#handyman central
hosharambles · 8 months
My reaction to Episode 10 of My Hero Academia is premiering on YouTube! Time to come out of winter hibernation and ask far too many questions...
Hope you enjoy!
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indgovtjobs-net · 2 years
AIASL Recruitment - 309 Customer Service Executive, Handyman & Other Best Job Vacancy 2022
AIASL Recruitment – 309 Customer Service Executive, Handyman & Other Best Job Vacancy 2022
AIASL Recruitment : Air India Air Transport Services Limited has released a notification for 309 Customer Service Executive, Handyman & Other 2022. Those Interested in this announcement and with all the needed credentials can go through the announcement completely and Walk-In Name of the Post:AIASL : 309 Customer Service Executive, Handyman & OtherPost Date:07-11-2022Total Vacancy:309Apply…
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So I really like the "what if" scenario of Idias dream of Ortho being alive.
We don't see how teen non-robot Ortho actually looks like or how he is as a person (besides being an extrovert).
I present to you a series of headcannons:
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-Its unclear if the attack still happened in Idias dream. If it did, I think Ortho still has some scarring from it. It would be cool if he had a prosthetic to go along with it. Through that, the very central elements of loss and technology in Orthos character can be preserved through transformation.
-Both shroud boys are talented in programming and building stuff, but I think Idia is more promising programming while Ortho shows more talent in mechanical engineering. They sometimes help eachother out in projects and do collaborations. They'd also work together on updating his prosthetic from time to time.
-Ortho loves tinkering with blastcycles (is that how you spell it?), mechanical trinkets, and retro tech. Hes known as the handyman around the RSA campus.
-Since the Brothers attend different schools, they often meet at a burger place in town to debrief on current happenings. (When the desire comes to game together, they have to sneak eachother into their respective campuses to not cause any outrage amongst students)
-Orthos nerdy interests often revolve around social activities. He has found a recent appreciation for In person RPGs, board games and in person fan meets. His love for star rouge (among other retro games) still remains, he owns a themed puffer jacket with some cool patches on it.
-Ortho and idia wear their uniform in a similar manner, wearing their jacket instead of the blazer and some sneakers and (Styx) headphones. Ortho wears the aforementioned jacket since it is one of his most prized possessions.
-Ortho, similarly to Chenya, has friends in both NRC and in the RSA.
-Since Ortho is more extroverted, he shows significant advancements in his social development compared to his brother. Ortho still tries his best to get him out of his shell if he wants to. They practice public speaking and prepare presentations together. A big difference to cannon Ortho is that Idias dependency on him is definitely less severe, but still a problem. Idia often tends to shut himself off intentionally to not burden his brother, rarely this even leads to him (reluctantly) engaging in social activities on his own.
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autistichalsin · 3 months
After five days of driving we finally got to the new place only to find the landlord's handyman didn't make the repairs needed to the central AC (installing new filter) so we had to drive to the store to get a stepladder to install it. Then we get back and I see my guinea pig looks awful and now I'm scared I fucked something up during the move. Also I hate the new location, it's in the middle of nowhere but also like a block from a fucking highway so we get the noise of a downtown but none of the cool shit that comes with one. The house is like a glorified box and the bedrooms are fucking tiny. I hate it so much and i want to cry and I am going back to New York the fucking first chance I get
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donnyclaws · 11 months
leopard is literally my drag monster icon i strive to look like it if i ever do drag shows one day. do you have any central themes for leopards drag other than the sea? id love to see it in like dog/werewolf themed drag
ARUGRGRG HONOURED, he's very much whatever i want to be too. Strap in I'm gonna take this as an excuse to ramble about this and drag persona thoughts. Like I've been trying to define my own persona for a minute, been going hog on pinterest boarding for myself and disparate inspirations, almost too many to wittle down without just getting in and exploring shit obviously. And I felt silly about letting Leopard be my character, but then it's like. What's more drag than having a person in your head that makes you feel powerful and speaks to you. So it's like well I guess it's you then huh. Guess that's gonna be me. I figure it's like fashion in general where I like a lot of it but what I like vs what feels good to wear is a different question.
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Anyway yeah Sea themeing is really really central to them. I really like the idea of its fashion being very shredded, body focused, visceral but then also with aspects of like old glamor because it's just cunty, it's compelling and striking. Love love love that kinda heavy droopy hooded eye look and bold lip moment, high brows. Divine is a big insp.
I also LOVE when drag artists have associated textures with their fashion. barnacles, mould, burns, general distress, seaweed textures, old harbor ropes, everything about estuarys and ship docks that are aged ect. diving suits, any kinda cargo jumpsuit, handyman tradie core butchy labor. Second association I've kinda pulled from is lace / religious vibes because it's also reallyyyy compelling to me. Again TEXTURE dense wool, dense lace, weathering, rusty charms, crosses, sheer fabrics weighed down by chains and old belts and boots. THICK material gross denim.
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The idea of being "Taken over" by unpleasantness and poor hygeine. I grew up in a way that was like viciously conditional, like trying to isolate the problem to appease but every part of your body has its own separate disappointments and harms, every part of your brain, clothes, presentation, you know. Like Leopard to me is the worst case sceneario to the parent and the abuser, like it's every trait they wish was left at the doorstep and away from them and it's like taking every bissected part of your brain and body that trauma cut into pieces and putting it back into one body that's like. Okay. I'm not in fragments anymore I'm unified by repulsion and indulgence. It's like that whole thing of being trans is like being your own murderer, to your parents idea of you. Leopard's like something that was drowned and came back, it's like all the black stuff purged after an exorcism became a person, you burned it alive and now it lives in smoke, it's a lace bridesmaid haunting you and it's laughing. Right. Warped memory come back to life, it's waking up. I don't really want to call it a vengeful character as much as it's just like. it's taking all those unpleasant cuttings and infections and stitching them back together.
