#zayn malik as a boyfriend
1D as boyfriend
• Especial de Natal •
Natal já tá aí e nada melhor do que histórias para aquecer o coração. Gostei muito de criar essa versão sendo a época de natal o tema central e espero que vocês também gostem! ficarei muito feliz com o feedback após lerem.
Boa leitura, boas festas e até 2023 ❤️🎄✨
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
Harry Styles as a boyfriend
Festividades de fim de ano sempre chamaram sua atenção, e após completar vinte anos não teve um ano sequer que, depois de ter o tradicional jantar com a família no dia 24, você não saiu para curtir o restante da noite em uma balada ou festa de natal. Inclusive foi em uma dessas festas que você conheceu Harry, sendo mais um motivo para gostar tanto de celebrar o Natal.
Esse ano você infelizmente não conseguiu ingresso para a melhor festa de natal na cidade e nenhum dos seus amigos fariam um reuniãozinha com música, petiscos e bebida até o amanhecer. A sensação que teve ao se arrumar para comemorar com a família de Harry foi um tanto quanto esquisita e você não estava tão animada quanto gostaria. Já seu namorado transparecia alegria desde cedo.
“Por que está tão animado?” você pergunta depois de encará-lo por cinco minutos com um sorriso bobo nos lábios vermelhos marcados pelo batom. Styles estava dirigindo e batucando o ritmo de ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ no volante, enquanto cantarolava a melodia que saía pelo rádio. Ele sequer percebeu que você o observava. O moreno estava focado na rua e muito feliz em seu próprio universo.
“Porque é Natal!” responde rindo e te olha um pouco confuso. “A pergunta que deveria fazer é por que você não está animada.” um suspiro sai de suas narinas.
“É véspera de Natal” você corrige e ele revira os olhos com um riso singelo. “Não estou sentindo o espírito natalino esse ano.”
“E por que não?”
“Porque não vamos para nenhuma festa depois do jantar.” seu comentário sai em uma entonação chateada ao encostar o cotovelo direito no encosto de braço da porta e apoiar a cabeça em sua mão. “Hoje parece ser apenas uma noite qualquer.”
“Não estou te reconhecendo, amor. A noite mal começou. Tenho certeza que até o fim dela você vai sentir o espírito natalino de novo.” seu namorado dá uma piscadela e você sorri fraco. Era fofo quando ele fazia de tudo para te agradar.
Minutos depois vocês chegam na casa de Anne, sendo os primeiros convidados. A mesa de jantar estava linda e toda decorada para a ocasião. A toalha de mesa vermelha com bordados dourados, os jogos americanos estampados com árvores de natal era a coisa mais fofa que você já viu. Além de toda a casa ter alguma decoração natalina, e é claro que não poderia faltar a belíssima e enorme árvore de natal na sala de estar, que iluminada dava o ar de comemoração àquela data especial.
Dez minutos depois que vocês chegaram o restante da família também foi surgindo e as oito em ponto todos já haviam chego e o jantar foi servido.
O cheiro do peru recém saído do forno estava fantástico e você foi se encontrando. As taças de vinho também favoreceram para que você ficasse animada e antes da sobremesa você sentiu o espírito natalino habitando seu ser novamente. Contudo quando os parentes mais velhos de Harry se despediram você percebeu que daqui a pouco deveriam ir embora e simplesmente voltar para casa. No momento que pensou nesse cenário seu sorriso e o brilho no olhar foi sumindo.
Um tanto quando triste você resolve ir ao banheiro, passando um tempo lá e tentando contato com algum conhecido que te levasse a qualquer festinha.
Depois de quase dez minutos lá dentro você sai e ao retornar para a sala não encontra ninguém e instantaneamente franze a testa quando escuta ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ ao fundo. Você segue a música, que parece vir do andar de cima e logo Harry surge no início da escada com um copo de plástico vermelho na mão e um sorriso largo no rosto.
“Cadê todo mundo?”
“Vem comigo.” ele estende a mão para você e te guia até o sótão, local de origem da música e de luzes coloridas em meio as que estavam apagadas. “Não conseguimos ir a nenhuma festa esse ano mas eu trouxe ela até nós.” a família do seu namorado estava no último andar, dançando e cantando sobre as luzes de led coloridas de um globo antigo de festa. Harry havia preparado uma festinha improvisada exclusivamente para te ver feliz e você achou a coisa mais romântica e fofa existente no planeta.
“Não acredito que fez isso, Harry.” você comenta, rindo desacreditada.
“Eu faço de tudo pra te ver feliz, meu amor.” a voz sedutora e doce atingiu seu coração e de imediato você puxa o rapaz para um selinho demorado entre sorrisos, e após um abraço apertado Styles começa a dançar e estalar os dedos no ritmo da outra canção que ecoava da caixa de som. Seu sorriso era encantador e engraçado ao mesmo tempo e você grava o momento, sendo o único que registra antes de entrar na festa, visto que o restante das memórias da noite você fez questão de guardar no coração.
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Liam Payne as a boyfriend
Era dia 20 de dezembro e você e seu namorado não tinham uma árvore de natal para decorar o pequeno apartamento que compraram juntos esse ano.
Certamente a essa altura do campeonato a maioria das casas estavam enfeitadas e possuíam uma árvore de natal. Mas com a correria da vida adulta, vocês sequer tiveram tempo para pensar em procurar decorações natalinas para deixar o ambiente em que dividiam mais aconchegante e trazer a áurea do Natal para o lar. Você apenas lembrou desse detalhe ao passar em frente de uma loja na volta para casa depois do trabalho e logo no dia seguinte, antes do almoço, vocês foram à procura da árvore perfeita.
“Que tal uma branca?” Liam sugere ao mostrar uma árvore de porte médio, que imitava os pinheiros cobertos de neve. Mas ao seu ver, apesar da sugerida ser diferente, a verdadeira árvore de natal deveria ser verde.
“Não sei, amor..” você faz uma careta e analisa a estrutura com calma. “Eu queria uma verde..”
“Tudo bem! Vamos encontrar uma verde.”de modo totalmente compreensivo Payne sorri e você retribui alegre, caminhando de mãos dadas para a próxima sessão.
Já no outro corredor vocês se deparam com diversas árvores de inúmeros tamanhos. Porém uma em especial chamou sua atenção. Ela era grande, com as bolinhas em dourado, laços vermelhos, anjos e pequenos bonecos de neve decoravam os galhos artificiais, e por fim a grande estrela dourada deu o toque final para que ela fosse perfeita.
Liam por sua vez gostou da árvore ao lado, também no verde mas com bolinhas vermelhas, douradas e pratas. Os detalhes dos presentes compunham a decoração e os grandes laços vermelhos com as pontas douradas chamavam a atenção e davam a sensação pura do Natal no ar.
“Amor, eu amei essa!” você comenta empolgada ao mostrar a sua preferida.
“E eu essa!” seu namorado aponta para a árvore ao lado da que você escolheu e ambos caem na gargalhada.
“A sua é linda mas tem muita informação, não achou?”
“Não..” responde um pouco sem graça, conferindo os detalhes da árvore. “Todas as cores combinam e os presentinhos são tão fofos.”
“Essa aqui tem bonecos de neve, babe.” você apela e Liam ri.
