#hanzo shimada oneshot
of-dragonss · 2 years
Hello! I saw that you wrote for Hanzo and was wondering if I could request him having a child with his s/o? Maybe the moment they are born and their first weeks together. Any fluff would be great :) Thank you in advance and have a good day!
this was kinda hard for me to write for bc i personally don’t want children nor do i want to imagine myself pregnant as an afab nonbinary person so i made this very up for interpretation on how reader and hanzo have the child. from a surrogate, reader had the baby themselves or adopted. you decide!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
hanzo shimada x reader (gender neutral)
summary: first time parents with hanzo
Proven wrong
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Hanzo never thought of himself to be fatherly material. Growing up to be the heir of the Shimada clan there was no time for children got even time with his own father. There was always constant talk about arrange marriages for him and his brother. He just didn’t see a life where he’d be a good father.
That was until he met you. As radiant as the sun and gentle as light snowfall. You helped him become a better person. Never doubting him and always staying by his side. Encouraging him to interact with other Overwatch agents. And you got along great with Genji. Practically siblings the two of you were.
You are the sun and he is the moon. Complete opposites of each other. A smile was always seen on your face wherever you went. Playful and caring with everyone you met. Yet you were mature and calculating. Always alert on missions, never lazing about when duty called. You were a breath of fresh air for Hanzo. He was absolutely smitten by you.
He asked you out for tea one day. Then asked you to mediate with him. And then if you’d like to train together. From there your relationship bloomed into a romantic one. Gentle touches in public that don’t last long to make him uncomfortable in the presence of others, but still hold meaning to the two of you. And to more longer physical affection behind closed doors. Stealing kisses as you two cooked, hugging from behind in the early mornings. To more hot and heavy kisses on the neck. Hands trailing down further in the bedroom.
He never thought he’d ever have children. But here he was. Holding the small baby in his arms, cradled safely in a blanket. Eyes brimming with unshed tears he didn’t know even formed until he blinked and they fell down his cheeks. He looked over at you where you smiled at him, tears in your own eyes as you stared at Hanzo and your child with so much love. Gently, he rest his forhead on yours. “My loves.”
The following weeks were full of restless nights as you two took turns feeding. But he wasn’t annoyed. He was grateful he wasn’t annoyed. He enjoyed any moment he had with his child. Winston let them have a few months off to care for their baby. Which he was eager to relish every moment with you and your newborn.
Sometimes he had doubts that plagued his mind for days. He was scared he wasn’t doing his best. But you were there to reassure him during peaceful quiet moments in the dark of your bedroom, baby peacefully asleep in the crib.
“You’ve done amazing so far, Han.” You whispered, kissing his bare shoulder where you rest your head not that long ago. “You’re an amazing father. I know our little one loves you so much. Maybe more than me.” A giggle escaped your lips. And a smile appeared on his. “Little rascal falls asleep faster with you than with me.”
“I just do not want to disappoint you, dearest.” He sighed, grabbing a hold of your hand that rested on his knee, bringing it up to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
“And you won’t. You’ll never disappoint me.” You kissed his cheek as you scooted closer to him. “Everything will be fine. You will be fine. As long as we’re with each other, yeah?”
Hanzo closed his eyes, smiling at your words. “Always and forever.” He mumbled cupping your face to kiss you.
Hanzo never thought he’d be a father. He never pictured himself with a loving partner and a little one running around causing havoc in their home. But he was proven wrong. And he was happy to be proven wrong.
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blackenedsnow · 11 days
The reader the complete opposite of him. But he still really cares and even comes to love them? Even though at first he found them pretty annoying?
a storm in stillness
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PAIRING: Hanzo Shimada x Reader
NOTE: He is so dear to me.
SUMMARY: Though Hanzo initially finds your boundless enthusiasm grating, he begins to appreciate the warmth and light you bring into his life. Slowly, he realizes that beneath all the noise, there is something precious growing between you both.
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Hanzo Shimada was a man of precision and discipline, each movement calculated, each breath intentional. His life had always been about control—of himself, his environment, and his emotions. There was no place in his world for chaos or unpredictability. So when you came crashing into his life like a whirlwind of energy, he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
He first met you through Genji. His brother had always surrounded himself with people who were as vibrant and full of life as he was, so when Genji introduced you, Hanzo wasn’t particularly surprised at your loud, cheerful nature. What did surprise him was how quickly you took to him, despite his clear discomfort with your enthusiasm.
"Hey, Hanzo!" you had said, bounding up to him with a wide smile and a wave. "I’ve heard so much about you! It’s so cool to finally meet you in person!"
Hanzo gave you a polite nod, his face expressionless. "Likewise," he muttered, though in truth, he wasn’t particularly thrilled about the prospect of getting to know you. Your energy was overwhelming, almost suffocating, and he found himself instinctively withdrawing.
But it didn’t seem to deter you. If anything, his stoicism only seemed to fuel your desire to break through his walls.
Every time you saw him, you greeted him with the same unrelenting enthusiasm. You asked him questions—so many questions—about his training, his bow, his time with Overwatch. You filled every moment with your bubbly chatter, never seeming to notice or care that Hanzo responded in short, clipped sentences.
"Hey, Hanzo, want to train with me? I bet I could totally learn some of your cool arrow tricks!"
"No, thank you."
"Oh! Okay! Maybe next time!"
At first, he found it annoying—your constant presence, your endless chatter, the way you never seemed to sit still. He couldn’t understand how someone could live with so much energy, so much… joy. It was foreign to him, like trying to make sense of a language he didn’t speak. But as time passed, something curious began to happen. He found himself growing used to you.
You were like a storm—unpredictable and wild—but storms had their purpose. They cleared the air, brought new life. And slowly, Hanzo realized that, though you disrupted his stillness, you also brought something into his life that he hadn’t even realized was missing: warmth.
It started with the little things.
One day, you brought him a cup of tea, having noticed that he always drank the same blend after training. "I figured you could use a break!" you said, handing it to him with a grin. Hanzo stared at you for a moment, surprised that you’d taken the time to notice something so small. He accepted the cup with a quiet "Thank you."
Another day, after a particularly grueling mission, you sat with him in the common area, rattling on about something he wasn’t really listening to. But then you asked, “You doing okay, Hanzo? I know that last mission was kinda rough…”
There was no humor in your voice this time, no playful teasing. Just genuine concern. Hanzo hesitated, caught off guard by the sincerity in your eyes. He wasn’t used to people checking in on him like that—at least, not people outside of his immediate circle. But you had been relentless in your care, showing up every day without fail, and now… it didn’t feel like an intrusion anymore.
“I am fine,” he said quietly, but this time, he met your gaze, offering a small nod of gratitude. “Thank you for asking.”
That was the turning point.
From that moment on, Hanzo found himself looking forward to your company in ways he never would have admitted out loud. Though he would never match your level of energy or enthusiasm, he began to appreciate how your presence lightened the air around him. Where once there had been silence, there was now laughter. Where once there had been tension, there was ease.
You’d pull him into conversations with the others, dragging him into games or casual sparring matches, laughing when he inevitably bested you in a fight. “You’re too good at this!” you’d exclaim, your eyes sparkling with admiration. “I’m gonna figure out how to beat you one of these days, just watch!”
Hanzo would allow a rare smile to tug at the corners of his lips. “I look forward to it,” he’d reply, and though his tone was dry, there was no mistaking the fondness that had crept into his voice.
Still, there were times when your energy clashed with his desire for solitude. When those moments came, you were surprisingly understanding. You’d notice when he grew quiet, when his responses became shorter, and you’d dial back your exuberance without him even needing to say a word.
"Hey, if you need some space, that’s cool," you’d say casually, giving him a thumbs-up. "I’ll catch you later, yeah?"
And though Hanzo would nod in agreement, he often found that he didn’t want you to leave. It was odd—unnerving, even—how much he had come to rely on your presence. You balanced him in a way he hadn’t expected. Where he was rigid and controlled, you were fluid and spontaneous. Where he brooded, you brightened. You were, in every way, his opposite. And yet…
He cared for you. More than that—he was beginning to fall for you.
It was a slow realization, one that crept up on him over time. He noticed it in the way his eyes sought you out in a room, how his chest would feel lighter when you appeared with your usual grin. He noticed it in the way he’d find himself unconsciously mirroring your smile, despite his best efforts to remain stoic.
The day he realized it fully, he had been watching you train. You were as focused as ever, practicing some new technique with a determination that, frankly, surprised him. You wiped sweat from your brow, laughing at your own mistakes, and the sound was so genuine, so full of life, that it sent a pang of warmth through Hanzo’s chest.
Without thinking, he approached you.
"You’ve improved," he said, his voice low but sincere.
You looked up at him, eyes wide in surprise. "Really? You think so?"
Hanzo nodded. "You are dedicated. It shows."
Your smile grew, but there was something different in it now—a softness, a quietness that hadn’t been there before. You stepped closer, your usual energy tempered by something more vulnerable, more tender.
"Thanks, Hanzo," you said, your voice quieter than usual. "I know I can be… a lot sometimes. But I’m glad you put up with me."
Hanzo looked at you for a long moment, taking in the way your usual brightness had softened into something more intimate. He didn’t often speak about his feelings, but in this moment, he felt compelled to let you know the truth.
"You are not a burden," he said quietly. "I care for you. More than I realized."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and for the first time, you seemed at a loss for words. But then, slowly, your smile returned—this time, softer, warmer.
"I care about you too, Hanzo," you said, and though your voice was quiet, the sincerity in it was undeniable.
In that moment, Hanzo realized that the storm you had brought into his life wasn’t something to fear. It was something to cherish.
