#has slept with helion
Question: does arina know helion is sellyn drake? And how does Eris feel knowing that his wife, his mate, his best friend knows about his step father writing porn about his mother (if she does know)??
My instinct was to say no, of course not. But the absolute image of Helion dropping a manuscript on Arina's desk one day like, hey can you edit this for me?
And it's just the wildest, jaw-droppingest, porniest smut she's ever read.
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milswrites · 4 months
Hobbies Part 2.
~ Azriel X Reader
Summary: In an attempt to keep Azriel away from Elain, Rhys sends him on a sabbatical to the Day Court. With a lot more free time on his hands Azriel needs to find something to keep him occupied. Unfortunately he meets Y/N who has the annoying habit of not staying away. Can she teach him that there’s more to life than he thought?
Grumpy!Azriel X Sunshine!Reader
Series masterlist
Warnings: Little bit of angst
The days all seemed to blur together. If it wasn’t for his shadows whispering in his ears, Azriel doubts he would even know if it was day or night. The time spent crying in bed at his situation had decreased. Instead, an empty feeling settled in his chest, too exhausted to cry anymore. To tired to spend any more time wallowing, despite the fact Azriel could have sworn he has never slept more in his life.
The food baskets kept on coming, though their arrival at his door weren’t announced by any more knocks. His shadows had began reporting their presence to him, making sure their master was taking care of himself. There was no lingering scent of vanilla in the air whenever he opened the door to snatch them in. Maybe Y/N had given up on him, signed him off as a lost cause and ordered some other member of Helion’s staff to drop the food off outside of the flat. Good, Azriel thought. Maybe this was for the best, to be left alone. That’s what he wanted wasn’t it?
And yet in the moments Azriel’s pain at his abandonment lessened, he would find his thoughts drifting to the woman he had met the other week. How was it possible for one woman to be so happy all the time? Maybe it was the spymaster in him but a part of Azriel felt the overwhelming need to find out more. Surely someone that gleeful had some hidden secrets or ulterior motives. Or perhaps Y/N was just an open book, heart on her sleeve, no reason to be anything other than happy. No trauma from past events or failure in the love department to make her as scarred and bitter as Azriel was.
He struggled to pull his thoughts away from her as he got up for the day to make breakfast. At least he was eating properly now, food a little easier to stomach as his emotions settled down. And yet Azriel still couldn’t escape the hollowness inside him.
The boredom he had felt since his arrival still remained. There were moments when Azriel thought back to what Y/N said and thought if only he did have a hobby he enjoyed doing to pass the time as the days felt longer and longer from his lack of activity. The sketchbook gifted from Y/N still lay open on the floor from when he threw it but Azriel had no intentions of picking it up and drawing. He wasn’t like Feyre, who could transform all her emotions into beautiful pieces of art.
In some meagre attempt of crushing his restlessness in the flat, Azriel had began doing the one thing he knew how to do best. Train. It wasn’t the most efficient thing training in the flat. He had no equipment other than truth-teller and a few other daggers. He hadn’t packed for a long trip, expecting Rhys wasn’t serious and would come and retrieve him after a week or so.
That clearly wasn’t happening, and so in effort of building a routine to follow, Azriel got back to training. He would wake up, do pushups, eat, throw his daggers at the wall imagining they were Rhysand’s face, eat, sleep and repeat. It was dull work but Azriel found a fraction of satisfaction from simply having something to do.
Yet another day had arrived and Azriel woke up, ready to start his now regular exercise when there was an enthusiastic knock at his door. He didn’t need his shadows to tell him who it was. Only one person could have a knock as annoyingly bubbly as their personality. His rage had simmered down over the past few days, a slither of guilt taking its place at the way he had treated Y/N during their first meeting, after all she was only doing her job. Yet Azriel did still have the want to be alone. Sighing, as he stood up from where he was on the floor, strong arms under him as he was set to do push-ups. She was probably here with another food delivery, just to check he was still here so she could report back to Helion and move on to another job. He would answer, so only that she could leave him in peace once it was done. His form of a feeble apology for the other day.
Azriel opened the door and looked down at Y/N, eyes immediately snapping down to her body.
“What in cauldron’s name are you wearing?”
Azriel snapped his mouth shut, not meaning to voice his thoughts. But what did she expect to hear when she had come to his door hair tied up in a ponytail, wearing only a pair of short leggings and a small, tight bralette, both the most violent shade of pink. Not a basket of food in sight.
Y/N grinned at his shock holding her arms out and sticking a leg forward, showing off her outfit. “You like it? It’s no Illyrian leathers but it’s all I had and I thought it would do!”
Unable to stop his curiosity Azriel replied, “do for what? I’ve seen prostitutes with more clothes on than you.”
“For training,” Y/N replied simply, smile still on her face unaffected by his comment, “need to be able to move around, right? I’ve never actually done any training but it seemed like the right thing to wear.” This confused Azriel, had she really never had any form of training? But then he reminds himself that females in other courts, even ones in his own, aren’t as lucky as the women who make up the inner circle, the only women Azriel really spends time with. Being able to fight is a luxury most women aren’t able to have. He swallows the lump of anger that builds in his throat at the thought of yet another woman unjustly treated by the system.
“So why are you here then if not to bring food” Azriel presses on, eager to finish up this conversation and head back inside before his eyes can wonder any more than they already have.
“I just told you silly. I’m here to train. Well not here here,” Y/N leans to the side glancing past Azriels shoulder to the wall inside his flat, covered in holes left by his dagger, “I don’t think your poor flat can take much more. We’ll go to the grounds nearby.”
Dumbstruck, Azriel just stands there, mouth hanging open slightly, a noise of confusion unwittingly slipping out, all the while Y/N stands there smiling at him expectantly. “You said that’s your hobby right? Thought I’d try something new and who better to ask than you who’s surely had hundreds of years of experience,” her words were laced with excitement.
Wanting nothing more than to desperately get out of yet another annoying situation Y/N had forced him into Azriel looked for an excuse, “Doesn’t Helion have people for this kind of thing? Get one of them to help you.” With that he started to pull the door to, only for it to get stopped by your foot.
“Please,” Y/N begs, “I know you have nothing else to do and I’d really like to try this I just can’t trust myself to get it right.” Azriel wasn’t sure whether the batting of her eyelashes or the widening of her doe-like eyes was intentional or not but he cursed himself for falling for it all the same. The temptation of leaving the flat and the itch to get in some proper training after being cooped up for so long was overwhelming.
He stared into those wide, hopeful eyes and cursed himself. “Fine”, he relented, “Just this once.” Y/N squealed and for a moment he could have sworn she was going to throw herself on him in celebration, but thankfully she held her ground, instead rocking backwards and forwards onto her heels in excitement.
Already in suitable clothes for training and not wanting Y/N to see any more of the mess inside his flat, Azriel steps out and pulls the door too. Sighing he says, “let’s get this over with” as he follows Y/N who was walking out the building with a spring in her step.
It didn’t take long for them to walk to the training grounds, Azriel making note of where it was so he could come back another day to train alone. Thankfully Y/N didn’t initiate any awkward conversation while they walked, seemingly smart enough to understand that if she did anything to annoy him he would likely leave her and head back to his flat. Instead, she opted for her sweet humming that ignited something in his shadows, causing them to dance around their feet as they moved.
