#having this in my memories is painful enough 😔
catastrxblues · 1 year
i’m actually so embarrassed GET HELP
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 5 months
Alrighty! @number-one-shadisper-shipper and I binged the Knuckles series today, so time for thoughts! SPOILER ALERT.
I'll admit the show wasn't perfect. I've seen the negative reviews, and I kinda get where they come from. BUT! I did enjoy this show greatly! And I'm not here to complain. Time for some happy thoughts, y'all! 💙🤩
I think you need to have a love, not just tolerance, for the SCU in order to properly enjoy this show. I do have such, so I had a lot of fun with it.
There were definitely scenes from every episode that had me either squealing, laughing, crying, or flipping out. But my favorite was likely the first episode, because come on, we saw the Wachowski family! Most of them, anyway! While I missed Tom's presence, I was grateful for that comment from Maddie about him being "out of town," so he wasn't just gone for no reason.
The SECOND it showed our three space babies hanging out together in their room?! I SCREAMED. THE BOYS!!!!
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Tails sitting on his bed tinkering with one of his gizmos, Sonic rocking out to music with an air guitar, and Knuckles exercising from one of the ceiling planks. IT'S THEM!!! They're just hanging out, doing their thing, looking oh so much like brothers. And Sonic's narration at the beginning was GOLD. 🤣💙
Even though we didn't get enough of Maddie being a parent, we definitely got a nice chunk for it only lasting part of an episode. Maddie called Knuckles "one of our kids" (that had me SCREECHING). The angry mama vibes were GOLDEN. 🤣 The way she made breakfast for them, the "Boys, breakfast is ready!" I love the normalcy of it! Can't wait to see more in the future! (Her calling to them with "boys" is somehow just the sweetest thing and I'm melting.)
The poor mailman being like "I just wanna go home, man" 🤣
We were right, fellas, Knuckles had no idea what being grounded meant. 🤣 Although the way Sonic piped up with "Oh, I definitely know what it means," has me suspecting that Sonic himself has gotten grounded a decent amount before. 😂
Knuckles trying to talk back, and Maddie going, "ExCUSE ME?!" then just making those tiny, terrifying noises and Sonic being like "Bro don't mess with Mom when she's mad" (okay, he didn't say "mom" and that made me sad, but the mom vibes were 110% there so I'm here for it). 😂 And since Knuckles snuck out and later Wade said, several times, "Aren't you grounded?" seems to confirm that this entire show is basically what Knuckles does when he's grounded. 🤣 Although ... his comment about not being able to be grounded because he had no home made me very sad. 😭
I did not have an issue with so much Wade screentime! Sure, he isn't my favorite SCU character, but I love what this show did with him! I'd already seen his moments in the movies (like nearly shooting Robotnik in the face with an actual handgun). I like how they gave him actual family issues; a dad who abandoned him and his family, a realistic sister, a mom. Bad family memories. Awkward reunions. They could've made it a joke, but they didn't, and I greatly appreciate that. Especially since I've witnessed firsthand how painful family separations can be. 😔
All the emotional talks Wade and Knuckles had caught me off guard in the best way! The way they talked about their different family issues, the way they talked of betrayal from friends, and being left alone, hit way harder than I was prepared for. Especially that talk they had at the burger place in the middle of the night? Oof. Good talk right there.
Also, even though they took a "show don't tell" take with it, I loved how Knuckles relaxed more and more throughout the show. In the beginning, he couldn't rest, he couldn't sit back and have a genuine good time. But the more he hung out with Wade and his family, the more he learned. He learned about music and found "his jam" (that was literally amazing btw). He watched movies with Mrs. Whipple and ate snacks in the hotel room in Reno and watched more movies. He had his teenager moments of rolling his eyes and rebelling, but he was so well portrayed here, I loved it. I felt for him.
Despite the bizarre nature of the episode "Flames of Disaster," (we were cracking up so hard) I'm trying to glean bits of the truth of Knuckles's story from the crazy musical play that Pachacamac put on in Wade's dream. I mean, "Longclaw" and her tribe were there, and ... what the heck was that giant demon thing?! Iblis?! Does our Knuckles Wachowski have an actual history with freaking Iblis?!?! 😱🔥
I was deeply intrigued by the two main antagonists, especially at the implication that G.U.N. did seem to exist before the events of the first movie?! Did it exist, get disbanded after the Maria incident, then get reformed?! My brain is exploding. 🤯 I was even more shocked that they apparently died? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, the Wachowski kids don't seem to have much qualms about getting rid of the baddies for good as the game versions do. That was a terrifying phenomenon, what happened with the two rings. 🫣
And then the Buyer getting crushed by the giant glass ball 👀
Although in those last two episodes, I admit I was freaking out and legitimately near tears at Wade's seemingly having to "betray" Knuckles. Before the reveal that all was in good communication, all I could think was how relaxed Knuckles finally seemed, chilling in the hotel room, being excited about whatever Wade wanted to "show" him, questioning whether it was a song, him declaring that he was going to bring his favorite hat, 🥹 all I could think was of their previous discussions about betrayal from friends and family, and when Knuckles called Wade "my friend" right before the elevator doors closed, I just about sobbed. I was like "please, don't let him be betrayed, don't let him have come all this way and relaxed so much only to get 'betrayed' once again by someone he's come to consider a friend." 😭 We heaved a HUGE sigh of relief when it revealed he was aware of the trap the whole time. 😪
Maternal instincts went nuts when he got so badly hurt in that final battle 😭 I literally reached for the screen several times and was right back to almost weeping 🥲 And someone tell me I wasn't the only one noticing the parallel in that scene with Wade standing in front of his unconscious body the way Tom did with Sonic in the first movie. That, PLUS Knuckles's epic comeback, and his retrieval of his own power?!?! EPIC!!!!
The ending was abrupt, sure, but the pure joy on Knuckles's face after everything as he jumped up to high five Wade was just too sweet. 🥹
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So yes, even though I would have loved just a little more, a return to Green Hills, a reunion with Maddie, Sonic, and Tails, I adored this show. It was a wild ride, full of laughs, tears, excited screeching, etc. 💙💛❤️ I don't care what anyone says, nothing will make me hate it.
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etoroma · 11 months
“You were losing me inch by inch when you were leaving me alone to meet the dawns”
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Jack Harlow x fem!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend became cold and distant, he just doesn’t see you anymore. How long can you last? Disclaimer: English is not my first language and lately I've started to forget it, so I decided to write stories to practice. I really love and respect your language so I apologize if I’ve made a lot of mistakes, I will try my best! Feel free to give feedback and correct mistakes A/N: it’s my first imagine hope it’s not that bad✊🏻😔 Warnings: language, angst, open ending Word count: 1986
“I’m positive that I’ve made the right decision, but not a day passes that I don’t wish I’ve made a different choice”. You were laying on a grass in your best friend’s backyard, your fingers and legs intertwined, eyes closed, wind was gently playing with your hair but the pleasure of such an intimate moment that you’ve missed for so long is overshadowed by past events. 
Y/bf/n moved in a different country and you never managed to find time to visit her, you were too immersed in your relationships, work and daily routine that the best you could do was calling her once a week. Now when you were finally together, you feel extremely guilty for showing up only because you’re a wreck but both of you are too mature to make a big deal out of it.
“He left you no choice, Y/N” she sighed and squeezed your hand “It wasn’t even a choice…I mean..” y/bf/n let go of you and rolled over on her belly to find you trying your best to hold the tears since crying was the only thing you’ve been doing for the entire time of your stay.
