#hanji zoe fluff
levi501ackerman · 29 days
Steel Heart Chapter 16:
These Inconvenient Fireworks
Hange x Reader Chapter Index Masterlist
Megan's Note: Title is after a Larry Stylinson fanfic I read when I was 14. The author sold hardcover copies of their fanfic on lulu.com (this was common with 1D fanfic authors) and at 14 years old I fr made my mom buy me printed gay fanfiction. She was just happy her daughter was getting into the love of reading like her! LMAO. I start fall semester tomorrow (UGH) and a new job next month. Posted: 8/25/24
Word Count: 3.8k
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Levi scoffed. “If there was a man, why would—”
“We’re being watched,” you whimpered into Hange’s neck. Levi crossed his arms and eyed you skeptically. “I did not have a nightmare, Levi! There was a knight in the forest! He had blonde hair, was tall, covered in blood, and had a crested sword like the Knights of the Royal King’s Guard! But I’ve never seen him before . . .”
“Squads one and two, come with me,” Levi beckoned the knights away from you. Levi’s unexpected commands made you unsure if he believed you. Tears fell down your face and Hange’s breath was on your neck. Levi was whispering with twenty knights huddled together in the darkness. Then, the knights broke apart and went into their tent. Your heart plummeted. The thought of the knights returning to bed while the strange blonde knight raided the camp made you sick. You pulled away from Hange and wiped your tears. “It should be around four a.m. since Franz, Daz, Samuel, and Thomas were on watch. But Daz is going to find a clear view of the sky and hopefully, the stars will be visible enough to tell time . . .” Levi kneeled beside Hange and put a hand on your shoulder. “The knights are getting some equipment and going to scavenge the forest for the man you saw and anything suspicious.”
“T-thank you,” your chest unraveled a little at the assurance that something would be done. 
“I want to speak with you,” Levi stood up and motioned to Hange, who was clutching your cloak around their naked body. 
“No! Please . . . don’t leave me,” you said. You grabbed Hange’s arm, and their half-lidded eyes glanced at Levi. Your wide eyes studied Hange’s face, seeking comfort. They blinked a few times. They looked lethargic and exhausted; even when they nodded, they were slow. A tinge of admiration spread through your chest when Hange gently grasped the hand you placed on their arm. They held your hand against their heart. 
“What do you want to talk about?” They asked Levi, and he crossed his arms. You noticed Hange cared for you as they did what you asked. They stayed. Levi hesitated, and his eyes shifted knowingly between you and Hange. Knights emerged from their tents with candles and their swords drawn. Connie approached the lifeless campfire and worked on igniting the logs.  
“It’s not that I do not believe you saw a man, but I think we will be alright. Depending on the time, we will get a head start on our day,” You recalled Levi having insomnia and not sleeping well through the night. Levi averaged two to four hours of sleep per night. In the past, Levi, being awake, had managed to help predict when you would have nightmares and he was ready to calm you down so you wouldn’t disturb the other knights. Levi sleeping during the incident of you in the forest could point to the time being near dawn. “How do you feel? Do you feel tired?”
“I don’t think . . . I don’t think I could go back to sleep,” you stammered.
“Okay,” Levi softly said. 
“What do you think, Hange?” Hange’s inner eyebrows were perked up like they were trying to keep their eye open. They squeezed your hand and rubbed their thumb against your skin. 
“I’m going to try to get more sleep, Princess,” Hange admitted.
“Okay, I guess I can try too.” Light and warmth burst from behind Hange and Levi. Connie stepped away from igniting the fire and turned to notice a knight running back from a part of the forest. His hasty nature did not appear worrisome or like he found the bloodied knight in the forest. His face was determined yet calm. He looked familiar and you recognized he was one of the knights who came up to you after you found Franz. He was one of the guards on rotation. 
“Commander! Captain! I found a clear view of the sky and did the math. It is around four forty-five and five fifteen,” Daz said. “The sun will rise soon and we’ll have more daylight.”
“Great work, Daz,” Hange said and groaned. There wasn’t enough time to go back to sleep and feel rested. Breakfast would be between six and six thirty. Daz's concerned eyes studied you, checking how you were. 
“How are you, your Highness?” He gingerly asked.
“I feel safer, thank you, sir.” 
“I should start taking down the tent instead. It’s best if we go bathe right after eating, and then we can head to Flegel’s Farm,” Hange rubbed their eye. You could tell your incident woke Hange from a deep sleep. Guilt coursed through you as your outburst woke everyone up. But he was real. The bloodied knight with the crested sword was in front of you. 
He’s still out there.
Watching you.
He’s real. 
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around both Hange and Levi. 
“I’m sorry for my outburst,” you whimpered and Hange rubbed your back. “He’s out there, I swear.”
While the knights scoured the forest for the bloodied knight or anything related to the Marleyan Cult, you helped Hange take down the conference tent. They had to tell you what to do, and you appreciated their patience. Hange returned your cloak and told you to keep the hood on. You didn’t mind because the air was chilly. You rolled your bedroll up and Hange took it for you. 
The morning rays of sunlight broke through the canopy of trees, making the forest more comforting and less frightening. The green grass returned, and the trees weren’t shadows anymore. Their brown trunks were magnificent, and you could see past the light of the fire, which gave you a sense of safety. But deep inside, you felt unfriendly eyes on you. 
After a half hour of heading into the forest, the Knights returned to the camp at different intervals. The knights who usually prepared meals started with breakfast. Eventually, all twenty knights returned. No one was harmed, and no bloodied knight was found. But something felt wrong and you trusted your instincts. 
Levi wanted you to eat more protein and told the knight serving to give you three eggs and more chicken than rice. You cringed at the thought of forcing yourself to eat all the chicken and eggs Levi wanted you to eat. Especially since the rice felt more satiating. You argued with Levi that you wouldn’t eat another plate unless he took off half of the chicken and added more rice. Levi rolled his eyes but obliged.
Hange was sitting on a log in between two of their squad members. One of them you’ve seen Hange talk to before because he’s one of the only other knights who wears glasses, and the other knight was a man with short dark hair. The guy with the glasses passed Hange a delicate cloth, and then Hange wiped the lenses of their glasses. The two knights were next to Hange, and you hesitated to ask them to scoot over. You sat on the ground next to Hange’s feet, which amused Hange. Abel and Keiji offered to scoot over so you could sit next to Hange. Eventually, you did, which only ended up with you following the three when they got in line for food. 
Hange was retelling a story to Abel and Keiji about how they caught a frog in the river when they were younger, but you couldn’t pay attention. You tried ignoring it as you ate your chicken while standing beside Hange. Hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you couldn’t shake the feeling that you and the knights were in danger. Though more than forty knights were in the camp and would lay down their lives for you, you remained fearful of the bloodied knight. You weren’t dreaming.
He’s still out there.
Watching you. 
He’s real.
As the knights cleaned and put away the cooking equipment, Hange suggested going to the river. You didn’t want to go to the river anymore. You worried being with fewer people might make the bloodied knight approach you. What if while you and Hange were down at the river, he slits Hange’s throat and takes you? You’d rather have him kill you than Hange. The bloodied knight’s piercing eyes flashed in your mind and you gasped. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Hange asked and you realized you stopped walking. Hange looked over their shoulder at you and then walked to you. You were frozen in your tracks. They eyed you, analyzing your body and then approached your trembling form. Hange placed their hands on your shoulder and you looked up at Hange’s pretty eye. The heaving in your chest slowed and you blinked a couple of times. 
“Hange,” your whispered voice cracked. “I can’t shake the feeling that we are being watched.” Hange comfortably rubbed their thumb against your shoulders. You gave in to the feel of their soothing touch. They pulled you into their chest and you surrendered to their touch. Hange would keep you safe. Your breathing became even and Hange stroked your back again.
“Let’s bathe quickly so we can leave this place.” Hange soothed. They pulled away from the hug and wrapped a protective arm around your shoulder. They guided you toward the river. The sound of the water was reaching your ears and then Hange gasped. You both stopped in your tracks.
In the distance on the shoreline was a small brown fur ball with a small white fur ball for a tail. A large smile grew when you saw the furry animal's head raise, revealing its long ears. A small cottontail rabbit was drinking from the river. Hange turned to you and with their index finger over their lips. They drew their sword from the waist of their tan pants and handed it to you. Then Hange held a hand up to tell you to stay and you silently nodded at them.
The bunny was frozen. It sensed you and Hange. Hange silently crept closer, and you hoped this was the moment Hange would catch you a pet bunny. The brown bunny hopped away from Hange and you both held your breath, hoping you didn’t spook the bunny.  Hange took another step forward and then waited. The bunny was petrified but anchored itself in place. Then Hange took another step and was a few feet away from your future pet. Hange dived for the animal and reached out their arms for the bunny. Their fingers grazed the bunny’s fur. The cottontail pounced away from the grasps of Hange and went into the tree line. 
“Hange!” You ran to Hange’s form lying on the dried pebbles of the shoreline. They winced and then pushed themselves up onto their knees. You crouched down next to them, “Are you okay? You’re always so close! I know you are going to catch us a bunny!”
“Those cuties are quick. Bunnies can run up to eighteen miles per hour, you know.” Hange dusted off their shirt. They got their white shirt even more dirty and will definitely need to wash it while bathing. “They're quick as a flash.”
“Quick like lighting!”
“Like lighting, for sure!” Hange started unbuttoning their white shirt. “I should wash this first to let it dry, " they said more to themselves. 
You placed Hange’s sword on the pebbles and then turned around to start striping your clothes. You looked across the river and back toward the camp. You and Hange were alone.
“I bet the next time we see a bunny, you’ll catch it!” You encouraged Hange as you pulled down the tan slacks and shimmied off your pants. You folded your pants and then laid them against your boots. The light-hearted thought of a cute furry bunny roaming around the tent and feeding her carrots while holding it like a baby crossed your mind. The sloshing sounds of the river pulled you out of your daydream. Hange was naked and holding their dirty white top. They sat on their knees and their back was to you. They dipped the dirt-stained part of the fabric into the water and used their thumb to circle the area. “Let me help with that! I know a quicker way!”
“Oh yeah? The Princess is going to show me how to wash clothes? How unexpected.” Hange kept circling the stain with their thumb. You pulled off the cloak and unbuttoned the white shirt. Without a care to fold them, you piled them on top of the pants. You splashed Hange when you hastily stepped into the river. “Careful! I don’t want to get my entire shirt wet! It will take forever to dry!”
“May I?” You wanted to show Hange the technique Fairy Godmother Ymir showed you during childhood. Hange handed over their shirt and you placed most of the fabric between your bicep and ribs. Then, you fisted the fabric on the sides of the stains, letting the fabric slack. You dipped the dirt-stained part into the river’s water and used your fisted hands to rub your fingers against each other. The technique Fairy Godmother Ymir taught you was like using your fingers to act as a miniature corrugated washboard. You pulled the dripping fabric out of the water and squeezed. When you unfolded the damp bunched-up fabric, the dirt stain was gone. “Ta-da!”
“What?! It’s that easy?!” Hange gasped. They grabbed their shirt from you and tilted it against the sunlight, trying to see if the stain was gone. 
“Yes! Fairy Godmother Ymir taught me that when I started learning to clean blood stains from my underwear!” Hange’s jaw was dropped and there was a fond satisfaction with impressing Hange. Hange stood up from the water, taking their shirt to their pile of clothes.
“And all this time, I’ve been doing dumb circles, which takes forever sometimes!” Hange placed the wet part of the shirt facing up so the crisp air could dry it. You started splashing water onto your arms and rubbing your legs. Hange sat on your left and you began rubbing your arms in the water. They poked your cheek and stretched out their legs. “Thank you, Princess Y/N, you changed my life!”
“You changed my life . . .” Their doe-eye glanced at you, causing your cheeks to turn pink. They darted away from you and you wanted them to look at you again. Their lips looked soft, and Hange started rubbing their legs, which were submerged in the river. Then, Hange took out the hair tie that held their short hair back. You pulled your hair tie out, letting your hair fall behind you. You wanted Hange to say something—to say anything. 
Say something!
“Are you excited to try on dresses for your wedding?”
Not that, UGH!
“I-I haven’t thought of that, honestly . . . I guess I am.” You noticed your hands trembling as you pulled your knees to your chest. You wrapped your arms around your knees, protecting yourself. Your heart. Then you said, “I don’t want to marry Prince Marco.”
“I know, Y/N, I’m—”
“No, Hange . . . I don’t want to marry Prince Marco.” There was a pressure behind your nose and you inhaled deeply. You did not want to cry. Small fishes swam by in the river, but you weren’t in the right headspace to be excited about tiny fish. The small fish probably could choose who they wanted to mate with. They did not have to worry about a cult hunting them. Those fish didn’t suddenly get the rug ripped from under them and forced into a new life—one of danger, death, and responsibility. “I’m forced to be married to a stranger and I’m forced to feel on the edge constantly because of a cult hunting me. I was forced to leave my cottage, books, clothes, and possessions behind . . . I want to choose something in my life!”
You tilted your head toward Hange, and their confused expression had a hint of helplessness. Their lips looked soft, and Hange’s brown eye usually comforted you. But their glance made you feel cornered and guilty. 
“You’ll get your opportunity to make your own choices.”
“I know what I want.”
“You know?”
“I know . . .” You’ve seen Christa and Ymir do it before and tried your best to replicate them. With a flood of courage, you turned and held yourself in a steadied stance on your knees before Hange. You grabbed their face, leaned in, closed your eyes, and smashed your lips onto theirs. The flesh was indistinguishable and you felt the tip of their nose on your cheek. You felt a new, exhilarating rush through your body and ache between your legs. Hange’s hands fumbled around and they grabbed your wrist and used their other hand to push on your chest. 
Hange’s eye was wide and their pupil was dilated. Their face had a rosy hue and their lips were flushed. Your lips tingled, and you wiped them with the back of your hand. Hange brought their knees to their chest and hugged themselves. They were silent and downcasted their eye to the river’s water.
Guilt surged through your body, and you carefully sat in the river again. You crossed boundaries and possibly upset your friend. You just wanted to try it—once. You pulled your knees to your chest. Pressure built behind your nose and you blinked rapidly, avoiding tears. 
The water shimmered from the morning’s daylight and the sun’s rays warmed your skin. A light breeze rippled the water on the river’s surface and blew over the taller grass stems on the other side. A bird unapologetically tweeted from high in the trees.
“You should not have done that,” Hange whispered and your heart twinged. They were blushing and hiding themselves. Hange sniffed and they rubbed their eye. “They will have my head for that.”
“Who?” It felt hard to breathe and the Hange getting in trouble raised the guilt in your chest. You should not have crossed the line. You made your own bold choices but at what cost? You can choose to do whatever you want, but you can not choose your consequences. 
“The Queen and her King. Marco’s parents. They would flog me and then kill me for ‘corrupting the Princess.’ I wouldn't be alive by the end of the day when they found out.”
“I thought my parents were nice . . .” Hange covered their eye with their hand and you heard them hold back a whimper. “I’m sorry, Hange. I just wanted to try kissing.”
“We can not speak of this,” Hange whispered harshly.
“This was my first kiss . . .” you whispered. Hange sniffled again and a tear streamed down their face. They wiped it off quickly and your heart ached at the sight of the vulnerable form. 
“It’s my first since I lost my eye.” Hange bitterly said. There was a pinch in your chest, and you recalled what Hange had told you last night. Hange was dating someone when they lost their eye . . . and you tied together that the girl did not kiss or show Hange affection after their injury, which ultimately led to their relationship ending. “Damn it!” The water sloshed as they stood up.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I knew you liked me,” Hange looked at the pebbles by their feet as they walked toward the grass. You chased after them, sloshing water and dripping onto the pebbles. You grabbed their wrist and they pulled away from you. 
