#harley is a stay at home mon
hitchell-mope · 5 months
(The Wrath Of Rama Khan. Part 4)
Nia: what’ve you got there?
Mon El: a bucket of potstickers. Kara might be hungry. Thought she could do with a snack.
Nia: ooooh. I like those. Can I have one?
Mon El: I probably wouldn’t if I were you. This is Kara we’re talking about. If she finds out she didn’t get first dibs on a potsticker then loss of limb and/or life may happen to you. And everyone needs their legs, arms and heads.
Nia: good point. Want me to take you to her?
Mon El: yes please
(In the recovery room)
Mon El: hey!
Kara: hey. Please tell me that you killed her. She can’t get away with what she did to us.
Mon El: not literally. After last year the last thing we need is a luthor to be martyred by the populace.
Alex: so you just killed her....socially.
Mon El: correctamundo. How are you?
Kara: Brainy says I’ll be fine but he wants to do a scan just to make sure.
Brainy: she wanted to wait until you got back.
Mon El: then let’s get going then. Go go go!
Brainy: alright. Let’s see now. It looks like the Daxamite dna prevented the Kryptonian dna from being affected by the kryptonite. I’d still like you stay here for observation but it looks to me like both of your boys are going to be ok-oops.
Mon El: twins?
Kara: boys?
Karamel: YES!
Brainy: oh thank Sprock. For a moment there I thought I had made a huge mistake.
Kara: mistake? Are you kidding? We’re having boys!
Mon El: we’re having twins!
Alex: I’m buying Ben their first bikes
Karamel: you will not be doing that.
Alex: damn.
Winn: you know. Winn’s a very good name for a boy.
Alex: sorry kod but I’m the aunt and therefore have dibs on this sort of thing.
Mon El: sorry
Kara: Alex.
Mon El: Cat already made us promise to use her middle name.
Kara: so. In several months time. You’ll be saying hello to Edison Winslow
Mon El: and Newton Joseph Danvers.
Alex: well then I won’t be naming my kids after you.
Mon El: of course not. You’ll probably name them Matte or Harley.
Alex: touché.
Brainy: Edison and Newton Danvers. The world’s first Kryptomites.
(Everyone looks at him strangely)
Nia: um. Honey. That’s probably not the best portmanteau you could come up with given what happened today.
Winn: OH! Daxonians!
Karamel: yes!
Mon El: how long before we can go home?
Brainy: just tonight. I just want to make sure.
Kara: thank you.
Brainy: you’re welcome.
(End of episode)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Gotham but is OUAT.
Or a weird magical curse "normalizes" Gotham and makes everyone unhappy in the process. It is a ploy from the goverment into turning the city into a conservative wet drean example of how they can fix crime without having to deal with any of the systemic issues behind it (like they already try to do, except is literally impossible).
Dick Grayson lives in Bludhaben and isn't affected. Until he goes visit his family and realizes his city is all brainwashed (and honestly is a bit weird that there is no queer people, all POC act like "ideal minorities" and let people be assholes to them and everything is somehow more ableist? All the money Bruce spend in funding inclusivity programs and trying to create a less bigoted generation via education and actual suppor for minorities was waste aparently, the Arkham reform too, they had made soo much progress, they had actually reformed some villans, all for this shit? Also why everything looks like a 50's add? He knows Gotham loves it's atemporal aesthetic but cammon it isn't it. ). Well now Dick is the story's Henry and has to convince his family something is wrong and look for what exactaly happened and how to solve it.
Just like OUAT every chapther focus in Dick's (and later his team of people who accepted to help him in his quest) actions and discoveries but also in a flashback about what each characther was doing when the got catched by the curse and how their life was before. And some episodes with the question of is it worth to sacrificie free will if people like Joker will stop being a problem?
#batman#ouat au#dick grayson#he is our protagonist and is very cool#he also feels like tim did when no one else belived bruce was alive#damian eats meat and Dick is soo done#no one can find selina#what is weird because she was living in the mansion before the curse#Penguim became a criptobro and that was the moment Dick decided that is it I can't take this bs anymore#them he saw killer croc being a priest and he decided that he foind the most cursed thing ever#harley is a stay at home mon#she has no kids and had just recovered her license to therapy before the curse#and no Dick doesn't know who this kids are#he is sure they are just some kids that lived across the street and the curse just yanked them from their real parents#ivvy is also nowhere to be found#she ends up being the second member of dick squad#riddler is a middle school teacher and honestly why all the ex rogues are around young kids#ex rogues and the joker who was still active untill the curse and honestly why tf did they give him kids#scarecrow has an antique shop#he had a diploma cammon#tim and steph are dating again and part of a christian youth group#bernard is tim straigth best friend who talks to hin about girls as if they are in a 50's sitcom#Jason is a cop without relations with the Wayne family and that's just getting even more absurd for Dick#barbara is also a middle school teacher and doen't remember their relationship#cass actually didn't change much#the curse is not as efective with metas so duke starts remembering as the events go on#he is the third member of team let's break this curse#batfamily#batman rogues
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coldlittlecuties · 2 years
Could I request something with Bucky?!!! Maybe 🦠🌙🧻 for the poor guy 🥺🥺🥺
Definitely meant 💟 (tissues) for the prompt OOPS
No worries! I figures you meant tissues 😄. Although, you did give me a good idea for another story! ;) Thank you for the request I hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Colds, Chilly Night, Tissues
The sun was beginning to set over Brooklyn. A few businesses turned on their neon signs, but it was still light enough outside to read. Bucky knew it wouldn't stay this light for much longer. Just thirty minutes ago he was sitting in the warm sunlight. Now, he was shivering in the shadows of surrounding buildings. 
Bucky cursed himself for forgetting his key. He had been in such a rush to get to work this morning that he left it in the bowl by the door, then so busy at work that he hadn't realized until now. He was glad that this happened during the slightly warmer springtime. A few weeks ago, he would've frozen to death in the snow. At least now he had a few hours to spare. Hopefully Steve will be home by then. 
The Sergeant would've gone inside the lobby or even the garage. Unfortunately, they both require a key for access. And Bucky couldn't wait in a nearby shop because his phone died. To top off his already crappy day, he felt like crap. He was exhausted all day, his head started pounding around eleven, then his body started aching, and now he was sneezing and coughing which just made his head hurt more. 
And God, Bucky was just so cold! He had his hood pulled over his head with the strings tightened, had his hands tucked into his sleeves, and had his hands under his arms. It wasn't that cold, maybe low 40s since Bucky could see his breath, but he was shivering like it was below zero. 
Bucky felt a sneeze working its way through his sinuses. He was too cold to bother covering his sneezes, and he wasn't about to take his hands out, not when they just regained feeling. "*uh… uh-huh'TSHHhhugh! HehhITCHSHHoo! Ehh’thSHSHooo!*" Bucky sniffled, then wiped his nose on his shoulder. Well, he tried to, anyway. He was probably going to get snot-cicles like in cartoons. 
"C-C-C-C'm-mon, S-St-Steve. *Heh-TCHSHhugh!  Ih'KSHHhuughh! Hih'TCHuuu!" Bucky whined. "...mmm *fuh-fuh-fuh-fuh*freezing!"
Moments later, Bucky heard the rumbling of Steve's harley. Bucky couldn't tell if he was crying from relief or just had watery eyes. He didn't care either way. His boyfriend was here! Steve hurried out of the garage with his backpack haphazardly slung over his shoulder. In just three quick strides, he was in front of Bucky. 
"Bucky! What are you doing out here?" Steve worried as he immediately began to fuss over his boyfriend. He took off his jacket to drape over Bucky's shoulders. "Oh my God, you're trembling! It's okay, Buck. I'll get'cha thawed out." 
Bucky didn't hear much of what Steve said after the jacket was draped over him. It was still warm from Steve's body heat. Bucky finally uncrossed his arms so he could pull the coat tighter around himself. He felt Steve's arms envelop him. Bucky pressed himself closer to his chest with a slight whimper and a moan. Steve was so warm!
"Think you can walk a couple of steps with me? Just until I get us into the lobby. I can carry you from there," Steve explained. Bucky was almost sitting in Steve's lap, now. He was tempted to stay right there and cuddle with his boyfriend, but he knew it would be cozier in their apartment. So, Bucky reluctantly nodded. Steve kissed Bucky's chilly red nose. "That's my guy! Alright, lean on me just like that. Let me do most of the work here. All you gotta do is take a few steps for me. Can you do that?" 
"Y-Y-YYY-Y…" Bucky decided to just nod. It was easier than trying to get his jaw to cooperate. 
"Okay, we're gonna stand on three. One… two… three!" Steve lifted Bucky until he was standing sort of upright. He was still burying himself into Steve's arms. Steve guided Bucky up to the front door. He clicked the key FOB on his keychain, then pulled the door open. He used his foot to prop the door open while he helped Bucky inside.
Bucky gave a shivering sigh as he soaked up the warmth. Unfortunately, the rush of warm air triggered another sneezing fit. Bucky pulled his hand out from Steve's jacket to catch the sneezes. "*hhh-ih-ih ih'TSCH! uhh'kSHXXX! huh… uh-uh… huph'TCHschh!*" 
"Bless you, Bun," Steve cooed. “I don’t have any tissues on me, but feel free to use my jacket in the meantime. Don’t worry about getting it messy. You’re more important.”
Bucky felt a blush rise to his cheeks despite their numbness. His Stevie always knew how to make him blush.
They arrived at the elevators. Steve used his knee to press the call button so he wouldn't have to let go of Bucky. While they waited, Steve gently pushed back Bucky’s hood to see how he was doing. His face was red from the cold, but he also had some sweat above his brow. Steve brushed Bucky’s hair back from his face and felt the unmistakable heat of a fever. 
“You’re burning up, doll,” he murmured.
“Hm-m-m-m c-c-co-old,” Bucky whimpered. 
The elevator finally arrived. A few people stepped out before they entered. Steve pressed the button for their floor, then scooped Bucky up by his legs. “I know you’re cold, baby. I’m sorry. You’ve got a fever, though.”
Bucky buried his face into Steve’s shoulder and let out a few tired coughs. Steve dotted his head with soft kisses. The poor guy was still shivering despite the heat of the elevator. 
“As soon as we get home, we’ll get you into some pajamas, tuck you into bed, and break out the emergency soup stash. Sound good, honey?” Steve promised. 
“Ho-hot cha-cha-choc-clate?” Bucky asked. His voice was slightly muffled by Steve’s chest. The blond smiled and gave his boyfriend one last kiss before they left the elevator. 
“With marshmallows and whipped cream.” 
Bucky smiled, even as he was wracked by another cough.
Steve still had his keys in the hand holding Bucky’s legs. Once they got to their apartment, Steve crouched down slightly so he could get the key in the lock. He missed a few times, but was able to unlock their door. Steve closed the door with his foot, then carried his boyfriend into their bedroom. 
“I’ll be right back, babydoll. I gotta go lock the door,” he said. He set Bucky down on their bed so he was laying down. When Steve came back, he saw his boyfriend was just barely awake. He grabbed a clean pair of pajamas and socks for Bucky, then sat beside him. “Buck-Buck?”
Bucky groaned but didn’t wake up.
“Okay, baby. I got’cha,” Steve whispered. He untied Bucky’s shoes, pulled them and his socks off one at a time. He slowly dragged off his pants so he wouldn’t scare the half-sleeping sergeant. Once that was done, Steve sat beside Bucky on the bed and took off his top layers. Bucky shivered violently now that his chest was exposed. 
“*hih’tchoo! ehhhTSHoo! heh-schoo!*” Bucky sniffled. 
“Aww, baby. You sound so tired,” Steve muttered. He managed to pull a long-sleeve shirt and hoodie onto Bucky before he started coughing again. Bucky hugged himself. His teeth were chattering and he couldn’t stop shaking. He looked at Steve with the widest, bluest eyes he had ever seen. “Another minute, okay Buck-Buck?” 
Bucky sniffled and moaned again. He was so cold and so tired and so tired of being so cold! His head hurt. His sinuses hurt. His whole body ached. He just wanted to go to bed! He could feel the soft comforter of their bed and knew their electric blanket was right underneath. And beneath that, they had soft fleece sheets and pillowcases that were always wonderfully warm, even without the electric blanket on. He was so focused on how much he wanted to curl up in bed that he didn’t realize Steve was lifting him up. Bucky snapped back into reality just in time to stand up. He smiled when he saw the fluffy socks and flannel pajamas on him. 
