue for her puns to be explored and expressed- especially since she knows we will laugh.
However, a more interesting development- is the fact that Luanne is aware we are having a good time- and finds this quite important. I hypothesize that if one of us were to express discontent, she would not tickle us at all. She enjoys doing this to make others happy.
So that is the conclusion of my study! Sadly, I did not get an answer to the cause of these moods. Luanne, I turn the floor to you.”
Luanne smiles. “Well, with your study, it was actually pretty spot on! I just tickled you guys cause I like making you all happy, and I like seeing and hearing you all laugh. I love you and I like seeing you smile.”
A chorus of “Awwwww”’s erupted from all the siblings, except for Lisa, who just nodded and smiled, proud of her accurate observation. At the coo, Luanne blushed slightly and smiled.
“And about the moods, well, I usually just wake up with em’. Sometimes I’ll have a dream about it the night before and that’s why, and sometimes it’s random. However, sometimes something will trigger one. Like hearing you guys laugh, or seeing you reach for something on a high shelf. It’s just… fun.”
“Hmm. I’ll make a note of that. Well, that concludes this study and I’d say it was pretty successful.”
Lincoln looked at his sisters and then at Luanne.
“You said you tickle us because you love us, right? And you like seeing us laugh?”
Luanne nods and looks confused.
“Well, we love you too! Why don’t we return the favor~?” He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, the rest of the family following suit.
“Guys, it’s time for a little ‘revenge’”
“Well, looks like a better make like a banana and split! Hahaha, get it!”
Well. It’s never a boring day in the loud house. Especially with a code pink.
———THE END————————————————
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orderofthelosers · 1 year
My first post and it's cringy Minecraft: Story Mode headcanons. Give a round of applause for me, folks.
The Ocelots (Minecraft: Story Mode) headcanons.
A lot of these are pre-witherstorm !!
• Autistic.
• Loves big blankets. Quilts, comforters, etc. If it's not puffy, he doesn't want it.
• Feeds stray animals. He buys extra cat/dog food and saves table scraps to give them.
• He hangs out with Jesse sometimes but he mostly sticks with the ocelots.
• Very extreme speed-walker. He's walks super fast 24/7 for no reason.
• Buys random little contraptions. Like those water toys where you flip it upside down and the droplets slide down the platforms.
• Him and Ivor gossip.
• Loves when people show interest in what he's talking about. He'll sit and explain something for hours upon hours to someone if they ask him too.
• He hand-made the matching jackets.
• Dyslexic.
• He snores a lot. The volume varies, but he's usually a little hard to sleep next to.
• Perfers black cats over ocelots but will never tell Lukas.
• Acts like he's the coolest person ever but he's actually pretty lame. (affectionate)
• He has like 20 middle names, so it takes him like a solid 5 minutes to write down his full legal name.
• He had a fairly bad childhood and makes jokes about it all the time.
• Despite them being extremely deadly, Aiden unironically loves hostile mobs. He tries to pet spiders all the time, makes attempts to give zombies fists bumps when they have their arms out, hands blocks to enderman, dodges the arrows when he gets shot at by skeletons and pretends their "playing," ect.
• Got very heavily bullied as a kid and he projected that onto Jesse, Axel, and Olivia.
• Has a pet turtle
• Colorblind. (blue and green specifically)
•Absolutely obsessed with horror movies that it's almost concerning.
• She genuinely hates mint so so much. Doesn't matter if it's smell or taste, she is a full-fledged hater of mint.
• She has the opening skills of 3 month old. She can't open baby gates, she can't open child locks, she can't open jars or bottles,,,,,, actually nothing.
• She's a jerk to basically everyone, not just Jesse, Olivia, and Axel. She cools it down a bit when she's with The Ocelots, but they're still a target for insults. They love her, though.
• She pulls all-nighters 24/7. She literally never gets tired but she has massive fucking eyebags.
• She hates all of Jesse's friends but she loves Reuben. She'll never admit it, though.
• Both reread and rewatched Matilda all the time when she was younger. She still does sometimes for nostalgia purposes.
• Has Adhd.
• Very stupid. (affectionate)
• He has a little sister and he used to get in trouble all the time for purposely teaching her curse words.
• His birthday is the same day as Endercon, which is both a blessing and a curse because he gets to celebrate his birthday at Endercon every year, but the witherstorm was also created on his birthday, so he basically got traumatized for life on his birthday.
• He could honestly care less about Jesse, he just makes fun of him because Aiden and Maya do and he picked it up from them.
• Very good listener. Someone could ramble to him for hours and he'd listen and show interest the whole time.
• Collects Beanie Babies.
• He needs noise to sleep. A fan, the TV, anything.
• He's an extremely slow walker and is always struggling to catch up to people.