“Vamos escolher pelo valor.”
“Quanto custa a sua?”
“230 libras.” diz depois de conferir a etiqueta. “E a sua?”
“225 libras!” sua empolgação é tanta que algumas pessoa por perto olham diretamente para vocês e quase que no mesmo minuto seu rosto fica levemente rosado.
“Ah, qual é! Cinco libras mais cara não vale.” ele reclama fazendo bico.
“Não deixa de ser mais cara que a minha.”
“Muito injusto.. eu amei essa aqui..” chateado o moreno abraça a árvore e logo sua feição passa a ser semelhante a de um cachorrinho que caiu da mudança. Enquanto ria você tira o celular do bolso e grava a reação maravilhosa do namorado, a qual seria o divertidamente de todos na noite de Natal.
“Aprenda a perder, Payne!” você diz entre risadas e ele permanece no personagem de criança birrenta. “Vem, vamos comprar uma árvore simples e a decoração separada. Assim montamos a nossa própria árvore.”
“Por que não tivemos essa ideia brilhante antes?” seu namorado arqueia a sobrancelha e dá uma risadinha, sendo acompanhado por você no segundo seguinte em que para a gravação no smartphone e voltam ao objetivo inicial: ter a própria árvore de natal.
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Louis Tomlinson as a boyfriend
Véspera de Natal sempre foi um dos dias mais esperados do ano por você. E depois que conheceu Louis, seu namorado há seis anos e meio, se tornou um dia mais que especial já que coincidia com o aniversário do seu amor.
Louis completará trinta e um anos e embora todos os aniversário se fazem apenas uma vez na vida, a casa dos trinta sempre foi pauta de conversas entre vocês, imaginando como seria a vida depois dos trinta. Sendo assim, relembrando tais conversas, você recordou-se de uma em que falavam sobre casamento, e Louis disse que tinha planos de se casar antes dos trinta. Embora ele estivesse alcançando tal idade, você achou que seria uma boa ideia pedí-lo em casamento no dia do aniversário dele e no meio de toda a família. Um baita presente!
Sua ansiedade já estava a mil antes de dar meia noite e todos os preparativos para o pedidos já estavam encaminhados. A única pessoa que sabia dessa notícia era Lottie, que ficou responsável por gravar a reação do irmão quando você fosse propor.
O dia seguiu normal e você tentou ao máximo não transparecer nervosismo, empolgação ou qualquer outro sentimento exagerado que o moreno pudesse desconfiar.
Já era oito e meia da noite e todos os membros da família, tanto a dele quanto a sua, haviam chego na casa da tia mais próxima de Louis. Ninguém sequer imaginava o que fosse acontecer naquela noite e todos estavam na parte de fora da casa, onde existiam algumas poltronas e sofás de madeira muito confortáveis, além das cadeiras de plástico dispostas pelo gramado. Os piscas ligados davam ênfase ao ar natalino e até mesmo mágico que o local proporcionava, deixando o clima perfeito para que o anúncio fosse feito.
Seu plano era que no momento em que a tia de Louis chamassem todos para jantar, você interrompesse e enfim propusesse o tão sonhado pedido de casamento para o amor da sua vida. E as tudo seguiu do jeitinho que você planejou.
“Família, o jantar está na mesa!” quem estava sentado se levanta, indo a caminho da sala de jantar. Porém você é mais rápida e, embora estivesse com o coração saindo pela boca, chama atenção de todos que param exatamente o que estavam fazendo para te olhar.
“Pessoal.. eu gostaria de atrasar o jantar por alguns minutinhos. Prometo que não vai demorar.” seu namorado, que estava sentado no sofá ao lado do primo, te encara com a testa franzida e retorna a posição que estava antes da tia chamar, assim como todos os outros, os quais só tem olhos para você. “OK, isso é um pouco intimidador.” você dá uma risadinha e algumas pessoas te acompanham, ansiosas e curiosas para saber o que vinha pela frente.
“Será que está grávida?” algum parente fala baixinho no entanto o suficiente para você e Louis escutar. Na sequência Tomlinson te olha imediatamente com olhos arregalados e pergunta no intuito de ler os lábios dele. ‘Você tá grávida?’
“Não tem nada a ver com gravidez, gente!” uma risada nasalada sai da sua garganta e você pôde escutar alguns gritinhos decepcionados e outros risos, enquanto que Louis apenas respira fundo e leva as mãos ao peito. “Bom, como todo mundo sabe, hoje, além de véspera de Natal, é aniversário do Tommo!” todos aplaudem e o moreno fica sem graça, agradecendo com um pequeno sorriso. “Louis está fazendo trinta e um. Uma idade aparentemente comum, mas pra gente em especial se tornou um símbolo.” quando seus olhos encontram os do seu namorado você logo percebe que ele entendeu o que você quis dizer apenas com um sorriso. “Nos últimos, sei lá, quatro anos, nós sempre conversávamos sobre como seria quando chegássemos na temida casa dos trinta. Ainda estaríamos juntos? Teríamos algum pet? Nos casaríamos? Moraríamos juntos? Seríamos tios? Seríamos pais? Estaríamos no mesmo emprego? Enfim, foram muitas perguntas e dúvidas que tivemos até finalmente termos a noção de que os trinta chegaram.” apesar de todos estarem focados no que dizia, suas palavras e ações eram destinadas ao moreno a poucos metros de você, que te olhava ansioso e com um riso preso nos lábios que não se desfez por nada. “Entre uma dessas conversas, lembro que Louis falou que tinha planos de casar antes dos trinta. Infelizmente esse plano foi por água a baixo ano passado, quando ele ainda tinha vinte e nove, e se não estou enganada ele não se casou. Certo, babe?” as provocações divertidas da família tiraram algumas risadas da galera, inclusive do seu namorado, que negou com a cabeça. “Nesse caso, por mais que você tenha alcançado os trinta, eu gostaria de saber se você quer casar comigo antes de completar trinta e dois e então ficar velho demais pra isso..” todos sem exceção gritam surpresos, alguns choram, outros assoviam, e Lottie foca nitidamente em Louis, que te encara perplexo, com um sorriso de orelha a orelha e com os olhos se enchendo de água aos poucos. “Porque você Louis, você é a pessoa que eu tenho esperado a vida toda. Você é o amor da minha vida. Você me entende como ninguém. Você me olha diferente. Você me beija diferente. Você me ama diferente. Você me faz feliz, inteiramente feliz, Lou.” emocionado o moreno segura ao máximo para não chorar, e apesar de todo o barulho, os olhos dele e toda atenção estão voltados exclusivamente para você, e Louis te admira de uma forma tão bonita e tão apaixonada que a irmã, a qual grava toda a cena, chora sem conseguir conter as lágrimas. “E eu quero sentir essa felicidade para o resto da vida.” sua voz falha e agora é você que se emociona e comprime os lábios para não borrar a maquiagem. “E então? Louis William Tomlinson, você aceita se casar comigo?”
“É claro que eu aceito!” após a fala do moreno todos celebraram com gritos, aplausos e assobios e vocês vão ao encontro um do outro, comemorando o ‘sim’ com um abraço caloroso e um beijo de cinema. “Esse foi o melhor presente de aniversário que eu já ganhei.” ele sussurra em seu ouvido com voz de choro enquanto estão envolvidos no abraço e você desaba naquele momento não aguentando a enxurrada de emoção e adrenalina.