Anyway anyway I'm indecisive, still early days obviously, and I don't have a drag mother so I'm just feeling it out in whatever way I can. uhhhh anyway here's some dogged up leopards. The first one doesn't really Feel like it to me but the 2nd one absolutely is. I'll probably workshop it more, drenched seadog. wouldsmell so bad. Again trying to see how I can include different motifs for it while still coming back to those core themes.
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greenlantern94to04 · 10 months
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Green Lantern #49 (February 1994)
"EMERALD TWILIGHT," Part 2! Hal Jordan has gone so far off the deep end that he's started imitating one of history's most infamous monsters: Ringo Starr. After the events of last issue, a pissed-off Hal is speeding towards planet Oa to give his bosses, the Guardians of the Universe, a piece of (what's left of) his mind. The Guardians try to stop Hal by deploying formidable Green Lanterns like, uh, this red guy and that purple girl.
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Hal brutally whoops their asses and steals their GL rings to become more powerful; if he manages to nab 3597 more rings, he can become a One Man Green Lantern Corps. Hal's dangerous bling addiction even leads him to fight Lanterns he personally recruited into the Corps, like Tomar-Tu (the guy with the bird face who doesn't sound like Geoffrey Rush) and Boodikka, a fierce warrior who refuses to let go of her ring... so Hal just chops her hand off. I like to imagine a Green Lantern from some sort of phallus-shaped alien race turning around at this point and going home.
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Meanwhile, in Oa, the Guardians seem pretty confident that one of their "servants" will stop Hal, but their arrogance starts evaporating with every ring he steals. Ganthet, paradoxically the least dickish of the Guardians despite being the only one wearing a ponytail, has some sort of secret plan for how they could "preserve themselves" if all else fails. At first, the others just mock him (for his plan, not the ponytail), but as Hal gets closer, they get nervous and start preparing for Ganthet's plan, whatever it is.
Hal finally reaches Oa and faces one of his best friends, Kilowog, the most distinguished trainer of the Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League's one-time handyman. Hal reminds his former mentor that he's got like ten rings by now, but Kilowog defiantly says, "Didn't I teach ya nothing? It's the warrior, not his weapons."
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As it turns out, nope, it's the weapons, because Hal defeats Kilowog too within one page. With no one else around to stop him, Hal heads for the Central Power Battery -- literally, a giant battery that powers every GL ring in the universe, and now Hal wants that power to himself (I guess stealing it from here is easier than figuring out how to wear 3600 rings on his fingers). However, the Guardians still have an ace up their oversized sleeves. A hooded figure walks out of the battery, and the final page reveals that it's the other "greatest Green Lantern ever" who went rogue: Sinestro! A villain so heinous that the Guardians executed him for "crimes against the universe," causing his soul to get trapped inside the Central Battery.
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Yes, the Guardians are so desperate that they're willing to give a GL ring to a guy whose name means "evil" and who has tried to kill them multiple times in the past. Interesting tactic. Will it pay off?!
NEXT ISSUE: It doesn't pay off.
When Sinestro is revealed at the end, we also find out that he'd been narrating the issue, which gives a double reading to lines like: "Were he not blinded by his obsession, would these acts wreak havoc on his conscience? I rather like to think so." That almost sounds like Sinestro's version of the Joker's "Far too late" moment from The Killing Joke.
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The fight with Kilowog could be seen as another callback to Emerald Dawn, Hal's origin story, since that contained a montage of 'Wog training Hal when he was a rookie... by making him balance rocks and catch eggs in the air and stuff. Would have been funny if Hal and Kilowog's dramatic face-off in this issue had consisted of an egg-catching contest. To the death.
Ganthet the Least Dickish Guardian first appeared in 1992's Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale graphic novel by Larry Niven and John Byrne, which establishes that 1) he once drove himself insane by looking at the beginning of the universe, and 2), perhaps related to the above, he has a fondness for human fashion. Ganthet had appeared in exactly two issues of the regular series before this one, but he'll appear a lot more often and have plenty more chances to show off his fashion sense after this.
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Also in Ganthet's Tale, Hal learns the "forbidden knowledge" that the end and the beginning of the universe are linked together, which the other Guardians would have erased from his mind if Ganthet hadn't protected him. Not only will this little bit of trivia come in pretty handy for Hal as he starts toying with cosmic forces in the near future, but also, looking at the final panels in the graphic novel, Hal's comments about being disappointed in the Guardians' lies almost feel like a teaser for Emerald Twilight (which, again, was definitely not being planned in '92).
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Question for the Hal Jordan veterans in the comments (hi, Neil): was the idea that wearing more GL rings makes you more powerful already a thing before this issue? Seems like something a villain would have exploited by now. Or did Hal change how the rings work through sheer force of will?
Meanwhile, in Guy Gardner's corner of the GL universe: the Guy Gardner series officially becomes Guy Gardner: Warrior with #17, which sees the debut of Guy's new moniker and his shorter, non-Moe hairdo. Plus, artist Mitch Byrd!
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In this issue, Guy finally works up the nerve to go back home and tell his abusive dad what he thought of him, only to find out that he died shortly after his brother Mace committed suicide. Both were assholes, but that's still pretty rough. Then, he's attacked by Militia, the armored loon we met last issue. The fight ends when Guy's yellow power ring (which, incidentally, used to belong to Sinestro) suddenly stops working, but luckily, Militia's armor happens to malfunction at the same time and he's ran over by a truck.
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Huh, curious that Militia has ginger hair too. Probably a coincidence. To be continued!
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onlytibki · 11 months
Straw Hat modern!AU v.1: Jobs and Random Bits of non-plot Headcanons
Yes I know Oda already gave a list and far be it from me to disagree with canon (/s) but hear me out
Jimbei - full-time activist, former soldier/bodyguard. Lorge. Still does work as a bouncer from time to time, this is how he meets Luffy.
(Does karate at the national level. Works out at Zoro's gym, teaches classes sometimes.)