{More than one}
• Aiden and Maya have a sister/brother relationship despite not being related in the slightest.
• Gill gets worms off the ground after it rains and gives them to Aiden for his turtle.
• Maya tries to make Gill pull all-nighters with her sometimes but he always falls asleep at like 11pm.
• Maya made fun of Aiden for how many middle names he has once and he pushed her off a bridge. Never again did she make fun of his name.
• Gill and Aiden stay over at Lukas’s house all the time to make pillow forts and binge watch cartoons. Maya refuses to participate because she thinks pillow forts and cartoons are cringy and childish. (shame on you, Maya)
I will take absolutely no Maya, Gill, or Aiden hate. They are all my children, my cutie patooties.
Also, if anyone with artistic skill happens to see this lost and draws one of these (very unlikely) pls pls pls tag me in it ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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Well here is another ask! (I Hope you don't get Mad)
Can I request more(Good) Fleetway Super, scourge and Fleetway Sonic just chilling together? But instead of movies they are playing games
I am always happy to answer asks about these two fkdhsad I'll never get mad for having more excuses to talk or write about them!!!
Sonic wished he could say he didn't know how he'd been dragged into this, but unfortunately, he was all too aware of exactly who was to blame for this.
It was all Ebony's fault. She was the one who kept insisting Sonic, ugh, just got to know Super. Because he wasn't that bad when he wasn't evil and trying to murder Sonic and his friends in cold blood, could Sonic not find it in his heart to get to know him a little better and stop hating him?
He should have kept refusing. He never should have given in. But for some unknown reason, Scourge of all people decided to back her up like the traitor he was. The resulting discussion had been long and torturous, and Tekno had unhelpfully chimed in with multiple comments of her own, because apparently she had never seen Super in a murderous enough rampage to be put off by him. And then Amy reluctantly backed up Tekno, because of course she did, and then-
Well. And then Sonic somehow found himself breathing the same air as Super without either of them fighting.
The process had been, so far, just as long and torturous as his initial discussion (fight) over the issue with Scourge, and to Sonic's eternal annoyance, it wasn't... well, it wasn't not working. So much so he had somehow found himself here, in the back room of the Groovy Train, Scourge firmly sandwiched between him and Super as they sat in front of a TV with controllers in their hands.
It... wasn't the worst situation Sonic had ever been in. He didn't like it, but if he had to be in a room with Super, it was better to not have the fucker trying to kill him, and so far, he hadn't. He'd needed surprisingly little instruction on how to work the game - good, because Sonic didn't have the patience to waste time explaining it to him - and had commented, with far too much snark, "We were the same person once, you know, you spent too much time on this game for me to not know how to play it."
Cheeky bastard.
They'd argued for a while about what game to play - or rather, Sonic and Scourge argued, mainly because Scourge wanted to play that stupid Marxio Brothers game solely to piss Sonic off - before they finally settled on Avenue Warrior 2, a fighting game that was definitely not one of Sonic's favourites. They just happened to have a copy of it back at the base, and it was a good way to unwind after a difficult mission.
Normally, the only person Sonic could convince to play it with him was Tails; the game supported up to four players, but no one else had ever really cared enough to play it with him more than a few times, sulking over getting their asses kicked. Pixel Brain was the only one who stuck at it, with that determined little frown that screamed he was determined to beat Sonic one day. As if, but it was nice for the kid to have a goal. Lately, he'd started to be able to rope Scourge into playing it, which was more of a challenge; Scourge wasn't as familiar with the game as Sonic, didn't know all the little tricks and secrets, but he was a fast learner, and kept Sonic on his toes. But Tails refused to play when Scourge did, saying they got too competitive when they were together, so Sonic was used to only ever playing with one other person. He'd never seen three player mode before.
"Son of a bitch!"
Apparently three player mode involved a lot of the two of them getting too caught up in their rivalry, only for Super to remind them he was there by coming in and delivering some particularly devastating moves, because of course the bastard had leeched off some of Sonic's hard earned skills after the split.
He'd be more mad about it, but every time Scourge's avatar fell was a balm to soothe the irritation.
"You fucking cheater!" Scourge accused, waving his controller.
"Not my fault you're bad at the game," Super replied, quick as a flash. He was usually so meek, but apparently the distraction of video games brought some kind of confidence out of him he didn't normally possess, at least when he was speaking to Scourge. He still shrank back whenever Sonic spoke to him, but honestly, that was perfectly fine by Sonic. He wasn't exactly leaping to become Super's friend.
The only reason he was here at all was because Scourge had talked him into it.
