#harpie scott
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Some more oc designs, secondaries this time!! Proud of their of designs tbh
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sha3thehunter · 1 year
So I had this headcanon and I decided to write it because it wouldn't leave my brain. Enjoy the first chapter of what I like to call the Harpy Curse AU fic.
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thewriterg · 9 months
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧’ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 chp.2
pairing(s); simon ‘ghost’ riley x fem!reader, johnny ‘soap’ mactavish x fem!reader, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick x fem!reader, john ‘bravo six’ price, werewolf!soap, harp crow hybrid!gaz, dragon hybrid!price, wraith!hybrid (?) ghost, phoenix!hybrid (?) reader
summary; easiest sail of your life or standing on the line of death
word count; 2.1k | chasin chaos masterlist
warning(s); monster au, dark twisted themes, normal cod violence, firearms, knives, combat, pinning (?), poly themes, death, r call sign is flatline, blood consumption, eventual smut, kissin, and language
A/n; We made it passed finals,
04:00 came too quickly for your liking you felt like you hadn’t got an inch of rest even if the feeling was nowhere rare nor new to you as you crouched near one of the normals you had decided to recruit for the mission the rest scattered all around the roof of the main building one eye shut another wide looking through the scope of your sniper a silencer attached to the barrel finger scattering to squeeze the trigger as the body of a shade dropped dead it was ironic you thought when you went over the file and quickly made your distaste known to the knock off shadows it was a second too late you were off your usual statistics even if it was pitch perfect to the average eye it was off to you
“Gaz what’s your visual?” You hear Prices gruff voice over your coms waiting out to hear the next move while your normals wait on your word you can see the harpy hybrid further away perched on a satellite talons digging into the disk his strong weighted wings perched well over his shoulder only for the fact you were looking for him because you wouldn’t of known he was there if you didn’t
“It’s sunny out, we’re looking peachy.” The rich warm skinned man replied trucker hat fixed fitted around the perimeter of his head protecting his eyes from the blaring sun that was beginning to set and when the new set of shades came to take over shift from their comrades to see a good chunk of them fallen the game of silence would be over and you’d be able to make noise
“Heard. I’ll clear the rest of the way, I’ll keep things under wraps.” The wraith stood next to Soap back pressed against the side of a building gear all black and fitting covering all skin opposite of himself who had on a short sleeve, bulletproof vest, and cargo pants that dipped in the back from his well weighted tail his voice still carrying even through his hard skull mask and a hood that covered the back of his head along with his back side exactly what he would expect the grim reaper to the brunette thought pulling his bottom lip between his teeth
“Then clear the way. When there’s an opening, that’s your cue Soap.”
“Copy. I finally get to see ya strut ya stuff Lt.” The Scott grinned at his superior canines on full display practically gazing into skull even though the man didn’t requite the eye contact himself paying the sergeant little to no mind his own gaze focused elsewhere that being on his gloved hand the subtle sound of Velcro straps being undone a sound that the soldier didn’t quite focus onto
“Ain’t a runway Mactavish”
“No? Could’ve fooled m-” The small sound of fear mixed with ambition slipped from Johnnys lips blue eyes two times as wide and pupils shrinking twice in size when Simon snatched the thick fabric from his fingers nails slightly pointed representing claws even if they were shorter than your average hybrid with claws or talons the tips of his pale hand dark slowly getting lighter as it traveled up his arm shadows singing a similar sound to when you cracked open a two liter of soda and got the first cup even though the ‘fisssss’ and ‘shhhhh’s wasn’t the least of comforting to those on the opposing side when the brunette went to open his mouth the blonde denied the request before even looking it over
“Shut it.” He responds placing his hand deliberately over the worn reddish brown bricks smoking shadows gently traveling from the tips of his fingers before the brown eyes lieutenant applied more pressure veins straining against his flesh even though he felt no discomfort the amount of shadows doubling as they traveled up and around the building hissing gently as it went to soon cause chaos and destruction
The site of shadows slipping through the floor of the enemy base was quite literally a smoke signal in itself as you see soldiers fall black wraps engulfing them the act of struggling to untangle themselves utterly useless it stunned you a little even though you weren’t yourself affected the sight of shadows out in the field was a sight in itself you fight a grin off your face settling for a smirk and make sure to mutter into your coms ‘show off’ before jumping down from the side of your building along with two soldiers abandoning your post the rest of six according to you headcount still cover ground from above but it’s not enough shades are crowding all around with guns that put hybrids down after one hit at least you knew now that they didn’t have any hybrids of their own forcing you to press your back against a wall after bullets fly past your temple one of your soldiers Red in the same position behind you and the other Tank crouching up against a wall across from you both you curse underneath your breath muttering into you mic
“Gaz, it’s flatline.”