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unactivewaspsfics · 2 years
Hi, I saw that you were open for OW requests and was wondering if it was okay to request Hanzo with an introverted s/o? They like to relax at home more instead of going to parties and having a quiet life. Only going out sometimes for dinner or a movie/museum. How would their relationship start and how would he show affection? Thank you in advance! <3
Insecure Connection
A/N: RAHHHH TY FOR MY FIRST REQUEST <33 I tried my best and I do really hope you enjoy it anon! I haven't written for Hanzo or Requests so if I messed up don't feel scared to tell me where I messed up at! I put so much love into this omg </3 ALSO, if there isn't a said gender in a request I will try to not give any specified gender :) Ily and enjoy reading :D.
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Pairing: Hanzo Shimada X Introverted S/O
Word Count: 1,195 words
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How You Met / How Your Relationship Started:
Okay, so I feel like Hanzo would 100% of met you at an Aquarium, more specifically in the jellyfish exhibit. Hardly anyone is in there because of the dark but he admires the shapes, sizes, and the jellyfish themselves as they glow.
You saw he was, basically, the only other person there so you decided to join next to him and view The Box Jellyfish they had in a giant tank in the center of the exhibit. The two of you stood next to each other for, at least, 4 minutes. Each of you giving the other brief glances.
Hanzo took a deep breath, sensing how awkward this moment was, and decided to ask you, “So, which Jellyfish is your favorite?”. You smiled, replying with your favorite jellyfish, which the exhibit didn't have. You explained for a moment how you came all this way for a Jellyfish that wasn't even there. Hanzo nodded his head in agreement, replying with "I am so sorry... There must have been another reason you came here?".
You nodded, giving a small laugh before saying how when you were stressed, going to places like this would help calm you down. It was a kind of haven, no one really to bother you and it wasn't so overwhelming your social battery would go down quickly.
Hanzo agreed. "Social spaces also make me... anxious in a sense. I can't always be in them for too long. I am glad you understand what I go through." This interaction was the start of your friendship.
The two of you would spend the rest of the aquarium visit together, commenting briefly on the ocean life and similar experiences you may have. You never realized how much you could connect with someone out of online experiences like the way the two of you connected at this moment!
By the end of the visit, the two of you decided to exchange numbers. The moment you got home you started to message Hanzo. He replied almost immediately. The more the two of you messaged, and sent memes (although he wasn't 100% how to send them or what they were at first), you guys hit it off! The cycle repeated for weeks on end until the messages started implying more hangouts.
You and Hanzo went to many little 'mini-dates' over the year after the aquarium. You visited bookstores, history and art museums, went to hidden lakes to swim, and even went on a week-trip to a cabin in the woods. That trip is where everything started to change between you two, more than it ever has.
During the first half of the week, it was filled with swimming, smores, movie nights, coffee morning, Hanzo teaching you how to shoot a bow while you taught him how to see constellations in the stars. It was like a dream to you and Hanzo.
It was one certain night though, the two of you sat outside next to the fire, the radio playing quiet music as nature also sang her song. Hanzo sitting right next to you on the only wooden bench at the cabin as the fire started to burn out.
"I just would like to tell you," he began, closing his eyes with a deep breath, and leaning back into the seat. "You have been one if not, the only person who understands me to an extent. I don't want us to ever... ever fade apart." You smiled, agreeing with him, noticing how nervous he seemed. You questioned Hanzo about it and he didn't reply, only opening his eyes and looking off into what was left of the fire.
"I have to say this but I would like it if we are able- if you want to officially be my partner... romantically, I mean." He said, clearing his throat through his pauses as he turned to you. Your confused look turned into a smile. You mentioned to him how you felt the same way, the same connection of an introvert finding their duo; their other half in a sense. Hanzo smiled. He smiled more than you could possibly handle.
You moved your hand to his cheek, cupping it as he did the same to you. He laughed under his breath, blowing you a small kiss with a wink. This caused you to move your hand and start laughing; both of you started to laugh harder. It was so sudden and out of character for him, you weren't expecting it! (He wasn't expecting himself to do that either.
"I am- so sorry dear," he said between laughter, calming his composure quickly. You told him it was 'okay, love', that night being the start of your relationship... officially, I mean.
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How Hanzo shows his affection:
I believe he shows his affection for you mainly through small gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.
Regarding small gifts I mean stuff most people wouldn't really notice or care for, but you do. Before the two of you started to stay over at each other's places he would bring you your favorite flower every time you two saw each other after agreeing to start dating. Whether that be just meeting up for coffee, a mini-date, or even just hanging out at each other's homes.
You also started to notice that he would leave little notes behind with you whenever he stayed over at your house. The notes would have little cute poetry written on them, each one writing out a thing he loved about you. It was actually pretty cute, you kept every note he left.
The next affectionate thing he would do is acts of service. If it was to help you with shopping or cleaning your home he would be over to help when we could. He loved spending time with you, and even more if he could help you with something that you have pushed back for a while.
He also never minded buying you stuff you saw from stores online. You couldn't make comments about a jacket looking good without him buying it with quick shipping! Because of this, you started to have to remind him just because you say you might want something, it doesn't mean you want it. But you understood where Hanzo came from, he just wanted to make you happy and If that meant buying you stuff then that is what he has to do!
Finally, physical touch. He may not seem like it, but he is the kind of person to cuddle up on the couch or give you kisses on your shoulders or forehead. Even if you may not be a fan of it, he would respect it and hold back.
But come on, no way you could keep declining that face! When you allowed him to cuddle or hug you, kiss you, or even hold your hand, he cherished every moment of it. He would tighten his hold on you as you lay next to him on the bed, pushing his face into your shoulder and kissing it quietly with a hidden smile on his face. If you held hands he would squeeze your hand so firmly, rubbing his thumb on yours while he leaned more onto your body.
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stolasdearest · 8 months
Aaa thank you so much for the Hanzo request, I really enjoyed reading it! If you like writing for him, I was also curious about how he would confess to his future s/o or approach them as they are more shy? Would he make the first move or not and what kind of dates would he take them on? Thank you once again <3
Hanzo Shimada with a Shy S/O🏹🐉
Not proofread!
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He would definitely confess first if he notices you're too shy or nervous to ever make the first move; he's closed off but he hates dwelling on things he could easily fix but he's definitely extremely nervous and avoids eye contact with you.
He'd maybe try and confess with a letter, not give it to you like you're in fourth grade and walk away no no; like orders you a delivery guy with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a letter confessing his love for you.
He's scared absolutely shitless that you'll reject him and has half a mind of just walking away when he walks up to you.
If he were to actually confess to you in person he'd make it romantic, take you to your favorite spot and look at the moon, confessing while looking into the sky with the tips of his ears turning pink as he starts to mumble.
For dates he'd adapt to what you like, he's not nonchalant he just adapts to everything, so if you'd like to go out he'll go with you or if you wanna stay in he'll do that too!
But if you asked him; he'd just prefer to do something domestic like cook or just sit on the couch and cuddle while watching something on the sidelines.
UGH ITS LIKE NOON, and it's my mom's birthday so this might be absolutely horrendous
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
Hello! I saw that your requests were open and was wondering if I could request something cute with Hanzo where he and his s/o are dating for a small while and are just exploring affection together. S/o wants to check out the big Christmas tree in the nearest town and while they are watching it shine they shyly take his hand? Maybe saying something along the lines of "my hands are cold" 🙈 Rest is up to you! Thank you in advance <3 and happy holidays
Oh my gosh! Love this idea! I decided to make this my Christmas special post because yes <3
Hope you like it!
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Hanzo Shimada x GN Reader
"What My Hands Are Cold?"
It had only been a few months roughly since Hanzo had asked you to be his and only his. You two had been friends for years up until that point. He had watched you reject many others try to ask you out, he also watched as you opened your heart to him. He saw you at your lowest and your highest and yet he still loved you and stuck around, that's when he knew for sure he had to ask you to be with him. Man was he shy about it too, he nearly muttered the confession but it didn't matter, you knew you loved him. No matter who tried to ask you and no matter how he would have asked, you could almost swear it was much more magical with him and how he went about it.
Currently, you were getting ready to go on a small walk to go see a big Christmas tree. It was something you always loved to do, it was something you did as a kid too, it was just a tradition at this point. Sadly, you were too far from home and hadn't heard of any town's hosting such an event, yet Hanzo asked the people at Overwatch to help him set this up for you. You thanked him excitedly and gave him a kiss when you found out, maybe there was tears but you wouldn't want to admit to getting emotional over a tree. It still meant a lot to you though.
As you zipped up your jacket, you spun around only to be met with a warm embrace. It was Hanzo, he was all ready and just wanted to hold you for a minute.
"Took you long enough." He muttered with a chuckle.
"You know I had to find my favorite jacket!" Your arms wrapped around him as you laughed softly to him.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. The special faux fur and the soft hood." He let go as he messed with the hood of your coat for a bit.
"It's so warm and cozy too!" You hid your face in the sleeves for a moment before you pecked his cheek.
"You ready?" He asked with a soft smile.
"Yeah! Let's go!" You marched out the door with pride and excitement filling you.
He snickered and walked with you. The walk was quiet, yet pleasant. Nothing about it was awkward, nothing about it was tense, and it wasn't harsh which was nice. It didn't matter if you were talking his ear off or just admiring his face silently, you just enjoyed being with him. Moments like this, you both could have sworn made your bond closer.
The moment you both approached the area where the tree was, excitement filled you. You looked at the beautiful tree, decorated by everyone at Overwatch, the lights were bright, but not so much that it would blind you, and the tinsel was shimmering just like a star, the ornaments were something special, some shiny, some just outright beautiful. Some of the ornaments were of the heroes at overwatch too! Just to top off the tree, there was an angel of Mercy in a beautiful dress.
