#has student surpassed his teacher or not etc etc
pollsnatural · 4 months
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milkpup · 4 months
✧ ns/fw alphabet: choso ✧
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›› choso x 18+f!reader
‹𝟹 tags: switch!choso, switch!reader, choso is a perv tbh
‹𝟹 notes: thought i'd make a lil smthn smthn while it's still valentine's day <3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
›› still sticky from the mess both of you made, choso prefers to cuddle you for a long time, skin to skin. he likes to feel your warmth when he spoons you (although he does like to be little spoon sometimes too!)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
›› he likes his hands the most. he definitely knows how to maneuver his fingers with precise motions. he knows what he's doing
›› he thinks it'd be cruel to pick just one part of your body that is his favorite, when everything about you is his favorite. so he would say all. but if you kept bugging him about it, he'd confess it's ur thighs. he definitely likes laying his head in ur lap and taking naps, or just squishing them <33
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
›› he thinks cum swapping is hot tbh. sometimes he tells you to not swallow all of it so he can kiss you after. (bonus: just likes fluids like cum + spit teehee). also loves cumming inside you
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
›› he has stolen your used panties before and used them. multiple times. in multiple ways. you thought the washing machine just magically ate them, but no, choso is a little pervert
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
›› although he's always been a lil freaky, he doesn't actually have much experience outside of your relationship. you kind of woke something in him tho. at first you had to teach him, but they always say the student surpasses the teacher :3
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
›› mating press.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
›› he can be both. sometimes you can see the super concentrated look on his face, but usually he's really laid back and in tune with yours and his emotions / feelings. if something funny happens (like a queef) he will laugh. but so do you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
›› he does what you like tbh. (this is not a cop out answer he just thinks since ur the one down there that u should tell him what to do)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
›› he's so fkn cute fr. he loves holding your hand in whatever position you're in, intertwining his fingers with yours. he definitely whimpers and says "i love you" like a million times in a session
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
›› aside from the used panties stuff, he tries to limit the solo stuff. he'd rather save his loads for you than waste it in his hands. but on the off chance he does feel the urge, he's either using something of yours or watching the many videos you two made together
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
›› mommy kink frfr. he loves calling you mommy. and although he is a switch and does like to dom, nothing beats being taken care of by his mommy <3
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
›› literally anywhere. he will do it anywhere he doesn't even care. choso thinks semi public stuff is fun, like the forest or beach.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
›› anything to do with you. looking at you, hearing your voice, smelling you, thinking about you, literally anything.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
›› he couldn't do any pain towards you or even that much from you. choso would be fine w/ a light slap or spank, but nothing too rough ><
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
›› absolutely loves eating you out. he is a certified munch every day of the week. he could do only that and still feel satisfied. (he definitely jerks himself during that or dry humps the bed)
›› he loves you throat fucking him, but not as much as your cunt. he'd rather use that
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
›› both :3 starts out pretty slow and rhythmic but as he feels himself approach his orgasm he starts erratically and frantically fucking into you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
›› it's alright, but he prefers longer sessions and would rather wait until you have a few hours alone
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
›› he will try anything you suggest to him. anything you are curious about he's instantly the #1 fan of
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
›› multiple rounds, an hour at least. he likes to switch up positions and take breaks with foreplay and toys to extend the fun time tbh
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
›› loves being leashed and collared by you. but also the same to him. he uses whatever you want, vibrators, dildos, plugs, etc on you. he sees it as a great way to have more fun
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
›› he prefers being teased more. he likes you bullying him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
›› this man WHIMPERS a lot. such a slutty yet angelic sound tho tbh. he's loud, vocal, and likes to talk
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
›› too scared to ask you to wear thigh highs and let him thigh fuck you but he drools thinking abt it
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
›› 5 in soft, 7.5 in hard. cut, slightly curved, pale base like #FFF1E4, gradient towards the tip which is much redder like #FFD3CA, fluid #FEFEFE, slightly salty
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
›› as much as he can do it. he's a horndog fr. multiple times a day at least. but he always respects when you tell him no ^_^
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
›› near instantly. the post-sex cuddling almost always ends with him snoring within minutes :3
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(・ω・)つ divider creds to @/cafekitsune and @/eloquentreverie
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abybweisse · 7 months
Ch206 (p4), My family would never
After Theo asks what the teachers think of their honed aptitudes, Doll finds it funny...
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...and says they are imitations that can never surpass the real thing/originals. She's aiming for Mabel, and we see reactions from Finny, Oliver, Susan -- I officially hate her now -- and Snake. Snake looks like he might rush to Mabel's aide.
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As he moves to help Mabel, Snake is thinking about his circus family, and how he can't believe they would really kidnap kids and harm them (or put them in harm's way).
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I've rearranged these next two panels, just so you can see them in the original layout. Doll strikes out with the broken glass, but instead of hitting Mabel, the blow lands on the left side of Snake's neck.
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This gash must be very deep, because it's spurting blood out, not just oozing. Also, blood quickly starts to spill out of his mouth, suggesting not only has the carotid probably been cut, but so has his windpipe and/or esophagus. He still seems to be in disbelief that she would lash out against a child like that, but he can barely get the words out.
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When Doll realizes what she's done, she freaks out in a panic, because he's the one person there she would never wish to harm.
But would she do anything necessary to try to save him? Is there anyone there who has the skills to help him at all? If the top students and Finny could band together and combine their knowledge and skills to help him, would Doll agree to a truce to let them? Would she force Susan and other staff to stand down and stay out of the way... or even help? Too many questions here... and I think it'll be too late for Snake by the time anyone can figure out what to do.
We haven't seen a reaper in this assignment, that we know of. But this doesn't mean Snake will live. There could have been one there the whole time, but they stayed in hiding, unlike Ronald at the sanatorium, etc. Sometimes the reaper organization gets alerts of unexpected deaths, too... when they happen, right? It would be nice to get a shinigami pass, but I can't expect it to happen for him.
Since I'm now expecting Snake to die from this wound, we might get some backstory for him, either as memories before he dies, or as cinematic records when a reaper shows up. Since we know how he joined the Phantomhive household, we might just get earlier memories, like more details from before/when he joined the circus.
Take note that not once this chapter has Snake spoken for his snakes; it's all been for himself. I should think that his flashbacks or memories would be speaking for himself, or perhaps for himself and the snakes.
Poor Snake. 😞 😢
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xx-juju · 4 months
the anti-climatic end of Gojo's character arc
(manga spoilers!!!)
(what I say here is unrelated to the fact that I am a major Gojo death denier lmao, i’m saying this considering story and character arc)
It was very obvious to me that Gojo would lose the fight with Sukuna. if he won, it would make no sense for the story and the actual protagonist. Everyone kept saying how 'if Gojo was here, there would be no problem' and how Gojo would win, etc.