“I know deity, what do you need?” The voice rings back not two seconds later and across the field Soap perks up the sign unfamiliar to him he’s interrupted before he can pounce on it
“Their coming faster than my privates can throw em, need a window to get my soldiers to the main building”
“Go now.” Ghost speaks up from beside the shadows on the wall are darker than before and their are even some slipping through the slits of his eye holes from his mask and when the lieutenant finally turn to face the sergeant his eyes are fully black and along with his eyes there’s shadows seeping from his covered lips this was more than the grim reaper this was death Soap didn’t know his expression carried shock until he went to grin almost unphased yet his voice told a different story
“Shit Lt… yer gonna be a tough act ta follow. But watch me alright?” The brunettes clothes begins to rip as he hunches over the sound of bones creaking and snapping as his canines make themselves known the act almost to swift for the blondes eyes to follow before he’s three times bigger in size ears shifted to sit almost atop of his temples, thinner coats of fur placed on the fronts of his arms traveling down to his hands yet not reaching his palms mohawk a bit longer and beard a bit thicker
“I’ll put on a good show”
“Run they’ve got a wolf!” You move out of the shadows quickly watching shades scatter around as things clash and shake you take your window without a thought pushing until you’ve made into the building alarms blaring yet it’s fairly empty only few soldier remaining that you could see you give your sergeants a look signaling them over with a tilt of your chin and they obey
“For now, we’re one in sync.” They nod look of confusion shining beneath the look of loyalty as you hold your palm out placing it on the area of their foreheads until their faces is covered now mirroring yours the body of a bird sitting in between the area of your eyebrows and the beginning of the nasal bone the head resting in the middle of the forehead one wing stretching around the eye the tips of the wings burning red yet it’s inner body a bold orange and the other stretched over the opposite one tail kicking out to swing over the area of the cheek down to the chin a true sign of the phoenix
The three of you split Red takes out two shades with nothing but the wield of her fists the act of the neck bones cracking under her fingertips while Tank opts for his pistol no matter is its bashing the butt in someone’s skull or shooting a bullet between their eyes the shades don’t know what the hell hit them but it fucking hard as you walk down hallway your fingers drag alongside the wall and you stop gently at the sight of shadows crawling over the wall the timing is almost perfect as an unwanted crowd stand across from you before you can even open your mouth bullets spray your shoulder is grazed as the rest of them are suddenly stopped in mid air black smoke wrapped around them as you and the shadows interlink and hold hands
“You have, exhausted my patience.” You state lowly with a twirl of your fingers before sharply pinching the bullets into makeshift spears pushing them out with force the shades try to retreat but at the end they are still, lying dead on the cold cement floor a burnt red and orange bird mask covered face the last thing they see
“Rats are jumping ship… keep a few alive we need the intel. Gaz, eyes on Soap?”
“He’s makin’ a scene in the center yard” The crow hybrid huffs out a chuckle a small grin resting on his face perched on a side of a building brown feathered wings spread across his back while the werewolf huffs a grin on his face before responding into his mic connected by the collar around his neck defending his honor to his lieutenant
“Not for nothin’. Destroyed the drive captain.”
