#having the ability to randomly turn into wolves
wolfasketch · 2 years
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Puppy Surprise!!
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
Here Are Some Things From Greek Mythology That Are Purely Nightmare Fuel
Note: Long post because Greek Mythology is completely fucked up.
-Many of the monsters:
The Lernaean Hydra (a serpent with nine heads, that can continually regrow severed heads).
The Chimera (a hideous amalgamation of a lion, a goat and a dragon)
Cerberus (a vicious three-headed dog that in some myths had a back covered in living serpents).
Orthrus (Cerberus's two-headed, serpent-tailed little brother), and various other creatures definitely count.
Perhaps the worst is Typhon — father of the above along with the Mother of All Monsters, Echidna — Typhon is described by some writers as being as tall as the sky itself, and having a hundred dragon-like heads, all of which screamed and breathed fire. It's not hard to see why almost all the gods had a collective fear when he appeared, and fled Greece, leaving Zeus to face the creature by himself.
And then there's creatures like Scylla and, even worse, Charybdis, once beautiful women turned into eldritch things of pure horror. Scylla we at least know is horrifying to observe, looking like a giant, beautiful women from the waist up, with a scaled tail below, and the heads of six rabid wolves snapping at her waist.
Medusa, whose face was apparently so frightening that anyone who saw her turned into stone. Much like Scylla and Charybdis above, she also used to be a beautiful woman before the Gods transformed her, except when she was a monster from the beginning.
-Prometheus' fate of being chained to a rock and having an eagle peck out his liver each day. He endured it for hundreds of years before being released.
-Similarly, the fate Chiron faced before he sold his immortality: living forever, with the maddening poison of the Hydra eternally burning through his veins.
-The fate of mortals unfortunate enough to piss off the gods:
Actaeon, a man who accidentally walked in on a bathing Artemis, who turned him into a deer and had him killed by his own dogs.
Erysichthon, who chopped down one of Demeter's trees, was infected with eternal hunger and eventually ate himself.
Phineas, son of Poseidon, was randomly gifted with the ability to perceive past and future. This access to knowledge threatened the gods so Zeus struck him blind and further punished him with starvation by being attacked by Harpies every time he tried to eat. It’s a good thing that Jason came along and, with the aid of the Argonauts, was able to kill the Harpies so Phineas could eat again- some depictions have him so starved that he’s horrifically thin.
So, you're friends with Aphrodite, and she want to marry you, eldest son of Nereus, old man of the sea. That's good, right? Well, dad says no. You tell your girlfriend that, and even though it's not your fault, she turns you into a polyp.
-Ephilatus and Otus tried invading Olympus. They eternally drown in the center of a waterfall, tied by snakes to a pillar, while Fate watches them as an owl. Ouch!
-Some of the evil people whom Theseus defeated:
Procrustes, who tied his victims to a bed and either stretched them on a rack or chopped off body parts if they did not fit.
Sinis who bent down two pine trees with his great strength, tied the hands of passer-bys to the tips of the two trees, and then let go.
Sciron, another bandit, was tame by comparison, but still pretty terrifying—living on a cliff overlooking the sea, he posed as a kindly old man and asked travelers to help him wash his feet. If they accepted, he'd wait for them to kneel...then he'd kick them off the cliff. Depending on the version, they'd either fall to their deaths or be devoured by a giant turtle that lurked in the waves below. Either way, Sciron very clearly did this for fun.
Phaea, who terrorized Crommyon, had a gigantic man-eating sow for a pet that accompanied her on her raids on the eponymous town. Sure, Theseus killed her, but the fact that this old lady had a big-ass pig for a pet should say something about her personality.
-The Minotaur's young victims were imprisoned in the labyrinth and force to run for their lives until the beast catches and devours them or they drop dead of exhaustion, hunger and thirst. It's like the first teen slasher flick.
-The future Olympians were able to live and grow in Cronus' stomach. How exactly? Squick indeed.
-Antaeus the giant, who was building a temple using human skulls.
-A non-mortal prisoner of Tartarus was Arke, Iris' lesser known sister. It was said that during the Titanomachy, Arke had betrayed the Olympians in favor of the Titans and became their messenger. When the Olympians won the war, Zeus not only cast her into Tartarus along with the Titans, he also tore her wings off for good measure.
-Princess Elera was impregnated by Zeus abd then hidden. She gave birth to a giant named Tityos... and died during chilbirth.
It is written that once he came of age he tried to force himself on Leto. Fortunately, Artemis and Apollo heard their mother's cries of distress and killed Tityos by raining arrows upon him. As his afterlife punishment he gets sent off to Tartarus to be forever eaten alive by eagles not unlike Prometheus but without anyone freeing him.
-King Diomedes, who fed humans to his flesh-eating horses. In a Karmic Death and/or Ironic Death twist, he himself was fed to them.
-Oedipus; Imagine marrying your own mother and unknowingly having intercourse with her! Horrible! Then, to top it all off, Oedipus gouged his own eyes out after he discovered all of this. Honestly guys put the blame on Freud for all the "Joe Mama" jokes.
-The rape of Callisto. She was raped (once she realized who her attacker really was and what he was going to do she fought), by Zeus disguised as his daughter Artemis. Callisto was a follower of Artemis and one of the goddess’s favorite companions.In other words, Callisto was raped by a god in the form of her best friend. Callisto is cast out, turned into a bear, separated from her son for 15 years, and upon seeing him after those 15 years, is almost killed by him. (In some versions they are only spared by one killing the other or killing each other by Zeus literally invoking Mama Bear in turning the son into a bear cub, upon which all fighting ceases).
-Athena's birth. The clanging produced when Metis forged Athena's armor gave Zeus a massive headache, and he was willing to do anything to stop the headache...ANYTHING, including go to one of his least favorite people in the world, Hephaestus, and have him split his skull wide open. Then, Athena burst out of Zeus' bleeding skull, fully grown and armored, and letting out a battle cry.
-Her mother, Metis, was fated to give birth to a son more powerful than Zeus. So he turns her into a fly and swallows her whole.
-The Graeae. Dear Gods, the Graeae! Spooky old witches who only had one eye and one tooth among them. They shared both items among themselves and even fought over both! Even worse, some versions say that they were half-human and half-swan.
-Medea. Where to start? First, she killed her brother and threw his diced up corpse into the sea bit by bit to make sure she and her boytoy Jason escaped her father, the king of Colchis. When Jason dumped her for a princess, she then decided to murder the princess with a cloak that instantly turns the wearer into a fireball. She also kills Jasons' future father-in-law, and finished this up by killing the kids that the couple had together. She makes her get-away by flying into the sky on a chariot driven by Dragons. Finally, Medea manages to make peace with her father afterwards by killing her uncle, who had deposed the father as king. She is Nightmare Fuel for anyone who goes through messy divorces with psychopaths.
-Lycaon. He (or his sons, depending on the version) knew full well that Zeus makes a habit of dropping by in disguise to see if kings and hosts behave as they should, so when the big guy did show up, they suspected he might actually be Zeus. So what do they do to put him to the test? Why, kill a child from the next village over and serve him up as food. So Zeus turns them into the first werewolves, in some versions even noting that nothing about their behavior changed.
-The myth of Hades and Persephone has many interpretations, but the original, ancient tale is pure horror at its finest from both the perspective of Demeter and Persephone. Persephone is out picking flowers with her friends and strays from the group when she spots a narcissus, which is really a trap laid out by Hades to ensnare her. When Persephone plucks the flower Hades bursts out of the earth in his chariot and pulls her in while she is vainly attempting to fight him off and screaming for help, but they plunge to the earth before anyone can come to the goddess's aid. Hades arrives in his kingdom with his justifiably terrified bride-to-be and drops the bomb that they're getting married on her while the poor girl is still trying to process the fact that she was just snatched from her home, her beloved mother and everything else she's ever known, and is about become her abductor's wife and queen of his kingdom.
-Hera was a notoriously jealous goddess. While Zeus's infidelities were hardly admirable, her responses to them were nothing short of horrifying. She would wreak cruel vengeance against the women he slept with, including those who didn't know their lover's true identity and even women her husband raped. Not only that, she's incredibly malicious to his children, even though it's obviously not their fault they were fathered by the King of the Gods.
-In the Dionysiaca, we have Typhon spelling out to Zeus all the lovely things he plans on doing to the Olympians when he takes over.These include, but are not limited to...
Chaining up Poseidon with the same chains that Iapetus is bound by.
Sending a bigger, stronger eagle (possibly Typhon's own offspring) to peck out Hephaestus' liver to avenge Prometheus.
Trapping Hermes in a jar forever.
Forcibly marrying off Artemis, Leto and Athena and letting their husbands rape them.
Forcing Hera to marry him (Typhon) specifically.
-Think about what poor Leto had to go through when Hera found out she was pregnant with Zeus' twins—Hera basically tells Leto she's banned from giving birth literally anywhere on Earth, starts spying on her as she desperately searches for someplace to give birth and in some versions sends a freaking dragon to chase Leto as she wanders. And just when Leto finally found a haven (sometimes provided by Poseidon at Zeus' behest) to give birth, a massive storm happens and the Goddess of Childbirth (sometimes Hera, sometimes her daughter) refuses to help her, leaving poor Leto to desperately cling to her patch of land and give birth, hoping that the storm doesn't wash her away. Fortunately, she succeeds.
-Hades has a helmet that makes him invisible and according to some even intangible (meaning he can go through walls while wearing it). While he IS one of the nicer ones, that does beg the question... How does someone know that he's down where his job is and not, uh, right behind you?
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Fan Theory part 1 brought to you by Anon with a PHD in Conspiracy Theory
Weylyn Rutherford
Name Meaning (related to his species): Son of the Wolf
Surname Meaning/s (related to his personality): 1. rutherford: an obsolete unit of radioactivity; 2. ruther: rather + ford: a shallow place in the river where you can walk or drive across; 3.ruther: knight (ritter was a title of nobility in germany) + ford: crossing (same meaning as in 2); 4. British Celtic: ro- ‘great’ + dubr- ‘water river’
Theory part
Species Theory: Weylyn could very possibly be a werewolf based on:
his name which literally mean Son of the Wolf
the information provided in the lore masterlist which also explains the names his family members have.
they are actually a family of Magi blessed by the goddess Nyx to shapeshift centuries ago
The family of Magi must have been proud of being blessed by the goddess so to show off their pride, they started using "wolf" and "lycan" as root words in naming their offspring/descendants which turned into a tradition.
The third and final proof comes from his own character description:
Weylyn tends to disappear randomly a day or two each month, and comes back like nothing happened with an excuse that he’s just visiting a relative.
What do werewolves do?
(Excerpt from the werewolves section in lore masterlist)
On full moons werewolves are forced to transform; any sign of intelligence is gone and is resorted to natural behaviors and instincts of normal wolves; can still recognize people they know via smell and will act more like a domesticated dog around them.
In our world, how many full moons do we have in a month? On average there is 1 full moon every month, but on rare cases, there can be 2 full moons.
Raw Power Scale Hypothetical Reasoning
Weylyn either has Blessing Magic, which clearly explains why he scores so high in the scale OR
He is very skilled in Learnt Magic which combined with the abilities he gains from being a werewolf contribute to scoring 4 in the scale.
We are talking about raw power scaling here. Strong, uncontrolled negative emotions are the most dangerous and most useful indicator when scaling raw magic power, but Weylyn, being who he is, gentle, warmer than the sun and someone who keeps those negative emotions from spilling like molten hot lava, would naturally score lower than Fleur or Ophelia.
Keyword is "controlling". It doesn't mean he doesn't have them. As hinted in many asks and by his very surname (see 4th meaning), things are BAD when/if he snaps.
I'm very curious to read your juicy theories on the other RO's and characters now. 😫😫😩
To other fellow theorists, don't be afraid to send yours! It doesn't have to be as scientific or as grand like anon's. Just drop what you think will and can possibly be truth to you! Be it goofy or serious, I love to read the theories ya'll send me. :]
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
Update on my PS3 Skyrim mage playthru no one cares about:
1) I was convinced before that the system wasn't saving properly. Turns out it was, it was autosaving over the same file, like it is supposed to. The problem was me not remembering to do any separate saves for like 4 hours. There are plenty of issues with this game on this much-maligned system. But in this case, it was me. ...Also it freezes and crashes way less on PS3 than Xbox 360, so I'll put up with the graphical glitches and weird controller problems.
2) Lydia didn't fall through the world or get stuck. She died, and I didn't get pics of the incident, because I was running screaming through the Rift.
I did the Goldenglow mission for the Thieves' Guild. While Lydia battled the mercenary guards, I set fire to three beehives and then lept into the water and started running away.