Brook - musician, naturally. Classically trained, accidentally achieved popular fame after the band he was in with his old buddies for fun was scouted out. Lost his bandmates. :( Was depressed for years and just tuned pianos and guitars and other instruments until the Straw Hats brought joy to his life again.
Franky - freelance handyman. Is an engineer, has a engineering degree and certification, but no firm will hire him because he refuses to wear formal clothes (main client is the local university, they asked him only to work at night to avoid students and claims plausible deniability if he chooses not to wear shoes on his own job sites) but he doesn't mind his lot in life because fuck 'em anyway also because trauma and also he's in love with one of the profs
Robin - university professor, teaches history/linguistics/historical linguistics/archaeology. Has like four PhDs. Was wrapped up in some shadiness in Central America while a grad student, but does such high-quality work and is in love with her building's handyman that no one tries to get her in trouble for it
(Robin and Franky meet and bond over keeping the fucking ancient anthropology building both up to livable standards and eligible for the national heritage register. They talk A Lot about historical building materials and methods)
((Note I said 'up to livable standards' and not 'up to code'. Franky's nickname is short for 'Frankenstein' for what he's done to the building's wiring, though somehow it still works))
Chopper - third year med student at 15. Already accepted into the residency program Law is an attending at. Also, he has his driver's license now!! He's the DD for the Straw Hat crew when they go out to bars, and is also self-appointed booze coordinator and hits the brakes for people when he senses alcohol poisoning coming on. Not even Whitebeard Himself can argue when little Dr. Tony gives his super-serious little disapproving pout.
(No, a 15yo cannot legally drive at night, much less operate a car full of drunkards. No one tells him this because he takes the responsibility for the well-being of his friends so seriously, and also no one gives a shit, and also everyone else is drunk anyway.)
Sanji - sous-chef at Baratie (I know, I know, shocker) which is next door to Zoro's gym. He takes classes at the university so that he'll be able to run his own restaurant one day.
(If he finds the FUCKING SHITHEAD who's drawing that Sora, Warrior of the Sea-inspired comic in the school newspaper someone's gonna have to fake an alibi to get him out of murder charges. Even if he does approve of Germa 66's ugly designs and cries over Sora's successful escape and loving words to her lost son)
Usopp - physics major, art minor. Draws a weekly comic for the school newspaper called The Adventures of Sniper King. Picked up boxing due to high school requirements, works out at Zoro's gym.
(Yes it's him. He's got a yellow stripe painted down his back due to the vitriol Sanji spews at his pseudonym daily. He really didn't mean for it to take off! Sanji told them all his story once and Usopp was heartbroken because he lost his mom too and one day he got an itch and he drew a comic about what he thought Sora'd say to Sanji, or what he thought Banchina might say to him, or some weird combination--and then sent it instead of the next installment of Sniper King to his editor ON ACCIDENT and PEOPLE WANTED MORE and HE'S SO SORRY AND HE'S SO SCARED. SANJI'S GONNA KILL HIM AND USOPP WILL DESERVE IT)
((Sanji condemns him into being busboy at Baratie for a month and refuses to speak to him for three days. But he also gives him spicy ginger desserts every night for a week, because Usopp's Sora is truer to life than the original Sora in terms of the love she embodies, and because Stealth Black's rumored escape is shown in the light of triumph. Sanji could hear her in the monologue of Sora's thoughts to her son when she learned he'd escaped Germa 66's clutches. How proud she was that the circumstances of his birth and life hadn't chained him down forever. It was the first time since the age of 9 that he could clearly remember what she had sounded like because, whether through pure miracle or the shared sympathy of orphan-hood, Usopp had gotten her voice exactly right, and it soothed something old and hurting in Sanji to hear it.))
Nami - business/finance, computer science double major. She REALLY wanted to study geography and GIS systems but her family needs the money so she's tilted her dreams--she's going to build the most precise geographic information system in the WORLD and market it to rich assholes while "losing it" to low-income thieves in need.
Stole 50% of her college tuition and negotiated down the other half in a meeting the bursar's office can't actually quite remember fully? But it's their signatures on the papers.
Zoro - business major. Yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds. No he is not passing any of his classes. But Kuina had been determined to inherit the dojo and keep it flourishing, even if her dad didn't think a woman could. Then she died; and Shimotsuki-sensei died when Zoro was in high school; and now Zoro has two dear friends' dreams on his shoulders, and damn his lack of an MBA or any common sense but he will succeed. Sanji, Nami, and Jimbe are helping.
He did rename the place, from just 'Shimotsuki Dojo' to Kuina's Asskickers, and opened it to all sports. All classes and all tournaments are co-ed, all ages. He tried to get "ASSKICKER" on the gym's competition uniforms/gi but some of his students are toddlers so that wouldn't fly, so he uses 2001 instead. People think it's the founding year and get very confused when the gym is technically 50+years old; 2001 = the number of fights Zoro lost to Kuina.
(Nami asks him why he didn't use "KUINA"; Zoro looks at her funny. "But that's not [male student example]'s name? Why would I put that on his back? Do you want people to get confused??")
((He does have Kuina's name stitched into his gi))
Luffy - biology major. HEAR ME OUT. Garp insisted he go to college for at least a semester and while still an undecided liberal arts major, Luffy discovered a whole BUILDING FILLED WITH COOL BUGS!!! AND PEOPLE GO OUT AND FIND THEM?? AND BRING THEM BACK!! THAT'S A JOB???? SO COOL!!!
So yeah. Technically he's on the road to become an entomologist, but is struggling due to his undiagnosed (but incredibly obvious) AuDHD and a lack of care for statistics (and math in general) and research writing (and reading/writing in general). Robin, Chopper, and Usopp are working HARD to get him to the general area of passing. Luffy also is getting a minor in Portuguese (which is his first language) because he plans on exploring the Amazon Rainforest looking for cool beetles when he graduates.
Ace - fire fighter with shady connections. (more later?)
Sabo - activist with much shadier connections. (more later?)