“Good, get to the extraction point.” Price speaks up before dying out just as quickly while Gaz dives to the ground his wings strong going against the current of wind with a ‘swoosh’ and the canine baring hybrid didn’t stutter in steps making his way over to the harpy with a smirk before it dropped confusing the brunette as he inched towards the skull wearing lieutenant
“Haven’t heard from Deity Lt.” Gaz muttered eyebrows furrowed and Ghost’s shoulders are up and tense more than they were before and as he turns to switch on his coms Price beats him to it having overheard the harpy since he left his own line open
“Deity, what’s your status?” With not a slip of the tongue for you the captain repeated into the radio
“Deity how copy?” The complete silence on your end made them wary you weren’t an easy one to take down let alone to be took down at all so why the hell weren’t you answering your damn coms to your captains calls
“Deity” The wraith growled out now order direct and firm even if you were his downright equal you could hear the hulking echo slightly and before Gaz is taking off to cover ground from above they see the silhouette of your mask before they see you your feet a somewhat dragging behind you as you carry the weight of a three thousand pound missile over your back with a body hunched over your shoulder while you lug them both finally able to drop what you came here for, your mission you set the body on its feet staring sharply into its eyes Tank it was Soap recalled yet the position of the soldier standing up straighter with every passing moment until he was letting out a breath nodding his raven colored head of hair confused the Scott was he not just injured? Did he not just look like utter shit slung over your shoulder mere minutes ago? And was that blood smeared around his lips? The uncertainty of it all made him itch while Kyle was quick to come to your aid that you waved off before he could inch to close it confused him it was unusual to say the least I mean sure you’d roll your eyes to the point he’d tease they’d get stuck but outright refusing was rare he didn’t push it though chalked it as the adrenaline from the mission hadn’t gone yet
“Can you lug around three thousand pounds, half a mile” Your eyes were hooded yet sharp as you turn to question the mohawk wearing mutt gaze piercing through him that reminded him of a skull wearing lad and he stares at you for a second before cracking that grin nodding his head but you don’t spend an extra second before murmuring to your privates who go to regroup with the rest of their equals before you begin the walk trailing besides Ghost reaching to give him something that Soap can’t quite see before he realizes it’s a part of gloves when he’s shoves them over his fist the sight of you both with black hoods that sway behind your back the side view of the the Grim reaper and Phoenix was truly ethereal and by the look in Gaz’s eyes
He agrees
I’ve been on break since Tuesday @ 2:30pm we’re gonna act like im not posting this on Saturday @ 9am 😊
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kaihuntrr · 11 months
remember my previous post with my Scott designs? I said I would draw full bodies, so I used my lineless style! I also wanted to design Secret Life Scott, aka; Glitz!
Life Series: Scott! (take two)
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The lore is still the same, I just changed up and added things to the previous four so they can be as detailed as Glitz!
Since I’ve talked about the previous Scott versions, I’ll only talk about Glitz and his design origins <3
Secret Life: Glitz
Teamed with his bandmates, Glitter (Gem) and Glam (Impulse), he makes a fun presence with his rocking sweet attitude with a hint of sass. Fulfilling his tasks might be a bit hard for everyone, but he seems to fly by them quite quickly! A charming guitarist with a sense of fashion and the spotlight.
I wanted to keep a harpy theme for Gem & the Scotts, I think it makes sense since they have a music-themed name plus they live high up! I made him a peryton so it matches with his previous lives with their additions of horns and antlers!
this is the part where I ramble about a story idea (and why there’s a particular ship in the tags)
SO. I was talking to @mewhoismyself about a secret life au with rockstar Scott with budding feelings for rascal/ upcoming artist Jimmy! Listen it could also be a Scott/Jimmy/Martyn situation but I have a whole other fic for Majorwood (gestures at the Sea Prince) but music au Flower Husbands… DO YOU HEAR ME??
I may think of the au more in the background,, I just LOVE how they all turned out and the potential to use Glitz’ design more really excites me- but what do you think? Whose design is your favorite of the five? I personally love how all of them look, my sweet darlings <3
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ladyevol · 8 months
Thinking of a backrooms/life series AU where each series so far is a floor of the backrooms and the winners are its guardians. Whenever someone ends up in one of these SL floors they are forced to stay until the last player dies, during which time they have to survive both the environment and the people in it. The winners are the only ones who can remember the timeloop and while there isn't anyone on their floor they are allowed to visit other LS floors. They can also change between a human form and a monstrous "true" form.
The floors reflect the environments that the winners found themselves in during their life games. The events that occur each time may vary, however, the winner is always the same. At the end of the game, the winner may choose to either free the outsiders of their floor or kill them. Killing the winners in their monstrous forms will also allow those trapped in their floors to leave.
Floor LS 1-
Guardian- Grian
This floor appears to be a neverending desert. He will judge those who found themselves on his floor based on their actions. He is always watching. Killing this floor's scar will immediately warrant on Grian becoming hostile towards the person. His monstrous form resembles a harpy covered in eyes.
Floor LS 2-
Guardian Scott
This floor appears to be a dense dark wood forest. Scott will almost always let anyone who finds themselves in his floor leave unless they have been aggressive to either him or his alies while they were alive. His monstrous form remains unseen since no one has defeated it.
Floor LS 3-
Winner Pearl
This floor appears to be a tundra completely covered in snow. Pearl can be unpredictable, but will generally leave people go if they don't get or her way or harm her wolves. Assisting her in her endeavor to hurt Scott will make it more likely that she will let someone go. Her appearance resembles that of a werewolf.
