#happy fatws day
eat-limes-bitches · 4 months
Love After War
PAIRING: Female Reader x FATWS! Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: The mind has a way of playing tricks on you, images you thought to be real are just a figment of your past. But how to get back to the present?
WARNINGS: Angst, nightmares, PTSD, panic attack, cannon-level violence, torture, smidgen of fluff at the end
Word Count: 1239
A/N: soooooo this was supposed to be the start of my Febuwhump challenge but with the way my life is going right now I won't be able to finish all the prompts by the end of the month, BUT I will post the ones I have done, and I will keep working on some prompts as well but don't expect them to be in order at all.
Prompt: Helpless
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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The first thing Bucky realized as he came to was how incredibly cold he was. A shiver wracked his body, causing him to try and pull the flimsy material covering him closer to his skin as water poured down on him. Wait- water? He looked to find the source and realized he was in a shower. The cold water turned red as it ran across his body from all the blood there. Was it his or someone else's? Bucky couldn’t tell. 
“SOLDAT.” A voice boomed from behind, causing him to flinch aggressively. He knew that voice, it was one of his handlers, and by the sound of the rapidly approaching footsteps, he wasn’t happy.
“Poydem s nami, soldat. Dok khochet tebya videt'” The voice growled and Bucky froze. 
His frazzled mind still trying to work out where he was and what was going on. His hesitance must have been seen as resistance because the next thing he knew, a rifle butt was flying towards him. 
Confused, Bucky blocked it with his arm, the clash of metal reverberated around the room causing more handlers to pour in, each one with a gun all pointing in the same direction. His pulse was starting to quicken, and every muscle in his body tensed. 
He was so focused on what was going on in front of him that he didn’t notice the guard coming up behind him with a stun baton. The guard struck, causing Bucky to fall to his knees as he hissed in pain, the electric shock causing his arm to fall limp at his side he clutched the useless appendage in his right hand as he looked on in terror as they all started moving in on him. Two of the guards grabbed him and began to drag him out of the room. He knew where they were taking him and as those rusted double doors came into view he began thrashing as wildly as he could to get away but it was no use.
They flung open the doors, his senses on hyperdrive as the blinding lights of the room burned his eyes. Noise. There was so much noise, nurses scrambling around, guards shouting, and doctors preparing for whatever horrible things they had planned for him that day. 
He tried to fight against them as they strapped him into the chair, but it was no use, he felt utterly helpless as they began tying him down. His metal arm, although useless, was cuffed in 4 different steel brackets to keep him from moving, the rest of his body bolted into place as the panels of the machine began to lower over his face and just as they were about to connect to his skin-
He sucked in a large breath bolting upright in bed and scrambling far away from where he was until he managed to situate himself in the corner of the room. His chest, slick with sweat heaved up and down as he tried to get oxygen to fill his lungs, but his heart was beating too fast for him to do anything but hyperventilate. There was a quiet sound from the other side of the room that made him realize he wasn’t alone, and he let out a whimper as their footsteps got closer, curling in on himself to appear as small as possible. 
“Bucky?” This voice was soft and full of concern, a complete contrast to the voice he heard just moments ago. This intrigued him slightly, but not enough to make him uncurl himself to see who was speaking to him. There was a sigh from the other person and the floorboards squeaked as they moved their entire weight to the floor, sitting on the ground near him.
“Bucky? It’s me, baby.” The voice cooed gently, and with the next breath he took, the familiar smell of cedar and lavender invaded his senses. He peaked his head out from behind his knees and saw Y/n sitting on the floor looking at him with concern coloring her features and sorrow clouding her eyes. She noticed the small movement and smiled gently as her eyes caught his.
“There he is. Hello, my love.” She whispered, a gentle smile decorating her face. Bucky blinked owlishly at her, still not realizing who he was looking at, but still Y/n smiled. 
Progress she thought before she started speaking again, “It’s just me, love. You are safe. We are in our bedroom, in our apartment, no one is going to hurt you.” 
This made him cock his head to the side before looking around the room. There was no one else besides the two of them. Instead of the gurneys, there was a dresser. Instead of blood-stained floors, there was a soft, grey plush carpet. Instead of that chair, there was a bed, and her. Bucky took a deep breath, finally able to fill his lungs and when he did, his body began to shake. He would shake violently for a moment before his muscles would give out and relax before contracting all over again. Y/n watched him carefully and scooted a little closer. 
“Can I sit next to you?” It was a simple question, and it might seem trivial to ask someone you were just sleeping next to if you could be in their space but it was important for Bucky to feel in control of his situation, if he was in control, he was no longer there.  Bucky looked at her and gave a small nod and Y/n moved to sit next to him, her back plastered against the wall. Although she wasn’t touching him, Bucky could feel the warmth radiation from her body, another piece of proof that he wasn’t in the basement of a bunker in the Siberian mountains. The pair sat in silence for a moment, Y/n watching Bucky, and Bucky staring straight ahead at the wall. Y/n shifted, causing Bucky's eyes to leave the spot on the wall and look at her. 
“Can I touch you?” She asked softly. Buckys hesitated for a moment, before nodding again. Y/n scootched closer to Bucky so that their bodies were pressed against each other and she reached over with a hand and ran her fingers through his shortened chestnut locks. That simple action seemed to bring new life back to Bucky and he began to uncurl, leaning into her touch. Y/n began humming a soft melody as she continued to massage Bucky’s scalp. His tremors became less and less until they were all but gone. 
After some more time passed, Bucky wasn’t sure how much, Y/n stopped and gently stood up, offering her hand to him. 
“‘C'mon love, let’s get back in bed. Your back isn’t going to thank you if I let you sleep in the corner.” 
Bucky placed his hand in hers and allowed her to lead him back to bed. Y/n folded back the covers in a more orderly fashion before sliding under the soft grey sheets, motioning for Bucky to do the same. He did so, snuggling back into Y/n’s side listening to her steady heartbeat, reassuring him that he was safe.  She began humming that soft melody again. Feeling warm and safe, his eyes grew heavy and he fell into a dreamless sleep. The last thing he remembered was the whisper of an “I love you,” in his ear.
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buckys-metal-arm · 29 days
Not Alone
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Bucky x GN!Reader
Description: Bucky is refusing to come to terms with everything that’s happened following the fight with Thanos, and you know that the walls he’s carefully built up around his emotions are going to come crashing down one day. So what happens when they finally do?
Warnings: Angstyyyyy, Bucky is SAD, takes place somewhere between that and FATWS but idk where, crying, hurt/comfort, I don’t know if it’s an inherently “happy” ending per say, but it's a comforting one I think, some mentions of bad mental health, NOT Endgame!Steve Friendly (just like me)
A/N: I am sorry for this
((18+ only below the cut please and thank you!!))
Bucky had been struggling, you knew it.
You’d been by his side for long enough to know when he was trapped in his own mind
But this was different
Usually, you could at least get him to tell you what was wrong
But ever since the fight with Thanos he’d avoided talking about what was wrong
You could hardly blame him, it had been a difficult last few months
In the fallout of his return from spending 5 years as a dust pile and the subsequent fight, you had held Bucky’s hand through Tony’s funeral, being placed in a holding cell by the US Government, his pardon hearing, moving back to Brooklyn, starting his court-mandated therapy, and trying to acclimate to the modern world, and fully come to terms with the pain and torture HYDRA had inflicted him for decades.
And then of course there had been Steve.
You knew Bucky was upset and hurt over his best friend leaving him, and everyone else he had grown close to, behind to be with Peggy.
And you could hardly blame him.
Suffice to say, Bucky had been through few months alone, and you knew it had been hard on him
But whenever you had tried to ask him about it he simply smiled and said “I’m fine, Doll. I’m okay.”
But you couldn’t help but notice that it didn’t reach his eyes.
He was trying so hard to be strong, to push down how he was feeling, but you saw the seams starting to unravel
All the pain he’d been feeling for months finally came to a head late one night
You two were doing dishes after dinner, you were washing and he was drying
Occasionally, Bucky would bump his hip against yours, making you smile and gently splash water at him, making him laugh
You and your boyfriend loved this, just enjoying each other’s presence with the two of you being giant dorks together
Everything was good, you two were having fun
Until Bucky went to dodge one of your splashes and lost his grip on the glass he was drying.
The glass shattered on the floor below, and he immediately went tense.
“Oh God, Bucky!” You grabbed his flesh hand gently, checking for injury, “are you okay?”
He didn’t reply, but looked down at you touching his hand
“I don’t see any injuries. You’re alright, Sweetheart. I’m gonna clean up the glass, okay?” You pressed a kiss to his stubbly cheek, but he didn’t look up.
Cleaning up the shattered glass went quickly, but when you finished you noticed Bucky was staring blankly at the floor where you’d cleaned, his blue eyes misty
“Bucky?” You cupped his face, but he still wouldn’t look at you, “Talk to me Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
“N-nothing,” his voice was soft, like he was trying his hardest to keep it from wavering, “I’m fine, Doll.”
“If you can look me in the eyes and say that, I’ll believe you.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” it was almost a chant as he slowly lifted his head, “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m–”
As soon as Bucky looked you in the face he burst into sobs, falling to his knees in front of you.
It tore a hole in your chest.
“Oh…” you knelt down in front of him, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close, cradling his head against your shoulder, “oh Baby, oh, Bucky…”
He buried his face in your neck as you rocked him from side to side, your fingers carding through his hair, “shhhh, it’s alright, let it out, Baby Boy, let it all out…”
“H-He was my best friend,” Bucky whimpered, “h-he was my best friend, and he…he j-just fucking left me here–!”
“Oh, Baby, I know,” you kissed his temple, “I know. I’m so sorry, Sweet Boy…”
You held him tighter as he dissolved into sobs again.It broke your heart.
You knew that this was good for him, that Bucky had been fighting this for so long
He needed the release, the catharsis, but that didn’t mean it didn’t fill your broken heart with anger.
Anger at Steve for leaving the man in your arms behind in a world he didn’t understand, at the Government agents that treated him like a criminal for things that he had been forced to do when he had no control over his mind and body, at anyone who had ever caused this kind, sweet, gentle, loving man harm and left him unable to feel his emotions properly until he reached his absolute breaking point
When Bucky calmed down again you suggested moving to the couch
“It’ll be a lot more comfortable than the floor, Baby,” you said, gently taking his hand in yours and leading him to the living room
Once you two were seated you wrapped him in your arms again, keeping him close and rocking him.
“Talk to me, Baby, please,” you cupped his face, thumbing away his tears, “tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”
“It’s… I wasn’t worth it.” Bucky said in a quiet, broken voice, “I told Steve I wasn’t, back when he… when we were on our way to Siberia. He tried to tell me that I was, and being with you, in Wakanda, when I was finally free I started to think that maybe he was right, maybe I was worth saving. That I was deserving of some kind of peace. But then Steve–”
His voice cracked, and you gave him a comforting hug.
“I just keep thinking that if I was really worth what you all went through for me then he– he wouldn’t have left me here alone."
Tears flowed freely again, and you hugged him tightly to you, pressing comforting kisses to his temple
“Shhhhh, Baby Boy, it’s alright,” you whispered, “it’s gonna be alright…”
Bucky shook his head and buried his face further into your neck
“I just… it makes it hard, y’know?” You nodded and kissed his forehead, he took a deep breath and added, “I’m scared. I keep thinking that one day I’m gonna wake up and you’re not gonna be there. T-that you’re gonna realize the same thing he did. That I’m not worth all of this.”
“Oh… Oh no, oh, Bucky…” You rubbed his back, pressing kisses to the top of his head, “oh, Honey…”
You cradled his head against your chest, running your fingers through his hair and hushing him, rocking him from side to side.
Once he’d calmed down slightly you took his face in both hands, stroking his stubbly cheeks.
“Baby? Can you look at me, please?” His sad blue eyes met yours, and you gently wiped the tears from them.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry Bucky. I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through, Baby. And I’m especially sorry that you were made to think like that.”
Bucky looked you in the eyes. No one had ever said that to him before.
“and speaking as someone who was involved in all of that trouble? You were absolutely worth it. Every minute of it. The two years Sam, Steve, and I spent looking for you, every fight, every bit of time spent on the run, every moment spent waiting for Shuri to okay letting you out of the ice in Wakanda. I would go through every second of it again if it meant that you got to be free, Sweet Boy. Even if you weren’t the man I love, even if you weren’t Steve’s best friend, even if you were just some guy I had no attachment to, I would fight just as hard if it meant you got to be safe and free from those monsters. Because you didn’t deserve HYDRA’s abuse, and you didn’t deserve to be punished for things you couldn’t control.”
He rested his hands over yours, and you pressed your forehead against yours
“I know it’s hard to trust anyone after what Steve did, I know. But I would never, ever leave you alone. I’m with you for the long haul, Sweetheart. You’ll always be worth it in my eyes."
His eyes searched your face, looking for any sign that it wasn’t true, and found nothing but genuine love and care. You gave him a soft sad smile.
“I’ll be here, right by your side, as long as you want me, Baby,” you kissed the tip of his nose, “you aren’t alone anymore, Buck. You’ll never be alone again.”
Bucky dissolved into tears in your arms again
“I-I’m sorry,” he cried over and over into your shoulder, embarrassed at his carrying on, “‘m sorry I keep cryin’...”
“Shhhhh….” you continued rocking him and rubbing his back, “you don’t have to apologize for expressing your emotions, Sweetheart. You’re allowed to feel bad. You’re allowed to let it out. I’ll be here for you.”
You held Bucky until he calmed down, and he let you lead him into the bathroom to clean his face with a cool cloth, not wanting the salt from his tears to irritate his skin, and showering him with affection and love.
When you two finally laid down to sleep that night you held the man you loved as close as humanly possible, pressing little kisses to his hairline and rubbing his back
Bucky nestled into your chest, listening to your heartbeat and relishing the feeling of skin-to-skin contact
“Get some sleep, Baby Boy,” you whispered, “I’ll always be here when you wake up. I love you so much, my Darling.”
Bucky looked up at you, a small but genuine smile on his face.
The first you had seen in the months since Thanos
“I love you too.” he kissed your lips, “goodnight, Doll.”
As Bucky drifted off in your arms, he felt better.
Better than he had in months.
He wasn’t cured, he knew that.
The demons of his past still haunted him, still clawed at the edges of his mind and whispered that he wasn’t worth the pain
But knowing that he wasn’t alone, that you would stay by him and support him through even his darkest days?
That you wouldn’t leave no matter what?
Maybe he could finally start to heal
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brooke0297 · 2 years
A Chance At Happily Ever After (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Post-Endgame; Pre FATWS)
Summary: Bucky believes tonight was a mistake. That he doesn't deserve the happy ending his best friend left him to find. But midnight musings lead him to a life changing conclusion.
Warnings: Allusions to Smut; Bucky being self-deprecating.
Author's Note: This started as a 3am idea and I'm pretty proud of how it's turned out. Reader uses She/Her pronouns.
Bucky swears she can hear his heart thumping in his chest.
He lays amongst the rumpled bed sheets, feeling the sweat cooling on his fevered skin, gazing wide eyed at his ceiling. The window is open and the city sounds bleed into background noise. Born and bred Brooklyn, it soothes him. But does nothing to stop the wild beating of his heart under his ribs.
He can feel the heat from her body radiating beside him and his eyes slide to take in the full expanse of her back. Smooth skin illuminated by the moonlight from his window, the outline of her spine running down the center. If he were younger, from the before time, he might have reached out to trace the lines of her. Maybe allowed himself to curl into her and fold her into his warmth…
A jolt of something that he can’t unravel settles in his stomach and he tries again to calm himself.
This wasn’t supposed to happen, he thinks to himself. Damn you, Steve.
It had been his secret mantra for months now. He thinks back to watching his best friend disappear from that platform of Stark’s, knowing in his bones that Steve was going to get his happily ever after. He remembers turning away as Sam began to panic, commanding Banner to bring him back. He remembers her running to Sam, begging him to explain what had happened. The two of them approached the man on the bench while he hung back, trying to pretend the emptiness in his stomach was normal. He remembers her tears as she walked past him. She was always trying to appear tough and unbothered. 