The longer he was outside in his thick Illyrian leathers, the more he understood Y/N’s risqué clothing choice. He hadn’t even started training yet and he already had an uncomfortable layer of sweat forming under his clothes.
The two finally came to a stop in the middle of the arena and Y/N stopped her humming to look up at Azriel in anticipation, “now what?”
“Now we stretch and then we move onto working on your balance” Azriel shrugged and silently began his usual warm up exercises.
“That’s it?” Y/N asked smile dropped and brows furrowed as she attempted to follow Azriel’s lead when it came to the stretches, “what about fighting or swords or… anything more exciting than that?” Clearly expecting to have a much more interesting time in the area than Azriel had planned.
Exhaling, Axriel extended his arm and lightly shoved Y/N’s shoulder and with little force necessary she went flying to the ground with a shriek. “Balance is important” he spoke, unable to stop the small traces of a smile that had worked their way onto his face, finding some joy out of pushing Y/N to the floor.
Now it was Y/N’s turn to huff as she dragged herself up off the floor and dusted the dirt off her new clothes she had just bought for this occasion. “Alright boring stuff it is” she said, and Azriel had to try ignore the strange tug in his chest he felt when he saw the determined grin that flashed across her face, rubbing the area to try soothe the senstation.
It wasn’t until their session was four hours in that Azriel realised she was hopeless. Y/N had grown bored of basic stretches and balance and had insisted they move onto footwork even though Azriel insisted she wasn’t ready. “What are you even doing?” He exclaimed, not understanding how someone could trip over their own feet a total of six times in the last five minutes, “there’s newborn babies that move more gracefully than you do.”
His insults did nothing to put you off from trying again. And again. And again. If there’s one nice thing Azriel could say about you, it was that you were clearly made of strong stuff. It beat him how you could be failing this miserably at training while simultaneously receiving insults he spat at you and still have a smile on your face.
“I’m getting there,” she panted, getting back up from the floor for what felt like the millionth time, “I’ll be able to take you on soon enough.”
Azriel smirked at this, “I doubt you could even lay a finger on me if you tried.” An endearing twinkle appeared in Y/N’s eyes.
“I’ll have you know, Azriel, I take challenges given to me very, very seriously” Y/N said as she lifted her fists and widened her stance in preparation for a fight. Azriel, took a lazy step towards her, cocky smirk appearing on his face, “bring it sweetheart.”
Y/N dashed forward and surprise flashed across Azriel’s face, he hadn’t expected her to be so quick. Intimately, it didn’t make much of a difference though as Azriel’s own quick reactions and hundreds of years worth of more experience allowed him to step to the side, causing Y/N to go barreling past him before skidding to a halt and turning back to face him. “Oh come on” she wined.
“Just one hit” Azriel teased, holding up a finger. Gritting her teeth, Y/N balled her fists once more, ready to try again. Just like the time before she ran right at him, only this time instead of stepping aside, Azriel grabbed her wrist as her fist headed towards his chest and used his strength to flip Y/N over his shoulder, causing her to land on her back on the dirt floor. Amusement filled his eyes as he glanced down at her struggling to catch her breath.
Accepting defeat, an exaggerated groan left Y/N’s mouth as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, rubbing her head where it had collided with the ground. And yet, even after being tossed like a sack of flour over Azriel’s shoulder, that unwavering grin was still present.
“Next time,” Y/N wheezed out, winded from the fall, “Next time we’re doing something I find fun.”
All Azriel could do was release a small laugh as he held out a hand to help her up from the floor.
After another hour of ‘disgustingly horrific torture no sane human would choose to do for fun’ they had both decided to call it quits for the day, and as Azriel was walking out the arena, satisfied at the day of training, Y/N called out to him that she would see him real soon, to which he only replied with a playful scoff.
It wasn’t until Azriel arrived home that he realised he had gone a full day without even thinking of Elain and how infuriated he had been by the situation he was forced into. And as he made his way to the kitchen for some food, stomach rumbling after training, Azriel couldn’t help but let out a small smile to himself as he thought about Y/N. Maybe this sabbatical wouldn’t be as bad as he thought.
Part 3
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readychilledwine · 3 months
✨️ACOTAR Thighs✨️
Just Liz giving you her silly thoughts on what her favorite ACOTAR male's thighs look like 💕
Warning - yummy thighs and men ahead.
A/N - The race/skintone of the picked thigh picture does not indicate anything other than the body type I picture when thinking of these characters. Please keep that in mind.
Thanks to @sarawritestories , these are Rhysand's thighs. She thought she was just sending me another attractive professional wrestler, nope. She found Rhysand's thighs. And look! He even has knee pads 💕 extra support and protection for our damaged shadow daddy.
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You already know because I posted this already, but he is now Cassian, and those are most definitely Cassian's rideable thighs.
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Azriel had slutty thigh muscles, but not as ripped as Cassian or Rhys. He's more trimmed down to maintain speed and stealth mode.
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These are the thighs of legend that your mother told you to stay away from. 🥴🥴🥴
(Ps - I do not watch rugby that often, I picked on vibes alone. Please don't laugh at me)
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Chest so hard you can Crack a nut on it, and yummy thighs to match
(Plus the birkenstocks scream Tamtam)
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I still stand by this. All of it. Replace the blonde with ginger hair, make him a bit more tan, boom, Lucien's body.
@thelov3lybookworm will let me know if I'm close. He is her husband after all 💕
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Brock O'Hurn doesn't bless us with his legs very often, but when he does, it's delicious. That's how I imagine Eris's thighs are. A yummy surprise wrapped in fine fabrics
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It's only fitting to picture Tarquin with an Olympic swimmer's body
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Jurian (when he isn't busy being an eyeball) totally has thickem thighs. It's all the work he does as a general coming through.
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Kallias is slept on. He 100% has thighs and a dump truck to match. He'd have to in order to pull Viv. Think baseball guy legs 🫠
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Shadows and tears
So this is a series about Azriel and reader. English is not my first language so please excuse any mistakes. I hope you like it!
Summary: Reader is a tortured soul who barely escaped the brutality of the Illyrian camps finding shelter in the Day Court. Her identity was well hidden until she caught the attention of the Night Court’s Shadowsinger. Will the mating bond be enough for their love to settle in?
Warnings: angst, mentions of abuse and trauma
Prologue , Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5, Chapter 7 , Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Chapter 6
I need her
You landed in Helion’s court, and to your surprise Helion was waiting for you by the gates of his palace. Rhysand must have informed him. You thought and couldn’t stop the tears as your dear friend opened his arms waiting to embrace you in a loving warm hug, and he did just that as sobs left your mouth, your body shaking. He already knew what happened thanks to Rhysand again and you made a mental note to thank him when you see him again for saving you from a long heartbreaking conversation.
“Wanna go inside?” he asked you and you nodded in return.
He guided you in his office and you spent the rest of the evening drinking wine listening to him talk about what has happened in the day court while you were gone.
“Helion I’m so sorry…” your eyes watered again.
“Why sweetheart?” he asked.
“There were times that I thought about not coming back here, I had so much fun, I thought I could be a part of their family” you explained avoiding his gaze.
