#harley quinn series jonathan crane x reader
quandaryqueen · 3 months
Mr. Freeze 2.0
Harley Quinn Series Jonathan Crane X Spouse Reader
The Riddler was particularly alarmed when an old coworker and friend's spouse reached out to him after a long time.
It's been a long time, I know I know 😭
"So... You're telling me you wanna bring 'im back to life?"
"Yes." You answered firmly.
"Well, honey, I'm not the man for the job."
Now Edward thinks that it's not in the realm of impossibility at all, when there's crazy shit everywhere in Gotham but why him? There's the Lazarus Pit, the fucking nutjobs with powers, why don't you go bother them?
"I believe you have abundance of abilities that would be of help to me and you're the most intelligent man I know."
Edward raises a brow with a lopsided grin. Ohohoho, now you were pulling the flattery card— those were always his favourite. He doesn't need them at all, he has a pillar of support holding the weight of his confidence, but it does not hurt to hear the others state the obvious.
The Riddler replies, coyly dragging his words. "I don't know about you, but there's Lex Luthor--"
"As if that man ever achieved anything. He just throws money and expects his inventions to come to fruition—" You're not wrong. But that's not quite what he wants to hear. "— But you, you actually make progress."
"Hmm... Right. Tell me everything." Edward leans his arm against the table.
And you have told him everything. He always knew there was something more about you that meets the eye-- I mean, you're fucking married to Jonathan Crane. How could the most generic, sane-looking person be with someone like him? As they say, you are what you love.
Y/N L/N-Crane, Gotham Uni graduate with a degree of Psychology. No discernable background relevant to Edward, other than being affiliated with Jonathan and in turn, associated with the rogues. Scarecrow had put out a note to his other coworkers not to harm you, lest they want to make their lives a living hell. Now that he's dead, his threat was no longer effective, but out of respect and not really having any problems with you, they still abide by it. It is not like they can still use you against Jonathan anyways, but Edward digresses.
"So you're saying that you want to become the next Mister Freeze and bring your dead husband back to life?"
You chuckled, seems like the first time you did after all these times but it never sounded natural in your ears. Funny that he say that, Mister Freeze had actually lent you his equipment suited to preserve Jonathan... Or at least, what's left of him.
Freeze empathizes with you losing the love of your life, he understood just how painful it is. By this, he pulled you in to cope the way he does, locking your spouse's corpse in a low temperature pod in hopes of finding a way to bring them back. It wasn't healthy, but it is only what you have. But you figured it did not had to be that way, to endlessly cry before an embodiment of your grief preserved in a pod for the rest of your days. No, you were determined to bring him back, just as Freeze was.
Meanwhile Edward is particularly stoked you reached out to him, stroke his ego and consult him about a project you would be making— of course you should consult him! He's the smart one, forget the professionals, clearly he is most superior! Oh resurrection? Oh he might just work on it as well. Count him in! Oh he hasn't worked on a new project for a long time, this would be good to dip himself in the water again.
"When do we begin?"
You are a bright chemist, as Edward had come to discover, no wonder you caught Jonathan's eye despite graduating with a psychology degree. You are no Edward Nygma, of course no one can be as briliant as Edward Nygma, but he has to qualms to point out certain aspects of you he considered impressive. He can admit that you know your stuff pretty well without bruising his ego.
You thought of everything. You ruled out the Lazarus Pit as an option to resurrect due to its unpredictable nature and not to mention, the madness that comes with it. In general, magic was out of the option because you would not fuck with the unfamiliar waters, no that is not your field at all, what use would your science background do other than hanging prettily on your wall? Of course you would make use of it.
Is it possible to bring one back to life? The life long question in which science and the supernatural has their very own answers to. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley had answered the question of what would happen if one were to play god and control life itself, but your do not want to play god nor create life, you just want your Jonathan back. Besides, it did not go well for Doctor Frankenstein but maybe it was the point of it all, to dare tap into the impossible, borderline unnatural, supernatural even, breaking ethics, ruining the natural flaw of vitality of everything. But perhaps it was Frankenstein's neglect, lack of self-awareness, responsibility and accountability that caused him his downfall. Oh, and he's a fucking dropout.
It was wild how you can compare fiction into your life in a manner that is not figurative. You are here planning to bring your Jonathan back to life on a Tuesday night in Gotham City in your basement after having tea with the Riddler. You were no architect and an engineer, and so Edward was called in to design some things from you, perhaps gain feedback from him. He knows his stuff despite not having a degree of it at all and you trust him... Funding was not a problem at all, you have a few materials kindly provided by Victor Fries. After he had passed and successfully healed Nora, he had you in his mind. The low temperature preservation pods, various chemicals, the lair, the freeze ray, the suit... Riddler was not far off when he said you might be the next Mister Freeze. Hopefully not for long.
"Right, so that's the design. Promotes a good flow of necessary fluids, the vital signifier, control panels, Jonny boy's fishtank..."
Looking over a blueprint, the design was doable for Edward to construct in a matter of days and enough for you to make important phone calls for willing participants to contribute a little helping hand for this little project of yours.
So how do you plan to bring him back to life? A mix of both. You meant it when you said you would never fuck with the supernatural, but you also recognise the limitation of science. His body is beyond saving but you will be stopping at nothing to bring him back. You planned to clone his body and give him his old memories. Obtaining his old memories and consciousness is something science cannot do and you turn to the last thing you dreaded to even think about.
Klarion the Witch Boy was out of the option, too unpredictable in your taste. Zatanna does not fuck with this particular side of magic and not to mention, how she would not even involve herself with the likes of you. John Constantine, too drunk to function, moreover, how he'd attempt to fuck every breathing thing... Doctor Psycho specialises in the human mind, but would he be capable of transferring memories and consciousness to another body? You want Jonathan fully healed in a different body as himself, not a clone with his memories. Would he be willing to help? Why would he help you? Would it possible for you to see your Jonathan ever again, or is it just a copy of him you are creating? Fucking hell, is he even capable of such a thing—
"Hey, hey," fingers snapping grounds your back. His hand is on your shoulder. Edward was a touch offended when you began dazing off, how dare you? Though he bit back the remark slots on his tongue by the sight of you flinching. "Stay with me okay?"
You blinked, grounding yourself back to the living realm. "Right..."
"So what was it like with Crane?"
In the midst of you tweaking some gears into the machine, Edward sounds off behind you, having been bored out of his mind after finishing his handiwork early. He found himself drumming the screw driver against a pipe, texting Clock King (he was unfortunately offline), when he laid his eyes on you. With no connection other than Jonathan, he gives it a go. Could be fun to reopen some wounds.
He repeats himself. "What was it like with Crane?"
"Mundane at best. I was the closest thing he has to normalcy since his workplace is catastrophic."
"How'd you met?"
"Why did he chose you?"
"Why choose him?"
"I have questionable standards."
"You aren't much of a conversationalist, are you?"
Edward should be irked, but he isn't. He was that bored.
"Come on, work with me on something here. I don't like being bored," He sighs, draping himself on his seat, limbs sprawled out. "Monosyllabic much?"
"Occasionally. That was five syllables just about now." A lopsided grin was present at the last sentence, but you relent. "What was he like in the workplace?"
Ahhh, there it is. Edward could work with that.
"Maybe the most tolerable I find. He wasn't much of a bitch, but he can be a bit talkative."
"And you aren't?" You snorted, eyes still fixed on the contraption you were building.
"Touchè," Edward smirks. "The most that stood out to me the most though, was that one Villy's three or four years ago. Ya know, when you were outed in the public?"
You remembered. The ordeal was not easy for you, nor Jonathan. You've been together for a decade and married five years into it. You have been kept away from the public's eye and Jonathan was adamant to keep it that way. One day, someone spotted you. With a single picture, you were in the middle of the spotlight, front page, headlines. What was supposed to be a private matter, came to light when a single photo was snapped with the two of you holding hands, wedding bands visible. The Villy's were just around the corner and you were hot shit, you were nominated to be the best couple, despite your civilian status. Harley Quinn, who was Joker's then-girlfriend, did not take it well.
"The Villy's, you know how rigged it is right? And yet you won the best couple with no strings attached." Edward says. Back then he was amused at the fact that the couple who want nothing to do with the spotlight winning.
"Joker and Harley proceeded to make our lives a living hell. Nothing life-threatening, just general inconvenience..." You sighed, the memories resurfacing. Then you retract your statement. "No, I almost died on laughing gas. Couldn't breathe, was laughing too hard, broke a rib. Jon had to sedate me and make an antidote, then took me to the hospital for my broken rib."
"I remember. I overheard Jonny telling Bane about it." Edward noted how Jonathan was close to crying when he told Bane. He felt a little sorry for the guy, before going about his day. "Was Harley that did that?"
"I don't know." You shrugged.
"Has she apologized for it?" Harley has been going about her 'character arc' lately, with her break up with the Joker, her get together with Ivy and all that.
"No." There you were again, monosyllabic— a sign that the topic was getting a touch too personal.
"Do you still miss him?" It slips from Edward before he can even think about it. He was met by your deadpan gaze, before you gesture at the device you have been working on. The 'Bring my husband back' machine. Oh duh.
"So how are you and Clock King?" You opted to divert the conversation. At least then he'd be more elated to talk about that.
Edward grins, his expression shifting into something so dreamy. "He is so good to me. Just. The best. Just this morning I woke up to breakfast in bed, he is just a sweetheart. I just know I have to marry him."
"You guys should have won the Villy's," you dropped, whilst still tending to testing the mechanism of the device, before readjusting another set of screws.
"Right?" Edward exclaims. "If Harley and Ivy didn't show up up stage, that should have been a disqualification and the runner-up winner should have gotten it. But of course, Joker had to be a self-centred dick." He groans, rolling his eyes. "CK was upset but he got over it. The Villy's rigged anyway and we don't really need it."
"If I were a rogue though, I would have voted for you." You briefly looked up, seeing just how lit Edward's eyes were at the matter of his boyfriend.
"Why thank you," he limps a hand at your direction, before fishing for something in his pocket. With his phone in hand, he began pressing some keys before he holds it in front of you. "This was our third date. He baked us some sweets and we had tea. He is soooo good at cooking and baking ugh, I'd bring some if I can. You just got to try them."
You find yourself smiling at the sight of the happy couple posing in front of the camera, Edward's hand draped on Clock King's shoulder. Good for them.
The contraption was complete and functioning, though you can't find it within you to feel successful. Edward, on the other hand, was his usual self— taking pride of what he has constructed.
"Not bad for a psychologist slash chemist. I might make an engineer out of you yet." Edward gives you an impressed, lop-sided grin as he looks down on the mechanism you made.