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theoscarsproject · 1 year
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Places in the Heart (1984). In central Texas in the 1930s, a widow with two small children tries to save her small 40-acre farm with the help of a blind boarder and an itinerant black handyman.
Found family stories, my beloved. The central story of a widow, a blind man and a Black drifter building some sort of life together as they try to navigate a world with no place for them is genuinely so rich and compelling, especially when the characters are played by Sally Field, John Malkovich and Danny Glover respectively. Unfortunately though, it's bogged down by a heavy-handed and boring subplot about the affair of Edna's brother-in-law that really adds nothing to the story at all. If it had dropped that, I feel like this'd be an 80s classic. 7.5/10.
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sayheykid · 1 year
*banging pots and pans* TELL ME ABOUT YOUR OCS!!!
you don't have to twist my arm! my story is mostly focused on friendship and growing up through the lens of college athletics (my fake university and fake surrounding small town are characters in and of themselves)
the central storyline focuses on the baseball team, and several people on/around it. here are the ones you MUST know:
charlie: irish/italian guy from boston and it's obvious from everything about him. captain of the team, de facto dad. he is so so very tired and he acts like shepherding 35 guys is the biggest burden in the world but he would die for any of them and they all know it. he literally cannot turn off being the oldest brother no matter how hard he tries, and holds himself to unreal strict standards, whether that's in baseball, outside responsibility, his family or the numerous handyman projects he's taken on to keep his college house from falling apart. he's a right handed starting pitcher who still believes starters should throw 200 innings a year. he's also more in love with his girlfriend than any human being has been in love with anyone else ever.
ramón: he is both the most and least chill person you've ever met. lanky sidearm lefty pitcher who was born to be a bullpen personality and forced to start. he's loud and colorful and knows everybody. (those who don't know him know of him) he has the best hair on the team and is the designated dj. he does not seek out responsibility to the extent charlie does, but is a competent and respected alternate captain. functional disaster bi
tyler: first string catcher and the babiest boy in the world. i love him so much, he follows charlie around like a lost duckling and has been adopted as charlie's little brother/son. people know he's smart (mechanical engineer baby!!!) but don't realize the depth of his personality because he's pretty shy and it takes a while to get his sense of humor to shine through. he cannot grow a beard under any circumstances. only baseball player in history to be taller than his listed roster height. don't judge that he's from ohio, he couldn't help it.
jake: he's a center fielder and everyone knows it. shows off on the field but is very down to earth in every other aspect of his life. extremely suave and charismatic with a dazzling smile. probably the most involved in extracurriculars of anyone on the team, and should probably be president some day (dude you can't be athletic and smart and musical and handsome and a genuinely good guy. leave some for the rest of us). nigerian and has two moms<3 he was also the kid that took the bite out of the nerf football growing up sorry
sam: charlie's younger sister and captain of the women's hockey team in her own right. she's extremely fiery both on and off the ice, and can sometimes be a bit brash. when it comes down to it though, she's one of the most compartmentalized and action-oriented in an emergency. she grew up as the only girl with two competitive older brothers (ben is between charlie and sam) and the experience was absolutely formative. she takes everything as a challenge, and is more of a frat bro than many of the actual fraternity brothers at their university. all three siblings have adhd.
ellie: love of my life!! charlie's girlfriend and sam's best friend though it's hard not to love her, no matter who you are. she is definitely the even keel in the friend group - very patient and compassionate, and balances a lot of the different personality types at play. she's also the only non athlete, but is unequivocally an equal member of their dynamic. she once gave tyler a buzzcut (at his request) because she's the only one who could be trusted with the clippers. she's just very graceful and poised and the boys would be lost without her, charlie most of all. with that said, she has her own life and own priorities and is quite successful as editor of her college newspaper.
other notes:
charlie and ramón are the oldest, jake is a year below them, and tyler sam and ellie are all in the next year, one below jake and two below charlie and ramón
the four boys all live together in a house off campus (they have one more roommate but he's not as important to the story)
there is literally so much lore i am vibrating trying to cut more than 60 pages for charlie ALONE down to a paragraph. i didn't even get into my worldbuilding which is its own thing. i have brain worms i'm happy to share at any moment.
Thank you for asking! I'm glad my kids are getting out into the world
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johannestevans · 2 years
Green Thumb
Horror short. A farmer tries to impress his new neighbour.
2.6k, rated M. A chicken farmer tries to impress his new neighbour by growing him some flowers, but everything that he grows dies. Adapted from a TweetFic.
Jacob’s trade, in actuality, is handyman, but he does all sorts in and around the area, uses the skills his parents had given him.
His father had been a carpenter before he’d died, and his mother had been a prize-winning gardener in the area for years until she’d gone with her second husband to live in Cornwall a few years ago.
Jacob hardly minds that that’s what she wants to do – she’d been so apologetic going, worrying about him running the farm by himself, but they’ve only ever had a small plot, and he’s never had trouble keeping track of the chickens himself. She was getting on and on in her years, nearly seventy when she’d met Hamish after nine years widowed, and the work had been wearing on her enough that he was really quite glad she’d be so far away and no longer feel obligated to help when it was increasingly beyond her ability.
Apart from keeping track of the girls and setting their eggs along the road to sell at the Barnsleys’ farm shop, he does all manner of things in and around Chesterton town – apart from his own garden, where he’s won a few ribbons for his own rose varieties apart from his mother’s own awards, he does the beds outside the village library, he does the flowers in Burnleigh’s central square, and he always wins this or that at the annual festivals – for his flowers or for his bramble jams, occasionally for flower-arranging, although he doesn’t do that sort of thing too often.
He likes to keep busy, is the thing, and so he’s often doing this or that and getting paid for it, mending fences, helping people repair their rooves or their sheds or help with this or that on other people’s farms, minding things for them when people are away.
The new neighbour is called Piers Hoult, and he lives about a mile down the road just on the edge of the village proper in a nice, fancy little cottage that had used to belong to Mr and Mrs Steele, before Mr Steele had died, and Mrs Steele had gone to live in some sort of residential home close to their grandchildren in the city.
