#haven't actually finished yet though but now i intend to
ofpd · 11 months
baby i'm reading this fic in the most illogical order imaginable
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dotster001 · 2 years
For Tuna
Summary:Grim does some interviews to find the perfect sugar dad for him you gn!reader x all boys in one way or another.
A/N:I haven't unpacked my tag list yet, so hopefully this is everyone!
Part Two Part Three choose your ending...
"Grim, we can't afford the bougie tuna. Put it back."
You'd missed it before when you were loading your basket at Sam's shop, but Grim had snuck in the expensive tuna. Now you were at the counter, trying to hide your embarrassment as you told Grim to put it back. Sam gave you a sympathetic smile, but still. You didn't need to add his pity to your plate of worries.
"Prefect, don't worry about it. I can take care of it."
You jumped. You hadn't realized Ruggie had lined up behind you with his own basket full of stuff.
"Yeah! Let Ruggie-"
"I couldn't do that, Ruggie, but thanks for the offer."
Ruggie grinned, "oh please, it's on Leona. He said I could get whatever I want as long as I come back with his energy drinks."
You made an unconvinced face, and Ruggie gave a playful wink.
"Trust me, your tuna won't even make a dent in his wallet. I could pay for your entire load, and still be able to pay off my student loans. In fact," he slapped down Leona's wallet, "Sam, add Y/N's groceries to mine, I'll take care of it."
Before you could protest further, Sam was ringing you both up.
And then Grim got an idea. A terribly, wonderful, awful idea.
"There, all settled. Plus now you can afford to fix your windows this month, or…." He looked at the cash in your hand, "well you can fix one window at least. And don't feel too bad for Leona. Eat the rich and what not," Ruggie patted your back comfortingly then left with his groceries.
"C'mon Grimmy, let's go," you said with a heavy sigh.
"Actually, I have something to do, Henchhuman. You go on home, I'll see ya later."
"Okay, but if you need me…."
"I'll be okay! Geeze you get so anxious without the great Grim. It's embarrassing."
You rolled your eyes and left. You would be so proud of him once he had finished though. He was excited already.
Heartslaybul Dorm….
"Mr. Rosehearts. Thank you for meeting with me."
Grim primly took out his pen and began to scribble on a clipboard.
"I didn't meet with you. You barged into my office," Riddle said, his arms crossed along his chest.
"I think you will find this meeting beneficial. It pertains to Y/N L/N."
Riddle relaxed a little, and raised a single curious eyebrow.
"You see, It has come to my attention, that Y/N and I do not have the funds to live comfortably. In fact, Y/N is practically starving to death! It has also come to my attention that you harbor some feelings for the prefect, and are in possession of a great deal of funds. Now," Grim dramatically looked up at Riddle, who's face was a shade of dark red. "How do you intend to provide for Y/N?"
Riddle opened his mouth, and Grim prepared himself for the worst, but…
"Wait, Y/N's on the market?!?!!"
Grim turned over his shoulder just in time to see Cater run in, tea tray in hand.
"He's only taking applications from rich people."
"Not a concern, housewarden!" Cater cleared his throat. "Hi, I'm Cater Diamond, and my dad is a banker."
"Oh!" Grim made a note on his paper. Riddle stood up abruptly.
"You only talk to your family on holidays, I wouldn't call that a solid source of income-"
"Yes but I'm a people pleaser, so I'll probably follow in his footsteps. So I will also have a banker's salary."
Riddle turned to Grim in a panic.
"I'm going to be a doctor!"
"Oh!" Scribble scribble.
"Oh please!" Cater rolled his eyes before conspiratorially leaning into Grim. "We both know Riddle. He'll work long shifts, day in and day out, and he'll never come home. Meaning poor Y/N will be trapped in a lonely loveless marriage. Meanwhile, I'll work my nine to five, and be home in time to gift you tuna, and keep Y/N warm at night."
"You think Grim cares about that?" Riddle shoved Cater out of the way. "I'll make time for Y/N. Plus my salary will provide double the tuna for you."
"What's all the yelling about?" Trey entered the room, followed by Ace and Deuce.
"Don't look at them, those three are poor as fuck. I mean a baker? Blech, disgusting," Cater apologetically smiled at Trey. "No offense."
"What?" Trey said, feeling more confused than he ever had been.
Grim clicked his pen closed.
"Thank you for your time. I have more interviews to conduct, but I will be in contact if you get through to the second round."
He scampered out of the room as Riddle and Cater nodded after him.
Savannaclaw Dorm….
Grim sat at the foot of Leona's bed as he tapped his chin thoughtfully.
"How can I provide for Y/N, huh? You mean the little demonstration Ruggie gave this morning wasn't enough?"
Grim tapped the pen impatiently against the clipboard.
"Mr. Kingscholar, it is important that you participate fully, or I will remove you from the list entirely."
Leona groaned.
"I receive a….certain amount of, shall we say, an allowance."
"And how much can I expect from that? I have a lot of people to interview. Please don't waste my time."
Leona looked over at Ruggie, who was folding laundry, then gestured Grim closer, before whispering a number into his ear.
Grim gasped, then hastily scribbled something onto his clipboard.
"We will be in contact with you when the second round of interviews begins." Grim stood up and hopped off the bed.
"Ruggie," Leona snapped, "Ensure my future relative makes it out of here safely. Let no one stop you."
Ruggie nodded in understanding as he escorted a proud looking Grim out.
Once they were halfway through the dorm, Ruggie began to speak.
"Leona has promised me a job with an excellent salary once I graduate. Just sayin."
"Won't he just take back the job if he finds out you're competing with him?"
Ruggie rolled his eyes, "Nevermind."
Jack left his room, and noticed the two of them, and began to walk towards them.
"Jack will make you get a job if you pick him," Ruggie whispered hastily. Grim hissed and sprinted the rest of the way out of the dorm.
"What's wrong with Grim?" Jack asked.
"Shi hi hi who knows?"
As Grim made his way to his second location, he was picked up by the scruff of his neck.
"Hey! What's the big idea?!?!?"
"Aw little sealie you're so cute!"
Grim stiffened.
"Fu fu fu," Jade laughed next to him. "our boss would like to have a word with you."
Grim gulped.
Octavinelle Dorm….
"Thank you for agreeing to see me," Azul said smugly.
"I didn't. Your scary twins picked me up and dragged me here."
"You see," Azul pushed his glasses up his nose, expertly ignoring Grim, "We got word that you were interviewing potential candidates for Y/N's future husband. I prepared some charts for you."
Azul pulled out several charts. Grim understood exactly zero of them. But he nodded thoughtfully and pretended to make a note on his clipboard.
"As you can see, my income is projected to continually go up until retirement. Plus my assets will continue to be of value, and my investments will be bringing in money for many years to come. I can safely say, money is no object. Plus, I am an excellent cook. You will never have to eat poor person's tuna ever again."
Grim made a real note this time just as the twins roughly turned his chair around.
"Now that Azul has had his turn, we would like to give our pitch," Jade said with an eerie grin. 
"You see, our parents run a certain…. organization," Floyd and Jade shared a grin before turning to Grim again. "Jade and I are the sole inheritors of this empire when they pass. Just keep that in mind."
"Also, people who oppose this organization have a tendency to, shall we say, disappear."
Grim shivered as he made a skull and crossbones picture on his clipboard.
"Awesome. Great. I'll be taking Grim now…."
"Sea Snake!" Floyd shouted, wrapping his arms around Jamil, who had silently snuck into the room. 
"Let go," Jamil hissed, wriggling away from Floyd. "Give me the cat."
"Aw, but we were playing with him…."
"It's alright Floyd. I think the three of us have made our point quite clear," Jade hummed, before the octotrio shared a laugh.
Jamil rolled his eyes before carefully picking up Grim.
Scarabia Dorm….
"Look, Kalim isn't going to brag for himself so I thought I'd bring you here and remind you that this entire dorm was funded by his family. And he will be inheriting said funds."
Grim nodded and made a note.
"What about you? I mean, I already know you aren't getting picked cause, well, " Grim pointedly looked him up and down. "But the other broke losers have tried to participate."
Jamil leaned down and gave a dark smile.
"I don't need money to win over Y/N," eyes flashing red as he spoke.
"Monsieur Fuzzball!" 
Grim and Jamil both groaned. It only took two seconds for him to be scooped up by the hunter.
"Non, non, do not struggle. I only wish to prove myself as a proper caretaker!"
Pomefiore Dorm…
Grim had never been so pampered, well fed, and relaxed in his entire life. Rook had provided snacks galore, given Grim the full on spa treatment, brushed out his fur, and was now massaging his sore kitty back.
"Monsieur Fuzzball, doesn't this feel wonderful?"
Grim nodded as Rook continued his massage.
"Just think, you could have this everyday!"
Grim groaned happily as Rook hit a tough knot.
Suddenly, Rook's voice was directly in his ear.
"All you have to do is give me the Trickster."
In that moment, Grim knew he would sell you for this life without a second thought.
But before he could do that…
"For heaven's sake I told you to find Epel, not this rodent!"
Rook immediately stopped the massage, to turn to his Queen.
"Roi du poison! I was simply-"
"Spare me," Vil snapped, before handing a struggling Epel over to Rook. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small card, gracefully handing it to Grim between two fingers. 
"I believe you are aware of my financial situation, but should you have questions, you can reach my manager on that card."
Then he left the room with a flourish, and the lingering scent of apple blossoms.
"You know I am willing to share the trickster with you," Rook whispered to Vil in the hallway.
"Ew," Epel groaned.
"As if I'd ever share," Vil smirked.
Outside the Ignihyde Dorm…
Ortho stood next to the tablet, holding Grin up so he could see what it said.
"So as  you can see from my bank account," Idia's voice said from the tablet, "Money is not and never will be an issue."
"It all looks good," Grim muttered as he made a note, "but I have to say it's a red flag that you couldn't come here in person…"
"Hey! Big brother is just busy with his experiment!"
"Yeah, exactly, thank you Ortho, for being the only one who appreciates genius. In fact this conversation is over. If he doesn't get it, then that's his loss. Ditch the noob, Ortho!" And the tablet floated back into the dorm.
Ortho gently set Grim down. "Look, big brother gets nervous around the prefect, that's all. But I think they'd make a great couple."
He gently patted Grim's head, then floated back in. Grim sighed, made a note about how Idia was a package deal, then continued to the final dorm.
Diasomnia Dorm…
"Small kitten, I am to be king of a country. Not only that, but I have spent centuries curating my hoard. Our nest will be always warm, and my perfect child of man will want for nothing," Malleus finished with a smug grin, as he leaned back in his throne. Then he sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Now you three can make your offers, or whatever."
"Me next! Me next!" Lilia said, cradling Grim like a baby. "I'm not as young as I look, and am on the best of terms with the queen and future king. I also have a great fortune built up! Kay, who's next?"
Silver timidly raised his hand.
"I just want to say, what about what Y/N wants? What if Y/N doesn't like any of us? What if Y/N doesn't even want to get married in the end? Or maybe they'll be just as happy with or without money?"
There was a long pause. Then…
"Silver's father is loaded and will do anything to see his children married and happy!"
"Fa-Lilia!" Silver hid his face in his hands in embarrassment.
"Same with Sebek. And his dad's a dentist!"
For once Sebek had nothing to say.
"Excellent, this looks very promising for you four," Grim nodded scribbling his final notes, "Now to-"
Uh oh. He turned around and saw you storming in.
"Child of man!"
"Save it Mal Mal! I'm here for my rat," You scooped up Grim, placing him under your arm as you left the room.
"When will we hear about the second round of interviews?" Lilia giggled.
You answered by flipping them the middle finger without looking back.
The Hallway….
"What the hell, Grim? I'm not for sale!"
"I'm not selling you! I'm just trying to get you provided for!"
"Please! This is about tuna and you know it!"
"Who even told you?"
"Jack called me about an-"
"Ah! Prefect!" 
You and Grim groaned as you heard Crowley call to you both.
"Yes, headmage?" You asked through gritted teeth. You turned and saw Crewel was with him….wearing a bigger coat than normal.
