#handball court
redrcs · 10 months
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Black holes are where God divided by zero
Old handball court at New Norcia
New Norcia was a Benedictine Community founded in the 1800s in Western Australia. It's aim was to provide a way to transition the aboriginal community from their nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian one. While it did some good, it was also the worst offender for historical child sexual abuse. The report (into child abuse in Australia) found 7 per cent of priests from all Catholic Church authorities who ministered from 1950 to 2010 across Australia were accused of child sexual abuse, but for the Benedictine Community of New Norcia, the amount was more than triple that at 21.5 per cent.
On my travels
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thschei · 3 months
I'm not trying to knock the OP of that post, I understand the kind of social pressure & ostracization (esp starting with other kids in school who subconsciously pick up on the fact that you're ND and mock or resent you, continuing in adulthood) that leads to prefacing things with "not to be pretentious, but..."
However comma the thing is there's never going to be enough disclaimers or dumbing ourselves down that will satisfy people. They'll always resent you for being a snob, or teacher's pet, or using big words, or acting like you're better than them, or intimidating them, or talking down to them, or making them feel insecure, or being competitive/an overachiever. These accusations are endless and they'll always be there at the ready, adjustments made to the wording to make it seem like you, minding your own business, are antagonizing them.
So... If you're like me, and you're naturally analytical, observant, consistently spot-on intuition, good at remembering minor details (it's always fun to freak ppl out by pointing out a detail in a conversation that happened 3 years ago ❤️), like obscure/foreign/difficult to understand things, and everywhere you go people describe you as pretentious or too serious?
It's okay to be who and what you are. You don't need to dilute your personality or vocabulary or hobbies for social acceptance. You shouldn't have to mask your tism even in online fandom spaces, you shouldn't settle for people just tolerating you as long as you rewatch the correct unfunny sitcoms and like the correct poorly written music. You don't need to compromise your personality and preferences to an online zeitgeist that demands complete hegemony.
It's your life and you deserve to live it without repressing yourself and performing what people expect/want from you 🫂❤️
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yanklbonkl · 1 year
i was today years old when i learned that handball (the real version not this european shit) is a game exclusively known in nyc i feel like i'm losing my mind
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canismajors · 1 year
idk if it was just an australian primary school thing or not but handball in primary school was the hugest thing to the extent that each school had their own rules and play styles & stuff. in my school we had to sit down in a seperate area to eat before we could go up to the handball courts & people used to line up runners start to sprint and get the best handball courts
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speedylinemarking · 4 months
Precision Perfection: Handball Court Marking by Speedylinemarking
Elevate your handball game with precision handball court marking by Speedylinemarking. Our expert team ensures accurate measurements and durable markings for optimal gameplay. Trust us to transform your space into a professional handball arena. From sidelines to goal lines, we deliver top-notch quality that lasts. Enhance safety and performance with our reliable services.
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streetsofdublin · 5 months
Many towns in Ireland have a public Handball Alley/Court this one is located at Michael Street Gardens in Kilkenny
MICHAEL STREET GARDENS IN KILKENNY Pair of freestanding mass-concrete handball alleys built in the 1920s. Unpainted mass-concrete walls incorporating section of random rubble stone wall to north-east forming part of boundary wall, and rendered rounded coping having iron posts with iron mesh panels. Set perpendicular to road. Many towns in Ireland have a public Handball Alley/Court this one is…
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visit-new-york · 7 months
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What are the key attractions within Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Nestled along the East River with the iconic Brooklyn Bridge as its backdrop, Brooklyn Bridge Park stands as a testament to urban revitalization and green space innovation. This sprawling oasis, spanning 85 acres along the Brooklyn waterfront, offers a harmonious blend of recreational spaces, natural beauty, and stunning views of the Manhattan skyline. As visitors stroll through its well-manicured lawns and engaging attractions, they are treated to an array of experiences that make Brooklyn Bridge Park a must-visit destination. Let's delve into the key attractions that contribute to the allure of this urban gem.
Brooklyn Bridge Promenade:
The park's crowning jewel, the Brooklyn Bridge Promenade, provides an unrivaled vantage point to marvel at the majesty of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan skyline. As day turns to night, the twinkling city lights create a breathtaking panorama. The promenade offers a serene escape from the city buzz, making it a favorite spot for joggers, cyclists, and leisurely strollers alike.
Pier 1: Harbor View Lawn:
Pier 1 welcomes visitors with the expansive Harbor View Lawn, a lush green space that hosts a variety of events, from outdoor movie nights to yoga classes. The unobstructed views of the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline make it an ideal spot for picnics, relaxation, and taking in the maritime activity on the river.
