#happy ka dito
josh0555 · 14 years
This is the Happy music video from the 2010 movie Toy Story 3. Happy was recorded in 2002 8 years before the release of Toy Story 3. The song was sung by Michael Jackson after his last album Invincible which was released 1 year ago. The music video contains characters from the 2002 movie Frozen getting ready for New Year. Happy is the second music video before the 2002 movie Frozen. However the song will be used in the GMA 60th Anniversary Station ID. Somehow, The scenes will be used in the I Gotta Feeling, When Can I See U Again and Best Song Ever music videos. Somehow, The scenes will be used again in the TV5 2015 Station ID “Happy Ka Dito!”.
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finelinefae · 3 months
home (doctor!harry)
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synopsis: y/n is homesick and harry wants to help her
word count: 7.7k
contains: fluff, Filipino y/n, doctor harry, medical talk, homesickness, brief moments of discrimination, workplace bullying, rude co-workers
a/n: happy soft girl sunday!!! this is such an interesting and personal topic for me because so much of this was inspired by my mama and her own personal experiences of leaving her home in the Philippines and moving to an entirely different country to create a better life for herself. this one is for all of my girls who are struggling with homesickness, who work in a job because they have to not because they want to, who try to support their families, who work in healthcare, whose first language is not english, who feel as though their identity is muddled up and so much more- this is for you and this is for my mama too.
. . .
‘You have just as much right to be here as everyone else.’
That’s what Y/N had been telling herself since she had left for work in the early hours of this morning. She had barely slept a wink last night, tossing and turning as her mind was riddled with things that hadn’t happened but weighed so much. 
Her backpack was filled with the things she listed weeks before. Her scrubs, a packed lunch, water, a few snacks to eat throughout the day and a couple of things loose at the bottom that jangled with each step she took towards the tube station. On her feet was a new pair of trainers her mother had bought her before she took the plane to a country she had never stepped foot in before the beginning of this month. 
“Mahal kita, mamimiss kita.” I love you, I will miss you. Her mother had said as she dropped her off at the airport. No tears in her eyes because they were all in Y/N’s as she clenched her fingers around the handle of her small suitcase that was just enough to last the first few months out of the three years she’d be living away from her family. 
“Mama,” Y/N cried, her family weren’t criers but today she was. 
Y/N’s mother shook her head, refusing to allow herself to cry when this was meant to be good. “Gagawa ka ng mga magagandang bagay.” You will do such good things. Her mother wiped away her tears, “Mananatili pa rin ako dito sa loob ng tatlong taon at magiging mas mahusay ka.” I will still be here in three years and you will be someone better. 
Y/N was homesick as soon as the plane lifted off the ground of her home country. The trouble with planes was the window was always too small and she could only ever look down and not behind. Once they flew over her country of the Philippines, she took in everything she possibly could - the bright colours of the sea and the sand on the beaches that stretched for miles. 
She would come back and she would be better, for her family. 
As she stepped off of the tube train and walked up the steps towards the light, she took the sunshine peeking through the gaps of the grey clouds in the London sky as a good sign. Even though things weren’t easy, it doesn’t mean they were bad. 
The hospital was huge in comparison to the hospitals where she had done her training back home. It took her a while to find where the entrance was without going in through the emergency department but eventually, she found her way to the front desk. 
"Hi," Y/N said softly, feeling unsure. Even though she was good at English after years of studying it during school, she still doubted herself, especially around fluent speakers. It made her feel embarrassed and more of an outsider than she already was. “I’m Y/N, I’m here to pick up my ID badge.” 
The woman at the desk, peered over her glasses and smiled, “Is today your first day?” 
“Yes, I’m a healthcare assistant,” Y/N offered a smile, as best as she could despite her nerves. 
The woman’s fingers clacked against the keyboard, “I’m afraid your ID badge has yet to be delivered so I’ll have to give you a temporary one.” 
Y/N’s smile faltered, “Oh okay,” 
“Let me print one out for you, I’ll be right back.” The receptionist slid off her chair. 
Y/N stood to the side, her eyes darting around the hospital. There were many healthcare workers already at work, pushing patients around in wheelchairs or walking in pairs down huge corridors. She gripped the strap of her backpack, her palms sweating. 
Suddenly, a man stepped up to the desk beside her, reaching over to grab a clipboard and a pen. He was wearing a white shirt with a stethoscope around his neck. Y/N’s eyes narrowed on his badge, seeing the word ‘Doctor’ written in bold. 
"Can I help you?" he asked in a detached tone, his attention elsewhere.
Y/N hesitated, noticing his lack of focus. "Um, no, I'm just waiting," she stammered.
He scoffed dismissively. "Typical," he muttered, setting the clipboard back down and finally turning to face her.
Y/N was taken aback by his striking appearance. Her breath caught as she met his gaze, momentarily forgetting her surroundings. His features were chiselled, framed by dark hair that fell effortlessly across his forehead. But it was his piercing eyes that held her captive, a mesmerising shade of green that reminded her of the leaves off the mango trees that grew in her hometown. 
His gaze found hers, and she noticed the subtle parting of his lips as his eyes settled on her. There was a softness in his gaze, a gentle relaxation evident in the way his shoulders eased down. Maybe it was from how frightened she looked as her gaze landed on everything around her but his voice was softer now, a hint of concern evident beneath the initial hardness, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Y/N blinked, her cheeks flushing slightly as she regained her composure. "Uh, no, I'm fine, thank you," she managed to reply, feeling a flutter in her chest at the unexpected kindness in his tone.
He nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “Well alright then. I know how hard first days can be so if I see you around, don’t worry about asking me for help.”
“Oh uh, thank you…Doctor,” Y/N replied, taken aback by his kindness. 
“Y’ can call me Harry,” She noticed a dimple appear when he smiled. His eyes were fixed on her for a beat before he pointed to his name badge and continued, “S my name y’ see.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile and a little giggle escaped her, “It’s a nice name.”
“What’s your name?” Harry asked but was interrupted by the receptionist returning.
“Good morning Doctor Styles,” She greeted as she sat back at the desk.
“Good morning Hannah,” Harry replied, his eyes darting from Y/N to Hannah.
The woman slid the badge over to Y/N. It was a printed-out copy of the badge she was supposed to have gotten, laminated and whole-punched to a lanyard. Y/N took it between her fingers and read her name on it, her eyebrows furrowing. “Um, I think my last name is spelt wrong,” Y/N said, it would be fine if it was a small spelling mistake but it may as well be a completely different name with the way it had been spelt. 
“Sorry?” Hannah’s smile faltered. 
"U-um, my last name is spelled wrong. I-I'm sorry, I don't want to be such a pain," Y/N stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she handed the lanyard back to the receptionist.
The receptionist glanced at the name badge, and then back at Y/N. "Oh, it must be because it's such a complicated name. I must have spelt it wrong on the computer. Are you sure you can't just use it? Only until your ID comes in?"
Y/N felt a sinking feeling in her chest. She hated confrontation or being an inconvenience, but she had already given up so much for a better life here. She couldn't give up her name too. "But it's my name," she insisted softly, her voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and determination.
Just as the receptionist's mouth opened to respond, the Doctor, who had been silently observing, cleared his throat. "Hannah, I think it would be better if we give Y/N the correct name on her own ID badge, don't you think?" He interjected gently, coming to Y/N's aid without hesitation. “The whole point of it is to let people know who we are, we wouldn’t want people getting Y/N’s name wrong on her first day would we?”
Hannah frowned and Y/N could tell she wasn’t happy, “Right, I’ll be right back.” 
Y/N released a sigh, putting a hand to her forehead, “Thank you, Doctor Styles.” She said even though she was extremely embarrassed. 
“Hey it’s Harry,” He smiled, “And you were right to argue with her, ‘s your name which is beautiful by the way.”  Y/N's cheeks flushed even deeper at his compliment, but she managed a shy smile in return, feeling a sense of gratitude for Harry's kindness and support. “Don’t let these people push you around. You have just of a right to be here as everyone else.”
Y/N’s lips parted as he spoke the words she had been repeating to herself since she woke up. Y/N watched him go, her heart still racing at the unexpected encounter, a newfound warmth spreading through her as she resumed her wait in the bustling hospital corridor. 
Hannah soon returned with an annoyed look on her face as she handed Y/N her temporary badge with her name written correctly. She thanked her and walked away already having gained a possible enemy but maybe a possible friend too. 
 . . .
“I don’t want her as my nurse,” An elderly patient said midway through the day as they were serving lunch. 
Y/N had been in her scrubs for five hours, with another seven to go. Her feet ached from standing all day, attending to the patients that had been assigned to her at the start of the day. While some of the other healthcare workers had been welcoming, she couldn't ignore the clear divide between them. They tended to gather in separate groups and have their own cliques going on amongst them, but Y/N appreciated their support as she adjusted to her new role, minding her own business as she did. 
“Margot,” Layla, another healthcare assistant, spoke to the eighty-year-old woman who was laying in bed waiting for her lunch to be fed to her, “Y/N’s a new healthcare assistant, she’s just going to be feeding you lunch.”
“I don’t want her,” Margot protested, “I want someone else.”
Y/N's gaze dropped, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. She had been expecting this to happen at some point but she didn’t think it would happen so soon. "It's alright, Layla. I'll take over your tasks," Y/N offered quietly, not wanting to make a scene.
Layla's eyes softened with sympathy. "She's not usually like this," she whispered.
Y/N nodded, her resolve firm as she gathered her belongings to assist elsewhere. "No problem," she replied with a shrug, masking her hurt.
"C'mon, Margot," Layla urged gently, collecting the tray of hot lunch.
"I don't want a foreigner feeding me," Margot muttered sharply, her words stinging the air.
Y/N’s eyes stung as she left the room. She thought she had been lucky with her patient’s today and the majority of them had been rather lovely. They’d been interested in Y/N’s life, noticing her olive-toned complexion and black hair and asking her where she came from. The question allowed her to reminisce on her time back home and describe the foods and the environment she grew up with but it was only so long before she came across someone who didn’t care - seeing her as nothing more than a stranger in a foreign land that never quite felt like home.
Y/N took three deep breaths before stepping into the wing to cover Layla's shift for an hour. She knew she needed to shake off the hurt from the recent encounter, hoping that immersing herself in work would help ease the discomfort. 
Three other women were working on the ward when Y/N entered the room. They were sitting in the corner on plastic chairs, sharing a phone screen as some show played. One of them turned when they noticed Y/N was in the room which caused the other two to follow. 
“Hello,” Y/N spoke, timidly, “I’m here to help out Layla for a little while.” 
The women exchanged knowing glances, their expressions morphing into smirks. One of them, the apparent leader of the group, sneered as she replied, "Oh, great. About time someone else did some work around here. Layla's been slacking off all morning." 
“Really?” Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed, Layla had been very kind to her just moments ago. 
“Yeah,” The leader replied, her lips smacking together as she chewed on a piece of gum, “You can start by feeding those three their lunches.” She pointed her finger towards three patients lying in their beds. 
“All three?” There were only six beds in the room. 
“Is there a problem?” The woman folded her arms, the other two trying not to laugh behind her. 
“No,” Y/N shook her head, “No there is not.”
Y/N rolled up her sleeves and got to work, trying to spoon-feed all three patients as the other girls sat in the corner continuing to watch their show. Despite the mocking gaze of her co-workers, Y/N was fully determined to prove to herself that she could get through this. She needed to just put her head down and remind herself that this was for the better - the money would be worth it at the end of the month and she’d have enough to send to her family back home too. 
As Y/N sat with the last patient, one of the ladies stood up to go and tended to another one. “Janice,” She cooed, walking over to the side of the bed where an elderly woman lay asleep, “Janice wake up love,” She squeezed her hand, “Janice?”
Y/N’s head shot in their direction, her eyes falling on Janice who wouldn’t wake up. She dropped the bowl of food on the side table and rushed over, “Hello Janice? Can you hear me?” The lady asked as Y/N put her ear to her mouth to see if she was breathing. 
“She’s unconscious,” Y/N stated, “Her throat is blocked, did you feed her?”
The woman’s eyes were wide, “I-I-”
“Call the doctor,” Y/N instructed one of the other girls who immediately pressed the red button to alert the emergency services. 
“We don’t have enough time,” Y/N muttered, “Get me a tracheostomy tube.”
“We don’t have authorisation to-”
“I can do it, I’ve done it before, please.” Y/N’s adrenaline was running high but she remained calm on the surface, it was what she had been trained to do. 