"That coat looks so soft," Grim muttered.
"Yeah," you whispered back. "Wait, headmage, what do you need?"
"I heard your current allowance is no longer sufficient," he gently traced your jawline, settling below your chin, tapping up against it thoughtfully. "How does a little extra sound?"
You nodded dumbly.
"Good good, I'm too generous, I know," he hummed and walked off.
Before Crewel followed him, he smirked and patted the top of your head.  
"Good pup."
He stalked off. You stood frozen for a moment. Grim smirked up at you.
"You know, they look like they…."
"You keep that thought to yourself, Grim."
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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for-a-longlongtime · 18 days
Guilty Pleasure (6/7) - dbf!Joel Miller x reader
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An open bar and Joel in a tailored black outfit mean trouble at your father's garden party. Enough reason to do something you haven't done before.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only, mdni 🔞🔥 Series warnings (tba): Age gap (reader is 22, Joel is 43), masturbation (f), use of sex toys, oral sex, PiV, anal, hair pulling, dirty talk, getting caught, playful use of 'daddy', outrageous flirting, groping, reference to m/m, Joel's arms should always come with a warning. No outbreak!AU. Word count: 3.4K A/N: I finished writing the final chapter last night and y'all, I'm giddy as fuck. Big BIG thanks to @milla-frenchy and @reallyrallyauthor for your support and reading Part 6 and 7 early to make sure this hits juuust right!
< part 5 | series masterlist | main masterlist
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There are too many people in your backyard. Mingling, chatting, networking, kissing ass - all accompanied by canapés that are too fancy, beer that is so painfully hip and micro-brewed that you don’t even want to try it, and outfits intended to seem semi-casual yet also upstage everybody. You hate these gatherings. It’s far from the first time you’ve had to endure them because of your father’s work, though. Even your grandmother liked reminding you when you were little that your grandfather also hosted affairs like this. “It’s important to build connections.”
You don’t care. All you give a damn about tonight - or maybe these days, if you are honest with yourself - was Joel, dressed like a fucking vision. Well fitting black pants, that you suspect are tailored, an ever better fitting black dress shirt which is absolutely tailored, and matching black boots. His hair, usually curly and messy, now looks so sharp that you wonder if he got a haircut this morning; it’s a little shorter, definitely neater, and brushed back a little.
But what your eyes keep going back to the most are the few buttons on his shirt that are undone, showing off his tanned skin and a smattering of freckles you had barely noticed before. It makes you want to trace every single one with your tongue and find out if he would whine when you'd suck a hickey on his neck.
He’s at the bar, waiting for his drink, so you slide in right next to him and bump against his arm. “Hey. Don’t tell me you’re drinking those craft beers?”
“Jesus. No, of course not.” 
The expression on his face is one of instant disgust, and you can’t help but laugh at the candid response. “Wow, didn’t think there’d be someone else who’d hate them as much as I do.”
Joel grumbles something, then gives the bartender a nod as he takes a glass of whiskey from him. When the guy turns to you to take your order, you point at Joel’s glass. “I’ll have whatever he’s having.”
The guy gives you a doubtful look. “Can I see some ID?”
“Yes, you can. It’s called ‘I’m the daughter of the guy who is paying your salary tonight’ and I’m twenty two. Thanks for making that drink now.” You stare at him, daring him to push back against you - you are NOT in the mood for this tonight, especially not in front of Joel. After a few moments, the bartender sighs and shrugs as he turns around, reaching for a glass and some ice. You can feel Joel’s eyes on you, so you turn towards him to give him a similar look. “What? Go ahead. Say it.”
“Say what?”
“That I’m being a brat.”
“Nah.” Joel shakes his head as he sips from his whiskey. “You’d just get off on that. That’s not brattiness - you’re actually being rude,” he says, then wanders off to go talk to someone nearby.
You stare at him with an open mouth, anger starting to creep into you. How the fuck does he dare to just say something like that to you? It hurts, and most of all it gives you a pang of concern that maybe you’ve ruined your chances with him - between this and the way he responded at the pool a few days ago.
“Oh honey, forget about it.” The bartender gives you a look that’s bordering on pity and disdain, his inflection drastically different all of a sudden as he pushes a glass towards you. “That man ain’t into you. Wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole. Why don’t you go find somebody of your own age to play with, hmmm?”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself?”, you snap at him as you grab the glass and stalk off, his words feeling like claws that have sunk into your skin and won’t let go of you. The burn of the liquor doesn’t help you in the way you’d hoped for, and you find yourself craving something stronger, sweeter. Anything that’ll help you take the edge off.
Anything, in this case, turns out to be 6’3”, blond, looks like a jock and is named… Brady? Brody? Brad. Ben. Blake. Something like that, you can’t remember, but it’s unimportant after having chatted with him for all of ten minutes. What matters is that he’s not a bad kisser, smells fine - not woodsy like Joel unfortunately - and his hands are large as well as eager, pressing you with your back against the solid wood of the pergola. 
If it wouldn’t ruin the mood for him, you probably would’ve laughed at the irony of making out with Blaine - Brandon? Brayden? No. Bruno. Bruce. Barry. Maybe it was Chad after all - right against the pergola that Joel had built over the past couple of days. 
You’d been watching Joel from your bay window, his muscles straining in the sun, while he grunted the way you had memorized from his Instagram videos. And for all of those three days, you’d had several orgasms as you’d watched him. Some of them were thanks to your fingers, others due to toys - varying from the small bullet vibe to the thrusting rabbit vibrator you used for longer sessions. But in the end, all of this had been going on for too long. The flirting, the way you’d feel him look at you regularly, the build up of tension; it had you feral by now, and you just wanted Joel.
You are gonna get him. Soon. Even if it means needing to make him jealous.
“Should we- should we go inside?” Jock guy pauses his kisses, leaning his forehead against yours as he runs his hands down your body, and you can feel him press hot and heavy against your thigh. Fuck, he is hung. “We’ll have some more privacy, and…”
“No, this is fine,” you say quickly, your eyes scanning the crowd of people across the yard. Most of them are unaware of your makeout session, and your glance slides right past them, but suddenly you detect Joel not too far away from where you are. He is staring right at you, gripping his whiskey glass in your hand, and when the guy next to him says something, he only shakes his head, not breaking his glance with you.
“Are you…”
“I said this is fine,” you said sharply to the guy with his hands on your hips. A frown plays over his face, and in a gesture of good will you let your hand brush over the crotch of his pants, tracing the outline of his dick. “Nobody is watching.”
He groans, his lips finding yours again as he pushes himself against your hand. You kiss him back eagerly this time, your arms around him as you turn him just the slightest bit so you can keep your view of Joel. He’s talking to the guy next to him now, a back and forth conversation, but every now and then his eyes slide back to you, and then there’s a nod he gives you that makes you shiver.
Baxter, or Bart, Bobby, or whatever the hell his name is, slips his hand under your skirt, and you moan when his fingertips trace your lacy underwear. You hear how he sucks in air for a second, then his chest almost puffs up in pride at how wet he finds you. Silly guy. He thinks it’s because of him, that his not-too-bad kisses have riled you up so much. Has no damn clue how Joel’s eyes are back on you again.
“Touch me,” you breathe at him, and then hold your breath when he does so. Thick fingers - though not as thick as Joel’s - slipping under the fabric of your panties, pulling them to the side while your eyes remain locked on Joel. You’re trying to merge the touches with your fantasies and the visual of Joel right in front of you, conjuring up his voice. You think of the way he’d tease you with slow, playful strokes over your pussy, each time a little more focused on your clit, making you delirious with need before he’d even consider sliding a finger into your soaked cunt.
But reality seems more than unwilling to blend with your fantasies. While initially the guy seemed to smell fine, you’re now noticing the overwhelming amount of generic fuck boy cologne he’s wearing, the scent unsettling and clearly something Joel would never even wear. He doesn’t smell like a hard day’s work on Joel does and his hands are too smooth, too well taken care of. No roughness from manual labor whatsoever, no finesse to tease you, and definitely not much muscle memory on how to properly get a woman going. 
Instead he’s just clumsy, perhaps because all the blood has rushed to his cock that’s pressing insistently against you. Substitute-Joel’s fingers slide over your folds only one disappointing time, clearly not even attempting to find your clit. He fumbles around as his own breathing grows heavy, then suddenly tries to push two fingers inside of you - without any further prep or even checking if that’s okay with you. 
It abruptly ruins the horny spell you’d been under several minutes ago, and you swear as you grab his hand to stop him, your pussy strongly objecting to his fingers trying to invade you. 
“Hey! Fucking hell,” you hiss, pulling his hand out of your underwear before he can go any further. “You always fingerbang girls without properly prepping them?”
“What? You’re practically dripping on me,” he hisses back as he looks confused. But you’re not about to end up in a discussion about how being wet doesn’t mean he can just shove his fingers inside of you - let alone without any warning.
“Never mind,” you say as you push him away from you, then straighten your clothes as you move away from the pergola. “Let’s just forget this happened, okay? I’ve gotta go say hi to someone.”
“Bitch,” he mutters at you, adjusting his tie and the collar of his shirt. On most days you would’ve gladly torn him a new asshole for that, but you’re just not in the mood to further engage with him. So you start to head into Joel’s direction, but then see that he seems to have moved elsewhere, leaving you to look around in confusion.
You look up when you hear a group of men laugh, and see your father shake some hands as he offers his audience a few more words. Joel is there too, you realize, still with a drink in his hand. Your father gives him a friendly pat on his arm, which is returned with Joel’s signature nod, as he then heads over to some other people who look more than eager to greet him. It makes your skin crawl to see him acting like some kind of politician, eager to make a good impression on everyone, and you quickly turn away from him to look back at Joel - who is now looking straight at you again, without saying anything.
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It’s not until you’re back at the bar for another whiskey - you’ve lost track of how many you’ve had - that he shows up next to you, giving you a gentle nudge like you had done to him earlier. “D’you eat anything recently?”, he asks, absentmindedly playing with a coaster on the bar. You can smell the smokey alcohol on his breath, see that the buttons on his shirt are just a little more opened than they were a little while ago, and it just makes you ache for him.
“Shut up, Joel,” you mutter, but he doesn’t follow your suggestion - instead he picks up the whiskey that the bartender slides over to you and takes a sip of it.
“A water for her, please?”, he asks, then covers the liquor glass with his hand when you try to reach for it. “No. You’re done.”
You’re starting to seethe at this point. “Who the fuck you think you are telling me how much I can drink?,” you snap at him. His eyes are infuriatingly calm, but the smirk tugging at the corner of his lips makes it clear he’s a lot more amused than you are.
“Easy, darling. Just looking out for you, okay?” He pushes the glass of ice water on the counter over to you, but you have half a mind to throw it at him.
“Why are you bothering me?”
His eyebrows raise at the word ‘bothering’, but he doesn’t quite respond to it. “Just have some water and food,” he says softly. “You’ll feel like shit if you don’t.” 
“You’re drunk too.”
Joel rolls his eyes at you. “Yeah, well… have to get through this all somehow, don’t I? Been drinking water too, though.” He gives you a look as he takes another sip of whiskey, sighing.
“I don’t get why you’re here.” Your head is spinning a little, but at this point you’re not sure if it’s the booze or proximity to Joel that’s getting to you. The memory of that jock guy’s cologne is far from your mind by now, replaced now by that smell that you crave - the cologne you would recognize anywhere, layered with Joel’s own scent. And it’s driving you mad. “Nobody is making you, unlike they’re doing with me.” 
A smile plays over Joel’s face and he shrugs. “Your mom asked me.”
You can’t help but laugh. “My— what? And that’s why you’re voluntarily subjecting yourself to all of this?” You gesture around the yard, the groups of stuffy people, pretentious bite sized food and music that makes you desperately want to connect your phone to the speaker system. “I’ve been to so many of these. It’s awful, every single time.”
