#bucky Barnes son
sjsmith56 ยท 2 months
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The Capture, Chapter 19 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Lacey and Tommy are kidnapped at gunpoint. The former Avengers reassemble to rescue her when they learn of her connection to Bucky and of her kidnapper.
Length: 4.8 K
Characters: Lacey, Tommy, Terry, Dan Jones, Bucky, Nick Fury, Sam, Clint.
Warnings: Contains graphic violent content resulting in death and critical injury.
Author notes: Everything from this chapter on is original content. This was written after FATWS but before Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
<<Chapter 18
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It had been eight months since they moved into Terry's penthouse apartment and Lacey was somewhat surprised they slipped so easily back into urban living.ย  Every day she and Terry walked Tommy to school, waiting until the bell rang and making sure he went inside.ย  Then they walked back, picking up a coffee from the coffee shop nearby and returning to the apartment.ย  Terry would leave for his university coaching job while Lacey would clean up, do some laundry, get the mail, then write for several hours.ย  In the mid-afternoon she walked to the school, waited for Tommy to come out, then together they would walk home.ย  If he had homework she sat with him at the dining room table checking her emails, or reading her fan mail, while he did his school work.ย  Then she would start supper.ย  They would eat, usually without Terry as the team had practice running from the late afternoon to early evening.ย  Games were on the weekend.ย  It was quiet and routine, which Lacey wanted at this point.
On this particular Friday she waited with the other moms and a few dads for their kids to come out of the school.ย  She had started talking with some of the parents, chit chatting about school, sports and other things parents talk about.ย  Someone brought up the new Captain America and Lacey smiled, happy for Sam to take on the mantle.ย  She knew Bucky was with him during the New York battle with the Flag Smashers as someone in the media had mentioned him.ย  When Tommy came out he had his back pack on and fell into step beside Lacey, telling her about his day.ย 
Two blocks away from the school a car with tinted windows suddenly pulled onto the sidewalk in front of them and Lacey grabbed Tommy to run back to the school.ย  They were blocked on that side by another car, also with tinted windows.ย  Several masked men stepped out, approaching them with guns drawn.ย  Tommy assumed the fighting stance from Bucky's genetic memory that he was born with.ย  When the first man advanced on him he ran at him kicking him in the chest hard enough to knock him to the ground where he delivered a punch to the throat that incapacitated the gunman.ย  He was ready to take on the second man when he heard his mother scream and turned to see what was happening to her.
"Run, Tommy!" she screamed.ย  "Run!"
"Give up or I put a bullet in your mother's head," said the masked man who held a handgun to Lacey's head.ย 
Another vehicle pulled up and several men wearing FBI bulletproof vests came out pointing their firearms at the masked men.ย  The one in charge, who Tommy recognized as Agent Jones, an occasional visitor to the apartment, pulled the boy behind him as he advanced on the man holding Lacey.
"Let the woman go," ordered Jones.ย  "I have a sniper with a rifle trained on you.ย  He'll put a bullet in your brain well before you can pull that trigger."
"Your sniper has already been taken care of," replied the masked man, confidently.ย  "Contact him on your comms if you don't believe me."
Jones grimaced and called his sniper but there was no response.ย  He still held his gun on the masked man.ย  "Let her go," he said firmly.ย  "You're not getting her or the boy."
"Think again," replied the gunman.ย  "Boss?"
Jones heard the shots just before he felt the armour piercing bullet hit him in the chest.ย  He staggered back and fell, looking at his men as they fell to the sidewalk, also hit by armour piercing bullets.ย  He put his hand out to Tommy who was obviously in shock then Jones watched helplessly as the boy was swept up by one of the masked men.ย  As Jones struggled to get off the ground and shoot out the tires of the cars he heard another shot and was hit again, this time in the shoulder.ย  Before he lost consciousness he saw Lacey being put into one car and Tommy into the other.ย  Both cars leisurely pulled away leaving him and his four agents bleeding out on the ground.
When he woke up the following morning it was with a tube down his throat, an IV in his arm, and all sorts of sensors attached to his body.ย  He moaned and several familiar faces appeared in his view; Nick Fury, Clint Barton, and Bucky Barnes.ย  He looked past Bucky, recognizing the new Captain America, Sam Wilson, to Bucky's right.ย 
"Agent Jones, how many men?" asked Fury, appearing directly over him.ย  "How many vehicles?"
Jones thought for a moment and focussed his energy on his hands and fingers.ย  Slowly he held up eight fingers, then changed it to two.
He nodded.ย  Using military sign language he signed that there were several snipers.ย 
"They used armour piercing bullets on you," said Fury.ย  "You lost three men, including your sniper.ย  I'm sorry.ย  You're the first to wake up."ย 
Reaching out with his hand Jones gripped Bucky's arm and stared at him, trying to show his regret at failing to protect Lacey and Tommy.
"You did your best," said Bucky, his face showing compassion.ย  "I don't blame you.ย  You were outgunned.ย  They made sure they got what they came for.ย  We'll take it from here."
Jones grimaced and nodded as Bucky patted him on the arm.ย  The four of them went out into the hallway.ย  Fury looked at the three others with determination.ย 
"Well, it looks like Sharon Carter decided to strike hard and fast.ย  SHIELD has been looking for her since just before the Blip ended.ย  They didn't know she was the Power Broker, as they thought she was still working for the CIA.ย  You two didn't know about her trying to take Lacey and Tommy at the farm during the Blip when she helped you with the Flag Smashers.ย  If you had we could have taken her then.ย  That's on me."
"We should have figured out she was the Power Broker," said Sam.ย  "Everything she did for us was just in time.ย  She even killed some of her own people so we would think she was on the level."
Bucky said nothing but stood brooding for some time.ย  "She needed Lacey to get Tommy," he stated.ย  "Once she has him she can keep him sedated and take his blood whenever she wants.ย  I'm going to hope she doesn't have a memory suppressing machine.ย  Considering he easily took down one of her men she may want to keep him and turn him into an enforcer."
"Or sell him to the highest bidder," added Clint.ย  "When I killed a lot of the criminal kingpins it left a void.ย  There's a lot of competition among those who reappeared to take over the gangs and cartels.ย  They could indoctrinate him with violence and drugs, like child soldiers, then turn him into their killer.ย  Sorry, Bucky."
"Don't be," said Bucky.ย  "It's a valid assessment."
"Has the CIA given you any information on her whereabouts?" Sam asked Fury.
"No.ย  They've disavowed her," he answered, "but I wouldn't be surprised if they had an idea where she is.ย  They weren't happy you got a conditional pardon, Barnes.ย  It messed up their plausible deniability defence at your hearings when your lawyer pulled out the decrypted HYDRA files proving they knew about your captivity all along.ย  Sam's activities on behalf of Isaiah Bradley made them even more culpable.ย  Just so you know, I didn't have that level of clearance when I was with the CIA.ย  I didn't know you were one of ours and I didn't know about him."
Bucky nodded in acknowledgement.ย  "Who else can we pull into a rescue team?" he asked.ย  "I'm assuming you want to be in on it, Clint."
"Damn right, I do," replied Clint.ย  "We can get Scott, his girlfriend Hope, Peter Parker ... he's Spider-Man.ย  Kate Bishop is ready for action.ย  I may be able to talk to Natasha's sister, Yelena.ย  Since she stopped trying to kill me she might be useful.ย  I think if you ask King T'Challa he might help.ย  Maybe send us some of his warriors.โ€
"That might be pushing it," replied Bucky.ย  "I kind of helped Zemo break out of prison for him to help us with the Flag Smashers.ย  Ayo told me to stay away from Wakanda for a while."
"That was you?" grinned Barton.ย  "I'm impressed.ย  I would still ask.ย  What about John Walker?"ย  Bucky and Sam both grimaced.ย  "Touchy subject?ย  I thought he did help with the Flag Smashers in New York."
"He did," agreed Sam.ย  "He's ... on the edge.ย  Let's put it that way.ย  He lets the end justify the means and he did go too far with the one Flag Smasher."
"I'll approach him," said Bucky.ย  "We may need him, as much I don't want to ask for his help."
"I'll talk to Colonel Rhodes," said Sam.ย  "I'm sure he will want to be in on this."
"We'll meet tomorrow at the compound," said Fury.ย  "We have one building usable that houses living quarters, meeting rooms and a canteen.ย  It's a start."
As they stepped out of the hospital Bucky saw Terry Williams waiting for him.ย  Sam and Clint came with him while Fury got into a black SUV that was waiting for him.
"They wouldn't let me in to see Dan," said Terry.ย  "Is he okay?"
"He's awake and was able to tell us a few things," said Clint.ย  "He'll be alright.ย  We're going to find them, Terry.ย  We're assembling a team and will start planning tomorrow."
"I received a phone message about an hour ago," said Terry.ย  "It's meant for you but they sent it to me, probably to make me talk you into not looking for them."
He brought up the phone message and handed it to Bucky who took in a sudden breath then handed it to the other two men.ย  It was a picture of Sharon with Lacey and Tommy.ย  She had a memory suppressing machine and Lacey was in it.ย  The text message was succinct.
>>I found my chemist.ย  I'm wiping Lacey's memory and selling her.ย  The boy is mine.<<
Bucky took the phone back and sent the picture to himself then handed the phone back to Terry.ย  Another thought occurred to the super soldier.