He knew what a broken heart looked like. He’d seen it in the mirror.
It had taken a couple weeks after Steve left for him to finally unravel the pieces: a friendship borne in the days after the Chitauri invasion, her support during Steve’s search for him, the accords. She had confessed to Sam one night that there had been something there. Before she’d turned to dust with the rest of them, Steve had promised her the moon.
She shifted slightly, curling into herself. Bucky tensed as she let out a small, contented sigh and went still again.
So how could he have let this happen?
He had relied on her in the past few weeks and their friendship had gotten stronger. Sam had returned to New Orleans and they had remained in New York. Bucky had a sneaking suspicion that she had remained to keep an eye on him in some latent promise to the one who’d left them both, but he’d shoved those feelings down deep and tried not to think about them too hard during her mandatory movie nights.
Tonight was a stupid moment of selfishness. She had a habit of checking up on him before the end of the day. She had rented the apartment two doors down from him and would often take a detour to his door before turning in. This time, she’d caught him delirious from a mid afternoon nightmare that he hadn’t been able to avoid. He was just so damn tired and he only wanted to rest his eyes for a minute…
He hadn’t had to ask. She had gently taken his arm to steer him back to the couch, turning on a mindless sitcom for background murmur, and began the process of steeping some tea. He watched her practiced movements in his sparse kitchen and felt something warm perch in his chest at the thought that she was right at home in his space. The mug warmed both hands–clammy flesh and icy metal alike–and he listened as she began to tell him a funny story about something that had happened to her at work that day.
Once the tea was gone and his tremors had ceased, she had paused and gazed at him with worried eyes.
“Have you told your therapist?” she’d asked quietly. He’d shaken his head. He wasn’t ready to discuss the nightmare yet. It was bad enough having to recount the exploits he remembered from his soldier days.
“I’m sorry,” she had said, eyes downcast.
“For what?”
“For…I don’t know. Not being here when you needed me? For all of the bullshit those bastards put you through? It kills me, knowing that they hurt you so deeply.” She grasped his metal hand–he tried to hide the immediate recoil, but even with the new appendage he still worried about her fragile hand in such a powerful extremity.
“It’s not your fault,” he said.
“It still hurts to know they caused you so much pain, Bucky. I wish I could tear them limb from limb for what they did.”
Something else he had realized in the time he’d known her: she was a lioness when it came to those she cared about. The thought of her going in any proximity to Pierce or Karpov, however, made his anxiety spike and his breath wooshed out of him harshly.
“I would die before I let them near you,” he’d growled. When he realized what he’d said, he’d reluctantly turned his gaze to hers and found her looking back at him with such tender fondness that it had made his chest tighten in a pleasant way.
“I know, Bucky. Because you are so good. You will always be better than what they tried to make you. You choose everyday to be good despite the hand you were dealt. You deserve happiness and a content life of your own and I will always work to give you that in whatever way I can.”
He hadn’t planned it. He didn’t even know if he was aware of what his body was doing. But something inside him had snapped into place. As she stood to take his cup to the kitchen, he found himself gently tugging her back to him to cradle her neck in his flesh hand. With his other, he brushed her hair away from her face and pressed his lips hungrily to hers.
It had been too long since he was this close to someone, let alone a beautiful woman. He could smell her shampoo and the faint perfume of her body wash overwhelmed his senses. He could feel her warmth through her sweater and her lips were soft and pliant against his. She was surprised and Bucky steeled himself for when she would pull away and slap him for getting fresh with her before disappearing from his life.
Instead she threw herself into his arms and kissed him back fervently. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer, emitting a soft moan that caused his tight control to slip.
There was a war within him. One half of him wanted to set her on his couch, rip their clothes off, and have his way with her. The other half was disgusted and raised the issue that he hadn’t even taken her to dinner first. That he was a monster who had killed people with his bare hands. He was dangerous and she could get hurt.
This isn’t right. We should stop. I need to stop.
When her nails scratched lightly against his neck, he was nearly undone. She dragged her mouth from his and began placing hot, open mouth kisses along his jawline. His eyes shut tight against the feeling of her lips trailing towards his ear and his arms moved as if to push her away. 
“Don’t stop…” she whispered to him.
The rational voice was still screaming at him to let go and get as far away from her as possible. Instead, he hiked her into his arms as if she weighed nothing, and carried her into his nearly unused bedroom.
Now, laying in the aftermath of his loss of control, he felt a twinge of regret. He shouldn’t have allowed himself to go that far with her. He wasn’t thinking clearly and allowed his body to guide his decisions. He hadn’t been rough with her, but it hadn’t been gentle. He’d used her as an excuse to feel wanted again. He’d allowed himself to sink into her warmth and light and forget that he was a monster who didn’t deserve her.
He began to calculate a plan. He could easily slip out of bed, find a 24 hour diner somewhere, and wait it out. The aftermath might be minimal: she could be so embarrassed of him that she would never speak to him again. He tried to ignore the hollow feeling in his chest at that thought. He could go sleep on his couch and use the warmth of the room as an excuse. But she knew he hated the cold from years of cryosleep. And he worried she would be drawn to the sound of his nightmares. 
The air outside had moved from comfortably chilly to verging on cold. Bucky began to gently shift out of his bed to pick up his discarded boxers, his brain continuing to run through variables.
In that moment, she shifted and rolled onto her other side to face him. He froze, holding his breath. He began to panic, thinking she was about to wake up and catch him running away from her. He’d wanted to avoid all this. Stupid idiot. This is what happens when you think for a moment that you could be happy.
Instead, she unconsciously moved in closer and intertwined their legs. Her hand rested above his heart and her head nestled into his shoulder. He could feel her breath fan across his skin and he erupted into pleasant goosebumps. He watched as she sighed serenely for a second time that night and smiled into his neck.
The warmth that spread through his body was different from the lust that had consumed him only hours previously. The anxiety that had tensed his muscles relaxed and the weight disappeared. Every nerve ending that had been in fight or flight relaxed into a comforting buzz beneath his skin. His heart finally–finally–quieted to a soft thrumming under her hand. He felt drunk. He felt refreshed.
He felt happy.
This was it. This was what had eluded him for so long. All of his worries about Steve and hurting her and being vulnerable? They were irrelevant.
This girl–the human equivalent to sunshine–had sought him out for warmth and safety. For companionship and comfort. She’d pulled him into her orbit and he didn’t want to let it go. 
She wasn’t afraid of him or what he could do. She had chosen him. She had wanted him.
Bucky felt his world come into sharp focus. He tentatively wrapped his flesh arm around her back and pulled her slightly closer. She nuzzled closer still. He gently took his Vibranium hand, shaking slightly, and placed it over hers on his chest. When she didn’t pull away, he gently intertwined their fingers.
“You deserve happiness and a content life of your own.”
Her words echoed in his head. There was a large part of him that hadn’t believed them at first. But now, with her in his arms in his bed, he realized that she may have been right. Steve had been right.
Steve had gone for his happily ever after. Maybe it hadn’t been the best decision for Bucky. Or perhaps it had opened up a life Bucky couldn’t possibly have dreamed of himself.
He realized that he had wanted this all along. The intimacy, the comfort of someone seeing the worst parts of him and still choosing him. He wanted a happily ever after. 
He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep until the early morning sun shone through his windows. His limbs felt lethargic and he realized he hadn’t tossed and turned like he usually did. He had slept the whole night without a nightmare.
Her morning voice was low and raspy, thick with sleep. He looked down to see her blinking up at him. He waited until her eyes had focused on the lines of his face and she gave him a warm smile.
“Good morning,” she murmured.
With a swoop in his stomach, he leaned over and pressed her firmly back into the mattress. His hands braced on either side of her head and he bent down to catch her surprised mouth in a sensual kiss. She responded immediately, wrapping herself in his arms and pulling him closer. He pulled away as she gasped quietly and he felt the biggest smile break across his face.
“Hey, Doll.”
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought!
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rissa067 · 7 months
dating bucky barnes would include...
pairing: fatws!bucky barnes x fem!reader
word count: 0.2k+
synopsis: little thoughts of what dating james barnes would be like
an: i wrote this in 2021 when i was still in high school and it is currently about to be 2024 in six weeks so i have no idea why i'm posting this but here i am
you’re his anchor
he turns into a soft, cuddly teddy bear when you’re around
at first he’s worried you wouldn’t love him because of his past, but he realized just how much you love him when you were there for him through every nightmare and hard time
he love love loves when you play with, style, and braid his hair (and usually falls asleep while doing so)
when the team first met you they immediately loved you and how much Bucky was himself because of you and were so happy that he finally got his happiness
saying “I love you” to each other randomly and multiple times a day is a must at this point
you have playlists made with all kinds of music to dance to (most songs are from his time, and yes, he does teach you how to dance)
sometimes you two just have quiet days in bed with the only words spoken being soft admissions and reassurances of love
when you two get alpine it’s a constant battle between you and the little furball for his attention
you help him learn to love himself
he didn’t propose conventionally. he gave you his dog tags with an engagement ring on them one day while you two were at home together (you wear the chain with immense pride and he swears that his heart could burst every day)
Sam loves you and treats you just like Sarah
he smiles the most when he’s around you
during times where you both are off from a mission you two love to act like the average couple and go out on cute dates
he’s completely open with you and trusts you with absolutely everything
he likes when you read to him, especially when it’s a book that you both love
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geeky-politics-46 · 11 months
Sacrifices - Part 3
Click here to read Sacrifices - Part 1 & Part 2
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You & Stephen finally get some alone time together, & you all start to settle in your new life together until Steve has something important to tell you.
Warnings: lots of smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - language, mild angst, reference to injuries, complicated feelings about cheating, dirty talk, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex, fingering
Some slight canon divergence. Based on a request from @magnificentfurybluebird. The next part will cover the events of WandaVision & FATWS.
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You could tell Vincent was having second thoughts about the overnight when you got back to where Wong and Stephen were waiting. It had been a long, stressful day for all of you. You were nearly ready to say forget the whole thing until you saw the way Stephen was eyeing you, and you realized just how much you really did need your alone time with him. 
"Alright baby, be good for Uncle Wong. You know you can call at any time if you need me. We will see you in the morning after breakfast. Love you, sweetie. Have fun." 
You gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Sending him to go over and get a hug and kiss from Stephen too. Wong took his little hand and seeing the pout on his face whispered loud enough for you and Stephen to hear.
"Trust me it will be more fun at Kamar-Taj. You don't want to be here when they get all mushy. I've seen it. It's gross. Besides, we've got candy." 
That made Vincent giggle, and he happily walked through the portal into the courtyard of Kamar-Taj, the moon already sitting high in the dark night sky dotted with stars. Your little boy did not even stop to wave as he headed off. 
Stephen walked up behind and wrapped his arms around your waist. His suit jacket and tie had been shed while you were getting Vincent ready to go. He ducked down so his face was nuzzling into your neck. Already leaving kisses on your sensitive skin. His fingertips digging into and kneading the flesh of your hips and belly. 
You let your head drop back onto his shoulder and closed your eyes. Focusing on the smell of Stephen's cologne.
"So I'm thinking we share a nice long soak in the tub with a bottle of wine, then we break in those brand new sheets on our bed. We can spend the whole night making that bedroom ours again. If I remember correctly, the couch and the dresser also have some fond memories we can recreate."
A soft sigh falling at the ideas. Honestly, as much as you wanted Stephen, a long hot bath sounded incredible on its own. All it took was a nod and a little moan to communicate how perfect that sounded. 
When you opened your eyes, you found yourself already standing in the master bathroom. Staring back into Stephen's mischievous blue eyes through the mirror. Letting him undress you before telling you to run the bath while he went to get the wine. 
By the time he got back with the bottle and two glasses, you had already climbed into the warm water. Already starting to feel much more relaxed as you sipped your wine and watched your husband undress. 
"Enjoying the show?" 
You hadn't looked away for a single second while Stephen removed the rest of his clothes. Studying each new expanse of bare flesh that came into view. Until now, you had only gotten glimpses of him as he changed. So far, your son had been clinging to one or both of you, preventing you from really enjoying having Stephen back romantically. Now you were getting to see every square inch.
"Very much so. Forgot how much of a fine specimen of man you are, Doctor. I'm a very lucky woman to call you mine."
You snuggled back into his chest once he had joined you in the tub and reflected on the day. It had been long and full of sadness, but you also felt weirdly hopeful at the future that lay before you. Pepper and Morgan were holding up okay, and you were looking forward to rekindling your friendship with Pepper. Honestly, Happy seemed to be the one who had the hardest time during the service. 
You were also glad that Stephen had a chance to clear the air with Steve. You weren't expecting them to go out for a beer together anytime in the near future, but their conversation could have gone much worse. You knew Steve would be a gentleman, and you knew that he always knew your heart still belonged to your husband, but Stephen didn't like to share his toys. Stephen was the one you had been worried about flying off the handle.
"You know I dreamt of you almost every single night during those 5 years?"
He unwrapped his arms from around you momentarily and grabbed a bottle of body wash. Pouring some in his hand before working to spread it down your arms and chest. After a moment, he responded very matter of factly. 
"Those weren't dreams darling, most of them anyway. It was me trying to communicate with you. When Thanos snapped, we didn't just disappear. We were somewhere else. In another dimension, or at least our souls and minds were. Most people don't seem to remember it. For them, it felt like they were gone for mere seconds. Even Wanda and some of the other sorcerers I've spoken to since only have slightly more memory of that place, of how long we were actually there. I could feel time passing. That's when I started trying to reach out to you. In particular, after I realized you would have already had our son. I wanted so badly to be with you. I figured out before long that because of Vincent, our souls were still connected. So I called out to you whenever I could. When you were asleep, you almost always heard me. I wouldn't be surprised if you asked Clint, and he said he had similar dreams about his family. They just probably don't remember calling out to him. So everyone else will write them off as just dreams, but they weren't. They were real. I was one of the few who could manipulate my surroundings, though, so I always tried to make it look like somewhere else. Somewhere, we could talk about happier things. I didn't like seeing you sad." 
You weren't even surprised by a good chunk of what you heard anymore. This was one of those times. In reality, you had always hoped that somehow your dreams were Stephen trying to contact you. To find a way to be with you. During the blip, you tried to keep yourself from believing it, even if you knew it might be possible. If you let yourself believe it, then you knew you never would have even tried to move on. Not that you got very far.
"What about the dreams I had where you had a ponytail? Or there were a couple where you had no goatee, and your cloak was the most beautiful shade of blue. It matched your eyes so well. Not that you don't look amazing in the red cloak, and everything really." 
He smiled and even giggled, nearly choking on the sip of wine he had taken when you mentioned him with a ponytail. Of all his questionable life and style choices, he was pleased to say that was never one he had ever considered. 
"Those were just dreams. If I ever decide to grow a ponytail, I think it's safe to assume I'm having some sort of mid-life crisis. You and Wong are free to set up some sort of intervention."
You took some of the body wash in your hand and pulled one of Stephen's hands into yours. Massaging the joints and tracing over his scars. Leaving a kiss on each knuckle. Sometimes, after a long day, you knew his hands got a little stiff and achy. He also definitely wasn't as used to carting around your son as you were. 
"How are your hands feeling? You were holding Vincent a lot today." 
He flexed and contracted his fingers into a fist a few times. The warm water of the bath had taken care of most of the discomfort he had been feeling. In all honesty, his hands hurt to at least some extent on most days, but there were some things that always made them feel better. Having his hands on you was one of them.
"Why don't I show you how my hands are feeling?" 
Stephen let his fingers fall from your caressing touch and sink under the water. One hand drew small shapes and patterns on the skin of your low belly. The other hand kept moving down to your thigh, his long fingers dipping down to the inside of your leg stroking the skin there. His touch imploring you to spread your legs for him. Which you happily obliged. 
He whispered 'good girl' into your ear when he felt your legs move without him prompting. A little high-pitched moan fell from your lips at his praise. You had always loved it when Stephen called you his good girl, and he loved how you always preened at his praise. The smallest compliment from him whispered in your ear, turning you to putty in his hands.