“Let’s get you tucked in, huh?” Steve smiled. He pulled back the covers on their bed, then helped Bucky lay down on his side close to the center. Steve tucked the blankets around him one by one so he was nice and comfortable. He was about to ask Bucky if he wanted more blankets, but he was sound asleep. So, Steve placed a box of tissues within arms reach of Bucky and turned on the electric blanket to a low setting. 
Bucky’s shivering has already improved. Instead of full body tremor that shook the bed, they were just little shudders that occasionally made his teeth chatter. Steve leaned over the bed and planted a soft kiss on Bucky’s head. “Sweet dreams, honey.”
Bucky woke up about an hour later with a coughing fit. He sat up to get some tissues. Thankfully he had an amazing boyfriend who left a freshly opened box of tissues just inches away. Bucky folded a couple under his nose just in time to catch the sneezes. *huh’GSHXX! sn-snff… hhhXXXshhh! hih… hih-ih ihh… ih’KSHXX! Hihh-hiHHTSHXX!*” 
Steve came into the room a few minutes later carrying two steaming mugs of what Bucky hoped was hot chocolate. 
“Bless you, sweetheart! Poor guy, those sounded painful,” Steve murmured, setting the mugs on their dresser. “Here, I rounded up every type of medicine I could find: allergy, cold, flu, migraine, stomach bug-”
“I do’d habe a stobbach bug,” Bucky sniffed. He grabbed another couple of tissues to blow his nose. He was so congested he doubted it would do much.
“Good thing. We have, like… five pills left. I’ll pick up some more next time I’m out. Anyways, I’m guessing cold medicine and tylenol?” Steve answered.
Bucky nodded eagerly.“You dow mbe so well,” Bucky smiled. He sat up so he was resting against their plush headboard. He shuddered fiercely now that he wasn’t as covered. “Ngh… b-brr-r-r-r!”
Steve looked up from the medicine collection when he heard Bucky mutter. He went into their dresser and retrieved a thick blanket. He brought it back to Bucky.
“Lean forward a little,” Steve instructed. Bucky complied. Steve wrapped Bucky’s shoulders in the blanket, then pulled the edges snugly around him. “That better?” 
“Yeah. Thangks, Steebie,” Bucky sniffled. 
Steve kissed his forehead. “Here, you hold onto these a sec,” Steve began, setting some pills in Bucky’s prosthetic hand. Steve stood up and grabbed one of the mugs from the dresser. “Figured you might wanna wash ‘em down with something.”
Bucky beamed when he saw it was a mug of hot chocolate with plenty of whipped cream, marshmallows, and a bit of chocolate syrup. “Hab I tode you I lobe you?” He took the pills, then held onto the mug to soak up its warmth. 
Steve kissed his head. “I’ve got one more trick up my sleeve.” He disappeared into the main room again, then returned with a humidifier. “I read that eucalyptus helps with congestion. Figured we could give it a shot.”
“Whed did you ged thad?” Bucky sniffled into another tissue. 
“About… three months ago? It was a Black Friday sale,” Steve admitted. He plugged the humidifier in, then set it on Bucky’s end table. “I didn’t put a lot in here, just a drop. It smelled really strong in the bottle, but if it’s not strong enough, I’ll add another drop.”
Bucky got a whiff of the eucalyptus, then he got a whiff of the hot chocolate. “I thingk it’s working. I cad smell again.”
“You don’t sound as stuffed up, either!” Steve grinned. He reached over to grab a small handful of tissues. Bucky was confused for a moment until he felt his nose start to run. Steve was ready with the tissues by the first hitch of breath. 
“*h-hhha-ah… ahh’TSSHUH! huh-uh’TSCHhieww! hahh-tchhHOO!*”Steve kissed his forehead. “Bless you. You need anything else, baby? I ordered Chinese for dinner. Figured the Hot and Sour Soup would help clear out your sinuses. Our emergency soup stash is a bit low, so I’ll make some more tonight.”
“Just cuddle me,” Bucky pouted. Steve stood up, grabbed the second mug of hot chocolate from the dresser, then settled in next to his sleepy boyfriend. Bucky leaned against him and even brought his legs over Steve’s to keep him in bed. Steve smiled and wrapped an arm around Bucky. This close, he could hear the slight clicking of Bucky’s teeth. 
“You still cold, baby?” Steve worried. “I can get some more blankets.”
“Nah. *snff* few minutes with my favorite space heater and I’ll be good,” Bucky yawned.
Steve chuckled and rested his head on Bucky’s. He grabbed the box of tissues and set it in Bucky’s lap for the next sneezing fit. “I was gonna look through some soup recipes. You wanna look with me?”
“Would you have to get up?” Bucky yawned. 
“No. My laptop’s right here. We could also watch something?”
“As long as my favorite pillow isn’t going anywhere, I’m fine for anything,” Bucky sighed, kissing Steve’s neck. Steve opened his laptop and put on The Golden Girls. That show was always soothing and hopefully wouldn’t make Bucky’s headache worse. The two super soldiers snuggled closer together. Steve massaged the top of Bucky’s head absentmindedly as they sipped their hot chocolate and relaxed.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
BWYD Shorts
Ma Kent
Bruce smiled at Martha Kent as he passed her a bag. “I’m really sorry you’re just now getting to meet her and it’s like this. I promise, I was going to invite you and your husband for dinner with the rest of the family. We just didn’t expect to get this call.” His smile fell for half of a second, but that half of a second was all it took for Martha to know exactly how much the man cared for his children. “That bag is filled with different things, like, she prefers Jason, Dick, Duke and my shirts but she prefers her sisters’ pants and Tim and Damian’s pajamas, however her favourite is Alfred’s sweaters.”
“Bruce, I know how to take care of a child. I’m sure we’ll do fine. I will see you and your little girl when you drop her off before your trip.” Martha rested a hand on Bruce’s shoulder and offered him a comforting smile. “You make sure that idiot son of mine is with you when you drop her off, his father has something to discuss with him.”
Bruce nodded and pressed an affectionate kiss to her cheek. “Thanks Ma.”
Martha’s gaze bounced between her son, Bruce, and the little girl between them. Since they all referred to her as Tiny Wayne, Martha assumed she was five, maybe six, years old. She was not expecting a tiny eight year old who looked like a strong gust of wind could knock her over, however, Martha smiled comfortingly at the three.
“Clark! Get over here and hug your mother.” Martha opened her arms and suddenly her boy was there and all was right with the world. “Go see your father before you and Bruce take off.” She let go of her son and turned to face Bruce and his daughter. “Hi, I’m Clark’s mom. Most call me Ma, you can call me Grandma if you want.”
Bruce nodded in agreement before looking at his daughter. “What do you say Mon Chou?”
She had the biggest sapphire eyes that Martha had ever seen and in that moment she looked so much like her grandsons that she couldn’t control herself and suddenly she had her arms wrapped around the tiny girl.
“Oh honey, you’re so thin. Are they feeding you enough?” Martha couldn’t help herself and she was sending the tiny girl through the house into the kitchen. “Are you feeding that girl enough? Why is she so thin? Why am I just now learning about her? Don’t even think that I didn’t see those bruises. Where did she get them?! Why is she so quiet?!”
“Ubaba saved me from a terrible situation. He’s not responsible for the bruises, we got a little carried away with the rough housing, that’s what happens when you’ve got eight older siblings.” The tiny girl sounded from the doorway before she was slipping from the house and wrapping her arms around Bruce. “Ubaba, can’t I just stay home with Grandpa Alfie?”
Bruce squatted down to her level and put his hands on her shoulders. “Mon Chou, Grandpa Alfie is going to a funeral for one of his army buddies. You know that. And no, you can’t stay with Pam or Harley or Selina. Clark and I think it’ll be good for you to get to know Ma and Pa Kent. Marinette, can you at least give them a chance? If it doesn’t work out, I’ll see if one of the Allens isn’t busy and if they can come get you.”
The tiny girl, Marinette, nodded. “I guess.”
“Thank you Marinette.” Bruce pressed a kiss to her forehead and smiled. “Be good for Grandma, okay?”
“I make no promises.” Marinette smiled before letting go of Bruce and turning to face the barn. “Imma go see if I can find Uncle Clark and meet his dad!”
Bruce watched her go, his love for her clear in his eyes. “She’s been through a lot. Don’t push her.”
“Don't tell me how to be a grandparent. I’ve got two grandsons from Clark and your cloud.” Martha brushed his worries aside, assuming them to be unfounded.
@dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg 
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cymbalcomb4 · 4 years
Tooth Whitening
Teeth Whitener Lightening Gel Kit White Laser Light Teeth Whitening Packages.
Enlighten Dental Professionals.
The Worlds Best Performing Whitening Therapies.
Teeth Whitening Gel, Professional Bleach For Beauty Salon Laser Light Or Residence Use 0 01%.
Your smile is one-of-a-kind to you, as well as Hereford Dental & Implant Center dental experts understand that your reasons are individual too. If you are imagining a whiter smile, we at Hereford Dental & Implant Clinic at Hereford can make it a reality. Prior to undergoing treatment your dental expert will skillfully get rid of stains from your teeth utilizing a high-specification air brush. Your smile is distinct to you, as well as Walkden Dental & Implant Facility dentists comprehend that your reasons are individual as well. Only registered http://greater-london-city-of-london.toothwhiteningpros.co.uk/ can provide tooth whitening items which contain or release between 0.1 to six per cent hydrogen peroxide. Tooth whitening is just one of the most preferred cosmetic therapies with products offered widely in shops and online.
Can yellow teeth become white again?
Many of our daily habits conspire to turn our teeth from white to yellow. The foods we eat, beverages we drink, age, and smoking all cause yellowing over time. The good news is that it's possible to go from yellow to white teeth and, depending on the method you choose, it can be done quickly or gradually.
The whitening procedure operates at different prices for each person, yet many clients report that a noticeable impact after simply 4 treatments. Your dental professional will certainly examine that the trays fit correctly and likewise show how to utilize the in your home whitening gels. The trays can be worn for a few hours daily or perhaps overnight and generally within 2 weeks you will see a whiter smile. When your dentist has actually fully checked that there are no oral issues which would stop you having tooth whitening, impressions of your mouth will certainly be taken. The dental lab will certainly then make whitening trays which are specific to your mouth which typically takes 1-2 weeks. Teeth whitening is the technique of dentistry and also must only be done by controlled oral experts.
A dental practitioner or a hygienist will be able to identify the best strategy for your particular problem. We provide a number of teeth whitening systems and one of the most preferred is residence whitening. You obtain a customized made collection of trays that fit over your teeth easily. The active teeth whitening gel is placed right into the trays and also fitted onto your teeth.
Your smile is distinct to you, and also Pedestrian & Associates Dental & Implant Clinic dental professionals comprehend that your factors are personal as well. Our Faringdon dental practitioners will expertly analyze your teeth to make certain they appropriate for a whitening therapy. As long as you have healthy teeth and also periodontals, teeth whitening is perfectly risk-free. One variable to watch out for is the peroxide concentration in the whitening representative, as it might deteriorate the tooth enamel. Your smile is distinct to you, as well as Caledonian Dental Care dental experts comprehend that your factors are personal also. If you are desiring for a whiter smile, we at Caledonian Dental Treatment in Perth can make it a fact.
Teeth Whitener Whitening Gel Kit White Laser Light Teeth Whitening Kits.
Do teeth get whiter after whitening?
Some people respond very well and teeth can get up to 3-4 shades lighter after just 5-7days of bleaching or up to 5 shades whiter with one ZOOM in office treatment. Others may not notice as much change. Your teeth will continue to lighten for a couple of days even after you stop a whitening session.
When your Enlighten therapy is complete, you'll be given a tube of Enlighten's Evo-White toothpaste to utilize in your home to maintain the outcomes. In 95% of cases, we can assure a B1 shade (for those who do not accomplish B1, they can anticipate their teeth to be 8 tones whiter).