The woman hurried over with a tube, and Y/N wasted no time. With steady hands, she performed a tracheostomy to create an emergency airway for Janice. Time seemed to blur as Y/N worked quickly and efficiently.
Minutes later, as Y/N finished, the doctor entered the room, taking in the scene with great concern and alertness on his face. “Where’s the emergency?” It was Doctor Styles, Y/N recognised him by his voice. 
She squeezed her eyes shut, even though the patient had been saved and was able to breathe better, it wasn’t protocol to allow Healthcare assistants to perform such an intricate procedure that could so easily go wrong. She could be in big trouble for this and it was only her first day. 
“Janice was unconscious, she was barely breathing,” One of Y/N’s co-workers explained.
Harry approached the patient, his eyes widening in disbelief as he realised what Y/N had done. "You did this?" he asked his tone a mix of astonishment and concern.
Y/N looked up, her stomach churning with dread. She could already picture the disappointment on her mother's face for potentially jeopardising her job on the first day. "I was trying to-"
"Do you realise how dangerous this procedure is?" Harry's voice cut through her explanation.
Y/N's gaze fell to the ground, her throat tightening with guilt. "Yes, I do."
"She could have died," Harry stated, his tone grave.
"I know, but I-" Y/N began, her words faltering.
"You saved her life," Harry's interruption caught Y/N off guard, her head shooting up to meet his gaze. For the first time, she saw the awe and shock reflected in his eyes.
“How did you know how to do it?” Harry asked, genuine curiosity evident in his tone.
“I learnt it during my training,” Y/N explained, her nerves still on edge.
“You just learnt it?” Harry chuckled softly, his gaze drifting to the other women in the room. "And what were you three doing when this happened?"
“W-well, we've yet to learn that procedure, Doctor Styles,” one of them spoke up, the rest nodding along in agreement.
Harry rolled his eyes, his attention returning to Y/N. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Truly remarkable,” he said, his gaze fixed on her. 
. . .
Y/N was exhausted at the end of her shift. Her bag was still packed, her lunch and snacks untouched, because she had been on her feet all day. Her skin felt sticky underneath her sweatshirt, she couldn’t wait to shower once she got back to the house. 
As she left the hospital, she inhaled the fresh air and felt the cool breeze against her flushed face.  She needed to get the tube station back to her boarding house but she was grateful to finally have a few hours away from the scent of disinfectant and rude co-workers. 
“Y/N!” Y/N spun on her heel as she heard the call of her name, turning to see Doctor Styles pacing towards her. It was the first time today she had seen him wearing glasses. 
“Doctor Styles, I thought you would be at home already,” She smiled as best as she could despite feeling much too tired to do so. 
“No, I still have a few hours to go.” He replied, that dimple and sparkle in his eye returning to his equally tired face. “I caught you walking out and left my office to come speak to you. I was really impressed by what you did today. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a healthcare assistant do that under such pressure.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” Y/N was terrible at taking compliments, even more so when she was tired.
“It was everything. You saved a woman’s life.” Harry stated. 
"Right," Y/N murmured, her mind still reeling from the events of the day and Harry's constant acknowledgement.
A brief moment of silence fell between them as Harry looked as though he was trying to speak but didn’t know how to word it properly, “Listen I…forgive me if I’m being too forward but would you maybe want to grab something to eat with me one night, maybe, I don’t know. If you want to of course, no pressure, and if you have a boyfriend that’s okay too but is it okay if you don’t tell me because that would be incredibly kind towards my pride.”
For the first time today, Y/N released a genuine laugh as he finished his rambling. “You’re not like the boys back home.” She said after she had composed herself. 
Harry frowned, “Is that a good thing?”
“It’s refreshing,” She told him, it was nice to experience something new and it be a good thing for once. “I will go out with you Harry.” 
A smile tugged at the corner of Harry’s lips, despite his attempt to suppress it by biting his bottom lip. He rubbed his hand over his mouth in a futile effort to conceal his grin, but the crinkles around his eyes and the dimples on his cheeks betrayed his amusement. "Okay," he chuckled softly, unable to contain his delight. "That’s good."
“I have an afternoon off in three days time, is that okay?” He asked eagerly, wanting to see her as soon as possible.
“I would like that,” she says, her voice filled with anticipation. “A lot actually.”
Their gazes locked for a brief moment. “Well, I should probably get going,” Y/N said, breaking the silence.
“Yes, of course. Can I give you my number first? I can text you the details later if that��s okay,” Harry asked, pulling his phone out of his back pocket.
“Oh, sure,” Y/N replied, taking out her phone, which only had her family’s numbers saved in it.
Harry quickly typed his number into Y/N's phone before handing it back to her with a warm smile. “I’ll hopefully see you tomorrow?” Harry asked.
“Yes, I’m here tomorrow.” Harry walked backwards towards the hospital entrance, smiling and shaking his head before turning his back to her.
Y/N was in disbelief as she began her journey home. She couldn't shake the feeling of surprise that someone like Harry would want to go on a date with her. Dating wasn't even on her radar when she arrived; she had suspected that no man would find her attractive because of how she looked - she wasn’t really deemed the stereotypical female in Western society. But Harry's genuine interest had shattered those doubts. As she navigated through the bustling streets, a newfound sense of confidence began to bloom within her. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something wonderful and a new distraction from her overwhelming life. 
. . .
Harry had been eyeing the clock all morning. 
“Have somewhere to be?” Niall, his co-worker, asked, having seen him glued to the clock. 
“Something like that,” Harry mumbled. 
With just an hour left of his shift, Harry couldn't shake the anticipation of taking Y/N out for dinner tonight. She had been occupying his thoughts incessantly for the past three days. The golden hue of her skin and the soft, round features of her face had etched themselves into his mind. He found himself mesmerised by the almond shape of her eyes, their deep brown colour reminiscent of a shot of espresso in the morning. 
He loved the melodic, soft tones of her voice and the way she spoke with an accent that brought life into the usual boring words people spoke to him every day. He thought about how her cheeks would tinge pink whenever she’d start speaking, how shy she was whenever he’d praise her or how expressive her eyes were whenever she wasn’t talking. 
He was a Doctor and knew all the ways in which the mind and body worked but he was beginning to question his beliefs since he had met Y/N because he was pretty sure he had fallen in love at first sight. 
Everything about her had been on his mind and he was desperate to find out all that he possibly could about the quiet, shy healthcare assistant who saved the life of a woman on her first day. 
Interrupting the images of Y/N that had been playing in his mind, was the sound of the buzzer to the emergency department. Harry sat up at the same time as Niall who was already standing to his feet to go and see what the problem was. He sighed, hoping for time to hurry up so the evening would arrive much sooner. 
“Hey it’s me,” Harry sighed a heavy sigh into the phone as he held it against his ear, sitting in his car in the staff parking area of the hospital many hours later. His forehead was pressed against the steering wheel as tiredness and guilt laced within him.
“Hello Harry,” Y/N’s soft voice rang through the speaker, soothing a piece of him that was just so tired, “Is everything okay?”
Harry’s eyes squeezed shut, “You’re probably going to hate me for this but is there any chance we can reschedule? Something came up at work and I’ve only just come out.” He was five hours overtime after a family had been rushed into the emergency room after an accident. 
He swallowed as he waited for her to reply, “Oh,” She said and the small remark made him feel even more guilty than he already felt. 
“I’m sorry,” He hated himself because it was all he had been looking forward to.
“Harry,” Y/N said his name, “It’s okay. I’ve worked in enough hospitals to know these things happen. Of course, we can go at another time but are you okay?”
He released a long breath at the question, “No not really,” it was the truth and another reason why he needed to reschedule the date. He had seen some pretty tough things today and it weighed heavily on his mind. 
“Have you eaten?” Y/N asked, concern in her voice. 
His eyes stung, his head falling back against the headrest, “No I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” 
Y/N sighed over the phone, “Do you live close by?”
“I live about ten minutes from the hospital,” He told her, wondering why she would ask. 
“Is it okay if I come by?” She asks, “I mean it’s okay if not.”
Harry’s shoulders dropped, “That actually sounds really nice.”
The fact that Y/N would be visiting him at his home seemed to ease the weight of the long day from Harry's shoulders. With a faint smile playing on his lips, he leaned back in his seat, feeling a hint of anticipation at the thought of her company.
When Harry got home, he saw how messy his apartment was. Feeling a sudden jolt of energy, he quickly picked up his laundry off of the floor and threw dirty dishes into the dishwasher. He took a moment to straighten up the living room and fluff the cushions on the couch. Trying to make everything look cleaner than it actually was in order to impress her. 
His buzzer rang and he quickly went to answer it, allowing her to come up as his heart raced in his chest. With one last glance around the room, he swiftly nudged something under the coffee table before reaching the door just as she knocked.
Harry felt all the tiredness from his body lift when he opened the door and found her standing there with a plastic carrier bag in her hands. She was wearing leggings and a sweatshirt, her hair tied up in a ponytail and her face make-up free. 
“Hey,” He breathed, a piece of him settling when he laid eyes on her, “Thank you for coming here.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” She smiled and walked past him after he moved to the side to let her in. 
Her eyes were wide as she took in his apartment, “This is a lot better than the boarding house.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “You’re living in a boarding house?”
She nodded, “Only until I can find my own place to live. It was what the company who transferred me here offered when I applied.” 
“I see,” Harry realised he was still in his uniform except his shirt was untucked and his tie was loose around his neck. 
Y/N placed the plastic bag on the kitchen counter, “I bought some things to make you since you didn’t eat. How about I start cooking and you can get changed?” 
Harry scratched the back of his neck, “I-I hope you don’t think I invited you over to cook for me Y/N. I actually really just wanted to see you.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed, “It’s okay, I enjoy cooking and maybe it’s my excuse to see you too.”
He took a step forward, “If I had known you had been waiting to find an excuse I would have invited you over much sooner.” 
She shifted under his gaze, biting her lip to stop her smile, “Go get dressed,” She ordered and Harry grinned, it was the first time he had seen her act so assertively. 
He took a thirty-minute long shower, scrubbing off the remains of the day from his skin. He wore a grey sweatshirt and sweatpants, drying his hair with a towel as he re-entered the kitchen to find Y/N already plating up the food she had made. 
The kitchen was an aroma of fragrances Harry had never smelt before. His mouth watered as Y/N spooned rice onto plates and picked up the saucepan to bring to the kitchen island. “This smells amazing,” Harry sat on one of the stools, picking up a knife and fork. 
“It’s called chicken adobo,” Y/N informs him, “It’s a traditional dish of the Philippines, my mama used to make it for me and my sister when we’d come in from school.” 
Harry listened intently, “That’s where you’re from?” 
Y/N smiled, “It’s my home.” She took Harry’s plate and spooned some of the chicken on top of the rice before doing the same for herself, “I hope you don’t mind but I use my hands to eat,” 
Harry lowered his knife and fork, “Really?”
“Mhm,” Y/N picked up some of the rice and chicken with her fingers,  “It’s called Kamayan. It’s meant to help appreciate the flavours and textures of the food we make or are served.”
Harry looked genuinely interested as Y/N ate the food pressed into her hand, “Can I try?”
Y/N paused chewing on her food, not expecting him to want to try something that in many Western cultures might be considered bad manners. She quickly swallowed it down and nodded, “Of course.” 
Harry pursed his lips as he concentrated on gathering the rice and chicken into his hands. He felt the stickiness of the rice as he pressed it with his fingers. It wasn’t as graceful as Y/N had done as he attempted to put it all into his mouth. He chewed on the chicken, his taste buds tingling at the new flavour. 
Swallowing it down his eyes brightened, “It’s delicious!”
Y/N’s eyes crinkled, “Yeah? You think so?”
“I’ve never eaten with my hands before but it feels quite liberating.” He chuckles.
Y/N laughs, “My mama always told us to eat with our hands.” 
Harry repeated the action, scooping the perfect serving into his hand and eating it, “Where did you live when you lived in the Philippines?”
“I grew up in Roxas City- it’s on one of the many islands and it’s beautiful. The beaches stretch for miles and the water is so blue and clear you can see your feet walking along the bottom.” Harry watched as Y/N explained animatedly what her home country was like. Her words brought the images to life in his mind as he pictured her walking along the beaches. 
He was happy to see her relax into conversation the more questions he asked about her home, “What made you want to come here to work?”
Y/N’s smile faltered and Harry wished he could take back the question but she answered, “My family aren’t wealthy and I always knew I would have to leave at some point to go out and make enough money to bring back for them so we could have a better life. I trained in healthcare so I could come here and work.” 