"Bad at the - how am I bad at the game when you're the one who-"
"Just accept you're shit," Sonic said, mashing the buttons on his controller to dodge what would have been a spectacularly vicious combo from Super. They were infuriatingly evenly matched. "I saw that coming a mile away. If you couldn't dodge it, that's your fault."
Scourge hissed, which was the only warning Sonic and Super got before he darted forward and promptly unplugged both their controllers.
"Oh fuck off, you little moss covered hairball-"
Sonic scrambled to plug his controller back in before Super could; they were both good enough at the game that being the first to get their controller working again was the difference between win or lose. Apparently, Super realised the same thing, because he was almost as fast as Sonic. Their shoulders bumped as they frantically tried to plug in their controllers, and both of them tensed at the contact.
Sonic recovered a split second before Super did, plugging his controller back in with a triumphant yell and flinging himself back to the sofa. Super wasn't far behind, snatching up his controller just in time to barely dodge a punch from Sonic's avatar. Lucky fucker.
"Do that again and I'll dangle you out the window with the wire of your controller," Sonic threatened, leaning to the side while dodging a kick like that would help him. Both of their avatars were dangerously low on health; it would be a close call, and Sonic was determined to win.
"I can always turn the console off-"
Scourge twitched like he was going to get up, and in unison Sonic and Super grabbed his arms and flung him back down. For good measure, Sonic wrapped his legs around Scourge's torso, pinning him there.
"If you wanted to cuddle, all you had to do was ask," Scourge said, tilting his head back to grin at Sonic.
"I want you to not be a sore loser."
"I'm not a-!"
"You kinda are," Super said quietly, his earlier confidence shaken from the brief physical contact the two of them shared.
Sonic took advantage of his moment of distraction to deliver a final blow to Super's character, basking in smug, triumphant victory as the game declared him the winner.
He was used to being victorious in this game, but he had to admit, it was a lot more rewarding when he had to actually work for it.
Not that he would admit it out loud. If he ever recounted this story to anyone, he'd tell them it was a landslide victory; no need to let everyone know Super of all people gave him so much trouble.
"Another round?" he asked, smiling smugly at Scourge. "Think you can take another loss without trying to sabotage me, this time?"
"I've won three of these," Scourge complained. "Super's won four. Stop acting like you're hot shit just because you have the most experience with this stupid game."
"I'm not acting like I'm hot shit, I am hot shit."
"Shut up." Scourge untangled himself from Sonic, pulling himself to his feet. "Oi, Super, got any other games? We've been playing this one for two hours now."
"In the cabinet," Super said, startled at being addressed. "In, uh... in the next room."
"Tired of losing?" Sonic taunted.
"Go fuck yourself," Scourge said, sticking his middle finger up at Sonic as he left to root through the cabinet. Sonic stuck two fingers up in retaliation, even knowing he wouldn't be seen.
Then he was left alone with Super. Great. Exactly what he didn't want out of today.
Super eyed him warily, shifting further into his corner of the sofa like Sonic was the dangerous one who could attack at any moment, and Sonic almost snorted. The fucking irony.
Having Scourge sit between them was a conscious choice made for the sake of everyone. Scourge was the only one who didn't have a problem with either of them, while Sonic and Super had many, many problems with one another, although really, Sonic was far more justified in the amount of problems he had with Super. The guy had tried to murder his friends, for fucks sake. Had left Sonic with the burning wreckage of the Tornado and the belief he'd killed the people he cared about. In his opinion, Super didn't get to feel wary about Sonic after everything he'd done.
But, for whatever reason, he was. The mutual discomfort left them uneasy around one another, so they silently agreed to just avoid the shit out of each other for the rest of their lives - a decision that, apparently, no one could respect. Scourge was supposed to be the buffer between them, but apparently he couldn't take even one single job seriously. Super could've gotten a new game and left Sonic alone for two minutes with his boyfriend, but no, apparently that was too much to ask.
Still, as much as Super shrinking away annoyed him, Sonic didn't say anything, just turned away to stare out the window, although he kept one ear flicked in Super's direction just in case he tried anything. Tekno kept saying the suspicion was unnecessary, but what did she know? Better safe than sorry when it came to Super.
If Scourge or Ebony or whoever the fuck planned this was hoping getting them alone would get them to talk, they were sorely mistaken. Sonic didn't have anything to say to Super that wasn't antagonistic, and he didn't want to deal with the bitching he'd be subjected to if he provoked Super - damn the asshole and his overprotective mums - so it was better to just silently ignore him until Scourge came back.
Not that provoking him would be a good idea. The last thing he wanted was to set Super off and turn him homicidal again.
No, ignoring him really was the best way forward, and Super, thankfully, seemed to agree, because he didn't try to strike up any conversation of his own.