The technique includes whitening the teeth making use of a whitening item generally consisting of hydrogen peroxide. There are points you should think about prior to getting your teeth lightened. Your smile is distinct to you, and the dental experts at 32 Whites Dental & Implant Center in Stockport, comprehend that your reasons are personal also. No; whitening gel is not effective on man-made surfaces such as ceramic crowns or porcelain veneers. Because of this we advise our Surrey people undergo teeth whitening prior to having a remediation, so crowns or veneers can be colour-matched to your recently whitened teeth.
We recommend having a detailed specialist cleansing before starting your teeth whitening in Reigate, so as to get the very best outcomes. If you follow the dental expert's directions, you will certainly see noticeably whiter teeth. Prescription whitening can only legally be executed by a GDC-registered dental expert, that will ensure you are dentally and clinically fit for whitening before therapy starts. Unlike over the counter or on-line products, professional whitening suggests the dental professional can recommend the highest-strength bleaching agent for you, yet adjust it if it causes any kind of troubles. This implies you'll obtain the most effective possible outcomes with the least discomfort.
It is a basic procedure that involves using a gel to your teeth.
Once it has actually been figured out that your oral health and wellness remains in great condition, your Shop Whitening treatment will certainly start, a perception will be taken of your teeth to allow your customized trays to be produced.
Your oral practitioner will show how to properly and securely apply the gel and how much you ought to be using.
For both in chair and take home packages, an impression of your teeth and also jaw is taken, in surgical procedure, to custom-make a mouthguard that will be vital to your whitening treatment.
While you'll be making use of the package at home, the therapy is customized to your distinct smile.
Your dental expert can likewise supply a whitening therapy to make use of at home.
In your 2nd session, you will be offered your residence whitening set, including your bespoke trays.
Your dentist will see to it your teeth and also gums are healthy enough for whitening. They'll also speak with you concerning the shade of white you want to attain.
Inform Dental Experts.
New kind of dentist offering millennials cosmetic services without the fear and pain - KGO-TV
New kind of dentist offering millennials cosmetic services without the fear and pain.
Posted: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 18:01:21 GMT [source]
If you are imagining a whiter smile, we at Uppingham Dental & Implant Clinic in Uppingham can make it a fact. Your smile is special to you, as well as Uppingham Dental & Implant Clinic dental professionals recognize that your reasons are personal as well. If you are desiring for a whiter smile, we at Uppingham Dental & Implant Clinic can make it a truth. To find out if you appropriate for teeth whitening you will need to book a consultation with the dentist to assess viability. Your dental practitioner will certainly offer you with sufficient teeth whitening gel to last roughly 2-- 3 weeks, which is normally enough to lighten your teeth. If you require even more gel, you can acquire extra specific syringes from the practice. The tooth whitening will cause level of sensitivity in your teeth, both during the treatment process and also for a few days after.
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The Worlds Finest Doing Whitening Therapies.
Tooth whitening is an oral therapy which can completely alter the structure of your teeth. It ought to only be carried out adhering to an appropriate analysis by a registered dental practitioner and also on their prescription. The teeth whitening agent our Farnham dental practitioners utilize is carbamide peroxide. This is applied as a gel to mouth trays that are personalized made to fit around your teeth exactly.
For finest outcomes we advise you utilize your trays over night as well as stay clear of coloured food or drink. is just one of the most popular and also efficient whitening treatments offered and also supplies constantly impressive results of approximately 6 shades whiter. The whitening gel is specifically formulated to create as little sensitivity as possible. Prior to undertaking treatment, your Faringdon dental expert will skillfully eliminate stains from your teeth making use of a high-specification air polisher. A Prophy-Jet utilizes water as well as atmospheric pressure to remove tartar, and also the inclusion of baking soda gently buffs the surface of your teeth. This treatment prepares your teeth to best obtain the whitening application and also makes sure the right shade is achieved.
" After you've ended up orthodontic treatment, I would certainly recommend that you permit a 1-3 month break prior to beginning any type of whitening therapies. The reason for this home window is because when you have braces, it can cause your teeth to lose minerals, so the break will permit the teeth to restore their shed minerals. You will certainly also allow time for your cleaning to take a lot of the surface area staining off naturally, since the brackets have been gotten rid of, and provide your gums some time to settle down.
Do not go for time-consuming residence whitening sets or the promises of whitening toothpaste which leave a lot to be desired. With an easy one-hour session at our teeth whitening clinic in London, you'll go home beaming, actually, with the complete satisfaction of having had first-class therapy. Right Here at Harley Teeth Whitening, our team of GDC registered dental experts are devoted to making sure that you obtain the very best possible experience as well as results. At the Harley Teeth Whitening facility, we delight in a beautiful track record for supplying one of the most effective cosmetic teeth whitening treatments in London.
Snow Teeth Whitening Products Are Toothless, Buyers Say - Law360
Snow Teeth Whitening Products Are Toothless, Buyers Say.
Posted: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
The sensitivity is typically just moderate as well as we recommend that you utilize either Sensodyne or Colgate Delicate Toothpaste throughout the whitening process. If the sensitivity is severe, we recommend that you leave the whitening trays out for a couple of evenings, up until the sensitivity is better. We also recommend that you avoid consuming ice cool or really hot foods as well as beverages during sensitivity to reduce the sensitive feeling. This is an updated variation of home whitening using top quality research laboratory made custom-made equipped whitening trays utilizing a temperature controlled gel.
How long does professionally whitened teeth last?
How long do teeth whitening results last? That depends on the whitening treatment chosen. If someone chooses to use a dental procedure to professionally whiten their teeth they can expect the results to last anywhere between two and three years.
Optident have a large range naturally as well as masterclasses that can assist you discover more regarding exactly how to use your teeth whitening gels and also inform your patients. Browse our teeth whitening courses and also uncover exactly how expand your exercise with teeth whitening. Managing patient sensitivity is paramount when whitening teeth, however likewise individuals intend to see effective results. Locating a teeth whitening gel that does both is a big advantage for your practice. Teeth whitening therapies have grown in numbers as consumer demand has actually raised. Today, there are many options on the market, from teeth whitening in your home to in-practice treatments.
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The conventional as well as original strategy utilizing custom-made made trays to fit your teeth. These trays are used over night for about 20 evenings to attain an excellent result conference many people's requirements. Top up whitening gel can be bought from the practice for use within the trays at any time. The results of a teeth whitening package depend on the extent of the damages to your teeth. If you have significant discoloration a specialist teeth whitening set may not be the most effective alternative for you and you may call for bonding or porcelain veneers to achieve that winning smile.
To maintain outcomes, Enlighten suggests you wear your trays for one evening every 2 months, and you can purchase your top-up bleaching gel from Ringley Park in Surrey. For those that desire a faster and also skillfully used whitening treatment, the in-surgery option is perfect for you. Using a lot more effective lightening representatives and LED lights to assist the bleach, creating an ideal white smile quickly in any way. If you are considering having your teeth whitening, please read our leaflet concerning what to anticipate - Thinking about tooth whitening? - and also talk to your dental expert about whether you are suitable for it.
If every little thing looks fine, they'll take impacts of your teeth so they can make your personalized trays to use in the house. Your dental expert will give you a teeth whitening package, with trays and gel, to take residence. The tray should be used as recommended by your dentist and also lots of people wear them overnight.
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cymbalbacon0 · 4 years
Different Sort Of Teeth Whitening Products.
Luxury Teeth Whitening In London At Harley Teeth Whitening
Discover An Enlighten Dental Practitioner.
We Offer 2 Types Of Teeth Whitening: House Whitening For Whiter Teeth Or In.
Desiring For A Whiter Smile?
Why Whiten Teeth?
" You can additionally take into consideration veneers if you have incredibly dark teeth or enamel wear as well as there are brand-new treatments such as DMG icon available for white spots of the teeth. " Whilst whitening the teeth you must eat a whiter food diet plan as this is when the pores of the teeth are most open. Options include chicken, rice and also fish and if you are vegetarian chickpeas, cauliflower and celery are wonderful choices. White wine or clear spirits are acceptable and also milklike tea as well as coffee can be intoxicated, but stay clear of merlot and smoking cigarettes, and also takeaways with hefty man-made food colourings during this duration. For some patients whitening might not be ideal if they have a great deal of tooth wear-- where the enamel of the teeth has actually been put on down leaving only the darker yellow looking dentine noticeable. Whitening will certainly not function and also can create sharp pain as well as level of sensitivity for the patient.
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Tooth whitening has actually absolutely become popular for many years as more items concern market. Some solutions setting you back greater than others, leading people to look for cheaper alternatives yet with no much less a white smile. toothwhiteningpros proven, recognised oral whitening remedy with a solid history of successful outcomes.
We recognize that with time teeth may lose their brightness and brilliancy. We can aid you return the shimmer to your smile by turning around the darkening procedure that coffee, tea, sodas and also cigarette smoking can cause. Customized whitening trays are made to match the shape of your teeth which means that your periodontals won't obtain damaged or burned when you lighten your teeth in the house. In your home whitening packages permit you to lock in and improve the brightness accomplished with any one of our in surgical procedure whitening systems.
Luxury Teeth Whitening In London At Harley Teeth Whitening
I tried whitening tooth pastes and also at home sets from Amazon.com however nothing quite sufficed. The fit of the trays is inspected when you following visit our practice, during this visit we will certainly likewise demonstrate just how to use the trays to apply the teeth bleaching gel. The laser light triggers the hydrogen peroxide and also aids it penetrate the surface of the tooth.
Ultraviolet LED Technology Market 2020 Top Trend, Size and Growth, Key Insights, Segmentation, Key Regions And Future Forecast Till 2025 - Factory Gate
Ultraviolet LED Technology Market 2020 Top Trend, Size and Growth, Key Insights, Segmentation, Key Regions And Future Forecast Till 2025.
Posted: Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:59:00 GMT [source]
In one session your teeth can be from 7 to 10 tones whiter than they were when you came into the workplace. We are open offering remote triage and immediate oral treatment where suitable. Please telephone the surgery if you require urgent oral treatment or recommendations and also you will certainly be triaged by a dentist and also provided a visit if needed. It is really crucial that your dentist isolates your periodontals and also lips with a safety product in order to avoid any possible damage and also burning of the soft cells.
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9 Best Whitening Toothpastes 2020 for At-Home Teeth-Whitening - Self
9 Best Whitening Toothpastes 2020 for At-Home Teeth-Whitening.
Posted: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Home whitening offers customised trays made on moulds of your teeth for you to lighten at home; very easy to make use of and also with fantastic outcomes. Light-enhanced whitening is a two-hour consultation to 'kick-start' the process, as well as personalized home trays are consisted of to accomplish and also preserve the final shade selection. There are many ways to boost your smile, but laser whitening is maybe the fastest as well as most reputable way to a brighter appearance. Now that you recognize the details of laser whitening, you can much better figure out if laser whitening is ideal for you. If you have teeth tarnishing or an unevenly coloured smile then call the Brite Dental group today as well as book your consultation. The Brite Dental group is aware of the results of ageing and also quick paced modern way of lives on our smiles.
Can I brush my teeth after laser whitening?
After Laser Teeth Whitening If it would, then you should avoid it. For the first two days after your treatment, brush your teeth gently with white toothpaste that does not contain whitening ingredients or baking soda.
Discover An Enlighten Dentist.
TheZoomtreatment we use is taken into consideration as the leading power teeth whitening brand name worldwide. Speak with our team today to get more information about what our expert dentists in Spalding can do for you. Our experts can happily describe every component in further detail and also discuss the expenses for any type of procedures you are considering having actually done. However, treatment might not be as efficient for some as it is for others. Your dental professional can determine if you are a practical prospect for this procedure with a thorough oral examination, including a color evaluation.
We Provide 2 Types Of Teeth Whitening: Home Whitening For Whiter Teeth Or In.
The whitening will not "fade", but your teeth will eventually become tarnished once more, just as they did prior to being whitened.
Your dental practitioner takes an impact of your teeth in order to prepare accurate whitening trays to match the form and also shape of your teeth.
At Brite Dental, we provide a risk-free and also efficient teeth whitening therapy that will provide your smile that brightening boost you have actually always wanted.
For how long your teeth remain whiter and brighter after treatment is down to you.
These trays are made use of with the whitening gel supplied with your take house whitening system.