“I knew you liked me and I couldn’t stop myself!”
“I’m sorry, Hange! I am so sorry. Please, we can forget about this! Please don’t be mad!” Hange crossed their arms and looked at their feet, their hair masked their face. The knight in shining armor from the Karanese District was helpless, confused, and defenseless. You held onto their biceps, looking up at them. A tear dropped from their face and they wiped it instantly away, again.
“I’m not mad at you, Y/N. I’m mad at myself.” You didn’t know what to do, and you gently hugged Hange. You rubbed their back like they did when you needed comfort. “I like you, Y/N, and I know you like me. You are painfully obvious—your stares, your questions, your curious nature about romance. You don’t take your eyes off my body when I undress.” 
“I’m sorry,” your heart fluttered at Hange’s words. They liked you back, and some part of you hoped there was a chance. 
“Stop apologizing,” Hange clipped and you nodded obediently. “We should get back.”
“I haven’t washed my hair—we both haven’t yet.” Hang pulled away from your hug and they walked back over to their pile of clothes. 
“That’s because you were going around kissing some knight in the river.”
“Hange . . . I don’t want to marry Prince—”
“It doesn’t matter what you want!” You flinched at Hange raising their voice. “You’re a Princess going to become Queen and I’m a knight. I’m just a knight.”
“But you like me, right? So why can’t we date?” 
“Oh you’re so naive—”
“I’m sorry!” A storm of thoughts loomed over Hange and you, the rage between desire and the constraint of duty. You stood next to Hange, watching them dress themselves. You crossed your arms, covering your exposed chest. Hange was hopping on one leg, trying to get their tan slacks over their damp skin. You wanted to explore love and explore it with Hange. 
“Listen to me,” Hange put their hands on your shoulders after they zipped their slacks. You accidentally glanced at their boobs and then blushed guiltily. “I-I want to call you mine,” their voice cracked as they confessed. Your heart raced, noticing the window of opportunity—your desires in reach. “But if we are caught, I will die.”
“No!” You took Hange’s wrists from your shoulders and held their hands. “I want a chance with you . . . I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. You are my best friend—the light in the dark. You are my savior—my angel. You were sent to protect me.”
“I should not give in to temptation,” Hange whimpered, resting their forehead on yours.
“I want to be yours even in secret.”
“I should not give in to temptation.”
“I will protect you if the Queen and her King find out.”
“I should not give in to temptation,” Hange inhaled sharply. Their anguished face was evident. Their eye was squeezed shut, and their lips were trembling. You placed their hands on your waist and then yours on their shoulders. They fondly grasped your waist, feeling your damp, soft skin, getting a glimpse of what could be theirs—giving in. They whispered, “I am going to die if we get caught . . .”
“Give me your life and I’ll give you mine,” you whispered. Hange tilted their chin and gently pressed their lips against yours. You followed Hange’s tender rhythm. You affectionately cupped one of Hange’s cheeks and leaned into them. They pulled your waist into their hips and you whimpered. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt a tingle and warmth spread through your body. You will always remember this moment with Hange by the river. The secret that will stay between the two of you.
And the man watching.
next chapter Chapter 17: Garden of Rabbits
chapter index masterlist
10 notes · View notes
ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
Levi being separated from his wife for years after joining the scouts but finding his way back to her
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Pairing: husband!Levi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,7k
Synopsis: Just before Erwin was about to catch you in the underground city, Levi begs you to stay behind and promises to return. Years pass, years in which he never reached out once. Until an unexptected visitor knocks on your door.
Warnings: heavy angst to comfort, the last part is not proofread so have mercy, please let me know what you think as this is the second aot fanfic I'm posting <3
Tags: @lees-chaotic-brain @sanicsmut @levislegislation
Click here for a cute little spin off
You move with almost frightening speed around the countless buildings, escaping the hands of the blonde male behind you by razor’s edge. Why the hell are the survey corps so much stronger than the military police? So skilled with the 3D manoeuvre gear that it’s almost scary, haunting after you so fast that it’s getting harder and harder to escape their grasps. But everything is going according to plan, right? You need to get yourself caught, you need to join the survey crops, you-
“Move to the left. Just keep going and don’t look back. You are skilled enough to escape them alone.”
Your glossy eyes dart towards your husband in disbelief. No, he can’t be serious about what he just said. That would mean…
“But we’ll get separated”, you argue.
Levi is fully aware of what he’s asking from you. But given the neck-breaking speed and the skills of the people behind you, the risk of getting caught is greater than the benefit of staying together. And that man…Even though he promised you the world, Levi could tell by the sound of his voice that he isn’t trustworthy. He might go to hell, he might die in the process, but you.
There is absolutely no way in hell he’ll risk your life.
At least you’d be safe, even if it means he’ll be away from you for some time.  
“I never intended on taking you with me, (y/n). If we’ll get separated, I will come and find you here. I promise.”
His words don’t make any sense while you shake your head in mistrust. But you agreed on going together, all four of you. Why would you stay behind, why would he even suggest something like that?
“(y/n), I don’t want to lose you because of a mission. Please, move left.”
You don’t know what to do, mind completely clouded by anger, fear and uncertainty. You would trust your husband with everything, laying your life right into his hands. But this? This means you might never see again, this means he’ll leave you here for who knows how long, this means your husband could lose his life for freedom.
“But what if I lose you?”
“You will never lose me. I promise I’ll come back to you, just trust me with this one. I love you, (y/n).”
You take a deep breath, the next intersection coming closer and closer. It’s time to make a decision.
Will you move left like Levi begged you to or will you move right and followi him like you initially planned?  
With a load of gas you propel yourself past a building, moving with horrendous speed down the tight side streets of the underground.
One last glance. One last glance into the eyes of the man who is the only light in your life, one last glance into the cold blue eyes of the man who is now chasing after him.
“You better come back to me, Levi Ackerman”, you mutter to yourself while holding back bitter tears.
-a few years later-
“Take it or leave it. I will find someone else who’ll buy it.”
“Are you up on sale too?”
That’s enough. With a swift motion, you pierce through the man’s dirty hand with your knife before turning around and leaving his house in company of his pathetic screams.
It’s been years. Years since Levi go taken away from you by that blonde man with blue eyes, years since he promised that he’ll come back.
But he never did. With fast and skilled motions, you swing around, making your way back home before the military police starts getting on your nerves again.
Everything seems so cold since he left. Your worn-down house, the bed you used to share, your whole fucking life. Who knows what happened after they got caught. Are all of them still alive? Maybe something went wrong, maybe they die-
No. You shake your head vehemently. This is simply not possible. Levi Ackerman would never die through the hands of a titan, let alone a member of the survey corps. That’s absolutely impossible, unbelievable to say the least. Maybe he started a new life on the surface with his friends, lying under the sun right now while eating the most exquisite food.
Good for him. If you weren’t still stuck in this hell.
A few harsh knocks on the door rip you out of your dreams.
“Who the hell is this?”, you grumble to yourself.
You don’t expect any visitors today. To be exact, you never expected anyone to visit you. So who could this be? The man you threatened before? The military police officers you stole from? Whatever, you will figure it out somehow.
But when you open the door, you aren’t greeted by the face of a disgusting officer. No, you stare right into ice-blue eyes.
“When will you finally let me get her?”
He missed you every single day since you parted your way back then in the underground city. How are you? What are you doing? Are you even alive? Levi’s hands clenched into fist just by the thought of it. Countless lonely night that felt so empty without you by his side, countless people he lost during the process. If you knew what happened…
“Is a woman really that important to you? She must be someone really special if you’re still asking about her”, Erwin commented, staring at the captain sitting in front of him with eagle eyes.
Yes, he does remember you. The girl who took the left path back then, the only one him and his squad weren’t able to catch.
“She is my wife. If you don’t allow me to get her, I will quit my service”, Levi suddenly barked at his commander.
How unexpected. Even though Erwin could tell that you’ve meant something to him when he decided to leave you in the underground city, he never thought his relations to you would go that deep.
“Fine, if that’s what you wish I’ll go and escort her.”
“I will get her myself-“
“You have a job to do, remember? I will take Moblit with me, it shouldn’t take long, given she cooperates.”
Did he even have a choice? One look into Erwin’s face showed him more than urgent that this is nothing to be discussed. And even though he hates to admit it, somehow Erwin is right. These brats were unpredictable, along with Hange.
“Fine”, Levi finally grumbled.
As long as you’ll finally be back in his arms, he won’t complain.
“You”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Your whole body begins to tremble in thick rage, eyes darting right through his spoiled soul. His eyes haunted you in your dreams, how he talked to your husband back then, how they pushed his gorgeous face into the dirt. You will never forgive him. No, nothing in the world could make you forgive the blonde man in front of you who stole your life away from you so cruel.
“Where is Levi?”
“Maybe if you calm down-“
“SHUT UP”, you immediately interrupt the other man behind him.
“You will pay for all these fucking years I had to live without him. You will pay for every sleepless night, for every tear that I cried. You will pay with your own pathetic life!”
With a swift motion, you lower the knife out of your sleeve, ready to hit his carotid artery with full force.
Until you suddenly fall to the ground, the last thing you are able to see being this asshole’s boots before everything turns black…
Silence, darkness, nothingness.
“You didn’t have to hit her this hard. Levi will definitely make you pay for punching his wife”, Erwin comments dryly before gently lifting your numb body over his shoulder.
“His wife, huh? No wonder she’s so feisty, what a pain in the ass”, Moblit remarks.
“I understand her anger. After all, I hid her husband for multiple years from her. Let’s see how she acts when she wakes up…”
-back at the base camp-
“Who’s this woman?”, Eren mumbles into his best friend’s ear, staring at the lifeless female body laying in front of Erwin’s feet.
“They just came back with her. But nobody seems to know who she is”, Armin clarifies.
Everything hurts. Your back, your head, your limbs feel like falling off every second. You feel like hit by a horse…Did the military police catch you? Did someone come for you? Impossible…
You rub your head, lids blinking against the harsh light. Where the hell are you? And why is it so damn bright here? This definitely isn’t the candle in the middle of your bedroom.
You lift your trembling limbs off the ground, groaning when a new wave of nausea rolls over you. God, why do you feel so bad? You can’t even remember what happened last. You were at the underground, you made a deal with that asshole, you returned home, it knocked.
It knocked.
Your eyes widen in pure horror when his face lights up in your head. He. He was there. The man who stole your life from you, the man who took your husband with him.
“I’m glad you’re awake, he should return every minute-“
Your eyes roam around without an aim until his cold blue eyes meet yours.
“You took everything from me!” you scream on top of your lungs.
The air around you heats up immediately, all the voices quieting down in an instant when your trembling index finger darts towards commander Erwin Smith.
“You took my life from me, you stole my husband and now you kidnap me! I’ve had enough, you’ll pay for all your sins, for how miserable you made my life! Do you know how many lonely nights I begged for him to return, that I even started praying for him to come back home to me? You promised freedom but caged me to the underground in my hopeless dream of him returning someday!”
Again, you shoot towards him with your knife in your hand. Fuck, you hate the way hot tears start to sting in your eyes and take your sight, but you can’t help yourself. This man in front of you is the epitome of living hell, the reason you suffered all these goddamn years. You aim for his neck, ready to slice him open like a fish along with a toe-curling scream that escapes your trembling lips.
The sheer force of a pair of fingers wrapped around your wrist is enough to make you stop. This almost sounded like…
“I have to explain all this to you calmly. Please put down your knife, (y/n).”
“You have some fucking nerve”, you mutter under your breath, eyes darting towards him for the first time in years.
He looks just like you remember him, figure roaming over you for a few inches, eyes as calm as the ocean, hair neatly trimmed. Yes, he is just as attractive as you remembered.
And alive.
And this is the first time you see him, after so many years.
“Where have you been all this time, huh?”, you cry out.
You free yourself out of his grasp, now storming towards him.
“What about the promise you made back then, that you’ll return to me?”
Your hands push against his firm chest harshly, fists slamming over and over against his tight muscles while all he does is standing there.
“You left me without saying goodbye, without even thinking about me twice. Do you know how much I cried that day, how much I missed my fucking husband?”
Tears stream down your face like a waterfall, voice so hoarse that it’s hard to cough out a single word that makes sense.
“Why didn’t you come back? Why did you leave me in the dark? Why-“
He can’t hold back any longer. Before you continue your ramblings, before you are able to hit him again, Levi wraps his arms around you and buries his face in the crook of your neck. God, how much he missed this, how much he missed the simplicity of holding his wife in his arms.
“I love you, (y/n)”, he breathes against your ear.
You see stars, feel like fainting, want to push him away while all you want is to be held at the same time. Countless nights you imagined what it would be like to meet him again, countless nights you pondered about his life, where he might live, what he is doing.
And now he’s standing in front of you, pressing you tightly against his firm body while all you can do is break down and cry in his inviting arms.
“Back then, I have asked you to move left because I feared what lies behind the walls. And I was right, (y/n). The things I saw, the countless lives the titans took. Isabel and Furan, they… They died on our first expedition. It wasn’t safe to drag you into this world. Even if I wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms again, I figured it would be easier to know you live as far away from the titans and me than being in danger…”
“You idiot”, you spit into the face you learned to love long ago.
“I would rather die by your side than live alone at the safest place. Don’t you understand that all I wanted was to be with you?”
Your words echo through his mind, the past years replaying themselves in front of his eyes like a movie. It’s been so damn long. He should have asked about getting you sooner, he should have moved hell and earth to get you out of the underground.
“I’m sorry about all those years, (y/n). You were the only thing on my mind this whole time, I was longing for your touch, for your presence. I wrote a list of things I want to show you. I know how much I’m asking for, but please forgive me, please be by my side right here and now.”
Is it really this simple? Is one look in his lovely face enough to forget all those years you’ve waited for him? Your heart pounds hard against your ribcage, all pairs of eyes seem to be set on you. What are you supposed to do?
“A simple sorry won’t take away all those years I’ve waited for you.”
Levi swallows hard, this usual cool composure slowly but surely breaking away. Fuck, he messed up. He should have gone after you immediately, he should have ignored Erwin’s advice. If you leave him right here on the spot…His eyes widen in thick fear. No, this would completely tear him apart. After all, you are his precious wife, the love of his life, the only reason he kept going despite all the people that died in front of his eyes.
“But I won’t live in the past with regrets. I was hoping forward for this day so long, let’s enjoy it.”
And then you return his hug, wrapping your arms around his ribcage like you used to. Levi lets himself fall into your touch, soaks in the decent smell of citrons on your clothes. God, how much he missed this, how much he missed you.
“We will never return to the underground, my darling. Your place is right here under the sun.”
You press your lips against his hungrily, soaking up this precious moment. This is exactly how you imagined your reunion. Maybe a few years earlier, maybe being escorted by himself. But god, you can’t help but get lost against his mouth, your fingers re-discovering the valleys of his well-toned body.
“Huh, what’s going on here? HUH, DID I MISS SOMETHING!?”
Levi slowly removes his lips from yours, cold eyes staring darkly behind you. You follow his gaze, looking directly into the way too near face someone wearing glasses.
“This is my wife, shitty four-eyes. Can you stop bothering her?”
“WHAT? You never mentioned anything about a wife! Oh, what a gorgeous woman she is! And you’re just as small as Levi himself. Huh, maybe that’s what comes with living under the ground, right? But don’t worry, you will be just fine here! Apart from some titans here and there, and maybe titan shifters and don’t forget those-“
“Shut.Up.”, Levi hisses through gritted teeth.
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luna-eclipse2000 · 2 months
You wearing someone else’s cologne (but it’s actually just one they don’t wear)
Ft: Eren, Armin, Jean, Levi, and Hanji
Some suggestive themes so MDNI
- You come out of your shared bedroom and walk past Eren
- He instantly smells the cologne and sees red
- He prefers musky smells, so why on earth do you smell like that?