But I think Gojo dying would be a waste of a character and an anti-climatic way to end his story. While he may not be a protagonist of JJK, there is still a lot about Gojo’s character and his story in the manga, so ending it like that, cut in half in a fight with Sukuna, is just boring to me.
It would have been much more interesting for his character and his growth if he somehow got brought back (Shoko, I’m counting on you), but lost his power. 
Gojo was born with powers of a god and he knew it from the beginning. The balance of the world has been changed when he was born, and all that stuff that suggests he was born to be the strongest.
It’s been hinted a few times how much this strength isolated him from others. He considers Geto his ‘one and only friend ever’, because Gojo recognized Geto as someone equally powerful. Also, at the same time, Geto recognized him as his best friend and not only ‘the strongest’.
There’s also the fact that he became a teacher to create a generation of jujutsu sorcerers who could not only be on his level, but also surpass him, and in that way he wouldn’t feel so lonely anymore.
But if that was all, Gojo surviving and losing powers wouldn’t be a challenge at all.
Besides the loneliness he experiences due to his immense power, loneliness that bothers him, Gojo is also obsessed with the feeling of being the strongest. You can see in it the Hidden Inventory arc, in his second fight against Toji Fushiguro. On the brink of death, he taught himself the Reversed Cursed Technique and survived. In the same scene he mentions how he doesn’t feel mad at anyone or sad, because reaching this new state, expanding what he can do with his powers, feels so right.
It’s like what Geto said - are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo, or are you him because you’re the strongest? The godly strength and powers identify Gojo and at the same time make him feel lonely.
He doesn’t want to feel lonely, so instead of thinking about dimming his powers, he thinks about making his students stronger. 
I think Gojo surviving but losing his powers (for example, let’s say it’d be the cost of bringing him back to life) would give him what he desires, would make him just another sorcerer (with minimal/average power) or a regular human being, and therefore he wouldn’t feel so ostracized, but at the same time he’d have to learn who he is as a person without the thing that defied the name Satoru Gojo since the moment he was born. 
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zimthandmade · 9 months
Sincerely curious! Since the kids in your AU have families and communities to go home to who know who they are, why the aliases at Wammys? Also - how did their parents react when Mello and Matt left for LA?
Ohh you're opening a book here haha I’m trying to answer as compactly as I can.
About my concept of Wammy’s, just so we’re on the same page: Instead of an orphanage for highly gifted children to become L‘s successors, Wammy‘s is a special boarding school for "twice exeptional“ children. They specialise in the education of intellectually gifted children with learning difficulties that are not able to fully unfold their capacities in a traditional school environment due to mental disorders such as Autism or ADHD or other issues. It‘s a tiny school, and probably the only one of this kind in the whole UK, with a maximum capacity of 60 students with approx. 20 teachers. L is still involved here but only really takes action on the best of the best. For the other kids, he’s more like a fun urban legend in Wammy’s and his name doesn’t hover above the kids as this unreachable and downright depressing entity everyone is so eager to surpass. No, these kids are just trying to live their lives.
About the aliases: Wammy‘s has kids from all walks of life from all kinds of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Multilingualism is absolutely common there. Many have difficult family relationships and have had a troublesome life. So, I think there's a high percentage of kids from immigrant families at Wammy’s, that maybe have names that are a little difficult to pronounce or have great potential for bullying and that’s Wammy’s way of tackling this? Or maybe Wammy’s sees this as a way for kids to practice self-expression? Maybe they’re just trying to get them all used to having to work with fake names, since L has his eyes on them to maybe one day replace him? Maybe it’s just a poorly executed gamification of daily life for kids that have it hard enough already? Like a neat little game of “How well can you keep something that should be easy to find out hidden from eveyone else”? And you know what the kicker is? The kids absolutely own this game. I’m not saying that Wammy’s is doing any good with their methods in my AU but at least they’re TRYING to offer the kids there some life quality (canon Wammy’s is a hellhole, let’s be real here). I’m pretty sure that the parents are advised to not use their kids real name on campus to not ruin that whole concept and they even go so far that they have seperate, relatively secluded parking places where parents can pick up their kids a little more discreetly. These are all pretty weak explanations in my opinion. But, you know, real life is sometimes stupid and boring too and things don’t always have to make sense. Or do you have a logical explanation to the alias conundrum? I’m grateful for any food of thoughts!
And about how their parents reacted when they left: Before his death, L suspected that some students from Wammy‘s House might pick up on his work on the Kira case. To protect their identities in case of his passing, he made arrangements for the families of the most likely candidates (namely Near, Mello and Matt but also some other kids) to be put in a witness protection programme asap. Overnight, the families were kidnapped, questioned, everyone was confused as hell and the agents could only tell them that their kid was "involved in a potentially compromising international crime busting whatever“. They just vanished and are now living in a different country under different names etc. They didn’t even get a chance to see their kid one more time. The authorities are still searching for Nikola (Mellos dad). Ivanka (Mellos mom) threw a massive tantrum and had several mental breakdowns at the news of her son being involved in serious criminal activities and even called Nikola (highly unusual, as they never ever have contact, ever!) in a moment of absolute despair and ranted about his bad influence on the boy. Ana and Jakov (Mellos siblings) couldn’t give two shits about Mello anyways and are more scared and angry about the whole situation now than they are worried about him. Chris (Matts dad) just hears “crime” and goes full “this is all my fault”-mode blaming himself for not being there for Matt enough. All of his optimism is suddenly out the window. Matt is such a weakspot for Chris, its heartbreaking. I’m gonna expand on that in a seperate little story about Matt and Chris’ life before Wammy’s. It’s gonna be adorable, promise.
Phew. Thanks for asking, taking the time to read and understand. Love you all <3
Mellos family | Matts family
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anarchywoofwoof · 5 months
It's funny about the homeschooling thing: I had friends who were homeschooled and I cannot express how badly many of us wish our parents had the means to do so.
I was sick so often (bad immune system, endometriosis before they had a term for it) we had to go to court to defend ourselves for "truancy." I had straight A's. When I was there, I swept the tests. But they want you there in person, or else.
To not have had to wait in the cold or blazing heat without gear because poor and our parents had to be at work at 6am......
I know there are plenty of parents not cut out for it or who weren't trained and would give a subpar education, but wouldn't it be great if as humans we had so much time on our hands that we COULD?