These perceptions are sent out to the internal dental lab where study versions are made to make sure that whitening trays can be built for your house use.
You can additionally utilize your bespoke whitening trays for top-up treatments at Ringley Park.
You can reduce this by stopping smoking cigarettes and also preventing food and drinks that stain, such as tea, coffee and also merlot.
Stay away from stain-culprits as well as keep up an excellent dental health and wellness regimen and also the impacts of your whitening therapy must last up to three years.
A research study has shown that use the UV lamp boosts the performance of the gel by 26% or even more, providing an average enhancement of 8 tones. teeth whitening greater-london-enfield will certainly be obtained 3 fifteen min sessions for a complete time of 45 mins, getting rid of and cleansing your teeth after each 15 minute cycle.
Many approaches exist to attain white teeth, like cleaning or a lightening pen, strip or gel, laser and natural bleaching. Aside from that, many of the tooth whitening items that are marketed for usage at home can exceed what they are intended to do as well as can also harm the enamel of your teeth. Laser teeth whitening triggers no damage to the teeth and it is a secure as well as feasible option for individuals that may also have delicate teeth. Teeth whitening is a treatment that must always be accomplished under the guidance of a dental professional. Of course, you may want to periodically 'top-up' your teeth whitening with a night below or there. After 1 hr you can anticipate your teeth to look a few shades brighter. We suggest you carry out a short spell of half an hour per day for 3 days of home teeth whitening following on from Zoom.
What are the side effects of laser teeth whitening?
While teeth whitening is considered safe, you may experience some side effects from treatments:Teeth sensitivity. Your teeth may become more sensitive following teeth whitening. Irritated gums. You may also experience gingival irritation.
It is for this reason that house whitening sets normally have a low concentration of peroxide to make sure that there is less possibility of any damage happening at home. Just recently, high stamina home whitening sets that can be purchased online and also from certain stores have attracted media protection with scary stories of people with terribly charred lips as well as gums. For greatly stained teeth a significant improvement in their appearance can be achieved by following a treatment as easy as a scale and also gloss from our oral hygienist. in our opinion is one of the very best techniques to get your teeth bleached safely. The major challenge with laser whitening is the excess heat commonly makes it uncomfortable for individuals which is among the factors we opt for ZOOM!.
Si Ferry: George Galloway's Queens gambit a fitting end to a year to forget - HeraldScotland
Si Ferry: George Galloway's Queens gambit a fitting end to a year to forget.
Posted: Sat, 02 Jan 2021 05:02:13 GMT [source]
At Lister Home Dental Centre, we'll evaluate the health and wellness of your teeth as well as gum tissues fully and only suggest teeth whitening if you are an appropriate candidate. Laser light turns on as well as speeds up the oxidisation activity of the whitening gell, for optimal outcomes. Even old crowns and also veneers can be brought back to their previous brightness. Impressions count-- and also absolutely nothing states 'check out me' greater than a smile filled with pearly white teeth. Sadly, despite how much you clean your teeth or exactly how carefully, life has a tendency to make them discoloured.
Professional-grade bleach is much more focused and also extra effective than commercial products. The reason your dentist can lug very focused remedies is since an extensive assessment of teeth as well as gum tissues is done before the treatment. In situations of extreme discolouration, we might suggest a fast start with in-office whitening therapy complied with up by a program of home whitening to reach deep-set discolorations. You will firstly be provided a bleaching therapy to utilize at home for 2 weeks. You will then return to our oral surgery in Lewisham for a bleaching session.
Imagining A Whiter Smile?
The major downside vs an in-practice service, is the size of time it considers outcomes and also the performance of the treatment itself. If you really are major about the most effective smile possible, we suggest a ZOOM therapy training course. One of the most economical way to bleach your teeth in the house is with a solution where the main ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. This makes up a lot of the significant of mainstream choices as well as is a tested, safe and also effective technique.
Why Whiten Teeth?
How Much Time Does Laser Teeth Whitening Last?
We generally recommend all clients that have in surgery whitening to choose an at home package also. Teeth whitening will restore your natural tooth colour and also lightening will certainly bleach them past your natural colour. The entire procedure normally takes about a hr throughout and the results will astonish you.
An immediate renovation in the colour of teeth happens due to the laser. We provide a series of various ways to pay for your oral treatments. Yorkshire Laser & Aesthetics supply the latest in laser and progressed epilation therapies to eliminate string veins, crawler capillaries, blood spots, busted capilaries as well as skin tags. We invite customers from Keighley, Skipton, Bradford as well as past. Tooth whitening is a treatment which can immediately boost your smile resulting in a sparkling smile. Take an initial step in really feeling excellent as well as looking terrific with a brighter, whiter smile in just 1 hr! That evasive Hollywood smile that was as soon as the preserve of the rich and also popular is now offered and also cost effective to us all in just one treatment and with instant outcomes.
This extra step permits our dental professional to carefully monitor your colour. The procedure starts with a brief prep work to cover your gum tissues, lips and also the skin around your lips, leaving only your teeth subjected to the laser light. Had my Zoom whitening done last week, I'm so happy with the results. At VANITY Dental, our experts are widely experienced and conduct all laser treatments in accordance with the latest scientific methods and also standards.
From examination via to impacts as well as laser treatment, the entire process takes less than an hour, so you could conveniently obtain it done throughout a lunch break, which is rather practical. Currently it's time to add the bleach, which is a gel put on the teeth for several mins, before the primary laser comes out.
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townchick9 · 4 years
Teeth Whitening
Find An Enlighten Dental Professional.
Intend To Publication Or Ask A Certain Inquiry?
Smile Health Spa Premium Whitening.
Producing A Beautifully Brilliant Smile
One hr is all you require, so it's even feasible to do throughout your lunch break from work. At Notting Hillside Dental Facility, we utilize a clinically tried and tested system that is risk-free for adults of every ages. http://greater-london-bexley.toothwhiteningpros.co.uk/ takes into account your overall state of dental wellness. By seeking advice from your dental professional for teeth whitening, you can feel confident that you will certainly obtain the end result you desire without triggering damage to your teeth or gum tissues. With excellent oral health and a healthy and balanced way of life, the results of expert whitening can last for 3 years. Your dental expert will certainly talk about the length of time you can anticipate your results to last at your assessment.
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Health and beauty centers are not lawfully allowed to execute tooth whitening. There are several services and products on the marketplace which guarantee you a white smile. The best and also best results can only be attained when tooth whitening is carried out by a registered oral care specialist. The GDC states that tooth whitening may just lawfully be given by those who are signed up dental specialists.
I headed over to 'The Harley Laser Specialists' as they are renowned for obtaining excellent laser teeth whitening outcomes. They are located at 1-7 Harley Road, when you arrive for your appointment you have to sign in at the reception at 1 Harley Street, which is their major reception. You'll then get contacted us to 7 Harley Road which is where the treatment areas are. You'll be asked to complete a basic medical set of questions after that you'll have your prior to teeth color evaluated. As soon as the therapy starts the preparation of the gel and gum guard takes about 5 mins as well as the laser therapy is performed in 2 x 20minute sessions. Ultimately once completed you'll get your after treatment teeth analysed for the difference in color - after that you are ready to leave immediately.
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As you can see from her smile, the girl visualized right was happy with exactly how white her teeth were after a solitary 60-minute laser teeth whitening therapy. Sight more successful teeth whitening pictures in our 'Before & After' Gallery. A cleaner, whiter smile can take years off you; just check out those star stars! If you believed you could not pay for to have your teeth expertly whitened, reconsider. Laser Whitening UK's laser teeth whitening prices are simply too good to miss out on.
Find An Enlighten Dental Practitioner.
Whitening Gel, was made to be used with a specifically developed light. Light and gel interact to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up discolorations and also discoloration. We satisfaction ourselves on utilizing specialist teeth whitening items that do not damage the tooth structure and minimise sensitivity. We will certainly go over with you, and give a private and suitable.
Lessons From Lockdown In Boston: Why Kids With Asthma Had Fewer ER Visits : Shots - TechnoCodex
Lessons From Lockdown In Boston: Why Kids With Asthma Had Fewer ER Visits : Shots.
Posted: Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:10:00 GMT [source]
The easy and also non-invasive system will certainly lighten your teeth as much as 8 tones returning them to their stunning, all-natural white. Discolouration of teeth can be brought on by the ageing process; drinking too much coffee, tea, soda pop or red wine; or by smoking cigarettes. Fortunately, discolouration brought on by all of these variables reacts exceptionally well to whitening treatment, which can leave your teeth several tones whiter. Every one of our teeth whitening is monitored by a qualified dental professional. There's more than one way to brighten your smile at Ollie & Darsh.
These are expert formula products designed specifically to keep your teeth their brightest. It starts with a short prep work to cover your lips and also periodontals, leaving just your teeth exposed.
Intend To Publication Or Ask A Certain Concern?
This is a powerful treatment that can whiten teeth by 6 tones in a single visit. Your aesthetic dentist in Lewisham will use whitening gel to your teeth as well as radiate a laser light over it to turn on the gel's whitening homes. On my 2nd go to, when my personal trays prepared, whitening gel was put inside them and they were placed over my teeth. Then I laid back in the dental professional's chair, typically a frightening experience but made relaxing by Richard's unique teeth whitening playlist, and also the laser was affixed to my mouth.
Smile Medical Spa Costs Whitening.
Grafton Family Dentistry excited to serve patients at new location - Mountain Statesman
Grafton Family Dentistry excited to serve patients at new location.
Posted: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 14:38:15 GMT [source]
Producing A Perfectly Intense Smile
Teeth whitening can permanently and gently lighten the colour of your teeth making use of a risk-free oral whitening gel. http://greater-london-city-of-london.toothwhiteningpros.co.uk/ committed oral wellness specialists can offer the treatment your family requires for excellent smiles as well as wonderful oral health and wellness. We're able to provide first aid in addition to developing a normal program with a variety of aesthetic dental therapies.
Following the whitening treatment we will certainly supply an examination to establish how your whitening treatment is going. At your tooth whitening or teeth whitening appointment, your dental professional will examine whether this is likely to influence you or otherwise. If your dentist feels you go to danger of experiencing level of sensitivity, they will certainly provide you with a desensitising tooth paste. They may additionally recommend to include a bespoke, gentle teeth whitening/ tooth whitening regimen. Tooth whitening level of sensitivity can be seasoned but is short-lived and also will stop soon after teeth whitening is quit. Teeth can become discoloured by food, beverage, smoking cigarettes and specific medicines. Some individuals have normally somewhat darker teeth than they would certainly favor.
Along with teeth whitening our group will certainly give you with a dental consultation as well as teeth cleansing to improve your tooth whitening outcomes. The examination is free as well as if you need a boosted oral hygienist clean prior to your teeth can be whitened this only sets you back ₤ 45, typically ₤ 59. Study carried out shows that there is no risk at all to the enamel of the teeth from laser teeth whitening therapy. A very small portion might experience some momentary sensitivity to hot and cold for between hours after therapy. When a person goes in to the dental workplace for a laser teeth whitening treatment, there are steps that are absorbed the procedure. The first step is a detailed cleansing and also elimination of plaque from the teeth. If you would love to schedule a teeth whitening examination, have some guidance over the phone or merely desire to go over the common rate or your basic dental care, please telephone call reception today.
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Some whitening systems consist of a series of 3, 15-minute sessions conducted in one resting. In between each session, the dental practitioner will inspect the gauze and the fluid dam materials to guarantee that the soft cells of the mouth are separated from the bleaching service. The X White Pro tooth whitening treatment takes approximately 1 hour as well as 15 minutes as well as normally costs ₤ 399. Today you can book the X White Pro treatment with a 50% discount rate for only ₤ 199! Did you know that Brite Dental can offer you three teeth whitening solutions to suit your spending plan and oral needs?
You can also return to our oral center in Lewisham for a re-whitening treatment. The entire point of the trays is that you take them scat and also use them at house with the whitening gel for up to 2 hours at once. Dr Marques discussed I can do this every few days or spread it out a little bit. Dr Marques did also give me some special enamel securing toothpaste to assist with any type of level of sensitivity as well. By complying with some basic post whitening care instructions, your teeth will constantly be lighter then they were previously.