He comes over from The Daisies one Monday morning on foot – he doesn’t drive, and when he goes into the city, he rides an old-fashioned bicycle – and knocks on Jacob’s door, stands on his doorstep.
He’s very pretty, except that Jacob feels that word catch in his head like it’s not the right sort of word – Piers Hoult is undoubtedly handsome, isn’t particularly feminine or girlish-looking or any of that, but he’s… He’s beautiful, is what he is. He’s got big, dark brown eyes that glint in the morning sunshine, his hair thick, dark, and glossy, and his lips are carved into a perfect cupid’s bow, and his skin is a sort of creamy white colour, shined almost to a polish.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, Mr Raine,” he says, wringing delicate hands with beautiful pink nails that have been buffed to a shine. He’s got a very soft voice, barely more than a whisper, but it’s warm and honeyed, sweet. “I’m sure you’re terribly busy, as ever – but would you have any time in the week, do you think, to give me some tips for gardening and that sort of thing?”
“Gardening?” repeats Jacob, drying his hands off on the towel he keeps in the hall, still wet with suds from the washing up.
“I’ve been trying desperately to grow some flowers,” says Piers in his warm, quiet voice. “And I’m having no luck at all.”
The Daisies is mostly stonework in the back and front garden – the Steeles had never been much for gardening.
“Of course, I can help,” he says immediately, unable to hold back the immediate assent. “Let me grab my coat.”
Piers Hoult, he decides in the coming weeks, is cursed.
There’s nothing wrong with his fucking soil, that’s for certain – the Daisies isn’t far from Jacob’s farm, and even if it was the soil, any sort of compost in pots Jacob brings around doesn’t seem to do anything. He fills in the flowerbeds that the Steeles had just had pebbles in, and nothing grows in the earth; he tries to put in pots, and that doesn’t work either.
He grows flowers at home in pots and brings those over, but when he comes back two days later, they’re already dead and wilted in their earth.
“You must think I’m poisoning them,” says Piers miserably, and Jacob assures him, “No, no, of course not!” although privately, he had been thinking that.
But even if he had been putting some sort of poison in the pots, he couldn’t possibly be poisoning everything in the garden, too.
“Do you think it’s my fault?” asks Piers, his eyes wide as dinnerplates. “Is it something wrong with me?”
“No,” says Jacob. “No.”
Piers keeps looking at him, his eyes not quite as wide, his voice barely more than a whisper as he asks, “Are you sure?”
Something about it makes Jacob’s hair stand on end, the back of his neck feeling prickly, a shiver running down his spine.
* * *
Jacob keeps trying.
He tries everything he can – seed trays where the soil stays barren for weeks on end no matter how carefully he coaxes the seedlings to come up; bringing cuttings over, or ready-grown seedlings over that wilt overnight if not before his eyes; bouquets wither within hours.
He brings over a yukka and it takes four days, but bit by bit, he really does watch it die. Before his eyes on day four, already having begun to darken, it dies off entirely, each long, spiky leaf turning brown at the base and yellow at the tip, wilting down and flopping against the trunk, some of them falling off in dead pieces.
It’s late in the evening, and he’d been working all day before coming around here, so exhausted he could cry even though it’s not even eight yet.
“Let me get you a cup of tea,” says Piers, his hand cold and making his body jolt when it lands between his shoulders. He nudges Jacob into the living room, pushing him to sit down on his very plush, antique sofa, the only green thing in the house that won’t fucking die. He slides his palm back and forth over the fabric, looking blearily at the back of the sofa, at its arms. There’s something about it that’s just…
“How old is this?” he asks as Piers pads out of the room, slowly lying down and putting his cheek against the arm, feeling how plush it is. His eyelids are desperately heavy, and he can’t keep his eyes open, but the sofa feels wonderful. It smells faintly of something floral – lavender, he thinks.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Piers’ voice drifts in from the kitchen. “I bought it in 1887, I think.”
In retrospect, he’s pretty sure he dreamed that: he’s embarrassed as anything, but he’s asleep before Piers comes back.
He’d been up since four o’clock, helping with the lambing at the Barnsleys’ across the way before spending all day getting the flowers done in the big park, and then he’d been working in his own garden and tending the girls, and by the time he’d come over to Piers’ he’d been tired to his bones, but that was no excuse for this.
It’s one or so in the morning when he wakes, sitting up sharply.
The nice, fancy living room with all its antique and beautiful furniture that Jacob feels a bit too common to be allowed to be inside is dark, and there’s no sign of Piers himself – he has a splitting headache and his shoulders ache, a glass of water on the coffee table beside him, a blanket over his shoulders.
He’s embarrassed to face up to him, intentionally avoids the other man for a few days – it’s bad enough not to be able to do so much as grow the man a weed, but falling asleep on his fancy sofa still wearing his muck-covered work jeans is humiliating.
The door is unlocked when he leaves.
* * *
He trudges the mile home and sleeps in his own bed, and he’s been awake for a few hours when Piers shows up on his doorstep.
“I’m so sorry, Jacob,” he says, holding a plate of what and smell like fresh-baked pastries, offering out the plate. He’s taking one before he can stop himself, mumbling a thank you. “I know I oughtn’t have left you there, but you just looked so tired—”
“Oh, no, don’t, don’t worry about it,” he says, because if anyone should be fucking apologising, it’s him.
He’s biting into the croissant, almost moans aloud at the taste of it, chocolate and something else, and he nearly chokes on it when Piers reaches out to play with the zip on Jacob’s dungarees.
He doesn’t know what to say about it, what to do, about Piers’ handsome fingers with their impeccably pink nailbeds and their perfectly clean and buffed nails reaching across the gap between them, stroking over the corduroy and making sure the zip of his pocket sits flat.
“I wonder what people thought,” says Piers idly, interrupting him before Jacob can tell him, desperate to tell him something, that these dungarees had been his father’s. “Seeing you rush out of my home at so late an hour.”