Like every adult had so much time they could educate themselves on at least one or two subjects until a little human comes around and then Get Excited to tell them!! About the thing they learned!! Some adults really like space, some love crochet or woodworking - to see all your teachers (adults in your community) passionate about subjects and to have the freedom to express your own like or dislike or take breaks when you need to without judgement? To work at your own pace?? God I want for that future. Also tech can cut down on infections/flu and illness spreading because idiot schools INSIST on keeping 100's of students locked into tiny rooms with poor ventilation. Our school wouldn't let us open the windows during the heat of summer. Because reasons?? Note, we didn't have air conditioning.
thanks for sharing this.
so here's the thing: although i was homeschooled (really, more "no schooled" than anything), i was able to teach myself on the internet. when i was growing up, the internet was just really taking off (jesus christ i feel old saying that) and it enabled me to really just kind of teach myself whatever i wanted. so as i grew older, i grew more resourceful, more digitally literate and crafted my own education.
now the downside to this is that if you want to go into a highly-skilled field or something like science, mathematics, etc. that kind of thing is hard to pull off in a home setting.
for instance, i had absolutely no science "classes" during my school life because the amount of equipment and knowledge needed is far surpassed what my truck driver father and leasing agent mother could provide
keep in mind, i didn't have tutors. i didn't have in-house teachers. it was my fucking dad teaching me between his time working from 3 PM to 1 AM and my mom checking my homework when she remembered and after she got home from work at 5 PM. most days, i didn't have "school." i slept in and did whatever i wanted throughout the rest of the day. luckily, i was addicted to knowledge regardless, so it all worked out for me.
i'm not opposed to the idea of homeschooling, i should stress this. i won't necessarily go to the extremes of calling it child abuse or something like that. but i do think it's wise to remember that a school has entire staff dedicated to teaching your child and that perhaps it takes some hubris to assume you can fulfill your kids learning needs the same way that a staff of (hopefully) trained professionals can.
i think homeschooling is more possible than ever in the current digital world that we occupy. but my parents definitely didn't have the time, money, patience or any other of the valuable resources that you need to teach a kid from 1st grade to their senior year of high school. especially in the late 90's, early 00's, which is when i grew up.
and the problem is often that most parents don't actually have these resources, but still think that they're more than capable of meeting all of those needs that i mentioned before. unfortunately, this ends up hurting their kid the most when they go out into the world with absolutely no clue how to function in it socially.
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amorelray · 6 months
Yuuta vs. Yuuji - A Costume/Character Analysis
❗Disclaimer❗ I have only watched up to Season 2 Ep. 19 & JJK 0 before writing this analysis. So, all of this will be from the knowledge that I have prior Shibuya. Additionally, for the sake of argument, we'll be focusing on their Jujutsu High uniforms. & Last but not least, all thoughts, ideas, & opinions are my own.
Before making any comparisons between Yuuji or Yuuta, I'd like to lay down the baseline for Jujutsu High students' uniforms.
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Noticeably, the uniforms for the students tend to be all black/dark blue - with the exception of Panda. Each student's uniform is tailored to them and fitted in a way that fits their personality, need for movement, comfortability, etc. However, the uniform remains the same solid color across the board.
In fact, this is even reinforced when the viewer is taken back in time to witness Gojo's school days with Shoko and Geto. The classic uniform worn by the Jujutsu High students appears to have carried on from then until now. (See Picture Below👇🏻)
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I'd like to start with Yuuta because chronologically, he came before Yuuji and I believe setting him up first paves the way to speak a bit more in-depth about Yuuji.
Yuuta is set up as our hero from the get-go and we can see that through his uniform.
Typically, the color white is related to being "pure," "holy," "set apart," or "good."
At first, this seems counter-intuitive to what we know about Yuuta's backstory. He cursed a childhood friend who died and has been following him around as a very high-level curse ever since. How could that be any of the things associated with the color white? However, as we get to learn Yuuta's story - these words begin to relate to him time and time again.
First, he is set apart. He's the outsider. He's not from the Jujutsu world and only enters it when he's merely 16 years old. Whereas Inumaki is the child of a Jujutsu clan, Maki is a child of one of the most well-known Jujutsu clans, and Panda is quite literally a cursed doll. Thus, placing all 3 of his peers in a position of being born and raised inside this world. Second, we begin to discover time and time again that Yuuta is good. He has a kind soul who simply wants to help others and believes in his peers. He's gentle and wants to protect those who he cares about. Third, while he did curse Rika, it was from a pure emotion - love. Love is rarely seen as a "bad" thing in the world and while Yuuta unintentionally cursed her, it was out of a pure and naive mindset that the curse was accidentally enacted.
Which leads us to - "holy."
Definition via Google: dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.
This one lands on a personal theory of mine. Yuuta is the hero and has been set aside as the holy one via Gojo. Why do I say this?
Gojo fought for Yuuta to not be executed. (JJK 0)
Gojo will sometimes get involved with customizing his student's uniforms (Season 1 Ep. 3)
Gojo directly informs the elders that he will always side with Yuuta. ("If it comes to that...don't forget, I'm on Okkotsu's side." JJK 0)
Gojo believes that Yuuta is one of the few students who could someday surpass him. (Season 1 Ep. 6)
I believe that Yuuta was picked and set aside by Gojo to potentially fulfill something that even the audience might be unaware of at this point in time. We hear and see time and time again Yuuta being mentioned even when he's not around and that Gojo places a lot of faith in the student. Additionally, the teacher seems to place a different type of protection over Yuuta than he does for Yuuji.
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Yuuji has a uniform that closely resembles the typical style and color palette as the rest of the Jujutsu High students, but has a few pieces that set him apart.
Yuuji has a red hood and red wrists accompanying his otherwise generic uniform.
I believe the placement of these customized pieces along with the color red itself could be a very intentional decision in regard to Yuuji's character and his story inside of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Typically, the color red is associated with anger, power, and passion.
Starting with the hood. I believe this added piece could be a sort of representation of Sukuna being inside Itadori's head. While Sukuna is a curse and likely resides within all of Yuuji's body, it is likely widely understood that Yuuji lives with Sukuna subconsciously at all times. Thus, alluding to the hood that never covers Yuuji's head, but is always there, ready to be pulled up at any moment's notice. In the same way, Sukuna does not cloud Yuuji every moment but is always lurking in the background, waiting for an opening to surface.
I believe the wrist holes also point toward the hands of Sukuna as well. This could be in regards to both the fingers Yuuji continues to swallow and the way Sukuna uses Yuuji's body when he's in control. As a curse that used to have four hands, it's clear that they were important to him; and so, it's an interesting highlight on Yuuji's uniform knowing that.
However, aside from the hood and wrists, Itadori wears the typical uniform colors; which is likely there to symbolize that he's "just another normal student."
So, while those few things do set him apart from the others - it could be theorized that they're there not to set him apart as Yuuji but instead what resides inside of him - thus, Sukuna.
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My Personal Theory/Opinions:
I believe Yuuji is important as the main character. However, I believe his costume tells a story that the audience might not necessarily enjoy.