They just. Had. To wait. Fine. Sonic could do that. He could sit across from the demonic entity made entirely out of corrupted chaos energy, supposedly placid and a pacifist even though Sonic knew chaos energy didn't work that way.
Sonic was reluctantly beginning to believe Super really wasn't playing the long con - he'd never really had the patience for such things, always turning on anyone he teamed up with the second Sonic came into view, so gaining the self control to be alone with Sonic and not kill him in order to build trust and kill him at a later date was unlikely to say the least - but that didn't mean anything about Super's sudden attitude change made sense to him. He knew all too well how chaos energy worked; it was every bit as wild as its namesake, out of control and unable to be contained. Sonic never remembered any of the times he went super, but he could recall the moments before transformation uncomfortably well. The swelling of power, then energy lashing inside him, screeching for mindless destruction so loudly it was impossible to fight against-
Sonic's fists were clenched. With a deep, deliberate breath, he loosened them, forcing the tightness in his chest to unwind and the unpleasant emotions to back down through well-practiced force of will.
Chaos energy could not be placid. It could not be pacified. It was a feral beast, and it could be drained, and in small doses it wasn't harmful, but it couldn't be tamed. Sonic knew, he had tried. Tried so hard to hold it back, time and time again, to suppress it.
It didn't make sense that Super - a being made entirely of that destructive energy - could do what Sonic knew for a fact was impossible. Fighting chaos energy had to be impossible, otherwise Sonic would have figured out how to do it. Otherwise Kintobor would be-
An unpleasant emotion bubbled in his chest, and he shoved it down viciously. No point in dwelling on that.
It was a relief when Scourge came back, waving a game with a triumphant smile. "Zombies! Can't believe you let us play this shit, Super, when we could've been beating the shit out of zombies the whole time."
Super straightened a little, eyes sharpening, and Sonic tensed - but his eyes were only sharpening in interest, staring at the game in Scourge's hand and not Scourge himself. Not threatening, not waiting to attack.
It took conscious effort to relax.
"Just hurry up and put it in," Sonic said, folding his arms and slumping in his seat. See? The perfect picture of relaxed. He and Super existed in one another's presence without supervision and without ripping each other's throats out. He was great at this being civil thing, so Tekno and Amy and Scourge especially Ebony could shut the fuck up forever.
"Impatient," Scourge tutted, deliberately taking his time removing the cartridge from the case like the asshole he was.
Sonic threw a cushion at him, earning a startled giggle from Super.
"Fucks sake, fine," Scourge hissed, popping the cartridge into the console and returning to his rightful place by Sonic's side, firmly in between him and Super once again.
"Don't be a dick and I won't need to throw shit at you," Sonic said. He chanced a glance at Super, who was watching the TV, and slid his hand into Scourge's, giving it a squeeze.
If Scourge was surprised by the sudden affection, he didn't show it. Just squeezed Sonic's hand right back, and didn't let go until Sonic finally relaxed by his side and the title screen came up.
"Do any of us actually know how to play this game?" Scourge asked.
"I do," Super said, picking his controller back up. "I can teach you."
Sonic's hackles raised at the idea of anyone, much less Super, teaching him anything, but he forced it down. Whatever. He could deal with it.
As they selected their characters and started the game, he leaned on Scourge. Just a little, barely a nudge, but Scourge barely leaned on him right back, and it was enough to settle his overactive nerves at least a little.
Playing video games with Super wasn't something he'd ever pictured himself doing, and it wasn't something he particularly wanted to be doing at that exact moment, either. If he had the choice, he'd rather go for a run far, far away from his maybe-not-evil double.
But as long as he was here, Scourge's presence helped, and Sonic couldn't help but be grateful for that.
The bastard still owed him so many races when they got home for helping to drag him into this, though.
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Hunter x Hunter: copium
imagine with me for a second that chrollo managed to return kortopi and shalnark's abilities before hisoka showed up.
this is your only warning: this is a long ass post
THINK ABOUT IT FOR A SECOND (coping so hard)
like idk where this mf went after the fight, but it would have been in chrollo's best interest to immediately return their abilities (more copium).
so let's just say he does (COPE). could Black Voice and Gallery Fake at their maximum potentials actually take hisoka down?
For one, we know that Shalnark has the secret Autopilot ability that he only uses in desperate situations. And that taps into an OBSCENE amount of aura being released all at once and for all argument's sake, it's basically super saiyan mode. Meaning he can probably fly.