When his fingertips began caressing the crease of your hip but not going any further before moving across your pubic mound to repeat the action on the other side, you were whimpering for him to do more. When he pulled his hand up and let his fingers rest on your pubic bone, a dark chuckle came from deep in his chest when your hips started to roll on their own. Trying to push his hand between your legs.
Your nails dug into his muscular thighs as each second felt like an hour. In all of the time he had been gone, you had never wanted or needed your husband's touch as much as you did right then. 
"Stephen, please. Do you have to tease me tonight? I can feel how hard you are and how bad you want me. I want you even more. Please touch me, Stephen. I need you. I've needed you for so long." 
His own self-restraint nearly failed at your begging. Especially when you mentioned you could feel him. He had been trying to behave, but clearly, you knew where his brain had been since he got you naked. Before he took you to bed, he wanted to hear you make all the little noises he had missed. 
"Did you ever think about this while I was gone? About my hands on you? Pretend your own fingers were mine? I bet you thought about it in the tub, just like we are right now. I know how relaxed the warm water makes you. Did you touch yourself and think of me?" 
All you could do was whimper and nod as you relaxed farther into his chest. You had thought about it many, many times while Stephen was gone. The only person you ever fantasized about for nearly the entire five years was your husband. No one else could even turn your head for the longest time.
He was pleased with how quickly you began to nod. Keeping the heel of his hand pressed on your pubic bone, he let his fingers start to move down and tease at your sex. Using his middle and ring fingers to stroke your outer lips up and down. Avoiding touching your clit completely. He could feel your skin was now getting warmer than the water around you. He wanted you nice and wound up as he intended on spending all night working on you.
"Did you tease yourself like I am right now? Or were you so needy you went right for that pretty clit and that tight little hole? You get so wet so fast when you're all horny baby. Bet you are already dripping." 
He moved his middle finger to stroke up your slit. Letting it dip into your warm channel to feel just how slick you were for him. He was not disappointed by what he felt. Your warm sticky fluids easily coated his fingertip. Part of him wished you weren't in the tub so he could get a good taste of you without the potential of it being watered down. The thought of your taste on his tongue again made his mouth water. He made a mental note to wake you up in the morning with his tongue. 
God, he had missed touching you. Feeling you. Not just like this, but definitely like this. Like only he knew how. Call it being pompous, but he knew that the Captain could never elicit the same responses from you that he did. The super soldier could never know your body the way he did. He hated the thought of another man pleasuring you, but he relished the thought that you still found yourself fantasizing about him when you touched yourself. 
Stephen slowly let his middle finger start to draw lazy circles around your clit. Still avoiding direct pressure but massaging you enough that the deeper nerves around it were being stimulated. Making it so when he finally did stroke the engorged bundle of nerves you would be on the verge of shattering from a single touch. Occasionally letting his finger dip back down to probe inside you. Never more than a couple thrusts. Just enough to get you going. Pulling out when he felt you starting to clench around him.
His other hand moved up to paw at your breasts. Gently tugging at one nipple then the other. Feeling them pebble against the cool air in contrast to the warmth of the water and Stephen's touch. At this point, you were trying to turn around in his arms to face him. Patience was never your strong suit, and right now, he could tell you were itching to get him into bed under the covers so you could enjoy him as much as he was enjoying you.
"I'm not letting you out of this tub until you cum for me. Do you understand? I can tell you want to take this to the bedroom, to have me fuck you and make love to you, but I have five years of missed orgasms to make up for. So you are gonna be good and let me play with you just a little bit longer."
Your body went slack against his as you whispered a soft "Yes, sir" into the side of his neck. Surrendering to him completely. You had missed his dominant side in bed. That was one area where Steve had been very much a novice, leaving you in charge more often than not. You craved the feeling of being told what to do. 
Yes, you were craving soft, sweet sex with your husband too, but right now, the animal part of your brain was in charge, and that part of you wanted to be manhandled. In order to be good, you braced your hands on the edge of the tub. Your fingers quickly showed just how tight you were gripping the porcelain, and in turn just how close Stephen had you to cumming.
Your moans and whimpers getting louder with each passing second. Music to Stephen's ears. After a few more minutes of toying with you. Feeling your wetness grow until you were dripping even beneath the water of the bathtub. He devoted his attention to your clit. 
His thumb stroking the bundle of nerves as he buried his long index and middle finger deep inside you. Curling them upward when he felt your cunt start convulsing and squeezing him tight. He couldn't wait to feel the same thing around his cock again. Smiling at the beautiful sight of your back arched and your breasts breaching up through the water of the tub as you climaxed. 
After letting you rest for a moment, your breath finally coming back to you as Stephen nuzzled into your neck and held you in his arms, he reached over to grab one of the large fluffy towels he had set nearby. The water in the tub now tepid, and your skin was starting to get goosebumps from the cool air. 
You reached to pull the drain plug and slowly started to stand on somewhat wobbly legs. Stephen stood up with you. Holding onto you as you stepped onto the cold tile bathroom floor and making sure you didn't fall. He started to dry both of you with a large soft towel. Alternating back and forth between your two bodies, making sure to dry your hair as well. Placing kisses on your bare skin and silently holding you as he dried you. 
Once you were both mostly dry, he threw the towel to the side and scooped you into his arms. Your bare bodies effectively kept each other warm as he carried you to your shared bed. Just as he had on your wedding night. The bedspread and top sheet were already magically pulled back. Something Stephen no doubt did while you were still in a post-orgasm fog.
He laid you down softly on the gigantic bed and quickly joined you. Pulling the covers up over your waists to keep you warm while you took your time with foreplay, even though both of you were already excited enough, you both wanted to make this an event. You wanted this night to make up for everything you two had missed together, or at the very least, get a good headstart on it, so that meant no rushing whatsoever. 
So you let yourselves lay there in each other's arms, kissing and caressing every inch of each other's flesh except where you both craved it most. Holding out until you couldn't stand it any longer. 
"Stephen, please, make love to me. I need to feel you inside of me so badly. I can't wait any longer."
Stephen carefully rolled you onto your back and smiled down at you adoringly. His body already slotted perfectly between your legs. The feeling of his hard cock against your dripping cunt making your hips thrust gently against him. Aching for any friction you could get against your throbbing clit. 
Your actions pulled a low growl from his throat as he leaned down to nip at your pouting bottom lip. He knew this first round probably wouldn't last terribly long. He was so desperate to finally feel you again after all that time. The fact that you were so desperate for him to guarantee he wouldn't be able to control himself for long.
He let the tip of his cock gently start to prod at your hole. You cunt fluttering in response to his teasing.
"Does that feel good, baby? Do you want more? Do you know how hard it's been these last few days, with your perfect body so close and we couldn't do anything? All I could think about was this perfect little pussy. Not sure my cock has ever been this hard baby. All for my beautiful wife. Even more beautiful now than the last time we were right here in this bed together."
He leaned down to kiss you once more before letting his forehead rest on yours as he finally pushed inside you. Your nails clawing into his back at feeling of finally being filled by him again. The thought of finally having your husband inside you again after losing him for five years bringing tears to your eyes. 
Stephen stopped in place, completely sheathed inside of you when he saw the tear trickle down your cheek. He wanted to make sure he wasn't hurting you in any way and that nothing was wrong. He shushed you gently as he wiped the tear away with his thumb. Leaving a kiss on the dampened skin, it left behind.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? We can stop if we need to. We don't have to…" 
You cut him off with a firm kiss and a warm, bright smile. Reassuring him that you did want to keep going and that your tears were actually of joy.
"Stephen, of course, I want to keep going. Don't you dare stop. It's just that for the first time in five years, I feel whole again. Right here, right now. I have my missing piece back where it belongs. Now please start moving, baby, and don't be gentle. I want to really feel you." 
Your lips crashed together as he obeyed your command. Pulling nearly completely out of you before slamming his hips forward again. The headboard knocked into the wall with the force. Keeping a slow pace but making sure each time he thrust into you was hard and deep. Exactly how you wanted it. 
Stephen buried his head in the crook of your neck as he fucked you. One of your hands was buried in his thick dark hair as the other clung to his shoulder. The speed of his thrusts increasing as you whispered all the filthy thoughts you had kept inside for so long. Dreaming of this moment.
"Never stopped thinking of you. Of how good you fuck me, Stephen. Of how perfect your cock feels. Of how it feels when you cum inside me. I craved to be full of your cum again. I swear I'm never going more than a day without your cock again." 
You could feel him frantically nod against your skin in between bites and kisses. You knew you might have a hickey or two to hide tomorrow, but you couldn't have cared less. A deep moan pulled from your chest as Stephen found just the right angle inside you. Your legs moved to wrap around him, and you started grinding against him. 
"Oh fuck, Stephen, faster please. You're gonna make me cum. Cum with me baby. Fill me up. Please cum in me, Stephen."
Your words sent Stephen careening over the edge into his own climax. Feeling your cunt milk his cock he swore he would hold to your promise. Even after both of you had come down from your orgasms, you stayed exactly as you were. Neither of you wanted to pull apart until you absolutely had to. 
Not that there was much point in separating anyway. You both knew that this was just the first round of several that night, and many back in your own bed with the man you loved. The man you waited for and would always want. Your Stephen. Your husband. 
You didn't know how much sleep you and Stephen managed to get in between your amorous romps, but it wasn't much. Neither of you cared, though. You were both plenty happy to spend the next day a bit tired. There was five years of fucking and love making to make up for.
The sing-song of the birds outside the bedroom window was what woke both of you. It was much nicer than your normal wake-up call of a blaring alarm or a hungry hyper child. You let yourself bask in the relaxed environment for a little bit longer. Relishing the feel of waking up in your husband's arms in your shared bed again. A bed you hadn't slept in for so long. Knowing soon that Wong would be bringing Vincent back.
Your husband had a different idea, though. Stephen's hands quickly found your body, and his lips found your neck, like you were connected by magnets. He was no less voracious than he had been the entire night before.
"Stephen, we don't have long before Vincent gets back. Don't you wanna sleep in a little longer?" 
You already knew the answer as you could already feel his cock hard against your ass. His hips grinding forward gently, making sure you knew what he wanted.
"I'd much rather spend that time fucking my beautiful wife. Why don't you let me wake you up a little more. You just lay there and enjoy it, darling."
Stephen dove under the covers and began kissing his way down your naked body. Stopping to suckle briefly on both nipples before continuing his trek to end up with his head between your thighs. Just as he laced his arms under your legs and descended onto your inner thighs, you heard your phone buzz. Groaning as you reached over to grab it, having a sneaking suspicion, you knew exactly who it was. 
Sure enough, it was a text from Wong:
Is it safe?
Trying not to giggle as you read it out loud to Stephen, who still had not stopped nipping at your hip bones from under the covers. Trying even harder not to fall apart laughing when Stephen yelled from beneath the blankets that he was gonna need somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour. Kissing over your pubic mound and sucking the sensitive skin so close to your pussy.
Before you lost all composure, you quickly typed out a message and hit send. Not bothering to read back what you wrote before throwing the phone back on the nightstand just in time. Your brain turning to goo when you felt Stephen's tongue pressed flat against you licking up over your entire cunt. 
Your back arched, and your fingers gripped the sheets, a loud moan pulled from your chest. His mouth closing around your clit and sucking lightly before releasing it. The feeling of his mouth on you was heavenly. The scruff of his goatee making you even more sensitive. 
You couldn't help the little whimper that fell from your lips when you felt his mouth leave your skin. Only to start moaning even louder when he started lapping at you with ferocity. His own little growls, sending vibrations all the way up your spine.
Eventually, he began to tease you in the way he knew would have begging for more. Alternating long licks with sucking on your clit. His tongue never stopping. A single finger barely grazing your slit. Stroking over and over as drew little circle with his tongue.
A tingling had started building in your low belly, your orgasm coming faster than you would have expected. Although, you had always been amazed at how good Stephen was with his mouth. Suddenly you were pulled from your impending high when he stopped all his movements completely and pulled his mouth off of your needy cunt.
"Stephen, why did you stop?!" 
You couldn't keep the pout out of your voice. He knew how close you were, and he knew he had you right where he wanted you. He kissed his way up between your breasts. A Chesire cat grin on his face when it popped up from beneath the covers. His hair tousled, and his blue eyes dark with lust.
"I said I was going to wake you up. I never said anything about letting you cum. If you ask nicely I bet I can make you cum another way. Do you still want to go back to sleep darling? Or should we use our time differently?" 
He had positioned himself perfectly so when he began to softly rock his hips forward his cock was sliding between your wet folds. Coating him in your arousal and riling you up even more. Your legs spread even more trying to get as much stimulation as you possibly could. 
Every nerve was alight, and you felt incredible. Completely absorbed in the moment and your husband. Your amazing husband was the only man who could make you feel this way. You were sure of it. You needed more, and you knew he wanted more. 
"Fuck me Stephen. Fuck me and make me cum. Please."
He growled when he heard you begging. It had to be one of the most beautiful sounds in the universe. He sat back on his heels and pulled your legs up over his shoulders. Getting you into exactly the position he wanted. Hunger in his gaze as he took in every inch of bare flesh before him. 
Reaching between you he positioned his cock right at your opening. A devious smile on his face as he gave you clit a sharp little slap. A loud groan escaping your lips as they sensation shot through you. He grabbed your hips with both hands and you could tell he intended to set a fast rough pace this time.
"That's it, baby. I want you to be nice and loud right now. Let's enjoy our last little bit of alone time to its fullest extent. I want you to be screaming my name by the rune we are done."
It was a very good thing. Wong had seen your text response and decided to give you two hours instead. He knew what your garbled response meant, and he had no intention of walking in on it.
Stephen says another half hour to an hoursdbmpng.
After his shower, Stephen was surprised to find you downstairs, busy in the Sanctum's kitchen. The smell of eggs and his favorite chocolate chip pancakes practically carrying him down the stairs like a cartoon. His heart practically burst out of his chest when he saw you fully absorbed in your cooking and humming a song to yourself. You looked like a dream come true, a dream he never knew he wanted until you.
"It smells incredible in here. When did you learn to cook so well? I remember you messing up toast." 
He came up and wrapped his arms around your waist as you carried the last couple pancakes over the island and added them to the sizable stack you had already made. You were used to having to feed not only a growing child but a super soldier and an assassin. You were gonna have to relearn how to cook for just the three of you, maybe four with Wong.
"You can thank Pepper for most of it. Actually, you can thank Nat and Steve, too. After seeing Nat nearly burn the compound down and tasting most of the recipes Steve learned back in the great depression I didn't have much choice."
Stephen chuckled with his face buried against the skin of your neck in between soft kisses. Just when he thought you were already the perfect wife, you suddenly found a way to get even more incredible. He didn't expect to come back to his very own perfect little housewife. 
Truth be told, deep down in his chest, he feared he would come back to no wife at all. That you would have moved on with your life. Happier without him. He wouldn't have blamed you, but he was grateful to the fates that you had held out hope for him. Hope in him.
"You have no idea how sick I got of peanut butter sandwiches in those first few months."
Stephen turned you around in his arms and pressed your low back into the counter. He pressed his body as firm to yours as he could manage without actually pushing you onto the counter. His arms around your waist and yours instinctively looping around his neck. Toying with the still slightly damp tendrils of hair at the base of his skull.
"Well, I will never get sick of anything you make or anything about you. I love you. God, I missed you so much."
His lips were back on yours and once again full of passion and hunger. His tongue quickly sneaking into your mouth. You could still taste the mint from his toothpaste. Instinctively, you pulled even closer and forgot everything, but the man wrapped in your arms, kissing you breathless.
You and Stephen completely missed the sound of a portal opening. Only to be snapped from your make-out session when Wong cleared his throat. Looking over, you found him rolling his eyes and covering your son's eyes with his hand. A light blush dusted your cheeks at the realization you had been caught.
"Excuse me, but there is now a child present, and the Sorcerer Supreme. So tongues in your own mouths, if you please."