“He took your hand in his and promised you to walk this vicious world by your side but instead he walked you to a blind alley and left you there alone. He knew about every apprehension of yours, how scared you was to even think about the relationships, but still he did everything to make you believe that he’ll become your safe space, your home, your man that can be trusted, that will always be there for you… He put you in a fairytale just to make you look crazy for thinking they exist. He made you vulnerable, Y/N”. She gently caressed your face studying your emotions. “And you know what pisses me off even more? That you still think that all of this is your fault”.
“You know what pisses me off even more?” you finally found the guts to look into her eyes “That I still love him, y/bf/n”.
*two weeks earlier*
4 am.
You stood leaning to a kitchen counter draining a bottle of wine that soon was thrown to a garbage. You were skimming the living room. Each corner, each piece of furniture held so many memories of the time you and Jack were crazy in love. It used to warm your heart but now the sight of your shared home shredded it into million pieces. You even refused to drink from glasses he brought you from Czech a couple years ago just because you mentioned you always wanted glasses made of Czech crystal in your dream house. These glasses were a reminder of his attentiveness to the smallest details that made you happy, now they are clear evidence that he could do anything for you but he just doesn’t want to anymore.
What did you do wrong? What did you do to deserve this type of treatment? Was there anything you could do to prevent it? Aren’t you enough? When coming home from a studio and hovering you in kisses turned to a kiss on a cheek with a face expression like this action takes a year of life from him?
You were taken out of your thoughts by the sound of keys. Wow…Your man of the night found his way home.
Tired sight.
Kiss on a cheek.
Pain in your chest.
And your favorite part “I’m going to bed. Night”.
He didn’t even noticed that you’re fully dressed. Well, there’s a plenty things he didn’t pay attention to and tonight he’ll have to acknowledge all of them. His loving girlfriend will help him, right? Right.
“Jack” no response. “Jackman!” you raised your voice. It was the first time you called him like that but you needed him to listen.
“Y/N, if you wanna make a scene you’ve picked the wrong time” he simply sighed and kept going upstairs.
“That’s the only time I’ve got! Fucking 3 minutes in the am before you go to bed and disappear before I wake up!” You could feel your blood boiling in your veins, just a few moments and you’ll be ready to whistle like a soviet kettle. “Why are you wasting my time like that? You think that you are an alfa kind of a man who’s in charge and keeps everything under his control but in fact you’re a wuss with a lack of guts to say straight to my face that you don’t love me anymore or cheating on me or both. But you have enough courage to act like a dick!”
Now you captured his attention.
He turned around on his heels with an explicit anger written on his face “What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not cheating on you! Why are you always have to be such an attention seeker?” he rushed to you and only kitchen counter separated you both. 
“Attention seeker? For real? Since when wanting the bare minimum of a relationship makes me an attention seeker?”
“Since I working my ass off for BOTH of us and have more important things than …”
“Than being with me?” you interrupted him holding eye contact
“That’s not what I wanted to say.. Fuck can’t you show care and support at least for once or you’re gonna explode once you do?”
“WHEN?” at this moment you’ve lost it. Understanding that he doesn’t see any problem in his behavior hits you. You’re done. Enough holding everything inside and pretend that nothing’s going on. For all these 3 months, you tried to convince yourself that you’re overreacting, that it’s your traumas are talking. Every day and night that you spent by your own you told yourself that he’s trying his best, he’ll make it up to you, he sees the problem but just can’t fix things yet, but you were wrong, delusional to be exactly.
“I see you for a couple of minutes and not even every day. All of my texts left on read, you NEVER text me back. I find out that you’re fine from Urban! Every time I try to talk to you, to check on you, to figure the reason you just brush me off telling me you don’t want to have this conversation and I’m too clingy”
Jack opened his mouth to fight back but you raised your pointing finger in front of you to shut him. There goes the hardest part. You’re about to say something that was too painful to even acknowledge but you have to open his eyes.
“So I gave you space, Jack. I was away for a whole week” once you said it your anger was replaced by stone cold sight. It’s like you had to say it out loud more for yourself to realize than for him to understand
“I texted you about it but the message wasn’t sent. When saw it, I got curious when you would notice that I was gone” looking at his puzzled face you gave him an ironic smile “you didn’t. That’s how you care”
“Y/N..Baby..I” oh your boy begins to understand how your monologue will end but you haven’t finished yet so you shut him up again
“When I came back, I packed my things but I was still hoping we’ll work things out so I decided to divide my stuff into several parts and transport each one after every failed conversation with you, after every night you left me alone, after every “why don’t you stop fucking my brain out and just let me sleep”…so” you took a step back pushing the suitcase out from behind the kitchen counter “you can guess that that’s my last one”
Jack looked at you terrified catching the air in attempts to say something. He nervously spun around to find with his eyes at least something that belongs to you in the living room but it was all in vain.
“Y/N..Please..” he returned his gaze to you “listen..I’m so sorry. Let me fix this mess I’ve created, please” his voice begin to shake, eyes blinking fast to stop the tears. He finally woke up and grasped what kind of treatment he was giving to you all these months. The realization of what you about to do made him freeze on a spot. 
“Please give me the last chance, fight for us, baby please let’s talk things out” Panic began to slowly crawling towards him like a tsunami
“I gave you thousands chances. I was fighting for us alone for too long, it’s exhausting” you grab a suitcase handle walking to the front door “Now I’m tired and you’re the one who have picked the wrong time to make a scene”
“I don’t wanna lose you please let me make it up to you!” Jack ran outside after you watching you place your suitcase in a back of your car. You stopped for a second to look at him for the last time. Tears streaming down his cheeks, you could barely see in the dark but you could tell his face were bright red, lips shaking.
The sight of him made it even harder to leave, you wanted to kiss him so bad, you wished you could forgive him, hold him, believe him… but you remember how many nights you’ve spent in a state he is in now. You can’t let him do it to you again. You don’t trust him anymore.
“You haven’t figured it yet? You’ve already lost me. You were losing me inch by inch when you were leaving me alone to meet the dawns. It’s too late, Jackman” you got in the car just to find Jack knocking your window. You tried so hard to ignore him and focus but gave up and lowered the car window, which Jack immediately clung to
“Listen I know I’m an asshole. I fucked everything up, I was the worst boyfriend and I understand why you wanna leave, but I’ll change. I’ll do anything to make you trust me again, because I love you. I don’t see anyone else by my side, only you! Forgive me please, let me explain and fix this, I love you so bad it hurts” you squeezed the steering wheel holding your emotions and trying to think straight. You loved him still but the wound on your heart is still too fresh and deep for you to change your decision.
“Well…You have really weird ways to show it” and with this words you escaped from his life. 
He watched your car getting out of his sight and couldn’t believe that it wasn’t just a nightmare. Well, actually, it was. but he is living in it now. It was his personal hell that made him reliving this night over and over again. You’re gone. You’re not his woman anymore.
*present time*
“I know girl, it takes time, but I swear” Y/bf/n genially smiled at you playing with your hair “one month with your hot, EXTREEEEEMLY cool, UNBELIIIIEVABLY hilarious and adventurous friend and you won’t remember his name!” you were laughing for the first time in a while at your friend’s silliness when a doorbell caught your attention
“C'mon! I’ve already forgot it! Jake? Check?” Y/bf/n was so existed to see you smile that haven’t heard anything
“Firstly, Check is not even a name and secondly, are you expecting someone?”
“Aha, triplets. Don’t know who their dad is though it was a rough night” you laughed again and pushed her slightly
“Stop fucking with me, I heard the doorbell” You knew that it’s impossible. You blocked him everywhere and he didn’t know anything about y/bf/n, but something deep inside of you made you think it was him.