Floor LS 4-
Winner Martyn
This floor appears to be a neverending ocean with several small islands and bridges connecting them. Martyn will kill anyone who finds themselves on his floor. The only way to leave is by defeating him. His monstrous form is a sahagin.
Floor LS 5- Scar
This floor appears to be a set of hills covered in sunflowers. Scar will only kill those who are hostile towards him, however, he rarely allows people to leave his floor either, which leads them to becoming trapped on his floor partaking in the death games timeloop forever or until they die. The only way to get him to free someone is by tricking him through one of his tasks since he will always keep his word. His monstrous form is a sphinx.
Players- Other entities found on the floors. How hostile they are varies from player to player, however, none of them appear to be aware or remember that they are trapped in a timeloop. They all appear to be human and unable to identify the monstrous features of the winners.
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patolemus · 11 days
Wip Sunday
Got tagged a while ago by the wonderful @dontcallpanic @hedwig221b @gege-wondering-around and @endwersed (sorry this took me so long y'all it's been a tough week) so here you have another snippet from my time travel au
As he waits for class to start, Stiles takes out his phone. He’s got no new messages after the one from Vinny confirming Deucalion and his pack left town Saturday morning, and that Kali and Ennis were getting ready to do the same. Since no werewolves have started banging at his doorstep demanding he reveal what he’s doing in Beacon Hills, and hunters haven’t stuffed him full of arrows, Stiles considers the whole ordeal a success. A job well done, all in all.
There’s only one little thing that keeps nagging at Stiles, an ache in the back of the head.
But before he can get onto that little piece of information, the desk in front of him rattles with the sudden weight thrown on it. Stiles looks up instantly, lookingassessingmeasuring the personthingthreat. Maybe a harpy? A wendigo on the loose?
It’s Laura Hale. Stiles thinks he prefers the wendigo.
“Hey, Myca! How are you? You weren’t here last Friday, right? That was a bummer, I was going to invite you to hang out at the movies with a few friends, but I didn’t catch you all day,” she says, barely stopping to take a breath. Stiles wonders if this is what it feels like when he steamrolls over people with his words, and if so how is it that no one ever actually taped his mouth shut, because it’s kind of overwhelming.
Then again, maybe that’s the panic attack building up in the pit of his stomach. Who knows?
Why is it that no matter how much he tries to avoid the Hales, they end up finding him anyway? Stiles had never meant for them to even know his name, and now both of them have talked to him.
He misses Scott. Scott would know what to do, he’d be a gentle buffer between him and the Hales, would soak up the social interactions while Stiles panics in peace.
But Scott isn’t here. His Scott is dead, and in his place there’s an eight year old, and he’s not. Here.
Stiles still hasn’t learned to live without him. He dreads the day he finally does.
Laura is still looking at him, expectant. It takes Stiles a moment to realize she’s waiting for him to provide her with a real answer for her question.
Ah, shit. How is he supposed to not-explain that he was out in the distillery near the preserve watching a showdown between werewolves and hunters, threatening a few Alphas with murder and basically creeping on every supernaturally inclined individuals in town?
Yeah, Stiles thinks the fuck not.
“I had a few things to take care of. My dad—” he allows his throat to close up, remembering his dad and the awful fate that befell him. Stiles feels dirty for using the memory of his dead father to trick Laura, but it works out almost too well. Immediately, her face shifts from an invasively curious one to a sympathetic, pitying expression. Stiles has to hold back the urge to tell her to save her pity for herself, since she’s going to need it much more than he does if his plan doesn’t work. “Anyways, it was best if I didn’t come,” he finishes lamely.
Laura just stares at him for a moment, making Stiles want to fidget on his seat. While her gaze don’t inspire the same trepidation Derek’s did, it’s just as intense. Stiles remembers that was a trait both Derek and Cora shared, and now he’s guessing it’s a family thing. Her green eyes are nowhere near as pretty as Derek’s, but nonetheless Stiles fears they may be able to peer into his soul and find all of his secrets.
Stiles looks away before she does. It seems like the only thing he can do when it comes to the Hales.
“That’s alright, then,” there is a certain softness in Laura’s voice that makes Stiles want to scream. He says nothing. “Hey, do you want to go to the lacrosse game this Friday? It’s the last game before winter break, and everyone in school is going,” she swiftly changes the subject, and while the soft part of Stiles appreciates it, he can’t help but curse the particular topic she chose.
