#hawkgirl costume
mattzerella-sticks · 3 months
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It's like they're Power Rangers.
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cantsayidont · 8 months
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July 1941. Although she didn't become Hawkgirl until after this story in FLASH COMICS #19, Shiera Sanders was a regular presence in the Golden Age Hawkman strip from the start as Carter Hall's girlfriend and helper. In this story, he's bet her a dinner that he can wrap up the case within a week, which of course he does, to her dismay:
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If you're wondering why Shiera looks so sick here, the CPI Inflation Calculator says $35 USD in mid-1941 is the equivalent of $730 USD now. Luckily, Carter, who is very rich, is not a complete ass:
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It's not very clear in these stories what if anything Shiera does for a living. She and Carter are not married in any of their Golden Age appearances, and in principle they aren't living together, although in later stories, she's sometimes at his place for breakfast.
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recursive-occlusion · 9 months
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Kendra Saunders' civilian outfits from Hawkgirl (2023)
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comicpitt · 2 years
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reusedsuperheroutfits · 6 months
This Hawkgirl Mask is worn by Ciara Renée as Hawkgirl in The Flash: Legends of Today 2015 and worn again later on Tala Ashe as Zari Tomaz in Legends of Tomorrow: Her I Go Again 2018
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This Superhero Mask is worn by Ciara Renée as Hawkgirl in The Flash: Legends of Today 2015 and worn again later on Tala Ashe as Zari Tomaz in Legends of Tomorrow: Her I Go Again 2018
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Halloween prompts no. 27
The Justice League has to summon the "High King of the Infinite Realms" in order to be allowed entry into the Infinite Realms and speak with Pandora and ask for her aid. Her box was the only thing that could stop an all powerful deathless entity from an elderich dimension who was on its way to Earth.
Unfortunately all they know of the king was that he was once called Pariah Dark and he had been so evil that the other beings of his realm sealed him away for eternity in a magic coffin of some sort, so their summoning might not even work. If it did than all they would have to do would be to defeat him in combat and he should be weak enough to capture and place in a control collar made from these bright red flowers.
Constantine, the only magic user available, muttered about this being a terrible idea but went about with the ritual anyway. It wasn't long before an entity was summoned. He was...smaller than they thought he would be in what looked like a superhero costume and glowing white hair. Wonderwoman rushed in and Constantine cursed as the being jumped both out of the way and out of the summoning circle, something he wasn't supposed to be able to do.
Suprisingly, the being not only defeated the Justice League but the being completely bodied them. Then, to add insult to injury it took trophies off of each of them. Superman and batmans capes, Wonderwomans star earrings, Hawkgirls helmet, ect. The only silver lining was that was surly all of the beings powers right? They could make plans to counter them and try again.
A few days later they did exactly that. Only for the teen like entity to pull out more powers and defeat them again. This time the being took trophies again. Supermans replacement cape (the kid was caught on audio complaining about the lack of stuff on him), Batmans utility belt, Wonderwomans shield, ect.
This repeats two more times before the fifth and final summoning (this time Constantine doesn't have anything on him other than his clothes and necessities cause the being kept stealing his scary stuff and that is Very Concerning).
Everyone waited for the kid to make his move, but he just floated there. Flash finally asked what was taking him so long and the entity, Phantom just shrugged, "I usually don't fight the living. You've always attacked me, so I defended myself."
The Justice League lost thier crap. Especially when they found out they could have just asked this entire time.
Superman: does this mean I can have my capes back?
Phantom: No. I'm using them as curtains.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Can I request a scenerio of Justice league unlimited where they have a buddy that has a Symbiote, they kinda have an odd couple relationship but they have a sworn duty to fend the innocent and they have a chocolate stash as to not eat brains, how would the league interact with the these new members?
Fun Fact: I LOVE Venom! I hope to make more Buddy's with this symbiote!
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy with Venom Symbiote joining the League
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Human reader
Not many of the Leaguers thought much of Buddy when they came into the Watchtower with J’onn.
What got their attention was him vouching Buddy to be a member of the team.
This person looked tired to the bone, a sick pale look to their face, sweaty, and an overall nervous look on their face.
They didn’t even have uniform!
Unless their sweats and hoodie counted as their costume.
They also didn’t understand why J’onn was so admit in having them on the team.
But it was Superman who gave away the surprise.
He mentioned Buddy having a weird looking… parasite?
Out popped Venom’s head next to Buddy’s cursing him out for calling him a parasite.
Not a good first impression.
J’onn calms down the league while Buddy calms down Venom.
