#harry styles as a boyfriend
1D as boyfriend
• Especial de Natal •
Natal já tá aí e nada melhor do que histórias para aquecer o coração. Gostei muito de criar essa versão sendo a época de natal o tema central e espero que vocês também gostem! ficarei muito feliz com o feedback após lerem.
Boa leitura, boas festas e até 2023 ❤️🎄✨
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
Harry Styles as a boyfriend
Festividades de fim de ano sempre chamaram sua atenção, e após completar vinte anos não teve um ano sequer que, depois de ter o tradicional jantar com a família no dia 24, você não saiu para curtir o restante da noite em uma balada ou festa de natal. Inclusive foi em uma dessas festas que você conheceu Harry, sendo mais um motivo para gostar tanto de celebrar o Natal.
Esse ano você infelizmente não conseguiu ingresso para a melhor festa de natal na cidade e nenhum dos seus amigos fariam um reuniãozinha com música, petiscos e bebida até o amanhecer. A sensação que teve ao se arrumar para comemorar com a família de Harry foi um tanto quanto esquisita e você não estava tão animada quanto gostaria. Já seu namorado transparecia alegria desde cedo.
“Por que está tão animado?” você pergunta depois de encará-lo por cinco minutos com um sorriso bobo nos lábios vermelhos marcados pelo batom. Styles estava dirigindo e batucando o ritmo de ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ no volante, enquanto cantarolava a melodia que saía pelo rádio. Ele sequer percebeu que você o observava. O moreno estava focado na rua e muito feliz em seu próprio universo.
“Porque é Natal!” responde rindo e te olha um pouco confuso. “A pergunta que deveria fazer é por que você não está animada.” um suspiro sai de suas narinas.
“É véspera de Natal” você corrige e ele revira os olhos com um riso singelo. “Não estou sentindo o espírito natalino esse ano.”
“E por que não?”
“Porque não vamos para nenhuma festa depois do jantar.” seu comentário sai em uma entonação chateada ao encostar o cotovelo direito no encosto de braço da porta e apoiar a cabeça em sua mão. “Hoje parece ser apenas uma noite qualquer.”
“Não estou te reconhecendo, amor. A noite mal começou. Tenho certeza que até o fim dela você vai sentir o espírito natalino de novo.” seu namorado dá uma piscadela e você sorri fraco. Era fofo quando ele fazia de tudo para te agradar.
Minutos depois vocês chegam na casa de Anne, sendo os primeiros convidados. A mesa de jantar estava linda e toda decorada para a ocasião. A toalha de mesa vermelha com bordados dourados, os jogos americanos estampados com árvores de natal era a coisa mais fofa que você já viu. Além de toda a casa ter alguma decoração natalina, e é claro que não poderia faltar a belíssima e enorme árvore de natal na sala de estar, que iluminada dava o ar de comemoração àquela data especial.
Dez minutos depois que vocês chegaram o restante da família também foi surgindo e as oito em ponto todos já haviam chego e o jantar foi servido.
O cheiro do peru recém saído do forno estava fantástico e você foi se encontrando. As taças de vinho também favoreceram para que você ficasse animada e antes da sobremesa você sentiu o espírito natalino habitando seu ser novamente. Contudo quando os parentes mais velhos de Harry se despediram você percebeu que daqui a pouco deveriam ir embora e simplesmente voltar para casa. No momento que pensou nesse cenário seu sorriso e o brilho no olhar foi sumindo.
Um tanto quando triste você resolve ir ao banheiro, passando um tempo lá e tentando contato com algum conhecido que te levasse a qualquer festinha.
Depois de quase dez minutos lá dentro você sai e ao retornar para a sala não encontra ninguém e instantaneamente franze a testa quando escuta ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ ao fundo. Você segue a música, que parece vir do andar de cima e logo Harry surge no início da escada com um copo de plástico vermelho na mão e um sorriso largo no rosto.
“Cadê todo mundo?”
“Vem comigo.” ele estende a mão para você e te guia até o sótão, local de origem da música e de luzes coloridas em meio as que estavam apagadas. “Não conseguimos ir a nenhuma festa esse ano mas eu trouxe ela até nós.” a família do seu namorado estava no último andar, dançando e cantando sobre as luzes de led coloridas de um globo antigo de festa. Harry havia preparado uma festinha improvisada exclusivamente para te ver feliz e você achou a coisa mais romântica e fofa existente no planeta.
“Não acredito que fez isso, Harry.” você comenta, rindo desacreditada.
“Eu faço de tudo pra te ver feliz, meu amor.” a voz sedutora e doce atingiu seu coração e de imediato você puxa o rapaz para um selinho demorado entre sorrisos, e após um abraço apertado Styles começa a dançar e estalar os dedos no ritmo da outra canção que ecoava da caixa de som. Seu sorriso era encantador e engraçado ao mesmo tempo e você grava o momento, sendo o único que registra antes de entrar na festa, visto que o restante das memórias da noite você fez questão de guardar no coração.
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Liam Payne as a boyfriend
Era dia 20 de dezembro e você e seu namorado não tinham uma árvore de natal para decorar o pequeno apartamento que compraram juntos esse ano.
Certamente a essa altura do campeonato a maioria das casas estavam enfeitadas e possuíam uma árvore de natal. Mas com a correria da vida adulta, vocês sequer tiveram tempo para pensar em procurar decorações natalinas para deixar o ambiente em que dividiam mais aconchegante e trazer a áurea do Natal para o lar. Você apenas lembrou desse detalhe ao passar em frente de uma loja na volta para casa depois do trabalho e logo no dia seguinte, antes do almoço, vocês foram à procura da árvore perfeita.
“Que tal uma branca?” Liam sugere ao mostrar uma árvore de porte médio, que imitava os pinheiros cobertos de neve. Mas ao seu ver, apesar da sugerida ser diferente, a verdadeira árvore de natal deveria ser verde.
“Não sei, amor..” você faz uma careta e analisa a estrutura com calma. “Eu queria uma verde..”
“Tudo bem! Vamos encontrar uma verde.”de modo totalmente compreensivo Payne sorri e você retribui alegre, caminhando de mãos dadas para a próxima sessão.
Já no outro corredor vocês se deparam com diversas árvores de inúmeros tamanhos. Porém uma em especial chamou sua atenção. Ela era grande, com as bolinhas em dourado, laços vermelhos, anjos e pequenos bonecos de neve decoravam os galhos artificiais, e por fim a grande estrela dourada deu o toque final para que ela fosse perfeita.
Liam por sua vez gostou da árvore ao lado, também no verde mas com bolinhas vermelhas, douradas e pratas. Os detalhes dos presentes compunham a decoração e os grandes laços vermelhos com as pontas douradas chamavam a atenção e davam a sensação pura do Natal no ar.
“Amor, eu amei essa!” você comenta empolgada ao mostrar a sua preferida.
“E eu essa!” seu namorado aponta para a árvore ao lado da que você escolheu e ambos caem na gargalhada.
“A sua é linda mas tem muita informação, não achou?”
“Não..” responde um pouco sem graça, conferindo os detalhes da árvore. “Todas as cores combinam e os presentinhos são tão fofos.”
“Essa aqui tem bonecos de neve, babe.” você apela e Liam ri.
“Vamos escolher pelo valor.”
“Quanto custa a sua?”
“230 libras.” diz depois de conferir a etiqueta. “E a sua?”
“225 libras!” sua empolgação é tanta que algumas pessoa por perto olham diretamente para vocês e quase que no mesmo minuto seu rosto fica levemente rosado.
“Ah, qual é! Cinco libras mais cara não vale.” ele reclama fazendo bico.
“Não deixa de ser mais cara que a minha.”
“Muito injusto.. eu amei essa aqui..” chateado o moreno abraça a árvore e logo sua feição passa a ser semelhante a de um cachorrinho que caiu da mudança. Enquanto ria você tira o celular do bolso e grava a reação maravilhosa do namorado, a qual seria o divertidamente de todos na noite de Natal.
“Aprenda a perder, Payne!” você diz entre risadas e ele permanece no personagem de criança birrenta. “Vem, vamos comprar uma árvore simples e a decoração separada. Assim montamos a nossa própria árvore.”
“Por que não tivemos essa ideia brilhante antes?” seu namorado arqueia a sobrancelha e dá uma risadinha, sendo acompanhado por você no segundo seguinte em que para a gravação no smartphone e voltam ao objetivo inicial: ter a própria árvore de natal.
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Louis Tomlinson as a boyfriend
Véspera de Natal sempre foi um dos dias mais esperados do ano por você. E depois que conheceu Louis, seu namorado há seis anos e meio, se tornou um dia mais que especial já que coincidia com o aniversário do seu amor.
Louis completará trinta e um anos e embora todos os aniversário se fazem apenas uma vez na vida, a casa dos trinta sempre foi pauta de conversas entre vocês, imaginando como seria a vida depois dos trinta. Sendo assim, relembrando tais conversas, você recordou-se de uma em que falavam sobre casamento, e Louis disse que tinha planos de se casar antes dos trinta. Embora ele estivesse alcançando tal idade, você achou que seria uma boa ideia pedí-lo em casamento no dia do aniversário dele e no meio de toda a família. Um baita presente!
Sua ansiedade já estava a mil antes de dar meia noite e todos os preparativos para o pedidos já estavam encaminhados. A única pessoa que sabia dessa notícia era Lottie, que ficou responsável por gravar a reação do irmão quando você fosse propor.
O dia seguiu normal e você tentou ao máximo não transparecer nervosismo, empolgação ou qualquer outro sentimento exagerado que o moreno pudesse desconfiar.
Já era oito e meia da noite e todos os membros da família, tanto a dele quanto a sua, haviam chego na casa da tia mais próxima de Louis. Ninguém sequer imaginava o que fosse acontecer naquela noite e todos estavam na parte de fora da casa, onde existiam algumas poltronas e sofás de madeira muito confortáveis, além das cadeiras de plástico dispostas pelo gramado. Os piscas ligados davam ênfase ao ar natalino e até mesmo mágico que o local proporcionava, deixando o clima perfeito para que o anúncio fosse feito.
Seu plano era que no momento em que a tia de Louis chamassem todos para jantar, você interrompesse e enfim propusesse o tão sonhado pedido de casamento para o amor da sua vida. E as tudo seguiu do jeitinho que você planejou.
“Família, o jantar está na mesa!” quem estava sentado se levanta, indo a caminho da sala de jantar. Porém você é mais rápida e, embora estivesse com o coração saindo pela boca, chama atenção de todos que param exatamente o que estavam fazendo para te olhar.
“Pessoal.. eu gostaria de atrasar o jantar por alguns minutinhos. Prometo que não vai demorar.” seu namorado, que estava sentado no sofá ao lado do primo, te encara com a testa franzida e retorna a posição que estava antes da tia chamar, assim como todos os outros, os quais só tem olhos para você. “OK, isso é um pouco intimidador.” você dá uma risadinha e algumas pessoas te acompanham, ansiosas e curiosas para saber o que vinha pela frente.
“Será que está grávida?” algum parente fala baixinho no entanto o suficiente para você e Louis escutar. Na sequência Tomlinson te olha imediatamente com olhos arregalados e pergunta no intuito de ler os lábios dele. ‘Você tá grávida?’
“Não tem nada a ver com gravidez, gente!” uma risada nasalada sai da sua garganta e você pôde escutar alguns gritinhos decepcionados e outros risos, enquanto que Louis apenas respira fundo e leva as mãos ao peito. “Bom, como todo mundo sabe, hoje, além de véspera de Natal, é aniversário do Tommo!” todos aplaudem e o moreno fica sem graça, agradecendo com um pequeno sorriso. “Louis está fazendo trinta e um. Uma idade aparentemente comum, mas pra gente em especial se tornou um símbolo.” quando seus olhos encontram os do seu namorado você logo percebe que ele entendeu o que você quis dizer apenas com um sorriso. “Nos últimos, sei lá, quatro anos, nós sempre conversávamos sobre como seria quando chegássemos na temida casa dos trinta. Ainda estaríamos juntos? Teríamos algum pet? Nos casaríamos? Moraríamos juntos? Seríamos tios? Seríamos pais? Estaríamos no mesmo emprego? Enfim, foram muitas perguntas e dúvidas que tivemos até finalmente termos a noção de que os trinta chegaram.” apesar de todos estarem focados no que dizia, suas palavras e ações eram destinadas ao moreno a poucos metros de você, que te olhava ansioso e com um riso preso nos lábios que não se desfez por nada. “Entre uma dessas conversas, lembro que Louis falou que tinha planos de casar antes dos trinta. Infelizmente esse plano foi por água a baixo ano passado, quando ele ainda tinha vinte e nove, e se não estou enganada ele não se casou. Certo, babe?” as provocações divertidas da família tiraram algumas risadas da galera, inclusive do seu namorado, que negou com a cabeça. “Nesse caso, por mais que você tenha alcançado os trinta, eu gostaria de saber se você quer casar comigo antes de completar trinta e dois e então ficar velho demais pra isso..” todos sem exceção gritam surpresos, alguns choram, outros assoviam, e Lottie foca nitidamente em Louis, que te encara perplexo, com um sorriso de orelha a orelha e com os olhos se enchendo de água aos poucos. “Porque você Louis, você é a pessoa que eu tenho esperado a vida toda. Você é o amor da minha vida. Você me entende como ninguém. Você me olha diferente. Você me beija diferente. Você me ama diferente. Você me faz feliz, inteiramente feliz, Lou.” emocionado o moreno segura ao máximo para não chorar, e apesar de todo o barulho, os olhos dele e toda atenção estão voltados exclusivamente para você, e Louis te admira de uma forma tão bonita e tão apaixonada que a irmã, a qual grava toda a cena, chora sem conseguir conter as lágrimas. “E eu quero sentir essa felicidade para o resto da vida.” sua voz falha e agora é você que se emociona e comprime os lábios para não borrar a maquiagem. “E então? Louis William Tomlinson, você aceita se casar comigo?”
“É claro que eu aceito!” após a fala do moreno todos celebraram com gritos, aplausos e assobios e vocês vão ao encontro um do outro, comemorando o ‘sim’ com um abraço caloroso e um beijo de cinema. “Esse foi o melhor presente de aniversário que eu já ganhei.” ele sussurra em seu ouvido com voz de choro enquanto estão envolvidos no abraço e você desaba naquele momento não aguentando a enxurrada de emoção e adrenalina.
“Feliz aniversário, meu amor.”
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Niall Horan as a boyfriend
Faltando exatamente quatro dias para o Natal, você e muito menos seu namorado haviam comprado os presentes para os familiares mais próximos.
O fim de ano era uma época mega corrida, mas em sua concepção esse ano em específico estava passando voando. A sensação de que as horas corriam se dava ao fato de você estar trabalhando feito louca, uma vez que entraria em férias após o Natal e queria deixar tudo certo em seu período de ausência para que ninguém da empresa te ligasse no meio da sua viagem para o Hawaii com Niall.
Além dos presentes, vocês precisavam fazer algumas compras para levarem à viagem como protetor, bronzeador, roupas de banho e acessórios havaianos para as festas temáticas que teriam no resort o qual iriam se hospedar. A lista de afazeres era gigante e o tempo escasso.
Portanto vocês resolveram ir ao shopping após chegarem do trabalho na esperança de comprarem tudo o que precisavam antes das lojas fecharem.
“OK, acho que podemos começar com os presentes dos nossos pais, não é?”
“Ótima ideia.”
“Tem algo em mente?“ você pergunta enquanto andam de mãos dadas pelos corredores daquele shopping lotado, pensando em algo legal e simbólico para seus pais, até que você é tirada de seus pensamentos pela animação de seu namorado.
“Vamos tirar uma foto com Papai Noel!” o moreno havia incorporado uma criança de seis anos naquele segundo e você arregalou os olhos, sem entender nada.
“Para de graça.” você ri mas Niall não te acompanha. E isso te preocupa. “Você não tá falando sério.. ou tá?”
“Claro que tô!” responde como se fosse óbvio.
“Amor, nós temos três horas para comprar e procurar um monte de coisa e você quer tirar foto com o velhinho?”
“Respeite o Papai Noel, garota!”
“Cala a boca vai..”
“Vamos pelo menos ver se ele tá ali.” Niall sequer te esperou e caminhou até a estrutura grande e natalina onde havia a cadeira do Papai Noel. E para sua sorte ele não estava lá.
“Graças a Deus.” você sussurra. “Vem, Ni! Não podemos perder tempo.”
“Tira uma foto minha sentado na cadeira dele.” agora ele havia se transformado em um adolescente fora da lei e você ainda não entendia o que estava acontecendo com aquele homem de vinte e nove anos.
“Você vai ser expulso do shopping.”
“Vai logo, S/N..” a risada e idiotice do rapaz te contagiaram e quando se deu conta você estava rindo e tirando a bendita foto. Você não sabia mas felizmente seu celular estava no modo ‘live’ das fotos e diante das milhares que tirou uma em específico foi exatamente no momento que o Papai Noel retornou ao seu posto e tirando sarro do seu namorado jogou um presente na direção dele, questionando se ele queria trabalhar no seu lugar.
“Vai trouxa..” você ria após terem saído do ambiente natalino e voltado aos corredores do shopping.
“Eu jurei que ele ia jogar aquele presente no meu rosto.”
“Seria hilário!” uma gargalhada escapa e Horan te encara sério.
“Pelo menos consegui uma foto com ele.” o moreno vangloria-se mostrando o fundo de tela do celular: ele e o Papai Noel abraçados. Você apenas sacode a cabeça negativamente e ri daquela situação inusitada.
“Tá bom, crianção. Agora corre que temos pouco tempo e muita coisa pra fazer!”
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Zayn Malik as a boyfriend
Amigo secreto sempre foi uma tradição na sua família. Desde que você se recorda não houve nenhum Natal em que não teve trocas de presentes depois da meia noite. Mesmo com todos os desentendimentos de família ao longo do ano, ao final dele as discussões eram esquecidas e o que realmente importava naquela noite era a união, diversão, amor e alegria. E claro, o amigo oculto.
Como Natal passado você passou com a família do Zayn, esse ano era a vez dele passar com a sua. Sendo assim, duas semanas atrás, em um almoço na casa de seus pais, foi feito o sorteio para cada um tirar seu amigo secreto.
Você havia tirado sua prima favorita, e ficou muito feliz pois sabia exatamente o que comprar para ela. Vocês tinham gostos muito parecidos por conviverem juntas durante toda infância e adolescência e terem praticamente a mesma idade. Então a escolha do presente esse ano seria fácil.
Seu namorado por sua vez havia tirado ninguém mais ninguém menos que seu pai. Você não sabia, mas pela cara assustada dele você pensou nessa possibilidade.
Zayn não fazia ideia do que dar para o seu pai. Ele ficou dias matutando a ideia até chegar ao limite e ter que se render a você.
“Amor..” ele fala baixinho, como quem não quer nada quando deita ao seu lado no sofá.
“Hum” você responde sem tirar os olhos da tevê.
“Eu não faço ideia do que comprar para a pessoa que eu tirei no amigo secreto.” o moreno diz todo sem jeito e um pouco frustrado, sendo impossível não rir e pausar o filme que assistia.
“Quem você pegou?”
“Se eu te falar não tem graça.”
“E como que eu vou te ajudar se não souber quem você pegou?”
“Eu tava pensando em você me dizer quais são as coisas que seus parentes gostam..”
“Tipo quem, Zayn?” você pergunta rindo.
“Sei lá.. sua tia, seu primo, seu pai, sua mãe, sua prima..”
“OK, essas são as pessoas que você provavelmente pegou então.” o riso dele se entregando é o motivo da sua gargalhada.
“Para de tentar adivinhar quem eu peguei!” dessa vez ele ri como forma de desespero.
“Pega um papel e uma caneta que eu vou dizer o que cada um gosta.”
“Por isso que eu te amo!” Zayn te deu um selinho prolongado de surpresa e saiu à procura do celular para anotar no bloco de notas um presente para cada membro, mesmo que ele só precisasse de uma ideia para o sogro.
No dia 24, mais precisamente depois da ceia, todos se dirigiram para a sala, desligaram as luzes e deixaram apenas a do pisca pisca ligada. O clima natalino estava no ar e esse ano quem começou foi você.
“Bom, a minha amiga secreta é uma mulher.. eu vivi com ela desde que nasci praticamente.”
“Sua mãe!”
“Não é minha mãe..” você responde entre risadas e é possível visualizar a feição alegre da sua mãe indo embora. “Minha amiga secreta é como uma irmã pra mim. Nós crescemos juntas, somos muito parecidas e construímos uma relação linda de amizade além da união de família.
“É a N/P!” sua tia, mãe da sua prima chuta em cheio e você diz que sim. Sua prima recebe seu abraço com um belo sorriso, agradece pelo presente e pelas palavras e finalmente vocês posam para a famosa foto, além do vídeo que sempre alguém grava e posta nas redes sociais no dia seguinte.
Seguindo a ordem, depois de sua prima abrir o presente e amar o enfeite de estante da série favorita, ela é a próxima a falar.
“O meu amigo ou amiga secreta é uma pessoa muito especial..”
“Ah não! Dá uma dica direta!” alguém reclama e todos caem na gargalhada.
“Tá, tá! É um rapaz.. está na família há algum tempo.. é um agregado.. um pouco tímido mas quando se tem intimidade ele se torna muito divertido e um ótimo amigo.. e ele faz a S/N muito feliz!”
“Sou eu?” seu namorado levanta a mão um tanto quanto empolgado e confuso porém um sorriso cresce nos lábios quando sua prima diz que sim e finalmente vão se abraçar em meios aos aplausos do grupo. Zayn nunca foi muito fã dessa brincadeira, mas ele entrava na onda. Mesmo que fosse possível identificar sua timidez e vergonha você conseguiu gravar exatamente o momento dele todo sem graça ao olhar para a câmera e fazer um ‘beleza’ enquanto abraçava e agradecia sua prima.
“OK, vamos lá!” após Malik guardar o moletom lindíssimo e colorido que ganhou da prima, ele iniciou a sua fala para desvendar o amigo secreto da vez. “O meu amigo secreto é um homem… ele não foi muito com a minha cara assim que nos conhecemos mas logo depois fomos virando amigos e hoje temos uma ótima relação.. sei disso porque a gente bebe junto e eu considero esse passo muito importante.” todos da família riram mas ninguém sabia ao certo quem era. “Poxa, gente! Tá fácil!”
“Dá mais dica!” você grita
“Essa vai entregar..” confessou sem jeito, coçando a nuca e rindo um pouco. “Eu tinha um certo medinho dele antes de tudo começar..”
“Meu pai!” Zayn faz que sim com a cabeça e abraça seu pai entregando o presente a ele. A cena te faz sorrir.
“Feliz Natal, Sogrão! Espero que goste!”
“Valeu, querido!”
Zayn volta para o sofá e senta ao seu lado de novo, um pouco apreensivo e observando seu pai abrir o presente. No entanto ele deixa de lado provavelmente para abrir depois e começa o discurso para desvendar o amigo oculto que pegou.
“Ele não vai abrir agora?” seu namorado questiona baixinho.
“Acho que não.” você responde no mesmo tom e solta uma risadinha.
“Porra! Seu pai simplesmente ignorou meu presente.”
“Todo ano ele abre o presente depois, amor.”
“Como é que eu vou saber se ele vai gostar?”
“Relaxa, Zayn.. se você escutou meu conselho, ele vai gostar.”
“Você sabia que eu tinha pego ele?”
“Ah, para!”
“A cara de assustado quando você leu quem era te entregou.” um riso fraco sai de sua boca ao lembrar dos olhos arregalados do moreno quando leu o nome no papelzinho.
“E não foi pra menos né. Pegar o pai da namorada é uma puta responsabilidade.”
“Como você é exagerado.”
“Vai que ele não gosta de saber que o presente é a autorização para pedir a filha dele em casamento.” no momento que você escuta o que seu namorado diz seu coração acelera e suas pupilas dilatam, totalmente focadas em Zayn.
“Você não fez isso..”
“Não fiz.. mas seria uma ideia maravilhosa, né?”
“Seu besta! Quase morri do coração!”
“Por que? Não quer ser minha esposa?
“Claro que eu quero. Mas não desse jeito. Em um pedido no amigo secreto da minha família.”
“Eu acharia hiper romântico.”
“Tá bom.. e se você me pegasse, me daria o que?”
“Não sei se seria apropriado para a ocasião eu dizer isso agora..” ele brinca ao cochichar no seu ouvido e você ri, sentindo arrepios na espinha, principal quando o rapaz passa as pontas dos dedos em sua coxa desnuda. “Vamos aproveitar que o pessoal tá entretido e me acompanha até o banheiro?”
“Você não existe, Malik.”
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gurugirl · 3 months
ex-boyfriend's dad!harry part 2
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Summary: Harry wants to show you what you've been missing if you'll let him. OR The filthy smutty one.
A/N: This full series is already live on Patreon, with all 4 parts up! Part 3 will be posted here in one week. THIS PART HAS NEARLY 9K WORDS OF SMUT ALONE. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
Word Count: 10.8k
Series Warnings: explicit content, smut (including anal, rough blow jobs), age gap, angst, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, choking, slight degradation, use of small implements (collar and leash, anal plug)
Part 2 Warnings: smut, rough blow job training, age gap, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, use of anal plug, use of collar and leash, choking, slight degradation, spitting, size kink (as always), anal play
ex-boyfriend's dad!harry masterlist
. . .
It felt like one of your fantasies, to have Harry’s eyes on you in your bedroom, where you knew he was about to do some very unwholesome things to you. He said he was going to show you what it felt like to be eaten out by a man who enjoys it and that was... Well, that was the hottest thing you’d ever heard when it was coming from his mouth.
You sat on your bed and watched as Harry rolled his sleeves up to his elbows as if he was about to do some manual labor, “You look cute tonight, Y/n. Did you have me in mind when you picked out those shorts?”
You looked down at your lap and smiled before looking at him, “Yes.”
“Did you eat before I came over?”
Now this question caught you off guard. You shook your head, “Uh… no. I ate earlier. Like one o’clock I think?”
He tutted at you as he removed his belt, pulling the leather from the belt loops on his pants, “We’ll eat something after we’re done here. Okay?”
You nodded. In truth, you liked that he planned something after you were done. It meant that he’d be sticking around a bit longer. Maybe he’d stay all night. You didn’t want to push your luck.
This was a side of Harry you hadn’t really gotten to see before. Somehow his demeanor was filling in tiny cracks you didn’t know needed filled. It felt like things were sealing and fusing together inside of you as you watched him move about and talk to you the way he was. Like he knew exactly what he was doing.
Your bedroom seemed so small with him standing in it, his eyes on you while you sat in wait on your bed. Waiting for him to tell you what to do next. Waiting to see what he was going to do and how he’d do it.
He took one long-legged step toward your bed and dropped the heavy black belt onto your light blue comforter before he sat next to you.
You kept your eyes on his movements as if your life depended on it. You watched his hand draw up to your chin and felt his fingers squeeze into your skin before he pulled your face in toward his and ran his smooth lips up your jaw, “I’m gonna make you feel so good Y/n.”
You closed your eyes and every part of you was open to him. Pliable and willing. Whatever he wanted. However he wanted it. You wanted it if he was going to be the one doing it.
He pressed his fingers into the hollows of your cheeks with his large palm pressing to the underside of your chin, his thumb on one side and pointer finger on the other of your face when he pressed his lips to yours. The juxtaposition of his soft lips and his harsh grip had you spinning. He was directing the entire thing and angling your face toward his the way he wanted. You sat your palm on his upper thigh to balance yourself and that’s when he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Wet and hot. You opened up for him and felt his tongue lap against yours.
The pitiful moan that fell from your chest had him smiling against your lips, “You like to be handled a little rough, Y/n?”
You nodded against his mouth before he parted from the kiss, “I can tell.” He released his grip from your face and ran his fingers along your temple, “If you want to see me again after this then we’ll get into a little more of what I think you’ll like and things I like. We’ll go over the rules. But there’s no pressure today. Okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled at him. But… See him again? Get into things he likes? That had your heart lobbing in your chest with satisfaction.
“I might hold you tight with my hands to keep you still, maybe do a few little things just to see how you like it, but nothing too rough or uncomfortable. If you don’t like something just tell me. Today we’re just gonna have some fun and get ourselves sorted out.”
You watched him shift and your hand fell away from his thigh as he gripped your sides and pushed you up to your pillows before rubbing his hands down your thighs and over your shins before pushing your legs apart, “Keep your legs open for me. I don’t want you closing them, even if you feel like you want to or it’s your natural urge. There will be consequences,” he smirked at you before continuing, “Nothing severe, though. We’re just playing right, Y/n?” He pushed his hands up the insides of your thighs as his green eyes seared into you.
You grinned and bobbed your head up and down in agreement as you looked from his eyes to where his hands were inching closer to your crotch, his fingers sneaking under the hem of your shorts (which were quite short).
He lifted your left leg first, keeping his eyes on yours as he smushed his plush lips against the inside of your thigh, “Ever since you told me that you weren’t getting the favor returned to you I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. About doing this to you. To show you what you’ve been missing. Feels like I need to make up for what Tyler wouldn’t do. So you know that kind of behavior doesn’t run in the family.”
His lips trailed over your soft flesh and up to the hem of your shorts, using his thumb to push the material up so he could get his mouth as close to your core as possible without actually being close enough to your very center.
He switched to your other thigh, placing your left leg down on the bed and lifting the right one the same way he did with the other, “Knew you’d be so good for me. Didn’t want to admit it then but I certainly imagined it. Do you know what I did that night after we got out of the pool?”
You shook your head, “No. What?”
He grinned, moving his mouth further up again and to the hem of your shorts, “It’s shameful and dirty but I couldn’t help it, Y/n. Before I tell you what I did,” he pushed your shorts up and applied a wet open mouth kiss to your skin, “I have to be honest. I saw your pretty little pussy that night.”
You blinked your eyes as you listened to him. You didn’t mean to let your mouth drop open the way it did because you kind of suspected he had. But to hear him say it…
“When I pushed you out of the water you opened your legs, and I saw you. That image has been burned into my memory. Can’t stop seeing it, Y/n.”
You inhaled sharply as he dropped your right leg and began to put his hands into the band of your shorts, “Taking these off. Okay?”
You nodded, your eyes darting down to where he began to pull your stretchy shorts down your legs until you were only left in your panties (picked out just for the occasion) and t-shirt.
You watched Harry’s eyes rove over your thighs and hips, his hands smoothing over you and down the side of your thighs before he dragged his knuckles down the center of your panties to your mound.
“That night, in my room I imagined you on your hands and knees for me, this pussy here,” he pressed over your labia and smoothed his thumb against the fabric of your panties, “just on display for me, peeking out from the back of your thighs.”
He licked his lips as he continued rubbing over your panties until he found the spot your clit was in and looked up at you, “I was so hard for you. And I felt awful, I really did, but I couldn’t stop seeing it, Y/n. I tried not to touch myself. Tried not to think about your breasts and your hips and this pretty bottom,” he kneaded at your upper thighs where the plush flesh met the curve of your butt. “But I couldn’t stop the sight of you from filling my head.”
You kept bouncing your sight from his fingers to his face as he continued.
“Mind if I pull this to the side? So I can see it again?”
“Yeah. It’s okay,” you nodded and held your breath as he hooked his finger into the crotch of your panties and pulled them aside. He cooed when your pussylips came into view and immediately pressed his thumb over your labia with the softest touch, smearing your arousal gently upward to your clit.
“When I couldn’t stop the picture of you naked and wet in the pool I began to ache. I tried willing my erection away but it didn’t work. I was in bed trying to think of anything else. I attempted to close my eyes and go to sleep but that only made it worse.”
“Then I started to leak. I wasn’t wearing anything. Went to bed naked because it hurt too much to put anything over my cock. But when I felt the moisture at my tip I knew I was fucked. My body was too turned on and I was dripping precome. I had to spread it down my shaft and stroked myself a little bit for relief but it felt too good.”
He sighed and you felt his fingers push your lips apart as he focused in on your pussy and then circled over your clit, making you moan.
“So I fucked my fist and imagined you were there, pressing your wet cunt up and down my cock and getting the relief I knew you were in need of. And even now, I can tell you need relief. So wet and puffy. Your skin is so hot.”
You swallowed and nodded shallowly as you watched him circle two fingers at your entrance and gently push in just the tips, “Want my fingers inside of you?”
“Yes,” you breathed, watching closely as he plunged his long finger into his last knuckle and you felt that yummy tightness of being filled up. He softly stroked along your walls, pushing in and pulling his fingers back as he looked from your eyes to your wet pussy and the mess you were making on his fingers.
“I need to tell you something else. Something Tyler told me because I think it’s only fair you know what he said. And I want to make sure it’s true. Okay?”
You nodded as he continued the languid pressing of his fingers inside of you.
“Said you liked being choked. Is that right?”
You blinked and nodded, “Well… yeah. I mean, I haven’t ever been so I don’t know but I wanted to see if I liked it. I think I will.”
He nodded, “And you want to be spit on? In your mouth?”
You let out a shaky breath and nodded, “On my tongue. And here,” you moved your hand down to where Harry was pumping his fingers inside of you.
“Oh yeah? Like this?”
You watched as he pulled his fingers from your opening and gathered saliva on his tongue before gripping your thighs and tilting your hips up. He spat over you, the warm spray of his spit landing on your labia and the space over your entrance had you moaning and lifting so you could see it better as he smeared the liquid under his digits and then pushed it inside of you, continuing to fuck you with his fingers.
“Yes. Just like that…” You looked at his face in awe as he leaned across and grabbed the back of your neck with his free hand.
“Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out.”
He tilted your neck back and your lips drew open wide, your tongue slipping past your mouth before you felt the drizzle of his saliva coating your tongue and then he pressed his mouth over yours softly before sitting back and letting go of your neck, his fingers still fucking into you slowly.
You were already panting, frazzled, burning hot, desperate. He could see it. The change in you. The sudden shift in the way you were breathing, your eyes, your lips… everything told him you wanted more.
“Did you like that?” You could hear the wet sound of your pussy being fingered by the man who just spit in your mouth. The first man to ever do so. Your brain was turning to mush but you managed to nod your head in response.
“And you want to try anal sex too? True?”
You swallowed thickly. You wanted to be honest with him so you were, “I’ve used toys on myself so I know I like it. Just never had anyone do it to me.”
Harry’s eyes narrowed at you and he licked his lips, “What kind of toys, Y/n?”
You moaned when he stroked against something that made your insides tingle, “Dildo. I also have a plug I like to wear when I… play with myself.”
“When you masturbate?”