Pier 2: Sports and Recreation Hub:
For the sports enthusiasts, Pier 2 is a haven of activity. Basketball and handball courts, roller skating rinks, and even a shuffleboard court cater to diverse interests. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just looking to enjoy a friendly game, Pier 2 is the place to break a sweat with the Manhattan skyline as your backdrop.
Jane's Carousel:
Nestled in a glass pavilion at the edge of the park, Jane's Carousel is a vintage treasure that adds a touch of nostalgia to Brooklyn Bridge Park. Dating back to 1922, this meticulously restored carousel offers enchanting rides for visitors of all ages. The combination of the beautifully carved horses and the sparkling views of the East River creates a magical experience.
Pier 6: Playgrounds and Picnic Areas:
Pier 6 is a family-friendly haven featuring playgrounds designed to spark the imagination of young adventurers. Water features, climbing structures, and ample seating make this area a hotspot for families. The nearby picnic areas are perfect for a leisurely lunch, providing a chance to recharge amid the park's natural beauty.
Environmental Education Center:
For those seeking a deeper understanding of the local ecosystem, the Environmental Education Center on Pier 1 offers interactive exhibits and educational programs. Visitors can learn about the diverse plant and animal life thriving in and around the park, fostering a sense of appreciation for the environment.
Brooklyn Bridge Park is a testament to the transformative power of urban planning and community engagement. Its diverse attractions cater to a wide range of interests, making it a destination that resonates with both locals and tourists. As you explore the park's various offerings, you'll find a harmonious blend of recreation, culture, and natural beauty, making Brooklyn Bridge Park a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an enriching and picturesque urban escape.
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evan-collins90 · 9 months
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Home designed by Donald L. Maxcy (1990)
"A below-grade handball court turned "Raiders of the Lost Ark" temple—all things are possible with the sorcery of designer Donald Maxcy. A three-story structure in Pebble Beach, California was built on the site to include gymnasium, pool table, video room and nightclub. By day, sunlight warms the "temple" stairwell; by night, this same space is treated to theatrical lighting, conjuring up a sunset or shadows of jungle leaves. In the seating area, high color-rendering fluorescent lighting is artfully combined with planting in pockets of space built into the room. Mirrors back these alcoves, letting the eye wander into a grove of reflected trees. The coffee table conceals movie-theater-quality sound equipment to coordinate with the TV monitor hidden behind the filigree panel. Craftsmen in faux turned this unit to apparent stone. Their decorative archaeology includes sandstone cast rosettes and a subtle bas-relief of a foreign god." —Molly Siple
Description and photos scanned from a 1991 issue of Designer's West Magazine, additional photos scanned from the book Residential Lighting by Randall Whitehead
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lightwing-s · 8 months
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pairing: jason todd x fem! reader
summary: when you're desperate for a quick shower, the last thing you expected was for it to last this too long, or for you to be accompained by a boy.
word count: 4,6k warnings: shower sex, oral sex (m receiving), handjob, language
a/n: it's 4am and I need to wake up for work at 6am, but I promised myself i'd finish it today (or yesterday) and so i did. not proofread, so i apologize for any mistakes. hope you enjoy, much love ♡.
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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Throbbing pain consumed your frontal lobe
It was way past the usual time practice ended. Way past. All your teammates stood around the coach for a prolonged scolding session after the team had lost the past two matches in a not so nice —extremely bad—, manner.
The season had barely started and you could see in everyone’s eyes they were all already exhausted. And so were you.
Your legs burnt from all the exercise, feeling like your muscles were about to rip open at any moment. Your scalp itched, as the sweat settled on your hair, leaving it oily and stinky. Gosh, you needed a shower.
Time did not seem to pass. No, the coach did not seem to ever want to stop talking.
Taking a glimpse to your right, you catch sight of your best friend impatiently standing on the bleaches. One of her legs shaking and her arms crossed on her chest. “Shit” you whispered to yourself, as you knew another scolding was doomed the minute you stepped out of the court.
You didn’t know why you’d agreed to attend Johnson’s party with her. You’re upset over the team's recent performances, crowded with school work, and your parents had been bugging you about their holiday plans all week. Clear to say, your head was too full to attend a party tonight, and you were solely going for the unquestionable loyalty you had towards your friends.
Nessie had been annyong you the entire month about this party. Johnson was this frat guy she shared a few classes with, and she had been drooling over him since the semester started. So when he personally invited her to tonight’s party, it became the only thing she talked about for weeks and sealed the next steps into her imaginary relationship with the guy.
When the coach finally decided that he had enough of calling you all shitty athletes and dismissed you for the day, a swarm of players desperately headed out to the changing rooms in hopes of a well deserved shower. 
You, on the other hand, were stopped in your way by your friend, who had rushed towards you as soon as she heard the coach say “See you tomorrow”.