How To Get A Clean Smile (And Conscience) With Toothpaste Tabs - mindbodygreen.com
How To Get A Clean Smile (And Conscience) With Toothpaste Tabs.
Posted: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 13:13:08 GMT [source]
When dealing with clients, we employ the same standard of treatment & attention that you would certainly expect from your dentist. Unlike the bleach, laser teeth whitening therapy is among the safest teeth whitening treatment especially in the hands of the competent personnel at Ultima White. Contrasted to Zoom whitening as well as bleaching trays Ultima White laser teeth whitening is affordable and also is ensured to operate in 60 minute therapy. When activated, this light will certainly beam straight on the teeth to activate the bleaching process. The light from the laser shines on all the teeth at once as well as does stagnate. People have to sit still in a reclined position in the dental chair to make certain the laser beams uniformly on all subjected teeth.
What is the fastest teeth whitener?
If you're looking for fast results for a last-minute event, try Crest 3D White Whitestrips 1-Hour Express. These strips remove years of stains in just one hour. You'll need to use the full product for full results. How Long Will My Teeth Stay White?
To keep your teeth looking their ideal, we advise flossing, brushing twice daily, as well as occasional touch-ups with the whitening pen or the exclusive NiteWhite gel and also custom made trays. The treatment starts with a 10 min prep work complied with by three fifteen min applications of the gel as well as laser light. We can review your whitening objectives and encourage you on which of our fantastic whitening treatments will best fulfill your requirements as well as be most scientifically ideal.
How much does it cost to whiten your teeth with a laser?
The cost of laser teeth whitening is tough to pin down. Because it is a cosmetic procedure and not covered by dental insurance companies, there is no “standard” fee. Depending on your location, the cost can range from $400 to $1,500.
Make sure to tell us what you need and also our own specialists will see to it you get the very best possible care during your process. By following some basic blog post whitening care instructions, your teeth will certainly constantly be lighter than they were previously. To maintain your teeth looking their ideal, we advise flossing, brushing twice daily, as well as periodic touch-ups with Zoom!
Teeth whitening therapy utilizes special teeth whitening gel to gently get rid of spots and also offer your teeth back a natural, bright brightness.
The length of the treatment relies on the reason and also degree of discolouration.
As a practice, we have actually been executing teeth whitening therapies for several years.
Our teeth can become discolored by food as well as drink, including coffee, tea and also soda pop.
Discolouration triggered by particular types of food as well as drink will certainly take less time than those triggered by medication or condition.
Routines such as smoking cigarettes also discolor the teeth, while lots of people find their teeth lose their natural luster over time.
We would have the ability to go over what you require as well as also established an analysis for laser teeth whitening in Spalding PE11 2 instantly. The law was changed on the 31st October 2012 concerning tooth whitening implying it is unlawful for any person to bleach teeth if they are not a dental expert.
What do dentists use to whiten teeth?
Carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are commonly used in whitening interventions and can readily permeate dental hard tissues. Temporary tooth sensitivity and gingival inflammation are the most common adverse effects.
The British Dental Association recommend that it is unlawful for any individual other than an experienced oral professional to accomplish teeth whitening. Products supplied by non-dental experts can harm teeth, for that reason it is best to speak with your dental practitioner for whitening therapy. The Zoom whitening therapy procedure is risk-free, efficient as well as just carried out by our extremely qualified dental professionals.
The Naturawhite teeth whitening treatment is made to create resilient, remarkable whitening outcomes. Reliable teeth whitening calls for the mix of a powerful, tailored light with a specifically formulated, quick-reacting, non-peroxide whitening gel revealed to the teeth for 45 mins. Naturawhite laser teeth whitening therapy is a pre loaded tray which is self carried out. Whichever teeth whitening therapy you prefer, you will require to have your oral impacts taken, in order to create customized bespoke whitening trays that fit specifically over your teeth. Our qualified teeth whitening professionals are totally trained in all aspects of laser teeth whitening. We do not make use of hydrogen peroxide as well as no drills or injections are called for. Your gums, lips and lining of your mouth are protected whatsoever times.
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ad1thi · 5 years
this caps at 3676 words, which is the most ive written ever; and this fic is my absolute baby i have never slaved over something more so please give her some love
Morgan Stark was, is, a strange woman
She’s quiet where her father was loud, stoic where her mother is loving, calm where her family is grieving
She wasn’t always like this
She hears snippets from her mother when Mom thinks she’s asleep; of how loud and boisterous and full of life she was
The tipping point, her mother muses over a glass of wine to Zia Nat, was her sixth birthday party
See Morgan, Morgan isn’t like everybody else
Everybody else got back their father and husband and brother and son in the Great War
Morgan lost hers
She was 3 years old, but her father always said she was exceptionally smart for her age
but this, this she didn’t quite understand until she was 6 years old
She knew her father had died, he’d died saving everybody’s life of course she knew that (how could she forget when its all anyone talked about, its all she saw all around her, the consequences of his death) but she never knew quite what it meant until her sixth birthday
The house is loud, louder than it usually is
Mom has invited ‘round all of her friends, and all of Morgan’s classmates from school too
There’s a healthy amount of awe and wonder in the room, and Morgan; Morgan is sitting in her room watching the hologram her father left for her sixth birthday
God, you’re growing up so fast,” hologram-him says, six already huh tesero? six is a big year isn’t it, first year of elementary, carrying your own lunches like a borghese, god i’m so proud of you. i want you to remember to enjoy yourself this year huh tesoro? ti amo 3000
Its how her mother finds her, moving towards a hologram that frozen in the motion of cupping her cheek; and tilting her head ever so slightly to put into the empty space that his hand’s left
“mai?” Morgan whispers, when she feels a hand on her shoulder, “he’s never coming back?”
“No mon coeur,” her mother whispers, and she crumbles like a marionette has cut her strings
After that, she changes
She knows what’s expected of her
The daughter of Anthony Edward Stark, grand daughter of Howard Walter Stark, niece of the Avengers
(if anyone ever asked, she’d tell them how much she hated the labels)
She’s subdued in class, makes 2 friends her entire year and keeps to herself
(Riri and Kamala are blessings)
She’s whipsmart but she never raises her hand, runs like a dream but never tries out for track; and only paints when nobody else is watching
On her eighth birthday, when she opens the door to see Uncle Steve’s hopeful face; she closes it 
“I don’t want them here,” she says, making it half way up the stairs before turning around and saying, “Maybe Uncle Bucky can stay”
When she’s 14, Uncle Bucky asks her what she wants for her birthday as they’re looking over the lake near her house and she says “I want you to teach me how to fight”
And he nods once
They start with the basics, hand to hand combat; and graduate to knifes and guns within a matter of months
He only asks her once why she wants to learn and she says, “My father was Tony Stark. It’s in my blood”
He smiles at all, all bloody from where she managed to clock his nose and never asks again
guardati tesoro mio, her father says on her fifteen birthday, all grown up and shit. do a little spin for your papa, let him see what you’re wearing
and its a hologram and she knows he’s not really there; but she spins anyway
fifteen, thats a big year right? Taylor Swift’s got a song about it and everything
He walks towards her, bending down so they’re eye level and Morgan swears she can feel their nose touching
it means you’re going on dates and shit, and i don’t know how i feel about that, his nose scrunches up like he’s smelt something foul, i guess i’ll just have to greet all your dates wearing the ironman suit huh. god thats a brilliant idea; weed out the weak ones by seeing who pees themselves or who gets overly cocky
Morgana he says, turning sharply from where he’s ranting, your dad is a genius, never forget that
“mai” she whispers into the open air, tears falling freely
Every year, her mother asks if she can invite the avengers over for her birthday, and every year Morgan says no
There are exceptions of course
Zio Rhodey, Zia Natasha, Uncle Bucky
Peter when he has time to spare, and Harley whenever he isn’t holed up in an SI workshop
but never anyone else
The first time Morgan brings Riri home and introduces her as her girlfriend instead of her bestfriend, an Ironman suit falls out of the sky
Her mother flinches back on instinct, Riri pales, and Morgan laughs until she cries
“Protocol: Tesoro is initiated,” intoned the automated voice before it shifts to the lilt of her father, “So, you wanna date my daughter”
“Yes sir,” Riri squeaks from where she’s hiding behind Morgan, and her mother is trying desperately not to cry
There’s a pregnant silence before her father’s voice says,”Her background checks out, you can date her”
and Morgan is turning to press her lips to Riri’s cheek; mindful of the glint in Riri’s eyes when she moves past the fear and takes in the armour, and thinks to herself no, i can’t
“Why Bucky,” her mother asks once, “You let nobody else in but you let in Bucky. Why Bucky?”
Morgan takes in a deep breath, “Zio stays because he’s the closest thing I have to a father. Zia stays because she’s the closest thing you have to a lover,” Morgan ignores the flush on her mother’s cheek, “and Bucky stays because he’s the only person who sees me”
“Je t’adore mama, but you see me and you also see Papa, they see me and they see Papa”
“Bucky? Bucky just sees me”
She’s 25 and still dating Riri, who’s around more than she’s not; now that she’s working under Zio Rhodey
It’s late at night, and Morgan extracts herself from Riri’s limp arms- shrugs on the first piece of clothing she can find, makes her way down the stairs
She takes in a deep breath, and turns on her father’s interface for the first time in 22 years
It’s still one of the most advanced pieces of technology out there; even if Morgan is cataloging all the ways she can make it better
“Pull up,” her voice cracks, ‘Pull up my father’s last project”
and in front of her, the room lights up in the shape of a mobius strip, inverted
She applies and gets a job at Pym Industries, and her mother furrows her brow but congratulates her all the same
She moves up the ranks seamlessly, except for one isolated incident when she drop kicks someone and sends them to the hospital because they call her little miss
Hope Pym adores her, and she gets privileges in R&D that she knows nobody else has
(she doesn’t know if its because she’s Tony Stark’s daughter, or because Hope genuinely thinks she’s that smart- but she doesn’t question it)
And there, after hours, in the laboratory where it all started; she puts her plan into motion
When she’s 27, Zio Rhodey falls sick
She’s in the middle of hour 73 of her work binge, and she’s so close to recreating the Pym Particles when an arm on her shoulder startles her and throws her into a defensive position
Her mind clears slightly when her would-be attacker’s head is between her thighs, and she scrambles back in shock when she realises its Riri
“When I said I was into trying new things in bed,” Riri’s voice is raspy from where Morgan’s knee pressed against her throat, “this isn’t what I had in mind”
“What are you doing here?” she asks, pointedly ignoring the bruises forming around her neck
“Its your Zio Rhodey,” she says solemnly, and there’s a tang in her voice when she says Zio; a word that doesn’t belong on Riri’s tongue, “he’s in the hospital”
Morgan is numb all over, going through the motions as she saves her work and slips on her jacket
She’s silent on the drive over to the hospital, fingers drumming against the door of the car
Logically, she always knew her parents were much older than most; her mama was on the verge of 40 when they had her and her father was pushing 54 when he died. She always knew that Zio Rhodey was growing old, but she never expected it to catch up to him quite this quickly
“Hi there squirt,” he whispers from the hospital room, moving up to clasp her face in his hands before groaning in pain
She rushes over and eases him back into a comfortable position, raising his hand to her mouth and kissing the back of his palm lightly, “What’s this then Zio Rhodey?”
He sighs, “The braces that your father built me gave out on me, and I fell down a flight of stairs”
She gets up, looking around for the braces, “I have a toolkit in the car I can tweak it a bi-”
She’s cut off when Zio pulls her down with surprising force, “Have I ever told you?” he asks, like she hadn’t spoken, “how much you remind me of your father?”
She slumps against the chair and indulges him, “Only everytime you see me”
He grimaces slightly, “I do say it a lot don’t I?” 
“It’s only because I see so much of him in you squirt. His drive, his big heart, his desire to help everyone,” he nods slightly at Riri, “his taste in women”
He moves slightly when Morgan squats at him, cackling; and Morgan pretends the hand squeezing around her heart is fear that Zio might not make it the night
“I know I’m not your real father,” he says softly, reaching out to cup her face, “but I do love you like my own Morgana”
“And he would be so proud of you”
His eyes go glassy just then, washing over and un-focusing, and she’s about to call for a nurse when her Zio says, “Tony? Why the fuck have you grown out your hair then?”
and it clicks
She turns to Riri to ask how they all could’ve missed this, but her gaze is furtive and it takes but a second for Morgan to realise that the only one who missed this was her
“How could you not tell me?” she roars, as Riri stares defiantly back, “he is my Zio!”