“Oh, it must be Mary, my neighbor, she’s an old lady and gets lonely sometimes so she comes to talk” y/bf/n stood up and headed to the front door “I’ll be quick”
__________________________ p.s i wanted to give this story an open ending for you to decide whether he found you or it was just a neighbor and your story is over. But now I'm thinking of doing part 2. What do you think? Should I? Do you forgive this cute asshole?
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inosukes-boar-mask · 4 months
Some cc female characters that I think that deserves so much better (in my opinion)
1. Zoe Kusama deserves so much better. I honestly don't understand why some people don't like her like that girl had been through a lot of difficult situations in her life and she literally just wants to help people. And not gonna lie, it's honestly very sad that her life ended that way. I did not care that much about her character at first when season 5 was still ongoing. But rewatching some of the cases where she's involved... It made me realize how tragic her life has been. Especially losing your memory and not remembering your lover (who has been looking for her for so long)
2. Amy Young. This girl deserves a better mother. She's just so sweet and I honestly felt so bad for her during white peaks arc. I don't remember the other details but yeah, it's really sad that she had to deal with her narcissistic mother.
3. Bernadine Rochester. Like this woman has been through a lot in her life just because ber family is so hungry for power. She wasn't even doing anything bad and she also just lose some family member that she cares a lot. (Especially Leopold and probably Archie of course) and I wouldn't be surprised if every single person in Concordia is still blaming her for all of the atrocities her family had done... Like that's just so sad. Imagine you didn't even do anything wrong and there are some people who would be blaming you blah blah blah (i yap a lot on this one now) and if I were her, I would have immediately cut off my ties with that filthy, morally corrupt family and completely disappear from them forever. And she also could've had her own revenge arc or a villain arc though.... That would've been so interesting.
4. Giulietta Capecchi. Do I even need to explain this one? 👀👀👀 Like this girl just lost the people she cares about. First her sister, then her dad, her boyfriend, and lastly, her mother who just went to jail. And speaking of Franca going to jail, it's also sickening that she tried to kill her only daughter just because she's in love with an Irish man... And in the capitol peak arc too 😔😔 i have no other words to say on this one. But I do really hope that she only served a short prison sentence on this one because she really didn't mean to kill a person and it was just an accident. (I know Jaubert's a bad guy but still) all of these stuff happened just at the age of 19. She doesn't deserve to suffer like that. A d everyone doesn't deserve to suffer like what Giu has been through.
5. Gladys Perrin. I'll make this short but yeah, her life was really cut short and she's just trying to make more money just so she could pay for her mom's medicine, hospital bills amd stuff... It's sad that she doesn't get that enough money from the barber shop so she has no choice but to return to her old job... Then poof she just got killed and she's just 19 when she died 😔 pain.
I think there are some more female characters that should be on this list but my memory's kinda shit rn and I still haven't rewatched some of the seasons fully so yeah, leave some in the comments of who you think deserves better in life.
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rey-jake-therapist · 2 months
Oh. My. God. This last episode was SO GOOD! If Disney doesn't renew I give up on this franchise, I swear. At last some really fresh ideas about the Jedi! (Sorry but The Last Jedi was never as new and controversial as its fanbase claims it was: the consensus at the end was the same as usual: Jedi good, Dark siders bad, no complexity whatsoever!)
Most of what I expected happened 🤩 spoilers episode 8 below.
I wanted Koril (Osha and Mae's other mother) to be the Stranger's former master, but it seemed more likely that it would be Jedi Master Vernestra. And he's TERRIFIED of her?! My man had no problems facing a crowd of armed Jedi alone in episode 5, but as soon as she arrived he put on his helmet back and went hiding like a little child afraid of being punished hard 😳 I can't forget that the scar he had was in his BACK.... Meaning she thought she killed him by attacking him from behind. Not very Jedi, not at all....
Of course we could think he betrayed her, but considering his stance on loyalty, I find it hard to believe. Loyalty is very important to him, we saw it at the way he reacted to Mae's betrayal. And now we know that whatever happened, Vernestra probably lied about it.
Because yes she's a freaking liar! Instead of admitting that her former padawan is still alive and taking pupils, she puts all the blame on this poor Sol. I guess it's karma because that's exactly what he did with Mae. How not agreeing with this senator, who pointed that leaving too much liberty to the Jedi could be dangerous? How do you trust people who lie every time they need to cover their track? Nice foreshadowing of Anakin's betrayal, too... Yes sir, one day a Jedi will go rogue and destroy everything.
Osha thought she saw Mae kill Sol, but she saw herself in fact... she just probably didn't believe it could be her! Neither did Qimir. If he wasn't in love before, he's already naming the babies as we think lmao Poor Sol though, I'll miss him. I suspected it would happen, but still... It was painful to watch, almost as much as seeing Ben Solo kill Han in The Force Awakens. Except here at last, Osha had a good reason to kill him, while in TFA it was only done for shock value :/ I know Sol expressed remorse but it was definitely not enough to get forgiveness. He should have told the truth the Osha, to the Council. He had it coming....
Mae losing her memories of Osha was such a heart wrenching moment. Especially when Mae couldn't finish the song... 😭 in my predictions I saw Mae turn, but I didn't see *that* coming.... Reminds me of Revan! The Stranger agrees to let her go while he was obsessed with killing her, just because Osha asked him to.... That's love 😍
And they really had Osha and Qimir riding together in the sunset. They really did it!! After all this time spent trying to ship Reylo but never really getting it because these idiots just kept fighting with no conversation, my soul is healed at last... You know, the scene where they take the ship and argue like an old couple? I wanted a scene like that for episode IX. Or anything that would have been a scene together with no fighting 😔
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littlestarconch · 5 months
Okay Xavier— Lumiere— I love you but—
I am going to choke you right now omfg,
I couldn't buy Aurum Pass, and then there's no confirmation about previous memories will have reruns.
And now I am here going to bawl my eyes out knowing very well I won't be able to get Xavier's memory pair. I guess I'll just have to rely on other people who's kind enough to upload the cutscenes in the memory 😩...
What a pain in the ass for being a f2p 😔💔
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kaondecay · 1 year
a couple little vol 7 thoughts featuring vashwood brainrot 😎✌️
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man this scene makes my brain itch on so many different levels lmao, like on the surface level wtf wolfwood!! we’ve just had all these chapters explicitly digging into how vash has a Problem where he tries to hide his pain under empty smiles- and in fact wolfwood clocked that about him pretty much instantly back when they first met! so of course badgering him about ~looking sad~ (especially when he started the page with a neutral to mildly glum expression) is just gonna make him try harder to cover it up, and that’s exactly what he does with that stupid little smile on the second page 😔
but wolfwood’s whole point here is that that shit isn’t gonna work on him no matter how hard vash tries! unfortunately wolfwood is also emotionally constipated as hell, so it comes out as aggression and teasing rather than anything genuine.
actually i just gotta revisit that earlier moment here because the contrast is just fascinating lmao
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like goddamn wolfwood really came in hot with the sincerity in that first meeting, how did we go from that to this?? was it just because they were strangers then, and wolfwood thought he could get away with saying shit like that because their paths might never cross again? this was also before ww got his assignment from Knives- did he not know this was the boss’s brother? he probably didn’t realize the twins’ inhumanity at that point either… he’s had a lot to grapple with over the course of this assignment, both re: the twins’ apocalyptic power, and the fact that he has to betray vash at the end of it, that would naturally create a need for emotional distance. allowing honesty and attachment with vash puts too much at risk.
