#have spent so much time trying to help them with 0 support
anewkindofme · 5 months
Teacher Appreciation week is BS because we shouldn’t need a week to be appreciated.
That being said…would like just one week where my bosses treated me with respect. And it should’ve been bare minimum this week.
Take back the bagels and fruit platter…just tell me you appreciate all the crap I do and be nice to me for 5 seconds.
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bi-scottsummers · 2 months
Hi, hello, just came here to say that I love your fic "trending in Japan". I was wondering if you had headcanons regarding Kenji or Emi or interpersonal relationships and stuff. Many hugs for you.
hi hello, thank you for the encouragement and hugs! After some thought ive realized I do in fact have some hcs about some of the character dynamics in the movie as well as just kenji himself, cause hes captivated my entire brain:
Kenji & Emi
Emi does not have teeth but she does inexplicably have a teething phase. kenji is forced to hide all his (salvaged) fancy cars in the garage bc the corvette's already been chewed to hell and his heart is gonna give out if he has to watch any more classics get wrecked
he reads her bedtime stories. A lot of aesop's fables, because theyre short and fun and hes trying to raise his monster daughter with good morals. emi goes hogwild for these but its unclear if she actually understands what hes saying; kenji's pretty sure she just likes the silly voices he uses for different characters
they go flying together! they go first thing in the morning before breakfast - it helps kenji shake off the grogginess of sleep and emi gets to stretch her wings. shes not able to go very far for very long initially, but as she grows and gets those cardio gainz she almost gets to be quicker than him. they have races and play air tag :)
while she doesnt have the vocal range to speak english herself, it becomes clear that emi does understand it well. (kenji also develops an ear for her chirping/squawks, though body language & facial expressions play a big part in communication for both of them) during her (much later) rebellious phase she'll simply pretend not to know what's being said when kenji is telling her to do something she doesn't wanna do, which frustrates him to no end
developed a pretty massive chip on his shoulder after moving to the states. it wasn't just bitterness over his dad staying behind, though that was a part of it. this is canon but he was picked on in school for "how [he talked], how [he looked] and what [he ate]." he felt like he had something to prove to both his father and the world. he threw himself into sports - specifically baseball - and his academics, and he did so well that it forced everyone to shut up about how he was different from them and focus on how he was better than them
^ playing off this: kenji had a bonkers fucking yonkers routine when he was a kid/in highschool. he'd get up hours before school started to practice his swing, go for a ~1hr run, workout, study, etc. He'd go to school, come home, and do it all again. this is exaggerated but my point is that this kid was DETERMINED and had the discipline to see that determination through to the end
didnt have many friends because of all aforementioned things. he had acquaintances, and he was invited to parties and outings and stuff (never went), but he spent most of his free time hanging out with his mom. he never really had a "parents are so embarrassing" phase. he always liked to do anything with his mother: going to the bank, going grocery shopping, watching cheesy telenovelas till ungodly hours in the morning, etc. she was his no.1 supporter, confidant, and best friend
he played for his university's baseball team and got scouted at 19. his mom forced him to finish his bachelor's first so once he graduated with his degree in kinesiology at 21, he was drafted to the dodgers
Kenji & Ami
both of them, up until meeting each other, were totally dedicated to their career (and child) so they had basically 0 time for friends. theyre both borderline losers but theyre juuust good enough at what they do for people to admire them instead of finding them sad and lowkey pathetic
kenji is way more into the idea of being friends than ami is. hes pretty enthusiastic about it; he thinks that they have a kind of rapport, since they share a similar work ethic and are both (unbeknownst to ami) single parents. he calls her to chat abt random things. ami initially isnt superrrr into it; she thinks kenji is kinda lonely and desperate for human connection, & it isnt until her mom points out that she has not spoken to anyone outside of work-related reasons in 10+ years that shes like oh shit, i am also lonely and desperate for human connection. so she grudgingly acquires a friend. theyre both really bad at it
need to clarify that in my mind their dynamic is 95% kenji yapping about work and drama in his personal life (circumventing the 8m baby kaiju hes raising) while ami goes "mhm mhm" and takes notes until kenji notices and is like What are you doing. at which point ami is like...... right . nothing. im listening. and forces herself to put the notepad away. she has a hard time disengaging from the reporter mindset and just hearing something intriguing without turning it into an article. the other 5% are the rare moments where theyre connecting super well - ami's psychoanalyzing the hell out of whatever kenji just said and hes like what are you my therapist. over time she starts opening up to him, too, and eventually theyre comfortable enough to be having philosophical discussions over breakfast just for funsies
before kenji reveals that hes ultraman, ami thinks hes in a gang. he keeps showing up to their lunch "dates" with like bruised eyes and fractured bones and gets all shifty when she tries to ask about what happened. when she eventually confronts him about it, hes so offended that she thinks hed be involved in something like that that he tells her about being ultraman
thats about all i can think of rn, though im sure ill think of more after rotating all the characters in my head for a while. thanks again for stopping in, i appreciate the support :)
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
27 ASK :)))))🍤🍤🍤
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I do not.. but man I really need to give them names. I intend to name my FNAF au before drawing Moon Malfunction 2.0. And my Deltarune AU... ehhh.. idk, I'll just see if anything comes to me <XD (I'm open to suggestions! :0 )
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Thank you! But sorry, no fanart rule. I wouldn't like for anyone to draw my AUs Asgore.. Thank you for asking first though <:) A lot of people would have just drawn it and not have cared to ask.
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:DD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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As for his backstory I don't really have any new ideas.. but as for the future?
I have ideas of Asgore seeing other versions of people he used to know. And it really hurts him. Like maybe they pass by and AU where he sees a Toriel. And his heart just aches. Or he sees a Gerson or Gaster, and he just longs for those people. He misses them and it kills him that he cant ever go back home.
Imagine if he met a Toriel that hated Asgore, post murdering kids. And she understands that he's a different Asgore but she cant help but be cold towards him. That might hurt worse than just missing his family. Someone with his wife's face being indirectly disappointed in him. Ashamed of him, angry at him. He never did those things that her Asgore did. But she still glares at him out of habit. And that kills him more than anything. And don't even get me started when he hears about the horrible fates this AUs Asriel and Chara suffered.
I can imagine that like Grillby, his body becomes more unstable the more emotional he is. Maybe they walk through an AU where Asgore meets that Toriel. And by the time they're ready to leave Asgore is wrecked. Seeing all these people broke his spirit. His body has significantly dissolved and he can no longer walk. All he does is hang his head low and weep. Saying he cant move.. and he wants to go home..
Jevil might be able to take the whole group to another AU, despite Asgore's state. But likely they'd just camp out for an extra day or so until Asgore can pull himself back together..
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Aw, I'm sorry you're sick, that's no fun. <:( But I'm glad my artwork is helping you feel a bit better :}}}
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Positively giddy my dear fellow
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I haven't seen it yet, but it looks good and I plan to watch it! :0
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:D Thank you! Even if you have nothing to ask, I don't mind a nice message! :}}
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Thank you! And hey man. Being down on yourself about your artwork is just gonna make you feel worse and slowly chip away at your confidence. Trust me, I've been there.
Try your best to always say something positive about the art that you make. No matter how much you think/believe that its bad. And never follow it up with anything bad either, "the face came out nice... but this hand looks terrible-" No. None of that. Actively force yourself to never say anything negative about your art out loud and always search for things that you like in the piece. If you seriously cant find a single thing to be positive about, then say "well I did my best. And I improved a little at art because I drew this."