Harry's expression softened, concern evident in his eyes. "Has it been difficult?" he asked gently. He knew it might sound like a cliché question, but he genuinely wanted to make sure she was coping okay. It must be incredibly difficult having to leave everything you know for something completely different. 
“I’m so homesick,” Y/N’s eyes watered, “Every day I go back to that boarding house and count down the days until I can go home again. I-I thought I knew English before coming here but it’s so difficult to understand when people are talking so fast and expecting you to know what they’re saying.” Harry grabbed a tissue and passed it to her. She took it in her hands and gave him a watery smile, “I miss my mama and my sister and the sun. London is so grey.” 
Harry reached out a hand and gripped her fingers, squeezing them gently, “Hey, you’re doing so good Y/N.” He started, “You’re so unbelievably brave for coming here and starting this new life. I mean I couldn’t do what you’re doing - I get homesick even when my mum lives ten minutes away,” Y/N laughs and the sound sparks something inside of him, even when she was crying she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen in his life, “You should be so proud of yourself and I know your family is proud of you too.”
Y/N’s watery eyes looked into his, “Thank you,” She whispered, “This is the first time I’ve stepped outside my house other than to get that stupid train to work.” 
“Seriously?” Harry was shocked, no wonder she was feeling so trapped and cooped up. 
Harry glanced at their two empty plates before giving her hand a tight squeeze, “C’mon,”
“What-” Y/N watched as he grabbed his jacket and car keys.
“Let me take you somewhere,” He insisted, his voice warm and inviting. 
“But it’s dark outside?” Y/N slid off her stool and followed him to the front door. 
“That’s the best time of day,” He smirked and whisked her away to his car where he drove her through the streets of London, illuminated by the lights that lit up the streets. 
He parked on the side of the road somewhere and they walked for fifteen minutes until they reached a busier area of the city where people were still out with friends, “Hopefully it’s still there,” He mumbled. 
“What are you talking about?” Y/N frowned and her head lifted to see the bright lights from billboards that surrounded the square. Perfume adverts and models appeared on the big screens as tourists posed for pictures in front of them. 
“This is Piccadilly Circus,” Harry motioned to the place they were standing in. He intertwined their fingers and led her over to stand her in front of the biggest billboard of them all, “And that is your home.” He pointed to it and the billboard switched to a picture of a beach that looked almost exactly the same as the one she had grown up near. Big, bold letters with the words ‘Visit the Philippines’ were at the bottom but Y/N couldn’t seem to stop staring at the sea that illuminated the square, casting it in blue light. 
Her eyes glistened with tears, “I know it’s not the same,” Harry said, scratching the back of his neck, “But-”
“It’s my home,” Y/N gasped, a grin taking over her entire face, “That’s where I’m from Harry!” 
Harry’s grin mirrored hers, “It is!” He replies with equal enthusiasm. 
“Can you take a picture of me?” She reached for her phone and passed it to him. Y/N smiled like a kid at Christmas in front of the billboard and Harry quickly snapped a picture before it switched to a different advert. 
He handed the phone back to her and she looked down unable to keep her eyes off of that blue sea she had been missing. “This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” She murmured and looked up to see him already gazing at her, “Thank you.”
Harry smiled bashfully, shaking his head, “I know you don’t believe it yet but I think you were meant to be here at this moment in life and I think maybe I was meant to be here too.” He admitted. 
“You really think that?” She asked.
“I believe it wholeheartedly,” He stated. 
When the billboard returned to the picture of the sea, Y/N insisted Harry stand to get a picture in front of it. He pulled a face, pointing at the billboard and the picture came out all blurry because Y/N had been laughing too much. 
Late into the night, they stayed in Piccadilly Circus taking pictures of each other and with each other as the beach appeared on the screen. Harry swore his camera roll was now just pictures of Y/N squealing with excitement whenever the image of the beach appeared. 
In the moments in between, they sat and spoke. Comparing cultures and learning more about one another. Whilst Y/N had learnt about Harry’s family and living in the English countryside as a child, Harry had learnt all about Y/N’s time in the sun and how much she adored fishing in the spring and picking mangoes off her grandpa’s mango trees. 
It wasn’t a date, it was more than that. 
It was the converging of two paths in life that had now become one. 
. . .
Mahal na mama, Dear mama. 
I got my first paycheck today and I have sent you as much as I can. I hope it’s enough to buy you some new shoes because I know you are getting tired of your old ones. 
I have been working hard and I’m slowly growing used to the way things work here. I’d be lying if I told you it was easy, it’s been so incredibly hard. So many times I have been desperate to come home, wondering whether this was where I belonged or if it just wasn’t meant to be. 
But Mama, I’ve met someone. 
Don’t be upset. I know you always told me and sissy it should always be careers before boys but he has become my home away from home mama. 
He’s a doctor at the hospital and his name is Harry.
Every day he picks me up from work even though his apartment is right by the hospital and we walk into work together. He’s not embarrassed to hold my hand or kiss me goodbye either. 
I spend a lot of days at his home because it’s a lot nicer than my boarding house. He asks me to cook him some of your recipes and he tells me to tell you that they are delicious and he hopes one day that you can cook them for him. 
He loves to listen to me speak about home and I love to hear him speak about his. 
He’s introduced me to this whole other world of culture mama and it is so beautiful. 
I love you and I miss you but I am safe and happy and I am doing well.
I am still counting down the days until I can come home and visit you but just know I am no longer homesick because of him. 
Mahal kita Mama. 
. . .
“Ang pangalan ko ay Harry,”
“Ang… Pan-gaaa-”
“Pangalan,” Y/N tried not to laugh at the concentrated look on his face. 
“Pangalan,” She nods.
“Ang pangalan ko ay Harry,” Harry looks at her for confirmation and she nods, leaning forward to kiss him. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Harry, my name is Y/N.” She murmurs against his lips. 
She feels his lips curve against hers before he puckers them and presses kisses all over her face. She tries to pull him away but he keeps her in his grip until they collapse onto the bed. “Harryyyy,” She giggles as he presses kisses along her exposed collarbones. 
“What’s the word for kisses again?” He murmurs against her neck. 
Y/N’s hands run through his curls, pushing them back from his face. Her lips ghost against his as she murmurs, “Mga halik,” 
“Mga halik,” He repeats, his pronunciation improving. 
“Mhm,” She puckers her lips to kiss him to which he happily hums and returns her kiss. “I need to start dinner,”
“No,” He whines, holding onto her, “Stay.”
“But I’m so hungry and you need to help me with the lumpia.” She says referring to the spring roles she had taught him to make. 
“We can’t order a pizza?” He pouts, “I just want to hold you.” 
Y/N sighed but was unable to prevent herself from falling for the pouty look on his face, “Fine, we’ll get a pizza but only if we can get it with pineapple.”
Harry’s eyes narrowed, “Criminal,” 
“But you love me?” She grins, cheekily. 
“I do,” He kisses her before grabbing his phone, “I truly do.”
Since moving to a new country and meeting Harry, Y/N's life had transformed. He had brought back the sense of familiarity she had lost when she moved across the world. In him, she found not just love, but a true home—a place where she belonged and was cherished in return.
Her work and life in general had become easier because she no longer felt so alone. Every day they’d sit together during their lunch breaks at work and go back to Harry’s apartment at the end of their shifts. 
“Hi baby,” Harry greeted her whenever she’d get into the car with him. He’d lean over the console and kiss her. 
“Hi syota,” Sweetheart. She’d say in return and despite how tired he felt, he always managed to smile at the term of endearment she’d picked for him. 
Further into their dating, Harry had been desperate to learn her language. Even though Y/N told him it didn’t matter to her - they had their own ways of communicating that only they understood, bridging the gap between words that got lost in translation - he was instant on it. 
“But when our kids learn, I’ll be left out.” It was the first time he said I love you without even saying the three words. 
As they sat in his living room, which was slowly becoming hers too, eating pizza and watching Lord of the Rings, because Harry was insistent on making Y/N watch the whole series if she wanted to truly see the beauty of Western culture, Y/N realised that maybe Harry was right and this was where she was meant to be all along. 
“I love you,” Harry murmured as he held her in his arms on the couch. 
“Mahal kita.” I love you. She replied, feeling more at home in his arms than she did anywhere else in the world. 
3 years later… 
“Are you nervous baby?” Harry whispered in her ear as they sat side by side on the plane, their fingers intertwined. She was wearing his sweater and he had one of her rings on a chain around his neck, it was the physical representation of how they had interwoven their lives had become. 
“A little,” Y/N confessed, glancing out the window to see they were nearing the island she had left three years ago. “I’m worried they won’t like this version of me.”
“Hey,” Harry cupped her cheek in his hand, “They’re your family, they’ll love every version of you the same way I do.” 
Y/N’s lips turned upwards, “You promise?” 
“I’d never lie to you my love,” He kissed the bridge of her nose. 
The plane shook as it landed on the ground. Y/N could already feel the heat of the sun before she’d even stepped off the plane, just from looking out the window. Harry grabbed her duffle bag from the overhead compartment and took his own travel case as well. 
He was wearing a shirt that said ‘But Daddy I love him’ and white shorts with sunglasses buried in his dishevelled curls. They had been flying for hours, the both of them exhausted, but Y/N couldn’t seem to calm the jitters of seeing her home again. 
Harry pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head, “Calm down, puso ko.” my heart. 
“Do you think she’ll be here?” Y/N was already craning her neck as they got to passport control even though it was impossible to see past the arrival gates from where they stood. 
She remembered what her mother had told her when she dropped her off to start her new life in England. 
“Mananatili pa rin ako dito sa loob ng tatlong taon at magiging mas mahusay ka.” I will still be here in three years and you will be someone better. 
She hoped she had done just as her mother said and she would be returning to her as someone better than the person she used to be. 
Once they got through the gate, Y/N stood on her toes and tried to spot her mother in the crowds. She didn’t expect to see her right away as her mother was rather short but she hoped she’d sense her presence somewhere in the room. 
“Do you see her?” Y/N asked, Harry was also looking around to see if she was somewhere. 
“Y/N!” A warm, comforting voice that echoed in the depths of her childhood and rang through her to this day, called for her amongst the bustle of people. 
Y/N’s eyes watered, “Mama!” She called, spinning around to find her. 
“Hey look baby,” Harry pointed and that’s when Y/N saw her. Her arms open, standing in the place she promised she would be three years later. 
“Mama!” Y/N dropped Harry’s hand and ran towards her mother, enveloping herself in her arms and feeling her soft skin against her own. She felt the hands that had held her as a child, cling to the back of her shirt. 
“Ang anak ko,” My child. Her mother held her. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” Y/N whispered, her eyes flooding with tears. 
Y/N pulled away, looking down at her mother and feeling a fresh flood of tears fill her eyes. A presence came up behind her, a hand on her shoulder. She put her hand on top of his and watched as her mother’s eyes widened in surprise, “Mama, this is my boyfriend, Harry.”
Harry cleared his throat, placing their bags on the floor, “Hello ang pangalan ko ay Harry. Ikinagagalak kitang makilala.” Hello, my name is Harry. Nice to meet you. His tone was slightly unsure as he spoke but Y/N beamed as he spoke the words to his mother, having spent the last few years teaching him. 
Her mother smiled, a tear falling from her eye. Y/N’s lips parted, having never seen her mother cry before. She took a step forward and then wrapped her arms around Harry, “Salamat sa pag-aalaga sa anak ko.” thank you for taking care of my daughter. 
Y/N covered her mouth to stop herself from sobbing in the middle of the airport. She wanted to take this moment and bottle it up as she watched her two favourite people in the entire world embrace each other. 
If there was one thing Y/N had learnt from her time away it was that home wasn’t so much of a place anymore but the people instead.
These were her people.
They were her home. 
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lilithaban · 1 year
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pairings: jeong jaehyun (archi student) x female reader (advertising arts major)
— filo setting
🖋️: smut
warnings: 🔞, mature content, profanities !
— dni minors!
posted: january 29, 2023
happy reading!
Hilong-hilo, at pagod na pagod kang naglalakad sa buong campus dahil ni wala kang makitang estudyante na papasok sa standards mo since kailangan mo ng model for your major subject na associated with photography.
Marami namang pogi rito pero hindi mo pa rin mahanap yung tao na magfifit sa model mo. Naka heels ka pa naman kaya ramdam mo na ang pangangalay ng paa mo.
