#have i already said i love the alola league
forestofmemories · 11 months
i know the most uh. let’s say important matches are satoshi vs gladio and satoshi vs kukui but to be honest my fav matches aside from those are suiren vs mao and kaki vs maamane, they never fail to make me cry
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
TORIKO x Pokemon Trainer Reader.
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I thought of doing my first AU here in Tumblr so here we go!
You knew at the beginning that you wanted an adventure.
You would always remember how you always were an outdoors girl, especielly when it comes to Pokemon.
Big and small, cute or not, you always adore them.
So you had collected alot and i mean ALOT of pokemon during your travels, starting from your home region in Kalos to all the other regions like Kanto, Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Galar and most recently, Alola.
Many people were shock at how many pokemon you had but you didnt pay much mind to them at all.
This was pretty normal to you and you love them all as they love you too.
All of you joined contests and showcases, gym battles and leagues togather with you all winning either 1st, 2nd or 3rd places in each competition.
You didnt have a specific endpoint but you knew that the pathway through the journey is the best bit than the ending.
Though, what you didnt expect was that you will have a brand new, out of this world journey.
You were just exploring one of the caves in the Alola Region and the next thing you know, you were in a world of "Gourmet Age"
Oh Arcerus...
Years past and now your are 22 years old, 6 years have past since that faithful day and well...things are looking up.
At first, you were suprised at the world you are seeing that consisted of animals that are LITERALLY made of Food.
And they were literally hunted.
I mean, you know some pokemon were hunted down but in a daily bases? And only for eating? Its already traumatizing for the young lady.
They even call them ingredients...
In the town that you are residing on, both before and now, you were still shaken at the discovery you just found.
For the town's people, they found you quite strange that you find their Gourmet hunting strange considering that it is normal during this age.
And dont get me started with her Pokemon.
Everyone was immensely shock at the strange new creatures that hold great power, they were even shock that someone as you as you in your teens can actually tame this many and powerful ingre-BEASTS!
You have to correct them or else the pokemon themselves will.
Overtime, you gotten used to your new home.
Though you missed your family and friends back at home, you always learn to adapt and resource to know what to do.
Your pokemon were at first also have the same reaction as you, especielly your poor Appletun and Alcreamie but they too adapt to their new area and have gotten the town loving them back.
(Though you have to stop a few of them in trying to take a bite out of them, resulting in Haxorus using Dragon breath to warn them)
Each of your pokemon does various jobs, hobbies and habits around the small quiet town to either have fun or earn money for you to continue living.
For you, you had decided to work at a small cafe in the town as a waitress but you also became a co-chef too after you had introduce some of your own world's cusine from each region like the over 100 types of curry from Galar, Malasadas from Alola and Poffins from Sinnoh.
For your pokemon, like i had said, they do various activities around the town
Like Drampa being like a school bus for the children whenever they go to and from school, with the children loving the ride and fun they had with the dragon pokemon.
And Florges and Shaymin helping in the harvest of fruits, flowers and other foliage that they could help with the local farmers.
And so much more.
Oh yeah!
Did i mention that the town you have been residing on for 6 years is also the home town of Komatsu?
The adevnture awaits then for you ;)
And for those you have send me the requests, one of them is almost done so watch out!
Also, i will be experimenting with other media with Pokémon so i will making quite a few crossover.
If ya all want, go ask ahead or even request of what you want to see in the Toriko x Pokemon, TWST x Pokemon and even the TWST x Palace pets.
Stay tune my Galaxies! ;3
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animefankotaro · 1 year
Trans Ash and Brock
Ash Ketchum was in his home town of Pallet Town after winning the Pokemon League in Alola. Many friends and family were there to celebrate the victory. Ash's Pokemon were also there enjoying the event by resting, eating, playing, or entertaining guest. It took Ash a while but it was all worth it. Everyone was gathered around Ash who was giving a speech.
“This is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.” Ash said. “It was always my dream to become a champion and now I am one.” Everyone cheered. “I can't thank you all enough for sticking by me the whole way.”
“What are you going to do now?” May asked.
“I'm going to continue my journey and see new places, people, and catch more Pokemon. I may have won a championship but I still need to become a Pokemon Master. I'll do that no matter how long it takes me.”
“When you're old enough have you ever thought about settling down and start a family?” Serena asked with a blush though Ash didn't seem to catch that.
“I'd love do to that. But that's not for a long time. I want to focus on my journey now.”
“Maybe Jessie and James should do the same rather then continue to chase after Pikachu.” Cilan commented. Everyone laughed a bit.
“I think we'll be seeing them blast off for years to come.” Ash replied getting more laughs.
“Hey, Ash.” Brock said. “If you're not ready to settle down yet but know some older women who are just let me know.” However, Misty then took him by the ear dragging him away.
“Look's like you've never change.” Misty sighed.
Any girls here are welcome to marry my brother.” Bonnie said.
“BONNIE!” An embarrassed Clemont yelled.
“Anyway. I'm glad for you all supporting me throughout my journey. As you know a few days ago a rumor went around about me. That rumor was that I am trans. According to Gary Oak the rumor started from a few other guys who were also from Pallet Town like we are.”
“They are. The same ones who started when we did!” Gary yelled.
“Well, some of you already knew the truth so I'll go ahead and say it. The rumor is true. I was born a girl.” Several townsfolk looked around and whispered.
“My birth name was Ashley Ketchum. Not only did I want to be a Pokemon master but also a boy.”
A young Ashley was in the yard playing around. Delia was watching while also on the phone.
“Yes. Ashley just turned 5 not so long ago. She loves Pokemon more than anything and wants to be a trainer like her father. I just wish she had more friends. Her only friend is Gary Oak. Maybe they'll travel together when they're older. Maybe even date.”
Ashley was quite different though. She preferred getting rough over staying clean. One thing she wanted was shorter hair.
“Can I have a haircut, mom?”
“Why do you want a haircut?” Delia asked.
“I want it to look like Gary's. I hate it being long like this. It gets in the way all the time. When I'm a trainer that will distract me when I'm battling.”
“But if we cut it short people think think you're a boy.”
“I don't care!” Ashley pouted.
“Well, okay.”
She grabbed a pair of scissors and a comb and started cutting away. She didn't want it to be a copy of Gary's. It had to be different enough to give Ashley an image. After she was done she grabbed a mirror.
“How's this?”
“It looks great, mom! Thanks. I'm going to show Gary.” With that Ashley ran off.
Ashley also preferred boys clothes over girls clothes. So she got her mom to take her to a store to buy some.
“Remember, Ashley. We can't buy too much.”
'I know. Just a few so I don't have to wear dresses or shirts all the time.” Ash got a few clothes. His favorites were a yellow shirt that had a red stripe and some blue shorts. They weren't unique or anything but he liked them for it's simpleness. They were still boys clothes in the end.
One day Ashley and Gary were pretending to have a Pokemon battle in the backyard.
“All right, Bulbasaur!” Ashley yelled. “Hit it with a razer leaf.”
“Get in the safety of your shell, Shirtle! It will protect you a little.”
“It can't be protected from this. Bulbasaur use whirlwind on that sitting duck!”
“Good move, Ashley but it can't deflect this. Squirtle use body slam!”
“Hey! Your Squirtle can't know body slam yet!”
“Yes it can. My Squirtle is a special Squirtle because it's from my grandfather.”
“Professor Oak!” Ash whined.
“You two play nicely.” Professor Oak said barely paying attention.
“Looks like I win.” Gary gloated. Ashley rolled her eyes.
“Gary can I tell you something.”
“No rematches.”
“No, it's not that. It's just I've been thinking about my name. I don't like it. Can you call me just Ash instead.” Gary raised an eyebrow but nodded.
“Umm, sure. Why though?”
“I think I'm suppose to be a boy. But don't tell anyone okay.” Gary nodded again.
One day Ash was watching TV when a show about trainers came on. One segment was on a trainer named Brock.
“We'll here with 10 year old Brock of Pewter City. So Brock you want to be a Pokemon Breeder?” The boy nodded.
“Yes. Though a lot of people think I might have a shot at the gym one day. I got an Onix not to long ago and we're already best friends.
“And is it true you were born female?” Brock nodded again.
“I knew I was a boy for a while enough. So I changed my identity to that of a boy.”
“That's interesting.”
“If you're not busy later how would you like to go out out with me.” This made the reporter sweatdrop.
“Ummmm call me in 8 years.”
This got Ash thinking maybe she was actually a boy. After some hard thought he decided he was. He then told his mom.
“I'm not your daughter I'm your son. I'm not Ashley I'm Ash. Not only do I want to be a Pokemon master but I also want to be the perfect son too.”
“Oh, Ash.” Delia hugged him.
Back in the present Ash concluded his story.
“So it's all true. I was born a girl named Ashley but I'm now a boy named Ash. I have Brock to thank for that. If it wasn't for you I might have never truly found out.”
“I never knew, Ash.”
“Now you do. Thank you.”
“I don't know what to say but thank you.”
Ash sent up and shook Brocks hand. After mostly everyone left the two said goodbye.
“Thanks for that speech, Ash. If you never need anything I'll be there for you.”
“Thanks Brock. Same to you.”
“And seriously if you know any single women I'm available. Just tell them...” But before he could finish Misty pulled his ear again.
“Enough all ready!” Misty yelled as Brock yipped in pain making Ash laugh.
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pkmntrainer-becca · 1 year
Thanks for all the information on Naranja. Real helpful; sandwiches aren't huge in Alola, but it'll be cool to see what kind of things you do. Always looking for something to spice stuff up on the road.
As for the clubs, those seem good. I've never done pottery before, but Uranium (Torterra) will probably enjoy doing it with me. Clay from the earth and whatnot.
I hope I do see you around. I'm a pretty easy guy to miss, but I'll try and shout if I see you around.
Just out of curiosity, why are you there anyway?
no problem, thanks for stopping by!
i’ve always wanted to do the gym challenge (not yet because my pokemon are quite far from battle ready!) but it’s no secret how highly publicised it is in galar. the crowds that watch gym battles in paldea are very small once compared to the massive, packed stadiums in the galar league. the one exception i can think of is the dark type gym in spikemuth (but nonetheless the battle is still covered extensively by the media, especially if the challenger has already made it that far). and don’t even get me started about the paparazzi once someone makes it to the finals.
paldea is a lot friendlier in my opinion when it comes to the gym challenge, with it being way more lowkey. one thing i love about it is that, despite there being an elite four and top champion, anyone can reach champion rank. and it’s not nearly as much of a big deal as it is to be champion in galar. sure, you might become a bit of an academy celebrity, but no one will be trying to sponsor you or slander you online. i think one of the main reasons why i wanted to come to paldea is that the battling culture is a lot more my style.
and obviously naranja academy is regarded as one of the greatest in the world, so on top of what i’ve said previously it just felt like a bit of a no brainer to move to paldea. i miss galar, obviously, but i have no regrets coming here and getting an education at naranja.
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moby-writing-and-stuff · 11 months
Gym Jobs: Brawly (NSFW)
Ash Ketchum smiled as he rested his arms on the railing of the boat, enjoying the feeling of the warm, salty sea air rush against his face. “Pikaaaa” his best friend, Pikachu, chirped from his shoulder, as he felt the same air hit his fur.
“Hehe, yeah” Ash said, petting his friend’s head “It’s nice to be back in Hoenn”
Indeed, the newly minted champion of the Alola region was enjoying a bit of a vacation on his own, something he needed, seeing as his last vacation turned into enrollment into a school and getting roped into yet another plot involving hyper powerful pokemon and another Pokemon League competition. He might love pokemon training more than anything else, but right now he was just tired and wanted a break.
“Righto, we should be getting to Dewford in a few minutes” a voice called from behind him. The raven haired teen turned around, smiling as he saw the old captain walking over to him “You ever been here before, boy?”
“Oh yeah” Ash said with a nod “Came here a few years ago, when I competed in the Lily of the Valley conference”
“Ah, you competed in the league?” the old man said with a laugh “It’s great to see a former competitor!”
“Yeah, it was a fun journey” Ash said as he laid against the railing, smiling as he felt a flood of nostalgia. “Didn’t win that one, but I did one later”
“Ah, wait a second…. You're Ash Ketchum, aren’t you?” the old man said with a smile
“Yeah” Ash said with a little chuckle
“Knew I’d seen your face before. I saw you're match with that Alolan professor” the man smiled as he slapped Ash’s back “So, you taking a victory tour then?” “Guess you could call it that, yeah” Ash said with a giggle “Honestly? I just want a break for a while, and revisiting where I’ve been is a good way to do that” “Ah, I take it you’ve been to see Roxanne already?” “Yup, her and Norman” Ash said with a grin “Things have changed a lot, that’s for sure” “Oh definitely” the captain said with a laugh “Ever since Steven retook his title of champion from Wallace, he made a trip round the region and made an effort to update and renovate all the gyms”
“It showed” Ash said, as the silhouette of Dewford Island began to come into view. “Roxanne's gym looks amazing now, it moved from a simple school to a full fledged museum!”
“Hehehe, indeed” the captain said “Lot’s of gyms got very nice new layouts. I visited my grandson in Mossdeep City to watch his Gym Battle with the twins. It was quite the sight, let me tell you”
“Nice” Ash said with a big grin, Pikachu having a matching one “I was planning on heading over after Dewford” “It will be quite the sight, let me tell ya” the captain said, looking back to the rapidly approaching island “Better get back to the wheel. That fancy autopilot is useful for open ocean, but it ain’t good when you're near the docks.” with that, the older man turned and left.
“He’s nice, isn’t he?” Ash asked his fuzzy yellow friend “Pika pika” the electric type chirped with a nod
“Wonder if he’ll be up to taking us elsewhere after the visit here” Ash muttered as the boat slowed down and gently parked in the harbor. Smiling, the teen turned around, tightened the straps on his backpack and gave the captain one more friendly smile “Thank you for the ride sir!”
“You're welcome! Sorry to say I’ll be heading off soon! You’ll have to take a ferry off!”
“Thank you for the warning!” Ash said as he hopped off onto the pier, smiling as the smell of the beach hit his nose “Ah. Right, Pokemon Center first, then we go see Brawly?” “Pika!” Pikachu agreed with a nod. Smiling, the young champion took off to the nearby pokemon center.
“Here you are” Nurse Joy said as she handed Pikachu back to Ash. The yellow rodent chirped and hopped off the Nurse’s hands and clambered up to his trainer’s shoulder
“Hehe, sorry bout that” Ash said with a giggle “Well, that might be the most energetic Pikachu I’ve seen in a long time” the nurse said with a smile “So, do you have any other Pokemon that might need a check up?” “Nope” Ash said with a shake of his head “I just brought Pikachu with me. Not really here to challenge the gyms, its a vacation”
“Ah, alright then” Joy said with a smile “Well, even if you're not interested in competing, I recommend you check out the gym. Brawly has made some interesting renovations”
“Oh?” the raven haired teen asked “What kind?”
“Well, if I remember correctly, he’s exact words to Mr. Stone were ‘I’ve got nothing to do on a day without challengers and bad weather. I’d like it so the gym can be used for more than just battles’”
“Huh, that’s the first time I’ve heard someone say that” Ash muttered “Most of the time, Gym Leaders just care about the gym being in good condition for challengers”
“Yeah, but Brawly has always been an eccentric one” the nurse admitted with a shrug “Nowadays, the Gym is open 24/7 for anyone who wants to use its facilities.” “Wait, Brawly is in the gym all day?”
“Oh sweet Rayquaza, no!” the nurse said with a giggle “No, there’s a schedule for Gym battles now. Brawly is open to them between 9 and 4. The rest of the day, the gym is open terf”
“Huh, interesting” Ash muttered, he and Pikachu sharing a confused look “Well, thank you again Nurse” “It’s no problem” she said with a friendly smile as Ash turned around and walked out of the building. He grinned as he looked around, the warmth of the sun hitting his face, a sensation he had grown used to thanks to the last year he spent in Alola.
“Hey Pikachu, we do have sunscreen, right?” Ash asked as he walked down the sand covered ground of the town. Pikachu turned around and zipped open the bright blue backpack. He dug around for a few seconds before popping out with a big, white bottle with a bright orange cap
“Pika!” the pokemon chirped
“Perfect!” Ash said with a big smile, as he took the bottle from his pokemon, popping the cap off and squirting a big blob of the cream onto his hands, beginning to spread it all over his exposed skin. This was a thing he started doing the last year when he lived in Alola, the nasty sunburns he got a few times when he headed out to the beach pretty much taught him to never go outside without at least one bottle of the stuff to re-apply constantly.
As he spread his protection against the wrath of Volcarona, he slowly weaved and bobbed through the small crowds that were forming in the street. Most of them were kids who were dashing off to play at the beach, and a few were people closer to his age, dressed up and ready to start off their journeys. But what drew his attention was a rather large group of people who were walking to the gym. What drew his eye was that they weren’t dressed like trainers. None of them had backpacks, pokeballs on their belts, or clothes that were made for long journeys. 
Most of them were wearing tight shorts, sandals or sneakers and a few were even going without anything on their torsos. All of them had towels, water bottles and various other bits like that.
“That’s weird…” Ash muttered, stopping in his track and watching the large group heading for the gym. Most of them were guys, and they were around his age, a few a bit older, a few a bit younger, but most were in their late teens. Frowning a little, Ash walked a bit faster and tagged along, right behind one of the larger groups. The guys that made it up didn’t even seem to notice him, instead completely immersed in their own conversations. Still confused, Ash slowly krept behind them as they approached the gym.