You nodded and then he applied his thumb over your clit and you dropped your mouth wide.
“Do you use a vibrator? Dildo?”
You sucked in a deep breath and tried to keep yourself calm but his fingers were magic, “Both. I like… oh god…” you closed your eyes and breathed at the sensation he was giving you, “I use the plug and then masturbate with a dildo, push it in and I can feel the plug pressing it… ooohh mmm…” you moaned and rolled your hips up.
“That’s good, Y/n. So good for me, honey,” you could hear the change in his voice. He sounded quite ruttish himself. “I like all those things too. If you want them, I’ll give them to you. Okay? That is if you want more after today.”
You nodded and continued to gasp in between pants as he hastened his fingers, his knuckles thwacking into you harder.
Suddenly he’d pulled his fingers out of you and you felt his hands at the top of the waistband of your panties, “These are very pretty but I need them gone because I’m gonna eat your pussy now. Sound good, Y/n?”
He kept his eyes on yours as you nodded and peeped out a yes.
The silk and lacy fabric was tossed into your room faster than you could wrap your brain around when he was crawling himself down until his mouth was inches from your cunt.
You watched him carefully as he focused his gaze on yours, “This what you want, Y/n? Want your ex’s daddy? Yeah?”
The guttural moan that fell from your lips when he said it filled your bedroom, “Yes. I want it.”
Now you knew he’d said daddy to get some kind of reaction from you. You certainly always thought of him as such regardless, but with him on your bed in your bedroom with your pussy wet and on display for him it all felt so intense. So raw.
“I know you do. Who’s gonna keep you satisfied in bed, sweet girl? Tell me who you want doing this to you,” he smeared his fingers up and down your labia, pushing your slick around and painting your pussylips and clit with arousal.
“You. I want you to do it.”
His pink tongue poked out from his lips to wet his mouth, “That’s right. You want Daddy to take care of you. Yeah?” His brows raised at you.
You whimpered and tossed your neck back when he pressed his tongue over your clit and then removed it in a cruel tease, “Yes!”
“Who’s gonna take good care of you, honey? Tell me. I wanna hear you say it.”
You popped your eyes open and looked at him, hovering over your cunt with an evil grin set on his face. You knew what he wanted to hear.
“You’re gonna take care of me… Daddy. You.”
He moaned and immediately ducked down to kiss your clit into his mouth and then licked upward from your entrance, “Good girl,” he spoke as he split your labia with his tongue and found your clit, wrapping his lips around you and began to eat you alive. It felt like that. A man, starved, devouring your soft flesh and wet bits.
You could only let out breathy pants and whiny moans as he worked your pussy like no one ever had. Tongue and lips and hot breath over your core… wide open mouth sucking you in… You let out a garbled moan when he pushed two fingers back inside of you. Your arms and legs were jelly and each time he looked at you it reminded you that this wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t just one of your fantasies. You were getting eaten out by your ex-boyfriend’s dad.
The sound of slippery fingers pressing wetly into your body was lined with slurps and sucks as he used his free hand to hold your right thigh in place.
“Oh my god!” You yelped and pushed yourself up by your elbows to watch as he flicked his tongue back and forth over your clit before he flattened it and carved a naughty route around your wet button. He alternated between the slow slide of his tongue around your collection of nerves and pressing over it in meaningful flicks as his fingers pumped into you and glided over your front wall, dipping into your g-spot.
The combination of his fingers and his mouth was exactly what you needed. What you’d been craving.
You laid back into the bed when it was too much to keep yourself up to watch and you heard him puff out a laughed breath against you, “Feel good? This what you wanted?”
A whimper was pushed from your lungs as you gasped, “Fuck. Yes!”
It was like your body was slowly sizzling and cooking, rendering out juices and softening, gradually becoming fork tender. You were sure that once he was done snacking on your pussy you’d be nothing but a slippery puddle on your bed.
You felt as if your body was not your own as Harry worked you with his mouth and fingers. You gave in to him completely as you slid your shaky hands down to his head and felt his hair between your fingers.
And it wasn’t just good. It didn’t just feel satisfying. It felt like something beyond what you could describe. It had your insides churning and liquifying as your brain turned to a mushy mess of need and ache.
“Oh!” You cried out as that familiar tingle spread over your core and through your tummy. The sound of your moans set Harry off as he began to press his tongue harder onto your clit, slipping his tongue back and forth and curling his fingers against your front wall.
You could feel the wetness spread to your ass which just made you feel hotter… you knew it was a mix of his spit and your own arousal dripping down to your anus and then to your comforter.
But then Harry removed his mouth and you peeked down at him as he placed the pads of his fingers over your clit and circled as he spat on you again, but this time lower, under the spot his fingers were stuffed and you felt it on your ass as you began to tremble from his fingers inside of you and the ones on your clit.
He moved his fingers from your clit and looked up at you quickly as lowered his hand to your anus and poked at your empty hole with his middle finger, “I can tell you’re about to come, Y/n. You ready for this, baby?”
You whined and nodded, “Yes, Daddy.”
He grinned at you calling him Daddy and then slowly pressed his finger into your ass, his other hand still stroking his fingers inside of your pussy, lifting the slightest so he could get a good look at how he was stuffing you with his digits.
The moment he’d gotten his middle finger tucked deep into your bum you let out a strange gasp and then he brought his mouth back to your clit.
It was the perfect trifecta that had you quivering and wetly mumbling nonsense into your room. Not something you’d ever even imagined, even in your wildest dreams. To have a man fingering your ass with one hand, fucking his fingers into your pussy with his other, and slurping on your clit with his mouth.
You convulsed and your thighs shook violently as you tugged at his hair tightly. You weren’t you in that very moment. You were just some being who was at the mercy of another as he orchestrated your orgasm like he already knew how you were going to respond. Like he knew better than you did.
Having anything tucked into your ass while you were masturbating was always a guarantee for an intense orgasm. But having Harry’s finger pressing into you and his slippery mouth working over your clit like it was just did something else. Something primitive and innate.
He was going into your pussy so hard your butt was lifted off the bed and you were flopping and squirming as your release hit you like a hammer. You felt it in your jaw and your heart, your ribs were expanding and contracting as you sucked in as much air as you could before crying out loudly.
You had no control of any of your limbs or the way your pussy clenched and spasmed over his fingers. You weren’t sure what you were saying or if real words were even coming out of your mouth. Your mind was blurry and you were beholden to the way Harry was manipulating you with his fingers and his tongue.
Moments went by where you were sure you were unconscious. You’d lost yourself for a moment in blurry bliss but then you heard his deep voice cooing at you. His words weren’t registering but his voice brought you back slowly.
You threw your arm over your eyes as you panted for oxygen, chest rising and falling violently. You had no power over the way your legs were still trembling, but then you felt Harry’s big hands gently rubbing up and down your thighs.
“There we go… just relax, baby,” he spoke softly, trying to settle you and bring you back with small squeezes, fingers indenting into your skin and thumbs gliding along your muscles.
You felt him wrap a hand around your wrist and lift your arm from your face, “Let me see you. Look at me, Y/n.”
You slowly blinked your eyes opened to see him leaning over you. His hair was a mess from how you’d yanked at his roots and he was flushed with dark pupils as he grinned at you, “So pretty. Feel better now?”
You nodded and sighed as he adjusted his position and fell to the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms.
“We’ll just lie here for a minute. Talk a bit. Okay? Want you to come down a little. Get your bearings.” His delicate touch on your temple, the pad of his thumb rubbing at your skin had you swooning. This man was too good.
“Okay,” you drew your hand up to his shoulder and smiled.
“I’ll make you something to eat after we’re done here if you don’t mind me rummaging through your kitchen. Is that okay?”
“You don’t have to do that, Harry. I can make something–“
“So does that mean you don’t want me going through your fridge?”
“No. I don’t care if you go through my fridge,” you laughed, “I just meant I can do it.”
Harry grinned at you, “Yeah but you didn’t do it before I came over and we need to make sure you eat. So it’s settled. I’ll make you something. But first,” he ran his fingers down the skin on your cheek to the edge of your mouth, “I wanted to try one more thing. Something you told me you liked when we were in the pool that night.”
You kept your eyes on his and when his lips pulled up into a devilish grin you understood what he meant before he even said it, making your own lips tug upward.
“You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”
You nodded, still grinning back at him.
His thumb trailed over your bottom lip before pressing down on it, making you open up for him as he smushed his digit into your mouth and over your tongue where you closed your lips and sucked.
He watched you suckle at his digit and pull at it with your lips, “It’s something else I can’t stop dreaming of. Imagining you on your knees with my cock down your throat. And I have no qualms about making you gag either, honey. Make you drool and choke on it. I’ll take it easy on you tonight, though.”
You kept sucking on his thumb as you hummed and nodded, your eyes bobbing from his lips to his pretty eyes as he spoke.
He slowly slid his thumb from your lips and watched your saliva follow his digit as he pulled it away. He pushed himself to sit up and pulled you with him. His hands clutched the bottom hem of your t-shirt, “We’re gonna get you naked. Might get a little messy. Okay?”
“Okay.” You felt like your voice was small and far away as he dragged the fabric up your torso and off your head. The moment your shirt was gone his finger brushed up your skin to your bra, which matched the panties that were lying somewhere on your floor.
You watched his face as he reached around and unhooked your bra clasp, “This is pretty, Y/n. You were so sweet to think of me when you dressed before I came over,” he spoke lowly as your bra fell off your shoulders and was pushed to the side before he cupped your nude tits in his hands, “But I like this a lot better.”
He ducked down and wrapped his lips over your nipple as he kneaded and squeezed the other. You gasped at the harsh tug he gave you and you ran your fingers into his hair and arched your back into him. He continued licking and sucking until he’d gotten both sides. Pulling at your nipples and then licking the spot, the cool air drawing chills over your skin.
The attention he gave your body was unlike anything you’d ever experienced. You were floating and your heart was pounding and your body was on fire.
When he pulled away you watched him get off your bed. He kept his eyes on you and your body as he unbuttoned his shirt. Every button revealing more of his masculine build, dark tattoos, him.
And you’d seen all of him before. Not his dick, not directly, but you knew it was nice. The glimpses you caught as he was naked in the pool with you told you all you needed to know.
He shrugged his shirt off onto the floor and then you noted the bulky lump under his pants. He sighed as he unbuttoned his pants and then began to pull them down his hips and his thighs. You wouldn’t take your eyes off the spectacle. You already knew his body was insane. But knowing that you were in the midst of a sexual encounter with him and that body felt surreal.
His boxer briefs hugged tightly to his erect cock and you kept your eyes on it as he pushed those down his strong thighs. When he stood upright after getting his briefs off you slid from the bed and got to your knees, as if by some invisible force. You didn’t even make the conscious decision to kneel in front of him and sit back on your calves with your eyes dragging over the healthy cock attached to the man standing in front of you.
Healthy. Sure. You could see that much. All of him was strong and healthy. Virile. But it was big. Thick, long, pretty. You hated that a small section of your brain compared him with Tyler instantly. But you couldn’t help it. It was stunning and it was just yet another thing that Tyler lacked that his father made up for.
“Look at you. Didn’t even need to tell you what to do,” he ran a hand over the back of your head, petting you like you were a well-behaved puppy.
You looked up at him with rounded eyes and parted lips. You couldn’t wait to get him in your mouth.
Harry smiled proudly down at you as he gripped his shaft and slowly stroked himself in front of your face. He watched your eyes dart from his cock to his face as you waited for him to tell you what to do next.
“Who’s cock do you wanna suck, honey?” His deep voice penetrated your skin and you were simply vibrating from everything he did and said.
“Your cock, Daddy.” You kept your eyes connected to his as you answered him. Your mouth was already pooling with saliva at the anticipation of tasting him. Of feeling him in your mouth.
His knuckles ghosted down your cheekbone with his free hand as he continued pumping his cock with his other. His tip dangerously close to your lips.
You wiggled in your spot and swallowed as you blinked up at him and he watched you wait patiently for him to start. Because he was in charge. And you knew he was.
“Go on then. Take a little sip,” he smeared the bit of precome on his tip over your lips and you nearly fainted as you grasped around his hand over his cock and closed your eyes, parting your mouth. You stuck out your tongue, cupping the underside of his head before you wrapped your lips around his tip and it was heaven. To have your mouth and tongue on him. Knowing he was going to give you another experience you’d always longed for.
You suckled and curved your tongue under him, feeling his smooth skin in your mouth as you looked up at him before attempting to go deeper.
He was glorious standing above you with his eyes on your face as you sucked him. His abs and the dark tattoos, muscled pecs, broad shoulders… All you wanted to do was choke on him. Give him the best head he’d ever gotten, feel him pushing down your throat, and hear him groaning.
He moved his hand away from his cock as you began to use your palm as an extension of your mouth, warming yourself up to take him deeper.
“You gonna slide down further, honey? Want to know what it feels like?” He softly placed his hand at the back of your head as you bobbed over him, your saliva coating him as you spread it with your hand over his shaft.
Bringing your lips back to his tip you swirled your tongue around his frenulum and pulled back, continuing to pump him with your hand in long strokes, “I want to make you feel good. I’ve never done it like this before. I’m worried about my teeth hurting you…”
He grinned down at you and rubbed your head, “That’s a good sign that you don’t want to hurt me,” he chuckled. “We’ll take it slow. Get some practice. See how deep you can handle it, okay?”
You nodded and puckered your lips to kiss his cockhead and then pressed devoted kisses down his shaft and back up to his crown before wrapping your lips back around him and cradling the bottom of his cock with your tongue as you slid down further and back to his tip.
His gravelly sigh egged you on. It sounded like he was enjoying what you were doing and that was exactly what you wanted.
You forced your eyes to look up at him so you would watch his face and his brows were already stitched together as he watched you on his cock.
“Bring your hand down to my balls, sweetheart. Squeeze gently and then I want to feel you push your throat down further on me. Okay? Let’s see how deep you can manage.”
You moaned as you moved your hand from his shaft to his scrotum and palmed at them before pressing your hands around them with care. He moaned as his eyes stayed on you.
Sucking in a deep breath through your nose you forced your mouth down further, the thick girth filling your mouth then his tip curving against the roof of your mouth and slipping against your tonsils.
You coughed around him and felt the urge to gag as you pulled back and then repeated, trying to get lower and keep him in your throat longer.
It took a few tries. You’d get as low as possible and feel the sting of your sinuses awakening tears in your eyes as you gurgled over him and pulled back for air.
On your fourth try, lips smearing down his shaft and drool wetting your chin you heard him moan loudly, “Fuck, baby. You’re doing so good. Gonna get you used to this so I can fuck your mouth like you wanted. I think you can do better, though. Need help?”
You felt his hand grip the back of your head as he asked if you needed help and you moaned over his cock and pulled back, still kneading his balls softly in your palm.  Sucking in a deep breath of air you nodded, tears on your face already, being the amateur that you were at deep throating, “Yeah. Push me down. My natural urge is to keep backing up once I gag but I want more of you in my throat.”
Harry’s plush pink lips raised in a grin, “Okay, baby. We'll practice this. I’m gonna push you down slowly okay? Want you to close your eyes and open wide, keep your tongue out, and take in a big breath before I do it. Yeah? Then pinch my thigh if you need me to let go. But you’re gonna need to hold your breath for a little bit because I’m gonna hold you down as far as we can get you today. Ready?”
You took a deep breath and nodded, “Yes, Daddy.”
Harry sucked in a sharp breath at how you’d so easily fallen into calling him Daddy as he adjusted his hold on your head before helping you back onto his cock.
You opened your mouth and kept your tongue out like he told you and you felt his velvety skin slip over your tongue slowly until his tip was sliding against your tonsils and you felt that instinctive gag reflex begin to take over. But he pushed in past your tonsils and you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt him curve down your throat, inch by inch as you gulped around him automatically and gagged until you were without air. He moaned loudly as your throat constricted around his tip and he pressed your head down until your nose was against his pelvis and your lips were just grazing at the base of his shaft.
“Oh fuck… just like that baby… Daddy’s gonna teach you everything you need to know. So fucking good,” you felt him thrust shallowly, pushing his tip in and pulling back slightly as he began to gently fuck your face.
You held your breath and felt his wide cock sliding in and out of your throat as he groaned and massaged the back of your head lovingly. You wanted more. Wanted to give him whatever he wanted. Loved how he was praising you and enjoying your mouth, using it how he liked.
“Shit, Y/n… Look so pretty like this for me… Oh my god…” his voice was shaky as he grunted his words.
Suddenly he pulled back until his tip was at your lips and you coughed a gasp, inhaling air as you felt your saliva drip down your chin.
“Open up, honey, keep that mouth wide open…” Harry stood over you, his hand still at the back of your head as he began to stroke himself, his tip slipping over your tongue and his guttural moans had your heart pumping wildly as you peeked up at him through the tears in your eyes.
His face was twisted up as he panted with his arm flexing as he pumped himself against your tongue. You’d long forgotten about his balls as you gripped his sturdy thighs and blinked up at him with your tongue out.
“Oh shit… fuck…” he looked down at you and your tongue as he felt his balls squeeze against his body, “Gonna come, baby… where do you want it,” his words were rushed and breathy.
“In my mouth, Daddy. Want to taste it,” you spoke quickly before opening your mouth wide again stuck your tongue out to cradle his tip and he choked out a loud moan as he began to come on your tongue, a bit getting on your lips before you pushed in closer to keep his tip in your mouth as he fucked his cock with his big palm, his knees bent slightly to get the angle right.
His string of groans and pants had you giving him an open-mouthed grin as he drained himself into your mouth and on your tongue.
Harry’s chest heaved as he emptied every last drop and then he looked down at you again, pressing his tip against your tongue over the bit of come you still had in your mouth.
You closed your lips around his tip and sucked making him hiss. He cupped your jaw and looked down at you smugly before pulling his cock from your lips, “Swallow it all down, Y/n.”
You gulped him down and kept your eyes pinned to his.
“Let me see that tongue. Show Daddy you didn’t waste anything.”
You stuck your tongue out and angled your head back so he could see down your throat and he rubbed a thumb over your cheekbone, “Gonna be so fucking good baby. It’s only gonna feel better the more practice we get. Blew me away, Y/n,” he grinned as he helped you stand up and then pulled you into his arms, his mouth finding yours.
You could feel his chest rising and falling as he was still recovering from his orgasm. Your cheeks burned hot at all the praise and confidence he gave you.
He parted from the kiss and ran his hands up your arms, “Let’s go get cleaned up and then make something to eat.”
That was something else you’d never experienced. Having a man help you clean up and touching you after a sexual encounter. You were used to Tyler rolling over and letting you clean yourself up. Good luck ever getting him to hold you after. It was like he got his and that was all he needed.
But Harry spoke to you about what you might want to eat as he wetted a clean washcloth you pulled out from your cabinet and held you against your bathroom counter as he dabbed your thighs and sensitive skin on your pussy and then last to your backside as if it were second nature. As if he’d done it to you a million times before.
And you thought you were going to settle down and get your hormones in check after giving him that blow job (which had turned you on so much your vision was blurry). You figured the cleanup process would be the furthest thing from sexy but you’d been wrong.
Maybe it was how attentive he was with you, or the way he held you in place as he spoke so nonchalantly about what you had in your refrigerator as you both stood naked in your small bathroom. Maybe it was his gaze over your body as he made sure you were taken care of and cleaned up properly.
Whatever it was, it only made your heart wallop in your chest and your pussy stay wet despite his attempts at getting you wiped.
And he knew it too. You could see the smug smile as he kept wiping at you but part of you thought he was doing it on purpose in a way. Bumping the rag against your clit might not have been an accident. Perhaps it was to keep you wanting more of him.
He handed you your shorts and t-shirt to slip on as he pulled his boxer briefs up his legs.
Harry got to work in your kitchen. It was just a simple thing for you to eat. Eggs and toast with butter which all came together rather quickly. He made some for himself as well.
It was quite something watching a man cook in your kitchen. Especially when it was Harry. His back was clear of tattoos, but you could see them on his ribs and arms as he pushed the spatula under the eggs to flip them. His lats flexing and butt filling out his briefs in a way Tyler could only wish for.
But when he turned around with two plates and brought them to your table (where you were already seated) his front was something made of dreams. His body had you in a choke hold, even at nearly twice your age the man was more attractive than maybe anyone you’d ever laid eyes on.
Even the front of his crotch where his natural bulge sat was pretty. The way the elastic band of his underwear hugged his hips, his belly button…
“One would think you hadn’t just had an orgasm, Y/n.” He grinned. You’d been caught staring at his body. You couldn’t help it.
You laughed, “You’re just really good-looking.”
Harry sat down after placing both plates on the table, taking a big bite of toast, and chewed before responding, “And you’re just really gorgeous,” his eyes trailed down your frame and to your thighs. Even clothed you felt as if he was looking at your naked body.
You swallowed down your bite of egg and laughed through your nose, putting your hand up to cover your mouth as you shook your head.
“Why are you shaking your head no?”
“I don’t know. Feels weird to just accept a compliment like that.”
“What do you mean? Did my son never tell you how breathtaking you are?”
You looked down at your plate and shook your head, “Well… no,” before looking back into his eyes, “Not really. He seemed to be annoyed by me most of the time.”
Harry hummed as he looked you over and then patted his lap, “Come here.”
You bit your lip and pushed yourself out of your chair to sit in his lap like he wanted. Harry adjusted his thighs to accommodate you comfortably and pulled your back against his chest placing a hand on the top of your thigh, “He never treated you like you deserved.” His thumb smoothed over the skin on the outside of your thigh, “I’m glad you broke up with him. Surprised you put up with it for so long.”
You smiled to yourself quietly and felt flustered. Harry was such a change from what you’d been used to. He was sweet and it seemed so genuine. But the way he took control in bed and gave you a taste of what you really wanted… Honestly, it felt like he liked you more than his son who you dated for almost two years.
Harry pushed your legs to drape off the side of his thighs so he could look at you as he picked up his fork to take a bite and chew. You smiled at him and took another bite. You were hungrier than you thought and Harry had made the perfect over-easy eggs just like you liked.
“You believe that right? That you deserved so much better.”
You blinked your eyes as you looked at him. His face was so close to yours and his lap was warm under your bottom, “I think I knew I deserved better. It’s just easier said than done. But it’s over now. So…” you shrugged.
Harry nodded as he chewed the last bite of his toast bringing his hand up to your face. You loved that he seemed to continue giving you soft touches as if he wanted to keep letting you know, even nonverbally, that you were special. And it did make you feel special. Made you feel giddy. You were sure he could feel your heart pounding.
“Well don’t ever let anyone take you for granted like that.” You could still feel his thumb dragging over your thigh.
You finished your bite as he moved his hand from your face and asked a question you’d wanted to ask since you stepped into the kitchen, “Will you stay over?”
You didn’t know what had possessed you to ask this man to stay the night. Why you felt like you had to ask. Why you felt like you didn’t want him to just leave. Perhaps you were emboldened by the closeness of him. The way he was touching you and looking at you. You guessed it was because he made you feel a little more confident.
Harry smiled as he looked down your mouth and back to your eyes, “You want me to stay?”
You widened your eyes and let your gaze fall away from his face to the wall behind him and shrugged, “If you wanted.” Now the shame and embarrassment of rejection began to rise up your spine. Of course, he’d say no. What more would he need from you?
You heard Harry sigh and then he took your chin in his hand and moved your head to look at him, “I would love to stay the night with you. I just need to warn you,” he cleared his throat as you watched him intently, “If I’m in your bed next to you all night I’m going to have trouble keeping my hands off of you. Kind of like right now,” he smiled. “Is that going to bother you?”
You began to grin wider, “No. It won’t bother me. That’s kind of what I wanted.”
“Yeah? You wanted my hands on you?”
You nodded, keeping the smile on your face.
Both of your plates were empty as Harry put his hands on your hips and pulled your side flush to his chest, “Want me to fuck you, Y/n? Is that what you want?” His words were spoken against your ear.
You nodded and turned to look at him.
“Okay. You just need to be taken care of, don’t you?” He placed a hand on your jaw, his thumb rubbing down the side of your neck, “Poor thing was mistreated for too long. I’m gonna make sure you get everything you need, Y/n.”
You kept nodding as your brows pulled together. You didn’t realize how much you needed it. How much you’d been missing out on but Harry could see it. He recognized how unappreciated you’d been.
“I think you see it now, don’t you?”
“Yes. I think I do.”
Harry’s plush lips pressed into the space on your neck just under your jaw and you dropped your mouth open, tilting your neck back for him. You felt his arm wrap around your front as he slowly worked his mouth down your neck and then to the front.
When a moan rattled from your throat Harry placed his palm on the back of your neck and smudged his lips over yours before you opened your mouth to him.
You lifted your arm to bring it over his shoulder and twisted in to face him. You felt Harry’s fingers slip under your cotton t-shirt, fingers gliding up your skin until he found your breasts and ran his palms over your nipples.
The longer he played with your breasts, ghosting his fingers and knuckles over them, the more desperate you grew as his tongue pressed into yours. Chills rose over your skin and you shifted again, trying to get closer but it was impossible.
Harry parted from the kiss, “Let’s get you in bed under the covers. You’ve got goosebumps all over.”
You puffed out a laugh. The raised skin was definitely not from being chilled and you knew he knew it when he squeezed your tit and smirked down at you. Regardless, you wanted to get back in bed with him because after sucking him off you were quite turned on. No. You were very turned on. In fact, when you sat down in Harry’s lap you could tell your shorts were getting a little damp on the inside, and now that you’d shifted over his thigh on his boxer briefs, as you slid off his lap, you could see the small wet patch you’d made.
Harry kept his hands on your shoulders as he walked behind you to your bedroom and then he pulled your blankets back for you to climb in. You watched him get in next to you and pull the blankets over both of you before he dragged you against his chest and wrapped his arms around you.
The slow movement of his lips against yours and the dab of his tongue over your tongue felt like all you needed. The intimacy in the kiss was almost therapeutic. You’d been starved of affection, of spontaneity and Harry was just dousing you in it.
When you felt his hand travel down your backside and push underneath your shorts he palmed over your bottom softly before dragging his fingers down a little more and that’s when he felt how wet you were.
He smiled against your mouth, “Love how wet you get for me. Such a treat,” he ran his fingers through your folds and then pushed at your shorts to get them off.
You hurriedly helped him push them down your legs and then pulled your t-shirt off as Harry dragged his boxer briefs down his legs and kicked them off somewhere in your bed.
When you rolled to your side to face him you lowered your hand to his cock, already half hard as he pulled you in by the back of your neck to bring your mouth against his once again.
You stroked his shaft as he pushed his fingers through your folds, both moaning between kisses.
Shifting your hips you lifted your thigh to lay it over his and urged yourself toward him to move your cunt along his shaft. Harry hissed when he felt you wetting his skin.
Suddenly he pushed you to your back and he fit himself between your open thighs, taking your wrists and pushing them down to the mattress over your head, “You gotta be careful when you slide your wet pussy over my cock like that. Next time you do that I’m just gonna split you right open and fuck into you without asking first. But I’m trying to be gentleman tonight, Y/n.”
You screwed up your face and moaned, “That’s all I want, Daddy…”
Harry groaned dragging his shaft over you and you tilted your hips up so he could just press in and put you out of your misery.
Harry chuckled and let go of your wrists as he sat back and took his cock in his palm, painting himself up and down your drippy cunt, “You on birth control?”
You nodded, “Yes.”
“Want Daddy’s cock inside of you?”
You moaned another yes and bucked your hips toward him.
The grin on his face was almost sinister as he took your hands and pulled them down to the insides of your knees pressing your thighs back against your chest, “Hold yourself open like this for me.”
You gripped the back of your knees and kept yourself angled and spread for him, your knees pressed to either side of your tits when you felt him dragging his cock through your crease slowly, his eyes moving from your face to your pussy.
“Need some relief, Y/n?” He teasingly pressed his ruddy tip to your entrance, pushing slightly before sliding his cock upward to bump into your clit.
“Please, Daddy!”
That sinister grin widened as he lined himself back up to your hole, “Look at me. Want you to pay close attention to who’s fucking you.”
The slow press of his fat head through your slippery muscle had you both dropping your mouths open.
“Ohhh…” you gasped as you felt him sliding through your insides and then pull back to his tip. He nudged his way in again slowly, finding himself deeper every time he pushed his way in. You were wrapped around his cock tightly as he continued rearing himself back and then pushing forward, letting your body get used to his girth inch by inch.
The moment you felt him tucked in deep, pressing into your cervix you wiggled under him and whined as he stilled his hips, keeping himself lodged inside of you as his cock twitched in satisfaction.
He brought his hand up to your face and squeezed your cheeks, making your lips open wider and you automatically stuck your tongue out as he leaned over your face and spat into your mouth.
You rolled your eyes into the back of your head and moaned as you swallowed his saliva down your throat and then you felt him shift, his palms at the back of your thighs, pressing you down into the bed as he pulled out to his tip and then rutted his hips forward, burying himself into the hilt with one swift thrust. And then he did it again and again until you could hear the slap of his skin against yours as the bedsprings bounced loudly in time with his motions.
Harry watched his cock disappear into your cunt and then up to the sight of your tits bouncing every time he slammed into you.
Your moans were gurgled as you struggled to make use of your voice with how deep he was penetrating you and how hard he was going at it.
Your slick walls were so warm and inviting, so perfect for his cock to fuck into. He couldn’t believe his son wouldn’t want to give you what you wanted. Who would throw away the chance to have you the way he was getting to?
“God, look at you, baby…” Harry panted as he slowed his hips and ground into you sharply, “Perfect pussy for Daddy’s cock. Needs stuffed full like this, yeah?” He continued circling his hips against yours, his cock reaching into your guts, the wet sound lewd and dirty.
You looked at his face as he pulled back slightly and then pushed in again, pasting his hips against yours, and leaning over you.
He pulled your hands away from the backs of your knees, and urged your legs down, your feet hitting the mattress as he thrust, his thighs flexing as he worked himself in and out slowly, “How does it feel, baby?”
The new angle provided your clit with the much-needed friction you craved as his pelvis rubbed over you.
“Feels so good. You’re so deep…” you breathed your words.
Harry’s hand found your jaw and his thumb swiped over your lips as you opened and wrapped your mouth around his digit and began to suck immediately.
His deep plunges didn’t let up as he looked down at you with your lips around his thumb. He hadn’t intended for you to take it in your mouth. He just wanted to touch your pouty bottom lip as he fucked you but he loved how eager you were to suck on his thumb.
He let out a shaky breath as he pressed his balls against you and moved his hand away, “Fuck baby… Need all your holes filled don’t you?”
The squelch of his cock breaching your cunt was answer enough. You were so wet and desperate for him that he could feel it and see it in your face as you nodded with your brows scrunched.
His hand moved to your neck, fingers pressing tentatively into the sides of your throat as he rocked into you.
Your mouth parted and you let out a guttural moan at the feel of his hand on your neck. He wasn’t squeezing hard but it felt so hot knowing he could hurt you but wouldn’t.
“You do like that…” he breathed, the front of his thighs against the back of yours as he languidly plunged in deep, “Fuck, baby… you might just be perfect for me.”
Your sob came out choked as you clasped your hands around his forearm that held you down by your neck. You wanted to respond to him but all that you could manage was mangled gulps.
And your head began to spin when your body gave in to him. You handed yourself over completely to his whim as you looked into his eyes. All you wanted to do was to make him feel good, make him want more and more and more.
The gushy wetness of your pussy being fucked into gave Harry a good idea of how much you were enjoying him. How good his cock felt inside of you.
“Is that the spot, right there?” He moaned as he slid his dick through your cunt and felt the bump along your front wall, his tip pressing into it with each pass.
You gurgled as your lips gaped and he squeezed a little more, “It is, isn’t it? Daddy’s gonna learn all your yummy spots, inside and out. Yeah? You gonna let me do that, honey? Gonna let me stick my cock in every one of your little holes and find out what makes you tick?”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head again as you began to shake. You’d never been choked before and even though you could tell Harry was taking it easy on you, it felt like floating in fluffy clouds and tasting rich chocolate cream on your tongue. All of your senses were heightened, your heart hammered in your chest as your pussy fluttered around him nearing your release.
“Oh that feels good, doesn’t it? Listen to how wet you are… the way your pussy sounds taking Daddy’s cock.”
He loosened his grip on your neck and you gasped before moaning loudly, “Yes… please, Daddy… you feel so good… I need you…”
Harry groaned as his thrusts grew sloppy, “Yeah? Gonna be a good girl and come all over my cock? Come for Daddy, baby…” His words were panted and strained as he spoke.
His hips were glued to yours as he rutted himself inward, your clit smearing against him as he kept his balls pressed against your ass and you began to unravel under him with a loud moan.
He coughed out a groan as he watched you lose it under him with a loud cry and he gently constricted his fingers around your neck as you clenched over him.
He could feel you vibrating and gushing around him and he released your neck, placing his palms on the mattress next to your shoulders, and began to pound into you, fucking you through your orgasm as he moaned and cooed at you.
Long strokes of his thick cock, as you spasmed around him, sent you into outer space. The sound of wet sex and your creaking bed frame sounded in the room as you cried out.
Harry watched your pretty face as he railed into you with sloppy thrusts. But the moment your cries turned into soft moans and your tensed muscles began to relax as you came down from your high Harry slid his length out of your cunt and pumped his cock, spurting warm come on your tummy and your tits with a deep moan.
Your chest heaved as you watched his arm flex with each stroke of his cock and his abs clenched in his orgasm. You were still floaty and buzzy but you wouldn’t miss watching his face as he milked his cock, draining himself over your skin.
“Fuck…” he breathed as he watched his come paint stripes over your breasts.
It’d been too long since he’d had sex with anyone and you were quite the special treat. Young and pretty with a kinky side he didn’t find in most people he tried dating after his ex-wife. Even she wasn’t that kinky.
But you… You were perfect. He could give you what you wanted. Could show you things most men your age wouldn’t know about.
Harry let go of his cock as he breathed heavily and cupped your face, “You okay?”
You nodded and gave him a soft smile, your eyes lulling open and shut, “Yes, Daddy…” you whispered.
Harry grinned at how cute you were and pushed himself up and off the bed, “Stay right here angel. I’ll be right back.”
The next thing you knew he was wiping you up and kissing your arm and up your neck, “Such a good girl, Y/n.”
His soft words were like a tranquilizer. You could hardly keep your eyes open as he turned off your lamp and then climbed into bed behind you, pulling your back into his chest. All you knew was how warm his skin felt and how comforting his scent was as you sighed and allowed yourself to drift off in the calm of his embrace.