“Y/n that’s why I wanted to send you back, I knew that you belong to the night court, you can fit there, do way more things that you are meant to do… there…not here.” He said and continued “also I had a feeling that the shadowsinger is your mate…” he lowered his gaze, now he was the one who couldn’t look into your eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked.
“I didn’t want to get your hopes up about meeting your mate and then be wrong” he explained.
Letting a sigh, you leaned back into the couch and stared the ceiling. Million thoughts ran through your mind making you feel dizzy. “He will want to see you” Helion said interrupting the chaos in your head.
“No” the power in your voice surprised both of you, Helion only nodded not wanting to pressure you. “There’s nothing more for him to say, we spent so much time together, he was different with me… I thought this meant something but he ruined everything. The bond means nothing to me if it’s the only reason he wants to be with me.” You continued and the decision was pretty clear for you, you had felt a tug to the bond when you were flying here so he knew, you blocked him and continued your flight.
“Helion…. Can you break the bond?” you asked and Helion stared at you wide-eyed.
“y/n are you sure you want that?” he asked. “Yes I’m sure” you replied a determined look on your face. “If we do this then both of you will feel tremendous pain, I have to grasp the bond and rip it off you both, it will feel like I’m ripping a part of your soul, and the emptiness….the emptiness has caused faes to kill themselves” he explained with a pained look.
“I want to do this.” You repeated.
“Okay, go get some rest and we will discuss this again tomorrow” you tried to protest but he kept a finger up “IF you still want to do this tomorrow then okay…” he concluded.
You left his office and went back to your old room; it was still the same as you left it. With a sigh you fell on your bed and slept, you will need to be well-rested tomorrow.
Helion spent the night thinking, he wrote a quick letter explaining what you are planning to do and sent it to Rhysand praying to the cauldron that someone from the inner circle will be able to change your mind.
Rhysand was restless, he was pacing back and forth in the dining room, all eyes on him, only Azriel and Elain weren’t there. Azriel disappeared as soon as he felt the bond, blocking everyone from his mind and Elain left in tears as soon as Rhysand scolded her and threatened to ban her from his court if she went anywhere near Azriel again. Feyre surprised everyone when she agreed with Rhysand and Nesta kept her mouth shut knowing that Elain truly fucked up this time. They wouldn’t ban her of course but they had to make a point.
He kept pacing until a piece of paper fell in his hands, everyone stared at him in question. “Oh no” he said as soon as he finished the last line pulling his hair. “What is it?” Feyre asked leaving her chair to get the letter.
“She wants to break the bond?” she asked a sad expression on her face. A gasp startled them as Elain appeared from behind the door. “See what you did? Are you enjoying this?” Mor shouted and Amren placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
Rhysand tried with all of his powers to break through Azriel’s shields, scrapping to show him the severity of the situation.
What do you want? Azriel’s question rang through his mind.
You need to get back here right fucking now Az it’s urgent Rhysand replied slightly using his High Lord voice.
Azriel’s breath caught in his throat, did something happen to you? He rushed on his feet and let his shadows embrace him moving him to the house of the wind. He saw all of his friends, he could feel their anger, their worry but also sadness.
“What happened Rhys?” he was shaking, trying to keep a cool demeanour and a cold mask over his face.
“She wants to break the bond.” Rhys replied and stared at his shoes not wanting to see the look on his friend’s face.
“Can she do that?” Azriel’s voice was shaking and barely above a whisper.
“Helion can.” It was Feyre who replied wanting to save her mate from this awful conversation.
“I have to go there, maybe I can change her mind” Azriel stated waiting for the approval from his high lord, not that he wouldn’t go if Rhys denied him, but he hoped that maybe his friend would offer to accompany him in this hard trip.
“I will come with you” Mor said getting up. Azriel stared at her and she offered him a tight smile “I like to think that we became friends while she was here, maybe I can help you change her mind” she continued.
Azriel nodded and headed for the balcony but was stopped by Elain who ran to him falling on her knees and hugging his legs. “Don’t go…please, let her break the bond, I can ask Helion to do the same for me and then we can be together, nothing will stand between us” everyone stared in shock.
“Don’t you get it?” Azriel screamed so loud that Elain flinched and fell backwards crawling away from the shadowsinger, he was terrifying, his eyes wide his wings tense and widespread, his hands in tight fists and shadows frantic around him, his voice rough and cold… his siphons almost breaking from the power that trembled Velaris. “I fell for her and my stupid mind held me back, I thought it was meant to be three sisters for three brothers but I was wrong. I need her” he kept screaming his voice breaking at the end.
“I need her” he repeated.
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acotar-taylorsversion · 3 months
More Recent Thoughts and What Not
So, I've been thinking about Lucien a lot lately. I don't hate him, so don't come at me, but sometimes I just feel that there were a couple of reasons why Sarah made him Elain's mate. I'm an Elriel girly for life and nothing and no one but Sarah saying otherwise will convince me that they aren't endgame. That being said, I think that Sarah made him Elain's mate as 1) Elain and Az's "obstacle" and 2) a way for him to stay relevant so she could use him in the overall plot. I mean, think about it. Feysand and Nessian both had these "obstacles" that kept them from getting together right away and Elain's bond with Lucien is a big reason why Az hasn't pursued her or thought more about a future with Elain. Why would he get his hopes up if he doesn't know how Elain truly feels about Lucien? He said himself in the bonus chapter. Elain was more than willing to kiss and perhaps go further and Az said that they had never gone that far. AND HE NEVER ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT THEIR ALMOST KISS WAS A MISTAKE! HE FORCED HIMSELF TO SAY THAT BECAUSE RHYS WAS THERE AND WAS DEMANDING AZ TO STOP! Anyways, but yeah. And I know that Sarah orginally planned for Lucien and Nesta to get together but instead made Nesta end up with Cassian because of how perfect they were when she first wrote them in a scene together. But she needed a way for Lucien to be relevant to the plot, because let's be honest, I saw no place for Lucien after Feyre chose to stay in the night court. I actually forgot all about him until he showed and tried to take Feyre away. I think she always intended for Lucien to be involved with Vassa, but how would he have known about her if he didn't leave the Spring Court with Feyre because of Elain. Elain was the only reason he left with Feyre. Elain was the only reason Lucien didn't blow Feyre's cover the entire time she was back and I don't think that he would have been as close to her as he was if it weren't for the promise of offically meeting Elain. Even being Helion's son hasn't really done anything for the plot, yet. Do you guys see where I'm going with this? I don't know. LOL. The Eluciens might think I'm crazy!
And I want to say that Elain does not owe Lucien anything. Her silence is an answer in itself. I mean, she was about to kiss Az and do God knows what else with him in foyer of the river house while Lucien slept upstairs. She just doesn't care or doesn't care enough to consider him in moments like that. Clearly, time away from him does not affect her and he seems to be just fine away from her as well. Yes, he's being respectful by not pressuring her, but he can also take a hint. I don't think she'd be offended if he never got her a gift again until they both make the decision to accept the bond. And I don't see that happening. I just don't.
It's also suspicious how their bond was instantly recognized. Like feysand and nessian's bond took time to snap but Lucien instantly knew? And why can Az smell it and no one else can? Amren smelled feysand's but she's different and no body else could smell it until they accepted it. Elain and Lucien have not accepted it so what's going on there? Eluciens and gwynriels can call us crazy all they want to but we have legit questions. I still stand by my opinion about how Az acts more like Elain's mate than Lucien does.