“Let’s go?” she pouted, making you roll your eyes at her very evident desperation.
“I just need to take a shower.” you bemoaned, feeling disgusted by the sweat and the sticky sensation all over your body. You had been practicing for hours, rolling on the floor, running around. You just wanted to get rid of all traces of sweat and dirt from your body. Her pout, however, only grew larger. “Do you really want me to show up all stinky to this party?”
In all honesty, you didn’t really want to show up at all. But you had promised, and your damned loyalty wouldn’t allow you to back off now. She wanted you to go, or more so need you there for moral support, either if he came onto her and she didn’t know what to do, or the unspoken possibilities of him ignoring her or finding him with someone else.
“You do stink a little. Please, be quick” she moaned, hands together in a praying position, and you gave her an amused smile and a push towards the side, clearing your way out of where you stood. 
Following in the direction the hoard of girls had just walked through, you jogged your way to the locker room in hopes of finally taking that well deserved shower. However, you hadn’t counted on the handball team also practicing till the late hours of the night, and now the locker room looked more like an electronics store on black friday than an university bathroom.
Each and everyone of the shower cabins were full, and ladies lined outside its doors waiting for the moment they’d be free. It would take you a lot longer than you had imagined, and you could already feel your best friend fuming outside if you had to make her wait any longer than you had promised. 
Grabbing your bags, you walked out and in her direction. “Let’s go. I’ll change in your car.”
“But you haven’t showered?” she inquired.
“We’re never gonna make it in time. Locker rooms are full.” you stated, taking her hand and trying to walk away, to which she held her ground and refused to move.
“You’re not going like this,” her features softened, and she looked at you with kindness in her eyes. “You want to shower, so go.” she ordered, arms crossing over the deep cleavage of her bright red top, in sort of a motherly way. “I’ll wait.”
“Johnson is waiting for you” you tried to persuade, but she shook her head again.
“Party is not ending anytime soon. And looking on the brighter side, we’ll get him thinking of me all the time, wondering if we’re coming or not, you know.”
You gave her a smile, admiring how her little mind worked. Fixing the bag on your shoulder, you turned to go inside the room you once were, but seeing girls hanging around the entrance made you give up instantly. “But, there’s so many people. We could go home and shower there in the same amount of time.”
“And cross the city twice?” she exclaimed, throwing her arms up. “Isn’t there another place you can shower?”
“There’s the boys locker room.” you remembered.
“Are there any boys’ sports teams practicing today?”
“Not that I remember.” And holding your hand, she dragged you around the corridors towards the boys’ locker room. 
The two of you sneaked around every corner, checking to see if anyone was around. Failing to meet anybody, you arrived at the room in no time. It was empty and you could hear your lone footsteps echoing on the gray walls.
“This smells so much of testosterone.” Nessie noted, looking around the room like a little kid in Disneyland, but face scrunched in disgust.
“It’s the boy’s locker room, Nessie. Of course it’d smell like that.” you laughed, stacking your clothes and a towel over the door of the stall you had chosen to shower in, on the far corner of the locker room. When you fish for your shampoo and conditioner from inside your bag, however, you’re met with the complete absence of both. “Nessie…?” you called, hearing a hum in response. “I forgot my shampoo and conditioner.”
“Are you serious!?” she screamed, and not daring to look at the side to see her, you could picture her standing there with her arms on her waist, and the biggest annoyed expression on her face. “I have some in the car, just wait right there.” she sighted, immediately running past you on her way to the door.
“It’s not like I can’t go anywhere.” you tried to lighten the mood as you heard her footsteps leaving your earshot. “Oh! And get me soap too! Nessie, I love you!”
You watched her disappear through the large double doors leading to the corridors, the rapid sounds of her footsteps bouncing off the walls and into your ears, a big contrast to the otherwise silent room you were left in once she was gone from earshot.
A deep exhale left your lungs. The silence and emptiness, somehow, a much more comfortable ambience. Still wrapped around a towel, you grabbed your bag from where it stood on one of the benches, leaving the locker area and making way to an empty shower stall. 
Gladly, the university opted out of open showers and gave students individual stalls instead, thankful for the privacy and the chance to feel a bit like home while getting cleaned. Entering through the grey door, you lay your bag on a small shelf and hang your towel on a hook beside it. The humidity already making your skin sticky.
The warm water falling on your body feels like a pain reliever, as your muscles immediately relax and the temperature helps in keeping you cozy. Breathy, tired moans escaped your lips while you enjoyed the sensation, entering a bubble of solitude, warmth and peace.