You had never slept so soundly in all your life. One moment you were dozing off and the next an alarm was going off and Harry was shifting behind you to tap his phone, making the noise stop abruptly.
You felt his mouth on your neck and then his whispered words were warm at the back of your ear, “I have to go, sweetheart.”
You groaned and pouted when you remembered it was Friday and you both had to work. In an ideal world, you’d have him stay all day in your bed with you. You pulled his arms tighter around your middle so he couldn’t get up.
You felt his chuckle bounce off your neck, “You're too cute. I don’t want to leave either but I have to. And you should get up too. It’s 7.”
Letting go of his arms he slid himself away from you and you sat up, feeling the slightest ache between your legs.
Reluctantly you stepped down from your bed with a frown and Harry tugged at your hand, pulling you toward him, “Don’t pout. If you want to see me again all you have to do is give me a ring. Yeah?” He raised his brows at you as you nodded.
“See? Pretty easy huh? Said your roommate’s out all weekend?” He smoothed his hands up and down your bare arms.
“Yeah,” you nodded and kept your eyes locked on his.
“Give me a smile, Y/n,” Harry smudged his thumb at the corner of your mouth and you slowly brought the edges of your lips up in a grin.
“There we go,” he gazed at your face, “We had fun. Didn’t we?”
“Yeah. That was fun,” you laughed, suddenly feeling shy.
Harry pressed his mouth to your cheek and then let you go as he picked up the clothes on your floor to dress himself. You slid your t-shirt on and watched him before following him out of your room toward your door.
He grinned at you, his hair was a mess and he had sleep lines on his face from being smushed into the pillow. You thought he looked so soft and sweet like this.
“You know what to do if you want to see me. Yeah?”
You nodded and smiled as he gave you a quick kiss before letting himself out your door.
A quiet squeal of glee fell from your mouth as you rushed to grab your cell phone. You pulled up your messages app and texted Harry right away.
Can you come over tonight?
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heartateasee · 3 months
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boyfriend!Harry x you
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: unprotected sex, sir kink, mutual masturbation and squirting
Plot: Your boyfriend, Harry, is CEO for a big company, and you’ve been feeling neglected lately. Being bored at home alone causes you to think of the perfect idea to capture his attention.
You wandered across the hardwood floors of your boyfriend’s house. House was putting it lightly. Your boyfriend practically owned a mansion. But regardless of him owning a mansion, it didn’t make up for the neglect you had been feeling for almost the past two weeks.
Harry had been your boyfriend for a little over three years now, and you made the decision to move in with him almost a year ago. Your relationship was honestly nothing short of perfect. A year into your relationship you were able to quit your job as he wanted to support you fully, and things only got better once you moved in. He doted on you, and gave you everything that you could possibly want.
At first you felt bad, telling him that he was doing too much, and that you were more than happy just being with him. Harry didn’t like that answer. He wanted you to know how much he loved you. Whether that was in public, in the bedroom, or contained in your shopping bags - Harry wanted you to know.
Your boyfriend was a busy man. You knew this from the start of your relationship, but you felt more lonely recently. It wasn’t like the two of you to go without sex for so long. It was a Friday, and this coming Sunday, it will have been two weeks since the two of you have been intimate.
Now that you think of it, this may be the longest you’ve gone since the first time you gave yourselves over to each other.
As you made your way back into your bedroom, you sat on the foot of your bed. Your eyes slipped shut, as you reminisced about the last time he had his way with you - despite an interruption.
Harry’s large hand was around your throat as his chest was pressed against your back. Both of you were on your side, still a bit hazy due to the early morning, but even on the weekends Harry’s body woke him up at dawn. His prick was thrusting in and out of your barely awakened cunt as you mewled and moaned into the open air of your bedroom. Despite being groggy, you could hear the sound of your arousal bouncing off the walls.
“My good fucking girl,” Harry growled lowly in your ear, his voice still rough from sleep. “Taking me so well - every inch.”
Your hand reached behind to grasp at his hip, and you could feel your fingertips denting into his skin. This was one of your favorite positions. It was so easy, and slightly lazy, but it just always felt right. 
He dropped his hand from your throat, and he coasted it down your chest to knead one of your breasts as he continued to consume you.
“Are you, angel? Are you my good girl?”
You gasped as he tugged at your nipple, causing you to drop your head back against his shoulder as he continued his pleasurable taking of your drenched pussy.
“Yes,” you huffed. “Your good girl. Only yours.”
Your hazy eyes watched as Harry smirked, and he dragged his hand back up to cup the underside of your chin. His lips met yours in a sloppy, and tortuous kiss before the shrill of his phone cut through your lust.
“Ignore it, please,” you begged, your other hand coming up to wrap around his wrist, but his free hand was already reaching behind him to locate the inconvenient device on his nightstand. You rolled your eyes when you heard him answer it, and as much as you knew he tried not to, his hips stilled.
“What?” Harry snapped into the phone, still caressing over your ribs and your side. “I’m busy.”
You could hear a muffled voice on the other side, and you rolled your eyes again. Your hand around his wrist gripped a bit harder to pull his hand off your chin - maneuvering your way through the silk sheets away from him. It caused him to slip out of you, and you could tell he tried to suppress a groan from the sensation.
You didn’t get very far until you felt Harry’s arm around your waist, pulling you right back to where you were. As much as you tried to fight against his grasp, you knew you were useless. You weren’t fighting the sex because you didn’t want it, you were fighting it because you were annoyed.
His fingertips prodded against your soaked entrance for a moment before you felt his arousal-ridden tip enter you again. Harry was so slick with your want, and as much as you wanted to resist, the fact he still wanted you while taking a business call had your head reeling.
“What do you mean he hasn’t counter offered?” Harry’s thrusts delved further into you as your fingers grasped to the pillowcase under your head.
His large hand trailed down your leg until he threw it over his hip, and you let out the loudest moan of the morning when you felt him so deep.
“Well, if he doesn’t want to meet our demands, then find someone else to go through with it,” Harry strained as he continued to satiate your needs. “But I can’t draw this out too much longer. Not right now.”
Whimpering, you reached around to grasp at his torso, fingernails digging into his skin. You needed him, every bit of him, and you knew he was trying to give it to you. 
Harry hissed at the sting from your nails, but he didn’t care - he liked a little bit of pain. “Figure it the fuck out. I’ll be at the office within the hour.”
His phone was thrown onto the floor, and his arms enveloped you. Letting out a huff of surprise, your back met his chest even further, and his cock continued to ease your every ache.
“Y-you answered your phone,” you whined, hands gripping to his forearms. “While you were inside me.”
Harry scoffed, shaking his head. “And?”
You frowned, your body jolting with each of his thrusts. “They knew what was happening, H.”
“So what if they did? ‘S their fault anyway - bothering me on my day off,” his lips sponged against your neck before you felt him nipping at the hinge of your jaw. “Now c’mon, angel. Need you to get my cock all wet.”
Just the thought of him stretching you out had your thighs pressing together, and you opened your eyes to look at your phone on the nightstand. You grabbed it and quickly clicked on his name to call him, and you put the device up to your ear.
“Hi, H,” you said softly as you fiddled with a stray string on your comforter.
“Is everything alright, angel? You usually never call like this.”
It was true. You didn’t call during his work days because you didn’t know if you’d be disrupting something important, and you didn’t want to bother him.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just…I’m feeling a little-”
“Richard, no, that’s not the number we agreed to,” Harry cut you off, and that’s when you could hear other voices in the background. “No, you tell him it’s either that or nothing at all.”
You go quiet as you hear a bit more back and forth before Harry is clearing his throat.
“Sorry about that, baby. What were you saying?”
Sighing, you shook your head as you pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and index finger. “Nothing, it’s nothing. Do you know when you’ll be home this evening? I’d like to know when to start getting dinner ready.”
“I don’t know right now, I’m sorry. We’re getting really close to sealing this deal, and I don’t want to lose it. I may have to stay pretty late today to make sure it gets done.”
You dropped your hand into your lap as you felt tears welling in your eyes. They were tears of sadness, and frustration. You missed your boyfriend, and even though he’s been home after work in the evenings, you felt as if you hadn’t seen him at all these last few days.
Once he comes in from work, he sits at the table with his already made dinner that you worked so hard on, and silence blankets the table. You don’t ask how work is because when he’s quiet like that you know it’s either not good, or he’s extremely stressed. He won’t ask how your day has been, or what you got up to to entertain yourself.
As you wash the dishes, he’s already up in your en-suite - taking a shower before hauling himself away inside his home office. You're left to bathe alone and you tuck yourself into bed. Alone. It’s not until the wee hours of the morning that you’ll feel him get into bed beside you, but he doesn’t hold you. It all feels so empty.
“Okay,” you responded, shaking your head. “I’ll just put your plate in the fridge for whenever you get home. I’ll let you get back to work.”
“You sound upset,” Harry said, and although you could hear the concern in his voice, it still didn’t make you feel any better.
“Maybe I am,” you laughed. “I feel like I haven’t seen you lately.”
“Are you serious? You see me every day at home. We have dinner together every night. We sleep in the same bed. What do you mean you don’t see me?” His tone now had a bit of annoyance to it, and that set you off.
“Just because you’re here, Harry, doesn’t mean you’re actually here. Mentally you’re still at work, and focused on whatever deal you’re making at the time. I’m left to entertain myself all day, and now I’m stuck doing it at night too. It never used to be this way.”
“Do you understand that if I don’t take care of these deals then we won’t have a roof over our heads? That we won’t have food on our table, and that you won’t be able to go out and just buy whatever you want? This is my job, Y/N. You knew who I was when you started dating me. I’m a busy man.”
“God, you’re not even listening,” you groaned, tears now streaming down your cheeks. “We’ll talk later. Whenever you get home, I guess.”
You could still hear him speaking as you ended the call, and you dropped your phone onto the bed. Pressing the heels of your palms against your eyes, you sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm yourself as best as possible.
It hurt that he didn’t see the point that you were trying to get across to him. Instead you were met with aggression, and misunderstanding. 
Once you gathered yourself, you stood up from the bed and began to walk into your en-suite, but you stopped as your eyes lingered on the drawer of your nightstand. The drawer housed every toy that you and Harry owned, and regardless of being upset, you were still extremely frustrated sexually.
Then the lightbulb went off in your head.
You knew just how to get your boyfriend’s attention.
Making your way into the en-suite, you bring out your curling iron, and you style some soft waves in your hair. You apply a little bit of mascara to your lashes, just enough to give them some volume before you head into your closet.
You pulled out a lingerie set, one that you knew was Harry’s favorite, and you paired it with some sheer white knee high stockings. Tying a white silk robe around your body, you opened your nightstand drawer, and you grabbed your medium-sized pink vibrator.
Harry had several cameras in the house, and you knew that they went off when motion was detected. Most of the time he’d look at the notification on his phone, check the footage to make sure it was you, and that everything was okay before he’d move along. But today, you knew just how to get him to stay focused on one particular camera.
With your phone in one hand, and your vibrator in the other, you made your way into his home office. You never come in here when he isn’t home, so you knew the notification that motion was coming from this room would intrigue him immediately.
You’d be getting his attention. You knew he would call you.
You kept your eyes on the camera as you made your way around his desk, pushing his computer chair to the side so that it didn’t block the view of you once you perched yourself up onto the desk. Tilting your head to the side, you placed both your vibrator and your phone down before leaning back against the wooden surface - palms down on the top of it.
You pushed yourself up to where you were now sitting right in the middle on the top of his desk, and you brought your fingers down to play with the tie of your robe before undoing it. You let it fall off your shoulders slowly, and then you threw it off to the side.
Biting down on your bottom lip, you ghosted your hands over the swells of your breasts that spilled so deliciously over the cups of your lingerie. As you started down towards your core, you heard Harry’s ringtone cutting through the silence, and you smirked as you looked back up to the camera.
You blindly reached down and accepted the call - putting it on speaker.
“What do you think you’re doing, Y/N?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You asked as you batted your eyelashes up at the lens, pursing your lips into a pout. “I’m just trying to take care of myself - find something to entertain me while you’re busy providing for us.”
You heard him scoff on the other line, and you trailed the tip of your finger over the vibrator that was still laying next to your thigh.
“I figured that if I did it in here, it would be like I was closer to you since this is where you’ve been spending all your time at home lately. Still smells like you from last night.”
Maybe you were being a little mean, but you didn’t care at this point. You wanted him to know you were upset, and just how much this was hurting you.
“Y/N,” you could hear the restraint in his voice. He didn’t want to give into you, but you knew you’d have him cracking in no time.
“Yes, sir?”
“You're being a little brat.”
“Am I?” You tilted your head to the side as you picked the vibrator up, trailing the tip of it over the top of your thigh. “I thought you’d be happy that I found something to do to occupy my time since you’re too busy for me.”
You heard Harry saying some names through the phone, and you could tell he was letting people he’d be busy for a moment. He told them not to disturb him for a bit, and he’d let them know when he was available again. You knew he was probably speaking to his assistant that sat right outside his office door.
It wasn’t until you heard the sound of the door shutting, and the click of him locking it, that you felt anticipation swirling in your lower abdomen.
“Interrupting me during my work? I’d say that’s brat behavior.”
“Well, it seems like you don’t mind the interruption too much since you’re still watching me. And you’re still on the phone with me, aren’t you?”
Clicking the button on the bottom of the toy, you feel the vibrations flow through your thigh before you slide it over to rest on the top of your mound.
Harry remained silent, but you heard the unbuckling of his belt, and the noise of his zipper being pulled down.
“Touching yourself at work, hm?” You taunted, and you gasped out as you pressed the tip of the vibrator to your covered clit.
“What else do you expect me to do? Just sit here and watch you get off?”
Humming, you tilted your head to the side. “Honestly, that would seem fair to me. It might be nice to have you feel a little neglected for once. Then you’d know what I’ve felt like for almost two weeks.”
“Two weeks…fuck,” you could tell that Harry was actually surprised to realize the span of time. “Has it really been that long, angel?”
“Mhmm,” you started to move the toy in slow circles, your toes curling in your stockings. “Been lonely, sir.”
“Shit, I’m ‘s sorry, baby. I didn’t think it had been that long. Can’t believe I’ve left you needy. You know I don’t like doing that to you.”
You hadn’t realized your eyes slipped shut, so you fluttered them open - looking back to the camera. Parting your lips, you let out a lewd moan as you applied more pressure against your needy pearl, and you arched your back so your pretty cleavage was pushed out for him to see.
“Looking so beautiful, sweetheart. ‘Y wear that set just for me?”
You nodded as you fought to keep your eyes open. “I know it’s your favorite,” you breathed as you rested your cheek against your shoulder. “How are you touching yourself?”
“Just palming myself over my briefs right now - squeezing myself a little. Teasing myself for you,” Harry panted, and you clenched down around nothing at the vision his words brought you.
You pulled the underwear part of your lingerie to the side, lifting the vibrator up the slightest bit just to put it right back down against your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“Tell me how wet you are,” Harry huffed into the phone, and you moved your free hand down to circle your entrance - being met immediately with your arousal.
“So wet, sir. Already dripping,” you told him before slipping a finger inside as you upped the vibrations on your toy.
Your hips bucked up against your palm and the vibrator, and soon you heard the sound of Harry spitting through the phone.
You knew he was spitting into his hand, and it caused a shudder to run up your spine.
“Did you pull yourself out?”
“Yeah, I had to. I’m rock fucking hard, angel. It was starting to hurt,” Harry spoke into the phone, and you started to hear the sounds of his wet hand sliding over his shaft. 
“How does it feel?” You dipped another finger inside, beginning to curl them to graze your g spot as you felt the familiar burning in your lower abdomen - your thighs attempting to pull themselves together as you neared your orgasm.
“Feels good, but not as good as you. Wish it was your tight little cunt squeezing me - not my hand.”
You moaned at his words, and his shallow breaths mixed with the noise of your toy, and your fingers, filled the room. “And I wish it was you inside me, and not my fingers. It feels good, but it’s not enough.”
“Slip another finger in for me, Y/N. Make it three. I know you won’t be as full as if you were full of me, but it’ll get you there.”
You knew this information yourself, but you liked him coaching you through it. There was something so insanely sexy about this whole thing, and you couldn’t help but wonder if this would become a new norm for the two of you.
Gliding another finger into your slick entrance, you really started to feel your orgasm creeping in, and you applied more pressure to your swollen bud.
“Cut that lingerie, baby. I want to see properly.”
“But…but this is your favorite-”
“Y/N, cut it. I’ll buy you another. There’s scissors on my desk.”
You whimpered as you slid your fingers out of yourself so that you could reach behind and grab the scissors. Once they were in your hand, you carefully separated the blades over the underwear and snipped it - having it fall completely open.
Immediately, you plunged your three fingers back inside, and you began to pulse them in and out at a harder rate now that you had more room to work with.
“I can hear how drenched you are through the phone. That’s so fucking sexy, and you look so fucked right now. Never gonna have you go without again, you hear me?”
Whining, you nodded your head in response to his words. “Please don’t, Harry. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, baby. When I get home, I’m going to give it to you so nice, and deep. I’m gonna make you feel how sorry I am. I’m gonna let you know that this won’t ever happen again,” Harry grunted, and you could hear that he had picked up the pace of him fucking his prick into his fist.
Knowing your next move would send you over the edge, you pressed the pad of your thumb against the button of the toy one more time so that it was on the highest intensity, and as much as you wanted to close your legs down around your hand, you forced them open more.
“I’m about to come, sir,” you moaned, curling your fingers to rub the tips of them over your spongy spot over and over. “It’s…oh, it’s going to be a lot.”
“Come for me, angel. Let me see it. Let me hear you.”
As your orgasm began to wash over you, you pulled the vibrator away from your clit as your climax sprayed across the inside of your thighs, and across the top of Harry’s desk. You continued to grind your ass against the wood to meet the aggressive thrusts of your hand, keeping your orgasm going as more and more liquid left you.
“Oh my fuck,” Harry gasped into the phone, and it quickly turned into a moan. “Got me coming all over my hand - all over my stomach. Holy shit.”
You felt yourself clench down around your fingers harder when the noises of Harry spreading his come over his length filled your ears, and you let out one final gush of your own orgasm before you began to slow down.
Your chest heaved up and down, and you whimpered as you removed your fingers.
“Clean them up.”
With your hand still trembling from the aftermath of your climax, you held out your tongue as you wiped your fingers over the pad of it before sealing your lips down around them. Harry hummed as your eyes fluttered shut, and you felt yourself starting to come back down to earth.
“My good girl,” Harry cooed, and you opened your eyes again to send him a dazed smile through the camera. “My gorgeous angel. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” you sighed as you lazily nodded your head. “Really good.”
“I’m so glad ‘m love. I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention to what you were trying to tell me earlier, and I want to talk about it more when I get home, okay? I don’t want to let this happen again.”
“Okay, H. Thank you for hearing me.”
“I’m sorry for not doing it sooner. I’ll see you shortly. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And angel?”
“Yes, Harry?”
“Go ahead and plan on being on all fours on the bed when you hear me come in the front door. We’re starting as soon as I get home.”
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purple-1995 · 6 months
Imagine that boyfriend that is always the hornier one in the relationship. Imagine him always wanting to kiss, to touch, to fuck. You are changing after getting home from running some errands and he sees your tits? Please, let him feel them, kiss them, bury his face between them 🥺🙏 You are going to shower? Please, let him join you, he can help you wash your back... and maybe you can let him jerk off while you make your body all wet and soapy in front of him 😇 You are going to sleep in his bed? Please, please, please. He knows you are tired, baby, but you won't have to do anything, just lay down and look pretty, he will do all the work 🥰
Just imagine that 🥵
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mostmagical · 7 months
adrien never went to public school au where ladynoir is dating and they finally reveal themselves, and marinette thinks, "huh, he's kinda familiar looking." but like he's her boyfriend so she just thinks welp can't be helped.
and then the first date they go on as adrinette, all these people keep staring at them and she asks him why and he just kinda shrugs and goes "hmm maybe the new ad." and she gets confused and asks "what ad??" and she turns around and there's billboards EVERYWHERE and she realizes she missed her boyfriend hiding in plain sight
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finelinevogue · 10 months
lost n found
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summary - you are lost in italy the night before your wedding
pairing: fiancé!harry x reader
word count: ~2k
You were definitely lost.
Drunk and lost.
To: harry - im so sor:(y
From: harry - Baby, you’re fine❤️ Drop me your location and I’ll come find you. Please don’t move xx
To: harry - okaY.i love you xox
So currently you were sat on a stone wall, somewhere on a random side street in a small Italian village, waiting for your boyfriend to come and pick you up.
Harry had gone out with a few of his closest guy friends for drinks, for one last night as an unmarried man.
You and your girls had gone out for drinks too and you had mentioned to the boys that you would catch them up later.
At some point during the evening, though, you and the girls had all gone to the beach and you had gone to the toilet. It had been a trek to find one, only when you tried to find your way back you took so many drunken wrong turns that you couldn’t tell your legs from rights now.
Reading a map was useless, but sending Harry messages wasn’t.
You originally hadn’t wanted to send him any messages, not wanting to ruin his last night a “free” man but at some point you had become a little too lost to care.
Swinging your legs as you sat on the wall, you watched the birds fly overhead amongst the clear blue sky. You detailed all the cracks in the old buildings and counted twelve windows on one wall alone.
Your brain was fuzzy and your eyes kept on wanting to close from tiredness. You would be blaming a lot of your girl friends tomorrow for the continuous passing of shots your way.
Your phone rang in your hand.
“Yeah?” You answered, not even checking the caller ID.
“Baby? Love? Can y’hear me?” Harry asked.
“You’re not where y’said you’d be.” Harry sounded stressed.
“N-no I am. I sent you my location a-and I haven’t moved.”
You stood up and could feel yourself starting to panic. If Harry didn’t know where you were then there was no way of you knowing. Harry wasn’t ever a big enough drinker to get really drunk, unlike you.
You only ever got drunk when you felt you were in a safe environment, like tonight had been surrounded by all your closest girl friends. Or always with Harry.
Now that you didn’t have anyone and you were still drunk, you were getting anxiety of being alone and intoxicated.
Cue to shaky hands and tears.
“Are y’sure baby?”
“Y-yes. Fuck me. You’re not going to find me. Fuck. I don’t – shit – I.. I’m…”
“Hey, hey. Y/N, baby. Woah, slow down for me, okay? I am coming for you, okay? I just.. It was my mistake and I just need to relocate myself. You’re okay.”
Your phone was shaky in your hands and you started twisting your body around, as if expecting some random creepy guy to come around the corner and take advantage of you.
The twisting didn’t help your head, though, and was making you feel increasingly dizzy and sick.
“Y/N?” Harry asked urgently and you wondered whether you’d missed something he said.
“I-I’m scared.” You honestly said, backing yourself against a wall and trying to let the cool stone calm you down.
Your tears will no doubt have ruined your minimal makeup by now, not that that was a main priority of yours right now.
“Honey, you’re okay. I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
Harry sounded like he was running.
His voice sounded a little breathy and you could hear the fast movement of wind through the speakerphone.
“Y/N, love, turn on your data.” Harry said.
“I ran out.” You banged your head back against the wall, not even thinking about the pain that just caused.
You whimpered as you sank down onto the floor, knees tucked close to your chest and arm wrapped around your legs. Your phone was still to your ear, with Harry’s voice being the only sane thing in this moment.
“Okay, okay.” Harry muttered to himself rather than you. More running sounded from Harry’s end of the phone. “Baby, y’still there?”
Your mind travelled to many worst case scenarios and due to how bad they were your panic only increased.
This was supposed to be your last nights as an unmarried couple and you couldn’t help but feel like you’d ruined that. He must’ve been having such a good night.
You’d seen a couple of photos on his private Instagram story and other people’s Instagram stories. Your fiancé looked divine. He just looked so perfect that it was difficult to believe that he had chosen you and you got to call him yours.
It did make you nearly cry that he was thinking of you, via Instagram, though.
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“You feeling okay, baby?” Harry asked.
“Don’t know. I’m so sorry, Harry.”
“It’s okay. I’m not angry or upset. Just want to make sure you’re okay, my love.”
“So you have to be brave for me, okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
You got stuck for a moment, trying to think of possible ways you could calm yourself down and distract yourself. Luckily, Harry was already one step ahead.
“Hey, baby?” He grabbed your attention.
“We’re getting married tomorrow.”
You couldn’t help but let the smile take over your face. You weren’t scared at all for tomorrow. You had no nervous jitters. All you felt was love in your heart for your husband to be.
“We are.”
“And you’re going to look so beautiful.”
“So are you.”
“I can’t wait to see you in your wedding dress. I bet it looks so pretty.”
You sniffled, building back your strength and overcoming your anxiety. A lot of your strength came from the love you hold for Harry.
You heard a noise from your left and looked to see a cat rustling through some litter.
Your heart deflated when you realised it wasn’t Harry. You knew he was coming though. He was on his way and he would not stop running until he found you.
It was almost like a bad scene out of a romance movie.
The night before your wedding and something terrible goes wrong. It’s a sign!
“I think it’s just perfectly me.” You said, talking about your wedding dress.
“Sounds perfect to me then.” Harry paused for a moment. “Baby, did you walk under an archway, like, uh, a stone archway covered in pink flowers?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t remember.” You ran a stressed hand over your forehead.
“Okay. That’s okay.”
“Everyone’s going to be so mad at me.” You began getting frustrated with yourself. “Fuck.” You breathed in a sob and exhaled with a bigger breath.
“Promise you no one’s mad, baby. Gem has messaged me a thousand times asking if you’re okay. I can’t even answer ‘cause this bloody maps apps is a fucking nuisance. I swear to–”
“Harry?” You furrowed your eyebrows, looking up from your knees to check your phone. He was still on the line. “Hello?”
“Y/N!” Harry shouted your name, but not from down the phone.
You could see Harry walking over to you very quickly, clearly panting from having run street after street.
“H.” You dropped your phone and cried as you saw him faster approach you.
Definitely a moment worthy of a romcom.
Harry was probably living his Ryan Gosling dreams.
“Baby, hey. I’m here. You’re okay.” Harry sank down to the floor and scooped his arms around you, pulling you close and squeezing oh so tight.
He sank down to his bum and leaned against the wall, pulling your entirely onto his lap. Too close wasn’t an option right now.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you sat sideways on his lap. Your face was tucked under his chin and his head rested on top of yours. You cried as Harry held you tight.
You couldn’t see Harry’s facial expressions but he was breathing out sighs of relief, some tears in his own eyes from the adrenaline of trying to find you. He had been just as scared as you, but had to remain strong for you. Now he had you he could let it all out.
“You’re never going to the toilet alone again.” Harry laughed. You laughed back.
“That was scary.” Harry kind of mumbled, but you heard him anyways. He kissed your head a few times and you melted at the feel.
“Yeah, love?”
“My head is so dizzy.”
Harry used a hand to tilt your head up so he could see your face. He noticed your mascara ridden face first of all, but beneath that you were all beauty.
“Tequila is only our friend for two rounds, remember?” He laughed at you. He was able to tell from your eyes that you weren’t exceedingly drunk, but definitely tipsy.
“I did not remember.”
He nuzzled his nose against yours as he shook his head with a grin. “You’re such a handful, you.”
“M’sorry.” You pouted.
“Never said I didn’t love you as a handful.”
“Do you? Love me a handful?” You used a hand to stroke over his cheek that had gotten so scruffy with the stubble he was trying to grow.
“‘Course. Love you every way and anyway. Love you so much. Love you until my body literally decomposes my wedding ring off my finger, and then some more.”
“That was dark, even for a 2AM drunk thought.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” Harry chuckled, noticing that smile on your face becoming more and more permanent.
“But I’ll love you for the same.” You promised.
Harry kissed you then, not wasting another moment of this evening away from you. Well, morning now. His lips were soft against yours and you smiled into the kiss, happy that he was here with you even if it was under really weird circumstances.
“Let’s go, trouble. We’ll go back to the hotel and I’ll kiss you all night.”
“Don’t you want to spend the rest of your night with the boys? You know, last night as a free man?” Even though you were suggesting this, all you actually wanted to do was kiss, kiss and kiss him.
“Free man?” Harry furrowed his eyebrows with disgust, “What are you talking about?”
“You know? People say the last night before they get married is their last chance to be free?”
“Why would I need to be free when I’ve got you? I’m choosing you, like I always have. Never needed to be free.”
You smiled warmly at him. “I’m shackling you to me for life.”
“Too right you are, baby. Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Now, take me home, trouble.” You giggled.
“Oh. So I’m the trouble now?”
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liked by gemmastyles and 682,928 others
yourinstagram tomorrow i get your last name forever <3 p.s. i would like to state that harry bought himself that tshirt :)
view all 78,977 comments
harryfan1 oh to be y/n l/n
jeffezoff Where did you two go?
harryfan2 moustacherry fans rrIISEEEEE
harryfan3 wish my bf supported me with tshirts like that
jamescorden Tequila anyone?
harrystyles I am planning on wearing that tshirt tomorrow.
yourinstagram @/harrystyles the tshirt but nothing else please
gemmastyles @/jamescorden They aren’t coming back for tequila….
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avatar-anna · 9 days
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i saw this post on and got inspired. enjoy!
"It was nice running into you."
"Yeah, yeah, you too. It was—I'm glad we could catch up."
You held your bag in both of your hands and leaned back on your heels, waiting for the sudden tension to cease. Harry scratched his neck awkwardly while you looked down at the cobbled streets beneath your shoes. When a minute passed and neither of you said anything, when two couples excised themselves to walk past you, you finally decided to break the silence.
"I'm headed this way."
"Me too. We can walk together?"
Harry extended his arm out, a clear message for you to go first, so you did. For a split second, his hand grazed your lower back in that protective gesture he always used to use when you walked anywhere. But that had been when you were together, and now you weren't, and even though his hand merely hovered awkwardly behind you, you swore you could still feel it.
"Your hair looks nice. I don't think I've ever seen it so short before," you said, needing to break the silence all over again before it consumed you.
"Thanks, I, uh, I shaved it a few months back. It's finally starting to grow in."
It must've been soon after your break up, you realized, quickly doing the math in your head. A change, a fresh start after the end of a long relationship. You understood that, knew neither of you needed to comment on it, or the fact that you no longer wore the necklace Harry bought you for your first anniversary, though you'd seen him glance down at the missing piece of jewelry multiple times since you ran into each other.
"It's cute," you said, resisting the intrusive urge to reach up and touch his hair, instead clasping your hands behind your back.
"Are you across the bridge?" Harry asked, gesturing to one of the many bridges that stretched across the Tiber.
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
Harry shrugged, the canvas bag on his shoulder slipping a fraction. "You always liked Trastevere."
You smiled, charmed by how Harry still seemed to know you so intrinsically. "And you? Are you staying in Prati?"
Harry shook his head before waving to a fan who had spotted him. He didn't stop, though, and kept walking beside you, asking about your family, specifically your grandmother, who was his Scrabble partner nearly the entirety of your relationship.
"Good. I play Scrabble with her on the weekends now. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm not a good enough opponent, but she'll never say it to my face."
"Graceful as always, your nan," Harry nodded in agreement. "Probably wouldn't say the same thing about chess, though."
"No, probably not. Do you still play?" you asked, tilting your head up to look at him.
He was so close, close enough that the sleeve of his green shirt grazed your bare arm. Close enough that if you really wanted it to the back of your hand could graze his. Instead you shifted your hand away.
"When I can," Harry said, his mouth twitching as if recalling a memory. "I've been focusing on writing most days, but I play whenever I'm stuck."
"How's that going?"
"How's work?"
"Sorry, go ahead," you said, blushing a little. Would it always be this awkward around him? You hoped not. Harry had been a friend first, and even though you knew you shouldn't,y you missed his companionship some nights. Lots of nights. Most nights.
"No, you go. Catch me up on all the latest drama at work."
So you did, falling back into familiar, neutral territory as you brought Harry up to speed on your co-workers.
Before long, you'd made it to the apartment you were renting, your palms suddenly warm as you searched your purse for your keys. You were stalling, you both knew it, but Harry didn't comment, nor did he leave, didn't offer any reason to finally say goodbye.
You knew this was where it was supposed to end. That a chance encounter with your ex in a foreign country really shouldn't have gone on this long. You knew that, and yet...
"Do you want to come in?" you asked, scrambling for any logical reason as to why Harry should follow you into your apartment. "I—I, uh, I could make us coffee and—"
"Please. I mean—Sure. That would be...that would be fine."
Relief flooded through you, though that was quickly replaced by a guilty sort of anticipation as you unlocked the door to the main building of the apartment, as Harry followed you up a couple flights of stairs, as he waited once again for you to unlock a door. When you were inside, when you set your things down on the small dining table, you turned to face your ex.
Harry's gaze was once again lowered to your collarbones, to the place where the necklace he gave you used to sit. Then he met your eyes, the expression in them clear. It was the first time you'd seen them since running into him today. He'd kept his sunglasses on the whole time, perhaps to hide his expressions more, because now that you properly met his gaze, you saw it all. Those green eyes you still loved so much betrayed his every thought, and you knew yours probably did as well.
It was hard to say who moved first. If you grabbed the front of Harry's shirt before he wrapped an arm around your waist and fisted your hair in his other hand. But none of it mattered when your mouth met his, when your hands traveled up to cup the sides of his face, your thumbs tracing the familiar planes of his face.
A graze of his teeth against your bottom lip had you gasping, had him smiling as if that was the exact reaction he'd been hoping for. You responded in kind by dragging your nails down his scalp, satisfied by the groan that vibrated against your mouth as his tongue caressed yours.
"This isn't—It's not—" you tried to say, losing focus as Harry left a trail of kisses from your jaw to the base of your neck and back up again. "This doesn't mean—"
"I know," Harry breathed, his forehead pressed against yours as he toyed with the bow that held the front of your blouse together. Your breath hitched as his knuckle grazed your exposed stomach. "This doesn't change anything. Now take this off."
You almost made him do it just because he ordered you to, but you knew why he wanted you to be the one to untie the knot of your blouse. It meant you were saying yes to this moment, it meant you were saying yes to doing whatever it was you were about to do.
So you pulled at the blouse until it came undone, leaving it open so it revealed a strip of bare skin going right up the middle of your body. The rest you would leave up to him.
Harry shrugged out of his own sweater and t-shirt before reaching out to push back the shoulders of your shirt until it was off completely, falling into a puddle of fabric at your feet beside his. His gaze alone was too much and not enough, more explicit than it had any right to be. He stood there and drank you in for a full minute as if in a daze, taking in every mark and imperfect like he was reacquainting himself.
It was hard to get the words out, but you managed. "Still broken up?"