“Feliz aniversário, meu amor.”
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Niall Horan as a boyfriend
Faltando exatamente quatro dias para o Natal, você e muito menos seu namorado haviam comprado os presentes para os familiares mais próximos.
O fim de ano era uma época mega corrida, mas em sua concepção esse ano em específico estava passando voando. A sensação de que as horas corriam se dava ao fato de você estar trabalhando feito louca, uma vez que entraria em férias após o Natal e queria deixar tudo certo em seu período de ausência para que ninguém da empresa te ligasse no meio da sua viagem para o Hawaii com Niall.
Além dos presentes, vocês precisavam fazer algumas compras para levarem à viagem como protetor, bronzeador, roupas de banho e acessórios havaianos para as festas temáticas que teriam no resort o qual iriam se hospedar. A lista de afazeres era gigante e o tempo escasso.
Portanto vocês resolveram ir ao shopping após chegarem do trabalho na esperança de comprarem tudo o que precisavam antes das lojas fecharem.
“OK, acho que podemos começar com os presentes dos nossos pais, não é?”
“Ótima ideia.”
“Tem algo em mente?“ você pergunta enquanto andam de mãos dadas pelos corredores daquele shopping lotado, pensando em algo legal e simbólico para seus pais, até que você é tirada de seus pensamentos pela animação de seu namorado.
“Vamos tirar uma foto com Papai Noel!” o moreno havia incorporado uma criança de seis anos naquele segundo e você arregalou os olhos, sem entender nada.
“Para de graça.” você ri mas Niall não te acompanha. E isso te preocupa. “Você não tá falando sério.. ou tá?”
“Claro que tô!” responde como se fosse óbvio.
“Amor, nós temos três horas para comprar e procurar um monte de coisa e você quer tirar foto com o velhinho?”
“Respeite o Papai Noel, garota!”
“Cala a boca vai..”
“Vamos pelo menos ver se ele tá ali.” Niall sequer te esperou e caminhou até a estrutura grande e natalina onde havia a cadeira do Papai Noel. E para sua sorte ele não estava lá.
“Graças a Deus.” você sussurra. “Vem, Ni! Não podemos perder tempo.”
“Tira uma foto minha sentado na cadeira dele.” agora ele havia se transformado em um adolescente fora da lei e você ainda não entendia o que estava acontecendo com aquele homem de vinte e nove anos.
“Você vai ser expulso do shopping.”
“Vai logo, S/N..” a risada e idiotice do rapaz te contagiaram e quando se deu conta você estava rindo e tirando a bendita foto. Você não sabia mas felizmente seu celular estava no modo ‘live’ das fotos e diante das milhares que tirou uma em específico foi exatamente no momento que o Papai Noel retornou ao seu posto e tirando sarro do seu namorado jogou um presente na direção dele, questionando se ele queria trabalhar no seu lugar.
“Vai trouxa..” você ria após terem saído do ambiente natalino e voltado aos corredores do shopping.
“Eu jurei que ele ia jogar aquele presente no meu rosto.”
“Seria hilário!” uma gargalhada escapa e Horan te encara sério.
“Pelo menos consegui uma foto com ele.” o moreno vangloria-se mostrando o fundo de tela do celular: ele e o Papai Noel abraçados. Você apenas sacode a cabeça negativamente e ri daquela situação inusitada.
“Tá bom, crianção. Agora corre que temos pouco tempo e muita coisa pra fazer!”
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Zayn Malik as a boyfriend
Amigo secreto sempre foi uma tradição na sua família. Desde que você se recorda não houve nenhum Natal em que não teve trocas de presentes depois da meia noite. Mesmo com todos os desentendimentos de família ao longo do ano, ao final dele as discussões eram esquecidas e o que realmente importava naquela noite era a união, diversão, amor e alegria. E claro, o amigo oculto.
Como Natal passado você passou com a família do Zayn, esse ano era a vez dele passar com a sua. Sendo assim, duas semanas atrás, em um almoço na casa de seus pais, foi feito o sorteio para cada um tirar seu amigo secreto.
Você havia tirado sua prima favorita, e ficou muito feliz pois sabia exatamente o que comprar para ela. Vocês tinham gostos muito parecidos por conviverem juntas durante toda infância e adolescência e terem praticamente a mesma idade. Então a escolha do presente esse ano seria fácil.
Seu namorado por sua vez havia tirado ninguém mais ninguém menos que seu pai. Você não sabia, mas pela cara assustada dele você pensou nessa possibilidade.
Zayn não fazia ideia do que dar para o seu pai. Ele ficou dias matutando a ideia até chegar ao limite e ter que se render a você.
“Amor..” ele fala baixinho, como quem não quer nada quando deita ao seu lado no sofá.
“Hum” você responde sem tirar os olhos da tevê.
“Eu não faço ideia do que comprar para a pessoa que eu tirei no amigo secreto.” o moreno diz todo sem jeito e um pouco frustrado, sendo impossível não rir e pausar o filme que assistia.
“Quem você pegou?”
“Se eu te falar não tem graça.”
“E como que eu vou te ajudar se não souber quem você pegou?”
“Eu tava pensando em você me dizer quais são as coisas que seus parentes gostam..”
“Tipo quem, Zayn?” você pergunta rindo.
“Sei lá.. sua tia, seu primo, seu pai, sua mãe, sua prima..”
“OK, essas são as pessoas que você provavelmente pegou então.” o riso dele se entregando é o motivo da sua gargalhada.
“Para de tentar adivinhar quem eu peguei!” dessa vez ele ri como forma de desespero.
“Pega um papel e uma caneta que eu vou dizer o que cada um gosta.”
“Por isso que eu te amo!” Zayn te deu um selinho prolongado de surpresa e saiu à procura do celular para anotar no bloco de notas um presente para cada membro, mesmo que ele só precisasse de uma ideia para o sogro.
No dia 24, mais precisamente depois da ceia, todos se dirigiram para a sala, desligaram as luzes e deixaram apenas a do pisca pisca ligada. O clima natalino estava no ar e esse ano quem começou foi você.
“Bom, a minha amiga secreta é uma mulher.. eu vivi com ela desde que nasci praticamente.”
“Sua mãe!”
“Não é minha mãe..” você responde entre risadas e é possível visualizar a feição alegre da sua mãe indo embora. “Minha amiga secreta é como uma irmã pra mim. Nós crescemos juntas, somos muito parecidas e construímos uma relação linda de amizade além da união de família.
“É a N/P!” sua tia, mãe da sua prima chuta em cheio e você diz que sim. Sua prima recebe seu abraço com um belo sorriso, agradece pelo presente e pelas palavras e finalmente vocês posam para a famosa foto, além do vídeo que sempre alguém grava e posta nas redes sociais no dia seguinte.
Seguindo a ordem, depois de sua prima abrir o presente e amar o enfeite de estante da série favorita, ela é a próxima a falar.
“O meu amigo ou amiga secreta é uma pessoa muito especial..”