Jacob gulps down his mouthful of croissant, and Piers’ smirk grows just a little wider.
“I wouldn’t, um, presume—”
“What are you presuming?” asks Piers, raising his eyebrows and letting one of his fingers curl just under one of the straps of his dungarees. “I’m always terribly happy to have a strong, handsome man in my home.”
When Piers leaves, Jacob is left almost swaying, watching the slight swing of Piers’ arse as he departs.
* * *
He doesn’t try at growing anything else at Piers’ for a little while, focusing on preparing some of his vegetables for the next few months, the prize-winners in his greenhouse. He wonders if a greenhouse would help at Piers’, even just a little plastic one on his garden table, although it probably wouldn’t.
When Piers invites him for dinner, he brings a bouquet of cut flowers, some of his own and his mother’s roses mixed together – in truth, he’s probably more proud of his turnips than he is his roses, but Piers doesn’t eat them.
He’d told Jacob that like it was a terrible secret, whispered it with one finger over his lips, apologetic, almost ashamed – “I don’t eat turnips, Jacob. I don’t eat carrots or potatoes, either.”
He eats meat, certainly.
Jacob is too shy to say the steak Piers has cooked him is a little rare for his taste, especially because Piers eats his own blue, bluer than blue, and there’s a streak of blood on his plate.
A little shines on his lower lip as they eat, and as Jacob watches, stunned and enchanted, Piers slides his thumb slowly through the redness before sucking it from his skin.
“You don’t eat much meat, do you?” asks Piers, cocking his head to one side. “Me, I’m an abject carnivore.”
Jacob shivers.
When Piers kisses him an hour later, Jacob almost expects to fall to the ground, he’s so dizzy with it, but Piers doesn’t taste like blood, which Jacob had expected.
Jacob staggers home feeling like he’s drunk even though he barely had any of the wine Piers had poured him, and almost isn’t upset that the roses he’d brought are already brown.
* * *
Piers visits Jacob’s garden now and then, visits the park and the library and the central square in Burnleigh, wherever it is that Jacob’s working, sits on benches and basks in the sun or reads his books. He’s pretty well-off, as far as Jacob knows, but he honestly doesn’t have an idea what the man actually does for his money.
It seems rude to ask.
It especially seems rude to ask when Piers says that he likes to watch Jacob work, and when Jacob so enjoys Piers enjoying him working – whenever Jacob, sweating, comes up to him, Piers always tugs him into a kiss, like now.
His mouth is slightly open, so that when Piers comes in to kiss him he almost sucks on the side of his jaw, and drags his tongue through the sweat shining there.
Jacob’s knees go weak and he’s laughing, but Piers catches him before he can fall, surprisingly strong for being such a beautiful, delicately built man.
He eats dinner with Piers again, and after they’re done eating, Jacob pulls his surprise out of the basket he’d been keeping it hidden in: a plant pot filled with compost.
“It’s empty,” says Piers, pouting.
“It’ll sprout,” promises Jacob. “You’re going to put it somewhere, and I’ll come every day to tend it until it does.”
Piers smiles, and his white teeth seem so sharp for a second, glinting in the light, when he pulls Jacob into the next kiss. “I know just where to put it,” he murmurs against his mouth, and leads Jacob up the stairs by his wrist.
He indicates the bedside table, says, “Just here.”
His bed is a large, comfortable-looking thing, so plush it seems like you might sink right into it, and it has red silk sheets and a canopy and golden-tasselled ties around its four posts, and as soon as Jacob puts the pot down, he’s shoved down onto this bed on his back.
Piers’ kiss, this time, is more than a dizzying thing: it’s hungry, overpowering, and Jacob’s heart is pounding hard in his chest, his lungs aching with how hard and heavy he’s breathing, how the peaks of pleasure leave his vision going dark at the edges until the edges are all there is.
* * *
He wakes the next day groggy and confused, watching Piers through eyes he’s too exhausted to open fully. Piers looks beautiful, like he’s glowing in the sun shining through the window: he’s entirely naked and gracefully smoking a cigarette, the sun landing on his shining white skin and also on the clouds of white smoke.
“S’a bad habit,” he says out of habit, his words slurring. “It’ll kill you.”
Piers’ laugh is beautiful, musical. It makes Jacob feel like he’s been drenched in icy water.
“Time’s it?” he asks, voice coming out in a clumsy, half-swallowed mumble.
“Oh, about five,” says Piers. “PM.”
“No,” says Jacob, wanting to shake his head but finding himself too dead tired to try.
That can’t be fucking right. They went upstairs when it wasn’t even ten – he can’t have been sleeping a whole seventeen hours and be so exhausted he can barely raise his head.
“So much energy, such strength,” says Piers warmly: his voice is sticky sweet, and it reminds him of tree sap. It reminds him of the way tree sap slides down tree bark, the way ants get caught up in the slide, drowned in it so they can’t even struggle. “And look, darling.”
Jacob flicks his eyes – he can’t move his head – to stare, uncomprehending, at the pot he’d brought with him, which is at Piers’ feet in the sunlight: from amidst the dark soil, a tiny shoot of green is sprouting.
“It might even last,” says Piers sweetly. “You won’t.”
Unable to hold his head up any longer, Jacob falls back onto the bed, and darkness takes him.
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morrigan-le-faye · 8 months
So I have just adopted a brand new kitty cat, today I left him alone for the first time. I had a class, so I rode the bus down to campus, and came back about two hours later, and came back to find a note from my apartment unit’s handyman stating that he has finally fixed the broken floorboard and bedroom door that closes weird. Also, no kitty. My son has disappeared. So I’m tearing apart the apartment looking for my furry son, half-convinced the handyman has let him out and he is roaming free in the wilds of central illinois.
and I hear the worlds tiniest meow
coming from the couch cushions.
motherfucker wedged himself inbetween the couch cushions and took a nap there.
he’s so small guys. I love him so much.