From the outside it looked just like Ash remembered from his challenge a few years ago. It was on a rather tall cliff a few yards away from the sand covered town, and being the only spot that actually had grass around it. It was still a large white building with a huge orange dome roof, with the roaring of crashing waves in the background. The guys in front dashed ahead, clearly excited about something happening in the place, as they left Ash completely in the dust. Literally, as they kicked up a cloud of orange dirt as they speed ahead, leaving the newly minted champion coughing and waving his hands in front of his face.
“Gah!” he exclaimed as the cloud finally dissipated “Sweet Arceus what was that about?!” “Pika chupi!” the yellow pokemon agreed, sneezing a bit as he cleared his own lungs of the dirt.
“Brawly must be holding a party or something for people to be that damn excited” Ash muttered as he began walking to the gym himself. When he reached the door, he finally saw some of the renovations that he’d been told about. The door wasn’t the old glass paned one from his last time here, but instead was a steel door that shone like it had just been polished. Hanging right above it, in bright orange letters read ‘Dewford Town Gym’. As he walked closer, Ash saw a small plaque that had been placed right next to the door, and like it, shone like it had just been waxed this very morning.
“Huh” he muttered as he read the thing “Attention, due to changes in the layout of the gym, and in the equipment inside, memberships must be renewed early this month. If you have paid already, please bring proof of the payment and you will be excused of the new payment…. Memberships? What kind of gym has a membership?” he muttered, crossing his arms “That would get Brawly in loads of trouble with the League…” shaking his head, Ash steeled himself and took one more step. As he did, the motion sensor of the door finally picked him up and slid open. 
Ash winced a little as he was hit with a blast of cold air, as the AC of the gym smacked him in the face. Shaking his head and stepping inside, Ash did not expect what he saw. It was a simple looking waiting room, with a huge pair of doors that looked like they belonged in a school, and a lot of chatting coming out from behind it. As he stepped inside, a smell hit Ash’s nose, a smell he wasn’t that used to smelling. The weird mix of sweat, deodorant and soap that only emerged from a spot where a lot of people went to work out.
“Ah, hello there!” a cheery voice said, snapping Ash out of his thoughts. Looking over to the side, he saw a young man, again close to his age, sitting wearing a tight, compression outfit that had the letter DG stamped on the chest in bright orange.
“Um, hi” Ash said as he walked over. As he did that, Pikachu jumped off and walked over to the large door, sniffing the hair, clearly confused by the smell
“Do you have a membership?” the guy asked, glancing over to the computer “Or do you already have one?” “Membersh- No!” Ash said, shaking his head “N-No I don’t. I-I haven’t been here in a long time, and I wanted to see Brawly”
“Oooh” the guy said, blushing a little “Sorry about that. That’s kinda become my default response to seeing someone come in”
“I-It’s ok” Ash said with a chuckle “So, is Brawly here?” “Oh, no. Sorry” the guy said with a friendly smile “He left about an hour ago to go surfing. I don’t know when he’ll get b-” “How bout righ now?” a laid back voice rang out from behind Ash. The raven haired teen turned around and smiled as he saw a guy a few years older than him, with teal hair and eyes. He was wearing a tight black shirt, fingerless gloves, shorts that matched his hair color, and some of the weirdest footwear Ash had ever seen, what seemed to be a mix between socks and shoes that showed off his toes. Around his forehead was a pair of bright orange sunglasses, and he was dripping wet.
“Hi Brawly!” Ash said, a big smile on his face as he approached the gym leader, holding out his hand for a shake
“Ash Ketchum!” the gym leader said with a big smile, taking a step forewards and grabbing Ash’s hand
“You remember me?” the raven haired trainer asked in shock
“Course I do!” the fighting type gym leader said with a smile “Kinda hard to forget the winner of the first Alolan league!” “Oh yeah” Ash chuckled with a blush “So you saw that?” “Yeah” Brawly said “I’ve been thinking of heading over to Alola during my next vacation, so I thought it would be best to learn who the best trainer there was”
“Hehehe” Ash chuckled, getting even redder
“So, what brings ya here?” 
“Decided to take a trip to relax after the league” Ash said with a shrug. “Thought I’d stop by and visit. And holy crap, things have changed…” “You can say that again” Brawly said with a chuckle “Steven came knocking round last year, getting everyone to remodel the gyms and I took advantage of it do to do something extra”
“Yeah?” Ash asked
“Oh hell yeah. See, I noticed that I was pretty much the only guy on the island who was actually getting a chance to work out. Most people here don’t really care much for surfing. So I thought, if I open a regular gym here too, I can get people in here to work out and get some extra cash in my pockets to boot.” “Huh” Ash muttered, looking at the large door behind them “Have to admit, that’s pretty clever” “Yeah. I got the idea after a trip to Unova two years ago. Saw a trio of leaders that also ran a restaurant and that got this swimming round my head.” Brawly smiled at Ash “Say, while you're here, how bout a tour?” “Really?” Ash asked, shocked at the proposal
“Yeah” the teal haired gym leader said with a grin “I’ve got an hour before I need to start the Pokemon Gym part of the day up. Should be more than enough time to show ya around” “Well, alright then!” Ash said with a big smile
“Awesome!” Brawly said, turning to the guy at the reception “Right, Toby do me a favor and bring my board in a few minutes?” “Sure thing, Mr. Brawly” Toby said with a smile
“Awesome!” the gym leader said, walking up to Ash and guiding him over to the doors. Pikachu didn’t waste time and jumped up to his trainer’s shoulder, not wanting to miss the tour “Well, let’s get started then!”
“Alright” Brawly said, throwing the large doors open and leading Ash inside “Here we have the locker rooms. It's nothing too fancy, but they work”
Ash nodded as his eyes scanned around. The place looked like a traditional locker room from a high school, with rows and rows of dull green metal lockers, a tiled floor and steam hovering all around them, as some of the patrons showered. 
“So, how many people are members?” Ash asked as Brawly led him through the area, weaving through the discarded clothes and benches that littered the area.
“Oh, not that many. Small town and all that” Brawly said with a smile as he led the young trainer “I think there’s like….. 15? Give or take a few. And they don’t all come in at the same time. We get waves”
“Hehe, guess that’s a bonus for ya?” Ash asked, a cheeky smile on his face. Brawly blinked for a second, before a loud deep chuckle broke out of his mouth
“Oh damn! I walked right into that one, didn’t I?” Brawly giggled as the two approached the another door. Brawly gave Ash a big smile as he rested his hand on the doors “Well, ready to see the main attraction?” “Yeah!” Ash cheered
“Pika!” Pikachu chirped in agreement
“Alrighty then!” Brawly said as he shoved the doors open.
Ash had to admit, he was impressed. He had never been one for working out in the past, as his rather skinny twig like frame could show, but seeing all of these guys and a few girls working their asses off, chatting and clearly enjoying it all, it tempted him slightly to drop down and climb onto the closest machine.
“So, right here we have the lifting area” Brawly said, pointing at a section filled with loads of overly muscled people, who were comparing the sizes of their muscles
“Eh, don’t think that one’s for me…” Ash said, laughing a little “Hehe, oh don’t worry I agree.” Brawly said with a smile “I go over there every once in a while, but its not really my thing. But when I opened up the gym, there was such a demand for it, I had to give in. Who knew the island had that much of a body building fascination”
“Well, to be fair the town once had an obsession with Super Potions” Ash said with a little laugh
“Ha! True” Brawly laughed “Dewford Town is known to jump from fad to fad faster than the sun sets. Anyways, over here we have the cardio area”
The rest of the tour went very much like this, with Brawly leading Ash around and showing him the different spots, explaining how much use it got from either him or from the patrons. Ash listened with rapt attention. There was something about this place that really seemed to drawing him into it. He had to fight the urge to drop everything and jump into a few of the machines quite a few times, but soon, the two reached the end of the tour.
“So, what did ya think of the place Ash?” Brawly asked
“I-I….” Ash muttered, the smell of the place still on his nose, a small cloud in his head. Shaking it for a second, he smiled at Brawly “It was great Brawly. Its awesome that you managed to make something like this” “I know!” the teal haired gym leader said with a big grin. As they spoke, Ash took another sniff and felt that weird cloud come back. Without noticing, his eyes slowly moved away from Brawly and over to the nearest machine, a treadmill. Brawly noticed and grinned “So, interested in giving it a shot?”
“H-Huh?” Ash asked, blinking rapidly as he snapped out of the cloud again. “O-Oh… I mean, yeah. I-I’ve never really done anything like this before though…”
“Oh relax” Brawly said, giving the teen a friendly shove over to the machine. Pikachu hopped off Ash and onto Brawly’s arm with a cheeky grin, before hopping down to the floor. “Go on and give it a shot!”
“A-Alright” Ash muttered as he walked closer to the thing. It wasn’t really anything too fancy, just a run of the mill looking treadmill, except that the tread seemed to be modified to be softer.
“Oh, one thing” Brawly said, walking a bit closer
“What?” Ash asked
“I don’t think you're dressed for it” he said, pointing at a mirror that sat right in front of the machine. 
Looking at his reflection, Ash frowned. He was wearing the black capri shorts, striped blue and white t-shirt, red hat and the fancy waterproof shoes he got back in Alola. Looking closer at them, he did realize that Brawly was right. These clothes weren’t made for working out like this.
“You're right…. But I don’t have anything to change into…” Ash said sheepishly
“Oh, don’t worry about that” Brawly said “Just take your shirt and shoes off” “Wait, what?” Ash asked, his eyes going wide a bit “Take my shoes off? Isn’t that a bit-” “Oh relax” Brawly said with a smile “I modified the treadmills so that it would be perfectly safe to run on em barefoot. I mean come on, did you ever see me wear shoes?”
“Hehe, fair point” Ash said with a shrug “Well it can’t hurt to give it a shot” he thought as he grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off in one clean motion, taking his hat off too, then reaching down and slipping off his shoes, exposing his bare feet. He turned around and handed the clothes to Pikachu “Keep em safe for me buddy!” “Pika!” the pokemon nodded, with a mock salute. Ash giggled at his partner’s antics before turning around and stepping onto the machine. 
Taking a deep breath, he turned it on and began running slowly, as the machine slowly but surely sped up.
As he ran, he started at his reflection, panting at little as he jogged. He was really skinny, just like he remembered, and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw that the sunscreen he had bought was working like a charm.
“Good work Ash!” Brawly whispered into his ear “You're doing amazing”
For some reason, Ash shivered as he heard those words. There was something about Brawly complimenting him that felt really good. 
“Think you can do better?” he asked, smiling as he saw the look of concentration and pleasure on Ash’s face
“Y-Yeah” Ash said with a dopey smile. Brawly smirked and reached over, pressing the speed up button. The tread beneath Ash began to move faster, and the light jog the teen was doing turned into a sprint, doing his damndest to keep up with the new speed. That strange mix of determination and pleasure he had felt before returned in full force, and he was determined to prove that he could do just as good as he said he could.
For the next ten minutes, Ash ran in the best sync he could with the machine, sweat running down his face as he did so. 
“Alright!” Brawly’s voice rang into his ears again. Ash blinked rapidly as he felt the ground beneath him slow down, as the machine came to a stop. “You did pretty well”
“Hahah, thanks” Ash panted, grasping the side of the machine, sweat dripping off his face and to the ground beneath
“Here” the teal haired gym leader said, handing Ash a bottle with a bright orange liquid inside “Drink it, its important to have a lot of liquid in ya when you do this”
“Y-Yeah” Ash said with another pant as he pulled the cap off the bottle and chugged down its contents in two seconds. He shivered a little as the liquid touched his tongue and going down his throat. As it went down, it left a strange burning and tingling sensation. “Gah!” he gasped
“Yeah, drinking after a workout can burn” Brawly said with a smile “Especially after a great one like that one!”
“Great?” Ash muttered, smiling at little at that
“Oh yeah! You were great Ash” Brawly said, walking a bit closer to Ash “Worked out like a good gym boy”
Those words sent shivers down Ash’s spine, and a big dopey smile formed on his face. There was something about hearing those words that made him feel really really good. He wanted to hear Brawly say them again. 
He turned around, returning the empty bottle as he realized something
“Hey, where’s Pikahcu?” he asked, looking at the empty spot where his best friend had been standing a few minutes ago
“Oh, he was tired so I took him to the gym’s guest room so he could take a nap” Brawly explained with a friendly smile
“Oh, that’s ok then” Ash said, calming down a little “I guess that my clothes are there too?”
“Yup” Brawly said with a grin “Little guy took his job of guarding them seriously, let me tell ya”
“Haha!” Ash giggled “Yeah, he takes jobs I give him very very seriously”
“Speaking of taking things seriously” the teal haired gym leader said “You took that jog there real seriously” “Oh? Yeah, guess I did” Ash said, blushing a little 
“Why are ya blushing? That’s not a bad thing!” Brawly said, smacking Ash’s bare back
“R-Really?” Ash asked “I-I never really cared about stuff like this”
“Oh, trust me stuff like that can happen” Brawly explained “Belive it or not, I didn't care at all about surfing or the beach until my best friend convinced me to give it a shot one day” “Really?” the raven haired teen asked, looking at Brawly with a smile “I find that really hard to believe” “I know” the gym leader said with a smile “Actually, let’s make a deal”
“A deal?” Ash wondered as Brawly led him away from the gym area proper and to a door that led to the back areas “What kind of deal?” “Well, the next boat off the island gets here in a week” Brawly explained as he led him into an area that looked more like the hallway of a house, cleary the area where the Brawly lived. “So, the deal is this. I give ya a free room for you and your chu to stay at till it gets here”
“Really?” Ash asked, his eyes wide in shock “You’d just let us stay here?”
“Yup” Brawly said with a grin “But remember, deal. That means ya do something for me”
“Right” the raven haired teen said with a nod “So, what do you want from me?”
“You attend the gym for that week, at least once a day” Brawly said with a smile “Cause you look like a Suddowoodo, you're so damn skinny. So, that’s the deal. Take it or leave it?”
Ash blinked for a second, before smiling “Hell, I can handle having to go work out for a few days if it means free room!” he grabbed Brawly’s hand and shook it
“Perfect!” Brawly said with a huge smile, shaking Ash’s hand back “Alrighty then! I’ll get ya something better to wear for the gym for tomorrow” he said as they reached a door that was cracked open. Peeking inside, Ash smiled as he saw Pikachu curled up into a ball on a queen sized bed that waited inside the room, along with Ash’s clothes and his backpack. “This is the guest room, but for the rest of the week, it's your room!”
“Hehe, thanks Brawly” Ash said, walking into the room and gently closing the door before taking a seat next to Pikachu, who opened one of his eyes and smiled at Ash “Sorry buddy, didn’t mean to wake ya” “Pika” the yellow pokemon said, closing his eyes again and re-curling up. Ash sighted and ran his fingers through his friend’s fur
“Well, this is gonna be an interesting week” Ash muttered as he looked at himself. “Hope it won't be too hard to keep my end of the deal…”
Ash yawned, a few rays of sunlight streaming in through the window and hitting his face. He groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he looked around.
“Where….?” he muttered for a second, before his sleepy mind caught up “Oh right. I’m at Brawly’s gym….” 
“Pika?” he heard a soft chirp coming from a bit a further down. Looking down, he smiled as he saw Pikachu slowly wake up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and stretching 
“Morning Pikachu” Ash said with a smile, rubbing the ears of his friend
“Pika pika!” the small yellow pokemon chirped in greeting, enjoying the petting
“Hehehe, slept well?” Ash asked as he threw the covers off and climbed out of the bed.
“Chu!” Pikachu said with a nod as the raven haired teen smiled and stretched. He looked around and caught his reflection on a mirror on the wall right across from the bed
“You know, Brawly has a lot of mirrors in this place,” Ash said with a little giggle as he looked at himself. He looked pretty much the same as always, slightly pale, regardly skinny and still strangely hairless below the neck. He never understood that, but he just assumed it was a genetic quirk of his, so he never really gave it too much thought.
“Yo Ash?” Brawly’s voice rang out from the other side of the door “You awake?”
“Yeah, I’m up” Ash said, quickly grabbing his shorts and slipping them on just as the gym leader opened the door
“Morning” the teal haired teen said, smiling as he saw Ash adjusting his pants “Oh, relax. It's not like I haven’t seen anything like that before”
“O-Oh…” Ash stammered, his cheeks lighting up bright red “A-Ah… Well…alright then…”
“Oh man, you're easy to fluster” Brawly said with a grin “Come on, breakfast is ready”
“R-Right” Ash said, his cheeks still red as he quickly grabbed his shirt and slipped it on, following the Gym leader down the hall, his trusted pokemon a few steps behind. The trio quickly reached the kitchen, where Brawly had set up a decent spread for them to enjoy, including a plate filled with Poke-Chow for Pikachu
“Go ahead and dig in” Brawly said as he took a seat himself. The raven haired teen didn’t need another word and sat down, grabbing a piece of toast and wolfing it down. “Damn, you’re hungry today, ain’t ya?” “Hehe, yeah” Ash said, wiping some crumbs off his mouth as he grabbed a nearby glass, which was filled with the same bright orange liquid Brawly had given him yesterday “Hey Brawly, what is this exactly?” “Oh that?” the gym leader asked as he grabbed a glass himself and took a big drink “It’s a sports drink I made” “You made a sports drink?”