Stephen huffed and rolled his eyes at both the mention of Wong now being Sorcerer Supreme and that he had to stop kissing you. He still had so much lost time to make up for. You had to fight the urge to giggle at how he and Wong fell right back into their normal Odd Couple back and forth as if a day hadn't passed. Some things apparently never change. 
"Hey sweetie, were you good for Uncle Wong? Didn't cause too much trouble, I hope." 
Your son ran over and hugged you tight. Your hand finger combing through his thick dark brown hair. His bright blue eyes that mirrored Stephen's looking up at you as he excitedly started telling you about his evening with Wong.
"No, Mama. I was good. I helped Uncle Wong teach class!" 
An exaggerated surprised expression on your face at his news. Stephen's eyebrows genuinely quirked up in interest at the idea that his son was already learning the mystic arts. Vincent loved helping Wong with his duties and classes. Not that he did much other than follow him around, but Wong was very good at making him feel like he was contributing a lot. 
"He was a very good assistant. A very good listener, too. He must get that from his mother. I look forward to the day I can really start teaching him." 
Your son beamed at Wong's compliment and turned around to give him a little bow, which Wong returned. Very excited at the idea that he could someday learn the mystic arts from his Uncle Wong. He was smart as a whip, and given that he was Stephen's son, you both had no doubt that when that time came, he would pick it up quickly. You were also both pleased that Vincent seemed much less intent on challenging every authority figure the way Stephen did. He took more after you, the teacher's pet, and for that, Wong was thrilled. 
Not that Wong didn't respect Stephen as a sorcerer, but Stephen from day one had a tendency to do things before he was ready. Or, according to Wong, before fully reading through a spell all the way to the warnings. He was prideful and still had a tendency to be vain. You had heard Wong tell him over and over to consider all sides before acting and that it wasn't about how fast he could learn something. 
In the time you had known him Stephen had worked to humble himself, and made significant strides in earning the responsibility and respect he had gotten, but you couldn't help but notice how much the fact he was no longer Sorcerer Supreme seemed to be bothering him. You would have to talk to him about it tonight. Try to get him to see the upsides. Especially since it meant he could spend more time with you and Vincent. See if you couldn't get him to not pout about Wong having the higher duties now.
Vincent reached out to tug on the bottom of Stephen's shirt to get his attention. 
"Daddy, you're supposed to bow for the Sorcerer Supreme. That's Uncle Wong."
Your son tried to helpfully inform Stephen, much to his chagrin. You could see his teeth clench even though he tried to keep his facial expression neutral. Of course, it was whisper-yelled as children tend to do. So both you and Wong heard everything loud and clear. 
"I'm aware of the customs… Let's go put your bag down, shall we?" 
Stephen quickly tried to change the topic so his son wouldn't make him bow to Wong. Wong was busy grinning proudly when Stephen walked Vincent past him and over to the table to help him with his backpack. You walked over to give Wong a quick hug and a thank you for giving you and Stephen the night to yourselves. 
"I am always in your debt, Wong. You are truly a life saver and hands down the best babysitter ever. Do you want to stay for breakfast?"
Wong happily returned the hug and smiled. He had always been softer with you than with Stephen. Partly because he knew it would get under Stephen's skin, but partly because you were always so warm and good-hearted with him. You genuinely tried to help where you could and would go out of your way to make someone's day better. Wong respected you immensely for that. So he always felt happy to return the gesture.
"You know I am always happy to help, my friend. He genuinely is a pleasure to have around. I mean it about teaching him when he's a bit older. I have no doubt he will be gifted. I must head back to Kamar-Taj, however, so I will take a rain check on breakfast." 
He bid everyone a quick goodbye and opened the portal back to Kamar-Taj, turning back to wave bye to Vincent one final time before closing it behind him. Vincent is now sitting in his normal spot at the small kitchen table. Stephen standing next to him. 
You moved back to the counter to start bringing plates full of food over to the table, you knew that even if your son had eaten at Kamar-Taj he would still want pancakes if you and Stephen were eating. 
As Stephen took the plates from you and set them down on the table so you could finish getting the silverware, you heard him try to strike up a conversation with Vincent. You rolled your eyes a little when you heard the topic. Something you were definitely going to have to address later.
"You know, before you were born, I was the Sorcerer Supreme. Your dad was Sorcerer Supreme. Not your Uncle Wong." 
Your son was hardly paying attention. Already having spotted the pancakes and stealing several from the stack. Somewhat messily sliding them onto his own plate before starting to frantically search for the syrup you had in your hand. 
You leaned down to press a kiss to the top of Stephen's head to console him since it was now apparent Vincent had ignored him. Stephen pulled you down to sit in his lap as you reached over and quickly cut Vincent's pancakes before he could attempt to swallow them whole. 
"Hey, how come he didn't tell you to bow to Wong?" 
Stephen assumed Vincent still wasn't listening, but like any five year old, he chose the perfect opportune moment to check back into the conversation. Before you could say anything to distract Stephen and get him to a more upbeat topic, your son answered. 
"She's mom. Uncle Wong says moms are even more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme." 
You giggled to yourself before looking over your shoulder at Stephen. Winking at him.
"And don't you forget it, Strange."
You had put Vincent to bed several hours ago and you had retired to your bedroom. Already changed into an oversized night shirt and washed your face. Busy working on your to-do list for the next day and double-checking your calendar. The reading glasses you had started needing only a year prior perched on your face, and your hair pulled into a messy bun. 
You were in full mom mode by the time Stephen came in to join you. Making notes about groceries, meal planning, and laundry. As well as other things you wouldn't have put too much thought in before you had a child. You hardly registered Stephen's presence until he commented on how he still wasn't used to your glasses. 
"Is it weird that I find you even sexier in those reading glasses? I think they may be my favorite new thing about you since I got back. They are just so hot."
You snorted in amusement at his statement. Truthfully, you kind of liked them too, but the fact that they seemed to have such an effect on Stephen certainly pleased you. At his core, despite his hot shot reputation as a surgeon and then sorcerer, you knew deep down Stephen was a total nerd. Although, Steve had a similar reaction to your glasses, too. Maybe it was just something about the mom/librarian look. 
Either way, you were happy about it. Of course, now that Stephen was done with his duties for the day, you wanted to talk to him about Wong before he distracted you with sex. Now was the perfect time.
"Stephen, can we talk about something, please? I know you are upset you aren't Sorcerer Supreme anymore. I know you are having a hard time with that, with Wong being Sorcerer Supreme now."
You watched as his gaze dropped, seeming to try and figure out how he wanted to respond. Whether he wanted to try and deny your claims or just go ahead and admit what you already knew.
You let him continue changing out of his robes and into his sweats in silence. Giving him time to answer on his own. When he was ready. You could see the gears turning behind his beautiful blue eyes. 
"I'm not upset, I'm just… okay, I'm a little upset. I worked hard for that. I finally had a purpose again." 
He sat down on the bed opposite you, now completely changed, and let his head fall. Studying his hands carefully. No doubt replaying the events that led him to becoming Sorcerer Supreme in the first place. All the feelings of inadequacy he had before finding his place in the world again. Before becoming a sorcerer. Before finding you.
"Baby, you still have purpose even if you aren't Sorcerer Supreme. You are still a hero. You are still the master of this Sanctum. You are still a husband and a father. I hope Vincent and I give you purpose anyway. Maybe this is a chance for you to make up for the time you missed. You said the other night you can't believe how much you missed with Vincent. Maybe the universe wanted to make it up to you by giving you more time with him now."
The speed of his response told you he wanted to avoid even an inkling of the possibility that you and Vincent weren't enough. He gave everything up to save you once before, and he would gladly do it again without hesitation. He was just having trouble with the fact that he couldn't pick everything up right where it left off. He felt behind, and he hated to admit that he felt that way both as a sorcerer and as a father.
"Of course you and Vincent give me purpose. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that for the first time since the accident, I was in control of something. I was good at it. You're right, though. I am happy it means I can spend more time with you and Vincent. I just hate answering to people and following instructions."
You knew that deep down, this wasn't about Wong at all. It was about Stephen feeling out of control. That was the root of a lot of his issues, actually. That didn't mean that it wasn't manifesting in a way that made it seem like it was about Wong, and that is the last thing you wanted. You wanted your son to see his father and his uncle, who helped raise him get along. Their playful jabs at each other were fine. In fact, it would be weird if they weren't making smartass comments to each other, but the line needed to be firmly drawn at anything that might seem like real resentment or anger.
"You know who the first person was to start telling Vincent about his dad? Wong. Months before I could even say your name without crying. Before he was old enough to even really understand anything. Wong would come to the compound and tell him all sorts of stories about his dad. The great sorcerer Doctor Stephen Strange. How you fought side by side. He even offered to let us stay at Kamar-Taj when I told him it was too painful for me to stay here without you. You and I both owe him a lot. That includes respecting him as the Sorcerer Supreme and following the customs at the very least when Vincent is around."
He seemed to pause and think for a moment. He knew Wong was well prepared to be Sorcerer Supreme and was undoubtedly the right choice for it after he had blipped. He also knew that Wong would take care of you and Vincent in his absence. At least that had been his hope. He was pleasantly surprised at the idea of Wong lovingly telling your teeny little baby all about the man who drove him up the wall from the moment he first stepped into the library at Kamar-Taj. He would cut Wong some extra slack for that. 
"Yeah. You're right. I'll do better when Vincent is around. I'm not bowing when he isn't there, though." 
There was a hint of teasing humor in his eyes, but at the same time, you knew he meant the last part. It seemed like a reasonable deal, though. Being a good role model for Vincent was one thing, but getting Stephen to let go of his stubborn streak would be a whole other can of worms.
"Stephen, the thing about a relationship with you that has most prepared me for being a mom is that it taught me that sometimes I have to pick my battles. I can work with that. Thank you."
Stephen crawled onto the bed and promptly started crawling all over you. Nuzzling into your neck and tickling your sides. Generally trying to be a little obnoxious and make you stop working on your to-do list and give him your undivided attention. 
"You love me." 
He said it in a light teasing voice that when paired with his other actions was stupidly adorable. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics. Throwing your to-do list to the side and setting your reading glasses on the nightstand to give Stephen the attention he wanted.
"Yes. I do love you very much, Stephen."
His lips quickly captured yours and his arms wrapped around you tightly, pulling you down on the bed with him. Silly pecks slowly deepening into something more sensual. Your body naturally migrated to lay on top of Stephen's. His hands slowly moving down your back to grip the cheeks of your ass.
Your legs straddled him and your hips rolling against him gently as he kneaded the soft flesh. Both of you starting to get lost in each other just like the night before. 
"Guess someone didn't get enough last night. Hmm?"
You purred to him in between kisses. You could feel him smile back at you. Gripping your flesh a little tighter.
"Never gonna get enough of you. Besides, we didn't have a chance last night for you to ride me like you know I love."
Your hips wiggled almost on their own at Stephen's declaration. Oh yes, of course you knew he loved it when you were on top. It was the reason three out of four of your bedroom walls had at least one mirror on them. So Stephen could watch you from multiple angles as you used him for your pleasure. 
Just as you were starting to fully lose yourself in his kiss, looking forward to another busy night between the sheets from the sounds of things, your cellphone started to ring. Normally, under the current circumstances, you would have chosen to ignore it, but something deep in your gut told you that this call was important. 
A look at the caller ID seemed to only intensify that feeling. It was Steve Rogers calling. Captain America never really did get the hang of texting, but if he was calling this late, you knew it was important.
As you and Vincent entered the park, you immediately caught sight of Steve. What you didn't expect was for Bucky to be standing there talking with him. 
You had only met Bucky twice before. The first time was in Wakanda right before the first battle with Thanos. The second time was at Tony's funeral. He looked much more put together now as he stood smiling with his best friend for decades than he did either of those times. Although, you probably did too.
"Uncle Steve!!!"
Nearly as soon as he saw him, Vincent let go of your hand and bolted towards Steve. Steve looked almost as excited to see him. A bright million watt smile on his face and his arms held wide, ready to scoop him up in a bear hug. Spinning around in circles as soon as Vincent launched himself into the Captain's arms. 
Even Bucky was smiling and laughing softly watching Steve and Vincent interact. No doubt it was a side of Steve he didn't think he would ever get to see. Steve had told you that back before the war, he and Bucky had talked about wanting families. How they wanted their kids to grow up together, hopefully be best friends just like them. Neither of them ever got the chance, though. At least with Vincent, Steve got to experience some of what he missed out on. Bucky wasn't sure he would ever get even that much. 
Once you finally got to where they were standing, Steve gave you a quick hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. Both of you fighting the urge to linger just a little longer in the familiar embrace. You loved Stephen more than words could say, but Steve would always hold a little piece of your heart for bringing you back to life when you felt like a ghost simply going through the motions of living. You would always hold a little piece of his, too.
Steve dutifully introduced you and Vincent to Bucky. He was still quiet and clearly nervous. You made the very conscious decision to hold out and offer your hand to him. To show him that you were not afraid of him, that you saw him as the person he was now. Not as the weapon Hydra had made him to be. Vincent, with the classic innocence of a child, had no need to make an effort. He was a friend of Uncle Steve's, and that's all he needed to know. One he had heard lots of stories about, too.
"You grew up with Uncle Steve, right? Are you that Bucky? You're his bestest friend." 
Steve smiled brightly at Vincent's recollection of all the stories he had told him. Bucky seemed genuinely surprised that your son knew who he was and that he knew him as just Bucky, Steve's best friend. No shadow of the Winter Soldier taunting him. 
"That's right. We've heard lots about Bucky Barnes. All the trouble you had to get Steve out of."
You chimed in to add a little context to what stories Vincent was talking about. Sure you heard about the trouble they caused together, and about the charms of the handsome young Bucky, but still a good amount of the stories all seemed to coalesce around Bucky saving Steve's behind in one way or another. You knew that was part of what had made Steve so determined to save his best friend from Hydra. 
That and the fact that Steve felt Bucky wouldn't have ended up in the military if it hadn't been his big dream all along. Especially after learning that it appeared Bucky might have lied to him and even to his own family about enlisting, and that his Army ID number actually showed he may have been drafted instead. Steve had always wanted to fight, Bucky only wanted to fight to protect Steve. Steve wanted to go to war. Bucky merely got caught in the crosshairs.
"Mom, can I go play on the swings?"
Your son was already practically off and running even before you could give him permission. Steve quickly volunteered Bucky to go push him, somewhat to Bucky’s dismay. Before he could decline, Vincent had grabbed ahold of the bottom of his leather jacket and was leading him towards the playground. A slightly terrified look in his eye, but a shy smile on his lips at your son's exuberance. A trait Steve may have helped encourage. 
Once they were a few steps away, Steve started to speak. His voice was soft and sweet, the way he always spoke to you.
"I'm glad you came. I imagine your husband wasn't thrilled about my invitation to meet alone."
"Yeah. Stephen isn't great at sharing. The fact that it's a public park made him feel better, I think. He still wanted to tag along, though. Luckily, Wong called him to Kamar-Taj for something."
Steve chuckled under his breath at the idea of Stephen following you to the park and pouting when he couldn't. He wouldn't have minded Stephen being there, really. He knew that the sorcerer would be able to keep his secret, but it was more personal this way. You knew secrets that even Bucky didn't know. It only made sense that you were one of the only people who knew about his plan. About his intention to go back to Peggy. 
"Bruce fixed the return pad, and tomorrow I'm going to put all the infinity stones back from exactly when and where we got them. He said that someone called The Ancient One stressed how important this was." 
The mention of The Ancient One snapped your attention away from Bucky and Vincent. You had wondered if she would be the keeper of the time stone. You knew when they were staging the time heist that Stephen wasn't yet a sorcerer during the battle of New York. He was still a practicing surgeon then. You couldn't help but wonder what she was like. Both Stephen and Wong spoke so highly of her. You were suddenly a bit jealous that Steve was going to meet her too. 
"And, anyway, I just wanted to see you and Vincent again before I do. I also wanted to officially introduce Bucky to you. So he has another friend. Just in case, you know."