Trust me man. From personal experience it will do wonders for your self confidence. Eventually that confidence will become second nature. Fake it till you make it.💪
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REALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I take so much pride in my expressions and angst! I've never really been the best at expressing my stories through dialogue. So I express it through body language instead!
A big chunk of the drawing time is the sketching and the line art. Trying my best to get specific expressions and poses. Like in this post! Most of the line art time was spent making sure that Grillby and Asgore eyes were juuuust right. And that Asgore's hug didn't look too tight or like Grillby couldn't pull away if he needed to. More like he was holding/supporting Grillby with 1 arm, and resting his hand on his back with the other.
I always have this thought process while drawing of "his pose looks a bit stiff, his shoulders aren't drooped down enough. He's grieving, so he needs to look heavier. His eyebrows should be furrowed a bit tighter. No now he looks angry, less furrow, more tears. His tears look too fresh. He needs to look like he's cried a lot recently. Okay thinner tears and marks around the eyes-" things like that.
I enjoy drawing these physical expressions so much and I really try to make them look good. So to hear that you see that effort I put in and you really like it?? wwAAA AWOOOOGOROOG😭😭💖🍤💓💖💘THANK YOU WAAAAAA
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Sort of..? I think they would have a decent relationship. I imagined him being a cold father but sometimes shows that he cares in his own special way.
Like for example. A comic that I never got around to drawing started with Bowser having a nightmare about Mario. When he wakes up, he proceeds to roam from room to room around his castle. Checking on all of his kids 1 by 1. He could stop by and maybe close their open windows, tuck them back in if their blankets were kicked off. A stuffed animal fell off the bed so he puts it back.
I think I planned for him to make it to JRs room. And instead of just checking and leaving, he goes and scoops JR up and take him back to his room. He also checks on Kamek and the Commander. before going back to bed with JR.
That might be a good way to explain it. He like- he loves his kids, he does. But he's just super weird about showing it and can only be truly tender towards them when something like that nightmare happens.
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I don't believe so no. :/
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I'm not sure, I haven't seen the Amazing Digital Circus yet <XD
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Woah woah woah- slow down for a sec, Jevil and Seam are strictly friends through and through.😅 I personally don't support/enjoy ships of any kind. Its just really not my taste. :/
But yes! Which ever story I end up going with, Jevil and Seam escape their AU together and rekindle their friendship. :}
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Yes! It is! :DD
Its also a double whammy though because its also meant to parallel Foxy having his mouth tied shut and his hook being removed. 👀👀
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I haven't really thought about it too much..
Perhaps they'd feel betrayed? Because Freddy, Foxy and Bonnie all lied to them to keep Gregory a secret? Maybe there would be fighting because Chica and the others think they should call security but Freddy insists that they dont?
Maybe they would think that Freddy is malfunctioning because of how hard he pushing against their protocol? Maybe they'd call security on Freddy because of how he's acting..? Who knows <XD
As for how they acted the night Gregory was there.. man.. they wouldn't know what to say. Some might not even believe it happened, some would be ashamed.. it would be a hard pill to swallow for sure :(
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XDD he really does use the power of tape to fix things doesn't he? I think he was also just a bit lucky that a lot of the damage on Bonnies body could just be poorly taped back into place.
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I supposes that Staff bots could be used to aid Foxy is certain shows of his. But ultimately he is meant to be a 1 man band while preforming in Pirates cove <:/
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"Bonnie you have no business being this larg" XDD
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I've seen that all over Tumblr in the past few days. I really gotta get around to watching it <XD
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I suppose its always possible. Although with how I've structured my Vanessa and the "bug", I don't think anyone/anything would make Bonnie do that..
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XDD Yeah I can see them freaking out. As would anyone!
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Well Bonnie didn't become this way over night. It was a slow process over the span of ten years. Years of constantly being overwhelmed with his performances, interacting with large crowds that he's not designed to process, his friends not giving him space when he really needed it.. He just slowly crumbled more and more until now he's just this cold, angry and rude individual.
However,, when it comes to Vanessa he's not that bad.
Bonnie is designed for interacting with groups of no more then 10 people at a time. He's even better at 1-1 interactions. And that's what Vanessa is. Just 1 person to process. Just 1 child.
And unlike most other kids that Bonnie deals with, she is very shy and quiet. She almost talks less then Bonnie does. That could be why Bonnie was Vanessa's favorite character. She preferred characters who weren't as loud as Monty or as active as Foxy. A slow moving, mellow animatronic is what she was drawn to.
I've imagined them interacting. Bonnie would ask her a question and she would just nod. If she were scared/sad she might not rush to Bonnie for a hug. Rather just sheepishly sit next to him and hold his hand.
What I'm trying to say is, she matches Bonnie's energy pretty well. Bonnie is not scary to her and Vanessa isn't overwhelming for Bonnie. I imagined them camping out in Bonnies room. The darkness makes Vanessa feel hidden, so she actually prefers it. She's shy so she doesn't really say much to Bonnie.. But she feels safe with him.
Maybe she squeaks out a little; "..thank you for helping me.." Bonnie could then turn his head a little and nod. Vanessa could smile and then curl up next to Bonnie. Eventually falling asleep.
They could work, and maybe their bond isn't the same as Freddy and Gregory's, but that doesn't mean it's lesser. Or that they're not as close. I think they're just right for each other. An overwhelmed animatronic mixed with a really quiet kid is a good mix I'd say :0
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(Post in question)
I don't have an answer for either <XD
He was just reading "a book" and Kwazii was about to do "a dumb thing"-
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I haven't really given their exact ages much thought. Though I kind'a have an age range..? I feel like Barnacles is 40-50 years old. Maybe closer to 40.? Inkling is like in his 60-70s.
Dashi, Shellington, Kwazii, Tweak and Peso are all just bunched together between 20 and 40 years old. But Peso could be the youngest of the 5 and Kwazii the oldest maybe..?
The Vegimals are all under 10 I think.
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I have not drawn that before no :/
Also that fact list was fun! XDD
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starry-night-author · 2 years
i love ur writing tee hee <3333
im a sucker for hero x villain with a child but!!!! divorced :0 ? show me some great co parenting with a side of falling in love again (^o^)
Thank you!!! Nyehehehe the dynamic ever
Prompt #14
Villain leaned back dramatically as Sidekick was led down the hall to them. "Ah, baby's first time in jail. I remember my first time! It wasn't this jail, but being here sure does bring back memories."
"Shut up," Hero grumbled. They were in the middle of signing papers. "Don't encourage this."
"You guys didn't both have to come," Sidekick said awkwardly, stepping over to them.
"Yes, but I wanted to congratulate you, and Hero wanted to yell at you." Villain said, sweeping their child up into a hug. "I brought cotton to stuff in your ears if you don't want to listen to it."
Sidekick giggled, then caught sight of the look on Hero's face and quickly sobered up.
After fully signing out and Sidekick getting their belongings back, the three piled into Hero's car to head back to their house. Hero drove, but spent most of their time looking up into the rearview mirror to hold a conversation with Sidekick in the backseat.
"I can't believe you!" Hero exclaimed. "You know there's only so much the Agency can allow, and you ending up in jail already is going to have you on probation. Are you trying to end up like Villain?"
