xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
Operacioni policor "Hamili" kap 85 kg hashash, arreston një shtetas, një tjetër shpallet në kërkim (foto e vidio)
Operacioni policor “Hamili” kap 85 kg hashash, arreston një shtetas, një tjetër shpallet në kërkim (foto e vidio)
Fier – Finalizohet nga Seksioni për Hetimin e Narkotikëve, në bashkëpunim me Komisariatin e Policisë Fier dhe Forcën e Posaçme “Shqiponja”, operacioni policor antidrogë i koduar “Hamil”. Sekuestrohen 3 thasë me lëndë të dyshuar narkotike cannabis sativa, me peshë rreth 85 kg. Vihet në pranga 1 shtetas, shpallet në kërkim bashkëpunëtori i tij. Në vijim të operacioneve të njëpasnjëshme për…
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temeyes · 11 months
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I’m witewawy yor simon dwawing
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u captured his energy so well omg
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garadinervi · 9 months
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These are the poets and writers who have been killed in Gaza, by Dan Sheehan, «Literary Hub», December 21, 2023
Heba Abu Nada, Omar Abu Shaweesh, Refaat Alareer, Abdul Karim Hashash, Inas al-Saqa, Jihad Al-Masri, Yusuf Dawas, Shahadah Al-Buhbahan, Nour al-Din Hajjaj, Mustafa Al-Sawwaf, Abdullah Al-Aqad, Said Al-Dahshan, Saleem Al-Naffar
Image: Heba Abu Nada (هبة كمال أبو ندى) (2023-1991)
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 8 months
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Source: Defence for children international - Palestine.
Israeli occupation forces unleashed a military attack dog on a four-year-old Palestinian boy in the northern occupied West Bank this week.
The incident occurred during an arrest operation in Balata refugee camp near Nablus on February 4. The dog was unleashed into the Hashash family apartment, attacking 4-year-old Ibrahim Hashash after knocking him from his mother’s arms.
The dog tore his clothes and bit him repeatedly, causing profuse bleeding for about three minutes until Israeli forces intervened.
Ibrahim has been taken to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus, where he’s expected to receive plastic surgery to repair his injuries.
“Israeli forces routinely show complete disregard, and often contempt, for Palestinian children’s lives and safety. In a hyper-militarized environment where systemic impunity is the norm, kids like Ibrahim will increasingly be targets,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, accountability program director at DCIP.
Israeli forces systematically use military dogs to attack Palestinian civilians, including children, during military incursions into Palestinian cities and towns.
I just want to add, what could a child seriously do to the heavily armed soldiers in the West bank?? They're just doing this to fulfill sick and twisted fantasies and horrors.
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newsfrom-theworld · 5 months
Today's breaking news:
Harvard students have renamed several buildings on campus to honour the Palestinian martyrs Sidra Hassouna, Hind Rajab and Shireen Abu Akleh.
IOF warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on the northern Gaza Strip, targeting Jabalia and Beit Lahia.
Journalist Bahaa Okasha, his wife, and his son were martyred in the targeting of his home in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
The IOF launched fierce airstrikes targeting northern Gaza in an attempt to force the people of the north out of the areas where they reside.
26 bodies of martyrs have been retrieved in Al-Zuweida, central Gaza, after the IOF targeted the Al-Louh and Al-Khatib family homes. 15 people are still under the rubble.
Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza: The "isr@eli" occupation commits 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 28 martyrs and 69 injuries reaching hospitals during the past 24 hours.
Gazan Civil Defense: The “isr@eli” occupation has destroyed more than 70-80% of the Civil Defense capabilities
A mother bids farewell to her children who were killed by Isr@eli air strikes in Gaza.
A violent raid in the Sabra neighborhood targeted a residential building belonging to the Ashram family, and a violent explosion in the Zaytoun neighborhood.
Palestinians search for bodies and survivors amidst the rubble of a destroyed houses following an Isr@eli air strike in Al Maghazi refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip
Leaflets are being dropped over Khalifah Bin Zayed school in the Beit Lahia area, urging residents to evacuate immediately.
After over a month since Isr@eli occupation forces withdrew from the area, Palestinians have uncovered yet another mass grave (8 bodies for now) within the grounds of Al-Shifa Hospital.
An Isr@eli occupation airstrike that struck a residential home in north of Rafah, has killed 9 Palestinians.