You only give him a smile, void of any emotions whatsoever.
"Quick question," Edward knows it within himself nothing about his query is quick. "Do you think old Jonny boy would want to see you..." He vaguely gestures at your form, darkened gaze, bloodshot eyes, exhausted, lethargic, tired, every synonym of it just to drive a point. "Like this?"
Edward gets up, giving you a firm pat on your back, before picking up the apparatus. He proceeds to install it the main machine to get it to run. The 'Bring back my husband' machine whirs to life, the cogs and gears turning, pumps shifting. Edward takes a step back to admire his— er, your (plural)— your handiwork.
The day came, the apparatus was complete and in order. All that was needed to be done was to do something out of your control and put of your abilities. You settled on cloning the body— you've already made calls to Dr. Psycho for an appointment, transfer everything from John's old body to his new one and to ensure this would not be a case of a clone with Jon's memories, you had to reiterate that.
It was risky. You were unsure. There's no doubt that resurrection is not possible, everyone who had died around you had came back, though not all of them came back right. A seed of doubt was sewn in your mind, though pushed back.
The question did not come from a place of concern (or so he thinks), he just wanted to fuck with your mind. With all the uncertainty lingering in mind, there's bound to be an interesting reaction. He was met with yet again, your dead gaze. Somehow Jonathan in his little pod was looking livelier than you are.
There was an air of finality to it, wanting not to elaborate further as you step forward to tend to the machine. There was nothing wrong with it, you just wanted to avoid him and his prying. Edward getting under your skin had never gone unnoticed, but it was best to disregard him, lest it should egg him on to poke further. You were above snapping at him, not to mention, you don't even have the energy to take his jabs to heart.
Exhaustion glazed eyes glanced at the body in the tank. An imitation of your husband sloshed in it. This wasn't him, you knew, but you just wanted to have something in his absence.
You won't deny that he had successfully made that seed of doubt in your mind to flourish. It didn't take your psychology degree to think that everything you were doing was in the place of grief. Self-awareness and all that, yet you still proceeded to lend the effort of constructing a machine in hopes to bring him back. It's all in the grieving process.
'Goodbye, my darling.'
Edward found himself raising a brow in shock, when you unplugged the machine, shutting it down. All your efforts, down the drain. All his effort. And yet he didn't feel it was all for nought. He stares at you, waiting for you to say something.
"Jonathan wouldn't like this." All you can do was shrug, he chuckles at this.
"And here I thought you'd be replacing Mr. Freeze." Edward remarks with a smirk. But then, one question remains.
"So, what now?"
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riddle-me-ri · 10 months
I apologize if I sent this already but I honestly can’t remember, if it’s alright could we please have the scarecrows when they get jealous??? 🙏🏼🥺
A/N: no worries, you're all good you haven't sent it in yet! And I have no doubt these wee boys can be quite envious lol.
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Jealousy Scenarios w/ The Scarecrows
Arkhamverse Scarecrow: 
Jonathan thinks that, much like fear, he’s above jealousy.
Which is exactly why he’s not…jealous of you spending time with the Arkham Knight.
He’s mostly confused, you should be by his side…he’s the orchestrator of this whole night. 
Jonathan will likely think he’s hiding his displeasures, but he actually makes it painfully obvious. 
Jonathan insists…almost demands you stay with him. He finds tasks for you to do…he even begins being more physical with you.
You know you shouldn’t push it, but you enjoy the idea that he cares enough to be jealous in the first place. 
And you don’t miss the soft lool on his face when he notices you staying with him more often. 
Nolanverse/Murphy Scarecrow: 
Jonathan didn’t want too think much of the new psychologist at Arkham Asylum.
He didn’t…at first until they began openly flirting with you. 
Jonathan could barely swallow his resentment when he saw you smiling and laughing with them.
He’d grit his teeth and clench his fists. 
You were far too kind and welcoming for your own good. 
Jonathan makes an extra effort to be more present at Arkham. 
You’re surprised to see him more often, but you’re enjoying having him with you more. 
He sneaks kisses on your cheek and whispers compliments in your ear…
However, you can’t help but wonder where that new doctor went…who has been missing for almost a week now. 
Batman The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Jonathan aways knew it would be a bad idea to allow you to meet his more…eccentric colleagues. 
But he didn’t think it would be because they were trying to charm you off your feet.
Jonathan is silently seething in the corner, steam about to burst out of his ears. 
Jervis made you giggle. Edward made you blush…
It took everything for Jonathan not to drag you away and keep you to himself again. 
But he didn’t want to take any chance to upset you, so he silently seethed.
Until you come over and hug him…showing appreciation in him trusting you to meet his friends.
Jonathan instantly melts when you kiss his cheek, instantly comforting him without you knowing. 
The New Batman Adventures Scarecrow: 
This Scarecrow…was always weary of someone better coming your way. 
You are so bright and joyous, you deserved better than him.
It was only a matter of time, until the proper partner for you came along. 
He’s unsure what to do when he sees you hanging out with a co-worker. 
Jonathan wants to snatch you away, make your co-worker undergo a terror they’ve never imagined…and just keep you to himself from now on. 
Just before he could dig himself deeper into his envy, you show up with your bright smile and a welcoming kiss. 
You love him openly, unconditionally every time…and this dissipates the gnawing jealousy in his heart.
Fear State Scarecrow: 
Like other Scarecrows, this Jonathan is incredibly observant. 
He’s aware of you being extra cheerful or distracted lately. 
It doesn’t take long for thoughts and assumptions to come up in his mind. 
Some childhood friend of yours has come back to town. Possibly some feelings being re-kindled as well. 
Ironically enough, he feeds himself into his own fear of losing you to someone else. 
He will come up with a plethora of excuses to get you to stay, or have you run errands to keep you busy. 
Anything to keep you near him, but not hinder his plans. 
It’s obvious to you what’s happening, and you can’t help but find it a tad bit amusing. 
Year One Scarecrow: 
Jonathan is extremely protective and defensive of you.
You’re the first bit of peace and happiness he’s found in anyone.
He sure as hell isn’t going to lose you to anyone.
Jonathan gets jealous easily, moreso than either of you like to admit. 
Actively drags you away from someone else and tries to take up your time.
He’s just really used to being abandoned or abused and…he’s not sure he can go through that again with you.
But every time you reassure him, you continue to stay by his side. 
Jonny grows more secure in the relationship and less jealous…eventually.
Masters of Fear Scarecrow: 
Like earlier Scarecrows, he tries to ignore it. 
He knows you’re faithful, he knows you love him and wouldn’t leave him…
But just so everyone knows you’re his…
Jonathan will always keep a hand on your person. 
Whether it’s your hand, your shoulder, or the small of your back. 
He will conveniently come up with plans so you couldn’t go out with someone he feels threatened by. 
It doesn’t take long for you to notice his jealousy. 
You’re quick to reassure him that he has nothing to worry about
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Definitely tries to hide his jealousy.
But masks it….terribly.
He can’t help it…he adores you, but he knows other people like you too!
How could they not want to spend time with you?
Jonathan tries not to show his discomfort, but you can tell from how fidgety he is. 
His fiddling with his hands, he’s shrugging, and is less sure of himself…more than usual. 
You try to includ ehim, if you can’t, you assure him that you two will spend some quality time together. 
Jonathan instantly perks right up and doesn’t learn why he got jealous in the first place…
Until he gets jealous again.
Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo Scarecrow: 
Likely believes he’s too old or mature to ever get jealous.
Unlike other Scarecrows, you’re likely to try and make him jealous than do it by accident.
Just to see what he’s like…and maybe prove a point out of spite.
Not much works, since he can tell you’re trying to get a rise out of him.
When he does get jealous, it's when you least expect it. 
Jonathan becomes clingy and more physical; holding you, pulling you closer to him.
His attention is now on you tenfold, but he also steals glances at whoever it was that set him off…
This is the closest you will get to seeing him jealous, and you’re absolutely enjoying it before you rub it in his face.
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montimer · 10 months
Harley quinn the animated series:
Scarecrow x gn!reader
Random hc's
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Sweet sweet boi
Hes always trying to cheer you up. And always there for you
He would fall for you pretty quickly. Being kind to him, not hurting him. All the little things you do makes him fall more
Very protective, worried about you getting hurt.
Hes very affectionate, clinging to you every second. He lives for ur hugs :]
Kiss this sweet man, he deserves it.
He is very careful not to make you uncomfortable. He would never use his fear toxin on you.
You could just grab the rope around his neck to bring him close. You can't see it but his blushing crazy under the mask.
At a point of the relationship he would show you his face.
He will hide behind you if he gets spooked. Not if you could be in danger, then he knows how to react: Grab ur hand and run away w/ you ofc. Unless he has something to fight with
He just loves you so much, he wants to hold and kiss you.
At first i think he would be shy but going on he gets a little more brave.
He would definitely show you off.
If you play video games he would like to play w/ you. You need to teach him first tho
He wears his adorable scarecrow outfit 24/7
But at home safe, in private he'll get it off.
He loves cuddles. He will bury his face into you. Doesn't matter if hes the little or big spoon. He'll whine if you have to go.
It depends on how brave he feels but if the situation is like that he would start to flirt w/ you.
He usually says compliments not flirts. I think he didn't really experienced a romantic relationship before.
He'll be very gentle
Will get jealous sometimes, but its more rare. He knows you love him, maybe he just needs more reassuring? But still, he can get really nervous
He would listen to whatever you say. And he'll remember them. You could talk about anything to him
He'll go up to you everytime he sees you. Yelling out happily "Y/N HI" while waving his hand.
He can barely stop smiling when hes around you. How could he when you are the greatest thing that happened to him?
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Hi, I loved your autistic Jervis hcs sm! It’s so hard to find stuff like that so it was a really nice read.
If it ain’t too much trouble would you be up for writing a BTAS Jonathan Crane or Harley with an s/o who’s got a chronic condition like arthritis?
I totally understand if not! Hope you’re well ❤️
Hello, Crash! ^^
Thank you so much for your appreciation of my work, it really makes me so happy to know people like the topics I choose write about! ^^
And it really is hard to find fanfics with Gotham rogues about such topics, so I just try to provide the content I crave in case someone out there is like me and needs this sort of stuff. ^^ <3
And of course, thank you for your request! The arthritis topic hits close to home since my mum suffers from it, so the moment I saw your request, I already had ideas on what to include, though I can't say I'm an expert on the condition. ^^"
And honestly, I'm really happy about your request because I've been dealing with massive understimulation thanks to having no ideas for what to write! But I'm feeling better now, thank you!