so really, given that very high-stakes need for distance, it’s telling that wolfwood still can’t help expressing his awareness of vash’s suffering & investment in cheering him up, even if it comes out in such a ridiculous way lol
it also seems like a clumsy/oblique way of trying to reassure vash that he’s still a person? vash’s inhuman nature has come more to the forefront lately- losing control in the dragon’s nest, regaining the memory of all the death he caused in july, catching that bullet with a feather only for the whole town to turn against him for it- and it’s clearly been weighing on him. so wolfwood acknowledges that angle by calling him all those awful things- “the legendary devil gunman, the humanoid typhoon”- but immediately discredits them by pointing out vash’s softheartedness.
idk i also have one more little bit of brainrot about the moment they share leaving the bar, acknowledging that things are about to get serious with Knives
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like goddamn there’s so much meaning packed into that exchange!! it’s the closest they really come to acknowledging their whole “you know i know you know” deal around wolfwood’s assignment. (hah, “i told you from the start…”, fuck. ) like, openly telling vash that knives sent him would break the plausible deniability that wolfwood is simply fulfilling his mission, and that would put the orphanage in danger. at the same time, he has been 0% subtle and never actually *lied* to vash about it either- the few times vash has asked direct questions, wolfwood has given him vague answers or conspicuous silence and allowed him to draw his own conclusions.
so this seems like their weird twisty way of setting mutual expectations for what’s going to happen next. wolfwood is vash’s “guide”, no more and no less- he has enough insider information to bring vash safely to his brother’s door, but past that point wolfwood will stay out of the confrontation. it’s the one thing wolfwood and both brothers all agree is best, whether they like it or not. god wolfwood’s face in that last panel kills me
i am absolutely normal about this
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grimm909 · 2 years
Deep In The Sea - Part 2
Hello! It's been a while since the last time and I apologize for the delay in posting this second part. Let's say that the biggest problem itself was related to the translation done, but I found a wonderful person who helped me with the proofreading. Well, in case you didn't already know, English is not my native language ;) 
Regarding the comments and reblogs, you don't know HOW happy and moved I was with them. I'm not lying, all of you who commented and liked the post, I am extremely grateful for the affection. Thank you so much, really 💖💖💖 
Also, I beg a thousand pardons for not answering some, I just couldn't and I have no idea why 😔 
Without further ado, I wish you a happy reading~
WARNINGS: female gender reader, violence, yandere, obsession, non-consensual, mind break, horror, drama, mutilation, mention of pregnancy.
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Something was wrong. The feel of sand in his fingers was unfamiliar. The icy environment and the sound of running water also felt strange. You searched in the back of your mind for some resemblance, but it didn't look like any place you'd ever been before, and it certainly wasn't a dream—or nightmare.
Where were you? Perhaps you were already dead by then. Your soul plunged into darkness—surrounded by frightening, crooked shadows; capable of driving even an emotionally stable person insane—and carved into the walls, while your carcass was served as the delight of the odious insects; crawling and carnivorous pests, holders of the contempt of others. 
No. You were wrong. As weak or fast as it was, your heartbeat was still intact. And the aggressive cold made you shiver horribly, almost like a warning that it was time to wake up.
Wake up. Now.
It was then that you forced yourself to open your eyes after a few seconds of unconsciousness, still kind of confused and goofy about who you were or where exactly you were. Wearily, you lifted part of your body to sit on the sand, then let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed your temples to relieve that infernal headache.
When your eyes got used to the darkness, you realized you were in an underground cavern. Something that caught your immediate attention were the many objects - various types, from broken toys to small household items - rusted, broken or already quite worn out by time, scattered on the sand, on top of the rocks and floating in the water.
The bed of sand you were on was the only clean part of these objects, although that didn't mean anything to you.
After the stars above your head were gone, you were quite aware of who you were. However, you still needed to search your mind for memories of how had gotten there. As far as you could remember, until recently you were on the speedboat with your colleague and then you took turns swimming with him. You donned your wetsuit and jumped into the water, this time being careful not to go too deep and run into it. 
That creature…
Fragments of memories swirled around your head, like a roll of photos being developed in a light sequence, but in a blurry way and not as clear as you would wish. However, with enough information for you to form an idea of ​​what had happened, causing the blood to instantly drain from your face and leave you with a terrified expression. 
The sea. The merman. You remember swimming calmly, until you felt a familiar tail snake around your body and squeeze it so that you couldn't move, let alone breathe through the oxygen tube! You tried in vain to struggle and struggle, but couldn't even reach the knife, for your arms were firmly attached to your own body. Afterwards, everything just got too dark after feeling an intense pain in your nape. 
It had hit you! That monster brought you to this place! 
All of a sudden you got to your feet and finally realized that your scuba gear wasn't with you. Nothing. What was left was just the wetsuit on your body. You tried not to panic at that fact and decided that there might be some way out there, but no matter where you looked, it was all rock, water, and beds of sand.
There was no dirt road you could run onto. And the surface of the water was clear enough that you could tell there was nothing down there but a great, frightening blackness that got worse the deeper you went. 
You started calling for some living soul, even though you were afraid that your screams and the echo of the cave would attract more unwanted creatures, but the fear of ending up getting trapped and dying of hunger outweighed this one. 
"Is anyone there? Please help!" 
Your voice became superficially weepy and more shaky. However, your mental state took a turn for the worse when there was no response other than the echo of your own voice.
You raised your voice as high as you could, as a result of this action feeling stings of pain in your throat, but not caring about that fact when your biggest concern was getting home. 
Hopefully, you waited for an answer, but none came. In self-consolation, you crossed your arms under your breasts and started shaking with fear and anxiety, wishing this was nothing more than a bad dream. Perhaps, if you closed your eyes tightly and then opened them, you would wake up in your bed. Of course, uselessly you did it, but only to realize that it was more real than you'd like to admit. 
"Oh my, you don't look good." 
When the ruinous thoughts aspire more and more to take over your mind, hope arises through a serene and masculine voice that suddenly resonates behind you, making in less than two seconds you turn 180° degrees to see your clear savior. In the first instance, you don't see anyone and for a moment you think that whispering in the dark was a sure step to madness. Had your sanity deserted your mind in such a short time?
"Really, I apologize for the mess. Usually this place is more... tidy."
Unfortunately, your expectations of being rescued by a brave man are horribly shattered when your ears guide you to where the voice came from. And your eyes hovered over the water, meeting the same humanoid creature that had kidnapped you.
It sure would be better if it was just madness on your part.
A horrified scream comes out of your mouth and you end up losing your balance in the sudden surprise of seeing him again, falling on your butt to the ground. You hear what sounds like a low chuckle from that abomination. 
Holy shit, it could talk. 
You found this discover much more terrifying, even though you don't know why. However, you didn't care about this fact after the newt started to approach the bed of sand where you were, only stopping swimming when its arms sought support on land. 
"Stay away from me!" Upon realizing the imminent danger, you suddenly rose from where you were and roared in fury. You ran away, but the distance on that sandy path wasn't far, so you soon found yourself cornered by a wall of rocks.
"Fufufu, where are you going? There's nowhere to run." Of course, you knew you had nowhere to run. But either way, you didn't like the creature's comment at all. People —or beasts — of unusual moods had the darkest thoughts; they interfered with the business of satan. That merman should not be different from a madman in a straitjacket, the only notable difference between both was that a madman in a straitjacket was less dangerous than a stranger, in the dark, using joking words to psychologically play with you.
You could jump into the water, but how stupid would you be to do that, when the predator crawling right behind you was an aquatic creature? It would catch you before you had a chance to swim two meters. Land or water, which do you consider less dangerous?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Turning around to see him, you broke into a cold sweat when you heard that monster was dangerously even closer and was crawling over the ground towards you with the help of its arms, not seeming to have the slightest difficulty in supporting all its body weight on them. The scene before you was faithful to a horror movie.