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[Ghostbusters] Brainwaves: Mini Bios (1984) Nova's Family (Part 1/2)
Tagging @ariel-seagull-wings @spook-central and @soulman133 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged from Brainwaves posts. These are just bullet point bios for the main groups of characters, as in the female professors, Ghostbusters and Ghostbuster staff, the C.U.P.S students, Nova’s family and then the others™ (e.g. Dickless, Dana)
Following Characters:
Mars Teufel
Anselm Teufel
Milo Teufel
Amalia Teufel
Gilbert Teufel
Medusa Teufel
Long post so it's under the cut.
General Family:
The Teufel Family are supposedly (Read: Definitely) psychic
Most (if not all) are former Jews who converted to being Wiccan at one point or another
The surname 'Teufel' literally translates to 'Devil'
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'Mad' Mars Teufel:
Face Claim / Actor: John Candy
Full Name: Mars Neon Teufel. AKA: Mad Mars
Nova's older brother, protective, sometimes overprotective
34 in 1984. Born March 3rd 1950 in Brooklyn, Lives in NY, NY
German, Male, Straight, Wiccan, Pisces, Smoker
Speaks English, German, some Spanish and some French
6'2" and 275 lbs, Brown eyes and Blond hair, no tattoos or piercings, clean-shaven / stubble, hairy
Undiagnosed but likely Autistic
Grew up with Anselm and Milo, Now lives with Nova
Journalist for a German news channel
Bachelor's degree in Journalism & English
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Anselm 'Selm' Teufel:
Face Claim / Actor: John Goodman
Full Name: Anselm Saturn Teufel. AKA: Selm
Milo's older brother, cousin to Mars and Nova
30 in 1984. Born June 20th 1954 in Brooklyn. Lives in Brooklyn
German, Male, Straight, Wiccan, Gemini, Smoker
Speaks English, German, some French, and some Spanish
6'2" and 300 lbs, Blue eyes and Brown hair, no tattoos or piercings, clean shaven / stubble, hairy
Grew up with Milo and Mars, still lives with Milo
Works at the Sedgewick Hotel as a Custodian / Handyman
A mean drunk who protects his brother no matter what
Bachelor's degree in Engineering & Metallurgy
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'Magnificent' Milo Teufel:
Face Claim / Actor: Bobcat Goldthwait
Full Name: Milo Pluto Teufel. AKA: Magnificent Milo
25 in 1984. Born May 26th 1959 in Brooklyn. Lives in Brooklyn
German, Male, Biromantic, Asexual, Wiccan, Gemini
Speaks English, German, some French and some Spanish
5'6" and 150 lbs, Blue eyes and Brown hair, dyes his hair black
Clean shaven / stubble, hairy, 5 tattoos, scars from misadventure
Misdiagnosed and given Anti-psychotics, possibly Autistic / ADHD / ADD
In the Police Academy
Bachelor's in Architecture
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Doctor Amalia 'Ama' Teufel, PhD:
Face Claim / Actress: Geena Davis
Full Name: Amalia Pandora Teufel
Doctor / Miss. AKA: Ama, Lia, Dora
28 in 1984. Born January 21st 1956 in Brooklyn. Lives in The Bronx
German, Female, Straight, Wiccan, Aquarius
Speaks 9 Languages including English, German & Dutch
6'0" and 145 lbs, Brown eyes and hair, no tattoos, ears pierced
Member of C.U.P.S, studying Eschatology, Student Athlete
PhD in Psychology and Biochemistry, member of MENSA
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(Using this gif again because this is exactly the vibe of Gil & Ira)
Doctor/Professor Gilbert 'Gil' Teufel, PhD:
Face Claim / Actor: Danny DeVito
Full Name: Gilbert Vulcan Teufel
Professor / Doctor / Mr. AKA: Gil, Bert, Bertie, Doctor Volcano
40 in 1984. Born November 17th 1944 in Brooklyn. Lives in The Bronx
German, Male, Straight, Wiccan, Scorpio, Divorced, Smoker
Speaks 12 languages, can do American Sign Language
4'10" and 143 lbs, Brown eyes and Black hair, clean shaven / stubble, hairy
Teaches Angiology, Bioecology, Criminal Psychology, Dipterology, Foetology & Herbology
Romulus' / Roman's father, Ex-Husband of Tamar Mann
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Medusa 'Lin' Teufel:
Face Claim / Actress: Marilu Henner
Full Name: Medusa Linda Teufel. AKA: Lin
32 in 1984. Born April 6th 1952 in Brooklyn. Lives in Manhattan
German, Female, Straight, Wiccan, Aries, Smoker
Speaks English, German, Polish, Spanish & Chinese
5'7" and 130 lbs, Blue eyes, Brown hair dyed Ginger, 7 tattoos, ears pierced
Agriology Student, in C.U.P.S, works as a taxi driver
Older sister of Electra, Younger sister of Norman
Even with her family's connection to death, she won't believe unless she sees proof
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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what was that noise from apartment 2b? or better yet what is that smell coming from 1a? In this apartment building you almost never know . whether you are new to the city & building your career or you've wandered here to find love & fulfillment - central perk apartments have it all ! and who is to say your group of best friends or love of your life isn't right down the hall ?
this is a discord / dashboard loosely based f.r.i.e.n.d.s group verse ! we will be accepting muses from all fandoms but they will all have to adapt to human species !
no ooc drama / cliques / problematic vibes will be tolerated .
you may have as many muses as you would like as long as you feel you can handle them .