Hope you're well too, and I hope you'll enjoy reading these! <3 <3 ^3^
{BTAS: Jonathan Crane, Harley Quinn having a s/o suffering from rheumatism}
Settings: Romantic focused,
Genre: Fluff with a bit of Hurt/Comfort feel,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Talks about a loved one having chronic illness, mentions of feeling hopeless, a bit sad feels here and there, and I made one suggestive comment in Harley's part, Harley's part is a bit more emotional with harder hurt aspects, that should be all though ^^,
Sidenote: I am no expert on rheumatism, so this is mostly a mix of everything that came to mind, and the topic of rheumatism isn't addressed to detail,
That should be all,
Sidenote: Gender of reader is not specified, but if reader description might be leaning a little more into a feminine sense, then it's purely unintentional, and I genuinely apologize!
Feel free to read, muffincakes <3
~Jonathan Crane~
~Jonathan is a sadist to some extent,
~However he's not a complete asshole,
~so, finding enjoyment in a chronic illness (especially a physical one) is a hard no,
~especially if the one suffering is his loved one,
~He normally doesn't have much empathy for people,
~but since it's you- his lover- he really does sympathize with you,
~and he can't bring himself to be his grumpy self with you,
~Soft Jonny hours, <3
~Jonathan really wishes he could take away your pain, make the illness stop,
~but he can't do that, so he has to settle for making your state more endurable,
~And he really tries,
~If your arthritis is bad to the point you can't work,
~Jonny really tries to secure both of you financially,
~if we're talking about Jonny that still works at the university,
~then he thinks of how to get more income, mostly considering one on one tutoring,
~as well as asking for a raise or doing some scientific research on the side,
~If we're talking about post Scarecrow Jonathan, then he's finding different ways of getting the needed money or medication,
~mostly robberies and raiding hospitals for the medical treatment you require,
~And if you really can't work and you depend on other people,
~then Jon's really trying his best to balance out work and assisting you,
~again, if we're talking about Jonathan who still works for Gotham university,
~then he'd try to hire you an assistant if you really find it hard to work on your own,
~he's really worried about leaving you alone,
~and his mind constantly replays scenarios of what could possibly happen if you were to remain alone,
~However, if we're talking about Jonathan as a Scarecrow,
~then he's most likely assigning his men to be at your beck and call,
~and they better obey and assist well, otherwise heads are gonna roll,
~Still though, Jonathan tries to be home with you as much as possible to assist you,
~He doesn't really push you to do housechores either,
~So, if you're having a flare up one day, and you can't bring yourself to do any chores,
~Jonny is not angry,
~he's understanding, and considerate,
~And if you feel bad about being unable to work around your shared apartment, Jonny comforts you,
~he may be a bit rusty in the comfort department, but he does his best,
~Jonathan is also really supportive, trying his best to accommodate to your needs,
~but also be your hype man, and keep you happy,
~So, he fully supports you seeing a physiotherapist to ease up your pain,
~he even accompanies you to all appointments to know what specific exercises can help you,
~and he makes sure to help you proceed with them,
~But if you don't want to go to physiotherapy,
~then Jonathan is content on helping you find exercises or some easy sports that can help you with your rheumatism,
~And while Jonathan isn't that much of a sports guy, he'll gladly accompany you during said sports,
~Also, if you're having a flare up, an especially bad day,
~Jonny tries his best to help the pain be more tolerable,
~which means lots of massages,
~Jonathan buys some relieving creams and oils,
~and he gives you long massages,
~But if your flare up is really bad and you can't even stand being touched from how in much pain your joints are,
~then Jonathan runs you a warm bath in hopes of easing up your pain,
~and he also always makes sure you've got enough of medication and painkillers supplies,
~Also, if your pain gets so bad to the point you can't sleep at night,
~Jonathan stays up with you,
~and that goes even for when Jonny is a professor/psychologist,
~he stays up with you even if he's got work the next day,
~Jonny also gets the most frustrated at these times,
~because he can't really help you,
~and all he can do is sit in the living room with you, drink some coffee/tea, watch tv and hold you,
~he really just can keep you company and let you know you're not on your own in this,
~At times Jonny even thinks of creating some pain-relieving toxin,
~something to drug you a little and make you forget the pain,
~but he knows that'd be a bit too risky,
~and he doesn't want to risk your well-being, especially not when you're already suffering,
~And so, he sticks with the traditional ways of helping and supporting you,
~Also, if you have to use injections as means of treatment, and you don't have the guts to do it on your own,
~then you can definitely count on Jonathan giving you the shots,
~and he's really careful and gentle,
~not even once did you get bruises after the injections with Jonny,
~And he always caresses the skin after the shots, <3
~And I'm not sure if I should say it but...
~if you're afraid of needles, Jonathan does kind of like how you tense up and your heart races when it's time for the injection...
~but he does shush you eventually, after getting his fill of fear,
~he then eases your mind, and he makes sure you're not as tense since getting shots is more painful if you're all tense,
~Also, a thing Jonathan started doing is kissing your aching parts,
~especially wrists and fingers,
~and those kisses happen especially when you're having a good day,
~For example your pain isn't as severe one day, so you make dinner for you and Jonathan?
~He comes home and is ecstatic!
~And he gently takes your dominant hand, and he kisses your fingers, knuckles and wrist,
~and he praises you so much,
~he praises you for how well you've handled that day, and how strong you are, and how happy you make him, <3
~He's really gentle with you, he doesn't have the heart to be grumpy with you,
~you're really bring so much light into his life, he's so soft for you, <3
~Harley Quinn~
~Now, Harley is a sensitive girl,
~and seeing her lover in never ending cycle of pain,
~that is the greatest torture imaginable for her,
~While she's a great supporter, sweet, positive and upbeat,
~your flare ups really are soul crushing for Harley,
~because she knows she can't really make the pain stop, not now, not ever,
~But! That makes her twice as set on bringing joy into your life!
~If you can't really work because of your rheumatism, no worries,
~Harley isn't really tight on money,
~I mean, she doesn't really need to spend money on medication and stuff cuz...
~she is a criminal... she... she can steal all that is needed,
~And since Harley isn't all that busy with work after abandoning her position as a psychiatrist,
~she's basically free to accommodate to your needs anytime!
~Though yes, Joker needs her here and there,
~but he no longer requires Harley as his 24/7 sidekick after Harley made it clear who's her main priority,
~and yes, Joker isn't too happy about it cuz he used to have Harley wrapped around his finger before she started dating you,
~but they still share a strong connection, and Joker is capable of understanding that you need Harley's assistance more than he does,
~Joker even sometimes sends his best regards when Harley's returning home to you,
~Also, whenever Harley is free to be home with you and is able to care for you,
~she takes her responsibilities very seriously and she goes all out,
~And I mean it,
~she's even gotten herself a nurse costume for whenever she's caring for you,
~and she kind of roleplays as a nurse from time to time,
~she wants to entertain you and make you smile, <3
~and if you're in the mood, you might get a bit spicier nurse treatment (⁠.⁠ ~ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
~And if you require to regularly take medication,
~Harley always makes sure you do take it,
~because on your better days you might feel like you don't need the meds,
~but Harley never lets you skip them,
~not unless the doctors do say that you're getting better and you might not need as much of said medication,
~Also, if you have to get shots as a mean of treatment but you can't do them on your own,
~Harley will gladly do those for you!
~She's really careful, and oh so sweet about it,
~she makes sure you're relaxed, she talks you through the whole process,
~and she praises you once the whole thing is over,
~and she also kisses the spot she injected, <3
~Also, Harley will gladly help you with physiotherapy,
~while still wearing her nurse costume, yes,
~she can't really accompany you to appointments,
~but she does make her research on what exercises are good for your arthritis,
~and her favourite exercises are those that require assistance,
~she likes feeling helpful and needed! :<
~Oh, and if you feel like it, Harley's up to trying changing your diet,
~Raw or lightly cooked vegetables, spices, including turmeric and ginger, fruit, yogurt,
~she'll get you or prepare you meals including these,
~and Harley's a really good cook!
~And speaking of cooking,
~if you're having a bad flare up and can't really cook or do any chores around the house,
~you don't have to worry, because Harley will gladly do those,
~she'll take care of everything if you need,
~But she won't hold you back if you really want to do something around the house,
~then she'll be your cheerleader, she'll hype you up and support you through the whole thing,
~she'll cheer for you, tell you how strong and amazing you are,
~she'll squeeze you in a hug, she'll shower your face in kisses while praising you,
~but she'll also remind you to take breaks to not overdo it,
~And even if you do the bare minimum during a bad day,
~Harley will celebrate your accomplishments with great joy,
~she wants you to know that you're not any less just because you can't do much because of your pain,
~and she really likes to assure you that you are enough and you're doing enough,
~just lots and lots of words of affirmation,
~especially when frustration eats away at you,
~Those moments really break Harley's heart,
~those moments when you feel bad not only physically but also emotionally,
~Harley really hates that she can't just kiss it all better...
~And the hardest it is during bad flare ups,
~Harley often feels like crying when seeing just in how much pain you are,
~especially when your flare ups are so bad you can't even sleep at night,
~but she tries her best to keep her head high up and be there for you,
~after all, her tears wouldn't help anything,
~During those nights when your pain is so bad to the point you can't sleep,
~Harley usually sits down on the couch in the living room, and has you lay your head in her lap while she plays with your hair,
~and she often just talks about anything that comes to mind,
~or if you don't feel like talking,
~then Harley lets you pick a show to watch,
~and you watch it together until you fall asleep or until morning comes,
~But if that's not enough, Harley also gladly gets into a warm bath with you,
~and she lets your body soak in the warmth while she massages your aching joints,
~Also about Harley wanting to keep you happy,
~she constantly comes up with silly ideas to get you to smile,
~especially during flare ups,
~and during your flare ups, Harley really is up for your every beck and call,
~you don't have to move an aching finger,
~she'll even spoon feed you if you so needed,
~and she'll always make sure you never run out of painkillers,
~She really just wants to make your condition more endurable,
~she really tries her best because she really adores you, <3
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bangsinc · 1 year
Hey guys!!! Just saying, if you like Batman the animated series (BTAS) YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT MY WORK AND SEND ME REQUESTS FOR X READERS,, thxxxxd
Here’s a link to my Scsrecrow x Reader post, If u like my writing (i write a LOT) pls drop smth!!! Btas is my hyperfix.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Yandere Various Batman Characters x Platonic! Reader. [Cross Posts on Tumblr]
by Helpfandom Cross posted on Tumblr for works from Helpfandom, I cross posted these to help others who want Yandere content. Words: 2960, Chapters: 3/100, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Cross Post From Tumblr Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman: The Animated Series, Batman (Movies 1989-1997), The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Other Characters: Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Riddler (Batman 1966), Edward Nygma, Selina Kyle, Catwoman, Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Riddler, Harley, Harley Quinn, Joker (DCU), Mad Hatter, Penguin (DCU), Two-Face, Mr Crowe (Sanditon), Mr Freeze - Character, Dr. Freeze, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Max Zeus, Scarface (DCU), Ventriloquist, Clock King, Ra's al Ghul Additional Tags: Yandere, I'm going to be honest this is my first AO3 fic via https://ift.tt/TxqREd3
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Hello, Tumblr! This is Red Batty speaking.