"Which isn't a terribly bad thing," Villain reminded them. "There's a stop sign, love."
"Thank you." Hero slammed on the breaks just in time, sending both Villain and Sidekick flying forward, only to be jarringly caught by their seatbelts.
Hero let out a breath, letting two other cars go at the four-way stop before pressing on the gas again. "Look, I suppose it's fine if you get in with Villain's operation, but you have to do that the right way. The villainous world is dangerous, and you have to get in through going along with Villain and not being caught stealing in the middle of the night!"
"Sorry," Sidekick said quietly. "It won't happen again."
"It won't?" Villain frowned, looking let down.
Hero glowered at them, and they laughed. "Sorry, sorry, kidding. I'll support whatever you do, dear."
"It'd better not," Hero looked up at them in the mirror again. "The only time I want word of you stealing is if it's from the right people and you're with Villain, got it?"
"Got it, Hero." Sidekick looked down at their hands.
"That being said, if you do decide to go back to it, I know a few cases we could do together." Villain glanced back at them with a grin, and Sidekick couldn't help but smile back.
Having a hero and a villain as parents could lead to some strange conversations.
"Look, we're already being accused of nepotism by the Agency, due to how fast you've advanced." Hero said. "Which, you and I know that's not the case, but if you manage to keep your position after this people are really going to be suspicious."
"I'm going to lose my position?!" Sidekick asked, alarmed. They hadn't thought of that.
"You might," Hero admitted. "I'll try to do everything I can to stop it, but there's only so much I can do."
Sidekick let out a breath. "Sorry, Hero. And... thanks."
"Of course. How are you, though? Are you doing okay?"
"I'm fine," Sidekick let out a breath. "I didn't realize getting caught would ruin my position though."
Villain nodded. "See, this is why you should come be a villain with me, we don't have to worry about any of that."
"Stop pressuring them!" Hero scolded.
The villain shrugged. "It's just a point!" They looked back at Sidekick. "You're sure you're alright though? This isn't the result of lashing out due to teenage angst or anything?"
Sidekick smiled. "I'm fine, you guys. Really. I'm sorry you both had to get up this late."
"I was up anyway," Villain yawned.
"Doing what?" Hero cast them a suspicious glance.
Villain just smirked, leaning back in their chair. "Your little Agency will find out in the morning. Thankfully everything had been wrapped up by the time I got the call."
Once they got to Hero's house there were just enough hours of darkness left to get in a little sleep, so the two tucked Sidekick into bed. The kid was never too old for that.
Outside of Sidekick's door Hero let out an anxious breath, and Villain opened their arms. That was all it took for Hero to melt against them, Villain holding them tightly. They just held each other for a moment, Hero taking a minute to let go of their stress.
"I'm just worried because they've worked so hard to get where they are in the Agency," Hero murmured into Villain's shoulder. "I don't want them to lose that."
"They'll be fine," Villain assured them, gently rubbing their back. "Besides, if you can't talk the Agency into letting them keep their position, they've got one of the city's most feared and respected villains as their parent too. Threats have worked in the past, haven't they?"
Hero chuckled. "I've missed you."
"Missed you too."
"Coffee in the morning?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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saturnniidae · 3 months
astrid for the character ask game?
(p.s deya you are so cool)
Favorite thing about her: the way she cares so deeply for people but is bad at showing it and has the most diabolical case of cuteness aggression I fear I've ever seen. She expresses her love for her friends through actions like protecting them.
Least favorite thing: How she only has like one episode (the flighttmare episode where shes trying to regain her famliys honor. off the top of my head) dedicated solely to her, and all her other development being linked to Hiccup in some way and how she's slowly just reduced to 'supportive gf' in the later movies.
Favorite line: "Our parents war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on." Because it just tells you so much about her character. She's essentially a child soldier, well they all are, but the others still goof off, yknow, like kids are supposed to?? Astrid allows herself 0 moments of weakness (respite) and puts everything before herself to ensure berks safety.
BrOTP: I already talked about her and Snotlout, so how about her and Fishlegs? Like they their moments of silliness in that one rtte ep where he helped her look for a betrothal gift and her helping him protect the dramillions. It shows they have such a bond you'd think would be kind of unlikely but then it's like. Never talked about again and it makes me mad bc they're such best friends :(
(let Astrid have friends outside of Hiccup challenge: FAILED)
OTP: Her and Hiccup. Or Heather. Heathstrid is more of a 'it's cute and makes sense' ship than one I'm genuinely invested in tbh bc I don't think Heather needs a love interest, so ig hiccstrid since I'm more invested in it. (or specifically the version that lives in my head)
NOTP: idk. I saw her shipped with viggo once. That was Interesting (boo throws tomatoes👎👎)
Random headcanon:
Now knowing their war with the dragons was essentially pointless, she feels like she wasted her childhood. Had someone only realized and ended it sooner, she wouldn't have spent all her time training instead of being happy. Also she's trans <33
(Astrid child soldier Hofferson you grew up too fast. The dragon war ended only for her to be thrust into another conflict (war with viggo) shortly after but it's not like she's complaining. I feel like she spent so much time training to fight, she barely knows how to just. Be.)
Also. She keeps a little handkerchief in that pouch on her belt to wipe her hands after holding Hiccup's. Sweaty ass palms.
Also also, I feel like she has a slightly strained relationship with her parents and siblings and her uncle is her closest famliy member.
Unpopular opinion:
Sheshould get to be silly and be allowed to kind of suck sometimes. Let her be kind of a bitch with no remorse!!! let her be goofy sometimes!!!
Song I associate her with:
There's a few
Crab - Alex g (specifically her and Hiccup in the 1st movie and before it), The Wedding List - Kate Bush and The Calling - The Amazing Devil
(I've always interpreting The Calling as moving on from a desire to please and being blinded to other important aspects of life due to to one's obsession with strength, reflecting on that and starting anew which I feel fits her)
Favorite picture:
She looks so happy here it makes my chest hurt (gotnf is fhe best depiction of Astrid in all of httyd outside the first movie. I'll die in this hill)
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Naoto Tachibana top 10 moments!
10. Let's kick off the list with something simple but important, Naoto naming the time leaps. He's the one who helped Takemichi come up with the name, who knows without him we could all be calling them time jumps or something.
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9. Trying to prepare Takemichi for the past by giving him toman knowledge. Look Naoto tried, he really tried and it's not his fault that Takemichi seemingly forgot literally everything.
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8. Turning up to talk to Takemichi at like midnight, this poor child probably just wanted to sleep but still went outside to see Takemichi when he called and then just witnessed him having a mental breakdown while getting 0 explanation at all, he must've been so confused.
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7. Trying desperately to get Takemichi and Hina to actually talk in the future. I'm sure he regretted his decision when he realised how awkward it was but at least he tried to help them.
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6. Holding Takemichi's hand, come on did anyone not laugh here?
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5. The time he gave Takemichi a much needed pep talk in the bad toman timeline. Takemichi was losing it here, he was ready to give up and had basically lost faith in himself. Luckily Naoto was there to give him a much needed hug and encourage him to keep going. Story might've ended here without him.
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4. Being prepared to sacrifice his happy future for Takemichi's and Mikey's happiness. We don't talk about this enough but this is such a big deal for Naoto. After everything he's seen and been through he finally gets a happy future but when Takemichi begs him to shake hands again so he can go back to help Mikey he reluctantly agrees. Even though he knows doing this literally puts the whole happy future at risk. It doesn't actually work but Naoto was willing to give it up for Takemichi.