18+ only both characters & ooc as I do not write with muns who are under 18 .
all muses will be human .
to join please send info via DMs to @wysteriafaded !
welcome to new york chandler bing ( he / him | dylan o'brien ) ! as a twenty-three year old accountant you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @wysteriafaded )
welcome to new york nathaniel archibald ( he / him | chace crawford ) ! as a twenty-one year old political intern you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @wysteriafaded )
welcome to new york haley james ( she / her | alba baptiste ) ! as a twenty-two year old aspiring musician you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @wysteriafaded )
welcome to new york nini salazar-roberts ( she / her | olivia rodrigo ) ! as a twenty year old musician you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @inspotlight )
welcome to new york ricky bowen ( he / him | joshua bassett ) ! as a twenty year old musician you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @melodyplucked )
welcome to new york lucy gray baird ( she / her | rachel zegler ) ! as an eighteen year old musician you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @wysteriafaded )
welcome to new york roff "riff lorton" lautmann ( he / him | mike faist ) ! as an eighteen year old mechanic / electrician / general handyman you make the city look bright . we hope all your dreams come true ! ( @angelsweeps )
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muse name (s) :
muse job :
age /pronouns :
will your muse have roommates ? if so are you open to co-ed or would you prefer only male / female ? we will match roommates randomly . if you wish to be roommates with somebody who is joining in particular please let me know !
muse faceclaim ( s ) :
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twentyninebirds · 2 years
novalo's fic list
hi. hello. did you know that i sometimes write fic? i know. it surprises me too. as i would very much not like to make individual posts for all the fics i've written, i'm collecting them here.
Xenoblade Chronicles
maybe the real chain attack was the friends we made along the way (19.8k, colony 9 NPCs vs. the world, G): xenoblade chronicles 3 future redeemed oneshot in which the NPCs of colony 9 attempt to fill out the enemypedia and come to realize a whole bunch of unfortunate things about the world.
snowglobe's broke (42.6k, future connected squad vs. the world, T): time travel canon divergence ng+ speedrun fic in which shulk, melia, tyrea, and the ponspectors brute-force their way through the plot of xenoblade chronicles 1.
ephemera (8.4k, alvis & shulk, G): in which shulk and alvis contemplate mortality, creation, and loneliness while a dead god mourns on a beach.
Ace Combat
thirty birds (47.7k, cipher/pixy, T): a treatise on the perils of nihilism, the nature of belief, and the human condition with an ace combat zero spin. second person POV character study of pixy during and after the belkan war. i had approximately five separate existential crises writing this.
Persona 5
a glove, a bolt, and an atom bomb (14.7k, shuake, T): time loop goro akechi character study. likely to be part of a larger series. affectionately referred to by me as "monoliths".
an accidental interruption and a final day (19.1k, shuake, T): pt. 2 WIP of monoliths, in which goro akechi makes friends (?), tests deadly cosplay props, and navigates life, all while a cast of an unnamed play watches quietly.
small town, big flame (28.6k, yugi & OCs vs. the world, T): in which two ghost hunter content creators who have a worrying amount of experience with the supernatural meet yugi mutou in a haunted town. cue shenanigans. probably my favourite fic i've written. if you find the despite it all references you deserve a medal.
Fullmetal Alchemist
maestoso (33.1k, ed & al vs. the world, T): time travel orchestra AU fix-it AU in which ed and al have the chance to do the plot of FMAB all over and go about in the most convoluted way possible. involves the typical vigilantism and a bit more soloist bravado than strictly necessary. what do you get when you toss the central symphony orchestra into a coup against a fascist state? i dunno but let's hope it's better funding for the arts
Fire Emblem
goat milk and oats (25.9k, grima vs. the world, G): in which grima isn't as horrible as he could be, accidentally invents existentialism, and is reborn as a pet snake. this changes everything and nothing. the title is very literal.
as virtuous men pass mildly away (4.1k, byleth & ghosts, T): FE3H WIP in which byleth can see ghosts and recruits one glenn fraldarius (deceased). somehow this changes nothing.
despite it all (292k, lwj/wwx but mostly gen focus, T): WIP in which wwx comes back a little more lucky and a little more godly and picks up young cultivator-apprentice a-qing, sword spirit xue yang, and fledgling array specialist mxy. features a subplot about dead gods who are a bit too good at haunting the living and themselves and a 70k+ chapter. heavily AU. i subtly but gleefully refer to this fic in most of my newer ones. i am both normal and sane.
to the venerable dragons of lotus pier (19k, wwx & yunmeng sibs, T): mdzs/the ocean at the end of the lane AU. in attempting to fix everything wwx rearranges the fabric of reality. cue memory alteration, convoluted fix-its, and immortal keepers of time. i'm not sure if i can adequately summarize how surreal this fic is and i wrote it.
a sky 1300 years wide (17.6k, wwx & wen sibs, T): mdzs/norgami WIP in which wwx is reborn and immediately becomes a local menace to a small town and a handyman.
places we saw and made and lost (2.3k, wwx/lwj but mostly gen, G): collection of short prose snippets, mostly character studies.
brilliant lights will cease to burn (206k, izuku & everyone, T): bnha/ccs WIP where izuku becomes a cardcaptor and makes it everyone's problem, especially his own. so many shenanigans.
enbu (7k, midoriya izuku and his violent friends vs. the world, G): bnha/kny AU in which midoriya izuku is part of the kamado family line, lands a ghost tanjirou, and convinces his friends to terrorize the local demon population.
eater (10.6k, midoriya izuku & everyone, T): WIP in which izuku is an eldritch abomination who can eat literally everything, including abstract concepts and nothingness itself. he's chill, don't worry about it.
love's labour's only slightly singed (1.9k, hatsume & yaoyorozu, G): oneshot written for hatsume mei zine. hatsume and momo navigate the beginnings of a terrifying friendship.
yagyo (8.4k, izuku & anyone unfortunate enough to cross him, T): WIP in which izuku becomes a spirit-walker, treading in places that really aren't healthy for a sane human being.
The Legend of Zelda
the wind guides us (8.7k, link & introspection, G): character study of BOTW link, featuring loneliness, solitude, the nature of memory, heroism, and a warm campfire.
even as its petals scatter (3.2k, lance & allura, T): character study of lance and the ache to lay down your arms and stop chasing ideals of heroism.
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thejobwala · 1 year
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