- He grabs your wrist. Not too hard, but hard enough for you to turn around and ask him what’s wrong
- “Whose cologne is that?”
- You are instantly confused
- “Don’t play dumb, (Y/N). Whose cologne is that?”
- “Eren. I bought this for you for your birthday.”
- He instantly feels embarrassed
- “Oh… Sorry…”
- “But I do like how jealous you got over it.” You say, wrapping your arms around his waist
- “What can I say, sweetie?” Eren says. “I don’t like the thought of anyone else getting to touch you.”
- “You’re the only one who would do it right anyway.” You say
- He instantly throws you over his shoulder to show you just how right you are
- Armin always waits for you to get up before he leaves for work
- He’s never been late and he loves seeing your face in the morning
- But today he had to go in super early thanks to a batch of new people who need to be trained
- He was absolutely heart broken having to leave without getting his goodbye kiss
- But then he had an idea so he eagerly texts you
- “Hey, how about we meet up for lunch at your favourite restaurant? It can be my apology for not being able to see you this morning.”
- He anxiously waits for you at the restaurant, the food already ordered since the wait staff already know your orders by heart
- When you enter the restaurant, his eyes light up, as do yours
- “(Y/N)!” He says happily as he gets up from his seat to greet you
- “Armin! How’s your day going?”
- “It’s going good, how about yours?” He asks
- “It just got better.” You answer and then give him a kiss
- When he pulls away to give you a hug, he smells it
- The faintest smell of cypress, vetiver and black teakwood
- He feels his heart drop a bit
- You never wear this kind of smell so it’s definitely not yours
- Then whose is it?
- He pulls away and hides his worry extremely well
- You never know when he’s upset until he physically can’t hold his emotions in anymore
- You’ve always told him to tell you how he feels but he hates making you worry over him
- This is slightly different, though
- If he expresses his worry, he’ll be practically accusing you of cheating on him and saying that he doesn’t trust you
- You can tell that sometimes wrong though because he’s not really engaging in the conversation. Just nodding his head and giving short responses
- But at this point you know he’s not going to tell you the truth until he can’t handle it anymore
- He gets home before you and starts pacing through the whole house, not able to sit still
- He never got the same kind of attention from people that Eren or Mikasa did so he’s still pretty insecure
- No matter how many times you tell him how much you love him, how pretty he is, how happy he makes you, there’s still a voice in the back of his mind telling him that you’re lying
- So when he hears the door open, he finally freezes
- He wants to run to you and give you all his love
- But he also wants to confront you about the cologne
- “Armin, there you are.” Your voice says from behind him. “I’ve been calling your name for a few minutes.”
- “Are you… seeing someone else?” He finally asks
- “What? Armin, what gave you that idea?”
- He turns around to face you and you finally see the anxiety in his eyes
- “I could smell that cologne on you.” He tells you, playing with his fingers nervously. “I’ve never smelt it before. I know I’m not very tall, or confident, or handsome, or even funny. So I get it if you want to see other people.”
- You smile sadly. All that lack of attention really messed up his confidence
- You’ve seen photos of him and his friends from high school, which he was absolutely humiliated about
- He had glasses, a decent amount of acne, and would wear a lot of anime shirts
- To say he was a nerd would be an understatement, but you thought he was cute
- So you walk up to him and gently cup his cheeks
- “Armin, my darling. The cologne is yours.”
- He’s absolutely stunned. He would’ve remembered if he had something that like that
- “Mikasa got it for you for your birthday. You didn’t want to hurt her feelings so you just put it in the drawer and forgot about it. I’d never cheat on you. I love you too much to do that to you.”
- He looks down feeling embarrassed that he ever thought you’d do something so cruel
- “I’m sorry.” He apologizes. “I never should’ve-“
- “Hey, no.” You say softly. “You never wore this before so it makes sense that you didn’t think it was yours. Now how about we go downstairs, put on a movie, and cuddle for a while. Does that sound good?”
- He nods with a small smile on his face. “I love you.”
- “I love you more than you know.”
- He comes home from work before you and decides to make your favourite food for dinner
- But first, he needs to take a shower
- He heads upstairs to your shared bedroom and smells something… different
- It smells like smoke, but with a hint of sage and sandalwood
- He wonders if you got him a new soap
- But if so, why can he smell it when he’s not in the shower?
- He shakes his head, wondering if he’s going crazy and heads into the washroom to take his shower
- It isn’t until he gets out and heads to the dresser to get a new set of night clothes that he finds the culprit behind the smell
- A bottle of cologne that seems to have a few squirts taken out of it
- He picks it up and looks at the brand
- It’s expensive and definitely not his
- His mind starts racing
- There’s no way you’re cheating on him
- You’d never do that
- You probably bought this for him because you thought it smelt good
- But then why isn’t it full?
- He decides to confront you about it when you get home
- He quickly gets dressed, grabs the bottle and heads downstairs so he can start cooking
- If you are cheating, he’s gonna cook you a meal so damn good you’ll instantly regret your decision
- Then he’ll probably remind you why you’ve stayed with him for all these years after your finished begging for his forgiveness
- He’ll make you beg even more
- He plates the food and sets it up at the table and sits down
- About five minutes later, you walk through the door and instantly smell your favourite food
- Ever since Jean made it, no one else’s has even compared
- “Mm, something smells good, Jean!” You say as you walk into the dining room and see him waiting for you.
- “You like smells?” He asks
- You just give him a confused look in response
- He then puts the cologne on the table rather dramatically, like he just found your secret stash of drugs
- “So… You wanna explain why I found some random cologne in our room?”
- You blink a few times. “Excuse me?”
- “Don’t play dumb, baby.” He says. “I can even smell it on you from here. Whose damn cologne is this?”
- “Ok first, let’s stop with the cop attitude. You’ve been watching way too much NCIS.” You say. “And that cologne was a gift from your mother when you got promoted.”
- Heat spreads across his face when he realizes that he’s been jealous of himself for over an hour
- “Oh… Well… I’ve never smelled it before, so why isn’t it still full?”
- “Because you wore it twice before exiling it to the back of the draw.” You explain.
- Jean clears his throat. “Well then… Never mind, I guess.”
- He’s checking everyone’s cleaning job when he comes to you
- You smell different
- But it couldn’t be you
- You don’t have anything that smells like bourbon
- And he doesn’t drink
- It could be the cadet your cleaning with
- So he walks up to you and takes a sniff
- Yup, that’s definitely you
- “Oi.” He says, looking over at the cadet. “Get lost.”
- “Yes, sir!” The cadet complies and quickly leaves, bringing the broom with him
- “What is it, Levi?” You ask
- “Why do you smell like that?” He asks
- “Like what?” You ask. “I took a shower this morning.”
- “You smell like bourbon.” He says. “So whose cologne is that?”
- “You’re not serious, right?” You asks. “Levi. This cologne has sat on your bathroom counter for months!”
- “Oh…”
- You start laughing
- “Tch.” He clicks his tongue. “You get to clean the stables now, too.”
- “Wha-? Why?!”
- “Because you laughed at me, brat.”
- “Hey, Han!” You exclaim as you walk into their lab. “Whatcha doing?”
- “Working.” They answer absentmindedly as they swirl the liquid in their beaker
- You walk up to Hanji and peer over their shoulder
- The smell of vanilla and patchouli practically smacks Hanji in the face, causing them to immediately look away from their work
- “I know you’re working, silly.” You say. “But what are-?”
- You get cut off by Hanji very audibly sniffing the shirt you’re wearing
- High key sounds like a dog when they smell something new
- “Whose cologne is this?” Hanji asks. “Are mine not nice enough to wear?”
- “Huh?” You say, clearly a little confused
- Hanji then realizes that the shirt you’re wearing isn’t one of yours. It’s a big too big. “And whose shirt is this?”
- “Hanji Zoe.” You smirk. “Are you getting jealous?”
- Hanji removes their glasses and places them on top of their head
- They grip your waist and pull you in close to them
- So close that you can smell their body wash
- “Don’t toy with me, love.” They say lowly. “Who. Do those. Belong to. Don’t make me punish you.”
- You blush a bit, but want to see how far you can take this
- Hanji doesn’t get jealous like this often so you want to have a little fun
- “What will you do if I don’t tell you?”
- “I’ll make sure whoever is trying to take you from me knows that you’re mine.” Hanji answers. “I’ll mark every bit of your skin, and I’ll make sure you scream my name.”
- You wrap your arms around Hanji’s neck
- “Han. This is your shirt.”
- The look of surprise and confusion on their face is adorable
- “This is also your cologne.” You explain further. “I spilled dirty water on my top, so I found this at the bottom of your closet. And because I didn’t want to smell gross, I grabbed the first bottle I could find.“
- “Oh…” Hanji says simply. They start looking anywhere but at your face out of embarrassment.
- “You can keep your promise of punishing me if you want.” You say. “But you’ll need to make up for thinking I’d want to smell like anyone but you.”
- “Fine by me.” Hanji says. “I just gotta finish this experiment, then I’m all yours.”
- They turn back to their work, but you quickly spin them back around in their chair
- “Part of your punishment is not getting to finish… if you catch my drift.”
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daemontargaryenwhore · 5 months
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theysangastheyslew · 2 months
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IT'S CHRISTMAS IN JULY BITCHES (yes I know it's almost over shh 🤫)
Now could this have been 4 panels with Hans just plopping down on the couch, patting Levi on the shoulder and saying ''Yo I'm knocked up'', and then carrying on with their evening?
Why yes, yes indeed. But where's the struggle in that ? :')
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abiatackerman · 1 month
Hange: I can see red marks on your forearm, Levi. So Y/N loves so bite your hands now?
Levi: (sipping his tea) These are her pinching marks. She does it when she's annoyed with me.
Hange: (laughing) Why pinching?
Levi: Because she's a brat and because that's the only way she can make me flinch.
Hange: Still, you let her pinch yourself when you don't even let anyone touch you.
Levi: Because I'm a patient man and because I'm her boyfriend.
Wanna laugh more? Checkout the masterlist of Funny Minishots hopefully they'll make you laugh too!
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could I ask for hcs for how day to day life would change for erwin, hange, and levi's s/o after dealing with their notable injuries they get during the story? IE erwin's arm, hanji's eye, levi's scars, eye, and fingers ect? I hope this was clear enough I hope you have a nice day/night!
Sure thing and don't worry I understood you're request just fine, thank you. I hope you're having a nice current timezone anon :)
(Gender neutral reader)
Erwin Smith
Things are... mostly the same as the were before for the most part. Not right away though because of course all the stuff with Rod Reiss, Historia, the man hunt for Survey Corps heads, and the fact Erwin was quite literally sentenced to death not that long after losing it so things were of course very hectic to where there wasn't really a good adjustment period until the two month preparation period to reclaim Shingashima.
It's a shame really, it was his dominant hand too, now all his paperwork is signed with a slight messiness to it he isn't exactly a fan of. But he makes do, relearning and rewiring how his brain works to make up for the lost limb. But even if he doesn't say it out loud, you know more than anyone exactly how hard it is for him - even if to so many people he has so many different airs and appearances to keep.
"Oh it's just an arm, a small sacrifice for the greater good of Humanity. Many good, amazing, talented people have lost more. This is a minor scratch compared to that."
That's what he told Nile that night over dinner together with you and Marie too after Erwin's charges had been offically cleared off the records. Truth be told, none of you at that table bought it, even if he really did intentionally mean it - you three knew him, and it was subtle but with how he struggled to pick up and properly use the fork in his sole surviving hand spoke all it need to. It was a very human struggle - one he did everything to hide.
He can't shave his face by himself anymore, he has trouble putting his uniform on every morning, he needs to relearn how to use ODM gear in a modified way, he has to do an awkward version of the salute now, he struggles with how to maneuver and get himself clean in the shower for the longest until he comes up with a routine on how to do it one handed, he still has enemies so he has to rewire how he thinks of defending himself, he has to learn how to deal with this odd... phantom feeling of his missing arm still being there like in the stories he'd hear from injured soldiers. It's all hard, but he manages, braves through but he's very thankful to have you and so many close others at his side that are willing to help him through it.
Also misses holding your hand. During a meeting with Queen Historia, her Majesty speaking excitedly about her plans to help out orphans - specifically those from Underground, as Levi had made sure to suggest - that as the core members of the Survey Corps stood in audience, he couldn't help but to glance over at where you stood at one side of him, nodding supportively along to Historia's desires about letting the children have fun on her new acquired farm lands, that does he stare at you - at your hand more specifically, as you are standing at his side with the dangling green military coat sleeve. It's rude, he knows, not paying attention as the Queen speaks about her noble causes but he finds himself not being able to help it. For just a second - and maybe, probably, he's deluding this - but for a second he feels the empty sleeve move on it's own to graze at your hand as to grab it - immediately gaining your attention as you stare over at him with your gorgeous eyes that every time he looks at him he falls in love all over again, over and over and the way your head questioningly tilts as if to ask him if something was wrong does his throat turn dry but his lips slightly part until-
A rough kick comes subtly to his paralleled ankle at his other side, Levi. The Captain doesn't look at him, he just keeps his arms crossed over his chest and intently listens to Historia's plans, however, he quietly scolds under his breath: "Pay attention."
Right... he was being very rude. He shouldn't get lost up in silly stuff like this in such important professional times such as these. But... when you suddenly reach over and hold onto the sleeve just as it were his flesh hand only weeks prior, so sincerely and lovingly... he can't help but the dumb smile on his face.
Everything will be fine. He's still the same man. There'll be struggle, some more getting use to - afterall, it's only been a couple weeks if not a month. There's plenty of recovery time in the future, he knows it. After Shingashima, he decides, maybe then he'll take some time off - spend with you and truly attune himself with the lacking arm. And maybe... maybe if he practices a bit first with his still lack of balance... he can still properly get down on his knees and take out that heavy ring in his breast pocket and ask you that question that's been on his mind.
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Hanji Zoë
Going to be perfectly honest, the missing eye is the least of Hanji's issues at the moment. It's still a struggle, yes, the now partial blindness that they have to now wear a patch over and it takes a couple weeks to properly get accumulated and not bumping into walls, doors, tables, and other stuff on accident. But it becomes something that's like second nature to the new Commander very quickly on.
Now... the sight isn't the issue. The mountain of other things that came with Shingashima is, both mental and physical.
The obvious is the new Commander position, taking over Erwin's role puts so much on their shoulders and not just that - having to put on this brave face for the only - ten, including themselves, Survey Corps members that survived that bloodbath. They're in charge, everyone's looking up to them them for advice, for orders, for their command. Meanwhile... Hanji hasn't even had proper time to grief for not just one but two of their best friends... Erwin. Moblit... that first night was the roughest, coming back home, to their now old office and practically broke down crying where you had to comfort them all night - they didn't sleep for the next four days straight. They stayed cooped in that office while everyone else was on leave to go properly recover and only let you attend to them. Hanji isn't... the same after that - and everyone notices but doesn't dare to speak on it. They aren't the quirky titan-obsessed quack anymore. They were the calculating 14th Commander of the Survey Corps, Hanji Zoë.
Hanji is also particularly deaf in their right ear now, even if they were - mostly - uninjured from the Colossal Titan nuke, the sound of the impact definitely damaged it a bit before they were tossed in deep the well by Moblit. They've never said the fact out loud to anybody, only you and Levi are aware of the fact, but they read lips more often than not now. So you make sure you always make it able to where they can properly read your lips when you speak to them, and if you can learn a bit of sign language that would also be very helpful.