While he has a little flair and is set apart from the rest of the students due to his pop of color and uniform style, it's definitely a reminder that Sukuna is what sets him apart - unlike Yuuta.
Yuuta is what sets Yuuta apart as he's made a name for himself on his merit alone. Thus, giving him such a drastically different uniform compared to any of the other students makes sense. Whereas Yuuji is very much an outsider on borrowed time/magic - making him a bit more "normal" in this regard.
I believe both characters have enough "differences" to set them apart as "important players" in the overarching story of Jujutsu Kaisen. I simply wanted to sit down and enjoy breaking down the potential implications/signals that could be coming from the way they are both costumed as these "important players."
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💭Final Thoughts:
It's my personal belief that costumes/uniforms/clothing and colors play an important role in telling stories. They're good ways to signal information to an audience without having to spell everything out. As well as being good ways to subtly hint at something about a character, story, or plotline.
Hope you all enjoyed it! It was really fun breaking this down and theorizing the implications of the colors, customization, etc! It's really exciting to think about how these two mirror each other and complement and contrast one another. Quite frequently, I find myself thinking of them as two sides of the same coin and it's just boundless theories, strings, and ideas being pulled together to see how they relate both in characterization and fitting into the plot.
I'm sure there will be more analysis to come! Just be on the lookout!
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altrie · 9 months
some utahime iori hcs i been collecting in my head
i have nowhere else to dump my thoughts so here i am. mostly young utahime iori headcanons bc HI arc was so fun
utahime is a straight A student, she's a perfectionist, has good work ethics, organized, helps everyone around her, etc--a good cookie basically. i can see her being the class president or whatever is equivalent to jjk academics
she's not exactly in par with her peers when it comes to CT, like she knows and she's aware of her skills/limitations. she tries her best not to get lost and sad when she sees her classmates and underclassmen (especially a certain tall junior who's been annoying her since the first day >_>) surpass her
she tries very hard to compensate her skills and hopes to be recognized for her talent and skills as one of the best, just like her classmates! she's very proud of them and always supports them. yet, she cant help but feel so inferior and imposter syndrome hitting her when she doesn't get the results she wanted from the higher ups
she doesn't come from a very big clan with CT (unless gege states something), i can see utahime being raised by her grandparents or her grandma before going to tokyo jujutsu high. her grandma passed away and she was basically living on her own for a while
I'm standing by the idea she attended tokyo jujutsu high over kyoto. she came from kyoto but was recruited to attend tokyo once someone heard her singing and curse energy molded through
besides baseball, one of her favorite things to do during her time living as a student was go to karaoke and sing/dance. she loved to sing modern pop songs she heard from radios, old jpop classics, ballads
utahime singing city pop classics PLEASE 🙌
when she was finally on her last year at the tech school, she met her new juniors. she met shoko first, geto, then gojo. she tries her best to be a good responsible role model for them but that broke almost immediately when 2/3 (or 1/3 really) started to tease her on the first hour and she snapped accidentally. (embarrassed she tried to apologize but the guy was just laughing???)
she gets asked out a lot on dates! usually from upperclassmen or non-sorcerers during her outings. she doesn't go on dates though though because of her lifestyle, missions, school, etc but when she does the relationship doesn't last too long :(
she doesn't really have a best friend until shoko came along. with her class peers often gone for missions, she was always alone until shoko came along. (i don't think meimei and utahime are at the same graduating year, acquaintances at best with some respect for each other)
utahime doesn't really have a specific reason for why she wanted so badly to be a grade 1 sorcerer. for a while, she's in that chase and grind to get that promotion but she's unsure why but she'll do anything for it
she doesn't have the greatest memories of her parents. she remembers her mom and some ladies in her life telling her often to marry into a rich, well-off family, have powerful children etc 🫠. as she got older, she realized she doesn't mind marriage but she also wants to do more and be a sorcerer too
she didn't consider being a teacher at first but after some heartfelt conversation with yaga, she decided to at least keep that option alive until she was ready to try it
she wasn't a drinker before. it wasn't until she got deep into heavy missions where the joy of izakaya became sort of a treat. nothing beats a cold beer and some fried foods after a stressful time out🤤
i like to think that utahime worked part time as a night club singer when she wasn't doing missions or at least to make some extra money while living in tokyo. i like to imagine her singing this one song from one of my favorite video games (more on that later)
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gojifan97 · 2 years
If the ask game is referring to you: may I ask for 5+ headcannons on an au with a a non bio dfo? Either like a step-dad or a mentor figure in Izukus life.
The Sludge Villain never got away. Instead, Izuku is left wandering with absolutely crushed dreams. He throws his notebook away and wanders aimlessly before going home.
For the next few days Izuku moves on autopilot, barely caring about anything. Then he comes home to find his house burned down. His mother was killed in the fire. No Heroes saved her. Izuku is destroyed.
He tries to take Bakugo's advice, but is approached by a "kind stranger". This stranger found Izuku's notebook and has been fascinated with his ideas. He accurately deduces what Izuku's life has been like, the loneliness the bullying etc. He tells Izuku he's actually brilliant, better than any of his peers, that all of the world are idiots. When Izuku asks who he is, the man introduces himself as "Sensei."
Sensei teaches Izuku many deeper insights about quirk analysis, as well as many aspects of the criminal underworld. He tells him how many villains are innocent victims of the Heroes, who are the true villains. He informs Izuku that All Might was quirkless, showing how arrogant the man was, and how his bigotry is worse than the rest of the world's. The perfect encapsulation of all that's wrong with the world. He brings Izuku on his mission to tear this evil world down.
As you can guess, Sensei is completely full of garbage. AFO is using a brilliant mixture of lies and truth, all while fanning Izuku's resentment and flattering his self esteem to manipulate him into becoming a loyal lieutenant while his psyche is still fragile. Izuku only begins to cotton on when AFO mentions something of his personal life Izuku had not mentioned yet, indicating AFO was watching him before the fire happened.
Izuku does some digging, and soon deduces the truth. AFO jammed the 911 server so the Heroes wouldn't respond to the fire. He deliberately started the fire after finding the notebook so Izuku would have nothing, making him easy to mold. Izuku then begins questioning everything AFO has taught him, especially with AM.
He soon realizes that while society has plenty of flaws, there is plenty worth preserving and that simply burning it down won't fix it or create a good world. It'll simply create anarchy, a cure worse than the disease. Also while some villains are victims, plenty of others made their own choices. He comes to a more full vision of the world than the HPSC or AFO would want him to have.
Izuku then resolves to help fix Hero Society as a vigilante. But first, he has to learn more from AFO so he can put his smarts to good use...by killing AFO. The ultimate way for the student to surpass the teacher.