Seriously, what is it that the Hales find so interesting about him? Stiles never got this kind of attention from anyone in school before. In fact, people actively avoided him because he talked too much and couldn't stop moving and would go on about weird shit. Also because of his unfortunate stunt as a child delinquent who went about breaking people's noses when they pissed him off. And Stiles avoided them right back, since most people didn’t interest him enough. Without Scott, Stiles would be a loner by definition.
Yet here he is, with Laura Hale flashing her almost-too-toothy grin at him.
Laura is the best, I love her. Not a lot of sterek on this one but I thought I'd share a little of what Stiles gets up to when he's not too busy daydreaming about Derek hehe. No pressure tagging @hedwig221b @dontcallpanic @salty-fryingpan @novasillies @oldefashioned @fuji09 @endwersed @gege-wondering-around and @kittykatstiles sorry again that this took so long, uni is unsurprisingly kicking my ass
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kinderartifact4 · 5 months
More of my Magic AU! This time, it’s the assigned species for the gen 2 cast.
Mike- Shapeshifter
+Each alter has their own form
+Mal is sort of.. split off, if that makes sense?
+Like, he’s still there, he follows Mike around, and he rejoins at some point, but he’s currently separated
+Technically dead
Zoey- Human
+Witch, wizard, whatever, she knows magic
+Comes from a long line of magic users
Cameron- Faun
+Despite his age, his antlers have only barely started coming in
Dawn- Harpy
+(I will take suggestions for what bird would work well with her. You could also suggest other species but I’m quite set on this one.)
+The aura reading is an inherited magic ability; it runs in the family, it did sort of skip her father but her aunt has it
Scott- Mer
+Barracuda variety
+Despite his species, he doesn’t actually swim often; lack of access, product of his parents choosing country life
+He can still swim, he’s just not as graceful in the water as most other mer are
Dakota- Human
Brick- Human
B- Halfbreed
+Vetëtimë demon
Anne Maria- Elf
Lightning- Human
Sam- Satyr
Staci- Human
Jo- Töke Demon
+Rock/ground variety
Was gonna go with shark for Scott, but it felt far too easy
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lycanpunk666 · 5 months
Species assignments (headcanon only because monster island is collaborative)
Gen 1:
-Alejandro (Vampire
-Bridgette (human)
-Beth (Human)
-Cody (human)
-Courtney (human)
-DJ (human)
-Duncan (werewolf)
-Eva (werewolf)
-Ezekiel (harpy)
-Geoff (Satyr)
-Gwen (Kelpie (siren))
-Harold (human)
-Heather (vampire (royal))
-Izzy (harpy)
-Justin (Human)
-Katie (werewolf (medicated))
-Leshawna (human)
-Lindsay (vampire)
-Noah (vampire)
-Owen (human)
-Sadie (vampire)
-Sierra (dhampir)
-Trent (harpy)
-Tyler (werewolf)
Gen 2:
-Anne Maria (human)
-B (human)
-Brick (human)
-Cameron (harpy)
-Dakota (siren)
-Dawn (unclear)
-Jo (Werewolf)
-Lightning (human)
-Mike Rodriguez (vampire)*** [diff bodies rather than chimeric. I can explain in detail if prompted]
-Mal Rodriguez (Royal vampire)
-Manitoba Rodriguez (Werewolf)
-Svetlana Rodriguez (werewolf)
-Vito Rodriguez (human)
-Sam (human)
-Scott (werewolf)
-Staci (human)
-Zoey (human)
Gen 3:
-Amy (Harpy)
-Beardo (human)
-Dave (Human)
-Ella (I don't like her. also human)
-Jasmine (werewolf)
-Leonard (Satyr)
-Max (Fuck you. Human.)
-Rodney (human)
-Sammy (Harpy)
-Scarlett (Human)
-Shawn (starts off human, gets bitten L)
-Sky (werewolf)
-Sugar (satyr)
-Topher (human)
Bonus! Reboot:
-Axel (werewolf)
-Bowie (Vampire)
-Caleb (Vampire)
-Chase (Painfully human)
-Damien (I love you. human)
-Emma (Human)
-Julia (I hate you [affectionate]. vampire)
-Millie (Satyr, but like. Llamma)
-MK (Selkie. River otter. Some rabid little shit)
-Nichelle (unsure. Satyr?)
-Priya (human)
-Raj (Human)
-Ripper (L. Human)
-Scary Girl (human ironically)
-Zee (SATYR. SATYR SATYR SATYR *classic* satyr.)
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 month
Still toying with what might have brought him down in the first place
“Smokey had a deck malfunction, he’s grazed but ok. Get out of there now. 180, get down and stay put, Burra, I’m coming to get you.”