Also, can I just say how much I hate all the hate the inner circle is getting on tik tok? Like, I'm sorry. I know we are all entitled to our own opinions but if you hate Feyre and Rhys so much that you create a 10 page slide show about how much they need to die and how horrible they are, then you don't deserve the series anymore. Why are you still reading it? Sarah has stated that Rhys is her favorite and feysand will always be the center of everything so they aren't going anywhere.
Same goes for all the Nesta and Cassian hate. Like wtf? NO. I will absolutely not put up with hate for either one of them for any reason. They are my favorite couple, like more than elriel and that's saying something. I waited years for their book and I am absolutely disgusted that people want her to break her bond and get with ERIS?! That is an insult to Cassian.
Let's see. What else? During my reread of Silver Flames, I realized that all the signs of Gwyn being a lightsinger or having some type of power are there from the moment we meet her. Both Nesta and Az and his shadows all react to her powers, which involve singing and music in some way. I noticed that she is always singing, too. I get the feeling that most of Gwyn's arc was not only proving to herself, but to everyone around her, that she's strong and capable. I think Az triggered something in her and she wanted to prove to him that she's not that girl that he saved anymore. You know? Also, when Nesta described her smile, it was said "Nesta couldn't explain the way she sensed that there was something else mixed into her. Some secret beneath that pretty face." This reminded me of the infamous quote of Az thinking of Gwyn's smile "a thing of secret, lovely beauty." Why are they associating secrets with Gwyn? I have so many questions and I need Sarah to explain ASAP. Like legit questions, someone explain it to me.
What do you guys think?
Now, I know that some gwynriels and eluciens might see this, and that's ok! I am open to discussions as long as they are civil, in the comment section or a message or an ask.
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sapchat · 8 months
Eris lineage
So I’m writing something right now and I’m rereading parts of ACOWAR to get the direct quotes and shit and I’m at the part where they visit Keir and Eris visits the Hewn City. What are the chances that Eris isn’t Berons son?
Feyre says he hunted her down like an animal and this is how Eris responds:
Eris’s pale face flushed. “I was given an order. And sent to do it with two of my … brothers.”
“And what of the brother you hunted down alongside me? The one whose lover you helped to execute before his eyes?”
He hesitates when he says brothers. We can infer that he doesn’t really care for them with how he acts but this also helps that statement. He seems to hesitate to call them his brothers which could be a way to distance himself from them and how cruel they are.
But we can also see he cares for Lucien more because Eris likely knows that he has no chance at the Autumn throne with being Helions son because he gets him out of the Autumn court
He even tells Feyre she knows nothing, emphasizing on the nothing too, about that day and then he tells her he’s the one that tipped Tamlin off about him being near the border.
Like I know it’s unlikely cuz Eris is very obviously next in line but we also know the succession can change with families by us know Mor’s family used to run the Night court and somewhere down the line Rhys’ family became the more powerful line.
But we also know that Lady Autumn has had an affair once, what’s to say that Helions the only one slept with. She obviously has the capability to weld fire based on Lucien (which bitch got lucky there damn) but that could also be why she wasn’t afraid at having Lucien. She knows that he’ll have fire abilities because it’s already happened once before with Eris. That’s why she had no real fear about sleeping with Helion.
Who’s to say she didn’t sleep with a sibling or cousin of Beron who could’ve become High Lord if Beron died without an heir. That could still make Eris powerful enough for line of succession to recognize him as next ruler.
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korkiekenobiconfirmed · 11 months
I'm on a roll with the s/j/m hatred tn so I'm going to compile a masterlist of all her shitty lgbt/poc representation and why it sucks booty cheeks. it should be noted that none of this is meant as shade on any of the characters themselves... I actually happen to like quite a lot of them
EDIT: there are some nice additions to this post in the notes you can check out
LGBT rep
Aedion (Bi/Pan)
Literally known as “Adarlan’s Whore” (a nickname that references both his allegiance to the king and his tendency to sleep around)
His only same-sex relationship is with a vaguely-mentioned unnamed lover from the past (it’s not even said straight-up that they’re a man, but I’m assuming they are bc they’re mentioned to be a commander of the Bane)
He’s shown being attracted to women and only women for two and a half books. He’s a womanizer retconned into the slutty bisexual stereotype
His liking men & women is compared to prostitution
It’s insinuated in koa that he slept with an ex while he and Lysandra were fighting (because the cheating bisexual trope is such a new & creative one!)
Helion (Bi/Pan)
He’s always trying to have 4somes with three of the main characters
Realistically he’s probably one of the most powerful/interesting High Lords but this gets sidelined in favor of him flirting with eVeRyOnE
All we really know about him is his name and the fact that he’s a bit of a manwhore… very 2-dimensional
He has an affair & a child with a married woman… just the Slutty/Cheating Bisexual Trope (Volume 2) :/
Mor (Lesbian? Possibly bi?)
She’s never shown in any real relationships (with men or women)
She had tragic off-screen relationship with a mortal queen a few hundred years ago
We get literally no hints that she’s gay throughout the series, she just randomly mentions she likes women at the end of book 3
She gets no happy relationship, she stays closeted to spare Az’s feelings (as though he’s not a grown ass man), she’s retconned into her sexuality most of the way through the series… just shitty shitty rep all around
Hasar (Lesbian)
She’s a villain, and a shitty one at that
Lesbian rep from a side character in one novella that half the fandom didn’t read? What’s even the point?
Thesan (Gay)
A very minor character & his unnamed “lover” who serve no narrative purpose whatsoever… thanks for nothing sarah
Emrys & Malachai (Presumably gay)
Oh look! More minor, background mlm that might as well not exist for all they do for the story :/
They are cute though, I’ll give them that
POC rep
First (and only) black main in ToG
She dies to fuel the white protag’s character arc… a very tired trope
She was actually a pretty well-written, likable character up until her brutal murder, which made it that much worse to hear about her organs strewn all over the room
Described as “plain” (particularly in contrast to the white women like Aelin & Lysandra)
We know she’s POC because of where she’s from, but the way her features are described suggest she could still be white
Dark hair, gold eyes, “tan” skin
She really just fawns over white-boy Dorian every 2 seconds before dying a violent death to fuel Dorian’s arc…
…Aaaand I’m sensing a pattern here
Much of her character (especially in QoS) is reduced to her beefing with Aelin (and thus being villanized by the narrative) because of jealousy over Chaol 
Simply described as having “tan” skin (again). I think sarah is allergic to calling people brown
She is also described as plain compared to white protagonist
She has a (presumably middle eastern) family that only wants her to stay home and be a baker/someone’s wife
Once again very racially ambiguous to the point where she could even be white, with “tan/golden” skin, golden hair, and golden eyes
She almost immediately ties her literal life force to a white man she hated like a month ago. Seriously, can WOC not fawn over a hunky white man for once?
She defeats erawan in the end — considering she’s been a character for such a short time, this just feels more like a deus ex machina the anything really set up by the plot
Not going to fully rehash what I said above but generally… he has great potential, but is basically not a character
He’s portrayed as very nice and reasonable, if young and naive, yet he literally only exists to get manipulated/robbed by the main characters
He seems like such a sweetheart. He deserved much better than Riceman and Feyrug doing him dirty like that
I’ve heard rumors of a High King/Queen F*ysand plotline in later books…if that happens, Tarquin will likely be bending the knee and forgiving the people who fucked him over just a short time ago
He’s described as very caring and loyal (yay!) which seems to always get him taken advantage of (damn!)