I'm all done with school now so, hey! I thought I'd open my ask box for fic requests. 
Smut is A-Okay! NSFW, Angst, the works. I'll just have to make the final call, but I can do the same prompt but milder if I'm not comfortable with the ask. No Yandere either, there's too many impressionable teens on this hell site that might think that's true love and I'm not risking it. I also don't do sad endings or major character death, because. I don't want to <3
Below are the characters I'm willing to write for! 
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Justice League Dark
John Constantine
Etrigan/Jason Blood
Zatanna Zatara
Deadman/Boston Brand
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Robert Pattinson/Batman 2022 version
Comics version
Christian Bale/Dark Knight version
Arkham games version
Anything more niche than that literally just ask I'm probably down, like if he's voiced by Kevin Conroy, I'll probably write for him
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Red Hood/Jason Todd
I haven't played Arkham Knight yet so Arkham!Jason isn't available yet
Red Robin/Tim Drake
Batgirl/Cassandra Kain
Oracle/Barbara Gordon (I can do Batgirl!Babs also)
Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
I'm also open to do Spotlight/Duke Thomas but I know f$%king nothing about him so if its an ask generic enough to apply to any Robin I'm down.
Rogues Gallery
Comics, Arkham games and animated series versions only right now. Well, that and Nolan!Rogues. Just not Bane, don't make me write fic for Rises.
I could do Gotham but it'd have to be plot nonspecific or you'd have to be specific about the ask (not against that) but still,,, yeah ahem anyways
Harley Quinn
Arkham games version
Comics version
Animated series version
Still haven't seen BoP or Suicide Squad so not those versions yet,,, sorry gang
Poison Ivy
I WILL do Harlivy if requested, and Harlivy x reader, and Harlivy x Selina x reader… Basically just send me your ideal fictional polycule and I'll do it. Love wins.
Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
WOOF Cillian Murphy too fine, if not specified that's the version I'm writing
Riddler/Edward Nygma
NOT PAUL DANO VERSION. I'm sorry but the 2022 la version is a little creep and I won't write fic for him
If I get a Joker ask It better be the f$%king Lego Joker ONLY. 
Catwoman/Selina Kyle
Zoe Kravitz Selina my beloved, so hmu for 2022!Selina if you like also
Uhhhh I'm tired and ran out of ideas, If I missed one literally just ask
Justice League
just animated series and comics. No, I haven't seen Snyderverse. Yes, I'll be a little bitchy about it. Shazam and Aquaman and Wonder Woman can stay though. I'll write for live action Aquaman and WW, but not Shazam bc he's. Literally a child. Mkay.
Superman/Clark Kent
Batman (see above)
Green Lantern
John Stewart
Hal Jordan
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wally West
Barry Allen
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Arcane (League of Legends)
Haven't seen Arrow in years so bear with me if you want arrowverse!Ollie
Sandman/Neil Gaiman!DC
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless
Death of the Endless
The Corinthian
Hob/Rob Gadling
Rob x Morpheus x Reader
Constantine (Joanna or John, see above)
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Vi x Caitlin x Reader or any other polycule for that matter
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Fallout 4
Nick Valentine
John Hancock
Paladin Danse
Preston Garvey
Fallout (TV Show)
The Ghoul/Cooper Howard
Mercer Frey
Adrianne and Ulfberth War-Bear (at Shieldmaiden's) 
this one is niche as hell they're not even companions or marriable but I'm putting it on the list
Mortal Kombat
If there's anyone missing just talk to me about it, thanks guys love u
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I'll do the game or the movie I'm just a bit rustier on game lore, pls bear with me.
Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade
Johnny x Sonya or Johnny x Sonya x reader
Kotal Khan
Cassie Cage
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I'm having a bit of a love/hate relationship with the MCU right now so these are the few I'm writing for, if there's someone you want me to write for from comics lore, just hmu and we'll see what I can do for you
Moon Knight
Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, all together or individually
Doctor Stephen Strange
**or any of his variants. 
Also AUs. I'm down for AUs like "in this universe of DS he's like [blank]" so when mcu!DS comes through its like [blank]... you get the idea.
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximo
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
I'll do Peter Maximoff also but X-men get their own special section, see below
Disneyland Loki
Its not that I think I'm better than people because I prefer writing comics/animated series it's just. I know that better. And the movies make my head hurt sometimes but a few of them are cool it's literally random so just. Ask.
Cyclops/Scott Summers 
(This one for my bestie mwah)
Emma Frost
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
Deadpool (does he count? Fuck it, he was a trainee)
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin
Mystique/Raven Darkhölme
Magneto/Erik (Magnus) Lensherr
This is one I will write straight from the movies because good lord is his character hot as fuck compelling and a dilf well written
Shadowcat/Kitty Pride
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Gambit x Rogue x reader, and any other polycule basically
Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
Storm/Ororo Munroe
There's so many at this point I can't remember them all just ask
Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Jessica Jones
Foggy Nelson
Karen Page
Punisher/Frank Castle
I ask that you keep my punisher reqs spoiler free as I'm catching up on the show right now
Peter Parker
Peter B. (ITSV)
Tom Holland
Andrew Garfield
Tobey Maguire
(I'm rustier on the live action babies so give me grace here)
Spiderman 2099/Miguel O'hara 
Spiderman Noir
Spider!Gwen x Andrew Garfield!Spiderman
Spiderman/Miles Morales 
He WILL be aged up or shipped with a teen reader, anything else will get doused in gasoline and set on fire.
Eddie Brock/Venom
Note: I'm more willing to do spiderverse x ocs bc I know the spidersona brainrot is real. Hell, at this point, I might do oc x oc content for spiderverse because I've been there (and I've got a bestie with two spider ocs in a ship, love u cas)
Doc Ock/Otto Octavius
Doc Ock/Liv Octavius
Lmao I might do liv x aunt may if its funny or wholesome enough
Mysterio/Quentin Beck
It'll only be mcu!beck if explicitly stated that's what you want. 
Green Goblin/Norman Osborne
Electro/Max Dillon
Sandman/Flint Marko
Lizard/Dr. Curtis Connors
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If you think I'm missing someone just ask
Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Fka Vanya for anyone not up to speed, he's going by Viktor now that Elliot Page has come out
I will not use she/her pronouns or the name Vanya, if I get a req for Vanya it will be written for Viktor.
Star Wars
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Prequels/Clone Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Captain Rex
Commander Cody
Padme Amidala
Original Trilogy
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa Skywalker
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
Mandalorian/Post War Era
Mando/Din Djarin
Bo Katan-Kryze
Cobb Vanth
I know I'm missing some I know it just ask and I'll let yall know
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
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Ghost/Lt. Simon Riley
Soap/Sgt. Johnny MacTavish
Gaz/Sgt. Kyle Garrick
Captain John Price
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Rudy/Sgt. Rodolfo Parra
Commander Philip Graves
Monster AU
AU is NOT MINE: it belongs to @/bluegiragi I just think it's sexy
Ghost/Lt. Simon Riley: Wraith
Soap/Sgt. Johnny MacTavish: Werewolf
Gaz/Kyle Garrick: Harpy
Captain John Price: Dragon
Colonel Alejandro Vargas: Nagual
Rudy/Sgt. Rodolfo Parra:
Commander Philip Graves: Vampire
For my König gays and girlies, I love him, and I will write for him, but I don't know a lot about him so bear with me here, I'm trying.