The relief at hearing her voice was poisoned by fear.
“Negative, Harpy, it’s too hot. Do not proceed.”
“Get a grip, Burra, you know I like it hot.”
“Harpy, trust me. Please. Do not proceed. I can limp from here. Harpy? Val! Please respond.”
“Clear to launch in 5, 4…”
Scott had a sudden rush of nausea that had nothing to do with the sound his port side engine was making.
“VAL listen to me! ABORT! ABORT!”
“See you in the sky, Tracy.”
He didn’t see the second missile coming.
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dailyscottsmajor · 26 days
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Harpy Scott and xornoth for my esmp s1 monster/mystical beast au
~ 🐸
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deathnguts · 2 months
30 songs for the soldier and the violinist :)
@florsial for the ‘ship name’ I guess since they don’t really have one lmao
1. Off to the races - Lana Del Ray
2. I like the way you kiss me - Artemas
3. I bet on losing dogs - Mitski
4. Million dollar man - Lana Del Ray
5. Reflections - The Neighborhood
6. Sister - She Wants Revenge
7. Again & again - the bird and the bee
8. Dog nightmare - Jack Stauber
9. la di die - Nessa Barrett, jxdn
10. Burn for you - Barlow & Bear
11. Telomeres - Sleep Token
12. snakelike (the stars collide) - whatsaheart
13. The bondage song - London After Midnight
14. Lovesong - The Cure
15. Farewell || Flesh - Ice Nine Kills
16. Fentanyl - McCafferty
17. Lucy meets Hyde - Anthony Warlow, Linda Eder
18. Chasing cars - Snow Patrol
19. American teenager - Ethel Caine
20. Rule #20 Blessed by a curse - Fish in a Birdcage
21. Rule #4 Fish in a birdcage- Fish in a Birdcage
22. 505 - Artic Monkeys
23. Harpy hare - Yaelokre
24. Me and mr wolf - The Real Tuesday Weld
25. A wistful waltz - Teddy Hyde
26. Christmas kids - Roar
27. Tear you apart - She Wants Revenge
28. Tonight (demo) - Amira Elfkey
29. Die for you - Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox
30. You’ll never change my mind - The Make Believes
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
It would be so funny if I made stupid little Monster x Human Total Drama AUs Like, really indulgent shit (SFW, obviously)
I already got a couple ideas:
Gargoyle Trent x Justin Werewolf Duncan x Scott Siren Geoff x Bridgette Vampire Alejandro x Cody Banshee Heather x Sierra Fairy Lindsay x Beth Harpy Courtney x Gwen Dryad Dawn x Zoey Dragon Anne Maria x Jo Alien Noah x Owen Centaur B x Lightning? Satyr Tyler x DJ
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✨️Sherlock Holmes✨️
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Name: William Sherlock Scott Holmes
Age: 33
Classification: Monstrum Descent [Tier 3 Harpy - Raven Based + Minor Siren Inheritance]
Magick Tier: Gold
Occupation(s): Consulting Detective
Sherlock does not have access to a full Harpy form, and his wings are too small for flight due to his bird type and Siren Inheritance.
When he is upset/in emotional distress, his face feathers make an appearance, as do his claws and sharp teeth! Depending on how upset he is, more feathers appear- on his face, in his hair, along his arms and legs, and around his neck/shoulders. His neck & shoulder feathers tend to fluff up large, much like how you'd see in a regular bird.
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falconscales · 11 months
I'd love to hear your headcanons!
Another one I have is vampirekin e1 Fwhip
His dragon ness gives him sharp teeth which help with kin dysphoria
Vampirekin e1 fWhip, I love that.
Okok I have a lot and some of them have reasons and some are just because I like it.
Parrot therian Grian is one I've written about multiple times and love. Same with dragonkin Martyn.
I also loveee werewolfkin Ren (sometimes I like the idea that he's a dog hybrid but also just Regular Guy who wears clip on ears and tail to help with species dysphoria.)
Aviankin e1 Scott, he decorates his elytra with shed owl feathers to look like feathery wings.
Cow therian e2 Jimmy, I like to think he makes fake horns and glues them onto his hat. He also likes to wear darker colored shoes to look like hooves.