With your eyes closed as you let water fall down your face, you almost didn’t notice the sounds around you. Your head was far away from that bathroom, thinking of a place where mean spirited, annoying coaches and teammates that loved to complain about your smallest mistakes did not exist, but the far sound of engines losing power broke you from dreamland.
Opening your eyes to complete darkness, you feel a pit form in your stomach and your heart skipped out of beat. It wasn’t like you were scared of the dark, but the thought of being alone in the dark exactly where you were, sure made you a tidy bit nervous.
Grabbing your towel from the hook, you loosely wrapped it around yourself. “Hello?” you called out, in hopes your friend would have already returned, but the echoing of your voice through the room was enough of a response: you were indeed alone. “Hello?” you called once more, head peeking out of the shower box to find nothing but darkness.
Stepping outside, your wet feet met the cold stone floors, leaving behind puddles as you ventured your way into the darkness. The sound of dripping water adding to the tension and the weird feeling you got on the base of your stomach. Shit. This could not get any worse.
A soft, barely audible, screech sounded from right in front of you, making you freeze in place. Your breath heavied, and you tried to focus on hearing every sound in that room, fight or flight instincts ready to act, only catching the sound of more dripping water from the same direction of the screeching sound.
The locker area seemed to be even darker than the space you were before. Extending your hands to guide you through the dimness, you finally felt the wooden touch of the lockers as you slowly turned the corner into the empty area.
However, arms still extended in front of you, you suddenly hit something standing in your way… It wasn’t hard like the concrete pillars or the wood of the lockers, it was rather soft, smooth, cold and slightly wet. Sliding your hand over it, you suddenly found a crack and… 
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” you screamed, stepping back swiftly and hitting your back against something hard, losing balance and falling ass first onto the floor. “Ugh”
“Are you alright?” you heard a deep masculine voice fill the room from where your arms had just reached, but you were too scared out of your mind to form any sort of coherent answer. If your scream a few moments earlier didn’t give away that you were not a boy, you wouldn’t be giving him anymore hints you were not the kind meant to be using this room. “Hello? Are you dead?” he called out one more time.
“No!” you replied and immediately covered your mouth. But what the hell kind of question was that?
“Good, I wouldn’t want someone’s cause of death to be touching my butt.”
For that, you were thankful all you could see was black, as whoever it was would not see your cheeks turning redder than they’d ever been. And then you realized, upon feeling the sticky coldness of the tiles on your butt, that you were ass naked on the floor. But not only ass naked, full naked, as your towel had fallen somewhere after your scare.
“Are you alright?” he asked again. “If you don’t know, I’m extending my hand to help you up.”
Closing your eyes shut, you mentally slapped yourself for getting into this situation, and mentally punched your friend for convincing you to get there in the first place. 
Making sure to avoid his stretched arms, you pushed yourself forward on your knees, failing to stand up on the wet puddle you’d formed on the floor.
As if the universe was conspiring against you, though, the lights suddenly were turned on, and when you looked up, you were face to “face” with a large bulk hidden under a white towel. Looking further up, you met with deep blue eyes that made you lose balance once more.
“You aren’t supposed to be here, are you?” he questioned, one eyebrow popping up. But you never got a chance to reply, as both your eyes shifted to the coming sound from out the door. 
Multiple voices screaming out incoherent words you were too nervous to decipher. “Oh shit.” you heard from above your head, and suddenly felt a hold on your upper arm, as the floor quickly moved further from you. “Here, take this.” the boy handed you his towel, exposing himself while he desperately dragged you from your frozen position.
Shoving you inside your shower booth, he disappeared for a second before joining you inside.
“What are you doing?” you asked exasperated, holding both your towel and your eyes for dear life.
“Saving your ass?” he replied, pushing your head down so you were sitting on the floor once more. “Get low or they’ll see you.”
The voices only got louder, as what you now suspected were the basketball team joined you in the changing rooms.
“Can’t you guys have the decency of not throwing your towels on the floor?” you heard someone scream from outside, finding out where your towel had made it to after slipping away from your grip.
A soft chuckle grabbed your attention, and you looked up from your place in the corner of the booth to find the boy who had just saved you from total embarrassment with a huge smirk glued on his lips.
“What are you laughing at?” you mouthed.
“You.” he mouthed back, dramatically accentuating his lip movements while pointing his finger at you as you only pouted in return. Throwing his head back in a silent laugh, you stopped to notice the white strand of hair bouncing along his head movements and hanging on his wet forehead. “What are you doing in the boys locker room anyways?”
“It thought it was empty.” you answered sharply, trying to speak as low as you could, but the boy grew his eyes at you, placing a finger on his lips to shut you up.
A shadow appeared from beneath the door, and soon someone tried to open the door to your stall. Freaked out, you instinctively hid further into your corner, while the boy rushed to hold the door closed.