I'll write Monster!AU König as well just ask <3 and the ask doesn't have to be within the confines of the AU "canon," or any canon for that matter
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luna-jaden-shadow · 5 years
Requests are open for any of the fandoms ( Click ) (feel free to suggest one and I’ll let you know if I can) and if you want smut here’s what the limits are ( Click )
Festive Prompt List (Christmas) -> CLICK Prompt List (Spooky) -> TBA Prompt List (General) -> TBA
Key - 
(S) - Smut
(F) - Fluff
(P) - Preference 
(I) - Imagine
(H) Headcannon
(A) Angst
Never Along - Tony Stark X Avenger!Reader (F)
Only You - Tony Stark X Reader (F)
Where Did Everybody Go? - Tony Stark X Ex-Hydra!Reader (A)
My Speedster - Pietro Maximoff X Reader (S)
Progress - Wanda Maximoff X Reader (F)
Natasha Romanoff taking care of you when you’re sick would include (H)
Sign Me Up - Frank Castle X Reader (F)
Family First - Frank Castle X Reader (F)
Her Habits - Trish Walker X Reader (F)
Trouble Find Me - Bucky Barnes X Hydra!Reader (F)
Bottom Of The River - Peter Parker X Reader (A)
Fix You - Peter Parker X Male!Reader (A) (F)
Peter Parker Fluff Alphabet (F)
X-gene - Logan Howlett X Reader (A)
Rock The Bed - Logan Howlett X Reader (S)
Psych 101 - Thor Odinson X Reader (F)
Running Out Of Time - Stephen Strange X Avenger!Reader (A)
The Walking Dead
Ambushed - Negan X Reader (F)
Defensive - Negan X Reader (S)
Moving On - Negan X Reader (F)
Pleading Innocent - Negan X Reader (F)
Under My Protection - Negan X Teen!Fem!Reader (F)
Dandelion - Negan X Reader  (pt. 2)  (pt. 3) (F) (A)
Freezing Storm - Negan X Reader (F)
Hunter Down - Daryl Dixon X Reader (F)
Panicked Love - Daryl Dixon X Reader (F)
Reality - Daryl Dixon X Reader (A)
Saved You First - Daryl Dixon X Teen!Fem!Reader (F)
My Way Or The Highway - Daryl DIxon X Reader (A)
Unbelievable - Rick Grimes X Reader (A)
Trust Issues - Aaron X Fem!Teen!Reader (F)
Friend On The Other Side - Aaron X Teen!Whisperer!Reader (F) (A)
Fall For Me  - Dean Winchester X Angel!Reader (F)
Creep - Dean Winchester X Reader (A)
Paper Crown - Sam Winchester X Male! Reader (F)
Sleeping Grace - Castiel X Hunter!Reader (F) (A)
I’ve Got You - Gabriel X Hunter!Reader (F)
DC Comics
My Drug - Arthur Fleck/Joker X Crazy!Reader (F)
I Don’t Know You - Red Hood X Male!Reader (A) (F)
I’m Serious - Red Hood X Trans!Oc (Nova) (F)
Harley Quinn Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
My Hero Academia
In The Hands Of The Enemy - Dabi X Fem!Reader (F)
Let’s Hang Out Sometime - Tomura Shigaraki X Reader (F) (A)
Swapped - Shota Aizawa X Hero!Fem!Reader (F)
Please. . . - Shota Aizawa X Hizashi Yamada X Hero!Reader (A) (F)
Is Something Burning? - Shoto Todoroki X Reader (F) (A)
Jerome Valeska Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
Harvey Bullock Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
Flirty Mood - Harvey Bullock X Reader (F)
My Queen - Barbara Kean X Female!Reader (F)
One In A Million - Barbara Kean X Reader (F)
Always - Barbara Kean X Reader (F)
Not Next - Jonathan Crane X OC (F)
Breathe In, Breathe Out - Jonathan Crane X Villain!Reader (F) (A)
Run Away - Jim Gordon X Teen!Reader (F)
Unhealthy Obsession - Edward Nygma X Reader (A)
I Think I Broke Something - Oswald Cobblepot X Reader (A) (F)
Criminal Minds
Meant To Be - JJ X Reader (F)
My Life For Yours - Spencer Ried X Reader (A)
Sinnerman - Lucifer X Reader (F)
Law & Order SVU
Gamble Your Heart Away - Amanda Rollins X Reader (F)
Buried In Work - Dominick “Sonny” Carisi X Reader (F)
Big Brother
Our Little Secret - Nicole Franzel X Reader (F)
The 100
I Promise You - Clarke Griffin X Reader (A) (F)
Fight For You - Lexa X Reader (F)
Grey’s Anatomy
Meredith Grey Fluff Alphabet  (F)
Date Me - Mark Sloan X Reader (F)
Friends With Benefits - Lexie Grey X Shepherd!Reader (S)
School Girl Crush - Lexie Grey X Fem!Shepherd!Reader (F)
His Eyes - Derek Shepherd X Reader (A)
A Little Bit Of Luck - Derek Shepherd X Sloan!Reader (A) (F)
Scream To The Heavens - Izzie Stevens X Sloan!Reader (F)
Love Bug - Izzie Stevens X Reader (F)
Love to - Arizona Robbins X Field!Reader (F)
Stand By You - Lucy Fields X Reader (F)
They Look So Pretty When The Bleed - Alex Karev X Reader (A) (F)
Soul Eater
Drunk Words Sober Intent - Older!Deathscythe!Soul X Fem!Reader (F)
Seven Deadly Sins
For The Greater Good - Ban X Sin!Reader (F) (A)
Dead To Me
Cuddling With Judy Hale Would Includ. . . (H)
Team Osiris Cuddles (P)
Vale Trying To Make You Feel Better Would Include (H)
Perfect Week - Olympia Vale X Reader (F)
Lazy Day - Human!Cortana X Reader (F)
Orange Is The New Black
Love Doctors - Lorna Morello X Reader (F)
Apple Pie Life - Maritza Ramos X Fem!Reader (F)
Found Me - Maritza Ramos X Fem!Reader (A) (F) 
American Horror Story
Go Bite In The Night - James March X Reader (S)
Saying “I love you” to Mary Eunice first would include (H)
Jealousy Got The Best Of Me - Nora Montgomery X Reader (F)
My Light House - Misty Day X Reader (F)
Noodle - Courtney Miller (Smosh) X Reader (F)
This Is War - Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) X Reader (F)
Markiplier (Egos)
Evermore - Darkiplier X Reader (A)
Requiem - Darkiplier X Reader (A) (F)
Twilight (Pt. 2) - Darkiplier X Reader (A) (F)
Holiday Season - Darkiplier X Reader (F)
All I Want - Darkiplier X Reader (F)
In Your Head - Wilford Warfstache X Reader (A)
Adventure’s Call - Illinois X Reader (F)
Dead On Arrival - Illinois X Reader (F) (A)
Musical Friend - Yancy X Reader (F)
Parole - Yancy X Reader (F)
Meant To Be Yous’ - Yandere!Yancy X Reader (A)
Poking The Bear - The Host X Reader (F)
The Perfect Gift - The Host X Reader (F)
Panic Room - The Host X Reader (F)
In All Of The Seven Seas - Captain Magnum X Fem!Reader (F)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Beautiful As The Sea - Elizabeth Swann X Reader (F)
Aphmau Series’
Anger - Zane Ro’meave X Reader (F)
Missing You - Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader (S) (F)
Who Do You Belong To? - Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader (S)
Set Sex - Lauren Cohan X Reader (S)
Sleeping Beauty - Evan Peters X Reader (F)
Promise - Patrick Stump X Reader (F)
Snoopin’ Around - Jennifer Aniston X Reader (A)
Video Games
Fallout 4 Casefile - Nick Valentine X Reader (A)
Until Dawn Session 3 - Chris Heartley X Reader (A)
Santa’s List - Samantha Giddings X Reader (F)
Alien Isolation Where Do You Think You’re Going? - Amanda Ripley X Reader (F)
Movie Night - Jade West X Reader (F)
Run Along - Jade West X Reader (F)
Confidence - Jade West X Reader (F)
Good Looking Mess - Jade West X Reader (F)
Under The Mistletoe - Elsa X Reader (F)
Secret Love - Elsa X Fem!Reader (F)
The Office
Halloween Mishap - Pam X Reader (F)
Injured On The Job - Ziva David X Reader (F)
496 notes · View notes
quandaryqueen · 1 year
*metal pipe noise x2*
I am the very happy yippee about the cuddling hcs for HQ Scarecrow and my hyperfix hungers for more!
I want you to go have fun with this next one, write whatever HCs you want about him, whether it's angst, fluff, etc. you get the idea
I just love him so much he literally does the :3 face!!
Valentine's Day
Harley Quinn Series Jonathan Crane X Reader
Inspired by the Valentine's Day special.
Omg, I didn't realise you requested for HC's omg I got a little carried away when you said I was allowed angst 😅
You narrowed your eyes upon spotting something falling from the sky... Scratch that, it looked as though it was raining, except it was pink flowers. Having been living in Gotham with its sporadic fuckery, you didn't fuck around and find out what the pink rain was as you stepped into the nearest telephone booth and locked yourself in.
Everyone in the city just stood and stared as the majestic fall of what seemed like pink petals fall from the skies, as if the heavens were to celebrate the romantic day as well, while you stand wonder whether these people, the same people who opt not to drink from their sinks and spend extra money on mineral water just in case your husband decided to spike the water supply with his spooky juice, were standing and just watching? But for all you knew, this was just flower confetti to celebrate the day, might be some rich person romantically littering the whole city as a grand gesture of love, but you would rather not catch something today.
It didn't take long for your cautious ass to be justified when everyone around you started acting up. Just as you avoided being one of them, you nonchalantly hotwired the nearest vehicle and headed elsewhere to rid yourself of the eyesore that was public indecency in every turn. At the beginning of the day, you had bleach in your eye drops expecting the day will transpire as it would in Valentine's Day, but the simultaneous exhibitionism was a step too far than you had anticipated.
Your Valentine's Day has been going... Not so peachy. No one else to celebrate it with, not after your husband had gone when he collaborated with the Joker. The bitter resentment remain rested on your tongue as time and time again you witness just how the Joker began to have all happiness had to offer despite what he had done while you, whom he had left void of their other half, continuously burrowed in a hole with no chance to get out. Despite what Joker had done, all the atrocities, the lives he's taken and yet he gets to have a happy family.
Jonathan promised you the world when he asked you to marry him and his promise, he was beginning to give you, Gotham being the first of the world he had to offer. But you didn't want the world, you just wanted him. And in the process of giving you the world by helping the Joker take over Gotham, he had made a small mistake. It was ridiculous to call it a mistake, as it was just a little mishap that's easily ignored-- it was just in the mind of a fucking clown with a weather vane for a moral compass, cost the love of your life to be taken away from you.
You intended to dine in a restaurant where you first had your first date with your husband, reserving your table months in advance, when you were denied and told someone had taken it in your stead with cash you can only dream of making. Fine. That's fine. You could just take a walk in the park like what had happened after your first date with Jonathan... Guess who was there? Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy with their helicopter and hostage taking and whatever date they got going on. The park scratched from your agenda, you started to wander around Gotham... Which happens to be a bad idea, when all you do was sulk and scowl at every passing couple in envy. Then, it began to rain sex pollen... What a day.
And you really had no one to turn to to discuss the crazy fucking day you've had. For one, everyone you knew abandoned you when it came to light you married the fucking Scarecrow. You tried to reconnect with them, but they just couldn't look you in the eye anymore. Two, you couldn't mingle with the crowd your husband was a part of, due to the fact you are not a rogue and you just could not get along with them with the knowledge of them potentially using you against Jonathan when it came to that chance. And they had. You really only had Jonathan but fate went 'Fuck you' and took him.
A certain old acquaintance of yours landed on the hood of your car, face pressed against the windshield causing you to swerve due to shock and almost crash. Acting upon nothing but adrenaline, your foot stomped on the brakes, causing a red and black jester to fly off... But Harley being Harley, brushed it off, before she ran towards your side.
"Perfect timing! I need your help!"
"Why?" Everything in your day has gone south, in one way or another, you couldn't bother to mask the annoyance on your countenance.
"We need to find an antidote--"
"I'll pass." You gave her a poor attempt to smile, before once again resorting to start the car again. Just when you were about to drive away, she stands in your way.
"Come on! You're Y/N Crane! The best chemist Gotham U has to offer! Highest ranking in your class!"
"I know what my credentials are, you don't have to recite them to me." What had intended to be an intrusive thought, slips from your lips yet you felt no guilt. "Now could you please," as you made another attempt to turn, she blocks your path once again.
"You're the only one I know who can help us!"
Finally having it, you revved the engine of the car before driving, uncaring enough not to look back to see what state you left Harley in from your potentially fatal stunt. But based on the loud profanities being hurled your way, she must have dodged it.