“He asked me not to, said he didn’t want to burden you while you were busy with your work,” Riri replies, “Plus, you never step out of that lab anywhere I was sure nothing short of a heart attack would remind you that he even exists”
“That is a low blow Ri”
“Is it?” Riri stands up, “I don’t see you, Peter and Harley work ‘round the clock to make sure Pepper doesn’t miss her daughter, and I cannot remember the last time you came over for dinner”
“My work is important!” she yells, but she might as well have been yelling into empty air, because Riri’s face hardens
“So are we Morgan,” she’s near the door when she turns back and says, softly, “I know losing your father hit you hard. But you still have a parent who’s alive”
Morgan and Riri break up the next day
Morgan always knew it was coming, ever since Riri became Ironheart
She just never expected it so soon
She keeps a constant vigil at Zio’s bedside, until the hospital kick her out
She can’t go back to her lab, not when he’s so fragile; so she cashes in all her leave from the last 3 years and shows up to the cabin with a large suitcase
“Morgan?” her mother’s grown so frail, and Morgan feels a stab of regret that she hasn’t been around more
“Je suis ici mama,” her mother crumbles against her like like there's nothing holding her up anymore, sobbing into her shirt
“Je suis désolé, ça a pris si longtemps”
Her mother bustles around the kitchen, clearly desperate for anything to do
“Mama,” she calls out a few times, before getting up and physically grabbing her mother in her arms and stilling her
“Mama its okay,” she says softly, guiding her to the sofa, “you don’t have to do anything”
“Mon coeur, you’ve come home after so long and I can’t even cook for you,” her mother has gotten so weak without Morgan noticing, and the guilt festers
Riri was right, she had forgotten about her mother, too caught up in her work
She runs her fingers through her mother’s hair, manoeuvring her so they’re on the sofa, “I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long Mama,” she whispers
“but I’m here now”
Her leave gives her a full 2 months off and she splits her time between the cabin and the hospital, until Zio is ready to be moved to the cabin
She calls up Harley for the first time in 3 years and he comes down the following weekend, and they brainstorm over the ideas that her father left uncompleted
“20 years later and he’s taking me to school,” Harley whistles lowly, “not bad for a mechanic”
After dinner, Morgan curls up against her mother, who obligingly runs her piano fingers through Morgan’s hair
“Harley’s good at SI,” she starts off, “did business as a minor in Stanford”
Her mother hums, “I’m half convinced he’s your father’s bastard”
“You should name him CEO,” she turns so she’s facing her mother completely, “he’ll be good”
She stills above Morgan, “you,” she pauses and takes a breath, “you don’t want it?”
She shakes her head, and pretends like she doesn’t see how her mother’s entire body shakes
“Your father did always like to be left to his own devices,” she says finally and if Morgan tries really hard, she can pretend like she hasn’t disappointed her mother, “I’ll talk to the Board tomorrow, but they’re going to give me hell”
Her mother sounds so defeated Morgan almost takes it back, but the photo frame of her papa and mama catches her eye; and she holds her tongue
She finagles and negotiates with Hope, and gets permission to work from home.
(not that Hope had much choice, Morgan had set Pym Inc decades ahead of every company and finally put them in close competition with Stark Industries, but it was the principle of the thing)
A team of 5 come in and renovate the basement into a lab that’s workable, and Morgan breathes easier
She spends her days with her mother and Zio Rhodey, and her nights
“Pull up the simulation again,” she says into the open air and pulls apart the mobius strip, running each equation individually
“JOCASTA,” she calls out, “run the enhanced Pym Particles against my father’s software”
She rummages around the mini fridge for juice pops, sucking the first one in her mouth 
“Simulation complete,” her best decision by date was to give JOCASTA an italian accent
She turns back to the screen, and stumbles back into her chair
“Shit,” she says, breathing heavily- looking but not comprehending the screen in front of her
“Shit,” she says again, because it bares repeating, because she is the third person to ever crack time travel
30 is a big year tesero, her father’s AI says as she slips into a red dress and walks down to greet the guests
After 22 years, she’s agreed to let the Avengers back onto the cabin; and the naked gratitude on Uncle Steve’s face when she moved aside instead of slamming the door like she did every year was another chink in that guilt deep in her gut
you’re so big now tesero, her father says, leaning against the wall when she wraps her arms around Riri and thanks her for coming
where does the time fly? the hologram dissipates when she comes near her Zio Rhodey, and she looks away as he dabs away a set of tears 
“i’m sorry squirt,” he says when he’s settled a bit more, “the holograms still get to me I guess. But 30 huh?” 
“Big day,” he says decisively before his eyes go glassy again
She wraps her hands around him, looking at the space left by her father’s hologram and thinks, you have no idea
Steve knocks on the door of the cabin, as he does every year
Sam is waiting for him in the car, stubbornly refusing to turn off the gas because she’s just going to turn us away man i don’t why we do this year every year
But he comes every year with Steve, so Steve suspects he knows why
(because Steve loved her father)
(because Steve killed her father)
(because Tony died to save everybody else)
Bucky left the Compound a few hours earlier, since he’d promised Pepper and Nat that he’d help with the cake
That had taken some time to get used to, the fact that Morgan allowed Bucky to be a part of her life and not Steve
(in the darkest parts of his mind, Steve admits that he hates it, that he wanted to be the one teaching Morgan to protect herself, to be the one loving her)
He knocks on the door and waits, and like clockwork Morgan opens the door and assesses him like he’s under a microscope
And then
She moves aside, letting him in
Steve’s knees threaten to buckle, but he holds it together just long to ask, “Are- are you sure?” 
She stares at him mulishly, and Steve can’t help but compare it to a pre coffee Tony, “Are you looking to piss me off Rogers? Come in before I change my mind, and tell Birdbrain in the Maserati to turn off his engine because he’s killing the planet my father gave his life to protect”
Steve nods like she’s a drill sergeant and she shifts inside, seemingly satisfied with that 5 second interaction
Steve is on alert the entire party, flitting between being elated to celebrate Morgan’s 30th with her and wary that she’ll kick him out
She disappears upstairs once everyone’s trickled in, and comes down in a simple red summer dress, hair slicked back
There’s a hologram of Tony hovering behind her, muttering in her ear, and it knocks the air out of him, because he’s here but he’s not all at the same time and Steve dimly wonders if the pain of losing Tony Stark will get any easier
(from the glistening cheeks around him, and the surreptitious way Morgan wipes her eyes, the answer seems to be no)
The crowd moves around Morgan and her father, as if Tony’s really here instead of just a product of his tech; but dissipates into the air when Morgan goes over to Rhodey
Rhodey, who’s in a wheelchair
Everyone around him is frail and old, the signs of ageing so evident on their face and physique; while Bucky and Steve look like they’ve just touched 40
Morgan is settled down in Rhodey’s lap and laughing at something that he said, but there’s this gleam in her eyes that sits with Steve wrong, which is why he makes his way over to Peter
His relationship with Peter was hard work, almost a decade of back and forth before he let his guard down around Steve and joined the Avengers under his command
“Hey,” he says, smoothly cutting through whatever conversation Harley and Peter are having, “Mind if I borrow the spiderkid for a second?”
Harley spread his arms wide, “He’s all yours. Damn idiot hurts my brain”
“I’m only 4 years younger THAN YOU!” Peter yells the last part to Harley’s retreating back, huffing when Harley gives him the bird - before turning to Steve, “What’s up?”
“You have your suit on you?”
Peter rubs at his chest where the nanites are stored, “Always. Everything okay?”
“Yeah I just,” Steve sighs, “Something seems off”
“Ah the Cap sense, never gets old”
“Just be alert okay?” and he waits for a second before he adds, “and keep an eye on Morgan. I don’t want her getting hurt”
They’re in the middle of dinner when Steve notices her slip away, glancing back and forth before making her way down to -
isn’t that the way to Tony’s lab?
He looks up and catches Peter’s eye, nodding once before following Morgan
Its not easy, Bucky obviously taught her well, but Steve’s been hiding from Bucky since before she was born
She punches in the override code and slips in, and Steve has a 5 second warning to avert his eyes and she thumbs out of her dress
When he looks back, she’s slipped into something that resembles the undersuit Tony used to wear; but modified somehow
She’s very engrossed in the screen in front of her so its easy to follow her into the lab, but nothing can stop him from keeping quiet when he sees what she’s working on
“What are you doing with Tony’s time travel device?”
Morgan turns to face Steve Rogers, adjusting the suit around her
“What are you doing here Rogers?”
“I asked first”
She chances a glance behind her, and the simulation needs a few more seconds to boot, she has to stall
Steve looks frozen between between going up and calling reinforcements, and making his way over to her, which works in her favour
She pulls at the last strap
“27 years ago,” she says, and there’s just a couple of seconds before all of this is fixed, “you killed my father.”
“I’m going back in time to save his life”
And before he can react, she presses down on the Pym Particles; closing her eyes as a blinding flash covers the room
Steve instinctively raises his arms against the light, and when he lowers them again, she’s gone.
hope you liked it!
italian translations:
tesoro- treasure borghese- commoner/ civilian/ middle-class person (its meant to be a joke not an insult) ti amo 3000- i love you 3000 mai- never guardati tesoro mio- look at you my treasure zio/zia- uncle/aunt
(all translations are taken off google translate!!)
french translations:
mon coeur- my sweetheart/ my heart j’adore mama- i love you mama je suis ici mama- i’m here mama je suis désolé, ça a pris si longtemps- im sorry it took so long
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cathariis · 5 years
‘ i need you.’ — EVERYONE
send  ‘ i need you. ’ for my muse’s reaction.
halcyon & harley (main).
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the words that dropped from his lips weren’t a surprise. halcyon had been away on location for the last two months and refused harley to visit her during filming. while the beginning of their relationship is going well, she didn’t want many people to know about her personal life –– especially since she’s still demanding respect among her peers and crew. they didn’t need to see her showing off the puppy love she felt for the male, although she hasn’t said those words to him yet. still, halcyon made sure to send him pictures and videos while she’s been away. the female smirked, seeing her boyfriend prepared for their long night. “didn’t think you could hold off without me for two months.” halcyon grabbed his shoulders, pushing him on to the bed as she crawls up on top of him. “but i need you too, now.”
halcyon & harley (alt).
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they’ve been sneaking around for the last few weeks. they had yet to confirm or deny a relationship. but ever since that day in harley’s room where they had sex for the first time together, they couldn’t get enough of each other. it was a clear addition that neither one of them wanted to admit. she had gotten home from practice, both of her parents still out of town for a reunion in the next town over. their nights together have become more frequent, often falling asleep together in the same bed after their time orgasming. halcyon even showed him how to sneak into her bedroom, for when her parents were home. since arriving, she hasn’t texted harley since before and figured that tonight she’ll be alone. the thought didn’t sit well with halcyon but she didn’t want to form a relationship, despite her own feelings towards him. stepping out of the shower with her towel wrapped around her body, halcyon was greeted with harley sitting on her bed. it was silent for a moment before he spoke, causing her to bite her bottom lip. part of her wanted to tell him to leave, that tonight wasn’t it but the need to have him near was larger than her own will. was it possible that through sex, she has fallen in love? stepping closer to him, her hands placed gently on his cheeks, rubbing the skin gently. he removed her towel, allowing it to drop on the floor. harley knew what she wanted without her having to say a word. he laid a kiss on her chest, whispering those three words and before she knew, halcyon was laying on her back, lips locking on to his. “harley..” she whispered, fingers in his hair as he worked her core. “i need you too.” not only in sex, but forever.
danielle & harley.