Together Buddy and Venom explain their story of bonding on accident and to building their ‘lethal protector’ status.
In the end of the day Buddy and Venom are allowed on the team.
Team that is weirded out by the duo but gets used to it after a bit
These Leaguers are right to be cautious around the newcomer at first. But they are also willing to put it aside seeing Buddy’s anxious state. The more they spend time with each other, the more the Leaguers see that Buddy and Venom aren’t as bad as they originally thought. They are in shock when Venom completely envelopes Buddy, revealing his true form. It takes some getting used to but soon Venom doesn’t bother them too much. When they learn about Venom’s chocolate situation, they make sure to always have several bars on them. They are also slightly weirded out by Buddy’s romantic relationship with the Symbiote, but they don’t comment on it, and as everything else, they learn to live with it after a while.
Green lantern
Team that is asking a million questions per second
These Leaguers seem to have no fear for the Symbiote after seeing Buddy’s nervous face. They make it their job to make sure that Buddy and Venom are welcomed into the League. They are constantly trying to get other Leaguers to give the pair a chance. They are stunned when Venom shows his true form. But stun in a good way. They will have questions about how symbiosis works and the mechanics. These Leaguers never leave the house without several bars of chocolate after hearing that Buddy needed them for Venom so he wouldn’t start craving human brains. May or may not have started shipping the two after a while and were happy to see that Buddy and Venom were in fact in a relationship. These Leaguers accept their relationship right off the bat.
Martian manhunter
Wonder woman
Team that is not touch or going near Buddy with a ten-foot pole
These Leaguers are freaked out by Buddy and Venom. They take the longest to get used to them even being in the same room. Has already started looking up on ways they could potentially ‘contain’ Venom I he ever went on a murderous rampage. The search only increases once they see Venom’s true form. The only reason they begin to tolerate Buddy and Venom is when they save them during a mission. These Leaguers are stocked with chocolate to use as bait in case something were to happen. When they hear about Buddy’s romantic relationship with Venom, part of them thinks about stop thinking of ways to contain Venom. If they can get Buddy on their side, Venom would follow. Strange enough, these Leaguers are also quick in accepting the relationship.
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xuanelle · 1 year
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Kendra Saunders in Hawkgirl (2023) #1
[id: an edit of Kendra Saunders from DC Comics on a green background, she wears her Hawkgirl Costume and is standing with a neutral expression while looking off to her side. /end id]
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Long ago in a prehistoric age, mankind fought against an evil race of serpentine beings known as the Ophidians.  These villains were defeated and in a last ditch effort to plague their human enemies, the Ophidians cast their souls into a darkened gem that would come to be known as the ‘Heart of Darkness.’ Anyone who came into contact with this gem would be immediately bewitched and controlled by the essence of the Ophidians.  
A secret order was created that stood guard over the Heart of Darkness, ensuring that it was never touched.  As time passed, however, the war against the Ophidians became the stuff of myth and those who stood guard over the gem dwindled.  In the modern era, a special forces team operating in an unspecified region of the Middle East happened upon the cavern where the gem was held.  One of the soldiers took hold of the gem and was instantly possessed by the malevolent will of the Ophidians.  
The soldier took the gem back to America, passing it along to individuals with successively more power.  The Heart of Darkness' ultimate goal was to destroy the world and blot out the sun.  When it discovered the existence of the Justice League it saw them as possessing the power to accomplish its goal.  
Looking to draw out the league, the gem possessed a general who dressed up in a gaudy super villain costume.  Calling himself ‘Eclipso’ the possessed general threatened to detonate a nuclear device.  This succeeded in summoning the Justice League.  
Wonder Woman was the first to be affected by the Heart of Darkness.  She brought it back to the Watchtower, passing the gem to J’onn J’onzz who passed it to Superman.  When the League discovered the evil power of this gem, Hawkgirl tried to destroy it with her Nth metal mace, a costly mistake that caused the gem to splinter into dozens of shards that touched and effected the whole League.   
Only the Flash was fast enough to evade being touched by the shards.  After a chase throughout the Watchtower, the Flash was able to cure his teammates by exposing them all to direct sunlight.  
Before they were cured, however, the possessed Leaguers had launched a special device that would darken out the sun.  In a last ditch effort to save the world, the League opened a wormhole that sent the device into another dimension and the day was saved.  
the Heart of Darkness first appeared int he fourteenth episode of the second season of Justice League, ‘Eclipsed.’ 
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dyke-terra · 11 months
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Hawkgirl (2023) #1/The Huntress (1984) #2 A degree of self awareness.