“Kinda busy, mate.” he warned, resting his body weight on the door.
“Wha... Who is it?” asked the voice from outside.
“It’s Jason Todd. From weightlifting?” 
Upon finally knowing the name of today’s savior, you tried to scan your memory to find any recollection of that name, perhaps hearing that it once, but Jason Todd was total news to you, not so much his naked body standing right in front of you.
“Jay! Did not see you come in!” the boy from outside exclaimed.
“Mikey, hey!” Jason replied awkwardly. “Yeah, hmm… I was here before you guys arrived.”
“In the darkness?” the voice pitch got higher.
“Vibes and shit.” he told, looking at you to find your wide eyes and a look that said what the fuck more than words itself could. “Kinda liked it.” he stuck his tongue out at you.
“Alright, man. Nice shower.” As Jason thanked the guy, Mikey, in return, you watched as the shadow dissipated into the noisy room outside your door. Exhaling a deep breath you didn’t notice you were holding, you allowed relief to consume your body for a brief second.
Jason seemed to relax too, as you watched his shoulder fall down as he turned back in your direction, turning on the shower and getting under the water.
You wanted to complain. You really did, as your towel grew wetter by the second. But finally paying attention to his hanging penis just inches from you took out of your courage to say anything back at him.
To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. Your face must have looked bright red, like a firemen’s truck, because god damn it, there was a naked man showering right beside you.
Holding your towel, now soaked in water, tighter to your chest, you promised yourself not to look, not to glimpse, not even peek at your side for as long as this torturous experience had to last. You knew soon Nessie would come back, and she would find a way to get you out of there. Or so you wished.
When a drop of white foam fell on your cheek, the strong smell of coconut filled your nostrils, forcing you to look up in exasperation. ”Are you fucking for real?!” you whisper-screamed, as you watched him wash the shampoo off his hair.
“Might as well make the most out of this situation.” he simply shrugged, leaving wide eyed and angry.
Shaking your head, you first caught a glimpse of that same colored water falling down his extremely toned calves, and followed their way up to where his legs met his torso, then the well molded line that led to his groin.
Your eyes fell once more, this time for longer, on his member, thick, flaccid but already extensive, and you swore your mouth watered. Swallowing dry, you daren't look up any further, promising yourself to keep your eyes glued at the door. But a scoff brought your attention higher up.
Jason’s eyes held yours for what felt like minutes, darked than you remembered, as his face was decorated with a devilish smirk that had your core feeling… things. He looked at you from under his lashes, trapping you, holding you down without even touching your body. Then, he shifted on his feet, moving his body just slightly in your direction.
You knew what he wanted. You also knew what you wanted, too. 
Biting your bottom lip, trying to hold yourself and your thoughts, you wondered if that would even be a good idea. But you were already fucked anyways, might as well make the expression a reality.
With one more look at the gray door, you hoped, prayed, it kept you safe. Looking up to meet Jason’s darkened eyes, you made sure to hold your gaze on his, looking at him with feigned innocence, with dirt filled intentions, and an almost impatient hunger. 
Letting your towel go from your hold, you get on your knees in front of him, not yet letting his eyes go.
He was not smiling anymore, eyes seemingly drowsy from just looking at yours, mouth almost hanging open, saved by the small part of his brain holding him together. And then your eyes dropped.
You noticed his dick had hardened a bit, just from looking at you, on your knees, ready to submit to him in the dirtiest place he could ever (or never) have imagined. Your breath was heavy, leaving your nose right into his member and teasing him even more.
You licked him, from the tip to the base, eyes trapped on his face and the way it contorted, head hanging back and lips trapped between his teeth. Taking a hold of him from the base, you moved your hand up and down his length, prepping him up, feeling the hardness forming in your palms before going in with your mouth.
His size quickly filled your cheeks, as you pushed him deep into your throat. He moaned loud, and your eyes warningly flashed up to meet his again, telling him to keep quiet just like he did with you before. You let him calm down before moving your head again, up and down his length, hands assisting on the parts that you couldn’t fill in your mouth.
He couldn’t moan, but his body was giving you the right answers to your touch, shaking feverishly, as you sucked him, licked him, devoured him. Oftentimes, you would feel his tip reaching your throat, making you gag and his body jolt from the sensation.
His hands wrapped around your hair, pushing you deeper, harder, as you had to let go of his member to keep yourself steady, holding his tights for support. He was fucking your throat like there was no tomorrow, your tears mixing with the water falling on your head, his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation, and soon you felt the bitter taste of him release hitting your tongue.
Swallowing all, you still hang your tongue out, waiting, begging for more, but he chose to paint your breast with the last few bits of his cum, reaching his hands to massage it all over, holding and picking at your nipple while doing so, the sensation already driving you wild.