Doesn't sleep as much as they used to. They say it's because they're too busy - Commander work and still helping out ironing out political matters and issues that still came with Historia's crowing as the new Queen of the Walls and the hectic readjustment period of getting Maria's old settlements rebuilt and ready for resettlement - but that's not just it. There's the nightmares now. Keeping them awake just to not wake them up screaming in the middle of the night and you have to loose sleep comforting them. They should be fine with it, they tell themselves, after all what they said back on that roof to Mikasa was true; they've seen hundreds of their comrades die - no actually, not a hundred... too many more than that to count. And each time they've been strong about it... distracting themselves in their research not to let themselves dwell on it too long. But now... no matter how hard they tried, nothing worked. Maybe it's because it was Erwin and Moblit, the closest two other people they had besides you and Levi. Or maybe it's because only ten fucking people out of the entire fucking Regiment survived that damn day.
And now that the truth is out there, what titans actually are, titan research isn't fun anymore. They could very easily drag one in a captured area and poke amd prod and maybe learn a little bit more on how the transformation process actually works - Connie Springer's mother would be a good example but just looking at that boy they can't bring themselves to even suggest it - but they don't. They just... sign off on papers all day. Try not to think about overseas that much. Not yet anyway.
Things are slightly better by the time you've made contact with the volunteers and the core Scouts had made their way to embark on Marley. Seeing new sights, new people, new inventions none of you could possibly even dream of was quite thrilling. Hanji has a great time, holding onto your hand and sporadically yapping on and on about this "car," or this "tele - phone," or this "controllable electricity." in the exact same manner and way they use to about titans - that wide shit eating smile that goes from ear to ear plastered to their face for the first time in years you love to see as you nod along and just listen and let them ask Onyankopon every possible question that comes to their head - the man having trouble even keeping up with them. It's nice while it last... but it's not too long until the 14th Commander comes back when reminded about why you're all here in the first place...
It's late at night one night, the night before you were all supposed to go back to Paradis does Hanji stare up at the ceiling of your shared room in the Azumabito astate. They have their eye patch off - feeling comfortable around you for you to see the mangled socket that normally rests underneath - as they lie back in bed and listen to you shuffle around to get into your night-wear to get ready to join them.
"I'm thinking..." They finally speak, you look back over your shoulder at them - sprawled out on messy sheets with only wrapped circuit of bandages around their chest to hide the shape. "...I'm thinking that Armin should be my successor. What you think?"
You tell them he's a smart kid, very talented at what he does but... given, past history... you express your feelings that it might be a lot to put on him, given the position of it's weight. Erwin's weight. Erwin's impact. Hanji's impact.
Yeah, probably true, they tell you. And they reminisce on how they felt when Erwin had dropped the sudden bombshell on them... God. They were turning more into him everyday... but you crawl over to the bed and start to kiss their face before the Commander can sulk in it. You love them, you tell them that every chance you get and it never fails to leave a gentle look in Hanji's remaining eye, their expression softening. They joke, saying how much you probably miss the old up-beat crazy Squad Leader Hanji... but you shake your head, hands so loving on their face as you tell them straight up you love them now just as much as you did back then - damaged and all.
Without hesitation they ask you to marry them.
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Levi Ackerman
Hard. Very hard at first. He can only particularly see, for the first year or so his stitches itch to a very grading degree, he has only eight digits on his hands where using the left is... very difficult, especially with his unique ways of holding things, and he can't walk. Humanity's strongest - that ridiculous title... now look at him. He "entered" the Survey Corps ten years ago and now every single person around him then is dead - except you. During those first few days of the Rumbling he didn't really think about it - with all the shit going on he had other things to think about than have time to really... process. But here he is now, couple days after the "Battle of Heaven and Earth," as he's hearing people call it. Now in his time to heal does it really set in. And at first he doesn't take it... well.
Once he's well enough to be off bedrest and he's in that "damn chairwheels," you and Onyankopon manage to buy him (hard to come by given how... very much damaged the world still is post Rumbling) you're going to have to have to keep your eye on him because for the first couple weeks he will try to get up and walk around - only damaging his hurt leg more. He feels restricted in it, he wants to go where he damn well pleases - you tried crutches for a while but... he's actually too short for the ones you manged to find post Rumbling, so he's left to that chair. It just takes him time to get use to, that's all. Eventually though, months after the Crisis has been over, it's when you start taking him out places - steering him through the rebuilding cities of Marley, talking about God knows what, that he starts to come around... maybe it's not that bad, annoying, sure, but he feels a lot calmer now. Those kids - Gabi and Falco, they help too. Sometimes they drive him around but he isn't exactly the biggest fan when they clumsily knock him into shit though but they're cute kids, they remind him a lot of much younger versions of Isabel and Farlan, how they'd bicker all the time...
The two of you have a cabin together in Marley, a nice cozy cabin that with the help of Onyankopon - who smuggily calls himself a bit of 'builder' - is modified a bit so that it's more accessible for Levi to move around, plenty enough ofvplace to roam so he doesn't feel couped up like he expressed he didn't want when getting the place. It's nice though, Levi's never had a real house before - only somewhat exception being that dingy little apartment he and Kenny used to live in Underground and then he lived with Farlan and Isabel in it too before joining the Corps. Besides that it's always just been either a whorehouse, military base, or temporary spots he wouldn't even shit in. All shared spaces. Not something that was... his. Though of course he lives with you, you are his s/o but you're different. No, he lived... with you. You own this house together. It's his. It's yours. It's yours (plural).
He can't clean as properly as he use to, getting down on the ground and scrubbing top to bottom and every single crack in the room, of course he can't do that anymore so - and to make him feel better, feel good and comfortable in your own home together you do it, you keep the place always spotless. And he still wants to actively clean of course, the process has always been therapeutic for him, he just can't do it as thorough as he once did but he still will do what he can from the confines of sitting down while you do all the very high and very low lifting.
His senses are still sharp, even with his half blindness. But even still, you always make sure to stand on his good side and if your on the blind you make sure to audibly announce your presence even if he could probably still sense you - Ackerman biology boosting it by tenfold, after all - you do it because it's polite and he does appreciate that.
Mostly handles things with his good hand anyway but is in the habit of dropping things whenever it comes to his less-good one, there's only so much you can do with only three fingers (including thumb) on one hand without being issues. It takes awhile before he even let's you hold that hand again and when he does the first several times he always hesitates, but it all flutters away when you carefully and gently intertwine your fingers with his good ones and your pointer and middle finger lovingly folds over his numbs. Or when you kiss delicately at each of his knuckles on that hand... it's weirdly sweet, weirdly romantic, he thinks.
It's been three years now. Domestic bliss is something Levi never thought existed - or he he did, never, never ever in his thirty-seven year life would he ever think he'd get to live such a thing. The two of you sit in front of the lake off to the side of your cabin, sitting on a lunch-bench watching on as Gabi and Falco are completely red in the face, awkwardly and loudly confessing their feelings to one another in only that embarrassingly sweet way teenagers could. It's sweet... to watch on. You look over and see the small, subtle yet warm, soft smile on Levi's lips. Proud of them, those two dumb kids that's been helping the two of you out for years now. You laugh, causing him to look over at you.
"What's so funny?"
The giggling in your chest dies down as you watch as the two kids untactfully bump their faces together in an attempted kiss but Falco jolts back holding his forehead in pain, and Gabi's face to turn an even darker red as she yells something at him.
"Do you think we're too old now to act like that?"
Grey eye rolls. "When have I ever acted like that?"
"Oh I can name quite the few times when we first first started dating-"
He suddenly grabs at your face with a: "Hush." before kissing you, the worn stitches on his lips against yours always feel nice. Then he leans back, staring at you with lingering thoughts before his eye flicks back over to the kids now sweetly in each other's arms.
"You know, I was going to ask you something today but those brats decided to go ahead and make it about themselves..." He says, no real malice in his voice, just teasing. But you tilt your head out of curiosity.
"Ask me what?"
He sits back on the bench and stares out onto the lake. His wheelchair is parked off to the side, it's in a bag. He could reach over and pluck it out now. It was something he actually picked out years ago... something he never thought he needed because he never expected to reach this point together with you but Hanji talked his ear off into buying it and Erwin gave him this... teasing encouraged look with that weird smile of his that he'll never forget for the rest of his life. And he's kept it with him, all the time, it's always been on him in some shape or form. Honestly he wasn't sure how you didn't manage to find it already.
He looks back over to you and you're still intently staring back over at him. Maybe. Maybe he still could now.
"Ask me what?"
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If you like what you read please consider reblogging! It means the world for writers and artists!
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hangesfavles · 5 months
Nerd Hange headcanons
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4.1k words. AFAB NB loser! hange x bimbo (ish)! fem reader. <3
Summary: Hange is more of a socially inept lesbian redditor gamer nerd rather than a normal ‘i’m smart’ dweeb :). These are general hcs of how you met loser/streamer Hange, things they like and relationship dynamics including you secretly eating them out on stream. <3
A/N: this is my first ever attempt at nsfw so i’m sorry if it’s bad or nondescript! also i know both of my fics so far have been for afab reader, but going forward i plan to write for a genny nootch reader just because i find it to be inclusive to wider groups of hange lovers <3 lol and last time i posted i said i never wrote fanfiction before but that was a tiny fib because i wrote shitty dumpster fire fanfics in middle school, but i’ve /srsly never tried my hand at nsfw before, but i guess there's a first for everything. pls critique me if u have any thoughts but be nice i’m sensitive. also shoutout to @abbyslev for helping me brainstorm <3 if ur reading my fanfics u probably already do, but pleaaaase follow her if u dont she’s lovely!!!! :3
Warnings: Nsfw content under my 2nd divider, sort of exhibitionism and masturbation. Not all of this is nsfw, but I’d still like for MINORS TO DNI. However, I know that you guys like to ignore those warnings, so I bolded the nsfw sections. At the very least, please don’t read the bolded hcs. Thank you & enjoy reading!
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❥Loser! Hange who is in the same math course as you. When you walk in on the first day, you’re drawn to them, but not for the reasons you’d initially think. You were almost positive that they would be a decent person to cheat off of. I mean, they seem to look like they know what they’re doing, right?
❥Loser! Hange that can hear their pulse in their ears when they see a pretty girl take the spot beside them. They feel their heart rattling around in their chest as they sneak glances at you whenever they get the chance.
❥Loser! Hange quickly figures out the reason why you decided to sit next to them, rather than the other isolated chairs inside the lecture hall. But don’t worry, of course they’ll let you cheat off of them. Unfortunately, their performance starts to dip a little when they realize what you’re doing. They’re frequently under your gaze, and they can’t help it that you make them nervous :c 
❥Loser! Hange that is unaware that your eyes aren’t only looking down at their answers. One class when you were copying off of them, you started noticing the way their fingers hold their pencil. How slender their digits are, that their nails are surprisingly short, neat and cleaner than expected. You also started to notice how their veins protrude slightly and move up their arm... You feel yourself biting your lip as you observe their side profile. Their cheeks look soft and pink, similarly to their kissable lips. Your eyes continue to trail over their face: their thin, ovular glasses are slightly pushed down on their hooked nose, and their long eyelashes flutter as they continue to take notes beside you.
❥Loser! Hange can’t not listen to you getting called out by the professor when they notice you copying off of your seatmates’ assignments and notes. It was rather embarrassing, but you’re just happy the professor didn’t catch you cheating on an exam and risking academic misconduct.
❥Loser! Hange nudges your arm lightly after that incident, their voice low so you both don’t get caught by the professor. "Hey, um... I've noticed you've been using my notes and uh... answers. Do you need any help with the material? I mean, like, we could study together or something! If you want." They ask you with an excitement in their eyes and voice.
❥Loser! Hange can’t even feel proud of the fact they managed to talk to you because they barely even got that sentence out, and they couldn’t look you in the eye for more than 2 seconds. But it seems like all that is forgotten when you actually agree to meet up with them. They feel a rush of giddiness, but they try not to make a fool of themself in front of you. “Right! Yeah, so here’s my number... We can plan something, er- sometime.” They write their number down, sliding you the ripped end of their notebook page.
❥Loser! Hange who feels their heart in their throat as they lead you into their bedroom. The study session started off a bit rocky and awkwardly, but the tension in the air decreased as time continued on. As much as you would like to actually learn this material to earn good grades, you find yourself wanting to earn their attention much, much more. I mean, you obviously wore your lowest cut shirt and a pleated skirt for a reason. You look up at them, calling out for them. “Hey, Hange?” You ask, smiling as their head shoots up from their notes. “Can you explain this question to me?” You ask quietly, turning around your notebook to face them. You lean closer to them, purposely displaying your breasts for them to (hopefully) ogle.
❥Loser! Hange who starts to feel like they’re being tested by a higher power. They have to physically stop themself from glancing down and making a fool of themself. They try their best to focus on explaining the math problem to you as you watch their every movement like a hawk. You notice their eyes fall on your chest for a split second, and you pounce on your opportunity to tease them further. You reach up to their face, flicking their nose up so they’re forced to look at you. “My eyes are up here, silly.” “I- Uh- Sorry, just-” Hange trips over their words as they try to formulate a cohesive sentence on the spot. “Don’t worry about it, I’m just teasin’. It’s not so bad to be stared at if it's you.” You say with a playful wink.
❥Loser! Hange folds immediately. “O-Oh... Me? Really?” They ask, their eyes widening and pupils dilating. You can’t help but chuckle at their disbelief and nod your head in confirmation. “Yes, you. Is there anybody else in the room with us?” You joke. They stumble over their words as they think of a response. “W-Well, no, there isn’t, but- y’know- I didn’t think you-” They stutter, pushing the notebook aside and gesturing their hands between the two of you. They feel their cheeks growing warmer from embarrassment as they struggle to coherently voice their jumbled thoughts. “You know, you should at least take me to dinner before looking at me like that.” 
❥Loser! Hange doesn’t need to be told twice. They grab your hand with a cheesy smile, practically dragging you to their car while suggesting all sorts of restaurants that you might agree to. “Is there a certain restaurant you had in mind? We can try something totally different, like a little hole-in-the-wall joint. Ooh, but picture this: hibachi. The whole watching people cook in front of me thing usually makes me feel awkward but the food is always soooo good. Oh, or maybe we could go to a steakhouse! No matter what you choose, I’ll be fine with whatever! What do you think?" GOD they are just so excited and you find it utterly adorable. They remained true to their word and took you to whichever place you decided and paid for both of your meals. (They would have done this even if you didn’t joke about it bless their heart.) But then that first date turned into 2 dates, which quickly became 3, 4, 5, then suddenly you both forgot because anything the two of you do together is a date in your minds.
❥Loser! Hange definitely asks you out after only the second date. But in their defense, you’ve been hanging out after class as well as coming over to their house for “study sessions” that alway turned into watching tv or movies, ordering ubereats, going to the movies, walking around their neighborhood, anything but studying. You even took them to a party once. (You guys left after a half hour because Hange got overwhelmed, but you were still happy they tried something for you.) So by the time you guys went on your second “official date” they definitely felt confident that you would say yes.
❥Loser! Hange who loves talking to you about whatever game they’re playing. If it’s a story game, they’d love to explain anything you missed or don’t understand. They also would voice their predictions about how the game will end or where the story will go. If they see something predictable, they’ll definitely tell you what they think will happen, trying to impress you so when/if it does they’ll look “cool” to you. In reality though, you just find them to be geeky in the most endearing way. “Look, there’s a bunch of ammo in this room. If there’s a boss behind this door, you have to give me a kiss.” They say to you with a sly grin on their face. If it’s a PVP game, they will explain everything about what skills and powers each character has and who their favorite to play is. They’ll talk about what they like and dislike about the different mechanics, their favorite characters, parts they find tricky, etc. And of course, you sit there with a dopey smile while you listen to their rambling without interrupting, even if you don’t understand a word of what they’re saying because they’re just too cute when they’re passionately rambling. 