You’re waiting for him to tell you it’s not that bad, or even that you should suck it up. But instead he simply doesn’t respond, and only gives you a raised eyebrow as he has some more whiskey. When he puts the glass down on the bar, you impulsively swipe it and drain it before he can interfere, waiting for an actual retort this time. 
A frown slides onto his face and you grin almost triumphantly at the reaction, pushing the empty glass back towards him, only ice cubes remaining in it now. “I think you like dramatic,” you then blurt out, and see how he blushes slightly, the red flush creeping up from his chest to his neck.
“That what you think?” His eyes flick over you, and you nod, poking him in the chest with your finger. 
“Yeah. You’re… practical. Proper. Maybe kinda boring. You got your routine.” You really should stop talking with all that liquor in your system, but you refuse to admit he was right about you needing to sober up. “Maybe getting close to a midlife crisis? Working your job and then all the reno on your house. Don’t see you chill a whole lot.” 
You run your finger a little down his chest, then place your full hand against his shirt as you lean over to his ear. “I think you want some fun,” you whisper in his ear, barely audible due to the music playing at the party. “Somebody who shakes things up. Brings a little drama and excitement.”
Joel’s eyes are slightly unfocused from the whiskey, just like yours probably are, and you can tell that his guard is down in ways that you haven’t experienced before. “Old, huh? Boring, old, and close to a midlife crisis,” he says after a moment, a smirk on his face as he shakes his head. “But you would shake things up? Why would you bother with an old man?”
“Maybe I’m into that.” You bite your lip as you hesitate for a moment. “The whole DILF thing. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you watching me.”
His smirk widens into an actual grin now as he laughs, looking away at some commotion or a gathering that’s happening at the party. When he looks back at you, his eyes are darker than usual, and you can’t help but feel a shiver run down your spine.
“Little girl. You are in over your head.” His words are measured and quiet as he seems to pick them carefully, his hand now reaching for yours that’s still resting against his chest, and he gently pulls it off his shirt. “ Y’don’t even have a clue of what you’re playing with, darling. What are you gonna do? Rock my world? At your father’s party?”
“I don’t give a shit about his party,” you say sharply, but he shakes his head, interrupting you.
“But that’s the thing. You do,” he murmurs. “Y’couldn’t be more thrilled than to do so here, just to make a scene. Like you did with that guy.”
You feel victorious hearing him confirm that he had been watching you, and together with his ‘little girl’ comment it’s enough to make you soak your panties on the spot. “Were you jealous?”, you ask him challengingly.
He chuckles again, this time getting up from the barstool, and you take in his physique, admiring the way those tailored pants fit around his thighs. “Have some more water. And food,” he tells you, and in the split second you have before he turns away, you make up your mind. Perhaps it’s more like instinct, to do what you’ve been stopping yourself from doing for a while now. 
You grope him. 
Fingers quick as you cup him through his pants, closing around his balls and a part of his dick. It takes effort to bite back a whimper at finally feeling him, thick and hot and heavy in your hand, after all those weeks that you’ve been here and tried to figure out what the right move was. You hold his eyes defiantly, lips parted as you’d like to use your words but they all seem stuck in your throat.
His surprised intake of air when you grab him is immediate, and he looks frazzled as he shakes his head, tugging your hand abruptly away from his cock. “You out of your damn mind?”, he hisses, looking more than just a little flustered. “In front of everyfuckingbody?”
“So come insi—” The words die on your tongue when you suddenly see your mom approaching from a couple of feet behind Joel, unaware of what’s happening between the two of you, but apparently in search of you as she calls your name. Joel and you immediately step away from each other, him leaning against the bar as he seems to need a moment to compose himself. You have even less time to plaster a smile on your face for your mother, so you just nod enthusiastically as she rambles at you about some person’s son you should come meet. Your heart feels like it’s hammering out of your chest as you force yourself to tell her that you’d love to meet them, bringing a smile to your mom’s face.
Just as you’re about to join her to meet this person, your mom pauses at the bar and puts her hand on Joel’s shoulder. “By the way, he said that he could use your help with moving that thing, if you have time? Think he’s inside, couldn’t find you,” she said, and Joel nods while humming something affirmatively. His eyes flit to you for a split second before he looks down at the bar again, and he seems to wait until the two of you have moved away until he goes inside.    
You’re in a mild daze as you follow your mom through the crowd, performing the role you’re expected to play, while the moment that you grabbed Joel plays on repeat in your head. The gasp that spilled from his lips, the way he didn’t say “no” - just “in front of everybody?”, which was an entirely different thing, and frankly… he wasn’t wrong.
You can wait. Just that little bit longer. It’ll be so worth it.
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Joel's outfit at the party (as a dress shirt and pants instead of a jumpsuit):
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series masterlist | main masterlist
Thank you for reading, commenting or reblogging - I appreciate it so very much 🙏
🚨 Follow @longlongtime-updates + turn on notifs to see when the finale drops later this week!
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unofficial-underfell · 6 months
Hey guys, I've been thinking about making this post for a long time and I think its finally time I do so. After realizing that some of my last work was done over a year ago, I don't think I can really ignore it anymore. While I haven't quite thrown in the towel on this quite yet, it's pretty evident to me and I'm sure to everyone who still follows this blog that my fervor for the project has drastically decreased. And has been kind of dead for a while. The comic has not been a priority to me, or posting online much at all actually. I did some soul searching and found that I'd started relying on outside approval for my art instead of doing art for the sake of wanting to tell a story and express myself throughout my work. I have limited energy and depression and sometimes it feels like i get such little progress done even though it takes all of my energy. While I'm trying to go to the gym more and build better habits my energy levels and mood still have a lot to be desired, and I'd rather use the limited energy I have to work on something I'm more passionate about.
I've been trying to grow my skills and absorb more stories and I've moved around a lot and started to listen to what I really felt, and I found that a lot of the art I want to focus on deals with heavier and more mature topics. I do love this story, and all of the characters and I feel like I could make a really clever subversion of what is expected from an Underfell comic. But I feel like in these uncertain times with the world and with all of the stuff going on right now, I'd like to use my energy to work on stories that hit closer to the things that I feel are important. So that's why I've not been posting much.
I'm working on a book, and I've actually got quite a lot of progress done on it, but because of all the horror stories online about people stealing author's original works, I'm kind of holding off on publishing any chapters before I can copyright the first draft of the novel. So my online activity will still be pretty scarce for a bit, though I'll still post occasionally on my @cosmicpixel01 account. I'll try better to not be so radio silent though lol. Even if that means I'll post something boring about my dog or books I'm reading just so everyone knows I'm still alive.
I don't want to call it quits on the story. But I also feel like you guys have been kept waiting to see what happens for a really long time, and that makes me feel so guilty. I will try to finish up the pages I have in the works, and I'm probably going to switch to a different format that is some drawings, some writing to finish the story. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to finish it the way I intended for you guys, even with all of the support and kind words and even the fanart that I've kept in a folder on my desktop. I am letting a lot of you down, but I feel like the radio silence is probably more irresponsible than just going out and saying something. And I'm sorry I've kept you all waiting for a not-so-happy update on the blog.
I hope that some of you will continue to follow me for some of my other exploits and see whatever other things I have going on, but I understand that you all followed me for Undertale so I don't want you to feel any sort of guilt if you decide not to. I'm just happy you all supported me for so long.
I'll try to work on this blog again soon, and if anyone has any questions, my asks are open, though I'll probably keep the asks private. Until then I hope everyone stays safe out there. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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playful dress miss raven
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HI 🤡 I wanted to do some doodles of Miss Raven in her own version of Stage in Playful Land’s costume.
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Yes, I was too lazy to color-- I drew inspirations for the outfit design from the female dancing puppets in Disney's Pinocchio (since the new event heavily references this film), Doll from Black Butler's circus arc, and ballet in general. The specific ballet I looked at was Coppelia; it's about a boy who falls in love with a doll (the creation of a mad scientist. His fiancé, Swanhilda, then impersonates the doll in order to win his love back. I thought it fit well with the idea of the "human puppet" motif of the Playful Dress series.
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I like to think that Miss Raven got dragged along for the trip because she was busy chewing the group out for sneaking off campus... then Kalim (bless him) thinks she's feeling left out, so he tells her to come with them! "The more, the merrier!" (And hey, Ferro and Gidel won't say no to another poor unfortunate soul for their amusement park.) "F-Fine! I'll attend, but only so I can keep a watchful eye on you all! I intend to write a detailed report on your transgressions for the headmaster to review when we return."
"Yeah, yeah. You say that now, but I bet you'll be like a kid in a candy store once we actually get there." Ace rolls his eyes. "You spend so much time with your head buried in a book--it'll do ya some good to kick your feet up and do something different for a change."
"Gahahah! It sounds like she's excited for Playful Land!" Kalim grins broadly. "We're going to have so much fun together!" "I will do my best to assist in the documentation of this trip, Raven Crowley-san," Ortho offers. "Pictures, videos... I'll record them all, so we won't forget this anytime soon!"
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... Anyway 🤡 Miss Raven has to help babysit the idiots (while trying to mask her own childish wonder as she experiences an amusement park for the first time). Oh, and J word and L*ona are there, so 💀 more trouble for her...
"Heh. You're staring at that roller coaster with big, sparkling eyes. If you want to ride it, then just say so." Leona says it with a smirk, a lilt of smugness to his suggestion. "There's nothing wrong with a kid being a kid."
"I-I'm not a kid! I'm just... admiring the composition of such an imposing metal structure!! There is nothing like it in the natural world."
Jade chuckles. "Would prefer to partake in one of the many games they offer here? Ah, and should you ever feel peckish, there is a selection of carnival fare to indulge in: caramel apples, popcorn, cotton candy--"
"All foods which would result in terrible toothaches if consumed in large quantities! And games? We haven't the time to enjoy such leisures."
"Oi, eel." A scowl from Leona. "Shameless of you to cut into our conversation, isn't it? I guess without the octopunk around to keep you on your leash you think it's fair game to act out in front of an upperclassman." "Oya? I don't recall there being a formal chaperone for this trip, Leona-san," he replies easily. "Fufu, perhaps you feel the need to preside over your juniors in the absence of the usual pack you dole orders to."
"Here's an order for you then: back off. You're killing my mood."
"As you wish. Come along, Miss Raven. We wouldn't want to disturb our dear senpai." "Dragging prey around like they're puppets on strings," Leona snorts, blocking the path. "You go. The canary stays. Our business isn't finished yet."
"Business?" Jade continues to smile. "Oh no, I would never mean to interfere with such a thing--but it's not truly business you're interested in, is it, Leona-san?"
"Funny. I was going to say the same of you."
"... You're both talking as though I'm not literally right here!!"
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aeaean--bliss · 2 years
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summary: you and Tangerine haven't spoken in almost a year. now you've been ditched, and he's picking you up.
pairing: tangerine x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings/tags: a tense ass car ride. swearing, tension, arguing, excessive rudeness, pining
a/n: this was not the fic i intended to write or finish or upload:))) but here it is
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He’ll be up. He owes you one, anyway. And it’s not like he sleeps. 
Plus, it’s you.
You did think it would take him longer to get here, though. It’s not like he lives nearby. Hasn’t even been ten minutes since the three dots popped up on your screen, followed immediately by the “omw” that your eyes have been glued to ever since. 
You should have just walked home. Bit the bullet, and walked the hour and a half trek back to yours. But it’s getting dark, you’ve barely slept, and your ankles are already starting to ache, just from the five minute walk down the block and back again.
He doesn’t get out when he pulls up; doesn’t even roll down the window or turn his head to look in your direction. Just leans back, one hand on the wheel, one elbow resting against the car window. The chain hanging off his wrist gleams in the light of a streetlight a couple of metres away. It’s one of the only things you can focus your eyes on as you stalk towards the car.
The slam of the car door rings in the night. The car is dead silent; no radio on, no phone call over bluetooth, no nothing. It’s never been this quiet.
The engine purrs gently. It’s strange. He’s sat right next to you, but he might as well be on the other side of the world. He hasn’t even asked for your address.
“The fuck you doin’ out here?”