"Can they track where this picture came from?" he asked Clint.ย 
"It's possible," said Clint.ย  "We would need the phone for an IT specialist to analyze.ย  You think it will give a location of Carter?"
"That's my thinking," said Bucky.ย  "It will likely be in the same place where her lab is.ย  Terry, I want your phone."
"Then I have to come with you," said Terry.ย  "I want to help."
"It's not a good idea," said Clint, gently.ย  "We're assembling a team that will use deadly force if they have to.ย  No offence, but you're a civilian."
"She's my sister and he's my nephew and I've been responsible for them for over 5 years," he replied.ย  "I can't go back to my home and wait by the phone helplessly.ย  Please, even if it's just keeping your coffee cups filled, let me come with you."
"Okay," agreed Bucky.ย  "You do everything I tell you without arguing.ย  Understood?"
Terry nodded.ย  They went back to his apartment to use as a base and contact everyone they had discussed.ย ย  Before midnight they had a team and everyone agreed to meet at the compound the following day.ย  They were unable to get a location on John Walker and Bucky left, telling them he had an idea how to find the man.ย  He promised to meet the others at the compound if they would bring his go bag.ย  As he left the building he opened his cell phone and looked up a contact.ย  For some time he stared at it, wondering if he really wanted to call in the debt this person owed him.ย  Then he made the call to the man who had been an assassin for the mob.ย  Bucky prevented him from being shanked while they were both in lock up, receiving a marker for his efforts.
"Marco, it's Bucky," he said.ย  "You meant what you said about being in my debt?ย  I need to find someone, tonight if possible, tomorrow at the latest."ย  He listened to the man on the other end of the phone.ย  "No, I don't want him hurt or anything.ย  Just a location.ย  I need him for a job." The man on the other end said something else that made Bucky smile.ย  "No, not a bank job.ย  A rescue.ย  Someone took my son and his mother.ย  I want to get them back.ย  If I could I would ask for your help but I'm using legitimate players on this.ย  I just can't get hold of this guy and I need him."
Bucky hung up and began running to the train station.ย  Where ever John Walker was he needed to get to him as soon as possible.ย  By the time he reached the station Marco had a location for him and Bucky thanked him, saying the debt was paid.ย  Marco extended an invitation to work for the mob but Bucky declined, thanking him for the opportunity.ย  Then he bought a ticket to New York and began the 90 minute ride between the two cities.ย  While he sat in his seat he pulled up the picture of Lacey.ย  Enlarging the image of her he noticed the tell tale red mark above and below her left eye.ย  They had already put her through at least one round of the machine.ย  He swallowed the bile that rose in his throat and seriously considered breaking his vow of not killing anymore.ย  Then he enlarged the part of the picture that showed Tommy, cringing slightly at how scared he was.ย  He began looking at other parts of the picture to see if there was a clue of any kind.ย  There was a throwaway coffee cup that he enlarged enough to discern a logo on it.ย  With a sense of satisfaction he recognized it was from the coffee kiosk where he met Agent Jones in New York several months before.ย  The machine was somewhere in that vicinity and so were Lacey and Tommy.ย  He texted his deduction and the picture to Nick Fury, leaving it to him to try to find the exact location.
When he got off the train he looked at the address Marco gave him for John Walker.ย  Just on the address alone it was fancy digs for a guy who had been kicked out of the military with no benefits.ย  He obviously had a new employer if he could afford to live in the heart of Manhattan.ย  Bucky went to the front door of the building, noticing it had a night doorman.ย  He could take him out but that would mean hurting him and Dr. Raynor's insistence on the three rules still stuck with him.ย  No one who didn't deserve it would be hurt by him.ย  Instead, he went for a walk around the building.ย  Places this nice usually had a second entrance for staff, workers, and deliveries.ย  At the back he found the ramp into the parking garage and looked at the control panel, remembering he had bypassed ones just like it when he was the Soldier.ย  Pulling the panel off he located a couple of wires, disconnected them, and reconnected them together, raising the ramp door.ย  Quickly he went down the ramp, through the door then to a service elevator.ย  It didn't need a pass card and he pressed the button for the floor where John Walker and his wife lived.ย  When it arrived he made his way to the suite number and looked at the lock.ย  He could knock but Walker might not open it if he saw Bucky through the security peephole.ย  Normally he would use blunt force for it but he didn't want to alert anyone if he could avoid it.ย  He didn't have any lock picking tools so that was out.ย  As he paced up and down the hallway he noticed the fire alarm.ย  It would get everyone up and out of the building but he could get Walker on his own first.ย  Reaching out he pulled the lever and the klaxon sounded to evacuate the building.ย  Waiting as people came out of their apartments in their nightclothes he watched the Walker's door carefully from an alcove across the hall.ย  As soon as it opened he ran over and pushed both Walker and his wife back into the apartment.
"Bucky?" exclaimed Walker.ย  "What the hell, man!"
"It's a false alarm," said Bucky.ย  "I needed to talk to you but you aren't exactly listed in the phone book. The fire alarm was plan B."
"You know this guy?" asked his wife, angry at the intrusion.
"Yeah," replied Walker.ย  "Olivia, this is Bucky Barnes.ย  What the hell is so important that you had to set off a fire alarm in my building?"
"I need your help," said Bucky.ย  "Sharon Carter, who helped us with the Flag Smashers; turns out she's the Power Broker and she took my son, and his mother."
"You have a son?" asked Walker incredulously.ย  "Why does she want your son?"
"Because the super soldier abilities I have were passed on to him," said Bucky.ย  "She can make new serum using his blood.ย  She has a memory suppression machine as well and can use it to make super soldiers that obey her every command.ย  She's already used it on Lacey, my son's mother.ย  Then she plans to sell her off to someone."
He showed them the picture that he copied from Terry's phone.ย  They both looked at it without comment.
"Why should I help you?" demanded Walker.ย  "I have a contract with a private employer and it doesn't involve dealing with you."
Bucky sighed then looked at Olivia.ย  "Because she may come after your child sometime," he said.ย  "I'm pretty sure if you and your wife start having children they'll have the super soldier abilities as well.ย  If you came to me for help I wouldn't hesitate."
Olivia looked at her husband in a panic then instinctively touched her abdomen.ย  She was already pregnant.ย  Walker looked up in frustration then at his wife when she touched his arm.
"You have to help him," she said.ย  "He's just a kid.ย  You came up against traffickers in Afghanistan and said they were filthy animals.ย  You can't let them have Lacey either."
Walker let out a short angry breath.ย  "Okay, I'm in," he said curtly.ย  "What's the plan?"
"Meet at the Avengers compound upstate," replied Bucky.ย  "Today, as soon as you can get there after sunrise.ย  Bring your uniform and your weapons."
Walker nodded his assent then they all went to the door and joined the exodus of people evacuating down the stairs.ย  When they got to the bottom Bucky disappeared into the night and Walker put his arm protectively around Olivia.
"Val isn't going to like this," he said.
"She doesn't need to know," replied Olivia, then she looked up at her husband.ย  "This is the right thing to do, John."
Once Bucky was safely away from the building he ran to a self storage facility in Brooklyn.ย  Even though he mostly stayed in Delacroix with Sam and his family he had moved his possessions from his Brooklyn flat into a small storage unit, not wanting to move them until he was sure he was staying in one place.ย  Lifting up the steel door sounded disturbingly loud but he didn't stop until it was completely open.ย  Then he turned on the light and began looking for the tools of his trade.ย  In the weeks since they fought the Flag Smashers things had been quiet so he hadn't needed his weapons.ย  Now, he needed several and he brought the satchel out.ย  Pulling a canvas off of a hidden object revealed a motor bike, a Kawasaki Versys 650, which he picked up at a very reasonable price.ย  He barely rode it since buying it but he needed a way to get to the compound.ย  Grasping the handle bars he walked the motor bike out to the corridor.ย  Going back inside he found another bag with a leather jacket and motorcycle helmet, put them both on, and slung the weapons satchel cross wise over his body.ย  Finally he pulled down the steel door and locked it.ย  He walked the motor bike outside, mounted it, and turned the key, its motor springing to life right away.ย  As soon as he got it up to speed a grin spread across his face as its powerful but smooth roar reached his ears.ย  Checking for police or speed traps he let it out and got it up to 150 mph before bringing it back down to the speed limit.ย  It was definitely a motorcycle he would enjoy riding.ย  Just over an hour later he pulled up to the construction site that covered most of the Avengers compound.ย  An MP waved him over and Bucky pulled up then took his helmet off.
"Your name, sir?" asked the MP.
"Bucky Barnes," he replied, then added his rank.ย  "Sergeant.ย  There's supposed to be a John Walker on the list.ย  Can you confirm that?"
The MP looked at his clipboard.ย  "Yes, Sarge, he's on the list but hasn't checked in yet. Go straight and take the second turn right.ย  Your destination will be on the left.ย  You're the first one here, other than Director Fury."
"There is another man who might not be on the list," stated Bucky.ย  "Terry Williams.ย  He is the brother of the abducted woman and uncle to the boy.ย  I can vouch for him."
"He's on the list as well," said the MP.ย  "I believe Clint Barton called it in to include him on the briefings."