For two, we don't (officially) know what Kortopi is capable of. But we know that guy has a reserve of aura that is capable of supplying copies of, lets assume, 200 rare items that have been taken all across the city (assumed 472 square miles). and they last for 24 hours. that isn't any kind of nen curse or condition, that is straight up just raw power.
am i thinking about this fight in detail? yes i am. am i going to actually write it? maybe!!
how i think it would play out logistically.
assuming hisoka doesn't know about autopilot, shalnark has the best opportunity to one shot the clown. however, depending on how fast hisoka is able to adapt to autopilot (going to refer to it as shark mode for the haha), it will cost shalnark.
if the fight gets drawn out, it could potentially kill him anyway. put him in nen debt so deep he will never financially recover.
that being said, shark mode can overpower bungee gum just like we saw it get overwhelmed in the fight with Razor: if the thing on the other end of the gum is stronger than the thing holding it (hisoka's arm), then hisoka will either lose that arm or disengage. That, or the sheer amount of aura will make it impossible for bungee gum to stick to anything. shark mode is definitely stronger than hisoka's bones.
Shalnark can set elimination targets but can he also include conditions? because shal has two win conditions: 'eliminate' hisoka, or stick him with the other needle. One is arguably easier than the other: so can he set shark mode to deactivate when one or the other is fulfilled or not? who knows.
Kortopi on the other hand shows hisoka up in quantity of aura big time. He's only held back by his need to use the toilet during this fight.
he doesn't have a lot of weapons in his immediate utility while out in the open, but he is still very much a utility. I discussed this in an earlier post, speculating about kortopi's bigger copies being able to be dragged and dropped wherever he pleases before conjuring, but say he could and bro just starts copy and pasting entire plots of land on top of hisoka.
And while kortopi doesn't have a lot in terms of physical strength, assuming he's been trained like the rest of the troupe, he knows how to utilize the basic concepts and could probably survive a hisoka punch directly to the face if he used Ken. Because again, Kortopi has an absolutely insane amount of aura.
i also enjoy the idea of kortopi using a broken iron fence post and using it as a super charged javelin. i just think thats funky~~
he can also cancel bungee gum placements if it is attached to any of his copies. He has baggy enough clothes that if hisoka attaches to it, he has more than enough 'armor' to duplicate and then throw away.
on top of that, kortopi can copy shalnark's antenna using his own aura, which means it costs shalnark nothing, and disguise fakes to try and fool hisoka. it might work once but it could buy them time/warm up the fight.
that being said. this is a lot of assumptions and there are two ways hisoka clean sweeps shalnark. with kortopi i think he might actually struggle, just because of kortopi's proficiency at conjuration. he only outclasses kortopi in the field of experience and physical strength. With shalnark though, there's two ways to get rid of shark mode: remove the antenna from shalnark's body or destroy his phone.
Hisoka probably knows this because he's had experience with manipulators and if he's observant enough, he'll pick up on it immediately. The main question is, could his gum actually get through the aura barrier to attach to the antenna or phone. If yes, he wins as soon as he attaches gum to the antenna.
The phone is a harder question because we don't know if shalnark has to be holding it or not to activate shark mode. This isn't a question i thought i'd ask but im asking it now for the sake of the plot of this fight.
it would be an interesting restriction: "i have to hold my phone while in this mode" H O W E V E R i think shalnark is smart enough to consider that sometimes shark mode will overstay its welcome and end up with him in a nen debt. so i think he has an override installed on the device so someone else can shut him down if he goes for too long. It's a risk and a reward. so in this scenario i think he doesn't hold the phone at all and instead hands it off to Chrollo who is there because he just returned their powers to them.
which is a very big risk. because hisoka then has an opening to circle back and snatch the phone from chrollo and destroy it, cancelling shalnark's entire game plan, but i think he'll be thoroughly distracted for at least a while.
i just think it would be interesting. and hisoka is a changed man now, he wouldn't get any schwing out of fighting them because he's so dead set on making chrollo suffer for killing him.
who would win? that depends on a lot of things. Shark mode has a warm up timer and kortopi has to defend them both in the 1.5 seconds that takes. if hisoka successfully slashes shal in that time frame, then yeah. kortopi has to 1v1 hisoka and will probably lose purely because of their surroundings.
but, if they're all running at maximum capacity then my money is on autopilot shalnark. Bro outpaces, out punches and out aura's hisoka in every field. There is no escape. Unless chrollo presses the (not canon but canon because i said so) override, then shalnark will chase that motherfucker to the ends of the earth until he dies.
i think it will cost shalnark his life if he does win. but it's worth it and much more satisfying than if he'd been completely defenseless cough togashi COUGH TOGASHI YOU DIDNT HAVE TO DO THAT TO HIM. COUGH COUGH.
and kortopi gets to live.
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manonamora-if · 4 months
hi manon!
i have a question about itch, cause i uploaded my demo like a week ago and its like views and plays have gone down to zero already for like two days. and i dont know if i did something wrong or if its normal.
im sure your games are like hundreds of views for weeks, but is there something i can do or is it already over for me? IM FREAKING OUT
Oh hi worried anon!