The issue was, a DRAGON attacked the farm. Because the game is at the point where it keeps spawning dragons at me that I absolutely cannot fight yet, without using every potion I have and reloading 6 times.
Now I was tempted to go back. Because now the Goldenglow mercenaries AND Lydia would help me battle the dragon. ...Except the second the dragon was dead, the mercenaries would aggro on me, putting me in the same spot I was already in. Plus what if some of them randomly decided to switch to me during the fight with the dragon? Or what of the dragon just went whole-hog on me, like it often does, regardless of who else is there?
So I decided fuck it and kept running. Especially after wolves latched on to me. I ran to Heartwood Mill and went inside, and talked to the lady there, and caught my breath until she told me to get out. When I did, all threats were gone. And I fast-traveled back to Riften.
It was only like 2 hours of screwing around with stealing shit and making potions later that I realized Lydia was gone.
I assumed because of a glitch. It is only now, much later, that it occurs to me that I abandoned her at Goldenglow, to face down like 6 heavily-armed and armored mercenaries. On her own. Oh and also then a dragon.
I just hired Marcurio at the Bee and Barb. Lydia isn't stuck in Glitch Limbo somewhere. She's fuxking dead.
She's dead, and she died badly. Alone. And I didn't even notice for like an in-game week.
Which, honestly?, does perfectly fit the RP I was doing of this dickhead Thalmor fanboy high elf mage who absolutely does not care about humans at all.
All I missed about her was her ability to dutifully tank and draw aggro. Since she's been gone my strategy has been to sprint screaming through Skyrim, getting as many map markers as I can without having to clear anything. It has generally worked out, aside from the time where I couldn't jump up a sheer mountain face fast enough (Todd) and a bear killed me in one swipe. If any character is going to try and deal with his problems simply by running through swamps and tundra in a dirty robe, grabbing what flowers and mushrooms he can without slowing down or wolves will eat him, it is Honey Mustard the elf.
And of course to replace his lost tank companion he will hire a spellcaster. I'll give him a dagger. He'll be fine.
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darlincollins · 2 years
more awkward teenager shifter hcs because yes
david constantly falling over because he grew 8 inches in about 3 days and keeps knocking his head into things because he's not used to having to duck yet
asher discovers half-shifting and tries to keep himself in that state the entire school day to look buff but it's really not working and he keeps growing and shrinking randomly until the teachers tell him to knock it off
milo gets so impassioned during an in-class debate he shifts on the spot and has to wiggle out of the desk and go to the nurse's office still in wolf form to get a change of clothes
darlin tries to growl menacingly at someone who's annoying them but their voice cracks midway through and they still think it's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to them and will not discuss it
the teens going on a pack run but they're not used to running in wolf form so they keep bonking into trees and falling over- at one point asher tries to make a turn but skids into christian and knocks them both into a creek
using pack telepathy to talk during class seems like a good idea at first but it quickly devolves into 'guys shut up the teacher is asking everyone questions' 'HEY AMANDA WHY DID THE DAEMON CROSS THE ROAD' 'HI [TEACHER NAME]' 'guys she said to stop talking-' 'WHO KEEPS HUMMING TAKE ON ME STOP IT' and a whole herd of them eventually get sent to the principal's office
everyone practicing shifting skills and play fighting together in milo's backyard but they all get so muddy that marie turns the hose on them and they're just howling mournfully
all of them going through so many clothes because they keep accidentally tearing or losing them- at some point darlin and arden run experiments to figure out how elastic the waistbands of shorts/sweatpants/etc. need to be in order to keep them on in wolf form
david walks in on milo crouched on the floor in front of wolf asher holding out a handful or grapes and a chocolate bar and immediately walks back out before going "wAIT" and sprinting back in because none of them know if they can still eat those foods (gabe needs a full 5 minutes to stop laughing before he can reassure them that they don't need to call an ambulance)
darlin goes on a solo run without any supplies or navigational equipment assuming their new wolf abilities will help them figure out how get back home quickly but they get lost and have to use their flip phone to ask gabe to pick them up from the middle of nowhere
milo goes through a very wolf-aesthetic heavy phase (the shirts with howling wolves superimposed over the moon, crescent moon cord necklace, wolf-themed school supplies, etc.) and keeps ordering his meat rare for the Wolf Vibe even though he hates it (sweetheart has multiple backup copies of all these pictures and can't look at them without crying from laughter)
similarly darlin reads one jack london book and gets really into the Wilderness/survival aesthetic, then spends many weekends getting scolded by marie and gabe for their extremely poorly planned stunts like accidentally starting a small brush fire, getting lost in the woods, accidentally cutting themself on their utility knife, and eating mildly toxic berries because after all their big talk about being a survivalist expert they can't bring themself to hunt anything
asher refuses to get his braces put back in after the Incident (extremely valid of him honestly) and to this day despises going to the dentist more than anything
david's all black clothing aesthetic keeps getting ruined because of the wolf fur that seems to be magnetically attached to all his shirts at all times and he gets extremely frustrated about it
uno and monopoly are temporarily banned from game nights until everyone gets more control over their shifting because asher's mom is tired of fixing the claw marks in her furniture every time someone loses their temper
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wealmostaneckbeard · 2 years
Werewolf World Building
Lycanthropes are essentially categorized by Archetype, what their bestial form resembles, and their practices:
Trickster-Scavengers: Jackals, Coyotes, Foxes: What they lack in physical strength they make up for with intelligence and magical illusions. These are shapeshifters that operate like professional thieves and can disappear without a trace. Misdirection and evasion is their preferred tactic in the face of a superior foe. When on the attack they will use invisibility to close the gap, hit hard with weapons, and then retreat before any retaliation can be mustered. Trickster-Scavengers clans increase their populations not through an infectious bite but through natural mating with whoever reciprocates their fancy and recruitment of new members that arise from an incredibly infamous but well documented supernatural phenomenon: Non-lycanthropic parents may randomly conceive a Trickster-Scavenger depending on a combination of proximity to ley lines, alignment of stars, and most importantly, the phase of the moon.  T-S communication uses natural pheromones and artificial chemicals to give subtext to written messages. Their vocabulary is filled with loan words from communities that they like to interact with. Trickster-Scavengers love music and art and will travel as a circus or operate theaters that host other wandering performing groups.  Nothing is sacred to trickster-scavengers and so they will cleverly mock whoever claims to be in charge. Wherever there is freedom (or chaos), a T-S clan will be there to celebrate it (and steal whatever valuables they can play with and then fence later). 
Pack-Hunters: Wolves, War Hounds, Lions, Hyenas:  Strong, fast, and social, these are the standard variant that most people first imagine. What little magic they utilize is supportive or self-sacrificing, such as healing or giving their strength to others.  As their classification implies, P-H’s fight together although they will use “Lone Wolf” tactics in certain situations. On first contact, a young member of the pack will be encouraged to “Go First” against a potential enemy while the rest observes from a safe distance. When the pack is pursued by an enemy of greater strength, it is expected that the eldest will stay behind and fight to the death to protect their young. Predictably, the Bite from this breed of Lycanthropes can turn a humanoid into a new but not necessarily loyal member of their clan. The Bite is the best way that P-H clans can increase their population as natural breeding results in pups with birth defects such as an inability to shift shape, missing claws or teeth, and other health defects.  Pack-Hunters disguise themselves in intolerant society as eccentric mercenary soldiers, nomadic cattle herders, and reclusive stoic biologists. In nations where lycanthropes are not only tolerated but valued for their abilities, militaries will recruit whole packs of P-H’s and use them as scouts, shock-troopers, and even honor guard. Wolven Pack-Hunter clans are the most insular and keep their own traditions and language secret. Meanwhile their War Hound brethren will adopt the customs of their allies but find ways to subvert them for their own benefit. Were-Lion prides are always matriarchal with a Parliament of Huntresses giving commands to the Keeper of the Den who must manage the servants, the young, and the prides territory. Hyena shapeshifters are considered the natural world’s immune system as they have the unique ability to purify otherworldly corruption by simply consuming it. Because Undead blight, demonic ichor, and aberrant mutagens taste and smell delicious to Were-Hyenas (who, again, are completely incorruptible) their packs have gathered knowledge to summon demons and other entities in order to be served up as part of a traditional feast or as an emergency food supply. This knowledge has put them in the cross-hairs of cabalists who seek to steal their knowledge for personal gain and puritanical zealots who seek to erase all knowledge of evil.
Dire-Maimed: extinct dire animals combined with echoes of primal deities: The Maimed are a direct link to The First Pack (also called the Court of the Crowned Beasts) that was manipulated by the Gods of Civilization into their own extinction. A human or demi-human cut with a Fang of The First Pack will become imbued, disfigured, and possibly killed by primal energies.  These energies correspond to a force of nature such as Tempest, Plague, or Inferno, but there are legends that other forces exist. The arcane invocations Dire-Maimed can cast are powerful and destructive, but beneficial to the natural environment over time. Dire-Maimed are incapable of any form of natural reproduction as lesser beings cannot survive close prolonged exposure to the primal energies a D-M is constantly emitting.  When a pair of D-M come together, there are no survivors, witnesses, or offspring, which is similar to what would happen if a hurricane and an earthquake tried to mate. Responsible holders of a First Pack Fang will only accept volunteers that have proven themselves trustworthy to become a Dire-Maimed through a ritual that allows the original host to survive and still retain their original personality but never return to their original form. Irresponsible cults use First Pack Fangs as the ultimate terror weapon, scratching an enemy (or suicidal volunteer) who will then turn into a short-lived godlike berserker or explode with primal energy in a massive radius. The evil cult will then try to search the wreckage for the Fang in order to use it again. If a stable Dire-Maimed is still capable of communicating and controlling it’s power, it can leverage it’s condition into social influence, becoming a venerated if horrifying figure in society, similar to a dragon who uses their hoard to buy royal titles or positions in a government.  While the gods and their followers have censored ancient historical accounts, a dire-maimed lycanthrope inherits instinctual memories of their forbearers, so their testimony is highly sought after by anti-theistic sceptics.
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violetjedisylveon · 3 years
About My Loth Werewolf AU
I figured I'd explain my Loth Werewolf AU. Like how it works and stuff. This is partly for myself tbh.
Link to tbb Masterpost, link to rebels masterpost.
The Loth-Werewolves thing is up first!
The werewolves in my AU aren't the usual, Remus/humaniod type of werewolf.
They are Loth-wolves. They are born as wolves or half shifted(will elaborate later).
They can spread with bites or contact with specific bodily fluids but it is more commonly an inherited trait or random spontaneous mutation. Which makes it weird when your kid comes out as a literal wolf pup.
Most spreading happens through a set of fangs at the back of their mouth that inject the werewolf change juice, it's like a venom and this sort of transformation into werewolf is painful, only the first time. The fangs are positioned like hognose and false water cobra fangs but that's only when they are out otherwise you can't tell, cause they flip back into a little slot in the Loth's mouth for them. So Loth-Werewolves are venomous and the venom makes you one of them.
Loth-Wolves, the original ones from Lothal, possess the ability to turn into a biped form, that still retains many characteristics of their wolf side. They can't change any further, and only have those two forms, instead of the three of Loths.
The species is all Force sensitive, and built Force temples on Lothal where they could interact with the Force. They practice a type of spiritualism, with animal carvings and stars in their temples.
At some point, they managed to unlock the secrets of the world between worlds, and as naturally curious creatures, they investigated the mysterious portals.
They used them to travel to distant worlds and the interact with the Purgill.
They traveled the galaxy and wound up spreading their shapeshifting when trying to help heal others, their venom has a healing effect on other Loths so naturally their first instinct was too bite, inject venom, heal. It would end up giving the turned a wolf form, mid form and they retained their previous form.
They also interbreed with other species but most of the spread was via bite, then it began to spread through populations on it's own and randomly pop up.
This was ages ago, long before the Republic and all that stuff, so naturally these strange beings who came, taught locals about lots of things and shaped others into them, were thought to be mystical beings and are universally referred to as Star Walkers, which is what Loth wolves call themselves.
They are not like real world wolves, they like to live in really large extended family groups, they will live in a pack and that pack will be part of a larger clan-pack, the packs in a clan pack aren't necessarily related.
Sometimes outsiders are taken in because lone wolves are like real world lone wolves and are very lonely and borderline depressed without their pack.
The werewolf genes are dominant over any other genes so if one parent in a werewolf, the kid is 1000% a werewolf too. It also happens randomly so normal parents don't know if they are having a normal kid or not, medical droids just do a scan to check up on the fetus so that the parents don't freak out ans try to get rid of their kid because it's fluffy.