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3. Dying for Takemichi, I don't think this requires much more of an explanation.
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2. Dedicates his whole life to saving his sister. He literally studied and worked hard his whole life just to become a detective which he then spent all his time studying gangs so he could understand toman just to save Hina. Years of his life spent trying to save her, he doesn't get mentioned enough when we talk about the best tr siblings.
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1. Continously believing and not giving up on Takemichi. I've said it before and I'll say it again the whole plot happened and everyone got saved because of Naoto. He's the one who first asked Takemichi to save Hina and is the one providing constant support and knowledge about the future. Takemichi never would've succeeded without him, Naoto's so important.
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tixdixl · 4 months
OHH 16 & 38 for Welcome home please :0
Oh this is an interesting couple of questions, especially that second one. Thanks for asking!
16. Who hogs the covers?
I feel as though it would be Lilia? I feel like it'd be Lilia. Lilia seems like the one who would cutely hog the covers and Oisín wouldn't be able to bring themself to protest.
38. If/when they have kids, what is their parenting style (or pets-who does what)?
Alright. So. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to navigate this question. But I can't answer this without talking about Book 7 things. Things related to Book 7 spoilers. So, I'm gonna hide the answer to this. Read at your own discretion.
Alright, so to start: Lilia and Oisín's "kids" are Silver and Malleus - especially Silver, for sure. But like... yeah Silver and Malleus are their kids.
If we start during the egg phase of Malleus's childhood, this doesn't really deviate from canon. While Oisín travels with Lilia in order to search for a solution to Malleus's deterioration, they aren't permitted to see the prince. So they don't. Not until Lilia is fully exiled and Lilia is tasked with taking Malleus away and going into hiding.
During this time too, Oisín is still sent away on occassion to ferry others to the other side, under the guise of doing anything other than traveling with an exiled fugitive. So they aren't always present during Malleus's baby years. But they did try to be as present as they possibly could. The same is said of baby Silver.
We know Lilia is a bit of a chaotic parent. When Oisín is able to be present, they try to sort of counterbalance that chaos, ensuring that the children are able to have their needs met. We also know from Silver's vignettes that Lilia trains the boys even from a very young age. Since Lilia is the primary parent, Oisín does try to support Lilia's wishes as best they can. And for the record, Oisín can cook better than Lilia.
This continues until such time as they are sent away, on a much more hands on mission that causes them to leave the cottage for an extended period. They leave the family for several years, trying to keep in contact as best they can.
Oisín reappears in everyone's lives when they enroll at NRC, sent on what they knew would be their final kill. We see how Lilia engages with the boys during the story of TWST and their vignettes. But that begs the question of how Oisín "parents" during this time.
With Malleus, he makes an agreement with them, yeah? Individualized parent-child time in addition to Oisín's need to confer with him and gain information. And Oisín willingly gives Malleus that quality time as he asks for it. They do offer Malleus guidance as much as they deem appropriate, though on occasion Malleus also gives his 2 cents in return. But they both also recognize that Malleus is more bonded with Lilia, even if the concept of the disappearing/reappearing parent is something he's been accustomed to since his egg days and because of both Lilia and Oisín.
With Silver, there's much more distance there, in part because of the lack of time they've been in his life compared to Malleus. Oisín fully loves and acknowledges Silver as Lilia's son - and often hopes that one day Silver would want a parental dynamic with them as well. But much like any step-parent, they would rather not intrude, and want Silver to approach them on his own terms. Of which he does. When he finally does, Oisín actively spends quality time with him, and helps teach him how to develop his own friendships, how to have fun with people he cares about, and encourages him to explore his passions and hobbies - yes, even if he is Malleus's retainer.
I am still fleshing a few more details out. But thats the summary of what I've got. I hope it made sense. 😅
Prompt list
Tag list: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble
@rainesol @elenauaurs @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly
Lmk if you want added/removed
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
Okay so… I’m in the middle of MAJOR Heal & Steel (Cmedic x Cheavy) brainrot right now so here’s my headcanons about them (Both as a ship and just as Characters + slight nsfw warning near the end):
Cmedic’s real name is Rubén Pacifico Jabir Rodríguez and he’s a Panamanian-Honduran American
Cheavy’s real name is Morrison “Morris” DeMont and he’s Italian-American (tho he knows 0 Italian and lives in the middle of fucking Colorado)
Cheavy isn’t a very “touchy-feely” person but Cmedic often is able to get him out of his shell with gentle reassurance
Cmedic has a lot of tattoos on his back, one got ruined because when he went through the respawn system for the first time; the system didn’t heal away the scar he got on his back from the RED Sniper during the first ever “Capture the Flag” match
Cmedic and Greg Morgan (Classic BLU Scout) invited the “Bunnyhopping” mechanic one day when they both used Conc Grenades to jump above Classic RED Soldier (Jonas) and Heavy (Benjamin)
Cmedic is much more of a Defense class kinda merc while Cheavy is more of a Support class (kinda making ‘em the opposites of Medic and Heavy)
One time, Cheavy and Cmedic spent the holidays with Cmedic’s parents (who are named Carmen and Luis Jr.) and Cheavy offered to help Cmedic’s mother making tamales for Christmas diner. He was completely confused to the point Cmedic and his father were laughing their asses off at him failing to wrap a tamale
Cheavy is sometimes a very standoffish and defensive person but does soften when he’s around people he cares about (Cmedic thinks it’s cute)
Cmedic and Cheavy often hold each other’s hand when they smoke together, Cheavy smokes cigars and Cmedic smokes cigarettes
One time, Virgil Hargrove (BLU Classic Sniper) and Cmedic got high on some cannabis. Cmedic nearly fell out of the BLU Sniper’s watchtower like a dumbass if it weren’t for Grég (BLU Classic Demo) caught him before he hit the ground
Cheavy and Grég are best friends and end up doing dumb shit that gets them hurt in dumb ways; Cmedic is sick and tired of them + Ross and Greg getting in trouble constantly
Cmedic, Virgil and Cspy (who I call Marcos) are all friends, they often either get high in Virgil’s tower/room, drink in Cspy’s room, or smoke in Cmedic’s room
Grég is the only one who “knows” that Cheavy and Cmedic are dating (They all do but they have to pretend not to so Cmedic won’t stop healing for a week straight)
Cheavy is a very touchy person, so he often picks up Cmedic and holds him or hugs him. He also pets the top of Cmedic’s head a lot, no matter if there’s a helmet or not; Cmedic will be pat
Cmedic bites people who try to shave his musty stubble and just in general when he doesn’t have his mask on
Cheavy’s canine teeth happened to be snaggle-teeth so it looks like he has fangs (Cmedic thinks they’re hot). The first time they made out, Cheavy accidentally bit Cmedic’s neck like a vampire and profusely apologized for it
Here’s my hc versions of them:
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(The one of Cmedic is of what I think his face looks like)
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queenburd · 1 year
hmm i am also thinkin abt the curator line “they need each other” …. something something, can a narrator survive without his stanley? just like a human can’t survive without food/water.. quotes in the skip button ending:
“One single thing I need -…- is to know that someone else is taking it in.”