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marmotish · 2 years
Hello! Do you have some headcanons about Freyja relationship with professors? Who is her favorite? And etc.
coming with up these completely on the fly here, don’t mind me! ⭐️
Favourite professor
Prof Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw house.
On her first day at Hogwarts, she realised that this was a teacher who knew first-hand what it was like to be immediately judged and scrutinised due to circumstances beyond your control.
He was also the Professor who she had most contact with, not just with him being the Charms teacher, but head of her house.
He taught Freyja a lot about duelling, but also taught her one of her favourite charms - the Memory charm.
Freyja admired his wisdom, and appreciated his understanding when it came to her inevitable and .. occasional rule-breaking. She was usually able to argue her point and compromise on a less severe punishment, and sometimes even escape punishment altogether.
Honourable mentions
Prof McGonagall. Her stern exterior didn’t put Freyja off in the slightest, rather she admired the way she commanded respect. Didn’t hurt that she was also a Montrose Magpies fan…
Prof Kettleburn. Yeah he might be a little off his rocker, but his knowledge of magical creatures surpasses anyone she knows. He teaches with an energy and enthusiasm not expected from an elderly man missing an eye, a hand and a leg.
Dishonourable Mention
Dumbledore. She doesn’t hate him, but she can’t stand his secretive nature about things THAT SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW , and his perceived incompetence relating to every thing Cursed Vaults-wise.
Least Favourite Professor
Snape. No mystery why. The man literally only opens his mouth to give orders and criticise his students.
Freyja has wondered aloud if he’s actually older than Prof Kettleburn. Why? Given he’s never been seen in sunlight, he should have no UV-related sun damage/wrinkles. He’s got the skin of a middle-aged man. He has nowhere near the amount of energy that Kettleburn does, and even though Kettleburn has silver /white hair? So does she, and she’s definitely younger than them. Snape overheard and docked 50 points from Ravenclaw.
Lost another 50 house points 20 minutes later when Snape reprimanded two students who were speaking Gaelic in class saying that “we speak English in this school”. Freyja reminded him that they were in Scotland, and historically, Gaelic was spoken here before English so … he didn’t like that.
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shipsgaysfordays · 2 years
Okay, so I’m going to write a whole essay about Remus wanting to be a teacher even though these things are like probably obvious and whatever but I don’t care I saw a tiktok edit recently and I can’t get these thoughts out of my mind so I need to write them down. (Also this is going based on ATYD, sorry but like that’s the main long popular marauders fic that I’ve read, I still need to read choices, just lovers, etc.)
Remus starts off from the perspective of kind of hating school, I mean in general he kind of hates everything though, like he’s a very rightfully angry kid. But, this whole explanation is more based on school and whatever so we’ll focus on that. Remus disliked school, but only because he was, “Too thick.” He didn’t put in any effort because whenever he did it still didn’t work, he still didn’t understand, he couldn’t fucking read. In the book he spends the first few weeks not doing anything academically and repeatedly getting in trouble for that because there’s no other options in his mind, all he has is a fucking lucky amazing memory. 
But soon there’s a switch, soon he’s able to read, soon he’s able to do the work. Able to catch up in studies and eventually even surpasses the abilities of his friends because he finally puts in the effort. Soon he’s able to work comfortably in this system of school and classes and grades, and he’s able to do it well. This incredibly mistrustful kid who has felt time and time again that he is worthless and feels that the world has shown him that he’s worthless has been able to show to himself “no, I can do something right.” Because yes his friends may be amazing and love him and try to remind him of that, he’s still a deeply mistrusting person, he’s still a deeply self hating person. Getting a good grade can help distract from that. Helping others get good grades can also distract from that. 
And this is where the tutoring sessions come in. The realization that his notes, his effort, his good grades can be used to help others. That these few skills that he has can be useful to the people close to him, it can be used as a reason that they are friends with them, they can’t leave him because then where would they get the answers to their homework? Plus, as the study group grows larger and larger Remus is able to learn how to teach, and is able to realize that he has a knack for it. As someone who had a large time of his life not being able to understand or learn well, he’s able to use those experiences to help in his abilities to teach. To know that people learn in different ways and that teaching effectively really depends on how the student learns best.
But then their final year at Hogwarts comes and goes. Remus is put into the real world, all of the marauders are. Thankfully (? Wrong word, but I can’t think of another one) Remus already is able to have a job in helping the war effort and using the only other aspect of himself that can sometimes be useful to Dumbledick--his lycanthropy. But again, this essay isn’t about that, it’s about the teaching thing. After the war was over Remus would need to get a job, or more likely many, many many everchanging jobs because how would a werewolf be able to hold down a job?
Anyways, Remus is out of school, he doesn’t have this bit of confidence boosting in his good grades and constant tests of his abilities, he doesn’t have his study group that lets him feel helpful and useful, he’s all alone outside of the one system that he was able to work in and feel valuable in. Outside of the one system that made him feel like he could be worth something. So...how the fuck can he figure out a way to get back into that system? Back into that environment that was comfortable and happy for him? To teach, though he doesn’t seem to realize this until Dumbledick asks him to do the job, but like he had other worries going on and he seemingly really wanted to disconnect from the wizarding world post Halloween and it’s not like he really would have been able to get a job as a muggle teacher given him not having gone to muggle school. So honestly it makes sense that he would wait so long to do the job that he honestly seemed to have a passion for. 
And then he resigned because the world sucks for werewolves. 
Conclusion: Remus is a burnt out gifted kid who enjoyed the system of school to the point where returning to that system was probably helpful to him emotionally as when he was younger that system was probably something that gave him a lot of his self worth. Also I maybe kin Remus a little bit too much...And like idk if these points were already obvious in the books, they probably were but I feel like I need to explain shit all the time.
That sense of having safety within the system definitely would have been felt deeply after finally being able to get a more stable job after the 12 years of isolation and everything going to shit. However, feeling a sense of home in Hogwarts had definitely made him put too much trust into Dumbledouche.
And this is the tiktok that inspired the essay, because man I love fanedits
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enigmaincrimson · 2 years
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Thinking on it... dealing with Lizzy as a student must have been a total nightmare for Hogwart's staff.
And no, I'm not talking so much about her being a guaranteed perfect hat stall that pretty much ended up treating all four houses common rooms as nothing more than a "change of scenery", but her being way more advanced than all the other students her age and even easily rivaling and surpassing her own teachers with frightening ease.
Going to school is just a formality for Lady Blackwell and it definitely shows... but all that intensive training isn't really for show.
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You see, an important distinction between what the world itself is like and what happens behind locked doors with the Lancaster Group is as different between comparing a grain of sand to all the beaches on the planet... and severely understating the situation.