Your eyes sparkled as what you initially thought was a chill for excitement, until you realized you were actually fairly cold. You stayed silent as you reached and grabbed Hanzo's hand and held it tight, still eying the tree in awe. He looked at you, confused at first.
This was the first time you held hands, 'why would it be now?' He had initially thought.
Then he decided to finally talk. "What's with the hand holding?" He didn't sound angry or anything, more confused.
"What? It's just hand holding, plus my hands were cold!" You smiled at him before looking back.
Your gaze on the tree didn't last long though, you were suddenly pulled close to Hanzo and his hand met your chin, making you look at him softly. He held you there, smirking before he leaned down. He immediately captured your lips into a kiss, a passionate one at that. It was soft and very warm, almost as if he was made of fire in this cold weather.
After a bit he pulled back, still smirking.
You were speechless. He kissed you speechless.
"What? My lips were cold."
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fallenautumm · 2 years
I Might start writing Overwatch one shots
also almost every Genre and Character , so if anyone sees this ya'll know 😨👍
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hunahuna-un · 2 years
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It's Valentine's day somewhere in the world~ Hope y'all have amazing day! ❤ If you need a break from all the sweetness, may I offer you... Scion Hanzo >:3c Enjoy! ❤ -
Those Gloves
Explicit (Old name for cowboy.) ps. It’s now a series, loosely “continue” from Tonight. 
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bunnysdaydreams · 1 year
Shimada Brothers & Kiriko reacting to reader coming out as Nonbinary
I haven’t really seen much of these three with a nonbinary person before and I had an idea…so yeah hope you enjoy 😊 I am putting genders just to explain what these three thought of you as well
Hanzo Shimada
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“You’re nonbinary?”
At first he’s surprised
He’s always used female/male pronouns with you and not once has he been corrected
He struggles with changing pronouns at first and makes some mistakes here and there
But he slowly becomes better
“This is my friend and their name is”
When someone deliberately calls you female/male Hanzo shows up and with an unforgiving voice tells them off
“They are nonbinary and I suggest you leave them alone” he gets closer to them and whispers something in the their ear
They bolt off like a coward with their tail between their legs
You simply roll yours eyes and rest your hand on his shoulder
“I could’ve handled them, but thank you Hanzo”
Genji Shimada
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“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I hope I didn’t offend you”
Like his brother he is also surprised
But is quick to using gender neutral pronouns
“They’re an amazing person, you’d like them Master”
He’d definitely take you to meet Zenyatta and introduce you to him
And just like Hanzo, Genji will put anyone down who says something they shouldn’t
“They are my friend. They do not need to listen to you. So leave them alone”
You never have to worry about Genji actually hurting the person
Because Genji will flat out lie and say he didn’t do anything
“Don’t worry I handled them, they won’t hurt you again”
He slings his arm over your shoulder and brings you to a claw machine to get your mind off of the person
Kiriko Kamori
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“I’ve had a nonbinary friend this whole time!”
She’s super happy that you told her something as personal as this
She even gives you nicknames that can be used for any gender
She doesn’t struggle with the pronoun changes either, because her fox spirit is nonbinary as well
(That’s my head cannon for Kiriko’s fox)
When comes down to someone teasing you about being nonbinary Kiriko pulls no punches
“Hey leave them alone, before I make you. They want to do nothing with the likes of you”
Also she would definitely let her fox come out every once in a while and hang out with you
Until she finds out that her fox likes you over her because of the treats you give them
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overwatch-for-men · 1 year
This is a Male x reader blog for all our favorite little fucked up guys <3
I'll write for most of the boys but there are some rules:
oneshots will be limited to two characters (poly)
hcs are limited to 5 characters (poly or nonpoly)
i cant write for the junkers, im just not good at it sorry-
Characters i like writing:
Cole Cassidy
Gabriel Reyes
Genji Shimada
Hanzo Shimada
Lucio Correia Dos Santos
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Overwatch Masterlist
Updated (01/22/2023)
General Dating HCs
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Cole w/ Insecure S/O
Domestic HCs
General Dating HCs
Lucio With Injured S/o
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCS
NSFW Alphabet
Sucking Their Nipples
Mirror Sex HCs
Domestic HCs
Kiriko w/Deaf reader
Soft Kiriko HCs
Puppet HCs
Masturbation HCs
Shimadas Taking Care of Sick S/o
Jealousy HCs
S/O with a Pushy Ex
Break up & Getting Back Together
NSFW Alphabet
Kiriko w/ Anxious S/O
Saving Vigilante S/O
Submissive Kiriko HCs
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCs
Kiriko Biting Oneshot +HCs (PART 1)
Kiriko Biting Oneshot + HCs (Part 2)
Nightmares Kiriko Cuddling Oneshots
Sucking Their Nipples
Katana Wielding S/O
Mirror Sex HCs
S/O in a street fight
Sigma with a caring friend
Sigma Plantonic HCs
Hanzo w/ Archer apprentice
Hanzo Fluff HCs
Scythe Wielding S/o
Shimadas Taking care of sick s/o
Jealousy HCs
First Time HCs
Hanzo Tattoo Soulmate HCs
Saving vigilante s/o
Junker Queen
Domestic HCs
Protective Junker Queen (1)
Protective Junker Queen (2)
Small S/O carrying them
Junker Queen with Runaway S/o
Sitting in Junker Queen's Lap
Junker Queen with a crush
Pregnant S/O
Blackwatch dating HCs
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Married life (Pre-fall)
Reaper Training with you
Blackwatch dating HC's
Scythe Wielding S/o
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Shimadas Taking care of sick S/O
Jealousy HCs
Fluff HCs
Saving vigilante s/o
Blackwatch dating HC's
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Cooking/Baking HCs
EMP blasted S/O
Snow day with Moira HCs
Small S/o carrying them
Puppet HCs
Puppet HCs
S/O with a Pushy Ex
Cooking/Baking HCs
Parenthood w/Widowmaker
Widowmaker finds your notebook
Pirate Widowmaker w/ Mermaid reader
Sucking Their Nipples
NSFW Alphabet
Puppet HCs
Junkrat Domestic HCs
Puppet HCs
Cooking/Baking HCs
EMP blasted S/O
Formal Dance with Sombra
Mirror Sex HCs
Relationship HCs
Zen W/ a sick S/o
Pregnant S/O
Period Comfort HCS
S/o in a streetfight
EMP Blasted S/O
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCs
Mirror sex HCs
Kidnapped S/O
S/O in a street fight
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
Overwatch Masterlist | Last Updated: 6/12/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋ | Character on hold = 🔒 
Cole Cassidy
Coming soon...
Gabriel Reyes (Reaper)
Coming soon...
Genji Shimada
Coming soon...
Hanzo Shimada
Coming soon...
Jack Morrison (Soldier: 76)
Coming soon...
Jean-Baptiste Augustin
Coming soon...
Mauga Ho’okano
Coming soon...
Niran Pruksamanee (Lifeweaver)
Coming soon..
Reinhardt Wilhelm
Coming soon...
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sxnxsterdrabblings · 4 years
A/N: Its been a long time since i posted, right?
Request: Hanzo orders his dancer to dance until she collapses, but then punishes her when she collapes quite quickly (due to her having low stamina?) because he thinks she could have danced longer.
Heavy blankets of cigar smoke roll amongst the ill-lit room as Hanzo sits relaxed against a lush couch with one leg crossed over the other. A thick bulge is straining against his slacks as a hefty cigar lays lazily against his plush lips, supported by resting fingers decorated with fine jewelry. With each increasingly long drag, more smoke flows out from the mouth of the dragon, of danger. The proof being thick poisonous clouds that leave nothing untouched.
Except him. He remains untouched by the filth. His crisp suit hugs his form to no fault and stands to show the perfection that is Hanzo Shimada. He’s filthy rich, enviably- unreasonably beautiful, and he holds a gaze that can strike any man with fear. A predator. Honorable, nonetheless... supposedly.
Hanzo has grown to fancy a bit of pain with his pleasure, and god if it isn’t delicious. His eyes shamelessly trace her figure as she sways her body just for him- shamelessly studying his prey, playing with his food. Honorable indeed, working his beautiful dancer until they’re sweating and buckling under their own weight, body collapsing from exhaustion.
Her right knee crumbles and hits the floor first, hard. Then her right elbow, her hip, and an audible choke follows the next arm. As soon as the thud dissipates, a gasp and an audible swallow replace it. She realizes her failure. His disappointment. The punishment to come.
Yet still, the show must go on. As fear roots in her eyes, she makes work of her collapse by spreading her body across the floor. Steadily breathing the dragons breath deep into her lungs, shaking fingers run along her body to sell it as much as she possibly can.
As much as she’s tried, and as much as Hanzo enjoys toying with his food, he knew that his dancer wouldn't make it. This display was quickly worsening his current predicament of what to do.
Hanzo had previously unabashedly laid out the not-so-pretty picture of what he would do if she was to fail, and made it clear to note that it was not up for debate...
His eyes slowly scoured the surface of her body as she hesitantly began the descent into the game. Their dance. Hanzo felt himself swell. His decorated hand reached for a cigar, lighting it a bit too far as he looked her in the eyes and the end flared red hot. He eased off the cigar, and with the movement came the first puff of dragon's breath.
“If you fail-
“I won't hesitate to hurt you. You will not enjoy it. You will cry, scream, and beg. I will make sure of it, and I will only stop when I see fit.”
He takes another long drag without breaking eye contact, followed by an onset of billowing smoke. Hanzo makes sure she sees him tracing her body with his eyes before speaking once more in a harsh, firm tone. The mood in the room shifts dramatically.