Ang theme mo kasi sa photo shoot is sensual na may touch ng wong kar wai effect dahil nagustuhan mo yung movie na to. Dahil kanina ka pa palakad-lakad sa campus niyo ay naupo ka muna sa bench sa tabi ng soccer field.
“Tangina wala pa rin akong mahanap eh sa makalawa na yun ipapasa” naiinis mong sambit
Kaya habang nagpapahinga ka ay may nahagip ang mata mong naglalakad patungo sa kinaroroonan mo.
mukhang may model na ako para sa photo project ko sabi mo sa isipan mo.
mukhang may model na ako para sa photo project ko sabi mo sa isipan mo.
By the way he walk he looks like a model. His build is alright swak para sa taste mo when it comes to modeling and photo shoot, he's definitely a six footer, his hairstyle is similar to those model on some magazine photoshoots, comma hairstyle. Maputi rin siya at matangos ang ilong.
Kaya naman nagkunwari kang tumitingin sa mga magazines mo nang umupo siya sa tabi mo. Tahimik ka lang at nagkukunwaring sinusuri ang magazine at siya naman ay nilabas ang kanyang binder.
Ooh archi pala to si pogi.
Lumipas na lang ang ilang minuto ay pareho pa rin kayong tahimik at hindi binibigyan pansin ang bawat isa. Kaya medyo napalingon ka ng narinig mo siyang tumawa.
“Fuck you, Johnny. I’ll go home after this” rinig mong sabi nito
Fucking hell
may dimple rin siya….
Nang nawala na ang kaibigan nito ay nanahimik ulit ang paligid. Tanging pagsayaw lang ng mga puno ang maririnig mo.
Lumingon ka sa katabi mo at hininhintay ang tamang tyempo para tanungin siya kung papayag ito sa photoshoot. Kaya nung nakatayo siya at handa nang umalis ay nagsalita ka.
“Ahm hi! sorry if bigla akong nagsalita but can I have you to my photoshoot as my model? I’m an advertising arts major sa kabilang building,” nahihiya mong sinabi
“Hello? a model? for what,”
“For my photoshoot project, it’s a sensual with a touch of wong kar wai”
Bigla ka namang kinabahan kasi baka hindi siya pumayag since medyo sensual ang theme ng photoshoot mo.
Oh my god sana pumayag siya para matapos na ako sa project na to.
“So are you in?” kinakabahan mong tanong
“Hmm in one condition” he replied
“Ok, anong kondisyon mo?”
“I’ll just tell you after the shoot.”
You only nodded and start to pack your things.
“Ngayon na ba?” rinig mong tanong nito
“Yup, kasi 4 pm naman na and mas ok magshoot if madilim na. Also aayusin ko rin yung place ko for photoshoot.”
Nagsimula na siyang maglakad kaya naman hinabol ko siya para pigilan. “Hindi dyan, doon tayo sa kabila since naka dorm ako malapit lang dito sa univ”
“Let’s use my car, I bet nagta-tric ka lang”
Napataas ka naman ng kilay sa sinabi niyo. Ok mister parang nakakasama ang pagsakay sa tricycle niyan dahil sa tono niya.
Kaya naman sumunod ka na lang sakanya. Medyo natulala ka nang makita mo na ang sasakyan nito.
He’s driving a black porsche.
Tamang-tama para sakanya gwapo na may porsche.
“My car’s looks so handsome right?” rinig mong asar nito kaya naman tinaasan mo lang ito ng kilay at pumasok nasa shotgun seat.
In fairness mabango at malinis ang sasakyan niya. Mas nakakadagdag gwapo. At parang may kung anong sumapi sa puke ko ng magsimula siya magdrive.
Magdrive in one hand.
Ramdam mo na ang pamamamqsa ng ari mo dahil sa nakikita mo at idagdag mo pa ang pagtugtog sa radyo ng bone thugs n harmony, thuggish ruggish bone.
Pinagpapawisan ka na kahit naka on naman ang ac ng sasakyan nito. Para kang nanlalambot dahil sa gwapo nitong mukha habang nagmamaneho.
Shet talaga ang gwapo naman nitong model ko.
Nakarating na lang kayo sa dorm mo na pawis na pawis ka at natataranta.
“Your unit look so nice,” rinig mong sinabi nito habang iniikot ang paningin sa unit mo.
“A—ahh thanks, ako lang naman nakatira dito since from province pa talaga ako nakatira” sagot mo naman
“Dyan ka lang muna magbibihis lang ako then bibigyan kita ng damit na pwede mong suotin. Doon tayo sa room ko magsho-shoot” sagot mo sabay takbo sa kwarto mo.
Agad mong sinarado ang pinto ng kwarto nang makapasok ka na rito. Napasandal ka na lang sa pinto dahil sa kaba at init ng nararamdaman mo.
“Oh my god y/n totoo ba tong nararamdaman mo? what the hell hindi mo kilala yan at mas lalong hindi ka papatulan niyan”
Sinampal mo ang sarili mo at dumiretso sa banyo para maghilamos at baka sakaling mawala ang init mong nararamdaman.
“Oh ito yung susuotin mo, iwan mong nakabukas lahat ng butones, then lumapit ka rito para aayusan kita,” ma-awtoridad mong sinabi atsaka kumilos na parang walang init na nararamdaman.
Tinitigan mo ang modelo mo nang hindi pa nito kinukuha sa kamay mo ang mga damit na gagamitin. Mariin lang siyang nakatitig sayo kaya medyo kinabahan ko. At mas lalo pang kinabahan na makita mong dumiin ang paghawak nito sakanyang hoodie.
“You can change here sa may banyo ng kwarto ko then aayusin ko na muna to saglit bago ka ayusan” sabi mo sabay inabot sakanya ang damit na hawak mo
Nang pumasok ito sa banyo ay agad kang nakahinga ng maluwag at dali-daling inayos ang sarili bago ang kama dahil nga rito kayo magsho-shoot.
Kaya naman nang naghihintay ka sa gilid ng kama ay napatulala ka na lang dahil sa biglang paglabas ng modelo mo.
Holy fuck….
“Do I look hot?” rinig mong pangangasar nito at naupo sa harap ng vanity mirror. “Stop staring at me like that. You don’t wanna make you my dinner for tonight, right?���
You don’t wanna make you my dinner for tonight, right?
And you’re here on your bed giving him blowjob. Hindi mo na maisip kung paano kayo nahantong sa ganito pero heto ka sinusubo ang malaking tite nito. Halos mabilaukan ka na sa laki.
“Fuck yes right there baby”
“You’re sucking me so good fuck. I can’t wait to reciprocate this feeling baby” hirap na hirap nitong sinabi habang naka sabunot ito sa buhok para iguide ka sa pagsubo sa ari nito.
Alam mo na malapit na siyang labasan dahil nanginginig na ang hita nito at ang sunod-sunod na ungol nito.
“Lalabasan na ako”
Napamura na lang ito nang nilunok mo ang tamod na nilabas ng kanyang tite. Inangat mo ang ulo mo at ngumiti sakanya.
Nagdilim ang paningin nito at hinila ka paupo sa kandungan niya. Mabilis kang hinalikan nito at nagulat ka na lang ng punitin nito ang underwear mong regalo pa sayo ng kaibigan mo.
Ramdam mo ang marahan na paghimas nito sa puke mong naglalawa at pinasok na lang bigla ang dalawang daliri sa loob mo.
“Fuck tangina” halos mapunit na ang labi mo nang unti-unti nito nilabas pasok ang dalawang daliri sa loob mo. Halos mabaliw ka na sa sarap na ginagawa niya lalo na ng magdagdag ito ng isa pang daliri at supsupin ang errected mong utong.
“Yes a-aah oh my ang sarap tangina”
“lalabasan na ako” nahihirapan mong sinabi habang mga mata mo’y nagdedeliryo.
“Not yet, let me fuck your cunt with my tounge”
Hindi ka na nito hinintay na magsalita at mabilis kang inihiga nito at walang-awang pinapak ang puke mo. Hindi mo na alam kung saan mo ibabaling ang ulo mo sa sobrang sarap ng ginagawa nito sayo.
“Ahh shit”
“Fuck fuck”
“Stop with foreplay baby, please insert that thing to me” halos mag makaawa ka na sakanya na kantutin ka. Rinig mo ang tawa niya pero hindi siya nagsalita bagkus pinagpatuloy niya lang ang pag kantot sa puke mo gamit ang dila nito at hanggang sa labasan ka na lang ulit sa pangatlong pagkakataon ay nakasupsop pa rin ito sa tinggil mo.
Halos hindi ka na maka pagsalita dahil sa pagod at tatlong beses ka ng nilabasan ni hindi ka pa nga binabarurot ng lalaking nasa harap mo.
“And for my main course,” sambit nito at bigla na lamang pinasok ang tite nito sa loob mo.
“Tangina ka bakit mo naman bini—” hindi mo na natapos ang sasabihin mo dahil habang kinakantot ka nito ay sinusop niya ang kaliwang utong mo.
“Yes yes! please fuck me right there” pagmamakaawa mo at inabot mo ang mukha niya para halikan
Halos mabaliw ka na sa sobrang sarap ng pagkantot niya sayo. Kaya naman hindi mo mapigilang ipitin ang tite nito habang naglalabas pasok sa puke mo.
“Ang sarap putangina ang sikip sikip mo” gigil nitong sabi at mas lalong bumilis ang pagkanto nito sayo
“Parang sinasakal yung tite ko. Putangina ka ang sarap mo”
Hindi ka na makasagot sa sinabi niya dahil wala ka ng lakas.
“Shit i’m coming”
“Are you on pills?”
“Yes, please iputok mo sa loob ko. Putukan mo ako”
Naramdaman mo na lang na pareho kayong nilabasan at parang lintang gulay ka na nakayakap sakanya. Parehas kayong hingal na hingal at parang lalagutan ng hininga dahil sa matinding pagkakantutan niyo.
“I—I forgot, my name’s y/n, and you are” kahit na pagod ka nagawa mo pa rin siyang tanungin dahil nagkantutan, nagkainan ng puke at tite and still hindi niyo pa rin alam pangalan ng isa’t isa.
“Jaehyun, Jeong Jaehyun”
"So, are we going to continue to fuck each other or will you photograph us in this bed with our bodies naked?"
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forsungie · 1 year
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pairings. actor park jisung x actress female reader
estimated word count. 3,000
genre. fluff, angst, mature content
warnings. jisung loves annoying the reader, lots of making out, thigh riding, size kink, friends with benefits (to be edited/updated)
“i’d like you to be the leading lady in the movie adaptation of my book,” yangyang said, “i really want you to be a part of this project and i think the character suits you so much, i know you will do her justice.”
and of course you accepted the project, it’s an honor to be part of your best friend’s masterpiece and you find the story really interesting after reading it. this movie is also going to be the first movie adaptation of his book and you’re very happy that he trusted you with this project. he is really an amazing writer and you’re very proud to be friends with him.
first day ng taping niyo ngayon para sa bagong movie adaptation project mo with park jisung as your leading man. you’ve actually met him a lot before through award shows and birthday parties of some of your celebrity friends, pero hindi mo pa siya nakakatrabaho that’s why this movie will be your first project together. nameet mo rin siya nung script reading niyo with the other casts, but you didn’t interact much with him that time, bali nag uusap lang kayo kapag nag babatuhan ng linya. halos lahat ng casts sa movie na ito ay first time mo makakatrabaho and you’re hoping for the best.
“nako, ma’am!” napailing na lang ang driver mo nang tumirik ang kotse.
“what happened, kuya?” tanong mo nang icheck nito ang sasakyan.
“tumirik, ma’am. dadalhin ko na lang sa pinakamalapit na talyer, pwede po bang sumakay na lang muna kayo—” naputol ang sasabihin ng driver mo nang may biglang magsalita.
sa kamalas-malasan mo nga naman, kung kailan papunta ka na sa taping niyo on the first day of shooting ay saka ka pa natirikan ng sasakyan?!
“sumabay ka na sakin,” it was no other than your co-actor, park jisung.
“ayun, ma’am, sakto! sir, pakiingatan na lang po itong si ma’am. ako na po bahala dito, ma’am, mauna na po kayo at baka malate pa kayo ni sir. salamat, sir, ingat po!” ngiti sa inyo ng driver mo.
“sige po, kuya,” jisung smiled and nodded, “what? sakay na,” baling naman nito sayo.
you had no choice, but to hop in dahil malelate at maistress ka lang kung mag cocommute ka pa. alam mo naman ang transportasyon at ang init dito sa pilipinas, papasok ka pa lang ng trabaho parang pauwi ka na. after contemplating for a second, naupo ka na sa backseat ng kotse— hindi naman dahil sa uncomfortable kang katabi siya, it’s just that you’re not close yet so..