Becoming the greatest witch of all time is just not going to be enough for her... She has to be able to have the necessary capability to bring all of it together and keep everything in line.
I mean... someone tried to start the end of the world just to see what happens for all sakes.
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Or to put it a different way, she has to be able to handle threats that are beyond anything the magical world... or the muggle world could possibly comprehend, just because her subordinates can't resist poking it with a stick... having to defend her position from all challengers at the same time.
Those are some pretty big shoes that she has to be ready to fill... and that's before anything about her true inheritance comes into play.
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Or to go back on topic...
The school would have to do a few things to keep this kid, even as a first-year student from going on a total rampage across the Hogwarts interior and grounds.
The most obvious thing is to have to make special accommodations for her education, like offering her more fitting assignments for her skill level... and possibly letting her work as a part-time tutor to fill in what might otherwise result in her getting into mischief to relieve her boredom.
Let's see...
She's not personally invested in Quidditch. As far as she's concerned, she'd rather explore on her broom than have to listen to a running commentary about how she might have "cheated" to capture the Golden Snitch.
When it comes to clubs and classroom activities, you can usually find her sort of hovering about as something of a teacher's assistant or student tutor. While there is nothing, they can really do about her showing up, she has at least enough sense to make sure the teacher actually wants her about.
Otherwise, you can usually find her in the library, wandering the grounds, or tinkering with some sort of insane project on her free time. The spell turrets were bad enough as it was, but did she really have to give them the ability to walk around?
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While I suppose most of the school faculty got used to the resident prodigy and her various quirks and antics, but... the constant shuffling in and out of DaDa teachers likely gave every year something of a mixed experience.
Some teachers might take measures to avoid her as much as possible... as her ability to sense dark magic is surprisingly strong... just as much as her aptitude and understanding of such matters.
I doubt she'd be super open about it though... only giving odd hints that she can sense "something" is off.
Imagine such commentary like... "suggesting" Professor Quirrel that the "growth" on his head should probably be looked at on her first year, asking "Moody" about what is in the bottle he keeps taking swigs from, etc.
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soliloquivm · 1 year
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⸻ LEWIS TAN. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of BOTTOM OF THE RIVER by DELTA RAE, well, it describes KENJI MARTIN to a tee! the THIRTY FIVE year old, and A FIXER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more DISHONEST or more INTELLIGENT instead? anyway, they remind me of restless nights , the sound of fists against the bag , and messy sheets of an unmade bed, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill : 7 years birthplace : islington , england sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single
kenji martin if the product of an immigrant mother and british father . they lived a modest lifestyle in the borough of islington . as an only child , kenji was able to get away with most things , but his parents were somewhat overprotective in nature . he grew bored , growing up receiving an average education , he was intelligent , often surpassing the other students in his classes . this made him lazy , arrogant and oftentimes troublesome to his teachers . looking back on his history growing up , he should have predicted the kind of lifestyle he would end up in .
off to university , kenji continued to succeed , even passing the bar to get his degree in law , however , even that was not enough . he wanted to do something with himself , he wanted to explore the world , the people , and eventually do something different . this led him to open up his own private investigation business where people paid handsomely to have him solve their problems by any means , and with his understanding of the law - he was quite capable of doing so . this garnered the attention of one of the largest law firms in london .
having been approached multiple times to join their team , he would turn them down over and over again . he was quick witted , but he didn’t want to be a lawyer , until a partner reached out one final time . this partner was notorious in the city for having mob connections and he was the lawyer that would need a fixer on his side . kenji , with this new offer at hand , was swift to pick up the opportunity and buried himself in the underground world related to organized crime .
as a fixer , his job was simple and to the point . be given a problem , and fix it by any means necessary . with dirty hands , kenji excels in this position like he does anything that interests him . he works from the shadows and plays many parts , whether it be to do what he has to , to make sure witnesses don’t testify or forge alliances for the mob lawyer to use against the government in court . MORE INFORMATION ⤀ kenji appears to be a loner , however , he is intentionally personable as a way to make himself appear approachable . he is known to be manipulative to get what he wants and if there is a job that needs to get done , he will do everything in his power to complete it . ⤀ even though he grew up in a modest style , he's drifted away from that , preferring a lavish condo , expensive clothing and food , a nice car along with other amenities he'd otherwise not had while growing up . ⤀ after a day's work , his favorite thing to do is be in the kitchen , cooking . he's an avid chef of sorts , able to make an assortment of meals . ⤀ when he'd started out his private investigation business , he had plenty of regular clients , some will still come to him , and for the right price he will complete tasks given to him around the jobs often given by the lawyer . ⤀ with his new position , kenji has plenty of strong connections within parliament and other heads of companies etc .
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
I have more ideas for the uncle drayden idea. I don't really think giving them their own post would work so here's a list in no particular order
In the concept Burgh is a 15 year old wandering artist. He's already attempted the gym challenge several times, but failed every time. He's become rather disgruntled by this and is on the verge of abandoning competitive battling on the whole to focus on his art. Regardless he still finds himself drawn to wherever the currently designated "first gym" for the Pokemon league is. Ready to try his hand again and maybe mentor some younger trainers along the way.
Skyla is on her second league attempt this time around. Last year she ended up dropping out for unknown reasons. At 12/13 years old, Skyla is a young star of a challenger and gets a lot of attention for being the mistralton gym leaders granddaughter whose declared her intent to surpass him and take over the gym. She and Elesa are not so friendly rivals since trainer school. Being the popular outgoing jock girl to elesas more quiet bookish nerd vibe.
In reality Skyla struggles a great deal to make friends as a lot of her classmates were only interested in her insofar as they could get tips and help with their battling. In fact she dropped out last year after many of her 'friends' tried to pressure her into helping them cheat. She turned them in at which point they cut all contact. As a result she's become rather shallow about friendship and questions if it's even possible for fellow competitors to be friends. This results in her encouraging Elesa to not hang out with the twins.
Amongst this years participants in the gym challenge is Marshal who is a fresh student of Champion Alder. Because of who his teacher is, Marshal is one of the favorites to win.
Elesa has working parents and was left to herself a lot growing up. She had to work extremely hard to get into trainer school to get a shot at going on a pokemon journey. Sadly this has made her a little prone to unacknowledged jealousy. She and Skyla don't get on because Elesa assumes Skyla is only as good as she is because her grandpa's a gym leader. This attitude changes by the end of her journey and she and Skyla go from being unfriendly to friendly rivals to best friends.
Can't decide if Lenora is a newly minted gym leader, is married yet, etc but I'd love for her to show up. Same with Clay and Brycen.