“Yeah” the teal haired guy said with a relaxed grin “It’s not as hard as it sounds honestly. Its a blend of berries and a bit of lemonade mixed in. Turned out to be a big hit with the guys coming in, so I decided to make it a real thing. Sales does help give a bit extra cash on top of the memberships” “Huh, cool” Ash said, as he took a drink from the glass, smiling as he felt the sweet flavor flood his taste buds, and when he swallowed, he smiled a little, as it left a pleasant tingling sensation that spread all over his body. He leaned back in the chair and relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief
“Like it?” Brawly asked with a big grin on his face
“Yeah” Ash said with a dopey smile on his face “It’s really good…” “Thanks” Brawly said with a smile, getting up to his feet and walking next to Ash, putting his hands on the teen’s shoulders “It makes you feel good doesn't it?” “Y-Yeah…” Ash muttered, his eyes slowly moving away from where Brawly had been sitting and down to the floor. He frowned for a split second as he saw Pikachu just standing there, swaying a wee bit, crumbs of his just eaten food “W-Wha..” “Shh” Brawly whispered into his ear, holding the glass up to his lips “Drink more. Drinking it makes you feel good, right?” “Ye-Yes…” Ash muttered as he started drinking the bright orange liquid, the tingling sensation growing stronger and stronger as he kept drinking
“Drinking it makes you feel good” Brawly kept whispering “And you drank because I told you to, right?” Ash nodded, not stopping his drinking
“So that means that doing what I tell you makes you feel good” Brawly whispered, taking the glass away from Ash mouth for a second “Say it” “Doing what you tell me to makes me feel good….” Ash mumbled, a dopey smile on his face
“That’s right” the teal haired gym leader whispered again “Say it again” “Doing what Brawly says makes me feel good…” Ash muttered
“Good” Brawly said with a smile, slowly moving away from Ash “Keep saying it until I stop”
“Doing what Brawly says makes me feel good. Doing what Brawly says makes me feel good. Doing what Brawly says makes me feel good.” the raven haired teen kept repeating, the dopey smile on his face growing more and more as he repeated the words. Soon, Brawly came back with something in his hand
“Take a deep breath” he whispered, as Ash looked down to see what the teal haired boy was holding. It was a can of some kind, and Ash did as he was told, taking a big sniff of whatever was inside. He moaned a little as he felt that same feeling from the drink flood all over his body, sending shivers of pleasure all through his nerves. Brawly smiled as he saw Ash’s eyes go wide and the dopey smile on his face growing even bigger, staring off into empty space as he kept mouthing what he had ordered him to say.
“Hehe, this stuff works like a charm” he said to himself as he stared at the raven haired teen “Now, let’s get to work” he grabbed the hem of Ash’s shirt and quickly took it off, Ash unconsciously moving along, as he just kept staring ahead.
“Doing what Brawly says makes me feel good….” Ash muttered, his voice coming back after the blast of pleasure
“Listen to me carefully” Brawly whispered into Ash’s ear again “What I’m about to tell you is the absolute truth. A fact that you will never doubt or think about, it is the truth and nothing else” “Yes Brawly….” the raven haired teen mumbled, that dopey smile still on his face
“You hate wearing shirts and shoes” Brawly whispered “Shirts and shoes are restrictive, useless pieces of clothing that you cannot stand, and never wear them. You always leave your chest exposed and your feet bare”
“Yes Brawly….” Ash mumbled, as the orders found their way into his addled mind and cemented themselves in stone “I hate shirts and shoes…. I never wear shirts and shoes…. I only wear pants and nothing more…..”
“Good boy Ash” Brawly whispered, giving the boy a pat on the head “Now, keep repeating that for the next two hours”
“I hate shirts and shoes…. I never wear shirts and shoes…. I only wear pants and nothing more…..I hate shirts and shoes…. I never wear shirts and shoes…. I only wear pants and nothing more…..I hate shirts and shoes…. I never wear shirts and shoes…. I only wear pants and nothing more…..” the raven haired teen repeated over and over, still staring at the ceiling, the words cementing themselves even more in his brain.
Brawly smiled and took a step back, admiring his handiwork 
“Right, a bit longer like that and you’ll be ready to start your first day at the gym!” the gym leader smirked as he looked down at the electric type standing on the ground, who like his trainer was staring into empty space “Now, let’s get to work on you”
Ash groaned as he blinked rapidly, frowingin as he looked around. He was sitting in the kitchen of the gym, a plate of half eaten toast and an empty glass in front of him.
“Guh… What happened?” he muttered, shaking his head as he got up. As he did, he felt his toe brush against some cloth on the ground. Curious, the raven haired teen reached down and grabbed a blue and white striped t-shirt.
“Oh hey Ash!” Brawly’s voice rang out from the other side of the room. Looking up, Ash smiled as he saw the teal haired trainer walking over with a big smile on his face “You done with breakfast I see”
“O-Oh yeah I am” Ash said with a smile “Hey Brawly, is this thing yours?”
“Oh? Nah. I don’t have any shirts like that. Isn't it yours?” “Mine? Arceus no!” Ash said, tossing the shirt to the table “I hate the things, never wear them.” “Ah, alright then. That actually makes my life easier” Brawly said with a smile “Makes it easier to find you some gym clothes” “Hehe” Ash giggled a little as the two walked out of the kitchen, and down to the gym proper. The raven haired teen smiled as he felt the smell of the gym hit his nose. It wasn’t the same as yesterday, when the place had been packed full of people, but it was still strangely familiar, and it sent shivers of pleasure through his body
“Alright Ash, go ahead. Your end of the deal” “Yes Brawly!” Ash said with a smile, shivering a bit more as he said that. Something about listening to the gym leader felt really good.
Not wasting a second, the boy dashed off to the nearest treadmill and hopped on it, turning it on to the slowest setting. He took a deep breath and began jogging along with it.
“Sweet Groudon Ash” Brawly said with a laugh “Next time go get something to drink first”
“O-Oh right… Sorry!” Ash mumbled, his face flushing red as he kept jogging
“No problem. I’ll get you one from the reception’s vending machine. I have to go get my mail anyways” the teal haired trainer said with a quick smile before walking off.
Ash smiled as he saw the back of the other guy retreat past the big double doors, before taking a deep breath and focusing on his running. He closed his eyes and felt his bare feet constantly smack against the soft, spongy surface of the modified treadmill. As he kept going, he took a deep breath, the tingles returning to him as he kept going.
“Here ya go” Brawly said as he came back with a big smile, handing Ash a bottle of the tasty orange liquid
“Thanks Brawly” the teen said, popping the cap off the bottle and taking a big chug, smiling as he felt the pleasure spreading out through him.
“Right, so let’s see what I’ve got here…” the teal haired trainer muttered as he leaned on the wall next to Ash, cracking open the envelopes he had brought “Another resume…” “Resume?” Ash asked in between breaths “What for?”
“Gym trainers” Brawly said, glancing up at the raven haired teen, chuckeling a little at the look of confusion on his face “Right, guess you haven’t heard of that” “Nope. What is it?” Ash asked as he took another drink, a bit of a dopey smile forming on his face as he kept jogging
“It’s a thing that Steven set up” Brawly explained “See, he thought that just the one battle against the gym leader wasn’t a good enough challenge for the people going through the gym circuit”
“So, what are gym trainers? Someone else you have to battle?” 
“Essentially” the teal haired trainer said “Gyms have to have at least one gym trainer on staff, and they must be defeated before the challenger is allowed to face the gym leader”
“I’m guessing that you have one…” Ash said, his words becoming a bit slower as he took another drink from the bottle, almost as if it was becoming harder to think
“I did” Brawly corrected “He quit about a month ago, since he was moving. I have around two months to find a new one, but so far no one has really done it…”
“Why…?” Ash mumbled, speeding up his jog
“Eh, they suck mostly” Brawly said “Gym trainers are supposed to be kinda good but still beatable.”
“I see…” Ash mumbled as he kept jogging
“Maybe you’ll like the job?” Brawly asked with a smile.
“Hehehe, nah” Ash said with a small laugh, a small bit of lucidity coming over him “Not really my thing”
“I see….” Brawly muttered, frowning a little before his usual friendly smile returned “Well then, just keep going. So far you're doing really well so far”
“Yeah?” Ash asked, the haze returning to his mind as he took another big gulp of the sports drink “Thank you…”
“You're welcome” Brawly said with a grin “Now I think you should try out a few more of the machines! Can’t just use one all week, after all”
“Y-Yeah… T-That’s true” Ash muttered, his mind instantly agreeing with Brawly. What he said made a lot of sense, since he was doing so well, he might as well expand to the other machines
“That’s a good boy!” Brawly cheered with a big grin as he turned around “I’ve got to man the gym today, so I’ll see ya later!”
“Y-Yes Brawly!” Ash moaned, unable to contain it as pleasure rang through his body at being called good by Brawly. He took a deep breath and re-focused his efforts on his new workout routine. He only had a week here after all, and he had to keep his word. A whole week working out in the gym, and damn it he was gonna go through with it! He panted as he stepped off the treadmill, taking another really big gulp of his sports drink, the weird haze that had been hounding him becoming even stronger. “I think I’ll try out the weights…” he mumbled as he walked over to them, a big dopey smile on his face as he did so.
Four Days Later
The teen yawned as he woke up, the familiar sensation of the rising sun streaming through the window and onto his face helping him up.
“Gah! Man I slept great last night…” he mumbled as he rubbed the remaining sleep out of his eyes. His eyes traveled down to the foot of the bed, as if he was expecting a response from someone, but it was empty, just as it had been when he climbed into the bed last night. He frowned for a second, a small ball of worry forming in his chest for a second before it evaporated “Who was I talking to?” he muttered, shaking his head as he threw the covers off and stepped onto the carpeted floor, his exposed member swinging loosely between his legs.
He turned to look at the now familiar mirror that sat opposite to his bed and grinned as he looked over himself. He had to admit, he was making amazing progress. He had gone from the twig of a teen he was a few days ago to having quite a bit of muscle. While he wasn’t a bodybuilder likes the ones he talked to every once in a while in between his workouts, he was still quite fit, especially his legs and his chest. He even had the starts of a six pack forming there.
“Brawly’s advice is really something” he muttered as he flexed a little, enjoying the sight of his new muscles. Indeed, for the past few days, Brawly had been giving him tips and tricks during breakfast. He did remember a few sounding a bit weird, like drinking three bottles of another energy drink that Brawly had made for him, or smelling a specific candle he gave him every morning, but when the teal haired trainer told him, it made perfect sense to do as he told him. After all, Brawly was the successful surfer and the owner of the gym, he must know something about it. “Right, nearly forgot!” the now muscular teen said as he turned to the tiny table that sat next to the mirror and grabbed the small glass bowl that sat there. He held it up to his nose and took a deep smell, moaning loudly as his whole body shook and trembled, his previously flaccid member going hard as soon as the smell hit his nose.
“Coming!” Ash moaned as he set the candle back down, and walked over to the door, still in his birthday suit. He grabbed the doorknob and opened it, revealing the smiling face of his host staring at him
“Morning Ash!” he said with a grin, looking over the guy’s body “I see you slept well”
“Oh?” Ash muttered, looking down at his hard cock “Oh that! Yeah, sorry.” he said with a shrug, not really caring that Brawly was seeing him naked. 
A small part of him felt like he should care, but that didn’t make sense. Brawly had told him that sleeping nude and letting other guys see you like that was good and normal. And what Brawly told him made him feel really good, so they couldn’t be wrong.
“Now come on, I made a special breakfast to celebrate your progress!” Brawly said with a smile
“Really!?” Ash asked with joy clear in his voice
“Hell yeah!” Brawly said, leading the nude teen to the kitchen. Ash followed happily, quickly entering the small room and smiling as he saw the big spread of toast, eggs, pancakes and about three jars filled with the sports drink he had fallen in love with.
“There you go!” Brawly said, pointing at the spread “Go ahead and dig in”
“Thanks Brawly!” Ash squealed as he dashed over and plopped his ass down on the chair, grabbing the stack of pancakes and starting to wolf them down. As he ate, he looked up to a Pikachu walking around the kitchens and frowned for a second.
Brawly had explained that the Pikachu was his and that he let it walk around the kitchen since he couldn't use him in battle, but that explanation never sat right with Ash. But before he could say anything more, Brawly had walked up to him with a glass of a bright aqua liquid
“What’s that?” Ash asked as Brawly put on the table in front of him
“Well, there’s more than just the food to this celebration,” Brawly said with a big smile “See, I’ve been working on a new sports drink this week. And knowing how much you like the old one and the reformulated version, I thought you might like being the first to try it” “Oh hell yeah!” Ash said with a smile, grabbing the glass and bringing it to his lips, chugging it down quickly. His eyes went wide as the taste danced on his tongue. It was amazing! He never thought that something could top the old one, but this one sent waves of pleasure through him that he didn’t think could happen! 
His cock bounced up, harder than it had ever been in the 20 years he’s been alive. He moaned loudly as he leaned back, that strange haze that he’d been feeling for the past few days coming back, stronger than it had ever been before. Soon, he could do nothing except moan and twitch as another surge of pleasure rang through his body.
Brawly smiled as he looked over his new prize. He waved his hands in front of Ash’s clouded eyes, snapped his fingers underneath his chin, blew air into his ears. None of these snapped him out of his arousal induced trance, he just sat there moaning and twitching
“Perfect” he said to himself as he pulled out a chair and sat right next to the moaning raven haired trainer “You know Ash? I always like ya. You had a fun attitude about stuff like this, had a love for battling that I haven’t seen before” “Gyah…” Ash moaned in answer, his eyes trying to focus on Brawly, a big smile on his face as he did so
“Yeah, too bad the Gym Trainer job wasn’t a thing when ya first came through here. You would have been perfect. Well, battling wise” he chuckled a bit “You're body on the other hand? I mean, your cute, but damn its like you were made out of bread dough. Can’t have a gym trainer that looks like that after all. You are perfect for the job. You're a good trainer, but you're not an unbeatable beast, you love you're pokemon and you’re pretty easy on the eyes.” he reached down and rubbed Ash’s twitching cock “Gyah!” he moaned loudly, his cock bouncing up and down at the touch
“Good thing I studied chemistry” Brawly said with a grin “Now, let’s wait for the other effects to set in…” he muttered, looking at Ash’s hair.
He didn’t have to wait very long, as suddenly the spiky raven locks began to grow longer and longer. They didn’t really loose their shape, but soon his hair reached down to his shoulders, as a waterfall of black spikes
“Damn” Brawly whistled “You look damn good with long hair Ash. I should have given this to ya sooner!”
“Guuuuh” Ash moaned, a bit of drool beginning to drip from his mouth “Hehe, yeah guess I should get started on this” Brawly said, moving his chair even closer to Ash and began whispering in his ear.
“Listen to me carefully” he whispered “What I’m about to tell you is the absolute truth. If something in your mind disagrees with what I’m telling you, then you will forget that fact. The only truth is what I will tell you now.”
“Brawly….. Tells truth…..nothing else matters…..” the now long haired teen mumbled through his arousal
“That’s right” Brawly whispered, reaching down and grabbing Ash’s dick, which sent even more shivers through the entranced boy “Now, you have always lived on this island. You have never lived off the island and you never want to. All that matters to you is on this island” as he said this, he gave his penis a good squeeze, reinforcing the order. Ash moaned and nodded, Brawly’s word worming their way into his brain and replacing whatever was there before.
He no longer remembered his journey. He forgot Pallet Town, Professor Oak, becoming the first ever champion of Alola. All of it evaporated in a cloud of arousal and pleasure.
“You have three great loves in your life” Brawly kept whispering “One of those is surfing. You adore surfing. Every second you are not in the gym, you are on the beach, board in hand waiting for that perfect wave. The beach is your second home, and you enjoy basking in the sand, sea and sun on your skin” the teal haired trainer smiled as he gave the member in his hands another big tug.
“The second is working out. Working out is essential for you. Ever since you were a kid you loved working out and do it all the time. You make sure you don’t bulk up too much so it doesn't get in the way of your surfing however. You love surfing much more than being muscular” he whispered again, moving on from simply tugging at his dick to a full on rub, making the raven haired trainer spasm in pleasure
“Gyaaaaah!” he moaned loudly, as it was all he could do as this point. His higher brain functions had pretty much shut down at this point.
“And the third is me” Brawly whispered again, smirking as he looked over Ash’s body “I’m your lover and you're master. You want to do nothing more than please me and make me happy”
“Brawly…….. L-Lover…….” Ash managed to stammer out as the new information was implanted into his brain
“That’s right” Brawly whispered again “You love to obey me and will do anything to please me. You love being my gym trainer and wouldn’t trade that job for anything since it gives access to your three greatest loves at all times. Understand?”