“ginawa pa kong driver niya,” jisung murmured, watching you sit at the back.
“may sinasabi ka ba?” you asked when you heard him saying something you didn’t hear clearly.
jisung chuckled and shook his head, “huh? wala ah.”
ilang minutong tahimik ang biyahe at natigil lang iyon nang basagin ito ni jisung, “have you eaten breakfast? may bibilhin ako sa starbucks, isasabay ko na kung may gusto kang ipabili.”
“my treat,” he added.
you shook your head and smiled at him, “i’m good, thanks.”
jisung nodded, but he still ended up buying you an iced coffee and sandwich just in case you have not eaten yet, he asked the staff for a recommendation, which is why he got the latte for you, while he got himself an iced americano.
nang makarating kayo sa lugar kung saan kayo mag sh-shoot ng unang scene ay nakatulog ka and jisung has no clue on how to wake you up. you must be really tired from taping, he thought to himself while staring at your sleeping state.
“y/n.. we’re here,” gising niya sayo while lightly tapping your arms, “y/n, hey, gising na.”
agad ka namang nagising nang marealize na nakatulog ka sa biyahe, “i’m sorry,” sambit mo at saka pinunasan ang pisngi.
he smiled, “it’s okay.”
“thank you ulit,” sabi mo nang parehas kayong makalabas ng sasakyan.
tango at tipid na ngiti lang ang isinagot ni jisung habang pinaglalaruan nito sa kamay ng susi ng kotse. you immediately rolled your eyes when you saw yangyang grinning watching the both of you walk.
“bakit sabay kayo dumating, ha? ikaw ah,” he asked in a teasing voice.
you rolled your eyes, “nasiraan ako ng kotse tapos nadaanan niya kami ni kuya kaya sinabay niya na ko, kung anu-ano na naman iniisip mo.”
“okay, sabi mo e,” yangyang chuckled at your defensiveness.
“doon ka na nga, hinahanap ka daw doon! doon ka na, shoo!” you pushed him lightly.
yangyang laughed at your words, “enjoy your breakfast!”
jisung went to his shared tent with a co-actor and started getting ready for the taping, reviewing his script while his make-up artist were doing his make-up. he froze while reading the script when a spark of memory flashed through his mind. that’s why her perfume smells familiar to me, he thought to himself.
“jisung, ready ka na? we’ll start in a few,” yangyang suddenly asked.
jisung didn’t even notice that his make-up artist had finished doing his make-up because his mind was preoccupied thinking about you, “huh? uh— yes, ready na, susunod na ko.”
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rig0 · 2 months
jowa has landed a new job and nagpahinga siya for a week dito sa bahay. tomorrow mag start na siya and feel ko masesepanx na naman ako although susunod naman ako sa kanya few weeks from now. anyway, may car na inissue sa kanya so i guess car fun na to? eme. bet ko mag roadtrip at libutin ang north. for real tho, i’m happy na nakakahelp and guide ako kay jowa since asa HR ako so he knows his value sa market. thank you, Papa G. kasabay ng promotion ko ay binigyan mo ng maayos at magandang trabaho si Conrad. the best Ka talaga 💯
i think it’s true that we’re each other’s lucky charm 🍀
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jopetkasi · 4 months
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Right after the New Year, I threw in a couple of shirts and a hoodie and left for Hong Kong because like what I told you, I will be on a working trip. Meaning, I will buy merchandise that my cousin, Jay, and sister-in-law, Belle will peddle at their Lazada and Shopee pages.
It's a long list of things to purchase mostly ready-to-wear clothes, chocolates, house items, lotions, and perfume among others. since this is Hong Kong, expect the prices to be lower compared to Manila since they are tax-free. I also pre-purchased extra baggage weight on the flight back home, while those I cannot bring, will have it shipped door to door.
at the immigration desk, the officer asked why I frequent HK since last year saw me visiting the island twice. of course, I was at my best behavior for fear of being offloaded. I explained that I am a reseller and I travel to buy "paninda"
"Dual citizen ka?" as he ran my information at the counter.
"yes po, ROC Taiwan" and handed him my other passport to verify.
"magkano dala mong pera?" this time, I was already getting annoyed. but then again, being offloaded is such a hot mess, I decided to give all the info he asked.
"$1000 USD and the rest sa credit card po"
he stamped my passport and I was done with immigration.
by the way, the ticket was scored at a budget airline's seat sale. No issue with me. as long as I get to my destination and back home, I don't mind except that this passenger planted his big ass on my designated seat and started to do a Facebook live.
"excuse po, dyan yung upuan ko"
"huh? puedeng dito nalang ako?"
"hinde. umalis ka"
"ang sungit"
you know when you get to my age, you feel that certain amount of authority that when you exert it, no amount of effort is given, it comes naturally. I paid extra for my seat, unless you are fucking Piolo Pascual I would give in but then he's not. Besides, I don't think Piolo flies budget airline to begin with.
a couple of hours, we landed safe. I took the train from HKIA to Central and from Central another train to TST or Tsim Sha Tsui where our favorite hotel is located (Caritas Bianchi Hotel) it is affordable and best of all, the rooms are clean and spacious, unlike those damn cramped hotels in the city.
Hungry, I had beef brisket noodles and it was so so so good...it's like eating pares, nasta masarap sya. then I walked towards MongKok because I wanted to buy the dyowa some decent sneakers since the one's he is using has seen better days.
so there. I hope you guys are all safe and happy.
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akonaman · 5 days
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To my younger self --
Dyan ka na lang nakakapagod dito. I could now buy your favorite hamburger from jollibee na hindi na maghihintay ng pasko. Nakaka kwentuhan mo na si mama na halos di mo magawa noon. Di ka pa teacher kase narealize mo na hindi yun para sayo. You can now easily find ways how to get what you want without fearing that bullies might get important things from you. You have now few friends you can eat at a table. Hindi ka na sa cr kumakain pag recess. Wala ng bullies na naghahabol sayo sa gate pag di mo sila pinakopya. You are now advocating for truth and you are now making people be held accountable for their actions. Impatient ka pa rin dito pero atleast di ka na nagtatrantums kay lola. Kase wala na si lola. Life is really hard but i think it's better here. Our fingers have grown and could now hold hands with the little version of you, ally. Paborito pa rin natin yung dilis na red at kaya ko ng magluto ng paborito nating spaghetti kahit walang may birthday. Di pa tayo ganun kayaman pero wala na tayo sa laylayan. Ang dami na nating damit dito, binili ko lahat ng gusto mo. Haha. I hope i could make you proud someday by getting up each day happy with what you're doing. I am now giving everything we wanted as a child kay ally. I am healing you through her. ❤️
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genuine-sushi · 1 month
Nakakamiss din yung may kachikahan ka dito sa tumblr. Katulad nung dati may pa-gc sa tg tas may specific kang friend na makukwentuhan ng everything haha
I miss you, my oldies tmblr prends!!! I hope you guys are fine and happy 🥹❣️
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shoodleynoodle · 1 month
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050424 - daranak falls
Super daming tao kaya sumaglit lang kami ng lusob. Hindi talaga ideal pumunta dito pag weekends lalo summer ngayon. Super labo ng tubig di mo na literal makikita yung inaapakan mo. May magshoshooting rin daw sa gma yata kaya super saglit lang kami. Ahahaha.
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050524 - camp daloy, daraitan
Lalo kung ikukumpara mo sa daranak, sobrang linaw ng tubig sa ilog dito. Hindi talaga sa pagiging oa pero kitang-kita mo yung inaapakan mo talaga saka yung mga smol fishes na lumalangoy rin. Ang lawak pati nung ilog super sarap magtampisaw saka magmuni-muni.
Maganda din yung napagstayan namin kasi sa lahat ng mga camp dun, sya yung pinakainstagrammable saka ambait nung caretaker at nung aso nila!! I miss you, lucky! Meron rin silang sariling restaurant pero one rike away from the place. Though masarap, mura, at marami yung serving nung food, ang tagal namin naghintay para madeliver. Siguro dami rin kasi tao at fully booked sila pero ang lala talaga nung almost 2 hours kami naghintay.
Bale yung napagstay-an namin parang sleeping quarters lang sya sa isang bahay. Shared kitchen and bathroom tapos sa labas yung dining ?? area. Nilipat lang namin yung table malapit sa pool area kasi andun yung shade nung hapon. Pero hindi naman din mainit dun, maaraw lang pero malamig yung hangin. Sobrang lamig, nangatog ako nung madaling araw kasi hindi ako shinarean ng kumot ng katabi ko kaya no choice ako at ginawa kong kumot yung twalya kong medyo basa pa kasi naligo ako bago matulog. Ahahahahaha.
Di na ako sumama sa kanila mag tinipak river nung morning kasi naiiyak na ako sa sobrang drained ng social battery ko. Sunod-sunod kasi alis at ganap simula nung bday celeb ko, feel ko need ko mag-me time nun kaya nagtampisaw na lang rin ako mag-isa sa ilog. Saka partly, ayoko rin talaga ng mahabang lakarin tas mabato ganun. Tatanga-tanga pa man din ako, sa tanay pa ako maaksidente. Happy naman ako kasi recharged ako after ng 2 to 3 hours kong pagmumuni-muni sa ilog. Ahahaha. Saka atleast nakatulog rin ako kahit pano nung morning nang may kumot!!
Good thing na lang rin di ako nag-rain check sa ganap na to kahit balak ko na talaga at feel ko di ko na kasi kaya. Ahaha. Super nag-enjoy talaga ako, with or without company. Gusto ko ulit sana bumalik sa mga ganun nang mag-isa pero siguro matagal-tagal pa. Narealize ko talaga gano kahalaga sakin yung me time ko at yung tahimik na paligid, lalo after ng ingay at sobrang daming ganap. Iba talaga kapag peaceful yung environment, parang nagiging peaceful ka rin. Ahahahaha.
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starseungs · 2 months
the issue about the thesis was the greatest fuck in my college life tbh because first all everything was going great BEFORE the data gathering because i got 90++ grade from our prof which is really good since we did everything together and the proposal was to the highest level of success but everything went apart the moment napabayaan kami, imagine mo me and my friends did our research alone, we didn't know what to do so naghanap kami ng paraan tapos lagpas na sa expiration date defense namin so i almost failed tapos the dean didn't like it and 50-50 yung graduation ko 😭 pero thank God nagawan naman ng paraan and i still graduated with a high grade. and yes maroon school is top tier when it comes to acads, mas malaman yung majors mo compared sa minors. sadyang magkaka-problema ka lang talaga it's either with you or sa prof mo (i heard my prof is not teaching na sa maroon school and stayed sa blue school so ayon, forgot to thank him sa lahat) but yah
your majors won't be the ones who'll fuck you, the minor ones will 🤧 you will do great in college and of course magiging part ka ng dean's list!! YOUR BRAIN HELLO??? TOP TIER TOO here’s a piece of advice, your grades doesn’t matter that much i mean don’t stay sa grade na kontento ka, kunin mo yung grade na kaya mong kunin also, also make sure to have good credentials and backgrounds, the more u engage sa orgs. the better but manage your time. it’s like high school but busier, tiring, mental breaking and emotionally painful so expect a lot of paghihirap but no pressure ok? there are A LOT of times you can enjoy, 4 years of college ON CAMPUS, it will be a great experience too. kaso after grad. thats when life fucks you hard welcome to reality shit and other stuff but hey, you will be alright 🩷 been there, done that just enjoy okay?
and i'll take your advice to heart. actually may dalawa na din akong tinitingnan na orgs dito sa blue school d-city (yung isa is an arts and mass media focused org and from what ive seen, they make mvs, documentaries, broadcasts, etc // then the other one is the studenr government AHAHAHAHA wala lang, part din kasi ako ng studgov org sa shs) titingnan ko nalang what calls me 🤷‍♀️
hays lagi akong napapagod sa pag-aaral pero honestly parang di ko pa maimagine sarili ko magtrabaho 😭 hopefully may mahahanap ako na pays good enough kasi alam naman natin kinukulang sa job opportunities tong pinas :')))
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ligayangdala · 2 years
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📣 DOYOUNG KIM. smut, ceo!au, arranged marriage!au, married!au
✍ written in taglish | ⚠ jealous!doyoung, soft dom!doyoung (tho idk if naachieve namin huehue brainrot kmi xd) unprotected sex, mentions choking, breeding/impregnation kink | 📅 posted on july 30th, 2022 | 🔞 minors, do not interact!