Harley Quinn... An old 'acquaintance' is a flexible word to use when describing your relationship with her. During her days being in a relationship with Clown Prince of Crime, she was a total cunt towards other villain couples and will do just about anything to be appear better than them. Why, she had came close to killing you when she found out you and Jonathan were nominated as best couples in the Villy's at some point, even if you couldn't care less about some Oscar's rip off. Besides, you weren't qualified as a Villain couple, due to the fact you aren't even a rogue. This nomination was only spurred by the revelation that Jonathan was in a relationship with you, which was a huge fucking surprise for everyone.
She was hostile towards you, went out of her way to pull strings to trip you and for months she tormented you, even when she and Joker won their stupid little trophy at that Villain's award show. You understand the fact she was a different person when she was in a relationship with the Joker, but that does not change the fact she had made your life a living hell for no reason. Come to think of it, she hasn't even apologized.
You had no destination in mind, all you wanted to do was to get away from the sex crazed city and escape the sights and sounds and everything... That was until you pass a chemical plant, did you start to make a turn and stop. The pollen had ceased to fall, but you made the precaution to wear a mask just in case lingering remnants might affect you before letting yourself out the car.
It was just an old, abandoned chemical plantation to others, but to you it is a sentimental piece. Aside from concocting the next Fear toxin to spike water supply that occurs in that abandoned plant, everything just started there. Just two college students coming from their own specialty in science coming together to create something and perhaps teach one another about their branch of knowledge. Until your exchange began to expand to your other interests, then your personal lives... Bond, relationship, marriage.
Scratching the surface was your only way to go if you don't want to cripple yourself with the pain of remembering what you may never experience again. But then again, after his death, living your every day life has nothing but a reminder of you never experiencing him again, it's just that today was multiplied by a hundred from the usual.
You thought you would heal by now, but the wounds still cuts deep as it had the first time you learned of his death. It just so happens you were too drained to shed a tear. Shuddering out a breath, you lean your weight against a tree, leaning your head backwards.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Jon."
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A little bit of an angst-comfort idea, but I want to see how the scarecrows would deal with their s/o accidentally being exposed to fear toxin. To top it all off, the toxins strong enough to cloud the readers vision so that they don’t see Jonathan but instead their worst fear, practically cowering from him. While the scarecrows do love them some fear, I would imagine they wouldn’t like to see their s/o in such a state (or maybe some of them would to an extent?)
If it’s no biggie, could you end it off with how the boys would try to make it up to their s/o after the fact?
A/N: ooooohhhhhh yeeesssssss this is the kind of angst I absolutely live for! Poor scare babies although I have no doubt some would be into it!
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The Scarecrows React to Reader Being Exposed To Fear Toxin
Arkhamverse Scarecrow:
- Whether it's a great enemy or a great lover. This Scarecrow desires to know what terrifies you.
- However, he would like your consent at all times. 
- Unfortunately, your first encounter was without either his knowledge or your consent. 
- Jonathan felt some guilt, but it was overpowered by the sound of your gasps and cries. 
- He walked over to you, in an instinct maneuver to comfort you. 
- Yet you shied away in a corner. Screaming, digging your face in your hands. 
- It's almost like he can feel the erratic beating of your heart in his ears. You cry out for his name–to save you and make it stop. 
- And he will…he does but he takes his time. 
- He makes it up to you with a string of apologies, and suggestions to keep you from stumbling upon him during future experiments. 
- He spends practically a whole week with you, reading to you, holding you.
- It's the least he can do for the exhilarating results you provided. 
Nolanverse/Murphy Scarecrow:
- He longs to see you afraid, to see the terror in your eyes. 
- The idea absolutely thrills him to his core. 
- To know you in such a vulnerable state and what makes your skin crawl.
- The moment will happen sooner rather than later when you walk in on him testing a new toxin. 
- He tried to push you away, to get you out of the vicinity, but it was too late. 
- As you quivered and fell to your knees in cold terror. 
- You screamed for him to help you, explain what's happening. 
- Jonathan couldn't deny your sounds of fright were like music to his ears. 
- The way your pretty eyes were blown out. 
- Your voice shrieked his name and your heart was no doubt pounding and pounding. 
- Much like during…another activity. 
- He makes mental notes of what you say you see; what you fear. 
- He's not entirely cruel, he doesn't make the illusion last any longer than needed. 
- Jonathan will be with you for the rest of the day. 
- You have his undivided attention. He will cuddle you, rest with you, and prepare meals.
Batman the Animated Series Scarecrow:
- As curious as he is, he would never have you under his toxin.
- Not without your consent, and without laying down some ground rules. 
- He may be curious and almost dying to know such a deep emotional part of you…
- But his love for you is stronger than that.
- When it happens accidentally, its his worst nightmare has come to life. 
- Hearing you cry out for him while simultaneously pushing yourself away.
- You wanted him to protect you…but from himself.
- Jonathan regrets ever being curious, he absolutely despises seeing you like this.
- He’s quick to give you the antidote.
- Even through all the shoves and kicks to try to keep him away from you.
- When you come too, he's instantly more affectionate than usual. 
- Jon holds you and comforts you and isn't going to leave your side anytime soon.
- Until what you experienced is just a distant memory. 
The New Batman Adventures Scarecrow:
- Jonathan is somewhat torn. 
- He cares for you deeply and the last thing he'd want is to harm you in any way…physically or mentally. 
- However, he can't deny he'd be intrigued to know your fears and your instincts when facing it. 
- When the moment comes, unexpectedly he's frozen. 
- He realizes one of his own fears in fruition to your own fear. 
- He doesn't like to see you frightened, your screams make his ears ring in concern. 
- Jonathan unfortunately doesn't have an immediate antidote for this certain batch. 
- It's nearly impossible to work as he hears you scream for him to save you. 
- When he eventually finds the cure or the images subside he's by your side in an instant. 
- Jonathan is mute, unsure what to say to comfort you. 
- He is at your beck and call for the next few days. 
- Ensuring your mental state and to make up for the absolute hell he accidentally put you through.
Fear State Scarecrow: 
- This Scarecrow believes that everyone should face their fears and traumas in order to evolve.
- The same would be for his significant other. 
- However, unlike his experiment where he plans to push the city of Gotham through its Fear State. 
- The trial to get you through your Fear State is far more…personal…intimate if you will.
- It takes some convincing (and most definitely manipulation) to get you to concede. 
- He's doing it because he cares about you. He knows your potential to be an even stronger, more fearless version of yourself. 
- Don't you want that? You trust him right?
- You do, so you go through with it. 
- And it's absolute hell. 
- Even Jonathan has to admit, he's not a fan of your screams.
- Especially when you cry out for him. 
- When you finally surpass it, Jonathan promises to never put you through it again.
Year One Scarecrow:
- Jonathan has spent his adult years learning, testing, modifying, and mastering fear to torture and subdue those that have done it to him. 
- Its a tool of horror, pain, and torment. One he prays you will never have to experience.
- Surely if he can wield fear he can constrain it…
- Unfortunately, that's not the case. 
Jonahan never thought he’d know terror like the abuse he endured by his dear late great granny.
- But your howls and tears were just as, if not more, horrific. 
- Jon tries to not panic as he scurries quickly. 
- It hurts him when you defensively push him and try to run away.
- He knows you can’t help it, you don’t see him. 
- Just the concept of being your nightmare, breaks his heart. 
- Once the effects wear off, Jon is quick to comfort you in any way he can. 
- He whispers a mantra of apologies, hoping that you can find it in your heart to forgive him. 
Masters of Fear Scarecrow: 
- Much like Year One, Jon uses fear as a weapon against his adversaries. 
- You are the only glimmering light in his dark, lonely life. 
- He wouldn't dare make you endure the effects of his fear toxin. 
- Regardless, accidents are bound to happen. 
- Jonathan is panicking.
- Very few things can drop the Master of Fear to his knees; you being in danger was one of them. 
- Even when he subdues the effects and you’re no longer screaming for your fears to go away. 
- He’s almost certain he’s lost you. That you would leave him. 
- Why would you be with someone that can bring forth your worst fears? And even accidentally, have you endure them. 
- Jonathan is beyond shocked when you forgive him. 
- As if he didn’t already treat you like a precious jewel.
- He’ll be even more protective of you.
- When you ask him to go to bed with you, or to join you, he’ll go with no hesitation. 
- Anything to keep you happy, and to make you forget his horrible mistake. 
Harley Quinn The Animated Series Scarecrow:
- Absolutely not. It's a hard no for Jonny. 
- He doesn't even care if you seem curious. 
- Regardless, he got to find out your fears when you accidentally opened the door to his lab. 
- He's practically panicking. Probably the most erratic of the Scarecrows.
- In his panic he is likely to short circuit and seize up. 
- It isn’t until you shout out for his name he’d snap out of it. 
- When he finally manages to administer the antidote, he’s beyond relieved. 
- He practically clings to you, shushing your cries, assuring you that you’re okay.
- No matter how much you tell him it’s not his fault. He still feels miserable about it. 
- Expect him to be very clingy for a while. Clutching you tighter, making your favorite comfort foods, never not being by your side. 
Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo Scarecrow:
- Echoing earlier Scarecrows, he has his curiosity. But he doesn't press you if you're uncomfortable. 
- He wants the absolute best for you, always. 
- Jonathan has been experimenting and further progressing his toxins for years. 
- So sure there would be no accidental exposure. 
- Jon is wracked with concern and anger when you scream bloody murder one night. 
- He doesn’t take the time to figure out how you got exposed. 
- Though it does very little, more out of comfort for him almost than for you. He tries to comfort you through your fears. 
- He tells you they aren’t real, they’re visions. He’s so sorry. He has no idea how this could have happened, etc, etc. 
- His words fall on deaf ears as you keep crying his name for help. 
- When he finally gives you the antidote or the effects finally surpass, he is still in a panic. 
- Jonathan isn’t an overly affectionate man. He has his moments, but they’re few, far, and in between. 
- Yet, on this night, he isn’t hesitant at all. Kissing your head and cheeks, rubbing your arms and back in warmth and comfort. 
- Never again, never again will this happen. You have his word.
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culturejunkies · 4 years
The Best Reads of 2019
By Kenshiro
The end of 2019 is here, and I’ve been up to my neck in back issues of comic books.  There’s been SO MUCH i have been wanting to read, that it seems almost impossible to keep up with them all.  But i’m almost caught up to the weekly releases and maybe next year I’ll finally be ready to keep pace with the rest of you with a regular pull list of items to read and recommend to you.