Werewolves are looked down on by non-werewolves, specifically humans because of human domination of the galaxy. A human Loth-Werewolf is seen as better/treated better than alien ones because at least the former is human.
Loth-Werewolves(excluding the og Loth-wolves, who for the sake of differentiating them, are just gonna be called Loth-Wolves, there is no "were" the whole species is just like this) have three main forms.
Their first form is often called the Wolf, it is when they are fully looking like a Loth-Wolf. They are fully transformed and in their most comfortable state.
Their second is the half shifted form. They look more like their species than a Loth-Wolf, they've gone back to standing the way the rest of their species does and the main differences are their fingers being a bit shorter and having thick pads on their hands and claws, their legs and feet are a lot more wolf like, they still have paws on their feet. The most noticeable difference is their ears, they keep their wolf ears and their tail. They are also still quite fluffy. This is the easiest form for them to maintain for long periods of time and the form they are usually in when not being the wolf or trying to hide.
The third form they take is their shifted form, it is when they look fully like their species, if it was a human werewolf then they look pretty much undistinguishable from humans. This is the hardest to maintain for prolonged periods of time, like staying that way for a year without changing back once, not even in sleep, because od the amount of effort it takes to stay that way constantly. Most usually sleep in the other forms and go around in this one. This is the best form for hiding and pretending not to be a werewolf.
(This next bit goes a bit more into their history)
Werewolves were frequent targets of discrimination and in darker times of the galaxy they were hunted and forced into hiding, the worst of this was before the Republic Golden age started. Things were very bad and most Non-human werewolves hide and didn't resurface until well into the golden age.
Overall the golden age was really good fro werewolves since there was lots of good representation for them. There were quite a few Jedi and even a Chancellor.
Then the Clone Wars happened and things imedeatly got worse for them because there were Clone Werewolves. The ones living in Separatist space were the same as their enemies so that wasn't good.
During the lead up to the Clone Wars, more and more Werewolves were moving to future Separatist planets and the mistrust most Republic citizens had towards clones extended to other Werewolves.
It really hit the fan when Palpatine took away the rights and protections of most Non-humans, this also included but to a lesser extent, human werewolves.
Now for the Clone Werewolves.
First, yes, Jango was a Loth-Werewolf.
Boba, his unaltered clone is also a Loth-Werewolf.
Not every Clone is a Werewolf. The Kaminoans were abld to suppress the werewolf genes and make most of the clones not werewolves, physically and functionally at least, they'd still have werewolf kids.
All clones that were defective, aberrant(defective but in smaller ways like hair or eye colors cause that did happen) or mentally deviant were werewolves. No exceptions they were all werewolves.
There were also werewolves from what would be considered normal batches because the werewolf gene is a tricky thing to deal with.
The Kaminoans didn't always terminate the wolf clones because they were stronger, more powerful and healed faster and better since their bodies are made to be able to handle rearranging their entire structure.
The werewolf clones were treated like special units and given a very exclusive training with Jango/other werewolves, but not taught anything about werewolves like the culture and typical pack stuff outside of what was necessary for battle. Most of the clone Loths had their venom fangs removed when they were very young so they don't even know they exist, some still have them. Omega was allowed to keep hers as Nala Se's personal creation, and some, like Echo, have a low venom output so they got to keep their's since they were deemed nonfunctional and not worth the stress of removing. As it turns out, they do still work, just less effective.
Werewolves from the first group are ones like the Bad Batch, Ninety-nine, Rex(he resisted chip, extremly independent and is blond, he is aberrant, mentally at least.) and Omega.
The Wolf Pack, specifically the ones that survived the Malevolence, ended up all being wolves somehow. The Kaminoans don't know why. So yes, Wolffe is a Loth-Werewolf. Plo is one too and he has a special mask to protect him while shifting. So was Shaak Ti because why not?
There are others that just ended up being werewolves for reasons that do not exist/nobody paid enough attention to them are ones like Echo and Fives and Heavy.
I'm still debating if they were another all wolf batch. Probably.
The clone werewolves got special armor that would let their ears move around and their blacks had space for their tails.
Don't ask what happens to their clothes/armor. Werewolf fuckery secrets must be kept.
So that's about it for this explination thing.
Again this was mostly for me to have a reference to that doesn't take up storage on my phone because apparently writing long fics in a notes app isn't what you're supposed to do, go figure.
I hope you get some happiness out of this.
Have a wonderfully pleasent time.
VJS out!
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kaistrex · 3 years
Where the Real Beasts Are - Headcanons
This is just a few extra ideas I had about the fic which I couldn’t find a place to work in anywhere. There are spoilers for the fic below the cut. DO NOT read these first.
I imagine every child now born from the Hale bloodline will have the ability of the full shift. In future generations, the Hales grow to be considered like werewolf royalty.
I always planned to imply that Isaac and Cora would become a couple, starting with some hints when they were still wolves in the enclosure, but ended up having to cut them because they didn’t fit in the way I wanted. I kept in a couple of interactions after that, but then the more I started writing Cora when she was human, the younger she started to feel (which makes sense considering she’s missed being able to grow up), so then it didn’t feel right to mention a romance between them within the timeline of the fic. I still imagine they’d get together once a few years have passed though!
I realised while writing the final chapter that I never said anywhere earlier in the fic that Boyd is an Alpha. I think it was one of those things that was always just such a solid fact in my brain that I forgot to even write it in, and then it seemed weird to randomly mention it at the end, so I just ended up glossing over it 😂 I imagine that he would have lived elsewhere in the country until he became old enough to become a knight, and so he wouldn’t have been in the area when the Hales were still there.
I almost had Derek refer to Stiles as his mate in the final chapter, but decided against it because I thought it might imply the wrong thing. Stiles is his mate in the fic, but it’s because Derek chose him, not because they were destined.
I did have a snippet of a scene written for in the final chapter of Stiles scenting Derek like Derek did to him so many times, and it driving Derek kind of wild, but then it wouldn’t cooperate and fit in anywhere so I cut it out. I do imagine Stiles would learn to do that though, even though he’s not a wolf himself, and it would mean a lot to Derek that he does it. 
If the Hales hadn’t been captured by the Argents, Derek and Stiles would never have gotten together (☹️) Derek would have married long before Stiles came of age, so their potential would never have been discovered (and they would have had no reason to come to know each other like they do). It would have been a crush Stiles grew out of, even though he would obviously still find Derek extremely handsome the few times their paths would cross. (Though if you want to imagine them striking up a steamy love affair, go right on ahead haha)
I imagine Cora would go to visit them the most. I think she’d just turn into a wolf whenever she feels like it to make the trip, even if it’s the middle of the night. There’d be a lot of shrieking from the castle staff the first time it happens, terrified by the sudden appearance of this strange new direwolf after what they heard had happened to Kate and Gerard. After the initial shock, they’d probably start to coo that she must be Wolf’s ladyfriend, and Stiles would have to emphatically be like I’m pretty sure she’s his SISTER. His SISTER 😂
I like to imagine Allison and Derek would become good friends, starting by writing each other letters. Stiles would playfully pretend to be jealous of how close they become
In the future, Scott would definitely be a bit miffed that he doesn’t get to go full wolf. Unfortunately, the method of using the certain wolfsbane strain would have been lost with Jennifer. There’s no such thing as a True Alpha here, and I don’t imagine he’d ever take a life to become one.
While writing the final chapter, I did wonder if Kali and Deucalion might have taken a souvenir, such as Gerard’s head to keep his skull, and was going to maybe mention it through a rumour that Gerard’s head wasn’t in his casket. I ended up leaving it out because I didn’t think it would be something Stiles would know about to comment on, but I still like the idea of it haha
I imagine that a lot of werewolves might go to Stellaris to live once it’s made obvious that Stiles and his father welcome werewolves. Some might have unsavoury intentions and try to become part of the Hale pack because of the influence Derek must have over Stiles, but they’d always sniff them out and Talia would never allow them join.
Not a headcanon, but I realised late into the fic that I could have had Malia be in the enclosure aswell. I did want there to be more wolves, and wondered if maybe some of the Hale household staff might have been werewolves too, but didn’t want to have to deal with OCs when they got changed back. I could have had Malia there to pad the number of the wolves, but I generally forget that she’s supposed to be a relative 😅 The Hales I did include were too many characters to juggle as it was, so maybe it’s best I didn’t!
When the whole fic was nearly finished (maybe around chapter 9?), I did have a random thought out of nowhere based on absolutely nothing (and this is NOT canon in the fic lol, let’s just pretend it’s an AU) that maybe Chris and Peter somehow struck up a sexual relationship similar to the situation with Kate and Derek, except it would be top!Peter, with Chris viewing it as some sort of weird penance. It doesn’t make any sense for it to have happened at all, but I kind of like to imagine it haha, just as a PWP. They probably would have met a few times before the Hales were ever captured, so maybe it’s something that sprang from that? Maybe Chris had no idea of the plan to capture the Hales until after it had happened, so from Peter’s POV there’d be delicious betrayal angst? Let your imagination run wild~ 😂 (I think this idea probably sprang from me intending to include them as a soulmate couple in another fic I’m writing, but then realised it would have created a plot hole so I had to scrap them. I think I must have had a lingering thirst for it haha)
That’s all I have for now, but maybe I’ll add some more at a later date 😊
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oh-three · 2 years
Here I go again
1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 14, 16 with all the depressed horses
I may have just laughed out loud at you calling them the Depressed Horses. The incorrect quote generator is never living that one down. But, here we go, request granted.
Does your oc have any secrets? What's their biggest one?
In all honesty, I haven't really gotten this far with most of them. The only secret among them at this point is Rak's turning to the Dark Side, which he keeps hidden to the best of his ability until Order 66 comes.
Does your oc have any embarrassing memories?
Rak- every time he's outright taunted someone and paid for it.
Brak- the moments where he stutters the worst and needs someone else to step in for him.
Vori- failed pranks on Rak.
Tindri- failed getaways after riling one of the others so much that they chase her. Like, tripping in her attempt to escape.
Linaleh- a lot of the moments where her overprotectiveness gets out of hand and the others end up staring at her.
Loktof- he's almost definitely embarrassed by any tiny moment of weakness. And definitely his angry outbursts, though he'll never confess to that.
Jurr- he probably has some, but no one will ever know, as he takes everything in stride.
Are there any secrets your oc has shared with other characters? If so, who, and what secrets?
Not willingly, but yes. Rak's no Palpatine.
How good is your oc at keeping secrets?
Rak- he's good at it, but not as good as he thinks. Somehow, someone always finds out something he doesn't want them to know.
Brak- surprisingly pretty good, though he'll give up a secret if he's pushed too hard.
Vori- absolutely horrible. She'll probably laugh about a secret randomly and then be forced to give it up when the others wonder why she's laughing for no apparent reason.
Tindri- really good at it. She'll make up a lie to cover a secret, one so good that everyone else will believe it.
Linaleh- also not too horrible, but will give up secrets if it means bettering another member's emotional or physical health.
Loktof- no one can even tell when he has a secret or not.
Jurr- about the same as Lok, though sometimes his hesitance will give away that he's hiding something- either way, whether it's known he has a secret or not, he won't tell it to anyone.
Is there anything your oc wants or likes that they have to keep secret, like a guilty pleasure? Anything that would get them ostracized, attacked, or just insulted for saying it out loud?
Nope, though if anyone ever joked about the war in a way that put it in a good way, the others would be onto them like a pack of wolves. These guys are not fond of the war and what it's doing to the Order, particularly the padawans being trained during it.
Has your oc ever done anything illegal or immoral?
I may or may not have a fic outlined where Tindri sneaks into the security archives and steals some footage to use against Rak.
Also, Rak's actions during Order 66. Definitely illegal. And immoral.
Could your oc be effectively blackmailed with any of their secrets?
I feel like they all could be, with exceptions to Brak, Jurr, and Loktof. No one would dare to try to blackmail Brak unless they want the wrath of Linaleh thrust upon them. As for Jurr, they all respect him too much. And again, no one even knows when Lok has secrets.
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lumilasi · 3 years
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After doodling that oc faves set, I wanted to make another one. This is called “Redesign our new outfits already you lazy bastard” squad.
It was tricky as not all characters had established surnames yet, such as Dawn and Shanti, and some don’t have one to begin with in-story, like Kuura and Ilves.
Anyway, more details about each below:
Kaspian was a scifi oc but I decided to merge that story with the butterfly boys one. He has a little brother Sebastian, and both of them work as apprentices for an older (now retired) Demon Slayer called Vincent. Both he and his brother ended up cursed by a demon and now have fear-themed powers. He’s at peace with them, whereas Sebastian hates having these abilities. 