However, what left you most apprehensive was the manic smile and the burning eyes of that monster, loaded with secrets and something else that you, unfortunately, could not decipher. Or, simply, you couldn't find your own thoughts and words to describe it. And the more time you lost in analyzing the sickly dancing flames present in that strange merman's eyes, the more discomfort grew in your own heart.
You quickly rummaged through your uniform pockets to find the switchblade, but it was nowhere to be seen. The merman had certainly taken care of removing that object from your clothes before you woke up.
Speaking of the Devil, it stopped moving and sat in the sand just two meters away from you. Apparently, it didn't have much trouble staying out of the water, unlike a fish that would be floundering by this point. Your bad luck, certainly.
"I hope you don't get upset." Get upset about being suffocated, hit on the head and then kidnapped? Of course not! At that very moment you were on cloud nine, instead of nearly having a heart attack from sheer anxiety and fear. "But I had to throw away your…toy." It pondered for a few moments, apparently not knowing the right word for the object that until a few moments ago you were looking for, choosing to call it that way. "Just to avoid unnecessary situations, you understand?"
What a son of a bitch.
"Where's my equipment!?" You completely ignored its lame explanations and suddenly exploded. "I can't go back without them!"
"My my, where are the good manners?" Avoiding the question, he was surprised by your sudden reaction as it raised its eyebrows. However, it soon returned to smiling a little. "Now that I think about it, we didn't introduce ourselves the first time."
Of course, after all you were almost drowning and it almost killed you. 
"My name is Jade." He presented himself in a courteous manner and placed his left hand on his chest. Soon, the monster's heterochromatic eyes stared at you deeply, waiting your turn. 
But the truth is, you couldn't give a fuck about that piece of shit's name and you didn't want to say yours to him. What would you get out of it? Nothing. He also had no right to know who you were! For that reason, you decided that silence would be your best answer. 
But seeming to sense his resilience, the merman suggested: "Well, how about this: you tell me your name and I'll tell you where your equipment is."
It was a tempting proposition, but you weren't sure this Jade guy would be able to deliver. Well, what else do you have to lose at this point, right?
"My name is…" You pondered for a few moments, until you completed the sentence revealing who you were. When you did, the merman's eyes narrowed and took on a strange glow. "Now where are my things?" You tried to ignore your own fear and asked so threateningly that it even surprised you, almost as if he was the victim and you were the kidnapper.
"Into the deepest, darkest ocean." Giving you the answer you wanted — but not the one you wanted to hear — a sadistic, bared-toothed grin momentarily takes over his lips, especially when Jade was the only one watching all your hopes go down the drain. "I'm really sorry if they were important to you." The monster said painfully, quickly obscuring his smile by a sad frown of drooping eyebrows, as if he wasn't the cause of your affliction himself.
Oh, god. Why have you waited for a miracle?
You tried to think of a solution, to end that insane little game of cat and mouse — where you were obviously the mouse. But your mind wasn't quick enough to come up with a plan, when your feet were suddenly wrapped around and pulled by the merman's tail, so fast that you weren't even able to try to kick him. You couldn't fight gravity and you once again landed on your ass, barely able to process the fall as your body was quickly dragged down to where he was. You were nothing more than prey now: just frail and helpless, not even having claws or teeth to defend yourself with, much unlike the monster that now loomed above you.
"No! Away!" Afraid of being devoured, you use your arms and the other untangled leg to try to pull him away from you. You thought that if becoming fish food was a cruel possibility, you would at least make sure to make his feast as stressful as possible.
"Oya! Now don't be so reckless honey, you might end up getting hurt." It was quite noticeable that he was enjoying your futile resistance, but making it clear that he would not ignore such behavior on your part, he grips your wrists with extreme hostility, so as to match his following words: "And I would be frustrated to break you so early." His momentarily serious - as well as obviously threatening - tone of voice implied that you should be a good girl to him and stop fighting.
A horrified scream leaves your lips as much for the merman's phrase as for his words to have taken a literal meaning when you feel the flesh of your fist being pierced by the monster's nails even through the latex fabric, this action caused a few drops blood flowed down your arm. That new injury just becomes the fuel for you to thrash about even more frantically than before, resembling a big fish out of water — how ironic, considering the fish over there wasn't you. 
Tired of the resistance, Jade unwinds the tail of your leg only to snake it back together with a grip unable to make you move, immobilizing your lower half completely. Your hands were already placed above your head, he could hold them with just one hand through your wrists. Now, you were like a big fish caught in a net.
"What do you want from me!?" You asked in complete hysteria, tears glistening in your eyes and about to fall. "I saved you! How can you be so cruel!?" You accused him, the purest and most genuine regret crossing your heart, this being the sure trigger to finally make you shed those proud tears for that ungrateful injustice. 
However, there was no right or wrong, much less fair or unfair, in your attitude of risking your own life to help a defenseless animal - in this case, a merman. For in the eyes of others, compassion for a living being could be said to be too stupid or too kind. 
Maybe it could be both at the same time. 
"Cruel? I really don't understand your words." Jade smiled, ignoring your tears as if they weren't there and playing dumb. "Since I never needed being saved." His calm tone turned into a mocking statement. 
"H-what do you mean?" You asked in a choked voice. "But what about the screams, the strings on your wrist?" A confused look took over your tearful expression, searching for answers.
"That?" He pondered for a moment, similar to a teacher trying to find the right words to answer his student's question. "Oh yes, I admit I was stuck, but that was purely a bad joke on my brother's part." He explained smiling. 
"B-Brother?" You stuttered. He answered your question, but in the least likely way you'd worked the out in a short period of time in that plum brain of yours. And knowing this information served only to make you more terrified, when you imagined that there was more than one monster just like him. And, by the looks of it, as crazy as Jade to the point of tying his own brother to the fucking bottom of the sea as a fucking joke.
"Yes. Even beings like us have blood ties, you know?" Even though there was a subtle sneer in his words, he didn't stop smiling for a single instant. "And I'm sure he'll love meeting you too." 
Oh, lord, no. One was too much, two would break you completely.
"Sooner or later, I knew he was going to come and let me go. But I waited so long that I started calling him, even though it attracted other predators." Jade sighed tiredly, as if her brother's deadly pranks were frequent. "But instead, it ended up attracting a cute and curious little thing like you~" He hummed, his lips curling into an even wider, toothy, particularly creepy smile. If that wasn't enough, he even had the audacity to bring his free hand to your wet cheek to squeeze it affectionately, as if you were a child or a pet, exactly as his words suggested.
“Are you kidding…" You couldn't help but gulp. "So you never needed rescuing?" Even though the answer was already obvious by this point in the contest, you couldn't help but question him once more. 
Closing his eyes, the merman returned a tight-lipped smile and answered your silly question as an act of solidarity. "Never." Simply stated. 
Oh, no.
That single word from Jade's dark lips spread like a bitter virus in her heart. Your tears started again and you sobbed as you realized the cruel truth behind his words; you had dug your own grave, for nothing. If you had simply ignored the screams, none of this would be happening to you right now. And that made you imagine that, at this very moment, you would be at home and not in the hands of a predatory mythological creature. 
Curiosity really killed the cat, didn't it?