His voice sounds strange. Maybe it’s the silence. Makes it sound almost distorted. Maybe it’s ‘cause you haven’t heard his actual voice in months. Maybe you forgot what it sounds like. Maybe it’s the hint of concern in his voice. 
No - that can’t be right. This is the same guy who told you to “walk it off” when you got your femur shattered by some dickhead with a golf club. 
“Just some guy,” you mumble. If there was one place you didn’t want to get ditched, it was here. Your phone’s nearly dead, and you don’t really know your way back to the main road. But he can’t possibly know that. Right? All you sent him was your location.
“What’s it to you?”
“Jesus, darlin’, no need to bite my head off.”
Maybe you’ve come in a bit too amped. Nevermind the fact that the last time you saw him, he blew your cover to help his own; he’s come to pick you up out in the middle of nowhere at eleven p.m., no complaints, and he’s not said anything out of order yet. You’ve come to think Tan’s the type of guy you gotta judge on an encounter by encounter basis. Maybe you shouldn’t, but it makes it easier.
“Not anymore, I guess.”
He grunts - there’s no other word for it - and brings a hand up to smooth down his moustache.
“Forgive me, darlin’, but you don’t sound very upset.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not exactly flowing over with love for the guy.”
“You really know how to fuckin’ pick ‘em, don’t ya,” he mutters. You glare. 
You’d think after having known him for - what, six, seven years? - you’d be used to his bite by now. Maybe it’s just tonight. You’re in a weird mood. If he calls you sensitive, you might actually start to cry.
“Probably better off then, ain’t ya, if he’s left ya to hang about outside by yourself an’ all.”
He must have clocked that you’re a bit off tonight. It comes out as an afterthought, barely audible above the soft purr of the engine.
“What you goin’ out with a prick like that for, anyway?”
“S’not like anyone else wants me.”
Everything gets heavy, then. In your peripheral vision, you try not to notice the way his knuckles tighten around the wheel, or the way his jaw tenses just the slightest bit. He doesn’t respond. You didn’t think he would. You’re in a torturing mood. Just want to poke and prod at the wound for a bit and see what happens. Because he says you know how to pick ‘em, but won’t let you pick him. Even if you both know he wants to be picked.
After about ten minutes of ear deafening silence, he clears his throat quietly. 
“Still workin’ down the bank?”
You hum, non-committedly. You can’t tell if you’re happy or sad that he’s stopped pushing for more on this other guy. Odds are, he’d be in the papers tomorrow for all the wrong reasons. You’ve got goosebumps from the cold. They itch a bit. Maybe waiting outside wasn’t the best idea, but it’s better than hanging around inside like some loner. Maybe you were just eager to see him.
You see him less now that you’ve gone civilian. Five bullet wounds and a back injury will do that to a person. It’s been around seven months since you last had anything to do with him. Seven months since you quit. The last message from him on your phone is from nine months ago. It says, “give me back my tie.” You didn’t respond. 
More than anything, you’re tired. And bored.
You never told him you worked at a bank.
“Might get back into liquidation. Lemon says he knows a guy.”
It’s a lie. You don’t want to get back in, and Lemon wouldn’t help you even if you did. Doesn’t mean you don’t hate your life the way it is right now.
“Nah, you wouldn’t survive out there, darlin’,” he mutters, little finger flicking up to switch on the indicators. “Times have changed. Good thing like you? They’d tear ya apart, I mean, look at ya.”
You can’t tell if he means it. Can’t tell if it means something. It hurts more than you think it does. It’s also kinda backhanded, even if it is a lie.
Flecks of rain have begun to spatter the windshield, their outlines illuminated by each passing streetlight. You’re seething. The type of thing where you can literally smell it off someone. You want him to mean it. But he probably doesn’t. And even if he does, he’s not gonna do anything about it.
“D’you even know where you’re going? You don’t have an address.”
“You think I don’t know where you live? Give me some credit.”
You never gave him your address.
“I’m not going to mine.”
He frowns, then, lips twitching like he wants to say something, like he’s getting ready to speak but hasn’t decided on the words yet. You can almost hear the sound of him blinking, like a cartoon. He looks kinda funny when he’s frustrated, like a muppet with a big, bushy moustache.
The hand comes out to gesture a “what the fuck” before he even speaks, almost in slow motion, like the thought is loading.
“Well, why the fuck didn’t you say somethin’ before I-”
“You didn’t fuckin’ ask, mate,” you groan, “Literally didn’t even fuckin’ say anything until-”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know where the fuck-”
“I didn’t ask you to know, I was gonna fuckin’ tell you.”
“Takin’ your sweet fuckin’ time, ain’t ya!”
“Would you relax, it’s not like you’ve gone the wrong way, I would have-”
“You know,” he cuts in, pointing his index finger accusatorily at you, “you’re a lot easier to deal with when you shut the fuck up.”
You shove his hand away. He’s not making sense.
“Fuck you.”
Green becomes amber becomes red light, shining through the watery sheen of the windshield and hitting his skin like a coloured lens. Without the grumble of the engine, you can almost hear him breathe. It grounds you. Reminds you he’s a real human being. Sometimes he’s such a caricature that you forget. 
When he speaks next, his voice is uncharacteristically light, and void of aggression.
“Thinkin’ of gettin’ a new suit.”
It’s so dumb. It’s so. dumb. And no one cares. But it’s his attempt at normalcy, and it’s a hell of an olive branch, even if it does give you whiplash. You don’t even know what to say to that. What are you supposed to say to that? 
Go get one, then. You don’t want to pick another fight. You’ve already got steam coming out of your ears from the last one. But it’s not like he’s broke, or doesn’t know where to get one. He’s trying, he’s really trying to make conversation, so you voice - quietly - the only thought that comes to mind.
“I like your blue one. Not the… the dark blue one.”
“Not the dark blue one?”
“No, I mean, the dark blue one.”
And then, completely out of character, in a moment of absolute weakness;
“I’m going to Italy next week for a conference. Maybe you could… come with? Maybe get something…”
“Yeah, well, I ain’t got the time for that, do I.”
Shot down.
“Fine. Forget I said anything.”
He inhales deeply, like he’s either about to explode or implode. To your relief, he exhales slowly, a hand coming up to scratch at his stubble.
“Where you goin’, anyway?”
“A friend’s,” you mutter, pulling at the hems of your sleeves.
“Yeah, but where’d they live? I gotta drop you somewhere, right?”
“Just… The Square is fine.”
“No chance. Are you fuckin’ dense?”
“Jesus Christ, fine,” you huff, grabbing his phone from the cup holder so you can plug in the address. But it’s fucking locked. You don’t know why you thought it wouldn’t be. You click the power button a couple of times before shoving it into his lap. “Unlock it, then. Jesus.”
He mutters something you can’t hear, and tosses it back in your general direction. It almost ricochets off the arm rest. 
The audio assistant on google maps pipes up every thirty seconds. Other than that, it’s quiet. He’s always so unnecessarily tense. It gets to you. All you do is argue. But it’s not like you hate each other. Is it? If he did, he wouldn’t have come to pick you up. If you did, you wouldn’t have asked him.
The car slows to a halt. He lets out a long, loud sigh, and drums his fingers against the wheel. Then he stops, and turns to look at you for the first time since you got in. 
“For what it’s worth, I really am sorry, darlin’.”
“Thanks for the lift.”
You’ve dipped before he can get another word out. It smells like rain on tarmac, like sweat and humidity, like headache and sleep. Just before you slam the door shut, he leans over the passenger seat. 
“Wait, wait.”
You jerk forward and pull the door back open mid-swing. You glare. 
“If you ever need somewhere to go, I’ve, uh… I’ve got a nice flat. Just up…”
You almost want to let yourself fall for it. Just for fun. His eyes are so serious it almost makes you laugh. You’ve never known him to be serious about anything. But you can’t stop the belittling scoff that leaves your lips before it’s too late.
You miss the way his eyes stay on you as you head up the steps and hit the buzzer. He stays parked outside for a good while after you’ve got in. 
Maybe one day he’ll get up and walk after you. 
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© @aeaean–bliss​; please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works. 
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 11
Had a few days off from watching anything while I attended the Up All Night asian drama convention. Ironically I talked a bit about this drama on a panel about time travel in dramas, even though I haven't actually finished it yet 😅
Anyway, now I'm ready to resume. I think I can more or less remember how the last episode ended...
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What does renting an adult movie have to do with him kissing his girlfriend in public? Is that frowned upon in Korea?
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Sunjae has just found out that Im Sol is from the future, and in that future he dies when he's barely into his 30s. All he is concerned about is that Im Sol's mother saw him kissing a girl on the street and might not like him now.
God, I have missed these idiots.
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Sunjae doesn't know how he dies but what he does know is that there's no way it could possibly be Im Sol's fault
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Oh shit I totally forgot Sunjae's dad currently thinks he's on a plane to the US. This is not going to go well when he finds out...
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He is so gone for her. I love him.
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Oh, yeah, he missed the audition for the band so he's no longer on the path to becoming an idol now. That means no expensive skincare products for free because looking good is your job
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Oh my god all his stuff is on a plane to the US even if he isn't
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Hehe! Well, at least the reveal was mostly comedic
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Wait, I thought she didn't want him to become an idol to keep him safe
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Oh no are we going to end up with another totally different version of the future where Sunjae isn't an idol and her brother and bestie don't end up married.
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And now a bag full of condoms intended as a joke wedding gift has ended up in Sunjae's bag by mistake. I'm glad we've eased up on the angst for a bit to do some more lighthearted nonsense
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Oh my god he bought them matching phone charms. He is such a loser (affectionate)
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I know something terrible is going to happen soon. They're all happy and in love and there's still another 5 episodes to go. I'm glad they get this for a little bit at least.
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I am getting so much secondhand embarassment from this whole scene, but also I can't stop laughing. IT'S RAINING CONDOMS 🤣
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I am crying I'm laughing so hard. Two star-crossed lovers torn apart by a shower of condoms
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He just went into his mind palace to figure out how the condoms got into his bag. This might be my favourite episode so far, as much as I'm enjoying all the time travel and the angst.
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I love that grandma is heading up this whole intervention
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Well, after that delightful little subplot we are now back to the serial killer who may or may not end up killing Sunjae
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Did his dad really get him to go and update Im Sol on the case and tell her that she's in danger. THAT IS LITERALLY THE JOB OF THE POLICE NOT THE FASHION HOUSE SON OF A DETECTIVE. The cops in this really do suck even by k-drama standards.
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He is honestly the most sensible character in this whole drama
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Uh...you haven't even tried though? The first time he got you it's because you went outside to stop Sunjae getting rained on in the park. Take Sunjae and find a cabin in the woods or something. Or go to America with him.
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Okay, dude, you need to dial that back a bit
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Taesung is like 'we spent the night together we're bros now'
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Aww now they're both drunk and pouring their hearts out to each other
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Well if they were buddies after Taesung slept on Sunjae's couch I don't know what snuggling in the same bed like this makes them
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Ooh is Sunjae going to sing at their last gig and get back on the idol path?
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Ooh they caught him! Except there's still another 5 episodes to go so clearly it's not over yet
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Aww there we go he's back on stage
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Oh sweetie...
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Yep, there we go. Of course he escaped.
But, hey, we got through a whole episode without the sad Jongho song playing even once.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
So I saw you were chill with asks and stuff so I hope your okay with me just tossing all of my soft stupid dottore thoughts on you. But just you can't convince me he has a complete grasp of relationships like because of the Akademiya and the Fatui he's used to transactional relationships so he's not used to people just 🌟doing things🌟 for him because they like him and want to so he's just enamored but also confused with you when you go slightly out of your way for him
As a student in the Akademiya, Zandik was used to being generally disliked, but, he was also used to the few people who would come up to him and attempt to work with him, claiming that they admired his genius. Which wasn't a lie, though they forgot to mention the part where they would try to steal his work. It would bring far too much attention to him if he took any drastic measures against these fake scholars, so he merely... scared them away, which was relatively easy. Zandik had virtually no relationships, and the ones he did were simply transactional regarding... perhaps it's better not to say.