"Yeah," Harry said, his eyes still roving over every inch of your body that he could see. Then he blinked as if remembering the situation for what it was. "Yeah, still broken up."
There wasn't much left to say after that, really.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 5 months
A Twist of Fate
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Y/N and Harry are exes who have moved on wit their lives and with other people, but have never stopped loving each other. And in an unbelievable twist of fate reconnect. But after all that time, can they still have a future together?
A Twist of Fate Masterlist
WARNINGS: A wee bit of emotional cheating and a steamy unfaithful make out WITH A VERY CUTE moment with the shaved head 🥹🫶
WC: 15K
To Harry, you had always been the one that got away. Your time together had been so good. You both grew and learned, and loved so much but life just got in the way. The split broke you both because you were certain that no matter what, at the end of the day it would always be you together. Learning that it wouldn’t be was devastating. 
For a while you even stopped believing in love and in the good of the universe. Because if love was real, how cruel did the universe actually have to be to tear you apart? It had been a love like neither of you had ever experienced. Your souls were alight for each other and every interaction you exchanged, every hug, every kiss, every glance, every touch fed the fire of your love and passion for each other for five wonderful years. And when the time came for it to end it was heart wrenching. There was just far too much conflict in time and distance, it sometimes felt like your managers were doing it on purpose, you both knew it wasn’t true, of course. You were just starting to reach new levels of fame and were in high demand and you couldn’t keep doing what you were doing to yourselves in trying to make it work.
So when Harry signed on to yet another film and you had gone into the studio for your album you had to reevaluate your relationship. It had to be done over the phone while there was an entire ocean between you because even though it was the wrong way to go about it, you just couldn’t look into each other’s eyes while admitting defeat. There was absolutely no way. It was hard to even breathe at first, but with time it got a bit better and better, and soon you’d met other people and were on your way to being happy like before. But that brought you to this day. After years of being broken up and never speaking or seeing each other you were both frozen in the hallway of a studio in Los Angeles looking right at each other. Time was at a standstill as you just stared for a moment. Both completely shocked at your run in. Harry’s tongue suddenly felt heavy and knotted up and his hands felt like they were prickling. He just wanted to reach out and touch you.
“Y/N, I’ve missed you.” He finally said. But you barely heard it over the obnoxiously loud pounding of your heart.
“I missed you too.” You whispered breathlessly as you looked him over. A smile came to your lips as you admired him from up close. You chuckled and shook your head because his hair was gone! And he looked great. So well rested, stronger, taller, and more youthful somehow.
“Can I hug you?” He asked and at his question you hurried into his arms, not bothering with a response. 
As soon as you touched everything felt better. The fires in your hearts were burning again because the love had never run out. If anything it got stronger with the distance somehow. But things were not as they used to be. He had a girlfriend of nearly a year now and you had just started dating someone just a couple months prior. You had been resigned to the fact that for your circumstance, love just wasn’t enough so you both moved on. The embrace was long, you were taking your time in his arms and he was taking in your scent. How he missed the sweet and inviting smell that wafted around you like a cloud. It seemed like it had been too soon when you started pulling back from his hold, but he willed himself to loosen his grip to give you the space to depart from him.
“Your hair!” You smiled brightly and he chuckled.
“I know…After the tour ended it just felt like the end of an era, you know? Time for a big change.” He smiled through his explanation and you nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, I get that. I love it! It looks great!” You complimented as you looked him over once more.
“Yeah?” He asked timidly and you nodded quickly. He knew he didn’t need your approval, but having it made him feel even better about his decision.
“How long are you in town?” You asked, your hands slid down his arms from around his neck and landed in his. Feeling your soft and warm skin meeting his own had his mind going fuzzy. He could feel his heart reaching out to you with how hard it pounded.
“I uh- I leave tomorrow. I just had a quick thing I needed to take care of. Was only here a few days.” He said and you felt a lump forming in your throat. Gone so soon…a tease of fate.
“Oh.” You responded and he nodded, a sad smile came over his face.
“Yeah.” He squeezed your hands a bit harder, “Ummm, I’m at the Roosevelt. In the Marylin Monroe suite. Maybe we can grab dinner tonight, around 8?” He asked hopefully and you frowned. The universe was heartless and cruel, it was confirmed.
“I actually can’t tonight, Harry. I have plans with my…” you trailed off before shifting your gaze down to the buttons of his shirt. They were all done up now, unlike before, when he barely bothered after the third one up.
“Someone you’re seeing?” He asked and you nodded, not able to look at him as you confirmed.
“Sorry.” You said, finally looking back into his eyes.
“I’m not- I mean, it’s alright. That you’re, you know, putting yourself out there.” He put on a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Yeah?” You asked and he nodded. You were holding onto each other for dear life, “I’m happy I ran into you, though. I missed you. Been thinking about you lately as well.” You said again through a small smile.
“I’m really happy I got to see you too.” He confirmed through his own smile; it was definitely genuine this time.
“Well, I should get going and let you get to the studio.” You said and he nodded.
“Right. C’mere.” He said pulling you back in for a hug. This time you inhaled his own warm, musky, and familiar scent as his warmth settled into your own body. “Take good care of yourself.” He mumbled to you before kissing the side of your head.
“You too, H.” You hummed before you let go and you continued down the hall. You stopped and turned back to see that he was still standing there, watching you leave and you smiled, planting a kiss to your palm and pretending like you threw it at him and he smiled brightly as he pretended he caught it and pressed his palm to his heart and you waved before you left the building.
“You seem distracted.” Caitlyn, your best friend, pointed out as she glanced over from her desk to you, sitting across from her, just staring out the window behind her.
“I know, I’m sorry…I don’t think I’ll be much help for brainstorming right now.” You said and Caitlyn frowned.
“What happened?”
“I was doing Seb the favor of dropping off a demo of a new song to his producer and on my way out I ummm…H-harry was there.” You said and Caitlyn’s eyes went wide.
“What the hell? I thought he was in London!” She gasped.
“He will be tomorrow. S’his last night.” You explained.
“Are you alright?” She asked you right away.
“I think so…he invited me to dinner at his hotel, but I have plans with Seb tonight so I can’t.”
“Well maybe it’s for the best, friend. I mean…I know how it was with you guys and like, I know you’re both good people, but maybe it wouldn’t be the wisest thing to have dinner with him at his hotel. Alone.” Caitlyn reasoned and you nodded.
“Yeah, I think you’re right…I mean, besides, he has a girlfriend too so best not to do something platonic that could seem sketchy."
“Exactly.” Caitlyn concurred. “Well, are you feeling OK? Did it bring anything up for you?”
“Just a little sadness… nostalgia? I mean, we put in so much work, you know? I swear we were endgame.” You said quietly with some disappointment.
“Yeah…did he seem happy?”
“I guess? I didn’t ask really. I don’t want to know…” you sighed, “Buzzed his head though.” You smiled and Caitlyn gasped audibly.
“No way!” She laughed in disbelief.
“Yeah! It’s a different look, but he looks really good. It suits him more than I would expect.” You chuckled and then fell silent for a few seconds.
“Y/N, do you still…have feelings for him?” Caitlyn asked carefully and you sighed.
“Think I’ll always have feelings for him…” you said lowly. “Like, it’s Harry!” You said and Caitlyn pouted and nodded in understanding. “It was definitely nice to see him though, even if it was fast.”
“Well maybe it’s good that it was a brief run in. Didn’t have to linger and talk about things that would make you both even more sad.” Caitlyn suggested.
“Maybe I need to be more sad…like I’ve been in a bit of a slump writing-wise…” you said.
“Use this sad, Y/N. The nostalgia, the not knowing, the wondering, you really don’t need more than that.” Caitlyn said and you sighed, “And don’t google him. Or his girlfriend.” She warned and you cackled.
“Of course not! I’m not you.” you quipped with a teasing grin.
“Look, cyberstalking is a necessary evil sometimes.”
“I can’t agree with that statement.” You chuckled.
“Just because you suck at it…” Caitlin sassed.
“I don’t think internet stalking is a skill to be proud of, Cait.” You giggled.
“Look, all I know is that one day, my skills will come in handy.” She said simply and you knocked your head back as you laughed at your best friend’s nonsense.
Harry had not been able to stop thinking about you since the afternoon. He had made a quick detour to LA to meet with some of his producers. He was planning to take a bit of a longer break to focus on other projects and passions and just live for himself a little bit. He was just outlining a plan for his next album since he had already renewed his contract.
In truth, he was glad that he had been able to tour when he did because you had just ended things. He just went right into entertain mode and got so much out of his system. But being back on the road, meeting new people, putting himself back out there, it helped a lot. And then the one thing he thought wasn’t possible happened. He met someone else and he moved on. He felt that he had moved into it quite fast as they’d only been friends for a month or so, but they’d been together almost a year now and it was going well. Was he happy? He was. Wasn’t he?
Obviously, he knew he’d eventually see you but he wasn’t ready for it now. It wasn’t the best time because while he’d moved on, you still had an effect on him. He still dreamt of you sometimes. He still felt butterflies in his stomach when he thought of you, even now when he remembered how you had hugged him. He loved the way your fingers felt as you skimmed them down his arms before you could hold his hands just for a moment. You looked so good too…you’d always opted for shorter hair, to the shoulders or a bit less, but it was longer now, it suited you. Your eyes were bright and your smile just as warm and inviting as it had always been. He would be lying if he said that his heart didn’t skip a beat when he saw you. But being in your presence like that, it suddenly felt like no time had passed at all. 
He felt kind of stupid for asking you to dinner…in hindsight it was good that you were busy. To be alone with you while his heart and tummy were doing all these weird and fluttery things that they did every time he was around you, that couldn’t be a great idea.
The hardest thing to get over was that he loved how he felt around you, it was magical. Your energies matched so well. What you had together had was unmatched, there wasn’t anyone who had brought that same feeling to him before or now. You cared for him in ways that made him feel seen and understood as a person, the whole of him, good and bad…he had no idea how you did it, but it just came so naturally from you. Your ability to relate and communicate and accept other people as they were was innate and he missed that about you. He missed how easy it was to receive the kind of love and care that you gave and that he needed. Not that he wasn’t feeling cared for now, he definitely was, but it wasn’t the same as with you of course…no one was you. He snapped out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing loudly, cutting off the music he was running to.
“Hey man, what’s up?” He greeted Jeffrey who was on the other line.
“Hey H, how’d the meeting go?”
“Good. We set a schedule for the next couple of things so that’s squared away.”
“Excellent.” Jeffrey hummed, “Look man, I know you’re supposed to be taking off tomorrow but someone reached out to me from A24 about a possible Bowie bio pic. They’re really interested in talking to you about it.”
“I don’t know, Jeff…”
“I told them you might not be interested, but they were really insistent that you’d be great for the role and just wanted to pick your brain a bit. You definitely don’t have to commit to anything yet, they just want to talk to you about it.” He said and he hummed pensively.
“When’s the meeting?”
“They said Thursday of next week. They have this like vision board and a script they want to have you look over and whatnot.”
“Can it be sooner?”
“Nope. The director is on some remote site for another project now and will be back in town on Thursday.” Harry sighed upon hearing this.
“Fuck…fine. I’ll wait it out then. Can you get me another room then? I still have to check out of here tomorrow.”
“Yeah man, I’ll take care of it now and send the details over, alright?”
“Sounds good. Talk soon.”
“Yep, love you man. Bye.”
“Love ya’. Bye.” Harry said and then hung up.
Honestly, Harry had no interest in doing this film, he was certain they could get someone else, someone far better in his opinion. And he’d definitely watch it, but right now he had every interest in staying longer and getting to see you again. As reckless as it might be to see you with all of these feelings brewing in him, it was a need. It brought him back to old times, where even when you’d be busy, you’d do reckless things like stay extra days in a country just to be able to cross paths while you both worked. Or fly from one end of the US to the other just to have dinner…it was kind of an awful habit to just do things like that on a whim, but he felt that he could handle this. After all, old habits die hard and indulging in something that reminded him of how in love he was, despite the struggles, it was worth remembering.
All throughout dinner so far you had been thinking of Harry. How maybe you should’ve made an alternate plan to see him after dinner. Like maybe grab coffee, or a glass of wine, perhaps visit your favorite ice cream shop…but you halted yourself when it got to the ice cream because that would be far too special for just a catch up. That’s the place you realized you were in love with him and surely the resurgence of those feelings would be strong, to say the least. 
“What’s going on, babe?” Sebastian asked you and you huffed.
“Just had a weird day.” You explained as you played with your food a bit more, hoping that your appetite would increase.
“Why’s that?”
“I ummm… I saw Harry.” You decided to just tell him straight up.
Sebastian had been someone you’d known for a while, ever since you were starting out. You would semi-frequently run into each other at open mic nights, karaoke bars, talent shows, scouting shows. You weren’t close friends or anything deep, you just had drinks with the other few people who were nice and chill and struggling to get their big break. Luckily, yours came quite swiftly and then you were out of that scene. He’d never gotten your number, but when you made it and your first song went #1 he did send you a fan letter, as he had no other way to reach you. And he was so happy for you and proud of you, and you reached out. That’s when you learned he was in talks with a label then too. He gave you his number and you started catching up a bit and then Harry happened and you friend zoned him (according to him, you had never really been interested like that). Once you got with Harry you were MIA for a bit, you just didn’t know who you could trust at the start since Harry was far more famous and super private about everything, understandably so. 
But then, Harry met all your friends, Seb included, and he saw how you were with Harry and he let go of whatever hope he had that you two could be together. He had shared that with you a bit after you’d gotten together. He just couldn’t believe that after dating someone as big as Harry you’d give him a chance. But in all fairness, anyone who had experienced you and Harry together could tell you how palpable your love was. How intense and dedicated you were to each other for the near five years you spent together. Lots of conversations started with a “When you guys get married…” and you wouldn’t bat an eye. Of course you wanted to get married and have a life together. All this to say that Sebastian knew what it meant or could mean for you to see Harry again. He had been there for all of it and now he was a bit scared…
“Today?” He asked and you nodded.
“Well, it was more of a running into type of situation than a deliberate seeing each other.” You explained.
“I see. Where?”
“At the studio. I was on my way out as he was coming in for something.”
“Are you okay?”
“I think so…I’m just…I don’t know, it brought up a lot of shit, you know?”
“I can imagine.”
“So that’s why I’m a bit…weird. I just…I don’t know. Like I saw him and I missed him, you know?”
“And does he miss you?”
“He said he does.” You shrugged, “I mean, I told him about you, so it wasn’t like that.” You emphasized, “But yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that.” He mumbled.
“I’m sorry.” He said reaching his hand out for yours and you took it as you glanced down to watch your hands connect.
“It’s fine.” 
“How long is he in town?”
“He leaves tomorrow morning. Asked me to dinner, that’s when I brought you up and said we had plans.” You smiled at him and he smirked.
“Oh wow…I mean, I would’ve understood if you ditched me for thee Harry Styles. But I appreciate you choosing to keep our plans.” He said with a slightly smug and victorious grin.
“Of course, babe.” You assured him with a smile.
But that didn’t mean that mentally you weren’t sitting across from Harry at the Roosevelt having an equally nice glass of wine and catching up over what the last couple years apart had been like for you.
Harry very seldom used social media, especially for celebrity gossip purposes, but he found himself hunched over the table in his bedroom eating dinner alone while typing up your name in the Instagram search bar and going to the tags. Much like his, your instagram was now for professional use, so he knew there wouldn’t be anything personal to find there so he didn’t bother with your profile, hashtags were where it was at. And as soon as the page loaded, an avalanche of images came up. He went to the first one and it was a fan video, secretly taken of course, of you over dinner with your boyfriend. Sebastian?
“You’re dating Sebastian? That Hozier rip off? Really?!” He muttered to himself bitterly.
He watched the clip replay a few times.You two were clearly talking about something a bit serious as you weren’t smiling at first. But then he reached for your hand and you took it and smiled. He selfishly hoped you were talking about him just then… 
of course, he would hate it if someone took videos of him like that at a private dinner, but he now understood why people did it. It was better than just seeing it with your own two eyes. This was forever. He could sit there all night and watch as your lips slowly turned up towards the end and smiled at him. He could watch your hand reaching out to touch Sebastian’s. He could sit there and theorize about where this conversation was going…it could just be a serious topic of conversation, an amicable break up, some good news… Crumbs. That’s all these things were, just crumbs. He scrolled a bit and got to some other photos and videos of Sebastian at your shows, you at his shows, out and about…it was making his stomach twist up with jealousy and regret. 
Harry didn’t find that he got jealous much anymore, he felt more secure in himself and in his relationships, he had matured, a lot of things went into that. But a part of his heart would always belong to you and seeing you sharing your affection with someone else, it made him sick to his stomach. He scrolled down further, hoping to see something about you two but there was only disappointment. 
When you were together he was so fucking paranoid that the public would ruin what you had that there was no PDA, everything was so clandestine…you’d been papped alone a few times walking around together, at events, and a few other mundane situations but not like what you had with Sebastian over the last couple months. There were no pictures of you two holding hands, or smiling at each other the way you often did when you were alone or with trusted friends and family. There were no videos of you kissing in the corner of a dark party or side stage at a show…and whatever videos you had with each other…well, those had to go in case any of you ever got hacked or something. He did have a few pictures, but they were in his albums at home and probably scanned into a USB or something similar and it was just lying around collecting dust somewhere. He tried searching you two up and yeah, nothing. Just the couple things he knew of.
“Fucking ridiculous…” he mumbled with his mouth full as he went back to stalking you and Sebastian just a little bit longer. Sebastian had you all over his page; sure he was verified but he was still a smaller artist when compared to him or you, so he could afford to show a bit of his private life without people losing their heads over it.
Harry stopped when he started getting sad and also when a text from Tay came in responding to his news of his change of travel plans. Then he felt bad for lying, for staying longer than he needed to. But the sooner he went back home, the sooner he could forget all about you and what was and immerse himself in the world he lived in now. But then, the sooner he left the sooner he’d be without you close by. The sooner he’d be breathing someone else’s air…sure, there were millions of people in LA, but knowing that you were one of them did things to him.
If there was one thing you hated to do that Caitlyn loved to do, it was work out. You’d always been a bit lazy for it and did the bare minimum you could get away with. which was still excessive in your opinion, especially when you’d go with Caitlyn. One of her friends, Melissa, had invited the two of you to her friend’s new pilates studio and well, that was one of your hard limits. Barre and Pilates both were! Like what kind of sick fuck can bend that way? Is what you constantly thought to yourself as you’d literally have to have someone hold your body in certain positions to complete the routine.
Since Melissa knew Ilse, the owner of the studio, you were working out in a private studio, which you were eternally grateful for just to spare you from embarrassment at the very least. The last thing you wanted was to become an internet meme because you somehow got tangled up in a pilates machine.
“Alright, great form ladies and just hold a few more seconds…” Ilse hummed to you all. She was sweet to encourage you as if she weren’t currently holding you in position.
“What is going on out there? It’s getting loud.” Melissa pointed out, which made Ilse, turn as well.
“I’m going to go check it out.” She said releasing you from your position before rushing out of the smaller studio.
“Thank fuck.” You sighed as you just left your legs in the suspenders you’d been in for that position Ilse had you in.
“How you holding up?” Caitlyn asked with a grin.
“This is…terrible.” You confessed and you all laughed a bit. “Who wants to leave and feel like a wet noodle for three days after?” You whined.
“It feels great! I love the soreness.” Melissa said and you scoffed.
“You’re insane.” You said to Melissa.
“I am. Clinically.” She agreed and you laughed again at her joke. You was just laying there, legs still suspended in the air, at least this way you were getting good circulation. But mostly because you were afraid to move with how sore you already felt after just a half an hour of pilates. Then Ilse came back in capturing their attention.
“Harry Styles is here.” She said and this made Caitlyn turn to you quickly. You then attempted to sit up properly, “He’s gonna do his thing in here too so that no one bugs him.” she explained. You were still fighting to get up from your laying position with your legs suspended above you. Finally you got your foot out of the fucking loop and were trying to get the other one out before he came in, “Y/N, be careful.” Ilse warned as she started to make her way over to help. But she paused when the door opened behind her and in came Harry in a gray, long sleeve shirt and some tiny, navy blue shorts. You swallow thickly and pulled harder on the cable.
“Ilse, thank you so much for letting me join-” A small shriek interrupted Harry as he came into the private studio. They all saw you fall out of the machine and they hurried over and huddled above you. And there you were on the ground, one of your feet still stuck in the loop of the cable, leaving it extended high above the rest of your body. How humiliating… Your eyes met his and you saw as he rolled his lips together to prevent his laughter from spilling out. You’d always had an aversion to exercising as he recalled.
“Oh my god! Are you OK?!” Ilse asked you. And then you were bursting into laughter, causing Ilse’s shoulders to lose their tension. 
When your eyes met his again as you laughed he sputtered on his own laughter before it just spilled out of him and then your friends laughed along at your mishap as well. Harry was quick to step up and help you get your foot free and then Ilse helped you up.
“Thank you.” You said to Ilse and Harry with a warm face and bashful smile.
“Of course. Do you need ice or something?” Ilse asked and you shook her head.
“I’m fine. I’ll just sit the rest out. Do some free weights.”
“Real convenient, missy.” Caitlyn mumbled and you grinned. Harry soon greeted Caitlyn and then properly greeted Melissa.
“So how do you guys know each other?” She asked the three of you.
“Just industry friends.” You said quickly with a decisive nod and Harry glanced at you. Your eyes averted to Cailtyn’s who just looked to Harry after a few seconds.
“Cool, well let’s keep going then.” Ilse suggested. Since you had decided to just do some free wights across the room Harry took your spot as Ilse guided them through the rest of the routine. 
Harry was stealing glances. Not that you weren’t, but you were far more subtle about it. He couldn’t help it though. He knew her body just as well as he knew his own. And just watching you move was bringing back so many memories. He’s the one that discovered you had a birthmark right near the crook of your inner thigh. He’s the person who discovered that you had a group of freckles and beauty marks on your mid back that almost resembled the entire Orion constellation. He’s the person who knew that you hated that one of your boobs was “much smaller” than the other. He thought they were pretty symmetrical, but whatever. He knew every scar you had. He knew each tattoo, he’d been there for many of them. He knew that there was this one eyelash you had that always grew in a little crooked and he’d always help you pluck it out after you’d beg and beg because it ruined your mascara. He knew the shape you liked to pluck your eyebrows in. He knew the shape of your lips and the shade of your eyes. He knew everything there was to know about you. 
So yeah, he was looking and remembering all the little things about you that made you the beautiful, smart, talented, and unique person that you were. He hadn’t allowed himself to love and obsess over anyone like that ever again, it took too much out of him. Just you. 
“I thought you were supposed to leave a few days ago?” Caitlyn said. And well, if Caitlyn knew this, that meant you had talked about her to him.
“Something came up. Have another meeting on Thursday. S’for a film, the director isn’t back in town until then.” He elaborated.
“Ooh what film?”
“A possible Bowie biopic.” He said and she looked impressed.
“Nice. Are you interested in the project?” She asked just as you bent over to grab your water bottle and Harry got a little lost for a moment. 
He barely heard a word Caitlyn had said, he just watched you shamelessly. God, he missed that perfect, little body of yours. Seeing as Caitlyn was facing the mirror while she talked to him, she could see your reflection and obviously, what Harry was staring at. She loved you and Harry together, but the logistics were kind of fucked and you were stretching yourselves so thin, it was unhealthy. You hadn’t ended things because you weren’t in love; in fact, you were so in love that you couldn’t do that to each other anymore. You had tried to wait it out, but it was exhausting you two to degrees that just was a bit irresponsible for some of the biggest stars on the planet, so you went your own ways.
“She’s happy, you know?” Caitlyn said quietly and Harry’s eyes flickered away from you to hers. He sighed and nodded.
“I know.” He said, “With Sebastian?”
“She told you it was him?” Caitlyn asked. Harry had always been a little wary around Sebastian because it was fairly obvious to him that he had a thing for you. He never tried anything and was always respectful, but just that jealousy he felt over you was palpable. And it would make Harry be on high alert when you guys was around him.
“No. I had to…fucking look it up.” He admitted with slight irritation. Caitlyn snorted quietly on a laugh causing him to shoot her a glare. “Shut up.” He mumbled with a bashful smile as he smacked her with his towel on the leg.
“Ew! Unsanitary!” She scoffed through her sniggers.
“Fuck you, I haven’t even used it yet.” He chuckled. When their little fit died down she got serious again.
“You seem happy too.” 
“I…I am.” He nodded once, “But it’s her. She’s…” he trailed off as he glanced at you again, “She was it for me, you know?” He said with some sadness. “I don’t know…I just…wasn’t prepared to see her yet.” 
“That’s what she said too. Maybe it’ll always be that way? Like you guys had something extraordinary. It was special, some real soul mate shit, you know? Of course it’s going to be hard to get over. I literally thought that was all BS until I saw how you guys were together.” She said and he smiled.
“Yeah.” He agreed.
“What do you want?”
“To just be around her.” He said and she hummed.
“Then be friends.” Caitlyn suggested and he immediately shook his head.
“I couldn’t…like I’m happy for her, but I don’t want to see it in my face. And I’m sure she feels the same about that. Seeing each other have everything we had and more? No way.”
“Then…I don’t know, Harry.”
“Can you just ask her i-if we could grab a coffee or talk or something?”
“Why don’t you ask her?”
“Because she’ll say no.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I do.” He said, “What if she thinks I’m just trying to…to make her doubt or something?”
“She knows you’d never hurt her and you know she’d never hurt you.”
“I know, but what if…”
“What if you guys do something stupid like cheat?” Caitlin asked bluntly and he nodded. “Well then that’s up to you guys.” she said simply, “I did tell her it was probably good that she couldn’t have dinner with you the other night…I could see something happen during a moment of weakness. All that attraction and love you guys still have for each other…I mean, I can’t see either of you walking away without someone getting hurt if you’re not overly cautious. Maybe it’s a temptation or maybe it’s what needs to happen to open that door again…I don’t know, H. But if you do want to see her again just be careful with your hearts and those of the others you’re involved with now.” She admonished and he nodded.
“You’re right.” He said and glanced down at his knees instead of at you. “I don’t want to fuck anything up for her.”
“And what about you?”
“I’m already fucked.” He chuckled breathily with sadness in his eyes.
When their session was over you all said their goodbyes. Harry headed back into the locker rooms to have a shower though, so he didn’t walk out with you three. You had gone to have some breakfast at Melissa’s house and were in the middle of eating when your phone pinged. When you picked it up from the table you saw “Harry” on the text notification and you locked it and set it down with a pounding heart. Caitlyn looked to you with a knowing glance and you sighed and went back to your food. Melissa was cool, she was an influencer who was dabbling in TV, which is how she met Caitlyn. But you weren’t really personal friends with her yet so you didn’t feel like bringing Harry up right now. You could talk to Caitlyn about it on your way home.
As soon as you were in the car you looked at his text and smiled at the screen. Harry was sweet, a bit of an over-thinker, but you loved that about him. He was thoughtful of how he wanted to be perceived and how he came across.
“Did he ask to see you?” Caitlyn asked and you nodded and locked your phone before taking off. You sat in silence for just a few minutes before Caitlyn turned to you. “So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.” You confessed. “If I see him…alone…” you sighed, “s’just that after seeing him I realized I still feel too much for him.” You explained. “I don’t want to fuck things up with Seb or hurt him in any way.  Like you know that I care about him. So much. But this is Harry, you know? Do you think Seb’ll understand if I want to meet up with Harry?” You asked and Caitlyn sighed.
“Girl, I don’t know…but after speaking a bit with Harry I don’t know if it’s a good idea.” She said and you frowned.
“What did he say?” You couldn’t help but ask.
“He’s just…hanging on by a thread I think.” She said and you frowned. “Like you’re both in relationships, good ones, that seem to make you guys happy. And I mean…you guys are each other’s weakness, you know? And I care about you both so much and I don’t want you to accidentally do something that you’ll regret and hate yourselves for. Like I get it, you miss each other, but would tempting fate fix things or make them worse?” She asked and you sighed.
“You’re right. You’re so right.” You agreed.
“He knows you’re with Sebastian.” Caitlyn said and you turned to her for a moment with confusion.
“He was looking you up online or something is what he said.” Upon hearing that you giggled and Caitlyn started to chuckle as well. Before you knew it, you were both laughing hard at how crazy that was. Him scouring the internet to find information about you? “If Harry internet lurks you can too. You’re missing out…” Caitlyn said after your laughing spell had died down.
“Yeah, no thanks. I have some dignity.” You grinned and Caitlyn rolled her eyes. 
Harry waited and waited. And waited well into the night for Y/N to respond to his text. He had no idea if you’d even read it. Maybe you had changed your number and he’d texted someone else by mistake. He was getting antsy, he was only in town for four more days. So he did a double text, just to verify that it was still your number and when no response came after another 10 minutes he just settled against his pillows and pulled out the book he had brought along with him. He wasn’t even hungry anymore after that disappointment.
Sebastian had come over to your house for dinner at the last minute and now you were just washing up your dishes from that when he came into the kitchen glowering at you.
“What the matter?” You asked with some concern and he brought your phone up to your face so that you could see what had him so upset. You pouted a bit when you read Harry’s second text, he was just asking if it was still your number. You felt bad for leaving him on read now.
“You saw him again today and he asked you out again?” Sebastian asked with irritation. He had every right to be irritated without context, but the explanation would easily appease his anger.
“I didn’t plan to see him. Me and the girls were at pilates and he showed up at that studio. I have no control over where he goes! What was I supposed to do? Leave?” You asked him and he sighed, “The trainer had him come work out in the studio with us because people were flocking him. But when he came over I even left to do strength training instead. Ask Caitlyn! I didn’t even talk to him!” You said quickly as he searched your eyes. The fear and panic in them made him doubt you. “He just wants to catch up.” You said as he set your phone down on the counter with a sigh.
“I want to believe you but-”
“Then believe me, Sebastian!” You said with exasperation as you shut the water off and took off the rubber gloves you were wearing. “The evidence is there on my phone. I haven’t even answered him!” You pointed out and he sighed.
“Why is he so determined of doing this? Doesn’t he have a girlfriend to hang out with?” 
“It’s just…a lot seeing each other after so long. He probably just wants to reconnect and be friends? Maybe if I just talk to him-”
“I don’t want you talking to him, Y/N.” Sebastian said and you frowned. “I don’t trust him and I don’t like how pushy he’s being about this.”
“He’s not being pushy…” you sighed.
“He is! You left him on read and he doesn’t take the fucking hint.” Sebastian argued.
“Well maybe if I just respond and explain that you’re not comfortable with us meeting up alone then he’ll-”
“Oh, don’t put this on me.” Sebastian cut you off.
“Well you’re the one who’s upset over this, Seb. I honestly wasn’t even going to respond to him!”
“If you’re not going to respond just delete the message and block the number.” He insisted, handing your phone over. You frowned as you glanced down at it in your hands and then up at him.
“No, Seb. I’m not blocking him for no real reason!” You pushed back.
“Your boyfriend being upset over it is a real reason, Y/N. He wants you back! Why can’t you see that?” He groaned in frustration.
“No, he doesn’t. He just wants to talk and catch up!” You countered.
“Well I don’t care what he wants, Y/N. I don’t want you to see him. I forbid it!” He put his foot down and you scoffed. 
“You forbid it? What the fuck? Who are you to tell me who I can and can’t see in my free time, Seb? I think I’ve respected you and our relationship by leaving it and not answering him. I even told you when I first saw him-”
“Only because I asked! And now again, you see him and don’t say anything about it until I see these texts!”
“One sided texts!” You added and he shook his head.
“I waited my turn and I chose to be with you, Y/N. And right now you need to choose me back.” He said and you sighed as you started growing anxious and frustrated.
“I’m with you, Seb! I already chose you! There’s nothing for me to choose right now! You’re the one putting Harry in the middle of us right now.” You argued.
“You’re honestly telling me that if he says he wants you back you wouldn’t hesitate to choose me over him? You’d just tell him to fuck off?” He asked and you frowned.
“That’s… that’s a silly thing to think. Why are you even arguing hypotheticals, Seb? This will get us nowhere-”
“Tell me, now. Who would you choose, Y/N?” He insisted more seriously and you shook your head.
“I’m not playing this stupid game with you, Seb.” You said as you crossed your arms. Holding your position.
“You refusing to make a choice over this speaks fucking volumes, Y/N.” He said with disappointment before he stormed out of the kitchen. You took a second to let your mind try and catch up with how all of this went south so quickly. Once you were up to speed you hurried over to the front door where he was sliding his feet into his shoes.
“Where are you going?” You asked him with welled up eyes and he refused to answer you. “Sebastian!” You raised your voice.
“I’m done.” He seethed, finally responding to you, “I’m done playing second fiddle to him, Y/N.” He said pointedly before leaving your place with a loud thud of the door slamming. 
You groaned into your hands and your tears started rolling down your cheeks. You were so fucking angry at him and at Harry…it was making you boil over as you returnedd to the kitchen and grabbed your phone and called him. He didn’t pick up, you tried again after a few moments and it went straight to voicemail. You were so angry at him you almost threw your phone at the wall. But before you could, you decided to make another call, this one to Harry.
“Y/N?” He answered almost right away and before you could berate him for his texts you started to sniffle, “Hey? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asked softly. His voice was drenched with concern.
“Seb saw your texts and I think he just broke up with me.” You whimpered as more tears started to fall. You started to sob a bit harder and just dropped yourself on the couch. Harry felt awful…he hadn’t meant to stir up trouble for you, he just missed you.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t think I said anything bad or suspicious.” He apologized.
“You didn’t. He just thinks you’re…trying to get me back. He asked me to block you and I said no because that’s stupid. We’re fucking grown ups, you know?”
“Yeah.” He hummed as he listened.
“And he…he asked me if you wanted to get back together with me, if I would I choose him over you.” You said and he bit his lip.
“What’d you say?”
“I didn’t say anything! I told him he was being ridiculous for bring up hypotheticals like that. Like what would we gain from that, you know? And he got more angry and said that not choosing was basically choosing…”
“I see how he came to that conclusion. I mean…it makes it seem like…he wouldn’t like the choice you’d make.” He explained.
“Well it’s not like that! I just…I don’t know, Harry.” You said before gasping for air as you started to cry harder. Harry wished he could be there to hold you and tell you everything would be fine. He’d just let you get it out for a little bit.
“I’m really sorry for stirring up trouble for you, love.” Harry apologized with full sincerity. 
“It’s alright.” You whispered as your crying diminished.