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bakit? kasi kinasal ka sa kanya dahil sa ‘yun ang gusto ng mga lolo at lola niyo, dahil ‘yun ang napakasunduan nila. hindi pa kayo nabubuhay sa mundo, there has been an agreement that the youngest girl of the lee family will be married to the youngest of the kim family. you felt controlled simula nung kinasal ka kay doyoung dahil bawat kilos mo ay may nagbabantay sa’yo. minsan, nakakasawa rin. bago ka ikasal sa kanya, wild ang buhay mo— party rito, party roon. inom dito, suka doon. pero nagbago ang takbo ng buhay mo nung umuwi ka na may malalang hangover tapos pinaligo ka agad-agad dahil aalis nga raw kayo. hindi naman nila sinabi sa'yo na ang kikitain niyo pala ay ang magiging asawa mo. 
nung nakilala mo si doyoung, alam mong hindi na agad magkatugma ang ugali niyong dalawa. seryoso siya sa buhay, tapos ikaw, happy go lucky na mahilig pang pumarty. as much as you wanted to deny reality and refuse to marry the man, wala ka namang magawa kundi sumunod na lang. kapag hindi ka kasi sumunod, tatanggalin ka sa will and testament ng lolo at lola mo. magkano rin ang ibibigay nilang pera at kung anu-ano pang ari-arian ang ibibigay nila kung sakali ‘no! nakasulat naman sa kontrata na pagkatapos ng ilang taon, ay pwede na kayong maghiwalay ni doyoung. pero mabagal ang oras sa tuwing magkasama kayo, lalo na sa mga inaattendan niyang soiree, charities at iba pa.
ngayon, as an obedient wife, sumama ka sa photoshoot niya para sa isang business magazine cover. doyoung is named as one of the successful men in the country, 30 under 30 and has one of the biggest net worths for his age. hindi naman alam ng publiko na arranged marriage kayo, kaya kailangan mong mag panggap na supportive at loveable wife sa photoshoot. tulad ng pagiging kasal mo kay doyoung, hindi mo rin inaasahan na ang ex boyfriend mo pala ang photographer ng shoot na ito, nalaman mo lang ito nung nagkaharap na kayo.
“where’s my wife?” tanong ni doyoung sa staff na nag-aayos ng damit niya, sinagot naman siya nito na inaayusan ka pa nga raw. “alright, we’ll wait for her” sabi nito at pumwesto sa harap ng kamera dahil sabi ng photographer, pwede naman daw munang mag-solo shot si doyoung. grey na tuxedo ang suot ni doyoung, walang panloob para maipakita sa mundo na kahit busy siya sa trabaho, may oras pa rin siyang mag-gym. kitang kita ang hulma ng abs ni doyoung kaya kahit ‘yung mga staff na nasa set ay nakatingin sa kanya. nawala sa focus si doyoung nung nakita ka niyang naglalakad papunta sa kanya, suot suot ang masikip na satin dress. napalunok si doyoung, madalas ka naman niyang nakikita na masisikip at maiikli ang suot mong dress, pero bakit parang iba ang tama nito ngayon?
“oh my god, johnny?!” gulat mong sabi nung tinawag ka ng photographer, imbis na kay doyoung ka dumiretso, dumiretso ka kay johnny. tila kumulo ang dugo ni doyoung nung makita niyang niyakap ka ni johnny, ang kamay nito ay nasa may lower back mo. “ang tagal nating hindi nagkita, ibig sabihin antagal na rin pala nung nanghingi ka ng closure sakin. kakauwi mo lang galing chicago?”
habang nagkukwentuhan kayo ni johnny, umubo ng peke si doyoung para makuha ang atensyon niyong dalawa. inirapan mo siya at nagpaalam kay johnny, “pasensya na ha, mainitin kasi ulo ng asawa ko” sabi mo kay johnny at naglakad papunta kay doyoung. hindi naman kayo madalas maging touchy ni doyoung sa isa’t isa, pero pagtayo mo sa tabi niya, nagulat ka dahil agad kang hinawakan nito sa bewang at nilapit ka nito sa katawan niya. nagsimula ang photoshoot niyo na magkasama, hindi ka binibitawan ni doyoung at umaakto ito na parang sweet talaga kayong mag-asawa.
nung naglagay ng upuan sa gitna ng set, dapat nakaupo si doyoung at ikaw naman ay nasa gilid niya, pero nagulat ka dahil bigla niyang sinabi na “mukhang mas maganda kung kakandong siya sakin, she’s my wife, after all” ngisi ni doyoung, nakita niya kung paano nagbago ang mukha ng ex mo sa suggestion niya pero dahil ex na nga lang siya, wala naman siyang magawa dahil ito rin ang gusto ng kliyente. kahit nahihiya ka dahil hindi ka naman talaga sanay sa skinship, kumandong ka kay doyoung. ang isang braso mo ay nakapulupot sa balikat niya, ang dibdib mo naman ay may pagkamalapit sa mukha niya. ang kamay ni doyoung ay nasa bewang at hita mo para sa suporta. ilang minuto kayong nakapwesto ng ganun kaya nararamdaman mo na tinitigasan si doyoung— ang lapit ba naman kasi ng suso mo sa mukha niya, sinabi pa ng isang staff na mas mabuti kung isasandal ni doyoung ang pisngi niya dito.
napakagat labi ka nung tanungin si doyoung kung may balak ba kayong mag-anak dahil dalawang taon na kayong kasal, ayaw nga kong hawakan, makipag-procreate pa kaya sakin. isip mo, ngumiti ka lang sa nagiinterview at hinayaan si doyoung na sumagot. “i do want to have kids, but that decision is not mine to make. it’s my wife’s decision kung gusto ba niyang mag-anak kami dahil katawan niya ‘yan. if she wants to have kids with me, then alright. if she doesn’t want to have kids, then it's alright.” sagot nito, satisfied naman ang nagiinterview sa sagot niya kaya nagpatuloy lang kayo sa interview.
it was a long day for the two of you and all you wanted to do was relax at home, drink wine and sleep. nung naglalagay ka ng wine sa wine glass, nagulat ka dahil nasa likod mo pala si doyoung. “the things i’d do to get you out of that dress, y/n” sabi niya, muntik mo pang mabitawan ang bote ng wine. lumapit si doyoung sa’yo, hinigit ka at dinikit sa harap niya. nararamdaman mo ang tigas ng tite niya sa likod mo kaya napainom ka ng wala sa oras. “nararamdaman mo ‘yan? kasalanan mo ‘yan.” bulong niya sa tenga mo.
“doyoung… why are you so touchy all of a sudden?” tanong mo, inikot mo ang sarili mo at hinarap siya, “not that i’m complaining, pero… bakit?”
“you’re my wife, hindi ba kita pwedeng hawakan?” sagot nito, nakawala ka sa harap niya at pumunta sa sala, “because i can stop if you don’t like it, titigilan kita kapag sinabi mong ayaw mo”
it’s not that you didn’t like it, heaven knows how needy you can be sometimes. you imagine your husband choking you and the veins on his hands show up, you imagine him finishing off inside of you. you loved how he held you kanina sa photoshoot, holding you like you were his property and nobody else’s, just his. binaba mo ang wine glass sa center table at hinalikan si doyoung, ngumiti ito habang naglalaban ang mga dila niyo. “tangina,” mura ni doyoung, “‘di ko na matiis, pwede bang dito na lang kita sa sofa tirahin?”
“baka pumasok sila manang—”
“wala akong pake,” sagot niya, “gusto mo bang umakyat sa kwarto ko o dito nalang?”
like doyoung, you were impatient as well. kapag umakyat pa kayo, ilang segundo pa ang mawawala kaya naman tumango ka. agad na hinubad ni doyoung ang damit niya, dali-daling tinanggal ang pantalon. umupo siya sa sofa at tirik na tirik na ang ari niya, nararamdaman mong sobrang basa ka na ngayon kaya hindi ka na nagdalawang isip na hubarin ang suot mong dress. napakagat labi si doyoung dahil umalog ang dede mo nung tinanggal mo ito, kaya pagupo mo sa kandungan niya, binalot agad ng mga kamay niya ang dede mo.
“pretty girl” sabi ni doyoung, his hands were quick enough to move and help you adjust your position. nakahiga ka sa sofa habang nasa taas mo siya, nilinya ni doyoung ang tite niya sa butas mo, dahan-dahang pinapasok ang ulo. nakakapit ka sa bisig ni doyoung, napapangisi ito dahil ulo palang ang naipapasok niya, tumitirik na ang mata mo. “gonna fuck you so good, makakalimutan mo na ‘yang ex mo” humalik si doyoung sa panga mo bago tuluyang ipasok ang tite niya sa loob mo, inungol mo ang pangalan niya kaya naman nagumpisa na bumayo ang balakang niya. “putangina, ang sikip mo… ang sarap”
two years— ganyan na kayo katagal kasal at ni isang beses, walang nangyari sainyo ni doyoung. as a married couple, this is your first time. paano mo nga ba napunan ang mga pangangailangan mo sa dalawang taon? dildo at vibrator. pero ngayong nararanasan mo na ulit ito at hindi na laruan, hindi mo maiwasang hindi umungol ng malakas. doyoung was stretching every part of you, naaabot ng tite niya ang mga lugar na hindi naaabot ng dildo mo gabi-gabi. 
“sarap, misis?” tanong nito, tanging mhm lang ang nasagot mo dahil sinasagad ka ni doyoung, “if i knew you wanted this long ago, edi sana hindi ka nagtitiis sa dildo mo gabi-gabi, ano?” lalong nagkuyom ang puke mo sa tite niya nung naramdaman mo ang daliri niya sa tinggil mo, “who’s fucking you this good, misis? hmm?”
“‘di kita marinig,” sabi nito, he held your jaw softly, “sino?”
“ikaw, doyoung— fuck, ganyan lang,” ungol mo nung naramdaman mo ang ulo ng tite niya sa sweet spot mo, binitawan niya ang panga mo at binabaan ang sarili niya para dumede, “f-fuck, daddy”
“that's right, baby... ako lang makakatira sa'yo nang ganto”
masyadong clouded ang utak ni doyoung para mapansin na tinawag mo siyang daddy, busy siyang bilugin ang dila niya sa utong mo. binalot mo ang mga binti mo sa bewang ni doyoung dahil nararamdaman mong malapit ka na, hindi mo na rin namalayan na nakakalmot mo na rin pala ang likod nito dahil sa sarap na nararamdaman mo.
“gonna fuck a baby in you, misis…” sabi niya, “gonna fuck you until your belly is round and swollen”
“p-please do…”
“gusto mo ‘yun? gusto mong maging mommy?”
“y-yes, doyoung… fuck…” napayakap ka sa asawa mo ng wala sa oras dahil nilabasan ka, kahit nagsquirt ka na, tuloy pa rin si doyoung sa pag bayo hanggang sa maramdaman mo ang mainit niyang tamod sa loob mo. bumagsak si doyoung sa taas mo, hindi mo na rin kasi binitawan ang pagkakayakap mo sakanya. inalis lang niya ang sarili niya sa’yo nung narinig niya ang boses ng mga kasambahay, dali-daling nagsuot ng boxers at tinakpan ang nanghihina mong katawan gamit ang tuxedo jacket na suot niya kanina. hinayaan ka niyang gamitin ang hita niya bilang unan habang hinahaplos niya ang tyan mo.
“ay hala, ma’am, sir— sorry po!” tili ng isang kasambahay at agad na tinakpan ang sariling mata, “um… pinapatanong po kasi ni manang kung kakain daw po ba kayo ni madam”
“pakidala nalang sa kwarto ko ‘yung dinner naming dalawa, iaakyat ko na siya” sabi ni doyoung, agad namang umalis ang kasambahay.
“bakit sa kwarto mo? welcome na ba ‘ko dun?” nanghihina mong tanong.
“you’re my wife, dapat katabi na kita matulog” sagot nito, “and i really am serious about wanting kids with you, syempre kung gusto mo lang rin.”
sino ka naman para tumanggi sa genes ng isang kim doyoung, di ‘ba?
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I didn’t realize how much I crave for affection and intimacy until today.