"But when I look back, I'm glad you came to me." He declared, still stroking your cheek and in doing so wiping some of your tears away. Action that you were violently repudiating in your core. "You weren't afraid and made the decision to release me, even though you knew it could be dangerous." You felt his tail move between her legs, visibly loosening it a little to make her more comfortable. This would be a good chance to attempt an escape, that is, if you still had any physical strength left, as your mental strength was already depleted at that point. "I took to observe you after that day. To take care of you." Of course, after all you had become his favorite prey. And a predator like him wouldn't have the luxury of letting any potential threat get close to you. "At first, it was just a morbid curiosity, but I came to admire you and how brave you were to go back to the ocean every day, after all the past events." Something you now regretted, it's worth emphasize. "Although, I must admit, your teary, full of dread eyes are as beautiful as the moon illuminating the sea." The most frightening thing between his smile and his words were his heterochromatic eyes. They looked insane and deranged, as if they glimpsed a divinity he alone had the right to possess and break. "That's when I decided: I wanted you." Jade declared, sickly in love with your person. And you trembled for it. "I really regret the unpleasant way we met." The merman returned to feign sadness, this time using a voice full of melancholy. "I recognize that I should have been kinder, but there really are evils that come for our good, right?" His wistful tone was gone as quickly as it came and he smiled, ending this deranged declaration of love with a chaste kiss on your forehead.
"Please..." You beg in a fearful whisper, as if you hadn't heard anything Jade had said. Well, how could your to react that confession so perturbe, when it only made you sure how much he wanted something he had no right to have. "Let me go." You gave him your best desolate and pleading look, hoping some feeling like empathy would well up in that monstrous heart.
But that didn't even come close to happening. 
He just ignored you words, as if they had never been spoken. And the certainty that no sign of empathy would well up in the merman's heart, came when he grabbed the latex tissue at the you bust area, dug his nails into the fabric and yanked it quickly to the side, tearing a third of its only protection against humidity and the cold of that place.
"NO!" You screamed, again struggling to get out from under him, while your teary eyes witnessed a horrible scene of your clothing being continually torn apart in the breasts, arms and neck. Baring you to the waist with impeccable calm, he hummed softly, resembling a person who was just performing some trivial action and not an attempt at sexual violence. And after shredding half the latex fabric, he rests his palm on your flat stomach, admiring the texture and color you had.
"What beautiful skin. It's so soft and nice to squeeze." Jade praised you, truly enchanted as she slid her fingers all over her abdominal region, sometimes pinching or caressing at other times. "I wonder how delicate it can be." His tone of voice became somber and Jade's heterochromatic eyes regained a voracious and malevolent glow. The merman stared at a specific part of his body, which he immediately chose to resolve his own doubt.
"What are you-!! AAHHHH!!"
You really were a poor thing, weren't you? For you had scarcely managed to form a sentence when the flesh of his shoulder was viciously pierced by the creature's clenched teeth. Blood flowed quickly from the freshly opened wound and a few drops slithered onto your torso, letting Jade taste the crimson liquid while still having her jaw pressed tightly against your flesh, which could easily be torn off if he decided he wanted to eat a little piece of you.
"AAAHH! IT HURTS! STOP!" You screamed, crying, truly in agony with the horrible pain felt in your shoulder. You swore you never felt as much pain as you were feeling now.
"Oh, sorry. Was that painful?" The merman backs away from the abused shoulder, smiling as he cynically asks the obvious. His bared teeth, smeared red, certainly was a believable sight of hell.
He will kill me. 
He will kill me. 
He's going to kill me! 
"I promise I'll make you feel better soon, dear."
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I know this was supposed to be the last part, but it was terribly long and I had to cut it. But don't worry, the next chapter will truly be the last and full of smut.
Thanks for reading this far~💙
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immortalbutterflycos · 6 months
hi!! 5 and 21 for regulus please <3
Aye Yooo!! (Thank you~)
Those are really good ones too!
5- I actually have a few songs that come to mind for Regulus because I am low-key (high-key) obsessed with making playlists for my various WIPs. So here's just my top 5 (because I have to limit myself here...) and why:
Regulus - ONEWE First of all, the title obviously XD. But aside from that, it's so pretty too! and I looked up the English translation and there's this one line that kills me,
"I'm withering, but you don't be withering Remember me even when I'm gone, yeah, just a little selfishly This star is precious a living and breathing memory Even if it's far away from the earth"
2. Reckless Driving - Lizzy McAlpine & Ben Kessler The StarChaser vibes are simply immaculate in this song.
3. Lonely Star - Oh Wonder Honestly, this one kind of speaks for itself (ToT) 4. Hymne a l'amour - Edith Piaf What can I say? Solmussa's Only the Brave rewired my brain. I listen to this song all the time.
5. Stay - Phemiec This one also have fantastic Starchaser vibes and honestly Phemiec's songs from this album are all in my playlist for The Art of Running for Our Lives. The lyrics, "She made it okay to not be okay. She made me believe that someone would, that someone could Stay" just really hit hardest with a pleasant mix of Black Brothers angst and StarChaser <3 21- I think that my favorite thing to do while writing Regulus is to give him some sort of obsession with the stars.
I know it's kind of a cliche answer, but I'm also the type of person who will step out of the house at 3 am to just look at the sky for a second and exist in that space for a little bit. I love the stars so much and my biggest dream is to go to one of those Dark Sky Conservatories and my goal is to project that onto Regulus and Sirius in anyway possible. <3
I also love writing him to be happy. I put this man through absolute hell because the more they hurt, the better the comfort. (and since I'm a slut for happy endings and hurt/comfort, it just makes all the pain so much more worth it! My least favorite thing..? I'm not gonna lie, I actually really love writing Regulus. I find it a lot easier to write from the perspective of a character with a lot of emotional depth and trauma than anything else. Oddly enough, because of this, I actually struggle a bit more with writing James.
I guess if you'd like another answer, it would be smut. Not because I don't like it, but because the last time I wrote a full smut scene was on Wattpad when I was in high school. Which I graduated from in 2016. 😂 (The worst part is that it still exists on the internet forever. 😔)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi bro may I request something similar with the "mind-controlled" Yanqing...an alt ending where reader ends up dead. I'm a sucker for angst 😔
A/N: This request lowkey took me off guard and made me laugh a little, because I love how it went from a cute little hurt/comfort fic to "Yeah nah, just kill the reader off actually". Poor Yanqing honestly lmao-
Content: Reader dies, hurt/no comfort, mind control, heavy angst, Mentions of lethal injury, mentions of blood, yeah just agony lol
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Yanqing didn't know what happened. His mind was fuzzy and scrambled, his memories of what happened earlier foggy. He opened his eyes and shook his head with a hiss, your name weakly leaving his lips instinctively, which earned him a soft, weak whisper of his. Yanqing's mind cleared then, his eyes looking around for Kafka, yet not spotting her anywhere.
"Where did she go...?" "She left a moment ago... I'm glad you've finally snapped out of it. I was worried about you-"
You coughed heavily, your sentence cutting off, which caught his attention instantly. He looked at you, his heart dropping in terror at the sight. Then he noticed his bloodied sword in your chest, your hands weakly gripping it in pain. But your eyes stayed on him, free from any anger or contempt. Had he done this? It hit him then, that Kafka had used her abilities on him. He has hurt you.
He stumbled to your side, his hand grabbing onto the sword in panic, as tears welled up in his eyes. He felt horrible, his heart shattering. This was his fault. He wasn't careful enough. He swore to protect you and yet was the one to now cause your demise. And the worst part was, that there was nothing he could do. You knew it. He knew it. And he hated it. He hated himself.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry-!" "-It's okay. I'm happy you're here with me."
You gave him a weak smile, one that usually would comfort him. But in this moment, he was absolutely inconsolable. Your blood drenched through his clothes, spilled over his hands from your wound and your breathing was becoming weak. There was no way out of this. It was over.