“I’d find it in your best interest for you to service me, and take what I give to you. If you may find it within yourself to disagree, then this is over, and you can ensure that I will not hold back when lashing you.”
But now that raw meat had become a rare steak at the discovery that it was still trying to please him upon its failure, despite being afraid? Now that tears were leaking from her eyes- so close to her breaking point where Hanzo so desperately wanted his dancer to fall over? He throbbed in his pants again. Hanzo wasn’t so sure anymore. It was going to be so much more fun to act on the possibility of playing now, despite not being able to entertain his original plans. Enticing little thing. Infuriating piece of meat.
The cigar is put out in a nearby ashtray that is just as unnecessarily lavish as everything else in the room, and Hanzo’s eyes immediately shift to your shaking body on the floor. Your head lifts slowly, still hurting from the tumble, and your eyes are wide with fear. But you obey him- your limbs still in place as you wait patiently.
He’s sure if he could eat you, he would do so. He’s leaking uncontrollably in his pants at the sight of you hanging on to his every word and command despite your limits clearly being abused by him.
“Be still.”
The shimada hums in acceptance of your compliance as your body lies stiff. But this doesn’t last long, because seconds later he’s right in front of you, spotless shoes placed right in your field of view. One of them tilts up under your chin, tilting it upwards at a painful angle. His gaze is daring you to disobey to escape your discomfort as his shoe pushes against your jaw higher and higher. A whimper of sorts comes from your throat, and at that moment he hopes you learned to have kept quiet, because his foot drops immediately and you weren’t expecting it. Your chin busts against the floor and you can neither be still nor quiet. You cry out and gasp as fat tears roll down your cheeks, but your mouth keeps pursing as if to hold it all in. You keep trying to please him though, and that’s what keeps him going.
Quiet whimpers are still coming from your mouth and you’ll twitch occasionally due to the crying, causing your chin to wobble and burn worse than before, but your mouth is mostly closed to the point that you’re trying not to breathe in order to obey. Your body is attempting to still it’s movements as you lock the knees you previously busted on the floor, and he knows that it hurts. But he’s throbbing in his pants all the more, leaking with need.
Hanzo decides that he won’t be denying himself any longer, and begins to palm himself. Once more he puts his shoe in front of your face, and he sees more tears continue to form in your eyes, but you remain silent… mostly.
You open your mouth immediately and Hanzo watches you shake again, your jaw not nearly ready for the onslaught before the recovery.
I might have to keep you.
Your tongue comes out and licks a long broad stripe up his shoe, breath audibly shaky. You continue to do this a few more times, and he knows that turning back will not be an option for him now. Gripping himself tightly one last time through his slacks, he makes sure you hear him unbuttoning them… unzipping them… and shoving them past his v-cut only enough for him to pull his cock out and begin stroking. The slick sounds erupting from above are not lost on you, and he can tell that if you weren’t afraid before, you are now. Or at the very least, you’re about to be.
His knees fold onto his calves so he can balance on his feet, bending down to you. Hanzo can pinpoint the exact moment you realize that he’s shifted to meet you, because his shoe that you were so urgently servicing has now been propped up and creased to support his weight, and your eyes widen to the size of saucers. It makes him chuckle darkly into the room. The next realization comes to you when his hand is gripping your jaw, pulling your face upwards so he can look into your eyes again, or rather, so you can look at your next task. Your face is cradled in his huge palm, and the other hand is steadily stroking while Hanzo gazes at you.
Without breaking eye contact, he pulls away to place the other palm in front of you as well.
You don’t have the privilege of opening your jaw at least a bit slowly, because this time the shimada does it for you. He grips your jaw tighter, causing it to fall open out of pain, and there’s no rest for you even then. He makes sure of it. Two thick fingers are forced into your mouth quickly, repeatedly, and you cannot stop gagging. Saliva produces even faster now, and as soon as Hanzo sees enough has pooled in your mouth, he’s digging it out and stroking it into his cock. Not too long after, his fingers will go jab back into your gag reflex repeatedly and the process repeats until his dick is glistening with your spit.
Apparently you have learned- he acknowledges with a hum- because when he abruptly drops your jaw this time, you catch yourself.
You’re breathing heavily and drooling into the floor when you settle again, leaking tears. Hanzo pulls himself away once more. He begins to circle you very slowly, stroking slower as he’s observing now. The clack of one shoe sounds off a few feet from your head, and after a few long seconds pass the next audible step is near your shoulder. This continues agonizingly slowly until you hear him circle around to the other side of your head, letting out a pleased sound once more.
You may have collapsed, but this dance is still ongoing. He’s at the top of the food chain, the most dangerous predator, and you unfortunately have fallen into the place of his prey. He’s circling you like his next meal, and Hanzo decides playing with his food has never felt so good. He tucks his cock back into his pants and barks an order,
“Up, girl.”
Shit. You let out a shaky breath, and mentally prepare yourself for the shock that you know is about to shoot down your knee.
You prop yourself up on your hands first and push up, when your elbows begin to shake. The huffs out of your nose become more violent and your throat chokes up as your knee is now at an awkward angle. You attempt to move it inwards in order to gain more leverage but it erupts in pain and you call out- before closing your mouth immediately in fear. You hear heavy footsteps approaching and remind yourself that staying calm should help you escape a harsher blow in the end- but you find yourself leaking tears and gasping for breath again anyway as Hanzo’s blurry shoes appear in front of your hands on the floor. And the blow never comes. Instead, two fingers are gripping your jaw, slowly raising your view to meet his eye line. He’s blurry too.
“I’m sorry, sir, I-“
“Stop.” He pauses to make sure you’ve heard him and only continues once your harsh breathing recedes. “Let your knee relax. I’m going to lift you.” Then suddenly, he’s not so blurry anymore, your knee relaxes, and you gulp audibly. He bends down to grip you around your waist with his big hands and as he raises you cautiously, your knee scrapes across the floor and he pauses. He hasn’t broken eye contact. He’s…. looking for confirmation? But there’s no indication on his face of leniency nor sympathy. You decide not to search for it. You nod shakily and he lifts you up the rest of the way into his arms. Such compliant prey, he thinks.
And as Hanzo carries you away, you realize you shouldn’t have let him. Hanzo smells divine and his clothes are extremely soft. And it only makes it worse that he’s so fucking warm and huge. Inevitably, you start to drift to sleep. You try to make it known to him by nudging your head into his chin lightly to get his attention, but he takes it as you trying to nuzzle into his neck that he then pushes you further into with a hum. You realize it’s a lost cause as your eyes flutter shut and he speaks, sending a sharp pang of fear striking through you.
“I’ll be keeping you.
You may drift off now, you’ll need your rest for your next performance.”
You need to stay awake. Fight him. For once. Keep you? He wasn’t being sweet, he was taming his prey. Playing with his food. Tenderizing the meat. But as the feeling of your head in his kneck and his huge arms around you remains...this only manages to be a thought. You reluctantly succumb to sleep with tear tracks staining your cheeks along with more bruises littering your body to count, head filling with dreams of dancing in shackles.
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jay-the-angst-king · 3 years
Hanzo has a lot of thoughts, and they are just as overwhelming as they have always been. I wrote a McHanzo oneshot! This story is just some fluff I wrote back in November, but I was happy to edit it and post it.
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
The Assassin and The Spy
Fandom: Overwatch
Pairing: Hanzo Shimada X Reader
Words: 7k+ (It’s a long one)
Authors Note: Okay, this got a bit out of hand; but, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Hanzo Shimada is a strong, tall and charming Overwatch Agent from Hanamura. His life is going downhill until he meets Y/N Y/S/N, an attractive woman with a passion for gaming .Hanzo takes an instant disliking to Y/N and the manipulative and intense ways she learnt during her years in Kings Row, London. However, when someone tries to kill Hanzo, Y/N springs to the rescue and Hanzo begins to notice that Y/N is actually rather sweet at heart. But, the pressures of Y/N’s job as a spy leave her blind to Hanzo’s affections and Hanzo takes up numerous hobbies to try and distract himself. Finally, when dangerous assassin and Talon member, Gabriel Reyes, threatens to come between them, Y/N must act fast. But will they ever find the love that they deserve?
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The wind blew viciously as Y/N wandered the streets of Hanamura, Japan, her jet-black leather jacket wrapped tightly around her chest, almost crushing her body in a vain attempt to keep herself warm. 
She had been sent there on a recent mission by her higher-ups, whoever they were, to find Overwatch agent, Hanzo Shimada along with his younger brother Genji Shimada. 
She had no idea what those two had done, besides their obvious affiliation with Overwatch, the group who defended the world from evil, but she did know that this was her job and, as well as that, she was getting paid extremely well for this one simple task. 
The streets themselves were empty, most people remaining indoors to keep themselves distant from the wind and upcoming rain, but Y/N did not care too much about silly, unimportant things such as the weather. No, she knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted.
The money.
As stated previously, the spy had no idea who these men were or what they did in order to have such a huge bounty on their heads by those who ordered her services. She assumed that it must be something of importance considering the huge reward she was offered in order to infiltrate Overwatch and get close to those two brothers, mostly Genji was what she recalled being told before she was flown to Hanamura, the birthplace of the two men. 
Despite having never visited before, this place made her feel like she was home, something she had never experienced. She felt almost drawn to this place, as though she was supposed to be here. Well, she was in theory. 
Y/N had no idea where she was heading as she walked around the city, taking in all the beautiful blossoms falling from the trees that outlined each street. It isn’t often a busy spy got the opportunity to enjoy the sites of a new city, after all. With each step she took, she got more and more bored, her lips pulled into a straight, unamused line as she cursed whoever gave her the order to come here without any further instructions. 