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danielle couldn’t take this life she lived anymore. every day, it was a nightmare. her husband caused a scene over the smallest thing, often blaming her although she had no hand in whatever it may be. this life was no longer her own –– everything that she held dear to her was taken away. her dancing, her sketches books, her communication with her father and brother, even the charities that she adored were removed from her life. she was a prisoner, a property value to her husband and step-father. all was taken from her except for one person: harley. danielle always managed to sneak away from her husband’s grip, hiding out in their secret apartment and knowing full well she’d have to pay the price later. in her miserable life, harley was the light that she needed to go on every day. even with everything they’ve been through –– the drugs, the rehab, the break-ups –– they always found a way back to each other. however, they have once again landed in a fight. it was clear that neither one of them could handle being apart from each other for too long. they were in love. in her mind, it seemed almost impossible for her to leave her husband but when harley yelled that he needed her, that was the final strike. “then take me to america!” she cried, forcing herself to hold back the tears that were forming. “i want to be in your life forever, have your last name and have children with you. i love my country but i love you more, far more than words could describe, mon amour. i hate saying good-bye and i do not want to do it again. take me with you.”
dimitri & andi.
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those three words were tough for him to hear over the webcam. dimitri could have never foreseen this coming when he signed up to join the marines. not that andi was pregnant with their first child, that his father-in-law was getting worse by the day or that he was staying on location for much longer than he thought. a part of him wished that he remained home instead of signing up, to keep making videos and stay home with andi during this time. however, it’s not the case. there was no way dimitri could go back home at this stage, they were stuck until then. he’d miss the birth of his child and the possible chance to say good-bye to andrew. the guilt in his heart was heavy, something that he wasn’t proud of. he had to look away from the monitor, unable to look at his heavily pregnant wife on the screen. “i’m so sorry..” he mumbles, knowing full well that she could not hear those words but could hear his sobs.
gabriel & grey.
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it was as if they were riding a bike. nothing between them as changed, other than the fact that they were older, much more experienced in the bedroom and have an equal amount of money in their bank accounts. either way, they were still the same individuals who fell in love all those years ago –– that has never changed. she sat on his lap as they overlooked the gardens of his home, both not having changed out of their pjs for the last two days with bed hair present. they were supposed to be taking a breather, eating a small meal before they got back into bed. however, it was clear that grey had other ideas, moving her hips against his in slow motion. his green hues looked at the back of her blonde hair, hearing her whisper those three words he always enjoyed. one hand held her hip as the other moved around, touching her core through the thin material of her thong. “alors je te ferai l'amour, mon amour” he mentions, allowing his fingers to enter her with ease. “mais je vais vous faire crier aussi.”
sage & connor.
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they couldn’t get their hands off each other. the only time they decided to be civil was around noah but considering he was off with his father, all bets were off. the couple made the agreement to start experimenting in the bedroom. sage never backed down from a challenge but this was a whole new ballpark for her, especially with a man that she truly loved. they’ve been dating for almost a year and they have made progress, in the bedroom and out of it. right now, however, they were removing articles of clothing left and right, lips unable to get away from each other. sage sat on top of him, growing wetter by the second as her hips moved against his hard-on. her hands were about to pull away from his locks and to remove the material that separated them from continuing this activity. however, when connor pulled away to say those words to her, sage noticed a difference in his eyes. it wasn’t lust in his eyes, it was love. with that realization, a tint of blood rushed to her cheeks, smiling softly at her boyfriend. “i’m not going anywhere, baby…” she stated, bringing her right hand down and held her pinky out. “that’s a promise.”
boden & charlie.
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boden wanted nothing more than some time to take a break and be with his girlfriend. however, with his new album coming out in the next few weeks, he knew that there was more buzz needed for sales to go up. truth be told, he didn’t care about the money and simply wanted to make good music but he understood how the industry worked. still, he didn’t expect to make an instagram live while on vacation with charlie. he promised that it would only be thirty minutes but somehow it ended up being an hour, answering fan questions and giving small snippets of what’s to come. boden was supposed to be on for another fifteen minutes but charlie whispered in his ear, stating that she needed him in her spanish accent. he was forever thankful that the camera was fixated on him from the chest up because she had moved away from the screen, only to start teasing him from the side. “well, that’s all for this live. see you all in the next one!” he quickly said to the camera, turning off the stream to give his girlfriend his full attention. “you are a sneaky, sneaky girl and i fucking love you for it.”
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{January Collection} #22
Ode to My Body
Tuesday’s Theme: Lyrics
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“Welcome home, Harl. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
The purr of Pamela Isley’s voice slid over Harleen Quinzel’s skin like rose vines and the blonde giggled, bouncing up and down on booted toes with an excited clap.
“For me, Pammy? Ya shouldn’t have!”
The welcome kiss between the Sirens was brief but meaningful, deep. It had been a long day for them both, preoccupied away from each other which made their tasks seem more mundane and boring than they might’ve had they tackled it together. Harleen, known more infamously as Harley Quinn, slung her still wet bat over her shoulder, leaving it propped by the door in case she needed to grab it in a hurry, before she followed Pamela, aka Poison Ivy, deeper into their lovenest like an excited puppy offered a treat.
“Can I have it now?!” Harley all but begged, causing Pamela to smile.
“Hm, well I don’t know. Have you been a bad girl, today?”
“The worst,” Harley rested her chin on Pamela’s shoulder, grinning. “I was the worst gal in Gotham today.”
Pamela’s smile was one of pride, and it turned Harley’s heart over. It was so much easier to love someone who knew how to love you back...
...but Harley wasn’t above falling into her same old ways if she had a good reason to.
Good reason didn’t mean the Joker, oh no. Mistah J’s days of tormenting Harley were long gone, thanks in part to the support of Pammy. Harley was in a stable relationship for the first time in her life, if one didn’t count the dependability of the Batman showing up every time she broke the law. It was this safety and routine with Pammy that set Harley up for both success...and being taken off-guard the moment she ran into a pretty li’l girl on the sidewalk by the name of Monica.
Fate’s a funny thing, in Gotham. There’s nearly 10 million people who walk those streets, live in those buildings, drive on it’s roads. What are the chances of finding someone who just...does it for you? Harley may come across to some as a ditz but it was just an act; she’s sharper than a whip and those eyes have been trained to see everything. That day on Gotham’s snowy sidewalk, she had seen everything. Everything was wearing a black faux fur coat, coincidentally resembling hyena fur, which was the first thing that caught Harley’s curious gaze. Curiosity killed the cat when the wearer of the coat walked right past her, trailing expensive perfume that had Harley turning, walking backward just to keep the scent drifting beneath her nose. Satisfaction brought the cat back when Harley’s inquisitive gaze caressed a profile straight out of a magazine, and she recognized immediately she’d just passed the Heiress to the Alcari Family fortune and empire.
Oh sure, everyone knew of her, but to see her? That was a whole ‘nother experience and it left Harley breathless but not speechless. Definitely not speechless. The moment she’d gotten home it was all she could talk about, telling Pammy everything, from the scent of her intoxicating perfume to the beautiful curves of her profile. Pamela had listened with only brief barbs of jealous jabbing at her like rose thorns, but that changed considerably when Harley insisted they find a way to see her again. Heiresses live their lives in the public spotlight, it’s just the nature of a culture obsessed with celebrities--it was just the first time Harley or Pamela had found themselves right alongside the enamored masses.
Obsession is not a funny thing, no matter where you are. Like roots of a tree it plants itself firmly and then grows, no matter how little it’s nurtured but if it’s given water, given sunlight, if it’s fed, like fire it will grow. Harley kept Pamela on the cold Gotham sidewalk outside the Alcari building for four nights before Monica finally walked past again and in that moment, Pamela understood. She understood why Harley had begun cutting out pictures of Monica from magazines and hanging them on their bedroom walls. Pamela understood why Harley insisted on stealing several bottles of Monica’s perfume from a high-end perfume counter--it was perfume Harley sprayed on their bed pillows at night before they slept. Sweetest dreams Pamela had ever had. There was just something about this girl that forced the two Sirens into unfamiliar territory--for Pamela, at least. Harley was no stranger to obsession, to devotion that consumed her waking hours and filled her nights with vibrating toys and beginning Pammy to pretend Monica was in bed with them, too. Now that Pamela had seen Monica, laid eyes on her, was close enough to touch her, she understood. Fuel to Harley’s fire and the two of them were burning together.
Plans began to take root in the apartment. Pamela asking the smart questions, wanting to know how Harley knew Monica wasn’t just another Mistah J. But Harley knew just what to say--
“You wouldn’t be this way about her if she was! You always was the smart one, Pammy.”
It was an argument that quieted the last and only one of Pamela’s concerns. Harley was prone to obsessive behavior, like a child she fixated on her favorite toy and didn’t want to let it go, even when the toy was dangerous, as it was in the Joker’s case. Pamela wanted to be concerned that Harley was repeating history, but she couldn’t find it in her to think such negative thoughts about Monica. The two Sirens had been following her, both physically and over social media, for weeks by this point and she knew the other woman well enough to know there was no real danger, here.
The Sirens didn’t need to be worried. Monica did.
“It’s in the bedroom,” Pamela gestured toward their open bedroom door, biting back a soft laugh as Harley nearly sprinted to it, so eager was she to find her gift.
“Oh, what is it? Did you steal more of Monica’s clothing?! I really wanted that bikini she wore to that yacht party, I bet those skimpy little bottoms she wore smell like Heaven.”
It was true, Harley had begun the ritual of stealing clothes and objects from Monica’s penthouse weeks ago, and even Pamela had broken in to steal a few things as well, but at Harley’s question, Poison Ivy shook her head.
“Even better.”
Harley’s tongue poked between her grinning teeth as she turned in the doorway and immediately let loose an excited squeal, disappearing into the bedroom to claim her surprise. Pamela all but sauntered over to rest in the doorway, watching Harley leap onto the bed, bouncing twice even as she wrapped her arms around Monica’s waist.
The Heiress was bound to the headboard, her wrists wrapped in vine with a promise Pamela wouldn’t use thorns unless she tried to escape. Monica hadn’t, and her reward was being presented to Harley Quinn as a gift.
“Oh Pammy, it’s perfect, she’s perfect!” Harley’s seeking, obsessive fingers could not get enough of touching Monica, tickling and pulling, grasping and tugging at every inch of her. “Can we keep her? Huh? Is she gonna stay with us, now?”
Pamela’s gaze nailed Monica to the bed even as she answered Harley. “She is, Harl. She’s ours, now.”
At the word ours, Harley began nosing kisses against Monica’s tear-stained cheek, over-exuberant mwah, mwah, mwah’s that meant as much as kisses were made to mean. Monica could feel Harley meant the affection, as if the two of them had been dating for years. She knew who these two women were; loving in Gotham it would be difficult not to, but never in a million years did she think she’d ever be abducted by them--and not even for a ransom! No, when she offered to buy her freedom, Pamela had all but snorted--though the noise seemed a little too undignified for the woman known as Poison Ivy.
“Do you really think this is about money? Darling pet, this is about you. It’s always been about you.”
Monica didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle but she saw enough of herself strewn through this apartment to know Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were fully expecting her to be theirs, now. There was possession In Harley’s touch, in her kisses, and Monica’s eyes fluttered closed as Harley tipped her head up to kiss her square on the lips. The kiss was burning in it’s possessive desperation, as if Harley had been wanting to kiss her for years.
“Oh, she tastes like candy, Pammy! See, I told you, this ain’t no Puddin’,” Harley drew back but only slightly, running her tongue along the seam of Monica’s lips. “Candy’s already sweeter than Puddin’ ever was.”
“Candy, hm?” Pamela crossed the room on long, elegant legs to sit on the edge of the bed. Delicate fingers slid up the bare skin of Monica’s ankle, circling possessively as Pamela continued to lock eyes with Monica. “Our little candy girl.”
Harley laughed, an excited, happy sound as she pulled Monica in for more kisses, drinking from parted lips already swelling from the force of Harley’s desperation.
“Let her breathe, Harl,” Pamela chided with a soft laugh. “We have all the time in the world, now, and she’s going to faint if you don’t give her a little space.”
Harley broke the kiss just to hear Monica gasp slightly, and she brought her hand up, running her fingers over Monica’s kiss-swollen lips, her other arm around Monica’s petite shoulders. Harley was in every inch of Monica’s personal space, threading their legs together so that her knee was grinding slowly against Monica’s barely covered cunt.
“We finally got our little girl, Pammy,” Harley turned to smile at Pamela. “AIn’t she the sweetest? I told you she was, didn’t I?”