❥Loser! Hange who loves inviting you over, even if you two are doing absolutely nothing. They adore when you watch them play all sorts of video games. If they’re playing a console game, Hange lays next to you with your head against their shoulder, your arm splaying across their stomach while your hand rests around their waist. You tend to get pretty invested if the game is story based, insisting that they can’t play it without you around to watch the next part of the story unfold. If they’re playing a PC game, you’re sitting in their lap with a skirt that does absolutely nothing to cover your body once you’re seated on top of them. You prefer to face away from them, occasionally squirming in their lap so they can feel your ass pressed against their thighs and stomach. However, you do occasionally enjoy facing them, your arms wrapped around their shoulders as your legs hang off of their gaming chair at either side of their body.
❥Loser! Hange who also loves when you’re sitting in their lap, even if they struggle to focus on the game in front of them when your warm body is pressed against their own. It doesn’t help that they can smell the perfume coming from your neck, tempting them to lean in and kiss you there.
❥Loser! Hange that can’t resist the urge to rest their hands on your thighs during a cutscene, between rounds, during any sort of loading screen or when they’re respawning. They’ll use your thighs to push your ass back and closer to their body. 
❥Loser! Hange kisses your neck from behind, causing you to tilt your head and expose more of your neck for them to kiss. You let out a chuckle at how you effortlessly turned them on just by sitting on their lap and looking pretty.
❥Let’s just say... Loser! Hange finds the opportunity to quit or pause the game as soon as they can. When they eventually return to whatever game they were playing, they find it much easier to focus after you’re both satisfied. ♡
❥Loser! Hange who is also a small streamer! They probably get a few hundred people to watch them game each stream. They may not have a huge community, but their fans are consistent, funny, and always welcoming to new viewers! It’s a comforting little community. Because of this, Hange responds to their chat quite a bit and they’ve made quite a few friends with their mods and regular viewers.
❥Loser! Hange had to explain to you what streaming was. They decided that they would show you what it's like by doing a short stream while you silently watch them game and listen to them talk with their viewers.
❥Loser! Hange never technically introduced you to their fans. Not because they didn’t want to, they just knew that the internet wasn’t always kind, even if their fans are 99% supportive. They wouldn’t mention it much, but they are a little insecure about themself. They know that they treat you like an absolute princess, and they know that you adore them, that’s not the problem. The problem is that they don’t know if they’ll ever feel deserving of you. 
❥Loser! Hange only mentions this to you at late hours of the night when they feel vulnerable and slightly sleepy. You spend countless late nights at sleepovers holding them in your arms and reassuring them just how attractive you find them and that no one has treated you better. They start to feel reassured more once you mention to them that you don’t feel deserving of the endless love they give or of the many ways they spoil you.
anyway back to streamer hcs
❥Loser! Hange didn’t expect you to surprise them one day in their room with their favorite takeout in the middle of a stream. You didn’t know that they were streaming and you wanted to sneak up on them and scare them >:). You slip into their room as quietly as possible, slowly tiptoeing to their form slouched over their desk. Because of the slight delay of their videocam to their viewers, Hange doesn’t get the chance to read all of the different messages of the chatters who spotted your presence and are questioning about it. You silently place the bag of food on the floor, wrapping your arms around their shoulders and kissing their cheek roughly. 
❥Loser! Hange practically jumps out of their chair, yelping from the shock. They realize that it’s you pretty quickly, because no one else would hold or kiss them like that. They pause their game, swiveling around to face you with a wide smile. “Hi, baby!! What are you doin’ here?”
❥Loser! Hange immediately forgets the world around them, forgetting they’re literally live as they try to grab at your hips while they talk to you. “Mmmm,” You hum and giggle. “I just wanted to surprise you. It’s been a few days, I missed you.” You mumble before stepping back so that their hands disconnect from your waist. “Let me get some plates and napkins real quick.” You tell them before you leave the room again.
❥Loser! Hange remembers that they’re streaming, facing their viewers again to read what they missed from chat. “Chat, what do you mean ‘how did you bag a baddie?’” They say, reading some of the messages out loud. “‘How come Hange can get a girlfriend and I can’t? Life isn’t fair-’ WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” They cut themself off, their jaw dropping a little from the comments they read. The chat starts to go crazy after seeing you. Most of the messages are asking who you are, if Hange is dating you, or simply encouraging Hange to stream with you sometime officially. But of course, it’s much easier to take note of bad comments people say rather than nice ones.
❥Loser! Hange pouts when you return with plates in hand, ignoring their chat again in the blink of an eye. "I'm charming, right? and cute?” They look up at you with puppy eyes as you stand in front of them. “I'm desirable." They say those words like a statement, but it sounds like they’re trying to convince themself rather than state a fact. You hear the insecurities dripping from their tone. You promptly climb into their lap, placing a tender kiss to their cheek while your hand cups the opposite one. You progressively start kissing all over their face, and they close their eyes, giggling and getting lost in the moment. When you eventually begin moving down their neck, their eyes snap open as they remember the audience. "AAAAHHHH, I'M LIVE, I'M LIVE!" They warn you frantically, suddenly remembering again why they were a bit insecure in the first place. This causes you to jump a bit from their yelling. They swivel their chair around to face the monitor, looking at it from over your shoulder. "S-Sorry chat, ending stream a bit early today..." They say quickly, turning off their game and switching tabs to end their video. You chuckle, turning to face their camera. "Oops." you say only a few seconds before they end their stream. 
❥Loser! Hange decides that they might as well officially introduce you after that incident, since they know they’ll be getting teased for it for the next few streams.
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❥Loser! Hange never thought that they would be in this situation with anyone, no less you. This exact scenario had been nothing but a fantasy in the corners of their mind. A fantasy that would fog up their mind in the late hours of the night, prompting them to slip their fingers under their boxers and lightly circle their clit with their fingertips, eventually slipping them inside of their warm body. Their back would arch up off of the bed, trying their best to picture that their own fingers were instead yours.
❥Loser! Hange that noticed a sort of glint in your eyes when they asked if it was okay to stream while the two of you were still hanging out. They hadn’t been active in the past handful of days because they’ve been spending all their time with you. They just can’t deny you, especially when you both want to spend all your time with the other.
❥Loser! Hange who has to resist the urge to drool as you carefully and quietly crawl under their desk, looking up at them through your long, mascara coated eyelashes as your knees hit the slightly dusty floor... 
❥You aren’t sure what came over you, but when you were watching them put their headphones on and start welcoming people into their stream, you missed the attention being on you. So decided to tease and torture them and force them to give you attention still. 
❥Loser! Hange is forced to pretend you aren’t under their desk and spreading their thighs and pulling down their boxers while giving them that signature sultry smile with your matching lustful look in your eye. You bite your lip as you part their legs, moving in closer to their folds. They can feel your hot breath on their legs as you kiss, lick, and bite the plush skin of their inner thighs. For a few moments, you feel their hand rest on top of your head and stroke your hair approvingly as you start to rile them up. They can feel their face heating up a little, but if anyone in chat mentions it they just explain that their AC isn’t working properly. Even from just your breath and kisses teasing their thighs, they can feel themself getting wet, the stickiness spreading around their groin.
❥Loser! Hange melts under your touches, but they quickly become needy and desperate for more. Their resolve is always weak when it comes to you, and your teasing will be the death of them. They’re trying so hard not to whine and plead because they have to act normal and play their game. Even when your tongue finally reaches out to meet their pussy, you keep teasing them. You give them as little as you possibly can, spreading their folds with the tip of your tongue, only occasionally flicking up to their clit. You also kiss their puffy pussy lips and their clit, showing how much you love them while simultaneously subjecting them to such sweet torture. When they feel your tongue finally giving them what they wanted, their legs start to twitch slightly from the stimulation. They try their best to regulate their breathing so nothing seems out of the ordinary.
❥Loser! Hange doesn’t know how to act when your mouth starts to move faster and faster between their legs. They’ve stopped looking at their chat entirely, just trying to focus on playing the game somewhat coherently and occasionally talking about it or making a random comment without stuttering or sighing from pleasure.
❥Loser! Hange’s pussy is dripping onto their chair from all of your teasing. The combination of your tongue and their pussy makes an audible squelch as you suck, kiss, and lick up their slit and their hips move slightly, trying to keep up with the rhythm of your tongue. At this point, they’re starting to feel the knot in their stomach tighten, and they’re struggling to hold back their sounds. “Chat, I’ve gotta use the bathroom real quick-” They say, closing their webcam and muting their mic as fast as their fingers let them.
❥Loser! Hange’s hand finds its way back to your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pushing you as close to them as biology allows. Their head falls back as they let out a shaky moan. “Ahhh.. F-Fuckk... Please, please more.” They whine, encouraging you to eat them out without fear. You can both feel how their pussy throbs with desire for attention. They’ve been impatiently craving this, so they plan to take full advantage of the fact you’re right where they want you. You pick up the pace, sloppily making out with their pussy and sucking their labia between your lips. They toss one of their legs up onto your shoulder, allowing you more access to them as the knot in their core is almost ready to release. You look up into their eyes, slurping up their juices. The way you look up at them with devotion makes them feel even better due to how much desire is in your expression, adding another layer of eroticism for them from your enjoyment.
❥Loser! Hange feels the tension in their lower stomach releasing. They sigh and moan out into the air lightly as they feel white hot pleasure take their entire mind and body. They arch themself off the chair, trying to meet your mouth even more than already possible. Their body grinds against your tongue as they shiver from the intensity of their orgasm.
❥Immediately after their orgasm subsides, loser! Hange pulls your head up by your hair, kissing you deeply and not caring that they can taste their sticky cum on your plump lips. Their free hand slides down to the back of your thigh, guiding your body to sit on their lap. Their hands are protective and possessive while you make out. They are such a softie, always wanting to cuddle, hug, and kiss after sex. They love you so much and need to let it show, it’s like a warm blanket of warmth and affection covers their heart. They see the world with rose colored glasses for an hour or two after you make them cum, honestly. 
❥Loser! Hange holds you for a little while, their face nuzzled against your neck as they whisper sweet nothings to you. They’ll pepper your neck, collarbones, and face with kisses while telling you how good you made them feel. “I- love- you- so- much- sweet- heart- thank- you-” They’d say between pecks to your skin, causing you to giggle from the slight tickle of their lips moving around your upper body. They only stop their barrage of kisses when you start to push at their shoulders playfully, begging them to stop. “I love youuuu!” They say in a drawn out tone, giving your body a tight squeeze. “But duty calls, so we'll have to continue this later. Don't worry, I'll be thinking about you the whole time!"
❥Loser! Hange loves aftercare, giving and receiving, basically. They’re happy as long as you’re physically close to them <//3.
❥Loser! Hange also used to have inappropriate thoughts about you before you two were officially dating. They knew it was a bit weird to do so without you having any knowledge of it, but they couldn’t help themself. The two of you had exchanged Instagrams after your very first study session and since then, they can’t help but fuck their fingers to your posts. They try to refrain from doing so each time; they attempt to scroll past your stories as if the sight of your face hadn’t already turned them on. Each time it always ends the same, inevitably retyping your name in the search bar to revisit the photo. At this point it had to be some sort of conditioning, the way their body would react to you like clockwork. But they still feel so embarrassed to be so obsessed with you simply because you gave them an ounce of attention.
❥Loser! Hange used to imagine you in all sorts of different positions for them. You name it, they’ve probably thought about it once or maybe even twice. Sometimes they would imagine you sitting on their face, other times they could imagine you under them as they would fuck their strap into you. When Hange feels extra desperate, they like to picture the ways you would take them, perhaps you would trap them against the bed, fingering their throbbing pussy while making out with them to ensure that they weren’t too loud. A favorite daydream of theirs surrounds the different types of faces you would make as they eat you out. They yearn to see how your eyes might look down at them, pleading for them to make you cum, or how they may be shut entirely, your lips parted to sigh out with pleasure from how good they’re making you feel. They’d wonder what kind of sounds you would make. Were you loud? Quiet? Shy? Breathy? Are you the type that moans, or are you the type that whimpers? These questions had plagued their mind until they finally had you for the first time after 4-5 dates. <3
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i miss hange rip hange you would’ve loved being the most nerdy loser dork the geek world ever saw.
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glassesandswords · 2 years
Throwback to when Mappa fed us with wholesome Levihan fluff instead of a truckload of pain
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amenarlert · 8 months
Barista Levi
Barista Levi would look adorable in his apron, it would accentuate his tiny waist. His sleeves would always be rolled up, and he would be oblivious to the fact the muscles in his forearms were distracting.
His eyes would light up when you order his favourite tea, and he would shift with hidden joy when you reveal that you take it the same way he does.
He would slowly get more comfortable with you, the more you come to the shop. One day, he surprised you when he asked how your day was going, then gave you a tiny smile as you recounted the events of your day to him. He would listen patiently, secretly enjoying every detail.
After a few weeks, you would enter the shop, and your tea would be ready, waiting for you; Levi holding it with anticipation shining in his eyes. His eyes would light up each time you walk through the door.
Barista Hange would tease him knowingly, every time you came in. They were a God damn menace.
One day, Hange would scribble down Levi’s number on a napkin and hand it to you; Levi would be red faced and stuttering.
“I’m going to murder you,” he would mutter to Hange, scowling.
You’d giggle, and he would tilt his head towards the sound, his heart pounding. His breath caught in his throat when he spotted your smile, he watched you laugh in awe.
“Thanks!” You’d chime, clutching the napkin close. You were blushing too, smiling widely, “I’ll call you.”
Levi watched you with wide eyes, lips parted in surprise. Still bright red, the corners of his lips would twitch into a smile, his eyes flickering away, “y-yeah… okay.”
Hange would laugh maniacally; Levi would punch them in the arm as you walked away. But secretly, he was grateful.
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oggirlboss · 6 months
༺ ♰ ༻ bunny girl! ༺ ♰ ༻
pairing[s]: levi ackerman x bunny hybrid!reader and hanji zöe x being weird and chaotic and unhinged and adorable and alive
warning[s]: violence, possessiveness, and non-consensual experimentation with physically altering substances.
note[s]: did i spend all night writing this? yes. do i regret it? not yet. yolo.
word count: 2.7 k
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"shut the fuck up about it, hanji!!" the dark haired captain slammed his fists against the lab table, sending papers flying and shattering a half-filled beaker. he was completely fuming, eyes livid and teeth bared. he had never felt this disgusting, nothing had made him feel more violated than what hanji had proposed to him. but instead of feeling shame or guilt, he felt angry. he wanted to lash out, destroy something that mattered, make a fucking difference in something. everything already felt like it was falling apart and he was only doing his best to hold himself together. something vile twisted in his gut, churning his insides into molten mush. even looking at hanji reminded him of his grievous mistake. he never should have trusted them with such sensitive information about his sex life. he tensed before looking for the next item to throw.
 hanji popped up from behind a filing cabinet to tilt their head lovingly in levi's direction, either entirely oblivious to his rage, or taking an absurd delight in it. perhaps they thought that this was a game. they began giggling before seeking cover as levi threw a scalpel at them from across the room, cautiously craning their head to watch as the blade soared across the space separating them, embedding itself into the wall a few inches from hanji's eye. they scurried back into levi's line of sight for a second, narrowly avoiding the next object he threw at them. "make me!" hanji taunted.
levi's voice was grating, hurting him with every word he spoke. he took great care to be direct and concise in his wording, knowing that hanji would do everything in their power to turn his words against him. each syllable rang out, chilling hanji to their core. "i'm going to fucking kill you." hanji was well aware that levi made no empty threats. but the sheer terror of the situation never set in on them. instead of shaking in fear, they felt guilty for starting a fight that caused their close friendship with levi hang in the balance.