“It’s not…I should’ve taken the fucking hint. I just miss you and want to spend time with you before I go. I was upset that you didn’t answer me after this morning. I should’ve just left it alone and-”
“I miss you too, H.” You cut him off. You sniffled as you just stared up at the ceiling. “Fucking ridiculous amounts.” You added and he smiled.
“Me too.” He agreed.
“I’m sorry for not responding to you. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. S’just that after talking to Caitlyn about it I just got a little…scared I guess. Like…what if we like have a moment of weakness and do something fucked up and-”
“Love, no.” he responded even if he had the same fear as her.
“Is is that crazy to think about? We obviously still share a lot of feelings for each other and I would hate to…to mess anything up for you if I…if I’m not strong enough.” You explained.
“If anyone’s not strong enough here it’s me.” He said and you smiled, “God…like…I don’t know if wanting to see you is wrong or not and I don’t care. All I know is that you mean a lot to me and I’ve missed you.”
“Enough to lurk me on the internet?” You asked with a smile and he sighed.
“Fucking Caitlyn…” he chuckled and you laughed. “So pathetic.” Muttered lowly.
“S’not…” you appeased him.
“So you’ve done it too?” He asked hopefully.
“No way.” You said quickly and he chuckled, “It’s not because I’m not curious I just…I don’t want t-to see you with her.” You admitted and a silence came over you two for several moments as the information settled. “And well, it’s not even about her really, it’s just…you I guess.” You confessed, “It’s such an ugly feeling.” You explained with a frown, “It makes my stomach hurt and it makes me annoyed and my chest feels heavy and like-”
“You get jealous.” He said and you sighed. You’d never been of the jealous kind. Specially not with Harry, you knew that even God would have to kill one of you to keep you apart. There was no chance of straying from each other. So this feeling festering inside of you was absolutely foreign to you and you never wanted it again. You’d seen a photo of them briefly on some gossip website when a friend had sent a link about some crazy rumor they’d written about you. It was a suggestion for another article read at the bottom of the article about you. The photo above the title was of them two, you only saw it quickly before you closed out of the tab, never wanting to see it again. But god, it was truly such an ugly feeling. You literally felt it growing out of your heart and infecting your…you’d been moody the rest of that day; it was awful.
“Yeah, I guess I do…feel jealous.” You admitted and he bit his lip for a second.
“While I was lurking instagram the other day? I saw a video of you and Sebastian kissing at some concert of his. At the side of the stage?” He said.
“Yeah?” You asked and he sighed.
“Yep. I-it made me so…mad. Like a helpless kind of mad. And then sad.” He said and you frowned, “It made me sad because we didn’t have that. I hate that I kept you so hidden…I should’ve been less afraid of the public, of the fans, of all the external bullshit that fucks with my head. I wish people could’ve see how happy we were. Wish they could’ve see how much we love each other.” He said and you felt your stomach flip when he said that. He didn’t say “how much we loved each other”, he said “love”, present tense, as in right now. It felt good to hear but it also scared you because you realized that you too were hanging on by a thread.
“You know, I kinda love that it’s just between us. Like back then it was tough to hide like that, but now I appreciate it more. I felt…safe and protected and normal when we were together, you know?”
“Yeah, that’s true.” He hummed. “Do you ever think about us?” He asked meekly.
“Of course I do. A lot of the time…” you said with a smile. “Like early last year, Seb opened for someone at the Forum and he like…fell in love with it.”
“Rightfully so, s’the perfect venue.” He said and you hummed.
“Literally. So he bought us club passes and we went to see John Mayer like a few months later and we had the same exact seats that we had for Elton John. Remember?”
“Oh, god…do I…” he laughed and you started to laugh as well. “And Jeffrey had to get them to delete the video of us sneaking into the family bathroom, remember?” He started chuckling.
“Oh, I remember.” You giggled. 
“At least we was fast…”
“We weren’t. We were in there for almost half an hour.” You pointed out.
“Were we?” He asked in shock and you laughed.
“Yeah! You said you wanted to to enjoy it or something like that. And when I said we should go home then you said-”
“And miss Elton John?” He cut her off and you laughed as you nodded.
“Literally, you paused, mid-fuck. Like mid thrust, Harry.” You cackled as he laughed loudly over the line, “As if we weren’t already missing the best bits anyway…” you said and he smiled as the laughter died down. “I’d never done anything in public like that before.” You said, “You tainted me.” You joked.
“Yeah, you tell yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night, love.” He chuckled and bit his lip as he recalled how you were biting down on his shirt to contain your sounds. He had no idea what had gotten into him that night, all he recalls is the you were wearing this perfume that was so intoxicating, he just wanted to be buried against your neck. Kissing you, inhaling that sweet and warm scent that made his head spin. He was touching you in some way the whole fucking time until he sneakily brought his fingers up your skirt and touched you over her underwear slowly until you were drenched for him. He shifted a bit when he felt his cock hardening up in his sweats at the memory of what happened afterwards in that bathroom.
“OK, thanks…just a funny little story to lighten up the mood.” You said and he hummed.
“I want to see you.” He said decidedly and you bit your lip.
“I don’t know if we should, H.”
“Right now. Just FaceTime.” He said and you shot up.
“Harry, no…I’m all snotty and shit-”
“Well if we’re not going to see each other in person before I go at least like this. Please, love.” He said and you sighed as you wiped your eyes a bit before the request to FaceTime came in and you accepted and seconds later there you were. Face to face. You stayed quiet for a few moments, just looking at each other, the air was tense with all of the thoughts and feeling being left unsaid.
“I do want to see you.” You said, finally breaking the silence and he hummed. He was in bed, his free arm was pulled back, supporting his head and he was clearly topless from what you could see. 
“Yeah?” He smiled.
“Of course. I just…feel like it’s asking for trouble.”
“Why?” He chuckled.
“Because! I mean, look at you just now.” You said with a giggle and he glanced down a bit and smirked.
“How do you think I felt today at the gym?”
“I was working out!”
“And I’m just laying in bed.” He responded simply. 
“This is bad, H.”
“What is?” He chuckled.
“The way I’m…looking at you and thinking about you.” You said softly.
“And what way is that?” He asked and you shook her head bashfully as he smiled a bit, “It’s not like I’m not thinking the same things about you…” He responded and you bit your lip nervously. “Earlier today I was remembering how I found your birthmark.” He said with a placid smile.
“Didn’t even know it was there…”
“You’re welcome by the way.” He hummed and you rolled her eyes at him playfully. “When did you move out of your flat?” He asked changing the subject. He just assumed as he didn’t recognize your surroundings.
“Last year. Finally could afford a house. S’small for the area, three bedrooms. Very English cottage/craftsman style, original architecture. Obviously, the inside is renovated, but the external structure is in great shape.” You described and he smiled. “It reminded me of the houses in the country we saw when we visited your family together up north? The ones with the brick exteriors.” You said and he nodded and smiled, “It has a lovely front garden…there are tons of windows so the sun shines in nearly all afternoon. And the garage was turned into like a studio apartment and I’m planning to renovate it into a little music studio once I save up enough.”
“That sounds really nice. So where are you at now?” He asked.
“West Hollywood west.” You said and his eyes widened.
“No way. Dude, I am like down the street from you right now.” He chuckled and you smiled.
“Oh! Really?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t extend my stay at the Roosevelt so Jeffrey moved me to the SLS on La Cienega.” He explained, “I could literally jog to you if I wanted.” He chuckled and you smiled and bit your lip for a moment. It was already dark out…so no one would see him…
“Would you really?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, of course! Had to skip my cool down cardio today because there were too many people at the gym.” He said and you thought about it for a moment. 
Harry was ready to jump out of bed and throw some clothes on and run out if you said he could. He just wanted to be around you again. Even talking like this was nice, just getting to see your expressions and watch you form your thoughts and listen to him.
“Maybe you running over here is not a great idea…” you said when you heard a police siren down the street. He tried to mask his disappointment at this but nodded, “I could pick you up?” You suggested instead.
“Uh yeah, that’s cool too.”
“Do you have any plans tomorrow?”
“No, just work out and hanging out in the area.”
“OK, so no strict curfew.” You smiled and he shook his head.
  “Ok. Ummm, I’m gonna try to call Seb again and let him know.”
“Does he stay with you?” Harry asked.
“No, he actually lives in Pasadena.”
“Ooh…” Harry exclaimed with a scrunch in his face, “That’s a commute just because of the traffic.”
“I know. It’s not really that far, but man he has to take all the shitty freeways.” You said, “I think he probably went home after we argued. But I just want to let him know that I’m having you over just to avoid any issues.” You explained and he nodded. He loved that about you, you’d always been really considerate like that and it made him smile that you were still that way.
“Oh yeah, of course. I should probably do the same.” He said and you smiled.
“OK. I’ll text you my ETA when I’m heading out.”
“Sounds good.” He nodded and then you hung up.
You tried calling Sebastian a couple times before giving up and going to finish the dishes you had started on, maybe he’d call back. You finished up and still no response from Seb. Then you packed up the leftovers and still he had not called you back. You sighed and just called again, killing a bit of time by going around the house, lighting some of the candles you had out. But as it rang out to his voicemail once again you decided to just leave a message.
“Hey babe.” You started out, “I just wanted to say I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier. It’s just that…Harry is really important to me and I miss him, OK? I miss getting to be his friend and he just wants to reconnect a bit, OK? His hotel is like 2 miles away from the house and he’s going to come here for a bit. I’m not sure if you’re on the road home or just went out somewhere nearby, so I’m just letting you know in case you want to come by whenever. I love you, Seb. Bye.” You finished and then hung up. You then texted Caitlyn just to let her know what happened and assured her you’d call the following day to catch her up on everything. By that time it had been about 20 minutes and you texted Harry to let him know you were on your way.
Harry was relieved to hear back from you with your ETA. After it took more than five minutes for you to get back to him he decided to have a quick shower so that he wouldn’t have to do it if he got back too late. He was so nervous, he felt like his heart would beat out of his chest at getting to be with you again. And when it got to two minutes of you arriving he made his way down to the lobby. He was quick as he scurried out and just as he was walking past the valet you pulled up to the curb.
“Uber for Garry?” You called out the passenger window with a playful grin and he laughed as he opened up the door and settled in.
“Hi.” He greeted you, his smile wide.
“Hi.” You responded and then you bit your lip to avoid smiling like Demi Lovato in Camp Rock. You were far too happy, you just needed a second to gather yourself. You were just taking each other in for a moment before someone honked at you and you jumped as the harsh sound startled you both. “Jesus…Sorry.” You mumbled before you started peeling away from the pick up area. Harry was chuckling beside you and you just rolled your eyes at him as he poked a bit of fun.
“How’d it go with Seb.” He asked, changing the subject.
“It didn’t…that’s why I took so long. Tried him a bunch of times while I finished cleaning up after dinner. Gave him a bit to call back and he didn’t so I left him a message. I did tell him that he could drop by whenever just to…see for himself that it’s fine.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
“Yeah…I just don’t get where all this suddenly came from. Like, I’ve been straight up about everything since I saw you last week and he was fine about it.”
“Maybe he’s just jealous.”
“Well yeah, but that doesn’t mean he has to distrust me.” You said and he nodded.
“That’s true. Well look, let’s not worry about it now. We can have a nice time and catch up…” He smiled and you nodded.
“Have you eaten dinner?”
“Should I stop somewhere? Or there’s food at the house if you want that.” You said and he nodded.
“Yeah, that’s alright.” He smiled and you nodded. “Do you still cook a lot?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Oh yeah, avidly. The kitchen continues to be my happy place.” You confirmed. “Caitlyn is on this vegan kick until next Thanksgiving, so I’ve been trying out a bunch of new stuff that she’s recommended I learn to cook for her.” you explained with a smile, “Seb is losing his mind about it though, all he eats is brown rice, chicken, and fish.” You explained, “Tonight I made like a veggie stir fry type of thing? With zucchinis and other types of squash, carrots, mushrooms, bell peppers, and some beyond ground beef.…”
“That sounds excellent.” he said and you smiled.
“I thought so too! Never thought I’d have to persuade a grown man into eating that many vegetables.” You said of Seb and Harry chuckled.
“I don’t even want to know what that means…” he mumbled jokingly as he glanced out the window and you laughed. 
“Not like that…” you giggled.
“Sure…sure.” Harry hummed as he side eyed you, who just shook you head in response. “Well you don’t have to persuade me. Though I’m not sure if I should just have you persuade me depending on what you’re persuading people with.” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“I promised to make his favorite meal next time. That was the persuasion.” You clarified and he chuckled.
“I mean, I’ll still take that…do you even remember-”
“Of course! Branzino al Limone. How could I forget?” You asked with a smile as you glanced to him briefly, and he grinned in satisfaction. “Perfected the recipe last time I went to Italy actually.” 
“Why? For me?” He asked smugly.
“Ummm, because it’s good?! Also it was one of the dishes in the cooking course I completed there.” You said and he chuckled.
“Well that’s good.” 
“Yeah.” You smiled. 
You and Harry bonded a lot over food, it was basically one of your biggest love languages in your relationship. You loved learning together and you taught him a lot of the things he now knew. You wanted to ask if he cooked for his girlfriend…he probably did, it was part of his charm, part of the wooing process. He invited his love interest over to his and made you his perfected risotto al pomodoro and then had the other person involved in helping with dessert and while that went in the oven you’d kill some time by…well, you reckoned anyone would know what you filled that time with. It was basically straight out of a romcom. He even did it for you when you started dating. But you were much younger then so it was all the more impressive that a man pulled out all the stops like that.
You then wondered if she cooked for him as well. Did she do things better than you or was he left wanting just a bit more, forced to remember you every time she took a stab at his favorites? Or did they even do that for each other in this relationship? You wanted to know about it, but at the same time you knew that any knowledge of how his relationship worked with someone else wouldn’t really benefit you in any way. As long as he was happy, that was all you needed to know.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” He suddenly asked when you grew quiet.
“Nothing, just ummm, just thinking.” You said as you glanced at him quickly, “We’re nearly there.” You said and he nodded as you turned down to a residential street. The houses there looked to be of an older build, but they were still very beautiful. There was the odd bright white millennial cement block people were obsessed with currently, but other than that, the neighborhood you were in seemed to embrace the older LA architecture for the most part. “S’that one there in the corner.” You pointed to your right and he smiled as he saw your little corner house.
“God it even looks like England…so much green!” He chuckled happily as he glanced at you briefly before looking back as you got closer. 
Yeah, whoever lived there before her absolutely covered the property in plants. The entire front of the property was lined with a hedge that he assumed was his shoulder height or so. And then running diagonally through the front lawn was a little path of steps to get up to the front door, it was lined at each side by some of those little stake lights and blocked off by a little iron gate. You had some free driveway for guests and then another gate to close off the access to the backyard.
“Let me open up the gate,” you said as you unbuckled your seatbelt, “My control is out of batteries and then I bought the wrong-”
“I got it. I want to snoop your lawn.” He said as he unfastened his own seatbelt and you smiled.
“Yeah sure. The gate code’s-”
“Your birthday?” He asked with a knowing smile and you chuckled, “Still your birthday?!” He asked teasingly and you shrugged. “Oh, I’ve missed you…” he hummed quietly, smiling to himself now as he hopped out of the car and walked over to the little keypad at the far end of the gate. “Six digit and pound I assume?” He called out in question.
“Yes!” You shouted and he gave you a thumbs up before entering the numbers. Just a second later the wooden gate started to open inward, allowing you to drive in and he allowed himself to then wander down to the sidewalk where he unlatched the gate to get up to the front door.
It was so pretty out there. There was a a flower garden against the gate on the right side  and thanks to the LA weather they were still in bloom. He could even smell some of the lavender planted there. He followed the path up to the well lit front door and smiled as he saw the beautiful deep teal colored door. There was a big window to some room in the home, possibly the living room, though he couldn’t really make out what it was to because of the thin curtain over it so he just focused back on the door. He just couldn’t get over the color. Then at the foot of the door he spotted a welcome mat reading “Sup. I’m mat.” And Harry immediately burst into laughter and glanced around again to see some wind chimes dangling off of the corner of the drop off of the roof. The grass was well kept and there seemed to be plenty of space to sit out here if you wanted to in the evenings when it cooled down…
“What’s so funny?” You suddenly asked and he turned around to see you coming up the steps.
“Mat.” He said pointing to the welcome mat and you giggled.
“Oh right…$10 if you guess who got me that as a housewarming gift…” you said and he chuckled.
“Oh Caitlyn…I’ve missed her too.” He said and you sniggered. “I really like the color of your door.” He complimented.
“Thank you.” You smiled.
“And the yard is so nice and lush. Love the hedges.”
“Yeah? I’m thinking of getting rid of the hedges.” You shared.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Like I like them for privacy but it just seems so closed off to me.”
“I can see that…What does Sebastian think?”
“Who cares? He doesn’t live here.” You sniggered and he chuckled and nodded.
“Well personally, I’d keep ‘em. You’re so close to Sunset that when people find out this is your home there are bound to be TMZ tour busses rolling to a stop every hour and a half.” He said and you sighed as you realized her was right, “Besides, it just kinda feels like your own little world with them, you know? Almost like secret garden type vibes.” He said as he looked around the area again and you smiled.
“Well thank you for your input, I will consider it.” You assured and he smiled, “Alright, lets get inside.” You said and keyed your way in. You had one of those keypad doors as well because losing keys was your hidden talent.
“Oh wow, this is so nice!” Harry complimented as he looked around inside.
“Thank you.” You smiled as you slipped out of her shoes and he did the same. “Want a tour?”
“Yeah!” He agreed eagerly. 
With that confirmation you first guided him down the hallway towards the master bedroom and let him wander around in there for a bit. It had a door to the backyard as well so he looked out there and let her talk about her plans for her little studio before you wandered into the bathroom and closet. He was obsessed with her shower and even snapped some pictures to see if he could do something like that at his place. Then you went to the guest bedrooms to look around in there, and then you stopped in the living room on their way to the kitchen.
“Hey! That’s mine! I think…” He smiled brightly and pointed at a painting of an array of colorful, small and silly, misshapen faces. He walked up to the wall in the living room with tons of art hung on it and studied that one.
“Oh yeah, it is one of yours.” You smiled, “I found it when I was cleaning out my storage unit!”
“God, I was so fucking high when I painted that…” he recalled and chuckled as he shook his head.
“Were you?” You chuckled and he nodded, glancing back at you for a moment before he looked back to the painting.
“Can’t believe I even gave it to you. It was a secret Santa gift, wasn’t it?” He asked as he turned back towards you, fully this time and you nodded with a smile in response to his question. “It’s pretty cool. M’glad you kept it.” He said more softly.
“Of course I did. I love it. It really catches the eye. S’the one people ask about the most actually. Especially when they see the signature.” You said and he chuckled.
“You’ve got a lot of cool pieces.” He added.
“Thank you.”
“Can’t believe we never even went to a museum together.” he said as he turned back to the wall. “Such a shame…”
“Hey, maybe one day.” You said and he smiled as he turned back to you, “Alright, lets get you fed.” You said.
“Yes, please!” He concurred and followed you through to the kitchen. 
You fixed him a plate and told him to feel free to keep looking around the house while it warmed up. You checked your phone again and Seb had not even sent a text in response yet. You were getting worried now, maybe he was serious when he said he was done. You still didn’t think you’d done anything horribly wrong, he had been quite demanding and unreasonable in your opinion. 
When Harry came back into the kitchen to find you staring at your phone he frowned.
“Hey, everything alright?” His presence startled you a bit, but you nodded quickly.
“Yeah.” You assured and he looked at you skeptically, “I swear. I was just checking to see if Seb got back to me yet.”
“He hasn’t?” He asked and you shook your head as you set your phone down and turned to the microwave to grab his plate. When you turned back he sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Har.”
“But it is…if I hadn’t insisted t-to have some time with you then maybe-”
“I wanted to have time with you too.” You reminded and slid the plate over to him across the counter and he settled into one of the stools along the island. You then turned around to grab him a fork. Once he had it in his hand he quickly started eating.
“This is delicious.” He moaned with a partially full mouth, “Missed how you cook.” He tagged on happily and you smiled.
“Glad you like it.” You hummed and then started to pack the leftovers back up again. “Do you want some wine or water? I also have Cutwaters, which are quite traumatizing but-”
“Are you gonna have that?” He asked.
“I will if you will.” You said and he chuckled.
“Yeah, alright. What flavor?”
“S’the Long Island ones.” You said with a slight grimace and he mirrored your expression.
“Do you have a death wish?” He asked and you sniggered.
“There were gifted to me with a PR package, OK? Didn’t just want to throw ‘em out.”
“God…just one though, those are alarmingly strong.” He reminded.
“Oh, I know…I hardly even drink anymore apart from the occasional glass of wine. I might only have a cocktail, two max, at events but it’s pretty rare now. So one will definitely do it for me.” You chuckled and he did as well as you turned back to the fridge to open up the box. You came around to the stools and set the cans down and then sat in the spot beside him. “So what did you girlfriend say?” You asked against your better judgment but you had to know.
“About?” He asked, glancing to you before taking another bite of food.
“Us. Hanging out tonight.” You clarified and he hummed.
“Oh! I ummm, I just decided not to mention it to her.” He confessed a bit shamefully, “I was going to but I’m not sure of what her reaction would be and that scared me a bit. And either way, I would’ve come seen you regardless of her opinion about it, so if she’d gotten angry well, I didn’t want to lie and pretend I wasn’t gonna see you on top of making her angry…” he rationalized his decision and then went back for another bite of food.
“A lie of omission is still a lie…” you hummed and he shrugged.
“Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.” He mumbled and you sighed and nodded. “I-is that bad?” He asked.
“What?” You asked.
“That I don’t care what she’d think of us reconnecting.” He said and you sighed.
“I think, in a black and white world the answer is yes, but it’s not. And more than that, I mean, it’s us. It feels wrong to be strangers.” You said and he nodded. “But I mean, in a way it’s good that she’s new in your life because she doesn’t really know how we were together, you know? So she has nothing to worry about. Not that there is anything to worry about at the moment, but if she’s on the insecure side then it could cause her some concern.”
“Like Seb.” He said. Not meaning to, but instinctually having to point it out.
“Yeah, I guess so…” you sighed.
“Maybe he does have something to worry about?” Harry said and you turned to him with a furrow in your brows and then his arched up, “Not with me! Sorry that came out wrong, forget I said anything. Sorry.” He rushed out and took another bite of food.
“If not about you then what?” You asked him as he chewed and he shook his head.
“Just forget it. I misspoke.” He mumbled after swallowing it down.
“H, don’t- don’t do that to me.” You said lowly as you looked into his eyes and he sighed.
“I just…just don’t take what I say to heart, OK? I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.” He prefaced and you nodded, “S’just something a friend told me about their overly jealous and insecure partner that came to mind. She said that often times those people are so worried about what their partners are doing as a form of…projection.” He said and your eyes softened and you looked down at the counter as the implication of what he was saying weighed on you. “Those kinds of people are often paranoid about their own hidden secrets or agendas being uncovered that they try and-” he stopped when he saw you pick up your can and chug it down for a few seconds before setting it down.
Your chest was rising and falling hard as you caught your breath. You weren’t sure if your throat was stinging from the overload of carbonation you’d just gulped down or from fighting off the knot seeking to lodge itself in it. You hadn’t considered that before. Maybe you were naive, but you always trusted that your partners had your best interest at heart. Though you had been cheated on twice by the same person in the past, this was right before you met Harry. And well, things with Harry had been so great that you were largely able to overcome your trust issues over the course of your relationship with him. You healed from it, but now it seemed like it was maybe a thing again.
“Hey,” Harry spoke softly and grabbed your hand and you turned to him, “I know Seb, he wouldn’t do that to you.” He said with certainty, “He was in love with you for five years, maybe more, and never did a thing about it but wait his turn.” He said and you blinked a few times and nodded, “I’m telling you, it just came to mind but I shouldn’t have said anything. It doesn’t- it’s not the same situation.” He emphasized.
“Maybe we’re wrong for this. Maybe we just need t-to let it go. The past is the past, there’s no need to stir up trouble in our present lives over something that clearly wasn’t…wasn’t meant to be.” You said quietly instead and he frowned.
“You can’t believe we weren’t meant to be, Y/N. Of course we were.” He insisted with conviction.
“Then why did we give up?”
“Bad timing.” He said simply.
“Well aren’t you happy right now? As things are.”
“Sure.” He said, “A-are you?”
“I am…I mean, I know I could be happier, but I’m getting there. And it’s not because of you or anything like that, it’s just that Seb and I are still a bit new. And we have a lot more work to do on how our relationship works, clearly.” You said with a smile and he smiled as well and reached for his own drink.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked and you nodded.
“Desperately.” You said and he smiled.
“Yeah, we can talk about it then.” He assured.
“OK, you finish up here. I’m going to get my makeup off and out of these clothes.”
“Yeah love, take your time.” He assured and you smiled and hurried off. 
Harry finished eating in silence, debating on whether he should tell Tay about coming over to your place or not. Maybe you had a point, she wouldn’t freak out about it like Seb did because she hadn’t seen you guys at your peak. She didn’t know how it had been between you two to be worried about anything happening. And as that thought crossed his mind it then dawned on him that maybe he was also right, about the projecting thing. Maybe he was projecting this feeling of disapproval and rejection from her because he knew he was in the wrong for this. He knew that being here with the person he wholeheartedly believed was his soulmate was such a test…
His own lyrics then came to mind, “my hand’s at risk, I fold”. He’d written that about you all those years ago. He felt then that you’d both put so much into your love, you’d both bet on it with everything you had only for you guys to realize that it wasn’t panning out how you hoped. So you both just pulled out of it before you could get anymore hurt or suffer any more losses. Had folding been a mistake? That was a question that was constantly orbiting in his mind. Had you guys held on a bit longer, would things have suddenly turned around like you’d been betting they would the whole time? Had you guys been too hasty with giving up? That’s what it felt like to him, giving up. He hated giving up. He had felt defeated for so long
and maybe he was here because he was supposed to be. Running into you like he did, talk about the luck of the draw…what were the odds? He dwelled on that thought as he washed his dishes and dried them up. And then he picked up your can of Cutwater to weigh out how much catching up he needed to do and then did just that. He groaned in disgust at the sweet and bitter after taste and then grabbed your can again and made his way to your living room. He set them down on coasters you had at your coffee table and then went to the window to pull the thicker curtains over your window. 
“Hey, can I use the fireplace?” He shouted out and after a few seconds he heard you shout back a yes. So he quickly got a fire going, it was just a comfort thing he supposed. He loved the sound of the crackling firewood and the smell of it burning slowly over the open flame. He got it going and then moments later you came in, your feet in your slippers and your body warmed up in some yoga pants and a crewneck.
“Sorry I took so long.” You apologized.
“S’alright, took the time to clean up after myself and catch up with you.” He said glancing towards your drinks and you smiled and reached for yours, so he grabbed his as well. You tucked one of your legs under you as the other dangled off of the couch. Harry just waited for you to start.
“That’s one of the things I’m struggling with, about Seb.” You started.
“What?” He asked.
“He’s just…a little…helpless. Or lazy, I don’t know which one.”
“Yeah, he didn’t grow up like we did. With everyone pulling their weight, everyone thinking of how what one person does can affect the other. How, you can’t always have it your way, you know?” You explained and Harry nodded. “He’s the youngest of three, has two older sisters, so he never had to lift a finger growing up. His dad’s a pilot and his mom just stayed at home and looked after them. They supported his dreams of being a singer from the get go, like our parents but, they paid for him to come to LA and live here. They had the means so he didn’t struggle at all, his only challenge was just to get a scout’s attention. So fundamentally, we have very different values I think. Especially of what it means to work hard at something. So right now that he’s upset at me, it’s not so much to do with you as it has to do with the fact that he’s not…getting his way.” You explained.
“So he’s a brat?” Harry said with an amused smile.
“Basically…a bit.” You said with a small smile, “And I do love him, but I don’t think it’s…enough to…to make me truly move on like you have.” You explained. He reached for your hand and you squeezed it for a second before letting go.
“Don’t think I’ll ever truly move on from you…” he said, “I’ve been thinking a lot about when we ended things. Like what if we had waited just a little bit more and things had worked out?”
“Would you have…wanted that?”
“Of course.” He said with certainty. “Yeah, I’m happy now, but I’ll always wonder if it’s just another path back to you…I don’t know if that’s…romantic or just plain obsessive.” He chuckled a bit and you smiled.
“Maybe a little bit of both.” You said and he smiled, “I’ve been thinking about how fucking insane it is that we ran into each other at Westlake.” You said and he gasped.
“Me too! Been thinking that since we saw each other.”
“I never go to Westlake if I can help it…like ever. So the odds of me even being there are…astronomical.” You said.
“Oh yeah! Honestly, I’ve delayed recording by a day or two if it’s the only one with open slots.” You giggled with a shake of you head. Maybe it was crazy of you, but you felt like the place was cursed. 
“That drastic!? Why?” He asked, his face scrunched up in a confused smile and your smile faded slowly.
“Ummm…that’s where I was, when you…called.” You said and his eyes softened.
“Oh.” Is all he could say.
“Yep, suite 2.” You said with a small, sad smile, “I feel like the place is cursed.” You told him what you’d always thought.
“And isn’t two the number you dislike the most out of all the even numbers?” He asked and you chuckled.
“Yeah, actually!” You confirmed.
“Don’t you think it’s too big of a coincidence that our paths crossed for the first time in years in the same place we ended our relationship?” He asked.
“Of course, I do.” You sighed and shook your head.
“Do you think it’s…a sign?” He asked and your gaze softened as you looked away.
“D-don’t do that, H.” You said with a frown and he scooted closer.
“Hey, look at me.” He said softly and you glanced up at him, he was just inches from your face. “It’s been you the whole time, you have to know that.” He said softly.
“I feel the same but…but we can’t…” your voice cracked as your eyes welled up.
“Why not?” He asked you, grabbing your face now, “Why can’t we just be together how we’re supposed to?”
“Because at some point we weren’t supposed to. We can’t hurt the people in our lives like that. They don’t deserve that.” You sniffled and he swallowed thickly.
“You’re right. You’re so right.” He sighed. A moment of weakness for him…what was he thinking.
“It doesn’t mean I don’t love you, Harry.” You said and he nodded.
“I know…I just…I can’t believe I said that…so ridiculous.” He sighed, feeling so ashamed for even suggesting it and now you reached for him.
“It’s not, Harry. It’s not like I wasn’t thinking it too.” You said and he squeezed your hand a bit tighter.
“Yeah, of course. How could I not…” you said and he bit his lip.
“Look, maybe not now but what about a few years from now?” He said and your mouth dropped open a bit.
“A few years from now, if we find ourselves alone again we try again.” He said and your lips turned up.
“That’s…that’s wild…”
“This whole thing has been wild! I mean, all of this was just a twist of fate. I can’t let this go to waste without trying. You’re my soul mate, I just know it.” He said and you exhaled shakily, “Tempt fate with me, love. Just one more time.” He appealed and you chuckled.
“OK.” You agreed.
“Yeah?” He asked happily, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
“Yeah.” You whispered. 
Neither of you were really thinking too much about it when his hand came up to your jaw and tilted it upwards and your lips met quickly. When you both realized that you’d kissed you pulled away immediately. Your eyes met as a deafening silence came over the both of you. He hadn’t let you go yet and his eyes drifted down to your lips again, how he had missed the taste of them. The feeling of them against his own. He leaned back in and when your hand hooked around his neck he just smooshed his lips against yours with urgency.
You both sighed in relief at the feeling of kissing like this again. You felt like a wildfire right now, fierce and untamable. When his hands landed on your hips and pulled, you quickly got the hint and climbed into his lap. His strong arms hugged around your waist, making you feel safe and cared for in his arms, like old times. You smiled in satisfaction before his tongue licked at your bottom lip and you opened up easily for him. And when you felt your tongues meeting you moaned and slid your hands up to grab his hair to pull at it like you always would. But you were instead met with the smooth and lightly ticklish surface of his buzzcut and you started to giggle.
“Forgot about that.” You grinned, before pecking his lips lightly and he laughed with you. You pulled back just a bit, your noses skimming as your gazes met. You kissed him quickly again and pulled back before he could deepen the kiss again, leaving him wanting. 
“Baby…” he whined lowly. Leaning in and you turned your head a bit, his kiss landing at the corner of your mouth.
“We should stop before we do something worse.” you whispered and he sighed but nodded.
“You’re right. Sorry.” He whispered and you just smiled and hugged him and he hugged you back. It was just a few moments into your embrace when you guys heard a car lock beeping from outside.
“That’s Seb’s car.” You said, immediately recognizing the sound.
“Shit.” Harry whispered as he let you go and you clambered off of his lap quickly and assumed your previous seat. “Sorry for that. I promise I held off as long as I could.” He apologized and you shook your head.
“It’s alright, I wanted to. Was thinking about it the whole time as well so…” You reassured him as your eyes met and he just smiled at you. Seconds later the lock on the front door chimed, indicating it had been unlocked and then Sebastian appeared, standing at the entrance of the living room to see you and Harry sitting on the couch, a comfortable distance between the two of you.
“Hey.” He greeted you both.
“Hey.”, “Hi, Seb.” You and Harry greeted him.
“Sorry for just leaving like that. I wanted to call you back after hearing your message, but I wanted t’cool off a bit. Went to the bar and I didn’t realize I dropped my phone there. Luckily, someone found it and turned it in. Then I went to Jake’s to track it since he lives close to it and when I went back to get it the screen was all wrecked.” He said holding it up.
“Oh shit! M’sorry.”, “That sucks, mate.” You and Harry said and he chuckled.
“Just bad luck I guess.” He sighed, “So ummm, you guys just catching up?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, Harry’s telling me about performing at Slane Castle.” You said and he nodded.
“Do you mind if I join you guys?” He asked.
“Not at all, mate.” Harry smiled.
“Cool. I’ll get a drink too then.” Seb said with a small smile and you nodded as he headed off to the kitchen.
“Thanks for putting me on the spot.” Harry whispered with a disbelieving grin and you giggled.
“As fate would have it, you had an iconic tour this year, so you can tell the stories…” you smiled.
> Next Part >
Check out some of my other stories here:)
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lovecanyon · 9 months
Inside Y/N L/N’s Bag | Vogue | Dad!H
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“Hi Vogue I am Y/N L/N and this is what’s in my bag.”
After she introduces herself, Y/N looks down at the bag in her lap. The bag she had used every single day was a personalized Pleasing mesh bag. It was a light pink color and had a blue ribbon tied onto one of the straps.
It was clear that it meant a lot to her.