Bucky nodded, put his helmet back on and followed the directions.ย  The building looked new but it was still surrounded by the wreckage of Thano's attack.ย  Another MP guided him in to a parking stall.
"Sergeant Barnes," he verified.ย  "If you go through those doors another MP will assign you your quarters.ย  If you have weapons in your bag, there is a secure storage area inside for you to keep them."
Bucky thanked him and walked inside carrying his helmet in his arm.ย  The MP checked the contents of his bag and radioed for an escort to show him the weapons storage then his quarters.ย  An army private arrived to lead Bucky to the weapons storage area which was basically a locker that used an iris scan to open and close it.ย  Then he followed the private to his quarters, dropping his helmet and jacket onto the table.ย  The canteen wasn't open yet so Bucky laid on the bed and closed his eyes, hoping to catch some sleep before the others arrived.ย  A knock on his door awakened him a couple of hours later and he opened it to Sam carrying his go bag.
"How long have you been here?" asked Sam.
"Well before sunrise," replied Bucky.ย  "I found Walker.ย  He said he was in.ย  His wife is pregnant so I think he understands the necessity of keeping the kids safe.ย  His wife also brought up his experiences with human traffickers in Afghanistan."
"Good," said Sam.ย  "Canteen is open, if you're up for some breakfast.ย  Is that your motorcycle outside?"
"Yeah, first time out with it," replied Bucky.ย  "Took it up to 150 mph in no time."
"Nice," said Sam, smiling broadly.ย  "Oh, just so you know, we have three Dora Milaje here.ย  They volunteered.ย  Ayo is one of them."
"Nice," replied Bucky, also smiling.ย  "She's a good soldier."
He changed his shirt and walked with Sam to the canteen.ย  It was more like a mess hall as both of them came away with a full tray of food, coffee and orange juice.ย  As he turned to the seating area a hand went up and he saw Clint and Terry.ย  Also sitting with them were Peter Parker, who he hadn't seen since the airport in Leipzig, and surprisingly to him, Lt. Torres.
"What are you doing here?" he asked Torres.
"I heard about your girlfriend and son," he replied.ย  "I've been working on the Falcon suit and trying it out.ย  I thought I could help."
"Thanks," said Bucky.ย  "I appreciate it."ย  He turned to Peter and offered his hand.ย  "Thanks for coming out, Peter.ย  Having experienced how effective your webs are I'm sure you'll make a difference."
"Sure, Mr. Barnes," Peter replied, shaking Bucky's hand.
"Bucky, please," he interrupted, smiling.ย  "Mr. Barnes was my dad."
Peter nodded and went back to eating his breakfast.ย  As they continued eating more people entered and he couldn't help but feel moved by those who showed up.ย  When John Walker strode in Bucky made a point of standing up and calling to him, understanding that in many ways Walker needed to feel like he was part of something good.ย  He introduced him to everyone and gave him his chair to sit on while he pulled another over.ย  Sam watched him with a small half smile on his face, understanding exactly what Bucky was doing.ย  ย 
A dark-haired woman entered the canteen area.ย  Clint identified her as Maria Hill, Fury's right hand person.ย  She announced the briefing was about to begin and asked everyone assembled to follow her to the full briefing room.ย  At the front stood Fury, Rhodes, Thaddeus Ross, and two sorcerers, one who Bucky recognized as Dr. Strange.ย  The other sorcerer was an Asian man but Bucky didn't know his name.ย  When Fury put his hand up the whole room went silent.
"It would appear that the rumours of the demise of the Avengers isn't true," he said.ย  "There was a feeling from people with a higher pay grade than myself that there was no need for our organization, at least not in the format it had been."ย  He gave some serious side-eye to Ross.ย  "With the rise of the Flag Smashers and now the kidnapping of Lacey Chapman and her son Tommy, nothing could be further from the truth.ย  Three FBI agents died trying to prevent the kidnapping.ย  Three seriously injured.ย  For those of you who don't know Tommy is the son of Bucky Barnes and he has inherited his father's abilities."ย  There were several murmurs from the crowd.ย  "One of our own, Sharon Carter, has turned to the dark side and is behind the kidnapping.ย  She is now known by her current alias, the Power Broker, a powerful criminal overlord in Madripoor."
"Didn't she just get reinstated by the CIA?" asked Torres.
"Yes," replied Fury.ย  "That's before we realized her criminal alias.ย  We had been looking for her but never made the connection.ย  She has been disavowed by the CIA now that they are aware of her true identity.ย  She was behind the serum used by the Flag Smashers to become super soldiers and we believe she has plans to use Tommy Chapman's blood to create more serum.ย  Gentlemen, and ladies, we need to stop Miss Carter, and rescue Lacey Chapman and her son.ย  Those are our missions."
He let the news percolate and looked at Thaddeus Ross who put his hand up for silence.
"I know my presence here doesn't fill you with confidence," he said.ย  "Mistakes were made.ย  Serious mistakes that blamed certain innocent people for things they didn't do.ย  It also caused other people who were doing what they thought was morally right to be arrested and imprisoned unjustly.ย  I'm here to tell you the Sokovia Accords have been revoked completely.ย  After Thanos it was recognized that an organization like the Avengers needs its autonomy to take up the fights that need fighting without waiting for approval by slow moving bureaucracies.ย  Cap, Barnes, and Walker proved with their work on the Flag Smashers that the rules of engagement can't always be followed especially when your opponent doesn't follow or respect those same rules.ย  That doesn't mean you sink to their level.ย  It means you use appropriate force to defeat your opponent.ย  It also means the kidnapping of two people is as important as a threat against many people.ย  Whatever you need to do to succeed in this mission will be provided to you.ย  Good luck."
Bucky looked at Sam.ย  It appeared they both had just received an apology for how they had been treated in the past.ย  Whatever they did now was their decision and under their control.ย  This fight had meaning not just for them but for everyone who had stepped up and they would make it count.
Chapter 20>>
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captainrogers-thepatriot ยท 9 months
A teenage Steve and Bucky stood in a small boat fixing the boats motor. It was there summer job every year. It was there way to bring in some extra cash and mainly keep Steve out of trouble.
The two talked, often talking about the girls they liked and the Dodgers. Sometimes they would talk about their families and plot out what they thought there futures would be like.
At this time Steve was planning to go to a city college when he graduated and study art. It was something his mother wanted him to do, to be given the chance to follow his dream. He loved art, but it was more of a hobby for him. He wanted to do more with his life, he wanted to do something that made a difference but he wasn't sure what he could do. His mom wanted him to be safe and not put himself in dangerous situations, she saw art as a safe career.
Bucky wanted to go to school, but he knew with the war in full swing he was likely to get drafted. Part of him was excited by the opportunity to serve his country, another part of him was scared. He had never fought more than three men at a time, being in a full blown war was another level.
The two boys saw a bright light on the dock. They watched curiously as two mysterious people appeared.
There was a woman in her early 20s with messy brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin. She dressed in a tomboyish style, yet was clearly extremely beautiful. The man next to her seemed to be around the same age. He had short blonde hair and brown eyes. He wore a jersey of his favorite football team and blue jeans.
The woman was Bucky's future daughter and the man would one day be Steve's son. Both whom traveled to meet their parents as children.
Bucky and Steve looked at the visitors with shock and with awe. They were speechless.
"I think we are in the wrong time." Jay said to Nessa.
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winterspiderpurrs ยท 2 months
Okay but like.. combining several fic tropes
*Tony Starks Bio son[Peter] kidnap when a baby/toddler
*genuis Peter, but being smart, don't pay rent= Stripper Peter[ maybe he in college on scholarships or on his 2/3 doctorate]
*someone getting married there is a bachelor party = Peter gets hired with a group and visits Stark/Avenger Tower
*Peter's fingers get scanned=maybe there is a delay for whatever reason
*When the results get sent to Tony's glasses Peter is already in mid lap dance
Peter may or may not be Spiderman-dealer's choice
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avengerscompound ยท 1 month
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Steve Rogers
Tales of Suspense (1959) #75
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biscuitbox23 ยท 1 year
Me going into the Jake sully x reader tag and seeing Neteyam and Loโ€™ak fanfictions:
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supercap2319 ยท 5 months
Bucky prepared for the young woman in the black mask to strike him in the face once again, but before she could, a golden, glowing lasso wrapped itself around her and she was pulled back. She was swung to the other truck and hit the top of it.
The people who held Bucky by his arms turn to look as a young man dressed in red armor body and knee-high dark red boots. He put the lasso at his side and gave Bucky a lopsided grin. "Looks like you boys could use some help."
Bucky gave an annoyed huff as the guy in the armor leaped up and kicked one of Bucky's captors in the chest. The Winter Soldier then kicked the other in the knee and punched him in the face before squaring up to the young man. "What are you doing here, Y/N?"
"I got a call from Watchtower. Said there was a hostage situation. Looks like you and Sam are in over your heads."
"Look, just because your mother is Wonder Woman doesn't mean you get toโ€“"
They were interrupted as a bunch more people in black masks leaped onto their side of the truck. Bucky gave Y/N a nod. "We're not done talking about this, Doll."
"Certainly not." Y/N smiled as they charged towards the people in black masks.