You watched him curiously. You could tell there was something he wasn't telling you. Steve Rogers was shit at lying, and he wasn't very good at not telling the whole truth either. He wouldn't have said that unless he really thought something might go wrong. A glint in his sky blue eyes told you exactly what you needed to know. In fact, he was intending for something to go wrong.
"This almost sounds like a goodbye, Rogers."
"Not goodbye, just see you in a few decades. I told Sam to keep an eye out for Buck, I didn't tell him my plan, but I told you how well they get along. Sam is also talking about moving back to Louisiana for a while to be with his sister and her two boys. So I thought that maybe since you and Vincent were here in New York that maybe you could keep an eye out for him too? He needs a friend or two, and I can't think of anyone better suited. You and Vincent helped me figure out what I really want from life. Maybe you guys will help him figure that out, too."
You both watched silently for a moment as Bucky pushed Vincent on the swings. A soft smile on his lips and a sad expression hidden behind his blue eyes, but you couldn't help noticing he was only using his right arm to push your son. With both hands covered by his black leather gloves, it took you a second to realize why. A pang in your heart at the way he kept his left arm, the vibranium arm, held behind his back. Almost like he was trying to pretend it was restrained. Like he was afraid it had a mind of its own. 
"Vincent seems to be taking to him well, and he seems like a good guy. You know Vincent is gonna miss you something terrible, though."
"Bucky is a good guy. Don't let him forget that. Vincent's got his dad now. He doesn't need me anymore." 
You turned to Steve and looked directly into his eyes. You needed him to know how much his presence meant to you and Vincent. How having Stephen back could never erase his place in your lives.
"Sure, he's got Stephen back, but that doesn't mean he's going to forget about everything you did for him. For both of us. For five years, you were the closest thing to a dad that he had, and the best person I could have asked to have there for him."
A genuine soft smile formed on his face. The kind of smile that's reserved for people you trust completely. A smile that holds both happy and sad memories just the same.
"Tell Bucky we are there when or if he needs us, and maybe even if he thinks he doesn't need us. The same goes for your geriatric ass too. However this whole thing shakes out. I'll bring you jell-o at 'the home' and you can tell me all about your life with Peggy."
Steve buried his face in his hands as you fell apart, laughing. You had hit the nail on the head without even really trying. Steve knew he wasn't a very good liar, but clearly, he couldn't even slip a missing detail by you. 
"God, am I that easy to read? How did you know this was all about her?" 
"I know that look, Steve. You have the same expression I walked around with after Scott showed up. The love of your life feels so close again, like you can almost reach out and touch them. You're still here, and yet you're already gone."
Just like that, you had managed to verbalize how he had been feeling since that day on the battlefield. Knowing that they had won and that Thanos had been defeated. You and Vincent had Stephen back. A part of his soul packed up and headed back in time right then and there. He just hadn't known how to describe it until he heard you say it.
"Just do me a favor and don't tell anyone. You and Bucky are the only ones who know about this. Like I said, I didn't tell Sam."
You held up your hand in a Scout's honor sign as you looked at him with your best serious face. This elicited another chuckle from Steve. He had to admit he was going to miss you something terrible. That was part of why he made the decision he did. You deserved to live without the nagging fear of having Steve pinning after you. A part of him always would be if he stayed. 
"You're gonna give Sam the shield, aren't you?" 
You waited and watched from the corner of your eye. Steve seemed to hem and haw back and forth for a minute. Trying to pick his words carefully. In an ideal world, he would have loved to pass the shield to Bucky, but he knew that Bucky needed to focus on healing and was in no position to have that kind of pressure levied on him. He was also fresh off a presidential pardon with court mandated therapy to keep him busy. Besides, you already knew that in his heart, he knew Sam was the right choice. 
"I want to, yeah. I'm not the symbol this world needs now. I'm a symbol of a bygone era. A fossil, as Nat used to say. The world may need Captain America, but they don't need me. They need someone who can stand for who we could be, not just who we were. That's Sam. I don't know if he'll take it, but he deserves it. He's a good man." 
"I don't know if he'll agree, and I don't know him that well, but I think from what you've told me, Sam is the perfect choice."
By now, Vincent and Bucky had started walking back towards the two of you. Coming to get Steve to come play, too. You happily found a bench and watched the three of them run around together for another hour or so. The energy level of a five year old can apparently only be matched by that of two super soldiers. 
At some point, Stephen showed up and joined you on the bench. Putting his arm around you when the sun started to set and the breeze started to blow. Laughing as he watched Vincent play and sitting in content silence for the longest time. Eventually, you let your head lean on his shoulder. Just watching the three of them was making you tired.
"What did he want to talk to you about?"
"I can't tell you, but you'll know very soon. It'll make sense. Just gotta trust me in the meantime." 
You waited to see what he would say. Listening for any subtle form of protest. He took one of your hands in his and brought it to his lips. Leaving a soft kiss there before letting your interlocked hands drop into his lap. A slightly mischievous but genuine smile on his lips as he responded. 
"I will always trust you, my love. With everything." 
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls @tobios-shawty @evelyn-kingsley
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themculibrary · 2 months
Post-FATWS Masterlist
A thing with feathers (ao3) - Em_Jaye bucky/sarah M, 48k
Summary: “What if you had someone else to help you run the boat?” he asks finally.
Sam laughs and looks at him sideways. “What? Like you?”
Bucky shrugs like it just occurred to him. Maybe it did. But it feels good. It feels like the kind of decision that’s just his. Not shiny around the edges, letting him know it was grown in someone else’s mind before being dropped into his. “Why not?”
“Why not?” Sam repeats. “Because you don’t know shit about fishing.”
“Well, from the sounds of it, neither do you.”
A Three Part Plan (ao3) - GrannyUnicorn T, 12k
Summary: Bucky was bored.
He’d been staying in Delacroix for nearly a month now that not much was happening since the flag smasher business. Turned out Sam was actually serious about that ‘long vacation’ thing, though the ‘separate’ part seemed to have slipped his mind. Which was fine. This was nice. In the beginning. But Bucky wasn’t used to sitting still, so after one and a half day of sleeping, reading, and looking out over the docks, he had started to get restless, latching onto any opportunity to distract himself.
And then John Walker mysteriously shows up on a boat and asks for his help. This can't go wrong, right?
(I mean, you've seen the tags and the answer is: yes it can)
A Visit From A Friend (ao3) - NovemberMurray G, 2k
Summary: Ayo visits Bucky in New York to deliver a message, a package, and-- most importantly-- an apology. She wasn't expecting him to have company when she knocked on his door, but it proves entertaining.
Beads On A String (ao3) - Sholio T, 14k
Summary: When Wakanda pulls Zemo out of the Raft and sends him on a mission, Ayo is tasked with being his handler. But there is more to it than either of them knows.
becoming a resident of the wilson household (ao3) - orphan_account sam/bucky T, 2k
Summary: Sam wiped his forehead after they set down the box on the floor; it was already hot outside, and moving boxes in and out didn’t help. “Wait a minute, you’re a super soldier with a metal arm. Can’t you carry all this yourself?”
“Technically yes, but that doesn’t mean that your help doesn’t make it easier.”
“You’re lucky I like you.”
“I’d hope so, since we’re sharing a room now.”
months after the events of tfatws, boyfriends sam and bucky are officially moving in together.
Captains and Crawfish (ao3) - StarlightDreamer21 G, 1k
After the events of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, everyone needs some downtime. Sam decides that a true New Orleans crawfish boil is called for.
An introspective look into the mind of Sam Wilson and his many friendships.
Electric Love (ao3) - pouringinsheet sam/bucky T, 1k
Summary: “Listen, Shuri, you know I love the wings, right?”
“The wings that make most major publications refer to you as the Angel of America?” Now she just sounded smug. Sam rolled his eyes at the nickname.
“Is there anything else you maybe should have told me about them?”
When Sam realizes that his wings low-key read his mind, he starts reflecting on things. If this had slipped by his attention for so long, what else had changed while Sam wasn’t looking? One of those changes might be how he looks at Bucky. Another might be how Bucky looks at him.
everybody talks (ao3) - SuburbanSun sam/bucky G, 1k
Summary: As Sam spends a Saturday running errands across town, he starts to get the sense that his neighbors—and maybe even his sister—know something about his relationship with Bucky that he doesn't.
golden light lies ahead (it's just around the bend) (ao3) - sunflowergolden sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Sam wasn’t sure what his face looked like, but he was willing to bet he didn’t look very happy.
Bucky just looked at Sam and raised his eyebrows, just a little bit. “Many things, Samuel, you know this. I’m afraid you’re going to have to be a little more specific.”
or, the one where Sam and Bucky haven't spoken in weeks and Bucky suddenly turns up at the cookout. Sam is finding it very hard to be mad.
Joining a Family You're Already Part Of (ao3) - r_n_g_are_dead bucky/sarah T, 7k
Summary: Bucky never really thought he’d ever get married. He also never thought he’d be part of a family again. Plans change, though. Post-TFATWS Bucky/Sarah, but mostly Bucky & Sam being bros.
One Last Name (ao3) - MiraculouslyTrashy G, 3k
Summary: “But I am no longer The Winter Soldier, I’m James Bucky Barnes, and you’re part of my efforts to make amends” he recites for the last time. So why doesn't he feel the relief he was hoping for?
“What does that mean?” Morgan’s nose scrunches, turning to him now, “What’s ‘amends’?”
(In which Bucky has one last name in his notebook: Tony Stark)
Power Broker Is Watching (ao3) - a_boy_and_his_dog T, 27k
Summary: “What the hell? You guys took forever,” a voice said from somewhere in front of a blindfolded Sam as the men holding him forced him to a stop. “We’re kind of on a schedule here, it’d be nice if you followed it. Let’s go.”
He was once again shoved forward, this time being led down a staircase. Sam almost tripped down the first one, but one of the hands gripping him kept him on his feet. Fifteen steps, Sam counted. Fifteen steps down into… wherever he was.
Someone groaned as he was brought forward, and the voice from before said, “You can shut it.”
“Hmph, and you… you can fuck off."
Yeah, Sam was pretty sure that was Bucky.
the rain never came (ao3) - last_honey minor sam/bucky T, 1k
Summary: Against her better judgement, Yelena meets with James. The conversation doesn't go how she wants it to.
The Same River, Twice (The Man Is Still Left with His Hands) (ao3) - amoneth, dorian_burberrycanary steve/bucky G, 4k
Summary: Steve had meant to stay forever and didn’t last a year. He meant to return right back to when he left, but that doesn’t work out the way he planned either.
Turns out a lot can happen in nine months.
Steve didn’t need his first month back to make him aware of just how many degrees forgiveness comes in, but some lessons feel new each time. Getting a text from Sam asking him to Delacroix for the weekend feels like one tick closer and Steve’ll take it.
He’s texting back when Sam adds, Bucky will be there.
And Steve? Steve’ll take that, too.
A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky Endgame fix-it where a lot needs fixing.
the wires for empathy (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky T, 90k
Summary: “I feel like literally, actually saving the world has given you unrealistic expectations. Most folks don’t need you to save the entire world on the regular, Sam," said Sarah.
“I hear you,” said Sam, rueful. He sighed and tipped his head back, pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes. “But I still kind of feel like I have to save the entire world, if I’m carrying this shield.”
“Sam,” said Bucky, and Sam lowered his hands and opened his eyes to look at him, only to find himself the subject of Bucky’s staring problem yet again. “Let’s just go out there. See who we can help, how."
Taking on the Captain America mantle is all well and good, but unfortunately, it quickly becomes pretty obvious to Sam that carrying the shield doesn't guarantee a paying gig as a superhero—at least, not any kind of job that fits with the kind of Cap Sam wants to be. But when it comes down to it, all Sam wants to do is use the shield to help people, so paying gig or not, he and Bucky set out on the road to do just that, and to figure out what kind of superheroes they want to be. Slowly but surely, they figure out just what kind of partners they want to be too. (Hint: it is not 'just a couple of guys.')
Trouble Man (ao3) - s_solo sam/bucky M, 34k
Summary: Sam’s in love. Bucky’s in denial. The Power Broker’s on the loose. What could go wrong?
unsung melody (ao3) - ace_oroes N/R, 2k
Summary: "What’s up?”
Bucky’s shoulder lifts in a shrug. “Just thinking.”
“Really? It’s gonna be that kind of night?” Sam teases, partly to give Bucky a hard time and partly to take his mind off the unpleasant sensation of mud seeping into the creases of his body.
Bucky doesn’t reply right away. Sam can almost guarantee he’s making some sort of face, because what else would an appropriate response from a one-hundred-and-six-year-old supersoldier?
“Just appreciating the irony,” Bucky says, like that clears things up. He correctly interprets Sam’s silence as confusion and adds, “Eighty years and halfway around the world and here I am on my ass in the mud. Again.”
During a stakeout some ten thousand miles away from Delacroix, Bucky remembers, Sam has plenty of thoughts of his own, and they maybe even learn a thing or two... and everything ends up okay for once.
Where The Heart Is (ao3) - The_Buzz sam/bucky T, 8k
Summary: When Bucky is made to believe he's the Winter Soldier again, Sam has to find a way to bring him home.
Winters Return (ao3) - TinyTiredWriter sam/bucky T, 4k
Summary: “It means he’s still in there.”
Those words haven’t left Sam’s head since Bucky said them in the backyard throwing the shield around. It’s been some months since then, a lot has changed since they’ve had that heart-to-heart.
~ ~ ~
Basically, Sam and Torres get captured, Bucky turns into the Winter Soldier to rescue them.
You Were A Gun (ao3) - qodarkness G, 2k
Summary: “All I can tell you is how he was different from Steve.”
After everything is over, Bucky and Dr Raynor have a conversation by the riverside.
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sjsmith56 · 2 months
Tumblr media
The Capture, Chapter 19 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Lacey and Tommy are kidnapped at gunpoint. The former Avengers reassemble to rescue her when they learn of her connection to Bucky and of her kidnapper.
Length: 4.8 K
Characters: Lacey, Tommy, Terry, Dan Jones, Bucky, Nick Fury, Sam, Clint.
Warnings: Contains graphic violent content resulting in death and critical injury.
Author notes: Everything from this chapter on is original content. This was written after FATWS but before Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
<<Chapter 18
🏫 🏍️
It had been eight months since they moved into Terry's penthouse apartment and Lacey was somewhat surprised they slipped so easily back into urban living.  Every day she and Terry walked Tommy to school, waiting until the bell rang and making sure he went inside.  Then they walked back, picking up a coffee from the coffee shop nearby and returning to the apartment.  Terry would leave for his university coaching job while Lacey would clean up, do some laundry, get the mail, then write for several hours.  In the mid-afternoon she walked to the school, waited for Tommy to come out, then together they would walk home.  If he had homework she sat with him at the dining room table checking her emails, or reading her fan mail, while he did his school work.  Then she would start supper.  They would eat, usually without Terry as the team had practice running from the late afternoon to early evening.  Games were on the weekend.  It was quiet and routine, which Lacey wanted at this point.
On this particular Friday she waited with the other moms and a few dads for their kids to come out of the school.  She had started talking with some of the parents, chit chatting about school, sports and other things parents talk about.  Someone brought up the new Captain America and Lacey smiled, happy for Sam to take on the mantle.  She knew Bucky was with him during the New York battle with the Flag Smashers as someone in the media had mentioned him.  When Tommy came out he had his back pack on and fell into step beside Lacey, telling her about his day. 
Two blocks away from the school a car with tinted windows suddenly pulled onto the sidewalk in front of them and Lacey grabbed Tommy to run back to the school.  They were blocked on that side by another car, also with tinted windows.  Several masked men stepped out, approaching them with guns drawn.  Tommy assumed the fighting stance from Bucky's genetic memory that he was born with.  When the first man advanced on him he ran at him kicking him in the chest hard enough to knock him to the ground where he delivered a punch to the throat that incapacitated the gunman.  He was ready to take on the second man when he heard his mother scream and turned to see what was happening to her.
"Run, Tommy!" she screamed.  "Run!"