“What I carry with me everyday is this.” She says grabbing onto her bag. “You can fit anything in here. And the thing about this is, it’s technically Inez’s diaper bag.”
Y/N then grins at the memory of Harry gifting her the tote.
“This specific bag was gifted to me by my husband a while ago, right before he had launched Pleasing. My son actually loves this bag and has one of his own but smaller. He doesn't go anywhere without it.” Y/N shares.
Setting her carrier onto the wooden coffee table in front of her, the Styles woman reaches into her bag and pulls out a bag of candy. Beau's favorite type.
Y/N remembers the night when Harry had got their son addicted to the chocolate minstrels.
“My son is obsessed with these and when I saw them I had to get them for him.” She laughs. “I spoil my kids way too much.”
The next thing Y/N pulled out was her phone. Just a plain iPhone 14 with a case that she had stolen from Harry or borrowed it, so she said. Once she taps on the screen her face lights up.
Her lock screen was a photo of a newborn Inez sleeping on Harry’s chest with Beau right beside them.
She almost shed a tear.
“This is my phone, nothing special until you look at the lock screen.” Y/N grins. She loved her family so deeply.
After placing her phone onto the table, she slides her hand into her carrier pulling out a blue bandanna. It previously belonged to Harry until Inez came around and slid the bandanna off of her father’s head.
It was truly her favorite thing in the world. You could say it was sort of like a safety blanket for her.
“Harry’s bandanna or should I say Inez’s bandanna. That girl loves this thing so much.”
A small bag of diapers, bibs, toy trucks, hair clips that she had stole back from Harry, kids sunscreen, Love on Tour’s backstage/V.I.P passes, bandaids, Harry’s headphones, her family’s passports and a camera
“Since we’re currently on tour and always traveling I always have to carry my children’s essentials.” Y/N explains looking at all the items laid out in front of her. “You can never be unprepared.”
Just five years ago her bag was filled with very different items than now. She was now a mother and had a family with a man she’s always wanted to grow old with.
Two kids later and she’s become a changed woman, a better one. She’s always valued the life she had, especially right now. Y/N couldn't have been more happy.
“Another toy!” Y/N laughs, pulling out another toy from her bag. “A mini statue of our dog Kendall who was actually named after Kendall Roy from Succession since Harry is obsessed with that show.” She holds out a miniature dog in her palm.
Following the toy, she slides out a pair of rings that clearly belonged to Harry Styles since they were his initials.
Y/N leans forward and slips the rings into her back pocket. She remembers the last time Harry had lost jewelry. It was at Coachella and he went insane looking for them.
“We are not losing any more rings.”
harryfan10 best mother in the world truly
harryfan4 harry’s love for succession has me rolling 😭😭
harryfan8 this. is. what. we. needed.
harryfan13 THE LOCK SCREEN
harryfan7 i cannot stress how much i love this video
harryfan5 the literal girl version of harry
harryfan9 harry is finally y/n’s husband 🧎‍♂️
harryfan11 i’m literally crying
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @cherryfragrancx @milkiane @golden-hoax @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia
2K notes · View notes
alonetimelover · 9 months
I was wondering if you could write Harry kissing reader lips all the times. No matter where or with whom. During sex or doing domestic things pls
pairing: boyfriend!Harry x reader
summary: Harry's love language is physical touch, but especially showering you with kisses. Here are just a few types of them.
warnings: Suggestive content (alluding to smut, but nothing explicit, alluding to reader being submissive), lots of kisses.
a/n: Just boyfriendrry and his obsession with your lips. No specific trope of mine here, just cuteness overload. Thank you for requesting!!!
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At the beginning of your relationship Harry tried not to be overly all over you. He didn’t like the word clingy but he was the equivalent to it. In the dictionary, there could be his photo next to the definition of the word. But he tried to repress the urge to just touch your arm when you were sitting on the couch, holding your hand at all times while strolling all those World’s streets, keeping his hand on your thigh while driving, caressing your hair while you tried to fall asleep late at night, massaging your sore shoulders after coming home to him after work, or just squeezing you tight whenever he was passing you. He tried to repress it, making you wonder if there was something bad going on. 
“What is your love language, Harry?” You finally asked him, while watching one of the movies from your TBW (to be watched) list. It was yet another time when he sat a metre away from you, as if you were contagious. It got you thinking. 
“Why the question?” 
“It’s just, I can’t crack it. I feel like you appreciate all of them but not one from what I do is your favourite. It’s just, I just want to cherish you the way you want to be,” you explained, now sitting sideways on the couch, face to face with Harry. 
Harry breathed heavily, “well, I didn’t think I had one. I learned to do things that my partners appreciated and roll with it.”
“You mean none of your partners asked you the question?” 
“Is that a usual question you ask?”
“I do. I mean, don’t you want to know what your partner appreciates and what they don’t like? I think the best way is to ask. It’s not only for pleasure but for creating boundaries. Those are as important.”
Now, Harry was thinking. One of the most important things he wanted to do in all of his relationships during the years was making his partners feel good, appreciated, and most importantly secure. He didn’t want them to be scared or not comfortable or even not sure about his feelings. And he now realised, you weren’t sure. 
“I think it’s physical touch,” he finally said. 
Well, that shut you up. And it did for a while, so Harry started to worry if you even heard him. 
“Yeah, I heard you. I’m just,” you stopped for a moment. “Just surprised, I guess. I’m glad I asked.”
“Yeah. Well, now that I know,” you prolonged the last word and moved on your knees, crawling towards Harry. 
“What are you- oh!”
In seconds you were making yourself comfortable, laying down on Harry, head on his chest, one of your legs wrapping around his and arms embracing his waist, making him stop talking. 
“I love physical touch. Please don’t hold yourself back anymore,” you whispered in his chest, not wanting to strain away from his warmth. 
“Just tell me when I’m too clingy.” Harry kissed the top of your head. 
“I will. It’s gonna be okay when we communicate,” you explained and added, “you have something else you want to do more as a couple?”
“Kisses,” he now said without hesitation, confident with his feelings and needs. Coming clear to you. 
“Oh, the more you know, the more you know.” 
So you spent the rest of your evening sharing kisses, touches and sweet nothings. Now sure about each other more than ever. 
From the moment that conversation happened very early on your relationship, the physical touch was an indispensable part of it. It was everything from light touches under the table during all of the dinners you had in the public and holding hands while doing groceries to kissing you breathless against the door after coming home from a party, where you’d been teasing him throughout the whole night. 
And those kisses and any other type of them were Harry’s favourite way of saying ‘I love you’ even when those words were not apparent in your relationship’s vocabulary. 
At the beginning, the surprising kisses, being placed on your lips on any unexpected moment during your meetings were his favourite. 
“You really can't just not scare me any time we see each other, eh?" you finally asked him, hand on your heart and trying to steady your breathing. 
"I'm so sorry, baby. I'll do it softer next time," Harry promised, wrapping his hands around you and turning you so he could properly see your face. 
"Softer? How about without giving me a near heart attack experience?" 
But those words really just went in one ear and left through the other. Harry had something much greater to concentrate on. Your lips, smeared with tomato sauce you'd been preparing to go with dinner, were just a thing he gazed at. 
"You're not listening." 
"Of course, baby." 
Just the way your lips were moving with the upper lip extra red made him answer not knowing what. He just wanted to drown into the endless waterfall of your kisses. 
“Okay, great! That’s why I was thinking about breaking up. It just seems to be not working, you know?” You tested him, if your prediction of him not being actually there in front of you, was true. 
“Yes, baby.” 
Bingo. He was not listening. 
“Harry, do you realise that we just broke up?” 
Now, he was listening. You used his name. How could you use his actual name and not one of the established nicknames. You used ‘Harry’ and he now knew you meant business. 
“Oh, now you're listening! Great! Uhmm - I am making a spaghetti bolognese and need you to taste the sauce. It’s just missing something,” you said like not a minute ago you didn’t use the words ‘break up’ and ‘Harry’ in one sentence. 
“Wait a minute. What ‘break up’?”
“Oh, you heard that?”
“Well, you called me Harry! Of course I heard what was said later.”
“That’s your name, love,” you teased, turning to the pan, stirring the sauce. 
“That’s,” he emphasised. “That’s my name. Love, baby, my sweetest boyfriend, sexy, hottie. Whatever. You know it.” He pouted, making his way between you and the stove, as to have your undivided attention. 
“Oh, is that true?” Teasing smile on your face, turning into a loving grin. 
“Yep.” He popped the ‘p’ and dived towards your face, giving you sweet three kisses on your lips in a way to say ‘I love you’ without using those heavy words. 
And somehow even after being used to saying ‘I love you’ all the time, those three kisses meaning those words stayed in your relationship ritual. Whenever he was leaving for tour - three kisses -, whenever you went to visit your family - three kisses -, whenever you stayed at home and he was going to the store - three kisses -, right before falling asleep - three kisses. It was just engraved in you both. 
“I’ll see you in two weeks,” you said for the third time, assuring him. 
“That’s too long.” He grimaced. “Can’t you just go with me?”
You laughed, “of course I can’t. I have a job, and I promised mum I would spend some time back home. And then,” you placed both of your arms around his neck, placing your hands in his overgrown locks. “And then I am joining you.” 
Harry smiled, leaning in and placing his warm lips on your cold ones, making your breath hitched. No matter how many of those kisses you shared, each and every one of them, no matter how long or how needy they were, made you stumble and felt like it was the very first time he stole your breath away. 
He was cursing himself in his mind, when the kiss grew very heavy and needy. When your hands pulled on his hair just the way he liked, and his knee was going right where you wanted. His hands slowly moved under your baggy shirt, sending shivers down your spine. His cold fingers slowly stroke your lower back and hips, then making their way just under your ass, so he could hold you up. 
“Your plane is leaving in two hours, baby,” you said breathlessly, when Harry plastered your neck with some tiny and some mark-leaving kisses. 
“Mhm, don’t care.”
“You’ll hate yourself if you’re not early enough at the airport.”
“Ugh,” he groaned. “How are you always right and rational even when I am very prominently trying for you to forget about everything, huh?” 
He placed you back on your feet, now stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, gazing into your eyes, searching for any sign of ‘keep doing what you’ve been doing for the past five minutes’. Finding none. 
“Need to put that on my resume,” you joked. 
“If you were working for me? Sure. For anybody else? Uh, uh. Don’t need others thinking about you like this,” he whispered, eyeing you up and down. 
“Possessive, are we?”
“Nah.” He shook his head. “Just in love.”
You smiled at him, and placed those final three kisses on his awaiting and slightly swollen lips. 
“I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“I’ll miss you. I love you.”
Like in each and every relationship there were times where you didn’t agree on certain things. Times when you argued. Times when you had silent days. And during those silent days, Harry still, a little bit proud and sometimes with a bruised ego, didn’t want to speak. But he couldn’t live without kissing you. As confusing as it was, you appreciated that. Even though you both were angry at each other, or disappointed in one another, or too proud to admit that the other was right - you would never refuse his kisses. 
Well, you once tried. 
“I don’t want you to kiss me,” you said seriously, immediately going back to reading your novel.
Harry’s brows scrunched and he cleared his throat. That hurt more than the argument, he thought. But he wouldn’t say it. He was mad and promised himself, childishly, to give you a silent treatment. It was a one time situation that he never redid. 
So he sat down next to you on the couch and waited patiently for you to speak up. He waited for hours till the moment you finished a part of a book that you had promised yourself you’d do. Then, you closed it and turned towards him. 
“Are you going to talk to me now?”
He sighed, placing one hand on your knee, squeezing it gently. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I am too.” 
“For the argument and the silence that I thought would be the best,” Harry resumed his apology after you said yours. “I know, we agreed on communicating. I’m sorry.”
“We’ll do it next time. No one said that we are perfect and are going to stick to the plan all the time. Mistakes are going to happen, probably more frequently than not. It’s just the way humans, we, are.”
Harry smiled as you started stroking his cheek lovingly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
“And you were right,” he added. “My ego couldn’t take it.”
“I understand. Mine couldn’t either. We need to keep each other in check, shouldn’t we?”
“Yes. But I have one request.” 
You encouraged him to continue by nodding your hand. 
“Never, and I really mean it, never refuse my kisses. It hurt me more than anything ever. No matter how angry we are at each other, just promise me, you won’t refuse a kiss from me.”
If it was possible your eyes would immediately flow with tears and sobs would come out of your mouth. Harry was too good and sweet for this world. And his obsession with kisses just added up to his lovingness in an attempt to make sure you knew how loved you were. 
And you sealed that promise with a sweet kiss. 
There was one more special type of a kiss that Harry provided you with. One that just screamed: bedroom. Or, you know, just let’s go and be alone with each other. It was discreet so whenever you were in public, or with your family or friends, they wouldn’t know what was going on. 
It was very simple. Harry would look like whispering something in your ear, but in reality he was kissing and sometimes slightly grazing the skin right under with his teeth, showering your body with goosebumps. 
The first time he did that was in his bed, no one was around, just you and him. You were lying for him, just the way he wanted you to. In the middle of the bed, pillow under your head to make you comfortable and hands placed underneath it to forbid you of touching. You laid there at his mercy watching as he moved around the room in just his dress pants - belt forgotten on the floor (already done with its job), button and zipper open, his underwear peeking. 
He finally stopped walking, standing at the end of the bed, right in front of you. Holding both of your ankles in each hand he moved them apart, placing them just far enough so he could fit between your legs. With eyes locked into yours, he kneeled on the bed, kissed one and then the second of your knees still not averting his gaze from you. Your breath hitched, a moan daring to escape your lips. 
“Don’t hold it in. I want to hear you, sweet girl,” Harry said. 
Of course he noticed the shallow and rapid breaths, warm skin and shy gaze from you. He noticed how you were forbidding him from hearing your voice, hearing how good he made you feel even though he barely touched you today. He needed to know your every thought and feeling right now. 
He smirked when you moaned after he squeezed and then caressed your inner thigh. 
Finally, to end your misery and yearning, he leaned down, bearing down on one of his forearms. His face daring closer and closer to yours, edging you endlessly. You wanted to just grab his head and kiss him right this moment, but knew that wouldn’t lead you to any good. You learned your lesson the hard way.
“Now,” he started, his face just inches away from your ear. “I think I can start to properly thank you, huh?” 
You gulped, not knowing if the noise that would come out of your mouth would be a coherent sentence (a simple ‘yes’) or a loud, needy moan. You knew Harry would encourage you to speak up. He needed to hear you and he could wait more to just hear those three letters. 
“Words, sweet girl. I need to hear you saying it.” 
His hand once again moved to your thigh, his fingertips tickling your skin, so delicate, so familiar and needed. He was testing you, almost as he wanted you to fail his little test, wanting to see you crumble underneath him. 
“Yes, yes. Please.” 
He grinned, and it had nothing to do with a teasing smirk he liked to send your way nor the teasing smile he flashed you from time to time. That grin was just perfection, like showing your entire love on your hand, giving it away to that one and only. 
And then he kissed that spot for the very first time. And you weren’t silent, loudly giving him a pointer that it was a way to see you fall apart from the simplest of pleasures. 
“Mhmm,” he chuckled. “I’m gonna use it more from now on.”
a/n: a little challenge for myself to write something more intimate. i hope you liked it!
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1D as a boyfriend
• Cute & Funny moment •
Entretenimento saindo do forno pra vocês!!
Já viram aquelas trends do twitter em que mostra como seria a sua visão se fosse namorada de algum dos meninos? Pois então, resolvi trazer essa trend pra cá!
A ideia é criar uma situação contextualizada que terá como base fotos, vídeos e gifs reais dos meninos, com o objetivo claro de mexer com a imaginação de vocês 💭
Espero de coração que gostem desse novo formato e por favoooor venham me contar o que acharam!! o blog não funciona sem vocês :)
Divirtam-se e boa leitura.
Curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
Harry Styles as a boyfriend
Você está no ensaio de mais um dos shows de seu namorado. Normalmente você não o acompanhava em casos assim. Harry preferia que assistisse ao show como espectadora e se surpreendesse junto com as fãs ansiosas por saberem o que Styles aprontaria no palco. Contudo hoje foi uma exceção.
Harry havia acabado de lançar seu terceiro álbum e hoje seria o primeiríssimo show de uma nova era em sua carreira. ‘Harry’s House’ acabara de nascer e esta noite ele seria apresentado ao vivo para milhares de pessoas.
Seu namorado não dormia há mais ou menos três dias. A ansiedade e nervosismo estava tomando conta do pobrezinho pouco mais de uma semana, visto que o projeto que ele tanto sonhou finalmente sairia do papel e nada, absolutamente nada poderia dar errado.
“Você não pode vir comigo?” ele questiona com um biquinho fofo e involuntário.
“Mas você não gosta que eu assista seus ensaios.”
“Vai ser o último.. e eu preciso de alguém de confiança lá para me dar uma segunda opinião antes da apresentação final.”
“Mitch e Jeff não são seus melhores amigos? Foram eles que estiveram no ensino de estreia de ‘Fine Line’, não eu.” Harry te encarra sério. Ele sabia que você estava tirando com a cara dele apenas para que dissesse o que você gostaria de ouvir.
“Esse álbum é diferente, amor. É mais íntimo.. e eu quero que a minha namorada assista antes de todo mundo.”
“Por que…” seu tom saiu do jeitinho em que a pessoa precisa terminar a frase para fazer sentido, pois você sabia ele era orgulho demais para demonstrar algumas fragilidades mesmo que soubesse o que o moreno queria dizer. E Harry havia sacado o que você estava fazendo.
“Para com isso, S/A..” ele ri e você acompanha.
“Me diz então, por que quer que eu vá?” Styles revira os olhos e suspira entre risadas.
“Eu quero que você vá porque estou muito nervoso e você é a única que consegue me acalmar.”
“Annnnnwww coisinha mais linda do mundo!” instantaneamente você o enche de beijos e abraços apertados após a confissão mesmo que forçada. “Doeu?”
E lá estava você, assistindo deslumbrada ao último ensaio antes da grande apresentação do seu namorado. Era lindo ver como Harry se divertia no palco a cada canção e fazia suas gracinhas que arrancavam sorrisos do seu rosto.
Ao final do ensaio você aplaudiu de pé e seu namorado por um momento ficou tímido, lançando aquele sorrisinho envergonhado que você achava o maior charme.
Quando Harry saiu do palco ele parecia incrivelmente mais leve e confiante de que amanhã seria um sucesso. Em casa vocês conversaram sobre cada detalhe da apresentação e percebeu que todo o nervosismo do moreno de uma semana atrás transformou-se em euforia e muita animação. O completo oposto do que a maioria das pessoas que você conhece sentem quando algo importante se aproxima. E você se incluía nesta maioria.
No dia seguinte e algumas horas antes do show vocês chegaram no local, Harry passou o som, conferiu se tudo estava em seu devido lugar, acompanhou a checagem da iluminação e finalmente foi a tão esperada prova de figurino.
O cantor estava alegre, agitado, eufórico e ansioso. Mas segundo ele, a ansiedade de estreia era uma das melhores.
Você gostava de vê-lo feliz, orgulho de seu trabalho e esbanjando a luz que foi a responsável por fazer se apaixonar pelo rapaz. Momentos assim não deveriam ser lembrados apenas na memória. E foi aí que você resolveu gravar a cena cômica e linda de seu namorado exalando felicidade e certo nervosismo enquanto fazia sua palhaçadas.
“Tudo pronto para hoje, amor?”
“Sim!! Vai ser mais que maravilhoso!”
“Nem parece que há cinco dias atrás você não dormia e estava pilhado com exatamente tudo. Parecia um doido obcecado.” ele gargalha. “Agora você está leve, animado..”
“E feliz! Muito, muito feliz!”
“Harry, prova de roupa em cinco minutos.” uma voz ao fundo diz e no mesmo instante Harry retira a camiseta amarela que vestia, não deixando a animação de lado.
“Uau, striptease! Deixa eu gravar isso!”
“Cena assim só em casa.” com um sorriso no rosto e levemente tímido Harry joga a camiseta na câmera e você para a gravação em meio a risadas.
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Liam Payne as a boyfriend
Era sábado de manhã. Você e Liam haviam acordado cedo e iniciado o dia com os preparativos do casamento. Vocês dirigiram a cidade toda visto que tinham horário marcado com a cerimonialista, decoradores da festa e por fim a empresa responsável pelo buffet servido no casório daqui poucos meses.
Vocês dois sempre foram apaixonados por cozinha e adoravam experimentar coisas novas e diferentes. E a visita ao restaurante especializado em alta gastronomia que serviria muito bem os convidados se tornou um lugar deslumbrante para os noivos.
O cardápio era gigantesco e recheado de pratos sofisticado e muito saborosos. Você não imaginava que a mistura de temperos e gostos tão diferentes transformariam-se em uma combinação harmônica e deliciosa. Eram tantas opções de comida que vocês decidiram degustar a fila sugerida pelo chefe, dessa forma não se arrependeriam e poderiam escolher com tranquilidade os pratos que estariam no grande dia.
No total foram 20 combinações variadas que se distribuíam em 7 entradas, 8 pratos principais e 5 sobremesas. Todos de tirar o fôlego. Dentre elas vocês deveriam decidir 3 entradas, 4 pratos principais e 2 sobremesas, tornando-se uma tarefa impossível para os amantes da gastronomia.
“E aí?” Liam quebra o silêncio após o garçom ter levado a última sobremesa: um mousse de chocolate com calda de frutas vermelhas e chantilly de baunilha. Uma dádiva dos deuses na sua opinião.
“Eu.. eu não consigo me decidir.” você diz entre risadas e seu noivo te acompanha.
“É tudo muito bom, não é?”
“Como vamos decidir?”
“Teremos que fazer um ranking.”
“Impossível.” ele brinca e você ri.
“Nossa única saída.”
“E se não concordamos?”
“Pelo menos algum desses nós temos que concordar. Ou então não tem casamento.”
“Credo, amor. Não fale assim.”
“É brincadeira.” você comenta rindo. “Eu sei de dois pratos que tenho certeza que nós dois amamos.”
“O suflê de queijo brie com cogumelos e o peru defumado com molho de laranja.”
“Você é mesmo a mulher da minha vida.” a frase dita pelo moreno comprovou que você realmente adivinhou quais eram os favoritos de ambos. E como consequência você sorriu. “Aquele suflê.. pelo amor de Deus! Parecia que eu estava comendo a nuvem mais gostosa do mundo.”
“E o peru suculento com o toque adocicado da laranja? Uma explosão de sabores.”
“Será que conseguimos fazer em casa?”
“O suflê ou o peru?”
“Os dois!” Payne responde animado e você gargalha, entrando na onda dele.
Sendo assim, após saírem do restaurante vocês passaram no mercado e compraram os ingredientes que o chefe indicou para então prepararem o tão maravilhoso suflê, a receita mais “fácil” do banquete.
Preparar um suflê de verdade não fazia parte do seu currículo. A única vez que você preparou algo semelhante foi bolinho molhado de couve flor com bacon. Talvez aquilo fosse considerado um suflê pela cremosidade, mas foi a primeira e única vez que foi feito por você em um almoço qualquer de domingo.
Liam por sua vez sabia como fazer um delicioso suflê de chocolate. Então você logo passou a bola para ele e se declarou apenas a ajudante e câmera daquele episódio de vocês na cozinha, já que tinham o hábito de gravarem esses momentos culinários desde o início do namoro.
“Vai, amor! Não pode ser tão difícil assim.”
“Eu vou gravar dessa vez, babe. Pode fazer a receita.”
“Você está jogando nos meus braços essa responsabilidade, S/N?” Liam brinca, com uma feição indignada e você ri.
“Sabe como é difícil atingir o ponto de um suflê?”
“Sei!” responde assustado e novamente uma gargalhada sai de sua boca. E toda essa interação já estava sendo gravada. “Tá, por onde nós começamos?” Liam pergunta e no segundo seguinte ele mesmo responde. “Quer dizer, por onde eu começo, já que a bonita não quer me ajudar.” com uma feição debochada e desviando o olhar para a câmera Payne te diverte mais uma vez antes de vocês enfrentarem o desafio que seria preparar o bendito suflê.
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Louis Tomlinson as a boyfriend
Atarefado dos pés a cabeça e em completo silêncio Louis trabalhava no escritório de sua casa, mesmo que hoje fosse seu dia de folga. Talvez assinar as centenas de CD’s que haviam enviado para sua casa e que futuramente estariam disponíveis para venda exclusiva nos próximos shows da tour não fosse considerado uma tarefa tão difícil, mas ainda sim fazia parte do seu trabalho como artista. Sem contar que qualquer atividade repetitiva não agrada ninguém. Contudo, para aquele serzinho concentrado em desenhar sua assinatura emblemática, por mais que já estivesse com a mão doendo, dedicava-se ao máximo para que sua letra saísse perfeita. Afinal cada álbum era um presente para pessoas que ele considerava ‘especiais pra caralho’.
Escondida entre a porta e a parede que dividia os cômodos você o observava. Um sorriso bobo surgiu em seus lábios admirando a paixão que seu namorado sentia ao executar parte do seu trabalho. A paciência para que cada detalhe fosse feito com tamanha maestria era realmente muito bonito de se ver, e por um momento você sentiu uma vontade imensa de abraçar aquele homem. Apenas para sentir seu cheiro e expressar seu amor por ele através do gesto de carinho.
“Já assinou quantos?” você pergunta assim que suas mãos pousaram sob os ombros dele e o moreno olha para cima, vendo seu rosto e consequentemente o sorriso fraco que ainda carregava na boca.
“Perdi a conta.” responde entre risadas e você envolve seus braços no pescoço dele, abraçando-o e por fim depositando um beijo no rosto antes de sentar ao lado de Tomlinson.
“Está com fome? Posso preparar um sanduíche se quiser.”
“Não, estou bem.” ele sorri sem mostrar os dentes e levou a mão até sua bochecha, acariciando-a. “Você está com fome?” você nega com a cabeça. “Está precisando de mim?”
“Sempre estou precisando de você.” Louis ri de modo fofo e seu coração amolece.
“Se importa em esperar mais um pouquinho? Preciso terminar isso aqui ainda hoje.”
“Posso ficar com você enquanto termina?”
“Claro que sim.”
Você permaneceu com Louis por pelo menos duas horas. Nesse meio tempo vocês conversaram sobre tudo e mais um pouco. O papo variou entre trabalho, fofoca, comida e é claro, as músicas que compunham o primeiro álbum solo de seu namorado.
“Qual sua música preferida?” por mais que soubesse, Louis fez questão de perguntar mais uma vez quando ouviu tocar no rádio antigo que ele guardava em seu escritório a música que havia um significado importante para ele. ‘Two Of Us’.
“Tenho tantas.” você responde sem pretensão e o rapaz para de escrever por um instante e olha para você com a feição clara de ‘fala sério’ , com um riso preso nos lábios. Logicamente você ri. “Você sabe qual é!”
“Eu sempre esqueço.” Louis era um péssimo mentiroso, e você sabia disso. Suas risadinhas demonstravam muito bem. E dessa vez não foi diferente.
“Como você é fingido.”
“Não posso querer saber qual a música favorita da minha namorada?”
“Always You.” você diz entre sorrisos, como se fosse óbvio, e instantaneamente Tomlinson ri.
“Bela escolha.”
“Eu sei.”
“Fiz para você, acredita?”
“Não diga!” você entra na brincadeira, expressando surpresa e ele ri.
“Escrevi em pouquíssimo tempo”
“Mas demorou dias para cantar para mim.”
“Porque decidi que seria uma surpresa.” defende-se. “E realmente foi.”
“Foi inesquecível.” você diz e ambos os sorrisos se encontraram antes dos lábios se juntarem em um beijo calmo. “Eu poderia escutar essa música a vida toda.”
“É?” questiona tendo seu rosto ainda bem pertinho do dele. “Posso te dar um álbum autografado para você guardar de lembrança e deixar tudo ainda mais inesquecível.”
“Seria até um pecado sua fã número um não ganhar esse presente.” Louis solta uma risadinha enquanto assina o último álbum, o qual seria seu e durante a ação você resolve pegar o celular e gravar aquela assinatura mais que especial. “Tenho direito a dedicatória?”
“Para a mulher da minha vida, S/N… Sempre será você. Te amo.” o moreno diz ao mesmo tempo que escreve e entrega o CD na sua mão. “Prontinho.”
“Muito obrigada.” seu sorriso foi o motivo do dele e só aí ele percebe que estava sendo filmado.
“Por que está gravando isso?” desconversa entre risos enquanto agrupa os CD’s autografados nas mãos para então serem guardados de volta na caixa.
“Porque é um momento especial! Meu primeiro álbum autografado pelo meu ídolo.” você mostra o objeto com a dedicatória e a risada de Lou é ouvida ao fundo. “Está animado para a tour?” a câmera volta para ele, que está um tanto quanto tímido que sequer olha para o celular.
“Sim! É claro. Vai ser fantástico. Mal posso esperar!” responde com os vários álbuns em sua mão.
“Tem muitos álbuns aí! Acha que todos vão ser vendidos?”
“Oh, sim, sim. Quer dizer, eu espero que sim. É uma nova fase então estou esperançoso que vai dar certo.” seus olhos ainda estavam nos CD’s e era possível visualizar o olhar de admiração pelo trabalho em que ele passou anos fazendo. O sorriso no final da frase deixou ainda mais evidente o quanto aquele álbum significava para sua vida, tanto pessoal quanto profissional, e você agradece a si mesmo por ter gravado uma cena tão fofa e verdadeira como aquela.
“Tenho muito orgulho de você, Lou.. muito mesmo.”
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Niall Horan as a boyfriend
O dia havia amanhecido ensolarado naquele sábado pós sexta-feira nublada e regada à garoa que Niall sequer acreditou no dia lindo quando saiu da cama ainda cedo, a fim de beber um pouco de água.
Ele estava sozinho em seu apartamento pois na noite anterior ambos chegaram tarde do trabalho e decidiram dormir em casa para só no dia seguinte passarem o fim de semana juntos. O namoro de vocês era saudável e maduro o suficiente para saberem quando precisavam de um tempo consigo mesmos.
Embora fossem extremamente desapegados em relação ao famoso e clássico 'casal chiclete', vocês não se permitiam ficar tanto tempo longe um do outro. Muito provavelmente isso refletisse no fato de que convivem juntos desde a pré-adolescência, quando ainda frequentavam a mesma escola e estudavam na mesma sala e anos depois por coincidência - ou não - descobriram ser vizinhos quando o moreno ingressou na boyband de sucesso e se mudou definitivamente para Londres.
O romance iniciou de fato no fim de 2017, quando Niall te procurou para escutar as primeiras músicas em sua carreira solo, duas semanas antes de seu álbum ser lançado, pois precisava de uma opinião que não fosse de sua família e muito menos de alguém do trabalho. Ele precisava de uma amiga. E você foi bem mais que isso naquela noite em que ele surgiu em seu apartamento apenas de samba canção e uma camiseta branca velha, segurando nada mais que um violão e seu celular em mãos.
"Bom dia, babe." você atende o telefone sem saber aonde está e o que de fato está acontecendo. Apenas aperta o botão verde para aquele som alto parar, demorando bons segundos para voltar a Terra e responder seu namorado no outro lado da linha.
"Oi.." disse entre bocejos. "Aconteceu alguma coisa?" sua voz era muito sonolenta e seus olhos ainda estavam fechados, lutando contra a vontade imensa de dormir de novo.
"Não.. Só liguei para saber que horas vai vir pra cá." instantaneamente você franze o cenho e abre os olhos, recebendo a luz fraca vinda da fresta da cortina em direção a sua face.
"Já é de manhã?" sua pergunta veio com uma dose extra de decepção.
"Sim, mais precisamente nove e vinte e sete." você bufa. "Não descansou o suficiente?"
"Não.. eu pisquei e já amanheceu."
"O dia está lindo lá fora." Niall tenta te animar. "Podemos fazer algo fora de casa, se preferir." seu namorado parecia animado e com energia de sobra para gastá-la com você. Hoje você não queria sair de casa - nem da sua cama - mesmo que te pagassem. Porém você não quis desanimar o coitadinho logo cedo. Ele estava apenas com saudade.
"A tarde, depois do almoço, podemos correr no parque.. pode ser?" você fazia de tudo para vê-lo feliz.
"Claro! Vai ser legal. Comprei uma espécie de casaco mas é como uma camisa, bem nessa vibe esportiva, e queria usar faz tempo. Ela é linda, amor." um sorriso bobo aparece em seus lábios ao escutar a novidade de Niall e sua espontaneidade ao expressar o quanto gostou de sua nova aquisição. Você amava esse homem.
"Tenho certeza que é."
"Te pego em casa depois do almoço, OK?"
"Até depois, bae."
"Te amo.." você diz antes de desligar e decide cochilar por mais alguns minutos.
Os minutos se transformaram em horas e você acordou assustada com uma ligação de telemartiking que sempre te tirou do sério, mas desta vez você agradeceu, visto que foi a responsável por te acordar e perceber que estava muito, muito atrasada para seu compromisso com Niall.
Você voou até o banheiro, tomou uma ducha e em menos de vinte minutos estava pronta. Felizmente Niall disse que se atrasaria por conta do trânsito, sendo assim você preparou um sanduiche de atum junto de um suco de laranja, sendo almoço de sábado e aproveitou para organizar o bagunça de seu quarto.
Quando colocou o último travesseiro na cama você ouviu o som de mensagem em seu celular, avisando que Niall te esperava lá embaixo.
"Tô muito atrasado?" ele pergunta com uma careta assim que te vê você sorri, dando-lhe um selinho demorado.
"Nós não combinamos um horário, então tá tudo bem."
Em meia hora vocês chegaram no parque lotado e demoraram mais alguns minutos para encontrarem uma vaga e então iniciarem a corrida calma e com a brisa fresca batendo contra o rosto de ambos.
Enquanto corriam vocês conversavam sobre os últimos acontecimentos envolvendo a vida tanto pessoal quanto profissional. No meio de tanta novidade, já que não tiveram um tempo para botar o papo em dia, Niall escutava com muita atenção a fofoca do ano, relacionada a gravidez misteriosa e a baita briga que teve entre a funcionária e mãe da criança com seu namorado, que aparentemente não era o pai.
“Como você sabe que o namorado não é o pai?” Niall pergunta, olhando fixamente pra você.
“Porque eu vi ela beijando outro cara semana passada no estacionamento da gravadora.”
“Te juro.”
“E você conhece o outro cara?”
“O outro cara é seu segurança.”
“O quê?” a surpresa foi tão grande que Niall não olhou para frente e tropeçou na calçada, perdeu o equilíbrio e caiu de lado em um arbusto que estava em uma região um pouco íngrime. Conclusão: ele saiu rolando morrinho a baixo. Felizmente era uma elevação bem pequena.