He’s portrayed (especially in ACOWAR) as someone we’re supposed to dislike when all his actions are perfectly reasonable
He’s literally retconned out of being white when it’s revealed Helion is his father instead of Beron. I’ve seen ppl get mad at “white-washed” fan art but it’s hard to expect much else when his original character description was straight red hair, amber eyes,  and “tan” skin (holy shit agAIN)
The people of the White Fangs from TOG
They’re described as having black hair, black eyes, and “tan” skin
They live isolated in the mountains (away from civilization) and are described as “savage” and warlike, always raiding villages in the mountains and stealing women away from their homes… 
Cain, who’s from these people, dabbles in dark magic/religion nobody else understands
This is feeling, intentional or not, like a horrible Native American caricature. Idk maybe that’s just me
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acourtofthought · 11 months
I can't believe this is even a thing going around the fandom but....
Let's stick to facts.
Rhys about Feyre:
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Cassian about Nesta:
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Lucien about Elain:
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If we're talking about ships, at this point in the series, "the most beautiful thing / female he'd ever seen" is reserved for mates.
This is what Az has to say about Elain:
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"How that beautiful face might appear."
There is ZERO evidence that Elain is "the most beautiful female he'd ever seen".
Elain is canonically the prettiest of the three sisters, according to Nesta and Feyre. Do you think Cassian and Rhys would agree? She is beautiful to many who have seen her however, she can't be "the most beautiful" to certain males. "The most beautiful" seems to be reserved for how a mate feels about the female he's with and to date, Az has never thought this phrase about any female which means there's a chance he doesn't think Elain is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. It's pretty powerful that Lucien thinks it the first time he ever really gets a look at Elain while Az doesn't think it over a year after knowing her.
Cassian remarks on Mor's beautiful face and how her smile took his breath away. He slept with her and lusted after her but now considers her family so unless you're seeing "the most beautiful" from a male, calling someone beautiful doesn't equal endgame.
Say for arguments sake, Elain is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen (though there's no proof of this) and that's all that matters, then why was he staring at Mor with heat and yearning at Solstice while Elain was in the same room?
Obviously "the most beautiful" doesn't mean all that much if it's not enough to distract Az from Mor while celebrating with both females.
When Cassian said this of Moriel, "Knew Azriel had been in love with Mor from the moment she’d strutted into the Illyrian war-camp fve centuries ago" does the scene at Solstice read as if Elain is coming out on top in the looks department for Az?
But facts are, Az hasn't thought this of any female yet. And anyone trying to claim that just because Elain is considered beautiful by many, Az has to find her the most beautiful female and that's why he can't end up with someone else is a pretty disturbing take.
Helion has seen Elain, he's not trying to bang her (though he did flirt with Nesta). Tamlin and Eris have seen Elain, they're not trying to steal her from Lucien. Despite Elain's renowned beauty, Graysen ended their engagement. Elain can be beautiful and someone can also be attracted to her but that is still not evidence that she's "the most beautiful female" everyone has ever seen.
I'm not going to lie and pretend like beauty in an SJM book isn't a big deal because she loves making multiple characters extremely attractive. Feyre notes Elain's beauty however she also said this of Mor:
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Nesta remarks on Elain's beauty but says this of Merrill and Gwyn:
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So while it's a thing SJM likes to have characters comment on, it's not really all that special when so many are beautiful. And, it's not Feyre or Nesta's opinion of beauty that matters so much as what the male thinks of the female.
So far, Az's thoughts of Elain's beauty are no more special than that which everyone thinks of Elain, except for Lucien. He once found the love of his life the most beautiful female he'd ever seen until he met Elain.
Trying to claim Az can't end up with Gwyn because she's not "the most beautiful female he'd ever seen" is a problematic argument in the first place but if that's the route someone is going than it only makes them look foolish because he has never thought that of Elain after supposedly falling in love with her. If that's the argument someone wants to use then it's not a point in their favor when two out of three mates who have said this ended up with their mates (with the third still being a possibility). If that's the argument someone wants to use then that means Gwyn could still be the first and only female he ever thinks those words about.
There are many beautiful females in the ACOTAR world and there's a chance that Az has never considered someone "the most beautiful". It's possible that for someone like Az, the thing that will make them the most beautiful is not based on physical appearance alone, but how they make him feel inside. I don't know, like maybe someone who sparks something in his chest 🤷
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artemisia-black · 7 months
DVD commentary of Gingercake.
“Did he not break into the Hogwarts dormitories armed with a knife?” Serena replied, arching her immaculate brow.
He suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at Sirius’s lack of planning while also feeling grateful that he hadn’t succeeded in his murder plot.
“Yes, he did,” he admitted, “but I am an Auror, not an underage wizard, so I doubt he’d risk it.”
He bit his tongue once more while knowing full well that if Harry were ever in danger, Sirius would indeed risk tangling with Aurors.
“And you are up to date with your combat training?”
“Sorry if I have no faith in the administrative processes of a Ministry helmed by Fudge.”
The crack of the fire and the lashing of rain against the floor-to-ceiling windows, which covered one side of his mother’s study, filled the few minutes of silence. Both mother and son took contemplative sips of tea while Kingsley's gaze trailed over his mother’s bookshelf, whose mahogany shelves were crammed with books on magical law (many of which she had written herself) and the handicrafts she always brought back from trips to West Africa.
“He was always a helion, but I never-” she paused, frowning while folding her arms and drumming her blue-tipped fingers against her bicep.
And before he could prompt her, she continued.
“I remember Arcturus Black cornering your father at the Shafiq’s New Year’s ball to try and set up a marriage contract between his grandson and your sister.”
“I think I can guess what you said,” he added.
“Your father said thank you, but no thank you,” Serena said with a wry smile.
“The boy had an awful behavioural reputation and a reputation for pushing back against his family. We predicted that he would leave before any marriage contract was signed or be so trapped by it that he’d have made your sister’s life miserable.
“I’ll run and grab the tarot cards because you clearly have a gift for seeing,” Kingsley said, enjoying the sound of his mother’s hoot of laughter.”
I just wanted to say I love all of your writing but my favorite is ofc Blackbolt.
I love your take on Kingsley’s background and his relationship with his mom (I also HC him as West African with Creole descent). As a black woman, it’s nice to see POC being shipped with major characters within the HP fandom.
Thank you ☺️
Kingsley is slept on by fandom. IMO he is one of the most attractive and interesting adult male characters in the series. And while I multiship Sirius, I only buy into a pairing when the partner has alot going for them and can hold boundaries with Sirius and Kingsley works so well. He’s clever with a sense of humour. Brave, well dressed, ambitious, successful etc.
But on the whole characters of colour just don’t get the attention in fandom and it’s a massive shame.
I love Serena, and I may write her more. i just picture this queen and intellectual powerhouse who raised Kingsley to be ambitious yet moral- I wanted her to almost be a foil to Walburga. And in my HC, Sirius adores her (in an AU where he lives). I also wanted to show her questioning Sirius’s guilt as a mirror to how Kingsley is covering for Sirius.