"Give up or I put a bullet in your mother's head," said the masked man who held a handgun to Lacey's head. 
Another vehicle pulled up and several men wearing FBI bulletproof vests came out pointing their firearms at the masked men.  The one in charge, who Tommy recognized as Agent Jones, an occasional visitor to the apartment, pulled the boy behind him as he advanced on the man holding Lacey.
"Let the woman go," ordered Jones.  "I have a sniper with a rifle trained on you.  He'll put a bullet in your brain well before you can pull that trigger."
"Your sniper has already been taken care of," replied the masked man, confidently.  "Contact him on your comms if you don't believe me."
Jones grimaced and called his sniper but there was no response.  He still held his gun on the masked man.  "Let her go," he said firmly.  "You're not getting her or the boy."
"Think again," replied the gunman.  "Boss?"
Jones heard the shots just before he felt the armour piercing bullet hit him in the chest.  He staggered back and fell, looking at his men as they fell to the sidewalk, also hit by armour piercing bullets.  He put his hand out to Tommy who was obviously in shock then Jones watched helplessly as the boy was swept up by one of the masked men.  As Jones struggled to get off the ground and shoot out the tires of the cars he heard another shot and was hit again, this time in the shoulder.  Before he lost consciousness he saw Lacey being put into one car and Tommy into the other.  Both cars leisurely pulled away leaving him and his four agents bleeding out on the ground.
When he woke up the following morning it was with a tube down his throat, an IV in his arm, and all sorts of sensors attached to his body.  He moaned and several familiar faces appeared in his view; Nick Fury, Clint Barton, and Bucky Barnes.  He looked past Bucky, recognizing the new Captain America, Sam Wilson, to Bucky's right. 
"Agent Jones, how many men?" asked Fury, appearing directly over him.  "How many vehicles?"
Jones thought for a moment and focussed his energy on his hands and fingers.  Slowly he held up eight fingers, then changed it to two.
He nodded.  Using military sign language he signed that there were several snipers. 
"They used armour piercing bullets on you," said Fury.  "You lost three men, including your sniper.  I'm sorry.  You're the first to wake up." 
Reaching out with his hand Jones gripped Bucky's arm and stared at him, trying to show his regret at failing to protect Lacey and Tommy.
"You did your best," said Bucky, his face showing compassion.  "I don't blame you.  You were outgunned.  They made sure they got what they came for.  We'll take it from here."
Jones grimaced and nodded as Bucky patted him on the arm.  The four of them went out into the hallway.  Fury looked at the three others with determination. 
"Well, it looks like Sharon Carter decided to strike hard and fast.  SHIELD has been looking for her since just before the Blip ended.  They didn't know she was the Power Broker, as they thought she was still working for the CIA.  You two didn't know about her trying to take Lacey and Tommy at the farm during the Blip when she helped you with the Flag Smashers.  If you had we could have taken her then.  That's on me."
"We should have figured out she was the Power Broker," said Sam.  "Everything she did for us was just in time.  She even killed some of her own people so we would think she was on the level."
Bucky said nothing but stood brooding for some time.  "She needed Lacey to get Tommy," he stated.  "Once she has him she can keep him sedated and take his blood whenever she wants.  I'm going to hope she doesn't have a memory suppressing machine.  Considering he easily took down one of her men she may want to keep him and turn him into an enforcer."
"Or sell him to the highest bidder," added Clint.  "When I killed a lot of the criminal kingpins it left a void.  There's a lot of competition among those who reappeared to take over the gangs and cartels.  They could indoctrinate him with violence and drugs, like child soldiers, then turn him into their killer.  Sorry, Bucky."
"Don't be," said Bucky.  "It's a valid assessment."
"Has the CIA given you any information on her whereabouts?" Sam asked Fury.
"No.  They've disavowed her," he answered, "but I wouldn't be surprised if they had an idea where she is.  They weren't happy you got a conditional pardon, Barnes.  It messed up their plausible deniability defence at your hearings when your lawyer pulled out the decrypted HYDRA files proving they knew about your captivity all along.  Sam's activities on behalf of Isaiah Bradley made them even more culpable.  Just so you know, I didn't have that level of clearance when I was with the CIA.  I didn't know you were one of ours and I didn't know about him."
Bucky nodded in acknowledgement.  "Who else can we pull into a rescue team?" he asked.  "I'm assuming you want to be in on it, Clint."
"Damn right, I do," replied Clint.  "We can get Scott, his girlfriend Hope, Peter Parker ... he's Spider-Man.  Kate Bishop is ready for action.  I may be able to talk to Natasha's sister, Yelena.  Since she stopped trying to kill me she might be useful.  I think if you ask King T'Challa he might help.  Maybe send us some of his warriors.”
"That might be pushing it," replied Bucky.  "I kind of helped Zemo break out of prison for him to help us with the Flag Smashers.  Ayo told me to stay away from Wakanda for a while."
"That was you?" grinned Barton.  "I'm impressed.  I would still ask.  What about John Walker?"  Bucky and Sam both grimaced.  "Touchy subject?  I thought he did help with the Flag Smashers in New York."
"He did," agreed Sam.  "He's ... on the edge.  Let's put it that way.  He lets the end justify the means and he did go too far with the one Flag Smasher."
"I'll approach him," said Bucky.  "We may need him, as much I don't want to ask for his help."
"I'll talk to Colonel Rhodes," said Sam.  "I'm sure he will want to be in on this."
"We'll meet tomorrow at the compound," said Fury.  "We have one building usable that houses living quarters, meeting rooms and a canteen.  It's a start."
As they stepped out of the hospital Bucky saw Terry Williams waiting for him.  Sam and Clint came with him while Fury got into a black SUV that was waiting for him.
"They wouldn't let me in to see Dan," said Terry.  "Is he okay?"
"He's awake and was able to tell us a few things," said Clint.  "He'll be alright.  We're going to find them, Terry.  We're assembling a team and will start planning tomorrow."
"I received a phone message about an hour ago," said Terry.  "It's meant for you but they sent it to me, probably to make me talk you into not looking for them."
He brought up the phone message and handed it to Bucky who took in a sudden breath then handed it to the other two men.  It was a picture of Sharon with Lacey and Tommy.  She had a memory suppressing machine and Lacey was in it.  The text message was succinct.
>>I found my chemist.  I'm wiping Lacey's memory and selling her.  The boy is mine.<<
Bucky took the phone back and sent the picture to himself then handed the phone back to Terry.  Another thought occurred to the super soldier.
"Can they track where this picture came from?" he asked Clint. 
"It's possible," said Clint.  "We would need the phone for an IT specialist to analyze.  You think it will give a location of Carter?"
"That's my thinking," said Bucky.  "It will likely be in the same place where her lab is.  Terry, I want your phone."
"Then I have to come with you," said Terry.  "I want to help."
"It's not a good idea," said Clint, gently.  "We're assembling a team that will use deadly force if they have to.  No offence, but you're a civilian."
"She's my sister and he's my nephew and I've been responsible for them for over 5 years," he replied.  "I can't go back to my home and wait by the phone helplessly.  Please, even if it's just keeping your coffee cups filled, let me come with you."
"Okay," agreed Bucky.  "You do everything I tell you without arguing.  Understood?"
Terry nodded.  They went back to his apartment to use as a base and contact everyone they had discussed.   Before midnight they had a team and everyone agreed to meet at the compound the following day.  They were unable to get a location on John Walker and Bucky left, telling them he had an idea how to find the man.  He promised to meet the others at the compound if they would bring his go bag.  As he left the building he opened his cell phone and looked up a contact.  For some time he stared at it, wondering if he really wanted to call in the debt this person owed him.  Then he made the call to the man who had been an assassin for the mob.  Bucky prevented him from being shanked while they were both in lock up, receiving a marker for his efforts.
"Marco, it's Bucky," he said.  "You meant what you said about being in my debt?  I need to find someone, tonight if possible, tomorrow at the latest."  He listened to the man on the other end of the phone.  "No, I don't want him hurt or anything.  Just a location.  I need him for a job." The man on the other end said something else that made Bucky smile.  "No, not a bank job.  A rescue.  Someone took my son and his mother.  I want to get them back.  If I could I would ask for your help but I'm using legitimate players on this.  I just can't get hold of this guy and I need him."
Bucky hung up and began running to the train station.  Where ever John Walker was he needed to get to him as soon as possible.  By the time he reached the station Marco had a location for him and Bucky thanked him, saying the debt was paid.  Marco extended an invitation to work for the mob but Bucky declined, thanking him for the opportunity.  Then he bought a ticket to New York and began the 90 minute ride between the two cities.  While he sat in his seat he pulled up the picture of Lacey.  Enlarging the image of her he noticed the tell tale red mark above and below her left eye.  They had already put her through at least one round of the machine.  He swallowed the bile that rose in his throat and seriously considered breaking his vow of not killing anymore.  Then he enlarged the part of the picture that showed Tommy, cringing slightly at how scared he was.  He began looking at other parts of the picture to see if there was a clue of any kind.  There was a throwaway coffee cup that he enlarged enough to discern a logo on it.  With a sense of satisfaction he recognized it was from the coffee kiosk where he met Agent Jones in New York several months before.  The machine was somewhere in that vicinity and so were Lacey and Tommy.  He texted his deduction and the picture to Nick Fury, leaving it to him to try to find the exact location.
When he got off the train he looked at the address Marco gave him for John Walker.  Just on the address alone it was fancy digs for a guy who had been kicked out of the military with no benefits.  He obviously had a new employer if he could afford to live in the heart of Manhattan.  Bucky went to the front door of the building, noticing it had a night doorman.  He could take him out but that would mean hurting him and Dr. Raynor's insistence on the three rules still stuck with him.  No one who didn't deserve it would be hurt by him.  Instead, he went for a walk around the building.  Places this nice usually had a second entrance for staff, workers, and deliveries.  At the back he found the ramp into the parking garage and looked at the control panel, remembering he had bypassed ones just like it when he was the Soldier.  Pulling the panel off he located a couple of wires, disconnected them, and reconnected them together, raising the ramp door.  Quickly he went down the ramp, through the door then to a service elevator.  It didn't need a pass card and he pressed the button for the floor where John Walker and his wife lived.  When it arrived he made his way to the suite number and looked at the lock.  He could knock but Walker might not open it if he saw Bucky through the security peephole.  Normally he would use blunt force for it but he didn't want to alert anyone if he could avoid it.  He didn't have any lock picking tools so that was out.  As he paced up and down the hallway he noticed the fire alarm.  It would get everyone up and out of the building but he could get Walker on his own first.  Reaching out he pulled the lever and the klaxon sounded to evacuate the building.  Waiting as people came out of their apartments in their nightclothes he watched the Walker's door carefully from an alcove across the hall.  As soon as it opened he ran over and pushed both Walker and his wife back into the apartment.
"Bucky?" exclaimed Walker.  "What the hell, man!"
"It's a false alarm," said Bucky.  "I needed to talk to you but you aren't exactly listed in the phone book. The fire alarm was plan B."
"You know this guy?" asked his wife, angry at the intrusion.
"Yeah," replied Walker.  "Olivia, this is Bucky Barnes.  What the hell is so important that you had to set off a fire alarm in my building?"
"I need your help," said Bucky.  "Sharon Carter, who helped us with the Flag Smashers; turns out she's the Power Broker and she took my son, and his mother."
"You have a son?" asked Walker incredulously.  "Why does she want your son?"
"Because the super soldier abilities I have were passed on to him," said Bucky.  "She can make new serum using his blood.  She has a memory suppression machine as well and can use it to make super soldiers that obey her every command.  She's already used it on Lacey, my son's mother.  Then she plans to sell her off to someone."
He showed them the picture that he copied from Terry's phone.  They both looked at it without comment.
"Why should I help you?" demanded Walker.  "I have a contract with a private employer and it doesn't involve dealing with you."
Bucky sighed then looked at Olivia.  "Because she may come after your child sometime," he said.  "I'm pretty sure if you and your wife start having children they'll have the super soldier abilities as well.  If you came to me for help I wouldn't hesitate."
Olivia looked at her husband in a panic then instinctively touched her abdomen.  She was already pregnant.  Walker looked up in frustration then at his wife when she touched his arm.
"You have to help him," she said.  "He's just a kid.  You came up against traffickers in Afghanistan and said they were filthy animals.  You can't let them have Lacey either."
Walker let out a short angry breath.  "Okay, I'm in," he said curtly.  "What's the plan?"
"Meet at the Avengers compound upstate," replied Bucky.  "Today, as soon as you can get there after sunrise.  Bring your uniform and your weapons."
Walker nodded his assent then they all went to the door and joined the exodus of people evacuating down the stairs.  When they got to the bottom Bucky disappeared into the night and Walker put his arm protectively around Olivia.
"Val isn't going to like this," he said.
"She doesn't need to know," replied Olivia, then she looked up at her husband.  "This is the right thing to do, John."
Once Bucky was safely away from the building he ran to a self storage facility in Brooklyn.  Even though he mostly stayed in Delacroix with Sam and his family he had moved his possessions from his Brooklyn flat into a small storage unit, not wanting to move them until he was sure he was staying in one place.  Lifting up the steel door sounded disturbingly loud but he didn't stop until it was completely open.  Then he turned on the light and began looking for the tools of his trade.  In the weeks since they fought the Flag Smashers things had been quiet so he hadn't needed his weapons.  Now, he needed several and he brought the satchel out.  Pulling a canvas off of a hidden object revealed a motor bike, a Kawasaki Versys 650, which he picked up at a very reasonable price.  He barely rode it since buying it but he needed a way to get to the compound.  Grasping the handle bars he walked the motor bike out to the corridor.  Going back inside he found another bag with a leather jacket and motorcycle helmet, put them both on, and slung the weapons satchel cross wise over his body.  Finally he pulled down the steel door and locked it.  He walked the motor bike outside, mounted it, and turned the key, its motor springing to life right away.  As soon as he got it up to speed a grin spread across his face as its powerful but smooth roar reached his ears.  Checking for police or speed traps he let it out and got it up to 150 mph before bringing it back down to the speed limit.  It was definitely a motorcycle he would enjoy riding.  Just over an hour later he pulled up to the construction site that covered most of the Avengers compound.  An MP waved him over and Bucky pulled up then took his helmet off.
"Your name, sir?" asked the MP.
"Bucky Barnes," he replied, then added his rank.  "Sergeant.  There's supposed to be a John Walker on the list.  Can you confirm that?"
The MP looked at his clipboard.  "Yes, Sarge, he's on the list but hasn't checked in yet. Go straight and take the second turn right.  Your destination will be on the left.  You're the first one here, other than Director Fury."
"There is another man who might not be on the list," stated Bucky.  "Terry Williams.  He is the brother of the abducted woman and uncle to the boy.  I can vouch for him."
"He's on the list as well," said the MP.  "I believe Clint Barton called it in to include him on the briefings."
Bucky nodded, put his helmet back on and followed the directions.  The building looked new but it was still surrounded by the wreckage of Thano's attack.  Another MP guided him in to a parking stall.
"Sergeant Barnes," he verified.  "If you go through those doors another MP will assign you your quarters.  If you have weapons in your bag, there is a secure storage area inside for you to keep them."
Bucky thanked him and walked inside carrying his helmet in his arm.  The MP checked the contents of his bag and radioed for an escort to show him the weapons storage then his quarters.  An army private arrived to lead Bucky to the weapons storage area which was basically a locker that used an iris scan to open and close it.  Then he followed the private to his quarters, dropping his helmet and jacket onto the table.  The canteen wasn't open yet so Bucky laid on the bed and closed his eyes, hoping to catch some sleep before the others arrived.  A knock on his door awakened him a couple of hours later and he opened it to Sam carrying his go bag.
"How long have you been here?" asked Sam.
"Well before sunrise," replied Bucky.  "I found Walker.  He said he was in.  His wife is pregnant so I think he understands the necessity of keeping the kids safe.  His wife also brought up his experiences with human traffickers in Afghanistan."
"Good," said Sam.  "Canteen is open, if you're up for some breakfast.  Is that your motorcycle outside?"