Você levou um susto e a preocupação se fez presente quando viu Niall no gramado depois do arbusto e o ajudou a levantar após conferir se ele realmente estava bem.
"Acho que eu desloquei meu ombro." diz entre resmungos e risadas ainda no chão e você não consegue segurar a risada, que te faz literalmente chorar de rir.
"Vem, acho que já deu por hoje." você o ajuda a levantar e agora é a vez do moreno gargalhar. “Pelo menos você caiu na frente de um bar." de fato o estabelecimento muito agradável que vocês frequentavam de vez em quando ficava do outro lado da rua. "Vamos entrar? Hoje é por minha conta."
"Por favor."
Já lá dentro vocês pediram dois chopes, uma porção de batata frita e gelo para Niall colocar no joelho ralado. As risadas rolaram solta toda vez que se lembravam do tombo ou comentavam sobre como ele aconteceu. Sua barriga doía de tanto rir e Horan estava muito envergonhado porque além de sua namorada, outras pessoas viram e riram disfarçadamente de sua queda ridícula.
"Não acredito que caí na frente de todo mundo." você esconde seu rosto nas mãos para abafar a risada alta ao recordar do momento exato em que ele mergulha na grama.
"Tudo isso por uma fofoca."
"Que você nem terminou de contar ainda por cima.” a indignação dele fez você aumentar a intensidade dos risos e Niall desvia o olhar para a janela ao seu lado, negando a situação com a cabeça e soltando risadinhas.
Vendo que ele estava distraído você aproveita para gravar aquela lembrança um pouco dolorosa para Niall mas que estava rendendo ótimas gargalhadas e que era boa demais para ser esquecida.
“Amor, olha aqui.. agora que eu percebi! Seu cabelo ta todo baguncado pelo tombo!” mesmo que tentasse segurar uma risada involuntária saiu da sua boca quando notou pelo ângulo que o gravava o quanto o cabelo dele sofreu com a queda. Seus risos chamaram a atenção do moreno, que te encarou e logo percebeu que estava sendo gravado, soltando uma gargalhada natural quando pelo reflexo da câmera viu a situação que os fios se encontravam.
A mistura de gargalhadas escandalosas de vocês se transformou em uma crise de riso que você nem deu continuidade na filmagem e tentava a todo custo se acalmar para que ninguém expulsasse vocês dois do bar.
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Zayn Malik as a boyfriend
Você estava arrumando as lentes de sua câmera, completamente concentrada e tentando encontrar o foco perfeito para então dar início a sessão de fotos e gravações dos takes para a divulgação nova da coleção de óculos ZAYN X Arnette.
Seu namorado era uma pessoa extremamente tímida e você sabia disso. No entanto aquela manhã ele acordou diferente, muito animado e com várias ideias relacionadas as poses e estilos diferentes de fotos que havia pesquisado na noite passada.
“Eu até encontrei uma técnica para tirarmos fotos embaixo d’água, usando aquele óculos que é difícil de riscar, sabe?” você sorri enquanto terminava sua xícara de café, sendo que Zayn sequer havia tocado nos ovos mexidos em seu prato. Ele realmente estava empolgado com toda a situação.
“Não sei se o local das fotos tem piscina, amor. Mas podemos tentar.” dessa vez é ele quem abre um sorriso e leva uma boa garfada da refeição praticamente fria até a boca. “Nunca te vi tão animado para um sessão.” você comenta entre risos baixos. “O que tá havendo?”
“Me sinto mais a vontade com você no comando.” o moreno responde e logo toma um gole do suco de laranja. Você sabia que a resposta não tinha nenhuma ligação com contexto sexual mas ainda sim um pequeno sorriso malicioso foi visto em seus lábios e Malik percebeu imediatamente após sua feição. “Mas só em relação as fotos.” acrescenta, levantando um pouco as sobrancelhas e deixando uma risadinha escapar antes de morder uma das rosquinhas de morango em cima da mesa do café.
“Eu sou ótima comandando qualquer coisa.” sua entonação deixou claro as segundas, terceiras, quartas intenções referente aquele assunto e você se retira da mesa realçando um certo ar sexual no ambiente.
“Sei muito bem disso.” Malik te acompanha até a pia da cozinha, deixando a louça suja na bancada e aproveita para te encoxar e falar ao pé do ouvido que sabia o quão boa você era. “Mas voltando ao trabalho.” ele desconversa e vocês riem, agora com os corpos separados. “Eu gosto de ter a liberdade de criar junto com as pessoas que trabalham comigo. E sinto que posso ter essa troca com você e assim fazer uma parada interesse e muito boa, entende?” você concorda sorrindo fraco.
“Como foi quando nos conhecemos pela primeira vez?”
Assim que Zayn saiu da banda, você foi a primeira a fotografá-lo para a revista a qual ele havia dado uma entrevista e a que te sustentava na época. O studio onde as fotos foram feitas era pequeno, então poucas pessoas frequentavam o ambiente, tendo momentos em que era necessário ficar apenas a fotógrafa e o modelo a fim de ter um bom resultado e evitar qualquer sombra na foto.
Como a boa profissional que era você estudou um pouco da personalidade de Zayn antes de trabalharem juntos e tentou ao máximo fazer com que ele ficasse confortável ao longo de todo o ensaio. E você conseguiu! O rapaz adorou o modo como o fotografou, gostou do ambiente tranquilo, do cenário, do figuro e especialmente ficou encantado pela forma como você conduziu o ensaio, sempre perguntando o que ele achava da ideia antes de ser executada e mostrando a ele o resultado das fotos, caso ele quisesse refazer as quais não o agradaram.
Além da parte profissional, vocês presenciaram momentos engraçados diante de algumas fotos e trocaram olhares um tanto quanto misteriosos e carregados de outras intenções durante o período em que ficavam sozinhos. Talvez aquele encontro proporcionou uma magia a qual você percebeu após três semanas depois do ensaio, quando o próprio Zayn entrou em contato diretamente com você e ofereceu o emprego de ser a fotógrafa oficial dele, agora em carreira solo. A proposta foi tentadora porque você queria ser fotógrafa pessoal de artista há algum tempo, porém não imaginava que agora seria o momento certo já que tinha um emprego o qual era muito bem remunerada e estava prestes a abrir sua produtora audiovisual. Seria loucura abandonar tudo e pular no escuro. Contudo, após algumas semanas você aceitou o desafio e hoje era uma fotógrafa de grande sucesso, criadora e empresária de uma das maiores produtoras de áudio e vídeo dos Estados Unidos e ainda por cima era casada com ninguém mais que Zayn Malik.
“Vamos lá, pessoal! Quero um pouco mais de luz no rosto do Zayn.” você fala em alto e bom som e a equipe atende seu pedido rapidamente. “Pode levantar um pouquinho a cabeça para mim, Zayn.. por favor?” seu marido solta um sorrisinho e você tira uma rápida foto da cena fofinha mesmo que não fizesse parte da sessão. Aquela foto seria exclusivamente sua.
“Perfeito!” a pose estava tão boa que você tirou várias fotos em diferentes ângulos para aproveitar ao máximo. Um ótimo proveito. “Ficou incrível! Acho que podemos partir para a gravação dos takes.”
“Podemos fazer isso lá fora? Acredito que fique legal já que o sol está forte e o contraste com a folhagem dê a impressão tropical que você mencionou antes.”
“Como é maravilhoso trabalhar com alguém que está na mesma sintonia que você!” seu sorriso de boba apaixonada direcionada ao moreno deixou ele levemente tímido mas não o suficiente para soltar uma risadinha e te abraçar quando a distância entre vocês diminuiu. “Adorei a ideia, babe.” você cochichou e deixou um beijo em sua bochecha.
“Que bom, porque aprendi com a melhor!” ele retribui o seu beijinho dessa vez na sua bochecha e você sorri, ainda mais apaixonada. “Vou trocar de roupa.”
“Tudo bem.”
Não demorou muito para iniciarem as gravações de Zayn na área externa, aproveitando ao máximo o dia bonito que fazia em Nova Iorque, juntamente com o sol brilhante e a beleza surreal de seu marido diante da luz natural.
“Esse take ficou sensacional.” você comenta para um membro da equipe que estava te auxiliando em todo o processo enquanto Zayn posava junto de uma polaroid nas mãos. “Lindo, pessoal! Ficou lindíssimo. Ganharam um intervalo de vinte minutos.” risadas e palmas foram ouvidas após seu comentário e a equipe relaxa, voltando para dentro da enorme casa onde vocês estavam para descasarem diante das horas seguidas de trabalho.
“Ficou legal?” Zayn questiona alto, visto que estava um pouco longe de você, que revia a filmagem perfeita dele manuseando a máquina de fotografar antiga com o óculos escuro de sua coleção, tendo alguns raios de sol no plano, combinando harmonicamente com o figurino azul estampado.
“Muito legal!” você afirma após salvar o vídeo e então inicia outro apenas por diversão quando vê seu esposo caminhando até você, e claro com seu brinquedinho novo colado ao rosto, pronto para tirar fotos. Mesmo que a máquina estivesse sem filtro.
“Estou tirando fotos de você enquanto está me gravando..”
“Uau!” você fala rindo enquanto filma a medida que ele se aproxima.
“Eu sou tão louco e revolucionário!”
“Cala a boca, amor.” as risadas de vocês se misturam antes da gravação acabar, e mesmo que o vídeo não fizesse parte do ensaio você manteria-o salvo em algum lugar, pois momentos descontraídos com o amor da sua vida eram os seus favoritos.
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gurugirl · 3 months
ex-boyfriend's dad!harry part 1
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Summary: After you break up with your boyfriend, his dad, Harry, stops by your apartment to drop off a few of your things. But that's not all he's there to bring you.
A/N: This full series is already live on Patreon, with all 4 parts up! Part 2 will be posted here in one week.
Word Count: 8.17k
Series Warnings: explicit content, smut (including anal, rough blow jobs), age gap, angst, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, choking, slight degradation, use of small implements (collar and leash, anal plug)
Part 1 Warnings: angst, slight inappropriate moment between you & Harry at the beginning featuring skinny dipping and subtle flirting
Ex-boyfriend's Dad masterlist
. . .
You didn’t know what had gotten into you. Skinny dipping in the pool at midnight under the stars. Well, you did know, actually. Two bottles of Italian red wine. That and your boyfriend’s dad, Harry, encouraging you. You were both at least two bottles in.
You’d been dating Tyler for nearly two years, and so Harry told Tyler to invite you to come along to their yearly vacation in Lombardy, Italy. The Style’s family owned a small villa in the hills and Harry made it a point to take a couple of weeks there every year.
So you were honored and more than excited when he invited you. Of course, you weren’t going to miss it.
And now you’d been in Lombardy for 5 days and Tyler went to bed a little early on this particular evening while you and his dad stayed outside on the patio overlooking the lighted pool drinking bottles of wine and talking about relationship things that may or may not have ebbed into very slightly inappropriate territory. But you’d think about all that later on.
Because here you were swimming buck naked with your boyfriend’s very handsome dad. You didn’t peek (not really) when he dove in with a big, dimpled smile after you slid in quickly with a squeal and he laughed with his back turned and a promise he wouldn’t look.
Because here you were taking another pour of wine with him and clinking glasses while you laughed. Wearing nothing. With your boyfriend’s very very handsome dad.
Of course, it was difficult to see fully what was going on under the reflection of the water. But you did notice a few things about Harry. About your boyfriend’s dad. One was that he had way more tattoos than you originally realized. You knew he had tattoos on his arms and you’d seen peeks on his chest before. But with him completely naked you saw a lot more. And you could tell he had a tattoo on his left thigh – something large. There were also tattoos on his hips, both sides. But more than that, you couldn’t help to notice the dark patch at his crotch and the floating thing attached to said dark patch, which you were sure was his dick. Obviously.
But you didn’t stare too hard. Well, you tried not to look anyway.
You tried keeping your tits under the surface of the water as well but every time you bounced to get toward the edge of the pool they did make an appearance. You crossed your arm over your nipples as you reached for your glass and Harry laughed.
“I’m not looking. I swear!” He raised his arms and grinned.
“I mean it’s just in case,” you giggled before you took a big gulp from your glass.
Harry was swimming toward the far end of the pool away from you, his back muscles flexing with each stroke. The lights in the pool were illuminating every one of his movements, and yours too, you were sure, as you placed the glass down and plunged under the surface of the water to swim toward him.
It felt so freeing and light to swim naked. You’d never done it before and when Harry suggested it as a sort of dare you told him how you always wanted to and that’s how this all happened. You didn’t regret it even though you were sure Tyler wouldn’t appreciate it. But you were having fun.
Suddenly you felt Harry’s hand on your ankle as he pulled at you, causing you to twist under the water. You reached toward his hand just as he let go and then pushed your head out of the water with a gasp, “Hey!”
Harry laughed. He was already swimming toward the other side of the pool, away from you, “What? What happened?” He stopped and turned toward you, a look of faux concern on his face.
“What do you mean what?!” You pushed yourself off the wall to swim toward him, “You grabbed me!”
Harry watched you dog paddle toward him with a big smile on your pretty face. He was just trying to make you laugh. Liked hearing it. Liked seeing you smile. Because he had noticed how you weren’t quite as carefree around Tyler lately. He noticed how your demeanor had changed from what he used to know of you, and he’d even overheard an argument you and his son had just the night before. He was worried that you and Tyler were drifting apart. Though it wasn’t his business at all, he figured the least he could do was to make you smile. This was your vacation too.
“Nope. I’m over here,” he laughed, “Couldn’t have grabbed you. Must have been like one of those pool monsters or something.”
You laughed loudly, the sound bouncing off the water and the trees all around. Harry smiled widely.
“You’re so cheesy, Harry,” you splashed water at him and clung to the edge of the pool.
Harry swam next to you and put his arm on the edge of the pool facing you, “Cheesy? How so?”
He was a bit close to you. Not that you minded. You trusted him but you didn’t trust yourself not to let your eyes wander. His chest was delectable and the muscles on his arms with his tattoos… his jawline.
You cleared your throat before smiling, “Pool monster?”
Harry laughed and nodded, “Yes. Pool monster. There’s one that lives in this pool. Did you not know?”
You shook your head, “That’s what I mean. Cheesy. Such a dad thing to say even to a grown woman.”
“Oh you’re a grown woman are you?” Harry blew out a laugh through his nose as he kept his lagoon-green eyes on yours.
You splashed at him again but then Harry retaliated with a massive spray of water back in your direction. You had no idea how he did it, but it was like a bucket of water was thrown at you.
Gasping you let go of the edge of the pool and flailed in the water coughing. It was dramatic but you’d swallowed a big gulp of pool water and sucked in some through your nose.
You heard Harry laughing and then felt his hand on your sides to lead you toward the side of the pool, “Take it easy. Here, back to the edge. You okay?”
You put your arms over the side and coughed, momentarily forgetting your tits were out and about for anyone to see. For Harry to see.
Harry patted your back and then as you calmed you felt his palm smoothing up and down your spine, “Sorry, Y/n. Didn’t know you’d open your mouth up and take a gulp like that,” he laughed softly.
You smushed yourself to the edge and took a breath before looking at him, “You’re trying to drown me,” you chuckled.
He didn’t mean to look. He told himself to keep his eyes on your face but you were half out of the pool, your breasts pressed into the tiles and when his eyes lowered you saw it clear as day. But maybe a small part of you liked it. He quickly moved his gaze elsewhere and you smiled as you lowered yourself back under the surface.
“Really wasn’t. Just figured you’d be ready for splash retribution. You have to keep your guard up, Y/n. Rule number one of pool play,” he laughed and then finally looked back at you. Into your eyes this time.
“I’ll remember that from now on,” you grinned and then with all you had, cupped your hands and splashed him directly in his face before you swam away laughing as he thrashed in his spot.
You heard him let out a short cackle before you heard the water moving under him. He was swimming toward you quickly. And Harry was a much better swimmer than you so in only seconds he was grabbing your arm and then pulling at you to lift and fling you forward, all your bits out for him to see before you landed in the water with a splatter and a plop.
His laughter was contagious. You turned to him with your mouth dropped open in surprise but couldn’t help but giggle.
“Sorry, Y/n! Fuck…” he shook his head and smoothed his wet hair back, “Forgot we’re in our birthday suits,” he pulled his lips into his mouth, his elbow at the edge of the pool. You followed and hung on to the edge for a reprieve from needing to kick your feet and flap your arms for a moment.
“I guess that’s just part of pool play,” you laughed. Harry nodded, his dimples casting shadows into his cheeks.
You both took a sip from your glasses.
“You and Tyler had an argument last night,” Harry suddenly spoke what was on his mind, “Couldn’t help overhear it. Didn’t mean to but…” he shrugged.
You nodded before placing your glass along the tiles next to the pool, “Right. I mean, I know we were loud. We’ve been arguing a bit more lately. Sorry about that.”
“What’s wrong? Anything I can help with? Hate to know you two are having any problems.”
You smiled at him, “No. Nothing you can help with. We just sometimes don’t see eye to eye on certain things.”
Harry sat his wine glass down next to yours, “Like what?”
“Harry, I don’t know… it’s not something I think Tyler would want me to tell anyone.”
He laughed and began to backstroke away from you and then turned and swam back, “So don’t tell him you told me,” he licked his lips and you watched as his deep pink rose-colored lips quirked up.
You raised your brows and grinned back, “You can’t say anything. Swear to me,” you pointed.
Harry moved in closer, his eyes on you, “Of course, Y/n. I would never say anything.”
You believed him. Maybe it was because he had always given you the vibe that he was a good person to tell secrets to. Or maybe it was two bottles of wine making you more likely to gab.
“He… well he’s not super adventurous in bed,” you bit your lip and looked down at the water, of course noticing the fleshy bit swaying between his legs had you averting your eyes quickly to the edge of the pool.
“Oh?” Harry hadn’t expected you to say that. “Tell me more. Why did this turn into an argument?” He put his elbows on the edge of the pool as you moved to pick up your glass.
“Like…” you glanced at him and laughed as you shook your head, “I’m not gonna tell you everything but for example,” you placed your elbows over the edge, mimicking Harry, “I… you know, enjoy giving him blowjobs. But… he doesn’t want to like,” you looked down at the tile and laughed, “Oh my god I can’t believe I’m about to say this… he doesn’t want to thrust into my throat because he thinks it’ll hurt me.” You placed your face into your hands and chuckled.
You turned to look at Harry slowly only to find a soft grin on his face, “And? Why did this turn into an argument?”
Swallowing down your saliva you decided to just drop the bigger bomb because none of it made sense without that big detail and, well, you were two bottles of red deep so why the hell not?
“He never returns the favor,” you watched his eyes widen.
“What? He doesn’t? Like ever? Ever?” The look of horror on his face was almost comical. But it definitely matched your own feelings about the whole thing.
You shook your head, “So, sometimes he does. But he’s only down there when I beg him and then it’s for two minutes tops and it’s awful. He hates doing it and it makes me feel awful about myself and he always reassures me but it’s so hard not to take personally because I am so excited to do it for him. I just don’t get why he doesn’t like it with me. And that just leads to us fighting."
Harry nodded, “Well I get why this would be an argument. And I can’t believe he doesn’t…” he shook his head, “I’m kind of surprised to hear this to be honest. Just,” he scratched his head and looked back toward the house where Tyler was probably fast asleep, “Don’t take it personally. I can guarantee it has nothing to do with you, Y/n.”
You took another sip of your wine and then pushed yourself off the wall to float back into the water, kicking your legs as you looked up at the sky, “But it’s okay I guess. Sex isn’t everything, right?”
Harry watched you float back toward the opposite side of the pool, “Right. That’s definitely true.” But while those words were true, Harry didn’t quite believe the deeper sentiment of it.
He swam toward you, taking two long side strokes, and dunked his head under the water. You lowered your legs to float upright when you felt the ripples just as he popped out in front of you, wet hair flopping over his forehead before he took his hand and ran it into his hair to push it back.
“We probably shouldn’t tell him that we did this,” you spoke as you watched Harry’s chest drip with water.
“Wasn’t planning on it. It’ll be our secret.”
That dimpled grin again made you grin in return.
“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” you laughed.
Harry lifted his arms from the water, “What? You said you’d never done it and that you wanted to?” He laughed.
“I did. It’s actually really fun.”
“Isn’t it?”
You nodded and glanced at the house and back to Harry. The quiet was making you feel something. Not quite nervous, but definitely something that had your skin rising with goosebumps, and your heart rate increasing. It could have been Harry’s eyes on you. The warmth you felt on your spine when you thought about how you two were both naked and that he’d most definitely seen your breasts when he flung you out of the water. His hands pinched into your thighs as he pushed you upward, which meant he probably had also seen your bottom, perhaps more.
But somehow he didn’t make you feel like you should be ashamed or embarrassed. It was quite refreshing to be around Harry. Even if you were nude and it was probably inappropriate to be doing such a thing with the father of the man you were intimately involved with. Even still, with Harry, it felt honest and natural.
“Harry, this might be one of the best nights I’ve ever had. Seriously. Thank you for having Ty invite me. This feels really special to be here in Lombardy.”
“I’m glad you could come. Honestly, I love Tyler but he’s not nearly as much fun as you.”
You chuckled softly as you looked up at the dark sky, clinging to the edge of the pool. When you kicked, your leg slid against Harry’s. You could feel the solid warmth of his shin and the virile hair that tickled your skin.
“Oh. Believe me. I know I’m way more fun than he is,” you spoke the words as a joke but both you and Harry knew that you were saying something a bit bawdy regarding Tyler’s prudishness.
You gazed at the night sky, the stars bright and flickering in and out of existence before your eyes. Every now and then Harry’s leg would bump against yours but you liked it. Neither of you would do anything to stop the subtle and innocent brushes of skin.
“Isn’t it wild how right now, as we’re looking up at the stars that some of them are already burned out, while others are coming to life and being born right before our eyes? But they’re light years away so we have no idea of the magic that’s taking place.” You spoke quietly.
You could see in your peripheral that Harry had turned his head to look at you, “We’re just at the mercy of the universe, Y/n. Me, you, and everyone else here. It’s beautiful and exciting, isn’t it?”
You smiled, keeping your gaze upward, “I love that. Just as the mercy of the universe,” you turned to look at him as your leg floated against his, “It’s beautiful.”
. . .
“So then you are cheating on me!”
You shook your head and pinched the bridge of your nose. Tyler was always jealous. Always worried you were cheating on him somehow. He didn’t trust you. And that made you not trust him.
“This is a great example of why I’m breaking up with you. You always accuse me of cheating on you, yet… I have never and would never! It’s such an insult! You just don’t get it, Ty!”
He put his hands on his hips and laughed coldly as he paced around you, “Something is up. I don’t buy that you just suddenly want to dump me. We’ve been together for almost two years. Why now if it’s not because of someone else?”
Rolling your eyes you crossed your arms over your chest, “Something is up! But it’s not because I’ve been cheating. Fucking Christ you’re insecure.” You sat down on the couch in your two-bedroom apartment. You were glad your roommate was not there. “You and I just… we’re not good together I don’t think. At first, it was good, Ty… So good. But… when I opened up to you and told you what I like, what I wanted to try… you made me feel like a cheap slut. Like my request was unreasonable and how you said you would never look at me the same again… and I don’t know,” you put your head in your hands and looked down at your knees, “You’re not willing to meet me in the middle at all and I just think that it’s a deal breaker.”
“A dealbreaker because I won’t spank you like you want to be spanked? It’s so weird, Y/n! How can I feel good about hitting you?”
“Yes, actually it is a dealbreaker. Because you don’t have to beat me. Just spank me with an open palm.  And not only that, you don’t like going down on me, yet I give you half-hour-long blow jobs and I fucking love it. Why don’t you reciprocate?” You shook your head and held your hand up, “Never mind. It doesn’t matter why you don’t, it’s over. This is over.”
“You’re shallow. You always have been. You were just with me because I have money and could buy you whatever you wanted. And I did. But now you’re done and on to the next thing. I know you, Y/n. You forget.” He stepped toward you as he pointed his thumb at his chest, “I put up with it for so long because I actually loved you. And I still do. I could overlook it all. Everything you’ve done I’d just forgive you because I love you. Knowing you would break up with me for this just proves to me you’re lying. Just remember that,” he pointed at you with his brows raised in warning, “That I loved you despite the fact that you lied to me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. His stupid words made you lose it. You leaned forward and your body shook from how hard you’d begun to laugh until you cackled in loud guffaws like an idiot. Tears poured from your eyes as you tried to stand up and compose yourself but you couldn’t stop the scene you were making. It was one of those fits of laughter that make it look like you’re crying because your face was scrunched up and big wet tears were pouring from your eyes. And you tried to stop but it was so hard to calm yourself that you only got even more wound up trying to stop and the whole thing started all over again.
Yeah. That’s what was going on when you broke up with Tyler Styles. Your boyfriend of almost 2 years. You were laughing uncontrollably after his usual bullshit spiel had pushed you over the edge. And you knew he believed his own bullshit and that just made it even funnier.
You loved him. From the beginning he was amazing. You two really got along well but then you started having sex regularly and things changed fast. When you two first started having sex it was infrequent due to your distance (you were away at a college in a different state) so when you could have sex it was wild and hot and it didn’t matter what sort of preferences either of you had. You didn’t care. You were getting to have sex. Good sex. And that’s all that mattered.
But then you moved back into your hometown to finish off the last year of college at home and you had access to Tyler every day. Then you got an apartment with a roommate and Tyler began staying with you and you two were going at it a lot more.
It was great. Until it wasn’t.
You also realized, during that year of being with him every single day, that he was insecure and manipulative. And that wound up turning into very insecure and manipulative after you told him you wanted to be choked a little. Wanted to be spanked. Wanted him to spit on you and in your mouth. Wanted him to rail you. Wanted to try anal.
You thought if you told him what you wanted things would get better in bed because, in all honesty, he wasn’t doing it for you anymore. Not that you didn’t love him and enjoy him. But he hardly ever ate you out, and you got bored of that same old thing. He didn’t seem to mind. He got to nut in you and roll over and go to sleep. Like you were an old married couple.
And that just wasn’t going to cut it for you. You were too young to have underwhelming sex with a guy who thought less of you for liking the things you did. You just weren’t compatible anymore.
But what was worse? The way he didn’t trust you. The way he tried to make something that was his fault into your fault. The way he’d talk in circles and would never own up to his mistakes and point out what he felt you’d done wrong.
And of course, there were the questionable texts you found between him and your friend Yola just a few months before.
That was not your finest moment. You were tired of him accusing you of cheating or acting suspicious of you every time you went out with the girls and so you wondered if he was cheating on you. And the moment you and access to his phone after he drank himself into oblivion one night you went through it. You always swore you would never be one of those women to go through their boyfriend’s phone. But you were in the end. And while the texts between the two of them weren’t all that bad, you still had your guard up.
So you paid close attention to him and how he acted when she was around. You started checking his phone regularly. Started looking through his comment history on Reddit. Perusing his likes on Instagram.
You became what you never wanted. In the end, you never found anything incriminating. Which was a relief, of course, but even if he wasn’t cheating there was no more love there. You were done.
“What the fuck is so funny?”
Still laughing, you wiped your tears and stumbled dramatically, holding onto the wall between your couch and the front door. You’d just about had enough of him. “You–“ you hiccupped a laugh and wheezed as you bent forward to calm down. Sticking a finger up to indicate you needed a minute you shook your head and finally stood upright to look at him in the eyes, your breaths and bursts of giggles slowing, “You are so full of shit. Did you just hear yourself? I can’t handle the way you always minimize your own issues. Just…” you pointed at the door, “Leave. Okay? This is over.”
. . .
“She laughed in my face when I told her I loved her and that I would forgive her for cheating,” Tyler went home and cried to his dad about you breaking up with him.
“She was cheating on you?” Harry raised his brow at Tyler who was slumped pathetically on the couch.
“Probably. I think so because she’s been interested in doing things in bed and I can’t figure out why. It’s gross.”
Harry sat down and draped his ankle over his knee, “What’s gross? I’m confused about what happened?”
“She’s a bitch. She was using me–“
“Whoa, hold on there. Watch how you talk about her. You were with her for almost 2 years. Don’t say that about Y/n.”
Tyler sat up straight and looked at his dad, “But her reasons for breaking up with me are so shallow. I’m not pleasing her in bed? Because I won’t choke her or spit in her mouth? It’s like she turned into a different person. I think she must have been seeing someone else because she broke up with me over it.”
Harry nodded wondering what could be so bad about any of that. But of course, he enjoyed a little bit of rough sex himself. He was surprised Tyler seemed so put off by it. But after learning what you had told him that night in Lombardy, he figured this shouldn’t be too big of a surprise.
His son didn’t even like to eat pussy. If Tyler didn’t look almost exactly like him, he’d wonder if this was even his son. Because Harry liked all kinds of kinky shit in bed.
“So she wanted to try some kinkier things with you. Did you try any of it with her?”
“You don’t even know the half of it, Dad,” Tyler shook his head, “Anal sex too. I mean… what woman wants that? I don’t know. Maybe she was addicted to porn or something.”
Harry swallowed thickly and looked toward the window for a moment in thought as his back heated up at that comment. Anal sex. He tried not to imagine you in that way but it was hard. He’d already gone down that tricky little road in his imagination after that night you both skinny-dipped together. He’d seen you completely naked. He hadn’t meant to look but when he grabbed you by the back of your thighs and pushed you out of the pool he slid his hand up to your bottom and your legs spread as you landed into the water and he saw it all. He’d lost his damn mind when he did it. It was like he was playing with a lover there for a moment and he’d forgotten you were his son’s girlfriend. Well, now ex.
“You didn’t answer my question. Did you try exploring with her at all? See what you might like?”
He shook his head, “I’m not going to choke and spit on someone I love. And anal?” He said the word as if it were disgusting, “It’s so weird. I don’t know what happened to her. She used to be so sweet.”
“I see. So it sounds like you two were no longer sexually compatible anymore and you’re just assuming she’s been cheating.”
“Are you taking her side on this? She broke my heart, Dad. We used to be so good together. It was perfect and then suddenly she just wants me to hit her and be rough with her? It doesn’t add up.”
Harry sighed and shook his head as he leaned his back into the couch cushion. He and Tyler had always been able to talk about anything and everything, which he was proud of. But he wondered if Tyler really saw the bigger picture about you and how important it was to be with someone you’re compatible with. Harry wasn’t going to tell his son what happened that night. The things you’d told him in confidence. And between what his son was telling him now and what you had told him before, he could tell Tyler wasn’t telling the whole story.
“Look. I know you’re upset and hurt but from what you’re telling me it doesn’t sound like you actually know if she was cheating or not. Right?”
“But what else explains her breaking up with me?”
“Tyler, for some people, it’s really important to be sexually compatible with your partner. That can be enough to end a relationship. When someone isn’t satisfied in bed anymore, it might lead to other issues as well.”
“But she used to be satisfied. Something changed. I just don’t know what.”
Harry really wanted to be supportive of his son. But the way he brushed off his lack of effort to make you happy did concern him. It felt like Tyler didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. And it seemed to make sense based on what he knew. Based on what you told him.
He thought back to that night with you in Italy.
He draped the towel over your shoulders as you crossed your arms to cover your chest, “You know I would understand if you felt that was enough to break up with Tyler over. Things like that can slowly erode a relationship from the inside out.”
When you’d clutched the towel safely in front of yourself you turned and shook your head, “It wouldn’t be just for things like that. He’s also really insecure. Always thinks I’m doing something I shouldn’t. He’s even accused me of cheating on him,” you rolled your eyes.
Harry already had his own towel wrapped around his waist, his bottom half fully covered from view, “Well that’s definitely something. If you don’t mind me asking…, why are you still dating him?”
You both began to walk toward the house, clutching your clothes in your hands, “Because it feels like such a waste if we just end it after 2 years, you know? I just want to be able to make it work with him. But I don’t know how much more I can take. I love him… it’s just hard.”
He nodded and put his arm over your shoulder to bring you in for a quick side hug before you walked into the house, “Just do what’s right for you, Y/n.”
. . .
You slept like a baby that night. You weren’t sure if it was because you’d finally had the guts to end it with Tyler or because you wore yourself out laughing like a madwoman. Either way, you realized how easy it was to be without him. How good it felt to be done with him. Relief.
You thought about Harry and his words to you, just do what’s right for you. And this was right. He had given you good advice.
The last time you saw him was when you parted ways at the airport after spending two weeks in Lombardy with him. And while Tyler was there, you both fought the whole time. Tyler was more like an afterthought on that trip to you. After the big fight that Harry overheard, you didn’t even sleep in the same bed with him.  So you wound up spending a lot of time with Harry without Tyler around. It was fucking fantastic. Especially the night under the bright stars in that big pool telling each other secrets.
It was one of the best nights of your life. Harry was one of those men that were rare and truly kind and thoughtful. But he was handsome and charming as well. You’d always found Harry very attractive but you’d have never done anything with that attraction. Besides, you figured it was natural to find other people attractive. And not only that, the apple truly did not fall far from the tree in this case. Well, looks wise anyway.
Tyler was two inches taller than his father and a bit leaner, but he had the same brown wavy hair, green moony eyes, and raspberry-pink lips. Harry’s voice was deeper with more baritone but they did sound similar in some ways. Once you thought Tyler was talking to you until you heard him say your name, and then you knew it was Harry (you had your back turned). Harry said your name in a way that made your neck prickle with heat.
But as much as they looked alike physically, that’s basically where their similarities ended. Where Tyler was insecure, his dad was confident. Where Harry could laugh off a mistake, his son would explode and get red in the face and blame the nearest person for the problem even when it was something small. You could go on but it was useless to dwell on it. The truth was Tyler was nothing like Harry in the ways that mattered.
You didn’t want to think about Harry the way you had been. But it was hard not to. The way he handled himself and didn’t sweat the small things… how mature and understanding he was. How he didn’t get embarrassed easily and that allowed him to be more vulnerable and honest.
And all of that combined with his sturdy, masculine body and the more mature features on his face… Harry was indeed more physically attractive as well. Sure Tyler looked so much like him it was uncanny, but Tyler’s more youthful body and face were lacking something for you.
You’d never really been into older men. Harry was the exception to this. And you only allowed yourself to really see it on your Italian vacation with him.
You felt like you’d miss him more than Tyler. That was the only thing that really sucked about the breakup. Not seeing Harry again.