Grabbing you by the arm, he pulled you up to your feet, mouth going straight to you boobs, licking his own cum off it, sucking and biting your nipples, drawing breathy moans from deep within your throat. His mouth engulfed your entire boob, or it felt like so, as your head rolled back and he had to hold your hips so you wouldn’t fall.
Pinning you against the wall, he licked his way up your breast to your mouth, tongue going in first and trapping you in a wet, desperate kiss, as you moaned against his lips. Going their way up from your hips, making sure to explore every bit of skin, every curve on your body, his hands came to rest on your neck.
At first, delicately holding your chin up, as he continued to make out with you, sucking your tongue, leaving you breathless. Then, choking you tight while his other played with your clit.
Your body squirmed, jolted, lost all control under his touch. Looking at you through his deep blue eyes, he smirked at you, drowned in ecstasy, in pleasure he was giving you. Inserting two fingers, he moved them quickly inside of you, gluing his mouth on your again before any noise could come out of it.
Quickly, you hit your high and came all over his fingers, as he continued to finger you through it all, slowing down just a little bit at a time.
Letting you ride out your high, he watched you carefully, the hand leaving your neck to hold you by the hips. Lifting his hand up to his lips, he licked them off your orgasm, going back to wet his fingers again, this time placing them on your lips. You sucked them off just like he had done before, and he groaned right before your face.
Pulling your legs around his hips, Jason looked back over his shoulder, staring at the door making sure it was still closed, before looking at you, hand moving up and down his member. He stared at you, eyes meeting each other for the billionth time, and he nodded, asking for permission.
You gave him your dirtiest smirk, arching your back to meet his groin with your pussy and he quickly inserted his tip in you. Slowing, as if trying to drive you crazy, he pushed inside. Once he was fully in, you could feel your walls stretching, trying to fit him all, getting used to the thickness. It hurt a bit, having grown unused to the sensation since the last time you had sex, but he was sweet, kissing you slowly till you gave him any indication to continue.
Wrapping your arms over his shoulder, you pulled him closer, speeding up your kiss and moving your hips around his cock. He let you lead the moment for as long as you could, assisting in holding you up, but when he felt your movements weakening he held you harder against the wall as he thrusted deep inside you.
You were glad for the water, and the many boys screaming and making noises outside, that your own sounds were ignored by everyone else but you two.
Jason’s fingers were printed on where he held you up, still sucking your tongue, as your hands marked his back in what you wish was forever.
His thrusts grew faster, needier, and he struggled to keep quiet. It didn’t take long till he creamed your walls, biting your lip to hold his moan. You felt the silvery taste of blood, but you didn’t want him to stop. And so he didn’t, searching for your release through sloppy thrust and a finger rubbing at your clit.
“J-jay… I’m gonna cum.” you desperately said, begging him for help in not screaming your high out to the entire locker room to hear. Licking and sucking at your throat, he had to quickly move back up and land his lips on yours, as you came all over his dick.
You two kissed for a while longer, bodies weak but a hunger to continue for even longer. 
He let legs fall back to the floor with care, caressing the spot where his fingerprints were printed on. It was gonna be purple by the morning, but you didn’t care at all. 
When his lips left yours, he let out a chuckle, enjoying every second of your neediness. Jason was going down, kissing the base of you torso, when a loud scream came from outside, stealing your attention from his warm lips.
“OH MY GOD, THERE’S AN NBA PLAYER AT THE FRONT OF THE COMPLEX?!” screamed a female voice, as like kids running after the ice cream truck, you heard footsteps, doors banging and questions of “who?” and “where?” being throwing around.
You pushed Jason aside, recognizing that scream even with a misty head. “Y/n?” you heard Nessie call. “Y/n, please tell me you’re alive!”
“Nessie, I’m here.” you replied, hearing she thank God and another 10 different entities altogether.
“Let’s go, before they realize no NBA player would find themselves in this hell hole.”
Turning back, you bumped into Jason’s chest, who wrapped his arms around your middle. 
“Wouldn’t she let us finish?” he begged, mouth traveling above yours.
“Jay” you tried to form anything, any sentence, but his presence, his existence, making you drowsy. “I can’t risk it. I need to go.”
He couldn’t let you, crashing your lips once, twice, three times, before you had to push him away, with not much success.
“I’ll be here every practice, every…”
“Volleyball practice?” you completed, arching your eyebrows.
“Yeah, every fucking volleyball practice.” he said between kissing and marking your neck. “Waiting for you, in the ladies bathroom if you want.”
You gave him a chuckle, trying to untangle him from your body, although you desperately wanted to stay. “Yeah, I don’t think so.” His head bobbed up, looking sad all of a sudden. “You can meet anywhere else that you want, but let’s leave locker rooms behind.”