“It’s true,” Pamela turned her smile to Monica. “She told me the first day she saw you.”
“We’re your Mommies now, Candy,” Harley tapped her nail against Monica’s nose. “You’re gonna be our spoiled, pampered little girl, yes you are!”
Monica felt the bed shift and turned from Harley to see Pamela crawling up the bed, her sheer robe parting to reveal she wore nothing beneath. Monica bit back a whine as Harley pushed more insistently against her slit, rolling her clit just to elicit another noise, turning with excitement toward Pamela anytime Monica did anything. Monica had no idea what was happening to her life of routine and normalcy but she knew it was over. Pamela’s hand slid around Monica’s waist and as Pamela claimed her lips, Monica felt her head spin and wondered if Pamela was drugging her, again. She’d done it before, that was how she’d gotten Monica here in the first place. Monica was aware of Harley’s lips on her neck, her desperate, seeking fingers slipping up Monica’s shirt as Pamela’s moved between her thighs, forcing Harley’s knee back so Pamela could split Monica’s folds cleanly with long nails. Monica cried out against Pamela’s mouth, and immediately Harley was there.
“I know it’s a little scary now, Candy, but you’ll see, it’ll be fun!”
“I promise, you’ll adjust,” Pamela spoke against Monica’s lips, finding them just as sweet and intoxicating as Harley had promised. “You’ll be a good girl for your new Mommies, won’t you, darling?”
Monica’s head was swimming, and she was vaguely aware she was nodding. Whether that was Pamela’s influence or if some part of her was responding to the sinful touch between her legs, against her breast, she couldn’t say. Pamela kissed her again, stealing her breath, and Harley clung on a little tighter to the body they’d been coveting for agonizing weeks, now.
Love’s a funny thing, in Gotham. You’d be surprised how many different shapes and sizes it comes in, but as they say--
Mommy knows best.
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futurejunglist · 3 years
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Future Jungle Sessions #76 // 8K.NZ Radio // 25.09.2021
https://www.gwarden.net // https://linktr.ee/gwarden_nz 
LIVE on 8K.NZ ~ SAT 19:00 (NZST) // MON 02:00 // WED 05:00 // FRI 22:00
QZB, Rider Shafique - The Banker [Critical Music]
Creatures - Behemoth [FRAKTAL Sound]
Trex - Scene [Onyx Recordings]
Black Barrel - Just Keep My Life [Dispatch Recordings]
FX909 - Ancient Myth [Liquid Drops]
WitchCrafter, Collette Warren - Belén [soulfeeling recordings]
Minor Forms - DYR (Original Mix) [Vandal Ltd]
Black Barrel - It's So Crazy [Dispatch Recordings]
Lo! - Turmoil [AFT Records]
Kumarachi - Riddim [Liondub International]
Deekline, Specimen A - Oh No! [Gorilla Warfare]
Vital Elements - Bubble [V2E Recordings]
Conrad Subs - Cluster [Murky Digital]
Harley D - OMG [Grid Recordings UK]
Thematic - Railgun [Sofa Sound]
Tyke - THX Dub (Hexa Remix) [Grid Recordings UK]
Phuture Assassins - Future Sound (Cause4Concern Remix) [Suburban Base Recordings]
Loxy, INK - Shine (2021 Remaster) [Metalheadz]
Refracta - Diesel [Born On Road]
Easy - After Dark [Influence Records]
AYDN - No Ride Home [Goldfat Records]
Virtue - Make It Through [xJAK Audio]
Operate, Javeon - Notions [Overview Music]
Duskee, Disrupta, PAV4N - Radial Waves [DarkMode]
Pola & Bryson - Decay [Shogun Audio]
Rohaan - Denied [Space Yacht]
Trex, Rider Shafique - Undergrowth [Onyx Recordings]
Vektah - Tension [Soulvent Records]
Screamarts - Move It [Flexout Audio]
Objectiv - Crocs With Socks (Molecular Remix) [Bowlcut Beats]
Ill Truth - Secrets [Sofa Sound]
Alix Perez - Trinity (Skeptical Remix) [1985 Music]
Thematic, DLR - Repeating Cycles of Funk [Sofa Sound]
Sustance - Virtue [Shogun Audio]
Shadows - The Plug [Context Audio]
Accelerated - Deeper Meanings [Intrigue Music]
Smote, Bazil MC - I Can Show You [Fokuz Recordings]
Dr. Apollo - Mo90s [Program]
Soul Connection - Ever Blazing [Soul Deep Exclusives]
Bailey - Know Yourself [Precinct]
Nymfo, Phase - Bristol Bombay [Dispatch Recordings]
D*Minds - Everyday [RUN]
Dillinja - Human B-Bop (VIP Mix) [Valve Recordings]
Zero T - Fortune Green [The North Quarter]
Marcus Visionary - Full Control [Inner City Dance]
Veak, Zudakabass - Original Sound [Original Key Records]
Digital, Spirit, Flava, Dissect, Resound - Primal [Function Records]
High Frequency (UK) - Nation [Nuusic]
Gravit-E - Something Real [Grid Recordings UK]
Dunk, Carasel - Modulation [Dubplate Dread]
Polarized - Miscalculations [Lost The Plot]
Subtle Element - Monotonous [Trust Audio]
Tweakz, Suns - Redesign & Clarify [Four Corners]
Universal Project, Ben Verse, Si Franks - Real Thing Ft Si Franks [Rebel Music]
The Sauce - Untouchable [The Sauce Recordings]
The Sauce - A Truck Load [Souped Up Records]
Am:x - Travel [DLT9]
Alix Perez Ft Liam Bailey - Moving On (Break Remix) [1985 Music]
Delta Heavy - Work It [UKF]
LTJ Bukem - Flip the Narrative [Drum&BassArena]
Ruth Royall, Blacklab - Mind Over Matter [Soulvent Records]
LIMITS - Fading Away (Sikey Remix) [Fokuz Recordings]
Low:r - Parsley Soda [Program]
Soul Connection - It's Been A Long Time [Soul Deep Exclusives]
DJ Limited, Lizzy Stringer - Summer Vibes (Tearout Mix) [Playaz Recordings]
Alyness - Lost Ways [Four Corners]
Conrad Subs - Subterranean [Formation Records]
Ephyum, Invadhertz - Lantern [Dispatch Recordings]
Scepticz, OaT - Indigo Funk [Guidance]
Scar - Why [Metalheadz]
J Select - Selecta (Toby Ross Remix) [DnB Allstars Records]
T>I - Let It Go [Computer Integrated Audio]
Trex - Roller (VIP) [Emcee Recordings]
Confusious, Mystic - Like This [Fokuz Recordings]
K Jah - State To State VIP [Masterpeace Recordings]
DJ FUTURE - Fate Providence (Original Mix) [DSCI4]
Bcee - Is Anybody out There? (S.P.Y. VIP) [Spearhead Records]
DJ Hybrid, Haribo - Stay High (2021 Mix) [Liondub International]
Georgia Pheonix - Fix Up [SASASAS]
Gella - Crystal Raindrops [Born On Road]
Machinedrum - Braided Leaves (Visages Remix) [1985 Music]
Black Barrel, Future Engineers - Beyond [Dispatch Recordings]
Pola & Bryson, Kojo - Closer to Home [Shogun Audio]
Sikka - Find a way [Sikkabrain Recordings]
Ray Keith - Back In The Day [Dope Ammo Records]
Fanu, Infader - Truth & Lies [Straight Up Breakbeat]
Phase, Grey Code - Call In Me [Metalheadz]
Hood - Welcome To The North [Informal.]
Elder - Weird Tech [Pick 'n' Mix]
Justin Hawkes - IJDK [Space Yacht]
High Contrast - If We Ever (Unglued Remix) [Hospital Records]
Unglued, Singing Fats - Sardinian Sunrise [Hospital Records]
Need for mirrors - Ultra Violin [SUNANDBASS Recordings]
Sub Focus, Bou - World of Hurt (Bou Remix) [RAM Records]
0 notes
soulitches-blog · 8 years
Time passed differently in Limbo. For every day on Earth was roughly eight in Limbo, and she kept that in mind thinking of home. 
How Rapunzel ever stayed sane in her tower was beyond Megan at this point. She had a view of the Wilds, the jagged edges of the waste land familiar to her in an unwelcome way, but there was no way of getting out the window of her prison cell come bedroom. Every time she so much as arched her hand out it slammed against a magical barrier. It was big enough, offering a nice view, and were Megan an artist she might have wished for an easel to paint the crumbling edges of the landscape in front of her: a lie really, if she had an easel she’d draw Saturnine as a stick figure being squashed by lots of rocks all labeled ‘fuck you’. 
On the wall the other side of the window Megan had found a vase with a sharp enough base to mark up a tally. Two scored down the wall, one to mark Limbo days and one for Earth when she estimated how long it had been. What she knew came from Illyana and the Mutant was pretty sure she could trust the Queen of Limbo to know how time passed in her sovereign realm. But then Illyana hadn’t noticed Megan’s presence in Limbo, which either meant her relationship with the other woman had not improved as much as Megan believed, or whatever Saturnine’s sorcerer had done to bind her souldagger and magic, also blocked her from the Queen herself.
She won’t be queen for long. I will be the ruler and you will be my wife, we will use the rest of your stronger soul to make a sword more powerful than her’s and you will give it to me.
For the first time in her life Megan preferred the ‘someone just hates me that much’ option.
I will have a Soulsword.
Next to the tallies were a group of stick figures, crudely drawn even for her terrible art skills, and as Megan turned on her stool by the window she stared at them each in turn. One had spikes, one had sparks coming from her hands, another had the most outrageous eyelashes. Victor, Alison, and Jubilee. Then next to Jubilee was a figurine with large wings, another with pig tails, one holding an odd L-shaped piece and the last had stars around her.
Warren. Harley. Jason. Zatanna.
Leaning her head on the wall, wisps of grayed, peach coloured hair fizzing on the magical block in the window, Megan spoke to both them. 
“You guys must have noticed by now. It’s been...” She lifted up her hand to count her fingers off. Her nails were blackened and... long. More like claws than finger nails. “Four days. Ish. See this is where I benefit over the guy in 127 Hours. I’m way too clingy for people not to wonder why I haven’t bugged them recently, none of that going out alone for days on the regular without telling anyone nonsense”
Pulling herself up to pad over the small room Saturnine locked her in, past the bed and other decor vaguely set out to look like her bedroom at home, and stopped in front of the mirror the High Demon had kindly provided her. But while he intended for her to watch her appearance decay and slowly stop recognising the person staring back at her, Megan used the mirror to focus on her baby. Her bump was bigger, growing to the time zones of it’s new environment and not that of Earth, and with her hands on her hips Megan rose an eyebrow.
“If I have to have a demon as a midwife after spending so long trying to find Sana, I will be very annoyed. I will ground you, hear me, Bean, if you make me go through that. You’re grounded from... birth” Megan tapped her stomach with a finger, carry on talking even as her voice started to shake. “Hear me? Birth. I’ll make you.. you sit indoors and play Ludo.. and Mon-Monopoly with me like my grandparents did to me, eh?”
She only glanced at her reflection when her back straightened with a breath, to try and regain some composure, but it was enough. Spikes were forming around her face, along her jawline and up her temples, and as her lips parted to gasp out a sob Megan spied thin, sharp, pin-prick teeth cutting through her small, blunt ones. 
Now too far gone down the rabbit hole to stop, Megan turned on her heels to look at her wings, no longer aware of the way her ribs constricted painfully.
The shards of pretty insect wings had started to harden and darken: turning more leathery and dank, and the pixie studied them with tear filled onyx eyes. There was the faintest explosion of gold in her irises, a fleck here and there, but just like the hollow shadows around her eyes and cheeks, there was no more vibrancy to be found. 
The mirror cracked in a beautiful arc when Megan’s fist connected with it, and healed over to smooth glass when she dropped it away. 
Her appearance didn’t bother her, didn’t frighten her for what it was. What scared her the most was the impact and implications of it all. She didn’t want to be rescued for the sake of her getting out of Limbo, she wanted to be rescued before the wasteland could have any more impact on her baby.
Because if this was happening to her, then how was it hurting her child.
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