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leafdrake-haven · 2 years
So I don’t remember if I’ve made a post like this before but I’m feeling 3-color love and I wanna talk about Tarkir. Now that we can do 1 set on a plane, it’s less risky to do returns and medium to less popular planes have more of a chance! (Granted I think these ideas would work best in a 2-set situation but I digress) So what would I like to see in a Return to Tarkir?
Revolution! Maybe I’m weird but flavor-wise my favorite of the Tarkirs we saw was Fate Reforged. I love the Khans and the world-building and flavor of them so I want them back. However, I love the unique designs of all the dragons and it’s interesting to see the interactions with the khans and the world as a whole. It’s clear from some of the flavor texts that Tarkir needs the balance of both. Khans of Tarkir and Dragons of Tarkir were both the world at extremes and the plane suffered for it, so we need a way to have both (for the health of the plane AND for the enjoyment/happiness of players xD).
Tarkir is currently ripe for a huge change. There’s no way Ugin didn’t do something to calm and recalibrate the dragon tempests before he left Tarkir again. Perhaps slowing them down from where they’re supposed to be and then setting it so they’ll increase to their required amount once the dragon population approaches what it’s supposed to. This will be a huge power balance switch. The humanoids are already kinda used to the new world order but we’ve seen each clan has people grasping to the old ways, and if the others see the dragons aren’t as infallible as they’ve been taught, more may be swayed into a rebellion.
Jeskai/Ojutai: I would like to see Narset return and confront her beloved teacher. She manages to single-handedly best him but instead of dealing a finishing blow she offers a hand; a role-reversal. She becomes the leader and restores the clan to the Jeskai to uncover their previous true history and teachings and they all move forward together, hand in claw in wing etc. Ojutai is outraged and humiliated and takes any of his dragons that still respect him after his defeat into self-exile. Some stay behind, impressed and curious by Narset’s ascension, especially by what she has to say about planeswalking and what she’s learned from other worlds. Ojutai monitors from afar and once his anger begins to cool, his curiosity and pride in his student returns. He knew Narset could surpass him once she sparked, he just never thought she would. Eventually, humbled he returns with his willing dragons and the clan is restored to a greater extant than it ever was. Dragons and humanoids now as equals, learning from each other and allowing their passion to guide them. I can also see a high-ranking dragon not being able to accept this and break off with another group of dragons that don’t accept this order. This would give us a Jeskai Narset planeswalker card, a Jeskai legendary Ojutai card, and a legendary blue/white new dragon leader card.
Abzan/Dromoka: I would like to see ancestor/spirit worship become way more widespread even if it’s in secret. It gets to the point that most of the humanoids in the clan know about and support learning about the old ways. Eventually there’s a confrontation between Dromoka and the leaders of this underground rebellion and they manage to slay her and many other dragons and drive out more. Reception is mixed. Dromoka was seen as both a tyrant for taking parts of their culture away but she was a steadfast protector afterwards and would even listen to her humanoid leaders over some of the dragons if their strategic minds had proved themselves in the past. The scale lords they killed were also protectors, family members. It’s a very somber couple of days. Eventually a leading council decides to try something outrageous. They decide to raise Dromoka’s spirit. Once her spirit returns she is understandably enraged, this stands against everything she has ever believed and taught! Another confrontation takes place. The clan summons ancient ancestors that are more than glad to fight with the spirit of Dromoka. Eventually they are able to calm her spirit and she realizes she is herself. Her mind, her feelings, they’re all there. She is not some mindless undead beast. She realizes that technically some of the spirits are as old as her and have much wisdom to share. Dromoka is given a choice. Out of respect for the good she did, they can put her spirit to rest if this existence truly disgusts her. Or she can remain a protector of her clan, if she is willing to relinquish leadership. She, like Ojutai, is humbled. She agrees as long as she can be on consulted, which they laugh and inform her that’s how ancestor spirits are supposed to work. Of course in this case too some dragons would be willing to convert and some would be enraged and break off. We would get a new legendary Abzan leader (or card for the council), a legendary spirit dragon Abzan Dromoka card, and a legendary green/white dragon leader.
Sultai/Silumgar: In secret the clan reembraces nature magic and community they lost. Sidisi and other rebels realize they can’t overthrow Silumgar and the dragons on their own. A poison that can down even the noxious Silumgar dragons is eventually developed. Even if it doesn’t kill them outright it gives them a chance. The rebels throw a party in honor of Silumgar and a tainted feast is prepared. The dragons and even Silumgar himself are incapacitated the the rebels go on a massacre. Silumgar and a huge amount of his dragons are slain. As the ultimate gloat, Silumgar is raised as a sibsig servant. The Sultai are restored and delve (hah) desperately into their own history to recover what has been lost. Some other dragons are raised to be their undead army to protect them from the other clans/dragons and the few surviving Silumgar dragons. This would give us a legendary Sultai Sidisi (or other character if it makes more sense) and a legendary zombie dragon Silumgar (either still blue/black or just mono black). I don’t think there would be enough surviving Silumgar dragons for them to make their own faction, at least not right away.
Admittedly I have less ideas for the last two (despite the Temur being one of my favorites of the original clans). I mostly think these groups would just break off and war with each other.
Temur/Atarka: We already know there’s secret shamans practicing the old ways of the Temur and lost strongholds that contain lost artifacts. With the dragons losing strength I think the shamans would grow more bold and more clan members would be willing to embrace old ways. I think with enough support the Temur would just suddenly break off, probably fighting off and taking out some dragons on the way. Atarka would be outraged and retaliate. I think this would essentially be like the relationship in Fates Reforged. We’d get a new legendary Temur clan leader (maybe Surrak reprises his role?) and another legendary red/green Atarka.
Mardu/Kalaghan: This one I have the least ideas for. I imagine humanoids would be slowly regaining their sense of cooperation/community and realizing it’s easier to survive the harsh lands by working together. I wonder if the clan could break off much how it formed to begin with and just, ride away. Maybe there wouldn’t even be a departing confrontation like with the Temur and Atarka, the Mardu decide to reform and ride their own way and the Kalaghan dragons follow their lord. They essentially just become two rival groups. Maybe some dragons embrace the white mana and join and maybe some humanoids prefer to follow the dragon lord. We’d get a new legendary Mardu leader and a new legendary red/black Kalaghan. (I could see some argument for this being like the first two and teaming up and we end up with a Mardu Kalaghan but I feel like we learned the least about her so I’m just not sure.)
Anyway these are my indulgent ideas that I think could make a compelling return. What do you think? What would you guys like to see?Thanks for reading my ideas and ramblings!
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linkspooky · 4 years
What do you think about utahime’s role in the series and what her development is going to be?
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Iori is a character set up to do things as soon as the next few chapters probably, considering that the most recent chapter has brought her into play again in the Shibuya arc as well as the rest of the Kyoto Students. An analysis of her character and ideas for potential development underneath the cut. 