A little girl was killed after the bombing of the home of the Hashash family north of Rafah
Dozens of Palestinians were injured following the bombing of a home in the Zawayda area, central Gaza.
Injuries arrive at Al Aqsa hospital following an Isr@eli air strike that targeted a group of civilians in Deir Al Balah, central Gaza.
An elderly Palestinian bids farewell to his wife who was killed by the ongoing Isr@eli air strikes in Gaza.
10 Palestinians were killed as a result of IOF warplanes bombing a home in Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
IOF warplanes bombed a group of journalists and paramedics during the ongoing bombardment of eastern Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip. Simultaneous IOF bombing is targeting all areas of the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, Jabalia, Deir Al-Balah, Al-Nusseirat, and Gaza City.
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adropofhumanity · 2 months
Hammam Al Hashash, a resistance fighter in Jenin camp, West Bank, shared a video with his mother during his last moments. In the video, he asks his mother, father, and loved ones for forgiveness and prays while a drone hovers above him, waiting to finish him off.
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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The report, “Handcuffed like dangerous criminals”: Arbitrary detention and forced returns of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, reveals how Sudanese refugees are rounded up and unlawfully deported to Sudan – an active conflict zone – without due process or opportunity to claim asylum in flagrant violation of international law. Evidence indicates that thousands of Sudanese refugees have been arbitrarily arrested and subsequently collectively expelled with the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) estimating that 3,000 people were deported to Sudan from Egypt in September 2023 alone.
“It is unfathomable that Sudanese women, men and children fleeing the armed conflict in their country and seeking safety across the border into Egypt, are being rounded up en masse and arbitrarily detained in deplorable and inhumane conditions before being unlawfully deported,” said Sara Hashash, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.
“Egyptian authorities must immediately end this virulent campaign of mass arrests and collective expulsions. They must abide by their obligations under international human rights and refugee law to provide those fleeing the conflict in Sudan with safe and dignified passage to Egypt and unrestricted access to asylum procedures.”
For decades, Egypt was home to millions of Sudanese people studying, working, investing or receiving healthcare in the country, with Sudanese women and girls, as well as boys under 16, and men over 49 exempt from entry requirements. Around 500,000 Sudanese refugees are estimated to have fled to Egypt after the armed conflict erupted in Sudan in April 2023. However, in the following month, the Egyptian government introduced a visa entry requirement for all Sudanese nationals, leaving those fleeing with little choice but to escape through irregular border crossings.
The report documents in detail the ordeals of 27 Sudanese refugees who were arbitrarily arrested with about 260 others between October 2023 and March 2024 by Egypt’s Border Guard Forces operating under the Ministry of Defence, as well as police operating under the Ministry of Interior. It further documents how the authorities forcibly returned an estimated 800 Sudanese detainees between January and March 2024 who were all denied the possibility to claim asylum, including by accessing UNHCR, or to challenge deportation decisions.
The report is based on interviews with detained refugees, their relatives, community leaders, lawyers and a medical professional; as well as a review of official statements and documents and audiovisual evidence. The Egyptian ministries of defence and interior did not respond to Amnesty International’s letters sharing its documentation and recommendations, while the Egyptian National Council of Human Rights, the national human rights institution, rejected the findings claiming that authorities comply by their international obligations.
The spike in mass arrests and expulsions came after a prime ministerial decree issued in August 2023 requiring foreign nationals in Egypt to regularize their status. This was accompanied by a rise in xenophobic and racist sentiments both online and in the media as well as statements by government officials criticizing the economic “burden” of hosting “millions” of refugees.
It has also taken place against the backdrop of increased EU cooperation with Egypt on migration and border control, despite the country’s grim human rights record and well-documented abuses against migrants and refugees.
In October 2022, the EU and Egypt signed an €80 million cooperation agreement, which included building up the capacity of Egyptian Border Guard Forces to curb irregular migration and human trafficking across Egypt’s border. The agreement purports to apply “rights-based, protection oriented and gender sensitive approaches”. Yet, Amnesty International’s new report documents the involvement of the Border Guard Forces in violations against Sudanese refugees.
A further aid and investment package, under which migration is a key pillar, was agreed in March 2024 as part of the newly announced strategic and comprehensive partnership between the EU and Egypt.