So when you approach him to be your partner, he already knows there's only one possible way that this can go - he'll never see you again by the time he's done with you. He always manipulates people and has no remorse for doing so. Yet despite his numerous attempts, he hears a knock on his door every day from you. He's not sure if you're playing dumb on purpose or if you actually are dumb enough to not see that he's attempting to get rid of you.
Though, Dottore starts to notice that he's checking the time frequently to see if you'll knock at the time you usually do. He begins to notice when you get him coffee refills and state that you figured it'll be a long night. When someone name-called him and you almost assaulted the guy with a textbook. When you stick around despite his vehement denials of your presence, which grow weaker with every passing day.
What really hit the nail on the head was the time he offhandedly mentioned his interest in certain parts that were on sale, though they were too expensive for him right now. You looked at him thoughtfully, and the next day he did not hear the knock-knock he secretly longed to hear, which disappointed him almost disgustingly so. He wondered if he finally scared you off, which was his intent in the first place. After all, the only relationships he had room for were purely transactional ones. Any others were a scam anyway. So why did he feel like this? Yet the next day, bright and early, you banged down his door, and he was about to snap at whoever it was until you tiredly dumped a bunch of random parts into his arms, some clanging to the floor. You breezed past him and collapsed onto his bed, claiming that you did dozens of commissions yesterday and brought the stuff for him. And you were going to take a nap now, you finished.
Zandik did not know how to respond, though his agape mouth would have said it all if his mask didn't cover it. You? Did all of that work? For him? He simply could not believe it. Surely, positively, there was an ulterior motive. For the next week, he dug into you, questions and all, trying to identify something. Yet he came up empty-handed. For once in his life, he came to the fact that you did not consider this a transactional relationship. You just wanted to be with him.
Dottore was a mixture of enamored, confused, and how to go from there. He is truly baffled by this habit of yours, yet he can't help but be a bit fascinated, for how naive do you have to be to do this? Haven't you heard the rumors? Don't you know he's a monster? Yet he gets irrationally bothered when you treat others the same way. You're not supposed to do that. (He starts to drag you away before anyone tries to ask you for a favor. Only he should be able to have you. And he doesn't intend to let you go.)
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weekend-whip · 2 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week (2024): Day 2
Prompts: Multichaps/Villains! (catching up slowly but surely~)
Shark Bait: ALRIGHT CONFESSION I haven't actually *read* this one yet ONLY because I know it's going to soooooo good and it's going to change my brain chemistry so I'm waiting until I am Emotionally Prepared but UWAH just the premise alone should be enough to entice you: Movie!verse with completely secret identities, and Lloyd/Green Ninja trying to take matters into his own hands...only for irony to make them worse, as is the story of his life. This author is already a legend as it is so who needs a summary GO READ GO READ NOW!!
Ninjago: The Nya Perspective: SINCE this masterpiece favorite of mine just updated not too long ago, there's no better time than to recommend it once again! Have you always wanted more from Nya in the early seasons?! Have you always wanted more of HER side of story?! Have you wonder how Nya became the person she is today?! Well wonder no longer for this story has got those answers and more!!!!
Sharpen the Scythe, Before He Reaps: Another that I've started but never finished, it's a reworking of the Day of the Departed, so you know it's FULL of Ghost!Cole goodness, from the good to the angsty!! And what I've read so far is sooo soul-grabbing (pun somewhat intended) and makes me wish DotD was even half as introspective as this jhgfdgfd
Thank You For Giving Me Wings: Over a year later and this is still my only multi-chap ninjago fic (...that, uh, isn't Legacyverse nor OC-related, oop). Still, it's never a bad time to have a little introspective on Wu bonding with his students over the years, moreso as family than anything else <3
All I'm Asking For: Quite possibly one of my very favorite Ninjago fics ever, it is REQUIRED reading as far as I'm concerned! Cole's the anchor character, but it follows EVERYONE in a slightly-altered aftermath of March of the Oni, with everyone recuperating, figuring out what's next for them with their lives and relationships, and spiced up with a little Christmas flair <3
Mechanical Hearts: A story I've been keeping an eye on for a while, it's a college Jaya au with plenty of Jay+Cole dynamic spread on top, and the way the author (hi Finn!!) writes all the characters is so deep even in the lighter moments and makes all the senes in the world for the setting they're in, and I love all the little nods to canon or the cheeky changes made along the way–it's so enjoyable!
for want (for nothing): Not technically a villain, but Kai's certainly an antagonist here ooooooooh (a different, heart-wrenching take on the Kai-Lloyd confrontation in S4)
Lord Garmadon Is Not Impressed With the Future: Another one I've recced before, but now it has an equally villainous SEQUEL so I've gotta get everyone on the train again! And this story's got villain!Garmadon and villain!Garmadon-but-having-a-personal-crisis upon realizing that his future is...not at all what he wanted. And he also discovers himself beating the life out of his own son–so yeah. We definitely can't have THAT. Good stuff, good stuff.
Bucket List: Might be a slight cop-out since this is moreso about Kai BUT it IS my favorite Morro-related fic, and he is a villain, thus it fits! (...Plus I gotta put at least three stories in this section, c'mon). Anyway, Kai allows Morro to possess him for less-than-ideal reasons and presents a fascinating dynamic between the two and what it means to truly live and take responsibility (the good, the bad, the ugly, and all). Be mindful of the tags and warnings, though!
Outgrown (from Spider Lily's Claws): I knew I almost forgot a Harumi one! DR-fic in which Harumi stumbles across the monastery looking for a place to recuperate, and a company-starved Lloyd welcomes her to stay. A fascinating look at a Harumi who's still got her "Evil" instincts but is still trying to act in her best interests, while Lloyd...is Lloyd hgfhgd. I love their back-and-forth bad-idea-good-idea dynamic here a LOOOOOT
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esoteric-joke · 2 months
Interview with Darling28
Welcome to the first interview of The Dear Writer Project and a massive thank you to the wonderful Darling28 for being so supportive of this whole idea since the beginning!
Darling28 about her writing process, her inspirations, her experiences with writers block and her future plans on writing:
What does your writing process usually look like and is it always kind of the same for every story you’ve written?
Oh interesting question. It's usually the case that ideas come from the simplest things and suddenly a complete plot is in my head within minutes or sometimes even seconds. At least the rough outline. Apart from that, my characters often like to take the plot for themselves and I just watch in amazement at what they let me write. I often suffer as much as the reader when I write because I let it flow out of me and often don't know what to expect. Most of the time, though, I have a specific scene in mind in the beginning, often for the middle of the story, and I can hardly wait until I finally get to the point where I can write it. The end of a story quite often involves a marriage proposal, I realise, even if I don't always intend to, but Louis and Harry in my stories are very stubborn about it.
But other than that, my writing process is pretty simple: get excited about a new idea, start writing immediately, often at a speed that makes my betas despair and end up questioning the whole story until I reread it myself and suddenly love it.
Do you have any sort of structured writing plan before you start writing or do you just write what comes to mind?
I'm absolutely far from structured. I have the problem that my best ideas about what to write next come to me when I'm driving and I have to memorise whole conversations or scenes for the rest of the journey. As soon as I've parked, I write it down as a note. But there's really nothing more than these few notes, no mood board or major characterisations, I just let myself go with the flow. I also think that would take some of the fun out of it for me personally, I love getting to know my characters over the course of the story and I don't want to plan everything in detail beforehand.
You said before that you write a lot, especially after you’ve got a new idea in mind. How much time do you invest in writing in your day to day life?
I actually write every day and usually around 3-4k. I think it takes about 3 hours of my time, but that's really just a rough estimate. I usually write already in the morning at breakfast before I have to go to work and then spread the rest over the afternoon and evening.
Our Souls Intertwined is your longest work at the moment. Was it also the one you wrote the longest on?
Our Souls Intertwined… I wrote this story together with freakingmeout and we took turns writing chapters, each of us wrote one character. Despite the length, I don't think we really needed much time to finish it because the other author is just as fast as I am at writing and often each of us had finished a chapter within a day. It was perhaps a little worrying in hindsight haha.
If it wasn’t Our Souls Intertwined, what work of yours did take you the longest?
Oh wow I think you've got me now and I can't give you an answer off the top of my head.
I'm guessing it might be Calm after the storm because that's my longest story that I wrote on my own. So it makes sense that it probably took me the longest to write.
But when I think about it, it could also be the current one I'm writing that hasn't been published yet. My last few weeks haven't been easy for personal reasons and I haven't had time to write and everything has stalled. I just started writing again a few days ago and am catching up.
She also told me that she sometimes drives her betas crazy with the amount and pace that she writes. On some Sundays she writes all day and sometimes feels a bit empty inside afterwards, she admitted.
What work of yours did come together the fastest?
I would say Men are shit. This story practically wrote itself and I could just let my thoughts, which I put into the story as Louis’, run free and didn't have to think about them any further. It was a great experience and I love this Louis so much!
Do you finish writing the story completely before you start publishing or do you start publishing whenever you finished a chapter?
For my first stories, I posted while I was writing. So I finished a chapter, had it proofread and then published it.
However, my only beta at the time had of course her own life and sometimes couldn't keep up with the speed at which I wanted to update again.
So at some point I started to finish writing and only then published it.
What worked better for you, personally?
Both definitely have their pros and cons. But I really liked publishing in the writing process. You get immediate feedback on what you've written, sometimes even ideas for the rest of the plot from readers' comments.
However, it would have stressed me out a lot, like in my situation the last few weeks where I couldn't write anything and had to make the reader wait for updates.
What inspires you in your day to day life the most?
The story often comes to me really quite by chance, mostly inspired by songs, not so much by the lyrics but by the feelings they convey, what lies between the lines.
Did you ever have a writers block and what helped you out of it / What do you do if you feel unmotivated?
Yes, I've had a writers block for the last few months and I've missed writing so much. But there's no point forcing yourself and for me it was best to wait until it felt right again. Before that, I didn't have anything like that as far as I can remember. Sometimes I just didn't know what to write next and got a bit stuck, but my advice here is: just start writing. Don't think, just do it.
And if I'm just unmotivated then I leave it for the day because I know it'll be definitely easier the next one.
What do you find most stressful/annoying/repetitive in the process of writing a story?
For me it's the hardest thing to end the story because then I'm usually so connected to the characters that it feels like saying goodbye to a dear friend every time and I'm actually really sad.
Oh and one thing that really frustrates me is that my Louis and Harry very often crash the chapter with sex. I love writing smut but sometimes they overdo it (okay it amuses me a bit too).
Darling28 also told me, that one of her favourite phases in writing a story is the getting-to-know-each-other phase. She said that she loves it because that’s when she feels like the characters come to life and the tension between them grows.
Can you tell me something about any future projects you’re working on?
I'm happy to tell you about future projects!
In addition to my many ideas for stories that I haven't started yet, I'm currently writing four open ones. Two with other authors and two of my very own. I hope that I will soon be able to present the readers with something new from me, because for me it is always the best thing to finally be able to share my work with the fandom.
For the next part of the interview, I asked Darling28 more specific questions about her works.
What work of yours is your personal favourite?
It's really difficult to name THE one. But I'll go with the three that come to my mind first, okay?
Calm after the storm, because I love their love in this story and I felt for both of them while writing it. It still touches me today.
Men are shit, because Louis is just chaos but so sweet at the same time. I loved describing his ADHD brain, letting his mind run wild. I wanted to give neurospicy people a story in which they can find themselves and feel understood.
True Colours, because I wrote this story for my friend and beta who wanted me to make Harry really suffer as it's usually Louis in my stories who has to go through everything horrible. I love the development of the two of them in this story. They heal together and I don't think there's anything better.
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who isn’t familiar with your works and why?
I think that would be Paparazzi. That's the most popular one of mine and it contains a bit of everything but it's not as extremely angsty as others that I wrote. A bit of enemies to lovers, gay awakening, smut, fluff - what more could you want?
A lot of your works are based around complicated and complex topics like having a bad relationship with your parents, mental health issues and homelessness and everything that comes along with it. Why do you specifically choose to write about those topics?