“Ah não! Dá uma dica direta!” alguém reclama e todos caem na gargalhada.
“Tá, tá! É um rapaz.. está na família há algum tempo.. é um agregado.. um pouco tímido mas quando se tem intimidade ele se torna muito divertido e um ótimo amigo.. e ele faz a S/N muito feliz!”
“Sou eu?” seu namorado levanta a mão um tanto quanto empolgado e confuso porém um sorriso cresce nos lábios quando sua prima diz que sim e finalmente vão se abraçar em meios aos aplausos do grupo. Zayn nunca foi muito fã dessa brincadeira, mas ele entrava na onda. Mesmo que fosse possível identificar sua timidez e vergonha você conseguiu gravar exatamente o momento dele todo sem graça ao olhar para a câmera e fazer um ‘beleza’ enquanto abraçava e agradecia sua prima.
“OK, vamos lá!” após Malik guardar o moletom lindíssimo e colorido que ganhou da prima, ele iniciou a sua fala para desvendar o amigo secreto da vez. “O meu amigo secreto é um homem… ele não foi muito com a minha cara assim que nos conhecemos mas logo depois fomos virando amigos e hoje temos uma ótima relação.. sei disso porque a gente bebe junto e eu considero esse passo muito importante.” todos da família riram mas ninguém sabia ao certo quem era. “Poxa, gente! Tá fácil!”
“Dá mais dica!” você grita
“Essa vai entregar..” confessou sem jeito, coçando a nuca e rindo um pouco. “Eu tinha um certo medinho dele antes de tudo começar..”
“Meu pai!” Zayn faz que sim com a cabeça e abraça seu pai entregando o presente a ele. A cena te faz sorrir.
“Feliz Natal, Sogrão! Espero que goste!”
“Valeu, querido!”
Zayn volta para o sofá e senta ao seu lado de novo, um pouco apreensivo e observando seu pai abrir o presente. No entanto ele deixa de lado provavelmente para abrir depois e começa o discurso para desvendar o amigo oculto que pegou.
“Ele não vai abrir agora?” seu namorado questiona baixinho.
“Acho que não.” você responde no mesmo tom e solta uma risadinha.
“Porra! Seu pai simplesmente ignorou meu presente.”
“Todo ano ele abre o presente depois, amor.”
“Como é que eu vou saber se ele vai gostar?”
“Relaxa, Zayn.. se você escutou meu conselho, ele vai gostar.”
“Você sabia que eu tinha pego ele?”
“Ah, para!”
“A cara de assustado quando você leu quem era te entregou.” um riso fraco sai de sua boca ao lembrar dos olhos arregalados do moreno quando leu o nome no papelzinho.
“E não foi pra menos né. Pegar o pai da namorada é uma puta responsabilidade.”
“Como você é exagerado.”
“Vai que ele não gosta de saber que o presente é a autorização para pedir a filha dele em casamento.” no momento que você escuta o que seu namorado diz seu coração acelera e suas pupilas dilatam, totalmente focadas em Zayn.
“Você não fez isso..”
“Não fiz.. mas seria uma ideia maravilhosa, né?”
“Seu besta! Quase morri do coração!”
“Por que? Não quer ser minha esposa?
“Claro que eu quero. Mas não desse jeito. Em um pedido no amigo secreto da minha família.”
“Eu acharia hiper romântico.”
“Tá bom.. e se você me pegasse, me daria o que?”
“Não sei se seria apropriado para a ocasião eu dizer isso agora..” ele brinca ao cochichar no seu ouvido e você ri, sentindo arrepios na espinha, principal quando o rapaz passa as pontas dos dedos em sua coxa desnuda. “Vamos aproveitar que o pessoal tá entretido e me acompanha até o banheiro?”
“Você não existe, Malik.”
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Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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srldesigns6277 · 3 months
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Early One Direction Moments, including unseen footage and Larry Moments from the If I Could Fly Listening Party Video
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97luvs · 1 year
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he’s so gorgeous.
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Louis: "all my tattoos are pretty stupid"
Harry: take that dagger and stab it in another rose instead of my heart you 3'5" Lookin ass bitch
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louuthesunflower · 1 year
I meltdown for him 🛐
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muserryy · 8 months
HI!!! I'm nan, 19 and i write oneshots and poems about harry styles. all the work posted on my blog are original and mine. im currently working on my new harry styles series (will update soon, so stay tuned!!)
link to my other social media : wattpad, pinterest, instagram .
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Back home to you - harry returns home after finishing his tour and surprise y/n.
What did you get me? (part 2 of back home to you)
Larry's little kitten - harry, louis with his broken wrist and their little kitten, blue.
There's no place like home - harry plans a secret harryween just for him and his love.
Stargazing - the title says it all.
His necklace - harry gives you his necklace as a keepsake.
People blues - harry supports and helps you overcome your antisocial tendencies.
Late night calls - you can't sleep so you call harry in the middle of the night.
Tie the bow - you make harry do the coquette bow trend.
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Dear Baby Harry (hs)
Favorite pair of eyes (hs)
Your handwriting (hs)
to-do list
i think i miss you
i stumbled upon you in my dreams (hs)
harry is such a babygirl.
i wanna be bestfriends with harry.
harry's voice in my head is my way to cope.
will you go places with me, harry?
i wanna cry in harry's arms.
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Global stud muffin i loathe accidentally becomes my stud muffin
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misscatleya · 2 years
Baby, you were the love of my life. Maybe you don’t know what's lost ‘til you find it.
It’s not what I wanted, to leave you behind. Don’t know where you’ll land when you fly.
But, baby, you were the love of my life.
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garussy · 2 years
I remember my friends and I would pretend to be monster high characters and the plots were so dramatic.
I was always Draculaura and I’d catch Lagoona kissing Clawd so then Draculaura would cheat with Zayn Malik??? Don’t ask questions I don’t know.
Frankie was just witnessing all of it and dating Deuce but Cleo was also dating Deuce.
Frankie and Cleo didn’t date they just both dated Deuce and Frankie was also dating Holt and Jackson.
I can’t imagine if the episodes and movies had the same plot as this.
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steelycunt · 1 year
i hope ‘book-boyfriend’ jakey dies too
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theeliampayne · 1 year
Zayn hated the water. He had hated it since he was young, so he never bothered to learn how to swim. Although now he was regretting it.
The boys all wanted to have a pool day. All of them except for Zayn, that is. He hadn't told the others about his dislike of water yet, and he hadn't planned to. He didn't need their judgment.
Zayn shucked off his boxers, quickly pulling on his swim trunks before anyone could walk in. He didn't bother locking the door - he didn't see the point if it would be that quick.
He grabbed his towel and sunglasses, quickly spraying on some sunscreen before joining the others downstairs.
And then Zayn realized something.
He had never seen Liam shirtless before now.
If he had thought Liam was good-looking before, those feelings were only more apparent now. Liam looked almost like a Greek god with his slight tan showing off toned muscles. But Zayn had to take his stare off of Liam before his little crush became too obvious.
Louis sent him a knowing smirk, not making it obvious to the others. Louis was the only one Zayn had told about his crush, and he planned to keep it that way.
"So, lads, are we ready?"