"i thought i was doing what you wanted, levi." they spoke softly, knowing that he was capable of hearing them over the melee. the activation of his ackerman genes lead his senses (specifically hearing) being heightened. "i'm sorry." their sudden apology startled levi. "i never would have done it if you didn't tell me about it." levi halted his attack against the mad scientist. he should have known that hanji's gesture had come from the goodness of their own heart. his features contorted as he buried his face in his hands. he should have let it go. he should have been able to let it slide. he should have known that hanji would do anything if they thought it could made levi happy. even if it meant overstepping his boundaries.
"no, hanji. i'm sorry." he spoke as he carefully navigated the debris coating the lab room floor, steering clear of the shattered glass and spilled liquids. he lifted hanji from where they were curled in a nest of important filing papers, dusting off their coat and smoothing the wrinkles out of their collar. "it's my fault. i never should have told you about it."
"no. no. no. it was my fault for taking the initiative." hanji rested their hand over their heart. "i should have waited until you asked me for help. i shouldn't have made the potion without your consent. can you find it inside yourself to forgive me?"
"it's okay and i forgive you." levi was secretly glad they were able to reach a resolution. more than anything, he felt relieved that this incident wouldn't spread to affect anyone outside of them. "now we can destroy the potion, and put this all behind us."
"yeah, um." hanji nervously fidgeted with their fingernails. their heart pounded in their chest, unable to look levi in the eyes any longer. "about that." their expression was painful for levi to witness. he knew it meant trouble for him. and trouble always resulted in more paperwork for him. "i've already put it in use." hanji amused themself by worrying at the dead skin that clung to their bottom lip.
levi was at a loss for words. his grip on hanji's collar tightened slowly. "explain to me what you did. very clearly."
"well," hanji gulped. "just a few hours ago, at breakfast, i saw a very clear opportunity to mess with [y/n]'s tea, originally i thought about putting a frog in it, but i thought that was too cruel. no creature deserves to boil to death in a substance that's 97% earl grey and 3% [y/n]'s backwash."
as much as he knew that he shouldn't take the bait, levi bit the bullet and spoke his mind. "why do you know that?"
hanji shrugged, grateful for the opportunity to distract levi from his mounting murderous intent. "just curious i suppose. but that is an entirely different experiment. on that day, i was taking a walk through the garden and i had the most peculiar thought. i was considering how to best catalogue the flora and fauna of the area and compose all the information into a book of what was edible and what wasn't when i started to wonder about other things." hanji gulped, their voice becoming more strained by the minute. "i was like, gee! hanji! i wonder how many models i could make of our friends phlegm globs? and so i collected a crowbar from the closet and lodged it down moblit's throat as-" levi's hand was quick as lightning, moving from hanji's collar to their throat. he just hoped hanji got the message that the longer they continued to stall, the tighter his grip would clamp down on their windpipe.
"i don't care about that and you know it. tell me what you did with the goddamn potion."
hanji proceeded with their story, carefully trying to croak out the words. "i had a perfect shot! i figured that since nobody was looking at me, and i conveniently had the potion in my pocket that it must have been fate! and my hand slipped over her drink." hanji tried to rub the back of their neck but levi just smacked their hand down. "so, she already drank it, and..." hanji careened in levi's grip to get a better look at the clock hanging on the opposite wall. "it should be going into effect any minute now."
levi inhaled slowly. each second they spent in silence was torture for hanji. they knew each breath they breathed could very well be their last with someone as lethal as levi ackerman prepped to kill them. levi's eyes closed as he contemplated his next words, the shame and disgust surfacing inside of him again. "i take it back. i take it all back. i am going to fucking kill you." hanji made a noise that didn't sound human as levi tightened his grip, choking the life out of them.
"l-levi!" they gasped, spittle flying as they spoke. thank god the door burst open when it did. the hallway light spilled into the decrepit room, illuminating the chaos surrounding where the two sole occupants of the room stood. hanji couldn't have been more excited to look upon the face of their savior, while levi slowly craned his neck around to view the person intruding while he was in the process of committing murder. the incoming light was blinding, obscuring the person standing in the doorway into a dark, human shaped figure. levi didn't realize who it was until they spoke.
"levi, i don't feel too good." your voice sounded pitiful. you gripped your stomach tightly as you entered the room, broken glass making dreadful sounds as you walked closer to him.
his grip on hanji's throat slackened, giving them an opportunity to fall to the floor and gasp for breath. he approached meeting you in the middle of the room. his hands cupped your jaw, searching your face for something wrong. "hey, what's wrong?"
you sniffled. "you weren't in your office. i looked for you and you weren't there."
"i know." he spoke softly, still examining you. "what else is it?" you threw your head back as a bought of nausea hit you. levi wasn't even doing anything wrong and you were already frustrated with him. irritable didn't even begin to describe how you were reacting.
"head hurts. stomach aches. i feel hot everywhere and i've got the chills. i'm sick." hanji rolled over from where they were sprawled on the floor, they scratched at their temple as they made their thinking face.
"it might be something slightly more than sick." levi spared a glance at them.
"what was that?" you ask, tilting your head.
"nothing!" levi startled himself with how loud he spoke. he tried his best to mask his stress. "absolutely nothing. i am going to get you into bed, and you-" he pointed at hanji, his eyes showing what true hell would await them when they next met. "will stay put until i return." levi ushered you out and into the hallway, hurrying you along to your own room. you, however, weren't cooperating. your movements were sluggish and your reactions were slow. blood was rushing through your ears, making it hard to concentrate and listen to what levi was saying. the both of you were hardly any closer to your barracks. it was a miracle that you had made it all the way to hanji's lab without collapsing to begin with. having to trek all the way back to your room seemed like an impossible feat. you stopped moving, holding onto levi as you felt yourself sway.
"your bed is closer, can i stay there for a bit?" you hiccupped as you stumbled over your own feet.
levi's face heated, but he did his best to remain composed. "of course. of course. take your time." with his hands resting on your arm, he escorted you to his office, guiding you to the private bedroom that was connected to it. he ripped back his tightly tucked sheets and helped you to get situated beneath them. before leaving, he spread his nicest blanket over you.
"come back soon." you whispered as he softly closed the door behind him. he breathed a sigh of relief, which was short lived as he remembered who had been the cause of his. before he even knew it, he was back in hanji's lab, hoisting them up against the wall by their throat.
hanji held both their hands up in submission. "you know, i really thought we were over this."
"what's going on with [y/n]? don't bother deflecting, just tell me what you know."
"the potion would do exactly what you said you wanted! it's not like i had it in stock, or whatever. i made it specially for your use. took a lot of experimenting though. you think [y/n] is in bad shape? you should check on moblit. he's still out of it and it's been four days? on a related note, did you know that bunnies are incapable of vomiting?" levi struck the wall directly beside hanji's face, startling them back on track. "it's just like you said! after this potion, she'll hop right into your bed!" hanji threw their head back and laughed while levi stared in abject horror. 
before he knew it, he was back inside of his office, staring at the door that separated him from his room. from his bed. from you. he eased the door open, lurking in the doorway as he thought about what awaited him inside the dark room. you, sleepy and curled tightly into the bedding. like a perfect dream. stepping over the threshold had never been easier. 
what awaited him was anything but what he had conjured in his imagination.
his sheets were strewn haphazardly across the bed, his blanket long discarded on the floor. the layers of your clothing seemed to have been thrown around the room at random. white undershirt laying by the door, pants by the window, your panties hanging over the edge of the bed. but there you were, prettily propped up with your face shoved into his pillow, muffling all your cute noises, your ass in the air, on display for his eyes only. but that wasn't what got his attention.
instead of that, it was a perfectly round cotton tail that kept him from looking away. your body was convulsing, chest heaving as your middle and ring fingers were plunging in and out of your soaked cunt. you ignored your clit entirely, feeling so close to bursting that even slightest brush of skin against your bundle of nerves would send you over the edge. you settled for the brutal drag of your fingers inside of your walls, and even though it was painful, you continued to search for that high. you sobbed and cried tears of frustration, shifting your as as you searched for a better angle to crook your fingers, causing the little cotton tail to sway.
levi's throat seized up, his pants tightening. he must have coughed or made some noise to alert you of his presence because you immediately ceased all movement. your fingers abandoned your wet pussy, fingers dripping with slick. you pressed your hands into the mattress on both sides of your, pushing yourself up off the bed until you were on all fours. your breaths came in quick succession, you felt like you were jumping out of your skin. turning to meet the stoic captain's gaze, your heart raced further. sparing him a heart stopping smirk, you shook your head a little, causing your droopy bunny ears to move with you.
"levi." you sighed. "help me."
levi could not move. this is hell. he thought. he must have died. he must be in hell.
you whined at his lack of motion. shifting slowly across the bed, you pulled yourself up entirely until you were resting on your knees at the foot of the bed. beckoning him closer with both hands. he obeyed. with your hands exploring his chest, levi didn't think he could contain himself much further. the flat surface of your palms rested against the hard planes of his lower stomach, getting closer and closer to dangerous territory. you tilted your head back, lips pouting. 
"kiss me. i want your mouth. i want to know how it tastes." you became more pained with each second he spent ignoring your pleas. inside, levi was a raging storm of self-doubt. it would be easier to give in. just accept it. he can't undo what has already been done. sealing his fate permanently, he knotted his fingers into your hair, securing his grip against the back of your head. your face contorted in pain, those bunny ears of yours twitched for god's sake. placing your hands upon his shoulders, you tried your best to keep him at a distance as the tug at your scalp became more insistent. 
"if we're being honest, i've wondered the same thing about you on one or more occasions." he leaned forward closing the space between you, guiding your lips to slot against his. the lips touching yours were softer than you could have dreamed.
"levi." you didn't know what else to say. carefully tugging him closer as you leaned back, pulling him closer as you settled back onto his bed. "i'm aching for you." your lips abandoned his, tracing the sharp curve of his jawline and resting upon his pulse point before retreating back to his lips. "my tongue feels swollen and my lips are raw." a high pitched moan emerged from you. "don't stop touching me. please."
"i wouldn't dream of it, little bunny."
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levi501ackerman · 2 months
Steel Heart Chapter 10:
Secrets of the Twins
Hange x Reader Chapter Index Masterlist
Megan's Note: Sorry I took a week to update I had to focus on my two midterm papers for my accelerated classes. Anyways YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED AND IMPORTANT I VIEW THIS CHAPTER!! This and the next few chapters is what I view as the core foundation for yours and Hange's relationship LOL. I've been thinking of these chapters since like chapter 1 & 2!!! <3 Thank you for sticking through the editing mistakes. It seems like each time I reread a chapter I find new mistakes like ugh. Anyways enjoy! I'm so excited! FLUFF ALERT?! Posted: 7/31/24 (10 chapters in 1 month! goal achieved!)
Word Count: 6.2k (ik wtf)
The sun was low in the west sky and the wind blew softly. You were brushing Beauty while Levi was cleaning her hooves. You brushed her mane gently and Beauty nickered making you feel like she was enjoying the attention. You smiled at her fondly like she was a friend. 
“Hey Beauty,” you mouthed to her so Levi wouldn’t hear you. He was very adamant about not naming his horse. Her eyes caught yours and there was a deep warmth between you two. Levi switched to the last hoof and started scraping the dirt off. It looked like it hurt the horse but Levi assured the horses didn’t feel pain from the cleaning. Beauty snorted air from her nostrils and you slowly walked in front of her crossing over to the other side of her. Her dark eyes didn’t leave yours. “You really are beautiful . . .”
“Once we get back to camp I want you to put your cloak back on,” Levi said and you turned to Levi only to see the back of his black-haired head. You softly chuckled to yourself thinking of how Levi and Beauty both have black hair. 
“Yes, Captain,” you stroke Beauty’s warm skin. Then you placed the brush into her small bag along the side of the saddle. Levi was just about done scraping the gunk from her hoof. There was a small sense of admiration for Levi who cared for his horse. Learning how to take care of a horse was required as a knight and you knew Levi was attached to his horse, but wouldn’t admit it. Levi brushed off the dirt that stuck to his armor and released Beauty’s hoof. He cleaned the dirt from his tool before putting it back into the bag. “Levi, can I ask you a personal question?”
“Are you married?” Levi froze for a moment then glanced at you. The way his eyes paused and twinkled, it looked like he held a secret.
“Knights of the Royal King’s Guard aren’t encouraged to get married, but it’s not unheard of.” His eyes dared you to question more and you wanted to pry. However, something reminded you of times when Fairy Godmother Christa would not answer a question and instead deflected. Like she didn’t want to answer or was hiding information. 
“I’m sorry for prying, but don’t you want love in your life?”
“Princess Y/N, I’m alright you do not need to worry about me. I am fulfilled by my duty.” Levi began to walk back toward the camp. You followed after, staring at the grass by your feet. Small flowers were growing in the grass and the sight warmed your heart. If you were not looking, you could almost miss the tiny beautiful flowers growing. You and Levi trudged up the hill. Levi must have some type of love in his life. He seemed to be caring and very respected by his knights, something that women would want . . . right?
“Levi, I’m scared of meeting Prince Marco . . . what if I don’t fall in love with him?” Levi exhaled and you made it to the top of the hill with the camp in sight. Over to the right was the hill where the river was on the other side. Most of the knights were gathered by the campfire or sharpening their swords. Hange in their white top was stirring the large cauldron hovering over the fire. 
“And what if you do? You’ll grow to love him and what if—”
“How will I know when I’m in love with him?” There was a pause from Levi, a reflective pause. As if Levi was searching through his memories for something. The smell of the horses was fading away as you drew closer to the camp. The scent of comforting soup was filling the air. Levi was quiet and you looked at him. You knew something in his brain was ticking.
“When you’re in love it’ll be like they are your best friend and nothing will come between you two because you’re willing to go through the hardships to stay with that person. There will be a mutual feeling of wanting to be together and it’ll be like your soul fits together.” A thought of Fairy Godmother Christa and Ymir came to mind. How they laughed a lot at things you didn’t find funny, but they made each other laugh. Another image came to mind of when you were five or six and Ymir brought in flowers from the garden. Then later on in the week, Christa commented how sad she was when the flowers looked dead. Only the next day, there were fresh flowers from the garden—now thinking about it—you don’t recall seeing dead flowers in the vase on the dining table from then on. "When you know, you know."
“Hey! Soup should be done pretty soon!” Hange waved at you and Levi. You politely waved back and the knights turned to you offering a friendly smile.
“Good evening, your Highness,” a friendly knight said.
“Hi, good evening,” you said and it was followed by a plethora of greetings. You smiled and tried to look each knight in the eye. Jean was still wrapped in a blanket sitting close to the fire. He was staring at the flickering flames—captivated by the movement of the fire against the breeze. 
“Gentlemen, which sounds better? Bathing followed by soup? Or dinner first and then bathing?” Levi asked and Hange looked up from their pot. “I say we go into the cold river and then get rewarded with warm soup.” It came into your mind that you realized Levi was going to leave you and you weren’t allowed to go with the knights. The knights agreed it was better to clean up before dinner. They put their sharpening tools in their tents, grabbed their clothes, and some started heading toward the river. 
“The river isn’t too cold, actually.” You said to Levi and Levi walked toward Jean who was slightly shivering. Eren and Connie were with him helping him up. Jean looked tired and he offered a kind smile to you.
“You’ll feel better after bathing and eating” Connie said, taking the blanket off of Jean and balling it up. He set it on the ground and then wrapped an arm around Jean.
“I’m fine! I’m fine!” Jean lightly pushed Connie away making him chuckle. 
“How are you, Princess?” Eren asked and you noticed how green his eyes were, like dark grass.
“I’m good thank you.” You smiled then turned to Levi who was muttering something to Hange. Hange sat down on the ground. They had a thin board in their lap and were chopping carrots and potatoes. Hange looked up at Levi, glanced at you, and then they pushed their oval wire glasses up the bridge of their nose. When you approached Levi and Hange their conversation paused and they both turned to you. “Uh, so I guess I’m going to stay with Hange until you’re back from the river, right?”