New releases bring in tons of views (and plays/downloads), but it weans down pretty quickly. It will go back up when people share your linked posts (assuming your have a demo post here/other social media) and when you update the demo (it goes right back to the top of the New pile*). *abusing the update button to get back to the top can flag itch.io
How fast it weans down does depend on a lot of things, many you can't really control (followers, engagement, algorithm, etc). But what you have included in the demo, will have an effect: a 100k words demo with a lot of branching will tend to have more returning players than a short 1k words linear prologue. Visual, Audio, Interactivity, Writing Style, Genre, Tropes... all that too...
Do check that your page is properly published on itch (and that you allows downloads and searches) and you can open your page in a Private Browser Mode to see how a random user will see your page! (if your page is quarantine you should contact itch.io support)
There are things that could help, but it is never a sure thing:
sharing your project to directories (like @interact-if)
using the tags correctly on Tumblr (like #interactive fiction)
filling the Metadata of your game on itch (so it can be found better)
engaging with your current followers
engaging with other authors
sharing your work on other platforms (like the CoG Forum if you're doing CScript or IF discords)
But yeah, readers will come and go. If you are happy with what you are doing, that's what matters. :)
but yeah... don't worry anon! It's totes normal!
Anyways, if you want some very unfair comparison (because I have a lot more projects on hands, and that stacks), click below for bad screenshots...
Yeah, I do get a couple hundreds of views per week, but...
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that includes ALL the games I've made (which are two good dozens now, including the experiments and WIPs), the templates and the guides. I have like... 48 different pages between everything... (I know it's from April, but this month is not a "regular" month in hits)
But not all projects bring the same amount of players. Most of the time, my big WIP on hiatus and my SugarCube guide are the ones showing hits (aside from new releases).
Some graphs below:
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My recently released parser, currently in a competition (so there is a bit more traction). It will die after it, because it's a parser.
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Compared to Jeangille's Letters which was released in French first, then English in April. It's a wonder if I get a play now... :/
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To the Binksi I made last week that resonated with some people (it's going down).
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And that's my big WIP (over 100k words) which hasn't updated in a LONG TIME
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And that's my Twine Guide.
Another Anon a while back said I was only popular because of my guide/template, and NGL some days, that anon is right.
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fff777 · 8 months
is it just me or did chenji's this and that season 3 come fast compared to how long it took for us to get the final episode of season 2 lol
anyway I watched season 3 episode 0
They already have a different look :P
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Is it weird that I'm already cooing?
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Bro...y'all know...
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Surprisingly healthy sleep schedule from Chenle (11 PM - 9 AM) compared to Jisung's (2:30 AM to 7:00 AM)
Lol Chenle's self awareness about how they said things too flippantly and so they had to commit to a trip at the end of season 2
Lol finished his part, now in lounge mode
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Chenle: NO travelling for season 3 Jisung: ...well we still could Chenle:
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So Jisung is thinking about it from a narrative standpoint, where it'd be nice to end every season on a trip. But Chenle is being practical here lol.
Season 2 recap
They started season 2 FOUR years ago lmao
Chenle arguing about Youtube analytics
Jisung feels awkward which is normal but Jisung is also cringed out extremely easily. On the other hand, Chenle's the kind of guy who weirdly loves watching himself. They are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
Chenle is getting SUPER into the analytics, he's like, we need to stop doing food videos because the most watched parts are all the beginning (as opposed to the actual eating). President Zhong on the case.
Chenle suggesting they do lots of videos where they make things after looking at the view counts X'D
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This could be a good meme
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Jisung: ...We looked pure and innocent Chenle:
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LMFAO the way they were like 'yeah the view count for taking photos was definitely low!'
Chenle still has the pottery that Jisung and him made ^^;;
For a guy as competitive as Chenle I thought he'd feel a bit sore talking about his big losses on that day but he wasn't lol
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Drawing time. We already saw some of the pictures they'd drawn in the opening credits etc.
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Their permanent mindsets are Chenle always smiling and Jisung always crying lol
He wants to be a fancy boy
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Looking for praise is just his permanent mode
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Jisung: We gotta stay down to earth Chenle: For once my guy can we get an upgrade
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Sksks this brat Chenle was like "I'm done the logo so you should do the stickers" "Can you write 'The end' better? The D looks weird."