1. No, I Don’t Respect Satoru Gojo
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If there was any character I would compare Utahime to right away my mind jumps to Nanami. Someone whose strength is that they are caring and attentive, especially with the children under their responsibility, but they don’t necessarily challenge authority. They follow the rules because they don’t have the strength to just blatantly laugh in the face of them like Gojo. 
Gojo works outside of the system. Everybody needs him, and because of that he doesn’t really have to play much politics or cooperate with somebody. Gojo never in any situation has to bow his head down, be quiet, or respectful. 
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This is both a strength and a weakness. It’s a strength because Gojo sees what’s wrong with the world, and is actively taking steps to challenge it. However, because Gojo absolutely refuses to play politics with others it means that people can often pull strings behind his back and get away with it. Gojo is the strongest, but he lacks the authority of the higher ups, or even the finesse to try to subvert them. Yuji’s first death in the series was also Gojo losing a political move, because a lot of higher ups in the upper crust of the Jujutsu World that Gojo usually refuses to play games with, went behind his back while he was on a mission.
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Gojo is many things but he lacks sublety. To put it in another way, Gojo tries to solve everything with strength, because he doesn’t know what it means to be weak. The first thing we’re introduced to about Utahime is that she’s Gojo’s literal opposite. 
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Gojo assesses her as a weak person, the kind that he usually likes to look down upon. He teases her the same way he does Ijichi (probably just because he can, he’s a brat like that) however one difference is Utahime always snaps back at him when he tries something with her. 
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He also asks something of her, to investigate the Kyoto School. This is Gojo whose tendency is to do everything by himself. 
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I think the point of this comparison is Utahime is strong in exactly the areas that Gojo is weak. Utahime can keep her head down, play politics, and investigate others in a way that Gojo can’t because he’s just too loud and unsubtle about things. He prefers the direct approach with everything and to use strength to win. 
Gojo and Utahime occupy the same position in the Jujutsu High, she’s the head teacher for the Kyoto class, and Gojo is the head for the Tokyo class. However, how they run their classes is entirely different. Gojo wants strong comrades in arms who will eventually be able to fight for him, and surpass him. 
The Kyoto school is notably weaker, but also tends to act together as a unit more (with the exception of Todo). Even in the Kyoto vs Tokyo fight, the Tokyo kids all broke up and fought individually for the most part, while the Kyoto Kids planned on fighting together. They all ambushed Yuji together. Momo showed up to try to make Nobara understand Mai. Mai showed up to save Momo when she was about to lose. Miwa was cooperating to take Maki off of Mai’s trail before she lost her sword. 
The Tokyo school seems to be a group of highly strong individuals, who sometimes have difficulty fighting together. The Kyoto school kids are all weak individuals, who are stronger together as a unit. It’s even said last year that Tokyo won by having Yuta overwhelm and defeat everybody by himself because he was just so strong as an individual. 
In the event it looks as if the principal plotted behind Utahime’s back to take out Yuji. So either, she’s unaware of the corruption of her own principal unlike Gojo who is directly confronting it, or she like Nanami is keeping her head down. However, Utahime is one of the few adult sorcerers just like Nanami shown to be immediately concerned about the welfare of the children she’s taking care of. 
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We’re kept in the dark about a lot with Utahime. We don’t even know what her Jujutsu technique is, and we even saw the old man’s. However, it seems that her first priority is always the children. 
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Utahime is more or less the caretaker of a very, very troubled group of teenagers, as the Kyoto kids tend to be emotionally unwell and take it out on others. Utahime is very caring, but it seems there are a couple of times shady things happen underneath her notice because she’s not individually strong enough to stop them. She couldn’t prevent the principal from going above her, and telling all the kids to gang up on and kill Yuji. She could not prevent Mechamaru from going behind her back, and spying on both Jujutsu High and the other side in order to attempt to take everything on himself.
In a world where strength is everything, Utahime doesn’t seem to be traditionally strong. Gojo is probably right about whatever Jujutsu technique she has considering what the six eyes allows him to see. However, she subverts two classical attitudes of Jujutsu Society, she’s a caring person who likes to get close to others and she also tends to rely more on strategy and figuring her way out of situations rather than powering through them. Utahime tries to solve the puzzle of the room she’s trapped in in the Hidden Inventory flash back, Gojo just breaks it. 
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Utahime is clever and subtle enough to have figured out the mole almost immediately. She’s good enough at getting close to others, and being open about her feelings that her and Shoko are still good friends many years after Geto and Gojo have broken apart, and the students she teaches all work together as a group of friends despite having highly volatile individuals (Momo, Mai, etc probably wouldn’t usually get along with a girl like Miwa). 
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There are strengths to her ability to keep her head down, but probably at the same time just like with Nanami there are times where her weakness slaps her in the face. There are things she might have been able to prevent by challenging things head on more in the style of Gojo, instead of either trying to think her way around it, or be working within the system. She wasn’t able to stop her kids from targeting Yuji which would have gotten a child killed, and she couldn’t stop Mechamaru in time.
Now the biggest disaster in Jujutsu History is happening, and Utahime got sent away the day of, because Mechamaru thought she was too weak to survive with the rest of the kids. 
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If Utahime doesn’t assert herself and challenge things, she’ll be left with the regret of not being able to do anything when the time comes. People like Mei Mei who are less caring but individually stronger end up mattering more because they assert themselves. Utahime is actually pretty strong willed, she basically never bows to Gojo’s teasing, but she is in situations like these passive.
If the Kyoto kids do charge to Shibuya in order to help the situation out, Utahime will most likely be the one leading them and that might be her character development. If they were all together they might fight together.
If Mei Mei doesn’t get to Gojo. Then basically every single other 1st grade or higher sorcerer is out of commission. Naobito got flamed by Jogo. Nanami was finished by Mahito. Kusakabe isn’t going to go into the subway tunnels because he’s too much of a coward. Shoko is kept out of the fight because she’s too valuable an asset to lose. Nobara, and Megumi are knocked out. If it’s not Yuji or Todo who gets there. Then the only adult left to do something is Utahime. 
This theory is a bit of a longshot, but considering how Utahime is framed as the  opposite of Gojo, and the way hidden inventory started... with Utahime being trapped in a curse and Gojo letting her out by smashing it. This time it could be Utahime letting Gojo out of the box, if she somehow gets there in time before the seal is finished and steps up to the occasion. That’s my current theory on what Utahime might do next. Also, my own personal pet theory is that we might see more of her in the next arc when everyone is dealing with the political fallout of so many deaths of important people in the Shibuya Incident Arc, because Utahime is the one who handles political matters and digs into the politics of the Jujutsu World not Gojo. 
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