“By cooperating with Egypt in the migration field without rigorous human rights safeguards, the EU risks complicity in Egypt’s human rights violations. The EU must press Egyptian authorities to adopt concrete measures to protect refugees and migrants,” said Sara Hashash.
“The EU must also carry out rigorous human rights risk assessments before implementing any migration cooperation and put in place independent monitoring mechanisms with clear human rights benchmarks. Cooperation must be halted or suspended immediately if there are risks or reports of abuses.” Arbitrary arrests from streets and hospitals
The mass arrests have mostly taken place in Greater Cairo (encompassing Cairo and Giza) and in the border areas in the governorate of Aswan or inside Aswan city. In Cairo and Giza, police have conducted mass stops and identity checks targeting Black individuals, spreading fear within the refugee community leaving many afraid to leave their homes.
Following arrest by police in Aswan, Sudanese refugees are transferred to police stations or the Central Security Forces camp, an unofficial detention place, in Shallal region. Those arrested by Border Guard Forces in Aswan governorate are detained in makeshift detention facilities including warehouses inside a military site in Abu Simbel and a horse stable inside another military site near Nagaa Al Karur before being forced into buses and vans and driven to the Sudanese border.
Conditions in these detention facilities are cruel and inhumane, with overcrowding, lack of access to toilets and sanitation facilities, substandard and insufficient food, and denial of adequate healthcare.
Amnesty International also documented the arrest of at least 14 refugees from public hospitals in Aswan, where they were receiving treatment for serious injuries sustained during road accidents on their journeys from Sudan to Egypt. Authorities transferred them – against medical advice and before they had fully recovered – to detention, where they were forced to sleep on the ground after surgery.
Amira, a 32-year-old Sudanese woman who fled Khartoum with her mother was receiving treatment at an Aswan hospital following a car crash on 29 October 2023 that left her with fractures to the neck and the back. Nora, a relative of Amira, told the organization that the doctors told her she would need three months of medical care, but after just 18 days police transferred her to a police station in Aswan where she was forced to sleep on the ground for around 10 days. Cold and rat-infested detention facilities before collective expulsions
Amnesty International’s Evidence Lab reviewed photos and verified videos from January 2024 of women and children sitting on dirty floors amidst rubbish in a warehouse controlled by Egyptian border guards. The former detainees said the warehouses were infested by rats and pigeon nests and those detained endured cold nights with no appropriate clothing or blankets. Men’s warehouse conditions were overcrowded, with over a hundred men crammed together and limited access to overflowing toilets, forcing them to urinate in plastic bottles at night.
At least 11 children, some under the age of four, were detained with their mothers at these sites.
Israa, who has asthma, told Amnesty International that guards at the overcrowded horse stable near Nagaa Al Karur village ignored her request for an inhaler, even when she asked to buy one at her own expense.
After periods of detention ranging from a few days six weeks, police and Border Guard Forces handcuffed males and drove all detainees to the Qustul-Ashkeet border crossing and handed them to Sudanese authorities, without individualised assessment of risk of serious human rights violations if returned. None was given the opportunity to claim asylum even when they had registration appointments with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), asked to speak to UNHCR or pleaded not to be sent back. Such forced returns violate Egypt’s international obligations under human rights and refugee law, including the principle of non-refoulement.
Border Guard Forces expelled Ahmed, his wife and two-year-old child together with a group of roughly 200 detainees, on 26 February 2024, after detaining them for six days in Abu Simbel military site.
Since the conflict in Sudan began, Egyptian authorities have failed to provide statistics or acknowledge their policy of deportations.
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krowjet · 8 months
Tell me, what crimes did they commit? What crimes did four year old Ibrahim Hashash commit to be mauled by an attack dog? What crimes did six year old Hind Rajab commit to be missing even now? That four year old girl shot and killed at a checkpoint? Over ten thousand children alone under seventeen have died, with over 200 being not even a year old.
An eight year old boy was killed in a West Bank refugee camp by the IDF. The body of a fourteen year old boy was stolen by the IDF. His name was Wadea Shadi Sa’d Elayan. They are not alone in their fates.
Tell me how these children have sinned beyond being Palestinian. They suffer for nothing. Their suffering and deaths mean nothing to Israhell.
Do not forget their names. Do not forget their dreams, their hopes, their families. They will not see tomorrow. And it will not end. Over 120 days of genocide. Speak up.