“When you press that button,… the emptiness folds itself outward in between the two of us, and I am suspended in its unyielding quietness. I can feel the edges of my reality curdling inward and decaying. I can tell that I am becoming less and less real.”
so in the same way.. i assume that all of those narrators banding together would provide some kind of support, but. they’re all so busy trying to be heard, they don’t actually listen to each other. it’s just a big game of giving water to the man starved of food. each others’ company is enough to sustain, but it won’t be for forever.
which is why they go after stan’s narrator; they’re not 100% certain what he’s been doing, but surely he’s hoarding all of these stanleys to himself, right? why would he not hold onto them? where is he hiding them?
but there are some narrators too, that read the room and say “what the hell. the only people here selfish enough to hoard stanleys are the ones suggesting this.” and they form their own coalition which isn’t an echo chamber. they all spent their parables making assumptions on themselves and on their stanleys. this was cruel, yes, and basically a death sentence, but they recognize the self-loathing faster than a counselor in the foster care system. and some of them are still in denial about how they treated their stanleys. but they all recognize that We Need To Hear This Guy Out.
and obviously there’s a lot of infighting from both groups. it’s a high-stress situation, who wouldn’t be stressed out by the end of their life suddenly being a thing that is real and also is approaching rapidly. and there are plenty that just give up and let themselves melt away out of guilt or hopelessness.
so the hate group finally gets this guy. and he gives 0 fucks about them. which is frustrating since they did their best to strip him of his power, but he’s been heard by so many stanleys and they haven’t, so they’re still substantially weaker than him.
the sensible group of narrators aren’t able to even get a look at him. and so they’re busy scheming, but less than the hate group. so when the stanleys come to save the narrator, they notice sooner and they make a break for it. “there’s a lot to discuss, but first we want to help save your narrator.” “there isn’t much time before the others notice.” “we’re trying to hide your presence as long as possible.” “do what you do best—tune them out when they want you to listen.” “yes and that punch was deserved. i deserved that.”
the stanleys are suspicious. who are these fuckers with feelings and what have you done to our original narrators lol???? but they’re willing to go with it. how else would they have escaped their parables without trusting an unexpected offer for help?
you said you didn’t have a lot of thoughts but luckily i did ❤️ i might write smth about this au or the original au. still deciding. but my drafts folder is still overflowing so i probably won’t start until there’s a little more stanley stuff fleshed out. ok it’s my bedtime
THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO SEE THIS. I HAVE LITTLE TO ADD TO THIS GEM other than I have genuinely begun to wonder if any of the narrators, having seen this fellow, who theyve been trying to BREAK, just refusing to be broken, begin to.... wonder.
because again, and again, he just keeps telling them "you didn't take care of him. he only had you and you only had him and YOU DIDNT TAKE CARE OF HIM." and he's relentless.
"I dont get to be with my Stanley either, but god, at least in the time I had him I appreciated him. Our story was supposed to be about him finding happiness, and you all forgot that."
I absolutely can see some of them, who werent the cruel ones but were more invested in their story and in their art, starting to wonder "....was he right? did I forget why this was so important? did I--"
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intosnarkness · 5 months
N & S
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I will give a general answer to this, since I'm still new enough to SOC that I'm getting random ideas that need rereads and I don't feel super comfortable answering specifics:
Stronger pastiche. This seems to be shockingly rare in fandom, where many people have spent 0 time analyzing the voice of the canon and don't know what they don't know. I'd love to see more people try to actually ape the style they're inhabiting.
Realistic dialogue. I'm not saying that everyone needs to be me and spend years filling notebooks with records of extremely mundane conversations in a quest to become David Mamet, but the #1 reason I nope out of a fic is weak dialogue. I don't care that he wouldn't fucking say that, I care that he wouldn't fucking say it like that. It's in part because fandom skews young, but I wish I could take some writers by the hand and help them listen to other people more carefully, and develop their ear for it.
Maybe it's the Fandom Old in me, but it seems like people write much more safe stuff these days. I don't want a lecture on the purity of the fic in the description as if I should be ashamed to write or read about difficult or dark subjects. Write something weird and fucked up and engage your id. I don't know your mom, and if I did I wouldn't tell her. You're never gonna grow as a writer if you're too afraid of the purity police to try something different.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I read something the other day that said something like "Kaz Brekker defines himself as a man with a dead brother." and I have adopted that because it makes so much sense to me. Gratuitous personal story: I've talked about this before, but for people who don't know; I'm from Virginia and I was in college from 2003-2007. Most of my high school ended up at UVA or Virginia Tech. So on April 16, 2007 a lot of people I grew up with were shot at, and some people I grew up with died that day. I was in Maryland, at my campus job. I was standing in the classroom support office, talking to my boss (who years later you all would get to know as CancerKid, but that's another story) when my Nokia brick rang and it was my mother. I didn't answer, because it was my mother. We didn't text back in 2007, but she left me a message, which was uncommon for her. So I called my voicemail, despite the terrible service in the building. And my mom began her message with "Laurie, there's been a shooting in Blacksburg--" And then my phone cut out. What I knew then, that you don't, is that my brother was in Blacksburg that year. My older brother, who was supposed to have finished his 5-year program the year before and started teaching. But he had one more class he was taking on campus. I ran out of that room so fast that I knocked a person over and spilled something on Nat's desk. I could not breathe. All I needed was to get my mother's voicemail off the phone. I sat on the front steps on the building, shaking so hard i could barely hit the speed dial because every part of me understood that the next five words would change my life forever. They were going to start with "and your brother is" and that last word would be "dead" or "safe". And either way I was going to cry. It was safe. My brother was fine, and he continues as a thorn in my side to this day. I love him more than I know how to say. (My mother got a lecture about starting with the "everyone is okay" line that she taught me as a child. We had beef.) But for the three and a half minutes before the beginning and then end of that voicemail, I was a girl with a dead brother. I could see the rest of my life without David stretching out in front of me and it broke me. I literally was never the same after that day, because for the first time I had to acknowledge the mortality of the boy who played x-men with me and who taught me how to get onto the roof of the garage and who defended me against bullies. And I had to live with the fact that we weren't close, and we didn't talk much, and I had so many regrets. If not for that day, we would not be as close as we are now. Not half. So it's not quite the same thing, but I get it. My "one fear" t-shirt says "living in a world where i am an only child" on it. I know one day one of us will outlive the other. And I know if it's me who lives longer, I will be a woman with a dead brother for the rest of my time.
(ask me) (fandom asks)
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jaynnie-jane · 1 year
For years I have asked my mum to "just listen".
She has wanted to finish my autism assessment (without me foing back) at the place that straight up verbally assulted me. I have continuously said to her "I don't want to give them money, I don't want to have anything to do with them".
She has constantly pushed to finish the process there. The other night I said "fine, it's your money, do what you want". But then I did some more reading about how other places assess autism.
The thing my therapist said to keep in mind while going through the process is that "this isn't to get a diagnosis, this is to help you understand what's going on".
Mum has been fixated on the diagnosis, despite my therapist AND doctor saying to her it's not about that.
Today was hard. Trying to say no to her in a way that she understands for a reason she is okay with is really hard. She believed that by me completing it through the current people she was "saving" me from further hurt. She wouldn't accept for what ever reason that what happened to me should never have happened, while also agreeing it was negligent.
We ended the argument with her saying "well you need to communicate better!".