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Chenle kept telling Jisung to rewrite things lmfao
Jisung erased his sheet and he got fascinated and Chenle got all bratty again lmfao
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Spelled his name wrong lmfao
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Remember to back your shit up
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Lol they're taking suggestions in the comments
New buzzword
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Jisung was a bit worried about their goodbye greeting being too casual but I think he later found it fun
I only started paying attention to NCT Dream in 2022 but Chenji's This and That really feels like...a more streamlined series that shows Chenji growing up through the years? So seeing how much more grown they look doing a season 3 is both really fun and a little emotional ;_;
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senjuushi · 2 years
Noble Musketeer Story: Hachikyu
Episode 1: Hachikyu’s Suffering
Hachikyu: Tch, this is bad...! Shit, shit...! I seriously have no luck today!!
Hachikyu: Oh, (Player Name)! Hey, you don’t happen to have any yakisoba bread, do you? 
Yakisoba bread? 
I don’t have any... 
Hachikyu: Damn it, there goes my last hope...! What am I gonna do... go back to the classroom like this...? It’d be certain death if I do...! That’s not happening!!
What’s going on...? 
What’s wrong?
Hachikyu: Ah... yeah. Murata told me to buy him yakisoba bread for lunch, but... 
Hachikyu: I wound up dozing off, and by the time I opened my eyes, it was all sold out. 
Hachikyu: On top of that, they somehow figured out that I’d read Arisaka’s diary... If they find me, they’ll kill me for sure...! 
Hachikyu: Hahh... even after coming to a military academy, a gunman’s life is super hard mode. 
Hachikyu: ...nh! That’s it! You gotta help me escape! 
(CHOICE 1) Hachikyu: On the mega-rare chance we get caught, if you’re there, you’d make a good buffer, y’know?  
(CHOICE 2) Hachikyu: That fast!? I’m begging you, so at least ask why! 
Hachikyu: I mean, it’d suck to have to re-summon me and hurt yourself worse, right? So keep me from being killed!
Murata: Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure. ...oh, Arisaka. Did you not hear the voice of that useless scoundrel just now? 
Arisaka: I heard him over here. Arisaka will lead the way. 
Hachikyu: Shit! They’re here! C’mon, let’s go! 
Hachikyu roughly grabbed (Player Name)’s arm and took off running.
Hachikyu: C’mon, over here! 
Hachikyu: *pant*... *pant*... Let’s hide here for now.
Hachikyu’s hiding spot was in a PE warehouse near the sports field. 
Hachikyu: They won’t find us in here... I hope. 
Hachikyu: If they do find us, it’s your turn. I’ll be counting on you.
Am I supposed to apologize...? 
I guess it can’t be helped.
(CHOICE 1) Hachikyu: Are you an idiot? If you apologize, they’ll just be like, “Oh, is that so?” and not forgive me at all. 
(CHOICE 2) Hachikyu: Alright! I can seriously count on you, right...?
By the way...
How long are you going to keep your hand there?
Hachikyu: Hand... woah!? Why were you so close!? 
Hachikyu: Wait, I was the one who grabbed you, I guess... Um, s-sorry for being gross... 
Hachikyu: ......
—about ten minutes later.
Hachikyu: ...you think we’re okay now? Maybe those two have gotten tired of looking, gave up, and gone back to the classroom...
Hachikyu: For now, let’s see if we’re clear. 
Hachikyu: Hell yeah! No sign of Murata or Arisaka! Hey, (Player Name), sorry for suddenly dragging you into—
Student 1: Hey, look over there.
Student 2: That’s the one who was with the World Empire... 
Several students with grim looks in their eyes came toward Hachikyu and (Player Name), and stood surrounding them.
Student 3: Hey, you... you used to be the World Empire’s Musketeer, didn’t you?
Student 1: You don’t belong here. How could you support the tyrannical regime of the World Empire, then just turn around and come to this school as if nothing’s wrong...!? 
Student 2: Your old memories aren’t gone just because your Master’s changed, right? How do you feel about those old days?
Student 4: Do you feel regret? If you do, your words and actions should show it loud and clear! 
Hachikyu: ......
Can we please calm down?
This isn’t doing any good. 
Student 1: Are you gonna defend this guy? You know what the World Empire did, don’t you? 
Student 3: So tell us, how do you feel!? Answer truthfully! 
Hachikyu: ...hah.
Hachikyu: ...when a pencil writes a word, is that word what the pencil thinks? 
Student 4: What are you talking about!? The pencil doesn’t think, and it doesn’t write on its own, either. 
Hachikyu: Are “that” and “me” really any different?
Hachikyu: Noble Musketeers may be treated like we’re so important, but we’re just guns. We’re summoned and used by our Masters— it’s a totally different position than you mighty humans. 
Hachikyu: There’s my refute. See ya later. 
Student 3: ...w-wait! You’re not just a gun. You’re a Musketeer! You’re not the same as a gun or a pencil! 
Student 3: You can think, speak, and move on your own. Were your intentions truly unrelated to what you did in the past?
Hachikyu: ......