But it turned out, you would be seeing him again. Because two weeks later when you got a dm from Harry you were quite surprised. In fact, you’d just been thinking of him as you were settling into your bed. It was nearly midnight. It had become routine for you to think about him throughout your day. Especially at night. Maybe inappropriate but you were single and Harry Styles was very good fantasy material.
Hey. Hope you’re doing well. I have a box of your things and thought I could stop by tomorrow afternoon to drop it off if that’s good with you.
And you didn’t know exactly why you did it, why you suggested having him stop by on a night when your roommate was out of town instead, but you did. Maybe you were just feeling him out. Testing the waters so to speak.
You were certainly curious about what could happen if you and Harry were alone with no major consequences to hinder something from happening… you were both single and you had been severely neglected in bed. And something told you Harry would give you what you’d been seeking. That is if he were interested. It was a stretch to think he’d do anything. You were his son’s ex after all. It would be quite scandalous.
It was silly, you knew it was. But when he said he could come over at the newly arranged date and time, somehow it made you feel like you’d just set up your first date since breaking up with Tyler.
It wasn’t a date. No, you needed to get that silly notion out of your mind. Harry would be cordial and warm with you. You actually couldn’t imagine anything much happening in reality.
Yet here you were, an hour before he was due to arrive, making sure your skin was smooth and applying a pretty-smelling lotion all over your limbs. You’d even picked out an outfit. Something that wouldn’t make it look like you were trying too hard but that was just cute enough for him to hopefully notice. It was just a regular Thursday night after all. Well, it was supposed to be.
You could admit you were looking forward to seeing him again. Even if nothing came of it. Even if he just dropped off the box of your things and you handed him Tyler’s stuff and he hugged you and said goodbye… well. That would be okay. Disappointing but the more likely scenario.
When you heard the buzzer go off your heart rate picked up and you felt shaky as you ran to your front door to hit the button to let him inside the building. Your head was filled with images of what you’d imagined the night before but you pushed it down the best you could as you swallowed and took a deep breath.
None of that, Y/n.
The knock at your door came faster than you thought it would as you jumped and clutched your hand over your heart. You needed to chill. You needed to live in reality.
Unlocking your deadbolt, you took another breath in and slowly blew out to calm yourself and as you opened up the door you saw him. It’d been weeks. Just over a month since you’d seen him.
And he had a small box in one arm and a bottle of red wine in the other.
“Hi.” He looked handsome. His clothes were tidy and he looked fresh and clean and you could smell his cologne as you hugged him and then he followed you inside, “Hi. Thank you for switching the day for me,” you turned to him after closing the door, “How have you been?”
Harry looked around your living room and then back to you, those pretty green eyes taking you in making you feel that recognizable spine tingle. Your temperature began to rise without your permission.
“Good. Missed you coming around. Uh…” He held the box out to you, “Your things.”
You took the box with a small smile and then he lifted the bottle of wine by its neck, “And I brought this. Didn’t know if you had time to talk or anything but thought we could share a bottle and sit for a while. Only if you wanted.”
Yes. Yesyesyesyesyesyes… this was exactly what you wanted.
“Oh, that’s so nice of you. Of course, I’d love to sit and chat with you, Harry,” you grinned widely. There was nothing you could do to contain the broad smile that broke out over your mouth or the heat that rose to your neck, “I’ll just put this in my bedroom. Be right back!”
You quickly walked into your hallway, still smiling like an idiot, and then entered your bedroom and dropped the box to the floor. You squealed very quietly to yourself and stomped your feet lightly with fists balled up to get out the pent-up excitement, anxiety, and nerves you were feeling before pressing your palms down on your bed for a moment to relax. The grin on your face only got bigger.
“You okay?”
You shot up and turned to see Harry standing in the hallway outside of your room and your eyes widened. Had he seen your whole little display?
“Yeah! I’m fine.” You smiled.
“Sorry, I followed behind you to see if I could find the bathroom and noticed you were having some kind of fit.”
You pushed a quick laugh out of your mouth and felt your back and thighs scorch in embarrassment. He’d seen you. There was no way he wasn’t aware of what that was.
“Um… don’t worry. I’m okay,” your nerves were bubbling over, “The bathroom is the door at the end. The one that’s open.”
“Okay. I’ll be just a minute. Gotta drain the snake,” he grinned.
When he was out of sight you closed your eyes and shook your head. What an absolute dolt you were. But you did not miss the reference to his dick either. Maybe he was trying to feel you out as well.
In the kitchen, you uncorked the bottle and pulled two glasses down. You didn’t have proper wine glasses yet but figured he wouldn’t mind. Harry was not one to fuss about such things.
You placed the bottle and two glasses at your table and sat down just as he appeared and sat down in the chair next to you.
“How have you been, Y/n? With the breakup and everything?” He asked as he took the honor of pouring a glass for each of you.
You kept your eyes on the glasses as you spoke, “Good. Great even. I miss some things about him but it got too complicated at the end and I feel like I can breathe now.”
“That’s good to hear,” he laid his eyes on you as he handed a glass to you, “Cheers.”
You smiled and tapped your glass against his before taking a sip and then reaching for the bottle to see what kind of wine it was.
“Oh! Did you get this in Lombardy?”
Harry laughed, “Actually no. I bought it at the grocery store. They happened to have this wine there and thought it was fitting for the occasion.”
“Fitting for the occasion of you bringing me my ex’s things?” You puffed out a chuckle.
He nodded, “Yes actually. I mean just because you and my son aren’t seeing each other anymore, doesn’t mean I don’t still have good memories of you.”
You looked down at your glass and blinked. He was so nice. He always made you feel so cherished in some ways.
“Yeah. I guess that’s true,” you allowed yourself to set your gaze on his, “I feel the same really.”
Harry nodded, “He told me all about the breakup. That you told him you weren’t satisfied. I had to hold my tongue when he started talking about it. He doesn’t know I have inside information.”
You laughed, “Oh god. I did not go about the breakup in the best way. I wanted to tell him all the reasons I didn’t want to be with him but… I don’t know. There were just so many and I didn’t want to like, pile it all on him and hurt his feelings. I never got around to the bigger issues with his insecurity, the way he was manipulative at times,” you shook your head, “He made some speech about how he loved me despite my lies… and I can’t remember what he said but it was so phony that I couldn’t stop laughing. I broke down in laughter and I think I offended him.”
“Yeah, he told me you laughed in his face. I can only imagine what he might have said. He was pretty convinced you were in the wrong. Didn’t think he’d done anything to cause you to break it off with him.”
“I’m… I feel a lot better now that it’s over with him.”
“He said you suddenly wanted things in bed and you kind of alluded to wanting things he wasn’t willing to do before but was it sudden? Or is he just making that up?”
You shook your head, “I’ve always been into more adventurous things. Well, I mean since I was old enough to know what those things were. When we first got together we were long-distance so it didn’t matter as much but once I moved back here that’s when it got tricky. I tried to subtly initiate things but he wasn’t picking up on it. And then a few months of that I decided to just be straightforward and told him what I wanted. He flipped out and told me he’d never look at me the same.”
“Kind of figured it was more along those lines.”
“Yeah…” you tapped your fingers on the wood of the table and looked at him, “How about we talk about something else?”
Harry sniffed and turned his body toward yours, draping his arm over the back of the chair he was sitting in, “Good idea. I was just gonna suggest that,” he grinned and looked away from you as if to work up the nerve for what he was about to say before placing his eyes back on you, “So where’s your roommate?” His raised brows and the grin on his face felt like he knew something already.
“Oh. She’s visiting her parents for the weekend.” You swallowed thickly at the scrutiny of his eyes.
He nodded slowly, “I need to be honest with you,” he pulled his lips into his mouth and grinned before continuing, “I checked your Instagram and then found your roommate and noticed that she was away based on her posts. You didn’t happen to plan it like this on purpose did you?”
Your lips parted as you looked at his face in surprise. A thick blanket of embarrassment surrounded your body as you hesitated with an answer.
“And that little fit you had in your bedroom. Tell me what that was.”
You cringed and looked down at your lap. You’d been busted. There was no way out of this. Unless you lied to his face and you didn’t want that. Because he was asking you directly, which meant he had a reason for bringing it up.
“I’m sorry, Harry. I…” you shook your head and slowly dragged your gaze back up to his, “Yeah. I did plan it like this. Um… Thought it would be nice to see you without someone else here.”
He continued nodding, “And your little display? That was because you’re excited to see me?” He finished off the sentence with a grin which had you feeling at ease suddenly.
“Yeah,” your response was hardly a whisper as you smiled back at him.
His grin widened and he licked his lips, “Okay. I see. Well, let me tell you my thoughts because I want to be clear with you, Y/n.”
You nodded and angled your body to face him directly. Your heart was raging in your chest so wildly you were almost light-headed.
“I initiated coming over because I wanted to see you in person. To talk, to know how you are. I hoped you’d be just as excited as I am. And it appears that you are,” you watched his eyes drop to your outfit and wind down to the spread of your thighs over the chair you were starting to melt into.
“And since you wanted me here when no one else was around I think you wanted something to happen between us. Now, I hadn’t expected it really but I wouldn’t mind it going in that direction.”
You swallowed and felt every bit of your skin begin to overheat. You kept your eyes on him but you were unable to form a response.
“What is it you wanted to have happen tonight, Y/n? Hoped I’d show you something you had been missing out on? Do you want something from me?”
You flattened your palm on your thigh and averted your eyes to your glass of wine, “Yeah.”
The gentle touch of his finger at your jaw, nudging your face toward him made you inhale shallowly, “Keep your eyes on me, okay? You and I won’t be playing any games here. Understood? I’m gonna need you to be open with me. Tell me what you want.”
The way he was speaking to you and the soft touch of his hand had you almost convinced you were in some kind of sexy dream that you were about to wake up from any minute.
“I…” your voice was breathy, shaky, “I think… anything.” You worried at your lip between your teeth and hoped he’d take over for you. Hoped he’d answer the question for you.
He shifted his hand to thumb over your bottom lip and pulled at it, “Don’t do that. Gonna hurt yourself. Tell me what anything means, Y/n. I’m not a mind reader.”
You cleared your throat and looked to the edge of the room and he tiskd at you, “I said keep your eyes on me, love.”
“Sorry,” you turned your gaze back to his.
“You’re having a hard time coming up with an answer then? Want me to throw out some ideas you can say yes or no to?”
You nodded.
“Well, I’ll start off by naming something I think you’d like, something I’ve been dreaming about doing to you. Okay?”
You continued to nod.
Harry took your hand in his, pulling it to his lap, “I want to show you what it feels like to be eaten out by a man who enjoys it more than almost anything in the world. Would you like that?”
You let out a quiet moan and nodded, “Yeah.”
He nodded as he stood and pulled you up with him, “Let’s start there then.”
A/N: Hope you enjoyed part 1! I promise you that the smut will commence in part 2 (and be prepared, part 2 has approximately 9k words of smut out of 10.8k words total, so she's FILTHY)
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Tags: @michellekstyles @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @golden-hoax @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @closureesny @justlemmeadoreyou @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally @ssaama @onlyangellucifer @harryistheonlyoneforme @butdaddyilovehim-hs @reveriehs @lc-fics @mema10 @carmenxharry @hannahdressedasabanana @babegoalsreads @harrrrystylesslut @elidoh @bananabk9756 @gotdrxnkonu @hsonlyangelxo
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wrongplacerighttime · 3 months
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ex-boyfriend!harry x you
just a lil somethin somethin. wrote this super quick and didn’t proof read it so !!!! basically just smut with a lil bit of a plot, didn’t go into too much detail w the plot. just was in a….mood if you know what i mean HAHAHA.
wc: 2.8k
tw: ex-boyfriend!harry, smut 18+, squirting if you squint, unprotected sex, p in v. use protection kids!!!
bad idea, right?
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The bass through the speaker in the bar turns to muffled bumps as you look down at your phone and see a text from your former boyfriend, blood draining from your face, from your brain and you can't form a coherent thought. Just his name that you never deleted from your contact list. It had been six months since the tumultuous end that you never wanted to think about. You stared at it for so long that the letters of his name blurred together. 
Yes with just a period, because you had removed the emoji you reserved just for him, a giraffe from some inside joke the two of you shared. You had wondered then if he kept the teddy bear by yours or if he removed it like you had, erasing that part of your relationship from his memory. 
You remind yourself not to think of it that way. It was over. Six months ago, when he came home and said he just didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore with no explanation. He packed and left the same night. You didn’t stop him…how could you have, when he was so hellbent on leaving? You just wanted him to be happy, if he decided it wasn’t with you, you had to learn to be okay with that.
Your finger hovers over the message, wanting nothing more than to open it and see if he finally decided to give you the clarification you were desperate for. You glance around briefly, looking to see if any one of your friends was near. If they saw this they would freak. They’d yell and scream at you to delete it without opening it. 
You knew you couldn’t. 
The coast was clear and you inhale deeply, holding it in until the message was open. 
From: Harry.
Just one simple word. Chewing on the inside of your lip, you type back.
To: Harry.
Three gray dots show up on the screen almost instantly, like he was watching the message thread and waiting for you to respond while you were having a crisis on the other end. You drum your fingers against the back of your phone, nervously shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you watch them disappear and reappear, as if he was typing and rethinking whatever he was saying. Then it finally shows up. 
From: Harry.
Yet another message with one single word. Narrowing your eyes, you quickly type back that you were at the bar with your friends. The typing bubble comes up again, but he doesn’t seem to hesitate on sending this time because the only thing that comes up is an address. Assuming it’s his new place, you look around for your friends but don’t see them in your line of sight. 
You argue back and forth with the angel and devil perched on your shoulders. You know this means he wants you to come over. But it’s a bad idea, right? On the other hand you miss him, more than you ever missed anyone, and not getting to tell him how much you loved him when he left made it impossible to forget him. 
Just one time wouldn’t hurt, right?
Your phone buzzes in your hand, his name lighting up your phone in a different way this time. You press the green button without hesitation, putting a hand over your other ear to hear him better. But the other end of the line is silent, save for his breathing. Neither of you wanted to be the first to speak. Then he clears his throat.
“Come over.” He’s almost begging, and you sense some undertone in his plea. “Please. Just miss you.” He admits and the alcohol clouding your mind makes it sound like honey dripping from his tongue and you don’t question it. 
“Miss you too.” You slur, twisting a strand of hair through your fingers and looking towards the floor. “I’ll be there in 20.” You say without thinking about it and hang up quickly. 
You don’t waste time, leaving the bar and typing his address into your phone to get directions. On the way over, you think about turning around and going home, because this is crazy. You swore you were done with him, you didn’t beg him to stay, didn’t beg him to come back…and yet you’re unsure why it was so easy for you to come to his beck and call at your expense. 
You decide that it would be a problem for you to figure out when you’re sober.
You pull up in front of his place in a quaint little neighborhood, one you never imagined he would be living in. Sitting in your car for a moment, mustering up the courage to go knock was proving to be difficult but you take a deep breath and get out anyway. Standing in front of his door, you only get one knock in before he’s swinging the door open, not wasting any time like he was waiting there for you the entire time.
He’s there, standing in front of you, dressed in nothing but those goddamn gray sweats that seem to leave nothing to imagination and your brain sends itself into overdrive. It was like you were seeing him for the first time, and he was you. Looking at each other wordlessly, it seems to say everything the two of you need. You could see it in his eyes—longing, lust and a hint of repentance swirling in his gaze, but you know you’re not here for that. 
He surges forward, and you meet him in the middle. When your lips meet, you forget he isn’t yours anymore. Your heart melts along with your body pressing into him as your tongues dance together and heat swirls below your navel. It’s anything but gentle, teeth clashing together and tugging on his hair at the nape of his neck. His fingers tangle in strands of your hair, tightening his grip at the root and you whimper into his mouth. He backs into the foyer, bringing you with him without detaching his lips from yours. He lowers himself, tapping the sides of your thighs gently and wrapping his hands ‘round the backs of them and you know what he wants you to do. You jump slightly and he lifts you as you wrap your legs around his hips and he shuts the door, backing you into it and you arch your back, pushing your chest against his. You finally pull away from the kiss, needing to catch your breath. He doesn’t say anything, attaching his lips to your pulse point and lightly nipping at the skin there and you let a whine escape, leaning your head back to give him more access.
“Har.” Your eyes squeeze shut, teeth gritting at the marks he’s leaving on your skin, pain morphing into pleasure that clouds your senses. 
“Missed you so much, dovey. Can’t believe I let you fucking go.” He mutters against your collarbone between kisses. 
“Please.” You breathe out, and he brings his gaze to meet yours now. Using the door for leverage, he brings one hand up, drawing over your lips with his thumb and you part them for him. Placing the pad of his thumb against your tongue, you wrap your lips around his digit and suck lightly, hollowing your cheeks and his eyes flutter as he leans his forehead against yours.
“Fuck, angel. Missed this pretty mouth too.” He pants and pulls his thumb from your mouth, rubbing your own salivation over your lips. 
“Why am I here if you’re not going to fuck me?” You manage to ask, wanting to cut to the chase and still a little breathless. He grins.
“Who said I wasn’t? Just wanna take you in first. Didn’t think you’d show up.” 
“Well, I did. Please fuck me. Need it so much, Harry.” You beg and his grin grows. Carrying you, he walks you through the unfamiliar layout of his house until you reach the bedroom and he’s laying you down gently, climbing over you and kissing over exposed skin. His fingers dance under the hem of your shirt, sliding under and he palms over your tits and squeezing lightly. Your hands find his face in the dark and pull his lips to yours again.
The kiss is only brief, he stands and pushes his sweats off his body, kicking the material from his legs and he works on undressing you. He pulls your shirt over your head and immediately his fingers flick the button of your jeans open, pulling them and your panties off in one go. When he climbs back over you, you trail your hands from his chest to his navel, wrapping one hand around his cock and tugging gently. Thumbing over the tip, collecting the evidence of his own arousal. He swears under his breath, chest heaving at your gentleness and you don’t really want to waste any more time. You line him up with your entrance, forgoing any foreplay for the sake of just needing him to fill you like you’ve been craving. He seems to understand the desire you feel, slowly pushing into you and dropping his head to your chest. 
“Fucking missed this.” He says through gritted teeth, following his words with a garbled groan as he slides into you. You can only muster a whimper in response, the feel of him stretching you open leaving your brain fuzzy and unable to form a coherent thought and all you know is him…his touch…his cock. He stills when he reaches the hilt, warming himself inside you and he brings his head up to look at you underneath him. He can’t help but take in your flushed cheeks and your eyes squeezed shut, and he just loves how pretty you look like this. Like an angel. He pulls out to the tip and without warning drives into you over and over, hips meeting yours and his mouth pulls up at the corner at the noises you can’t hold in.
“Heard you fucking went out with Nathan.” He seethes and your eyes fly open at his claim. He knows you weren’t expecting him to bring it up with his dick inside you, but you know where he’s going. “Did he fuck you like this? Did he fill you like I can, pretty girl?” You can’t seem to find it in you to answer, lost in how he makes you feel. And you did sleep with Nathan, but you weren’t exactly sure how Harry knew that. 
“Answer me, baby.” He purrs against the skin under your ear, lips brushing against you as he whispers in your ear and you shake your head.
“N-no. Nobody—fuck—nobody does it like you.” It was the truth. Harry just knew how to satisfy you in a way no other man could. He knew you like the back of his hand, knew the spots that would make you scream his name…knew how to work you up just right until you were squirming just from his touch. 
“That’s right. Nobody fucking does it like me, dovey.” He’s relentless with his pace, looking for one outcome and one outcome only. He hits a spot deep inside your pussy over and over until you feel that all too familiar pressure building in your core. Your fingernails scrape over his back, clawing and holding him closer to you. 
“Har, m’gonna—” You can’t get the full sentence from your throat, your moan muffled as you bite onto his shoulder.
“I know it, angel. Fucking give it to me. Wanna feel you soaking me.” 
So you do, you let go and the pressure releases and you’re crying out and he’s got a smirk plastered on his face knowing no one but him can make you feel this way. You’re holding your breath and he’s tapping your face lightly to bring you back down to earth. 
“Breathe, dove.” He encourages and you exhale, chest deflating and your body goes limp from exhaustion. He fucks into you slower now, allowing you to recover and you give him a tired smile. His movements halt and he lifts your hips from the mattress, wrapping his arms around you and splaying his hands across your back while he kisses you again and again, pecking lightly until you’re giggling. 
Without pulling out of you, he pulls you to his chest and rolls until you’re on top of him, the shift in position pushing his cock in a little bit further. Your limbs are jelly and you steady yourself by flattening your palms on his chest. You roll your hips lazily, clit rubbing over his skin and making yourself shudder. You clench around him as his head drops back against the headboard, eyes rolling back from pleasure. His hands find your hips and squeeze, dimpling the supple skin. His fingers digging into your flesh burns but he knows this is how you like it, he knows that you like it best when it hurts just a little bit. Love looking in the mirror and seeing the evidence of his touches all over you.
He guides you the way he wants, rolling your hips over his cock before helping you bounce, ass meeting the top of his thighs so deliciously. It’s slow at first, then you find your own rhythm and fuck his cock into you and he’s a mess underneath you now. Praising you and roaming his hands from your ribs down to the swell of your ass. 
“Doing so fucking good, angel—taking me so well. Know you were made just for me.” His teeth clench together and his jaw ticks. “Can I cum in your pretty pussy, baby?” 
“God yes, Harry. Please.” You beg him and he nods, chuckling and throwing his head back once more. His hand finds the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him forcefully and you whine. 
“You’re a fucking dream, dove. So good to me even when I don’t deserve it.” He holds you there and he takes over, bucking his hips so he’s fucking you again and holds you just where he wants you. It doesn’t take much more before you feel him twitching inside you and feel the warmth of his cum spilling into you and it sends you over again, coil snapping as you pulse around him. You kiss over his neck as he rides you both through the high.
You stay there for a moment wrapped up in eachother, skin sticky with sweat and chests heaving together with pants and short breaths. Your head rests on his collarbone and you draw circles over the swallow on his chest and his fingers find a path on your spine, running down before coming back up. It was fast and quick and everything you needed. He turns his head and nudges you with his nose, pressing his lips to your skin and breathing in.
“I’m sorry.” You hear him whisper against your temple. Your eyes look up at him and feel your heart melting at the sight of him, sweaty and euphoric with his curls sticking to his forehead. 
“We don’t have to talk about it right now.” You mutter. “Just let me pretend the past six months didn’t happen for a little while longer.” He nods, pecking your temple once more, then twice. Exhaustion takes over your mind and you’re almost asleep on his chest when the shrill ring of your phone brings you to a panic.
You jump off of him, searching on the floor for your phone and when you find it you see it's a friend calling you. You swear under your breath, heart pounding in your chest when you realize you forgot to tell them you were leaving. You press the button and bring it to your ear as Harry flicks on his bedside lamp and illuminates the room with a soft glow. 
“Hello?” You say, calming yourself and trying not to sound too casual. 
“Where are you?” She asks curtly, and you curse yourself again for not mentioning you were leaving sooner.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling well and left. I tried to find you but I couldn’t. Then I forgot to text. I’m sorry.” You lie and she’s silent on the other end for a beat.
“So you’re home?” 
“Yeah.” Another lie. They didn’t have to know you were in Harry’s bed. Not yet at least. You’d tell them eventually. Just not right now. You chew on the inside of your lip, and look over at Harry who has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. You roll your eyes at him and bite back your own grin. 
“Okay. Well…feel better I guess.” She says and hangs up. You let go of a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
You knew it was a bad idea.
Yet you didn’t seem to care as you crawled between his sheets and went to sleep.
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purple-1995 · 5 months
Imagine that boyfriend that is always the hornier one in the relationship. Imagine him entering his car with you after a night out with friends. The parking lot is dark and there is almost no one wandering about. Before you can fasten your seatbelt, he stops you and asks you to jerk him off 🥺🙏🏻 It's because you are so hot in your little black dress and you were dancing so pretty all night 🥵 His cock is so hard that is hurting and he doesn't think he can drive in that condition 🥺 Too distracted. So please, baby, it's for your own safety 😇🙏🏻
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harrysfolklore · 4 months
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a valentine’s day blurb inspired by this song ! i hope you guys like it 💓
Four months ago you agreed to be Harry's girlfriend, and it was safe to say that those months have been filled with happiness that you've never felt before.
You met Harry through your longtime friend, Anthony, who happened to be Harry's tour photographer. Anthony had insisted for months that you needed to come to one of Harry's shows so he could introduce you two, because he felt that you would get along perfectly, but you remained skeptical. You weren't one to easily warm up to new people, especially not someone as famous and charismatic as Harry.
But fate had its own plans.
You finally attended the famous Love On Tour when it was brought to Wembley Stadium, and you were convinced that it was the best concert you had ever been to.
You got to meet Harry and just as Anthony predicted, you hit it off right away. You texted daily, face-timed and every time he had small breaks from tour he traveled to visit you.
One of those times he ditched everything to spend time with you in the comfort of your small but cozy apartment, he asked you to be his girlfriend now you were about to celebrate your first Valentine's day together.
"You and me, movies and dinner at my place for Valentine's day, how does that sound?" Harry said over FaceTime, you had adopted the tradition of calling each other while you did your night routines, it was clingy but you secretly loved it.
"Valentines day? Is that a thing for you?" you replied, spreading your moisturizer on your face.
"Baby, I did a world tour called Love On Tour, of course Valentines day is a thing for me!" you laughed at his expression, "Besides, this year I get to celebrate with my pretty girlfriend."
You instantly blushed, and by the smug smile on his face you knew he had achieved his goal.
"You know, I never know to respond when you call me pretty," you admitted, trying to play it cool, "Do I tell you that you're pretty too? Can I say that? Don't have a clue."
"Yes, love. You can tell me that I'm pretty too."
As Valentines day approached, you weren't what kid of gift you should get for Harry, it was pretty much the first time you had someone as "your valentine", so you struggled a lot to figure out what would be the perfect gift to give your boyfriend of four months.
You settled for a personalized leather-bound journal, you wrote a nice and heartfelt message on the first page expressing your feelings for Harry and recounting some of your favorite memories together over the past four months. You knew Harry appreciated thoughtful gestures, and you hoped this gift would show him just how much he meant to you, since sometimes it was hard for you to express it with words.
With the gift box and a homemade apple pie you decided to bake last minute you headed to Harry's house, when you got there the door swung open and you were met with a cozy Harry, clad in a brown jumper and some sweatpants.
"Hey, love," he greeted, pulling you into a tight hug. "Happy Valentine's Day."
"Happy Valentine's Day," you replied, returning the embrace, "I brought you something," you handed him a small wrapped box, shyness and excitement in your voice.
"Is this a gift?" Harry's eyes lit up with curiosity as he took the box from you, "Baby, you didn't have to get me anything."
"Just open it."
Harry carefully unwrapped the box and took the journal from it, turning to you and smiling widely.
"This is so nice love, thank you," he kissed your lips quickly, "Your gift is upstairs, I'll give it to you later."
He sent you a wink and you rolled your eyes, you decided to begin with your movie night, pouring two glasses of wine and pressing play to "Crazy Stupid Love", one of your favorite romcoms.
Two bottles of wine and another movie later, both of you were pretty tipsy and clinging to each other, and you could feel a burst of confidence flowing through your body.
"Wanna know something?" you drunkenly asked, making him look at you, "I'm scared of flies, like absolutely terrified."
Harry couldn't help but laugh at your confession, "Are you now, love?"
"Yeah, I also think I'm scared of guys, well, at least I was because I dated soooo many douches in the past," you kissed his cheek playfully before continuing, "But now I'm with you and you're nice."
"Am I?" Harry teased, enjoying this new side of you he had not seen before.
"You are," you pecked his neck, "You're like, the first one to ever like me back and honestly, I can't believe I get to call you mine.
Harry smiled in total awe, his heart growing twice its size at your words.
"I feel the same way, love," he pulled you closer, "You make me really, really happy."
You snuggled into him, nuzzling your face into his neck and feeling tiredness take over you, you closed your eyes and enjoyed his warmth and smell.
"How the hell did I fall in love this time?"
You mumbled before you drifted off to sleep, but Harry heard it loud and clear and he felt like he could cry out of love.
"I love you too, silly girl."
He kissed your forehead and carried you to bed, he wasn't sure if you were going to remember your conversation, but he was ready to remind you that he loved you as soon as you woke up.
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finelinevogue · 7 months
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summary - it’s your first date out with harry
pairing - new-boyfriend!harry x reader
word count - ~1.5k
“When you said you had a brilliant idea for a first date, I have to say, this was not what I had in mind.” You said.
Both you and Harry were sat back against the edge of a lake, wrapped in thick coats with a cup of hot chocolate in each of your hands.
Harry and you had been talking for a little over 3 months now, after having met through the internet. He had been watching a video of you on Youtube, since you were a booktuber, and had not stopped smiling since he first laid eyes on you.
It had been a video about your favourite books - something so simple - but Harry could not stop watching the 27 minute long video.
After months of talking you decided it was time to meet up.
“What did you expect?” Harry asked, sat with a good 30cm between you.
“Uhh… I don’t know? Maybe, dinner and drinks?”
“Oh c’mon. You know me better than that. Dinner and drinks? I’m trying to get you to like me, not get bored of me already.” Harry chuckled, his eyes crinkling as they always did when he smiled.
“You don’t have to worry about me learning to like you. I already do.” You nervously smiled, sipping your hot chocolate to hide your big grin.
Harry nudged your shoulder with his lightly.
“Me too.”
“So why are we sitting out in the cold?” You brought your knees up to your chest to conserve body heat.
“People watching.”
“People watching?”
“Mhm. I like watching people go about their daily lives and guess what they’re doing and where they’re going. If there’s a couple it’s even more fun, because you get to guess their love story.”
The way Harry spoke made it seem that he genuinely had a passion for people. If was so refreshing to watch. After so many gross and uncomfortable dates with people that just didn’t understand basic human interaction, this was a nice change.
You sat watching Harry watch people, enjoying the way his eyes loved watching people move around the Earth.
Harry was glancing at an elderly woman when he said, “You’re supposed to be watching them, not me.”
“Sorry.” Your cheeks went hot red and you looked down at the floor. You weren’t ashamed, but you were just so embarrassed that he could make you feel like this and it was only the first time properly meeting him.
“Do I look different in real life? Is that why you’re staring? Have I catfished you?”
You tilted your head to rest against your arms, which were propped on top of your knees, to look at him with a cheeky smile.
“No.” You pulled your lips in to suppress a smile. “The opposite actually.
“Okay and what’s that?”
“You’re too handsome. Y-you catfished me by not telling me just how good looking you are.”
Now it was Harry’s turn to blush. “Aha o-okay.” He nervously giggled.
“It’s true. They all claim you’re the most gorgeous man on the planet, but, well, you really are.”
“Alright, you don’t have to pay me back in compliments just because I bought your hot chocolate.” He rolled his eyes.
“Are you cold Harry? Your cheeks are red.” You teased him.
He just shook his head with a smile.
To make him feel better, and before you ran out of courage to flirt more with him, you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his red cheek. It was only short and you made sure you left no remanence of your lipstick there, but it was enough for Harry to whip his head around to look at you.
“Was that your apology for teasing me?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Rubbish apology.” He tutted.
You scoffed, “Excuse you?”
“If you wanted to give me a real apology, my lips are right here.” He pointed to his lips, like you didn’t know where they were.
You rolled your tongue over your front teeth and shook your head at him. You didn’t give him the stratification of what he wanted though, and instead turned around to go back to people watching.
Harry closed the 30cm gap between you until he was pressed against you. He brought his own knees up to his chest, resting his arms and head on top of his knees.
You tilted your own head sideways to face him, both of you mirroring each other. You stared into each others eyes and without speaking you knew you were having a staring competition.
Harry moved forwards and bumped his noses against yours, making you blink. He moved backwards with a sly smirk.
“You cheated.” You pouted.
“Maybe. I won, though. Think I deserve my prize, don’t you?”
“Hmm. Depends.”
“On what?”
“What the prize is.“
“I’m sure we can come up with something.” He teases.
“No kisses though. I’m saving them.”
“For who?” Harry’s eyebrows furrowed and you felt like you were the one winning this time.
Just as you were about to retaliate, someone stars playing the guitar and another person sings through a microphone. The music lights up the entire park area, scaring off some ducks on the lake.
You sit up to see where it’s coming from, noticing a man and a woman performing together. You look at them and instantly notice the love between them, sharing their love for music with all the people here.
Some people start to congregate and start dancing.
You laugh as you watch them, jumping up yourself. You excitedly hold out your hands for Harry to latch on to.
“C’mon.” You urge Harry.
“Who are you saving kisses for?”
You walked backwards into the crowd of dancing people.
You kept a watch on Harry as he stays seated in his little spot, watching you.
An old man comes up to you and asks for a dance, to which you accept. He held you like you were dancing in the 50s, rocking back and forth. He was a good dancer for his age and you couldn’t stop laughing as he told you stories from way back when.
After a couple of songs he said he needed to sit down for a bit, so you made your way back over to Harry who was still sat down.
You slowly walked in front of him, before crouching down in front of him. Taking his hands in yours, you kissed them a couple of times. Harry watched you intensely as you worked your words out.
“If you must know… I-.. I haven’t been kissed before so I was nervous. Okay? It’s silly to be nervous over, I know, and you’ve never made me feel uncomfortable. I, um, I just get in my head sometimes and I do really want to kiss y–”
Harry loosened his hands from yours, cupped your cheeks and brought you against his lips all in one move. It was so smooth that you didn’t even realise that he was kissing you until you registered your lips on his.
You moved your lips against his like you knew what you were doing. He guided you and only kissed you softly, not pressuring you to do anything harsh.
He pulled away first, licking his lips from where your lipstick had passed onto him.
“Was… Was that okay? I mean..–.”
“Shut up.”
He kissed you again, moving more this time. He kissed you like every romance book had told you guys kiss. He was gentle, but he was passionate. He kissed you like he was aware this was new to you, but also like he wanted to ruin you for every other person ever.
Your own hands cupped his cheek softly, and Harry slowed down once he felt your touch.
“That…” Harry breathed out heavily. “You…”
“Me?” You let out a breathy laugh.
“I’m so screwed with you, Y/N. You’re ruining me for anyone else.”
“Is.. is that okay?” You asked nervously.
“I don’t want there to be another person. I don’t want there to be an after you. I know this is our first date, but I feel so much for you Y/N. So, so, much. I don’t think I’m ever going to feel this again and I sure as hell know I’ve never felt it before.”
You kissed him this time.
Lovingly. Passionately. Infinitely.
“Just write me a love song next time.” You joked and he laughed. In Harry’s head, though, he was already writing you those love songs.
“Now. Let’s dance.”
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