A bit later I was reminded of just how solidly unheraing she is. I was mid league of legends game and she came in and said "can we talk?" My response was "I am mid game, I will come up when it's finished"... sure, I didn't say no and in retrospect I could have added a time estimate in there. Perspective taking after crying for an hour and while playing ARAM is not my strong suit.
Instead of saying "how long?" Or "no worries" she pushed it and tried to do it there and then...
I have spent so much of my life feeling hurt by and feeling guilty for being hurt by others. My early childhood was full of lessons about not challenging my parents in any way shape or form otherwise they would get upset.
So, over protected, taught to fear the world and taught never to upset my parents or else I would feel guilty for making mum feel like she had failed as a parent...
When that is considered it is little wonder to me that I have anxiety issues, general guilt for being alive and an innability to keep saying "no" when pushed by the ones I love.
Combine this with the amazing, attentive caregiver that mum was from 0-4 I also have freaking high resilience. When I fall in a heap, I'm still able to function in a very short period of time. Unfortunately that combo means that I consistently fall through the cracks of support frameworks.
I don't believe anyone owes me anything, and as difficult as it is I also believe that people have a right to change their minds .
I also believe that or relationships to work, you gotta stop overly protecting the people that you love and you absolutely need to be able to communicate openly when shit changes.
The MOST important thing I have learned is that we have to know how to take responsibility FOR hurting someone when we do. It doesnt matter if I ment to or not. I needed to learn how to hold that responsibility and that "sorry" just as well as I hold that compassion for myself of "I did the best I could".
So many people out there say that you should only apologise if you plan to change your behaviour.
My mum apologised for not letting me be the one to make the decision/ not hearing me/ being preoccupied with doing what she strongly believed was right. Do I expect or want her to change? No. I know that this behaviour comes from a good place (sure it makes it difficult at times for me). I don't want her to stop caring, I don't want her to feel as if she's not allowed to say anything. Would I like for her and I to be able to talk things through a little better? Absolutely!
I believe that every time it comes up, I can (and do) become a little more resilient to this specific behaviour. I also want to work on being a better advocate for myself in these types of relationships.
Awareness and working together is all I ever really want.
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iheartmisty · 1 year
“she has everything” is probably what people think when they look at me.
look at me. I have cute & perfect outfits. i wear short shorts and try hard, brushed hair, glasses, great manners, im kind, helpful, smart, and caring. I put others first. I’m shy. I’m quiet, but observant. i’m a deep thinker. I’m in all honors classes. I’m incredible at art. I write beautiful poetry. I’m a great singer. I play guitar and piano. some might even say im pretty. I have a roof over my head, food, and money to buy whatever I’d like.
does that diminish everything I’ve been through?
how about you see me instead. listen to my real story. when I was little, I had a friend group of five. we all loved the same music, the same colours, our parents were best friends. it was perfect. ooooh but I guess we all grew up now, cause I’m left here loving them and wanting them and they’re here giving excuses to not see me. then I moved. went to a new school, met some new people. thought everybody was my friend; and everybody loved me because I was nice to them. turns out, im just stupid and clueless and people aren’t what they seem to be. I got my heart broken, twice. and it hurt a lot more than it should’ve because they both were not very nice people. they were manipulators, and haters, and apparently bullies too. I thought I was brave for confessing. twice. after covid, none of my hundreds of friends even texted back. I guess we weren’t friends. my good friends never asked me to hang out, and were somehow always busy. I got framed, cyberbullied, harassed online, rumors spread. and this didn’t happen once, but at least like 10 times. my friends didn’t care. they just left. they left me there. they added fire to the flames. now im left with attachment issues and the fear of abandonment. [insert most preposterous thing I would never do that makes 0 sense]. then I get bullied for that? oh then I tried to ask my best friend to defend me, please, and she was like “ur making my mental health worse” “im suicidal now” and starts getting her friends to bully me more and curse at me for quote on quote, “ruining her life”. I’m sorry that I wasted my time trying to help her and her relationship. I’m sorry I spent so much time on her when she did that to me. its so unfair that she gets to be posting about it and gets people wishing her and supporting her when I never got support when I was doing the same. I was bullied more if someone ever found out. i hated myself more and more. I cut myself more and more. no one noticed. no one cared. my grades slipped.
I think that’s really funny cause first of all, she lied, second of all, I love how she gets all the support in the world for her fake story of a paper cut and I was out there bleeding to death from stab wounds that would never ever heal. but its whatever. then, another one of my best friends comes over, body shames me, calls me ugly and calls me out for every single thing and made me feel more insecure than ever, and then walks out after telling people that im the one who body shamed her. oh im oh so sorry for defending you while you were getting bullied, but this is my return gift, thank you? now I cant run away from my anxiety or anxiety attacks and I’m still alone. i wish I wasn’t. I wish someone understood. I’m really not who you think I am. my friend once told me that the way i dress would give off the impression that im a “popular girl”. that I’m materialistic. that I’m shallow, and cold-hearted. maybe thats the girl ive been trying to portray. im really not materialistic, or shallow, or cold-hearted. im the opposite. maybe ive been trying to hide away and blend in the shadows. maybe ive been trying to pretend like im a pretty girl. I havent ever told anybody that. maybe part of me wishes karma would get it over with already, because they all seem to be doing better than me. I think being a good person doesn’t have many rewards, unless you keep doing it, even through this. and I will, because thats just who I am.
now lets see more about me. things someone could maybe actually love. uhh, the way i always give others the bigger half. or the cup with more water. the way I’m always smiling or maybe my favourite songs. maybe a poem I wrote about someone I love. im my favorite quotes and the colour of my room and the movies I watch. and I found people who love me for all of the above. the first impressions. the dark parts. the beautiful ones. and I hope to never let them go. i hope to never let myself go.
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thefearandnow · 2 years
Happy New Year! 🥂
I've had this post saved for a while because since coming back to tumblr I've found it to be a really great space for setting myself accountable creatively. I've had a lot of ideas for goals I want to set for myself in 2023 so I'm gonna pin this post and keep coming back to it with progress/check ins. I'm also gonna queue this post for every month so I don't forget to revisit my list. Some stuff has to do with creating and some stuff are just personal things ✨
💀🎙 Write and produce monthly episodes of The Fear and Now
For my graduate degree I produced an analysis podcast about horror in fiction podcasts and part of changing my tumblr to The Fear and Now was partially to motivate me to make new episodes for the first time in more than 2 years. I'm basically going to reboot it entirely because I've become a much different producer since I started it but I'm excited to start working on it again. First step will be to relisten to the old episodes which is honestly what I'm most avoiding but I'm excited to do more analytical writing, research and use my improved editing skills to give it a facelift.
🎧 Write and post at least 25 Audio Drama Sunday posts
I've really been enjoying using tumblr as a way to recap my listening and get through my backlog of podcasts I want to listen to. On top of that it's been a great way to find new podcasts and support creators so I'm hoping to stay on a semi-weekly schedule but I'm also trying to set the expectation a little low 😅
🦉🌶 Finish writing the fiction podcast I started (8 episodes)
In 2022 I started writing my first ever fiction podcast, something I'd been wanting to do for years. It's been on hiatus for a few months but I want to come back around to it and at least get all the episodes in rough draft from.
✏️ Try NaNoWriMo for the first time
I discovered National Novel Writing Month (through a discord I'm a part of) this year and was a little too late to the party to try it myself but I'm really drawn to the idea of trying it November 2023. Of course, I think I'm gonna need to practice a lot to get myself prepared so I'm going to start setting daily word count goals every month.