But lets look back right now on the year that was.  It was an especially big year for DC Comics who seemingly dominated this readers mind with the amount of quality stories they’ve been putting out across the line with the excellent Doomsday Clock maxi-series, the Year of The Villain story line coming out of Justice League and of course Tom King’s character-defining Batman run which ended in December.  I’d also be doing you a disservice in not mentioning some of their excellent Elseworlds and Black Label books too.  Of course 2019 also saw the surprise ending of The Walking Dead comic book, and the end of Jason Aaron’s epic run on Thor for Marvel.  But let me go a head and run down what I liked and why this year.
Each book series is rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.  Average score rating is based on issues individual rating.
The Immortal Hulk
Probably the most unconventionally popular monthly Marvel book currently out right now, The Immortal Hulk has completely rewritten the rules on how we understand The Hulk, Bruce Banner’s multiple personality disorder and how to weave a story based purely on grotesque, ghoulish superpowered horror.  The book launched in 2018 returning the Hulk to life after being killed by Hawkeye a few years back, but turns out that Bruce Banner was never really dead and according to the story that head writer Al Ewing has been telling, he CAN’T die.  Instead, every day when at dusk, Bruce transforms into a Hulk persona that is as strong as he is ruthless to his enemies, mercilessly dishing out destruction on all those around him who get in his way, or his agenda. Hulk is on the run from adversaries like Alpha Flight and General Fortean, and eventually joined by an African American woman reporter named Jackie McGee. (clearly a reference to the classic 70s Incredible Hulk TV show character Jack McGee) The story is never short on surprises, and eerily captivating art supplied by Joe Bennett. If you aren’t already reading it, you should pick up the first couple of trades ASAP and add it to your pull-list if you’re into gory violence and dark storytelling.  Average Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Art like this is a regular occurrence in the pages of The Immortal Hulk
Spider-Man: Life Story
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Mark Bagley draws Spider-Man.  I mean the guy is only the longest tenured artist the Web-slinger has ever had, so the pairing goes over like Peanut Butter & Jelly.  However, writer Chip Zdarsky (Sex Criminals) joins him in a tale of Spider-Man done in real-time over the course of 6 decades.  Each issue taking place in every decade that Spider-Man has existed starting in the 1960s and ending in the 2010s with Spider-Man as a nearly 80 year old man.  We see Peter living his life and decisions and all of the repercussions that come from them without being reset by a retcon.  We see him get married, divorced, cloned, become a father, face being an outlaw from governmental law and more.  Its one of the better Spider-Man tales in recent years, and worth picking up as a trade.  Average Rating: 4.2 out of 5
DC’s Black Label is the mature comic line featuring your favorite DC characters, but you can be forgiven if you want to accuse DC of using it as an excuse to publish even more Batman or Batman-related stories given what they’ve got on their slate upcoming.  Sure, there’s the occasional story like Superman: Year One, but looking at the upcoming stories, they’re almost all based on the characters from Gotham City.  But even if that’s an annoying gripe for me, I must say that one of the more enjoyable reads has been Harleen which was produced by dual-threat artist/writer Stjepan Šejić.
The art is absolutely lovely, but even more gripping is the tale of Harley’s origin done in long-form.  Here we see what makes her tick, how she deals with the growing madness around her as well as inside her mind as she falls into the Joker’s thrall.  If you’re a fan of Harley Quinn at all, its certainly worth a read, even if you’re familiar with her origin story.  Average Rating: 4 out of 5
Mark Millar’s Millarworld is soon going to be churning out live action stuff for its new owner, Netflix.  The first comic with actual ties to the live action version is going to be this book, Prodigy.  Prodigy is about the most intelligent man on Earth, a man who seemingly can do anything within the realm of human possibility and he just happens to be an African-American.  Its not a pandering ploy, since he’s a brand new character, but I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to have someone who looks like me, be the one who has the world at his fingertips, who is idolized and held up as an example of the pinnacle of human achievement.  The story itself was somewhat predictable, but the manner in which the character Dr. Edison Crane is written is worth the price of admission if only because he’s something rarely seen in the history of comics: perfection in the form of the black male. Average Rating: 3.6 out of 5
House of X/Powers of X
In a year that saw Marvel finally reacquire the X-Men properties, we got the best year of X-Men related books this year, none better than the franchise altering mini-series by Jonathan Hickman. The revelations set in motion in this series radically alters the playing field for Mutankind in the Marvel Universe, fully emancipating them from a world that has continually kicked them just for simply existing.  Hickman’s Avengers run was very fondly remembered by some, but did get a bit heady for some more casual readers.  Hickman did an even better job keeping things paced here, even though he went back to the well with some of his favorite plot devices (alternate universes and time jumping). If you’re a fan of X-Men in any capacity, I’d definitely put it in my must-read column. Honestly, the reset of the universe done by sending the young X-Men back in Extermination, almost superceded this one, but the sheer coolness factor of it all had me switch it up.  Read em both if you have a chance. Average Rating: Powers of X – 3.6 House of X – 4.5 out of 5
Doomsday Clock
Honestly, this shouldn’t be too surprising.  Despite having a hellish release schedule, this story was one of the better ones released by DC this year in a year that also included Tom King’s Batman run, and the Scott Snyder-led Justice League opus Justice League/Doom War.   The final 6 issues of Doomsday Clock  were supposed to seamlesslytie into a lot of the things that were happening with the aforementioned Doom War, so some of the more….radical elements of what happened lacked bite at the end, but it was a satisfying mixing of Watchmen and the DC Universe proper.  There are some instances within where it seems writer Geoff Johns, who is one of my favorite comic writers of the last decade and a half, given his importance within DC Comics itself, is trying to have his cake and eat it too.  He has pretty much established every single iteration of the DC Universe, Golden Age, Silver Age, Post-Crisis(Pre-Flashpoint), New 52, Rebirth, ALL EXIST, but the end result, re-positioning Superman as the center of the DC Multiverse, is very welcome for me as a Superman fan.  The maxi-series release schedule may have made it a chore to wait for since it came out sometimes 3 months between issues, but as a trade it will make for a thrilling read.  Average Rating: 4.1 out of 5
What were your favorite reads from 2019? Share them with me below and lets discuss!
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
Could I maybe request some cuddling Headcanons for Scarecrow from the Harley Quinn show? He's my favorite and his accent makes my brain have a windows error.
a/n: aww I can absolutely do that! This was so cute, he would absolutely love cuddles! I'm still trying to come up with acronyms for this show lmao
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Cuddling Headcanons w/ HQ:TAS Scarecrow
Jonathan loves nothing more than to cuddle with you.
He’s a little hesitant at first…
Only because he doesn’t feel like he’d make an adequate cuddle partner.
You see how lanky he is, he’s aware he’s nothing but skin and bones.
However if it will make you happy, he will always be willing to give it a try.
Especially if it’s something he’d like to do as well. 
His long arms encompass your whole body, he might be self-conscious of how skinny he is but he makes you feel safe. 
I don’t know why, but I feel like this Jonathan just exudes his own warmth. 
You’ve almost fallen asleep during these cuddle sessions many times. 
Between his warm embrace and when he rubs his hands up and down your back, how could you not?
Cuddles are Jonathan’s go-to for whenever you need a pick-me-up. 
He’s not always able to, but when he can, he will drop everything he’s doing to be with you and hold you. 
As fun as it is to dose mass populations into fear toxin…
It’s not nearly as fun and lovely as spending the day cuddling with you.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Okay so we’ve had Mad Hatter and Riddler reacting to the dress….
What about Scarecrow?
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A/N: Whelp, uhh…never expected my original headcanon idea of Riddlers reacting to a tiktok dress to go this far lmao. But it only makes sense I go ahead and round up the Dork Squad. 
After this, I don’t see myself doing this for any other rogues (or for any other tik tok dress...I don’t see their reactions being any different than what I’ve already described lmao), so this’ll likely be the end of this wee series I accidentally made lol. By all means though, if y’all haven’t already feel free to do these with your own fave rogues and even do a different dress! 
Just for posterity: here's the tiktok and dress in question.
By the way…this was ridiculously more difficult than the others, just thought I’d put that out there. Most of these Scarecrows are ominous and stoic as hell so it was weird trying to get in the appropriate state of mind for each of them asdfgjk also don’t mind me still playing with headers, this isn’t all the Scarecrows featured, there’s three more sorry if the header is a wee misleading; BTAS/TNBA and Fear State also make an appearance!
Anyways, without further ado, you guys demanded him; The Prince of Panic, the Lord of Despair, The Master of Fear…
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The Scarecrows React to Reader in a TikTok Dress:
Arkhamverse Scarecrow:
- To say he was caught off guard would be an understatement. 
- He may be immune to fear.
- Immune almost to a point of being void of most reactionary emotions. 
- Jonathan wasn’t immune to you. 
- He inhales deeply, takes you all in. 
- Normally he'd consider this type of dress ludicrous…
- However he can make an exception for you, as always. 
- He runs his calloused hand along the skin that's revealed.
- Occasionally teasing the skin with the needles from his gauntlet.
- When he hears your soft gasps and hushed moans…
- There's nothing more satisfying.
Dark Knight/Murphy Scarecrow:
- Jonathan won't admit it but he had to do a double take.
- He finally came home from his "experiments" at Arkham. 
- He longed to see you, and was pleasantly surprised to see you 
- So…scantily clad for his amusement. 
- Amused he is, as well as pleased and undoubtedly aroused. 
- Without almost a second thought he drops his suitcase and rushes to get his hands on you.
- As much as he enjoys seeing these sneak peeks at your skin. 
- He yearns to caress and touch you, both with and especially without the dress.
BTAS Scarecrow:
- You have rendered the poor ex-professor speechless.
- And he usually enjoys hearing his own monologues and lectures, so that’s a win!
- His eyes blinking madly, trying to reboot his brain. 
- His ever so pale face, growing ever so red as his signature costume. 
- Jon recognizes the sensations of his heart palpitating and his breaths shortening.
- He's not afraid no….quite the opposite actually.
- He's stunted, unsure of what to do. 
- Jon sheepishly compliments you, even asks if you're some gorgeous dream in the sea of his nightmares. 
- You convince him you're absolutely real. 
- As you wrap your arms around him, bring your body closer to his…
TNBA Scarecrow:
- He’s quite shocked to be honest. 
- Perhaps, even a little confused. 
- Not entirely sure what brought this on, where or why you own such an outlandish dress.
- However, he can’t say he’s complaining. 
- He chuckles deeply, asks if this is for some kind of occasion. 
- You say there isn't one. Just wanted to surprise him. 
- Well, you've certainly done that.
- He's still getting used to being intimate with someone else. 
- However, when you open yourself up to him, you are so vulnerable…
- Just how can he resist?