Kas is Aro/Ace and generally feels awkward if people flirt with him. He and his brother are also albinos. Kaspian’s vision is poor, but thanks to his demon powers heightening his other senses, he rarely wears his glasses. 
Samsara is one of the Deities of my fantasy world, namely one of the Elemental sisters who are also known as the Daughters of Mother Nature, each representing one of the four elements. Samsara tends to interact with her champions the most (I.E anyone using fire/light/warmth based magic) Her sisters are named Thalia (Earth/nature) Lumine (Water/oceans) and Aezha (Sky/wind)
Ilves is the eldest child of his family, and together with his sister they are the chiefs of their small village. He’s single and not in a rush to find anyone, but does like spending time with kids and is generally good with them. Even his brother’s kids call him the “fun tall uncle,” and like to ride on his shoulders to see further away. 
Ilves’ power allows him to communicate with carnivorous animals such as wolves, foxes and large felines, he’s also naturally really strong physically and can easily pick up all of his four siblings at once if he wants to. His name is a Finnish word that means “lynx”
Gray (real name Varis, Finnish word meaning crow) Is the middle child of his family, who decided to leave home to travel the word. He gained his nickname “Gray” when he was staying in an old shack for a while nearby a town, and ended up rescuing people getting lost in the woods during snowstorms. 
Nobody knew he was there, so he ended up becoming an urban legend called “The Graywalker” as all people he rescued tended to remember was just bunch of grey shades, being blinded by snow. He didn’t bother correcting people once they did find out some random person from the north was living in an old shack in the mountains. 
Gray has frost powers due to having some Frost Child genetics in him, but they’re not as strong as his younger brother Kuura’s. Nowadays Gray lives with his wife and three kids in the Kingdom of Valerna and works as the chief of staff for the palace Guards. He is often seen napping as the warmer climate makes him drowsy. Only his close ones know his real name. 
He’s friends with a local fire mage Ace, and before Ace lost his wife they used to spar a lot as Ace liked to annoy him. Since then he’s become more serious and also listens to Gray’s advice when he’s struggling as a dad. 
Kuura is the youngest member of his family, and has very strong Frost Child powers, hence his skin has bluish patches. Frost Children are basically half-blooded ice spirits, allowing them control over winter weather and even the ability to turn into a spirit form. Kuura is a bit bad at controlling it and may turn into a snowy cloud randomly.
 He’s also kind of an oblivious young man, who doesn’t notice it when someone attempts to flirt with him - namely a girl named Reilynn who has a crush on him. His name is a Finnish word that refers to a very specific type of frost coating individual blades of grass for example very early morning during late fall/early winter, before there’s proper snow on the ground.
Dawn Is the teenager daughter of a single parent fire mage Ace, who has inherited his fire powers. She’s not the greatest at them yet, often ending up frying things by accident. Dawn wants to be as strong as her dad someday. Their mother went missing when they were young. (IDK the details yet, she’s my friend’s oc and she’s been too busy to work on them RN)
Joshua is the prince of an infamous warrior kingdom of Arthanos, that was destroyed in a mysterious event when Joshua was a child. From what he’s able to gather of his childhood memories though, he suspects someone was trying to repeat the Deity-ritual their kingdom’s Deity Amaros did long ago to become the said Deity, and it went wrong. Despite coming from a fearsome kingdom, he’s a very gentle and kind man. 
He has a beloved called Melody, who works as a healer in his current home Kingdom’s palace. Joshua works directly under the Queen, helping her deal with secretive threats alongside the Royal Mage Azul. 
While many citizens are still intimidated by him, most of the children tend to see past his reputation as an Arthanosian warrior, and don’t find him scary but really nice. 
Shanti is Dawn’s big sister and basically took over their mother’s role somewhat to help her dad to look after Dawn at first. Ace tries his best but at the time especially he was struggling with being a single parent. She doesn’t have magic powers like her sister, but is very adept in using enchanted talismans and other magic infused objects. Reversal talismans come in handy especially if Dawn accidentally burns something.
Alexei is the first mate of their King’s former ship, now lead by his sister Scarlet. He’s very quiet and rarely speaks, to the point many people don’t even know how he sounds like. Some even theorize that he’s mute. (he’s not, just very introverted)
Alexei is bit of a “port hottie” meaning each time their ship returns to Valerna, there’s typically plenty of young men and women trying to catch a glimpse of him or flirt with him. They also like to gossip about him a lot - namely his sex life - which he tends to just ignore. 
In truth, Alexei isn’t that interested in sex; he’s not ace, but prefers more casual intimacy and cuddling over it. He actually has a boyfriend, a local painter Aiden, who’s also taking care of his and Scarlet’s orphaned little cousin Dmitri, as they couldn’t take the small boy with them to their overseas travels.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Their GF Has Superpowers
Kim Hongjoong:
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It was after a party that you guys had with the boys that he found out. They were in the process of cleaning up, and all that was left was to take down the balloons, which he was doing. Being bored with nothing to do, you absentmindedly began to play around with a few decorations, making them float around in mid air. It was Wooyoung's piercing scream that had everyone's attention on the floating confetti that currently was making weird shapes.
"I fucking told you that old lady looked like a witch! But you still bought the decorations from her!" Mingi began exclaiming, as he shielded himself behind Yunho's body.
"How was I supposed to know she'd voodoo curse them?!" Hongjoong tried defending himself, but was scared to death as well.
Coming out of your trance, you realized you had to come clean about your telekinetic powers before they developed high blood pressure.
"Guys it's not demons...... it's me." You let out a sigh.
"Babe, now is not the time for jokes! The room has bad vibes and we gotta call an exorcist!" Hongjoong wasted no time and threw you over his shoulder as they all made a break for the door.
You protested, saying you'd prove it by opening the door, which you did, leaving them all stunned and frozen in place. You finally convinced him after moving objects that he asked you to move. Realization hit him that his girlfriend has super powers. He'd be so upset that you never told him.
"And in the 2 years we've been dating, you couldn't mention that fact instead of making me believe that other demons besides San existed?!"
Park Seonghwa:
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You and Seonghwa had a very loving and open relationship, full of trust, neither of you hiding anything from the other..... Well except the fact you have the ability to know what anyone is thinking, even from kilometers away. You could just block it out, but being curious, more often than not, you found yourself wanting to know what your boyfriend was thinking. Even when he was away on tour, you connected your mind to his. Needless to say, sometimes there were some very impure thoughts at times, not that you minded.
It was one night, you two almost nearing your first year anniversary. Seonghwa and you were cuddled up in bed, just looking at each other and placing innocent kisses. But you knew better, you could hear how Seonghwa wanted to go further but obviously wasn't going to, thinking you weren't ready.
"I am ready and I want to." You casually blurted out.
"What?" He simply asked.
"I know you want to go further, and I want to as well." You assured him.
He blushed a little and ruffled your hair. "Wow it's like you can actually read my mind."
Biting down on your lip, you looked back up at him. "I can....."
Of course, he only released a soft chuckle, thinking you were obviously joking, cause no one can read minds. You proved that to be untrue, citing down examples of times you read his thoughts. You even made him think of several things, some deemed impossible to guess, and accurately relayed those thoughts into words. You left him stunned for sure, even flustered by your ability.
"Does that mean you even heard what I was planning to get you as an anniversary gift?" He asked, genuinely worried the surprise was ruined.
You poked his nose, assuring him you won't find out.
Jeong Yunho:
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To say that Yunho loved how small you were compared to him is an understatement. He adored how tiny you were, it made him feel like your knight in shining armor, your personal protector and boosted his confidence in you needing him for stereotypical manly things, such as opening a jar a pickles.
What Yunho didn't know was that even though you seemed tiny and fragile, you possessed super human strength. You rarely showed it off though, preferring to keep a low profile and if it made your boyfriend happy, why spoil it? Unfortunately, your boyfriend likes to be spontaneous, dropping in on you randomly. It was during one of those surprise visits that he witnessed your true potential, in the form of you lifting up your marble dresser with one hand, like it was nothing more than a basketball. He just stood there with his mouth open, silence for what seemed an eternity.
"Well say something!" You finally exclaimed, hating the silence.
"How long have you had that power?" Yunho simply asked.
"Since birth........ are you mad?" You wondered if he'd be upset about finding out this information.
Instead, he just picked you up and spun you around rather happily.
"Are you kidding?! My tiny girlfriend has super strength! Is there anything cooler than that?"
Yes, he was ecstatic about this discovery.
"Do you know what this means?!" He asked you.
"You'd beat Jongho in an arm wrestling match! Oh how I'd love to see his shocked face" A mischievous grin spread across his face just picturing the maknae's face.
"The possibilities are endless baby!"
Kang Yeosang:
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You had a super natural ability of healing faster than any human possibly could. If a bullet shot you, you'd feel it as nothing more than a punch and in a couple hours you'd be perfectly fine. Not that the situation ever happened, just an example. And you weren't really the clumsy, accident prone type, so rarely ever needed to make use of your ability.
Which is why you often forgot about it and therefore never told Yeosang about your special gift. But it became known when he was playing around in the company building. While distracted by something, he left his skateboard on top of the stairs, and you happened to be walking over to see him. Holding a bucket of chicken, you didn't see his skateboard and therefore tripped on it, causing you to fall down an entire flight of stairs. Yeosang ran over to you, panic all over his face thinking about all the damage you probably had, he definitely heard bones cracking. But to his surprise, you sat up just fine, only rolled your shoulders back, looking in mint condition.
"You literally just fell down about 20 stairs, how are you not dead?" He questioned you.
You then remembered about your super natural healing and proceeded to explain why you're fine to him. He was silent for a while, but then nodded in understanding.
"Are you sure you're fine? Nothing's broken?" He was still worried about your well being.
"Just my shoulder popped out of place, but I put it back when I rolled them back." You assured him that you were fine and he had nothing to worry about.
You did however scold him for leaving his things scattered randomly. Had it been anyone else, he probably would have been guilty of an accidental murder.
Choi San:
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Growing up, you enjoyed your ability to become invisible, both figuratively and literally. You liked keeping to yourself and didn't mind that no one ever noticed you. However someone did notice you eventually, and his name was Choi San. His eyes were always on you since day one and you were all he could see. It took a while, but he finally won you over and the relationship was going wonderful.
The problem arose when he started becoming more bold, more teasing towards you, that's when you weren't able to keep secret that you could disappear into thin air. Knowing fully well you just finished showering and were probably changing right now, he decided to 'accidentally' walk in on you naked. As soon as he opened the door though, the cheeky grin he had was replaced by utter confusion when you turned invisible before he could even get a good look at you.
"Holy crap! What the-!" He could not process what happened and became even more scared when all he heard was your voice telling him to get out and wait for you in the living room.
After putting on clothes and calming him down, you told him that you had invisibility powers. San was amazed and curious about your strange yet unique ability. He proceeded to ask you many questions, which you happily answered to him.
"Ok but if you turn invisible right now, would I be able to touch you?" He asked, while simultaneously reaching his hand to your face.
Song Mingi:
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You honestly loved your ability to fly. Sometimes if you had a bad day, you'd just go to a secluded area and fly around without a care in the world. It proved to be somewhat therapeutic for you when you were stressed or sad. You hardly needed to make use of it after meeting Mingi, he was such a ray of sunshine and always there for you, that he became what you needed if you were having a tough time. He never knew about that part of your life of course.
Until one day when he was busy with schedule and you felt bored. You found yourself walking to your favorite place and began reminiscing about old times. Soon you were just happily flying around, thinking no one was around to see you enjoy what you had missed for a while. But Mingi saw. After a canceled schedule, he went looking for you, and having mentioned before that this was your go to place, he went looking for you. He did found you, flying around trees and seeing how gravity didn't affect you at all. Once you finally noticed him, you panicked and came straight back to solid ground.
"How, how long have you been watching?" You fidgeted nervously with your fingers.
"A good 5 minutes." He simply replied.
Your heart sank. What if he didn't like you after this? What if he thought you were weird? What if he would never want to see you after this?
He seemed to notice what you were thinking and he was quick to push your worries aside, pulling you into an embrace and kissing the top of your head. That said it all for you. He loved you and this wasn't gonna change anything.
"So.....by any chance, can you hold my hand and take me flying with you?"
Jung Wooyoung:
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You came from a family of shape shifters. Your parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, could all shift into some type of terrifying beast. Wolves, tigers, lions, alligators, bears, you name it. So why the hell were you only able to transform into a weak little kitten? It was embarrassing for you growing up and for that reason you avoided shifting all together, it caused you to have low self esteem.