“Yeth” Ash mumbled, his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a panting Arcanine at this point, so lost in the sexual haze. Brawly smiled at that and rubbed his dick once more before going back to the whispering
“Now listen very carefully for this next part” Brawly whispered “I want you to take everything inside that cute head of yours that doesn't match what I told. I want you to move it down through your body. Have it pass through your throat, you're belly all the way down to your groin”
“Gyah” Ash moaned, still panting like crazy. He shivered as he felt all of his now suppressed memories moving downwards
“Now, all the memories and thoughts of before this moment are all packed in here” he patted Ash’s cock, which resulted in a loud yip of pleasure from the entranced trainer “Packed all nice and tight, swirling around and going nowhere else” he said as he started rubbing the dick once again
“G-Gah!” Ash moaned, loving the feeling of a hand running up and down his twitching rod. It was at the same time a new sensation and a familiar one, something that confused him slightly, but the haze of arousal didn’t let him think about it for too long. Brawly didn’t say anything, he just kept rubbing his penis with one hand and reached up to his chest with his other, grabbing one the pale pink nipples that poked out of Ash’s now muscular chest. He squeezed it and gave it a good twerk
“GYAH!” Ash screamed in arousal and pleasure, his hips buckling as he finally came. His dick twitched and bounced as a thick stream of cum blasted out of it, splattering on the floor in front of the two. He kept going for quite a while, two whole weeks worth of arousal and cum being pumped out of him.
“Feel everything in there being drained” Brawly whispered, a grin on his face “Everything from before. All those journeys, all those battles, flowing out of you dick, splattering to the ground as it sends waves of pleasure through you. The moment it splatters down, its erased. Its gone. It will never come back, but you won’t mourn it. After all, you can’t mourn something that doesn't exist, can you babe?” “N……..No…….” Ash moaned, as he kept humping the empty air “Nothing….existed…...nothing to…...remember….”
“That’s right” Brawly cooed as Ash kept pumping his fluids out “No annoying traveling, none of that. All that’s in there is what I said. Surfing, working out and me. That’s all that’s in there now, that’s all that should be in there”
“All thats…… in there……” Ash repeated in a pant, giving one last big hump as the last bits of cum, and his old life, splattered on the tiled floor of the kitchen.
Brawly grinned as he stared at the figure in front of him before turning around and grabbing a small glass bauble from the counter and a lighter. A tune on his lips, he lit the candle inside and smiled as he felt the sweet smell hit his nose, before turing to Ash and putting it right below his nose.
The raven haired trainer sniffed the smoke by instinct, groaning and blinking rapidly as the smell flooded his nose. The more he sniffed, the more the cloud of arousal and pleasure retreated. His dick deflated like a balloon after a minute as he groaned and shook his head
“Morning sleepyhead” Brawly said
“Huh? Brawly? What happened?” Ash muttered, groaning as he clutched the side of his head “Gah, my head. It feel like a Rhydon tap danced on it”
“Oh don’t worry about that babe” Brawly said as he leaned closer and kissed Ash right on the lips. Whatever Ash had been feeling, it evaporated the moment those lips connected with his. He closed his eyes and returned it, enjoying the sparks it sent through him. Nothing else mattered right now other than kissing Brawly. That was all that was important. After snogging for a good two minutes, Brawly pulled up with a big smile “Hehehe, turns out you were excited for me”
“What do you mean?” Ash muttered, looking down at the mess that sat in front of him. “Oh that. Hehehe, sorry bout that babe” he said, not really caring about the fact he was still nude and dripping. Why would he care about that?
“I don’t mind” Brawly said, pinching one of Ash’s nipples “Now come on hot stuff, you need to start your daily routine” “Course!” Ash said with a huge grin “Lead the way!”
Two Month Later
Ash yawned as he slowly opened his eyes, the rays of the sun coming in through his window like every morning. He smiled as he sat up and stretched, groaning a little as he heard the bones of his back pop a little.
“Damn….Musta been sleeping crooked or sumethin” he muttered as he threw the covers off and walked to his mirror, like he did every morning. He smiled as he looked at himself.
He looked like the perfect surfer. His skin was a nice bronze, tanned all over with not a single spot missed. He was so happy he listened to his master on that one and finally stopped putting on that stupid sunscreen crap every time he want to catch some waves. He looked way better like this. Well at least that’s what Brawly told him. But then again, that was as good as the truth as far as Ash was concerned. 
Continuing his morning ritual, the tanned surfer went on to pose for a bit, flexing and bulging out his muscles to make sure he got a good look at them and the new ink on his skin. He smiled as he noticed that, patting the Poke-Ball ink that now adorned his pecs. Again, he didn’t want to do it at first, but just like with his tan, all it took was a few good words from his boy to convince him he was being a dumbass and to go get inked. He argued that it hurt too much and some nonsense like that, but Brawly told him it woulndt hurt at all, and damn he was right as alway. Ash grinned and moaned about that, which got a chuckle out of him as he glanced down at his dick.
Like the rest of him, it was tanned thoroughly, and it was quite long and big. He didn’t really know how it started growing so quick in these last few days, but he sure as hell wasn’t gonna bitch! It meant that weekends with his babe were even better.
“Gya!” he moaned, the thought of his boyfriend and master sending a wave of pleasure through him and making his dick bounce up “Right, simmer down boy” he said, patting the top of his member “You’ll get action after lunch, like always” he smiled and reached over to the small stool that sat there for him and grabbed his clothes.
It wasn’t much, after all he did not get tanned and ink just to hide under a disgusting shirt or something like that. He slipped on the bright blue swimming trunks, grunting a little as he shoved his piece inside, but in the end he managed and reached over to grab the rubber band and tie up his hair. He love having it long, sure but it could be a real pain if it wasn’t in a ponytail. Finally he grabbed the gift from his lover that was waiting for him and slipped it on.
It was a necklace made of pure white, bleached Sharpedo teeth that sat perfectly over his neck. He grinned as he slipped on, feeling the cold bones against his skin sent shivers through his body
Ash smiled as he heard that and dashed to the door, throwing it open and smiling at the shirtless teal haired guy that stood right in front of him
“Morning babe” Ash said with a smile
“Morning” Brawly said with a smile, leaning in and kissing Ash. The raven haired surfer moaned as the kiss sent sparks through his whole body. The two snogged for a few more seconds before Brawly broke it up “Sleep well?”
“Course I did! I dreamt of you” Ash said with a wink, eliciting at giggle from his boyfriend
“Oh man, when did you become a romantic?”
“When I wiped out yesterday” Ash joked with a cocky grin
“Course you did” Brawly said with a smile “Now, as much as I would love to go and spend the whole day on the beach with ya, we have work to do” “Aw man, really?”
“Yeah yeah, I know babe” Brawly said, giving Ash one more peck on the nose “But we do need cash, so come on. Can’t open the gym without my best gym trainer on the grounds, now can I?”
“Right ya can’t” Ash said with a huge grin “But you owe me for ruining my dream afternoon with you”
“Oh?” Brawly said, hugging the black haired surfer as the two walked down the hall “How bout we have an extra long bed time this saturday?”
“Oooh that sounds amazing” Ash moaned, enjoying the sensation of Brawly’s arm around him. 
He loved Brawly more than anything else. Sure, he adored working out and surfing, but compared to Brawly? They were nothing.
And he wouldn’t trade this life for anything in the world.
If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my Patreon to support me if you can. And a shout-out to my top-tier Patrons, Jerry Nelson and Vikitren!
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kalosstarters · 2 years
Fic: An Unexpected Encounter
Characters: Professor (not professor then) Kukui, Professor Oak, Ash Ketchum, Gary Oak
Summary: Koa Kukui has traveled to Pallet Town in order to start his Pokémon Journey in Kanto, and while he’s there, he meets someone who feels strangely familiar... 
A/N: This idea came to my mind many months ago but finally I found the time to finish this story. I love the SuMo episode where Celebi brings Ash back in time to inspire young Kukui, and when I remembered that Kukui also traveled in Kanto once canonically, I started thinking... what if the same also happened the other way around, without them knowing. So here’s the result. Keep in mind that Kukui was a kid when he met S&M era Ash, while in this fic he is a young adult while Ash is like 5, so no, he doesn’t know the connection (yet). Enjoy and please leave comments, it’s been /ages/ since I’ve last written anything Pokémon related!
Words: 2090+
[AO3 link]
“Hello, professor. It’s nice to finally meet you. My name is Koa Kukui.” A young man with his black hair under a cap and clothes that were slightly questionable for Kanto’s weather extended his hand to greet the region’s most well known Pokémon professor, Samuel Oak.
“Alola, Koa! Isn’t that what they say where you live?”
The young man chuckled at the comment.
“That is correct. I suppose your cousin has taught you a thing or two about our region already.”
“Yes indeed, he has. I make sure to visit him at least once a year because Alola is such a fascinating place. I was so surprised when I first saw your gigantic Exeggutor! And your Vulpix are ice type, right?”
“They are,” Kukui confirmed. “It is kind of ironic when you think about the weather differences between these two regions, but it starts making more sense when you learn that the Alolan Vulpix’ natural habitat is Mount Lanakila.”
“Yes, I once read Samson’s article about that.” Oak nodded. “But I don’t think you came here to educate me on the Alolan variants. Samson informed me that a very promising young trainer wishes to participate in our league challenge. What brought you this far from your home, though?”
Kukui’s mouth twitched slightly when he heard the compliment. Apparently Samson Oak did tell his cousin more than just Pokémon puns.
“I am interested in learning more about different kinds of Pokémon moves, but I don’t think Alola alone can give me enough challenge and information to complete my research. People there prefer playing and just relaxing with their Pokémon instead of battling. But hopefully our new school will inspire more young trainers to start battling more seriously and our competitive scene will grow. Once I get my degree finished, I might start teaching there too. However, my ultimate dream is having a league of our own in Alola but that seems a bit, sorry for the pun, Farfetch’d at this point.” 
“You’re an ambitious one, aren’t you?” Oak said with amusement.
“I guess you could say that.” Kukui rubbed the back of his neck.
“Please stay that way,” Oak stated. “Remember that we Kantonians weren’t this serious about battling either back in the day. But the new generation, like our new champion Lance, always brings something new to the table. It sounds like you’re trying to achieve many different goals at once. I remember also being like that when I was younger…”
“Some people say I’m crazy for trying to Tackle so many things in such a short time but I can’t help it. This might sound a bit silly but I’ve been secretly itching to compete in the Indigo League ever since I was a kid. A boy I once met told me that he had battled in different Pokémon leagues and I remember wishing that I could do that too. I guess that thought has in a way stuck with me to this day.”
“Oh. That’s interesting. I think it’s a totally valid reason to want to travel here.” Oak’s eyes focused on his watch for a moment. Kukui imagined that with that many Pokémon in his lab, he probably had a very strict schedule. “By the way, did you bring any Pokémon with you?”
“Just my Incineroar,” Kukui replied. “He’s been with me since I was a kid. I left my other Pokémon in a friend’s care for a time being.”
“I see. I take it you’re planning to catch some new Pokémon here in Kanto, then.”
“Yes, that’s what I’m hoping to do.”
“In that case, we should probably start here.” Professor Oak pointed at three Pokéballs that were put on display on his work desk. Before Kukui managed to take any of the pokéballs into his hands, though, two kids ran into the room unannounced.
“Woah, are you gonna pick your starter?” the first one, with brown hair and clear resemblance to Professor Oak asked.
“What will you pick, what will you pick?” the other one, a boy with black hair and unique lightning shaped markings on his cheeks asked. There was something weirdly familiar about him even though Kukui wasn’t sure what made him think that way.
The boys were both still very young, according to Kukui’s estimation, maybe 4 or 5 years old, and they weren’t lacking energy. They kept staring at him intensely as he considered his options.
“Boys! It’s not polite to interrupt us when we are having a meeting!” Professor Oak scolded them. “I’m sorry, Koa, this is my grandson and his friend who lives nearby. I’ve told them that when I’m dealing with work related things they should not disturb me… but as you can see, they do not listen.”
“It’s OK.” Kukui laughed, waving his hand. “I still remember what it was like to be a kid. If I had been living in a place like this, you bet I would have been so curious about each and every Pokémon around me.”
“Alright, then,” Oak decided to let it be. “Well, I guess these boys are dying to know which starter you’ll choose, so, go ahead and make your decision.”
“You should pick Squee-tle!” Oak’s grandson exclaimed.
“Everyone knows that Cha-man-deh is the best!” his friend insisted.
Kukui was amused by how the boys pronounced the Pokémon’s names, but instead of mentioning that aloud, he took the third pokeball, with a tiny leaf sticker on the surface, into his hands.
“You know what, boys? I think I disagree with you both. I myself think that Bulbasaur is the best Kanto starter. Come out, Bulbasaur!”
A red light flashed in the room and a Pokémon appeared in front of them.
“Bulba! Saur!”
“Wow, it’s so cool!” the black haired boy exclaimed, having already forgotten that he supposedly preferred Charmander. “Look at this bulb on its back!” He started poking it and Kukui could see some kind of powder starting to float out of it.
“Be careful, kiddo!” He warned. “That could be poisonous or even cause paralysis!”
“But… but…” The boy didn’t have time to say more because he fell asleep on the lab floor faster than Kukui could say ‘Litten’.
“Well… I guess we now know the first move this Bulbasaur knows. Sleep Powder,” Kukui said awkwardly as he called the Pokémon back into its ball and lifted the sleeping boy from the floor. Professor Oak showed him a couch where he could let the boy rest while his grandson was jumping around him, asking Oak if he was going to be OK.
“Calm down, Gary, the powder will wear off maybe in an hour or so and he’ll be just fine. You guys have been in much worse incidents,” the professor noted.
Kukui wondered what kind of incidents those had been, but as he set the boy down, he made a solemn promise to be more careful with his Pokémon from then on when there were kids around.
“Oh, you’re finally awake!” Oak’s grandson, Gary, said when his friend opened his eyes about an hour later. He had been waiting with Kukui the whole time while Oak had gone off to feed the Pokémon he was taking care of. “We’ve been waiting for aaaages.”
“What happened?” the boy asked slightly drowsily. “Why am I here?”
“It was Bulbasaur’s Sleep Powder,” Kukui responded. “You got some of it into your system and fell asleep.”
“It was really effective, then!” the boy said happily, quickly shaking off his drowsiness.
��That’s one way to look at it,” Kukui laughed before getting serious again. “I am sorry, though. I should have warned you earlier. Bulbasaur sometimes extracts those powders when you poke its bulb.”
“It’s fine! One time I tried to ride one of Professor Oak’s Tauros. That didn’t end well,” the boy reminisced.
“Oh, what happened?” Kukui asked.
“I fell and broke some bones. They had to take me to the hospital. But I’m all good now!” the boy told him, like an incident like that was an everyday occurrence for him.
“Wow, sounds like you have a tendency to get into trouble, young man. Where I come from, Tauros are used as Ride Pokémon, but they can be really fast and unpredictable when they want to, so you need to have some practice before you’re allowed to ride them on your own.”
“Yeah… Well, the professor said we shouldn’t go near them… but he was out somewhere and Gary and I were bored so we wanted to see who would be a faster Tauros rider. I won because Gary didn’t manage to climb up his Tauros.”
“Hah, that’s only because I knew it was a stupid idea!” Gary claimed.
“He’s lying,” the other boy pouted.
“Alright, boys, let’s use Calm Mind” Kukui said before they started a bigger argument. “So, you spend a lot of time here in the lab, don’t you? You must really love Pokémon.”
“We do!” the boys answered in unison.
“Funny, I guess I’m a Psychic type because I knew that,” Kukui chuckled. “Are you thinking about becoming trainers when you’re older?”
“Yes, of course!” Gary answered without any hesitation.
“Yes, I’d like to…” the other boy said, not nearly as certain. Something about his tone caught Kukui’s attention. He couldn’t say he knew this boy very well yet because they had only exchanged a few sentences so far, but based on his earlier comments he wasn’t lacking confidence or will to learn more about Pokémon. That’s why it seemed a bit strange that he wasn’t as eager about starting his own journey as his friend seemed to be.
“Hmmm? You’d like to? Is there something hindering you?” Kukui asked. “If you want to tell me, of course.”
“It’s… my mum. Every time I tell her I want to be a Pokémon trainer when I’m bigger, she gets all weird.”
“Yeah. She starts mopping or peeling the potatoes like she doesn’t hear me. I don’t think she wants me to become a Pokémon trainer.”
Apparently Oak’s grandson enjoyed sharing a good drama because when he realized that his friend wasn’t going to spill the beans, he announced: “It’s because of his dad. He started his Pokémon journey a looong time ago and never came back home.”
Kukui wondered briefly what exactly that meant; if the dad had simply left them or if he had died on his journey. Either way, he couldn’t help but feel bad for this boy he had just barely met.
“Gary! You didn’t have to tell him that!” the boy exclaimed.
“Grandpa always tells me you’re supposed to tell the truth,” Gary argued.
“Yeah, but…”
“Okay, I think I’ve heard enough,” Kukui stopped them. “It doesn’t matter to me why his mother thinks that way. There are still many years left before you’re old enough to become a trainer, right?”
“Well, take advantage of that time. Hang out here with the Pokémon whenever you can and show your mother how much you love them. If you still want to become a trainer when you’re old enough, she will understand. She’s probably just worried about you.”
“You think she would let me go?” the boy asked, sounding more hopeful.
“If you know how to pull from the right strings, she will,” Kukui winked at him. 
“Awesome!” Suddenly the boy seemed to throw all his worries away and he asked: “Hey, hey, do you have any other Pokémon with you right now? I’d love to see them!”
“Sorry, I only have one with me here in Kanto and I left him at the Pokémon Center in Viridian City before I came here,” Kukui apologized. “I wanted to make sure he’s in good shape when we start our journey.”