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samodivaa ยท 9 months
"Bucky/Soldat's metal fingers are not lollipops"
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forever a metal arm kink writer โ”Š For Bucky โ”Š For Soldat โ”Š
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slow-motionlovepotion ยท 1 year
๐’˜๐’‰๐’Š๐’•๐’† ๐’๐’–๐’• | ๐’ƒ.๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’†๐’”
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๐’‘๐’‚๐’Š๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ: SonsBestFriend!Bucky x OlderWoman!reader
๐’˜๐’๐’“๐’… ๐’„๐’๐’–๐’๐’•: <1k
๐’‚/๐’: just a short little thot, I was high as a kite on pain meds when I wrote this so I donโ€™t even know what this is. no beta, we die like men.ย  ย  ย 
๐’˜๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ๐’”: 18+, age gap (21ish!Bucky x mid-late 40s/early 50s!Reader), explicit language, phone sex, facetime sex, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, infidelity, a lil subby Bucky - minors do not interact.ย  ย 
๐’”๐’–๐’Ž๐’Ž๐’‚๐’“๐’š: Ski trip phone sexย 
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A buzzing from your bedside table wakes you up, grabbing your phone in the darkness you see an incoming call from Bucky.ย 
โ€œBucky?โ€ you mumble as you answer
โ€œShit sorry, did I wake you?โ€ He whispers on the other end of the lineย 
โ€œYes but itโ€™s alright, donโ€™t worry. Everything okay?โ€ you match his volume
โ€œAre you alone?โ€ he asks, breathless
You look over to your husbands side of the bed, empty, and not for the first time this week โ€œYeah, yeah Iโ€™m aloneโ€ย 
โ€œNeeded to hear your voiceโ€ he practically whines on the other end of the line
โ€œI canโ€™t cum. Iโ€™m so fucking hard it hurts and I canโ€™t cum. Just thought maybe-โ€œ heโ€™s cut off by the familiar beeping of an incoming video call. You hesitate for a second before flicking on the bedside lamp and accepting. Youโ€™re greeted by a desperate and needed looking Buckyย 
โ€œFuck, you look goodโ€ you know he means it, โ€œhang onโ€
Thereโ€™s fumbling on the other end of the call until you're placed down, it looks like youโ€™re propped up on the pillows, the angle heโ€™s at lets you see all of him. Buckyโ€™s kneeling in the middle of the bed, his cock red and heavy between his legs. He sits back on his heels and you can see the precum leaking from his tip as it catches the dim lightย 
โ€œSay something, please, talk to me. I wanna hear youโ€ย 
โ€œOh baby, that looks like it hurtsโ€ youโ€™re not lying, heโ€™s painfully hard
He nods furiously โ€œDoesnโ€™t feel as good when Iโ€™m not with youโ€ย 
โ€œHave I ruined your own hand for you?โ€ย 
โ€œYes,โ€ Heโ€™s stroking his cock, hips thrusting gently in time with his hand, eyes flutteringย 
โ€œHave you been thinking about me?โ€
โ€œYeah, been thinkinโ€™ โ€˜bout your pussy, love feelinโ€™ you cumming round my cock, you get so fuckinโ€™ tightโ€ he squeezes the head as if trying to recreate the feel of youย 
You canโ€™t help but slip a finger between your legs at the sight, pressing against your bundle of nerves. โ€œAhโ€
Buckyโ€™s eyes snap open at your sound โ€œAre youโ€ฆ? Fuckโ€ย 
โ€œMmmh, so wet Buckyโ€ you reposition yourself against your pillows, the duvet slipping down to reveal your bare breasts โ€œWhat about my mouth? Have you thought about that?โ€ Bucky letโ€™s out a pained groan, โ€œPutting me on my knees and fucking my throat?โ€ย 
โ€œShitโ€ Bucky hisses, fist pumping his leaking cock faster โ€œyouโ€™d let me do that?โ€ย 
โ€œoh Buck Iโ€™d love you to, make me choke on your cockโ€ Buckyโ€™s eyes are squeezed shut, mouth hanging open. His bare chest glistens with sweat and the muscles in his thighs are strained. โ€œLook at you, so pretty like this, all for meโ€
โ€œYeah, all for youโ€ Bucky pants โ€œOh God, Iโ€™m so close, sโ€™right thereโ€ Bucky increases his pace, frantic and desperate.ย 
You bring your wetness to your clit, circling gently, already closer than you expected. โ€œNot yet, wait until I sayโ€ย 
โ€œI canโ€™t, please, I canโ€™t. Iโ€™m gonna cumโ€ His voice is tight, high and breathless.ย 
โ€œWait.โ€ you increase your speed, watching Bucky on the screen, whining, teetering on the edge of bliss, sweat slicked and flushed, looking delightful. You feel the approach of your orgasm, the building pleasure radiating from your core
โ€œCome for me Buckโ€ you can barely get the words out through your harsh breaths but the second youโ€™re done speaking Bucky cries out, thrusting twice into his fist, shaking violently from the force of his climax
โ€œYes, Iโ€™m cuโ€“ fuck, yesโ€ He doesnโ€™t care about the noise heโ€™s making, doesnโ€™t give a shit itโ€™s your son on the other side of the wall, your son thatโ€™s likely just heard him get off with your help.
โ€œThatโ€™s it, good boyโ€ your praise pulls one final thrust from him and the burn of your orgasm spreads throughout you, your blood fire and you know youโ€™re going to come. โ€œGonna cum Buck, fuck, wish it was you getting me off, wish it was your fingers and your cock. Ohโ€ย ย 
You canโ€™t help the arch of your back or the choked cry you let out as your orgasm overwhelms you.ย 
โ€œShit, you look so good when you comeโ€ Bucky pants on the other end of the phone, fist and chest covered in his release, eyes heavyย 
โ€œMmhh, feeling better now?โ€ You ask through heavy breathsย 
Bucky nods, grinning โ€œThanks, that was exactly what I neededโ€ he surveys the mess heโ€™s made โ€œhavenโ€™t come so hard since the last time weโ€ฆโ€
Bucky blushes at the mention of your previous activities.ย 
Youโ€™ve not talked about it, waking up with Buckyโ€™s arm wrapped around you protectively, youโ€™d mentioned it wasnโ€™t a mistake but you needed to be careful, you couldnโ€™t risk your husband or son finding out.
Bucky had kissed you in a way that made your knees weak and your heart flutter. Then heโ€™d spent the next two days throwing you heated looks and touching you whenever possible, fingers brushing when you handed him something, a hand on your back as he squeezed by you in the kitchen, offering to help you with the laundry, where heโ€™d lifted you onto the machine, stuffed a pair of clean panties in your mouth and buried his head between your legs, making you come twice.ย 
The next morning youโ€™d dropped him and your son at the airport for their new years ski trip, heโ€™d kissed you, making sure your son wasnโ€™t looking as his hand slipped down your back and pulled you against him with a grip on your arse that was bound to leave a bruise.ย 
โ€œDid you mean what you said?โ€ He reaches for his discarded T-shirt, wiping himself offย 
โ€œDid I mean what?โ€ you tease
โ€œYou gonna let me put you on your knees and fuck your throat?โ€ He settles himself back against the pillows
โ€œOf courseโ€ you smileย 
A grin spreads across his face โ€œso when can I see you next?โ€ย 
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๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’• ๐’Š -ย โ™ก.
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254 notes ยท View notes
warriorofthought ยท 1 year
Don't huge my Mom!
Summary: Your Son doesn't want your husband, Bucky, to hug you.
Word count: 1109
Warning: nothingย 
Bucky x Reader x Sonย 
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You and Bucky have been married for over six years and you adopted a sweet boy a few years ago.
This one loves you both like you were his real parents.ย 
Your five-year-old son is sitting on the couch with you, watching his favorite show.
Your attention is caught by the sound of the key in the lock as it is unlocked.
"Mommy, Daddy's here"
"Yes, little man, go say hello to him".
You lift your son off your lap and he walks right up to the front door. You, of course, also make a move toward the door.ย 
Once there, Bucky has just pushed the door shut again. As your Son Benjamin takes hold of his legs. Immediately you hear Benjamin's sweet laughter as Bucky lifts him up into his arms and gives him a big cuddle.ย 
"Daddy, you're finally home. Mommy and I missed you soooo much." As he speaks, he uses his arms to show the length of how much he has missed Bucky.
You watch the spectacle with amusement from the side. Then Bucky's eyes fall on you.ย 
"Hello Love."ย 
Bucky walks up to you with Benjamin and pulls you into a tight hug and Benjamin is squeezed between you both.
But you both are pushed apart by Benjamin, rather Bucky is pushed away from you by his Son.
"No daddy, mommy is mine. Go away," your Son says with a cute pout on his face and you have to laugh.
Bucky, on the other hand, rolls his eyes and makes sure you have a good grip on your Son before he gives you a kiss on the forehead and walks into the living room.
"Now the mini-creation of us won't even let me hug my wife," he mutters, sitting down on the sofa.
You look at Bucky from the hallway. He looks really handsome. Your eyes move from his hair to his forehead, over his face, down to his jaw. Then to his chest and back up to his neck.
Then your eyes meet his and you see that he is also staring at you with a grin on his face. Then he winks at you "Love, do you like what you see?"