“Right,” Levi said and you looked at Hange who grinned. 
“Hey, twin!” Hange brightly greeted and you took one last glance at Levi who was following Connie, Jean, and Eren. You brushed off the seat of your pants before sitting down next to Hange. They didn’t take their eye off of you. 
“Hi twin,” You smiled and there was a twinkle behind their brown eye. Perhaps it was because of the flickering flames that gave their face a pleasant glow or . . . 
“Are you getting hungry?” Hange asked and they started chopping potatoes again. They cubed them and then pushed the potatoes with their knife off to the side of the board. The way Hange cubed the potatoes reminded you of how Fairy Godmother Ymir used to chop potatoes. It bothered Fairy Godmother Christa how Ymir used to cut slices off and then cut the rounds into fours. Christa liked to cut the potato lengthwise and then cut the two halves into sixes. They would playfully tell each other how the other was cutting potatoes incorrectly.
“The way you cut potatoes is like how my Fairy Godmother used to.” Hange flashed a toothy grin, then chuckled to themselves. 
“Looks like your Fairy Godmother and I have something in common.” Hange stood up. They pushed their carrots and potatoes into the cauldron. Metal clangs filled the air while Hange tapped the board against the cauldron. “What was it like growing up in Shiganshina?”
The memory of running with Sir Zacharius through the streets and wanting to get one last glance at your home flashed in your mind. The unpleasant and familiar feeling of fear washed over you as you remembered hearing your home blow up. A pressure began to build behind your nose. You felt in your heart that Fairy Godmothers Ymir and Christa were alive, but there was no way of knowing unless you saw them again. The home with all your possessions and the place you found most comfortable was gone. The clothes and dresses you wore—gone. The books you used to read probably fueled the fire that burned in your house. Your childhood drawings burned to ash. No evidence of childhood and nothing left but memories. 
Your eyes turned glossy, you pulled your knees to your chest and choked out a sob. You rested your forehead on your knees, hiding from the cruel world. A cry of grief for what you were forced to leave behind and had nothing left. You had to trust strangers to keep you alive and the thought of people hunting you to use you for a ritual made you sick. It made you tired. As you felt tears spill from your eyes, you suddenly felt arms around your back and warmth against you. You lifted your head and saw Hange hugging you, rubbing your back, their cheek rested against your shoulder, and you found comfort in their gesture. You sniffed and rubbed your nose. Snot ran along your fingers and you quickly wiped it on the pants Hange lent you. Hange removed their head from your shoulder and you saw their sorrowful expression on their face. 
“I want to go home,” you whispered. Hange continued to gently rub circles into your back. “I know I’m supposed to be a Princess and also a key to a ritual but I . . .” You sucked in air trying to regulate your breathing. 
“What do you want?” Hange’s voice was low, warm, and soothing. Your eyebrows furrowed at their question and you looked away from them. You looked at the tip of your boots. “No title of a Princess and no cults exist. How would you spend your time?”
You were stunned at Hange’s question. A life you could choose? Perhaps maybe turn back time and go back to when you lived with Fairy Godmother Christa and Ymir . . . but even then you did have one dream and now—with all that has happened—there is a new dream.
“I’ve always wanted my own cottage . . .” You said and looked at Hange’s expression. A smile grew on their face. A friendly face—the type that seemed like they wouldn’t judge you. You felt like you could say anything and Hange would support you. “And there’s a garden in the front . . . There’s no city, but there’s nature and animals around. Maybe they come to my front door and I feed them . . .”
“Animals coming to your door?” Hange smiled and giggled—amused at your thought of animals approaching your home for food. 
“Well, I just want animals around. I’ve rarely seen animals before leaving Shiganshina . . . When Sir Zacharius and I were walking through a forest, I saw a squirrel. It was small and cute and it ran in front of me. I’ve only seen a squirrel in an illustrated book.” You sniffed and Hange’s lips broke out into a large smile. A fond smile. 
Hange thought about how little you must have explored in the world because of your circumstances. Though you were going to be living in a castle and have the kingdom at your fingertips soon, living a sheltered life put a chain on you. Hange thought of the chain as a bond that was holding you back. They thought to themselves how the situation you were put in was unfair . . . Also, safe. 
“Maybe we’ll see more animals on the way back to the castle?! What do you think of the horses?! Beautiful probably!” Hange playfully poked your arm.
“So beautiful . . .” You pondered on telling Hange your secret of naming Levi’s horse. “The horses kind of smell, but they’re big and fast and wonderful animals! They must care about us too!”
“They sure do!” Hange could hear the enthusiasm in your voice. 
“The other day when these horrible dogs attacked us, it wasn’t just the knights that were fighting back! The horses were protecting us too! Levi’s horse saved me from one of the dogs!”
“Did you know horses can run almost as fast as lions?” Hange said and their brown eye grew big. They kept the wide smile on their face as you gasped. They knew you were hanging onto their question, wanting to know more. 
“Almost as fast as lions?”
“Have you ever seen a lion?”
“Nope! There aren’t any on Paradis.”
“Wow. I've seen drawings of lions in books, but maybe before I die I’ll see a lion.”
“Maybe,” Hange stood up and then wiped the seat of their pants. They walked over to a small pile of bowls. They grabbed a bowl and then began to stir the cauldron. The steam from the hot soup fogged Hange’s glasses and they pushed the glasses to their forehead. Hange stirred the cauldron one last time and then scooped a ladle of soup into the bowl. They made sure to shake off the potatoes and carrots that needed more time to cook. “Here,” Hange handed you the bowl. “As a token of our newfound friendship, I’ll let you have the first bowl of my stew!”
“Thank you,” you smiled at your new friend. There was a warm feeling in your heart. As a child, you played with children outside sometimes, but once you grew older you had a very limited social life. Only staying inside with Christa and Ymir and sometimes talking to owners of market stalls. You didn’t mind not having a lot of friends because you had books and your Fairy Godmothers. Levi’s words ran through your mind of him telling you that Hange’s best friend was murdered. They might want a new best friend and you realized maybe you wanted a friend.
“Oh! Let me get you a spoon!” Hange skipped to the pile of bowls and collected a spoon from the pile next to the bowls. They happily gave you a spoon. You stirred the soup, finding there were chunks of beef, cubed potatoes, carrots, and some peas in the soup. Your stomach was rumbling and the soup filled your nostrils with its delightful aroma. As you took a spoonful into your mouth, Hange was getting a bowl of stew for themselves. The heat of the tasty food warmed your body as it went down your throat. The broth was so delicious you wanted to drink it. 
“Hey Hange, since we’re friends, want to hear a secret I have?”
“Ooh yes!” Hange sat next to you crossing their legs. “Your secret's safe with me.” 
“This is about Levi, so you can not say a thing!” You smiled excitedly and turned your body facing Hange. 
“I cross my heart!” Hange turned to face you. 
“Levi doesn’t want me to name his horse, but I really wanted to and so I named her secretly!”
“What did you name her?!”
“Aah because she’s beautiful?”
“I won’t tell Levi! My lips are sealed”
“Thank you,” you noticed the way Hange's lashes pleasantly framed their eye. Hange had a nice nose as well. Though they didn’t have their left eye and most of their face was covered with the black eye patch, Hange had a charming look. There was a softness in their face and yet they were a fierce knight that sliced the necks of cultists holding you captive.
“You know, Hange, you’re really pretty and I enjoy talking to you,” You told Hange and immediately their cheeks were warm. A bashful smile painted their face and almost a chuckle came from their lips. Their eyes darted away from yours looking at their soup—stirring it like it was the most interesting thing. 
“ . . . Even with my missing eye? That’s quite kind to say.” 
“I mean, it doesn't matter that your eye is missing. You’re obviously pretty.” It was your turn to look at your soup. You spooned carrots and peas along with some of the broth into your mouth.
“Thank you, Y/N . . . You’re a very gorgeous girl . . . so I appreciate the compliment.” Unknowingly to you, Hange was looking at you and feeling hopeful. When they lost their eye in a fight they felt like leaving vanity behind altogether.
Levi, Eren, Connie, Jean, and the rest of the forty-ish knights returned to the camp damp and clean. Jean wrapped himself in his blanket again and sat by the fire. Levi scolded you for not putting on your cloak like he told you to earlier. Hange joked about being sad that you won't look like twins anymore. His impatient face made you annoyingly walk over to his tent to your cloak. It was dry along with the pants and shirt Levi lent you. Which you didn’t need anymore now that Hange was lending you clothes. You put the cloak on and raised the hood over your head. Huffing to yourself because it provided a comfortable warmth as the evening went on.
Apparently, Hange’s stew was most of the knight’s favorite travel meal. As you continued eating your bowl of soup, you heard the knights’ gratitude for Hange making the soup. You could understand why it was their favorite, the soup was filling and heated your body against the chill air. Hange reveled in their compliments, they knew their soup was a favored meal. 
“There’s enough for seconds, anyone want a bite?! Don’t be shy, there's more than enough to go around.” They continued stirring and serving bowls to the knights. 
The sun was behind the walls and the late evening was approaching. The wind was picking up and the soup was combating the cooler weather. There was a calmness in the camp. As if Hange’s stew was an elixir that brought out peace and rejuvenation. A perfect treat to follow after bathing in the river. 
You watched and noticed how much respect and appreciation they had for Hange. Everyone liked Hange. You sat with Levi who was eating in silence. Jean was scraping his empty bowl getting every last piece of vegetable. 
“Go get seconds,” Levi ordered. You looked at him and he wasn’t looking up from his bowl.
“Yes, you. Go get another bowl and I want you to finish the entire thing.”
“Okay . . .” You carefully got up and walked through the crowd of knights enjoying their dinner. As you walked through the group of knights’ Hange’s expression perked up, noticing you approach them. 
“Couldn’t resist another bowl?”
“Levi told me to get another.”
“That’s right. Your health is very important. Wouldn’t want you to arrive at Mitras Castle looking like you haven’t eaten.” Hange took your bowl and they filled it with mostly vegetables rather than broth. They used the ladle to scoop a little more broth before handing your bowl back to you.
“Thank you, Hange.” You turned and suddenly you ran into a body. The force caused your arm to shift upwards and tilt the bowl. Their bowl clashed with yours falling to the ground. You gasped watching and realizing you spilled someone’s dinner. Your eyebrows raised to your hairline and your heart was pounding as you realized the knights around you must have seen the entire ordeal. Your face became a deep shade of red from embarrassment and the knight you ran into looked just as embarrassed. You glanced at Levi seeking comfort only to notice he along with others were staring at you. Because you ran into the knight, he lost his dinner. “I-I I’m . . .  so so sorry.”
Your ears were drowning out the questions of the knights around you asking if you were alright or offering to get you another bowl. The knight you ran into gave a soft chuckle. His expression softened from the shock of the impact and held your shoulders. The crow's feet around his eyes accentuated his friendly aura. Your lip stopped quivering and your face relaxed as you realized he was not going to yell at you or that he was upset at all.
“Princess, accidents happen. No need to apologize.”
“Sir, I am still so sorry I sh-should of been more aware of my surroundings. I’m so sorry.” You wanted to assure him. The knight picked up his and your bowl. He dumped what was left in the bowls on the ground. The ground soaked up the broth. As he was bending back up, you ripped one of the bowls from his grasp. “Here let me get you another bowl.” You turned to Hange and commanded them, “Get him another bowl!”
“Yes, your Highness,” Hange laughed. They scooped more soup into the bowl and you carefully brought the bowl back to the knight. You gave them a smile giving them the bowl of soup as a peace offering.
 “Please forgive my clumsiness, sir.”
“I forgive you fully.” The knight took the bowl of soup you offered and he exchanged you for the other empty bowl. He gave you a smile that settled the rowdy thoughts of him being upset with you. You felt more at peace as you turned to Hange for another refill. 
“Do you think I made a fool of myself?” You whispered to Hange and they scooped vegetables into your bowl once again. 
“I think you handled the accident as graciously as you could.” Hange poured some broth and then handed you back your bowl.
“Are you going to eat Hange a second bowl?”
“I will eventually.”
“You better,” you said and Hange burst out laughing. For a moment you didn’t realize your statement was entertaining, but Hange took it as a joke. Their laugh and their smile revealed their teeth. They were white and glowing. Their laugh was almost contagious as you smiled looking at them. For some reason, you found some validation from Hange laughing. “Thank you.” 
You continued to sit with Levi and the sky was turning golden from the low sun. Everyone’s stomachs were full and their hunger was satiated from Hange’s stew. You listened to Levi tell Eren how the previous days were before he and Hange’s group found them in Karanese District. Though most of Levi’s retelling, you stared at your empty bowl, not wanting to relive sickening parts. Jean was also staring off; he seemed fine but tired.
The knights started gathering bowls and cleaning up dinner. Hange was sitting and eating their bowl of stew and you realized they were the last to eat. You thought about how admirable it was that they made sure everyone else ate before they got their second bowl. Two knights gruffly lifted the cauldron and carried it over the hill to the river.
Levi started to become in charge of the cleaning. He wanted the knights around the camp making sure it looked like they were never there. As some knights were getting done cleaning their bowls, they helped pack, preparing to leave in the morning. Levi was in a group with Connie and some of the other knights washing the bowls with rags. You tapped his arm needing his attention. 
“Levi, I need to go to the bathroom,” You lowered your voice.
“Hange’s taking you from now on.” He glanced at you and then moved on to the next dirty bowl, wiping it clean. You grabbed his arm and shook it slightly.
“You always take me!” There was a tinge of frustration in your voice
“That was when there wasn’t another woman. Go ask your twin.” You looked over your shoulder to see Hange alone finishing their soup. Though Levi always guarded you when you used the bathroom, Hange was now your friend. You guess it wouldn’t be bad. As you walked over to Hange they looked up at you through their glasses. In their bowl was a little bit of broth and a few pieces of vegetables left. 
“Hey, twin . . .”
“Hey, twin!”
“Levi said you’re going to be the one to take me to the bathroom from now on.” Hange finished chewing the food in their mouth and then swallowed while nodding. 
“Right,” They stood up and turned behind them to pick up their crested sword, fastening it at their hip. “Let’s go before it gets dark. I need to pee too.” You and Hange walked past Levi and the knights wiping the bowls. Hange placed their empty bowl in the dirty pile nodding at one of the knights who returned a wink at them. 
You walked with Hange over the hill, passing the horses. The stench of them filled the air. As you walked past them you searched for Beauty. The horses were chewing the grass and whinnying. You pretended like they were talking to you. 
“I think that one just said ‘hello’ to us,” Hange nudged you with their elbow while pointing at the brown horse you were passing. 
“I was just thinking that Hange!!” You said a little too excitedly and Hange giggled. Then you spotted Levi’s horse and returned a nudge to Hange.
“There’s Beauty!”
“Ow!” Hange laughed.
“You elbowed me right in the ribs. Good aim,” Hange said and you laughed at their comment. 
“Levi’s horse is beautiful, isn’t she? Look at her!”
“Beauty is a beauty.” As you walked past the field of horses, you walked over another hill. You looked over your shoulder eyeing the distance from the camp. You thought about how far away you were from Levi, but then something told you that you’d be safe with Hange. Hange took their sword from their pants and offered it to you. “I’ve gotta go real bad, so you stand guard first!”
“Okay I’ll be on top of the hill,” You gripped their crested sword and watched Hange walk down the side of the hill. You turned around and looked at the field of horses who looked peaceful yet strong and majestic. A grey horse was lying down and you couldn’t take your eyes away from the horse. Every time you saw a horse lie down, your heart filled with joy from how cute the grand horse looked. It was amazing to see the large creature lying on the ground comfortably. 