“Owww, that’s too bad. But maybe you can show it another time.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Kukui smiled. “And who knows, maybe one day you and I will get to battle each other. Just keep on dreaming!”
“I will!” the boy promised.
Soon after that Professor Oak showed up again and told the boys to not annoy their guest who probably wanted to get going already. Kukui just waved his hand dismissively at him, telling him the boys were not bothering him. As they ran out to continue playing and he himself prepared to leave, he couldn’t get rid of a weird feeling. It was like he knew the dark haired boy already even though he had no idea how that was possible. Something also told him that this probably wouldn’t be the last time he would hear about these boys.
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epicspheal · 3 years
( this is gonna be long super sorry!!!) I have some Thoughts™ about Lusamine cause I'm conflicted. I love Lusamine as a character. And by that i mean I love to hate her. Rich white woman that's probably from Kalos( France) abuses her children, constantly gaslight them to make her the victim, and etc. It doesn't matter if she gone crazy, she's still an abuser.
The reason USUM boils my blood at times is because it goes the route of " oh yeah I wanted to save everyone" route which completely glosses over the fact that she abused and controlled her children for so long to the point of them both running away. And this one is purely headcanon in my part, cause I doubt Nintendo intended this, but she is, again, a rich white woman in comparison to the majority poc Alola. Is it infuriating how they welcomed her( well, at least on the front) after everything she's done? Yes. Is it a sad reality? Also yes. But it I'm still gonna complain. It also seems that Lillie and Gladion forgave her so easily? Of course, they have their own right to feel however they feel about their mother( especially if there was genuine good memories prior everything that happened), but like???? Idk it rubs me the wrong way.
But here's where I'm conflicted. Pokemon masters have shown a redeemed Lusamine. I understand masters is it's own thing, but also it's really interesting cause when you think about it, out of the Bad Parents Club, she's kinda the most likely to get that???( Other than Rose). Like by the end of SM, she finally acknowledge Lillie, and maybe going to Kanto will also mean getting therapy, which could lead to the Redeemed Lusamine we see in Masters( and what USUM were trying to sell). I personally feel like the other two, Giovanni and Ghetsis, are too far gone. So, like, Lusamine has a chance. But I hate her. I made an oc with the goal of at one point throwing hands with Lusamine for a REASON( other than parallels with her own life but that's different). Also when you take into account what lead her to this point, you kinda understand ( NOT JUSTIFY) her decent into madness. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they really should have portrayed her "redemption" better( putting quotations in redemption cause we don't know if she fully learned her lesson or not).
Okay that's all. Super sorry this got very long, I just have many Thoughts ™.
Hi there @ihopethisendswell! Oh boy Gen 7's story is not my favorite for multiple reasons and the shift between SM and USUM's handling of Lusamine was a big one. Like honestly if they truly wanted to redeem Lusamine USUM should've been a sequel rather than retelling because that way a few years would've passed, Lillie and Gladion could've healed on their own and Lusamine could've gotten some time to get herself together and maybe earn a redemption. But honestly I didn't want Lusamine to be redeemed. Let her rot in the "crappy parents" brigade with Giovanni and Ghetsis. I've said this before in a previous ask that I already didn't care for the Aether Family Plot to begin with but I at least enjoyed finally having the main villain be a woman and her being just absolutely a piece of crap too. I I don't like that they tried to redeem they chose her, and in such a haphazard way. Let the women be irredeemly evil. We need to see more of that in fiction. Unrestrained cruelty knows no gender.
But then again Lusamine's writing flops just fall in line with other issues Gamefreak has with writing female characters. Right in step with "Let's make Lillie, the one female child character whose been cursed with a crappy parent be the only helpless, passive one to the point of pretty much being the load while Silver, N and her own brother Gladion who also have shitty parents get to have more agency and fight to them. Because girls are the only ones who can be damsels and boys have to be tough."
Oh and I can't forget "Let's make Professor Burnet mostly irrelevant to the plots of SM despite her field of research being the most valuable concerning the whole research plot. Can't have a female researcher be useful" As you can see I have a lot of gripes with the gen 7 plot.
But your point about how Lusamine was handled in the majority POC region of Alola is probably my biggest issue with the Aether family. Because I really didn't care for the fact that the blonde family took up so much presence and importance in the story at the expense of the POC characters who were actually born and raised in the region. Like there was two whole plotlines of the Hau trying to live with the burden of being a Kahuna's grandson and Kukui trying to show pride in his home region by creating league while also not stepping on the traditions that make Alola's island challenge so sacred and special but we don't get to see it because it's the Aether Family show. Gamefreak has had a rather prevalent issue in writing when it comes to balancing story plotlines in general, but Gen 7's botched handling really stood out to me. The Alolans had really interesting stories that I wish had of gotten more prominence rather than being shoved off to the side like they were in canon. I hope whenever we get gen 7 remakes they add more depth to Hau, Kukui, Guzma, Acerola, and Hapu's stories because their stories as natives deserve as much attention as Lillie being able to find her confidence. Finally there should've definitely been a "press x to punch Lusamine's lights out" option in game. Like you I made alolan champion OC specifically just straight up give Lusamine a black eye. Yeah it meant aging her up to around 17 instead of the canon protags age of 11. so she could have more force behind that punch but it was worth it :D
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helmarok · 3 years
more james hcs guys i know everyone loves me and my headcanons cuz im awesome and amazing
idk if i said this last time but he does have OCD. everywhere he goes he brings a mini hand sanitizer container. one big issue he has is that if they don't get to finish their motto, it eats at him the rest of the day.
he has a poison blood type (something i might have to expand on in a different post one day), which means he has a godly immune system and a naturally high immunity to poisons, even those that are fatal to the average person.
his parents are georgio and eliza morgante. yes i know its a play on the name morgan to make it italian and its funny for that. anyways jojo fans if youre reading this i named him giorgio as a joke too. moving on, they own a tech company called morgantech cuz im good at naming and theyre rich for it. nobody knows james is the son of elon musk and grimes cuz they thought he was a failure of a son so they never made him public.
some of his stims include hand flapping, rocking, whistling, humming, singing, leg bouncing, and sucking on candy, which he somehow has handfulls of at all times
they also listen to music a lot. they like upbeat songs, pop, and stupid love songs. whatever the pokemon equivalent of glass animals is, well thats their favorite artists all time. they HATE classical music and certain classical songs are a goddamn trigger cuz his stupid bitch parents and their rich old southern aesthetic
on the music thing, they always have headphones with them cuz otherwise theyd deal with a shit ton of sensory overload
him and meowth are besties that talk about their feelings with eachother at 3am while jessie and wobbuffet snore obnoxiously loud in the other room
theyre booksmart yeah but if it has anything to do with math theyve already accepted defeat
ok actually in the last post i said they ran away at 15 but i changed it to 17 cuz the gap between then and joining team rocket was way too big and annoying to put together
they sleep in a LOT
they like writing. not books or anything but more like poems, which isnt much of a hc cuz he said so in that one oak episode. they also have a little diary like a stupid nerd.
loves sweet tea
one of their hyperfixations is old cartoons they were never allowed to watch as a kid, and they sit down and watch it with everyone and is the happiest loser alive
maybe ill do a quick indigo hearts bit too cuz i oughta do that sometime i guess
in my au that takes place a while after journeys, theyre 37. they live in da treehouse with jessie, jaime, meowth, wobbuffet, and all the other pokemon including bewear. irrelevant to anything but they've won alola's first coordinator contest thing. their pokemon team for the events in kanto is growlie (now an arcanine), hidoide, mime jr, and carnivine, though growlie is less so on the team and more like a ride pokemon that stays out of its pokeball. basically hes gay married with jessie and theyre all on a vacation in kanto with the twerps for ash's retry at the indigo league. hes like family to them anyways, all the twerps are. their friendship with brock is especially strong for many reasons, one of them being that brock also lives in alola and works at the pokemon center, and because of his close distance him and james often have lunch together and talk about nice things.
i do have more feel free to ask me cuz im always willing to go off due to being mentally deranged. thanks for watching and be sure to click that subscribe button cuz only 10% of people who watch my videos are subscribed. your mom your mom your mom and did i mention your mom
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txtniipped · 3 years
time, ever moving
pokemon (gameverse) -- green oak/reader
(1892 words)
ao3 version
What snapped Green out of his funk was some cocky brat from Johto. His name was Gold, you learned, when Green complained to you at some banquet. He spoke about Gold bugging him at Cinnabar, about how the kid wanted to fight him right there, on top of all the ash and cinders. You had smiled wryly at him, and had told him, “I bet you would have if you were still twelve.”
Green snorted in response, lifting his glass of champagne to his lips as he spoke. “Good thing I’m not twelve anymore then.”
You’re not sure when your relationship with Green Oak changed.
When you were kids, he was a menace. You were no better, but it was always Green getting the two of you in trouble. Between rushing through the tall grass Pokemon-less, exploring nearby caves with “borrowed” equipment from Professor Oak’s lab, or dumb dares down at the coast south of Pallet, the blame would befall both of you, despite all of the instigating being Green’s doing.
Even during your journey, most of your trouble—when not dealing with an interregional crime syndicate—came from the one and only Green Oak.
Roadblock of the century, Green Oak was always waiting for you. Town after town, route after route, you found him flaunting his progress, forcing you to pause in your own as he challenged you. Given, you’d always win, and Green always gave you some piece of advice or a tip you genuinely didn’t know after, but it was still a momentum breaker; another bullet point on your list of annoying habits of one Green Oak.
Squaring up against him at the final point in your journey, however, was much more fitting than fighting Champion Lance.
Green was devastated when he lost, despite the front he put on for you. There was no name for the way he left after his grandfather came into the room other than retreating, and if Professor Oak hadn’t corralled you towards the Hall of Fame, you would have run after your rival.
Champion duties took over from there, and though you were a kid, you were swamped with work. Between interviews and tv appearances, photoshoots and League meetings (the last one, you’re sure, was the only true duty you had. The other stuff was most likely Lance fishing for funds for the League—two child prodigies claiming the title of Champion within a few months of beginning their journeys was honestly quite the cash cow), you rarely saw Green.
You found out later—sometime after most of the euphoria had died down—that Lance had hired Green as the new Viridian Gym Leader.
As Champion, you had the final signature on the paperwork to make it official. When Lance presented it to you, you almost thought it was a joke. Green Oak, willingly working with the League? With you?
He’d gone radio silent the moment he left the Plateau after you won the Champion battle. You only learned from Daisy after you nearly knocked a hole in the Oak residence’s door that Green left for Sevii Islands— that he’d been gone for weeks now, I thought he let you know?—and when he got back, he had ignored you. You! Rivals, best friends, whatever, he hadn’t said a word, and now—now?!
You signed off on it, of course. Your beef with Green was yours, not the League’s, and with how desperate you knew Lance was on filling the empty hole where Giovanni once stood, you weren’t going to be petty about this.
It turned out that Green was actually an excellent pick for a gym leader. You knew he would be—duh, he was Green Oak—, but you were proud of him anyway.
Viridian perked up nicely with a new gym leader at the helm—the influx of new trainers in Kanto the season Green stepped into his position nearly rivaled the season following the Champion battle between the two of you the year before. It was a testimony to Green’s fame, as well as another boost in profits for the League, which always made for a happy Lance.
Your rival had a way of elegantly beating aspiring trainers into the ground. Sometimes, it was the breaking point for journeys, and others, it drove home just how determined they really had to be to continue. The average rate of Earth Badges actually being given out per season dropped with Green as the Viridian Gym Leader when compared to Giovanni, but Lance had agreed with you—Green was every bit the better gym leader.
Until, at least, he seemed to get bored.
Viridian Gym fell to the wayside some time during Green’s second year of running it. Your rival had openly complained about paperwork, about guest lectures and special appearances, about the banquets and meetings and get-togethers whenever someone would spare him a second on the topic. It wasn’t a surprise to see Lance pulling Green away at all those gatherings to scold him, and you weren’t surprised by the way Green would always let it roll off his back either. 
Green Oak operates by no one’s rules but his own when he can get away with it, and if the worst repercussion Green was going to face was Lance being disappointed with him, you knew nothing would change.
What snapped Green out of his funk was some cocky brat from Johto. His name was Gold, you learned, when Green complained to you at some banquet. He spoke about Gold bugging him at Cinnabar, about how the kid wanted to fight him right there, on top of all the ash and cinders. You had smiled wryly at him, and had told him, “I bet you would have if you were still twelve.” 
Green snorted in response, lifting his glass of champagne to his lips as he spoke. “Good thing I’m not twelve anymore then.”
Gold tore through Green’s gym when he finally arrived, about a month later. 
You heard about it from your mother first, who apparently had been keeping up with Gold’s journey after the boy came through Pallet and charmed the little town with his familiar and nostalgic ambition. Your immediate thought upon hearing the news was how Green would want a rematch without the League rules he was required to follow as a gym leader weighing him down. When you saw Green the following morning, he voiced that exact sentiment to you. You laughed at his predictability.
Shortly after Gold had bested you a few weeks later, Green stepped down from Viridian Gym. He had an internship in Kalos under Professor Sycamore, as well as a scholarship to some college there for evolution sciences. Apparently, he spoke enough Kalosian to get by, and hearing him speak it to some lab assistant over the phone while dining at a cafe with him rattled your brain. 
Green kicked your shin under the table, and, belatedly, you realized you had been staring. Cheeks rosy, you settled on staring at your drink instead.
League meetings were insanely boring without Green there to take your mind off them after he left. Gold had won the title of Kanto Champion, yes, but he had already besieged the Johto title, and held the responsibilities that came with it. He had stepped down from any sort of toe-in-the-water as far as Kanto went, and thus, Lance had kept you around. Besides, after a rematch a month later, you had beaten Gold anyway. The two of you were on pretty even footing.
These meetings though—they were boring. Green somehow never paid attention and yet always could summarize them for you afterwards. Now, with him halfway across the world, you had to struggle to keep your eyes open alone under Lance’s droning voice. At least you could find comfort in Erika, who always fell asleep at some point in these meetings without fail.
Unova was where you saw Green next. The Champions Tournament was an event entirely too flashy for your tastes, but you could see the way Green shined under the attention. His battles were magnificent and dramatic while still being calculating and precise. You ate up the way he directed his hand towards the camera with a blinding grin on the tiny television in your hotel room at the start of one battle, and from the tinny shrieking blasting through the shotty speakers, so did everyone in the arena.
Your battle against one another was apparently referred to as the highlight of the tournament, and while you understood why everyone screamed in delight as Green’s Aerodactyl took down your Charizard, you couldn’t quite place why they practically deafened you upon your victory. You had nowhere near the showmanship Green did, but when Green shook your hand post-match, the way he looked at you… His smile was soft, proud in a way that could only be directed at someone else, and with his eyes locked with yours, you realized his pride was placed in you. That was a rush of emotions not even ten thousand people chanting your name could ever hope to give you.
He was on break, Green told you later in your hotel room. He was doing fine in school, which you knew meant he was acing every one of his classes, the bastard, but the highlight for him was the data collecting he was doing for Sycamore. It took him all over Kalos, from rocky shores to snowy mountains, from quaint little towns so similar in feel to Pallet, to eternally autumn forests. Green had stated somewhere between his descriptions of the aquarium in Ambrette Town and the sundial in Anistar City that he would love to show you the region one day. When the two of you turned in that night, with Green passed out in his day clothes on the other side of your bed, you dreamt of summer days exploring a new region with your oldest friend. Maybe, after Green had finished his research under Sycamore, the two of you would make up for your childhood journey.
Your chance came nearly two years later in the shape of a man named Kukui.
He was a professor from the Alola region, a region famous for its beautiful shores and stunning flora. Your mom had vacationed there once upon a time, you knew, back when your dad was around. The way Kukui described it was from the view of a man in love with his home. When he asked for your notoriety to draw in more than just vacationers to their region, you almost gave in due to his passion alone.
Convince Green Oak first, you managed to tell him. If he had your rival on board, you’d go too.
Alola was humid, you found out. Humid and hot, forcing your clothes to stick to your skin as you trudged through the wilds of the routes. The benefit, you discovered quickly enough, was that Green would unbutton his polo down as far as the shirt would let him when the sun was at its peak.
He was a view, under the glow of the Alolan sun, no matter the hour of the day. Even the moonlight felt like it knew how to accentuate his features for you to admire as the two of you camped along routes. His hair lightened with the weeks, and his skin took on a sunkissed complexion that suited him so nicely. He had teased you for staring multiple times at first, but between weeks of Mantine surfing, battles with locals who only had passing knowledge of yours and Green’s fame, and evenings spent talking softly between the two of you, you had noticed his eyes on you just as much.
You’re not sure when your relationship with Green Oak changed, but, as you kiss him in the evening light, cool ocean waves lapping at your waists, you don’t think you particularly care.
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
Falling in love is easy...
It's falling out of love that's the hard part.
As you try to run from old feelings you meet someone who is determined to bring the spark back into your eyes. Raihan isn't sure what happened in the past and he doesn't care. He's got one shot to make you his and he's going to take it.
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Begin at the End
You gaze in disbelief as, with a final fire blast, Hau’s Incinaroar sends your Ninetales to the ground. Your eyes widen and you summon her back into her Pokeball robotically. You smile at the new victor and you know, for the first time in three years what freedom tastes like. You walk towards Hau, no longer a boy of fifteen, but a young man of eighteen, and Alola’s new champion. You feel nothing but relief as you shake his hand and congratulate the shell-shocked male in front of you. 