"Yeah, first time out with it," replied Bucky.  "Took it up to 150 mph in no time."
"Nice," said Sam, smiling broadly.  "Oh, just so you know, we have three Dora Milaje here.  They volunteered.  Ayo is one of them."
"Nice," replied Bucky, also smiling.  "She's a good soldier."
He changed his shirt and walked with Sam to the canteen.  It was more like a mess hall as both of them came away with a full tray of food, coffee and orange juice.  As he turned to the seating area a hand went up and he saw Clint and Terry.  Also sitting with them were Peter Parker, who he hadn't seen since the airport in Leipzig, and surprisingly to him, Lt. Torres.
"What are you doing here?" he asked Torres.
"I heard about your girlfriend and son," he replied.  "I've been working on the Falcon suit and trying it out.  I thought I could help."
"Thanks," said Bucky.  "I appreciate it."  He turned to Peter and offered his hand.  "Thanks for coming out, Peter.  Having experienced how effective your webs are I'm sure you'll make a difference."
"Sure, Mr. Barnes," Peter replied, shaking Bucky's hand.
"Bucky, please," he interrupted, smiling.  "Mr. Barnes was my dad."
Peter nodded and went back to eating his breakfast.  As they continued eating more people entered and he couldn't help but feel moved by those who showed up.  When John Walker strode in Bucky made a point of standing up and calling to him, understanding that in many ways Walker needed to feel like he was part of something good.  He introduced him to everyone and gave him his chair to sit on while he pulled another over.  Sam watched him with a small half smile on his face, understanding exactly what Bucky was doing.   
A dark-haired woman entered the canteen area.  Clint identified her as Maria Hill, Fury's right hand person.  She announced the briefing was about to begin and asked everyone assembled to follow her to the full briefing room.  At the front stood Fury, Rhodes, Thaddeus Ross, and two sorcerers, one who Bucky recognized as Dr. Strange.  The other sorcerer was an Asian man but Bucky didn't know his name.  When Fury put his hand up the whole room went silent.
"It would appear that the rumours of the demise of the Avengers isn't true," he said.  "There was a feeling from people with a higher pay grade than myself that there was no need for our organization, at least not in the format it had been."  He gave some serious side-eye to Ross.  "With the rise of the Flag Smashers and now the kidnapping of Lacey Chapman and her son Tommy, nothing could be further from the truth.  Three FBI agents died trying to prevent the kidnapping.  Three seriously injured.  For those of you who don't know Tommy is the son of Bucky Barnes and he has inherited his father's abilities."  There were several murmurs from the crowd.  "One of our own, Sharon Carter, has turned to the dark side and is behind the kidnapping.  She is now known by her current alias, the Power Broker, a powerful criminal overlord in Madripoor."
"Didn't she just get reinstated by the CIA?" asked Torres.
"Yes," replied Fury.  "That's before we realized her criminal alias.  We had been looking for her but never made the connection.  She has been disavowed by the CIA now that they are aware of her true identity.  She was behind the serum used by the Flag Smashers to become super soldiers and we believe she has plans to use Tommy Chapman's blood to create more serum.  Gentlemen, and ladies, we need to stop Miss Carter, and rescue Lacey Chapman and her son.  Those are our missions."
He let the news percolate and looked at Thaddeus Ross who put his hand up for silence.
"I know my presence here doesn't fill you with confidence," he said.  "Mistakes were made.  Serious mistakes that blamed certain innocent people for things they didn't do.  It also caused other people who were doing what they thought was morally right to be arrested and imprisoned unjustly.  I'm here to tell you the Sokovia Accords have been revoked completely.  After Thanos it was recognized that an organization like the Avengers needs its autonomy to take up the fights that need fighting without waiting for approval by slow moving bureaucracies.  Cap, Barnes, and Walker proved with their work on the Flag Smashers that the rules of engagement can't always be followed especially when your opponent doesn't follow or respect those same rules.  That doesn't mean you sink to their level.  It means you use appropriate force to defeat your opponent.  It also means the kidnapping of two people is as important as a threat against many people.  Whatever you need to do to succeed in this mission will be provided to you.  Good luck."
Bucky looked at Sam.  It appeared they both had just received an apology for how they had been treated in the past.  Whatever they did now was their decision and under their control.  This fight had meaning not just for them but for everyone who had stepped up and they would make it count.
Chapter 20>>
Series Masterlist
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its-tortle · 2 years
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers, if you can. Let’s spread the self-love. ♥️
(ily Luisa bby, and I love your writing 💕💕)
minnie my love!! this is such a sweet ask and fun idea, thank you so much for sending it!! 💗 i love you and your writing just so much ✨🥰
here's my top five stucky fics, in no particular order:
i counted days, i counted miles (4.4k) - the post fatws endgame fix it we all deserve. angst with a happy ending.
make yourself at home, and i’ll want you to stay (5k) - modern au. steve and bucky are just fuck buddies but bucky catches feelings because steve is so good with his cat.
begin again (2.7k) - modern au. a fluffy first date fic based on the taylor swift song
you call me late at night, i pick up every time (1.7k) - post civil war, bucky calls steve in the middle of the night, but steve doesn’t mind
passed down like folk songs (the love lasts so long) (28k) - wonder woman x mcu crossover. diana’s perspective on fighting with the avengers and befriending steve rogers through the years. fuck endgame.
the little evanstan fic i wrote for minnie's birthday: the dizzy, dancing way you feel (4.4k) -  friends to lovers. chris and seb go to disney world and it’s just about the schmoopiest thing in the world. lots of hand-holding and movie references.
all of these (and more) are on my masterlist and my ao3 :)
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statticscribbles · 2 years
🔥 - FATWS!Bucky x Female Reader
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🔥- NSFW Scene
“Buckyyyyyy” You whine; using your hand to cover your mouth. You know it’s risky; touching yourself while he’s in the same safehouse. You know he has enhancements; you know they don’t match Steve’s but it’s enough to make you worry. Not enough to stop you, but enough to worry you; to give what you’re doing a little thrill.
“Yes?” You freeze when he’s standing in the doorway; towel around his waist and a smirk on his face.
“I didn’t...”
“I’ve heard you almost every night; figured one of these days you’d slip up and I could say that I’d heard you; but you were so careful; so like you I had to take matters into my own hands. Although I’m happy to keep watching you, would you rather I help?”
“Bucky.” You whine again this time rolling over on the bed to expose yourself to him. His smirk only grows.
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Flash Challenge Rules!
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booksandabeer · 2 years
fic rec anon here, so I was specifically asking for recs because I'm on vacation rn and could use some long-ish reading material. I do like the pre-war flavor, but I'm not really picky about the plot or era overall, as long as it's written well, the characterization fits, and the dialogue flows easy
Ok, long fics to read during a vacation, you say? So nothing too heavy I think—although I personally am all for ANGST in my fave fics and I guess a lot of people would still consider some of these quite angsty? I tried my best!
Without further ado, I offer you a Stucky recs potpourri of five wildly different stories:
North Fork by @beaarthurpendragon | 62K, Explicit
Author’s summary: Sworn to silence by the Air Force after a friendly fire accident in Afghanistan, former aid workers James and Sam have come home to take over Sam’s family’s vacation rental business to escape the bad memories. Losing an arm and working maintenance wasn’t how James pictured his life turning out, but his life is good: He likes fixing things, he gets to work for his best friend, and he loves surfing every morning.
Fresh out of the ice, all Steve wants is for SHIELD to announce his return and let him get back to work so he won't have time to think about all he's lost. But when his psychiatrist refuses to clear him for duty until he's dealt with his trauma, he reluctantly accepts Tony's offer of a beach house for the summer to settle his mind. Armed with a false identity and a stack of sketchbooks, his only goal is to get back into the field. He's got no intention of letting his heart defrost along with the rest of his body.
That is, until a handsome maintenance man with a secret of his own shows up with a gallon of ice cream and a smile that could light up half of New York.
One of the best Shrunkyclunks fics I’ve read. Both, Steve AND Bucky are complex, fully fleshed-out characters in this, and — even more importantly—equal partners (something which I feel can sometimes be a bit of a problem with Shrunkyclunks). Bea is one of my favorite authors writing for this ship, so I’d also recommend any other story of hers. I picked this one for the ‘beach house for the summer’ premise, but it is really so much more than that. Features beautiful art by @lisamott9
These City Walls by @tessabennet | 88K, Teen
Author’s summary: Before there was Captain America, before there was even a war, there were two idiots in Brooklyn, just getting by every day, living a life, trying very hard not to let it show that they had, as a matter of fact, fallen in love with each other.
This is the first part of what I plan to be a multi-part fic spanning the entirety of the MCU, following Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes on their journey with, away from, separate from, and back towards each other.
A beautiful, in-depth look into Steve and Bucky and their lives in Brooklyn before the war. Be aware though that they don’t actually get together in this installment of the series (the goal of this series is to stay as canon-compliant as possible all the way through, with an eventual divergence post-FATWS to give these boys their much-deserved happy ending). However, if you’re into Pre-war Pining™, this will definitely hit the spot for you. And then some.
 A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall by @disraeligearsgoestumblin | 60K, Explicit
Author’s summary: He got off the boat in New York on May 13th, 1945, five days after V-E Day... 
A story of loss, grief, war, and a love that survives them all.
An AU set between 1945-1979, where Steve doesn’t go into the ice, but Bucky still becomes the Winter Soldier. This is the darkest/angstiest fic on this list, but it is so, so good and you will be rewarded with the most satisfying ending, I promise. God, just thinking about it, I want to reread this right now.
Space Oddity by @spacerenegades (crinklefries) | 147K, Mature
Author’s summary: After the world ends, things happen to Bucky in this specific order: he helps defeat Thanos, he rejects Steve’s attempt to address Feelings, he watches Steve volunteer to put the Infinity Stones back in time, he waits for Steve to come back, he is sad when Steve does not come back, he realizes that everyone thinks Steve disappeared in 2012 (???), he gets taken to space by Carol Danvers (!!!), he meets up with a depressed literal alien Norse God, he and the depressed literal alien Norse God travel through space, he and the depressed literal alien Norse God hit a wormhole and fall into the--Multiverse.
What the fuck.
This is the story of how Bucky and Thor pick up the pieces of their lives, find their own worth, find their own person, and find their way out of a multiverse of 100 realities stitched together with 100 tropes. There’s love, there’s friendship, there’s an extreme amount of Tesseract fuckery, but most importantly there are sexy vampires. Bon Appetit.
A love letter to Stucky and to fanfiction as a whole. It’s hilarious, heartbreaking, and just incredibly entertaining. The perfect binge-read for a vacation, I think. Also comes with beautiful art by cyclamental and @nalonzooo.
the world on fire by burlesquecomposer | 51K (WIP), Mature
Author’s summary: Steve loves old vinyl records, doodles on his files, and cannot remember a time that he didn't serve the TVA. And that suits him just fine—that is, until stray variant Bucky Barnes, fresh out of HYDRA's grasp, drops into his time theater and makes Steve question everything he believes in.
Yes, this is a WIP (a regularly updated one!), but PLEASE do not let this stop you from reading this gem of a story. It is well written, has a super fun premise,  clever plotting, wonderful characterizations, and a firm grasp on the SteveBucky dynamic. It is brilliant and I think it deserves a lot more love and attention.
This was fun--let’s do it again some time! 
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sassysambucky · 2 years
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Updated for 2023, cause lord knows it was time.
🍻 Once again, I am Sassy and you're watching the SamBucky channel *draws with wand*. Blog is 18/21+ due to nature of mature writing and the fact that we filthy round these streets, son! All fics are in fact Sam/Bucky.
Fic updates tag: #sassyao3.
Note: I do have a few fics on Ao3 'hidden' because I am re-editing them. They'll be back but were in need of a face lift. I have them marked accordingly below as well. 👇🏿
All links go to tumblr or ao3!
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#ongoing (1) ⋆˚
That's Not My Alpha! 🔞 rated E | SamBucky | 12k+ | Post-Civil War | +post+ / +AO3+
Sam is an omega who never dates alpha guys. When he and Bucky are in Wakanda, his feelings quickly change.
Some tags: omegaverse, modern dynamics, fluff, angst, internalized omegaphobia, struggle flirting
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#completed (9)
Under the Sea(man) 🧜‍♂️ | rated E | SamBucky | 17k | Pirate Sam x merman Bucky | +AO3+
Sam is a ship captain for the Dearest. One day, he is walking along the cove by himself when he comes across a seaman. Things get wetter than he expects as they get closer.
Figaro Magnifico 🐈 | rated T/M | SamBucky | 12k+ | Post-FATWS | Epistolary / texting fic | +AO3+
Bucky is in love with Sam, according to himself, and he's in need of new hobbies, according to his therapist. Clearly, the solution is watching Sam's cat from hell.
I'll Keep What I Wish For 🔞 rated E | SamBucky | 100k+ | Post-FATWS | +post+ / +AO3+
Sam and Bucky’s date night is interrupted when Gideon appears… and he isn’t happy to see that Sam, his brother, is gay and with Bucky, an ex-Winter Soldier.
Mr. Grinch 🎄 | rated E | SamBucky | 2k | holiday ONE SHOT | +AO3+
Sam is stuck working even into his holiday getaway with Bucky. How ever will Bucky cheer him up?
fill the void 🔞 rated E | SamBucky | 8k | ONE SHOT | monsterfucker | tentacle monster | +post+ / +AO3+
Sam happens upon a tentacle monster on a mission with Bucky. Things escalate when the monster enters his mind, revealing his true feelings.
thank the yeti 🔞 rated E | SamBucky | 4k | ONE SHOT | mission fic | idiots in love | +AO3+
Sam and Bucky are "snowed in" to a cabin. They have no choice but to share the same bed... absolutely no choice.
pumpkin, won't you be mine? 🔞 rated M/E | Sam x Bucky | 20k | Roomates AU | +post+ / +AO3+ 🎃halloween!
Bucky supports Sam's decision to have hookups with strangers, but it comes at the price of pushing the person he loves most into the arms of undeserving fellas. Halloween might be his breaking point.
Stand Up (face this) 🔞 rated E | Sam x Bucky | 4.0k words | ONE SHOT | Pre-FATWS AU | +post+ / +AO3+
Bucky avoids Sam's texts until Sam flies in to NY, refusing to be ignored.
Blueberry Eyes 🔞rated E | Sam x Bucky | 15k words | 4 chapters | Pre-Winter Soldier AU | +post+ / +AO3+
Working at a coffee shop, Sam meets the winter soldier, so he serves him a blueberry latte to match his eyes. 
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🚧 I Need You, Falcon 🔞 rated E | Sam x Bucky | 68k words | 22 chapters | FATWS | +post+ / +ao3+ | 🚧
Bucky knows that he has feelings for Sam, but not that Sam feels the same way.
Some tags: Bucky being feral to everyone, dancing, fighting, fixing the damn boat, attempting therapy
🚧 (His) Safe House 🔞 rated E | Sam x Bucky | 43k words | 9 chapters | Pre-Civil War AU | +post+ / +ao3+ | 🚧
Rescuing Bucky on the run goes wrong when he becomes the Winter Soldier. As he recovers, Sam watches him take on a Brooklyn persona that’s very kissable.
🚧 Oh, It's Magick (double trouble) 🔞 rated E | Sam x Bucky | 45k+ | 11+ chapters | Post-FATWS AU | +AO3+ | 🚧
Bucky is magically split into two bodies, himself and Winter, when a mission goes south. Sam finds that both halves are still attracted to him, but despise each other.
Some tags: magic, curses, vampires, Lilith Drake, Sam Wilson can talk to birds, Timeline What Timeline
🚧 Touch Me (Feel Me Bloom) [HIATUS] 🔞 rated E | Sam x Bucky | 43k+ | 10+ chapters | Pre-Ultron | +post+ / +AO3+ | 🚧
After months of tracking him through Europe and being roommates, Sam walks in on Bucky talking to his… well, talking his dick.