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hametsukaishi · 7 months
Hind, Amouna and Suazanna Hasouna, Refaat, Hamza, Ibrahim Hashash, Al-Rafati, the young boy who slept with his mother's corpse, the young boy who trembled as he had to call his bestfriend to find him under the rubble, the girl who was crying as she had to cross the border to Rafah, the little girl who cried and begged as the IOF arrested her brother, the little boy who screamed in rage as they arrested his friend, the kids that held a press conference in Al-Shifa in english, beggin the world to help them, the mother who cried for her daughter and whom the Zionist called a whore, the men they sexually harassed, Hossam Al-Atta, Motzaz Azaiza, Bisan Owda and many more.
I'm sorry
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
Fermë hashashi në Kutalli, më shumë se 110 persona të ndaluar, disa gra ndihen keq gjatë shoqërimit
Fermë hashashi në Kutalli, më shumë se 110 persona të ndaluar, disa gra ndihen keq gjatë shoqërimit
Beeat – Zbulohet një fermë kanabisi në Berat.  Syri tv dhe Syri.net kanë mësuar se janë arrestuar më shumë se 80 persona burra e gra. Personat e arrestuar, numri i saktë i të cileve nuk bëhet i ditur nga policia por thuhet se janë shoqëruar afro 120 persona ku afro 90 janë gra që punonin ndërsa pjesa tjetër janë persona që interesoheshin e kryenin punë të tjera në ndihmesë të tyre.Thuet se…
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taviamoth · 5 months
🚨 9 martyrs ascended, including 3 children under 3 years old, as a result of the IOF's bombing of the Hashash family home in northern Rafah in the southern #Gaza Strip.
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witchmd13 · 9 months
assassin in english comes from the arabic word Hashash ‘hashish (weed)-smoker’. it was used to refer to a member of a group of outlaws in egypt and the levant (even parts of persia) that existed during 11th-13th century in the islamic empire. they were said to be so dangerous and good at, well, assassinating people that people started to call them Hashashin like they had to be under the influence of drugs to do what they do.
anyway, i'm watching the once and future queen episode and i know it's far from being the only historically inaccurate thing in the show, but it's so funny when they start calling the man trying to kill arthur an assassin because technically at the time of merlin's events, islam hasn't even happened yet let alone the islamic civilization and egypt and the levant were technically still under the rule of the roman empire. it just makes me laugh every time.
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pampandafy · 7 months
Reached at her home in Ramallah, Obour Hashash, the program manager at the Palestinian Museum, told Hyperallergic that Palestinians are “losing our history, our dreams.” “Beyond the horror of the ongoing massacres, it was devastating for us in the West Bank to see the destruction of so much cultural heritage, historical places, art galleries, artifacts stolen and looted,” Hashash said. At a time when, Hashash added, Gazan art is being used as firewood by families desperate to stay warm in the winter cold, the exhibition serves as a reminder that “we’re still here and the artworks are still here.” With this in mind, she noted that the exhibition will continue for several months, even “after the war ends.”
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formula-fun · 1 day
Love fire and sound very much!!!
Just popping in here to say when Charles said “half-baked idea” my mind immediately went to Joe Brainard “when in doubt, sprinkle with cheese and bake” 😂😂😂😂😂
Sprinkle with Max and Bake!!!!
And the sub-drop (?) aftercare oooooohhhhh love it so much too. Then I just came across a meme that’s like
How to care for a sad person
1. Lay blanket out
2. Pick up sad person
3. Lay sad person in blanket
4. Roll them like a sushi
5. Place sad roll on bed/couch/comfy place
6. Hug roll close
7. Put on rolls favorite movies
8. Feed roll snacks
9. Make sure roll is well hydrated. Tears make roll dehydrated
10. Happy lil' sushi roll
If feels a bit like it? Idk just popping in here because I think is meme is a bit accurate and funny I guess 😂
Love your fire&sound Max and Charles so much so cute and deranged together.
hhhh thank you!!!
you can definitely add anything to cheese and bake it, even horrible ideas with ur boyfriend alien thingy. max and cheese?? and im so glad you liked iiit, someone in the comments last chapter asked for hurt comfort with hurt charles and that seemed like the best way to go about it. max can protect him from just about everything except for his own dumb brain <3
and i love that, definitely good to turn sad people into happy lil sushi rolls <33 very very accurate to their situation for sure hashash!
thank you for the ask!
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