Jan: 500 words | 75%
Feb: 500 words
📖 Read at least one novel a month
In 2022 some friends started a book club and it's really helped me get back into the habit of having structured reading time. Looking forward to reading more and keeping track of the new books I'll read in the new year!
💻 Give more feedback to writers/creators on tumblr
I've started following a few different writers on tumblr whose short stories I really enjoy and I want to get more into the habit of reaching out and telling them what I love about their work. It's one of those things that I've only recently spent much time thinking about but I think often I'm a passive enjoyer of content and want to actively be more involved as an audience member in 2023.
🎶 Self publish a mixtape of instrumentals
In 2022 I got into a routine of posting quick little sample-based sketches and beats. In the new year I want to take the best of those sketches and make them into a proper mixtape/EP that I'll publish via Bandcamp. I'm not really sure how to track the progress on something like this but I know I just want to have what I consider a finished project by this time next year.
✏️ Try NaNoWriMo for the first time.
I discovered National Novel Writing Month (through a discord I'm a part of) this year and was a little too late to the party to try it myself but I'm really drawn to the idea of trying it November 2023. Of course, I think I'm gonna need to practice a lot to get myself prepared so I'm going to start setting daily word count goals every month.
Jan: 500 words
✨ Explore my hair/gender expression
This one is literally impossible to quantify but it's something I want to reflect on and be more actively engaged with this year. So much of my life I feel like I've tried to ignore thinking about and exploring my own style and gender and its only recently that I've felt some regret about it. I want to buy new clothes and try new hairstyles and feel more comfortable in my own skin and I think I've found that for me I need to write it somewhere if I actually want to do the damn thing 😅 so this is me doing that lol
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woodvillednk23 · 2 months
Exploring Amazing Benefits of Childcare Centre in Woodville for Kids
If you are trying your best to give your kid a perfect head starts before sending him/her to school, then it's time to send them to the best and professional childcare centre in Woodville. These centres primarily focus on early childhood education and child development. Different studies have proved that offering early childhood education to kids is the best way to help them develop cognitive skills and emotional and social skills. These skills will help them to prepare for their primary school and beyond. Keep reading to find out some other major benefits that you can enjoy by sending your child to a childcare centre.
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A Well-Structured Learning Environment with Trained Teachers
Kids from age 0 to 6, go through a sensitive period. During this period, the brain develops faster compared to the other stage. So, it is important to ensure that their brains receive the right messages that can help them to begin a good life. The atmosphere that you will find with a structured childcare centre in Woodville is designed keeping this thing in mind and can help in your kid’s overall development.  
Gives Chance to Your Kid to Be Independent
Childcare centres always encourage kids to explore their environment while offering required support. Teachers there teach them how to interact with peers and understand their hobbies and interests. This, in turn, motivates them to develop independence and emotional intelligence. It also helps your kid to develop self-esteem at an early age. The higher the self-esteem, the easier it will be for your kid to face challenges in life.
Helps Learn Better Behaviour
As your children will interact with their teachers and peers, they will gradually learn behaviour that will promote better social interaction. Learning to wait for their turns, saying thank you and please whenever required, listening carefully before responding, learning to care for others, and learning sharing habits are some of the behaviours that they will learn at the childcare centre.
Help Them for Kindergarten
There is no doubt that childcare centre offers a stimulating and fun environment where children can develop numeracy, literacy as well as communication skills, assisting them to get ready for kindergarten. They teach the required foundation that children will build on in elementary schools, for example, simple word recognition, counting, writing and understanding the alphabet. Different studies have informed the children who have attended early childcare programs, that they have better math and reading skills at age five. The process of transition to kindergarten can be stressful, but if your kids have spent time in good childcare, it will be much easier for them. 
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Final Words
High-quality and professional childcare centre in Woodville has been shown to offer amazing benefits for kids as well as communities. They offer important developmental benefits that help children to attain their maximum potential. So, if you are looking for the best childcare centre that can offer the required base to empower children, then don’t think much and visit Woodville Day Nursery & Kindergarten now. They will equip your kids with the necessary knowledge and skills that will help them throughout their lives.
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mybestisntenough · 7 months
TW: Childloss
My therapist recommends writeing letters to my daughter.. But I'm scared my husband will see them so.. I figured here may be a ok place to leave them..
Dear Daughter,
I'm mad.. But not at you.
I'm mad at the universe that choose to play such a cruel joke on us, I prayed to anyone that would listen to take away your pain..i begged the universe to give me your pain... And in turn they took you from me.. At least your not in pain.. Right?
Is life for me is just ment to be filled with so much pain and suffering I'll never understand why I seem to be so unlucky.. Or what "purpse" all this has.
I always have wanted a daughter to protect and love in the ways I never was... And I couldn't do that for you I failed you.. And I can't even blame the medical staff.. Because there biggest concer was me gaining weight, if I was thinner things would have been so much different.. a lot of things that would have been offered such as bed rest, restricted work, excess hormone to help stop you from comeing so early where taken off the table because they had the chance of causing me to gain weight.. Well jokes on them.. I only gained 15 pounds though the whole pregnancy but gained 25 more after you passed.
Dear daughter,
I am sad.. But please do not blame your self for this sadness, I told you so many times how proud I am of you and that will never change
I just wanted this more then anything.. And I haven't really wanted much in life. But I wanted you more then anything, I regret all the times I complained about feeling sick and uncomfortable and counting down the days till you would be born so I could feel "normal" again, I would take all those feeling back, I would be uncomfortable 100x over if it ment you would not had come so early.
You where born at 24+0 1lb 2oz I could hold you with one hand... You spent 14 wonderful and hard days with us, I'm so proud of you
But why do I feel so selfish with my grief.. Some people don't even get that long with there child..
But I wish I could be selfish and have you again.
I prepared my self for a lot of things, after they told us you had massive brain bleeding and a high chance of not liveing a normal life.. I didn't care.. All I thought about is how I could help you, what changes I'd have to make to support you. I would have given up anything..and planned to give up everything.
What I was not prepared for was you returning to the stars.
But in the end still I never got to hear you cry.. I was always worried about what I would do if you cried to much.. And worried I wouldn't be able to handle it, I regret that thought so much as I just wish I could have heard you once. This one seems to hurt the most.. For a reason I can't understand.
I did hear my family cry in ways I never imagined. Those sounds appear every night when I try to sleep..
Dear Aurora,
Please know you will never be replaced or forgotten.
Please know I am forever grateful for you.
You live with me, just in a different way then I had hoped.
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sunflouwerhabit · 10 months
hii! it's me again! (i'm thinking of getting a patent for this phrase ahaha) 
1st I'm very glad that my messages make you happy there's a lot of care into them AND your writing makes ME very happy so, feels like a fair trade. 
2nd SOTB IS SO ROMANTIC LIKE!!! I love how she combines a more mystical/ethereal view of love to a very mundane and domestic side of it <3 Also I agree very much, love the version with more lana, I think it really suits her voice.
3rd omg which other album would make your top three??? this is now a very serious question. And also, COWBOY LIKE ME AU WHENNN. 