Fear State Scarecrow:
- For all the fear he wanted to wrought upon Gotham City… 
- The absolute thrill to see it be succumbed in it’s worse fears to reach a precipice of fearlessness. 
- It didn’t come close to how his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. 
- His eyes widened in surprise at you in the dress.
- Jon practically stalks you as he comes closer to you. 
- Normally, like a couple other Scarecrows, he would find the dress ridiculous, holding no purpose. 
- You may as well just be naked. 
- Yet, with you wearing it, the way it compliments your curves and valleys of your body.
- Teasing the more intimate parts of you with just strips of fabric
- Even the Master of Fear yearns to enjoy the excitement of…other emotions.
Year One Scarecrow:
- Oh…oh boy
- Umm…wow.
- He's always been aware of scandalous wear, especially for women. 
- The only reason he knew was because it was one of many of the "devil's temptations", Granny forbid him to pursue. 
- But now, Granny's long gone. 
- And here you are, looking drop dead stunning. 
- He's gulping for air. 
- For a minute mistaking his reaction for fear when it's in fact…something equally as primal
- You realize you may have stunted the sheltered southerner.
- You will have to ease him into it. 
- Let him know what he's feeling is natural and safe. 
- Be open with him (more emotionally than physically the dress did that enough for you) and let him decide how he wants to…proceed.
Masters of Fear Scarecrow:
- Were…were you trying to give him a heart attack?
- But ooh, the view of you would've been worth it. 
- He never thought he'd ever experience the bliss true love could bring after Sherry Squires.
- Yet, now, Squires couldn't even hold a candle to you.
- She never could, but especially not now. 
- Dressed so intimately and vulnerable.
- For him, because you're comfortable with him.
- You love him and respect him. 
- That's what goes through his mind as he slowly approaches you. 
- He's reluctant to touch you, worried you'll disappear or break somehow. 
- When he finally gets his hands on you, it will be a long while before you can get them off.
Harley Quinn the Animated Series Scarecrow:
- Out of all the Scarecrows, of all the Cranes, of all the Twig Boys…
- This one is the LEAST kept together about you in the dress. 
- Man’s is dead to rights. 
- The only comprehensible sound that’s made is his hushed mutterings and stammering. 
- You can maybe make out a compliment or two out of it. 
- This poor sap is tripping on actual air the minute you start walking over to him. 
- Is there such a thing as being frightened and turned on?
- He's anxious about what to do (and not mess up) but so bricked up to not function.
- Please reassure him and take the lead, he'd be most appreciative. 
Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo! (2018) Scarecrow:
- Ooohhh this smug bastard. Since I’ve gotten the requests to do this, his stupid smirk grin hasn’t left my brain (not that it ever has left since I saw it, BUT STILL)
- You may see his eyes widened slightly but that's about it. 
- His eyes will scan you up and down, going ahead and undressing what's left of you to be dressed.
- If you're lucky he may have a sly grin on his face. 
- Well, this is a pleasant surprise. 
- Jonathan will try his damnest to not fall totally putty into your hands. 
- He appreciates the view, but you're out of luck if you expect him to…react entirely primal. 
- (Ppstt…top it off with a black beehive wig and a valley girl accent wishing him "unpleasant dreams") (yeah I'm an Elvira stan too go ahead and @ me)
- (man's will fall apart at the seams…or straw rather)
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
Can you write for Scarecrow nsfw HC with female reader 👉👈? ( Can it be the Harley Quinn animated show version of the character?)
Btw I love your writing<33
a/n: I decided to go ahead and knock these out after I finished the cuddling headcanons lol.  Aww thank you so much! I’m glad you love my writing! Also..so sorry I didn’t read the female reader part until after I wrote out the headcanons…but it’s gender neutral, so I hope that’s fine! I’ve definitely got some requests with this scarecrow and a female reader in the future!
Content Warning: highly suggestive content
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HQ: TAS Scarecrow NSFW Headcanons
Man is an absolute mess at first. 
Nervous wreck at first, you’ll likely have to ease him into more sexual activities.
He just doesn’t want to disappoint you, but he longs to be closer to you. 
Jonathan’s first priority is always your pleasure before his own. 
Absolutely loves foreplay, he enjoys building up the passion and tension. 
Jonathan adores kissing, caressing, suckling, and kneading your skin. 
Once he gets more confident in the bedroom, he becomes an absolute tease.
“Sorry, love. I just couldn’t resist.”
“Probably shouldn’t say this, but you look gorgeous when you’re frustrated.”
He's definitely more of a giver than the other Scarecrows.
He gets more pleasure out of giving than receiving.
Likely more of a submissive personality. 
He would have no problem waiting on your hand and foot (or kiss your hand and foot)
Jonathan could be talked into some medical play, but it would take some convincing
Not entirely sure why, but I see this Jon refusing to implement fear toxin in the mix. 
Jonathan does want to please you and make you happy, but he has his limits and your safety is his first priority.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
A/N: As promised in my Mad Hatter NNN post, here’s the Scarecrows to round off No Nut November. I’m still experimenting with Jervis and Jonathan, hence why I don’t have many versions of them available or that many posts of them yet. But I would like to get the practice in as I take in more varied media of them. I want to be able to write the Dork Squad to at least satisfactory lmao
This is the end of the NNN prompt post..things..it's literally the 30th lol
As you should all know by this point rip, but in case you need a friendly reminder. I rank these lads 1 out of 10. 
1 being weak ass thirsty simp
10 being winner, winner, chicken dinner…with a rewarding dessert too…I am not well if you can’t tell…
Trigger Warning: suggestiveness...duh
How the Scarecrows Handle NNN
Arkhamverse Scarecrow (12 out of 10):
Well, this will be an interesting…experiment. 
However, somehow he was able to flip it on it’s head. Kinda like how Dent flips his coin, or how fear can easily be flipped into lust. Yes, this would be invigorating indeed.
It went from trying to make push him past his limits…to make him feel even a morsel of the torture he puts you through. Anytime he caught you in one of your familiar tactics to coax him that vulnerable intimate state, he cut you off. 
He was supposed to be grumbling in frustration. He was supposed to be flustered. He was supposed to be hard, not making this hard…on you! Yet, you find yourself being the one taking the cold showers. 
Don’t worry, when he wins he’ll concede to your desires. There’s no denying how pleased he was with the results of this…challenge. 
BTAS Scarecrow (6.5 out of 10):
Jonathan absolutely scoffed and rolled his eyes at the idea. However, he was never one to turn down a challenge, especially on the restraining the humanal response to act upon primal urges. 
However, he completely forgot that while arousal and fear goes hand in had…his experience in the later is…limited to say the list. Only having just experimented with it with you. He stays headstrong for a good while, which is why he barely passes the halfway point. 
Albeit, by November 26th, the man combusts. You shouldn’t look so damn cute in his old GCU hoodie…in just his hoodie. (idk why I headcanon this Scarecrow has a few hand-me-downs from his time studying and teaching at the university((he wanted to burn them but couldn’t find himself to do it, and you can pry it out of my cold dead petite hands)
TNBA Scarecrow (10 out of 10):
Much like most of these Scarecrows he merely scoffs off the idea. What a trivial and childish objective. 
This Scarecrow is hard nut to crack to begin with. To actually get him to bust one? Uhh…yeah no, I don’t see it happening, bud.
While he finds your attempts, amusing. He’s able to refrain from succumbing to his desires successfully. It also helped that he kept himself preoccupied with his new schemes. 
Jonathan does grow to miss feeling that warmth he feels when he’s near you. The warmth you radiate when you two are locked in a passionate tryst. 
He does when, however it’s only ever worth it for the prize of euphoria afterwards. 
Harley Quinn The Animated Series (4 out of 10):
This poor wee baby. When I tell you, man’s wasn’t prepared…I mean man’s wasn’t prepared. 
He lasts a few days, until he sees you, his gorgeous date in a snazzy new outfit for a party held by the Legion of Doom. Poor Jonny is tented up before he even realizes it, and there’s only really one option to take care of it. 
You had a feeling he wouldn’t last the month too long (you cruel, cruel, reader), but you had to admit you found it incredibly endearing. And he still got a reward afterward, if nothing else for being a good sport. 
Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo (11 out of 10):
This damn bean pole. This absolute asshat. (who also has hoodies I wanna steal from)
He mocks the idea at first, but agrees to it. It’s going to be fun seeing you try and entice him, try to make him lose. 
Jonathan won’t admit him, but you almost got him a couple of times throughout the month. The way you left tingling kisses along his neck. You frequently forgetting your change of clothes after a bath…not to mention the Elvira cosplay which just almost cost him his win. 
However, he stood strong against all odds. You never tend to admit to him you were fairly impressed you were sure you had him at the end there. Now, it was time to reward him and he specifically requests you put the Elvira costume back on.
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quandaryqueen · 1 year
*metal pipe noise* Hi hello I was wondering if I can request some soft cuddling Headcanons for Scarecrow from the Harley Quinn show... he just makes my heart go 'yippee!!!'
Harley Quinn Series Jonathan Crane X Reader
Gosh yes you can, I love him so much you can get out of the pipes now :D
🧡 So when you cuddle with you back against him, completely trapped in his arms, he has the tendancy to be on his phone with his arms wrapped around you, so you also have a view on his activities. Spoopy man is always reading celebrity gossip (cough aka fellow rogues fucking up since they're being treated as such cough) and it's always fun to low-key judge his fellow rogue's life choices.
🧡 He prefers to be big spoom. Clingy, will have all his limbs wrapped around you and will nuzzle his face against whatever surface you are offering. Your face? You neck? Chest? Back? Hell ye. He loves the warmth you give off, your general presence will always put a smile on his face and squeezing you helps regulate his oxytocin.
As for him being cuddled, he wouldn't mind at all, being little spoon won't hurt once and a while. Sure, squeeze the life out of him.
🧡 So I'm not sure whether this is considered cuddling but... He likes your head on his lap when he's seated. He'd be absent mindedly stroking your head while occupied with his book or phone, occasionally scratching your scalp or massaging your temple. When in a cheeky mood, will playfully pinch your nose.
On the flip side, if you were to have his head on his lap, he will playfully slam his head against your lap and cause impact. Feel free to lightly smack him in the forehead for that.
🧡 Will groan and grumble of you need to get up for a moment, no matter the circumstances.
"Poppeeeeet.... Come baaaack...."
In his sleepy haze, he would sometimes attempt to reach for you but to no avail, as he gives up and let his hand limply fall and dangle from the bed. And when you return, he is striking like a python and wrapping you tightly in his arms and legs again before attempting to fall back asleep again.
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