I love the drama and the big emotions.
But also because none of our lives are perfect. Everyone has their own struggles and their own traumas and I love picking up on that. It especially touches me when readers find themselves in it, feel understood and heard. I think for some it's some kind of validation. It's wonderful to turn something very sad into something very good. As much as I love the drama, I also love the happy ending.
And of course it's also free therapy in a way. There's always a part of me in most stories.
The Magic Within You is your only story, that doesn’t really have any of those topics (besides of Louis’ tendencies to panic quickly). Why did you want to write something so different to your usual writing style?
The Magic Within You is a pure, cheesy Christmas story that was set up like an advent calendar when I posted it, but I think it can be read very well throughout the year.
I always find Christmas a difficult time of the year myself. Lots of people come together and I'm often overwhelmed. I especially wanted to give people who might feel the same way a cute story, offer some distraction and sweeten the day. I hope I succeeded.
By the way, I love how you mentioned the panicky side of Louis. So adorable.
Is something like an advent calendar planned for this christmas season too or was it a one-time thing for you?
No, I haven't planned another one, but never say never. Maybe I'll suddenly get an idea in October and start writing like crazy.
Actually, a sequel to The Magic Within You was planned for this summer but unfortunately I couldn't do that for personal reasons that I had already mentioned. But I definitely want to publish the sequel next year!
You wrote Our Souls Intertwined and Bring me to life with freakingmeout. How did that go?
Oh it's a totally interesting experience because here too we only had the rough plot, but because everyone wrote their character in alternating chapters it was always exciting for the other to see what would happen in the chapter of the other. Sometimes I sat there shocked or totally amused and had to think about how I was going to live through certain situations with my character. It's definitely anything but boring and you experience it as an author as well as a reader.
When I asked her if it feels like a roleplay kind of thing she actually confirmed that it does sometimes feel like exactly that.
Paparazzi is your most popular work. Why do you think this one in particular got the most attention?
I have absolutely no idea why Paprazzi is the most popular one. I often ask myself that but maybe it's really because it's not such a heavy one? But instead of looking for answers, I prefer to be happy that so many people like it.
Is there a work of yours that you’d like to get the attention that Paparazzi got or just more attention in general?
Oh yes, definitely. In my personal opinion, Holding On To Heartache has far too little attention. I know where it comes from, or rather I suspect that the tag 'suicide attempt' puts a lot of people off, but I still think it's worth reading. You can always expect a happy ending with my stories.
Is there a work of yours that you wouldn’t publish again in hindsight?
I must confess that I have already deleted my very first story. And I know that my betas and friends will kill me if they read this now. Because they kept stopping me every time I had a crisis about this story but I did it nontheless one day. I guess my secret is out now... oops. If you read this, please don't be mad!
But I'm actually thinking about revising it and publishing it again at some point.
Are there any characters in one of your stories that are inspired by people or animals you know in real life?
Yes... Bree in 'Paparazzi' is my friend and beta. But I don't think I realised until the later chapters that I was using her as a role model for this absolutely wonderful character.
For the last part of the interview, I asked Darling28 some personal questions that are more about the fandom and less about her experiences with writing.
Since when are you in the fandom and what made you become a part of it?
I am a Lockdown-Larrie haha. I was watching Tik Tok videos out of sheer boredom like probably so many others and suddenly a video with two guys popped up. It's this one where Harry is sitting on the armchair, Louis is sitting on the armrest while Harry is looking up at Louis, absolutely enamoured. I was just sitting there and I remember thinking: who the hell are these two guys that are so in love?
I read through the comments and searched the web for more informations. After that, my days were filled with watching all the YouTube videos and then making a Twitter account. I was absolutely down the rabbit hole and I don't regret it one day. At first I was in the lane of LHH (I mean, come on, just look at him) but then I listened to Louis music and he got my number 1 and never lost rank again. Also, the song Just hold on saved me, the lockdown was not a good time for my mental health.
Your favourite Louis and Harry Era?
LHH forever. If I had enough money I would bribe him to let them grow long again. Although I'd have to meet him first. My plan isn't finalised yet as you can see but yeah... I think you know now how serious I am, haha.
And Louis... Hedgehog and FITF. I just love when his hair is fluffy.
Your favourite movie H starred in?
My Policeman. Damn, I was broken after watching it but it's so good.
Who’s your favourite writer in the fandom at the moment?
One of my favourite authors is BoosBabycakes. I especially love their a/b/o stories!
And your all-time favourite fic in the fandom?
Oh, that's really difficult. There are too many good ones and I really need to think about it for a moment. But I would like to name a story that is not one of the fandom's always recommended ones.
Okay... I go with this one, it's definitely one of my favourite a/b/o stories, the nesting is so sweetly described and I think I really need to read it again:
You've Got A Higher Power, You're Once In Any Lifetime by BoosBabycakes
What makes you want to stop reading something?
If the story is written in first person or the plot doesn't make sense to me and I question too much in the story. Some stories are also too artificially drawn out for me. I don't like slooooooow burn. My attention span doesn't last that long.
Your favourite song at the moment?
Call me by Neeve, it's a small german indie band but I like them a lot.
Of course nothing beats Louis music, I hope I don't have to mention that, do I?
Do you have a favourite movie or a favourite series at the moment?
No, neither of them. I haven't watched anything for ages. I prefer to spend my free time writing.
What was the most unusual thing that inspired you at some point?
Erm I hope this doesn't come across as weird but Louis' bum and waist. For some of my a/b/o stories and ideas that I still want to write.
What is your favourite season?
Spring, when everything turns green again and starts to blossom.
She also told me, that she has hay fever and that sometimes it’s unbearable for her until autumn but she still loves spring the most, especially after the darker months.
Who would you like to read an interview from?
I don't have a specific author in mind but I'd like it to be someone with a smaller fanbase to draw more attention to them.
I wanted to make it a little tradition for every interview, that every writer gives every of their works a colour and a season. It’s just a fun little thing for the end of the interview I thought would be interesting. Thankfully, Darling28 thought it was a great idea too, so here are the results:
Captured Ink, Hidden Hearts - pink and black, spring.
Bring me to life - darkblue, autumn.
Our Souls Intertwined - dark red, late summer.
True Colours - rainbow, obviously, autumn.
Men are shit - pink and green, summer
The Magic Within You - ice blue and white, winter (on a sunny day)
Tainted Love - brown, winter
Calm after the Storm - purple, early spring
Tank tops and a phone call - red, summer (a very hot day)
Letters - dark green, last summer days
I'm with you - white and grey, autumn
Paparazzi - yellow, summer
Holding On To Heartache - black with golden sprinkles, winter
Paradise is in your own mind (Sequel HOTH) - dark pink, spring
You Sunshine, You Temptress - green, summer
Careless Whisper - dark blue, winter
A huge thank you again to Darling28. Thanks for understanding my vision and being so open and kind. I appreciate it so much.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
He can I request dialogue 2 with Travis where reader is getting all sappy and shit when they settle into the cabin
🧡Cabin Fever - Travis Martinez x fem!Reader🧡
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
Tumblr media
Summary: a quiet conversation at the lake...
Warnings: Convo about Periods, hurt + comfort
Word Count: 1,122
A/N: Hello Loves! I know a handful of you have wanted this, so here he is! Travis is actually a lot harder than I anticipated to write, but that could be because I'm not the greatest at writing men/boys. This turned out a lot angstier than intended, but I think we can all appreciate quality hurt/comfort now and then. Unfortunately though, pretty much all of my Travis requests have quite a hefty amount of angst in them. But that's all I'll say, so As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading! 🧡
Travis Martinez Tag List: @candylandy8173 @elliesjoints @nebulaemo
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
It had only been a week, maybe more or less, and you were sick of the cabin. It had quickly grown overcrowded and overstimulating, so you now found every opportunity you could to leave and be outside for as long as possible. It had become commonplace for you to wander all day and not come back till nightfall. Today, however, you'd found some peace at the lake. It started as a trip to get more water for back at the cabin, only to turn into an impromptu bath and swim. You'd grown desperate for some semblance of feeling clean again. But now you'd finished and were drying off on the shore.
“You’ve been gone all day,” a rough voice said behind you, though you didn’t turn. You only shrugged, arms wrapped around your knees as the waterline lapped at the rocky terrain under you and your toes. You hadn’t felt like putting your shoes back on just yet.
“It's getting crowded over there. I need to clear my head sometimes” you mumbled, eyes transfixed on a particularly shiny stone near your feet. Travis didn’t sit beside you, choosing to stand with his hands in his pockets.
“Mind bringing me along when you get away next time?” he asked. You chuckled.
“Is all the period talk getting to be too much for you?” you looked up at him, tilting your head and covering your eyes with your hand to keep the sun away. You were starting to regret not bringing those sunglasses your mother suggested.
“What, you on it too?” he griped. After a pause, you let out a snorting laugh at him. It had your stomach churning and you had to lie down on your back, arm covering your eyes as you grinned.
“Hey, better get used to it, T-man. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a minute before we get out of here,” you heard the stones beside you shuffle as he took a seat.
“I don’t hope that’s not the case,” he mumbled. You peeked out from under your arm to get a good look at him. He looked tired and out of it. You knew Travis well. You used to play little league soccer together when you were 6. His dad had been the coach then too. Honestly, that had been the only reason you played soccer now in high school. You lost some of that relationship with him over time. It was strange, his sudden interest in you. You always thought he kind of resented you for whatever reason. He’d grown up a lot though, you noted.
“Why? Can't stand being the only man with a bunch of women? Isn't that like, every guy's dream?” you hummed, covering your eyes again. You heard him scoff and shuffle his feet on the rocks.
“Yeah, maybe, but they haven't considered what comes with being around a bunch of girls,”
“What? Travis can’t handle a little girl talk?” you teased. He sighed heavily, grumbling under his breath.
“Maybe not constant girl talk, no,” you chuckled at that some and decided to sit up again. “is that why you always leave?”
“What? Because of girl talk?” he nodded. You shook your head. “No, I'm used to it. It's just locker room stuff at this point,” Travis wrinkled his nose and grimaced.
“You talk about your periods and stuff together?” he seemed quite surprised. Your brows raised and you nodded.
“I mean, what did you think we talked about?” you could see the formings of an embarrassed blush heat the apples of his cheeks.
“I dunno, I thought you talked about boys or something. Like magazines maybe, I dunno,” you began to laugh again.
“I mean, sure, we do, but that's not all we talk about,” he continued to frown and looked away, piercing his lips.
“Whatever. I just didn’t think I’d have to hear so much about it,” he grumbled. You laughed again, looking out onto the lake with a lackluster smile.
“You sound like your dad, you know that?” you said without putting any thought behind it. Upon realizing you felt yourself cringe, sucking in a breath between your teeth. You expected Travis to throw himself into a rage, scream at you to shut the fuck up, and not mention his father, now dead a buried by the crash sight which felt long forgotten by now. But he didn’t. He stayed quiet, staring down at his shoes with a crease in his brow and a frown on his lips.
“ugh, don’t remind me,” was all he managed to say through fumbling teeth. You began to apologize but he shook his head, his eyes turning up and looking at you. “Don’t. It’s fine,” his voice faltered, letting you know that it wasn’t fine. But you weren't going to press any more than you had already. He went quiet again and you chewed at your lip.
“You know, he was a pretty shit dad,” he said eventually, his eyes transfixed on the open air of the lake. You watched, keeping your words to yourself. “I’m pretty sure he was cheating on my mom or something. I don’t know though. He wouldn’t fess up to me and no one told me what was happening,” he took a long sniff in, his lip twitching.
“I used to wish he’d just leave. Maybe then Mom would be happy. But now he’s gone, and I just-” he trailed off shaking his head with parted lips. He didn’t go on from there and you couldn't find any words, so you did the only thing you could think of and reached out, your fingertips brushing over his spin. He jumped and you hesitated, but when he looked up to meet your gaze, tears forming in his eyes with a quivering lip you couldn’t help the way your gaze softened.