It was then that she spotted a gathering in the distance.
Masses of people were crowded together, some shoving others as they did their best to reach the tents the were littered around, what the spy assumed to be, a field. Further on Y/N could see some metal, which was obviously something to do with roller coasters, or so she assumed having not been on any in her life, been raised to be a spy from a young age. 
Face neutral, she headed forward, hoping that the walk wouldn’t be too tedious. 
It was around twenty minutes after spotting the gathering that she finally reached it. 
It was, in fact, a tedious walk only made more tedious by her not wanting to follow the guided route and risk coming across others that would question her. Instead, she decided to climb onto a high roof, nobody being able to see her, and looked forward.
She let out a hum as he realised that it was only a few rooftops away, immediately setting off into a run then followed by a jump and a quiet thud and she skillfully landed on her feet on the next rooftop. This then continued until she dropped from the final one, landing carefully on the ground just meters away from the place she had seen. 
“Well, that was easy.” She whispered to herself, unaffected by the extensive exercise that she had done just mere moments ago as she just continued walking. 
Once she reached the area, she took a proper look around.
She was right, there were rides, if that’s what they’re called here, and tents everywhere. People walked through the entrances of the tents, some entering with empty hands but excitement on their faces while others left the tent, hands full but still with the same look of excitement, if not more as the grins filled their faces.
The Y/H/C haired girl turned around, spotting a makeshift bar and restaurant behind her, also surrounded by people who were peacefully enjoying their food which smelt delicious. Her eyes scanned further past, seeing two men stood behind the bar, out of view for everyone but her. One man had long brown hair that was tied up neatly, he was quite handsome she noted to herself before her eyes darted towards the other man, immediately knowing his identity.
Genji Shimada.
Which meant that the other man is most likely his older brother, Hanzo. 
“Found you,” Y/N whispered through her painted lips, before quietly walking towards the two to hear their conversation, remaining unnoticed by those around her.
“Hanzo, you can’t be serious?” The cyborg groaned, shaking his head in disapproval.
“It had to be done,” The man, who she now knew was definitely Hanzo, spoke, “We don’t know where father is.” 
“Fine.” Genji sighed, eyes darting towards Y/N who had been too interested in their conversation to notice that her foot was only slightly in view.
Hanzo noticed his brother didn’t continue his sentence, instead looking towards something Hanzo couldn’t see. The long-haired man stepped forward, walking towards his brother so he could see what he was seeing. This was when Y/N’s eyes widened, knowing she had been caught.
“Come out, stalker.” Hanzo’s deep voice called, as she slammed her eyes closed.
“Don’t be mean, Hanzo.” Genji interrupted, walking towards Y/N who was slightly more relaxed now, having come up with an idea.
“S-sorry.” She faked stuttered, “It’s just, I’m looking for someone I was supposed to meet here but, he hasn’t shown.” Continued Y/N, awkwardly twiddling with her fingers in hopes that it would increase the fake awkwardness that was radiating from her.
“Someone?” Hanzo asked, not completely convinced at her story.
“Yeah… A date, if you can even call him that now.” A chuckle left the girls lips as she looked slightly afraid at their reactions, despite being the opposite. 
“Come on, Hanzo!” Genji said, placing a hand on the elder’s shoulder, “We can’t leave such a pretty lady on her own. What’s your name?” 
Great, they fell for it. She grinned inwardly.
“Y-Y/N.” She fake stuttered again, holding her hand out for the cyborg to shake.
“Genji! It’s nice to meet you.” He nodded, shaking her hand. “This is Hanzo. Ignore his rudeness, he’s not good around new people.”
Y/N simply giggled, “That’s fine. I know how that is.” She winked at Hanzo who simply looked away, a small blush on his cheeks. 
“Come, Y/N. Let me show you around.” Genji said excitedly, gently grasping her hand in his own metal one. 
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. I don’t want to intrude on your business.” Y/N said, fake tenderness crawling on her tongue. Despite the manipulation she was currently doing, it didn’t mean she didn’t blush at the unexpected contact from the younger Shimada. 
“I agree.” Hanzo cleared his throat as he looked intently at Y/N with a warning glare, almost as if he knew she was manipulating his younger brother.
He did.
“Don’t be mean, Hanzo!” Genji scolded, “Come along, Y/N.” And with that Genji dragged the smaller girl away, leaving Hanzo with no choice but to follow them. 
Genji and Y/N wandered through the crowds, hands still interwind. Y/N’s hair flowing in the wind as it blew through her, occasionally shivering at the gusts. The blush that dusted her cheeks was still there, Hanzo noticed this as he trailed behind them, not wanting to leave his brother that he cared so deeply for alone with this girl. 
“How did you come to see this festival then, Y/N?” Genji asked, making the girl internally panic despite her face remaining the same smile plastered on, “I haven’t seen you around here before.” 
“Well, I’ve had an online boyfriend for a few months now. He claimed to live here so I booked a ticket to come see him and he seemed excited, but he didn’t show even though he said that he would meet me here.” The lies slipped without hesitation from her lips, “I don’t know why I’m telling you actually, never mind.” 
“No, no. Keep talking.” Genji nodded in encouragement, seemingly genuinely interested in this story. 
“I was born in London,” was the first truth the spy told since she had met Genji, “I’ve lived there all my life, but I travel a lot.” Another truth, despite having left out that she travels for work. She definitely didn’t want to be asked about her job. No, that was the last thing she wanted.
They continued walking for a while, Hanzo still casually strolling behind them like a stalker, until they stopped outside a tent. 
“What’s in there?” Y/N’s voice left a pitch higher than usual; the physical contact was having an obvious effect on her that she didn’t wish to share. 
“Stickers,” Genji chuckled, finger raised towards the stall towards the end of the tent that was selling stickers, “want some?” He asked her, not waiting for an answer before tugging her into the tent and towards the stall.
On the wall behind the actual stall lay hundreds, maybe even thousands, of stickers. Each sticker had a different design, some were big, others were small while some were huge, almost big enough that they could be stuck on someone’s face. The stickers designs ranged from just a casual colour to a detailed cherry blossom that she had seen earlier the same day. 
“Which one do you want?” Genji asked her, looking around them himself as though he wished to purchase one.
“I don’t have much money.” She admitted, telling the truth again.
She didn’t think she’d be here long, so she didn’t carry much money on her. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay!” Genji chuckled, patting her on the hair, making sure that the strands did not get stuck in the cybernetic joints. 
“I can’t let you do that.” Y/N’s head shook immediately, only increasing in speed as she spoke.
Genji chuckled again, kissing her on the forehead leaving her eyes wide and speechless.
“I-I…” She blushed, eyes darting to the floor.
Had anyone been looking into that situation, they would have assumed that the two had a thing for each other. Hanzo, who was in fact watching the entire display knew that she harboured no feelings for her brother, despite her supposed kindness. He knew it was all manipulation and that there was something about her, something that he could not quite put his finger on, but he wanted to know; he needed to know. Genji? Well, he wouldn’t exactly deny the fact that he thought she was cute. But neither Hanzo, nor Genji knew her well enough for either of them to harbour feelings. They had only known her for less than an hour after all. 
“Come on, let’s get matching ones.” Genji cheered, walking towards the lady who was serving customers to order three: one for Y/N, one for himself and one for Hanzo.
“Here you go!” Genji nodded when he returned, sticking one onto the blushing girls’ jacket, before calling over for Hanzo to give him his own.
“Here we go, now we’re all matching!” The words that were leaving Genji’s mouth were filled with excitement, almost making Hanzo and Y/N genuinely smile, but neither did. 
“Brother,” Hanzo spoke for the first time since meeting the girl, “should we not return? We are busy tomorrow.” 
Genji sighed before responding, “I suppose so. But we shall see you again, Y/N?” He asked, earning a nod for the questioned girl. 
“If you very so wish.” She winked at him, grinning slightly as she gently poked the sticker on his chest in a teasing manner at which Genji chuckled. “I’m staying at a nearby hotel, call me if you need me.” She finished, handing him a card with her number on which she always carried, giving them both a final wink before turning around to leave, both brothers eyes unmoving from her until she faded into the distance.
“You shouldn’t see her again.” Were Hanzo’s first words as the door slammed shut behind them.
“Why not?” Genji asked, curious as to why his brother was being extremely protective.
“She is manipulating you.” The elder stated bluntly, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Could you not see it?” 
“You seemed to like her enough,” Genji teased, referring to the blushing from his brother at the girl’s actions.
“Enough, Genji. I will not allow you to be manipulated like this.”
“No, Hanzo. I will not allow you to prevent me from becoming friends with somebody due to your paranoia.” Genji stated blankly as he turned to leave, “Goodnight, Hanzo.”
The door slammed shut.
That is all Y/N could hear when she left the bathroom, hair wet as droplets rolled down her bare body which was only covered by a beige towel.
“Hello?” Y/N asked, answering the call to an unknown number as she moved to seat herself on the hotel bed, beginning to dry off.
“Hey, it’s Genji.” The unknown person spoke, now identifying himself as one of the men she had met earlier today.
“Hey, Genji.” She smiled, a genuine smile, despite knowing that he could not see. She couldn’t believe that she was actually happy to know that he had called. 
“I know this might be a bit… cheeky.” He began awkwardly, to the point that she could feel his hesitance through the phone, “But, I don’t suppose I could stay with you tonight, could I? I had an argument with Hanzo, and I don’t want to be around him right now.” He admitted, nervously running his hand across the back of his neck, a habit that followed him into adulthood. 
“Sure! I’ll text you the details.”
“Thank you, see you soon.” 
Soon was extremely soon. In fact, that soon that Y/N was still in her towel by the time he arrived. The cyborg must have immense speed, she assumed as she opened the door.