I don’t want to assume pero pakiramdam ko nilalandi ako nitong colleague ko at my workplace. I can’t remember when exactly we became close, dahil during my first year dito casual lang naman kami sa isat isa. though I am good friends/acquaintance with most of my colleagues naman. I noticed na pag naka off ako, he keeps on checking on me or kung sa ibang unit ako duty, he would still send me random chats and before we finish the shift, he makes sure to come by sa nurses station and tumatambay pag ako ang in charge. And I noticed na he’s touchy on some occasions. Like mga random na may dumi sa uniform or buhok ko and magugulat na lang ako, he would take it off or kaya naman yun mga pasimpleng pisil nya sa tiyan ko or braso pag inaasar nya ko. I’m trying my best not to assume anything especially we’re colleagues, we work in the same place.
Today, we worked on the same unit and when we were not busy he comes to me at kinukulit ako. He always tease me na maldita daw ako sa duty and call me “lola”. Today, habang kinukulit nya ako, he asked me to show my hands kung gaano daw kaliit ang mga kamay ko dahil ang liit ko daw in terms of height which is totoo naman. He touched my hand and compared it with his, making fun of it, hindi daw pwedeng pang “ano” which I don’t know what he meant by it, and then nagulat ako nun hinolding hand nya ko for a good maybe 10 seconds, I pulled away because baka may makakita and may nakakapansin na ng closeness namin lately and it might look inappropriate, I know they don’t ask directly but with their few remarks I can read between the lines.
When I get home, I can’t seem to wrap my head around what happened at that very particular moment. I am thinking about how it felt na may ka-holding hands and honestly I enjoy his company. It just felt surreal. He asked me once kung di daw ba ko nalulungkot, and ano daw yun reasons na nalulungkot ako, we had those kind of conversations and it warmed me internally kasi none of my friends here ever ask those kind of questions except for him.
Hindi ko alam kung attracted na ba ako sa kanya or what but I don’t like the idea dahil magkasama kami sa work, I don’t want any complications at all. And ayoko kalimutan na hindi pa ko okay, I don’t want to mistaken anyone’s attention making me kilig or happy as me being ready for anything. When people are lonely, we get confused kapag may lumalandi o nangungulit, o baka ako lang ba? Lol Sabi nga eh misery loves company. Basta Im sure na alam ko na hindi pa ko okay and ayokong pilitin magkaron ng distraction just for me to move on. I want this phase to be all about me muna and to heal completely, I don’t know for how long, but it doesn’t matter. Hindi ako nagmamadali. I want to get rid of that thought completely.
We’re good friends and that should stay that way.
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lilithaban · 1 year
city of dreams
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pairings: wonwoo x female reader
— filo setting
🖋️: smut
warnings: 🔞, mature content, virgin, profanities, fingering, blowjob?, nipple sucking, unprotected sex, dirty talk
— dni minors
posted: january 31, 2923
happy reading!
City of Dreams
Bilang isang dalagang nagmula pa sa probinsya isang malaking tagumpay na samin ang makatungtong sa syudad. Hindi sa ignorante kami sa mga bagay na mayroon sa siyudad at hindi rin naman kami ganon kahirap sadyang nakakatuwa lang na lumabas sa probinsya. 
Ako, hindi naman ako nanggaling sa hirap dahil may sarili kaming farm at resort sa probinsyang tinitirhan ko simula pagkabata. Kung tutuusin naririnig ko to sa mga kaibigan ko na ‘old money’ raw kami pero sabi ko naman hindi dahil ayoko maging tunog mayabang sa kanila. 
Kasalukuyan kang nasa bagong tahanan mo which is sa isang condo unit ka nagpasya manirahan muna.
Kasalukuyan kang nasa bagong tahanan mo which is sa isang condo unit ka nagpasya manirahan muna.
Hindi na bago sayo ang pamumuhay sa siyudad dahil minsan ka na ring pumarito dahil sa pamilya mo pero ang manirahan dito ng matagal at magtrabaho ay bago lamang sayo.
Bar? Clubbing? Getting drunk? hindi na rin to bago sayo dahil kahit nasa probinsya ka ay madalas ka rin pumarty at pumunta sa mga bar kasama ang mga kaibigan o mga kaklase mo noong nasa kolehiyo ka pa. 
Hindi naman ako yung tipikal na probinsyana na walang masyadong alam sa buhay siyudad. Hindi naman masyadong nagkakalayo ang siyudad sa probinsya may mga buildings, bars, at kung ano pa sa probinsya na meron sa city no.
Naupo ka sa upuan malapit sa veranda at tinitigan ang morning view ng siyudad na tinitirhan mo ngayon. Nagtataasang buildings, kita mo rin ang mabigat na daloy ng trapiko.
Kasalukuyan kang nasa isang sikat na bar malapit sa condo unit mo dahil inaya ka ng pinsan mo na sumama sa kanilang bar hopping dahil na rin sa bagong lipat ka lamang dito sa siyudad.
“Wow old money rich pala kayo,” rinig mong sabi sayo ng kaibigan ng pinsan mo.
Agad ka namang umiling “Ahh hindi naman nabubuhay lang kami dahil sa negosyo ng lolo at lola ko” nahihiya mong sagot
“Sus wag ka na mahiya naiintindihan ka naman namin” ngiting sagot nito kaya ngumiti na lamang ako.
Nakaka apat na kayong cuervo at isang chivas na kayo kaya naman medyo wala na kayo sa ulirat. Nagtungo sila sa dancefloor at hinila ka naman mg pinsan mo. Dahil wala ka na sa ulirat at may tama ka na masaya kang nagpahila rito.
“Wooo!!!” sigawan ng lahat
Kahit na sobrang init sa dance floor dahil sa crowder ito ay gumigiling ka pa rin at sumasabay sa ritmo ng musikang tumutugtog ngayon. 
Habang sumasayaw ka bigla kang nakaramdam ng kamay sa bewang mo. Akala mo kaibigan lang ng pinsan mo kaya gumiling ka sa harap nito hanggang sa maramdaman mo ang nakaumbok sa likod mo
Lilingon ka na sana sa taong nakahawak sa bewang mo nang bigla itong magsalita sa tenga mo. “Hmmmm you're such a good dancer”.
Napataas ka ng kilay dahil hindi ito mga kaibigan ng mga pinsan mo atsaka ka humarap.
Para kang nakakita ng multo dahil gulat na gulat ka.
Shit ang gwapo niya?!
“Alam kong gwapo ako y/n ?” ngumisi naman ito at hinapit ka sa bewang palapit sa tabi niya
“H—hoy magk-kakilala ba tayo?” nauutal mong tanong na kahit alam mong hindi mo siya kilala
“I know you but obviously you don’t know me” maikling sagot nito at tinitigan ka mula ulo hanggang paa.
“Para sa isang magandang dilag na katulad mo hindi halata sayo ang pagiging probinsyana”
Para naman akong nainis dahil parang ini-imply niya na panget kaming mga taga probinsya?!
“Excuse me? sinasabi mo bang mga panget ang katulad naming taga probinsya?”
Natawa naman ito at itinaas ang dalawang kamay. “Yo I’m not implying na panget mga taga probinsya sadyang hindi lang talaga halata sayo na doon ka lumaki” sagot nito at nakangisi
Nagkibit balikat ka na lamang at hinanap ng mga mata mo ang pinsan mo at ang mga kaibigan nito. Halos mahilo ka na kakaikot ng mata mo sa buong bar pero hindi mo pa rin sila makita. “Hindi mo talaga sila makikita dahil may mga kasama na sila. And yes your cousin is with my friend, Mingyu. Don’t worry they will be safe.” biglang salita ng katabi mo.
Nakataas pa rin ang kilay ko at may doubt pa rin sa mga sinabi nito. Nagulat ka na lang ng bigla ka nitong hilain paalis sa dancefloor.
“Hmm halika, I’ll introduce you to my friends. Don’t worry they know you and nasa iisang circle of friends lang kami ng pinsan mo,” 
“Close ba tayo para isama mo ako sayo” 
"No, but I'll keep you close to me."
“Omg ka DK! Nakakatawa ka pala” hindi ko alam na komedyante pala itong kaibigan ng pinsan ko at ni Wons. Oo tama nga kayo, Wons ang pangalan ng lalaking humila sakin base sa mga kaibigan niya pero hindi pa rin siya nagpapakilala sakin nang maayos! 
He’s obviously hot. I heard from Han that he’s also a wise man. A hot and intimidating engineer.
Type ko na sana siya eh kaso mukhang babaero! Kanina lang parang hindi siya natuwa sa paggiling ko sa harap niya tapos ngayon may kausap na siyang iba! Ang malala pa medyo touchy si girl then itong si Wons parang wala lang sa kanya. 
“Ilang beses ka nang umiirap dyan. Bakit hindi mo na lang hilain si Wons dyan kay Stacy?” naka ngising suhestyon ni Jun
“Type mo si Wons ‘no?” 
Bigla akong nataranta sa sinabi ni Joshua. Kaya naman napalingon ako sa gawi ni Wons at nahuli ko siyang nakatitig sakin ng mariin habang ang babae sa tabi niya ay pilit siyang hinaharap sa kanya. Umiwas na lamang ako ng tingin at tinungga ang Chivas na nasa harap ko. 
“Ay hindi sumagot baka type niya nga HAHAHHAHAHHA” rinig kong tawa ni Boo. Sinamaan ko lang sila ng tingin at iniwas na lamang ang tingin sa mga kaibigan nitong nakapalibot sakin. Hindi ko naman maitatanggi na gwapo si Wons, matangkad, may magandang reputasyon bilang isang engineer, at may kagwapuhan naman ito. No gwapo talaga siya hindi ko lang maamin dalhin alam kong tutuksuhin ako ng mga lokong to.
Ngayon ko lamang nakilala itong sila hoshi, jun, joshua, dk, at boo pero kung makaasar sakin close kami eh!
“H-hindi ko siya…” 
“T-type” mahina kong sagot
Nakarinig naman ako ng malakas na tawanan mula sakanila kaya mas lalong nangamatis ang mukha ko sa hiya. “Alam ko na Dk palit kayo ni Joshua. Magtatabi sila ni yn” utos ni Boo kay Dk at agad naman tumayo si Dk para makipag palit ng upuan kay Joshua na siya ngayon ang katabi ko.
“Alam mo naman na siguro, Shua?” nakangising tanong ni Boo at nakita ko na lang pag thumbs up ni Shua habang nakangisi na rin.
Shit mukhang may mga binabalak ‘tong mga to sakin 
Habang nakikipag-usap ako kay Boo nagulat ako ng biglang lumapit sa tenga ko si Joshua. “Hm Can I rest my arms on your shoulder? I will not force you if you find it uncomfortable” mahinang bulong nito na kinatindig ko
“A-ahh ok lang wala naman sakin yan” mahina kong sagot kaya naman naramdaman ko ang pag-akbay sakin ni Joshua at mas lalo pa akong nagulat nang hinapit niya ang bewang ko palapit sa kanya.
Para na niya akong niyayakap!
Medyo umusog at kinurot si Joshua sa tagiliran. “Huy J-joshua anong ginagawa mo!” hinarap ko siya at hinawakan ang magkabilaang pisngi nito. Huli ko ang pagkagulat ng mga mata niya pero agad rin niya iyong binawi at hinalikan niya ako sa pisngi. 
What the hell is happening 
Mistulan akong bato dahil nanigas ako sa kinauupuan ko habang si Joshua ay naka ngiti lamang sakin at prenteng naka akbay sakin.
“Putangina mo Shua dumidiskarte ka sa bawal na ha!” rinig kong panunukso ni Dk
Rinig ko ang tawanan nila hanggang sa nawala na ang mga tawa nito at napalitan ng ubong pilit lang. Nagulat ako ng biglang may humatak sakin patayo.
“Tinext na ako ng pinsan mo, iuuwi na kita.” bakas ang inis dito
“Teka Wons, nagkakasiyahan pa kami rito!” reklamo ni Hoshi
“Oo nga sinabi naman ni yn na ok lang kahit anong oras siya umuwi tsaka ihahatid naman natin siya!”
“Wala rin naman siyang Boyfriend kaya dito muna sana si yn, Wons”
Sumulyap ako sa gawi nila Boo. Hindi naman mukhang gulat sila nagpipigil pa nga ng ngiti at tawa itong si Dk at Boo! Pero nang sumulyap ako kay Shua nakatitig lamang siya sakin?
Hindi hindi, nakatingin siya sa kamay ni Wons na nakahawak nang mariin sakin! Nagtataka ako kasi parang wala siyang emosyon.