Back to Grian again I like the idea of parrot therian Grian becoming a Watcher just to get wings and then dipping immediately after (I actually have a fic in my docs with this concept I've been working on occasionally)
Elfkin e2 Scott. He wears those fake elf ear things that you can get on Amazon or Etsy (that I also have to get for myself)
Dryadkin Cleo, she likes to decorate her hair and skin with different plants to give the effect that they're growing from her
Cervitaurkin Gem, she makes or gets an antler headband and/or a deer ear headband
Goat and butterfly therian Doc, he likes to add different modifications on him for all of his kintypes (he also makes things such as mechanical wings or tails etc for the other alterhuman members of the server)
You've gotten me into the idea of humankin e1 Joel and e2 Lizzie it's such a fun idea
Griffinkin Wels and wyvernkin Hels. (Specifically Warcraft wyverns) because I think them being the opposite kind of otherkin would be funny. You get cloned and not only is he evil his kintype is the "opposite" of your own.
Endermankin Xisuma, I don't have any reasoning I just like it
Glarekin Bdubs for pretty obvious reasons. I also think it'd be fun if he was glarekin AND phantomkin. He has to sleep once the sun goes down but You Also Have To Go To Sleep (<- more or less based on my own phantom headcanons where they just try to get you to sleep and that's why they attack when you don't sleep for a while.)
Harpykin False because I think it'd be cool. Her harpy kintype would resemble an eagle
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hybbart · 1 year
Can we know the thought process/inspiration behind jimmy and tango design?? I found it really interesting, with their shape and everything. So I wanna know if you don't mind ofc! :D
to start with I specifically went in with the intent to animate them. Because of that I wanted to create a style that was simple and quick to draw, a lot of straight lines and such. So I created my mcyt style specifically for that (it's started to bleed back into my regular style between not animating for the last several months and raau which is more detail oriented, but...)
For that I took inspiration from kim possible, heartcatch precure, gatchaman crowds, pokemon, and other art styles with simplified, long lines, and kept the designs super simple and easy to memorize and copy over and over. I'm a very inconsistent artist so it only goes so far but... you know. I also simplified the facial features with the eyes and nose and such, and decided to use solid filled areas where their design utilized black. (Jimmy's talons and Tango's claws)
For Jimmy I knew I wanted to make him very birb. Not as much as some of the more harpy level monster boy designs grian sometimes gets, but a bit more than just wings and a few feathers around the ears. I took inspiration from gatchaman crowds and oofuri's bird mouth design for his smile to give him a beak. I tried out giving him a beak lip like I've done in some other designs but it just didn't look right and was too small a detail.
I gave him long bird legs with bird feet cause I love me some inhuman leggies and I knew I wanted him to hop and hold up his leg like a bird. A lot of his bird features had how I would animate him in mind (often still and a bit jerky and very expressive with his wings and eyes) I am NOT good with wings so I decided to go super simplified with them, I knew I wanted them to sit like a heart on the avians' backs. I started out also with a super simplified version of the elfish feathered ears I often give avian monster boys, and at first in my first animation I treated them like ear wings but it looked too awkward and unappealing so I decided to just make them elven, but animated.
For his eyes... I know there was a lot of people who said it was this or that colour. I wanted them to be a bit more spooky though, so I made them brown but gave him a blue glow for his avian self, which changed colours in his other iterations. I also made them big and round to be more expressive, cute, and like his very cutesy skin.
Buff Jimmy was popular by then but I 1) hate buff characters and 2) had a hard time picturing Jimmy that way cause he's so cutesy and squeaky around tango and his skin is adorable. Plus, buff didn't seem very birdlike to me. I did give him a bit of that dorito shape and wider shoulders than hips though. Actually I very specifically tought myself how to draw small butts to draw jimmy to give him that twig-legged bird appearance and cartoony and so not to have his design as sexualized as my other art tends to be (this was a deliberate choice across all my MCYT art) I didn't give him facial hair again cause I'm not a fan and struggle to draw it, I wanted the ranchers to be well within my comfort zone for easy animation.
I wanted to give him and scott- who have very similar and simple outfits - more distinction from each other, so I decided to make his denim and gave him a collar that was like feathers. I also made the choice to give him a very low waist line in his clothing to make him look longer, and because I just like that look. I made his jeans skinny jeans that faded into his talons because it just worked better, emphasized leggies and looked better. I made the choice to give him visible stitching to make it look a bit more like denim too.
Overall the goal was to get that top-heavy but clearly light enough for it to not matter look that a lot of birds have. Also I gave him a stray hair to make his hair look a bit unkempt and feathery. It's stylish but no kept well. I also wanted to give him freckles but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep them consistent enough without limiting myself in a way I didn't like.
I made him slightly taller than Tango, cause I love tall Jimmy and short Jimmy equally and decided on opposite ends of average, but that gaps been growing since tbh.