When Wooyoung came into your life, it was like a breath of fresh air. He made you feel beautiful in every possible way and suddenly you were more confident in yourself. Wooyoung never questioned what made you so insecure, knowing you wouldn't want to talk about it. Eventually he had to find out though, and he did during a family gathering of yours. While he was looking around the pictures, he noticed a lot were of fearsome animals. When he questioned you about it, you took a deep breath, and pointed out that they were your family. He didn't believe you obviously, until he witnessed for himself a few of your relatives morphing into their animal forms. He was genuinely intrigued by this and of course, wanted to dug deeper.
"So what do you turn into?"
You simply turned away, not wanting him to know and refusing every time he asked.
"Why not?!" He screeched.
"Because it's embarrassing!" You hollered.
"Come on! I just saw your grandfather turn into a black bear and scratch his ass on a tree, how embarrassing could it be?"
Sighing softly, you gave up and slowly morphed into the tiniest and cutest ragdoll kitten he had seen. A smile crept up on his face, before bursting into laughter.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" Your squeaky kitten voice piped out.
"I'm sorry baby! It's just that it's too adorable!" He was definitely enjoying this.
Choi Jongho:
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Speed was your thing. There was nothing that was faster than you on this earth. And it was somewhat euphoric for you. The adrenaline that rushed through you every time you ran faster than light was indescribable. You often wanted to show off your skills, but avoided it knowing how nosey people could be.
You felt attracted to Jongho because of his strength. You often wondered if maybe he was just like you, but you found out that wasn't the case. He had his limits. But you didn't. Of course, you wanted to tell him, you felt sure he wouldn't judge you or pester you about your speed. But you could never find the right moment. It came spontaneously, like the many things in your life. It was when you were watching him workout. Repairs were being made on the ceiling and that's what caused a small piece of it to fall off, almost landing on Jongho had it not been for you pushing him to the opposite side of the room, you landing on top of him.
He just blinked as he processed what just happened.
"Did you just yeet us into another dimension?" He chuckled.
You blushed and laughed softly before proceeding to tell him everything. He didn't need any more proof than what just happened.
"I always knew you were my special girl." He winked at you.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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jamie-leah · 4 years
War of Wolves (17)
Season 1
Episode 17 - Foreboding 
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 3215
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Death 
A/N: Omg a consistent update coming your way? On a serious note, my life is changing drastically atm and any extra love would be great. Enjoy Lovelies! 
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You wake up the next day to an empty bed. That wasn’t unusual these days as Bucky was busy trying to get all the information needed on Isaac and what to do with it. The thing that made that morning different was that Bucky didn’t leave a note. He always left a note. 
From that moment on, you felt uneasy and you couldn’t shake the feeling. No note meant that he probably left in a hurry or was too distracted with emotion to remember to leave one. Either way, it wasn’t going to be a good thing. 
You get out of bed quickly and dress, just about putting your shirt on before leaving to go find Bucky. You try to keep calm, restraining yourself from bounding down the stairs. You make your way to his office. 
You knock and pop your head in and find Bucky pacing, Sam standing static with his arms crossed, and Steve sitting down looking lost in thought. They all look up at you though as you enter. 
You don’t bother with pleasantries, “what’s happened?”. 
Steve speaks first, “it’s nothing that major-“. 
Bucky and Sam scoff and you find it hard not to snap at all of them, “can someone please, for once, just tell me straight, what happened?”. 
Sam shifts on his feet, “Bucky got a phone call early this morning from a man. He said that his name was Harry Taylor and that he wanted to meet about Isaac”. 
Your face screws up in confusion, “how does he know Isaac and how does he know that we know Isaac? And to discuss what?”. 
Steve sighs, “I’ve met him. Harry is British. I met him years and years ago, before Bucky was the boss. I went with our old boss to meet Harry’s old boss in the UK. Harry has now taken over the mob there”. 
You fold your arms, “okay, I’ll come back to that. But surely there was more of a conversation than what Sam just told me?”. 
You look at Bucky who is looking out the window. He looks back at you after a few moments of silence, “he introduced himself to me. He said that we had a mutual enemy and that he wanted to help take him down in any way he could. He said he had heard through whisperings that I was looking for information on Isaac and he said he had some, but that it wasn’t safe to talk on the phone”. 
You arch a brow, “so he suggested a meet up?”. 
Bucky nods, “he said that he was in America doing business deals and wanted to pass through here and stop to give some information. He suggested a meet up at the parking complex at the airport not far from here”. 
“And what did you say?”, you were curious as to how Bucky felt about the situation. 
Bucky shrugs before folding his arms, “I said I would think about it. He said his flight was leaving at 12:15 tonight”. 
Sam pipes up before anyone else, “this is insane. We have no idea who this guy is, and he randomly seeks us out? Something seems off to me”. 
Bucky nods in Sam’s direction until Steve interjects, “Harry hardly seemed like a criminal mastermind when I met him. Plus, his Boss got on well with ours, he would have no reason to want to screw us over. It doesn’t make sense that this would be any kind of an ambush”. 
“You hardly know him well Steve. You met him years ago when he was a low-level guy. We have no idea who he’s friendly with”, Sam unfolds his arms and starts gesturing, frustration starting to show.
Steve shakes his head, “and what would not going achieve Sam? Nothing. If we go and it’s an ambush, we’ll be ready because we’ll bring lots of our men and we’ll know Isaac a bit better. If Harry does have valuable information, then we have a leg up on Isaac”. 
Sam takes a step forward, voice rising, “nothing? What we’d achieve is no casualties. I would say that’s more then ‘nothing’”. 
Steve rises from his chair but Bucky holds up a hand. You’re surprised that it was enough to make Steve sit back down. Bucky waits a few moments before looking at you, “what do you think?”. 
You’re taken a back slightly, “me?”. 
Bucky looks at you like it should be obvious by now, “yes you. You’re apart of this now, our inner circle, especially when it involves you too. I value your opinion, so I want to hear it”. 
You sigh. Both Sam and Steve had good points and you didn’t want to cause anymore tension, but you had to go with how you feel, “I think Steve is right. I think we should go. We gain nothing if we don’t go. We have the potential to gain something valuable by going. In terms of casualties in case of an ambush, I would advise letting our men know exactly what situation we’re going into and if they want to sit this one out then they can”. 
No one objects, which you take as a good sign. You watch them all mull it in their heads. The room is silent for a while before Bucky unfolds his arms and nods, “we’ll go with Y/N’s plan then. Let’s get all the preparation done then before tonight. I want to be prepared for every possible scenario”. 
The format is familiar now. You riding in the car with Steve, Sam and Bucky behind a car of men and two other cars behind yours. The airport looms ahead and when you reach it you descend down the car park complex. 
When you reach the bottom there are hardly any cars. Harry and his men stick out like sore thumbs. When you all park and get out, you can feel the tension in the men. Bucky and Steve approach first with you Sam not far behind, your men flanking you. 
Harry only has three other men with him and you look around to see no one else in the car park. You know this isn’t an ambush but every time you look at Harry you feel like something is off. 
He’s a pleasant looking man with chocolate hair. He’s wearing a navy business suit and appears relaxed. He gives Bucky and Steve smiles like he’s known them for years and an unmistakably British accent escapes his lips, “I’m glad we could meet lads. I must say I didn’t think you would take me up on my offer”. 
Harry extends a hand to Bucky which Bucky takes speaking, “its hard to pass up such an offer, especially if your information is worthwhile”. 
Harry extends a hand to Steve, his smile widening, “you haven’t changed a bit Steve. Its good to see you again”. 
Steve takes his hand with a smile of his own, “and you Harry”. 
When they let go, Harry chuckles, “I must say I was shocked to hear that Bucky found a woman before you though Steve”. 
The men laugh, but it barely registers with you. You hear the lie plain as day. Your heart starts racing as you go over his words again. The only possible conclusion is that he knows about Peggy, but how would he know?
You start panicking about Peggy and the twins, wondering what you should do. You had a feeling that something was horribly wrong, but it was just a feeling. You couldn’t tell Bucky and Steve without alerting Harry and if you did alert him, he could just speed up whatever he has planned before you can get to the house. 
You get your phone out like you just got a message. You count to five in your head before interrupting Harry, “Bucky. I just got a message saying they’re at the house, I should probably go and meet with them”. 
Bucky looks at you and it takes everything in you not to show panic on your face. He only pauses for a second before going along with it, “okay, we shouldn’t be too long here. Sam, go with her”. 
You could see the worry on his face if you looked closely, but he turned around like it was nothing and Harry carried on talking like nothing was amiss. 
It takes every muscle not to run to the car and as soon as you get in with Sam he speaks, “what’s going on?”. 
You swallow, “just start the car and leave calmly. As soon as we’re away, I’ll tell you”. Even when everyone was out of sight, you wait a few more seconds before explaining, “we need to get to Peggy’s now. Harry was lying about Bucky finding a woman before Steve”. 
Sam doesn’t say a word but steps on the gas. You get your phone out and try ringing Peggy. You listen to the beep of the phone and your heart sinks when it reaches voicemail. You try ringing again, “come on Peggy, pick up the phone”. 
She still doesn’t answer as Sam weaves in and out of traffic dangerously. You try not to focus on the car as you click the call button again. Still no answer. 
Sam finally gets to the dirt road leading to the house and flies down it. You’re surprised he doesn’t blow a tire. When the house comes into view, you can see lights are on despite the time. You open the car door before Sam can even stop the car. 
You run up the steps and knock on the door before bursting in, “Peggy?”. 
You hear her voice just as you get into the living room, “Y/N? What is it? What’s wrong?”. 
You see her curled up on the sofa with a mug and a book and you’re happy to see her safe, “I’m not entirely sure, it could be nothing, but I didn’t want to take that chance”. 
She nods like she understands as you help her stand up from the sofa. Her hand lays protectively on her stomach as she says, “the twins are in bed”. 
Sam walks in just as you say, “I’ll go get them, you put your shoes on and make your way to the car”. You don’t wait for her response as you bound up the stairs and into Joseph’s room. You gently shake the kids awake and they instantly perk up at seeing you. 
You can see that they’re about to launch into talking to you, but you stop them, a sense of urgency driving you, “you can tell me everything in the car okay? We’re going on a trip, so lets hurry downstairs and put our shoes on”. 
They leap out of bed, ready for action. You follow behind them as they make their way down the stairs and towards their shoes. Peggy and Sam wait by the door. 
As soon as they have their shoes on, Peggy turns off the lights and you all make your way to the car. As you walk, Joseph starts talking, “so, where are we going?”. 
You reply fast, “on a trip”. 
He asks another question, “for how long?”. 
“I’m not sure Jo”, you try and not let on that something is wrong. 
He frowns, “does that mean we won’t be coming back tonight?”. 
You shake your head, “I’m afraid not buddy”. 
That’s when Sarah gasps and runs back towards the house. You just about hear her as she runs in the other direction, “that means I need Bailey!”. She’s talking about her teddy bear. 
Peggy instantly shouts her name and you can hear the panic underneath. You have to grab Joseph before he runs after her. He squirms hard in your arms and you have to hand him to Sam. 
When Sam has him you say, “get Joseph and Peggy in the car and start it up, I can’t drive. I’ll go get Sarah”. 
Sam nods and you take off after Sarah. You run straight into the dark house and up the stairs again. You shout her name before heading into Joseph’s bedroom again. It takes a few seconds to process the dark, but you finally see Sarah at the back of the room clutching Bailey. 
You gesture to her, “come on Sarah, we’ve got to go now”. 
She shakes her head and you take another step towards her. That’s when you notice just how scared she looks as her eyes are fixed behind you. You figure it out too late when you feel an arm snake around your waist and a hand cover your mouth to stop you from screaming. 
You struggle as what feels like a man drags you backwards. Your legs kick out in the air in panic as his arm squeezes the breath out of you. Finally, your brain starts working as you bite his hand and then rear your head back into his face. 
He drops you with a yelp and you waste no time in grabbing Sarah and running. You make your way to the stairs when you see another figure at the bottom that looks nothing like Sam or Peggy. 
You react quickly, running into the bathroom and locking the door. Sarah is crying, and you feel her shaking as you head over to the window. 
As you open it you speak to her calmly, “hey, its alright. You’ll be fine Sarah, I’m here and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. Now, do you trust me?”. 
It takes her a few seconds before you see her nod very slightly. You look out the window and then back at Sarah. She jumps as the men start banging on the door, but you make her look at you, “I’m going to lift you out the window and onto the ledge just underneath okay? And then you can climb down to the shed, and then do you think you can get down the shed?”. 
You hear them throwing more of their weight against the door and you know you only have ten seconds max. Sarah nods and you waste no time in lifting her out the window. You hold onto her hand until she sits down and slides onto the shed roof. 