You quickly look away from him, down at your son playing with your hair. You cough briefly, then realize your cheeks are heating up and probably turning red.
You quickly head into the living room, sit your Son back down on the sofa and, at his request, run another episode of his favorite show.
Then you turn back to Bucky and see that he has been watching your every move.
"I- You should go freshen up, meanwhile I'll put the food on the table." You stutter and quickly disappear into the kitchen. You hear Bucky softly chuckle at your behavior.
Soon Bucky came back downstairs ready and changed. He has shed his work clothes and is now wearing something loose. His hair is still wet.
He saw your Son still watching his show, so he took the opportunity to go into the kitchen.
You are just finishing the sauce for the salad and heating the food when suddenly you feel a pair of hands around your waist. Immediately Bucky's own scent rises to your nose.
Then you are pulled to his chest, you let your hands move to his and you intertwine your hands together.
Then Bucky turns you around, his forehead rests against yours and as you look up your eyes get caught in his.ย  Then you feel his breath brush across your lips. Your heart skips a beat.ย 
No matter how long you've been married, this man always makes your heart bounce with joy.
"Bucky, not here. Benjamin might see us" you say, squirming in his arms only for him to grab your wrists behind you and press his whole body against yours.ย 
"He's not here, let me spend some time with my wife after a busy day" he whispered in your ear, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
Then suddenly you both jerk apart after hearing a yell from your Son, "Daddy, what are you doing to my mommy? Don't hug her, she's my mommy," he said, stomping his little feet on the floor and putting his hands on his waist. In a very sweet way that makes you giggle as Bucky finally breaks away from you and groans in frustration. "That idiot always spoils my romantic moments with my wife," Bucky mumbles, but it was loud enough for you to hear, so you give him a slap on the forearm.
"Hey, he's your Son Bucky, don't call him an idiot," that's what you say, somewhat amused but also serious, shaking your head and telling him to sit down at the table.
He does so while rolling his eyes and sitting down on the chair with Benjamin on his lap. Then you serve them their dinner and you sit down next to Bucky and eat your food while you watch Benjamin refuse Bucky's help to eat. Because he is already a big boy.ย 
Shortly after dinner you put the dishes in the sink and go upstairs to put Benjamin to sleep while Bucky washes the dishes.
You kiss Benjamin on the forehead and smile as you see him in his deep sleep.ย 
You then leave his room and go to the bedroom but you don't get far as you go in you are pushed against the wall by your husband, he stared deep into your eyes and kissed you slowly as you close your eyes and return the intense kiss. He takes you in his arms and put you on the bed and then he lay down with his head on your belly.
"I've had a very busy day today," he said as you chuckled and began to stroke his head as his face nuzzled against your stomach. "Cozy," he whispered as you continued to stroke his head. Then you both float in those sweet moments, but it's not long before your son comes into the room crying.
You both quickly get up and walk towards him. "What happened, baby?" you ask him as he hugs you while Bucky pats him on the back. "I want to sleep with you and Daddy," he said as Bucky chuckled, took him in his arms and walked to the bed. "Then let's sleep with mommy and daddy, my little prince." You smiled and joined them on the bed, Benjamin between the two of you. "Good night, my two most important people," Bucky said and kissed you both on the forehead and the three of you fell asleep relaxing.
157 notes ยท View notes
remuslupinsdaughter ยท 4 months
New Masterlist
Hereโ€™s where youโ€™ll find everything Iโ€™ve written ๐Ÿ™‚
Natasha Romanoff
The winterwidows child
Bucky Barnes
The winterwidows child
Frank castle
Protect her
Part one part two part three part four
Criminal minds
Miss momma
Will LaMontagne Jr
Miss momma
Derek Morgan
Hospital stays and side effects
Aaron Hotchner
All too much
Hiding from school
Sons of anarchy
Part one part two part three
Happy Lowmann
Harley Lowmann
Part one Part two
Bloody hands
Mayans M.C.
Angel Reyes
Daddyโ€™s girl
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Scared me
Under the weather
Not good enough
Dad Remus headcannons
Scared of the bad man
Sirius Black
As long as you need
Scared of the bad man
The Walking Dead
Scraped knees and kisses better
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Molly Shelby
Part one Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
44 notes ยท View notes
fanficimagery ยท 1 year
Family of Badasses pt. 2
The Sons of Anarchy are in for a surprise when Jax's missing sister comes home.
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Words: 6.1K Author's Note: Some scenes from 'Black Widow' will make it in here though they'll be viewed through video feed. You'll see ;)
In the time that it takes Natasha to come up with a decent plan, you had to have a talk with Jax. He wasn't too impressed that you agreed to go so easily, but in the end he understood this was some business you had to take care of. He was happy to know you were doing a good thing- freeing women from mind control- but he didn't like that you were leaving so soon.
And headed straight into a dangerous mission at that.
Then on the day you're set to leave, you watch as Natasha brings in two black cases from her vehicle. She gathers your brother and Juice, and starts explaining the contents to them while you watch on. She explains she has a very rich and very bored friend who made her body cams- only these body cams are pinging from a satellite so no matter where in the world the cams are, whoever is on the receiving end can still see the video feed. Juice is impressed and happily follows her instructions to set everything up.
Jax leads them to a room that you know is off-limits and where they hold Church. Then after making sure the cams work and Juice knows how to log in, Natasha tells you to get your goodbyes in.
Juice surprises you with a hug, as does Happy. Happy's always rather stoic, but Juice always has a smile. This time, however, he's more subdued given what you're about to do with Natasha. Tig, Chibs, and Opie hug you while also telling you to come back home.
Huh. And isn't that odd. You actually have a home now.
Then when it's time to hug Jax, the two of you grab onto each other and don't let go.
"Come back. Alright? Promise me."
"I can't make that promise, big brother. Not in this line of work," you say. "But I will do my damnedest to come back. I still have to spar with Happy. Remember?"
Jax chuckles and when he finally releases you, you don't mention the sheen to his eyes because you're pretty sure yours are the same. You smile at each man before turning on your heel, marching towards Natasha's vehicle where she's already waiting.
Getting into the passenger seat, you keep quiet. It's only after Natasha drives out of the parking lot that you exhale shakily.
From the corner of your eye, you see her look at you. "You got attached pretty quickly."
"He's my last living blood relative," you say. "He remembers me when I was a toddler. Remembers when I was taken from the playground."
"Your parents?"
"Both killed."
"Not sure. I have a feeling it's club related, so I told Jax I didn't want to know. What happened in the past needs to stay in the past."
"You seriously don't want to know how they died?"
"Not right now. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll change my mind."
Natasha hums but doesn't bring it up. "So are you ready to see Alexei and Melina again?"
"Not really, but we have no choice."
Natasha hums again and you settle in for a long ride.
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For two days, the Sons are an anxious mess.
The core six who knew what SAMCRO's princess was and what she was truly capable of were in a constant state of checking their burners and the screens that Juice and Natasha had set up where Church commenced. No matter the time, the second Jax got the message they were all going to scramble for the screens to watch the girls do their job.
On the third day, Jax gets a message that the cams are going live and he hurriedly contacts everyone to meet in the room. He puts Half Sack in charge of the garage and any club matters are to be texted to him unless it was a matter better handled face to face.
By the time everyone's gathered, Juice has the screens split, showing a feed from each girl. It's obvious from the very beginning they're in the cockpit of a helicopter and they're surprised to see YN piloting with Natasha acting as a co-pilot.
"Well would you look at that, boys. We got ourselves a pilot," Tig muses.
The view they see is half control panel, half white. It's very obvious they're nowhere in the states with the mountains of snow they're flying over. Eventually, there's what they assume is the prison off in the distance before they're hovering too close for them to really see anything.
Moments of quiet pass before, "He's never going to make it." That was YN's voice.
"Get me closer." From Natasha's camera, they see YN turn to look at her in disbelief. "Got a better idea?"
YN's camera just shows them nothing, so they focus on the one that's moving. Natasha leaves her seat, heading towards the door and opening it. Her camera view shows multiple guards running around before she grabs a rope to swing herself down to their level, and the Sons are treated to seeing the Avenger in action.
They hear gunshots pinging off of metal, focusing on YN's camera view before alarms start blaring in the cockpit.
"Ooohhhh." The helicopter sways dangerously close to the prison and she barely manages to get it under control. "Woo! Sorry." She calls out when Natasha is forced to roll out of the way from the helicopter's tail.
"What are you doing?!" The redhead yells at YN through the windshield. "Are you kidding me?! Back up!"
YN gives Natasha a thumbs up. "We're both doing a really good job," she says while gaining more control of the aircraft.
All the Sons snort in amusement.
"They definitely act like siblings," Juice mumbles.
The helicopter then takes heavy gunfire and they can hear YN sigh. "Okay. Enough of this." She puts the aircraft on autopilot before leaving her seat. She heads to the side wall where she picks out a weapon, then turns to crouch in the opened doorway. With a missile launcher steadied on her shoulder, she fires at the guard shooting at her and takes out the entire tower. "Ha!"
"Holy shit. I think I'm in love," Juice mumbles again, this time earning a slap to the back of the head from Jax.