“Hey, Y-Y/N…” Genji stuttered as the door swung open, revealing a wet-haired, towel wearing Y/N.
“Hey, Genji.” She answered with confidence, seemingly unfazed about answering the door to a male in simply a towel. “Come in. I’m just going to change.” The door swung open as Genji followed, doing his best to not watch her enter the bathroom. 
Y/N re-entered the main room of the hotel she was staying in, this time wearing a pair of shorts and a vest top as she seated herself on the double bed beside Genji, the two sitting in silence for a few moments, both mindlessly watching whatever show was now playing on the television opposite the bed.
“Genji?” Y/N sweet voice broke the silence causing Genji’s eyes to dart towards her own, looking deep into them.
“Yes, Y/N?” He asked her, head tilted slightly like a confused puppy.
“There’s only one bed.” She grinned cheekily, nodding towards the bed and the fact that, despite the expensive price of the hotel, there was no couch.
“I-I can just…” Genji trailed off, taking Y/N’s words as flirting, which they were.
“You can share with me, don’t worry.” She chuckled as she shot him a slight wink, still flirting despite having no attraction to Genji. In fact, if she were to be interested in either of the Shimada brothers, it would be Hanzo. He was the one she noted as attractive upon first meeting them.
“Are you sure?” Genji asked her, twiddling with his fingers in nervousness. “I don’t want to intrude…”
“You’re not don’t worry. I know we just met, but I trust you.” She smiled, being genuine with her words. 
She did know that Genji had no intention of hurting her. She was smart; that was why she was good at her job. She knew how to sweet talk people, read those around her and use what she reads to her advantage. This was what lead her to be one of the top spies global, being given tasks all around the globe. 
“Thank you.”
The night was calm, spent discussing random topics that the two thought of in their mind until the pair drifted off to sleep, bundled together in a platonic way, or as platonic as two people cuddling can be. Neither Genji nor Y/N had any intentions to do anything, they were simply just two friends spending the night together, sharing a bed because there is no couch.
Normal things like that.
However, Genji was wondering what he could say to Hanzo upon his return.
“Hi, Hanzo. I just spent the night sharing a bed with the girl you dislike. How are you?” Didn’t exactly seem a good choice in his mind. It wouldn’t sound good in anyone’s.
“Morning, Genji.” Y/N yawned, patting her messy hair flat as she sat up.
“Good morning, Y/N.” He chuckled, helping her adjust her hair. “How did you sleep?” 
“Are you really making small talk with me?” She teased, patting Genji on the shoulder as she climbed over him to get out of the bed. 
“I suppose I am.” He chuckled, completely oblivious to the fact that this entire situation would seem strange to anybody that looked at it.
He had just spent a night with a complete stranger. Both were sober and nothing happened. That is something out of the norm.
“Are you returning home today?” The girl asked him, preparing them both a cup of tea, not bothering to ask Genji if he wanted one.
She knew he did.
“I will be.” Genji sighed, nervous about how his brother will react. 
“It’ll be okay, Genji. Hanzo loves you.” Came Y/N’s voice, earning a simple nod from Genji. 
The two sat and drank their tea in light chatter, Y/N helping him plan what to say to Hanzo while he did his best to dig up more of her past, desperate to prove to Hanzo that she was no threat, but she revealed nothing. Nothing that could be used anyway.
It wasn’t long before Genji left, bidding Y/N and goodbye and thanking her for allowing him to stay the night, leaving her alone and left to gather her thoughts about what had happened.
She had gained Genji’s trust, the main part of the mission, but not Hanzo’s. She needed both the brothers, but she was genuinely enjoying Genji’s company. That can’t be good. She knew she shouldn’t allow herself to become attached to the people she is being paid to spy onto her, but there was something about the Shimada brothers. She wanted to protect them. 
The stars shone brightly in the sky as Y/N wandered around the streets, just as she had done the previous day. She was alone now, exploring for the sake of exploring. She wanted to know the area better, unaware of how long she could be staying so she assumed that it would be for the best.
Everywhere was closed, the streets quiet besides the occasional car passing by, headlights blinding her for a moment before they sped past, leaving her able to see again. The weather was clear today, the sky also clear, with no wind or rain meaning that it was simply a quiet and warm night. The spy was enjoying the work, happy to be in silence. Or at least she was, that was until she heard a commotion down an alleyway ahead of her. 
Now usually, she wouldn’t get involved in other people drama. She was going to stick to that until she heard Hanzo’s name mentioned.
“Hanzo Shimada.” A man spat the name as though it was venom, that was what caught her attention as she peeked around the corner. 
“I do not know what you wish from me, but I assure you this will not be dealt with lightly.” 
There stood Hanzo, backed against a wall while surrounded by a large group of me. Hanzo appeared unarmed, but so did the men, besides one. But, Y/N knew that she could easily take him down, having taken down far bigger targets in the past.
“Nobody will hear anything from a corpse.” Another man chuckled; his face covered by a mask much like the others.
Y/N knew she had to act fast if she wanted to save the Shimada, especially due to the fact that there was now a gun pointed towards him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Y/N’s calm voice came from the end of the alleyway as she slowly walked down it, eyes cast onto the ground, her whole demeanour threatening. She appeared calm, despite the gun now being aimed towards her.
“Why is that pretty lady?” The gun-wielding man asked her, smirking at her as if he had the upper hand by being armed.
He didn’t.
Y/N raised her hand, grasping his wrist tightly, applying an immense amount of pressure that gave his body no choice but to drop the weapon out of reflex. She quickly kicked the gun behind her, letting go of his wrist to reach into her pocket and whip out her own gun: an L9A1. She found it comical how quickly their faces dropped, their attention now directed primarily on her, not on Hanzo. However, Hanzo’s attention was also on her, extremely confused.
“Because I’m an assassin for a large worldwide clan that can have you and your little group killed and disposed of within minutes. I’m sure nobody would notice.” She gave them an innocent smile, eyes batting with such sweetness that you would be unable to tell the fact that she had just threatened to have them all murdered seconds ago.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t realise he was-“ They tried to defend themselves, only to be cut off by her once again.
“He’s under our protection.” 
The whole thing was a lie, but she was incredibly talented at lying that she had them all fooled, well all except one.
She watched as the group of men fled the scene, leaving the gun behind which Y/N gladly picked up, unloading it before tossing it to Hanzo.
“New weapon.” She winked, watching him blush once again.
“Thank you.” Hanzo’s voice broke the silence they had fallen into. “Seriously, I don’t think I would have made it out without you I came for a walk unarmed and was cornered.” 
“Don’t mention it.” Y/N shrugged casually, as though she had just helped someone with their homework, not just saved their life. 
“How can I repay you?” He asked her, assuming she wanted something in return.
“No need. Anyone under Genji’s protection is under mine too.” The words that left her mouth were filled with such genuine kindness that he found it almost impossible not to smile; he didn’t though, instead he simply nodded.
“Thank you.”
And that was the start of a friendship between Hanzo Shimada and Y/N Y/S/N. There are some things that you can’t experience without becoming friends and saving the other from being murdered by a gang is one of them.
By the end of that night, Y/N knew what had happened.
Despite having known them for less than two days, Y/N had become attached to the Shimada brothers and was no longer capable of completing the mission. Logically, she should hand it over to somebody else, but she didn’t wish to put them in danger. She knew that, in order to protect them, she would have to sacrifice her job and that was something she was willing to do. She had ruined many people’s lives, and she hoped that this would make up for it. 
The following weeks were spent with the Shimada brothers while passing on fake information to her contractor. Genji and her became fast friends, spending their time together playing games, one of Y/N’s few hobbies. She had also met Hana, another video game fanatic and the two got along well too. 
Hanzo? Well, he watched his brother and new friend interact on a daily basis, favouring to simply sit and enjoy their company with the occasional conversation instead of playing games. However, Y/N and Hanzo would spend time together, usually sharing general chat over a cup of their famous tea. The two would talk about anything and everything. They were slowly opening up to each other, however, Y/N was careful about what she would share, not wishing to expose herself as a spy, despite no longer doing what the contractor had asked of her. 
That leads me to where we are now, sat in Y/N’s hotel room, enjoying a cup of tea. The two were sat beside each other, cup of tea in hand as they enjoyed the company, both just sipping their tea, not wishing to disturb the silence. But there was something playing on Hanzo’s mind. 
“Y/N?” Hanzo’s voice came out unsure, he didn’t know whether she would mind him breaking the silence. 
“Yes, Hanzo?” Her eyes glanced up to Hanzo’s, such innocence filling them that he couldn’t prevent the blush covering his cheeks as he thought of… some things. 
He cleared his throat, along with his mind, “If you could, would you be interested in joining Overwatch?” He asked her, genuine curiosity in his question.
This caught her attention, knowing of his affiliation with the Overwatch group. 
“Well, yeah. I suppose I would. What they do is good, and I’d like to help the best I could.” She was careful with her response, doing her best to sound as nonchalant as possible, acting as though she thought it was just another random Hanzo question.
Hanzo himself gave a short nod before continuing to sip his tea.
The conversation lingered on Y/N’s mind for the next week. She wondered what he was gaining by asking her that question. Had he figured out her identity maybe? Or was it just a question? She was anxious to find out, but that day soon came. The day she received the invite to Overwatch. 
Her eyes were wide as she read the letter which stated she had been selected to join Overwatch. That was when she realised the reasoning for Hanzo’s question.
He had requested that she join.
Her eyes widened even more at this realisation, a blush covering her cheeks at the thought. She knew she had too. Not only would it look good to her contractor, but she would also be doing good for the world. 
“Y/N?” A knock came from her door followed by the voice that could only belong to Hanzo. 