You don’t get to see her make it down as the door smashes open. When they see you’re the only one in there, one of them leaves towards the stairs. You keep your hands behind your back as you grip the cold metal in your hands. 
When the guy steps closer you whip your hand out and spray his eyes with a can of deodorant. You go to push passed him, but he manages to grab your arm despite his compromised vison. His grip is tight, and you try to pull. 
That’s when a bang goes off and the guy drops to the floor. You stumble, and Sam catches you. You don’t let yourself stop just yet as you grip him, “Sarah? There’s another man-“. 
Sam cuts you off, “she’s fine, and I got him”. That’s when you let yourself breathe and you hug Sam tight. He hugs you back for a few seconds before pulling back, “you okay?”. 
You nod before you both make your way out the house, Sam’s arm around your shoulders. As you get outside you see another car coming up the dirt road and tense until you see its one of yours. 
You watch the car stop violently and both car doors open. You see Steve rush over to Peggy and the twins in the other car while Bucky all but runs over to you and Sam. 
You feel Sam slip away as Bucky cups your face in his giant hands. His eyes hold worry while his heavy breathing alerts you to the panic he was feeling. He eyes search yours, “are you okay?”. You nod before your arms wrap around his neck. 
His arms bring your body against his and it hits you just how safe he makes you feel. He kisses your cheek before pulling back. He was about to say something else when you hear Steve shout. You both turn towards him as he makes his way over, angry. 
You’ve seen Steve angry before, but nothing like this and it was never directed at you before unlike now. He looks at you as he gets closer, “why the hell didn’t you tell me that Peggy and the kids were in danger?”. 
“I couldn’t-“, he doesn’t even give you a chance to explain. 
“Bullshit. It would have been as easy as tapping me on the shoulder and telling me”, as he gets closer to you Bucky steps forward. 
You can tell Bucky’s tense as you stare at his back, “you need to calm down Steve”. 
Steve’s voice rises, “don’t tell me to fucking calm down. My wife and children could have died tonight”. 
You step out from behind Bucky, “I get that Steve, but they’re okay”. 
His fury comes back to you as he points behind him, “you sure about that? The twins are in hysterics! And Peggy is beyond distressed”. 
Your voice rises also, frustrated with the situation, “but they’re alive!”. 
Steve gets closer again, “that’s not the fucking point! You should have told me”. 
“And risk Harry catching on and speeding up the process before we got here? Then they really would have been dead”, you’re shaking now, the adrenaline wearing off. 
Steve looks furious and Bucky’s had enough. Bucky puts a hand on his shoulder to move him back gently to cool off, but Steve slaps his hand away. That’s when Bucky really pushes Steve. 
Steve stumbles and you hear Peggy in the background trying to get Steve to calm down. Steve starts forward, but Bucky grabs Steve’s shirt and brings him closer, “I know you’re scared. I know you could have lost everything tonight, but you didn’t. And being angry at anyone but Harry and Isaac is a waste of time. We’ll figure this out Steve, but right now you need to get your shit together because your family needs you”. 
They stare at each other for a few tense moments, until Steve finally nods. They break away when Peggy calls Steve again, but this time panic can be heard in her voice loud and clear. You look over and so do the boys. 
Peggy is clutching her stomach as she looks up at Steve, “my water broke”. There’s a moment of stillness before everyone bursts into action. 
You all run over to her. Steve wraps an arm around her and steers her to the car he and Bucky came in. He helps her in the car as Sam shouts to him, “I’ll look after the kids. I’ll take them to a safe house”. 
Steve goes around to the driver’s side as he looks at Bucky, worry all over his face. You hear Bucky say, “take her to our hospital. Don’t worry about anyone seeing her, you know I have safe houses not even you know about”. 
Steve nods grateful before getting into the car and speeding off. Sam looks over to you and Bucky, “you coming?”. 
Bucky shakes his head, “no, we’ll clean up here, you get the twins to a safe house”. Sam nods without a word and drives off too. 
WoW Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @asapkyndall @yaszx @amoredashley @aveatquevale- @putinovertime @melimelbean @valsworldofcreativity @lokilokilokilokilokilokilo-blog1 @vesper852 
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weatherman667 · 3 years
40k:  Death Watch:  Tyranid Invasion
Because I feel it’s a perennially underrated game, to the point that it’s often dismissed.
Is it perfect?  No.
Is it entirely accurate to 40k?  Also no.
They simplified 40k a bit, but this simplification allows an incredibly tight control and difficulty, to the point a single step can mean the difference between life and death.
the Intro gives you at least one of the 3 basic types, and one veteran.  After which, every time you complete a mission or sell items, (or marines), you get points to open packs.  Each pack has 1 of each, randomly chosen:  Weapon, Marine, Wargear.
Each of which has 4 levels.  For Marines this goes Brother - Veteran - Champion - Hero.  Each Marine has a randomly chosen name of their type, and unlocking Abilities, (active, with  set number of turns as a cooldown), and Traits, (which are passive).  You can also spend your XP to upgrade your Marines’ HP, Accuracy, and Critical Strike.
Highly level weaponry has higher accuracy requirements, meaning that just because you have the higher level weapon, doesn’t mean that giving it to your marine will increase their damage potential.  Critical Damage is also determined by the weapon, so some weapons benefit more form the increase to Critical Strike.
Each turn, you get 4 AP.  You can attack or move one square for each AP.  And this is where every step counts, as if you move into a room without any AP left over, the Tyranids will have their entire turn to attack you.
Now, each of your Marines has a line of sight.  This LoS is restricted if you are on Overwatch.  If a Tyranid is not in your line of sight, you cannot see them, but you can HEAR them.  Except Genestealers, which don’t make any noise.  Tyranids also cannot see you, either, and if you are on the attack, or moving through a level, they won’t activate until they see you.  They also have to come in from obvious points.  Heavier Tyranids have to come in from the sides of the map.  Gaunts can spawn from Spawning Pools or slip through cracks, or appear on the side of the map.  Genestealers can climb, and as such, come through any open space.
Hive Defenders do not make any passive noise.  So, until they are activated, and move, you won’t hear anything.   You do NOT want to have LoS with a Hive Defender at the start of their turn.
The Four types of Marines are Assault, Tactical, Devastator, and Apothecary.
Assault Marines have a close combat weapon and pistol.
Tacticals have a tactical weapons.
Devastators have a heavy weapon.  Heavy weapons takes 2 AP, (Heavy Bolter / Plasma Cannon), or 3 AP, (Lascannon / Rocket Launcher).
Apothecaries have Narthecium and pistols.
Which means no Grey Hunters or Sanguinary Priests or Angelus Bolters.  But the gameplay is absolutely fantastic as is.  Any character, Marine or ‘Nid, that has a melee weapon has a 50% chance of counterattacking.
Unless you have the Veteran-exclusive level skill Riposte, which increases it to 70%.  If you have a Power Fist, which takes 2 AP to attack, then you can counterattack with your ridiculously accurate weapon that can one shot most enemies.  Abilities also don’t take AP, meaning that your Cleave can hit three enemies with your Power Fist without AP.
There are three primary chapters, and each has their own unique abilities.  There are other chapters, but they only have two Brothers, and 1 Veteran each. That said, most Veteran Marines have powerful skills not available to their higher level counterparts.
Blood Angels heal and gain AP from killing.
Space Wolves have Beast Slayer, increasing damage and Crit against bit enemies, and Feral Agility, that allows them to regain AP from movement.
Ultramarines can Shoot and Hunker Down.  It’s actually possible for Ultramarines to GAIN AP when they fire on Overwatch.
Most higher level Tacticals have Freefire, which shoots all enemies, and can be used once every 5 turns.  This means you really only get one good chance to use this a level.
Blood Angel Tacticals, and the Sanguinary Guard, get Black Rage, which shoots everything.  Enemies, allies, that bomb you are suppose to be protecting.  It can be used every 2 turns, which means that if you keep them out of LoS of other Marines, (and the bombs you are protecting), they can annihilate enemies.  My Tactical Blood Angels often get half of the kills from a mission.  That said, my second time through Heroic, most of my deaths are from Black Rage.  The best way to help a Blood Angel whom is beset by Black Rage is to give him space to purge to his heart’s content.
This is, quite literally, one of my favourite Turn-Based Tactical games of all time. Better than Fallout:  Tactics, Xcom2, every Disgaea, and dozens of other games I’ve love.
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Title: The Ghost on the Shore
Rating: Mature
Fandom: The Silmarillion 
Characters: Maglor | Makalaurë, Maedhros | Maitimo, Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Caranthir | Morifinwë, Curufin | Curufinwë, Fëanor | Curufinwë, Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Loss, Memory Loss, ghost - Freeform, Haunting, Death, Sorrow, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary:  A human walks trough the beach, looking for shells and accidentally fins a ghost everyone on her village has been talking about. She ends up hearing the ghost' story, his grief and regrets, his memories about the family he has lost and the sacrifices he had made.
She walked down the shore, picking shells and digging through the cold sands, trying to find the largest. The wedding was just a week from now and she could barely find the shells she needed to make the decorations and the jewellery. Her eyes turned west, the sun was almost through and darkness would come soon. She had to go back, but that was when a song caught her ear. She looked around, but there was no one, yet the song rose with the waves and disappeared in the wind. She started walking in the direction of the song but with every step she doubted that was even real. Perhaps there was a strange echo at night, but she knew that was not true. That was an actual voice, the most enchanting voice she had ever heard in her life.
Time passed and she found herself at the furthest point of the beach she had ever been. It would take her an hour to get back home and the sun was gone now. Stupid girl, following the unknow. Then she saw it. A shape, maybe a man walking towards her. He was wearing robes that one time might have been blue, but now they were bleached from the sun and salt, mud and old sand was covering them, the fabric torn to ribbons in some places. She knew what that was. The old fishermen talked about it. The shore ghost, he could summon storms with his voice and drive sailors mad. She stepped back but she tripped on her own foot, as all the shells she had collected fell in the sand. She panicked. Damned be the shells, if that ghost could call the storm, what was he to do with her? In panic she started picking the shells, as fast as she could, she might not pick all of them, but as many as she could and then she should run. Run as fast as possible, in the night, in the darkness, until she reached her home.
“I had a brother once.” a strange voice spoke and she froze. Her eyes traced the sand to the man’s feet, he had no shoes, the skin was dry. She lifted her eyes, her teeth grinding in fear. She expected to see a terror, maybe a torn face, visible bones, gore and blood. Old fishermen said the ghost died in a storm, a ship mast hit his face and killed him, and now he wanted to do that to everyone. There was no mast nearby, but she was sure he could find something.
His face was not gore, however. Long black hairs reached way past his shoulders, his lips were cracked the same way she saw sailors’ lips cracked if they spent too much time in the wind. His cheeks were hollow, she could see the outlines of his skull, but it was still covered in porcelain skin. Long dark circles surrounded his eyes as if he had not slept for days.
“Yes.” he continued talking as he knelt, her heart was beating so fast, this ghost was going to kill her and she felt paralized. Was that his way? Was that how he did it? “He was fair, my brother. Fairer than most, at least on the outside. His heart...never mind his heart. It’s gone now, like all of them.”
She was so scared that only now she noticed that he was an elf, not human, but he was the strangest elf she had seen. Their kind sometimes came to the village to trade, but he was taller than almost any elf she had seen, his eyes were shining like gems, as unnatural as elves eyes were to her, his were completely different. Grey, cold and shining like stars.
Maglor reached for his forehead and rubbed his temples. These headaches were terrible, he would wake up and his head would be pulsing, splitting his skull in half. If he were a braver man he would smash his head in a stone and be done with it, but he could not face what came after. No, he was where he was supposed to be.
Something in front of him moved, and just now he realized he was not alone. His eyes fell on a human female, lying in the sand looking at him with terror in her eyes. He did not remember how he came to where he was. He looked behind himself. The cave where he slept was nearby, but he did not recall walking here and even seeing anyone. He was close to the human, he must have bumped into her or something but he could not recall.
“Who are you?” he got up, patting the sand of his robes. Not that it really mattered, more sand will just get stuck to him tomorrow.
The woman crawled back, shells falling from her grip, she was trying to get as far as possible from him. Maglor reached for her, offering her his hand, but then she screamed and started crawling backwards faster.
“Wait.” She made a step toward her trying to stop her, but it was too late. She hit her head on a rock behind her.