Your hand reached out, gently tucking his long hair behind his ear. You wanted him to be the last thing you saw. You'd find him in another life. You knew you would. And he'd wait for you patiently, he swore it. But in this moment, Yanqing realised he didn't want to wait. He wanted you here with him now. But the light was fading from your eyes, your breathing stuttering to a halt as you whispered your last words to him. He nearly didn't catch them over his own heavy, panicked breathing.
"It's not your fault... I'll see you again one day, I promise."
Your hand slipped off his face, leaving behind your warm red blood across his cheek, as you last breath left your lungs. You stared through him, up at the bright, sunny skies. A smile was etched into your features, but it was dull and cold, the warmth having left alongside the light in your eyes.
Yanqing just sat there for a moment, all alone, as he stared in silent horror. The silence was deafening, until it was filled with his own heartbreaking sobs, as he collapsed over your lifeless body.
Unheard apologies filling the air.
A/N: So uh, I hope this was alright! I'm not sure if it's sad enough, but oh well, I did my best. Thank you for the request btw!<33
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The fate of my self inserts clan is pretty obvious, I won't hide it since it is a big part of her story arcs and is revealed pretty much soon after a mission with the Ghost crew ~ but this little snip of my self insert comforting Sabine after the Purge is self-explanatory 💔 I truly wonder how Sabine dealt with the aftermath, first losing her clan and then having Ahsoka practically leave her (not the abandonment issues again 😭) or have a fallout argument,,, like ahhh 🥲
I pray Dave Filoni gives us more info into Season 2; it's giving whatever anguish and pain Susan Pevensie dealt with after what occurs in The Last Battle*CHOKES*
My self insert dearly loves both Sabine and Ezra; I have a lot of background buildup that plays into Dany and Sabine's relationship to each other and its wild and angsty during SWR ~ But its all goodie 🥺 they develop a beautiful relationship after the fact as shown by the doodles above ;;w;; Just a silly pair of lasses that miss their blueberry 🫐 and now have even more similar losses, one that Dany never wanted Sabine to ever experience... 😔💔
Sabine’s appearance here resembles closely to her appearance in the SWR season 4 epilogue.
Tiny snippet of Alphita writing under read ;;w;; excuse my would be attempt to write for Sabine 💜:
After the Purge of Mandalore and Ahsoka and Sabine go their separate ways.
Dany (along with her mate/partner) immediately goes to check on Sabine, finding her alone and a disheveled mess in the old comms tower she's made her second home on Lothal. The young woman was curled up in a fetal position looking smaller, vulnerable than Dany's ever seen her in.
Sabine sits unresponsive and completely shut down, even as the petite woman knelt before her attempting to coax anything out of her. But even she knew nothing she could say would be enough to comfort the emptiness now in her heart from this painful loss.
In an instant her large Lyca-nortic form appeared, walking around Sabine, until she laid herself behind the young Mandalorian woman. Curling her body to wrap around her like a warm embrace, her fluffy tail wrapping around her like a blanket.
A shaky gasp leaves her before Dany soon felt Sabine collapse her weight onto her side and into the fluff of her mane. A deep rumbling sound leaves her in comfort, listening as her friend practically trembled, clutching her fur tightly as she struggled to keep herself from crying; or perhaps scream and curse in anguish.
“Did…did it hurt… This much for you?” Sabine rasps out after sometime, her hands clutching tightly onto the fluff of her mane, before feeling her grimace slightly. A muffled apology leaves into fur, her hands releasing from their tight hold, flexing her hands between a fist and open palm.
Dany gave a low whine from her mawl, her ears flattening against her head and mane as she thought of the fate that fell on her clan, her family, long ago. The ache in her heart returned in a familiar sting at the reminder of it, especially after recent events. 
Despite the ache of old memories, the large Lyca-nortic wolf shifted her head slightly, curling closer to her dear broken-hearted friend, “Pain… all same..” She rumbled out, her long, fluffy tail curling into Sabine’s lap as the young woman choked a muffled sob.
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kincalling · 3 months
hookay this is gonna be a major longshot but I'm calling in as a non-canon overwatch kin/link(?).
Buckle in cuz there's a lot to go over. My name was Camryn Xenakis. Age 33 in source (bodily 19 so keep it in mind if it bugs you, I'll interact w anyone tho tbh). Hailing from Ilios, Greece, uhh. This is hard lol. He/it trans guy, mentally ill and it showed ksjdkdkd.
I'll go over what I know Talon knew about me. Child engineering prodigy, I won a lot of awards in middle and high school (I lived in America for most of my life, moved here when I was like...four or five? Young enough to acclimate, old enough to feel homesick for Ilios), and I eventually got funding for my medical research into aiding disabled people with my tech. There were news articles about me and shit it's crazy to think about. Had a workshop garage thing and everything.
Until I didnt. Long story short I did a lot of activism for disability rights and pissed off some powerful people. Got my workshop burned down with me inside- I made it out alive, but I was deemed legally dead and had to go into hiding from said powerful people. Basically lost everything I had lmaoooo. Hence how I ended up with Talon.
By current timeline standards I've only been with Talon for a few years, three or four. I'm the resident hermit engineer, I augment weapons and do repairs as well. I spoke both Greek and English, as well as snippets of the languages I heard around Talon just by exposure lol.
Appearance wise I'm a short little fella, maybe 5' 3". Bleach blonde mullet with shaved sides, I'm a natural brunette though and my roots always showed so fast after I rebleached 😔. I had a lot of freckles, and I usually hung around in shitty tourist shirts bc they're fun and comfy. I had some tattoos too, but I'm struggling to remember what they looked like. Uhh. Hm. I was a glasses wearer is that important.
I also wore an exosuit type frame on my lower half most of the time. Disability L, my leg joints were weak and I was in pain often, so they took the weight off and helped me stay mobile. I used a wheelchair sometimes, and crutches when I couldn't use either.
On missions I had a fullbody suit, but I tried not to get caught in 1v1 unless I had to since I was support over fighting. But I have a mean right hook and I do know some martial arts for when I'm in a pinch. My codename was Riot Mekanism, which was also my online forums username back in my youth.
I've already got my Sombra in our system, and likely my Gabe too (tho I wouldn't mind just chatting w other Soms and Gabe's anyways) but anyone else is very welcome, especially from Talon. I do have memories of being romantically interested in Maugaloa Malosi, but I can't recall if there was anything between us or if he reciprocated.
I had a habit of giving people nicknames in my native language, Moira was kounéli (rabbit) Mauga got tígri (tiger), Sombra was skiá (shadow), I think I called Sigma astéri, etc.
we are a nontraumagenic system, so I'd rather anti-endogen people don't interact as it makes us very uncomfortable.
feel free to message us @camotherogue on here, or interact w this and I'll dm you if you'd prefer. thank youuuu!!!
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tof-writings · 3 months
Aaah finally someone who's willing to write zeke! I'm obsessed with him. Could I have a short fic/head cannons idk u choose about the f!mc and zeke/ming jing growing closer and finally get together after having to bond with him basically starting from scratch? Tbh any fluff with him is fine aaaa I want more zeke fics in my life there's basically none 😔 xoxo keep up ur amazing work!
Second Times The Charm..
an: I'm so obsessed with him it's insane..I know it said short fic or headcanons but I got VERY distracted and went full on for a fic. I'm trying my best!! It's a good game, but barely any ToF characters x readers.
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You searched for months for him..and you met him, using the name of Ming Jing. It was more of a solemn time, for you and Nemesis. You and him were already pretty close before he decided to 'sacrifice' himself for Shirli, Nemesis. What made it worse? He forgot. He forgot himself, everything. It absolutely broke you.