You can practically feel the world jump to life as a new champion joins the ranks. You walk out of the arena for the last time. You wish you could say it’s bittersweet, but all you can feel is the joy of escape.
The hallway leading to the locker room is long and dark. You notice a figure leaning against the wall near the end, you don’t pause just keep walking until his voice pierces the silence. 
“Did you throw the match?”
You stop and turn towards Kukui, your friend and co-worker, the man you had fallen in love with. The man you could never have. 
“Don’t lie to me…”
“It doesn’t matter if I did or I didn’t… I’m no longer the champion of the Alola region. As far as I’m concerned I’m a free woman now.”
“You make it sound like we’ve been holding you prisoner.”
“I came here to escape the limelight and yet you were determined to throw me into it all over again. I did as you asked! I built your league, I chose and trained your gym leaders and I put Alola on the map. I would like to be left alone now.”
“(Name)... what happened? I thought you liked it here… You’ve been so distracted lately… and now your loss…”
“Hau will be a great Champion, he grew up on the islands and his grandfather will help him. He will be a wonderful leader and a shining light to trainers here. Don’t worry, your league will be fine.”
“Kukui I need to go. I can’t stay here anymore…” You mutter forlornly as you continue on your way leaving him to his thoughts in the darkness. 
That night as you sit gazing at the TV screen a ping on your phone alerts you to a new message. 
Hello (Name)! 
This is Leon, Champion of the Galar region! It has been brought to my attention that another champion has taken over your mantle. Your final battle as champion was absolutely smashing, by the way! The Galar League would like to invite you to consider heading our own league. We are aware you helped to build The Alolan League from the ground up and after the recent loss of our own chairman we are looking for someone to take his place! We believe you would be perfect! We understand that this is a large commitment, so we would like you to come to Galar to get a feel of our League. All expenses will be paid by the committee, of course!
I look forward to your reply!
You gaze down at the email before you and you can’t help but feel desperation come over you. A way out! A purpose! A distraction! Better than all of that… An entirely new region away from the man you aren’t supposed to be in love with. 
Your reply back is simple: 
I’ll leave tomorrow.
Your escape from Alola is quick and quiet. You are dressed in a pair of ripped blue jeans, with a black top and a blanket like ruana along with your combat boots. You board the plane that almost no one is on and sigh in relief as the plane takes off. Perhaps you will feel more guilty about running off without an explanation later, but right now you need the solitude. 
***The Galar Region***
Raihan can hardly believe his eyes as he watches the replay of the championship match. The (Name) (L.Name) lost to some kid? Raihan is mad about her and had looked up to her for the last couple of years. She is cool, confident, and funny with this cunning wit that he loved. He loved to watch her battle because it was always wild. He could tell that she had grown up battling with these intense strategies and insanely powerful pokemon. They were all powerhouses in their own right; his favorite though, is definitely her Garchomp.
He had noticed the last few months things had been different. She seemed bored in her battles and where she had always been quick-witted and charming during the post-battle interviews, she was now short with her answers. He was a little worried about her, but he had also never met her before, so it’s not like he can just slide into her DMs and start asking personal questions. This last battle had confirmed his suspicions though. She looked relieved when she lost. The champion that he looks up to would never be relieved to lose. Raihan frowns over his eggs as he continues to watch the report. 
The distinct ring of his phone woke him from his musings. Raihan would normally ignore a call so early in the morning, but it’s Leon and he had been helping him look for someone to replace the chairman. 
“What could you possibly need this early?” Raihan asks as he answers the phone. 
“Raihan! She’s coming! She’s on a plane and she’s arriving this evening!”
“Who is?” 
“(Name) (L.Name)!”
“What? How?” he asks in bewilderment. 
“I sent her an email last night! She replied while I was asleep and she said she’s leaving today! It’s a ten-hour flight from Alola! She’s going to be here tonight!”
“She lost her title yesterday! How is she already getting on a plane!”
“I don’t know! But we need to book a room and arrange tours and dinners! You know she would be perfect to run the League! And we’ve been looking for months!”
“I know man… I know… Let’s just take this one step at a time…” Raihan says with a sigh as he leaves his uneaten eggs on the table and heads to his room to change. He hadn’t been expecting his idol to arrive in Galar tonight, but he’s not complaining about it. 
You pull the ruana closer around you and adjust the sunglasses. Your steps are quick and sure as you head towards the front of the airport. The nice thing about being a champion is the perks it affords you as you flash your credentials. You walk over to the luggage carousel and pluck your bag from the belt when it comes around. 
You notice a small crowd formed around a couple of people. Upon closer inspection, you see Champion Leon and the eighth Gym Leader Raihan. You walk closer to them and only stop when you hear a small gasp. You look down at the small girl and smile as she squeals.
“Y-you’re- (Name)!!”
“I am! And who are you? You ask as you bend down to speak to her. You don’t notice the silence that has taken over the crowd, or the awe in which they look upon you. 
“I’m Claire! You’re my favorite!” she declares in excitement. 
“Why thank you! Do you have a favorite?” you ask indicating the pokemon on your belt.
“Aurora!” she squeals. 
You tap the top of one of the Pokeballs and Aurora pops out. She gazes around at the crowd before addressing the 8-year-old girl in front of her. You smile at the look of wonder and awe on her face. 
Aurora sits regally beside you then yips at the little girl and bowing her head. Claire looks up at you, you give her a nod of permission then she takes a hesitant step forward and gingerly touches the soft fur on Aurora’s head. 
“She’s fierce in battle, but a total sweetheart otherwise.” 
Aurora lets out a soft cry as she looks back up at you. You run your fingers through her soft fur. 
“Thank you!” Claire says as he gazes up at you in wonder. 
“You’re welcome!” you say as you pull a card from your pack. You sign it before you hand it to her making her gasp. 
“This the best day!” She exclaims as she rushes back to her parents. They look over at you with gratitude before beaming down at their daughter. 
Aurora taps her Pokeball with her nose and a moment later she is nestled inside against your hip. 
“That was...really cool of you to do,” Raihan says as he walks up beside you. He takes the bag from the floor beside you silently offering to carry it for you. 
You shrug in reply, “She’s sweet and how can I turn down such a face?” 
 “I wasn’t expecting you so soon, but I’m glad you could make it! I’m Leon!” Leon says as he steps forward. 
“I’m sorry it was such short notice, but I need a break from Alola. I know I didn’t really give you any time to prepare anything, so just take your time with things. I’m in no rush.”
“Well, I’m sure you’re hungry! There is a great steakhouse near here if you would like to go? My treat of course!”
You give Leon a soft smile, “That’s very kind of you to offer, but I’m tired from the flight. Perhaps something quicker?”
Raihan, who had been letting Leon do the talking and silently psyching himself up, interjects, “What about pizza?”
“A man after my own heart…” you say as you give him a smile, he happily returns it.
Sitting at the pizza place you feel yourself relax a little bit. Leon is doing most of the talking and Raihan seems to be shooting you glances every now and then but doesn’t speak much. 
“I was thinking that you could take a day tomorrow to get adjust, maybe we could show you the town. Then we will start the tour of the gyms and give you a breakdown of the League.” You rest your head on your hands as you listen to Leon. You can tell both of them are nervous, most likely due to the upcoming Gym Challenge. Their former chairman has been stripped of his title and is currently atoning for, well almost destroying the world. They need someone to run things, and you can tell from the bags under Leon’s eyes that he’s been burning the candle at both ends. 
“Don’t be so nervous, I think this will be a good fit for me. I’m mostly curious about the challenges and your gym leaders. My understanding is you don’t have an elite four? You do a challenger competition then a tournament leading up to the championship battle. It’s a little different than what I’m used to, but I can roll with it,” you say with a shrug.
Leon’s shoulders sag in relief, “I’m glad you think so, things have been crazy trying to figure out what needs to be done for the upcoming challenge. I don’t think I can coordinate that and fulfill my champion duties. Raihan and several other gym leaders have been helping out, but they won’t have time for long. I think you would be a great fit and I hope you think so too.”
“No, of course not, you all have things that need to be done for your own gyms. Also, I’m not trying to be presumptions but it sounds like the job is mine if I want it.”
“It is,” Leon says with finality. 
“I think that was the easiest job interview I’ve ever had,” you say with a smile as you take a bite of the pizza in front of you. 
Both men look relieved as they bite into their own food. 
The next day dawns with a text message from Leon stating he’s got some business to attend to, but Raihan will be showing you around. So you’re not surprised when Raihan is waiting in the lobby for you with a cup of coffee and a danish. 
“Did you bring me coffee and food? Watch out… I may decide to marry you on this tour.”
He laughs as he hands the treats over to you, “I wouldn’t be too opposed to that…”
You pretend not to see his wince and the silent chiding he gives himself. 
“Oh? So you like getting married to women you just met?” you say with a smile over your coffee cup, teasing him. 
“Ehh more like getting married to women I admire. I’m kinda a huge fan of yours…” he trails off and looks down obviously embarrassed. 
You smile as he attempts to hide his face from you, “I think that’s awesome that you’re a fan. You’re a really amazing trainer so it’s an honor that you like the way I battle.”
He looks up in surprise, “Really? You’ve seen me battle?”
“Of course! I don’t want to play favorites or anything… but I’ve been hoping you’d take the title for a few years now. You’ve got a… wildness… that Leon doesn’t have. Kinda reminds me of...me…”
“I’m not going to lie… Several of your strategies have inspired a few of mine. That battle you had with Lance a few years ago… That was intense!”
You laugh, “Lance is an old friend, every time we get together I goad him into a battle. He taught me a lot about dragons and battling in general, he’s a little stiff, but he’s great at what he does. He mostly just thinks I’m the little sister he never wanted.”
“You know a ton of great champions and trainers don’t you?”
You shrug as you head off down the street towards the taxi he called, “It comes with the territory… When you make champion I’ll make sure you meet the right champions to further your career.”
“We both know it’s going to happen… You have too much passion and drive for it not to.”
Raihan stops at the casual way you proclaimed his victory over Leon as if it had already happened. As if it’s set in stone. Do you really have that much confidence in him? 
“Well if you keep talking like that then we just might have to get married today,” he says with a laugh as he bumps your shoulder. 
You giggle as you climb into the taxi, and for just a moment you feel light and free with the giddiness of hope that this is where you need to be.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my Raihan fic! I think it’s an interesting dynamic and it’s going to be fuuunnnn! I basically just want awkward yet smooth Raihan flirting with me making me feel like a queen all day. Come at me....
Anyway! Please let me know your thoughts!! Also, do you like the thought of certain parts being told from his POV? Let me know and I’ll play with it if you do!
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punz4lyfe · 4 years
Now you've been asked what you do like about him what about the opposite what don't you like about goh?
Aw man, this is gonna hurt.
TL;DR - Goh’s a completely lovable character, but I have three particular issues with him that I feel could become worse if not taken care of properly.
First off, DISCLAIMERS!! To all my fellow Goh fans, please know that writing this, I do not mean any hatred to Goh in anyway. I LOVE Goh, and if you’ve seen literally ANY of my past anipoke posts, you would already know that. These are just issues I find with his character that I want to be changed for the best.
Now with that outta the way, here’s what I don’t like about Goh:
1. His iffy character development. While he’s doing fine in becoming more open to people and more willing to help Pokemon, his fighting skills are what I have trouble with it. Let’s go back to his first ever official battle.
It was at Hoenn’s Frontier Cup where he used Scorbunny and Scyther against a trainer’s Mightyena. Despite having a type advantage with Scyther, he lost horribly, which is completely understandable. He’s a beginner and doesn’t possess the same kind of street smarts and experience Ash and many other trainers have. Alright then, so maybe this will lead to a change in character of wanting to become better in battles by getting some training with Ash, who made quick work of that Mightyena trainer. Surely we’ll get some development over this topic after this episode!
He beats Saffron City’s Karate Master and scores a free Hitmonchan.
...Okaaaay, I mean, we’ve never seen the Karate Master in battle before, so perhaps it was just another fodder trainer the anime is filled of. I sure we’ll get some more Goh development after thi-
He easily defeats and captures a powerful Flygon.
.....Alright, alright, it was only a wild Pokemon. Everyone can beat those, right? Heck, in the next episode, he technically suffers a curbstomp loss against Kiawe and admits he only battles Ash every so often. Perhaps this loss will encourage Goh to train more with Ash so he could become a stronger trainer. I mean, despite his good luck with Pokeballs, he’s gonna need to be as strong as he can be for tougher mons, like Legendaries. I’m 100% sure we’ll get something out of thi-
He takes down a wild Zapdos and NEARLY captures it.
.........Uh, okie dokes, it wasn’t a successful capture, and who knows? Even though we have not seen him battle/train that much on-screen, maybe he just got a little lucky. Even in the games, it happens to the best of us. Perhaps this barely missed victory will finally give Goh the time to actually development more on-screen so that he could have a better chance agai-
He defeats Oleana’s Milotic, using his fire-type Raboot who only wanted to use a weak fire-type move.
..............Allllriiiiight, maybe Oleana just got a little cocky later on. Plus, Raboot finished Milotic by evolving in Cinderace and finishing it off with Pyro Ball. With this powerful evolution in hand, maybe Goh will finally realize that, in order for Cinderace to reach its greatest potential, he must start training for once and obtain some proper development for a chance against stronger threa-
Cinderace fights decently well against Mewtwo, even lasting longer than Pikachu and being on-par with the more trained Lucario.
....................At this point, I’m all out of excuses for him. Overall, Goh’s development as a trainer is very rushed to the point seeing him achieve numerous victories despite all odds being against his favor to be iffy.
2. Slightly touchy topic, but there are some negatives with his whole catching all Pokemon goal. So Goh wants to catch every single mon he can in order to reach up to Mew, as he said to Mewtwo in episode 46. And yes, this includes Legendaries as well. Unfortunately, this is where my issues with his goal starts. First off, where in the world will Goh keep any Legendary he encounters? Cerise’s glorified garden dome? Yeah, keep Dialga and Palkia, literal beings of space and time, inside a glass dome with a bunch of weaker mons. And speaking of which, wouldn’t catching mons like the Creation Trio or the Island Guardians cause quite the upset in, well, y’know, the natural balance of things? Sure, Goh technically hasn’t caught a single Legendary yet (Eternatus doesn’t count because it had to be sealed away), with how the anime is playing out, issues like this will surely rise throughout the series.
And yes, the anime is playing it out for Goh to indeed catch every single mon before reaching Mew. If you pay attention to the openings as well as many of Goh’s own character moments, such as episode 46, then you can easily see the signs telling us that Goh is bound to catch them all, just as Ash is bound on defeating Leon. In the past, pretty much all of Ash’s traveling companions had their own goals as well, but it’s usually because of those goals is why they leave Ash by the end of their journeys, like May and Dawn pursuing contests in other regions, Brock wanting to become a doctor, Iris wanting to find more Dragon types, Kiawe wanting to become an Island Kahuna etc. Because of that, it becomes up to the audience’s interpretation (and fanfics) on how they achieve their dreams and what challenges they could face throughout the way. With Goh, there will a lot more focus and emphasis placed on his goal, and while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s too bad there aren’t really any stakes or obstacles in Goh’s journey!
Really now, another glaring issue with Goh’s goal is that he has NO trouble going through with it at all. From his very first fodder capture, all he has to do is get a good throw and then PING! Pokemon caught. Guess the thing of having to weaken a Pokemon first before capturing it has been retconned out of the anime forever. With that said, there’s absolutely no struggle for Goh to overcome in his journey, which kinda makes things boring. Where’s the challenge? Where are his rivals? Are there any doubts? Does he have any issue of having to catch and connect every single mon in existence? No, well then good for him I guess! Sad thing too is that he catches so many Pokemon with so much potential, but they then disappear completely after their debut.
Remember that free Hitmonchan he scored from Saffron’s Fighting Dojo who seemed completely willing to train with Riolu and Farfetch’d? Never seen again. That female Raichu who loves giving berries? Completely forgotten about. That Aerodactyl Goh resurrected and bonded with before catching? Thanos snapped. The Heracross Goh obtained from a trade at the cost of a second Pinsir he worked hard to find? Literally who?
3. And my biggest issue with Goh. The fact he’s somehow on the same scale as Ash.
Don’t believe me? Well, let’s go back to the ending of episode 46. After Mewtwo teleported him, Ash, Pikachu, Lucario, and Cinderace back home, Goh said this: “We’ve still got a long way to go.”
Excuse me, but WHAT?!?!?!
You BOTH got a long way to go, even though you both suffered a complete curbstomp from a mon that would probably even make the likes of Lance, Cynthia, and Leon comparable to Youngster Joey?!?! What the Distortion World?!?! Why is Goh and, by extension, the writers implying he and Ash are on even terms when it comes to being a trainer? Goh, as a reminder, you literally only began your trainer career 45 episodes ago!!
Alright, let’s talk about Ash for a second and what he’s been through since he started his trainer career. Ash started in Kanto, and while he really only fairly achieved three out of his eight badges (Brock and Misty’s were givens, Erika’s was a thank-you gift, Sabrina’s was all Haunter’s doing, and Jessie and James are complete jokes that no one should take seriously), he still partook in as many battles as he could against tough trainers while getting some pointers from the much more experienced Misty and Brock. After that, he went on to become a much more impressive trainer in later journeys. Instead of a full recap, I’ll just list two impressive things Ash has done in each region he’s journeyed through after losing in the Kanto League.