She quickly rushed to the door, forgetting the blush on her cheeks as she swung it open.
“Was this you?” She asked him immediately, holding out the letter to him.
His eyes widened, assuming that she was angry. 
“I-I… Yes.” He stuttered, afraid that he had upset her and that she wouldn’t want to talk to her anymore. 
Instead of yelling at him or slapping him like he expected from her tone, she simply lifted herself up onto her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.
Hanzo’s body went rigid at the contact, cheeks lighting up red yet again, feeling as though his heart could escape his chest any moment. What seemed like forever was only a mere second before he realised, he should probably return the hug.
“Thank you, Hanzo.” Her voice came out gentle, her eyes filled with tears for some reason he didn’t know yet he felt his heart warm at her kind words, pupils involuntarily dilating as he pulled away to look at her.
“Why are you crying?” He asked softly, raising his hand to wipe away her tears with his thumb, both blushing at the contact. 
“Nobody has ever been this kind to me. Never believed in me.” She admitted.
And it was the truth. 
Y/N had been brought up as a spy; that was her destiny. She was brought up training every single day, for hours a day. No matter her potential, she was never believed in. She was just bunched up with everyone else.
Hanzo’s usually cold eyes softened, thumb continuing to wipe her tears.
He didn’t want to see her cry…
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I shouldn’t be showing this part of me.” She chuckled sadly, smiling slightly as Hanzo quickly shook his head.
“You don’t have to be afraid to show your emotions around me.” 
It was when she was in front of their commander that she realised her mistake.
She had let her guard down.
“So, you’re the spy?” Jack Morrison spoke, voice stable and monotone.
“Yes.” She admitted, not wishing to hide anything, she needs to protect them.
“Then why are you here? To infiltrate our base?” 
Overwatch had been informed of a spy looking to join them and Y/N had just arrived when they received the news. Only the commander knew about this, hence why he quickly accepted the girl that Hanzo had recommended. 
“No, sir.” She said quietly, looking up at him despite having her hands bound behind her back. “I want to protect the Shimada brothers. I was sent here to investigate them but now I wish to protect them.” 
Jack could see that she was telling the truth. He too was good at reading people.
“Why?” He asked simply, wanting to know her reasoning behind this.
“I like them.” Came her simple yet truthful response.
Jack nodded, “I see.” 
“You believe me.” Y/N could read him like a book, just like he could read her, “So let’s work together.” 
“I suppose that can be arranged.”
Y/N became quick friends with the entire Overwatch team.
She had already met Hana through Genji and their friendship remained. The three of them would often play games together, often spending the entire night together until they fell asleep in whoever’s room they were playing in that night.
Hanzo and Y/N however, their friendship was different. 
Everyone could see the look in their eyes, the way each of their gazes lingered on each other for a second too long and how they would often glance towards the other. Well, everyone but them that is. It was actually quite frustrating to those around them to see the two pining after each other, neither of them realising the others' feelings. 
It was another meeting in the Overwatch base, they were organising a new mission and each person was being given their job. 
Hanzo was assigned to be a sniper, and Y/N a spy.
She would be infiltrating the Talon base, and nobody, not even the commander, knew how long she would be gone.
Since she had joined the team, all her ties had been cut with whoever her contractor was, and she was under Overwatch’s protection. Sending her on this mission could essentially be a death wish for her if the contractor knew where she was, she knew this, the commander knew this, but she agreed anyway. She knew she had to do it; it was for the greater good, even if she died. 
“So, I guess this is it for now,” Genji said sadly, standing in front of Y/N as she prepared to go infiltrate Talon. 
She would be pretending to be a hostage who had insider information on Overwatch and their next mission. Of course, everything was false, but they wouldn’t know that. At least, not until it was too late. 
“I guess it is.” Y/N’s voice was as sad as Genji’s as the two shared one final hug. 
“Y/N,” Hanzo’s voice came as Genji left. 
He now stood in front of her, a small smile on his lips.
“Hanzo.” She smiled; both their pupils now dilated.
A sign of attraction.
“Be careful.” 
Those two words held so much meaning.
He didn’t want her to be hurt. 
No, he needed her to not be hurt.
But she knew this might not be the case. But she would not, could not, tell him this.
“You too, Hanzo.” She nodded, reaching up to pull him into a tight hug; once that neither wanted to let go. 
“See you around.” She smiled. 
“I hope you do.” 
“So, you have insider information on Overwatch?” Came Reapers deep voice, his mask staring directly at her, but she did not falter. 
“Yes, sir.” She said, just as she had said to Commander Morrison mere months ago. 
“What would that information be?” 
“I know about their next mission; a plan to attack your base.”
“Is that so, Y/N?”
Well, fuck.
Y/N knew that he knew her affiliation with Overwatch by that one word: her name.
She had given them a fake name, one that she had never been associated with, and he knew her real name.
“Yeah, I know who you are. In fact, I was the one who hired you and I don’t appreciate being ignored.” Before she knew it there was a knife at her throat, applying such a pressure that it slightly broke the skin. “Luckily for you, I took a liking to you. If I didn’t, you’d be dead right now.” He spat, pulling the knife away from her. 
“Is that so?” She smiled, looking up at him in a flirtatious manner, knowing she has to do this to survive.
He would surely kill her if she didn’t submit to him.
“Yes, it is. I admire your skills and think you would make an excellent addition to Talon. If you cut all ties with Overwatch which I am sure you will, especially when you take into account that we will kill those brothers you have been trying so desperately to protect.” 
“Yes, sir.” Came her quiet response.
She knew that, in order to protect them, she had to do what he asked. They wouldn’t ask her to spy on Overwatch, that would risk losing her. So, they had to have other plans for her, but she didn’t know what and she doesn’t like not knowing.
It had been a long few weeks for her, but Y/N had made it. 
She had passed her training flawlessly. However, nobody at Talon trusted her yet, but she was completely fine with that: it is not like she liked them anyway.
Each day she would be put through intense training, practicing everything from her shooting to her parkour, something she was already exceptionally good at from her years as a spy. But each day she would miss her friends more and more, especially Hanzo and Genji. 
The day was going by as normal as ever. Y/N currently practicing her aim with the infamous purple-skinned sniper, the two were stood in silence when the alarm sounded. 
The entire room shook at the loud noise, the power going out so the only light in the room being that of the red alarm screeching in the corner.
Within seconds, Widow had her gun drawn, grasping Y/N around the neck, gun to her head.
“Come with me.” Came her poisonous words as she dragged Y/N away. 
Talon had been preparing for this moment since Y/N’s arrival seven weeks ago. 
They knew that Overwatch would try and save her upon finding out that they knew who she was. In fact, Talon knew that they now knew who had ordered her ‘services’ and the leaders knew that they would come for her; that the Shimada’s would come for her. 
They would use her as bait and the brothers would fall into their trap.
“Where do you think she is?” Genji’s voice was hard to hear over the screaming alarm, but Hanzo heard it. 
“I have no idea.” He admitted sadly, bow in hand as they roamed the corridors of the Talon base, desperately looking for their dear friend. 
They had all been informed of Y/N’s reasoning for coming to Hanamura in the first place. But, at this point, all they wanted was their friend to be safe. No matter what she had done, they knew where her loyalties lie. 
With them.
The corridors were dark, walls black along with the floor making it hard to see, their only light being that of the siren that was deafening them with each beep. They were desperate to find Y/N and get out of there. There were twenty agents looking for her, Genji and Hanzo included who were the most desperate to find her. They were supposed to stay back at base, but they refused; they love her and wish to help her. 
It didn’t take long for them to find her. Actually, for Talon to find them.
“Ah, the Shimada’s, the true star of the show.”
Both brothers came to a halt, seeing their friend stood in front of them, Reaper behind her holding a gun to her head. 
No matter the liking he took to her, he had to do what was best for Talon.
“Let. Her. Go.” Hanzo spat, an arrow immediately placed into his bow.
Reaper simply chuckled at the man’s anger.
“Has unemotional Hanzo Shimada fallen in love with the spy that was sent to help us kill you?” Reaper taunted, enjoying the way Hanzo’s grip tightened, knuckles turning white. 
“I don’t care about her past. She’s my friend and she’s under our protection.” He said, using the very words that Y/N used the night that she saved him. 
“How sweet.” He continued to taunt, laughing manically as Hanzo’s face was fiery with anger, such intense emotion that nobody had ever seen on the archer. 
He must really love her, Genji thought. 
Neither the brothers nor Reaper had noticed the rest of the Overwatch agents behind them. They had heard the commotion over the comms and were quick to find them. 
“Let her go, Gabriel,” Jack said, catching the attention of the man that has his agent held hostage. 
“What if I just…” A bang then a scream, “Oops.” And with that Gabriel disappeared into thin air, completely dropping Y/N.
Hanzo was the first to run towards her, noticing the sticky blood that covered his hand as he picked her up, his eyes widening in panic.
“Get Angela!” He yelled, panic filling his body as Genji darted towards him, followed by the others.
“Y-Y/N!” Genji screamed, doing the best he could to apply pressure to the wound. “You’re going to be okay.” His hands shook as he spoke, hating the feel of the literal blood on his hands. 
Y/N chuckled, “I’m okay.” Her voice was hoarse, everyone could almost hear the pain she was in just from those two words. “Don’t worry about me.” Her eyes were closing.
“Hey. Hey! Don’t close your eyes.” Hanzo lowered her onto the ground to help Genji apply better pressure.
“Just… five minutes.” 
Her eyes shut.
Hanzo was pacing outside the medical bay, anxiety filling his body.
He wasn’t allowed to be in there while they helped her, saying that his constant questions would be distracting and overall, just unhelpful.