He looked happy here, trying to figure his own past and having his pleasant time in Domain 9. It was a peaceful time as the festival was happening soon. He was confused, confused why you both seemed a bit pained even if happy. It was a happy time, why be pained? It was a shame, a damn shame that he forgot, he was always so stubborn and he wanted to save his sibling no matter the cost, you too.
You and him did automatically click of course, even if a few different changes, you still remember how you two became friends...well, you were mostly found by Shirli and then sorta got along. Ming Jing really didn't understand though, how do you seem so odd? He couldn't place it. You couldn't say a word about his past, it'll overwhelm him and it'll ruin his new life. It was good he was enjoying his time, but he also needed to remember for the sake of you and Shirli.
You spent most of your time with him at the festival, getting along as usual and drinking some tea also. Nemesis was indeed included, as you were a trio in the beginning, you can't just break that. Ming Jing seemed more softer, his tense expression he normally had back then as 'Zeke', gone. Yes, he did seem stern faced at times, but only in such situations.
The main show of the festival was starting, all three walking over to the railing and looking up into the sky. It made you all happy, feeling determined for maybe three different reasons. Ming Jing held your hand, feeling as it was right, and it wasn't really for a romantic reason yet. That was enough to give you hope, hope you can start over, you can maybe help him remember slowly, and you can get the man you loved back into your arms.
During the middle, of course you had to give Nemesis and Ming Jing their moment as Nemesis was his sibling. You could tell he was already close with you, and he knew also. You both had some sort of.. connection, a bond that couldn't be severed even if separated by memories. You will find each other in any realm, right? He found you in the beginning and you found him now, fate seems to put you together, even if there's things in the way.
You and him were fated to be intertwined, no matter the consequences. Both you and him know.
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notes: I'm so insane..if you actually want like fluff and romance after having him remember then ask again!! I haven't played through the main quest much..my bad!!
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icecoldwilliams · 6 months
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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 ( 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐋: 𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑰𝑳 𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑨 ) | ✲・*:✲・*:・・
As per the poll over on my hub (months ago, everyone say thanks life!), also bc my girls been through enough let her be unhinged : For more info on this verse, see: 𝟏, 𝟐, 𝟑
❄️ - Goes without saying, Nina wasn't naturally born with the devil gene like Kazuya, Jin, and presumably Kazumi. Her DNA was biologically altered to converge with Ogre's, so technically she contains a mutated and imperfect form of the devil gene. (For new lovelies, this verse is based off the old fandom belief that Ogre was the og origin of the gene & the theory that Heihachi spliced Nina's blood w Ogre's during her cryosleep) Bc of this, and oversight on those responsible for Heihachi's experiments part, her body isn't naturally accustomed to it's effects, let alone built to handle them. It's likely each full on devil episode she has takes a tremendous toll on her body and overall health. To what extent however, remains unknown. Due in part to her own stubborn insistence on hiding and pushing through any pain she goes through to the best of her ability, and also in part to how Nina rarely experiences her devil transformation in it's full capacity (y'know, with the wings and the horns and all that good stuff).
❄️ - Bc I'm a sucker for symbolism, Nina's devil form design contains a few hints towards her connection with Ogre. First and most noticeably the markings on her skin - this was not intended to match Devil Jin's design, but actually Ogre's newer Tekken mobile design ( which... tbh I like better than the jolly green giant I'm sorry not sorry 🙏). Hence why she's more covered in them than Jin. — Her sclera turning black upon transforming is another similarity she shares with Ogre as well, to name a couple.
❄️- Oh you know her devil concerns were a big part of why she agreed to help Jin in T6 in this verse. Not just in regards to her devil, but lowkey also bc... if the experiments done on her in regards to the super soldier project are what resulted in her mutated devil gene... you know who else likely has it 😔 She's full on team this gene needs to be exterminated, no matter what. (Not that that can't change per plot of course)
❄️ - Devil Nina probably has an affinity with snakes, bc of the whole.. snake arm thing Ogre had going on. – Yeah she can't do that. But she probably thinks they're pretty neat.
❄️ - No Nina does not remember what happens when her devil takes over. But she is smart enough to surmise the gist of what occurred and realign the jumbled broken pieces of memory and reality. She's grown accustomed to that over the years unfortunately.
❄️ - Devil Nina on the other hand recalls all. Just as she thrives on the emotions Nina's buried over the years, she thrives off of the buried memories tied to them as well. While Nina still struggles to remember parts of her past, you might find that her devil remembers some missing subconsciously buried pieces down to the finest details. And she'd probably love to chat about them too whenever she's in a good mood. Just makes the emotions keeping her around stronger, right? 🤷‍♀️
❄️ - Finally not official per-say, but a thought I've considered: Devil Nina may have her own version of Nina's evil mist attack, only the secret to hers doesn't lie in dissolvable capsules. Since she consumes souls like Ogre, her digestive system obviously isn't... normal. It could be possible it can somehow convert remnants of the souls she consumes into a poisonous vapor? (Still iffy on the idea, but throwing it out there anyway, let me know what you think?)
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bestbiiiitch · 6 months
Me when I have a weird ass dream that starts out with me almost fucking s1-s2 Sam Winchester but ends with the most heart wrenching two part Harringrove fanfic but I can’t remember the Harringrove part so I just have this painful feeling in my chest and no memory of why bc I couldn’t write down my dream fast enough 😔🫠
(It’s 4am and I’m going back to bed now)
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sxslave4all · 6 months
owner making me share another day of life replay age 18 and over only. Sexual. Consensual (and all of it enjoyed to the max) sex play. 🩵❤️‍🔥
So horny wet and suddenly sex is 24/7 on my mind. Or punishments as those are mmmmm. I’ve got a clip on my clit for as I clean I’ll still be able to keep wet, horny, not cum, hurt my clit with every step. ❤️‍🔥
🤤🤤 hurts so good bad lol. Been hours with it on and constant yanks, having to grind everything with a corner then clean that room before the next etc. grinding the way I’m ordered to ???? With a clip??? On top of the sheer ouch just stepping or breathing at this point sends pain waves everywhere—deliciously awful. These shorts he gave me 🤦🏼‍♀️. So tight the whole clip had to yank and twist my poor clit just to get them on-it’s half in me while gripping my clit extremely tightly so double fun to grind. 😔😔. And he comes room to room to make sure I am grinding everything that I can in every room 🤤😩🤯. Then if he doesn’t like think I’m being harsh enough he comes and pushes me into the item with all his strength and woah. I had to grind the kitchen counter corner that is sharp and hard just to bump into. Imagine that, a workout freak who’s mad so his might on my shoulders pushing me down on it, on top of too tight shorts and a clip. Ouchhhh. But I’m only useful if he’s enjoying it and it’s his body - or everyone’s but mine as he says 🤷🏼‍♀️. Plus I’m not allowed shirts in the house period. So he keeps making them bounce the weighted clamps on my nips via a nice swift hard no warning smack of his belt. I’m surprised he gave this 15 min break-but he had to go fuck some woman so he let me be until he calls for me to lick her clean after swallowing his cum for my breakfast. Eating her out with this on is going to ravage especially since he said he’d flog it while I clean her cunt 😅😅😫😫. At least it’s Friday. Lol.
Phew house cleaning done today unless he orders me to do more later. But, He removed that clip after 40 whacks of the flogger with it on (breakfast was delicious as always mmm still wet over being degraded how crazy. Lol)and I wanted it back it hurt less 🤣🤣🤣 thrn the pain became bliss until the wand found my clit. Edged me 7 damn times on my beaten cunt. 😔. AND I was sooooo close the last one. Ahh fond memories of cumming 😔.
To be continued since he wants me to type lunch details 🤤🤤🤤🩵. He loves sharing my degradation with everyone 🩵🩵🖤🖤
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