Orange Islands: Won his first official double battle with Pikachu and Charizard despite neither initially getting along at first and then defeated the Orange League champ, Drake.
Johto: Survived an entire forest of bloodthirsty Ursaring with his friends and defeated Gary’s Blastoise with his Charizard.
Hoenn: Helped stopped both Team Magma and Team Aqua’s elemental threats and reached Top 8 in the Hoenn League despite only two of his mons being fully evolved with one being a glass cannon bird.
Kanto again: Conquered the Battle Frontier and tied with May in his first ever contest.
Sinnoh: Helped protect a Riolu from the famed Hunter J and knocked out two of Tobias’ Legendary Pokemon.
Unova: Defeated Iris’ Dragonite twice (Charizard pretty much had the high ground in their fight) and helped protect Meloetta.
Kalos: Defeated four Mega Evolutions (Lucario, Abomasnow, Absol, and Sceptile) and was one of the main heroes against Lysandre.
Alola: Became an Ultra Guardian and conquered the Alola League.
And right now as of Journeys: Defeated Korinna’s Mienfoo and Mega Lucario with only Dragonite right after the two curbstomped Gengar and defeated Chairman Rose.
And this isn’t even scratching the surface, and yet, somehow, Ash is still on the same scale of Goh. This doesn’t make any logical sense, it completely negates Ash’s experience while over-wanking Goh’s, and it ruins any semblance of power scaling between the two. Logically, Ash should be leagues above Goh and the latter should always confide to Ash whenever he needs assistance or pointers, not “Oh, we both lost to a powerful legendary, guess that means we both have stuff to learn and we’re both beginners lul”. It’s like Deku and All Might both losing a villain that’s beyond both of their capabilities, and then Deku saying that they BOTH have much to learn afterwards! Does it make sense? HECK NO.
If they had to have Goh comment about their loss, why couldn’t he say something that would’ve made more sense? Maybe say something like “Wow, I can’t believe I lasted that long, honestly.” And then Ash would say, “Hey, you’re only getting better. And me and my team will always be there in case you need more training.” Have the two acknowledge the fact that even trainers like Leon wouldn’t fare any better than them against Mewtwo. Just absolutely anything that doesn’t completely ruin what we know of these characters to the point the two are considered equals, despite all the evidence saying otherwise.
I’m getting a little exhausted now, so I’m done, but thanks for asking, anon!
And for anyone reading, please feel free to agree or disagree. I’m completely acceptable to anyone else’s thoughts/opinions over Goh and would love to hear them.
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hayleyb100 · 4 years
Light My Way, Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 the end
⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️
-It is a twisted story of Pokemon Sun and Moon, and a crossover of Pokemon SM and SWSH.  -It features Hau and Kabu as the main characters. -Extremely angsty. -Everything is headcanon. -It isn’t spoiler-free.
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Kabu was an ambitious man when he first came to Galar.
As his father was a craftsman for katana, he naturally became close to Fire-type pokemon, and He was determined to reach the top with them. His parents were also supportive of him and gave any help necessary. True to his ardor to reach the top, he became Gym Leader of Motorstocke Gym. But his ambitious dream tumbled to pieces over time. Kabu thought with his youth, vigor, and passion, he can burn down all the enemies in his way, but with time, his loss count stacked.
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Too much until he was weeded out of the Gym Leader position.
Kabu felt lost. The only dream that motivated him to come to another region away from the parents was to become strong. But now that he was thrown out, he was too embarrassed to see them again after all their support. He hid the fact that he was thrown out to his parents. To continue to lie to his parents that he is doing well, Kabu started working for any job that he can lay his hand on to stay in Galar, but a young man wore out quickly with his wings to reach his dream snapped.
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He became severely depressed that he lost all the wills for pokemon battles. He was busy maintaining his life in a foreign region and handling people's backbiting, that he forgot the purpose of why he even has to go on living like he is doing. Despite his distressed economic situations, he got drunk day after day to escape from the sad reality, but nothing helped. He started to disbelieve in himself and his potentials.
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That's when his father reached him. As usual, Kabu lied that he is doing well. But his father quietly told him.
"If you are having a hard time there, always remember that you have home to return to. And even if the whole world turns cold back on you, remember you have your mother and I believe in you."
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those simple but honest words woke up Kabu by far. That little fact where he has somewhere to return to gave him so much relief and consolation. After he hung up, he wept alone in his room for a long time. He felt refreshed than ever. He immediately cut off his drinking habit and started training hard with his pokemons again. He shed his old habits and mind set of power and started working on his tactics too. His passion burnt further with the fantastic match against Leon. With his efforts, he became the Gym Leader once again, and he was praised as one of the top Gym Leaders of the Galar who turned over a new leaf.
After getting back on track, Kabu dreamed of visiting Hoenn again to see his parents as a proud son. But his Gym Leader work kept him occupied that he just couldn't find the right time. His fear of losing his position again restrained him from going back to Hoenn to relax. He stayed in Galar to train and keep himself on edge. Days turned to months, and months turned to years. He rarely visited Hoenn and kept postponing his visit to his parents.
...Until it was too late.
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When many years of peaceful days passed, Kabu received a call saying his parents passed away. As they were devoted to each other, they left on the same day together. He left the Hoenn at last to bid a final farewell. Unbearable heartache from regret devoured Kabu as he faced two portraits. He tried to stay as a strong Gym Leader to be the proud son as well, but he ended up not doing the basic duty of the child: Sharing his life with parents. He felt as if his bones were shattering, but he didn't just lie there crying. The flame of love that his father and mother passed on kept him firm. And all those years of hardship he went through taught him weeping and sitting down doesn't help.
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After the funeral for 7 weeks, Kabu thought carefully about what to do in the airplane back to Galar. All his life he's been working hard to pursue his dream of becoming a great pokemon trainer, but upon his parents' death, questions started to brim in his mind.
So what was I stacking all this power for?
What was I burning for?
Was it just to show off?
Was it just for an honor?
Was it to become a proud son? But considering that, I ended up not able to pay the love back.
Kabu felt so much guilt of only receiving love from his parents and not repaying them with the love they deserve. And with Gym Leader work and the turmoil during his youth kept him busy, he never started a family either. It felt as if when he looked back, he had nothing to turn to. As he kept thinking in the airplane back to Galar, one thought came up in his mind.
'That's right. The least I can do to make sure my parent's love doesn't go to waste is to pass it down. I can pass down the love to who needs it the most as a legacy.'
Kabu resolved that moment. But considering people around him, there wasn't an appropriate person for him to do that. Most Gym Leaders were young of course, but they were all so mature and had a loving family. He knew it would be a hard and rough way, but there was one more option: Fostering. He was determined to help the one who is in the most need, like when Kabu was going through a hard time.
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A week after Kabu returned to Galar, a video call from his great friend came. It was the most welcoming call Kabu had since the friend didn't contact him for quite a long while.
"Nanu, glad to hear from you. How have you been?"
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Nanu was Kahuna of Alola who Kabu befriended during Nanu's trip to Galar. Professor Kukui of the same region wanted to start a Pokemon League in their place, so he was traveling around different regions to get an idea of how to run one along with other Kahunas who will be the Elite Four. Nanu grumbled in annoyance but still followed Kukui as Kahuna. At least Nanu gained one thing in Galar: A good friend called Kabu. They were about the same age and had the same interest which was pokemon, so they came close through pokemon battles and a glass of beer. Even after Nanu went back to his region, they constantly got in touch to babble old man's chat. But since quite a while ago, there was no call from Nanu whatsoever, so Kabu got a little worried. Well, until now that is.
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"I heard that your parents passed away. I deeply sympathize. Sorry to hear."
"Thank you for the worries, but I'm alright now. I had plenty of times to think it over, so I have calmed down. However, I was more worried about you, honestly. What happened over 8 months? Were you busy building the League?"
Nanu scratched the back of his head and wore an awkward expression. Kabu was puzzled, as it wasn't the kind of expression that Nanu would normally wear.
"The plan to build the League was... abolished. For good, I guess."
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Kabu was caught so off guard that he was stunned for a few moments. He couldn't believe that such a passionate professor like Kukui would throw a towel at his ambitious plan so easily.
"I... Wh... Did something bad happen?"
"Yeah... Bad. Very... Bad."
Nanu inhaled looking frazzled.
"It's actually the reason why I couldn't call for that long. Something bad happened in Alola."
"...Is it alright for me to ask why?"
Nanu seemed as if he knew the question was coming, but he sighed deeply.
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"Kahuna of Melemele Island passed away."
Kabu gasped. He was shocked, as Hala was the most energetic Kahunas of all.
"His grandson has gone missing and his daughter-in-law died in an accident... His heart just gave out. After losing his mentor, Kukui was devastated and discarded whatever he was doing. The League, his research... Everything."
The Fire-type Gym Leader was lost for words. He didn't know where to start consoling.
"I... I am sorry."
"Hey, you're the one to hear sorry at the moment, right? Don't sweat it. I wasn't damaged as much as Kukui... Or the grandson."
The last words just pricked up Kabu's ears.
"Did you find him?!"
"Yeah... But in the worst condition."
Nanu shook his head as he told Kabu an unbelievable story of how the grandson of Hala was discovered in cold sleep.
Kabu couldn't imagine how ravaged the little boy was when he found out he was left alone in the world. That's when his instinct screamed him to go see that boy.
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"Nanu, if it isn't too much of trouble... Would it be alright if I meet the boy?"
"Umm... Not without a purpose. He isn't fond of strangers now, you know."
"I know. But I need to."
Kabu inhaled deeply.
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"I would love to foster him."
Nanu kept shaking his head saying the boy would be tough to foster as he was abandoned by the foster family twice and he isn't in good health. But Kabu insisted and pleaded, saying he will take good care of him. Nanu signed and approved, as he knew Kabu was pretty stubborn when he made up his mind and he was someone trustworthy.
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In an airplane to Alola, Kabu studied the psychology of an adopted child, how to care for them, and what to expect and do. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt the poor boy yet again due to lack of preparation. Nanu took him to the hospital, and he had a fateful encounter.
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The boy was sitting on the bed quietly. Kabu was surprised at his lovely olive green hair like Oddish leaves and two round eyes like Deerling. But it tore his heart to see such an enchanting boy wasting away in sorrow. When Nanu called the boy, he looked back, and Kabu's eyes met a pair of eyes that looked like the night sky.
As soon as Kabu saw the eyes that looked like 2 black pearls, Kabu made up his mind. He wouldn't temporarily foster him. He will raise him as his own. He said he would foster him because he had to be careful with these things, but his mind was already inclined onto adoption instead of fostering.
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This is the boy.
Kabu thought.
This is the child to pass down the love I've got.
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pokenimagines · 4 years
Can I request some Guzma phone sex? I fucking love him-
Hohoho we actually got a good amount of Guzma things in this last batch, and I’m super excited about it! Here’s the first of…three NSFW Guzma things I’ll be writing in this batch? Enjoy my darlings!
Discord - Request Info - Ko-Fi
Warning: This is NSFW, so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one!
Guzma: Phone Sex
As the champion of the Alola region, you found you didn’t have as much time as you would’ve liked. Sure, you got to travel to other islands and see your friends, but getting to spend more than an hour with anyone was hard. You were almost always needed at the champion’s seat to take on new challengers. Usually, this wasn’t so bad…except you finally got a particular wannabe gangster to admit that he likes you. Now you didn’t even have time to spend with him or go out on dates or…other things.
You sighed as you looked at your phone, seeing a text from Guzma. You had just gotten to your small apartment that was located at the league. Barely had your shoes off before he was spamming you with messages. Mainly cute things that you were more than happy to reply to. That was when you got a photo.
You were so happy you were alone right now as you saw a photo of his hand wrapped around his cock, held up against his abs. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower, and you had to pause for a moment. Was this…a tasteful nude…semi tasteful nude of Guzma. You just stared for it before he sent a quick apology. You were fast to hit the call button, and after a few rings, you could hear his voice through the speaker.
“Sorry ‘bout that…” His voice sounded raspy on the voice, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You had absolutely no clue what you ere doing when it came to phone sex…but god damn you were going to try. He was far too hot to just ignore when he was like that.
“You thinking about me, Guz?” You asked, keeping your voice level. You could hear a small grunting noise on the other side of the phone. That’s it, your pants were coming off. You were pretty sure he could hear the rustling of fabric as you started to undress.
“Fuckin, obviously…” He said, voice still raspy and you could swear you heard a squelch. This riled you up a bit as you made sure your door was locked, and windows were closed. You didn’t need anyone walking in on you when your hands were down your pants.
You mentally calmed yourself as you focused on being seductive, “Wish I could be there to ride you.” You said, already imagining sitting on his cock. Your hand trailed lower as you began teasing yourself a bit.
“Fuck, when the hell did ya get so dirty?” You could hear a small moan come out from him as you put the phone on speaker mode so you’d have both hands free. The phone floated in front of you as your hand went over your chest, imaging his mouth biting down on you.
“Probably after I met you…are you fucking your hand right now?” You asked him, your hand pinching your nipple as your other hand began working yourself. You were going to bit down on your lip to muffle your moan but decided to let Guzma hear you. Your cry echoed out in the empty apartment, and you could hear the slight slapping of skin as Guzma started to jerk himself off faster.
“I wish it was your ass.” He groaned as your hand started to trail a bit lower, now playing with your ass. You were getting worked up so fast you weren’t sure how long you’d be able to go like this. You suddenly heard him grunting and breathing heavily from the other side, and you knew he was done for.
“I wish you could’ve came all over my stomach, Guzma.” You still weren’t done, and like hell, you were going to stop now, “Stay on the phone with me…I’m close.” You said, letting out another breathy moan.
“No, don’t finish.” Guzma suddenly said, and you couldn’t help the whine that came from you. If he got to cum, then so are you, “I’ll be over there soon. Wait for me.” You paused for a moment, heart leaving your chest.
“O-okay…” This was a far better turn of events.
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wolfsgravity · 3 years
I can’t sleep so I’m just thinkin’ about my range of Pokémon romantic F/Os. This series has meant so much to me for so long, and I know F/Os from that source make up a decent portion of my list. I’d feel more embarrassed about it if I didn’t make it abundantly clear that Pokémon is one of the most pervasive influences in my life from an exceedingly young age.
I just. I dunno. I find my collection of Pokémon series F/Os so interesting.
I’m just gonna ramble a bit.
I’m going to talk in Generational order, because my 1am brain couldn’t decipher a more cohesive timeline if it tried.
Giovanni is a funny one. As a kid, his character in the show intimidated me a little. But I really loved Team Rocket on some level. They were my first Pokémon villain organization, and with the Gen III games having Aqua and Magma, I decided pretty early that Team Rocket was my team. I had a stint in Magma since when I was young, I thought I’d specialize in Fire types, but eh it didn’t stick. No team really stuck nearly as much until Team Skull! So I had a lot of time for my intimidation from Giovanni to evolve into a fearful respect, to a mild devotion… by the time I played Let’s Go! and Ultra Moon, I was more than a little excited to see him in game. As in, I would quietly cheer when he appeared on my screen, in some weird giddy manner. It was only a matter of time before I realized I was crushing hard.
Steven Stone (he has a full name so more often than not I use it when referring to him) probably didn’t make the biggest impact on me in the original Gen III games? Hoenn was my favorite region for a while (in part due to pre- “Hoenn confirmed” hype), but he didn’t have a huge role in Ruby/Sapphire. Maybe I noticed him first in Emerald? I wish I could remember my real first inkling of crush on him, because I just remember when I played Omega Ruby… I was already obsessed with him. He showed up for the first time in game and I squealed. I spent the whole game seeking him out and already making romantic passes at him in my around-19-year-old head.
I am counting Grovyle for this, but it bears repeating that my S/I for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games is a Pokémon too. Those Mystery Dungeon games enamored me as a teen! I got to BE! A POKEMON!! So I probably got Explorers of Time/Darkness for DS not long after it released in 2008. I was so excited to have Gen IV Pokémon to be and battle and recruit, ugh, this game meant so much to me. I will always remember being part of Wigglytuff’s Guild super fondly. And like, as I am super susceptible to mental role play, putting myself in my characters shoes (or lil toe beans I guess) has always been second nature for me. So a dashing Grovyle just jumped into my silly life and was the most honorable and misunderstood character and I am not even joking when I say I fell for him in my first playthrough. And I’ve played through it a lot. I was always jealous of Celebi. I hate every Dusknoir I see to this day. *chefs kiss* Good game.
Gen V is “oops all F/Os” Gen, where to even start..
Just kidding, N is the obvious choice to start for me. He was love at first sight. He just, ugh, he cares about Pokémon SO MUCH. I literally don’t know how to even expand on this. He literally rode the Ferris Wheel with the player character in the game, and I WASNT supposed to interpret that as a date? Wack. It was a date. I love him so damn much. Next question
Elesa comes next because I’ve always thought she was stunning. I mean, duh I guess, she’s canonically a model. Also, Electric types are in my top 3, behind Fairy and somewhat tied with Fire, so she was a woman after my own heart. Her Emolga kinda wrecked my team and I respect that. Also, she loves puns. So again. Woman after my own heart. The only reason she’s still listed as Crush and not as Dating is because she intimidates me. She’s out of my league and I worry she’d only see me as a friend. Well, not “only”, her and Skyla are bffs and that also looks fun. I just. Can’t imagine her romantically being interested in me sometimes. Heh.