“Hanzo, relax. She’ll be fine.” Lena did her best to comfort him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder in a vain attempt to calm him.
It obviously did not work.
It felt like decades to everyone until Y/N was finally in a stable condition. 
They had managed to remove the bullet and stop the bleeding from the wound. 
Hanzo was the first in, being there the second they allowed him shortly followed by Genji. 
Hanzo sat beside the patient, hand in her own cold and pale one as he sat back in the uncomfortable chair he was provided; not that he cared about comfort at this precise moment in time. At the opposite side sit Genji, deep in thought as his hands lay beneath his chin. 
The two sat there for hours on end, neither moving. They refused to leave for too long in case she awoke, taken turns to use the restroom. Other Overwatch members brought them food, knowing that, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t eat. 
It wasn’t until it was nearing the night-time that Hanzo felt something, a pressure and it was coming from his hand. Eyes wide, he immediately shot up.
“Y/N?” He rushed out, desperate for her to reply.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were excited to see me.” Y/N croaked out jokingly, once again squeezing his hand. 
“Of course I’m glad to see you.” He whispered, thumb running across her hand much like he had done with her tears when she received the Overwatch invitation. 
“He isn’t joking. He didn’t stop pacing around outside until he was allowed in.” Genji’s joke followed Y/N’s own, making her chuckle despite her throat being dry.
“Have you got any water?” She asked quietly at which Hanzo immediately jumped up, grabbing a cup of water for her.
“Here,” Came his soft response as he helped her drink the water, worried that she might hurt herself by doing so herself. 
“Thank you,” Her voice sounded clearer now after drinking.
Hanzo gave her a small nod, heart racing as it fully sunk in that she was finally awake.
She’s safe.
“Do you remember what happened?” Genji asked her cautiously, doing his best to ignore the glare he was getting from Hanzo.
“Yeah, I remember everything.” 
“Let’s not talk about that.” Hanzo interrupted the two, for both Y/N and himself.
Neither of them wished to relive the situation.
“How do you feel?” Genji asked, changing the subject, but not too much.
“Like I slept for too long. My head hurts.” She smiled slightly, reaching up to rub her head.
“I’ll get Angela to bring you something for the pain.” Genji said, lifting himself onto his feet, “I’m glad you're awake.” 
“Me too.” She grinned.
Even after all this, she’s still herself, Hanzo smiled to himself, glad that she could finally be herself around him. No secrets, no lies. 
It was only once the door closed that Hanzo spoke two simple words, “I’m sorry.”
This left the former spy confused, “Why?” She asked him, facial expression saying everything. “It’s not your fault. In fact, it’s my own, Hanzo. I was the one who chose to go there; I put myself in that situation.”
“Don’t do that.” Hanzo scolded her like a mother would do to her child, “Don’t blame yourself.”
“Then, don’t you blame yourself either.” She whispered, raising her hand to cup Hanzo’s face to bring his face closer to his own, close enough that they could feel the other's breath on their lips.
“I love you, Hanzo.” She admitted, eyes darting down to the hospital bed she was currently seated in.
“I love you too, Y/N.” Hanzo smiled, moving his face to place a gentle kiss on her forehead, not wanting to risk putting her in pain by kissing her lips.
It had been a tough month, but Y/N was finally discharged from the med bay as long as she didn’t do any strenuous activity. Hanzo had been there every step of the way, as had Genji. The two Shimada’s were there through everything, especially Hanzo. He never left her side, even now.
His hand was holding her own as the two walked through the Overwatch base, heading towards the cafeteria to get food, or so Y/N thought. 
Hanzo, however, knew that there was going to be a welcome home party thrown by the others to make sure they knew that they didn’t mind her being a spy as well as congratulate her for getting through her treatment. 
As they entered the cafeteria, Y/N noticed the sign that read ‘Welcome back, Y/N!” in bright Y/F/C handwriting that she recognised as Hana’s.
“Welcome back, Y/N.” Lena grinned from behind a table which held a cake reading the same as the banner. 
“Awe guys,” Y/N smiled, blushing slightly, “you shouldn’t have.” She smiled gratefully; hand still enveloped in Hanzo’s who gave her a reassuring squeeze.
“And look at you two!” Hana cheered, being the first to notice the pairs' hands intertwined. “What a power couple.” She winked at the two, both blushing with Y/N blushing even more than before. 
Music began to play as people gathered around, sitting on a bench as they all cheered and began talking while Hana poured drinks for each of the agents who were all smiling happily, glad that Y/N was safe. 
After all the drinks were poured and everyone was seated, Hana raised her glass.
“To Y/N and Hanzo, the power couple!” She cheered.
“To Hanzo and Y/N!"
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marsisonline · 3 years
My latest fanfiction! It’s a short oneshot, but I love it’
rated; G
ship: McHanzo
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paindivinez · 5 years
“i don’t love you like i did yesterday” - Overwatch x Reader
Pairing: Male!Overwatch Character x Gender-Neutral!Reader
Warnings: Angst.
Summary: You can’t just stop loving someone.
Can you?
Notes: This fic can actually be counted as an original work as I don’t see it particularly being for any specific character, but i think it fits most with Soldier: 76, Gabriel Reyes, Genji, Hanzo, or McCree so just feel free to take it as whoever.
It had started with your voice.
Once a source of comfort and relief, now like screeching daggers to his ears. He supposed that particular one night after a mission gone wrong and you just talking so much (even though you meant to assure him of his innocence) lead to that.
He had just wanted to sleep.
Then it was how you touched him.
Once a place where he felt safe and loved in, your arms were now straitjackets of warmth, suffocating him in your body heat.
At the peak of your relationship, trailing your fingertips down his body made him melt into you, curling tighter around your body. But now he resisted your advances, gingerly taking your hands and placing them somewhere else.
He just didn’t feel like it tonight.
Then it was just… you.
You, with all of your quirky things that made him laugh. You, with your bright smile and quick wit that made him appreciate you. You, with your soft skin and understanding eyes that he adored. You, you, you.
Everything that made you you had made him love you, but somewhere along the line, his love changed.
Doubt crawled into his mind, poisoning his perception of you. A disease created to cause strife and discord, he no longer saw you as the person he fell in love with.
Everything you did caused him a headache now, every word like a buzzing annoyance, every action an eyesore, every decision a mistake.
You noticed, of course you did. You couldn’t outrightly forget the looks of distaste he sent you sometimes when he thought you weren’t looking. You couldn’t turn a blind eye to how he never responded to your texts and kisses anymore.
You couldn’t ignore the signs that pointed to him not loving you anymore.
But you kept quiet, because deep in your heart, you believed that he still loved you a tiny bit, if not as much as when he first dated you.
And you endured.
You endured all the stoic touches, all the one-word texts, all the awkward silences, all the robotic kisses, if you could even call them that.
Kisses were supposed to be love-filled, passionate acts of desire and mutual companionship, and he had kissed you like that before. But these “kisses” were more like placing his lips on your cheek.
But you carried on, until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You had broken a plate. It was a simple situation, nothing to cry over, just messy to clean up. You should’ve been more careful, but a lot was on your mind.
(A lot being him.)
You ended up cutting your foot on a shard of ceramic.
You winced and sat down, and it was at this exact moment that he walked into the hall, saw you on the kitchen floor examining your bleeding foot, silently looked away and carried on.
You felt tears starting to form, and immediately chided yourself for it. Weak, weak, weak. He didn’t even say anything!
But that was kind of the point, wasn’t it?
You dried your eyes and started to clean up, throwing away the broken plate and bandaging your injury.
Back then, he babied you, fussing over even the smallest of bruises, or the simplest of paper cuts. He treated you like a princess that deserved everything.
You missed that. You missed him.
Wetness ran down your cheeks. Great, you were crying again.
The more you thought about it, the more determined you got. This was the very last straw.
You steeled yourself and walked into the living room.
He was just sitting there, focussed on his holopad. If he noticed you come in, he didn’t show it.
A tense silence grew, but was quickly killed.
“Do you not love me anymore?”
Fuck. You meant for that to come out stronger. Now you just sounded pathetic to him, you were sure.
He stayed silent, and you felt your stomach flip.
“No, I don’t think so.”
He said this cooly, detachedly.
You were expecting it, yet it still hurt, worse than any other bullet wound you’d ever experienced in all your years of being an Overwatch agent.
“Okay.” You bit your lip as tears slipped down your face. You restrained yourself from sniffling.
On hearing your voice crack, he flinched. “I…”
“I don’t know,” He finished lamely, though he could probably list off all the things about you that made him tick; all the things that made him fall out of love with you.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” The despair you were feeling simmered, flickering and flaring, anger beginning to form. “Is there someone else?”
He stared at you, scoffing. “Please. You think I have the time to find someone else to cheat on you with? And do you really think so lowly of me that I’d do that to you?”
You raised your voice an octave higher. “I don’t know, you never talk to me anymore! You’ve changed! The man I fell in love with would never cheat, but I don’t know who you are at all.”
Your tone was more scathing than he’s ever heard in all the years that he’s known you. Staring blankly at the wall, he hears you sigh. Without even looking st you, he can picture you in his mind’s eye: wet-faced, chest heaving, red-eyed. All the characteristics of a broken-hearted, exhausted you.
You turn to leave, and he lets you. He sees the hurt in the sway of your footsteps, in how your muscles tense, in the red of your face.
And for the first time in a few weeks, months maybe - he feels for you. His chest aches, and he wishes he could turn back time. His mouth opens to croak out a “wait” -
But he finds that he can’t speak a word.
As you leave with the broken pieces of your heart clutched in your fingers, you unknowingly carry with you the shards of his, too.
find me on AO3!
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