Bumaling naman ang mga mata ko kay Wons, na mas lalo pa yatang uminit dahil sa huling sinabi ni Joshua. “Uuwi na kami, next time na lang kayo magkwentuhan.” May diing sabi ni Wons 
“Iuwi mo siya sa kanila Pre, hindi sa condo mo.” walang emosyong sinabi ni Joshua at sumulyap sakin
Bigla akong kinabahan dahil tumataas ang tensyon ni Joshua at Wons. Ano bang nangyayari?! Wala akong maintindihan!
“Iuuwi ko na siya.” pagtapos niyang sabihin ito ay agad niya akong hinila palabas ng bar. Tahimik lamang akong nakasunod sa kanya ng bitawan niya ako. Gusto ko sana magsalita pero natatakot ako baka masigawan niya ako.
Nang makarating na kami sa audi niya ay agad niyang binuksan ang kotse at sumakay na ako sa shotgun seat. Hindi ako makatingin sa kanya at makapag salita dahil una ramdam ko pa rin ang inis niya, pangalawa medyo mataas pa rin talaga ang tensyon dito sa sasakyan, at pangatlo baka kapag nagsalita ako magwala siya.
Napalingon ako rito at kinakabahan na sumagot “b-bakit?”
“Umiwas ka kay Joshua.” sagot nito at sinadya nitong i-emphasize pangalan ni Joshua na kinataka ko. Bakit ko naman iiwasan si Joshua? Isa siya sa mga magaan maging kaibigan kahit na kakakilala lang namin ngayon. 
Kaya medyo nainis ako kasi wala naman siyang karapatan utusan ako! Kakakilala ko lang din sakanya kanina pero heto siya pinapakita agad ugali niya!
“Sino ka para diktahan ako? Kaibigan ba kita? Kamag-anak ba kita”
Kita ko ang gulat sa kanyang mukha at ang pag diin ng hawak nito sa manibela ng sasakyan. Hindi ito sumagot bagkus ay bigla niya na lamang akong hinapit at hinalikan.
Gulat na gulat ako, hindi rin makagalaw dahil hello! First time kiss ko to. Gusto ko na sana siyang itulak pero parang trinaydor ako ng sarili ko dahil gumaganti na rin ako ng halik. Sa una’y mababaw na halik lamang pero nang gumanti ako ng halik ay biglang naging malalim at mapupusok ang paraan na paghalik sakin ni Wons. 
Para akong nalulunod sa mga halik nito, para akong gulaman dahil hindi ko maigalaw ang mga kamay at paa ko. Habang nagpapalitan kami ng mga halik ay hinapit na ako ni Wons at ini-upo sa kandungan nito at inayos. Hindi ko na makilala ang sarili ko dahil nakakaramdam na ako ng init at pamamasa sa baba ko. Halos malagutan na ako ng hininga ng bumaba ang mga halik nito sa sa leeg ko patungo sa dibdib ko. 
“A-aahhh” hindi ko na napigilan at napaungol na lamang ako ng ibinaba niya ang dress ko at na-expose na ang dibdib ko.
Napahawak na lang ako ng mahigpit sa backrest ng upuan. Nakakabaliw ang mga halik na binibigay ni Wons. Para akong nawala ulirat ng sumabunot ako sa kanya at mas lalo pa siyang diniin sa dibdib ko.Bigla akong namula ng marinig ang mahina niyang pagtawa. 
Tumigal siya tumingin sakin. Inalis ang dalawang kamay ko sa mukha. Halos gusto kong magpakain sa lupa na makitang nagpipigil ng ngiti itong hinayupak sa harap ko. “Come on, you shouldn’t be shy, you are beautiful, your body’s beautiful. And I will not force you to have sex with me, hmm ‘kay?” kahit na mukhang lalapain na ako nito ni Wons ramdam ko ang katotohanan sa mga sinasabi nito.
Bakit, bakit pa titigil kung nasimulan na? Virgin ako pero alam ko yung ganitong bagay no!
“Ang dami mo namang sinasabi”
At sa oras na yon hinayaan mo na kumawala ang dapat kumawala. 
“A-ahhh shit! Wag dito Wons, please!” nahihiya kong sabi habang naglalabas-masok ang tatlong daliri nito sa ari ko. Agad naman itong huminto at pinaharurot ang sasakyan sa daan kung saan hindi ako pamilyar. Sa tindi ng tensyon sa pagitan namin ay nakarating agad kami sa isang building. I bet dito siya nakatira. 
“Shit bakit parang ang tagal ng elevator na to” naiinis na sabi ni Wons habang mahigpit na nakahawak sa kamay mo. Kaya nang bumukas ito agad ka nitong hinila at tinulak papasok sa isang pintuan. 
“Fuck I can’t take this anymore” rinig mong mura nito at winarak ang dress mo. Napasigaw ka dahil bigla ka nitong binuhat at hinalikan. Hindi mo na rin namalayan na nasa kwarto na pala kayo nito dahil tuluyan ka nang nawala sa ulirat dahil pinagpatuloy nito ang naudlot na pag finger sayo sa sasakyan. Lumalakas at hindi mo na rin napigilan ang ungol mo. Wala ka nang pake kung may makakarinig na sa kahalayang ginagawa niyo basta kayo ay nagsasaya sa katawan ng isa’t isa. Matapos ang ilang paglabas-masok ng mga daliri nito sayo ay nilabasan ka at hindi naman ito hinayaan ni Wons na masayang kaya nilinis niya ang tamod na nilabas ng ari mo. Agad na naghubad si Wons sa harap mo kaya nanlaki ang mata mo rito dahil ang laki pala ng tinatagong alaga nito sa jeans niya!
May kung anong sumapi sayo dahil bumangon ka at tinulak mo pahiga sa kama si Wons para siya naman ang paligayahin. Sa sobrang laki ng ari nito ay para kang masusuka dahil umabot na sa ngala-ngala mo ang alaga nito. 
Oh my god ang laki-laki naman pala talaga ng alaga nito!
Mas lalo kang ginanahan subuin ito dahil nagsunod-sunod na ang mga ungol ni Wons at ginaguide ka na rin nito. Shit, ganito pala ang lasa nito!
“F-fuck baby, you sucked me so well.” kahit hinihngal ay nagawang sabihin sakin iyon ni Wons
Nagpalit naman na kayo ng pwesto ikaw na ang nakahiga at siya naman ang nakapatong sayo. “And now, let me reciprocate it” 
Shit! Ang hot niya! 
In a split seconds para kang hahagulgol nang makaramdam ka na parang may napupunit sa ari mo. “W-wons first time ko lang” naiiyak mong sinabi 
Hinalikan ka naman nito sa labi atsaka ngumit “Oh shit I didn’t know about it! I'll be gentle baby, I promise”
Gaya nga ng sabi niya dahan-dahan lamang ang paglabas-masok niya pero agad din itong bumilis nang sinasabayan mo na rin ang ritmo nito. Napakagat ka ng labi dahil kita mo sa mukha niya ang sarap sa ginagawang pagwasak sayo. 
“Shit, tangina ang sikip mo”
“Tangina baby ang sarap mong kantutin”
Mistulang mga musika sayo ang mga ungol at pagmura nito at mas nawala ka lamang sa ulirat ng halos umangat ka na dahil sa malalim at malakas na pagbarurot ng tite nito sayo. Ilang paglabas-masok pa ay pareho kayong nilabasan. Bumagsak si Wonwoo sa kabila mo at niyakap ka.
“Shit I think I won’t forget this till I die” sabi nito at hinalikan ka sa labi mong lamog na kakalaplap at halik sayo ng lalaking katabi mo.
“I guess they are right”
“City of dreams”
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yourdailykath · 11 months
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Going out and enjoying the sun! First time kita makasama dito kuya zaki, and kahit ganito lang date natin nakakatuwa kasi kita ko parin na enjoy na enjoy mo parin dahil sa mga nakikita mo sa paligid kahit alam kong pagod ka na kakalakad, pinakita mo parin kay mama na naging happy ka.
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Love this shot kuya! Very sentimental yung kuha natin here. Nagtuturo ka jan ng nagtuturo ng mga nakikita mong fish, plane, at mga boat 🥰
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Matandaan mo rin sana kuya ang memories natin dito. Masaya kahit mainit, masaya kahit wala masyadong activities. Seizing the moment lang talaga with you.
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Cheers to more memories with kuya. Marami pa tayong gagawin together, marami pa tayong magiging masayang memories together ❤️
Mama Kathlyne
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jezawitha-z · 4 months
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I always make sure na may nakalaan for Happiness Fund or Travel Fund ko kahit 5-10% lang every cutoff. Reward sa sarili for working hard and to celebrate small success.
We had a small conversation with my father earlier and he said not to worry daw kasi may pambili pa naman sila ng groceries at ulam. When I asked him na oh baka tuyo na naman ulam nyo nyan, sabi nya di naman daw maiwasan lalo na pag medyo na short sa budget. I love tuyo pero iba yung feeling kapag galing ka o lumaki sa pamilya na tuyo ang inuulam dahil sa kahirapan at hindi dahil sa cravings mo lang.
Then later on, sinabi nya na ganto ganyan sitwasyon nung isa kong kapatid nanghingi daw sa kanya pambili ng papel at bigas na din. Since yung bunso andun sa nanay ko at yung the rest na kapatid andun sa tatay. Hirap ng gantong setup ng pamilya. Akala ko di ko mararanasan yung broken family. Di ko napigilan sabihin sa kanya na sabihing "hayyy, mga bata talaga kawawa sa gantong sitwasyon". - - - which is ofcourse including meeeee bilang anak and breadwinner.
Kilala ko tatay ko na sasabihin lang na okay lang sila para di ako mag worry dito sa malayo lalo na solo living ang peg. Then ofcourse, andun na naman sa nagiguilty na naman ako dahil lately saya saya ko kakawalwal tapos sila ganun sitwasyon. Nagiguilty na naman ako na parang di ko deserve happiness ngayon. Kaya sabi ko sa kanya, magpapadala ako di baleng ako nalang muna magtipid dito.
Okay lang. Kailangan muna magsakripisyo sa ngayon. Di bale, kahit sa konteng bagay keri ko naman maging masaya. Kapag nagiguilty na naman ako, nireremind ko lang din sarili ko na kailangan ko pasayahin at alagaan sarili ko para mas makapag provide ako sa kanila.
Sa ngayon, delete muna budget for travel/happiness fund. Kape nalang muna ulit sa 711 and will take advantage of the free coffee sa office :'>
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hashirun · 1 year
Hi Kaye. Pwede paconfide? Lately, I am getting more frustrated. Di naman ako maganda. Di rin ako sexy. I would say I am a bulky woman. At 30, my only realization was I am not good at relationships and sadly parang men only see me as an object for sex but not someone to love. Or yung pang MU pero di pang jowa. Parang mas bagay dito yung linyang "kamahal mahal ba ako?" I want to be loved and cherished. Pero parang di naglelevel up. Parang object lang ako ng fantasy. Nakakasad. Wala lang. Btw. Yun lang.
Hi anon! I get you. Alam mo ba, almost 4 years na akong single and during that time I've alternated between states of loneliness, frustration, desperation, acceptance, and nonchalance. Feeling ko nasa nonchalant state ako ngayon, tipong wala na akong paki kung magka-girlfriend pa ako ulit or forever single na lang talaga ako. I'm not saying tanggapin mo na lang at mawalan ka ng pakialam sa kawalan mo ng seryosong love life, pero sa almost 4 years ng pagiging single ko, ang biggest takeaway ko eh kung walang nagmamahal sayo (or dahil nga walang nagmamahal sayo), mas lalo mong dapat mahalin ang sarili mo. Ikaw yung magbigay ng pagmamahal na hinahanap mo pero hindi maibigay sayo ng ibang tao. Alam kong gasgas na pero you have to love yourself so much that if someone approaches you with just a fraction of the love you have for yourself, you would never even think to settle with that half-assed kind of love. Kailangan mo munang makita yung halaga mo at matutunang mahalin ang sarili mo bago ka maging kamahal-mahal para sa ibang tao. Don't talk yourself down. Sabi mo men only see you as an object for sex, an object for their fantasies. Is that how you see yourself? No, because you're someone who deserves to be loved and cherished. To hell with those guys. Don't let them in your life, don't make yourself always available. Value your own time and use it to do things that will help you grow and make you happy. Wag mong idepende sa pag-ibig o atensyon ng iba ang halaga mo as a person. You'll be happier for it. At kung dumating man yung panahon na may dumating na tao na handang tapatan o higitan ang pag-ibig na meron ka para sa sarili mo - at least ready ka nang tanggapin ang pag-ibig na iaalay sayo.
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