Zayn sat in one of the lounge chairs, hissing quietly in pain once the hot plastic came in contact with his skin. As much as he hated just letting his bandmate have all the fun, he would rather have this than fess up to his lack of an ability to swim.
Although his thoughts may have been cut short when Liam came over.
"Hi Zayn," Liam greeted, voice fairly quiet. Liam hadn't opened up to any of them yet - aside from Niall - so just Liam talking to him first was a step in the right direction.
"Hey, Liam. What's up?" Zayn glanced up at the boy, almost struggling to keep his eyes on his face.
"You just seemed kind of lonely over here. Wanted to check in on you," Liam confessed, tone soft. "If you want to join us, you can."
"I know, Li. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm good here. Don't really enjoy the water much."
"Oh, okay." Liam looked a bit dejected, and it made Zayn feel guilty about the situation.
"It's not that I don't want to hang out with you guys. I'd love to, actually. It's just," Zayn sighed. "I haven't learned how to swim yet."
"Oh," Liam looked a bit surprised. "That's perfectly fine, Zayn. There's some pool floats if you just want to hang out in the shallow end there."
Zayn was surprised by how much Liam was actually talking to him. Just a month ago, Liam wouldn't have said anything to him. It was a nice surprise for today.
"You sure the others won't mind?"
"Why would they?" Liam tilted his head, just like a confused puppy would. The best thing about it was that Liam didn't even seem to realize.
Zayn shrugged, standing up from the chair. "So where are those pool floats?"
"I can go get one. I'll be right back."
Liam came back with a particularly large float, big enough for what seemed like three people. Zayn couldn't help but chuckle at it.
"What?" Liam seemed concerned. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no, not at all, Liam. That's just a really big float."
"Oh," Liam let out a small sigh of relief. "I just wanted to make sure you'd be comfortable. I can go get a different one if you'd like me to."
"It's alright, Liam," Zayn shook his head, a fond smile coming across his face. "You can join me on the float if you'd like. We could keep talking for a bit."
Liam looked a bit unsure for a moment. "Sure?" His answer came out more like a question. "I mean, if you really don't mind-"
"I don't mind, Li. I'm the one who offered, yeah? I won't get mad at you for accepting an offer I gave you."
Liam nodded, going to take the pool float to the water. He stepped in the water, then moved the float closer to the stairs leading into the shallow end.
Zayn took that as an opportunity to get onto it, a bit shaky. Liam followed suit soon after, getting positioned on the large float.
Louis looked over to see the two, and Zayn knew what was coming next. At least Louis had enough sense to whisper it.
"Love birds."
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lockmad · 2 days
The song literally transports me to a a summer I once lived.
I believe 2021, on a beautiful island in Canada and my boyfriend of the time and I spent the summer driving around backroads, visit beaches and wharfs at night, hiking, kayaking, barhopping in small towns, parking in the most random spots to make love. One night in particular, we went out to a hayfield right after the bales were rolled and hopping on them and lying back to star gaze. 
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hamburgerpussy · 2 months
zayn malik
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louuthesunflower · 2 years
Yes, sir.
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1989tvcore · 2 months
tied by music. - charles leclerc. chapter one.
summary; in which a songwriter gets in contact with the il predestinato to help her in creating her most personal album.
face claim; taylor swift
pairing(s); charles leclerc x fem! singer! reader, zayn malik x ex! fem! singer! reader. smau.
warning(s); toxic/unfaithful relationship, reader in a very bad mental state during break-up but she’s eventually healed, zayn is the douchebag i sincerely apologise. </3 (most of these are shown in the following parts)
author note; can we please um… ignore the fact that um… this is literally the script for my um… fame dr… ANYWAYS HERE’S COMPOSER CHARLES TO COMFORT YOU! 🤍 this series will have many parts or maybe just two, we’ll see how it plays out.
masterlist | chapter 2
english isn’t my first language, credits to rightful owners.
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liked by y/nayncrumbs, ynphobic and 45,771 others
popbase Song-writer & Musician Y/N Y/LN & former One-Direction & Musician member Zayn Malik have officially broken up after 6 years of being together, TMZ reports.
tagged: youryusername, zayn
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user6 oh that y/nayn stan account must be crying now that the rumors are confirmed …
y/nayncrumbs user6 i literally just turned suicidal.
ynphobic y/nayncrumbs u know damn well this was long due …
user47 user6 can you blame them?
user58 THANK GOD, that man was insufferable when it came to their relationship
user13 user58 silent like
user0 user58 do y’all ever shut up
user58 user0 just wait until y/n releases a new album x
user13 user99 girl she’s free???
user1989 wait a sec … remember when we got y/n6 rumors a few months ago?? DID HE CHEAT?? ZAYN IT’S ON SIGHT.
user17 user1989 they might’ve just not announced it when they actually broke up 🤡
user1989 user17 they were spotted together multiple times during y/n6 rumors and he was literally ignoring her while talking to models???
user16 why is nobody mentioning how charles leclerc has literally been helping y/n to make y/n6???
user55 user16 same question right here.
user4 user16 how do you know it’s for y/n6?
user16 user4 y/n has mentioned multiple times that she admires charle’s music and would love to work with him on a project of hers or his
user77 user16 Y/N IS A F1 GIRLIE??
user16 user77 since she was a child 🤧
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yourusername just posted a story!
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seen by charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo and 1,403,758 others
user13 this album will break us all so bad.
user16 hi pls attend the next grand prix tyvm
charles_leclerc you must be in jail for not sending me the first picture.
yourusername charles_leclerc surprise? 😁
charles_leclerc yourusername yeah yeah whatever now send me the picture so i can make it my wallpaper 😌
charles_leclerc just posted a story!
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seen by yourusername, f1, landonorris and 997,410 others.
f1wagsource soft launch, no?
yourusername no bc i’m literally announcing our baby tomorrow
charles_leclerc yourusername I know 🫶🏻
yourusername charles_leclerc i’m so nervous
charles_leclerc yourusername there’s no reason to be nervous sweetheart. whatever happens I’m here.
yourusername charles_leclerc stop being such a good boyfriend you know i’m not used to men like you 😔
charles_leclerc yourusername I really don’t plan on stopping anytime soon cherié.
yourusername charles_leclerc please do not! i love you 💞💓💕💗💝💘💖
charles_leclerc yourusername i love you too babe, now go rest you’ve got many promotions starting tomorrow.
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liked by charles_leclerc, arianagrande and 13,400,239 others
yourusername Surprise surprise! The first single of my new album “Metanoia” (coming out April 23), “we can’t be friends (wait for your love)” comes out tomorrow evening!
Thank you my whole team for making this album possible. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful and talented artists who took part in the creation of “Metanoia”, truly couldn’t be more lucky to have people like you by my side. Whether that is as colleagues or friends. In addition, there was one special someone who took HUGE part in writing, composing and producing this album with me, someone who I have very close to my heart. @charles_leclerc, the man, the monegasque himself. Thank you for agreeing to helping me bring into real life my deepest emotions and thoughts, you stood by me during very hard times in my life, I will always be thankful for that. Studio sessions with you are my only good memories of the hell I’ve been through last year.
And to the fans, thank you for supporting me always. I hope you’re excited for this project as much as I am. See you tomorrow for the premiere of the “we can’t be friends (wait for you love)” music video!