For Tango... He had a few major inspirations. Cats (lions specifically), fire, and Dr Drakken. I wanted him to look very mad scientist but like, also Creature. The main goal was that he should look ready to crawl up a wall on all fours at any given moment, and have an extra cartoony silhouette. He should look like he's probably made of playdough, and his actual build should be ambiguous.
The pants and sleeves I made puffy inspired by the likes of Magi and Dr. Drakken but sleeker cause the material is thicker and i wanted it to flow into the boots (my first drawing i have clear separation between boots/gloves and coveralls, but i ditched that in the very first frame of animations lol)
I tried really hard to balance out the fire cat features without making him look like a demon. I'm not sure how well I succeeded. If I'm honest the sharp teeth were very much self-indulgence. His tail I made a literal line because anything else looked too thick and I'm terrible at drawing thin tails, and this would be easier for animation. The hair I wanted to look styled but also maybe possible fire but you cant tell quite? I wanted to take advantage of them being cartoons for effect with this art style.
His vest I'm honestly still not sure if it's leather or denim. I just knew I wanted something thick and insulated-looking. I wanted his clothign to be somewhere between engineer and punkish. You know he listens to his music too loud while working on some machine only he understands. And the kerchief was a decision made via a comity of my friends after trying out a few collar styles. His eyes I wanted almost shaped and smaller than jimmy's just like his skin, but still very expressive.
I also gave him a rougher appearance with the wild hair and eyebrows to give him... mmm... ugly isn't the right word, cause he's not. Jimmy is intentionally pretty, while Tango's kinda... feral, unkempt, a tad scary but in a silly way, a bit more goblinoid. Not conventionally attractive, I guess, but that's incredibly vague. I imagine his appearance being described in its movement first and foremost. If any of that makes sense...
But yeah most of his design is defined by sharpness and fluidity. He is liquid but like... a liquid made of knives. I try to make sure his face is a little shorter and sharper-chinned than Jimmy's. I wanted him to have very bombastic movements like he is living motion blur but very pointed. His movements probably come off a bit more masculine than Jimmy's in general, but that's not really something I intended so much as turned out to be an unforseen side-effect of my other design choices.
And, um, well that's it without getting into things I decided later on and other versions of them. the general concept is they're both very animated and cartoony but if very different ways, and take after birds and cats quite a bit. Sorry, this turned out to be A Lot. I really did spend a lot of time thinking about their designs while making them, since I knew I'd be drawing them over and over for animations.
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
Newish Comics (finally hit 5th Tuesday and ahhhh yeah the dearth of content):-
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4: this was the villain retrospective monologue about how he trapped Alan. I’ve got to say, the plotting for the three JSA minis has been a bit ‘and HERE IS MY EVIL PLAN’ flashback for their 4th issues, which feels formulaic back to back, but on the other hand it is an interesting story.
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest 2024 Annual #1: a whole METAMORPHO story?? Rex! And then another for Karen! I like that Waid and Mora are basically just creating their own early-timeline franchise under World’s Finest, at this point. The whole issue felt like a competition over ‘how obscure can we get’.
Batman and Robin 2024 Annual #1: I’ve read this fic before (heh). Anyway, I think Howard Porter’s art’s just a bit too stylised and linework for my taste. Also from my best understanding of the US, this story is taking place in rural New Jersey?
On the other hand “I’ll check in with Oracle” as a line makes me SO HAPPY. Also CAMERON!!!! Some day someone will write you with an actual story again, but hello blorbo.
The Warlord #37: this week in Skartaris Travis Morgan rides a pegasus! Shakira fights a centaur named Arvak Thunderhoof (who offers to seduce her)
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A 'small service' hey mate?
Anyway as this is Grell, Travis ends up in a castle called Grimfang on top of a very high peak, where a lady called Astarte tries to seduce HIM
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(look, she's hot, I love her look) and make Travis drink some frankly suspicious wine. Shakira, who's been on her way to rescue Travis "You Idiot" Morgan, jumps on her in cat form and claws Astarte's face.
Astarte turns out to be a Harpy, the wine turns out to be a potion turning people to stone, and poor Astarte dies (she just wanted a statue collection, Travis!)
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Look this is pretty much a constant with Travis Morgan's relationships actually, Shakira.
Here's another shot of Arvak Thunderhoof, a centaur I have now extensively researched and who disappointingly never shows up again in DC (bring him back!!!)
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I believe in your powers of seduction, Arvak.
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