“I’ll hold you on that promise.” he said, eyebrowns up challengely. “Y/n.”
Your head rolled back at the mere way he pronounced your name, almost failing to leave, almost dropping yourself in his arms again, when Nessie called you once again.
“I need to go.” you told him, grabbing your bag and the rest of your stuff from the shelf.
“Y/n.” Jason called.
“Jay, I’m serious” you moaned, not holding your beaming smile.
“Y/n.” he repeated, as you opened the stall door.
“Your towel.” he interrupted, holding you your damped towel as you noticed you didn’t have anything covering your body.
Taking it from his hands and wrapping them around your body, you didn’t even seem to notice its wetness, and neither did Jason, you two still immersed in the early moments to care about anything else.
“Thank you.” you whispered, running as fast as you could while leaving a pool of water on your way out.
“You’re soaking the floor!” Nessie pointed, pulling your hand as you ran in the opposite direction you had come from.
“Oh Nessie, this is the last thing you want me to talk about right now.”
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Welcome to what the ornate decor of wealth looks like when it gets dated. It's unchanged since 1986 when the mansion in Palos Verdes Estates, CA was built. It has 9bds, 18ba, $8.9M. And, it's under contract. The exterior is so beautiful, but it needs a little oomph inside.
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Very elaborate entrance hall with teal Greek columns.
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On the other side of the stairs there's what looks like a hotel reception desk.
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The sitting room needs a refresh. This home has huge fireplaces, but the decor and carpeting look tired and dusty. They'll be taking their furniture and I would freshen this room with new paint.
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In the lounge there's a very large fireplace and the largest beams on an octagon coffered ceiling I've ever seen. There's also a bar. I think that those round disks in the floor are plugs, so I would place my furniture accordingly.
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I wonder if the new owners plan to spend some more millions on updating the place.
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The kitchen is gigantic and has carved cabinet fronts plus brown Victorian tin between the coffered beams.
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There are 2 very large islands and built-in glass china cabinets. The countertops are tile.
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The breakfast room has a fireplace, built-in cabinet and a painted sky ceiling.
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I don't care for the pool room's decor. I would make it more man cave and ditch the pink.
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Powder room is interesting.
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The primary bedroom is very large and so is the fireplace.
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Look at how high that ceiling goes in this room.
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Check out this en-suite. A maroon tub and sink.
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I think that this bedroom has an outdoor theme. The wallpaper is like simulated lattice and the fireplace looks moldy, even though it's just a paint effect.
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In the en-suite the sink vanity has a faux marble finish.
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We're back downstairs in Cafe Montmer (or is it Mont Mer?).
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This must be a game room or rec room.
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The Cafe Mont Mer guest bath and sauna.
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Handball court?
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The pool and patio.
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The grounds are beautiful.
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Also a tennis court.
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The gated 1.24 acre lot has a view of the Bluff Cove which is practically across the street.
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twixnmix · 1 year
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Keith Haring during a block party where he painted a mural on the handball court at P.S. 97 on the Lower East Side, August 1985.
Photos by Tseng Kwong Chi
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weepingwidar · 4 months
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Martin Wong (Chinese-American, 1946-1999) - Attorney Street: Handball Court with Autobiographical Poem by Piñero (1982-1984)
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alexmeeksmartin · 1 year
scream - incorrect quotes pt. iii
a/n: another one of these 🫢 promise i’ll get back to normal fics soon, last exam tomorrow so can bring back focus!
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mindy is teaching y/n how to play handball on a court.
mindy: alright. close your eyes
y/n: why?
mindy: just trust me.
y/n, closing their eyes: okay…
mindy: *throws a handball at y/n’s face*
y/n: what the fuck, mindy?!
mindy: never close you eyes on the court!
y/n: but you told me to-
mindy: don’t let me get in your head!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
anika, panicking while phoning y/n: there’s a pigeon in our apartment. what do i do? what do i do?!
y/n: who is this?
anika: never funny. not funny now.
y/n: okay, calm down
anika: help me
y/n: it’s more afraid of you than you are of it
anika, almost fanatical: pigeons aren’t scared of anything. they stand on electrical wires. electrical wires, y/n!
y/n, going to hang up: you’re gonna be fine, anika. just as long as you don’t- oh, chad’s game is starting, i gotta go. okay, bye
anika: as long as i don’t what? y/n! AS LONG AS I DONT-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
y/n: i don’t remember agreeing to this, chad. this is like the time you and ethan backed down the driveway with a hang glider sticking out of the car
chad: if you’d let me keep that, those geese would have followed us to the wetlands
y/n: you and ethan would have died.