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arianagrande congrats!! can’t wait to listen♡
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yourusername arianagrande my girl 🤍
iamrebeccad can’t wait for tomorrow 🥰
liked by author
yourusername iamrebeccad love you so much. 🥹💗
francisca.cgomes album of the year already
liked by author
yourusername francisca.cgomes tearing up, thank you so much kika. 🥹🤍
lilymhe so in love with you! 💗
liked by author
yourusername lilymhe my #1 gf 🥹💞
alex_albon lilymhe excuse me?
rachelzegler I THINK I’M CRYING??
liked by author
niallhoran Congrats sis!
yourusername niallhoran Thank you Niall! 🫶🏻
user29 niallhoran oh zayn fucked up big time
ynayncrumbs niallhoran oh it’s really over.
user13 user1989 OH MY FUCK YOU DID
user45 user1989 I think you graduated from tom holland manifestation university!
user88 user16 she’ll probably reveal it later
user30 user99 I’ve got a feeling it’ll have a love interest
user99 user30 SAME
charles_leclerc So proud of you! ❤️
liked by author
yourusername charles_leclerc Thank you Charlie! 🥹
ynphobic charles_leclerc I think I’m not breathing anymore.
user49 charles_leclerc I’M CRYING TEARS OF HAPPINESS.
landonorris having early access to this album: it’s good ig…
yourusername landonorris did you think the same when you were crying to the whole tracklist?
landonorris yourusername YOU DID NOT.
alex_albon landonorris get ended nowins 🤣‼️
landonorris alex_albon FUCK YOU
yourusername user11 he deserves it more than anything. 🤍
©️ 1989tvcore 2024 , all rights reserved.
taglist; @formulaonebuff @ironspdy @sleepybrokenmelle @dreamergirlatpaddock @taygrls
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mickyschumacher · 11 months
hi love!! Could you write something about Charles x actress!reader where he gets jealous of one of readers ex boyfriend who’s famous and maybe leads to smut?
(i really hope it makes sense, english is not my first language 😭😭)
thank you !!🩷🩷
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: jealousy is a disease. and it's latest victim is your boyfriend, charles leclerc.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ (minors DNI), jealousy obviously, zayn is kind of a dick bless him 😭, unprotected sex (wrap your tippy pls), praise, blowjob, fingering, oral sex, p in v, orgasm denial, mutual orgasms, cumming inside, mentioning power couple tomdaya ♡︎, sucky media as per usual :/
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: charles leclerc x famous actress!fem!reader, ex!zayn malik x reader
𝐀/𝐍: if i don't get to see charles and zayn in one room irl, i'll just write them in one room if that’s okay :( on another note, i hope this was what you wanted anon! and your english is fine, love. sorry for the wait ♡︎ // questionably written and proof-read on a jetlagged mind
⋆  •°.  。  .°•  ⋆
There were many things Charles understood well. Family, racing, the politics of racing... but one thing he would never truly understand was how he got you.
The Y/N L/N. An Oscar-winning, multitalented, down-to-earth, and gorgeous actress who had entirely won the public's hearts along with Charles'. The actress who had managed to rule the industry that most were born into.
How on earth had he gotten so lucky?
Charles couldn't deny that he was Ferrari's golden boy nor that he had become a fame athlete. But got you were on another level.
For what it was worth, Charles was a confident man. He thought he cleaned up quite well, he knew his mother raised him right, he knew that charisma itself was scared of him.
Yet, all that confidence came crashing down when it came to your ex.
Zayn Malik.
If Charles could ignore him, he would. But Zayn was everywhere. On his Twitter, on his TikTok, on his Instagram... his fans and your fans especially loved him. Why wouldn't they? He was a literal Greek, well South Asian, god part of arguably one of the best boy band's in history with a voice that had been blessed by Heaven's angels themselves.
When fans questioned why you and Zayn had broken up and you had moved on with an F1 driver, Charles found himself quietly agreeing.
But then he realised that by his side was you. You weren't next to Zayn or anyone else. You were with Charles because you loved him and he loved you. And that was more than enough.
That being said, Charles couldn't help feel a bit maddened at headline he had woken up to this morning.
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You let out a small yawn. Sunday mornings were the most calm for you. Especially when you had managed to snag Charles for the week. You turned to your awoken boyfriend with a smile before frowning. "What's on that screen that made you look like this, amour (love)?" You queried, rubbing a finger over the crease between his eyebrows.
Charles looked up from his phone, smiling at the sight of your face. "Nothing, mon amour (my love)," the Monégasque dismissed, pressing a kiss to your forehead before pulling you close to him.
Naturally you would've snuggled yourself into him but you could tell he was upset. "No, Cha. Tell me what's wrong. What can I do to turn that frown upside down? Hmm?" You softly asked, peeking up at him while you rested your head on his chest.
You could feel Charles' body convulse as he let a gentle chuckle pass his lips. "I can never hide anything from you, hmm? It's really nothing, Y/N. Just a stupid headline."
You mended your brows, taking his phone from his hand. If you knew anything about headlines, most of them were never good. Your eyes had captured the photo of your ex first, making you deflate a little. You continued to read the headline that made you and Zayn sound like you were still together and then went to the little summary below it.
"They're 'dying to know what happens?'," You huffed, closing his phone. You pursed your lips and peered over Charles. "I swear I didn't know he was coming, Cha. I promise. We can totally skip if you don't want the drama. I'm okay with that. We can lounge in the house and do nothing," You offered.
Charles smiled softly at your words. You were always thinking of everyone but yourself. "Thank you but I wouldn't miss you winning these awards for the world, ma belle (my beautiful). You deserve to win these awards and I'm going to watch you do it. Nothing could ruin tomorrow for me."
A few hours into the Oscars, after parading the red carpet and gushing over you with interviewers, Charles was quite sure he was right. Nothing could ruin tonight because, god, were you a sight to behold.
You had captured everyone's eyes. Talking to your stylist months ago, you had accomplished your two wishes about your appearance at the Oscars: simplicity and red.
Red on a red carpet was always a bold choice but this year's carpet was a light grey. Dressed in a custom red ball gown, a matching silk shawl and a simple necklace, you had blown everyone away.
The amount of people that had solely come to your table to compliment you was surreal. But Charles couldn't argue with them. You were surreal. When he first saw you come out of the dressing room, he could've sworn his heart had stopped and for a moment, he seriously considered your offer yesterday morning.
The most beautiful person in the world loved him. Nothing could ruin the storm whirling in his stomach. The same storm he had felt when he was trying to muster the courage to talk to you when you first met at a tennis match in Monaco.
As you two conversed with your manager about the after party activities you were considering attending, Charles and you heard a voice that was all but too familiar.
"Y/N," The voice greeted.
You knew it was Zayn. You also knew how Charles felt. So you turned around with what you thought was enough confidence and greeted him. "Zayn," You breathed out with a small smile.
"It's been a while. You look out of this world. Beautiful as always," Zayn grabbed your hand and left a small kiss.
Oh good lord.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Charles tense. You cleared your throat. "Thank you. You look.. uh, amazing as always too," You complimented awkwardly, eyes darting anywhere but his face.