Kyoudou: Hey, you over there! What’s this commotion? Personal fights are against school rules. 
Student 1: ...., Professor Kyoudou. Nothing’s going on. We’re just talking.
Student 3: ...sometime, we’re going to get that answer.
Hachikyu: ......
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rosewaterconley · 1 year
rgg just keep creating games that are like a handful of fatal flaws away from being perfect
my favorite genre of video game is "utter perfection in every regard except one fucking thing that makes you wonder if the dev even knows what a video game is" and RGG just won't stop doing that. love em for it.
Yakuza 4: +Incredible quantity and quality of side content - Tanimura's substories and master are the peak of Yakuza. Especially love the one substory with him that really sneaks up on you - it looks like normal police blotter but then oh shit it's a murder?? Love stuff like that, it really makes the setting feel bigger, wilder and more unpredictable not to mention lived-in. +Solid combat. No character isn't fun to play which is amazing since this is the first game with multiple distinctive fighting styles +Compelling main story +Best Kamurocho. Objectively think the Dragon Engine ones are better but this one has the best vibes. The sound design on the roofs is unparalleled -Story has too many moving parts for its relatively fast pace (0 and 7 both have similarly complex plots but knew to decompress so we had time to get to know everyone), and the fast pace also means there's really not much time to engage with all the side content
Yakuza 5: +Ridiculous breadth of content +Best combat in the series +Only game where the idea of characters having a secondary mode/storyline is explored to its full extent +I'm a huge sucker for the 4/5 era of "Kiryu, Akiyama, Saejima and some dude who never appears again" and Shinada is just absolutely perfect +Haruka's section really worked for me -That being said Akiyama has like nothing to do and his combat sucks -Ridiculous encounter rates -Main story feels like a D&D session where the DM had 1 cocktail napkin worth of notes prepared and forgot the napkin at home.
Yakuza 0: +Engaging and believable setting +Fun side activities including like half of the all time great substories +A plot that really understands how to balance complex conspiracy narratives and satisfying character writing +A bunch of memorable characters throughout both cities and a great feeling of never quite knowing what's around the next corner when guys like Kitajima are inhabiting parts of the map that you'd swear have never even HAD a purpose before +IMO the best implementation of befriending NPCs in any Yakuza game +Yakuza 5-ass encounter rates but also an easy way to get around street fights?? Why did no subsequent games do that. Seriously Yakuza 0's best innovation -Side content is top-heavy, with most substories available by their characters' second chapters. Cities feel dead by the end -Kiryu's side activity is a super lame grindfest -All the villains aside from Kuze are underwritten or just kinda weirdly written especially on Majima's end (though Kiryu's final boss is IMO the worst singular offender) -The combat is too easily cheesed to be engaging
Yakuza 6: +Best new city since Sotenbori, honest to God exploring Onomichi makes this game worth the price of admission on its own +Best iteration of Kamurocho in ages +My favorite cast of side characters in any Kiryu game +Amazing substories and general side content +Evil twink -Horrible combat -The only script in the series that I actively loathe
Yakuza 7: +Favorite cast of characters in the series, period +Almost perfectly paced for the scope of the story, every character had a chance to be fleshed out and even minor villains like Ishioda remain clearly defined in my memory +incredible rags-to-riches story with genius links back to every prior entry +Best new city since Onomichi, I love every inch of Ijincho +Super fun substories, especially fond of 7 choosing single long substories over using a series of short ones to artificually inflate the number of substories +Only substory to ever make me cry (Forget me Not) +Turn-based combat works way better than I thought it would -Yakuza 5 ass encounter rates -Exploration holds your hand too much. Substories all tell you where you're supposed to go and all the major side stuff goes out of its way to tell you it exists. This game doesn't really have any content you can miss, no real reward for being perceptive. It bashes you over the head with where it wants you to go and everything it's possible to do. Overly curated to the point of feeling like a theme park, which is like the opposite vibe it should have given Ichi has never been in this city before? Kamurocho in 4 felt more unfamiliar to me than Ijincho. -There's just not enough for Ichi to do outside of the main story. His two 'side dramas' are a business menugame without much in the way of character interaction and the Survive Bar stuff that shares a cast with the main plot and draws all its storylines from their pre-existing backstories -No unique activities in Sotenbori or Kamurocho. Would it have killed them to make like, one thing unique to these cities? I though golf was only in Sotenbori for a bit but nah. These things eat up so much hard drive space and they only exist for grinding and filling out checklists. Horrible treatment of legacy settings in a game that treats its legacy characters so well.
boy that was longer than I wanted it to be I'm sorry if you read all that. probably super obvious based on the length of each section which games I've played the most recently. might come back to this if I ever have the balls to attempt another Yakuza 5 playthrough.
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