You reached out your other hand, brushing your fingers over his cheek as you moved forward, hesitantly enveloping him in your arms. His nose and face found the crook where your neck met your shoulder as one of your arms snaked around his shoulder while the other slipped to cradle the back of his neck. He began to quiver in your arms. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder and waist, squeezing tight for as much support as he could get from you. You felt tears run down your shoulder, wetting your shirt as he sniffled and cried. Your fingertips tangled in his growing hair and you breathed him in as tears sting your eyes now.
“It’s gonna be ok…” was all you could muster. If you believed that or not, you didn't know, but it was what you both needed, even if it was only for a moment.
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darthdaddi · 1 year
Saber Play
This idea has been in my head for a while now and I finally gathered the balls to write about it. Please read warnings, if you feel uncomfortable just keep scrolling. Again, I get straight to the point with this fic as well. No plot, just smut.
UNEDITED so I'm sorry if I made mistakes, please ignore them :,)
Warnings: 18+ (MINORS DNI!), dub-con?? , foul language, inappropriate use of a light saber, slight edging, Dom!Anakin, slight age gap (Anakin is 23 and reader is 19), Master Anakin & Padawan reader (no Ahsoka or Padme, sorry m'ladies!) , humiliation, degrading, pet names, squirting, almost public sex?, praises from Anakin, face fucking, riding, spitting, choking, messy fucking, unprotected sex and cream pie.
You've only been Anakin's Padawan for a year now after your original master was killed during the battle of Geonosis. The council deemed that he was ready to take on the task of finishing your training. You've made googly eyes at him since you two were both Padawans. He never paid mind to it though. After all you were 4 years younger, he thought it was an innocent crush. Which it was at the time, but now you're mind is mature. You are reaching the point of adulthood where you're innocent crush is more like intimate crush. Honestly you didn't get much action, yeah you messed around with other's your age but it wasn't the same. You wanted him. You wanted your master so badly and it was truly unbearable. It was completely forbidden to love or be attached to one, but being in love with you're master was on a whole new level.
It was stupidly hot this day and of course Anakin chose an outdoor training day. He loves to watch you complain and argue to try to get you're point across, he immediately shuts you down and banters on about how he is the master and you are just a padawan. He loves his new sense of power, even if he uses it on small things like this. Before you head out to the training platform you decided to wear a cropped tunic that you made yourself along with your normal pants and utility belt. You knew this would piss him off, that's what you always aimed to do. Being a brat is what you strive for, it really gets Anakin going. You loved the way his jaw clenched when he is pissed at you, the way his brows furrowed in anger.
Arriving at the training spot, you see Anakin staring off into the city only to look back at you in anger, "Little one, what in the maker are you wearing? Haven't I told you a thousand times not to tamper with your clothes?" He said obviously annoyed by your rebellion. You crossed your arms and spoke, "Well master, maybe if you hadn't picked the hottest day to train, I wouldn't have to wear such provocative clothes" you said rolling your eyes, knowing that's what his lecture was about. Anakin sighed and walked closer to you, "Y'know, you've been a real fucking brat lately. Not to mention those lustful thoughts of yours. Do you really think you deserve my sex?" He hissed. Taken aback, you could only open your mouth to speak. Yet know words came out. "Is this your attempt to seduce your master? Wearing such a shirt" he said tugging on the bottom of your barely-there under tunic. "Pathetic, your tits almost hang out of this thing. You look like a slut" he growled. One thing Anakin was good at was humiliating you. He made you feel so insignificant at times, it was actually kind of hot. You're core began to dampen as more degrading words flowed from his mouth. "Now look at you, all turned on and flustered over my cruel words. I can sense you Y/n, you can't even mentally shield yourself from me, so weak and horny for me" he chuckled, his curls began to stick to his forehead due to the heat. He inched closer, making you feel small under his gaze. "Ani, I'm sorry. I really did not intend to-" he cut you off, "You didn't intend to what? Cause me to have this aching boner? Gods I can't stand you right now" he said through his teeth. Anakin released his saber from his belt and glared into your eyes, "And that's master to you, slut" his words stung this time, did he only see you as his Padawan now? Anakin ignited his light saber in front of you.
"Strip" he said bluntly. You scurried to take off you're clothes, even though Anakin would never hurt you. He eyes you up and down, taking in all of your features. Anakin smirked as you look at him, so helpless and under his complete control. He turned his saber off and looked into your eyes, "Like I said before, I don't think you deserve my dick" with that, he ran the cold metal of the saber's hilt down your lower stomach and to your swollen cunt. He rubbed the smooth side of the hilt on your clit, staring into you as he did so. You felt so embarrassed that you closed your eyes, yet you couldn't stop the sweet groans from escaping your throat. Anakin laughed at you and pouted  mimicking your state, "Are you really going to get off to my light saber right now? You truly are pathetic" he scoffed. Anakin immediately stopped and reignited his saber, so close to your navel that you could feel the heat off of it. You were sweating, not only from nervousness, but also from the Coruscant heat. Anakin ran his weapon up and down, close to your skin. This started to excite you, the thrill of your master having so much control over you had your adrenaline pumping. "Be a good girl for me little one, and get on your knees" he said extinguishing his saber once more. You did what was asked of you and dropped to your knees. Anakin pulled down his pants just enough for his dick to show, it sprung out tall and hard as it hit his clothed abdomen. You looked at him with big doe eyes. "Don't act innocent Y/n, I know that you aren't a virgin. You sneak around other's quarters all the time" he said rolling his eyes. Looking at him in shock you said, "That may be true, but honestly I'm not very experienced" you embarrassingly admitted. He chuckled and patted your head, "You'll do just fine. Now open that pretty mouth of yours" Anakin cooed at he held the back of your head, guiding you to his glorious cock. You maintained eye contact with him and took the head of his length in your mouth, suckling on it softly. 'fucks' and groans poured out of his mouth as he pushed your head further down on him, helping you bob it. You placed your hands on his thighs for support as he started thrusting his hips into your face, his finely groomed hairs prickling at your nose. Anakin threw his head back at the sight of his very own padawan getting her face absolutely fucked, "Thats right pretty girl, earn that fucking cock" he grunted out, speeding up his pace. You wouldn't help but gag at his quick thrusts, it was almost too hard to breathe from his impressive girth. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt him twitch in your mouth. Anakin quickly pulled out of your mouth, "Open up for your master darling~" he cooed at you. You did so, just for him to spit in your mouth and shove your face back into his hips, "Fuck, I'm going to make you mine, pretty little thing" he growled at you, quickening his speed. All you could do was mumble around his suffocating dick. Anakin started getting sloppy with his thrusts as his hot cum filled the back of your throat. You didn't dare spit out what he gave you, instead you swallowed it proudly.
A voice from the hall began echoing towards the two of you. "Let's move this to my quarters hm?" He said in an almost panicked voice. Without thinking Anakin pulled his pants up and took of his cloak off, putting it on you quickly. You picked up your discarded clothes and stuffed them into your arm underneath the sleeve of Anakin's massive cloak. He helped you slip your shoes on as you desperately wrapped the excess cloth around your body. The door swiped open to reveal a confused Obi-Wan, "How was the training- Y/n why do you have Anakin's cloak on?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. "We were practicing dueling and I got a little carried away... My shirt ripped and I left my cloak in my quarters" you lied straight through your teeth, a bad lie at that. "Oh dear, that is embarrassing young one. Good thing your master is so generous to cover you up hm?" Obi-Wan said with smirk as he looked at Anakin, as he has an idea of what really happened. "Yes well we should get going master, wouldn't want her standing here like this any longer" Anakin said with a fake smile. "Very well, the two of you better rest up. You look exhausted" Obi-Wan said chuckling. Anakin mumbled under his breath as the two of you headed for Anakin's quarters, which wasn't far from yours, "Fuck, he definitely knows something" he said with shut eyes and a sigh. Anakin swiped his room door open, locking it behind him. Though his demeanor changed as he got a better look at you with his cloak on. He was smirking at you, "Y'know, you look so damn adorable with my robes on, so tiny compared to me" he said looking at how his clothing drags to the floor more than usual on you rather than him. "Really?" You said with a smile, giving him a turn. "Really, though I'd love to see you without it on" Anakin stated as he helped you undress completely again. This time he was being sweet, pulling you by the waist to meet his gaze. Anakin placed ticklish kisses on your neck while holding you by the hips. "Anakin undress with me" you flirtatiously said. "I thought I told you it was master, or daddy if you prefer. I think I love the idea of you calling me daddy" he said with a smirk. "Daddy it is" you replied back with confidence. Anakin smiled at you as he pulled away, "Maybe if you ask nicely I'll reveal myself to you, darling" he whispered in your ear this time. This sent chills down you, forming goosebumps at the scandalous words your master had uttered. "Will you please undress for me master?" You said in a tiny voice that was almost too quiet to hear, but Anakin gave in to your cuteness and began stripping down until he was fully naked along with you. The two of you took a moment to embrace the moment, touching each other's naked bodies like it your first times again.
Anakin picked you up by the under of your thighs and back up to his bed, sitting you on his lap as he initiated a heated make out session. He grabbed and played with your ass which was almost enough to make you orgasm, as the slightest touch from him was enough to take you over the edge. You began to grind your hips into his thighs, feeling his hard cock slip in between your folds in the most delicious way. Anakin felt the same way you did as he used your ass as leverage to further grind your hips, the two of you rocked back and forth patheticly, looking into each others eyes and enjoying the moment. Grunts and groans poured lewdly out of your mouths as you sped up your action. Although before you reached your high, Anakin tossed you onto the bed and wasted no time touching your prescious parts, rolling and rubbing your clit between his skilled fingers. "So fucking wet for me little one, so damn good for me" Anakin whined as he proceded to work down your slick, spitting on your pussy. Your masters middle finger entered your hole that was aching for him so badly. You squirmed at his cold touch. His strong gloved hand held your hip to keep you in place as he introduced another finger, immediately pushing on your plush spot. You were thrown into shock by the feeling. Others had fingered you before, but not like Anakin. He was so skilled with his fingers that it made you wonder how many girls he's slept with. "Hey! Why are you worrying about my sex life? It's just me and you in this moment baby, nobody else" he said almost offended by your wondering thoughts. You blushed at his words that made you feel so special. Anakin only cared for you in this moment, something you have always longed for. He snapped you out of your thoughts as he sped up his pumps, applying more pressure to your g-spot. You bit your lip at the familiar feelings, you were about to squirt. You have only done it one other time while fucking yourself stupid to the thought if Anakin, but this time it was him who was about to make you spew. "Thats right sweetheart, let it all out for me" he said keeping his tempo. With that you threw your head back in bliss and let out a broken moan as the build up of your fluids were finally released. Anakin loved this. He loved seeing you so messy for him. He rubbed your clit quickly, sending you into your first euphoric high. Your face twisted in an ugly orgasmic way that he found so hot. "Atta girl!" Anakin chanted at you finished your orgasm, "That is such a good girl" he cooed. Anakin plopped down on the bed, pulling you on top of him. "Now Y/n, be a big girl for me and ride my cock" he smirked at you. "But daddy-" you attempted to speak but your master cut you off. "Princess you want me so bad and you know it. Go on and take what you want so badly" he said stroking your hair sweetly.