Before Zayn could fill the upcoming silence with any unnecessary compliments, you linked your hand through Charles' arm. "This is Charles. My boyfriend," You smiled proudly.
Charles' could feel his heart speed up. He gave a kind smile to the singer, jutting out his hand for him to shake.
Zayn poked his tongue against the inners of his cheek, eyeing Charles' hand before returning the gesture. He locked eyes with the Monégasque, tilting his head to the side. "Right. The driver, right?"
Jesus. For a second you had forgotten why you broke up with him.
"Yeah... the racing driver," Charles responded with a tight voice and slightly narrowed eyes.
A nervous laugh fell from your lips. "O-Okay. I think we're gonna head over to Tom and Zendaya. Uh, see you around, Zayn, hmm?"
Zayn moved his eyes from Charles to you. He gave his usual charming smile. Putting his hand on your shoulder, he said, "Yeah, sure. I'm always around as you know."
Charles felt his jaw lock as he watched Zayn's hand fall from your shoulder and trail loosely down your arm before he left. "See you, Y/N. Goodbye Charlie."
The after parties were a no go. For the first time in your life you couldn't tell what Charles was thinking. The silence after Zayn left and the car ride home was unbearable. You tried to comfort him by putting your hand over his and assuring him that Zayn was just a classified dick, but nothing came from Charles.
What you did know was that Charles was pissed. The tight grip on the steering wheel, his flexed jaw, the hardened eyes... all signs of an angry Charles.
Arriving home, you both entered your bedroom after taking your shoes off. You looked over to Charles. God the silence was unnerving. "Charles? Amour, are you okay?" You asked once again.
Charles sat on the bed, looking at you stand in front of him. His mind was going as fast as the cars he drove. 'Out of this world?' All Charles could think was that he was going to fuck you out of this world. He wasn't angry about the snide remarks. He was angry that he was even jealous of such a pathetic human being. Moreover, he was furious over those small touches of his.
"Chérie (Sweetheart), come here. Let me help you change," Charles smiled, his hand beckoning for you to come towards him.
You sighed, walking over to him. You could see his hands aching to grab you but instead you stretched out your hand to touch his hair. Charles closed his eyes at the feeling. "Cha... I'm sorry about him. He's an asshole," You apologised, now rubbing his cheek gently.
Charles leaned into your caress, fluttering his eyes open so you could see those soft baby blues you had completely fallen head over heels for. "It's not your fault, chérie. I think he's regretting leaving the most smartest and beautiful woman in the world. You have nothing to apologise for."
You chuckled softly, trying to disguise how touched you felt. Charles complimented you like this all the time and it never got easier. No one had treated you like this before and especially not Zayn.
"Now come on," Charles stood up from the bed and turned you around, "Let's get this off." A small kiss was planted on the side of your cheek as Charles' eyes twinkled through the mirror across you.
You smiled warmly at him and nodded. You watched him take the red straps off of your shoulders, leaving a trail of warm kisses on either side. You sighed calmly. His hands trailed to the zip of the dress, pulling it down, he explored the smooth of your back, placing a kiss on the back of your neck. Charles gently pushed down the red gown, letting it pool at your bare feet.
You reached to the back of your neck to take off the gorgeous silver necklace you had worn but Charles stopped you by grabbing your wrists. "Leave it," He whispered, grazing your arms with his touch.
An involuntary shiver came over you at his voice and from the air rushing against your bare skin.
You could feel Charles' lips quiver at the side of your face. "Cold? Let me warm you up, mon amour."
You drew a quiet, sharp breath as you felt him move your chin so you could properly see him in your mirror. His ring-adorned hand travelled from your neck and down the valley of your breasts, ensuring to make the extra effort to glide over your nipples with the metal band.
Your breath hitched as one hand began to rub your hardened nipple while the other continued to travel down your stomach. "Charles..." You sighed out, feeling a familiar burn spark in the pits of your stomach.
Charles hummed in response, meeting your eyes in the mirror with lust and a tint of smugness. The corner of his lips quirked up, feeling you tense as he neared your pussy. Through the thickness of his own clothes, he could feel your skin begin to burn.
His cock hardened at your reaction. He had barely even done anything and his name was already falling from your lips.
His fingers continued to creep down your stomach, feeling the heat from your core radiate. A sigh of pleasure fell from his mouth as he pressed his two fingers into your folds. He could feel your arousal encompassing his fingers.
"So wet, ma chérie," Charles moaned in your ear, making you return the sinful sound back. "All for me, hmm? No one else gets you this wet, do they, chérie?"
You squirmed against him as Charles' fingers moved from the soft lips of your pussy and ghosted your clit so damn slowly. Your hips bucked involuntarily with the crave of more.
Suddenly, his juice-ridden fingers were pressed up against your bundle of nerves while his other hand tugged at your lip, waiting for your answer.
"Shit, no. No one. Only you make me this wet, Cha," You whimpered, grinding your hips up against his fingers for more pressure.
Charles smiled in satisfaction. "Let's sit, hmm?" He said, tapping your clit.
You jolted at the action, feeling his hands wrap around your waist, seating you on his lap as he sat down on your bed. Your pussy throbbed at the loss of touch but ached for the hardness pressed up against you.
"Feel that, amour? That's what you do to me," Charles grunted, feeling an obscene high come over him when you started to grind down on his cock. God did you have him under your spell. Only you could put your bare pussy down on his cock and make him want to cum in seconds.
But how could you not. In the mirror you could see a sex-hazed Charles, skin flushed at your actions. It turned you on to see him lose control.
"Fuck," Charles moaned, stilling your hips from moving any further. Ignoring your whines, he pushed opened your legs, taking in the glistening view from the mirror. Bringing his two fingers to your mouth, you opened your lips and lapped at your arousal on his fingers.
"Merde," He sighed out, moving his lubed fingers to your pussy. He teasingly rubbed his fingers fully up and down, make you gasp at the coldness of his ring. Shit.
"Charles, please. I want your fingers," You groaned in frustration, thighs taking his fingers into a tight grip.
Charles chuckled, "Anything for you, princesse." He pushed his to fingers into the soft walls of your pussy.
The both of you moaned in unison, your head falling back on his shoulders. He watched eagerly as you enveloped his fingers entirely as if it was a magic trick of some sorts. The lewd sheen of you glimmered over his fingers while he thrusted them in and out.
"Look at you, chérie. Making a mess all over me," Charles smiled against your cheek as he looked down at his black trousers which now sported a darker stain.
Your warm walls clenched around his fingers, sending Charles on a journey to find that right spot both he and you craved so much. Charles could tell by the sudden parting of your lips and the jerk of your hips that he had reached it. His eyes flickered over to your face, bringing a small smug smirk to his mouth.
Your eyes brows were creased in the middle, laden with trickles of sweat building up while your mouth remained in a constant state of opening, letting those beautiful moans fall out as your chest heaved, craving more and more of him.
The trembles, the moans, the pure state of bliss you were in... it was all because of him. And Charles loved it.
