#happy late solstice!!!
pkmn-smashorpass · 5 months
Merry day for everyone!
I know some people don't celebrate Christmas (or hanukkah or another holiday) but i hope your day goes great nonetheless!
Also happy birthday to you!
Happy holiday season to everyone!!! Even if that just means the upcoming new year!!! And thank you ❤️
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reloaderror · 5 months
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whatever you do, don't flip this. other than that, it's done.
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wyrmspade · 5 months
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Joyous Solstice! 🌞🌿❄
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thelonelybarrow · 5 months
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sundown at solstice (2223BCE)
merry midwinter folks!!
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pleasantmsp · 7 months
I love Beauyasha so much. I miss them so much.
The reunion gave me so much joy and now I'm in this weird happy but melancholy state. I love the Nein so much and I want more of them. And I especially want more of Beau and Yasha. If we get a Fjorester wedding one shot, I will be stoked. But then also give me the Beauyasha wedding too!
I'm really just hoping they keep doing these little reunions cause I love the Mighty Nein so much and seeing them makes me so happy.
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ejunkiet · 11 months
twip twednesday
>:3 tagged by the wonderful @zozo-01​ last friday!! (tagging you BACK <33)
I started a little something late last night when I realised it was the solstice....
redacted audio: david/angel
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tagging- you, reading this! also (no pressure): @evilbunnyking​ @romirola​ @lovelylonerliterature​ @mutantenfisch​ @pchberrytea​ @dominimoonbeam​ @glassbearclock​ @taelonsamada​ @horrorscoupes​ @autisticempathydaemon​ @frenchiefitzhere​ <33
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bobthedragon · 5 months
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bat got me a new tablet so I can stop fighting with ugee's drivers and I tested it out with some fanart of @researchstory 's sprout kitten!!
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regina-mortis · 5 months
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Posting the Yule Tree days later because I spent too long mostly drinking and sleeping 🤪🎄
Satan Tree got banished downstairs this year. And honestly, it fits much better.
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fitgothgirl · 11 months
Went on a hike today, was the second time I’ve exercised in over a month after having gone back to the gym once last week. It was harder than it had been of course but not too bad and it was so nice to be out in nature. And nice to get my heartrate going a bit - my exercise is usually weights so cardio is always something I want to do more. But after over a month of nothing, I’m glad for any sort of exercise.
My mood is so-so still. I feel like it’s a smidge better than my last update. I’m trying where I can but my heart still gets heavy. However hiking and being out in nature always brings out the spirituality in me and makes me emotional in a good way, and I’m just having lots of feelings about life right now that are hard to put into words. Lots of bittersweetness and gratitude. Makes me want to put on an Anthony Bourdain episode; I’ve recently started No Reservations from the beginning after not having been able to watch any of his stuff since he died. It honestly still hurt too much even after so long, he was so special and so needed in this world. But I’m also so happy to have what he’s left behind, and I can watch it again now without crying (at least, until he makes me cry with his words lol).
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chomperblue · 5 months
So, I finally got to the hospital. Helena is,..hurt. She’s covered in bruises, how she managed to stumble in here by herself I have no idea.
I’ve been with her the whole time. We’ve talked and laughed and cried a little, but there is something building inside me I can’t let her see.
Relief? Worry. Love? Rage. It’s confusing and it hurts and I’m nauseous every time I’m alone and have to think about it.
I will stay with Helena until she is better. We will return to the orchard and she will be safe.
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Reminder that all “almost Christmas means it wasn’t Christmas” posts will be tagged “almost Christmas” for my unfortunate followers who might want a normal dash tomorrow
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meirlinjar · 5 months
Winter solstice in søłsiþe
zołwer (neuter)
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emmabee14 · 5 months
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and the sun shines between the trees
day after day
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wolfofwinchester · 1 year
For this solstice, she would find a warm cloak of mullberry purple folded neatly. Tucked in would be another brooch – a silver crescent moon with an accompanying little star. Finally, a pair of new gloves – he had noticed that hers were getting rather worn.
Pop! and Crack! went the Countess’s bones as she rose from her sudden winter slumber at her office desk, head rolling on her shoulders and fingers working to rub the kinks out of the back of the neck. Not the best sleeping location, but she was a one-woman army in taking safety measures around the manor. Winter’s Solstice was full of nothin’ but spook tales for a good portion of the servants of the manor, not one of ‘em knew the ghouls were getting daring by clawing at the windows and the doors, emboldened by the night and thinning of the veil. Hard work tackling the entries of this ridiculously enormous house, but hard work payin' off for the cozy feeling settled back into the wide, wooden halls. Statues no longer turned their heads, nor grabbed things they shouldn't. Portraits weren't in halls they had no business being in. Reflections stopped trying to crawl from surfaces and make floorboards shift and creak with their tight, hooked grips.
There was only warmth. Gods, she was exhausted.
Yet, the stern brows that wore heavy on her forehead since the morning grew lighter the second those tired eyes of hers clocked in on the rich mulberry color folded just across the way. A subtle pop of the neck again with a curious tilt, shaken off with a rolling shoulder as she pulled the cloak over and parted it to examine it more closely with a quizzical expression.. and warmth melted over her like butter, the gleam and glitter of the brooch peeking right back.
“Now, where did you come from?” Claudia mused, plucking up the moon and star to display against her palm. Gorgeous and silver, her most favored and precious of metal. She might not know the where, but she knew the who, and she placed her knuckles to her lips with a smile, an indirect kiss for the gift. The cloak dragged over her shoulders and fastened crumbled but comfortable around them, digits eagerly plucking free the worn gloves to slip on the new ones. Cold as ice as they always were, she couldn't help working the poor things to the bone though, and the material suffered. The stiffness in her joints eased with rotated rubbing, building a fine warmth that made her breathe with some relief. A kiss, a kiss, a kiss to the knuckles.
Next, the green brooch shining vividly over her throat was adjusted, the new accessory resting below it closer to the heartbeat in her neck. The mirror she kept on her desk tilted in her direction to show the display, reflection adjusting both donnings while she herself primped the collar to make it easier, set nicer. There, nice and fanciful. Her reflection then gave a wink and tipped the end of the mirror until it plopped face down on the desk with a quiet clatter, hidden for a certain someone's comfort.
Claudia's chair creaked with her weight, pushed back from the desk as a hand rested on her knee. She spoke aloud despite no one being in the room - no one visible, that is. "If you're lookin' for a seat, you know my lap's always a welcome place, my tender sugar spook."
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thymesignature · 1 year
Just baked a bunch of cookies 👀
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