#hate blog
little-limerick-hater · 6 months
Just realized who Limerick reminds me of...
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Jeanne and Limerick both fall into the genre of character where its like "I don't like you because you're kind of the worst BUT you're written in an interesting and compelling way so I want to see where this goes."
Jeanne my beloved but also my detested??? She's a girlboss and also like a wife to me. Idc if she would stab me...Unlike Limerick who I legitimately just Hate.
Something something it's easier to get behind Jeanne’s motives of wanting nice things/never being satisfied with where she is vs Limerick who starts with the motive of wanting Recognition but then veers into doing it for One Man’s attention specifically, and that's where she loses me. It's also a little about The Struggle. I experience a similar thing with Chosen One characters where they can have immense power but it has to feel like They Earned It. Jeanne lived a tumultuous life in Paris and worked for Every Scrap of Everything she ever Got vs Limerick who grew up with everything handed to her. Not to mention Jeanne to some degree cared for Rosalie and her mother, even though she tried to pretend she didn't. Limerick truly and sincerely doesn't.
Anyways I love unintentional character parallels...
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milkhater3000 · 1 year
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arson-the-ace · 2 years
This is a S3 Allison Hargreaves Hate Blog
Loved her in the first two seasons, then S3 happened.
I get that she was grieving but she literally tried to SA her own brother and tried to use him, even though they're siblings and he already found a woman he loved.
And that's just 1 of a couple reasons I can no longer stand her
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Photos from every true crime documentary be like
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babygirltony · 2 years
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roseforviolet · 1 month
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screwuaditiyan · 1 month
Greb had a dream aditiyan had a hate blog dedicated to her. He criticized her for sitting weird. The feeling of discovering his blog was similar to that of ascension.
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maneater2008 · 8 months
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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Okay Walter White was actually pretty funny as a character bc he was so toxic that seasoned drug lords were like I cannot work w this man I have to put my mental health first
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milkhater3000 · 2 years
Now that I think about it. I don't think ice cream is valid either
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little-limerick-hater · 6 months
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i wrote this in the notes of another post originally and am copy + pasting it here because im right but "tell the cops nothing, tell the doctors everything" is such a stupid ass fucking abled take. doctors engage in policing idk how to explain to yall that some people cannot in fact just tell doctors everything without it putting them at risk
like im not gonna go into the myriad of ways this is bs but like a quick example is i cant tell my doctors about my substance use issues because if i get that listed on my medical records it will actively endanger me. It will impact how I'm treated in emergency situations and will get me labeled as "drug seeking" when i try to get other issues dealt with.
i dont say this to scare people but because this is actually important information for people to have. if a medical professional claims this isnt an issue, they are NOT "one of the good ones". they are either straight up lying or theyre utterly unaware, which is frankly not better. doctors are cops. never forget it
like YES tell ur doctor abt being sexually active but stop saying "tell the cops nothing and the doctor everything" before i start killing in cold blood
I KNOW THE ORIGINAL QUOTE. This is about how people misquote it, as well as how they view the phrase as meaning "all medical professionals". ALSO! emts are not the neutral figures you think they are. please stop spewing your lack of understanding on the topic all over my tags, its embarrassing.
finally, THIS POST IS ABOUT DRUGS. FIRST AND FOREMOST IT IS ABOUT DRUGS. THIS WAS WRITTEN BY AN ADDICT. the way yall are talking about addicts and drugs users in the tags is so fucking dehumanising. you are part of the problem. Id suggest non addicts shut their traps please and thank you.
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I also hate Chase with a burning passion 😍
This may be a bit forward, but are you single?
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isbergillustration · 9 months
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Angels, Fallen Or Otherwise
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roseforviolet · 2 months
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