IMAGE IDs: Two pages from comics.
The first, from Hawkgirl, has Kendra holding up her mask in front of her. She says to herself: "I wore this mask so people wouldn't see who I am. And then I wore it so people would see who I am. And then I got rid of it. Only to pick it up again. Is this still my face? Or is it someone else's I borrowed? My abuela had a pin she wore all the time. Is this mask like that? And is the fact that I'm talking to myself out loud proof that I've lost it?"
The second, from The Huntress, has Helena dropping down from a water tower, thinking to herself, and then swinging up. She thinks "I'm not strong. On TV... those overgrown wrestlers wear show-off, flashy costumes... symbols of how strong they are. But it's not strong people who need costumes... it's the weak ones. Weak people who have to hide behind spooky costumes and make themselves seem more fearsome... so no one will see them for the harmless creatures they are... harmless as a frightened little girl... who's lost her parents." END IDs.
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 months
Okay, now that I've seen the set pics of Hawkgirl and Guy Gardner, confirming that the Justice League is already formed and under Max Lord's funding (and they're even branded with JL on all their uniforms), I think I am getting a sense of what the story might look like for Superman: Legacy.
We come in on Superman probably already having established himself in Metropolis as a hero for - let's say a year. He's helping people, saving lives, but also probably feeling quite alone, as both Superman and Clark Kent since he believes he needs to keep people at a distance to ensure they remain safe.
During this time we also have two concurrent storylines that have been building since Superman hit the scene:
- the military views Superman as a weapon and want to control him or remove him from play
- the Justice League is a group that wants to add Superman to its roster to boost credibility and popularity (seeing as the roster is full of low-tier name recognition superheroes)
I also think Clark's feeling of 'alienation' will come to a head here, and perhaps he activates something that acts as a beacon for otherworldly creatures to come take him (a la MAWS s2)
I think this will come to a head with the creation of the government's 'answer' to Superman, Ulysses/Ultraman created in a lab overseen by... Lex Luthor. The Engineer acts as the clone's handler.
The Justice League is in town because they are trying, once again, to convince Superman to join them - to be a hero full-time. Telling him he doesn't need a secret identity because he's Superman. He keeps turning them down because he doesn't want to be controlled by Max Lord's PR machine.
So there will be a fight between Superman and Ulysses/Ultraman, and maybe the JL try to engage. Maybe they get beaten or maybe they get told to stand down by Maxwell Lord and they regretfully follow orders. Leaving Superman to fight on his own against the weight of the military set against him until he realizes the damage being done to Metropolis and surrenders. He's lead away just as the third threat arrives.
The third threat to this story is... Brainiac. Who arrives probably at the point in the story after Superman has been arrested.
What I think may happen is the government sends Ulysses/Ultraman and his team to handle the threat, only for them to be soundly beaten, with U either being corrupted in a Cyborg-Superman, Bizzaro, or just killed, and Engineer being affected by Brainiac tech (to begin her transformation into part machine as well).
The government will either realize Superman needs to be released to face this threat, or he will escape to save the day.
Meanwhile, as Brainiac invades Metropolis, Max Lord tells his Justice League to not engage because of a) PR reasons - Superman is now a liability and if they're seen helping him it could affect their popularity or b) he doesn't think they are capable of handling a 'real' crisis, and because of this the team ignores him and follows Superman into battle.
And I think we see the town all fighting back and lending a hand and there will be a point where Superman looks around at his home, seeing all the people he inspired, and realize that this is his legacy. That his helping other people inspires others to do the same and his legacy isn't to be the Last Son of Krypton but is instead Earth's greatest hero and he gets his second wind to save the day and send Brainiac away.
And after the dust clears Superman learns he isn't the last of Krypton. Theres Krypto. There's Kara. And together they are his family.
And so is the staff at Daily Planet, who all race to greet Clark after being scared he perished during the attack.
And so are the Justice League, who agree to part as allies as they work on becoming an actual team and not a wing of Lord Enterprises. Superman tells them maybe one day he'll be a member, and Mister Terrific tells Superman he'd like that.
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ayellowbirds · 1 year
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Writer Jadzia Axelrod has gotten the go-ahead to share some of the design work of artist Amancay Nahuelpan for the upcoming Hawkgirl book (in which Jadzia's creation Galaxy will be a major character). Jadzia says of these images:
First off, check out this slight redesign for our heroine! I wanted a sleek superhero look, with massive, mace-slinging arms, and boy howdy did Amancay deliver!