Charles brought his thumb to your bundle of nerves, rubbing you in slow circles as he continued to push his digits in and out. He whispered softly, lips dancing against the curve of your ear, "You don't know how beautiful you looked tonight, mon amour. So many eyes on you. I bet they all thought the same thing... that you looked like a goddess. Sometimes I wish they could see what I'm seeing right now. This gorgeous body, your wet pussy trembling all over me, your swollen lips.... hear those pretty little moans of yours. Then they would realise... you are perfection. Unfortunately for them, they aren't the luckiest man alive. I am."
All of a sudden, all your emotions were rushing towards you. Hearing Charles' thick voice while his fingers fucked you sent you overboard. The ache of your core was climbing higher and higher, hips convulsing. "Fuck, Charles, I'm going to cum," You murmured with staggered pants, eyes fluttering shut.
Charles smiled softly, cock throbbing at the sight of you reaching your climax. But as much as Charles loved it, he needed his cock in your warm walls.
Your eyes snapped open as you felt Charles remove his fingers from your pussy, leaving his thumb circling your clit aggravatingly slow. Your walls clenched around nothing in the effort to grab the last sliver of euphoria that Charles had brought. "Charles," You whispered, almost with a sob, eyes shaking in both annoyance and lust.
Charles brought his lips to yours, softly hushing your cries. "I'm sorry, chérie, I need you." His baby blues bored into yours, taking you in.
Looking at Charles when he had said that, given how the night had played out, the tone of his voice told you everything you needed to know. "I know, amour. I need you too," You whispered back, giving him a long peck.
You sat up from his lap, turning to undo the buckle of his belt. The clangs echoed throughout the room as the tension between the both of you became heavier and desperate. Your hands raced to take off the strap while Charles itched to take off his stained pants, cock aching to come out.
Charles let out a low groan, feeling your warm breath on his bare cock as your removed his boxers. His Adam’s apple hitched as he felt your tongue take a long wet stripe of his cock.
His fingers itched to move you away and fuck you like he initially intended to, but the moment he felt your mouth sink down his shaft, his hand naturally fell into your hair. His cock fit perfectly in your mouth as if they were made for each other.
Charles' teeth sunk down on his bottom lip, baby blues eagerly watching you on your knees for him. His hand tightened around your hair as you hollowed your throat. With your eyes flickering to him as your teeth just grazed his cock, sending a tremor down his spine, he let out a series of soft moans. "Just like that, amour," He encouraged while you sucked him up and down.
Taking long licks at the shaft of his pulsing cock, you removed your lips briefly, resting them on his tip. "Only for you, Cha," You reminded him.
Charles held your gaze, feeling another shudder rip through his body. Jesus. Speechlessly he watched you bring your swollen lips back down his cock, hand gently reaching out towards his balls. Charles' hip jerked up at the sudden action, pushing his cock further down your throat.
The rasp of his grunt made you clench your thighs, feeling your pussy drip with arousal. You could feel his cock begin to move with Charles' control, high on the pleasure. Your throat fought to keep itself open, wanting every inch of him in your mouth.
Charles' pace began to speed as the sheer euphoria began to climb up. He averted his eyes to your face, feeling himself tighten further in your throat as seeing you take his cock was a different high on it's own. Your eyes were glassy, brimming with tears of brought of lust and arousal; saliva and sweat painted your skin with a glow he cherished. But what did it for him was the small bulge in your throat; all of him just in your throat.
God, did he just want to thrust himself harder till he came. He needed to cum... but not in your throat.
"Mon amour," Charles grunted, tapping the underside of your chin.
You moved your mouth from his cock, feeling his hand gently lift your chin as you stood from your knees. No words were needed as your eyes searched his.
Bringing your lips to his, Charles wrapped his arm around your waist, flushing your burning body to his unfairly clothed chest. Yet, you could feel the heat pouring off of him. You could barely breathe as you kissed Charles; the fervent need for each other was almost overwhelming.
You could feel his puffy lips slowly detach from yours, eyes staring into yours as he positioned his cock to your wet folds.
Something about this moment felt nostalgic, reminding you of your first time with Charles. The slow and careful movements, the way Charles looked at you as if he had the whole world in his eyes... as if everything was okay as long as you were by his side.
Fuck Zayn. Fuck everyone else.
All he needed was you and he had you... entirely.
You whimpered loudly, feeling his cock drive into you, filling you entirely. "Merde," you heard Charles cuss as he flung his hands onto your bare hips. The air that was once full of your pants and the obscene sounds of your lips sucking his cock was now full of your lewd moans and the sounds of your skin slapping and sticking against one another.
His hands gripped your hips tightly as Charles thrusted into you, losing himself in the feeling of your warm folds enveloping his cock, acting as some sort of siphon that he couldn't escape while he watched your breasts bounce. No... he was under your spell.
Those same thoughts wandered into his head as he rutted into you. How had he gotten so lucky? All he knew was that he must've been a good soul in every past life of his in order to get someone like you.
"Fuck," You cursed, back arching as your body welcomed each hit of euphoria. You burned with desire, humming with approval; cheeks aflame and moans slurred. Your pussy tightly wrapped around his cock began to clench as Charles' fingers had found their way to your clit.
A shiver shoots down Charles' spine as he watched your breasts come on full display. He bent his head down, hot tongue swiping over your nipple. He moaned against your now flushed breast. You were driving him insane. He couldn't think, he could barely speak. You had taken over any stability he once had.
"Charles," You rasped, feeling the coil at the bottom of your stomach tighten.
Charles softly smiled against your breast, detaching his mouth and increasing the pace of his hips against yours. His eyes flickered down to where his cock met your folds, falling into an entrance while he watched your arousal coat his cock.
"Cum for me, chérie," Charles encouraged, feeling your hands travel up his back, pressing into the fabric of his shirt, leaving no inch of his skin missed by you.
"Charles, Charles, Charles," You moaned his name; your favourite song. Your body trembled, melting against him as he tightened his grip on your hips, steadying you as a white light ripped past your eyes, hips bucking involuntarily to fully grasp the high of your climax.
Charles takes his turn at own favourite song; your name slipping from his lips, stuck on repeat. Your folds act as a vice, gripping him tightly. His cock throbbed, the heat of his skin rising. His pants turned higher and irregular, hips coming to a falter as he felt the hot white stripes of his cum coat your warm walls.
Charles' head fell back against the bed, slowly removing his softening cock from your pussy.
You let out a small sigh, almost collapsing against Charles if he hadn't wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you close to him. His blues eyes skimmed over your face, a small smile playing on his lips while he brushed your sweat ridden hair back; his fingers trailed over your swollen lips, tracing the trails of red lipstick that had escaped it's confines.
"You're coming to Monaco, right?" Charles asked softly.
You smiled at him, running your hand through those soft brown locks of his, trailing down his face and ending at his small dimple. Rubbing the spot in small circles, you earnestly whispered, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Cha."
Charles' eyes softened, pressing a kiss to the side of your forehead. "I'm sorry about tonight, amour," He apologised, feeling a slight bit childish and guilty over his reaction.
You chuckled, shaking your head, moving to rub the familiar crease between his eyebrows. "He's an asshole, Cha. I don't know if I tell you enough, but you're the man that I love... forever. There's no one else for me."
"So cheesy," Charles jested even though you could tell what you had said meant a lot to him, especially given that he had tightened his grip around you.
"Only for you, Charles," You rolled your eyes before holding his gaze. "Only for you."
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