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#drabbles (2) ⋆˚
That Time Bucky Initiated a Hug | T | sambucky | 450w | +post+
One More Time | T | rare stucky | 500w | +post+
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Bucky Barnes Bingo 2022 - (half-finished) lol
Sambucky Halloween Bingo 2022 🎃 (#posts)
SamBucky AU Week 2022 (#sbauweek2022)
WinterFalcon Bingo 22-23 (Masterpost)
SamBucky V-Day Bingo 23 (#sbvdaybingo23)
SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2023 (in progress!)
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polizwrites · 1 year
Come Again Some Other Day
This is a fill for today's @februaryficletchallenge (Day 2 - Caught in the Rain) as well as the @buckybarnesbingo Flash Bingo 2023 U card - Unlucky.
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: None (Bucky x happiness) Rating: General Tags: Internal monologue, post-FatWS, canon-adjacent Word Count: 527
Bucky had always hated getting caught out in the rain, especially when it was a cold rain that fell steadily for hours on end, soaking whatever it landed on clear through and leaving puddles behind for the unwary pedestrian to step into. New York City always looked so gloomy when it was raining, the stone and steel skyscrapers fading into the grey of the sky.
Before the war, there was always the chance that whatever illness Steve was already fighting would get worse if he got rained on, or that he’d catch a chill and therefore be more vulnerable to something new. Either way, Steve would be miserable and gripe under his breath the rest of the day.
During the war, the rain was rarely their friend. It made it nearly impossible to get a good sniper shot in, and the less said about foxholes with an inch or two of water at the bottom or marching for miles through the mud, the better. Dum-dum’s loud, colorful string of curses upon opening the barracks door to a downpour was one of the first memories Bucky recovered from his time spent with the Howlies.
Of course the Soldier’s handlers hadn’t cared about the forecast when sending him out on a mission. He was expected to succeed regardless of any obstacles and his personal comfort was never a consideration.
During that time, he had recognized there were a few advantages to being in the rain; it muffled your steps when approaching your target and helped wash away the blood. But the rain only intensified the constant sensation of being chilled to the bone, and both his arm and his leather gear needed extra maintenance after getting wet.
While he was on the run, Bucky’s second most important possession that he carried in his backpack was a rain poncho. While it wasn’t perfect -- he still got wet from about mid-thigh down -- it folded up small enough to fit easily into one of the many pockets and had been sturdy enough to last him through the rainy season. His third most important possession? Clean, dry socks.
The first place that Bucky hadn’t minded being caught in the rain was Wakanda. Precipitation there was infrequent, and therefore welcome; it tamped down the ever-present dust and made the grass turn a vibrant green. His goats had always frolicked in the rain, and that in turn made him and the village children laugh.
The hut the villagers had built for him was snug and dry, placed on a slight rise so the rainwater ran away from it, down towards the stream, and the door faced away from the prevailing winds. He could sit, holding a mug of tea close to his chest and watch the rain fall without fear or worry.
The rain wasn’t too bad here in Louisiana, either. Sure, there was plenty of it -- plus the threat of hurricanes -- and the thick Delta mud clung to your shoes like nobody’s business. But when there was a warm, bright place to return to, a home filled with love and contentment, it was easy enough to shake off the gloom of a rainy day.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Writing Questions Tag
Tagged by @emptyflowerpots; thanks~
1: what is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I guess it might be the Love and Flowers series. An MCU multi-chapter, choose your own character ending story that I did for Valentines Day a few years ago.
I loved the idea and I was glad I actually did it, and people seemed to really enjoy it.
Another one would be my Soulmate AU series, which currently has 11 parts.
2: what is your favorite part of being a writer? which parts could you take or leave?
I love when people experience happiness, joy, or even sadness through my writing, as it tells me that I was writing enough to make someone feel. I absolutely love when I am reading something and it's written in such a way that I feel the emotions being portrayed in the story. So knowing I can do that as well makes me want to keep writing.
Otherwise, the unwanted "feedback" by some people who are just insulting your writing rather than actually providing feedback. I can definitely live without that, though luckily, I do not experience that that often.
3: what is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Maladaptive daydreams about things I will never experience so I might as well write them lol
Also people enjoying my writing and it bringing them some form of joy or comfort makes me want to keep writing more.
4: what is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? link it if you’d like and can!
I haven't written many multi-chapter stories (that I've finished lol). But maybe my nine part Bridgerton story 'Hearts Divided'
Or also the Love and Flowers series I linked at the beginning of this.
5: what is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
I'm not quite sure what this means lol does it mean a quote from something I've written?
Because one of my favorite dialogue's I've written is from an unfinished Star Trek story I wrote.
'No matter, how many times you tear me down, no matter how many times you tear me apart and put me back together, no matter how many parts of me you take away, my hope, my voice, my home, family, my friends. The one thing you will never, ever take away is my humanity. I will never stop being human, and I will never, ever, stop fighting you!'
6: which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
I don't write for many controversial characters, but I guess maybe Zemo from Marvel/fatws. I do not agree with a lot of the things he did, but I love his character so much at the same time lol.
Other than him, maybe Jim Moriarty from Sherlock BBC?
7: if you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
Not much lol. I'd probably be proud of my evolution in writing style and I'd be shocked at how many followers I managed to gain. but otherwise there wouldn't be much 'thought' lol.
Tagging (no pressure!): @gaitwae, @magravenwrites, @spuffyfan394, @will-grammer, @trashywritestrash, @cosplayingwitch and Open Tag! If anyone wants to do this anyways :)
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eirian-houpe · 1 year
TMI Tuesday
Happy Tuesday - has it really been a month since I last posted on of these?
Life has been crazy and busy, and busy and crazy, and then I took a vacation. I did manage to write a chapter of Secret of the Seas while away (aboard a ship), but since I got back I haven’t had a chance to type it up or edit it.  Hopefully soon.  I also still have some chapters of Disparate Pathways, and Time’s Curse to edit and post - again, soon!
Anyway, go on and drop me an ask and let me know what you’d like to see updated next.  If you drop me an ask like that, I’ll give you a tidbit for the named fic.  How’s that for a fair exchange?
Otherwise, here are some other suggestions for you…
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
Disparate Pathways, Chapters 48 through 56 All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 4 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
Resolutions - Rushbelle in the Deck the Halls universe.
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ramblings about she-hulk below cut
i feel bad because i REALLY wanted to like she-hulk, but i just... can’t get into it? it’s totally something i SHOULD enjoy: it’s cute and funny, the main character is endearing, it’s a cheesy crime procedural, and it’s got self-referential humour. but i just keep going “when’s the interesting stuff gonna happen?” 
i just keep comparing everything that comes out now to moon knight and hawkeye, the two shows everyone else seems to hate. i’m REALLY hoping this is another WandaVision situation where by the 4th episode i finally can get into it, but yeah... it’s not even in my top three right now (MK, Hawkeye, and FATWS are my top three, with Loki and Ms Marvel very close to number 3)... COINCIDENCE that they’re three shows everyone shat on?? probably not). don’t get me wrong, it’s funny, and jen,nikki and the fourth-wall breaking are LITERALLY the only things i’m enjoying about the show (along with the beautiful court room art cards during the end credits), but i find the pacing really off and just... everything feels too “convenient” and just i’m groaning more than i’m laughing. i dunno.
I think i just got super soured at the E1 post-credit scene ... like who fucking cares if Rogers fucked someone or not?? it’s 2022 ffs, why is this still “a thing”.
and like the cgi is.... eeeeee??? like mk’s cgi was REALLY good, maybe because they had more time to refine it since the show was postponed so long, but they did jen dirty, honestly. she... really doesn’t look as good as bruce. better than the trailers, but yeah, i dunno, as a designer who works with photoshop all day, it’s super noticeable for me, pulls me out too much. 
bleh, sorry, i just had to get this off my chest. 
maybe it’s too “happy” for me? hmm. 
i want my blorbos to SUFFER, lol.
maybe i just need a few more episodes. maybe it’s like WandaVision and MEANT to be binged at the end, to watch all as one movie.
i dunno. maybe it’s ‘cause i’m still hooked on mk and want some more interesting stuff about mythology and magic.
i feel bad :/ 
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themculibrary · 2 years
Sam Wilson POV Masterlist
Favorable Winds (ao3) - RurouniHime steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: Steve’s voice comes from behind, a sigh and a thump as his own pack hits the floor. “Sam. Meet Tony Stark.”
From What Seemed Like A Ruin (ao3) - alby_mangroves, rohkeutta steve/bucky T, 25k
Summary: When Barnes stumbles into a small town in Maine at summer's end, he's been running a long time and doesn't expect to stay. But as weeks pass, he starts wondering whether all this time he hasn't been running away from, but towards something - the kindness of strangers, quiet fields, and a curious, yellow-eyed goshawk.
gator around the warm beds of beginners (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky E, 39k
Summary: “What no one told you about miraculously coming back from the dead was how it was a total goddamn shitshow. Because yeah, Sam was alive, and yeah, the apocalypse had been averted, sort of—he wasn’t clear on if it counted when the apocalypse had still happened but all the people who’d died came back. But at his last count, Sam had lost: five years, two best friends, a home and/or place to live, practically all of his stuff, and—okay, this one wasn’t so bad—his fugitive status. Sam had gained: Captain America’s shield and Bucky.”
How Sam and Bucky get by, after Thanos is defeated. Or: the story of how two idiots become roommates, partners, friends with benefits, and maybe something more, if they could just stop being so oblivious, while they wait to find out if their Steve’s ever coming back from his trip through time.
Maybe it's an Assassin Thing (ao3) - Captainwittyoneliner steve/bucky, natasha/sam G, 4k
Summary: "Captain America, perusing dead bodies, with a dopey smile on his face. Honestly, that right there should have alerted Sam to how much of a bad idea it was to move in with Steve."
Two Russian ex-assassins try to flirt with their American ex-soldiers. They mostly succeed.
Mindstones and Other Malfunctions (ao3) - HunterPeverell steve/bucky T, 21k
The mind is a complex thing--it is filled with secrets, with horrors, and with joy. It has pain, suffering, and loss. Go back ten, twenty years, to when you were a kid, and you might have been happier. Go back seventy . . . Well, the mind of James Buchannan Barnes is a dark, sad place. Sam realizes it may not have always been that way.
My Autumn Touch of Gold (ao3) - prettylittlementirosa sam/bucky E, 76k
Summary: Sam seriously considers checking the ‘regretfully declines’ box. It’s not that he isn’t happy for Steve and T’Challa or that he doesn’t want to be there to see them get married. He’s just not sure he can handle seeing Bucky up close and in person, even after all this time. He wishes he was a better person. A more put-together person. A more over-it person, but. Well. It’s a Friday night and he’s at home drinking twelve-dollar wine by himself, staring at a little rectangle of fancy stock paper, trying to decide which tiny box he should scribble in.
Not as Expected (ao3) - Magi_Silverwolf T, 1k
Summary: For some reason, Sam Wilson didn't expect to be arrested for his crimes. Even if the thought had occurred to him, he expected that the excuse of helping Captain America would be enough to get him out of any trouble. This wasn't what he expected.
Old Wounds, New Scars (ao3) - NachoDiablo steve/sam T, 11k
Summary: Sam thought he was fine with Steve leaving. Until Steve comes back.
AU where Steve returns post-FATWS finale and Sam has to sort out some resurfacing feelings even though he absolutely does not want to.
Sam Meets the Avengers (ao3) - SmutLover G, 23k
Summary: How Sam Wilson met the Avengers and the support staff, brought in an assassin, kept several women from murdering Tony Stark, and found a family. But he is not their shrink. No. He isn't. Shut up, Tony. Or, as Sam puts it most days, how in hell did he get roped into this?
Somebody Get That Kid A Sandwich (ao3) - toffeecape steve/bucky M, 7k
Summary: There would come a day when Sam Wilson could no longer put off a complete debriefing session with his Momma. On that day, Sam hoped to escape the conversation alive by glossing over 'following a juiced-up supersoldier on a brainwashed assassin's revenge tour' in favor of 'convincing a traumatized war hero to come in from the cold with the power of Wilson family recipes.'
still feel the pull of you (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky E, 44k
Summary: "The frantic pulse of fear doesn’t ease until Sam catches sight of Barnes for the first time since the end of the battle: he’s dirty and disheveled, and still, somehow, impossibly, the best thing Sam’s ever seen. The gallop of Sam’s heart slows, and the tightness in his lungs eases so suddenly that it’s like he’s gone buoyant, ready to float away without the help of any wings. Barnes turns as if he can sense Sam looking at him, and when he meets Sam’s eyes, he smiles, and it’s the brightest damn thing on this battlefield, a shock of sweetness in the midst of so much dark bitterness and confusion. Sam smiles back, giddy with joy and relief.
He thinks, thank God Bucky’s okay.
Then he thinks, wait, what the fuck?"
After realizing there are some unexpected side effects for those who've been brought back to life after the Snap, Sam and Bucky slowly but surely learn that if they want to be loved, they must submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known [via soul bond].
The BBFF Wars (ao3) - rinnya steve/bucky G, 4k
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes may have been the Best of Best Friends Forever with Steven Grant Rogers 70 years ago, but that position had been given to Samuel Thomas Wilson 5 odd years ago, and it was a position Sam wasn’t going to give up without a fight. If Bucky was going to suddenly appear and totally whisk Steve away on a white horse and get a happy ever after in their BBFF fairytale. Heck no, not on Sam’s watch.
Sam and Bucky compete for Steve's platonic affections. Or... at least, that was what was supposed to happen.
The Ever Dwindling Personal Boundaries Between Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes (ao3) - dendrite_blues sam/bucky E, 20k
Summary: Sam knows he's in trouble the first time he catches a blank stare from Bucky and thinks, dude, if you're that tired take a goddamn nap.
Because that's where he's at now, apparently. Reading the mopey merc's inscrutable expressions like he's fluent in asshole.
The Great Madripoorian Snake Off (ao3) - ForASecondThereWedWon sam/bucky E, 8k
Summary: All Sam argued was that Bucky shouldn't have to pretend to be the Winter Soldier. He never suggested Bucky pose as his husband instead.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (ao3) - prettylittlementirosa sam/bucky M, 7k
Summary: Sam’s too cold to be embarrassed by how quickly he scrambles to get in there. It’s a tight fit, getting two grown men into one regular sized sleeping bag, but they make it work. Bucky shifts this way, Sam slithers that way. Bucky pulls Sam flush against his chest, Sam tries not to dwell on it. Bucky breathes hot air onto Sam’s exposed neck, Sam tucks his ice-cold toes in between Bucky’s legs. Bucky sighs contentedly, Sam wills his dick into submission.
(Or 5 times Sam and Bucky are forced to share a bed + 1 time they choose to.)
There Is Nothing Wrong With Me (Loving You) (ao3) - helens78 sam/bucky E, 58k
Summary: It's not that Sam doesn't want to have sex... it just hasn't been the right time, or the right place, or the right person.
And then Bucky Barnes comes back into his life and starts yelling at him about the shield, and Sam's pretty sure his days as a virgin are numbered.
To Build a Better World (ao3) - asocialconstruct bucky/steve/sam E, 37k
Summary: For a prompt: Project Insight crashes and burns, but HYDRA had a dozen backup plans and a ways down the road, one of them works. Steve and Sam have found Bucky and they’ve been working together, but then suddenly HYDRA’s in charge of the entire world and Bucky and Sam (and Steve?) are taken captive.
Any day now—any second—Bucky and Steve are going to come crashing through a wall of squid Nazis, eight feet tall, shield in hand and guns blazing. Sam’s going to punch in some faces until his hands hurt, throw off some amazing one liners, and they’re going to ride into the sunset.
While eating steak.
It’ll be great.
Except that Steve’s dead and Bucky might as well be, and nobody’s coming for Sam.
You Just Had To Make It Weird (ao3) - IamShadow21 steve/bucky T, 6k
Summary: Steve and Sam are in the middle of nowhere, the absolute opposite of civilisation, just following a lead on Hydra and checking in to a cheap hotel and finding an awesome diner with great food and even better looking pie.
Then Bucky Barnes turns up and ruins everything.
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