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nikethestatue · 7 months
Both Lucien and Helion have participated in orgies. The latter has also slept with her current crush’s ex crush. Do you think this is too messy for Elain?
Not really--these people are hundreds of years old, it's to be expected that they've had varied sexual experiences.
The Helion/Mor/Azriel thing is messy, but doesn't really impact Elain. Azriel and Mor never had a relationship, so it's a moot point. I think it's a bit weirder that Elain's mate's father (this is beginning to sound like the Jerry Springer Show!) has been begging to have sex with Azriel. And both of Elain's brothers-in-law.
But hey, her mate might be living in a throuple, so there is that.
I think generally, SJM doesn't make sexual backgrounds/preferences/experiences 'sinful'--aka, she doesn't judge characters on their sexual history and it doesn't drive her storylines. Look at Bryce or Nesta--yeah, they've banged a lot of dudes, but that's just part of their history. It's not a thing that affects their relationships.
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
Reeling from the realization that Mor was engaged to Eris (and now despises him) and has slept with Helion. She and Lucien probably have the most awkward interactions once she finds out who his dad is.
Plus the guy who was in love with Mor for 500 years is now obsessed with/in love/in lust with Lucien’s mate.
Lucien finds out about the foursome Helion wants to have with Mor, Azriel, and Cass.
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im new to the acotar fandom but my goodness my heart just melts for gwynriel ❤️ ive been reading some posts on gwynriel/elriel and heres a couple of observations:
1. az for sure lusted over elain, but i dont think he has real feelings for her. or if he thinks he does, its not genuine. it felt like he sort of force himself or lied to himself to have those feelings bc of the fact that az mentioned the 3 brothers and 3 sisters pairing to rhys when he told az off for kissing elain.
2. if sjm straight up said that lucien and elain are mates, that means someone is az’s mate. she may or may not be introduced in the book yet (hoping its gwyn). we all know how much az longs for a mate. once his mating bond snaps to whoever it is, do we really think he would reject or abandon his mate? for elain? this is a guy whos practically desperate for a mate. i dont think he would just choose elain over her bc he lusted over elain for a little while.
Sorry I have left this in my ask box for a million years!!!
yay! I am glad that you love gwynriel too <3 they are such a unique couple and encompass a lot of traits from my favorite SJM couples to create their own dynamic and I cannot wait to see it play out in canon <3
Azriel is a tragic and extremely damaged character. He was denied the love of his mother as a child, and was treated like trash by his family. He never knew love and comfort in his formative years, and all these years later he has never had a healthy attachment to a female. He developed a savior complex at a young age. What people don't realize is that as a coping mechanism for this lack of healthy attachments as a child, he has only ever fallen for women who are emotionally unavailable and he subconsciously knows will never love him back. He fell for Mor because she was miserable in her life and was everything that he couldn't be: warm, bright, and capable of love. He saved her in a way that he couldn't save his mother and took those attachment issues and latched them on to Mor. I think Az knows that she is bi, but subconsciously tortured himself with the idea of this unrequited love because if he lets go of it, he has to finally come to terms with his childhood trauma.
Mor shows time and time again that she can take care of herself, and when she slept with Helion I think that it snapped something in Az that was just a drop of water in the waterfall of his emotional turmoil. Instead of dealing with his trauma and emotions, he finds his next target to transfer his attachment and self loathing issues to and that is Elain. Azriel holds the mating bond in high regards- to the point that he is so worked up about Elain's that he thinks the Cauldron might be wrong. Because he believes that the only way for another female to return his love is for them to be bound to him (which is incredibly unhealthy). However, the scent of the mating bond between Elain and Lucien bothers him so much because he KNOWS that Elain could never be his the way he wants a female to be- but it is easier to keep in the same 500+ year torture pattern than to break the mold. Being with Elain would only further his emotional attachment issues because Elain will always be attached to Lucien in some way- even if she breaks the bond. She will never be fully his like he so desperately craves.
We all know by now that SJM is a fated mates writer and is someone is mated to another, she takes the time to craft the couple's personalities to fit with each other without being the same. Lucien is one of her favorite characters- for him not to end up with his mate that she has spent years talking about them as a couple together and how they will heal is shortsighted on a lot of the anti-elucien stans.
This is the beauty of Gwynriel. Az saved gwyn, but did not form a romantic attachment to her. Then, unlike with any other female, he trains her in a group and privately. Az respects Gwyn as a person first, not as an unattainable love. He trusts her to get herself out of situations (look at the blood rite) and pushes her to do more. His shadows, which are a physical manifestation of his inner darkness and his soul, dance and play and are intrigued by Gwyn in a way they have never been with anyone else. Gwyn and Az will be the ACOTAR friends to lovers couple. They will build a foundation of friendship that blurs into being in love with each other. For Az to truly get over his trauma, he and gwyn need to choose each other for who they are without a bond, and then a bond can snap later. He needs to have someone love him without any strings attached.
(Feysand is enemies to lovers, Nessian is grumpy x sunshine, Gwynriel is friends to loves, Elucien is reluctant soulmates and second chance romance, and Emorie is chosen soulmates).
In the bonus chapter, SJM clearly puts the nail in the coffin for E/riel with her use of negative prose and Rhys (who in her mind can do no wrong) warning Azriel off of Elain. Then SJM shows us the interaction with gwyn and has positive prose and connotations noted in their interactions, that he feels at peace and something settles within him. She basically just threw in a million different phrases that she used previously for mated couples to tell us "LOOK HERE. LOOK AT THIS." And then she said in an interview that it would be obvious who the next book was about? I am sold its an Azriel book. I don't think elain has hit her rock bottom yet. In ACOMAF, Feyre hits her rock bottom, in ACOSF, Nesta is at hers, in HOF Celeana is at hers, and at the end of ACOSF Azriel is at his. If she set up the next book to truly be Elain's then she would have added elain into ACOSF and made her a more prominent character. Instead, the next two who have the most page time other than Nesta and Cassian are Azriel and Gwyn. Which mirrors what she did for Nessian in ACOWAR. Every pattern says that the next book is the gwynriel book.
Sorry that this kinda turned into a rant lol
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abruisedmuse · 7 months
One thing that makes me laugh is when people have said that in Azriel’s bonus chapter, the part with Elain, made them uncomfortable, e/riel’s will say we can’t handle kink or what should we expect of a 500 year old man. Azriel’s bonus chapter wasn’t even kinky. Silver Flames wasn’t kinky either. If anything, Manon & Dorian’s sex scenes in Empire of Storms and Kingdom of Ash were more kinky than Silver Flames and that bonus chapter. What made people uncomfortable was the lack of depth and romance. Azriel’s self shame and how he kept talking about Elain felt like some purity kind of thing, if that makes sense, was weird. (I don’t know how to explain it in words but it makes sense in my head). Azriel is supposedly in love with Elain, but if you take away the sexual attraction/lust we got nothing. Nothing about if he had actual romantic feelings for Elain, about her as a person, what he knows about her other than she likes to bake and garden and she’s beautiful.