As YN reclaims her seat, they hear her say, "Whoaaaaaa." Their gaze darts to Natasha's screen where she's facing what appears to be an avalanche thanks to the explosion YN caused. "This would be a cool way to die."
Jax exhales roughly. "Jesus Christ. This girl's gonna give me a heart attack."
Anxious, the Sons watch as YN keeps her cool, navigating around the prison to find the perfect pickup location for Natasha and who was once her father. Natasha barely manages to grab hold of the man's arm as YN flies them out of danger, and all too soon the two of them are climbing the rope.
"Goddamn. Did she really just do that?" Opie asks.
Jax nods. "My sister's a badass."
Once Natasha reclaims her co-pilot's seat, they hear the man speak.
"Ah. Wow." His Russian accent is very heavy. They can't see what happens next, but they hear the man cry out. "Ow! Ah, okay. Why the aggression?" Neither woman answers him so the Sons take it that one of the girls hit him. "Is it your time of the month?"
Tig hisses, knowing full well that was not the question to ask.
"I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus," YN answers.
"Or ovaries," Natasha chimes in.
"Yeah. That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy. They kind of just go in-" at this, they see YN's hands go up in front of her as she gestures her words to give the man a visual, "and they rip out all of your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and they chop them all away. Everything-"
"Okay. Okay!" The man shouts.
"So you can't have babies," Natasha muses.
"Okay! You don't have to get so clinical and nasty."
The Sons all chuckle, but it's a tense amusement. On one hand the man asked for it, but on the otherโ€ฆ they can't believe their little princess went through that.
"Oh well I was about to talk about fallopian tubes, but okay," YN trails off.
A couple minutes pass with no one talking and then the man is back at it again.
"It means so much to me that you came back for me."
"This guy just doesn't know when to shut up," Opie muses.
"No," Natasha's voice can be heard. "We only got you out because we need to get to the Red Room. You know where it is."
"I do not know where it is, but I know someone who might."
"Your mother." Natasha and YN glance at one another. "She's in St. Petersburg."
"Uhhh, I don't think we have enough fuel for St. Petersburg." They see YN's hand reach forward, moving something aside on the control panel to see a fuel gauge.
"No, we're good. We'll make it."
Just outside St. Petersburg, alarms start blaring.
YN and Natasha scramble to make a soft crash landing, both of them shouting at their father figure in Russian.
"I have never wanted to know Russian more than I do right now." Chibs laughs.
The Sons watch as the two Black Widows crash land the helicopter, muttering at the man they broke out of prison as they exit. They're standing in a field with no building in sight, staring at each other and the now useless helicopter.
"You should have brought the Avengers' superjet," the man utters.
Both girls look at him head on and the Sons get a good look at him for the first time. He is not the kindest, nor cleanest, looking man and they have a hard time believing this is the person the girls once called 'father'.
The man then pulls the girls into a hug at the same time, squeezing them and proclaiming how proud he is of them and some of their respective achievements he's heard all about. Natasha, disgusted, quickly dislodges from his hold, leaving YN to awkwardly accept a kiss on the forehead.
"Mhm. Okay. You smell disgusting," YN says before finally pushing away from him.
The man starts off in a direction and the girls are quick to follow. The entire walking trip, no one utters a word, so the Sons take a breather by checking on the garage and grabbing some food before meeting back in the room.
When they're paying attention once more, they find the trio on screen being greeted by a woman with a sniper rifle. Thankfully it's not pointed at them, but for this being the one the girls called 'mother', she doesn't seem too impressed to see them.
They're on a farm, warily checking rooms and washing up before they're instructed to take a seat at the table for a family dinner.
The Sons aren't sure if the girls forgot the cameras were rolling, so they're subjected to the most awkward and stilted family dinner they've ever witnessed.
When their father rejoins them, he's stuffed himself in a red suit that he claims still fits when it's obvious it barely does. He calls himself the 'Red Guardian' and boasts about his glory days. From there they jump to what the woman has been up to and she proudly admits that their mission twenty-one years ago in Ohio had been to achieve the ability to effectively mind control a person and take their free will from them.
"Holy shit. She's actually proud of that?" Tig asks.
Opie nods. "That's fucked up, man."
The woman then demonstrates for them, pulling out an iPad and pressing several buttons. A pig eventually walks in through the door and she shows them that she's going to command it to stop breathing. Natasha and YN are obviously uncomfortable when the pig starts to show distress, but the woman allows it to breathe again before sending it back outside.
"So you still work for them then?" Natasha asks.
The woman glances at Natasha before shaking her head. "No."
"Don't lie to them," the man says.
"I'm not lying-"
"You're Dreykov's architect."
And that- that seems to strike a nerve within the woman. "What were you then? If I was his architect, you were his- you were his partner! You were his business partner."
"No, no, no. I was patsy." He slams a fist on the table.
"Don't give me that."
"He sell me ideology-"
"Oh stop with the-"
"Shut up!" Natasha shouts. The parents fall silent. "You are an idiot." She tells the man who seems hurt by her words before she looks at the woman. "And you're a coward." The woman looks at her in surprise. "You're a coward," Natasha says again. "And our family was never real, soโ€ฆ there's nothing to hold on to."
"YN flinched," Opie says. "I think she cares more about them than she's letting on."
"We're moving on," Natasha says.
"Never family, huh?" The man drawls. "In my heart, I am simple man. And I think that for a couple of deep undercover Russian agents- I think we did pretty great as parents."
"Yes." The woman agrees. "We had our orders and we played our roles to perfection."
Natasha shakes her head at them. "Who cares? It wasn't real."
"What?" YN's voice quivers.
But Natasha isn't paying attention, too focused on the man and woman. "That wasn't real! Who cares?!"
"Don't say that. Please, don't say that."
"She's crying," Happy notices and they're all forced to watch YN try to hold her emotions back.
"It was real. It was real to me. You are my mother," she tells the woman at her side. "You were my real mother. The closest thing I ever had to one." A pause. "The best part of my life was fake," she takes a stuttering breath, "and none of you told me." The table is struck speechless and even Natasha looks regretful of her words.
YN looks at the one she called 'mother'. "And those agents you chemically subjugated around the globe? That was me." The woman looks surprised before YN glances at Natasha. "And you? You got out. Dreykov made sure no one could escape. Are you going to say anything?" Natasha doesn't. "No?" The woman moves to grab YN's hand, but she's quick to yank away. "Don't touch me."
YN grabs a bottle of vodka from the table before angrily leaving the room.
"YN." Natasha calls out, but YN shakes her head.
The Sons watch as YN walks to another room, sliding down the side of bed to sit on the floor. They can hear her sniffle and see her drink Vodka straight from the bottle, but none of them say anything.
Eventually they hear a door creak open, but the way the camera is facing leaves them in the dark as to who it is.
"I do not want to talk," YN says.
"That's fine. I will just sit here then." It's the Russian dude.
And true to his word, he doesn't utter a word.
"We should've ordered a pizza or something," Juice grumbles. "I'm so hungry."
Tig snorts. "Then order it, idiot. Have it delivered."
Juice gets up to walk to the corner of the room to place an order while everyone watches on.
YN is the first to crack. "You know I met my brother? That's where I was when Natasha found me."
"Brother? Truly?"
YN chuckles. "Da. He's the president of a very notorious motorcycle club. You would like him."
"Then I look forward to meeting him."
The amicable moment is cut short when the screen suddenly goes black before switching to night vision. The power went out.
"Whoa. What happened?" Juice asks as he returns to his seat.
"Don't know. Everything was fine and then-," Jax mumbles.
A blinding light fucks with the camera feed, but then comes back into focus. The man is standing in front of a window, shouting and challenging whoever's found them. Then all of sudden he wobbles back, turning, and the Sons see numerous tranq darts sticking out from his front.
"Holy shit! Are they tryin' the kill the man?!" Opie wonders.
As soon as he falls, YN keeps low to the floor as she scrambles for the door. The moment she finds her feet to run through the house, she's met with the woman who had been called mother.
"Melina, what are you doing? We need to go!"
"I'm sorry."
YN gasps.
"What happened?" Jax sits a little taller in his seat.
YN yanks something out from her chest and when her hand comes into view of the camera, the Sons see a tranq dart sitting there. "Mama?"
The camera view topples as YN passes out.
"No she fuckin' didn't!"
Melina quickly comes into view on YN's camera, holding her hands up in surrender as she looks directly into the lens. "Don't fret, boys. It's all part of the plan."
"What the fuck does that mean?" Jax grumbles.
"I don't know, but only YN and Natasha knew about the cameras, so how did this woman know exactly where to look and who was watching?" Juice wonders.
No one says anything as other Black Widows make an appearance, collecting YN, Natasha and their father's body. The girls are dragged onto a separate helicopter than their father, and then it's a quiet ride to wherever it is they're being taken.
"What the fuck do we do?" Happy asks.
Everyone glances at the stoic man, unsure of how to proceed.
"You heard the woman; she says it's part of a plan." Tig shrugs.
"A plan YN wasn't clued in on?" Jax asks. "Nah. I don't like it."
"They're in a completely different country. We can't do jack shit from here," Juice says.
"And even if we even did have a plan, what chance do we have against trained assassins?" Opie wonders.
"I can't just fuckin' sit here!" Jax suddenly stands, kicking his chair back in a fit of anger.