chad: heroes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ethan, excited: tonight is the magnificent lyrid meteor shower. it’s-
y/n, cutting him off: -it’s where planet geek passes through the nerdy way.
ethan, offended: …
y/n: oh, you know that i think it’s sweet.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sam and tara are arguing in the background while y/n and quinn watch
y/n, watching with a satisfied smile:
quinn, concerned and slightly horrified before looking at y/n: why are you smiling?
y/n, still smiling: i’m not
quinn: you are
y/n: i’m not smiling. i’m not.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
anika: *yawns*
mindy: being that pretty must be tiring
anika: then you must be exhausted
y/n: will you two shut up?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mindy: why are you ignoring y/n?
chad: i’m playing hard to get
mindy: why would you do that? you’re already hard to want
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
y/n: i made coffee.
tara: i don’t want coffee
y/n: i didn’t make coffee for you. this is my coffee
tara: then why are you telling me?
y/n: it’s a conversation starter.
tara: that’s a lousy conversation starter
y/n: is it? we are conversing. checkmate.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
quinn: you often use humour to deflect trauma.
y/n: thank you!
quinn: i didn’t say that was a good thing
y/n: what i’m hearing is you think i’m funny
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sam: i know you snuck out last night, tara.
y/n, whispering: play dumb!
tara: who’s tara?
y/n: not THAT dumb
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jellogram · 2 months
When I was in first or second grade, there was an ongoing war between the girls and boys where we would chase each other at recess. I was very loud and proud about being the fastest girl, and faster than most of the boys even. So I fought my way to the top, leading an army of seven year old girls on the playground as we tried to annihilate the boys.
The teachers caught wind of this, and like they did with all fun adventures that happened on the playground, they decided it needed to stop.
"If someone starts chasing you," they said, "just don't run! They can't chase you if you don't run."
The obvious flaw in this statement is that it assumes the end goal of the chasing is the chasing itself. This was a grave miscalculation.
One day at lunch, we were ambushed. There were simply too many boys for us to escape with our whole squadron intact. And I was the one they wanted, as the leader. With the words of my teacher echoing in my head, I stopped running. I didn't know what else to do.
The boys were baffled. "Why did you stop?" they asked.
"Now you can't chase me!" I said, clinging to whatever scrap of dignity I could maintain. I wasn't going down with my head hanging low. I wasn't going down at all.
That scrap of dignity quickly evaporated as the boys pinned my arms behind my back and marched me across the playground like a defeated dictator. Word traveled almost immediately that I had been captured.
I was taken past the crowd of onlookers, to the handball courts. It was one of those big cement ones with walls like this:
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They threw me in the corner. I was humiliated.
Then they lined up arm to arm, creating an impenetrable wall of boys. I was in prison. My fellow girls stood back and observed me in my cell, and I assured them that I was fine and they should save themselves. Run before they get you too. I'll find a way out of this.
During what felt like hours, but was probably only 3-4 minutes, I tried to negotiate my own release. We won't chase the boys anymore on Mondays. We won't chase you during recess. We'll give you a headstart. Throwing them whatever bones I thought might get me out of the pit.
The boys looked at each other and deliberated. They knew the bell would soon ring and I would need to be released, and they knew I sure as fuck wasn't going to allow myself to get captured a second time. They needed to get a pinkie swear on the record before the bell. I sat there, wracked with embarrassment and fear, reluctant to acquiesce to the bargains I was offering but desperate to get released and regain myself some honor.
But they took too long, and I was saved by the bell before I ever shook pinkies with anyone. By playground law, I was free to go, with everything but my dignity intact. We were back to chasing each other by next recess.
And anyway that's when I learned that you can't trust a teacher to understand the intricacies, the significance, or the consequences of playground warfare.
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gabriellademonaco · 4 months
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Queen Mary’s Official Engagements in January 2024:
01/01: New Year's Banquet
03/01: New Year’s Levee for the Supreme Court, the Royal Life Guard and the Guard Hussar Regiment
03/01: New Year’s Levee for the Diplomatic Corps
04/01: New Year’s Levee for the Armed Forces and the Danish Emergency Management Agency, Representatives of National Organizations and Royal Patronages
14/01: The Change of Throne - Proclamation
15/01: The Change of Throne - Reception in the Parliament
21/01: The Change of Throne - Celebration Service at Aarhus Cathedral
28/01: 2024 European Men's Handball Championship Final
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Damian is teaching Jon how to play handball on a court.
Damian : All right. Close your eyes.
Jon : Why?
Damian : Just trust me.
Jon, closing his eyes: Okay.
Damian : [throws handball at Jon's face]
Jon : Ow!
Damian : Never close your eyes on the court!
Jon : But you told me-
Damian : Don't let me get in your head!
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