E/riel’s say they’re close friends and have a deep connection, but we didn’t get anything about that. Not if they had deep/meaningful conversations or spent a lot of time together. It’s in literal text that it had never gone anywhere beyond glances and brushes of their fingers. If Elain was trying to be a spy (like e/riel’s love to claim) we would have also gotten something about that. And the necklace was a generic gift. It was superficial. If it wasn’t, he wouldn’t have given it away. The necklace wasn’t anything deep.
“Azriel and Elain want each other,” all I got was Azriel wanted her out of lust and jealousy and we don’t know if Elain wanted him out of lust/as a rebound for Graysen or if she actually has romantic feelings for him. We didn’t get her pov so we don’t know. Azriel didn’t stand up to Rhys or say that he’s starting to develop romantic attraction to her. If he told Rhys that (or alluded to having genuine feelings), I’m sure his brother would’ve been more understanding. There were some people who actually shipped e/riel, but after reading the bonus chapter got completely turned off from it. I think that’s saying something. Sorry for the long ask and rant.
putting my response under the keep reading cause it's long
I agree with your points. Yeah acosf, it wasn't kinky i don't believe it was ever intended to be it's just more adult and more sexually forward then the rest of acotar. There's dirty talk but that's not really kinky. Manon and Dorian's scenes in EOS/KOA you know they were up to kinky shit cause the text leads into it. Yeah it's not going to be as detailed as acosf because the entirety of tog is young adult. If it was adult we'd all need cold showers after every Manorian sex scene lmao.
Azriel was never in love with Elain. Never. It's never stated that he even has a slight romantic thought towards her. He literally just wants to fuck her thats it. End of story. Rhys even asks him this in Az's bonus chapter and Azriel hadn't thought beyond that night nor the political implications or anything. He just wants sex. Mind blowing concept but romance and sex are not mutually exclusive. You can fuck someone without being in love or without any romantic feelings whatsoever. Nesta slept with many Illyrians didn't mean she was in love with them. Helion has like nightly orgies doesn't mean he wants to date them. Sex is sex. It's not that deep.
From the context of EVERY acotar book, it seems to be that Az and Elain are just acquaintances, they're not that close. He, like the rest of the IC see the surface of Elain and nothing more. I hate that necklace for so many reasons let me tell you nonnie. First, the meaning behind a frozen flower. It's stuck in time just like that. Never growing, never learning. Which is literally what Elain is doing. Him giving her that necklace says to me that he's okay with her being like this. Never growing and finding herself the way Feyre did and Nesta was in the process of. I also hate it cause of the regifting. Sir, my guy, why are we doing this? You're suppose to be the male who doesn't need to resort to poetry and shit yet you're regifting a necklace? okay.
Azriel doesn't stand up to Rhys because he knows he's right. Risking so much, wanting to kill Lucien and leave Elain feeling like a part of her is missing til the end of her days. And for what? to get his dick wet? His view point when it comes to Elain is selfish. Regardless of how she feels towards him. Like you pointed out we have zero clues if Elain just wants sex or if she's crushing and possibly wanting a romance. If it was the later I feel so bad for her she deserves better than some male who doesn't want the same.
If Elain and Azriel were to be romantic in the books everything would be different. His bonus chapter he would've said something about his feelings, their friendship and flirting would be on page for the reader to see this. But it's not. Sorry not sorry. E/riel is a fanon ship and it will always be a fanon ship. That's not a bad thing. There's a lot of amazing fanon ships out there. For some reason alot of, not all, but aloot of E/riels seem to think their ship being fanon is a bad thing.
It's wild because no one is telling them they can't ship it. Just that it's not a canon endgame. Before acosf and the infamous Az chapter I thought, in a fanon sense, the pairing would be cute. I never thought they'd be canon. Not once. But since that bonus chapter it just gave me the ick so bad that I had to leave the ship behind.
Don't apologize for the rant! Please rant away!
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Prompt 10: Please stop talking about how to want to bang my dad
I picture Cassian teasing Lucien about Helion once it's all out in the open
10- Please stop talking about how much you want to bang my dad or the IC gives Lucien a hard time about having slept with his dad because they like to make fun of him
“Everyone sit the fuck down,” Lucien ordered, surveying the table before him. Rhysand raise an eyebrow, but plopped into his seat with ease. He grabbed Feyre about her waist, hauling her into his lap, eyes expectant. It was solstice and Lucien had had enough. He took a breath, pressing his palms flat on the wood table. Elain patted the back of his hand.
“We need to have a conversation about my dad,” he began, earning more than a few blushing giggles from Nesta and Gwyn. They were silenced by a sharp glance, smothering whatever it was they were thinking.
“Isn’t that what we were just doing?” Cassian interrupted, one arm flung over the back of Nestas chair. “Talking about how hot your dad is?”
Lucien wanted to die. “Just…how many people have actually slept with Helion—cauldron boil me put your hands down!”
Nearly every hand at the table went up. Gwyn leaned forward, ignoring the flushed cheeks of Azriel beside her. “What if we want to, but haven’t gotten the chance. Does that count?”
Nesta nodded fervently, looking at Lucien with expectant eyes. Even his own mate, Elain, looked down at her lap, cheeks the same shade as Mor’s red dress. 
Lucien rubbed his eyes. “So either everyone has slept with Helion or wants to sleep with him? Is that what I’m understanding?”
Cassian was grinning, but it was Rhysand who said, “Helion is an excellent—”
“Do not finish that sentence!” Lucien demanded, looking at Feyre.
“Don’t judge me, Lucien. I know what you were doing during your time at Spring Court,” Feyre shot back smoothly.
Elain looked from her sister to Lucien.
“What was he doing?”
“Not another word,” Luicen warned, rapidly losing control of the situation. 
Feyre mouthed I’ll tell you later, which did not make Lucien feel good. Taking a steadying breath, he forced himself to look at the group.
“Okay. I see now it’s my fault for asking—”
“Glad to see you take responsibility for your mistakes, Vanserra,”
Cassian agreed. “Now that we all know, maybe we should compare–”
“I think it’s unfair that some people have been hoarding Helion’s scarce visits,” Nesta interrupted. “When he’s offered to more than just the High Lord—”
“As High Lord, I have the right of first refusal,” Rhysand interrupted silky. “And personally, he likes me better—”
“Are you so sure about that? Because I heard he couldn’t stand smug, self-satisfied—”
“ANYWAY,” Lucien interrupted when Elain touched his hand again.
“Maybe we could just…pretend you don’t want to have sex with my dad when I’m in the room? Alright? Especially since he’s with my mother?”
“Your mom is hot, too,” Cassian informed him while Nesta nodded beside him. 
“Great,” Lucien said dryly. “Do we agree?”
Everyone shook their heads no. Lucien was certain they’d done it just to annoy him. In fact, he was starting to think their interest in his dad was only heightened because they liked to make fun of him, and they knew he was uncomfortable.
“I don’t want to sleep with your parents,” Elain told him sweetly, patting his hand.
“I can read your thoughts, Elain—”
Lucien turned for the liquor cabinet. It was going to be a long night. 
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azrielsbxtch · 2 years
Feysand Fic:Two weeks later…
The curtains swayed slightly as a gentle breeze flew into Rhysand and Feyre’s room. He’d left the windows open at her request right before she fell asleep on her sketch pad. Even while on strict bedrest she refused to stay away from painting. Today he and Nyx were her subjects. He held their baby as she sketched smiling softly to herself. Until she fell asleep still drowsy from the drugs Madja had administered.