4th IT WAS LOUIS' HATER ERA BUT I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH. I love him throughout the whole fic tbh, I think sometimes authors when writing ""enemies"" to lovers (i mean are they really enemies if Harry was in love with him FOR MONTHS 💀) either make the first conflict too harsh or then make characters' reaction not proportionate at all with the event itself but I think that Louis' behavior in yours was so credible, I really really loved dtl. 
5th I WANT TO GO. I live in europe sooo I thought I had already gotten over my "I wanna live in the USA when I grow up 😍" era, but reading your descriptions of Cleveland made me want to AT LEAST go there to visit it. 
6th OK SO. I HAVE STARTED THE INNINGS. IN FACT, I'VE READ ALMOST ALL OF THEM. I think the next one is the tenth. I'm trying to save them because I usually read really fast (I read write this down in like... two days........) but I've been struggling with finding new fics (if you have any recommendations plz do tell) and I'm not ready to finish the innings because then I won't have any ""new dtl content" for when I'm really struggling with finding something to read before bed. so. yeah. who knows. in a month I've read 10 innings so it probably won't last much longer ahahah BUT I'M LOVING IT SO SO MUCH. I could probably give you a review on each of the innings and explain why I loved every single one of them but I reckon that would make a too long of tumblr ask so... I won't ❤️ but I will say that I LOVE HARRY SO MUCH. like I love dtl louis in the sense of: I would love to be his friend, I would love to hang out with him. HARRY THOUGH??? He's like: COMFORT CHARACTER. I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THIS BEFOFE BUT HE REALLY IS. THE FIRST INNING??????? KNOWING HIS INNER THOUGHTS????? like. I can't. I CANT. Don't think I'll survive dtl (harry's version) :)))
(also!!!! I didn't know anything about baseball before I read dtl and I thought it would be good to have a mere idea of the game before starting the fic so I spent approximately 3 hours on youtube watching videos like "how to play baseball (BASICS)" or "how to play baseball (BASICS (FOR EUROPEANS WHO HAVE NEVER WATCHED A GAME))", just kidding this last one didn't exist. BUT IT SHOULD. It would've been helpful. Anyway rn I still haven't started supporting a team (bc honestly I get very overwhelmed with the amount of games and since my knowledge of RL baseball is close to 0 I'm not sure how I'm supposed to watch it or how do people usually follow the season) BUT I WILL SAY THAT I DONT THINK I COULD EVER SUPPORT THE CUBS. Just bc in my mind they're forever meanies and I just can't. So thanks for that!!!!!)
7th IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR THEM. I SWEAR TIS THE DAMN SEASON AND I'VE STARTED LISTENING TO EVERMORE AGAIN AND I REALLY FEEL THE SUDDEN NEED TO REREAD WRITE THIS DOWN. but I think I'm going to save it for christmas cause I think it will be sooo comforting because HOLIDAYS. So, until then I'll just listen to evermore and think about them.
8th whiiiiich brings me to the point of this whole ask! I watched the eras tour film today and when it got to champagne problems all I could think about was liam. Like my friends were crying (we're all very devoted Taylor/Louis/Harry fans) and I was thinking about the fact that Liam did buy champagne. In your fic. Honestly I was thinking about them the whole time. So yeah, you have officially altered the way I perceive evermore, thank you so much.
9th (bc 9 innings) have you been to the eras tour? or have you watched the film?? If no to both YOU NEED TO WATCH THE FILM as soon as it's available!!! it's so good!! If yes to both, what did you think of it? If yes to one of them and no to other, plz do ramble about it, I'd love to hear (read) your thoughts.
ANYWAY this is once again VERY long. IM SORRY! I hope you have a great weekend AND THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING SO SWEET AND TALKATIVE IN YOUR REPLIES!!! 💓 I LOVE YOU!!!! :) 
HIIIIIIIIIIIII <33333 i am back to answer after a bit of a hiatus :-)))) ((writing took over my LIFE this past month. i am so behind in EVERYTHING 😭♥️)) but omg anyway i am BACK!!
stoppppp i love the idea of a tradeoff between my stories and these comments??? that is simply??? so cute i will sob :'))))
I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE YOUR ANALYSIS OF SOTB S O MUCH!!!! like the juxtaposition between the sheer impractical allure of it all to how NORMAL life becomes between two long term partners??? sahhsldfjsfsf i think that's why i love the line "my flight was awful thanks for asking" sO MUCH like UGH
OOOOOOO i loveeeeeeee this question! so my top three taylor albums are: evermore, speak now (taylor's version), and folklore!!!! i love every album she has ever released, but those 3 are so special to meeee
LOUIS THE HATER <3 love him sm. he's so perfect and so unserious sjflsdfjsdjfsf but i also have those same reservations with enemies to lovers so i am so happy to know down the line still felt realistic!!! i LOVE tropes when it's enemies to lovers on the surface, but it's so obvious that only one takes the rivalry seriously sdfjksdfjsf and writing smitten harry always makes me so happy!!!
and AHHHHHHHHH i am so happy to be of service with that particular mission:'))))))))) i can attest to cleveland being a wonderful place to visit, if it's possible <3333 i have been to europe once but would love to see more countries and cities in the future!!!!!
AND AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THE EXTRA INNINGS!!!!!! i love that you are trying to read them slower (reading write this down in two days is SO IMPRESSIVE i CANT). it also makes me giggle because i am pretty sure this ask was sent in before innings 13-15 were published, so!!!!! i hope you enjoyed those three monsters (writing those was.... a lot hajlfasjfsdlf). i need to make a fic rec list sooooooon! i have so many! my favorite fic of all time is mine would be you by crinkle-eyed-boo! :-) but AHHHHHHH i am so so so happy you love down the line harry so much! i simply want my own personal dtl harry???? like where can i find one of him???? he's just a baby????? :'))))))) i love everyone in dtl but he's just so special i aDORE HIM <3333 but also ALSO ALSO i am giggling at all the effort you put into learning about baseball!!! i love the dedication!!!!! ((a video for europeans especially is such a good idea i will get on that sjdfjlsfsdfsdf)) i actually made a powerpoint explaining baseball basics for my one friend! i should link in on ao3 so you all have it hehehehe aLSO ALSO ALSO ALSO- if you still need a team to root for.... might i suggest the cleveland guardians :D
AND :'))))))) it is officially OFFICIALLY evermore season!!!! tis the damn season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is truly the ideal time to read write this down. i will be playing my evermore vinyl on repeat for the next month :')
BUT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD OH NO I AM CRYING FOR YOU???? THAT IS SO DEVASTATING?????? POOR LIAM 😭😭😭😭😭 i feel your pain so much though because so many songs on evermore now remind me SO MUCH of write this down and it HURTS
AND!!! i have been to the era's tour!!!!!! i went to pittsburgh night two and my surprise songs were story of us and seven and it was the best night of my life! i dressed up as a speak now disco ball. it was just ahhsldfjsdlkfjskflsf. evermore was my favorite era of the night. tis the damn season. marjorie. TOLERATE IT. like are you KIDDING???????????? i also loved the pure joy in the stadium during the fearless set. and she had so many of my favorite songs on the setlist. im just aljdsfklsjfskfjsf i would love to relive that night again and again :') and i saw the movie the day it was released! i may actually go see it again this week with some family!!!!! i love it so so so so much! are you seeing the era's tour??? :')
♥️♥️♥️ i am so sorry it has taken me a million and one years to answer your message, but i hope you are doing well and you may always always always feel free to ramble in my asks i love these messages SO MUCH <333333
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