Grimsley was a crush that came on yeeeaaaars after his Gen, and it hit me like a freight train. I swear, he made very little impression on me in B/W, because I was young and I was just excited to possibly see N again as champion. I was a little shit, okay. I also never played B2/W2 all the way through, which is a huge stain on my Pokémon record. Anyways. When he showed up in Sun/Moon, I gasped. I was like, that’s a familiar face. Why is he hot now? (The answer is we was always hot, and I just had a few years to grow between games). But like, I kind of tamped it back down? I think I legit tried to tell myself around Sun/Moon era that I can’t keep finding Pokémon characters hot, because I was drooling over another one in Moon. Anywho. Grimsley kept popping up as fanart on my Tumblr dash for a while and by the time I pulled him in Pokémon Masters, I slipped into love. Whoops.
Professor Sycamore, probably not my proudest moment of fandom. He was another one I liked from the very introduction. I made fun of him in equal measure, but I affectionately referred to him as “Professor Hotdad” for an embarrassingly long amount of time. He’s not even the oldest of my Pokémon F/Os. One of my other Pokémon F/Os is canonically a father. But nope. Sycamore was Hotdad. That all said, he did make me smile like a crush-stricken schoolgirl when he talked in game so it wasn’t all just memey objectification. I do love him dearly.
Gen VII! Alola! Guzma! Oh man, like I’d stated earlier, Team Skull really nestled it’s way close to my heart the way no team had since Team Rocket. It wasn’t all because of Guzma, I really did like the group of ragtag misfits banding together and creating a family. Guzma was icing on the cake. Oh boy, he made my heart do funny little flips even when he was threatening me in game. I loved his design, I loved his character, the way he talked, I just. Ugh, I was down bad for ya boy in Moon and Ultra Moon. He’s actually the inspiration behind my main blog url: its-ya-boi-remington. The “Y’all are stupid!” line and face lives in my head rent free at all times. Guzma protection squad.
(Nanu isn’t a romantic so I won’t talk about him here, just know I’m not forgetting him!)
Leon was, believe it or not, my actual first Gen VIII crush. I saw that fashion disaster and felt a warm comfort from him. It didn’t help that I mentally read every character in Galar with some UK/British Isles accent, that sweetened the deal. I was actually gushing to a couple then-friends about Leon while we all played Sword/Shield together and they kind of mocked me about it. They chided me that Leon “doesn’t bat for my team” and said either of them would have a better chance with him if he were real. So I was a little downtrodden about Leon after that for quite a while. It wasn’t until a couple months ago when suddenly it hit me that A- He’s literally fictional and my version of him can like me regardless of what “team he bats for” and B- I’m nonbinary? So rules get thrown out the window, anyone who likes me is both a miracle and some kind of gay whatever way you spin it. So I let myself warm back up to him, though I’m still a little skittish from before.
Piers, I guess, as awful as it sounds, was initially a crush rebound. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’d have been attracted either way. He’s a musician, a SINGER no less, and has that emo/punk vibe. But he’s also gentle and kind. Swoon. But it helped that I had my crush-feelers out full-force for a cutie in game to obsess over since I was still butthurt about my “friends” killing my crush on Leon. Obsess I did, and continue to do. I could probably snap this man over my knee like firewood he’s so lanky, idk why I put that in here but it’s staying. Piers is the one I most imagine jamming out with on a regular basis, and it makes performing for no one a bit more fun 🥰
I’m finally getting tired, I feel like I’ve been typing this for an hour. I probably have been. Ah geez now I gotta tag all these F/Os lmao. Thanks for letting me ramble.
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kalosstarters · 2 years
Headcanon time
25th anniversary edition
My friend @piplupsbubbles brought up in a convo that if Ash (and the other Pokémon characters) aged like they should, Ash would be 35 now and TR would be around 50. That made us wonder about where the said characters would be at that age, and here’s what we came up with (I know I made something like this a couple of years ago but why not do it again in honor of the recent 25th anniversary):
-Ash wins Leon eventually (not during journeys era, however) and obtains the champion title in the Pokémon world championships. However, I could see him retiring from that position after a few years because Ash is not someone who likes to be stuck in one place when there’s still so much new to see and learn about Pokémon. Not saying he would never be able to travel as a champion, but there are also a lot of responsibilities around that role that I don’t see him enjoying. Press conferences&getting asked about things he has no idea about? Official events where he needs to be present even though he’d prefer to be battling? Getting recognized everywhere? He’d be happy to pass that torch to a new person. (However, he does keep his Alola champion title for quite a while until a new challenger finally manages to beat him. He also attends the league conferences where he and Kukui have regular exhibition matches. Ash will never refuse a good battle, even when he’s not a champion anymore.)
-Instead, he’d take the role of a mentor to new, promising trainers, telling them his story, teaching what he knows and inspiring them to keep going because he too was once a rookie trainer with more enthusiasm than knowledge. He never wants to stop learning about Pokémon so he keeps traveling around the world and doing research tasks for various professors, helping them gather important data. At times, when he has a moment, he might also stop at Kukui’s school to teach the kids there about battling (in his very own Ash way) and it shows because all of a sudden the trainers around the world start hearing how the competitive battling is becoming increasingly popular in Alola and a lot of them have very unique battle styles.
-He has his ‘home base’ in Kanto where he spends most of his time but he also spends long periods of time in Alola so he can be near the Kukui family. Ash’s ‘little siblings’ are almost grown up at that point and some of them may already be on their own Pokémon journeys, but they are always happy when he visits and he is of course equally happy to see them, and his Alolan Pokémon and friends.
-Pikachu is naturally still with him and he makes sure to visit his Pokémon in the lab frequently as well and brings them to battles whenever he can.
-the controversial topic: whether he has a family of his own or not. Honestly, lately I’ve been leaning more and more towards my aro ace Ash headcanon. He is probably too busy with his work and interests to give any thought to settling down, and romance has never been a ‘big deal’ to him. Like Rica said in that one interview, he loves /all/ his Pokémon and friends (in a platonic way). When I thought about this topic, I also realized that we never learn if any of the game champions have families (which makes me think that they don’t), so maybe that role is the kind that they knowingly are not starting families while holding the champion title. (However, if he were to start a family, my personal partner choice for him would be Misty, but let’s not get to the shipping topic right now.) Despite not being a father himself, Ash still enjoys spending time with children, which is one of the reasons why he takes the mentor/teacher role later on.
But where is our TRio?
-They would be living in Alola with their Pokémon (naturally including Mama bear, not-so-tiny-bear-anymore, Mimikyu and Mareanie that might have evolved) and a couple of children who are pretty big at this point. I could even see them adopting a kid or two, because they want to give the parentless children a better childhood than what they had.
-They have stopped going after Pikachu, but that definitely doesn’t stop them from running into their favorite, now adult twerp and his Pokémon every time he’s in Alola.
-They also quit TR at some point, realizing they make better money with honest work (Giovanni isn’t paying them huge amounts due to the fact that they never send any Pokémon to the HQ :’D). Starting from their malasada stand, Jessie eventually becomes a successful actress/performer and James&Meowth pursue engineering, creating a lot of cool machines that actually become useful for the society. I feel like James might also start his own Pokémon daycare center one day, because he loves taking care of them. (There might be a couple of occasions where he’d like to keep a ‘mon he’s taking care of but he manages to refrain himself when he sees how happy their trainers are to see their Pokémon when they come pick them up)
-Meowth and Wobbuffet are TR children’s favorite baby sitters!
- One of TR's children would travel through Alola with one of Kukui and Burnet’s kids, so in a way the circle would get closed because the EHMS kids consider Ash their brother.
And that was it! Sorry for the long post!
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misskikuwrites · 4 years
The Colour of Love
lonashipping week 2020
Day 1: Alizarin Crimson
Love takes many different forms. Many different shapes and feelings and colours. The love Moon had for her mother was secure and strong. Familiar and warm, a love that she could return to at any time and feel safe. A love that was soft and cozy like a thick blanket, a love of tight hugs and early mornings spent lazying around in the kitchen.
Moon's love for Hau was bright like the sun. Bright and dazzling, filled with laughter and smiles and hugs. A love that she could go to whenever she felt down and blue, whenever she needed the comfort of his smile. His love was the bright yellow of sunflowers, kind and gentle and soft like his Raichu. It was always there, always knew how to pick her back up with jokes and cheery laughter. It was the deep love of her best friend and rival. A love that pierced through her darkness, her fear, and gave her strength. A love that she could rely on.
When it came to Lillie, Moon's love for her quiet and soft, white and pure like a blanket of fresh snow. It was blinding yet gentle. Unmissable and striking, a guiding light in the night like the soft glow of the moon. It was always there, no matter the distance between them. It was a love that never changed, never faded, consistent and strong through the late night calls filled with laughter and tears. It was felt through the quiet goodbyes, the whispers of "I miss you" that they shared. It was a love that Moon felt long after they hung up, smiling with the knowledge that nothing had changed.
There was another type of love that Moon had struggled to place. A colour that kept changing, a feeling that kept swimming and swirling and blending into a mess she couldn't define. A first, it was black like the night. Hidden behind walls of distrust and fear, behind biting words and flippant comments. And then it had softened. Cracks had formed, and the dark veil had lifted as Moon realised there was more to him than just another Team Skull member. There was more to Gladion than his sharp glares and prickly demeanor.
Black faded into grey as little moments fell into place. It was murky and clouded, but there was more to him, a depth she couldn't yet reach. She realised that with a start the first time he trusted her. His apology for dragging her into a meaningless battle cleared the water between them. And when he'd smiled, the very first time Moon had seen him smile, that night on the docks as they waited for Hau, the dark fog around his heart had lifted. Moon felt warm. There was a trickle of colour, of light, and the world had changed. Everything was brighter. Her heart pounded harder.
She trusted him. She followed his lead without question into the Aether Paradise. His stubborn determination, the drive burning behind his eyes, gave her the confidence she needed to stand by his side and fight. He blazed like a wildfire and she felt safe. She stood tall when he faltered, when he lost to Guzma and began to sink into his fear and doubt and darkness again. She stood tall. The fire she'd felt burning in him ignited in her chest and she fought. She fought for Gladion, for herself, for Hau and for Lillie.
His words resonated with her, deep in her heart.
"You know… I know we aren't friends, but I'm glad you two are here…"
That was enough for her.
She couldn't deny it any longer when they met at the base of Mount Lanakila. The thrum of her heart was too warm, too loud, and she knew immediately the colour her love towards him had taken as they fought. It was no longer that empty void of black, dark like his familiar hoodie. It burnt bright and warm, a searing colour that washed over her cheeks like the slash of crimson on the front of Gladion's hoodie.
The faint smile he gave her tugged on her heart, but the words he spoke cut deep like an icy blade through her chest.
"I know we aren't friends… but we aren't enemies anymore either."
They weren't friends.
The pieces of her shattered heart filled her chest with broken glass. Bleeding with every breath, her love ran red and pooled in her lungs until she couldn't breathe.
It hurt.
Her love was the colour of blood.
She hadn't wanted to see him again. Not really. Something had tugged on her heart and she'd made her way to Aether Paradise once again without thinking. Her wounded heart hadn't yet healed, and it thumped with a stab of pain and warmth when she saw him, and her love, that dark crimson, washed over everything and she smiled. Her heart fluttered as though it had grown wings and she couldn't care about the pain. Her love for him was brighter and stronger, vibrant and vivid and burning. It was a blaze in her lungs. The flush on her cheeks that softened her smile.
It was a love that soothed everything else away.
And the words he said, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, made her wonder if there was something else, something more, to the way he looked at her.
"Maybe it's time I see a bit more of the world myself… starting with that Pokemon League, I think. I hear that Alola's got a real strong Champion."
She wondered if he knew.
He came.
Moon's heart leapt in her chest when Gladion ascended the stairs before her, the pinnacle of the Pokemon League. She rose to her feet to meet him, unable to hold back her smile.
"You made it," she said, surprised at how breathless and giddy she sounded.
The determination in his eyes solidified her suspicion that he'd known all along that she was Alola's Champion.
"Hmph, of course I did. I came here for one reason and one reason only." Gladion lifted his hand and pointed right at her, the gesture making her pulse skip as though he'd tugged on the tight strings of her heart. "To defeat you. Everyone has their own reasons for coming here… but for me, I want the strongest rival for myself."
Moon's heart thumped harder and louder in her chest. She smiled at him, her blood blazing from his words, and for a moment she found it difficult to breathe.
"Good luck with that," she taunted, grinning. "I'm not so easy to pin down, and I won't go down without a fight!"
A smile spread over his face as though he'd expected that response.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
The battle was tough but, as always, Moon was triumphant in the end. She grinned at him as they recalled their Pokemon, and walked over to him. He was muttering something to himself, frustrated lines furrowing his brow.
"That wasn't how this was supposed to go…" Gladion clicked his tongue, before wiping the scowl off his face and meeting her gaze.
"Like I said, I'm not easy to pin down! You've got a lot of rivals to complete with if you want to defeat me," she teased.
His eyes lingered on hers. "It was close, but not close enough. Not if I want to defeat you and keep you all to myself…"
She blinked at him, unsure if she'd heard that right. She laughed, trying to hide the nervous crack in her voice. "Keep me all to yourself? Not sure if all my other rivals would put up with that."
He folded his arms. "They'll have to deal with it, one way or another."
The silence between them, the determination in Gladion's eyes, became too much for Moon. She pursed her lips and swallowed the anxious buzzing in her lungs.
"You know, you really shouldn't be saying things like that," she said quietly.
His eyes widened slightly. "Saying things like what?"
"About keeping me all to yourself." She smiled faintly. She knew what was coming and braced herself for it. "You might give me the wrong idea if you say things like that so easily. Since… I know you don't feel the same way about me."
Gladion stared. His mouth dropped open in shock and Moon didn't want to give him a chance to speak. Not now.
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything." She breathed a dejected laugh. "I know, I know we're not friends, that you see me as a rival, but I… had to say something. I had to tell you." She managed a smile. A soft, gentle smile forced through the pain, the anticipation of what was to come. The wound on her heart threatened to reopen.
"I like you, Gladion. A lot. And I mean that in a romantic way. I have for a while."
Her smile was no longer forced. It was gentle and free, a smile of relief and honesty.
"I hope this doesn't change anything; my feelings towards you, I mean," she said sheepishly. "I still want to be your rival."
He was still staring, those gorgeous emerald eyes of his wide in shock. He blinked a few times before his shoulders sagged, and he dropped his head into his hand with a heavy sigh.
"Why are you… always one step ahead of me?" he muttered, his voice strained.
Heat simmered behind the usually placid emerald of his eyes, burning into Moon as he raised his head and met her gaze.
"You say that you know I don't feel the same… and here I was, going to confess to you if I'd won."
It was her turn to stare. "You what?!"
He took a step closer as the heat in his eyes began to pool on his cheeks. Crimson.
"I feel the same," Gladion said, stopping just a step away from her. His words were gentle and quiet, yet so loud in the silence between them.
Moon's heart skipped. "You… do?"
His lips twitched in the beginning of a scowl. "Yes. That's what I said. Why else would I want to keep you to myself?"
His eyes slid away from hers for a moment before returning like a snap of elastic. Drawn back to hers.
She drew closer to him. "Then say it."
The air crackled between them. They stood a few inches apart, breaths mingling, their eyes fixed on one another.
"I already did."
"Say it properly," she urged. "So I know what you mean. So I won't take it the wrong way, so it's not ambiguous, so I know- Please. I want to hear you say it."
His mouth drew into a stubborn line. The crimson on his cheeks darkened and he leant closer. His lips brushed her ear.
"I love you."
Her gasp split the silence. Dizzying heat flooded her body and Moon clung to the front of Gladion's hoodie when his arms wrapped around her. His hands settled high on her back, pulling her into him. Against him. She burned inside and out, and knew her face was as flushed as his.
"G-Gladion," Moon squeaked. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to think or breathe or move. She couldn't believe this was happening.
His shaky sigh tickled her ear and she shivered. "You really thought I didn't feel the same…?"
"You… you said we weren't friends so I… I didn't think you liked me very much." She buried her face in his chest at her admission. His cheek nuzzled into her temple, she swore she felt his lips ghost over the crest of her ear.
"I did, didn't I?"
She could hear the sheepish smile in his voice.
"Even then… I knew what I felt towards you wasn't friendship. It was… so much more."
"You mean…? That's why you said that?"
Her heart thrummed. The pain was gone. She slid her arms around him as she melted into his embrace.
"You know, you really need to be more direct," she chuckled. "You're always giving me the wrong idea."
"I said I wanted the strongest rival to myself. I thought that was clear enough."
Moon snorted. "It's not! And what were you going to do if you had won? You can't be the Champion and the president of the Aether Foundation."
"I don't see why not."
She shook her head with a laugh. "You don't need to defeat me to have me to yourself. My heart belongs to you, Gladion. It has for a while."
Her words made Gladion pull her tighter against him, his arms squeezing her firmly as he sighed. His warmth bled into her, comforting and gentle, like a crackling fire on a cold winter's night. A steady flame in the darkness. Crimson like the blush on his cheeks, softening his gaze when he pulled away enough to meet her eyes.
And it made her smile.
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