It’d been two weeks since she’d almost died. Since Rhys had almost lost her and their son. No matter how long he lived Rhys would never forget the complete and desolate despair he’d felt in those moments. The horrible feeling of helplessness. How even being the most powerful high lord in history could not help him save his wife and son.
If it wasn’t for Nesta….His heart clenched painfully as he thought about what might have happened. He would never stop being grateful for Nesta. Ever.
“Stop frowning. You’ll get wrinkles and then I would have to trade you in for a younger model”
Rhys looked up to see Feyre awake.
“Why are you sitting over there?” she asked.
Because he couldn’t get comfortable. No matter how hard he tried. His instincts,his powers were always on alert. Always watching. He hadn’t slept for two weeks but Feyre didn’t know that. He carefully kept that part of his mind locked away. She would worry and that was the last thing she needed. No. He would stay awake and watch over their family.
Rhys felt like at any moment she would slip away. Nyx would slip away. And there would be nothing he could do about it.
“Yes Darling?”
“Come to bed.”
“Let me get Nyx first”
After Feyre had fallen asleep,Mor had come to get the baby to lay him down for a nap. Even though the River House was impenetrable considering Rhys had warded it like a fortress,he still couldn’t breathe properly until both Feyre and his son were in front of him.
He knew Nyx was in the nursery. Their minds were already connected. He could see Nyx’s dreams and random thoughts. Their son was a deamati too. And right now,Rhys could see Nyx looking up at Mor as she giggled and played with him.
“Nyx is fine. Mor is with him. He’ll fall asleep in no time”
“Come to bed Rhys” she said leaving no room for argument.
He stoop up from the chair and went to her. She wrapped her arms around him and placed his head on her chest lightly stroking his hair. He entertwined their legs together under the blankets.
I know you haven’t been sleeping ‘ she said into his mind.
I sleep. When you’re asleep.’
Don’t lie to me’
He sighed and looked up at her with those violet eyes. Feyre could literally see stars in them.
“I’m sorry” he said quietly.
He nuzzled deeper into her as she continued stroking his hair. Her strokes turned slower,more gentle..
“I know what you’re doing” he mumbled as his eyes started feeling heavy.
Ten minutes later he was asleep. Feyre kissed his head and held him tighter.
A soft knock woke him up.
The bed was empty.
Where was Feyre? Nyx?
“Feyre?” he called out.
“I’m here” she said poking her head out of their closet.
He mentally checked in with Nyx who was dreaming of…a river filled with milk? He must be hungry. Rhys smiled and shared the image with Feyre who laughed out loud.
“I’ll tell Mor to bring him back”
The knock sounded on the door again. Rhys stood up to open it and a sentry stood outside.
She bowed her head and said “I’m sorry to disturb my Lord. The High Lord of Day has arrived”
“Thank you Lia. I’ll be right there”
He closed the door and turned to Feyre. She was wearing one his sweaters as she climbed back into bed. He should’ve have brought comfortable clothes closer to her so she wouldn’t need to stand up.
“I can get my own clothes Rhys. Stop treating me like an invalid” she said shaking her head at him.
He was about to reply when Mor barged in holding Nyx.
“Helion is here” Mor announced. “And this little angel is about put his lungs to good use unless you feed him”
Feyre reached out to collect him and Mor placed him gently in her hands. She sat by her as she fed him stroking Feyre’s hair lovingly. Feyre looked up to see Rhys still standing…watching them.
“Helion is waiting” she said gently.
He nodded. Then walked over to kiss her and Nyx before turning to leave.
He found his friend in the private library with Azriel,Cassian,Nesta and Gwyn? She never came to the River House. He knew because Nesta and Azriel had invited her many times but she always declined.
“And how old is he?” she was saying to Helion.
“Thousand of years old”
“Oh my goodness” she said in awe. Azriel stood behind her shaking his head.
Cassian noticed Rhys standing by the door and walked over to him.
“How’s Feyre”
“She’s…getting better”
Cassian nodded.
“What’s going on here?“ Rhys asked.
Cassian chuckled before saying “Az finally got Gwyn to agree to come here when he told her Helion was arriving with his Pegasus.”
That made sense. Gwyn had an almost obsessive fascination with the magical creatures. He was sure Helion was happy to meet someone who cared about the creatures as much as he did.
“Maellan is by the River. You can see him if you wish”
“I’ll take you” Az said gently taking her hand.
“Thank you so much” she said to Helion.
She turned and was startled to see Rhys at the door. Gwyn bowed and Rhys said “Hello Gywn”
“Hello. Congratulations on the birth of your son. I hope he and the High Lady are doing well”
“They are. Thank you” he said smiling warmly.
She blushed before Azriel dragged her away throwing a warning glance at Rhys. Rhys heard something like
“he needs to keep those smiles to himself” in Azriel’s mind as the shadowsinger walked away.
Helion went to Rhys and hugged him. “Congratulations my friend. I’m so happy for you”
“Thank you Helion”
“How is Feyre and the babe?”
“They’re doing well.”
Helion observed him closely. “You don’t like to leave them”
“Not if I can help it”
Helion nodded. They turned to walk out of the library and headed to the gardens to talk further.
After Helion left,Rhys went back to his room and found Cassian and Nesta with Feyre and Nyx who was in Nesta’s arms. The baby kept staring at Nesta and giggling. Nesta was cooing to him in a baby voice. Cassian stood next to her watching them.
He climbed into bed with Feyre and threw an arm around her shoulder.
“Everything alright?” she asked
He nodded then said,“Helion informed me that Kallias,Thesan and Tarquin would all love to formally meet the baby. They asked Helion to meet with me and inquire if that was feasible”
“Is it going to be a ceremony of some sort?” Feyre asked
“No” Rhys replied gently. “I think our friends want to meet our son”
“Oh…Alright then”
“Are you sure? If you’re not feeling up to it-“
“I’m fine Rhys. I promise”
Rhys nodded and bent down to lightly kiss her.
Cassian covered Nyx’s eyes “Honestly Rhys there is a baby in here”
Rhys flipped him off.
Nesta gently placed Nyx in his cradle before dragging Cassian out to give the new parents some privacy.
Some minutes later,Nyx fell asleep and an image flashed into Rhys and Feyre’s mind as their son started dreaming. Tears sprung into Rhysand’s eyes as he saw what Nyx was dreaming about.
A swirling cosmos of stars and light. And right in it’s center…his face and Feyre’s shone brightly with love.
The center of their son’s universe.
Just as he was theirs.
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What is your opinion on morrigan and azriel? We all know that azriel has always liked morrigan and she knows it and never put a stop to it to get him out of his misery. I adore her, she's one of my favorites, but she has no emotional responsibility and is arrogant at times. Like when rhysand came back from over the mountain, she didn't even wait for him to explain, just it was rude. And when she slept with Helion, she did that to affect Azriel (it is written). She could be a better friend 😞
oh boy. yeah, morrigan is very selfish, i will say that. but i don’t think she means to be. i geuss it’s just kind of something she does without any fore thought to it, like a second nature. i understand why she jumped down rhys’ throat, because she was upset. so i’m not mad about that at all.
but what she did to az was just straight up cruel for no reason.
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