You looked around at the view. For a moment you forgot about the danger around you. The horses looked at peace and the golden sky complimented the green of the grass. From where you stood on the hill you caught a slight glimpse of the river. On the left was Wall Rose and in the far distance you could barely make out the church Levi said was the first meeting point. Levi wanted to be closer to the river, past the church and you wondered how many knights were waiting at the area near the church where Levi originally said to meet. To the right and over the horizon you knew was Wall Sina. Passed Wall Sina was apparently where Mitras Castle was. Your soon-to-be home and where you were going to be forced to marry a prince. Hange’s question ran through your mind, what do you want . . . how would you spend your time . . . ? Hange was very nice and they created a friendly and accepting atmosphere. 
“Your turn!” Hange said behind you and their voice pulled you out of your thoughts. 
“Here . . .” You handed their sword back, and their cold fingers brushed against your hand, gripping their sword. You trudged down the hill, using your core to stable yourself. When you got to the bottom of the grassy hill, you looked back at Hange making sure they weren’t peaking. You knew they wouldn’t peak, but it always felt vulnerable peeing with someone around. There was always a tinge of anxiety of someone watching you in the exposed manner.
You stared off into the distance noticing sparse trees as you urinated.
When you were done, you put the tan slacks Hange lent you back on. You took a moment to make sure the pants were rolled up to the shorter length, so you wouldn’t step on it. Then you tucked Hange's white cotton shirt into the pants. As you walked up the hill, you saw Hange crouching. They were concentrating on something they saw. Your heart jolted. Did Hange spot a ward of the Marleyan Cult coming toward the camp?
“What’s going on?” You asked and Hange shushed you. Then enthusiastically waved you to come to the top of the hill.
“Come here! I spotted something you’ll want to see!!” Hange whispered and you crouched, approaching closer. You looked at Hange’s eye trying to see where they were looking. You glanced at the field of horses and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. There was no sign of danger anywhere. The tight feeling in your chest went away and you were looking at the horses, then the camp, the sky, the river—what did Hange spot?!
“What are you looking at you?!” Hange slowly pointed to the right of you, near the bottom of the hill, and a little away from the horses was a small animal. It was brown, its long ears were perked up and it had a little tail that looked like a cotton ball. You softly gasped, your mouth agape from excitement. “Is that—”
“A cottontail rabbit.” You and Hange peacefully stared at the bunny. It was so small and adorable, your heart was elated at the sight. “Have you seen one before?”
“Only in books . . .” The bunny was still and you could see their black eyes. You couldn’t tell if it was looking at you. If the rabbit noticed your presence. If the rabbit noticed you fawning over them. You didn’t want to move. To be in its presence felt magical and you couldn’t help but imagine yourself holding it. Protecting it. Suddenly the small brown bunny hopped away. You and Hange watched the little white tail disappear into the distance. “Wow. I’m glad you saw that.”
“I almost missed it,” Hange whispered. You both started walking down the hill and you looked in the direction of where the cottontail ran off to, hoping you could catch one more glimpse of it. 
“I feel so . . . I don’t know. But that was amazing.” You said breathlessly.
“You know some people keep bunnies as pets.” A jolt of energy raced through your body. You grabbed Hange’s arm a little too hard and gasped, nearly jumping.
“REALLY?!” You asked and thought of the little cottontail rabbit hopping around in your cottage. Then you started to imagine feeding the rabbit carrots like you saw in the illustrated books you read as a child. Another thought of dressing the rabbit in ridiculous tiny clothes and having a little pet rabbit with you everywhere you went. You just had to have one. You stepped in front of Hange’s path and held their arms, staring into their eye. “HANGE, PLEASE! I WANT A PET RABBIT!”
“Woah calm down,” Hange laughed and there was an amused smile on their face. “I love your enthusiasm for woodland creatures, it's quite adorable.”
“Hange! Please! Please! PLEASE! If we see another rabbit will you try to catch it for me?!” You plead and Hange laughed again and then looked at your eyes.     
“Do you know how hard it will be to catch a wild rabbit?! They’re—”
“We can do it together! While we’re bored and there’s nothing to do we can go and try to catch my pet bunny!! PLEASE! OH PLEASE! HANGE!! I WILL BE SO HAPPY IF WE CAUGHT A PET BUNNY!” You whined and Hange admired your insistent pleading. They saw a shimmer in your eyes and a lightness in your face. You weren’t the timid and anxious Princess and instead, they saw you. The you, you might have been before the tragedy and the danger. Before you knew there was a cult after you. Maybe they saw the you that was filled with hope. The dreamer. 
“Who am I to deny the Royal Princess Y/N?” Hange said and there was a growing admiration for you when they saw you jump with your first in the air cheering. You jump onto Hange wrapping your arms around them, squeezing them tightly and excitedly.
 Then you noticed instead of a friendly pat on your back—like how Levi, Jean, and Connie reacted—Hange returned the hug. The rest of the way back to the camp you kept sharing your ideas of the pet rabbit.
“Can you imagine me with a little pet rabbit feeding it and holding it?! Me walking around with it—”
“Hang on! Where do you plan to keep this pet rabbit if we happen to catch one?”
“Well,” You gazed at Hange with hopeful eyes, giving your best smile to Hange. The kind of smile you gave Fairy Godmothers Christa and Ymir when you did all your chores and asked to stay up later. The kind of smile that you relied on while asking for something you wanted. “Maybe in our tent? PLEASE?!”
“I guess I’m okay with that. A cute little bunny hopping around in our tent!”
“YES!” Hange laughed at the excitement building for your future pet bunny. “Hange, you can even help me name it!”
“Alright, but we’re not naming the bunny ‘Cutie’ or ‘Fluffy’, it’ll have a human name.” You bit your lip and nodded excitedly, agreeing to Hange’s request. 
The knights could sense your excitement and light-heartedness as you arrived back at the camp. Levi was standing by a few knights who were putting out the campfire. He caught yours and Hange’s energetic back-and-forth rhythm of words. He scrunched his face wondering what got you hyper and then he remembered you were with Hange. He blamed Hange.
“Levi! Guess what?!” You asked. 
“What?” Levi asked and you swore you saw a small smirk on his face.
“Hange and I saw a rabbit! It was the cutest thing alive! And now we’re going to try capturing one to keep as a pet!!” You were bouncing and Levi's face fell as he crossed his arms and slowly shook his head. 
“You’re not keeping a wild rabbit.” 
“W-What?” Your heart dropped. Levi deflated all the excitement and the hope that was building as you were returning to the camp. Levi tilted his head at Hange.
“Why are you encouraging this?”
“Levi! You know it’ll be hard to catch one, so let us try,” Hange raised their eyebrows at Levi and you looked back and forth at them. They stared at each other knowingly . . . like they were speaking to each other without saying a word. Then Levi shook his head again. 
“I said ‘no’, I’m not going to say it again!” For the first time you wanted to go against Levi. You felt like you always did what he asked and did what you were told. You knew it was to keep you safe, but trying to catch a bunny was supposed to help the time pass. After a pause, you swallowed the defying words you wanted to say to Levi and remained obedient.
“Okay fine! But I’m not happy!” You crossed your arms. You heard laughter and looked to your right to see Connie hunched over, holding himself up with his hands at his knees. Then next to him for the first time in a while, you saw Jean’s gleaming smile. 
“Great,” Levi said lightly and more toward Hange. “Great Hange! She was around you for less than a day and now she’s sassy.” It was almost comical how wide Hange’s mouth dropped. They raise their hands defensively. 
“Don’t blame me! Maybe she was always sassy?!” You turned and grabbed Hange’s wrist.
“Let’s go back to our tent!” You tugged on Hange wanting to leave Levi. “Goodnight, Levi!”
“Jeez you’re being a—”
“I said, ‘goodnight’ and I’m NOT going to say it again!” You and Hange walked back to your tent, ignoring the amused faces of the knights as you walked past them. You knew Levi was right. Having a pet bunny living in the tent wasn’t a smart idea, but you wanted more animals around you. You didn’t even know how to take care of a bunny. Levi knew what was best . . . you sighed. Keeping a wild rabbit wasn’t plausible. 
“You know what I think we should do?” Hange lowered their voice. 
“ . . . What?” Then you noticed Hange’s mischievous smile.
“We should go bunny hunting every time we go to the bathroom. Maybe even say we’re going to the bathroom, but really we’re hunting for our pet bunny!” You gasped quietly and then giggled at Hange’s suggestion. The thought of hunting for your pet bunny behind Levi’s back. Then another thought of secretly having a bunny running around in your tent. Hange and you hiding your pet from Levi.  
“It’ll be our little secret.” 
next chapter, Chapter 11: The Traitor
Chapter Index Masterlist
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arlertdarling · 1 year
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rockstar!hange who is the fiery-spirited bassist of flügel der freiheit — a german rock band famous for their fierce music, moody lyrics and masks made of bandages.
rockstar!hange who thrives in the spotlight, playing unforgettable solos and performing crazy stunts, from flips and back bends to knee slides and stage dives.
rockstar!hange whose body is all silver piercings, colourful nerdy tattoos and a few too many dumb not-always-drunken mistakes.
rockstar!hange who is positively unmatched in the headbanging game, jumping and thrashing until their hair has fallen out of its ponytail and their bandages are halfway off.
rockstar!hange who always knows exactly how to hype up the crowd or entertain them when there’s a delay or technical issues.
rockstar!hange who has countless scars from stage stunt accidents and is way too eager to recount the stories in grossly excessive and gory detail during interviews. their bandmates call them a reckless idiot, but they claim that ‘scars make good ice-breakers’ and ‘look badass’ and also ‘were totally worth it’.
rockstar!hange who strikes ridiculous poses and pulls weird faces in fan selfies — a total 180 from their promotional photoshoots, where they’re always slightly smirking and matching the serious vibe of their bandmates.
rockstar!hange who loves their fans, almost as much as their fans love them, and would probably stop to take a picture or give an autograph to every person who asked, if not for their management team and bandmates literally dragging them away.
rockstar!hange who is just as unhinged online as they are in real life, often scrolling through edits of themselves, commenting on fanwork and posting memes and goofy photos with nonsensical captions. luckily this is all limited to their personal socials because miche and levi got sick of them doing this on the band’s joint official accounts and changed the password to keep them out.
rockstar!hange who talked and rambled so much during the band’s GENIUS interview that most of it didn’t make it to the final cut.
rockstar!hange who, despite how it may seem, is actually really intelligent and practically the backbone of the band’s revolutionary music; always thinking outside the box, suggesting weird ideas and experimenting with concepts that neither miche nor levi had even thought to try.
rockstar!hange who you met through miche’s girlfriend, nanaba, when she invited you to see them play their first show, back when they were still a no name trio playing at school proms and empty bars.
rockstar!hange who had you hooked from the moment they stepped on stage, unintentionally charming you with their silly antics, dorky chatter mouth and intense bass playing.
rockstar!hange who would proceed to see you at the end of every show after that because they’d been hopelessly charmed by your looks, laughter and lovable personality. they flirted with you so blatantly that levi scolded them more than once, but you didn’t mind, of course, because you were flirting back just as much.
rockstar!hange whose relationship status didn’t become public until later, breaking the hearts of thousands, to the point that it was trending on german twitter for almost a week.
rockstar!hange who insists on a good luck kiss from you before every show.
rockstar!hange who doesn’t really care for paps — sometimes even likes the attention — but will not hesitate to confront them in the act if they try to snap a photo of you, levi or miche without your permissions.
rockstar!hange who gushes about you so often to their fans that you’ve accumulated a sort of fan club of your own.
rockstar!hange who is rarely seen off-stage without you at their side and an arm lazily thrown over your shoulders or a hand tucked into your back pocket.
rockstar!hange who will find out your current favourite song so they can add it to the set list last minute to surprise you.
rockstar!hange who is super clingy after touring, going out of their way to spend every waking hour with you — yes that includes following you into the bathroom — and then spooning you the entire night, only to do it all again the next day.
rockstar!hange who calls you the ‘rock’ to their ‘star’ because you’re always there to keep them grounded; to remind them that, at the end of the day, they’re a person just like all their fans, who gets tired, or needs a break, or worries and suffers burnout. it’s thanks to you that they’re able to keep doing what they love, and they make sure that everybody knows it.
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hangenderzoe · 2 months
Hange Zoe as your roommate
Showers at night
Their stuff is unorganized
Keeps their mess on their side of the room
Clothes are scattered on their bed
They're mostly quiet
Hunched at their computer 90% of the time
Always wearing headphones/earphones
When you wake up in the middle of the night, their desk lamp is still open and they're still on their computer
They have a collection of rocks
They probably display a figurine of some kind
A printed photo of their favorite fictional character is taped to the ceiling right above their bed. It's been there for months. They say it protects them from the monsters under their bed
Paces back and forth in the room when they're stressed
They snap out of it when they realize youre in the room
Every once in a while, you have to remind them to clean up
They bring you food sometimes
They wake up to alarms easily because they're sensitive to noise
They own two support plushies
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abbyslev · 10 months
HII can you do one with hange and reader where they’re both on a mission to spy on someone and then they’re about to get caught so they make out to avoid getting caught or discovered?? UGH this is just something i’ve been thinking about ever since that one scene of natasha and steve rogers 😭
A/N: BRUH THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER I JUST COULDNT PASS ON IT OH MY GOD😭😭 thank you for this sweet ask and thank you for your patience!! i hope i could make your dreams come true w this😭😭
      “Shhh!” You push Hange aside, placing your hand over their mouth. 
        You two were currently spying on Captain Levi and Commander Erwin. Why? Because the kids paid you and Hange a decent amount of money to tell them if they were dating or not, and Hange being Hange, they were nosy too. 
       Even if the four of you were best friends, Levi and Erwin would never cough up the confession that they were together obviously. So maybe Hange thought they could sneak around it. 
        Right now the two of them were speaking about important stuff, it sounded serious. Something about Levi wanting the kids to be safe, but also Erwin to be safer. He wanted Erwin behind everyone else, not in front risking his life for everyone else’s. 
    You knew a serious Levi, but his tone was serious and deadset. It made you and Hange both scared. “Do you think they’re together?” Hange nudged you. “Well I don't know, I can't see past you.” You roll your eyes. Hange huffed, pushing you in front of them. You peeked your head out, letting out a small whimper. 
        You couldn’t even believe what you were seeing! Levi was on his tiptoes, hugging Erwin with his face in his neck, slowly inhaling his scent. You thought you were dreaming. Hange gasped, gripping your arms with excitement. You almost forgot the mission here. Levi snapped his head towards your direction, eyebrows furrowed. 
        You and Hange slid back behind the wall, whispering while arguing about what you should do. You heard the footsteps coming closer. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking around for some kind of door or closet. 
        Hange’s hands placed themselves on your face, lips planted on yours. Your eyes widened in shock, but you kissed back. Your hands were tangled in their hair, lips crushing against one another. Your back hit the wall and Hange’s hands were now placed on your wrist, not stopping to even breathe. 
       You heard someone loudly clear their throat. You and Hange pulled apart, giving the two a guilty look. “Popular hangout spot?” Hange gave them a shy smile, hand intertwined with yours. “And where are you supposed to be?” “Guarding the mess hall…” Hange trailed off. 
      “Well! What a wonderful surprise. We’ll be on our way now.” You laugh awkwardly, dragging Hange off. “What was that?” You said as you turned around the corner. “You’re not mad, are you? It was the only thing I could think of.” Hange frowned. “Of course not. Just took me by surprise.” You squeezed their hand. “So you’ll come over tonight?” Hange stopped in their tracks. “Yes, I'll come over like every night, Hange.” You push their bangs out of their face, kissing them again. 
        This time, Levi pushed Erwin out of the way. He also wanted to see. 
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rosekeu · 10 months
guys...... omg this hange x listener is JUST CHEFS KISS 💋
PLSSSS CHECK IT OUTTT THE VA IS JUST PERFECTTTTTT (and im very picky when it comes to asmr)
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