He had not done fire in a while. He was surprised he remembered how to do it. The darkness and coldness were part of him now so he did not need the light. Besides, he hated looking at the fire. Every time the flames danced he would see Maitimo, mad and broken. His eyes were fixed on the human, she was starting to awaken. Her hands reached for her head, where she had hit the stone. Slowly her gaze fixed on her and then a scream followed. The cave echoed, carrying her voice in the darkness.
“Don’t kill me, please.” she cried, trying to push herself further from him, but instead her back hit the cold stone walls.
“Kill you?” Maglor scratched his hollow cheek. “If I wanted you dead I could have left you on the sand. You would have bled to death or the wolves would get you.”
“Where am I?” His words did not seem to calm her, her body was still tense, her eyes looking around, trying to find escape. Funny, her hair reminded him somehow of Celegorm’s.
“In a cave.” Maglor answered, trying not to dwell on his dead brother’s looks. “You hit your head, I took you in.” That did not seem to calm the human. She was young, he had lost the ability to tell their age, there was a period when they all looked as if they could be sixteen or thirty. “What is your name?” she hesitated, but her eyes finally focused on him, not on everything else around. “If you want to leave, you can, but it’s dark outside and you humans have terrible sight.”
“Elean.” she finally responded. “My name is Elean. Are you a ghost?”
“A ghost?” Maglor was about to deny it but then he thought about it. He was a ghost. A shell of what he used to be, he wasn’t dead however, but he was not alive either. “Something like it.”
“The fishermen say you can call a storm.” her body relaxed a bit but she was still trying to keep away from him.
He winced. These days he could barely walk or sing, if he could call a storm that would make for good entertainment, his father might even be proud of him for once. If his father was alive and not an ashen pile or a prisoner of his own darkness.
“I’m afraid I posses no such power.” silence followed, but he could not stop thinking about how he found her. For the life of him he could nor recall how he ran into that human. It wasn’t uncommon for him to find himself wandering and forgetting how he got there, but usually he just thought he walked the sands and sang and his mind wandered. She was the first human he had seen in years and it wasn’t that he randomly saw her. He was kneeling in front of her as if he had been talking to her. “How...did you find me?'' He wasn’t sure that was the right question, but he had no idea what the right question was. He had no idea what anything was.
“I was picking shells and I heard a song...I followed the song and I saw you.” she responded slowly as if she was talking to a child unsure if her words made sense. “Then you came to me and you spoke of your brother.”
“My brother?” something in Maglor’s chest shrank. He did not remember that. How could he mention his brothers and not even remember that? “What did I say?” he asked. His voice betrayed his own fear and confusion. “What did I say?!” she shouted and she pulled back again, the fear returning.
“You...said he was fair. Fairer than most. On the outside.” her voice was shaking, her eyes frantically looking for an exit again.
He wasn’t surprised at his words, but he could not remember saying them. Why would he talk about Celegorm to a human he had just met.
“What else did I say?” his voice was calmer, but there was still that strange feeling in his chest. He did not remember any of that.
“Nothing...you said he was gone. That they were all gone.” her shoulders sank again, more relaxed. “Who are they?”
Maglor ignored the question, he had other things to worry about. His life was not worth anything for all he cared, but his mind. That was the last thing he had left. What if he was forgetting other things? Not just how he got from here to there, but what if he was forgetting who he was...what if he forgets Maitimo and Kurvo...all of them, his father, his mother. No, he could not forget them, if he forgets them, who will sing about their sacrifice, who will remember them as they truly were not as the stories made them to be?
“I was a king once.” he finally spoke, he could see in her eyes that she did not buy that. “No. I was a son of a king, then a brother of a king, then a king and then I was just me. I watched my brother burn.” his eyes stopped on the fire. He didn’t really see Amrod burn, he didn’t even know that had happened, not until Maedhros had told him. “My father set him on fire. He didn’t know.” Maglor bit his lip, the cracked skin broke under his teeth and he could taste his blood. “Then my father died and my brother was captured.”
He would never forgive himself for these years. The moment he became a king, the moment he dared take Maedhros’ place. He was broken, but in his head he thought he could do better. He would be a greater king than the great Feanor, he would be kinder than his father, more patient, he would listen rather than act...it was all rotten. His brothers barely listened to him and only when he agreed with them they did as they were told. His cousins did not want to hear about his rights and he sank. Every day was worse than the previous until Maitimo was back. Maglor did not cry when he left his wife and he did not cry when Amrod died, but that day, next to his brother’s sickbed he cried. Not of sadness, he was happy Maedhros was back, and he was happy the burden would be taken off him, but of shame. He had been too worried to be better than his father, he needed to prove he was a son of Feanor and better than the man, better than his brothers and he never even tried to save Maitimo. His brother bled and suffered and struggled and Maglor did nothing.
“My brother came back and did what I should have done. Took the crown off and gave it to someone who would wear it with pride.” years passed, friends and kin died, but it did not matter. He was with his family and his family, despite who they were and what they did was his family. Maedhros - proud and strong, with his ghostly nightmares haunting his own fortress. Celegorm, handsome and strong like any woman’s dream with the poison dripping off his heart. Caranthir, avoiding all of them, scheming away, Curufin, the copy of their father, his words and deeds making everything rot and despair and Amras, poor Amras who lost half of himself on these cursed ships.
“I had six brothers.” he continued talking, the human was looking at him with interest now. “They were great, cursed, but they were all I had. One by one they died. One in an accident, three as they were butchering our own kin, one trying to save our last hope and…”
He should have died. When Maedhros threw himself in the fire, he should have followed. He should have thrown himself in the sea and died there, but he could not. He was a coward.
“You are not a ghost.” the woman finally said.
“I am. A ghost of what I used to be, a ghost of what I was supposed to be. The ghost of my brothers’ memories and deeds, my father’s ambitions, my mother’s disappointment. I’m a ghost. But I also bleed.” Maglor licked his lips as if to illustrate his point.
In the morning Elean woke up, the elf was gone and she could see the light coming from the entrance of the cave. Her heart was heavy for that creature she found or more found her. He wasn’t a ghost, just a mad starved elf, living alone. She walked out trying to remember every stone, every dune so she can find her way back tomorrow. She would bring him food and maybe blankets.
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askthematsunovs · 3 years
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Osomatu Matsunov The eldest of the Matsunov Sextuplets, he is the self-proclaimed leader of his brothers and the current heir to the Matsunov castle. As a result he tends to act like he owns the place, albeit in a very lackadaisical way. Unlike some of his other brothers, he makes absolutely no effort to leave the confines of the castle to hunt or to look into vampiric powers. He playfully mentions things like “nobility having to work should be a crime” when in reality he’s just really lazy, a rather deadly trait for a vampire considering their constant need for fresh blood, regardless of social standing. He’s incredibly shameless but ultimately has a kind heart and wishes the best for his brothers in their search for vampiric powers and skills, becoming genuinely excited for them each time a new one is discovered. Osomatu’s unique vampire power is the ability to turn into a demonic, beastial Old World Vampire form, implying he has incredible potential as the only known vampires able to use an Old World form have been the leaders of the Vampire Consul, including famed former Vampire King, Dracula. It should be noted that while Karamatu also has a beastial form, his is not Old World based and is more closely related to lycanthropy.
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Karamatu Matsunov The second eldest of the Matsunov Sextuplets, Karamatu is not quite as boisterous or shameless as Osomatu but still has some un-vampirelike tendencies that make him almost equally useless. Despite not knowing anything about humans, he unwittingly plays into their stereotypes of vampires due to his histrionic and dramatic behavior, usually citing random prose and poetry in an effort to appear “sexy” or “cool” along with randomly posing and throwing basic French words into his everyday speech. He seems to know of the human culture portrayed in a few fairytales but, like his brothers, has absolutely no idea what real humans are like. Instead of learning about his vampire heritage as a child, he chose to read human stories, finding them much more fascinating, though seeing as really only a couple human-written books existed in the Matsunov library, he ended up reading the same couple of stories over and over again, thus making him believe humans were two-dimensional and simple. His mimicking (or rather his idea) of “human behavior” is apparent in his attempts to look at himself in a mirror despite having no reflection. Karamatu’s unique vampire power is the ability to shapeshift into a large, muscular werewolf form. It is not common for vampires to be able to shapeshift into wolves, but also not unheard of as a werewolf was one of Dracula’s many forms. Because of his connection to lycanthropy, Karamatu is able to commune with werewolves without them becoming hostile, like they would with most other vampires, their sworn enemies.
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Choromatu Matsunov The third eldest of the Matsunov Sextuplets, Choromatu appears to be the only brother concerned with actually looking into their vampire heritage and vampiric potential after their parents leave for the Capital, not wanting any of them to starve. He also tries to take his research on humans further than Karamatu, focusing on learning about their biology and abilities rather than only reading their lore or poetry. Of course, given the limited source material in the Matsunov library on humans, Choromatu usually just ends up looking like a fool, acting like he knows more about humans than the others when really his knowledge is just as limited. He also tends to be a hypocrite, confidently stating that humans are no more intelligent than cattle only to, mere hours later, grovel somewhat pathetically in the presence of an attractive human woman. He also claims that relying on thralls alone would be dishonorable and yet once he discovers his unique vampire power, relies almost entirely on thralls for blood. Even more damning is his eventual discovery and later fanatical obsession with human opera singers. Despite acting like he’s above the others in terms of honor, intelligence, and nobility, at heart, he’s a Matsunov and trying to pretend like he isn’t doesn’t do him much good. Still though, out of all the brothers, he does end up making the most discoveries regarding vampire powers and ultimately is the most knowledgeable about things like vampire culture, science and humans, even if it’s not by much more. Despite his insistence that a reliance on thralls is dishonorable, Choromatu’s unique vampire power is to create thralls en masse. Thralls are soulless husks of humans that can be used for feeding on, manual labor, and other mindless tasks.
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Ichimatu Matsunov The fourth eldest son of the Matsunov Sextuplets, Ichimatu is somewhat of a black sheep, even by vampire and Matsunov standards. Despite his gloomy and morose disposition, he’s actually the most harmless of the brothers and has much less of a desire to feed from humans. His lack of a desire to feed on human blood implies that he has a condition referred to by vampires as Şeptelbea (pronounced “Shep-tel-bee”), in which a vampire is able to maintain their vampiric powers through animal blood alone, usually livestock, at the cost of having general lethargy, sluggishness and overall tiredness. While he can drink human blood (and still does at times) and gain the same benefits a regular vampire would, he doesn’t care for the taste and he doesn’t care for how wired it makes him feel, suggesting that human blood to him is like a large amount of caffeine to a human, energizing him at first but causing him to completely crash, whereas animal blood seems to keep him more balanced. How Ichimatu became a Şeptelbea while his five identical brothers did not is unknown but suggests Şeptelbeaism occurs outside the womb and is not based in genetics or blood relation. Ironically, his favorite things are in fact animals, especially cats and bats. He prefers them much more to the company of both humans and vampires and isn’t much for conversation. In fact, he is the only Matsunov brother with a familiar, a little orange cat that is bound to him spiritually. The cat doesn’t need to be with him at all times though and unlike him is able to survive during the day. His disinterest in human blood also means that despite being seen as “cursed” or “afflicted” by other vampires (except his family of course), humans are much more accepting of him and thus, ironically, he has the easiest time out of all of his brothers speaking to humans without getting “weird about it” as he describes it. Not surprisingly, Ichimatu’s unique vampire power is the ability to command animals to do his bidding. He usually uses bats for this as they tend to be readily available in large groups already, but he wouldn’t mind having an army of cats either.
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Jyushimatu Matsunov The fifth eldest and second youngest son of the Matsunov Sextuplets, Jyushimatu is the wildcard of the family. He’s loud, wild, energetic, and seems to delight in confusing the hell out of other people. Deep down though, he really just wants to be able to make people he cares about laugh. Despite being a vampire, his disposition is sunny and cheerful, albeit silly. There really isn’t a way to explain why he does the things he does sometimes. For example, rather than opening the lid of his coffin when he wakes up, he just punches through it, requiring one of the other brothers to have to fix it every sunrise before he goes to bed. Out of all the brothers, he seems to be the most naturally attuned to his innate powers. He’s technically the first to show a vampire power through his super strength and eventually starts floating on his own, changing into a bat randomly, retracting and un-retracting his teeth repeatedly for fun, hanging upside down, etc. He seems to be the most excited to use his powers and is the one to use them the most, even in casual conversation. When is he going to turn into a bat? Who knows! When is he going to just start floating and hitting his head on the ceiling mid-conversation? Who knows! The brothers seem to be pretty used to his behavior though, not really commenting on it or seeing it as anything out of the ordinary for him. Jyushimatu’s unique vampire power is the ability to turn himself into sentient fog. This is especially useful when slipping through otherwise impossibly small cracks or crevices, re-materializing on the other side. He can also turn certain parts of his body to fog while still keeping the rest of his body physical. Although not unique to him, Jyushimatu floats around significantly more than the other Matsunovs and seems to prefer it to regular walking.