Galaxy is 22 in HAWKGIRL (as opposed to being 16 in GALAXY: THE PRETTIEST STAR), and @amancay_art did a fantastic job of not just aging her up, but giving her a kick-ass superhero costume to boot!
Argus is pretty much the same.
Our first and very positive thoughts over here at the Qeșeþ System:
Well, that sure is a costume a canonical transgender lesbian would devise for herself.
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hawkgirlz · 7 months
Hi! I just found your blog and I’m enjoying learning all this stuff about the Hawks! I never know where to start when I want to get into new characters, so some of the threads you linked have been helpful! But I wanted to ask anyway, what’s your recommendation for a Good Hawk series? Also, is it true DC banned John/Shayera? I had no idea! Learn smth new every day! Oh! And which costume is your favorite?
good hawks series is a funny term to me on the sole basis that I don't think a single hawks run is horrendous outside of hawkgirl 2006 + n52 savage hawkman tbh. some got flaws for sure (sometimes straight up problematic) but nothing too bad really!
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and yes, john/shayera got banned by dc! here's an official confirmation about it from geoffrey thorne, a writer who was on the green lantern (2021) comic.
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favorite suit is kind of hard too tbh. I mean the hawkmen don't really have much differentiation but in terms of hawkwomen, I'd say these three for each of the hawkwomen.
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also ik the red thong is essentially problematic but I have a soft spot sawry... I think the one above but with bandages would be so cool.
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there's also these as a bonus
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DC vs. Vampires #3
"You were supposed to be East of Moldoff Street."
I will always always always be a sucker for naming streets in Gotham City after past artists and writers. It's such a perfect way to memorialize these legendary creators who contributed so many iconic characters and stories that we all know and love.
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These are more than just easter eggs. Giordano Avenue and Moldoff Street are just little lines on a fictional map, but these eponymous streets quite literally make up the fabric of Gotham City. They are dedicated in honor, and in loving memory to all the comic book greats who have worked to bring this city to life.
Dick Giordano worked as an editor and inker for many years, eventually serving as the executive editor of DC comics for much of the 1980's. His name appeared on countless titles and his impact on the industry cannot be overstated. Everyone loves Dick Giordano.
A name you might be less familiar with is Sheldon "Shelly" Moldoff. During the Golden Age of comics Moldoff was a prolific cover artists for titles like All-American, Action, and All Star Comics. Beginning in 1940, he became the regular artist for Hawkman and designed the costume for Shiera Sanders aka Hawkgirl.
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After being drafted into World War II, Moldoff became an early pioneer in horror comics, but it wasn't until 1953 that he began drawing for Batman and Detective Comics.
When Moldoff finally arrived in Gotham City, he was working as a ghost artist, drawing stories that would be credited to Bob Kane. At the time, DC employed plenty of these artists and it was a very common practice. The only difference with Shelly Moldoff was this: DC had no idea that he was working for them.
For nearly 15 years, Shelly Moldoff drew Batman on the down low, taking money under the table from Bob Kane. In a 1994 interview he had this to say of the experience:
"DC didn't know that I was involved; that was the handshake agreement I had with Bob: 'You do the work. You don't say anything.' No, he didn't pay great, but it was steady work, it was security... which is the compensation I got for being Bob's ghost– for keeping myself anonymous."
With little pay and zero recognition, you might expect an artist to put forth a subpar effort, or at least phone it in on occasion, but that's kind of the opposite of what happened. Shelly Moldoff and an anonymous army of other ghost artists churned out tons of new characters during this period that have stood the test of time: Calendar Man, Bat-Mite, Mr. Freeze, Ace the Bat-Hound!!!
Shelly Moldoff revived the Riddler. Shelly Moldoff gave us Poison Ivy!
During the Great DC Writers Purge of 1968, many veteran writers and artists lost their jobs after demanding fair pay, pensions, and health insurance. Shelly Moldoff was among them. His final ghost-drawn story was published in Batman #199, and it would be 30 years before he worked for DC again. Moldoff passed away in 2012. He was the last surviving contriubtor of Action Comics #1.
I don't even know how to end this. Before today I had never even heard of Sheldon Moldoff. After toiling in obscurity and keeping himself anonymous for so many years, I guess I'm just glad to know that Gotham City remembers him.
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cr33py-sims · 3 months
Also what CC did you use for nightwing, Batgirl, Poison Ivy, and Hawkgirl, I’m working on making a DC sims collection.
Nightwing Costume:
Batgirl Costume:
Poison Ivy:
I didn't know which one you wanted so I'm just linking to my Poison Ivy masterlist.
Hawkgirl Costume:
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