No one tells him anything, instead just letting him pace his anger out.
They wait in silence, even as Juice leaves to collect his pizza and bring it back to the room. Eventually the girls are being moved, but both camera views show different ceilings. Natasha is taken one way and YN another.
Natasha's camera view shows she's tossed into a room, but it's YN's view that has everyone holding their breath. A man hovers above her- a man wearing a medical hat and mask and appears to be doing something to her face.
He's speaking to others in the room, but it's all in Russian and the Sons have no hope of understanding what's going on.
Jax is still pacing when there's a quiet groan and YN's camera view moves just a little. "Was that her?"
But before any of the Sons can answer, YN does it for him when she says, "This is not a cool way to die."
Everyone heaves a sigh of relief, anxiously watching the next moments unfold.
From Natasha's camera comes a voice that isn't Natasha- a voice that sounds like that Melina woman which confuses the hell out of the Sons. But she tells YN of a blade hidden in her belt, tells her to free herself and to collect the vials of the red dust to free her other sisters.
YN listens, freeing herself from wherever she'd been strapped down to, and then attacking the medical personnel in the room when they try to raise an alarm.
As YN disappears into a vent, they hear, "Collect the vials, free the widows. Do not get caught. Again."
They watch her crawl through the ceiling vents until she drops down, quietly exclaiming her disgust when she lands in a superhero pose. She sneaks around a corner, swiftly eliminating a guard, and then finds the red vials she needed to find.
YN is then informed by Melina that the Red Room is falling from the sky and that she needs to find Natasha as soon as possible.
"I'm so confused." Juice's brow is furrowed as he stares at the screen. "How did the mom end up with Natasha's camera?"
"They switched body suits. It's the only explanation," Jax says.
Tig scoffs. "They switch faces too then? How else did the mom end up in the cell meant for Natasha?"
The Sons are all quiet before Happy- HAPPY!- smirks. "They're assassins. Of course, they switched faces. I need to ask how they did it though. That would come in handy some day."
The Sons all groan and then their attention is dragged back to YN's screen where there's a bunch of movement going on.
"Holy shit. They're going to kill the lass," Chibs says as he watches many Black Widows beat the shit out of Natasha.
YN panics and rushes around before they all watch her wrap the remaining vials of dust around a grenade.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ, please tell me she just didn't do what I think she did?" Jax closes his eyes, unsure if he wants to watch.
"She did and she just tossed it into the crowd." Opie winces.
The vials explode above all the women, each and every assassin going stock still before glancing around in confusion.
"She did it. She fuckin' did it, boys!" Tig crows. "She freed the girls!"
YN rushes to Natasha, helping her up and yanking a knife from her back.
"Get them out of here," Natasha says right before an explosion sounds. "Get them to safety."
"Not without you."
"It's fine. I just need to collect some data. I'll be right behind you."
YN is reluctant to leave, but she eventually does. She and the other newly freed Widows are running through hallway after hallway, trying to stay on their feet as explosions sound off one right after the other.
They eventually make it out in the open and from there YN tells the other Widows to grab an aircraft. When asked where she's going, YN says, "Dreykov doesn't get to escape. Not again."
YN separates from the Widows, running full speed towards a helicopter. She starts climbing the side of it, steadying herself as she walks along one of the wings until she's bent over an engine.
"No, no, no. What the fuck is she doing?" Jax wonders.
She grunts and a moment later she has two batons in hand. She clasps them together, twisting so they lock into place to make one long baton.
Her body angles so the Sons can see Natasha running towards her, stopping several feet away and out of range from the gunfire they can hear. "Don't do it!"
"This was fun!"
"Tell Jax I'm sorry!" And then before she can second guess herself, she slams the baton downward.
An explosion engulfs the front of YN's camera and she's thrown backwards into the open sky.
All the Sons are on their feet now, watching in disbelief as YN freefalls through the sky.
Eventually YN's camera is just facing upward, but it's obvious she's still plummeting with flaming debris falling all around her.
"Holy shit. Check this out."
Jax, who had his hands clasped behind the back of his neck with his eyes closed, opens his eyes and looks at the screen.
Natasha is falling now too, only it's a deliberate fall as she aims for YN. Seconds later they collide, and Natasha is grumbling at YN to get the parachute on.
"Oh, thank fuck."
Natasha holds onto YN as their descent slows, but then she's letting go and freefalling again as YN screams for her.
YN eventually lands safely and minutes later a rather battered Natasha is joining her. She makes sure YN is okay before the girls have a tearful conversation where Natasha admits that their family was real to her too.
The other Widows find them, along with Melina and their father, and then Natasha is urging them to leave when they hear sirens in the distance.
"Go. Go back to your brother. I'll see you soon."
"I promise."
After hugging it out, YN is escorted onto a helicopter where the Black Widows are confused about what they're going to do now. Melina promises to help them, along with the help of Alexei, and tells them where to go.
Then the attention is back on YN and Melina wants to know all about the brother Natasha mentioned. YN tells them, but keeps names and locations very vague.
"She's okay, brother. She's coming home," Opie says. The words are meant for Jax, but everyone in the room needed to hear it.
The tension slowly bleeds from everyone and then Jax is making his way towards the door. "When she gets back, her ass is going on lockdown."
The remaining Sons chuckle.
"I'd like to see him try and put her on lockdown," Chibs grins. "She'd murder him in the ring."
"I'd pay to watch that fight," Happy says.
Tig smirks. "What did I say, huh? Family of badasses. John, Gemma, Jax, and now YN? I'd pay to see anyone give lip to that girl."
"Yeah? How much we talkin'?" Happy wonders, expression curious.
Opie rolls his eyes, clamping a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Don't do it, Hap."
"Do it. Please, do it," Juice begs.
"Fifty bucks," Tig suddenly calls out.
Chibs groans. "Your funeral, idiot."
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A few days later, you find your way back to the States. You hadn't told your brother and just got a flight to California before taking a cab to the garage.
It's as you're walking through the lot that you're recognized, someone hollering that the princess was back. You rolled your eyes, but braced yourself for the impending collision.
Seconds later, Jax is run through the bay doors. You drop your duffel bag, grunting when Jax collides with you, and wrap your arms tightly around him. "Lockdown. Your ass is on lockdown until I can come to terms that you didn't die."
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You laugh into your brother's chest. "M'kay. Whatever you say."
"I'm serious, YN. I thought you were going to die."
"I know." Then pulling back so you can stare up at him, you ask, "So is it a house lockdown or club lockdown?"
"Club. We're staying here."
"Okay then."
Soon enough you're being passed from Son to Son, the ones closest to Jax welcoming you back.
"So how was that fall?" Juice asks.
You chuckle. "It was a rush, but I don't recommend it."
"I don't know. If that redhead of yours was the one rescuing me, I wouldn't mind the fall," Tig says.
You shake your head at him, grinning. "As much as I'm glad to be back, I need to sleep."
"Come on." Jax picks up your dropped bag. "Your room's ready for you."
You end up sleeping for nearly twelve hours straight, eating your weight in food afterwards, and then sleeping again. Jax is content that you're within eyesight, and once you're in a better mood to face people you start focusing on being a bit normal once more.
You're an excellent bartender, but you butt heads with the crow eaters quite frequently that Jax tries to find something else for you to do. You're bored behind the desk in the office, and it's only when some entitled douchebag brings in his sport's bike to be fixed that the Sons realize what an asset you'd be to the garage. Because while all the mechanics are busy, and poor Half Sack is dealing with the whininess of the douchebag, you walk right up to the bike, locate the issue, and explain how to fix it. The douchebag didn't want to believe that a girl could do what he couldn't, but with Happy backing you up he had to grudgingly take your word for it.
Jax was so impressed that he wanted to see what you were truly capable of, so he grabbed a bike from the junkyard and told you to fix it up. You took the challenge and showed all the Sons that you could be a mechanic just as good, if not better, than them.
. . . .
Happy's finally got you into the ring, much to everyone's delight. Some of them had seen the fancy footwork you were capable of, but none of them knew how much of a punch you packed. So, when Happy gave you the first punch for free, you stunned even him when his head snapped to the side, and you busted his lip.
Happy looked back at you, expression stunned, before he smiled. You swore you heard someone swear as others started to make bets, and then the two of you really went for it.
Happy obviously gets some hits in, but only body shots. Either you were too quick for him to catch you in the face or Jax mentioned something about keeping the hits below the neck. You take great pleasure in hitting the man where it hurts, surprising him with your strength. Jax is far too amused watching his boy bleed and when he tells you to finish it, you shock everyone by using the ropes around the ring to jump off from, wrap your thighs around Happy's head, and then twist your entire body's weight downward to flip him over.
When Happy lands with a thud and a grunt, you squeeze your thighs tighter until he taps out.
"That's my fuckin' sister!" Jax crows.
You remain laying on the mat, panting and heaving until Happy gives you a hand up. He flashes you a bloody smile, hands you a water bottle, and the two of you lean against the ropes as you catch your breath.
As you're listening to the Sons joke and tease Happy about losing to a girl, a black SUV pulls into the lot. One by one, everyone starts to turn when no one gets out, but the windows are tinted so dark that the only thing you can determine is that there are two individuals in the vehicle.