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Todomatu Matsunov The youngest of the Matsunov Sextuplets, Todomatsu is perhaps the least helpless of his brothers when it comes to behaving like a vampire. He’s well-mannered, polite, sociable, and charming, a stark contrast to the others. On the rare occasions that the brothers speak to other vampires, Todomatu is the one doing the most socializing. He doesn’t mind bending the truth to make himself appear more impressive than he actually is, sometimes lying about his kill counts or about how he’s been doing his own hunts for years. His charm can sometimes be a detriment though, as he often gets himself stuck in situations where he has to keep up a lie or facade. Like Osomatu, he’s not very interested in humans but, unlike Osomatu, is also smart enough to realize they’re a potential real threat and that they shouldn’t be underestimated. It takes him quite a while to get used to the idea of having to hunt his own prey after his parents take their trip. Despite his charm, he can also be quite spoiled and childish when he doesn’t get what he wants, expecting to be pampered as the youngest sibling. He’s an opportunist and often takes advantage of situations in a way that will benefit him most. He isn’t heartless though, and genuinely loves all of his brothers, wanting to help them succeed in attaining vampiric powers and skills. Todomatu’s unique vampire power is blood manipulation or bloodbending. He can psychically manipulate the bodies and blood of any creature, even once it’s outside the body. Though he doesn’t usually, this gives him the power to puppeteer living things and control their bodies, as well as the ability to stop peoples’ circulation and cause heart attacks without ever even touching a person. This arguably makes him one of the most dangerous members of the Matsunov family, but luckily, he doesn’t use his powers very often. For the most part, he’ll use it to levitate blood from across the room to his mouth so that he doesn’t have to get up.
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Grand Vampire Princess Ava The somewhat recently appointed ruler of vampirekind, she has yet to be officially coronated due to the Vampire Consul insisting she find a consort in a defensive measure after the tragic “Mortal Uprising” that resulted in the previous king’s death, with the logic being that two powerful vampires would be much harder to kill than one. She had already been chosen as Dracula’s successor shortly after she was born and was thus trained by both him and the Vampire Consul for most of her life, rarely getting to leave the Royal Castle or interact much with other vampires. Just as she came of age (for vampires), the “Mortal Uprising” occurred and resulted in the deaths of King Dracula and prominent members of the Vampire Consul, causing the remaining Vampire Consul members and vampirekind as a whole to go into a panic at the unexpected event. Without much time to plan or coordinate, Ava was quickly appointed as ruler in an attempt to avoid further panic among vampire society. Despite sitting on the throne, she has not been coronated yet and thus remains a princess with little actual power. The Vampire Consul currently takes care of all the political and legal affairs of the vampires and has done so for as long as Ava has reigned, about 50 years or so, which is of course considered very recent in vampire terms. Her current duty given to her by the consul is to find a consort among vampire nobility in order to be officially coronated and become queen.
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Emma Emma is a peasant girl who lived in the village by the Matsunov castle with her father, who was also her only living relative, until he mysteriously disappeared while on his way to do business in the Capital. The other villagers figured he was killed by the monsters in the forest and held a funeral for him. Sadly, she could not make enough money on her own to keep the house and ended up homeless as a result, becoming well known for doing odd jobs around the village in return for food or shelter. Villagers noted her failing health from her homelessness and suggested she try to become part of the local brothel like many of the other homeless and destitute women usually did. Scared she would have no other option, her luck turned around when she met Karamatu Matsunov after his inability to kill her. The two made a pact that in return for providing the Matsunovs with blood, they would give her food and shelter. She is the first live human that the Matsunovs have encountered and thus tasks herself with teaching them about humans and human culture due to their inexperience. She also inadvertently teaches the Matsunov brothers that humans are more than just “cattle,” and that they too have sentience and emotions. Since moving to Matsunov Castle, Emma takes care of the place during the day, as well as taking occasional visits to the village to buy supplies for both herself and the brothers. She’ll often return from her weekly visits to the village with human books and souvenirs for the brothers to help them in their quest to understand humans and human culture. So far she has been an incredibly helpful friend to the Matsunovs and in return she is treated with kindness and respect, even to the point of the brothers willing to go hungry if they find out her health is failing from blood loss. However, she must be kept a secret from other vampires as befriending humans is seen as strange and pathetic and goes against basic vampire traditions.
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Supernatural Diseases - Shifters
Note: Please message us if you plan on using these! We just want to coordinate to make sure there’s no doubling up at the same time.
Stuck Shift: For those who can shift at will, a stuck shift is when an individual is stuck between their two forms, which can be very painful and make it hard for the person to function. Generally resolves on its own with time, but there may be some lotions sold on Amity Road that can speed things up.
Chronic hairballs, obviously.
Apotheon: The balam suffers from the feeling that they are something divine that was broken into many pieces, and begins to exhibit deific delusions of grandeur and a sense of creeping loss. There isn’t a known cause to this condition, and it can be difficult for a balam to get out of this mindset. However, they can be shaken from it if something forces them to come to grips with their own mortality.
Toxoplasmosis magicii: A magical parasite much like the normal cat parasite, that is completely harmless to the jaguar form and can cause fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes while a balam is in human form. This results in an increased desire to stay in the jaguar form for longer and longer periods. Can be treated with selkie slime.
Fear Toxicity: Fear begins to be toxic to the bugbear, usually derived from not feeding enough. Over time, the bugbear will grow gradually sicker as they continue to feed, and eventually they will be completely unable to feed on fear, leading to inevitable starvation. In the short term, this causes their illusion powers to not function properly, and in the long term it is deadly. Fortunately, there’s an easy enough cure -- receiving a nightmare from a mara.
Scare-bies: Caused by small, supernatural mites that burrow under the skin. They’re extremely itchy, and after a time, will even cause patches of hair to fall out in a bugbear’s bear form, giving them a mangey appearance. These mites can impair a bugbear’s ability to cast illusions, making it difficult -- even impossible -- for them to feed properly. Over time this can lead to starvation and even death. Fortunately, scare-bies can be treated by special ointment made from mara blood and grounded up yeth hound tentacles. This smothers the mites until they crawl out of the skin. It’s important that every bit of infected skin is covered by the ointment otherwise the infection will spread once more.
Ursus Mane: More unpleasant and awkward than anything else, Ursus Mane is caused by a virus that affects hair growth. In bear form, afflicted bugbears are completely hairless, leaving their skin vulnerable to the elements and anyone who would do them harm. In human form, these unfortunate bugbears are covered in a thick coat of bear hair, resembling the most extreme cases of hypertrichosis. This can be treated with the use of supernatural steroids that gradually return the hair to its rightful form.
Elemental Shifting: The kitsune will shift elements uncontrollably and without warning. This is particularly problematic not only to the kitsune but to others. i.e. A river kitsune suddenly with thunder powers would not know how to use their powers. The exact cause of the condition is not known, but it’s likely highly magical, and will typically resolve itself over time -- hopefully before something disastrously wrong happens.
Kitsunebi: Part of the mythological association between kitsune and will-o-wisps may stem from this relatively harmless ailment, wherein a kitsune who uses their powers very liberally may have will-o-wisps gravitate to their location. The wisps do not harm the kitsune, but it makes it hard to move inconspicuously. Refraining from using their magic for an extended period will cause the will-o-wisps to drift away over time. 
Inari’s Void: The kitsune’s fox-shaped shadow takes on a “mind of its own” and begins attacking people in range, possibly even leading to peoples’ deaths. On some level, the shadow may be acting out the kitsune’s worst impulses. This seems to be brought on randomly in places with large amounts of spiritual or magical energy, especially if the energy is corrupted in some way. The effects linger even once the kitsune leaves the location, but they will dissipate on their own over time. 
Medusa Trichoptilosis: The lamia begins to grow snakes on their head. They don't harm the lamia but could prove a nuisance, such as trying to bite a passerby. This condition may cause some sensory overload to the lamia as they’re now able to see, hear, and smell from multiple locations on their head, which can be disorienting. The snake heads must be painfully chopped off, and after the lamia’s next shed, all will be well.
Dysecdysis/Stuck Shed: If a lamia is not well-fed or exposes themselves to poor environmental conditions, they may have a hard time shedding their skin. This can cause the old skin to painfully adhere to the new one underneath, which looks pretty awful and is very uncomfortable for the lamia. Over time this corrects itself, but sometimes the new skin becomes somewhat damaged in the process.
Clogged Venom Glands: If a lamia doesn’t use their venom for too long, it may harden and clog inside of the gland. This is painful, and causes swelling in the face and neck. While the glands are swollen they can’t use their venom, and they may need some magical assistance to gradually free the glands. 
Sensory Inversus: Caused by a parasite, Sensory Inversus makes the senses of the selkie become acute above ground, and dulled underwater. This results in increased light sensitivity, whiskers growing in human form, and overly sensitive hearing in human form. Additionally, this makes it dangerous for the selkie to be in seal form, because those senses are needed underwater. Specific potions made of mermaid fins can treat it.
The Skin Crawls: Selkies start experiencing an intense desire to wear someone else’s skin, usually not another selkie’s. It starts as a subconscious off-hand thought, then slowly grows over time until it's all encompassing. The feeling will go as soon as the selkie puts on someone else’s skin (...After carefully peeling it off their victim who will likely die). The other treatment would be using the skin from a well-formed mermaid.
“Donkeyskin”: Caused by a fungal infection that can get into the pelt if not cared for properly, making it fit weird, and causing the limbs to not all transform properly. This can feel strange in the water, and makes the selkie look a little like a mutant seal monster. While not necessarily painful, it is irritating and a little itchy when interacting with the selkie goo. The infection can be treated by soaking the skin in a bath made from warm water and selkie mucus for 15-24 hours. Should it be left untreated, the damage to the skin will be left irreversible. 
Witherwings: Sirens must be particularly careful about selecting their prey, otherwise they may face consequences. Many normal humans and other supernatural individuals can be carriers for Witherwings, which has no presenting symptoms in non-siren individuals. However, once a siren has consumed an individual with the virus, they will experience fever, itching, and discover that their feathers will begin to fall out. If not treated soon enough, a siren can permanently lose their feathers. Treatment for Witherwings include topical oils with bits of crushed phoenix feather.
Omnitone: A strange phenomena can occur where sirens lose the ability to control their mesmerizing musical abilities. Instead of being able to actively turn on their powers, sirens will find they are enthralling people with their speaking voice and those under their power are prone to dangerous levels of obsession. Drinking lemon tea mixed with eintykára honey is the common practice of getting rid of this affliction.
Mushmouth: (Teeth horror tw) Particularly messy eaters in the siren community should be aware of Mushmouth, a very annoying but minor disease of the mouth. Similar to cavities, too much accumulated iron will cause siren teeth to begin to rot and even fall out. A diet of only fae (as they don’t have iron blood) can allow them to avoid this condition. Mushmouth is easily avoided by regular flossing, brushing of teeth, and general dental hygiene. Once afflicted, sirens must refrain from eating flesh and rinse nightly with a brine made with mermaid scales.
WereFleas: While werewolves may not be prone to dog fleas (the jury is out on that one) they do have their own flea species to worry about. If this mutant kind of flea bites a werewolf, an uncontrollable itch occurs. The fleas will live in the fur (or hair) of an individual and reproduce there, worsening the problem. If left untreated, this causes numbness in the areas of the bites. Strangely enough, this can be treated with regular dog/flea removal.
Úlfhéðnar: A rare disease stemming from wolfsbane consumption, the werewolf begins to feel the wolf within overshadowing their humanity, often getting the feeling that their human shape is ‘false’ or some fake skin they are ‘wearing.’ Their senses sharpen beyond the werewolf norm but animalistic behaviors, sometimes violent ones, begin to increasingly creep into their human life, and the onset can be quite rapid. This can go all the way to losing the capacity to understand human language, and walking on all fours. One of the better treatments for this is to proactively re-engage with human life, almost pushing away the wolf side as much as possible. This can be dangerous if the violent behaviors are already an issue, and may result in the werewolf losing touch with their wolf side around the full moon.
Osteolupinus: (Chronic illness tw) Wolves get afflicted with a joint and bone disorder which makes turning more painful than usual, and can result in imperfect transformations -- for example, the skin and musculature changing but not the bones, or vice versa. Not only is this painful, but it can inhibit movement, and can be an issue in either direction of the transformation. Can be treated by eating the bones of a bonedoggle, zombie, or banaspati.
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