You crawled up to his length and aligned it with your dripping parts, sinking onto his thick girth. Anakin groaned as your walls clenched around him, taking in every inch. You slowly rocked your hips back and forth on him, you propped your body against his thighs to give him a better look at your pussy engulfing his dick. Anakin groaned and circled your swollen and sensitive clit with his thumb, encouraging you to grind with his finger's pace. You sped up to match him as the both of you watched as his cock slid in and out if you. "Fuck you look so good around me. Such a slut for this dick" Anakin groaned, pulling you down towards his face to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, loving the dirty name he deemed as yours. Breaking off this kiss, you attached your lips to his neck, licking the salty residue from the sweat earlier. Anakin had no shame in letting out a few moans as he held your hips up to thrust into your cunt harshly. He wanted to ruin you, make you cum repeatedly for him. Your kisses and licks didn't last long as your mouth hung open, letting out whiney moans in his ear. Your legs began to feel like jelly as he penetrated your poor hole. "Don't stop daddy, oh gods please don't stop" you bellowed out, loud enough for the whole of  Coruscant to hear. The sounds of skin slapping and moans melodically traveled through the room. You bit down on his neck in an attempt to muffle out your moans. Anakin winced at the sharp pain and flipped you over, taking complete control of you. He summoned his light saber from his belt and ignited it like he did earlier, holding so close to your throat you could feel the heat from the weapon. This excited you immensely, feelings so helpless once again. Anakin continued to fuck you hard and fast with the light saber still to your throat, "Don't bite me whore, you aren't mine yet" Anakin hissed at you through his teeth, holding onto your hip with his free hand to control your body. He sped up his movement go an ungodly pace, completely ruining your cunt. You squirmed and whined at the way he fucked you, that's really all you could do. You where speeches. "Im going to cum in that messy hole of yours and make you mine, just as I promised" he growled at you, extinguishing his light saber and tossing it to the side. Anakin then pinned your small hands above your head and used his free hand to choke you. You saw stars, no, fireworks. You were reaching a complete euphoric orgasm like you never felt before, your walls started contracting around Anakin cock which threw him over the edge too. He moved the hand on your throat to your wrists and he buried his face into your neck, releasing his hot load into your cunt with no mercy, "You're mine now little one, all mine" he rasped into your ear.
Here it is! I hope you enjoy this content as it's a little different than I usually write.
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benkyoutobentou · 2 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Day 0
Ever since my last Japanese intensive reading challenge in March, I've been focusing pretty hard on shrinking my English tbr (and subsequently not reading a whole lot in Japanese). I feel like I'm kind of hitting a wall in my English reading, though, and so I figured that I'd start this challenge up again, since I don't know how to be normal about my reading in any capacity.
Last time, I said that I wanted to revisit this challenge, and now I'm, back with a vengeance. This time, rather than timing myself, I'll be recording my progress based on page count. My goal will be 25 pages per day for novels and 100 pages for manga. The actual difficulty of completing that will vary based on what I'm reading, though.
Just like last time, I do have a goal of finishing three novels and ten volumes of manga. As for the novels, the first issue to tackle has to be finishing 憎らしい彼. Yes, the very same on that I started last time. In March. Why I haven't finished this yet, I don't know. I even read an entire other Japanese book between then and now, but still haven't finished this one. The other two books I'd like to get to in August are 地球星人 and 本を守ろうとする猫の話. I read コンビニ人間 a couple years ago and adored it, but it seems like I'll love 地球星人 even more based on what I've seen people say about it, so I need to just suck it up and read it instead of waiting for the perfect time when I'm perfectly fluent in Japanese.
As for manga, I intend for this to be a month of starting series. I got a pretty big order of manga last month (I put in huge orders of books a few times a year due to shipping costs) which contained an awful lot of first few volumes to completed series. I'd like to focus in on starting those series as opposed to ongoing series so that I can decide if I want to finish up collecting them in my next order. Those volumes will probably be オハナホロホロ and ポーの一族. I also have series that I've already started (バサラ) and a oneshot (悲しみのロックを鳴らせ) that I'd like to get to, and I'm not saying I won't catch up with some currently ongoing series such as 光が死んだ夏 and 気になってる人が男じゃなかった.
And so, here are my few goals for the month
Read 100 pages of manga OR 25 pages of a novel each day
Finish reading three novels
Read ten volumes of manga
And my (very loose) tbr for the month
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gurugirl · 2 years
The Man Next Door - A Sneak Peek
Note: I don't know when I'll be posting this short series but I do keep getting asks about it. This was an idea sent to me by @jdfan4life and while I do intend to finish it, I clearly have a bunch of other stuff I'm currently writing so it's not a priority. BUT I WILL FINISH IT! So, to tide you over here is a bit of a sneak peek below the pic. Enjoy! xoxo
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Summary: Harry's your father's friend but he's also your best friend's dad so things are complicated.
Sorry guys, I don't even know if this is good. I wasn't sure what to pull for a sneak peek but this seems to tell a bit of the story without giving too much away. And as I've said before, I've only written about 10k words of the whole series so there's not a lot to share. Your feedback is welcome as always.
"Stop the elderly abuse. I'm fragile," Harry scoffs, his dimples making an appearance.
You both laugh as Harry keeps his hand over your wrist, holding your arm down by your side. Soon, your laughter dies down and you're both just sitting and staring at one another. This has happened before with you two but it's only happened a handful of times. And like every other time it's happened, you are interrupted.
"Morning..." you hear Robby's voice as he enters the kitchen. Harry releases your hand immediately and stands up to get a mug from the cupboard for his son.
Robby looks at you with squinty eyes and then at his dad. You shrug and continue to eat the last bit off your plate. Robby saw you two. He knew something was happening. He saw how you two were facing one another in silence. He saw how Harry was holding your arm down. He'd heard laughter as he left his bedroom so he knew that just before he saw the scene that there was something to laugh about. But by the time he got to you, you were both silent and staring at one another.
"How'd you sleep?" Harry asked Robby as he started the stove back up to make eggs for Robby.
"Fine. I'm not the one who drank too much last night. Surprised you're already awake in fact." Robby looked at you and sat down on the stool on the other side of you.
"I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed. You on the other hand were up late flirting with Raul through text message." You laughed as you spoke.
Robby rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Just because you're not getting any doesn't mean you need to be jealous of me. I think we're gonna go out tonight actually."
You and Harry both stopped what you were doing and looked at Robby, speaking nearly simultaneously, "Really!?"
Robby looked at you and then at his dad with a furrowed brow, "What's with you two? I just saw you flirting and now you're speaking in synch with one another? Yes. I'm going on a date."
You looked at Harry and he gazed at you for a moment before clearing his throat, "Think you're seeing things, kid. I'm glad you're going on a date, though. It's good for you."
Robby sipped his coffee and shook his head, "I know. You should probably think about going on a date too, dad. You too." He looked at you and raised his brows.
"Why do I need to go on a date?" Harry turned around and brought a plate of eggs to Robby.
Robby sighed and looked at you before looking at his dad, "Cause I've literally never seen you go on a date, Dad. Her neither to be honest. You both should get out there, and find someone."
You breathe a laugh through your nose, "Oh, now you get one date, that you haven’t even gone on might I add, and you suddenly are the guru on love and relationships?"
"So?! Yeah, I haven't gone on the date yet, but it's still not bad advice, for you to go on a date. You and my dad should probably go together. It's obvious you both have the hots for each other. At least I know you like my dad and you’re fun to be around."
Tags: @michellekstyles @ssaama @sombrioinvernoemveneza @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @yousunshineyoutempter @the-gardener-31 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @dancinsunflowerkiwi @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @harrys-foxy @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @evelynlarue @chaptersleftunwritten @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysmimi @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @theroosterswife24 @0oolookitsme
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An Ask Game for Writers to Procrastinate Working on Your WIP(s)
(Not like I need the assistance, but I'm so thrilled to be thought of as a writer that I'm totally doing this.)
Thank you so much for the invites @aristocratic-otter, @bookish-bogwitch, @shrekgogurt, @ic3-que3n, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @drowninginships, @best--dress, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @monbons, @thewholelemon, @whatevertheweather, and @youarenevertooold! (I think I might be the last one in the 'verse doing this, but that won't stop me from tagging more people at the end.) I've loved reading everyone's answers!
Okay. Here we go. I am absolutely using my flimsy claim to authorhood to answer these. >.>
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
The Haunting of Simon Snow
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Construction Worker!Simon + haunted manor house = a most interesting summer job
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
Well, it's a ghost story. You can draw some conclusions from that.
4. 🧭An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
A Victorian's Gothic
5. ⚠️Which WIP your most likely to finish or update next?
It sure as hell better be Haunting. I mean, my goodness, it's looped around my brain like a too-patient boa constrictor, just sloooowly squeezing.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
snowbaz.scriv is my catch-all Scrivener file for all ficcy things
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
There’s a person that I used to be. Magic I used to hold, magic that held me. I have done everything I can to forget that feeling, because it was never supposed to be mine. I was never magic. He’s magic. He’s magic, and I can almost touch him. He’s magic, and he can almost hold me. I live on the edge of almost all the time, so that’s enough. (It’s never enough.)
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
This was originally planned as a story written in letters. (Doing that with something else, now, and it works way better in a different story.)
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I'm going to stick to snowbaz fanfic for this, because if I broaden it any further, this list will instantly become quite long. (I have a lot of original story ideas.) For snowbaz, though? Well, there's the one I'm planning for COTTA. There are a couple AU's that I've written way too many notes on. And then a Fangirl crossover fic that I sincerely hope to someday write. (Technically I started it, but only a few hundred words at this point.)
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
Actively? One. Maybe two. Kinda thinking two, but the second one is new and more of a game at this point, so we'll see. (Not quite so actively I also have my Baz fic, my "Silence" fic where Baz successfully steals Simon's voice. It's roughly (super roughly) outlined, and I've written several scenes, but it's on the back-burner for Haunting. And COTTA. No more new fics after that, though! I really want to tell that story!)
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
That's funny. What a question. XD YES. Yes, there are scenes. I'm designing Pitch Manor to get through this damned scene LOL
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
Thankee kindly!
On the off chance there are any fic writers left out there who haven't yet done this... Tags! @mooncello, @cutestkilla, @blackberrysummerblog, @hushed-chorus, @fatalfangirl, @onepintobean, @j-nipper-95, @facewithoutheart, @angelsfalling16, @noblecorgi, @alexalexinii, anyone else who wants to. Cheers!
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kosmicdream · 7 months
the way i think of the "3 arcs" in ffak (i am not sure i will end up with 3, btw, its possible i might cut one in half or something else..) is basically that.. arc 1 was the unplanned improv adventure that developed everything, taught me how to draw comics, write a story, ect. arc 2 is the ~actual~ story that i "originally intended" to tell with FFAK (although a lot of that is also in ARC3 too), before it was made into this big sprawling story - and has developed all this time and taken me years to write and prepare for. so im excited and interested in reactions to that. and arc 3, well, arc 3 is something else entirely, but i don't want to say too much about it yet.. it is weird to have the entire story written out though. it feels both big and so small vrs the days id spend building up more and more for the world. i don't think about it like that anymore, even though i think about it a lot every day still. I feel pretty satisfied with how the first chapter of this arc has gone and I hope the next four of this arc will also go well too. yes, im only planning this arc for five chapters. can i do it? idk. it wont be a big deal if it needs more. in a weird way, it means more to me to finish the 2nd arc than the entire story as i've waited so many years to draw the scenes in it. its kinda amazing how long it takes just to develop a story, and in a way 10 years does not seem that long at all. before FFAK, i basically gave up my dream of making comics/writing because of how "disorganized" and crazy my ideas felt.. it has always been the story that FFAK was kind of something i threw myself into, but since it worked at all i was not going to ever let go of it. Still haven't.. yet. But i feel ready to let go when its time. Now, I feel like the work of making a comic its not all that hard even if it is very tedious. sure id love to draw and write better, but that feeling will always be there. I am just grateful to see the ideas come out at all feels a lot better than being creatively constipated and feeling miserable about it, like its bad to have "too big" of plans and be "too ambitious" like its a negative thing, cuz it might not be achievable - what? i love to try. just a sad place to be as an artist, to shame yourself for your own natural creativity and curiosity and pity yourself for not being good enough to make a fool of yourself for trying. pride is such a stupid thing to stop yourself from drawing your own ocs LOL. either way, id rather have it out than just have them sit inside and not ever be shared or seen for myself. every time i think i could have done something better, in the end i just feel relief i managed the miracle of making it at all. its weird to think that i can see an end to this story too and im still getting used to that feeling. i can see all the stories i want to get to beyond it, but Im patient and i know they can wait. i am going to really enjoy my time with it while its all still here. Just felt like sharing some of my feelings as this chapter gets closer to its end and i finish the first step of this new adventure of FFAK!
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