Jax looks at you and you look at him, offering him a shrug. You drop your water bottle down into the hands of a Son, but before you can slide out between the ropes, the driver's door is opening.
Natasha steps out and the tension seems to drain out of the small, gathered crowd though some are apprehensive about an Avenger being there. "At ease, boys. My business is with my sister."
"Yeah? And what is that?" You shout. "You could've called."
"I could have, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise."
"What surprise?"
By now you're standing on the outside of the ropes, standing on the edge of the ring. Just then the passenger door opens, drawing your gaze, and your brow furrows at the man who steps out. He's wearing a leather jacket, hands shoved into the pockets, but it's his jawline that makes you tense.
You'd know that chiseled face anywhere, even with his hair shorn close to his head.
"You're supposed to be dead."
"Funny. I could say the same about you."
"Uhh, English, please," Jax says.
But seeing as you're too stunned to say anything else, Natasha happily takes the lead. "Gentlemen, let me introduce you to my friend James Buchanan Barnes."
"Holy shit," you hear Juice utter. "That's the fuckin' Winter Soldier, man!"
You hop off the side of the ring, hesitantly making your way towards the man. "You remember?"
He nods, lips twitching. "Some. More keeps coming back every day."
"A princess in Wakanda helped me sort my head out."
"The triggers?"
You smile and huff a laugh in disbelief, and when the Asset offers you the same in return, you close the distance between the two of you. His arms engulf you and you let yourself bask in the moment of being reunited with him.
"What exactly are we missing?" Jax asks.
Natasha grins, eyes steady on her little sister and Barnes. "When HYDRA had control over James, they used him to train us in the Red Room. My guess is they waited too long in between memory wipes, and he and YN grew close. So, to prevent their greatest weapon rebelling, they separated the two by sending YN away on a mission. James told me that they told him YN was killed and he never saw her again."
"And he just knew she was here becauseโ€ฆ"
"I had to tell him, Teller. My whole team saw the footage from my body cam. He recognized her."
"Is he going to be an issue?"
"What? Do you mean for the little illegal operations that the Sons of Anarchy may or may not be a part of?" Jax stares at Natasha in surprise and she smirks. "I did my research."
"We're not-"
"Relax. I don't care what you do so long as you don't pull YN into it."
Jax's eyes narrow. "And if she inserts herself into club business?"
"Then I suggest whatever crime you're committing isn't big enough to draw the attention of the Avengers."
"Wait, what?" Natasha chuckles at his expression. "You're just gonna let-"
"I'm not letting YN do anything. She's an adult. But you've seen what Black Widows are capable of. You've heard rumors of what we've done. Do you truly think your little sister is innocent?"
"Well no, but-"
"But nothing. She can make her own decisions. And as for Bucky? He's done terrible things and even though he's trying to make up for it, silly biker's business is something he'll most likely overlook."
Jax has so many questions for the woman who had more years with his baby sister, but he's interrupted by Juice. "Hey, man, is this something we're okay with?" He asks while gesturing towards YN who is leading Bucky towards the club. "Because if not, I do not call dibs on telling the Winter Soldier he can't bone the club princess."
Natasha actually laughs as Jax seems to wince. "Nah, man. Leave it. That's her business."
"Oh thank god."
"Well while you boys get back to work or whatever it was you were doing while YN was kicking your boy's ass in the ring, I'm going to go get food. I'm pretty sure YN and Bucky are going to work up quite the appetite."
She smirks again as she dodges Jax's playful swat.
. . . .
Hours later, after Natasha and Bucky have gone off to book a room at the local hotel, you find yourself sitting outside on the top of a picnic table with your brother.
"So, this is the life, huh?" You ask, staring up at the night sky. "Working ten-hour shifts, partake in shady side jobs every once in a while, and drink the night away."
"I can get used to this."
"Can you?" You glance at Jax and his expression is serious. "Can you get used to not being an assassin?"
"Being a Black Widow is ingrained in my every muscle." You smile sadly at him. "You can take the girl out of the Red Room, but you can't take the Red Room out of the girl."
"So, if Natasha callsโ€ฆ"
"I will answer, but I will do everything to prevent any blow back on you or Charming."
"I guess that's all I can ask for."
"Yeah." You huff a laugh and then ask, "So did Happy pop a boner or what when he saw the Winter Soldier?" Jax laughs and you press on. "I'm serious! I'm surprised he didn't ask for pointers on how to kill someone and clean up his tracks. It's like Christmas come early for him."
Jax shakes his head. "Happy's smart enough to not piss off someone like him."
"If you say so."
"Mhmm." Jax takes a pull of his beer. "So, what's the deal between you and him?"
"Nothing much. We liked each other. We made it obvious. And the Red Room sought to separate us. They told me he botched a mission and was killed."
"And you never questioned it?"
"I couldn't."
"Is he gonna stick around?"
You shrug. "For a few days, then he and Nat have to go back."
"You'll be happy here without him?"
"Of course." You glance at your brother, offering him a small smile. "I've only just found you. I'm not about to fuck off and leave you behind."
Jax grins. "Look at us, just a couple of badasses."
"A family of badasses."
Jax clinks the neck of his beer bottle with yours, chuckling. "Yeah. A family of badasses."
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azerishi ยท 2 years
Peter: Yeah no, he's finna die.
Steve: Wait, who?
Natasha: Why?
Peter: He got grazed by a bullet wound, beaten up with a shovel to the point of unconsciousness, got his bullet wound stepped on that woke him up, coughed up blood, and got a heavy blow to the head causing a severe concussion.
Bucky: ..That's a long list of injuries, punk. Bet you my metal arm whoever 'he' is that he won't get out of that alive without immediate medical attention.
Tony: ...Peter, why is your teeth stained red?
Peter: Because it was me, Peter! *passes out*
626 notes ยท View notes
murphy's 3k celebration - menu.
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i hit 3 thousand followers (a while ago, admittedly)!! to celebrate, i thought we'd have some fun. drabbles, moodboards, playlists, asks... there's something for everyone. please read the rules and guidelines below, and then send me something!! love you angels. you're the best. <3
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rules -
โญ‘ pick a drink from the menu below.
โญ‘ for blurbs and drabbles - pick a character and send me a prompt, thought, line of dialogue or scenario.
for example - "can i please get a whiskey with jake seresin and hair pulling?" or "i'd like to order a whiskey for jax teller with only one bed."
i made some prompts a long time ago, for my 500 Followers Celebration. you can find them here, but I'd love if you sent me one of your own!!
โญ‘ for moodboards - pick a character and aesthetic.
for example - "can i get a tequila for joel miller with a cowboy aesthetic? thanks!"
โญ‘ send in your admissions now!! i tried to come up with a time frame, but i can't, so i'm just going to play it by ear. i'll look through my inbox, and start writing!! please don't be offended if i don't write or do your submission - i have to do whatever gives me inspiration <3
inbox here.
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whiskey - drabble / blurb
rum - headcanons
tequila - moodboard
brandy - tell me a character and i'll make a mini playlist for them
wine - ask me a would you rather
cocktails - ask me a fuck, marry, kill
vodka - i'll tell you a line from an upcoming fic
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3k masterlist here.
this so funny i'm realising i've made a drinks menu and i don't even drink
67 notes ยท View notes
marvel-lous-guy ยท 2 years
*Avengers Watching a true crime documentary*
Peter: Why do we give serial killers cool names?
Tony: Huh? What do you mean?
Peter: We give them cool names like "the Zodiac killer". Imagine everyone knowing you as "the zodiac killer"! That'd be awesome!
Steve: What?
Peter: Like, why don't we call them stupid names like "spinach killer" Or "curtain canibal". You wouldn't wanna be called something like that
Nat: I have no idea what just came out of your mouth-
Clint: -no, no. He's onto something
Tony: How, exactly?
Bucky: that's what you think tin boy
Tony: Hey!
Bucky: and your one to talk Mr sparkle tights
Steve: Hey!
753 notes ยท View notes
winterspiderpurrs ยท 10 months
You see. It was all Steve's fault.
Steve's been begging Bucky to join him at the gym for years now. Bucky would rather work out in private or just do boxing. He didn't want to be seen working out, even though it's obvious that he does. Working with different members of the mob, going on missions, he was the darker side of the coin. Steve was the FBI hot shot who COULD be seen in public.
Even if his work Knows they are together, Steve was the best, and as long as there isn't any PROOF that Bucky has done anything, well he can't get in trouble for it.
But as always, Steve wears him down. He kept telling him how he met the sweetest little omega he had ever set his eyes on. And that definitely got Bucky's attention. He had noticed a sweet smell that sometimes lingered on Steve when he came back from the gym.
So Bucky shows up one day, Steve wasn't that hard to find. He was currently "cooling" down by jogging on the treadmill. Eyes focused ahead. Right on the pretty omega who was riding on the stationary bike. Decked out in black workout gear, his brown curls much darker. Bright brown eyes. Their eyes meet briefly. A small smile and blushes appear before the omega quickly looks away and continues to work out.
Yeah. This is all Steve's fault. Now Bucky definitely knows he wants to start joining Steve. To see if they can convince the sweet thing to join them for a night out.
55 notes ยท View notes
socksracoon10 ยท 5 months
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